[–]▶ 775bba (20) No.5855607>>5855653 >>5855869 >>5856293 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 03.23.2019
>>5854029 ---———————————--——– Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?
>>5853603 rt >>5853578 ---———————— you may start your attack run
>>5853545 rt >>5853322 ---———————— FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.
>>5853176 ---———————————--——– Meme: MY TURN…
>>5853115 ---———————————--——– Meme: D's haven't been this mad since R's freed the slaves
>>5853007 ---———————————--——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )
>>5842693 ---———————————--——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history
>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ---———————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'
>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ---———————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account
Friday 03.22.2019
>>5838347 ---———————————--——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )
>>5837376 ---———————————--——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.
>>5836740 rt >>5836660 ----———————-- DECLAS is a comin'!
>>5836480 rt >>5836393 ----———————-- The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.
>>5836164 rt >>5836091 ----———————-- Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )
>>5836091 ---———————————--——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.
Wednesday 03.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5852541
Monday 03.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5802127
Sunday 03.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5791939
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855610
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5854999 Is this the missing link between Ray Chandler and Michal Chelbin?
>>5855031 Robert Kraft Issues First Statement Since Solicitation Charge
>>5855059 Amazon Selling Child Sex Doll for Pedophiles
>>5855034,>>5855390 US Army Tweet-National Puppy day
>>5855121,>>5855567 Anon's history lesson on Q's meme picture
>>5855287 o7 Two fallen soldiers on March 22
>>5855448, >>5855513 THE FOUNDER OF MOSSAD HAS DIED
>>5855408 Political Editor, Sunday Times (UK) tweeting that full blown cabinet coup is under way tonight
>>5855592 #7490
>>5854192 Anon theory: DJT Groomed for this over 30 yrs (Repost)
>>5854353, >>5854498 Former head of Mossad Dies age 92 (Times of Israel)
>>5854312, >>5854499 Clockfag reports: Mispellings matter [RENEGADE]
>>5854529 Dank Lincoln meme
>>5854768 #7489
>>5853333, >>5853456 Anon original photo, RED_CASTLE flag: WRWY!
>>5853710 BetaMale O'Rourke crying about Mueller report (Breitbart)
>>5853730 Trump supporters rally in front of Trump Tower NYC (Circa)
>>5853813 Meme Typo corrected
>>5854141 Matt Taibbi says RussiaGate is this generation's WMDs
>>5853990 #7488
>>5852467 Tom /Fit/ton filed a FOIA against DOJ seeking RR records(@JudicialWatch)
>>5852488 Pegasus Spyware BS in Mexico (Borderland Beat)
>>5852495 Disneyland Guests being let back in (Breaking News Global)
>>5852585 K Collins Tweet-Barr has left Justice Dept.
>>5852787, >>5852848 Anon theory: Kid rock, Assange, Pamela?
>>5852986 Now a 2nd ship experiencing "engine problem" off Norway, same area as the cruise ship (KSL) (AP)
>>5853155 #7488
>>5851762 Pel*si rejects any classified briefings on Mueller report (Hill)
>>5851785 Mueller figures celebrate end of probe (Hill)
>>5851821, >>5852241 Mass Casualty Incident-30 car pile-up Los Angeles-Ambulances responding (BNG)
>>5851913 Sen Jud Committee Member Coons (D-DE) concedes: "celebration for Trump's supporters" (FOX)
>>5851936 CA to remove 1.5M inactive voter regs thanks to @JudicialWatch
>>5851994 RE_READ [A]pril drops
>>5852094 Thousands of Krauts take to the streets to protest EU Copyright reform (Sputnik)
>>5851862, >>5851948 CHandler, Podesta, yacht club, Somali pirates dig
>>5852037 @Comey Rushmore pic, Geological Time tweet [187] days delta
>>5852145 RE_READ Clock activated, RED_CASTLE. GREEN_CASTLE. [1Y Delta]
>>5852210 MSNBC’s Joy Reid: 'It feels like the seeds of a cover-up' (Breitbart)
>>5851977 Driver working in Syria with NBC News killed in explosion(NBC News)
>>5852179 FISA Overseer Had ‘Concerns’ About Spying Warrant on Trump Campaign Aide, FBI Texts Indicate (Epoch)
>>5852252 "8ch looks like a terrorist recruiting site" (WACompost)
>>5852291 Lightning Quick cleanup? NZ Mosque restored, reopened (RadioNZ)
>>5852150 Chandler Holdings LLC Dig
>>5852310 Netanyahu welcomes new US sanctions on Iran, congratulates Trump (Times of Israel)
>>5852319 #7486
Previously Collected Notables
>>5851548 #7485
>>5849258 #7482, >>5850193 #7483, >>5850768 #7484
>>5847812 #7479, >>5848159 #7480, >>5848472 #7481
>>5844573 #7476, >>5855357 #7477, >>5855362 #7478
>>5842091 #7473, >>5842835 #7474, >>5843652 #7475
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855614
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
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>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855617
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* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825
Meme Ammo
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* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043
▶ 5f39a3 (3) No.5855635
Best way to start some fresh bread
▶ 6cb569 (2) No.5855653
>>5855607 (OP)
Thank you Baker,
Thank you Anons,
Thank you Q,
Thank you POTUS
▶ abbfec (1) No.5855654>>5855672
blah blah, this game is dumb
▶ 33f5b1 (8) No.5855655>>5855671
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
▶ d3066b (1) No.5855656>>5855676 >>5855683 >>5855688 >>5855718 >>5855724
Kid Rock wearing Seth Rich pants in the golf photo with POTUS?
▶ a53678 (1) No.5855657>>5855717 >>5855868 >>5856079
Whoa whoa whoa - Before we all start sucking each others' cocks
Let's remember -
The NEXT high level politico to be indicted or arrested for any of the high crimes we've been discussing here…
…will be the FIRST one indicted or arrested.
Not a SINGLE hint of a "public reveal" has even occurred yet, so in the world of factual information, all of the Q stuff is still nothing more than conspiracy theories.
Still Waiting For FIRST Shoe To Drop
▶ 925c72 (1) No.5855660>>5856003
Happy No Collusion Day, Baker!
▶ 561b09 (3) No.5855661>>5855719 >>5855744 >>5855899
Oh wow!!
Red Nation Rising
Follow Follow @RedNationRising
Former Vice President Joe Biden just casually dropped a bombshell admission at CFR that he personally and directly intervened in Ukraine's governance
"I looked at them and said, ‘If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money"
Extortion? 🤔
Click the link!
▶ 33f5b1 (8) No.5855662>>5855671 >>5855703 >>5855760 >>5855796 >>5855858
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
▶ c124f6 (2) No.5855663>>5856202
>>5854029 (PB)
It is a strategy to get people to accept socialism. It keeps people isolated and unable to connect with their processors. That keeps them from properly evaluating the claims made for socialism. When, as with the statues, you hide the history of a people, it stops being "a people".
To be a conservative requires that link … else, what are you conserving? They are literally pulling our foundation out from under us. It goes much deeper, but this is not the place for a full treatise.
When you separate a people from their history, you make orphans of them and can shape their future pretty much however you wish.
▶ 604cb2 (2) No.5855665>>5855737 >>5856007
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5855666
fields are not local and do create Topology.
▶ b88551 (4) No.5855667>>5855764 >>5855863 >>5855992 >>5856191 >>5856357
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Anons.
embed related.
Fitting soundtrack.
Edible Schoolyards
Came across it digging francis ford coppola
who's grand daughter is directly connected to rachel chandler
business, and pleasure
her mother = fiancee to gian-carlo coppola, FFC's son
he died, and she married peter getty.
Remember the rumors about what's under j.paul getty museum?
So we have ray chandler the child handler
and coppola the pedo protector (victor silva)
major hollywood directors, producers, and their family
all connected to the getty fam (not to mention pelosi brown newsom via getty)
all connected to khashoggi/al-fayed/royals
who just so happen to be connected right back to ray chandler the child handler
the wife: Eleanor Coppola
Edible Schoolyard
with our friend J'aime l'Enfants.
Of ping pong legacy.
Getty fam funds brock media matters/share blue/ whatever the fuck they're calling themselves these days.
via Marisla Foundation
It's a wicked web they weave.
Wear the armor of god my friends.
All it takes is Q et. al. to drop a single piece of irrefutable info (declas)
contagion. they wont be able to walk the streets.
This is going to be rough.
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855670
>>5854999 Is this the missing link between Ray Chandler and Michal Chelbin?
>>5855031 Robert Kraft Issues First Statement Since Solicitation Charge
>>5855059 Amazon Selling Child Sex Doll for Pedophiles
>>5855034, >>5855390 US Army Tweet-National Puppy day
>>5855121, >>5855567 Anon's history lesson on Q's meme picture
>>5855287 o7 Two fallen soldiers on March 22
>>5855448, >>5855513 THE FOUNDER OF MOSSAD HAS DIED
>>5855408 Political Editor, Sunday Times (UK) tweeting that full blown cabinet coup is under way tonight
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5855673>>5855793
thanks bakerfren!
▶ a13446 (2) No.5855675>>5855699
It's been a WILD news cycle day…
..don't let them trigger you into a quak!
▶ e00d6b (3) No.5855677
▶ d9ea42 (1) No.5855679
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Gold Trade Note Has Been Introduced, The [CB] Is On The Chopping Block:Jim Willie
▶ 2e56e7 (9) No.5855680
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. For those following the mockingbird narrative.
▶ 850df8 (1) No.5855681
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5855682>>5855700 >>5855770 >>5855897 >>5855953
Special Request: Night Shift SR-71
Would the Anon that posted the night shift meme last night with tail end of the SR-71 facing forward repost please. I thought I saved it but apparently not.
▶ 5f39a3 (3) No.5855683>>5855694
Pretty sure those were Kid Rock pants before Seth wore them
▶ 49bc4e (1) No.5855686
>>5855408 lb
May to step down connected to Assange exfiltration ?
▶ f262e2 (2) No.5855687
Just think.
It could be happening RIGHT NOW.
▶ e500b4 (1) No.5855688>>5855754
No. Seth’s pants were dots.
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5855689>>5855725 >>5855745
whoever is handling mossad meme creation needs to be fired. Ur memes suck.
▶ 7ee5ca (1) No.5855691
Just have the DOJ arrest your child-fiddling, gun-running, drug-smuggling Democrat colleagues and shoot them in the head. Problem solved. The country moves on.
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855692
Release the Kraken!
▶ ec34a4 (5) No.5855696
Meadows is correct. Dems want to see the report, but didn't want much else to be released until now. Because they KNOW what all of it said.
▶ c962b2 (1) No.5855697>>5856019
World Water Day is an annual UN observance day (always on 22 March) that highlights the importance of freshwater.
▶ 3814b4 (4) No.5855698>>5855752 >>5855781 >>5856320
Here is the TRUE story of John McNoName
It looks very much like he closed the case on POW/MIAs
in order to hide his own POW story.
Families of the missing and known imprisoned soldiers
begged Congress to let them see the files on their loved ones.
John McNoName - along with John Kerry
made a mockery of the hearings
and blocked legislation that would protect the POW files.
In one hearing - they invited a former POW
and when the man took the chair
the entire Senate panel got up and left the room.
Only an aide was left in the Chairman's seat at the mic
and that person was laughing.
There is video of it all.
There are lots of videos about this POW story
and how McNoName betrayed those whose lives depended on us
▶ 2e56e7 (9) No.5855700>>5855841
for you, brother anon.
▶ 935e05 (3) No.5855703>>5855711 >>5855760
Thanks anon for this video. I have seen it posted maybe 500 times, but the 501 time it really hit me. The hard work of copy pasta must be very tiresome for you, but stay strong.
▶ 50e746 (2) No.5855705>>5855791 >>5856234
Anyone seeing the lights yet? Couple shooting stars is all so far here in North Michigan
▶ 607063 (4) No.5855707
they are pretty piss considering they have all the gold they could pay better…..
▶ c89345 (5) No.5855710>>5855761 >>5855828
>>5855620 (lb)
>>5855628 (lb)
Stop it, are we an f'ing team, or not? Make more memes. I'll twat 'em.
▶ 33f5b1 (8) No.5855711
>Thanks anon for this video. I have seen it posted maybe 500 times, but the 501 time it really hit me. The hard work of copy pasta must be very tiresome for you, but stay strong.
▶ a935a4 (1) No.5855712>>5855749 >>5855753 >>5855775
>>5855616 (lb)
Cruise Ship Evacuation Mayday in Norway Scary Footage from the Tilting Ship!!!
▶ ba0fd3 (1) No.5855713
is it go time, Q?
▶ c48701 (6) No.5855714>>5855757 >>5855758 >>5856075 >>5856090
Actually he was a Bernie Bro who wanted you to live in a communist hell.
▶ cb5f5f (1) No.5855715>>5855985
could DJT sue Pelosi, Schiff, etc for stating he committed treason by colluding with the Russians? Defamation? Slander?
▶ f2cc20 (2) No.5855718
SR was a Bernie loving socialist. Let’s not forget that part. It sucks what happened to him (if it did). But let’s not pretend he was some freedom loving patriot.
▶ 912e56 (2) No.5855719
he has bragged about this before
▶ e217b4 (1) No.5855720
Choose your own adventure.
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5855723>>5855789 >>5855896 >>5856056 >>5856179 >>5856308
Anti-Brexit marchers flood into London, demand new vote
Associated Press LONDON (AP) --- Anti-Brexit protesters flooded into central London by the hundreds of thousands on Saturday, demanding that Britain’s Conservative-led government hold a new referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union.
The “People’s Vote March” snaked from Park Lane and other locations to converge on the U.K. Parliament, where the fate of Brexit will be decided in the coming weeks.
Marchers carried European Union flags and signs praising the longstanding ties between Britain and continental Europe. The protest drew people from across Britain who are determined to force Prime Minister Theresa May’s government to alter its march toward Brexit.
May also is coming under rising pressure from her own Conservative Party to either step down or set a date for her resignation as her political support continues to wilt. The coming week is seen as crucial as political rivals jockey for position to succeed her.
Conservative Party legislator George Freeman tweeted that a new leader is needed.
“I’m afraid it’s all over for the PM. She’s done her best. But across the country you can see the anger. Everyone feels betrayed. Government’s gridlocked. Trust in democracy collapsing. This can’t go on. We need a new PM who can reach out & build some sort of coalition for a Plan B,” he tweeted.
Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable, invited to help lead the march in favor of a second referendum, called the crowd gathered in central London impressive and unified.
“There is a huge turnout of people here from all walks of life, of all ages and from all over the country,” he tweeted. “We are a Remain country now with 60 percent wanting to stop the Brexit mess.”
Police did not provide a crowd estimate. Independent legislator Chuka Umunna and others supporting a second Brexit referendum estimated the crowd at 1 million.
More than 4 million people endorsed an electronic petition this week in favor of revoking Article 50, the act that formally triggered the Brexit process.
The march comes as May, who opposes a second referendum on Britain’s EU membership, is easing away from plans to hold a third vote on her troubled Brexit withdrawal plan, which has been strongly rejected twice by Parliament.
In a letter to lawmakers on Friday night, May said she might not seek passage of her Brexit withdrawal plan in Parliament next week. The embattled leader said she would only bring her EU divorce plan back to Parliament if there seems to be enough backing for it to pass.
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5855725>>5855735 >>5855808
gotta love the good ol' shill ip hopping.
the muhjew shill scripts
script #1:
while(1) {
print "goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi, foreskin";
if(reply == high_iq) { $myreply = "pilpul";}
else {$myreply = "jidf, ADL, what time is it in tel-aviv";}
echo $myreply;
▶ 6c390c (5) No.5855726
>>5855621 lb
Or it could have nothing to do with Assange and everything to do with London's role in our elections and the soft coup.
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5855728>>5855735 >>5855740 >>5855866
Anons are attacked by muh jew shills again.
Since Q called them out yesterday they PANIC.
There are two kinds of muh jew shills.
1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.
2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.
<DS wants the people divided
Don´t fall for it.
Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo
Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …
If it is that simple like
<muh jooos
why do we even have a research board?
▶ c6c1b6 (4) No.5855729
I hope james woods has a rebuttal to this libiot
▶ 40861c (3) No.5855733>>5855773 >>5855813 >>5855882 >>5855948 >>5855992 >>5856191 >>5856357
The complaint claims the hiring of foreign nationals may be considered foreign intervention in the election. FEC rules prohibit foreign nationals without permanent resident status from directly or indirectly participating in political campaigns or making political contributions.
This complaint is from the same group who recently filed an FEC complaint against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claiming she may have illegally funneled money through her PAC to her boyfriend.
These people are STOOPID.
▶ bbece5 (30) No.5855734>>5855767 >>5855776 >>5855812 >>5855885 >>5856124
ready for tribunals mad dog ?
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5855735>>5855755
▶ 738b3e (3) No.5855736
>”..we have the memes..”
Q confirm??
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855737>>5855766
Of course CNN and others aren't going to apologize or make any other comments while there is a lawsuit pending.
▶ fc19cd (1) No.5855738>>5855762 >>5855935 >>5856167
First day POTUS hasn't tweeted in awhile, if not ever.
▶ 393442 (3) No.5855739
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5855425 pb kid rock 'picture'
this is a much better Kid Rock song and vid and how MAGA he is
▶ 33f5b1 (8) No.5855740>>5855778
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5855728
Here's that video you were asking for. It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.
The Protocols of Zion. Full Documentary.
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5855742
except u wont filter anyone but instead u will go rreeeeeee to every single JQ post made on this board 24/7 cus ur a mossad shill.
kys faggot.
▶ 561b09 (3) No.5855744
RICO admission on tape…
▶ 8ac176 (2) No.5855745>>5855799
(((they))) cannot ever meme.
▶ f6153f (2) No.5855746
>>5853226 (pb)
You left out the coup on 11/22/63-the murder of JFK!
▶ 4649c6 (1) No.5855747
▶ ad661a (4) No.5855748>>5855886 >>5856026
Terrorist or Treasonous Politicians, News Anchors, Artists, Stars, or anyone who played the game. They deserve what happens to them.
▶ 3814b4 (4) No.5855752
there are many McNoName sources for the POW betrayal
he betrayed those who needed his help
likely to save his own career
▶ 10d3a0 (7) No.5855753
▶ ec34a4 (5) No.5855754
Seth's shirt also had bullet holes in the back
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5855755>>5855913
▶ 76728e (3) No.5855756>>5855802 >>5855840 >>5855871 >>5856225
Anons, this is a war
Bacon´s War!
▶ 5f39a3 (3) No.5855757
Unfortunately true, but if he did what we think he did, then he did the right thing no matter his beliefs
▶ 6dcf8b (2) No.5855758>>5855820
▶ 469e69 (3) No.5855760>>5855801 >>5855816
I went to McDonald’s to see what he was talking about and Hamburgers made out of stolen American children are good.
Thx for the Tip.
Where do they get the ingredients for the Fish Filet?
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5855761>>5855835
I did not make them. memefags. They provide me the ammo. Got lazy saving them. I can sleep when I'm dead
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5855762
I pointed that out before - note nancy and adam quiet too
▶ 937c59 (4) No.5855764>>5856039
Thank you diganon.
▶ 01569d (1) No.5855765>>5855792 >>5855823
Blockade removed means more Scipio, less Fabian
▶ c124f6 (2) No.5855766>>5855788
They didn't do it before, either.
▶ ec31b8 (1) No.5855769>>5855892
I think it’s time for some COMMON SENSE.
▶ ca1c67 (3) No.5855775>>5855814
Big storm, cruise ship lost engine power. Cargo ship came to help, also had engine probs due to weather. Helos trying to help but winds/seas are biatch conditions. MAYDAY is international distress code. Light that blunt and enter ChillCon Two anon. Been covered
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5855778>>5855925
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5855780
ThanQ Baker !
Semper Fidelis
▶ c89345 (5) No.5855781
Don't forget this…
▶ 738b3e (3) No.5855782
▶ 334062 (20) No.5855784>>5855834 >>5855855 >>5855907 >>5855979 >>5856030 >>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
"The Lobby: USA" documentary:
>Some scenes:
-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.
-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.
-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)
-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope
<Basically, this documentary provides under-cover footage that is undeniable proof that Israeli Ministries order AIPAC staff to commit crimes against US citizens on US soil for the political benefit of Israel.
Collegefags would be smart to take advantage of POTUS having your back (pic 3) and promote the documentary on their colleges
Pics related 4 and 5 are some possible useful flyers to use IRL to promote the documentary.
The beautiful thing about this documentary, is that it pisses off both Republicans and Democrats alike, and Muslims can be mobilized to start promoting the documentary on the colleges (for obvious reasons, they love the Palestinians and BDS), and everyone else can be mobilized too (tell them "Hey, all that money that goes into Israel every year (almost 4 billion dollars) so they can bribe the Congress to put Israel first, why isn't that money being used to help Americans in America? What about the poor American inner cities that need that money? What about the veterans? This ain't right!").
It would be smart to start to send emails to all the mosques and all the groups that advocate for any other group of Americans (veterans, Blacks, etc) stuff with the materials and the idea.
▶ 10d3a0 (7) No.5855786
You think Q didn't know that Viking Sky didn't send out a MAYDAY call when the Viking SKY was full of AMERICANS and some Brits?
▶ e890ed (3) No.5855787>>5855805
Could we get clarity on which breads Q has posted in?
>>5853007 ---———————————--——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )
>>5853007 ---———————————--——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 ) UK Bread
Or some such tagging.
Untill I saw the UK flag I thought there were two concurrent breads.
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855788>>5855798
Probably knew they were going to sued ahead of time. But yeah, I doubt they would have anyway.
▶ f262e2 (2) No.5855789
Wasn't it amazing how all their protest signs looked alike?
Almost like somebody coordinated it.
▶ a760c6 (1) No.5855790
>>5855449 lb
Its called "Deep Dream"
google makes it.
▶ 0b9047 (1) No.5855791>>5855931
Which eye am I using?
▶ 8ac176 (2) No.5855792
Please for the love of fuck yes.
CA is dying and we need to start bringing hammer down on illegal pop + minority hostiles soon.
▶ dd78dd (3) No.5855795
>>5855546 (lb)
Ellis island times it was an insult to call people XYZ American. Like a racial slur
Got twisted (modern) to remove the love for being American
You're either an American or not, Americans don't hyphenate or prepend ethnicity
Patriots have no skin color
▶ 48b33c (4) No.5855796
Oh Sweet Baby Jesus In The Manger. I almost went one minute in the new bread without knowing if the A|c|AShillmuhjoos were going to be my friends.
▶ 4edd92 (1) No.5855797
Today is the 23rd.
23 is the PAIN line.
Blockade removed.
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855798
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5855799>>5855906
when all you see is 2D you miss all the 3D and have no concept of 4D
▶ 33f5b1 (8) No.5855801>>5855938
>Where do they get the ingredients for the Fish Filet?
Ask a rabbi.
▶ 6447a3 (1) No.5855802
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855805
▶ 7e1e5d (1) No.5855806>>5855852 >>5855956 >>5856129
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.
Star Wars, Return Of The Jedi reference.
CNN Hosts Compare Donald Trump To The Death Star
0:57 - "But Donald Trump and his supporters, they say they are the good ones, the good guys!"
▶ 4b7f46 (6) No.5855807
>>>5855665 CNN does not apologize to Nicholas Sandman, acknowledge violations of its stds, admit lies or its bias
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5855808
why dont you ever engage in genuine debate? Are u only allowed to post rabbi sanctioned copy pasta?
how gay are u?
▶ ab8202 (1) No.5855811
Almonds tingling. Watching hackers because of the Q drop. The tape at the TV station he has pulled out in exchange for an episode of the twilight zone is titled "America First"
▶ a13446 (2) No.5855812>>5855831 >>5855922
we all know POTUS has a special place for us in his heart.
you REALLY think he lurks in such a bland enviroment?
▶ c6c1b6 (4) No.5855813>>5855859
Dang. I was hoping she got DEPORTED.
▶ 738b3e (3) No.5855814
Roger that
Chicken nuggets on deck
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855815
▶ 935e05 (3) No.5855816
I am dying here laughing
▶ e6d607 (6) No.5855817>>5855862
Rachel CHANDLER's photography .com website is DOWN
▶ c48701 (6) No.5855820>>5855914
What I said is absolutely true.
Whats your problem?
Never fear the truth.
▶ f5d6d3 (1) No.5855822>>5855853 >>5855861 >>5855883 >>5855934 >>5856056 >>5856111 >>5856136
why is that?
Pelosi rejects any classified briefings on Mueller report
▶ 789afd (2) No.5855823
>Blockade removed
▶ 937c59 (4) No.5855828>>5856088
What kind do you want today?
Did you get the dungeon series yesterday?
starting here >>5827456 (in Memes43)
Do you have the full Trump Accomplishments series?
▶ c89345 (5) No.5855835
We are in historic times. Sleep is for the others. o7
▶ 4e9482 (1) No.5855836
You can RUN but you can’t HIDE.
You can
[For Office]
But you can’t
[No Protection]
▶ 8b8f6d (6) No.5855837
TY Baker!!!
Great reminder from Praying Medic to reconcile with love, when everything finally breaks:
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5855841
Close, but I saved that one. It was a Blackbird facing away. I can find the bread from last night if i need to.
Thx fren
▶ 0d9cfa (1) No.5855842>>5856009
is anyone else failing to get any work done because ```it's happening```?
Q team should measure the economic impact of lost productivity due to anons following this board instead of working kek
▶ 87636c (4) No.5855844
▶ f2cc20 (2) No.5855845
Faggot. You have it backwards. KR is not a socialist
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5855848
No ur right. Real anons only scream reeeeee to every single JQ post ever made on this 8ch board… cus thats what real anons do. Thats not what mossad shills do at all. Great point.
▶ 160bc7 (1) No.5855849
Plural of scarf is scarves, Anon. Just sayin'.
▶ 10d3a0 (7) No.5855850>>5856140 >>5856297
a cruise ship with 1300 Americans and Brits on board sends out MAYDAY.
Passengers have to be rescued by helicopter.
Engines just happen to go out.
Q post several MAYDAYS in a post.
and yet, we are to ignore it.
I guess there are some coincidences after all.
▶ 33f5b1 (8) No.5855851
Disprove any one of them.
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855852
That phrase always drove me crazy while watching Star Trek next generation. Kept expecting everyone to whip out their phaser and blast Will Riker. kek
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5855853>>5855894
>>5855822 Pelosi rejects any classified briefings on Mueller report (The Hill)
▶ 334062 (20) No.5855855>>5855907 >>5855979 >>5856030 >>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
"Trump recogninsing Israel's claim to Golan Heights"
"Trump to move embassy to Jerusalem"
It's the same story all over again.
Trump does something, let's do the opposite! Bibi gets more and more isolated and he cannot complain about it. Trump card!
Trump actually nuked US support for Israel with that EO on college free-speech, Israel can't keep US support if the colleges have free-speech.
If Americans don't capitalize now on the EO to absolutely destroy US support for Israel using the colleges as epicenters, then you are retarded and the zionists will win.
Anon said:
>"Do you think there'll be college kids ballsy enough to start asking the JQ? Going to be interesting to see if there's media outcry when it happens, only for the courts to side with the kid(s) in question."
That's the whole point.
How do you fuck over the MSM and Big Tech? You let them step on their own dick and expose them.
This is what is going to happen, end even if the kids don't show their identity, they can spread fliers and shit around and make the kike MSM reeeee about it.
▶ 1953f3 (2) No.5855856
Italian designer" Gio Forbice ….friend of Walter Pearce….creepy
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5855857>>5855919 >>5856028 >>5856072
look how fast the shills are replying to this.
▶ 2f3a61 (3) No.5855858>>5855876
There asshole nobody cares
▶ 40861c (3) No.5855859
Belen Sisa isn’t the only illegal alien on the payroll. There are now three rather high profile staffers working for Bernie’s campaign.
▶ 827981 (6) No.5855861>>5855889
ignorance is bliss
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855862
>>5855817 the correct site is rachelchandler.us
▶ 4b7f46 (6) No.5855863>>5855992 >>5856191 >>5856357
Zanfir Razvan
Video published on Mar 28, 2013
paintings by Zdzisław Beksiński
music by Elend : "The god that breeds pestilence"
▶ 10d3a0 (7) No.5855865>>5855908
Kid rock is wearing seth's SHIRT!!!
▶ 167793 (7) No.5855867>>5855932
Machiavellianism came
before Machiavelli.
Moses, Sesostris, Solomon, Lysander, Philippe and Alexander of Macedonia,
Agathocles, Romulus, Tarquin, Julius Cesar, Augustus and even Nero, Charlemagne,
Theodoric, Clovis, Hugues Capet, Louis XI, Gonzalves of Cordova, Cesar Borgia --
these are my doctrine's ancestors. I move on1 without, of course, speaking of those
who came after me, the list of which would be long, and who learned nothing from
The Prince that they didn't already know from the practice of power. Who in your time
rendered me more brilliant homage than Frederic II? Pen in hand, he denied me in the
interest of his own popularity and, in politics, he rigorously applied my doctrines.
▶ c5313e (4) No.5855868
GFY you are clueless as to how the game is played, go back to reddit
▶ bfa275 (1) No.5855869>>5855891
>>5855607 (OP)
>>5853402 lb
We need Pepe on he front of the train!!!
▶ 84e15b (2) No.5855871>>5856004
Fuck the Globalists and their fake bacon strips!
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5855872
No, but I don't have that one either. It was closer view.
Saved this one Thx !
▶ 6c390c (5) No.5855875
would you stop this slide. Besides, last I checked, a shirt is not the same thing as pants.
▶ 632bbd (10) No.5855876>>5855929
>There asshole nobody cares
>There asshole nobody cares
>There asshole nobody cares
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5855877
nothing like a spambot analysis from a mossad shill.
▶ 0a1521 (1) No.5855882
Did all of Bernie's staffers from 2016 election abandon him? I read one is now working for O'Rouke.
We should deport all these fucking politicians who pander to foreigners over us. Deport Bernie to some black country in Africa.
▶ c3127a (7) No.5855883
Can we get everything declassed to show the shenanigans you guys enlisted the fveys as well?
▶ 466921 (3) No.5855886
I agree with you.
▶ c12aea (3) No.5855889
>ignorance is bliss
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5855892
>I think it’s time for some COMMON SENSE
▶ bbece5 (30) No.5855893>>5855910 >>5855944
Meanwhile at the tribunals
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855894>>5856295
>>5855853 anon, do you not read notables before you nominate shit?
see bread #7486
▶ 353385 (3) No.5855896
I didn't see any pictures of 'hundreds of thousands'.
Did anyone?
We all know this is fuckery.
▶ ea9f59 (3) No.5855897>>5855952 >>5855991 >>5856162
might have been me. but have a copy!
▶ f42bfe (2) No.5855901
Would really love it if this was real
▶ 09a493 (4) No.5855902
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5855832
i havent seen this yet!!!
▶ c9c4ca (6) No.5855903>>5855954
Admiral Rogers: Where are you?
Americans need to hear from you.
We are tremendously proud of and grateful to you,
as well as to General Flynn, our Fantastic President, and our loyal Q and Q Team Patriots….and all your families. May God richly bless you all.
Looking forward to the Rogers and Flynn TV show.
▶ dd78dd (3) No.5855904
Those windows scream cray cray
▶ 87636c (4) No.5855905>>5855917
▶ b9859f (2) No.5855906>>5855942
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5855907>>5855980 >>5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:
garbage from #7150 bread - 20 spam posts
▶ 6c390c (5) No.5855908
geez did Seth's shirt grow pant legs, ffs?
▶ a1955e (1) No.5855909
>>5855555 lb
He recently lost his extradition case in NZ, I think he might be coming to DC for some congressional testimony soon, he knows about Seth Rich. He wants to testify but is negotiating for immunity. His financial advice is worth considering
▶ c12aea (3) No.5855911
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5855913
well you convinced me megajew, carry on
▶ 6dcf8b (2) No.5855914
Do you know how many folks were Bernie peeps before Trump?
Do you know how many folks were asleep before this movement?
Do we know yet what SR did for Q to call him a Patriot?
Withhold your BS until then.
▶ 6c390c (5) No.5855917
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5855918>>5855943
Universes and dimensions are not just larger they are smaller too. Due to our filters .
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5855919>>5855933 >>5856141
If u think shills post about the JQ - u should read the welcome page and then lurq for three years b4 u ever post again.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5855925>>5855955 >>5855979 >>5856030 >>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
>Q crumbs
Ok, here you have them.
▶ 33079e (1) No.5855926>>5856145 >>5856240
Isn't it illegal to wear the flag under Title IV, code 8?
▶ f62b5f (1) No.5855927
>>5855601 (lb)
>Where the Hell was this?
The 60% figure was from Q post 586: 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
It's not clear what Q meant by that figure so some Anons interpret that differently.
Some think the 60% pertain to the revealing of "truths" and others believe it has to do with the revealing of "covert ops". I think "covert ops", but that's just my opinion.
In post #142 Q says: ''The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled. So I don't see how Q can possibly refer the 60% to truths since truths are a constantly moving target. What's true today might become a delusion'' tomorrow (from the human perspective).
▶ 02bf1b (1) No.5855928>>5856061
>>5855560 lb
i thought whitaker limited mueller's scope when he got there, which is why whitaker was criticized when he said mueller would be finished soon
▶ c6afbe (1) No.5855930>>5855983
Mueller gets to write a BOOK about investing Donald Trump
This is actually ridiculous. How does he actually get to “author” a BOOK? How many of these people who have been part of the biggest crime within our government get to write books & make even MOAR money off the American tax payers.
▶ 50e746 (2) No.5855931
▶ 279a47 (2) No.5855932>>5855971
dont forget thucydides
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5855933>>5855972
nope, anons rather fight for Q.
you shills glow.
▶ e85499 (1) No.5855934
Pelosi know that someone there is under FISA and its either bugged or someone will rat them out if they talk in a group. She does not trust her fellow D's. She is saving her own ass and everyone else is on their own.
▶ 92d57a (1) No.5855935
Potus is going to wait until after all the Sunday morning talk shows to see what they’re all saying before he tweets. I hope so, anyway. His silence is driving them mad, and it’s hilarious to watch.
▶ 469e69 (3) No.5855938
Oh hell no
I can guess
But the McDonald’s burgers were Good
▶ 334062 (20) No.5855941>>5855979 >>5856030 >>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5855834
I do repeat myself, but I am not a bot.
Why are you so triggered that I make available for newfags this information, information that Jews censor EVERYWHERE else (vid related)?
Are you an Israel first traitor? :)
[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.
[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.
[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.
[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.
[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”
[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.
[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.
[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5855942>>5855963 >>5855974 >>5855990
this one should blow your mind.
▶ 632bbd (10) No.5855946
Another queer kike with shitty memes.
▶ 353385 (3) No.5855948>>5856015
>>5855733 Sanders Campaign Hit With Complaint Over Illegal Alien Staffers (foreign intervention in election)
▶ 48b33c (4) No.5855951>>5856054 >>5856313
Not Sealed Indictments. Sealed Court Cases
Look it up. Still a shitstorm of paperwork, but they are sealed cases.
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5855952>>5855969 >>5855975 >>5855991 >>5856025 >>5856162 >>5856183
That's it !
ThanQ Anon & all others that responded !
Night Shift Rocks
▶ 912e56 (2) No.5855954>>5855970 >>5856152
Patriot is standing by to do more patriot stuff. Waiting patiently for his next scene in the movie.
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5855955>>5855966 >>5855998 >>5856029
right… cause jew = mossad…
I guess americans = C_A?
using q crumbs never and well for a shill.
▶ 469e69 (3) No.5855956
Don’t shoot ‘till you see the whites of their Panties
▶ b9df5e (1) No.5855959>>5855996 >>5855997
Reminder of recent false mayday near Whidbey Island, WA reported by CG. Q#3170 related?
▶ 4b7f46 (6) No.5855960
Yeah, let's see the "underlying docs"--I'll go for any recommendations by Mark Meadows
▶ c6c1b6 (4) No.5855961
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. We are family!
Shout out to my yahoo fags! We are winning in the comment section.
It took a while bu the last two months have shown me the red pills are working.
▶ b72114 (4) No.5855963>>5856032 >>5856089
Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot, Mandelbrot
▶ ad661a (4) No.5855964>>5855999
Is this rescue operation the "sky event"?
Viking Sky
▶ 9aac61 (2) No.5855965>>5856017
>>5854429 pb
OP was about 1860's. Q's repost is about Freedom Day 2018 (deep state slaves freed from blackmail servitude).
▶ e6d607 (6) No.5855967
Rachel CHANDLER did a photoshoot aptly called 'Killing Time with some Brit boys
via the Dazed fashion art culture mag now digital (used to be called Dazed & Confused when first founded by photographer Rankin and Jefferson Hack in 1991 London)
▶ 167793 (7) No.5855971
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5855972>>5855986
Read these Q drops then faggot.
these drops really make ur mossad butt hurt.
▶ b9859f (2) No.5855974
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5855979>>5856010 >>5856022 >>5856036 >>5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:
garbage from #7112 bread - 21 spam posts
▶ 334062 (20) No.5855980>>5856030 >>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
Kek, you're pathetic.
THanks for being so stupid, zionist traitor :)
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5855981
not sure I get your stuff but dimensions can be a lint or a very small circle depending upon perspective.
▶ ec34a4 (5) No.5855983
He is the author of the Mueller Report, the report he just finished and turned over to AG Barr. It is not a novel. Amazon is selling his public report, not him. They are charging money for printing and having a foreword written by someone. Breathe Anon
▶ 87636c (4) No.5855984
'YOU are over target Fren'
Optics are important!
▶ 9c1a16 (1) No.5855985
Maybe if they continue to use those terms, interesting
▶ f0a868 (10) No.5855986>>5856005 >>5856110
Needs more arrows
▶ 09a493 (4) No.5855991>>5856091 >>5856162
when TWO come together in prayer…
and WITNESSED in truth and LOVE…
THIS is why we are here
▶ 775bba (20) No.5855992>>5856056
>>5855646 Rep. Mark Meadows tweet calling out Demonrats on hypocrisy re: transparency
>>5855733 Sanders campaign hit with complaint over illegal alien staffers
>>5855667, >>5855863 Edible Schoolyards dig
>>5855821 Kid Rock wearing Seth Rich pants?
▶ 2e56e7 (9) No.5855995>>5856422
Justice is coming.
▶ 15f5b1 (2) No.5855996>>5856298 >>5856371
Boat fags - do these ships have gps tracking like planes? Perhaps we can see some "coincidences" in those?
▶ 55598c (4) No.5855997>>5856278
May Day May Day = Teresa May?
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5855998
who controls mossad?
how many jewish nation states are on the planet?
who are we saving for last?
why do u suck so much baby penis foreskin?
▶ 10d3a0 (7) No.5855999>>5856033
Don't forget the MAYDAY, too.
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856002
That is hilarious one person got it - resonance fields.
▶ 74788e (1) No.5856003>>5856016 >>5856070
Wow! Look At Us! This really happened today in NYC in front of Trump Tower.
We Patriots
We Band Of Brothers
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856004
▶ 78d5ca (6) No.5856006
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ain't That Peculiar-Marvin Gaye
▶ 164a78 (1) No.5856007
Reposting this OAN story I caught today. Noticed one of the bin Talal bros in Christchurch and nearby mosque was Linwood. Curiously the same name as Sandmans attorney
▶ 76728e (3) No.5856009
>>5855842 In the movie of James Wood we are the Cast
▶ 33f5ce (1) No.5856012>>5856046
panicking about how their stupid retard of 47 managed to escape from the retards of 44, notable idiots of arlington Central "Blanka" Agency have decided that lolis are no longer allowed to have korean bbq and they must be stopped at all costs to protect MUH PSYOPS
Q this is hilarious CARNIVORE can't differentiate fiction from reality, they're fucking dead, lmao
but srsly tho 978-0976550808 was dry as fuck ALMOST LIKE THAT WAS INTENTIONAL but I got some cool flags out of it, watch this place become fucking White Castle:
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5856013
Let Loose the Dogs of War !
▶ 5c1810 (1) No.5856014
>>5854029 Pb/?
>>Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?
Beautiful MEME material, thank you. ;)
▶ 6c390c (5) No.5856015
About time someone files a complaint.
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856016
they need to organize better. if i'd known that was going on, Ida been there.
▶ 07f945 (5) No.5856017
also consider that Robert E. Lee was a Whig, he was not a Democrat
▶ 87636c (4) No.5856018
Baker SR pants are NOTABLE..make it happen
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856019
so they can continue to hide primary water
▶ 5cdbd0 (7) No.5856022
^^^^^^^ mossad desperation intensifies.
▶ 2a1887 (1) No.5856023
▶ 75bd9d (1) No.5856024>>5856068
I've been on here all day. no q. i roam over to do some online shopping and he posts like a madman. can't win.
▶ 2f3a61 (3) No.5856026
Actions have consequences. I really don’t care either
▶ 0ed84f (5) No.5856028>>5856072 >>5856081
Yeah they get so fucking triggered the moment they are called out
watch this one:
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856029>>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
I never said that, you're making a strawman argument, you pathetic zionist kike :)
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856030>>5856082 >>5856083 >>5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
a shill chatbot analysis - including relevant q posts V2.0
V1.0 of the research:
>>4346883 pb
look at the attached q posts.
The highlighted text explains the behavior of the spam chatbots that are constantly deployed here.
my experiment is described here:
here i trolled the spam chatbot with a reply:
>>4345440 pb
and what do you know?
it gave me an automatically generated text pasta reply:
>>4345586 pb
and posted another 4 posts with a random delta that is in the range [10-30 minutes]:
>>4345586 pb
>>4345666 pb
>>4345825 pb
>>4345962 pb
exactly as q told us more than a year ago!
What they did manage to do during this year is to update their automatic post pattern to be triggered by a reply. Notice that the bot posts a first "common drive post", like q called it, and the subsequent 4 posts will all tap into this one.
To summarize, lets get back to the q post.
similarly to what is written in the q post, the spambot uses a 5 prong pre packaged injection, only this time it has a precursor post serving as bait. After an anon takes the bait and replies, the bot searches for "negative" keywords ("bot", "r2d2", "spam", "shill", etc). If it found these words, then the 5 prong pre packaged delivery is injected, meaning 5 automatic posts are inserted, with the first one auto generating the other 4 posts at random designated times with deltas in a range of 10 to 30 minutes. Note that all 4 posts are linked to each other, forming a chain of posts with a common driver (root).
Then, as q said, "shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction." with ASF probably referring to the APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION.
see attached snip taken from:
Also as you may or may not remember, Q used "APACHE" as a signature, and told us to dig it. An anon found out before that it is connected to the Securedrop whistleblower honeypot fiasco, but it could have multiple meaning with one of the being the ASF, or in fact the ASF can be connected to securedrop as well (see attached q snip).
Manual script inserted by a human operator:
on an older bread I played a little trolling game with the spambot. I exposed 3 of his lies on purpose, to see if in fact there is a human operator that can edit the next automatically generated reply, before it gets posted, in real time, via a script. "Trolling is fun".
Here is the experiment:
- trolled it once:
>>4351198 pb
and received a manually inserted script.
>>4351259 pb
- trolled it a second time:
>>4351407 pb
and received a manually inserted script to an automatic template.
>>4351463 pb
attached are the snips of the second trolling and reply that included the manual insertion.
my conclusion: there is a human operator that does exactly that, he can manually interupt the automatic generation of posts and either pick a different one or insert a specific line.
▶ 4a5cfd (1) No.5856031
im liking this kate awakening person
if i still had facebook id be sharing her to my normie friends
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856032>>5856299
one thing Mandelbrot proves it is all within.
Zoom in enough you find everything.
▶ ad661a (4) No.5856033
Trip nines confirmation of my neglect. Thanks fren
▶ bbece5 (30) No.5856034
TT Tribunal Time
Mad Dog is waiting
▶ c9c4ca (6) No.5856035>>5856176 >>5856199 >>5856303
Q and PatriotAnons: Why do we hear nothing about this treasonous snake, Valerie Jarrett? Commie-Globalist Pimpette Supreme and lover of her "muslim faith."
Are there sealed indictments against her?
The public must be made aware of all her perfidies.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856036>>5856074 >>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
So you are telling me that it is a bad thing that I repost as often as I can the information that the Israel first censoring machine tries to get everyone to NOT see? :)
▶ e79216 (1) No.5856037
>>5854287 (pb)
The more you know.
▶ b88551 (4) No.5856039>>5856059 >>5856229
there are literally parts of certain digs
where you can't help but laugh.
An audible, painful laugh.
Seriously? Alefantis? GTFO.
Turns out pizzafags came across this info during pizzagate
completely independent I get to the same thing from one of the other board members.
this is literally a monolithic conspiracy with tendrels in everything.
their mo is to peel off the top of every industry
every hierarchy of competency and bend it to their will.
do not misunderstand.
we are important for a reason.
we are the last god damned bastion of truth seeking that can make a difference.
reading about Danny Casolaro got me into it.
long ago.
there have been many many many dannys before and after him.
that's what we're up against.
it's finally broken me. brought a tear to my eye.
not when digging pelosi and napa
not when digging getty outright
I'm starting to sense a swell.
back to the eerie unsettled feeling of digging those fucking emails and the goddamn slang to come out of it.
sauce this and that,
torture art,
that goddamned fucking website and the goddamned fucking pdf to come from it
wear the armor of god my friends.
the visceral reality of the game we've been playing up till now is going to be dropped in our laps
because we are the only people on the face of this planet who can act on it.
robust, distributed, and anon(ish)
you know what they say about fools?
they rush in where even the angels fear to tread.
armor up faggots. this election 2020 election run is going to be something else.
▶ fd7aab (6) No.5856040
Nice choppa anon
▶ 1b7631 (2) No.5856041
Logan Paul wants to trek across Antarctica to 'prove' the Earth is FLAT
▶ 279a47 (2) No.5856043
poppy: its not just for the coolies anymore.
▶ 1c725a (3) No.5856044>>5856063 >>5856066
'Anthony Podesta, Free and clear…"
▶ 67c2d8 (3) No.5856045>>5856177
Mueller report is gonna indicate no Russian collusion so who is HRC gonna blame for her loss now?
the Mayans?
the Remulakians?
Dennis Rodman?
▶ 15f5b1 (2) No.5856046>>5856400
Anyone else know what the fuck he's going on about?
▶ 78d5ca (6) No.5856047
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Sly & The Family Stone - If You Want Me To Stay (Audio)
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856049>>5856100
▶ 8ba56d (1) No.5856050>>5856097
>>5855555 pb
Chek't Quints
▶ e1578b (4) No.5856054>>5856300
technically, but one sealed indictment can have multiple counts against mulitple people.So i guess it could be also called a court case. Not a legalFag.Alot of these court cases can intersect eachother as well, especially ones for conspiracy.
▶ 197583 (6) No.5856055>>5856071 >>5856127 >>5856192
ok it was kind of covered yesterday when I saw it but an anon linked all-in-studio.com. It has the same woman from rachelchandler.us with the sunglasses on it. they linked to the studio's instagram @allinstudio. Someone commented or liked one of their photos @anotherkind . from @anotherkind it lead to many accounts because that account curates this kind of pedovore shit. that is how i found @death_book. Now usually there is a big human trafficky satanic vibe with the instagrams @death_book actually is that plus using children in their art. Very disturbing.
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856056>>5856080
>>5855723 Anti-Brexit marchers flood into London, demand new
>>5855822 Pelosi rejects any classified briefings on Mueller report
▶ e6d607 (6) No.5856060
Theories, until we see for ourselves, bearing in mind we are basically 'not allowed to go see for ourselves' because we'd be tresspassing. That map is missing a lot, of countries. Fancy the doughnut one myself.
▶ 8b8f6d (6) No.5856061>>5856092 >>5856198
Mueller interviews for a job he can't have.
Mueller becomes SC lead.
Sessions recuses (work in quite doing other things; optics of being useless).
RR expands Mueller's SC team scope.
Mueller, working to save himself, is taking down D's, no one knows it yet. He also is only going after plants in the campaign (this should have been a sign).
Sessions steps down, indictments against the Trump "kids" are tossed in the mix (taint).
Whitaker takes hold of the SC. Can't go all Duke Nukem because "muh optics", but cleans things up a bit with scope and some other personnel.
Whitaker hands reigns to Barr.
Barr tosses out the bullshit indictments.
Mueller's investigation wraps up; nice and neat and tidy.
Mueller's work is going to be revealed very carefully as to not cause lefties and libtards to not go all suicidal.
DS actually goes suicidal.
Q team gives POTUS the "GO" for offensive.
This shit is about to "excalate".
▶ 60a2c0 (3) No.5856063
I trust Fitton was pointing out the irony that THUS FAR AP is free and clear.
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856064>>5856101
i never knew my purpose in life
yes, be good to family, frens, god etc.
pay my taxes…kek
then i REALIZED all i have to do
ThanQ for showing me the light again!!!
r0ck on
▶ e00d6b (3) No.5856065
If [RR] is Dirty so is_____
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s historic decision to end his Russia probe on Friday without filing election conspiracy charges against any Trump associate is vindication for Devin Nunes.
A year ago, Mr. Nunes, a Republican congressman from California farm country cleared President Trump and his advisers in a report by the majority of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Mr. Nunes said the verdict was simple. The committee took testimony from intelligence and law enforcement officials, including Democratic Party loyalists. No one presented evidence that the president’s campaign conspired with Moscow to hack Democratic Party computers or coordinate Russian social media attacks on Hillary Clinton.
On Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle” Friday night, Mr. Nunes said the real scandal is the secret effort by Barack Obama-Clinton operatives to doom Mr. Trump.
▶ fd7aab (6) No.5856066>>5856114
▶ 466921 (3) No.5856068
I either have to do work around here or fall asleep most times.
▶ 00ead0 (1) No.5856069>>5856281
POTUS sir if you are on here I love your tweets. The MSM is going insane that you are not tweeting. It is delicious, keep silent for as long as possible so we can enjoy the freak out. Silence can be beautiful weapon of war.
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856071
These demoniacs need to be arrested, tried and swiftly executed for the sake of humanity.
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5856072>>5856141
Hey ladies!!!
Try harder mossad!
▶ 67fc81 (1) No.5856073>>5856102 >>5856190
You can RUN [for President]
but you can't HIDE.
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856074>>5856118 >>5856144 >>5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
a proof that a Manual script can be inserted by a human operator:
on an older bread I played a little trolling game with the spambot. I exposed 3 of his lies on purpose, to see if in fact there is a human operator that can edit the next automatically generated reply, before it gets posted, in real time, via a script. "Trolling is fun".
Here is the experiment:
- trolled it once:
>>4351198 pb
and received a manually inserted script.
>>4351259 pb
- trolled it a second time:
>>4351407 pb
and received a manually inserted script to an automatic template.
>>4351463 pb
attached are the snips of the second trolling and reply that included the manual insertion.
my conclusion: there is a human operator that does exactly that, he can manually interupt the automatic generation of posts and either pick a different one or insert a specific line.
▶ f3c3b3 (7) No.5856077>>5856191 >>5856357
At Least 11 UK Cabinet Minsters Plan to Confront PM May, Demand She Step Down
Several cabinet ministers are reportedly planning to confront UK Prime Minister May on Monday and seek her resignation.
Eleven cabinet ministers are planning "a full blown cabinet coup" to "remove Theresa May as prime minister" the Sunday Times' political editor said.
The reporter also said that David Lidington, May's de-facto deputy, Environment Secretary Michael Gove or Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt are among the contenders to become interim prime minister, according to the plan. He also quoted an unidentified minister as saying that Theresa May "will be gone in 10 days".
Earlier in the month, a Politico-Hanbury poll revealed that over half of UK voters want May to resign due to her failure to secure parliament's approval for the Brexit agreement she had negotiated with Brussels. May told Conservative lawmakers in December that she was going to resign before the next general election, slated for 2022. However, she has not set a date for her intended resignation.
On Friday, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said that the possible departure of Theresa May from the post of UK Prime Minister would complicate the situation with Brexit.
Following discussions on Thursday evening in Brussels, heads of the EU member states identified two scenarios for postponing Brexit, which the United Kingdom has requested. The first would be an extension until May 22, provided the withdrawal agreement is approved by the UK parliament. Should lawmakers reject the deal, the deadline would only be moved until April 12. European Council President Donald Tusk said that April 12 was a key date with regard to whether or not the United Kingdom would participate in the elections to the European Parliament.
▶ a4981e (1) No.5856079
wait, what? when something actually happens we have to suck each others cocks?
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856080>>5856120
read previous bread's notables. ffs.
▶ 6f1855 (1) No.5856082>>5856121
"If you aren't shocked by how advanced chat bots are, you don't know anything about chat bots."
- Richard Kekman
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856083>>5856108 >>5856196 >>5856334
Kek, name calling and false accusations does not make the facts I post any less factual, zionist enemy :)
▶ c48701 (6) No.5856084>>5856131 >>5856200 >>5856411
Is there any significance to this gay meme?
Its really crappy, so why keep posting it?
▶ c5313e (4) No.5856086
▶ 855552 (1) No.5856087>>5856115
I can’t wait to see the new Donald Trump.
The one that was…
“Born in a crossfire hurricane…
…and it’s alright now…
…in fact…
It’s a gas”
Have fun Mr. President.
▶ c89345 (5) No.5856088
grabs those dungeon ones and,
I'll take Trump accomplisments for $17,000,000, Alex.
▶ 789afd (2) No.5856089
Got some right here. Kek!
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5856091
ThanQ Anon, Beautiful, Truthful Words
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856092>>5856146
>Mueller's work is going to be revealed very carefully as to not cause lefties and libtards to not go all suicidal.
double negative here but otherwise…
▶ 41b15f (5) No.5856093>>5856117
Read it in The Duke's cadence!
▶ dd0521 (3) No.5856095
who has the Q metal snake picture?
▶ 71d774 (6) No.5856100
NP have at it fren..
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856101>>5856122
kek we are so Q'd.
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856102
good decode anon
▶ 954d24 (1) No.5856103
Is Q really done for the night already???
▶ 24c8c4 (1) No.5856104
▶ 7be587 (2) No.5856105>>5856150 >>5856172
Muhjewshills are here. That means Q stopped posting.
Ever wonder why the muhjewshills (poof)and dissapear when Q is around? Js
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856108>>5856175 >>5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
and now to the final part (my favorite) - a detailed example of a glitch, that proves that it is in fact a (semi automatic) spambot
Look at the attached screenshots. look at the time stamps and then on the post number. Notice that the later post has an earlier post number. THIS HAPPENS WHEN A MULTI-PRONG MESSAGE IS INJECTED
also notice the kvetching of the bot operator.
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856110>>5856130
fuck that bird and the horse it rode in on!
▶ e0b9c7 (1) No.5856111
Are they really that stupid that they think theres someting in there that will benefit them??
▶ 732422 (1) No.5856112
▶ 1c725a (3) No.5856114
caught my ear … just now on Fox news. not main topic of discussion
▶ 561b09 (3) No.5856115>>5856125
I want to see the media and others give President Trump the respect he not only deserves he's earned…Love the picture!
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856116>>5856354
>>5854999 Is this the missing link between Ray Chandler and Michal Chelbin?
>>5855031 Robert Kraft Issues First Statement Since Solicitation Charge
>>5855059 Amazon Selling Child Sex Doll for Pedophiles
>>5855034, >>5855390 US Army Tweet-National Puppy day
>>5855121, >>5855567 Anon's history lesson on Q's meme picture
>>5855287 o7 Two fallen soldiers on March 22
>>5855408 Political Editor, Sunday Times (UK) tweeting that full blown cabinet coup is under way tonight
corrected in #7491
▶ f3c3b3 (7) No.5856117
ya filthy animal
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856118>>5856196 >>5856334
>Once again:
Name calling and false accusations does not make the facts I post any less factual, zionist traitor :)
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856120>>5856157 >>5856164
you're welcome
can't read it all, ALL of the time.
you get ALOT of help from me so stay off my ass
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856121
▶ 607063 (4) No.5856123
what did you think was going to happen. Now bend over faggot
▶ c5313e (4) No.5856124
I want televised tribunals
▶ 827981 (6) No.5856125
>I want to see the media and others give President Trump the respect he not only deserves he's earned
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856126>>5856204 >>5856242 >>5856245
But understand them. Fractals show the dimensions we ignore. Fractals are the dimensions that influence our reality by chaos and dynamics but are curled up into small circles so that normies do not see them. IE manifestation of particle from wave.
▶ 197583 (6) No.5856127>>5856149
@another(2 underscores)kind
▶ bbece5 (30) No.5856128
Jeff waiting with mad Dog at the Tribunals
▶ 3ff978 (5) No.5856129
Extreme commercial for Dems right in everyone's face.
That's ballsy.
▶ 8b8f6d (6) No.5856131>>5856390
It's just spam, fren. They've been at it all day. DS is going down with a quickness.
Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147454631 📁
Nov 1 2017 01:44:10 (EST)
Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).
▶ ffad19 (4) No.5856132>>5856151
ha ha ha
not a single reply EVER
▶ c48701 (6) No.5856134>>5856155
Are you refuting what I said?
▶ dd0521 (3) No.5856135>>5856142
▶ 2f3a61 (3) No.5856136
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856137
even if it's true people don't bite on shit like that
they see the nigga character and immediately shut off their "brains"
▶ 09a493 (4) No.5856138>>5856163
tired of seeing all this inmuhmatrixxx hate.
who cares? why be divisive? why not just ignore him?
thats what i do… just sayin'.
even if yall think he is a bad person..
YOU are the one looking like the badguy posting divisive nonsense.
most you pussies don't even know the guy. thats the crazy part.
but what do i know? im just a thot.
I'm just a thot thats here to tell you that your flesh is showing, and it is UGLY.
the REAL _ffamefag
▶ 41b15f (5) No.5856139
Yep, piling on… Good theme. The "truth" should you be willing to find it!
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856141>>5856169 >>5856170
the muhjew shill scripts
script #1:
while(1) {
print "goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi, foreskin";
if(reply == high_iq) { $myreply = "pilpul";}
else {$myreply = "jidf, ADL, what time is it in tel-aviv";}
echo $myreply;
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5856144
You are correct.
beep bot - i have been sent here to shit post the JQ on the chans. I am a hamas muzzie spambot.
▶ 466921 (3) No.5856145>>5856180
it isn't a REAL FLAG!
▶ 8b8f6d (6) No.5856146>>5856326 >>5856344
You're right, but where is the kitty cat? You can't go all grammar ain't a mother fucking game and not do the kitty.
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856149
they tend to confess their crimes through their despicable "art"
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856150>>5856196 >>5856330 >>5856334
Kek, I get Israeli Hasbara shills calling me that shit all the time.
Guess what, I have been (you)'d by Q once, so your pilpul is worthless, traitor :)
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5856151>>5856386
famefaggots and paytriots btfo
▶ c9c4ca (6) No.5856152
Aye, good guess. Thanks.
True heroes never brag; keep a quiet front.
▶ bf0383 (2) No.5856153
Bastard son of a Rochschild according to priot research
▶ e6d607 (6) No.5856156
Sauce here? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1747908
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856157>>5856187 >>5856295
>>5856120 excuse me? why are you helping me if you're not going to be on top of your shit? or do you enjoy it when bakers put repeat notables up and fuck up?
doesn't really seem like help to me.
but thank you so so much anon, what would we do without you???
i'd give you a cookie but i ate all of them, sorry.
▶ ca2a90 (1) No.5856159>>5856244
>BREAKING: @TheUriGeller has today written a letter, handed exclusively to the Jewish Telegraph, to @theresa_may to state that he will "not allow you to lead Britain into #Brexit".
This is exactly what Hitler warned about, this is the Jew in it's true, ultimate, and final form: Rasputin controlling leaders through spoonbending and esoteric magic vodoo ordering sacrifices of WHITE children to satan in exchange for telepathic ability
Uri Geller also did 9/11, since he was the one who rented out the 95th floor of the WTC where he setup explosives for the false flag. He was also the person who did the Israeli consulate bombing in Argentina, and was onboard the Israeli oceanographor ship that captured the USS Liberty bombing.
▶ 2d16bc (2) No.5856160>>5856220
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible; and when you strike and overcome him, never let up the pursuit so long as your men have strength to follow; for an army routed, if hotly pursued, becomes panic-stricken, and can then be destroyed by half their number. The other rule is, never fight against heavy odds, if by any possible maneuvering you can hurl your own force on only a part, and that the weakest part of your enemy and crush it. Such tactics will win every time, and a small army may thus destroy a large one in detail, and repeated victory will make it invincible.
▶ c1be91 (1) No.5856161>>5856222
RUN and HIDE in POTUS twat
▶ 937c59 (4) No.5856162
May God bless us all as we gather in the name of Jesus Christ.
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856163>>5856182
that whole hating each other
paytriot qmpa bs is over
0ld news
we got REAL shit to do now!!!!
not concern fagging about it anymore
▶ f0a868 (10) No.5856164>>5856203
Stupid fucking nigger
▶ 78d5ca (6) No.5856165
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. - The World Is A Ghetto by War -
▶ c5313e (4) No.5856167
you can best believe that when he does it will be spectacular!
▶ 40861c (3) No.5856168
Anons, check out this quick video.
The white pickup was stolen, believe it or not.
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5856170>>5856219
Yes, I am just running off a script. I am a hamas spam bot - sent here to shit post JQ and trigger mossad agents like u.
▶ 7b6345 (1) No.5856171>>5856254 >>5856307
Once again, the pallbearers mounted the stage, only this time the person under the shroud was the platinum-haired Harry, who sang her first number from a reclining position on the bier before hopping off to do “Heart of Glass,” followed by a rousing “One Way or Another” that brought much of the cheering, camera phone--wielding audience to its feet. After her final number, two more shrouded bodies were brought onstage. Under them was dessert: two eerily lifelike cakes fashioned to look like Abramović and Harry by LA’s Rosebud Cakes and Raphael Castoriano’s Kreëmart organization. Wielding lethal-looking knives, Abramović joined Harry to cut out the hearts of each of their cakes to a shouting, astonished crowd.
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856172>>5856270
▶ 8e7b71 (1) No.5856173>>5856195 >>5856264
Looking forward to the coming weeks.
▶ b88551 (4) No.5856174>>5856288 >>5856294 >>5856368
more than you even know.
godfather 3 is the loan to holy see,
and the web of control to come from it.
every god damned person who gets good at something becomes a fucking target
and they bend them or they kill them.
and when you subjugate yourself
your soul is gone
the sovereignty of who you are is gone
and your family's potential is captured into their mold.
and it's something like this:
your daughters are tortured or killed
your sons are tortured or killed
and those that survive thrive as pawns in the great game
but the game has been rigged for centuries
and those that lust power fall right into their fucking hands.
again, that's why we are the last bastion.
the Washington of our age.
willing to walk away from power for the betterment of the whole.
seeking truth without any return besides the satisfaction of contributing the building a better world.
this is draining. hold each other up because it's only going to get worst, one way or another.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856175>>5856196 >>5856334
Kek, keep it up zionist traitor, keep up the name calling while I destroy the gen pop support of Israel with verifiable facts :)
Israel is a pedo haven.
▶ f0b562 (1) No.5856176>>5856352
For the same reason we are not hearing anything about the treachery of the MB, its leaders here in the U.S. and the scope of their progress infiltrating at all levels, local, state and federal. There is good reason. Trust the Plan, anon.
▶ 30602c (1) No.5856177>>5856189
▶ 1c725a (3) No.5856178>>5856293 >>5856357
▶ 8aaf64 (2) No.5856179>>5856184
Wonder how much that Soros stunt cost?
▶ b64f1b (2) No.5856180
Right…it's not a real flag…unless it's a Democrat or someone you don't like then it doesn't matter if it's a real flag or not you scream and cry about it. Isn't that right?
▶ 17efc9 (1) No.5856181
The fix was in and HRC still lost. Most incompetent candidate ever. Mitt and McStain tied for runner up.
▶ 09a493 (4) No.5856182
▶ b22bca (3) No.5856183>>5856315
>Night Shift Rocks
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856184
a few minutes interest.
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5856185
Yep u don’t seem desperate at all!! Totally not glowing. U def arent a mossad homo! No way!!
▶ c48701 (6) No.5856186
I'm not going anywhere, nigger.
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856187>>5856197 >>5856209 >>5856295
fine do it yourself. You've already used at least 5 of the submissions I made nominated. . But there you go putting lables on people now. People make mistakes. Im sure you do to. ask previous baker how much help me got from BA
▶ 55598c (4) No.5856190
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856191
Notables Update
>>5855646 Rep. Mark Meadows tweet calling out Demonrats on hypocrisy re: transparency
>>5855733 Sanders campaign hit with complaint over illegal alien staffers
>>5855667, >>5855863 Edible Schoolyards dig
>>5855821 Kid Rock wearing Seth Rich pants?
>>5856077 At Least 11 UK Cabinet Minsters Plan to Confront PM May, Demand She Step Down
▶ 197583 (6) No.5856192>>5856272
And that leads to herman niche a blood artist i found a month or 2 ago.
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856194>>5856218
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. aight nuFF of this BULLshit
Leroy GREEN is back
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856196>>5856290 >>5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
When the human spambot operator blows his cover with a stupid error:
here the bot operator said he filtered me, using the same semi-automatic text
>>5169586 pb
And here, 25 spam posts later, he posted another text reply saying he filters me again.
>>5170172 pb
see attached screen shots.
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5856197>>5856221 >>5856226
▶ b64f1b (2) No.5856199
Do you still think all this is real? Wake up.
▶ ffad19 (4) No.5856200
it really doesnt tie the room together at all
and its got geese
i fuckin hate the geese man
▶ 61a6be (4) No.5856201
"$65,000 worth of hotdogs please"
▶ 0f2c07 (1) No.5856202
And why they destroy the indigenious
▶ 71d774 (6) No.5856204>>5856253
I agree, I've been making fractals for a while now…
▶ dd0521 (3) No.5856206
ive searched thread after thread and I can't find the peweter looking Q snake pic.. SEOMONE FUCKING DELIVER.
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856209>>5856261
you fucking idiot. i would've put them up regardless. no one needs your help. go back to facebook.
▶ ad661a (4) No.5856212
Digging on markers not yet completed. Should be at least four more
▶ c9c4ca (6) No.5856214
Both of them should be buried there,
in memory of all whose lives were needlessly, cruelly taken by them.
▶ 3ff978 (5) No.5856217
Mothers in the front row.
why bastard? A bastard is farmed out. He's in the family portrait. Just took a fake name.
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856219>>5856260 >>5856265
the muhjew shill scripts
script #1:
while(1) {
print "goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi, foreskin";
if(reply == high_iq) { $myreply = "pilpul";}
else {$myreply = "jidf, ADL, what time is it in tel-aviv";}
echo $myreply;
▶ 07f945 (5) No.5856220
Indeed, anon. Respect.
"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come, and that soon; and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard."
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856221>>5856227 >>5856231 >>5856323 >>5856360
there go the milenials always shitting on those whose shoulders they stand on.
ungrateful, useless fucks.
you know what, junior? milenials are punishment enough for boomers.
▶ c073a7 (2) No.5856225
They are doing it all wrong!
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856226>>5856269
never been and fuck off ktwat
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5856227
you can go back to reddit you stupid boomer
▶ 78d5ca (6) No.5856228
The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
The spring air in the small, sand-dusted town has a soft haze to it, and clumps of green-gray sagebrush rustle in the breeze. Bluffdale sits in a bowl-shaped valley in the shadow of Utah's Wasatch Range to the east and the Oquirrh Mountains to the west. It's the heart of Mormon country, where religious pioneers first arrived more than 160 years ago. They came to escape the rest of the world, to understand the mysterious words sent down from their god as revealed on buried golden plates, and to practice what has become known as "the principle," marriage to multiple wives.
But new pioneers have quietly begun moving into the area, secretive outsiders who say little and keep to themselves. Like the pious polygamists, they are focused on deciphering cryptic messages that only they have the power to understand. Just off Beef Hollow Road, less than a mile from brethren headquarters, thousands of hard-hatted construction workers in sweat-soaked T-shirts are laying the groundwork for the newcomers’ own temple and archive, a massive complex so large that it necessitated expanding the town’s boundaries. Once built, it will be more than five times the size of the US Capitol.
Rather than Bibles, prophets, and worshippers, this temple will be filled with servers, computer intelligence experts, and armed guards. And instead of listening for words flowing down from heaven, these newcomers will be secretly capturing, storing, and analyzing vast quantities of words and images hurtling through the world’s telecommunications networks. In the little town of Bluffdale, Big Love and Big Brother have become uneasy neighbors.
The NSA has become the largest, most covert, and potentially most intrusive intelligence agency ever.
Under construction by contractors with top-secret clearances, the blandly named Utah Data Center is being built for the National Security Agency. A project of immense secrecy, it is the final piece in a complex puzzle assembled over the past decade. Its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world’s communications as they zap down from satellites and zip through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center should be up and running in September 2013. Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails---parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness” program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans’ privacy.
▶ 937c59 (4) No.5856229
Yes. I first experienced that feeling of knowing things I did NOT want to know during the Pizzagate investigation. Before I got on the chan. Research was proceeding on Reddit and then moved to Voat. Back before I knew the necessity of capping and archiving all info. The feeling of lost sleep, and a visceral hurt for the victims, and a throbbing anger toward the ones who do it.
▶ 4ae80f (1) No.5856230
Democratic socialists can’t hide their shallowness
▶ 10d3a0 (7) No.5856231
▶ 1b7631 (2) No.5856232
Fox Are MEMEing hard just now
▶ 129f0b (1) No.5856234
best viewing up here is near dawn in clear cold air.
▶ f66350 (2) No.5856235>>5856256 >>5856314 >>5856343
Ronald Bernard, Dutch Banker Who Exposed Illuminati, Found Dead Aug 2017
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856238
say this in your head very loud
▶ aecd57 (1) No.5856240
Which is only a guidline, not an enforceable statute, i.e., there's no penalty for not following it.
▶ e6d607 (6) No.5856242
great vid of dimensions explained on 'Numberphile' channel yt.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856244>>5856334
EU is a Jewish supremacist project.
▶ 573d1e (1) No.5856245>>5856287
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5856126
Keep on your path and you may find the answers you seek, and if you do, have the sense to keep them to yourself.
When you are my peer you will understand.
▶ 1a9b45 (3) No.5856246>>5856247 >>5856357
Baker - please include date. Thanks
Resignations in the news 3/20/2019 - part 1
Kazakh President Nazarbayev has resigned.
Bozeman fired as Morgan State coach after 13 seasons
2 UMMS board members resign, 4 asked to take leave amid concerns about business contracts
Merion Elementary Principal Anne Heffron Retiring After 23 Years
Leader of Nigel Farage's party resigns over anti-Islam messages
University of Missouri police officer fired for blackface photo
Adelanto officer resigned after signing non-disclosure pact
Brown retiring from Outreach Ministry
Shaker High principal resigned amid 'toxic' climate claims
Phil Martelli says he wants to coach again after St. Joe’s firing
Texas-El Paso assistant coach Lamont Smith quits after being identified in bribery scandal
Retiring Delray Beach Police Chief talks about transition period
Eastern Regional Service Board chair resigns, says garbage collection will end
Natalie Morales Fired As Host of NBC’s ‘Access Hollywood,’ Replaced by Mario Lopez
Sumter boys head coach Jones resigns
Brooke County clerk retiring
Warner Bros. CEO Resigns, Accused of Advancing Career of Actress He Had Affair With
Harlem's former police chief fired from city job as GBI, DA's office opens investigation against him
Calgary UCP candidate resigns after report on her comments about race
Garden Theatre artistic director retiring
▶ 1a9b45 (3) No.5856247>>5856251 >>5856357
Resignations in the news 3/20/2019 - part 2
Lincoln’s clerk resigns after investigation
Coach fired
Ocean Pines Association director Ted Moroney resigns
United Way, Community Foundation CEO to retire
Caley Jags Academy Director resigns
High school principal set to retire
EDA Director Resigns
Ascension Public Schools administrator and former coach retires
Meg Hungerford Resigns As City Finance Director
York City superintendent to retire at end of school year
Two resign from Quest University's board of governors
High school coach fired after accusations of sexual contact with 2 teens
Hunt resigns from school board
Women's Basketball: Becky Martin to retire from McDaniel College after spring semester
Republic of Altai Head resigned
2 School Teachers Fired, 1 Suspended For Noose Images Display In Classroom
Top engineer on National Children's Hospital project resigns
K&L Gates partner retires after six decades
Direct Lending Fund Founder Resigns Amid SEC Investigation
Pasco Circuit Court Clerk Paula S. O'Neil to retire
Veteran Douglas County sheriff's captain resigns during sexual misconduct probe
Georgia city fires judge over bullying allegations
▶ ec34a4 (5) No.5856248
Gutfeld just said on his show,
"Remember when you were young playing tag, and that one kid, who when got tagged as IT decides to quit playing the game? That's the Democrats!"
▶ 3ff978 (5) No.5856249
It's a satanic emblem of the snake cult
▶ 1a9b45 (3) No.5856251>>5856357
Resignations in the news 3/20/2019 - part 3
Pennsylvania Republican accused of sexual assault resigns
Columbus Vice Officer Andrew Mitchell, under federal indictment, retires
A North Dakota State Senator has resigned.
Eastern Greene Superintendent Baechtold To Retire At End Of School Year
Winnipeg labour leader quits; cites sexist comments, treatment by men
Cass Co. Democrats' chairman resigns
Haringey Council’s finance chief Pat Berryman resigns over disagreements about leadership
Bedford police sergeant to retire
Sharjeel Memon resigns from Sindh Assembly's PAC citing NAB case
Historical Society Executive Director Kathy Klehr retiring after 15 years
Aquebogue principal to retire this year
Brookville city manager abruptly resigns, will receive 4 months’ pay
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856253>>5856280
The trick is to link fractals an euclidean to bring it normie.
▶ c9c4ca (6) No.5856254
Is all this horror being posted relentlessly on twitter for them? Hope so.
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5856256>>5856302
Very telling interview by him.
MUST watch.
▶ 3d1c10 (5) No.5856257>>5856263 >>5856408
Can someone make me a legit looking “Breaking news! Chyron type meme, saying Trump has pardoned Cohen and Manafort?
Time to push some twatter libs over the edge ..kek.
▶ 4c3a69 (1) No.5856258
For keks:
The Mueller report in full:
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856261>>5856269 >>5856306
projecting moar I see. WTF is your problem?
▶ bd6f72 (2) No.5856262
It's all sad Q. Our soldier's families who lost their loved ones for the lies and corruption.
The families who lost loved ones due to FF.
" We are only one generation away from extinction"
This is the generation. Bring it or else it is gone forever!
Q there can be no peace without Justice and truth.
There can be no chance to heal if lies are allowed to co-exist in the name of political correctness.
God Damn those who harmed my Country and God bless those who wish to right the wrong.
I need justice and it starts with truth
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5856263>>5856279
▶ bf0383 (2) No.5856264
Nice meme. Using. thanks
▶ 1513b3 (8) No.5856265
DAMn u! U busted me! I am a bot running a script. U are correct.
beep bop. bop beep. Time to shit on a fig leaf.
▶ 621f9e (1) No.5856267
Mostly posting this to 'document' the [D] Weirdness
…"Maybe Democrats even think that by embracing their inner weirdness they can channel some of Trump's electoral magic. Or maybe they just think that the American people can no longer be bothered to care about the sorts of things that would have been career ending for any politician back in the remote past"…
Why are 2020 Democrats so weird?
March 22, 2019
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5856269>>5856276
>WTF is your problem?
your fucking petulance
▶ f42bfe (2) No.5856270>>5856316 >>5856351
They want you divided
PATRIOTS remember
▶ 197583 (6) No.5856272>>5856353
but the biggest proof is the picture they posted of brook sheilds as a child. I clicked on the hashtag #richardprince and found a tidbit on the picture:
Brooke Shields was only 10 years old when her mother gave the photographer Garry Gross permission to photograph her naked, face made up, in a bathtub. The images were taken in 1975 for a Playboy publication called Sugar and Spice. Shields was paid $450.
The photograph was later reappropriated by the artist Richard Prince, who photographed the original image. He included it in a show at London’s Tate Modern. It was removed from the exhibition after Scotland Yard suggested it might break obscenity laws.
The one fan of the image? Richard Prince, who described the image as “a body with two different sexes, maybe more, and a head that looks like it’s got a different birthday.”
The photographer Collier Schorr avows the photo was hanging in the hallway of the artist’s studio in the ‘80s, when she was its subletter.
“I always thought that it was a perverse picture,” Schorr told the Guardian in 2009. “I found it really disturbing, but my impression always was that Richard made the piece because it was disturbing … It tells you everything about what we fear and desire.”
Shields’ mother Teri sued Gross in 1981, stating that he was profiting off of the continual resale of the image and it was damaging the actor’s reputation. However, she appeared in Louis Malle’s Pretty Baby in 1978, which includes a scene in which her virginity is auctioned. The judge ruled in Gross’ favor, saying that the images “have no erotic appeal except to possibly perverse minds.”
why would they post the picture of brook sheilds as a child on a fucking ritzy art magazine blog
▶ 4d1129 (1) No.5856273
▶ f6153f (2) No.5856275
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. When the first big arrests are announced, I'm going to react like Henry-
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856276
and who are you?
▶ 61a6be (4) No.5856278
Maybe? Maybe Beltane - May 1st - MAYday
▶ 3d1c10 (5) No.5856279>>5856304
Wtf not? Trump wouldnt oardon them.. man up. I troll like trump trolls
▶ 93912a (1) No.5856281
my theory is this is a “tens days of darkness”… until i’m proven wrong of course
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856283>>5856312
umm…pretty sure the people already voted for BREXIT once already, boss.
▶ e94f7f (1) No.5856284>>5856296
>> 5853007
moving the goalpost further ahead one month at a time. march, [21], april….
it's all just one long ploy to get trump reelected in 2020 despite no walls, no declas, no arrests
meanwhile the DS still laughs at all of us.
▶ 532df1 (1) No.5856285
The ship is adrift
Reports of a second.
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856286
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856287
I show my math do you?
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856288
only lucifer/satan himself could come up with such a disgusting stranglehold on human achievement and degrade humans to act like the walking dead not realizing their dignity and grace as children of God -- who is all good, all powerful, all knowing, and love
▶ 78d5ca (6) No.5856289
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5855821
Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why [Official Video]
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856290>>5856334
Kek, keep up the name calling and schizophrenic false accusations, thanks for helping me wake up newfags faster with your stupidity :)
▶ 604cb2 (2) No.5856292>>5856335 >>5856342
▶ b22bca (3) No.5856293
>>5855607 (OP)
▶ b88551 (4) No.5856294
maybe our generation has been groomed for far longer than we know.
maybe patriots existed all along and knew that if we thrived we would be captured by (((them)))
how many of us here spent our golden years for seeking wealth and position
spent it all face first in vidya?
preparing for what's to come?
maybe milint is capitalizing on 30-40 years of deliberate social engineering to sway the tide against (((them)))
because who the fuck is going to call out their connections and paint the bigger picture for all to see besides us?
many have tried to before but they commit suicide with double taps to the back of the head.
this is the force we're up against and it's a calling probably far longer prepared for than we know.
▶ 11d23c (1) No.5856295>>5856319 >>5856340
>>5855894, >>5856157
>anon, do you not read notables before you nominate shit?
Kek. I'm afraid he's too busy posting his BakerAssitch notables buns to actually read them.
>why are you helping me if you're not going to be on top of your shit?
We're all wondering that, baker
>You've already used at least 5 of the submissions I made nominated
Wow, it's almost as if you're… redundant or something
>ask previous baker how much help me got from BA
Bake or GTFO
There is no such thing as a BA your fucking retard
▶ 64e9f8 (1) No.5856296
This is a reference to Teresa May, PM of the UK. Period.
▶ ca1c67 (3) No.5856297>>5856332 >>5856380
Been covered already today. Cargo ship that went to assist also developed engine problems. Bad storm is big BAD storm and MAYDAY is an international distress call. Boatfag is now gonna boatfag and not look at board for a bit because alkyhol supply gone and no sedatives around.
▶ 42d639 (3) No.5856298
Yes they do plus nautical coordinates kekfag
▶ b72114 (4) No.5856299>>5856367
There is no OUT, only IN.
▶ 48b33c (4) No.5856300
A Sealed court case does not automatically a mean sealed indictment. A bankruptcy court case can be sealed, but there is no indictment (no one is threatened with jail.
Plus these court cases are not automatically removed once unsealed in Pacer. So the true count of sealed Indictments is less than 83K.
Hopefully there are MIL Court Marshalls in the upper tens of thousands, but keep in mind a support staff of like 500K (low end) would be needed.
My guess as to why there are all these delays and limited disclosure and Q missing dates (2-26-19, but let’s not go there and keep things nice:)
▶ f66350 (2) No.5856302
Watching now. Everyone should see this video.
▶ 67c2d8 (3) No.5856303
Time will tell.
If she is never indicted, maybe she was the slickest of the bunch and covered her ass well. I hope not.
Has she ever been called to testify in front of Congress, for anything?
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5856304>>5856311
no disinfo.
spread TRUTH, there is enough of that to be spread.
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856306>>5856325 >>5856341
if you want to help, nominate notables. you don't need to create notable buns. that's the baker's job. when there are multiple notable update posts like yours, it confuses anons. it needs to be clear who is baking. that is why we have a handoff protocol. respect the rules or gtfo. we managed just fine without "baker assists" for months. again, if you'd like to actually help, do your job as an anon and nominate with a description. don't create a new job for yourself and then famefag as BA, pic related. are you done now?
▶ 1953f3 (2) No.5856307
I was looking at some of the press shots of the celebs before they entered this event….there were alot of them there all glammed up. I then looked at some of the faces during the event….I wonder if some of them didnt know what they were walking into…expecting an "art" show and then being caught on camera during this sick display. Clearly some thoroughly enjoyed themselves
▶ 8aaf64 (2) No.5856308
Anyone know what the equivalent UK groups Soros funnels his money into are called?
▶ 07f945 (5) No.5856309>>5856426
thanks a lot you fucking faggots
▶ 4b7f46 (6) No.5856310
request notable
add to notable >>5855723 Anti-Brexit marchers flood into London
Anti-Brexit March is not organic: guess who funded it?
The European Alternatives group received 300,000 euros --- covering most of its 500,000 euro budget — from European Commission citizenship and justice programmes in 2016-17, according to EU documents, while the European Movement received an even more substantial sum of 350,000 euros from the bloc.
The European Movement, which is dedicated to “the establishment of a united, federal Europe” similar to the United States of America, and described its remit as “propaganda and other activities” in its memorandum of association, has played an interesting role in the Brexit story so far.
The official Remain campaign, Britain Stronger in Europe, was set up as the Interim Campaign Ltd by the European Movement’s chairwoman, Laura Sandys.
Remain campaign spin doctor Lucy Thomas denied any official link with the European Movement, but this appeared to be contradicted somewhat by literature from the European Movement’s youth wing which seemed to describe BSE as their campaign at its launch.
The European Movement also participated in the EU referendum as a registered campaigner in its own right --- but was fined by the Electoral Commission “for delivering an incomplete and inaccurate spending return for the EU referendum” in a story which was widely unreported by the mainstream media.
▶ 3d1c10 (5) No.5856311>>5856324
Fuckoff 8chan mom. Free country and shit.
▶ 353385 (3) No.5856312>>5856317
Those are supposedly Remainers protesting and wanting a second referendum.
▶ 3ff978 (5) No.5856313>>5856345
yes, a sealed indictment is a sealed court case.
Big Whoop.
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856314
debunked a thousand times already, shill.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856316>>5856334
Israel is racist and anti-Black.
▶ da2f61 (11) No.5856317
▶ 37087e (2) No.5856320>>5856331
There’s a group that has info on some Mia since nam … they’re in DC… I can’t say more here, as NIS told me to NOT return and took the info they gave me on live spotting of MIAS.
▶ f7b292 (1) No.5856321
New: Title TBD
23 Mar 2019 - 7:20:31 PM
Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?
[D] party con.
You can RUN but you can’t HIDE.
Boss, sorta funny, but can't call that running.
sorta funny to watch,?
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5856322
you already used that meme faggot
▶ c4aaf6 (15) No.5856324>>5856338
you really suck at shilling.
▶ ec34a4 (5) No.5856325
▶ 7be587 (2) No.5856330>>5856364 >>5856405
Was I talking to you, muhjewshill?
But since you want to brag about a fake (you) from Q, look- it was actually ME that got that ( you) from Q.( pic related). Seeee! Now it's MY Q( you). See how easy it was? As dumb as you are, i guarantee your faggoty ass thought of the same shit. And you stole the ( you) from a gullible anon who posted it to begin with.
Any real anon, that gets a Q( you) will never just repost it like that… You're a dumbass. And now I have a Q(you). Kek
They're not sending their brightest. Muhjewshills must try harder. And stick around when Q is here
▶ 37087e (2) No.5856331
Freedom now foundation… in DC
▶ 42d639 (3) No.5856332
Boatfag#2 here (no alcohol) yes they have gps and nautical coordinates system. Not a FF seas are insane 26ft and 40 knot winds
▶ 393442 (3) No.5856333>>5856347
John Daly American Flag pants…
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856334
the propaganda spambot is deployed again
>>5856030 - spambot analysis
>>5856074 - proof #1 that a human handler exists
>>5856196 - proof #2 that a human handler exists
>>5856108 - a detailed example of a spambot glitch
spambot garbage collections:
▶ ade605 (1) No.5856335
Cutting off the bennies would end this illegals shit tomorrow.
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856336>>5856387
saved you have some deep research into fractals - link it to quantum I may need you.
▶ b72114 (4) No.5856337
Grammar is color blind….
▶ 3d1c10 (5) No.5856338
Cause im not a shill mom. Now neck yourself15 post faggot wonder.
▶ b9b1d1 (1) No.5856339>>5856391
God bless the brave, righteous patriots, known and unknown to us, who step up and answer the call of duty.
an HRC presidency would have sealed our fate, and many of us had no idea how dire the circumstances were, and were powerless to do anything about it anyhow.
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856340
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856341>>5856349 >>5856350
it's been done since January fren. Don't know where you have been. If BO/BV did not want it done it would not be done.
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856342
= Cloward Piven strategy -- bring down an economy/nation by overwhelming it with unproductive social welfare demands/claimants
▶ 3ff978 (5) No.5856343
I don't believe he died.
That was a rumor.
▶ 78d5ca (6) No.5856344
KEK… my thoughts exactly
▶ 48b33c (4) No.5856345
And this is why normies can not represent others in court.
▶ 436eb6 (13) No.5856347
american badASS!
▶ 6c56e4 (1) No.5856348
May I suggest visiting the DNC HQ's in Washington, DC Anon's. The Democrats are so delusional they hung a huge portrait of Abraham Lincoln in the lobby, as though old Abe was a Democrat! I asked the receptionist if she knew that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and she laughed and said "no way, he must have switched parties", and this receptionist job was to inform people how to register to vote Democrat!
So yes, the Democrats lie and continue to change history to benefit themselves.
We need to spread the word, high and low. Never trust a Democrat with historical facts. Mirror mirror!
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856349>>5856363
what the FUCK are you talking about? GO BACK. NOW.
▶ 1d7220 (11) No.5856350>>5856363
No it really hasn't, fuck off already
▶ c9c4ca (6) No.5856352
Right you are. Thank you, Anon.
Trusting the Plan and our great Patriots in charge.
▶ 8b8f6d (6) No.5856353>>5856404
Way back, I pointed this out on half chins about how easily accessible the entire shoot was on google. It's a literal Playboy spread on Brooke, 100% nude, as a child. Got a rapid-ban for bringing it up.
Sick. Fucks.
▶ ea9f59 (3) No.5856354
The bread is the bomber, the notables are the bombs
▶ 472ffb (4) No.5856356
That. I like that. So I take that.
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856357
>>5855646 Rep. Mark Meadows tweet calling out Demonrats on hypocrisy re: transparency
>>5855733 Sanders campaign hit with complaint over illegal alien staffers
>>5855667, >>5855863 Edible Schoolyards dig
>>5855821 Kid Rock wearing Seth Rich pants?
>>5856077 At Least 11 UK Cabinet Minsters Plan to Confront PM May, Demand She Step Down
>>5856246, >>5856247, >>5856251 Resignations in the news 3/20/2019
>>5856178 Jesse Watters: 'There are a lot of potential felonies' from the Obama administration
▶ 36b491 (2) No.5856358
Fucking glorious time to be alivee
▶ 2a59c9 (1) No.5856359>>5856394 >>5856414
Anons, I hope everyone will remember to keep the vaccine issue on their radar. The same Adam Schiff that is causing so much trouble, has asked major platforms to censor content critical of vaccines. The CDC has been trying to implement an adult vaccine schedule and in some places US citizens are losing any right to informed consent for vaccination. This, IMO, is a global human rights issue. Unvaccinated people are so healthy that with good nutrition and reasonable care they never need pharmaceutical drugs. Our entire pharmaceutical industry and "health insurance" could be rendered obsolete if the truth about vaccines and chemical agriculture became widely known. Stand up for your health freedom.
▶ c48701 (6) No.5856360
Guess who decides what home you end up in, grandma?
▶ e6d607 (6) No.5856362
on the left in the photo.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856364
Nope you weren't :)
BO can confirm :D
Cry more, desperate zionist traitor :DDDD
▶ 6d0215 (1) No.5856366
Hey, Q! Are you telling us that they are trying to prove that their children would not be credible in court of law, by forcing them to lie and perjure themselves on purpose?
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856367>>5856396
I guess I cannot disagree with that.
▶ 76728e (3) No.5856368
>>5856174 Agree
Many competitions (even life) are guided
Invisible hand - Destiny - Slavery
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856369
▶ ca1c67 (3) No.5856371
Affirm. Most vessels will report themselves via a system called AIS. Try https://www.marinetraffic.com or https://www.vesselfinder.com to search by names, IMO numbers, and MMSI numbers (think VIN for cars)
▶ b4ed95 (1) No.5856373>>5856398
Reporter redpilled by antifags
▶ bd6f72 (2) No.5856376>>5856407
A vet friend of mine told me once why he can't fit into civilian life. He said " We are trained to Break shit, build shit, and blow shit up. There is no place for me here"
How about if we bring these guys home and break the shit Kobe steel infrastructure meant to destroy us. Blow the shit up if they need to, and build new shit for us
▶ 0bf95f (9) No.5856380
Take a break and chill for awhile fren. Come back when you are Stronger and able.
Take Care
▶ ffad19 (4) No.5856386
nobody cares. never.
said by 2 ids this bread
and never any likes to any memes ever
▶ 71d774 (6) No.5856387>>5856421
I found them as a curiosity and fell in love with there complexities..
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856388>>5856399
Is there any archive of all the Q research general breads that is search-able?
I want to prove wrong the Israeli shills on Q having given me a (you) once :D
▶ a2c674 (1) No.5856390>>5856403
… or the DS is going down with quackiness …
"So, how did it all end? What was the last stand of the deep state?"
"Well, at the end, they just kept repeatedly posting this picture of a woman thinking about a duck or goose with its wings outstretched, as she tried to emulate that posture but just sort of looked ridiculous."
"And the deep state kept posting that picture again and again. It's all they could do. All the power in the world for centuries, and at the end … just that. No one knows why."
▶ 2d16bc (2) No.5856392>>5856413
For those so inclined:
Dr. James "Bud" Robertson, Jr. "Is History Dead?"
▶ 4b7f46 (6) No.5856394
Thanks anon, we won't forget. Q brought this issue up for a reason.
▶ d8c0b9 (1) No.5856395
Is there a connection with Dr. Paul Fox and NZ shooting? Adam Lanza? Confirmed. Brenton Tarrant? Unknown. Suspect 2? Unknown. Suspect 3? Unknown
▶ 393442 (3) No.5856398
▶ c9ed54 (1) No.5856399>>5856410
>prove wrong the israeli shills
easy to do Patriot
those assclowns were BORN wrong
▶ 9aac61 (2) No.5856400
no, but when you use mk ultra, climax, and artichoke in the same rant, i'm thinking pornography as mind control, kek
▶ 197583 (6) No.5856404
I saw it on voat and people brought it up on /pol/. How did they publish that? It doesnt make sense it points to something bigger going on.
▶ d3d8dc (21) No.5856405>>5856415
it's not even a shill. it's a chatbot.
▶ dc3ff5 (1) No.5856406
Can someone explain why some dipshit constantly name fags his posts o7? And why he isn’t being called out for constant name fagging?
Are you the lesser James Bond, single o-7
▶ dd78dd (3) No.5856407>>5856430
Good thought
Add several thousand destructive testing jobs
Vet buddy actually got a job doing destructive testing printers long ago after Desert Storm
▶ 61a6be (4) No.5856408>>5856424
I got called a shill for making this meme! ha ha, thought it was spoopy enough that people would know it's sarcasm…
▶ 8677e5 (1) No.5856409
Double negative is the rule in some languages. They pile on the negatives and it makes it more negative. Just thought anons would find it interdasting….
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856410
Kek, I know, but I want to rub it in their big nosed faces :D
▶ 935e05 (3) No.5856413
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5856392
learn to embed, its not hard
▶ 4895c0 (7) No.5856414
Flu vaccines contain ingredients designed to cause dementia.
▶ 334062 (20) No.5856415
No I am not.
You're the chat bot :)
▶ 775bba (20) No.5856417
▶ 7bd5ee (16) No.5856421
same 20 years ago.
But now I see the math connection to our world and even the Einstein Tensors he never defined.
▶ e00d6b (3) No.5856423
Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch
Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead
Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up, the wicked witch is dead!
▶ 3d1c10 (5) No.5856424
Love it! Some pussy fags here. Muh rules..yeah, thats why q comes here. Faggots
▶ c17cce (1) No.5856426
Tell that to the nigger mulattos who knocked over statues with their smartphones and guidance from university communist professors using 70 year old foreign ideologies.
▶ 197583 (6) No.5856428
and we even have the cultists mocking us now so that is great.
▶ 57a929 (23) No.5856429
▶ c6c1b6 (4) No.5856430
get rid of illegals andbuild shit jobs open up. Most illegals are in construction/landscaping/