5e5244 No.5741016
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 03.17.2019
>>5740605 ————————————–——– What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
>>5740802 rt >>5740687 ————————— Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability? March (17) - message to?
>>5740846 rt >>5740813 ————————— WRWY!!!
Friday 03.15.2019
>>5708421 ————————————–——– Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage. (Cap: >>5708408)
>>5707542 ————————————–——– foxnews.com - NoName (Cap: >>5707674)
>>5706742 rt >>5706249 ————————— The real 'fun' starts soon
>>5705892 rt >>5705810 ————————— On March 15th? [3:15]
>>5705810 ————————————–——– [Marker 1 Complete] (Cap: >>5705863)
>>5705288 ————————————–——– SEC_TEST_2
>>5705247 ————————————–——– SEC_TEST_1
>>5704553 rt >>5704151 ————————— How much more obvious can we make it?
>>5704231 rt >>5704197 ————————— Busy saving humanity
>>5704151 ————————————–——– Powerful statement of UNITY
>>5703651 ————————————–——– /CM/ stay alert
>>5703616 ————————————–——– @elenochle (Cap: >>5703710 )
>>5703605 ————————————–——– @senjudiciary (Cap: >>5712128, >>5704087)
>>5702205 ————————————–——– These people are sick & evil, not a coincidence
>>5702158 ————————————–——– Dark to Light China (Cap: >>5712052)
>>5702121 ————————————–——– Dark to Light Whatsapp (Cap: >>5702270)
>>>/patriotsfight/468 ——————————— (US Flag) (Cap: >>5700611)
>>5693658 ————————————–——– Tomorrow is FRIDAY. (Cap: >>5712160)
Thursday 03.14.2019
>>5691725 rt >>5691475 ————————— Not big enough to pull headlines/news away. Think days.
>>5691398 ————————————–——– Be vigilant at all times. (US, UK, FR, IT) See Something. Say Something (Cap: >>5691483 )
>>5690226 ————————————–——– "This is about to break wide open..." (Cap and Video: >>5690246, >>5690415)
>>5685756 ————————————–——– Very SAD to see GERMANY pulling the strings on the UK! Q+ (UK Bread)
>>5685837 ————————————–——– Stand strong, Patriots. The UNITED STATES is WITH YOU Q+ (UK bread)
>>5685074 ————————————–——– "Server config change." (Cap: >>5688088)
>>5684336 rt >>5684297 ————————— Disregard spelling error. On the move.
>>5684297 ————————————–——– TO SUMMARIZE THIS WEEK: RE: [D’s] PREP TO STEAL 2020 ELECTIONS
>>5684025 rt >>5684007 ————————— Good movie.
>>5683938 ————————————–——– Clear history/cookies to bypass all PAYWALLS. Read FREE. (Cap: >>5688121)
>>5683707 rt >>5683675 ————————— "Class A" shares. Fun, nonetheless.
>>5683562 rt >>5683535 ————————— Do you see "CI A?"
>>5683496 ————————————–——– Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you. (Cap: >>5688189)
>>5682585 ————————————–——– NELLIE OHR = C_A? (Cap: >>5727719)
>>5682414 ————————————–——– What did we learn this week? (Cap: >>5686693)
>>5681798 ————————————–——– REMEMBER THIS IMPORTANT FACT
>>5681490 ————————————–——– Remember this important FACT (Cap: >>5686574)
>>5681131 rt >>5681048 ————————— AUTISTS SAVING THE WORLD
>>5681047 rt >>5680891 ————————— But, you already knew that from the drop
>>5680891 ————————————–——– PRESS CONF COMING?
>>5680490 ————————————–——– [RR] DEBRIEF COMPLETE
>>5680293 ————————————–——– A_TRAITOR'S_JUSTICE.png
>>5680288 rt >>5680242 ————————— Thank you for your service
>>5677755 ————————————–——– The End Is Near (Cap: >>5678032)
>>5677704 ————————————–——– Happy Hunting! (Cap: >>5678075)
Wednesday 03.13.2019
Compiled here: >>5703840
Tuesday 03.12.2019
Compiled here: >>5678083
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
5e5244 No.5741060
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5740423 Kansas DOT employee calls POTUS a delusional communist fr gov't account
>>5740355 Ford CEO Gets Raise tho 1000s Job Cuts & "Mediocre By Any Std" Yr
>>5740351 @NateCain twats a prayer for justice and peace
>>5740307, >>5740344 NCAA.com: March Madness Brackets are set
>>5740308, >>5740357, >>5740431, >>5740384 @8ch.net: no further comment re: incident
^^Baker change^^
>>5740300 Texas chemical fire. (Not Beto)
>>5740311 MS-13 Gang Members Stab 16-Year-Old 100 Times, Set Him on Fire
>>5740923 #7342
>>5740153 UAW wing of the Deep State continues to subvert POTUS.
>>5740039 New South Whales Popo are conducting raids of properties on the NSW mid-north coast in connection to the Christchurch terror attack.
>>5739750, >>5739852 Mossad behind NZ massacre?
>>5739764 Jewish lobbyists like the ADL are behind the disgraceful Amazon book bannings.
>>5739531 Trump retweets Twitter account with Q avatar.
>>5740222 #7341
>>5739432 No name sought the exit for a reason.
>>5739405 DJT Re-Tweet: Border Wall/Patrol effectiveness.
>>5739315 POTUS with the bantz.
>>5739219 Italy probes death of model who testified in Berlusconi sex trial.
>>5739171 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.
>>5739092 Do the White Hats have the DJT Tweet response algorithm?
>>5739027 South LA gas tank explosion injures 2.
>>5738988 Burgers contain rat and human DNA, study finds.
>>5738978 DJT Tweet: "Those Republican Senators who voted in favor of Strong Border Security..."
>>5738960 Iran Sentences an American Citizen, a Navy Veteran, to 10 Years in Prison.
>>5738926 Love Island’s” Mike Thalassitis was found hanged in a park on Saturday, police have confirmed.
>>5738909 Beto is cool: but not that cool.
>>5738886 Steinhoff committed $7.4 billion in fraud (at least). Here’s how.
>>5738847 Florida kindergarten teacher and boyfriend accused of making kiddie porn.
>>5738728, >>5738835 What happened in Spain? Re: NK Summit.
>>5738717 For The Fed, humiliation arrives at 2pm on Wednesday.
>>5739448 #7340
>>5738554 The Ides of March: Listing of Happenings in March
>>5738448 Japanese Defense Ministry to develop 1st domestic air-to-ship long-range cruise missile
>>5738326 First reported NZ arrest for distributing shooter's video
>>5738311 Group of pilots compiling 13-page guide on 737MAX did not mention Anti-Stall software
>>5738257 Edward Bolsonaro Rocking a Make Brazil Great Again
>>5738246 Since December, DHS Releases 84.5k border crossers into U.S.
>>5738227 Papadopoulos notified Mueller/FBI about Alexander Downer's spying
>>5738107 Catholic priest in Florida charged with drugging, raping woman
>>5738095 OH/CA/OR Unions Faces Class Action Suit over refusing to honor membership resignations
>>5738078, >>5738433 Dig on Leland Vittert, his background & family
>>5737984 Doug Collins at Bartiromo: Loretta Lynch has some explaining to do
>>5738269 #7339
>>5737668 Pompeo to continue Mid-East visit in Kuwait & Lebanon to roll back regional Iranian interests
>>5737640 Fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings reportedly has fled to Israel
>>5737578 When will Sweden wake up? One in three ISIS fighters returned to Sweden commit serious crimes
>>5737497 Israel's largest bank fined with $195mm for helping U.S. citizens evade taxes
>>5737425 Out of 258 burgers sampled, 2 had meat though vegetarian, 3 with rat DNA & one with human DNA
>>5737352 More arrests & seizure of Fentanyl in last week's BIA/DEA operation in Arizona
>>5737342 Teachers obligated to help illegals evade ICE, acc. to Portland's Guide from the School District
>>5737293, >>5737486 Dead model linked to Berlusconi sex parties may have been poisoned
>>5737229 New info ties Anti-Trump-Russia dossier to billionaire donor [George Soros]
>>5737211 Two former US soldiers apprehended at Shannon Airport (Ireland) for intrusion
>>5737202 New POTUS tweet mocking FoxNews anchors Shepard Smith, Arthel Neville, Leland Vittert
>>5737897 #7338
Previously Collected Notables
>>5735584 #7335, >>5736393 #7336, >>5737129 #7337
>>5733183 #7332, >>5734606 #7333, >>5734762 #7334
>>5731048 #7329, >>5731705 #7330, >>5732478 #7331
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
5e5244 No.5741068
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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5e5244 No.5741072
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* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
fc19e3 No.5741073
(I also posted VERY late last bread)
5e5244 No.5741076
baker requesting handoff
bca417 No.5741078
Think there is something in this
02fcbf No.5741079
What the Democrats have done in trying to steal a Presidential Election, first at the “ballot box” and then, after that failed, with the “Insurance Policy,” is the biggest Scandal in the history of our Country!
99ae70 No.5741083
POTUS is rounding 3rd base!
c68f13 No.5741085
>>5740938 (lb)
strength and honor.
dfef04 No.5741086
>>5740976 lb
So, "Sheep no more" doesn't apply to you, I guess.
Verify everything.
You are exactly the kind of idiot who votes for asshole that get us into the shit we're in now … and you continue to be a dupe, this time to an anonymous 8chan poster.
What a fucking moron you are..
b71cea No.5741087
Happy St. Patricks Day, Q.
514c6f No.5741089
>>5741061 (lb)
He's on da board, right now!
faf747 No.5741090
baker, today´s Q posts have wrong order.
latest on TOP.
ac9dfd No.5741092
>>5741046 lb new DJT
D P E "ballot box" "IP" SC
579f12 No.5741093
I started lagging real bad in the lb.
b22408 No.5741094
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5741076
handoff confirmed
thanks for the bake fam
c68f13 No.5741095
hang in there baker.
(our bakers rock)
3be77d No.5741100
ba3040 No.5741101
>>5740527 lb
What is the penalties for aiding the enemy of the people anyway. I don’t know if these guys will get charged after the DS is defeated and power returned to the people but I sure hope so. These guys make me wanna puke
2ac05f No.5741103
>>5741069 (/pb)
rogered anon, god bless!
482d69 No.5741104
this will affect, and will effect your children's ability to live in freedom. Happy, is offensive to what will happen…
b67c68 No.5741105
Oh, sorry. Did I paste that out loud?
69bdd7 No.5741107
Excellent Job Baker!
c5cbcf No.5741108
Emotionalism: How the Human Herds are Controlled
Even those who think theyre not brainwashed, probably are
FYI i didnt write it, nor do i get anything from it. its just a good book
c3dc8a No.5741111
Awesome. But you shit the bread.
087402 No.5741114
Message to?
MSM - When will one of them ask the obvious Q?
Are they that afraid to ask it? Knowing what the true answer might be?
70bf9e No.5741115
3a8295 No.5741116
>>5740483 lb
How will they reconcile this patriotanon. Will they say POTUS follows Q, us and our crazy conspiracies about POTUS locking Obama and Hillary up? What will they say now? KEK
5e5244 No.5741117
Thanks bakerfren
I'll stick around to help if boss keeps a'postin'
f393d0 No.5741118
It is the end of Eides of March .. day T-2
And 3 days before Spring Equinox.
915eb8 No.5741119
Honored, Q. I've never witnessed anything like this in my life. God speed.
ba3040 No.5741123
b22408 No.5741124
what do you think anons?
give a you in notables for a bread shit or slap slap tsk tsk
and give it to
;) anons make the call
688281 No.5741126
Holy cannoli this day is historic!
8a83df No.5741128
POTUS RT storm was to provide cover for RT of anon w/ Q avatar.
9c6687 No.5741130
President Trump, Q
I support you all to the death.
Please save our country! I love the United States and what we stand for you. I stand with you!
aaed04 No.5741131
Ok based on this graphic here are some upcoming events we can look forward to the "placeholders" THE PAIN!!!
the gavel to start legal proceedings
Starting at the top left and going down I see Civilian and non civilian indictments
I see SCOTUS challenges regarding trying the traitors as Non civilian as in military tribunals
Not sure branch termination and leaks
then acts of treason and foreign acts
Then down the right side I see the five eyes illegal spying made public And the fisa abuses made public
Declassification public special counsel public (maybe why lindsey Graham asked for one the other day)
Then I see eight OIG reports
Covering FBI doj media collusion executive branch ABC (POTUS VP, cabinet) media collusion
Foreign assets Fisa abuse Umbrella spying and targeting
And OTR not sure maybe 'other'
And then I see a flag that says freedom and justice
The real 'fun'
starts soon.
This is military planning at it's finest
We're gonna need a lot more popcorn…
d96660 No.5741132
Awesome you wasted the digits !
c68f13 No.5741134
and just happened to be there.
d4be4a No.5741135
I made it for the OOmmph, not the prooomph!
806468 No.5741136
It's shit like this that pisses people off.
Global threat of white nationalism?
Fucking cunt
bf410d No.5741138
"send in watchers"? Hmm…curious.
bfd993 No.5741139
FINALLY election fraud time?
"ballot Box"
dabe9a No.5741140
Arrest the creature.
a12a92 No.5741142
Thanks for all you do Q/Q+
We know you guys take a ton of shit on the daily.
As long as you fight the good fight (as I'm sure you know what that means) then WRWY as well.
62b977 No.5741144
Q, stop the MSM and start the National News Network. MSM is the only thing keeping the people asleep
01ad73 No.5741146
>>5740846 (lb)
I think 'Q' is asking us to find it on twitter and retweet it as many times as we can.
02e821 No.5741147
7e34a3 No.5741148
What's the latest on the voter fraud in Cali?
It was coming in hot the other day
ba4da9 No.5741149
>>5740802 [Q PB]
>Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?
>March (17) - message to?
'Plausible deniability' is helping Posobiec sell books with a RT by POTUS regarding a mutilated child?
Why does POTUS need 'plausible deniability' if he will answer the Q question affirmatively?
e9e537 No.5741150
633b20 No.5741151
What happened to FRIDAY…!!!
8fcc3d No.5741152
We may just be entering the warm up..
ffae16 No.5741153
2e3b9d No.5741155
And Hillary is behind it all.
b370fe No.5741156
Notable but premature post sign of excitement and inexperience?
6ad3d1 No.5741157
Looks like Janet Reno in her prime.
741c9c No.5741158
So, we probably just lost all the app linkers until Q posts again…kek
d779b8 No.5741159
Chek'em faggots Quads confirm other anons always shitting up the bread.
772696 No.5741160
688281 No.5741161
02fcbf No.5741162
Glad i waited!
Breads gonna fly by with Q here!
26e6aa No.5741163
fc19e3 No.5741164
I'm guilty. That was stupid. And I waited for what I THOUGHT I was waiting for… brain fart. My bad. Sorry all.
a1e9cd No.5741166
Snakes everywhere.
534848 No.5741167
Forcing the Q?
If you bake it, he will crumb
8fcc3d No.5741168
Great, but slow down Satan.
2e3b9d No.5741170
Isn`t Hillary an Irish name?
b71cea No.5741171
Yes, saw that Q in the corner! I'm sure the fake news media will lose it even more now.
Question is, will anyone dare to ask POTUS about Q??
038bc7 No.5741173
gloves are comin' off!
3881fe No.5741175
Q offers us a way to counteract the MSM narrative that's designed to keep people emotionally triggered. Pics related.
192ba3 No.5741176
Anons, if you cite Trump's Q tweet on your tax return, you'll be eligible for the /qresearch/ middle class tax cut
a95e27 No.5741177
May perp walks and electric chairs be in our VERY NEAR FUTURE
d3e78c No.5741178
The Bubble-Headed-Bleach-Blond who comes on at 5….
6674be No.5741180
Paris Jackson's tweet about Oprah hours before TMZ ran a false story about a suicide attempt.
She has no security it seems. Just her weedy bf and the paps. Hope she doesn't own any red scarves…
9dfd69 No.5741181
Potus last tweet: Could election fraud reveal be coming our way?
9ca270 No.5741182
Happy saint patrick's day to the great people on Q team + anons and autists hope you guys all ate like kings with family and friends.
dabe9a No.5741184
No. It means " favorite cunt" in Luciferian.
2b6b25 No.5741185
84c7d7 No.5741186
>>5741005 (lb)
Nick has some bad ass content.
e58bf3 No.5741187
ea95d5 No.5741188
>>5740993 /lb
You only have to look at where he gives his opinions - he's in w/the deep state MSM scum.
2e2f18 No.5741189
b45d81 No.5741190
Christchurch mosque shootings: Brenton Tarrant sacks lawyer, will represent himself in court
18 Mar, 2019 11:40am
5 minutes to read
The death toll has risen by one – 50 now confirmed dead… 34 in hospital 12 in critical condition – one of them four-year-old girl Alin Alsati. Bodies are now being returned to families.
By: Derek Cheng
Accused mosque gunman Brenton Tarrant has dismissed his lawyer and plans to represent himself in court - raising concerns he could attempt to turn a trial into a platform for his beliefs.
The duty lawyer who represented Tarrant in court on Saturday confirmed to the Herald today that he was no longer acting for him.
Richard Peters said Tarrant appeared to be lucid and was not mentally unstable – other than the extreme views that he held.
Peters said that his job representing Tarrant ceased on Saturday - and that the accused gunman had told him he wanted to represent himself in future.
This raises the prospect of Tarrant conducting his own defence at trial and using the high-profile prosecution to promote his beliefs, which were detailed in a manifesto before Friday's shootings.
"What did seem apparent to me is he seemed quite clear and lucid, whereas this may seem like very irrational behavior," Peters said.
"He didn't appear to me to be facing any challenges or mental impairment, other than holding fairly extreme views."
Tarrant is facing one charge of murder, but is likely to face more. He was remanded in custody to appear in the High Court on April 5, and did not apply for bail or name suppression.
Brenton Tarrant is lead into the dock for his appearance in the Christchurch District Court. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Brenton Tarrant is lead into the dock for his appearance in the Christchurch District Court. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Peters said that Tarrant had not displayed any condolences or regret, but "our discussion didn't touch on that".
He said Tarrant may want to use the trial to amplify his views, and it would be up to the trial judge to deal with that.
99ae70 No.5741192
Oh shit, (((THEY))) WARNED HER
507675 No.5741193
ThanQ for your service baker.
64a4e0 No.5741194
Please update 5740605 to show rt aswell
>>>5740605 rt >>5739531———————————–——– What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
f4f218 No.5741195
More like, POTUS was retweeting like crazy all weekend so that the "Q" retweet would not be a standout. Plausible deniability–just one RT of many.
c482ab No.5741196
Did you get a new hat made up Anon??? Improvements I see!! ;-)
482d69 No.5741197
Brennan will die a horrible death because he failed his master. there is no prayer for him, or his family, that will ease that burden.
a913fb No.5741198
Just as there is 4-6% that cant open their eyes, and the 35% stuck to them by their unfounded sensibilities.
(WE) are the 4-6% that cant help buy open our eyes, and we will carry the rest of the 100.
Thank You, Q
Not Alone…
7bedd0 No.5741199
awesome, isn't it?
688281 No.5741201
That would be dope!
18fe2a No.5741202
Another example of concern fagging (pathetic shill cock suck even admits to it, as if we didn't already know!)-
1d30e9 No.5741204
2abb30 No.5741205
now that's a cool hat anon!
192ba3 No.5741207
Did Amazon's $0.00 tax liability trigger you?
bca417 No.5741208
This is contained inside the declaration of independence for Free Joseon in NK this came out 28 Feb 19
We will not permit still another generation of our beloved children to be born into darkness.
Joseon must and shall be free. Arise! Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!
2e3b9d No.5741209
St Patrick drove out the snakes.
d779b8 No.5741211
>>5740802 pb
>>5740861 pb
Great work Patriot. God Bless.
09a208 No.5741212
This is it fags. This pic will force the Q!
6ad3d1 No.5741213
Awesome hat!!!
Secondly… you are pushing the boundaries of "one size fits all" …
You have a huge noggin', Anon! Kek!
26e6aa No.5741214
Trump Just Tweeted Trolling Is fun.
“Insurance Policy,”
f58952 No.5741215
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
665c01 No.5741216
f58952 No.5741219
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
b22408 No.5741220
#7342 posted in 7343
>>5740423 Kansas DOT employee calls POTUS a delusional communist fr gov't account
>>5740355 Ford CEO Gets Raise tho 1000s Job Cuts & "Mediocre By Any Std" Yr
>>5740351 @NateCain twats a prayer for justice and peace
>>5740307, >>5740344 NCAA.com: March Madness Brackets are set
>>5740308, >>5740357, >>5740431, >>5740384 @8ch.net: no further comment re: incident
^^Baker change^^
>>5740300 Texas chemical fire. (Not Beto)
>>5740311 MS-13 Gang Members Stab 16-Year-Old 100 Times, Set Him on Fire
>>5741047, >>5741046 New DJT - insurance policy
gave the new DJT to PB
3a8295 No.5741222
POTUS is exhausting them!
Good job POTUS! kek https://twitter.com/andylassner/status/1107422053454381056?s=21
70bf9e No.5741223
Tell POTUS happy St. Patrick's from us Patriots please.
fcfdc1 No.5741224
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Three days ago, the corrupt in Congress once again sold out the American people with the vote re: border security and the national emergency.
I am a DACA and I have made a video exposing how broken/corrupt the immigration system is. In the video I also expose a sharia law Muslim group already well established in America. The video is 40 minutes long. The expose of the Sharia law Muslim group starts at 25:39.
If I fall, know that it has been an honor to serve with you Anons. I have given Q what they need for 2020.
I have made a Twitter account @FightForAmerica if you would like to share my video on social media. WWG1WGA
b2f22d No.5741225
maybe Jeanine can ask…
ed096d No.5741227
>>5740866 (lb)
What's to be done than keeping on what we had been doing anyways: dig, meme & pray (and post).
Given what's going on in the outside world, I wouldn't be too surprised if even this countdown/range was just another "climax" to prepare the "normie world".
If anyone would ask my opinion, "normies" need a couple of more of those, still …
God wins, that's for sure.
f58952 No.5741228
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Protocols of the Elders of Zion
806468 No.5741229
I think we've had enough revealed to finally start acting on the information.
The majority of the country knows how corrupt our government has been.
Time to act.
cd8796 No.5741230
Top-Ranking Baker Girl
e9ecb2 No.5741231
>>5740073 (pb)
>>5740137 (pb)
>>5740164 (pb)
c1fe98 No.5741234
just watching his follower count skyrocket.
dca343 No.5741235
A solid decade of Muslim terror attacks, hand in hand with relentless campaign by Hollywood of unfair profiling coupled with "Anti white Xenophobes/Islamaphobia"
Now, attack by white dude against Muslims. Hand in hand with "Evil white Nationalists"
We're fucked. It's game over…
772696 No.5741236
Always filter this shill
e40310 No.5741237
OH yeah! (new hat for power during and after chemo!)
We win!
beff7f No.5741238
>>5740802 [pb]
>Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?
Why is deniability necessary at this juncture?
Lets Party.
9d9d45 No.5741240
WE THE PEOPLE will never again give ground to those who would sell us out the highest global bidder.
God bless you Q, Q Team, and the United States of America.
f58952 No.5741241
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5741239
"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
6ad3d1 No.5741243
Yeah.."Insurance policy" aka "remove" POTUS… These people are sick. I can't see how death penalties across the board are handed out to (((them))) all.
c482ab No.5741245
Kek.. I could see that happening… Jeanine's not skerred of nuttin!! She'd ask! KEK
a8df0f No.5741246
Thank you anon from this IrishAnon.
And remember, 'everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day!'
2fe1c2 No.5741247
Insurance Policy
b22408 No.5741248
will update naow
3ec315 No.5741252
I say give it to #2. On occasion BO will clean
the shit out of the bread. Don't want a dead
2e3b9d No.5741253
The Happening starts TODAY!
dca343 No.5741254
Really think they even noticed the 'Q" avatar before it was retweeted?
c1fe98 No.5741255
Mulvaney on Fox today - said '15 dead' not 50…. am thinking it is a message and not a slipup.
7bedd0 No.5741257
that is what I am thinking. It is out there now that he retweeting it about her.
Would be perfect opening to ask the Question.
e9e537 No.5741258
Ooo tell me more anon!
28fc54 No.5741260
If we had an honest press corps it would.
MSM is not about finding and revealing truth.
They are only concerned with obfuscation and propaganda.
b41a6f No.5741262
America's sweetheart is FLOTUS Melania.
e40310 No.5741263
That's fresh off the machine there, I'm a couple clicks down from that. Still a big noodle.
b370fe No.5741264
>>5741180 Paris Jackson's tweet about Oprah hours before TMZ ran a false story about a suicide attempt.
677014 No.5741265
Last two years..massive tax bill.
This year, massive refund,
Thanks Q+
a6ff9b No.5741267
Is the NZ shooter C_A or MOS?
9de9dd No.5741268
>>5740605 pb
How much more obvious can you make it?
Other than the obvious POTUS just confirms Q have him wear a pair of “Q” cuff links.
99ae70 No.5741269
I would tend to think so. Then moments like today happen, and I get all comvfee accepting the pace.
dabe9a No.5741270
Yes it is. Arrest Creature 1 and Creature 2.
5638fc No.5741271
>>5740802 ob
March 17 = Qday Potus is calling us out!!!
Who will ask the question?
ebbd80 No.5741273
With all the new NEWS about No Name.
I came up with a graphic titled: "No Name's Escape & "Health Cover" For His Treason".
Share this with your normies who still believe No Name was a hero.
And thanks Q and Trump for saving the world. We are ALWAYS behind you 100%. WWG1WGA!
b22408 No.5741274
Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 03.17.2019
>>5740846 rt >>5740813 ————————— WRWY!!!
>>5740802 rt >>5740687 ————————— Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability? March (17) - message to?
>>5740605 ————————————–——– What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
99ae70 No.5741275
92ec53 No.5741276
The enemies of We the People are NETWORKS
b5d313 No.5741277
ac9dfd No.5741278
and Spring is new beginning.. when green things grow. exciting.
9dfd69 No.5741279
Hillary kind of failed her master as well… what's in store for her?
26e6aa No.5741280
62b977 No.5741281
cool, you put a maga shirt on a blow up doll "for the carpool lane"
45de2d No.5741283
Method to the madness Anon.
Cat meets laser pointer.
cc0460 No.5741284
b22408 No.5741285
b370fe No.5741286
Means smells like boiled cabbage and urine.
3881fe No.5741288
Are you kidding, newanon?
EVERYthing they do is planned and purposeful. Down to the second.
677014 No.5741290
If RR is dirty so is muelhead.
If mulhead is dirty so is RR.
Two sides, same coin.
087402 No.5741291
Aw man I want one!
753e83 No.5741293
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. "Wilfred, a CIA whistle blower, claims to be in possession of evidence and testimony against Bill and Hillary Clinton that could have significant influence on New Zealand foreign policy. Wilfred says the setting up of the Clinton Foundation occurred at the same time a CIA cartel opened a multi-billion dollar stream of covert funding.
Charles Ortel, an investigative journalist specializing in financial fraud, has been investigating the Clintons and their Foundation for the past several years.
For Ortel, Harmon Wilfred’s knowledge of the ‘coincidental’ setting up of the Clinton Foundation at the same time a CIA/Clinton cartel opened must be fully investigated.
Jason Goodman hosted a YouTube interview “Lord of the Crime Rings” with Ortel interviewing Wilfred.
The facts presented in the video may prove embarrassing for New Zealand. This broadcast might prompt the NZ media and government to investigate.
His more sensitive evidence cannot be publicly released due to national security, he says.
WIlfred claims that President Trump is the only person in the US government to whom he will trust to release the rest of his evidence… in person."
"In the period from 1994 through 1998 while under contract with certain agencies including the CIA and indirectly, the Office of the President of the United States, I discovered massive fraud and embezzlement via high level political corruption against US citizens involving billions of dollars at multiple levels of government. My efforts to expose this political corruption and criminal activity resulted in political retribution which caused unbelievable hardship for me, my children and my business.
3d493e No.5741295
482d69 No.5741297
soon, freedom will allow us to meet the shills..to meet those that believe so strongly, to discuss why they think such as to be a shill.
ac9dfd No.5741298
is that the barbie chick or..
dabe9a No.5741299
Her soul will be voided. And the Universe will fucking rejoice.
3be77d No.5741301
Will keep you in my prayers Anon!
915eb8 No.5741303
It's unreal, anon.
2e3b9d No.5741304
Just like a carnie.
facd77 No.5741305
They're throwing rocks and sticks on the tracks, but there's no slowing down this train.
cd8796 No.5741306
Build the wall. Lock /them/ up. Purge the voting rolls/machines.
That’s what Trump needs to do ftw.
2b6b25 No.5741308
cc89fa No.5741310
We love you Mr President and team!
99ae70 No.5741312
Fuck me… Do dolls come prefab with tattoos? Fingers
34e165 No.5741313
Trump retwats Psobietic…"it's over"
Trump retwats Q patriot…" IT'S ON!"
b370fe No.5741314
>>5741190 Christchurch mosque shootings: Brenton Tarrant sacks lawyer, will represent himself in court
482d69 No.5741315
caa876 No.5741317
Obvious but not too obvious. Perps are probably freaking out too. Not just anons!
8e4fe4 No.5741320
That is the point who will ask the Q
e58bf3 No.5741321
Excellent graphic -
'seconds matter!'
Mathematically impossible.
'Plausible Deniability'
3aa425 No.5741323
Anons please like and retweet if you would like the comments of the top conservatives that are posting on POTUS Tweets it will keep them at top. Team work!
380fcc No.5741324
>>5738318 lb
Might as well be a man as unappetizing as it is.
f87e71 No.5741325
>>5741071 (lb)
>End of Eides
Yeah, that's pretty dark.
Thanks for reminding us Debbie.
b342f0 No.5741327
This is the most powerful person in the world. Everything he says and does is calculated and has a specific purpose. Everything.
1d869b No.5741328
>>5739532 ( prev )
Do you have a cat?
138d6e No.5741329
Can POTUS retweet 2 more for a total 17 retweets today?
That would be 17 retweets on the 17th with one being a Q account.
That would be a nice proof!
5e5244 No.5741330
Baker, here are Q drops in the correct order
Sunday 03.17.2019
>>5740846 rt >>5740813 ————————— WRWY!!!
>>5740802 rt >>5740687 ————————— Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability? March (17) - message to?
>>5740605 ————————————–——– What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
Ty anon, I was scramblin' at the end.
>>5741125, >>5741082, >>5741097, >>5741107, >>5741193, >>5741088, >>5741121
Ty anons
28f231 No.5741333
3af9f4 No.5741334
Q. How does a peaceful transition co-exist with this?
b22408 No.5741336
you got your you fam
i gave it to last breads posts
cd8796 No.5741338
Don’t forget “faggot.”
ba4da9 No.5741339
>maybe Jeanine can ask…
I have known @JudgeJeanine for nearly 30 years.
She is an amazing person and talent.
This is nothing more than manufactured outrage intended to silence conservative voice.
Frankly it’s very sad.
We #StandWithJeanine @JudgeJeanine
beff7f No.5741340
for sure for sure… im just ready for him to embrace Q with open arms… instead of needing "plausible deniability"
f1489f No.5741341
I'm going to pay close attention to POTUS tweets today.
bfd993 No.5741343
I wonder if this is why CNN closed their comment section below their articles. I thought it was because I trolled the fuck out of them non stop but maybe it wasn't me after all.
b22408 No.5741344
you will see it next bake
7af2f4 No.5741345
OK : I know who can, someone who was humilated and made to seem maybe a fraud, who maybe is partly redeemed, though perhaps was comped, before . . .
drum roll please . . .
his picture shows up in one of the other retweets.
192ba3 No.5741349
Trump will retweet a Q account when we officially invade Venezuela so that you will know it's part of MAGA
e1713e No.5741350
Welcome back Q … just a IrishAnon hoping that POTUS had more than polite conversation with our un-elected, self-appointed, globalist "leader," Varadkar. We losing more of our country day by day. First America, then the world … still the plan?
482d69 No.5741351
c482ab No.5741352
God Bless Anon!! I will pray for your recovery!! Great hat!
806468 No.5741353
Not me. Just the opposite.
Trump and Q have got to know that their strategy to have the deep state expose themselves and look insane to the normal public is having a similar effect on those of us expecting them to actually do something about it.
Q has mentioned arrests last may i believe, now he has mentioned indictments.
He never says who or when exactly, so there is his out.
Would be nice to see. End the game.
d779b8 No.5741354
That freak pushing islamophobia garbage looks like a chick with a dick. Wtf anons these freaks are all over the place. Mockery
d3e78c No.5741355
He can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in his eye…
12101b No.5741356
Q, israeli patriots are in a dire spot. The israeli deep state showed today that it still holds the power in the country. We can only hope that it is the beginning of the end for their reign. People are finally waking up and calling out those who see them as sheep.
You have prayers and full support, much more than you know. WWG1WGA!
Time to make our world great again.
beff7f No.5741357
I think Don Henley fucked kids too :(
facd77 No.5741362
c472a6 No.5741363
Why is Ardern wearing a hijab?
3d8609 No.5741364
St. Patrick drained the bog of snakes.
Do it, Q!
d9a3c5 No.5741365
Hospicehubsanon still hanging in there. People coming over to celebrate his 43 years of sobriety. Letters and sponsees from all over the east coast are coming. The Plan to Save the World will be played. His attempt to red pill those who he helped get sober to see some more truth…
f9f94f No.5741366
Gotta love plausible deniability ! Ty clowns in usa
b370fe No.5741368
>>5741209 St Patrick drove out the snakes.
>>5741180 The day before her alleged suicide attempt, Paris Jackson agreed with a Twitter follower who called Oprah a "snake"
b71cea No.5741369
Ready for the BOOM.
47c699 No.5741370
get bent, fuckface
700163 No.5741371
Steele must've gotten lessons from Pelosi…
74d8ef No.5741372
How about we have enough twatter proofs…restoring justice and one of these traitors being held accountable would be a nice proof
5a908d No.5741373
>>5740802 pb
March 17 = Qday Potus is calling us out!!!
Who will ask the question?
should we all go to his twitter and start asking?
0095ff No.5741374
So close you can see it coming…
Can't wait to see these evil heads roll….
3aa425 No.5741376
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 38e3f1 No.5244213 📁
Feb 18 2019 13:06:26 (EST)
Attempt to isolate @ FBI/DOJ?
Do you believe the FBI/DOJ acted alone?
If HRC directed & financed the 'dossier' in order to obtain the 'bulk' so-called evidence in order to generate circular news articles (think Yahoo!) and obtain a FISC sign-off, is it reasonable to think that members of the INTEL APPARATUS, STATE DEPT, WH, FOREIGN ALLIES, ETC. were also involved?
Why does HUSSEIN continue to 'proudly' state his administration was 'scandal free'?
Define 'Projection'.
087402 No.5741377
Mmm. Quality of the stitching is, not so.
1d869b No.5741379
Weeeeeeeeee! Happy St. Patrick’s Day Sunday Q!
c482ab No.5741380
Ahhh…. we will let God serve up that plate of Justice…
b342f0 No.5741382
Last fren, last. It’s coming. Stand strong and fight.
e58bf3 No.5741383
84c7d7 No.5741384
Man arrested for starting shit in Trump’s Hotel.
Chicago Tribune prints the dudes address.
d9715b No.5741385
They thought it was coming yesterday?
b78bbb No.5741390
u forgot the rt for 5740605
>>5740605 rt >>5739531 ——————–——– What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
11aa6e No.5741391
This is huge.
a8df0f No.5741393
8129bd No.5741394
They notice everything. No coincidences.
e40310 No.5741395
True. Not perfect, but perfect for me.
6ad3d1 No.5741397
The "strikes" happen behind the scenes and the guilty are forced to act in an elaborate performance/movie as to not scare or alarm the public. The vastness of these crimes exceeds the current psychological maximum stress levels. The information will come out.. but only at the pace The Team has determined "safe" for normies to digest…its basically up to the normies as to how fast The Team will go, I believe.
We are watching a movie, Anon.
449ef8 No.5741398
Man Arrested for Distributing New Zealand Mosque Attack Video Online
A 22-year-old from New Zealand has been arrested and charged in connection with circulating a graphic video of the mass shootings that took place at two mosques in Christchurch on Friday.
They don`t want the people to find out is a FF attack by the C_A deep state.
7224e0 No.5741399
b578dc No.5741400
The calm before the storm. Trump has been talking a lot about McCain (No Name).
The Perfect Storm film is based on a storm in 1991 known as "The No-Name Storm"
35815d No.5741402
All I get from reading this is that Terry Crews got out of his comfort zone and tried something new (get ass fucked by an old white Mason's). That led to a whole new world of opportunities for him. "You might get hurt, in fact you will get hurt" (It hurts to get gang raped by a bunch of old men) but amazingly after your anus is stitched up and you heal you will receive fame and fortune. Very inspirational. Kek
5638fc No.5741403
You know your really loved when they bring jack rabbits.
677014 No.5741404
NZ was about a gun grab.
When shit hits the fan, cabal will flee there.
They know kiwi citizens will be pissed, trying to secure their E&E route.
cd8796 No.5741405
Love this image.
98a25c No.5741406
What's with all the cat people? I don't trust cat people. Too finicky.
b71cea No.5741407
34e165 No.5741409
16d23d No.5741410
it's a meme, taking a shot at the way libtards see the world… ya dummy.
1efdb0 No.5741411
>>5740453 (lb)
The Keystone is LIGHT, aka the Son
3334da No.5741412
>>5741267 "Think days" anon.here's some light reading to passs the time. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/03/17/new-zealand-the-unraveling-of-a-israeli-mass-murder/
7d3e29 No.5741413
Anons, if you want to see and understand a BRUTAL trolling of the fake news media, keep reading.
To understand the new info and links, you'll need to grasp some background. I have been pushing the view that DJT has definitively ID'd Michael Anton as Q (or at least as the public face of Q), and that DJT will put out a meme showing Anton cooking, with the words "Let's Roll", and that this will be a cue to activate all Anons. My last comprehensive writeup of this is here. This is a summary with links supporting each subsection:
>>5568068 (pb)
I would write that somewhat differently now, and there might be mistakes (at least once I mistakenly call a drop a tweet), and there is now more evidence, but I don't plan to revise that now. Thanks to Anons who have contributed evidence. The two lines of objection that I've seen are: 1) that we should not dox Q. But if you fully read what I say, it becomes clear that DJT has provided the signal for Anons, at least, to ID Q. And 2) that the "I SEE a FROG" baker did not really have a frog or that the events of 9/11 did not really happen according to the official story. But even if these things are true, they DO NOT MATTER for the reasoning presented.
Here is a recap of some key dates in the Q rollout as I see it:
10 Feb 2019 : DJT retweets an image of a panther and cheetah lounging together: https://twitter.com/planetepics/status/1094672439202758656
This is POTUS and Q at rest and playing.
11 Feb 2019: Anton appears on Tucker to promote his book, while Trump's Q-proof heavy El Paso rally begins on the side. The "side by side" appearance is an established sort of Q proof, although this one only really gains meaning from the upcoming tweet.
14 Feb 2019: DJT tweets Anton's 17 word book title, and it turns out there is a clue on page 17 of the book that answers back.
This stuff is discussed in greater detail at the link.
The crucial thing to note right now are that the 11 Feb and 14 Feb moves were the crucial moves. But BOTH OF THESE HAVE NOW BEEN MIRRORED.
Let's begin by noting that on 17 Mar 2019 (today), DJT put out a three-part tweet culminating with a tweet urging that we "keep fighting for Tucker." (And he has another tweet attacking fake conservatives on Fox News.) If we look closely, we see that Anton has himself put out articles "fighting for Tucker" on both 11 Mar and 14 Mar 2019, each date having a one month delta with the two crucial dates in February.
11 Mar (1 month from 11 Feb side-by-side)
First, note that Anton mentions in the article itself that it is a preview to another piece on Tucker. (HINT: 14 Mar)
Second, note that Anton describes Tucker's 2 Jan 2019 monologue in a way that indirectly references his own "Flight 93" essay, calling the monologue "the most searing indictment against a failed ruling class since Thomas Paine's Common Sense". But the editor of the Claremont Review of Books, which first published the essay, said pretty much the same thing about it, and this fact was repeated in many publications. Anton's use of this phrase in describing Tucker is thus a sign that he is speaking in coded language, since many who know the essay will catch the reference.
Third and fourth, I'll simply note the two graphics provided. To the typical reader, it seems like Anton is just using rather lurid metaphors. But Anons from Qresearch may catch additional meaning.
But really this article is mainly a setup for the next. Since I need more images I'll continue in a comment.
d779b8 No.5741415
Showing muslims she is in Dhimmi servitude to them. Sick traitorous fucks.
4a5f92 No.5741416
By retweeting someone with a Q for a profile…
Did GEOTUS "force the Q"?
a913fb No.5741417
Consider milking the NZ attack in MSM
do it!
=Fault line
Hey, Add timer for DeClas while you are at it!
Precedent set with Huber now; Up and at 'em
St George Defense/Slay Dragon
(Move the King)
ef7677 No.5741418
Will POTUS twat force the Q question?
f87e71 No.5741419
Noice to see my finger point has been acquired and reused.
Keep it comfy, anon
Have one that I acquired.
136254 No.5741420
Q, push the issue. Make MSM ask the Q… You may just be welcomely surprised by the resilience of your fellow man. WRWY
2aa21a No.5741422
I'm impressed as hell with this woman.
This is a special place, Anons. Happy Paddy's day. Hell….surely Trump can find a better job for this firecracker legal eagle.
bfd993 No.5741424
Sad that you have to carry your gun around in your home even because of animals in our country like this.
f2d2a4 No.5741425
Whitehats are accessing our collective hivemind. Too many coincidences now. I remember Dilley got off the Q bandwagon briefly because he kept recognizing his own words in Q posts.
Same thing is happening to me. When I redpill friends via email, POTUS or Q drop something very similar shortly after. It's a strange feeling. Connected consciousness.
7bedd0 No.5741426
My grandfather, who I loved SOOOO much, was born 3/19 and his name was Patrick. VERY IRISH. He liked to preted his bday was 3/17.
God rest his soul, I miss him so much.
He would be LOVING all of this right now. I just know it. So happy birthday Poppa. We love and miss you forever!
192ba3 No.5741427
The sun daily shines light where there once was darkness
981a93 No.5741428
New Colorado law will give state's electoral college votes to national popular vote winner
Colorado could be part of voting history next general election day, joining 11 other states looking to ensure that their electoral college votes echo the will of the American majority to elect the next president.
Gov. Jared Polis signed a law Friday that would allot the state's electoral college votes to whichever candidate won the national popular vote. The Washington Post previously reported the law's signing.
The trend comes as Americans have shown greater support in recent years for a more democratic presidential election process, without the translational risks of the electoral college. But the daunting requirement of changing the Constitution, where the electoral college is formally codified, has posed a challenge to both public and political support for the issue.
The state's legislation would only take effect if enough other states sign on to secure the cumulative 270 electors needed to elect a president, and Colorado's votes raise the current total to 181 electors. Most states have winner-take-all laws in place dictating that their electors go towards whichever candidate takes the state's popular majority, while Maine and Nebraska opt to proportionally split their electors based on the vote.
The eleven other states that have signed on – California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington state – as well as the District of Columbia and now Colorado, make up the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. New Mexico, which has five electoral votes, sent a bill to the governor's desk to elect the president by popular vote and may soon join the group as well.
And the electoral college had been contentious not long ago. In 2016, President Donald Trump won the presidential vote with 306 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton's 232 votes. But Clinton won the popular vote, garnering 48.5 percent of the vote to Trump's 46.4 percent.
663072 No.5741429
Devildogs love a good hunt
d860a0 No.5741430
DJT does nothing random homey. Nothing.
e9c423 No.5741432
All the women in that pic are.
c3dc8a No.5741433
Those NZ cucks will fold just like AUS did, I'm betting… barring the intervention of an unlikely rapid truth injection.
80235e No.5741434
Cats are independent and Don't give a Fuck What you think. Kina LIke ANONS….Try to keep up
01ad73 No.5741435
Are we ready for this yet???
Trump Destroys the Deep State
e812a7 No.5741436
Most recent POTUS Tweet
A WW broadcast for what is about to come.
Buckle up Anons.
eaec3d No.5741438
>By retweeting someone with a Q for a profile…Did GEOTUS "force the Q"?
I don't think fake news will ever ask the question
He is just trolling them with their gutlessness.
3e91b5 No.5741439
b5d313 No.5741440
3af9f4 No.5741441
Normies don't give a fuck. I'm 3000 hours in. They don't care.
0e6265 No.5741444
Well, as of the time you posted, it was the exact minute of the end of the Sabbath, the day before second Passover, two days before Purim Katan, and three days before Purim. L'chaim. 🇺🇸
80b80a No.5741445
1d869b No.5741446
Q, Are They Going To Take 8chan Away From Us???
fc19e3 No.5741447
It really is a bold tweet. I keep re-reading it and halve to remind myself that the President is actually making this statement publicly, in writing. It's NO SMALL CLAIM!
d3e78c No.5741448
It's interesting when people die -
Give us dirty laundry
(Don Henley)
d860a0 No.5741449
Yo. Motherfucker.
Not everyone who is sick of you gobbling the bread is a fucking kike.
You are the one who is a kike.
7d3e29 No.5741450
(continued from above)
14 Mar (1 month delta from DJT-Anton 17 tweet):
Anton has a second pro-Tucker article:
But it really attacks an anti-Tucker article from WaPo from 13 Mar:
The WaPo article is ostensibly a profile of an "independent researcher" who has proved crucial in "taking down" Tucker. But if you read it and the Anton article together, especially with full awareness that Anton is at the very least a central member of Q Team, it is BRUTAL.
But let's look at some of the internal signs.
Look at how Anton responds to the mention of the cats and dogs: Awww!
This recalls the 10 Feb 2019 retweet of the two dangerous cats looking playful. And note that DJT has a "soooo" in his 3-part 15 Mar tweet that matches the "soooo" in the retweet. They are now simply toying with the enemy before the final strike.
Now look at the link on the words "loosely educated" in Anton's article. The link takes us to a page of a seemingly random book on Google Books, Churchill: Walking with Destiny. That seems odd. Is it normal to provide a link for a seemingly random phrase? Is it normal to provide a link into the middle of a book, with no explanation? Of course not. It is just another multi-faceted stroke of genius from Q.
Let's step back. Anton is using the term "loosely educated" to describe the "researcher" who has spent "many Carlson-watching hours" and concludes that he is a "mouthpiece for white supremacy".
First, this strange "book reference" recalls the implicit reference to page 17 of Anton's book that DJT's 14 Feb tweet gives. Understanding THAT reference requires assembling a variegated set of background information and being able to read and interpret complex writing. WATCHING VIDEO won't cut it. Anton is MOCKING the incompetence of the fake news.
Second, read the passage. Churchill is using the phrase "loosely educated" to describe… HITLER! And he is describing how Hitler marched into a trap… in RUSSIA! HE FORGOT ABOUT WINTER! He is likening the fake news to the ultimate "WHITE SUPREMACIST" and saying they have marched headlong into a "Russia" trap, neglecting the real danger, only to FACE DESTRUCTION!
Third, if we read beyond "loosely educated", Anton gives a warning to all "innocent workers": ABANDON your post before the bombs hit.
If you read Anton's article with these points in mind, you perceive the contrast between this basement cat-lady watching many hours of Tucker videos, described as "the fingers or toes" of Goliath (in conjunction with the corporate media), ready to hit Tucker as David… the contrast between her… and us… a hidden online army, working in conjunction across all realms, ready and waiting to strike.
Get ready.
872a3e No.5741451
>>5740354 (pb)
rigged elections. see Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, …
>>5740407 (pb)
sort of like the Iraq war. SA/MOS bombs us on 9/11, and we invade Afghanistan and Iraq. go figure…
de0b88 No.5741452
ho hum another day another MUHJOO BAKER
>>5739750, >>5739852 Mossad behind NZ massacre?
>>5739764 Jewish lobbyists like the ADL are behind the disgraceful Amazon book bannings.
2e2f18 No.5741453
482d69 No.5741454
for enormity here it is
c1db5b No.5741455
They (MI) look at everyone’s timelines before they retweet. It’s the POTUS’ Twatter account. How naive are you?
7ad2dc No.5741457
4f179c No.5741458
V proud Q should reserve this Patrick's Day for BOOMS !
3aa425 No.5741464
Who?? We The People run this country w q and potus of course!
b394b4 No.5741465
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mulvaney said "we share a great deal of information with them so it was especially hurtful to see this happen to people that we consider to be some of our closest friends" re Nz attack. Found that curious, talking about info with condolences
8cd920 No.5741466
white hats win this duel, no doubt!
192ba3 No.5741467
Why didn't Adelson back her then?
0095ff No.5741468
Why was Judge removed from Fox?
Disney bought Fox, and there is many loyal to Obama that left DOJ/FBI/C_A etc that have become embedded into Media companies.
the merger will mean the death of any media not tied to Media Matters, Soros or Deep State Mockingbirds…
Can't have truth…
de0b88 No.5741469
they lost already
comped baker
>>5739750, >>5739852 Mossad behind NZ massacre?
>>5739764 Jewish lobbyists like the ADL are behind the disgraceful Amazon book bannings.
981a93 No.5741470
ea3ee0 No.5741474
This anon has not seen this presented yet. In the middle of the Qanon storm rants from fake new over the NZ terrorist, still on-going, POTUS re-tweets from a person that has a HUGE Q in the upper left hand corner.
Is the Q-uestion coming??
7737dd No.5741476
start a hashtag
1d869b No.5741478
BO said law enforcement was looking into the NZ shooter incident & they couldn’t comment. A couple of breads ago.
47c699 No.5741480
I did not get that.
d3e78c No.5741481
Well that takes the fun out of this, if true….
7ad2dc No.5741483
Q can we get more intel on NZ, please?
f58952 No.5741485
>Yo. Motherfucker.
>Not everyone who is sick of you gobbling the bread is a fucking kike.
>You are the one who is a kike.
Eat shit retard. You are either a jew or you support infant rape. Go die you sick fuck.
7732df No.5741486
missed it by that much. kek
cd8796 No.5741488
I hated her speech and her.
1d869b No.5741489
4a5f92 No.5741491
But not the BIGLIEST?
I guess we're still waiting, then.
449ef8 No.5741493
My father was born on 17.03. god is whit him he die 3 years ago of cancer…
facd77 No.5741494
Time will reveal…
b22408 No.5741495
>>5741131 - anon on placeholders - the gavel to start legal proceedings
>>5741180 Paris Jackson's tweet about Oprah hours before TMZ ran false story about suicide attempt
>>5741190 Brenton Tarrant sacks lawyer, will represent himself in court
>>5741204 anon graphic on the new Q and the 17s
>>5741247 Insurance Policy Q posts - numerical
get comfy anons
nightshift is nigh
01ad73 No.5741496
Can they really do that in a Federal Election?
f2d2a4 No.5741499
Snakes = pagans = Synagogue of Satan
b342f0 No.5741501
>>5741452 lb that for us phonefags. Thankfully I caught it beforehand.
1f3562 No.5741502
Anons can help Paris by shining a light on this warning the Illuminati gave her!!!
11916a No.5741503
Didn't we warm May numerous times of attacks and she blew them off, too?
8fcc3d No.5741504
A lot of indirect obama references lately too.'
dfef04 No.5741506
Outstanding segment on 60 Minutes tonight!
Steve Case (AOL) is traveling the real America, investing in new ideas from folks inside the country, and essentially telling us what we already know; the assholes on the coasts hate middle America, and don't invest in it because they think we are stupid and unworthy of their $$$ or attention.
Great job, Steve Case ! Thank you!
806468 No.5741507
b5d313 No.5741508
retweet and like
get those numbers up on that retweet
de0b88 No.5741509
muhjoo baker shits the notables then hands off
see a pattern?
7e34a3 No.5741510
It's going to be raining fraud cases soon.
The San Diego Times-Union ran this excellent dig on admissions scammer Elizabeth Kimmel today.
The Kimmel lady will be in Boston federal court later this month facing charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud.
Pole vaulter created via Photoshop. Good grief.
1e7192 No.5741511
The Parkland, FL and Christchurch, NZ connection. Where have we seen connections like this before?
9d1161 No.5741513
They should be careful what they ask for. They may get morethan they expected.
a4450d No.5741514
What the Democrats have done in trying to steal a Presidential Election, first at the “ballot box” and then, after that failed, with the “Insurance Policy,” is the biggest Scandal in the history of our Country!
69a6b5 No.5741515
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5741428
Political ploy going nowhere - this vid explains
c1db5b No.5741519
Read The Blueprint. Polis is one of the four multimillionaires/billionaires who turned Colorado blue.
47c699 No.5741520
Always with the kid rape. Have you considered a new angle?
3e3b80 No.5741521
2e2f18 No.5741524
ff4764 No.5741525
Symbolic Shit Resistance Vote.
Means Nothing
Watch what’s going happen
043063 No.5741526
Thanks for the meme ammo Anon! I love them.
3af9f4 No.5741527
Everything you said, I know is true. So the great awakening is just a 10 year slow roll and they don't even realize it?
1239f4 No.5741529
70bf9e No.5741530
Biggest Scandal in history
faf747 No.5741532
Anons are attacked by muh jew shills.
Since Q called them out again they PANIC.
There are two kinds of muh jew shills.
1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.
2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.
<DS wants the people divided
Don´t fall for it.
Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo
Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …
If it is that simple like
<muh jooo
why do we even have a research board?
b6c3e6 No.5741533
And look who it was that invited her parents out to eat on the evening she went missing.
f58952 No.5741534
>Always with the kid rape. Have you considered a new angle?
There is no other fucking angle.
a1a7ca No.5741535
No. It usurps the electoral collage which is nationwide. the EC was created so EVERYONES vote counts, not just liberal CA and NY
16d23d No.5741536
e9c423 No.5741537
Not from NZ, but this is infuriating. If I did live there I would probably be pulling my hair out and howling with rage.
9c6687 No.5741538
Exactly what is needed!
"Says President's nationalism will destroy globalism for ever."
cd8796 No.5741539
Sauce is required for such a serious allegation.
1e7192 No.5741540
Oh that's right. With the Las Vegas Massacre and Thousand Oaks shooting.
34c8e7 No.5741543
My fellow Anons, partake in the Joy
Our ultimate: Brother, Patriot, any color collar, all American, and fren extraordinaire: (+)
;-), ;-)
f0f3c3 No.5741544
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5741209
Brotherhood of the snake
The ancient mystery religion
ba3040 No.5741545
c472a6 No.5741546
Yikes. Wonder if it wears yoga pants. Can't imagine any other fitting.
d13395 No.5741547
Then use the link below to download our work!
Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!
P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.
We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.
Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!
a4a4ca No.5741548
Democrats and Rino's Sir! Both! Traitors!!
192ba3 No.5741549
Rothschilds are always candid, especially publicly
1d869b No.5741550
I think she was trolling them a couple of days ago. Anons thought she was promoting them tho. (Illuminati)
26e6aa No.5741552
WHOLE LOT_A Finger pointing Like Trump and the Q Trolling is fun
80ade3 No.5741553
Voter fraud justice is coming.
POTUS would not post accusations otherwise.
b78bbb No.5741554
They can until it's declared unconstitutional. It's probably unconstitutional more at the individual rights level.
cd8796 No.5741555
That type of dress is 👌🏻 on M.
e58bf3 No.5741556
'Who established this board?
'When was it established?
More importantly who protects this board?
Mathematically impossible.
81de49 No.5741557
fc19e3 No.5741562
ALSO, I wanted to reach thru my screen and smack Chris Wallace after he insinuated for the 83rd time that POTUS was somehow responsible with his forceful words and shit… MM was exasperated in a non-flustered way about it… at some point he was like… Chris… the president is not a White Supremacist!?!?!?!?!?!?!
45822d No.5741563
No, i think he means POTUS retweeted many different tweets for plausible deniability. I thought we wanted to the MSM to ask the question… if so why do we need plausible deniability?
a913fb No.5741564
Uncle Patrick is No Such Agency
Always tight lipped
Always Proud of his WW2 Vet Dad
(Peleliu Island)
Always a patriot
And Always, Fighting IRISH
82fa1d No.5741565
For the love of all things holy…..l/b or p/b
482d69 No.5741566
they kill innocents abroad, only for being our friends.
we need to attract them to our homes, attack us, kill our children, kill our loved ones..we cannot help our friends, yet we can protect ourselves.
tough decisions, aye, we have good leadership,
and we have "The Sword of God"
challenge the evil, to spare our friends.
1e7192 No.5741568
So the question is, why is there such a coincidence of the same people from one tragedy being connected to another?
70bf9e No.5741569
Promises Made Promises Kept
07acb2 No.5741570
thats bullshit, snakes are snakes, pagans don't have a "satan", your Jesus told you straight up who is the synagogue of Satan , do some research Moran
54dc23 No.5741571
Yea I did that on purpose. Kek
(Nice trips, btw)
The synchronicity is getting strong lately.
3be77d No.5741572
The style is called “Fit & Flare” in case you were curious.
d779b8 No.5741573
Chek't dubs of truth. We all need our inner St Patrick to come out and fight the snake beings.
80ade3 No.5741574
Nice catch Anon!
f4f218 No.5741575
Yeah, I was going to chime in with equal protection clause yadda yadda. No way this will fly at SCOTUS.
84c7d7 No.5741576
Houston / Deer Park fire remains uncontrolled
b370fe No.5741577
>>5740153 (pb) UAW wing of the Deep State continues to subvert POTUS.
March 6, 2019
“We in the UAW have taken issue with the decision of the General Motors Company to stop building the top quality and award winning Chevrolet Cruze, built by one of the greatest workforces in the country at UAW Local 1112! As our recently filed lawsuit against GM makes clear, the UAW will leave no stone unturned in keeping the Lordstown plant open.”
138d6e No.5741579
What is a traveling band of crisis actors?
Did I win?
9c6687 No.5741580
Then we need to get off our butts and get the job done!
2fe1c2 No.5741582
comfy af, baker :)
a4450d No.5741583
Netanyahu Says Israel Is 'Nation-State Of The Jewish People And Them Alone'
13ed0b No.5741584
Always do… Every Bread
beff7f No.5741587
yep.. I used to love that song.
7fce6b No.5741588
5740802 l
Deniability? Still not time to ask the Q question?
f5d7f8 No.5741589
>>5740802 (PBQ)
Uh. Anons. Can someone explain something to me?
Why would POTUS need plausible deniability if they're just waiting for someone to ask the Question? Would the Question result in the end of Q? Would POTUS lie? I don't get why we need plausible deniability here...
0e6265 No.5741590
8fcc3d No.5741591
There's enough 'If it fails, throw more stuff at it' going on to really question if America has been subject to a slow invasion of communism.
facd77 No.5741592
How many attacks prevented that we never hear about?
3334da No.5741593
b22408 No.5741594
>>5741131 - anon on placeholders - the gavel to start legal proceedings
>>5741180 Paris Jackson's tweet about Oprah hours before TMZ ran false story about suicide attempt
>>5741190 Brenton Tarrant sacks lawyer, will represent himself in court
>>5741204 anon graphic on the new Q and the 17s
>>5741247 Insurance Policy Q posts - numerical
>>5741321 seconds matter - for the timestampfags - :55 second stamp
timestamp fagged this post as long as im still same synch as last night
3e91b5 No.5741595
45822d No.5741597
Still no resolution and Q and the team still has not provided any updates in months.
d5e9c0 No.5741603
Hmmmm where is WRAY and RBG???
f1abf3 No.5741605
64a4e0 No.5741606
POTUS was wearing cufflinks the other day with 17 stones on them
Phonefagging or would post picture
b06d4b No.5741608
BE BEST the best I say love this PIC
0e6265 No.5741610
I prefer something with 495 in it.
c482ab No.5741611
That is one of the most genuine smiles between to people that love one another that I've seen a Loooonnnng time. Beautiful.
1d30e9 No.5741612
caa876 No.5741613
Steve Case is not s good guy.
01ad73 No.5741616
James Woods has some questions for Brian Krassenstein!!!
9c6687 No.5741617
98a25c No.5741620
Because it's bullshit?
69065c No.5741621
All I ask is simple: Don't shit the bread.
b370fe No.5741622
Goes hand in glove with this:
Donald J. Trump
Democrat UAW Local 1112 President David Green ought to get his act together and produce. G.M. let our Country down, but other much better car companies are coming into the U.S. in droves. I want action on Lordstown fast. Stop complaining and get the job done! 3.8% Unemployment!
10:38 AM - 17 Mar 2019
d60316 No.5741623
six million nazi croutons died to make this spectacular seventy year old fart larper campaign come to fruition with lunchmeat and piss keystone beer for dorothy's farting asshole from negro cock and jew cocaine
107ca3 No.5741624
Ugh, a whole country full of (((white nationalists)))!!
bfd993 No.5741626
Even controlled opposition Fox does not even report on the yellow vests anymore.
b342f0 No.5741630
Do keep up, and try harder.
485029 No.5741632
What a beautiful day!
Thank you Q, Q+ and Q Team.
99ae70 No.5741633
I'm somewhat glad I haven't had kids yet.
c472a6 No.5741634
Well done, faithfag.
806468 No.5741638
Why did Flynn postpone his sentencing again?
Why is Mueller funded through September?
This seems like it will drag out forever.
Something that many have witnessed throughout our history of watching politics
038bc7 No.5741640
bfd993 No.5741641
Look at all the sheep dumping money into the coffers. Satan thanks you.
8c7f36 No.5741643
Wow, the degeneracy never ends…
b71cea No.5741644
Today is brought to you by the letter Q!!!
ac9dfd No.5741645
because it's a big fish and he is reeling it in slowly…? just like Pence deleting Q patch?
ce3368 No.5741646
These two faggots…
where do they live.
Can we dox them?
Will travel.
136254 No.5741647
The Mother Of All Scandals (MOAS)AAD
3e3b80 No.5741649
go re watch the "news" reports anon. research for yourself
09a208 No.5741650
Inbred mouth breathers.
038bc7 No.5741653
they have to get it rolling before the election really heats up, methinks
b67c68 No.5741654
006d06 No.5741655
>*buckles up for ride of life*
…Ready to rock, Q.
71d221 No.5741659
Explain Jack Posobiec.
Posobiec often attacks Q and followers. Yet Trump still retweets him.
What is the game there?
7732df No.5741660
0da187 No.5741661
Give sauce with your bullshit? I know just take an Anon faggot word for it.
f69821 No.5741664
cd8796 No.5741667
That will be Trump, IF the voting rolls/machines are purged.
b6c3e6 No.5741668
He was speaking to the Pharisees when he accused them of that. You are either very dishonest or brutally stupid.
31aba3 No.5741669
Wonder if the placeholders could be matched up to the retweets that we were asked to count the other day, coinciding by subject matter
f4573c No.5741672
The evil season for (((their))) rituals is in season and they are jonesing….they are being watched…rough times to be cabal monsters
bfd0f7 No.5741673
Damn, can't get any more obvious than this.
I'm so ready for the blade to come down anons!!!
155a0f No.5741676
The UAW has their hands in all manner of labor, representing the American labor force. If you can think of the industry, they have their hands in it somewhere.
Detroit — United Auto Workers President Gary Jones on Wednesday addressed a continuing criminal federal investigation into a wide-ranging labor conspiracy.
As Jones promises to fight for his members at the bargaining table this summer, he also says he is focusing on an effort to reform the organization.
ac9dfd No.5741677
right. ugh. made sure no matter what other fake tats came in the box that the Tramp Stamp was permanent.
afef25 No.5741678
Guise get over to @realDonaldTrump and RT this
b2f22d No.5741679
already explained..PD
5e5244 No.5741680
Baker, one more time corrected my Q drops
I missed an rt
Ty anon
Sunday 03.17.2019
>>5740846 rt >>5740813 ————————— WRWY!!!
>>5740802 rt >>5740687 ————————— Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability? March (17) - message to?
>>5740605 rt >>5739531 ————————— What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
12101b No.5741681
The meme is by mistake. Sorry. Phonefagging.
7bedd0 No.5741682
what does that even mean?
"We want our Trump twitter back"???
And the owls?
b394b4 No.5741683
Of course POTUS needs plausible deniability. If not - Q and the lads would be sharing classified info
b342f0 No.5741684
Baker, Notable Graphic
>>5741612 Q Prior Crumb and a DJT Tweet today. Exact same Phrase.
11aa6e No.5741686
It is extremely significant – only to be topped by a deafening silence from the MSM no doubt.
0e6265 No.5741687
Not a shill, not an opposer. Timing is important. Read the story of Purim. Esther ch9.
1e7192 No.5741688
who does Weta Workshop founder remind you of?
dabe9a No.5741690
Wrong time for POTUS to be associated publicly with Q.
82fa1d No.5741691
449ef8 No.5741692
Imam Mohamad Tawhidi
Verified account @Imamofpeace
4m4 minutes ago
She uses her voice to express
Words of truth through the press
To solve our world’s current mess
They’ve silenced her, unless
She stops causing them distress
They do not debate, they suppress
A woman, of colour, they oppress?
Isn’t that against progress?
Stay strong, Princess.
579f12 No.5741694
That is a really great idea.
7732df No.5741696
Shower (door) came early for Bernie.
2abb30 No.5741697
April Showers bring liberal tears
b342f0 No.5741698
89dcae No.5741699
from CDAN FWIW, supposed to be Don Henley
c482ab No.5741700
I have pondered these ideas / theories as well. Seems plausible.
868667 No.5741701
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!
caa876 No.5741703
The all new Slut Barbie.
155a0f No.5741704
In 1990, former UAW President Owen Bieber and then-Secretary-Treasurer Bill Casstevens appointed Jones to the International staff. He was assigned to the union’s Accounting Department. A year later, Jones was named chief accountant of the UAW.
84c7d7 No.5741706
Dipshit said the First Amendment comes “after” the Second Amendment.
ac9dfd No.5741707
Satan has left the WH, did you hear? snakes. they bite at our heals but Jesus crushes their heads :)
482d69 No.5741710
Faith is the essence
and the Proof.
unveil all in the dark
99ae70 No.5741712
I can't even frame a devil's advocate argument in support of Krassenfuck
b5d313 No.5741713
let's fucking GO
155a0f No.5741714
The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, better known as the United Automobile Workers (UAW), is an American labor union that represents workers in the United States (including Puerto Rico) and Canada. It was founded as part of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the 1930s and grew rapidly from 1936 to the 1950s. The union played a major role in the liberal wing of the Democratic party under the leadership of Walter Reuther (president 1946-70). It was known for gaining high wages and pensions for auto workers, but it was unable to unionize auto plants built by foreign-based car makers in the South after the 1970s, and it went into a steady decline in membership; reasons for this included increased automation, decreased use of labor, movements of manufacturing (including reaction to NAFTA), and increased globalization.
38e70d No.5741716
POTUS trolling (((them)))
POTUS knows (((they))) do not have the balls to ask the question
d60316 No.5741717
zion has lot's of sluts and beer
it seemed like a good idea at the time
it always does doesn;t it
1239f4 No.5741718
ba4da9 No.5741719
>What is the game there?
Posobiec promotes his book of the POTUS retweet and the paytriot makes money