d4206a No.5650046
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 03.12.2019
>>5646668 ————————————–——– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ (Cap: >>5647861)
>>5645954 ————————————–——– WE STAND TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS
>>5645633 ————————————–——– Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
>>5645404 ————————————–——– Jim Jordan's AS Tweets.
>>5643022 ————————————–——– Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
>>5641102 ————————————–——– Doug Collins tweet on the release of Lisa Page testimony (Cap: >>5641129)
>>5640195 ————————————–——– Do UNICORNS exist?
>>5639954 ————————————–——– The Clinton Connection. WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
>>5639743 ————————————–——– Do you believe the timing is a coincidence? Stay Tuned! (Cap: >>5639795 )
Monday 03.11.2019
>>5631851 ————————————–——– Stay in the LIGHT (Cap: >>5632526)
>>5631245 rt >>5631220 ————————— [Michael Gaeta - FBI Rome]
>>5631220 ————————————–——– @PapaD (Cap: >>5631336)
>>5629243 ————————————–——– Memes, Memes, and more Memes.
>>5629177 ————————————–——– 4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS. (Cap: >>5629222)
>>5628683 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.
>>5627803 rt >>5627658 ————————— Re: JPB "Time in Russia? ... Intercepts are revealing."
>>5627617 ————————————–——– "Heart attacks can be deadly."
>>5618750 ————————————–——– John Perry Barlow POST January 27, 2018, DEAD February 8, 2018.
>>5618461 ————————————–——– Banking on HRC to win? Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home? (Cap: >>5618485)
>>5618056 rt >>5617930 ————————— Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016? [JB][JPB] How did we know (prior to)?
>>5617930 rt >>5617724 ————————— Connect the dots? Define 'Spook'. Define 'Shadow'.
>>5617724 ————————————–——– @Snowden Parades or Restraints?
>>5617565 ————————————–——– Why was the NSA targeted? Why was the Agency protected/sheltered? (Cap: >>5617740)
Sunday 03.10.2019
Compiled here: >>5646346
Saturday 03.09.2019
Compiled here: >>5630830
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
d4206a No.5650051
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5649957 Hannity: "can reassure that Justice is on the horizon"
>>5649726 , >>5649747 Breaking re Flynn: Lawyers request delay in sentencing
>>5649717 Officials discuss DOD’s Artificial Intelligence initiatives
>>5649683 ICE Officers sent POTUS letter demanding change to Catch and Release
>>5649733 Mifsud tied to Soros' Open Society Foundation
>>5649595 Unicorn Children's Foundation (Article mentions Trump)
>>5649575 Minneapolis: 56% increase in violent crimes by Somali muslim gangs
>>5649545 Fitton trolls AOC
>>5649527 , >>5649571, >>5649539, >>5649583, >>5649908 Breaking on the College Scam
>>5649509 , >>5649761 '12 moves ahead' Q Post and Podesta
>>5649475 Ohr testimony: Did he talk to Huber or not?
>>5649470 Singer is singing like a bird
>>5649458 Gene-edited food quietly arrives in restaurant cooking oil
>>5649446 Appeals Court rules Ohio can block PP funding
>>5650045 #7225
>>5649231 JW Blindsides The DOJ With A Lawsuit Related To RR & Comey’s Firing
>>5649172 @USMC: 'Fire Away' 'By Any Means Necessary'
>>5649044 Tesla: Elon Musk's defense of his Tesla tweet will get SEC response
>>5649012 , >>5649026, >>5649040 FB Reverses Zero Hedge Ban, Says It Made A "Mistake"
>>5648948 , >>5648960 Breaking: Australian Cardinal George Pell jailed for 6 years
>>5648914 , >>5648938 Re Lisa Page testimony
>>5648811 HOT-1 through HOT-12 Stringers
>>5648810 Kim Jong-Un Not On Ballot In NK Election
>>5648718 A search of Qanon.pub gets 23 hits for POTUS video
>>5648713 "When they go low we go high" is a quote of Michelle Obama
>>5648692 Boeing to warn of a potential instrument failure
>>5648678 , >>5648698, >>5648818 Planefag reports
>>5648658 , >>5648760, >>5648772 DOE tweet re Puerto Rico grid after hurricane
>>5648641 , >>5648639 More on the college admissions scandal
>>5648629 US Intends to Drive Iranian Crude Oil Output to Zero - Pompeo
>>5649427 #7224
>>5648398 Statements in quotes on Q's drop are all Hussein rhetoric
>>5648294 BOOMs on the 1 Yr Deltas
>>5648289 Study: Migrants Using Nearly 2X the Welfare of Native-Born Americans
>>5648251 Operation Unicorn, brainchild of the NSA. Dig
>>5648152 NSA's John Bolton on Venez: "The World is Watching"
>>5648121 Fresh 'Human Trafficing Arrests' numbers infograph
>>5648112 PapaD points the finger at the UK and David Cameron re POTUS coup
>>5648096 12 12 > Loretta Lynch?
>>5648075 Mouaz Moustafa gives the war cry once again
>>5647921 Federal Court: “PP Does Not Have a 14th Amendment Right to Perform Abortions”
>>5647897 , >>5648194, >>5648326 PAIN: 23rd time Q has linked to the video or glitch?
>>5647898 Unicorn renewal projects
>>5647896 Several Terminal 4 levels evacuated at Sky Harbor Int.
>>5647892 The full 12 moves ahead drop
>>5647875 , >>5647885 Boeing to Make Key Change in 737 MAX Cockpit Software
>>5647868 , >>5647899 12 links to video, 12 seconds into video. Hussein on camera
>>5647861 Transcript of POTUS speech from Q post
>>5648484 #7223
Previously Collected Notables
>>5647092 #7221, >>5647724 #7222,
>>5644688 #7218, >>5645449 #7219, >>5646185 #7220
>>5642294 #7215, >>5643046 #7216, >>5643869 #7217
>>5640122 #7212, >>5640748 #7213, >>5641516 #7214
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
d4206a No.5650060
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136
All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch
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>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes
>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8
>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
d4206a No.5650062
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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf
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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
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* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966
Meme Ammo
* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716
• Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames
• Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041
• NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
• Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
• Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
d4206a No.5650073
#4226 Dough
5acc9a No.5650086
>stop attacking paris
>paris posts this on her IG
it out of my hands. This is god exposing the men that abused paris and abused michael.
65cc8a No.5650087
aww fuk…
Apologies baker - I shit the bread
cd6695 No.5650090
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ
Who made this video?
Do we know?
It is very slick. Hardly amateur.
Do we know where it came from?
Or did it just show up, and was accepted?
Accepted by whom?
How do we know?
Does Jordan Sather push this video?
Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?
If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?
Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?
Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?
Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?
Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?
While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?
Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?
Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?
Is this a form of control?
Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?
Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?
Does it undermine in many subtle ways?
Who made it?
How would we know?
Does anyone ask?
Or just assume someone else did?
Will it get removed?
Does its origins and validity get addressed?
What controls the board and decides?
Are the people in control of this board?
How do you know?
cd6695 No.5650100
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5650090
What is this video supposed to be? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?
Or is this something being used to push a narrative
ONTO patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is
the MSM narrative, and that is what this video
reinforces, strongly. Why?
"Chan culture" has been co-opted by fakeness and is now being FORCED.
Wake up patriots!
d477ce No.5650103
Another one!
What's wrong with the Smithsonian?
b6d293 No.5650117
cd6695 No.5650118
"You are the news now"
The "anon" literally flaunting a "CIA" bakers meme.
Our "joke"– haha, CIA…?
Or symbolic MOCKERY?
What is the game being played?
I mean LOOK– it is "CIA bakery" with a BLACK hat.
Come on now.
What is FAKE NEWS?
What controls the narrative?
What controls the FAKE NEWS?
"You are the news now"
c793d3 No.5650123
Today's Q Clock :40
USMC activated.
US (3).
Start a Storm.
Public access to intel?
Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :10
Watch the news re: new drugs coming out [flu/dirt/next?].
Continue to build the MAP.
MAP provides the KEY.
KEY spreads TRUTH.
The 'proofs' are important.
Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :10
Why is everything 'really' made in China?
Keep your eyes on the ball.
We've had the ball the entire time.
[CF] docs kept in NYC>>UT.
cd6695 No.5650131
Look at these.
What do they convey?
Are we being MOCKED, here?
Really, are you kidding me?
Comey and Obama smirking?
Big black holes in the head?
Distorted weird faces?
Bad facial expressions?
Cattle herding?
Where do these images come from?
Who/what is mocking us?
It is not Q, who is mocked too…
Why doesn't the COMMUNITY create the images?
It doesn't
Where do they come from?
control of NARRATIVE (control over you).
>(control over you)
5d4b62 No.5650149
3dfb23 No.5650157
You got it boss.
d477ce No.5650159
Lead us to HER, help uncover her
656bdb No.5650161
>What's wrong with the Smithsonian?
they're a coverup operation
many artifacts are hidden that would change known history
901304 No.5650166
f1a8f3 No.5650167
God bless you all! Thank you for what you are doing for us!
cd6695 No.5650168
This is NOT "a free speech board". Certain things are suppressed.
0dd825 No.5650170
Alright, I guess I can cut Sean a break then.
5acc9a No.5650173
I don't care what anyone says I provided thousands of screencaps skimming thousands of accounts. This is pedovore adjacent SHE WAS ON BUNNY EARS MCULLIES PODCAST. LISTEN RIGHT NOW LISTEN TO THE THEME SONG OF BUNNY EARS AND TELL ME TELL ME I AM CRAZY
0ad8fa No.5650174
Requesting some of them Sean memes where he’s inturrupting people
45b9c5 No.5650176
You know if it does turn out that Barry is the first domino then it would be quite appropriate considering all these issues, all of them, they all began in the early 90s in Hawaii and if they end in Hawaii oh how the circle truly would have come full swing.
004edb No.5650179
If we’ve learned anything about these indictments they like to serve them early in the morning. Here’s to hoping the ones go off tomorrow morning
b4ae20 No.5650180
can we meme that cunt omar as not human? a dog would be good
a3fb83 No.5650181
Evening Sir o7
9739eb No.5650182
q post #1212 talks about Hussein and Maggie Nixon
so q+ posted the video 12 times on the 12th of march, as well as Hussein and Michelle Obama slogans.
q post 1212 deals with Hussein crimes that do not relate to the FISA.
9ce238 No.5650183
aff348 No.5650185
Whose first Anons? Brennan?
bd655a No.5650186
It's okay to be white, Q.
9337d4 No.5650187
End of last bread:
>>5650023 (prev)
Said this was NOTABLE before. Doesn’t have to mean that JFK Jr is alive. But something is There.
d77b41 No.5650188
"My Sources"
He does have credible sources.
ee5962 No.5650189
Hannity said Mueller's investigation has gone on for 664 days. Could the report be delivered in 2 days [666]? Symbolism will be their downfall?
ae551b No.5650190
>>5650068 (lb)
Because of 9/11
Jews want you to think it was Muslims
Muslims want you to think it was Jews
Blacks want you to think it was whites
Clinton’s want you to think it was Bush’s
Everybody had a hand in that honey pot. I see that now
2603e0 No.5650191
89f010 No.5650195
dcdbc5 No.5650198
I wish Hannity wouldn’t bring Geraldo on I just can’t stand that asshat.
Bonging is awesome though.
d4206a No.5650199
24c2d6 No.5650200
91304a No.5650201
Justice is nice. So are credible sources.
020dca No.5650202
Believe it when I see it.
852e1d No.5650205
Justice is on the horizon
aff348 No.5650206
004edb No.5650207
Tomorrow morning?
bc1452 No.5650209
>>5650140 (pp)
doors and keys are fun, ain't they?
dcdbc5 No.5650215
Autocorrect sucks Bongino
ead30a No.5650217
He has good sources, too!
49fe76 No.5650218
Its been a long wait but all well worth waiting for.
Need some justice here in the UK as well.
bc1452 No.5650219
Gotta love the Hannipede.
f1a8f3 No.5650222
250515 No.5650223
Q is telling us that Barack Obama administration will be indicted
12 Mar 2019 - 3:01:57 PM
The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in.
Returning 'POWER' to the PEOPLE.
Returning 'THE RULE OF LAW' to OUR LAND.
e0756a No.5650224
I know I know! Put him on a 737 Max 8 flight!
d3ba97 No.5650226
Make sure [ES] brings all the Ops disk back when you pick him up please. I don't want my dirty secrets in Putin's bathroom server.
2bbb58 No.5650229
>>5650134 lb
Lawrence Edward Brown
71a0b1 No.5650230
4b053b No.5650232
Good News! ThanQ
81b332 No.5650234
My pops and I are watching Hannity together, 1500 miles apart :)
e0756a No.5650236
402494 No.5650237
aac765 No.5650238
Haven't had the chance to use them yet, working on a way to make the tones.
b9684a No.5650239
Dear Q, Q+,
Take. Down. 44.
Take. Down. HRC.
Take Down CF.
Take. [THEM]. Down.
fd717a No.5650244
Mueller investigation began March 17 2017
Follow the watch 3.14.19
666 days
cb36f6 No.5650245
>>5650136 (pb)
Took some screen shot of "richard singers" that have visited the WH. Not a socialmediafag but if somebody wants to dig on jugears twitter during WH years or Rick Singers social media. I went through the guys website and nothing WH related.
d72bcb No.5650246
sup Q, nice F-117
4cc1c4 No.5650247
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
c5ea5a No.5650248
Thank you baker - not sure if I'm doing this right, possible notable from PB?
4cc1c4 No.5650249
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
bab49d No.5650252
>Returning ‘THE RULE OF LAW’ to OUR LAND.
If the above is a goal and 99% of our courts are equity courts, which deal with law of the sea, and common law is the law of the land,
does this mean the common law courts are going to be reopened?
020dca No.5650253
Q is good at hype, But Sucks at Results.
155bd1 No.5650255
We're going to need a bigger word.
bd655a No.5650256
So legit Question..
If Obama was an illegitimate President then wouldn't that mean that everything he touched/signed/declared/etc would be null & void, thus stricken from the record?
a5e95f No.5650258
rats in DC
879e5b No.5650260
IT'S ON THE HORIZON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KINDA LIKE A mirage.
dcdbc5 No.5650261
690564 No.5650262
>>5650147 pb
Love this
>When you can't raise money 'organically' through party donations YOU STEAL IT from the American taxpayer and give it back to yourself
>Re_read drops re: Soros & taxpayer funding. YOUR HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS AT WORK.
9304f8 No.5650263
Can you tell us a specific time to gather together in prayer for the mission? You say to read our bibles and pray. We do. Let us pray together. At the ready, sir o7
68cca3 No.5650264
Ramping up, boss.
6f1f63 No.5650267
Tucker Carlson Strikes Back – Calls Out Media Matters Hate Website for Violating It’s Tax Exempt Status – Where’s the IRS? (VIDEO)
1efd4c No.5650268
India-Pakistan Tensions Test China’s Relationships, Crisis Management Role.
The latest India-Pakistan crisis has put China in a difficult position, as it tries to balance its relationships with both countries, while helping to stave off a conflict and demonstrate its ability to manage and resolve crises. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke to leaders in both Pakistan and India last week, urging them to practice restraint and find a way to deescalate the situation. Despite Pakistan’s request for China to play a more active role, competing priorities constrained the degree to which Beijing could lead—highlighting a chronic challenge for Chinese diplomacy in South Asia. China’s decision to keep a low profile is likely deliberate and in keeping with longstanding practice, but it is inconsistent with Beijing’s aspirations to lead in Asian crisis diplomacy.
89f010 No.5650270
How dare you.
He was the first black president.
ef166e No.5650271
Is there a way for me to block seeing this fucking post?
6910a3 No.5650273
From the moment I saw who came to stand behind you during your inauguration speech when you said you were returning the power to the people – serious, disciplined men with guns – I knew we would be in good hands. Fear is the only thing the Deep State seems to respond to.
Thank you for taking the slings and arrows for us……
3a2e29 No.5650275
Twatter fags, can I please get a few RTs?
Non-twatter fags, can I please get some prayers?
Ya don’t know if ya don’t ask and I need every one of them right now.
dcbabc No.5650276
Apparently we're just supposed to roll over for those who didn't vote for Trump. Pretty idiotic.
650736 No.5650277
probably not because of some such faggotry in laws that no one really knows about
230a24 No.5650278
Seven days left Q. You aren't going to bullshit your way out of this one.
7c040d No.5650280
The series uses occult imagery in a way that cheapens it, but at the same time, it also has an ongoing theme that humans, despite being physically weaker than demons, have a heart and soul, and that heart and soul makes them stronger than these demons
Vergil eventually loses to Dante, because on one hand, Dante rejects the fact that his father was a demon. Vergil, on the other hand, rejected his humanity and emotion because he wrongly believed it was the source of his weakness, instead of seeing that it was his strength all along
Its easy to write of DMC as satanic BS because of the surface level imagery, but like many other tales it uses the imagery of these fantastical, superhuman battles in order to illustrate a core concept of humanity, and shows that it is never right to abandon that humanity
250515 No.5650283
I have never had a black friend in my entire life so there is no way I could be a racist
4cc1c4 No.5650284
Yeah you scroll past it you simple fuck.
b9684a No.5650285
Geraldo's moustache has more street cred than Hussein. Better jump shot, too.
76596d No.5650287
879e5b No.5650289
901304 No.5650290
Mandy Moore's character just randomly pointed out that there are 17 chairs in the hospital waiting room.
2f8191 No.5650291
Does anyone know who has one of these…..
d3fbbb No.5650292
So 9 drops and we are on two? Ohr, Page, what is next?
e0756a No.5650297
Who says black guys never put any effort into anything?
c69756 No.5650299
Thank Q God Bless!
e56a33 No.5650300
any word on when hillary and the others involved get exposed for their role in child sex trafficking?
0b55e2 No.5650301
Q latest post #3042
12 posts =》1:20
12 posts * 11 video it digits = 132 =》1:32
"The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to Mexico, China, and other countries all around the world.
Are they trying to run Q?
40fcb4 No.5650302
Can some anons put eyes on this? Is this doctored footage? JFK assassination that appears to clearly show the driver shooting JFK. I've never seen it before. Any authenticity?
aaea97 No.5650304
6927fc No.5650305
Time to bring them to the gallows. Q.
c79a72 No.5650306
Digits don't lie…Q is legit.
Justice means it's just us…let's tag 'em and bag 'em. Power to the people!
5a8791 No.5650307
Macaully Culkin has spoken out against Hollywood. Did you see his #MacTweetsTheOscars tweets? The 3rd eye is associated with knowledge and wisdom, the pineal gland. Other people have other uses for it.
Its like pedo faggots using pizza terms as code. That means a world that loves to eat pizza has to stop eating pizza? Or because they eat pizza means their a pedophile?
bc1452 No.5650308
2d3977 No.5650310
Verified both ways. First time I've seen this.
5c4140 No.5650311
Caught that. So glad I'll finally be hearing some good news through SH.
330f3c No.5650312
Anyone else notice that their number two looks like number two again?
dcdbc5 No.5650314
1474d2 No.5650315
0b55e2 No.5650317
Extra (weaker)
Post time 6:32:47 =》Confirming 32 =》 1:32 - 1:47
"It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities."
9a8c41 No.5650318
Q is digging on Red Carpet airline with more,
Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas Clinton Drugs ??
97dec1 No.5650320
About fuckin' time
819fe8 No.5650322
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Only 1 Al Green is relevant today.
a833fa No.5650323
No because slick willy blythe was the 1st black Da Prez. Demonrats said so.
1efd4c No.5650324
Is the Pentagon Truly Committed to the National Defense Strategy?
As Senate and House committees examine the Trump administration’s proposed defense budget for fiscal 2020 — it totales three-quarters of a trillion dollars — the first and most important question they should ask is: Does this budget decisively improve the U.S. posture for great-power competition with China and Russia?
9a7bb1 No.5650326
Hmmmm…. its raining and we are under a flood watch just as Hannity explains a Flood of documents coming… he didn't say flood just explained it that way
901304 No.5650328
I've actually wondered this, before. Glad I'm not alone.
69916d No.5650329
Please make sure the officer's are wearing body cams. America wants to see each takedown.
We The People
6c6292 No.5650330
LOL who wrote that story down?
So Abe was wandering about in the desert, decides to pay Pharaoh a visit...odd that yes? Pharaoh is like..hey brah howzit...Abe says..dis my sistah not my wyfe...Pharaoh is like...woah...she's just right for my harem...and so Sarah the beauty goes into Pharaoh's harem...now..he finds out that she's Abe's wyfe and sends her BACK with a MIDWIFE...
why do you think Abe was so eager to kill his son eh?
Yes you have missed plenty especially shifting the timeline a bit about Hagar and Ishmael...like right..she carried a 17 year old into the desert...more like a 3 year old...but you'll have to use logic and sort it out for yourself.
Abe turns his wife over to Pharaoh to fuck...he fucks her...knocks her up and sends her home. Ultimate cuck..but also explains why Joseph was so "welcome" in Egypt..Uncle / cousin Pharaoh...they know their own.
think about it. LOL people I swear. Thutmose....humm.
David Brody wrote a book called The Isaac Question...truth in fiction.
7c040d No.5650332
At least the main series. The reboot (the one that you used a picture of) is an example of one of those awful stories of videogame development i mentioned before.
That game manages to parody itself, while being completely oblivious to how ironic its story and content is
Its a complete mess and it tarnished the series for another 5 years
b9b981 No.5650333
7175b0 No.5650335
>>5649475 (/pb)
>Mr. Ratcliffe:
>Well, I want to make – part of the reason I'm also trying to make this record real clear is there's someone that's been appointed to look at potential FISA abuse, United States Attorney John Huber. Have you talked to Mr. Huber?
>Mr. Ohr:
>I have not. I mean, I have spoken with Mr. Huber in the past when he was a U.S. attorney, but I have not spoken with him as part of this.
Huber Has Everything?
Horowit's report was comprehensive and included a ton of information. Congressional hearings have also contributed a ton of information. FISA docs would also be available to Huber along with the SERVER and the weiner laptop.
Huber might not need to speak with anyone in order to get a "True Bill" or an indictment from a Grand Jury.
Stealth Bombers=
13418f No.5650337
Yeah nothing´s gonna happen, as is tradition
6927fc No.5650338
I am pretty sure the President of the USA from 2009-2016 had one.
3a01e7 No.5650339
New AG William Barr comes out swinging at his first press conference. Announces he will be pursuing on-line scams of the elderly.
17162a No.5650340
Anons see SNL skit on r kelley?
"Whats that word, starts with a Q?, oh yeah cult"
Check it out. Inbed if you can. Beyond the skills of this humble anon
d4206a No.5650341
You are anon. ThankQ.
Anon reposted this bread as we like to keep only this bread's notes in da bun.
Got it -
>>5650244 Mueller investigation began March 17 2017: 666 days
7d5a30 No.5650342
Damn, that’s real
cd6695 No.5650344
Why do bots make demons when they try to create their own images of humans?
This is what it looks like when ai runs wild and makes “racist memes”.
The bots on 4chan used to pump these out a mile a minute.
Just look.
1acb20 No.5650345
G. Harvey artwork.
10d978 No.5650346
61dcda No.5650347
babay faced djt.. whats he late 30s 40s in this clip?
also timetravel
58477b No.5650348
822512 No.5650350
3/15 is Ides of March. The ides of March is a day on the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling DEBTS.
1b211f No.5650351
Digits confirm yourself… JUSTICE/PAIN COMING!
650736 No.5650353
It will too.
next year tomorrow
282887 No.5650354
52be41 No.5650355
bc1452 No.5650356
Fishing is fun.
"Phishing" isn't.
62db40 No.5650357
I ❤️ QAnon! Thank You Anons🇺🇲👍Thank You Q🇺🇲👍
Thank You Whitehats🇺🇲👍 Thank You President Trump❤️🇺🇲👍
#TheGreatAwakening #AmericaFirst #Trump2020KAG
c7e288 No.5650358
God Bless The Revolution…
6c6292 No.5650359
never…IF they go down it will be RICCO.
7d058e No.5650360
God watch over the Q team as all this unfolds. Bless the men and women working for justice.
bcd626 No.5650362
Alexa traffic stats for a few sites. I'd like to see back to 2017. Note the large Voat bump from official Q endorsement. Traffic split between sites. Still load testing to fit the entire internet onto 8ch.net? Looks like everyone left 4chan and Reddit is struggling.
40fcb4 No.5650363
If there's a slow time again, I'll check back.
230a24 No.5650364
>wanna bet?
Good point. Q will point to the Full House lady getting arrested as the big happening and everyone will suck Q's dick
06c6e7 No.5650366
God bless you all. Is Flynn still safe?
0df8f2 No.5650369
So cool - was watching Hannity and on the board and my ear picked up when I heard that justice part. Crazy how Q linked to that!
Q must have espn or something!
3cefbc No.5650370
Hannity tells us to BUCKLE UP
e0756a No.5650373
When she sits on my face, I cant hear the stereo.
3f35f3 No.5650375
So is Hannity the one asking the "big Question?"
61dcda No.5650376
blucifer got a rider huh?
03558c No.5650379
Zapruder film was doctored. Easiest way to tell is to slow down to frame-by-frame and watch the people behind the car (grass) as the car speeds away after the head shot. You will see, for example, a man standing with his feet apart in one frame and then closed together in the next. Impossible to move that fast.
695e2f No.5650380
Behold the power of God in the Psalms!
The future proves the past.
Psalm 82:
A Plea for Justice
A Psalm of Asaph.
82 God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:
2 “How long will you judge unjustly
and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
5 They have neither knowledge nor understanding,
they walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 I say, “You are gods,
sons of the Most High, all of you;
7 nevertheless, you shall die like men,
and fall like any prince.”
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth;
for to thee belong all the nations!
d2faa7 No.5650381
Easy filter.
Can't show you from a phone though.
ae46a1 No.5650382
>>5649575 (lb)
Is there a plan in place to clean up the cities that were ground zero for Hussein and company's refugee dumps? Or do we allow this to continue?
b7d986 No.5650385
>>5649520 (pb)
You are on the Qresearch board, and we're on "Q time" here, not some instant gratification faggot's time. This isn't some snowflake, nigga, concern fag chat board, Either post something that contributes to The Plan, or GTFO you fucking loser!
38770a No.5650386
Popcorn ready.
When the indictments are unsealed these traitors are arrested. That’s correct, isn’t it?
0b55e2 No.5650390
They have shadowed THE Movie, Q.
Try searching for video id: G2qIXXafxCQ
Just gets a lot of other things… normally you get 1-5 videos with the right one in the search
fd717a No.5650393
Noice job Anon
And I stole it
5713e0 No.5650395
Should we be worried, should we be prepping for anything?
ee50b3 No.5650397
Hey Hannity's not the only FOX associate who Q's!
0aabec No.5650398
Great Job Baker.
Fire at will.
a2b347 No.5650399
I hope these pedowood motherfuckers realize that they are the next big BOOm
Elites are facing jail and ruin with this shit today, so maybe some parakeet action
bc1452 No.5650400
Even if I used floggers, canes, paddles, and a dragon's tail…
Hamplanets like her don't even bruise nicely. -_-
10d978 No.5650401
Link taken down due to copyright claim by a third party…
ae551b No.5650402
Not a revolution. A restoration.
Revolutions bring tragedy suffering And lawlessness. INnocent people have to die in revolutions.
1f78ab No.5650404
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. reposting for a little more exposure
Tucker on a tear: "We will never bow to the mob"; launches aggressive counterattack against the SPLC and Media Matters
Last night, Tucker Carlson refused to apologize to the MSM or anyone else for casual remarks made more than 10 years ago, charging that his critics are not more moral or upstanding than anybody else. Saying he refuses to allow the mob to dictate his behavior. Tucker says that these kind of attacks against him and his show aren't really new, but he has not really focused on them in the past. But that's about to change because he's realized the mob mentality behind these attacks and is not going to let it defeat him: "We will never bow to the mob. Ever. No matter what."
Tonight, he started his show with twin exposes on the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters. Tucker wants Media Matters' tax exempt status pulled because of its political activity, which flagrantly violates its 501c3 status. He even characterized MM as "Soros-backed," a Fox no-no in the past (see >>3968120 pb).
But nobody could deny a fired-up Tucker Carlson tonight.
So: What will happen in the long run? Will FOX continue to stand behind Tucker in the long run?
Debates about FOX News are common on QResearch. Many of us see it as controlled opposition. As the firefight over freedom of speech intensifies, I guess we'll get to find out exactly where they stand. Meanwhile, it's good to see Tucker pushing so hard against traditional MSM boundaries. (Can one man's stand change an entire network?)
0df8f2 No.5650405
Kek that’s my job pretty much
Best I can do right now though :(
7aa513 No.5650406
Can I get a quick rundown. Who's supposed to be in this picture? Lisa Page, Strzok, Glenn Simpson?
879e5b No.5650407
YES! PREP for disappointment.
b9684a No.5650408
Nowfags are the worst
bd7dba No.5650409
Trump flips federal appeals court with 'Bridgegate' attorney
4cc1c4 No.5650410
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews
d72bcb No.5650411
This. Rudy took down the mob with RICO, he was brought in to consult.
7d058e No.5650412
One more battle song boys. Let's bring down this house of cards.
21ba8c No.5650413
Confirmed BAKER
dcbabc No.5650414
Not gonna lie; le 53% meme triggers the fuck out of me.
230a24 No.5650415
>Hannity tells us to BUCKLE UP
Hannity says that 5 nights a week.
Q only says it once a week.
3459b1 No.5650417
a25d03 No.5650418
A few latest Q Quotes and posts in mimetic form.
For (You), Patriots!
6c6292 No.5650419
oh god more tick tocks….
what you do in Venezuela defines EVERYTHING. All the tick tocking in the world is not going to change that. We shall see.
250515 No.5650420
12 Mar 2019 - 3:01:57 PM
The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in.
Returning 'POWER' to the PEOPLE.
Returning 'THE RULE OF LAW' to OUR LAND.
89f010 No.5650421
It's St Patrick's Day on Sunday.
I hope we get a gift.
1efd4c No.5650422
More AI stuff..
Inside DARPA’s Ambitious ‘AI Next’ Program.
As federal agencies ramp up efforts to advance artificial intelligence under the White House’s national AI strategy, the Pentagon’s research shop is already working to push the tech to new limits.
Last year, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency kicked off the AI Next campaign, a $2 billion effort to build artificial intelligence tools capable of human-like communication and logical reasoning that far surpass the abilities of today’s most advanced tech. Included in the agency’s portfolio are efforts to automate the scientific process, create computers with common sense, study the tech implications of insect brains and link military systems to the human body.
Through the AI Exploration program, the agency is also supplying rapid bursts of funding for a myriad of high-risk, high-reward efforts to develop new AI applications.
f1a8f3 No.5650424
That was blindingly fast.
bd655a No.5650425
Half*, kek.
I know of the plan names, that have failed to be mentioned.
Dubs confirm.
Lawbook is bullshit, throw it out.
Kinda like if a judge is found out to be a fraud, pretty sure every case they've touched gets thrown out.
It'd be best if he was just hung for treason then completely erased from history.
5acc9a No.5650426
They say cheese pizza is child pornography that was common knowledge but this anamorphic esoteric pizza goop symbolism rings an adrenochrome bell at least for me. Apparently like with the hillary tape making adrenochrome and child pornography and snuff all combine.
819fe8 No.5650428
I would like to inform everyone that I have just soiled myself.
bbaab7 No.5650430
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
>Until Americans accept this there is no freedom
<Until Americans understand this there is no hope
1acb20 No.5650431
a615db No.5650432
Verified both ways? Elaborate anon..
bc8ebb No.5650434
come on, anon. mistakes are understood. bad grammar…thats unacceptable.
9a7bb1 No.5650435
Oh boy….
aac765 No.5650436
I am wondering if you have anymore information on methods for opening door ways?
I know meditation can be used but it takes years of practice before one it ready to move.
Feel the vibration of the target, let it become yours, then let go of ego and sensation.
fcfc4b No.5650438
Thank You Q.
6a9d00 No.5650439
333 the doorway
2ae1e9 No.5650440
You scare me
Dedication is good
But its a free speech board
Dont forget that
9742dc No.5650441
Somebody please read this article. If you don't think it's worth digging into, I won't post any more on this subject.
6c6292 No.5650443
KEK the enemy of my enemy….is my fren…so that's why she's getting away with immigration fraud…her role, should she choose to accept it…be the mouthpiece outing (((THEM)))? lol
01df5a No.5650445
[SUICIDE WEEKEND] is coming very soon to a theater near you.
31acfa No.5650447
7a64b8 No.5650448
>>5649908 Breaking on the College Scam pb Notable
Anon said, UCLA is involved pretty heavily. That means Geffen!
Moar importantly, that means Janet Nippletanano!
She has been president of the University of California system since September 2013, shortly after she resigned as Secretary of Homeland Security.
dcdbc5 No.5650449
I think Q is bulimic
a25d03 No.5650451
>A few latest Q Quotes and posts in mimetic form.
>For (You), Patriots!
8e6222 No.5650452
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5650117 Great numbers sir
We are here for a reason
and Justice for all!
Rock them all!
7b72d7 No.5650453
Like I've stated many times Adam Schiff is guilty of witness tampering.
>Manafort jailed after alleged witness tampering
Why isn't Adam Schiff given the same treatment?
976af7 No.5650454
In the final analysis, to God goes the glory.
ce311f No.5650455
“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
Mahatma Gandhi
4f5156 No.5650456
Just logged into twitter after clicking Q's link to the latest drop. Found out I was blocked for violating a certain rule. They won't tell me which rule.
2c9007 No.5650457
That's the only outcome I can see. People are GOING to ask why he's wearing that pin.
e2e4a3 No.5650462
sit back and enjoy the show
c7e288 No.5650464
God Bless The Revolution…
It is the lack of free & deep thought among the masses that got us there. I don’t like drivers , fo
bc8ebb No.5650465
A quick check on Bible Gateway NIV results in 130 mentions of Justice. Fairness, the Dems word of choice, shows up once.
199a31 No.5650467
thats my absolute favorite quote of that movie
but its from zoolander 1
7d058e No.5650468
Is obongo into little girl or men? That's the real question
cd6695 No.5650469
Is "Q sent me" organic?
How would we know?
What assumptions affect the question?
230a24 No.5650471
>Thank You Q.
I find it hard to thank someone for something they only talk about doing..but never actually do.
207f10 No.5650472
May 17 2017
I believe Comey is with Page there.
That Commie cake looks pretty good though…have an Orange Julius to go with it.
2d085c No.5650473
Shitshitshit can't keep up
You guys see this?
Rick Singer plea deal:
The plea deal said Singer has agreed to forfeit $3.4 million, as well as additional funds on deposit in a Bank of America checking account in the name of the Key Worldwide Foundation, described by prosecutors as Singer’s sham charity used to hide bribery payments.
He has also agreed to forfeit all funds on deposit at a Wells Fargo account in the name of the foundation, the deal said.
A California businessman allegedly collected $25 million in bribes to help applicants gain acceptance to elite colleges as part of a nationwide scandal.
In addition, he’s agreed to give up all assets owned or controlled by the foundation, including the foundation’s interest in the
:: Sharky’s restaurant chain
:: Swansea Football Club
:: Hauser Private Equity Investment
:: Bluestone Partnership
:: Jamtown
:: Whamtech Inc.
:: Virtual PhD
(any of these tie to the Clintons or key Dems?)
The deal called for Singer to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit racketeering, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and conspiracy to defraud the United States, each of which carries a maximum prison term of 20 years. In addition, Singer copped to obstruction of justice, which carries a maximum prison term of five years.
49d758 No.5650474
Thanks for the updates anon.
9739eb No.5650476
54a556 No.5650477
She's a socialist
She is an Anti-semite
She thinks of some people as sub-human.
Now, where have I seen these things tied together before?
2920be No.5650478
(1 OF 2)
Been digging this house fire a little, followed lead from CDAN and Anons here, finding this house is important to one of the biggest/oldest Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans. This parade has been going on since 1872, has a "secret" mask master of ceremony (and "ceo" of the club that organizes the parade) called "Sir Bathurst", Russian royalty attended year one, (Used to be a "Whites Only" parade), British royalty BOW to the REX (the King) of the Parade at the ball, has a weird "theme song" that mentions sheep heads growing in trees and all of us turning to cats and dogs, have their own flag with colors purple-gold-green, and there is a formal ball at the end of parade (haven't been digging that yet, not sure what's there)…
BUT the main thing that I find strange at the moment is HOW IMPORTANT THIS HOUSE IS IN THE PARADE. It's featured, there may be other houses featured also, but this on is key.
Any N.O. Anons around to help with background on the Rex Parade? Local info?
The Montgomery-Grace House, also known as the Morris-Downman House, at 2525 St. Charles Ave. is a mansion closely associated with the Rex Organization [THEY THROW A BIG MARDI GRAS PARADE EACH YEAR SINCE 1872] and has been home to several notable New Orleans families, including many past Kings of Carnival…
…By 1906, the Queen Anne-style mansion was owned by Charles H. Downman, who would reign as Rex the following year. At the time, he was the fourth resident to take up the scepter as King of Carnival.
Six generations of his family continued to live in the historic house for the next 100 years…
…As of 2011, it remained in the hands of the Downman-Kock family, occupied by family members Anne Montgomery, and Bill and Anne Montgomery Grace, the PRC said. Bill Grace reigned as Rex in 2002… [ANONS DUG ON BILL GRACE AND FOUND MK-ULTRA INFO]
…The home started a Mardi Gras tradition that dates back to 1907, when the original Downman owner was king [REX]: that year, members of the Rex Parade crossed St. Charles from the river side to the lake side of the street in order to stop and toast at the house, AND THE PARADE HAS DONE SO EVERY YEAR SINCE. [OTHER ARTICLE SAYS THEY TOAST "TO" THE HOUSE…WHY?]
"What I hate to think about is the collectibles [EVIDENCE] in that house probably being destroyed," Laborde said.
The home is now known as the Downman mansion… It is famous during Mardi Gras as a toasting stop during the Rex parade… Charles H. Downman bought the home in 1906 and was Rex in 1907… Lawrence Beron and Howard Hunter used to play in the home as kids.
"We'd go over here and have a great time, especially on Mardi Gras," Beron said. "Rex would stop here and toast. REX DIVERTS FROM THE RIVERSIDE OF ST. CHARLES OVER TO THE LAKESIDE TO MAKE A TOAST TO THIS HOUSE."
65cc8a No.5650479
jesus christ, I had no idea they made BDU's in tent-sheet
6c6292 No.5650480
Yes it's worth it but it's already known. They can do that to planes..(which is strange Trump even twatter he wanted all flights automated…humm) cars, anything that can be hacked can be controlled.
We've lost a few journalists to car hacks….sort of like red scarves, door knobs and suicide by two shots to the back of the head.
c9f4d6 No.5650481
noticed Dick "911" Cheney has been running his mouth. when will he be brought to "JUSTICE"?
7e7d97 No.5650482
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Savage. Joan Rivers on video calling Obama gay and Michelle a tranny.
650736 No.5650483
I like your meme faggot.
I can't wait.
The hillbillies are going to wreck shit.
f1a8f3 No.5650484
Baker Notable??? College Scam and Janet Nappalitanano
bcd626 No.5650486
333 tweet referenced
7d058e No.5650487
1efd4c No.5650488
Counting Jobs in the Marijuana Industry.
With federal jobs figures for the state-legal marijuana trade in short supply, some independent groups are taking a crack at a count.
6c6292 No.5650489
You mean…Dick "stand down" Cheney?
7c09e1 No.5650491
SAM349 Travelling Fast and High towards DC
Origin Unclear
E4 Still Up and Roaming
7b72d7 No.5650492
The video that got her killed
1fa8f9 No.5650495
Q = Highest classified level at department of energy.
I was trying to figure out the motivation for the deep state. At first, I was like 'money' but what if you already control 99% of the money supply? Then I stumbled on some department of energy research regarding the 'earth catastrophe cycle' and it all clicked. Some other anons willing to take it further? Solar micronova?
5a8791 No.5650496
Sorry, nothing you said makes me think Paris is a pedovore. Seems silly.
I didn't hear the song you're speaking of because you didn't embed or drop a link and I don't care enough to try and search it.
9a7bb1 No.5650500
6927fc No.5650502
Q, it's time to get some.
b9684a No.5650503
THIS^^^^^^^ We need to bring this back.
cfa89c No.5650505
That’s why they 187’d her. Poor Joan. Telling the truth got her killed.
aaea97 No.5650506
Yep sounds bout right
852e1d No.5650507
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. for anyone looking to either wake people up
or totally be a dick to lefties
rachel maddow stream to troll
2920be No.5650508
(2 of 2)
The identity of this masked man? "Sir Bathurst" – the fancy, formal name for the captain of Rex. His real name is never revealed. As the captain, he ensures this parade and the Rex organization, also known as "The School of Design", continues its tradition of entertaining Mardi Gras crowds since 1872.
"Traditionally, the secretive membership was restricted to New Orleans residents of European ancestry for most of its history, including the first Rex, Louis Solomon a Jewish businessman."
"However, in 1991 the New Orleans city council passed an ordinance that required social organizations, including Mardi Gras Krewes, to certify publicly that they did not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, in order to obtain parade permits and other public licensure. In effect, the ordinance required these, and other, PRIVATE SOCIAL GROUPS TO ABANDON THEIR TRADITIONAL CODE OF SECRECY AND IDENTIFY THEIR MEMBERS FOR THE CITY'S HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION. The Comus organization (along with Momus and Proteus, other 19th century Krewes) withdrew from parading rather than identify its membership. REX DECIDED TO COMPLY WITH THE NEW ORDINANCE, RATHER THAN DISAPPEAR FROM THE MAIN EVENT OF MARDI GRAS DAY. Two federal courts later declared that the ordinance was an unconstitutional infringement on First Amendment rights of free association, and an unwarranted intrusion on the privacy of the groups subject to the ordinance."
"One member of the Rex Organization is each year chosen to be the monarch of the organization; he is often incorrectly referred to by the (technically redundant) phrase "King Rex". The correct title is simply "Rex". The identity of Rex is made public on Lundi Gras, the day before Mardi Gras. Rex is always a prominent person in the city, one who is usually involved in several philanthropic and civic causes. Being chosen Rex is one of the highest civic honors a person can receive in New Orleans.[citation needed] The Mayor of New Orleans traditionally hands over a symbolic Key to the City of New Orleans to Rex for Mardi Gras Day.
A consort is also chosen each year for Rex and she is titled the "Queen of Carnival". The queen is always a debutante of the current season. Like Rex, the queen is chosen in the spring of the previous year, and must keep her identity secret until Lundi Gras."
"In the 1950s, this ball made headlines when the Duke and Duchess of Windsor bowed down to Rex and the Queen of Carnival."
Theme song of the Rex Parade -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B96K8qd4QR4
624610 No.5650510
Enty's post today linked to MKULTRA
Testimony of victim at house and Tulane Labs
Scary Shit
abdf9f No.5650511
Yt just stopped hannity live
31acfa No.5650512
I’m listening Anon.
I’ve wondered the same thing. It’s more than money.
c264e9 No.5650513
I'm sure everything is it's super hyped from your perspective and I welcome the soon disintegration of SSDD from ours. WWG1WGA!
bc1452 No.5650514
"The Way of the Shaman", by Michael Harner
It'll take you through non-assisted shamanic journeying.
Go down to South America and find The Blue Morpho group.
The Ayahuasceros will take great care of you, if you're accepted for the process.
ac46ea No.5650515
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
230a24 No.5650517
>Q, it's time to get some.
Patience, anon.
I need another 6 years.
ae551b No.5650518
Maggie Nixon and Lauren Hutton
What’s the connection?
052bdb No.5650520
Let freedom ring!
624632 No.5650521
This slo mo clip has been around for a long time and there are many of us who believe the driver took that shot
f8cad9 No.5650522
Is Hussein/Michael Match Up in the first Bracket?
c264e9 No.5650525
780d63 No.5650526
Brilliant picture, and loving how you can tell the married couples (they look alike to their spouses)
And, front and center, our loveable papa bear POTUS, and he's happy
And FLOTUS looks like an avenging angel, awaiting the time to deliver the final blow, so beautiful and deadly
(Ok I'm done gushing)
d72bcb No.5650527
Hannity is "handled" - he doesn't ask, he is told. All ur mockingbirds r belong to us now.
989692 No.5650528
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5650023 pb
Belated Justice for JACK Kennedy?
Goes into spy movie, "Jack" "President"
ghost "Jack Reacher"
fbi untouchables, It's just evocative.
a "Jack" which fits everywhere.
jumpn Jack flash.
dcdbc5 No.5650531
I just grabbed the meme quick but you're right Anon and it’s one of my favorites too.
c9f4d6 No.5650532
Satan himself…yes that's the one.
b9684a No.5650533
bd655a No.5650534
Steal it.
I did.
People would be surprised what poor ol' 'hillbillies' are capable of, kek.
2ae1e9 No.5650535
Thats why we need full disclosure
cd6695 No.5650537
Is twitter allowed to be organic?
Would twitter be allowed to be organic?
Is the power to control it avaiilable?
If so, would it be used?
Does any entities have motive to prevent twitter from being organic?
Given the preceding, what can we assume about "Q sent me"?
5acc9a No.5650539
This is an example. Spending all of ones money on a drug or humans than simply pornography. Maybe a live interactive snuff thing they do hillary had to destroy what 8 cellphones?
c5315f No.5650540
Well she helped the lie for a long time.
1efd4c No.5650541
China’s Cyber Prowess is Shaping How the Pentagon Buys.
China’s drastic expansion of military and technological capabilities over the last 15 years has America’s procurement leaders focusing on the cybersecurity of what they buy.
“Over the last roughly full decade to 15 years, [China has gone] from being a very minor military player to a major military player with over 300 ships,” Deputy Under Secretary for Acquisition and Sustainment Alan Shaffer told the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council’s Acquisition Excellence Conference Tuesday.
aac765 No.5650542
I had a feeling DMT might be involved.
I will read that book.
Thank you.
819fe8 No.5650545
That’s awesome. Kek
5713e0 No.5650546
I was talking more on the lines of food, and water.. But I'm really enjoying the show
7af32d No.5650547
He had to sacrifice Isaac per GODs orders.
GOD confronted the Pharoah and Pharoah confronts Abraham about why he tricked him. didn't sleep with Sarai.
Nothing in scripture even mentions Pharoah slept with Sarah.
I'll stop here.
6c6292 No.5650548
>Rudy took down the mob with RICO, he was brought in to consult.
Yes he did…but he also declined to prosecute high level pedo…
The general pop would never be able to handle the evidence on Hill…and really how do you do that to a jury. Depending on that Kavanaugh chap….it is slightly more feasible they could get nailed for Vince Foster but i wouldn't bank on it.
fbd855 No.5650549
God bless you all
68cca3 No.5650550
Well, based on his heading and the flight path shown, the point of origin could well be San Antonio.
A certain MI Brigade is HQ'd there, if I'm not mistaken.
f8cad9 No.5650552
Eat Fresh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqTHN6NoQnQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_7wJvIYQK8
31acfa No.5650554
LOVE the milkshake meme Anon. Great movie!!
7e7d97 No.5650555
How do you mean she helped the lie? I know very little about this.
fb2d36 No.5650556
3rd secret of Fatima. Why did they hide it from us?
September 23, 2017
c57eec No.5650557
Fun Fact-ObamaBinLying Pardoned-1,927 ppl total
Life Sentences-504
Impressive bunch of hoodlums
He also holds the 1 day record-330
In addition he has Pardoned more than the last 13 POTUS combined!
Hoover 31 thru Bush 43
That’s a lot of Pardons
b36075 No.5650559
I dont know if i am strong enough yet…
6927fc No.5650560
>I need another 6 years.
We have 2 years anon.
d4206a No.5650561
Early Notes
>>5650491 Planefag Report
>>5650488 Counting Jobs in the Marijuana Industry
>>5650478 , >>5650508 Further St Charles Ave New Orleans dig
>>5650422 Inside DARPA’s Ambitious ‘AI Next’ Program
>>5650417 , >>5650491 College Fraud: The List and Update
>>5650409 Trump flips federal appeals court with 'Bridgegate' attorney
>>5650370 Hannity tells us to 'buckle up'
>>5650269 Q hits the 17
>>5650268 India-Pakistan Tensions Test China’s Relationships
>>5650244 , >>5650413 Mueller investigation began March 17 2017: 666 days
Latest Q
>>5650117 ————————————–——– JUSTICE (Cap: >>5650199)
9a7bb1 No.5650562
No she's a radical muslim hiding behind her hijab of socialism… barely dhiing. Her hate is pretty blatant
1c8c7c No.5650563
Night [#] Crumbs Were A Signature About F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Bombers
*This is just a theory*
There have been recent reports about F-117 sightings and flights, as if they're active again, EVEN THOUGH they were decommissioned years ago in 2007 and 2008.
These were the planes being developed in Area 51 during the 70s and 80s, so they have ALWAYS had secrecy associated with them.
There is new reports about 4 of the f-117 Nighthawkss being used once in Syria in 2017.
But there have been reports of "unidentified or unknown aircrafts" CONSTANTLY throughout the campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, I included just a few. There's so many more.
It's highly plausible many more missions have been done using them.
Then I saw in the articles the use of "Night #" to describe the callsign.
I thought of Q's crumbs on Night [#] from April, a few days before the Airstrikes on Syria because of the chemical weapon FALSE FLAGS.
The last Night [#] crumb was Night [5] on 4/12/18, and the strikes happened early in the morning on 4/14/18.
This is theoretical, but Q posted Night [2], Night [3], Night [4], and Night [5], implying 4 Night [#]s
Night [#] → Night # → NightHawk # → F-117 → 4 F-117s
On the 14th ALSO, there was a giant explosion at an Iranian base in Syria from an "unidentified" aircraft or aircrafts that was blamed on Israel.
It seriously crippled Iranian forces in that area, of Northern Syria.
Q asked "What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?", and also asked "Why did we strike Syria? Why did we really strike Syria?".
I don't think we hit targets AT the facility, but we hit targets at this base to PREVENT anything from continuing there, and Q uses "prevent" a lot in the crumbs I put in the graphic, even saying "Prevent at all costs."
The theory is that Q was telling us we were striking COVERTLY, while the international spectacle of the OVERT airstrikes were happening using supposedly decommissioned F-117 Nighthawks.
This also means we could be hitting cabal targets covertly ALL THE TIME, and likely are.
04f8c5 No.5650564
Did it look like 2 more shots came from offscreen near the right side mirror after the shot from Greer to anyone else?
b36075 No.5650566
819fe8 No.5650567
Prob about the same credibility.
Times up, Marine Bob and Ratstein.
b9684a No.5650569
Not bots. I've posted it a bunch myself. However, it may get shadowbanned. At best, it helps spread the word. At worst, puts a target on our twats.
d3fbbb No.5650570
Fractals are basically a dimensional axis that has a logarithmic scale. There are probably axis that are also Sin Cos, Tangent, and other functions we just don't have the programs to create the images.
199a31 No.5650571
need a clean up in aisle 3
clean up, aisle 3
1b211f No.5650573
WHOA! Thats wild, Anon!!! Sick find!! Im on a "wavelength" right now…
13418f No.5650575
2d3977 No.5650576
Loved my CIC, President Reagan.
Would also take a bullet for this POTUS and Qteam.
No second thoughts.
God bless you all.
5acc9a No.5650577
Paris is not a pedovore she tried to expose freemasonry and now is a new agey kind of gal. God bless her but the third eye symbolism from someone who had been made to shut up is a cry for help. Pedovore adjacent she wants out of the craft
4cc1c4 No.5650578
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.
a57ec8 No.5650579
Baker's dozen, who is missing?
ff9224 No.5650581
Anons. The HOT codes are for the Rods of the Gods.
Look at the longer stringer.
Coordinates. Orbital coordinates.
Why isn’t there any other coordinate to go with the ‘837392’ number? Because the RotG satellite is most likely in a locked orbit, and thus pointless to outline the other coordinate axis.
Look at where the coordinate takes you.
Now do a web search for ‘Michigan Meteor’.
Look at the date of the meteor.
Look at Q HOT stringer post date.
Pinpoint exact “meteor” land site. Reconcile.
Did Q predict the exact location of a meteor impact? Not likely. Rods.
OWLS. Orbital Weapon Lancets.
Do the homework, you’ll see that I’m right.
6a9d00 No.5650582
_ ]_y
230a24 No.5650583
Flynn sentencing pushed to July 15, 2019
bc1452 No.5650586
Whatever gave you that idea?
7d058e No.5650587
Q please nail them for all the pedo shit. We are all sick of it.
171b78 No.5650588
dcbabc No.5650589
Wanted to end the Federal Reserve.
Wanted to destroy the CIA.
Wanted no part of an escalation in Viet Nam.
Wanted to keep Israel from getting the bomb.
Now who could possibly have wanted him dead?
b9684a No.5650590
Good chance she's an SRA victim.
049f53 No.5650591
312cf9 No.5650593
Your messages mean more than you know to us…
Be safe!
97f4f4 No.5650594
Former Trump adviser Flynn asks judge to delay sentencing: court filing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawyers for President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn asked a judge on Tuesday to delay his sentencing in a case that stemmed from an investigation of possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election campaign. The lawyers asked Judge Emmet Sullivan for a delay of 90 days while Flynn may need to provide more cooperation in the Russia probe being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The request was made in a joint filing with Mueller, who said he took no position on Flynn’s request for a delay.
4cc1c4 No.5650595
Operation Varsity blues started in 2011
52be41 No.5650596
Once we count anything, it instantly
becomes a tragedy.
bcd626 No.5650597
I think its worth noting this is the 333rd tweet by this account named 333 which was called out by Q. Trigger?
cb36f6 No.5650598
We go rounds on qrs-11 everytime there is a plane crash. If you search the biard, you'll see . If not getting pickup, that could be why.
c3e042 No.5650599
Sorry to post this here but I have tried 8 boards, keeps telling me they are at capacity so can't post.
I can't help but wonder why this indictment is the first to be unsealed.
The famous and wealthy have always bribed their way through life, whats new? Is it to get libs used to not only seeing famous people in handcuffs?
Maybe it is to get them used to the fact that they are no longer going to be let off easy and hefty sentences will be handed out?
I find it odd that Harvard was also picked to be revealed in this indictment. Sorority's and Fraternity's always have sister/brother houses at Universitys around the country. Was this indictment chosen because, as many have suspected, it is going to be revealed that Skull and Bones has brother society's at all the Ivy league schools?
Is it for all these reasons?
650736 No.5650600
If all their shit is made of Chinese steel, wont it be garbage anyway? I dont know. If they really wanted to fuck with us they would load up planes with hundreds of millions of their people and just drop them from the sky. Chemical warfare. what would we do with all those dead bodies?
there are billions of them with a B
1c8c7c No.5650601
b36075 No.5650602
I am happy to be here with you Q. I am small im his digital sphere but i bring lobe and light. Someone has to…
e0756a No.5650603
No it's not. Trump hasnt said the line.
0df8f2 No.5650604
What is my path to earn the prized pepe
What must I do so that I may bask in the glory of the kek king
444e90 No.5650605
Q lands digits 17
f8cad9 No.5650607
So RR and Mueller on are the team and actually filed the Sealed Indictments which is why Pelosi/Chuck have their hands tied. LOL The Biggest Sting in the History of the World.
780d63 No.5650609
Trips of KEK
That's the best meme of the moment fo sho>>5650222
ce311f No.5650610
879e5b No.5650611
JULY! The MONTH the WORLD learns the TRUTH! Oh wait. That was last year.
6c6292 No.5650612
yeah…Thutmose is like…brah I never would have screwed her if you had told me she was your sister…
who wrote that story down? WHO had reason to fudge the timeline.
And really God ordered Abe to kill his son? And abe lied to Isaac to get him to go up to the mountain and he was fully prepared to "kill his son" on orders from god?
What the fuck kind of god do you worship anyway. Andrea Yates said god told her to kill her five kids…why don't you believe her but you believe a 3k old fucking story written by the people who had reason to fudge it?
He took her into his Harem…you know what harem's are for…right? FUCKING. He sent her back with a MIDWIFE (proper translation is midwife not handmaiden, again more fuckery).
Isaac was Thutmose's son…
819fe8 No.5650613
I hope one Suicide leads to another for these demoncrat Crooktards. Will be the first time ever they’ve saved the People any money.
624610 No.5650614
Nate Cain sends his thanks anons
22856a No.5650615
Intredasting Anon
31acfa No.5650620
Amen Brother. I would do the same and be honored to do so.
God Bless Q+ and Q (and team because we all know these more than just one).
f1a8f3 No.5650621
middle finger, left hand. wonder if he sucked all the pain out? Sick pos
1f78ab No.5650622
>>5650267, >>5650404 Tucker Carlson Strikes Back
2nd one is mine, just take the first if you think it's notable, topic is important
bcd626 No.5650624
That is good shit if true.
e5b03b No.5650625
Financial Titans and Influential Lawyers Charged in College Admissions Scam
Law firm Co-Chair Gordon Caplan, former PIMCO CEO Douglas Hodge, and the Managing Partner of TPG Growth, Bill McGlashan, were charged in a college admissions scam on Tuesday, along with at least 40 other individuals.
Gordon Caplan, Douglas Hodge, and Bill McGlashan have been charged on Tuesday — along with 40 others, including actresses — in a college admissions scam in which wealthy parents bribed coaches and other insiders at testing centers in an effort to get their children into some of the most elite schools in the country.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher co-Chair and Hillary Clinton donor, Gordon Caplan, allegedly paid $75,000 to college coaches to have someone else take an admissions exam for his daughter, according to the indictment.
The plan was to have a professional test taker take over for the Clinton donor’s daughter while she took an untimed exam, allowing the professional to obtain the appropriate scores necessary for getting into the college she desired.
1c8c7c No.5650626
It all seems to fit.
>Why did we really strike Syria?
7b72d7 No.5650627
Stay vigilant and safe Cain.
bc8ebb No.5650628
Thanks, anon. I had forgotten about ol' Jan.
I'm sure there is nothing corrupt going on since she's in charge. /heavy sarcasm
018957 No.5650629
Great red pilling video's…. I filter this shitpost everytime..
85bb62 No.5650630
Bless you Q.
Hey what's with Joe M?
Patriot or not?
070d5f No.5650631
Yeah, that obelisk …
819fe8 No.5650634
That’s good though.
6c6292 No.5650635
I have no idea why people have the need to make an invisible boogeyman (satan) when we've plenty of excellent candidates that walk among us.
1c8c7c No.5650636
Might be a patriot, but a faggot nonetheless.
49fe76 No.5650638
The day he says that is going to be epic, ultra orgasmic for sure.
d4206a No.5650639
bc7178 No.5650640
Parade or Chains ???? Kek
31acfa No.5650641
JFK, Jr. died on the 16th.
e5b03b No.5650643
The scheme failed once college insiders became cooperating witnesses for government officials.
The former CEO of Pacific Investment Management Co. (PIMCO), Douglas Hodge, allegedly “agreed to use bribery to facilitate the admission of two of his children to USC as purported athletic recruits” and sought to enlist the support of a cooperating witness to secure college admissions for a third child through bribery as well, according to the criminal complaint.
Bill McGlashan, the managing partner of TPG Growth and CEO of the social impact The Rise Fund — co-founded with U2’s Bono and Jeff Skoll — was also among the many individuals charged in the college admissions scam.
69916d No.5650646
"Will write an introduction to Mueller report after released" Hannity just now regarding Dershowitz
His book comes out March 26th right?
So Mueller report coming out before the 26th!
Anons paying attention?
4499d2 No.5650650
He may be learning now
84bcae No.5650651
Just a diversion? From what's going to come?
fcfc4b No.5650653
An army of Digital Warriors.
a5f2fd No.5650654
> !!mG7VJxZNCI
We are going to look at March 12, 2019 as a big Q dropping lead up day. A day of extreme excitement among all the hard working Anons on there that have worked around the clock for over 17 months…and prior
76f93f No.5650656
Just a thought…because that's what I do. Seeing the "Club Med" advertisement with this MSM post, could and will the MSM turn this into a "class warfare" scam as opposed to the corruption of our society by evil people?
Rich people fucking poor people. (Yes that has gone on for years) However, will the MSM attempt to spin this into another 1% argument?
89f010 No.5650657
The Happening.
1f78ab No.5650660
Thanks, anons. Taken on the spot?
1474d2 No.5650661
No need to pardon if the case gets dropped due to corruption and bias within the charging agencies
e0756a No.5650662
Why he got ball hair on his chin?
6927fc No.5650663
It's a fake case. They will never sentence him.
e5b03b No.5650665
Clintons and u2 bono …. red red
85bb62 No.5650666
>Might be a patriot, but a faggot nonetheless.
I guess that describes us all to some extent.
5fd29b No.5650668
One of my favorite 'Trump' cards…
01010100 01101001 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110
2920be No.5650669
dcdbc5 No.5650670
The picture looks like it has Fibonacci sequence the golden rule of natu
058561 No.5650671
This is interesting.
d4206a No.5650672
Updated Notes
>>5650583 Flynn's court date pushed back to July 15
>>5650491 Planefag Report
>>5650488 Counting Jobs in the Marijuana Industry
>>5650486 QPost: 333rd tweet by this account named 333
>>5650478 , >>5650508 Further St Charles Ave New Orleans dig
>>5650422 Inside DARPA’s Ambitious ‘AI Next’ Program
>>5650417 , >>5650491 College Fraud: The List and Update
>>5650409 Trump flips federal appeals court with 'Bridgegate' attorney
>>5650370 Hannity tells us to 'buckle up'
>>5650269 Q hits the 17
>>5650267 , >>5650404 Tucker Carlson Strikes Back
>>5650268 India-Pakistan Tensions Test China’s Relationships
>>5650244 , >>5650413 Mueller investigation began March 17 2017: 666 days
0524d2 No.5650675
None of us is strong enough. All of us are.
230a24 No.5650676
>JULY! The MONTH the WORLD learns the TRUTH! Oh wait. That was last year.
Seth Rich June ETA
Oh wait. That was last year.
abdf9f No.5650677
Do we have a working feed for hannity
aac765 No.5650678
To many Terence McKenna lectures and Mushroom stories.
650736 No.5650679
are all those faggots posting on the Q guided twatter posts from Voat or something?
I wish they would post a meme
instead of
Q sent me (because I'm brainless)
they look like Cringe.
1c8c7c No.5650680
>>5650666 (checked)
Not a faggot in a good way.
A faggot, not a fag, Ausfag, KEK
6a968f No.5650681
Left picture is taken in The Netherlands
fdef44 No.5650682
>>5648692 Boeing to warn of a potential instrument failure
umm, this is a massive admission of liability, is it not?
a25d03 No.5650683
Patriots! Memes memes memes in these styles and more at:
Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery
1000+ Great Awakening Memes including Q quotes and posts in meme for mass distribution of the message. Plus meme templates for those of you ready to get creative for the Great Awakening.
I update every day I meme so fresh memes regularly!
https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA or use the tinyurl link on the Guardians Gallery meme.
e5b03b No.5650684
$25 million federal bribery case
a2b395 No.5650685
bc1452 No.5650687
Then expand your axes to a non-euclidean perspective.
How many dimensions can you fit on a point (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0….) before you're compactifying that situation into a point in a higher dimension to continue? ;)
fcfc4b No.5650688
Four significant markers from the VIDEO and the matching images.
6c6292 No.5650689
I forgot the mention the reason…for mucking up the timeline and story..(if we want to pretend Abe only had one kid..Ishmael, which is completely stupid. He probably had 10 wives and 40 kids…but for this story only two are notable…
Ishmael and Isaac. NOW if you wanted to be known as the HEIR of all this shit…claim this land…what story would YOU tell?
Ishmael…if he were indeed the only blood son of Abraham…then one might begin to QUESTION….jewish right to anything.
638b45 No.5650690
Anons; do you know what this might mean?
2d085c No.5650691
Damn these cheating liberals!
Seize all their assets and lock 'em all up!!
029e3a No.5650692
Thanks for the entertaining Bing Bonging post. You are clearing channeling.
37769a No.5650695
ohhhhh danknesss!!
thought it was danish
5a8791 No.5650696
I think you're associating 3rd Eye ONLY with secret societies. Am I right or wrong? 3rd eye is important in various cultures and is often of a positive and enlightened nature.
Am I wrong?
ae551b No.5650697
She died for that truth
e5b03b No.5650698
d4206a No.5650699
9304f8 No.5650700
09dfcb No.5650702
Bring the PAIN
879e5b No.5650704
Still waiting on Q to push the date sometime during the next 6 days. It's coming. GUARANTEED.
49fe76 No.5650705
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5650665
Bono talks about his charity (RED), the fight against AIDS, bipartisan support for the cause, and his hope of ridding newborns of the disease by 2020.
5c4140 No.5650706
Why is her head grotesquely large?
4499d2 No.5650707
this was the article, of course I couldn't read. the other is from Canada>
6f1f63 No.5650710
Data: 1.7M Central American, Mexican Illegal Aliens Living in U.S. Despite Deportation Orders
c5ea5a No.5650712
The IRS accepts anonymous tips on stuff like this. Maybe we should inundate them?
7d058e No.5650714
As a parent this is what scares me the most. Sexualized kids. I mean wtf
199a31 No.5650715
it is what it is
if nothing else, think of it as a smokescreen
1a147c No.5650716
fdef44 No.5650717
guise this is going to be an unmitigated disaster. the entire human race is about to disenfranchise itself.
6c6292 No.5650718
KEK more delays…that's all we've ever had…more delays…something is happening…really honest…soon.
21ba8c No.5650719
Pepeanon I have a request. For a bird Pepe
Please and thank you in advance!