d3e414 No.5645456
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Tuesday 03.12.2019
>>5645404 ————————————–——– Jim Jordan's AS Tweets.
>>5643022 ————————————–——– Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
>>5641102 ————————————–——– Doug Collins tweet on the release of Lisa Page testimony (Cap: >>5641129)
>>5640195 ————————————–——– Do UNICORNS exist?
>>5639954 ————————————–——– The Clinton Connection. WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
>>5639743 ————————————–——– Do you believe the timing is a coincidence? Stay Tuned! (Cap: >>5639795 )
Monday 03.11.2019
>>5631851 ————————————–——– Stay in the LIGHT (Cap: >>5632526)
>>5631245 rt >>5631220 ————————— [Michael Gaeta - FBI Rome]
>>5631220 ————————————–——– @PapaD (Cap: >>5631336)
>>5629243 ————————————–——– Memes, Memes, and more Memes.
>>5629177 ————————————–——– 4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS. (Cap: >>5629222)
>>5628683 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.
>>5627803 rt >>5627658 ————————— Re: JPB "Time in Russia? … Intercepts are revealing."
>>5627617 ————————————–——– "Heart attacks can be deadly."
>>5618750 ————————————–——– John Perry Barlow POST January 27, 2018, DEAD February 8, 2018.
>>5618461 ————————————–——– Banking on HRC to win? Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home? (Cap: >>5618485)
>>5618056 rt >>5617930 ————————— Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016? [JB][JPB] How did we know (prior to)?
>>5617930 rt >>5617724 ————————— Connect the dots? Define 'Spook'. Define 'Shadow'.
>>5617724 ————————————–——– @Snowden Parades or Restraints?
>>5617565 ————————————–——– Why was the NSA targeted? Why was the Agency protected/sheltered? (Cap: >>5617740)
Sunday 03.10.2019
>>5616382 ————————————–——– Do you have your [ ] filled in?
>>5602691 ————————————–——– Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5609688)
Saturday 03.09.2019
Compiled here: >>5630830
Thursday 03.07.2019
Compiled here: >>5610246
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>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
d3e414 No.5645462
are not endorsements
>>5644463 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5392971 , >>5389728 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5645434 Opioids account for 44% of decrease in men’s labor force participation 2001-15.
>>5645059 Obama's daughters connected to college bribe scheme.
>>5645278 Felicity Huffman the HRC supporter.
>>5645250 Unicorn engine. (software)
>>5644855, >>5645193 China crashing planes for economic reasons?
>>5645187 Hawaii corruption case expanding.
>>5644969, >>5644977 Discussion around 737 MAX's automated flight control systems.
>>5645007 Page transcripts reveal details of anti-Trump ‘insurance policy,’ probe concerns.
>>5644976 Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank LTD. admits its employees helped U.S. taxpayers conceal income and assets.
>>5644862, >>5644957 Lisa Page referring to London in her testimony?
>>5644904 "Lync" in Strzok's emails referring to communication software?
>>5644921 Unicorns referenced in Podesta's emails.
>>5644828 USSS finds man on the run in Georgia; awaiting extradition.
>>5644824 Hillbags talking about CHINA.
>>5644795 Pence pitches deal to kill Dem resolution blocking Trump emergency declaration.
>>5644762 US ‘agreed in draft’ with Taliban on Afghanistan troop withdrawal – envoy.
>>5644756 Elisabeth Kimmel, linked to Kock brothers by way of her family's charitable foundation.
>>5644741 French, German farmers destroy GMO-contaminated crops.
>>5644714 Rescue choppers en route to plane crash in Illinois as another plane crashes in Ohio.
>>5645449 #7219
>>5644632 Southern Poverty surpasses half billion in assets; $121 million now offshore.
>>5644286 USSS code name unicorn - Prince Charles.
>>5644267 Moar on The Global Unicorn Club.
>>5644424 Cash from NY, feds tests 100K rape kits, leads to 1K arrests.
>>5644249 Nxivm co-founder expected to plead guilty.
>>5644235 Page testimony re: LL tarmac meeting and Weiner's emails.
>>5644055, >>5644194 Four signs we are experiencing a collective awakening.
>>5644143 Rothschild sees tougher 2019 as it posts higher annual profits for 2018.
>>5644133 NASA to open untouched moon samples for 1st time since Apollo missions (video)
>>5644078 The Conet Project: Recordings of shortwave numbers stations. Q: It didn't work.
>>5644076 PapaD calls out Turkey and their role in SpyGate.
>>5644021 JW sues for records pertaining to RR's 25th amendment comments.
>>5644008 EU cooking up another 'muh Russia' excuse for the rise of Nationalism.
>>5643985 May's Brexit "deal" rejected.
>>5644688 #7218
>>5643163 China’s First Homegrown Jetliner Nears Commercial Debut
>>5643195 Facebook has just banned Zero Hedge, and they will be systematically censoring any content that has “misinformation” about vaccines
>>5643207 The Curators: Culling “Fake News” or Controlling the Narrative?
>>5643211 EASA suspends all Boeing 737 Max operations in Europe
>>5643215 Trump spoke to Boeing CEO after tweets about airplane safety: source
>>5643276 Felicity Huffman, Lori Loughlin among 50 snared in elite college cheating scam, authorities say
>>5643278 Nolte: New York Mag Lays Off 5%, Hundreds of Newspapers Closing
>>5643287, >>5643472, >>5643560, >>5643517 The Unicorn Project & The Global Unicorn Club Digs
>>5643305 Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows Wants to Eliminate Super PACs
>>5643379 Greenpeace Co-founder: ‘Climate Crisis’ Not Only ‘Fake News’ — ‘It’s Fake Science’
>>5643398 Hussein presided over the whole treasonous scam.
>>5643539, >>5643571 UK Parliament Rejects May's Latest Brexit Plan
>>5643557 Venezuelan Top Prosecutor Seeks to Probe Guaido Over Sabotaging Electric System
>>5643287, >>5643472, >>5643560, >>5643517 Unicorn Digs
>>5643590 Why did Q team choose 8chan for Q comms?
>>5643634 IRA Claims Responsibility For Bombs Found In London, Glasgow
>>5643712 POTUS correct: It does take an MIT scientist to fly an airplane.
>>5643720 Woman Accused Of Killing Kim Jong Un’s Half Brother With VX Freed After Charges Dropped
>>5643820 Podesta emails: Unicorns exist
>>5643825 Jussie Smollet struts into court with Mark Geragos
>>5643869 #7217
Previously Collected Notables
>>5642294 #7215, >>5643046 #7216
>>5640122 #7212, >>5640748 #7213, >>5641516 #7214
>>5637624 #7209, >>5638378 #7210, >>5639201 #7211
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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d3e414 No.5645466
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d3e414 No.5645470
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
d3e414 No.5645495
43373b No.5645519
d3e414 No.5645520
Baker Requesting Handoff
0a33f0 No.5645522
549204 No.5645523
>>5645517 (PB)
I don't think "smarter than AOC" is a good standard. We may well have dogs and cats that qualify...
4acb79 No.5645525
Planes and FF
662f63 No.5645527
Podesta really likes UNICORNS….
0a33f0 No.5645529
2cf266 No.5645530
Do you have expectations of us to create something for patriots outside of this platform as others have considered/are in the process of doing, or was the team's ideal to have this board morph into something like a controlled utility of the gov and be the new bastion of free speech?
61b630 No.5645531
Fire bombs tossed in Old Jerusalem today.
Eyes on the ground verify.
Please share if anons have better sauce.
4bd53a No.5645532
>"Lync" in Strzok's emails referring to communication software?
Lync is referencing lynch. its clear from the reading of it.
ace13e No.5645533
>pic related
549204 No.5645534
Maybe it was expedited by 'higher ups'? Maybe the story of doubts is a lie, and he was tasked with exposing the NSA to divert attention?
f99af9 No.5645535
d02e89 No.5645536
How did Hillary and Obama obtain a security clearance?
Obama is a foreigner and Hillary is a traitor.
698e89 No.5645537
Margaret Thatcher protected a senior Conservative MP who was under suspicion of abusing children, according to MI5 files disclosed to a public inquiry. Sir Peter Morrison appeared in internal Security Service memos written during 1986-87 about his alleged “interest in small boys”
Dark to Light
1276b3 No.5645539
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Remember this arrogant criminal and his lawyers too.
e63748 No.5645540
Pilots repeatedly voiced safety concerns about the Boeing 737 Max 8 to federal authorities, with one captain calling the flight manual "inadequate and almost criminally insufficient"
Among the disclosures found by The News, four others reference problems with an autopilot system during takeoff and nose-down situations while a Boeing 737 Max 8 was gaining altitude.
The FAA said the reports get filed to NASA – a neutral 3rd party for reporting purposes. But a federal audit in 2014 said the FAA does not collect and analyze its voluntary disclosure reporting in a way to effectively identify national safety risks.
2f7ab8 No.5645541
Mexico to Continue Facilitating Caravan Travel to US Border
Mexico’s new government has started laying out its vision for immigration, especially regarding the huge flow of migrants journeying north from Central America to the U.S. border.
Olga Sánchez Cordero, secretary of the interior for Mexico, said she expects the number of Central American migrants entering Mexico to reach at least 700,000 a year over the next several years.
“Today, the new migration model, the safest model for migrants, is through caravans. It’s a new phenomenon that we had not previously experienced,” Cordero said at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington on Feb. 28, through a translator.
“In fact, we need to look at who is promoting caravans, what organizations are promoting them, know who the leaders of these caravans are, how people are recruited from Honduras, the leaders of these caravans are recruited, and how this migratory movement occurs. It is unusual, but soon will become normal—caravans coming towards the north.”
Cordero said members of San Diego-based Pueblos Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) are involved.
“Now, for example, we identify the leaders first of all of nongovernmental organizations that are recruiting these caravans. There are some from Pueblo Sin Fronteras, for example. We are identifying people,” she said.
“Some of the leaders as well who were managing this illegally, this is a huge business. Smuggling people is a huge business.”
In response to Cordero’s comments, Pueblo Sin Fronteras denied that it’s behind the formation of the caravans, although it has led caravans from Central America to the United States for years.
“Our organization has not participated in the organization of any migrant caravan since the inauguration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. We have never organized or recruited any caravan from Central America,” the group wrote on its Facebook page on Feb. 28.
However, on Nov. 26, 2018, the day after more than 1,000 migrants rushed at the border in Tijuana, Mexico, and attempted to force their way into the United States, Pueblos Sin Fronteras wrote on Facebook: “As an organization, we accompanied two migrant caravans in 2017 and one in the spring of 2018.
“Hundreds of Central American people participating in these caravans received legal advice from lawyers and volunteer lawyers about their options for regularization, shelter, and asylum both in Mexico as in the United States.”
541dfa No.5645544
According to Facebook Research -
UNICORN: A System for Searching the Social Graph.
dae800 No.5645545
>>5645514 lb
I was on a forum when pilots were discussing. They were sayn you can override but it takes longer and not that simple. So its like a system design flaw. One said they had to retrain all pilots for this specific feature but didnt
def037 No.5645546
I don't get the juxtoposition of Jordan's tweets with the empty rhetoric coming from the [D] Party, including [AS] the traitor. Oh, wait, maybe I do.
fe7800 No.5645548
>>5645404 pb
Obama's campaign used the slogan "Change we can believe in"
Forward: An Anthem for Obama's Second Term (Official Video)
Obama’s new slogan: ‘Greater together’
Obama 'We Don't Quit'
MARCH 2011Winning the Future:pResident obAMA’s AgendA And tHe HispAniC CoMMunity
We Can't Wait is a policy initiative launched by the U.S. President Barack Obama's administration in October 2011 to institute policies by executive orders, administrative rulemaking, and recess appointments.[1] The initiative was developed in response to the United States Congress' unwillingness to pass economic legislation proposed by Obama, and conflicts in Congress during the 2011 debt ceiling crisis.[2]
Creating an economy 'built to last'
Barack Obama
ab634a No.5645549
dub dubs confirm
4b1502 No.5645550
every email to a third party
2f7ab8 No.5645554
ICE removes Dutch national convicted of narcotics trafficking, providing support to foreign terrorist organization
NEW YORK — A Dutch narcotics trafficker and money launderer was returned to his home country March 11 by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) deportation officers. This follows an international investigation which led to his conviction on multiple charges tied to an international drug trafficking scheme.
ERO deportation officers escorted Jeroen Van Den Elshout, 39, to Amsterdam, via a commercial flight and transferred him into the custody of Dutch law enforcement authorities.
In March 2017, Elshout was extradited to the U.S. following his indictment in U.S. District Court-Southern District of New York (SDNY) on drug trafficking, narco-terrorism, and providing material support to a terrorist organization charges. On Feb. 6, 2019, Elshout pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit narco-terrorism (cocaine), attempt to commit narco-terrorism, conspiracy, and attempt to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization. Additionally, as part of his guilty plea, he stipulated to a judicial removal order (JRO). On the same date, Elshout was sentenced in SDNY to time served, five years of supervised release, and based on the stipulated JRO, ordered removed to the Netherlands. On Feb. 7, 2019, he was transferred to ICE custody for removal.
“This man faced trial in the United States and now that he has been prosecuted, he will no longer remain in this country,” said Thomas R. Decker, field office director for ERO New York. “It is the responsibility of ICE ERO to remove criminals from our streets so they are not provided a safe haven in our country. ICE ERO continues to remove criminal aliens from the United States in the interest of protecting our communities.”
According to reports, in 2015, Elshout was arrested in Turnhout, Belgium, by Belgian law enforcement authorities and alleged to have been involved in a scheme with Netherlands based drug traffickers and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (“the FARC”), a foreign terrorist organization, to smuggle large quantities of cocaine from South America to the Netherlands.
23b294 No.5645555
Consequences are inevitable
974a78 No.5645556
When your heart is in the place where you always wanted to be ..You'll be free . Do-it-Q !!
4ee9d0 No.5645558
I was gonna call Q a nigger and pray to the real non jewish god
But its not even fun anymore
So im just gonna laugh at you retard anons for trusting the plan
23b084 No.5645561
When do we start winning Q?
709c4e No.5645563
God warned: “Therefore thus says the Lord God: ‘Surely I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all Edom [Arabs], who took MY LAND to themselves as a possession, with whole-hearted joy and spiteful minds, in order to plunder its open country … But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to MY PEOPLE ISRAEL, for they are about to come.'” (Ezekiel 36: 5, 8 NKJ)
0a33f0 No.5645564
ebd741 No.5645566
4ee9d0 No.5645567
More like useful idiots dig meme and pray
8df7c5 No.5645569
Than you, Baker! Your fabulous…
4ee9d0 No.5645572
Is israel at the head of the nwo yet ?
5e0788 No.5645573
b3e0e8 No.5645575
So I have a theory about the liberal parents college crime we are hearing so much about. Perhaps the crimes that (they) have committed have also seen the light of day…perhaps this is a last ditch effort to feed the minds of the sheep to further manipulate our helplessness and convince us that we are not (THEM)..we canno go to their schools, we cannot achieve what they have, blah blah blah…or
They are deflecting and big time….there is no way this is not more widespread than we are seeing….just a lurkeranon theory …
4cb540 No.5645576
>>5645404 (lb)
>“Winning the Future”
that one was a winner.
here's another -
"scandal-free presidency"
fda83f No.5645577
Super Micro spy chips
2f7ab8 No.5645578
Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank LTD. Admits Its Employees Helped U.S.Taxpayers Conceal Income and Assets
e17ff7 No.5645579
>>5645380 (lb)
This is bullshit!
Go into an airport with over 1000 cash on your person and see how fast they come to get you.
And you expect me to believe they walked into an airport with bag full of cash like that?
4a1027 No.5645580
Today I thank God for Jim Jordan, a great Patriot.
8a44fd No.5645582
How was that lil run in with Glenn Simpson in Aspen, [AS]?
bc32e4 No.5645583
Why does Q call the truth
"difficult truths"?
I cant wait, it is the waiting that seems difficult to me, watching these traitors continue to act free from any punishment.
f3d4e9 No.5645585
>>5645404 (pb Q)
Q, I'll take "Things Renegade failed to deliver" for $150 BN.
cb0f82 No.5645587
>>5645448 (lb)
>DateTime in EST not EDT
Qanon.news does everything in EST or Local or Zulu using the checkboxes.
320c87 No.5645588
Q. Priestap, Veselnitskaya, Downer and Papadapolous being in London at the same time is a coincidence, right?
541dfa No.5645589
Uh oh. Another one bites the dust.
38032b No.5645594
f2644e No.5645595
def037 No.5645596
Don't they make those in China now? And that's why they're shit built?
ccfef0 No.5645597
Wow Baker. You’re special. TY! 😁
7cc395 No.5645599
>>5644827 (lb)
I wondered the same anon.
f3913e No.5645600
his actions show he can be trusted. (((they))) saw him as a threat and tried to take him down with scandal and murdering family member and he still is fighting strong!
7cea88 No.5645602
It may not be difficult for you but for others or vice versa.
e5e92d No.5645603
>>5645503 (pb)
What if what you just posted here has no relevance, is stupidity at best, and a shill slide at worst? YOU have no business posting on here! Go back to Tiger Beat, online!
686e3e No.5645604
they are difficult because we will die before
the world hears them
7ba4e8 No.5645605
Well Q's a mason so the unicorn reference was obviously to these items.
Think logically.
Pick up 1 item.
Jam it in my ass.
858766 No.5645606
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
449901 No.5645607
People banked their emotions on the brexit vote.
7ae117 No.5645608
ill take it for a bread or two
plenty of bakes on this hash for Bvs
858766 No.5645609
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
03ca63 No.5645610
"The Anon Hat-Trick".
d02e89 No.5645612
If you are cabal, have total control of election machines etc. Do you let a Jim Jordan get elected?
Do you allow any patriots into any senior positions?
7cacb6 No.5645617
Lisa Page testimony
- Microsoft Lync - Not LL
Does Lync = Link in qpost 836, 834, 1298, 1753?
There’s more, but in the context of “lync” being a secure drop messaging system, it fits.
def037 No.5645618
All focus group tested polling data approved empty rhetoric from the Man from Kenya.
d42f08 No.5645619
So who are we attributing these quotes too?
0a33f0 No.5645620
By Aaron Blake
March 12 at 9:34 AM
I wrote Monday — and I still believe — that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to all but close the door on impeaching President Trump is smart politics. Impeachment is a messy business with potentially more downside than upside. Even if Democrats removed Trump, they’d still have a President Pence. And Pelosi (D-Calif.) has a ready-made argument for why impeachment is unnecessary: The voters can simply decide all this in a 2020 campaign that has already begun. It all makes complete sense.
But practical political considerations are one thing; the standard that Pelosi set for impeachment is another. In describing her opposition to it to The Post’s Joe Heim, she said this:
… Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.
Shortly after Pelosi made those comments, she got some backup from two key Democratic leaders, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.). Both run committees that are spearheading the House’s investigations of Trump, and both echoed her standard for impeachment as being something that needs to be bipartisan.
“She laid down a number of conditions — it has got to be bipartisan, the evidence has to be overwhelming — which is what I’ve been saying,” Nadler told CNN’s Manu Raju. Added Schiff: “If the evidence isn’t sufficient to win bipartisan support for this, putting the country through a failed impeachment isn’t a good idea.”
But let’s think about what that means, practically speaking: It means Democrats are effectively giving the Republican Party veto power over whether Trump should be impeached. They are saying that, even if the evidence is damning in their minds, unless Republicans agree, they shouldn’t move forward. Their impeachment standard isn’t so much the Constitution’s “high crimes and misdemeanors” but rather “high crimes and misdemeanors that Republicans agree upon.”
It’s theoretically possible that something would emerge — either from these House investigations, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation or the Southern District of New York — that could build that bipartisan consensus. But Trump and his allies have built a firewall against all that. They have convinced a strong majority of the Republican Party (71 percent) that Mueller’s investigation is a witch hunt. The Republican Party has largely shrugged off Trump being implicated in a bona fide crime — Michael Cohen’s campaign finance violations. And the idea that Republicans will be swayed by Democrat-led investigations moving forward is pretty fanciful.
Impeachment, it has often been said, is a political solution to presidential wrongdoing — not a legal one. The Constitution’s standard for impeachment is very much open to interpretation, because “high crimes and misdemeanors” isn’t defined. The public didn’t want to remove Bill Clinton from office, even though he committed what Kenneth Starr determined to be 11 impeachable offenses, including lying under oath and obstruction of justice. Even a proven crime by Trump — or multiple ones — may not rise to the level of impeachment.
But to leave that determination concerning a Republican president up to Republicans is to effectively cede the power Democrats won in the 2018 election to hold Trump accountable. “You don’t impeach Trump for him, you impeach Trump for the Constitution,” argued Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), who has already introduced articles of impeachment against Trump.
The backlash to Pelosi’s stance has thus far been limited. But what happens if evidence emerges that looks completely damning to the Democratic base — but not to Republicans? That’s when Pelosi’s extremely high standard for impeachment would really be tested.
37a577 No.5645621
White Rabbits and Unicorns
Geneva, Switzerland
f03bb6 No.5645624
The Weiner laptop.
168433 No.5645625
I think it's just another Harvey Weinstein. Look over here, not over there. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they got caught tho.
2d6ab3 No.5645626
>>5645137 (lb)
NXIVM brands for comparison
449901 No.5645627
Okay see the vid in post 564547
0a33f0 No.5645630
2cf266 No.5645631
1f83a3 No.5645632
Unbelievably simple-minded.
'Jesus' isnt going to do anything for you, and never has. You're still talking about him as though you have no clue that most of what you Think he did was actually done ages before by a guy who the Egyptians built a cult around.
At least attempt to exhibit some intellectual integrity. You sound moronic.
What's more, all this 'POTUS is going to save us' bs just demonstrates how little history you were taught in the course of your life. There is no one coming to 'save' us.
You're just willingly allowing yourself to be herded into another silo. Grow up already.
5293d4 No.5645633
Promises made?
Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
Has POTUS made a statement/assertion that didn't end up being proven correct?
Change We Can Believe In.
When They Go Low, We Go High.
Let Freedom Ring!
def037 No.5645634
POTUS is using Hussein's ED to go after the cartels. Mexico is going to be restored, like the Norks were restored. Stand strong.
efee88 No.5645636
Obama said them. Check earlier in this bread
168433 No.5645637
e222e9 No.5645638
DNC also used "lync"
for communications in and out
and phone calls
f5cf36 No.5645639
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. For your enjoyment. If you're a slow reader, slow the video speed. Kek!
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Memes Volume 1 March 2019
I doubt she was part of the huge college admissions scandal that was leaked today, but I wonder how the hell she was ever admitted to Boston University, much less graduated! That university needs to seriously consider her reflection on its economics students.
1e42e4 No.5645640
Anybody notice that Q’s TRIP is a JAZZ CADENCE? > iim V7 I / 2-5-1 Key of C
It is in key of C cause the V chord is identified: G7. It breaks down like this: !!m = iim (the exclamation points are really just the letter ‘i’ upside down twice - this is the symbol for the 2-minor chord in diatonic harmony) >> G7 = G7 >> V = V (the symbol for the 5 chord) >> JxZN = JxZZ (rotate the N 90 degrees clockwise and you will see the Z - ‘x’ is a variable in mathematics and seems safe to say it stands in for the letter ‘a’ - giving you the word JaZZ) >> C = the I chord (also called the tonic and it identifies the KEY center - it could also stand for the word ‘cadence’ - since the chord G7 has already clearly identified the KEY) >> I = I (this signifies the I chord previously identified as C. The full cadence is >>> Dm7 G7 C <<<.
There is an embedded theme here that MIRRORS the Whoopi G movie JUMPING JACK FLASH. In that movie she is given the name of the song and needs to find the ‘KEY.’ In Q’s trip we are given the ‘KEY’ which seems to suggest: Find the song. The movie JUMPING JACK FLASH is about a British spy op stranded in E Europe looking for an exit contact. He hacks into Whoopi’s system and flashes ‘knock knock’ on her screen. She answers “who’s there” and he says “JUMPING JACK FLASH” and then invites her to enter a Key code to his secure server. Using the Jack Flash clue she attempts many combinations but fails repeatedly until suddenly the light goes on - at which time she says to herself “the key IS the key.” Once she enters the key in which the song was written the server opens. The spy’s name in the movie is JACK. The actor playing the spy is a guy named JONATHAN.
The song, ‘JUMPING JACK FLASH’ was written by the Rolling STONES and released in 1969 on the album ‘LIVE’R THAN YOU’LL EVER B.’ The lyrics go: “ I WAS BORN IN A CROSSFIRE HURRICANE….BUT I’M ALL RIGHT NOW.” [CROSSFIRE HURRICANE?]
The BRIDGE is critical when songwriting. The BRIDGE section connects the future of a song to it’s past - the beginning of the song to it’s destination - It allows one to cross into new territory and then come back again. The BRIDGE unifies the different sections within the structure while maintaining its harmonic integrity. The BRIDGE is usually referred to as the B section within the AABA structure.
The delta between the trip changes lands on Q post #128 which is the “look there or here or there” post and poses the question: “what is keystone.”
4bd53a No.5645641
Would have you believing that OBOBO is running the show.
23b084 No.5645643
Time to rock the Nation!
9ae09f No.5645644
Okay, how's this for wild… I just noticed that for some reason I wasn't following @Snowden - I thought for sure that I was - and when I clicked the follow button just look at who Twitter suggested I follow as well (as y'all know, these are generally prompts for similar/related accounts)…
de3f52 No.5645645
e5e92d No.5645646
Hey shill, you left this up your poop chute-
e17ff7 No.5645647
Get this show to rockin, Q!
d42f08 No.5645648
Yep, thought so.
407be8 No.5645649
Thank you for reposting these
. Someone might have missed them the other 200+ times they have been posted.
3174be No.5645650
Those are all Democrat party slogans.
20b1be No.5645651
New slogans in meme warfare. Trump will likely confirm
f99af9 No.5645652
f3913e No.5645655
>>5645633 Brennan is missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
d02e89 No.5645657
How can we ID the chips, I'd like to open up my fire stick and see it.
4c8b14 No.5645659
5f3ccd No.5645662
This board always moves so fast, how do you guys keep up?
996b1e No.5645664
No guarantees…..
The Great Awakening -> The Great Roundup.
Get all free thinkers in one place then take out!
7cea88 No.5645666
How Soon is Now Q?
1b12f9 No.5645667
Change We Can Believe In hahaha I'm so readyyyyyy
5c308d No.5645668
f99af9 No.5645670
He hasn't tweeted since the 27th, then there's Kelly with 'taken outside and shot', anon
b275c1 No.5645671
They never hacked into the server
She SOLD them access
0a33f0 No.5645672
"The backlash to Pelosi’s stance has thus far been limited. But what happens if evidence emerges that looks completely damning to the Democratic base — but not to Republicans? That’s when Pelosi’s extremely high standard for impeachment would really be tested."
76847f No.5645674
>Has POTUS made a statement/assertion that didn't end up being proven correct?
all i can think about is dancing Israelis when you say this .
698e89 No.5645676
>>5645537 Prince Charles aka Unicorn (USSS)
On target
Fire at will
ab7844 No.5645678
Ho lee shit.
That is the single most important RT by POTUS ever.
ace13e No.5645679
dub-dubs confirm, good dig Anon.
f4b38b No.5645680
Anons, seriously disturbing stuff concerning Tulane comes from a dig on CDAN regarding the Montgomery-Grace mansion 2525 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans that was completely destroyed in a fire Feb. 20. https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5645456.html
The house was owned by attorney Bill Grace and as per CDAN used as a honey trap to compromise or blackmail politicians and the rich.
The latest CDAN blind about it, Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler, can be found here: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/03/todays-blind-items-laissez-les-bons.html
Anyway posters on the thread found a link that confirms Tulane – where Grace attended and remained involved – was doing some seriously fuck stuff regarding little kids.
I'm giving you 4 screenshots. To read the whole thing go here:
efee88 No.5645683
If i wouldn't know better, i'd swear Q was taking a Victory Lap.
How soon till you drink the Milk?
7ae117 No.5645684
Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 03.12.2019
>>5645633 ————————————–——– Promises made? Promises (soon-to-be) kept? Let Freedom Ring!
dae800 No.5645685
858766 No.5645687
>Thank you for reposting these
>. Someone might have missed them the other 200+ times they have been posted.
Yeah no problem. It's almost like you can't miss it isn't it? Kinda the point. Always new eyes on.
4bd53a No.5645688
The context was "Lync will accept any recommendation" Which is a person not software.
8a44fd No.5645689
TY planefag
168433 No.5645691
Hussein. What about chew soap?
549741 No.5645692
>>5645322 (all pbs)
NAh brah...she's a plant..she's always been a plant...I don't know how much wow woo has been done to her but she's a damn plant...look at that photo of Harry's bestie kissing her in public....that is NOT the done thing...her hand..the look on her face..it's as if she suddenly realizes...she's fucked.
Everything she has done..purposefully hanging on him everywhere..stepping in FRONT of him almost every single time (the video where she stepped up and greeted the King of Morocco...holy fuck...people were shitting their pants...) over and over she wears shitty ill fitting clothes and performs impossible feats IN FRONT of the cameras for a 8 plus months pregnant person to perform...her fake belly is always chagning sizes and she even was seen WITHOUT it in NY...meaning it was so obvious even holding her purse in front of her belly whereas she has always flaunted it to the point of moving her coat open constantly to show it...this time she was "hiding it" and the photogs were screaming "where's the baby?"
EVERYONE knows the BRF has been made a fool of....everyone...the emperor has no clothes..she thought she was going to present an Oscar award hence the hideous cream 100K formal dress she worn to what was basically a high brow picnic...they cut her off at the pass...and diverted her and Harry to a spur of the moment unplanned trip to Morocco...long after the time when it is safe for pregnant women to fly...
she's not pregnant...and she's been doing nothing BUT making them look bad....even that horrific speech she wrote for Harry to give at WE day...how did she get him to give that speech? Why did he slap her HARD on the back after while appearing to hug her?
This shit is gonna be fun...
>>5645266 (all pbs)
OH YOU again...curious, have I drawn (((YOUR))) interest (again)...
Explain to the class how it's a slide to dig a Q drop (queen).
There is a most interesting threat in your post...because unless you are doing something illicit you shouldn't know that. No one even bothered to respond to that Venezuelan caution. How very odd that you have brought it up. two days ago. I still have the thread open.
Why don't you want me posting about Venezuela? (((OHISEE))). Your lot has been trying to get me for...let me think...since about 2011. Good luck. And sorry about the loss of one of your most precious assets. Seems the asset could no longer ignore what was happening versus what was believed.
Do not threaten me. Not one person who has gone beyond the threat has ever ended in a good place. The universe protects its own.
3bbafb No.5645693
"When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see."
Are non-biasfags non-brainwashedfags seeing what I am seeing? "Difficult truths" all above Q is staying that brainwashing came from those above…. I see clearly and most oldfag Anons who were already big questioners know whats up
4a6839 No.5645694
3a6f54 p/b
Was thinking the same thing about Meghan. Could she be a double spy working for the deep state and the white hats? Thinking the "birth" will have a lot to do with what happens next. Hope she doesn't end up like Princess Diana. George Clooney made reference to likening her to Princess Di. Felt it was more of a threat to her.
e222e9 No.5645699
he's outright lied about the Jew over and over
but its all good on that.
we have to lie about the jew all the time
to avoid jail time
1a71ce No.5645700
Jack P is on OAN interviewing google fag about filtering fake news.
To Jack that means Filtering Qanon
db7b44 No.5645701
>We Go High
How high?
Gonna get up and disclose some wormholes and some astro-neighbors?
>When They Go Low
How low?
Underneath the earth to the DUMBS and Reptilian bases?
65d1e5 No.5645702
Methinks there's other data hidden in this image…
f8cff0 No.5645704
Define soon please.
595418 No.5645705
You never know she could have been groomed from day one….
270253 No.5645706
>Let Freedom Ring!
e6bab5 No.5645707
SMASH HULK…stop baiting anons
f3913e No.5645708
Q asked anon to add Brennan when this meme made the rounds so anon did. Now Brennan is missing again
449901 No.5645711
also… that chick's legs and arms… rowing… LOL
31c8c1 No.5645713
Ready Sir. 🇺🇸 We will be there for those who are not now awake
d02e89 No.5645714
Start disassembling your old I phone 4 and 5's, amazon fire sticks. Find the chips
4a6839 No.5645715
ace13e No.5645716
But August 27, 2018 ???
efee88 No.5645717
>Change We Can Believe In.
>When They Go Low, We Go High.
These are Michelle Obama's sayings.
Or is it Mike, Q?
7d8c21 No.5645718
What about "We do not broadcast our moves to our enemy" & "logical thinking"?
I'm assuming things work a little different with Public Presidential statements?
cd49c5 No.5645720
May God bless your/our path Q Team!
def037 No.5645721
176fa9 No.5645722
Filthy criminal kike was being glib
549741 No.5645723
>Megan is a plant. infiltrating the bloodlines and corrupting
Check her genealogy. She's related. But perhaps on a different "side".
319abb No.5645724
I can remember one promise not kept. "Throw them the hell out of our country"
6ac56e No.5645726
>Has POTUS made a statement/assertion that didn't end up being proven correct?
Accepting Space Force resumes yet?
1b7ad1 No.5645729
d3e414 No.5645730
>>5645588 Priestap, Veselnitskaya, Downer and Papadapolous being in London at the same time is a coincidence, right?
>>5645584 Don Jr. retweet.
>>5645554 ICE removes Dutch national convicted of narcotics trafficking, providing support to foreign terrorist organization.
>>5645541 Mexico to continue facilitating caravan travel to US border.
>>5645525 Planes and FF.
Baker Requesting Handoff
ab7844 No.5645731
Appreciate you waiting until I was off work to drop that, head faggot in charge, Q.
2a247c No.5645732
Missing Brennan. Please get Brennan, too.
4609e0 No.5645734
Mama's ready for some action.
7c42e6 No.5645735
>Has POTUS made a statement/assertion that didn't end up being proven correct?
Has never missed a beat.
449901 No.5645737
How many students got distracted trying to be popular with her while she's never going to class or doing homework.
ebd741 No.5645738
819f2b No.5645739
Niggas done gone be stupid n sheeeeiiiitttt.
03ca63 No.5645740
"Patriot Hat-Trick"
40a150 No.5645742
PS...Dear KGB continued. We will just assume that they are suicides and no further investigations will be conducted.
Even though you are most likely bombarded with pleas to take practice shots at Merkel, Macron and cross dresser Turdeau, please address the ideal target practice candidates on the list first. Thanks again! We sincerely appreciate it!
b275c1 No.5645743
Because @Snowden was never really about a person
Messages sent
Messages received
31c8c1 No.5645744
040b58 No.5645745
MUST SEE: Venezuelan Opposition Leader Juan Guaido Calls Out US Democrats Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar Over Horrors of Socialism (VIDEO)
During his discussion with Trish Regan Juan Guaido told those on the far left, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, that the root of Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis is directly tied to socialism.
d01951 No.5645746
686e3e No.5645747
If Obama is locked up I can die happy
3d5c1f No.5645748
7de844 No.5645751
Yup and he asked for him to be added a while back. Hmmmm….
f99af9 No.5645752
Someone do a welfare check on Brennan
8efbe6 No.5645754
Q posts that mention Jesus - 0
Q posts that mention unicorns - 1
Q posts that mention Sara Carter - 1244
549741 No.5645755
>>5645179 (pb)
Holy fuck no way that narcissist commits suicide.
Flame thrower. The only way.
2294fe No.5645756
>>5644985 (lb)
tail number cap for posterity
23b294 No.5645757
2b78fe No.5645758
Change we put our FAITH on!
215a05 No.5645759
Saving Israel for last?
Musical chairs , also known as Trip to Jerusalem, is a game of elimination involving players, chairs, and music, with one fewer chair than players. When the music stops whichever player fails to sit on a chair is eliminated, with a chair then being removed and the process repeated until only one player remains.
It is also a metaphor for pointless shuffling of personnel in an organization; a fruitless, repeated scavenger hunt-like experience; and cyclic replacement of political leaders, as in multiple cabinet shuffles.
bc32e4 No.5645762
4acb79 No.5645763
NDA Question for Q
When do NDA that i signed during the presidencies (p intentionally lower case) of treasonous traitors become null and void?
61b630 No.5645764
Unicorns for Sunday?
3/17 is St. Patrick's Day
Can't embed
f6b2d2 No.5645765
Q, We're Patiently waiting!! It's gonna be a new World shortly with these traitors put away!! Time for America to rebuild and prosper more then ever before!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
43373b No.5645766
And let justice judge those who are guilty in the eyes of God. There must be No Deals or No Escape for these people Q
319abb No.5645767
e9549a No.5645769
the cartoon is amazing.
1a71ce No.5645770
>Promises made?
>Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
407be8 No.5645772
No I don't miss Filtering every single time they are posted, and I'm sure I'm not alone either.
da3f34 No.5645773
Won't stop till they are all behind bars. #Promisesmadepromiseskept
2d6ab3 No.5645774
I've gotcha baker
Confirm handoff?
e17ff7 No.5645776
Q! Pass this idea along to POTUS!!!!
a054ab No.5645777
Ready. Bring us in for landing space captian.
168433 No.5645778
All of Hussein's slogans were lies. All of them. POTUS delivers and keeps his promises. WWG1WGA
e5e92d No.5645779
Interdasting theory! Maybe a NOTABLE. So you are saying that JFK, Jr. lives?
fa88fa No.5645780
YES YES YES! Take [AS] with em! Is he in that Infographic? ||Q, Can we get an Add of [AS] into the graphic please?|| Thank you!! God Bless!
e9549a No.5645781
553e42 No.5645782
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >> IS IT NEXT LEVEL SHIZZ?
8a44fd No.5645783
The time is close Anons!
4a6839 No.5645784
See previous post. Messed up.
5b2fef No.5645786
Thanks for creating this place for us.
Let Freedom Ring!!
bb802d No.5645787
819f2b No.5645788
79c5e8 No.5645789
Thats the old pic, where's Brennan?
794cd5 No.5645791
I'd confirm 8 hangers
533f71 No.5645793
Who was considered one of if not THE world's most eligible bachelor?
>Prince Harry
Who was the favorite…both kin and country?
>Prince William
Who has an uncle that may or may not have iffy island owning friends?
>Prince Andrew via Epstein
WHO lived in Toronto?
>Prince Harry
Who has close ties with Segrams?
>Meghan Markle
Who has very close ties with Soho House (NXIVM)
>Meghan Markle via Markus Anderson
What prime minister is currently embroiled in a scandal…involving Soho house? (NXIVM)
Who is most certainly NOT pregnant?
>Meghan Markle
WHO may have manipulated all of the firm's closest secrets and suspicions and from said bachelor?
>His fiancee
IS the former bachelor part of the plot in revenge for the death of a beloved one?
>makes sense
OR is the D-List yachter…acting on her own? Is she sporting a certain brand?
WHY would anyone continue to behave badly and against protocol despite being schooled in such?
>Hold the leverage
Why was the not so "bright" but usually good natured bachelor be a target? Perhaps original target was inaccessible..this has been planned…for years.
>william marriage removed him from target list
Sniffed this one out…over the course of a few days…following the trail…only one question remains…is the former bachelor merely a rube…or…is he in on it….
d3e414 No.5645794
==Handoff confirmed== Thank you baker.
I'll be here for a while still.
Here's some notes:
>>5645550, >>5645577 Super Micro spy chips.
>>5645588 Priestap, Veselnitskaya, Downer and Papadapolous being in London at the same time is a coincidence, right?
>>5645584 Don Jr. retweet.
>>5645554 ICE removes Dutch national convicted of narcotics trafficking, providing support to foreign terrorist organization.
>>5645541 Mexico to continue facilitating caravan travel to US border.
>>5645525 Planes and FF.
37a577 No.5645795
Interdasting connection
def037 No.5645796
d9fc00 No.5645797
Now that the trials are about to begin can we talk about the EC-RR plan saving close to 200 Mil
65d1e5 No.5645798
Brennan is indeed missing. Q had some words about Brennan recently if I'm not mistaken.
There appears to be an image blurred behind the tweet…
e67645 No.5645799
dcce02 No.5645800
bc32e4 No.5645801
d42f08 No.5645803
What's the date on the tweet? It's an old version.
8df7c5 No.5645805
612c8e No.5645806
Without valid elections, not comped judges, and fair taxes American life won’t change.
2cf266 No.5645807
FIRESTICK in hand ready to disassemble. Find me a pic w/ sauce for whhat exactly t ofind and I will look
819f2b No.5645808
Midget nigger that died of aids.
5b3407 No.5645809
POTUS should've used the one that Q asked Anons to add Brennan to.
Would've been a good proof!
Q, have POTUS tweet the one including Brennan.
4a6839 No.5645810
Was thinking the same thing about Meghan. Could she be a double spy working for the deep state and the white hats? Thinking the "birth" will have a lot to do with what happens next. Hope she doesn't end up like Princess Diana. George Clooney made reference to likening her to Princess Di. Felt it was more of a threat to her.
25d156 No.5645812
You're in a great mood today Q!
God Bless.
e0067b No.5645813
Yeah, that's the wackiest reason YET for a plane to be turned around.
Maybe we need to to be keeping track of these "reasons"… Praying Medic might need fodder for a new book.
7ae117 No.5645815
>>5645577 Super Micro Spy Chips
>>5645628 GTMO842 south bound
>>5645537 Margaret Thatcher protection of MP news/update
>>5645584 Don Jr. Retweet
3389dc No.5645816
cabal will keep crashing planes.
Think about it - POTUS types about how a pilot cannot control the plane? Because the hacking overrides the ability to control it. Thus you need a computer scientist to regain control of the hacked plan.
449901 No.5645817
145 judges appointed so far by Trump
d02e89 No.5645818
Q+ This would make for good comic relief in the great movie.
5f3ccd No.5645819
At the ready to support family and friend.
a094ea No.5645821
Q soon to be when
686e3e No.5645822
Brennan is getting the rope
e9f50f No.5645823
Don't forget to lock up the german political bitches.
2d6ab3 No.5645824
New baker confirmed
5:5 Baker, thanks for the notes.
40a55a No.5645825
MEME WAR Engage!
3bbafb No.5645826
Are you retarded?
I took the quoted Q ,
pointing out the obvious. FFS our school system has failed us hard… you're proof.
5f8398 No.5645827
58ef47 No.5645828
Visibility remove power from Swalwell. He is an arrogant bully!
ef91b5 No.5645829
Can we get a Taste.
one of these clowns at least.
getting a sentaceI'm Feending.
38c10b No.5645831
>>5645074 (pb)
Mike Rogers has everything. Just need some Creative Parallel Construction 101.
55e5aa No.5645833
Ann is being an even louder screamer.
What a fucking BITCH.
She must have got her money wire transfer from Mittens
Ann Coulter challenges Trump to say 'precise latitude and longitude' of wall he's built so she can 'throw a party there' – after president calls her a 'wacky nut job' for questioning if he has put up any new barriers
Ann Coulter was at one point a vocal Donald Trump cheerleader, writing a campaign-year book about his promise to upend America's immigration laws
Two years into Trump's admininstration, she has concuded that he's a dishonest narcissist who has no intention of keeping his promise to build a border wall
On Tuesday she challenged the president to identify exactly where he has erected the new sections of wall that he claims have been 'built'
Coulter said in a Florida speech that Trump is 'not trying; it's not an accident'
The president called her a 'wacky nut job' on Twitter last weekend, insisting that he's working toward keeping his signature campaign promise
'I don’t know why he doesn’t just ignore me,' Coulter told her audience Monday night; 'he doesn’t mind ignoring the rest of his base'
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter issued a put-up-or-shut-up demand Tuesday to President Donald Trump, challenging him to identify exactly where his administration has erected new border barriers between the U.S. and Mexico.
Trump claimed Saturday on Twitter that the '[m]ajor sections of Wall are being built.' He tweeted a day earlier that his long-promised border wall 'is being built and is well under construction.'
Coulter told DailyMail.com in an email that she wants details.
'The President’s tweet says he’s already building the Wall. Could he give me the precise latitude and longitude of its location?' she asked. 'Also, how many miles long is it?'
I want to throw a party there and need the exact coordinates,' she wrote.
The president first began to claim limited success with his ambitious project in the fall of 2017, tweeting that construction consisted of 'new renovation of old and existing fences and walls.'
Fifteen months later he claimed that his administration had 'already built large new sections & fully renovated others.'
Coulter once praised Trump's immigration policies but blasted him Monday night as a 'shallow, narcissistic, lying conman,' and now dares him to prove that he's built any new sections of border wall since becoming president
Trump tweeted a photo in January that he said showed a section of 'NEW WALL,' but didn't say where it was. The image included a date-stamp indicating that it was taken in October.
Since then all of his public statements have boasted of new wall construction – not renovation of older structures. 'The Wall is being built and will be a great achievement,' he tweeted February 12.
A week later his Twitter feed published a time-lapse video appearing to show a section of steel-slatted bollard wallbeing erected 'in New Mexico.' The tweet said it was '[c]ompleted on January 30, 2019 – 47 days ahead of schedule! Many miles more now under construction!'
The footage bore the logo of the Army Corps of Engineers, a federal agency that serves as general contractor for large federal public-works projects.
An Army Corps spokesman told a military blog the following day that the video was shot on Sep. 18, 2018. It consisted of 'a replacement project,' pre-approved repair work, and not a new wall.
The New York Times reported in January that 'no new miles of barriers had been built' during the Trump administration, although [s]ome existing barriers have been replaced.'
DailyMail.com asked the White House on Tuesday to identify the location of any 'place where there's a barrier now and there was none on Inauguration Day.'
One White House spokesperson referred the question to another, who did not respond. The Homeland Security Department press office also did not respond.
Coulter has stoked a new fire under Trump in the past week, claiming that the president has no intention of following through on his signature campaign promise to wall off Mexico from the United States.
She told a crowd of 600 Floridians on Monday that he is 'a shallow, narcissistic, lying conman.'
Trump had blasted her on Twitter two days earlier as a 'Wacky Nut Job,' ending any hope that Coulter might come back into the MAGA fold.
The flame-throwing author was all-in with Trump during the 2016 campaign, writing a love-poem book to the man she thought would upend America's immigration system and physically block illegal immigrants from reaching the U.S.
Three years later the president is cobbling together a piecemeal approach that doesn't meet with Coulter's approval. And in an auditorium just a few miles from his Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago resort club, she let the insults fly.
c34d92 No.5645834
Tears in my eyes and I'm not even American…This is why I fight with you all together!
Once your country saved mine ..now we fight side by side..for freedom !
858766 No.5645835
>I'm sure I'm not alone either.
I don't care. This is apparently my purpose for the time being so I will continue until that time comes to an end.
698e89 No.5645837
>>5645550 Define Backchannel
a6f397 No.5645839
Sweet mother of pearl.. let’s do this!! Go Q!
f6b2d2 No.5645841
Give them Hell Q!!
549204 No.5645842
The public knowing what's going on has to be before the next election. I have my guess, but I hate datefags, so I ain't datefagging.
0a33f0 No.5645843
bf197e No.5645844
Interesting if ever sauced. Hes definitely a rat bastard. Savilles bff.
cd49c5 No.5645847
This is the first one, before he was added?
efee88 No.5645848
HRC Advance Camp recruitment?
3174be No.5645850
Filter like mad and skip over the b.s. not worth filtering - focus.
d9fc00 No.5645852
That was 200 Mill Per Year Btw
3d5c1f No.5645853
Has a Degree In Economics Though She Knows
Nothing about Economics!
Boston College Moar Focused on Radar!
ab7844 No.5645854
Just keeping it real.
People get lost in the sauce too much.
Q, are you aware of what a Standing Army is?
Are you also aware of what a Police State is?
Why do you back the same Tyrannical approach to the police force that the cabal did?
Tell everyone how police, who are supposed to protect and serve the People, are nothing but corporate thugs who protect big business and are revenue generators for each State/city/town?
Tell them how they're operating under counter-terrorism guidelines now.
4cb540 No.5645855
read between the lines
1f9b99 No.5645856
Haha Trump … you mess with him, you're going down. Hollywood. No coincidences… Haha… they know they're fucked. POTUS let them run amuck whil ehe was setting out the traps, two and a half years of traps (and then some).
Got popcorn?
4bd53a No.5645857
Obstruction of justice.
8cc33b No.5645858
2017 Game Changer Booklet by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. He touts the New Democrat Coalition’s American Prosperity Agenda: Winning the Future as the legislative roadmap for our country to grow and prosper in the changing 21st century economy. He writes: “The New Democrat Coalition is committed to seeking pragmatic solutions to help hard-working Americans compete in the increasingly globalized economy and ensure our families and communities are secure from threats around the world.”
e63748 No.5645859
Vice Media is looking to raise a new round of financing of up to $200 million, which the company hopes will give it enough cash to reach its goal of becoming profitable in the next 12 months, according to people familiar with the situation.
82901a No.5645860
Can Swallowswell's treason punishment involve radiation exposure? After all he'd be fine with nuking gun owners.
f3d4e9 No.5645861
I am going on intuition and I have nothing solid to use to back up my statement but I believe that the theme of this drop is programs that Obama/VJ has ran. Meaning, those are his slogans and he is the one directing Schiff to do the things Jordan is asking about. Thoughts?
595418 No.5645862
Jennifer Jacobs
Verified account
Follow Follow @JenniferJJacobs
More Jennifer Jacobs Retweeted Bloomberg Law
Trump has flipped a federal appeals court previously dominated by Dem presidents' nominees into a court with a majority of nominees by GOP presidents.
The flip happened today when the Senate, on a party-line vote, confirmed Paul Matey to US Court of Appeals for 3rd Circuit.
3de9e3 No.5645863
Q, loved your post #3038, but please follow up when able: How can we get free from the unconstitutional overreach by the Federal gov't starting with the IRS and other bureaucracies, the Treasury requirements that banks spy on and report their own customers, and the surveillance state that seeks to track everything we do? That said, keep up the great work and God bless y'all – we know all this takes time and we are with you! WWG1WGA
ed670d No.5645864
4a6839 No.5645865
>>5644829 (p/b)
Don't mean to spam the board, messing up my posts. Ggggrrr! Was thinking the same thing about Meghan. Could she be a double spy working for the deep state and the white hats? Thinking the "birth" will have a lot to do with what happens next. Hope she doesn't end up like Princess Diana. George Clooney made reference to likening her to Princess Di. Felt it was more of a threat to her.
9ae09f No.5645866
That was my first thought… maybe they DM each other often… kek.
bc32e4 No.5645867
No its my fault.
I don't like the big reading.
I just want arrests.
2f7ab8 No.5645868
Drop the fuckers, then those you say are last!
2ec815 No.5645869
7ae117 No.5645870
thx RGB
>>5645577 Super Micro Spy Chips
>>5645628 GTMO842 south bound
>>5645537 Margaret Thatcher protection of MP news/update
>>5645584 Don Jr. Retweet
>>5645554 ICE removes Dutch national convicted of narcotics trafficking, providing support to foreign terrorist organization.
>>5645541 Mexico to continue facilitating caravan travel to US border.
>>5645525 Planes and FF.
cb0f82 No.5645872
6ee1fe No.5645873
Non cap letters that are.
Interesting you can make GWB Flight out of the letters…
ef91b5 No.5645874
Republicans had house.
Nothing Happened.
Dem's have house.
they will make sure nothing happens.
31c8c1 No.5645876
Actually he did mention Jesus in a scripture
2294fe No.5645877
third time's a charm.
7c42e6 No.5645879
The only thing that really makes me go hmmm.. at this latest drop is this:
We've already learned so many evil and uncomfortable things here.
But Q implies there is more, additonal discomfort ahead.
252211 No.5645880
The Obama quotes that Q posted at the bottom of post #3039 is a crumb to let us know who was behind the "spying and insurance policy" on POTUS and Schiff is covering up for Hussien, HRC, and the DNC.
232ce0 No.5645881
BAKER. If you have time could you please put up a FRESH BREAD post when this loaf is baked?
94689d No.5645882
Jesse on the five just said “timing is everything”
b05dcf No.5645883
One would be wise to learn just who it is that God considers His Israel. It may surprise you.
da3f34 No.5645884
Wrong info there. I'll let the mother know. She's been watching and her magic is strong.
ef91b5 No.5645886
Republicans had house.
Nothing Happened.
Dem's have house.
they will make sure nothing happens.
eb3132 No.5645887
Fox news, Jessie Waters 'Timing means everything"
541dfa No.5645888
China spawned 97 unicorns last year.
686e3e No.5645889
He might make decent fertilizer
57a435 No.5645890
One liners by the {D} party
"Change You Can Believe In"
“Greater Together”
“Betting on America”
“We Don’t Quit”
“Winning the Future”
“We Can’t Wait”
“An America/Economy Built to Last”
7d8c21 No.5645896
Sara Carter is God
a094ea No.5645897
Q We need something no one else can possibly know so we can redpill with confidence
b6b94d No.5645898
CHEW SOAP. There's another one not uttered by POTUS. Promises kept Q, 5:5.
923490 No.5645899
Massive archives in-place and ready to support friends and family as soon as the hammer drops.
God bless and Godspeed, Q.
0a33f0 No.5645900
bc32e4 No.5645901
def037 No.5645902
Are these all coded too? Gematria, etc.?
03ca63 No.5645903
Keep to your meme guns anons.
The Farm is here in numbers.
45 will prevail.
3de9e3 No.5645904
Forgot to mention forced medications (vaccines) that CDC et al. know are harming countless victims. Guess I am asking Q and Q+ to give us some hope that restoration of our freedoms is in the works, AFTER the DS is taken down….
5e0788 No.5645905
Hang em high. Hang em publicly.
dae800 No.5645906
eeb677 No.5645908
Sure hope so. But isn't saying so tipping off the enemy? Also.. GIVE GAB SOME LOVE!
WWG1WGA (even not on twatter)
b10d2d No.5645909
Where is that asshole Dick Cheney? How is he still breathing?
d02e89 No.5645911
Any new faces in the meme?
RAT face
Loretta Thunder thighs
James Clapper
I don't see Brennan?
2d6ab3 No.5645913
58ef47 No.5645915
Turn him into C.H.U.D.!
cf92f6 No.5645916
The amount of stuff we know compared to the unknown is comprable to the amount of the ocean we've actively explored vs that which we haven't seen
b05dcf No.5645918
Ole camel face looks so full of light and love, now doesn't she?
65bde3 No.5645919
Q did you mean to use this one with Brennan? Or has he already been dealt with?
86daf9 No.5645920
So this is one of the conversations Q got to listen to with FISA two ways student had their phone with them
>>5645404 Qlb
d9fc00 No.5645921
Must be typing this is how he rolls <S> Q
819f2b No.5645922
Its a great meme. You know white middle class males over the last 10+ years have amassed an arsenal most countries couldn't touch.
cb8c97 No.5645924
I don't buy it.
Waaaaay too complicated of a "decode".
Need the KISS principle.
And if it is a jazz cadence, 'iim V7 I' is common to literally millions of songs. Yes millions.
Are you SURE?
Or just blowing smoke?
88962d No.5645926
31c8c1 No.5645927
The enemy already knows what is coming
e1a1b1 No.5645928
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. It won't let me paste vid at a particular time spot so, go to 26:34 and listen for a couple minutes at least.
552aa4 No.5645929
people who want to know will come here…only those who choose.
5b2fef No.5645930
Maybe someone helped her get in.
fa88fa No.5645931
We need Adam Schiff in there too
4c74f9 No.5645932
3591a8 No.5645934
bc32e4 No.5645935
fuck dick cheney
we need to clean out our own house before we target the Hillarys, teh husseins.
040b58 No.5645936
ICE Officers Giving Up On Trump Over Catch And Release
The National ICE Council issued a scathing letter to President Donald Trump regarding the continuation of “wasteful and dangerous” immigration policies at the U.S.-Mexico border.
“We regretfully write to inform you that in the middle of an immigration crisis on the southern border, you Administration is squandering scarce ICE resources and playing political games with our officers,” the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council wrote in a letter delivered to Trump on Monday. “To be direct Mr. President — the rhetoric doesn’t match reality and we hope that this letter shows you the complete and total nonsense that is really taking place under the Trump Administration on the southern border.”
44655c No.5645937
Q - Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home?
Is Brennan out of the picture LITERALLY now ? ! !
698e89 No.5645938
>>5645844 Prince Charles – Principal or Unicorn
2f7ab8 No.5645941
we need a bigger meme
9b79a0 No.5645942
Some of those are book titles.
380a7b No.5645943
e2315b No.5645944
Key being it was retweeted by POTUS
b10d2d No.5645945
When are we going to hear about the rest of the arrests involving the Asian rub and tug in Florida with Kraft? I know there is some more high profile names than his waiting to be exposed. Who is keeping the names from being released to the public?
1be5d0 No.5645946
>>5645223 (LB)
Well... he seems to be pushing the shit we have been trying to push. If he follows through, the LuciferianLeft will lose their minds. Fuck the universal income though... way to contribute to drug addiction while simultaneously claiming the opioid crisis is a “national emergency”, which is absolutely is, but when our military is protecting AL-Qeada and terrorist poppy fields, it’s conpletely contradicting. These people are fukkin sick. And before you get your dicks in a bunch, I am a former opioid addict, I fucking get it. Stay strong, Patriots. WWG1WGA.
da3f34 No.5645947
I hope his 7th heart fails
a95bf2 No.5645948
Chuck Missler rocks!! RIP
2cf266 No.5645950
Baker, possible notable here
c5bfbe No.5645951
d7d815 No.5645952
65d1e5 No.5645953
What's the deal with the blurry backdrop?
5293d4 No.5645954
The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in.
Returning 'POWER' to the PEOPLE.
Returning 'THE RULE OF LAW' to OUR LAND.
ab7844 No.5645955
Behind every blade of grass.
There's a reason why foreign countries don't invade us.
meh, shows how much I get on social media.
fe2252 No.5645956
Kek! Oh YES!
Marine officer: Let troops drop acid before they analyze intel
e1a1b1 No.5645958
6ac56e No.5645959
>people who want to know will come here…only those who choose.
1276b3 No.5645960
This is the primary legal instrument upon which our entire government is predicated Everything else is fake.
65d1e5 No.5645961
2d6ab3 No.5645962
Notables so far
Anything missed? Shout it out. TY
>>5645848 HRC tweet
>>5645588 Priestap, Veselnitskaya, Downer and PapaD all in London at the same time. Conicindence?
>>5645584 Don Jr. retweet
>>5645554 ICE removes Dutch national convicted of narcotics trafficking
>>5645541 Mexico to continue facilitating caravan travel to US border
>>5645550 , >>5645577 Super Micro spy chips
>>5645537 Margaret Thatcher protection of MP news/update
>>5645525 Planes and FF
Nu Q
>>5645633 ————————————–——– Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
e9549a No.5645963
d9fc00 No.5645964
4609e0 No.5645965
8940cd No.5645966
Plane Fags front and center, you have your exibit A, break down planefags! Lotsa Luv, no homo!
ebd741 No.5645967
top to bottom or bottom to top???
449901 No.5645970
Might get called a racist.
2f7ab8 No.5645971
If you could do that this week 3/14 that'd be just great thanks
864abb No.5645972
I think AOC needs to be added to the montage…she's turning out to be quite the sleaze!
b6b94d No.5645973
>>5645954. Eagerly awaiting boss. Thank you.
81eced No.5645976
Mike Pence Tweet Code: Trumps Agenda is Bull Shit
I guess he's out of the closet now.
79603d No.5645977
You had to be high
0e07a7 No.5645978
d7d815 No.5645979
guys we should make a meme website, im not a coder but maybe a embedded thing onto 8ch???? maybe nsa can help
9b79a0 No.5645980
We are all proud to have played a part.
57a435 No.5645982
IDK….. Plain engrish is enough for me!
ed670d No.5645983
patriots ready Q
541dfa No.5645985
Silicone Valley Unicorn Bubble.
fa88fa No.5645986
Why isn't Adam Shitt on it? Errrr… Schiff.
e7b1d3 No.5645989
Big rocks.
Little rocks.
Creatures hidden.
7cc395 No.5645990
1aa4dc No.5645993
Will the unsealing be in phases or a tactical nuke?
319abb No.5645995
I sure hope he listens to ICE cause he sure isn't listening to us.
bc32e4 No.5645996
do it.
do it,please.
We have been patient.
no emotion. want justice.
okay, a little emotion.
soundtrack pending.
db7b44 No.5645998
does that include roasting some split-tongue lizards that have no protections under our constitution?
dae800 No.5645999
Interdasting use of ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
1b7ad1 No.5646001
So happy for my American brothers and sisters south of the border
Can’t WAIT to bring Canadians together after our own traitors are exposed
The world is coming together
The great awakening
1b12f9 No.5646002
My face is melting with glee
Literally more exciting than anything I can remember
We're all in. Thanks guys, you rock!
7ae117 No.5646004
you baking fam??
ill defer i was first but i can workfag
im defering until otheriwse
e67645 No.5646005
fccd6d No.5646007
>>5645954 we stand together
f03bb6 No.5646008
Before 2020 please and thankQ
35b3c9 No.5646009
Old news.
Just one of many sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_paedophile_dossier
270253 No.5646010
43373b No.5646011
Q is the 1st round of indictments multiple against individuals
7de844 No.5646013
Yah I stopped telling fam and friends…just watch, soon etc etc.
Looked like a fool too many times. Wife thinks I’m nuts.
4a6fd0 No.5646014
Well duh.
Best buds with Savile the necropedo
f3ab38 No.5646016
If I were Snowden I would pick the hero option. I’m sure they is a point of no return once he enters the tunnel.
fa88fa No.5646017
God bless all of you!
6e9a78 No.5646018
When They Go Low, We Hang Them High.
6ee1fe No.5646020
The one on the left
5b2fef No.5646022
Yes, we stand together with YOU!
21ef23 No.5646023
That’s what we need, Q. Change for the good. Thank you. God bless you. WRWY.
7cac72 No.5646024
CNN reporting that William 'SINGER' has been cooperating with authorities for over a year.
0a33f0 No.5646025
Obama campaign slogans
5c308d No.5646027
Is this the fake indictment for Trump Jr. ? Was he bait?
b05dcf No.5646028
da3f34 No.5646030
Just get us the info and we will meme it to reality. It's our jobs. Thanks again we will fight till the job is done.
44655c No.5646031
'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in.
Ahh…. HUSSEIN slogans ? KEK I sure hope it's him first !
552aa4 No.5646032
my aunt lives in Tijuana..she says 'those' people don't want to work..they are lazy and criminal…TJ peeps don't want them there..(never have}…but you have to be local to understand that…I live in LA but would visit family there when I was younger as a kid and a little older to party. TJ people are chill as hell but take no baloney.
360a98 No.5646033
Rick Singer promised wealthy teens elite colleges, even if they didn’t have the grades
4a1027 No.5646037
God bless you Q and POTUS
3174be No.5646039
8a44fd No.5646042
This is not another 4 year election!!
612c8e No.5646043
Convictions Count
c4f85f No.5646049
"Except 1" ??
(Q # 2816)
6d8c4d No.5646051
Q, the 5G push by POTUS vs the ban at Mar-a-lago is very disconcerting. Please explain this
2294fe No.5646053
here's the breaking 911 article i pulled that name/llc from.
4bd53a No.5646054
So BHO will be indicted first? Interesting… lets see it.
31cce3 No.5646057
I see a lot happening in the news. Thank you POTUS and the Q Team.
b70999 No.5646058
e6bab5 No.5646059
i'll help you open them…just saying
2d6ab3 No.5646063
Ah, I'm sorry baker, didn't realise you were baking / missunderstood.
I've got it if you're defering, if you'd like to take nb that's cool or I'm good to go.
Just let me know.
Sorry again
7868c5 No.5646064
Let JUSTICE be done. WWG1WGA!
f8cff0 No.5646065
Will they be posted on PF placeholders?
91365f No.5646066
Do you need further proof that this group is the equivalent of the crowd at the colosseum watching the gladiators or the lions eat the Christians? How many people will need to be sacrificed on your alter before your bloodlust is quenched?
2cf266 No.5646067
That makes sense.. That's how I got here. I NEEDED to. Had to see for myself the source of these intel drops ;) I had never been on a message board. Well, I mean, I browsed Reddit a handful of times, but not really. I found this place from qanon.pub in like feb or mach '18. I followed the hyperlink that led me to a bread. One time I found a live bread because I found a drop so new. I was hooked. Took a while to figure out how to navigate, but was very satisfying. Learned comms. Learned how to bake. Conquered my fake and gay fear and just went for it and felt galyly proud of myself kek. Love this movement and everythig it is about
5b2fef No.5646069
e3284c No.5646070
Is this true statement:
God and an Afterlife are untrue until proven true?
6a193d No.5646071
Chucky G twittering about POTUS and epa allowing E-15 ethanol
819f2b No.5646072
Its also why the Dems never actually come for our guns.
f3913e No.5646073
>>5645897 My mom told me about a conversation she had with my father. They were upset and confused because we speak of completely different realities. She was pained and asked me how it could be. I explained that I have been researching this stuff for more than 30 years as she knew and I don't believe the TV. I told her there will come a day when the TV will tell her some portion of what I do. I asked her to be prepared for that day and not fight the info. A few months later she asked me what Globalism meant and why I think it is bad. We had a small break through. My mom is not quite the believer she used to be and instead ignores all info.
f36df4 No.5646075
Correct Anon. Q later asked for Brennan to be added. Brennan wasn’t in POTUS retweet meme.
ab634a No.5646076
Put any stock symbol in this to get results
e7b1d3 No.5646078
TOP to bottom?
BOTTOm to top?
Leadership level
2a247c No.5646079
WWG1WGA! Than-Q!
e8d7b8 No.5646080
95c347 No.5646081
7cac72 No.5646082
When does a bird sing???
When it is a ''SINGER"!!!
4a6839 No.5646083
Thank you Q and team. We love you in the UK.
6fa1bc No.5646084
>Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank LTD is calling
they have a deposit for you
7ae117 No.5646085
you bake
im supposed to be working
319abb No.5646088
Is Q hinting at Ms. Obungo? Considering hw is using many of her words.
0a33f0 No.5646089
Have your popcorn on the ready folks, we're in it now.
7de844 No.5646091
Let’s go man. I want to explain this all and redeem our movement.
1be5d0 No.5646093
Fuck off, shill.
7c42e6 No.5646094
Understood. And it's also understood that evil happens in orders of magnitude :(.
Some people will simply not be able to process it. I'll be here come hell or high water though.
7a7850 No.5646096
Unicorns and Uroboros?
25d156 No.5646097
“Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”
― George Washington
d7d815 No.5646098
2d6ab3 No.5646099
Kek, gotcha.
4b1502 No.5646101
the timelines dont add up
Brennan Briefed Reid on the Memo that they didn't have yet
Their cover story doesn't MAKE SENSE
21ef23 No.5646102
He sounded an awful lot like Q in those tweets.
ab634a No.5646103
069cae No.5646105
What is he pushing that we've been trying to push?
3bbafb No.5646106
The first indictments shall wake
a few up then.
Can we get on with it then?
Seriously lets do this already.
I want to watch them fall and the public
start to wake the up, We are ready no more
setting up to it lets just do it
013c26 No.5646107
Love how Q is fucking with hussein, I bet he’s trying to book a flight to Kenya right now
5d7cfc No.5646109
Oh boy ..shot around the world!
7cc395 No.5646111
Define 'Projection'.
Define 'Getting Ahead of the Story'.
What is scheduled to happen this week?
79887e No.5646112
bb802d No.5646113
the suspense is killing me Q. I have been sick for a week, this would make me feel so much better….
6e9a78 No.5646114
We've got the popcorn on standby.
1f83a3 No.5646116
The same NSA that abrogated Americans' 4th Amendment privileges is now, somehow, a bunch of 'white hats' and victims of CIA skullduggery.
The same CIA whose regime change op is being pushed by POTUS to overturn an election in Venezuela for establishment interests, while he covers up SIS involvement in the 'Russiagate' bs and pins it squarely on the necks of a bunch of pawns and proxies on this side of the Atlantic.
Crickets from 'Q'.
Quite the tale, isn't it?
23b084 No.5646117
I have been waiting a LONG TIME for this!
6ee1fe No.5646119
Very Matrix-esque…. weird.
4a6a2d No.5646120
6d8c4d No.5646121
Q, define soon. We all are waiting for this, and some anons have sacrificed a lot. A week? A month, a year?
f6ebc4 No.5646123
2d6ab3 No.5646124
Latest Q
>>5645954 ————————————–——– WE STAND TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS
>>5645633 ————————————–——– Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
91365f No.5646125
You aren't here for Justice You're Here for a bloodlust. All your enemies just happen to be the evil group of people, and you imagine you are the only pure ones on the face of the Earth.
2cf266 No.5646128
520031 No.5646129
Awesome, this is the part I've been waiting for.
332fd2 No.5646131
If you change the settings tree view, it will group threads to allow you to focus on NON SHILL stuff when needed
Your mind will evolve and adjust faster than you think, 2-3 weeks and it will be easier
7ae117 No.5646132
Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 03.12.2019
>>5645954 ————————————–——– The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' that 'we' can believe in.
>>5645633 ————————————–——– Promises made? Promises (soon-to-be) kept? Let Freedom Ring!
>>5645577 Super Micro Spy Chips
>>5645628 GTMO842 south bound
>>5645537 Margaret Thatcher protection of MP news/update
>>5645584 Don Jr. Retweet
>>5645554 ICE removes Dutch national convicted of narcotics trafficking, providing support to foreign terrorist organization.
>>5645541 Mexico to continue facilitating caravan travel to US border.
>>5645525 Planes and FF.
>>5645550, >>5645837 Define Backchannel
>>5645848 new HRC twat
this is baker who defered
for current baker
if you want it fam
see yall later tonight
94689d No.5646134
Remember Greg Gutfeld on the Five
always has a gay looking unicorn coffee cup
443d7f No.5646138
e17ff7 No.5646139
HUMA = Harvard University Muslim Association
Alaweed sent 20mil to them, Obutma went to Harvard.
Guess who paid for Obutma's college education…hummm
9af1a0 No.5646140
Time is 17:01 -> Q #1701
cd49c5 No.5646142
Newer version per your request Q
2fb741 No.5646143
<the bills still gottah git paid вœ§.
168433 No.5646144