185523 No.547414
If internet censorship sounds good to you, ignore this message
"They want you silenced, MAKE NOISE" ~ Q
BLAST #InternetBillOfRights''' >>518955 , >>525333
Q and War Room encourages (you) to sign
Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 3.04.18
>>>/greatawakening/457 Do you trust the MSM?
>>>/greatawakening/456 BOOM
>>>/greatawakening/455 Listen carefully
>>545335 Expand your thinking
>>544985 We are everywhere.
Saturday 3.03.18
>>544701 The BRIDGE.
>>544501 Reality is labeled as conspiracy...
>>544304 A demonstration was made today in front of the WH...
>>544247 Misspellings/grammar matter...
>>544206 What I say a class action lawsuit?
>>544119 Zebra_Zebra...
Saturday 2.24.18
>>480458 Stanislav Lunev
>>480327 Comms Good
>>480311 Sec Test
Friday, 2.23.18
>>476837 COMMS OFF 2
>>476516 Run Log
>>476461 Sec Test
>>476339 rt >>476325 Sec Test
>>476325 rt >>476229 No Coincidences
>>476245 rt >>476196 Libel Laws
>>476196 rt >>476136 Leaking Info
>>475441 Coincidences
>>475991 Its always about the $$$$$
>>472426 rt >>472314 Confirms BHO-Hezbollah link
Thursday, 2.22.18
>>466606 People Kill People
>>466308 DIVIDED
>>466142 This should scare you (deep state/others)
>>466048 rt >>465930 Breaking up something this big?
>>465919 Clowns in China/other
>>465797 rt >>465779 Did you count spaces?
>>465696 rt >>465258 Learning Comms
>>458475 Scroll through both docs
>>458430 Highly protected documents
Wednesday, 2.21.18
>>>/greatawakening/454 [OP]ERATIONAL
>>>/greatawakening/453 !!!
>>>/greatawakening/452 Which are you?
>>448584 US Cyber Task Force
>>448510 rt >>448451 Coincidence? :Protect 6/14-46
>>448465 rt >>448410 @Jack thought he was protected [PROJECT DEEPDREAM]
>>448399 USSS gun intercept, Protect code
>>448338 Stay tuned. Phase [2].
Sunday, 2.18.18
>>423894 , >>423957, >>423948, >>423953, >>436255
>>422626 rt >>422606 Gannett, McLean, VA, Just the Tip…
Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ and past at:
thestoryofq.com/ (updated)
QANONMAP.GITHUB.IO (updated) - If it ever goes down, the backup is: QNTMPKTS.KEYBASE.PUB
How to identify a fake Q
Suicide at the White House
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5458143/Shots-fired-White-House.html
>>544304 A demonstration was made today in front of the WH...
2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/
>>538293 Assets Siezed by EO
https:// www.treasury.gov/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf
EO Annex 1 and 2
"Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray." - Q
BLAST #InternetBillOfRights''' >>518955 , >>525333
Q and War Room encourages (you) to sign
Twitter Storm : Kekistani Airforce Method
All tweets should have #QAnon, #GreatAwakening, and @POTUS/@realDonaldTrump
Add with any of the listed targets!
Current Hashtags / Targets
#WitchHunt | @Jack | #GodBless | #TwitterLockout | #CrisisActor | #CrisisActors
#NoCollusion | #13Russians | #ForGodAndCountry | #AmericanHeroes | #ReleaseTheCures
#MAGA | #GreatAwakening | #WeThePeople | #FakeNews | #Treason | #ReleaseEverything
#TryAndDie | #AmericaFirst | #ObamaGate | #ReleaseTheFootage
War Room #7
185523 No.547423
Dedicated Research Threads List & Building the Map
Selected Focused Map Subsets
>>469863 - CONTROLLERS/CONTROLLED/COMFYCORNER Graphics -> >>470191 anonfile links for ultra high res
>>330858 - ComfyQ
>>330855 - +++_Soros_P Keystone
>>330839 - RED_Red Cross
WEDNESDAY 2018.28.02
We have more than we know. We are missing connections. We must build the map. We must leave no stone unturned. We must dig until we exhaust every possibility. We must focus. When light is focused, it can burn through anything. We are here to RESEARCH not to shitpost, when the Great Awakening happens, we must already have an encyclopedia of knowledge ready to redpill. The masses won't believe it unless we have massive evidence. That is why Q chose us, let's be the autists he knows we are.
Group ideas are to create dedicated research threads which will help us then build maps. Research threads will be listed in their own section of the dough. If you have information about a subject, please create a thread and request that it be added to this section of the dough. Here are some posts from the discussion. Please review and lets discuss more. WE WILL BUILD THE MAP!
>>501108 , >>501114 , >>501081
>>512117 , >>515709 , >>517466 , >>517477 , >>517577 , >>518451 , >>518369 , >>518503
>>518538 , >>518733 , >>518791
Ideas to try: >>519423 , >>522294 , >>522653
Dedicated Research & Map Building Threads
FALSE FLAGS >>502011
FAKE NEWS >>502142
BIG HEALTH >>502069
THE PYRAMID +++ Roths/Soros/Saud >>501952
Going deeper into history from the Lunev crumb >>509317
"Think mirror" Research thread >>525411
Board Rules
Quick Access Tools
>>426009 UPDATED: Latest Q Map Set (5of5)
>>387724 Latest Q Map Set (4of5)
>>387719 Latest Q Map Set (3of5)
>>387707 Latest Q Map Set (2of5)
>>387700 Latest Q Map Set (1of5)
Recent map updates
>>480889 Qmap_2018-02-23_2018-02-24) The BRIDGE edition
* Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* QMap zip : enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations : qanonmap.github.io
* Q archives : qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
* POTUS-tweet archive : trumptwitterarchive.com
* QMap PDF (Version 06.11.00) : anonfile.com/48YaDfd4ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_6.11.0.pdf | fr.scribd.com/document/372255557/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-11-0?secret_password=N5knHSbhRE3GSOBoV91r | mega.nz/#!dr4jnY7a!bx-W7FOZ_iQy1EAs3qmKMdqW3KSCubAHwO5iYqt_AFU
* Spreadsheet : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing
* Raw Q Text Dump : pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
* Expanded Q Text Drops : pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* Calendar of notable events : teamup.com/ksxxbhx4emfjtoofwx TICK TOCK >>222880
* Memo & OIG Report Links : >>427188
* Full JSON Q archive: 6mb anonfile.com/H6B7G7dcbc/QJsonArchive.zip
* NEW Q archive: https:// anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/
185523 No.547424
Recent Notable Posts
Batch 672 Notables
>>545990 Antifa = Astroturfed
>>545954 End of water fluoridation???
>>546132 Trump jokes at Gridiron Dinner
>>546101 Why we were chosen
>>546318 Harvard study on fluoridated water
Batch 671 Notables
>>545256 , >>545519 Make a new twitter account to track "official chatter" >>545482 , >>545519
>>545269 Rendition
Batch 670 Notables
>>544985 "We are everywhere." (Q)
>>544872 Russia acting strong because they are weak? (Art of War)
>>544743 Sessions acting weak because he's strong? (Art of War)
>>544701 "The BRIDGE..." (Q)
>>544501 "Reality is labeled as conspiracy..." (Q)
>>544486 New Google Search Censorship Appears to Be Worse Than Originally Feared
>>544374 Late 2017: Google's Chief search engineer legitimizes new censorship algorithm
Batch 669 Notables
>>544060, >>544119, >>544206, >>544247, >>544304 Q has returned!
>>543837 Connection mindmap
>>543555 Building the map
>>543507, >>543749 Remember this? EO: Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism and Economic Growth by Reviewing the "Waters of the United States" Rule
Batch 668 Notables
>>543433 "Think mirror" graphic
>>543267 Sun Tzu: "NAME THY ENEMY"
>>543185 Mirror methodology
>>543113 Las Vegas shooter's brother has 19 of 20 child porn charges dropped
>>543040, >>543270 Q: "How far away is the closest star?"; A: "As far away as the nearest TV?"
>>543022, >>543070 Why would a ‘GAS LEAK’ at a random HOUSTON high school, grab the attention of a LONDON publication?
>>542931 18 men arrested. Human trafficking. Washington County, Oregon
>>542895, >>542881, >>543223, >>542977, >>543415 Connections, connections, connections
>>542858, >>542861 Deep dive: MK Ultra / Remote Neural Monitoring / Control Theory / Big Pharma
>>542865 Archive Thread Beta
Batch 667 Notables
>>542545 "P" is Pinay Circle aka Le Cercle?
>>542460 Expand Your Thinking
>>541986 Legalfags needed - Follow the money (the 1.7 billion to Iran in 2016)
>>542037 Operation Merlin - Fake nuke design provided to Iran by Clinton Administration Black Op
Batch TBD Notables
>>540031 (((They))) were exposed 50 years ago
>>540173 by Myron Fagan
>>543709 Batch 663
>>543678 Batch 662
>>543739 Batch 661
>>543729 Batch 660
>>537770 Batches 656 - 659
>>543699 Batch 655
>>543693 Batch 654
>>543686 Batch 653
>>543748 (some unfiled)
Previous Notable posts >>525105
>>311157 "Notable posts" Thread
185523 No.547426
Resources Library
>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information
>>4274 General Archives
>>4356 Tools and Information
>>4852 Free Research Resources
>>4362 Planefag Tools
>>4369 Research Threads
>>3152 Redpill Scripts
>>16785 Prayer
>>257792 Letters of Gratitude
>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread
>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics
>>328278, >>377614 DoE Supercomputers + Cyber-Espionage Deep Dig thread
>>388571 MK Ultra Deep Dive
>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas
>>426413 Check Unsealed indictments and/or convictions
>>398808 How to Catch Up
Other Digging Sources
https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/
Deleted Trump Tweets
https:// factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
The Meme Repository
Over 11,800 images from 11/25/17 /cbts thru /thestorm, thru qresearch Memes#1-#10
There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.
The same 11,800 categorized images scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512
Memes14 >>482965
Memes13 >>366408
Memes12 >>247769
Meme Ammo: >>525593
Archive Everything
New Bakers Please Read This
b982d6 No.547427
nice rebound baker
7abbb2 No.547428
Update on qanonposts.com
The site is now stable and my setup robust. The site should be able to handle any amount of traffic without me losing money for maintenance costs.
Since there was some confusion in the past regarding the dates and times, I added a button to switch from EST to local time. EST being the norm here on 8chan.
I'm now open for any feature requests.
Baker, please restore the links. I would very much appreciate it.
0d0d62 No.547431
185523 No.547432
Please delete
rookie Baker
2d24dd No.547434
Thanks for stepping up rookie.
God bless our bakers!
7cc925 No.547436
EST helps out. Thanks!
185523 No.547437
New Paste
https:// pastebin.com/N9DXPCqM
e7e7a8 No.547438
Well done baker. Thank you
ab189f No.547439
3c59b0 No.547440
Too busy banning bc anons hurt their muh feelzzzz. Don’t have time to clean up thread splits m8.
d51c12 No.547441
New Q post with
>Expand your thinking
( >>545335 )
means it's time to build some maps!
http:// www.eggplant.org/tf/research/journal_articles/pdf/developing-minds-hyerle.pdf
Use the diagrams presented is this "Expand Your Thinking" .pdf to put together the information Q has given us in an understandable, logical format.
The anon that creates the best and most comprehensive map or series of maps wins a free internet!
185523 No.547445
Thanks anons I was seriously shitting myself
949886 No.547446
What's funny about this attempt at an algorithms is that we could REALLY fuck with them, by using chantalk for their algorithms.
Twatter, twatface,twutts,
Faceplant, facbuuk fuckbuk
Spelled differently each time would mess with their algorithms.
039156 No.547448
This Q post let me breath again…
9dd123 No.547450
So Wikileaks uploaded new HRC emails today, is that true? Is that the "Boom?"
ab189f No.547451
Sunday am News Shows…
MSM pushing gun control…
WH pushing trade reform..
Should make for more of the same old sh*t on MSM this am…ALTHOUGH..tariffs sure have the MSM tweeked…which mean it is good news!
http:// hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_NEWS_SHOWS?SITE=AP
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro
http:// www.breitbart.com/radio/2018/03/03/navarro-media-reaction-steel-aluminum-tariffs-bunch-horse-puckey/
f332c0 No.547452
See for yourself–
https ://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/?q=&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult
35fa7a No.547455
https:// amp.usatoday.com/amp/388540002
example of article that reinforces poverty-job slavery-sleeper control programming
recognize and dissolve these.
NOBODY needs to slave away his life in "jobs".
we can benefit humanity while being free, with a proper financial system.
e7e7a8 No.547456
Do we have the name of the guy who suicided I front of the WH yesterday yet? Figured that might be in the talking points
68595b No.547458
>> (1/17/14)
Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA, left the US in late May after leaking to the media details of extensive internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence. Mr Snowden, who has been granted temporary asylum in Russia, faces espionage charges over his actions.
The scandal broke in early June 2013 when the Guardian newspaper reported that the US National Security Agency (NSA) was collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans.
http:// www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-23123964
ab189f No.547459
Just drove across the midwest and was thinking of news stories we DO NOT SEE…
How many of you know of the severe flooding in Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, etc? I did NOT…
The Mississippi river was over 2 miles wide at the I-40 bridge crossing in Memphis…no joke..
What else are we not hearing about?
8ca012 No.547461
Thank you Baker, you did GOOD
e7e7a8 No.547462
Newfag question. Can the algorithm pull words from a meme/picture? I presume yes based on the advancement in technology but I wanted to ask
975ed7 No.547464
thank you very much for ur work anon. u rock!
6859e8 No.547465
Q Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:33:51 No.149063644
Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
Inner TRI families will collapse.
What is the keystone?
What Nation dominates all others?
What Nation has influence over most others?
What is the keystone?
Return to SA.
Strings cut (+++).
Puppets (+++) in shadows.
Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.
Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.
What is the New World Order?
Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?
What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?
How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
What did POTUS receive while visiting China?
Where did POTUS dine?
What is the significance?
What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?
Why is No Such Agency so vital?
Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?
This is not easy to accept nor believe.
Crumbs make bread.
Operations active.
Joint missions underway.
The world is fighting back.
Refer back to graphic.
The Great Awakening.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).
"Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.
Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants"
Note: "Power brokers " as sub sect of one leg of trigangle
P = Power brokers
Now read this drop
3734.Q !ITPb.qbhqo Thu 07 Dec 2017 22:05:16 913bb1 No.51984
3735.Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)
3736.Banks / Financial Institutions
3737.WW Gov Control
3738.Gov Controls People
3740.Oil Tech Sex/Children
3741.SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co’s (primary)
3743.Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash) + management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)
3744./_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)
3745. _\ (present)
3747.Order is critical.
3748.Strings cut to US/UK.
3749.Expand your thinking.
3750.Swamp drain.
3751.1 - sexual harassment exit + future
3753.[R] - No.
3754.Bomb away.
9210d1 No.547467
I posted this in the last bread, but no one caught on.
This is a letter from the FBI to Senator Kennedy explaining the CIA's drug running operations in Southeast Asia, Japan, the USA and more.
The operation was called Eagle II. I think there is a strong chance this is related to Q's Iron Eagle references. Additionally the letter talks about Dulles as the Godfather. In that light I believe Godfather III could be one of the later CIA directors.
I am posting the link below. The bad guys have been scrubbing this shit almost as soon as it is posted from the net. I will be uploading graphic copies of the letter directly to this bread in a bit. I'm not sure my source wants to be identified quiet yet, so don't ask.
https:// uploadfiles.io/an1i2
d32b62 No.547468
Oct 29 2017 12:47:18
Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
e7e7a8 No.547469
I love this idea!
ab189f No.547470
Yes..I would certainly assume that..codefags can confirm..that tech has been available for awhile…
5c2fa2 No.547471
Russia Russia Russia
d51c12 No.547472
Holy shit, this is good stuff.
Nice, anon.
68595b No.547473
fd8950 No.547474
Human creativity is the ultimate weapon against AI…
975ed7 No.547475
67dce1 No.547476
https:// wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/
Had no idea they had added more a month ago
ab189f No.547477
Certainly looks damning BUT I guess GACC is a real thing…
http:// cleancookstoves.org/resources/
c49f43 No.547478
975ed7 No.547479
another example you should do is "the memo" Q drop because it will show a line connecting each dot.
6859e8 No.547480
mess with the spelling grammar Nazis too
fd8950 No.547481
6859e8 No.547482
31ca5f No.547483
Blogging in the best way to get around the social media censorship. https:// www.eff.org/issues/bloggers/legal
85c1c1 No.547484
www.rt.com/news/420428-twitter-censorship-kim-dotcom/amp/#click=https:// t.co/BSUMqJeNOM
Kimdot talking about creating an alt to twat. !!!!
ab189f No.547485
Excellent find! Dulles the choad of all choads…
ab189f No.547487
+ guns guns guns of late…
382942 No.547488
Maybe that's what is missing…..if we end masses bring up the news that isn't being covered by MSM…..normal news they are neglecting to talk about and instead pushing censorship and gun control…..it's great we are pushing the counter narrative, but it's far easier to discredit the MSM when it's brought to the publics attention of them not covering actual news stories and pushing a narrative it's easier to get people to see how corrupt the MSM is…..
Alot of people would be pissed at MSM not covering actual newsworthy stories and instead trying to silence citizens…….
Maybe making NOISE and making it RAIN….is showing at a fun dement al level of how MSM is not doing their basic duties, …..just rambling thoughts Anons……throwing ideas of approach to this battle for our FREEDOM
6d9f3f No.547489
good summary of new EO
http:// www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2502.htm
ae9384 No.547490
awesome, but not supposed to show Q's trip
e8d941 No.547492
Really good but it’s missing false flags / disarming the nation
68595b No.547493
Here is a long Benghazi Hillary email that was just posted on Wiki, it looks like someone compiled all the news articles for her.
https:// wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/17057
5d45ab No.547494
Pray no FF in Houston today. I'll be downtown. Will document.
975ed7 No.547495
>ttps ://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/?q=&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=2#searchresult
interesting. i found quite a few of Hillary's Emails that talk about "Q". Found this by accident when i searched "Guns".
ab189f No.547496
Gaia has a series called Deep Space and the last 2 or 3 shows are about singularity and AI..worth a watch.
Anyone old enough to remember this: https:// www.auburn.edu/~vestmon/robotics.html
WTF happened to all these controls? Are we TRYING to let the AI loose? I would say 100% YES…Musk and others "warning" us the same old BS as hiding in plain sight…
6859e8 No.547499
If we are sheep, they must consider themselves shepherds.
There was an Operation Shepherd Venture
Operation Shepherd Venture was an operation carried out by United States armed forces in Dakar, Senegal. The operation lasted from June 10, 1998 until June 17 of that year.[1]
The onset of the Guinea-Bissau Civil War in June 1998 led to the evacuation of more than 3,000 foreign nationals. A forward operating task force of about 130 personal was deployed from the United States European Command. The decision was made to withdraw US nationals and embassy personal by commercial shipping and vessels chartered by the US State Department.[2]
Following this decision the personnel (about 130) from Dakar were redeployed to their home bases.
Forces committed included members of the 10th Special Forces Group, MC-130 Combat Talon aircraft from the 352nd Special Operations Group, and KC-135 Stratotanker crews from United States Air Forces Europe. The operation was under the command of U. S. Navy Captain Robert A. Schoultz.[3]
Are they transporting trafficked kids by commercial shipping and that is why we should be watching the water?
975ed7 No.547500
They use Q as a moniker for Qaddafi.
d32b62 No.547501
Nov 01 2017 00:09:55
Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?
Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?
What is Pelosi’s net worth?
How was this obtained given salary as career official?
Why is Pelosi’s memory going?
Could it protect against prosecution?
How so?
What if John M’s surgery was fake?
Why would this occur?
What could this prevent potentially?
What is the Mayo Clinic?
Who sits on the BOD there?
ae9384 No.547502
These stoves were a big deal for the Clinton Foundation . Should be able to find multiple references to them elsewhere. - AppropriateTechfag
fd8950 No.547503
In all honesty, this isn't very good at all. Moreover, the I think there is a high likelihood that is satire, designed to expose certain tropes like 'sheep' and 'connect the dots' to ridicule, by presenting them in a basically meaningless and cutesy way.
687cdd No.547504
What I say a class action lawsuit
sentence structure?
d32b62 No.547505
ov 01 2017 01:34:11
Follow up to last post.
Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M (some of us refuse to say his last name for a reason).
This all has meaning - everything stated. Big picture stuff - few positions allow for this direct knowledge.
Proof to begin 11.3.
We all sincerely appreciate the work you do. Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital.
God bless.
de79a9 No.547506
Field report.. I posted about 20 really good memes from you amazing meme Anons . I posted all about the censorship on FB and twat. posted tons of awesome memes. I got literally 4 likes in 2 posts when I posted at 4 am . I have over 2000 friends. I also have influence and respect in my field, so I would expect more debate. Facebook is clamping down hard on me. Sick of this shit ! Padded cell for the lot !
f425a5 No.547508
Simple solution to the Hollywood pedo problem. One can dream…
ac407d No.547509
Well I mean… that would be boom.
00596e No.547510
>What is the keystone?
>What Nation dominates all others?
>What Nation has influence over most others?
>What is the keystone?
Wouldn't that be the United States of America?
f332c0 No.547511
f425a5 No.547512
9210d1 No.547513
Beginning graphic dump of FBI letter to Senator Kennedy
4d8a56 No.547515
In this case, wouldn't the keystone be the Constitution?
6f97c2 No.547517
glorious anons are not sheep - they come much better dressed
got dates for yall
memoms death 18/10/2011 <-eu form
birth 26/4/1926 <- eu form
anigeR brth?
35fa7a No.547518
http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/03/04/south-korea-to-send-high-level-officials-to-north-for-talks.amp.html
Reaction to Q post - attempt to reference NK in news cycle to disprove Q.
b6a668 No.547519
I would think so. At least that's the APPEARANCE we give.
ab189f No.547521
>Are they transporting trafficked kids by commercial shipping and that is why we should be watching the water?
YES..but probably not the water reference..water ref either…
-choads buying it all up (Bush buying biggest aquifer in Paraguay…)
-fluoride being put in it (dampens pineal..our tie to spiritual..)
-something being used to poison it (Lunev ref..)
-or other as you suggest..
Don't think we have come to a group conclusion here yet…
The human trafficking via cargo ship/container well vetted on voat.co/v/pizzagate and using Statfor and others…
687cdd No.547522
Who wrote the singular censorship program.
MIT = Clowns
https:// sdsc2017.mit.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Muhammad_Amjad.pdf
b6a668 No.547525
Requesting assistance to keep all eyes on Houston. Any Houston fags on?
f60fa9 No.547526
Yes, that caught my attention also.. Was it a deliberate spelling mistake?
What is a class action lawsuit?
What I sa[y a] class action lawsuit?
0fd62d No.547527
I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the campaign clip. It moves me every time. Truth rings like a freedom bell. I’m not even a US citizen and up until DJT I was so cynical about American policy hammering the world into the NWO like a battering ram and selling your country’s soul down the drain.
This is a revolutionary mission statement and President to restore your Republic. Take heed good people, it will be your last chance. God bless America.
6f97c2 No.547528
c48bd9 No.547529
It is important to use the correct amount of firepower: 2000lb JDAM should create 100% lethality for attendees and still make it possible to restrain collateral damage. May have to shut the redline down though.
Hey Better this than a B-61
4d8a56 No.547531
Houston fags on the scene^^
ab189f No.547532
Also discussed unlimited budget of CIA..this is DAMNING..great find anon! Is this from JudicalWatch or from DOJ's own drop? If DOJ, this is juicy!
59271c No.547533
Q…. Buddy. Come 'ere for asec.
Look out there, across the masses located here, this board, together. Look at them. For as far as the eye can see, patriots all. Every one of them, willing to DIE for this cause.
Understand Q. We get it. The YT vid, you post, over and over. We know. WE get it. We are here. We are With YOU. Yer Preachin to the choir guys. We know you are fighting for us. We know you're fighting with us. You don't have to tell us.
By telling us all the time 'we are with you' and 'trust us' tends to suggest you don't trust us in return. Look Q, if your mission is honorable, mutual trust is easy. No need to waste time and thought on telling us to trust. We get it.
Trust US Q, We got it.
You bring the rain.
C130 Rain
We stand with you.
We Have YOUR back.
Make it happen man
We Got this!!
f425a5 No.547534
Not a chance it was a mistake. But I am a mere meme fag. I leave the puzzles to the puzzle fags.
Glorious 2018 Anons!
6f97c2 No.547535
35fa7a No.547536
Sweet, thanks anon!
0a0ce3 No.547538
d32b62 No.547539
Nov 05 2017 00:15:02
[Repost Lost]
Martial law declared in SA.
Why is this relevant?
How much money was donated to CF by SA?
How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA?
How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation?
How much money was donated to CS by SA?
What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)?
212e89 No.547540
Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/04/18 (Sun) 04:15:14 85cc02 No.544206
What I say a class action lawsuit?
When is it effective?
Who controls the narrative?
WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
WHO deployed the algorithm?
WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?
SAME embed across multiple platforms.
Why is the timing relevant?
Where is @Snowden?
Why did ES leave G?
Why has NK out of the news cycle?
Define false flag?
What event(s) change the news cycle?
Why didn’t LV change the news cycle?
You have more than your know.
Poss meaning of censorship (in addition to influencing mid-terms):
1. They are planning a massive, imminent FF.
2. They are preparing the way by eliminating voices that challenge their narrative.
- LV didn't change the news cycle because the MSM narrative couldn't dominate the public, because there were enough voices from alternative media to highlight the discrepancies.
- Same with Florida school shooting.
3. They only need a temporary stop. Lawsuits take time.
- Concurrent censorship across multiple platforms will completely shut down the opposition/alternative voices all at the same time.
- Meanwhile any new FF narrative in MSM, unchallenged, will quickly dominate public perception & achieve public support for whatever actions they have in mind.
>>> which makes me think:
Where are you going to find out what's really going on if you've lost your sources & connections? How are you going to organise?
Don't wait for lawsuits. Must be heard and organised now.
Don't allow shut down of alternative voices.
Establish other, temporary sources for banned info:
- As you see 1 source in trouble immediately establish 10+ more.
- Get louder, not quieter.
- Get alternative links/platforms circulating now. Promote.
- Bitchute? GAB? …
- Keep it simple > quick & easy to re-establish if shut down.
Many individual accounts/channels pref, not centralised.
- We are many.
- Support whoever they're attacking, even if you don't like that person.
- United.
>>> Poss prevents any planned FF because it doesn't achieve their aim as long as they can't control the narrative. Play for time. Lawsuits take time.
bcca1b No.547541
777852 No.547542
Q video post today corresponds with Q post of November 14th.
March 4th = November 14th (Timeline shift correctly calibrated at 110 days)
Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?
Watch from 4m44s:
de79a9 No.547543
Chess . Think chess. You set all the moves up ahead and bait the enemy into traps. then the endgame moves quickly and the game is over . The fun is in the suspense and seeing the language being spoken as the setup happens. Q is brilliant. Let him do his thing.
d8ab69 No.547544
LV was not PUSHED into the NEWS cycle with CHILDREN mouthing the NARRATIVE.
b0b706 No.547545
sorry man -
that trip code is ALL OVER THE INTERNET already
cannot put toothpaste back in a tube
35fa7a No.547546
Cannot answer yet due to Cabal retaliation. They would bomb the cities and attempt to exterminate the population.
when this Truth comes out (full disclosure - NOT partial/controlled one), IT'S OVER.
67dce1 No.547547
https:// www.rt.com/news/420428-twitter-censorship-kim-dotcom/
Dotcom had earlier tweeted about Seth Rich, the DNC staffer who was murdered in July 2016. Rumors that his death was in some way connected to the hacking or leaking of DNC emails during the US presidential primaries have circulated since he died. Dotcom maintains he knows who passed the DNC’s emails on to WikiLeaks, and why.
Dotcom told RT many of his followers had shared similar experiences with retweeting, saying that it seems the platform “is actively targeting accounts that talk about the Seth Rich case.”
“There is a large number of Twitter users out there, especially Trump supporters, who claim that they sometimes cannot even retweet the tweets of the President,” he added. “I’m thinking this isn’t just a bug. I think Twitter is proactively interfering with free speech because of the political bias of its leadership,” Dotcom said. “And if that is true then the time has come for a Twitter alternative, a neutral platform without censorship.”
Dotcom said he likes the platform and wants to give Dorsey a chance to respond to reports of censorship. “If he can assure us that Twitter won’t violate free speech then I have no desire to create a twitter alternative,” he said. “I like Twitter. It’s a great communication tool that must be protected from the political bias of twitter management or shareholders.”
f332c0 No.547548
\Noticed how Q started this with "What I.."
1st time that I really noticed the use of the "I"
5c2fa2 No.547549
Here's THE problem - the narrative comes from the top down
It's (((THEIR))) agenda - the Ashkenazi Zionist agenda
35fa7a No.547552
to clarify - it's over for them.
As Q said, failsafes and evil influence have to be dismantled to proceed with the liberation.
We see 2%.
100% most are not ready for - it is very "unrealistic". It includes extraterrestrials, spirituality and advanced technologies.
85c1c1 No.547553
Interesting comment on one of my twatter
I'm starting to think Mueller's goal is to drag this out for so long that statutes of limitations start to save Hillary & his other pals.
Appoint a second special prosecutor.
ab189f No.547555
Without getting all metaphysical, it is the physical location we are in..keystone is the USA…we spark the change that will travel worldwide. The WHY is REALLY out there and probably in the 60% that stays dark…lets put it this way..some have lived this dream before but did not make the highest decisions and we have suffered as a race..so a chance at redemption also involved at the Soul level…
Would also guess a ritual was involved with an actual keystone and perhaps could be ark or other ancient "device"…
6f97c2 No.547556
c48bd9 No.547557
This is a very subjective definition
I can confirm
6f97c2 No.547558
5b63f6 No.547559
BOOM !!!
I Wonder who's leaking to the press, Take awild guess
http:// politicsnote.com/bombshell-hillary-clinton-gave-russia-us-technology-for-hypersonic-intercontinental-nuke-missiles/
b0b706 No.547560
Hey Anon,…..buddy Come 'ere for asec
Look out there - a nation of laws, this board, this country, this world…far as the eye can see, law abiding citizens all. Everyone of them waiting for something to be done.
Understand Anon, I get it. Your concernposts along with all the others, over and over and over.
We know. WE GET IT. They are there. We are her. Yer preachin out yer ass.
blah blah blah.
We dont just start raining down 25mm from the sky on citizens. This has to be done in accordance with the Law or what are we? We are some banana fucking republic like Hussein tried to install.
The time you took to write your fucking useless attempt to persuade Q and the team to do anything - how many memes could you have made? How many posts on social media?
/rant over
6f97c2 No.547561
Make rain
Make rain
Make rain
ab189f No.547562
Nice catch and agree! Fox as bad as the rest…although good journalist there as well as other MSM outlets…
Don't agree on Fox? 2 words..Chris Wallace…
68595b No.547563
We are sheep they see themselves not as shepherds but as the wolves.
e7e7a8 No.547564
They have coloring books for adults… that is why this is an excellent idea. Baby steps with the sheep anon
f8f954 No.547565
ty true autist anon
Your dedicated effort takes us all closer to the great reveal
c40185 No.547566
added verbiage to others well made blank
9fd550 No.547567
I come here ONLY for the great memes.
59271c No.547569
Try to be encouraging….shit
never mind..
6f97c2 No.547570
gonna bcome a twatrfag for a few hrs
66ba1f No.547571
So plerbovore coke addicts want to regulate mah webs and mah firearm and not pay taxes
ab189f No.547572
Nice! Ding ding ding!
Oh..so proud of you anons! Just look at this loaf!!!
>>547523 <← WOW!
6859e8 No.547573
When I first thought of keystone, I was thinking of it in terms of dismantling the cabal. So I was thinking of what is the cabal's keystone?
What do they need to maintain control?
Money is obviously a foundation and gives them power, but what do they need to maintain the upper hand?
They need information. They need to have the blackmailing goods to make threats.
They need to control the narrative with information.
So who is the most powerful country?
The United States.
Who or what within the United States controls information?
The intelligence agencies.
So IMHO, the US Clowns are the keystone for the cabal. That is why the clowns need to be dismantled.
They keystone for Our Country to thrive is the free flow of TRUTHFUL Information TO ITS CITIZENS, who are not sheep to be spoonfed a narrative by the cabals keystone.
b0b706 No.547574
f332c0 No.547575
>https:// sdsc2017.mit.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Muhammad_Amjad.pdf
68595b No.547576
>https:// www.gov.ca.gov/2014/01/17/news18368/
Watch this water?
ab189f No.547577
Have family there and with the heads up!
For those not aware..call for crisis actors in Houston and with this happening: https:// www.rodeohouston.com
de79a9 No.547578
FB is crushing me .It is very frustrating ,it feels like I am not reaching anyone . When I posted before this I would usually get a lot of feedback. The censorship algorithm has changed to be super controlling or nobody but the same 5 people care about the war.
31ca5f No.547579
>>547540 Class action lawsuits are effective for the long term. They also give the tool of depositions. PragerU V. Google is a great test case to watch. It will go to the 9th then hopefully heard at US Supreme
85c1c1 No.547580
Hmmm interesting post by another twatter…..
6859e8 No.547581
To expand a little more.
The cabal has a keystone. (secretive, corrupt CIA)
A free country has a keystone. (TRUTH DISSEMINATED)
6f97c2 No.547582
God Bless this bread and ALL who partake of its goodness - soon the taste of victory will nourish you - lets shine a little LIGHT onto this problem… God Speed Patriots!
we r ALL
ab189f No.547583
Some not as quick as you anon…it does (somewhat) annoy me as well.."
You have all you need, etc"
I know we do! I know where this is headed! Alot of us do!
But..lowest common denominator and all..so onion peeled SLOWLY…
b982d6 No.547584
yeah, FFL's are publicly listed… that could be troublesome.
8489ca No.547585
Another explosion in the UK.
https:// www.express.co.uk/news/uk/926971/Romford-explosion-Essex-blast-Harold-Hill-shot-emergency-evacuation
85c1c1 No.547586
Remember what Q said…. misspelling…. change the o to zero.. the a to an @ and bet you bypass the bots… it’s working for me
687cdd No.547587
https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/
6f97c2 No.547588
4d5222 No.547589
Very tasty bread, Baker
7b9113 No.547590
Would it not be glorious if they arrested the bulk of them when they were stepping onto a red carpet?
c48bd9 No.547591
Great Post Anon
Also, DEEP SLEEP REJECT. The People are refusing the pill.
Now all their Narratives actually drive more people to awakened state, help us!
f60fa9 No.547592
What I say a class action lawsuit?
Is Q asking us to file class action lawsuits against MSM and social media for censorship and spread of fake news?
d8ab69 No.547593
IOW, (((THEY))) think they have the upper hand…(((NOT!))).
de79a9 No.547594
Ok TY Anon I will give that a try. I remember that now ,good point.
05dcd3 No.547595
Shillery made deals with Russian oligarch Vekselberg, and Skolkovo (Skolkovo Foundation)
We need some digging on those 2
6f97c2 No.547596
f332c0 No.547597
>notice the vows being made by kate liddleton
9c6e73 No.547598
>Expand your thinking.
>Who leaked Vault7 to WL?
MI/NSA leaked it
>Who returned fire?
CIA → Operation Fiddler/use Snowden to harm NSA/use Snowden to weaponize TW
>OP Name: Fiddler
Here is the mission of Op Fiddler/Snowden:
>Mission 1: Infiltrate
the opposition and all SM platforms
>Mission 2: Centralize
Talking points, news narratives, etc.
>Mission 3: Secure
weaponize SecureDrop; Secure control of all SM platforms
>Mission 4: Expose to HARM
Expose the NSA to harm → get the public to hate/distrust them/Expose wb's to harm by exposing them
>(WH interference)
>(WH directive)
>Mission 5: Russia LINK
blame Russia for interfering w/ election; link T to Russia via MSM/fake news
>(2013 timeline of events)
President Barack Obama announces a sprawling reform that would begin the process of change in the National Security Agency.
>Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME
In Op Fiddler, Snowden was a "ghost user" of NSA servers - Amazon Prime Snowden video
>Mission 7: CLAS
still classified/no hints
>Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k
Set up wb traps; SecureDrop was actually a wb trap, and there were other means to sniff out wb's/Steve Jobs → 3567k Apple TV Video Converter
>Mission 9: Censorship
what we are seeing today → YT/FB/TW, etc.
>CLAS +relay
Classified, Soros related
66ba1f No.547599
So plerbovores had a pay to play politics mechanism that may have been related to all that coke the cia/bush sold
85c1c1 No.547600
It’s got me pass the FB bots as well as twatter
35fa7a No.547601
Thank you for your hard work friend. Do not despair, for you have already reached the subconscious of everyone who read that information. The Truth planted there acts like a lion. It has a life of its own, despite the external consciounsness' resistance, disbelief and control-programming. Do so gently with Love and the Cabal will lose their grip over those people quickly.
6859e8 No.547602
remembering seeing somewhere that this skull symbol may be used by private clubs/restuarants where the cabal meet.
Not the longhorn used in western/cowboy establishments, but a certain type of animal skill on logos
278d62 No.547603
Is this the first time Q has referred to himself in the singular form [i]? We all like to think of the Q team as a plural [we]. I think this has meaning.
Also, the missing words appear to be [DID] [ABOUT] and [BEEN]. The word "you" has also been changed to [your] intentionally.
fd8950 No.547604
LV didn't change the newscycle because it was not a false flag, it was unintended, it was a political killing gone wrong.
Florida did dominate the newscycle because it WAS intended, and was a false flag.
c4987f No.547605
Memefag adding a meme for use…
ab189f No.547608
On Snowden…
To me, Q STRONGLY indicating that we should discern where Snowden is concerned…Snowden certainly tied to Zuck and a ton of fuckery…
Was Snowden used? By white or black hats? Important as would indicate the hat color of WL/JA..
I am undecided here but CLEARLY WL and Snowden have been used to manipulate us with data…
f8b1b2 No.547610
What are our map goals? Ive got two started. One for pizzagate and one for Clinton connections - but I fear these are off track. We should be creating maps that link TheSwamp that must be drained- DNCGOP. Guide me anons…..
4de7f3 No.547611
A good article called, "MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why they are absolutely necessary?"
http:// stateofthenation2012.com/?p=95604#more-95604
31ca5f No.547612
what if the missing is " and , ex: "What" I say, a class action lawsuit?
ab189f No.547614
Plus..LV was a reaction where Parkland was a planned event…
LV was a coverup for an assassination attempt…Parkland an attempt to sway us..
Both falling apart :-) If the @FBI is this BAD at coverups, would guess they are equally inept at law enforcement. What good are they? Appears they just exist for blackmail and coverups..
59271c No.547615
fn fiveseven is a damn nice pistole
I would LOVE to have one
specially if I wanted to punch through some kevlar vests
Tampa eh.
Look at all the hardware he's willing to trade, this fella is serious and nuts
e82bcc No.547616
Regarding LV, this crime scene stinks. A bad guy, set on doing great harm, and having this many weapons, would have had them lined up in some type of order, ready to use. They would be more meticulous.
If this was truly a one person event, they would have had plans. This looks like a haphazard crime scene that someone(s) threw rifles, ammo, and spent casing around the room. In other words, this crime scene is staged and utter bullshit. JMHO.
9c6e73 No.547618
label the 3 different FFs in small type
66ba1f No.547619
Spacefags deserve better accoutrements
3c59b0 No.547620
Welcome /newfag/… quite simply put… if you THINK (((they))) can do it… (((they))) can X10
67dce1 No.547623
The videos in the database collated by Chaslot and shared with the Guardian were watched more than three billion times before the election. Many of the videos have since vanished from YouTube and the research prompted several experts to question whether the algorithm was manipulated or gamed by Russia.
The Alex Jones Channel, the broadcasting arm of the far-right conspiracy website InfoWars, was one of the most recommended channels in the database of videos.
In his statement, Warner added: “The [tech] platform companies have enormous influence over the news we see and the shape of our political discourse, and they have an obligation to act responsibly in wielding that power.”
Warner’s warning about potential foreign interference in YouTube’s recommendation algorithm is especially noteworthy given Google repeatedly played down the extent of Russian involvement in its video platform during testimony to the Senate committee in December.
The committee’s investigation into Russian interference in the US presidential election is ongoing but has so far mostly focused on Facebook and Twitter.
The 8,000 YouTube-recommended videos were also analysed by Graphika, a commercial analytics firm that has been tracking political disinformation campaigns. It concluded many of the YouTube videos appeared to have been pushed by networks of Twitter sock puppets and bots controlled by pro-Trump digital consultants with “a presumably unsolicited assist” from Russia.
This and other techniques may have encouraged YouTube’s recommendation algorithm into disseminating videos that were damaging to Clinton. Chaslot has said he is willing to cooperate with the Senate intelligence committee and share his database with investigators.
Correspondence made public just last week revealed that Warner wrote to Google demanding more information about YouTube’s recommendation algorithm, which he warned could be manipulated by foreign actors.
The senator asked Google what it was doing to prevent a “malign incursion” of its video platform’s recommendation system. Google’s counsel, Kent Walker, offered few specifics in his written reply, but said YouTube had “a sophisticated spam and security breach detection system to identify anomalous behavior and malignant incursions”.
Google was initially critical of Guardian’s research, saying it “strongly disagreed” with its methodology, data and conclusions. “It appears as if the Guardian is attempting to shoehorn research, data and their conclusions into a common narrative about the role of technology in last year’s election,” a company spokesperson said. “The reality of how our systems work, however, simply doesn’t support this premise.”
However, last week, after correspondence between the Senate intelligence committee and Google was made public, revealing Warner’s written exchange with the company over the recommendation algorithm, Google offered a new statement.
“We appreciate the Guardian’s work to shine a spotlight on this challenging issue,” the new statement said, pointing to changes made since the election to discourage algorithms from promoting problematic content. “We know there is more to do here and we’re looking forward to making more announcements in the months ahead.”
On Friday, after it was informed the Guardian would imminently publish its investigation, YouTube provided an interview to the Wall Street Journal in which it laid out plans to label state-sponsored content and tackle the proliferation of conspiracy theories on the platform.
The Journal reported the plan “was early in development, so it is unclear when it would take effect – or how the site would select conspiracy theories”.
https:// www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/feb/05/senator-warns-youtube-algorithm-may-be-open-to-manipulation-by-bad-actors
9c6e73 No.547624
Why do we not have reliable MSM news outlets? Why haven't wealthy patriots sought to start such an enterprise (I'm not talking about internet news, but something that's on TV, a major news outlet)
ab189f No.547625
If anyone doing a big Mockingbird dig, will leave this thought here. While no sauce readily available, do recall reading in several places in the JFK drops about Edward R Murrow being involved in a TON of early meetings with Hoover. In particular discussing how to push the lone gunman narrative.
Murrow worth a deep dig, he was championed as a pillar of journalistic integrity and he probably had NONE…
a2b5da No.547626
Is this the day we hear breathing?
975ed7 No.547627
59271c No.547628
can't get funding outside of crow-sourcing
That leaves you with the most successful endeavor yet.
67dce1 No.547630
Yes!!! Connecting the dots. Nice find anons
9c6e73 No.547631
the cookstove scam was in the news a few years ago
59271c No.547632
add to this.
You'd have to build the network from scratch, launch the birds, build the tv stations and the transmitters on the ground, get lots and lots of approvals from lots and lots of govt agencies that don't want you to succeed.
ab189f No.547633
>Why haven't wealthy patriots sought to start such an enterprise
I think this is exactly what Q means by "organize"..we are not quite there yet..but keep this thought..also..we HAVE organized a new type of pharma company already and will be doing some things to try to both break the system and also to push the knowledge we have about health/diet/etc…will and have begun to make that available here to individuals just as long as they do not commercialize it…check for endocannabinoid system posts…
9508e7 No.547634
FTC - Anti-Trust concerns
https:// www.cnet.com/news/google-and-facebook-could-be-in-ftc-crosshairs-over-anti-trust-concerns/
84ff42 No.547635
>LV didn't change the newscycle because it was not a false flag, it was unintended, it was a political killing gone wrong.
4d8a56 No.547637
Police respond to reports of explosion in north-east London
https:// www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/04/reports-explosion-north-east-london-harold-hill-police-respond
9fd550 No.547638
Thank you. It boils down to who u gonna trust.
8489ca No.547639
There has been ANOTHER explosion in the UK.
At ANOTHER parade of shops.
What are the chances?
Will they lie about this one too?
https:// www.express.co.uk/news/uk/926971/Romford-explosion-Essex-blast-Harold-Hill-shot-emergency-evacuation
68595b No.547640
Rain Maker Temp User Guide
Rain Maker v1.0 User Guide.doc
Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_15729171.html
de79a9 No.547641
TG /ourguy/ on Fox show at the top of the hour to talk about the normie level discussion on fisagate. Gramp's house, GTFOver there ! !
68595b No.547642
https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/files/Rain%20Maker%20v1.0%20User%20Guide.doc
b982d6 No.547645
It's like the blitz over there, which is strange
because they always said the blitz was ineffective
and ended up giving tommy that stiff upper lip,
emboldening them with near misses.
00596e No.547646
I am sure that users agreed to the censorship as part of the terms of service, so their is no standing
6859e8 No.547647
The Top 10 Steel Producing Countries In The World
2015 (Crude steel production (million metric tons)
1 People's Republic of China 803.83
2 Japan 105.15
3 India 89.58
4 United States 78.92
5 Russia 71.11
6 South Korea 69.73
7 Germany 42.68
8 Brazil 33.25
9 Turkey 31.52
10 Ukraine 22.93
5e56e1 No.547648
https:// www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/686303/london-explosion-romford-met-police-blast-news
d4c15f No.547649
It depends on what the definition of is is. WJC
8489ca No.547650
No known cause but AGAIN not thought terror related.
If cause unknown why so quickly say not terror?
84ff42 No.547651
31ca5f No.547652
Spitballing here… make noise with make it rain could be melt the snow ( tv noise is called snow and maybe mind control is happening through use of it. ) HRC slogan stronger together. Maybe a talented audio anon could pic one of her campaign speeches that was faked with green screen and piped in cheers and slow it down for noise messaging
dddc13 No.547653
2013 timeline — Snowden NSA drops, several mass shootings, boston bombing, Obama speech on gun control, govt shutdown in October, etc., etc., a year of events calculated to push division, fear, and try to force gun control through
9c6e73 No.547654
wish dotcom would just do it and not wait for TW to stop censoring.
975ed7 No.547655
b982d6 No.547657
Yeah, the only argument I could see is antitrust
and claiming they're a public utility by accepting
gov't funding and contracts.
No one reads user agreements.
85c1c1 No.547658
Yes! WTG!
e8d941 No.547659
We need to decide on a single hashtag
It’s needs to be our war cry
Nothing stupid, something to spark the soul and spirit
Something that will lead to the great awakening
We did it with releasethememo
He’s giving us power and that’s the ONLY way to use it. We come in droves
Where we go one we go all.
We need to decide and we need to do it now
It needs to be effective. We need to no longer acknowledge the ones that go against us. By simply acknowledging them, we grant them power which has been abused.
Instead we act as if they are not there. That goes for sh-ills too.
We know to really show our might. We are AMERICANS
Not to toot my own horn but we take ZERO shit. We come with firepower and FURY but we PRAY it never comes down to that
We have one mission that is DOABLE:
4d5222 No.547660
>What I say a class action lawsuit?
Translates to:
>What is AYA class action lawsuit?
67dce1 No.547663
I don't care what people think of Alex Jones (I consider him the Vince McMahon of news kek) but first they come for the people you may not agree completely with so you say nothing. Next they go after more and more legitimate sites. Must support the guy. Where we go one we go all.
606f20 No.547664
Should we all be stocking up on Bell and Howell tactical products like TacGlasses, TacLight and TacLigher?
29b671 No.547665
Could We the People be the Keystone?
042444 No.547666
>muh eula muh tos
sorry but publicly accessible communications services are equivalent to a cyber public square and must be protected by the 1st amendment
6859e8 No.547667
And Karl Rove (cabal) was on TV saying that it is okay for the US to depend on our allies, Canada and Mexico for steel production if needed.
Look at what (((they))) were doing to our ability to fight. . . . . without steel
Can this be memed?
e03180 No.547668
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Waking up to Q and my all-time favorite song.
ab56d2 No.547669
Sorry I need to jump in without having read every intermediate thread. If this is a duplicate, please just skip it. Not a lawfag
What are some possible cause(s) of action for class action lawsuit against the social media companies?
→ Civil Rights action for violation of the 1st Amendment? (free speech)
→ Antitrust action for acting a a monopoly in restraint of free trade?
→ add RICO … additional damages, easier to prove?
→ Plaintiffs' class … Who can prove they experienced actual monetary damages? Conservative websites, YouTube publishers, etc. that lost actual advertising revenue?
→ Libel/slander → more difficult to prove reputational damages
→ What jurisdiction(s)? Federal courts? Which one(s)?
→ We have Q's statements that they acted in concert actually deploying the same algorithm to target plaintiffs for censorship → but need discovery to PROVE this singular algorithm → all we have now is Q's word on it plus circumstantial evidence of a massive, coordinated clampdown on conservative voices
Would appreciate lawfags' discussion of all points that seem most salient, in your professional judgment.
This may be a HUGE, career-making opportunity for plaintiffs' attorneys.
7b9113 No.547670
http:// yournewswire.com /wikileaks-reveal-clinton-ties-to-rothschilds-and-occult-cabal/
a2b5da No.547671
>>547659 I’m in. Give me a meme and a # and I’m on it
b982d6 No.547672
where did you get your law degree anon?
9c6e73 No.547673
i know a few lawsuits have been filed against SM, not sure if class actions though → i kept thinking/hoping Judicial Watch would take the lead on this . . .
c48bd9 No.547674
Anons, Get on GAB ASAP
Censorship Free
Thousands of Libertarian & Patriot Arrests WW
You Tube Purge, Twitter Mass Bans
e03180 No.547675
8b7cee No.547676
33K, not 32 or 34
7b9113 No.547677
5c2fa2 No.547678
Did you NOT see this???
5633f0 No.547679
teh cornerstone got smuggled
phd stuff
keep digging
6859e8 No.547680
687cdd No.547681
Cloud seeding.
Been in the news a lot lately.
042444 No.547682
https:// www.inquisitr.com/opinion/4307907/supreme-court-makes-social-media-is-a-constitutional-right-new-twitter-and-facebook-precedent/
>While previously it would seem that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snap Chat were the private property of their owners, now they have been declared “the modern public square” by the Supreme Court. A public square is by nature not private property. Thus, legally speaking, perhaps neither Facebook nor Twitter has the right to ban Americans from their services, though that may be up for the courts to decide as this new body of law is interpreted.
I don't know where did SCOTUS get their law degrees?
c48bd9 No.547683
Mormon Secret Society
68595b No.547684
or is it this NSA tool?
https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/files/Rain%20Maker%20v1.0%20User%20Guide.doc
7b9113 No.547685
fbbd09 No.547686
not being treated as terror related per locals
9ab1bc No.547687
how do we hang this fat fuck? he hasnt got a neck!
7614aa No.547689
The founding fathers had many differing political views, but they united around… FREEDOM.
825bad No.547690
Zerohedge is pretty good, i always have a feeling they coordinate with whitehats but only put out what they are allwed at this point. Its like hannity, they know more than they say
dd4485 No.547691
not wise to use yourfakewire as sauce…just sayin
e8d941 No.547692
Terms of service. They are privately owned businesses and they are allowed to deleted accounts as they see fit. You agree to their terms of service when you sign up. You have a choice, you agree or you don’t.
Now if Congress writes an internet bill of rights and they CONTINUE to censor then there’s grounds for a lawsuit.
I’m not a lawfag but it’s common sense.
Terms of service, read them.
a9504c No.547694
That case is gonna take 5 or 6 years to percolate. To give everyone a true understanding of how SLOW that court works, I just watched oral arguments for a case filed in the US District Court for the District of Hawaii (defendants granted summary judgment, never went to trial) that was filed in 2012. And they JUST HEARD the appeal. It'll take another year, maybe more to get a decision. The Ninth Circus needs to be fractured into the 9th and (new) 12th.
606f20 No.547695
So much Gold buying shit on ZH
7b9113 No.547696
This is a nonstarter. The courts are enormously expensive and this direction is outside the reach of most anons, plus it doxes.>>547669
becc2a No.547697
aa17f1 No.547698
I have felt for some time that there was something sinister about the autoplay function in YouTube, it always leads somewhere you don't want to go. Freaks me out to think of little kids watching Elsagate vids, letting YouTube choose what comes next.
2381c7 No.547699
"According to the complaint the plaintiff alleges on behalf of purchasers of Amaya Inc (NASDAQ: AYA) common shares between June 8, 2015 and March 22, 2016, that the defendants violated Federal Securities Laws. More specifically, the plaintiff claims that between June 8, 2015 and March 22, 2016 the defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that the Company’s CEO was engaged in an insider trading scheme that involved influencing the market price of the Company’s securities and communicating privileged information to third parties, that Amaya Inc lacked adequate internal controls, and that, as a result of the foregoing, defendants’ statements about Amaya Inc’s business, operations, and prospects, were false and misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis."
6859e8 No.547700
Sara Carter on F&F this am said that the problem with a second SC to look into issues, is that the investigators need to come from the FBI, so it would be the FBI investigating the FBI.
That is why the IG is being used..
b982d6 No.547701
>would seem
>to decide
that's A LOT of hypothetical qualifiers.
e8d941 No.547702
9c6e73 No.547704
did you NOT answer the question?
a04a07 No.547705
“It’s all about who you know”
e8d941 No.547706
Double dubs confirmed
382942 No.547707
0utsmrt teh algorithm 3asily bye mispelling the w0rd5
59271c No.547708
The soapbox
The Ballot Box
The Jury Box
The Cartridge Box
The ONLY methods available.
Which box doesn't dox?
042444 No.547709
thats how courts work faggot. SCOTUS putting such words up for use in court bolsters our case.
why are you here? are you a "Right to Censor" google shill? I think you are.
7b9113 No.547710
The truth is hidden in every fake. The wikileaks email can be found with that information.
6859e8 No.547712
97fb21 No.547713
Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Post 1 of 2.
Spent a good twenty minutes writing this out (or had tried to), for convenience on a tablet (which has no word-processing software to speak of), and wham, hit a button the screen flashes and all is lost. Did it copy to clipboard? Hit paste, and half of returns along with the previous document I had typed. Hum? Not the first time. It gets old.
So I'm left with this. Was that meant as a subtle sign that nobody cares to read my rambling murmurings OR (being spiritual/religious), is it a Luceferian trick to rob me of my ambition and resolve, pushing me to resign and give up the effort?
For now I’ll play like I’m Sisyphus and return down the hill and begin all over (video related).
Continued in part 2 (post too long).
7b9113 No.547714
The truth is hidden in every fake. The wikileaks email can be found with that information.
>This is a nonstarter. The courts are enormously expensive and this direction is outside the reach of most anons, plus it doxes.>>547669
97fb21 No.547715
Part 2 of 2.
What I was trying to share was this (now in condescend form):
I wanted to express what I believe is an indicator of the magnitude of the task we face at trying to win hearts and minds in regard to spreading the truths we discover here to those, asleep, in the larger society.
At work I am surrounded by 'never-Trumpers' and negativity. I will focus on my immediate boss. He is unable to say, or agree with, anything positive when it comes to President Trump, and this goes all the way back to the campaign. In contrast, he is a true believer in the fake news narrative that bho, the supreme leader, walked on water and only had the country’s best interest at heart.
I have shared countless articles illustrating how evil the previous administration was…how often they spit on the Constitution and were hell-bent on destroying this country. Not that they were the only one, but they were in overdrive and had the Hildabeast taken the reigns, it would surely have been over for this country, at least in the way I have known it since a child. As he chooses to remain ignorant I have tried to appeal to what type of country he wants for his children. Noting works.
As an example (one of countless), I offered him background information on how utterly despicable Andrew McCabe, and his minions, treated Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz, a woman, and one of the best counter-terrorism experts we have ever had. If you are unfamiliar, I suggest researching her story. General Flynn, and an Admiral whose name I have forgotten, went to bat in her defense, and you can see how that ended.
He took the material home and never commented on what he learned.
So yesterday I tried a softer approach. A less 'political' argument, if you will. I told him there were many people in the country who felt it was in bad taste for bho to be conspicuously absent from all the services being held in honor of Reverend Billy Graham, including when his body was in repose under the Capital rotunda. I told him bho was the only politician at that level I could think of who was absent. Slick-Willie even flew out to the family grounds to pay his respect in person.
I argues that, as Graham meant so much to so many of bho's constituents, he owed his participation for that reason at a minimum. Forget my boss is completely unaware of bho's 'bitter-clinger' comment, caught on an open mic during a San Francisco fundraiser BEFORE being elected…'those that cling to their guns and religion' comment. The comment all critics were called racist for expressing concern about.
Forget that when I tried to argue bho's official portrait was meant as a slap in the face to the country (white women being beheaded etc., artist studio located in China and employs Chinese workers to do the work), he scoffed. Didn't want to hear it and, by definition, I didn’t know what I was talking about. In fact, since bho was no longer in office he said, I don’t see the relevance.
This intellectual dishonesty and irrational hatred towards President Trump (TDS), is what I encounter on a daily basis, and I’m in a solidly red midwestern state, but unfortunately in a glowing liberal city.
I've rambled too long, but I hope someone understand what I’m going on about. Yesterday I argued that, in light of the constant barrage of negative headlines from the fake news, we (who defend this Administration), could use a highly symbolic story to help our efforts. The people I encounter do not read blogs, Twatter posts by conservative writers, watch YuTube channels from people trying to red-pill the nation. They sit with CNN/MSNBC, read the official 'newspapers' and are convinced the rest is fringe, conspiracy material not worthy of examination.
I understand a lot here argue nothing can happen until such things as Horowitz's (the DOJ Inspector General) report is published and everything must look above board or it will be interpreted as only political retribution (not that that wasn’t what bho was doing the whole time!). I understand there are thousands of unsealed Federal indictments. I get it. But we need something. I have been here since at least November/December; I was on the Trump-train since the first day he announced, so it's not like I haven't been waiting. But we need some ammunition. That's how you fight the narrative. When they continue to censor our social media platforms we need to figure another way – it's needed.
It may also be I'm surrounded by the 6% Q stated are too far-gone. If that's the case, in all sincerity, I feel the number needs to be revised. A good 25-30% of this country at least are hell-bent at learning anything that destroys their paradigm.
a2b5da No.547716
9c6e73 No.547717
that's why i said "WEALTHY PATRIOTS"
2537ce No.547718
two more words…cock holster um I mean Shep Smith
a9504c No.547719
Harvard, Yale and Columbia. Anyway, that's referencing a criminal case. Packingham v. North Carolina. Ironically, it involves a registered sex offender whose terms of his registration included no social media presence. He got on Facebook anyway. He was arrested for violating the terms of his registration, sued the state, and now we have a juicy precedent. A child sex offender set precedent for a lawsuit.
fd8950 No.547720
They always tip off their own fuckery with what they claim to be "fighting"…
31ca5f No.547721
PragerU V. Google is fighting a defense that SM is a private business. FB and Twitter use hashtags making their platform a public forum. Bloggers have rights as it relates to public forums
185523 No.547722
New paste
https:// pastebin.com/A2QDvSCR
e03180 No.547723
Damn, it all comes full circle…Got that song on a word perfect disk back in the early 90s…
e8d941 No.547726
That is retarded
Nothing occult
Something your parents or grandparents will remember from a life that seems so far away
Like one they once knew that they thought was gone forever
9c6e73 No.547727
nice. what's the name of the pharma co?
4d5222 No.547728
Nice dubz, Anon.
Now, to figure out how this fits. Nothing, on the surface, seems to relate to any of the characters we're digging on.
6859e8 No.547729
b982d6 No.547730
Well it seem's you have it all figured out, so wtf are you doing here?
5633f0 No.547731
s0me f3d f4gg0t th1nk5 h3 1s 5o 5m4rt
f332c0 No.547732
just a thought; if you pour that format into a interactive website, with documented insight, videos, maps and connects, you got yoursaelf a homefree
042444 No.547734
consolidating. and you?
worried clown?
dd4485 No.547735
not questioning the sauce they will quote just their known way of turning it into disinfo
e8d941 No.547736
You don’t belong here
a9504c No.547737
Trump's first term will be over before that case is decided by the Ninth Circuit.
35fa7a No.547738
The "xkeyscore on steroids" turns these into a novel in no time. Use question forms, hide the meanings in the answers to beat the algo.
22b429 No.547739
Revisiting the MadWaters and libtardistical hypocrisy
31ca5f No.547741
>>547694 lawsuits are definitely a long game approach. The good news is people would be allowed to depose people before any summary Judgement could be granted ( if granted)
5633f0 No.547742
moloch is an old war god
got conned by plerbovores
he be pissed
lets move along
eb0ad7 No.547743
Common Core explained. Keep the population ignorant so that they are easier to control.
9c6e73 No.547744
AJ is terrified of the legal system. NO WAY will he file a lawsuit.
e8d941 No.547745
Communist core is more like it
4d5222 No.547746
Wait, where have I seen this Ashkenazi name before? He's the CEO.
59271c No.547747
I have a friend that built a new FM station in town.
250K for a 60,000 Watt station. Most FM'ers run 100,000 watts.
1 station, from the ground up. Studio, land, transmitter shack, stick and tx. the works.
50k of that went to the Native American blah blah organization cause the transmitter was put in a pasture that had been in the station owners family for 100 years. Had to bribe the indians cause the FCC was involved. Its a scam/joke
1 Station!!!
dddc13 No.547748
>What if John M's surgery was fake?
I wonder why he doesn't rate "the cure" - he's been the NWO buttboy for forever and a day. I also occasionally cogitate on the demise of Teddy Kennedy (also a malignant glioma). Death blows delivered by cell phone, perhaps?
7b9113 No.547749
Lots of opinions here. Trust me, my grandparents remember evil.
a2b5da No.547750
>>547738 I asked about this yesterday. Thank you!
b982d6 No.547751
6859e8 No.547752
so you want more division and one less on the team
5633f0 No.547753
u might b abl3 to slaughter hoggg multiple times
31ca5f No.547754
are we fighting for Trump or to get our Country back?
5c2fa2 No.547756
The "rich patriots" KNOW they are out gunned and WILL lose every penny. the new medium is HERE. That is why it IS under attack (((They))) already control the MSM - it's all out WAR on the net to suppress truth. Have a 1 minute 14-second education:
This is the enemy folks!! They’re stepping up their tactics – get your brains around this and attack attack attack!!! – From the ADL YT channel
=The Online Hate Index=
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=lULmie51-pU (1-min 14–seconds of mind blowing in our face methodology)
Here’s the ADL web-site presentation –
https:// www.adl.org/education/resources/reports/the-online-hate-index
4d8a56 No.547757
Just did a quick YouTube search, Alex Jone's videos are up. Nothing new in the last 20 hours but they are up. Not sure if it's a grab for attention or he is actually being banned but his 33K videos are fine. For now.
382942 No.547758
Maine streem meedia ls tryna tak3 0ur sekund am3ndmunt away from the peepul
22b429 No.547759
Ode to the Clowns…
Sewercide weekend is almost over…
You got one more job to do…
9fd550 No.547760
They (twat, fb, et al) use adiabetic quantum computers (D-Wave) for their algorithms. These are in serial, not parallel, so they talk to each other in their own language(FB shut it down). They comprise the backbone of twat, fb, et al. Quantum chips are used for China's 'unhackable' satellites-aren't they? Stay creative. Sounds like a www monopoly to me.
8b7cee No.547761
thanks, it's a work in progress (one of many)
all documented
will consider the idea
606f20 No.547762
278d62 No.547764
Info on the business where the explosion occurred in London.
Start digging. Looks like the owner was overdue on their account.
71bf5a No.547765
Confirmed, then.
We're learning more than just Q's comms.
67dce1 No.547766
He's waiting for us to create the buzz. Spread it! He also had an alternative to YouTube!
4de7f3 No.547768
at least a AJ has the money for a law suit, maybe it will set a president, its the time frame problem though, with appeals, many other channels will go down like they have been, hmmm?
personally, i feel individual lawsuits has more of a impact, instead of a class action, the problem is cost, many chipping in can do it, but a 5mill fine divided by a 1000 accounts is small, but a 1000 x 2mill will make a difference,
we dont have 7 years for a president case,
just my opinion, i suck at law because our law system sucks!
7b9113 No.547769
Then use this:
https:// wikileaks.org/ clinton-emails/emailid/30489
85c1c1 No.547770
Another doctor dead
5633f0 No.547771
one time frump used a time machine to bribe a mob judge for my brothers custody trial
his fiat was too new to be spent
the judge kept it private till his death
mob showed me some paperwork when i was 11
e8d941 No.547772
Hell no I want anons who know what double dubs confirmed means
Even if you don’t know what it means I want you to look at your post and figure out what it means
Look at the whole entire post
from ID to post number and tell me what double dubs means
I want you to figure it out
Expand your thinking anon!!
a9504c No.547773
I stated that to illustrate that the Ninth Circuit moves slower than a slug. Did I say shit about saving Trump or saving the country? Nope.
435ece No.547774
AU, AG shilling been going on for years over there. BTC is the latest Not to say they don't have interesting articles. And I have AU and AG
949886 No.547775
Stop ingesting fluoride.
Research heavy metal removal methods (chlorella tablets/cilantro)
up your potassium/magnesium intake.
Eat as much raw veg as you can.
4d5222 No.547776
Former CEO of Amaya is David Baazov (King of Online Gambling), accused of insider trading. Some interesting facts about him:
e8d941 No.547777
67dce1 No.547778
a9504c No.547779
22b429 No.547780
The AIPAC Lobby (israel's lobby) is the largest in washington.
There is a reason why…
They must protect their investments.
I wonder how the ADL ranked 8ch when the kike lampshade was floating around?
Probably lower ranking today because of truth in CONTENT instead of "baseless" kikejokes…
dd4485 No.547781
was trying to give you a tip for future ref as I made same mistake before…anyways..moved on
5633f0 No.547782
intelligence became such a misnomer in the us
smart civilians were labeled autists
cause the plerbovores were intimidated
and no one really paid attention to that nazi virus
4d5222 No.547783
Quads of Truth, Anon!
aa9b45 No.547784
Interesting digits
85c1c1 No.547785
e21a29 No.547787
I remember this story…millions in grants and federal money to give poor people in Africa stoves. But they didnt meet clean air sidelines from The WHO so it was a bust
https:// www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/these-cheap-clean-stoves-were-supposed-to-save-millions-of-lives-what-happened/2015/10/29/c0b98f38-77fa-11e5-a958-d889faf561dc_story.html?utm_term=.1714b788a412>>547463
eb0ad7 No.547788
Most of the literate people were already politically aware. While an educated person might question what they read or hear from the media, the uneducated tend to accept it. The uneducated are more easily affected by threats and the emotional trauma that propaganda like this can create.”
― John Rucyahana, The Bishop of Rwanda: Finding Forgiveness Amidst a Pile of Bones
a9504c No.547790
Classes are a BITCH to get certified. Need to present the judge with a metric fuck ton of evidence that joinder is proper. We'd also be suing a shit ton of John and Jane Does, so discovery process would be very expensive but it would yield more dirt than we can possibly imagine.
9c6e73 No.547791
>https:// www.inquisitr.com/opinion/4307907/supreme-court-makes-social-media-is-a-constitutional-right-new-twitter-and-facebook-precedent/
MEME ANONS – let's start informing the public of their 1A rights. Time to start challenging social media bans of all kinds. As we gain exposure, attorneys will take the reins and do the class action work ($$$$$$$$$) – someone will make a fortune off this.
LET'S GO on this!
5633f0 No.547793
the bush family wanted to start a new religion
it was crap
nothing got written down
a ship load of death
thule bs
fexas bs
roth bs
from the alamo to tyler
damn faggots
3c59b0 No.547794
The OKC (((bombing))) was on the murrah building… hmmmm
a2b5da No.547795
e03180 No.547796
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>544151
No, hipsterfag. This.
3ce6f1 No.547797
What [did/do/would/could] I say [about] a class action lawsuit
What POTUS tweets correspond to the time period and what are his spelling/grammatical mistakes?
How do they intersect?
606f20 No.547798
Twitter won't censor anything to do with Harry Potter. Make Harry Potter themed memes.
8b7cee No.547799
much of what you are looking for is laid out below
5633f0 No.547800
nasa sez
soros is not sexy
f60fa9 No.547803
hashtags in memes don't work. You add them. InternetBillOfRights is good for now I believe
88a4ed No.547804
Dead Cat Bounce
sorry if already suggested. I crashed last night and am just now catching up.
What if dead cat bounce means:
Crash the Stack Exchange on purpose.
Then crash the FED.
Close banks and come back with the gold standard and real US cash currency system.
This makes the fed greenbacks worthless. Which in turn makes the black hats moneyless. Which in turn black hats have no more power or control.
8354a0 No.547806
The issue isn't that they're deleting accounts as they see fit. Twitter, Youtube, and FB are all using the exact same Google search algorithm to sensor the exact same people/accounts across all platforms. That goes beyond privately owned and is collusion for censorship. Private businesses can't collude to set prices and they can't collude to censor to set ideas.
If they had done this individually, you'd have a point, but because they coordinated, they are liable to antitrust laws.
9c6e73 No.547807
MEME FAGS → we need help on this. So many have been banned/censored from social media. We need to drum up support for an alternative. Kim Dotcom is waiting in the wings.
7c85b7 No.547808
hashtags in memes work
18ab80 No.547809
834129 No.547810
is = "I say"
is = "was"
behind ES, NK, LV (all the SAME)
The ‘cult’ runs the world.
236ef9 No.547811
>What is a class action lawsuit?
>What I sa[y a] class action lawsuit?
What is a (yahoo) class action lawsuit?
5ede76 No.547812
I really think this merits a closer look re: "Ghost" when taken in context with Fiddler. I think this line might mean Mission 6 was to use Fiddler dll to direct traffic from net to Ghost Security Group (special collection program PRIME?) to be used by black hats. Pic related.
"he prime focus of Ghost Security Group™ is centered on electronic warfare using offensive strategies in addition to collecting real time data to aggressively analyze threats and provide situational awareness to federal governments and the intelligence community. We maintain a large database of extremist social media profiles and websites including the deep web."
Here are links:
https:// www.telerik.com/blogs/capturing-traffic-from-.net-services-with-fiddler
https:// ghostsecuritygroup.com/about-ghost-security-group/
7b9113 No.547814
Thanks. I see your point.
e21a29 No.547815
This kid is pretty epic…he has been burning them daily
8a7e9d No.547816
Just read a piece on Richard H. Ledgett who served as Deputy Director of the NSA until 2017. 11 years in Army Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), joined NSA in 1988 … everything aligns perfectly for this being the same soulless PRICK I had to suffer through during my time at Ft. Devens in '78 and in Augsburg in '79. What if he's on the Q team? Okay he as a soulless prick at the time I had the ultimate misfortune of knowing him. Maybe divine intervention occurred and he actually got a conscience?
f60fa9 No.547817
Well you must have missed them then
59271c No.547818
This anon get it!
The ADL WILL define what is hate speech
AI will catch it every time
YOU will be in trouble for it. Every time. The government will enforce ADL claims of hate speech as correct.
Key = ADL definition of hate speech. They decide. Their agenda is not you agenda.
Examples in play now. Look at EU, the Brits. It is currently ILLEGAL to speak against muzzies. You go to jail for speech, right now, in the west! in 2018!! Do you not understand????!
7c85b7 No.547819
Companies Suspend Ads On Alex Jones, InfoWars’ Youtube Channel After CNN Contacts Them
Many companies have suspended advertising on Infowars’ Youtube channels after CNN contacted them about their ads appearing on the website.
A CNN article published Saturday reads, “CNN has discovered ads on InfoWars’ channels from companies and organizations such as Nike (NKE), Acer, 20th Century Fox, Paramount Network, the Mormon Church, Moen, Expedia (EXPE), Alibaba (BABA), HomeAway, the NRA, Honey, Wix and ClassPass.”
The article also indicates that after CNN got in touch with the companies, many suspended their ads:
dailycaller.com /2018/03/03/infowars-cnn-youtube-ads/
5633f0 No.547820
ac407d No.547821
Good news it sounds like their shit is going to hit the fan very soon. Its going to be fun to watch and participate in their downfall. We all gotta organize though, outside of this board though and in a way that inviting to the normies, but you know with us at the head so we know where to put pressure. I'd say a website but a website can be taken down, needs to be more…. alive and more instant then this. Like a chat group or something. Not discord though, I hate the idea that any server on that platform is not only yours but you are under the mercy of discord and they ARE gathering information about you. Need to run it ourselves from the ground on up.
84ff42 No.547822
That's a horrible looking spy tool!
aa9b45 No.547823
You might try cutting down on the caffeine.
606f20 No.547824
This is like saying cotton is going to rot on the tree if we don't import more slaves from Africa.
California Fruit Will ‘Die on the Vine’ After ICE Raids, Labor Warns
https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-02/california-fruit-is-going-to-die-on-the-vine-after-ice-raids
9f8a12 No.547827
>I’m not even a US citizen and up until DJT
DJT is one of us, speaking Truth to corrupt power.. WWGOWGA
687cdd No.547828
Dead Cat Bounce
Think Mirror
4abb00 No.547829
How far have people studied the “Minecraft” link to Q? I’ve seen chat about WoW but not Minecraft. Yet Minecraft Addict are known as “Autists” which is a phrase Q repeatedly uses. In Minecraft the Autists build the Map!
e7e7a8 No.547831
That’s always been my opinion
7614aa No.547833
I think Q gave us the 'narrative' for the meme OP against MSM & Social's: Do you TRUST? & CENSORSHIP.
975ed7 No.547835
6c53c9 No.547836
https:// definitions.uslegal.com/y/
Legal terms staring with y
4abb00 No.547837
Then there’s the Mandalay Bay connection
No coincidences
There’s educational versions now used in schools & Govt versions used for infrastructure development & public interface.
It has 40 million players. By referencing it Q draws in those 40m people. Clever. But Q is also using strategies from it.
Have the players build the map and develop the strategies.
e7e7a8 No.547838
Rodeo will be filled with majority conservatives. What else is happening around Houston today? Any marches for a medical cause? (The medical thing is stuck in my head for some reason)
e8d941 No.547839
Dubya Bush said he believed the next Great Awakening was beginning
Boy oh boy was he right about that
Only difference is, he didn’t expect people to question the media and their giant sack of lies
9c6e73 No.547840
very well could be, anon – is PRIME an acronym?
7b9113 No.547841
Been thinking something similar. That wonderful stock run up since POTUS could go down and folks would shrug their shoulders saying they are where they were a year ago. No real harm.
It's obvious that POTUS has been running billions out of the cabal's wallets with their shorts and his boom.
a9504c No.547842
Class action against Yahoo would make sense due to the massive security breach there. In reality, they handed out all of the info to Clowns. There's all of the requirements for standing in a class action against Yahoo. Injury (stolen identities), damages (to peoples' credit, reputation, etc.), and there is relief.
8b7cee No.547843
anon, we want you, don't be discouraged
b9af23 No.547845
Generator-powered Anon here. Been off the grid since Friday and looks like it could be another week before power is restored. Not complaining tho. Just stopped in to say GO GO GO, Anons. Where go one, we go ALL!!!
7614aa No.547846
236ef9 No.547847
At times many get distracted, tire of not finding anything new. Some tend to lag behind. The reminders help all to get back on track and move forward again.
e7e7a8 No.547848
d9542f No.547849
Bill Cooper explains how media and music are used to brainwash people.
http: //hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/38.mp3
Stir up emotions, increase suggestibility.
5633f0 No.547851
most of this newer stuff i am gonna wait on
therer is too much past that can explain it
b2fb5b No.547852
Nailed it!
Thanks anon
5051fd No.547853
For the light (truth) will shine and the water (knowledge) will fall from the sky.
68595b No.547854
Huge, literately and figuratively.
5c2fa2 No.547856
5633f0 No.547857
irony is
I stole their sacrifice
used a claim from an assassination
to plunder these faggots
for a fucking dirt airstrip
whitespear geronimo
35fa7a No.547858
Weekly Ascension Meditation in 30 minutes.
71bf5a No.547859
http:// www.houstonpress.com/calendar
Pic related. See names
4abb00 No.547860
Dont forget: The FED is going to end during The Storm, and there is going to be a new currency system put in place in America - gold backed again.
In order for the new system to be installed, the old system had to be neutralized and safeguards put in place.
The stock market doing its funny business a few weeks ago was just the cabal taking all their money out of it. This was by design and at the orders of the white hats and Trump, as they wanted to prevent the cabal from having any type of influence over it.
As everyone has been patiently waiting (well most of us), the white hats have been implementing the new currency system, arresting all the corrupt bankers (there are tons), working with countries like China, Russia, Germany, etc, to get on board with the new currency and exchange rates, and make sure everyone is on board and ready for this. The cutting the strings of the Central Banks didnt just involve America, it involved breaking their hold EVERYWHERE, as this is truly the only way it can be done.
This HAD to be done before the arrests and indictments and public disclosures began. This was not about doing it the way WE wanted, but the correct way, the way it HAD to be done, for the sake of humankind
the arrests of all the big names we want have to wait until the indictments are unsealed (due process, much less trying to avoid looking like a power abusing dictator)
that being said, the Inspector General report will blow the lid off everything and will force the unsealing of alot of indictments…its coming soon the white hats needed to neutralize the cabal and take away their threat, before moving forward with the arrests, etc. The cabal is neutralized.
Signing a third EO was the final step. It's an EO that makes our new currency system official. It could not be signed until cabal was neutralized, as they could've infiltrated it and hurt it.
The EO was secretly signed the night of 2/28 - morning of 3/1 *Trump tweeting and introducing IG M Horowitz, saying he is an Obama guy, and "attacking" Sessions was not random, and not without purpose. Trump announcing he is running for re-election in 2020 (earliest a POTUS has ever done that) was also very purposeful and intentional.
Notice Trump the past week or so, reiterating all the stats such as trade is the best ever, unemployement low, manufacturing is high, jobless claims low, consumer confidence high, etc. - he is doing this to create confidence in our country because of what's about to happen
so the thing with this new currency system is that the stock market will have to crash for it to go into effect.
This is very important, and if this is the only takeaway from my post, this needs to be it. The stock market is going to go down…not to 0, but probably enough to scare alot of people. This is by design, and at the discretion of the white hats, although they cant tell you this. Please please please don't panic and freak out, this is the single greatest fear of the white hats.
This is SUPPOSED to happen, and WILL happen. But it will come back up and will be fixed. It's a necessary part of the storm, and other leaders of other countries have been briefed on this, and know to expect it, as it will happen in their countries too, not just USA.
Also, stop worrying about the midterms lol. You think Trump doesnt have a plan? You think he went through all this trouble of saving planet Earth just to lose the midterms?!
The Democratic party might not even exist in 8 months. Or it might be similar to the Nazi Party in that people are ashamed to acknowledge they even support it. Alot is going to happen between now and then, and its more than you've ever seen in a history book. We might not even recognize our own country in 8 months.
Trust the timing of everything. There is a reason the IG report is not out yet. There is a reason it will happen exactly when it happens. Many things behind the scenes you could not possibly ever know or understand had to happen first.
Neutralizing the most powerful and most rich deeply connected people in the world isn't as easy as just arresting them. No, Trump doesnt want to fire Mueller, or Rosenstein, or Sessions, or Horowitz, etc. Don't fall for the meaningless breaking news traps. No Trump will not get in trouble for Russia collusion, because he didnt collude with Russia.
Also important; During The Storm there will be a push to impeach Trump stronger than you've ever seen. It will be a blitzkrieg. He will be called Hitler, a dictator, abusing his power, weaponizing the DOJ, etc. Millenials will riot
aa17f1 No.547861
I think what this means is that while it appears the black hats have been making some progress (blacklisting, censoring, etc), that progress will be short-lived. Like a sharp rally in a bear market.
53521a No.547862
In other words, read what was said, literally. WTF with looking for omissions and misspellings.
Think....5 Ws: What, who, where, why, how
9f8a12 No.547864
SO remember that musicianfags.
Want to change minds?
Write music in 432hz [A] pitch.
Write songs of freedom.
Marley would smile. He and many others were slain over the cause.
606f20 No.547865
Was the name of the person with the self inflicted gunshot at the White House yesterday released?
6859e8 No.547866
ty for kind words.
883c75 No.547867
Maybe we should look in to all prominent to moderately known youtubers/twitters who recently had their channels purged. We have to rally them together and kick off a movement with their momentum. Now I don't pay attention to social media landscapes much, and I'm not aware of the people who got banned. But that's what has to start it off.
c40185 No.547868
Not yet, as far as I've seen.
31ca5f No.547869
no but him being a Bernie supporter was
ab189f No.547870
No doxing…look for past am threads with endocannabinoid posts and I will drop more and more..
dd4485 No.547871
was trying to find with no luck…
22b429 No.547872
"Liberalism Dies Without Hypocrisy"
"Truth makes Liberals Furious"
"Lies make Conservatives Furious"
"Trump Trumps Your Liberalism"
There are so many!
8ca012 No.547873
5633f0 No.547874
fed reserve
dope war
not obama
prol social security
vet hospitals
light sabers
there is some futurama allegory
5e71e6 No.547875
dead cat bounce
a temporary recovery in share prices after a substantial fall, caused by speculators buying in order to cover their positions.
c40185 No.547877
This is an excellent idea. There must be a way to compile such a list.
834129 No.547878
Bill Clinton will be in the news soon, bigly.
975ed7 No.547879
like taking a peek into ur life.
or just Peek
simply and catchy
22b429 No.547880
Wasn't the softball shooter also a mind controlled Bernie supporter.
Those Bernie supporters are the weakest minded targets aren't they?
Easy to MK…
687cdd No.547881
Missing the where.
e03180 No.547884
Love Silicon Valley's Hate.
53521a No.547885
Okinawa was the keystone of the Pacific to end the war with Japan.
6859e8 No.547886
nice post and remember this?
"Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage."
Sun 05 Nov 2017 23:46:24 No.148185083
1531.Important to archive.
1532.Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/.
1533.It is being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure.
1534.Who owns /pol/?
1535.Why is this platform being used?
1536.What recent events almost occurred re: /pol/?
1537.Why is this relevant?
1538.Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.
1540.Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings.
1541.More false flags imminent.
1542.Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage.
1543.Snow White.
1544.Godfather III.
1545.Above will have context as news unfolds.
1546.Summarize and paint the picture.
4d8a56 No.547888
David Rothschild has been going at Trump pretty hard this morning on twatter:
Verified account @DavMicRot
Remember when Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchin stood by POTUS Trump as he defended Nazis, literally Nazis, because they were going to "serve their country"? These two have been laid bare: they got their tax cuts for super-rich, but cannot stop this trade war?
5633f0 No.547889
sounds plerbovore
71bf5a No.547890
Excellent idea. New thread topic?
883c75 No.547891
I made this last night trying to learn Q's comms and I think I'm getting somewhere.
84ff42 No.547894
Good stuff anon.
Perhaps another version with
"…what you should be allowed to see"
fd73ed No.547897
Anons, I feel there may be a message in with the capital letters on the below post. I can't figure it out, maybe someone else can. Using the capital letters I do see you can spell Vince Foster and I see Seth several times. Could be overthinking, let me know if you see something.
Mar 3 2018 23:03:59
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 85cc02
FIGHT the censorship.
You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
You simply forgot how to PLAY.
They want you divided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.
ee4110 No.547898
>Simple solution to the Hollywood pedo problem.
Given that the muzzies wage jihad against the decadent and depraved values of the west, why has Hollywood got a pass on their "attention"?
Seems suspicious.
59271c No.547899
Guys, only 1 thing worries me…
The Plan has lots and lots of moving parts. Moving parts take lots of oil to keep moving in harmony. Moving parts break unexpectedly. If the wrong part goes tits up, the entire plan can scatter quickly and with great force.
Not a concernfag persay, but something to keep in mind.
7c85b7 No.547900
This is a stencil.. use it wisely. spread it far and wide
4abb00 No.547901
thank you both for the additional info..
( • )( • )
18ab80 No.547902
I am hoping for a good BOOM, not a bad one. 😬
975ed7 No.547903
Could spin it as "Don't let Trump's government censor free speech"
5b6c6e No.547904
I would like to volunteer to be MkUltra'ed by the Q team, and used to take out the bad guys. I have nothing else left to lose except this computer and my internet connection.
883c75 No.547906
I think we could also look in to anti-trust laws. This would kill Alaphabet, Amazon, etc.
687cdd No.547908
I see it as, the proper way
What did I say, a class action lawsuit?
Pieces of the puzzle. Nice work.
29b671 No.547909
Just posted it to silly Dem twitter trending - Thanks
2381c7 No.547910
>The Democratic party might not even exist in 8 months. Or it might be similar to the Nazi Party in that people are ashamed to acknowledge they even support it.
The second option is more likely. Calling some one a Democrat will soon be considered an insult.
975ed7 No.547911
>conservative gatherings
Houston's Rodeo will be pretty conservative. and isn't Jason Aldean going to be there too?
e7e7a8 No.547912
Stay safe no power anon. Hope you are staying warm!
31ca5f No.547913
I see "make noise with make it rain" as in filter(melt) the snow (tv) into rain. slow down the footage
9f8a12 No.547914
That guy looks like a clown with no makeup. must be the shape of the head and the haircut.
Only a fucking assbandit clown would allow their hair to be longer on the sides than on the top.
678bf5 No.547915
>What I say a class action lawsuit
What if I say a class action lawsuit?
7c85b7 No.547916
Achtung Herr Jones! Your channel is now VERBOTEN! Sieg Hillary! Sieg Hillary!
90651b No.547917
"How can it be Youtube, when it's YOU that they are censoring?" #freespeechisntfree
5b6c6e No.547918
Brilliant. Correct? I don't know, but your thinking is awesome.
59271c No.547919
7614aa No.547920
More like:
How can 'we the people' trust youtube with all of the censorship?
Build it, and we will come.
#EndCensorship #Freedom #SocialsWeCanTrust
975ed7 No.547921
That would be Q telling us to START the Storm.
twitterstorm maybe?
00596e No.547923
I believe that he is unable to upload new content
883c75 No.547924
Another anon last night had a theory. The letters that are messed up is "is a y"
Is a "Y"
Trump's two deleted tweets are about Alec and Billy. Maybe pointing out that one or both are "Y" heads. Some threads back I remember seeing some research done on Alec and the Baldwin family line being related to royalty. So definitely he "is a Y."
22b429 No.547925
"Why has NK [dropped] out of the news cycle?"
would be more along the lines of Q in my opinion.
I like the way you think, and agree.
But this crumb letter must fit somewhere else also.
Has anyone kept a chronological list f Q misspellings.
I pointed out improper word "suspectable" in q post >>544304 and we never figured out what it meant for sure either.
a2b5da No.547926
>>547860 great post Anon but YOU LEFT US HANGING
4d5222 No.547927
Another Q team "misspelling."
>This destabilizes certain minds to become suspectable to outside control.
"Susceptible" is the word we'd expect.
So, certain minds become suspects.
5b6c6e No.547928
Neither do you. gtfo
678bf5 No.547929
Why has NK [dropped] out of the news cycle?
9f8a12 No.547930
I believe you may be onto something. just a gut feeling.
31ca5f No.547931
>>547918 maybe the slowing down we are supposed to do is on HRC vid seeing as though her slogan was stronger together and her new organization is called onward together
975ed7 No.547932
just saying the dems are all in for anything anti-Trump. Saying its Trump's govt gets the useful idiots marching.
6859e8 No.547933
Very similar to this earlier post by Q
Fri 19 Jan 2018 16:53:00 No.44
5935.Why are we here?
5936.Why are we providing crumbs?
5937.Think MEMO.
5939.Not convinced this is spreading?
5940.You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
5941.You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
5942.TOGETHER you are STRONG.
5943.APART you are weak.
5955.This is more important than you can imagine.
81029d No.547934
Hijack this! Already trending. Trigger them!
4de7f3 No.547937
absolutely!, 432hz rules! in so many ways!,
the hard part is, once amerced in 432 and nothing else, the effects on ones mind is outstanding, people think clearer, more precise, things do not annoy ones self as easily, mind hand coordination is greatly improved! The hard part is once you leave your home, your surrounded by 440, and you start to get agitated easily, the mind becomes less efficient, but the good part is, to get the mind working again correctly, it only takes a little bit of 432 to adjust your mind back to perfection and be at peace once again
but it takes time for the mind to adjust to 432, not much time, but after 3 weeks, you really start to notice it,after 3 years, you cant live without it, and tuning on a radio or TV just plain sucks!
9f8a12 No.547938
The alexis of evil
5b6c6e No.547939
Worth looking into. Now you have me curious. I suspect we're being guided to find individual frames in particular videos. Much like was used in Clockwork Orange.
00596e No.547941
31ca5f No.547942
maybe. he is calling for someone else to start the thunder so maybe every part is being called to action for their role
5ede76 No.547943
Have not solved the PRIME part yet - my guess would be that it might be a code name for a particular, perhaps government funded, project for data collection and analysis.
aa4fd2 No.547944
Could "BRIDGE-2" refer to Hussein's (aka VJ's) new "National Security Action"?
1) Note the word "bridge" in their launch PR.
2) Acronym = NSA. Obvious (maybe too obvious?).
3) Little known, National Security Action Memorandums were the Names of the national security directives during the Kennedy & Johnson administrations.
Coincidence or veiled "THREAT"?
#667, shortly before Q appeared:
ac657f No.547945
This implies that the demands for censorship are coming from somewhere else. Who's REALLY controls the narrative?
834129 No.547946
Why [is = has] NK out of the news cycle.
Above: What [is = I say] a class action lawsuit?
It depends on what the definition of is is. BC
7c85b7 No.547947
hijack but do not sink to their level of triggering. we red pill because it's effective. Triggering isn't if you truly want to educate
31ca5f No.547949
>>547931 meant to tag this post
04636f No.547950
==War Room Comms incoming==.
Thank you for showing up in war room wanting to help out. We War room fags NEEDED that.
1st things 1st:
Q wants us TO MAKE NOISE
So obvious hijack is to MEME DA FUQ out of #TriggerALiberalIn4Words
(the bots on the other side are already out tryne to get their version trending)
>WE ALL KNOW #TriggeraConservative IS FAKE, RIGHT?
If not, go read Q again.
Here's what I am suggesting:
1)Hijack #TriggerALiberalIn4Words
use ANYTHING and EVERYTHING as 4 words, I'll make a graph (ASAP) with suggestions.
2) ADD #InternetBillOfRights
3) ADD a link to the petition
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights
4) ADD #FreeTheInternet as well. (we're all on the same team. We push the Discord teams hash, they will push use ours
make a LOT OF NOISE!
As to the # of signatures on the petition:
Q implies that all numbers are throttled.
SO JUST DO IT! regardless of what the numbers say.
dump every tweet filled with verbal truth bombs and use the #InternetBillOfRights as a filler.
Need inspiration?
>We love Donald Trump (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Obama is a traitor
Hilary is a traitor
Weinstein is a pedo
pedo Gate is real.
Mika is CIA clown
CNN is fake news
Make noise. I'll give you the graph later. Just fuck with their minds and make the cabal piss themselves in fear. DO IT!
4d8a56 No.547951
David Rothschild twats of Free Speech. Mentions leftists on College campuses.
These people are sick.
Verified account @DavMicRot
3h3 hours ago
David Rothschild Retweeted Matthew Yglesias
(1) Not clear how POTUS Trump affects these results with his strong position against free speech (2) Clearly some people against free speech on both sides (and some leftists on college campus are vocal and powerful), but survey grounds us in averages across spectrum.
59271c No.547952
right away sir!!!
shouldn't have even wasted the time to post this!
You are GOD!
883c75 No.547953
messed up letters: "p e c" and then "a"
Another theory: Q said "suspectable" hinting at "suspect able"
dd4485 No.547954
fken hate it when famefag runs with the credit for anons work for personal money gain BUT posting the links all over that is being attacked fuken tops it
4abb00 No.547955
Just keep supporting the plan… make/spread maps / memes like Q made.. People will wake up… most already know but are scared to admit.. the more voices they see the more likely they will be to join…its a SNOWBALL effect.. Make it Rain
606f20 No.547956
REMEMBER: Bernie Bros don't understand math and 3rd wave feminists talk a hard line and give up easy
18ab80 No.547957
7c85b7 No.547958
Soros is still out there doing whatever the hell he wants
68595b No.547959
Great summary, I hope this is really happening!
687cdd No.547960
Who leaked Vault 7 to wikileaks?
Was it the NSA contractor found with all the goodies?
Reality Winner?
ac657f No.547961
Was he pointing us toward Jones? Free speech shutdown. Just spitballing.
64b56a No.547962
Me wonder if those companies do business the federal Gov or has grants given.
If so, it's not a hard leap to say those with Christian beliefs are being silenced and discriminated against.
That's today's sermon from the church of q.
8ce924 No.547963
Should we start campaign on restoring The Smith-Mundt Act. Why doesn't POTUS restore it.
Obama legally sanctioned toxic and treasonous fake news. Creates rage in the gullible, sometimes turning them into killers/suicides.
The fake news industry was given free reign to lie legally with the overturning of the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act (which made domestic propaganda illegal) with Obama's Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which was inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
The public, largely, doesn't understand that the fake news is happening to this absurd degree because the Obama administration legalized lying to the American public. The media is a state propaganda arm way beyond anything before.
3c59b0 No.547965
Gr8 b8 2 l8 m8 that ship has sailed
7614aa No.547966
Lose the reddit spacing
7c85b7 No.547967
anons don't work for credit
59271c No.547968
Christian White Males are VERBOTEN in todays society. So says the media of all forms
5e71e6 No.547969
Dead Cat Bounce
a temporary recovery in share prices after a substantial fall, caused by speculators buying in order to cover their positions.
e03180 No.547970
My dad died today in 1995. He was health and in his early 50s.
Glioblastoma linked to chemical dumping in the river that fed the sprinkling system of the high school football field. Incidence of cancer in about a 4-5 year range of graduates from that school in the early 60s is absurdly out of sync with averages. 12/1000 had brain cancer alone. That's like a 1/1000000 possibility.
There was no malice found with the identified companies because "no one knew" the consequences way back then.
Watch the water, folks.
31ca5f No.547971
she used green screen and piped in sound of cheers throughout her campaign. POTUS asked why she went to California so much. Maybe Hollywierd helped her pipe in messaging . MSM always played the same clips from her supposed speeches in front of crowds.
975ed7 No.547973
what about:
Then every news station/twatter will be stating it or referencing it. subconscious suggestion.
7c85b7 No.547975
dd4485 No.547976
missed where i said they did..said famefag does
00596e No.547977
The fact is that before standardization, the pitch of A fluctuated heavily between 400 Hz and 460 Hz.
4abb00 No.547978
do we have any smith-mundt memes?
863f8d No.547979
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Massive Drug Trafficking Ring Busted At Russian Embassy: Ringleader Blames CIA
22b429 No.547980
Yes. "IS" makes more sense in that context.
But the other one is capitol "I" and I think more complex.
8b7cee No.547982
names are frequently relevant and have meaning
when I saw "reality winner", I though "The Apprentice" - a reality show…. where there was a "winner"
"Good" "winning"
both seem relevant
e03180 No.547983
Our children need their dads again.
fb9879 No.547985
Halfchan has to get back on board. Many have left.
aa17f1 No.547986
I don't think it's a search algorithm, it's a filtering/blocking algorithm.
7c85b7 No.547987
it wouldn't upset you otherwise
71bf5a No.547988
Not a great CodeFag, but I can read between the lines in English.
(a) HEARD. (Dual meanings. Herds will trample those in the way. We are also being heard/Will be heard - if we stay together because that's where we are most effective. Autists together are far more powerful in their abilities. Which is why the shills are trying to slide the board and claim there's a disaster going on and "real autists" left.
Organizing helps the focus, reveals the map in all it's forms and how to approach it. It makes the map readable and focused so normies can interpret the data.
To me it's simple. Fight. We are the people. We have the power. All of it rests in us. This extends to the metaphysical as well.
If we do what we do and play together on this board (meme - because it's fun) united, we will be unstoppable. We will win. We ARE winning.
Spread the message.
(The storm is here. Each drop adds to it's power. Each puff of wind. Each lightning strike.)
Be the storm.
d9c4f3 No.547989
Fluoride is a by product of fertilizer processing. During mfgr., nitrile rubber gloves must be worn to avoid burns. Fluoride salts release hydrogen fluoride in the presence of acids (like saliva) making them corrosive.
29b671 No.547990
Meme the hell out of triggeraconservative - that's where the enemy is
9f8a12 No.547991
An alternative pitch standard known as philosophical or scientific pitch fixes middle C at About this sound 256 Hz (that is, 28 Hz), which results the A above it being approximately About this sound 430.54 Hz in equal temperament tuning. The appeal of this system is its numerical beauty (the frequencies of all the Cs being powers of two).[5] This system never received the same official recognition as the French A = 435 Hz and has not been widely used. This tuning has been promoted unsuccessfully by the Schiller Institute under the name Verdi tuning since Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi had proposed a slight lowering of the French tuning system. However, the Schiller Institute's recommended tuning for A of 432 Hz[6][7] is for the Pythagorean ratio of 27:16, rather than the logarithmic ratio of equal temperament tuning.
In 1939, an international conference[14] recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz, now known as concert pitch. As a technical standard this was taken up by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955 and reaffirmed by them in 1975 as ISO 16.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_pitch
SO, this change occurred in 1955, and was reaffirmed 20 years later. And who is behind ISO standards is interesting.
66ba1f No.547992
Floride flourinates everything in chemistry
Prol too much
8ca012 No.547993
Wasn't it part of everything that the C_A lost control of a couple of years ago. Sorta think it wasn't lost but just taken by the Obama crew to use at a later date, then reported lost to cover.
d402d8 No.547994
"Boots on the GROUND" for alleged Houston 'false flag'
dd4485 No.547995
one last time…POST OF THE LINK ALL OVER…moving on..not here to upset corsiwannabe
22b429 No.547996
by "enemy" you mean "target".
(although it is where the "enema" goes) - Kek
5b6c6e No.547997
Thank you Mrs. Rich, we will NEVER forget!
9f8a12 No.547998
Also, a true Shumman synced tuning would put A at 430.54hz.
The problem is getting a modern tuner that will go that low. Most bottom out at either 435 or 432
f60fa9 No.548001
Anyone care to give their opinion on reinstating the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act?
https:// www.state.gov/documents/organization/177574.pdf
5b6c6e No.548003
Thank you patriot. Eyes and ears open. WRWY!
59271c No.548005
does not apply to CNN et al
Applies to Voice of America, which is intenet based today. Was the shorwave powerhouse of the USA blasting propo's into eastern bloc and soviet russia 70's 80's and such.
This act is solely for fed gov owned media outlets. CNN is private, they can say anything they want.
90651b No.548006
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
Is there scope for memes against the media using this quote?
aa4fd2 No.548007
is qanonposts.com the old qcodefag on github?
b982d6 No.548008
Full list of entities and individuals whose assets were frozen by Trumps EO!
https:// www.treasury.gov/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf
00596e No.548009
6859e8 No.548011
7fca30 No.548012
"..This is a struggle for the survival of our nation..and this will be our last chance to save it…"
THIS is why we are fighting back anons. This IS our last chance. We cannot lose or we will perish as a nation, and as a people under the viscous hand of vipers and devils. Q understands, military understands, and I hope we all understand. This is it. No turning back.
a2b5da No.548013
Give me more memes for InternetBillOfRights plz. Any new ones?
aa17f1 No.548014
7c85b7 No.548015
When Q warned of London attack, we memed warnings all over and possibly deterred attack… we are more powerful than you can imagine
f60fa9 No.548017
Why would Obama have repealed it in 2013 then?
aa4fd2 No.548018
sOrOs indeed one possibility.
May be others either along with him or separate from him?
00596e No.548019
its just a little bit lower pitch, theres nothing magical about it, slow down an album on your turntable a little bit and you will change the pitch, and the tempo.
7c85b7 No.548020
Has Q ever mentioned the internet bill of rights?
ffffbc No.548022
The Parkland Florida event had an elaborate script planned and choreographed. All assets were in place to take center stage so that the news cycle could be hijacked.
The Las Vegas event caught them by surprise. They tried to spin the narrative as best they could, but they needed to spend significant time and effort trying to sweep up inconvenient facts that disproved the narrative that they had woven.
84ff42 No.548023
why does Q keep reiterating:
This is more important than you can imagine.
18ab80 No.548024
Look at how many views on that video since Q first posted it!
e7e7a8 No.548025
We can also look at this strategy the WH tweeted out regarding trade. Just mold it to fit our movement
e73b6b No.548026
Meh.. weak…
You haven't even touched the big stuff yet Q.. You're decades behind
435ece No.548027
>>>>> Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME
http: //www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all
HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet. Fiddler allows you to
inspect all HTTP(S) traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle" with incoming or outgoing data.
Fiddler includes a powerful event-based
scripting subsystem, and can be extended using any .NET language.
Fiddler is freeware and can debug traffic from virtually any application,
including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and thousands more.
31ca5f No.548028
maybe outing the craigslist add for crisis actors stopped it?
f60fa9 No.548029
Sometimes they drifted from the script..
https:// twitter.com/i/videos/969570044513607680?embed_source=facebook
8b7cee No.548031
thanks anon
I believe highly significant in a graphic I have been working on
thanks for the connection
will take me a few hours to finish, but will post some time today and will tag you
67dce1 No.548032
https:// wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23222
Found this interesting.
687cdd No.548033
What I'm seeing is
Trump controls the narrative.
The Q is a LARP fags come out as soon as there is the slightest doubt.
The 'purge' of monitized youtubers pretending to be Q supporters is to further hit the moral button…
We are seeing the outing of the clowns who pretend to be on our side.
90ebc4 No.548034
It's always interesting to me that 'they' accuse DJT of starting a "trade war" because he wants fair trade! Another country taxes that crap out of American products coming into their country and that's just fine but when POTUS wants America to be treated the same 'muh war' cries! smh "up is down, left is right"
c48bd9 No.548035
Nooo! Ask them to Wait
I need to mortgage my investments first then xfew to crypto
LMAO Boat Problems.
7c85b7 No.548036
maybe both are true
423035 No.548037
That would be 300K….. WE ARE 300K strong? Within 10hrs? Really? This is extremely exciting anons. Hell yeah!
f5c412 No.548038
Good work. EST is a nice feature. Will add to qanonmap.
9f8a12 No.548040
Clown, you do realize that tuning A to a certain frequency en-trains all of the other frequencies an instrument is capable of, right?
There's been mountains of proof of the effectiveness of audio waves in conditioning the mind. Actual musicians know this. Classical musicians use this to their advantage.
You brought a butter knife to a gunfight.
883c75 No.548041
>clicks link
>1108 pages
31ca5f No.548042
Sometimes I think the 16 year plan to destroy America play book is still playing out by them. They just don't have the power they would have had to succeed quickly if HRC won. They are still doing the same things they would have
039156 No.548043
it's pretty obvious to me, i'm just awaiting all anons
90651b No.548045
Dead Cat Bounce
Maybe this is the Bluewave thing that the crisis actors are pushing. We know that the kids are using it to raise funds for the cabal.
Strings cut = funds cut. We know the DNC were almost bankrupt. Is it time to follow the Bluewave money? Or maybe highlight the links from DNC > Shareblue > Bluewave? Blue is a very common theme here.
382942 No.548046
If a false flag happens in Houston today, we need to FLOOD tattered 20th the Craigslist ads looking for crisis actors…..that is HARD TRUTH TO NORMIES
ac657f No.548048
>https:// www.treasury.gov/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf
That's quite the list. Page 214 Awan. Surprised not many listed. Awan is a huge tribe.
039156 No.548049
damn i was gonna buy a bmw
c48bd9 No.548050
Baker ^^
I believe this is an Insider crumb.
a2b5da No.548051
Did an Anon say to only do 3 memes on twitter per hour so to not get banned?
7c85b7 No.548052
water. rain. connected?
00a736 No.548053
>WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
Do you trust Facebook?
Do you trust Google?
Do you trust Youtube?
Do you trust Twitter?
A singular censorship algorithm across 4 platforms? This is monopoly behavior and anti-trust laws would apply here. I think penalties are triple damages for monopolies. Any lawfags that can confirm or correct this?
6859e8 No.548054
I wonder if the dates of those 2 similar posts will tell us anything.
or news on those days
Fri 19 Jan 2018 16:02:49
Sat 03 Mar 2018 23:03:59
f60fa9 No.548055
Yeah it pretty much was trade surrender beforehand.
7c85b7 No.548056
we need to warn Houston like we warned London
975ed7 No.548057
https:// sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov/
here's the searchable site
7614aa No.548058
29b671 No.548059
Meme them with politically neutral topics
90ebc4 No.548060
awesome, thanks Anon!
22b429 No.548061
Q linked to it previously.
But that is pretty good measure of people who see Q's actual posts!
If every one of those 300k people redpilled two normies, that's about a million.
fb9879 No.548062
THIS guy lurked moar
b982d6 No.548064
First thing I checked too, no Schmidt either…
87c0b0 No.548065
Sessions put the IG on a wild goose chase.
382942 No.548066
By flooding the net with their ads looking for fake victims, that would be an undeniable massive red pill to the people
a2b5da No.548068
dd4485 No.548069
agree and also those puppets on ground level will keep trying to follow through as their only alternative is being prosecuted for the role they played if they fail…
975ed7 No.548070
the repeated use of WHO makes me think he was saying "Owls" did it
31ca5f No.548071
7e85f3 No.548072
Do you know 11 alternate sig used here ?
ac1db2 No.548073
We share this idea. (((They))) don't have a plan B, didn't think one was necesssary
66ba1f No.548074
I think there are scared fags in intell
1bab8c No.548075
22b429 No.548076
This theme seems to work really well.
Nobody thinks that shit is normal…
Just "whipped it up" for this moment. -kek
883c75 No.548077
Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996)
>Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
>Abolishes income tax
>Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government
>Increases benefits to senior citizens
>Returns Constitutional Law
>Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
>Creates new US Treasury currency, "rainbow currency," backed by gold, silver, and >platinum precious metals
>Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
>Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with >Constitutional Law
>Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
>Restores financial privacy
>Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
>Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
>Establishes peace throughout the world
>Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades
>Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
>Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices
And much, much more.
1a3a75 No.548078
Owing to the representations of the old painters and sculptors, it has become a wide-spread belief that Moses, when he came down from Mount Sinai with the tables of the Law, had two horns on his forehead.
This strange idea, however, is based upon a wrong interpretation of Ex. xxxiv. 29, 35, ("And behold the skin of his face shone"), in which means "to shine" (comp. Hab. iii. 4, = "brightness was on his side").
The old translations give = "shine," with the exception of Aquila and the Vulgate, which read "his face had horns."
This misunderstanding, however, may have been favored by the (((Babylonian))) and Egyptian conception of horned deities (Sin, Ammon), and by the legend of the two-horned Alexander the Great (see the Koran, sura xviii. 85).
jewishencyclopedia. com/articles/7869-horns-of-moses
6859e8 No.548079
he is not on a wild goose chase.
Just acting on Trump's part
00596e No.548080
if you were an actual musician youd know that i can tune my guitar to any damn hertz that I please. Try that with a saxophone or a flute, it's not happening. Each pitch has it own frequency,
7c85b7 No.548081
Memes predicting and warning of the attack should also be used just like we did for London
883c75 No.548085
I know of this anon, yes. Definitely a Q helper. We will be seeing more of this anon in the future.
aa17f1 No.548086
From other hints ("helping @Jack?"), it may have been Snowden who wrote the algorithm.
7c85b7 No.548087
Does WHO stand for anything?
a2b5da No.548088
4d5222 No.548089
Its most common use is World Health Organization. Does that activate the almonds?
ab8e34 No.548090
Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Can any planefags corroborate the Operations he’s talking about in this video?
382942 No.548091
World health organization. ..
7e85f3 No.548092
good we need him bigly , and thank you Anon
i think this needs to be in bread , not enough seem to know .
22b429 No.548093
For a year now since I first saw that "thing" and now it just occurred to me, that looks like soros's eye bags…
DAMN I missed a good meme opportunity!
66ba1f No.548094
I'm giving y'all alfaggots a head start
It is too easy for me by myself
cfe9f0 No.548095
I wrote "Where we go one, we go all" on a napkin along with #Wethepeople & #Qanon and dropped it on a dudes table at starbucks. Postmates Red Pills.
04636f No.548096
No x 4
THIS anon gets it=
Making graph here. Memebombs away.
Send your scouts to the war room and push eachothers hashes.
Have tried several time to contact you on DC. Work together.
War room is HERE:
send Recons, and send them now.
a7622e No.548097
“Assassination is the ultimate form of censorship.”
Can’t remember whose quote, but true. Scary times.
00596e No.548098
would you look at that!
7b9def No.548099
White House Occupant?
185523 No.548100
2d24dd No.548101
=looking at you baker==
2a58cd No.548102
i think we missed one from last night… that further validates the 111 map theory
11/12 qanon mentions titanic
last night trump made a joke about bannon saying he leaks more than the titanic
a996bc No.548103
DIS DIS DIS… thas y Que doin it
a2b5da No.548104
>>548089 I don’t see where World Heath Org. Would have anything to do with censorship in this case imo
687cdd No.548105
Wonder if Brad Parscale is setting up an alternative to Youtube/Google/Twitter at the behest of Trump
A free platform, with open source constitutionally protected
90ebc4 No.548106
check out the 2:30AM DoD tweet!
382942 No.548107
George Bernardino Shaw fellow patriot
2a4250 No.548108
see pic
66ba1f No.548109
Don't be anxious ms lambert
67dce1 No.548110
https:// www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/03/obama-explained/308874/
Article they are referencing in the email. Alot of chess talk and whether he's a chess master or pawn. Also that he seems to be many moves ahead. I'm thinking he was using NSA and Clowns to spy and make his moves.
4d5222 No.548111
Looking at you, Baker
1a3a75 No.548112
>>547608 >CLEARLY WL and Snowden have been used to manipulate us with data…
Understood & agreed on Snowden (Catch-22 anyone?).
But UNCLEAR how WL. Please elaborate.
883c75 No.548113
Indeed another crumb.
cc13a9 No.548115
Not to be a concernfag, but if we're really going to get a new currency, WTF happens to all the debt?!
WTF happens when (((they))) come to collect?
WTF is anon going to pay his mortgage with?
WTF is anon going to buy food with?
I ask b/c most anons are barely getting by.
I ask b/c I'm one of those anons.
Does the counterfeit crap we've been using for the last century just get canceled?
Does our debt, that is wholly based, in that system get canceled without prejudice?
I hope to God it does…
00a736 No.548116
>>548053 >>548058 >>548070 >>548071 >>548086
Gotta go for now but please keep this alive, a class action anti-trust lawsuit would destroy the MSM and any censorship algorithm/SecureDrop evidense would be the smoking gun.
7c85b7 No.548118
b671ab No.548119
I agree 100% and believe this is what Q meant by Make it rain.
What about targeting Media Matters? I say we target David Broxk HARD. He has lots of material we an work with ("the crazy eye").
We need focus!
Some ideas:
d15909 No.548120
beautiful job man, we need more and more people like you. I'm sure we have tons of examples like this around the world. Thanks for sharing your story though! love it!
2a4250 No.548122
any others?
863f8d No.548123
Trump quietly asked John Kelly for help to oust Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner: Report
http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-quietly-asked-john-kelly-for-help-to-oust-ivanka-trump-and-jared-kushner-report/article/2650511
ac1db2 No.548124
(anon uninstalls VLC IMMEDIATELY)
b2f3d6 No.548126
I dumped some from fri night in memes 14 yesterday am. good ones with google etc…
3cdde6 No.548127
Holy cow, wasnt it just a few hundred last night/?? I remember feeling that it was an extremely low number and it was too bad that it had not received more views!!
4d5222 No.548128
You are correct, Anon. However, I believe Q team has interwoven many subjects in this recent spat of posts. We see censorship, false flags, MKUltra, political narratives (MSM), undercover operatives, and world government all woven together. Why wouldn't the World Health Organization be in there as well in light of recent Big Pharma drops?
33be38 No.548129
Do you believe in coincidences?
WH suicide.
Hannity intruder.
66ba1f No.548131
You don't know austerity like I do
Damn entitled pussies
382942 No.548132
Could be all the frozen money by EO used to wipe our debt clean
22b429 No.548133
When currency is issued, like the 'newer versions of the 20's, 10's, and 5's' you got about 10 years ago, it was parallel acceptance.
Until the old money is collected.
At a flip of a switch the "system" changes, but your wallet will be dealt with over a few years.
2a4250 No.548134
97a8a6 No.548135
f9211b No.548136
who was the guy who committed suicide?
8489ca No.548137
Is there anything to the explosion in London?
975ed7 No.548138
im dying. fucking terrorist cell. kek
f5bff0 No.548139
Threatening us or you?
or both?
abc150 No.548140
Famefag are posting Q disinformation on twitter.
31ca5f No.548141
Q, make it rain, does it mean melt the tv snow?
8489ca No.548143
Was the guy threatened who killed himself?
b982d6 No.548144
i've been seeing:
seem good to me
anyone from war room here with time charts for maximized reach?
2a4250 No.548146
MSM narrative under threat. WE re making progress. Directives?
975ed7 No.548147
2381c7 No.548148
So happy to finally be here to see a Q post in real time. Hello good sirs!
05dcd3 No.548150
883c75 No.548153
Hannity Intruder
>https:// www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/intruder-scare-in-sean-hannitys-home-leads-to-an-arrest_us_5a97cd84e4b0e6a52304e3f2
>http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5450037/Dentist-72-arrested-trespassing-Sean-Hannitys-home.html
8489ca No.548154
They want to stop POTUS' agenda.
They are desperate.
f5bff0 No.548155
His tripcode hasn't been cracked. the fake Qs are just idiots typing his code into the name box which makes the lettering bold
f9211b No.548156
also can you comment on Tencent's involvement in controlling the youth in our countries
7c85b7 No.548157
Has Q ever mentioned internet bill of rights?
2a4250 No.548158
Anons on h town. News, Q?
0a0ce3 No.548159
90651b No.548160
Interesting plane, registered in Guernsey. 2-BLUE is a bit of a giveaway though. Took off from Oxford - could be David Cameron?
777852 No.548161
Therefor AI is turning itself directly against them. That's why they are so afraid of it.
They cannot mislead AIs like they did to humans. AIs research at full speed rate to see through all their bullshit through the centuries.
8e9246 No.548162
imminent divorce?
435ece No.548163
You would be paid in new currency. Outstanding obligations would need to been renegotiated in term of the new currency. There has been much chatter here about a debt jubilee where some debts are forgiven.
04636f No.548165
baker attn pls
pls trim current list of hashes back to
Thank you.
33be38 No.548166
Re read drops.
http:// about.att.com/story/consumers_need_an_internet_bill_of_rights.html
4d5222 No.548167
Patriots make the dough rise
b982d6 No.548168
I vaguely remember at&t being alluded to if not specifically mentioned
e03180 No.548169
What [did] I say [prevent] a class action lawsuit?
https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150166775/#150166936
b430ee No.548170
Fluorinating organic molecules(By substituting fluoride in a carbon ring) increases a molecules permeability in fat and create a lowered Van der Wall radius shielding the molecule from reacting with any other molecule the wants to react. The net effect of fluoridation of organic molecules is almost always significantly slowed metabolization and chelation in our bodies. Fluoridation is a steroid that amplifies the strength and duration of whatever you add it to.
This is different(but related) in many respects from treating water with fluoride. Biochemistry is hard and forming meaningful independant opinions is impossible without climbing fairly high on the pyramid of chemistry knowledge.
How do we know who to trust? This is the most important question to me.
e3b224 No.548171
Hat flying into ring:
975ed7 No.548172
They're trying to get to Hannity becauue he is spreading the real news from the WH.
cc08ee No.548174
Get them Q!
God bless the Team.
046bfe No.548175
> wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/files/Rain%20Maker%20v1.0%20User%20Guide.doc
anon laughs at anon for not uninstalling windws
67dce1 No.548176
http:// m.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/intruder-scare-in-sean-hannitys-home-leads-to-an-arrest_us_5a97cd84e4b0e6a52304e3f2
6859e8 No.548177
FAO logo another Y
FAO Members Gateway
http:// www.fao.org/members-gateway/en/
31ca5f No.548178
>>548166 does make it rain mean melt the tv snow?
ea8c4d No.548179
This is an excellent idea. Jam their communications to the crisis actors and paid protestors.
One meme we could start and promulgate would be that the craigslist ads are honeypots for ICE, the FBI and local LE to trap people with outstanding warrants.
That would frost them…
4d8a56 No.548180
EO signed on 3/1 helps set the stage for tribunals.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https:// www.youtube.com/embed/1z39DQYvFnQ" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
8489ca No.548181
Is this better than Kim Dotcom's alternative?
Create a Bill of Rights?
Or create competition?
b982d6 No.548182
Bread is going to fill quick!
Q is live.
2a4250 No.548183
RESponse welcomed
6cd824 No.548184
Have been on Twattter…Corsi post the storm is here
Lists of frozen assets globally
Will wait on next thread for sauce.
e7e7a8 No.548185
I meant the bolder words faggot regarding the twitter meme storm.
SUPPORT (each other. Find like memes and retweet’s like etc)
STRENGTHEN in numbers
NEGOTIATE not fight with people opposite your meme view. Don’t yell. Speak with them to draw them in
ENFORCE and DEFEND the memes with facts
REFORM with new hashtags when twitter starts to shadowban the first wave of hashtags
04636f No.548186
we should UNITE not scream hashtags.
War room is meant for discussion about hashes.
there is is debated and decided and adapted.
War room speaks as 1 to General.
It's not about EGO its about UNITY
e03180 No.548187
Immunity from lawsuits…but also disease…
90651b No.548188
2-BLUE's flight history. Might prove useful.
4d8a56 No.548189
EO signed on 3/1 helps set the stage for tribunals.
https:// youtu.be/1z39DQYvFnQ
975ed7 No.548190
yes we know u mentioned it Q. you said AT&T was gonna push it and that they have a NSA contract.
a7622e No.548191
Thank you. Highly relevant today.
5ec631 No.548194
Im digging on Q's signatures and Im on the movie title part. Trying to find meaning since "everything has meaning"
Iron eagle
jason bourne
godfather (part 3 in particular)
the bridge (of spies?)_
hunt for red october
judgement day
patriots day
the sum of all fears
fantasy land
alice in wonderland
snow white
as the world turns (TV)
anyone else have anything to add? Im digging on plots, actors, directors etc…