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0db28d (5) No.502464>>510928 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Intelligence Community - Dedicated Research Thread

This is a place to post anything relevant to Q's revelations about the hilarious antics of the Clowns in America and their battle with No Such Agency.

Military Inteligence and Secret Service also factors heavily here. Q said:

>Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency

Remember that Q does not provide all the answers, Q expects us to make the connections and fill in the blanks. This is where we deep dive about anything related to this. It can be history (ancient to recent), actors involved (good or bad), and any oddities you come across.

Please reread Q's posts on foundations of Mockingbird, MKUltra, Deepdream, and JFK.

Q often connects Intelligence Community with the Dossier/Memo, Snowden, @Jack, North Korea, Assange, Military Intelligence, so any posts about those connections are relevant here.

95a2d0 (1) No.503080

Copy of US Intelligence "black budget"

http:// cryptocomb.org/?page_id=906

0db28d (5) No.503178

Q dropped this link back on Jan 26:

http:// www.endusmilitarism.org/PDF/military_detention_of_US_citizens_and_18_USC_4001a.pdf

Gave us a clue that there will likely be military tribunals.

But I should also say that the root website is a pretty deep resource:

http:// www.endusmilitarism.org/

ee7f4d (9) No.505032>>510522 >>510702 >>769810


ee7f4d (9) No.505053>>769810


ee7f4d (9) No.505073


ee7f4d (9) No.505100


ee7f4d (9) No.505129>>539288


ee7f4d (9) No.505165


ee7f4d (9) No.505169

ee7f4d (9) No.505193


ee7f4d (9) No.505326


dd5ca7 (4) No.508910

Rwandan "Genocide:" Central African rare earth minerals & diamond sources for The Clinton Foundation, George Soros & their computer technology globalist collaborators

John M. Deutch,

C.I.A. Director, pardoned by Clinton for illegal use of computer at home

Paul Kagame

By Jul. 18, 1994, Paul Kagame took power in Rwanda after an alleged "Rwandan Genocide." This massacre of almost 1 million Rwandans now appears to have been a C.I.A.-fabricated eugenics program that also served as a false flag pretext. This pretext provided the cover to seize control of rare earth minerals in the resource-rich neighboring Congo. Those minerals are critical for the manufacturing of computers, military surveillance devices, aerospace, defense, nuclear, satellites, mobile technology and TVs by the rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government "Big Data" spy operation globally.

Kagame had been head of military intelligence in the Ugandan Armed Forces after being trained by the C.I.A. at the U.S. Army Command and Staff College (CGSC) in Leavenworth, Kansas.Tellingly, the official "Rwandan genocide" mainstream media and Congressional narrative MAKES NO MENTION of Kagame's extensive C.I.A. training, much less any U.S. complicity.

Also missing from the official MSM narrative is the sworn testimony before Congress (May 2001) and in France (2002) by NSA military intelligence analyst Wayne Madsen who testified: "A French military intelligence officer said he detected some 100 armed U.S. troops in the eastern Zaire conflict zone," Madsen's statement began: "Moreover, the DGSE [French secret service] reported the Americans had knowledge of the extermination of Hutu refugees by Tutsis in both Rwanda and eastern Zaire and were doing nothing about it. More ominously, there was reason to believe that some U.S. forces, either Special Forces or mercenaries, may have actually participated in the extermination of Hutu refugees." (pp. 9-10).

H. Hrg. 107-16. (May 17, 2001). Testimony of Wayne Madsen. Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999. Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, US 107th Congress, 1st Session. Serial No. 107-16. US House of Representatives.

Wayne Madsen. (1999). Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa, 1993-1999. Mellen Press.

Guillaume Kress. (Sep. 09, 2015). Who Is Behind the Rwandan Genocide? Debunking the "Hutu Extremist" Myth. Global Research.

Keith Harmon Snow. (Apr. 05, 2012). Pentagon Produces Satellite Photos Of 1994 Rwanda Genocide. Conscious Being.

The official UN-sanctioned and amazingly unquestioned "Hutu genocide rampage" narrative is not credible just on the numbers, as proven by Global Research and common sense.

Rwandan Graveyard of Martyrs of the 100-day Globalist New World Order Atrocities of 1994. Lord have mercy.

continued in next post…

source: fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#timeline

dd5ca7 (4) No.508915

Rwandans martyred by Bill & Hillary Clinton & the Globalists

Skulls and bones of some of those killed in Rwanda's 100-day Globalist New World Order Atrocities are seen at a memorial shrine at a Catholic church in Ntarama, Rwanda, April 4, 2014. Lord have mercy.

The beneficiaries from the death and martyrdom of 1 million Rwandans were globalist technology companies who were securing their access to rare earth minerals needed in the manufacture of electronic devices. These minerals are plentiful in the mines of Central Africa. These natural resources should bring great wealth to the Central African economies, but do not because they are extracted under contracts with corrupt, globalist-backed New World Order dictators and strongmen. These companies are members of:

(1) C.I.A.'s In-Q-Tel private venture capital company, (2) National Infrastructure Assurance/Advisory Council (NIAC), (3) the National Venture Capital Association (NCVA), (4) The IBM Eclipse Foundation, (5) Obama's Technology CEO's Council, and (6) Obama Silicon Valley outpost of the U.S. Digital Service funded with $1.5 billion in funds from Google's Eric Schmidt … among others. Graphic: AFI.

Hillary R. Clinton

William J. Clinton

President Bill Clinton did nothing to stop this 100-day so-called "Rwandan Genocide" that brought to power The Clinton Foundation protégé, Paul Kagame---a C.I.A.-trained member of the minority (8.4%) Tutsi tribe.

The beneficiaries were global technology players in electronic capacitors essential to aerospace weaponry, mobile phones, computers, TVs, disk drives and chips manufactured by Sony, Compaq, Microsoft, Dell, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia, Intel, Lucent, and Motorola.

The official narrative is suspect and appears to have been a C.I.A. false flag pretext. NSA analyst Wayne Madsen concurs in his book abstract for Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa, 1993-1999 (Mellen Press, 1999): "The USA was not merely an innocent bystander to the events that led to the systematic mass killing of humans. It also introduces the world of international mining and the dubious nature of the network of investors and agents of influence that support the mining industry. It considers how the unlikely confluence of African, American, Southeast Asian and even Arkansas politics had tremendous consequences for many disparate players, including the Clinton administration, the Habyarimana regime in Rwanda, Marshal Mobutu of Zaire, and the peoples of Sierra Leone, Congo, and Angola."

Hutus were 91.6% of the population. On Apr. 06, 1994, moderate Hutu President Juvénal Habyarimana's plane was shot down by two French-supplied Russian SAM-16 Gimlet missiles (captured in Iraq in Feb. 1991, Le Figaro) along with fellow Hutu passenger and Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira. Habyarimana's assassination is said to have ignited Hutu-Tutsi ethnic tensions in the region and a genocidal rampage against minority Tutsi. The facts support an opposite story.

On Apr. 07, 1994, the next day, a well-funded and well-armed C.I.A. agent and Tutsi named Paul Kagame, who commanded the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) replete with Ugandan mercenaries, said he would resume the civil war if the alleged Tutsi killings did not stop. The next day, he pressed the attack. According to the official narrative, some one million Tutsis were allegedly killed by genocide-incited Hutus angered by Habyarimana's plane crash---in less than three months! This narrative breaks down when one does the math . . . and also realizes that two million Hutus simultaneously fled to Zaire.

dd5ca7 (4) No.508921>>769810

U.N. / U.S. / C.I.A. genocide narrative hides globalist rare earth mineral mining & depopulation agendas

According to the officially-accepted U.S., U.N. and RPF (Kagame, Tutsi) narrative, 1,074,017 Tutsis were killed. However, the total population of Rwanda was 7,099,844. Tutsis comprised 8.4% or 596,387. Therefore, the RPF / U.N. / U.S. / Tutsi claim is twice the total number of Tutsis available to kill! A former RPF officer, Abdul Ruzibiza, testified that the RPF counted Hutu corpses as Tutsi corpses!

Extensive testimony in the Beatrice Munyenyezi trial provides clear evidence that an elite 100-man U.S. force directed Kagame's RPF forces with the aim of depopulation and plunder of rare earth mining resources in neighboring Congo. Extensive satellite imagery proves that the U.S. Department of Defense, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office), DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and C.I.A. were fully aware of the slaughter of Hutus and did nothing to stop it. Further, the evidence shows that Kagame killed as many of his fellow Tutsis as he did Hutus, then blamed all the Tutsi deaths on the Hutus.

Why would two million Hutus flee into Zaire if they were about to annihilate Kagame's Tutsi minority as claimed? In the process, Kagame used the RPF and the genocide pretext to kill some 25-45,000 Hutus in Rwanda. Then, he pursued the two million *Hutu* refugees into Zaire where he killed 200,000 more, and in the process overthrew the government of Zaire.

George Soros

By Jul. 04, 1994---in just three months—Kagami/Clinton completed the Tutsi takeover and the consolidation of globalist power over Central Africa's rare earth minerals and diamonds, sometimes referred to a "blood minerals" and "blood diamonds."

Three globalist culprits appear to predominate: The Clinton Foundation, George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, and Maurice Tempelsman. In 1992, George Soros had almost destroyed the UK Pound and netted $1 billion overnight which he used to found the Open Society Foundations.

Maurice Tempelsman

Belgian-born Maurice Tempelsman has a long and bloody history in Africa. When Congo’s first Premier, Patrice Lumumba, pledged to return diamond wealth back to the newly independent Congo in the early 60’s, Tempelsman, who began with De Beers in the 1950’s, helped engineer the coup d’etat that consolidated the dictatorship of 29 year-old Colonel Mobutu (Zaire/Congo), and the coup against Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah; diamonds were at stake in each.

Tempelsman has a long and dubious history with the C.I.A. In the 1960s Tempelsman hired as his business agent the CIA station chief in Kinshasa (Zaire/Congo), Larry Devlin, who helped put Mobutu in power and afterward served as his personal adviser. From March 3, 1977, Tempelsman briefly held the title of honorary consul general for the Congo/Mobutu in New York City. With such unfettered access to the Congo's rich mining resources in diamonds and rare earth minerals needed in high technology manufacturing, Tempelsman is clearly a go-to financier for the globalist New World Order plans.

Anthony "Tony" Lake, Clinton National Security Adviser

George H.W. Bush

Barrack H. Obama

Tempelsman is a Democratic party deep pocket, a regular supporter of the campaigns of John Kerry (D); Ed Royce (R); Tom Daschle (D); Barack Obama (D); Maxine Waters (D); John Rockefeller (D); Richard Gephardt (D); Howard Wolpe (D); Patrick (D) and Edward Kennedy (D); and the 1988 win of George H.W. Bush (R). Tempelsman also exploited ties with Anthony Lake, Clinton’s National Security adviser, who intervened at the U.S. Export-Import Bank on Tempelsman’s behalf.

According to blood diamond expert Janine Roberts, "Declassified memos and cables between former U.S. presidents and State Department officials over the last four decades directly linked Tempelsman to the destabilization of Zaire/Congo, Sierra Leone, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Rwanda and Ghana."

dd5ca7 (4) No.508924

Anthony "Tony" Lake, Clinton National Security Adviser

George H.W. Bush

Barrack H. Obama

Tempelsman is a Democratic party deep pocket, a regular supporter of the campaigns of John Kerry (D); Ed Royce (R); Tom Daschle (D); Barack Obama (D); Maxine Waters (D); John Rockefeller (D); Richard Gephardt (D); Howard Wolpe (D); Patrick (D) and Edward Kennedy (D); and the 1988 win of George H.W. Bush (R). Tempelsman also exploited ties with Anthony Lake, Clinton’s National Security adviser, who intervened at the U.S. Export-Import Bank on Tempelsman’s behalf.

According to blood diamond expert Janine Roberts, "Declassified memos and cables between former U.S. presidents and State Department officials over the last four decades directly linked Tempelsman to the destabilization of Zaire/Congo, Sierra Leone, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Rwanda and Ghana."

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.

William J. Clinton

George H.W. Bush

President George H. W. Bush served as an advisor to Tempelsman's company, Barrick Gold Corporation. Barrick directors include: Brian Mulroney, former PM of Canada; Edward Neys, former U.S. ambassador to Canada and chairman of the private PR firm Burston-Marsteller; former U.S. Senator Howard Baker; J. Trevor Eyton, a member of the Canadian Senate; and Vernon Jordan, one of Bill Clinton’s lawyers. Barrick Gold’s mining partners have included Adastra Mining-formerly named America Mineral Fields (AMFI, AMX, other names), formerly based in, of all places, Hope, Arkansas, Bill Clinton’s hometown.

A major beneficiary of this Central African mining exploitation is Sony Corporation. Sony's executive vice president and general counsel, Nicole Seligman, worked for Williams & Connolly LLP.

Williams & Connolly LLP is the same law firm that has been representing Hillary Clinton's stonewalling of the IRS and Benghazi House Oversight Hearings. They incorporated The Clinton Foundation on Apr. 13, 1999. They were also chosen by rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government lawyer James P. Chandler to represent the government in the first prosecution of the Federal Trade Secrets Act in 1999. Williams & Connolly's evident collusion begs the question "When is a law firm engaging in sedition and crimes against humanity?"

Frank Giustra pay to play

Congo Mining pay to play

Rwanda Soyco pay to play

There is so much evidence of this collusion around mining. Bill Clinton formally established The Clinton Foundation (Clinton-Hunter Development Initiative (DHDI) promising $100 million over 10 years in Rwanda in Sep. 2005---the same month that he traveled to Kazakhstan with Canadian mining executive Frank Giustra and acquired exclusive uranium mining rights for Giustra's UrAsia Energy Ltd.

source: fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#timeline

de3b58 (2) No.510522


Creation of CIA:

[1] "Dulles" by Leonard Mosley ~ #OperationPaperclip ~ OSS Geneva Chief Allen Dulles got the best [German/Nazi] scientists out of WWII.

[2] "…the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien [UFO] presence. Later the National Security Act was passed, establishing it as the Central Intelligence Agency." pg. 197, Behold a Pale Horse, William Cooper.

[3] Allen Dulles became CIA Director in 1953…[MKUltra, Mockingbird, etc.]

[4] 'Bay of Pigs Fiasco' was planned in basement of Eisenhower WH..to suck JFK in, he [JFK] loved Cuban Freedom Fighters. [BayofPigs] was a double-cross, JFK stood down, instead of sending in USAF/USMC. >> Allen Dulles was fired…

[5] Next up on JFK's 'plate'; the CIA-sponsored, Vietnam War was getting hot…JFK stated his intention to break the CIA into a thousand pieces…"

de3b58 (2) No.510702>>510928


CIA Today ~ https:// www.linkedin.com/pulse/three-factions-cia-control-world-covert-fvey-alliance-michael-holt/

feb259 (1) No.510928


>>502464 (OP)

Tons of good info on this thread. Hope it keeps building. Bump.

0db28d (5) No.511345>>511519

Kevin Shipp - A Former CIA Officer's Exposé of The Shadow Government & The Deep State

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNEhy1nqvpY

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." John F. Kennedy Tonight, we provide a three hundred and sixty degree view of the Shadow Government, the Deep State, the C.I.A. and its function. Our guest discusses the good, the bad and the ugly of the Agency he loved and served for so many years.

Talks a lot about JFK and the creation of the Clowns

0db28d (5) No.511519>>511662


Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQouKi7xDpM

Here's a live presentation by him if 'radio' isn't your thing.

af4e32 (5) No.511590

Understanding why No Such Agency is the tool used by Mil_Intel.

Support to the Military

The National Security Agency is part of the U.S. Department of Defense, serving as a combat support agency. Supporting our military service members around the world is one of the most important things that we do.

We provide intelligence support to military operations through our signals intelligence activities, while our information assurance personnel, products and services ensure that military communications and data remain secure, and out of the hands of our adversaries.

We provide wireless and wired secure communications to our warfighters and others in uniform no matter where they are, whether traveling through Afghanistan in a Humvee, diving beneath the sea, or flying into outer space. Our information assurance mission also produces and packages the codes that secure our nation's weapons systems.

Additionally, we set common protocols and standards so that our military can securely share information with our allies, NATO and coalition forces around the world. Interoperability is a key to successful joint operations and exercises.

To support our military customers, NSA has deployed personnel to all of the major military commands and to locations around the globe where there is a U.S. military presence. NSA analysts, linguists, engineers and other personnel deploy to Afghanistan and other hostile areas to provide actionable SIGINT and information assurance support to warfighters on the front lines. Many of our deployed personnel serve in Cryptologic Services Groups, providing dedicated support at the Combatant Command or headquarters level. Since the mid-2000s, however, NSA personnel have also been serving on Cryptologic Support Teams, which are assigned to support smaller units such as Brigade Combat Teams to ensure they are receiving the intelligence and information assurance products and services they need to accomplish their specific missions. These teams have enabled NSA to push the full capabilities of our global cryptologic enterprise as far forward as possible.

https:// www.nsa.gov/what-we-do/support-the-military/

af4e32 (5) No.511658

Links to what @Snowden did to harm the NSA and Mil_Intel. None of the MSM are calling for the break up of the FBI or CIA like JFK did.

But since the Cabal doesn't control the Military, they see it as they're biggest threat and want to weaken it.

"The NSA has become too big and too powerful. What was supposed to be a single agency with a dual mission -- protecting the security of U.S. communications and eavesdropping on the communications of our enemies – has become unbalanced in the post-Cold War, all-terrorism-all-the-time era.

Putting the U.S. Cyber Command, the military's cyberwar wing, in the same location and under the same commander, expanded the NSA's power. The result is an agency that prioritizes intelligence gathering over security, and that's increasingly putting us all at risk. It's time we thought about breaking up the National Security Agency."

https:// www.cnn.com/2014/02/20/opinion/schneier-nsa-too-big/index.html

"The White House is reportedly considering a structural change that would task two separate officials with overseeing the United States National Security Agency and the US Cyber Command when the man currently in charge of both operations retires next year."

"According to Sasso’s source, the Pentagon is considering multiple plans, including one which would task a civilian with directing the NSA and a military officer with overseeing CYBERCOM. Also being considered, the source said, was putting two separate Pentagon officials at the top of both units."

"As the recent revelations attributed to NSA contractor-turned-leaker Edward Snowden have proved, however, the conduct of the nation’s highly secretive intelligence agency has escaped arguably much-needed scrutiny and oversight while being manned by Alexander during the last eight years."

https:// www.rt.com/usa/alexander-retire-nsa-cybercom-438/

0db28d (5) No.511662

af4e32 (5) No.511675

Clapper and Carter called for the firing of Adm Rogers before Trump took office.

"The Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence demanded Saturday that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appear before congress to explain his call for the removal of his potential replacement.

Clapper and Secretary of Defense Ash Carter sent a letter to the White House last month calling on the removal of National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers, according to the Washington Post. In response, Chairman Devin Nunes issued a letter demanding Clapper and Carter appear before his committee.

“Since Admiral Rogers was appointed as NSA Director in April 2014, I have been consistently impressed with his leadership and accomplishments,” wrote Nunes. “His professionalism, expertise, and deckplate leadership have been remarkable during an extremely challenging period for NSA. I know other members of Congress hold him in similarly high esteem.”

Rogers reportedly met with President-elect Donald Trump Thursday without notifying his superiors, an apparent break from protocol. He is currently slated as the leading candidate to replace Clapper once Trump takes office in January."

http:// dailycaller.com/2016/11/20/congress-demands-obamas-intel-chief-explain-call-to-fire-his-potential-trump-replacement/

af4e32 (5) No.511700

Some back story on Gen Michael Flynn.

"Flynn's military career included a key role in shaping U.S. counterterrorism strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he was given numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operations senior intelligence assignments.[1][2][3] He was appointed by President Barack Obama as the eighteenth director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, serving from July 2012 to his retirement from the military in August 2014.[4] After leaving the military, he established Flynn Intel Group, which has provided intelligence services for businesses and governments, including ones in Turkey.[5][6]"

"In September 2011, Flynn was promoted to Lieutenant General and assigned as assistant director of national intelligence in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. On April 17, 2012, President Barack Obama nominated Flynn to be the 18th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.[24][25] Flynn took command of the DIA in July 2012.[26] He simultaneously became commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board."

"According to what Flynn had stated in one final interview as DIA director, he felt like a lone voice in thinking that the United States was less safe from the threat of Islamic terrorism in 2014 than it was prior to the 9/11 attacks; he went on to believe that he was pressed into retirement for questioning the Obama administration's public narrative that Al Qaeda was close to defeat.[34] Journalist Seymour Hersh wrote that "Flynn confirmed [to Hersh] that his agency had sent a constant stream of classified warnings … about the dire consequences of toppling [Syrian President] Assad." Flynn recounted that his agency was producing intelligence reports indicating that radical Islamists were the main force in the Syrian insurgency and "that Turkey was looking the other way when it came to the growth of the Islamic State inside Syria". According to Flynn, these reports "got enormous pushback from the Obama administration," who he felt "did not want to hear the truth". According to former DIA official W. Patrick Lang: "Flynn incurred the wrath of the White House by insisting on telling the truth about Syria … they shoved him out. He wouldn't shut up."[35] In an interview with Al Jazeera, Flynn criticized the Obama administration for its delay in supporting the opposition in Syria, thereby allowing for the growth of Al Nusra and other extremist forces: "when you don't get in and help somebody, they're gonna find other means to achieve their goals" and that "we should have done more earlier on in this effort, you know, than we did."[36]"

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Flynn

af4e32 (5) No.511722

Add Rogers saves the day…

"Did NSA Admiral Mike Rogers Warn Trump On November 17th, 2016?…"

"Sometimes the utilization of Timelines means you have to look at the new information with a keen awareness of specific events. In hindsight, NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers may have notified Team Trump of Obama’s Intelligence Community (James Clapper and John Brennan) spying on their activity."

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/03/03/occams-razor-did-nsa-admiral-mike-rogers-warn-trump-on-november-17th-2016/

6f8124 (4) No.518757

Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger

-Deputy national security advisor - 1993 - 1997

-Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs - 1997 - 2001

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_R._Berger#Chinese_nuclear_espionage

>In 1999, Berger was criticized for failing to promptly inform President Clinton of his knowledge that the People's Republic of China had managed to acquire the designs of a number of U.S. nuclear warheads.

>Berger was originally briefed of the espionage by the Department of Energy (DOE) in April 1996, but did not inform the president until July 1997

>A number of Republicans, including then presidential hopeful Lamar Alexander, called for Berger's resignation. They accused him of ignoring the allegations of Chinese espionage. "For his unwillingness to act on this serious matter,

>Mr. Berger should resign", Alexander said. "If he does not, he should be relieved of his duties by President Clinton."

>President Clinton rejected the calls: "The record is that we acted aggressively," Clinton said. "Mr. Berger acted appropriately."

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_R._Berger#Unauthorized_removal_and_destruction_of_classified_material

>On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.

>The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke covering internal assessments of the Clinton Administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots.

>Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003 allegedly by stuffing the documents into his socks and pants

>Berger subsequently lied to investigators when questioned about the removal of the documents.


6f8124 (4) No.518765


Clinton's National Security Advisor in 1996, knew that China had acquired the designs of US nuclear warheads…he was just extremely "careless" and dindu inform the president about it.

Notice a recurrence here with recent Hillary / Comey "careless" quid pro quo and also the removal of classified materials ?

Robert James Woolsey Jr.

-Director of CIA, 1993--1995

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._James_Woolsey#Aldrich_Ames

>Woolsey was CIA director when Aldrich Ames was arrested for treason and spying against the United States.

>The CIA was criticized for not focusing on Ames sooner, given the obvious increase in Ames' standard of living and there was a "huge uproar" in Congress when Woolsey decided that no one in the CIA would be dismissed or demoted at the agency.

>Woolsey declared: "Some have clamored for heads to roll in order that we could say that heads have rolled…Sorry, that's not my way."

>Woolsey was forced to resign.

>He is currently a Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton for Global Strategic Security (since July 15, 2002)

>Booz Allen Hamilton, since 2002

6f8124 (4) No.518783

Second warning,

The Director of CIA under Clinton administration, knew that a KGB mole spied for decades (the second-largest number of CIA agents compromised) and dindu nothing.

That same CIA director, then became Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton since 2002, which means he also knew about Snowden (since Snowden worked at the CIA before working at Booz Allen Hamilton).

Also, he is

-A Board Member and Vice-Chairman of The Jamestown Foundation

>The Jamestown Foundation is a Washington, D.C.-based institute for research and analysis, founded in 1984.

>as a platform to support Soviet defectors[…]dedicated to supporting Soviet dissidents, enabled the defectors from the Eastern Bloc to earn extra money by lecturing and writing.


>Jamestown's board of directors has included Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski

>Jamestown's current board includes Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Bruce Riedel (keep that in mind).

Remember Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger? that guy who let China spies acquired nuclear warheads, well, he's also :

-Advisory Board member for the Partnership for a Secure America

-Chairman of Stonebridge International merged in 2009 with The Albright Group, a similar firm founded by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, to form Albright Stonebridge Group

-He also served on the International Advisory Council of the Brookings Doha Center.


-Berger was born to a Jewish family

William Anthony Kirsopp Lake

-Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

-National Security Advisor under U.S. President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997

-nominated to become the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, but his nomination was withdrawn due to Republican opposition

He's also

-Advisory Board member for the Partnership for a Secure America (same as Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger)

-ultimately converted to Judaism in 2005.

6f8124 (4) No.518788

Bruce O. Riedel

-Special Assistant to the President, and Senior Director for Near East Affairs on the National Security Council (1997--2001)

-Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense (1995--1997)

-National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Intelligence Council (1993--95)

-Director for Gulf and South Asia Affairs, National Security Council (1991--1993)


-senior fellow in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution

There's certainly a lot more people involved into this, but as you can see with only 4 people we have :

-two different National Security Advisor, William Anthony Kirsopp Lake & Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger

who are also Advisory Board members of the Partnership for a Secure America

-We have one CIA director who became Vice chairman of a platform dedicated to support KGB defector, a platform also linked to the Brookings Institution, who is also linked to Saban Center

-We have a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense who also work with the Saban Center for Middle East Policy

-We have Madeleine "the price is worth it" Albright

>Madeleine Albright is a co-investor with Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild and George Soros, in a $350 million investment vehicle called Helios Towers Africa, which intends to buy or build thousands of mobile phone towers in Africa

>She also serves as an Honorary Chair for the World Justice Project to lead a global, multidisciplinary effort to strengthen the Rule of Law for the development of communities of opportunity and equity

I stopped my research here, but I'm sure there is a lot more to find

This is not really related (or is it ?) to the Clinton foundation, but I found it interesting enough to post it here, you guys might want to dig more into this if you find it useful.

CIA directors and other Intel agencies are working in unison, with ramifications in Rockefeller / Rothschilds / Fabian societies.

How does it adds up with Comey FBI Director congress hearing about a shadow gov ? I don't know, you tell me.

Have fun.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Law_Firm

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewater_controversy

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_R._Berger

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Anthony_Lake

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partnership_for_a_Secure_America

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._James_Woolsey

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jamestown_Foundation

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Riedel

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brookings_Institution

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeleine_Albright

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saban_Center_for_Middle_East_Policy

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Jackson_Society

http:// www.wnd.com/1999/10/3848/

5dcc79 (1) No.539288


This might be something to look at:

Leidos Holdings McClean Virginia:

https:// ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Leidos.html

1efd7a (1) No.542204

File (hide): 73ad757183c9269⋯.jpeg (5.56 KB, 200x200, 1:1, images (26).jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 139a0d17f07c720⋯.jpg (120.39 KB, 960x720, 4:3, slide_7 (1).jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b10b2e5ee1ecd45⋯.jpeg (468.78 KB, 1240x597, 1240:597, Mjk5OTM4NA.jpeg) (h) (u)

Weird Science Drop

Is POTUS/Q team using A.I. & Palantir to create the MAP? Explains why some is disinfo and dates may be off. Closer deltas may relate to more accurate predictions.

Or is/was Q team using crowd sourced Intel and aggregating our research in order to predict possible geopolitical outcomes?

https:// www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/2013/03/iarpa-alternate-reality-games/amp

IARPA is the 007 "Q-Branch" of the US IC and have many projects based on novel approaches to Intel gathering and encryption.

They work with DOE supercomputer which requires Q clearance to access. Biggest gov funders of A.I.

https:// www.popularmechanics.com/technology/security/a17451/iarpa-americas-secret-spy-lab/

https:// www.google.com/amp/s/spectrum.ieee.org/computing/networks/iarpas-new-director-wants-you-to-surprise-him.amp.html

>Jason Matheny: One of the features that distinguishes IARPA is its degree of openness and external engagement. We know that a lot of the problems cannot be solved internally. Unlike the secretive Q in the James Bond movies, who is always developing gadgets for 007 deep inside a lab, IARPA identifies Qs who are working outside---in academia and industry—on important technologies. We find these Qs by putting out calls for research proposals and by staging research tournaments.

>Most of IARPA’s work is unclassified, and we make sure that work gets published. We also make the data sets produced by our research publicly available. These data sets may be annotated speech files for speech recognition, for example, or event data sets of political instability. They can be quite useful to other researchers who are working on related problems.

With the recent discovery of timeline/map relationships we may experience some type of EMP related incident or power outages.

Some useful links to check out

< DOE labs working on electric grids to make them immune to hackers.

https:// hub.jhu.edu/2018/02/21/hacker-resistant-software-hawaii-power-grid/

< Spook Company using A.I. security

http:// www.wired.co.uk/article/darktrace-machine-learning-security

< CERN now using A.I. to protect part of the World Wide Grid that ALICE uses

https:// futurism.com/an-advanced-ai-has-been-deployed-to-fight-against-hackers/

< DOD contracts for EMP weapons

http:// www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/2017/05/electronics-killing-emp-weapons.html

< DARPA developing a system to protect against EMP by 2020

http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/getting-ready-pentagon-to-protect-electric-grid-from-massive-attack/article/2620280

< A.I. US Power Grid

http:// www.powermag.com/using-artificial-intelligence-to-protect-the-u-s-power-grid/

< DARPA Mind Control is Real

https:// futurism.com/darpa-is-planning-to-hack-the-human-brain-to-let-us-upload-skills/

< CERN really seeds clouds



www. theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/2/27/17054740/palantir-predictive-policing-tool-new-orleans-nopd

< Sophia and Palantir theory

https:// legends.atavist.com/the-palantirsophia-interface

dd95e8 (2) No.594970

Some highlights Chap. 1 -

Project Mannequin, Part 1 by James Casbolt (Sep. 8, 2008)

http:// educate-yourself.org/mc/casboltagent1chap.shtml

…Project Mannequin is a mind control and genetic manipulation programme run by the National Security Agency (NSA). Although the NSA is officially the United States government, they run many covert “black” projects in many countries around the world. The NSA is fast becoming the world’s most powerful secret service and is currently taking over much of the global intelligence apparatus. Project Mannequin was started in 1972 and is still being run from a 6-level underground facility beneath the small town of Peasemore in Berkshire, a few miles from where I grew up. This underground base is so secret that the local residents of Peasemore are not even aware it exists.

…Some of the intelligence and military personnel have volunteered for the project, but many have not. Almost all of the civilian “guinea pigs” have not volunteered and have been used against their wills. I was “sold” into the project. Many of the civilians have also been used in the project from young children. The reason is to create programmed “sleeper” agents using sophisticated electronic hardware-based hypnosis. These individuals are programmed by the NSA to carry out future tasks, set by the NSA, and become hit men as adults. Sleepers are people who carry out a huge variety of pre-programmed tasks with sometimes little awareness of the medical procedures in Project Mannequin because of advanced memory erasure techniques.

A large part of the project focuses on creating espionage agents and assassins who have undergone genetic enhancements, which will be discussed in greater detail in this book. Project Mannequin is actually a type of “school” I grew up in. I have been trained since the age of five at the AL/499 and other military bases around the U.K. I carried out my first covert assassination for the intelligence community when I was sixteen years old in Brighton. This may sound unbelievable to many people, but a vast amount of evidence will be presented in this book. Most people do not know what the intelligence community actually is. Forget about James Bond movies; much of the secret service apparatus in the U.K and U.S. is an occult, paedophile network run by corrupt factions of the “Illuminated” degrees of Freemasonry (33rd degree and above).

Everything in Project Mannequin is organized by the Jewish kabala occult system, using such esoteric methods as numerology and archeometry (advanced remote viewing). Even the name James Casbolt means “valiant, decorated warrior of death and destruction” in Kabala numerology. You can check this yourself on the kabala calculator available on the Internet.

…I am now thirty one years old, and around this age, the neural pathways in the brain that hold back memories of mind control procedures often begin to open up, and the victim begins to remember in detail what happened to them in the facilities where the procedures occurred. Often, a sleeper is killed before their 30th birthday because of this. This is known in intelligence circles as “being thrown from the Freedom train.” Freedom train is code speak for the vast numbers of civilian victims who are being used in the many mind control projects in this country and abroad. Specific “programs” that hold instructions for tasks, and even enhanced abilities, are installed into Project Mannequin victims’ memories. In the project, you are taught things like how to access PSI ability and how to “tag” a room, a person, a vehicle etc., advanced combat, crowd control, psychological warfare, torture and interrogation techniques, etc.

…Other Mannequin programs that have been installed into me are known as “Janus/End times.” Janus is a sleeping program that activates when major events happen, like 9-11 and the coming plan for martial law in America, which some researchers refer to as the New World Order. Janus is the two-headed Roman god of change. I am actually against time to be de-programmed before events like martial law in America start to happen. If I am not de-programmed in time, I may be “used” by certain factions in the global intelligence community to advance their agendas. Private security firms are now being set up in the U.K, run by programmed operatives and connected organized crime members, to run the country when the police cannot control the chaos. Such firms as Noonan Security in Manchester run by Manchester crime lord Dominic Noonan of the Noonan crime family…

dd95e8 (2) No.595005

Some highlights from Chap. 1

Project Mannequin, Part 1 by James Casbolt (Sep. 8, 2008)

http:// educate-yourself.org/mc/casboltagent1chap.shtml

…Project Mannequin is a mind control and genetic manipulation programme run by the National Security Agency (NSA). Although the NSA is officially the United States government, they run many covert “black” projects in many countries around the world. The NSA is fast becoming the world’s most powerful secret service and is currently taking over much of the global intelligence apparatus. Project Mannequin was started in 1972 and is still being run from a 6-level underground facility beneath the small town of Peasemore in Berkshire, a few miles from where I grew up. This underground base is so secret that the local residents of Peasemore are not even aware it exists.

…Some of the intelligence and military personnel have volunteered for the project, but many have not. Almost all of the civilian “guinea pigs” have not volunteered and have been used against their wills. I was “sold” into the project. Many of the civilians have also been used in the project from young children. The reason is to create programmed “sleeper” agents using sophisticated electronic hardware-based hypnosis. These individuals are programmed by the NSA to carry out future tasks, set by the NSA, and become hit men as adults. Sleepers are people who carry out a huge variety of pre-programmed tasks with sometimes little awareness of the medical procedures in Project Mannequin because of advanced memory erasure techniques.

A large part of the project focuses on creating espionage agents and assassins who have undergone genetic enhancements, which will be discussed in greater detail in this book. Project Mannequin is actually a type of “school” I grew up in. I have been trained since the age of five at the AL/499 and other military bases around the U.K. I carried out my first covert assassination for the intelligence community when I was sixteen years old in Brighton. This may sound unbelievable to many people, but a vast amount of evidence will be presented in this book. Most people do not know what the intelligence community actually is. Forget about James Bond movies; much of the secret service apparatus in the U.K and U.S. is an occult, paedophile network run by corrupt factions of the “Illuminated” degrees of Freemasonry (33rd degree and above).

Everything in Project Mannequin is organized by the Jewish kabala occult system, using such esoteric methods as numerology and archeometry (advanced remote viewing). Even the name James Casbolt means “valiant, decorated warrior of death and destruction” in Kabala numerology. You can check this yourself on the kabala calculator available on the Internet.

…I am now thirty one years old, and around this age, the neural pathways in the brain that hold back memories of mind control procedures often begin to open up, and the victim begins to remember in detail what happened to them in the facilities where the procedures occurred. Often, a sleeper is killed before their 30th birthday because of this. This is known in intelligence circles as “being thrown from the Freedom train.” Freedom train is code speak for the vast numbers of civilian victims who are being used in the many mind control projects in this country and abroad. Specific “programs” that hold instructions for tasks, and even enhanced abilities, are installed into Project Mannequin victims’ memories. In the project, you are taught things like how to access PSI ability and how to “tag” a room, a person, a vehicle etc., advanced combat, crowd control, psychological warfare, torture and interrogation techniques, etc.

…Other Mannequin programs that have been installed into me are known as “Janus/End times.” Janus is a sleeping program that activates when major events happen, like 9-11 and the coming plan for martial law in America, which some researchers refer to as the New World Order. Janus is the two-headed Roman god of change. I am actually against time to be de-programmed before events like martial law in America start to happen. If I am not de-programmed in time, I may be “used” by certain factions in the global intelligence community to advance their agendas. Private security firms are now being set up in the U.K, run by programmed operatives and connected organized crime members, to run the country when the police cannot control the chaos. Such firms as Noonan Security in Manchester run by Manchester crime lord Dominic Noonan of the Noonan crime family…

b2244f (1) No.633772

Don't know if thus has been or is worth a deeper look. Wikipedia limked quite a few tech and i think even med companies to clown funded program.

ea14f6 (3) No.769784

File (hide): 50689ad904bdd9e⋯.png (181.58 KB, 1504x919, 1504:919, Complete map.png) (h) (u)

Q confirms tweet with 58 spaces

ea14f6 (3) No.769810

File (hide): 50689ad904bdd9e⋯.png (181.58 KB, 1504x919, 1504:919, Complete map.png) (h) (u)

ea14f6 (3) No.769836>>949182

File (hide): 50689ad904bdd9e⋯.png (181.58 KB, 1504x919, 1504:919, Complete map.png) (h) (u)

Any verification of the new trip?>>502464

26d4ca (1) No.949182



Beanz is a taker - Her sails flapping in the wind, and her madly trying to pump air into them again, because she took heat regarding Q's statement abt Non-Patriots & those seeking to enrich their names and someone in her thread (I know because I RT'd it) gave her #Q's quote "WWG1WGA" as a sign of encouragement…

She immediately did an about face, copied the quote for herself and off again she was…soaring among her adoring fans)

Not a thx to the poster for the reminder, not a glance back, nor a wink…nada.

(Note this is not the 1st time she's been seen with a deflated/bruised ego and set adrift amid calm seas)

So it came as really no surprise when she live streamed her meeting with POTUS that she was completely enamored/ or so star-struck that she completely left the rest of us Q Patriots watching her private moment with the CiC feeling a little more than a third wheel with all the pointing/yelling her way that "she" was Q - someone even offered "Mrs Q"

Now to her benefit - it would have been a truly great thrill to meet the man himself and shake his hand, but where was the thought/reminder of all her fellow researching Q comrades back here who couldn't make the trip, (for many different reasons) but who were watching and cheering her & POTUS on, that she not bother to think to tell POTUS huindreds if not thousands more QAnons would be watching and so could he please give a big old Q sign shout out to them?

Sour grapes…?

Not at all - I'm so very thrilled for her that she got to meet the man we all so admire… I'm just really disappointed in what she claimed her motives were to actually find out, she's no different than the DeFangos of the world, or the CrowdSourceTheTruth's or any other entity claiming they are only about exposing truth.


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