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Pro Aris et Focis

File (hide): c2291b4a7900b22⋯.gif (9.02 KB, 350x147, 50:21, templerscrosses[1].gif) (h) (u)


a6a5bb (4) No.502069>>516465 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Big Health - Dedicated Research Thread

This is a place to post anything relevant to Q's revelations about Big Health (legal drugs, psychiatry, cures).

Remember that Q does not provide all the answers, Q expects us to make the connections and fill in the blanks. This is where we deep dive about anything related to this. It can be history (ancient to recent), actors involved (good or bad), and any oddities you come across.

Please reread Q's posts on Big Pharma, Red Cross, AIDS.

Q often connects Big Health with Big Pharma, Red Cross, Cancer, AIDS, and even Google/Apple phones, so any posts about those connections are relevant here.

807405 (2) No.502307>>504008



John Kapoor/Insys Therapeutics. Most significant pharm exec harged with racketeering, conspiracy & fraud in response to opioid crisis.


"John Kapoor, 74, was taken into custody in Phoenix, Arizona. Kapoor is the billionaire founder and former CEO of the pharmaceutical company Insys Therapeutics. He faces charges including racketeering, conspiracy and fraud…

Kapoor is the most significant pharmaceutical executive to be criminally charged in response to the nationwide opioid crisis…

Kapoor stepped down as CEO of Insys in January but still serves on its board. The company makes a spray version of fentanyl, a highly addictive opioid intended only for cancer patients. Authorities allege Insys marketed the drug as part of a scheme to get non-cancer doctors to prescribe it. Numerous physicians were allegedly paid bribes by the company to push the painkilling drug…

Last December, six other Insys executives were indicted on federal charges in Boston in connection with the alleged scheme to bribe doctors to unnecessarily prescribe the painkilling drug."

http:/ /wivb.com/2017/10/26/prominent-ub-alum-and-donor-arrested-for-alleged-opioid-scheme/

72c6e6 (1) No.502326

To avoid being divided and conquered, this anon humbly suggests keeping the research threads up-to-date with digests of major findings.

96c26f (1) No.502742

https:// www.wsj.com/articles/a-new-regulatory-threat-to-cancer-patients-1519595170#comments_sector

"Under the proposed policy, only one of hundreds of laboratories that currently offer NGS testing would meet all the new reimbursement requirements. The policy would in effect force clinicians and institutions to send all NGS testing to a single vendor, Foundation Medicine."

probably wouldn't hurt to take a look at Foundation Medicine….

01c066 (1) No.502997>>512771

File (hide): 9e59853b3bdf032⋯.jpg (82.46 KB, 402x550, 201:275, ff (2).jpg) (h) (u)

Where is this guy?

807405 (2) No.504008


Ensuring Patient Access & Effective Drug Enforcement Act of 2016

Opioid Crisis = Wider Version of MK Ultra (relevant articles below)

1.withhold cures to diseases >

2. illegally increase opioid prescriptions for pain inducing diseases and conditions >

3. Big pharma/investors/drs guaranteed profits due to nature of opioids (addictive, dosage increase = more profits) >

4. Donations to political campaigns made by Big Pharma & non-profit advocacy groups that lobby for them >

5. Big Pharma shapes drug policy @ state/fed level >

6. D E A & Just Dept agree to Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act of 2016 - a law that "weaken(s) aggressive D E A enforcement efforts against drug distribution companies that were supplying corrupt doctors and pharmacists who peddled narcotics to the black market." >

7. Opioid crisis = the new MK Ultra

"Roughly 10 years into its MKULTRA mind control program (circa 1960), the CIA discovered the following: drugs like LSD and more powerful spinoffs were not reliable for controlling minds. The effort to program people to commit certain acts (e.g., thefts and assassinations) and then forget what they had done was unpredictable. There might be some successes, but there were many failures. However, a different picture emerged. The drugs were effective in creating mind CHAOS. Yes, the drugs could make the brain resemble scrambled eggs. That was no major technical feat. It was easily accomplished. "Control” the mind in the sense of rendering it hopelessly confused, and making it a broadcaster of errant and useless signals. Making it, in later stages, deeply passive. Enter what we call Globalism today. In essence, this international Rockefeller movement (Rockefeller interests held huge power in the pharmaceutical arena) was aiming for governance of the global population. What was needed, to accomplish this goal, was a way to repress, derail, confuse, debilitate, and cancel the clarity of minds on a mass basis, in every country of the world. A silent war. A long-term successful war, in order to erase resistance to a takeover. Mind control in the sense of mind chaos."

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/pharmaceutical-executives-charged-racketeering-scheme









https:// www.infowars.com/opioids-are-mind-control-drugs-mkultra-is-alive-and-well/

a6a5bb (4) No.504234

Deep dive into MK related shooters and the handlers.


b2df1a (3) No.504718>>519558


Discussing MK Ultra, Monarch, etc.

b2df1a (3) No.504727>>515098 >>519558

Connection between MK Ultra and Big Pharma


b2df1a (3) No.504783


f871e9 (2) No.509281>>509290

File (hide): 7eea239a5f59f17⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 640x735, 128:147, Cured by MMS.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): c1e4bd15e884a49⋯.png (730.58 KB, 640x700, 32:35, Meningitis cured with MMS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 78d7d2059fff76c⋯.jpg (152.77 KB, 640x1069, 640:1069, unknown skin problem cured….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ca6deef2256f3c9⋯.png (810.62 KB, 640x781, 640:781, Nose heling well with MMS.png) (h) (u)

>>>/greatawakening/93 answering "the 'proofs' are important"

>>381653 answering "hidden cures"

re-posting to keep this info alive and well

3rd updated posting, added with scientific papers and info on treating Autism as well as the basic starting procedure protocol. the proof the red cross has hidden the malaria cure is below, (a child dies every 30 seconds to Malaria according to unicef pdf)

Our Father in Heaven, Please Guide those to learn what they need to restore health…

A Genesis II Church Documentary (Subtitled In Spanish) on MMS, they also have this video subtitled in Portuguise

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQb6CNtSN2s

Here is PROOF of the Red Cross Hiding the cure to Malaria, Yes MMS cures Malaria very quickly, simple to use and extreamly low cost…

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrwZN1cPfX8

This 2nd video about the Red Cross which has some of the documented paperwork proof of the MMS study on Malaria being cured added at the end to get the names and info of some of those involved at hiding this cure from the human race, causing the deaths of millions of children due to Malaria.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0u8qchGQcw

THE REALITY OF MALARIA - The largest killer of children - Malaria kills one child every 30 seconds, about 3000 children every day. - Over one million people die from malaria each year, mostly children under five years of age, with 90 per cent of malaria cases occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa. - More than 40 percent of the world’s population lives in malaria risk areas. https:// www.unicef.org/health/files/health_africamalaria.pdf

"Jim Humble speaks Freedom Central" about MMS,a man who has pioneered the use of MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, which has been effective in curing Malaria, HIV (?) related illness, cancer and Autism.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Etw8eTb7c

A Video of, "Jim Humble All my MMS Protocols CZ titulky", this shows all the ways MMS is easily used, Research the newer videos for amounts to use from Mark at "G2 Voice" as you start off with small amounts, (i use a 1/4 to 1/2 drop a hour for a day when i need to use it and is all i ever needed) and hcl is now used instead of citric acid as it is easier on the stomach, Research to learn… its easy, simple, and is very very very low cost.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNcey2MBYXI

Short Interview with Andreas Kalcker on MMS with this video called "Hepatitis c, AIDS, CANCER, Straight Talk on MMS - Guest Andreas Kalcker"

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFeuZoHVCuQ

Andreas Kalcker MMS conference "Forbidden Health" English audio

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWTVPaMtwT4

here are scientific papers i found on Andreas Kalcker website on mms, they are under the heading of for healthcare professionals on his webpage

https:// andreaskalcker.com/en/scientific-papers/

CD Autism Facts Sheet, (CD is the abbreviation for chlorine dioxide)

http:// factssheetproject.com/cd-autism-facts-sheet/

Children that have recovered from Autism

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6HNPlVyEpU

A study with autism and treating with MMS in pdf

http:// www.autismone.org/sites/default/files/rivera.pdf

See Kerri Rivera for detailed autism treatment protocal infomation with CD-MMS

http:// cdautism.org/

MMS video testimonials

https:// www.youtube.com/user/MMStestimonials/videos

The MMS Starting Procedure Protocol - Genesis II Church

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhCyJO1aVkE

Blessings from God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

f871e9 (2) No.509290

File (hide): a091d76011239ea⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 640x743, 640:743, jungle spider bite cured b….jpg) (h) (u)

6de360 (1) No.510441>>602920

For those with AutoImmune malfunctions

The most recent research proves a cure is available from a naturally occurring bacteria found in human mother's milk



mice with a purposefully disabled immune system normally live 30 days before succumbing to autoimmune disorders live to over 125 days with simple treatement

9e603f (6) No.510942

Watch the Water, a short water test video to see what your really drinking,

Drinking tap water and bottled tap water, is not very healthy. Many myths exist about drinking distilled water. Of course they will oppose you undoing the years of damage they work so hard on. All the ppm in the water, is absorbed in your body. A lot of the things in your drinking water is what is causing most diseases we have today. If your body is made up of mostly water, how do you think that water is if all you intake is essentially dirty ditch water?

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpAB8yfXs0g

9e603f (6) No.511049

Here is the Back Story of how and where this cure was tested for stomach ulcers with great success, Jay Kordich, juicing pioneer, worked with Dr. Garnett Chaney of Stanford University Medical School in 1949, performed a study on inmates with Using Cabbage Juice (Green Cabbage) to cure stomach ulcers,

Please note, i found one PDF of Dr Garnett Cheney studies added below, somewhere online is the entire Prison study in pdf proving the AMA knew all along the real cure for stomach ulcers yet have hidden the research and results from the Public, being the medical school is who did the study in the first place.

Below is in Jay;s own words, and there also is a PDF file of some of Dr. Cheneys Results written in a medical journal

"Cure Stomach Ulcers using Cabbage Juice with Jay Kordich"

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGPFB3m-lrw

Jay Kordich makes Cabbage Carrot Celery juice

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBuIiviFH2Q

Here Jay says to drink the Cabbage juice right away after making to make sure it is effective in curing stomach ulcers

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL0Rv7-Cnw4

Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving - Fresh Cabbage Juice

GARNETT CHENEY, M.D., San Francisco

https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1643665/pdf/califmed00295-0012.pdf

God Bless Jay Kordich in the hereafter, may he be resting in peace after passing away at the age of 93,

92c370 (1) No.511259>>511512

Just for the record, this MMS thing has already been researched in the past. For your perusal.. https:// www.sott.net/article/216589-The-Miracle-Mineral-Solution-cure-that-could-make-you-very-sick

Also this… https:// www.sott.net/article/213275-MMS-Miracle-Mineral-Solution-or-Trojan-Horse-Your-Body-and-DNA-Decide

Please, please, read these articles, and research, before consuming that stuff.

a6a5bb (4) No.511512>>512034 >>512091


Yup. I think it bares some mention perhaps, but I really don't want this thread to be a Alt Med advertisement board. We're supposed to be discussing things like dead doctors and Red Cross scams here. Suppressed cures? I don't think Q is talking about MMS, something that is already well known..

Last I checked, no one is being assassinated over it. That fact alone means it's not the cure we are looking for.

9e603f (6) No.512034


well, i posted the sauce with the MMS that proves the Red Cross is hiding the cure for Malaria, that alone is one child every 30 seconds is dead due to them hiding the cure for it!

and if your not going to research the sauce, provided, then why even comment? there are scientific papers included, even where they tried to patent parts for different things,

and this is about big pharma hiding cures and harming people is it not? this is about truth or are only the opposition allowed to shut down the truth…

see, i post official paperwork, and the enemy posts crap to try to shut this info down, well

a cure that cost pennies, is not a advertisement for Christ sake, and these people hidding the cure should be even before Hillary at the gallows!

9e603f (6) No.512091>>512522


and with Jay Kordich, not only do i post the PROOF the AMA knows of the ulcer cure which has been hidden from us all, including doctors! the truth they do not teach at schools,

i also post how a person with ulcers can cure themselves very easy with the same info they hidden from us all!

so, this thread isnt about the AMA hiding cures they know about? after all, it was the Stanford medical school that did the tests to prove it indeed was the cure

maybe instead ov complaining of the info i am sharing, maybe you should actually research the info i am sharing!

healerfag for over 35 years!

do you want me to post when a company called Bayer came to try to steal a cure i discovered? and how they stopped it from becoming known?

See the Bayer Family respected my knowledge where you would of discounted it!

and no i cant go further with info without doxing myself! and frankly, whatever…

a6a5bb (4) No.512522>>512982


Hey I didn't say don't talk about it. I appreciate the research of course. I'm actually pretty intrigued by this. Have there been any scientific studies on MMS? I saw a few hitpieces on the solution, basically just calling it bleach. Which is a dismissive tactic to scare you from using it. I want hard data, not testimonials or fear mongering on either side.

But my point still stands. For example, a plane went down with the top AIDS researchers all dying at once. Did no one clue these AIDS researchers that MMS apparently cures AIDS?

38898c (1) No.512771>>516987


Dr. Thompson (CDC lead scientist) hired an attorney after he spoke out against Thimerosal stating it causes "autism-like features". If the stories are true that this doctor spoke out against the flu shot, could he have been kidnapped from his home. Left his beloved dog, car, phone, identification all behind and has disappeared


9e603f (6) No.512982>>513133


my reply was for the one before you, i messed up on the numbers,

in the links i proved has scientific proof, lots, way more then i thought when i put together the proof to add to the memes, as research is usually hindered from happening with things like this, and the one video at the end has the paperwork recorded of the results of the red cross trials and who is apart of hiding this most important cure

it has been a fda attack on it, and yes swat already tried their tactics with mark busting in the door, another is in jail to scare people away from supplying it with the fda tactics

Jim Humble only teaches how to use it, and he realized he had to be tricky to get the cure into the public knowledge, it took years to make it even known to people like all of us, the red cross workers didnt know their bosses didnt want it documented on film, and it was to late, and the truth has finally been let out by the documentaries, even so, the way censorship works on youtube, you got to know what your looking for to find it, so it has been slow to make it to the public

anyone who says its bleach is stupid at research or is a Pharma-FDA agent, its the propaganda to stop the truth from spreading

9e603f (6) No.513133

File (hide): 8ca8cf71c24bf0f⋯.png (181.94 KB, 691x443, 691:443, God Given Rights.png) (h) (u)


and here is more information, there is protection also for those that want to use any natural healing method on themselves or their family by the image i attached here

and now, DJT is awesome, his SOTU address said about the right to try!, awesome!

and DJT even went one step further, many do not know yet as the MSM didnt cover it, he created the The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the HHS that allows for anyone to reject things like vaccinations! so mandatory vaccinations are a thing of the past with this HHS dept if you object to having them forced on you

The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division has been established to restore federal enforcement of our nation’s laws that protect the fundamental and unalienable rights of conscience and religious freedom. OCR is the law enforcement agency within HHS that enforces federal laws protecting civil rights and conscience in health and human services, and the security and privacy of people’s health information. The creation of the new division will provide HHS with the focus it needs to more vigorously and effectively enforce existing laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious freedom, the first freedom protected in the Bill of Rights.

So, DJT did a awesome job!, he gave us a way to protect ourselves and our children, if only more people knew this

here is the link

https:// www.hhs.gov/about/news/2018/01/18/hhs-ocr-announces-new-conscience-and-religious-freedom-division.html

But none the less, i also have a card that says dont mess with me or my family when it comes to my health choices or i will sue your ass! well worth the small donation!

6b9657 (1) No.515098



put in 2 other MKultra threads - not sure where this goes...

Q: Think Google [new Pixel phone].

Think Apple [vs. Samsung].

Google Pixel & Apple iphone processors contain SCALAR TECHNOLOGY? not a techfag - is this right?

In 2016, Google Pixel is 1st US device with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 821 CPU which uses Hexagon 680 DSP conatining 4 threads for scalar instructions.

http:// www.knowyourmobile.com/mobile-phones/google-pixel-phone/23783/google-pixel-phone-first-qualcomms-snapdragon-821



Apple's "Macroscalar" is a processor architecture that's been in the works since 2004. In fact, Apple owns at least four granted patents on the technology... (haven't found when it was rolled out.)

http:// www.patentlyapple.com/patently-apple/2012/02/apples-macroscalar-architecture-will-it-take-ios-to-the-next-level.html



f4eeb2 (2) No.516465

File (hide): 627d7bd2466460c⋯.png (11.58 KB, 276x53, 276:53, LA logo.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 90c8b8b92915740⋯.png (127.47 KB, 389x500, 389:500, FBI pedo.PNG) (h) (u)

>>502069 (OP)

The missing epidemiologist from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was informed why he didn't get a promotion shortly before he disappeared more than two weeks ago, police said Tuesday.

Timothy J. Cunningham, 35, was last seen February 12 after leaving work early, saying he didn't feel well.

"His keys, his cell phone, credit cards, debit cards, wallet, all of his identification. Anything you could think of, we've been able to locate. None of those items are missing."

Pat Upshaw-Monteith, president and CEO of Leadership Atlanta, said she had recently met with Cunningham because he is taking on one of its highest-level volunteer positions. "Everything seemed to be going very, very well for him -- and then for him to disappear, it just doesn't add up," she said.

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/02/27/health/missing-cdc-epidemiologist-update/index.html

Leadership Atlanta website - notice the logo

https:// www.leadershipatlanta.org/

To refresh memories

https:// wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols

f4eeb2 (2) No.516987

File (hide): 627d7bd2466460c⋯.png (11.58 KB, 276x53, 276:53, LA logo.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 90c8b8b92915740⋯.png (127.47 KB, 389x500, 389:500, FBI pedo.PNG) (h) (u)


The missing epidemiologist from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was informed why he didn't get a promotion shortly before he disappeared more than two weeks ago, police said Tuesday.

Timothy J. Cunningham, 35, was last seen February 12 after leaving work early, saying he didn't feel well.

"His keys, his cell phone, credit cards, debit cards, wallet, all of his identification. Anything you could think of, we've been able to locate. None of those items are missing."

Pat Upshaw-Monteith, president and CEO of Leadership Atlanta, said she had recently met with Cunningham because he is taking on one of its highest-level volunteer positions. "Everything seemed to be going very, very well for him -- and then for him to disappear, it just doesn't add up," she said.

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/02/27/health/missing-cdc-epidemiologist-update/index.html

Leadership Atlanta website - notice the logo

https:// www.leadershipatlanta.org/

To refresh memories

https:// wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols

5d3cfb (1) No.519558



Please read. Could tie together several ideas.

BIG PHARMA connection:

Pharmaceutical effects can be transmitted via the magnetic scalar field.

Necessary conditions:

- very low intensity scalar waves to allow uptake & release of information (in this study, Clotrimazole and anti-fungal)

- benzene rings (or simlar chemical molecules) at the the transmitter with its drug information (Clotrimazole) and the biological target (yeast), thus creating the loop antennas.

http:// www.k-meyl.de/go/Primaerliteratur/discovery-md_083002.pdf

From the publication:


1. Biological systems seem to use a special kind of electromagnetics (scalar waves) for signaling. This could also explain why biological systems are only weakly influenced by conventional Hertzian waves.

2. Scalar waves need benzene ring like structures at the source of information and biological target as well. The free electrons circulating in the ring are excited by a magnetic scalar wave passing accoring to the law of induction. These micro currents provide the necessary energy for the translation of the information transported by the scalar wave.

3. In a yeast model, it can be shown that a growth inhhibiting effect of a fungicide can be achieved by mere information transfer via scalar waves.


Supplementary application of drug effects mediated by scalar waves could develop to be a useful tool to reduce unwanted side effects of pharmaceuticals.>>504718





411ef0 (2) No.540727>>682919

Had this in the Random thread, I think it fits in better here.


>Anonymous (You)  03/01/18 (Thu) 10:26:27 b5f9ae No.525755

>I did a little digging and the the youthful blood transfusions" industry is conected to Peter Thirel, and you can follow some Executive officers of the big pharma names like Merck to JC, BO, WJC at the American among other players.

>I believe I started with an article like this: https:// www.technologyreview.com/s/603242/questionable-young-blood-transfusions-offered-in-us-as-anti-aging-remedy/

>http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5057353/BLOOD-transfusions-fountain-youth.html

>>>A year after the Stanford research, biotech company Alkahest in San Carlo, California, experimented a step further in a series of trials injecting the blood plasma of 18-year-old humans into old mice.

>>>They found that similar effects to the original study -- human blood did rejuvenate both the body and brain, improving cognition and allowing them to frolic about like their younger counterparts.

>Then to a company or two: https:// www.ambrosiaplasma.com/ (I didn't get too far with this one)

>And Alkahest http:// www.alkahest.com/

>Alkahest Bought By Grifols. Griffols bought by Merck.

>Merck's Executive officer is Kenneth Frazier. (((Not a fan of Trump)))

>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Frazier

>Merck Has ties through Kenneth Fraizer to American Law Institute

>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Law_Institute

>https:// ali.org/

>If you look at all of ALI's guest speakers and members, you'll find a link to the one and only (((JC))). Also, a lawyer with expertise in ELECTIONS LAW with ties to Perkins-Coe (Of the Dossier fame with HC) Among the other notables in the list were ambassadors under BO and WJC to the middle east and Haiti.

>(((The name was Irish-sounding - Mary or Katherine with a hyphenated last name.

>They've put their membership behind a registration now, so I'll have to go onto my archives and find the screen shots.

>Also, Peter Thiel.

>https:// www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood

>I think I linked him because paypal was connected somehow as an investor.

>This one could use more eyes. There's something there.

411ef0 (2) No.540755

File (hide): f5a0cc4fc5622ee⋯.png (65.52 KB, 1756x653, 1756:653, 475t2gfiuqghbf87g39p487fg2….PNG) (h) (u)

Had this in the Random thread, I think it fits in better here.


>Anonymous (You)  03/01/18 (Thu) 10:26:27 b5f9ae No.525755

>I did a little digging and the the youthful blood transfusions" industry is conected to Peter Thirel, and you can follow some Executive officers of the big pharma names like Merck to JC, BO, WJC at the American among other players.

>I believe I started with an article like this: https:// www.technologyreview.com/s/603242/questionable-young-blood-transfusions-offered-in-us-as-anti-aging-remedy/

>http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5057353/BLOOD-transfusions-fountain-youth.html

>>>A year after the Stanford research, biotech company Alkahest in San Carlo, California, experimented a step further in a series of trials injecting the blood plasma of 18-year-old humans into old mice.

>>>They found that similar effects to the original study -- human blood did rejuvenate both the body and brain, improving cognition and allowing them to frolic about like their younger counterparts.

>Then to a company or two: https:// www.ambrosiaplasma.com/ (I didn't get too far with this one)

>And Alkahest http:// www.alkahest.com/

>Alkahest Bought By Grifols. Griffols bought by Merck.

>Merck's Executive officer is Kenneth Frazier. (((Not a fan of Trump)))

>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Frazier

>Merck Has ties through Kenneth Fraizer to American Law Institute

>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Law_Institute

>https:// ali.org/

>If you look at all of ALI's guest speakers and members, you'll find a link to the one and only (((JC))). Also, a lawyer with expertise in ELECTIONS LAW with ties to Perkins-Coe (Of the Dossier fame with HC) Among the other notables in the list were ambassadors under BO and WJC to the middle east and Haiti.

>(((The name was Irish-sounding - Mary or Katherine with a hyphenated last name.

>They've put their membership behind a registration now, so I'll have to go onto my archives and find the screen shots.

>Also, Peter Thiel.

>https:// www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood

>I think I linked him because paypal was connected somehow as an investor.

>This one could use more eyes. There's something there.

d41ba0 (1) No.548063

Not to state the Obvious connect BUT

Hollywood &Big Pharma already tipped their hand a few years back with Harrison Ford in "The Fugitive" .

The wife was killed by 1 armed dude for exposing Big Pharma Fraud.

Hmm. Sound familiar…..

979c46 (3) No.602920>>642976


I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia, >>510441

Has this been proven to help these? I don't know any pregnant women…. I would appreciate any help… its been 11 yrs…

6dc8f0 (1) No.604046>>643947

found this- using a virus (that looks like a matrix level robot frankly) to kill bacteria.

https:// www.livescience.com/61963-virus-found-in-lake-treats-bacterial-infection.html#?utm_source=ls-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=03092018-ls

I have Farcebroke friends with cancer and suffering. We need to release the cures.

979c46 (3) No.604064

I'm fighting with you anon's the only way I'm physically able too….. In PRAYER and spreading the word! God Bless and keep you all and POTUS!

2c1070 (2) No.642695>>643333

File (hide): 3b9eb36db2df9ec⋯.png (53.64 KB, 987x411, 329:137, Capture2.PNG) (h) (u)

doctor fags I took the Q post, q said look at spaces in trumps tweet and the q post people counted 18 and 58, they assumed year 1858 but Q always says think mirror or 8581. googled it and pic related, aids?

https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/?term=8581

kinda longshot but just a thought

0d42e4 (1) No.642976>>682919


A combination that you could try is an enzyme called Serrapeptase and Curcumin. Serrapeptase must be taken on an empty stomach, while Curcumin should be taking with meals. Proteolytic enzymes such as serrapeptase are actually capable of clearing out inflammation by breaking down the scar tissues caused by the inflammation without harming the living tissues. And when these enzymes are put together and combined with curcumin, a substance derived from dried tumeric roots, the pain caused by the inflammation and the inflammation itself will clear out and [provide the body time to heal itself and replace the damaged tissues. I've had great success with these two products for treating Crohn's, Iritis, and Psoriasis.

e2ba49 (1) No.643333>>646021


could not help but check out names inrecognized 4me cept J. Lieberman .. OUR J. Lieberman ? I cannot 'tab' one more crumb research but this looks potential dough or filler with a connection especial of pre-knowledge they intended or were infecting people

6c5023 (1) No.643947


Try graviola aka sour sop also frankincense (organic only ) gets rid of cancer no mustard gas or radiation

2c1070 (2) No.646021


don't know if its Joe but interesting fact he oversaw the h1n1 influenza pandemic and held four separate hearings in 2009. google 8581 "nice quads"

0503a6 (2) No.653684

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/388328.html#388528 makes me believe AI is essential in developing new cures. When I focus on big data and the use of newer computers, there is no way I can process all the needed bio data, we just direct it. Think DNA computers.

https:// link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-84628-943-9_10

0503a6 (2) No.653921


"We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH."

Funny things I believe I've been experiencing. I used to look up research and find problems through other people's research. I started advancing through the lies and began to get somewhere. Now a days my research looking for those same articles have been replaced with newer sources and the others are seemingly impossible to find. Funny thing was I used to not even bookmark links and I could find conferring conclusions with other research. Now I'm actually conducting the research on a high level and will soon isolate a compound for a potential cure. I may have just gotten better in a year, or perhaps newer research articles were released allowing me to eventually finalize my research on the horizon. No coincidences?

94030d (1) No.663739

Everything about this stinks to high heaven…

For one, the headline doesn't mention that the husband [nobel prize winning professor at the largest big ag school in the US, Purdue] was also found at the scene and their car was nearby. Interesting to note that Purdue U's president is Mitch Daniels. Fmr Indiana governor who withdrew his bid to run for the WH in 2012 -- but – who also worked for GWBush Admin and sat on the Board of Directors with both Bush Jr./Sr. of ELI LILLY.

https:// www.jconline.com/story/news/2018/03/13/wife-purdue-nobel-winner-found-dead-illinois-landfill-after-couple-reported-missing/422911002/

e351ca (1) No.669697

" Theranos Inc.’s 15-year odyssey to revolutionize the blood-testing business began with huge promise but has been engulfed by ignominy. "

SEC Charges Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes With Fraud

https:// www.wsj.com/articles/sec-charges-theranos-and-founder-elizabeth-holmes-with-fraud-1521045648

https:// www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-03-14/theranos-misled-investors-and-consumers-who-used-its-blood-test

979c46 (3) No.682919



Thank you and May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you! God Bless America and all these anons working to MAGA!


24ec7d (1) No.683092

Has anyone else dug deep into Kevin Trudeau? Hi supposedly left a SS and had a couple of best selling books, audio, and seminars; about health, wealth, etc.

Read a few of his books from the library.

After my dig I came to the conclusion he mixing Good Intel with questionable material. He also recommends products from some shady people.

I'm inclined to believe he is a possible disinformant or conman.

2f81a7 (1) No.728032

Looking for cure to neuro-inflammation induced dementia. L-dopa is current gold-standard, chronic inflammation - use Agmatine and passion flower.

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