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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

156a0a  No.5437250

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great >>5408626Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

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The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 02.26.2019

>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10

>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12

>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11

>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8

>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7

>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6

>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5

>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God

>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.

>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.

>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.

>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.

Monday 02.25.2019

>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3

>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?

>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.

>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.

>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain

>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office

>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track

>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )

>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?

Sunday 02.24.2019

>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?

>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest…..

>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Friday 02.22.2019

Compiled here: >>5383236

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

156a0a  No.5437252


are not endorsements


>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.


>>5437178, >>5437221 Tesla suspends all orders on their website ahead of a mystery announcement at 5pm EST.

>>5437118 PapaD Tweet: "Expect the name Michael Gaeta to become a household name very soon regarding spygate."

>>5437121 AOC with the prosecutor like questions yesterday.

>>5437131 Sergey Lavrov (Russian FM) asks India for de-escalation of situation with Pakistan.

>>5437104 Israel will continue to act against Iran in Syria, Netanyahu tells Putin in Moscow.

>>5436959 China and Russia veto US Security Council measure on Ven.

>>5436913 Marco Rubio notes recent Maduro defections.

>>5436883 March madness begins tomorrow.

>>5436801 Tesla’s $920 million debt payment is due tomorrow.

>>5436812 Facebook, Google to face huge UK fines for not removing ‘harmful content’.

>>5436783 Pakistani Amb. on Nuclear-Armed Pakistan, India Tensions over Kashmir: ‘We Don’t Want War’.

>>5436766 France Will Intervene if ISIS Fighter Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq.

>>5436561 Was this a Shout Out to the DS to Gaddafi Lil Kim?

>>5436564, >>5436718 Momo Game: Push to desensitize kids to violence/suicide.

>>5436701 CNN’s Jim Acosta gloats over Trump not getting a deal.

>>5436682 New search features.

>>5436674 Hannity HIJACKS CNN during Presidential press briefing.

>>5436615 CPAC Live video.

>>5436545 Drug trafficking raid in Mich. nets 43 people.

>>5436498 President Trump participates in Hanoi press conference. (video)

>>5436526 New CPAC video.

>>5436506 Q Research Canada call to shovels.

>>5437239 #6950


>>5436125, >>5436210, >>5436258, >>5436264 Tlaib dig.

>>5436233 Harvard scientists to fight global warming by spraying particles into atmosphere.

>>5436199 @POTUS got off the plane to speak to all these brave men and women of the U.S. Military. (picture)

>>5436173 PG&E says its equipment may have ignited Camp Fire, which killed 86 people.

>>5436100 Hearing on the National Emergencies Act of 1976. (Live)

>>5436068 US and Israeli arms used in conflict.

>>5436004 US led air strike kills extremists linked to 2015 Paris attacks.

>>5435920 POTUS live.

>>5435927 Memefags made the News.

>>5435924 Kraft pleads not guilty.

>>5435908 AF1 cut aeriel refueling capabilities.

>>5435900 Never Trumpers to begin NEW media [bird cage liner] endeavor.

>>5435888 Roy Moore hints at running for Senate again.

>>5435824 Canada's opposition leader calls on Trudeau to resign.

>>5435772, >>5435783 Cohen perjury referral letter.

>>5435771 Orthodox official compares abortion numbers in Russia to WWII losses.

>>5435763 POTUS in Alaska speaking to Troops.

>>5436440 #6949


>>5435633 Senate confirms Wheeler.

>>5435625 Occasional Cortex hit with FEC complaint alleging she funneled thousands in campaign money to her boyfriend.

>>5435551 MSM trying to push the Gaetz threat angle.

>>5435531 Guaido will reportedly attempt to return to Ven.

>>5435507 House Republicans ask Justice Dept to investigate Michael Cohen for perjury.

>>5435447 FBI ballistics report from Pulse shooting.

>>5435428 Meadows/Tlaib make up: Some quarters of cable news will not be happy about this whole forgive-and-forget thing.

>>5435196 China would need to report currency interventions.

>>5434978, >>5435017 MellenCamp adds a 'take a knee' segment to his tour.

>>5435346 Growing scandal threatens to bring down Canada’s Trudeau.

>>5435260 Trump on Otto Warmbier's death: Kim Jong Un wasn't to blame.

>>5435253 Incident in the North Korean embassy in Madrid might be behind the Trump-Kim Jong Un summit failure.

>>5435139 AOC supporting the cow fart industry.

>>5435075 Major drug trafficking bust in Utah. Connected to Mittens?

>>5435060 Texas police arrested and charged a 17-year-old Tuesday for allegedly threatening to “commit jihad on an abortion clinic.”

>>5435048 NK disputes POTUS assertion that they demanded full lifting of sanctions.

>>5435031 Explosion heard in Mogadishu.

>>5435665 #6948

Previously Collected Notables

>>5434070 #6946, >>5434839 #6947,

>>5432610 #6944, >>5433378 #6945, >>5434070 #6946

>>5430286 #6941, >>5431055 #6942, >>5431793 #6943

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

156a0a  No.5437253

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

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>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

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Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

156a0a  No.5437254

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

dfc542  No.5437258

MUH 21 days

20 days of nothing happening to go.

i wonder what the next "big happening" date will be.

156a0a  No.5437260

File: 4154783e0f6081a⋯.png (262.07 KB, 559x647, 559:647, POTUSlonglivetheking.png)



87385c  No.5437291


looks like the krass bro's are being payed to shill here too. Shit the bread like a mofo too. PB was still at like 650 when this dropped. All for a larp, right?

20dc9c  No.5437302

File: fd58b600e0aee0b⋯.png (619.36 KB, 951x765, 317:255, newsweek on pizzagate 2019.png)

File: 2510e25cceb8d8e⋯.png (889.01 KB, 959x3713, 959:3713, newsweek on pizzagate cap.png)

Newsweek Reporter Andrew Whalen says Pizzagate has morphed into Q conspiracy theory


While checking out the anti-Q articles in Q2801, I ran into one just published yesterday in Newsweek. Like many articles on "rightwing conspiracy theories," it mentions both Qanon and Pizzagate together. This is a common tactic used by opposition reports: you juxtapose two things hoping readers will start to see them as the same thing. But this reporter goes further:

The Pizzagate theory continues to be propagated by far-right outlets online, premised on the idea that references to pizza in the leaked emails of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta are actually coded references to child sex slaves. Pizzagate has since morphed into the QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that president Donald Trump is working in secret to overthrow a Satanic pedophile elite.

He says that Pizzagate has become the Q movement.

This crosses a red line. Deserves to be called out.

It also highlights Newsweek's very negative and persistent coverage of all things Q. Newsweek never misses a chance to show Q in a negative light. And this reporter Andrew Whalen has written at least 3 hit pieces on Q so far.


Moar on the article:

'''Pizzagate Shooter Arrest Footage Shows Police Uncuffed Him in Public==

by Andrew Whalen


More than a year ago, a group called "Reveal" asked DC police for bodycam footage of the arrest of Edgar Maddison Welch, the #Pizzagate shooter who shot out the server at Comet Pizza nn Dec 4, 2016. Newsweek is reporting here on the released video.


“What were you doing in the location?” one officer can be heard asking Welch in the newly released footage.

“Making sure there’s nothing there,” Welch responds.

“Regarding what?” the officer asks him.

“Pedophile ring,” Welch says.

While the questioning officer is taken aback by Welch’s response, the officer wearing the body camera can be heard explaining, “Pizzagate, he’s talking about Pizzagate.”

For moar, see Cap.

52ccc4  No.5437310

File: 397fb48066ecfcd⋯.png (566.94 KB, 604x769, 604:769, JWoods re Schitt 2-28-19 w….PNG)

File: ea79575107d0141⋯.png (459.35 KB, 707x819, 101:117, Archive JWoods re Schitt 2….PNG)

File: 593005e962fd5a6⋯.png (829.08 KB, 564x752, 3:4, JWoods re Schitt 2-28-19 w….PNG)




e1f12f  No.5437317

Anyone know where shepherd smith has been

59f867  No.5437323

File: 1a7f45640d75c6c⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2624x1794, 1312:897, 022819_3BHO.jpg)


Feb 27, 2:58:32AM — Go Order — Arrest BHO

Feb 28, 5:25:18AM — BHO Arrested

bd5878  No.5437324

File: d8e48d811ea4a5d⋯.png (118.25 KB, 432x159, 144:53, morebad.png)

File: afa631b4d0a4e54⋯.png (21.2 KB, 438x156, 73:26, vvNHt.png)

File: 40cd67f2724be2e⋯.png (68.7 KB, 432x168, 18:7, wuttt.png)

File: af0461ec780e2c5⋯.png (65.55 KB, 427x154, 61:22, cute.png)

File: 3e7c1aa2af1ca34⋯.png (74.88 KB, 432x153, 48:17, httc.png)

Look at these.

Just look at them.

Are we being MOCKED, here?

Really, are you kidding me?

Do patriots question this?

Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?

Or not?


control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

>(control over you)



59f867  No.5437325


Anons, Please verify. This Decode shows the Go Order and Arrest of BHO

f060d5  No.5437326

File: 14181d83213d070⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 483x794, 483:794, NSB704-2-1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

f97646  No.5437327

36f644  No.5437328

File: 620bf775e0a9e38⋯.jpg (29.3 KB, 639x359, 639:359, 620bf775e0a9e385dbe5d31b16….jpg)


197227  No.5437329


He should do this fifty times in a row. Every damned day.

c9af7a  No.5437330


What about shakey Charlie during gulf 2???

fdea14  No.5437331

File: 38beae2d77bf25b⋯.jpeg (110.05 KB, 500x521, 500:521, 67FB4111-DFFC-4E29-9826-D….jpeg)

bd5878  No.5437332

File: b08656b6b26b689⋯.png (38.94 KB, 432x159, 144:53, mystf.png)


Which MSM narrative is THIS one feeding? How about "Q says vague, cryptic things that could mean ANYTHING".

That IS an actual MSM narrative.

Does this image support it?


Is the purpose of this board to set up the MSM with its narratives?

8193a9  No.5437333

File: 67ca35963d116a1⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Trump-Make-America-Great-A….jpg)

North Korea expert: Why Trump’s Vietnam walkout is sure to spook Beijing

President Trump may have hit a roadblock when North Korea's Kim Jong Un refused to meet his demands at Thursday's Hanoi summit, but Trump’s decision to walk away could serve to rattle China’s Xi Jinping.

Gordon Chang, an expert on the region and author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” argued that what on the surface looked like a diplomatic stalemate could in fact be a diplomatic coup for Trump when it comes to North Korea's neighbor.

“I think this is a moment of reassessment for China,” Chang said.

Trump announced overnight that there’d be no deal in Vietnam because Kim was “unprepared” to fully denuclearize in exchange for the full removal of U.S.-led sanctions. Trump held a press conference where he said, “Sometimes you have to walk.”

Chang told Fox News that Trump also showed Beijing that he is not afraid to walk away from a bad deal amid trade talks and, in doing so, put added pressure on Xi, whose popularity appears to be waning due to the country’s economic stagnation. Chang said Xi has found himself in a “no win” situation: either he agrees to abandon the country’s “selfish” model or he continues to watch the economy suffer.

Trump recently postponed increasing tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods that would have been effective March 2. He has not given a new date for higher tariffs if negotiations falter.

The main sticking point for the U.S. centers on ending cyber theft of commercial secrets, limiting state support for Chinese companies, and ending the forced transfer of technology.

Chang said the Trump administration was wise to pass on an invitation from China to visit after the Hanoi summit.

“I think China has to reassess their approach to trade talks,” Chang said.


fc9bc8  No.5437334

>>5437138 lb

>>5437263 lb

that train station was the last stop before the vietnam border. the tunnel on the border between vietnam and china he took would be by car…and is called "friendship gate". no going back.

b17d90  No.5437335


Sucking dick. Somewhere.

eeefde  No.5437336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All fools can't interpret the real meanings?

Satan has left you. <<<

Satan made a DEAL.

He survives YOU DECIDE.

As you RESIST Satan Makes amends.

Meet Satan lately?

He's cool (Comfy).


39783e  No.5437337

Little-Known FBI Unit Played Major Role in Disseminating …


The Eurasian Organized Crime unit, which was headed by Michael Gaeta at the time, specializes in investigating criminal groups from Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine.

afa624  No.5437338

File: d409b669d4c1ba3⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2624x1794, 1312:897, 1a7f45640d75c6cb8d9ba6116b….jpg)



what we've been waiting for.

God is Great.

1cd40e  No.5437339

File: e609c783945fb56⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1131x1487, 1131:1487, A62D4CD7-96C4-4ADA-83F8-7….jpeg)


Tak så mycket

bd5878  No.5437340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?

Or is this something being used to push a narrative

onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is

the MSM narrative, and that is what this video

reinforces, strongly.


"Chan culture" has been co-opted by fakeness and is now being FORCED.

Will patriots ever wake up and demand a space free from FAKENESS?


0ded1b  No.5437341

File: 6c36b45671deccc⋯.png (904.64 KB, 686x911, 686:911, lampf-mesa.png)

looks like a key.

08c3e2  No.5437342


I'm really confused by this. There is no reason for that Q tweet aside from this movement, but he's never shown any public support for the movement. Maybe he's trolling us or maybe he's starting to get on board?

bb81da  No.5437343

Hint that they are related? >>5437310

294eda  No.5437344




/ /

/ /**

// //


//'//'/// //

afa624  No.5437345



bd5878  No.5437346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Who made this video?

Do we know?

It is very slick. Hardly amateur.

Do we know where it came from?


Or did it just show up, and was accepted?

Accepted by whom?

How do we know?

Does Jordan Sather push this video?

Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?


If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?

Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?

Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?

Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?

Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?

While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?

Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?

Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?

Is this a form of control?

Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?

Does it undermine in many subtle ways?

Who made it?

How would we know?

Does anyone ask?

Or just assume someone else did?

Will it get removed?

Does its origins and validity get addressed?

What controls the board and decides?

Are the people in control of this board?

How do you know?


8c9479  No.5437347

File: 40ad83ea8afb2e4⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x977, 1920:977, sketch-1551378878389.png)

Just made for (you) anons.

7e8dcf  No.5437348

File: 79090e8660a80fa⋯.png (1.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 5f16d2871be5e99a729d9da187….png)

File: 92fb6e4cada51b3⋯.jpg (111.76 KB, 722x1200, 361:600, DZ8Wu67UQAAZ7HR.jpg)

>>5437272 (LB)

Similar features.

Position of hands.

Pen aligns with the road.

Part of the strap alings with the road y at bottom left.

Pedo Island


a901cc  No.5437350

File: b57c36c01bb4698⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 800x540, 40:27, 693BAE22-EC80-45E3-841D-9C….jpg)

0cdc44  No.5437351

File: a817315c76632d8⋯.png (96.84 KB, 1108x378, 554:189, Q.png)


e1f12f  No.5437352

I’m sure but two weeks is a long time to be away from network tv

Musta got the aids


44bfc7  No.5437353

File: aa855487d832113⋯.png (35.45 KB, 583x164, 583:164, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

What kind of debt settlement will the Ides of March bring to POTUS?

f202f1  No.5437355

File: 1b78b7e3a2defaa⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2048x1361, 2048:1361, Soon-Alpine-Lakes.jpg)

b74a77  No.5437357

File: f245ad2f476d1b7⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 478x372, 239:186, ag2lm.JPG)

e2ac7a  No.5437358

File: c1e1e1af750eddf⋯.png (12.56 KB, 255x173, 255:173, pepeCNN.png)

netanayu charges 100% debunked already


"…it is a testament to the determination of Israel’s “deep state” to unseat a popular and popularly elected leader.


last ditch efforts

just as stupid as trotting out cohen


760dc3  No.5437359


JW, I blame you for me wanting to grow up to be an assassin.

69aa23  No.5437360

File: 29cda0ed0fb0cce⋯.png (188.96 KB, 647x531, 647:531, 5044d2568b87b9efd66550ac09….png)

No wall

Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up

No FISA declassification

No FBI texts

No dossier details

Q check your brackets

No Anthony Weenie laptop emails

No uranium one arrests

No Clinton emails

Nothing from Huber

Nothing from Horowitz

Nothing from Sessions

Podesta brothers are free

Susan Rice unmasked Americans

Samantha Power unmasked Americans

Comey leaked

Adam Schiff leaked

Brennan lied to Congress

Clapper lied to Congress

McCabe lied to Congress

Comey lied to Congress

Strzoks committed treason

Page committed treason

Mueller operating illegal special counsel

f97646  No.5437361


poking them

3ba83f  No.5437362

>>5436766 (ntbls) France Will Intervene if ISIS Fighter Citizens Sentenced to Death in Iraq.


OH NO! Not the French….

9af19b  No.5437363

File: eb36bd2fc19eb34⋯.png (448.63 KB, 926x1130, 463:565, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

Fukkin anons it's fukkin happening.

Jeffrey Peterson is tweeting that Justin Trudeau is going down because of NXIVM


Peterson background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Peterson

bd5878  No.5437364

File: b92ae165f5d4005⋯.png (42.74 KB, 1709x198, 1709:198, BO-censor.png)

File: dcc13ef67abcec6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 2232x14837, 2232:14837, unaware and compliant.gif)

File: 91c8b9dc7ae0988⋯.png (55.68 KB, 846x393, 282:131, clownazon.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)


What gets censored by the "board owner" here?

Do people pay attention?

Is it said to be a "free speech board"?

Is it really?

BO admits to censoring some people.

Why does it get censored?

What gets censored?

Is BO accountable? Transparent?

760dc3  No.5437365


You mean, which glory hole?

dbb186  No.5437366


>>5407449 HWAnon thread


a901cc  No.5437367

File: 4ba995501d79ce7⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 805x595, 23:17, DCF67A3F-29B1-42E3-AA00-EE….jpg)

File: 0a26ac7c344bbac⋯.png (52.8 KB, 590x288, 295:144, 322DFD8C-8AE6-4519-8680-E3….png)

File: 0cc39c9f25cfd59⋯.png (97.59 KB, 500x448, 125:112, ED3B116A-926F-4296-AEB7-8A….png)

65fede  No.5437369

File: 56fe33b43483039⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1389x937, 1389:937, ClipboardImage.png)

d39783  No.5437370

File: 4ff204c77048259⋯.png (165.7 KB, 355x271, 355:271, 1547009836247.png)



Wow been a while

since this roastie

has been here.

Poor loose little thing

Does she have a

Gofundme for stitching

that wound up?

6d2032  No.5437371


This is interesting too, yesterday this was published by Elon Musk, and today :


4be4f0  No.5437372

File: e4e555d384496e8⋯.jpg (547.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 05d1bcbc3d09b6981c53e62065….jpg)

File: 7d39558bb8b07bd⋯.jpg (392.02 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Do it Q AmericaAlt.jpg)

File: dd1d314eadb9525⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Lord is My Shepherd Q.jpg)

File: 72deab0a7be0201⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MAGA_Qed.jpg)


Thank Baker, Great Job !

Semper Fidelis

a4733a  No.5437373






┳┻| _

┻┳| •.•) Build the Wall

┳┻|⊂ノ and crime will fall.


e2ac7a  No.5437374

where is the EPA when they are needed?

>>5436233 Harvard scientists to fight global warming by spraying particles into atmosphere.

52ccc4  No.5437375

File: 26a947e775724ec⋯.png (36.61 KB, 588x281, 588:281, FLOTUS 2-28-19 12 56 pm PS….PNG)

File: dc8b5b2b1ab2b9e⋯.png (282.06 KB, 600x598, 300:299, Grisham re FLOTUS Travel 2….PNG)

File: 2bf0bcd78568176⋯.png (908.53 KB, 1167x750, 389:250, Grisham re FLOTUS Travel 2….PNG)

Looking forward to visiting OK, WA and NV next week. Through #BeBest I will continue to help promote successful programs that provide children the tools and skills required for emotional, social and physical well-being.


Bread 6950 [lb]


3d419b  No.5437376

File: 575fbffaf382263⋯.png (698.08 KB, 1440x1747, 1440:1747, Screenshot_20190228-125201….png)

Baker … James Woods if you missed it last bread


bd5878  No.5437377

File: 7f60cced4f7c7df⋯.png (140.51 KB, 555x830, 111:166, whatgetsyoubanned.png)

File: 590268f6834e725⋯.gif (253.24 KB, 333x440, 333:440, lolandy.gif)

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)


What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


What is THE keystone…?

e9ef47  No.5437378

File: 160349605702d95⋯.png (178.51 KB, 500x449, 500:449, mr-spock-pepe-31088706.png)

>>5437306 (\pb)

3fb886  No.5437380


He’s been given a bit of knowledge

294eda  No.5437381


Notable Baker

5b0ed4  No.5437382

File: bae38189b9afc58⋯.png (467.57 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, E5E4DE66-082D-45BD-A9AD-A1….png)

Was this notable yet: Trudeau’s scandal links back to NXIVM:

36f644  No.5437383



You'd hit that. Not the girl,but the sammich.

8995b9  No.5437384

File: e64e45c91d85f02⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, obamank.jpg)

File: af5aa6b0f8635ef⋯.jpg (138.39 KB, 1711x1536, 1711:1536, kimpain.jpg)

It's all coming together isn't it

0ded1b  No.5437385

File: 34887b4600cfbaa⋯.png (981.84 KB, 758x937, 758:937, trinity.png)

527383  No.5437386


I don't understand any of it. Hope it's true though.

b1b46a  No.5437387


Notable and the tweet is still up..

dfc542  No.5437388


so where's the news about his arrest?

8f4664  No.5437389

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

File: e8ff10bddfeabc2⋯.jpg (171.24 KB, 612x459, 4:3, damn_it_pay_attention.jpg)

9b569c  No.5437390


Netanyahu is going to be indicted on bribery and fraud charges. This how how organized crime gets taken down. Indict on something, pile the other charges later.

He’s one of the big dogs of the ZIONIST faction of the cabal, right? Not /ourguy.

bd5878  No.5437392

File: 15f5fa7150094a5⋯.png (789.5 KB, 555x740, 3:4, jvbs.png)

File: c9fcba84e6e91ea⋯.png (524.72 KB, 777x707, 111:101, cornynlini.png)

File: 15e3e56d646c282⋯.png (378.85 KB, 789x444, 263:148, BMNG.png)

File: 078b98c3a0439a5⋯.gif (159.18 KB, 335x444, 335:444, iaea.gif)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

1cd40e  No.5437393


They know we have cooling incoming and are getting out in front of it to take credit for saving us from global warming and to maintain their power.

3d1c90  No.5437394


That's a pretty big name if you ask me

7501d0  No.5437395

File: 0914566dd829ac9⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 700x401, 700:401, 2itgl1.jpg)

574d31  No.5437397

File: 36eaa77289477a2⋯.png (423.27 KB, 627x575, 627:575, 1551376824134.png)

Breaking: Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan


a454ce  No.5437398


Post their pic for them anon KEK

71e826  No.5437399

planefags catch PSWRD23 over (below) san diego?

39783e  No.5437400


The Eurasian Organized Crime unit, which was headed by Michael Gaeta at the time, specializes in investigating criminal groups from Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine.

Gaeta, an FBI agent and assistant legal attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Rome, has known the former spy, Christopher Steele—who authored the controversial dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump—since at least 2010, when Steele provided assistance in the FBI’s investigation into the FIFA corruption scandal, over concern that Russia might have been engaging in bribery to host the 2018 World Cup.

Gaeta also oversaw the investigation of Russian mafia boss Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov. Beginning in 2011, and continuing for two years, Gaeta was in charge of a major federal investigation into a money-laundering operation allegedly run by Tokhtakhounov, whose Russian ring was suspected of moving more than $50 million in illegal money into the United States.

As part of the investigation, the FBI put a wiretap on Trump Tower for two years ending in 2013, to “eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A,” according to a May 2017 ABC News report. The case was unrelated to Trump.

6ba3c1  No.5437402

File: 13c1a84824e014d⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 680x477, 680:477, sessions cleanup.jpg)

dd03c3 (16) lb

5f5f8c  No.5437403

File: e18818a37410ecd⋯.jpeg (315.1 KB, 1320x1449, 440:483, DF790F07-2954-4E01-AFD3-E….jpeg)


Want some cheese with all that whining?

156a0a  No.5437404


Just because he threw an NXIVM hashtag in his tweet?

760dc3  No.5437406


Straight out of Art of the Deal. You have to be able to walk away without a deal. The ChiComms and the Norks overestimated the pressure the [D] party was having on POTUS, and thought they could force him into a bad deal.

0b639b  No.5437408

File: c90a8ce81a5ae55⋯.png (1.11 MB, 871x653, 871:653, kimsouthpole.png)





f060d5  No.5437409

File: d90374ed04f531c⋯.jpeg (121.65 KB, 1440x882, 80:49, 1540679434.jpeg)

1cd40e  No.5437410


How does snc lavolin tie to nxium

023eaa  No.5437411



>Anons, Please verify. This Decode shows the Go Order and Arrest of BHO


More eyes on this please

574dfb  No.5437412

File: 7dccd5e9d30b207⋯.png (252.21 KB, 842x329, 842:329, b3ff6dd0-9ab0-444b-a2fc-b7….png)


This is what I could find for his next public appearance. We will see if he shows up.

20e6df  No.5437413

File: 1745f393dfc9b6f⋯.png (84.06 KB, 669x725, 669:725, ClipboardImage.png)

Owners of Company That Bought Aborted Baby Parts From Planned Parenthood are Arrested

Two wealthy Ecuadorian brothers who were principals in DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, the California companies fined and ordered to shut down for illegally trafficking world-wide in aborted baby parts it obtained from Planned Parenthood, were arrested by ICE on February 13, 2019.

According to Law.com:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested Roberto and William Isaías on Feb. 13. ICE representative Nestor Yglesias said the brothers were “unlawfully present” in the U.S., and have been “transferred to ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations” for deportation proceedings following their arrest. Yglesias added the pair is “in agency custody pending removal proceedings.”

The arrest of Roberto and William Isaias was gratifying to Operation Rescue, which published an investigative research report on October 27, 2016 – just days before the Presidential Election that put Donald J. Trump in office – that detailed their crimes in Ecuador, dubious dealings with the Obama administration, their business with Planned Parenthood and the aborted baby body parts trade.

“We understood that this family was in the U.S. under suspicious circumstances, and that they had committed crimes in Ecuador and Southern California,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “We had hoped that one day they would return to Ecuador so that justice could be done, but their arrests still took us by surprise.”

In 2012, Roberto and William Isaias were sentenced in abstentia to eight years in prison for running their Ecuadorian bank into the ground then presenting false balance sheets to profit from bailout funds, wiping out the life savings of thousands of families. Ecuador says the Isaias family cost the impoverished country a total of $661.5 million.


3ba83f  No.5437414


gotta love King James

6ba3c1  No.5437415

File: a6382f8083f13d1⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, pepe fight club 1.jpg)



579a77  No.5437416

Would anons stop speculating about "messages" to KJU or what KJU's next move will be? Kim Jong Un is just a ridiculous doughboy who has ZERO control over what is going on in North Korea. An actor as was discussed here yesterday.

He was educated in Switzerland, and, as speculated here yesterday as well, Switzerland/Bavaria is probably where the bottom of the rathole is. You know, the Bavarian Illuminatti and all…..

f202f1  No.5437417

File: e2d4af32f3e3e69⋯.jpg (809.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Enjoy-the-Show-Wolf-2.jpg)

bd5878  No.5437418

File: bdc355e0ef1b2b1⋯.png (201.69 KB, 488x742, 244:371, vvvvvvv.png)

File: 00d17c3186e58c8⋯.png (583 KB, 615x444, 205:148, biden114.png)

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 99fb36886e0c9a5⋯.jpg (98.53 KB, 444x530, 222:265, brylrmb.jpg)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)



a9ff9a  No.5437419

File: 0cf4b272e2fd900⋯.png (27.22 KB, 635x257, 635:257, captcha.PNG)


Maternity leave?

8995b9  No.5437420

File: d9533c92681551c⋯.jpg (37.75 KB, 931x512, 931:512, obamatrud.jpg)


Never forget your friends Trudy

20dc9c  No.5437421


Another interesting thing about this Pizzagate arrest footage: the fact that the cops uncuffed suspected shooter Edgar Welch in public. That's not standard procedure, especially for a violent crime:

In another clip from the body camera footage, Welch can be seen calmly talking with an officer beside the open door of a departmental SUV. The officers on the scene had removed Welch’s handcuffs and he stands with his hands on his hips in a casual pose. The Metropolitan Police Department’s General Orders state that officers are not to remove handcuffs on arrested persons “until the prisoner is in a secure area."

Despite the headline of the article–which refers to this uncuffing–this passage is at the end of the article, not the beginning. The reporter never questions why the suspect was uncuffed. Did they somehow know he wasn't dangerous?

0cdc44  No.5437422

File: c5cf964c7b7723b⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, phone.jpg)


Pick up the phone.

20e6df  No.5437423

One Ton of Meth, Heroin Seized at Tijuana Airport

The Mexican Army (SEDENA) assigned to drug interdiction at Tijuana’s Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport seized more than one ton of methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine concealed inside a parcel truck. The Tuesday incident did not result in any arrests.

During a parcel truck inspection, army personnel discovered a large drug shipment concealed within cargo boxes originating from Culiacán, Sinaloa, according to local news reports.

An inventory of the concealed cargo reportedly produced:

44 Kilograms (2033.6 pounds) of methamphetamine or “cristal;”

7 kilograms (87.5 pounds) of cocaine;

515 kilograms (18.7 pounds) of brown heroin; and

3 kilograms (5.0 pounds) black tar heroin.

The seized drugs weighed a total of 2,144 pounds, which were turned over to investigative personnel of the state attorney general’s office. Breitbart News law enforcement sources say the cargo likely belonged to the Sinaloa Cartel.

The seizure follows a series of large drug shipments found by Mexican authorities and U.S. counterparts along the California, Arizona, and Texas border regions.

Breitbart News chronicled several large-scale busts since February 1.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized approximately 350 pounds methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl worth over $6.1 million in southern Arizona.

Mexican Federal Police seized approximately one ton of methamphetamine and fentanyl in powder and tablet form on a highway along the Mexico-California border.

CBP officers seized nearly a half-ton of methamphetamine with an estimated value of $12 million concealed in a commercial shipment of frozen strawberries.

The Mexican Army seized more than 2 tons of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, and marijuana during separate security operations in the border states of Sonora and Baja California.

CBP officers seized 86 pounds of methamphetamine worth more than $1.7 million during two separate vehicle inspections in Laredo, Texas.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized 17.4 pounds of fentanyl during a vehicle inspection in California.

CBP officers seized a half a ton of methamphetamine estimated to be worth more than $14 million at a South Texas border crossing.

Mexican Federal Police in of Sonora seized more than 550 pounds of methamphetamine, heroin, and fentanyl in truck abandoned by smugglers.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized 122 pounds of methamphetamine during a vehicle inspection at the California border.

CBP officers seized 395 pounds of methamphetamine during a commercial vehicle inspection in California.


c2e716  No.5437424

File: cab17a88e60882c⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 615x769, 615:769, McLib.jpg)

7501d0  No.5437425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I realize many people are wary of Rogan. Regardless, his podcasts are 3 hours of uncut and unfiltered live conversations. You can get a better idea of how some people really are without the edits. It can be interesting for observers.

David Lee Roth is on and its been pretty odd. Just sayin.

d82ccd  No.5437426

File: 9c5a9deaf929a75⋯.png (304.63 KB, 570x570, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5436701 (lb)

Third time is a charm

5f5f8c  No.5437427


Soros/steyer fund the Marxist wing

Bibi/adelson fund the Zionist wing

How do you destroy America?

Get them to destroy themselves.

65fede  No.5437428

File: a3328baf4d20638⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1125x1118, 1125:1118, ClipboardImage.png)

d579ee  No.5437429


Projection. Look in the mirror.

Filtered, as always.

bd5878  No.5437431

File: 201e7c1ec60150b⋯.png (837.04 KB, 1111x1122, 101:102, biden27x.png)

File: c9bf13ff06bbcf1⋯.png (342.36 KB, 255x939, 85:313, biden97.png)

File: d17ff0e7e75ea58⋯.jpg (386.67 KB, 1111x1088, 1111:1088, BNDN.jpg)

File: e661f0c1511d087⋯.jpg (174.25 KB, 426x975, 142:325, bridn.jpg)

File: ef9cfc2dc00aa1c⋯.jpg (162.93 KB, 555x558, 185:186, BD20.jpg)


for you fren

8193a9  No.5437432


Why saving Israel for last?

Forcing them to fight their own wars?

Wake up the world first?

9af19b  No.5437433


It's a thread. Peterson spells it out. https://twitter.com/realJeffreyP/status/1101094392805421056

d46374  No.5437434

a454ce  No.5437435


He may be "our guy" but he is very selective what he rants about if you havent noticed. White hat, nah, I say gray

1cd40e  No.5437436


Jews just don’t start wars ever

69aa23  No.5437437



Nobody has been charged, Mueller is doing all the damage….

Most of them got book deals and are getting rich.






┳┻| _

┻┳| •.•) Build the Wall

┳┻|⊂ノ and crime will fall.


No wall sadly.

251fee  No.5437438

File: f1eea157d5ea974⋯.jpg (27.56 KB, 358x586, 179:293, contact.jpg)

>>5437142 (lb)

all sorcery. a tool.

magic is the manipulation of energy.

why does Israel have the binding sigil of a sorcerer as it's flag?

old breads are your frees, newfags.

956f84  No.5437439


Doesn't look like they're last. Netanyahu indicted.

8995b9  No.5437440


Gather an alliance and free the puppet countries?

3ba83f  No.5437441

File: 54e346c1fb24213⋯.jpg (62.75 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, justin_fag.jpg)


but I love everyone except national born citizens

02f9c0  No.5437442

>>5437132 lb

This whole sting was a joke from the outset.

It will be used to argue against the wall. “Reeeeeal human trafficking doesn’t come through Mexico”

The women in jail on up to $800,000 bail???

Gimme a break. Congrats Florida. You’re the victimizer.

I won’t be surprised if FL is sued by customers who were unknowingly filmed undressing and did nothing but get a massage. Apparently there were many of them.

2fdeec  No.5437443

Hey, have you guys heard about gab's new app, dissenter. We can post comments on any article from our gab account, even with no comment section.

44bfc7  No.5437444

File: a8329a564a6a60b⋯.png (161.99 KB, 629x662, 629:662, a8329a564a6a60b14d7791eff9….png)



No coinkidink that it habbened during Hanoi trip.

afa624  No.5437445


will do some checking also

bd5878  No.5437446


When I look in the mirror, I certainly don't see memes designed to subtly undermine this board. So I have no idea what you think you are trying to imply fren.

20e6df  No.5437447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thru the niavety of our parents and their parents before them and so on we have been born into the slave / beast system.

Thru the use of word and money magik / trickery the wizards and witches who ADMINISTER the beast system have locked us into eternal bondage and stolen our souls to ensure we are the living dead awaiting our inevitable downward end.

To fight this system you must reject it with all your heart and soul and pursue the 10 commandments of the most high God and seek your savior Jesus.

The most high God gave a you a choice.

The God of this world did not, Satan stole you at birth by fraud, there is no other way out but to awaken to this FACT and pursue the above.

Proverbs 6:16-19

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.


The guilty are the ADMINISTRATORS and are not subjected to the laws (((they))) use to control slaves.

Time to wake up!

0ded1b  No.5437448


no because we break the treaty with them halfway thru a certain time period.

or its instructions for jailbreaking androids

israel.snoop=1 global variable

f202f1  No.5437449

File: 5a10b26ef67d359⋯.jpg (351.35 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Tick-Tock-[Milts]-1.jpg)



d46374  No.5437450


He went pretty easy on that twitter guy.

36f644  No.5437451


The rathole is WW.

Chop off one head and 10 more grow back.

It's why i have little faith in the plan.

I don't say give up,great progress is being made despite setbacks. But this is hot going to be fun or easy,and already this movie is getting old.

1c5a13  No.5437452

File: d26b45ff43bf971⋯.png (26.84 KB, 732x176, 183:44, ClipboardImage.png)

FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo Calls on Ron DeSantis to Donate the $600,000 He Received from John Childs to Fight Human Trafficking

Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo called on Ron DeSantis to donate the $600,000 he received from John Childs during his gubernatorial campaign to an organization dedicated to fighting human trafficking. Childs stands accused of soliciting prostitution in connection with a Florida spa tied to an international human trafficking ring, according to police.

Below is a statement from Chair Rizzo:

“The revelations that an international human trafficking ring was operating in South Florida have been horrific and painful. We stand with the victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse — crimes which are all too common in our state and country. We are grateful to law enforcement for everything they have done to investigate and prosecute this heinous crime.

“We believe it is appropriate for Governor Ron DeSantis to return the $600,000 he received from John Childs and donate it to one of the many organizations fighting human trafficking in the state of Florida. The governor of our state isn’t just a politician — he sets a moral example for all of us to follow. Governor DeSantis needs to send an unequivocal message that the horror of human trafficking will not be tolerated in our state — and that those who commit these crimes will be brought to justice.”


TC Palm: Florida human trafficking: Billionaire equity firm owner John Childs wanted on prostitution charge in Vero Beach

Billionaire equity firm owner John Childs is one of several men accused of soliciting prostitution in connection with a Florida spa tied to an international human trafficking ring, police said Thursday.He also gave $600,000 to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ gubernatorial campaign last year.

52ccc4  No.5437453

File: 7ed6f1af5613f21⋯.png (20.62 KB, 642x193, 642:193, JWoods re Q.PNG)

File: f72e29e94724b44⋯.png (487.64 KB, 642x686, 321:343, JWoods tweet re Q.PNG)


>Maybe he's trolling us or maybe he's starting to get on board?

James mentioned Q months ago

James has referenced Q

James has ALWAYS been a team player

e01b19  No.5437454



1dc342  No.5437455

File: 3e5783373d610a9⋯.png (424.57 KB, 1117x686, 1117:686, 008f4d2c28556a60558c0619cd….png)


Those faggots will crash and burn soon.

8995b9  No.5437456

File: 4f26f7b6e129bba⋯.jpg (169.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, cohenplaybook.jpg)

0cdc44  No.5437457


Thank you Sir.

1c5a13  No.5437458


Forgot sauce


79a3cd  No.5437459


Watching… VH Fan since forever and yes, Dave looks a little Haggered (no pun intended)

0ded1b  No.5437460



I'm more a man of REEEE Nouns

bd5878  No.5437461

File: 9ef9102c37d79e5⋯.png (434 KB, 635x672, 635:672, jiiii.png)

File: 23051e04cb80701⋯.png (883.78 KB, 751x885, 751:885, AJT.png)

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 7655e17d3a8e785⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, marvelous.jpg)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

c82e13  No.5437462


You almost sound a bit triggered by such an awesome red-pilling production. I see no downside to this drop. These are large and fundamental truths which will have to eventually be accepted. It’s good that they percolate a bit in the still unconvinced until they each, one by one, are proven to be true.

5b0ed4  No.5437463


In the tweet, Peterson claims president is business partners with Stephen Bronfman cousin with the heiress bronfman, Sara who is tied up with Libya and the cult.

a454ce  No.5437464


He is playing both sides IMO

f202f1  No.5437465


Nice to hear from you tho

Thought your handlers must've reassigned you…

7e91bf  No.5437466


Let's make sure we are not sounding like CNN and Hollywood actors posting about Cohen taking down the President. We know that is all a lie so we need to watch what is put in the news about Trudeau. I hope he does go down.

65fede  No.5437467


clould be the whloe porpose of the trip was to force the hand to move a chess piece

251fee  No.5437468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



bd5878  No.5437469

File: 57c67f25b9cdff8⋯.png (492.35 KB, 864x506, 432:253, broken.png)

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, sincerejames.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

1cd40e  No.5437470


So comments will show up in actual comment section or just in gab?

be6f18  No.5437471


if it were true, it would've blown up somewhere. it's not like you can arrest bho and there'd be no news about it.

ae9540  No.5437472


Much butthole lips with the tredeau fuck toy

Knows French and feltching too

8995b9  No.5437473


Problem is he's played both sides, it would seem.

a454ce  No.5437474


There you go Krassfags!!!

afa624  No.5437475


>>5437437 << poss arrest

b52bdd  No.5437476

File: 5d5d57fbe8a1d9b⋯.png (505.39 KB, 600x450, 4:3, im gunna pee.png)

File: 4180a531db99600⋯.png (271.13 KB, 640x558, 320:279, idk.png)

File: f2555a0cd034b31⋯.png (70.49 KB, 750x633, 250:211, fag.png)

File: 437862c9a8058dd⋯.jpg (176.9 KB, 1114x806, 557:403, thatwasawesome.jpg)

File: f74b299602f3ec3⋯.jpg (504.48 KB, 1080x1082, 540:541, played.jpg)

640b1b  No.5437477


very nice

38e2d3  No.5437478



a454ce  No.5437479



Great minds ………………….

294eda  No.5437480


you still watch Toe Rogan?

( i did last night too) KEK

251fee  No.5437481

File: 1ec62c8fd61e34d⋯.png (394.42 KB, 584x560, 73:70, mindblownwoods.png)

File: caaf94431ea59dd⋯.png (427 KB, 904x634, 452:317, Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at ….png)

File: 2d3b3b6e5bb30b4⋯.png (295.27 KB, 488x343, 488:343, Screen Shot 2019-02-23 at ….png)

3d1c90  No.5437482


I vote for this to be the internet's meme of the decade

d39783  No.5437483

File: c8e29440284aeb5⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 575x400, 23:16, 2tpsd0.jpg)



Troof to dat

52ccc4  No.5437484


>He is playing both sides IMO


>Problem is he's played both sides, it would seem.


smh / or laughing at you

probably the later

65dcc3  No.5437485

File: 440ca5414e9d31b⋯.jpg (89.7 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, picar.jpg)

>>5437032 (pb)

^^^^^ This is why one says "one". Kek

4b3890  No.5437486


spoken like a true virgin

e03f99  No.5437487

File: 47f132501d192e5⋯.png (635.58 KB, 1098x1276, 549:638, conspiracy.png)


conspiracy slide going full-tilt

f4b1eb  No.5437488

File: 0bc08fbb9205025⋯.png (861.1 KB, 932x1122, 466:561, 7dym.png)

f060d5  No.5437489

File: f23583a4557136c⋯.jpeg (71.43 KB, 888x992, 111:124, 1548247526.jpeg)

8995b9  No.5437490

File: d8eab121393f47a⋯.jpg (57.18 KB, 300x357, 100:119, qgreatblack.jpg)

dbb186  No.5437491


who fkn cares about their faggotry

that's still not an argument

and only helps them


e01b19  No.5437492


Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones Zionist shill thing was pretty funny.

001aa7  No.5437493


Why are you changing times on the tweets?

Not getting it…

a454ce  No.5437494


Laugh all you want, he seems like the rest , just savin his own ass

3fb886  No.5437495


Twitter guy is coming back for another one

22e59a  No.5437496

File: 94c408c7e6c694d⋯.png (175.26 KB, 861x1181, 861:1181, daily-caller-today.png)

File: 10af5ee88206e06⋯.png (95.47 KB, 583x529, 583:529, michael-gaeta-1.png)

File: 7d2e1cf6967254c⋯.png (411.27 KB, 825x1361, 825:1361, epoch-times.png)

Gaeta seems to be in real deep

his messages were all redacted

ae9540  No.5437497


Do you think thousands of miles of barbed wire fence promoted the trillion dollar cocaine industry driveing this spam farm

c9af7a  No.5437498




Do you realize that all this negative attention from the media is actually bringing more people here? Because it makes them think why is the new saying all this let me go check it out

d82ccd  No.5437500


Relatively certain he comes here, at least for a year

Probably longer

7b9314  No.5437501

File: 2c6098c3672459d⋯.png (518.18 KB, 686x888, 343:444, clean-up-canada.png)



251fee  No.5437502


see 911 video w/ Bill O'reilly


e22bd9  No.5437503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watched the video for at least twenty times now, everytime sort of realizing how fuckin special we are. but this time at the hrc pepe moment i started weeping like a faggot, faggots.

we gotta win this thing. the war is still ongoing. they have sharpened their bitchknives and are out to get us.

We can never let that happen.


The Year Where 4Chan Won

f4b1eb  No.5437504

File: 2d888a0a6f0d309⋯.jpg (150.2 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, 2d888a0a6f0d3092c1fc5409f5….jpg)

71e826  No.5437505

File: 25561e6acab3ede⋯.png (678.06 KB, 1726x996, 863:498, 7500.png)

squawking 7500

c83b3a  No.5437506

File: e9d3edaca5e933b⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1190x669, 1190:669, 1551041490.png)

55 bd5878


Yer shits old, thinking u can poach Patriots

The only one who's psypoed is (you)

974a03  No.5437507


lolz i read that a s shepherded smith

1b944d  No.5437508

File: f4e42ca6bf8671c⋯.jpg (558.67 KB, 3300x2100, 11:7, page01.jpg)

POTUS tweet delta points to RBG

The delta of POTUS' tweets is a mirror of Q's drop #752.

I wouldn't have thought anything of it, except the dates are a 1 year delta. (Feb. 13, 2018 & Feb. 13, 2019)

Maybe POTUS' trip to Hanoi wasn't just about meeting with Kim Jong-Un.

bd5878  No.5437509

File: 75bd7a746ddb4df⋯.png (182.42 KB, 370x495, 74:99, biden104.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, DNIBN.png)

File: b411322423c04bb⋯.png (372.77 KB, 555x622, 555:622, BidenXMAS.png)

8769aa  No.5437510

File: 2751124972cb019⋯.png (525.39 KB, 1366x653, 1366:653, screencapture-global-adsbe….png)

Squawk 7500…hijack or flight interference

65dcc3  No.5437512


If they're on the case it shows they know it is not a LARP.

Badge of honor kek

d2eea4  No.5437514

File: 43580be18fd4cd9⋯.jpg (106.94 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 43580be18fd4cd9507b96741d8….jpg)

157c4f  No.5437515

File: f3a1c2894e90bac⋯.png (22.8 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ackchyually.png)


"Actually, I believe it goes: Never con a con-man, especially one who's better than you are."

47c583  No.5437516

File: 3a270b15786c5d7⋯.jpg (250.28 KB, 1600x1276, 400:319, Q Pork Scratchings 1.jpg)

File: b84a5edb24a65be⋯.jpg (357.97 KB, 1545x1600, 309:320, Q Pork Scratchings 2.jpg)

File: bbb864de8f5d0b2⋯.jpg (204.4 KB, 1540x1600, 77:80, Q Pork Scratchings 3.jpg)

Pork Scratchings

59f867  No.5437517





I Live in HI and have to change them back to EST

6476a3  No.5437518

Pompeo: Crimea Is Ukraine


Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

February 27, 2019

Five years ago, Russia's occupation of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula fueled an escalation of Russian aggression. Russia attempted to upend the international order, undermined basic human freedoms, and weakened our common security. The world has not forgotten the cynical lies Russia employed to justify its aggression and mask its attempted annexation of Ukrainian territory. Russia’s use of force against a peaceful neighbor must not be tolerated by reputable states. The United States reiterates its unwavering position: Crimea is Ukraine and must be returned to Ukraine’s control.

The United States remains gravely concerned by the worsening repression by Russia’s occupation regime in Crimea. During the past five years, Russian occupation authorities have engaged in an array of abuses in a campaign to eliminate all opposition to its control over Crimea. As part of this campaign, Russia has arbitrarily detained and wrongfully convicted individuals for peaceful opposition to the occupation, and in some cases has forcibly transferred these individuals from occupied Crimea to Russia. The United States calls on Russia to release all of the Ukrainians, including members of the Crimean Tatar community, it has imprisoned in retaliation for their peaceful dissent. This includes Oleh Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Volodymyr Balukh, Ruslan Zeytullayev, and approximately 70 others. We call on Russia to cease all its abuses immediately, to end its occupation of Crimea, and, in the meantime, to comply with its obligations under international law, including the law of occupation.

In the Crimea Declaration of July 25, 2018, the United States reaffirmed its refusal to recognize the Kremlin’s claims of sovereignty over Crimea. The United States also condemns Russia’s illegal actions in Crimea and its continued aggression against Ukraine. The United States will maintain respective sanctions against Russia until the Russian government returns control of Crimea to Ukraine and fully implements the Minsk agreements. The United States reiterates its unbending support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, within its internationally recognized borders, including its territorial waters.

3fb886  No.5437519


I’d be happy just with a whole Bravo podcast on his own

e03f99  No.5437520



great. now when we have crop failures they can be held liable. class action lawsuit will be monumental.

9b757d  No.5437521

File: ce9228fd9db2dc6⋯.png (448.16 KB, 998x1196, 499:598, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f083b5ea4b72b46⋯.png (225.78 KB, 649x1234, 649:1234, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4183822fc62be64⋯.png (176.01 KB, 649x1079, 649:1079, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92690f49c3c68c2⋯.png (153.54 KB, 1176x979, 1176:979, ClipboardImage.png)

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel


57dba4  No.5437522

File: 3499700ea1d3de1⋯.png (372.57 KB, 926x800, 463:400, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

Hey anons Q told us Vietnam is the show.

I am trying to connect the dots here and I will use POTUS press conference as the most reliable first hand source.


The show:

1. Michael Cohen testimony is part of the show. Supporting fact Drudge did not even mention Vietnam summit and everybody was on offense MSM played in POTUS hands creating impression that he is under pressure and that he 'desperately' need positive press and 'great deal'.

2. Deal with NK is already done giving anything to NK now would be just waste of card in negotiations with China

3. Main show POTUS at 14:14 POTUS starts talking about Chinese negotiations and say he will walk away

I think whole show was test run for negotiations with China plus Michael Cohen nothingburger and embarrassment is bonus. When you know what your enemy wants what advantage does it make?

579a77  No.5437523


As sad as I am to say this, I agree with you. I pray that I'm wrong, but I'm worried that I'm not.

One of the worst aspects of this plan is not letting the public know the total truth. The tree of liberty from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Also, I'm just not sure, after all we have done in this country to push him to the side, that God is going to be with us on this one.

And as clever as Q is and as powerful as the military is, as Q said himself we are not fighting flesh and blood, but principalities and forces of darkness. They have access to evil magic that Q does not.


1cd40e  No.5437524

File: 4955d821dfec9b2⋯.jpeg (274.51 KB, 2186x1668, 1093:834, 7C5482D8-1EF9-4A5B-83A3-B….jpeg)


Uh oh, I’m a birther and a 9/11 official story denier and an uncle, and my social skills aren’t what they used to be.

0b639b  No.5437525

File: 6aba9eb661297ab⋯.png (188.3 KB, 357x442, 21:26, TRUDEAUHEAD.png)

File: 6da8553444a7991⋯.png (180.96 KB, 359x381, 359:381, trudeausuper.png)


for the memes…

d82ccd  No.5437526

File: 00295d2f73bf0ed⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1184x825, 1184:825, dudes_wat.png)

6d1018  No.5437527

File: e50949c4419bf0e⋯.mp4 (137.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ThisOneGetsIt.mp4)

Click to Play - This Guy Gets It!

ae9540  No.5437528

File: 586cddf5a6144b4⋯.gif (992.79 KB, 418x632, 209:316, 1765DA2C-DD47-472B-A37D-C7….gif)

File: 857d6dc457c5bfa⋯.jpg (252.79 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, E0FE0C60-6DF8-4B76-81D0-97….jpg)

File: 37c9f1fb8b0eaa9⋯.png (68.74 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 8481E2F8-8240-4FCD-B98B-86….png)

bd5878  No.5437529

File: b0b3718d936acbd⋯.png (98.33 KB, 400x508, 100:127, WP.png)

2d7f2a  No.5437530


and how can Kirsten Gillibrand run for President?

760dc3  No.5437531


Looks like an attempt at a multi-day headline grabbing event to me.

3fb886  No.5437532


There’s no way that trip was about just one thing

515c56  No.5437533


From VASTIM.net:

Special Transponder Codes

In addition to being used as a method of identification, your transponder can also be used to transmit a signal for help to ATC. I have listed some of the codes below:

7700 - Emergency, this will be an indication on the controller's screen that your aircraft has experienced an emergency. Just as a reminder, it is OK to declare an emergency on VATSIM just as long as you ask the controller for permission first, if they decline the emergency, you must disconnect..

7600 - Radio Failure, this code is not used very often on VATSIM because we have both Text and Voice communications. If you would like to simulate lost comms procedures, make sure to check with your controller first.

7777 - Military Interceptor Operations, consult the VATSIM Special operation regulations before engaging in any Military Interceptor Operations.

7500 - Hijack, this code is a part of the tutorial for informational purposes only. Simulating hijackings is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED on the VATSIM Network. Should you set your transponder to this code you will automatically be removed from the network. Please do not "Try to see if it works", Users simulating a hijacking are subject to disciplinary action up to and including permanent suspension of their PID.

e8f3f1  No.5437534


>David Lee Roth is on and its been pretty odd. Just sayin.

Any high or low lights to share?

c094f1  No.5437536

File: 357340b738db455⋯.jpeg (199.61 KB, 1857x745, 1857:745, FB254FAC-F6C3-4950-9028-3….jpeg)

File: 2951e81b6f5d6b8⋯.jpeg (527.81 KB, 1206x1441, 1206:1441, FAC74DEF-B13B-43F9-9C05-D….jpeg)

File: 48420762fbfc52b⋯.jpeg (403.73 KB, 1643x1437, 1643:1437, 9A019327-2944-4DAD-A9C9-8….jpeg)

Key word of the day “WALK AWAY”

65fede  No.5437537

File: 8fd43f27385dbaa⋯.png (309.74 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)

b13f66  No.5437538


Big name coming??

bd5878  No.5437539

File: 05c7d56ba982c5d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1111x743, 1111:743, why-are-you-so-scared.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

File: c4ce7977efffc15⋯.png (335.19 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, TFL.png)

e9ef47  No.5437540


>Squawk 7500

oh shit

4b3890  No.5437541


That's an oof

1b5dbc  No.5437542


no. But I know how to plug it up if she wants

8193a9  No.5437543

'Final humiliation': Minister George Eustice quits over possible Brexit delay

Agriculture minister George Eustice has resigned over Theresa May's decision to allow a vote on delaying Brexit if her deal is rejected again by MPs.

Mr Eustice said that while he would vote for her deal when it comes back before MPs, he wants to be "free to participate in the critical debate that will take place in the weeks ahead".

The MP for Camborne and Redruth in Cornwall said in his resignation letter that he fears events in Parliament this week "will lead to a series of events culminating in the EU dictating the terms of any extension requested and the final humiliation of our country".

Accusing Brussels of failing to conduct the exit negotiations "honourably", he added: "If the position of Parliament is now that we will refuse to leave without an agreement then we are somewhat stuck.

"This is uncomfortable for everyone, but we cannot negotiate a successful Brexit unless we are prepared to walk through the door.

"We must therefore have the courage, if necessary, to reclaim our freedom first and talk afterwards.


574d31  No.5437544


Samson Option.

Its their open threat to the world that if anyone tries to stop them that they will nuke the rest of the world and bring everyone down with them. Israel not only blackmails your politicians and celebrities, they are also holding the world hostage with with threat of nuclear annihalation.

That is why they are so brazen about their attacks, and that is why the Arab nations always make threats but never follow through and why no one fucks with Israel.

It needs to be done all at once.

It will happen just as declassification happens and everyone finds out Israel did 9/11 and they spied on Trump and blackmailed everyone with pedophilia. Israel will immediately be surrounded by all the surrounding Arab nations and quickly brought to submission because Trump will have a reason to not go in and defend Israel. The space force is essentially what will be used against the Samson Option. Their missiles will be shut down via secret alien/nazi flying saucer technology (not even joking).

7501d0  No.5437545

File: 80e99975af876f5⋯.jpg (130.18 KB, 932x420, 233:105, 2igmex.jpg)



You may be right, I don't know for sure. I DO know the man drops more truth than most Hwood types on Twitter. Considering he's public about it and snapping back at bad actors without a fuck given, I respect the mf. If he's guilty of terrible shit, OK prove it, and let justice be served. Until then, I know what I see, he's as /ourguy/ as can be. Either way, dude has iron balls.

a454ce  No.5437546

Oscar winning composer André Previn has reportedly died at the age of 89.

Previn reportedly died Thursday in his Manhattan home after recently coming down with an illness. Previn, best known for his scores in “Porgy & Bess” and “My Fair Lady,” won four Oscars over his career. He also added 10 Grammy Awards and a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Previn was born in Berlin in 1929, eventually immigrating with his family to the United States, where he was raised in Los Angeles. He was married five times. His third wife was actress Mia Farrow, to whom he was married from 1970-1979. The two had six children together.


b073ff  No.5437548

Was the Rogan/Jones podcast our beginning BOOM of the 21 days?

Interdimensional elves!

We gave up on the space program? Focused on interdimensional travel instead?

65dcc3  No.5437549


Haven't looked (yet) but I think it uses a plug in our something, so people who have it will see the comments.

Sounds good to me though.

294eda  No.5437550



Yeah.. I was so surprised when that one popped up in my feed last night. Eddie is a Legend but im a FE'er too KEK ..

66812e  No.5437551


>[Michael Gaeta]

While the public has heard the story of many of the interviewees before, one of the transcripts may be the most complete account yet from a key figure in what has come to be known as “Russiagate.” Specifically, his role in allowing the now infamous Steele dossier to become the cornerstone in the FBI obtaining a FISA spy warrant on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, and by extension—under the NSA’s so-called two-hop rule—other members of the Trump campaign. That figure is FBI agent Michael Gaeta.

Gaeta was, and possibly still is, the assistant legal attaché at the United States Embassy in Rome. Until 2014, he headed the FBI Eurasian Organized Crime unit.

It was Gaeta who, reportedly on July 5, 2016, traveled to London to meet with former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier. The trip was reportedly authorized by Victoria Nuland, then-assistant state secretary for Eurasian affairs.


2fdeec  No.5437552


Actual comment section, you could comment on this page if you wanted to. You have to have the app to see it but it's there. I think it will be mega popular.

251fee  No.5437553

File: 51c14cfc534e01a⋯.jpg (421.8 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 89500082804ab2e9efa21c793d….jpg)

c83b3a  No.5437554


Anything coming to intercept from San Diego?

a1087f  No.5437555


People kind wont be kind people.

afa624  No.5437557

File: d409b669d4c1ba3⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2624x1794, 1312:897, 1a7f45640d75c6cb8d9ba6116b….jpg)

File: 6362e231137ec72⋯.png (349.39 KB, 926x1130, 463:565, eb36bd2fc19eb34402d1d2ee1a….png)


It wasn't about Kim.

Why go over there if all points weren't agreed?

That's not done in diplomacy because someone loses face.

And Jim Acosta gloats.

The outcome was known to Kim and DJT

so why did he leave the country?

Perhaps, because it's game on

820760  No.5437558


But nothing is habbening….

6d1018  No.5437559

File: 8893e5c32f74455⋯.mp4 (136.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ThisGuyGetsIt.mp4)


Better Click to play

bd5878  No.5437560

File: 9c4465b5facf534⋯.png (237.82 KB, 333x459, 37:51, jj2244zz.png)

File: 23051e04cb80701⋯.png (883.78 KB, 751x885, 751:885, AJT.png)

File: 11dee121f339e68⋯.png (407.71 KB, 859x885, 859:885, tool.png)

858bb8  No.5437561

File: 636c05c56d2f21d⋯.png (136.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Cohen lies to Congress . . . Again !


Yet More Jail Time !

b1b46a  No.5437562

File: b1383c4061c5e36⋯.jpg (48.66 KB, 780x439, 780:439, fuTrudeau.jpg)


This whole thread is eye opening…

b733ef  No.5437563

File: 88cc3d19a103aff⋯.jpg (73.7 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 2uweox.jpg)

2d7f2a  No.5437564


Does anyone care?

36f644  No.5437565



And i have no ideas to try and stop the cabal other than using the violent method which none of us really want,and as you explained, we really aren't fighting that kind of war.

Good vs evil and all i can do is pray.

I hope it's enough, but wish i could do more.

a454ce  No.5437566


Prayers for everyone on board

d2eea4  No.5437567

File: 3ab3fc2448e1256⋯.png (935.77 KB, 868x648, 217:162, ClipboardImage.png)

b073ff  No.5437568



that guy red-pilled so many people.

are we upset he's not 100% correct?

f202f1  No.5437569


>Look at these.

>Just look at them.

Direct commands.

Shills desperate to keep our attention on their narrative.

Less and less subtle the closer they get to losing control.

afa624  No.5437570


My favorite pic of DJT.

8f4664  No.5437571

File: 302271bb36996b6⋯.jpg (131.69 KB, 960x958, 480:479, 32440498_362251750847781_5….jpg)

1cd40e  No.5437572


Will check it out, I hope gab makes it, got unfairly smeared with that synagogue shooting.

39783e  No.5437573


U.N. panel says Israeli troops "intentionally shot children" in Gaza border protests

FEBRUARY 28, 2019 / 9:34 AM / CBS/AP

d579ee  No.5437574

File: 66904f88970d5c9⋯.jpg (659.2 KB, 1791x1255, 1791:1255, PepeShowTime.jpg)

3fb886  No.5437575


Well it trended higher than both the summit and Cohen and may be the highest viewed podcast ever so….

6ba3c1  No.5437576

File: a4e5b6bb01774ec⋯.jpg (12.48 KB, 255x173, 255:173, Pepe breaking Stock market….jpg)

File: e7619a5f5ec49df⋯.png (59.62 KB, 1087x679, 1087:679, 022819 Mkt Close.PNG)

File: ae6a001d72c76ae⋯.png (16.11 KB, 409x448, 409:448, 022819 DOW close.PNG)

File: 5726a5fe7d9a146⋯.png (87.69 KB, 390x270, 13:9, pop the balloon.png)


You know the story…Movie Time!


Volume 331,928,749

Avg. Volume 353,053,770


Volume 2,400,888,402

Avg. Volume 3,282,186,229


Volume 2,465,478,913

Avg. Volume 3,965,060,983


Volume 9,328,401

Avg. Volume 7,305,720

they knew this was coming

Best Year For Stocks Since 1987 Continues As Feb Economic Data Crashes Most In 2 Years

(Chart heavy-tells the tale frens and it's not good)


e1f12f  No.5437577


This makes no sense

bd5878  No.5437578


You reconcile yourself to the fact that you don't even have consent to be here first.

You reconcile yourself to the weight of your lies.

You reconcile yourself to the vileness of your agenda, which has no place here.

You call for reconcilation, then yes, reconcile, "anon".

We'll wait.

6d1018  No.5437579

File: 12668bcb4472332⋯.mp4 (248.14 KB, 444x608, 111:152, JesusHealsFakeMeme.mp4)

Click to play - Jesus heals fake meme

ae9540  No.5437580

File: 0e179a043be5d1f⋯.png (57.63 KB, 590x288, 295:144, 63D639BC-9CD7-42E6-99CC-2E….png)



d317a3  No.5437581

Thanks BO for changing to a steady pic at the bottom

Almost had seizures from flashing ties

4996fe  No.5437582


Wow, she was a looker.

98d698  No.5437583

File: c12338abb60fee6⋯.png (339.83 KB, 500x681, 500:681, ClipboardImage.png)

820760  No.5437584

2fdeec  No.5437585

File: 8be211e07bcfc49⋯.png (30.17 KB, 927x134, 927:134, ClipboardImage.png)


Notable - No just kidding

News-weak actually got someone to read one of their articles. Look at this almost 36 hour old comment section.

Anon, you've doubled their readership. I'm proud of you.

e2ac7a  No.5437586

bibi charges already debunked

back to regular muhjoo programming


760dc3  No.5437587


Wanted AJ to say "Eddie, look. Here's an unlimited ticket. You can fly from New York to Los Angeles to Hawaii to Hong Kong to Moscow to London to New York, all going the same direction. You idiot."

7f85b3  No.5437588


None of them do.

afa624  No.5437589

File: 7b0fcfc132c5bdf⋯.png (379.69 KB, 651x912, 217:304, 7b0fcfc132c5bdff19d364f7ec….png)


Information Poisoning is a catch all description for the cognitive impairment resulting from Information Operations. Information Operations (IO)are the methods and tactics employed in advertising, in covert social control systems and “unrestricted,” non-linear or Information War. Tactics employed in wartime against enemy civilian populations are the same employed in peacetime to sell consumer goods.

Information War, Non-Linear War, or as the Chinese call it Unrestricted War, is a perpetual conflict between nations and sovereign actors which employs every available means; economic, political, technological, to defeat an opponent. PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui noted in “Unrestricted Warfare,” a study published in China in 1999: “As the arena of war has expanded, encompassing the political, diplomatic cultural and psychological spheres, in addition to the land, sea, air space and electronics spheres the interactions among all factors have made it difficult for the military sphere to serve as the automatic dominant sphere in every war.’

In addition to overt content, news and entertainment contain implicit values, our unvoiced fears and unspoken hopes for the future. The potency of tactics employed in IO has been amplified by technological evolution which created enormous tightly networked populations and made increasing amounts of personal data available permitting individuals and groups to be precisely targeted with messaging engineered to exploit their belief systems.

d46374  No.5437590

File: b327d5d876f3eee⋯.jpg (159.04 KB, 590x649, 10:11, sign.JPG)


Chill Mike…. we started it…. remember?

Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin


c83b3a  No.5437591

File: 744592abec9d126⋯.jpg (6.63 KB, 255x140, 51:28, c9ff62fec314cdd6b5b49835e0….jpg)


Miracle on the way


dbb186  No.5437592

File: 4eda39aa483d26c⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ThisIsSurprisinglyAccurate.jpg)

6ba3c1  No.5437593

File: 5a13a59220626ba⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 255x164, 255:164, Planefag tag dd.jpg)


keep them safe

21ab4c  No.5437594

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against World Bank Arm on Immunity

The U.S. Supreme Court opened some American-based international organizations to lawsuits, ruling that a World Bank affiliate must defend against allegations it is responsible for environmental damage caused by a power plant in India.

Voting 7-1 on Wednesday, the court said sovereign immunity doesn’t protect those international organizations in the U.S. when they are involved in commercial activities.

The suit accuses the International Finance Corp., the World Bank’s private-sector lending arm, of inadequately supervising the plant’s construction after providing a $450 million loan. Those suing the IFC include local farmers and fishermen.

The decision could mean new legal liability for the IFC and other multilateral development banks. The ruling doesn’t affect the International Monetary Fund or the United Nations itself, both of which have complete immunity from suit under the terms of their charters.

A 1945 federal law says international organizations are entitled to the "same immunity" as foreign countries. The central question for the court was how that provision was affected by a 1976 law that said foreign governments don’t get immunity when they are involved in commercial dealings. The 1976 measure didn’t mention international organizations.

Writing for the court, Chief Justice John Roberts said the 1976 law also changed the immunity possessed by international organizations.

The 1945 law "should therefore be understood to link the law of international organization immunity to the law of foreign sovereign immunity, so that the one develops in tandem with the other," Roberts wrote. He said the standard set by the 1976 law "hardly means unlimited exposure to suit for international organizations."

Justice Stephen Breyer dissented, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh did not participate in the case.

The case is Jam v. International Finance Corp., 17-1011.


3fb886  No.5437595


I’ve never been concerned with FE. people are welcome to belive what they feel to be true. I like Eddie because he makes very valid points regarding almost anything. He has a unique way of making people expand their thinking. That is when he’s not being shut down or interrupted by someone else. He needs an hour a week of his own show. No guests.

1cd40e  No.5437596


Best year since 1987 for stocks… uhh

a454ce  No.5437597

e03f99  No.5437598


>Breaking: Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan

And China's fingerprints are all over Pakistan. Is anyone surprised by a proxy war?

More seriously, treason and sedition charges against our traitorous D leadership for constantly attacking Trump and emboldening our (foreign) enemies.

7501d0  No.5437599


Its just odd, anon. Keeps doing some weird deep voice at times too. I'm familiar with most of his hits, but I'm not familiar with his charachter, other than that he's a typical wild rockstar from the 80s-90s. I'm a Hiphop guy, so not sure.

bcca45  No.5437600


Tariffs increasing will likely cause Xi to respond by becoming more belligerent in the South China Sea.

If U.S. mil has to confront China in the Spratlys or Paracels, it could well involve the Vietnamese mil.

e25e83  No.5437601


BO has no control over banners that appear at the bottom.

6e9c7a  No.5437602

File: 5cb6baa015c7029⋯.png (288.96 KB, 547x480, 547:480, ec01611e8381b87feeefc3e4d4….png)

So many concernfags today. Get your act together faggots. Trust 45.

cbe6f3  No.5437603


44 kilos is not 2033 # math much? who writes this nonsense?

b073ff  No.5437604


He was talking about dentists and messages in teeth and implants.

Is this why Epstein had the dental chair in his house?

a392e9  No.5437605

File: 8b2c5eaf1908c31⋯.png (159.18 KB, 1366x740, 683:370, Screenshot from 2019-02-28….png)

>>5431275 (PB)

ADSB is dark all around the world for me and has been for almost two hours. Last I "saw" was a Dutch Chinook that didn't show up on the map.

e0f35b  No.5437606


hold your position

157c4f  No.5437607

File: 66c6ae1ed547af2⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 391x393, 391:393, GabrielCaine.JPG)


professional con-man by tradecraft.

8995b9  No.5437608

File: 83fe2f10627d6f8⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 557x622, 557:622, trumphero.jpg)

8c72ad  No.5437609

File: 369644a5ee3f995⋯.jpg (21.13 KB, 563x676, 563:676, way too.jpg)


For some of us.. the struggle is all too real.

bd5878  No.5437610

File: 523d8c04a22e2f3⋯.png (238.18 KB, 750x422, 375:211, mmbnn.png)

File: d9c5e18d9908c3d⋯.png (65.74 KB, 202x183, 202:183, beeeo.png)

File: 5efc9a83f99e979⋯.png (769.43 KB, 736x667, 32:29, knigt.png)

File: 014526f919f6f53⋯.png (313.13 KB, 636x705, 212:235, cf.png)

File: 5e9b07518ee586a⋯.png (141.22 KB, 614x561, 614:561, PCS.png)


The cutesy "QNN" memes are FORCED.

Control of narrative HERE.

Enforced "chan culture" with enforced CEILING on discourse.

Everything gets PULLED DOWN to cutesiness or [insert other chan trope] as needed.



36f644  No.5437611


7 to 1? Where's the 9th vote?

d579ee  No.5437612

File: 280bffc630de90b⋯.jpg (65.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, TogetherFightForTruth.jpg)


Truth is the remedy.

We need a whole lot of truth, gently administered.

52ccc4  No.5437613

File: 1b2d058d2c1abd0⋯.png (338.11 KB, 599x587, 599:587, Hannity re Bongino Cohen H….PNG)

File: faf9ec2ed246ee5⋯.png (383.42 KB, 864x826, 432:413, Bongino Cohen Hearing MB T….PNG)

File: 4543fd424bae967⋯.png (926.43 KB, 1089x690, 363:230, Bongino Cohen Hearing 2-28….PNG)

Trump Associate Issues Scathing Response After Congresswoman Calls her a “Prop”




a64cea  No.5437614


ooh juicy

6ba3c1  No.5437615


well they think so. most here know what habbened in 1987 too.

4f5d0e  No.5437616

File: 33068a7862f32de⋯.png (386.23 KB, 903x1062, 301:354, Screenshot from 2019-02-28….png)



e8f3f1  No.5437617



574dfb  No.5437618


Word on the street is he's suffering from gang green of the butt hole.

36f644  No.5437619


Ahhh……nvm. just finished the article

294eda  No.5437620

File: e3da4c8d24eaef7⋯.png (691.88 KB, 610x742, 305:371, e3da4c8d24eaef7ee2134642c6….png)

dbb186  No.5437621


>Was the Rogan/Jones podcast our beginning BOOM of the 21 days?

when you eyeroll so bad

the eyes make a full 360 rotation

ae9540  No.5437622

File: 2a7375a125398f2⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 5C3B762E-236B-483D-BA1C-48….jpg)

File: fe39e22070ec20a⋯.jpg (218.91 KB, 1182x788, 3:2, 7858DC74-B1F2-41A5-BA51-C6….jpg)

File: e8fcb90b957422b⋯.png (63.82 KB, 590x340, 59:34, A05AAE31-96BE-4E04-98A6-36….png)

e03f99  No.5437623


>Owners of Company That Bought Aborted Baby Parts From Planned Parenthood are Arrested


7501d0  No.5437624


I agree with you. Rogan got a TON of shit for it and he acknowledged that. Like other anon said, he's coming back for another show at some point. I'm waiting on that KANYE!

760dc3  No.5437625



d8a9a9  No.5437626

File: 058b62031d39c82⋯.jpeg (99 KB, 692x464, 173:116, fullsizeoutput_1e83.jpeg)

a454ce  No.5437627

File: 4a26d49d95492b5⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 800x760, 20:19, take back.jpg)

Just a little funny for ya

66812e  No.5437628


>>[Michael Gaeta]

From 2010

Yesterday, personnel from the FBI’s New York Office met with Renata Polverini, president of the Lazio region of Italy. Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Criminal Division Diego Rodriguez, Coordinating Supervisory Special Agent George Khouzami, and Supervisory Special Agent Michael Gaeta met with President Polverini and other Italian officials to share ideas and discuss the continued cooperation efforts in combating international crime.


7b9314  No.5437629

File: c0a8f0728b96baf⋯.png (26.1 KB, 500x181, 500:181, q1.png)


heres the one from 2 days ago that he deleted

8995b9  No.5437630


Kek, can't argue with that. Maybe he's so smart he managed to play the game without getting dirty, if so, maybe he sings.

e8f3f1  No.5437631


I'll check it out for a bit.

52ccc4  No.5437632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trump Associate Issues Scathing Response After Congresswoman Calls her a “Prop”

Later during the hearing, Tlaib said, “Just to make a note, Mr. Chairman: Just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them, does not mean they aren’t racist and it is insensitive that some would even say – the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself.”


4b05b1  No.5437633

File: 4248ee887539491⋯.png (4.05 MB, 2410x2458, 1205:1229, Italian Band.png)


>>5436638 lb

>>5433791 pb

Switzerland Holy See + Vatican Rome being global Roth/ Clown operation central is making sense.

Italy and the Italian Band are mentioned in the Bible so i went looking around. Geneva, north of Rome, and Cairo, south of Rome are perpendicular to the magnetic ley line running through Rome. This is a match to both flags when the X on the Vatican flag is turned to make a + (cross). Turned to the left, the crown would point toward Geneva/Paris, to the right, the crown would point toward Cairo. Rome is mid-way between Geneva and Sicily. Sicily being the core of the Black Hand (mafia.. money laundering.. ). Each is on the opposite side of the vertical bisection through Rome, forming two sides (like the 2 sides of the Vatican flag), which could represent the 2 sides of the false dichotomy upon which the ruling controllers' organization is built (2 sides of the same coin - light/dark; seen/unseen). Can't all be coincidental.

Someone who has more than Paint could do a better graphic i'm sure, but it shows the basic idea.

This basic concept strikes me as one anons instinctively agree on but not sure exactly how many connections have been nailed down.


8193a9  No.5437634

8f4664  No.5437635

File: 8639210f3074369⋯.jpg (131.04 KB, 836x317, 836:317, 114jewmurders.jpg)

File: 094c584ede3f65a⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 480x308, 120:77, jew_mk_killers.jpg)

b717c2  No.5437636

To the jerkoff in last bread, you still have a very small mind. Your thought process would be that of a 29yr old retarded or thought impaired mommas boy basement dweller…FUCK OFF!

bd5878  No.5437638

File: 7698fa8985d6e93⋯.png (211.49 KB, 522x352, 261:176, sodmmt.png)

File: e4e4d405beaff1b⋯.png (529.77 KB, 999x871, 999:871, TPAW1.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

a3b045  No.5437639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jonathan Turley Educates Democrats On Trump's National Emergency Powers "Elections Have Consequences"

ce9ec1  No.5437640

File: 8cc84941f9dafab⋯.jpeg (34.76 KB, 477x293, 477:293, E14751A8-A912-4A56-BBEE-7….jpeg)

afa624  No.5437641

File: 1f0eddf27f2f132⋯.png (441.57 KB, 651x912, 217:304, 7b0fcfc132c5bdff19d364f7ec….png)


As well as the psyops or Information Operations carried out by the nation state militaries and intelligence agencies in undeclared conflicts, the public has had decades of exposure in peacetime to unperceived influence technologies employed by the advertising industry. When psychology professor Wilson Bryan Key documented the ubiquitous use of subliminal technologies in both advertising and editorial media content back in the 1980s, the industry made a significant and sophisticated effort to deny, distract and confuse the public about the issue. Advertising Age, the leading trade publication, attacked Key in a frontpage article, labelling him a dirty-minded crank obsessed with imaginary obscenities in media and trotting out a legion of paid experts to dispute, discredit and ultimately dismiss the possibility subliminal embeds were ever widely used in advertising or could ever hope to be effective.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning and social engineering. It is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior. The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the course and direction of future scientific, economic and moral evolution. Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity.

Since Key’s day, fMRI and ingenious experiments by behavioral economists like Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely and many others have confirmed in a multitude of ways that habits, hunches, and conditioned responses is responsible for almost all non-formal human decision making. Even complex, procedural logic driven human decision-making has an intuitive component, which anyone involved with the advertising, market research or media content production knows. For this reason, tactics and technologies which reliably influence the unconscious component of mind are highly developed. National, regional and local media are freighted with sounds, symbols and images, unperceived messages targeting consumer’s unconscious, to be retained and held in memory to influence future decision-making. As Key put it, “In spite of the evidence presented in this book, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is now driving every larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors. “

5d4a9c  No.5437642

File: 564c5d787704cd1⋯.jpg (241.09 KB, 929x605, 929:605, RiChol1.jpg)

File: e6cd66532783ff4⋯.jpg (278.31 KB, 939x577, 939:577, RiChol2.jpg)

File: 3c8e09384a34e3e⋯.jpg (96.96 KB, 710x331, 710:331, RiChol3.jpg)

File: 3b20b15c6053025⋯.jpg (74.89 KB, 1057x454, 1057:454, RiChol4.jpg)

File: a51f56f14bedd80⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 480x339, 160:113, north-koreas-minister-for-….jpg)

>>5432381 6944 Not able

>Dig on [P] + KJU = Who is Behind The Scenes?

Here's Kim's handler & gatekeeper to the Swiss accounts. In the NK delegation to Vietnam.

Looking at it from the outside, could be difficult to achieve anything worthwhile with him in the picture.





da8cd9  No.5437643

File: 82cd7fdde2fb5c3⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 970x647, 970:647, schittyourpants.jpg)

588535  No.5437644

File: df9cd560f2073a8⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 802x197, 802:197, tokenism.JPG)

New radical left word of the year. "Tokenism"

The favorite trick of the commies- bastardizing language for dominance

65fede  No.5437645

File: 78d7a41681602a6⋯.png (509.34 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

3fb886  No.5437646


My thoughts on AJ. Obviously born into this. Has extreme autist mind. Has been led astray and done a lot of his own self sabotage. Maybe he has been fed bad shit to spread - wether he knows it or not is another story. However, there is no denying he knows a whole fucking lot of truth too. It’s a matter of sorting the good from the bad. I think this whole recent affair has been a real wake up call for him.

5b2e75  No.5437647

File: a12086236637fc2⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 310x319, 310:319, jewremphan.jpg)

Any anons here ever been the victim of jewish supremacy in the work environment???

I have had the displeasure of working alongside several members of the long nosed tribe. I've not met a more manipulative, black hearted group in my life. They exhibited a level of dedication to being underhandedly divisive that was unlike anything I had ever encountered and took me several years to realize what was actually happening. It was as if they had some kind of genetic head start at being evil. Thousands of years of practice???

wondering if anyone can relate

i am far and beyond giving a flying fuck about anyone wanting to call me racist at this point. i've walked this earth for quite a while, and at this age, with this many occurrences, i do not think it is a coincidence. something is fucking deeply, deeply wrong with these people.

b073ff  No.5437648


Q hasn't been 40,000 ft in forever.

Excuse me for wanting to learn about interdimensional elves!

d579ee  No.5437649

File: 3d5aaee4c327230⋯.jpeg (39.81 KB, 400x467, 400:467, Fetal tissue Isaias Hilla….jpeg)

File: b325e312a2dd033⋯.jpeg (47.93 KB, 600x287, 600:287, Fetal tissue Isaias Bros ….jpeg)

File: 7924c5d2a61a116⋯.jpg (278.9 KB, 1406x1142, 703:571, Fetal tissue Planned Paren….jpg)

File: 4c267cecfe6bf4b⋯.jpg (520.81 KB, 810x1782, 5:11, Planned Parenthood fetal.jpg)

bd5878  No.5437650

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

File: b037e8f762220a0⋯.png (418.15 KB, 629x499, 629:499, ji.png)

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

8c72ad  No.5437651


I know…KEK Had a coworker who gets me - give me this mug.

c9af7a  No.5437652

File: d5300572664edef⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FFB020B9-D0D6-41F3-A715-15….png)


d8a9a9  No.5437653

File: 4b048dbf767b20c⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 768x1200, 16:25, 4b048dbf767b20c4786c11e877….jpg)

da8cd9  No.5437654


Happy for Canadian Frens, but kind of pissed we didn't jail the cabal first.

e03f99  No.5437655


Lots of opinions however Congress controls the purse. If we are going to do things right then we need to abide by the separation of powers.

d82ccd  No.5437656

File: f0842e67ba20d2b⋯.png (198.11 KB, 357x442, 21:26, TRUDEAUHEAD_alpha.png)

File: 1220813beb4d978⋯.png (878.53 KB, 914x1448, 457:724, ClipboardImage.png)

da0e9a  No.5437657

File: aa07e10179636f5⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 534x712, 3:4, 10958204_10152632449705588….jpg)

ae9540  No.5437658

File: 0dd63a91fd54db0⋯.jpg (110.19 KB, 1075x800, 43:32, IMG_6066.JPG)

File: 2cd0cf1fa5fce57⋯.jpg (241.05 KB, 1600x990, 160:99, IMG_6068.JPG)

File: d148512e62e9ca8⋯.jpg (190.58 KB, 1080x1346, 540:673, IMG_6071.JPG)

71e826  No.5437659


lost it

6ba3c1  No.5437660


got a vector on it now?

b073ff  No.5437661



he's not always right, but he's definitely red pilled many. net positive imho

13b1a0  No.5437662

If I had a Tweeter acc., I'd send James Woods a tweet ..

"Jump in the Q pool James… The water is fine "

157c4f  No.5437663


follow famefags at one's own peril

proceed with extreme skepticism

57dba4  No.5437664

251fee  No.5437665

File: 826155efb3a02e8⋯.png (182.26 KB, 500x522, 250:261, bey.png)

Yes we do all of those things. That is the Great Awakening.

However, where is the part where we allow liars who sold a lie that led to millions of deaths off, let him namefag, and pretend he is /ourguy/ tho?

83750e  No.5437666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Delivers Remarks to Troops

dbb186  No.5437667


nice deflection, there.


you don't want a gatekeeper 40,000 ft.

at least you wouldn't, if honest.

bd5878  No.5437668

File: 161fd0b714606de⋯.png (313.71 KB, 333x474, 111:158, jesussavesyou2.png)

File: bfc7e6d1a6e40f5⋯.gif (205.32 KB, 333x455, 333:455, mmmmcc.gif)

File: 33199a152d603fd⋯.png (171.84 KB, 649x365, 649:365, hjhimmy.png)

File: c3b4a49214e174b⋯.png (365.81 KB, 444x446, 222:223, soonbyz.png)

d317a3  No.5437669


Hire black racist

Do not hire-racist

Which is that, i am so confused..

Looking and smiling -racist

Not looking-racist

We need a clear etiquette

c9af7a  No.5437670

File: e2b7f98d36fd331⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 7E2E4CC3-9CA0-4C39-91FE-AE….png)


d2eea4  No.5437671

File: 758f00d1c6d1600⋯.png (30.4 KB, 597x213, 199:71, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: President Trump and Kin Jong Un will reportedly continue to discuss significant improvements in bilateral relations - Yonha


001aa7  No.5437672


Sorry. But I'm just not seeing the connection.

A little explanation would be helpful.

44bfc7  No.5437673


Oy Vey!

17c26e  No.5437674

"Damon Decree Sr. said while he was shocked to learn his estranged wife and daughter were charged with killing his son and four other family members, he wasn’t surprised that something strange was going on in their home

“From my niece, apparently they had dissected into some type of cult that they materialized online,” he told the news station. “I don’t know how, what kind of cult. And they were talking about demons being all around them.”


d2eea4  No.5437675


kin? that's what they said

760dc3  No.5437676


Go fuck yourself. POTUS has statutory authority to use funds already appropriated. Now go fuck yourself again.

8769aa  No.5437677


It went dark at 2900 and it looks like it went into March AFB CA

9e2224  No.5437678

File: 44a33cd48fa8d3f⋯.png (32.65 KB, 517x238, 517:238, ClipboardImage.png)




cryo services…

Ahh shiet.

38a471  No.5437679


and he's even wearing a scarf.. awesome

6190c7  No.5437680

File: 0c27703f095fa1a⋯.jpg (58.96 KB, 500x375, 4:3, crazywall (1).jpg)

File: e534485ec42b98b⋯.jpg (50.12 KB, 500x281, 500:281, crazywall (2).jpg)



I tried. Cannot decipher via for the claimed headline regarding BO go order, but I did find a lot of confirmation of the Swiss-are-running-NK theory from last night. (Which I now suspect more strongly is why all the shills flooded the board at that point.)

afa624  No.5437681

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Goodbye voidoids.


ae9540  No.5437682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Piggies love cowbell

c391c0  No.5437683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



76c6b9  No.5437684


not adding up…

76c783  No.5437685


make it a double up the ass fuck yourself

760dc3  No.5437686


Thanks to this bullshit my Hulu bill went up 15%. Fuckers.

251fee  No.5437687

File: d4b767e1a0e4035⋯.jpg (66.69 KB, 392x392, 1:1, pedos .jpg)


was for

>>5437578 (20) posts already…see where you end up

b073ff  No.5437688


Why do you not want the people to know about interdimensional elves?

f7d754  No.5437689


So many logical fallacies in Tlaibs statement..

c107a1  No.5437690

File: db1bf58a06352b5⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1096x1890, 548:945, snclavalin1.png)

File: b0e91a28fe60e9c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1272x1380, 106:115, snclavalin2.png)

File: 5217d159c0d6d2d⋯.png (93.56 KB, 1278x518, 639:259, snclavalin3.png)






















[crimes against children]

98d698  No.5437691

File: 090889959da22ca⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1460x1810, 146:181, ClipboardImage.png)

3fb886  No.5437692


I think so too. Unfortunately that whole borderline insanity thing he’s got going on can be a bit detrimental!

da8cd9  No.5437693

File: ca1cc8bb180a211⋯.png (31.09 KB, 657x651, 219:217, grinningpepe.png)

377dd2  No.5437694

File: 997d723a6195245⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BIG - TOM HANKS.jpg)

8f4664  No.5437695

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, 001Q_goy_warning.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, 0001Q_goy_warning.jpg)

52ccc4  No.5437696


>Hint that they are related?

There is a reflection in the picture

Similar to what Q posted from NOKO

249444  No.5437697

File: f91d80dd2fba0ea⋯.jpg (255.86 KB, 579x458, 579:458, 2019-02-28_08-26-56.jpg)

a1087f  No.5437698

File: 96d512cec3b4bdf⋯.jpeg (206.17 KB, 750x393, 250:131, 5DD28F4C-6C77-4D69-BCE9-0….jpeg)


If she is so focused on race and thinks that race is the main things that’s going to define a persons traits, clearly she’s racist.

72e6f7  No.5437699

File: 972b07e829d7ba3⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 320x272, 20:17, christian bale.jpg)

dbb186  No.5437700


"muh no arrests" shills btfo

36f644  No.5437701


Your compass and square doesn't match up with your star of David now does it. This is not a defense of Jews,or speculation. It is purely a factual observation.

You are making a stretch to draw on your preconceived notions of your truth.

You should probably not do that.

760dc3  No.5437702


This is a woman who repeats what someone says in her ear piece.

afa624  No.5437704

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



bb81da  No.5437705

My mney was on al aweed, but i can see. The Swiss playing a role. >>5437680

b1b46a  No.5437706

Fat racist Oprah lost millions being the spokes person for weight watchers….I'm thrilled by this news because it proves even liberals aren't dumb enough to believe a fat racist that is fat can sell diet products..

Oprah Winfrey Loses $58M As Weight Watchers Stock Plummets $435 Million Since June


ed21d6  No.5437707


7500 = hijacking. POTUS still in the air.

760dc3  No.5437708



b073ff  No.5437709


maybe that's how he's survived so long.

say the truth in a crazy way for plausible deniability

3fb886  No.5437710


Because he is one

e03f99  No.5437711

File: 52f1a238f2faede⋯.jpeg (35.87 KB, 900x900, 1:1, djt41020.jpeg)


In the backdrop of the Hanoi summit, and as U.S-China trade negotiations continue, the Trump administration suspended the implementation of the March 1st tariff increase on Chinese goods. Unfortunately, attaining this goal may have empowered a cunning Chairman Xi Jinping to influence the demands of DPRK Chairman Kim.

A covert influence connection will become clear if President Trump now takes an even more firm trade and tariff position toward China. We’ll keep watching closely.

Chairman Xi may have won this round, but we can expect an angered and strategic President Trump to hit back twice as hard.

source: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/02/28/no-deal-president-trump-holds-a-press-conference-prior-to-departing-hanoi-vietnam/

ae9540  No.5437712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No homo

175db0  No.5437713

File: 60c12649bf296a0⋯.png (728.35 KB, 755x810, 151:162, wut.png)


Anons, am I going crazy here or does the clock face on the creepy pedo island have a child engraving on it's face?

eeefde  No.5437714

Anon Me has an Autism :)

Pattern recognition AND pattern interpretation.

ENTER Daniel talking to God?

2 and 2 is 4.


760dc3  No.5437715


No, not hijacking. Test of system in case of hijacking.

251fee  No.5437716

File: 856b4b6bd3d8cbf⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 300x300, 1:1, shill.jpg)

Search posts of : bd5878 on this thread


d317a3  No.5437717


Dark angel, hmmm

4b05b1  No.5437718

File: 793efb9a806e9b2⋯.png (317.75 KB, 600x359, 600:359, allmywolves.png)

6ba3c1  No.5437719


ran to get field glasses in case it came to mir.

you see anything there I "watch".

8f4664  No.5437720

File: 33bc323ce4d6c90⋯.jpg (379.63 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, 1a2030d830292df98cde6b13c2….jpg)

File: 953b1e3d5c91ff7⋯.jpeg (38.9 KB, 400x451, 400:451, 953b1e3d5c91ff79fd308df69….jpeg)

File: 5c24fb5b47dd198⋯.jpg (253.08 KB, 1051x653, 1051:653, 36f58c9ab74581925976021791….jpg)

File: bd53f92ad938fde⋯.jpg (291.4 KB, 1002x1102, 501:551, saturnjews.jpg)

ae9540  No.5437721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rule 34

b1b46a  No.5437722

Tesla’s $920 Million Debt Payment Is Due Tomorrow


Tesla is due to pay nearly $1 billion in debt on Friday, a sum which could wipe out at least a quarter of the company’s cash.

CNBC reports that Elon Musk’s Tesla faces a debt repayment of $920 million due on Friday which could spell huge problems for the company. Regulatory filings show that the company has $920 million in convertible senior notes due on March 1 at a conversion price of $359.87 per share; Tesla’s shares haven’t traded above $359 for quite some time and closed at $297.86 on Tuesday making repayment through shares impossible.

If Tesla’s stock price was at $359.87 or higher, the debt repayment would be converted into Tesla stock and the company would not have to come up with $920 million in cash. In 2018, the company reported $3.69 billion in unrestricted cash and equivalents, if the company’s cash level is at a similar level, a $920 million hit will take up a significant amount of Tesla’s resources.

Former hedge fund manager Darius Brawn, who worked as a portfolio manager for Citadel, SAC and Sharpe Point, commented on Tesla’s situation, stating that if the company doesn’t sell a huge number of Model 3 vehicles next month they could be facing big problems: “If March doesn’t go gangbusters for Tesla they are in real trouble, especially without raising,” Brawn stated.

In a fourth-quarter shareholder letter, Tesla stated that it had “sufficient cash on hand to comfortably settle in cash our convertible bond that will mature in March 2019.” The company added that its cash position had improved by $1.45 billion in the second half of 2018 and expects a positive net income and cash flow “in every quarter beyond Q1 2019.”

But the company’s decreased capital expenditures throughout the year, which fell by 43 percent in 2018 to $2.32 billion, combined with pressure put on the firm to produce new technology by CEO Elon Musk who has promised a “full self-driving” Tesla by next year, places the firm under significant stress. On top of that, the firm pushed a $180 million Solar City debt forward to January and then April 2019 while agreeing to pay a higher interest rate to do so. On top of that, letters of credit rose 53 percent against Tesla in the second half of 2018 which is often a sign that vendors don’t believe a client can pay their bill.

It was also in January that Tesla announced it would be cutting seven percent of its workforce; in an email to employees, CEO Elon Musk stated:

Looking ahead at our mission of accelerating the advent of sustainable transport and energy, which is important for all life on Earth, we face an extremely difficult challenge: making our cars, batteries and solar products cost-competitive with fossil fuels. While we have made great progress, our products are still too expensive for most people.

The Chicago Tribune wrote that Wall Street analysts are “waking up from the dream” of Tesla. The article in the Tribune states:

The front of the Tesla Model 3 is seen Nov. 14, 2018, during its first exhibition day in Spain at the Tesla store in Barcelona. Wall Street analysts have said the company has not yet proven it can lose out on profitable premium sales and still function.

Elon Musk‘s electric-auto giant Tesla said Wednesday it has curbed production for some of its most expensive vehicles after its second mass layoff in seven months, fueling concern over the company’s ability to survive without making as many of the top-dollar cars that helped it become a household name.

Overall, Tesla is facing a rough week and an even tougher year.


3fb886  No.5437723


Hard to be that deep into shit and not lose your mind.

21ab4c  No.5437724


Per article Kav didnt vote

f94af3  No.5437725

Lol someone needs to embed this. Holy shit.


b073ff  No.5437726


Is the elf in the room with you right now?

760dc3  No.5437727


Also, likely Q post.

153265  No.5437728


Not showing up for me anymore

c9af7a  No.5437729


Mine went down in response to Netflix going up

$5.99 a month for Hulu now

59f867  No.5437730


The Connection is on the 27th the Red Stringer had the Red BHO Indictments (Go Order)

The 28th Linked to the Drop – Flushed Out – Completed – the Stringer tells you how to look at time stamps (coded) .. diff is 26:26

d69e68  No.5437731

File: ec710532e4cd074⋯.jpg (242.05 KB, 1020x713, 1020:713, Screenshot_189.jpg)

File: ae65761862f3260⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 741x357, 247:119, Screenshot_188.jpg)



1cd40e  No.5437732


We made a big mistake with this diversity stuff

5b2e75  No.5437733

File: 166c761e474ef22⋯.jpg (14.14 KB, 251x201, 251:201, shut up kike.jpg)

140e6c  No.5437734

Pakistan's prime minister warns of possible nuclear war with India


This dude looks like some western European, not Pakistani.. or?

3fb886  No.5437735


He’s in all our rooms right now

72e6f7  No.5437736

File: c3496938837ea21⋯.jpg (151.05 KB, 960x544, 30:17, c3496938837ea210322b2e8728….jpg)

175db0  No.5437737


Odd. On page 43 the is one redaction. The name of the one of the people who was shot and had a bullet recovered from their body is redacted. No other patron names are redacted except this one.

d39783  No.5437738

File: 063bf9942b86c80⋯.jpg (108.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2qj3e7.jpg)

File: a48ff71c05e8dce⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2qifx3.jpg)



It seems like the

Demoncrats would run

a toaster just to say

"Muh Diversity"

This is what you get

When you vote for

someone based solely

on their skin color/religion.

Sad bunch of bigots!

52ccc4  No.5437739

File: 0bdccfc4172ea67⋯.png (29.4 KB, 609x325, 609:325, Grisham re FLOTUS 2-28-19 ….PNG)


>Looking forward to visiting OK, WA and NV next week.

Next week @FLOTUS travels to 3 states to promote the 3 pillars of #BeBest


b717c2  No.5437740


Back alley door to 30 Rock.

Waiting for Latt Mauer’s old job sucking any dick of importance!! No Freebies

Word is the jerk off in last bread was seen getting sloppy seconds!

ff3e45  No.5437741

At this point you'd have to be some combination of stupid and desperate to think q is legitimate.

Sorry, folks. It really is just a LARP–and yes, if it's managing to confuse a whole lot of impressionable people, it's worth pointing out (and it's not actually 'shilling' to do so).

bb81da  No.5437742

Israel maybe? >>5437734

8769aa  No.5437743


>It went dark at 2900 and it looks like it went into March AFB CA

6702ff  No.5437744

Jake Tapper & panel, based on Cohen testimony, is convicting President Trump on 8 serious crimes, multiple counts, in the court of public opinion.

8995b9  No.5437745

File: 2b9a69e851b327e⋯.jpg (392.63 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….jpg)

e14a4f  No.5437746


it's a trap!!!

f202f1  No.5437747

File: d741e519fad1d5f⋯.jpg (351.63 KB, 877x500, 877:500, Nothing-Can-Stop-This.jpg)


A river of wolves…

b073ff  No.5437748



31edce  No.5437750

File: abab82eaa91a55c⋯.jpeg (246.65 KB, 740x492, 185:123, 8069F87F-C2A9-4705-8DD9-3….jpeg)

AOC represents the hypocrite party

ae9540  No.5437751

File: 131bdac1bb8fce5⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 328A126F-0EDF-4D69-BE0F-6C….jpg)


Rule 34, for example, refers to the ubiquity of pornography online: “There is porn of it. No exceptions.” Then, Rule 35 follows up: “The exception to rule #34 is the citation of rule #34.” Other rules of the internet are misogynistic or provocative in nature.

65fede  No.5437752

File: 8bc2ac16686932a⋯.png (1 MB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

760dc3  No.5437753


I see a face too, but don't know if it's really there. We humans really see faces, even when they're not present. Instinct/self preservation, I suppose.

76c6b9  No.5437754



156a0a  No.5437755


>>5437734 Pakistan's prime minister warns of possible nuclear war with India.

>>5437731 Cohoes Mayor indicted for using campaign contributions for his personal benefit.

>>5437423 One ton of meth, heroin seized at Tijuana airport.

>>5437413 Owners of company that bought aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood are arrested.

>>5437613 Trump associate issues scathing response after Congresswoman calls her a “prop.”

>>5437546 Oscar winning composer André Previn has reportedly died at the age of 89.

>>5437510 Planefag: Squawk 7500: hijack or flight interference.

>>5437363, >>5437616, >>5437690 Jeffrey Peterson is tweeting that Justin Trudeau is going down because of NXIVM; associated dig.

>>5437543 Minister George Eustice quits over possible Brexit delay.

>>5437518 Pompeo: Crimea is Ukraine.

>>5437496 All of Gaeta's text messages were completely redacted.

>>5437302, >>5437421, >>5437487 More hits on Q re: conspiracy angle.

>>5437397 Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan.

>>5437375 Melania going to OK, WA & NV to promote her Be Best initiative.

>>5437310 James Wood throwing up a Q?

d39783  No.5437756



dubb dubbs


Thats a lot of


laundered that

cash over to China

already….Thanx tax payers.

d2eea4  No.5437757

File: 1b5a30d821493b1⋯.png (27.89 KB, 597x220, 597:220, ClipboardImage.png)


7501d0  No.5437758

File: e5ba1861837babb⋯.jpg (524.43 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, o7.jpg)

760dc3  No.5437759


And no Hussein to toss him a billion bucks again. kek

334065  No.5437760

File: d58312af7dba91f⋯.png (281.39 KB, 634x652, 317:326, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

Hostage Situation Involving Children Unfolding In Smyrna, Georgia, Police Say

SMYRNA, Georgia — A hostage situation involving young children was unfolding in Cobb County Thursday afternoon. A woman has also reportedly escaped.

The incident was playing out at an apartment complex near Huntington Trace and Church Road.


4996fe  No.5437761


This needs to be weaponized.

afa624  No.5437762


the man



How AW's laptop leapt up and landed in evidence.

840191  No.5437763


Dafuk? Have you even seen pussy? That aint roast beast btw.. you dumb virginfag

36f644  No.5437764


Did you not read what i wrote?

No,of course you didn't.

I factually described that the compass andsquare do not align with the recognized name for a 6 point star. The angle of the square is completely wrong. The compa points are way longer than what is necessary to make your comparison accurate.

You failed.

9e2224  No.5437765

File: 715f35cdf6f5763⋯.png (201.76 KB, 1118x617, 1118:617, ClipboardImage.png)


Look what comes up to the right when I do a search on DDG for "interdimensional elves"

294eda  No.5437766


f060d5  No.5437767

File: 718283a38945b16⋯.jpg (10.81 KB, 255x152, 255:152, 93fb3586bd8f1b777d81c96c04….jpg)

b073ff  No.5437768

giving up on space travel and focusing on interdimensional travel via drug use kinda enforces the flat earth idea (in the context of it's not a globe rotating through space, but rather a realm we live within and the only travel is interdimensional). Didn't Tesla say we lived in a realm?

d82ccd  No.5437769


Maybe we can start basing congress on Merit like the immigration system proposed by POTUS.

Be a good start.

01c195  No.5437770

File: 667064869e9c537⋯.png (176.78 KB, 1030x625, 206:125, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

72e6f7  No.5437771


Geez. C'mon guys. Slow it down. Venezuela now Crimea. God be with you Kansas.

afa624  No.5437772


nailed it.

294eda  No.5437773


6702ff  No.5437774

BAKER. Please make a post when New Bread is baked. Thank you.

31edce  No.5437775


Here we go

ae9540  No.5437776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gorlami remixed

b073ff  No.5437777


if we created a matrix, why go through the trouble of putting it on a rotating sphere?

why not just have it be a sandbox like video games?

36f644  No.5437778



I saw and corrected

f202f1  No.5437779



3a96d5  No.5437780

File: 56af35abb0e07ad⋯.png (1003.12 KB, 1024x760, 128:95, obama_isis[1].png)

38a471  No.5437781


(((we))) made a big mistake? Or (((we))) did some shit on purpose that is totally paying off?

72e6f7  No.5437782


not mine.

760dc3  No.5437783


Wow, from our board to their tweets. We really are the news now.

294eda  No.5437784


Wasted 7's

8f4664  No.5437785

File: f554f79cff7082b⋯.png (109.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, d2974cce44625.png)


>You failed.

b2eec7  No.5437786


She's being forced to push an issue that she doesn't believe in? When confronted with specifics, she draws a blank.

57dba4  No.5437787


this one was all about China

760dc3  No.5437788


What a waste

b733ef  No.5437789

File: 34a8677e31f0218⋯.jpg (62 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2umuav.jpg)

156a0a  No.5437790


>>5437683 POTUS delivers remarks to the troops. (video)

>>5437760 Hostage situation involving children unfolding in Smyrna, Georgia, Police say.

>>5437757 US Govt. offering $1 mil reward for finding OBL's son.

>>5437734 Pakistan's prime minister warns of possible nuclear war with India.

>>5437731 Cohoes Mayor indicted for using campaign contributions for his personal benefit.

>>5437423 One ton of meth, heroin seized at Tijuana airport.

>>5437413 Owners of company that bought aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood are arrested.

>>5437613 Trump associate issues scathing response after Congresswoman calls her a “prop.”

>>5437546 Oscar winning composer André Previn has reportedly died at the age of 89.

>>5437510 Planefag: Squawk 7500: hijack or flight interference.

>>5437363, >>5437616, >>5437690 Jeffrey Peterson is tweeting that Justin Trudeau is going down because of NXIVM; associated dig.

>>5437543 Minister George Eustice quits over possible Brexit delay.

>>5437518 Pompeo: Crimea is Ukraine.

>>5437496 All of Gaeta's text messages were completely redacted.

>>5437302, >>5437421, >>5437487 More hits on Q re: conspiracy angle.

>>5437397 Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan.

>>5437375 Melania going to OK, WA & NV to promote her Be Best initiative.

>>5437310 James Wood throwing up a Q?

d2eea4  No.5437791

afa624  No.5437792


Their C3 breaking down?

strain of improv?

73dcd8  No.5437793

James woods tweeted


eeefde  No.5437794


I am not 5 years old.

times 11 minus 1.

not a young buck… yet.


4b05b1  No.5437795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0b639b  No.5437796

File: 749a0347a5a122d⋯.png (136.35 KB, 269x321, 269:321, Screenshot_2019-02-28 Q Re….png)

20e6df  No.5437797

NWO was already implemented WW over the 100 or so years.

It is now just being unwrapped!

Jesus is the way!

1cd40e  No.5437798


Do we just annhiliate whichever country first drops a nuke pour encourager les autres?

b717c2  No.5437799




Get it!

It’s just a distraction. Main event is coming this weekend. Fri afternoon newsdumps are awesome and enlightening

81f3b3  No.5437800

File: cc5fd9a07d1f756⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 371x241, 371:241, shills_are_alive.jpg)

Over the target - shilling on an upswing lately.

6190c7  No.5437801

File: f22bc880e7ff18f⋯.png (353.02 KB, 500x681, 500:681, ClipboardImage.png)



65fede  No.5437803


Ask CNN they prolly know

d07464  No.5437804


Kinda like Ray Charles pitching flashlights.

b8ee19  No.5437806

In our attempts

at multiplication

of division


and subtraction

may we ever endeavor

to know

and treasure

that inner space

of divinity

where prosperity

progress and altruism

smile brightly

on the intentional



reminding us

that dinosaurs


roamed freely

it is said

that the fruits

of the labors

of the faithful

are exemplified

in the colors

of imagination

and as gardener

and painter




may the call

of the wild

move swiftly


your fields

of destiny

laughing in the rain

crying for freedom


the dance

of universal


9e2224  No.5437807

File: a7d092f5cc18d37⋯.png (111.97 KB, 1076x495, 1076:495, ClipboardImage.png)



5 hours ago "why did the stock drop 27%?" no mention of castro jr…

then the news drops. how funny.

249444  No.5437808


Arch Angel Uriel

d69e68  No.5437809

File: 1840296debd57c6⋯.jpg (268.39 KB, 1073x765, 1073:765, Screenshot_190.jpg)

"… The indictment, returned by a grand jury last month, details Huawei’s efforts to steal trade secrets from Bellevue, Washington based T-Mobile USA and then obstruct justice when T-Mobile threatened to sue Huawei in U.S. District Court in Seattle…"


8995b9  No.5437810



8f4664  No.5437811

File: 27e0bd365710ea3⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 418x336, 209:168, shill.jpg)

760dc3  No.5437812

ae9540  No.5437813

File: cc054331c91760e⋯.jpg (49.76 KB, 630x599, 630:599, B1A75DCF-ED68-4820-9593-F4….jpg)

File: b961f45b3d700f6⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 680x486, 340:243, E9E8968C-48E1-4CDE-A0A6-AD….jpg)

36f644  No.5437814


Dude. We get it. You hate Jews,and you're not alone.

I personally could give a fuck.

db7f11  No.5437815

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



6d1018  No.5437816

File: 08d2891823c78bd⋯.png (618.58 KB, 773x1296, 773:1296, Hamburger_blank.png)

File: e50b2bc1824066f⋯.png (626 KB, 773x1296, 773:1296, Hamburger3.png)

1cd40e  No.5437817

I blame the holocaust story tbh

44bfc7  No.5437818

File: 1a222fe006b7596⋯.jpg (209.12 KB, 754x1521, 58:117, 5567-v.jpg)


2019 American Legion coin

db7f11  No.5437819

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

81f3b3  No.5437820


We were warned about these FF events.

db7f11  No.5437821

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

db7f11  No.5437822

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

7e8dcf  No.5437823

File: a587fd875cfa858⋯.jpg (9.86 KB, 168x300, 14:25, download (7).jpg)


There is a face.

8f4664  No.5437824


>I personally could give a fuck.

Then you are complicit in their rape and consumption of our children.

Fuck you baby killer.

322fb1  No.5437825


Could someone make it more obvious they've never seen a pussy in real life kek

c83b3a  No.5437826

File: d2954bcc3d73990⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 423x359, 423:359, d2954bcc3d739909d4147533a3….jpg)


So midichlorians? KEK

ae739d  No.5437827


Wouldn't have believed it a real tweet & yet it is!

Woods is shopping 4twitter bots w/this tweet.

5614c5  No.5437828

File: 49c89832d5bd75c⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1358x2048, 679:1024, Screenshot_20190228-163130.png)


afa624  No.5437829


also a bit of a necromancer


a68622  No.5437830



760dc3  No.5437831

File: eb4c5ca2ff9d25b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1140x856, 285:214, ClipboardImage.png)


Third Temple Entrance Coin (1/2 Sheckel)

e03f99  No.5437832


and if BHO used funds to implement global warming initiatives you'd be ok with that?

maybe try to think this one through, what happens with the next President, or the one after that, if you don't like their priorities?

the purse belongs to Congress whether you like it or not.

eeefde  No.5437833

Y'all have this CRAP view of life (statement)

LEARN interpretation?



31edce  No.5437834

File: 02017b5310e8bcf⋯.jpeg (448.03 KB, 746x1184, 373:592, 7DB7EC1D-07D1-4199-ACA7-9….jpeg)


No worries, they trained for this

72e6f7  No.5437835


That pic certainly doesn't look like any pussy i've ever seen.

fdea14  No.5437836

50 dollar hamburgers served on real plates don’t count.

d0a06e  No.5437837


Pretty harsh to Dom DeLuise!

5f9027  No.5437838

How it works is you post the James Woods profile pic from Twitter along with Tough Guy copy pasta in the caption, then attribute the quote to William Shatner. Then everything falls into place.

760dc3  No.5437839


The fuck do you think Hussein did with $800B +, numbnuts? Have you ever had an original thought in your shilly little life?

294eda  No.5437840

File: c12f08789346de8⋯.jpg (8.29 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 6abdc3327ff4ae0dcde3b6b28a….jpg)


bout time the Pepe Lee had a comeback

9e2224  No.5437841

File: e81d1f66e868c8f⋯.png (292.32 KB, 1063x543, 1063:543, ClipboardImage.png)

574dfb  No.5437842

3f78b2  No.5437843


Its Sid.

eb4936  No.5437844


Mark my words, when the shtf Flotus will be the Comforter in Chief

d8a9a9  No.5437845


WTF? Pompeo is repeating the DS talking points. Hopefully this is just smoke and mirrors, kind of like the missile strikes on Syria after the "chemical attack"

37189c  No.5437846

File: b55a07ccc30b383⋯.jpg (274.27 KB, 1053x967, 1053:967, 20nxmap.jpg)


Don't know if it's at all related, but Cohoes is within 15-20 minutes of NXIVM headquarters and Nancy Salzman's home…..

156a0a  No.5437847


Check for it.

d39783  No.5437848

File: 42dc18a03047874⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2s6apo.jpg)



KEK…Of course they



59f867  No.5437849

File: 3a7ad0a32b0486c⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2624x1794, 1312:897, 022819_3BHOb.jpg)


Feb 27, 2:58:32AM — Go Order — Arrest BHO

Feb 28, 5:25:18AM — BHO Arrested?

(Modified to make Clearer)

574dfb  No.5437850


Just saw it. My bad.

52ccc4  No.5437851

File: d10e25ad9a794ae⋯.png (62.75 KB, 601x519, 601:519, PM re JWoods Q 2-28-19.PNG)

File: 98314f6ab2fb65b⋯.png (193.86 KB, 714x904, 357:452, Archive PM re JWoods Q 2-2….PNG)


Preying Medic insinuating James Woods is Q?

twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1101232947070328832 [archive.is/6Hidr]

68255e  No.5437852

Fox News reporting court is unsealing Steele deposition

72e6f7  No.5437853



He didn't get hanged.

afa624  No.5437854

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

boom, BooM, BOOM.

1cd40e  No.5437855

File: e5aa45113501c6b⋯.jpeg (674.91 KB, 1175x940, 5:4, 9E325811-CD94-441F-962C-E….jpeg)

156a0a  No.5437856


No worries, that bun is getting unwieldy.

322fb1  No.5437857

File: a9976e5327dbc64⋯.png (356 KB, 500x495, 100:99, Kek2.png)

22e59a  No.5437858


Anons killed him, but took no photos

and then dumped him in the ocean

per islamic traditions

can we still get our $1 mill..

we did the job.. honest

a58e9f  No.5437859


Saber rattling.

As predictable as the sunrise.

0ccc67  No.5437860


On CNN if he stays in "news"casting.

65fede  No.5437861

File: 848491ff7bafd6c⋯.png (633.92 KB, 534x712, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

da0e9a  No.5437862

File: 09f7734fbe6d8be⋯.png (335.96 KB, 592x392, 74:49, ClipboardImage.png)

48e2aa  No.5437863

File: d5745be2de643a3⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 474x266, 237:133, kwf.jpg)


When it's just a liddle too far out of reach to get eyes on.

8f4664  No.5437864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


0faed8  No.5437865


We didn’t think the timing of this incident was just a coincidence, right? Kek

Oh, and every.single.time

e14a4f  No.5437866


what you don't understand is that congress gave that up long ago… now if they come with a bill to stop ALL NE's I'd bet POTUS would sign it… he doesn't need the NE he has enough funds before he even gets to the NE part… there is a long plan here somwhere

a50e4f  No.5437867


AOC and amazing line of questioning?

Schiff (and probably others) met with Cohen before his testimony.

It's not hard to write up a line of questions for the socialist if you know what Cohen is going to say.

30e8db  No.5437868

POTUS fly's 20 hours each way literately half way around the world at an enormous expense to tax payers only to say no deal.

Who believes that?

What was the real purpose of the trip?

POTUS would not waste our money, there has to be something going on that we do not know about.

This trip was a cover, but for what exactly?

c98ce9  No.5437869


>all this negative attention from the media is actually bringing more people here

yeah, makes me worry this whole thing is a gambit of some kind, a pressure valve for the growing rage of family-values America, and not really the great crusade for justice we so badly need

inb4 "shill"

6ba3c1  No.5437870

File: 54bef37244082ef⋯.jpg (15.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Dukes of kek.jpg)

ebf7af  No.5437871

File: 2d48188cf5ed5ee⋯.png (484.72 KB, 684x488, 171:122, thanks!.png)



ty for the search!

only idea i have is can we limit the number of search results so the results load faster on older systems?

588535  No.5437872

Fox News reporting unsealing of Steele deposition from a defamation suit against Buzzfeed. The Steele depo is said to have info about who, what, where, how and when about the dossier.

I didn't know there was any depo of him! Should be great reading

858bb8  No.5437873

File: edc5a17c12de3da⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

IT IS COMING . . . .


db8c7f  No.5437874

>>5437412 BO is not a sitting President, this must be three years ago.

061f0a  No.5437875


confirmed pedophile.

760dc3  No.5437876


I think he means he's ready for the Q movie after the dust settles, starring Woods. I really hope that's what he means, because pm is straining credulity at this point.

36f644  No.5437877


I am complicit in nothing.

To say that someone not acting to end known wrongs would make everyone on the planet "complicit".

That is not the definition .

com·plic·itDictionary result for complicit



involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.

This is the definition.

Go fuck yourself

7501d0  No.5437878


James has been coming here for some time for sure. Don't doubt it at all.

820760  No.5437879

File: 6e4552dfe49df48⋯.jpeg (27.16 KB, 480x431, 480:431, DVPRfamXcAEn5z9.jpeg)



Gotta bring out the OG in honor of this historic event. Soy boy is gonna get slapped alright.


157c4f  No.5437880

File: 6c034f08f1a0dc1⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 493x302, 493:302, CaptureRlarp.JPG)


so that's the play, eh LIZard?

294eda  No.5437881



760dc3  No.5437882


From England? Where he admitted the raw intel is 50/50 in the dossier? sweet

9e2224  No.5437883

File: e0025d4f439d6ea⋯.png (279.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

077ef1  No.5437884

>>5437118 lb


this Michael Gaeta?

c98ce9  No.5437885

File: f9817210f6cb0bd⋯.png (280.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm shocked.

a50e4f  No.5437886

File: 432bf890174bbe7⋯.png (413.71 KB, 628x868, 157:217, ClipboardImage.png)

65fede  No.5437887

File: 71dc671c58dab2a⋯.png (4.53 MB, 1733x1877, 1733:1877, ClipboardImage.png)

b073ff  No.5437888


interdimensional elves

8f4664  No.5437889

File: b3d51bc06558d21⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 500x357, 500:357, jew_son_shekels.jpg)




Then eat shit kike.

d07464  No.5437890

File: f5a6ad0ee4cb2ff⋯.png (715.44 KB, 1003x616, 1003:616, ClipboardImage.png)

d3f28c  No.5437891

File: 600a380678ce2bd⋯.jpg (76.71 KB, 768x768, 1:1, DarjCUjVwAAtFOU.jpg)

Reminder that the NFA ban on sawed off shotguns was upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1939 case United States v. Miller, using the justification that sawed off shotguns were not weapons of war and therefore had nothing to do with the operational support of a militia and were therefore not protected by the 2nd amendment.

Which would logically mean that any legislation drafted with the justification of "take these weapons of war off our streets" is inherently unconstitutional, yet somehow no one ever acknowledges this….

c83b3a  No.5437892

File: 5b66eb6203d5e6c⋯.jpeg (155.8 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 8ac87ec33bef870fe22b7e2fb….jpeg)


The world is agitated, and agitated people get stressed, and do strange and dangerous things, especially if they've been traumatized with psychological warfare….. how stressful has just the news cycle been in the last week?

And the airpressures dropping, storms are brewing, and the planets frequency is getting faster…. fun, unseen and subconsciously perceived forces at work


The pressure is on

820760  No.5437893

File: 00ddcfbdc609d86⋯.png (356.79 KB, 438x418, 219:209, Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at ….png)


What's TOTAL CONTROL of The Narrative worth??

We are watching a movie.

afa624  No.5437894




Got a stash of aya concentrate - no legal for sacramental use, thanks to Jeffery Bronfman who was head of the Unio Vegetale - a Brazilian ayahuasca church devoted to vegetative intelligence.

0b639b  No.5437895

File: bbedb7887330897⋯.png (171.42 KB, 359x381, 359:381, trudeausuper.png)



68255e  No.5437896


Not sure it’s apart of a defamation suit against buzz feed

6ba3c1  No.5437897

File: c512df857ac0902⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 634x499, 634:499, still full of shit.jpg)

d8a9a9  No.5437898


You don't sound like someone who is here for the great awakening. Which begs the question, why are you here?

dbb186  No.5437899


Gathering comms,

Tricking China, Israel (pakistan - venezuela) into making moves,

Countering another assassination attempt,

Forcing the Cohen card to be played…


c9af7a  No.5437900


Hahaha went to one of those in my town! What a JOKE!!!!! Lamest and most boring class of my life!!!!!

8f4664  No.5437901

File: ecfe0bc10935511⋯.jpg (458.43 KB, 800x678, 400:339, giddy_up.jpg)

588535  No.5437902

>>5437872 <<<<←——– this is part of the 21 days

e03f99  No.5437903


>At this point you'd have to be some combination of stupid and desperate to think q is legitimate.

Dude, I totally appreciate you coming here to point that out. Really. But now that you've made your point feel free to leave.

44756f  No.5437904

Reddit is down

760dc3  No.5437905


Sweet! Under oath twice! Sure hope he told the same story!

76c783  No.5437906


there's much we don't know right now but in days, BOOM< BOOM< BOOM!

5d4a9c  No.5437907

File: cd79c82dc3edf95⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 557x542, 557:542, RiChol5.jpg)

File: d0b43cb04a75921⋯.jpg (83.59 KB, 767x590, 13:10, ES-Cuba.jpg)

File: 20158d41e7f89aa⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 642x360, 107:60, ES-NK.jpg)


Ri Su-yong went to Cuba last year less than one month after the Singapore summit and one month after Schmidt & Flake went to Cuba. NK sent 2 delegations to Cuba in a span of 2 months.



52ccc4  No.5437908


> I really hope that's what he means, because pm is straining credulity at this point

yes, he is

was leery of Praying Medic previous to him altering the Q drop and posting on his YT video

a3b045  No.5437909

File: 1e1e2622bc993a3⋯.jpg (280.45 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QOX News Shep Smith.jpg)

d3f28c  No.5437910

36f644  No.5437911


I am also not a "kike" or a Jew,or a semite.

You are having a bad day with your adjectives retard.

Learn vocabulary.

Come back when you learn not to project your guilt onto others.

48e2aa  No.5437912

File: 016d87fc21c943b⋯.jpg (28.11 KB, 640x440, 16:11, pepelock.jpg)


That would be called the Streisand effect, my dear Watson.

a8ee0f  No.5437914

>>5437310 so james woods and oswald patton…


574dfb  No.5437915


Your are correct

0ccc67  No.5437916


I find it unlikely that you must connect 8 posts for 1 happening.

76c783  No.5437917


Made me choke on my coffee! kek!

1d383a  No.5437918

File: 40de96001729233⋯.png (425.01 KB, 559x470, 559:470, 2018-12-20_22-21-03.png)

e0b9f1  No.5437920

File: 0c32b0f793037aa⋯.png (200.84 KB, 581x600, 581:600, Screenshot 2019-02-28_16-4….png)


820760  No.5437921

File: 86ccf5fff84e548⋯.jpg (37.34 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 86ccf5fff84e548371fe3c2e74….jpg)


Batter up!!!!

afa624  No.5437922



non stop MSM psyops are pushing many over the edge.

f202f1  No.5437923


What is it? I have embeds blocked.

8f4664  No.5437925

File: c5dfe81c131b40b⋯.png (259.04 KB, 618x635, 618:635, homenow.png)

File: 79dd474e01d2ca3⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 412x416, 103:104, libs.jpg)

156a0a  No.5437926

File: 917c7de6b37a241⋯.png (233.36 KB, 472x314, 236:157, ClipboardImage.png)



>The film is a pseudodocumentary purporting to be based on real events occurring in Nome, Alaska in 2000

73ad31  No.5437927




9e2224  No.5437928

File: d75ae8b62ca1ddb⋯.png (220.94 KB, 473x355, 473:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Caves and tunnels.

3f78b2  No.5437929

b717c2  No.5437930


Dude they are shills yer arguing with

760dc3  No.5437931


Gotta admit, I couldn't follow it. Gonna have to wait for the Serial Brain 2 vid to explain this to me. If the dude's right, he gets major bragging points tho

e0b9f1  No.5437932

File: a2f46493bddb015⋯.png (292.14 KB, 587x775, 587:775, Screenshot 2019-02-28_16-4….png)

File: b606e7375877a81⋯.mp4 (181.93 KB, 270x480, 9:16, D0hY0eTWsAE23ef.mp4)


61d682  No.5437933


PM is a boomer who thinks he’s a spy

8995b9  No.5437934

File: 189a9790b438e2d⋯.png (84.78 KB, 620x462, 310:231, tunneldim4.png)

File: 24d48192daaa6a1⋯.png (139.08 KB, 620x463, 620:463, tunneldim3.png)

50960f  No.5437935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Piggies love cowbell


e03f99  No.5437936

File: eec9ce12efb8931⋯.jpg (5.08 KB, 318x159, 2:1, gay.jpg)



You guys are hilarious. Keep whining like children. Just because you want something to be, or just because something stopped being the way it was supposed to be, doesn't make me wrong. In point of fact, you've proved my point. Thanks.

PS - I lifted this pick off your phone.

8f4664  No.5437937

File: 1d3248d6733511b⋯.jpg (690.49 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, its_thm.jpg)

File: 63fdd10eb21dc9e⋯.jpg (443.11 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, rub.jpg)

File: e678040deef7023⋯.jpg (620.95 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, trick.jpg)

File: c39434cf30f0764⋯.jpg (546.97 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, tricky.jpg)

c2e716  No.5437938

File: 1b48065bc16be26⋯.png (209.89 KB, 269x387, 269:387, ClipboardImage.png)

4b05b1  No.5437939


Alphabet numbered 1-9

B = 2

E = 5

B = 2

E = 5

S = 1

T = 2

Sum total = 17

36f644  No.5437940


The great awaking happened for me a very long time ago.

Some of you believe that the great awaking means hate Jews.

You are fucked in the head.

Continue to hate Jews if you wish. Despite what Q has told you.

b733ef  No.5437941

File: 9ad645f6b8c81a5⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 500x838, 250:419, 2uwi2t.jpg)

6ba3c1  No.5437942

File: 0fdc85981bf9708⋯.jpg (13.11 KB, 255x173, 255:173, Pepe news Special ops MF.jpg)

File: 851c393a0a48273⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 450x443, 450:443, DOJ.jpg)

File: 5ed2d7de7cd8789⋯.png (78.81 KB, 362x288, 181:144, huawei.PNG)

Huawei units plead not guilty to U.S. trade secret theft

(Reuters) - Huawei Device Co Ltd and Huawei Device USA Inc pleaded not guilty to U.S. fraud, trade secrets conspiracy and other charges, and a trial date was set for March 2020, the Justice Department said on Thursday.

The units of China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd were arraigned in U.S. District Court in Seattle, and Chief U.S. District Judge Ricardo S. Martinez set trial for March 2, 2020.

The two companies were charged in an indictment unsealed last month that they conspired to steal T-Mobile US Inc trade secrets between 2012 and 2014.

The charges have added to pressure from the U.S. government on Huawei, the world’s biggest telecommunications equipment maker. Washington is trying to prevent American companies from buying Huawei routers and switches and is pressing allies to do the same.

T-Mobile had accused Huawei of stealing technology called "Tappy," which mimicked human fingers and was used to test smartphones. Huawei has said the two companies settled their disputes in 2017.

Separately, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn have charged Huawei and its affiliates with bank and wire fraud on allegations that they violated sanctions against Iran. An arraignment date is yet to be set in that case, which has added to Washington's tensions with Beijing.


afa624  No.5437943

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


760dc3  No.5437944


Buh bye career

31edce  No.5437945


Separate event or over reaction?

a61089  No.5437946

File: 3a4a317e767070f⋯.png (584.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Flat earthers are rejoicing right now.

"Earth's air supply may reach nearly 400,000 miles into space — so far that the moon constantly flies through it"


8c72ad  No.5437947



Gas leak

ae739d  No.5437948

File: 3741f653495c9ee⋯.png (749.14 KB, 700x517, 700:517, shitting_the_bread.png)

01c195  No.5437949


My first thought was that James Woods might be making fun us and Q (the reporters photos in Vietnam with the person's reflection in them.)

156a0a  No.5437950


>>5437809 Details on Huawei's attempted theft of T-Mobile's tech. Justice.gov

>>5437683 POTUS delivers remarks to the troops. (video)

>>5437760 Hostage situation involving children unfolding in Smyrna, Georgia, Police say.

>>5437757 US Govt. offering $1 mil reward for finding OBL's son.

>>5437734 Pakistan's prime minister warns of possible nuclear war with India.

>>5437731 Cohoes Mayor indicted for using campaign contributions for his personal benefit.

>>5437423 One ton of meth, heroin seized at Tijuana airport.

>>5437413 Owners of company that bought aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood are arrested.

>>5437613 Trump associate issues scathing response after Congresswoman calls her a “prop.”

>>5437546 Oscar winning composer André Previn has reportedly died at the age of 89.

>>5437510 Planefag: Squawk 7500: hijack or flight interference.

>>5437363, >>5437616, >>5437690 Jeffrey Peterson is tweeting that Justin Trudeau is going down because of NXIVM; associated dig.

>>5437543 Minister George Eustice quits over possible Brexit delay.

>>5437518 Pompeo: Crimea is Ukraine.

>>5437496 All of Gaeta's text messages were completely redacted.

>>5437302, >>5437421, >>5437487 More hits on Q re: conspiracy angle.

>>5437397 Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan.

>>5437375 Melania going to OK, WA & NV to promote her Be Best initiative.

>>5437310 James Wood throwing up a Q?

Last call / Baking in 70

858bb8  No.5437951


Although Huber’s work has remained shrouded in mystery, without

leaks, we have obtained information from an inside source that Huber

has been presenting evidence of felonious activities to the Grand Jury

against several high level government actors, and will soon be

bringing indictments against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea

Clinton, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director

James Comey, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, CIA Director

John Brennan, Associate Deputy Director Bruce Ohr, FBI Agent

Peter Strzok, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,

Christopher Steele, and several other principals of Uranium One,

The Clinton Foundation and Fusion GPS.

According to our source, the sealed indictments will be made public around the end of April 2019 .

dbb186  No.5437952


now that's just sad, PM leeching subs & fayme

5c94da  No.5437953

File: d531c2faf87fe75⋯.jpeg (141.7 KB, 859x784, 859:784, d531c2faf87fe75ad76e15470….jpeg)

61d682  No.5437954


High IQ people come here and lurk to keep their finger on the pulse

3f78b2  No.5437955


How is it you have that on your hard drive, faggot?

b52bdd  No.5437956

File: 274505ef86155ad⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 594x829, 594:829, nothing to see here [ATLVI….JPG)

>the world is watching


>handle with care

50960f  No.5437957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Schumer dues

909c2a  No.5437958


camouflage training

d82ccd  No.5437959

File: a3d54078a2483c8⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1194x794, 597:397, ClipboardImage.png)

8c72ad  No.5437960

File: 8862f9e1aa75c88⋯.png (61.02 KB, 1425x486, 475:162, gas leak ga tech.PNG)



44bfc7  No.5437961

File: 5c16f1bed4e475b⋯.png (110.37 KB, 407x479, 407:479, 3cb102f103df071851edacb659….png)


Lookin' good, baker.

48e2aa  No.5437962

File: b75a3648af52369⋯.jpg (203.46 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, r2g.jpg)


Da fuq is going on in Ga.


8f4664  No.5437963

File: c862ed3736537ba⋯.jpg (197.67 KB, 598x577, 598:577, playdyoself.jpg)

bf090d  No.5437964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UKAnon here

was watching this video from Golden State Times YT channel and this add popped up…


it's an ad for a book called "Out of the Dark"

it's about assassinating an "evil" president

not exactly fucking subtle are you, Bezos/Clowns?

b073ff  No.5437965


they didn't realize / notice this when they landed on the moon 50 years ago?

I guess it's for the best as those spacesuits are not able to withstand the vacuum!

d69e68  No.5437966

File: 2133e5ab3e4766c⋯.jpg (256.82 KB, 1055x637, 1055:637, Screenshot_191.jpg)

The lawlessness that has been going on amazes me and the amount of crimes published daily is somewhat overwhelming.. Damn glad to see it being dealt with though..


e03f99  No.5437967

File: 8e36c43f540a16b⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 284x177, 284:177, gaygaygay.jpg)


let it go homo

e14a4f  No.5437968


reads like a wish list

afa624  No.5437969

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Child stealing in Guatemala

pedovore rings often target remote areas of third world countries.

4e7d3c  No.5437970


Not black face.

They are wearing charcoal face cleansing mask

65fede  No.5437971

File: 3fc473087ef0970⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1200x704, 75:44, ClipboardImage.png)

31edce  No.5437972


>She's being forced to push an issue that she doesn't believe in? When confronted with specifics, she draws a blank.

Another Rothschild puppet

b073ff  No.5437973


you believe the NSA is communicating with us here.

don't be so dismissive

e0b9f1  No.5437974

File: 5f58ebd8bd55f80⋯.png (34.02 KB, 551x168, 551:168, Screenshot 2019-02-28_16-4….png)


8995b9  No.5437975

File: 917beca11c60d40⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 966x743, 966:743, trump2020.jpg)

d8a9a9  No.5437976


Where did I say anything about hating Jews? Exposing the crimes of Israel and acknowledging the disproportionate amount of Jews in the groups we are fighting does not equal hating all Jews. Trying to hide nasty truths by using identity politics is something SJW faggots do. Anons can see right through

50960f  No.5437977

File: 963a0d491649e2f⋯.jpg (85.32 KB, 1081x608, 1081:608, IMG_6319.JPG)

File: 6256e7423dbee2d⋯.jpg (222.5 KB, 1152x1536, 3:4, IMG_6321.JPG)

File: 2ce18d9362bb790⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 500x668, 125:167, IMG_6323.JPG)

52ccc4  No.5437978

File: c21411a31e44834⋯.png (379.38 KB, 602x475, 602:475, USMC 2-28-19 1 32 pm PST.PNG)

File: ddf4befada511c4⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1402x788, 701:394, USMC 2-28-19 1 32 pm PST p….PNG)

File: 457e4c6e8948d4b⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1400x782, 700:391, USMC 2-28-19 1 32 pm PST p….PNG)

File: b8a0e75dc1df73a⋯.png (434.9 KB, 602x616, 43:44, USMC 2-28-19 5 am PST.PNG)

File: 790e853b1ed8730⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video USMC 2-28-19 5 am PS….mp4)

Today, the first JLTV is officially in the hands of Marines.


Bread 6945 [pb]


Take a look at what this bad boy can do.


6190c7  No.5437979


Yep on all 4. Based on the comment about "other sites within NK that Kim's team didn't know we knew about" during the press conference, I am guessing there are still some rogue C_A operations happening in that country, and Trump was bringing a lot of eyes onto the fact that /ourguys/ know this.

Also setting the stage for Nobel = hard work. Kim and Trump will share it.

I suspect Kim is fully on board, and that at least some 'negotiations' are with spoops still working to control him.

If swiss were running NK, it's hella complicated.

0cdc44  No.5437980

File: 96e86ccc762ab8c⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 490x723, 490:723, c2f451c546bef3a7c8b1470d09….jpg)

6ba3c1  No.5437981

>>5437942 Huawei units plead not guilty to U.S. trade secret theft


8c72ad  No.5437982


Gas leak. Very old bldg. They were remodeling it. No surprise.

Cool old bldg. Spent many an hour in that library.


da8cd9  No.5437983

File: 58d523e506ce637⋯.jpg (145.57 KB, 960x544, 30:17, shadow.jpg)

156a0a  No.5437984


Thanks anon.

5c94da  No.5437985

File: ea11ab4f632dda7⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 800x600, 4:3, ea1.gif)

36f644  No.5437986


There are more openly anti Jew liberals than openly anti Jew conservatives.


You can't even accurately describe reality.

Psychosis is treatable. Seek help

669b32  No.5437987


a Kike?

f12e9f  No.5437988


Hasn't Jonah G. been a lying putz for decades?

Considering the "Lewinsky scandal" was likely a fraud

Dude is a gossip-monger from way back:


"Goldberg's career as a pundit was launched following his mother Lucianne Goldberg's role in the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal, when he wrote about the "media siege" on his mother's apartment in The New Yorker.[16][17] Goldberg has spoken of his mother and the Lewinsky scandal:

My mother was the one who advised Linda Tripp to record her conversations with Monica Lewinsky and to save the dress. I was privy to some of that stuff, and when the administration set about to destroy Lewinsky, Tripp, and my mom, I defended my mom and by extension Tripp … I have zero desire to have those arguments again. I did my bit in the trenches of Clinton's trousers.[18]

These tapes became the focal point of the Lewinsky scandal. Goldberg was privy to the tapes and the conversations his mother had with Tripp because he served as a vice president of his mother's now-defunct literary agency. "

Clinton Cock hunting. Looks like his Mom and Dad arranged it. FF

b733ef  No.5437989

File: 157d322219549b2⋯.jpg (10.53 KB, 207x300, 69:100, duvdd.jpg)

e2ac7a  No.5437990


those who blame jews are in 2 categories

1 - usfeul idiots and

2 - the ones who trained them that way

the difference is the trainers know its a lie

31edce  No.5437991


Maybe next time he won’t listen to china

4b05b1  No.5437992


Walk on Water by 30 Seconds to Mars vid recorded in USA on July 4th 2017



(Do you believe?) Walk on water

[Verse 1]

Can you even see what you're fighting for?

Blood lust and a holy war

Listen up, hear the patriot shout:

"Times are changing"

In the end, the choice was clear

Take a shot in the face of fear

Fist up in the firing line

Times are changing


Do you believe that you can walk on water?

Do you believe that you can win this fight tonight?

(Do you believe?)

[Verse 2]

Look at the sky, see a dying star

White lies, it's a man on fire

Making love with the devil hurts

Times are changing

A thin line, the whole truth

The far right, the left view

Breaking all those promises made

Times are changing


Do you believe that you can walk on water?

Do you believe that you can win this fight tonight?

Do you believe that you can walk on water?

Do you believe that you can win this fight tonight?


Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water


Do you believe that you can walk on water?

Do you believe that you can win this fight tonight?

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe that you can walk on water?

Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe that you can win this fight tonight?


Do you believe? Walk on water

Do you believe? Walk on water


afa624  No.5437993

File: d2af28b0809061d⋯.jpg (124.96 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1504094659613.jpg)


crimea is ukraine and ukraine is russia. Finish the sentence.

da8cd9  No.5437994


Holy fuck, I posted a pic of a charcoal mask ad after they said Mary Poppins was muh racist and said it's coming next.

5c94da  No.5437995

File: 8bb7efcb362f14a⋯.png (221.36 KB, 694x401, 694:401, ead06a413eaa15ffbe6e224f2b….png)

e0b9f1  No.5437996


maybe all that was a spectacle for a reason

3457cb  No.5437997


david lee is a dick

f78e00  No.5437998

File: f90aeac91b84e39⋯.jpg (234.08 KB, 954x500, 477:250, yesitsthatshitagain.jpg)

5b2e75  No.5437999

File: 30beb3b885e572d⋯.jpg (474.51 KB, 1600x1028, 400:257, all the jews.jpg)

File: 6fd611e76847e6a⋯.jpg (60.55 KB, 666x500, 333:250, fearis.jpg)


deport kikes immediately

31edce  No.5438000


And thought you were gonna write AI

e14a4f  No.5438001


WTF? these things failed the Army's standards for combat

50960f  No.5438002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c4ae29  No.5438003

File: 4d150e203696aba⋯.png (826.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2019-02-28_13.48.00.png)

Someone is protecting cows in New York.

But this is America. Cows are only sacred in India.

1cd40e  No.5438004

File: a47fa231632c45f⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1852x1095, 1852:1095, 38CF79F8-53AC-461D-9BC4-5….jpeg)

I want this

909c2a  No.5438005


3- those of us who know what they did?

588535  No.5438006

File: 1b4cc6c91503af1⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 748x249, 748:249, temp.JPG)

e2ac7a  No.5438007


blaming is the more correct word

but its the same bullshit

f12e9f  No.5438008


Crimea should be independent.

4b05b1  No.5438009



afa624  No.5438010

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



d8a9a9  No.5438012


Trips confirm

311971  No.5438013

-21 ?

Court Hearing: Prosecution confirms there will be superseding indictment in March

February 28, 2019

There were several major developments at today’s Status Conference in the case of the U.S. v. Raniere Et Al – but like a great orchestra conductor, the presiding judge, Nicholas G. Garaufis, made it clear that the prosecution and the defense attorneys are both going to play the way he wants them to play.

The biggest news was the prosecution’s announcement that a superseding indictment will definitely be issued “…in the next few weeks”.

No more “maybes” – no more “it’s possible that”…

A superseding indictment is going to be issued sometime between now and mid-March.

Which is exactly what the Frank Report indicated was going to happen in an earlier post.


5c94da  No.5438014

File: c5fc31a8920c94b⋯.gif (992.8 KB, 250x250, 1:1, c5fc31a8920c94bd3994634a98….gif)

2ad9cc  No.5438015

File: 8ff5a6a36df5b68⋯.png (295.68 KB, 627x472, 627:472, 8ff5a6a36df5b68ab1b5cd0ae9….png)


> pizzagate

In case nobody knows the story. Edgar Welch was friends with the same art gallery bitch Alefantis was also friends with. He got paid to go in and put a bullet in a hard drive.

31edce  No.5438016


Deporting sociopaths would be more effective

36f644  No.5438017


Correct. And where did i defend Jews?

I merely mentioned that i could give 2 shits who's to blame. Even if it is Israel.

I only want the problem solved. Even if it is Israel. I'll let you guys fight that out.

48e2aa  No.5438018



Still ready, kek.

Moar 'secrets' in this state than most think.

Esp. small towns.

50960f  No.5438019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eeefde  No.5438020

Satan GAVE YOU UP… And YET here you are?

ok then.


760dc3  No.5438021


Trump's To Do List must be a mile long

4b05b1  No.5438022


you. keep up with the bread and → read >>5437923

da8cd9  No.5438023


Smyrna filled with low IQ illegals.

6ba3c1  No.5438024

File: f1b48c4a443c4e6⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 349x489, 349:489, John Kelly Losing patience….JPG)

e2fc5f  No.5438025


What if a Jew does something bad? Can he be blamed then, bitch?

d8a9a9  No.5438026


And what am I blaming Israel of? Can you at least admit their crimes? Or are you just another JIDF faggot trying to cover up the truth?

3f78b2  No.5438027


You'll get teh Grids.

5c94da  No.5438029


A review done on that by the DoD says it's a POS and it would likely get troops killed.

5b2e75  No.5438030

File: 84c3062d7d76e41⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 600x659, 600:659, bestkiek.jpg)


in doing so you would end up deporting all of the kikes in the process so i'm not sure what your point is

there literally wouldn't be a single one left with that criteria


156a0a  No.5438031


>>5437978 US Marines Tweet: Today, the first JLTV is officially in the hands of Marines.

>>5437942 Huawei units plead not guilty to U.S. trade secret theft.

>>5437809 Details on Huawei's attempted theft of T-Mobile's tech. Justice.gov

>>5437683 POTUS delivers remarks to the troops. (video)

>>5437760 Hostage situation involving children unfolding in Smyrna, Georgia, Police say.

>>5437757 US Govt. offering $1 mil reward for finding OBL's son.

>>5437734 Pakistan's prime minister warns of possible nuclear war with India.

>>5437731 Cohoes Mayor indicted for using campaign contributions for his personal benefit.

>>5437423 One ton of meth, heroin seized at Tijuana airport.

>>5437413 Owners of company that bought aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood are arrested.

>>5437613 Trump associate issues scathing response after Congresswoman calls her a “prop.”

>>5437546 Oscar winning composer André Previn has reportedly died at the age of 89.

>>5437510 Planefag: Squawk 7500: hijack or flight interference.

>>5437363, >>5437616, >>5437690 Jeffrey Peterson is tweeting that Justin Trudeau is going down because of NXIVM; associated dig.

>>5437543 Minister George Eustice quits over possible Brexit delay.

>>5437518 Pompeo: Crimea is Ukraine.

>>5437496 All of Gaeta's text messages were completely redacted.

>>5437302, >>5437421, >>5437487 More hits on Q re: conspiracy angle.

>>5437397 Israel's fingerprints are all over India's escalating conflict with Pakistan.

>>5437375 Melania going to OK, WA & NV to promote her Be Best initiative.

>>5437310 James Wood throwing up a Q?


4b05b1  No.5438032


Satan the sell out sold them out? Huh. Makes sense tho.

3a27cd  No.5438033


A lot of the cabal were killed in 2016.

Those harpoon strikes against "chemical warfare factories" were another cabal kill. We just don't see it on the news, but its definitely happening.

Remeber Q early posts, about the three ruling families; it also said the FORTH family was taken out.

afa624  No.5438034

File: 44dfe1d00195960⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1502624947465.jpg)

Crimea a river.

7501d0  No.5438035


Bohemian Grove? Looks like it from the AJ video from years back.

588535  No.5438036

>>5438023 that's a low IQ response

311971  No.5438039

Opus Dei Busted For Running Child Sex Slave Ring

Senior members of the secretive Catholic organization Opus Dei have been put on trial for running a child sex slave ring in Paris.

Two members of the sect are accused of treating a disciple as a “brainwashed sex slave,” according to French prosecutors.

Rfi.fr reports: Plaintiff Catherine Tissier says she was forced to work as a servant for the group for virtually no pay.

She says worked 14-hour days, seven days a week, cleaning and serving.

The case brought against Opus Dei in Paris follows a nine-year investigation into the organisation’s practices.

The head of a school and the head of a religious retreat north of Paris are the defendants in the case.

Tissier joined the school in 1985, aged only 14, and says she was forced to take her vows and was subject to brainwashing

The defendants deny her accusations and insist she was adequately paid for her work.

Opus Dei has some 85,000 members worldwide and, while it has the backing of the Catholic church, critics believe it is a secretive, manipulative conspiracy.


1cd40e  No.5438041


Then there should be some available soon

8f4664  No.5438042

File: 7644e6d2e22f3be⋯.png (168.06 KB, 500x519, 500:519, z0001.png)

e2ac7a  No.5438044


no one has ever posted what "the jews" did


in fact these shitposters alternately post that there are fake jews, no jews and all jews and everything in between yet never ID or define terms or trace to them any group responsibility for anything

that is why its bullshit 100%

b073ff  No.5438045

Cement of Blood.

50960f  No.5438046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


White people problems

7b7c8d  No.5438047

File: 731da7a330eb750⋯.jpg (102.53 KB, 980x602, 70:43, 5060663-1551125369.jpg)


According to the Pentagon's in-house watchdog, the replacement for the U.S. military’s Humvee is in serious trouble.

The new Joint Tactical Light Vehicle (JLTV) is “not operationally suitable” because of deficiencies in “reliability, maintainability, training, manuals, crew situational awareness, and safety,” a new report says. The vehicle is so bug-ridden that it requires contractors in the field to fix problems, and is so large and loud that it's easily detectable on the battlefield.

But all is not well in the vehicle's development. In an annual report on major weapons systems, the Pentagon’s Operational Test & Evaluation (OT&E) office seriously criticizes the JLTV, which is currently undergoing evaluation with Army and Marine Corps units. First reported by Stars and Stripes, the OT&E report says all four versions of of the vehicle are not operationally suitable, with a combination of defects, design problems, and inadequate contractor training support.

Like any new product, the JLTV has its share of defects. All four vehicle types are encountering mechanical problems during field trials including, “engine wiring problems, flat and damaged tires, and break (sic) system faults." A “health monitoring system” designed to bring problems to the attention of maintainers is not accurate and “reduces crew and maintainer confidence in the system.” One last mechanical problem: The doors on some vehicles didn’t work.

The list of design flaws goes on. The vehicles are faulted for having a “large visual and loud aural signature, increasing detectability.” The DOT&E also complains that troops riding inside have poor visibility and that the TOW anti-tank missile launcher, capable of destroying tanks to ranges of up to 2.48 miles, is slow and difficult to reload. Furthermore, the vehicles are so large fewer of them can fit on the military’s Maritime Prepositioned Force ships, cargo ships that carry floating arsenals of Army and Marine Corps equipment, ready to link up with ground troops and quickly enter battle.


2ad9cc  No.5438048


Didnt this 50bil project get cancelled?

eb4936  No.5438049

8f4664  No.5438050


Same thing.

6ba3c1  No.5438052

File: e88b5989d31a5c5⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 317x341, 317:341, No mo poke for joo.jpg)

f202f1  No.5438053



> walk on water

Feels like it here sometimes, doesn't it?

8c72ad  No.5438054


GA Tech is a "farm"…. FYI.

you are correct More secrets in GA. Lots of satanism.

5c94da  No.5438055


Like the way you think.

d0a06e  No.5438056


I think they both believe in the plan is all. You know Woods comes here.

Medic is good for normies, has a way about him. Don't visit much myself, but did a year ago.

eeefde  No.5438057


DUH right?


48e2aa  No.5438058


Not only hideous creations but obvious vulnerabilities just looking at exterior.

Front grill is retarded.

50960f  No.5438059


Havevsome free bacon 🥓

afa624  No.5438060

File: 5b4fcf6379119ad⋯.jpg (180.27 KB, 1024x671, 1024:671, 1502881922902.jpg)

The presumed independence and competitive operation of entertainment and communications industry is illusory. The media may be considered as a single functionally integrated parasitic organism which includes the advertising industry.

66812e  No.5438061


Digging on Steele/Gaeta I came across this.

Steele was outed as MI6 in 1999 and could no longer travel to Russia so he took a job at the Russia desk in the UK. In 2009 his wife died and he quit MI6 and set up Orbis and met Glenn Simpson.

In late 2009 Steele took on an assignment to investigate the English FA (Football Association) in relation to corruption in it's bid for the 2018 World Cup - with it's main completion being Russia. He was to investigate all the countries bidding on the world cup, but mainly a focus on Russia.

Steele discovered that FIFA (based in Zurich) corruption was global. He briefed his American contact in Rome [Michael Gaeta], the head of the FBI's Eurasian serious crime division, which led to a probe by US federal prosecutors.


8f4664  No.5438062

File: a4e8c1282467765⋯.png (42.84 KB, 623x626, 623:626, jew_fish.png)

d579ee  No.5438064


Seemed OK when I checked just now

9f49d4  No.5438065

File: 8e74cc6d9bb4641⋯.png (275.88 KB, 637x358, 637:358, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 035b6c3e1307b7b⋯.png (650.64 KB, 1110x740, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5436564, >>5436718 Momo Game: Push to desensitize kids to violence/suicide. (from the notables)

sure looks like the creepy stuff Podesta likes..

And AJ on Joe Rogan spoke of hybrid human animal stuff.

a36ce6  No.5438066

Why does Cavuto hate Trump?

e2ac7a  No.5438067


>And what am I blaming Israel of

you tell us anon

israel has a DS

israel has MOS

bad actors there

thats as far as it goes

unless you are brainwashed or paid to lie

31edce  No.5438068


Maybe a disproportionate number yes, but not all sociopaths are kikes. Is basic logic not predicated on group think.

3f78b2  No.5438069


Imagine my shock!

50960f  No.5438070


Have some free bacon 🥓

f4d0ca  No.5438071


Cavuto is a fat slob.

5b2e75  No.5438072


penis envy anon

6190c7  No.5438073


Rockefeller taken out

4b05b1  No.5438075


i see Q in my dreams. and anon. and sometimes 45.

a392e9  No.5438076

File: 2371f49ac2f0898⋯.png (12.83 KB, 623x178, 7:2, Screenshot from 2019-02-28….png)

Oops … looks like I've been a bad boy. Not gonna whine. Not gonna appeal. Just gonna remove all references to Gateway Pundit from my history / bookmarks, etc.

66812e  No.5438077

File: dabeac451e79f3d⋯.png (701.68 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)


Any interpretations on what this means then?

5c94da  No.5438078


>And AJ on Joe Rogan spoke of hybrid human animal stuff.

The actual state of AJ.

d2eea4  No.5438079

File: 797fae99a405dc8⋯.png (31.84 KB, 572x257, 572:257, ClipboardImage.png)


f8aaf2  No.5438080

>>5434978 (notable)

The music video for Mellencamp's "Paper In Fire" is practically an informercial for black children for sale.

e2ac7a  No.5438081


yes A jew can be blamed

name names always valid

not groups

not israel

not entire religion

45076e  No.5438082


I think I've imagined all the shock I can possibly muster, for the rest of my natural life.

760dc3  No.5438083


Couriers are the best way to pass messages, aren't they?

50960f  No.5438084

Free bacon for the Jews too

afa624  No.5438085

File: ed85615deb64980⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 543x591, 181:197, 1500648157014m.jpg)

This is a victim.

“Subliminal embedding can make celebrities, models, automobiles, food products, politicians or scapegoats or any other merchandise more attractive, exciting, flavorful and appealing. Modern media usually avoid confronting the audience with factual realities at the level of conscious perception. Fantasies are far more engaging than unembellished perceptions.”

d579ee  No.5438086


At the time, many Anons believed the soccer ball contained memory stick(s) containing terabytes of data. That hypothesis is still on the table as far as I know.

5b2e75  No.5438087

File: 7a99e9673c73c4b⋯.png (97.63 KB, 628x606, 314:303, venn diagram jews.png)


100% of jews are sociopaths

so when you deport the sociopaths you will inevitably deport all the kikes

do i need to draw you a venn diagram?

f202f1  No.5438088

File: 7cf0a68a79c349e⋯.jpg (340.65 KB, 1006x662, 503:331, HiveMind-Sandworm-for-Nigh….jpg)


HiveMind is real

At least as real as the shit we've been living in

eb4936  No.5438089


Nuclear World Order

76c783  No.5438090


cause he thinks he knows more about world finance and he don't so Q+ won't go on his show

a36ce6  No.5438092



f4d0ca  No.5438093

File: bc039b503729fd9⋯.jpg (473.33 KB, 480x1358, 240:679, DennisRodmanTheCourier.jpg)

866157  No.5438094



That's how I came here :)

8f4664  No.5438096

File: 9d01eeba417332e⋯.jpg (236.81 KB, 610x457, 610:457, stupid_fucking_goy.jpg)


>not groups


>not israel


>not entire religion

e03f99  No.5438098


gateway pundit has changed in the last month or so. was a bit sensational in the past, now posting pure click bait (often a couple of days old).

156a0a  No.5438099

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

760dc3  No.5438100


Be epic if it was HRC's deleted emails.

9f49d4  No.5438101


they already admitted doing that.. not bringing the fetuses to term tho

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