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File: 9031b6155df5db6⋯.jpeg (12.28 KB, 219x397, 219:397, 86601C5D-B651-4567-96EE-F….jpeg)

2ea213  No.5407449

Hollywood Anon. 1 & 2 and whoever else of the 20 so called HW resistance please post here. This way the HW related drops can be centralized. I believe you’re not Larping but others will need more sauce to vet you out as people are skeptical, rightfully so, to begin with here. Kappy took this approach too when he was here initially. Having a separate thread will also help us with coordinate digs and separate research tangents that aren’t necessarily the same as what QResearch should be focusing on.

We applaud your courage that you are risking being here, and hope you can convince the other 19 members you refenced to join in this outing.

2da8b5  No.5407801

H Anons should know that you are safe here. We do not need to vet YOU personally, you are an anonymous insider, and will stay anonymous. EVERYONE here is anonymous. Do not risk by telling anything that would dox yourself. We know you could be in severe danger from Clintons or red scarves or desperate DESPERATE sick fucks like Robert de Niro

f72bda  No.5422454

File: dfdcfade3edec06⋯.png (53.97 KB, 181x255, 181:255, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm not HWAnon. Reposting the last stuff from a general thread #6930






b0c987  No.5423451


Thanks for taking the time to post the stuff here. It's nice seeing the drops/comments in one place since the breads move so quickly.

f72bda  No.5424583

List of Creative Arts Agency clients


6788a9  No.5424660

Are anons here?


c61172  No.5424722


having a peek… but no traction yet.

maybe try and have dialogue in general, reposting digs here to build a bit, and from there maybe it could become it`s own thing, but yeah, it`s not the same as the general

f72bda  No.5424767

06ed52  No.5424805

f72bda  No.5424852


Explain Pres - RL

Pres - JB. Still learning your comms

6788a9  No.5424896


Agency presidents.

6788a9  No.5425113

Not all anons are very pleasant, eh?


338f1a  No.5425154


You mentioned families so is that part of hierarchy only or would an outsider ever become an insider? What about HW celebrities who don’t base themselves in HW or NYC- escaping or sinister reasons?

What did you think of Bridges speech at GG?

06ed52  No.5425157


They just want proof. Many come here to scam so bs meter is turned up high

c61172  No.5425173


we done tried to tell you…

just ignore those.

but, having a separate thread has happened for many other subjects before, it can be done.

I'd suggest reposting at least a best-of your interventions from the start, would help give context for here.

also, idea for a new signature for you: this thread link.

post this at the end of your posts, to help build traffic here instead:

>>5407449 HWanon thread (or however you want to type it, but needs text to warn that the link is to another thread)

f72bda  No.5425178

File: f69e8983cb96d40⋯.png (349 KB, 594x419, 594:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1622c1ab8e0e93f⋯.png (982.29 KB, 1863x1242, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



President of Creative Artists Agency : Richard Lovett

Co Founder of United Talent Agency : Jim Berkus

UTA begins the hollywoodization of the Art world. (2015)


UTA clients


I expect Marina Abramovic figures into that list somehow.


Anons are wary of shills. The reason we are here is to MAGA. Shills slide the breads and cause information to be lost/forgotten. That's why we have scrapers/aggregators of the info. That's why the bakers are invaluable. If you spend more time here just reading you'll understand.

1ffeb2  No.5425184

File: 1d18a71f0c277f5⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 937x15000, 937:15000, sys.8ch.net-IPhashhistory.….jpg)


Hey loser. This is one of two accounts you use for your gay HWAnon2 stunt. Anons, notice the Anti-POTUS propaganda?

f72bda  No.5425211


I'm noticing many of the same names on both of these agency lists. Is that normal?

c61172  No.5425224



that`s legit the very same IP, or there`s room for VPN fuckery?

f72bda  No.5425271


Yeah those shill posts don't look good.

6788a9  No.5425370



Anons believe that’s us? Is this not a monitored board by bad actors?


6788a9  No.5425393


Not always sinister. But, if you dig rural GA outside of ATL, you will find sinister ranches. Big names.


06ed52  No.5425400


Just do the clippers thing with the tickets and you will earn some cred

6788a9  No.5425406


Reference the exodus.


6788a9  No.5425420


Anon, do you realize we are silent resistance building under the grasp of a very evil and dangerous situation? Do you think we posted our seats?


f72bda  No.5425459


Just need to 'trust but verify'

We've had other HW anons come on and verify. It was an Emmy in the bathroom with a watch.

06ed52  No.5425484


Looked like you did. Problem is, there are a million people who could be pretending to be you. So, if you take that ticket stub (blur the seat out if you want) and take a photo of it with a pair of clippers. That way we know you're not a larp. If you are who you say you are then yes, I realize what situation you are in. I had a family member being pursued by part of the industry.

6788a9  No.5425577


Spoiler alert, not my or other HWanon seats. This is minimal discussion anon. Pair the ticket with oscars backstage and behind the scenes of Avatar.


f72bda  No.5425625



06ed52  No.5425674


Funny, we did that a few months ago looking for natural springs and indoor pools related to nefarious evil types

3db3a2  No.5425687

File: 29a7535c1a07d4a⋯.png (4.01 MB, 1552x902, 776:451, 1_CAA_Pres.png)


Found CAA connection to Clintons and China

f72bda  No.5425694


Up in Rome? I think I 'member that dig.

06ed52  No.5425725


Ya, that was one of them

6788a9  No.5425753


GOOD WORK ANON. who is the wolf club??


1ffeb2  No.5425896


You switch persona's thread to thread, minutes apart and never overlapping, give it up newfag.

8c3651  No.5426045


Here giving you a shot.

What movies best describe reality and why?

Example: The truman show who is it really on the dark net?

6788a9  No.5426115


Can you elaborate?


9cf7f3  No.5426249

I'll bite

Pedophelia, we know it runs rampid in HW

In your estimation what percentage?

Is it mostly behind the scenes or do actors play a big role as well?

8c3651  No.5426383


Ok have you ever heard about them using real peoples lifes without their knowledge To use as caracters in their screenplays?

most likely through the darknet?

6788a9  No.5426524


Under 50% of actors. Majority are producers/casting/agents etc

6788a9  No.5426530




9cf7f3  No.5426539

File: 4df6008e152c5f4⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Jamesgunnpedoparty1-640x48….jpg)

What does this picture mean to you?

Thank you for your response to my other question

6788a9  No.5426570


Exactly what is looks like anon, please limit visuals such as this. It’s not easy.


9cf7f3  No.5426607

sorry. Didn't mean to trigger.

Are you saying they are mocking?

c20038  No.5426770



Tell us about Marina.


c20038  No.5426908

File: b89d031f5b97221⋯.jpeg (59.23 KB, 480x480, 1:1, FantomeBlanc.jpeg)

File: 32cc618c930ebf9⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 800x400, 2:1, fANTOMEbLANC2018.jpg)


What's up with the white furry animal fetish?

3db3a2  No.5427859

File: 84ac2cc405f9596⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1366x432, 683:216, 1_CAA_Weinstein.png)


I can't find anything re: who is the wolf club. Maybe another clue?

I did find a direct connection to Harvey Weinstein.

(Pic Related)

It is from Wiki, but the citation is a The Guardian


3db3a2  No.5427929

File: e92716f261189f2⋯.png (517.8 KB, 668x264, 167:66, 1_Lovett_Meaning.png)



Both wolf club and young wolf.

That makes RL a central figure.

c20038  No.5428087


Inverness is the name of Macbeth's castle. Just sayin'.

3db3a2  No.5428321

File: 32262c4c307596e⋯.png (927.6 KB, 1575x2721, 525:907, 1_Rugrats-co-creator-arlen….png)


(Pic Related) is the only relation I can find of CAA to Nickelodeon. (Damn that woman is creepy).

Disney and CAA the only connection I can find is Michael Ovitz. He was a founder of CAA. His connection to Disney, from Wiki:

Disney President

Ovitz resigned from CAA in 1995 to become president of The Walt Disney Company under chairman Michael Eisner. Ovitz quickly grew frustrated with his role in the company and vague definition of duties.[13] After a tumultuous year as Eisner's second in command, he was dismissed by Eisner in January 1997[14] and left Disney with a (previously agreed upon) severance package valued at $38 million in cash and an estimated $100 million in stock.[15]

Disney shareholders later sued Eisner and Disney's board of directors for awarding Ovitz such a large severance package.[15] Later court proceedings reflect that Ovitz' stock options were granted when he was hired to induce him to join the company, not granted when he was fired. In 2005 the court upheld Disney's payment.[16]

Having such a large severance is odd. I know that Eisner got a large severance because he was brought into Disney to disrupt the takeover attempt of the Kosh Brothers and to restructure the company. He did that by diversifying. Once the company was safe he was forced out, since he really didn't have the personality or experience with running an entertainment company.

2358ef  No.5428948

Kevin Spacey Dropped by CAA, Publicist Staci Wolfe

“House of Cards” star was CAA client for nearly a decade


7e43d9  No.5430070


I'm a lurker. I usually don't post and do research on my own. I only post if I find something outstanding. I am only writing this so you know that I am not the only lurker here. Whatever you post is being seen, and looked into even if no one comments and even if this bread does not move as fast as q research general. Just because you don't see all the (mostly hate) comments you are used to in the main bread… well it doesn't mean people aren't looking into whatever info you drop. However, if you can't give real leads and real things to dig on, don't expect this place made just for you to last very long.

17b5e0  No.5432303

8337c1  No.5433355

Hey new too the boards

Vancouver B.C/ HOLLYWOOD NORTH is JUST as bad as hollywood.

ANY one care to discuss i have lots of inFO AND pizzagate related info from canadian media and resteraunts in Vancouver

Has this been discussed here already.

17b5e0  No.5434381


If you have info, drop it - with sauce, please.

f72bda  No.5434826




>If you have info, drop it - with sauce, please.

Amen brother. And I don't mean 'Chapelle is a clone - trust me' 'They can't get their adrenochrome - trust me'. Not "we're under serious threats!" We ALL are - that's why were anon, that's why we're here. Post something ORIGINAL that you can back up. PROVE we should trust you.

We're all spending a lot of time trying to dig on Q. If you have something of interest DROP THE FUCKING INFO. Don't play like you are Q, don't send us on some goose chase.


YOU ARE ANON. HELP OR GET THE FUCK OUT. You glowing niggers won't even verify which should be simple. I'm 99.999999% sure you assmunches are shills here trying to distract us. This will be my last post in this thread because you fucks are fake.

Prove me wrong.

718b34  No.5434936


You’re work is important, anon. But i can assure you, you’re not at the risk of death or harm to your friends/self/loved ones. We are deciding whether to take our effort to other message boards this evening.


8337c1  No.5435061

File: 11204853f860a07⋯.jpg (184.71 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, IMG_20190228_122922_891.jpg)


Ok quick question. If I drop screen shots from my phone.. will this dox me in anyway?

I dont know where to start

Theres a few locations i want to talk about film industry and sets are catering to snuff films in Vancouver

There is a snuff/whatever the fuck house on 333 columbia next to farm dispensary

Across from the downtown eastside womens center.. Seemingly attached to the 303 columbia hotel (old party venue)

Columbia street has straight access to the ports/water. The whole block is harbor light/salvation army roths child outpost

I dont want to get too much into my personal story right away but this building was bad. After i left and pizzagate shit came out i noticed this article from hanna mclean



Back and forth bar is now in the unknkwn buildinf next to this snuff house

SINGSING used to be a party thrown by dj rico uno in the old "333" club venue

Google/ insta all this. Ill get to more later.

I want you guys to dig too

Go to google maps and look at main and 11th block behind where sing sing is

Golden buddha monestary

Salvation army

Funeral home

And kingsgate mall


Also check out the whole 300columbia block down to the water

Theres alot going on but I want to bring uo these two places too

Singsing (just opened a few days ago)

Back and forth a couple years. I almost shit when i saw the article because i knew what was going on down there and i could sleep.

Ive been trying to preare this info in some formal way and i barely know how to use 8chan but im just gonna get it out there.

Hoping more of you can take it from here but i will continue to post more

I suggest google earth on the areas i mention and check out the entire blocks surrounding these two fronts.

Because its the least heresay i can give.

f72bda  No.5435067


>you’re not at the risk of death or harm to your friends/self/loved ones.

Is that right? You just got here newfag. I know I said it was gonna be my last post but you STILL haven't dropped anything of actual value. You still haven't even attempted to prove that you are indeed an HW insider.

I have no reason to believe you because my 16 year old neighbor COULD ACTUALLY BE YOU.

f72bda  No.5435088


Make sure all your location sharing is off.

8337c1  No.5435229


If you havent already go make your self familiar with pickton/ kevin annet at the itcss website and the stories of the downtown east side. Aa well as the fentynal money laundering by the chinese. In b.c and you also have huwaei. Since the olympics vancouver has CATERED to elite sex trafficking and i believe most of the high bid snuff productions are coming out of van. Clintons are in whistler all the time. Also re check the luka magnotta story as well. Theres alot going on in vancouver.

8337c1  No.5435699


lionsgate/lionsgate films/ bridge studios as well. It all connects.

8337c1  No.5435735


City studios// cambie bridge// spyglass place// false creek south // and kids and company// vpd // the rise// olympic village//

8337c1  No.5435926



Theres been lots of bits and pieces of stories about vancouver. Check vancouver yacht club, vancouver club missing children, feet washing up stories.

Kevin arnett

These stories have been going on for years. There is massive cult pressence in vancouver and victoria.. This is the crown. Ontop of it you have the new age movement yoga studios sub cults everywhere and since the tech companys and olympics and towers have gone up its just … Central.. Also uranium one. Vancouver ports.

Massive targetting and gangstalking programs. A large multilevel dumb, tunnels, milab programs. Everything.

8337c1  No.5435937


Nxivm is also related in this case. U1 AND huawei

8337c1  No.5435949


royal family and canadian pm visited downtown east side womens center i almost shit

Think getty

c8dc41  No.5436327


We are NOT posting on Qresearch. Please spread the word. Do you wonder why this is happening?


3db3a2  No.5436379

c8dc41  No.5436391


Somebody is posting on the other board with our sig, we have anons monitoring. Not us. Will return tonight. here, with another dig. Bless.


48b3cb  No.5436446


Darn just missed you. Enjoy your day.

4e9116  No.5436476


He took him out of CAA for the cult. Gay mafia took over.

Ovitz tried to bitch "It was the gay mafia" and they came down hard on him.

His brother Mark's a producer/exec both born in the Valley.

4e9116  No.5436483


Just remove the data from the pick.

Right click on properties.

There's also a setting on most phone to make sure no time location etc.

8337c1  No.5436501


Kk thanks will do. Ill leave this photo up for now for the sake of the post.

8337c1  No.5436547


Anyway you should be able to find alot with all these key words. Vancouver is crawling with pedophiles. And definitley set up to cater. Check out the hollywood presence and who goes up there. Stories used to be johnny depp used to roll the DTES. But with all the netflix shows being filmed van helsing,lucifer, riverdale.. Endless hollywood films. And all the chinese elitest its just crazy. dTEs is a fucking meat grinder. Fentynal for overdoses and organ harvesting. Its the pits and everyone down there is in debt. They torture people and let them out on the streets for shits

If you think shelf life of a human being the dtes is where you end up at the end.

4e9116  No.5436580

File: 3255231a1939a4a⋯.jpg (11.07 KB, 309x163, 309:163, download.jpg)


heres better explanation


The worlds biggest kiddie porn repository in Vancouver. It's in the "image bank" in an organization know as the Western Front. It's in an old masonic hall. Right?

These are killer fag occultists.

No need for pics of WF but maybe poss to get in there for the cultural events.

You could asks discretely about the image bank. Say you're an admirer of


4e9116  No.5436621


There also that org there that is supposed to be saving child prostitutes, Covenant House.

Heard it doesn't work that way buy no confirmation.

Talk to some of those kids if you can, and be careful. Say you're looking for your cousin or something.

8337c1  No.5436824



Holy shit yea. Ok

8337c1  No.5436827



8337c1  No.5436911


There is a masonic hall in on granville and 8th it looka like a fucking collasal tomb. Wierd activity. Direct access to kids and company and false creek south area i mentioned. Ill post reviews for kids and co later tonight that I found.

Anybody know anything about lions club

Or gulf islands b.c? There was a storm there and it was very unusual. Ten days everything was cut power/phone lines. On galiano/saltspring. People said you could see the islands glowing. Took over 900 hydro workers sent from all over to fix it. It was one of tje worst and most unusual storms to happen in b.c. there is a huge cult elite presence on galiano and saltspring island. Military too. I believe something was being stored somewhere in this area. South of vancouver island. Servers?

8337c1  No.5437005


Killer fag occultist is right. They have massive gangstalking torture trueman rituals they do on people. I believe there exists a smiley face killers cult in vancouver

Possibly ritual initiation for vpd under the cambie bridge

Check out william ramsey investigates and listen to his talls about smiley face lillers.

There is proof of all this under cambie bridge with an old smiley face as well as huge pedo symbols painted onto the sidewalk under the bridge by city studios

Check out city studios.. Something goong on with B.C HYDRO too.

8337c1  No.5437144


Theres also kidzworld.com address on hastings which is linked to john podesta.. That has come up in the pizzagate research already.

1ffeb2  No.5438833

File: f29139e8ef9fda5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 819x1839, 273:613, sys.8ch.net-IPhashhistory.….png)


>T-T-T-T-Trump is controlled opposition!

48b3cb  No.5440433


Sooo. HWA is a fake. Thx. Won’t waste my time ..appreciate it!

8337c1  No.5440509


Fuck sakes. Can we please start a thread on Hollywood North

8337c1  No.5440731


Im heading here

17b5e0  No.5446532


HW1 & 2, if you decide to go to another board, please let us know. Some of us are very interested in what you have to say, and have no desire to bust your chops. TIA.

f72bda  No.5448220

File: d12d49cb9edc171⋯.png (683.85 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

Hi! I'm HWAnon5

Here's some info: You had to fuck Harvey Weinstein to get a job in one of his movies.

17b5e0  No.5448324


You know, if you do not want info, no one is forcing you to be here, right? Divisionfag.

df8a62  No.5452713



Victoria. 1950's / 60's - "Michelle Remember" written by her and her Dr (Pazder).

Details regression therapy and recollection of childhood SRA / SRS

Used to have a copy.. fucking creepy. Caused a massive outroar when I came out in the 70s/80s.

Found a PDF:


Victoria is def a satanic capital. Lots of fucked up stuff goes on there. Port city and all, plus on the Urban Exploration site there is a thread on underground tunnels that has been getting posted on for 20+ years.

First post 2005, last post last week. Massive french bread for Anon's.


2a8071  No.5453665

File: 3c22391b4d05b2d⋯.jpg (57.03 KB, 600x656, 75:82, 5ea58cd3f37e57cb5b3d7820c7….jpg)

e56337  No.5491809

sunday night. They say they are in the resesarch breads.

but they aren't here in their bread.

it must not really be them.

6788a9  No.5555989

Nathaniel Taylor. RIP.


40327a  No.5630773

File: 643985babea28f8⋯.jpeg (947.72 KB, 960x829, 960:829, love-you.jpeg)

TY Hollywood fags



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