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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

29dd59  No.5410206

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great >>5408626Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 02.26.2019

>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10

>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12

>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11

>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8

>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7

>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6

>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5

>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God

>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.

>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.

>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.

>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.

Monday 02.25.2019

>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3

>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?

>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.

>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.

>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain

>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office

>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track

>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )

>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?

Sunday 02.24.2019

>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?

>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest.....

>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Friday 02.22.2019

Compiled here: >>5383236

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

29dd59  No.5410218


are not endorsements


>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.


>>5409553, >>5409650, >>5409756, >>5409706, >>5409848, >>5409851, >>5409892, >>5409930, >>5409988 Bloomberg posted pics on twitter before Q replied

>>5409618 Jared Kushner Tells Sky News Arabia His Plan Is to Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

>>5409693 Full Text of Michael Cohen’s Prepared Testimony Before Wednesday’s Hearing

>>5409758 New government documents reveal Jared Kushner’s Secret Service codename as ‘Mechanic’

>>5409918 Pic of Test 9

>>5410001 WH Pool report on the trade deal

>>5410028 Globalist Business Groups with Koch, Bush Ties Dominate Immigration Talks at White House

>>5410134 "The world is watching" quote during working lunch meeting in Hanoi

>>5410141 Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Health: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

>>5410183 Cardinal George Pell taken into custody after his bail was revoked

>>5410189 #6915

#6914 Baker Change


>>5409031 Q posted twice at the same time on two IDs

>>5409027, >>5409240 Link to Test 9

>>5409274 House votes to block Trump's national emergency declaration 245–182. 13 Rs voted to block it

>>5409437 #6914


>>5408072 Highlights of Vietnam and United States Bilateral Meeting

>>5408074 Republicans winning in CT

>>5408082, >>5408348 Ed Henry pics from source in hotel

>>5408124 Pell in the cell

>>5408359 POTUS deals - VietJet signs firm order to buy 100 new Boeing 737 Max planes

>>5408404 Ed Buck lawsuit

>>5408449 Boeing nominates Haley to its board

>>5408626 #6913


>>5407273 ISIS gold incoming

>>5407321 "Technical Glitch" on the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange)

>>5407437 Eric Miller's 9th Circuit confirmation (53-46)

>>5407433, >>5407542 Court rejects challenge to Mueller’s appoinment in case brought by Roger Stone

>>5407335 Apps Giving Health Data to Facebook Without Permission

>>5407369, >>5407400 Ed Henry just showed these pics on Fox right now

>>5407425 Hardev Panesar Leader of Multi-Million Dollar Immigration Fraud Scheme Pleads Guilty

>>5407703 US Navy Servicewoman Admits To Interstate Gun Trafficking Conspiracy

>>5407893 #6912

Previously Collected Notables

>>5407121 #6911

>>5404826 #6908, >>5405641 #6909, >>5406368 #6910

>>5402499 #6905, >>5403293 #6906, >>5404064 #6907

>>5400206 #6902, >>5400946 #6903, >>5401687 #6904

>>5397828 #6899, >>5398614 #6900, >>5399305 #6901

>>5395557 #6896, >>5396327 #6897, >>5397090 #6898

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

29dd59  No.5410220

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>>/comms/3702

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

29dd59  No.5410223

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

29dd59  No.5410228



49d50d  No.5410242

File: eec39ee11638a4a⋯.jpg (752.94 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Sweet-Dreams-Patriots-4.jpg)

Sweet dreams, Patriots.

Go with God.

624d26  No.5410269

God Bless You Q and Team , And yes POTUS ..GN all

39c8f9  No.5410271

File: 168843a53be2979⋯.png (300.55 KB, 632x460, 158:115, ClipboardImage.png)

a84ca7  No.5410272

File: c0a8f0728b96baf⋯.png (26.1 KB, 500x181, 500:181, q1.png)

File: 21531df85a641ad⋯.png (85.92 KB, 666x234, 37:13, does not exist.png)

File: 7294e10c9c2c311⋯.png (206.85 KB, 400x451, 400:451, JW.png)

Yo Nightshift!

I posted this twice earlier and not many noticed. James Woods tweeted "Q1" earlier today and quickly deleted it. No idea what it means, or if/how related, but c'mon, thats just a big coincidence!?

750b70  No.5410273

>>5410178 lb

"Original" from whose device? Q does not say anywhere any pic is from his device.

d44320  No.5410274

fast bread is fast.

61ff1d  No.5410275


Another fine job, Baker! TY!

39c8f9  No.5410276

File: 08bccedf62cf2c0⋯.png (600.43 KB, 739x487, 739:487, ClipboardImage.png)

bf2d20  No.5410277

File: 7c9ef49e06b03f0⋯.jpg (508.33 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_5663.JPG)

>>5410247 (pb)

patriots should indeed have a live feed on all devices

all devices

especially the ones near potus

and in the msm

20ca02  No.5410278

File: 79cf5ae2373817f⋯.png (6.47 KB, 101x255, 101:255, melania.png)

Bread is hot! TYB!!

bc814d  No.5410279

File: 098a16ace990da4⋯.png (14.48 KB, 946x242, 43:11, ClipboardImage.png)

3f7f43  No.5410280

File: 1f77934ca01f0c2⋯.jpeg (102.78 KB, 970x647, 970:647, 62483D1C-674C-4F25-84A7-D….jpeg)

You think our GEOTUS has the balls to return NO NAMES remains to Vietnam as a gesture of goodwill?

5e507e  No.5410281

File: 07b585a7a7c9ea2⋯.jpg (351.64 KB, 2016x1008, 2:1, QNNrepeat.jpg)

3847fa  No.5410282

When you find a girl who speaks nothing but the truth you need to listen to what she says. If she says go, you go.

aada42  No.5410283


2112c7  No.5410284

File: fbc4ac368dde74d⋯.jpeg (501.07 KB, 661x1018, 661:1018, EC6E964E-447A-46B0-B287-6….jpeg)

Tits 1

d3f095  No.5410285


f03228  No.5410286

Ok so random fag posts pics first.

What mental fucking gymnastics are we using to explain that away?

Explain for a stupid anon, this is some bullshit.

8e64a7  No.5410287


maybe, we are in Q1 of 2019

(Business term)

09fd54  No.5410288

File: 1eeda2c4988842d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 634x497, 634:497, 1eeda2c4988842d02b0b051359….jpg)

2112c7  No.5410289

File: a0303f5b3644ce7⋯.jpeg (254.61 KB, 892x1348, 223:337, CCA9A90C-F85E-4EEB-8BE6-1….jpeg)

Tits 2

244c9e  No.5410290

File: 4a08f7c460ba04e⋯.png (368.69 KB, 633x378, 211:126, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

File: c444352896e802d⋯.jpg (162.39 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DzpkPtDX0AIckQC.jpg)

4d6043  No.5410291

Well, it appears that my work on this planet is finished, so I must now return to my home planet of Zarquon.

309a13  No.5410292

File: a9de814f3fd85ba⋯.png (251.07 KB, 550x729, 550:729, 3AA92343-0B1E-4CBC-868B-C6….png)

b57988  No.5410293


c1ebef  No.5410294

when you post on a website. it has ip adress and something called a user agent that says what device operating system and browser you are using. I always spoof my user agent but most people don't so the tests could be to see if there was in fact a leak by the q team seeing if the anon post user agent matches the make and model of one of the phones on the team. That is my theory anyways.

bc814d  No.5410295

File: 22de6c6c71faecf⋯.png (639.5 KB, 3077x2241, 3077:2241, ClipboardImage.png)

000c4c  No.5410296

File: 0a624f384b632c4⋯.png (9.46 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 68a08f897ff187af44995dd9b6….png)

File: a5e434b1509ab55⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 255x246, 85:82, b62fb49085afc11bb678782c9f….jpg)

20ca02  No.5410297


Trading goods I figure.

eb08df  No.5410298

File: cdc90d80e45de40⋯.jpeg (9.95 KB, 255x187, 15:11, Pepe excellent bread.jpeg)

c5ae0a  No.5410299

>>5410196 (lb)

>Maybe by Q saying "we have the originals," he's telling Mr. Purple, "WE SEE YOU." You are breaching security, telling others about breaching security, threatening POTUS life.

yes, remember they have it all.

>no such agency

everything in that area is being monitored.

f7efb2  No.5410300

Keep the tits coming

309a13  No.5410301

File: 23e555390ff65fa⋯.png (261.14 KB, 555x554, 555:554, 3FC10C31-FAD4-45FA-B925-4B….png)

ceb002  No.5410302


maybe not so

>random fag

but spook

6d6e0c  No.5410303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5409347 lb #6914

My spidey sense is telling me this is that crazy broad cindy whats her name… posted a link earlier to her video where she, as some exalted being from another planet, has signed an arrest warrant for JFK Jr for "IMPERSONATING PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP" and by her order those sworn to uphold the #%PLANETARY%^& LAWS are to apprehend, failing to do so will be punishable… I mean this woman has an entire movie reel of her own, running thru the feed she uses to rattle on bout some weird ass shit… even puts call outs for hexes on ppl from her sadly mislead viewers/followers.

she disappeared now, a number of years ago, thought she had gone to jail for this kind of thing. guess she's out if she did.



Rise Together

ya, ya you believe what you'd like but leave us the fuck alone to what we chose to believe. Kek

crazy woman signing a warrant for a guy that died in 1999…. loopy loo😵😶🐸

034eda  No.5410304

File: 0bcae064e68ef45⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 704x396, 16:9, Whahappen.gif)

5a36ae  No.5410305

File: 277947abe26e6b4⋯.jpeg (35.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 493867A0-4FCA-4252-884D-F….jpeg)


Tasty bread, Baker.

6ef6dd  No.5410306

<Only eating a crumb because I posted so late last bread. <3


Just a bit of REAL NEWS for everyone.

Evening, Anons.

I have brought to you tonight a statistic that deeply troubles me.

Based on OANN's recent coverage of the illegal immigrant crisis, I decided to do a little basic math for everyone.

If the numbers are accurate…

There are an estimated 25,700,000+ illegal immigrants in the US.

There are an estimated 328,300,000+ people that live in the US.

(25,700,000 / 328,300,000) * 100 (to give an accurate percentage) = 7.8282


If all those illegals aren't documented for the purposes of these numbers

328,300,000 + 25,700,000 = 354,000,000

(25,700,000 / 354,000,000) * 100 (to give an accurate percentage) = 7.2598

This means that for every 100 people you see ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY, INCLUDING YOURSELF, between 7 and 8 of those people are definitely illegal immigrants.

Food for thought.

>Population count in order by country (2019)


>Advertised current cost of illegal immigrants (inc. total estimated head count) on US taxpayers

https://www.oann.com/ (can't seem to find this data from their sources, but they show it twice every hour on live TV)

9da859  No.5410307

File: 59a644364c6a807⋯.jpg (121.6 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 0008-09.jpg)

243afb  No.5410308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q punked Bloomberg.

66d2e9  No.5410309

File: 439518a6c37e0b4⋯.jpeg (912.8 KB, 1287x1272, 429:424, B2125C9C-7097-4495-9107-7….jpeg)

More TicToc from another user, posting layout or just annoyed by inconvenience..

e3a992  No.5410310

File: 0dc2851171df923⋯.png (462.47 KB, 596x505, 596:505, Scavino45 re 2-26-19 9 47 ….PNG)

File: 400d8e1eb7f2c9c⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Scavino45 re 2-26-19….mp4)

President @realDonaldTrump arriving at the Office of Government Hall in Hanoi, Vietnam…


a9a5dd  No.5410311


Dude owns at least two shirts. CONFIRMED.

945422  No.5410312

File: 9ab02f049b1fd62⋯.png (1016.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

ed91da  No.5410313


Nice find anon!

ca0380  No.5410314

This oventrain is a bakin

Out comes the breads

Hotter than hot

God bless the baker, and Q, Master of Crumbs

20ca02  No.5410315


Seems to match.

221603  No.5410316

File: 17de97af057b490⋯.jpeg (73.22 KB, 417x439, 417:439, 9D0EBDFC-FAB9-4E1E-AF7A-2….jpeg)

Can a memefag make my kitty say Q instead of Foo?

186826  No.5410317

File: c038679068d1ce3⋯.png (89.89 KB, 640x650, 64:65, Screenshot_2019-02-26 Dere….png)

So whats the deal with this Wallbank faggot?


c98242  No.5410318

File: 4ddd8e1f2e0c8bf⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 4ddd8e1f2e0c8bfac4ee4ffd07….gif)

e7a354  No.5410319



a3e211  No.5410320

I notice on QMAP when you refresh.

you see a different time stamp. on drops.

is that there actual time zone?

224c72  No.5410321


You think mocking others is of good nature?

You mock religions, races, sexual orientations..


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

1eeb90  No.5410322

>>5410209 lb

Sounds like a Former Cabal Hotel from the list of names of former guest who stayed there! Potus rubbing the Deep State in the face ….trolling them.

1b60e4  No.5410323

>>5410253 PB

Blue Check Man's Tweet.

Message within pic? Road ahead is clear?

Message in text? "This would usually be a death wish." But is not now and this is the new "usual", the new norm?

Is Q (the several members) now being revealed? Moar than we know.


We are in Hanoi.

b57988  No.5410324

If ya go rapture

Go gourmet

Ty muslims

Ty Egypt

8e64a7  No.5410325




Photos were mimicked to look like typical Q originals, but were off.

Black background was brown

We need to verify proofs before spreading if we are to be respected as the new news.

969d4a  No.5410326

>>5410309 Why the fuck do they keep using that hashtag? Does that dude work for Bloomberg or is he just a nigger?

d67661  No.5410327

File: b12d604f2ac4a85⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 521x410, 521:410, Metropole.JPG)

Metropole Hanoi 1901

French Colonial architects, André Ducamp and Gustave-Émile Dumoutier.

The French keep cropping up.


fefd6f  No.5410328

File: e20fade90a18ad4⋯.jpeg (381.18 KB, 741x560, 741:560, D9E73DE8-8219-48C4-A04B-3….jpeg)

a888a1  No.5410329


Connection must be spoopy today….

6e0577  No.5410330

Former NYPD Detective Sentenced to Three Months’ Imprisonment for Committing Perjury in a Federal Prosecution

Defendant Falsely Testified About Photo Arrays

Michael Foder, a former detective employed by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) at the time of the charged conduct, was sentenced in federal court in Brooklyn today by United States District Judge Pamela K. Chen to three months’ imprisonment.

In August 2018, Foder pleaded guilty to perjury in connection with false statements he made under oath during a criminal proceeding. Foder was arrested in February 2018 and resigned from the NYPD in August 2018.

Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, William F. Sweeney, Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI), and James P. O’Neill, Commissioner, NYPD, announced the sentence.

“Integrity is an essential characteristic for every law enforcement officer and the overwhelming majority of officers earn and deserve the trust of the public,” stated United States Attorney Donoghue. “In choosing to lie, this defendant undermined fellow officers and rendered himself unfit to serve as a law enforcement officer.”

On December 29, 2016, Foder, then assigned to the 70th Precinct in Flatbush, Brooklyn, falsely testified under oath at a hearing in a federal prosecution about when and how he showed photographs of two robbery suspects to a victim of a carjacking.

Following the hearing, the government found discrepancies in the photo array identifications, including when the identifications had occurred.


75a573  No.5410331


2nd foor … kek..

52ed4c  No.5410332

File: eb9925c96d8edba⋯.png (20.66 KB, 200x194, 100:97, 1528500836302.png)


Seek therapy anon

6efebe  No.5410333

>>5409758 (lb notable)


39c8f9  No.5410334

File: 23d41cbe6be32c9⋯.png (62.51 KB, 715x913, 65:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e058c8b26e566e7⋯.png (63.11 KB, 718x863, 718:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bbfcd637be3e0c⋯.png (40.22 KB, 722x631, 722:631, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba

The Trump administration is threatening to unleash a flood of lawsuits involving Cuba, which no U.S. president has ever done. It has set a deadline of March 2 to announce whether it will create, in the words of the National Lawyers Guild, “a second embargo” of Cuba — “one that would be very difficult to dismantle in the future.”

Trump may give current U.S. citizens standing to sue in U.S. courts even if they were Cuban citizens when the Cuban government nationalized their property after the 1959 Revolution. They would be able to bring lawsuits against U.S. and foreign companies that allegedly profit from the nationalized properties.

In accordance with international law, the Cuban government had offered compensation to U.S. nationals for the taking of their property, as I explain below. If Trump permits myriad new lawsuits to proceed, it would unleash a tsunami of litigation that would harm U.S. companies and punish the Cuban people even more.

For 59 years, the United States has maintained a cruel embargo against Cuba.

“The embargo on Cuba is the most comprehensive set of U.S. sanctions on any country, including the other countries designated by the U.S. government to be state sponsors of terrorism — Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria,” according to the U.S. government.

In 1960, the Eisenhower administration declared a partial embargo on trade with Cuba in an attempt to pressure Cuba to change its form of government. The embargo was prompted by a secret State Department memorandum that proposed “a line of action which, while as adroit and inconspicuous as possible, makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”

This type of action is illegal under international law, according to Idriss Jazairy, the U.N. special rapporteur concerned with the negative impact of sanctions.

“Coercion, whether military or economic, must never be used to seek a change in government in a sovereign state,” said Jazairy. “The use of sanctions by outside powers to overthrow an elected government is in violation of all norms of international law.”

That includes the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.

Nonetheless, John F. Kennedy expanded the embargo in 1962 and every U.S. president since has continued it, hurting the Cuban people, but not succeeding in overthrowing Cuba’s government.

In 1996, Bill Clinton signed the Helms-Burton Act, which codified the embargo into law so that no president could unilaterally lift the sanctions against Cuba. Although Barack Obama took some limited steps toward normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba, Helms-Burton would have prevented him from lifting the embargo.


513315  No.5410335

File: 2e4d74f4a15e342⋯.gif (392.8 KB, 480x254, 240:127, Night Shift Emperor.gif)


TY, Baker!

e66582  No.5410336

File: 6bc60671a8f40f4⋯.jpg (40.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6bc60671a8f40f4b00c5ccad30….jpg)


Nice catch. Maybe he is apart of the White Hat Masons.

Yellow Book.

Blue Book.




244c9e  No.5410337


c46f91  No.5410338

File: 36c6db885a6ac03⋯.jpeg (310.1 KB, 1242x506, 27:11, A9B331A8-DD14-41EF-80A2-8….jpeg)

File: 0bb3f4f00b079d8⋯.jpeg (230.18 KB, 1242x431, 1242:431, 88D8FFC2-B36A-4407-947F-E….jpeg)

File: 5a3388618a4a8f5⋯.jpeg (695.36 KB, 1242x1012, 27:22, AEA727CD-65DC-4326-96C8-4….jpeg)

File: f2897aca304c6c9⋯.jpeg (156.47 KB, 1242x328, 621:164, 36AD8345-8229-467A-9122-5….jpeg)

Q is changing IDs within same bread. Anonymous test matches ID of previous trip

c05b36  No.5410339

Baking at Lightspeed Edition

eb08df  No.5410340


speed run for sure. our jesus freak doesn't help

e72adc  No.5410341


Whoever is posting with #TicTocTrumpKim needs to have their doors kicked in right the fuck now!

20ca02  No.5410342


KYS and thank me in the morning.

d3f095  No.5410343



Q recently posted internal civil war.

(((Their))) response is showing they can get into secure area. (((They))) agree they are at war with Trump. Tomorrow peace…

f7efb2  No.5410344


Post 8 more times cuz no one cares

46b5ff  No.5410345


It's a Bloomberg brand called TicToc


ee760b  No.5410346

File: e70f7bb3bacf273⋯.jpeg (653.08 KB, 750x1095, 50:73, AF5D65DF-07C3-440D-8C48-2….jpeg)

Q had to know we’d find this on Twatter. Yet Q implied in hi sresponse to the anon that these were taken/pulled originals.

That said, the photo Ingraham included wasn’t the same photo. Which means she didn’t get it from this BBerg douche.

So what’s Q trying to tell us?

God damn Im confused.

35d3df  No.5410347


I noticed the post in an earlier bread. Didn't think anything of it.

a83046  No.5410348

File: b7be2667e636420⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, b7be2667e63642013475486f54….png)

By referring to all these questionably sourced tweets, pics, and vids that are flying around, is Q lulling these smug media and HW faggots into complacency so as to force the Q? He's appealing to their egos so as to make them go reeeeeeeeeeeee, "see, see, see, Q is a LARP!" Then BAM, somebody asks.

All publicity is good publicity…

750b70  No.5410349


He took the pics that were post on the board.

ad6377  No.5410350

File: 65ee0789d5e6386⋯.png (549.39 KB, 631x625, 631:625, 65ee0789d5e63865d93dac4325….png)


We're going to build a Wallbank 10 feet higher and Mexico is going to pay for it.

309a13  No.5410351

File: 76b5af25f522bfa⋯.jpeg (716.37 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 2F9E0295-90F1-4CBE-96A8-7….jpeg)

1f6430  No.5410352


I too am feeling as if my life's mission is wrapping up.

5f2638  No.5410353

File: 5d43b6316b67fc6⋯.png (47.26 KB, 992x347, 992:347, ClipboardImage.png)


No! Evil doesn't cast out evil dumb ass! Re-read your Bible

2112c7  No.5410354


Derek is going to Hanoi prison

29af15  No.5410355


is dumbass holding phone upside down?

ed91da  No.5410356


Then we had the Q test posts following that. Good catch anon.

d44320  No.5410357

gnite all, need sleep


969d4a  No.5410358

File: 9881a10b7e578f2⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 236x236, 1:1, patriotic.jpg)

1815fc  No.5410359

>>5410196 (pb)

Not sure if someone mentioned this already, just an idea…

The pics posted on the board where not posted by Q and they were not the photos themselves but screen captures. Remember, we had this before. Think screen share program… what do you see when viewing someone else's screen? Does the person whose screen is viewed by someone else always know that that is happening?

f03228  No.5410360



Confirmation bias in full effect. No, fucking no.

Have not heard one resonable damn explanation.

5bc8a9  No.5410361

File: d1c27a3f4fcae8d⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2000x1611, 2000:1611, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey ya jesus larping demon-fucker.

>part of the philosophers stone..

the philosopher's stone is adrenochrome you numpty, not some lightning shit.

>It was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality

connect the dots….

a84ca7  No.5410362


well whaddya think now?

b19755  No.5410363

So, Michael Cohen's planned testimony just happens to leak when Trump is having major victories and Q is posting… Do the MSM really think that little of us that we wouldn't see just how orchestrated and not real this is… Or are they that desperate now that forget logic?

e72adc  No.5410364


So we'll need to cross reference Tripfag IDs between breads?

3847fa  No.5410365

I bet she wishes she had've burned my rover now.

1e0034  No.5410366


(((they))) are playing thinking they are still players.


bce8c8  No.5410367


Nice security they've got going there. Some heads should roll over that breach.

c524e4  No.5410368

File: c286d61b300c26c⋯.jpeg (17.67 KB, 255x153, 5:3, image.jpeg)

be4a67  No.5410369


broadcasting layout of building to /badguys/

75a573  No.5410370


same as Bush

6d6e0c  No.5410371

File: 5db2e8d52f7ce99⋯.png (404.16 KB, 661x879, 661:879, Q LAVROV.PNG)

Shinzo Abe Is Living in Cloud Cuckoo Land, Has Thoroughly Exhausted the Patience of the Russians

The Kremlin has had it with him

Gilbert Doctorow Mon, Feb 25, 2019 | 2140 words 4,998 39



Sundays in Russia, like Sundays in most of the Western world, are usually not news generating days. However, today Moscow broke that rule and provided Russia-watchers with a couple of very weighty international affairs developments that I will analyze in this article on Japan and in another article later today on what the termination of the INF Treaty will mean for Russian military doctrine, namely reaching for the Holy Grail of a first strike, a decapitating strike capability against the United States in the foreseeable future.

What these two developments today have in common is how the very harsh messages are being delivered: not by the head of state, Vladimir Putin, but by members of his inner circle, his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for the knock-out blow on Japanese expectations of a peace treaty so long as Shinzo Abe is prime minister, and the head of news on Russian broadcasting, Dmitry Kiselyov, as regards the detailed explanation of Russian plans for arms deployment following the end of the INF Treaty.


d524cd  No.5410372

File: e697c846f471172⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-02-26-23-57-….png)

Cuff and collar???

224c72  No.5410373



Evil.. not good.. That is how you speak..

Be good and kind!


You think mocking others is of good nature?

You mock religions, races, sexual orientations..


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

c77f3f  No.5410374

File: cc308f5ed984ccf⋯.jpg (455.85 KB, 3072x3072, 1:1, Facts.jpg)

(All /pb)


>handle with care


>Tis why I wait a day to verify.

>Even then I still share bad intel occasionally, but I'm learning… at least I think I am. ;)


>How do you enforce quality control over anons who have no accountability and who have just been told they are the news now?


>I like this guy

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

― Lao Tzu

35d3df  No.5410375


Multiple enemies. Hence, why the press pool was banned.

d75e4c  No.5410376



8539cf  No.5410377

File: 597e6cf9a7ffe9b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1854x500, 927:250, Screenshot_2019-02-27 Dere….png)

c77514  No.5410378

Fox news down

6bb799  No.5410379




You guys are retarded. First of all "the leaks are real but the news is fake" doesn't apply here this is a publicly posted document

Second of all you screaming shill and CNN employee at the first posts that make you uncomfortable is distancing you from reality.

A lot of what Michael Cohen is saying may very well be fake but it doesn't matter in the court of public opinion. He has proof trump lied about several things and documents of very shady activity. If you want to actually stand for trump and believe in him you have to be able to talk about these things without your cognitive dissonance blowing a hole in your brain.

969d4a  No.5410380

>>5410345 I'm aware. Re-read my post. I said, "Does this nigger work for Bloomberg" or does he just like threatening POTUS?

39c8f9  No.5410381

File: 2f5b8b78064ec37⋯.png (380.27 KB, 644x368, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fd135cec324870⋯.png (663.02 KB, 696x898, 348:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2e8bb35b7e22c4⋯.png (36.29 KB, 709x555, 709:555, ClipboardImage.png)

Stunning video shows how the vaccine industry has turned the measles, an ordinary, non-fatal infection like chicken pox, into a hyperventilated national emergency

When you hear the word “measles,” what is your first reaction? No one would blame you for panicking and keeping your distance from those who have the disease, given all the hype over it, but what exactly is so bad about it? Do you even know?

Contrast this with your gut reaction to chicken pox. Many of us endured this in our childhood, and while it certainly wasn’t fun, outbreaks at school didn’t make news headlines and send people into mass hysteria.

While the two illnesses aren’t exactly the same, they have a lot more in common than you might think. In fact, measles used to be a pretty common medical issue that might have been annoying but certainly wasn’t life-threatening, much like chicken pox. It typically starts with a high fever and is marked by a cough, red eyes, a runny nose, and those tiny red spots you might already be familiar with that start at the head before spreading to cover the whole body. Like many common illnesses, it can lead to pneumonia and other serious problems in rare cases. But if the scientific evidence isn’t swaying enough for you, a look at how it was addressed in the pop culture of the time can be very telling.

The David Knight Show recently took a look at some video clips from the 1950s and 1960s illustrating how nonchalant people were about the illness at the time.

Take the example of an episode of The Donna Reed Show from the 1950s. “It’s not serious,” the doctor says upon diagnosing her son with measles. “If your boy takes it easy, he’ll be as good as new in a few days. He’s only got measles.” His father even says, “It’s kid stuff, they’ll laugh at us.”

The Flintstones was equally blasé about it in an episode from the 1960s. Fred comes home to find that his wife Wilma and her friend Betty had broken out in measles, preventing them from appearing in a TV bake-off.

“Don’t worry, Fred, measles don’t hurt,” his pal Barney says. The biggest concern of all involved is the women’s inability to appear in the bake-off; no one is worried that their lives are in jeopardy. In fact, Fred and Barney dress up as women and take their place in hopes of salvaging their chance at the bake-off’s $10,000 prize.


66d2e9  No.5410382

File: cb4647c77e89ce6⋯.jpeg (661.48 KB, 1254x1118, 627:559, EDD86D75-F6DA-41FD-812E-9….jpeg)

File: fa1ce511a300df2⋯.jpeg (1017.56 KB, 1361x1267, 1361:1267, 69C4A7B2-64AF-415E-A1FB-1….jpeg)



More. Guy needed to avoid lobby, this dude posts lobby has metal detector?

3f7f43  No.5410383


TicToc is a Bloomberg news platform

04636b  No.5410384


Q has eyes on. Derek Gingham-bank rt'd as well…

309a13  No.5410385

File: 5f74fe592faa136⋯.png (447.91 KB, 388x393, 388:393, BAAAD8D0-D878-4AA9-AA36-15….png)

1b60e4  No.5410386




as in Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Or typo or mistaken timing or another test, of a sort. Anons see all? Kewel.

8f7bb1  No.5410387

File: 187cc34069ebb72⋯.jpg (254.81 KB, 900x493, 900:493, Night Shift jet.jpg)

6bb799  No.5410388


that he's a larp

750b70  No.5410389


Calm down anon. TicTocBloomberg is a twitter name. He works for Bloomberg.

c05b36  No.5410390


bd2ae8  No.5410391

7de72e  No.5410392


Just keeping them out saves us more than enough money to build wall

656ae3  No.5410393

File: d626cb154659f3a⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 1066x1300, 41:50, clown-pointing-upward.jpg)


pic related

6bceaf  No.5410394


I said they were pulled from twitter! YES! I WON! I LOVE YOU ALL!

ed91da  No.5410395


Don't reply. This DS shill is adding each to his post every bread. Trying to take up the bread by posting multiple times making it difficult to read. Filter this faggot.

38ef72  No.5410396

Derek seems like a pretty big fag, no?

dbc34b  No.5410397

File: 01fe802de590252⋯.jpg (163.77 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, 13a17212221aefd333d7715118….jpg)


Amen to that anon!

e1235c  No.5410398

File: c098bbcbde2e8ee⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 298x346, 149:173, bigtitschelseacharms.jpg)


Tits 3

ceb002  No.5410399


even if they took the pics from twitter, focus is on the 1st source of originals: the twatter who magically passed security…

8e64a7  No.5410400


Q is training us to do it properly.

Showing us how fake shit gets out.

That is what is happening.

We say we are awake,

but are we?

124cd2  No.5410401


that his security/hotel was breached and that he knows who did it.

c1ebef  No.5410402


If it is person then he is using vpn's or proxies. He may be testing the proxies though i would assume it is not public proxies so the uptime would always be working basically so it doesn't make sense

ee760b  No.5410403


Yea but why claim they were originals? Is there a way to discern whether a photo was pulled from Twitter vs being pulled directly from a phone?

4d6043  No.5410404

Or the photos are from Q, implying the clowns shouldn't have brought their phones with them.

fefd6f  No.5410405

>>29af15 Kek

yes [He] is!

c46f91  No.5410406

034eda  No.5410407


MisdireQtion, being watched by minders

224c72  No.5410408


The press is bad?

You are very foolish..

only a dictator would have his fools believe that!!


You think mocking others is of good nature?

You mock religions, races, sexual orientations..


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

39c8f9  No.5410409

File: d27b440e3328d35⋯.png (56.67 KB, 681x298, 681:298, ClipboardImage.png)

At least 3 Pakistani combat jets enter Indian side of Kashmir, intercepted – Indian official

Indian Air Force jets have intercepted at least three Pakistani military jets after they crossed into Indian airspace over the disputed Kashmir area, Indian officials reported. It comes a day after an Indian air raid in Pakistan.

Amid the reported Pakistani incursion, Indian authorities shut down the Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport in Srinagar, Kashmir, local police told Reuters.



a888a1  No.5410410


This. That is a clown giving info. That line might just lead to someone important rather than his room.

cf6849  No.5410411


I think those are all press pool pics. I think that Q was trying to point out that an ANON posted it, but the only people who could have access to take those are the press.

IE the press is now following these boards.

b36d2a  No.5410412



>hey guize if [you] are trying to get in for nefarious shit, stay away from the lobby

513315  No.5410413



Hmm, doesn't sound good

d282e3  No.5410414



Q and operators.

coordinating comms

fba00f  No.5410415

File: aa70e5953b53827⋯.png (310.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 963SZLk87D5FsYRrUwSGsR76GC….png)

>>5410234 (lb)

>Anon Test 1

check, covfefe in hand

1eeb90  No.5410416

I am not liking this #tictocTrumpKim shit from MSM. This sounds like a threat against Potus Geotus.

8f6480  No.5410417


EXIF data

2a13e5  No.5410418




Here's the problem with good ole Derek sneaking in the dining room to take those pictures. If anyone of those leaders get sick … poisoning suspect … he's gonna find himself tied up in the legal tenacles of the authorities over there for the next 10 years.

He just turned himself into a possible suspect and that's why no one else was around or would go near there. The locals already know how this works. Risky…risky.

3aa7f1  No.5410419


He asked questions. It wasn't a statement.

35d3df  No.5410420


He's broadcasting the blueprints

15a624  No.5410421

>>5410253 PB


is that a threat?


Q people would not call him "Trump" they would call him POTUS

I don't think blue check shirt man (Derek) is a friendly

186826  No.5410422


How the fuck is the security so fucking lax? Should we report this faggot?

a820e2  No.5410423



That's love no questions


244c9e  No.5410424


f03228  No.5410425


Gay motherfucking excuse.

Fighting the cabal! Na bro, just traing anons..gtfo. Bullshit.

e66582  No.5410426

File: 143d92ceadc3dcf⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 565x425, 113:85, 1549920552161.jpg)


You Are The News Now.

Doesn't matter where the photos came from, we had them quicker than Fox News, and better.

Also Tick Tock?

Missing Two Ks?

R. Kraft?

R. Kelly?

Kelly K. Craft?


R. Kelly?

8f7bb1  No.5410427


Good eyes, thank you.

c00f29  No.5410428

>>5410230 lb

I sent those tweets of that actor to my nephew who I am endlessly trying to red pill successfully. Had to contact him to tell him they were bogus. First time that has happened to me and first I heard that it had happened ever. I’m fairly insulated from social media so I don’t see much of QAnonn out there but it’s even reaching me now so I agree we need to be cautious.

What’s the solution?

Even if we organise ourselves, what’s to stop (((them))) from disseminating in Q’s name?

9f68d2  No.5410429



309a13  No.5410430

File: de02dad9159439c⋯.jpeg (48.84 KB, 800x485, 160:97, C350F139-9DCB-4CA1-9640-1….jpeg)

221603  No.5410431


That’s someone’s belly

26b620  No.5410432


Agree, these are three tests in a row where anons jumped the gun. It's unavoidable with the speed of social media though…

Some fuck nutt will run with it even if we come up with a 2hr rule….

5bc863  No.5410433



He posted them at 6:51pm PDT

Q posted test @ 7:54pm PDT

1 hr later….

b36d2a  No.5410434


>If anyone of those leaders get sick …

…or worse.

52e279  No.5410435


Exactly. Says the 6'2 " I just slipped in to the side door with out being detected "journalist"

Feels fucking FUCKERY

b57988  No.5410436


Ty rhetoricals

bd65bd  No.5410437



I don't really care about Michael Cohen's prepared testimony…neither do most informed Americans….he is a fucking convicted liar and a weasel ass sheister lawyer…..he is nothing…its really obvious that if he is all they have than the Fake news MSM Mockingbird joke of a media has nothing either.

29dd59  No.5410438

Notables so far


>>5410295 All Tests in one graphics

>>5410310 Scavino Tweets about Hanoi

>>5410272 James Woods deleted tweet: Q1

>>5410327 On the Metropole Hanoi

>>5410334 Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba

>>5410409 At least 3 Pakistani combat jets enter Indian side of Kashmir, intercepted

e1235c  No.5410439


India is going to nuke them. Just play Civ once vs. them and you will know.

4a2da4  No.5410440

File: aa65043a40a4228⋯.jpg (64.51 KB, 417x439, 417:439, qnotFoo.jpg)

c05b36  No.5410441

File: d566ee0e35f4a48⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1388x824, 347:206, ClipboardImage.png)

a8edce  No.5410442


if it takes its satanist morbid angel beanie off. ffs

ceb002  No.5410443



"JUST SENT US" would still showcase that we are the news… if those were on twitter 3 hours ago, but only sent to Fox after they were posted here

c5ae0a  No.5410444



















2a13e5  No.5410445


He sure is not exceptionally bright see:


fd00b7  No.5410446

My Fox News channel is down

39c8f9  No.5410447

File: 809720d88102281⋯.png (161.14 KB, 837x755, 837:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1f9dd94f62a731⋯.png (285.87 KB, 839x874, 839:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e263dfc6bd14fd9⋯.png (202.79 KB, 861x636, 287:212, ClipboardImage.png)

The ‘Russian bots’ that weren't: Twitter backtracks on troll claims, media ignores updated info

witter quietly revised its public database of ‘Russian bot’ accounts earlier this month, removing 228 accounts it previously said were “connected to Russia”— but the admission has gone almost completely unnoticed by the media.

Bloomberg reported on the “burst of activity” from the bot accounts and claimed that Russia's “social-media trolling operation” was “stepping up its Twitter presence to new heights.”

Fast-forward to 2019 and Twitter has removed 228 of these accounts from the database, saying they had “initially misidentified” them as being linked to Russia, but nobody in the media seems to have noticed.

In fact, Bloomberg is the only major US outlet which bothered to correct the story to reflect reality, admitting that Twitter’s changes to the dataset “invalidate central portions” of its original report and that there was “no surge” in this so-called Russian bot activity at the time in question. Oops!

Pivot to Venezuela!

Interestingly, the highlighted accounts have now been linked to Venezuela, another country the US government just so happens to have bad blood with.

In a tweet, Twitter’s “head of site integrity” Yoel Roth said that the company can now “more confidently associate” the 228 accounts with Venezuela. Roth’s short tweet thread on the misidentification was met with little interest receiving only a few retweets and no attention from media figures who supposedly actively follow any and all news remotely related to Russian activity online.


1b60e4  No.5410448

File: 5a12b4826e1023c⋯.png (254.61 KB, 755x332, 755:332, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4abea14c751892⋯.png (517.28 KB, 543x747, 181:249, ClipboardImage.png)




Derek Wallbank

on Bloomberg

PIC matches Tweet Pic.

Is this the Check Shirt Man?

75a573  No.5410449

File: 6f13d3271860835⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 600x450, 4:3, cohenhrc.jpg)

6efebe  No.5410450


>I noticed the post in an earlier bread.


Could do the same thing

on multiple accounts


b36d2a  No.5410451


…wearing the bright purple checked gingham shirt.

a888a1  No.5410452


It obviously is.

be9e66  No.5410453


….yeah that sounds oddly ominous. Hotel is going to be world famous, *sneaks in to scout where Trump will be*, *scouts the security measures*….and Q quickly snatches up his pictures and drops them here, citing them as the 'originals'.

Security threat?

750b70  No.5410454


Agreed. There is no way that should have happened, yet it did.

a96ba5  No.5410455

With the "Tests" is Q measuring the delay to post?

Trying to calibrate his posts and POTUS tweets?

124cd2  No.5410456


FISA Memo Secret Dem Meeting




18 Jan 2018 - 8:16:41 PM

What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]?

Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239?

Why does it take the information going PUBLIC before JUSTICE is served?




[8] FIRED.


Possible SUICIDES.

++ / + TICK TOCK.


Allison Mack of NXIVM Sex Cult Naming Big Names




20 Apr 2018 - 7:30:58 PM

Mack is naming names.

Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).


The ‘Standard’ Hotel.

Helicopter crash.

All related.

Future will prove past.


Feeling ok today?

Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?

Tick TOCK (LLC).


656ae3  No.5410457

File: 3ff22702c0b97b2⋯.png (1.67 MB, 766x570, 383:285, hannityridingbitch.png)

tick tock

what kind of fuckery is this??


c05b36  No.5410458



9205f9  No.5410459


What happened to Test 9?

be4a67  No.5410460


likely multiple members of Q team testing devices synch in different location. this has happened before and BO confirmed, believe codemonkey did also.

2112c7  No.5410461

File: 6ab8546a204af2b⋯.jpeg (834.55 KB, 1210x736, 605:368, EAF6E564-AC7E-497E-B5AC-B….jpeg)


Tits 4


09fd54  No.5410462

File: 78886d45a980fc1⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, veinity.jpg)

224c72  No.5410463


I said I took both pills years ago..

I am The Savior!

I am saving..

I have plans to build heaven on earth for eternal life and peace in bliss.. have you all not been waiting for this??


You think mocking others is of good nature?

You mock religions, races, sexual orientations..


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

e3ff35  No.5410464

The tests make me think the Q Team is getting synchronized to drop some 0-Delta proof. A big proof. Possibly the DECLAS proof.

a820e2  No.5410465


They all set their traps and glaot

So happy to see their own downfall

The secret wish of allmevilmones? To be caught, and punished

bf2d20  No.5410466


dude can travel

3f7f43  No.5410467


“India” is DS Central at the moment. India won’t nuke anyone but the DS may.

20ca02  No.5410468


No sauce. Details to follow.

afe95c  No.5410469

File: 4ea423b4f9f8c5f⋯.png (78.6 KB, 640x650, 64:65, 3875806D-7622-43DE-8DD2-3E….png)

File: 7bea88c254eb928⋯.jpeg (193.25 KB, 1287x1272, 429:424, ED65C17D-D13E-4049-BFE6-E….jpeg)

Just an observation but he oddly uses 6’2” and 2 in the post , or 262- is he calling out room 262?

e66582  No.5410470


Keep us up to date on this.

e1235c  No.5410471


You should change hands sometimes.

333f82  No.5410472

File: a6963dda2bd9d9a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 852x660, 71:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0cf347d2fc9c21⋯.png (234.71 KB, 876x830, 438:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6efb6839da5337⋯.png (241.46 KB, 904x1137, 904:1137, ClipboardImage.png)

Bomb bunker, war reporters and Charlie Chaplin: Hanoi's storied Metropole hosts Kim-Trump summit

HANOI (Reuters) - A storied French colonial-era hotel once used by the North Vietnamese government to house foreign guests during the Vietnam War is set to host U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as they meet for a second nuclear summit on Wednesday. The Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi has hosted dignitaries and celebrities from Charlie Chaplin on his honeymoon in 1936 to “Hanoi Jane” Fonda during her 1970s anti-war campaign and even Trump himself on a recent visit to the Vietnamese capital. The Metropole could begin a new chapter as a symbol of peace if Trump and Kim, as some officials in Seoul and Washington expect, formally declare an end to the last remaining Cold War conflict after their two-day summit.

The United States and North Korea are technically still at war, because the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. “We hope Trump and Kim make some progress with their denuclearization and hopefully open North Korea to the outside world,” said Stephen Fries, a doctor from Colorado whose long-planned family trip was disrupted by preparations for the summit. He was among two dozen Metropole guests touring an underground air raid bunker at the hotel used during the Vietnam War that was rediscovered by chance in 2011 while the hotel was renovating its poolside Bamboo bar. Trump and Kim will meet at the Metropole at 6:30 pm (1130 GMT) on Wednesday, where the two will have a 20-minute one-on-one chat followed by a dinner with aides, the White House said. “It’s about time there is a deal. Vietnam had been our enemy, now they are kind of a friend. I hope North Korea would become exactly like Vietnam, and maybe use it an example to follow for its own economic development,” Fries said.


258b36  No.5410473


Kim and Trump could announce reunification

of the Koreas tomorrow and msm will be all

about Cohen. Every talking head will be asking,

"Can this send Trump to prison?"

8e64a7  No.5410474


Is that you toilet boi?

ee760b  No.5410475

File: d56cb4f3f307db4⋯.jpeg (387.11 KB, 676x1236, 169:309, CC32949D-59DB-4AC7-AE6D-9….jpeg)


Is it worth noting that the photos didn’t have the usual black bar and instead had different weird shades of brown?

39c8f9  No.5410476

File: 1a73eb238f0a15e⋯.png (26.8 KB, 944x464, 59:29, ClipboardImage.png)


India Pakistan notable from today it's a cabal op to start WW3

750b70  No.5410477


It obviously is NOT. Try read some of the posts. Lurk moar. Already been mentioned many times why that hashtag was used.

16cdc2  No.5410478

File: d5df13a3ed702bd⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Screenshot_20190227-010529.png)


1e0034  No.5410479


We know that (((russians))) are one of the main parties in the globalist regime that has the world in its iron grip.

We ALSO know that the fucking stupid japs happily played along with globalists and believed themselves to be players when they are anything but.

nips are really fucking overreaching, as always. abe is corrupt to the core, like most 'right' in east asia.

e3a992  No.5410480


>Scavino Tweets about Hanoi

Scavino45 Tweets Video of POTUS in Hanoi

034eda  No.5410481

File: 1564a6501163443⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, checkem.jpg)

5e507e  No.5410482


Baters gonna bate

98f72e  No.5410483

Was there a threat thwarted against Potus tonight, Q?

5bc863  No.5410484


Ah… sounds like a fun mission if you are only taking pics. He didn't go into the dining room.

e66582  No.5410485


Test 9 was under Anonymous

ceb002  No.5410486


could be…

it all reeks of spook messaging


dbc34b  No.5410487

File: 82c43161a134662⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 232x217, 232:217, 82c43161a134662dfa7ea7060e….jpg)


Just because we like frogs doesn't mean we need to JUMP like them.

Learn to discern & stay calm… ESPECIALLY if it's news that gets you hyped, as that's often the biggest bait. Patience & discernment are KEY.

235ea4  No.5410488

File: 3e52cec48a66a87⋯.png (11.88 KB, 389x247, 389:247, orig.PNG)


Punctuation is critical; Q asked "Anons have originals?"


"How is that possible?"

In other words do we have our shit straight or we gonna jump the gun as has happened previously

20ca02  No.5410489


Or 622.

09fd54  No.5410490


no way!

66d2e9  No.5410491


There’s also another post with the hashtag claiming the hotel was used as a bomb shelter during the Vietnam war. Odd.

244c9e  No.5410492

Ed Henry just showed some photos again, some that looked to be from Derek Wallbanks twitter….and a few new ones that Q did not post here first. Credited to a source at the hotel.

d6c68e  No.5410493


Q, please confirm this faggot IS a FAGGOT.

7201bb  No.5410494


Read notables last bred

6bceaf  No.5410495


I only see 2. One with a tree branch growing around it.

bf2d20  No.5410496


yep, thats what twat pics look like

696279  No.5410497


It is very odd. This guy screams CLOWN. Maybe the photos, as other anons have speculated, were interceptions to show the deep state they are watching them.

be4a67  No.5410498

File: e69362dc7a1eb63⋯.png (3.1 KB, 535x63, 535:63, 5408709.png)





Anonymous 02/26/19 (Tue) 23:59:24 94e203

also in offsite gallery:


with all the others from FEB

and on the spreadsheet

eb08df  No.5410499


on the contrary anon. it is just about to start all over again.

750b70  No.5410500

1eab43  No.5410501


Trust the plan

Next week


50100c  No.5410502

File: 7047123f04ae9d6⋯.png (100.08 KB, 946x145, 946:145, ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking creepy

344baa  No.5410503

File: b9a3c7ae2bc18ff⋯.png (729.59 KB, 615x807, 205:269, ClipboardImage.png)




b29476  No.5410504

File: be0af0c55c4319c⋯.jpg (931.54 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Qnews.jpg)

Anons who want to follow US news live stream head over to : http://ustv247.com

63f9a6  No.5410505

File: 66f1a1f95ae7351⋯.jpeg (46.7 KB, 389x535, 389:535, QTrack.jpeg)

While we were watching Q devices being tested, there were a few train incidents on TRAIN TRACKS. can't decide if they were FFs to divert from the Vietnam meetings or some kind of takedown of DS pedos. Either way, "tracks" and photo of a pedo? Gimme a break.

Yeah I know, NYT and CNN for sauce, but if a FF they would be the ones to cover it (having advance notice one would assume).



41e973  No.5410506

Did anyone notice the time stamp on these posts. Original timestamp before it changes to local time.


03:21:12 then changed to 21:21:12 CST


03:54:56 then changed to 21:54:56 CST


04:33:28 then changed to 22:33:28 CST

Could blue checkered Bloomberg guy post the pics here, trying to fool us?

Looks like tonight's dinner is not there. Pictures on Fox did not match up to the hotel pics.

ceb002  No.5410507



> He didn't go into the dining room.

was he alone? can he prove that? a dangerous game…

7c15cc  No.5410508

File: 54085374deddda9⋯.jpg (166.12 KB, 1075x576, 1075:576, Qpostpics.jpg)

File: 6cde36117d52c6c⋯.jpg (321.08 KB, 1920x1036, 480:259, twittertictoc.jpg)

Q has access to the phones. Original image posted by Q is 583.9KB, picture on Twitter is only 151.79KB

6d6e0c  No.5410509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prosecution DECLINED!!!

Truthification Chronicles

Published on 26 Feb 2019

5: min video

Inspector General Horowitz did his job well and recommended prosecution—but the DOJ declined!

getting hot in DC anons. always revealing turns of events

29aaef  No.5410510


And Q won't come explain it. Whenever he gets busted, he takes off for days -

and then we are so happy he is back, we ignore the bullshit that happened.

e056c7  No.5410511

File: bb8078a94048082⋯.png (667.46 KB, 760x511, 760:511, ClipboardImage.png)

from twatter

not sure if it was shopped?


e4a2d0  No.5410512

File: 1f1551b283d291b⋯.jpeg (165.93 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2BF1CE2C-0E4F-4A25-9EFC-C….jpeg)

Peace Is The Prize

333f82  No.5410513

File: b64f2119f9ad53d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 852x662, 426:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump says he appreciates commercial order that Vietnam has made

HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he appreciated the commercial order that Vietnam had made as well as the fact that the U.S. trade deficit with the Southeast Asian nation was coming down. At a lunch with the Vietnamese prime minister and other officials, Trump also said he was looking forward to his meeting Wednesday evening with Kim Jong Un and that the North Korean leader wanted to do something great. Ahead of the lunch meeting, Vietnamese carriers VietJet and Bamboo Airways signed deals with Boeing Co to buy 110 planes worth more than $15 billion.


c6c602  No.5410514

File: c0ae69a8a1a9f8a⋯.jpeg (613.98 KB, 1224x2079, 136:231, CC279AB2-DC13-448A-A302-E….jpeg)

1e0034  No.5410515


So that is (((your))) angle.

"just like venezuela etc"

so easy to try and use the existing 'suspicions' against 'muh us imperialists' eh?

We know the situation is not what you try to portray.

white hats vs black hats.

we've noticed your attempts at complete narrative usurpation.

FAIL lol.

b57988  No.5410516

File: c2dd0060d2b5513⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 474x266, 237:133, IMG_6318.JPG)

Ty M.I.T.

fba00f  No.5410517


>So what’s Q trying to tell us?

Did Q ever specify who's device they' extracted the photos from?


kek :)

a888a1  No.5410518


No, with the mention of the side door, and the posting of the floor layout. This faggot is providing information for a hit squad. He needs to be thrown off of a building into traffic and then shot for good measure.

3847fa  No.5410519

The only thing that needs to happen is for the employees of the NSA and other FVEY to tell us the truth. Our civilization is on the line, and they know it. Your move POTUS.

50d7bb  No.5410520


3 breads late man.

39c8f9  No.5410521

At Least 3 Pakistan's Warplanes Entered Indian Part of Kashmir - Reports

On Tuesday, India bombed terrorist infrastructure in Kashmir after violating Pakistan's airspace. The tense bilateral relations have further escalated after February's terrorist attack, which killed 45 Indian paramilitary officers.

Reuters reported, citing an Indian official that at least three Pakistan's combat aircraft had entered the airspace over the Indian part of Kashmir. According to AFP, citing sources and local media, Pakistan's fighter jets were forced back over the de facto border of the disputed territory after the violation of the airspace.

Neither the Indian, not Pakistan's defence officials have confirmed the claim so far.

The statement comes just a day after India carried out an aerial operation, targeting a camp of the Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist group, which claimed responsibility for the deadly terrorist attack against the Indian security convoy on February 14. The camp was situated in the Pakistani-controlled part of the Kashmir region, while Islamabad accused New Delhi of violating its airspace.

While India stressed that it conducted the raid due to "Pakistan's inability to take action to destroy terrorist infrastructure," the Pakistani National Security Council reportedly rejected the claims that the airstrike targeted terrorists. At the same time, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry stated that it considers the Indian move as an "act of aggression," which threatens regional security and vowed response.

After February's terrorist attack, which killed 45 Indian paramilitary officers, the traditionally strained relations between India and Pakistan deteriorated even further as India blamed Pakistan for harboring the terrorists responsible for the attack and accused Islamabad of having a "direct hand" in the incident.

Pakistan in turn, rejected the allegations of its involvement in the attack and said that this was India's strategy to divert international attention from alleged human rights violations in the Kashmir region.



26b620  No.5410522



If Q can produce other pics from the dude's phone that haven't been posted on Twitter/Social media…that would clear this up for sure.

At least the pics were posted as ANON and not under Q tripcode…

09fd54  No.5410523

File: f68155a5a5bccd2⋯.jpg (313.65 KB, 911x727, 911:727, potuspeace.jpg)

58e09a  No.5410524


Was Q replying to the anon with those pictures to point out that this photographer easily gained access to what should've been a secured area?

034eda  No.5410525


Q Exclusive?

99d89a  No.5410526

File: 6bed982f3355ed5⋯.jpg (389.97 KB, 717x538, 717:538, photoguy_and_frenz.jpg)

f03228  No.5410527


Utter bullshit.

“Na, Qs rtesting us…na its a clown threat..”

Shit. Complete bs.

c77514  No.5410528


down in Minnesota

6aa550  No.5410529

I think the breads will go 10x faster, when it hits.

3f1257  No.5410530


excellent point anon… Now i stop replying him cause his posts become longer and longer… a real plea

4d6043  No.5410531


Twitter processes images?

ee760b  No.5410532


Okay so that essentially confirms these aren’t originals pulled from his phone.

It’s almost like Q’s purpose was to remind us that they track phones.

Was the photo on Ingraham some kind of response to the black hats?

6efebe  No.5410533

File: ab839887635bbf0⋯.png (552.11 KB, 978x1553, 978:1553, ClipboardImage.png)

‘They won’t just lose’: Meghan McCain sends a chilling warning to ‘the party of late term abortion and infanticide’


be9e66  No.5410534


God damnit all of this is going to give me a heart attack.

750b70  No.5410535


Hopefully some heads will roll over it. Report him? Think Q already knows about it.

969d4a  No.5410536

>>5410359 I don't think so…. "remote viewing" I think is what some call it. Or remote surveillance. Most of the things I have read (think vault 7) no, the owner of the device is not aware that their device is compromised. That is what I am thinking, anon.


- Press corps kicked out of Kim's hotel

- Reporter "sneaks in through side door"

- Reporter snaps pics, posted on TW in the 9 o'clock hour. Uses a hashtag with "tic toc," Twitter cover photo says "guilty, not guilty"

- FOX shows a similar image but from a different angle

- Q posts pics in the 10 o'clock hour, saying anons have the original files

- Reporter then posts selfie in the checkered shirt to apparently prove to Q followers he took the image, says in tweet "death wish"

- Tweet by second person with layout of building, broadcasting it to public to again put people in danger. Questions why he's told to avoid lobby when the (((answer should be obvious))), talks about metal detector.

This is war.

Anons, we have reporters giving details like building layout, location of metal detectors on Twitter. Something very dangerous could possibly be going on. Is that why Q team is checking in on the boards?

Theory: Q posts that anon have original images b/c Q is surveilling reporter for breaching security at hotel. I believe this was a warning by Q to reporter.

>>5410418 Yep.


69d2ee  No.5410537


That changes everything. Then where did the photos come from?

221603  No.5410538


KEK!! I love you Anon!

(No homo)

8e64a7  No.5410539


We can always timestamp with screen snippets of whatever we do.

So being first isn't a need.

Being correct is.

We don't want to become fake news.

d57402  No.5410540

File: e19befefaafd496⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1440x2312, 180:289, 20190226_220411.jpg)

File: ed8fecfc8ba1e9c⋯.jpg (967.83 KB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20190226_220336.jpg)





Full context, in PDT



36e200  No.5410541

Team Q is righting the ship:




number 1

39c8f9  No.5410543


What ever Rabbi we know it's you kikes pulling the strings

38ef72  No.5410544


You gonna cry about it, faggot?

e1235c  No.5410545

File: 65f52c03c4200ce⋯.jpg (157.96 KB, 670x1024, 335:512, 543_1000.jpg)


Now with "More Vein"!

244c9e  No.5410546


a820e2  No.5410547


Fire at the control of a man's thoughts

The symbol of the inviolate mind

035319  No.5410548

File: 9e23ea8be1831fd⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 255x246, 85:82, f6c1c1c7a7ae0d56e5df15d06d….jpg)

6e0577  No.5410549


I remember when PK drove high over the state house lawn into the State House

baf2b9  No.5410550

File: 1875e9a9d6c9709⋯.png (40.06 KB, 584x224, 73:28, spook.png)

We spooked him

c1ebef  No.5410551


that comet ping pong picture is a modified screencap. Patton posted that pic on twitter but he was in a movie theatre it looks like a movie theatre aswell.

a888a1  No.5410552


Report him anyways. Secret service can go throw him out a window.

7cc9cc  No.5410553

FYI - Missing test 9 in Dallas if there was one.

1eab43  No.5410554

Larp 1

e3a992  No.5410555


>Q Exclusive?


WAPO hit piece on Chairman Kim

Bread 6896 [pb]


5bc863  No.5410556


He obviously had no clue he would have 10000 anon's stalking him!!

I think he wouldn't post pics if he was up to nefarious shite.

857271  No.5410557



No dumb dumbs. Code has been added.

fd00b7  No.5410558

Fox News Chanel now up

1eab43  No.5410559

Larp 2

a9a5dd  No.5410560


Troubling at best.

344baa  No.5410561

File: 633c398e54d08b8⋯.png (53.33 KB, 606x555, 202:185, ClipboardImage.png)

8e64a7  No.5410562


top Kek!

50d7bb  No.5410563


not same pic. different angles. go look.

427181  No.5410564

I seriously picked the wrong fucking day to take a break from the board and sleep.

e3c8d6  No.5410565

File: 8bc24413b1117fc⋯.mp4 (15.51 MB, 1000x412, 250:103, rooney.mp4)

When you just get done watching classic movies and you learn Representative Rooney just voted to stop POTUS' EO for the border wall….

c77514  No.5410566

fox news back up MN

e1235c  No.5410567


Jesus christ, you're still here?

750b70  No.5410568


The pics were posted to twitter an hour before they showed up here.

1eab43  No.5410569

Larp 12

3ac8f0  No.5410570

File: aa07e10179636f5⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 534x712, 3:4, 10958204_10152632449705588….jpg)

File: d17777364995c5c⋯.png (721.28 KB, 872x764, 218:191, ClipboardImage.png)

221603  No.5410571


Change that too!! KEK

36e200  No.5410572



ceb002  No.5410573



>That changes everything.

not proof, photos can be resized.

filename change and bars added

1b60e4  No.5410574


Posted about hour before Q posted.


Allspeed Anons

6e0577  No.5410575

File: f218e52c49d6e92⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 670x377, 670:377, fulvio-man-76k-woman-01.jpg)


what not grateful?

e72adc  No.5410576




3aa7f1  No.5410577

Fox News just came back on, 1:11.

1833a4  No.5410578



Was thinking as a possibility that they leaked a fake location to certain people when they had no intention of being there. Been in and out while this going on. Cannot believe that some rube could just walk into what would be some of the heaviest secured area on earth. No way.

fd2dc9  No.5410579


He is hoping for attempt on POTUS' life or helping the baddies

c6894e  No.5410580

Arirang [Korea TV] is doing non-stop coverage of the Summit.

6ca281  No.5410581

File: a62f4c337fa68af⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, DDD5B143-4C3B-454F-A30E-FE….png)

Agreed >>5410548

8985af  No.5410582

File: 97c439592512700⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 480x341, 480:341, nobody.jpg)


>that comet ping pong picture is a modified screencap. Patton posted that pic on twitter but he was in a movie theatre it looks like a movie theatre aswell.

b57988  No.5410583

These magic mushrooms are fantastic

e5b510  No.5410584

File: dda5a2c566f77a9⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1536x1462, 768:731, E1DE064E-4D08-4ABA-8B00-E….jpeg)

Within 21 days.

3 criminal referrals coming from FISA court fraud

1eab43  No.5410585

Larp 5

6bceaf  No.5410586

I think FOX NEWS is working to harm POTUS

e1235c  No.5410587


Didnt even know it was gone…

6d6e0c  No.5410588


and how do we know it's you rabit…. cause you're always tripping over the end of your schnoz

be4a67  No.5410589


>Inspector General Horowitz did his job well and recommended prosecution—but the DOJ declined!

Short version please - declined to prosecute whom??

12ba35  No.5410590

File: bddf31f1290bff8⋯.png (101.58 KB, 452x404, 113:101, ClipboardImage.png)

979281  No.5410591

File: 1cbf2af9bc7a84b⋯.png (200.53 KB, 642x365, 642:365, Photoshop_2019-02-27_01-04….png)

File: 4cfda7fee2d95b3⋯.png (232.57 KB, 642x365, 642:365, Photoshop_2019-02-27_01-04….png)

The images Q referenced are NOT the original images. WTF.

I just checked in photoshop. The photos that journalist on the TicToc Twitter account are LARGER than the ones Q called "originals," and are at a higher resolution (higher megapixels), despite Q's files being larger. You don't magically create more pixels out of nowhere.

Anons, this looks *really* bad. I'm performing additional analysis, but frankly, this just looks like someone screencapping something on their phone and reposting…

I don't want to doubt Q, but I need an explanation for this.

f03228  No.5410592


No im going to go back and finsh fucking your fat mother cocksucker.

Maybe tell her to lay off the mickey d’s.

Bullshit con artist,. Dissapointing.

6767f2  No.5410593


8ch has been replicated WW.

Each local board has its own server, with its own valid SSL cert.

I'm posting to my local board, as you are posting to your local board, which is why we have different SSL certs.

They sync really fast.

Q is testing each board to check if trip is working.

fa59da  No.5410594


Do you think the NSA grabs EVERY electronic communication coming or going from near that hotel?

I doubt that rolly-polly reporter has any sort of state-level security on his phone, either.

Security if obviously a big deal over there right now and Q sent a pretty obvious message that they're watching.

3f7f43  No.5410595

$50 Kim is back in his sleeper car playing NHL 94 on his Genesis.

e46248  No.5410596

File: d64ac69ff99dbbe⋯.png (671.64 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

7e6a77  No.5410597


He's a High IQ HWanon, of light.

1eab43  No.5410598


No i went and bought some drugs

309a13  No.5410599

File: ff3c5fc2e04c989⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1494x1672, 747:836, 0FE84188-18DD-4841-8001-8….jpeg)


LARP 2 not confirmed

29dd59  No.5410600


Q never called them originals ffs

they're not Q's originals, no black border

eb08df  No.5410601

File: 23c304df9333367⋯.jpg (242.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tesla dump.jpg)

Tesla's Musk must address SEC contempt bid as he calls agency 'broken'

(has until march 11th to address this)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Tesla Inc Chief Executive Elon Musk to explain by March 11 why he should not be held in contempt for violating his fraud settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The order by U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan came hours after the billionaire criticized SEC oversight as "broken," in the wake of the regulator's request on Monday night that he be held in contempt.

Lawyers for Tesla and Musk did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Tesla did not immediately respond to similar requests. The SEC declined to comment.

Analysts said the renewal of the public battle between Musk and the top U.S. securities regulator will be an overhang on Tesla's stock, which has lost about one-quarter of its value since peaking in August.

"Another boxing match with the SEC is the last thing investors wanted to see," wrote Daniel Ives, an analyst at Wedbush Securities who has an "outperform" rating on Tesla.

He called the latest incident "a wild card that could potentially bring this tornado of uncertainty back into the Tesla story until resolved."


f7efb2  No.5410602


It was posted as anonymous

38ef72  No.5410603


When you put it like that, it really makes Derek look like the dopey balding goober that he appears to be.

224c72  No.5410604







My brexit fix sent to Theresa May over a week ago..

I am The Son of God..

Brexit Border and Ferry Crossing Fix

Temporary fix, and long-term fix. Over the next 20 days Print out QR codes stickers for vehicles that will be passing border crossing of any kind for often business crossing, and other forms of constant usage border crossing. Make lanes at border crossings with QR code scan cameras. Have the cameras scan the QR codes as they pass the border crossings in a fast travel lane. The QR code system, and QR code stickers will sell for a reasonable cost to purchasers. The purchasers will not be required to register transportation loads over border until the long-term fix is in place which I will go over soon, this is the temporary fix until then. The vehicles will be passing over the border with a fast pass QR code maybe stopped for random checks during the temporary time, and during actual long-term fix to issue.

Long term fix will be set up over 6 months to a year. Official QR code stickers for vehicles will be made for fast lane border crossings. This will bypass all checks of all crossings which slow the process. A website will be made for individuals, businesses, and families using the fast lane systems. The site will be a place subscriber to the system can send basic inventory list prior to crossing borders. This inventory system will have check list options for ease of use. At the actual crossings the cameras for QR code scans will be placed in lanes to scan as they pass. Weight systems will be placed under lanes in road, or ferry prior to entering ferry etc. Average weights will be recorded by QR codes registered, along with times crossed over borders in any form. This information will all be recording an averaged-on website system for ease of access for border control, and customers. When averages of weight, and crossings change the system can notify difference to border control. This system should be obvious at this time on how it will work for basic use, and the idea.

People will have the option to not purchase QR code fast lane sticker program, or purchase to bypass longer wait time. This system will produce revenues for both sides of the border crossings. The price will be either a low monthly rate, or lower yearly rate. These rates per population will produce huge yearly income to pay for this system, possible other funding, and debt repayments of countries involved. While also making a zero-wait time at ferries, and all other forms of border crossings. While ensuring safety, and security. QR code stickers, website, and border control will have all information logged/saved into the system which will maintain better records for everyone. Each vehicle will have its own QR code sticker. Companies, and families can register multiple QR coded vehicles to one profile in the computer system. Secondary stops after border can stop non-regular flags in the system that need checking, or random checks if needed. This way basic inventory is listed producing an effect that actually produces more information than basic checks at borders would produce.

Brexit can continue as the people want, while ensuring safety, more funds produced, and an overall better system. People that do not have QR codes will have to wait at checks… They will not have QR codes if they do not purchase code, or they were not approved for purchase. This will even consider others that do not wish to list inventories. This is the fix Brexit has been seeking. While PRODUCING MORE INCOME FOR THE PEOPLES GOVERNMENT, and jobs. Without infringing upon rights, or slowing down transportation/trade.

Again, this is the basic idea. The rest of the plan and details should be easy to figure out. Will I get credit? Temporary fix should be easily obtained in 20 days by selling temporary QR code stickers at border, and online etc. Until entire system is equipped, and realized. Even voted upon if needed. People can receive food, medicine, and everything else in a timely manner continually.

Basic information for the vehicles will be required. Licenses plates, addresses, names for individual/family members/business using code on profile for Fast lane system, driver licenses information. Again, basic info. Regular business crossings should be ensured fast travel over crossing to not hinder their services provided EVERYDAY they cross!

a3e211  No.5410605

Like the profit of division in America.

so is the same for Korea.

Venezuela is a bone tossed too the Neo-Cons.

But Venezuela was in the crosshairs long before Trump.

98bea6  No.5410606

9da859  No.5410607

File: 217de4b1bc9a46a⋯.jpeg (25.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A9CA027D-29FF-46DF-B560-8….jpeg)

7cc9cc  No.5410608

>>5410545 Poor gal needs medical attention.

227af5  No.5410609


Q Test Q.PUB # Qresearch ID TIME

1 xxx >>5386957 8414bf 02/25/19 (Mon) 21:06:10 (CST)

2 xxx >>5386985 8414bf 02/25/19 (Mon) 21:07:21 (CST)

3 2898 >>5387042 8414bf Feb 25 2019 22:09:53 (EST)

4 xxx >>5387061 8414bf 02/25/19 (Mon) 21:10:33 (CST)

5 2905 >>.5407223 57f18f Feb 26 2019 22:54:56 (EST)

6 2906 .>>5408097 94e203 Feb 26 2019 23:33:28 (EST)

7 2907 >>5408097 24436e Feb 26 2019 23:58:55 (EST)

8 2908 >>.5408700 8d054c Feb 26 2019 23:59:12 (EST)

9 xxx >>5408709 94e203 02/26/19 (Tue) 22:59:24 (CST)

10 2911 >>5408817 0f48d0 Feb 27 2019 00:03:26 (EST)

11 2909 >>.5408812 795131 Feb 27 2019 00:03:22 (EST)

12 2910 >>5408814 009d84 Feb 27 2019 00:03:22 (EST)

a888a1  No.5410610


He uses the hashtag so the wetworks squad can find the message. Easy anonymous communication.

a2f1a3  No.5410611


He;s casing out loud, for who?

58b987  No.5410612


What year is this? That doesn’t look like the “real” HRC.

1335d0  No.5410613

File: 9074f55edef8bb3⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 500x375, 4:3, HugePipe.jpg)

8e64a7  No.5410614

File: 4312edb50c2e5ae⋯.jpg (120.11 KB, 800x462, 400:231, 4312edb50c2e5ae015ef5902c5….jpg)


No memes tonight toilet boi?

d282e3  No.5410615

File: 4c65aaff9eb02e5⋯.png (506.22 KB, 449x1056, 449:1056, ClipboardImage.png)


since it's apparently mongoloid night, i'm reposting this

8992ee  No.5410616

>>5409724 (lb)


Q was pointing out an infiltrator.

Q asked how we had the originals? Now we know the source of the originals. He identified the infiltrator and called him out within a half hour of the photos hitting twitter.

I’d say it all makes sense. Just not in the way we first erroneously took it

1640b4  No.5410617


the photo in the background (of the 2nd pic of this guy) is noteworthy… isn't that the hotel which served as the location of the 1st summit? Makes me wonder why he's posing in front of that particular pic… seems a bit suspect.

6e0577  No.5410618

Former Student Charged with Damaging Computers at Albany College

Accused of Using “USB Killer Device” to Destroy Dozens of Computers

ALBANY, NEW YORK – Vishwanath Akuthota, age 26, of Albany, was arrested on February 22 in North Carolina after being charged with intentionally causing damage to protected computers owned by The College of Saint Rose in Albany.

The announcement was made by United States Attorney Grant C. Jaquith; Chief Eric Hawkins of the Albany Police Department (APD); and James N. Hendricks, Special Agent in Charge of the Albany Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

According to a criminal complaint, on February 14, 2019, Akuthota entered numerous locations around the Saint Rose campus and inserted a device into more than 50 computers used by students.

The device, which resembles a normal USB memory stick, sends a rapid series of power surges into a computer’s electrical hardware, rendering it inoperable. The damage exceeds $50,000. The charges in the complaint are merely accusations.

The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Akuthota is a citizen of India, residing in the United States on a student visa.

Akuthota appeared in federal court in Raleigh, North Carolina, where a United States Magistrate Judge ordered him detained and transported to the Northern District of New York.


e7a354  No.5410619


Not surprised Kim didn't want the American press staying in the same hotel

b79ce6  No.5410620


Remember Schumer is connected to Amtrack. We looked into this when all the train derailments were happening last year.

b57988  No.5410621

656ae3  No.5410622

File: 8a89dcfe83d96fe⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 360x202, 180:101, smug alex.gif)

309a13  No.5410623

File: 923bfd45d83e025⋯.jpeg (137.29 KB, 611x573, 611:573, 7394362E-48D2-41B4-8B6C-9….jpeg)

292d1a  No.5410624

>It's going to be HISTORIC

Preventing a world war..

39c8f9  No.5410625


Debt still increasing WW

Wall funding = some for US but more for Israel, wtf

Israel Funding = 38 Billion

Israel Boycott law passed = Unconstitutional

Anti-Semitism Awareness Act = Passed 100-0

MAGA = Fifth degree of Satanism

MAGA = Witch or Magician in many languages

Left and Right = Marxists & Zionists working hand in glove ILLUSION OF CHOICE

Half Shekel = Coin minted with Trump on it in Israel to be used when the anti-Christ rules from the third temple in Jerusalem

US Gov = Israel first

Trump campaigning for Netanyahu = Israel first

Wars ended during Trump Presidency = 0

Regime change in Venezuela = underway

Plans for Regime change = Cuba Nicaragua Iran Syria Iraq Russia Yemen Libya All of Africa

Justice for the elite = 0

Arrests of elite = 0

Nuclear arms race = back on INF treaty disregarded

Military spending = Huge increases

Abortion laws = expanding WW

Withdrawal from Syria = More troops being sent

5G = still rolling out now endorsed by Trump

Chemtrails = still going

Censorship = increasing

Central bank = still in business

Vaccines = Being made mandatory WW

Poison removed from food/water supply = 0

Child sacrifice/pedophilia = Being normalized (you can now buy kid blood)

POTUS = Trojan Horse? (((Q+)))

Q told us POTUS had the say so when this ended = POTUS failure to declas discredited Q

Endless promises followed by endless excuses and delays

Arrests will happen regardless, whether they are staged or not will be the question. "You are watching a movie". The Zionists will be portrayed as the good guys and Marxists are the bad guy's. The Zionists will save the day and claim (((they))) are God's anointed and should be worshiped. Noahide World Order

I pray for the deceived that they can awaken and see they are being drawn into the hands of EVIL.

The God of this world who they are being tricked into praying to has them in hand.

Let no man deceive you, do NOT pray for false IDOLS.

Judge a man by his fruits.

Jesus = I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The most high is watching.

75a573  No.5410626


like 20+ yrs old.. look at Cohens hair

750b70  No.5410627


It changes nothing.

e1235c  No.5410628


Tranny Baggins.

d6c68e  No.5410629


Tonight is a complete mind fuck.

Wtf is going on?!

ceb002  No.5410630


have you seen all the other tweets? he would be posting pics, on a mission

eb08df  No.5410631


early 90's

3ac8f0  No.5410632

File: e25474123122d05⋯.png (391.88 KB, 634x474, 317:237, ClipboardImage.png)

58b987  No.5410633


Its not over yet.

979281  No.5410634


You're right. He never definitely said that we have the originals. He just HEAVILY HEAVILY HEAVILY implied that we had them by asking:

>Anons have the originals?

>How is that possible?

WTF, Q??!?

baf2b9  No.5410635

File: eb5869a66fef9b6⋯.png (27.88 KB, 578x160, 289:80, topkek.png)

a8d18c  No.5410636

Test 16

41e973  No.5410637



Pictures were posted with 6 hours ahead, not 13 like it should be.

Timestamps change as post is loading on the chan.

a820e2  No.5410638


Yes a Q exclusive

Read Atlas shrugged FFS


I'm gonna paint this

But he should get to taste true Cabana, smoke some righteous sticks

c1ebef  No.5410639

there is a theory that patton oswalt murdered his wide who was writing a book about the golden state killer. All serial killers are cover ups for masonic murder. This goes back to jack the ripper. There was a movie about how masons where behind jack the ripper something in blood with johnny depp.

309a13  No.5410640

File: 06d4bb7f1c90773⋯.jpeg (195.17 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 12825F78-B05F-454C-870A-8….jpeg)

c05b36  No.5410641

File: 67568e448dcedb3⋯.png (769.82 KB, 1316x658, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Image size From Qmap.

98f72e  No.5410642

File: cbc5fb90a441e14⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 500x667, 500:667, bong.jpg)

20ca02  No.5410643


Its a photo with different resolution. Check tineye.

b36d2a  No.5410644

File: 164bd8bb51ac487⋯.png (39.45 KB, 631x433, 631:433, ClipboardImage.png)




Also, his next reaction:


"Hey Q, if you're gonna want to use my/Bloomberg photos, feel free to buzz our office for licensing deals first. And your credit line is Derek Wallbank, Bloomberg News."

>(OK the first line is slightly modified)

be4a67  No.5410645


> in Dallas


244c9e  No.5410646

File: c9703fb48b7a8c0⋯.png (49.64 KB, 445x298, 445:298, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)


Can we ask him if he shared photos with Fox News for broadcast?

d6c68e  No.5410647


What now?

As in… our covers blown….


2dfedc  No.5410648


Q told him to post them on the board when his ass got caught by security… Then Q reposted it as proof. That is what this means.

dbc34b  No.5410649

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)


I take it seriously as I do my Vulcan mind melds. ;)

bd2ae8  No.5410650


When what hits? That Q has been a deep state ploy by liberal media to fuck with us? That's how he knows what's gonna be in the news? That's how they never get around to asking the question?

Explanations are in order.

29aaef  No.5410651


Are you awake? No. You are making excuses.

4d6043  No.5410652



baf2b9  No.5410653

File: 85e878b99fce576⋯.png (9.07 KB, 255x184, 255:184, suprisepepe2.png)

fa59da  No.5410654



99ba4e  No.5410655


Daniel shill is not on board tonight but Jesus is (((Daniel)))

1e0034  No.5410656


kikes kiked too hard and kiked themselves and now can't get out kek

3aa7f1  No.5410657

File: db64354fe525373⋯.png (146.81 KB, 1422x945, 158:105, Screenshot_2019-02-27 Dere….png)


ceb002  No.5410658


>Everything has meaning.

>This is not a game.

>Learn to play the game.


8212b2  No.5410659


Say i am the NSA, I back doored your device.. accessed your image and screenshot it

11bab7  No.5410660


The photos posted to that Q responded to were clearly already in circulation on twatter and taken by Derrek Wallbank. Derrek took other similar photos but are saved onto his phone. Q then could

in the future post other similar photos that only Derek has access to, gaining access to his device Derek shits his pants because Derek is involved in a plot to harm POTUS or other nefarious crimes.

2112c7  No.5410661

File: ff8f2cc548a510c⋯.jpeg (761.34 KB, 1095x928, 1095:928, A5EDCF03-F35A-460E-A556-D….jpeg)

File: 6da4392fa181b01⋯.jpeg (751.59 KB, 891x963, 99:107, 10CAAE4D-A853-4472-9D41-8….jpeg)

There’s so much play acting it’s hard to know what tf is going on

d42f2c  No.5410662


Why would a door be left open unattended when the Leader of the free world is going to enter and has been threatened/attacked several times before?

b79ce6  No.5410663


Missing test 13/14/15

c1ebef  No.5410664


*wife. He has a young daughter and did his wife catch him dressing like an elf and molesting her with sarah silverman or something like that?

e673e7  No.5410665

File: f779fa64225702a⋯.jpeg (53.88 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9FB72BCE-EEA1-4BB6-AFB8-8….jpeg)

SO IS Q saying he is a lil “testy”??

26b620  No.5410666


I realize that. I'm saying if he can produce OTHER pics from the dude's phone…him fapping is fatass in the hotel room, that would prove access to his phone…

fd2dc9  No.5410667


Q team knows the threat is real.

Q lets them know we know by snagging

pictures from Wallbank's phone.

e1235c  No.5410668

File: d714650b342cbfc⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)


After Crack

292d1a  No.5410669


It means the NSA just flexed their ability to rip pictures off phones.

They've done it before with the shipping crates and owl pic.

38ef72  No.5410670


If you are here to question Q's validity, that is above reproach. We don't need more proof.

You won't convince us otherwise, so stop wasting your time, and go to bed.

c6894e  No.5410671


Anyone that can be connected to that train crash could face the death penalty.

dc8d3f  No.5410672


Infiltrators. Panic. Tet offensive.

d75f80  No.5410673


I don't think he'll be sleeping much tonight

9f0020  No.5410674

File: 765bd2097ee6da1⋯.jpeg (272.15 KB, 518x1090, 259:545, 43D47EDA-D182-48F8-9EC8-8….jpeg)

>>5408817 (lb)


b57988  No.5410675

Here piggie piggie

Much obscurity

Such fascist

Wow cult of Baal

So coveting death with Jews

000c4c  No.5410676



So fuckers can STFU about muhtest9.

And also so we can have all 12 tests with and without the trip all in one place

Great job ano, thank you

9205f9  No.5410677

Many months ago I had a dream; Q/POTUS dropped the declas to us.

If that happened;

We would be the news.

Fake news would be forced to cover us, we would be the news.

Fake news would be forced to cover all Q posts.

We're not fame whores, but we'd all be #1 Anon's.

We would need to handle w care.


a3e211  No.5410678


What's he Having?

Looks like a Lucky Strike.

ab57d4  No.5410679


bro dont bogart the joint

a888a1  No.5410680

e46248  No.5410681

File: f5b92b7f72aa599⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1264x712, 158:89, ClipboardImage.png)

98f72e  No.5410682


Connected to anon in here a couple breads ago asking what Potus and Kim were having for dinner? Relevant or coincidence?

333f82  No.5410683

File: 03df34615dfe972⋯.png (848.23 KB, 852x657, 284:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f4c1b0d69db4fb⋯.png (402.04 KB, 919x1059, 919:1059, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f026df6e7110fbe⋯.png (206.41 KB, 973x944, 973:944, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump says 'my friend Kim' has great opportunity at second summit

HANOI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet on Wednesday for their second summit, betting their personal relationship can break a stalemate over the North’s nuclear weapons and end more than 70 years of hostility. Despite little progress toward his stated goal of ridding North Korea of its nuclear weapons since first meeting Kim in Singapore last year, Trump has said he is fully committed to his personal diplomacy with Kim. Trump said late last year he and Kim “fell in love”, and on the eve of his departure for the second summit said they had developed “a very, very good relationship”.

Whether the bonhomie can move them beyond summit pageantry to substantive progress on eliminating Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal that threatens the United States is the question that will dominate their talks in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. “Vietnam is thriving like few places on earth. North Korea would be the same, and very quickly, if it would denuclearize,” Trump said on Twitter. “The potential is AWESOME, a great opportunity, like almost none other in history, for my friend Kim Jong Un. We will know fairly soon - Very Interesting!”

Trump and Kim will meet at the Metropole hotel at 6:30 p.m. (1130 GMT) for a 20-minute, one-on-one chat followed by a dinner with aides, the White House said. The elegant interior of the 118-year-old Metropole thronged with security and diplomatic personnel from both sides - some snapping pictures - as hotel staff made final preparations. On Thursday, the two leaders will hold “a series of back and forth” meetings, the White House said.The venue for those meetings has not been announced.

In Singapore, they pledged to work toward denuclearization and permanent peace on the Korean peninsula. North and South Korea have been technically still at war since their 1950-53 conflict, with the Americans backing the South, ended in a truce, not a treaty. The Singapore meeting - the first between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader - ended with great fanfare but little substance over how to dismantle North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Both sides are likely to feel pressure to agree on specific measures this time - what concrete steps North Korea will take to give up the weapons, and what the United States will offer in return. While the United States is demanding North Korea give up all of its nuclear and missile programs, the North wants to see the removal of a U.S. nuclear umbrella for South Korea. U.S. intelligence officials have said there is no sign North Korea will ever give up its entire arsenal of cherished nuclear weapons, which it sees as its guarantee of national security, while analysts say it won’t commit to significant disarmament unless punishing U.S.-led economic sanctions are eased. Trump has held out the prospect of easing them if North Korea does something “meaningful”.


e673e7  No.5410684

File: 939de39a2cf2129⋯.jpeg (24.38 KB, 255x210, 17:14, BA9F89F3-5EE4-4A47-9555-1….jpeg)

d282e3  No.5410685



458cfd  No.5410686


How big is the Cohen testimony?

2112c7  No.5410687


This guy wants to be abused

6efebe  No.5410688



ee760b  No.5410689


What in the fuck is going on?

15a624  No.5410690


It's a treat delay tactic.

They really don't want this meeting to go down

6d6e0c  No.5410691


Edison Aponte worked for justice department crimes hidden by RR? like top officials raping ppl 😳

292d1a  No.5410692


I'd say it was a shot across the bow for someone who thinks they were hidden.

a0e137  No.5410693


Testing is over for tonight fag.

Go watch some gay frogs try to bread.

bf466f  No.5410694

File: 8d4694d2ee7335a⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 400x218, 200:109, Shooter.gif)

c5ae0a  No.5410695

File: 0f8d2d3096ea18f⋯.png (828.19 KB, 966x1285, 966:1285, ClipboardImage.png)

1eab43  No.5410696

Hey Q if youre real can you kick blumenthal in the nuts for me

9dbcc8  No.5410697

File: f2d62d402927ac2⋯.jpg (334.76 KB, 822x463, 822:463, 2018-11-01 00.42.58.jpg)

12ba35  No.5410698


What cover?

Do you think every major media outlet on earth does not have people in here 24/7?

6bb799  No.5410699



58b987  No.5410700



Maybe then, hard tellin anymore. Her smile is crooked af.

ceb002  No.5410701


>someone screencapping something on their phone and reposting…

yes. doesn`t explain how the photographer took them, alone over there

09fd54  No.5410702

File: ad781ddd8be829d⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 900x750, 6:5, plotinus-2.jpg)


enjoy the show

c05b36  No.5410703


Twitter had them first

656ae3  No.5410704

kek.. fat albert


dbc34b  No.5410705

File: 0c270225ec039c1⋯.png (74.2 KB, 797x411, 797:411, Cap'nQnn.png)

QNEWS It's about facts not first place

969d4a  No.5410706


>>5410536 Yes, I absolutely think this is what just happened.

>>5410610 Touche. Makes sense with rest of theory.

>>5410609 Good job, ty anon

>>5410629 Read linked posts here

>>5410634 No he didn't. That is an assumption made by you. And "original" can mean multiple things.

6e0577  No.5410707


re crumbs


2a13e5  No.5410708


As far as I can determine, this Fusca guy is the keeper of all crimes committed against the Kennedy family by the deep state, including JFK Jr.'s crash.

I think he may be close to the Kennedy family … possibly closer to John Jr and this is why the Trump family treats him with such VIP treatment, at all those rally's Fusca show's up in, and possible protection.

945422  No.5410709


you nailed it.

complete mind-fucking.

none of it is for us. it's just a lot of buzzing to freak out the cabal. it may or may not be something, but the stakes are too high for the cabal not to react. burn them out of their foxholes whether this it's hammer time or not. keep calling wolf and make them passive. shock their nerves. never let them sleep. force them to open up to a weakness that can be exploited. death by 1,000 cuts.

20ca02  No.5410710


These clowns are stupid.

eb08df  No.5410711

File: eea2c21587d2261⋯.jpg (12.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, What.jpg)

103b6d  No.5410712


There's not a chance in TFW this even remotely happened. Someone is fucking with us/them

2b74c0  No.5410713

File: 2e4e0f73358e16a⋯.jpg (19.93 KB, 671x90, 671:90, twitterimagesizetest.JPG)

File: ca6b54fc5a94a8e⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 659x92, 659:92, twitterimagesizetest2.JPG)


This is confirmed Right is Original Left is uploaded to twitter and downloaded.

Pic related

7ad39f  No.5410714

well now….

copypasta from pub..














how is it anons have the originals?

not a techie anon, but I'm pretty sure I worked that part out.

292d1a  No.5410715


This really isn't a game, and (You) know that, don't you?

c1ebef  No.5410716


speaking of patton oswalt. He is in the "alternative comedy" scene. JUDD APATOW is a giant in that scene which aside from him is people like freemason jew david cross who used to live across the street from 2 boots pizza in nyc and lower level fish like that

be4a67  No.5410717


cl0wns use journalists/ism as a cover very often - remember the team last year who tried to get a bomb past security at an airport??

c77514  No.5410718

Fox news down again–MN

f11b1e  No.5410719



we are the news now.

224c72  No.5410720


Not a shill..

I am here to save, souls..

Trump and the mobsters/cabal/satanist have been after me a long time..

All said in the Bible

Artificial whales: for plankton repopulation

Plankton are a key food source for ocean food chains. Whale feces feed the plankton, among other things. The situation is whales are being hunted and population of whales have gone down. With plans for a stoppage of killing whales to help ocean fish levels to increase would be great, it seems a plan that does not work. A fix is needed.

I thought for a few minutes and figured out a solution for two issues that can be fixed with this plan. The world eats a huge quantity of chicken every year with mounting waste from the chickens. The plan would be to use chicken feces/waste and waste from other animals. Refine the waste/feces into a food similar to whale feces. Then make artificial whales, AI controlled that will swim and disperse the new type of feed through out the oceans using old know whale routes and new ones.

Monitoring fish growth, quality, and pollution issues would have to be monitored at first. If done right in the start the issue could 100% solve the lack of whale population issues, and also maintain land environment health with proper disposal of chicken/animal waste.

The chicken waste could be scooped and condensed into small pellets, or a granular fish food product.

f512bc  No.5410721


I was just reading this and I think you might find it interesting:


"Same Legislation Worldwide At The Same Time"

"All introduced mandatory vaccination legislation at the same time, backed by dozens of crippling financial penalties at all levels of society for those who refuse.

In all the legislation introduced worldwide, the specific vaccine that will be required is not mentioned because there isn't one. This is not in response to an epidemic or any evidence that there will be a plague if it isn't imposed. It doesn't specify a vaccine. It specifies the right of the government to vaccinate someone with whatever they want whenever they want however they want. Each and every bill specifically mentions the right of "healthcare" providers to administer these (?) at school without notifying the parents or asking their permission."


"John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet"

"Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens.

The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?

These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology – informally known as the United States' Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;

• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food;

• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;

• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" – in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.

• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives – using an armed international police force.

Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say such things.

Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren really did say those things, and this report contains the proof. Below you will find photographs, scans, and transcriptions of pages in the book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and his close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich. The scans and photos are provided to supply conclusive evidence that the words attributed to Holdren are unaltered and accurately transcribed."

978f08  No.5410722

File: 44f9a9a03a7f90d⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 500x375, 4:3, TOM-ARNOLD.jpg)

750b70  No.5410723


I don't think there is even a doubt Q has "access" to any smart phone.

3ac8f0  No.5410724

File: 4a64f2b6a3ed06c⋯.png (227.75 KB, 852x489, 284:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97385fcc1863e5e⋯.png (325.84 KB, 907x886, 907:886, ClipboardImage.png)






d1a641  No.5410725


I need one of those.

38ef72  No.5410726

Derek seems like a fucking goober.

DS probably sent him in there to unwittingly become a patsy. What a dork.

c46f91  No.5410727


Thank you anon.

d8e651  No.5410728



QNN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twg5rFHGD1E

QNN ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOsHFCPKwrw

QNN https://twitter.com/account/suspended

QNN https://qconforums.com/forums/threads/qnn-news-update.6576/

QNN https://joy.org.au/qnn/

QNN https://www.facebook.com/qnn.kz/

QNN https://qnnlatest.blogspot.com/

QNN https://qnncloud.com/ WHICH ONE

4aaad2  No.5410729

For all you newfags and lurkers:

Original post by anon with pics: >>5406506

Q linked to original post without comment: >>5407223

Q post: >>5408097 Q comments linking to pic posted from Fox news.

979281  No.5410730


Believe me, I want to believe that. But there've been so many screw ups lately. Like the fake Patton Oswalt photo yesterday.

This literally looks like whoever posted the photos just took a screenshot off Twitter and ended up with a more compressed image. No need for magic phone tapping by the NSA.

d3f924  No.5410731


Q didn't say anons have the original images. Just the originals. The original people who took the images are on the board.

696279  No.5410732

File: 97d0f15b9f1bbeb⋯.png (781.4 KB, 948x541, 948:541, Screen Shot 2019-02-17 at ….png)


Early morning IRL…

Night shift do us proud.

I love you fags (no homo).

c5ae0a  No.5410733

File: 46546796c1e8bd6⋯.png (830.34 KB, 962x1285, 962:1285, ClipboardImage.png)

f23ab7  No.5410734

File: c9c86a9e67d5006⋯.jpg (86 KB, 417x439, 417:439, cat.jpg)

c05b36  No.5410735


You can probably find anyone near where you live who can do this

ceb002  No.5410736


>I’d say it all makes sense. Just not in the way we first erroneously took it

Future proves past

c6b45a  No.5410737


Q asked if we have the originals.

Q asked how is it possible the bad guy got in to take the pics.

This is my understanding.

eb08df  No.5410738


the clothes give it away. not a high point for fashion imo. people still had skinny leather ties and all that.

d282e3  No.5410739


guy in HHB 2/82 made one of those out of his chem protective mask… (late 90's)

1c0044  No.5410740

File: b084a3293cf20c7⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 90379959-EFE0-408D-B638-F6….png)

e1235c  No.5410741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bd65bd  No.5410742


Perhaps he is p'anicking….in another country….that convicts people who break their laws from other countries….hard not being on home turf…..this whole exercise has come full circle…so what is Fox's role, how did they get the pics??? Did Q or Q+ supply them (anonymously)….just getting started…..

0f1fb0  No.5410743

Test 17 reeeeeeeee

b19755  No.5410744

File: fde3c12fb83c6e7⋯.png (722.81 KB, 1080x835, 216:167, Kek.png)

Not related to anything, I just saw this a moment ago and Kek'd super hard, I think I woke my neighbors

344baa  No.5410745

File: b8ef31f5455136b⋯.png (582 KB, 623x825, 623:825, ClipboardImage.png)


>floor plans of hotel

Is there some sort of devious plot happening?



2112c7  No.5410746


Fat Reverend > Crack Reverend

29dd59  No.5410747

Notables so far


>>5410295 All Tests in one graphics

>>5410310 Scavino45 Tweets Video of POTUS in Hanoi

>>5410272 James Woods deleted tweet: Q1

>>5410327 On the Metropole Hanoi

>>5410334 Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba

>>5410409, >>5410521 At least 3 Pakistani combat jets enter Indian side of Kashmir, intercepted

>>5410447 The ‘Russian bots’ that weren't: Twitter backtracks on troll claims, media ignores updated info

>>5410472 Bomb bunker, war reporters and Charlie Chaplin: Hanoi's storied Metropole hosts Kim-Trump summit

>>5410513 Trump says he appreciates commercial order that Vietnam has made

>>5410609 Q's test lists

>>5410550, >>5410646, >>5410657 Derek Wallbank knows Q replied to a post with his pics

>>5410683 Trump says 'my friend Kim' has great opportunity at second summit

5716d2  No.5410748

Wasn’t there an avennati like tweet a day or two ago? Similar in tone to the crosshairs and the jet tweet? I didn’t save it and recall who it was from.

a888a1  No.5410749



These faggots should be getting a ride to federal prison.

77a2fa  No.5410750

Rooney a swamp creature pushing climate change, carbon cap and trade


bf2d20  No.5410751

tripcodes are fine

what else do you faggots need?

69d2ee  No.5410752

If Bloomberg guy uploaded images using Hotel public wifi, then it’s possible Q intercepted it.

38ef72  No.5410753


Oh no, guess you no longer believe in Q?

There's the door.

63f9a6  No.5410754


I remember.

The OR train started in Seattle and the NY train in Ronkonkoma. Looking for commonalities but the only hint I can find is the possibility that the Q post having Patton in it might suggest pedo-related - or - some DS fuckery regarding pedos that might talk so DS tried to take out both trains? Just seeing what sticks.

1eab43  No.5410755


Trust the plan


[Genghis khan]

Trust [burt reynolds]


034eda  No.5410756



Q is letting them know he knows

750b70  No.5410757


Anon, it really doesn't even do that. Anyone could have taken those pics he posted on twat and posted them here an hour later.

1b60e4  No.5410758


Blue Check Shirt was hauled down and away?


Taken into custody.

Picked and rolled.

e056c7  No.5410759


Laura Ingraham? Ed Henry reporting from Hanoi, told Laura “Look at that picture on the right. I got this exclusively from a source inside the hotel”

i wonder who she got it from?

ceb002  No.5410760


Jealous that FOX preferred 8chan over him. Understandable.

344baa  No.5410761

6d6e0c  No.5410762

File: 49d06c3817140e0⋯.png (14.43 KB, 586x122, 293:61, jfk big big things happeni….PNG)

this from JFK jr twitta 40 minutes ago

6bb799  No.5410763


"Either think the way we think or get the hell out!"

656ae3  No.5410764

File: 8af7bdc2fc7045c⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 810x450, 9:5, Dog-digging-holes.jpg)

maybe this has something to do with that FAT LEONARD shit?

1eab43  No.5410765


I dont believe Q exists anon

He and his posts dont exist

969d4a  No.5410766

>>5410731 Well that's your theory, but it makes no sense to me. And I don't see Derek what's-his-face-phi-kappa-alpha posting on 8chan, sorry, He's already responded to anons on Twitter acting like a dick.

29dd59  No.5410767

File: a74b84a4601a437⋯.jpg (27 KB, 385x385, 1:1, peperetard.jpg)

09fd54  No.5410768

File: 75ab86343cc6423⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 720x445, 144:89, batali.jpg)

20ca02  No.5410769


She has done that before..

309a13  No.5410770

File: e30ad6551eb80f4⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB, 2772x1935, 308:215, A50DEB3C-9A5D-44E9-ABDE-E….jpeg)

File: b0cdd4b5f2e1b11⋯.png (380.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 14633BE8-6481-4049-9D1B-AD….png)

e1235c  No.5410771


More drugs, you aint there yet.

eb08df  No.5410772


what the hell is the third one…nitrous?

29dd59  No.5410773

File: 8852214627bd905⋯.png (4.26 MB, 3705x2456, 3705:2456, Qproof31.png)

5bc863  No.5410774

File: cf0803e9551804c⋯.jpg (30.7 KB, 589x195, 589:195, 10.11pmPDT.2.26.19.JPG)

Latest post from twidder guy

10:11pm tonight.

He's Bloomberg. Cabal Clown? Working Asia desk.

a888a1  No.5410775



HAHAHAHA. He's fucked and he knows it.

8e64a7  No.5410776

File: c6481a1aca46cf0⋯.png (507.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, JFKJFSHILL.png)

75a573  No.5410777


then go watch TV.. dont fucking post here ever again

224c72  No.5410778


I am creating a way of life that produces heaven!

Climate change is not the problem.

The problem is we need to be good stewards of the land as stated in the Bible!

Energy and fresh water from ocean water

Construct an energy and water generation facility near areas of the ocean. Have the facility have a tube at ocean level. Have the tube level and connected to the ocean and then to a dome structure with a tub below ocean level. As the waves come in the tub will stay filled at ocean level with ocean water. Have a valve to protect against overfill. Under the tub a heat stone collection and a reflection mirror and magnification center will be stored. The area underneath the tub will have sun light mirrored and magnified from a tower that is high in the sky on the peak of the dome. The light will be reflected and magnified all the way down to the tube, which will produce the ocean water to boil.

Once the ocean water boils the steam will be forced into a tube that contains many low-pressure turbines, and high-pressure turbines. Comparable to how a nuclear reactor works. Once the steam is out of tube system it will be released in to a dome chamber where the water will roll down the sides of the dome for collection. This will produce fresh water. The salt that remains will help boiling in the tub a known way to speed the boiling process. This process will be endless and self-sustaining.

Also, the dome will be see-through. Made of magnifying glass, solar panel clear glass, or regular glass. Sunlight is a know why to clean water for consumption.

This idea of a new form of steam turbine energy will be discussed more in another paper and is part of many other inventions I have designed long ago.

These energy production systems would be a create place for Puerto Rico or other locations with similar energy shortages because of being an island.

7ad39f  No.5410779

4d6043  No.5410780


He stole our photos.

c1ebef  No.5410781


who is he talking to?

bd13a4  No.5410782

Not really a datefag but Cohen testifying tomorrow, POTUS leaving Hanoi friday im thinking. If shit goes sideways while POTUS is out…Hope Friday is "The storm is upon us"

f0fc70  No.5410783

Two clowns/assets just got their burn notices, courtesy of Q

903658  No.5410784

in that one photo I see a guy in what appears to be a long coat in the mirror

36e200  No.5410785

are there any movies on NETFLIX that are uplifting…inspire hope…good feeling movies.

everything I see they sell is dark and disturbing.

mind control???

d282e3  No.5410786

c05b36  No.5410787


WOW! he's on twitter? That's fucking weird considering he's dead

3f7f43  No.5410788


Thanks Lee Harvey Yawnswald

a888a1  No.5410789



1eab43  No.5410790


Nope its all for you

a2f1a3  No.5410791


No, he realized he fucked up. He will be the number 1 suspect when some shit goes side ways!

61ff1d  No.5410792


Mr. Woods? Dat you?

2112c7  No.5410793

File: a05c567be8aeda3⋯.jpeg (51.97 KB, 602x618, 301:309, D49C87B7-CDFC-4D99-81E7-2….jpeg)

File: 4f65c09a7ecba95⋯.jpeg (244.44 KB, 996x976, 249:244, 9AD1AB3E-AE41-4C81-9792-9….jpeg)

f819e2  No.5410794

File: 9ad4d0e7afb8ac9⋯.png (124.67 KB, 1085x949, 1085:949, ClipboardImage.png)

1bbff9  No.5410795

So Bloomfag &tictocnposts pics a half hour b4 they are posted here. Bloomberg dude was leaking intel on where they were meeting tonight - Theres a reason media was throw out of hotel -

and Q confirmed it was thr enemy trying to be sneaky and leak out meeting places.


26fcf1  No.5410796

File: bd8516d53453de7⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 3536x1989, 16:9, 20190226_194624.jpg)

Is this particular sun a masonic symbol? Saw it today early in her show, looked like something I've seen here.

a888a1  No.5410797

File: 3968111058472f3⋯.jpg (219.91 KB, 1570x1056, 785:528, james.jpg)

ee760b  No.5410798

File: 9f21ba78ad22d52⋯.jpeg (243.64 KB, 750x736, 375:368, FB110F61-BC2B-4CC2-9E85-F….jpeg)


Trump tweeted this about 15 mins after BBerg posted the photos.

I’m starting to think “it” was Trump’s assassination. He’s mocking them, bascally saying “it’s too late now shitbirds. You should’ve gotten me when you had the chance. O btw, we know.”

f819e2  No.5410799



1eab43  No.5410800


Schindlers list

Except the jews win

e056c7  No.5410801

File: 87eab6037a90373⋯.png (665.36 KB, 764x504, 191:126, ClipboardImage.png)


on the right


750b70  No.5410802


any one of us anons could have taken those pics off twat and posted them here. It doesn't mean a thing.

ac0b57  No.5410803


(((They))) are trying to push vaccines. Think about the Golden Globes, giving vaccinations on live TV.

The push has gone triple steam ahead. (((They ))) want de population, and what better way to do that, then to inject poison directly into veins and claim it will ward off disease?

b2ed96  No.5410804

I think we have just seen the Q team getting in sync which is done before an operation goes green.

344baa  No.5410805

File: d1e6c12682d4e9a⋯.png (694.11 KB, 613x681, 613:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26345de2d33d2f4⋯.png (2.34 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d4d90161a2e0c3⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaf48c26c50dfc0⋯.png (2.31 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c180215c493cec3⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



c1ebef  No.5410806


… is a masonic distress signal

000c4c  No.5410807


Because we are the news now.kek

98f72e  No.5410808

File: a1359dd6ded32c3⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 490x322, 35:23, onehair.jpg)

58b987  No.5410809


More rules rules rules.

eb08df  No.5410810


had something similar back in the day. long ago

1bbff9  No.5410811


man I’m drunk and trying to get caught up. Sorry for spelling errors in that post fags but am Inreading this shit right?

38ef72  No.5410812


So you gonna show us a picture of your dick, or what?

(Isn't that why we're all here?)

5bc863  No.5410813

File: 82fdc37acb05579⋯.jpeg (95.5 KB, 799x1169, 799:1169, 775192734f1ebbfd03b05b06b….jpeg)

File: c242da7894c5b4f⋯.jpeg (119.03 KB, 799x1162, 799:1162, e8bd09fb7c6f30225d622a1c5….jpeg)


What methods other than copying off twitter? Is there a way to see.

What about the pics of teh limo. Were those from twitter derek or?\

Don't have a link back handy, was on Q test post loaf.

caac2a  No.5410814

File: 4a37f8159e257a3⋯.jpg (589.52 KB, 800x1060, 40:53, 0edda897fc248d12ffde72a559….jpg)

969d4a  No.5410815

>>5410774 His Tweet here does not make sense. As someone who works in marketing/advertising, you only need to purchase or license a photo if you plan on using it in a way where you'll be making a profit off its' use. (Say, on a commerce website, in a magazine, on television) Why would anons or Twitter users need to license their photos?

Think logically.

We are the news now?

c6894e  No.5410816

Arirang: Kim's limo weighs 5 tons, is bullet-proof, bomb-proof, and can drive on blown tires.

2a13e5  No.5410817


He Just better hope none of them as much as sneeze after that dinner. Put a target on his back with those photo's showing he got in their all alone.

I hear the jails over there leave a lot to be desired.

2112c7  No.5410818

File: 0c4c074aa123698⋯.jpeg (68.16 KB, 955x579, 955:579, CB777449-F9E0-4982-959A-D….jpeg)

b57988  No.5410819


Go go Judas Priests

Fluff balogna for the fart huffers

a5be87  No.5410820


not a techfag but it seems clear tl me that this fellow did exactly as he said and that Q team captured them from his device IRL

Q team posts omn the biard anon

fellow then posts on twitter

Q then posts on the board

e673e7  No.5410821


I stepped away for a bit, thanks for the breakdown anon 👊

6cc603  No.5410822

File: 8498870e08e2863⋯.jpg (105.52 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, IMG_5870.JPG)

3aa7f1  No.5410823

File: 30b6141d177e5bc⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1307x813, 1307:813, Screenshot_2019-02-27 Alex….png)

What are the odds?

f512bc  No.5410824

File: 75a77cde6f6a607⋯.png (555.03 KB, 912x612, 76:51, Watch_the_water.PNG)


Watch the water much?

From the 2nd link: https://archive.is/nhJe4

Its a passage from Obama's science Czar John Holdren book.

66d2e9  No.5410825

File: 6e3dbe69deeb06c⋯.jpeg (327.34 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 8945A9E3-1B32-4635-A0E2-7….jpeg)


Full layout in case it hasn’t been posted

621fa7  No.5410826


first they were on twat, then here with dif file #'s. correct? Imho Q posted them here to say they are aware that clown was where he shouldnta been

c05b36  No.5410827



a5be87  No.5410828


in realt time

36e200  No.5410829

is anything on "NETFLIXS" good and wholesome?

everything listed is dark and evil. WTF

3f7f43  No.5410830


Faces of Death

20ca02  No.5410831


I shall watch this ID.

e056c7  No.5410832



^ ^

29af15  No.5410833


Q may be "forcing the question" on media.

(think about it)

6d6e0c  No.5410834


yawn cindy airhead et al. go fly a spaceship leave us deplorables to our little men with plastic parachutes and mud puddles.

7c15cc  No.5410835


tist 1

ceb002  No.5410836


>Were those from twitter

yes, also from twitter

292d1a  No.5410837

File: 35f07bbed949a2a⋯.jpg (206.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, GodBlessAmericasMilitary.jpg)


Q just let them know, by posting the original image that was ripped from their phones before being uploaded to twatter, that they're being watched.

e16dc5  No.5410838

Is this India-Pakistan situation under control?

ab57d4  No.5410839


i believe that represents a 16 point compass, see the Q post regarding cardinal directions being gods

750b70  No.5410840


How does Q confirm it was an enemy trying to be sneaky? Meeting place was not leaked out. The press had gathered long before the scheduled dinner.

979281  No.5410841


You can check your brain at said door, if you want. I'm not.

Q has some serious 'splainin' to do.

c1ebef  No.5410842


there are ways you can extract raw images from wireless data.

fba00f  No.5410843


This is getting interesting..

224c72  No.5410844

File: 29737d15b8f9aee⋯.jpeg (259.89 KB, 1242x923, 1242:923, 5109776C-6F0C-4CF3-972A-6….jpeg)


I am Jesus.. The Son of God.. I am The Savior..

I love you all..

Be good and kind!

c5ae0a  No.5410845


seems like he's communicating information about a secure area to bad actors.


15a022  No.5410846

Is it possible that…

Reporter guy 'somehow' lifted images from Q's device and posted.

Q catches the pics here.

Shit goes down.

Q does tests to confirm device(s) are secure.

606f5e  No.5410847

File: 8e5dc7f7d67de60⋯.png (258.68 KB, 500x625, 4:5, WTF Checker.png)

a0b8f7  No.5410848


good post

7ad39f  No.5410849

12 devices pre set for access

12 fail safes/triggers

tick tock…

1 goes down, the shit hits the fan…in the meantime, make the right choice…

903658  No.5410850


and it looks like someone else behind him with their hands up like they are taking a photo of something else

b57988  No.5410851

File: 586cddf5a6144b4⋯.gif (992.79 KB, 418x632, 209:316, 1765DA2C-DD47-472B-A37D-C7….gif)

File: 2a7375a125398f2⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 5C3B762E-236B-483D-BA1C-48….jpg)

File: a579d653f2175f8⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2DF62F2E-F949-42B2-810E-4C….jpg)

File: f81274afdb39464⋯.png (259.94 KB, 717x485, 717:485, 8545FB2D-6476-4694-BAC8-5B….png)

dbc34b  No.5410852

File: 692c67b5cdeb6cc⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 692c67b5cdeb6ccc6ddd79ee89….jpg)

e01e99  No.5410853


Godspeed. This anon can’t keep my eyes open.

43ba95  No.5410854

File: 4a68bf1cb326580⋯.png (622.81 KB, 1884x666, 314:111, fakemsm.png)

d92579  No.5410855


98f72e  No.5410856

File: 382f1d70d0c6220⋯.jpg (70.51 KB, 452x716, 113:179, 1ec747b4b80fce4a2fb49c594a….jpg)

e16dc5  No.5410857


Will they be arrested?

f23ab7  No.5410858


where's prince charles? there needs to be a prince charles!

969d4a  No.5410859

>>5410833 I'm starting to think the same thing about this operation, anon….

>>5410815 Normal public doesn't need to purchase photos….. free use is fair use. Only media outlets or commercial entities purchase rights to photos, usually…

3c94a1  No.5410860

File: bc0af91ace09103⋯.jpg (41.86 KB, 732x319, 732:319, 1a.JPG)

Square, Inc. (SQ) CEO Sells $7,950,180.60 in Stock


ceb002  No.5410861


or Derek will: >>5410635

because he just found out Fox didn`t get their insider pics from him, but us

750b70  No.5410862


No he didn't. Any anon could have taken that pic of twat and posted it here.

943220  No.5410863


grandson is conservative (and spiritual of sorts). Sticks out like a sore thumb in the Y generation. Signing up for Coast Guard and getting in shape for boot camp now.

9dbcc8  No.5410864

File: bd2bfaf07d605db⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 2019-02-18 19.21.35.jpg)

ab57d4  No.5410865

File: f3f04b2e53c2d8d⋯.png (252.58 KB, 440x617, 440:617, ClipboardImage.png)

5bc863  No.5410866



LOL. As the World Turns

3ac8f0  No.5410867

File: cb21c077dd0050a⋯.png (265.05 KB, 530x519, 530:519, ClipboardImage.png)



9f0020  No.5410868

File: 69357bb02c0d76f⋯.jpeg (200.07 KB, 720x1536, 15:32, 45615871-C6E3-4BCE-A83E-0….jpeg)

>>5410674 (lb)


Last Test came from INSIDE CONUS!

58b987  No.5410869


Is he bitching about copyright?

979281  No.5410870


I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm just saying the photos Q highlighted as "originals" are NOT originals.

Idk why he did it, but it's really upsetting and confusing to me.

c1ebef  No.5410871


who are the bad actors? He seems like a scout to gauge the threat level.

a2f1a3  No.5410872


Derek, you fucked up! Casing the place out for the enemy especially after the area was cleared. What laws do you suppose you're gona get nailed for. Pray nothing happens dude!

1815fc  No.5410873



e1235c  No.5410874


Soon (TM)

eb08df  No.5410875


they will get dirty clothes so to speak but I would not worry too much about it. shit been going on there for 100's if not 1000's of year's

5f2638  No.5410876

File: 6e05da9702d7ff9⋯.png (791.69 KB, 1517x662, 1517:662, ClipboardImage.png)


Back ground photo on twitter says it all. Guilty right over his head

ee760b  No.5410877


Yea. The more I think about this the more it makes sense. It’s the bsst explanation for “it”

20ca02  No.5410878


Q, is that you?

1eab43  No.5410879

Is Q larping with fake photos again

Oy vey goyim

2dfedc  No.5410880

File: da8a82f70b97e75⋯.png (73.68 KB, 639x845, 639:845, Larping as JESUS.png)


Dude! I saw you over on Voat! Do a miracle.

29dd59  No.5410881



>>5410295 All Tests in one graphics

>>5410310 Scavino45 Tweets Video of POTUS in Hanoi

>>5410272 James Woods deleted tweet: Q1

>>5410327 On the Metropole Hanoi

>>5410334 Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba

>>5410409, >>5410521 At least 3 Pakistani combat jets enter Indian side of Kashmir, intercepted

>>5410447 The ‘Russian bots’ that weren't: Twitter backtracks on troll claims, media ignores updated info

>>5410472 Bomb bunker, war reporters and Charlie Chaplin: Hanoi's storied Metropole hosts Kim-Trump summit

>>5410513 Trump says he appreciates commercial order that Vietnam has made

>>5410609 Q's test lists

>>5410550, >>5410646, >>5410657 Derek Wallbank knows Q replied to a post with his pics

>>5410683 Trump says 'my friend Kim' has great opportunity at second summit

>>5410795 Anon's theory on Bloomberg pics

>>5410805 Other Derek Wallbank pics

9205f9  No.5410882

File: 7cbf2d9070daa2c⋯.jpg (3.65 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_20190226_222534.jpg)

So comfy watching all the shills shit their pants on the chans.

e673e7  No.5410883

File: 126624d6c030c70⋯.png (9.59 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, 43F502AE-9351-4C0F-A857-49….png)


Could be that Q knew, left door open. Operative got in, q lifted pics from his phone and posted them here to let us know fuckery is afott.. also to let perp know to BTFO.. or PAIN will habben?!

Also saying at war today, they taking out the CLOWN?

4ee02f  No.5410884

File: ecd483546d83dcd⋯.png (549.02 KB, 600x632, 75:79, sup q.png)

d67661  No.5410885

File: c333012babd2c0f⋯.jpg (53.61 KB, 493x353, 493:353, NSA-Hack.JPG)


What we learned today from the Black Border Screen Shots is that they are 'taken' [Hacked] from other people's phones, not Q's or his team's phones.


292d1a  No.5410886




Yes Q did.

99d89a  No.5410887


with which style of air craft would you like us to buzz your office?

1eab43  No.5410888


Is that a threat cia nigger

5bc863  No.5410889


Be nice to give him credit though. No problems there!

c1ebef  No.5410890


Yes actually like bill cooper said they worship the sun above all else.

1b60e4  No.5410891


Yeh, Anons moving quickly tonight.

Original posted with reflection looks like Check Shirt got knocked off his feet and taken. Hand in reflection not his?

8e64a7  No.5410892



5f2638  No.5410893


Oy Vey Pharisees

292d1a  No.5410894


Well they aren't getting away.

Same thing, right?

a5be87  No.5410895


again it is clear

wallbank toopk the pics

Q team intercepted in real time

Q team posted here anon

wallbank posted twitter

Q posts again with tripcode


doesnt seem so

ab57d4  No.5410896

File: cb43bbd7c2f127e⋯.jpg (39.52 KB, 520x477, 520:477, bernierimz1.jpg)

750b70  No.5410897


Some dumbfag journo is gonna lift an image from Q's device? hahahahahahahahahaha

333f82  No.5410898

File: 14990d2bca2be0e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 852x650, 426:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7304526dd5ab797⋯.png (240.55 KB, 892x1172, 223:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Sleepless in Pyongyang: North Korean media lauds Kim's grand tour

SEOUL/HANOI (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s long trip to Vietnam for a second summit with U.S. President Donald Trump is causing sleepless nights back home, according to extensive and unusually punctual North Korean state media coverage. Unlike with their first summit in Singapore in June, when North Korean state media stayed silent until after Kim arrived in the city state, coverage this time began swiftly as he traveled through China to Vietnam by train.

North Korea’s flagship state newspaper Rodong Sinmun emblazoned its front and second pages on Wednesday with pictures from Kim’s first day in Vietnam. Photos showed Kim surrounded by welcoming throngs, talking to his foreign-policy lieutenants in his stateroom, and greeting cheering children of North Korean embassy staff. Trump and Kim will meet on Wednesday and Thursday, betting their personal relationship can break a stalemate over the North’s nuclear weapons and end more than 70 years of hostility.

Since North Korean media first confirmed Kim’s trip on Sunday, Rodong has dedicated much of its coverage to Kim’s “historic overseas trip” with descriptions of his “extraordinary political and excellent diplomatic skills”. “Three days, three nights have passed since the news of the Dear Marshal’s overseas visit,” a commentary said on Wednesday. “Sleepless thinking of the Dear Marshal since Sunday” was leading to increased production from workers in the eastern town of Samjiyon and other construction “battlefields”, it added. Samjiyon is at the foot of Mount Paektu, a sacred mountain where the ruling family claims its roots. Kim is building a massive tourism center there, one of his largest construction initiatives as he seeks to make his sanctions-hit economy more self-reliant.


29aaef  No.5410899


FFS. If you didn't learn "Question everything" by now, you don't belong here.

d6c68e  No.5410900

File: 841a81bab8fdd39⋯.jpeg (439.86 KB, 828x1038, 138:173, 4DB7F731-6344-4FDB-B8A1-F….jpeg)

Interesting who’s “following” him…

e03b78  No.5410901

File: 272d5dc4889fd89⋯.png (92.92 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 3FC9E01F-AFC8-46C3-BFA0-0F….png)

File: 41ed25367ecf8cf⋯.png (168.07 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C8271890-4D4C-4DBE-B3D1-E2….png)

File: fa661928990683b⋯.png (364.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C9D6C0BA-820C-4F71-B847-99….png)

File: 34a363bb2a3e057⋯.jpeg (479.29 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 48DEC2C8-6F28-417A-B1FD-7….jpeg)


Nice - same thing with tests 1,2 & 4 and a couple other drops yesterday

e3a992  No.5410902

File: f0687e0e3feb4a5⋯.png (131.35 KB, 337x515, 337:515, Derek Wallbak Twitter Bio.PNG)

File: 7b7d53c06a68f2f⋯.png (42.73 KB, 591x376, 591:376, Wallbank re Pictures 2-26-….PNG)


Oh, also goes without saying but for those new here: If you're gonna want to use my/Bloomberg photos, feel free to buzz our office for licensing deals first.

And your credit line is Derek Wallbank, Bloomberg News, not "hey I found something interesting on the Internet


f512bc  No.5410903

File: dd6223373018150⋯.png (208.52 KB, 916x428, 229:107, Watch_the_water_2.PNG)


Mass sterilization of humans though drugs in the water supply is OK as long as it doesn't harm livestock

eb08df  No.5410904


he is dumping unregistered shares now as his stake of registered shares ran out weeks ago. CUT AND RUN

6456e0  No.5410905


This is the new 2018 House RINO list I take it.

235ea4  No.5410906

41ed61  No.5410907

File: 50d91fa8cd3564c⋯.png (21.7 KB, 1225x180, 245:36, ClipboardImage.png)

Just saying anon called out these test posts hours ago. theres still some we missed. anon knows it doesnt say (you) next to it but for many reasons anon IP hops.

e1235c  No.5410908


Fucking old news round here…

674ec6  No.5410909

File: 5572ee88d1e0560⋯.png (331.05 KB, 492x315, 164:105, 5562020e-6dea-5c1c-9e8b-34….png)

e056c7  No.5410910


just in what is going on?

6efebe  No.5410911

File: b81def64755bd5b⋯.png (303.61 KB, 2596x1556, 649:389, ClipboardImage.png)


Under 2 bit solution

224c72  No.5410912


Rocket design features.

The body of the rocket “spaceship” should be similar to the robots, and iron man suit. (I designed long ago). But using multiple layers of high-pressure resistant metals to divide pressure of the helium, and hydrogen mix. In this rocket the helium/hydrogen mix will be frozen. The freezing process will require high rates of pressure. Carbon steel can be used due to a built-in resistance to heat from the frozen helium/hydrogen layered in the structure. The helium, and hydrogen will alter weight of the rocket, also.

The rocket will be given micro lattice; a 3D open-cellular polymer structure made out of small hollow metallic tubes, and represents a crisscross diagonal pattern with small open spaces. Which Boeing made, but was my idea around 2012, or before. This micro lattice will be in the layers of carbon steel, and titanium. The exterior of the rocket will be coated in liquid diamond, then dried. The rocket will have a water from a box system. Which will be creating water, and fuel endlessly even when the rocket is not being used to maintain fuel levels at max, or refuel to max.

The water, and frozen helium hydrogen will run over multi points of decayed uranium shards that are condensed. As the water runs over the decayed uranium shards more helium, and hydrogen will be produced to refill the fuel for other engine systems. The Turbine systems will spin from pressure release, and movements of water, helium, hydrogen, and oxygen. The oxygen made will also supply astronauts with breathable air. The exterior will have multi cameras. These cameras will display views on the inside of the rocket giving the windows a see-through effect. The monitors being all over the interior could reproduce a standing in air/space effect. Monitors should cover the interior, touch screen also. (I suggest this plan for planes in the sky that display zero gravity, by dropping altitude fast) I have stated this invisible system on many things before. This will just be for interior to see thru in a sense for astronauts, and maintenance.

Thruster, and engine power to lift the rocket can be used by the multiple decayed uranium shards, around the base above thrusters, and possibly throughout the rocket. The steam pressure from the uranium should be enough to lift the rocket, to say the least. The best part of this rocket is that it will auto recharge fuel, water, air, and much more. It will just need recharge time. This rocket can go anywhere. The food factory system could even be put inside the rocket. Making this rocket able to go forever, and sustain life of the astronauts.


My magnetic spaceship is better. So is the my Mount Olympus floating cities.

1b60e4  No.5410913


Rounding up non-Q devices used in sec breach (or trap)?

621fa7  No.5410914


was wondering why he was in that position

1eab43  No.5410915


I hate those jerks

baf2b9  No.5410916

File: 464f836163d8beb⋯.jpg (977.64 KB, 1937x995, 1937:995, b2.jpg)

36e200  No.5410917

>>5408817 (ob)

cant wait for…



c05b36  No.5410918


HAHA! Good luck…

ceb002  No.5410919


No need for intercept, even.

Pics taken & posted is already an issue

38ef72  No.5410920


This isn't "My Super Sweet 16," sweetheart.

You're entitled to nothing. Q owes you nothing. Quit being lazy and go read the proofs.

Or go back to Soros and let him know it didn't work– and let him diddle you, a bit.

eb08df  No.5410921

File: 7bc76df2e3d4dc3⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 352x288, 11:9, Chav.jpg)

244c9e  No.5410922

Could Derek Wallbank be our guy to force the Q?

Q posts photos purposely as Anon, then links to them as Q, then we ask Derek and he is confused, then he does real journalism and forces the Q and asks POTUS?

e01e99  No.5410923


Q just sent us a dig.

07366d  No.5410924


"Tic Toc" appears to be Bloomberg's video clip section of their website.


1bbff9  No.5410925


well media was kicked out for a reason. They didnt want exact meeting places leaked.

This is as far as press can get >>5410805

e16dc5  No.5410926


They are enemy of the people.

Hope they will regret everything they did when Patriots win.

58b987  No.5410927


Only if he was plugged into some network, which would be stupid. What kind of device does Q use? Apple or Android?

98f72e  No.5410928

File: 3b24b4de97e2427⋯.jpg (108.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, popcorn1ns.jpg)

File: f34e864953ea37d⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 749x562, 749:562, project aurora.jpg)

c77f3f  No.5410929

File: b6652d3581f8c71⋯.jpg (78.81 KB, 750x600, 5:4, Proof.jpg)

103b6d  No.5410930


Because he's part of the media that makes up lies about the "conspiracy theorists" on 8chan - he knows it going to be a story tomorrow in one of their rags

c1ebef  No.5410931



Literal npc national press club

1eab43  No.5410932


Will he pay for my estrogen

20ca02  No.5410933

File: ad11410f108ec82⋯.png (83.19 KB, 519x640, 519:640, wrong.png)


Test 17 should be good!!

903658  No.5410934


Holy shit!

26b620  No.5410935

Step back a second.

The three "fuck ups" in question were all posted by ANONS in the chans…NOT Q.

We are under attack by enemies trying a new tactic of sewing discourse from the inside.


Adapt and overcome. Q has a tripcode for a reason. Only Q tripcode drops can be trusted…

Private comms may be used later, but not for disseminating information for anons…

978f08  No.5410936

File: 32302597cae9089⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 600x840, 5:7, kickedout.jpg)

File: a98617c23549bca⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 480x338, 240:169, 32978808_21330.jpg)

File: 5729b199aa00de7⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 433x410, 433:410, samuel9.jpg)

File: 4e60c128253f60b⋯.png (662.07 KB, 1057x637, 151:91, SODOM & GAMORAH - Jews USE….PNG)

292d1a  No.5410937


Q ripped photos from a 'journalist' who was sneaking around. Posted the originals here as a warning.

fba00f  No.5410938


and they are chipping though brown pants like they're going out of style…

20c388  No.5410939



>>5408817 (q/pb)

Sorry if already noticed but Q's Test 10, 11, and 12 were all posted at the same time (10 and 11 :22 seconds, 12 was 4 seconds after).

Testing different devices. Each post was a different ID. Sent tests at all the same time.

Other note, qmap only picked up Test 10. 11 + 12 means it worked and scraper's didn't pick it up?

5f2638  No.5410940


Wonder if Q and the gang aren't Cloning Devices and using those said devices to post here?

29aaef  No.5410941


Yep, getting very sloppy lately.

9f0020  No.5410942


According to the timestamp - Test 10 came from inside CONUS

e01e99  No.5410943


Looks like we need to dig on this cat. Same photos -> to this guy. Why?

Journos got kicked out. He on the list?

58b987  No.5410944


Picture drama, Q test posts.

309a13  No.5410945

File: 852c37dc28d2cf6⋯.jpeg (141.91 KB, 536x768, 67:96, 19BA6C00-A7FC-424B-A368-C….jpeg)

e673e7  No.5410946

File: 531bff1be54b41e⋯.jpeg (19.18 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 6E43A846-43BA-45F0-91AB-0….jpeg)


Bad fucking ass..

15a022  No.5410947


Given some of the shit we see?

Anything is possible, if the desire is there.

c05b36  No.5410948


I like this. More media hype. The Q gets closer to being asked

bd13a4  No.5410949


Depends on who thay journo works for… C_A os fucking everywhere anon. They embedded themselves everywhere within the last 5 decades.

ec4c61  No.5410950

File: fefa062bee72d0e⋯.png (106.06 KB, 707x814, 707:814, pakistanandindia.PNG)

29dd59  No.5410951


>>5410295 All Tests in one graphics

>>5410310 Scavino45 Tweets Video of POTUS in Hanoi

>>5410272 James Woods deleted tweet: Q1

>>5410327 On the Metropole Hanoi

>>5410334 Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba

>>5410409, >>5410521 At least 3 Pakistani combat jets enter Indian side of Kashmir, intercepted

>>5410447 The ‘Russian bots’ that weren't: Twitter backtracks on troll claims, media ignores updated info

>>5410472 Bomb bunker, war reporters and Charlie Chaplin: Hanoi's storied Metropole hosts Kim-Trump summit

>>5410513 Trump says he appreciates commercial order that Vietnam has made

>>5410609 Q's test lists

>>5410550, >>5410646, >>5410657 Derek Wallbank knows Q replied to a post with his pics

>>5410683 Trump says 'my friend Kim' has great opportunity at second summit

>>5410795 Anon's theory on Bloomberg pics

>>5410805 Other Derek Wallbank pics

d9d25a  No.5410952


What was that 3rd thing?

224c72  No.5410953


Low cost housing development and Environmental plastic removal initiative

The Governments of Nations will fund or start massive plastic collections projects. Collecting plastics of all kinds from oceans, landfills, collections/donations of plastic, and plastic waste from anywhere.

New factories will be made funded by government or private business. Either way return will be achieved from these factories, to pay for plastic collections and factories being built. These new factories will take collections of plastic and repurpose the plastic, into highly condensed bricks. These bricks will be stackable, with a locking mechanism, and a suction factor.

The plastic bricks will be easy to assemble into homes and very low cost. There will be a ground floor section major piece that the plastic bricks will click and lock into. Section in the plastic bricks will be made for electric, plumbing, dry wall connection, and exterior design connections all upgrades. The roof made of plastic bricks will also lock and connect with plastic brick base walls. Connections can be melted together for a finish that is water tight. On the roof my idea for solar panel shingles can be installed, with bigger section for faster completion.

This is the basic plan to get rid of plastic waste and build cheap housing anyone can make. The percentage of building homes would increase exponentially, with quality. While saving the environment, and creating self-producing energy for the low-cost homes with solar panel roofing. Plans can be delivered with the correct number of plastic bricks and materials needed for home creation project.

The factories will clean, heat, and press the plastics into bricks.

0e0be2  No.5410954

Please let KJU be the one that asks POTUS the Q.

63f9a6  No.5410955


USSS would have had that place locked down tighter than HRC's front hole.

29af15  No.5410956


Q just trolled that fucker with his own shit!


See if he asks!

606f5e  No.5410957

File: aca2aa5df00fd45⋯.png (343.98 KB, 669x690, 223:230, e09972d9d7333c1604ae0e5086….png)

e16dc5  No.5410958



509aef  No.5410959



I agree, he might be saying that the press is more present on this board than we realize.

eb08df  No.5410960

File: ddb9c3d42c40a95⋯.jpeg (48.58 KB, 419x409, 419:409, Chanded.jpeg)

750b70  No.5410961


Whether Q actually did or didn't was not the point. The point is, those images appearing here does not mean it's a direct message from Q because anyone could have dropped those pics here. Pics were on twitter too long for it to be used as a message.

a9a5dd  No.5410962



ceb002  No.5410964


<last stand…

41ed61  No.5410965

File: b6db0fe955d4d5f⋯.png (25.71 KB, 1246x298, 623:149, ClipboardImage.png)

26b620  No.5410966


I take that back. Krassenfucks link was Q

c5ae0a  No.5410967


north korea is best korea

history being made

656ae3  No.5410969



ee760b  No.5410971

File: fafc3e5a508e4e9⋯.jpeg (217.45 KB, 750x535, 150:107, A7ACF7F9-1449-4D4F-BBE1-3….jpeg)

Trump is talking about his own assassination here. Hes mocking them.

2b74c0  No.5410972


Hi Evan.

7c15cc  No.5410973


>and you credit line is Derek Wallbank, not "hey I found something on the internet"

kek - learn to code derek you moran. we are the news now.

8e64a7  No.5410975

File: 6bbbd23cf833815⋯.jpeg (123.22 KB, 526x499, 526:499, 6bbbd23cf833815535672a389….jpeg)



333f82  No.5410976


I am still trying to understand why he was wearing a lanyard that said "Bloomberg Government" What is that supposed to mean, if anything?

5bc863  No.5410977


I think we should be running these photos from twitter and trying some codes on them to see if he's passing messages back to HQ.

Or at least side by side of files posted here and on twatter to see if they are the same file size.

Surveillance might be what he's up to, not ruled out yet.

e673e7  No.5410978


What i said earlier

6e0577  No.5410980

File: b51e3e5a16e1ed8⋯.jpg (43.34 KB, 641x491, 641:491, pepe triggered.jpg)


pepe no like his face

1eab43  No.5410981


Well were all dead

Nice knowing you anons you stupid well meaning assholes

e01e99  No.5410982


Q having USSS post pics here. Explains trip. Test.

1f9d3c  No.5410983

File: 193b7a5a7003492⋯.jpg (114.82 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 6szhuifcva3z.jpg)


…I concur.

29dd59  No.5410984


repost next bread please

292d1a  No.5410985


I mean Q linked to it so…

Part of the message bro'

eb08df  No.5410986


don't know i asked too.

d0e418  No.5410987

File: 3cd8f52e89dd862⋯.png (436.01 KB, 979x720, 979:720, MARCHMADNESS.png)



c1ebef  No.5410989

its funny that he was saying tik tok when he was pwned from the start

3847fa  No.5410990

I'm in debt to you in a way that the bankers will never be able to quantify.

29aaef  No.5410991


No. Press was kicked out earlier in the day.

a2e656  No.5410992

I bet those planes end up on the runway from the AF1 pics….

ee6686  No.5410993

File: b0890ad6413aa6a⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1536x1421, 1536:1421, EC35FC4A-1D00-4D57-ABE3-0….jpeg)

File: 3a43c2a6dabcb98⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1010D1ED-6A62-44F0-BA8C-75….png)

File: 1bab147eea22ac4⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 130DF61E-30EC-40EC-BCB2-E0….png)

File: d32870a70e521bf⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1536x1505, 1536:1505, A357DB87-F6C0-41B4-8B7B-3….jpeg)

File: 92f0762c334ce0a⋯.jpeg (389.97 KB, 1536x1763, 1536:1763, D67E1EDD-6E41-40A8-A9D9-3….jpeg)

He is posting some curious info

ac0b57  No.5410994



The verbage used in the reporters tweets are waving red flags to me.

And the fact that he had unsupervised access to the area where the leaders were meeting.

These two mixed together has me thinking there was an ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT!

caac2a  No.5410995

File: edd2635be20e6cb⋯.png (14.35 KB, 693x398, 693:398, edd2635be20e6cbf2264a2ee56….png)

6e0577  No.5410996

File: 6e633cddbd47716⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 321x340, 321:340, ayn rand pepe.jpg)

e1235c  No.5410997


Not even on most news sites. Cause nobody really gives a shit about browns bombing each other.

674ec6  No.5410998


52ed4c  No.5410999

I am so fucking confused and lost. I can't keep up., I admit it.

e01e99  No.5411000

Looks like the test anon is about to leak some intel (photos?) that Q won’t.

606f5e  No.5411002

File: acde509b746eb7b⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 628x387, 628:387, 0ddd00af01d13c70a9ecd0adfa….jpg)




bf2d20  No.5411003

File: 6fba86d602a4836⋯.png (2 MB, 3230x1970, 323:197, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

File: b3e4dcc648de8ae⋯.png (1.15 MB, 3358x1902, 1679:951, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

b52 in north dakota

showing up in list only

344baa  No.5411004

File: 2d6a8de54ac5987⋯.png (2.23 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>Tomorrow is about PEACE.


c524e4  No.5411005

2cb9b6  No.5411006


Device 1?

1eab43  No.5411007


More like in debt to jew

333f82  No.5411009


Hmm, wonder if this relates to Fugi water, aka bottled water?

2112c7  No.5411010

File: d2dc8c0278cae9f⋯.jpeg (485.45 KB, 2224x1266, 1112:633, 5A3D4793-07A4-4000-A93B-1….jpeg)

8212b2  No.5411011


License required to use HIS photos… BIG

dbc34b  No.5411012


Pray for our people fren!

c6b45a  No.5411013


I think Q wanted us to find out who posted the originals. Basically asking us to find the originals. Good guys are monitoring everything. Good guys know this guy is spoopy.

d6c68e  No.5411014

File: 8333d053bab32b3⋯.jpeg (358.57 KB, 828x1126, 414:563, C51F5147-6DE3-42BD-B2F0-9….jpeg)

29af15  No.5411015


Right on anon!

I admire this plan…

Potus rocks.

Always 5 steps ahead and plays 6d chess…

29dd59  No.5411016

File: 4e8e9256c7e7511⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 500x431, 500:431, 4e8e9256c7e7511470ec2f1149….jpg)

5bc863  No.5411017


This is what needs to be confirmed.

ceb002  No.5411018


admitting it is part of the road to getting comfy

561731  No.5411019

To me most logical explanation is Q lifted these photos from him in order to send a message that they are aware of something.

Maybe a plot. Maybe a spy. Who knows. But be certain someone does and that individual is shitting a brick.

I think Q isn’t always for us. It’s to let others know that they know. You know?

29aaef  No.5411021



7ad39f  No.5411022


that is the goal anon…..

be patient, use logic….your memory will be the most important aspect of it all….

8992ee  No.5411023

a2e656  No.5411024


Yeah I noticed that.

903658  No.5411025


My President, still has the best hair!!

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