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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

f53c9d  No.5409466

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great >>5408626Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 02.26.2019

>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10

>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12

>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11

>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8

>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7

>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6

>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5

>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God

>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.

>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.

>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.

>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.

Monday 02.25.2019

>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3

>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?

>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.

>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.

>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain

>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office

>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track

>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )

>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?

Sunday 02.24.2019

>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?

>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest.....

>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Friday 02.22.2019

Compiled here: >>5383236

Thursday 02.21.2019

Compiled here: >>5333466

Wednesday 02.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5320765

Tuesday 02.19.2019

Compiled here: >>5305779

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f53c9d  No.5409474


are not endorsements


>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.

#6914 Baker Change


>>5409031 Q posted twice at the same time on two IDs

>>5409027, >>5409240 Link to Test 9

>>5409274 House votes to block Trump's national emergency declaration 245–182. 13 Rs voted to block it

>>5409437 #6914


>>5408072 Highlights of Vietnam and United States Bilateral Meeting

>>5408074 Republicans winning in CT

>>5408082, >>5408348 Ed Henry pics from source in hotel

>>5408124 Pell in the cell

>>5408359 POTUS deals - VietJet signs firm order to buy 100 new Boeing 737 Max planes

>>5408404 Ed Buck lawsuit

>>5408449 Boeing nominates Haley to its board

>>5408626 #6913


>>5407273 ISIS gold incoming

>>5407321 "Technical Glitch" on the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange)

>>5407437 Eric Miller's 9th Circuit confirmation (53-46)

>>5407433, >>5407542 Court rejects challenge to Mueller’s appoinment in case brought by Roger Stone

>>5407335 Apps Giving Health Data to Facebook Without Permission

>>5407369, >>5407400 Ed Henry just showed these pics on Fox right now

>>5407425 Hardev Panesar Leader of Multi-Million Dollar Immigration Fraud Scheme Pleads Guilty

>>5407703 US Navy Servicewoman Admits To Interstate Gun Trafficking Conspiracy

>>5407893 #6912


>>5406488 55 KIM train

>>5406506 , >>5406735 Pictures from Hanoi Metropole Hotel

>>5406606 @JamesWoods slams Bernie on student loans: "save your breath, commie"

>>5406608 Unsealed Indictment- Construction company in Virgin Islands

>>5406658 Roundup in the brews

>>5406771 Podesta Group in Ukraine

>>5407055 Planned Parenthood President kvetching

>>5407121 #6911

Previously Collected Notables

>>5404826 #6908, >>5405641 #6909, >>5406368 #6910

>>5402499 #6905, >>5403293 #6906, >>5404064 #6907

>>5400206 #6902, >>5400946 #6903, >>5401687 #6904

>>5397828 #6899, >>5398614 #6900, >>5399305 #6901

>>5395557 #6896, >>5396327 #6897, >>5397090 #6898

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

f53c9d  No.5409480

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66 >>>/comms/3702

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f53c9d  No.5409484

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

f53c9d  No.5409490



490112  No.5409498

File: 47340dff3a73775⋯.jpg (953.98 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20190226-222201.jpg)

File: 56c4d008538a520⋯.jpg (941.79 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20190226-222214.jpg)

Bread moving fast. Barely caught that 1

79903e  No.5409513


TY Baker!

aa4fb6  No.5409515

I get the feeling Q is about to POP smoke

ecc03f  No.5409516

File: 0b2701842b07d15⋯.png (326.04 KB, 451x621, 451:621, 0b2701842b07d153733617e85e….png)

Thank you, Baker!!

b97b6d  No.5409517

File: 739825a1821c449⋯.jpg (92.01 KB, 1242x1258, 621:629, 739825a1821c44983ffc3f731c….jpg)

Trying to get same ID on 2 devices me thinks

51ff6f  No.5409518

File: abe6518403d2b36⋯.png (354.42 KB, 364x567, 52:81, abe6518403d2b3643ef42c2c21….png)

73b8aa  No.5409519

What is o7?

23c389  No.5409520


TY PAIN Baker!

9073fd  No.5409521

File: 8933e12f9f7cc2b⋯.jpg (930.09 KB, 1296x968, 162:121, bread truck.jpg)


39a5c4  No.5409522


Freakin awesome job, Baker! TY!

24d389  No.5409523

Less than 10. Well I'm going to say it is 10.

10 x 10





3302b9  No.5409524

it's back on, anons!

edbc3c  No.5409525

File: b75a3648af52369⋯.jpg (203.46 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, r2g.jpg)

Let's do it, Q!

Don't even care I got work in less than 6 hours.


43b4f7  No.5409526



hey Baker, sorry i got distracted and suggested too late, i'd recommended adding to the latest notables:

>>5408802 (lb) [Screenshots]

0d5949  No.5409527

File: 89fc6508f58c67d⋯.jpg (727.43 KB, 1250x1546, 625:773, proudpedo.jpg)

File: c27522b7c1d3e04⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 600x744, 25:31, child_lover.jpg)

File: 5f99b88f81e2b87⋯.jpg (91.7 KB, 834x960, 139:160, 52407061_505910539816413_7….jpg)

File: 06a91d8e2c46962⋯.jpg (78.07 KB, 893x565, 893:565, Qnews.jpg)

68c5a0  No.5409528

File: 0e08ae54a6c918e⋯.jpg (219.94 KB, 833x500, 833:500, NoImGA.jpg)


80435f  No.5409529



137d3b  No.5409530

File: ec0c30adb2c58c4⋯.jpeg (623.34 KB, 727x1249, 727:1249, 418994A7-DEB4-4B83-A000-2….jpeg)

5e5c1e  No.5409531


keyboard salute

069a52  No.5409532

File: ccfc4bef4e2ec59⋯.jpeg (110.58 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 063A68D0-C73E-4999-A54A-6….jpeg)

File: ea2e29a7f8728ca⋯.jpeg (146.95 KB, 724x336, 181:84, D82E223E-5067-42E6-A1F3-0….jpeg)

File: 82271b86694b6aa⋯.jpeg (104.89 KB, 654x954, 109:159, 54A98EE3-D201-4989-B19A-D….jpeg)

184cad  No.5409533

File: 1607e10e6c05505⋯.jpg (86.47 KB, 792x446, 396:223, cool meme.jpg)

File: 0b5545b5624d6e1⋯.jpg (126.12 KB, 800x470, 80:47, Night Shift in the cold.jpg)

File: 1277251d19dd34d⋯.jpg (144.67 KB, 800x532, 200:133, rbg hanoi.jpg)

File: 18b0a08776f6f77⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 800x523, 800:523, Astro Pepe.jpg)

File: 0947246215e6b4f⋯.jpg (91.65 KB, 680x800, 17:20, muh wallet.jpg)

a74a0f  No.5409534

File: bd2ffb07e9362da⋯.png (71.56 KB, 236x198, 118:99, ClipboardImage.png)

749148  No.5409535

This is mil op. More than 1 individual involved.

4b232b  No.5409536

It’s possible one Q-team is stateside and the other in Hanoi. The sync is between the two.

f607ba  No.5409537


thanks bakes

cant imagine the difficulty tonight

e3b171  No.5409538


Brigadier General of the Anons

24d389  No.5409539


And where there's smoke…

772991  No.5409540


he doesn't work for himself.

he doesn't work for any interest group.

he doesn't work for some other country!

POTUS works for us…We The People of the United States of America!!!

23dcd4  No.5409541

Time to hunt. These sick fucks we not sleep right when it is go time. I have no mercy for pedophiles. Nothing will stop me. I am the hunter

54bd56  No.5409542

Damn these breads are moving fast

3570fb  No.5409543

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, pepe thinking.png)

Anybody notice the time stame still says the 26th

its the 27th in Hanoi

or do Q's devices stay U.S. Standard time.

b654e9  No.5409544

308 UID (lb) flyin' bread!

God bless the Baker!

d37ab8  No.5409545


A salute… O ( head) 7( arm)

See it now?


44089d  No.5409546


a namefag

24d389  No.5409547


Flipped horizontally

54bd56  No.5409548

File: 5cfd94302b9cd62⋯.jpg (15.86 KB, 236x356, 59:89, 09d5f142d82a3c133d3df876df….jpg)

File: 52f8cb62f407f93⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 52f8cb62f407f93634a8d9d9ed….jpg)

File: 3954d3995b64ad9⋯.jpg (19.06 KB, 384x385, 384:385, 44734aaac981ee2831ffbab0b8….jpg)

File: d5ae96d2ca13ef6⋯.jpeg (228.79 KB, 1100x659, 1100:659, 983919be9d2b1607782841c35….jpeg)

763c72  No.5409549

Could FLOTUS be Snow White and the Q team are the 7 dwarfs?

>>5408690 Q Test 7

>>5408776 LB 7:7

She is the fairest one of them all. ;)

fafd85  No.5409550


Beautiful job, sir!


30ad94  No.5409551

Last bread was a little more than 1950 posts per hour

95224b  No.5409552


its a salute.

The "o" is the head, and the "7" is the saluting arm

1201db  No.5409553

File: 33c1eb409022bbc⋯.png (285.26 KB, 1178x640, 589:320, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at ….png)

What's this. Is he claiming to have taken the photos?

865230  No.5409554

10 12 11 = 33

3aff26  No.5409555

Is AOC even capable of closing her bug eyes? I swear, pretty much every one of the corrupt/inept figures in DC looks like they have demons trying to rip their faces off from the inside.

00d785  No.5409556

Did Q post anything but test messages last bread? Sister called.

2bd070  No.5409557


Radm LH

6e32c2  No.5409558


Ramming speed!

5f3f28  No.5409559

https:// breaking911.com/breaking-full-text-of-michael-cohens-prepared-testimony-before-wednesdays-hearing/?onesignal_site_push_notification

bffc46  No.5409560

Expanding thoughts, dead man switch for mass data drops?

2b5235  No.5409561


baker needs a raise.

04acda  No.5409562

File: 7c4975dc73371d1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1252x709, 1252:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c10aeb400c8060⋯.png (327.03 KB, 873x939, 291:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5caa313b8382b2c⋯.png (45.41 KB, 838x771, 838:771, ClipboardImage.png)



double meanings?

"ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a heavy-ion detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring. It is designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where a phase of matter called quark-gluon plasma forms."

" ORNL proposed to DOE, and was recently approved to build, one of ALICE’s “grid computing centers.” ALICE computing is distributed by an international grid connecting computers. So ALICE analysis is literally distributed in computers over the whole world."



b20b8a  No.5409563


I think we may have had a full test completed successfully.

Hope Q confirms

0ddf96  No.5409564

File: cdd202b01152bd5⋯.jpg (364.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg)


Just watch.

All we can say at this point is that the 8ch server got requests from different IP's, not that they were different devices.

8ch hashes your IP, then generates a bread ID from it.

Remember frens, we're the news now, and Facts Mater.

8577e0  No.5409565


Bread is Oscar Mike

452477  No.5409566

File: cd84e7f75ac0ce7⋯.jpg (227.54 KB, 700x700, 1:1, l-1637-before-test-vs-afte….jpg)

37307c  No.5409567

File: 1526765d2fab1f6⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 478x262, 239:131, Night Shift Anons Digging.gif)


TY, Baker!

549729  No.5409568

Was there a Test 9?

646433  No.5409569

File: 960265c1e922b53⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 563x700, 563:700, boomincoming.jpg)

d85c49  No.5409570

File: 03da8c29cc0fdb4⋯.png (142.03 KB, 1375x1062, 1375:1062, o7FLG.png)

5e5c1e  No.5409571


time stamp is your computers time

763c72  No.5409572



omg I didn't want to be the asshole that asked. Thank you!

23c389  No.5409573



9aaac4  No.5409574

File: a05c567be8aeda3⋯.jpeg (51.97 KB, 602x618, 301:309, BDA88FDB-D340-476D-895B-5….jpeg)

It’s a Nitrous hood night

36f2ff  No.5409575

File: 4ae8b747300bed5⋯.jpg (382.29 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2293.JPG)

aa1592  No.5409576

Tests 1, 2, 4 and 9 were all posted without a Trip. Notice to anons looking for Test 9

It was posted here


With the same ID as Q post here


e3b171  No.5409577

f53c9d  No.5409578


repost if you can










thank you anons!

if anything was missed, repost

breads are flying



259d3a  No.5409579


Hey, top right with Q in watch is mine…sweet!

3aff26  No.5409580


I was asking about CERN and the ALICE connection in previous breads the other day, nobody seemed to give it much thought.

f01c02  No.5409581


none went thru

b3a2e9  No.5409582


I think she is with us anon.

967f3b  No.5409583

File: 679b31061dfeefc⋯.jpg (635.81 KB, 1278x1457, 1278:1457, YUP.jpg)

512da0  No.5409584

File: 7621ba23b49f3d5⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, God-Bless-Q .jpg)

God Bless Q+.

Thank you.

5404f1  No.5409585


>Test 9


>>5408709 (LB) - Q incognito

79903e  No.5409586

File: fdc864579d54388⋯.png (119.5 KB, 649x942, 649:942, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at ….png)





046ec0  No.5409587

File: 254850c0515b221⋯.png (106.67 KB, 796x798, 398:399, Screenshot 2019-02-27 05.2….png)

Missing test numbers are 1249.

405912  No.5409588


The Avatar does rather resemble the obscure image

77d9df  No.5409589

File: fa38e421296c9c5⋯.jpg (759.85 KB, 2771x1877, 2771:1877, test for echo.jpg)

3a9d8a  No.5409590

Remember that time when?

But then Q responds with?

And you're all like?

Yeah. Wew lads.

90ba90  No.5409591

File: e5ba1861837babb⋯.jpg (524.43 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, o7.jpg)

749148  No.5409592


Test 1-12 have been completed whether you can see or not. Someone has the screenshot here.

1c9964  No.5409593


there was no Q sig test 9

see >>5408726 (pb)

d37ab8  No.5409594


You're welcome



2bd070  No.5409595

Q has left the bridge!

61264d  No.5409596

File: 71cc9b187d6c7f1⋯.jpg (393.39 KB, 1078x1087, 1078:1087, Screenshot_20190226-232649….jpg)

Thx baker

51ff6f  No.5409597

File: ef5f3449dbcf42e⋯.png (360.37 KB, 561x503, 561:503, mushroooooooomzzzz.png)

24d389  No.5409598

3570fb  No.5409599


Got it.

3415e4  No.5409600


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

9179d4  No.5409601

Anons we are only missing Test 9 right?

Every time I see a test I keep imagining my phone buzzing with a presidential alert

464614  No.5409602


LMAO kek wish this would stop. burning bread here.

3f4f19  No.5409603

File: afa62698dec6b6f⋯.png (213.57 KB, 322x535, 322:535, Q 3 device [0].png)

The 3 device [0] and 00:00:00 was ridiculous

e12817  No.5409604


KEK problem is we

have the originals… how can this be explained?

04acda  No.5409605

File: 85823c255aef514⋯.png (206.49 KB, 544x365, 544:365, ClipboardImage.png)


Think mirror?

Through the looking glass?

time travel?


890b5e  No.5409606


Where is my Robert Downey Jr eyeroll when I need it…

a4e117  No.5409607


The year 1492 is considered to be a significant year in the history of the West, Europe, Christianity, Spain, and the New World, among others, because of the number of significant events to have taken place during it.

07dd70  No.5409608

File: 2f06eb99c44c728⋯.jpg (703.94 KB, 2088x2400, 87:100, e9c4d71.jpg)


f2d448  No.5409609

File: 4d1f3657b3cf99b⋯.jpg (119.61 KB, 963x491, 963:491, CaptureAOP.JPG)

0d5949  No.5409610

File: 2681e75df48f1f3⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 921x960, 307:320, deprog.jpg)

File: 1b98b3146507af8⋯.jpg (41.84 KB, 960x960, 1:1, feet_hands.jpg)

File: d0dab825f92090d⋯.jpg (414.33 KB, 600x747, 200:249, jew_control.jpg)

0bd2fe  No.5409611

File: bf51439bbe991dc⋯.jpeg (12.16 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 9eeb284e63f9c5e0d9e2d7cb4….jpeg)

bf3f69  No.5409612


enjoy the balmy weather, Q. Blessings!!

d4ae26  No.5409613


shit did Q pull those pics off his device in real time?


b) this guy's full of shit

31ac3e  No.5409614

File: 4fd37b7006ac396⋯.png (643.46 KB, 764x690, 382:345, Win.png)

Well I guess I don't really NEED any sleep…

5e71aa  No.5409615


>>5409031 Q posted twice at the same time on two IDs

Okay. we're officially at "can't possibly be denied" that Q is a group

…That's tight with POTUS.

at least 12 of them. At last tally there were less than 10, iirc.

I think the group got bigger.

5404f1  No.5409616


>>5408709 (LB) - Q incognito

9aaac4  No.5409617


How does timing of this tweet compare to Q post ofmselfsame pics (Phonefagging over here)

386b08  No.5409618

File: 5b8b54f5f5d58b6⋯.png (217.28 KB, 493x278, 493:278, ClipboardImage.png)

Whoa! Jared Kushner Tells Sky News Arabia His Plan Is to Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

Top Trump aide Jared Kushner told Sky News Arabia that the administration’s goal is to eliminate borders with Israel and the Palestinians.

Jared Kushner: The goal of resolving the borders is really to eliminate borders. And so if you can eliminate borders and have peace, less fear of terror. You can have freer flow of goods, freer flow of people and that will create more opportunities.

Israel has one of the securest borders in the world. This is intentional. When Israel had porous borders Palestinians were blowing themselves up in pizza parlors.


95a2f7  No.5409619


Q team has asked before how their pics are "originals". Access to devices. Think No Such Agency. I'm guessing some of the pics we have seen were taken by (((them))) over the past year and a half in order to scare the shit out of (((them))).

e12817  No.5409620


Test 9 happened 2 breads ago

Q as Anon

40d390  No.5409621

File: 7ccdfa97e477492⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 255x183, 85:61, Pepelaugh.jpg)

File: a2e6ff4cc81d90d⋯.png (93.11 KB, 538x358, 269:179, wine.png)

The End of the Korean War!!!!!! A Day Of Celebration Anons!

83996e  No.5409622

File: 40ff098d36824c5⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, armor of god clock.png)


10768e  No.5409623

File: 874591cfd06cb4d⋯.png (9.98 KB, 810x171, 90:19, 75fad8c7cdcbc622341a43e104….png)

[0] Delta to the second

f79975  No.5409624




/ \

It's okay to newfag, just lurk for a while before posting.

b3a2e9  No.5409625


Do what you got to do anon. Start paying closer attention to her.

44089d  No.5409626

#TicToc wtf?

c5f022  No.5409627

File: af0628d5fdb271c⋯.png (487.93 KB, 640x433, 640:433, ClipboardImage.png)

God bless the night Baker. TY

2ad954  No.5409628

File: e11460fa8e19dc5⋯.png (13.34 KB, 479x367, 479:367, test1-4.png)


here are the 1-4 tests "unconfirmed" from earlier today

e69edc  No.5409629

So proud of President Trump! Those who are hating him are going to be the biggest fools in history.

77d9df  No.5409630


stepped outside at half on lb and poof gone

6499ce  No.5409631

I'm pretty sure there was a test 4 that wasn't tripfagged last night

035852  No.5409632

File: ea0e2251a295b95⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 600x450, 4:3, cardboard boxes.jpg)

41596b  No.5409633

File: e2da72428f9ee6c⋯.png (602.15 KB, 618x796, 309:398, ClipboardImage.png)



>how can this be explained?

well seeing as the twat was hours ago.. Q lifted the pics from a news site.. shocker.


4ee85c  No.5409634


So you’re telling me you made lighting in a “bottle”, used to turn a rock that is formed under 1 million lbs of pressure per square inch, into liquid? If true, why do you hide such “marvelous” inventions from your fellow man? You’re committing a immoral act by hiding Truth & such, I assume, healing properties from your fellow


086fcd  No.5409635


>Trying to get same ID on 2 devices me thinks

That would be easy. Just rout them through a NAT like setup so they all appear to have the same IP address.

It seems more like they're interested in getting perfect timing between devices.

aed247  No.5409636

92c678  No.5409637

File: ea8aa40611b4b76⋯.jpg (93.89 KB, 1094x800, 547:400, ea8aa40611b4b76e505dc64fec….jpg)


will this do?

72a5af  No.5409638


The scapegoats sure do post a bunch of obscure spuriously homo creep pasta Jew noodles

All this

And there's an Olive Garden up the road

2bd070  No.5409639


why are there so many pictures of scantily clad women?

43b4f7  No.5409640

File: e8bd09fb7c6f302⋯.jpeg (474.03 KB, 799x1162, 799:1162, Screenshot_2019-02-26-23-….jpeg)

File: 775192734f1ebbf⋯.jpeg (412.27 KB, 799x1169, 799:1169, Screenshot_2019-02-26-23-….jpeg)

File: cf19cb84dde57ae⋯.jpeg (399.2 KB, 799x1161, 799:1161, Screenshot_2019-02-26-23-….jpeg)



also noticed filenames of >>5408802 (lb) [Screenshots]




maybe not Qteam, but…

>>5409578 Thanks, beautiful work in racing breads

73b8aa  No.5409641


Thanks, o7. See it. Cool

a569c9  No.5409642

File: 88bf0e8965b3320⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1492x1012, 373:253, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at ….png)

File: 2cbfbdaceeffc58⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1492x1012, 373:253, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at ….png)

File: aecad822e63b3a3⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1494x1014, 249:169, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at ….png)

File: 551ce599232c10d⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1492x1010, 746:505, Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at ….png)

d4fa93  No.5409643


lurked for a year before first post

7fc324  No.5409644

What a time to be alive!!

033d79  No.5409645

Just wondering if [RBG]’s trip to Hanoi and the selection of Hanoi as the summit site was coincidental or if there are possible additional events occurring at a different level.

Why else would Q bring up [RBG]’s trip? Significant or disinformation?

7bd87b  No.5409646

File: 714fc73f2a50976⋯.png (662.09 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

the deal has already been made.

the peace treaty has already been agreed upon

the document is signed

announcement will not come until after POTUS arrives back in US

optics dictate this

casino owners do not play craps; the leader of the free world does not make a personal appearance to negotiate.

the deal is done.

405912  No.5409647


Makes me wonder about the security

749148  No.5409648


There it is.


865230  No.5409649

Masonic human sacrifice evidence please

4b42be  No.5409650

File: 17cb5d3edf284ca⋯.jpg (731.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D0XzO-ZUcAAMyAa.jpg)

36f2ff  No.5409652


yep, noticed that

ee0500  No.5409653


If your brain was as big as your balls, you'd be fully aware of the mistake(s) you just made.

Wouldn't be you for anything in this world and beyond…

386b08  No.5409654


Not good

9aaac4  No.5409655


Kushner: the goal is to abolish borders. This guy is a joke.

016035  No.5409656

File: 01f9e357cc7418b⋯.png (716.32 KB, 775x549, 775:549, ClipboardImage.png)

Whoever is holding the camera (JFK Jr.) and posting LIVE on Global News was ushered into the meeting room and people stepped aside like they were expecting him. Seemed to be a Q from the cameraman after POTUS wiped his mouth (hadn’t eaten yet) and then cameraman focused in on POTUS and POTUS gave cameraman (us?) this signal. Watched it over and over again and definitely a signal.

8590ab  No.5409657

f85532  No.5409658

File: c772bad535bff75⋯.jpg (664.38 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, bill-maher.jpg)

9073fd  No.5409659


Trying to play it off, huh?

Anyhoo, he's a faggot

84ef6e  No.5409660


There's the shirt, no?

3f4f19  No.5409661



95a2f7  No.5409662

890b5e  No.5409663


She is everywhere but she is not ours. She is 100% indoctrinated. Fantasyland =you

77d9df  No.5409664


no…just no.


3415e4  No.5409665


No the ones following satan/trump will be the fools marked by the beast that they accept!! Sick..


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

1c9964  No.5409666


"DOX" kek

cd2a92  No.5409667


Not missing.

73b8aa  No.5409668


HaHa, I took care of that. Now I know. Glad to help.

39a5c4  No.5409669

File: fc7c6e068d462f2⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 498x498, 1:1, RDJ_Eyeroll.gif)

68c5a0  No.5409670

File: 774984e6a447676⋯.jpeg (71.87 KB, 750x1028, 375:514, 08e7cb0cbfacbf83b6489a8f2….jpeg)


well that's a familiar looking shirt…

f79975  No.5409671


See something,

Say something.

92646c  No.5409672

File: ac93080ef37e993⋯.png (970.31 KB, 1186x785, 1186:785, photostudio_1551245142244.png)

>>5408280 (lb)

My meager attempt.

29967e  No.5409673

The day you lock her up Q , is the day the whole world will know , this is for real …..

5b4466  No.5409674

File: 7c4bb5c292b7a8d⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 7c4bb5c292b7a8d2bb98940e54….jpg)

Do It Q!!

6e32c2  No.5409675


>It seems more like they're interested in getting perfect timing between devices.

Now I wonder why they'd want to do that…

3aff26  No.5409676


Not sure how you'd have to spin it to end up thinking of her as an ally, but I'm listening if you have something worth hearing.

e5c71d  No.5409677


Looks like the Tweet came first…

763c72  No.5409678


^^^ Hell yes. purple gingham That's the photographer

890b5e  No.5409679


Perfect Nucky!

40d390  No.5409680

File: 9ae89ba05c207e0⋯.png (55.15 KB, 510x332, 255:166, wtfPepe.png)

>>5409610 GOOD LORD! Look at those gigantic Minnie Mouse Shoes on dat Tranny!

e3fca9  No.5409681


Just a little variety to mix in with all the nudes, kek.

b654e9  No.5409682


and the D0…

016035  No.5409683

File: a33ee3763bb2bbd⋯.png (477.19 KB, 624x355, 624:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the shot just before the signal.

f3c34a  No.5409684

File: 51c8aa5a9052440⋯.png (1.01 MB, 769x640, 769:640, kim jung un McDonalds.png)

"Peace through Strength"


72a5af  No.5409685


bffc46  No.5409686


Hi there.

e1928d  No.5409687

File: b21201d2e70fcca⋯.jpg (93.11 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 2019-02-25 11.11.17.jpg)

5409503 lb

44089d  No.5409688


That hash tag is a threat. TicToc TrumpKim. That's bs.

3a9d8a  No.5409689


Don't be this guy.

ee0500  No.5409690


By the way, you and your friends missed…

e5c71d  No.5409691



77d9df  No.5409692

File: 7ec354f4a1ca3d2⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 666 nob.jpg)



b9dbb5  No.5409693

File: ba1cf33e575e246⋯.jpg (74.18 KB, 745x754, 745:754, 1a.JPG)

File: 422dedb23355182⋯.jpg (73.96 KB, 734x522, 367:261, 3.JPG)

File: cefd0afbdcb221d⋯.pdf (299.89 KB, download.pdf)

Full Text of Michael Cohen’s Prepared Testimony Before Wednesday’s Hearing


f607ba  No.5409694


custom air jordans

4b42be  No.5409695

File: c348d85f6a74777⋯.png (277.72 KB, 431x419, 431:419, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

f0b0b6  No.5409696

>>5409688 I thought the same thing, anon.

0d5949  No.5409697

File: 175e0a613f1a2ab⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 800x1057, 800:1057, 800px-Balfour_declaration_….jpg)

File: 8ae754ff601573b⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 720x890, 72:89, 32974142_20435.jpg)


>Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

Give the Palestinians back their country! WOOHOO!

19662c  No.5409698


If those devices are military, they will go across military channels, and dump out somewhere in CONUS.

Source: family member who used to call me via satellites when he had to test certain lines. (Many years ago, though)

73b8aa  No.5409699


o7 Thanks for educating me.

3360b0  No.5409700

d9a963  No.5409701

File: 16768ff8404511c⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 650x434, 325:217, 26730743_10211559651212301….jpg)

c5f022  No.5409702


Cause I can't find a naked one - yet. Gotta go check out the porn sites.

95a2f7  No.5409703

Hilariously Biden said he'd only get into campaign if he could raise enough cash without super pacs. Oh ok Mr. Morality!

3415e4  No.5409704


Make me.. I pinned Randy Ortan in 9 seconds..

I have never lost a fight defending myself..


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

3bd2fe  No.5409705

File: edefa57ace06bfb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 657x859, 657:859, ClipboardImage.png)

Q….so who took the pics? you or this guy? he claims he did, has same shirt as reflection

02fd27  No.5409706


TicToc Bloomberg posted on twitter an hour before Q posted here…..


ec57ae  No.5409707


timestamp is server side

client-side without verify could be subject to comped

73b8aa  No.5409708


Thanks for your help.

365983  No.5409709


I think team white hat have had a crystal ball since before ultra + in the late 1800's. That would mean what's happening now is the flowering of a plan in the works since the late 1800's at least.

Baron Trumps marvellous adventure isn't a sign of time travel(though it could be) it's a sign that what's happening now is part of that plan.

8577e0  No.5409710

5ba384  No.5409711


Q Team uses phones..

41596b  No.5409712



See… Q jacked the pics from @tictoc >>5409633

imagine muh ticktock-shock.

2a52ed  No.5409713

File: 21047c920bf9902⋯.jpg (549.05 KB, 1200x654, 200:109, kim-jong-Sanders01.jpg)

22671d  No.5409714

>>5409063 lb

Q's using multiple devices.

Posting at the same time.

Why so many diff. devices needed??

9aaac4  No.5409715

File: b44d6d80c3df60c⋯.jpeg (262.74 KB, 1494x956, 747:478, 6F47FE54-B669-43DC-8D66-7….jpeg)

Baker is at the controls

d76bbd  No.5409716


Kikes BTFO

4ee85c  No.5409717


You didn’t answer the question.

75cfed  No.5409718

>>5409127 (previous bread) You are either a megalomaniac nut job, or a blasphemous shill, claiming to be Jesus Christ, forsooth! Go take your meds, you're having a psychotic break, or just piss off and crawl back into the pit you came out of. Nobody here is loony enough to take you seriously.

ab5493  No.5409719

>>5406771 previous notable




BY CRISTINA MAZA ON 11/28/18 AT 10:41 AM


5e5c1e  No.5409720

3 kinds of people

those that wonder what happened (normies)

those that watched it happen (anons)

and those that make things happen (Q TEAM and Anons)

oh and then theres Pepe kickin ass

d42da9  No.5409721

Many tests. Many many… Tests.

035852  No.5409722

this.. pics lsent to another cloud/ server in real time


f53c9d  No.5409723

Notables so far


>>5409618 Jared Kushner Tells Sky News Arabia His Plan Is to Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

>>5409640 Anon's pictures

>>5409693 Full Text of Michael Cohen’s Prepared Testimony Before Wednesday’s Hearing

4b232b  No.5409724

File: 4a664d9a6492bb6⋯.jpeg (598.31 KB, 750x1039, 750:1039, 260723A3-A232-4123-A33A-7….jpeg)


These images dropped to 8ch at 10:21. Bloomberg Biz posted them to twatter at 9:51.

Well, this is confusing. They don’t appear to be originals as they were available by at least 9:51.

Not sure what Q is getting at here.

8f7e04  No.5409725

File: a5d976cb3b3e51f⋯.png (4.3 KB, 659x85, 659:85, Capture Q Test 9.PNG)

>>5408819 lb

>>5408839 lb


Q also posted several last night with out trip code

4d7da2  No.5409726

Q, thank you for all that you do. You are truly my hero. Let's get this show on the road! Do It Q!

8577e0  No.5409727


Q can rip pics off any phone he wishes.

890b5e  No.5409728

File: ede578cba6618a6⋯.gif (488.4 KB, 300x169, 300:169, 9378875C-DBAA-4839-A3D1-F5….gif)

d337ac  No.5409729

File: 57f7650bb05ac68⋯.png (387.42 KB, 540x394, 270:197, obama.PNG)

File: a4fc61924bb8711⋯.png (138.05 KB, 439x379, 439:379, toots7.PNG)


1dd913  No.5409730


Thank you, Baker! Great job with flying bread.

4d9096  No.5409731

File: c36f0e2490d6f38⋯.jpg (441.02 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, muh peps.jpg)

Infanticide Protest RI

a68062  No.5409732

File: d8e9e56b4429fd4⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 640x497, 640:497, bo.jpg)

March 14, 1891 The New Orleans lynchings of eleven Italian Americans in New Orleans by a mob for the murder of the police chief after some of them were acquitted was the largest single mass lynching in U.S. history.

The more you know.

3415e4  No.5409733


What question I missed it..

163c01  No.5409734

File: 5f16740f95784ea⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 602x392, 43:28, kzhLDqi.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

405912  No.5409735


The official statement —–

United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg today concluded an official visit to Hanoi, where she met with senior government officials, including Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to discuss the rule of law. She was accompanied by her daughter, Dr. Jane Ginsburg, who met with judicial officers, legal scholars and representatives of the private sector to discuss the intellectual property rights law.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of normalized diplomatic relations between the United States and Vietnam. In addition to Prime Minister Dung, Justice Ginsburg met with Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Truong Hoa Binh and the newly appointed Council of Justices. Specifically, Chief Justice Binh hosted Justice Ginsburg for a dinner and the Supreme People’s Court organized a roundtable discussion on the process by which the U.S. Supreme Court reviews cases. Vietnam’s new Supreme People’s Court, which consists of the Chief Justice and 15 Deputy and/or Associate Justices was just appointed in July.

While in Hanoi, Justice Ginsburg also held meetings and discussions with youth leaders who are members of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), local law students, scholars on the rule of law, and local media in Vietnam.

After concluding her visit to Hanoi, Justice Ginsburg traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s financial capital.

Justice Ginsburg’s visit was sponsored by the Department of State’s U.S. Speakers Program. The trip was part of ongoing efforts to advance the Comprehensive Partnership launched in July 2013.


f331ec  No.5409736


Dude, you are on the wrong board; no blind followers over here. Go check out Buzzfeed.

195a40  No.5409737

Watch the child porn in here !

9179d4  No.5409738


I’m loosing patience Anons

f01c02  No.5409739


the patterns wrong look at the shoulder

685a06  No.5409740


Kim chilling

22671d  No.5409741


True that!

d42da9  No.5409742

6d3317  No.5409743

File: 812cebbf795e8d0⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_1270.PNG)

Billionaire Resigns

5404f1  No.5409744


Nice find. But do note that Q didn't left them. These were posted by anon, and Q responded to them.

>>5407223 (PB) Q rt >>5406506 anon

04acda  No.5409745


it happen a lot…

somethings are not for autistic people…

same thing with "deep dream=twitter" nobody seemed to give it much nothing…until Q did

ec57ae  No.5409746


but we have the originals….

9073fd  No.5409747


Well tighten them up

95a2f7  No.5409748



Too busy for your bullshit tonight.

a569c9  No.5409749




Def not Q team.

I bet he is wondering how his photos are ours now.

d37ab8  No.5409750


We are currently shill free…. Every time Q has a " test" , the fills go fuck themselves. I wonder if Q has anything to do with it or shills are just scurd?…as they should be

6af7c6  No.5409751


How do you know who got the pics first?

ca2610  No.5409752

Shills picking back up…

e90c3f  No.5409753


Go ahead and add them if you want. They're real pics but the came off of a twitter account.

768f5c  No.5409754




033d79  No.5409755


Nah, Sandy holds it all in — which explains the drama.

68c5a0  No.5409756

File: d8566c955c1e2d0⋯.jpg (59.81 KB, 501x438, 167:146, HanoiPhotog.jpg)


I found a side door that wasn't blocked off, and when I went through, I took some photos. I'm a 6'2" bald American dude wearing 2 press credentials so…

Anyhoo, here it is, what appears to be the dinner table set for Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un: #TicTocTrumpKim

dfeb7b  No.5409757






386b08  No.5409758

New government documents reveal Jared Kushner’s Secret Service codename as ‘Mechanic’

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner’s Secret Service codename is “Mechanic,” a new government filing reveals.

The filing, a State Department expenditure for a planned hotel stay in Davos during the 2019 World Economic Forum last month, is listed as “WEF19 – USSS MARVEL&MECHANIC LODGING.”

“Marvel,” as CNN reported during the 2016 presidential campaign, is Ivanka Trump’s Secret Service codename. There has been past speculation about Kushner’s codename, which the new document appears to confirm is indeed “Mechanic.”

“The Secret Service cannot comment on protective operations,” an agency spokesperson told Quartz.

The original amount allocated by the State Department for the couple’s lodging in Davos came to $226,069. An adjustment at the end of January reduced that bill by $61,184, for a final total of $164,886. It is unclear if the $61,184 represents a refund for the unused rooms after the US delegation, which was to be led by Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, canceled the excursion amid a 31-day partial government shutdown set in motion by president Trump in December over funding for his long-promised border wall.

Before the trip was called off, the delegation had already booked nearly $3 million in hotel charges for the Davos conference, courtesy of the US taxpayer. US presidents had not regularly attended Davos before Trump: Ronald Reagan gave a speech via video, and George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama skipped the forum entirely.

The rest of the Trump family’s Secret Service codenames are “Mogul” (Donald Trump); “Muse” (Melania Trump); “Mountaineer” (Donald Trump Jr.); and “Marksman” (Eric Trump). The codenames for the president’s other children, 12-year-old Barron and 25-year-old Tiffany, are not yet known.

The first US president to receive a Secret Service codename was Harry Truman, who was known to his protective detail as “General,” according to historian Michael Beschloss. The Secret Service referred to president Barack Obama as “Renegade;” first lady Michelle Obama was “Renaissance.” Their children, Malia and Sasha, were given the monikers “Radiance” and “Rosebud,” respectively.


8db0d8  No.5409759

File: e4021c39cd8ee5d⋯.jpg (113.73 KB, 1080x506, 540:253, SmartSelect_20190103-22041….jpg)

Test 8

d4ae26  No.5409760

File: 29b412592c00435⋯.gif (687.47 KB, 448x252, 16:9, wtf2.gif)

2a52ed  No.5409761


it's long established that the 'originals' are not necessarily taken by Q team.

They have No Such Agency, they have everything.

02757e  No.5409762

File: db3166f68a2db7c⋯.png (783.48 KB, 1429x1078, 1429:1078, Jenner geico.png)

0d5949  No.5409763

File: c7cbbb09bb064c7⋯.gif (669.73 KB, 244x130, 122:65, pffffhahaha.gif)


>GOOD LORD! Look at those gigantic Minnie Mouse Shoes on dat Tranny!

0ddf96  No.5409764


True and easy to forget.

b37b55  No.5409765

File: 16848c29b2fc67f⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB, 474x243, 158:81, 29F8DA5E-A629-4B8C-BC3E-5….jpeg)

File: b97292fbe42a550⋯.jpeg (408.79 KB, 1245x1046, 1245:1046, 9F1634A0-8A9C-4D2C-B567-0….jpeg)

May God Shield & Protect Our President & Patriots…

For Victoria

6499ce  No.5409766

File: c179eaf51edd507⋯.png (754.88 KB, 911x488, 911:488, 1888 El Paso.png)

File: a0ec89d23be5062⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1920x1090, 192:109, Ask Mr. Foster.png)

File: e0a8969988b49ad⋯.png (288.04 KB, 1113x441, 53:21, c0362a18db5885118fe3de3b70….png)

File: fd223f431379e88⋯.png (349.04 KB, 1424x713, 1424:713, Untitled.png)

File: f623c8a54772657⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 660x413, 660:413, trump_tesla.jpg)

386b08  No.5409767



f0b0b6  No.5409769

File: fd64fd12cb98327⋯.png (513.75 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 293C5D35-5BD8-4BD2-9AF3-6B….png)

File: 5ee491adbaf7d0a⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Alive-when-heart-starts-de….jpg)

File: e936b387c94eb16⋯.png (337.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AbortionBillBlockedByDems.png)

File: eac7dac00e2cf03⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 800x389, 800:389, pols_feature1-1.jpg)

eca6aa  No.5409770


Definitely shirt match. WTF!!! Faked AGAIN

9aaac4  No.5409771


Q is the brazen open source bandit

e12817  No.5409772


Confirmed .. The shirt doesnt lie.

4b42be  No.5409773

File: a12da94a898cd6e⋯.png (273.39 KB, 403x409, 403:409, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)


His photos were posted on Twitter before Q posted.

23dcd4  No.5409774



I know this is going fast but try to get there baker

11f5d3  No.5409775

Makes me wonder if those photos were by bad actors working to get angles for…whatever…

Reporters kicked out of hotel, then later the same day, they are showing pics of where Trump will be sitting?

Skeptical about the photos and them being posted around. Has anyone even dig on which hotel this is? You could probably find that glass covered area.

If Q team is tracking, and this IS a possibility, i feel confident in their ability to protect POTUS, but a bit worried about how the secrecy was violated by journalists.

967f3b  No.5409776


So is this guy fame-fagging?

b388a4  No.5409777


So, D5 is -21 plus five days away? March 25?

83e7b5  No.5409778


he may get credit for it… but it is part of the RV plan… peace.

d76bbd  No.5409779


I’m fucking done with shit.

8c6cc2  No.5409780

File: 8dadd429b294e7c⋯.jpg (141.02 KB, 500x488, 125:122, grey.jpg)

763c72  No.5409781


kek - 10/28/17 first day

hope your salute doesn't hit your asshat.

365983  No.5409782


Working on how to refocus their shilling strategies.

e5c71d  No.5409783

Q, you need to explain why this bald dude took those photos

3a9d8a  No.5409784


Photo post from Anonymous.

5b4466  No.5409785


Screen shots.

Assumption that Q took these was hasty at best by the community.

740070  No.5409786

File: a8777e708afdbd8⋯.jpg (79.28 KB, 850x451, 850:451, pic34523434634.JPG)

File: 0f941a1dba3562a⋯.jpg (116.89 KB, 633x898, 633:898, pic34523434635.JPG)

Photos on twitter first or am I to far into the bottle?

92c678  No.5409787

File: 7ddceaefcc35623⋯.png (251.97 KB, 581x1334, 581:1334, 8013a58a956dbdc93bf49a49d4….png)


over here pepe!

4b232b  No.5409788


True but Bloomberg Biz posted them at 9:51. Q posted them at 10:21.

So they could’ve simply been pulled from Twitter. Unless I’m missing something.

bc2387  No.5409789


Was this a security risk, potential for one, or someone playing their part in the plan?

77d9df  No.5409790


build is too big

768f5c  No.5409791


anons win

9073fd  No.5409792

File: 844e23fb003530e⋯.jpg (64.63 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, space ghost.jpg)

cd789c  No.5409793


but why was he holding his arm out, didn't want his face in the reflection

68c5a0  No.5409794




It's probably why they changed the location of the meeting, like they said on FOX.

3415e4  No.5409795


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

f85532  No.5409796


giving intel to the bad guys? tictoc?

4d9096  No.5409797


mixed feelz on that last meme anon

a569c9  No.5409798


Someone post his photos on his twitter please.

dfeb7b  No.5409799





51ff6f  No.5409800


ahhh…now I get it. they

think they'll get off (judges),

but the people…

016035  No.5409801


>>5409027, >>5409240 Link to Test 9

772991  No.5409802


one before and then one after?

gotta sleep as it has been 43 hours i have been up!

3eaf0d  No.5409803

File: 24547530f32fdae⋯.png (92.4 KB, 720x252, 20:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Everything he says is perfectly parsed to be interpreted negatively but leaves space to be the exact opposite.

What makes a good actor?

66ef79  No.5409804


what are you even talking about?

bf3f69  No.5409805


I like it anon. Keep at it!

890b5e  No.5409806


Rhode Island??? Nice!

d616fb  No.5409807


> i sent trump the tax plan

ok arthur betts or steven moore? i worked under the former and the latter was on the campaign publicly. I'll vouch it has their fingerprints all over it, unless you are a devout supply sider as much as they are…. btfo

36f2ff  No.5409808

File: ba6f904a04b2fa5⋯.jpeg (128.68 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, fullsizeoutput_1fab.jpeg)


very good eye

e5c71d  No.5409809


Technically, Q didn't post those pics. Some other guy did, and Q just linked to them.

02757e  No.5409810

File: dde94bd4e4522f1⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 769f81dbde410a0d72b71d3fc1….jpg)

f143fa  No.5409811


If we have the originals, and we know that Derek took the pics, is Q saying that the originals were pulled from Derek's phone?

e93502  No.5409812


he couldnt hold one in each hand and hit send at the same time?

f607ba  No.5409813

hi shills

whered you guys all go?

72a5af  No.5409814

f01c02  No.5409815

File: d4349f3ffd4c87b⋯.png (235.57 KB, 403x409, 403:409, hanoi shirt.png)

File: 640d335ad3d7023⋯.png (119.81 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Screenshot_2019-02-26 Q Re….png)

THE SHIRT DOESNT MATCH look at the shoulder.. different pattern

68c5a0  No.5409816


If I remember correctly, they said on FOX that the location changed last second.

This is probably why.

Lack of security.

163c01  No.5409817


Ha. Fix Israel with miscegenation.

3aff26  No.5409818


I've found CERN fascinating and terrifying for about 10 years now, especially in Sept. of 2015, re: apollyon. That was a weird year of dark occurrences, in general.

033d79  No.5409819


It’s always done that way. Kansas would not set up a summit unless everything was ready to go. Very little chance of things going sideways.

15df66  No.5409820

File: a0347b71a1b02ff⋯.png (841.45 KB, 1094x800, 547:400, ClipboardImage.png)

79903e  No.5409821


True slimeball

929d37  No.5409822

File: 7ce04aaa548839c⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 129x238, 129:238, iphonePunisherHack.JPG)


Hey there Fox News,

"There was a phone present".



3a9d8a  No.5409823

DJT tweeted "it".

84b481  No.5409824

File: 4ad0eff0361d701⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 550x530, 55:53, blackpepeshit.jpg)

4d9096  No.5409825


Pray for us Anon we need it.

86ae6f  No.5409826

File: 895b07ae57451e5⋯.png (290.25 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2019-02-26-23-2….png)

File: 85f7fb6f12f96a2⋯.png (395.1 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2019-02-26-23-2….png)

The pharmaceutical companies test vaccines on children. When they discover what chronic diseases and disabilities result from the shots they turn around and develop new drugs to "treat" the vaccine damage. The HPV vaccine has been predicted to be the greatest vaccine scandal of them all. This vaccine sterilizes a high percentage of the girls getting it, it particularly disables young people.who are physically fit, and it increases invasive cervical cancer in younger cohorts who were previously unlikely to develop cervical.cancer.

6af7c6  No.5409827


tic toc is the twat name for Bloomberg. Does not appear nefarious on the surface

5007af  No.5409828

File: d3d5763154ebdcb⋯.gif (78.3 KB, 300x133, 300:133, number-9-tumblr.gif)




9073fd  No.5409829


Thats a faggot dialect of shill

bf3f69  No.5409830




28fd74  No.5409831

File: 1dd58b8d9c82bee⋯.png (138.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1dd58b8d9c82beeed05945c14e….png)


Wow, who would have guessed that all of the work would be done already?


f13d94  No.5409832

File: 9c258c4d9321722⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1100x1388, 275:347, Q1_e.png)

4b232b  No.5409833


So this was a test? Ok. I still don’t understand the utility of spreading fake proofs though. Then again a lot of this is beyond me.

86236a  No.5409834

File: 3f21d96a5a442e4⋯.png (497.65 KB, 900x847, 900:847, ClipboardImage.png)

Nightly reminder

==Where do the JIDF shills go on nightshift when Q is posting?

386b08  No.5409835


1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

77d9df  No.5409836


don't ask. every time someone asks they arrive shortly after. don't stir them

f331ec  No.5409837

Can someone post a live feed of the Summit? Thanks in advance.

f85532  No.5409838


agreed, what stick the baby with the am flag?

24d389  No.5409839


47e106  No.5409840


A salute with the wrong hand.

a8009b  No.5409841

thanks for test 6 archiving for history

cannot trust MSM to do the job

and its a proof !!!

We are the news

2a52ed  No.5409842

File: f68155a5a5bccd2⋯.jpg (313.65 KB, 911x727, 911:727, makePeace01.jpg)

5e7247  No.5409843


You must be new

d37ab8  No.5409844


They got caught by their mom. Kek. Its school night

e3886b  No.5409845

File: e5a0389483e6212⋯.jpg (143.11 KB, 1113x182, 159:26, BuhBye.jpg)

68c5a0  No.5409846



43b4f7  No.5409847


>>>5409640 Anon's pictures

thanks but false alarm, further verification of last bread's ID confirms

b3f3f0  No.5409848

File: ab49d97cadefa9c⋯.jpg (6.76 KB, 366x115, 366:115, 1.jpg)

File: 57dc6da27cc3cad⋯.jpeg (10.31 KB, 186x255, 62:85, dwallbank.jpeg)

File: 9fff2c46524e909⋯.png (238.11 KB, 431x419, 431:419, dwallbanktwitter.png)

Is this the guy?

bc2387  No.5409849


Is the door open a bit to include the reflection of his front, therefor making him facing forward?

f79975  No.5409850


They also weren't the typical Q format of original pictures.

31ac3e  No.5409851


Q was responding to an anons post. Now who than anon was… no telling

f53c9d  No.5409852


gotcha, thanks

365983  No.5409853


Well I guess a crystal ball kind of is time travel. Tesla did mention spending a lot of time communicating with other beings. Maybe he meant he was in communication with people from our present?

e69edc  No.5409854

WESTBURY, N.Y. (AP) — Two commuter trains traveling in opposite directions collided with a vehicle on the tracks in Westbury, killing all three occupants in the vehicle before one of the trains derailed and tore into a concrete platform Tuesday night, according to officials.

Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder said the vehicle was "trying to beat the gate" when it was struck just before 7:30 p.m. He said one of the trains, which was carrying about 200 passengers and headed for Manhattan, was going at "full speed" when it crashed.


4d9096  No.5409855


see the Dems on the second floor left

6af7c6  No.5409856


How many people do you think were wearing a white/blue small checkered shirt anon?

3415e4  No.5409857


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

184cad  No.5409858


Q blows up their router before comms, kek.

d85c49  No.5409859

File: e7fbd7a25f352ce⋯.png (3.14 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, TBIB.png)

24d389  No.5409860

Bloomberg about to be un-fake news verified?

763c72  No.5409861


Yes, same purple gingham. (That's what the checkerboard print is called)

ec57ae  No.5409862


who cares about "Derek"

We have the original pics

890b5e  No.5409863


Lovely peeps there in Cranston that I heart bigly.

f79975  No.5409864


That's the guy taking the pictures.

Q posted at 10:21

Pictures posted on twitter at 9:51


aa1592  No.5409865


Numbers in the pictures are NOT a coincidence. Please refer to drops

799, 1162, 1169, 1161, 412, 474, 399

Seriously, we are being spoken to, directly about what's going on.









452477  No.5409866

File: 30dc0c73db40267⋯.jpg (101.07 KB, 800x450, 16:9, DP - 55.jpg)



Trust, but verify.

All claims must be factually based.

To learn the test is to pass the test.

"He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know."

e1928d  No.5409867


Holding carbon like that she must shit diamonds

f0b0b6  No.5409868


I agree, I don't think it is the same shirt either.

The shirt in Q's pic is blue. Very obviously. Not purple. The pattern's squares are also different IMO.

5ea0bb  No.5409869

File: 23c3c4bc484143a⋯.png (280.21 KB, 442x947, 442:947, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1a63a165f2487f⋯.png (416.76 KB, 674x730, 337:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92bd18f26cf16a2⋯.png (555.2 KB, 674x1050, 337:525, ClipboardImage.png)

File: deb9cdc36e8dba2⋯.png (123.66 KB, 1198x798, 599:399, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1a63a165f2487f⋯.png (416.76 KB, 674x730, 337:365, ClipboardImage.png)

United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Visits Hanoi Posted: Wednesday, August 12, 2015

US Supreme Court Justice visits Vietnam

Chief Justice Truong Hoa Binh on August 10 welcomed US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who is on a five-day visit to Vietnam to meet with members of the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam (SPCV) and attend a series of public events.


United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Visits Hanoi


PM welcomes US Supreme Court Justice

The Vietnam Supreme People’s Court and the US Supreme Court are hoped to further cooperation, especially in judicial experience sharing and court personnel training, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung told US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at a meeting in Hanoi on August 10.


Gay U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Will Renew His Vows When Ruth Bader Ginsburg Visits Hanoi


36f2ff  No.5409870

need new livestream

3eaf0d  No.5409871


Kim was right to kick the press out of his hotel.

Probably some sleepers in the press pool

3a9d8a  No.5409872



1fa9d1  No.5409873


Nowhere did he say we got them "first". Just that they were the originals. Meaning from the device that took them.

Lurk moar

cd2a92  No.5409874

File: 8f6d57c0be11dcf⋯.png (119.03 KB, 400x293, 400:293, e2e2ecd9904ca91c35c6d847c4….png)

464614  No.5409875


Im watching this. YOu find something better let me knwo thanx


386b08  No.5409876

Ex-UK Paratrooper Says British Army Recruitment Campaign Hides 'Reality of War'

With joining the armed forces still proving to be a popular choice of career for British youngsters, there is increasing speculation that the military has unfairly capitalized on their naivety with targeted advertising that only displays an idealized concept of war, without revealing the potential dangers of signing up.

Should the age at which people can join therefore be raised, so that recruits can make a more informed decision? Sputnik spoke with former British Paratrooper Michael Start for more insight on the issue.

Sputnik: Should more information about joining the armed forces be given to potential recruits?

Michael Start: There should definitely be more information; but the information should be of the right kind, like what are you joining the army for, and what are you actually likely to be doing in the army, because all the glamorous side of it is fully shown, but the reality of war is not shown.

The humanitarian and peacekeeping roles are stressed so much, when in truth these could be done by other services.

Sputnik: Does the British military unfairly target youth with advertising campaigns?

Michael Start: I think it’s a traditional method for the British Army, and unfairly target is hardly the word for it. It starts at a young school age with the cadet forces and everything, with cub scouts which are semi-military type of activity, and then on to cadets at school which is full on military training.

I joined the Territorial Army and the parachute regiment there, and I was very proud of it at the time, and I was aged seventeen and a half when I joined.


f01c02  No.5409877


the guy is facing away from the subject room

bf3f69  No.5409878


my guess: emergency meeting for planning purposes.

51ff6f  No.5409879

File: fce13c5bb9b1393⋯.png (63.18 KB, 284x177, 284:177, silsbythumbsup.png)


edbc3c  No.5409880

File: 81a4e645acf32b3⋯.png (15.67 KB, 388x315, 388:315, Screenshot_2019-02-27 Qmap….png)

File: c23fa42c2f1ed9f⋯.png (24.27 KB, 388x403, 388:403, Screenshot_2019-02-27 Qmap….png)

File: 741d30d490dd1fc⋯.png (32.24 KB, 388x466, 194:233, Screenshot_2019-02-27 Qmap.png)


Tick Tock is moar like it.




Blue check shills.

f53c9d  No.5409881

Q replied to those pictures. That means that Bloomberg reporter probably posted them, and Q replied to it.

5e71aa  No.5409882


TBH I think the group is bigger than 12 individuals, because just the idea that they publicly numbered a device implies there are at least that count of devices.

Knowing how Trump rolls, if they will publicy number a device as "12"

There could be as many as 24 actives with devices.

Because Trump plays to win. He doesn't fuck around.

68c5a0  No.5409883



"Coreect The Record"


a8009b  No.5409884

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 0f9cb70946b71c2a6326cc2f46….jpg)

9aaac4  No.5409885

File: 7ccf067100fc3c1⋯.jpeg (764.8 KB, 1115x1134, 1115:1134, 38B774EF-760F-4933-A0E9-6….jpeg)


Biden can use the billion his cocaine stripper fiend of a son grifted from the Chinese.

5ba384  No.5409886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dieselboy - projectHUMAN

763c72  No.5409887


That are in the media, in hanoi, posting pictures in the chans right now?

Ummm at least that guy.

72a5af  No.5409888


1dc7c1  No.5409889


Well hang on anons. POTUS got peace on the Korean Peninsula. If anyone could get peace between these two it's out POTUS….as one anon put it POTMFUS

72ee22  No.5409890

File: 6b3888f8c989bbc⋯.jpeg (592.73 KB, 750x1150, 15:23, C0B9CDA5-C547-41F0-B45C-D….jpeg)

Any anons see this?

“Conformity and Behavior”

-> Conformity and Behavior and need for affiliation (research posted feb 17th 1967)

24d389  No.5409891


That's how I'm reading it. Either that or Q is Derek and that ain't terribly likely

f143fa  No.5409892


That would imply that Q knew who the anon was that "had the originals"?

08b1b0  No.5409893

File: 48be2aaf73ff2f5⋯.png (304.6 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, B2DC6EDE-ACD5-4191-A43D-46….png)


Kek. So true.

f13d94  No.5409894

These live streams fucking suck ass!

e5c71d  No.5409895


Q didn't post those pictures

0d5949  No.5409896



526ceb  No.5409897


Testing functionality and capacity in expectation of WW influx to the boards when PDJT refers to ‘Q’ during live press conference with KJU? In order to negate a potential blockade by USA MSM?

137d3b  No.5409898

File: 6e3c9aa629ed824⋯.jpeg (46.22 KB, 320x512, 5:8, 39F03495-B7FC-42F0-A6D1-0….jpeg)

File: b02e17ccb9a4252⋯.jpeg (50.91 KB, 587x438, 587:438, 0CF598D6-6A56-48EC-B32D-6….jpeg)

259d3a  No.5409899


What signal…

37ef6a  No.5409900

File: 2296a2a581b6a6c⋯.png (54.21 KB, 1344x216, 56:9, ClipboardImage.png)

test 9 and test 6 saem ID graphic

5007af  No.5409901


good dig anon, looks like you found it

39a5c4  No.5409902

File: 2763e019af2b5ae⋯.png (709.19 KB, 644x639, 644:639, This guy.png)



Not wanting to be a complete arse but…. Did this individual used to be female? (pic related)

d337ac  No.5409903

File: 9b6ff90bc839145⋯.png (133.71 KB, 566x454, 283:227, Chick8.PNG)


YOU BETTER Believe that's a Match Hussein said it was

6af7c6  No.5409904


You sure about that? Look again at the pic with the odd blue/white checkered pattern in the reflection. Then look at that dudes shirt.

f53c9d  No.5409905

Notables so far


>>5409553, >>5409650, >>5409756, >>5409706, >>5409848, >>5409851, >>5409892 TicToc Bloomberg posted the pics on twitter that Q replied to

>>5409618 Jared Kushner Tells Sky News Arabia His Plan Is to Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

>>5409640 Possible pictures from Hanoi

>>5409693 Full Text of Michael Cohen’s Prepared Testimony Before Wednesday’s Hearing

>>5409758 New government documents reveal Jared Kushner’s Secret Service codename as ‘Mechanic’

3eaf0d  No.5409906


He's /ourguy


43b4f7  No.5409907


not those pictures, sorry for reposting.

went too fast, didn't check enough

>>5409640 pics = nope, an admitted larp last bread

24d389  No.5409908


Holy fuck

e5c71d  No.5409909


Tick Tock is also something Hannity says a lot.

ac8aa9  No.5409910


Where's that guy's earlobe???

1dd913  No.5409911


So, either the reporter is Q…he’s not…or, Q ripped the pics from the reporter. That’s actually pretty fucking funny.

efabec  No.5409912

File: f9afb92cd5660d7⋯.png (413.81 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190226-213645.png)



f79975  No.5409913

It took anons 2 hours to figure the pictures out.

Kinda slow.

Should we add a 2 hour verification buffer before sharing off the board?

5e5c1e  No.5409914

086fcd  No.5409915


>Now I wonder why they'd want to do that…

My theory is that this is how they are going to post images without a tripcode but which we can still pick up on as being from Q. If they want plausible deniability then this is they way to do it. Post images at exactly the same time as a tripcode drop or with a specific time delta (17sec?).

If this is the plan then they should also produce the image files in the same distinctive manner that Q uses. Duplicating the signature would require a little bit of technical know-how that few dumb shills possess.

f01c02  No.5409916

51ff6f  No.5409917

File: 84e070943002c0f⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 350x350, 1:1, ronald_reagan_quote_trust_….jpg)

18395a  No.5409918

File: 222e91f4450d18e⋯.png (119.12 KB, 731x315, 731:315, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5408709 (pb)

For anyone still confused - there's your Test 9.

No tripcode but ID match chekked and confirmed.

40d390  No.5409919

File: d76f53e5e74bdd6⋯.png (129.13 KB, 346x425, 346:425, RdnckPepe.png)


Place will need to be SHUT DOWN and swept by SS before Trump and enter the room now….

687930  No.5409920


This does not look like a person but a round chair with someone pointing at something. If ya look closely the arm is pointing at a tree branch, which is pointing at something else. This has been probally pointed out before but meh, why not try and add to the pile.

0d5949  No.5409921

File: 3857b5a8a85fc3e⋯.png (156.06 KB, 754x588, 377:294, listen_to_me_goy.png)


>He's /ourguy


6af7c6  No.5409922


Problem is, we look like fools to trolling Ed Henry

24d389  No.5409923


So the plan to peace in mideast is to smash down walls and the plan for US is to build one? Think mirror

a68062  No.5409924

File: 340fb03d85c0860⋯.jpg (168.11 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 340fb03d85c0860d01ba37802a….jpg)


Elect more Outsiders

It's what the cabal hates

bffc46  No.5409925

All those tests could have been triangulation to get a spy?

b3a3b3  No.5409926

File: be67548f554098e⋯.png (247.32 KB, 401x411, 401:411, big Q drop.png)

Something big is about to DROP

31ac3e  No.5409927


Or that there was an attempt to take out potus and Q knows who he is. This guy walked into the back door of a summit this big? I doubt it

fe0065  No.5409928

File: ea982323066d4d0⋯.jpg (47.22 KB, 400x271, 400:271, Nirvanashift.jpg)

…Cool. A test. Just passing by. Yes, I'll lurk, now.

137d3b  No.5409929

File: b956544a605cc4e⋯.jpeg (208.05 KB, 728x494, 28:19, FB9ABC55-F4CA-43A2-88D4-2….jpeg)

73b8aa  No.5409930

File: aa0e61154de32f7⋯.jpg (229.06 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D0YT-D5U0AAsytS.jpg)

File: e2fbddd892d7b9a⋯.jpg (206.11 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, D0YT_WeU8AASNdj.jpg)

File: e6f340cabfcd139⋯.jpg (182.37 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, D0YUAYAVAAA_EKC.jpg)

File: 657a3e5705db93e⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, D0YUBFNU8AAWyCD.jpg)


Original file name from twatter @tictoc a Bloomberg twatter page. Do the file numbers mean anything to anyone.

763c72  No.5409931


My graphic is shit- don't judge.

Check the time stamps 21:21 and 21:12

They are ALL connected.

bf3f69  No.5409932


"tore into a concrete platform"


526ceb  No.5409933


ie. announce ‘Q’ while the world is watching…

2ad954  No.5409934




Q posts not in dough


76f8fb  No.5409935

File: 1066ed09c5e4ac3⋯.png (990.24 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)

d89cbe  No.5409936


His photos are belong to us.

386b08  No.5409937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WTF? 'The Senate is so important'

Born-Alive Bill Fails In The Senate

The Senate has blocked a bill that would require doctors to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health” of an infant that has survived an abortion.

The bill fell seven votes short of the needed 60 to pass, making the final vote count 53 in favor and 44 opposed.

Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania were the only senators to cross the party line to vote in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

All six of the presidential candidates currently in the Senate include Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Kristen Gillibrand of New York, Kamala Harris of California, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, along with Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, voted against the bill.

This bill was sponsored by Republican Sen. Ben Sasse (NB) and was co-sponsored by 49 other Republicans.

Democrats are saying this is another attempted attack against a woman’s right to decide what is best for their healthcare. But Sasse and McConnell contested this argument, saying this bill would not remove any healthcare rights or choices for women and that this act was purely for the safety of the newborn child.

But Democrats feel that this bill will have negative long-term effects. The failed bill would have punished physicians for not acting to save the life, or care for the infant after surviving an abortion. And it is this element to the bill that worried some in the Democratic Party. The fear being that it would deter doctors from providing late-term abortion options, even if the mothers health were at risk.

While Republicans remain hopeful that policy around reproductive rights will start to change in the near future, Democrats fear this is an attempt to split the party.


763c72  No.5409938

File: 41e2ad6a4f70df1⋯.png (843.79 KB, 1303x787, 1303:787, ClipboardImage.png)

5ba384  No.5409939

77d9df  No.5409940


would not surprise me because the terminals are expensive to subscribe to so they have to focus moar on content because of that reason.

8ee37e  No.5409941


Ok so this is sauce Q…wtf?

00d785  No.5409942


I have no clue anymore.

035852  No.5409943

File: ef32803c417e391⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 365x442, 365:442, ha.jpg)


>I found a side door that wasn't blocked off, and when I went through, I took some photos. I'm a 6'2" bald American dude wearing 2 press credentials so…

9d06f2  No.5409944

>>5409473 PB

>>5409425 PB

10 plus 2 = test 12?

0ce2c8  No.5409945


To indicate the number of team members?

890b5e  No.5409946


That should always have been the casse, kek.

c5f022  No.5409947


Insanity rules the day

edbc3c  No.5409948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's their plan.


Hannity has been dialed in for a specific mission by Q team. They are not Q team.

29967e  No.5409949

Good Bye CI_

ca2610  No.5409950


Pretty good idea here^

016035  No.5409951



He wiped his mouth with the napkin, smiled, cameraman focused in on him, he brought his left hand to his tie and as he was bringing his hand down he balled his fist up like it is on this photo. This was planned.

4d9096  No.5409952



e5c71d  No.5409953

The News keeps saying that Trump has low expectations of this summit in Vietnam. Sounds like they're trying to convince people not to watch or pay attention.

37ef6a  No.5409954

File: 9f7ae9d31a7cf2f⋯.png (199.68 KB, 1355x478, 1355:478, ClipboardImage.png)

this ANON got a Q SANDWICH

3 posts all at same time

6af7c6  No.5409955


It's been almost 4 hrs now, but yeah. Looks like we got it wrong again.

967f3b  No.5409956




Great work, Anon.

dfeb7b  No.5409957



f53c9d  No.5409958


we don't put those in there.

Q specifically said not to.

only posts when the tripcode is used will appear there in the dough.

68c5a0  No.5409959


not generally how that's spelled out…

11f5d3  No.5409960

Starting to think that in addition to testing which devices are comped, they may be lining up to try and drop into all at the same time.

Damning info that the DS would want to block

But that’s wishful thinking. More than likely, testing comma to see which countries are spying on them/slowing their traffic

2c4754  No.5409961


If only there were a mirrored 7


b9dbb5  No.5409962

File: 098de41dd98d9a2⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 500x911, 500:911, 1a.JPG)

File: c21de2e9607f3d9⋯.jpg (87.57 KB, 489x751, 489:751, 3.JPG)

Microsoft plans to make AI available to Africa

Read more at: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/microsoft-plans-to-make-ai-available-to-africa/

10768e  No.5409963


I fucking said that a reporter probably took them immediately after Q posted them. FFS - WHAT THE FUCK Q??

a68062  No.5409964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

967f3b  No.5409965


319266  No.5409966


this confusion goes on.

no q post that isn't tripcoded will be listed at the top of subsequent breads any longer.

as per Q request in bread 6884

4d9096  No.5409967

File: c3ffa047c23c01d⋯.png (52.75 KB, 639x464, 639:464, haiti ri stem pp hive.png)

File: 8db4afe4de329d3⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 915x1125, 61:75, Thirsty-Arlington-stem exp….jpg)

f0c19a  No.5409968

File: aeabf033b9a7435⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1080x2160, 1:2, a7e206b2c479c7549736e22bec….png)

In 21 days…. justice will be served…

24d389  No.5409969


Originals? Compare file size of twitter pulls to Q posts

556999  No.5409970


Eyes everywhere!

e3d2da  No.5409971



76f8fb  No.5409972



00d785  No.5409973


If we don't know, how will we know? It takes time to figure out riddles.

4b42be  No.5409974

Possible the photos contain hidden messages not meant for us, and Anons are just white noise to confuse?

8c6cc2  No.5409975

File: f9dec5496388e9b⋯.jpg (214.65 KB, 775x549, 775:549, signaljfkjr.jpg)

386b08  No.5409976

3302b9  No.5409977

e5c71d  No.5409978


They might also be trying out the new 5G or 6G

b3a2e9  No.5409979


1) Remember when she had that gaff that time in front of Bernie and said Republican on vid, but she meant to say Democrat (can't remember all the details…)

2) She used the word "tippy top" the other day

3) She is there to cause Chaos and make Dems look crazy

4) Green New Deal– F'ing mess to see what Dems jump on it

5) Stopped Amazon Deal- Bezos

She is with us!

890b5e  No.5409980


An anon two or three breads ago picked up on the file naming convention matching twitter

36f2ff  No.5409981

File: 693693626437b1d⋯.jpeg (291.81 KB, 1518x1237, 1518:1237, fullsizeoutput_68fe.jpeg)

f0b0b6  No.5409982


>It took anons 2 hours to figure the pictures out.

That's why it's a test fags

184cad  No.5409983

File: 1aab484bea3fb65⋯.jpg (26.11 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Night and Day Shift.jpg)

File: 67a945ef2d35865⋯.jpg (176.07 KB, 800x576, 25:18, Lynch Trump tweet_2.jpg)

File: 08dcdef8ab1fd20⋯.jpg (84.58 KB, 700x428, 175:107, Q seal indictments 40k.jpg)

File: 0ca3a91bc3f6466⋯.jpg (160.93 KB, 764x561, 764:561, ex money laundering.jpg)

File: a35cbc583066218⋯.jpg (333.61 KB, 1219x1062, 1219:1062, Lynch Dec 15 2017.jpg)

405912  No.5409984


Think about the outcry about abolishing that secure border.

Now think about over here and the outcry because we want a secure border.

43b4f7  No.5409985


>>>5409640 Possible pictures from Hanoi

Baker, you can take those out, no good:

comes from: ID 9e363c (3)

>>5408802 lb


>>5409173 lb

>I'm fucking larping right now.

>>5409383 lb

>In the end I Win

95a2f7  No.5409986

"How did the fucker gain access to an area where both POTUS and Kim teams have secured?" Should be the question.

e3886b  No.5409987


The cool thing about having principles is

that once you know a person has them

you can look in their past and know what they are

3bd2fe  No.5409988

File: b0743726c0796fe⋯.png (582.47 KB, 574x527, 574:527, ClipboardImage.png)

theory….this dude takes pics where POTUS will be….posts on boards as "anon"…Q team notices, says "we are at war"…5 mins later, the live feed gets cut.

77d9df  No.5409989

File: 1e73f68a79b521c⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 751x900, 751:900, Reagan Toast.jpg)

f963c1  No.5409990


In German, "J" is pronounced like a "Y".

"jung" pronounced "yung"


holy shit

741c09  No.5409991

File: 5cd1e52cfd75b26⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, my2ndtrip.mp4)


"Last year…2nd trip" Pompeo smiles

Aren't we the only ones who knew about POTUS secret trip?


8ece35  No.5409992

I haven’t seen any references to Benjamin Fulford on 8Chan.

Is he like AJ and Corpsi?

016035  No.5409993


The video shows -11:54


865230  No.5409994


there are scripts to spam 8chan I have seen a github repository full of them.

c33448  No.5409995


e90c3f  No.5409996

File: 31cc2f79a19af4f⋯.jpeg (268.02 KB, 799x686, 799:686, Screenshot_2019-02-27-00-….jpeg)

File: 7252c714184f608⋯.jpeg (127.77 KB, 799x709, 799:709, Screenshot_2019-02-27-00-….jpeg)

File: 0aabe42be58c3cc⋯.jpeg (116.58 KB, 799x521, 799:521, Screenshot_2019-02-27-00-….jpeg)

File: 154c279e87dc663⋯.jpeg (189.33 KB, 799x718, 799:718, Screenshot_2019-02-27-00-….jpeg)

File: bf72caefcfdc299⋯.jpeg (336.91 KB, 799x1024, 799:1024, Screenshot_2019-02-27-00-….jpeg)

e12817  No.5409997


I'm headed to bed to watch our

POTUS make history once again. 6:30 am East Coast time Anons!

bffc46  No.5409998


and he in cuffs

f53c9d  No.5409999


sorry, meant to

just did now

f3c34a  No.5410000


he's a clown.

ee60df  No.5410001

File: b713b4664111e5b⋯.png (180.44 KB, 869x1068, 869:1068, ClipboardImage.png)


Subject: travel pool report #4b-Trade deal details


4 minutes ago



From: "Salama, Vivian"

Date: February 27, 2019 at 12:28:44 PM GMT+

Subject: travel pool report #4b-Trade deal details

All, 1,000 apologies for the typos — everything being done on the run, literally. Resending this statement, correcting typos!

From a senior administration official regarding the deals that were just signed at Vietnam’s presidential palace.

“Though these deals worth over $21 billion VietJet will buy 100 Boeing 737-Max jets and 215 GE/CFM joint venture engines; bamboo airways will buy 10 Boeing 787-9 jets; and Vietnam airlines will buy $100 million in services and technology from Sabre Corporation. These deals will support more than 83,000 American jobs and provide increased safety and reliability for Vietnamese International travelers.”

Attendees of the signings:


Kevin McCallister - President and chief executive officer of Boeing commercial airplanes

Allen Paxson, Vice President of GE aviation


Nguyen Phu Trong- President vietnam

Nguyen thanh hung- nice chairman of VietJet Air

Nguyen Thi Phurong Thao- president and CEO VietJet

Vivian Salama



O: (202) -xxx-xxxx | M: (202) -xxx-xxxx

E: xxx@wsj.com (mailto:xxx@wsj.com) | T: @vmsalama

A: 1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 800 | Washington, D.C. 20036 (>https://maps.google.com/?q=1025+Connecticut+Ave.+NW,+Suite+800+%7C+Washington,+D.C.+20036&entry=gmail&source=g<)


Public Pool is an automated feed of White House press pool reports. For live updates, follow @WHPublicPool on Twitter.

31ac3e  No.5410002


Now im going to be asking myself all night if posts like this are Q team lol

96d33d  No.5410003


Why do you keep SHITTING UP THE BOARD? This is NOT a chat room.

bc2387  No.5410004


A side door just wouldn’t be conveniently open, would it?

55a146  No.5410005


Hes a ninja?

ed7a14  No.5410006




>If only there were a mirrored 7

or, it's first person for a militaryanon. so correct.

d85c49  No.5410007

File: 085dc49fe29948a⋯.png (107.72 KB, 400x262, 200:131, image.png)

49f3e9  No.5410008

too dunk to fuck wit you faggots tnight,

5ea0bb  No.5410009

File: 902c01bafcb0e19⋯.png (1.18 MB, 821x1789, 821:1789, ClipboardImage.png)

29967e  No.5410010

Doesn't hussain have a house in NK ?

edbc3c  No.5410011


If they prop JK to run in 2024, I know it's coming.

The True End.

e5c71d  No.5410012


Should this guy have been granted access to the room? Why was there no security? What's stoping someone from planting a bomb in there?

1dd913  No.5410013


Q replied to my post where I posted Ed Henry on Laura Ingraham saying he has exclusive photos from a source inside the hotel.

4b232b  No.5410014


Okay. This is fucking confusing. Why claim they’re originals? For an anon test? If so, it seems like that did more harm than good. People been tweeting this “proof” everywheree. Lesson learned I guess?

a4e117  No.5410015

File: 533d06d2bbde431⋯.png (115.95 KB, 506x78, 253:39, exactly this.png)


We're still waiting for this too, unless I'm mistaken

9aaac4  No.5410016

File: b7d9226268c11db⋯.jpeg (465.56 KB, 2224x1335, 2224:1335, EBE46873-DA80-4B1A-8A7A-0….jpeg)

3dd92c  No.5410017

Is that blue checkered ticktock faggot making threats?

Says in the street tweet “death”

I’m not happy right now….

b51a69  No.5410018


The daughter is married to a Catholic.

890b5e  No.5410019



Actually thay was a diff drop

24d389  No.5410020


That would explode a lot of minds worldwide. Are we at that point yet?

09abb2  No.5410021



Thanks, anon.

016035  No.5410022



That's funny because I think that's who the cameraman is. They all stepped aside for him to go and take that shot.

02757e  No.5410023

File: e1db5e90b3f8f72⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 500x512, 125:128, 2uqp82.jpg)

f963c1  No.5410024


A threat?

Got access to VIP room ahead of time.

8577e0  No.5410025


Israel has one of the securest borders in the world. This is intentional. When Israel had porous borders Palestinians were blowing themselves up in pizza parlors.


aa1592  No.5410026


disregard my previous post. i didn't see that it was debunked as a larp.

This graphic goes perfectly with what was stated here


Thanks anon!

a87bdc  No.5410027




Notable if verifiable


386b08  No.5410028

File: f5838e84b50d230⋯.png (13.25 KB, 522x178, 261:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a091cf8e09f89c7⋯.png (311.1 KB, 685x801, 685:801, ClipboardImage.png)

Globalist Business Groups with Koch, Bush Ties Dominate Immigration Talks at White House

Globalist-aligned business organizations with ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, the Bush dynasty, and Republican plutocrat donor class have dominated talks at the White House over a larger legal immigration deal.

Plans to overhaul the legal immigration system — where more than 1.2 million legal immigrants are admitted to the U.S. every year — have been led in the White House by adviser Jared Kushner and Brooke Rollins, formerly of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

As Breitbart News has reported, White House officials have floated two immigration deals in the last month: One that would give amnesty to nearly two million illegal aliens and another that would expand businesses’ ability to import foreign workers instead of hiring qualified Americans.

The groups consulted over the larger immigration deals include:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The Heritage Foundation

Association of Builders and Contractors

Faith and Freedom Coalition

Council on National Policy

George W. Bush Center

Select Milk Producers

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Americans for Prosperity

Libre Initiative

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Business groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Builders and Contractors, and the Koch brothers’ Koch Industries have opposed any cuts to legal immigration levels to boost Americans’ wages and prefer expanding employment visas so businesses have easy access to cheaper, foreign labor.

The Association of Builders and Contractors, for instance, have supported making it easier for foreign nationals to obtain green cards in the U.S., along with advocating for market-based visas where foreign workers would be allowed to take U.S. jobs so long as American industry claims there are no Americans available to fill working and middle-class jobs.

Advocacy groups like the George W. Bush Center, the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity and the Libre Initiative, LULAC, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation likewise have backed policy initiatives to make it easier for employers to outsource U.S. jobs to foreign workers, amnesty for illegal aliens, and an expansion of already historically high legal immigration levels.

The George W. Bush Center recently promoted plans that would allow businesses to import foreign workers as they wish, bypassing America’s working and middle-class workforce and depleting growing blue-collar U.S. wages.


79903e  No.5410029

File: bfb12f0caed2389⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1481x978, 1481:978, Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at ….png)

43b4f7  No.5410030

3eaf0d  No.5410031


It will never work in Africa because AIs are racist, anon.

259d3a  No.5410032


What I was thinking, how could he get that close. Could have done anything. Maybe he was spotted and Q pulled photos from phone

f53c9d  No.5410033


bffc46  No.5410034


is good

918de9  No.5410035



bc1137  No.5410036

United Methodist Church strengthens ban on same-sex marriage, LGBT clergy

(Reuters) - The United Methodist Church voted on Tuesday to uphold and strengthen its ban on same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy in a move likely to alienate large numbers of followers who had pushed for reform.

By a vote of 438-384, delegates from around the world attending the church’s General Conference in St. Louis reinforced a United Methodist Church policy established in 1972 stating that “the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.”

Known as the Traditional Plan, the new policy includes penalties for breaking its rules and asks those who will not obey it to find another church.

The Traditional Plan is designed to serve as a coherent United Methodist Church policy on LGBT clergy and their marriage practices after years of inconsistency among individual United Methodist churches, with some churches denouncing homosexuality as a sin and others embracing gay and lesbian clergy members.

Before opting for the Traditional Plan, delegates rejected an alternative known as the One Church Plan, which would have allowed individual churches to decide whether to perform same-sex marriages and welcome gay and lesbian clergy members. Under that plan, the statement that homosexuality is at odds with Christianity would have been eliminated.

Full https://www.reuters.com/article/us-religion-lgbt-united-methodist-idUSKCN1QG022

I was a member of the Methodist Church until they started this gay stuff we left in droves our church is barely making it. Now to get a new minister I'll rejoin.

7272d7  No.5410037


In God we trust - all others we monitor

e7d622  No.5410038

Q can we get an explanation for the Hanoi photos? Give us a hand here please.

b37b55  No.5410039

File: 84120c23381c525⋯.jpeg (274.87 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, DA515C1D-41F1-45BB-81E5-7….jpeg)

f01c02  No.5410040


widescreen.. enjoy the show

83996e  No.5410041

File: d4349f3ffd4c87b⋯.png (235.57 KB, 403x409, 403:409, tweetq.png)

File: e78789123891691⋯.png (809.59 KB, 488x1243, 488:1243, Screenshot_2019-02-26 TicT….png)

File: 787131be0837793⋯.png (1.48 MB, 793x890, 793:890, Screenshot_2019-02-26 TicT….png)

pulled from derek wallbank twitter


c33448  No.5410042

It's like a puppy mill of fake Jew homo baby seals going to the gay bar

4b42be  No.5410043

File: 0e79395c4289af4⋯.png (370.27 KB, 456x687, 152:229, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)


I posted that guys photo off his twitter. I'm not him.


e93502  No.5410044


No, hes more like Sorcha Faal

bf3f69  No.5410045


Notable, and

Palindrome numbers

ad7dea  No.5410046

File: 12a6e2c9d023701⋯.jpg (104.58 KB, 856x642, 4:3, Enjoy_Covfefe.jpg)


My theory is that all comms in/out are being monitored. Q wouldn't need to take photos if they can just lift them.

8c6cc2  No.5410047

File: 2799548a0983e98⋯.jpg (352.51 KB, 717x538, 717:538, photoguy.jpg)

3466c7  No.5410048

If I was Kim Jung Un, I wouldn’t want to sleep in the same hotel as Jim Acosta either kek

31ac3e  No.5410049


This is what I was saying. Was Q telling DS to back the fuck off and we know who your guy is?

cc322e  No.5410050

File: af559b26fb41213⋯.jpeg (814.36 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 00628F24-6B08-4F8E-8041-2….jpeg)

File: 4291d0c0f5009fe⋯.png (1.89 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 28B0E888-79B7-4CF1-BC56-C7….png)

File: 25535eede6dffd0⋯.png (2.23 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, C29BFB52-DAED-4CAC-8986-1F….png)

BAKER!!! This is from the Twitter of the original Q pics… looks like we found the photographer… and it’s not Q


24d389  No.5410051


Worthy theory

05ef15  No.5410053

File: 6939e255cf19579⋯.jpeg (16.33 KB, 119x121, 119:121, EBD01A07-E446-475B-AFD7-5….jpeg)

File: 2d25c193625666e⋯.png (1008.83 KB, 720x1266, 120:211, 8CCF0A01-D5D9-4D7C-BC5D-95….png)

>>5409301 (pb)

There are 23 (from what I can count) of the Red Ginger =


Represent "the principle of organization 3, acting on the differentiation of the world in spirit and matter 20, to allow precisely the incarnation of the spirit in the matter, 2 + 3 = 5", according to R. Allendy.

There are 30 formal settings (dignitaries) at the main table.

PEACE IS THE PRIZE!!!! All that we have been praying for comes down to just 30 people - WOW! Godspeed Mr. President!

2839ca  No.5410054


Yeah… something is fucky.

95a2f7  No.5410055


Loud shirt asshole ain't no ninja. Q told them THEY KNOW.

44089d  No.5410056


Kim kicked the media out of his hotel. They obviously thought there was a security threat from the press.

386b08  No.5410057


Not going to get anywhere near that far.

f79975  No.5410058


No they don't.

They are brown instead of the Usual black.

0034fb  No.5410059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure where President Trump is going to go with this here but, Dave Janda does a nice job of explaining how Potus can get maneuver around congress's recent border wall bill that he signed in order to put an end to this tentacle of the coup they've been perpetuating.

By using…Title 8 Section: 1182F Allows the President to block immigration for a period of time (at his designation) in order to undermine the land mines put in the "bill" passed by congress with regards to the border wall and it's construction.

Janda also lay's out the coup in terms of the players, the indictments, the Steele testimony before the UK and how he was hired to put together the Russian dossier and who hired him. He covers the Hammer and the FBI contractor who was disposed and unmasked it's illegal use by the DS players and so much more.

Basically laying out the timeline and their motives and deeds in a great to understand storyboard form

Definitely worth a listen if you want to wrap your mind around it in a way you can repeat it and help normies understand what Potus has been up against.

What do you think Baker worth a notable


5007af  No.5410060

File: 5db0fae90191607⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 707x600, 707:600, Derek Wallbank.JPG)



3415e4  No.5410061


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

9073fd  No.5410062


Solid theory, with digits

163c01  No.5410063


Open Source, folks.

8ece35  No.5410064


THAT’S why the left’s hates a commununist dictator!

He smokes cigarettes!

76f8fb  No.5410065

File: ef6ea867a1ba9d4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1594x900, 797:450, ClipboardImage.png)

490112  No.5410066

File: 6cde778bc4c974a⋯.jpg (314.82 KB, 1001x1426, 1001:1426, Screenshot_20190226-165852….jpg)

This guy is shitty…

92646c  No.5410067

File: e6129d8c7bd02eb⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1343x752, 1343:752, e6129d8c7bd02eb797c3f2c705….png)



5e7247  No.5410068


My only hope is that Mr 6’ 2” is now 5’ 4” (in heels).

77d9df  No.5410069

File: d60e829a6ec45ec⋯.png (373.81 KB, 461x499, 461:499, quads of truth.PNG)

f53c9d  No.5410070


Anon, that's what I mean

I'm saying they're NOT originals

18395a  No.5410071


>It took anons 2 hours to figure the pictures out.

I'm still confused, what was worked out?

Little help please anon?

tyvm in advance

bc1137  No.5410072


He works for Bloomberg….

f79975  No.5410073

File: 0eadcb7386361f7⋯.png (368.33 KB, 1792x570, 896:285, ClipboardImage.png)

b6ec3b  No.5410074

9aaac4  No.5410075

File: 96939c6cb4d2114⋯.jpeg (912.1 KB, 1085x1029, 155:147, 5D8135C9-9F52-444C-A439-7….jpeg)

Scientists have determined what the average American will look like in 50 years and it’s Beautiful

865230  No.5410076


he is clearly a masonic spy.

95a2f7  No.5410077


Doubt he'll help. Point was made. To (((THEM))).

9d06f2  No.5410078



Blue Check?

But no doxing?

f67b48  No.5410079

Is "Test 9" missing ?

93b0de  No.5410080

File: 66633fdaa17d76a⋯.jpg (185.36 KB, 801x779, 801:779, 1546258832624.jpg)



68c5a0  No.5410081


The list of bogus ‘hate crimes’ in Trump era is long

d85c49  No.5410082

So…I'm not seeing the "Q Sent me" brigade on Twatter…. tictoc…

763c72  No.5410083


K mine is still relevant as fuck! Check them for yourself.

02757e  No.5410084

File: f0ce2311438989f⋯.png (170.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pepe notable checker.png)

405912  No.5410085


Would explain the real reason the press pool was banned

f963c1  No.5410086

File: 76748ad8db9c94d⋯.png (43.71 KB, 662x132, 331:66, ClipboardImage.png)


Some interesting names on that list (especially W and Z, but B, J and M as well).

e3d2da  No.5410087

Djt posing in front of a statue of Ho Chi Mihn pisses me off.

I didnt get shot the fuck up over there for this bullshit.

476256  No.5410088

Anyone have a link to live coverage?

ab5493  No.5410089



test 9, ID match with Qtripcode

43b4f7  No.5410090

File: deea224a35a6ce2⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, pleaseclap.jpg)


thanks, sorry again for the trouble…

great work under pressure!

we are with you (and how)

646433  No.5410091


hey there

f53c9d  No.5410092


it was posted without a trip

2c4754  No.5410093


>first person

isometric, but yeah see what you are saying…

first person wouldn't see themselves from behind

e448f9  No.5410094


Top kek

31ac3e  No.5410095


Look at the fucking hashtag. #tictoc? Was he going to try and take them out?

36f2ff  No.5410096



3570fb  No.5410097


No Name knows all about it.

kind of odd?

did anyone plant a tree in the dog park for him.

oops . Not many dogs in Vietnam.

24d389  No.5410098


Shape up or ship out. Either way, no need to broadcast it

8ee37e  No.5410099


We have no idea who posted the photos, Q only linked to them.

Anons assume too much, than get butthurt when the assumption turns out wrong.

76f8fb  No.5410100

File: 5b8d4ffba15bc1e⋯.png (148.96 KB, 350x270, 35:27, ClipboardImage.png)



6af7c6  No.5410101


Except Q doesn't have the device that took them. He lifted them off the device that took them, maybe.

c7de5e  No.5410102


That's a reasonable speculation.

95a2f7  No.5410103


First goal of a liar, establish an alibi.

ab892f  No.5410104


If they could pull that off……

Would be the biggest happening since this started

033d79  No.5410105


SoState does not bring in POTUS until an agreement at a summit is a lock. Bad optics if something goes wrong.

That is why I had all the confidence in the world that Singapore was going to be great before it happened. This one is going to be great, too.

Only the libtards and the MSM are holding out for a snafu at the last minute creating a train wreck so to speak.

bffc46  No.5410106

Potus is going to give Kim a ride back to NK.

f53c9d  No.5410107



>>5409553, >>5409650, >>5409756, >>5409706, >>5409848, >>5409851, >>5409892, >>5409930, >>5409988 TicToc Bloomberg posted the pics on twitter that Q replied to

>>5409618 Jared Kushner Tells Sky News Arabia His Plan Is to Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

>>5409693 Full Text of Michael Cohen’s Prepared Testimony Before Wednesday’s Hearing

>>5409758 New government documents reveal Jared Kushner’s Secret Service codename as ‘Mechanic’

>>5410001 WH Pool report on the trade deal

>>5410028 Globalist Business Groups with Koch, Bush Ties Dominate Immigration Talks at White House

>>5409918 Pic of Test 9

31ac3e  No.5410108


Oh shit it's JFKJr

259d3a  No.5410109


This is shopped, look at the hair…lighting completely different…who ever did it sucks.

2ad954  No.5410110

File: 746c83ef1a26457⋯.png (8.48 KB, 659x85, 659:85, ClipboardImage.png)


for your personal records

643b40  No.5410111



6c7804  No.5410112


actually, they test them on the Military first

b6ec3b  No.5410113


so pretty much anyone could have walked into probably the most secure place on the planet right about now?

fe3908  No.5410114



2cdccc  No.5410115



Study spelling instead of Q then.

10768e  No.5410116


Have you not been paying attention to the shit that just happened???

24d389  No.5410117

The tests are all from [THEIR DEVICES}

bf3f69  No.5410118


Thank God they did this.

bc1137  No.5410119


You saw them here first. That's it…..Go to bed.

6dad45  No.5410120


Showing journalists that Q is watching them through phones?

386b08  No.5410121


You need to lurk moar.

edbc3c  No.5410122


Well, can't say it was fun while it lasted.

This prison planet is shit.

Bring on the New World.

d14784  No.5410123


Publicly posted 30 mins before Anon/Q posted them on the this board. Hmm

a1fc63  No.5410124

>>5410106 That's what I think!

035852  No.5410125

File: e27ad8646176887⋯.jpg (166.09 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, se asia clown.jpg)



just like anons, clowns have no race

918de9  No.5410126

80435f  No.5410127


Guy works for Bloomberg, Q prob called him out, hence the We are at War and then Peace tomorrow scumbag! Kek

9d06f2  No.5410128


Doubtful Q took photos. Access, sure.

44089d  No.5410129


He asked two questions, he didn't say anything.

646433  No.5410130



6af7c6  No.5410131


Q linked to the post about Ed Henry getting them from an inside source.

43b4f7  No.5410132


opposite: they do the fear porn, he announces the cavalry's coming

7272d7  No.5410133


There's not a chance in hell he was able to do this

955d9e  No.5410134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pres. Trump "The world is watching" quote during working lunch meeting in Hanoi time stamp 0:09

452477  No.5410135

File: 9a977b6c971f745⋯.jpg (190.92 KB, 1200x568, 150:71, Aristotle - Educated Mind.jpg)


>Should we add a 2 hour verification buffer before sharing off the board?

Too much is accepted by the anons too quickly at times then shared outside this platform.

That's the test.

If we are the news now, we damn well better verify what we're spreading all over the multiverse.

10768e  No.5410136




Oh, FFS. Get your brain out of the pretzel shape.

f607ba  No.5410137



my god dude

5e71aa  No.5410138


>not notable

>>>5409383 lb

I second this. They're a winner in a way they aren't seeing though.. I congratulated them anyway…

ed7a14  No.5410139


ok, you've never tied a necktie then, right?

43528a  No.5410140


you trippin

5ea0bb  No.5410141

File: a10d1f95c463b88⋯.png (580.95 KB, 911x1920, 911:1920, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5409869 >>5410009

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Health: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


I haven't seen much said of her heart condition, even after her most recent health condition was revealed

24d389  No.5410142

Q has control of their devices. He is going to start dropping shit directly from all of them? This Bloomberg guy was one of them. 11 more?

67155e  No.5410143


Oh look Dick Blumenthal is here.

bc1137  No.5410144


Agree I've been without a church for years I'll be happy to return.

77d9df  No.5410145


put the matrixx head on it!

4b232b  No.5410146


Yea. I’m starting to think this.

d8dd51  No.5410147

File: c4bc6d92038abad⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1752x996, 146:83, 154c2e6b4d78ddb08cf6e1dfb8….png)

File: 1ae7535afd1b1f3⋯.png (373.12 KB, 576x536, 72:67, 1ae7535afd1b1f3b906c02ef37….png)

File: 62809cde09b931e⋯.png (587.63 KB, 512x509, 512:509, 62809.png)

File: c6dbcf3289ebdbb⋯.jpg (244.04 KB, 528x816, 11:17, liberal response.JPG)

Historic Time In American History!!!

Peace With North Korea!

Promises Made, Promises Kept

North Korea & South Korea joint ventures…Historic!

386b08  No.5410148


careful what you wish for

865230  No.5410149



Checking user agents to see which device on the team matches the anon that posted the photo

6af7c6  No.5410150


Calm down faggot. Look at the Bloomberg twat account name.

c66ac4  No.5410151


not that I saw.

09a8b1  No.5410152

I don't know what else I can do at this point except pray for you guys, for Q, for our President. I get confused w

about what's going on sometimes tbh

I still feel like God is with us. I cant explain it but I just do and it gives me hope

3aff26  No.5410153


Interesting points. Thing is, if there are legitimately Dems crazy/stupid enough to jump on the GND, then it is entirely possible to believe AOC is simply a young crazy/stupid dem that misspeaks and makes chaotic decisions all on her own. No? She has been actively drumming up Anti-Trump sentiments from moment 1…I'm not sold yet anon. Still listening though.

7f9437  No.5410154


Certainly sticks out. Good catch…#TICTOC is not normal…

Checked Wikileaks list and he's not one of the Bloomberg reporters from that…

875395  No.5410155

File: bc47611fd4280b3⋯.png (415.52 KB, 954x1064, 477:532, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

File: 6417adf55b7d6df⋯.png (225.19 KB, 1272x830, 636:415, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

File: 3d92eb9b5cc1aa5⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2520x984, 105:41, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

just introduced boeing CEO

kevin mcallister

you have to be kidding me

4d9096  No.5410156

File: b476fa6fbc58407⋯.pdf (51.71 KB, PRO LIFE CHUCK GRASSLEY Do….pdf)

File: 1babd05dec34606⋯.png (154.08 KB, 1173x741, 391:247, JACK REED ABORTION.png)

File: 14b6404f82c8457⋯.png (517.8 KB, 488x685, 488:685, abortionist2 locked down.png)

File: 4dcd7327a4f7266⋯.png (225.58 KB, 343x517, 343:517, abortionist.png)

9073fd  No.5410157


Nope. Would've been shot on site after being tased in the gonads

0ddf96  No.5410158


The shipping crates and owl pics, newfag.

24d389  No.5410159


12 tests? 12 comped phones

e3d2da  No.5410160


Fuck you , you cock sucking beta

51ff6f  No.5410161


handle with care

035852  No.5410162

someone please shop this asshat into a clown


5e7247  No.5410163

Mr 6’2” will end up more famous than Comped Sushi Vegas man.

80cd81  No.5410164

File: beeac8adfa2f928⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 216x214, 108:107, IMG_8235.JPG)

7bd87b  No.5410165

File: 4c65aaff9eb02e5⋯.png (506.22 KB, 449x1056, 449:1056, ClipboardImage.png)

306780  No.5410166

File: 557b7d4afe8ad61⋯.png (427.56 KB, 599x721, 599:721, navy-world-is-watching.png)

10768e  No.5410167


That broke the camel's back for me.

I will still stay and fight the fight with news, memes, etc.

But, this really did it.

6f085e  No.5410168


Do you really have to ask? He glows harder than the sun at noon

646433  No.5410169


"death wish"

23c389  No.5410170


Go check out Voat for awhile then come back.

61264d  No.5410171



5ea0bb  No.5410172


Lanyard says "Bloomberg Government?" Why, I wonder?

96abff  No.5410173


Are we being tested?

a941ae  No.5410174

This Cohen Testimony is really bad

24d389  No.5410175


Fade into the night. don't concern fag

b37b55  No.5410176

File: f8f8c31fd33ceed⋯.png (7.1 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 81644EA7-AFCE-4FD7-83F7-58….png)

Thank You…Victoria

God Bless The United States……

29967e  No.5410177

I Love You Q , Q+ , Potus , Me is to drunk to keep up with this board 2night …1000 mph posting , Give them hell BOSS GN

a4e117  No.5410178

File: 6bf9ffba93b112d⋯.png (312.12 KB, 584x182, 292:91, 1446.png)

edbc3c  No.5410179


I know we're going to be slaughtered in the end.

Is what it is.

Ye shall not yearn for the materials of this world.

77d9df  No.5410180

File: 06bb2fbad07a5c4⋯.jpg (203.12 KB, 1280x1133, 1280:1133, head exploding.jpg)

f01c02  No.5410181



different shirt…

9671e1  No.5410182



>Mechanic (JK's USSS codeman)


386b08  No.5410183

File: d89ba1941773326⋯.png (760.66 KB, 699x477, 233:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Cardinal George Pell taken into custody after his bail was revoked


9aaac4  No.5410184

File: d71e312cabdb1b3⋯.jpeg (470.51 KB, 2061x1668, 687:556, 0D3850F2-10C8-4FCE-8A3E-2….jpeg)

File: 3f2754b84961236⋯.jpeg (308.95 KB, 754x857, 754:857, CE3DE82E-7463-4C61-9D0E-0….jpeg)

6af7c6  No.5410185


Except that his shirt does match a reflection in one pic.

cc322e  No.5410186

File: 4291d0c0f5009fe⋯.png (1.89 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 4D308E4C-BEDB-4543-850E-16….png)

File: 647684ea77b33e4⋯.jpeg (393.74 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 260417B9-DAB4-42FC-8EB1-5….jpeg)

Why is Q sayin stuff like this when the Pics really are from Twitter 😔

646433  No.5410187


anon was asking in here what Trump and Kim were having for dinner tonight- it stuck out- now this dinner comment

a632ce  No.5410188

File: 108d7e3fcdfad21⋯.jpg (42.39 KB, 912x500, 228:125, vyst moon.jpg)

f53c9d  No.5410189


>>5409553, >>5409650, >>5409756, >>5409706, >>5409848, >>5409851, >>5409892, >>5409930, >>5409988 Bloomberg posted pics on twitter before Q replied

>>5409618 Jared Kushner Tells Sky News Arabia His Plan Is to Eliminate Borders with Palestinians and Israel

>>5409693 Full Text of Michael Cohen’s Prepared Testimony Before Wednesday’s Hearing

>>5409758 New government documents reveal Jared Kushner’s Secret Service codename as ‘Mechanic’

>>5409918 Pic of Test 9

>>5410001 WH Pool report on the trade deal

>>5410028 Globalist Business Groups with Koch, Bush Ties Dominate Immigration Talks at White House

>>5410134 "The world is watching" quote during working lunch meeting in Hanoi

>>5410141 Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Health: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

>>5410183 Cardinal George Pell taken into custody after his bail was revoked

8ee37e  No.5410190

Anons, dont make fucking excuses.

That dude posted pics before Q…”it was muh test”.

Not the time for bs.

Fucking gay.

2c4754  No.5410191


Unfortunately yes…every night for years.

In first person (gaming) you are viewing from the eyes of the character

Isometric (gaming) is behind the character (unless you pan)

Not arguing just being accurate

016035  No.5410192


That's why I was laughing. It's obviously they shopped Fusca (aka JFK Jr.) in that spot.

0ddf96  No.5410193


>hasn't started yet, already reframing the experience.

Found the CNN employee.

257df3  No.5410194


Devices locked and loaded.

fafd85  No.5410195

In the meantime… what is being done about voter fraud, illegals voting, rigged machines? FISA declass? OIG report?

Look, a squirrel!! Or is AOC saying something on periscope?? Let me check!

f0b0b6  No.5410196


Hmmm.. you may be right anon. The reporter talked about sneaking in through a side door, and earlier on FOX they were reporting that the press corps had to move accommodations due to Kim and the NK team's request.

Maybe by Q saying "we have the originals," he's telling Mr. Purple, "WE SEE YOU." You are breaching security, telling others about breaching security, threatening POTUS life.


Twitter cover photo even says "not guilty"


"tic toc" as threat


Comms guud?

I've seriously cycled through like 5 theories on this in an hour kek

3415e4  No.5410197


Mirroring is satanic

MAGA is a high priest in the church of satan..


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

632786  No.5410198


Not us

but somebody getting tested

d14784  No.5410199


He recently turned against Trump, another gatekeeper down

95a2f7  No.5410200


Released right as POTUS is about to meet with Kim! I'm sure it's totally truthful and all. Faggot Jew wouldn't LIE or anything.

43fba9  No.5410201

Just a bit of REAL NEWS for everyone.

Evening, Anons.

I have brought to you tonight a statistic that deeply troubles me.

Based on OANN's recent coverage of the illegal immigrant crisis, I decided to do a little basic math for everyone.

If the numbers are accurate…

There are an estimated 25,700,000+ illegal immigrants in the US.

There are an estimated 328,300,000+ people that live in the US.

(25,700,000 / 328,300,000) * 100 (to give an accurate percentage) = 7.8282


If all those illegals aren't documented for the purposes of these numbers

328,300,000 + 25,700,000 = 354,000,000

(25,700,000 / 354,000,000) * 100 (to give an accurate percentage) = 7.2598

This means that for every 100 people you see ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY, INCLUDING YOURSELF, between 7 and 8 of those people are definitely illegal immigrants.

Food for thought.

>Population count in order by country (2019)


>Advertised current cost of illegal immigrants (inc. total estimated head count) on US taxpayers

https://www.oann.com/ (can't seem to find this data from their sources, but they show it twice every hour on live TV)

2a52ed  No.5410202


Because he's a reporter for Bloomberg's Government section???

9aaac4  No.5410203


The leaks are real the news is fake

5e7247  No.5410204


Because he has Press Pool credentials

00d785  No.5410205

Dammit as soon as I go to bed TSHTF. Guarenteed.

15df66  No.5410207




6af7c6  No.5410208


There is no way you can tell that.

bc2387  No.5410209

File: 428c2ec63013095⋯.jpeg (782.31 KB, 1272x968, 159:121, DF101604-D2FA-4D80-8FA0-D….jpeg)

File: a6eb282e84d4201⋯.jpeg (282.88 KB, 1294x583, 1294:583, E1BA0294-41A3-4AE2-B46E-2….jpeg)



Death wish. Soon. TicToc.. alarming?

f79975  No.5410210


Same shirt

43b4f7  No.5410211


sure. with a little help\permission from wizards\warlocks maybe

d37ab8  No.5410212



We do have it all…. Is that how the MSM will be forced to tell the truth? Because, top kek if so

646433  No.5410213


Is he doing the reverse-liberal?

031d19  No.5410214


Who the fuck is this?

1c9964  No.5410215


>illegal immigrants

illegal aliens

ca2610  No.5410216


Me neither, Anon…

5e71aa  No.5410217


Damn, maybe notable after all..


And, it's kind of an implication that we very well may be talking to mossad agents here at times.

this movie is fucking fantastic kek :)

24d389  No.5410219


That order of posting is the whole point dickhead

e3886b  No.5410221


this fits with my theory of field operative in com to Q and cover, yep the street is all clear, I mean except for me

2c4754  No.5410222

d22989  No.5410224


It’s kind of a rite of passage. I think everyone asks. There will be other mysteries to come. Treat newfags with respect. We’ve been working like mad to get their attention so assist them when they arrive.

d14784  No.5410225


So obvious that the MSM and Congress coordinate against POTUS.

Those awake can see.

61264d  No.5410226


Mirroring is when NSA takes remote control to view your phone

edbc3c  No.5410227


Beginning to feel like we're being jerked around at this point?

bd4018  No.5410229


Some just can't be thankful they lived. Watched friends die from AO exposure and suffered like hell before they died here in stateside.

363d3e  No.5410230


Tis why I wait a day to verify.

Even then I still share bad intel occasionally, but I'm learning… at least I think I am. ;)

e3268f  No.5410231


Anon, your theory is a winner, winner, chicken dinner. Excellent theory.

967f3b  No.5410232


Q is definitely referring to that specific post. He literally posted that pick of Feinstein tonight. Definitely did not take that one.

5404f1  No.5410233


How do you enforce quality control over anons who have no accountability and who have just been told they are the news now?

137d3b  No.5410234

File: 3a6a80bed8baef7⋯.jpeg (125.64 KB, 624x582, 104:97, 182A8D5F-47F9-448D-A8CC-D….jpeg)

Anon Test 1

ce7387  No.5410235



f67b48  No.5410236

Is "Test 9" missing?

aed247  No.5410237

Fox news down


f01c02  No.5410238



51ff6f  No.5410239


stay up

95a2f7  No.5410240


Some clowns are too stupid to understand the "tick tock" is for themselves.

ed7a14  No.5410241




>Isometric (gaming) is behind th

not a gamer. so I learned something today. i view "from your minds eye" is know as isometric in some contexts.

d8e116  No.5410243


What, Q post after some random faggot? Explain cocksucker.

80435f  No.5410244

1201db  No.5410245


NO need for NoSuchAgency when one can simply take them off Twatter

386b08  No.5410246


KEK test 1 confirm

7272d7  No.5410247


No, it appears to match it, but not verified. I vote for a lift from his device.

41596b  No.5410248


probably trying to gauge how many tards take this shit at face value still before flooding twitter or whatever.

c33448  No.5410249

Goofy huh

967f3b  No.5410250


I like this guy

24d389  No.5410251

4cb0d3  No.5410252

File: 0d2019ced89d574⋯.jpeg (531.98 KB, 750x654, 125:109, 60F34B24-5C88-469A-9C93-1….jpeg)

9d06f2  No.5410253

File: 13cb9520d325caf⋯.png (541.66 KB, 572x858, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5410043 >>5410084 >>5410095

Blue Check Man = former QResearch Anon (???Speculation???)

as per


75356c  No.5410254


We shall be victorious fren

And live forever

5404f1  No.5410255


>>5408709 (PB) - Q incognito Test 9

44089d  No.5410256


Down in MT

2c4754  No.5410257

File: 16153c6d7b526ca⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 2ed8b7a38e212e2e1cf91abb93….jpg)

f53c9d  No.5410258

File: 3b89ee3ca3f3b90⋯.png (345.12 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

f13d94  No.5410259


Lurk more new fag

bf3f69  No.5410260


that's okay anon…

WWG1WGA. Chin up fren.

646433  No.5410262

File: a1359dd6ded32c3⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 490x322, 35:23, onehair.jpg)

bc1137  No.5410263


Fox won't allow their videos to play on this platform

95a2f7  No.5410264



For the slow in the back!

bc2387  No.5410265


Always trying to flip meanings

386b08  No.5410266

File: 168843a53be2979⋯.png (300.55 KB, 632x460, 158:115, ClipboardImage.png)

3415e4  No.5410267


Good! I tell the truth!! I have proof!

Deny the son deny the father!


My ideas.. Gods plan.. I sent Trump..

He claims them as his own..

I saw on ET that Kim loves cheese and sports.

Having tons of luxury items sent to him all the time.

He did not care for his people starving from sanctions..

Kim needed sanctions for what he wanted , what effected him.

My plan was for Kim to become a powerless figure head of the country. With yearly income.

The UN comes in and structures a voting system.

Power to the people!

The McDonald’s was my idea.

Many other things..

Get my emails I sent whitehouse.gov many emails..

My confirmations deleted when I wrote Mueller of how Trump took credit for my ideas on my birthday!

Jan 25th! One month from Dec 25th. Get it?


Oh yes you are blind..

Did Jesus come back rich?

Or help the poor?

Trump used you all as you looked for meaning!

A long game picked by a time traveler!

I am here to save!

I have done the deeds I say!

For everyone..


Just because you can not hear me because you only hear your father satan.. Does not make me wrong..

I love God! All glory to God above, I need none..

But Trump needs worship as false idols do!

Notice his rallies!


I speak the truth..

How else would you know?

They have been trying to kill me..

We fled to the woods of Canada and became refugee claimants of protection!

I have the design for the Rod of God. The iron rod.

I have the vesture with the name

Lord of lords and

King of kings..

Satan works to stop me from telling the truth!

I do this for us all!

What other way is there?


No Q is claiming my plans to trick the world..

These rich people/government officials work together. There are pictures. They wish to hide me, The Savior Christ.. they wish to take my place and do evil things..


You just called The Son of God that?

I love God and God loves me..

I forgive you.. I love all!! You will be very very sad when you realize the truth..remember I already forgave you!


Here one you don’t know..

Liquid diamond is part of the philosophers stone..

Liquid diamond made from a lightening blast!

I have created a lightening production device.

Made of low and high pressure in a large box.. liquid diamond will be called Gods tears.

Liquid diamond will make many things..


People did the same to Jesus, before..

Read the Bible..

Your stones only make you look a fool!

Scared of the truth as you follow your father satan!


You work with the cabal and mob Q..

You are evil and work to divide good and kind people with you fathers lies!

I am The Savior Jesus Christ!

Truth be my armor!


You have been fooled... Trump is the fallin angel!

I called Trump an angel, when he used my ideas.. But then he never gave me credit! I was tricked also.. Trump is the father of lies.. Lucifer/satan.


I can heal with a touch, I cured a form of blindness, I made a box that creates endless water with sunlight and thermo dynamics, I designed a factory that produces endless food automated with clean energy.

I sent Trump the tax plan days after he stated in a speech there was no options. He used the first part only. For the rich.

I designed the Divine Perpetual Economic Growth Plan.

Which includes trickle down and trickle up effects.

I designed the small drone recon with mobile command center war strategies to end wars safely.

I designed the artificial womb to end abortion. Which will also fix many other problems.

I sent the wall idea to Trump in 2015, but my wall idea was to produce a Great Wall like China. With rail systems and car pods. Also energy.

I sent the canal plan instead of the wall in 2016. With many engineering feats. Include submarine bunkers. A fix for El Niño. Jobs jobs jobs.

I can go on..


Well then research more..

I have all the proof..


Trump is Biff..

Trumps uncle was told to collect the Tesla papers.

Which included a time machine.

Trump took a million dollar loan from his father to make the time machine.

Trump saw I am The Savior Jesus Christ come again.

Trump decided to steal my ideas throughout my life and take my place.


I seem to be doing alright saving the world..


Make America Great Again

21 letters

18/3 666

Mark of the beast

Hat is on the forehead

Wristband on hand

Rich and poor will accept the mark.

31ac3e  No.5410268


Not now faggot we are busy figuring out Q puzzles. Come back tomorrow

edbc3c  No.5410270


You'll find out.



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