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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

a969cb  No.5280111

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 02.19.2019

>>5276932 ————————————–——– Filters picking up many references tonight.

>>5276262 rt >>5276210 ————————— Such a lovely Q too.

>>5276209 rt >>5276189 ————————— All he needs to do is ask.

>>5276167 ————————————–——– Thank you, Patriot. (Ben Garrison)

>>5273426 rt >>5272527 ————————— May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you

>>5273237 ————————————–——– Review time. POTUS on DOJ "infiltrating" campaign

>>5272816 ————————————–——– Review time. Q on FISA, POTUS on Unredacted docs

>>5272265 ————————————–——– Review of Exec Order 13526 drop (Q 2176 .jpg)

>>5272127 rt >>5271917 ————————— Always on the move.

>>5271872 ————————————–——– WE MUST STAND TOGETHER IN THIS FIGHT.

>>5271173 rt >>5271150 ————————— Insert 'info' between critical & from.

>>5271150 ————————————–——– NO LEAKS for this reason.

>>5268221 ————————————–——– Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe's 60 Minutes Interview. ( >>5268242 vid)

>>5267295 ————————————–——– We Are Q Graphic

>>5266371 rt >>5265751 ————————— Start from beginning.

>>5266509 rt >>5266411 ————————— Are you ready, shill? ( >>5266561 vid)

>>5265567 ————————————–——– But, FAKE NEWS pushes the ‘narrative’ that POTUS is …… ( >>5265592 cap)

>>5265025 ————————————–——– Thank you, Patriot. ( >>5265036 vid)


>>5258565 ————————————–——– When do the trials for Treason begin?

>>5258118 rt >>5257446 ————————— Drop put you on notice?

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Saturday 02.16.19

Compiled here: >>5230898

Friday 02.15.19

Compiled here: >>5226101

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a969cb  No.5280117


are not endorsements


>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch


>>5279438 Japan F-2 fighter crashes into Sea of Japan

>>5279448, >>5279550, >>5279570 POTUS got his SOTU video removed again by Twatter

>>5279482 Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘the Notorious RBG’ Returns to Work

>>5279529 Moar on Cook County state's attorney recusing herself from Jussie Smollett case

>>5279547 Anon's graphic: timeline for 70 years of high treason by GHWB

>>5279556 Illinois Considering "Asset Transfers" To Pensions

>>5279821 SDF closer than ever to repelling ISIS out of Syria after achieving a massive victory resulting in the surrender of 200 militants

>>5279870 McCabe denies accusations from the Office of the Inspector General that he purposefully misled investigators

>>5280106 #6747


>>5278642 Claims: Gateway Pundit Will Release Damning Information Concerning the Clinton Foundation, the FBI, DOJ and More Tomorrow

>>5278718 Fox Rothschild Partner Faces Sanctions Hearing Over Porn Copyright Cases

>>5278841 McCabe told Anderson Cooper that he believes Trump is a Russian asset

>>5278885 4chan thread on Q

>>5278758 BTFO Beto: Says ‘Physical Barrier’ Needed in ‘Some Places’

>>5279111 Trump accused of seeking to sell US nuclear ‘secrets’ to Saudis… so why is this Russia’s fault?

>>5279143 Trump Will Officially End Negotiations With California On Fuel Economy Rollbacks

>>5279153, >>5279165 Gang Identifier Graphics

>>5279212 Ginsburg questions in court today

>>5279328 #6746


>>5277864 Reminder from 2017: Pharmacy Says They Deliver ALZHEIMER’S Medications To Members Of Congress

>>5277878, >>5277895, >>5277905 "Where we go one, we go all" seen in the show Sister Wives

>>5277893 New Undercover Video: Late-Term Abortion Clinics Exposed

>>5277957 Mexico deported 25 gang members linked to MS-13 who were hidden in caravan of migrants

>>5277976 US Army tweet

>>5278007 264,600 online in 24hrs on qmap.pub

>>5277985 Theatrical Co. Lights Up Bohemian Grove

>>5278165 Moar on the armed US Citizens in Haiti

>>5278190 Canadian Oil & Gas Workers Protesting the Trudeau government

>>5278197 US Special Representative headed to Hanoi ahead of 2nd PUTS-KJU summit

>>5278265, >>5278269 Resignations in the news today

>>5278295 New POTUS Retweet

>>5278307 Interesting twitter account: FAA Safety Briefing

>>5278326 SpaceX Splits Six Military Launches With Rival Lockheed-Boeing

>>5278406, >>5278456, >>5278227 Video of NCIS mention of QANON and PIZZAGATE

>>5278557 #6745


>>5277146 McCabe: Decision To Investigate Trump As A Russian Agent Was Based On Public Information, Not Secret Intel

>>5277162 Three shows referenced "anon" tonight, including NCIS New Orleans mentioning Q (videos needed)

>>5277180 Link to NCIS New Orleans episode

>>5277207 New DJT Jr Tweet

>>5277286 Venezuela shuts border with Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao

>>5277299 Southwest Airlines Cancels Hundreds of Flights

>>5277396 Heavily-armed Americans claiming to be on 'government mission' arrested in Haiti

>>5277556 DIA report: Challenges to Security in Space

>>5277569 FDA warned consumers against infusions of plasma from young donors

>>5277386, >>5277504 Popularity trends for Q related hashtags

>>5277631 GOP leaders: No appetite for an anti-Trump candidate like Bill Weld to emerge

>>5277640 "Snow moon" 2019 will be this year's brightest "supermoon"

>>5277784 #6744


>>5276368 Another Mike Rothschild hit piece on Q

>>5276504 Judge gives go-ahead to lawsuit aimed at stopping Hussein's library

>>5276466, >>5276588, >>5276593, >>5276604, >>5276745, >>5276959 Q mentioned on the show NCIS New Orleans (video needed)

>>5276654 Statement by AG Barr on Jeffrey Rosen As Deputy AG

>>5276652 Moar on the defamation suit against WaPo

>>5276659 Side by side on US taxpayers funding scams

>>5276700 Between 260,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens expected to successfully cross into the US this year.

>>5276854 Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains

>>5276585, >>5276898 Gif of states filing the lawsuit against POTUS' National Emergency compared to other maps

>>5277007 #6743

Previously Collected Notables

>>5276255 #6742

>>5273983 #6739, >>5274771 #6740, >>5275483 #6741

>>5271678 #6736, >>5272397 #6737, >>5273163 #6738

>>5269324 #6733, >>5270156 #6734, >>5270889 #6735

>>5267034 #6730, >>5267794 #6731, >>5268568 #6732

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

a969cb  No.5280118

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#63 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472 , >>5147386

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a969cb  No.5280120

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: https://qanon.news/Help/Api/GET-feed-Q can be used to create alerts for Qanon.news

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

a969cb  No.5280125



REQUESTING HANDOFF, Ghost Handoff if needed

1a420a  No.5280140

File: 805ff98908723d3⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

This crop circle has aged well.

27f901  No.5280145

>>5280108 lb

Anon, would you happen to be human?

3feb94  No.5280177

My newish baby dog (2.5 years old) lies behind me in one of the many nests I bought for her (I raid the pet shop of toys/beds etc constantly for her). She saved me from the abyss of parental grief (both gone 2011 and 2014). I feel for your story of putting your dog down. I'm also a Brit btw. God bless DJT. Now off to listen to X22 Report on YT.

b370f9  No.5280178

File: b784be9a1f06852⋯.jpeg (83.21 KB, 600x431, 600:431, Theater.jpeg)

Things are heating up, Anons. Can you feel it?

>Q warning of false flags in next ten days (2/15-2/25)

>Q talking about "rising and fighting"

>Extremely popular show drops a Q mention

>"Something BIG is coming."

d33f5e  No.5280179

File: fe4a5c5ff6e14d8⋯.png (195.93 KB, 318x469, 318:469, 1547815398694.png)



080fbd  No.5280180


Oh fuck, its too early for this crap

d7c3fb  No.5280181


Yes, am human.

LB end notables.


8f5d66  No.5280182

File: 3d8e5147a729fe5⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 975x975, 1:1, 3d8e5147a729fe5accd86a3156….jpg)


Good job staying up to speed Patriot!!


ff2d26  No.5280183

File: acfde52d5b6d110⋯.jpeg (448.39 KB, 592x787, 592:787, 4335328C-0EED-4A03-87E0-C….jpeg)

6a4909  No.5280185

>>5280164 (lb)


No idea on that, but likely the parents should be wearing a millstone necklace.

d7c3fb  No.5280186


Wait, Qclock match?


d979d9  No.5280187

>>5280151 (lb)


3ca7b7  No.5280188

File: 53f34f5d020699e⋯.png (194.48 KB, 540x374, 270:187, ClipboardImage.png)

865b2f  No.5280189



"Beau of the Fifth Column"

What in the shit is this guy on? Is this guy literally making the news stories? Why does his words speak so verbatim the news cycles? This is crazy talk. lol.

53a633  No.5280190


>Full House fan site says they started filming at 9 months of age. The implications are horrifying.

Olsen Twins tell Ellen 1st Full House Memory was showering w/Dave Coulier





d61937  No.5280191

File: ad5a39e94a50298⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 446x297, 446:297, KC 35.jpg)



27f901  No.5280192

File: 83697182164d6ba⋯.jpg (163.13 KB, 1010x713, 1010:713, 4208.jpg)


>>>5280095 lb

>Here - this is weird too

1b279e  No.5280193

File: 28dfa5dc37a9aef⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2riad1.jpg)

>>5280157 pb

i like to occasionally give him shit, because he has the dude art as a screensaver kek

98afd7  No.5280194


I suspect part of prep fpr 'Bluebeam' OP considering all the new intel.

20e296  No.5280196

File: ae9552e2c94ad48⋯.png (133.46 KB, 824x1197, 824:1197, ClipboardImage.png)

be7c02  No.5280197

Every Anon who participated in slavery, Jim Crow laws, or segregation, please raise your hand.

So why dafuq do we have to hear about this dumb nigger bullshit everyday?

d33f5e  No.5280198


Looks like soundwaves and binary. Has anyone tried decoding this?

080fbd  No.5280199


My thoughts as well.

I dont believe if there is in fact intelligent life out there attempting to make contact, they would destroy our crops to do it.

0fe800  No.5280200

File: c95342fb8418974⋯.jpg (57.08 KB, 620x400, 31:20, thepack.jpg)

File: f54e8c25dcea169⋯.jpg (77.6 KB, 500x351, 500:351, They-Live-subliminal-messa….jpg)

File: 7ac584f70f287f4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 800x600, 4:3, this anon gets it.jpg)

File: d6a69bbe47040bb⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Meme-Wars.jpg)

File: a2e1487671cbde7⋯.jpg (214.31 KB, 1220x673, 1220:673, memes at the ready.jpg)


night, frens - gotta eat my tendies then head off to bed…be ready for tomorrow. More newfags and shillfaggots no doubt.

3ca7b7  No.5280201


maybe ebot is designed to eat post numbers so that digz happen at the right time

millionth post etc

2fe917  No.5280202


8bit /BO/ cant stop him.. has tried and failed many times.

d61937  No.5280203


ebot can be funny and that makes it tolerable except when they run out of hookers and blow and does the marathon shit-posting.

955cce  No.5280204

Hey Q. Can't sleep anymore.

Don't know what to do right now other than lurk.

6a4909  No.5280205

File: fbda5387f1d1756⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 59ad74f7028d1f90e5047091de….jpg)

98afd7  No.5280206


right and leave some scary mean looking alien face and shit…scare us poor natives.

d61937  No.5280207


can collect baker if you need to slide for a bit. can't bake though.

080fbd  No.5280208


Yeah, he's like herpes

cf051f  No.5280209


Weed makes me sleep…

ff2d26  No.5280210

File: 39574fc56ce5558⋯.jpeg (176.25 KB, 639x1106, 639:1106, 1F94A5B7-32F7-41FD-B9A9-9….jpeg)

87ab1f  No.5280211

File: 41025dd95823ddb⋯.jpg (122.13 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 30490.jpg)

File: b558412391263f4⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 768x403, 768:403, Eye-Tattoo-768x403.jpg)

File: 1f6c9ff7d59dd19⋯.jpg (37.62 KB, 700x420, 5:3, gettyimages-56730314.jpg)

Mara Salvatrucha Trece

Devil horns

Tattooed eyeballs

080fbd  No.5280212


Just more shit to make us chase our tails when its probably just Hollywood or laser tech

98afd7  No.5280213

newfags already famefagging on socials…in the end everyone was there in the beginning…

01cd44  No.5280214

File: 794a2d5ab6d9ed0⋯.png (71.26 KB, 812x337, 812:337, Refuge-only-2-QPost-Refere….png)

Searched "refuge" on QMap.

Only 2 refs: Nov 1 Q Clearance Patriot post, and the bible verse from 3 days ago.

27f901  No.5280215

File: 2f741b7cdcb28d7⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 1010x630, 101:63, 5315.jpg)


Did you notice today that Q misspelled Country as county, and forgot the "R"?

The R was missing.

Then later he got all mushy about that lady's dog that died of cancer?

"May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you."

Things are getting weird is all I'm saying. Why can't they get those guys bigger chairs?

955cce  No.5280216


Yeah, can't do that until I retire. Sadly I won't retire the way politics is going.

I retire many years in the future.

1b279e  No.5280217


do you have good thrift, second hand stores?

Here they have some thrift stores, that do things by weight. I can get my dogs all sorts of toys for super cheap, ones that are like brand new. Little stuffed animals.

Alsso flea marketss and garage sales. You can find lots of good stuff.

98afd7  No.5280218

82b948  No.5280219

File: 77eb336013ea07f⋯.jpeg (180.57 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, CAF0A729-D7B0-4426-97B9-8….jpeg)


I have

1dee5e  No.5280220

File: ba138b229fddb13⋯.jpeg (90.79 KB, 1240x864, 155:108, A9AFE673-6CD1-4C71-85C6-6….jpeg)


fceaec  No.5280222


Q posted this video. Military channel took it down.

It is back, thanks Patriot!

Why was it removed? Why was it allowed?

8f5d66  No.5280223

File: df9a87d71e29f83⋯.png (158.94 KB, 880x882, 440:441, df9a87d71e29f83020c22f2437….png)


Night Fren!!!

d7c3fb  No.5280224

File: e60ffca69453d4d⋯.png (1.24 MB, 696x720, 29:30, alienQclockmatchuptest.png)


yeah, and he corrected himself

Go R larp in your own bread.


interdasting to say the least.

be7c02  No.5280225

File: 8e87d62d3807890⋯.jpg (185.19 KB, 1800x979, 1800:979, meghan.jpg)


I think I figured out what REALLY happened to McStain.

←—— She ate him.

367992  No.5280226

File: de8f0704ad37f06⋯.jpg (293.47 KB, 1050x871, 1050:871, snowmoon.jpg)

Trump Says Military Is Needed At Border Due To 'Gravity' Of National Emergency.

Does this coincide with 'gravity' of Supermoon? Does -32 degree latitude of the Wall have anything to do with it?


"So the question becomes, how much does the moon’s gravitational influence on Earth vary from minimum (apogee, or farthest point from the planet) to maximum (perigee)?

I won’t bore you (or scare you!) with the math, but the variation from minimum lunar pull to maximum pull is roughly 23 percent. That sounds like a lot. However, it amounts to less than 2 ten-thousandths of the mass (or less precisely, the “weight”) of the moon…"


3ca7b7  No.5280227


i was browsing job opportunities and that topic came up

deal breaker

i'd rather pick beans

657386  No.5280228

>>5279840 (pb)

Beautiful song Anon.

Thank You!

a2ffcf  No.5280229


"Out of an abundance of caution, the decision to recuse herself was made to address potential questions of impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses in the case," a spokeswoman told ABC News via email.

b1b789  No.5280230

File: 89304d2a50b7a51⋯.jpg (312.03 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-001.jpg)

File: 5c7f116531bef75⋯.jpg (383.65 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-002.jpg)

File: 5fa29e667f8b54e⋯.jpg (112.94 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-003.jpg)

File: 43b22382da1b554⋯.jpg (105.13 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-004.jpg)

File: 33caa73bac5f306⋯.jpg (113.98 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-005.jpg)

Repost as not getting traction… thanks to anons responding…. I think this could be big but am looking for feedback…

Reposting as jpg (not pdf) so seems to take multiple posts…

1ffdb0  No.5280231


found this relating to pic


But by far the most damning internal evidence against this crop circle’s authenticity is the pseudo-biblical “alien” message itself: “Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. . . .” Of all the information that an extraterrestrial intelligence might choose to provide to humanity—ranging from how to contact them to engineering secrets of faster-than-light travel—these aliens chose to impart intentionally cryptic messages about false gifts, broken promises, believing in good, and hope for mankind. These ambiguous, faintly reassuring notes are classic examples of messages from pop culture alien “space brothers” that have allegedly contacted humans for decades (for more on this see Lewis 2000 and Bullard 2010).

In sum, all the information about these crop circles indicates a clear human origin. If aliens did indeed create these crop designs, they seem to have done everything in their power to make their work indistinguishable from human hoaxing.

59ed73  No.5280232

File: 78c93e3e4b7c68c⋯.jpeg (31.82 KB, 640x384, 5:3, Sumeria.jpeg)

File: d02e82c8320ea65⋯.jpeg (614.89 KB, 1117x1500, 1117:1500, Hartfordshire.jpeg)

File: 2d0268f096151b7⋯.jpeg (63.15 KB, 480x386, 240:193, c7a91f52fa6b9195b99c203e7….jpeg)


stupid midevil and prehistoric hollywoods. fugggggggggg…

fceaec  No.5280233


folks just act up spicier on the full moon.

just ask someone that works with the public.

0fe800  No.5280234

File: 4682eecb639fdc3⋯.png (1.48 MB, 3955x2147, 35:19, misspellings and correctio….png)


this might put you to sleep or get your noggin joggin' - from what I can tell, all of Q's corrections.

b1b789  No.5280235

File: 032620a09c954e0⋯.jpg (181.6 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-006.jpg)

File: 11c75d954c8d988⋯.jpg (132.86 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-007.jpg)

File: ec31480c4fdb7d1⋯.jpg (184.54 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-008.jpg)

File: 9c3346aba1a3963⋯.jpg (205.5 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-009.jpg)

File: 477e44b09b3c1c9⋯.jpg (251.76 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-010.jpg)

a969cb  No.5280236


I gotcha. I'm beat after this shift. I'll be leaving in a bit, no way I can stay for this entire bread.

So if you collect and then someone ebakes at the end of the bread, that could work.

before I go I'll leave an updated pastebin and my steps to bake pasta



ee4ac1  No.5280237

File: 237773cbc6f9b9e⋯.jpg (101.18 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 0c.jpg)

File: bfb3a2f758526c1⋯.jpg (246.04 KB, 962x645, 962:645, 0de.jpg)

Blackout in Berlin - schools and kindergartens remain closed


8bac4c  No.5280238


Dr. Surendra Sharma

Surendra Indian: Hindu Means "lord of gods" from Sanskrit सुर (sura) meaning "god" combined with the name of the Hindu god INDRA, used here to mean "lord". This is another name for Indra.

Sharma Indian: Hindu (Brahman) name from Sanskrit šarma ‘joy’, ‘shelter’. It is regarded as a prestigious name and as such has been adopted in recent times in various non-Brahman communities.

9b48bf  No.5280239


MESSAGE CONTENTS (some missing)

This is the deciphering of the message: -

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but

still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION.


The message consists of 26 Words, interestingly the English alphabet has 26



be7c02  No.5280240

File: acaf798f5634cb0⋯.jpg (145.11 KB, 634x951, 2:3, logan.jpg)

8 of 10 Anons would do.

98afd7  No.5280241

File: a4eeeceaf3ea91a⋯.png (285.02 KB, 553x347, 553:347, ClipboardImage.png)

90d413  No.5280242

File: f70da7317f94d77⋯.jpg (862.27 KB, 1920x1122, 320:187, F35-actionable.jpg)

Night Shift

Is the best shift

b1b789  No.5280243

File: 07f424ab6bac316⋯.jpg (154.67 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, Q-page-011.jpg)

cf051f  No.5280244

File: 718d8c0120a68e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1820x1161, 1820:1161, Suprise 2.png)

8286d5  No.5280245

Morning Anons.

May God bless and be with all of you today.


6a4909  No.5280246

File: ba9a25643470242⋯.png (363.63 KB, 634x523, 634:523, ClipboardImage.png)


>interdasting to say the least.

ce6990  No.5280247

File: dff5a8129e6d752⋯.png (673.84 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

b74f1c  No.5280248


Put Hannity on, instant sleep.

8f5d66  No.5280249



Okay Anon, I'll bite….What about the other 2??

8f5d66  No.5280250

File: f32928e80985916⋯.jpg (238.09 KB, 957x394, 957:394, f5e51b3d0ac239a375853cbb29….jpg)


Good Morning Anon!! God Bless you and yours!!

fda6bd  No.5280251

File: e8091db984f4020⋯.png (171.16 KB, 827x449, 827:449, NightShift_ag.png)

be7c02  No.5280252



080fbd  No.5280253


Will be over with Sibel Edmonds if you need me

d61937  No.5280254

File: 3ba9bbd7615b1f3⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 710x508, 355:254, Pepe loves all.jpg)



got it

can't bake as this POS it not up to it.

not going to be 'that guy' ifywim

BV is what I can do

6a4909  No.5280255





Reading is always good

cf051f  No.5280256


I just kinda made up my own retirement cobbled together with a few different small incomes and a company. Look shitty but I am happier.

b8b264  No.5280257

File: 54c04c281ea6f50⋯.png (12.21 KB, 410x150, 41:15, 2808.png)

File: c2c73a602ccfd68⋯.png (8.33 KB, 407x150, 407:150, 497.png)

File: 32002824d61eea2⋯.png (19.7 KB, 1577x84, 1577:84, goodwin.png)

In the video about @ 19:30 he says [win]/[win] = [15]+[15] = [30]

And says 30 minutes later the tweet happens, which is wrong.

Pretty sure we established the [15] marker was between 'consensual'/'consequential' edit.

d7c3fb  No.5280258

File: ec9b1d60153cda5⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 320x240, 4:3, wormanus.jpg)

98afd7  No.5280259


Luna-tics are crazy

925cc6  No.5280260


! Gay and drunk, and one really drunk.

98afd7  No.5280261


Best version Ive heard

fda6bd  No.5280262

File: be2fb2eae1607d3⋯.gif (480.51 KB, 141x141, 1:1, 5b0abcc7c9d0f.gif)

a73bf5  No.5280263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blackbird fly…

fceaec  No.5280264


migrate what?

this has no business on facefuck


let's make sure this is clear.

get comfy

get cozy

lock it down

this will be at least another 3 years of war

stock up on popcorn

WWII was out in the open, here world balance and domestic balance are in play.

the wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn.

don't fool yourself, this will be for the long haul

6a4909  No.5280265



a2ffcf  No.5280266

File: d674d8d31f70255⋯.jpg (7.51 KB, 182x173, 182:173, pepe laughing.jpg)


George Soros Purchased States Attorney Kim Foxx Buys More.

Its simple really Black lady who hates Trump prosecuting Black Fag who hates Trump.

Trump Wins.

be7c02  No.5280268


Hey, Any Anons got some MAGA hats, bleach and a rope I could borrow? I'm hungry and need to go out for a late-night sandwich.

8f5d66  No.5280269

File: 5d52b57fbc0b932⋯.jpg (150.32 KB, 900x677, 900:677, 7f64e35e526abbf355b40abcce….jpg)


This is really worth reading. And then, "Kitchen is Hot" from the other night, I mean, this really could be it. POTUS's tweet makes NO sense either if he was a leaker. I love how it ties in.

"Mr. President, who is Q??"

"The Cook. Next!!"

Either way, well laid out and I like that you stayed persistent with it and trusted yourself. That's the game.

925cc6  No.5280270

File: 83c50b233216dec⋯.jpg (102.05 KB, 785x800, 157:160, tootzkilla.jpg)



90d413  No.5280271


Anyone who has seriously dug into crop circles knows only a fraction of them are human-origin.

b8b264  No.5280272

File: 0cbbd98b9d9caed⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1718x4090, 859:2045, Screenshot_2019-01-12 Brea….jpg)

01042e  No.5280273

File: 2d66224d661db93⋯.png (1.09 MB, 691x632, 691:632, ArmyQDistance.png)

a969cb  No.5280274

File: 6b496cf218fac19⋯.png (1.94 MB, 3549x2353, 273:181, Qproof13.png)


>Pretty sure we established the [15] marker was between 'consensual'/'consequential' edit.


6f577f  No.5280275

Are autistic people psychic? An opinion piece.

"I am Autistic first of all. And there was a thread earlier from long ago where people talked about how various mental states we consider "disorders", such as ADHD, and others, could also be manifestations of Psi.

But in my case, I think Autistic people are one population that is likely to all possess psychic abilities to some degree; perhaps even more so than the general population.

So I am Autistic myself, and all my life aside from knowing I was different, I always felt like I did have abilities that some didn't possess. Of course, many were typical Autistic skills like collecting information on certain things, memorizing certain things with excellent detail, and exhibiting high levels of skill in certain practices (music in particular).

But I also seemed to possess abilities including precognition to a high degree, being able to sense things before they happen, sometimes reacting inhumanly fast, and was often praised for my past reflexes. This is actually also supported by a study done concluding that Autistics can sense movement twice as fast as non-autistic individuals.

In addition to this, I often seem to have my mind synchronized telepathically with certain people, particularly my mother and others: I am often thinking the same things as them, or, alternatively, I am thinking of them and suddenly they will interact with me.

In addition to this, I have had precognitive dreams, including a dream that may have saved the life of my grandfather as I was able to locate him in the midst of a stroke and get him help just in the nick of time.

I am also typically able to sense if I will have a significant interaction with another individual in the future….

Then there are a few scientific facts to consider: Autistic people have a vastly more complex sensory and cognitive experience of the world; this chaotic experience essentially shapes us and makes us who we are. It can cause difficulties, but can also be a gift. The intense world theory discusses how Autistic brains perceive the world a lot more intensely, including feeling extremely high levels of empathy (contrary to stereotypes). We are also known for our abilities to intensely concentrate and "hyperfocus", something that seems to be a key in harnessing psychic abilities.

It is quite possible that many of the prodigious skills, or even above-average talents that Autistic people quite often possess come from manifestations of Psi; that we have some sort of psychic power.

Anyway, that's pretty much what I have. I think Autistic people, most of us, can use Psi (psychic abilities) to a pretty decent degree, perhaps more than the average population, in large part due to our abilities to concentrate and our unique, intense sensory experiences, that often grant us higher levels of perception. My own experiences also suggest that such is true. It isn't without reason that I consider Autistics to be "real life Jedi". "


>Is this board channeling collective psi power to counter the deep state? With the history of certain government agencies utilizing remote viewing 8ch is giving a new meaning to "weaponized autism"

27f901  No.5280277

File: 1837c21b5408087⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 780x531, 260:177, BelarusianWinterFun.jpg)


Ok, good night, anon. I'll see you tomorrow.

01042e  No.5280278

File: 738255dc98d7bd9⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1328x615, 1328:615, ArmyQCloseJFKJr.png)

1dee5e  No.5280279

File: f691b2da46cc26b⋯.jpeg (22.5 KB, 220x229, 220:229, 5C140B44-A88E-487D-88D7-5….jpeg)

408b24  No.5280280

File: 9ad13cdc03a26b7⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 255x187, 15:11, JUSTICE-SHILLS.jpg)

b8b264  No.5280281

File: 20f348098fe673c⋯.png (542.48 KB, 5692x992, 1423:248, WIP_q_timeline_test_18_jan….png)


full timeline

fceaec  No.5280282


Hunt for red october, the hidden agent was cooks assistant loganov

a969cb  No.5280283

File: 310c7fe2a3d84d6⋯.png (574.79 KB, 1136x2623, 1136:2623, ClipboardImage.png)


gotcha, all good. thanks anon



3ca7b7  No.5280284

File: a47e33881c074e0⋯.png (335.99 KB, 480x440, 12:11, ClipboardImage.png)

367992  No.5280285

File: 9e1437cc5002c46⋯.jpg (103.22 KB, 600x465, 40:31, crop_circle_4.jpg)

File: 935a91de7fcb3b4⋯.jpg (527.03 KB, 1100x785, 220:157, crop1.jpg)

84cfe2  No.5280286

File: 77afe8cf8b5e547⋯.png (14.54 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 1b2867fdf014b6a8e2dc114e8b….png)



You didn't get the

PM from your 8 chan

gold acct?

You were supposed to

buy that stuff back in


e298b0  No.5280287

File: 6f8aeb04502eee0⋯.jpg (154.34 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, 2657273.jpg)

Well we need some bewbs for the bakers

1ffdb0  No.5280288


im open to anything …somthing im my memory is lurking, saying it was a hoax even back then

ee4ac1  No.5280289

File: cac457e05dc423f⋯.jpg (3.31 KB, 144x144, 1:1, 0c.jpg)


Hitler's Gestapo chief was jewish

https://youtu.be/ZPlemSEPRSI (video)


fceaec  No.5280290


Hellz yeah!

ed7f27  No.5280291

>>5280091 (lb)

Bernie Sanders hires ACLU National Director to lead his 2020 presidential campaign, four days after ACLU sues Trump over Border Wall.

ACLU is representing the Sierra Club and 60+ other organizations in lawsuits against Trump.

The Sierra Club, is a San Francisco based, Environmentalist Group (S.I.) and operates the PAC Sierra Club Political Committee, which was a major financial donor to Bernie’s 2016 presidential campaign.


98afd7  No.5280292


and your welcome..makes me happy you appreciate..I bet Im not the only broken hearted here following this…all this took everything from me..friken War..right when I thought I had it made…..thank God for Music.

6ad7c7  No.5280293


Muh starbucks ruined the photo

a969cb  No.5280294

File: 2d88ac050d0b7df⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 400x388, 100:97, pepecig5.jpg)

8fdaeb  No.5280295

File: f1ce2244e2159d3⋯.jpg (150.77 KB, 960x715, 192:143, 46446077_177896426492624_2….jpg)

d61937  No.5280297


would do but lose the sbux

dfa30b  No.5280298

File: fb9d00d564f866a⋯.jpg (31.26 KB, 614x412, 307:206, hannity-.jpg)


tick tock

ed7f27  No.5280299

File: a73e71a003cc7ed⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 217A8D0D-F095-4B53-A695-BA….png)

File: 5d41984f1ad77ac⋯.png (467.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 28BD5B35-A37F-4A27-BD1F-E5….png)

File: bfbcb225a314696⋯.png (284.79 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6244EB2B-794C-47B1-B6B9-3E….png)


Attachment misfire. Kek.

2a52cd  No.5280300

File: 27b82cec6e77074⋯.jpg (100.95 KB, 576x489, 192:163, Foreign AC port.jpg)

Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

Why does a small East Texas town called Onalaska have more than 1,000 registered aircraft - and no airport?

In fact, more planes are registered to Onalaska than the number of registered planes in entire cities such as Seattle, San Antonio, San Diego, or even New York.

Just as surprising, the aircraft are registered to only two Onalaska P.O. boxes. That’s because the aircraft owners do not live there. Not even close.

WFAA has learned Onalaska is ground zero for a practice that allows foreigners to anonymously register their planes, and one that critics say makes the United States an easy target for drug dealers, terrorists and other criminals seeking to register their planes.

Dozens say they lost eyesight after routine surgery using compounded pharmacy drugs

"When you can conceal the true ownership of a plane, you're putting a lot of people in jeopardy," said Joe Gutheinz, a former Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) special agent. "If you're a terrorist and you have a way of concealing your secret ownership of a plane in the United States, you're going to do it."

But industry advocates told WFAA that large corporations and foreign partnerships often need to use trusts because of the FAA’s strict citizenship requirements.

To register a plane, owners need to be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident. However, the FAA will allow foreigners to register their planes by transferring a title to a U.S. trustee.

LINK: NBAA: What Are Non-Citizen Trusts? A Routine, Well-Regulated Way to Register Aircraft

For $5, an owner can register a plane with the FAA.

Planes registered to the name of U.S. trust carry an "N" tail number. It’s a distinction that experts say carries advantages, including allowing planes to receive less scrutiny than when carrying a tail number from a different country.


8286d5  No.5280301


Makes for good clam digging

8fdaeb  No.5280302

File: 357780e45eefd2f⋯.jpg (828.62 KB, 2328x1904, 291:238, unnamed (2).jpg)

8f5d66  No.5280303

File: 9f0535a23d51e0e⋯.jpeg (372.19 KB, 2198x1058, 1099:529, 643fab19b04136c2980ef2c65….jpeg)


KEK!! I think we have it. This is the first time it's made sense. But is it a predesigned bogey?? Because clearly it IS designed.

7e74d8  No.5280304

File: 84a5cd080e6fcb8⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 408x528, 17:22, panic in dc suicide watch ….JPG)

File: 850169a045502f4⋯.jpg (73.22 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Just Bite It.JPG)

a8aaaf  No.5280305

Back from under a rock GO NIGHT CREW & TY Baker….

found this …(Excuse the Cache link .. here's another…https://pence-ryan2016.squarespace.com/

and sorry if this has already been posted…)


That^ is an email hain to Oct 9 showing Pence & Ryan working on a Trump Bypass…

Per McCabe " Rosenstein said two cabinet membvers were on board"

— Pence and Ryan? Think BUSH FUNERAL / Why did Karen Pence get a letter?? Why was Pence bored in Pelosi/Schumer meeting with POTUS?

98afd7  No.5280306

File: 30439a3c6322220⋯.png (731.61 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, magaMountainLion.png)

8fdaeb  No.5280307

File: b67db0182708f18⋯.jpg (791.74 KB, 2681x2089, 2681:2089, unnamed (1).jpg)

98ea49  No.5280308

c8918c  No.5280309


So your saying ET didn’t come thousands of light years to earth to put circles in a corn field in rural Kansas? OK

98ea49  No.5280310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fceaec  No.5280311

File: 3797c6ec79ac04e⋯.png (72.99 KB, 255x191, 255:191, image.png)


no coincidences

8fdaeb  No.5280312

File: 986ef3b10bc14b3⋯.png (760.3 KB, 595x474, 595:474, declaration.png)

8f5d66  No.5280313

File: 90871fc0c810e2d⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 402x344, 201:172, 90871fc0c810e2d22ea33571c4….jpg)


Is it -4 degrees?? KEK!!

7e74d8  No.5280314

File: ec5bd85f65a7e90⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 408x528, 17:22, swamp rats in panic strick….JPG)

8f5d66  No.5280316

8fdaeb  No.5280317

File: b8df5312cda9005⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 4096x3194, 2048:1597, 51960810_2350344878532446_….jpg)

53a633  No.5280318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bob Saget: [EXPLICIT] Full House Story Too Explicit for The View // SiriusXM // Opie & Anthony

Watch for winks. This shits sick.

90d413  No.5280319


The ones that are highly pictographic are suspicious just because they could be image fakes. I was referring to real circles in fields that people have measured and recorded.

These days with all the digital fakery, one can rarely know if anything is real. But yeah the circles phenomenon is some serious shit. Some of them have formed in just a few seconds of time.

47866c  No.5280320

File: 6bb594d8140df50⋯.jpg (131.93 KB, 750x728, 375:364, bernie-defined-750.jpg)

a8a120  No.5280322

File: d34fbc4aa759ec9⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 1331x8662, 1331:8662, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Desp….jpg)

File: 8dadd429b294e7c⋯.jpg (141.02 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 8dadd429b294e7c63da18a929a….jpg)

File: 69ae4437fd23be3⋯.png (325.97 KB, 1123x478, 1123:478, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Albu….png)

File: bdefd016767b118⋯.png (775.71 KB, 1123x478, 1123:478, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Albu….png)

File: 811cadaab10f891⋯.png (541.69 KB, 1123x478, 1123:478, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Albu….png)





e298b0  No.5280323

File: a0ab1a410fab4ae⋯.jpg (402.05 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, 2657273.jpg)


>Muh starbucks ruined the photo


1f3e5c  No.5280324


Since all of Hannity's tick tocks have been nothingburgers, maybe what he means is the clock is ticking on any chance of justice?

Maybe why McCabe seems so cocky?

Their original plan was for HRC to win and protect all their schemes and avoid prosecution for  past deeds.

Obviously their Plan B now is: Outlast Trump - just stay out of jail until his term is over.

They are doing pretty well at it so far, and undoubtedly feel confident about sending him packing in 2020.

fceaec  No.5280325


yeah- he comped. VP is always the deep state shill. That's what all the hubub was when he was "picked"

Insurance is what they bank on, like credit default swaps. now they goan choke on it

d61937  No.5280326

File: abd09ee8f41229c⋯.png (140.82 KB, 500x638, 250:319, Spacepepe.png)

BV needs a smoke

tag'em if you see them. back in a bit.

329432  No.5280327

Bongino turning the fire up after his recent meeting with POTUS

d7c3fb  No.5280328



I think a lot of them were legit.

Dropping crumbs for the humans to figure out.

but yet as a species, we are pretty stupid (not democrat stupid)

We can't even figure out all of Q's crumbs.

8fdaeb  No.5280329

File: 5d0e3207289f5af⋯.png (426.11 KB, 598x380, 299:190, thinkmirror.png)

8f5d66  No.5280330


I love this. I can feel it in my soul. Glad it's back.

8fdaeb  No.5280331

File: 4be9524438a9e51⋯.png (478.01 KB, 812x470, 406:235, blessed.png)

98ea49  No.5280332


Bern is a fraud and a humorless prick.

98afd7  No.5280333


I suspect we all psychic..autist just more sensitive(emphatic)…Drs told me I was BiPolar…got me on meds made me slow…got off..realized I was just feeling other peeps shit.


90d413  No.5280334


Yeah some have been admitted to, but the human fakes are easy to spot according to those who measure and record them.

d33f5e  No.5280335


Thanks for that anon. Very interesting. Could humans fake complex crop circles like this during the night?

8bac4c  No.5280336

File: 69c54ec6660aedd⋯.jpg (98.49 KB, 696x742, 348:371, dr Sharma Surendra women a….jpg)

File: 9742f8523717a49⋯.jpg (165.93 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ben carson HARVESTING AFTE….JPG)


Dr. Surendra Sharma’s laboratory has a multifaceted research program. He has expertise in reproductive biology and reproductive immunology with long term research interests in placental biology, reproductive immunology, and pathogenesis of adverse pregnancy outcomes.

This long-standing experience provides an excellent foundation for the work proposed. His long-standing experience in research has addressed uterine immunity, cytokine imbalance, hormonal regulation, and angiogenic dysregulation in pregnancy complications.

His recent work has provided novel insights into the etiology of preeclampsia.

His research team has developed a well-defined “humanized mouse model” for preeclampsia. His recent work has also identified systemic and placental targets and mechanistic pathways for the effects of gene-environment interactions on pregnancy.

His laboratory for the first time has demonstrated that protein misfolding and aggregation are key components of the preeclampsia etiology.

This work has highlighted the role of proteins such as transthyretin, transporter of thyroxine and retinol, and amyloid precursor protein in the placenta, suggesting a mechanistic similarity between preeclampsia and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Even more significant are the observations that aggregated transthyretin could induce preeclampsia-like features in pregnant mice.

This work and other projects on placental development and uterine immunity have allowed us to actively collaborate with National and International research groups. Dr. Sharma has served as a member of numerous NIH and American Diabetes Association (ADA) review panels.

He recently completed his tenure as President of the American Society for Reproductive Immunology (2010-2012) and continues to be on the Society’s Executive Committee.

He has organized and chaired numerous National and International scientific meetings. Dr. Sharma was the recipient of the 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard Award for outstanding research in Reproductive Immunology.

He recently received the 2014 Distinguished Service Award from the American Society for Reproductive Immunology.

He served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Immunology and currently serves as a member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology.

He is the Principal Investigator/Director of the NIH-funded Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) for Reproductive Health.

ce6990  No.5280337


Noticed that.

d7c3fb  No.5280339


kek, it's 3 here. having a heat wave.

448b83  No.5280340

File: 625e0f2bada6566⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 2rf43u (1).jpg)

59ed73  No.5280341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bent/exploded nodes of the crop are the best surefire way to tell the real from the fake if you find the close-up pics.

329432  No.5280342


We’re getting close

a8a120  No.5280343

File: 7c8a4b064d2f45f⋯.jpg (67.38 KB, 670x544, 335:272, 01bush3-1 - Copy - Copy.jpg)

55e206  No.5280344

u ever seen that western Purgatory - seein that go down right now.

Saints line up on one side

Demons lined up with msm, pretty obvious

73e45c  No.5280345


Have a look. If humans can reproduce the technicality and precision of these with a board and string, I'm in the wrong field, pun intended.


8fdaeb  No.5280346

File: ec18e3db0883366⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20180905_175158.jpg)

d7c3fb  No.5280348


it was for us…er(them)

233d35  No.5280349

File: 5b582dae2a76c87⋯.jpg (259.47 KB, 835x823, 835:823, Screenshot_64.jpg)


a8a120  No.5280350

File: 30f27f44f6c8c2f⋯.jpg (226.31 KB, 818x618, 409:309, 1dad8446859bfbd90af0c0f94d….jpg)

File: 382c3c81aed9d34⋯.png (442.21 KB, 972x506, 486:253, 7ffde9504604f5aa60d352b6f6….png)

59ed73  No.5280351

File: b987f290f3d7d17⋯.png (706.94 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Screenshot-2018-6-4 AHK ap….png)

File: 2fd13a7ec67f30b⋯.png (874.41 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Screenshot-2018-6-4 AHK ap….png)

File: dbe3c2bb72dc709⋯.png (971.03 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Screenshot-2018-6-4 AHK ap….png)

ce6990  No.5280352


Seems like it. Many normie sources ratcheting up the rhetoric, sounding more like Q everyday.

ed7f27  No.5280353


Definitely. There’s some spoopy shit going on between Sanders, ACLU, Sierra Club involving the multiple lawsuits against POTUS.

98afd7  No.5280354


best version if she was singing to me..!!

8f5d66  No.5280355


I LOVE that movie. Haven't seen it in FOREVER. Hope to see it again in the digital age.

"The way he wears his guns would turn your mind to Wild Bill Hickok."

8fdaeb  No.5280356

File: 2f7243307d0f0d2⋯.jpg (1007.16 KB, 1272x1656, 53:69, kek.jpg)

98ea49  No.5280357


Pills kill. Avoid period

448b83  No.5280358

File: 93337ef25b5cefc⋯.jpeg (62.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 93337ef25b5cefc70e562fe44….jpeg)

b370f9  No.5280359

File: 9bba27cd524cb4d⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 580x348, 5:3, weaponized autism.jpg)


I'm autistic, "sensitive," a Day 1 fag, and have had a lot of Q-related weirdness in my life for the past two years. I've kept a detailed journal for years. After re-reading entries from 2017, I discovered a lot of foreshadowing in my life leading up to Q. So to answer your question…

>Is this board channeling collective psi power to counter the deep state? With the history of certain government agencies utilizing remote viewing 8ch is giving a new meaning to "weaponized autism"

Yes, I believe this 100 percent from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks for the observation, Anon.

d7c3fb  No.5280360


last pic… weaved

Comey tweet?

non-friendly ET's?

b74f1c  No.5280361

File: 3585f0376df0431⋯.png (45.23 KB, 732x754, 366:377, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5245512 (PB)

>>5245688 Q (PB)

>Dan Coats leaving?


4a18a6  No.5280362


Q's post


Has the same / marker.

He wrote (/pb)

329432  No.5280363


A lot of familiar Q words/themes being used in the open now

98ea49  No.5280364

File: ba0a6595a60ba73⋯.jpeg (80.27 KB, 825x993, 275:331, bushheavenishot.jpeg)

7e5321  No.5280365

I think this is significant.


59ed73  No.5280366


Hmm.. interesting connection.. especially considering his lonely ass in a dead cornfield, kek…..

98afd7  No.5280367


Intent count..Spiritual Warfare

a969cb  No.5280368



>>5280226 Trump Says Military Is Needed At Border Due To 'Gravity' Of National Emergency

>>5280229 District Attorney recused due to "impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses"

>>5280237 Blackout in Berlin - schools and kindergartens remain closed

>>5280291, >>5280299 Bernie Sanders hires ACLU National Director to lead his 2020 presidential campaign

>>5280300 Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

>>5280349 Two Texas men sentenced to more than five years for trafficking in enough fentanyl to kill millions


53a633  No.5280369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gimme Pizza Slow

367992  No.5280370

File: 39e50dab41736c0⋯.jpg (260.8 KB, 638x834, 319:417, masterofman.jpg)

2fe917  No.5280371

File: 360848f330e1a14⋯.jpg (293.34 KB, 800x1079, 800:1079, 20190220_033203.jpg)

Black Leader – ‘Jussie could have started a race war

he must be sent to prison’…


》 video

98ea49  No.5280372


Low-key hot.

8fdaeb  No.5280373

File: 858cf003d6b4b77⋯.jpg (10.27 MB, 3088x4434, 1544:2217, THE GREAT AWAKENING.jpg)

59ed73  No.5280374

File: a12a8c69412e347⋯.png (480.33 KB, 526x556, 263:278, ClipboardImage.png)

060a9c  No.5280375


"Uncle Joey" was always doing impressions of cartoon characters; making silly voices on the show. Exactly the kind of behavior that a pedophile would engage in to lure in victims.

a969cb  No.5280376

File: 4f58d2372edc708⋯.png (48.63 KB, 626x675, 626:675, 4f58d2372edc7089734844b7e6….png)

File: 1e1e0c83c54f09f⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1200x3020, 60:151, bakingtips.jpg)

File: ca9a7018772f88c⋯.jpg (951.57 KB, 1200x3000, 2:5, howtobake.jpg)

File: 71f6913005e4226⋯.webm (10.41 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, HowToBake.webm)

File: 2daa7811f91ebaa⋯.jpg (92.86 KB, 430x600, 43:60, qresearchneedsbakers.jpg)




A. Get the Dough

1. copypasta the pastebin link into your browser

2. click "clone"

3. copypasta the text into a text editor

(I suggest to NOT copypasta the notables section until you're about to bake; edit it in the pastebin, then copypasta it when you're about to bake; the others will and SHOULD NOT be changed)

B. Notables

1. open a different text editor page

2. collect notable posts like you see bakers do (first post at the top, last post at the bottom; chronologically):

[post link] [short description]

3. if you want, do updates for anons around 200, 400, and 600 posts

4. have a list of the notables in your text editor

C. Prepare the Bake

1. around 680 posts, or before that if you want moar time to bake, post the all the notables as a "notable bun"

2. like you see in the dough, put the link to that "notable bun" with the bread number as the description as the last post in the notable list:


[post link] [short description]

[post link] [short description]

[post link] [#XXXX]

3. add the current bread number to the notable's section of the dough, like you see in the notable's section of the dough

4. copypasta the notables from the current bread under that bread number in the dough

D. Bake

1. open the catalog (or index) and press "Create a thread"

2. add a title in the format of all the other breads into the SUBJECT section, but change the number to 1+ the current bread's number (suggest to copypasta the title from the current bread, then changing the number then changing the title)

3. save the pic at the top of the bread, then upload it

4. copypasta the FIRST section of the dough ONLY (everything before the first break) into the comment section

5. press "New Thread"

6. open a new catalog a few seconds after pressing "New Thread" (unless the bake loads then you don't have to)

7. copypasta the SECOND section of the dough ONLY as the 2nd post of the bread

8. copypasta the THIRD section of the dough ONLY as the 3rd post of the bread

9. copypasta the FOURTH section of the dough ONLY as the 4th post of the bread

10. in the pastebin, press "Create New Paste" at the bottom of the pastebin page (fill out the captcha)

11. post the link to that new pastebin as the fifth post of the bread

12. you're done, see A

If you want, you can practice bake here, and ask a baker to help if needed. It should look EXACTLY like normal breads:


870a83  No.5280377

A set of links on "The Islamist Infiltration of America"


329432  No.5280378


Indeed. Thanks Martin

d7c3fb  No.5280379


oh yeah… spoopy

every time I see that pic I think of HomestarRunner

329432  No.5280382


Who painted this?

d33f5e  No.5280383

File: 298e5304dbf8c52⋯.jpg (271.01 KB, 1181x658, 1181:658, e43fda4519eee83e115dc180d2….jpg)

File: 35fb61004af185f⋯.jpg (402.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 35fb61004af185f81a51998d76….jpg)

File: a0b8ce5f01499ca⋯.png (436.18 KB, 691x439, 691:439, a0b8ce5f01499ca06d06903b8b….png)

File: 80c825ef23a7a56⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 460x215, 92:43, db8010335083031e030d2e8a3a….jpg)


Some oldies for Night Shift.

b370f9  No.5280384

File: 7eb4e1b5ce234a5⋯.png (272.91 KB, 1864x692, 466:173, prayer.png)


It's felt like spiritual war since the 2016 election. I was agnostic when it started, but not anymore.

a969cb  No.5280385

File: 00801498e0e4a0f⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, sleep.jpg)


Ghost Handoff™ in effect

No Baker On Duty

tired as fuck anons, comfy tonight though, thanks

see you later

55e206  No.5280386

Demoncrats are counting on the cuck base they held back when Bernie was with her is still there.

There is no there, dumas, they've grown up and are waking up - begrudgingly

and, the younger set see right through the lies and bullshit and are happy Mommy and Daddy are WORKING!!

Thank you POTUS for the JOBS!

How do you spell winning? JOBS BITCH.

2fe917  No.5280387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


53a633  No.5280388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1ffdb0  No.5280389

File: bca4f241bae68f0⋯.jpg (103.49 KB, 526x556, 263:278, dt1cxbpk.jpg)


cos q is always on about the crop circles(sarc)

813003  No.5280390


Jobs will only spell Slavery until the dollar is fixed. Check out the gold conversion of the 1964 minimum wage to today….

329432  No.5280391

Whatever is going to go down, is going to go down this year. No fkng way POTUS is going blindly into another election with all this corrupt shit still lingering in the air

ce6990  No.5280392


Yeah, I listen for background noise mostly, so my ears really prick up when I hear wording that could have only come from here. I think many 'mainstream' have become closet Q lurkers. If not, Something BIG is in the air, and just about to drop.

99870f  No.5280393


McCabe says ‘it’s possible’ Trump’s a Russian asset


If someone tell one more time that Fox News are ourguys, then he/she shoud FUCK HIMSELF

98afd7  No.5280394


Its already there…Memefags..dipshits..acting all secret squirrel like it was the no sleep days..I didnt sleep for a year and a half…Im cozy now. Over the Precipice…but still…I still keep in mind…99% in the hospital.

d7c3fb  No.5280395

File: 39aa95224b19ad0⋯.png (41.54 KB, 242x420, 121:210, HR.png)

900d0b  No.5280396

File: ddf86a752fac4b6⋯.jpg (753.35 KB, 1218x685, 1218:685, Meteornightshift.jpg)

e7ed46  No.5280397

File: 47c9379ebb89153⋯.png (392.93 KB, 999x479, 999:479, illegal.png)

Anyone who says these Illegal Criminals aren't nationwide has their head stuck in the sand. This is disgusting. God bless this child.

MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KY (KFVS) - Sheriff’s Department

Officials in McCracken County, Kentucky said a man Villarrealmercado is in the United States illegally and has been charged with rape after incidents that happened in 2016.


73e45c  No.5280398


I've continued to stay agnostic. The bible stuff that gets pushed is only to keep the religious people at bay. Prayers are pure manifestation of your thoughts. Prayer is just a word that's been lumped in with religion to the point people dont understand what manifesting actually is.

a969cb  No.5280399


Mueller report exonerates POTUS → DECLAS → IG reports → Huber → ]Huber[

98ea49  No.5280400


This is our only hope after the utter depravity of Obamanation.

2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

db400b  No.5280401

e298b0  No.5280402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Didn`t realize that Robert was the cheif council and a commissioner for the judicial commission of inquiry for human trafficking and sex abuse. In this interview he talks about the entrapment mafia and how pols are comp`d. Interesting interview.

a8a120  No.5280403

File: 501837cdff12b9e⋯.png (116.69 KB, 521x408, 521:408, Screenshot_2019-02-19 Das ….png)

File: b7785b27c966ce7⋯.png (820.74 KB, 1010x586, 505:293, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Desp….png)

fceaec  No.5280404



my paychecks have had a Q at the end of my name for several years- they never fixed that.

had a altar with a white rabbit statue and I have been making offerings in hope of the slimeballs that gutted my country would get what they deserve. now they are.

thank you Lord for President Trump and all the patriots. I thought all was lost but it is just the opposite.

we are the hands of the angels, they cannot do stuff here, they can only guide us. we must listen and act accordingly.

329432  No.5280405


Well call it delusion, or sixth sense but I can feel it approaching rapidly

dfa30b  No.5280406

File: 1457a58a957842a⋯.jpg (60.46 KB, 768x614, 384:307, rainier.JPG)

d33f5e  No.5280407

File: 71ab0a62781ad5a⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 1600x1169, 1600:1169, 1549697230168.jpg)


Dont forget 4chan memed Trump into office, a giant GEOTUS figure appeared and Space Force was created. Faith can change timelines 100%.

080fbd  No.5280408


I completely agree with you but I'm saying if they are that intelligent they wouldnt be making contact in our crops, of all things, knowing its our food supply.

8f5d66  No.5280410


A HUGE bernie Bro friend of mine, a Vermont native and Phish fanatic, and 100% all the way Bernie guy hits me up out of the blue today and says, "This is embarrassing, he shouldn't run. I can't support him."

He's NOT quite ready to go MAGA yet (His clique of course, wife as well) but he's bee asking me things here and there the past few months, warming up. But if a 40 year old Vermont native BernieBro is saying "no way", I like where we are.

268713  No.5280411

File: a5f2b25ce3f7e61⋯.png (2.84 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 05D275B0-0FD5-4FE5-B457-A6….png)

File: 4de4c8894fb8f40⋯.png (502.21 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 14CCD484-A49A-43E9-8D36-83….png)

POTUS nominates Jeffrey Rosen to replace [RR].


55e206  No.5280412


muhjuh shekel is a shekel earned. how much do you hold on to today, do you care about your fellow man, muhneighbor?

indeed slavery is a job and poverty is reality.

I like to eat and drink, do you?

98ea49  No.5280413




Things have improved economically and should further pick up steam, and people vote for that.

885c8a  No.5280414

File: 2411d8da3a15a1a⋯.jpeg (26.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, EDCFB946-644A-40B7-A6C1-3….jpeg)

>>5279547 (previous bread)


Top shelf

21fb4d  No.5280415

File: 693d86634917d03⋯.png (162.23 KB, 623x547, 623:547, ClipboardImage.png)

7e74d8  No.5280416

File: 9f7f551f80c2004⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 792x548, 198:137, 52333355_10212984803680373….jpg)

File: b7bbe0c79379b33⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 640x402, 320:201, 52474394_10212984810880553….jpg)

File: ea0b72278b0262d⋯.jpg (284.29 KB, 528x816, 11:17, just do and save me the da….JPG)

File: ec5bd85f65a7e90⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 408x528, 17:22, swamp rats in panic strick….JPG)

File: d9372d8a7a9bc90⋯.jpg (108.27 KB, 576x384, 3:2, watch the teeth andy.JPG)

1ffdb0  No.5280417

File: 98c5c4455b0e6d0⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 650x490, 65:49, 0gmuf3iu.jpg)

98ea49  No.5280418


There will be massive indifference in MAGA land if Trump doesnt lock /them/ up. Must purge the voting rolls as well to correct the travesty we all saw in Nov 2018.

885c8a  No.5280419


Night anon, been in and out myself.

329432  No.5280420


That’s what we want

ce6990  No.5280421


You picked up on that feeling too, huh?

It was a weird, conscious knowledge that hit me while I was trying to fall asleep on Election Night.

A solemn "hoo boy- the BATTLE just started" feeling…

90d413  No.5280422

File: 6f3c1f3b8dbec0c⋯.jpg (243.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, boston.jpg)

f731be  No.5280423



813003  No.5280424


I hope so, but we'll see… In the past one American who was willing to work could support a family even if he basically had no marketable skills. Today… two with college degrees sometimes have trouble.


Thanks, first time a muh joooos shill has responded to me. Go eat a cherry bomb after you light it.

98afd7  No.5280425


Yeah me to…I told people ..weird shit ..scary spooky..that was going on…they are Me Proofs for me….but still..shit hurts until its over…I really thought..we had it made when he sworn in…SoloFag here..but would never ever take it back.

329432  No.5280426


Yes it has to all come out. That means the countdown is on

d61937  No.5280427

File: 6fd97d79ce41297⋯.jpg (96.48 KB, 511x500, 511:500, Never give up.jpg)


goodnight baker

90d413  No.5280428



Rats are getting desperate

d7c3fb  No.5280429



(Latin from proditio)

98ea49  No.5280430


Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

1ffdb0  No.5280431


very good point…also most buildings aare set out with a peice of string and some boards

39ba55  No.5280432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


53a633  No.5280433

File: a56f8bf9f208975⋯.png (1.18 MB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

73e45c  No.5280434


This subject gets deep. What other way could they make contact that would be able to bypass a cabal blockade? I just play devils advocate. I get the crops angle, but I really do not think theyd care about something that can be regrown. Free will comes into play too, as to why they dont make contact.

98afd7  No.5280435


Yeah..me to…not thumpin for sure..but am positive now..something higher that loves the shit out of me.

db400b  No.5280436

File: bb0930397756d01⋯.png (229.25 KB, 624x598, 24:23, ClipboardImage.png)


d33f5e  No.5280437

File: 5bec825ea25eabc⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, 5bec825ea25eabc89e3004126c….jpg)


If hes worried about voting Republican tell him voting for Trump is voting to throw the thieving politicians out. Republicans and Democrats have robbed the people blind for too long.

Also MAGA makes people happy even if they are oppressed.

b28de7  No.5280439

File: 8b327e3f3afb59f⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 685x679, 685:679, eagleQ.jpg)

I wonder if any part of the plan includes 50 million armed

citizens in MAGA hats marching on Washington as an epic

unmistakable message to the world, and anyone who dare

consider reforming the armies of Satan in this world from now

until the end of this world…We are here, we are awake, we are

united. Never again will darkness fall. What do you say Q team?

55e206  No.5280440


my bad, you sounded like a pink nigger commie, no offense.

1ffdb0  No.5280441


or maybe theres no one to make contact with?

dfa30b  No.5280442

this reminds me of trumps playing of the rolling stones at his rally, "you cant always get what you want" . Who is this message intended for



ce6990  No.5280443


I'd just like to see the fallout from that, if it turned out to be the case. Fake News would literally be done. Please, Lord Jesus make it so…

367992  No.5280444

File: d8e2361103ecb5a⋯.jpg (501 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, T1637578_056.jpg)

813003  No.5280445

File: e56803dfaa54d48⋯.jpg (130.93 KB, 892x618, 446:309, 1.jpg)


Jim Jones made you something to drink….

673dff  No.5280446

May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.

my bcb tools y

f731be  No.5280447


I'm suspecting the anon, anon.

There's a bunch of them, search the id. They're fantastic.

fceaec  No.5280448


can they do this to The View?

maybe it will be watchable

6ad7c7  No.5280450


You saved the day anon! :)

53a633  No.5280451

File: bcf11fced1bcfd5⋯.png (3.61 MB, 2500x1250, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

QAnon’s repetitive posts are alienating even his most ardent supporters


98ea49  No.5280452


Agree. Trump is delusional when he says "the country is doing great." It isn't. It's not even at pre-9/11 levels yet.

90d413  No.5280453



Or consider it is technology based. For example, a dimensional 'beam' of some kind, quantum particles, some other weird shit that manifests itself as energy. It might be low-power by the time it reaches our position / time / dimension, only able to affect low-mass objects like grass?

Yeah it gets deep.

813003  No.5280454


Go do the math, last time I checked the 1964 minimum wage worked out to be around 75$/hr… do you make 75$/hr?

9e010c  No.5280455

File: 3ee2e3774ea3068⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1417x1927, 1417:1927, Capture _2019-02-20-03-45-….png)


The couple on the left have the same look Lagerfeld was going for in the pic where his irises look yuuuge

01042e  No.5280456

File: 6575127b8339105⋯.png (757.17 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, VKTactical.png)

2fe917  No.5280457

File: d70502d661582b1⋯.jpg (198.81 KB, 800x890, 80:89, 20190220_034650.jpg)

Julian Assange reportedly nominated for Nobel Peace Prize ?


813003  No.5280458


It's doing great as compared to where it would have been absent him. And it may be a message to others…

1ffdb0  No.5280459


false… as the highest ranking anon here i dont even have to read the story to know its bullshit

98afd7  No.5280460


Maybe its your low IQ that fails you anon..just saying..LOW IQ…I can't relate.

367992  No.5280461

File: b17841d8a5012f8⋯.jpg (103.01 KB, 566x530, 283:265, budcry.jpg)

File: e449710005917ac⋯.jpg (102.41 KB, 566x530, 283:265, bud3.jpg)

53a633  No.5280462


Lizard scale gloves.

c8918c  No.5280463


Hey why don’t u go suck each other’s dicks on a different board. No one wants to see u do it in public

1f3e5c  No.5280464


Indictments in 2020 would be decried as political grandstanding, so it seems like if not in 2019, the Storm would have to wait until 2021.

Q seems to be preparing us for delay, maybe that 2nd term is looking more central to the plan.

bb8703  No.5280465

File: 07b9a546f2c0001⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1111x844, 1111:844, Sealed Indictments.jpg)

so this is the latest sealed indictments list ive saved

now I know there's more like 80 to 90 thousand

2 questions for Q

1. is there a max amount of sealed indictments to be had all together?

2. Will all of the sealed indictments drop immediately at once or over time?

31db8f  No.5280466

File: 53538a80bb59be6⋯.png (64.47 KB, 648x800, 81:100, gta_temp.png)

File: 40df36a35435994⋯.png (175.19 KB, 648x800, 81:100, gta_temp2.png)

File: c72fb9124176a04⋯.jpg (525.18 KB, 648x800, 81:100, gta_temp3.jpg)

The hardest part was choosing who to put in meme. So many gorrupt to choose from :D:DDD

21fb4d  No.5280467

Tomorrow the Gateway Pundit Will Release Damning Information Concerning the Clinton Foundation, the FBI, DOJ and More – Stay Tuned!!!


080fbd  No.5280468


Deep, indeed.

Why does it have to be a crop?

Why not a hillside or mountainside next to a busy freeway or draw some shit in the sky or even hijack some radio frequencies?

Doing it in crops, again taking into consideration their technology is far ahead of ours and they are monitoring or watching us and the planet, seems like a fuck you to me when they could most likely have many other options kek

55e206  No.5280469


In this economy, well yes, yes I do.

Thank you again POTUS sir, prove idiots live the above wrong, again and again.

AOC - arm me geddon is not the name of a of club or global warming.


329432  No.5280470


I thought so too. I’ve seen some before and really like them

d7c3fb  No.5280471


look around the eyes.

greenish as if there is subsurface scattering of a darker color.

wearing prosthetic to make eyes look smaller?

1b279e  No.5280472

File: a46c55338ff82f8⋯.png (3.62 MB, 2256x1360, 141:85, Gang monsters.png)

File: 150caa0ff5b2ce2⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2256x1360, 141:85, Gang Monsters 1.png)


when POTUS said Gang monsters the other day in regards to MS 13, a idea for a meme of a hydra with MS 13 heads popped in. This is my first one. I have some other hydra pics i want to try it on too, kek

eb46cd  No.5280473

File: 02121ce98424b58⋯.png (347.4 KB, 540x479, 540:479, AAM 1 Billionaire Pres.png)

File: 66b6da5b43c747d⋯.jpeg (21.11 KB, 307x400, 307:400, AAM 3 Get Yer Head Out Of….jpeg)


Shillary of this caliber can only be accomplished from the upward penetrating anus position,(pic related). A position you have obviously mastered, gratz!

47866c  No.5280474

File: 667fd6ce7289e0c⋯.png (238.72 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 667fd6ce7289e0c11947ddbee7….png)


That faggot is obsessed with bashing Q and us anons… that's all he talks about.

Triggered much?


367992  No.5280475


*wise kek

0db194  No.5280476


Not sure what it means but liked and saved.

90d413  No.5280477

File: e3408b70ae8fae8⋯.jpg (180.28 KB, 1508x888, 377:222, wage.jpg)


According to this information, the wage today would be $10.16


fceaec  No.5280478


if i catch me one of them lizard people- bet your ass I'm making gloves or something out of em.

gonna wear it out to dinner- make the waitress feel uncomfortable telling her to touch the lizard skin

8309f0  No.5280479


Zechariah 11:17

“Woe to the worthless shepherd,

who deserts the flock!

May the sword strike his arm and his right eye!

May his arm be completely withered,

his right eye totally blinded!”

813003  No.5280480


Good, that makes you one of a very small minority. I'm glad for you. In 1964 men made that for digging ditches or being an apprentice at a trade.

87ab1f  No.5280481

File: 7fcb38acb4e0d8d⋯.png (8.15 KB, 489x320, 489:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5173a9f5f1bc01a⋯.jpg (72.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5173a9f5f1bc01ae1e80093278….jpg)

File: a053c8f35820fe4⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 300x450, 2:3, a053c8f35820fe40bd24c94880….jpg)

File: 9703d3f0cd795d0⋯.jpg (148.37 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 9703d3f0cd795d010c891f34f3….jpg)



1ffdb0  No.5280482

File: ea71d503d71cd9f⋯.jpg (106.16 KB, 555x818, 555:818, Capture.JPG)


is it you?

fceaec  No.5280483


he was too nice

8f5d66  No.5280484

File: 3b07e978defbd95⋯.jpeg (24.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f0467fa8035fb699c78738320….jpeg)

Alright Anons, I don't want to eat up a Ghost Bread. Another great Day, and I thank you all. Have a good night and I'll see you "out there."


9a23a2  No.5280485

G’Day Patriots.

Time for some mathsfagging. Persevere to the bottom - it’s worth it.

Let’s test the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the Q Team Posts and POTUS tweets.

To put it another way; that there is an association between the two variables if the null hypothesis is valid or upheld.

This probability test will ONLY be for the three Q/POTUS [0] Delta events on 2/17/19. See simplified graphic on Q Post 2779.

On average POTUS tweets six times a day. A Delta occurs if Q Posts first, followed by POTUS.

The Q Post/POTUS Delta’s were 13, 33 and 35 seconds respectively on 2/17/19. Let’s say for easy maths sakes the average is 30 seconds.

Now the number of 30 second intervals in one day is 120x24.

There are six times on average each day that POTUS could hit a tweet in one of these intervals after a Q Post.

Hence the odds of one Q/POTUS 30 second Delta occurring is 1/(120x24) x 6.

Thence the probability of three exact co-incidental matches in a row is [1/(120x24) x 6]^3.

However for the first 'hit' (30 second delta), Q would have a target space of 6 POTUS tweets to choose from, but the second 'hit' wouldn't have a 6-tweet target space, rather than a 5-tweet target space (seeing as 1 tweet has already been 'hit').

For the third 'hit', there are only 4 tweets left.

Thus, it isn't [1/(120x24) x 6]^3 — it's actually [1/(120x24) x 6] * [1/(120x24) x 5] * [1/(120x24) x 4].

To be precise, the probability of the null hypothesis being dismissed is one chance in 199,065,600.

Let’s round down and say the odds are one chance in one hundred and ninety nine million.

Conclusion - the null hypothesis reaches statistical significance and must not be rejected. It is upheld.

Statistical significance in science is usually set at p=0.05 or one chance in 20.

Whence, there IS an association between the Q Team and POTUS.

It’s blinking obvious.

President Trump and the Q Team ARE the same thing. The synchronicity is irrefutable.

My guess is if you multiply all the Q proofs since October 2017 together you will find that the odds of Q being a LARP is something approximating one chance in Graham’s Number.

I reckon the Q Team and President Trump are ROTFLTFAO.

Each time Q points out the astronomical mathematical impossibility of no association, this simply humiliates the MSM even more.

The MSM is purely unethical and morally bankrupt. Their attacks on Q can NOT be supported by FACTS. Sadly, they know it too.

Any shills here ought give themselves a swift uppercut.

080fbd  No.5280486


A nice lizard skin coat could be a new trend when this is all over.

058583  No.5280487


he did it to mess with your head. it worked.

8286d5  No.5280488


I don’t know about that but I had 8 dwarfish looking creatures turn my house inside out about an hour ago, all while yelling that they were looking for “the most fabulous object in the universe”.

98afd7  No.5280489


thats gotta be shopped

dfa30b  No.5280490

is this what they used to clone anderson cooper?


31db8f  No.5280491


Neg, just woke up with memespiration.

Must've tapped into that hivemind

d7c3fb  No.5280492


no it didn't.

some of us are capable of multiple thoughts at the same time.

8309f0  No.5280493



Crazies come out on the fullmoon. Oh wise tale.

Crossed Hybrids be all Bi-polar.

90d413  No.5280494


Looks like Ruth GinsBorg

98ea49  No.5280495


I actually have a high iq, two grad degrees and I've literally made millions from running a business through 4 different Admins. I also worked on Capitol Hill and Wall St as a young adult. It's much more likely that you are average iq and comparatively unaccomplished and inexperienced and you dont even know what general American prosperity looks like, since it hasn't really been seen since about 2004.

7e74d8  No.5280496

File: e9316ad553b97ea⋯.jpg (7.24 KB, 229x220, 229:220, e9316.jpg)

d33f5e  No.5280497

File: ad93b69bfa99868⋯.jpg (67.5 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1532063639499.jpg)


Oh lmao its the Rothschild faggot kvetching again.

Richest tears are Rothschild tears….

55e206  No.5280498


Thanks for checking the match - doubleBERN


Are you voting MORAN 2020? >>5280454

15f7ab  No.5280499

File: b0d2f044c326c5c⋯.png (234.26 KB, 743x1004, 743:1004, jokers.png)

File: 666372398d5b831⋯.png (234.56 KB, 743x1004, 743:1004, jokers1.png)

21fb4d  No.5280500

JUST IN: Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department For ‘Coup’ Documents


d7c3fb  No.5280501


kek… lb faggot.

98ea49  No.5280502


Keep your idiocy to yourself.

87ab1f  No.5280503



Find a paycheck stub from 1964. You will be amazed.

I use the price of pump gas as my rule of thumb inflation index.

1ffdb0  No.5280504

File: 9759005abaeedf6⋯.jpg (167.79 KB, 1044x703, 1044:703, fartsgonnakillus.jpg)


nice keep up the good work

pic unrelated

534f58  No.5280505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AGARTHA - The Inner Earth.mp4


well this is interesting

98afd7  No.5280506

File: 7bb30ea20780eed⋯.png (403.27 KB, 750x534, 125:89, ClipboardImage.png)

15f7ab  No.5280507

File: f142f907b2c3f4c⋯.png (207.1 KB, 502x506, 251:253, aoccrazy2.png)

e7a6e7  No.5280508

File: e9c37b96fff477c⋯.png (788.56 KB, 1908x2618, 954:1309, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Judi….png)

d315cc  No.5280509

File: c9e85a0c6046033⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 6FeybOoY.jpg large.jpg)


I'd guess the indictments have already started and will continue to ramp up. Also, there is no maximum of indictments

9a23a2  No.5280510

Make a Notable. Excellent synopsis.


98ea49  No.5280511


I've lived through many economic cycles. This is only the beginning of a recovery. There are 40 million Americans on welfare and 30 million illegals sucking off the People. The emergency Trump just declared is a reality, not a political position.

6ad7c7  No.5280512


I don’t know, but something doesn’t feel right with this fella… never liked him for some reason

a8a120  No.5280513

File: a8239a7d8e400e7⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 195x255, 13:17, a8239a7d8e400e705a9d3c56e5….jpg)

File: 0fe76c9a8100164⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1974x1290, 329:215, a48ce592e435680ed70459730f….png)

File: 601cd3c9356b3cc⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 438x255, 146:85, 601cd3c9356b3ccba1fd38134c….gif)

b370f9  No.5280514

File: ad3ea917151caa3⋯.jpg (787.52 KB, 2100x2575, 84:103, Grand Theft Uranium.jpg)

eb46cd  No.5280515

File: 13bd44ad6fd0164⋯.jpg (87.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, AAM I Smell Fear.jpg)

47866c  No.5280516

File: 293eefa1fce04b3⋯.jpg (172.63 KB, 720x1233, 80:137, 20190220_005637.jpg)


EVERY article he writes is desperately trying to debunk Q. Its pathetic…


98ea49  No.5280517


Agree. Time is now.

367992  No.5280518

File: c177b909d0e9fbc⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 566x530, 283:265, budref.jpg)

d944d3  No.5280519

File: 2a4e08d3d630464⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 250x285, 50:57, leave-chris-alone.jpg)


hey buddy

what else you got

2fe917  No.5280520

File: 640c20cd304f92e⋯.jpg (323.3 KB, 800x873, 800:873, 20190220_035839.jpg)

Warren in cahoots with the young Trurks ?


f731be  No.5280521


Have to say I thought that was Anderson Cooper on first glance.

e7a6e7  No.5280522


So then how do we discover things that no one has ever before thought of?

c8918c  No.5280523


I imagine your upper lip smells bad from all the bullshit coming out of your mouth.

473eb9  No.5280524

File: d29c7f75d968a3a⋯.jpg (118.85 KB, 763x1200, 763:1200, snow1.jpg)

File: 5ef8bdecb01ad41⋯.png (344.44 KB, 538x556, 269:278, ClipboardImage.png)

anyone has an opinion on eyethespy latest tweet/pic?


98ea49  No.5280525


Ho's dont really help either.

d33f5e  No.5280526

File: 03a568181de5f1d⋯.jpg (100.91 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 03a568181de5f1dfa3e6f19c19….jpg)

This thing doesnt look human….

813003  No.5280527


It's a lie.

In 1964 1.25(the minimum wage) was equivalent to 5/140 of an ounce of gold. The current spot spot of gold is 1341.30, multiply that out and you get 47.90$ less than last time I checked, but still, far over the lies you are being fed.

d7c3fb  No.5280528


no surprise there. socialists are all the same.

a2ffcf  No.5280529

File: ffcdb6682357fb4⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 540x398, 270:199, ac.jpg)

Where does Jussie Smollett live? And how much money does Jussie Smollett earn?

<<Ethnicity Latin


this bastard go's by he is Latin.

98ea49  No.5280530


Too windy.

fceaec  No.5280531


aoc is a future offender

55e206  No.5280532


Do You live in Tel Aviv at the moment?

How do you feel about open source digging and POTUS openly sharing his feelings with anons?

Will you have an open and friend discourse about your feelings and lack of morals and ethics.

Can you have an open mind or do you believe only training in darkness?

Fren's asking, been asking all night

eb46cd  No.5280533

File: 600b1f77b09a54d⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AAM A Synthetic A Priori A….jpg)

98afd7  No.5280534


any you niggers ever been in a real war…peeps will be speculating the whole time about when it will be over..scuttlebutt homies.

1ffdb0  No.5280535


i dont have many i talk too, but they all got this meme last year…

21fb4d  No.5280536




9e010c  No.5280537


Hillbilly shill. (((They))) think he looks like one of us but has all of their talking points. The establishments shit stirring answer to the X22 report, SGT report and all the other right wing YouTubers.

eb46cd  No.5280539

File: 00e589b2e7b8a79⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 556x634, 278:317, Hell Bush NoName.jpg)

d61937  No.5280540

File: 7a5c21f001d78a1⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 255x226, 255:226, POTUS SPACE FORCE may the ….jpg)



collection from out-going baker


>>5280226 Trump Says Military Is Needed At Border Due To 'Gravity' Of National Emergency

>>5280229 District Attorney recused due to "impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses"

>>5280237 Blackout in Berlin - schools and kindergartens remain closed

>>5280291, >>5280299 Bernie Sanders hires ACLU National Director to lead his 2020 presidential campaign

>>5280300 Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

>>5280349 Two Texas men sentenced to more than five years for trafficking in enough fentanyl to kill millions

Updated Pasta


Baker sign-off



>>5280411 POTUS nominates Jeffrey Rosen to Replace RR

This notable earlier today

>>5280457 Assange nominated for Nobel?

>>5280485 Mathfaggin' POTUS/Q relation

>>5280500 Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department For ‘Coup’ Documents


BV has another 30 minutes left then it's sleep


17 post already and take your 'tude somewhere else faggit

fcafe3  No.5280541


Bad LARP. Crappy "intel" and blocks&attacks anyone questioning him. Also uses shitty larp email for his account.

Name is Charles and he's bored and retired so he wastes everyone's time as a hobby.

98ea49  No.5280542


I'm sure I've fired people who are more qualified than anybody you'll ever work for. You're the kind of low iq, randomly attacking iq who is no more useful on here than you are irl. Why don't you go to bed, get up early for once, and try to find a job.

98afd7  No.5280543


dig more anon. you preachin to choir

21fb4d  No.5280544

you guys got any thoughts on Space Force?

watched POTUS today

very interesting words he used?

87ab1f  No.5280545

File: 14008545559f7db⋯.png (167.13 KB, 298x452, 149:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4f3c9a2b2c7bcc⋯.jpeg (86.31 KB, 935x526, 935:526, 4ad1f1eef55b2593d02eec3c2….jpeg)



Highest paid clowns in the business.

98afd7  No.5280546


Stupid asses..you can just google that info…crazy how much dollar has devalued.

4b8b48  No.5280547



98ea49  No.5280548


Our money was silver certificates before then, if you measure that out in silver, it matches the numbers better. On my first job, I made $2.35 per hour, but gas was like 60 cents per gallon.

d7c3fb  No.5280549


Actually silver was used for a main basis of currency.

Gold was the market adjustable investment.

16.11 per ounce today divided by

1.29 per ounce then multiplied by minimum wage then

= $15.61 is where minimum wage should be at.

8286d5  No.5280550


You are entertaining to read.

Please continue.

1b279e  No.5280551

File: 380280f9a4e9e36⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2030x1318, 1015:659, gang Monsters 2.png)

File: 6ac9d44713dba7d⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2030x1318, 1015:659, Gang Monsters 3.png)

d61937  No.5280552


got it

98afd7  No.5280553


nah they don't they don't..but we have to be better then that…only way you stop the cycle.

98ea49  No.5280555


I've been to Europe 25x + but never to Israel. I'm what you call pure white race.

863144  No.5280556


Years ago, I saw a video of one being made. There was a small, hovering device of some kind, watched it create the design. No people there, just the device. It was at daylight so it is hard to describe the device as it moved around constantly. Could have been an orb with blades, rather like a helicopter. The one shooting the vid was up higher so the device was down below and a distance away.

fceaec  No.5280557


love the energy but didn't Q say that they have no way to control the coordination exactly.

same devices, same encryption always different outcomes.

just sayin

55e206  No.5280558


Peace out anon

Thanks for the feedback

98ea49  No.5280559


You're the type who would last about 2 mins with me, unless I was feeling my ancestors.

5684b6  No.5280560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<<< Alex Jones = Bill Hicks

87ab1f  No.5280561

File: 40e4feab937b4a2⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1577x2046, 1577:2046, 6cbb7054b69c23a544c1a2ee3d….png)

132270  No.5280562


people always make the ayys naked… they wear robes.

98ea49  No.5280563

File: c70d4244bbcbfa9⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 313x263, 313:263, mandycommunitycollege.jpg)



You've never been anywhere, accomplished anything, or learned anything. Try to finish a semester at CC next time.

a7a9b5  No.5280564

File: d388fb21057e234⋯.jpg (320.85 KB, 1078x810, 539:405, Screenshot_20190220-010756….jpg)

d7c3fb  No.5280565


kek, just like the original Americans.

Europeans and their properness… kek

058583  No.5280566


it means someone didn't take their art classes seriously.

1ffdb0  No.5280567

File: 2200d999bf8ca08⋯.jpg (165.96 KB, 845x633, 845:633, uxldlsek.jpg)


check'em whitey

no ones pure nigga, least of all mr wall street overhere i bet

21fb4d  No.5280568

File: 8b21314d7dfb579⋯.png (13.41 KB, 373x312, 373:312, ClipboardImage.png)

Space Calendar 2019: Launches, Sky Events & More

sky event



98ea49  No.5280570


Hi Daddy Stain, wherever you are.

d17737  No.5280571

>>5280271 They are SJW ar…..tiiissstt

eb46cd  No.5280572

File: b2c55b48b69111d⋯.png (84.6 KB, 255x255, 1:1, AAM 1 If This Bastard Touc….png)


Suddenly the giant dick of God descended from Heaven and squashed James like a piss ant, and all the anons cheered and cheered. The end.

8309f0  No.5280573


so all these pedos are a reflection of our minds?

hmmm, not sure i agree there.

8286d5  No.5280574


No, it’s not.


4a18a6  No.5280575


"Grand Theft Democracy" would work for

Hilldawg's campaign. Uses the Left's

own rally cry against them too.

1b279e  No.5280576


Nobody gives a shit about that Ass Clown.

7e74d8  No.5280577

File: 165ce782be1b188⋯.jpg (118.3 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Truly love to endure.JPG)

File: 54b03475e3cf2be⋯.png (298.9 KB, 640x437, 640:437, we have everything.png)

File: 63013980b6da4f3⋯.jpg (238 KB, 528x816, 11:17, Mysinceregratitudethanksto….JPG)

File: dc057c0e4896b63⋯.jpeg (98.38 KB, 881x960, 881:960, 5b2c4ee6495ad.jpeg)

File: 22b9b75170bba78⋯.jpg (93.5 KB, 708x960, 59:80, 38693313_2201851513385961_….jpg)

8111eb  No.5280578

File: f26481b10b27c22⋯.png (27.06 KB, 1093x386, 1093:386, rosen_conf.PNG)

If Rosen has already been confirmed for another appointment does this mean he has to get reconfirmed?


c8918c  No.5280579


You a leader? You’re a sheep and you always will be. Your lack of confidence bleeds through your text you sheep.

d7c3fb  No.5280580


kek, he is outstanding in his field of douchebaggery

a8a120  No.5280581

File: c7285f59a49c0c5⋯.gif (837.36 KB, 320x352, 10:11, c7285f59a49c0c5a4b927f8ade….gif)

1ffdb0  No.5280582

File: b7ad508588a6bf5⋯.jpg (17.95 KB, 255x244, 255:244, cheers.jpg)


laughs in moab

3feb94  No.5280583

>>5280217 Ah, you are looking at the guy who lives for flea markets, recycling centres, freebies everything. I personally don't spend much on myself, but buy brand new for doggie. However when we've finished with puppy era stuff etc, collars leads etc at the pet shop is a wire basket for used or donated stuff. We wash the gear carefully and put it in!

Personally, I love tech toys but dig in recycling electro bins to find laptops, USB stuff, satnavs, etc.

21fb4d  No.5280584


LAST UPDATED Feb. 19: These dates are subject to change, and will be updated throughout the year as firmer dates arise. Please DO NOT schedule travel based on a date you see here. Launch dates collected from NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, Spaceflight Now and others.

Watch NASA webcasts and other live launch coverage on our Watch Live page, and see our night sky webcasts here. (You can also watch NASA TV live via nasa.gov or YouTube.)

Find out what's up in the night sky this month with our visible planets guide and skywatching forecast. Spot the International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope and other satellites in the sky above with this satellite tracker.

813003  No.5280585



Sure sure, bull. You can't feed a family or buy a house on 15.61.

You could in '64 on 1.25. That puts it much closer to the figure that Gold finds at 47.90.

Even if you split the difference at 31.76 you find a living wage that supports a family on one income. Which, WILL be critical if you ever want to see the US set right. Because without supporting a one earner household you will never right the US.

98ea49  No.5280586


You have to realize that some women are just not worthy and walk away. Dont try too hard to make gold from dross.

a7a9b5  No.5280587

File: 7f35f43c25b391b⋯.jpg (673.7 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, Screenshot_20190220-011227….jpg)

238b60  No.5280588

File: 80777efe62f4a45⋯.jpeg (732.64 KB, 1242x1394, 621:697, 177A5528-9BAA-466E-A7DB-8….jpeg)

YouTube hard at work screwing with the numbers on Q vids.

Mathematically impossible results showing.

d7c3fb  No.5280589


Not if it was during this presidency.

Just has to be confirmed by Senate, and looks like he is.

So we good.

98ea49  No.5280590


Dont bet your life on it.

fceaec  No.5280591


we have lost an entire century, why bother counting this pocket change?

a fresh start is all we can ask for.

candy bars were 40 cents in 1988

candy bars are now 1.50

I could buy 12 candy bars per hour in 1988

I can buy 5 candy bars now per hour

how much do I make per hour now if i was making minimum wage in 1988?

a2ffcf  No.5280592

Jurnee Smollett-Bell Welcomes Son >Hunter Zion<


alright The Smollett family is just another Jackson Five.

e7a6e7  No.5280594


YouTube's "views" count does not update in real-time. Wait 24 hours.

d7c3fb  No.5280595


you're not looking at the problem.

Housing is hyper-inflated compared to then.

That's where the main problems is.

Everything else is around the same price….

But buy a house at the same comparable price as then?

good luck.

55e206  No.5280596


Answer the question lynn, are u in Tel Aviv?

21fb4d  No.5280597

Judge approves lawsuit aimed at halting $500 million Obama museum and library


Michael Tarm - Associated Press - Tuesday, February 19, 2019

CHICAGO — A judge on Tuesday gave the green light to a lawsuit filed by a parks-advocacy group that aims to stop for good the delayed construction of former President Barack Obama’s $500 million presidential center in a Chicago park beside Lake Michigan.

Some supporters of the project fear the lawsuit filed by Protect Our Parks could force Obama - who launched his political career in Chicago - to build the Obama Presidential Center elsewhere.

A 2016 lawsuit brought by another group helped to scuttle a $400 million plan by “Star Wars” creator George Lucas to build a museum on public land on Chicago’s lakefront. That museum is under construction in Los Angeles .

U.S. District Judge John Robert Blakey heard arguments last week on the city’s motion to dismiss the suit and was largely focused on whether the group had standing to sue.

Judge Blakey did toss parts of the suit in his Tuesday ruling, but concluded that the group has standing because they represent taxpayers with concerns that providing parkland in the public trust to the Obama center violates their due-process rights.

98ea49  No.5280598


Trump is more at risk of assassination than impeachment. Almost no chance of impeachment/conviction, even from this useless Congress.

8111eb  No.5280599


Wonder if that might speed up the process of saying catch ya later to RR.

4b8b48  No.5280600


Bernie hired the Nat’l Dir. of the ACLU to run his presidential campaign. The ACLU represents the Sierra Club, which is one of Bernie’s largest campaign donors (PAC). Sierra Club (Eco Nazi’s) is suing POTUS over the Border Wall.

Bernie is going “all in” on hardcore “Progressive Socialism.”

I’ve also started seeing stray reports pop up that he could name Pocahontas or Big Mike as his VP., as the cherry on top.

1ffdb0  No.5280601

File: 7fd6951adbb0f99⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 405x612, 45:68, 4vee8b9THHHu.JPG)


its a safe bet ….with a comment like that..from you

d17737  No.5280603

>>5280591 why not make 25 even if you take gold divide that by the cost of a mule in 1866…multiple that by the cost of sweets in the fall of 1917 =

25.00 min wage…JS

131677  No.5280604

Baker on Deck

Have got the outgoing baker's notables, but if the bun is bigger, please shout it out. Baker needs two minutes to clear fat finger misteaks before baking.

Good Morning Anons!

98ea49  No.5280605



I've fired people who are far more qualified than the middle manager pocket-protectors you will spend your life enslaved to. Low iq shill.

53a633  No.5280607

File: c2fba3e4b74f150⋯.png (1.42 MB, 887x960, 887:960, ClipboardImage.png)

87ab1f  No.5280608


He also says he's not homo anymore. I'm sure his fellow inmates will respect that.


35231c  No.5280609

File: 35df0c879da3762⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 255x233, 255:233, F9325FF1-223D-4705-BF00-9….jpeg)

a8a120  No.5280610

File: f1ba666a53e13da⋯.png (540.36 KB, 1248x1221, 416:407, PGnIRSScreenshot_2019-01-1….png)

File: 8a3a3f9715060e6⋯.jpg (61.56 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, DaGxBxLVAAAeE5i.jpg)

File: 4b379477be0580c⋯.png (345.17 KB, 1348x3492, 337:873, MetroDSShenanigansd.png)


cool beans

1ffdb0  No.5280611


yup i picked not anon total fukboi

5d138b  No.5280612


Well, until you find a wife who will grow a garden, tend chickens and sew clothes for your kids, your entire 1964 correlation is moot.

Doesn't matter to obsess on how much you make if you're unwilling to focus on how much you spend.

very few folks under 40 today with ANY concept of 'living within their means'. If you have any credit cards, you already failed. Just KYS now.

d7c3fb  No.5280613


Agree on that.

Stock market and exchanges,

making money off of other people's hard work needs to end.

making money off of making money (grotesquely, little bit is okay, not the gajillions they make now) needs to stop.

Central banking needs to stop.

Fed eliminated.


98ea49  No.5280614


Housing costs are insane where I live. A really basic house in a decent neighborhood costs over $800K. Just ridiculous. I'd like to sell out and move but I have too many family obligations. Maybe someday.

21fb4d  No.5280615


show today

he said tomorrow news about a 3rd dossier..

2fe917  No.5280617

98ea49  No.5280618


You ever been in a fight with a Norwegian, punk?

87ab1f  No.5280619


I've paid several million dollars in *income* tax. Does that count?

dcdc89  No.5280620



d61937  No.5280621

File: 0f0c172c31978a3⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 650x366, 325:183, Knocked down and out.jpg)


wipe the floor with people like you faggit time for you to STFU about your experience

813003  No.5280622



2 bedroom 1964 apartment in NYC 250.00/month


today? 2200 - 10000 average 6100 (24.4x 1964 prices)

7.25 * 24.4 = $176.90

8286d5  No.5280623


You can be whatever you want to be on the net.

Consistency matters when it comes to bullshit though.

1ffdb0  No.5280624


zat you harold?

fceaec  No.5280625

File: 71e2ae3e6b7cb9f⋯.png (88.56 KB, 279x180, 31:20, image.png)

d7c3fb  No.5280626


Sounds like west coast.

Bainbridge Island (very rural-ferry access to Seattle) is really bad.

1/8 acre lot with an outhouse is 300k

f53775  No.5280627

File: 54a59914e2d5a44⋯.jpg (244.81 KB, 836x828, 209:207, Freemason.jpg)

File: 31c2b011cfe6213⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, switzerland.jpg)


Alex Jones is also a Freemason

87ab1f  No.5280628

File: 0736df08b1be1d1⋯.jpeg (154.99 KB, 604x1155, 604:1155, 0736df08b1be1d108d06e636b….jpeg)

8286d5  No.5280629

Freddy is Snowden…..lol

a2ffcf  No.5280630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Digging on the background of Smollett.

not that it matters .

there is no evidence of him being gay.

except as an actor on Empire.

then there this short video.

He is not gay.

118d3c  No.5280631


Is there a Baker in the house?

98ea49  No.5280633



I've noticed that late night a lot of real losers are on here who do nothing but attack other Anons with their low iq buffoonery. There's a reason you got all C's in high school and all the girls hated you. Just stick with your types at the comic book store.

d61937  No.5280634

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)


if you got'em BV outta here

ty for picking up

a7a9b5  No.5280635

[RBG] spotted in Airport yesterday by TMZ.

She's alive but not looking good.


a8a120  No.5280636

File: d735d4e8fc2a499⋯.jpg (106.95 KB, 600x776, 75:97, vaccines56.jpg)

File: b4b8f3d3c4f06ca⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1258x844, 629:422, VaccinesScreenshot_2019-01….png)

File: bd84c9225768f14⋯.png (153.31 KB, 1267x553, 181:79, vaccinesScreenshot_2019-01….png)

File: 6ee46a90325d015⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1331x5536, 1331:5536, Screenshot_2019-02-19 RFK ….jpg)

File: 73f6916d169262e⋯.jpg (172.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 73f6916d169262e3c76b7be0bd….jpg)

5d138b  No.5280637



if you been packing in 12 candy bars per hour since 1988, you would have been dead by 1995!

You can't make anything now because you are already dead.

5f3296  No.5280638


most definitely , its why some of us are here . thank you for the post

d7c3fb  No.5280639


where the 7.25 from?

8286d5  No.5280641

File: 5afca3c2ff969a6⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1634, 621:817, DC9D48DD-FBD1-4028-B47A-D….jpeg)


And this guy made $300k in 2018

b28de7  No.5280642

File: db9146d05d4cc3a⋯.jpg (186.52 KB, 1200x1186, 600:593, tomimaga.jpg)

An interesting story from my time on active duty:

I was in the US Navy from 2001-2007. My rate (job) was Fire Controlman, and after my initial school, I eventually chose to join the AEGIS program as a computer technician. For those of you who are unfamiliar, AEGIS is the missile defense system the Navy uses on it's warships, mainly Destroyers, Cruisers, and Frigates. It is a phenomenal system with deadly accuracy and target tracking capabilities. In fact the system is still so effective that I believe they eventually adapted the technology to be used as a land based missile defense system. For example, my first ship was able to attain skin to skin hits on almost every exercise, which is more than what is required for the missiles we use to destroy the target.

During my first AEGIS school, my class was informed that we would have some Chiefs from the Saudi military joining us for the duration. We were not given a choice, but it also didn't seem like a big deal at the time. I was very young, but even then I had the duh moment of realizing that if we were training them on the AEGIS weapon system, it was because we had sold the technology to the Saudis…Now don't get me wrong, these guys were by no means military geniuses, half of them hardly paid attention, they barely understood the lessons when they did, and one instructor told me they actually had some type of agreement where the Saudis were not even allowed to fail the class…They would huddle up during our exams and cheat off of each other, and presumably were giving passing grades even if they failed. SO I guess it's somewhat of a good news/bad news situation.

I'm just one guy that went through one training program, but we all know rogue players in our government have both openly and secretly been supplying our enemies with our weapons tech for decades. Granted, having the tech is only part of the equation, it still requires trained operators who know what they're doing to truly optimize these weapons systems, but god dam man, how much of our own weapons technology is currently in the hands of our biggest enemies?

1ffdb0  No.5280643


youre the fuck wit, asking if i fight faggoty norweigeans there pal

813003  No.5280644



Yes housing is insane, see my post:


Where federal minimum wage would be 176.90/hr if it were based on housing in NYC.

But it isn't the only problem or where much of the country's wealth is siphoned away.

5bdaa5  No.5280646

File: 18d4dae3c9db22a⋯.jpg (246.44 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, astronomy-super-snow-moon-….jpg)



This supermoon jumpstarts the 911th week since 911.

98ea49  No.5280647


Some of the more remote islands around there are a better deal, but not much action, or any.

27f901  No.5280648

File: f04aaa878d2539b⋯.jpg (83.97 KB, 970x546, 485:273, aeb9f876-ef7c-498b-8728-f7….jpg)

File: b8688f87512a9ce⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 900x750, 6:5, martin-d-ginsburg-2.jpg)

File: 49d25d769192464⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 300x360, 5:6, Jane-Ginsburg.jpg)

File: 46e9bd8d427b7af⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 691x461, 691:461, jim-ginsburg.jpg)

1ffdb0  No.5280649

File: 16ef3368317ddda⋯.jpg (222.77 KB, 1034x1034, 1:1, Untitled (5).JPG)

4fb971  No.5280650

File: 8d096f69f5304cf⋯.png (288.5 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4D7415E9-5AAA-4260-A658-D7….png)

File: c02be8f00a509a5⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DD2118E8-78CA-4C57-84AB-3C….png)

File: 45d474f74b6d17e⋯.png (284.27 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 316E35F6-9656-40CF-B4A0-BF….png)

File: d0b4adf5888e3cf⋯.png (301.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BD79BB59-1F23-43E3-B10D-6C….png)


Don’t forget the refusal to host the archives of his personal documents onsite.

It’s one of the main reasons for the “Library” controversy.

Hussein refuses to archive according to Federal requirements. Anon’s know, “why.”

“By relying on online archives, officials avoid having to construct the Obama facility to meet federal standards. They also avoid having to raise millions for an endowment and they won’t have to pay NARA to run the center.”

He’s basically refusing to open himself up to scrutiny, but still wants the full benefits of the library.


fceaec  No.5280651


ok you got me anon.

Ill keep voting till POTUS gets the voter ID laws in place though. till then Trump all the way

233d35  No.5280652

File: e8a16ee96644735⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 615x618, 205:206, Screenshot_66.jpg)

Federal agencies in the Washington, D.C. area will be closed Wednesday due to expected snow, the Office of Personnel Management announced Tuesday evening.

The move came as forecasters were calling for a winter storm to hit the D.C. metro area Wednesday morning. Many local school systems had already announced that classes would be canceled.

Emergency employees are expected to report for duty unless otherwise directed by their agency, and telework program participants are expected to work.


a8a120  No.5280653


it was red when it first popped up

d61937  No.5280654


just stepped up



8286d5  No.5280655

File: dca522a66a55cb2⋯.jpeg (607.52 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, CDD9B90F-05C5-4C06-85C6-D….jpeg)


I have.

Fuckin square heads.

dcdc89  No.5280656


No he def a gay

87ab1f  No.5280657


The Sierra Club sold out. Now it's a covert foreign political front


d7c3fb  No.5280659


Thanks to mostly Dems.

Taxes on everything.

Every step of production/transportation.

Something is taxed

5d138b  No.5280660


Pure white race in Europe?? LMAO

You must have stood out like a diamond in a shit pile! 

98ea49  No.5280661


Property taxes drive prices way up too, and families/businesses leave.

367992  No.5280662

47866c  No.5280663

File: 3aeaa18503c5200⋯.jpg (192.12 KB, 708x1183, 708:1183, 20190220_011950.jpg)

File: 07d7f2bff6044d6⋯.png (80.84 KB, 665x499, 665:499, 07d7f2bff6044d69938a7a5c93….png)

Bigger than people can imagine.

Treason is 1/10th.

Ask yourself, why are they panicking?

Let that sink in…

1ffdb0  No.5280664

File: 469ad0a915bacb4⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 409x553, 409:553, 10jzc9io.JPG)

0db194  No.5280665

Sauce on Venezuela?

What is up with Trump supporting Juan Guaido? From the information that I've found, Guaido is dirty.

Theories? Is Trump trolling the Deep State? I don't see any digs on this.

My sauce:


e7ed46  No.5280666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: ‘Yellow Vests’ protest in front of UN headquarters in Geneva

4fb971  No.5280667

File: df4a4b511d63196⋯.png (2.33 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A3FE3543-6F60-40DE-B636-E1….png)


Hey there, Baker!

21fb4d  No.5280668


i dont think we will ever find out

98ea49  No.5280669


That explains your brain damage.

d33f5e  No.5280670

File: 9f6caf8b1bde336⋯.jpeg (648.24 KB, 685x906, 685:906, 9f6caf8b1bde336e3334a1c9e….jpeg)


Sorry it was meant to be a response to the Lagerfeld pic.

5bdaa5  No.5280671


the optical depth of the atmosphere always makes it look red when just above the horizon, until its about 2-3 diameters above.

8309f0  No.5280673


And yet, here we are 2.5 years later. Hoping for justice talking about a full moon.

c8918c  No.5280674


You keep saying the same shit.. Is that all you have? Is to talk about your below average had to take special classes IQ. You fucking narcissist.

98ea49  No.5280675


Wasnt long ago that even America was nearly 90% white, in the 80s.

ec8eb2  No.5280676

File: 236cbd2097d0970⋯.jpg (9.94 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 94236236223.jpg)

127008  No.5280677

Frens I have a Q: what was the drop where Q mentioned the DS having access to some sort of powerful weapon, and they were still looking for it? I tried a several searches on qmap.pub

I'm starting to think I made the entire thing up in my mind kek

1ffdb0  No.5280678

File: fe354944bb97930⋯.jpg (128.46 KB, 960x717, 320:239, fe354944bb97930673474dd841….jpg)

d7c3fb  No.5280680


Civil war between 99% of the people and the military.

Highlighting of it = Look at what Socialism does

Exposes hypocrisy.

35231c  No.5280681



True and I’m nowhere near innocent meself.

813003  No.5280682



Yes, but most of the money is not stolen that way, it is stolen through inflation.

f24e30  No.5280683

File: e92eb1764c83b92⋯.jpeg (662.67 KB, 1195x1222, 1195:1222, A15EB035-E40A-4163-AB84-8….jpeg)

Great thread, well worth reading


d61937  No.5280684

File: 01fca16ca5c4a10⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 750x745, 150:149, Pepe celebration.jpg)


not a full baker hence the fat finger stuff

I try

you sound like a trader!


you good?

d17737  No.5280685

>>5280635 Oh sorry did not see those pics

98ea49  No.5280686



I've fired people who wouldnt even interview you for an entry -level position.

c8918c  No.5280687


Do you even know what a fucking shill is dipshit? Because you are a shill.

4fb971  No.5280688

File: 731d131c87c10d7⋯.png (3.29 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EFF3E1E4-5FBC-4264-ADB4-77….png)


Hmmm. The plot thickens.


1ffdb0  No.5280689

File: 08a3ce137a6624e⋯.jpg (108.32 KB, 500x666, 250:333, vbbduo4w6y56714.jpg)

98ea49  No.5280690


Work harder on your GED.

26ba12  No.5280691

File: ac7ca2712440be6⋯.png (23.45 KB, 600x297, 200:99, ncis qanon.png)

File: 09fecfa5223f7fc⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB, 720x400, 9:5, NCIS.New.Orleans.S05E14.WE….mp4)

>>5276932 pb


>Filters picking up many references tonight.

>Desperate to sway opinion?


Here's the piece of video where the QAnon talk is in NCIS New Orleans from last night.

1ffdb0  No.5280692

File: f7d942d93189d78⋯.jpg (45.81 KB, 497x551, 497:551, dickhead (2).jpg)

00bbe3  No.5280693




havent you noticed how the complexity of crop Circle designs have evolved with our computer CAD programs>

In the 70s basic shapes,

now3D pictograms

seems the ayys are using our tech to design their art


the hoax evolves with the tech

big money for failing farms

47866c  No.5280694

File: 23841cf678654a4⋯.jpg (136.81 KB, 714x1035, 238:345, 20190220_012836.jpg)


Treason / corruption 1st.

What are you witnessing in the news cycle right now?


d17737  No.5280695

>>5280690 GED….how do you spell that

b370f9  No.5280696

>>5280677 (Checked)

This one?

>Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?


4fb971  No.5280697

File: 050e0d22fef1439⋯.png (459.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6FA03F64-7B60-44AA-A939-7D….png)


Right as rain, fren!

Comfy. Woke up from my nap, Kek.

367992  No.5280698

File: 1f20097275577e2⋯.jpg (314.02 KB, 1041x1539, 347:513, johnglen.jpg)



Today in History- John Glen

From Cape Canaveral, Florida, John Hershel Glenn Jr. is successfully launched into space aboard the Friendship 7 spacecraft on the first orbital flight by an American astronaut.


35231c  No.5280699


Think Cuba?

98ea49  No.5280700


Before dumbasses like you were around.

Racial and Ethnic Demographics of the United States (Percentages) Between 1910 and 2010[15][16][17][c]

Race/Ethnic Group 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

White 88.9% 89.7% 89.8% 89.8% 89.5% 88.6% 87.7% 83.1% 80.3% 75.1% 72.4%

Black 10.7% 9.9% 9.7% 9.8% 10.0% 10.5% 11.1% 11.7% 12.1% 12.3% 12.6%

American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 0.9% 0.9%

Asian and Pacific Islander 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.5% 0.8% 1.5% 2.9% 3.8% 4.9%

Other race 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 3.0% 3.9% 5.5% 6.2%

Two or more races 2.4% 2.9%

Hispanic (of any race) 0.9% 1.2% 1.5% 2.1% 3.2% 4.4% 6.4% 9.0% 12.5% 16.3%

Non-Hispanic White 88.1% 88.5% 88.3% 87.5% 85.4% 83.5% 79.6% 75.6% 69.1% 63.7%

127008  No.5280701


No it was something that could be used for mass destruction.

fceaec  No.5280702

File: 820cb8bac274bd3⋯.png (74.7 KB, 259x194, 259:194, image.png)


Blessings Baker,

this anon is clocking out.

may good fortune follow you throughout the bake

131677  No.5280703

Notes so Far


>>5280226 Trump Says Military Is Needed At Border Due To 'Gravity' Of National Emergency

>>5280229 District Attorney recused due to "impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses"

>>5280237 Blackout in Berlin - schools and kindergartens remain closed

>>5280291, >>5280299 Bernie Sanders hires ACLU National Director to lead his 2020 presidential campaign

>>5280300 Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

>>5280349 Two Texas men sentenced to more than five years for trafficking in enough fentanyl to kill millions

Baker Change

>>5280597, >>5280650 Judge approves lawsuit to stop Obama Library

>>5280666 Yellow Vest protesters in front of UN headquarters

>>5280683 Stuff the MSM won't tell you thread

d7c3fb  No.5280704


Not necessarily inflation.

Quantitative Easing

AKA print more money

AKA Devalue currency.

Inflation is a natural occurrence of people trying to make a little more here and there.

QE is the Fed printing themselves more money

dfa30b  No.5280705

one of these things does not look like the others?


eb46cd  No.5280706

File: 03bf797cba16517⋯.jpg (33.81 KB, 479x320, 479:320, AAM 2 If Brains Were Gasol….jpg)


He should go stand in the middle of a busy freeway and test his theory out, kek.

d17737  No.5280707

98ea49  No.5280708


Interest paid to the FRB has been the real economic killer. If Trump can fix that, the economy will roar.

3d9ac4  No.5280709

File: 9810a7a396f9847⋯.png (853.65 KB, 715x935, 13:17, BEZOS 1.png)

File: f6d4d6d17343177⋯.png (903.48 KB, 841x682, 841:682, BEZOS 2.png)

File: a8a7dee694ca5f3⋯.png (1.36 MB, 847x1089, 7:9, BEZOS 3.png)

File: d82ea90c4b9868f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 828x1369, 828:1369, BEZOS 4.png)

File: 845319e3d1bbfdd⋯.png (607.69 KB, 1014x777, 338:259, transagenda.png)


https ://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1084177135722471424.html

a8a120  No.5280710

File: 378e9b7fffce71d⋯.jpg (97.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, shitenift010118dublinemp44….jpg)


it looked amazing. thank you for that.

now I am going to have to dig under "optical depth atmosphere" as that seems to be something else I know nothing about.


the child? is that chelsea?

87ab1f  No.5280711

File: 6a6fc8572ae5e1c⋯.png (241.86 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


The Truth About Hispanic Gimmedats


d61937  No.5280712

File: 5b05b00164bd705⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x328, 125:82, Hat tip CE.gif)


I'll be back in a few hours. Only habbens once right?!

Outta here in a few.

Need to shut this fucker up first. he won't quit but fun watching him think he knows what he is talking about.

98ea49  No.5280713


You literally make Acosta look like a genius.

21fb4d  No.5280714


Donald Trump Jr.

Verified account


12h12 hours ago

More Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted ForAmerica

“I mean really, who doesn’t want to wait in line for bread?”


813003  No.5280715


QE hasn't yet caused all its inflation, because most of the money printed in the QEs went to a tiny minority or entities. There are plenty of articles discussing it… it's a bomb prepared to destroy utterly the value of the US dollar. All they have to do is dump that money and the 100 dollar bill wont buy a loaf of bread.

5bdaa5  No.5280716


oh man. remember listening to the launch on the AM radio in the Ford Falcon on the way to gramma's house.

127008  No.5280717


No there are only two drops on Cuba

329432  No.5280718

File: e9bb2eb5b9aca78⋯.jpeg (322.35 KB, 1303x2048, 1303:2048, 9A4C76C2-B25E-4950-AC32-2….jpeg)


1ffdb0  No.5280719


anons dont divide… dickmaster me see you faggot

131677  No.5280720

>>5280631 Trust me. Speaking from experience. If I can do this, You can do this.

d17737  No.5280721

>>5280710 i think they have a "optical depth atmosphere" page over at Reddit go dig there

98ea49  No.5280723


Occasional-Cortex needs a mate. Maybe you and her can get together and do some deep research on the location of the Berlin Wall.

b997f7  No.5280724

1ffdb0  No.5280725

File: e03ccc2f587f961⋯.jpg (86.8 KB, 444x563, 444:563, KEYBOARDWARRIOR.jpg)

d7c3fb  No.5280726


Exactly, but the money they haven't dropped, we're still paying taxes on.

It's like pre-ordering anything.

b21a2c  No.5280727

Trump to Bill Barr:

“I want to wish our attorney general great luck and speed, and enjoy your life. Bill, good luck.”

Slightly strange comment. Is that something you say after you signed a secret conditional pardon?

d17737  No.5280728

1b279e  No.5280729

File: aa16f52d0f6cb5f⋯.png (141.9 KB, 482x274, 241:137, Trump breaking fundraising….png)

98ea49  No.5280730


Low iq minority, go back to Shitholestania.

d61937  No.5280731

File: bfcbc2e95bf19e7⋯.png (177.99 KB, 580x421, 580:421, robot flipping a bird.png)


Mr. "wall Street". it's narrow-minded pricks like you who got us in this situation in the first place. Doubt you've ever seen anything to do with trading in your life but you sound just 'smart' enough to pass it off to non-financial people.


813003  No.5280732


Yes, that's a bonus, pay yourself and then get people to pay you back for what you paid yourself.

d7c3fb  No.5280733


Kek, better yet, solve the mystery of Wonder Bread.

1ffdb0  No.5280734

File: b95a75447524a77⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 810x756, 15:14, z1dwpr5b.jpg)

b063ee  No.5280735


Bill Barr already out?

fceaec  No.5280736

File: c298f10e670b86a⋯.png (64.67 KB, 259x194, 259:194, image.png)

534e1e  No.5280737



Something about a third dossier in the strzok texts. Jim Jordan asked him about it in his hearing. The first two were pretty much the same, I think it was the McCain and buzz feed versions, but the third was different and Strozk would not answer how it was different.

eb46cd  No.5280738

File: f06407a11366038⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 729x283, 729:283, Big Pharma Vacs 33356.jpg)

File: d78a9cf55b0e13f⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 551x283, 551:283, Big Pharma Vacs Hoax.jpg)

329432  No.5280739

File: fc9cf716e41605e⋯.jpeg (638.47 KB, 1108x1006, 554:503, D08B3F71-17AF-47C3-A335-B….jpeg)

Who do you see?

d7c3fb  No.5280740


He has been freed.

27f901  No.5280741


John McCain died of brain cancer.

d17737  No.5280742

>>5280739 ummm two blurry people?…ummm

98ea49  No.5280743


Yeah, I stole all of your family's brains back in 1985 in exchange for $200 in junk bonds.

bfad05  No.5280744

File: 0617562ff29da7f⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 639x480, 213:160, 9a9b3e897190ed1c422df9c442….jpg)

Mueller will crash and burn.

329432  No.5280745


Snowden (right)

1ffdb0  No.5280746

File: e6a9576f2b8f50b⋯.jpg (79.25 KB, 928x523, 928:523, fs7am56pdu.jpg)


hs pretending to be you

d944d3  No.5280747


gloriously, spectacularly, or just yes?

cc2f21  No.5280748

File: 5d41984f1ad77ac⋯.png (467.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D36A190D-3C23-4CFD-92AA-AB….png)

File: 0f77179b111e057⋯.png (1011.61 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C33F2A11-A502-4ADD-B942-E5….png)

File: 8dccd2d9f6879c7⋯.png (343.56 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BA1F8D2F-CBDD-4EF0-B87A-48….png)

File: fc9f0423da202cd⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 64C631C3-DF92-4D6A-9752-E2….png)


Sierra Club sells out on immigration. (Sierra Club is suing POTUS via ACLU).

Anon, that’s a good article, I screenshot posted to get more eyes.

Baker, please attach with anon’s original post for notables.


5d138b  No.5280749


Edward Snowden and his mustachioed babushka?

a8a120  No.5280750

File: 98f8f39c0aaebe3⋯.jpeg (273.31 KB, 620x969, 620:969, f3570c69-b33d-4ba2-b56f-3….jpeg)

File: 8d46f96fd1112ef⋯.jpg (576.84 KB, 1747x2048, 1747:2048, thisjewwillrevplaceyou.jpg)

File: a5301796a5bac9d⋯.png (661.49 KB, 702x5929, 702:5929, Screenshot_2019-02-08 Stro….png)

File: 08f4a38ca000092⋯.png (392.93 KB, 1123x478, 1123:478, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Albu….png)

File: d1e55d89382fb35⋯.png (267.94 KB, 1123x478, 1123:478, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Albu….png)

d17737  No.5280751

>>5280745 what the one with the hat?

d61937  No.5280752


sure you did. You must have sucked off milken to get yours.

you have no idea what you are talking about.

98ea49  No.5280753


Never been there, but you go now, and enjoy, maybe it's more your speed.

bfad05  No.5280754

File: 9a606b5afd0e404⋯.jpg (59 KB, 500x435, 100:87, 2tvllu_1.jpg)

329432  No.5280755


Apparently. According to the never ending larps bizzarro Eye the Spy

b21a2c  No.5280756


Confusing hey. No that was Trump congratulating him on his confirmation.

Anon said it, he's been freed. Trump made it obvious.

eb46cd  No.5280758

File: f24895513d31471⋯.png (4.19 MB, 1885x2563, 1885:2563, AAM MSM Gay Newscasters.png)

File: d596f878932de69⋯.jpg (299.97 KB, 1237x1600, 1237:1600, AAM 1 Gay Facts About Fags.jpg)

1ffdb0  No.5280759

File: 9a8ab87677bc925⋯.jpg (37.52 KB, 400x600, 2:3, weakk.jpg)


you respond almost like your being paid …

329432  No.5280760


Carrying the white plastic bag

35231c  No.5280761

File: a3738e69549688a⋯.jpeg (237.62 KB, 750x1058, 375:529, 3FAEA7CD-20B5-4414-99AA-2….jpeg)

File: f797c796e6a6a04⋯.jpeg (361.9 KB, 750x1242, 125:207, 1648202D-126B-4E54-B10B-7….jpeg)


Im referring to the possibility of a type of device similiar to what caused these symptoms being left in the WH infastructure.

Also coincidental that many anons, including myself, having issues like the ones described here.

(Pics Related)

Hence I said…. Think Cuba.

98ea49  No.5280762


The funny part of it is, they werent even worth the paper they were printed on. But it was a fair exchange, and my dog needed to eat.

127008  No.5280763


Fuck this is driving me crazy kek!

ff2d26  No.5280764

File: 4824d1e1088abbd⋯.jpeg (274.12 KB, 750x877, 750:877, 172FFABE-494D-49B2-A187-6….jpeg)

Hillary can’t keep books too well 😁


bfad05  No.5280765

File: d651e90bde50cef⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 396x511, 396:511, 2u4lcu_1.jpg)

1ffdb0  No.5280766


yeah real funny bra

cc2f21  No.5280767

File: d2983569ce0968a⋯.png (5.05 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5927DE2C-9F4E-4267-93C4-BA….png)


I’ll hold down the fort. Kek.

98ea49  No.5280768


You respond like you've never been paid for anything. Perhaps because you have no value.

bfad05  No.5280769

File: 0e952e1f921fcf7⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 366x441, 122:147, 2u4ksk_1.jpg)

1ffdb0  No.5280770

File: 723861523ea22dd⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 564x360, 47:30, f8dg6lbq.jpg)


more than you… i know cos people i love tell me

26ba12  No.5280771

File: 647cd60ca5bcc82⋯.png (429 KB, 727x648, 727:648, where we go one owl.png)

>>5277878, >>5277895

>"Where we go one, we go all" seen in the show Sister Wives


bfad05  No.5280772

File: 9765331efa620a8⋯.jpg (40.07 KB, 391x388, 391:388, 2u4l6c_1.jpg)

a3927a  No.5280773

File: de39463b38a0b50⋯.png (341.69 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Remind you of anyone?

93984d  No.5280774


> If humans can reproduce the technicality and precision of these with a board and string,

they cant retard. that IS the entire point.

bfad05  No.5280775

File: aaa70fef90d8e45⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 447x537, 149:179, 2u4l0j_1.jpg)

dfa30b  No.5280776

File: e2d061752219a70⋯.gif (538.1 KB, 213x200, 213:200, oh billy.gif)

i saw this in the top left hand window


00bbe3  No.5280777


>I'm starting to think I made the entire thing up in my mind kek

yes, Q never said anything outright that would have caused a panic

object in Whitehouse

99% in hospital

Sum of All Fears

maybe you mixed the three together

d61937  No.5280778

File: 9ed4ddf8bc520d5⋯.png (581.26 KB, 1119x687, 373:229, You.PNG)


You don't even know who milken is because you can't respond to it.

Thanks for playing 42nd st.

b06532  No.5280779


He just looks like a putz, to me.

367992  No.5280780


That show was fake and gay

329432  No.5280781



3d9ac4  No.5280782

The Mayapur Trust: is a UK-based registered charity, working to promote sustainable development in rural-

village West Bengal and is currently providing funding for safe drinking water, mother and child, ambulance

and education projects.


The Assassins…successive maias (deceptions) through which Vishnu mocks and…hand and Plato's brain, Of

Lord Christ's heart…the universe, and satisfying the mystery thereof to…


… Yale is a breeding ground for the CIA. …included with the text are Ashtaroth, Abraxas, Vishnu, Dagon,

Nergal … not the spiritual salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ …

http://www.samliquidation.com/section_3.htm -

falsechrist…Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Pasht, Sekhet, Mau, Sekhmet, Vishnu, Demeter (born…stand firm for the

testimony of our Lord and Savior….In his role as CIA director, and later as…


Conspiracy Archive News: Alternative Daily News

…is named for the trident of righteousness held by Vishnu….The Hijackers We Let Escape "The CIA

tracked two…On Not long ago Healey, now Lord Healey, described…

http ://www.conspiracyarchive.com/News/30-05-05-06_2002.htm

Olin Library New and Noteworthy Books… Wizards of Langley: inside the CIA's Directorate of…elves, and

wizards: exploring the wonders and worlds of JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Death of Vishnu.


…if she sold the real note book to the CIA man….dimension Other Aliases: (Hoggoth) The Hoary, Lord of

Hosts…Vishnu Real Name: Vishnu Occupation: Leader of the…

http ://www.comicboards.com/marvelguide/v.htm

Worldhop Journals: Thailand … and mount of the Hindu God, Vishnu) and his … of Serpents, the cobra), my personal favorite, Lord Ganesh (half … Strategic Services, the father of the CIA) in WWII …


Natural Law, Natural Rights and American Constitutionalism


William Cooper


Frank Olson Project /Documents


d944d3  No.5280783


It's the new Yankee Doodle.

ee4ac1  No.5280784

File: 24debc6a46099ad⋯.mp4 (4.42 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Claudia Roth versteckt ver….mp4)

File: b224c2e012b4185⋯.mp4 (593.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Claudia Roth great penis.mp4)

File: 3f57257f6828598⋯.jpg (332.53 KB, 1024x545, 1024:545, 0d.jpg)

File: 8df6bbfa518cc86⋯.jpg (93.88 KB, 755x425, 151:85, 0c.jpg)

File: 346d8604ccdd6f5⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 628x314, 2:1, 0de.jpg)

Duration outraged Claudia Roth with thick wart on the nose

Green politician in the German Reichstag without vocational training

Stupid as straw - constantly hounds against Germans

When will this subject finally be arrested? GITMO PLEASE!!!

Watch the video! Drug transfer in the German Reichstag?

d7c3fb  No.5280785


search Threat alt+F on Qanon.pub

d61937  No.5280786

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Respect.jpg)


As always have a good morning and BAGA

he may go now. I know who he is.

25776f  No.5280787

File: 5bf93ab0289c88f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 811x1217, 811:1217, ClipboardImage.png)


Lol man, i cant help it, i like fat cats (animal) no tthe bankster kind.

3ca7b7  No.5280789

File: 98eddc07863e2a5⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


always wondered about this guy

eb46cd  No.5280790

File: 7f084a877ba97ec⋯.jpg (599.96 KB, 1535x2011, 1535:2011, YJ T Jew Girls.jpg)

File: 8a8684728c6c63d⋯.png (127.34 KB, 500x485, 100:97, YJ Jewish Phenotypes.png)

b063ee  No.5280791

File: 29794b0d967fe6b⋯.gif (2 MB, 332x263, 332:263, fatcat.gif)


Me when I'm outside and i hear my Q notification

82d478  No.5280792

File: 609727954ce31fb⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 500x283, 500:283, 2tp1o7_1_1.jpg)

d7c3fb  No.5280793

File: ba77d28217b3b41⋯.jpeg (75.61 KB, 707x781, 707:781, ba77d28217b3b412c712b4ebe….jpeg)


Speaking of cats…

mine is driving me nuts, bouncing off the walls.

and i'm up to 31 posts.

Gotta see what she wants.

Night Frens.

127008  No.5280794


It's possible I admit, but usually I have a good memory about such things. It's also possible I read too much into a drop or misunderstood something.

Might have to re-read all the drops :/

d944d3  No.5280795

File: 62263ba67936091⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4848205.jpg)

127008  No.5280796



Q notification?

1f3e5c  No.5280797

Reminder to newfags:

Post count is inversely proportional to real world accomplishment.

High post # = Low IQ #

e9cf92  No.5280798

File: aa1205c32903aca⋯.jpg (237.38 KB, 1024x1021, 1024:1021, aa1205c32903aca979a0728176….jpg)

File: b16e44904497b88⋯.jpg (64.03 KB, 581x700, 83:100, fea6b4ca53101ce389f0521603….jpg)

File: 30beb3b885e572d⋯.jpg (474.51 KB, 1600x1028, 400:257, 7dyql9.jpg)

File: bb39c197a4b3366⋯.jpg (391.27 KB, 648x576, 9:8, 15492952643957766710006670….jpg)

1ffdb0  No.5280799

File: 4bcc1bd86b2553a⋯.jpg (141.41 KB, 1417x786, 1417:786, dxfg.JPG)

if ya still there wallst but muncher ..just like to apologise for my rudness next time your in vietnam check this place out perfect for you

d944d3  No.5280800

File: 351f93465f5b931⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 640x345, 128:69, pose_indya_moore_trans_pen….jpg)


Pose star Indya Moore: Trans women’s penises are biologically female

82d478  No.5280801

File: ec2d0e2d86d9275⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1042, 540:521, Screenshot_20190219-142421….png)

File: a986b1ce2016eaa⋯.jpg (81.17 KB, 965x635, 193:127, downloadfile-48.jpg)

Everybody forgot this aspect.

bb8703  No.5280802

File: 25c08881bf06df3⋯.png (253.68 KB, 3669x1249, 3669:1249, rothschild.png)

File: 735927c118b2b74⋯.png (191.2 KB, 3158x1455, 3158:1455, rothschild 2.png)


A huge database of email and password combos was found on a Russian hacking forum on the darkweb. This database was created not from one hack, but virtually all hacks that have occurred in the past 5 years.

These hacks include the websites LinkedIn, myspace, etc. Someone on the darkweb collated it all into one HUGE database, which can be downloaded and searched

Someone on 8ch searched the database of hacked emails for "rothschild" and found the ones that are in this thread. The problem is that many of them are from hacks that occurred 5 years ago and the passwords have now been changed, though not all

This database is called "Collection #2-5" and is available on torrent websites, linked in this thread. It includes over 2 billion email and password combinations taken from a combined database of every single hack that has happened in the past 5 years


329432  No.5280803

File: afb9c649146973a⋯.jpeg (172.88 KB, 1125x1134, 125:126, 66603E5E-C503-4C08-892C-9….jpeg)

a3927a  No.5280804


The whole cabal is gay. This is the same bunch that wants to eliminate all female birth and just clone gay men from now on. They only use blacks and women to divide us but have no intention of sharing final power with them. It's way past sexuality and almost a form of hate.

6ad7c7  No.5280805


Chris Christie’s farts?

82d478  No.5280806

File: 0b5c7cd4c3e3eb4⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 469x474, 469:474, 2u0xgt_1.jpg)

d944d3  No.5280807

File: c4b23bf0c9a90a7⋯.jpg (245.27 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2ll747.jpg)

329432  No.5280808


No we haven’t

a8a120  No.5280809

File: 0b31702f5b35843⋯.jpeg (175.34 KB, 750x984, 125:164, c3546ad64dd05662f48b70848….jpeg)

d61937  No.5280810

File: 209c371627ebb7b⋯.jpg (257.41 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Pepe salute.jpg)


either yanked or ran like a pussy.


996336  No.5280811


Are you thinking of the strange resonant seismic event that was thought to be ‘man made’ but not positively identified?

3ca7b7  No.5280812


they're not gay

they're sodomites

they're degenerates

233d35  No.5280813

File: 7de16e48a5c84c5⋯.jpg (111.65 KB, 597x697, 597:697, Screenshot_70.jpg)

File: b8b823029c40e9a⋯.jpg (163.63 KB, 615x704, 615:704, Screenshot_69.jpg)

File: 16e156b6cf8b205⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 592x675, 592:675, Screenshot_68.jpg)

File: 517b096cdea2f24⋯.jpg (157.89 KB, 607x708, 607:708, Screenshot_67.jpg)


f2fb1e  No.5280814

File: 49d8db7abac7e06⋯.png (223.9 KB, 672x768, 7:8, 2802 .png)

Fisa coming in May. Get comfy

329432  No.5280815

File: 17b8771ddf85ba6⋯.jpeg (211.9 KB, 1125x750, 3:2, F5514D5A-EF3D-4786-BB53-8….jpeg)

6ad7c7  No.5280816


Look at those hands…

127008  No.5280818


Kek yeah that might just "doo" it

d944d3  No.5280819

File: 2539ed94347a2f3⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 430x349, 430:349, 4848191.jpg)

329432  No.5280820


But first, April showers

d17737  No.5280821

File: 3b1e197d44fc530⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 185x255, 37:51, 4b1fab6c422b3c7508ec1e47e5….jpg)

00bbe3  No.5280822

File: 412b1eb47a659b9⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BZmFiZDkyYWQtMGNkZi00Ym….jpg)


I have always looked for anything in Q posts to explain The Sum of All Fears references and have never found anything close thats how I am pretty sure he never mentioned what you are looking for because it would explain the reference

The recent raids/training op in LA seems to have been something big tho.

suddenly POTUS is aggressive and we have a new Q posting crumbs. makes me think they found the Sum of All Fears

1b279e  No.5280823


i think the owl is incidental. Many people like different animals. Owls represent being wise. So someone having an owl does not mean much. My mom had owl things in the 70's, kek

However the where we go one, we go all, is something of great interest.

I've seen that show before, they are really into Jesus, and seem to be good people, even if they are into pologamy.

71a822  No.5280824

The Keystone is support

We all must support one another. We all need to be a keystone

a8a120  No.5280825

File: d1a912a040921d6⋯.png (152.89 KB, 1574x1134, 787:567, 5HnoVdn.png)

File: c4fdb529a5ecc24⋯.png (118.76 KB, 1374x1254, 229:209, cVKe8JL.png)

File: 37d7101871ecc60⋯.png (175.81 KB, 1294x1894, 647:947, KE3s0FH.png)

File: 963ce157b0e8d51⋯.png (106.43 KB, 1374x1134, 229:189, xbyk89R.png)

File: abed5c421374282⋯.png (119.14 KB, 1374x1214, 687:607, y6DK93x.png)

329432  No.5280826

File: daee14c9bce59b1⋯.jpeg (128.44 KB, 1125x844, 1125:844, 3D1FF4F6-D9B2-4E3F-8825-3….jpeg)

127008  No.5280827


No, but thankQ

d944d3  No.5280829

File: b2e01c84c5e3f3e⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 430x287, 430:287, 4797255.jpg)

f2fb1e  No.5280830


not before the Ides of march

ead52f  No.5280831


I had an acquaintance get groomed by a teacher. He told her owls were a sign of wisdom and to think of him when they were around. Told her they could communicate in their dreams.. etc. I had a sour taste before Q drops but now I truly wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes.

127008  No.5280832


Okay that's one search term I haven't tried yet, thanks!

e9cf92  No.5280833

File: f97865d7f549c00⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 83d55c016c1fd29b072d188560….jpg)

Godbless our President and his family

175967  No.5280834


What is your theory here, anon? Summarize.

7e74d8  No.5280835

File: 707b61c1718fedd⋯.jpg (201.62 KB, 576x384, 3:2, If Sarah Sanders was in ch….JPG)

File: 5ffca509c5f2bf5⋯.jpg (201.9 KB, 576x384, 3:2, If Sarah Sanders was In Ch….JPG)

File: ec5bd85f65a7e90⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 408x528, 17:22, swamp rats in panic strick….JPG)

File: d9ff8e10ba3788c⋯.jpg (122.45 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Democrats making stupid pe….JPG)

File: d9372d8a7a9bc90⋯.jpg (108.27 KB, 576x384, 3:2, watch the teeth andy.JPG)

If Sarah Sanders was in charge of handling the Shills on Q Research

175967  No.5280836


Night Anon, rest easy!

24708e  No.5280837

File: 95f34832a7973f6⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 255x190, 51:38, dick_monitor.jpg)

534f58  No.5280838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hollow Earth Hyperborea Agartha Shambhala 6of7

Damanic84 9:minutes

here some more that should be considered when we think about the world that will be once it begins to return to what's been hidden from us.

This is pretty wild

it actually is an earth cycle and we are going into the 5th dimension next until approx 4000AD

127008  No.5280839


Ahh yes I didn't make that connection, thanks

bf682c  No.5280840


>>>5280151 (lb)



To the anon who posted the complaint link, and to (you) anon who pointed out the post as notable:

Thank Y'all.

Having been a part of Qresearch throughout this fight for freedom, has been like being in the French Resistance during WWII.

Patriots loyal to their nation, working together using their various talents, without regard for fame or fortune; Simply to take back their Republic that rightfully belongs to (All Of Us).

Reading the complaint now.

It's goood.

329432  No.5280841


This march is going to get real knifey

00bbe3  No.5280842


I agree Owls and many other symbols are not devious when everyday people have them

however, when a staged shot is filmed in any movie or program there is nothing in the shot that is not meant to be exactly where it is

b063ee  No.5280843


"It's not the masons"

"It's not the jews"

"It's not the catholics"

Its all of them and more

d944d3  No.5280844

File: 63512bce246697f⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 358x275, 358:275, Ska4Chris.jpg)

ee4ac1  No.5280845

File: b224c2e012b4185⋯.mp4 (593.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Claudia Roth great penis.mp4)

c3c5be  No.5280846


Owls are a Symbol of stupid in India.

a8a120  No.5280847

File: 65f43d34feae6fe⋯.png (1.17 MB, 539x5236, 7:68, Screenshot_2018-07-27 Char….png)

File: 9eb588a2b53eba2⋯.png (149.63 KB, 1346x662, 673:331, caed8b323cca9df44110664c91….png)


we forget nothing

4674b5  No.5280848

POTUS takes 1B out of Newsom’s pocket…Kek.

329432  No.5280849

File: f2fd34345659945⋯.jpeg (43.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 6B50670F-5287-4620-B0EB-1….jpeg)

File: 4c064de2c5e32a2⋯.png (155.58 KB, 506x290, 253:145, CF6FC589-E202-4B0F-8A76-AD….png)

d17737  No.5280850

File: 70608120d0dca9f⋯.png (341.37 KB, 545x342, 545:342, amish20mugshots.png)

>>5280798 You are confused…Jebediah and his posse are the ones to fear

f3d2dd  No.5280851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PRESIDENT OBAMA TOWN HALL: Speaks with basketball superstar Steph Curry in Oakland, CA (FNN)

The gathering marks the fifth anniversary of the initial launch of My Brother’s Keeper, an initiative started by President Obama following the death of Trayvon Martin. MBK Rising! is an opportunity for youth and community leaders to connect, learn, and share. The MBK Alliance, now part of the Obama Foundation, leads a national call to action to build safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color where they feel valued and have clear paths to opportunity – with a focus on encouraging mentorship and reducing youth violence.

Also in today’s mainstage session, John Legend will engage in a discussion with Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin; Rev. Wanda Johnson, the mother of Oscar Grant; and Rep. Lucy McBath, the mother of Jordan Davis.


50398a  No.5280852


Just as the Bible warns in 2 Tim 3:3

Evil in the Last Days

…2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,…

d17737  No.5280853

>>5280838 It is a hollow flat earth where you been?

00bbe3  No.5280854

File: e434c45c9f384e6⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 458x550, 229:275, flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg)


March- In like a Lion…

46b831  No.5280855

Is there a Baker on duty??

c3c5be  No.5280856


d944d3  No.5280857

File: d9369e59e9db6a7⋯.jpeg (109.94 KB, 624x500, 156:125, TFWYouMeme.jpeg)

87ab1f  No.5280858


5 years? Fucking pussies. Make them eat all their fentanyl, then bury 'em.

4674b5  No.5280859

Newsom’s ex will be First Lady in a few years.

f3d2dd  No.5280860


Sweet dreams, fren.

7e74d8  No.5280861

File: c98c4815fb0da2e⋯.jpg (132.22 KB, 408x528, 17:22, TIME WOMAN OF THE YEAR EDI….JPG)

a8a120  No.5280862

File: d0d502ef7851e17⋯.png (474.55 KB, 1347x573, 449:191, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Alss….png)

1b279e  No.5280863


Bob Saget - The Aristocrats


329432  No.5280864

File: 9534dd64cbec345⋯.jpeg (15.14 KB, 280x300, 14:15, DF6DB874-47AD-4784-A090-9….jpeg)

131677  No.5280865

c3c5be  No.5280866

File: def63bf49cebfa0⋯.jpeg (479.98 KB, 1242x1429, 1242:1429, EDDA208E-CAF3-4C2A-9F6E-2….jpeg)

File: 9b6158e655764ff⋯.jpeg (368.96 KB, 1242x1421, 1242:1421, F5F9F337-B006-4757-A996-9….jpeg)


87ab1f  No.5280867


Why are they harvesting babies? Because they are greedy, have no morals and have gamed the People of the United States.

24708e  No.5280868


There were numerous decodes of it in the past but here's a quicky.

Uranium 1 > The Sum of All Fears.

Russia purchases 20% of our uranium via U1. They've also been helping Iran with their nuclear program. There are couple ways to go from there.

1 - Get Iran to nuke Israel. The material traces back to US through molecular fingerprint. Boom US v Israel.

2 - Iran was also helping NoKo program. So they give some of that U1 material to them. NoKo bombs us (or more likely a territory/base) and the molecular print comes back to us. Boom we're accused of a false flag on the world stage.

3 - Iran/NoKo somehow detonate a bomb on US soil from U1 material. Records show Russia got the material at one point. Boom USA v Russia.

"You don't fight Russia and the US. You get the US and Russia to fight each other."

^ Q posted a vid from the movie with that quote or close to it…

71a822  No.5280869

March On

329432  No.5280870

File: d524716efe72a48⋯.jpeg (103.32 KB, 1125x701, 1125:701, 4CCD6079-AB29-4514-9DB4-B….jpeg)

3ce4ec  No.5280871

The PLAN so far:

Phase 1: No arrests; No wall; No declas

Phase 2: No arrests; No wall; No declas

Phase 3: No arrests; No wall; No declas

At least Q is consistent.

abf8f7  No.5280872

File: 2ba2606ceb24513⋯.png (112.19 KB, 170x259, 170:259, ClipboardImage.png)

a8a120  No.5280874

File: 717ae39026a2aa7⋯.jpg (94.16 KB, 942x840, 157:140, 717ae39026a2aa7e0849663630….jpg)


weak sentencing as usual

it's taken seriously and the sentencing reflects that

same with the bull about pedos

weak sentences over and obver and over again

fine words


c3c5be  No.5280875

File: da94cab0e358539⋯.jpeg (796.44 KB, 1242x1770, 207:295, 8300ED88-0AD4-426E-A4C7-3….jpeg)


46b831  No.5280876


Great, thx for the reply, just got here.

d944d3  No.5280877

File: 63e16bc361d9e97⋯.png (1.69 MB, 965x966, 965:966, 9b8df455c8cb31d6faca9be534….png)

9fddee  No.5280878

Ruth Faker Ginsburg.

c3c5be  No.5280879


Bedtime for you

d9e753  No.5280880



Note that last week on NCIS Tim got a replacement for one of his typewriter keys. You guessed it, it was Q.

329432  No.5280881

File: fb7bcbb579e3be5⋯.jpeg (306.69 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, FB105528-AF5A-4398-969B-A….jpeg)

00bbe3  No.5280882


I have been involved in many of the digs and decodes on the subject

the clip was about the hawaii missile FF that was thwarted and pretty straight forward, he has posted Sum of All Fears since then

b063ee  No.5280883


Why patriots still even turn on the flickering jew in the living room to watch anything is beyond me. They like being brainwashed

4674b5  No.5280884

Tired of whining fuckers re lower tax refund checks. Bottom line is taxes paid.

d944d3  No.5280885

File: 6c1cde7cc2f2f92⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 265x400, 53:80, 4777373.jpg)

127008  No.5280886


This is exactly what I was thinking! That raid on the Gerardi building being leased by someone with close ties to Bill Clinton…just trying to connect the dots here.

9fddee  No.5280887

File: 58a21fa603d722b⋯.jpeg (224.69 KB, 753x756, 251:252, BongHit.jpeg)

31db8f  No.5280888

File: ae94428edbd0261⋯.jpg (523.25 KB, 648x800, 81:100, gta_temp3mod.jpg)

3ce4ec  No.5280889

File: 6710b60d4dfa456⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 960x733, 960:733, Dc64ZPCW4AAQ-ji.jpg)


Muh feelings is not an argument.

27f901  No.5280890

File: 37e533b975618a6⋯.png (698.2 KB, 1343x779, 1343:779, Baking&Singing.png)

File: fd0b163aff79ea4⋯.jpg (349.22 KB, 1920x1228, 480:307, 5538.jpg)

In her discussion with Eisgruber, who has written several books on the Constitution and the Supreme Court, Ginsburg talked about the Bush v. Gore decision, on which she dissented. “It’s never been cited by the court (since 2000),” she said, “and I don’t think it ever will be.” She agreed with Eisgruber when he mentioned that he had told his students he thought the court would not take up the case. “I would have made the same prediction: The court won’t touch this with a 10-foot pole,” she said.

Recalling those high-pressured days, Ginsburg remarked, “You can imagine how tense things were. … Everyone was exhausted.” One night at 9 p.m. she got a call from Scalia. “He said, ‘Ruth, what are you doing still at the court? Go home and take a bath.’ I treasure the relationship we have, though we disagree on many issues.”

On Roe v. Wade, which was decided in 1973, Ginsburg reiterated her previous criticism of the ruling. A strong supporter of abortion rights, Ginsburg nevertheless said the court “bit off more than it could chew.”

Saying goodbye – even to a bloody old doggy – can be so hard.

[photo credit: US Supreme Court Justices Shortly Before Making Ruling on to reverse a Florida Supreme Court request for a selective manual recount of that state’s U.S. presidential election ballots]

52b136  No.5280891

Putin live now…. state of the nation address

131677  No.5280892

Notes So Far


>>5280226 Trump Says Military Is Needed At Border Due To 'Gravity' Of National Emergency

>>5280229 District Attorney recused due to "impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses"

>>5280237 Blackout in Berlin - schools and kindergartens remain closed

>>5280291, >>5280299 Bernie Sanders hires ACLU National Director to lead his 2020 presidential campaign

>>5280300 Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

>>5280349 Two Texas men sentenced to more than five years for trafficking in enough fentanyl to kill millions

Baker Change

>>5280597, >>5280650 Judge approves lawsuit to stop Obama Library

>>5280666 Yellow Vest protesters in front of UN headquarters

>>5280683 Stuff the MSM won't tell you thread

>>5280151 (PB) Sandman V Washington Post Complaint

d591f0  No.5280893



dude, you shouldn't be feeling anybody. Keep Your Hands to Yourself.

329432  No.5280894

File: e0a362199e080c0⋯.jpeg (228.79 KB, 1125x1318, 1125:1318, 6D2F5BE0-C486-49FE-81B0-7….jpeg)

a8a120  No.5280895

File: 9aba0a2b13c44cd⋯.png (528.27 KB, 937x746, 937:746, Screenshot_2018-08-30 Q Re….png)

File: f94bf604b2437dd⋯.png (20.01 KB, 444x508, 111:127, Sxxcreenshot_2018-08-30 Q ….png)

File: 205ea7c4023ab2a⋯.png (23.79 KB, 669x308, 669:308, Screenshot_2018-08-27 Alle….png)

00bbe3  No.5280896


Programming is addictive

the world could have ended in the 90s if anyone missed an episode of Friends

d944d3  No.5280897

File: 0b4780174615ce3⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, GirlfaceisthenewBlackFace.jpg)

31db8f  No.5280898

File: b7aceebda62c8fd⋯.jpeg (6.41 KB, 250x202, 125:101, images-2.jpeg)


oh fugg

i modified meme but overwrote same name derp

26ba12  No.5280899


Don't pretend to be an anon.

Or you have to do better.

No shekels for you today.

329432  No.5280900

File: dee23b4d70e3bfa⋯.jpeg (4.98 KB, 190x270, 19:27, 8AEC6CBB-F748-4C0D-8D9D-3….jpeg)

bf682c  No.5280901


Foreign ownership of thousands of U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy

Why does a small East Texas town called Onalaska have more than 1,000 registered aircraft - and no airport?


Needs moar digging.

Smells like the [C_A / DS] needed a replacement for [Evergreen Aviation] in Washington State.

Obviously (somebody) knows who owns & operates those acft.

Q, what is up with this?

Onalaska, TX is podunkville.

d591f0  No.5280902


man, that last one had me rolling.

a8a120  No.5280903

File: fc2bfdf9da04ab8⋯.gif (836.33 KB, 500x340, 25:17, tumblr_n8h4a1F7W31s01qkyo1….gif)


I hear ya

329432  No.5280905

File: e8511533e811315⋯.jpeg (26.64 KB, 330x440, 3:4, 41F751D6-857A-4E7F-A111-1….jpeg)

175967  No.5280907



Here’s a few more, Baker.


>>5280748 Sierra Club, Sanders and ACLU

>>5280866 Netanyahu, Putin meeting postponed

>>5280875 Rouhani says Iran, U.S. tensions are at maximum.

>>5280890 Ginsburg reflections on former SCOTUS rulings

d944d3  No.5280908

File: 1134331e65bce45⋯.jpg (252.68 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, MelanivankaQ2.jpg)

7ae1f4  No.5280911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yellow Vests protest in front of UN headquarters in Geneva

329432  No.5280913

File: f7a99152d9ac0dc⋯.jpeg (5.7 KB, 381x386, 381:386, 73BDF124-CD67-4EB7-93D2-3….jpeg)

00bbe3  No.5280914


They neutralized something that freed POTUS up and gave the old Q a well deserved vacation

Weapon of Mass Destruction hidden in LA as a DS insurance policy

87ab1f  No.5280915

File: 39918127211d892⋯.png (250.36 KB, 879x751, 879:751, 1c8628eb1e9540fb1e7ae7503d….png)

File: 0522af92e6b6707⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0522af92e6b67070ab79940490….jpg)

File: 5189e37d777ea6f⋯.gif (808.05 KB, 284x174, 142:87, 5189e37d777ea6fc8c2d33673f….gif)

File: 15735a49d1f1383⋯.png (295.15 KB, 818x500, 409:250, 15735a49d1f138345f3456f7ef….png)

File: ae318439e9635b8⋯.jpg (22.02 KB, 292x173, 292:173, ae318439e9635b80975820422e….jpg)

d944d3  No.5280916

File: 399eb0d5f16d0ef⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 629x636, 629:636, ItsTrue-NowWithLessPaenis.jpg)

783eef  No.5280918

Good news in this mornings local small town paper for this anon!

My county just lost their last remaining elected PARTISAN official, as she ceremoniously switched to the Republican Party yesterday….. this is the first time ever that my county has had only Republicans in the elected ( partisan ) positions.

Big deal in a small town.

She cited LATE TERM ABORTION without opposition from dem leaders as the catalyst.

MAGA anons….we are winning!

329432  No.5280919

File: b365c81a2c3a098⋯.jpeg (12.73 KB, 705x435, 47:29, D7E2185F-71CF-431B-BF65-E….jpeg)

d944d3  No.5280920

File: 968e00a3290fe1c⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, QPOPO.jpg)

131677  No.5280921


Baked early. Repost? Sry.

233d35  No.5280922


Thought the same but maybe they sang leading to higher ups.. All we can hope for.. very light though..

00bbe3  No.5280923


he said they are paying Russian families to have children due to the generation lost during WWII

9fddee  No.5280924

File: 8ccd2d61c219382⋯.png (327.88 KB, 737x484, 67:44, Screenshot_255.png)

175967  No.5280925

File: 8d1d6a35f8b31fa⋯.png (805.85 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CF589018-BA6B-4775-A1EE-BC….png)

File: 7f6f09049a8f920⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 81138845-EF2A-45C5-9255-18….png)

File: 0972ae54cf7df1b⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CAAA0B4A-45C7-42F5-8808-85….png)



Sauce for >>5280866


329432  No.5280926

File: 13ab32bdc4150f7⋯.jpeg (28.29 KB, 496x619, 496:619, FD17F8C0-3158-4D04-9378-B….jpeg)

175967  No.5280927


Ok. No worries.

d944d3  No.5280928

File: 1c5bfea7cfdbd80⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 500x375, 4:3, EinsteinChalkboardPNP.jpg)

1b279e  No.5280929


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee2415 No.97639 📁

Jan 19 2018 17:42:56 (EST)

Need a few red pills for family, friends, and others?

Read the #Memo.

Release coming.

Final clearance underway.

Make sure to learn Russian.


87ab1f  No.5280930


Rouhani misses turning tricks with his cabana boy Barry.

Rouhani wants money. Our money.

KYS Rouhani. You already have Swiss bank accounts and a MB. You're just like Macron only gayer.

a8a120  No.5280931

File: 5080256e4865684⋯.png (547.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, fa3e9f34d139588d8a3507d4ee….png)

File: a24b06bbd6d2ea6⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 400x267, 400:267, gieephy.gif)

File: 79ed369949c9189⋯.gif (66.32 KB, 300x300, 1:1, gi33phy.gif)

File: 64d023f27398294⋯.gif (338.69 KB, 800x376, 100:47, Moon_compare.gif)

e77db1  No.5280932


Mikey is just a pathetic little prick!

127008  No.5280934


I believe you're absolutely correct here. The timing certainly works.

Check this thread, and let me know what you think: https://twitter.com/MilspecP/status/1097599075292188673

They used the best of the best to pull this off.

329432  No.5280935

File: 426701afde1c557⋯.jpeg (24.62 KB, 338x450, 169:225, 95ACE849-7C88-4775-BEB7-E….jpeg)

d944d3  No.5280936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben Shapiro BREAKS DOWN CNN'S Coverage Of Jussie Smollett Hoax

America's Favorite Jewish Son goes over the fake news and fake views being used to try and cover asses in the wake of Smollett

ad6cdc  No.5280937


Anon fren, I think this is brilliant. It matches up so many crumbs. And, here we have "bakers" as a crucial organizational element.

I believe you're onto something. Perhaps Anton may be AN author of "the plan," but I doubt he's all of it. Still, I will be locating a copy of Anton's book now, and reading it for further study.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and for persisting when you didn't get traction the first time. It appears again you're not getting traction, but at least one anon has noted your good work.

d944d3  No.5280938

File: 5e0339b3fb6f502⋯.jpg (92.73 KB, 450x413, 450:413, PainT-ThePicture.jpg)

1b279e  No.5280939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

329432  No.5280940

File: dfc9e08577b720f⋯.jpeg (22.73 KB, 678x452, 3:2, 99B066B3-60CA-42BA-BA0E-0….jpeg)

127008  No.5280941


Is Mikey even a "real" Rothschild (++)?

175967  No.5280942

File: 80df983f56809b7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CC4FFD60-3EAD-4B23-BAFB-16….png)

File: 2740592c3947499⋯.png (2.8 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 11B8BD32-61E5-4E2C-BEE1-1A….png)

Trevor Noah is a puss.


24708e  No.5280943

File: 54296873077719a⋯.png (469.85 KB, 964x722, 482:361, rbg11.png)


must be her favorite coat

329432  No.5280944

e77db1  No.5280946


Happened a long time ago.

d944d3  No.5280948

File: e40065e9a901be6⋯.jpg (82.85 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2k2jxb.jpg)

24708e  No.5280949


fuck meant for


329432  No.5280950

File: ee98c001faff5f0⋯.jpeg (25.75 KB, 488x628, 122:157, 13BBD652-C3DC-4BA3-80CE-8….jpeg)

175967  No.5280951

File: f1a14a2599477fc⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F8CF3D52-7EBB-4160-B3B5-64….png)

File: a0029a5d18fc612⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 290CA528-5675-4437-BEC3-88….png)

Is Singapore Airlines spying on passengers?


0e3695  No.5280952



Guys I dug into this. HAS ANYBODY SEEN THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lindsay Lohan Tries to steal children. Its playing in the background while I'm typing this and its stomache churning sinister. I think shes drugged out on adrenochrome or some shit. Or craving it.

bf5b1d  No.5280953

fuck, I swear RBG has more lives than schrodinger cat

125ed5  No.5280954


Welcome to months ago, newfag.

d944d3  No.5280955

File: 640d234b70f09d6⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 430x323, 430:323, 4856676.jpg)

127008  No.5280956


I mean you wouldn't expect to need a Hazmat suit for the "Rainbow Cultural Garden"

131677  No.5280957

Fresh Bread





Fresh Bread

Anons, please eat this bread first!

175967  No.5280958


She likely has access to much better medical care than the average bear.

131677  No.5280959


Please repost NB

d944d3  No.5280960

File: 84eca262b2ae7f6⋯.jpg (668.92 KB, 933x1400, 933:1400, BTL.jpg)

175967  No.5280961


Will do

329432  No.5280962

File: fe867862ab01c1a⋯.jpeg (103.36 KB, 1125x728, 1125:728, 55BE477F-9B5E-4EDA-BAF3-2….jpeg)

175967  No.5280963

File: fb4c5d9926742b6⋯.png (1.64 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2DA6602F-0F08-486D-A566-A3….png)


d944d3  No.5280964

File: 306409d68e29935⋯.jpg (871 KB, 1500x2205, 100:147, LogisticallyImpossible.jpg)

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