e3ccdb No.5275499
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Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 02.19.2019
>>5273426 rt >>5272527 ————————— May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you
>>5273237 ————————————–——– Review time. POTUS on DOJ "infiltrating" campaign
>>5272816 ————————————–——– Review time. Q on FISA, POTUS on Unredacted docs
>>5272265 ————————————–——– Review of Exec Order 13526 drop (Q 2176 .jpg)
>>5272127 rt >>5271917 ————————— Always on the move.
>>5271872 ————————————–——– WE MUST STAND TOGETHER IN THIS FIGHT.
>>5271173 rt >>5271150 ————————— Insert 'info' between critical & from.
>>5271150 ————————————–——– NO LEAKS for this reason.
>>5268221 ————————————–——– Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe's 60 Minutes Interview. ( >>5268242 vid)
>>5267295 ————————————–——– We Are Q Graphic
>>5266371 rt >>5265751 ————————— Start from beginning.
>>5266509 rt >>5266411 ————————— Are you ready, shill? ( >>5266561 vid)
>>5265567 ————————————–——– But, FAKE NEWS pushes the ‘narrative’ that POTUS is …… ( >>5265592 cap)
>>5265025 ————————————–——– Thank you, Patriot. ( >>5265036 vid)
>>5258565 ————————————–——– When do the trials for Treason begin?
>>5258118 rt >>5257446 ————————— Drop put you on notice?
Monday 02.18.2019
>>5257446 ————————————–——– [First Placeholders] OIG report, DECLAS, other re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115
>>5257078 ————————————–——– Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
>>5256768 ————————————–——– Future proves past (track & update).
>>5253402 ————————————–——– Pick a Network – Any Network.
>>5248952 rt >>5248831 ————————— Reference: "Found the camera"
>>5248890 rt >>5248785 ————————— What does that tell you?
>>5248728 rt >>5248631 ————————— Street level photo of Corinthia Hotel.
>>5248631 rt >>5248193, >>5248213 ———— New and old photo of Corinthia Hotel.
>>5248432 rt >>5248019 ————————— Reference: "Right next to where the traffic cam pics were taken."
>>5248313 rt >>5247912 ————————— Yes, they are.
>>5247957 rt >>5247847 ————————— The Corinthia Hotel.
>>5247821 ————————————–——– Why do we make things public?
>>5246177 ————————————–——– FEAR IS REAL. ( >>5246224 cap)
>>5245688 rt >>5245512 ————————— Interesting this leaked already.
>>5245457 ————————————–——– Fellow Patriots:
>>5245228 ————————————–——– People are craving TRUTH.
>>5244213 rt >>5244054 ————————— Define 'Projection'.
>>5242957 ————————————–——– Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.
>>5242534 rt >>5242466 ————————— Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
>>5242432 ————————————–——– 30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
>>5242227 ————————————–——– It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
>>5239609 ————————————–——– What Family Runs CA?
>>5237861 ————————————–——– Impressive, most impressive
>>5237760 rt >>5237651 ————————— Nothing can stop this.
>>5237585 ————————————–——– Excellent graphic - seconds matter!
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
Saturday 02.16.19
Compiled here: >>5230898
Friday 02.15.19
Compiled here: >>5226101
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
e3ccdb No.5275506
are not endorsements
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
#6741 Baker Change
>>5274804, >>5275138 John Solomon on Hannity about FISA
>>5274880 "Don't underestimate" Bernie Sanders
>>5274940 Saudi official raps Iran over blame for attack
>>5274933, >>5274941 On Kim Foxx the District Attorney that recused from Smollett's case
>>5274957 Another lawsuit against POTUS over the National Emergency
>>5274974 Two Days to the Start of the Israeli Moon Mission
>>5275001 New WH Tweet
>>5275023, >>5275242 Today is the 74th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, o7
>>5274831, >>5274860, >>5275168 On the NRO
>>5274836, >>5275060 Anons on Q's jpg file named with a 64 character hexidecimal code
>>5275070 Chairman of troubled bullet train project resigns
>>5275181 More than $12M worth of meth seized in Texas by CBP
>>5275311 Facebook faces questions from lawmakers about privacy of health groups
>>5275396 POTUS plans to nominate Jeffrey Rosen as deputy U.S. attorney general
>>5275475 Bookies still favor Trump
>>5275483 #6741
>>5274570 ZH: FDA advises old ppl re: young blood infusions
>>5274563, >>5274592 Anon on Smollett fake letter, postal svc & Payseurs
>>5274566 Prince Phillip won't be charged for car accident
>>5274266 Bernie campaign raises $4M in less than a day
>>5274210 LIBEL LAWS ACTIVATED! Judge Clarence Thomas joins POTUS's crusade
>>5274041, >>5274103, >>5274158, >>5274171, >>5274175 McCabe v. LL in new book
>>5274101, >>5274218 @USMarines "Head in the Clouds," Q's "emotions cloud judgment"
>>5274100 Blog on using bots to verify if rly POTUS on Twatter, track his moves
>>5274033 New Ben Garrison cartoon: Gulliver's President, the Giant Awakens
>>5274771 #6740
>>5273870 Lookback: 7/2018 ZH on Clapper fingering Hussein going after POTUS
>>5273812 @DJTJr Reks Smollett: OMG he faked the letter too???
>>5273679 Eyes on: "nephew" reference on twatter re: Kamala & Smollett
>>5273572 TX boy called 'Hitler' selling hot cocoa to raise money for wall
>>5273507 We no Moderate! 2020 Dems cringe at less than liberal labels
>>5273502 Space X Received $300m from DOD
>>5273452 Anon speaks for us all: Q using "pb" is as dank as it gets
>>5273420 New US Map GIF and MP4 States v. Nat Emerg/ pro-illegal bennies
>>5273373 Twatter URL of POTUS's "I hereby demand" twat from Q lb
>>5273363 Anon posts material for suggested side-by-side
>>5273346, >>5273366, >>5273383, >>5273394 Side-by-sides for Review
>>5273331 Per Q lb, Anon reposts Q Military Operation [Green] 1433
>>5273294, >>5273330, >>5273348 Vid: McCabe giving it away
>>5273983 #6739
>>5272947 Graphic: Review Time per this bread's Q drop
>>5273104 Lib-loving faceberg runs interference for Smollett
>>5273007 Anon speaks wisdom: This is the new battlefield.
>>5272826 Devin Nunes twat: Tinfoil hat alert! (Russian dossier)
>>5272599, >>5272623 Cali: Fed GJ Indicts Corona Lawyer/Fmr Rialto PD Ofcr Lopez de Tirado
>>5272590 McCabe reveals the 'one thing' that stood out from his fateful call with Flynn
>>5272588 Fake News Smacked! Nick Sandmann sues WaPo for $250M in 1st Covington Cath. lawsuit
>>5272538 Graphic: "Noose" racial-divide hoaxes, repeating each January
>>5272537 Trump admin to cancel $1bn to Cal HSR, wants the other $2-3bn back
>>5272527 Band of Anons: We fight, but we also love. Anon on loss of beloved doggo.
>>5273163 #6738
Previously Collected Notables
>>5271678 #6736, >>5272397 #6737
>>5269324 #6733, >>5270156 #6734, >>5270889 #6735
>>5267034 #6730, >>5267794 #6731, >>5268568 #6732
>>5264747 #6727, >>5265499 #6728, >>5266262 #6729
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
e3ccdb No.5275510
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e3ccdb No.5275514
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
e3ccdb No.5275517
“Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect - We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country's Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”
― George Washington
708980 No.5275558
e38d8f No.5275560
"Let's just say the Ohr family has a history of giving things to the FBI"
Obviously Nelly Ohr
7e44da No.5275561
3rd Dossier > [Ohr] removal
416286 No.5275563
aa294a No.5275564
b47908 No.5275565
>>5275482 (lb)
Hmmmmm I have been wondering about the unmasking. Never hear much about Susan Rice or Samantha Power anymore.
200c59 No.5275567
>>5274932 pb
Things that happened on October 28, 2017:
348e69 No.5275569
Last B
Holy fuck, it's the end times, dogs and cats living together big! Hannity just had an actual BOOM
5afa25 No.5275570
>>5275465 LB Revere?
He is best known for his midnight ride to alert the colonial militia in April 1775 to the approach of British forces before the battles of Lexington and Concord, as dramatized in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "Paul Revere's Ride" (1861).
c602ee No.5275571
Anyone watching Hannity? John Solomon just said a third dossier was handed over to the DOJ, and if I read the clues correctly, Nellie Ohr wrote it!
Solomon reports on it tomorrow.
319ac4 No.5275572
77c820 No.5275573
Anyone have any idea what this person is trying to show us?
c4c527 No.5275575
hey guys . is qreseach easily found in the main page of 8chan or is it hidden?
3554a0 No.5275576
>>5275497 (lb)
Q said "Hold yer horses", then George Webb blew his wad and exposed himself as MOS. The Sara, John, and Sean played it right.
6a17d5 No.5275577
Meme material. Just saw this on Fox today.
Notice how No target is smaller. She really wanted to ensure that he hits Yes. Kek.
78692c No.5275579
>>5275519 (pb)
time to drop the
69e822 No.5275580
The memes are getting berder edition
e38d8f No.5275582
John Solomon will release the info he has on the 3rd Dossier tomorrow
e3ccdb No.5275583
she's pretty
^^^ agreed
in the countdown
d7b94e No.5275584
>>5275249 (lb)
Sorry, I am both shitposting Hillary on a plane and mapping pixel info shit, yes kek
6c78b2 No.5275585
55b51c No.5275586
Interesting storm name that's about to hit the midwest then the east!!??
8b5dc3 No.5275587
hidden, I think, but why?
7e44da No.5275588
She's fucked. Then they find out she's not fucked because she's singing. Like a bird.
c42347 No.5275589
John Solomon to announce 'who wrote the FISA' tomorrow, hinted Ohr family.
ec2e8c No.5275590
The better question is why are you bringing this stupid shit here?
87bebb No.5275591
Here's his story about that from 7/10/2018
By John Solomon
Opinion Contributor
Like dandelions in an untreated lawn, the now infamous Russian dossier apparently multiplied in numbers — and emissaries delivering it to the FBI — the closer Donald Trump got to the White House.
We know from public testimony that dossier author and former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele shared his findings with the FBI in summer and fall 2016 before he was terminated as a confidential source for inappropriate media contacts.
And we learned that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) provided a copy to the FBI after the November 2016 election — out of a sense of duty, his office says.
Now, memos the FBI is turning over to Congress show the bureau possessed at least three versions of the dossier and its mostly unverified allegations of collusion.
Each arrived from a different messenger: McCain, Mother Jones reporter David Corn, Fusion GPS founder (and Steele boss) Glenn Simpson.
That revelation is in an email that disgraced FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok wrote to FBI executives around the time BuzzFeed published a version of the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017.
“Our internal system is blocking the site,” Strzok wrote of the document posted on BuzzFeed. “I have the PDF via iPhone but it’s 25.6MB. Comparing now. The set is only identical to what McCain had. (it has differences from what was given to us by Corn and Simpson.)”
The significance of Strzok’s email is obvious to investigators who reviewed it in recent days. The FBI is supposed to be immune to manipulation by circular information flows, especially with sensitive investigations such as evaluating whether a foreign power tampered with an American election.
Yet, in this case, the generally same information kept walking through the FBI’s door for months — recycled each time by a new character with ties to Hillary Clinton or hatred for Trump — until someone decided they had to act.
That someone was Strzok, whose own anti-Trump bias was laid bare by his personal text messages. He first opened a case on Russia-Trump collusion on July 31, 2016 after the first flow of information, then escalated to get a warrant targeting a former Trump adviser in October after a second flurry of allegations.
The pattern is so troubling that one investigator said this to me: “The dossier and its related dirt was on a circular flight path aboard a courier service called ‘Air Clinton,’ and the FBI kept signing for the packages.”
Here is the evidence that supports those concerns.
Simpson and his firm were paid by Clinton’s campaign to hire Steele to find dirt on Trump in Russia during the 2016 election.
Oddly — and perhaps contradicting Strzok’s email — Simpson testified he was unaware of any version of the dossier being given to the FBI. “I don't know that there was a version provided to the FBI,” he testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In his House Intelligence Committee testimony, Simpson acknowledged he “acceded” to letting Steele talk to the FBI but insisted he himself never talked to the FBI about the dossier. “Did you meet with intelligence officials regarding the dossier?” he was asked. “No,” Simpson replied. Pressed if he ever talked to the FBI, Simpson added: "I didn't approach the FBI."
In light of the new emails, investigators will want to determine if Simpson misled Congress or if Strzok misstated the source of one of the versions.
The chief courier of the Trump dirt was Steele, a former MI6 agent respected for past collaborations with the FBI on intelligence matters. But we now know he was “desperate” to defeat Trump, according to sworn testimony.
The first time Steele met the FBI on July 5, 2016, he got a lukewarm reception.
Then Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in late July recalled a May 2016 conversation he had with Trump adviser George Papadopoulos about possible Russian hacks of Clinton emails, and relayed that to U.S. authorities.
Downer — another “courier” in some investigators’ minds — has his own ties to the Clintons. As Australia’s foreign minister in 2006, he arranged one of the largest-ever foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, a $25 million grant to fight AIDS.
Strzok quietly opened an investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion on July 31, 2016, based in part on Downer’s information.
1f6f25 No.5275592
Go to the archives
eba358 No.5275594
20fc1e No.5275595
this feels like a test for FantasyLand…
will they bite a third time? how many? how many will doubt, now?
ed74b9 No.5275596
They are in a Airplane ????
e8e3b0 No.5275597
>>5275487 (pb)
more prayers of strength and love for you!
29a837 No.5275601
"Go back to the Beginning"
f32cdf No.5275602
Q told us about this, anons. Redacted version. RR's unredacted version and the REAL unredacted version.
fcc5a8 No.5275604
Just listening to Sarah Carter on Hannity. See said NSA still hasn't given papers requested to the President and congress.
I thought NSA was on our side? On the President's side.
Why can't they know, Why can't we know who did the unmasking and who they investigated?
What is going on with this?
Q, why hasn't this happened?
38eeda No.5275605
You find it here https://8ch.net/qresearch
77c820 No.5275607
This isn't stupid - it was posted for a reason.
e29b77 No.5275609
What is he wearing?
Those hands and feet?
Get out of your daughters clothes Jenner!
840a53 No.5275611
>>5275348 pb
where's whittaker goin?
81beef No.5275612
The Ohrs will be up a creek tomorrow without a canoe.
c602ee No.5275613
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Here’s the live vid. Go back and listen to Solomon.
7e33a3 No.5275614
Never Socialism Q Alpha .png & jpg Files
Never Socialism Q Alt Alpha .png & jpg Files
o7 - Thank you for the inspiration. My muse (named her WINNING!) has me working overtime - kek
8f1740 No.5275615
any meme makers that can improve on this have at 'er. POTUS directly implicating JC, and subtly pointing this implicates everyone with their fingers in the bathroom server cookie jar.
7e44da No.5275616
Approaching T-15?
6da3d6 No.5275617
Im done with humanity
15bdad No.5275618
So it's a saurkrauters advert for space ham
2a84b4 No.5275619
>>5274946 lb
Very glad to hear this. You are witnessing prophesy. We all make mistakes…and learn. That never changes…ever. There is a path.
eaec7e No.5275620
Friend of mine has another friend who allegedly saw RGB at the Supreme Court
There’s either a double or were being duped or that bitch is lying. Idk
Pic related
a86f4a No.5275621
>>5274804 (pb)
Nellie Ohr wrote another (3rd) dossier to circulate amongst deep state.
794d47 No.5275622
>storm name
Retarded practice.
c4c527 No.5275624
thanks . i was just wondering, if you google how to find 8chan, it is impossible to get though the bullshit smears and kinda impossible for new comers to find
623b2a No.5275625
Hannity just mentioned Autopsy of a Dead Coup
Here is the Article Again
Bread 6701
Read this right now:
Autopsy of a Dead Coup
3b5a26 No.5275626
>>5275465 (/pb)
New Pappad twat.
Statement = True
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.
55b51c No.5275627
71d23e No.5275628
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. What's the Marxist Trojan Horse in the Democratic Party? Bernie? AOC?
15bdad No.5275629
Has Biden ever raped a full size space ham ?
c4c527 No.5275632
i ment how to find Q
71260c No.5275633
Because this is all a fraud. (((Q))) + (((Trump))) = (((Them))). We are being played, deceived and lead to slaughter.
033c5a No.5275635
Just catching up and see Q called out a shill.
Man I wish I was here for that.
7e8e82 No.5275637
change the eye icon into an "s" so its WLKYS kekekek
1f6f25 No.5275638
Those in NSA- bad guys are being watched . The good guys are in control
416286 No.5275641
Ah you're right!
I'm guessing we wont see till [RR] removal?
15bdad No.5275644
MAybe Biden can rape daniel
623b2a No.5275645
>Autopsy of a Dead Coup
458b96 No.5275646
>>5275096 (lb)
Only Leftist Losers say Google It when asked to back up their claims.
6c78b2 No.5275649
I can’t stomach this outfit Kellyanne tried to wear.
77c820 No.5275650
It's references this Q Post.
eaec7e No.5275652
b47908 No.5275653
LMAO at that meme!
319ac4 No.5275654
Q said that it is being CONTROLLED AT THE TOP.
d252dc No.5275655
Written by Nellie Ohr!
8b5dc3 No.5275657
so how did Rod go from being on the team prosecuting whitewater to lazy, traitorous, seditious cretan?
f32cdf No.5275658
eba358 No.5275660
Nellie was not as cooperative during testimony as Bruce was
7e44da No.5275661
It's so lame that our country was getting subverted and destroyed by people who look like they go to Maple Syrup festivals in the fall.
Like at least look the part of villain ya dinguses.
e38d8f No.5275662
Saw that too.
Maybe they gave it to OIG?? and don't want the info to get out?
30191c No.5275663
he sure did. The rest of us just filter but not Q
5431e2 No.5275664
Srsly? >>5275575
Stop fucking with us, Q.
3554a0 No.5275665
This is going to be the part where normies learned she had a ham radio, and got caught by NSA.
83615b No.5275666
20fc1e No.5275667
first use of (/pb)
and that in the same bread
426f4e No.5275668
How can Mr. Ohr stick his wang in that old trick?
d6e32d No.5275669
Divulgacion Total
"full disclosure"
Spanish channel for latin americans
f6e2dd No.5275670
badass anon thank you for sharing!
e3ccdb No.5275671
eb446d No.5275672
>>5275071 (LB)
Your kidding right? That provinice right above Montana, Alberta, is looking at getting out of Canada and joining the States LOL
da4ebe No.5275673
>>5275369 (pb)
Yes, heartfelt Q responses mean a lot.
Feelings in the ultimate team.
416286 No.5275674
Dont doxx yourself….
646275 No.5275675
>I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone
77c820 No.5275676
And. links to this video
ddce22 No.5275677
>JUST IN: President Donald Trump plans to nominate Jeffrey Rosen as deputy U.S. attorney general - Reuters
another jew
15bdad No.5275678
Most of this garbage projections from the queer bots ought to be composted
c81796 No.5275679
Pic or it didn't happen.
aba770 No.5275680
As a noobie, I've never been able to find it without using direct url.
2cd804 No.5275682
it's not hard but for people used to one click and get the shit they want ..it's hard.
If people had to set there own DNS number's now no one would ever get anywhere.
55b51c No.5275683
looks like friggen Sasquatch
c318b8 No.5275684
>Just catching up and see Q called out a shill.
590331 No.5275685
Get ready for Nellie Ohr BOOMS tomorrow frens
a764b8 No.5275686
Have you seen him? He ain't no prize.
aba770 No.5275687
Search tool on 8chan doesn't work either. Brings up Qresearch2 or some shit and other fucked threads.
458b96 No.5275688
Bernie Sanders as a threat is a fucking slide. In 2016, maybe. But too many people now realize:
1. Trump can be trusted
2. Bernie (socialism) cannot
8b5dc3 No.5275689
pitiful. Looks like he's carrying a lunchbox instead of a purse. He has to be one miserable human being. Sad.
55b51c No.5275690
426f4e No.5275691
He's someone's prize. Ching Chong Wang.
794d47 No.5275692
>flat earth bs.
HAHAHAHA! Looks like a straight horizon!
(Cue slide)
840a53 No.5275693
ner mind, just saw Q post. Will remain DOJ Senior Staff.
aeb864 No.5275694
Sorry, on the move.
Supposed to be Qanon.
UIA - United In Anonymity
7e8e82 No.5275695
Hi mossad. Your jewhead cartoon is retarded.
f6e2dd No.5275697
It's an idiotic proposal
Counter-proposal deport the sponsors and everyone that supports it
d252dc No.5275698
No no no. He confirm she gave it to the DOJ, her husband no doubt!
b6f129 No.5275699
Ole Bernie dropping the "grassroots" bullshit again. Fucking hell, these people literally never come up with anything new.
15bdad No.5275701
Maybe this homo wants some Biden rape too
bcbae5 No.5275702
Hey Now!
I like the new color Sara has tonight on Hannity.
Notice he hardly ever interrupts her?
Not so for John Solomon. He rarely gets a complete sentence out.
Hannity is still a serial interrupter. But he has a long way to go to beat that asshole, Cavuto.
Or worse, Wallace, the DeepState Shill still on the payroll, and someone doesn't give a shit that he is a hack. Here is a penny for my own thoughts.
c12fb8 No.5275705
Did Nellie use HAM with the bouncing off the moon technique?
426f4e No.5275706
2a84b4 No.5275707
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. A Hero Will Rise
- Future World Music
1:14:26 of non-stop epicness. This is awesome music for awesome warriors. Enjoy, Anons.
As always with big sets, remember to R-click into a new tab…at these bread velocities you'll want to carryover without losing your jam.
71d23e No.5275708
That can't be true… I just saw her playing beach volleyball in Santa Monica on the beach…
d35da2 No.5275709
There are two sources of light.
The orange is the sun.
the purple is something else.
62861a No.5275710
Q- !CbboFOtcZs = Ramtha "Last waltz of the Tyrants"
319ac4 No.5275711
It's a liberal woman (always ugly) and a liberal man (always a pussy). Not difficult math. Besides, Bruce ain't exactly a hot commodity.
05f86f No.5275712
I swore she said DNI. That would be asshole Dan Coates
a6f1c1 No.5275713
Sauce for tweet please Anon.
99aed2 No.5275714
The first time Q posted "on the move" was March 10, 2018, same day as this drop.
They made many current/former enslaved children famous.
Hollywood is filled w/ them.
Find the loudest voices.
Who was adopted?
Who was born in?
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.
Jussie Smollett starred in "The Mighty Duck's" when he was 9 years old. He KNOWS because he was there. Think about the other child stars that were in that movie. One of them was involved in a massive pedo ring.
ffcbe4 No.5275715
Digits confirm. God Bless This Bread and This Movement.
7c76ad No.5275716
It’s the perfect disguise my fren
a6f1c1 No.5275718
fcc5a8 No.5275719
well obviously they don't want it to get out
that isn't their job! they were told to deliver. they said they would and they haven't. WTF!
426f4e No.5275720
She probably sucks on his egg foo young.
419287 No.5275721
f9418c No.5275722
We had CM, that's 8ch admin to newfags, remove it from main page because we reached max cap for libtard normies long ago.
c6bd8a No.5275723
>>5275020 pb
maybe certain anons used to campaign for Bernie before the DNC cheated and rigged the primaries against their own party.
Maybe anons have a way to spread the truth to Bernie sander supporters.
Maybe they know what makes the Bernie supporters tick, and know how to talk to them.
I know i've heard several anons say they were fiormer Bernie people.
Bernie woke alot of people up, and 1/2 the things he campaigned on Trump has delivered.
He was against TPP, he wanted to bring back manufacturing jobs, he wanted lower prescription prices, he wanted more higher paying jobs and opportunity, talked negatively about NAFTA. Bernie people were for hemp legalization( which Trump passed in the farm bill, had a conversation with someone and thought Obama passed it, i told them to look it up, that Trump passed it in the farm bill in 2018)
Bernie was against corporate greed, bankers, screwing over the little guy( the cabal)
Bernie talked of prison reform.
He talked about taking care of our veterans,
Rebuild infastructure
Many good people were fooled by the dems.
Many people became Dems because of George Bush.
Many issues people actually agree on, Sometimes it's hard to see for many with all the propaganda, they have been lied to and misinformed about many things their entire lives.
And the way the cabal rigged the system, they made people want free healthcare( when you can not afford it, and things like Obamacare made it really unaffordable)
When you see family members die because they could not afford better care. Ofcourse it sounds better if everyone gets the same healthcare as the rich or upper middle class. And thats what most people think it means.
All the prices have squeezed people, but thats because they give free medical care to illegals, and are making people more sick with food and medications.And many corporations have been greedy to an almost evil point. Like raising the price of a drug that was really cheap, almost free, and then overnight they raised price to 350k.
People who used to go to college in the past, did not endup with a lifetime of debt. How greedy the colleges have become, and then they lower standards of what they teach( alot of worthless lib classes)
So i think there does need to be cheaper trade schools, community colleges, that help local residents/students. Maybe somekind opf partnership with local businesses. Many of these colleges are also funding illegals for free.
Trump has spoke about needing more trade schools, and places teaching people job skills.
I've heard of people paying their college debt on time, and in 20 years they still owe just as much.
They have turned it into a scam in many ways.
I think we can come up with memes, and things to counter their narrative, and POTUS winning everyday helps.
5e13cf No.5275724
same link the guy I quoted posted
7f8068 No.5275725
If they let Nunez see the shit, all Congress or a good number would get to see too. There is a real investigation going on — not a RIGGED Crooked Hillary operation.
Q confirmed this today as this anon below describes.
319ac4 No.5275726
I just re listened. He said FBI.
9ef546 No.5275727
I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it.
4:02 PM - 3 Mar 2017
122003 No.5275728
Two humanitarian corridors opened to evacuate besieged civilians in al-Rukban Camp
Around 50 thousand displaced Syrians are staying at al-Rukban Camp in al-Tanf area where U.S. troops are deployed, living under catastrophic humanitarian conditions.
The plan to open the two corridors was announced two days ago by the Syrian-Russian joint coordination committees to secure the return of the besieged civilians.
The two corridors are equipped with centers to facilitate a secure voluntary exit and return of the displaced to any area they choose to go to around the clock.
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Leader Is Evacutated To Turkish Hospital After Explosion In Idlib
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani received injures and was evacuated to a hospital in the city of Antakya in the Turkish province of Hatay, Russia’s RIA Novosti reported on February 19 citing a Turkish medical source.
According to the report, Al-Joulani received a shell fragment wound as a result of the explosion, which hit Idlib on February 18. The terrorist group’s leader is reportedly in coma.
Shaaban: Syria’s war on terrorism continuous…Everything related to constitution sovereign matter decided by Syrians
” The countries which claim the fight against terrorism in Syria, on top the United States of America and Turkish regime , are its real backers to prolong crisis in Syria,” Dr. Shaaban said during the Valdai Discussion Club’s Middle East Conference titled “Middle East: New stage, old problems?” in Moscow Tuesday. ” The Constitution and everything related to it is a purely sovereign matter decided by the Syrian people without any outside interference through which some parties and states seek to impose their will on the Syrian people,” She said .
Military Situation In Syria On February 19, 2019 (Map Update)
At least 2 Turkish-backed militants were injured in a fresh attack by Kurdish rebels in Afrin’s Sharan;
The Syrian Democratic Forces vowed to retake Afrin, demands Damacsus to recongize its autonomy and says it’s ready to accept a northeastern Syria safe zone only under international supervision;
ISIS continues to hold a small pocket near Baghuz Fawqani. The fate of the remaining terrorists is unclear;
Gunmen killed a civilian in Raqqa city;
A Turkish soldier was killed in a supposed IED explosion in Afrin city;
Artillery duels and sporadic clashes continue in Northern Hama and northern Lattakia.
9f05b4 No.5275729
Reminder to memeanons.
MemeFarmer greatly appreciates anons posting copies of great new memes in the Memes bread … We want all great memes to end up in the Ammo Archive.
When doing artwork myself, some of the General harvest might get overlooked. (Sad!)
Can you help ensure nothing important is lost?
Post in Memes40 >>5268578
to have the good memes end up in here →
Q Research Graphics Library
https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000 memes & infographs - 10.4 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames
God bless, patriots.
377f53 No.5275730
b6f129 No.5275731
Thanks for the meme, cuck.
6bbcf9 No.5275732
So “the dog that has to be put down” last year was Noname?
Who is it now?
A bloody old dog!
ddce22 No.5275733
do you like this better?
bee5ec No.5275734
Rainbow Bridge is reserved for loving and faithful dogs. Some dogs are just fucking rotten and can’t be put down soon enough.
03edf9 No.5275735
i checked famous people who had husbands that died from brain cancer all i could find was sally atwater
whoever the poster was, i hope they are okay
c67f6d No.5275736
Too many former Bernie Bros
became awake after Bernie sold out
and allowed Killary to take it.
They understand he is part of the swamp.
I know this because my brother in-law was
a big Bernie supporter , now he is all TRUMP!
aeb864 No.5275737
They stalled until certain bad actors were removed.
d2c45a No.5275738
Nick Sandmann Sues Washington Post for $250 Million over ‘Defamatory’ Coverage
sum the same amount Bezos purchased newspaper
021fc5 No.5275739
122003 No.5275740
US Seeks To Split Syria And Create Quasi-State On Euphrates West Bank: Russia
They are actively investing and are forcing their allies to pay for redevelopment of that part of Syria. However, they are prohibiting their allies to invest in the restructuring of the infrastructure of the other parts of Syria which are controlled by the legitimate government,” Lavrov noted.
SDF Demads Damascus To Recognize Northeastern Syria Autonomy, Vows To Liberate Afrin
On February 17, the SDF released a statement declaring their public attitude in the current situation. According to this statement:
After the defeat of ISIS in the Euphrates Valley, the SDF will work on to eliminate cells within its areas in northeastern Syria;
The Kurdish group described Turkey as occupier, but declared readiness to solve the issues with Ankara via negotiations;
The SDF said that it’s ready to establishment of a safe area in northeastern Syria under “international supervision”;
The SDF said that it’s ready for negotiations with Damascus, but the Syrian government should take into account the SDF’s specificity and recognize the “self-declared and effective autonomy in the northeast”;
The SDF emphasized the role of the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), the female branch of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), within the group and vowed to work to “liberate” Afrin;
The Kurdish also said that it will restruct, train and redeploy its forces to achieve the newly declared goals.
European Leaders Reject Trump’s Call to Repatriate Syria Militants
“Europe will not be able to respond unanimously to the US demand to repatriate ISIS fighters held in Syria,” Austria’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Karin Kneissl, told Asharq Al-Awsat.
“I think it will depend on each country’s vision on how to deal with this file, because some countries have a large number of fighters and others have very few.”
“Each country will also have to consider this subject in a legal framework,” she added.
ea1d33 No.5275741
House Republicans are pushing back against a new Democratic-led probe into an alleged plot by White House officials to share nuclear-power technology with Saudi Arabia, saying it amounts to a defamatory "conspiracy theory" and warning of consequences.
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee opened the investigation on Tuesday amid claims by several unnamed whistleblowers who said they witnessed "abnormal acts" in the White House regarding a proposal to build dozens of nuclear reactors across the Middle Eastern kingdom.
According to an interim congressional report citing whistleblowers within the Trump administration, the nuclear effort was pushed by former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was fired in early 2017 for lying to Vice President Mike Pence and FBI agents. Derek Harvey, a National Security Council official brought in by Flynn, purportedly continued work on the proposal.
Now, congressional Republican officials are warning that Democrats – including Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the chairman of the House oversight panel – could face ethics referrals.
d7b94e No.5275743
Thanks Anon but I am a much better researcher than graphic designer. Much non homo love to all those great shitposting Anons before me.
No I in team.
d92db8 No.5275744
It will always warm my heart that regardless of all his accomplishments in life and how successful and wealthy this man is he will forever be remembered as the very embodiment of the establishment suddenly realizing the jig is up.
155e30 No.5275745
>now we know
From the new epoch times piece
87356b No.5275746
I hate these faggots, along with the faggots on Reddit who still believe this.
f6e2dd No.5275748
kek was just thinking rereading crumbs.
Love mushy Q
One of the reasons to believe this is real and not a game.
Human touch
e95d5f No.5275749
Is that real? (The pic) I know Bruce is real.
b47908 No.5275750
I want to be the news, but Twitter is still censoring. I noticed it big time yesterday and today.
83615b No.5275751
Where Hillary goes for instructions. Could it be any more obvious? No wonder (((they))) think we're all stupid.
15bdad No.5275752
If The highest ranking stalker of mine has any tranny nonsense on their devices
Just shoot them
c34dd1 No.5275754
( . )( . )
she is pretty
8f494b No.5275756
>>5273426 pb
>outpouring of love surrounding you
I smell a setup for a future proves past Q-proof.
319ac4 No.5275757
Bingo anon. It's controlled at top purposefully. Should've said that.
c371c1 No.5275759
Why didn’t he ask her? A little oldschool around here… Nice idea though.
62861a No.5275760
426f4e No.5275761
Holy shit…look at the size of that douche nozzle!
68f57d No.5275762
I think someone shooped that but the real thing isn't pretty either.
6c226f No.5275763
Lord have Mercy.
d252dc No.5275764
When that information is revealed, we will find out that all the Republican nominees were under surveillance.
b0ca47 No.5275765
eba358 No.5275766
so she wears the pants KEK
fcc5a8 No.5275767
someone who cares needs to dress him.
390012 No.5275768
thousands of paparazzi in D.C.
and DSLR no longer required
e3ccdb No.5275769
Notables so far
>>5275582, >>5275561, >>5275571, >>5275613, >>5275613 Live on FOX: 3rd dossier being reported tomorrow by John Solomon
>>5275591 John Solomon's article on the SECOND dossier from July
>>5275666 McCabe Email form FBI Vault
>>5275728, >>5275740 SYRIA UPDATE
>>5275729 Reminder to memeanons
>>5275741 GOP threatens retaliation against Dems probing 'ridiculous conspiracy theory' on White House-Saudi nuclear tie
122003 No.5275770
Saudi Arabia heart of evil in region, world: Senior IRGC commander
The second-in-command of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has slammed Saudi Arabia as “the heart of evil” in the Middle East region and the entire world as well, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic has been making plans for defeating its enemies and avenging the blood of its terror victims.
Speaking during a ceremony commemorating the victims of a recent terrorist attack in southeastern Iran on Tuesday, Brigadier General Hossein Salami warned that the assault, which was carried out by Saudi-backed terrorists, is not just one isolated terrorist incident; rather, it stems from “a dangerous strategy” which has emerged at the global level.
Iran’s IRGC forces “have been standing up to the ominous triangle of the US, the Zionist regime and the regional Arab reactionary governments, and that is no easy task,” he said.
“Today, Saudi Arabia is the heart of evil in the region and the world,” the senior commander said.
Last week, an explosives-laden car rammed into a bus in Iran’s Sistan-and-Baluchestan Province, killing 27 IRGC personnel and wounding 13 others.
The so-called Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group, which is based in Pakistan and linked to al-Qaeda and the Saudi regime, claimed responsibility for the bombing.
In the aftermath of the terror attack, the IRGC’s chief commander, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, issued a stern warning to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, saying they could face retaliatory measures for supporting terrorists on behalf of the US and Israel.
c4f9dc No.5275771
>>5274592 (prev)
re Kim Foxx recusal. This may have something to do with Kamala being related to Jussie but I'm beginning to think that the people in top positions being thrown into the spotlight Have to know by now about Q & 8chan. She has probably heard what happens when Anons start digging. She may have saved herself some drama.
Also, have any genealogy fags tried to figure out if Kamala is related to Jussie?
a9b7ae No.5275772
right? like if you're going to make up fake hacking group names do a little better than fancy bear and cozy bear ya tards.
623b2a No.5275773
What was Obama's role in coup?
f00014 No.5275774
For shills and normies
77c820 No.5275777
6bbcf9 No.5275779
5afa25 No.5275780
MARKER. Lexington and Concord was a symbol the white house is clean.
Following Bolton - most everything out there right now is focused on Venezuela
6a17d5 No.5275781
Stay strong, Q and Patriots!
20fc1e No.5275784
could be related to ongoing ops, yes…
and the timing of releases of info on the case has been very interesting, drip by drip, one more detail leaking out, then another…
and it wouldn't be hard to convince me that maybe Jussie's been offered a part he can't refuse - in many ways, but one of which being vengeance
7dc6d8 No.5275785
Spouse Anon has been asking for moar red pill movies to watch any suggestions nigh shift?
5b2ef4 No.5275786
That's good because it keeps newfags/Redditfags out. That's what the repositories like qntmpkts.keybase.pub and qmap.pub are for.
77c820 No.5275788
Is this the missile that was shot at POTUS?
7f8952 No.5275789
ongoing investigations do not reveal information until the investigation is complete. gag order.
9ef546 No.5275790
Subject: President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration Post
7 minutes ago
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
February 19, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration Post
Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate the following individual to a key position in his Administration:
Jeffrey A. Rosen of Virginia, to be the Deputy Attorney General at the Department of Justice.
Mr. Rosen currently serves as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Previously, Mr. Rosen was a senior partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP. During his nearly 30 years at that firm, he held positions of Associate, Partner, Co-Head of the Washington, D.C., office, and member of Kirkland’s Global Executive Management Committee. Mr. Rosen served as General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor for the White House Office of Management and Budget and as General Counsel at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Additionally, he served as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center and Chair of the American Bar Association’s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. Mr. Rosen earned his B.A. in economics with Highest Distinction from Northwestern University and his J.D., magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School.
29a837 No.5275791
"Go back to the Beginning"
Dd you catch it?
8ce814 No.5275792
No research on 8Chan is hidden. All of it is accessed through the threads or highlighted in topic threads listed along with the 8 chan research board
NO Research is hidden. We are not the state.
426f4e No.5275793
Those idiots are using old tech. Mirror less is future.
a764b8 No.5275794
I didnt make that connection. Thx Anon!
f6e2dd No.5275795
It's like a troll in junior miss clothes
c42347 No.5275796
could be, at least it will be made public 'who wrote the dossier' they used in the 3 maybe 4 FISA warrants.
It will certainly get the Normie NPC's brain churning.
6bbb0c No.5275797
2426fa No.5275798
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world anon.
d2c45a No.5275799
Attorneys for Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann filed a lawsuit against the Washington Post on Tuesday, seeking $250 million in compensatory and punitive damages.
“The Post wrongfully targeted and bullied Nicholas because he was the white, Catholic student wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ souvenir cap on a school field trip to the January 18 March for Life in Washington, D.C. when he was unexpectedly and suddenly confronted by Nathan Phillips (‘Phillips’), a known Native American activist, who beat a drum and sang loudly within inches of his face (‘the January 18 incident’),” the lawsuit filed by lawyers Todd V. McMurtry and Lin L. Wood in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky reads.
eaec7e No.5275801
I’m just spreading the info I got. There’s no doxxing of myself here. Just those folks
She said she saw her
You can’t have cameras in the SC but at least something to and from
637d6e No.5275802
old dog died last winter = Bush
c602ee No.5275803
You can’t help but care for someone who has shown they care for you.
That’s why I get frustrated with people that don’t take the time to listen to Potus directly. It’s so obvious how much he loves this country and her people.
c97d99 No.5275804
>>5275028 lb
Trump with that snake stick is fucking off the charts topkek.
bcbae5 No.5275805
Coates is an asshole and a deepstate holdover, but POTUS will cut him loose soon. Remember, NSA is now under that new General with the Asian last name but a patriot.
POTUS depends on MI, one step higher in the food chain than NSA.
MI is top of the pops, and no one else is higher.
NRO reports to MI then to NSA. MI is airtight.
5e13cf No.5275806
yes, that is the tweet from the guy I quoted. It appears and disappears quickly but it looks like a UFO. Dark > light.
426f4e No.5275807
A camera's ISO is a scam. Arbitrary number. All it is is a digital gain knob.
155e30 No.5275808
Other foreign governments involved. Former President involved. Ongoing investigations. Stakes could not be higher.
5e13cf No.5275809
no, it appears then quickly disappears
b47908 No.5275810
Sweet Kellyanne!! Love ya girl!
319ac4 No.5275811
65c094 No.5275812
I am sharing here because I have no other place to share. My son introduced me to Q last summer. Even with some of the gore & nudity, there is so much good here. Even though we are all anon here, it still feels like a family, a community in the least.
Thank you POTUS. Thank you Q. Thank you Anons. God Bless.
If you could find time, please share if you can. We have no social media following anywhere. We are not on FB, Twatter or IG. Nothing else. Thank you
We are struggling right now & could use a little help.
85eb7c No.5275814
Please someone do a Pepe picture with pepe wearing Q's skull as a bane mask..I have some quotes I want to put on it.
99a214 No.5275815
No Name's state continues its assault on America. This time they want mandatory DNA collection of EVERYONE.
2426fa No.5275818
Lighten it up a little bit with The Men Who Stare At Goats.
c3340d No.5275820
The last Q post is up top so you focus on deciphering it.
f6e2dd No.5275822
5d51e7 No.5275825
>MI is top of the pops, and no one else is higher.
Where does the Dept. of Naval Intelligence play into this?
68f57d No.5275827
Someone participated in the hearing as RBG.
Maybe a double?
She really has been reanimated.
Didn't actually die (Q never said she did, just a bunch of US Anons wishing for it).
Transcript below.
794d47 No.5275828
Not shooped, just freak!
eba358 No.5275829
e01dbe No.5275830
409eb9 No.5275831
What if Habbenings right now is what it says in Q’s very first post? HRC extradition already in motion……..
7f8068 No.5275832
The fact that Nunez and Sara Carter are talking about this now probably means we are close or at least much closer. Sara’s story was calculated to get us to ask these questions
c34dd1 No.5275835
I knew it! how else would you still be producing all these memes and pics!
295a31 No.5275837
And To Put His Family Through All Of This, Too
319ac4 No.5275838
College will be paid for. This will be settled quietly.
8ce814 No.5275842
Easy enough for a reporter to snap a pic of her entering the Courthouse and maybe ask her to pause to answer a question or two. When the answer is so easy … you need to start using critical thinking skills as to why it is not acted upon.
fcc5a8 No.5275844
this has to be stopped now. Talk about your National Emergency!
9f3097 No.5275846
Mexican businesswoman Susana Carrera kidnapped, murdered after ransom wasn’t paid
Susana Carrera was picking up her kids from a friend’s house when kidnappers pulled up, threw her in a car, and drove off. They demanded ransom of just over $200,000 for her return. When her husband couldn’t come up with the money in time, they decapitated her and left her body in a parking lot with a note that said, “This happened to me because my husband played the tough guy and didn’t want to pay my ransom.”
f5c3fd No.5275847
>>5274831 (pb notable)
This is a list of NRO Launch (NROL) designations, i.e. satellites operated by the United States National Reconnaissance Office. Those missions are generally classified, so that their exact purposes and orbital elements are not published. However, =amateur astronomers= have managed to observe most of the satellites, and leaked information has led to identify many of the payloads.
8b5dc3 No.5275848
habeas corpus or I dont believe
7e8e82 No.5275849
5e13cf No.5275850
wow you can see it clear as day at 0:10 in the top right corner, and then it quickly disappears
holy fuck
81beef No.5275851
e97b7e No.5275853
I don't give two fucks about Venezuela, when we can't even get rid of Bernie and ilk.
5c0021 No.5275854
More at source
The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.
The staggering scale of the biggest transfer of cash in the history of the Federal Reserve has been graphically laid bare by a US congressional committee.
In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.
d2c45a No.5275856
Lin Wood @LLinWood
Here is the Complaint filed today against The Washington Post on behalf of Nick Sandmann. All members of the mainstream & social media mob of bullies who recklessly & viciously attacked Nick would be well-served to read it carefully.
2c2f64 No.5275857
>>5272527 (pb)
Love dogs so much. love even more that Q took time to acknowledge this. I know I'm not alone in that my dogs are all I've had through some darkest of times. Prayers
8b5dc3 No.5275858
2cd804 No.5275860
just push the button marked booze
77c820 No.5275861
I think you all missed this - possible missile shot at POTUS on way to Singapore >>5275631
c79607 No.5275862
5431e2 No.5275863
Q drops or this board? >>5275680
a6f1c1 No.5275864
Shit!! Missed it. Thanks for going easy Anon. Thank You!!
319ac4 No.5275865
7e33a3 No.5275866
an honor and a pleasure Anon.
d2c45a No.5275867
The Post wrongfully targeted and bullied Nicholas because he was the white, Catholic student wearing a red ‘Make America Great Again’ souvenir cap on a school field trip to the January 18 March for Life in Washington, D.C. when he was unexpectedly and suddenly confronted by Nathan Phillips (‘Phillips’), a known Native American activist, who beat a drum and sang loudly within inches of his face (‘the January 18 incident’),” the lawsuit filed by lawyers Todd V. McMurtry and Lin L. Wood in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky reads.
e29b77 No.5275868
oh it's real alright.
fcc5a8 No.5275869
Cartel…open borders and allow them in. We love our neighbors right?
f6e2dd No.5275870
When I first found it I was digging on Q found qanon.pub and backtracked from there.
Spent a couple weeks figuring it out and haven't left since.
426f4e No.5275871
do you want perfect color?
c67f6d No.5275872
Would fuck up the on going investigation
Congress is full of bad actors.
The investigation has no leaks because
it has been done by true Patriots that follow the law and are dotting their I's and crossing their T's. To please the public and those in Media , congress etc is not what they are about, they are doing this in detail.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
127499 No.5275873
The other side of the earth.
05f44c No.5275874
Exposing the MSM for what they are
c602ee No.5275875
Oh, it was badass! And I think most of us agree that Q knew exactly who he was responding to.
bcbae5 No.5275877
DNI is a part of the overall MI structure but you probably cannot find an org chart. DNI does turn over what they decode at sea and anywhere they are to MI and are an integral part but MI is kinda an Army thing. Have a bud that retired from MI, and he says there are structures in MI that we will just never know about, but that it is a good thing they are there.
416ba5 No.5275879
"It's all happening underground, beneath the surface. Trust The Plan. Yadda yadda yadda. At some f'ing point, the seed planted underground SHOULD germinate and sprout to the SURFACE
I reported several PEDO sites on the darkweb to the FEDS and shit isn't happening! They want to go after people who grow their own CBD and prep for the worst but let their fucking coworker pedos show CP and MAKE PROFIT everyday. Fuck you Q. Fuck you.
cc938e No.5275880
So POTUS can publicly request it.
Public has to know there's a prob
before they (we) demand action.
Remember the IBOR campaign?
794d47 No.5275881
A good documentary "They Live"
e95d5f No.5275882
But I think he was referring to the change in the color on the horizon.
708980 No.5275883
426f4e No.5275884
I was hoping some arrests would happen today or tonight because of the full moon. You know symbology and shit.
a246b4 No.5275885
Declaration against NOS* & Marcel Gelauff for discrimination and abuse of government funds
*See it as the "Dutch CNN", anyway it's big in this small country
sauce: https://www.thekarskenstimes.com/weblog
5e13cf No.5275886
e7d32e No.5275887
i can attest. voted for bernie in the primary and went full god emperor trump soon after.
d2c45a No.5275888
The total sum sought by Sandmann is the same amount Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos purchased the Post for in 2013. The newspaper’s vice president for communications, Kristine Coratti Kelly, said in a statement to Reuters: “We are reviewing a copy of the lawsuit and we plan to mount a vigorous defense.”
In a tweet Saturday, Wood announced via Twitter that he would begin filing defamation lawsuits against several news outlets this week. “Nick Sandmann is 16 years old has 2+ years to identify accusers sue them,” he said. “No member of mainstream social media mob who attacked him should take comfort from not being sued in initial round of lawsuits which will commence next week. Time is Nick’s friend, not his enemy.”
c6bd8a No.5275889
Not a threat at all is some anons know how they tick, what they think, and have former connections.
And their level of socialism is now way past insane.It's on a level most people will not accept, like the green new deal.
d7b94e No.5275890
Pixelfags Needed!
Does anyone have any info on hiding files in pixels in a jpg file? (Ex.
.rar or zip in a jpg or pixel in jpg)?
5afa25 No.5275891
oookay thanks for sharing - did you have anything intellectual to add or….
7dc6d8 No.5275893
thanks anon - good choice
18c64f No.5275895
One thing MUST happen to keep this from ever happening again.
5e13cf No.5275896
I don't think it's a missile shot, looks to me like a UFO
545ee9 No.5275897
Hate Hoaxers for hire on Craigslist
cc03c6 No.5275900
I'm not sure anons, but I think the fake news may be trying to program the normies to think q is a
muh conspiracy theory
c7c96a No.5275901
>Fuck you Q. Fuck you.
Emotionally unstable.
fcc5a8 No.5275903
She said the President , unless i misunderstood. They did reply they would make the documents available. If they couldn't deliver because of cases ongoing. They should have said so.
416ba5 No.5275904
LOL is that what you Chan'rs look like? Fuck try doing pushups once in a while outside of gym class.
3b5a26 No.5275905
Vietnamese barber marks upcoming summit with free Trump, Kim haircuts
e38d8f No.5275906
I can't wait to find out who all in the media is involved.
We can name a few, but there has to be more!
426f4e No.5275907
Now why would you do that, faggot?
3350a9 No.5275908
Michael Berry trolls John Kerry.
Mentions his 'ham radio' in a parody.
Around 8:15 in tonight's broadcast.
Haven't found a connection yet to beautiful Nellie, but the night is young.
05f44c No.5275909
The hands and feet are soooooooo
8a8784 No.5275910
>>5265786 (pb)
Wonderfully stated, anon. Concur.
3554a0 No.5275911
And now we know why John James didnt get the Senate seat.
8ce814 No.5275913
GESTAPO tacitic's at it's finest. Marxist state on our own apple pie shores?
2426fa No.5275914
What could happen to an Old Fashioned?
68f57d No.5275915
Is a time marker in the video (capture attached).
Was a QClock proof.
416ba5 No.5275916
Good job being totally ok with CP being sent over the net. They came here for a reason.
eba358 No.5275917
I bet that took a lot to admit.
Anyway, welcome aboard anon
d06664 No.5275918
Not sure if this was seen today or not.
"…..Production sources tell TMZ … Jussie was supposed to have 9 scenes and a big musical number in the second to the last episode – which is being shot now – but 5 of his scenes have been cut, and his musical number has been 86'd…."
456adf No.5275921
This is the last I'll say on this tonight.
I need to know that the information I am getting is reliable and true.
I asked Q to answer a simple question (what is the origin of fight, fight, fight) and to post it in a way that the normies would not have a clue what he/she was talking about.
Q has no problems posting others Twitter streams, what I am asking could be accomplished in a few select characters.
And I understand the workload these guys are under, so I am in no rush for validation.
But when it does come in, I will proudly announce that the question was verified.
I am just an ordinary anon like the rest of you… Except I know guys with Q Clearance… They tell the same stories… Inside Baseball… etc…
I bet a ton of other autistic anons already know the answers too.
6b0be4 No.5275923
This is intentional. To replace you.
c602ee No.5275925
I believe the directive was to DNI and DOJ, not the NSA.
7dc6d8 No.5275926
thanks anon… thought you were fucking with me at first…. but that's a real flick…. thanks… I laughed already
3806bb No.5275927
Cook County State's Attorney kim foxx recused herself from the smollet case. He was an activist, rubbed shoulders with lawmakers, politicians and other influential people. His latest cause was this anti-lynching legislation, but his real mission was to do anything he could to destroy Trump and his supporters. Highly likely smollet and foxx had corresponded with each other. If they had using email or text, Chicago PD would have found that when they pulled his phone records. Just being his buddy could trigger a recusal, but I'm guessing the content of their communication is the real reason (think Trump Derangement Syndrome). This case is going to destroy a few more people close to smollet before it's all over.
20fc1e No.5275928
nice work
>>5275900 trying to program the normies to think q is a muh conspiracy theory
416ba5 No.5275929
So how come Q isn't freeing us from this debt slavery? Hmm?
5699c5 No.5275930
Problem is, most of the drops that contain serious shit (pedo/sacrifice) also contain:
The choice to know will be yours.
794893 No.5275932
It's all nonsense.
This is all a LARP and we're just playing along.
You may go purchase a scarf and install a sturdy doorknob, now.
c7c96a No.5275933
I ain't OK with shit.
You are just emotionally unstable.
People like your are easy to control.
122003 No.5275935
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Andrew McCabe Says NO ONE in ‘Gang of Eight’ Objected to Spying on Trump
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe told NBC’s “Today” Show on Tuesday that members of the Gang of Eight congressional leaders knew about the deep state FBI spying on President Trump.
Members of the Gang of 8 included Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Adam Schiff, Richard Burr and Mark Warner.
The Gang of 8 members did not respond to the accusation today.
The Politico reported:
Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said on Tuesday that no members of the “Gang of Eight” congressional leaders objected when he informed them in May 2017 that the FBI had opened a counterintelligence investigation into President Donald Trump over his ties to Russia.
McCabe, who was serving then as acting FBI director after Trump fired Director James Comey, said on NBC’s “Today” show that no one in the briefing objected to the bureau’s inquiry of whether Trump was being used as a Russian asset — “not on legal grounds, constitutional grounds or based on the facts.”
The purpose of the briefing with the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate and the chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees “was to let our congressional leadership know exactly what we’d been doing” after Comey’s firing, McCabe said.
b47908 No.5275936
I will be praying you, your son, and husband anon. Take care.
7e8e82 No.5275937
Perfect. It accurately depicts most of what [MOS] operators post.
8e9b60 No.5275938
This Just In:
Moran in Senate Remains Skeptical
87bebb No.5275941
Could the next iteration of D5 now be 4/5/19? Here's a one year delta from Q
db8e1e No.5275942
8b5dc3 No.5275943
>This is the last I'll say on this tonight.
good, now go smoke your cigar
5afa25 No.5275944
The ego of these assholes is ASTOUNDING.
c318b8 No.5275945
>What was Obama's role in coup?
That POS Hussein is a puppet!
VJ was no doubt spearheading the whole fucking thing, just like the Iran deal!
20fc1e No.5275946
kekking heartily, dats beautiful
eba358 No.5275947
5d51e7 No.5275949
Q insinuated that ET related security clearance is the highest.
Pretty much a no brainer. Lizard people aren't likely going to be a (public) part of the plan, at least for a ridiculously long time.
Does DNI preside over Solar Warden?
If so, would they have the highest clearance?
Now if Q could confirm if 'The Law of One' is legit or not, it would definitely help clear up some of my other questions.
e01dbe No.5275950
Barry is a clown.
f3d28e No.5275951
Nice work anon. Very nice.
416ba5 No.5275953
<emotionally unstable
Yet condones shit like >>5275931 and CP
Kek. KYS
81beef No.5275954
Lies. Nunes would have said something.
7dc6d8 No.5275956
i think this is why I like this place so much… i elementary school, we called everyone a 'tard' … there was even a 'tard' step in the stairwell thanks for the kek
2eb420 No.5275957
6a17d5 No.5275958
No. D5 was never a date.
D5 is: Corporate Assessments Office (NSA)
62861a No.5275959
Ramtha "Last Waltz with Tyrants"
ec2e8c No.5275960
You act as if Q didn’t say we’re saving Israel for last
e01dbe No.5275961
e3ccdb No.5275962
Notables so far
>>5275582, >>5275561, >>5275571, >>5275613, >>5275613 Live on FOX: 3rd dossier being reported tomorrow by John Solomon
>>5275591 John Solomon's article on the SECOND dossier from July
>>5275666 McCabe Email form FBI Vault
>>5275728, >>5275740 SYRIA UPDATE
>>5275729 Reminder to memeanons
>>5275741 GOP threatens retaliation against Dems probing 'ridiculous conspiracy theory' on White House-Saudi nuclear tie
>>5275773 Paul Sperry tweet: What was Obama's role in coup?
>>5275790 Press release on POTUS' nomination of Jeffery Rosen for Deputy AG
>>5275874 Nick Sandmann's Lawyers File Massive Lawsuit Against The Washington Post
>>5275905 For Keks: Vietnamese barber marks upcoming summit with free Trump, Kim haircuts
>>5275900 Graphic on search results for "Qanon"
df45aa No.5275963
Predictably, Q is making even more excuses for the failure to act against the deep state. How about if Trump doesn't get re-elected or God forbid, he dies or becomes ill? Our lives ARE now. Doesnt Trump like to do things ahead of schedule and under budget? Excuses for failing to act expeditiously hardly indicate "full control," but quite the contrary.
Life is short. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE.
Or will 2019 just be more of (pic related)?
794893 No.5275964
c318b8 No.5275965
>Vietnamese barber marks upcoming summit with free Trump, Kim haircuts
OMG, that is the best thing ever! lmao
c586e8 No.5275966
It's a real project the US Army ran. Look up the First Earth Battalion.
6b0be4 No.5275967
"tomb of the unknown soldier" to be replaced with "tomb of the unknown AIDS patient", according to Trump administration insider
390012 No.5275968
and they can be extracted with that same app
c7c96a No.5275969
>Kek. KYS
Sounds like my ex.
20fc1e No.5275970
Everything has meaning.
This is not a game.
Learn to play the game.
44c940 No.5275972
Forget the Nobel Prize. If this Plan happens the way I hope and pray it will, and if we were to have an honest “Pope” at the time, POTUS would get sainthood for restoring light and cleaning up evil, with angel honors for the Q team.
>Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions - The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them.
5914d5 No.5275973
>but that's a real flick
based on a true story "Psychic Spies, Acid Guinea Pigs, New Age Soldiers: the True Men Who Stare at Goats" Psychic spies? True. The non-fiction book which serves as the movie's basis features Colonel John B. Alexander. He served as a Special Forces commander in Vietnam and spent decades promoting the use of psychics and "remote viewers" for national security. (That is, when he wasn't pursuing his interests in -linguistic programming, UFOs, or non-lethal weapons.) In 2007, our own Sharon Weinberger interviewed Col. Alexander in some depth on the military use of witches. "They were doing palmistry, crystal ball kinds of stuff," he said. https://www.wired.com/2009/11/psychic-spies-acid-guinea-pigs-new-age-gis-the-true-men-who-stare-at-goats/
b3d806 No.5275975
Me too! I donated to Bernie 29 times!!!
So glad he lost.
155e30 No.5275976
Why does it show 3 separate timestamps?
b0ca47 No.5275977
>Emotionally unstable.
dead inside
b7da55 No.5275978
P=Piso ? Q= Mark ?Mark in the new testament was known as Q ! Mark was written in a prototype form before it was later crafted into the form that we are familiar with. The earlier version was called 'Ur Marcus' and is also known/called 'Q' (for 'Quelle', which is German for the 'source').
Sauce http://www.angelfire.com/wi/famtree/wrotent.html
fb3beb No.5275979
ec2e8c No.5275980
He probably did in private
9dfa92 No.5275981
>Forget the Nobel Prize. If this Plan happens the way I hope and pray it will, and if we were to have an honest “Pope” at the time, POTUS would get sainthood for restoring light and cleaning up evil, with angel honors for the Q team.
More importantly, he deserves free Diet Coke for life.
d252dc No.5275982
No he didn’t. Fuck off with this shit, shill.
fb4f09 No.5275983
>>5275817 mirror post numbers are different and
compare link in >>5272265
with original post (see pic) (Sorry if previously mentioned)
8b5dc3 No.5275984
8ce814 No.5275986
Could be a satellite rolling over in space catching the sun's reflection. If you look up at night you can catch the same effect as the satellites follow their path around the globe.
ec851b No.5275987
"I need to know that the information I am getting is reliable and true."
You may very well be connected and important…. But you"need" to know? Q and POTUS have a plan. I believe that if you are needed you will be called on, just like the rest of us. Get off your high horse.
426f4e No.5275988
I think the 2020 elections will be suspended due to the nature of the investigations and those involved. Tribunals.
5afa25 No.5275989
bought that cup at the local gas station in DC did ya? hahahaha
c42347 No.5275990
'zero days', shows just how vulnerable we are to cyber espionage and how Israel fucked up our Stuxnet virus infiltrating Iran's nuclear centrifuges they made/gave foreign regimes the potential for the same capability.
ffcbe4 No.5275991
A new word for stupid will need to be invented.
df45aa No.5275994
More known traitors and criminals walking free with impunity.
c199e2 No.5275996
SGT has let me down.. FE…
2c2f64 No.5275997
3554a0 No.5275998
You dont understand how a sting operation works. You also provided 0 proof to back your claims, so, it's understandable why anons might think you are full of shit. We've exposed tons of fuckery in that realm of research, here, without posting actual photos. Just links and evidence of where to find it. It's gotten reported, and it's gotten taken down.
Contribute or kvetch; whatever. Just be ready to get called out.
24d38d No.5275999
Did somebody say they got them blue pills
a1a889 No.5276002
>>5263950 (pb)
So tell us Malia, did you pass the test on the casting couch for Weinerstain?
b47908 No.5276003
Agreed anon. He had his chance. Just looks silly now.
Of course, I was for TRUMP from day one!
426f4e No.5276004
You probably believe we evolved from monkey's. Right you idiot?
377f53 No.5276005
this was a great documentary. full movie is on youtuibe
5a128a No.5276006
Yes. The shadows fall as the should and there is no apparent feathering or airbrushing. The fabric of the sapphire blue blouse contrasting the light blue cotton creates a harsh line that looks as though Bruce has been spliced into the photo.
c9d74c No.5276008
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5275967
same green beret
5e4fcc No.5276009
Had to bring this one out again.
456adf No.5276010
haha.. Ever fly an F-15 off an aircraft carrier'?
68f57d No.5276012
She is in the transcript Anon.
Are the other judges complicit? Doesn't seem possible.
Maybe a body double? Maybe a clone (has been discussed as possible). Maybe she didn't die and just is receiving some cancer treatment/youth serum that keeps here going.
Q didn't say she died. We speculated it.
Wishful thinking I suppose.
d35da2 No.5276013
7f8068 No.5276014
You are a douchebag
d82691 No.5276015
You mean 16 lawsuits already?
16 cases of discovery?
About whether there is a human trafficking crisis…
8ac579 No.5276016
Was this you anon?
Was actually 3rd time Q spoke directly to an anon.
It's been a long year and we've been thru so much together. From the tippy top of highs to the lowest of low's. We will never again be the people we were a year ago. For better or worse, we are just a yuge dysfunctional family.
8chan IS soup for the soul.
Probably more of us around that you might think. Diehards in it to win it :)
df45aa No.5276017
Pish. Documents, internet posts, and twats arent Booms in any respect. Booms are loud habbenings.
f53560 No.5276018
I think it was the 2nd (today)_….did a doubletake
c586e8 No.5276019
"Breathed life into clay"
319ac4 No.5276020
In case you missed it:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., recently moved into a luxury apartment complex in Washington, D.C. that does not offer the affordable housing units that were a key plank in the New York congresswoman’s campaign platform.
Ocasio-Cortez, 29, who said in November that she was concerned about being able to afford rent in D.C., now earns a $174,000 annual salary and is living in a newly built high-rise in the city’s Navy Yard area, the Washington Free Beacon reported last week.
The freshman congresswoman, a self-described socialist, campaigned on a platform to expand affordable housing, and her controversial Green New Deal proposal promises “Safe, affordable, adequate housing” for all.
But Ocasio-Cortez’s new building — built by leading D.C. developer WC Smith — is part of a luxury complex whose owners specifically do not offer affordable units under Washington, D.C.’s Affordable Dwelling Units program. The Washington Examiner is not naming the building or complex.
Socialism pays well!!
67f32f No.5276021
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5275785
best interview i have seen in a long time. was in recemt Q drop. lara logan is a super hero.
717d14 No.5276024
I'm quite certain Pres Trump wanted this investigation. Give them the rope to hang themselves. Why else did he appoint RR? Nunes probably sat there and kek'd under his breath.
0020ad No.5276025
And she was recently seen in public, not hunched over?
69e822 No.5276026
CP is digital and hard to trace whereas pot is tangible and requires transport (sender and receiver) so a lot easier to bust.
For sickos who deal with CP the feds typically infiltrate the group and pretend to be a sicko and try to befriend other sickos to get them to let their guard down or slip up which takes time.
Don’t be such a newfag and ==Think Logically==
Advice: stay off darkweb fren it’s not safe there and it’s not sane there either
bcbae5 No.5276027
I think that any and all relevant info regarding ET's or their craft tech will remain buried for a long time.
Remember, 1947 was a long time ago and all the hard evidence about the crash is still unconfirmed by anyone on the other side of the military fence.
Yes, many have reported on things, but again, without a craft or real bodies, we will always be waiting.
I personally think there are all kinds of wild things going on, but it is all happening inside our solar system. No one has come that far.
My views are held by some as to the real sources of aliens and alien tech, but not by many.
Someday that info will be insignificant compared to the things that God will reveal.
8b5dc3 No.5276028
meme farmer, please post the "Help, I'm downing!" meme
85eb7c No.5276029
If you really think that why would they pay you to come here and shit talk him? Only makes sense to do that if you didn't believe a word you just typed.
c7c96a No.5276030
F-15s are AF. They don't fly off Navy carriers,
d18305 No.5276031
Brother/Sister, I love you and will be praying for you. I lost a great friend last weekend. She was a Taekwondo Grand Master, Olympian, and master to several Olympians. When she was dying, she had me and one of her Olympians help her out of the bed so she could do "squats" in her walker with oxygen tubes coming out of her nose. She walked around the house like a champ. She did that to the day she died of lung cancer. One of the last things she told me was about her "journey of the universe" with God.
She told me, "tell everyone you know, God is real!!!" "I saw him in the brightest light. I saw people that died many years ago, my neighbor across the street, and they all greeted me. I could feel all the love of them and the people on earth, like you. I could feel the prayers of everyone for me. If they were Christian, Muslim (as many of her athletes were) or whatever, I could feel their prayers and love."
Know that God is real and your love for him and your prayers are not in vain. We will all see each other again, so long as we live a good, just life.
Love you and will have you in my prayers!
ec2e8c No.5276032
Cool, you went to Quantico and wasted 12 bucks
7e8e82 No.5276033
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5275955
Sandmann's gonna get all the hot maga chicks that want a man that stands his ground.
79a625 No.5276034
Synaptically challenged
20fc1e No.5276035
that would be an interesting turn of events… also not so fair if there's not any candidates left.
we might be getting more than a comfy 8 years of Trump after all…
426f4e No.5276037
So you believe scientists on one thing but not the other? Pick and choose what suits you. I see.
806e1a No.5276038
great, now you started the biblethumping slide
261816 No.5276039
>>5274880 (pb) "Don't underestimate" Bernie Sanders
c6bd8a No.5276041
More than half of Jussie Smollett's 'scenes on Empire have been cut and show writers are scrambling to fill in the gaps' amid 'hoax' attack scandal
Anonymous production sources told TMZ Smollett's scenes have been cut
He had nine major scenes and a musical but will now only appear in four
It comes as police sources say he orchestrated the January 29 'attack' because a threatening letter he received a week earlier did not get enough 'attention'
Smollett, 36, is 'outraged' by the accusation he lied and is maintaining his story
Police are continuing their probe but did not speak with the actor on Monday
It remains unclear when he will next talk to the authorities in Chicago
He has not yet finished filming, according to TMZ, but will not be rehearsing now
Instead, he will go to set for a reduced number of days every week until it is complete
More than half of Jussie Smollett's scenes on Empire have been axed and writers are scrambling to come up with changes to make up for the gaps, it has been claimed.
TMZ cites anonymous production sources who say that the 36-year-old had nine key scenes in the new string of episodes of the Fox show and one big musical.
But in the wake of allegations he staged his racist and homophobic attack, producers have scaled back his appearance in the fifth season of Empire.
Sources say five of his scenes and a musical have been cut entirely and he will no longer be the focus for his remaining four.
The sudden revision means extra work for the writers and the script has reportedly undergone multiple revisions in the past 24 hours.
Empire is in its fifth season. It last aired on December 5 and is due to return to screens in the spring but a date for the 10th episode of the season has not yet been announced. The final episodes are still being filmed.
Smollett is now required on set far less, according to the report, though the sources would not say if his role would be entirely written out.
He plays Jamal Lyon, one of the son's Terrance Howard's musical mogul character's sons.
5afa25 No.5276044
I posted this the day before when Q posted 'multiple-day'
709752 No.5276045
Q posts as an anon to explain Papa Bush died in December and RBG goes down now. Then responds to himself to say Sorry!
c97d99 No.5276046
He didn't lose, the primary was stolen from him.
Voted for Trump in the primary, voted for Trump in the general. Have never voted for a democrap ever.
2b3a37 No.5276048
timestamp that picture and repost under ID: 456adf or take your bullshit elsehwere Monica
e8e3b0 No.5276049
I was picking a thrift store like so many other deploribles did during the Barry years and found that and sold it on ebay so does that dox me?
55b51c No.5276051
e38d8f No.5276052
Hey Anon,
Let's remember, Q did say that the President would be out when shit goes down…..I believe he'll be in Vietnam next week??
8378ee No.5276053
Because it wasn't time.
2cd804 No.5276054
Gold wakes up
We are updating an article published in December to explain the mechanisms underlying the evolution of precious metal prices. Since then, gold prices have gained ground, driven by a recovery in emerging currencies, an easing of US real interest rates and, of course, a significant decline in equity markets. The assumptions made in December have been confirmed.
Concern is growing. Some may point at the US administration's tendency to disrupt the process of globalization, which is damaging to global growth. In addition to these growth concerns, there are inflationary pressures in the United States. In theory, this provides all the conditions for gold prices to shine, an effective store of value against inflation and a preferred asset to hedge against an economic downturn.
However, this is not the case. On the contrary, the stock market performance of gold metal is far from dazzling. To assess this paradox, it is necessary to focus on the different determinants of the price of gold, apart from the fundamental data specific to the physical market.
1) The dollar effect and emerging currencies
The opposite relationship between the greenback and dollar-denominated commodities is well known. Most times, a decline in the dollar is accompanied by an increase in the value of an ounce of gold (denominated in dollars) and vice versa. Understanding this relationship means understanding the attractiveness of gold for holders of other currencies. In other words, the stronger the dollar against its counterparts, the lower the purchasing power of holders of other currencies, implying lower demand and ultimately lower gold prices.
The graph below, which is simplistic at first glance, makes sense after a study of the main gold buyers, including China and India, and to a lesser extent, other countries such as Russia and Turkey.
In this context, it remains relevant to take into account the evolution of emerging currencies to understand the difficult path of gold since the beginning of the year. Led by massive capital repatriations, resulting from Fed policies, or by the escalation of trade disputes, emerging currencies are constantly losing ground, a phenomenon that affects more and more countries. More concretely, we are talking about an average depreciation of emerging currencies of more than 16% since February, which mechanically weakens the purchasing capacity of these countries on gold denominated in dollars.
It should also be noted that some countries, in order to stem the fall in their currencies, are forced, via their central banks, to sell part of their gold stocks, thereby fueling the fall in the price of gold metal (denominated in dollars).
717d14 No.5276055
That's what I'm thinking.
7dc6d8 No.5276056
if you understand inside baseball… then you know Q has posted plenty of inside baseball items… why you breakin' his balls? The insider baseballers do love to tell stories and reminisce… but Q strikes me more as MI than a political inside baseball hack
5afa25 No.5276057
Ever put a toddler to bed after they refused to nap?
Doesn't mean I work for the NSA.
c7c96a No.5276059
You're a mishmash of feelings.
And unstable as a woman on her period.
426f4e No.5276060
Watch the shills on here: "I think NASA is the end all be all. They are GOSPEL!"
fc12d9 No.5276062
All my on line liberal acquaintances are having a gushfest over Bernie Sanders running. They actually think his socialist polices are a good thing. This is a meme they are sharing. (Please don't shoot the messenger).
cd8053 No.5276064
the 2 with "SOCIALIST" scratched out read badly, also the font "we the people" in feels arabic to me for some reason
df45aa No.5276065
Better look inot that for a few more years. 2023 will be glorious.
3b5a26 No.5276066
Moar sauce
Jeffrey Rosen (why didn’t CNN use him name on their tweet?)
BREAKING: President Trump plans to nominate deputy transportation secretary as deputy attorney general
d41f55 No.5276067
ffcbe4 No.5276068
646275 No.5276069
Q is above your paygrade newfag.
458b96 No.5276070
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Rosen - nominated for Deputy AG - first spent time in OMB and Dept of Transportation.
Intel gathering to Drain the Swamp?
pic related
319ac4 No.5276071
Soooo….you're #1 Enemy just became the POTUS and now has the keys to all Intel powers and what do you do?
Why plot a coup through emails, texts, phone calls, HAM radios, and PDB's of course!
390012 No.5276072
0020ad No.5276073
Why does Q keep saying "GRAVITY"?
806e1a No.5276074
(19) posts
calling people shills
ec2e8c No.5276075
Nope, you’re good to go. Hope you got a fair price for it
fe6b46 No.5276076
>>5275063 (pb)
Underrated post.
e41a73 No.5276077
–Facilitate contacts with park visitors to provide park information and arrange backcountry planning
–Perform guided talks and lectures at campground amphitheater
–Conduct research into park flora and fauna and document changes to park natural attributes over time
–Handle buckets of uranium ore within the park museum
–Act as environmental subject matter expert and promote best in class environmental practices by park visitors and staff
–Assist park superintendent in covering up various incidents deemed embarrassing and historically harmful to the health of visitors and staff
–Man entrance booth and collect entrance fees and perform visitor/automobile counts
eba358 No.5276078
socialism pays well … for the politician at least
0806a5 No.5276079
A random thought: Come reaping time the wheat will be separated from the chaff across all platforms, even this one.
419287 No.5276080
I hope it happens. Bern this shit down and start over.
426f4e No.5276081
So shills don't exist in your world?
2426fa No.5276082
Trips and pic confirm Cenrovich gas station dick pill and 4Loco addiction.
981e8f No.5276083
Q/you/bakeables User JS
another anon's script now much faster having been run through the Closure Compiler (cyclomatic complexity reduced from 14 to 8)
2f33f8 No.5276084
Oh no please don't bring up FE.
We all know earth is a plane of existence protected/enclosed by the firmament but the globetard sheep get triggered over this shit and then it ruins the board.
319ac4 No.5276085
Barr always insists on picking his #2 so this wasn't a POTUS choice. This is trusting Barr.
df45aa No.5276086
Whitewater ended up being a Clinton whitewash, so that's prob how this crook started.
f00014 No.5276087
link at top of graphic. Craigslist = NPC employment center apparently
99aed2 No.5276089
>>5275784 Who will believe him now if he says they started raping him when he was 9? Look at a picture of Shaun Weiss and tell me something is not weighing heavy on his mind.
7f3aa6 No.5276090
"…Stephen Curry is in Oakland for an event with former President Barack Obama. They are headlining "MBK Rising," a symposium on how to support young people of color…. It was held at the Oakland Scottish Rite Center…"
64f03b No.5276092
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5275777
Had to watch POTUS & Team's brilliant presentation to Chairman Kim (linked above airplane clip) again.
637d6e No.5276093
no Senate confirmation required.
bee5ec No.5276095
Bernie didn’t listen to POTUS. Fuck socialists.
55b51c No.5276096
Tax payers want a refund!!
cc03c6 No.5276098
Smaller file size if ya need it. Didn't realize the other file was so big
127499 No.5276100
>>5275773 He was in it up to Michelle's testicles.
155e30 No.5276101
ffcbe4 No.5276102
At least the shills are easy to spot. They’re not sending their best.
203cb0 No.5276104
bad ebot dont bully daniel
806e1a No.5276105
kek, yeah, pic related
426f4e No.5276106
Space FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!
GPS is ground based, so says an AF confidential source.
cd8053 No.5276107
e01dbe No.5276108
The Truman Show (for sure)
They Live
Archer (tidbits and will show with video proof)
Mark Taylor
There's honestly something else I usually tell people asking this question but I really just can't recall what it was.
319ac4 No.5276109
Missing 411. No thx! Lol
9f05b4 No.5276110
Alternate version for anons who aren't Texans. (Kek, miscrop).
a7d690 No.5276111
making venezuela_homosexuality/WW great again.
Does this stop satanists from eating kids?
<Sounds like going after oil and pandering to a paltry voter base for optics tbqh.
8ac579 No.5276112
Nunes was not in the gang of 8 at the time. He was forced out by (((them))).
It was Conaway taking his place.
f53560 No.5276113
Sasquatch (after hair removal) and baby sasquatch
THe cast recently (This week) dropped the puck/photo op at a Ducks home game. I didn't know he was a cast member when I read about it. Might be worth a peek.
69e822 No.5276114
Wrong reply lamefag
df45aa No.5276115
Nerdy cop assholes. Nerds are often crooked.
7dc6d8 No.5276116
8f494b No.5276119
20fc1e No.5276120
he did have 2 today, this afternoon and now doggo anon comfort and support…
learning comms goes both ways?
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 441976 No.5266371
Feb 19 2019 13:41:35 (EST)
>>5265751 (/pb)
Start from beginning.
(Small) sampling of proofs.
Patriots in control.
You are the news now.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 73e851 No.5273426
Feb 19 2019 19:48:33 (EST)
>>5272527 (/pb)
Thoughts and prayers.
May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.
cd8053 No.5276121
>shills are easy to spot
Christ are they, eternal september on steroids
155e30 No.5276122
Bugger off sadfag. Prop or no prop. That thing has been larped all over hell and gone.
85eb7c No.5276123
Yup a lot fake MAGA shills on that chan, I unsubbed a while ago looks like he's cashing out before tshtf with flat earth.
5afa25 No.5276125
YESSSSS "What I say class action lawsuit?"
b6866b No.5276126
you dont fly planes off carriers anyway
no navair would have said that
You pilot it or ride it as it is shot or catted
67f32f No.5276127
c79607 No.5276128
OMB to see who is money laundering
Transportation to see who is trafficking
285f7d No.5276129
250894 No.5276132
They probably don't want to move to quickly because the deep state traitors will activate millions of their violent braindead protesters nationwide. It would be pretty chaotic. Get real, POTUS isn't going anywhere. Absolute worst case scenario, they try to remove him. The key word here is "try", because the elephant in the room is that there are over 400 million guns in the US. A majority of the Military, especially at the top, supports POTUS. A majority of law enforcement supports POTUS. And all of the Christian Conservative gun owners support POTUS. There is no enforcement arm of the Democrats and deep state that could successfully remove POTUS from office. At this point, they are moving at the necessary speed to avoid having bloodshed.
da4ebe No.5276133
"There's simply no polite way to tell people they've dedicated their lives to an illusion."
If they were paid, they knew.
Break them.
c7c96a No.5276134
You are well acquainted with all things lame, Shelia.
6b0be4 No.5276135
Meghan Markle: A Synopsis
>grow up in broken multiracial home
>sleep way into Hollywood
>become trashy c-list actress
>get divorced
>seduce British prince
>wed prince & wear white dress
>be accepted by British people
>immediately start working against British people’s interests
390012 No.5276136
yes, he's owned
was he adopted? born in? purchased?
87bebb No.5276137
He was just saving for a rainy day!
f00014 No.5276139
Yours "let that sink in" pic related
df45aa No.5276140
Bern is a fraud and a humorless asshole.
62861a No.5276142
Didn't McCain have the brain tumor?
d41f55 No.5276143
It's about time they are held accountable for stealing taxpayers money
f32cdf No.5276144
He's the president of the flat earth society, kek..
8f494b No.5276145
122003 No.5276146
19 Palestinians arrested in fresh Temple Mount clashes
Palestinian worshipers clashed with Israeli police on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Tuesday, trying to force their way into an area of the flash-point holy compound that has been closed for years. Police said 19 Palestinians were arrested.
The incident follows a similar confrontation on Monday in which Palestinians tried to break the gate that Israel placed on the closed area last week after the Muslim Waqf religious council broke into the area and held prayers there.
Palestinian medics reported that several protesters were injured in the standoff.
6f75ea No.5276147
426f4e No.5276148
Speak of any conspiracy in the world and it's OK.
Speak of flat earth and even patriots turn into the leftists faggots they are fighting.
Foaming at the mouth - type of shit. For NASA must be protected at all costs.
be7abc No.5276149
>>5272528 /pb
Look at the list of more to come…Its great!
The list of entities that letters were sent to includes:
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
The Guardian
National Public Radio
Atlantic Media Inc.
Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
Diocese of Covington
Diocese of Lexington
Archdiocese of Louisville
Diocese of Baltimore
Ana Cabrera (CNN)
Sara Sidner (CNN)
Erin Burnett (CNN)
S.E. Cupp (CNN)
Elliot C. McLaughlin (CNN)
Amanda Watts (CNN)
Emanuella Grinberg (CNN)
Michelle Boorstein (Washington Post)
Cleve R. Wootson Jr. (Washington Post)
Antonio Olivo (Washington Post)
Joe Heim (Washington Post)
Michael E. Miller (Washington Post)
Eli Rosenberg (Washington Post)
Isaac Stanley-Becker (Washington Post)
Kristine Phillips (Washington Post)
Sarah Mervosh (New York Times)
Emily S. Rueb (New York Times)
Maggie Haberman (New York Times)
David Brooks (New York Times)
Shannon Doyne
Kurt Eichenwald
Andrea Mitchell (NBC/MSNBC)
Savannah Guthrie (NBC)
Joy Reid (MSNBC)
Chuck Todd (NBC)
Noah Berlatsky
Elisha Fieldstadt (NBC)
Eun Kyung Kim
Bill Maher
Warner Media
Conde Nast
The Hill
The Atlantic
Ilhan Omar
Elizabeth Warren
Kathy Griffin
Alyssa Milano
Jim Carrey
ffcbe4 No.5276150
Kek, for sure. Love the F15’s from carriers. Oops.
c318b8 No.5276154
>Me too! I donated to Bernie 29 times!!!
I'm sure he still appreciates that every time he goes to his 3rd house (on the beach!)
7dc6d8 No.5276155
yea….. i like that… memed that twice
5afa25 No.5276156
You forgot this one
>prince husband goes to artic circle for operation clockwork to worship said multiracial halfwhitetrash wife in sacred igloo
b47908 No.5276158
Oh boy they are gonna be in a ton of shit if this is what I think it is.
717d14 No.5276159
We don't say his name
e94887 No.5276160
Imagine a country/world where you didn’t have to pay taxes- No income tax, No paying into Medicare, social security, health insurance, care insurance, home insurance, cell phone tax, internet connection tax, sales tax, gas tax, land tax, home tax, boat tax, etc…
We The People are truly being ROBBED of our money that we work so hard for & ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
What happens when WE THE PEOPLE stand up & say “NO MORE”!?
Imagine your lives without having to pay for our bloated government that has done NOTHING but rob us blind & enslave us!
They think they have broken us down enough that we will accept murdering our children right befor & right after they are born!
They think they have gotten us to accept Socialism!
They think they can kill enough innocent children at school or Christians at churches so we will voluntarily give up our guns & accept their laws to destroy our second amendment!
They think they have gotten us use to being censored on social media & brainwashed enough through the MSM that we will give up our 1st amendment rights.
We The People will NOT STOP until we have ONE JUSTICE FOR ALL!
Time to UNITE & Get Ready.
No matter how bad the information & truth is that Q/POTUS drops about the Dems/Cabal…there will be push back. Major push back & riots. These Liberals are truly sick & will not be able to handle the truth of their hero’s being exposed for their evilness.
Be Prepared. Be Ready. Stand up when it is your time!
Our “Go Time” is drawing near.
7e8e82 No.5276161
>where's the tumor now???
[They] pass it around to whoever needs it next.
456adf No.5276163
sorry, I do not know what you are referring to.
I post that same photo so you can go back to previous breads to know that I have been here since the beginning.
Aren't we all here to discover the truth?
I believe… But I do not believe blindly.
df45aa No.5276164
The only storms we've seen have destroyed Houston, FL, and CA.
c602ee No.5276165
I wonder how many North Korean citizens have seen this video.
cbc993 No.5276167
Thank you, Patriot.
155e30 No.5276168
db8e1e No.5276171
Yeah thats me, anon.
to think, we were still just getting started back then.
Notables werent even invented yet! kek
Been a long and rewarding journey, for all of us.
Except the shills.
Honored to still be here beside all patriots, fighting the good fight, and humbled from all the love.
e3ccdb No.5276172
>>5275582, >>5275561, >>5275571, >>5275613, >>5275613 Live on FOX: 3rd dossier being reported tomorrow by John Solomon
>>5275591 John Solomon's article on the SECOND dossier from July
>>5275666 McCabe Email form FBI Vault
>>5275728, >>5275740 SYRIA UPDATE
>>5275729 Reminder to memeanons
>>5275741 GOP threatens retaliation against Dems probing 'ridiculous conspiracy theory' on White House-Saudi nuclear tie
>>5275773 Paul Sperry tweet: What was Obama's role in coup?
>>5275790 Press release on POTUS' nomination of Jeffery Rosen for Deputy AG
>>5275874 Nick Sandmann's Lawyers File Massive Lawsuit Against The Washington Post
>>5275905 For Keks: Vietnamese barber marks upcoming summit with free Trump, Kim haircuts
>>5275900, >>5276098 Graphic on search results for "Qanon"
>>5276041 Trump Curse: More than half of Jussie Smollett's 'scenes on Empire have been cut
>>5276096 Trump WH 'exploring every legal option' to reclaim money from defunct California high-speed rail project
18c64f No.5276173
True enough but the people especially need to know about those evil animals. The corruption of the cabal conspirators need the same treatment. All must be revealed and brought to justice so there is a reckoning.
a6f1c1 No.5276174
426f4e No.5276175
b5e9d7 No.5276176
Show the edge of GTFO
279d5a No.5276177
I almost paid someone to do my taxes for me this year. I sat down to do them probably 5 times over the last three weeks and always wound up back here digging. Finally got em done today and found out I paid $1300 less in federal taxes family of 4. Q+ I did feel the relief from the tax cuts… Our family is grateful and I cant wait to see what Tax Cuts 2.0 has in store for us
6d2672 No.5276179
6b0be4 No.5276180
Remember when those nicely dressed young men in white polo shirts holding tiki torches peacefully assembled and shouted "Jews will not replace us" and everyone lost their minds?
Turns out they had a point.
3b5a26 No.5276181
7f3aa6 No.5276182
Might be a good time for Justice Roberts to send someone to her home for a wellness check.
b47908 No.5276183
I still also want to know what was in that evelope Shelia Jackson Lee handed to that Ford lady's lawyer.
f53560 No.5276184
See how he survives the Pirhanna tank.
426f4e No.5276185
6f75ea No.5276188
ec2e8c No.5276189
He needs to be invited to the White House, Q
69f16e No.5276190
All Smollett siblings child actors Jurnee Smollett was more well known before her awful brother…
c62022 No.5276195
b5c63f No.5276196
Patriots in Control !!!!
e3b1a2 No.5276197
What is Schiff actually doing!?
426f4e No.5276198
9f05b4 No.5276199
We love President Trump.
c6bd8a No.5276200
they only need to be reminded. They knew right away that Hillary and the DNC were behind what happened to Seth Rich. They remember the cheating and rigging. They remember being silenced and banned on social media. They remember the Nevada convention and MSM lying about them, just like they lie about Trump. They said all sorts of negative things about Bernie supporters, then they turned it to Trump supporters.
c67f6d No.5276201
In todays crazy world
the movie Silence of the Lambs would
not be allowed to be made.
they would call it Trans-phobic
55b51c No.5276204
Evening Sir!! Excellent work by BG!!
6bbb0c No.5276205
Hit the Qmergency button!
3c0319 No.5276206
Could I get a (you) sometime in the next few days as confirmation? Otherwise I might just keep running my mouth, and accidentally doxx myself.
1a61ca No.5276207
how are people so small minded?
they're 'still' falling for attention whores playing to the confirmation biases of the intellectually weak - after all these proven hoaxes…
it's amazing they manage to make it through their work week without the need of a cattle prod to get them moving in the right direction :\
df59f8 No.5276208
Thank you sir! Ben is on point every time!
cbc993 No.5276209
All he needs to do is ask.
67f32f No.5276210
such a lovely Q too.
20fc1e No.5276211
no link to NASA, the issue is burned by the undeniable psyops that promote it, even if there's a deeper truth somewhere in there - a lot like another question that automatically provokes certain responses…
lots of things to take care of before getting there