5f9810 No.5266998
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Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 02.19.2019
>>5266509 ——————————————— Are you ready, shill?
>>5266371 ——————————————— Start from beginning.
>>5265567 ————————————–——– But, FAKE NEWS pushes the ‘narrative’ that POTUS is ……
>>5265025 ————————————–——– Thank you, Patriot.
>>5258565 ————————————–——– When do the trials for Treason begin?
>>5258118 rt >>5257446 ————————— Drop put you on notice?
Monday 02.18.2019
>>5257446 ————————————–——– [First Placeholders] OIG report, DECLAS, other re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115
>>5257078 ————————————–——– Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
>>5256768 ————————————–——– Future proves past (track & update).
>>5253402 ————————————–——– Pick a Network – Any Network.
>>5248952 rt >>5248831 ————————— Reference: "Found the camera"
>>5248890 rt >>5248785 ————————— What does that tell you?
>>5248728 rt >>5248631 ————————— Street level photo of Corinthia Hotel.
>>5248631 rt >>5248193, >>5248213 ——— New and old photo of Corinthia Hotel.
>>5248432 rt >>5248019 ————————— Reference: "Right next to where the traffic cam pics were taken."
>>5248313 rt >>5247912 ————————— Yes, they are.
>>5247957 rt >>5247847 ————————— The Corinthia Hotel.
>>5247821 ————————————–——– Why do we make things public?
>>5246177 ————————————–——– FEAR IS REAL.
>>5245688 rt >>5245512 ————————— Interesting this leaked already.
>>5245457 ————————————–——– Fellow Patriots:
>>5245228 ————————————–——– People are craving TRUTH.
>>5244213 rt >>5244054 ————————— Define 'Projection'.
>>5242957 ————————————–——– Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.
>>5242534 rt >>5242466 ————————— Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
>>5242432 ————————————–——– 30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
>>5242227 ————————————–——– It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
>>5239609 ————————————–——– What Family Runs CA?
>>5237861 ————————————–——– Impressive, most impressive
>>5237760 rt >>5237651 ————————— Nothing can stop this.
>>5237585 ————————————–——– Excellent graphic - seconds matter!
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
Saturday 02.16.19
Compiled here: >>5230898
Friday 02.15.19
Compiled here: >>5226101
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
5f9810 No.5267068
are not endorsements
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5266409 Israel closes gate to Al-Aqsa Mosque
>>5266578, >>5266676 How the rule of the rabbis is fuelling a holy war in Israel
>>5266887 James Woods Twat "#LearnToCodeBitch
>>5266745 Big Graphic of the Search Results for "Qanon" (From Yesterday Q Post)
>>5266666 Good vs Evil Fags, God is Winning!!
>>5266481 Testimony by FBI Lawyer Trisha Anderson Reveals Extensive Role in Trump, Clinton Investigations
>>5266466 U.S. Taxpayers Fund Border Walls in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Lebanon
>>5266446 Q Post pic ID is a link to WL /JP email on HRC / IRAN DEAL (DIGS??)
>>5266443 ICE Issues New Guidance on Petitions for Child Brides
>>5266389 A passage from The Green New Deal was crafted by Ocasio-Cortez along with three groups — the Sunrise Movement, Justice Democrats and a group calling itself New Consensus (DIGS NEEDED?)
>>5266360 Investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn for planning to give nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia
>>5267034 #6730
>>5265893 EU Launches Chemical Sales Crackdown as ISIS Jihadis Flock Back to Europe
>>5265744 letter at funeral footage in Q's video link
>>5265741 McCabe Refuses to Answer Question About Lying Under Oath, Cites ‘Ongoing Legal Issues'
>>5265740 Serial Pedophile Cop Arrested on 80 Counts of Sexual Abuse of Children
>>5265700, >>5266003 The Green New Deal was crafted by Ocasio-Cortez along with three groups
>>5265695 Don't Miss Tonight's Super Moon: The Biggest And Brightest Moon Of 2019
>>5265685 investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn for planning to give nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia
>>5265673 (CHSR) California High Speed Rail & (TTC) Trans Texas Corridor Dig Continues Bigly
>>5265638 Trump admin launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
>>5265598 moar news regarding board search: https://qresear.ch
>>5266262 #6729
Previously Collected Notables
>>5264747 #6727, >>5265499 #6728
>>5262314 #6724, >>5263086 #6725, >>5263929 #6726
>>5259965 #6721, >>5260733 #6722, >>5261521 #6723
>>5257694 #6718, >>5258417 #6719, >>5259187 #6720
>>5255403 #6715, >>5256125 #6716, >>5256875 #6717
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
5f9810 No.5267077
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>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread
>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
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5f9810 No.5267085
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
5f9810 No.5267115
be8e63 No.5267116
Shills suck at blending in.
c2bbc1 No.5267118
You fucken shit the bread!! come on anon
1d6728 No.5267121
Don't shit the bread asshole!
94c96e No.5267122
fb123b No.5267125
Q, i often get very frustrated with you, but I have to say, i do automatically "read between the lines" because of you, and I know in my heart of hearts this is real.
d161f0 No.5267128
>>5266424 (lb)
>>5266594 (lb)
You sheep are fucking stupid. Karl was sacrificed. You know because POTUS is part of the cabal. Fucking frogs in boiling water. Pic related, retards.
>>5266620 (lb)
What "patriot" is actually paying taxes? KEK. If you still are, you're fucking the death of babies and false flag faggotry. Yet you call yourself American. KYS, sheep.
34bb57 No.5267129
They want you divided
1123ea No.5267130
Lets do this. March madness
6eeba4 No.5267137
Q, do you thibnk we here for the ambiental music, or cos some girls have nice tots, or cos some people are responding nice, ot cos criminal shills are responding ugly?
Or for the truth????
When the truth??
I understand, not all, cos we might go crazy 0i am crazy anyway, so the truth will cure me-, but some truth, Q
that will make sick even the noise, Q
5529f1 No.5267139
Good job, wait for the dough tho.
AM looks like hes in
94c96e No.5267141
5f9810 No.5267142
Baker Could Use a Handoff
Any Bakers Lurking?
d89129 No.5267143
Do it Q!
ccb011 No.5267144
>>5267065 lb
These states need some "Executive Action."
504d3b No.5267145
15b434 No.5267146
>>5266997 (lb)
Probably illegal underage girls being forced to have sex with old, rich perverts.
af0f0c No.5267149
Legendary Faggot Karl Lagerfeld Has Died
be8e63 No.5267150
You can be next. Better run now.
d16470 No.5267151
>>5265744 (pb)
>>5265025 (pb)
Is there a cap of the video? Can’t get it to load…
2169d5 No.5267153
Anons are :)
e3276a No.5267154
"I'm Ready" NF
(from "EA Sports UFC 2" soundtrack)
I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
Yo I ain't what you assume so think twice
I guarantee that they don't have a clue what I think like
I might come across like a rebel, I see life
Out of the box, don't put into there, I might
Start a revolution, break out of it, rewrite
The history that you made and take it to new heights
Every loss is a lesson, that's why I never lose fights
And I learn from my mistakes and I use 'em, that's my right
To tell you how I feel, whether you 'gon listen or not
You don't agree with it? Then you can listen and watch
You ain't at peace with it? How do you envision the plot?
I've taken everything I love and making it rock
You see, my mind doesn't work like your's does
When I fall down, I just stand up more tough
And I'm not afraid die, I don't care if the war comes
To my front door, see I just open the door up
I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
They won't break me, I might fall but that won't change me
I'm ready
And you might pull me and take your shots but you won't move me
I'm ready
94c96e No.5267155
e8d06d No.5267156
Prol a flat tax and multipass for verified humans would make that subway trip super simple
Maybe we can consolidate Medicals to an Ai
02a6c1 No.5267160
Rand Corporation Wants to Bring our Fear of Extremists to Every Community
Rand Corporation’s Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center (HSOAC) no longer uses the term “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) — it has been replaced with “Terrorism Prevention.”
Let that sink in for a moment; a private company with strong ties to DHS and law enforcement is in charge of Terrorism Prevention!
What could possibly go wrong?
The RAND Corporation’s 259-page report titled, “Practical Terrorism Prevention” boasts that their federally funded research will help law enforcement determine who is an extremist.
The report presents a framework to consider different facets of terrorism prevention policy, issues with measurement and assessment, analysis of past CVE and current terrorism prevention funding in the United States and internationally, and assessments of current efforts and future options for each component of terrorism prevention.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Policy asked the HSOAC to examine the current state of terrorism prevention (superseding the programs and activities previously known as countering violent extremism, or CVE) in the United States and to develop policy options for this area.
Think about what that means; the RAND Corporation is profiting from helping law enforcement determine who is and who is not an extremist.
A Google search for “Rand Corporations close ties to DHS and law enforcement” returned close to 3 million hits. So any report or recommendations they make should be met with skepticism.
255e0a No.5267161
Reading from work, and that last post made my week!
Thanks patriots!
34bb57 No.5267162
Your limits. Are not everyone elses.
01e841 No.5267163
>>5266411 LB
>In control of what?
>NOTHING. That's what.
Congrats on your (you) from Q, shill!
2d1121 No.5267164
Anyone able to use the new Archive?
Not working for me at all, with either the old or new address.
add516 No.5267165
POTUS: We are going to make the world GAY and YOU are going to pay for it.
c7506d No.5267167
Nice spin. T-Day 4/10/20 DJT
def983 No.5267169
you are en fuego!
Almost all anons waited for baker to post dough b4 gett'n bizy.
Love your bakers (all shifts) anons!
018bf3 No.5267170
Loving Q being back so solidly.
Assuming this means that the hardest yards are over.
The stage is set.
What a timeline.
d161f0 No.5267171
*was sacrificed
see: >>5267128
Wake the fuck up.
94c96e No.5267174
fb123b No.5267175
ba33ee No.5267176
Assuming the shill who just got BTFO was named Krassenstein, because it makes me chuckle.
add516 No.5267177
Imagine thinking this idiotic move will stop people from calling POTUS a bigot.
3bb15d No.5267178
aee2ef No.5267179
Yeah whatever Jeb Bush
05b084 No.5267180
ccb011 No.5267181
Well, shitbird, start fucking paying!
02a6c1 No.5267183
Judicial Watch Sues for ‘Coup’ Documents
Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Top DOJ Officials considered asking Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment in order to remove President Trump and discussed recording meetings with him
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for all records of communication of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the Office of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or the Office of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussing the 25th Amendment or presidential fitness. Additionally, the lawsuit seeks all recordings made by any official in the Office of the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General of meetings in the Executive Office of the President or Vice President.
The suit was filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests dated September 21, 2018 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00388)). The lawsuit seeks all written and audio/visual records of any FBI/DOJ discussions regarding the 25th Amendment and plans to secretly record President Trump in the Oval Office.
On February 14, 2019, former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe stated in an interview with CBS that “there were conversations about the possibility of removing Trump under the 25th Amendment and confirming that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had offered to wear a wire around the president.”
After President Trump fired then-FBI Director James Comey, reportedly top DOJ officials discussed whether to recruit cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.
President Trump recently tweeted: “The biggest abuse of power and corruption scandal in our history, and it’s much worse than we thought. Andrew McCabe (FBI) admitted to plotting a coup (government overthrow) when he was serving in the FBI, before he was fired for lying & leaking.”
It was reported in September 2018 that Deputy Attorney General, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested that he secretly record President Trump in the White House in an effort to invoke the 25th Amendment and have President Trump removed. Judicial Watch’s immediate follow-up FOIA requests were ignored.
“It is no surprise that we are facing an immense cover-up of senior FBI and DOJ leadership discussions to pursue a seditious coup against President Trump,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This effort to overthrow President Trump is a fundamental threat to our constitutional republic so Judicial Watch will do everything it can in the courts to expose everything possible about this lawlessness.”
e18e4b No.5267184
Q …… Give us some more on RBG > Please 🙏
She’s not 💀 dead.
But when but when will she be SCOTUS GONE ???? ETA????
And an added ? > Can U give US a clue of who will replace her???
76a66a No.5267185
Updated graphic showing the 16 U.S. States suing Trump over the Emergency Declaration vs the states that Hillary won vs the states offering driving privileges to unauthorized immigrants
adabcb No.5267186
Questions I have pondered.
What if the Garden of Eden was a hight tech computer lab?
What if biting the apple (apple computers) is about to some kind of hack?
What if Adam and Eve was AI program?
These are crazy thoughts but what if????
05b084 No.5267188
13a729 No.5267189
Godbless our President and his family.
34bb57 No.5267190
Light can be unknowingly manipulated by dark.
d89129 No.5267191
I'm not sure you understand how "bible thumping" works or where it's supposed to happen…
e8d06d No.5267192
Those damn tubes are so fast it would've messed up a bunch of Econ
Let's not talk about the thousands of miles of fiber optics that has been plumbed nationwide either but remains dark
618f90 No.5267193
e88dca No.5267194
add516 No.5267197
I've been paying taxes for decades, anything else retard?
b93ee9 No.5267198
God bless POTUS and all in harms way
d89129 No.5267200
Isn't Space fun?
c5a3e0 No.5267201
Apologies if posted. I didn't see it.
Pic says it all.
de7962 No.5267202
710c50 No.5267203
bakers notable
>>5267183 Judicial Watch Sues for 25th amendment ‘Coup’ Documents
c65ab5 No.5267204
That'd because they don't have a stake in the outcome the same way anons do.
And that makes a huge difference.
We're fighting for our way of life.
They are fighting for a shekel.
fb123b No.5267205
Cuz who on Earth wears the same clothes twice…
ccb011 No.5267207
u such hero faggot
c2bbc1 No.5267208
a39da8 No.5267209
Denial plays a HUGE role on this board.
8fe26f No.5267210
Meghan McCain:
blink blink blink blink
c71cd6 No.5267211
IP3 is full of deep state faggots
Example of 3
Cartwright - leaked Stuxnet info, pardoned by Obama
Lars - writes AI to detect 'fake news'
Mike Rogers - likely Trump campaign and transition spy
Flynn was running a sting on IP3
94c96e No.5267212
c65ab5 No.5267213
30 shekels to be exact ;p
34bb57 No.5267214
No. They all need a fucking hobby. Like painting.
2d1121 No.5267215
Excellent! Tom Fitton is like an eagle searching for field mice. Always alert, always hunting.
6a9665 No.5267216
Q could help understand whats going on with RBG but chose to squabble with a shill, hmmm
09a180 No.5267218
>all records of communication of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the Office of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or the Office of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussing the 25th Amendment or presidential fitness. Additionally, the lawsuit seeks all recordings made by any official in the Office of the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General of meetings in the Executive Office of the President or Vice President
Yes please! transparency will kill the fakenews
2f676e No.5267219
>>5267111 (lb)
Q's shit the bread a couple times, but I personally am cool with it because Q is bringing the biggest Intel drop in history. Got to weigh the positives against the negatives, you know?
5d1de3 No.5267220
Psychologyfag - AM answers the question by shaking his head 'no'.
d89129 No.5267221
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5267201
New Moral Outrage: Shane Dawson’s Conspiracy Theories
43a896 No.5267225
The boarder wall has another use
It keeps the criminals from running and escaping to the far corners of the world like the Nazi's did after WWII.
042701 No.5267226
cf7de4 No.5267227
>>5267048 lb
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6a6acf No.5267228
A timeline of POTUS Tweets and Q Posts, the day the Schumann Resonances went nuts.
Cause, Effect or Coincidence?
d9a1d0 No.5267229
04400c No.5267230
McCabe knifing RR in the back ?
Like a scene out of the Colosseum
Interesting Theater. Not sure who wrote the script .
Enjoying the Show . Popcorn anyone ?
58bb88 No.5267231
You are a steely eyed missile man Baker
a01d55 No.5267232
I'm more impressed with how they fixed her spinal issue. That is one helluva upright head now.
240ab6 No.5267234
Anyone know how to tell how many responses a post gets?
6eeba4 No.5267235
Q & A please.
Holloman AFB. real?
Thor, Real?
93f32c No.5267236
>>5267018 (lb)
seriously… a hot ass is going to look good in anything… but those pants can put a stick in the spokes of most of a man's calmer dreams
25d413 No.5267239
Moral is up.
Shitposting at an all time high.
Trolling doesn’t get anymore fun.
05b084 No.5267240
618f90 No.5267242
That was the Baker you fool
15b434 No.5267243
Shape of face different too. And nose not pointy anymore.
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c73625 No.5267245
This is not good enough. Judicial Watch are Super great. But this is much more serious. The DOJ as to move or the USA is now officially a clown country.
a39da8 No.5267246
Still no excuse for your denial syndrome.
a322fc No.5267247
I'm Chaotic Neutral.
I'm fighting evil because there is too much in power. I want balance.
That said, their botnet is pissing me off.
34bb57 No.5267248
add516 No.5267249
Literal Globohomo.
Can't wait to see the reactions from the trad caths who still worship this degenerate.
0b3cfb No.5267251
5529f1 No.5267253
We are over target anons, wear the badge proudly
24d64b No.5267254
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. A Litle Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass
To ease the Mind from the Numbing effects of
Kabala Harris!
c6f7e8 No.5267256
This one and the others from NK is what convinced me.
02a6c1 No.5267258
Young America’s Foundation Releases Report on Ridiculous Leftist College Courses, Many Targeting Trump in Their Descriptions
The Young America’s Foundation has released their 25th annual Comedy & Tragedy list of leftist courses at colleges across the nation — and many take aim directly at President Donald Trump in their descriptions.
The organization reviews and audits course catalogs, textbook requirements, commencement speakers, and “other key metrics that show the true state of higher education in America.”
“Many of the courses and descriptions listed in this year’s report may seem comical at first glance, but the situation that continues to unfold on America’s campuses is hardly a laughing matter. Beyond the inane, identity- and intersectionality-obsessed topics, these classes advance a liberal agenda, malign conservatives and their values, and shut out ideological diversity,” the organization wrote of their report.
At Indiana University, they are offering a course on “Global Anarchy” in which they explore “everything from Antifa in the streets of Trump’s America and anarcho-feminist essays to DIY pink scenes and apocalyptic zombie scenarios, this course seeks to advance a basic understanding of anarchist ideals, practices, and imaginaries.”
Meanwhile, at Middlebury College, they are offering a class on “American Misogyny” where they “conclude by examining how misogyny informs U.S. culture and politics in the Trump era. Throughout the course, we will consider how discourses of misogyny are inflected by white, cisgender, ableist, agist, and class privilege.”
At Columbia University, a course on “Fascism: Aesthetics & Politics” takes aim squarely at the president. The description says that “the election of President Donald Trump has renewed interest in the examination of fascism- as an ideology, as a political movement and as a form of governance.” The university is also offering classes on “practicing intersectionality” and “gender wars.”
Over at Cornell, a course titled “America Confronts the World” will make students explore how “Donald Trump and Barack Obama give us two visions of America and of the world: xenophobic nationalism and pragmatic cosmopolitanism.” Another course at the university, “Histories of the Apocalypse: From Nostradamus to Nuclear Winter” begins their description by saying that “Brexit, immigration, and the election of Donald Trump have all been recently heralded as signs of an imminent apocalypse.”
Full list
af0f0c No.5267259
223eae No.5267260
Boy I would not want to be on the wrong end of all this. Like I said here. I just can't imagine WHY someone would want to fight so hard against this! They simply can't be normies. Not a chance. These must be people who REALLY have a lot to lose. I could not even see money being a motivator at this point. I mean would you risk yourself for $15 an hour at some call-center tier job? No thankyou.
If you paid shills are out there you may REALLY want to re-consider what you are doing here and what may happen if you continue. Honestly you shills should consider simply coming over the side of the light! Its easy! Its fun! and ITS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. We are likely to win… You might as well be on the winning team right?
77698b No.5267261
And a rifle behind every blade of grass, a patriot behind every rifle. Men who can handle the sword the pen and the scythe. We elected our leader from among our own fellow men and we stand ready to buttress the lines if duty calls.
You faint at the sight of our pens. As long as our military stands behind us as we write, you will never win. So long as we have our pens our rifles lie at our sides ready to defend the pens of others should our military ever ask.
As Q has shown, you’ll never meet our rifles for our hero’s tend the flame of freedom in our name.
07a9de No.5267262
Second on notable
d89129 No.5267263
This should work
e8d06d No.5267266
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Multi trillion dollar tunnel system
16f4d2 No.5267267
isn't it a thing where the people who hate gays the most are secretly gay and hate themselves?
34bb57 No.5267269
You are too kind!
05b084 No.5267270
Yeah I know Anon, just lols
01e841 No.5267271
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe claimed he informed Congress of the bureau’s actions with regard to President Donald Trump, but Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio disagreed on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.
Jordan called McCabe untrustworthy and said he was untruthful during an interview Tuesday with NBC’s “Today.”
“Well, I wasn’t informed or I would have objected. Remember even when all the way up to the day James Comey was fired, he told us when we deposed him that there was no evidence of any type of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia. All the way up until May 9 of 2017,” Jordan said.
“Remember, they started this investigation in July of 2016. So the bottom line is: You can’t trust Andy McCabe. He’s lied three times under oath. He was fired at the FBI and he’s currently under investigation by the Justice Department. He and four other top people at the FBI in that critical eight days in May were trying to put together this scheme to go after the president and remove him from office. And that is scary because all of them are un-elected, none of them ever faced the voters, and yet they were coordinating and trying to work on actually removing the president of the United States from office, which is scary to think about.”
d9a1d0 No.5267272
Judicial Watch should sue for that.
add516 No.5267273
>Trumpf owns Iran epic style
>LibTARDS can't resist criticizing
>Democrats exposed as real homophobes
>Based 🏳️🌈 in MAGA hats deliver the votes for Trump 2020
>Q predicted this
T O T A L 8 8 D C H E S S V I C T O R Y
303b00 No.5267274
b93ee9 No.5267275
9b9b75 No.5267276
Anons keep in mind that this board is under government surveillance and your browser is being tracked right now.
If the socialist democrat's take back the white house you may find yourself in a FEMA re-education camp… just sayin'.
Good luck digging.
fb123b No.5267277
It's not too hard to figure out…
Anything the media uses to attack Q with (RBG Death Theory) is Bullshit.
8edbff No.5267278
Sometimes I reply to Q even though I don't really have anything to say, just to be a part of history in the making.
Think about it: Historians are going to pour over these breads for centuries! And here we all are, right smack in the middle of it. How awesome is that?!
c71cd6 No.5267279
What is really going on here?
Why are Trump, Flynn, Kushner involved in this?
A sting operation on deep state?
2f676e No.5267280
The only TV camera that should be on him is the one broadcasting his trial.
295198 No.5267281
>>5266970 (LB)
I'm a decorated vet. Unlike you, I love my country. I won't lift a finger though to help the blind who cheer the use of our military to support the globalists' agenda. They aren't protecting our own country you fucking idiot. My brothers and sisters in arms have permanent injuries or died because of people like YOU.
Pity those who have to call you Mom. You're nothing but a warm womb and a dick sucker.
132fe7 No.5267282
Wow, walk away from the board for an hour….
c6f7e8 No.5267284
ba33ee No.5267286
9a04f7 No.5267288
Interdasting post from Anon last night
8aee29 No.5267289
Can it be contained?
e88dca No.5267290
What's your conclusion?
15b434 No.5267291
>Middlebury College,
All lezbos in flannel.
5f9810 No.5267294
Thanks BakerFagAnon
25d413 No.5267296
Only the strong survive.
RIP Prodigy.
223eae No.5267297
>Men who can handle the sword the pen and the scythe.
I really like this. I always tried to be able to handle all 3. Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war right?
7db475 No.5267298
b1dc56 No.5267299
132fe7 No.5267300
d16470 No.5267302
303b00 No.5267303
>WE ARE Q!.jpg
yes we are
and ready
d7edf5 No.5267304
Rush on the radio this AM said THIS is the real National Emergency .. more than the border.
1fef54 No.5267305
77cb17 No.5267306
YES, WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ccb011 No.5267307
15b434 No.5267308
My 13yo daughter couldn't WAIT to watch that Shane Dawson vid. She was PO'd when Youtube hid it from subscribers.
4edf8e No.5267309
>>5266509 (lb)
What if that shill's door got kicked in right after this Q post?
I don't see the same brand of shitposting this bread!
618f90 No.5267311
And we are with you NOW AND ALWAYS Q
f966bf No.5267313
f84ffb No.5267314
Breaking Walls going up
San Diego Secondary Border Wall Construction Has Begun -
02a6c1 No.5267316
WATCH French Citizens March in Protest of Rising Anti-Semitism in the Country
Some 14 French political parties, including president Emmanuel Macron's La République En Marche!, as well as the Republicans, called on the French electorate to hold political demonstrations all over the country under the slogan "No to anti-Semitism".
In addition to the prime minister, 19 members of the government are expected to take part in the march, along with former French presidents Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy.
Recently, the government reported that anti-Semitism is on rise in the country; last year there were 541 registered incidents, up 74 per cent from the 311 registered in 2017.
The march is taking place just hours after about 80 graves were discovered vandalised, painted with swastikas, in a Jewish cemetery in eastern France.
Reacting to the reports about the growing anti-Semitism, as well as the news about the vandalized graves at the Jewish cemetery, Israeli Minister of Construction and Housing Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant called on the Jewish people to relocate to Israel.
"I strongly condemn anti-Semitism in France and urge the Jewish people to come home, emigrate to Israel," Galant wrote on Twitter.
At the same time, French President Emmanuel Macron, commenting on the reports, stated that he would visit the Jewish cemetery in the French eastern commune of Quatzenheim, where the graves were vandalized.
"We will take action, we will pass laws, and we will impose punishments," the president said, adding that "those who have done this are not worthy of the Republic".
Note: Looks like they are going to label yellow vesters as right wing anti-semites, talk about bow to your master Macron and co
add516 No.5267318
Trump: it’s not our job to police the world
Also Trump: we’re going to sanction every country in the world who doesn’t implement state enforced homosexuality
a39da8 No.5267320
I don't speak coward, so you just made no sense what-so-ever.
e8d06d No.5267321
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5267266
Since the walls are vitrified from the nuclear borer it's possible to break the speed of sound underground in a tube when a vaccuum is pulled
783981 No.5267323
I don't think those are the same "ACTUAL" coats. One is kinda wrinkly on the edges, like it's been worn alot. The other looks crispy new!!
14210a No.5267324
34bb57 No.5267325
Where is that? They look like memories.
e86d77 No.5267326
blackhats, SHills and other interwebz cabals seems pissed as fuck now.
Biting their bait post, spaming bait post, biting the bite poster and shit in the thread with massive salt.
wonderfull, also, thread theme.
6a9665 No.5267327
Why are SC judges not sayn anything if RBG was not there?
d7edf5 No.5267328
We are! Ready and Able!
c41d29 No.5267332
Here we GO !! Let's make this world a better place…tx Q+ Love2all
05b084 No.5267334
0c2398 No.5267335
I'm ready, Q. My body is ready!
Burn these mother fuckers to the ground!
ba33ee No.5267337
That Getty Brown Pelosi Newsome California Criminal Cabal had better be in POTUS' sights, or California is going to be a much bigger Detroit soon.
cf7de4 No.5267338
>>5267048 lb
Photo taken using a
>Canon PowerShot A710 IS
Photo taken of TOSHIBA Portege R835-P56X
c2bbc1 No.5267339
80fa7d No.5267341
Shit, image didn't upload
9e2dd5 No.5267342
Let's do this Q I'm soooooooooo READY!
2169d5 No.5267346
Exactly. This anon gets it. Turn the LGBTQ claims of homophobia against the Dems. The GA needs PEACE to happen. Iran and supporters for Iran are going to be outted. Preserving the right to defend religious beliefs in business is the key. EVERYONE has rights. Brilliant move, POTUS.
977464 No.5267347
step out to do chores, come back and you are still churning!
76aa7f No.5267348
Who left this garbage here?
4475be No.5267349
Traditional Catholics only want the LGBT people to leave us alone. They viciously attack religious freedom.
068db9 No.5267351
Fucking Kek, i remember the days when we had proper shills. Funds must be running low if this is the best they have to offer.
7c7827 No.5267352
Anything for our 2A folks in PA? Fighting the good fight?
ba05a3 No.5267354
That droop head is a chronic condition….
Baby blood transfusions…??? Could they fix chronic conditions like that?
7db475 No.5267355
I think I know who did it. He choked on food in a hospital and died huh??
f89873 No.5267357
I'm ready. Let it happen!
1fef54 No.5267359
Hive Mind: ACTIVATED 14:18:43
f0078e No.5267361
d9a1d0 No.5267363
be8e63 No.5267365
McCabe is now saying that IG Horowitz is an accomplice to Trump's obstruction of justice in the Russia Investigation.
Video here: https://mobile.twitter.com/GOP/status/1097888550111113218
09a180 No.5267366
Yes, yes we are!
2f676e No.5267368
Let's do it Q.
Can't way to see some perp walks.
a39da8 No.5267369
2nd to the top of the line patriots!
b5c5f9 No.5267370
sounds like a Romney voting Republican
15b434 No.5267371
Its the same. She wears it all the damn time. They simply put her recently healed from cosmetic surgery double into said coat and took her on a stroll through Dulles.
2d1121 No.5267372
Columbia is to higher education what WaPo is to the 4 am new drops, so it's not surprising that one (or more) of its courses would push the Left's radical agenda.
4475be No.5267374
We just do not believe in gay marriage. We do not make the laws and are not against same sex attracted people. We just think the gay marriage legalization is a big problem.
3e6465 No.5267375
The vid was amazing! Up to 21k a bit ago
8edbff No.5267376
I love it when you're happy and shitposting! It's very reassuring to see you this relaxed!
Things are going well, amirite?
fb123b No.5267377
Can you please tell my bro Joe to feed Nana?
068db9 No.5267379
We Are Q and We Are World Wide
303b00 No.5267380
1fc9c7 No.5267382
We are Q ww always
f966bf No.5267383
I want to be an operator!
ccb011 No.5267385
Talk about a ZERO DELTA!
3f12b5 No.5267386
TMZ allegedly shows video with RBG on Ronald Reagan Airport from 'yesterday' and on the display is rolling an old video ad
Can we check flights and look for the people in video workers in shop flight numbers anything and find is this real or deep state fraud?
d89129 No.5267387
A memory? K
I saw this.
Question: What's your first thought when you look at the situations?
Positive? Or do you jump to negativity off the rip?
If the latter… y u do dat?
9c80cd No.5267390
Proud to be involved with you all.
9f204b No.5267391
Q, how scared was Obama during this day?
add516 No.5267392
>too low IQ to detect sarcasm
what a faggot.
2d1121 No.5267394
almost forget,
thanks for posting
7ea201 No.5267395
put me in the game coach!~
15b434 No.5267396
Trying to get ahead of the narrative and cast doubt on Horowitz before the report comes out.
454f95 No.5267398
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Scary U.S Armed Forces - United States Military Power 2018 | How Powerful is USA?
>>5266509 [Q lb]
09258a No.5267399
442b3a No.5267400
05b084 No.5267401
Know what a “Great Awakening” is? You need one.
27e40b No.5267404
Force feeding red pills time!
02a6c1 No.5267405
Testimony by FBI Lawyer Trisha Anderson Reveals Extensive Role in Trump, Clinton Investigations
A key player in the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Donald Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign was Trisha Anderson, who at the time was the No. 2 lawyer at the agency’s Office of General Counsel.
Despite having no specific experience in counterintelligence before coming to the FBI, Anderson was in some manner involved in virtually all of the significant events of the investigation.
Anderson told members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees in August last year in closed-door testimony that she was one of only around ten people who had known about the Trump-Russia investigation prior to its official opening.
A transcript of Anderson’s testimony, which was reviewed for this article, reveals that she had read all of the FBI’s FD302 forms detailing information that the author of the Steele dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele, had provided to high ranking DOJ official Bruce Ohr.
Anderson also told lawmakers that she personally signed off on the original application for a warrant to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without having read it. The FBI relied heavily on the unverified information in the Steele dossier—which was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC—to obtain the FISA warrant.
Anderson also was part of a small group of FBI personnel who got to read then-FBI Director James Comey’s memos about conversations he had with President Donald Trump.
Besides the investigation into Trump, Anderson was also involved in the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton for sending classified information using a private server.
Anderson’s testimony reveals that she received the original referral from the Inspectors General (IG) for both the State Department and Intelligence Community on Hillary Clinton after hundreds of classified emails had been found on her server.
Her testimony also raises questions as to whether then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch had a conflict of interest.
Lawmakers also questioned Anderson on whether she advised Comey against making a public announcement that the FBI had reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton following findings on the laptop of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, because Comey would have been “responsible for getting Donald Trump elected.”
f79f9d No.5267406
We are Q
"This story shall the good man teach his son."
bc8f42 No.5267407
Right on schedule, here come the hit pieces before the summit
25d413 No.5267408
Future proves past.
I see dead people.
4a9778 No.5267410
94c96e No.5267411
you don't hate evil you rise above it
faa184 No.5267412
Thanks for the red pill ammo Q!
1aba00 No.5267413
a39da8 No.5267414
Time to throw you off the roof like they did homos in the ME.
4499d0 No.5267415
You say some interesting things.
Lot of fiber optic plumbed long ago for the minuteman missile systems, as well as for DoD SIPRNET.
There are also a lot of construction jobs out there for laying fiber and other utility lines which just… Seem to be done for the sake of having someone dig a hole. Goog was investing in that pretty hardcore some time ago.
8236a9 No.5267416
Probably coincidence, but the end of the file name is 50dc.
50 states + Washington DC?
a659ad No.5267420
the view → enemy combatants
4f5369 No.5267421
Q…can you answer the question regarding what was in the envelopes at [GHWB]'s funeral?
042701 No.5267422
5529f1 No.5267425
And keeping POTUS a safe distance from any screams of partisanship.
<muh optics
2a0405 No.5267426
Disturb the Deep State!
e333bc No.5267427
Two tour Iraq veteran stands ready to serve again. I may have been medically discharged, but I was NEVER discharged of my Oath.
To the end! USA! MAGA
8aee29 No.5267430
DOJ's Sarah Isgur Flores joins CNN team
34bb57 No.5267433
In this world…you can see, the worst things = are thinking and free.
I should probably save these.
9b9b75 No.5267434
Where would the world be today without white people, many people would be dead from the lack of medicine…
add516 No.5267435
I'm not trad anything but I can't stand what jews have done to destroy the family…the fucking basic building blocks of our society.
c73625 No.5267437
The Stage is set Q!
Let's do this!
b1d58d No.5267438
1 Cor 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
24d64b No.5267441
f51b96 No.5267442
But I am not 1% as badass as you!
Thank you for everything.
63fb26 No.5267444
Everyone please it's perfectly fine to be hopeful, just don't go betting your entire life on this happening. Realize that the left would love nothing more, going into 2020, than to make Trump supporters look completely unhinged. I also don't want suicide weekend to be about us. Anyone who resents this friendly word of caution can suck eat Hillary's cabbage patch.
6c8849 No.5267447
We are here till the end.
53f0c1 No.5267448
Thank you, Sirs
for reminding Patriots how to FIGHT.
Nothing can stop what's coming!
63f6db No.5267450
>>5264372 lb
> Yes, so off the top of my head there was=
The missile;; The runaway car;The gun in the motorcade
spider on POTUS back brushed off by Pastor.
783981 No.5267451
It's the same identical style of the one she always wears. It's not the same EXACT coat as the older pic. Look at the bottom hem. The newest pic it's crisp. The other looks puffier.
896d08 No.5267452
>>5266940 last bread
>>5266941 last bread
Guess I was taught that you only need a few drops a week. If you've been doing more, and don't find any ill-effects, stay with your program.
I may have taken too much too quickly, rather than easing into it. Have cut back at this point. Honestly, makes you feel better when you hit the right dosage!
0c2398 No.5267455
I want to know this more than almost anything else. The face Laura made was chilling.
df7351 No.5267458
>>5265673 (pb)
>>5264437 (pb)
(CHSR) California High Speed Rail & (TTC) Trans Texas Corridor
→ Follow The Money ←
Globalist [Slush Fund] Projects:
(1) [Old Guard] = Siphoning $Billions to Globalist Corp's
(2) Turning over Management of (Critical USA Infrastructure) to Foreign Controlled Corp's.
Who is [REALLY] = Building & Managing these [Globalist Projects]?
Construction Package 4: Design-Build Contract Executed in February 2016
California Rail Builders is a special purpose entity of = (Ferrovial Agroman US Corp) and (Griffith Company, CA)
* (Ferrovial Agroman US Corp) - Owned by: [Ferrovial Agroman, Spain]
- [Ferrovial Agroman, Spain] Established - (Cintra, S.A., Spain)
(Notable connection - (TTC) Trans Texas Corridor project)
In 2005, Cintra was named strategic partner of the State of Texas for the subsequent 50 years, in order to help develop the Trans-Texas Corridor. It was to be operated in a partnership with San Antonio, Texas based Zachry Construction Company. Widely seen as one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in the United States, the project was eliminated as the scope and invasive nature of the project were exposed. Cintra continues working with the local administration to deliver infrastructure.
→ Recent Developments:
(2007) Texas gave [Cintra] "the boot" & (2016) [Cintra] filed for bankruptcy.
(Connections to (TTC) thru > [Grupo ACS, Spain])
(Reuters - Jun 26, 2008)
ACS says wins $30 bln Texas transport concession.
MADRID, June 26 (Reuters) - A consortium led by Spanish construction company ACS (ACS.MC) and its U.S. partner Zachry American Infrastructure has won a $30 billion deal to build and run roads and railways for 50 years in the U.S. state of Texas, ACS said on Thursday.
[Grupo ACS, Spain] → thru [Dragados] + [Hochtief, Germany] + [Flatiron]
* Building = California High Speed Rail
* Building = Trans Texas Corridor
[Ferrovial Agroman, Spain]
* Building = California High Speed Rail
→ thru [Cintra S.A., Spain]
* Building = Trans Texas Corridor (till they "got the boot")
(CHSR) - Who will operate it?
(Contracted - Operator)
* Deutsche Bahn - of Germany
HSR 17-20 Executed Agreement with DB Engineering & Consulting USA, Inc. for Early Train Operator Services.
(Nov 15, 2017)
German Rail Giant Tapped to Operate California’s Bullet Train.
The open source info is out there. It's just a matter of connecting the [Old Guard] Big Money pieces.
They've ALWAYS (Legislated Themselves) Big Money [Slush Funds].
3e2ceb No.5267459
Space Force = New advanced tech for the public?
3df5b8 No.5267460
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKR7Srh3uJI
The video that Q linked to is now over 21K views!
0b4fe1 No.5267461
Still not tired of winning.
6c8cd2 No.5267463
I may very proud to be a Q Patriot. From Wales UK
bd1f52 No.5267465
8f5d3a No.5267467
2d1121 No.5267468
Momentous, inspiring shot! WE ARE Q.
(Isn't that the whole point here? That we learn enough to take back the reins? Can't rely on any one person or group, no matter how wise or well-informed. It has to be ALL of us as a nation. WWG1WGA.
d4aee6 No.5267469
There's no going back for Jussie Smollett.
91e15a No.5267470
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5267295
Q give this guy a shout out if you think its educational
Occult Symbols in London
4a9778 No.5267471
I am awakening new patriots every day! That proof video helps IMMENSLY - thank you to the patriot who took the time ron make it. The best red pill in a while… WWG1WGA
c7506d No.5267472
Praying every night.
Widowed from LV assault
2 babies left behind
I hold them tight and pray that this movement is right and we win
83aadd No.5267473
I believe the image on the right was posted to target anons. Yes, the woman is wearing the same clothes as RBG in the photo on the left and yes, the pictures were taken at the same location, but anons are way ahead of this shit.
Anons have shown that the weather on the day the picture on the right was taken is not consistent with that for the time the picture was claimed to have been taken and that straight as a rod spine?
Come on, MSM, you think anons are stupid. That is one your many, many mistakes.
16f4d2 No.5267474
a4f071 No.5267475
Derek Harvey is one of the "whistleblowers" against the administration. He is also SES and oart Of Nunes's staff.
d89129 No.5267476
I was on a kick at the time
f55d5a No.5267478
So fucking hyped right now Q. Bring it!!!!
2ed6a0 No.5267479
WH video on twit. Mick Mulvaney talking about Congress being on Recess and laughing about it..
2169d5 No.5267480
I spent years fighting overseas to defend our rights. Care to battle me?
24d64b No.5267481
We, are!
8d640d No.5267482
Q's counter.
Probably a picture, judging by how quickly they reacted.
0c3569 No.5267485
We are Q. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
fb123b No.5267487
24a153 No.5267490
def983 No.5267491
Dang Q, i haven't gotten shit done today IRL. Thanks alot!
15b434 No.5267492
This has to be sarcasm, right?
068db9 No.5267494
Ditto,from Scotland.
ccb011 No.5267496
He's a filthy, worthless hater.
02a6c1 No.5267497
Suicide Bombings in India and Iran
On the afternoon of 14th February, 2019 a convoy of vehicles along the Indian Jammu Srinagar National Highway carrying Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was targeted by terrorists with a car bomb at Awantipora in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. Responsibility of the Pulwama attack was attributed to the Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad.
A similar bombing took place in Iran a day earlier. Pulwama attack mirrors a suicide bombing in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchestan border province a day earlier which left 27 elite Revolutionary Guards dead and 13 others wounded. A unit of Revolutionary Guards in south-eastern Iran was returning in a bus from the Pakistan border on Wednesday when an explosive-laden car blew up on Khash-Zahedan road, killing all security personnel on board.
According to sources in security agencies, the modus operandi was similar—ramming an explosive-laden vehicle into a bus carrying soldiers. In both cases, the terror outfits that claimed responsibility for the bombings have the same first name – Jaish.
The so-called Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group, which is linked to al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the bombing. The terrorist outfit was formed in 2012 by members of the Pakistan-based Jundallah, another terror group dismantled by Iranian intelligence forces in 2010 after its ringleader Abdolmalek Rigi was executed.
By nightfall on the same day India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) released a statement condemning the terror attack in Pulwama attributing it to Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad.
This heinous and despicable act has been perpetrated by Jaish-e-Mohammed, a Pakistan-based and supported terrorist organisation proscribed by the United Nations and other countries. This terror group is led by the international terrorist Masood Azhar, who has been given full freedom by Government of Pakistan to operate and expand his terror infrastructure in territories under the control of Pakistan and to carry out attacks in India and elsewhere with impunity.
We strongly reiterate our appeal to all members of the international community to support the proposal to list terrorists, including JeM Chief Masood Azhar, as a designated terrorist under the 1267 Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council and to ban terrorist organisations operating from territories controlled by Pakistan.
Official sources said that the attack was carried out by one Adil Ahmad Dar alias “Waqas Commando”. A resident of Kakapora, he had joined the terror outfit last year. He was also known as “Adil Ahmad Gaadi Takranewala”, meaning the one who will crash the vehicle.
However, in contrast to the Indian response the Iranians not only identified the players on the ground but also its state sponsorship and the regimes pulling the string from the background uncovering the geopolitical players involved.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei denounced the attack, saying the spy agencies of certain regional and trans-regional countries certainly had a hand in this crime:
“It is certain that the perpetrators of this crime were linked to spy agencies of certain regional and trans-regional countries and the country’s relevant organizations must focus on that and seriously pursue it.”
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif raised suspicion about the attack’s possible links to an anti-Iran summit co-hosted by the US and Poland, which kicked off in Warsaw on a day earlier. President Hassan Rouhani also described the US and the Israeli regime as the “root causes of terror” in the Middle East region as he condemned the deadly attack on the IRGC forces.
The chief commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) warned Saudi Arabia and the UAE that they could face retaliatory measures for supporting terrorists on behalf of the US and Israel. General Mohammad Ali Jafari said,
“The patience that the establishment once exercised against conspiracies and reactionary regimes in the region, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE which carry out these acts on orders from the US and Israel, will be different and we will definitely take reparative measures”.
The simultaneous attack on both Iran and India has raised tensions in Asia and certainly brought the focus on terror activities emanating from Pakistani soil. What remains to be seen however is how far two nations would go to uncover and resolve the root cause of the problem.
7ea201 No.5267498
496f6a No.5267499
You know how the public gets a chance to pay respects to dead presidents and whoever? Can the public get a chance at payback to slime like Clapper & Brennan by having a public flogging after their sentencing where we are all in line, each taking a whack with like a reed or palm leaves or whatever and tomatoes and rotten eggs, just so we can really get it out of our system from a super gut level and just let every single one of them have it?
4a7ec8 No.5267500
6a9665 No.5267501
Why are SC mute?
d93974 No.5267504
Sexual Harassment by Former Housing Agency Chief Confirmed
cb6b23 No.5267505
0c2398 No.5267508
Based on how quickly Jeb! reacted to it, I would say you're correct. Maybe his dad hanging from a rope?
1fef54 No.5267510
Anons are the Zero Delta Force…kek
Q is our C.O. o7 Hoo Aah!!
747bf2 No.5267511
Is your globalist agenda about to collapse and be exposed? Then you know what to do. Blame it on anti-Semitism!
919c22 No.5267512
Referring to old Q-drop >>351447 about the 'MATRIX'
Q, does this have to do with the 12:60 vs 13:20 the matrix? Are (((they))) in control of 12:60?
6979a2 No.5267513
Criminally charge the boss or the patsy?
Same goes to the rest of the cabal, treason charge for RR and mccabe or hussein and HRC?
1ec8a0 No.5267514
There's data in there ?
add516 No.5267515
>FiGhT mE IrL
yep, low IQ confirmed.
Imagine believing you were defending our rights and not for Israel. What a good goy you are.
15b434 No.5267516
It's not just Iran, it's ALL MUSLIM countries. Outing them for what they are.
34bb57 No.5267518
I see children fighting and asking for forgiveness.
An arc.
As above so below.
25ff04 No.5267519
f966bf No.5267520
Hello Q. Thanks for the great work you do for this great country. Peace out brah.
83aadd No.5267522
>Why are SC mute?
Do not forget you are watching a movie.
d89129 No.5267523
whoops, out of order
01e841 No.5267524
>Widowed from LV assault
WWG1WGA, Anon!
77698b No.5267525
And a rifle behind every blade of grass, a patriot behind every rifle. Men who can handle the sword the pen and the scythe. We elected our leader from among our own fellow men and we stand ready to buttress the lines if duty calls.
You faint at the sight of our pens. As long as our military stands behind us as we write, you will never win. So long as we have our pens our rifles lie at our sides ready to defend the pens of others should our military ever ask.
As Q has shown, you’ll never meet our rifles for our hero’s tend the flame of freedom in our name.
63fb26 No.5267526
Probably just a new level of surveillance where they'll be able to spot the corn in your turds before you even take a shit.
a659ad No.5267527
Question mccabe and obama on line are attacking the victims ?
5d6d2b No.5267528
05b084 No.5267531
We love you. Keep going. All in this together.
4475be No.5267532
That is the main objection the Catholic church has. It is not natural. It does not count as a real marriage because it is not complimentary. Like a male pipe and a female pipe. You cannot fit them together.
Archbishop Cordileone in San Francisco is in charge of Marriage for the USCCB. He has been hounded by Pelosi and other politicians here over the stance the church has that is pro straight marriage.
4a9778 No.5267533
I am awakening new patriots every day! That proof video helps IMMENSELY - thank you to the patriot who took the time ron make it. The best red pill in a while… WWG1WGA
8cc2f3 No.5267534
We are !
Salut Q
6fb6b6 No.5267536
[They] perpetrate false flags like 911 and use humanity to steal, murder, destroy all through deception. [They] are parasites.
#WeThePeople outnumber them by billions. Waking up to the truth as to how they deceive and divide them enables us to take our power back.
It is happening now.
Watch as the most amazing time ever in history is unfolding. We are taking back our world for humanity and the satanic cabal elites who have controlled any of us through fear, lies, poverty, food etc etc etc. are done.
This really is #TheGreatAwakeningWorldwide and a massive cleanup process to eliminate corruption.
Fake News, Fakewood, the Old Guard of the cabal are all disgusting and [they] have all (Hollywood/MSM/big pharma/social engineering etc etc) wielded far too much control over us weakening us, destroying our families, our education, our health (mental and physical) and our Country while they stole everything.
God bless President Trump, our military, our white hats and our WorldPatriots like you for fighting to expose corruption, evil and waking up humanity.
Love & Peace
ba33ee No.5267537
Some men change what's going on; some men watch what's going on; and some men don't know what's going on. Pity the last.
bd1f52 No.5267538
72aa58 No.5267540
"The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it." - Paul-Muad'Dib
8d640d No.5267542
Well, maybe not a rope, but you are going where I was going with it.
57d907 No.5267543
Posted just two hours ago. Imagine by tonight once most people get off work and settle in to catch up on latest Q posts.
dd22d2 No.5267544
God Bless and protect Q and POTUS. God speed!
2f676e No.5267545
McCabe is a lying bastard.
53f0c1 No.5267546
My God how HRC hates our
Highest Ranking Anon.
She can't even look in his direction!!
2169d5 No.5267547
Correct. Watch and learn. Brilliant chess move.
80fa7d No.5267551
2ab531 No.5267552
(((Harvey Levin)))
896d08 No.5267553
So ready to get this ball rolling with the normies!
02a6c1 No.5267554
Netanyahu urges Europe to take a stand against ‘plague’ of anti-Semitism
Immigration Minister Yoav Gallant calls on France’s Jews to ‘come home’ in the wake of vandalism at Jewish cemetery, which damaged dozens of graves
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday urged European leaders to take a strong stand against anti-Semitism after the overnight vandalism of dozens of graves in a French Jewish cemetery.
“Today something shocking happened in France,” Netanyahu said in a Hebrew video he published on social media. “Eighty Jewish graves were desecrated with Nazi symbols by wild anti-Semites.”
“I call on the leaders of France and Europe to take a strong stand against anti-Semitism,” Netanyahu continued. “It is a plague that endangers everyone, not just us, and it must be condemned wherever and whenever it rears its head.”
Around 80 graves were discovered to have been daubed with swastikas at a Jewish cemetery in the village of Quatzenheim, close to the border with Germany in the Alsace region.
Photos show the Nazi symbols in blue paint spray-painted on the damaged graves, one of which bears the words “Elsassisches Schwarzen Wolfe” (“Black Alsatian Wolves”), a separatist group with links to neo-Nazis in the 1970s.
9f9e1d No.5267555
Q TBO there’s a whole lot of people that just don’t care. They know politicians are corrupt, and rigged. They simply don’t care.DOJ FBI treasonous acts, won’t phase them a bit. Child trafficking rape and murder might work. They love being slaves.
09a180 No.5267556
so many amazing memes!
I'm stealing as they fly by, compliments, Anons!
4499d0 No.5267557
There are times to fight, there are times to sow/grow/build, and times to reap/harvest/remove.
I forget who it was … But there was a general who held that war was simply a continuation of diplomacy. Diplomacy, itself, was never completely absent the promise of war, and war was never completely absent the notion of treatise, discussion, or what we usually call "diplomacy." The pens and talks do not stop just because the bullets are flying. The bullets are flying to drive home the resolve of the pen, and the pen willing to stay the use of force.
I'm beating the point into the ground, but I over-engineer everything, even my statements.
2d1121 No.5267558
That, too. An important role. Tom gets to grouse about how the govt ought to be doing what he's doing. It makes people think, "Yeah, this is the gov't's job. Why aren't they doing it?"
Great Theater plus it gets a lot done. KEK!
919686 No.5267559
>What is really going on here?
"Elijah Cummings" says it all. Anonymous whistleblower? I'll bet they won't identify them "for their own protection". Yeah, right.
6a9665 No.5267560
The highest court is complicit and thats part of the movie?
7236c2 No.5267561
Praying with you. Very sorry for your loss, and thank you for your courage. WWG1WGA.
add516 No.5267562
And that's just the tip of the iceberg, the part that the low IQ trad caths can see on the surface. The darkness is much, much deeper. The gay shit is just a stepping stone to pedo or beastial shit. It leads to child trafficking shit too. Iran has the right approach imo.
e333bc No.5267565
6609fa No.5267567
RBG back on the court.
074537 No.5267568
a659ad No.5267569
the sergi clan 23 and me and youtube and google
all in the family
pepi → (you) tube
you are the mainstream now
8edbff No.5267570
Three kinds of people in this world:
Those who make things happen.
Those who watch it happen.
Those who wonder WTF just happened.
I'm firmly in the second camp, and proud of it. ;-)
e88dca No.5267571
cb4735 No.5267572
Necessary reading for Anons. Literally the foundation of Q.
2baa10 No.5267573
The Truth About Jussie Smollett from Empire
a0d064 No.5267575
You are NEVER alone, anon. Doors will open. Much love.
6a9665 No.5267576
62f93b No.5267577
You said no deals Q. I want to see executions where they are appropriate. Don't make us wait 50 years to hear about them. Let us enjoy that victory as it happens. Let us have justice, and peace. And let the world know that the victims who suffered at the hands of these bastards have been avenged! Thank you Q and team. God Bless. In Jesus name!
cf7de4 No.5267579
Map underneath believed to be NE Utah, since it mentions the Native American Indian reservation
Photo from a merc or glowie in the field reporting back on a data capture.
Either a boast/taunt, or thanks.
9af80c No.5267580
What are you playing at.
That’s Larry King
526638 No.5267581
How's the president doing .
Hope he's ok .
We are united.
e86d77 No.5267582
>consider the following
Q Army is watching the SHills!
They know who (((you))) are.
a659ad No.5267584
CNN Soros is the victim of hate crimes ?
add516 No.5267585
ok, a sketch? where's the pic. where's PoL
4a9778 No.5267586
I am awakening new patriots every day! That proof video helps IMMENSELY - thank you to the patriot who took the time ron make it. The best red pill in a while… WWG1WGA
2ab531 No.5267587
It's ok, you can come out of the closet now.
2db4df No.5267588
97d76a No.5267590
Thank you, Q, for not letting them kill 90% of the world.
I must say, it does suck slaving away in this corrupt system while the rich get richer though.
3df5b8 No.5267591
Exactly! And YT plays fuckery on conservative videos, so the actual number is much higher than what is shown.
5fb622 No.5267592
Recycling images again?
e88dca No.5267593
9b9b75 No.5267594
Liberal Democrats put down white people, just hope whites don't rise up and slaughter you worthless fucks.
2a0405 No.5267595
Time to listen to Q
ba33ee No.5267596
450bcb No.5267597
Happy 74th Anniversary, faggots!
It's a glorious day! Never Forget
c05b93 No.5267598
Q Team and POTUS: every day I pray Q team, POTUS and operators (Delta F) are kept safe by God. Thank you for risking everything. God Bless.
07a9de No.5267599
Here is the article.
It's from 2014
UN warns Britain over child voodoo rituals, pedophile sex tourists
710c50 No.5267600
Let's imagine she had a spinal fusion to stabilize the kyphosis. On an 85 yo in ill health suffering from cancer?
I don't think so!
The recovery time for a healthy individual from such surgery is to be up and walking in a few weeks, but physical therapy & rehab & pain/muscle relaxant meds for several months.
I can't even imagine subjecting such an individual to this kind of surgery in her condition and age.
No, I do not believe such a postural condition could be corrected short of major surgery with a very long recovery period.
907092 No.5267601
WAWY God Bless, Patriot. We Will Win. WWG1WGA
02a6c1 No.5267602
He knows it's toxic to the body and causes cancer
c1b075 No.5267603
9/11 Pentagon attack analysis.
#NeverForget #Anonymous #Qanon
d4aee6 No.5267604
Empire Cutting Back Jussie Smollett's Scenes as Investigation Into Alleged Attack Continues
83aadd No.5267605
Just a damn shame that the narrator cannot speak properly; I really couldn't watch it because of that. His fucking axe instead of ask made me want to shout at him and slap him into next week (in a non violent, no homo way,of course)..
066245 No.5267607
f84ffb No.5267608
True, but it will unfortunately get no media coverage because it doesn't fit the narrative.
add516 No.5267609
How do you know this isn't just part of the kill 90% plan?
1ec8a0 No.5267610
Proud Brit Q Patriot here.
170cb8 No.5267611
Please let POTUS know we are praying for him and his family as well as the whole Q team.
ab8fbf No.5267612
39fb47 No.5267613
15b434 No.5267616
THIS is what POTUS statement about LGBT rights worldwide is about. Exposing ignorant lefties to this…
ba33ee No.5267617
My brother from another mother!
5529f1 No.5267619
So he just gonny keep lyin huh?
5f9810 No.5267620
Notables Thus Far
>>5267554 Netanyahu urges Europe to take a stand against ‘plague’ of anti-Semitism
>>5267458 CHSR) California High Speed Rail & (TTC) Trans Texas Corridor
>>5267405 Testimony by FBI Lawyer Trisha Anderson Reveals Extensive Role in Trump, Clinton Investigations
>>5267227, >>5267244, >>5267338 Photo Details
>>5267314 Breaking Walls going up
>>5267258 Young America’s Foundation Releases Report on Ridiculous Leftist College Courses, Many Targeting Trump in Their Descriptions
>>5267211 IP3 is full of deep state faggots Digs Needed?
>>5267201 New Censorship at JewTube of "Questioning Victims"
>>5267183 Judicial Watch Sues for ‘Coup’ Documents
Comments welcome & encouraged!!
09258a No.5267621
19081d No.5267623
She seemed to look directly at some here! SuRprised I'd say?
fa0963 No.5267625
No sorry. It was real, as GOD described.
They were covered in light (glory) until the fruit was eaten, then mankind fell.
However, our glory will be restored !!! This is the promise from GOD.
747bf2 No.5267626
It sounds like you were experiencing side effects from the detox. You can feel bad when the heavy metals first start to get flushed out of your system during the first week or two. This discomfort should eventually disappear. But I agree that people should listen to their body first and foremost
676fea No.5267627
You know when its close to "go time" when pep talks start happening. Only instead of pep speeches, we get great videos. Think I'll coin a new term—– VEECH
4edf8e No.5267629
015fab No.5267630
Riiiight, putting make up on young boys and making them dance for the homo's that then rape them. Nothing homosexual about that at all.
2f676e No.5267631
Worse plan to save career. Ever.
8edbff No.5267632
The anti-semites who plague Europe are mainly Muslims. It would help if Jews stopped doing all in their might to get more of them into Europe.
20dd21 No.5267633
Okay, fired up Q. Let us see the Great Awakening!
686e51 No.5267635
anytime ноss_воss
dd22d2 No.5267636
907092 No.5267637
Change your mindset
a4f071 No.5267643
When I became a follower of Q in January 2018, I had already considered the consequences of labeling myself an enemy of the Deep State. I'm in it to win it. Losing is not an option, for it means death to everything and everyone I love.
2db4df No.5267644
change your underwear
066245 No.5267645
d89129 No.5267646
The full sentence:
"In this world,
As you can see,
The worst things to be
Are Thinking and Free"
Dubya was still president at the time.
Might have been approaching election seasons, can't remember exactly, but the paradigm was the same at the time.
I mean… Obama or NoName… just as fucked as with Bush (and worse, retrospect!)
91e15a No.5267647
Will Gareth Williams have his true story told.
along with Captain Green and so many others..
As you may guess Britanon here!
4e47a6 No.5267650
526638 No.5267651
Hull uk here anon ,
8edbff No.5267652
It's a pity the camera hasn't been invented yet, so they can only show an artist rendition of RBG returning to work…
e8d06d No.5267654
A free nationwide subway
And amultipass
And a flat tax
Cause social security is a Ponzi scheme
a659ad No.5267655
I knew this day would arrive
7db475 No.5267656
I served one of these men and his wife many years ago. I lost the ticket that I saved and I can't remember who it was. VERY nice people.
02a6c1 No.5267657
50dbbc No.5267658
Ya dont say…
These people are sick.
add516 No.5267659
"Little Hitler" is trending.
A little White kid was selling hot chocolate to raise money for the border wall and was apparently called "Little Hitler".
Scroll through the posts and witness the utter hate the Liberal Left pours on this kid.
(((They))) want you dead, White man.
8236a9 No.5267660
Islam is a distraction. It's a shitty religion, yes. But it's all about funding a war machine that lost its enemy with the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
680f49 No.5267662
Q - are you ok with a military vet writer mentioning what unit you're a part of in my next article? I think you've dropped enough hints for those of us with an SF background to know - I'm of the mind the hints were on purpose & you want people to know…
6ca8f1 No.5267663
Thank you USSS. Forever grateful.
e1f324 No.5267665
BTFO by Q!
You still here, shill?
Don't cry, mommy still loves you.
ba33ee No.5267666
Something tells me this was always the plan.
aeb056 No.5267670
I can't see it. Enlarge?
3df5b8 No.5267672
ebot = Jussie Smollett
d89129 No.5267673
042701 No.5267674
just realized it myself
f1089a No.5267675
>>5265946 (PB)
Hypothesis: Libya’s wealth has been systematically stolen with the help of HRC [Benghazi] and laundered through the Libyan Investment Authority and channeled to various cabal recipients. Unwinding this scandal might be one way to expose their crimes, prosecute the players and remove them from positions of power.
It might involve many world leaders, hinted at by Trudeau’s current scandal with SNC-Lavalin, and past corruption in Libya.
Gaddafi’s wealth is meant to be held in trust for the Libyan people until the war-shattered country stabilizes, interest payments flowed from frozen accounts in Brussels to bank accounts in Luxembourg and Bahrain over recent years.
The interest goes to accounts belonging to the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), the country’s sovereign fund, which was founded in 2006 to invest Gaddafi’s oil wealth. LIA now lies at the heart of a turf war between rival claimants in Libya, and it’s not clear who runs the agency or gets any of the funds sent to its accounts.
It involves Western financial institutions including Goldman Sachs, a Dutch asset manager and Société Générale.
It’s a pretty extensive crime, of course, when you overthrow a foreign government, murder it’s dictator, and steal all of the country’s wealth.
Shortly before he died, Gaddafi sold a fifth of Libya’s gold reserves, and most of the proceeds from this sale are still missing. Probably only a coincidence that HRC/Benghazi incident triggered all this.
Note the Photo of Bill Clinton at the Corinthia Hotel in London.
When Q posted the photos about the Corinthia Hotel in London (owned largely by the Libyan Investment Authority), which also has fancy hotels all over the world (meeting locations), he was was putting the cabal on notice – WE HAVE IT ALL.
Followed by Comey’s mysterious tweet last night and Q’s response…..
8d640d No.5267676
Yes you do, lol. Nothing wrong with that, ebot.
a51840 No.5267677
Matteo Salvini
Verified account @matteosalvinimi
8m8 minutes ago
GUARDATE la piazza di Bari questa sera con la Lega, mi sono emozionato, GRAZIE!
Idee chiare e coerenza pagano.
Migliaia di persone e di sorrisi, voglia di Futuro.
P.s. La sinistra anche a Bari e in Puglia ormai potrà vincere solo se si appella alla giuria d’onore di Sanremo 😊
Translated from Italian by Microsoft
Look at the square of Bari tonight with the league, I'm excited, thank you!
Clear ideas and pagan consistency.
Thousands of people and smiles, longing for the future.
P.S. the left also in Bari and Puglia can now win only if it appeals to the jury of Honor Sanremo 😊
15b434 No.5267679
I thought AF was comped.
1e86dd No.5267680
MSM pushing questions about privacy and addressable adds. The narrative seems to be having everything about you tracked is concerning and maybe could cause problems but is inevitable.
It fits the idea that they must tell people what they are going to do as that absolves them of responsibility for the outcomes because people agreed to it. As technologist who can usually see a solution to the problem, it is hard to see a solution to the issue that with great power comes inevitable abuse. How can we ever trust big business and 'intelligence' agencies to use the the power of technology responsibly? Laws? That is like asking a first grade class to make the operating policy of a nuclear power plant. Ask the technologist how to do it? Only the big companies will be considered legitimate and will just fine ways to create rules that protect their interest. That seems to what the current narrative in MSM might be aimed at, overwhelm the opposition by making them resign to the idea that this is the best that can happen.
6bce66 No.5267682
A special place for Soros. Q
7db475 No.5267685
You learn something new every day.
303b00 No.5267686
>you are the mainstream now
feels gud
13b28c No.5267688
Thank you for bringing back patriotism and pride for our country
I can’t describe how good it feels to watch POTUS live with the whole family literally hanging on every word
God Bless you all!
3f6253 No.5267689
Need to re-stock the popcorn
295198 No.5267690
Elderly people take a pretty long time to heal. RBG's lung cancer surgery was done in a hospital that treats the very wealthy elites.
Maybe they have access to treatments which haven't been revealed or made available yet to the masses.
e8d06d No.5267691
Why do the fake Jew Devils obsessed with betraying yours/my wallet
35ceb0 No.5267692
barry swings glowfags .
97d76a No.5267693
I'm prepared for that.
Doesn't change the facts.
015fab No.5267694
844228 No.5267695
83aadd No.5267696
Another anon in Wales.
d80a3f No.5267698
Is this how they get Uranium One gets brought forward?
d93974 No.5267699
Trump confidant hints Intel Chief Coats may be fired "muh sources around the WH"
907092 No.5267700
Who cares about Muh Fuck Q Cates?
9f1fa4 No.5267701
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Owners of the World
It's a Big Club.. But You're Not in It
8edbff No.5267702
That 'something' is called your almond around here.
20dd21 No.5267704
Anons a couple breads back were talking about assassination attempts. There was discussion about a missile intercept in Iraq too.
ba33ee No.5267705
It's customary to use the greeting "General" when speaking to a General.
d5b38c No.5267706
There is a 2A behind every blade of grass.
2f676e No.5267707
I heard from an anonymous poster on 8chan she was using off the market drugs to maintain minimal daily functions.
30c78f No.5267708
can't report on the P or MIC donchaknow
see where we're being led
not that difficult
'member when Trump said he didn't want to
be ruler of the world
he must of forgot that part
what we are witnessing is greatmindfuck of humanity's demise
Q wants to be god that says if you question him
you're going to hell
reminds me of sumptin just can't recall atm
4f5369 No.5267709
I think I know what it was…
ba33ee No.5267710
Betting POTUS just uncomp'd them.
adabcb No.5267711
There is no doubt in my mind about God and the divine plan. However, God didn't write the stories in the bible, man did which means that the opportunity to corrupt God's word existed with the men who wrote the book according to their agendas. I believe our job is to find the words of God that men tried to hide.
2a38df No.5267714
Can I get some motivation to do my life today? Slow goins.
ee9d55 No.5267715
Dems all got their period at once?
e86d77 No.5267716
I would say this was a tactical mini nuke by poitning openly a finger on a shill in the last bread which brought a shill spam flood in this bread.
It's like saying very loud,
9101b2 No.5267720
Who's afraid the most?
Where is this "antisemitism" coming from?
Maybe 'they' = (((they)))
d72966 No.5267723
UKanons, the Q post 2742, 2/16/19 had the clip from the movie Vendetta and a pic of a Q on the door of the Scottish Parliament.
Are UKanons planning something for next Guy Fawkes Day?
042701 No.5267724
583095 No.5267725
>>5267463 Hey brother! We stand and lock arms with you!
16e6ec No.5267726
Military officer steering the boat and giving signals
63fb26 No.5267728
I'm not saying don't be fully committed, just realize nothing happened until it does.
8236a9 No.5267730
Here's some more new: Al Franken admitted to receiving a text from the previous mayor of NYC not to go to the WTC on 9/11.
a39da8 No.5267731
Someone obviouslt didn't love his wife…KEK!
Businesswoman beheaded after husband refuses to pay ransom
84e413 No.5267732
Still no new pics of RBG. This is what they give us. Does she look so bad that we can only get cartoons? Zombie RBG chatter starting to seem more plausible.
d89129 No.5267733
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Perfect Cell Vs El Hermano Part 2
37048b No.5267734
Feeling It Q
Lets do this !!!
ed173f No.5267735
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mark Taylor: Trump Moving Heaven's Agenda Forward.
Prophecy for those that believe in that sort of thing.
09a180 No.5267736
77 17 check - we are ready - that's a go!
2ce7cf No.5267737
Florida voters react to Bernie Sanders running for president:
-“I can’t stop laughing…it’s a gift to the Republican Party”
-“Send in the clowns”
-“Bernie’s vision for America is destructive”
-“It’s almost laughable”
-“Bad for the Democrats, great for the Republicans”