a67749 No.5259242
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Q's Latest Posts
Tuesday 02.19.2019
>>5258565 ————————————–——– When do the trials for Treason begin?
>>5258118 rt >>5257446 ————————— Drop put you on notice?
Monday 02.18.2019
>>5257446 ————————————–——– [First Placeholders] OIG report, DECLAS, other re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115
>>5257078 ————————————–——– Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
>>5256768 ————————————–——– Future proves past (track & update).
>>5253402 ————————————–——– Pick a Network – Any Network.
>>5248952 rt >>5248831 ————————— Reference: "Found the camera"
>>5248890 rt >>5248785 ————————— What does that tell you?
>>5248728 rt >>5248631 ————————— Street level photo of Corinthia Hotel.
>>5248631 rt >>5248193, >>5248213 ——— New and old photo of Corinthia Hotel.
>>5248432 rt >>5248019 ————————— Reference: "Right next to where the traffic cam pics were taken."
>>5248313 rt >>5247912 ————————— Yes, they are.
>>5247957 rt >>5247847 ————————— The Corinthia Hotel.
>>5247821 ————————————–——– Why do we make things public?
>>5246177 ————————————–——– FEAR IS REAL.
>>5245688 rt >>5245512 ————————— Interesting this leaked already.
>>5245457 ————————————–——– Fellow Patriots:
>>5245228 ————————————–——– People are craving TRUTH.
>>5244213 rt >>5244054 ————————— Define 'Projection'.
>>5242957 ————————————–——– Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.
>>5242534 rt >>5242466 ————————— Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
>>5242432 ————————————–——– 30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
>>5242227 ————————————–——– It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
>>5239609 ————————————–——– What Family Runs CA?
>>5237861 ————————————–——– Impressive, most impressive
>>5237760 rt >>5237651 ————————— Nothing can stop this.
>>5237585 ————————————–——– Excellent graphic - seconds matter!
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
Saturday 02.16.19
Compiled here: >>5230898
Friday 02.15.19
Compiled here: >>5226101
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
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a67749 No.5259255
are not endorsements
>>5014751, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Today the board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5258800 Comey twat is a quote from NYT
>>5258766 RBG tmz pic has a Q in it
>>5258975 Lynching bill - excerpts from the floor speeches
>>5258926 Steele, Schiff, and Coates all were at Aspen Institute in June or July 2018
>>5258861 DC District Court database was indicating that Justice Ginsburg had died
>>5258744 'When do the trials for treason begin?' Trump retweets meme Q just used
>>5259187 #6720
>>5257810, >>5257823 New Comey Twat
>>5257789 2 Kings 19:19
>>5257780 keks CarpeDonktum Smullet
>>5258078, >>5258080 resignations in the news today
>>5258215, >>5258045 Corinthia Hotel owned by Libyan gov fund w ties to trafficking, terror
>>5258417 #6719
>>5257181 all the placeholders capped, time to keep that /pf window open :)
>>5257277 youtube shame as pedo ring caught sharing through site
>>5257323 possible Haiti habbenings, dig
>>5257365 Red/Green already check anon graphic
>>5257548 Q Area 51 37° 5'45.66"N 116° 5'35.77"W
>>5257397 POTUS "Treason" Tweet w Q drops 953 and 359
>>5257725, >>5257752, >>5257773 re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115
>>5257694 #6718
>>5256289, >>5256368, >>5256343 Battle of Iwo Jima anny coming up this sat 2/23
>>5256277, >>5256319 POTUS and Treason anon graphics/proofs
>>5256666 quads confirms McCabe has nightmares about doorknobs now
>>5256875 #6717
#6716 Baker Change
>>5255476, >>5255625, >>5255780, >>5255874, >>5255923 New DJTs
>>5255607, >>5255685, >>5255951 anons re death of Sir Charles Farr, connected to Steele, suicided?
>>5255586, >>5255478 new DJT direct ref to Q 2397 ?
>>5255627, >>5255521 QProofs - [RR] Out - Rod Rosenstein Stepping Down
>>5255544 Grand Canyon tourists exposed for years to radiation in museum building, safety manager says
>>5255690 Bill Clinton Presidents Day Tweet
>>5256041 Mueller Report March 11
>>5256125 #6716
Previously Collected Notables
>>5255403 #6715,
>>5253112 #6712, >>5253858 #6713, >>5254642 #6714
>>5250780 #6709, >>5251587 #6710, >>5252353 #6711
>>5248528 #6706, >>5249258 #6707, >>5249986 #6708
>>5246171 #6703, >>5246927 #6704, >>5247718 #6705
>>5243821 #6700, >>5244658 #6701, >>5245419 #6702
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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a67749 No.5259262
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a67749 No.5259267
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
a67749 No.5259277
a67749 No.5259281
any bakers lurking
i can keep going though
e31c54 No.5259289
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259281
Awesome Job Baker
Feeling alright
b7be68 No.5259293
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Seems the ebots are broken..
e41930 No.5259295
Kitchen is hot.
Thank you Baker
3c4987 No.5259296
>>5259269 rageing unrequited depraved homo post
1e4a33 No.5259297
f70fb3 No.5259298
>>5259278 lb
Kek. Or someone like him. Freddy is gone but this asshole remains. Go figure.
1d9f9b No.5259300
I’ll have one for you Baker.
cd5b4f No.5259302
Bread is moving fast.
Q will likely need to post in PatriotsFight when things get hot because everything will slide too fast to see drops.
be6087 No.5259303
So what’s your take on the date :
2/17/2020 one year from today
11/5/2019 the date in the movie
The Vandetta clip threw me off a little and confused me
b3143c No.5259304
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. THANK YOU BAKER!
a8db0a No.5259305
>>5259188 (lb)
Saturn is fallen, am I too to fall?Am I to leave this haven of my rest,This cradle of my glory, this soft clime,This calm luxuriance of blissful light,These crystalline pavilions, and pure fanes,Of all my lucent empire? It is leftDeserted, void, nor any haunt of mine.The blaze, the splendor, and the symmetry,I cannot see – but darkness, death and darkness.Even here, into my centre of repose,The shady visions come to domineer,Insult, and blind, and stifle up my pomp. –Fall! – No, by Tellus and her briny robes!Over the fiery frontier of my realmsI will advance a terrible right armShall scare that infant thunderer, rebel Jove,And bid old Saturn take his throne again.
54d1d5 No.5259306
Timeline attached.
What has since occurred?
Future proves past (track & update).
Think calendar.
WE ALSO HAVE A FIX DATE SINCE BARR WAS INSTALLED ALREADY and Whitaker retained his senior post - that means these events have already occurred:
1. Barr/Whitaker review of RR notes on DECLAS
2. DECLAS review pulled from OIG
3. Barr executes DECLAS and sends data to House
(4/Next is whitaker remains in senoir position) SO THEN
MEET WITH NK - IN Q POST - Trump and Kim are due to meet in Hanoi on Feb. 27 and 28
That means IF all the events in the Q post are in order then the following events have already occurred OR will occur before 2/27'
5. Barr meets Huber and OIG
6. OIG Report
7. House subpoenas (spill30)
(8 - NK Meet)
WOW great month anons with more to follow
8ff5aa No.5259307
I think that was the expression on Little St. James
11a827 No.5259308
3c4987 No.5259310
book of puddles pity party 4.902e6
book of spaceballs 4.936e6
7ef189 No.5259315
>>5259196 lb
Assange is basically fucking with cianiggers lately, which is kinda bad for Trump on surface level.
So now the liberals are all trying to kiss his ass again. Brockshills are still pushing that he's a Putin operative. All the real comments are people then praising Putin.
Shits getting pretty weird. I think it's getting close to both sides loving him again. At which point, Trump can really fucking clinch 2020 by helping that poor bastard.
Go Tulsi. Lil Fighter.
3c4987 No.5259318
bella ciao
f70fb3 No.5259319
I think the theme song for all these evil assholes going on trial should be Cry Me A River.
3c4987 No.5259320
fresh fake jew hams and hobbits
>>4937393 (You)
>>4937388 (You)
>>4937385 (You)
>>4937382 (You)
>>4937378 (You)
>>4937376 (You)
>>4937373 (You)
3685bd No.5259324
You are truly fantastic.
915866 No.5259325
Spotted at 4 different bus stops in north New Jersey. We spreading!
3c4987 No.5259326
peanut butter and serial killers and hobbits and cocaine is not a form of government
d088a3 No.5259328
Racist La Raza Judge Leery of Weighing In on Qualcomm's Reasonableness in Apple Case
The chip giant wants U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel to declare that its cellphone patent licensing offer to Apple was fair and reasonable. But the judge suggested at a hearing Friday that would be premature.
Qualcomm is already testing some reference designs that have 1GB or 2GB of old LPDDR3 RAM and 8/16GB storage. That fits with the Android Go theory.
Huawei is apparently involved and is trying out phones with 720p+ screens and fingerprint readers.
513129 No.5259329
Who gets the Trials and who gets the Tribunals? Asking for Jussie's friend.
90a71d No.5259331
1 point down, 2 points up = not your friend.
381546 No.5259332
>>5259025 (pb)
>>5258565 (Q)
>pic related
3c4987 No.5259333
the book of dogo and kitteh and firefox as tehy battle teh homotus trannyshills of teh pedovores. as written by teh apostle m4xres
a67749 No.5259334
if i fucked up BVs already edited it
pls refresh
7ba7de No.5259335
I want the same drugs RBG was on…
Or, should I ask ??
cd8837 No.5259336
refresh the page, # was changed
37c302 No.5259338
3c4987 No.5259340
book of doge 4.025e6
f02739 No.5259341
I think you nailed it
What was the pin that
the dems had at SOTU?
8ff5aa No.5259342
8b12a5 No.5259343
3c4987 No.5259344
Maccheroni alla molinara
Maccheroncini di Campofilone
Scialatelli or scialatielli
Spaghetti alla chitarra
Fusilli bucati
Mezze maniche
Mezze penne
Mezzi bombardoni
Pasta al ceppo
Penne ricce
Sagne 'ncannulate
Spiralini (Scharfalini)
Busiate (or busiati)
Campanelle or torchio
Creste di galli
Foglie d'ulivo
bbc67a No.5259347
>>5258595 lb
Are you suggesting Comey is a white hat?
3c4987 No.5259348
Gramigne / Spaccatelle
Pipe rigate
Su Filindeu
Acini di pepe
Egg barley
Occhi di pernice
Casoncelli or casonsèi
Occhi di lupo
c05df0 No.5259349
Bookmark with placeholders for anyone who's new or misplaced theirs.
3c4987 No.5259350
e31c54 No.5259351
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259314
A little help from my friends
3c4987 No.5259353
This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
Fideo is a type of pasta commonly used in soups
Thai rice noodles
Commercial thin spätzle
S&N Noodles
Spaghetti Tacos
Cup Noodles
Fried noodles
Frozen noodles
Instant noodle
Rice noodles
Rice vermicelli
Shawn Mendes
Biangbiang noodles
Cellophane noodles
Chinkiang pot cover noodles
Daoxiao noodles
Dragon beard noodles
Henan braised noodles
Hot dry noodles
Jook-sing noodles
Lai fun
Mung bean sheets
Oil noodles
Rice vermicelli
Saang mein
Shahe fen
Shrimp roe noodles
Silver needle noodles
Yi mein
Gong Zai Mian
Wonton noodles
Mi Goreng
Sanuki udon
Shirataki noodles
Wanko soba
513129 No.5259355
Anybody taking odds on who's first on the list? Who should be the first? How does that get determinated?
3c4987 No.5259356
Cellophane noodles
Dotori guksu
Garak guksu
Pan mee
Wonton noodles
Khanom chin
Rice noodles
Cellophane noodles (Miến)
Rice noodles (bánh phở, bánh đa, bánh canh)
Rice vermicelli (Bún)
Shahe fen
7071bf No.5259357
d95ca7 No.5259358
I 2nd this. Bill Hicks is mossad operative from the start of pretending to be Alex Jones.
d894b6 No.5259359
3828db No.5259360
i heard about you.
noice find.
f70fb3 No.5259362
3e50a1 No.5259363
Maybe. Would like to hear it if that is the case though. The topic just suddenly went away…even from Q.
3c4987 No.5259365
451064 No.5259368
BLUNT time (not high time) this is accelerating nicely……. all love patriots
3c4987 No.5259370
>>4937338 (You)
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3c4987 No.5259373
bella ciao
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513129 No.5259376
3c4987 No.5259377
>>4936885 (You)
fresh fake jew hams and hobbits
66be77 No.5259378
Turnabout is fair play! Time for U1
6c0e17 No.5259380
"Weaving spiders, come not here;
Hence, you long-legg'd spinners, hence!
Beetles black approach not near;
Worm nor snail, do no offence."
8147c7 No.5259381
>>5258565 (LB)
Most of these people are likely ver. 1-4 clones anyways. Does it really matter?
b8f408 No.5259383
Charo's husband dead by suicide
5c25f5 No.5259384
Qs done posting. Nightshift has gone to shit lately.
d95ca7 No.5259385
You don't think so? You're going to have trouble with the ending of Q's movie.
a84775 No.5259390
Sorry to ask again, but an anon pointed out my dyslexic post re: Alyssa Milano. If yo have it, please repost the pic where she's earning the money-shot. Also, if these pics stored somewhere on the chans, please post the link and I'll be forever grateful FWIW.
8a2f13 No.5259392
Movies always build the suspense. My guess is Obama, Soros or Netanyahu is the final boss.
8ff5aa No.5259393
I just created a pic with the filename "Divine Justice: Satan dicktates"
a6053e No.5259394
The treason took place throughout Hussein's time in office.
51a3ab No.5259396
Did some digs. Kinda surprised that I couldn't find something about why its lit red. They often light it up different colors for different events, but couldn't find anything on their site/twitter/fb about it. Can't find anything in my searches.
3e50a1 No.5259401
Thanks. I really hope that's the case. Far too important to just let it die.
7faefa No.5259402
>Assange is basically fucking with cianiggers lately, which is kinda bad for Trump on surface level.
Desperate agencies do stupid things.
Dead cat bounce.
You may have the site but we have the source.
Panic is good.
Panic is right.
July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.
0f07f5 No.5259404
Second the Notable
f4d741 No.5259406
I know right? Looks like a leftist meme attempt.
a6053e No.5259407
Yup. You are special.
2aca18 No.5259409
I just ate my last bit of popcorn.
This shit here is Crazy
I should be sleeping
This LARP is getting good.
IF true
Wednesday is going to be fun.
5b5164 No.5259410
Thank you Anons for doing the work.
12754c No.5259411
>>5258744 Pb.
NOT NOTABLE —- Trump Tweet was from another day, not a tweet of Qpost graphic. Looks like QTeam added Brennan and posted it.
5ec2c7 No.5259413
1) Bruce Ohr + Nellie Ohr
a67749 No.5259414
this searching is fun and cool
but once you get to the email
search for these strings
ZERO found
01a035 No.5259416
forgot the book for FEtard, max.
07fb8c No.5259417
8a2f13 No.5259420
I feel like Skeletor is looking at me.
8ff5aa No.5259421
7a6851 No.5259423
I see the bad moon rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today
Don't go around tonight
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
I hear hurricanes blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of raze and ruin
Don't go around tonight
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
All right
Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye
a82608 No.5259426
Ebot is about short circuit
e41930 No.5259427
ThanQ anon. That helped.
54d1d5 No.5259428
the muhjoo shills are making a lot of noise
even making extra effort to bake in JQ fake and gay notables now every day
its the death rattle of their fake narrative
good riddance
NSA recorded the muhjoo chatlogs:
hey POTUS and Q told us to BTFO
so what shall we do?
lets post moar JQ bullshit and claim POTUS is a crypto jew
and also lets post fake history
and also lets posts new and exotic theories that make no sense
lets double and triple down on the same bullshit
oh and make sure one of gets a bake session every day and includes our fake and gay lies
comms clear?
3d9a6b No.5259434
And the Big Bang was his joke.
d7d41b No.5259438
So, uh, the question that's on everyone's minds.
a6053e No.5259439
a67749 No.5259440
oh ok
well it still pointed us/reminds us he tweeted the Q post
can someone make a graphic please
Q post and POTUS tweet - same meme
909de5 No.5259443
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. For anyone that needs Q proofs for normies.
513129 No.5259444
Wasn't Soros arrested over the weekend?
Bibi? Why Bibi? Aren't they best buds (45)?
54d1d5 No.5259445
AND OH BTW - JQ at 40K ft is legit and critical = what is the role of jews in human history?
the jews are evil narrative is complete BS
jews are a unique and highly capable group of people - thus they are used by both good and evil forces
this is why the BS narrative stays alive
it has some truth in it but not what they say (a CON)
what they say is designed solely to deflect attention from those HIRING all the jews
OH one more thing - why does POTUS love and trust Jews and hire them and partner with them? becuase he knows they mean business - they play hardball BUT dont seek revenge and they dont fuck people over unless they have to - they preferred The Art of The Deal long before POTUS wrote his book
a6053e No.5259446
8e60cd No.5259449
>NSA recorded the muhjoo chatlogs:
f70fb3 No.5259450
That's just painful to look at.
8ff5aa No.5259451
No, that's schlock team 6, and they report for hoax shooting detail work.
a67749 No.5259453
>>5258744 'When do the trials for treason begin?' Trump retweets meme Q just used
pls graphic for baker
c05df0 No.5259457
Possibly very critical time for Q team right now.
Every prayer and positive thought directed to them for perfect safety and perfect success. Protect them all, protect their loved ones. Every one, at every level, in every compartment of the plan has an important role to play, or they wouldn't BE there.
May God's protection, love, and power strengthen them all.
b7be68 No.5259458
The real Hawking, or his replacement?
8ff5aa No.5259460
I know right?
"oy vey"
a6053e No.5259465
f70fb3 No.5259467
I don't think so, but Hungary is after his commie ass.
7faefa No.5259469
>Anybody taking odds on who's first on the list? Who should be the first? How does that get determinated?
I'd freaking pay for it to be that POS Brennan and his buttbuddy Clapper!
a6053e No.5259470
8a2f13 No.5259472
Whos willing to bet the gook is the bitch?
04f2b2 No.5259473
Booker may not have your six, but he's definitely watching your three and nine.
37c302 No.5259476
0b819c No.5259477
a6053e No.5259479
a82608 No.5259480
>The treason took place throughout Hussein's time in office.
He likely pardoned himself (secretly), which means he can only be charged on new treason
513129 No.5259481
Ok. So who decides who gets what between trials & tribunals? Is it true the MTs have already started? Will the public know what's going on at some point with the tribunals?
5a6b69 No.5259483
I think it's more notable that you noticed the difference
and didn't mention that it's kind of a hackjob with one of the bars missing.
d801b8 No.5259484
You must like gamer girl peee
54e97b No.5259485
Noice and notable. Good won anon
2da44d No.5259486
This is What Research is All About!
07fb8c No.5259487
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Almost like WW2 displaced 'something'.
That 'something' hadn't quite taken hold in the 1950s, but by the 60s had wormed itself into the very fabric of American society.
I wonder what that was?
ec7372 No.5259488
54d1d5 No.5259489
idito why do you post
treason cannot be pardoned
read the constitution please
0f07f5 No.5259490
Remember when Belushi faked everyone out on Saturday night live??
12754c No.5259492
It would have been Kek if Q posted it and then POTUS did…but Pous tweeted it first…then Q days later with Brenna added. I’ll look for the original DJT
a6053e No.5259496
No pardons on state statutes.
513129 No.5259497
I'm defiantly with you there, anon. So sick of both of them.
01a035 No.5259498
but teh homo don't sow babbyseeds, yet they get teh reincarnates.
a134af No.5259499
Q posts are moving fast the past few days. I’m putting things together, but the message of the movie is playing out in real time for all of us…WW. Pretty fuckin amazing. Also, I think a lot of the new drops are markers for next year but then again, maybe not. We’ll see.
5ec2c7 No.5259500
Damn dudes. That's a #116 congress pin
a67749 No.5259503
yes original DJT
i think we might be on to sumting
54d1d5 No.5259504
you mean coke no pepsi?
or pepsi no coke?
c05df0 No.5259505
I hope they're on CSPAN.
I believe Q team will have long-since planned for them to be publicized on multiple platforms.
The American people and the entire world needs to see it.
9fba8a No.5259506
At some point, Q asked for Brennon to be added to the meme, would have to look up. But do remember an Anon after fixed the missing bar on the photo.
5fe74d No.5259507
You have more than you know
3bfe19 No.5259508
NEW LOGO for the new TRUMP GOP. I heard it talked about on the news today, it gave me an idea.
No more RINO elephant in the room.
This one means business.
I don't have graphics on this dumpy PC so it is what it is until
it can be improved. its the idea that counts.
8ff5aa No.5259511
Canada Trump says not "Lock her up," but rather "Lock them (dems) out (of DC)." It's an iced down shot of Southern Comfort masquerading as whiskey
f38c58 No.5259513
>>5256289 (bread 6717)
A request please
Few days back, I requested to quote Chester W. Nimitz next to our logo and the up coming anniversary.
I had the privilege to serve aboard the namesake ship LHD-7 from commission till 2007 and again from 2009-2012 (my retirement from service) and had the honor of meeting over 100 Iwo Battle survivors to include Jack Lucas.
I request for that day 2/23, to have "Among the Americans serving on Iwo island, uncommon valor was a common virtue." as our motto, to not only honor the Men and two women, but a fitting motto of our (WW, not only Americans) efforts here.
Thank you.
f38e18 No.5259514
I was just thinking that it really is like the movie "V for Vendetta"…
3b27fb No.5259515
May god stand between you and harm, in all the dark places you must walk
0a03a4 No.5259517
Watching Anderson Cooper rerun and Clapper is asked about McCabe, and Clapper is stuck defending McCabe's character.
They are associating the two in the public eye. Doesn't this look like Clapper is also bad to the average NPC?
7c187f No.5259518
Baker, notable
Repost of:
>>5259074 (lb), >>5259263 (lb) Q's meme file name leads to Wikileaks email re: Iran Nuke Deal.
ty baker!
f02739 No.5259519
Well yes
yes it is
thanks anon
ec7372 No.5259521
Anons look further
>Pic Related
bcf800 No.5259522
Seth Rich and Justice Scalia……
I have serious reservations about these 187's…. IF our Gov't had proof of these murder's which would be capital crimes, and they were not prosecuted once the evidence was discovered - wouldn't that cause GRAVE consequences for not pursuing immediately? I mean Q does say that some of this is disinfo…. I tend to not believe there is any impending indictments for these supposed murders.
f70fb3 No.5259524
T Y, anon. I was about to respond the same as you.
5b5164 No.5259525
New Q sets off the Q uest to save the World for Anons.
Thank you Q Q+.
WE PRAY for (you) family frens.
WE will do our best together.
WE will become #1.
Thanks for fighting for USALL.
WE will never forget.
Peace on Earth, saved for the Children.
PRAY for Neighbors.
PRAY for Soldiers.
Thank the Vets.
f3b488 No.5259526
a day or 2 ago they were reported here as paid ads. but the company did not say who bought them.
still it is being spread by someone
513129 No.5259528
Yeah. Read about the Hungry thing way way back but the arrest was within the last week? Didn't check link out though so who knows. But, Bibi? Really? Still stunned by that one. Huh.
5ec2c7 No.5259532
37c302 No.5259534
>Qs done posting. Nightshift has gone to shit lately.
Go fuck your self dipshit.
8f92eb No.5259537
And this?
5a6b69 No.5259538
I tried to get baker to reconsider the wording but i think it was too late
a6053e No.5259539
No, actually the Constitution does not say that.
3890fc No.5259540
Why is Mrebot allowed to shit up every single bread? It's not posting it's just shitting the bread and always has, so why is it allowed, seriously?
f0e307 No.5259542
a6053e No.5259543
dea066 No.5259545
5c25f5 No.5259546
Truth sucks sometimes, i know.
d22b2e No.5259548
smells like fear to me
>Define Projection
a84775 No.5259549
Very close anons and thank you. The pic is one where she's smoking the pole… Again TIA
e3f378 No.5259550
Just saw this on tv… looks familiar.
97a720 No.5259551
Damn dudes. That's not a #116 congress pin
d894b6 No.5259552
8d3d88 No.5259553
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259490
They're better together!
e31c54 No.5259554
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259536
Just my imagination
b6383c No.5259555
Night Shift Autist on fire tonight.
a412ee No.5259556
God Bless and Godspeed Q Team and Patriots
5ec2c7 No.5259557
Just search 32 by email ID. We went thru all this a few days ago.
0dca3a No.5259560
might sound stupid
Why is it when Q posts a picture it’s half taken up by black bars? is that intentional? what phone model does that?
if crucial to OPSEC i apologize. just curious and have never seen a phone camera do that.
f70fb3 No.5259561
Not sure that Bibi and George are buds. I would not think so, but you never know.
e5697e No.5259562
Hey Jimmy, Pretty sure this is what you meant in your twatter post -
2aca18 No.5259564
is that Hawaiian?
3cba7a No.5259566
John Boehner. When Pizzagate was rolling out, I often thought of him. He was often mocked, a drunk and all those tears.
I could never mock him as I could see real pain in those eyes. Think about what he must have known.
513129 No.5259568
I'm hoping you're right and that coverage is on both of them. It will be another record breaker, surepassing the OJ trails, I bet. Curious about how tribunals actually work. Another insensitive to watch.
a6053e No.5259569
Awe shucks. Stop. TY
21d421 No.5259570
Hammer and sickle? maybe? inside of gold wreath?
a67749 No.5259573
pepe baker assist
find baker notables
im not doing the wikileaks
i cant recreate the search result
and anons are flying with this…
someone get on this for me?
8ff5aa No.5259576
I know that very well for the simple reason that you're not spinning the dreidel on my genitals right now.
5ec2c7 No.5259581
Army officer of the Russian Federation pin
3bfe19 No.5259582
thumbs up on this one-
you've got my vote;
perfidy is synonymous to treason in the THESAURUS.
perfidous miscreants all of them.
12754c No.5259584
original DJT Nov 2018
8ddd94 No.5259585
The cabal has figured out that rr and rm are compd from their perspective- /ourgreyhats/
This is why we see AM giving interviews throwing rr under the bus. They’ve finally realized that rr wasn’t on the team.
Next we have Barry tweet about the Team and jc tweet about The Weavers and the Fabric. It’s panic time and two of the “coaches” are saying: hold the line- we’re going to court! And don’t trust rr!
7a6851 No.5259587
Undiscovered Stars Learned?
Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye
909de5 No.5259588
Man, I already tweeted Comey…
d894b6 No.5259589
That's tricky. We have to check the history of the US being referenced as 'she' in historical treaties.
As opposed to assuming it was in anticipation of a female president (HRC)
Do you have source on this document?
d80e81 No.5259590
Today's Story about the "ArcStorm"
Same story from 2010 from the Gov.
They happen once every 200 years? Then why is it happening 9 years later? Did it happen in 2010? [FF]?
a67749 No.5259592
a6053e No.5259593
double meanings exist…
513129 No.5259594
Not Bibi and Soros. Bibi and 45. Thought I wrote that but can't screenshoot it to add here.
54d1d5 No.5259595
ur correct
my bad sorry
says impeachment not treason oops
0b819c No.5259596
8ff5aa No.5259597
>It's the royal "she"
ea41a1 No.5259598
677f2b No.5259599
909de5 No.5259600
8b7e02 No.5259601
They really thought she wouldn't lose…
5ec2c7 No.5259602
first 2 digits of the guid
5c25f5 No.5259603
Admit it. Nightshift has been slipping.
Q threw you a few bones tonight. Should make you happy. Fap time? I'll dredge up some TayTay pics for ya.
990508 No.5259605
You being conditioned, million dollar question, no one will answer ever!
a67749 No.5259606
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
whatever you guys say :)
37c302 No.5259608
<I know right?
No fucking WAY! Fuck me, fuck. Someone just posted mthis shit…HERE.
Fuck this. Fuck hells gonna freeze tonight, anons. Smoke 'em if you got em.
1956f0 No.5259609
a6053e No.5259610
He committed treason against each and every state. No pardon will help him there.
f0e307 No.5259616
I saw this story on CNN…oh wait…no I didn't
97a720 No.5259617
Damn dudes. That's a Soviet army soldier's hat insignia
f70fb3 No.5259618
That relationship is still a mystery to me.
a67749 No.5259623
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
>>5259520 original DJT tweet of the recent Q post - same meme
0b819c No.5259624
she taught him well.. she ran her OWN.
615af9 No.5259625
3ec6e2 No.5259626
30f07c No.5259628
Symbolism will be their downfall.
a24a33 No.5259629
Of course that makes sense.
There was a dig on this (see screenshots)
12754c No.5259631
Too bad…it would have been a SPECTACULAR Q Proof…however if POTUS wanted to tweet it again SOON…it would be a QPROOF
cd5b4f No.5259633
They need new crimes, state crimes, or international crimes to go after Obama et al.
Assuming they are not willing to test whether the SC would rule a Presidential self-pardon unconstitutional.
But I'm sure all of his lieutenants (and HRC) got one too.
a67749 No.5259635
i removed it
will show up next bread
5c25f5 No.5259636
Damn. Even the nightshift memes suck now.
See ya soon fags
8ff5aa No.5259637
The two servants in blue talking about which model boat they'll be purchasing after the hoax participant proceeds have been deposited in their accounts while Schlock Team 6 member "Sgt. Stare at the Ground" looks for the suspect.
37c302 No.5259642
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259423
Lemme help anon
Bad Moon Rising
69-70 ish
d894b6 No.5259643
ELABORATE on your message. It's to cryptic to be useful.
0e2774 No.5259644
3828db No.5259645
commit evil against your Nation.
f0e307 No.5259646
It's a crime that the msm is hiding this
5a6b69 No.5259647
I meeeeeen….
He iiiis an actoooor….
Where'd that come from?
4e7765 No.5259648
a21443 No.5259649
All the press says the new law is about lynching but its not, its about any civil rights violation.
Applies to "acting under the color of law"
S 448, JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF LYNCHING ACT OF 2019 would make conspiring to commit any of these a Federal offense also, punishable by the same sentence.
referenced US Code sections:
Section 245. Federally protected activities
(b) Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, by force or threat of force willfully injures, intimidates or interferes with, or attempts to injure, intimidate or interfere with—
(1) any person because he is or has been, or in order to intimidate such person or any other person or any class of persons from—
(A) [Voting, campaigning, acting as an election official]
(B) participating in or enjoying any benefit, service, privilege, program, facility, or activity provided or administered by the United States;
(C) [working for the government]
(D) [serving as juror]
(E) participating in or enjoying the benefits of any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance; or
[Many other normal activities]
18 U.S. Code § 247. Damage to religious property; obstruction of persons in the free exercise of religious beliefs
18 U.S. Code § 249. Hate crime acts causing injury.
Offenses involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin.—Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person—
42 U.S. Code § 3631. Violations; penalties
applies to Housing and real estate business
Senator Richard Russell blocked an earlier attempt at such a bill.
e41433 No.5259650
Discovering a new form of communication in the brain
f38e18 No.5259651
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5259580
I wasn't being a dick. Just showing symbols that are permeating our reality…
0f07f5 No.5259653
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259504
No, OMG everyone thought he was Joe Cocker singing on stage. THen the Real Joe Cocker came out! I could’t find the original skit but here’s what they did.
615af9 No.5259654
b0fdcc No.5259655
Um, who can bring the charge of treason anons? AG?
513129 No.5259659
Is it true the Queen made William King over his dad?
3ec6e2 No.5259660
Whoa, havent seen this one
2f2e3d No.5259664
If RR and Mcabe openly talked about wiretapping and invoking the 25th, are we to believe there were not more sinister plots schemed that WE might not know of but POTUS has proofs of?
0a03a4 No.5259665
They basically point out that Iran hosts terrorists. The deal is bad for American businesses. And that Iran will be able to speed up their uranium enrichment.
Then they go on to make Hillary talking points to not oppose the deal but bring up areas of concern to make it look like she is impartial as to not to say anything that might jeopardize the deal.
So if they know all of these bad things about the deal, then they go out of their way to get the deal made. Wouldn't that be treason?
101ccf No.5259666
Remember this, Andrew McCabe didn’t go to the bathroom without the approval of Leakin’ James Comey!
a6053e No.5259667
Military tribunal.
d894b6 No.5259668
5bc137 No.5259672
When (RR) leaves is that when we get the declas?
12754c No.5259674
Ty Baker..you rock
df0ae6 No.5259675
This just irked me – Openly Autistic???? Is there a way to hide it??
And why the hell should it be hidden! They make it sound like she should be drooling on herself in a nursing home — so many idiots around :(
""A Florida woman diagnosed with autism at the age of three has become the first openly autistic person to pass the Florida Bar and become a licensed attorney in the state.
Haley Moss, a native of Parkland who graduated from the University of Miami School of Law in 2018, was sworn into the Florida Bar by Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Lisa Walsh on January 11 in Miami, the Associated Press (AP) reported Saturday.
Moss, who has high-functioning autism, told the AP that doctors told her family members she would never be able to work a minimum wage job or live without assistance. Two decades later, Moss lives on her own and works at a Miami area law firm.""
b8f408 No.5259676
Coopertown man arrested for pulling gun on couple wearing ‘MAGA” hats
a67749 No.5259679
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
>>5259520, >>5259584 original DJT tweet of the recent Q post - same meme
>>5259321, >>5259537, >>5259431, >>5259581, >>5259500 Hussein emblem in Q meme
anything else so far?
getting a little lost in search
i think middle top of bread hasnt been sifted
16e891 No.5259680
to question everything is really one of the lessons
cb1b41 No.5259681
>Where'd that come from?
The internet.
3bfe19 No.5259682
some say V for vendetta and this Trump tweet is like
Z for Zorro
he strikes again.
b0fdcc No.5259683
That's my thinking anon. Was thinking of thwarted assassination attempts etc. Like the Whidbey Island "Helicopter", for example.
fe2072 No.5259684
It's not a new law. Yet. Hopefully never.
513129 No.5259685
Can someone please mansplain to me what the point of saying their "public" health is deteriorationing? Please don't tell me they're not gonna get the GITMO treatment!
8ff5aa No.5259686
So when will Q be able to handle the heat from autists rather than being merely expected to bask in the praise of sycophants?
0f07f5 No.5259688
Fucking Hilarious! The good old dayz! <3
8b12a5 No.5259690
Has to be endless. Death threats, him, his children, Melania…I mean, these people kill EVERYONE, why would they get morals of any sort with their greatest foe ever right??
Scary. And yet, there POTUS and The Trumps are….
f70fb3 No.5259692
They don't permeate the reality of normies. The comparison is unfair. Makes it (yet again) look as it woman is the problem or woman is evil.
472d31 No.5259693
They are getting close to their execution is my guess
7faefa No.5259694
>Seth Rich and Justice Scalia……
>I have serious reservations about these 187's…. IF our Gov't had proof of these murder's which would be capital crimes, and they were not prosecuted once the evidence was discovered - wouldn't that cause GRAVE consequences for not pursuing immediately?
Ok honestly, you have no idea of the type of people you're referring to, Anon! These are "sick, evil bastards" that will blow up a plane with 300 people on it to take out ONE target! They shoot up schools, businesses and churches to control a narrative and change laws to strip American citizens of our Constitutional Rights! All these fuckers care about is power & control and KEEPING IT! When Q says we have no idea of the depths of the evil and their corruption…it's NOT over stated!
b0fdcc No.5259696
Oh, only? It's not a civil crime?
c6cbac No.5259699
Harvey Mudd is the only capitalist on Star Trek. He's the only one with his own money and a life.
a6053e No.5259702
0f07f5 No.5259705
The Courts were Comped!! Watch what happens Now.
1a9397 No.5259707
"I recently joined the 'Jehovah's Witness Protection Agency.' Now I have to go door to door every day pretending to be somebody else."
– Steven Wright
ec7372 No.5259709
I think its election season
but you can see she has to maintain one image for the deal
and another for the campaign
i bet this alone 'proves' conspiracy
a6053e No.5259710
9c4fb4 No.5259711
"The Council on Foreign Relations is 'the establishment'. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship."Former Congressman John Rarick 1971
5ec2c7 No.5259713
37c302 No.5259714
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259445
"Death Rattle"
Numbing rumble, countless medicine,
Depleted from years of abuse
Death rattle shaking
And there's no faking, undertaking
Pressure point, rigor mortis
Induce, grasp of poison hands
Death rattle shaking
From years of compulsive mistaking
Death rattle shakes
Disease of eyes, the addict blindfold, reduced to
The realms of death
Death rattle shaking
Accumulating life it’s taking
Death rattle shakes
I’ve seen the end, and there is no light.
Like deadly snakes, death rattle shakes
f6ea1c No.5259716
1d9f9b No.5259717
In fact, they consider such atrocities as a sacrifice to their evil idols.
8ddd94 No.5259718
Right out in the open
3ec6e2 No.5259719
The Redactable Man
8e60cd No.5259720
>Harvey Mudd is the only capitalist on Star Trek.
Not the only one.
54f3fe No.5259722
c93423 No.5259723
Q, even if they bleed, for the love of god, keep going.
f38e18 No.5259724
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5259692
Actually it's all about the birth of the Anti-Christ is what the symbolism is about.
d088a3 No.5259725
Potus mis-spells Judgment
8aefaa No.5259729
>And it doesn't take too long to find the criminals that are related.
>Which takes us back to Belgium and more criminals. See attached.
These people all work together. Drugs, human trafficking, crime- laundered via hotels etc
Main owner of Corinthia Hotel is Pisani family via Malta’s IHI plc, which have huge Mafia ties.
See my thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1097625560954462208.html
8177b8 No.5259730
Wrong. Harry Mudd. Not Harvey. Get it right.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd.
c9dbff No.5259731
the next time q posts on PF will signify the branch termination(s)/leak(s) are underway.
Notice the hide posts are things that have happened or happening now
We're just waiting on future things to happen
513129 No.5259732
I was thinking the same exact thinking but won't that mean they're not going to get publically tried and tied? The public and the base needs to see them face all their crimes out in the open!!!
a67749 No.5259733
82 days
28 november
nice Mirror
a8db0a No.5259734
Prepping food for the week. Menu this past weekend got messed up due to an unexpected vegetarian so I'm going to be protein heavy.
249a49 No.5259735
Never forget, Trotsky was funded by Wall Street.
00eb85 No.5259737
Oh, you can bet.
All classified.
8ff5aa No.5259739
Billionaire whines and dines while the middle class gets screwed
b50c32 No.5259740
Go back to the beginning and reread all that research, you are obviously new here.
There is no time now, to reinvent wheel.
85591d No.5259741
you have shitforbrians, and so does AJ
57784a No.5259742
54f3fe No.5259743
e8a08f No.5259744
I don't need to vomit right now
Share your HOMO in the privacy of 4chan
c93423 No.5259745
That's how my french brain would probably spell judgement on the spot. I would notice if I reread it.
b53ca5 No.5259746
cb1b41 No.5259747
5b5164 No.5259748
Hear them breathing?
f70fb3 No.5259750
That was my perception, anon.
fe2072 No.5259752
No need for mansplaining, as a woman can easily decifer it:
Clintons have been hiding their health issues. Now, they will become 'public'. Hillary coughing up green blobs, slip sliding down stairs, having seiziures, Bill falling asleep in public and his horrific red eyes and blotchy skin….
and they will go 'public' to garner sympathy as they do not want to go to jail.
They will say "Reduce their sentence to house arrest! They are to sick to be of any threat to anyone!
Oh just leave them alone already, they are old and sick! and or dying….
Get it now? and th.,is is a ladysplain version FYI
5c51b5 No.5259755
wrong meme… but THIS
37c302 No.5259756
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259466
1a9397 No.5259758
This is a distraction.
Nobody cares.
Are you a bot?
3ec6e2 No.5259759
All but one.
Check Andy's pulse.
1cfd37 No.5259760
wow I had the same placeholder ready to post also. Right on!
513129 No.5259761
Did Bibi really say that about sucking America dry? Why would 45 be appearing so tight with him then I wonder. I think I did remember seeing around here somewhere that Israel was last on the checklist and I always like wondered what the meaning is.
8ff5aa No.5259764
Found the antisemite!
We will die for Yisrael!
Shoah help us, God
a8db0a No.5259765
That's her campaign manager writing right? I think the point is that what Trump did is no different from what she said she would do.
3d52dc No.5259766
The stage is set
Kavanaugh is not the only Supreme Court justice who would agree with this “long settled law of the land”
2 The Supreme Court’s opinion noted that
American citizenship
was no bar to trial by military commission of “offenders against the law of war,” and it mentioned that the President, as Commander-in- Chief, has “the power to wage war which Congress has declared.”
5 …the Court reaffirmed the principle established by Quirin that the Constitution, in Article I, § 8, cl. 10, provides
authority for use of military
commissions to punish
violations of the law of war as
“Offences against the Law of
6 The Supreme Court soon reaffirmed in two other cases the authority of military tribunals established under the law of war. The first was Johnson v. Eisentrager, which concerned a German defendant who, after Germany surrendered but before the end of hostilities between the United States and Japan, had engaged in conduct in China for which he was tried there by an American military commission.
U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3
Article 3 - The Judicial Branch
Section 3 - Treason
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,
or in adhering to their
Enemies, giving them
Aid and Comfort.
No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Also relevant:
U.S. Criminal code
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
The Constitution of the United States of America
6284be No.5259767
LOL – the autism consumes you !
958baa No.5259768
7477d9 No.5259771
It makes me think about the end of 'They Live'. The true appearance of the aliens is revealed. These people will look like monsters in the flesh.
aa4181 No.5259772
Clapper - dirty
Clapper CoS - dirty
Brennan - dirty
Brennan CoS - dirty
Stewart - dirty
SES "Talent Acquistion"….
etc etc etc
this goes way beyond the FBI McCabe/Comey
all the dirtbags who fled and found places to "burrow in" ??? — etc
they need to lose everything.
burn it all to the ground.
you can not fix/save institutions that have been hollowed out from the INSIDE
there are many patriots whose careers were destroyed by the sick evil anti american narcissists, they have the skills/clearances etc they can be easily recalled to duty. Look how old school FBI heads are calling out McCabe, and admit FBI can not be saved.
Mil Intel needs a thorough housekeeping.
Audit the promotion boards
That will tell you who was naughty and who was …. pro-American and not on board with the Plan.
cb1b41 No.5259774
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259764
>Found the antisemite!
"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
7a6851 No.5259776
With DECLAS the public will learn about the yet undiscovered involvement of Australia in the FISA abuse. Tomorrow is the full moon.
5b5164 No.5259777
Good luck Andy.
a67749 No.5259778
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
>>5259520, >>5259584 original DJT tweet of the recent Q post - same meme
>>5259321, >>5259537, >>5259431, >>5259581, >>5259500 Hussein emblem in Q meme
>>5259649 anon on lynching law - any civil rights violation 'acting under color of law'
3ec6e2 No.5259779
Exposure is everything.
Once the curtain is pulled back, its over.
f70fb3 No.5259780
Don't take this as fact. Check it yourself as this poster is known for posting disinfo.
f0e307 No.5259781
d7fee1 No.5259782
Judgment and judgement are both correct. See?
a8db0a No.5259783
RBG's time is up. She no longer has any power, despite what gets released through her clerks.
472d31 No.5259784
Very true. Needs to be public. Maybe they are trying to create a cover story in the hopes that it will not be public? I'm sure they are also planning on this whole operation getting interrupted, I mean these people have had free reign to commit global crimes against humanity forever and they still seemingly have some control over media/tech. They still probably have some other assets in place as well. I'm sure they are trying shit every day to get out of this.
7a8799 No.5259785
Just saw Q asking us to put a calendar of his timeline together. I did this about a week ago, however its been accurate so far.
Based on the media reaction to the McCabe 25th amendment story, lots of people calling for immediate action, and Q's "What you are about to learn" post yesterday I think we will see Barr execute the order to DECLAS in the next week or so.
dea066 No.5259787
3c4987 No.5259790
queer saurkrauter fake jew sore winners
good luck with that
like a bag of salted assholes
958baa No.5259792
d894b6 No.5259793
So tuck yo chains in yo shirts?
cd5b4f No.5259795
Also prosecute Chelsea as co-conspirator.
Letting her keep their stolen billions will be a travesty.
5c25f5 No.5259796
Want to know why Trump values loyalty so much and demands it from all who work for him?
Because he want's people to work for him who know he will use them in any way to achieve his goals. He wants those who willingly will do whatever it takes.
d24d0a No.5259797
Checked. WWG1WGA!!!
1a9397 No.5259798
Nobody reads ==notables==
30f07c No.5259799
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it odd that the President of the United States agrees that a Coup Attempt (CA) has been ongoing and the media seems to just brush it aside.
There was more press coverage about his Wire Tapping tweet than this.
The media should never be forgiven for colluding with the corrupt democrats, and they should be held accountable for the Great Disservice being perpetuated on We The People.
3ec6e2 No.5259800
I will grape you in the mouth
03a7d9 No.5259801
>>5258407 lb
Comey's Tweet
"Every time you assault and stereotype a person, you’ve ripped the social fabric. Every time you see that person deeply and make him or her feel known, you’ve woven it."
Bohemian Grove club's motto: "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here", which implies that outside concerns and business deals (networking) are to be left outside. When gathered in groups, Bohemians usually adhere to the injunction, although discussion of business often occurs between pairs of members. Important political and business deals have been developed at the Grove.
In other words, the motto means don't bring outside discussions into a Grove meeting → Comey is referring to COMMS. (Comey-Comms, which might be an important role of his in the cabal.
Comey's tweet might mean, be careful about future communications don't talk about some things in certain circumstances, and he is warning his cohorts that their coms have been infiltrated and are now contolled by Q.
This might be reinforced by Q's statement: that his ‘elaborate’ nest will not save him or protect him, nor will the C_A further provide you with actionable intelligence. All your CIA belong to Q now.
Q is telling Comey that he is all alone, don't bother trying to get help from your friends.
Seems like its what Q is deciphering, what I'm wondering is how he got to that conclusion with the above quote.
101ccf No.5259803
[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]
[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]
[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]
[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]
>how do u expose media collusion in the corrupt media?
23830d No.5259804
>>5259798 I do! Constantly!
513129 No.5259805
Got it now it makes sentse. I was reading it the wrong way. So they're going for the poor me don't punish me defense. NO! Q. Full extents of the law for those two and please make all of it public for all of us, even overseas!
795e63 No.5259806
57e8e8 No.5259807
Q hasn't posted for an hour! Do you think the cabal captured him???
b9172d No.5259809
classic frens
8ff5aa No.5259810
Losing the midterms was awesome
e41433 No.5259811
plenty of x-er & boomer undiagnosed HFA in workplace
b3143c No.5259812
this should be interesting…
4e7765 No.5259813
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5259660
Beautiful Side of Evil – Johanna Michaelson
She talks about working with John of another god while she was a white witch. White witchcraft, etc. is the beautiful side of evil.
536d4a No.5259814
Literally the first thing anons do. The rest is faggot.
3ec6e2 No.5259815
He makes the best gay faces
1cfd37 No.5259817
I'm guessing Comey is feeling a little "Quesinous" about now!
f0e307 No.5259818
They deserve the rope like the rest
472d31 No.5259819
How is she even able to weigh in on anything if not there in person? Anybody could be writing her judgments and just signing her name. Complete bullshit
5c51b5 No.5259820
fake news is the enemy of the people
a67749 No.5259821
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
>>5259520, >>5259584 original DJT tweet of the recent Q post - same meme
>>5259321, >>5259537, >>5259431, >>5259581, >>5259500 Hussein emblem in Q meme
>>5259649 anon on lynching law - any civil rights violation 'acting under color of law'
>>5259766 The Stage is Set - anon on the courts and treason
notable quote?
>>5259711 Former Congressman John Rarick quote on CFR
3890fc No.5259822
These POS's worship Moloch represented by an owl. They sacrifice and burn effegies to a 40 foot owl statue. The question is who are the weaving spiders that they don't like.
17aa93 No.5259823
Just a note on everyone posting pictures and videos from searchquarry.com. That list is misleading. Although you search for “death records”, the results that show are all just public records. I typed in my own name and it came up…
Please stop quoting this source as it’s not reliable.
But Q, really, what the fuck is the situation with RBG. If all of this (video, stories) is a lie this would be the biggest red pill imaginable. Nothing more eye opening than the media pushing the story that she’s fine and returning to work…only to not show up this morning. I can dream right?
5d99e3 No.5259826
1a9397 No.5259827
Wow. There's one.
9e4124 No.5259828
This is really a handy site to peruse and keep in the back of your mind, because "Unmarked Q" makes references to things that I'm 99% sure refer to "National Day of…" just like McCain dying before Nat'l Dog Day. I've been encountering oddities from what I'm thoroughly convinced are "helper crumbs" that line up with upcoming days. And frankly, SOME of the upcoming days have WEIRDLY applicable "National Day of" names. "Public Sleeping Day" 2/28? Dog Biscuit Day on 2/23? Weird ones in March. Just sayin' …Mulled Wine Day 3/3?
3ec6e2 No.5259829
Cant be real.
Please be real.
But cant be real!
8b7e02 No.5259830
4e7765 No.5259833
The rest is not faggot, much treasure among the trash.
5c51b5 No.5259834
i say yes. nobody ever talking about cfr here.
f0e307 No.5259835
fake and hilarious
000949 No.5259836
srsly cant believe how cold blooded these fuckwads are
its one thing to do nefarious deeds while under the thumb of a monolithic evil entity
its quite another to have Heroes come along looking to free you and humanity from this entity and your response is: "hold the line, we'll be back to lying, enslaving, and killing the masses in no time"
id say the "is it ALIENS or is it DEMONS" debate has been solved…these people worship–and are–fuckin demons
909de5 No.5259838
536d4a No.5259841
Kek. I meant people that don't check notables.
7faefa No.5259842
>this should be interesting…
You're glowing!
a67749 No.5259843
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
>>5259520, >>5259584 original DJT tweet of the recent Q post - same meme
>>5259321, >>5259537, >>5259431, >>5259581, >>5259500 Hussein emblem in Q meme
>>5259649 anon on lynching law - any civil rights violation 'acting under color of law'
>>5259766 The Stage is Set - anon on the courts and treason
>>5259812 New Comey twat - doxxed? Qanon peeps calling?
5c51b5 No.5259847
b837fb No.5259849
comey tweet is fake. Its not his real twitter handle.
61e81b No.5259850
Kek. Anon, no he didn’t.
8b7e02 No.5259852
Baker, it's a fake Comey acct.
8ff5aa No.5259854
Notables is fake news's fake news articles, Israel first propaganda, and irrational explanations about why the swamp hasn't been drained
dd1692 No.5259855
>>>5259812 New Comey twat - doxxed? Qanon peeps calling?
parody baker
b3143c No.5259856
real af. muh proofs are in the puddin
>shillin aint easy
513129 No.5259858
Thad be so freaky. The aliens part. Haven't seen or even heard of 'They Live'. Is it new or is it classic?
a67749 No.5259859
>>5259332 Wikileaks and Q original pic name
>>5259520, >>5259584 original DJT tweet of the recent Q post - same meme
>>5259321, >>5259537, >>5259431, >>5259581, >>5259500 Hussein emblem in Q meme
>>5259649 anon on lynching law - any civil rights violation 'acting under color of law'
>>5259766 The Stage is Set - anon on the courts and treason
>>5259812 New Comey twat - 'Qanon peeps calling my phone'
b50c32 No.5259860
Could be that he is just being sporting and affording us the time to catch up and digest what we have.
a43f34 No.5259864
noun: judgement
the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
"an error of judgment"
synonyms: discernment, acumen, shrewdness, astuteness, common sense, good sense, sense, perception, perspicacity, percipience, penetration, acuity, discrimination, wisdom, wit, native wit, judiciousness, prudence, sagacity, understanding, intelligence, awareness, canniness, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, cleverness, powers of reasoning, reason, logic; More
a misfortune or calamity viewed as a divine punishment.
"the crash had been a judgment on the parents for wickedness"
synonyms: punishment, retribution, penalty; just deserts
"the crash had been a judgment on them for their wickedness"
0b819c No.5259865
comey tweet is fake account not notable
5c51b5 No.5259866
@comeydrunk…. fake
f3b438 No.5259867
Remove it IMO
>>5259812 New Comey twat - doxxed? Qanon peeps calling?
8ff5aa No.5259868
Let's let Q have the final word on this
513129 No.5259869
Whad I do? Question was legit. To me anyway.
5ec2c7 No.5259870
>Those [good] who know cannot sleep
>Those [good] who know cannot find peace.