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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

51a88f  No.5196903

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 02.15.19

>>5188819 rt >>5188784 ————————— [RBG] Why was she 'selected'? (Past post)

>>5188720 ————————————–——– Be prepared for more FAKE NEWS disinfo claiming we stated ‘death’.

>>5187914 rt >>5187870 ————————— F-15. NAT EM today?

>>5187866 ————————————–——– THAAD is Terminal High Altitude Aerial Defense (Cap: >>5187998 )

>>5187688 ————————————–——– The orders came from the highest office in the land

>>5186480 ————————————–——– Think McCabe Interview and RR Wearing a Wire

>>5186098 ————————————–——– Remember the Cover Story?

>>5185770 rt >>5185721 ————————— You Have More than you Know

>>5186264 rt >>5186193 ————————— Your husband is a Patriot

>>5185619 ————————————–——– What is the punishment for a traitor?

>>5185527 ————————————–——– Be Alert Next Ten Days

Thursday 2.14.19

>>5182398 ————————————–——– Chatter - Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate

>>5182276 ————————————–——– Phase III

>>5182089 ————————————–——– Truth push.

>>5181988 ————————————–——– No mercy.

>>5181944 ————————————–——– Pain

>>5178012 rt >>5177926 ————————— “Well there ya go!”

>>5177902 ————————————–——– Pace picking up? (Twitter cap: >>5177926 ; YT vid: >>5177959 )

>>5177627 ————————————–——– Define the word ‘plan’. (Twitter cap: >>5177666 ; >>5178299 )

>>5177433 ————————————–——– [Coming weeks] (Twitter cap: >>5177464 )

>>5176863 rt >>5176841 ————————— On the move.

>>5176841 rt >>5176626 ————————— Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove.

>>5176617 ————————————–——– Memes are important.

>>5176313 rt >>5176247 ————————— We only go ‘public’ when we want the ‘target’ to ‘know’.

>>5176262 rt >>5176128 ————————— Credit to Anons who deciphered Red/Green Castle.

>>5176118 ————————————–——– Anons knew last March?

>>5167348 ————————————–——– Register all data pulls. Standby

>>5167300 ————————————–——– Pull all views +/-[10]

>>5167233 ————————————–——– Night crawl active [3]

>>5167220 ————————————–——– Sequence Complete.

>>5167194 ————————————–——– Sequence Register.

Tuesday 2.12.19

Compiled here: >>5187731

Monday 2.11.19

Compiled here: >>5187715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

51a88f  No.5196912


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day

>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING


>>5196609 , >>5196629 POTUS tweets re Aurora

>>5196530 , >>5196576 Sucide weekend next week?

>>5196424 Side x Side of today's shooting incidents

>>5196326 , >>5196551 Summary of Aurora shooting oddities

>>5196288 House Jud. Comm. to investigate NE declaration: The committee

>>5196288 McCabe Panics - Walks Back "60 Minutes" Remarks

>>5196284 Sec Nielsen tweets about the NE

>>5196228, >>5196262, >>5196296 MAPS/psychoactive drugs & Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin

>>5196260 Students Get Death Threats Over ‘Build the Wall’ Display

>>5196899 #6639

#6638 Baker Change

>>5195476 Graphic on Mueller probe connections to Israel

>>5195498 House Judiciary Committee to investigate President Trump's national emergency declaration

>>5195508 Mexican Authorities Relocate Hundreds of Migrants From Mexico’s border city of Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, Texas

>>5195542 Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows calling for RR and McCabe to testify in letter

>>5195574 Influence of Bond Market on US economy

>>5195576 Vast Majority of Trump El Paso Rally Attendees Hispanic, Many Democrats

>>5195610, >>5195636 The Expanding Global Footprint of U.S. Special Operations

>>5195693 National Emergency Is Supported by Both Constitutional and Statutory Authority

>>5195698 Bombshell Book Claims 80% of Vatican Prelates Are Gay

>>5195794 BNL: Shooting in Aurora, Illinois. Does the location match? >>5195982

>>5195798 Pelosi fundraising off Trump emergency declaration

>>5195816 Sarah Sanders says she was interviewed by Mueller's office

>>5195860 Ohio Art Center Features a ‘Shoot the President’ Game for Children

>>5195564 NYT border crisis articles pre-Trump

>>5196050 Gen. Flynn's family members tweet about the 'storm arriving'

>>5196121 #6638


>>5194757 Abortion statistics.

>>5194797 The EAGLES Act, which would allow the Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center to expand their mission to protect Americans from targeted violence, was introduced this week.

>>5194950 Phase III is Justice graphic

>>5195009 Breitbart Article on POTUS' trolling

>>5194947, >>5195023, >>5195090, >>5195224, >>5195234 Updates on the Illinois shooting

>>5195162 DOJ Working to Reduce Dead Voters in Conneticut for 2020

>>5195187 Facebook Privacy Violations Could Result In An FTC Fine In The Billions Instead Of Millions

>>5195251 Foreign investors dump a record amount of US treasuries

>>5195256 Did Ocasio-Cortez Hire Her Boyfriend?

>>5195240 Jim Jordan tweet on Schiff and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS

>>5195309, >>5195386 Mueller Water Products

>>5195402 #6637

'Previously Collected Notables

>>5193857 #6635, >>5194560 #6636,

>>5191538 #6632, >>5192363 #6633, >>5193130 #6634

>>5189264 #6629, >>5190039 #6630, >>5190767 #6631

>>5186933 #6626, >>5188655 #6627, >>5188663 #6628

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

51a88f  No.5196916

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#63 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472 , >>5147386

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

51a88f  No.5196918

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

51a88f  No.5196930

File: 302f44065a35128⋯.png (493.68 KB, 547x547, 1:1, 302f44065a35128bb4d1342a7c….png)

#6640 Dough


75279f  No.5196935

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 5437801ccaa7137⋯.png (370.84 KB, 411x580, 411:580, mpjl.png)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)



Q Hate Thread

Anonymous (ID: W2AS09Do) 02/14/19(Thu)14:38:06 No.203177283▶>>203177396 >>203177548 >>203177653 >>203177878 >>203178067 >>203178309 >>203178556 >>203178815 >>203179542 >>203179674 >>203179727

This faggot has dickteased us for 3 years and has nothing to show for it. There is no military tribunals. Hillary is not gonna get indicted. Obummer isn’t gonna get tried for his crimes and his faggotry will never be revealed. Tranny Michelle faggot will never be exposed. The fact that RGB is really a man and died of prostate cancer will never be revealed. Pizza pedo faggots like Alefantis and Podesta will never see the rope. There will be no justice. It’ll all end the same. Zognaldstein will continue to shill for the long nose tribe and the wall will never be built. It was all a pipe dream. A fucking larp. Fuck you Q!!! You had me fucker! I wish I knew who you were so I could kick the living shit out of you! Fuck!!!!!!

So how does this work guys?

"4chan hates Q".

Q got run off 4chan.


Here, we (seemingly) imitate 4chan, and continually push a flood of chan talking points out, even though they aren't related to what Q says, and often contradict him… Does this make sense?

So, Q is "chan" as far as having chan talking points spewed at him– and is IDENTIFIED with “chans” by the MSM narrative (which says that Q is "some chan guy"), BUT, from this end, Q is in fact HATED by 4chan. The anons hate Q! But the anons follow Q, and the anons ARE Q!

Is ANY of that believably organic?

Is 4chan controlled?

But we IMITATE 4chan here… so are we insane, or also controlled?

Everything is infiltrated

Well, what form does that take? What controls this board? Did our enemies seek control with their massive data, massive AI investment, and massive penetration (vault 7)? Is that infiltration?

THINK: How can Q have it both ways– both identified with the chans, and hated by the chans– getting the WORST of both sides? Is one side or the other fake, or are they BOTH fake?

Will PEOPLE wake up and question what is going on, or what?

I repeat: “Q is some chan guy” is the MSM talking point– now look at all the unrealistically overdone “chan culture” spewing that gets pushed here, and keeps the threads flying by– is that strongly REINFORCING this false MSM narrative? Look at the “band of anons” “this is /qresearch” video– same thing. Pushing the image of wacky, autistic, infantile, yet somehow mystical and magical (yet scary and intimidating if you try to come here!) “anons”–and fully identifying Q with that; it FITS the MSM narrative– and serves no other purpose.

EVERY ASPECT of what goes on on the “chans” is rigged against Q.

How could this be?

75279f  No.5196938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?

Or is this something being used to push a narrative

onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is

the MSM narrative, and that is what this video

reinforces, strongly.



75279f  No.5196952

File: 855eac31a402d28⋯.png (129.5 KB, 861x654, 287:218, whatisitTT.png)

File: 1246c68b880abe3⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1989x9020, 1989:9020, thrxmpl.jpg)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: e85f492db40b0d2⋯.png (84.24 KB, 1287x1266, 429:422, SHEEP-OR-NOT.png)

a931fd  No.5196968

File: 0a523b6a181e92c⋯.png (386.38 KB, 800x676, 200:169, Screenshot_2019-02-15-17-2….png)

I dont keep up with Flynn's changing background so this may be old news

70c9c6  No.5197002

File: ec9e122bbbc126f⋯.png (202.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Ubbntitled.png)

File: 27e8da4d3112063⋯.png (163.74 KB, 320x268, 80:67, 000K.png)

File: 855eac31a402d28⋯.png (129.5 KB, 861x654, 287:218, whatisitTT.png)

So some Anon thinks that this board is under attack by nonhuman software. I am inclined to agree. This board is a threat to various enemies of free speech. We could try using graphical image manipulation programs to create text messages that are not easily read by nonhumans. However, the effort could definitely distract from digging. If I were good at digging up new investigations, I would not even consider spending my time on gimp.

d4a6f7  No.5197016

Remember when Renegade said they would eliminate Black rappers…

Looks like that is habbening …

ae91cb  No.5197017

File: d19bb5bc1fb709c⋯.jpeg (169.29 KB, 1200x773, 1200:773, F6A8AA65-5B49-4A10-828B-0….jpeg)

Trump got caught trafficking children as sex slaves and is trying to cover it up by claiming its immigration. If the media's story is true explain why it is logical to take thousands of children from their families in such a short time? They buy and steal children and then sell them through orphanages off the books. Pedophiles seek positions where they can be around children like orphanages. They use the orphanages as fronts. Even documented children in orphanages get trafficked to evil families of pedophiles in a lot of cases. Undocumented children often end up dead. Pedophiles also run some crematoriums and that is a way they dispose of bodies. This is how they are doing this hidden in plain sight. The liberal media is helping to cover this up. Trump just met with the Spanish royal family and the Spanish Bourbons and Francisco Franco were involved in stealing hundreds of thousands of newborn babies from mothers in hospitals. The Bourbons in Spain are the owners of the Gulf Cartel which are involved in human trafficking. The Gambinos S&A Concrete helped to build Trump towers. The Gambino lawyer Roy Cohn was also an attorney for Trump. The Gambinos were involved in an underage prostitution ring back in 2009. The Castellano family of the Gambino crime syndicate is owned by the Paterno-Castello noble family of Spain and they are directly involved with this human trafficking.

9e26d3  No.5197018

I wonder what its like being melania ?

Having to marry the orange cheeto

She must be one big whore to be able to put up with that and all the cheating

0a2e6c  No.5197019

SOON…SOON….SOON….SOON…..Nothing fucking happens

b19e10  No.5197020

File: 638ab319fd541f1⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 474x316, 3:2, flynn comfy.jpg)

9c7bb0  No.5197021

File: b815eb1c479e7be⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 676x664, 169:166, Capture.JPG)

File: 357bd83ef1c7e04⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 439x415, 439:415, Capture2.JPG)

File: 85e60cf5ae1946a⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 535x425, 107:85, Capture3.JPG)

File: d4e651bd4212c56⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 727x448, 727:448, Capture4.JPG)

File: 078181f18d1c1ae⋯.jpg (45.18 KB, 399x579, 133:193, Capture5.JPG)

Trump and Q have a plan. What is it? You'll find out. That you've been deceived tremendously.

5c7331  No.5197022

File: dd5ec5ec9ddb7bf⋯.gif (111.76 KB, 479x681, 479:681, Shillcon2.gif)

They shillin

They scared

e74818  No.5197023


No sauce.

ae91cb  No.5197024

File: cb1140e824aff69⋯.jpeg (229.85 KB, 713x1024, 713:1024, 52F91E32-24DC-4199-B34A-1….jpeg)

The Genovese-Gambino owned S&A Concrete were involved in building the Trump Towers in Manhattan. Donald Trump used Roy Cohn as his attorney and Cohn has also worked for former Genovese boss Tony Salerno, Gambino boss Carmine Galante, and John Gotti. Atlantic City was built up by the mafia and is where Trump built his casino. The mafia held one of their earliest meetings there in 1929 known as the Atlantic City Conference including Italian, Jewish, and Irish mafia bosses. Donald Trump purchased part of the property for his casino from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa. The mafia launder their personal criminal profits through casinos and have run the casinos in Atlantic City since its beginnings. Robert Libutti frequented Trump's Plaza Hotel and Casino and was an associate of the Gambino crime family and friend of John Gotti. Trump and Libutti can be seen together in video. Robert Libutti's daughter Edith further revealed his relations with Trump as friends in an interview. Donald Trump is an associate of the Five Families and Philly Mob and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the primary owner of the Genovese crime family. The Savoy family has a Savoy-Genovese noble branch and the Savoy family hold the title of Prince of Naples where the Genovese crime boss Vito Genovese was from. Prince Roffredo Gaetani dated Ivana Trump and he is a hidden top owner of the Gambino crime family. Prince Roffredo Gaetani faked his death and has been hiding out in Switzerland with Prince Vittorio. Prince Vittorio has been investigated for racketeering, corruption, and exploitation of prostitution as well as charged with murder in the past. It was the Savoy family that put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power. Atlantic City where Trump owned his casino is mostly controlled by the Philly Mob currently headed up by the mafia boss Joey Merlino.

0ea4cc  No.5197025

File: 98e3cfe2b588ee2⋯.png (486.85 KB, 931x533, 931:533, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

File: f88c59f0448df9d⋯.png (431.87 KB, 939x549, 313:183, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

File: 2b11580eb9660ce⋯.png (415.55 KB, 957x531, 319:177, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)


TY Baker!

caps = POTUS/FLOTUS in Palm Beach

9e26d3  No.5197026


Remember when Q betrayed all of us

I remember

Qs entire family deserves the rope

Regardless of age

6cb529  No.5197027


Chip Roy: Spending Bill Trump Signed Is the ‘Child Trafficking Promotion Act’

Roy is blasting the spending bill Trump signed on Friday morning, noting its provisions that will prevent the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency from deporting illegal aliens who claim to be relatives of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), thus creating a de facto amnesty for upwards of a million illegal aliens.

“This ‘deal’ provides de facto amnesty for anyone claiming to be even in the household of a potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien minor AND is thus the “Child Trafficking Promotion Act,'” Roy wrote in an online post.

5bb172  No.5197028


We do not make fun of skin color here.

c526f8  No.5197029

File: f655c65a79fde73⋯.png (1.53 MB, 992x1286, 496:643, 7acz.png)

cd92e6  No.5197030


if Q know that FF are coming

Why not stop them?

Possible to make a FFF?

38f1fb  No.5197031

File: 37ab70fc338a2cc⋯.png (257.72 KB, 605x633, 605:633, twitter_com_MarkSimoneNY_s….png)


7c3f5c  No.5197032

File: 9a32339705eef9c⋯.jpeg (141.04 KB, 487x900, 487:900, 74B0CE26-228A-42AA-BCEF-B….jpeg)

5e1217  No.5197033

Awfully shilly in here.

a5ff9c  No.5197034

>>5197010 (lb - to my clingerfag)

Correct, but I love your patriotic soul just the same.

fbec1e  No.5197035

File: aab3a156b91893c⋯.png (517.23 KB, 1806x887, 1806:887, 19426531753275405742.png)

596882  No.5197036

if you faggots were serious you would do something.

March, protest, boycott anything.

You'll do nothing and fucking like it

that's why we're here

because your conditioned to have someone else do it for you

your founding fathers would spit on you






ae91cb  No.5197037



According to the 29-count indictment, the Genovese group infiltrated concrete companies to control the construction of high-rise buildings in Manhattan, including Trump Plaza.


Two months later, Trump Management, represented by Roy M. Cohn, turned around and sued the United States government for $100 million (roughly $500 million in today’s terms), asserting that the charges were “irresponsible and baseless.”


Gotti was arrested after a year on the lam. His grateful bosses hired lawyer-fixer Roy Cohn to see what he could do, and Cohn could do a lot. He got the case knocked down to attempted manslaughter, and Gotti wound up doing less time for killing - two years - than he had done for a hijacking that involved $7,000 worth of women's dresses.


Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno, the rough-talking, cigar-chomping boss of the Genovese crime family who rose from running numbers in East Harlem to rigging construction bids on Manhattan skyscrapers, died Monday night, Federal prison officials said yesterday.

Roy M. Cohn, Mr. Salerno's lawyer, described his client as a "sports gambler."



Donald Trump Talking to Ivana and Prince Roffredo Gaetani


Prince Marcantonio Colonna of Rome with Ivana Trump


Donald Trump with Princess Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies


Vittorio Emanuel IV

He believes the former prince is the leader of a criminal gang involved with illegal gambling and prostitution and more.

a0c490  No.5197038


At least they changed their shit up a little. It was getting downright boring.

0ea4cc  No.5197039

File: 0a7b3beca4d5e94⋯.png (486.68 KB, 946x532, 473:266, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

POTUS signing an awful lot of hats!

ad996a  No.5197040


They are spun up hard today.

Sucks to be them I guess.

Hey Shills,


1206cb  No.5197041

>>5195515 lb

ever think these mass shootings are getting rid of the bad guys? That train runs both ways ya know.

ea9d2d  No.5197043

File: e7d963d22044063⋯.jpg (228.6 KB, 967x318, 967:318, thatwasfast.jpg)

I was literally just having this conversation with my normie friends a couple of hours ago, that something like this was probably in the works.

I just didn't expect it THIS fast…

75279f  No.5197044

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 4e3affee5752129⋯.png (175.11 KB, 382x417, 382:417, kittywut.png)


By posting this in text here are you signalling about the other board to the entire bot system here that can't read text in images?

94f3c8  No.5197045

Keep yourself looking busy building that consensus while we build that wall 10 feet higher.

3385b7  No.5197046

File: 04b92397ca3e08e⋯.gif (2 MB, 336x296, 42:37, 04b92397ca3e08e5caf829d67e….gif)


No sauce faggot

138053  No.5197047


watch the shilling

fefcc9  No.5197048

Police press conference starting.

9e26d3  No.5197049


Duh ice was too good at their job

Gotta keep the money flow going

Q i put a curse on your entire family

62f4c2  No.5197050

File: 0d712931aeeb42b⋯.png (413.57 KB, 592x571, 592:571, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

So tired of this shit.



a931fd  No.5197051



631e71  No.5197052

5c7331  No.5197053

File: a3acb2f684f7f84⋯.jpg (61.79 KB, 465x461, 465:461, FrogSkinColor.jpg)

dd7a4e  No.5197054

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 01/11/19 (Fri) 00:19:34 467fd2 (1) No.4707080






6cb529  No.5197055


Supreme Court to Decide if Census Can Check U.S. Citizenship

Constitution commands in Article I, Section 2, that every ten years the U.S. government will conduct a nationwide census, and that congressional seats will be apportioned among the states based on those numbers. The Constitution mentions the census again in Article I, Section 9, Clause 4.

The Supreme Court long ago handed down a series of cases holding that the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment requires that every state and federal legislative district within each state must represent the same number of people. The Court characterized this rule as, “One person, one vote.” Those district lines are likewise based on census data.

But if that means equal political representation, then some argue that each lawmaker should represent an equal number of American citizens, rather than all persons – which include aliens, both legal and illegal. In 2016, the Supreme Court in Evenwel v. Abbottleft answered the question of whether states could draw their district lines based on citizenship instead of total population until a state took that option and someone challenged it in court.

Given that district lines must be based on census numbers, no state could ever try such an option if the census cannot ask if each person it is counting is a citizen.

The census in the past frequently asked if each person was a citizen. The 1820 census was the first to do so, and the most recent one was 1950.

86bc2c  No.5197056

File: 4fb004f43ea97b4⋯.jpeg (406.16 KB, 1438x683, 1438:683, F9F227B6-8056-4FF5-84CE-5….jpeg)

Keep eyes on this clown…

6a09a6  No.5197057

File: ec3dfbe2bb3ac07⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1694x940, 847:470, ec3dfbe2bb3ac070369c928e85….png)

072ac8  No.5197058

File: 21283a4c0692bc1⋯.jpeg (285.92 KB, 750x863, 750:863, 21283a4c0692bc11c17548ded….jpeg)

9e26d3  No.5197059


So are trump and Q you gigantic faggot

d5f995  No.5197060

File: cb0759975480529⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 2048x1318, 1024:659, E446EB4D-9DC2-40BF-8395-C….jpeg)

Former county sheriff charged with 80 counts of sexual abuse


52b369  No.5197061



e49fc8  No.5197062


3rd pic noticed this earlier concur

ae91cb  No.5197063



The facility is called Casa Padre. It’s in Brownsville, Texas, in what was once a Walmart. About 1,500 boys aged 10 to 17 now call it home.


June 19, 2018

The Trumps host Spain's King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia for tea at White House


Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.


PREET BHARARA, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced the sentencing of nine members and associates of the Gambino organized crime family of La Cosa Nostra

Sex Trafficking and Sex Trafficking of a Minor From 2008 to 2009, numerous defendants, including OREFICE, DIFIORE, MANZELLA, SCOTTO, EISLER, MAIURRO, and PORCELLI, operated a prostitution business where young women and girls were exploited and sold for sex.

6cb529  No.5197064


Andrew McCabe Claims ’25th Amendment’ Remarks ‘Taken Out of Context’

Backtracking much?

dd7a4e  No.5197065

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


1b2141  No.5197066

File: f6b4af315de651d⋯.jpg (12.69 KB, 210x255, 14:17, trump_shark.jpg)

Check it. New MAGA/Q artist. Will drop more later

(Wouldn't let me embed)


90f1a3  No.5197067


>She must be one big whore to be able to put up with that and all the cheating

Did you say the same thing about Hillary and blue dress Bill? probably not because you are a skank

5c7331  No.5197068

File: f41107aafeb8d89⋯.jpg (82.21 KB, 558x371, 558:371, card-trump-3.jpg)

File: 54efee0862832cb⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 960x520, 24:13, TrumpCard50.jpg)

File: 49973048934b3f6⋯.jpg (138.92 KB, 729x774, 81:86, TreasonTrialstrumpcard1.jpg)

f14dd3  No.5197069

File: 321fc43593ff350⋯.jpeg (139.67 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 28EC5725-C4F8-4A47-81E8-6….jpeg)

File: 763638721e23109⋯.jpeg (1008.12 KB, 2302x1536, 1151:768, C7E3E2DD-FB2A-4FC9-90FC-F….jpeg)

File: 3018a4ce15a9d2d⋯.jpeg (23.4 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 3F0D638C-0D2B-4927-BE2C-8….jpeg)

File: 2485b8ac420dc7f⋯.jpeg (151.47 KB, 949x632, 949:632, B3BD70A1-E3B7-45FB-AB60-8….jpeg)

e74818  No.5197070


Still no sauce for:

>Trump got caught trafficking children as sex slaves and is trying to cover it up by claiming its immigration.

23204d  No.5197071

File: 62ca33ae2c33e5f⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 960x640, 3:2, NINTCHDBPICT000469194923.jpg)

File: 560f773daa1be65⋯.jpg (325.29 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, NINTCHDBPICT000469262585.jpg)

VLAD ON HIS BUM Woman floors Putin in judo sparring session… but you didn’t see pics ‘due to cover up’

Russians were assured that Putin trained for a full hour and was 'in very good physical shape'


chuckles sovietly

716fec  No.5197072












Except (You)

You know who I blame for this..

d4e2cd  No.5197073

File: cddfac64bf35ab8⋯.jpg (63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, timecrystal750.jpg)

File: 25f15fda13c8f39⋯.jpg (410.44 KB, 860x460, 43:23, 102516_ec_crystal_free.jpg)

File: cec73bc3fdea53f⋯.jpg (162.18 KB, 631x960, 631:960, Figure_77__78__79_page_290.jpg)

File: 17c864239aa84b7⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault2.jpg)

i will have told you about it day after yesterday

thrust the plane

anons knew months ago

remember the future

△ △

ff879a  No.5197074

File: 984c1b1dad62245⋯.png (728.74 KB, 768x574, 384:287, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)


>muh maga riots

9e26d3  No.5197075


Good luck with that anon id be down to riot but im in a deep blue state

The retards on this board are brainwshed by the jewish larper who thinks that God wont punish his satanic jewish ass

94f3c8  No.5197076

Incase you didn't catch the decode, it was "blow me".

dd7a4e  No.5197077

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

dd80fe  No.5197078

File: 61f9a29a89f79a6⋯.png (338.2 KB, 1049x567, 1049:567, ClipboardImage.png)

Combining my theory with another anon's Q#700 dig… (pic related)

75dd9e  No.5197079

File: 1ea59eeb9cb9c4b⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 724x405, 724:405, 2018-12-08_20-28-37.jpg)








dad92a  No.5197080

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f2832….jpg)

bb7b64  No.5197081

File: cc1d86fe369268b⋯.png (37.79 KB, 602x312, 301:156, PapaD re Italy Spygate 2-1….PNG)

I highly recommend that Italy come clean to the American public, president Trump and Congress about their role in spygate and the attempt to coverup their involvement.

Do not sacrifice your relationship with America.

It’s all coming out.


fefcc9  No.5197082

Aurora Police Chief: 5 civilians killed, 5 officers shot.

dd80fe  No.5197083


Shit. Wrong graphic. BBS…

b19e10  No.5197084

File: 08fe4d124733a81⋯.gif (680.98 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Cry me a river.gif)

631e71  No.5197085


McCabe is really just that stupid!

9e26d3  No.5197086


Because that kike doesnt give a shit about the little people anon

Only his corporate bottom line and israel

I hope Qs entire family dies

e895b8  No.5197087

Wow, confirmed Gary Martin, anon nailed it early on.

ab7d40  No.5197088

Shooters name in Aurora is Gary Martin. -Fox News

e74818  No.5197089

File: 0d6fd6c3498a545⋯.jpg (3.85 MB, 4552x3424, 569:428, 5_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 8e6eb04621deb44⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 5288x3968, 661:496, 5_GV_Annex_2_5_GlobalView_….jpg)

File: 74d72ed9c8bcfa4⋯.jpg (3.93 MB, 4552x4376, 569:547, 5_GV_Annex_3_5_GlobalView_….jpg)


This 100%.

Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing:

http://archive.vn/x5qSo - #1 version 1.2

http://archive.vn/MZp6s – Annex 1 version 0.2

http://archive.vn/ypVpQ - #2, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/nGAey - #3, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/EFTt0 - #4, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/4jdTm - #5, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/iax6J – Annex 2, version 1.1

http://archive.vn/kfR77 – Annex 3, version 1.1

All Jewish collective power needs to be eradicated from the West for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

716fec  No.5197090

I'll take these comms too if you fucking shills dont listen to the fucking soundtrack you retards



ae91cb  No.5197091


The Jewish news Hides it for him

5c7331  No.5197092

File: 975555ed98b0056⋯.jpg (447.19 KB, 1000x1415, 200:283, QCrumbsGodBlessAmericaFore….jpg)

File: ab87ea3f45fb62e⋯.jpg (238.08 KB, 1293x736, 1293:736, GodBlessDefendDomesticDunf….jpg)

File: d4e71b708f4569f⋯.jpg (181.96 KB, 786x512, 393:256, PatriotForeignDomestic1.jpg)

0fad5d  No.5197093

File: e4db3e1c3c90fa9⋯.png (337.25 KB, 720x959, 720:959, 20190215_233517.png)

File: e8bb3ab828a5a84⋯.png (140.86 KB, 709x997, 709:997, 20190215_233547.png)


7696cb  No.5197094

File: 58ca2b2a1ee0266⋯.png (1.63 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

ca602a  No.5197095

File: 0bbbf32051401dc⋯.png (372.19 KB, 501x401, 501:401, fisa.png)

d2a8b2  No.5197096

File: 37327f0a76efd85⋯.jpg (167.18 KB, 1024x712, 128:89, 1024px-RC-135_Rivet_Joint_….jpg)

>>5196263 (lb)

I think it's related to Venezuela. SIGINT aircraft probably means a happenning in Venezuela.

0ea4cc  No.5197097

File: 95b20d7b78835ee⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1420x807, 1420:807, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

FLOTUS happy to be out of vile DC swamp…

f53bee  No.5197098

MIssion forward! start at bottom and go up.. sequence of events??









>"investigation almost over"- whittaker

Election Integrity.

>"ongoing cases" -wchittaker

Immigration Bill.

>on deck?




Military start.


BIG month.


2fbfb8  No.5197099

File: 724a0ee5a07e30e⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 724a0ee5a07e30e4891cd01b53….jpg)

138053  No.5197100

File: a09198af32596e3⋯.jpg (313.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, BTFOshillCTAjackP.jpg)


You just got hooked like the fish you are

Why are you here then?

Out of the goodness of your heart?

Do you want to help us?

Why post in here if you know its fake?

Stop being so obvious.

8228e3  No.5197101

File: 6df861fe8630536⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB, 512x288, 16:9, F15 GTFO.mp4)

Man I wish thing where different!

See this nice little F-15 well that is what it felt today.

ab3aa9  No.5197102

>>5196172 (pb)

and more money

d677a8  No.5197103

File: 69b90fc68211c34⋯.png (162.13 KB, 642x300, 107:50, ClipboardImage.png)

dd80fe  No.5197104

File: d10a820ed712e05⋯.png (118.98 KB, 826x464, 413:232, ClipboardImage.png)

This one…

7ce489  No.5197105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Potus

093299  No.5197106


GTFO shill.

9d31d0  No.5197107

File: 44a72e49a5ac49e⋯.jpg (411.72 KB, 1080x1072, 135:134, Screenshot_20190215-154031….jpg)


idk who that dude is but I'll look up his pulling thr trigger clip

0a2e6c  No.5197108

hey guys,

Q team is just going to keep all the dirt they have on the cabal and let the CIA make FF killings……we just have to hope we aren't one of the people killed in the FF's.

Makes a lot of sense

5c7331  No.5197109

File: 0e281b05b163d48⋯.jpg (129.98 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Treason1.jpg)

File: 2f7a28c7692f3ff⋯.jpg (72.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Treason3.jpg)

File: 1365dc148164e0f⋯.jpg (101.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Treason5.jpg)

dd7a4e  No.5197110

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Ready for the GITMO git down?


ab3aa9  No.5197111



9e26d3  No.5197112


I say the same thing about all famous people anon

All of,

Them and their families should be slowly carved apart

17c4c6  No.5197113

File: 6c12bc44b854b5f⋯.jpeg (150.66 KB, 750x869, 750:869, 2B613D14-6BA0-4D65-BFA0-C….jpeg)

Consider Qpost from today

“Border has more importance than what is publicly disclosed”

If true, any court challenges to his Nat Em for Wall could result in full disclosure re: criminal activity at the border.

How do you introduce evidence?

dcaa6c  No.5197114

"Be alert next 10 days" - Q

Shooting in Aurora, IL… False Flag? (Shoe seems to fit thus far).

Initially, they said shooter was "apprehended"

Then said shooter was "killed or "deceased" (I forget exactly, but it was definitely a term meaning"dead".)

Then, they changed to saying "neutralized".

Still no release of names or a number of people killed (Unless this has been updated and I need to Lurk Moar… If so, not sorry. Go fuck yourself. I'm sure this has already been brought up, but I just got home, haven't Lurked yet and I want to ensure we are thorough.

Manspeed, faggots.

e74818  No.5197115


Still no sauce for this claim:

>Trump got caught trafficking children as sex slaves and is trying to cover it up by claiming its immigration.

46e6f8  No.5197116

I hope Q has not gone for the evening.

b49c50  No.5197117

Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 1

Source is the daily Congressional Record


House of Representatives

Met and immediately adjourned.


Cloture expires on S 47.

3 amendments passed.

S 47, Natural Resources Management Act

Passed, 92-8

yeas and nays (page S1196)

bill text (S1196-S1265)

Cloture motion for Barr Attorney General nomination

Passed 55-44 (S1266)

Excerpts from speeches:

H.R. 1 (S1175)

Mr. MCCONNELL. "last week the House began the hearing process on Speaker PELOSI’s signature bill, H.R. 1, the Democrat Politician Protection Act."

"let me say five of those words again: taxpayer bailout for political campaigns."

"Democrats have spent months, if not years, crafting this sprawling, 500-plus page Federal takeover of our political speech and our elections."

"There would be a new Washington, DC-run voucher program so that would-be political donors could simply ask for chunks of taxpayer money and then hand it out to the campaigns they favor. There would also be a brand new, sixfold matching program for certain donations. The Federal Government would literally come in—sort of the way some businesses match their workers’ charitable contributions—and use the American people’s money to match certain campaign contributions sixfold. In other words, millions of dollars would be available for each candidate who comes along asking for his or her share of the taxpayer loot.

Keep in mind—this would put each taxpayer on the hook for financing the candidates and campaigns they personally disagree with."

"This is just another one of the Democrat Politician Protection Act’s greatest hits. I will have more in the future."

PRESS (S1176)

Mr. SCHUMER. "One of the most significant challenges the press faces, of course, is economic. Besieged by a fractured media landscape and rapidly changing technology, newspapers have been forced to adapt or die. Some have adapted, but many have died."

"In cities in Upstate New York—small- and middle-sized—big companies have left, and some of the community banks have been bought up by major large banks. The things that keep a community together are greatly deteriorating. Newspapers are one of the few glues these communities have. They are vital—way beyond the profit and loss that they might make."

"Now there is a new threat on the horizon. A few weeks ago, a hedge fund, known as the 'destroyer of newspapers,' announced a bid to take over Gannett, which, in addition to USA Today, publishes a lot of small and medium-sized newspapers and four important papers in my State'

"This morning, on the front page of the Washington Post, there is an article about the business practices of Alden and its subsidiaries. Essentially, Alden’s strategy is to buy up newspapers, cut staff, and then

828158  No.5197118

85f9c8  No.5197119

Mayor playing politics …Never let a good crisis go to waste ….Chief not releasing civilian names leads me to believe the shooting was real ….

52b369  No.5197120


generals defecting right now on fox buisness

6c4dca  No.5197121


Looks like a coat of arms

a80e19  No.5197122



63c5d5  No.5197123

SHOOTER AURORA named Gary Martin. 5 deceased.

603e64  No.5197124

File: 6d0ddaac631e2f9⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 340x220, 17:11, Dya_vnhW0AEOlIh.jpg)

They be hatin cause this is how I roll.

75279f  No.5197125

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)

File: b2a49b70faf2e28⋯.png (343.43 KB, 591x637, 591:637, dmmsj.png)

File: 5a782499dfb7f4d⋯.png (621.64 KB, 1094x666, 547:333, Black-cats-best-wallpaper.png)


You're stumped, aren't you?

e895b8  No.5197126


He’s black, seriously doubt he’s conservative

9e26d3  No.5197127


>>>5197018 (You)

>We do not make fun of skin color here.


Duh we know you all love niggers anon

Have fun watching them perpertually vore for free gibs

Like the niggers they are

52b369  No.5197128


no sauce cause it is plain stupid

b19e10  No.5197129

File: f527984c6388924⋯.gif (756.63 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Roger roll out.gif)

631e71  No.5197130


Good point!

5bb172  No.5197131


Are you all that scared?? Is it really happening?? HA!

4935d9  No.5197132


They know its him 100%

they have the evidence, text, pics etc.

He bought the ticket etc.

Trail and then bullet. That's how these cases

should be done.

ff4d36  No.5197133

File: f8dfe250fa196d7⋯.jpeg (578.03 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 84461B4D-542E-4942-A37A-3….jpeg)

File: 3ea8e62408c40e4⋯.jpeg (58.1 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 357DDFC0-9C88-4BB5-AB46-2….jpeg)

File: 17187e067c77e0e⋯.jpeg (247.45 KB, 750x1042, 375:521, 0338C5B2-3E75-426C-8570-5….jpeg)

>>5196454 (Lb)

Looks like Wade DesArmo has a similar phone case.

Wade DesArmo an influential professional skateboarder from canada. He popularized the Tall Tee fashion trend and is employed by some of the biggest brands in the skateboard industry.

He is sponsored by drakes company October’s very own. Or “OVO” where the letters depict an owls head.

dd7a4e  No.5197134

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Q Uva Groove

5c7331  No.5197135

File: 6c0d39b93fab541⋯.jpg (344.61 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Full-Armor-of-God-1.jpg)

File: d4820924edb5c50⋯.jpg (275.55 KB, 712x928, 89:116, EphesiansArmorOfGodStand.jpg)

File: c3b514aa2783536⋯.jpg (460.72 KB, 966x1500, 161:250, EphesiansArmorOfGodStand2.jpg)

7b8f5c  No.5197136

File: 40cc95d4d29eb64⋯.png (173.28 KB, 1046x380, 523:190, MuellerPratt.png)

File: 2c4c83b0c3e57aa⋯.png (265.84 KB, 1035x643, 1035:643, R.H.Pratt.png)

More digging on the Aurora shooting. Do you believe in coincidences?

The shooting in Aurora occurred at Henry Pratt Manufacturing.

- HPM is a subsidiary of a company called MUELLER water products. Coincidence?

- Mueller Co. is affiliated with the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

- Company was founded by Hieronym Mueller, a German immigrant who once conspired to blow up a bridge with other militant "revolutionaries."

- The first notable figure when searching for Henry Pratt is Brigadier General Richard Henry Pratt. He is well known as being one of the first "progressives" in addition to having literally coined the term "racism." R. Henry Pratt is also known for saying "kill the Indian, save the Man." He was portrayed in a mini-series from Stephen Speilberg.







a5ff9c  No.5197137


Because the patriots that love America and want the Constitution to be upheld are here. They're just a little lost right now. They'll find their way. This LARP cocksuck will blow over soon, I think.

9e26d3  No.5197138


Hey look a nigger was violent again big fucking shock

Why do we let animals vote ?

6cb529  No.5197139


Still like to know how much dick these assholes had to suck to get their jobs.

138053  No.5197140

File: 538176fa6471b78⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1254x938, 627:469, ItalyPROOF.PNG)


Nah we already got an entire new administration elected in italy papadop, someone needs to catch George up, hes too deep in being watered like the plant he is

9fa5fc  No.5197141


G - 7

M - 13

51a88f  No.5197142


It was covered over the past few days. His family's coat of arms is the consensus.

17c4c6  No.5197143

File: 7f859959faf0c4b⋯.jpeg (318.82 KB, 750x672, 125:112, 6BCEA41D-B82B-45FA-AF55-6….jpeg)


I also think DJT tweet re: Members of Congress “everybody hurts” is related.

PST timestamp

ab3aa9  No.5197144


shill alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

b49c50  No.5197145


Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 2

"So I would propose that charitably inclined institutions and individuals should begin to think of journalism as a philanthropic endeavor. If it becomes a worthy endeavor to buy a local newspaper and preserve its size and independence—just as it is a worthy endeavor to support the local hospital, school, charity—many more might consider doing it."

[CES (Newseum) Prepared Remarks—Feb. 7, 2019] (S1177)

"I have to wind back the clock a bit to the start of the Internet era, which allowed the media universe to splinter into a near-infinite number of outlets, some of which do important niche reporting, but many of which are hyper-partisan, whose sole purpose is to market news to a specific political demographic."

"[Fairness Doctrine repeal] was taken advantage of by folks from every dot on the political spectrum, but figures like Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Andrew Breitbart and Steve Bannon took perhaps the greatest advantage. They realized they could cultivate a network of partisan media outlets, walking right up to—and sometimes crossing—the line of blurring fact and fiction.

Enter President Trump: stage right. Fueled by his derision for all but the most flattering reporting, President Trump has taken it one step further.

His goal, it seems, is to discredit the media altogether as a check on his power, to say to the American people

that newspapers are irrelevant, 'the failing New York Times;'

that all journalists are evil, 'the enemy of the people;'

that virtually all news is false, 'fake news.'

Let’s be honest here: the president tells more lies than any president we have ever seen."

"But if the public, broadly speaking, loses all faith in the media—if the public comes to believe that all news is fake—that’s the beginning of the end of America as we know it.

So I want to speak directly to the members of the media in the audience and those who may be watching . . .

Your job is more important than ever.

It’s important to rebut alternative facts with facts.

It’s important to correct the president’s lies.

And it is equally important that you not let the president wear you down or throw you off course . . . to think—maybe we should tone it down a little, maybe we can let that one go, when in fact it should be the opposite.

Dictators throughout the course of history have learned that the best way to consolidate power is to capture or totally discredit the news media."

"As Americans, we must continue to support the First Amendment; the freedom—and viability—of the press. It’s nothing short of a moral imperative."

e74818  No.5197146


How convenient for you.

75279f  No.5197147

File: d2451aa238f43b5⋯.png (266.18 KB, 636x534, 106:89, biden85.png)

File: b71660e3e0ba790⋯.png (381.93 KB, 555x737, 555:737, TPBBN.png)

File: 3bcc5383d3f0ee1⋯.jpg (106.1 KB, 412x458, 206:229, KRBRBRN.jpg)

File: 08ae978f0fbdc2b⋯.png (377.13 KB, 555x624, 185:208, brbmn.png)

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, DNIBN.png)

25dd9d  No.5197148

File: 48c3a958e9f00ba⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 660x370, 66:37, whiner.JPG)

File: 35a36e969f3dce1⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 645x228, 215:76, katica.JPG)

Sorry if this has been posted.

Assholes going after POTUS twitter.


d4e2cd  No.5197149

File: 656478f6c63ec74⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 525x345, 35:23, EMFLD-01.jpg)

File: aeb5d1727fe3f01⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 350x253, 350:253, fig7.jpg)

File: 0959dc9e3e56b52⋯.jpg (115.96 KB, 959x630, 137:90, boeing-scalar.jpg)

File: 6419e0f822cb391⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Shotgun_copy.jpg)


DiS ruptive tex

actor model

gps scooters

uber slave bots

think about it

095a71  No.5197150

File: 9422fe2c6d3d634⋯.jpg (37.78 KB, 594x409, 594:409, George Clooney John Cusack….jpg)

fbae2f  No.5197151


I think he means to say the Vatican.

75dd9e  No.5197152



596882  No.5197153


dont green text me

>shit I didn't say

we got fucked and still wont organize ANYTHING

a simple walk in DC

a fucking letter

a phonecall

a tweet


1690eb  No.5197154

File: c1340d0646560ed⋯.png (712.16 KB, 500x698, 250:349, trump_faggot_goy.png)

The SOTU was the handwriting on the wall.

Trump puts Israel and Jews above America.

Trump puts corporate profits above America.

Trump opened our borders wider than they were before.

Trump's 5D chess was masterful.

He was, and is, 5 steps ahead of all of us.

We were eating right out of his hand.

ea9d2d  No.5197155


To which I'll add, given the recent comments by Pelosi in regards to POTUS' use of the emergency declaration, this is will probably reignite the 'gun control' narrative.

b49c50  No.5197156


Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 3


Mr. CORNYN. "First of all, if this agreement does, as I believe it is reported to do, provide for 55 miles of additional physical barriers along the border, then the President has won, and Ms. PELOSI has lost because she said not one penny more— I am sorry, that was Senator SCHUMER—for border walls or border barriers. Ms. PELOSI called them immoral.

But if Democrats on the negotiating committee have now agreed to 55 miles of additional physical barriers, it sounds to me as though they are not in the same place Ms. PELOSI is. I don’t say that to try to blow up the deal because, frankly, I believe a shutdown would be a mistake. But what I would encourage the President to do is to count his victory here and then to build on that. He has additional authorities, particularly under the Defense authorization bill, on a non-emergency basis, to reprogram money that has been appropriated already for the Department of Defense."


Mr. CORNYN. "We saw, I would note, pieces from the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Daily News to the same effect. Even the Washington Post believes that Democrats should vote for William Barr. They wrote that he 'came across as a highly qualified person and committed to the traditions, procedures and mores of the Justice Department.' "

Good for them. The headline of that editorial was 'Confirm William Barr— and hold him to his pledge of independence.' "


Mr. BARRASSO. "Even if it were affordable—and it is not—the proposal is so far outside America’s mainstream that it is scary. The proposal reads like an absurd socialist manifesto. They call for a 'national mobilization' to 'transform every sector of our economy and society' and to do it by the year 2030. In just 10 years, Washington would create a command-and-control economy to eliminate choice in how we live. Washington would tell us how to travel, what our houses should look

like, and what food is on our grocery store shelves."

The Green New Deal eliminates energy sources that currently provide power to roughly three out of every five homes in America and to businesses as well. It mandates the use of expensive energy sources that realistically can’t meet our country’s needs. It would mean the end of the internal combustion engine in cars, in boats, and in planes. The plan would force every driver in America to purchase an electric vehicle or rely on public transportation.

It would also mean the end of both airplanes and ships."

An extensive and expensive national high-speed rail system would have to replace air travel. That is what they are calling for—an expensive and extensive national high-speed rail system to replace air travel.

The State of California is currently attempting to build just one of these rail lines at a cost of $89 million for every planned mile of track—so $89 million for every planned mile of track.

… California Governor Gavin Newsom said he is ending the State’s effort to build a high-speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles … Newsom said in his state of the State address today that it 'would cost too much and take too long.' "

There is another victim of the Green New Deal. It is ice cream. Livestock would be banned. Say goodbye to dairy, beef, and family farms and ranches. American favorites like cheeseburgers and milkshakes would become a thing of the past. Millions of American workers will lose their jobs. Living this 'green dream' is actually a nightmare.

Just the energy portion of this plan alone would cost at least $5.7 trillion, and it is feasibly impossible. The government handouts, healthcare, and other giveaways will cost tens of trillions more. This Green Deal will bankrupt the country."

"American energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have steadily fallen in recent years. The United States is currently on pace to reduce them by 17 percent below 2005 levels, and we are going to do it by the year 2025. So we have been doing it in the United States. We have been lowering emissions. We are leading the world in lowering our carbon emissions over the past decade. A Washington takeover of the energy sector is going to interfere with that progress.

716fec  No.5197157

Engage all?




Then in El Chop O.



Or my family


RT if you RT the RT


boss boss


El Chop O and the magic carpet ride is waiting for me

River of Styx and trash and shit left in the back for the pile and the Devil….


How long did it take you to wake up?

e9122f  No.5197158


AI can't type the +++ (because they are demons) it's true tho if you want proof go try and Google the +++++ and you won't get shit, it can't read it typically only 5/19 humans on the board, but we influence other bots Else where

093299  No.5197159

File: 33bc14f310ba956⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2089x1533, 2089:1533, POTUS_muh_jew_shills.png)

File: c41ee8af0c52ccc⋯.jpg (309.08 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, GOODvsEVIL2.jpg)

0febb9  No.5197160

File: 707ffbbbf815330⋯.png (169.49 KB, 690x401, 690:401, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

File: 93686ea45ac4821⋯.png (223.46 KB, 711x542, 711:542, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

A suggestion for a talented Memefag.

Discretionary spending is $1.2 Trillion.

Military spending is $597B

POTUS is demanding $8B for the wall.

Showing $8B as a percentage of discretionary and military spending will illustrate how pig headed Dems are being.

Give POTUS the money he wants to protect the country


4eacab  No.5197161

News Conference: Aurora IL chief of police says she wants to “send positive energy” to the families of the victims. Strange.

Also, pentagram on her tie.

If there’s an anon who can get a pic of her on here you’ll see what I’m talking about.

631e71  No.5197162


Do you really want to know? Lots, I am sure!

0a2e6c  No.5197163


that's fucking bullshit…

How do you introduce evidence??

Have a fucking press conference and introduce the evidence.


b49c50  No.5197164


Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 4


Mr. BROWN. "The young people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School launched an incredible movement for change in this country. These were high school students, many not even old enough to vote, dealing with pain that most of us can’t imagine.

These kids stood up to the gun lobby—if only we saw that kind of courage among politicians who take money from the gun lobby year after year after year. These kids stood up to the gun lobby. They organized and forced their government to listen."

"The students at Parkland clearly aren’t quitting. The millions of Americans inspired by them give me hope for the future. I hope my colleagues in this body finally stand up to the gun lobby and demand change."


Mr. BROWN. "Here is what we should do. We should first pass the Patriot Corporation Act. The Patriot Corporation Act is really simple. It simply says that if you pay decent wages, if you provide decent benefits—health benefits, healthcare, and pensions or 401(k)—and if you do your production in the United States of America, you get a lower tax rate."

S. 47 (S1193)

Mrs. FEINSTEIN. "I am particularly grateful for Senator MURKOWSKI’s leadership in moving this bipartisan effort forward, as well as Senators CANTWELL and MANCHIN’s efforts as the ranking members of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee last Congress and this one, respectively."

"The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the largest estuary in the western United States. It is one of the most productive and ecologically important watersheds in North America."

"This bill will transfer ownership of the Contra Costa Canal System from the Bureau of Reclamation to the Contra Costa Water District to allow the water district to complete necessary safety improvements.

The water district would like to convert the existing open earthen canal to a closed pipe, which is expected to cost $650 million.

The water district understandably wants to take title in order to use as collateral for issuing bonds to cover the cost of the conversion, and this bill would accomplish this."

Additionally, drought is always an issue in California, and water is becoming more and more expensive.

About 6 percent of the canal’s water is lost through evaporation and seepage. A covered pipeline would eliminate these losses.

Before I conclude, I would also like to thank Senator MURKOWSKI for including in the package a permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund."

7b8f5c  No.5197165


Just to reiterate so it doesn't get lost in all the text:

Henry Pratt Company, the site of the Aurora shooting, is a subsidiary of MUELLER Water Company. Coincidence?

46e6f8  No.5197166

This guy looks like a crook.

b8a062  No.5197167

File: 9fd9a455c7e618b⋯.jpeg (54.58 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_41725247302271.jpeg)

Holy heavy shilling Batman….quick Robin, the Anti-Shill spray from my utility belt….Justice is coming

dd7a4e  No.5197168

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


d5f995  No.5197169


Thanx anon…I wasn’t up to speed on it

b19e10  No.5197170

File: 8a982aae2f2e018⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 532x500, 133:125, pepe POTUS 6 gorillion d c….jpg)

3385b7  No.5197171


Communicating with Wikileaks is not illegal

fd791e  No.5197172


Lead by example you faggot, then we’ll decide if you’re the shit you claim to be

befcb7  No.5197173


Stone tried and failed to contact Wikileaks.

Why would they talk to Stone when they were already in direct contact with Trump Jr?

I think the fake news avoids this connection because their contacts lead to Seth Rich.

8f811c  No.5197174

File: 9cbacc4a914b3f1⋯.png (83.38 KB, 1117x574, 1117:574, ClipboardImage.png)

bb7b64  No.5197175


A graphic using a post by the red headed pedo


b49c50  No.5197176


Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 5


Ms. MURKOWSKI. "Madam President, we are now down to the final minutes of debate on S. 47, our Natural Resources Management Act. This is something we had a good number of Members come to the floor to speak on. Our Members are proud of the many provisions that we have seen fit to include within this package itself—bills that relate to lands and land conveyances, conservation aspects, sportsmen’s provisions, those measures that can help bring about economic development in very small areas. We are very proud of what we have done with this process that has led us to where we are today.

"When we take a package that is over 100 bills from over 50 different Senators and over 90 who have signed on as cosponsors, that demonstrates something. What we have done with the strength, extent, and expanse of these provisions, the efforts we have made to ensure that the Land and Water Conservation Fund continues with a permanent extension … "

"Sportsmen and women spent about $119 billion—that was back in 2016—on everything from their gear to the support in these small communities."

"This has come together with a great deal of hard work by many Members and our staffs."


Mr. GRAHAM. "The best indication of what Mr. Barr will do as Attorney General in the future is what he has done in the past. He has actually been Attorney General before. He was approved by this body, under Bush 41, to be the Attorney General by a voice vote. He has been the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel and the Deputy Attorney General. He has been the chief lawyer for the CIA. In all of these jobs, he was confirmed by the Senate by voice vote."

"When it comes to Mr. Mueller’s investigation, the Barrs and the Muellers are friends, but it will be a business relationship. I can promise you this: Mr. Barr will make sure that Mr. Mueller can finish his job without political interference. He said that, I believe that, and that is the way this movie has to end. "

"Here is what Mr. Barr said that really stuck with me. I am not making bargains with editorial writers, with pundits, or with elected political leaders that I don’t feel are right for the Department. I don’t want the job that much. I don’t need the job in terms of building a career. I have had a great career. I am doing this because I think I can provide some leadership at a time we need some."

"He will be a shot in the arm for a Department that needs a morale lift. He is going to look at the abuses inside of the Department. How could a FISA warrant be issued on an American citizen based on a dossier? It is a bunch of political garbage."

"To DIANNE FEINSTEIN, who is a great partner, I appreciate the processing of the nomination. We may have differences of opinion about what the right answer is, but we could not have asked for a better process. Mr. Barr was challenged, but respectfully so."

510b4b  No.5197177

File: 2498737937ab413⋯.png (93.15 KB, 625x626, 625:626, TD;DR.png)

e74818  No.5197178

File: a4234cb8e938826⋯.jpeg (121.66 KB, 960x748, 240:187, bq-5c4b72df432d8.jpeg)

File: 18fdc1d2554b318⋯.png (450.7 KB, 804x864, 67:72, Pizzagate_antisemitic.png)

File: ad44157f520f6ec⋯.jpg (168.25 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Pizzagate_basement.jpg)

File: 73004783f742947⋯.jpg (586.28 KB, 1536x3628, 384:907, Pizzagate_debunk.jpg)

File: 2712f853d6f0760⋯.jpg (165.47 KB, 1200x1361, 1200:1361, Pizzagate_James_Alefantis_….jpg)


Another pizzagate related falseflag.

That Hillary file names "Crime against children" really got them nervous.

86bc2c  No.5197179


Jack is deep in this game.

093299  No.5197180

File: 2fe5d765e34d0d3⋯.jpg (126.27 KB, 730x499, 730:499, MemeTeam.jpg)

138053  No.5197181


Motherfucker you haven't had a constitution since the Progressive era and alphabet soup, its fughazee, a rouse, your entire existence has been in a pseudo authoritarian socialist state under the guise of great men like Washington and Jefferson, this movement is about getting back to that, try again.

0ea4cc  No.5197182

File: 5dc6b70c7912656⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1438x813, 1438:813, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

9e26d3  No.5197183


So much sense anon

Just like when trump sucks israels dick over anything

Sends money to foreign countries

Literallt does the same shit as bush

But muh trump is gonna save us

Stop defending that jewish dick licker

He was literally fuvking friends with hillary

6cb529  No.5197184

File: 98b7f4b7328cce7⋯.png (17.79 KB, 593x197, 593:197, AQ2.PNG)

Moar Shootings.


Police chief says five people were killed in a shooting at a suburban Chicago business.

b49c50  No.5197185


Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 6

Mr. WHITEHOUSE. "Also, you didn’t see a lot of Democrats who had a lot of engagement with dark money coming to high office, but with the Trump administration that all changed, and we now have an Acting Attorney General, Mr. Whitaker, who was paid $1.2 million through a group called FACT. Basically, FACT is a front group. It does no business. It has no product. It provides no service. It basically just pays Mr. Whitaker to go on talk shows and criticize Democrats. There are very few employees.

The only employee I am aware of, other than, perhaps, clerical people, was actually Whitaker himself, so one would like to know why he was paid that money and who paid him in order to do proper recusal and conflict checks.

But here is what is interesting: The money that came in to pay him through FACT, before it got to FACT, had been laundered through another group called Donors Trust. Donors Trust is another group that does no business, has no service, creates no product, manufactures nothing. Its purpose for existence is to strip the identities off of big donors—ordinarily it seems big Republican special interest donors—so that the money they then give goes anonymously to groups that pretend they are not fossil fuel funded, for instance, because the identity of the fossil fuel donor has been stripped clean, or they are not the tool of the Koch brothers because the Koch brothers’ identity has been stripped clean. It is a device for misleading and confusing people. When you consider how much of that $1 million went through to Mr. Whitaker in salary, the idea that he doesn’t know who was paying him when so much of FACT’s money came through that one donation is really improbable."

"The obvious reason he would not give a straight answer is that the President who appointed him has significant—although we don’t understand them well yet—significant business entanglements that we don’t know about. We need to find out what his business entanglements are, and it is really hard to assess some of his behavior without knowing who is on the other side of his foreign business relationships and how much money is involved and how much is at risk for him."

"Within the Department of Justice there is a group called the Office of Legal Counsel, which is kind of the legal advisor to the Department of Justice. The Office of Legal Counsel has decided that a Department of Justice cannot indict a sitting President. Here is the problem with that. The Office of Legal Counsel isn’t elected by anybody. They are career people. They tend to be hypersmart, but their purpose in life is opining on the separation-of-powers questions is to describe the maximum possible credible scope of Executive power. They represent the executive branch, and when they are making these separation-of-powers decisions, they always veer to the maximum greatest Executive power that they can justify."

a5ff9c  No.5197186


Okay Shaggy. Tell Scooby I said hi.

716fec  No.5197187


Gun to his head.


3385b7  No.5197188



f14dd3  No.5197189

File: 3c9e75794de8ca2⋯.jpeg (123.85 KB, 1062x508, 531:254, 49678B86-FE1E-4ED4-A41E-1….jpeg)

File: 04ce1680402af49⋯.jpeg (37.81 KB, 310x457, 310:457, 287E27F9-5E28-4EBF-98F7-A….jpeg)

File: 1d6abe96ccd0520⋯.jpeg (120.28 KB, 808x689, 808:689, 5DDBA288-C244-4045-89DA-4….jpeg)

File: 34e79c1f36db46c⋯.jpeg (147 KB, 843x720, 281:240, 90D22B80-BA13-48F8-9616-6….jpeg)

File: 02dddbde1fb1d13⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 239x143, 239:143, 920AAA1C-980D-4619-8B07-A….jpeg)

25dd9d  No.5197190

596882  No.5197191


lets fucking walk then Nigga


Open Carry

my right and yours

118f84  No.5197192

b49c50  No.5197193


Tuesday Feb 12 in Congress

page 7 - last page

"Here is the problem—there are actually two problems. At the end of the day, whenever the Mueller report is concluded, that report can be provided to Congress, but there is considerable flexibility and considerable discretion within the Department of Justice and the Attorney General’s office as to how much to give."


"We have seen these extreme, almost wild, unlimited assertions of executive privilege by members of the Trump administration. There has never been any discipline or proper process about it. There has never been any enforcement. So it is a wide-open field for mischief if the President decides that big chunks of the Mueller report shouldn’t be disclosed to the public because he asserts executive privilege.

Then Attorney General Barr says: Good enough for me. I am not going to let any of that go to the public or to Congress.

"The bad deed that was done by Jim Comey was to violate that Department rule and disclose derogatory investigative information about an uncharged person—specifically, Mrs. Clinton. That violated longstanding procedures and principles in the Department and kicked up a lot of criticism, including by me right at the time and since and also by Attorney General Barr. He stands, I think, in the best traditions of the Department to condemn the release of derogatory investigative information about an uncharged person.

The rule as a prosecutor is, if you are going to say it, save your pleadings. Charge the guy. Put it in the indictment. Put it in the criminal information. Then defense can fairly react. Then you are accountable to the court for what you are saying, and then there is some discipline to it, but you don’t get to describe unrelated or uncharged conduct that just happens to be


"The problem comes when that rule gets applied in this case, and here is the circumstance: The Mueller report comes down, and it is full of derogatory information about the President and the people around him. But because the Office of Legal Counsel, as I described earlier, has decided that you can’t charge a sitting President with a crime, now that President is an uncharged person— not because there wasn’t an indictment to be brought against him, not because he didn’t engage in criminal conduct, not because the government wouldn’t ordinarily prosecute that case to the full extent of the law, but simply because of this little policy at the Office of Legal Counsel that you can’t indict a sitting President—one that has never been tested in court and one that I think will fare badly in court if you look at the precedence of Nixon and Clinton and others.

So now, with the President an uncharged person, do you then call in this doctrine and say: Hey, all derogatory investigative information about this uncharged person is now no longer amenable to disclosure to Congress or the public.

It is a complicated situation, but it is easy to get there, and once you are there, the answer ought to be ‘‘Well, obviously no,’’ but I couldn’t get that answer. I couldn’t get a straight answer."

093299  No.5197194

File: 1e02abce37e7f8d⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 480x376, 60:47, JQ_shills9.jpg)


Still glowing, shill.

de6ab7  No.5197195

Is that you Jake?

2faab8  No.5197196

File: e2b9c790a09eef1⋯.jpeg (11.62 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 1550087341.jpeg)


That's how he got her digits


Brits be mad jealous of those secret societies moves

6c4dca  No.5197197

File: e34e9c2b9bb7209⋯.jpeg (277.3 KB, 1125x1152, 125:128, 57A53F92-483E-49B2-BA0F-C….jpeg)

File: 88586bb4cad9714⋯.png (378.66 KB, 800x676, 200:169, BA9AED83-68A8-4F88-A09C-A8….png)

Winter is coming

7bbb7c  No.5197198

File: c19716a1ecbb50e⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4C236EE0-2307-48FF-9E13-D8….png)

f8cfba  No.5197199


Oh! Now that is interesting!

Italy is involved. Well that would be the smallest of european contributions.

How about Merkel using the worlds largest node in Frankfurt (DE-CIX) to hunt Trump?

This is getting real good.

75279f  No.5197200

File: a0a2caf0666e9c9⋯.png (50.15 KB, 209x222, 209:222, bbbb.png)

f4593a  No.5197201


Cussack used to bang Huma.

9f2bb9  No.5197202

File: 9e65f11d966671f⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1200x1250, 24:25, ClipboardImage.png)

9e26d3  No.5197203

Fucking kill yourself

46e6f8  No.5197204

Governor of Illinois wife's name MK

You can't make this shit up

85f9c8  No.5197205

Where are all the pictures of the victims …. Oh that’s right this is a real shooting …Not staged … No candles and stories from friends and families …. This is traffic death and nobody has anything to say because they are in shock …. Real vs Not real …now u know

093299  No.5197206

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)

File: 171f2dd40a2917c⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 1280x701, 1280:701, CALLforMEMEs.jpg)

e895b8  No.5197207

Anons know why they won’t say the Aurora shooter is black…

820cf6  No.5197208

Newfags and shills


How did he win the war?

What was his goal?

Winning the next battle?

Taking the next city/fort?

Or was it winning the war?

Long term planning?

Why is Grant considered to be the father of modern American warfare?

Even though Lee was/is considered the best general of the civil war?


138053  No.5197209


Something about content vs skin color comes to mind

ff879a  No.5197210

File: ea9658a7eedca1b⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 606x550, 303:275, deeeeeeeee.jpg)


>don't green text me

>shit I didn't say

>March, protest, boycott (((anything.)))

such logical leaps defy the laws of reason!

6cb529  No.5197211

File: ca9219cd51bf8da⋯.png (18.57 KB, 580x187, 580:187, AQ3.PNG)

5 Here, 5 There.


b19e10  No.5197212

File: aed1f7b8a775145⋯.jpg (104.97 KB, 650x650, 1:1, Real Patriot Indian.jpg)


and who the fuck are you newfag?

716fec  No.5197213







dd80fe  No.5197214

This bread is the greatest ShillFest I've ever seen (stopped reading after 30-ish posts and jumped down here to post).

We must be SQUARELY over the target and the cornered rats are schiffing their Depends.


70c9c6  No.5197215


It takes a lot of time to GIMP everything.


>You're stumped, aren't you?

I have limited time, and I think you're excessively obscure in your conversational style. I tried to have a conversation with you by putting text into GIMP and you banned me from your private little board. So you can have fun with your board: entice humans to post there and ban us because you think we are not human.

Almost time for breakfast, so please continue to talk to yourself while I go eat.

03595d  No.5197216

Potential FF? Shooting in Illinois

9e26d3  No.5197217

Fucking kill yourself Q you piece of shit i hope everyone youve ever cared about dies you fucking cocksucking jew dick licking piece of shit

7c3f5c  No.5197218

File: 6d85612339f3610⋯.jpeg (102.29 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 5CD687F4-E371-4AC8-9701-F….jpeg)

3ff414  No.5197219

>>5196776 (lb)

Read up on Huma's father's history and associates. Think of her connections and age starting in WJC Whitehouse. Check out shoebat website.

6676b7  No.5197220


c655e4  No.5197221

File: aed52bcb6c0db1e⋯.png (158.17 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5196296 (PB)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (mentioned in the MAPS post) was co-founded by John Perry Barlow.

5bb172  No.5197222


Only white people do mass shootings.

e74818  No.5197223

File: f8902f29e40fc21⋯.jpg (712.2 KB, 800x3535, 160:707, 2019_Wall_Deal_Bill_vote_c….jpg)


I agree with you on that.



Now we have a list of confirmed enemies of the US people, with undeniable proof of their stance on the issue of Border Security. Pic related.

And Trump will find a way to turn this shit against the traitors.

a5ff9c  No.5197224


True, it's been dead a long time. Lincoln killed it, in fact, so it really didn't last long at all. The principles still stand the test of time, but need a diligent citizenry that's informed by a non-comped free press. And when their rights are trampled they need to take a stand.

5e1217  No.5197225


Shit. Gonna have to PRAY- much.

47a8cc  No.5197226


Nothing potential about it.

6f42df  No.5197227

>For those who decide to save the taxpayers some money - There is no escaping God.

Suicide weekend ?

ab4a05  No.5197228

File: 40e4864ee7b222d⋯.png (37.47 KB, 673x366, 673:366, ClipboardImage.png)

138053  No.5197229

File: 8e3402e69faed35⋯.gif (500 KB, 300x232, 75:58, Thomas.gif)

7ce489  No.5197230

Anyone else getting account suspended when trying to access POTUS Schedule on Twatter?

Or have I been away from the board to long?

d28999  No.5197231

File: 5d03b60d9a1eeec⋯.jpg (15.42 KB, 600x400, 3:2, djt.jpg)

…attacking POTUS' woman on an NSA board. Weapons-grade stupidity.

ca602a  No.5197232

File: 321b4411f9816c2⋯.png (507.08 KB, 681x441, 227:147, liberalsrnasty.png)

File: e641d9ac5026bab⋯.png (249.78 KB, 411x323, 411:323, luciferianfreaks.png)

File: e291748f1b79966⋯.png (514.33 KB, 596x445, 596:445, luciferianfrks1.png)

File: db26805053b89c9⋯.png (797.71 KB, 614x542, 307:271, leftists.png)

File: 3273488e2a6983d⋯.png (174.01 KB, 229x350, 229:350, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png)

716fec  No.5197233

These people are stupid.



1690eb  No.5197234

File: 0f5b7a0401a4a37⋯.png (711.45 KB, 500x698, 250:349, FAGGOTGOYGLOBALIST.png)

Trump should be commended.

He took us down the garden path

and jammed globalist policies right up our asses

without lube, and we loved it.

ab3aa9  No.5197235


Another witch in power

093299  No.5197236

File: d77d4611d778a15⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 800x608, 25:19, MuuuhJooos.jpg)


Not a newfag, shill.

Try harder. Maybe back to CTA.


7c3f5c  No.5197237



^^^^^^^^^^^ gotcha bitch!!

hahaha. u mossad shills are too easy to see glowing.

5bb172  No.5197238


You sound upset.

716fec  No.5197239




f14dd3  No.5197240


Average start to average weekend in Cabal-go.

3ff414  No.5197241

File: afd3f84836fd33c⋯.png (78.86 KB, 386x426, 193:213, E425855A-2D7D-4506-82D3-66….png)


>from Wednesday

befcb7  No.5197242

File: fbd68a6c5948fa7⋯.jpg (93.99 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DOjUppcW0AAvrc8.jpg)




RIP Seth Rich


c655e4  No.5197243

File: e45ab3503f781ca⋯.png (423.44 KB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)



0a2e6c  No.5197244

Soon guys, soon!!

It's going to happen!!!

Wait, nevermind, we have another ACT in the movie before we can tell the American people about the corruption. Sorry

603e64  No.5197245

File: fe5d61f15eacc92⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 639x449, 639:449, lizbeer.jpg)

fefcc9  No.5197246

Pritzker is current Governor of Illinois:

"In May 2017, the Chicago Tribune published an 11-minute FBI wiretap of J.B. Pritzker and then-Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2008 discussing campaign contributions and options for Pritzker to be appointed to statewide office. At the time, Pritzker was described as a "businessman with political ambitions". On the tapes, Blagojevich asked Pritzker if he would like to be appointed state treasurer, to which Pritzker responded, "Yeah, that's the one I would want.""


bd57cd  No.5197247

File: 78580150a9fd15c⋯.png (153.32 KB, 800x418, 400:209, maga.png)

Hey, Jussie

This is what 'a white guy in a MAGA hat' looks like, you moran. LOL

138053  No.5197248


You should call up the Sacklers and see if you can get your meds rushed to your door.

d6f6e8  No.5197249

“The wall means much more than you know”.

ISIS was cutting heads off like it was slicing bread, no pun intended,

The cartels are doing the same right now,

He destroyed ISIS, the wall punches the cartels and the ones being corrupted,

The ones that cross are taught American History and our legal way, those released will be caught and handled

You guys are worried about money from a man that has taken over the global market in less than 3 years

Cut off heads, child trafficking, hard drugs, corruption,

And genius’s, those like me know and have been to the Middle East, guess what, they can disguise as South Americans with ease

This is Inteligence, not your immature wak ass point of view

And you fucks are worried about money

Go to bed brats and paid shills

20beba  No.5197250

File: bc3560cfe3e570c⋯.jpeg (270.24 KB, 560x700, 4:5, BE57EFD6-1731-4DEF-A2A8-1….jpeg)

85f9c8  No.5197251

Wow why isn’t fox and CNN at the shooting ready with their Narrative …. No stories of love and neighbors …. Oh that’s right this wasn’t staged

dad92a  No.5197252

File: a88b245fb264e15⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1243x2073, 1243:2073, Screenshot_2019-02-15 Q Re….png)

File: 8582f3223328628⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 710x7918, 355:3959, Screenshot_2019-02-15 A vi….jpg)

File: f031ecb5c0887de⋯.png (941.94 KB, 1326x5300, 663:2650, Screenshot_2019-02-15 Dick….png)

File: 3ae8360518107cc⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1326x4788, 221:798, Screenshot_2019-02-15 Trag….png)

File: d00072e87f56346⋯.png (389.09 KB, 932x466, 2:1, Screenshot_2018-12-13 Bouv….png)

okay so I just checked with someone that knows whats

going on if he had ever heard of this drone strike on Syria, Virginia.

his one word reply was "No!"

last image is Bouvet for kicks

is this real? what did I stumble into?

e74818  No.5197253

File: 6c113743fca8fd6⋯.jpg (171.63 KB, 643x681, 643:681, Hasbara_Trolls_1.jpg)

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: a37aa392b2c6ba3⋯.png (361.67 KB, 929x695, 929:695, Israeli_government_AI_anti….PNG)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, JDIF.jpg)

File: a52822461de6470⋯.jpg (185.91 KB, 844x667, 844:667, Welcome_rabbi.JPG)


Stop trying to control what people post about, you stupid kike.

Stupid kikes like you are going to be asked to get oven by everyone, especially Patriotic Jews.

a3fa84  No.5197254


Press conf on now - 5 dead (inc shooter, i assume), 5 officers shot (all survived . Shooter 45 y-o Gary Martin, employed there. had a conviction in '95 regarding violent incident in Mississippi

dd7a4e  No.5197255

File: 7d5cc2d79258026⋯.png (51.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 8689b88fd8b91f7690b995cf0d….png)

File: bafd2a1758dc9bb⋯.jpg (274.42 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, bafd2a1758dc9bb86d0874e945….jpg)

File: bb1a7cb48e537ba⋯.jpg (224.25 KB, 937x518, 937:518, bb1a7cb48e537ba8fc4692c364….jpg)

File: bcd9e964b3e86ea⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 960x678, 160:113, bcd9e964b3e86ea2d73cbe2ef6….jpg)

472d62  No.5197256


it was suspended shortly after the State of the Union.

2022ed  No.5197257


What are the odds? any mathfags

ddbf84  No.5197258



How many wives?

How many kids?




75279f  No.5197259

File: 1e8be18d341dc3e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 803x999, 803:999, pksoon.png)

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: 947678597b84f7d⋯.png (580.99 KB, 610x800, 61:80, LordBolingbroke.png)

ca602a  No.5197260

File: 6bee669647b4248⋯.png (359.39 KB, 569x363, 569:363, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png)

File: b6381e15f53b4d8⋯.png (126.53 KB, 303x399, 101:133, ma2.png)

File: 21588e0e72ac530⋯.png (132.9 KB, 220x330, 2:3, ma1.png)

File: ed74b4123a294b1⋯.png (399.04 KB, 785x391, 785:391, ma3.png)

File: b6f977e59a4735f⋯.png (490.94 KB, 406x579, 406:579, aliensdc1.png)

093299  No.5197261

File: 87411b65e451928⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 820x386, 410:193, muhjew_amish.jpg)

File: 006c7a054c268ec⋯.jpg (135.19 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, POTUS_muh_jew_fake_news.jpg)


So you use a meme indicating jews are the ones shilling here, yet you aknowledge muh jew shillung is bs?

Not getting your logic there.


a80e19  No.5197262

File: 0cd9a5de16fb202⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1524x974, 762:487, LetsRoll.png)

4eacab  No.5197263

Can someone please post a pic of the Aurora, IL police chief as she was talking at the news conference? I just don’t know how.

Star on her tie is clearly positioned as a pentagram!

ab3aa9  No.5197264


looks like Sodom and Gomorra 2.0

6f42df  No.5197265

File: 435a5b681262b8d⋯.jpeg (223.17 KB, 1000x840, 25:21, judas.jpeg)

File: d74e4538c0c2e56⋯.jpeg (58.93 KB, 648x486, 4:3, judas1.jpeg)

b35c67  No.5197266

>>5196910 lb

I live in western Wa and I've met the guy that runs the weather station. I was one of the first to triangulate the position of the launch. I've seen plenty of choppers at night. That was not a chopper. Look at the fuckin' pic. The weather guy has been a local fixture for years. He is utterly reliable. He thought it was a missile at first and then "changed his mind". He was told/threatened to go with the chopper story by someone with some serious authority. He won't even talk about with the locals. We did a big dig on this when it happened. You're either a hopeless newfag or a shill. If you really want to know check the archives for the breads at the time it happened. FFS

6986d5  No.5197267


[THEY] all have a "kiss my ass card" after they have become members of the family. But I don't it is going to work for them anymore… SOON

7ce489  No.5197268


ty anon

yup been away from the board to long. kek didn't miss much, not much at all. even glancing in ssdd

be70da  No.5197269

File: 4ad20e8e43a9d1a⋯.png (969.15 KB, 1146x1194, 191:199, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

>>5194757 (PB)

Data is based on a representative sample of those professions as a % of the US population.

On the plus side, 6,079 journalists never wrote a single lying, treasonous word.

cd92e6  No.5197270


RS connected to AJ and JC


5e1217  No.5197271

POTUS holding people's kids. Love this man. So kind.

2d66dc  No.5197272


These people are STUPID!

How many "Parkland" connections…several.

dbaa20  No.5197273

File: 23d65cda29ae492⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 500x375, 4:3, b116711c7a9a5d8d12e6abc4a7….jpg)

so much emotion in here.

69a160  No.5197274

>>5196424 Side x Side of today's shooting incidents (PB)(Noteables)

It's only a "q proof" if there was the need for a narrative shift. As of the time of these incidents, there wasn't.

The one side that would want a narrative shift as of the time of these incidents would be ours re: EO.

So either these aren't FF or they aren't the FF Q said to be mindful of.

19bc60  No.5197275

File: 57be7fc3e351c42⋯.png (881.33 KB, 800x635, 160:127, Waiting.png)



Still no evidence. Still waiting.

0ea4cc  No.5197276

File: 313def63d323f5f⋯.png (72.98 KB, 770x428, 385:214, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)


- Henry Pratt Co. in Aurora

- Ex-employee opened fire

- At least 5 civilians dead

- 6 police officers injured

- Suspect dead

- ID'd as Gary Martin, 45



138053  No.5197277

File: 63951a8dcfcd510⋯.png (541.83 KB, 591x587, 591:587, leftcant.png)

0b4412  No.5197278


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

3385b7  No.5197279



e49fc8  No.5197280


whats to keep the wetbacks from lying who is gonna check

9d31d0  No.5197281


SR is the Key. it destroys everything the media has projected about ther DNC hack, Trump-Russia Collision, voter Fraud… etc..

SR takes Down the Narratives


c40c69  No.5197282

File: 78c6bb05ef091c9⋯.jpeg (97.68 KB, 613x750, 613:750, 5DCB10CF-98C3-4ECA-AFB5-B….jpeg)


Pedowood explained in one jewish Talmud verse.

748f2d  No.5197283

File: 898b90aa33546b1⋯.jpg (310.01 KB, 519x852, 173:284, 54524g2535345234bwsrdy7694….jpg)

138053  No.5197284

File: 78b690c99746b75⋯.jpg (145.13 KB, 1154x1336, 577:668, HOMEYDONTPLAYTHAT.jpg)

f46a48  No.5197285

Did House and Senate recess for the week?

e55ce5  No.5197286

File: 5eddb780f8b2e98⋯.jpeg (572.15 KB, 750x1286, 375:643, BE34C642-76A4-4AAE-9C6C-7….jpeg)

Right on cue…

7a18a5  No.5197287

File: cc0322ac723dbf0⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 229x255, 229:255, 9550ff79df36c552c9a4f71236….jpg)


You been Tootsed

75279f  No.5197288

File: 0860637203f75c7⋯.png (161.21 KB, 277x289, 277:289, YKW.png)

File: 5efc9a83f99e979⋯.png (769.43 KB, 736x667, 32:29, knigt.png)

File: 7698fa8985d6e93⋯.png (211.49 KB, 522x352, 261:176, sodmmt.png)

File: 954746603c88337⋯.jpg (5.82 MB, 4896x3264, 3:2, FEAROURCATS.jpg)

AI cannot understand our cats

6cb529  No.5197289


Lotsa 5's there. Plus the 5 in >>5197211

Getting weird again…

9e26d3  No.5197290


You probably will Q

Just fucking stop it

Why is my life the one that has to be ruined

Fucking die you piece of shit

596882  No.5197291


what do you suggest faggot?j

trust the AIDS infected clam?

or you got nothing?

I bet it's nothing





fbb8ab  No.5197292

File: 78d3413f510cf26⋯.jpg (515.54 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DzTJteIV4AAab97.jpg)

File: 54199d1c85dd33f⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1288x1262, 644:631, 6c15d1b1823a0022227af18582….png)

ddbf84  No.5197293

You really want me to rap this up about the president?

99% will be locked up in the hospital.

Shady can ride these fucking Wolves better than anyone I have ever had to track.







fceeee  No.5197294

People are shot in Chicago and surrounding areas every fucking day.

dd7a4e  No.5197295

ab3aa9  No.5197296


"debunked" = code for Shareblue shill

52b369  No.5197297

bd57cd  No.5197298

File: 9ab1952ff2766e2⋯.jpg (101.1 KB, 894x500, 447:250, 2tfsjk.jpg)

2fe855  No.5197299

File: c5a75bc54908500⋯.png (113.52 KB, 600x269, 600:269, Screen-Shot-2017-07-02-at-….png)



>Only white people do mass shootings.

That's cause niggas can't aim.

0ea4cc  No.5197300

File: fc381dcf61cfe86⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1431x806, 1431:806, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)

still signing ball caps!

4d1995  No.5197301


It's pretty wild this start of bread…

Plenty posts in a row of fearshills and Durdrumpf’s campaign is over

75279f  No.5197302


LOL, baited!

Why are you so nervous, bot system?

6c4dca  No.5197303

File: 6d47ccfbbe7bcb0⋯.jpeg (685.09 KB, 1125x1304, 1125:1304, 525877DC-3E8F-4B2E-B4A2-C….jpeg)

The white wolf is house of stark from game of thrones, winter is coming

8c0d9f  No.5197304


A nigger can be any skin color.

dbaa20  No.5197305

income tax will have to end.

sales tax will be the replacement.

stops shills from claiming 20 wetback kids.

tax fuckery.

7c3f5c  No.5197306



^^^^^^^^^^^^ both posters are mossad. both posters cant meme.

767f67  No.5197307

File: 6769693c5d1591b⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8F461032-2FC7-42BE-8EEC-9A….png)



ca602a  No.5197308

File: 4a8aa62aca75f4b⋯.png (653.01 KB, 628x587, 628:587, madonna.png)

File: 4759abbee12c007⋯.png (274.29 KB, 468x283, 468:283, satanswhores.png)

File: 7bd4e2ae3b97b0c⋯.png (523.97 KB, 576x384, 3:2, saywhat.png)

File: acef24e23dd35d4⋯.png (748.66 KB, 701x577, 701:577, thechildren1.png)

File: 0d8d3a07a210104⋯.png (419.41 KB, 530x354, 265:177, wakey5.png)

a04583  No.5197309

File: 87ae3d77a5e2bb3⋯.jpeg (409.15 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 48AAD8E3-0080-44D5-A29F-1….jpeg)

I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


ddbf84  No.5197310




6f42df  No.5197311

they tried to shoot down AF1 with the missile

ab4a05  No.5197312

File: 22f6cd28fcf4fcb⋯.png (548.11 KB, 539x960, 539:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa293c87e443488⋯.png (607.46 KB, 907x521, 907:521, ClipboardImage.png)


Parkland 14 February 2018


b19e10  No.5197313

File: 6aa07ba42a0c64f⋯.png (53.47 KB, 1033x505, 1033:505, 021619 Mueller Water.PNG)

File: df01cf9c412d053⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 230x196, 115:98, Mueller Water products.jpg)



Seriously you guys are just figuring that out now?

Put this up 2 fucking breads ago. Wake the fuck up

This is what it said

This Mueller Water Products is tied to Henry Pratt and Company. Here is a list of the recent share sales in Mueller along with moar names.

The history of the Henry Pratt Company is closely connected with the history of early 20th century Chicago, Illinois, as the company was involved with many of the city’s earliest infrastructure projects.

As far back as 1888, a Pratt advertisement ran in the September 20 issue of Light, Heat & Power magazine, a periodical published by the Louisville Gas & Electric Company. The ad for Henry Pratt and Company featured water gas generators, condensers, scrubbers, and purifiers, all of which were used in the coal and water gas markets. Henry Pratt, the company’s founder, was an engineer who held numerous patents for the apparatus required in the manufacture of water gas. Water gas is a synthesis gas used from the 1870s to the early 1900s as a source of heat and light in residences and factories.[2] Pratt worked with fabricators in Chicago to produce the high quality equipment needed in the municipal gasification plants.


a6741b  No.5197314

who was his therapist

093299  No.5197315

File: fa2c7ed895200c7⋯.jpg (171.95 KB, 1200x1003, 1200:1003, FISA.jpg)

File: 38bebe6a0601e7c⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 550x313, 550:313, 38bebe6a0601e7ce4755d4a23e….jpg)

It´s coming, frens.

dd7a4e  No.5197316


tomboy shills today

9fa5fc  No.5197317

File: fac830121a521d0⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

9e26d3  No.5197318


Yeah whatever faggot i love God but he doesnt love me back so go fuck yourself

093299  No.5197319

File: 7ac584f70f287f4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 800x600, 4:3, whitaker_yup.jpg)

ab7d40  No.5197320


Idiots just like to repeat themselves and waste bread.

ddbf84  No.5197321


I'll ride that mother fucker again too if I need to steer again.

I will always play in the morning.

This Groundhog Day shit is so hard for the few who have met before.

dcaa6c  No.5197322


Thanks for the update, fren

My thoughts are if the guy only shot 5 people, IF LEGIT, this was a more targeted attack. This was a big-place with many employees. It was said he was "shooting everyone", however I imagine if was, he would have shot many more. Not sure of the layout of the place or the guy's capabilities. But, surely if the guy wanted to kill moar he could have before police arrived. (Initial thoughts).

I'm going with FF, or a possible targeted attack for personal-reasons.

fbfd40  No.5197323



>>5197240 (agreed)

this doesn't seem to be a FF, this is just Chicago normally imo

38f1fb  No.5197324


all connected thru infowars/free speech llc

7b8f5c  No.5197325


Missed that. Sorry anon, but good digging. Hivemind.

6676b7  No.5197326



1. The Gunman Fired on Arriving Police, Who Found Five Dead Inside the Building

2. Gary Martin Worked as a Valve Assembler at the Plant

3. The Shooter Was a Co-Worker Who Fired Indiscriminately, According to a Witness

4. Gary Martin Had Just Learned He Was Losing His Job

5. Nearby Schools Went Into Lockdown

3fb14c  No.5197327

File: d409a8b88a582ad⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


good evening NB

tasty bakes!

0a2e6c  No.5197328


Ummmm….why wouldnt wiki leaks come out and say it was SR???

makes zero fucking sense that it takes a SC to get this out…ZERO

8f6734  No.5197329


This kind of event is nothing new. Don't try to make it into something it's not……unless you have something to prove otherwise.

644d1e  No.5197330

File: ddaba9d84a6f671⋯.png (130.64 KB, 747x291, 249:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know who Beth is they are referring to that is "haranguing" them re the laptops?

767f67  No.5197331



f64081  No.5197332


FF to change the narrative. Future proves the past.

138053  No.5197334

File: 6f923424013512b⋯.png (853.35 KB, 1602x1115, 1602:1115, bookertoken.png)

File: 5718ff2bc799c59⋯.png (488.73 KB, 514x492, 257:246, HRCtstillpop.PNG)

File: 8bacc3524987d7b⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 632x960, 79:120, kamala.jpg)

File: 1c107c068426f97⋯.jpg (120.11 KB, 1010x580, 101:58, WhosNext.jpg)

f14dd3  No.5197335


She gots balls.

ab3aa9  No.5197336


Thanks for this important meme Anon.

ab7d40  No.5197337


Probably a carpet muncher.

3a5f16  No.5197338

Left's talking points are he said he didn't have to do this, but did it to speed things up. Therefore it's not an emergency.

He sped things up BECAUSE it's an emergency!

ca602a  No.5197339

File: e6fd00011549ff9⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1364x641, 1364:641, msm.png)

File: 9aae530a7f0e216⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1199x546, 1199:546, msmpuppets1.png)

File: c032f40eeaf5e81⋯.png (749.81 KB, 893x647, 893:647, msmpuppets3.png)

File: 5a74bd32a0d236f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1198x611, 1198:611, msmpuppets2.png)

1690eb  No.5197340

File: 2a13e57fc720d2e⋯.png (714.23 KB, 500x698, 250:349, waterboyforthejew.png)

Trump is a GENIUS. No doubt about that.

All the while he touted Make America Great Again, and America First, Trump plotted behind the scenes with his jew-masters to find ways to FORCE JEWISH GLOBALIST POLICIES UP OUR ASSES in a way that we LOVED.

dcaa6c  No.5197341


Just read there are "others injured" besides the police, also.

6f42df  No.5197342

File: f0e31a4b66ba4be⋯.png (155.83 KB, 723x172, 723:172, hill_3.png)

i guess hillary was 3# at this meeting?

225d3a  No.5197343


Popcorn time!

94b7ce  No.5197344


Also we have a bunch of empty FEMA camps that we can use instead of catch and release. A National Emergency means we don't have to abide by what is in this bill.

ddbf84  No.5197345


Where is Cooper?


Wolves gotta eat boys.

Ride them God will protect you

Winter is coming.





820cf6  No.5197346

Newfags and shills


How did he win the war?

What was his goal?

Winning the next battle?

Taking the next city/fort?

Or was it winning the war?

Long term planning?

Why is Grant considered to be the father of modern American warfare?

Even though Lee was/is considered the best general of the civil war?


a5ff9c  No.5197347


K. They're black tho and there were none of them at that WWII vet's funeral.

7b8f5c  No.5197348




1090f5  No.5197349

File: 1b5290c2c1f5541⋯.jpg (221.81 KB, 940x626, 470:313, riff-raff.jpg)


confirmed .

ec6aca  No.5197350


My brows are starting to grow like that. What does that mean?

f8cfba  No.5197351


The most beautiful picture of RBG I've ever seen.

b19e10  No.5197352


Looks like you can't read fuck-face

you're welcome asshole

You had this already

use your fuckin eyes

f14dd3  No.5197353


Kek. Concur. Not shitposting.

a82b86  No.5197354

Some very good reading @ White House (dot) gov [landmines be damned]

Main theme: HRJ 31, Blah, Blah, Blah… "I will treat these, and similar provisions, consistent with the President’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief." boom, Boom, BOOM


Statement by the President


Feb 15, 2019


Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border


Feb 15, 2019


Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate


Feb 15, 2019


Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate


Feb 15, 2019


President Donald J. Trump Signed H.J.Res. 31 into Law


Feb 15, 2019


Text of a Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate


Feb 15, 2019


Presidential Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of the United States


Feb 15, 2019


High Speed Broadband Is Fostering a New Era of Innovation for Rural America

By: Michael Kratsios and Chris Liddell Feb 15, 2019


President Donald J. Trump’s Border Security Victory


Feb 15, 2019

38f1fb  No.5197355

File: e663c28b45af290⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 1024x725, 1024:725, DzewfYeVsAEdUHg.jpg)

8be6b9  No.5197356


Don't count on it. It can be kept sealed for NatSec reasons.

befcb7  No.5197357

File: b328391a02ad0ea⋯.png (299.71 KB, 674x910, 337:455, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)


They did faggot.

Wikileaks publishing Seth Rich as being the leaker.

Once again for slow fag.


19bc60  No.5197358


Keep it up, anon. Keep exposing them. Anybody who harasses you here is one of them. They are here. They are literally shaking.

138053  No.5197359

File: 08f50adda082ce1⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 500x333, 500:333, DailyStormer.jpg)

2f7374  No.5197360


And yet Gorka insists Q is garbage.


603e64  No.5197361

File: a15d1b536f97065⋯.png (322.85 KB, 675x334, 675:334, rbg404.png)

f14dd3  No.5197362


Cry out to Jesus…

5e1217  No.5197363


And there it is. Right on time.

e74818  No.5197364

d10b8a  No.5197365

So did trump sign the border security bill? Hearing mixed reports. Any proof?

376b46  No.5197366


word on street is that Nielson just signed emergency DHS order that voids much of what is in the budget bill

been digging, but nothing yet

7b8f5c  No.5197367


"all (you)r followers"

d677a8  No.5197368


That's a lil FROOTY

d28999  No.5197369

File: ab2e9c9957a0412⋯.jpg (186.55 KB, 500x1250, 2:5, 1.jpg)


Judge Rules Roger Stone Can’t Make Media Appearances Outside Courthouse

5c4f4f  No.5197370


Who actually reads the dumb posts here.

I'm just here to read the Q posts.

19bc60  No.5197371


kek. That dusty, moldy hoe.

4211d6  No.5197372

File: defdc67f28fd3fa⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 799x533, 799:533, nadler.jpg)

WASHINGTON, Feb 15 (Reuters) - A key committee in the U.S. House of Representatives announced on Friday it was launching an immediate investigation into President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration, saying his move to fund his promised wall at the U.S.-Mexico border raised constitutional and statutory issues.

In a letter to Trump, Democrats who control the House Judiciary Committee asked the Republican president to make available for a hearing White House and Justice Department officials involved in the action. They also requested legal documents on the decision that led to the declaration, setting a deadline of next Friday.

"We believe your declaration of an emergency shows a reckless disregard for the separation of powers and your own responsibilities under our constitutional system," said the letter signed by committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler and other top Democrats on the panel.


48d549  No.5197373


Was that really the cover story? Missed that.

Wow. Just wow.

People are stupid.

33673b  No.5197374

File: a23878bd6ed6bba⋯.png (293.69 KB, 719x525, 719:525, ClipboardImage.png)

Rick Gates

WaPo getting ahead of the news.

I think Gates was the Trump campaign/transition spy.

After Manafort was fired, he was left to ensure the campaign got dirty colluding and taking money from sketchy sources.

138053  No.5197375


That shit is so Spring 2018

ca602a  No.5197376

File: 9dac85a307af13a⋯.png (230.95 KB, 342x456, 3:4, andersoncooper.png)

File: 92727da1b99c5c3⋯.png (566.31 KB, 678x610, 339:305, brz1.png)

File: 35d77f8156649d4⋯.png (626.39 KB, 758x441, 758:441, beavis2.png)

File: 65a4a8d68b27fbc⋯.png (379.95 KB, 618x647, 618:647, brainwashedherd.png)

File: 7326e4e95cf6137⋯.png (44.08 KB, 325x278, 325:278, tv1.png)

576aeb  No.5197377



pretty good

6676b7  No.5197378

File: 035fa80b937e05c⋯.png (21.9 KB, 1216x264, 152:33, GARY MARTIN.PNG)




69a160  No.5197379


What narrative are these shifting? Critical thinking anon. The sun rose today, fucking Q proof. Both parts need to match. FF and the need for a narrative shift. The only side needing a narrative shift today is our re: Executive Order on National Emergency.

a3fa84  No.5197380



I think 16 were shot - 5 were killed (i assume that includes him). Sounds like it had to do with an employment situation - maybe him being fired. Cops are going through his apartment now and looking at his online/social media history

fd791e  No.5197381


Are you really that stupid?

de84e0  No.5197382


and yet the media was at his arrest

f46a48  No.5197383

Spouseanon came home from work and asked me to update on days events. Then asked why did POTUS say " I don't need to do this" ? I didn't immediately have an answer until we discussed past events. POTUS alread signed 3 EOs for National Emergency on these subjects. He didn't need to do a 4th but he did it anyway. That's the answer to that statement by POTUS

a5ff9c  No.5197384


Has to be signed today or there is another shutdown as of midnight so it's time you accept that it's a done deal. Tomorrow you will have no choice.

fbfd40  No.5197385



link for notables

posted 2 hours ago


b19e10  No.5197386


it gets busy in here so I get that things are missed.

here is the sauce for the form 4 of stock sales.

You can look up any company if you have it's stock symbol.


ddbf84  No.5197387





Dark now.


Bring in the Ringer I'm not fighting I'm just here to battle the robots and the trolls.









Magic carpet ride again for me tonight fuck it.








d6f6e8  No.5197388


People just don’t get this Dude doesn’t fuck around

He lives eats and sleeps this shit like Bill Belichick

0742e7  No.5197389

Fox news has this weeks NOTABLE quotables on now

9f2bb9  No.5197390

File: 9d9439676eda481⋯.png (31.37 KB, 397x301, 397:301, ClipboardImage.png)

I just realized anons that Q meant "the orders" came from the "highest" office from OBAMA.

The order to 25th Amendment POTUS/Trump came from POTUS/Obama

Obama is gonna hang, publicly.

bd57cd  No.5197391


Yeah, but Seth is long dead and gone. Wikileaks might as well reveal him as the source. If they REALLY wanted to cause a shitstorm that's all they have to do. They probably won't though because that would help POTUS, and they're not liking the way the Trump DOJ is treating Assange.

d677a8  No.5197392


So why are you here when there are several places you can just read Q posts?

064666  No.5197393




33 13 =Mason trouble.

2c26a3  No.5197394

File: 5942e5d22521da2⋯.jpg (11.23 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5942e5d22521da2925d52ea4d9….jpg)

File: 6a84747b264f7b0⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 01652.jpg)

>>5196965 (lb)

Hi Rachel

I see you're still pushing false equivalencies

>>5197008 (lb)

This is some Olympian mental gymnastic conjecture.

6676b7  No.5197395

File: a957b6f413e208e⋯.png (23.06 KB, 1218x267, 406:89, GARY OWEN MARTIN.PNG)



1145a6  No.5197396


The level of stupid in here right now is galactic.

ab4a05  No.5197397

File: ae241b6bc812619⋯.png (428.8 KB, 984x928, 123:116, ClipboardImage.png)


>border security bill



e74818  No.5197398


It will be a joyful day when the gay mulatto hangs from his faggot neck.

093299  No.5197399


Then you miss a lot of autist´s digs, dank memes and good discussion.

Maybe try YT is that better fits your autism level.

prayingmedic, JustiniformedTalk, The Patriot Hour, Stroppy Me, …

ca602a  No.5197400

File: 0c5dc3be44eb747⋯.png (269.61 KB, 739x464, 739:464, wakeup6.png)

a04583  No.5197401



I thought it was because she was a sore losing cunt.

12eb75  No.5197402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0a2e6c  No.5197403

Q is so far ahead in the 10D Chess game he was able to get funding from congress for the full wall.



fbfd40  No.5197404

File: fad75f2c9580644⋯.png (468.28 KB, 759x603, 253:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cd4139d75a20b7⋯.png (62.75 KB, 488x377, 488:377, ClipboardImage.png)



ormer White House adviser Sebastian Gorka continued to promoted a conspiracy theory that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died as the Supreme Court Justice returned to work.

On Friday, NBC News reporter Ben Collins wrote that "now that RBG will be out in public soon, the conspiracy that she's secretly dead will only evolve. Too many people—not just QAnon folks (where it started) but also guys like Seb—got into this one. Expect lots of weird, close-up shots of ears to prove it's an old lady body double."

Gorka responded "How is there a 'public' appearance behind closed doors? Let the Games begin!"

Ginsburg, 85, had been absent from the court since receiving surgery to remove two cancerous nodules from her left lung in December. CNN reported that Ginsburg went to the court for a closed-door conference on Friday, the first such appearance since her operation.

While Democrats have worried about the justice's health—she fell and fractured three ribs in November—others have used Ginsburg's time away from the court to postulate that she was actually dead.

In her absence from the court, QAnon conspiracy theorists had circulated the idea that Ginsburg had died and Democrats were covering up her passing to prevent President Donald Trump from appointing a third Supreme Court justice.

Gorka previously promoted the conspiracy on January 30.

Fox & Friends helped fuel the conspiracy last month by airing a graphic indicating that Ginsburg had died. The show apologized for the mistake, but online commentators capitalized on the error to promote their claims.

QAnon supporters promote an broad, nebulous and constantly changing set of claims that include the idea that Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller are working together to arrest pedophiles and criminal political figures while uprooting the "deep state."

They say an unidentified figure, known as "Q," has high-level security clearance and is revealing highly classified information about the inner workings of government.

Adherents of the pro-Trump theory think that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and presidents before Trump have engaged in child molestation and other crimes.

Believers have promoted the idea that figures in the "deep state" tried to shoot down Air Force One and that Trump will send his enemies, including Clinton and Obama, to Guantanamo Bay, according to The Daily Beast.

In August, prominent QAnon believer Michael Lebron, known as Lionel online, met Trump in the White House, CNN reported.


cfe117  No.5197405



I flew on this hog for six years - Desert Storm and Yugoslavia.

If they’re there, it’s big.

19bc60  No.5197406


Would you mind repeating that? I didn't catch it all.

b53485  No.5197407


Hey welcome back! You fell asleep for a minute there.

7b8f5c  No.5197408


mind pitching the main thesis?

fc7ec9  No.5197409


Even if the pic is old, it was still chosen for that article. I may symbolize Ruthy surrendering. Hands up, white flag out. We need the supreme court on lock for National Emergency vote

ddbf84  No.5197410











a5ff9c  No.5197411


Same way he signed the NDAA. Like a snake.

3385b7  No.5197412

File: 7cc7bf329d553da⋯.gif (405.32 KB, 500x361, 500:361, 953a349600d61419c54fa29749….gif)

File: 73fec196d4cf350⋯.png (662.67 KB, 1380x779, 1380:779, 73fec196d4cf350c152ec329f0….png)


Let it be ….let it be ….let it be

ab3aa9  No.5197413


you need a trim

c58279  No.5197414

Two thoughts on the recent Q posts

1. Q warned of possible FF in the next TEN

days….What is happening in 10 days that the

cabal wants to distract from? Does Q want

us to be datefags this time?

2. Q asks us again why 7 people met immediately after Trump's unlikely election

victory and then asks why Hillary didn't

give her concession speech. Q is telling us

Hildawg didn't just get drunk and break shit.

She was off to meet with her deep state buds


d6f6e8  No.5197415


This is why the lynch bill was introduced,

The Dems know all of the dirt,

What’s funny is, no one is gonna hang,

At worst they will be lethally infected

Depending the language I’m guessing lethal injection isn’t hanging

ddbf84  No.5197416



093299  No.5197417

File: 6e2203e60274f08⋯.jpg (102.48 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, DARKtoLIGHT.jpg)

d28999  No.5197418

File: 9a7b5d31d509ca1⋯.jpg (141.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, thumb ring.jpg)


what cop wears a hippie thumb ring like that?

f14dd3  No.5197419


Unsurprisingly. Game Theorist: Master Level; Tippy Top Edition

0ea4cc  No.5197420

File: 8b2e5a706306669⋯.jpg (158.82 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, DzdV9ySX4AAOP7r.jpg)


in black and white

113ea8  No.5197421

File: ce7ec80df7c04b6⋯.jpg (45.57 KB, 646x368, 323:184, BernieSocialism.JPG)


Seth Rich was working for this guy..

376b46  No.5197423

File: 4abbcc250cfbd51⋯.png (26.68 KB, 711x255, 237:85, nielsen statement budget b….PNG)

On February 15, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen released a statement on the signing of the legislation that funds the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and on the President’s declaration of a national emergency:

“The legislation passed by both chambers of Congress and signed today by the President gives the Department of Homeland Security critical funding to protect the homeland, including some resources to secure our borders and enforce our nation’s immigration laws. It increases the DHS overall budget by $1.7 billion, including $1.375 billion to build new border barriers where our frontline personnel need it most, and contains no restrictions on total barrier mileage. The legislation also includes $415 million in humanitarian assistance to address the serious crisis at our southern border, 4,754 additional beds for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain illegal aliens humanely and keep our citizens safe, and $570 million for specialized screening equipment at our Ports of Entry to detect illegal drugs and human smuggling. Moreover, the bill provides additional resources to combat child exploitation, human trafficking, transnational criminal organizations, and other cross-border criminal activity.

“Finally, the bill funds the Coast Guard’s Polar Security Cutter, increases important funding for the newly created Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and provides funding for 200 computed tomography machines that will help our dedicated TSA employees keep our skies safe.

“But the legislation doesn’t provide everything we need, and it gets nowhere close to completely solving the serious humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. Time and again, Congress has failed to fully fund DHS to confront this situation and to handle the influx of aliens, drugs, and other illicit traffic into our country. That is why I strongly support the President’s decision to unlock additional funding for physical barriers, including resources from the Department of Treasury and the Department of Defense. Moreover, I applaud the President’s decision to declare a national emergency. This is a crisis—pure and simple—and we need to respond accordingly. We cannot standby as our border security is further compromised and our immigration laws are exploited. Now is the time to act and to uphold our fundamental responsibility to our citizens and our nation to safeguard U.S. territory.”



af48e3  No.5197424

Shills shilling like shills have never shilled before.

Someones not sleeping well.

ab7d40  No.5197425


Looks like you can't read dipshit. I was agreeing with you fuckface.

Now go be an hero somwhere else.

8163a3  No.5197426


He actually asserted that his seditious acts were justified!! Is he THAT stupid??!! Well, he was a cop, so…

51a88f  No.5197427


Hey fren, good evening, and cheers for the keks/cakes !! kek

7d13c9  No.5197428


>Sequence complete.

>Target(s) known.

>Track 7B-DS


Could the 7 in the meeting be the same as today's targets in China?

4211d6  No.5197429

File: 857399a46be53ef⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, difidown.jpg)

mistake in notables re House to investigate NE declaration..wrong post.

7759d1  No.5197430


Yes! Where the bodies are buried?

dad92a  No.5197431

File: b3c5f70b274c292⋯.png (462.17 KB, 1295x727, 1295:727, Secret NWO Island Headquar….png)

File: 0d0f9a857ed0203⋯.jpeg (115.04 KB, 1200x1599, 400:533, 0d0f9a857ed02037b6e2d5903….jpeg)

File: d829a5731dd8614⋯.png (41.11 KB, 1198x539, 1198:539, b71cd42e701dbfc497c80f8ee5….png)

File: 832fe7a9eb4f0e6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2a4a6f5227bfc0846385ff57c4….png)


The Kate Spade and Purple Aubergine did catch my eye as well…and a few other things

its all in the mind though surely? exit, a maze-checkboard combo, woman in purple dress, watch, a tanker…

tanker? hmmmm.

no facts. just…ugh.

how much did we promise to give Israel?

Can we get a special counsel to look into this lease?

fda565  No.5197432

File: 79dd474e01d2ca3⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 412x416, 103:104, libs.jpg)

19bc60  No.5197433

File: b5fde453f764b3d⋯.png (8.36 KB, 1104x96, 23:2, IsSethalive.png)

0a2e6c  No.5197434



so they have the information that can prove this, yet they're just sitting on it???

Get the fuck outta hear

093299  No.5197435

File: 2bf493deeee4487⋯.jpg (70.24 KB, 768x432, 16:9, merkel_globalism.jpg)

a6741b  No.5197436

As always, suppression of facts 5hrs later and sketchy/contradictory details points to it being /theirguy/.

57aa0e  No.5197437

File: 2a75bcbd985404b⋯.jpg (92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2c6lwo.jpg)

b2d50f  No.5197438


You're a restless sleeper.

a80e19  No.5197439


Are you thinking of Gary Owen on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In?

42d89b  No.5197440

File: 0e97d3a4cad565d⋯.jpeg (128.03 KB, 1076x576, 269:144, 4D11B43A-6949-4AF1-9FC5-C….jpeg)

33673b  No.5197441


Probably Beth Wilkinson

By tapping Wilkinson, the Clinton confidants have selected someone with deep ties to Washington politics and the DOJ. The 53-year-old wife of former “Meet the Press” host David Gregory is a Clinton donor and Democratic contributor, according to Federal Election Commission filings.


Note that she also, oddly, defended Brett Kavanaugh.


dcaa6c  No.5197442


What policies are referring to, exactly?

596882  No.5197443


look yourself in the mirror

and repeat

"I'll do nothing"

5c4f4f  No.5197444


I do spread some of the dankest memes occasionally. I'll give you that.

I guess I'm a 10 on the autism scale yet

06b15d  No.5197445

yes, LL for obozo, def biglurch

a5ff9c  No.5197446


We really should have already done it ourselves. Once we become an army on the streets, hopefully we can explore those options.

093299  No.5197447


Shit meme, shill.

6f42df  No.5197448

File: 2a71ce74df69a80⋯.png (311.93 KB, 617x400, 617:400, panic.png)

0793f6  No.5197449



19bc60  No.5197450

4211d6  No.5197451

File: 3d68c618984bcc9⋯.jpg (49.03 KB, 300x508, 75:127, streisand1.jpg)

d2a8b2  No.5197452


This reply is for the normies: We save those we can save, that's how reality works. MSM has been pushing the idea that decisions should be made bades on emotions. That's the way of failure, to save one at the expense of millions. That is how they got in control, by having people making decisions on emotion.

9fa5fc  No.5197453

File: 7621aabf5b50f48⋯.jpg (14.68 KB, 255x225, 17:15, pepeconfed00141439cbe62c65….jpg)



20beba  No.5197454

File: 3cb5306acb56045⋯.jpeg (81.52 KB, 750x764, 375:382, 4360A5CB-615F-4F80-888D-D….jpeg)

2f7374  No.5197455


Lionel is a limited hangout.

8f6734  No.5197456


For what crime should he be hanged?

5c4f4f  No.5197457


Glad he's dead tbh

e3eed8  No.5197458


At this pace, it would take years to set the stage for that, many many years

85f9c8  No.5197459

Weekend of shooting news ….zzzzzzzz… oh boy

2022ed  No.5197460


Is 5 the threshold now to call it a Mass Shooting?

f14dd3  No.5197461


Kek. My face (if I was Pepe)!

fbb8ab  No.5197462

File: c9c3c4360ce9289⋯.png (174.29 KB, 1127x571, 1127:571, ClipboardImage.png)

5bb172  No.5197463

fda565  No.5197464

File: 936c2f8dcc225ad⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)



bde13d  No.5197465


Wasn't there a different name earlier?

fefcc9  No.5197466

File: d9611f7ef92221e⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 795x406, 795:406, zxzxzs.JPG)

Illinois Governor Pritzker and his wife have a foundation:


89f6b3  No.5197467


We have known for two years that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC emails. He was a Bernie supporter and he was so mad that Hillary cheated to beat him that he dropped them all to WL. They killed him for it .. supposedly.

e3a31b  No.5197468



All organic. Shills talking to themselves to shit the bread.

f8cfba  No.5197469


"Now that RBG will be out in public soon"


2fe855  No.5197470

File: 69becaa19038388⋯.jpg (190.16 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 96ef26a7b43e3dfd35d4158d0c….jpg)


>The level of stupid in here right now is galactic.

Weekend crowd showed up.

Gonna go do muh taxes or something a little less painful.

dad92a  No.5197471

File: 5173b00fe196547⋯.jpg (800.97 KB, 1266x3158, 633:1579, RomneySexSachsScreenshot_2….jpg)


lead the way

853eb0  No.5197472

File: 55dca3e5b8a2d91⋯.png (22.93 KB, 702x403, 54:31, ClipboardImage.png)


These people are SICK!

Aurora Police Chief Background Sex Scandal at work-COMPROMISED

Aurora City Mayor COMPROMISED


Kept all Aurora kids in Lockdown in schools ALL DAY even after shooter found dead "suicide"

Shooter Gary Martin-White Guy 45 yrs old

Press Conference was all about GUN CONTROL

Fits nicely with Pelosi's narrative

Next D POTUS will declare Nat Emg for GUNS

9d31d0  No.5197473

File: 5a1380387047e6e⋯.jpg (410.91 KB, 1080x2021, 1080:2021, Screenshot_20190215-155939….jpg)

File: 3f0f961e75c66d1⋯.jpg (113.73 KB, 540x745, 108:149, 10420.jpg)

File: 3a04633b21580a1⋯.jpg (433 KB, 540x3154, 270:1577, q28052018102449.jpg)

File: 3ee97b67b62d38d⋯.jpg (302.99 KB, 540x1872, 15:52, q28052018102551.jpg)



they probably would have done a full disclosure but the embassy was raided & julian was taken

6fdbfd  No.5197474

>>5196926 (LB)

Renig you say? Where do you get your info?



a1fa8d  No.5197475

File: 483aed86154e260⋯.jpg (617.25 KB, 1484x1374, 742:687, pineal.jpg)

They need to control the way you think, they are nothing without you being their sheep.

588e9d  No.5197476

File: 1171bf90636f94b⋯.jpg (635.72 KB, 1804x2772, 41:63, Stevie-Wonder.jpg)

muh optics


d6f6e8  No.5197477


The only way that happens is if a EMP happens

To many weapons in Patriots hands to ever think about starting civil war

We shoot way to good from real far away

No politician would be alive with one year unless protected underground

c6892c  No.5197478


Probably..considering CNN ran an article referring to like 11.8 days or something per school shooting since parkland. They count suicides close to schools and bullshit gang violence so why not?

19bc60  No.5197479


Yes, TY for spelling it out. It took me re-reading it three times to figure that out last night. I'm sure a lot of people did not catch that.

99e8e4  No.5197480


Does that calendar say April 2014?

e74818  No.5197481


Sending weapons to Mexican cartels.

Sending billions to Iran.

Ordering the wire tap of Trump and family and staff illegally for the motive of ousting him from the WH.

Pretty sure there are more.

4211d6  No.5197482

File: 91cd134210ea333⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 850x560, 85:56, Exorcist.jpg)

5dc6b0  No.5197483


Uh… maybe they're part of the plan to torpedo the cabal/dems/media. Look at Smullet.

093299  No.5197484

File: 43d4055355f804e⋯.png (58.2 KB, 381x598, 381:598, F15.png)

51a88f  No.5197485

Notable Posts

>>5197286 , >>5197385, >>5197404 Newsweak: Gorka fueling RBG conspiracy theory

>>5197184 Another shooting at a suburban Chicago business

>>5197136 , >>5197276, >>5197326, >>5197276 More on the Aurora shooting

>>5197113 Theory on today's Q Post: How do you introduce evidence?

>>5197096 Planefag alert: Something habbening in Venezuela?

>>5197081 New PapaD tweet re Spygate and Italy's involvement

>>5197060 Former county sheriff charged with 80 counts of sexual abuse

>>5197055 SC to decide if census can check US citizenship

>>5197031 Keks: News re Stone and WL

Any lurking bakers like to bake nb?

3c8ad4  No.5197486


maybe ANOTHER IL governor headed to the slammer?

2d66dc  No.5197487


Satan left the White House.

Come on man…people under estimate who OBONGO was and IS. Evil…pure evil.

1090f5  No.5197488

File: 2c8c352aa596b2f⋯.jpg (173.05 KB, 1650x850, 33:17, ski-air.jpg)

bde13d  No.5197489


Congrats on getting there anon!

But don't hold your breath on Obama's punishment.

36d7ae  No.5197490


I'll hazard a guess that this is about restoring his family's name and honor.

37d42f  No.5197491

oops baker

>>5196288 House Jud. Comm. to investigate NE declaration: The committee

>>5196288 McCabe Panics - Walks Back "60 Minutes" Remarks

0b4412  No.5197492

File: ff23240939f4082⋯.png (91.32 KB, 622x756, 311:378, ClipboardImage.png)

e895b8  No.5197493


Heavy is shit!

If this dude was white they would lead their story with that!!!

He’s black

Who did he shoot?


Is this how brainwashed democrat plantation blacks are gonna act when they can’t handle the truth?

a5ff9c  No.5197494


Sadly though, since the patriots are obviously not in control, I don't think we'll have military support. Probably just a be a choice of whether to go down fighting or die on your knees living under a commie regime.

a42cb2  No.5197495

File: c814f21f523519e⋯.jpg (95.25 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 3E5658FF00000578-4321382-i….jpg)


If you really want to know the answer to that, then you'd have to quantify the total possible number of potential shooters, then setup a police officer or federal agent for every single one. How many do you think there are? Is such an operation even possible? Do you really want to k ow the answer?

138053  No.5197496

File: 480ed77bbfd9e7c⋯.png (280.24 KB, 1456x633, 1456:633, ClipboardImage.png)


The March to the Sea

Scorched earth

Total War

830119  No.5197497

Is Snowden one of China’s bargaining chips for new trade agreement?

Snowden coming next week?

dcaa6c  No.5197498


Integrity… WikiLeaks never has and never will give up it's source.

Go fuck yourself, if you don't like it.

ab3aa9  No.5197499


Congress declared war vs Afghanistan and Iraq for US national security interests – where neither country had anything to do with 911 – but declaration of National Emergency doesn't fly when armed insurrectionists, criminal cartels and traffickers are invading onto US soil.

2c26a3  No.5197500


Crossfire hurricane

85f9c8  No.5197501


Who happens to be a Kike …. Must be coincidence

bde13d  No.5197502


Enjoy, anon. Kek.

1690eb  No.5197503

File: acd34d28027e3dc⋯.png (714.46 KB, 500x698, 250:349, israelfirsttrump.png)

You have to sit back and admire the way that TRUMP played us like fiddles.

There was no way that real Americans would ever vote for a candidate that would destroy America the way that Trump managed to do, today.

First, he promised to drain the swamp.

What did he do?

He increased the swamp.

Second, he promised to bring traitors to justice.

What did he do?

NOTHING. He let Mueller investigate him, thus buying him time to let the crimes of the traitors fade into obscurity.


Now, TRUMP has opened our Borders wider than any democrat would have ever dreamed of doing.

And he could not have done this WITHOUT OUR SUPPORT.

Israel and jews win.

Well played Trump!

093299  No.5197504

File: 64a8f92843bb096⋯.png (283.81 KB, 620x340, 31:17, SALVINI_habbening.png)

0e66b4  No.5197505

Anyone have good sauce on the assassination attempts on potus? I haven’t done any research on it and wouldn’t know where to start but I’m telling someone about them now kek help would be appreciated

647738  No.5197506


Why does everyone assume doing something means riot?

When Q says we forgot how to play…Does reading this board, digging and talking about how intelligent we are count?

I bet POTUS would love it if we did something. There are many things that would show unity and support for him.

I think anons should lead this movement but I think if it happens it will be some newly redpilled, patriotic,normie overcome with love, that never set foot on a chan that will do it.

0b4412  No.5197507

File: 642c763f98d56df⋯.png (62.06 KB, 615x579, 205:193, ClipboardImage.png)

62283f  No.5197508


Cant declare a national emergency for guns because its a constitutional right to bear arms.

d4e2cd  No.5197509

File: d1b5ff8cece1f65⋯.png (104.31 KB, 381x345, 127:115, 1481509685829.png)

File: 3a3d13d1de07d04⋯.jpg (8.17 KB, 221x228, 221:228, images.jpg)

File: ad108beb5727ae8⋯.jpg (33.18 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ad1.jpg)

File: db882e031555b3c⋯.jpg (27.64 KB, 221x228, 221:228, i-will-click-that-shit-nig….jpg)


muh elf and muh vlf.

dd8840  No.5197510

File: 48348e4eb4e3b12⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1757x2568, 1757:2568, MAGAIOU.png)


Whittaker/Ziolkowski, you say…

0a2e6c  No.5197511



oh, Q knows Hillary runs a child sex trafficking company…..but hey, we won't let the truth out to the american people for years…we'll even let some of them keep worshipping her


af48e3  No.5197512

File: 4d40d54e79c29ae⋯.png (294.47 KB, 525x505, 105:101, ClipboardImage.png)



>Does that calendar say April 2014?

59dd7f  No.5197513


Thanks for the heads up kek

42d89b  No.5197514

596882  No.5197515


Keep paying faggot

ab3aa9  No.5197516



138053  No.5197517

File: 9d78a6b2b6db975⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 620x600, 31:30, BlankThomas.jpg)

51a88f  No.5197518


Well caught anon. Will fix.

19bc60  No.5197519

File: cfd5bdf18a42b69⋯.jpg (12.13 KB, 255x206, 255:206, SoHotOMFG.jpg)

ddbf84  No.5197520









Bluffdale Boom? COPY























Wait for BOOMS and PIPES?







f72120  No.5197521

File: 9c0ab6c2a1d0e80⋯.png (66.43 KB, 596x494, 298:247, screencapture-twitter-Geor….png)

0e66b4  No.5197522


Let’s start by just wearing yellow vests all the time. Start Saturday!

5dc6b0  No.5197523


I mean at what point does giving up the source become a matter of integrity in and of itself?

a5ff9c  No.5197524

fda565  No.5197525

File: c4d86d125c3c0a9⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 720x676, 180:169, 01nop.jpg)

6ef325  No.5197526

File: cdf7c675630ce9b⋯.png (1011.78 KB, 1440x1747, 1440:1747, ClipboardImage.png)

bbc721  No.5197527


Doesn't seem like something that will own the news cycle for several days. (Unless it's the first in another spree.)

4211d6  No.5197528

File: 7d3b42ee44aa238⋯.jpg (397.94 KB, 2753x2064, 2753:2064, sorosmorose.jpg)



4bff2c  No.5197529


Remember, Gates was stealing from Manafort and was the one submitting paperwork. My money is on Gates being the spy in the Trump campaign. He set up Manafort.

ab4a05  No.5197530

File: 7483b6bcc99a58c⋯.png (2.88 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94333a1f6d3c62⋯.png (15.63 KB, 255x190, 51:38, dd81f1a819fe6c92775e914d66….png)




cd6d85  No.5197531

File: 9d081d00feef1bd⋯.jpeg (230.12 KB, 1242x702, 23:13, ObamaFishing.jpeg)



>Watch the Water



853eb0  No.5197532


No Shit Anon

It's Never about if it's legal or factual

It about the Narrative

0b4412  No.5197533

File: d5ccf317ba3b603⋯.png (40.97 KB, 626x335, 626:335, ClipboardImage.png)

3d3043  No.5197534

Watching WGN this afternoon….

So the "apprehended black" guy has now become a "dead white" guy???

bde13d  No.5197535


Why yes it does.

0a2e6c  No.5197536





19bc60  No.5197537


kek D's telling D's to flee the country.

aeb93d  No.5197538



Why would PATRIOTS come here and create a board where people sit around and make griping post that are literally IDENTICAL to posts on 4chan?

TODAY, of all days?

This isn't at all believable, bot system.

Why do you keep spewing out so much pointless activity that is all very obviously fake?

3385b7  No.5197539


April 2014

a80e19  No.5197540


Or bullet-proof vests.

603e64  No.5197541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump arrives in Palm Beach aboard Air Force One

7696cb  No.5197542

File: 41dcbce3457aa0d⋯.png (1.68 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

51a88f  No.5197543


Posted in #6640

>>5196609 , >>5196629 POTUS tweets re Aurora

>>5196530 , >>5196576 Sucide weekend next week?

>>5196424 Side x Side of today's shooting incidents

>>5196326 , >>5196551 Summary of Aurora shooting oddities

>>5196314 House Jud. Comm. to investigate NE declaration: The committee

>>5196288 McCabe Panics - Walks Back "60 Minutes" Remarks

>>5196284 Sec Nielsen tweets about the NE

>>5196228, >>5196262, >>5196296 MAPS/psychoactive drugs & Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin

>>5196260 Students Get Death Threats Over ‘Build the Wall’ Display

6daffe  No.5197544


Lynching was probably ok for small communities who would have made up most of a jury anyway, but in this case it would deny the whole world the opportunity to see justice done.

Besides, who knows what intel these guys have that would be given up in trade for a life sentence?

Yes, they are traitors and deserve to die horrible deaths, but do you really think it was all their idea? If they give up the other links, and those deeper in the web are brought to justice, then I'm ok with that to settle this for another 1000 years.

d28999  No.5197545

File: 9c87ad0a1d02933⋯.png (177.02 KB, 600x700, 6:7, fac830121a521d0eafab592cca….png)

File: ae6db449715a83f⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 500x1175, 20:47, 1.jpg)

File: cf6fdae2a8039f8⋯.jpg (10.15 KB, 181x158, 181:158, 2.jpg)

5c7331  No.5197546

File: 122b1dcf21bf14b⋯.jpg (206.5 KB, 736x1101, 736:1101, QCrumbsVigilantPray.jpg)

File: 2e0737fb0404c55⋯.jpg (874.27 KB, 1604x2376, 401:594, patton stay vigilant.jpg)

File: 30d7176c4147d7c⋯.jpg (98.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsExtremelyVigilantPa….jpg)

File: 986e6a6ee42fb3e⋯.jpeg (74.47 KB, 635x437, 635:437, VigilanceNotViolence2.jpeg)


Anons fight fight fight!

8f6734  No.5197547


Oh, shit. THAT gay mulatto. I was thinking of the other gay mulatto currently in the news. Kek.

Dont forget about Uranium one.

That guy cant be in Leavenworth or Gitmo soon enough for me.

99e8e4  No.5197548


In front of a water bottle.

093299  No.5197549

File: 0bf1b591d5f985d⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 620x784, 155:196, JQ_shills4.jpg)


>kike kike kike

ca602a  No.5197550


Yellow Vests are for those nations that are standing up against a globalist leader. Trump isn't a globalist. Catch up.

767f67  No.5197552

File: 2663dd960e74ae4⋯.png (475.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 817EE4FC-DEAD-48BD-BD3E-A5….png)

File: 77d83d031bc6709⋯.png (1.93 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 80EE591A-9BCC-4027-B8AE-35….png)

2fe855  No.5197553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uta Halee Academy Active Shooter Police Audio 2/15/2019

045e78  No.5197554

File: 7e7e5595cda4853⋯.jpg (277.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trustresearch1.jpg)

befcb7  No.5197555


Wikileaks published on their site that Seth Rich was the leaker.


36d7ae  No.5197556


So, since Congress says they can't be deported, and they're child traffickers, that puts them under United States jurisdiction and judgement.

I remember when Trump talked about the death penalty for perverts (https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/255294883680632833) … and his comments today about the death penalty…

Put all three together; now we WANT them under US law, and oh gee, sorry, we can't deport you, Congress said so…

0e66b4  No.5197557


If thousands of Americans suddenly start wearing yellow vests the media would be forced to cover it

ddbf84  No.5197558

Good guy? Copy

Shady as fuck COPY



0b4412  No.5197559

File: 644eade7d759a58⋯.png (54.32 KB, 610x482, 305:241, ClipboardImage.png)

bde13d  No.5197560

File: acf026cc5ee6b2a⋯.png (98.9 KB, 642x409, 642:409, Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at ….png)


That's her. But here's the photo history.

064666  No.5197561


The NSA has the dirt (leverage) on every Congressman and Senator but cant stop Rino's from voting for amnesty or POTUS from signing it? The Dims certainly seem to know how to use the alphabet agencies to accomplish goals much better that the Trump team.

853eb0  No.5197562

File: 977a41f4fb3d458⋯.png (28.8 KB, 749x507, 749:507, ClipboardImage.png)


Well Well Police Chief….

Aurora, IL web page is DOWN

2f7374  No.5197563


At the point where you are done being a journalist.

c0b11d  No.5197564


So will we have to go to war against our brothers again? I'm sure as shit that road probably goes to Tel Aviv.

045e78  No.5197565

File: 68910c6e5c81e6c⋯.png (295.28 KB, 600x410, 60:41, chercat.png)

What happened to Sonny, Cher?

aeb93d  No.5197566



Do you spell it like this in real life? Do you EVER post "more" on the chans, or is it a rule that "anons" always say "moar" and so we must follow the rules of what anons do, since we are anons? lol

958453  No.5197567

File: c7cbe2ecd05e77b⋯.png (615.78 KB, 825x918, 275:306, FFQ6.PNG)


This makes more sense now….

f14dd3  No.5197568


…9, > or <…? I’ve no sauce.

a5ff9c  No.5197569


He is. Officially. As of today.

d28999  No.5197570

File: 36d0b36af8ef145⋯.png (35.18 KB, 500x473, 500:473, Mariachi.png)



dad92a  No.5197571

File: e5b6ec8d4bb2230⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1132x3600, 283:900, Screenshot_2019-01-11 U S ….png)


you like the names they picked out this time?

henry pratt

gary martin

100% in no way surely jewish names, few syllables, short punchy easy to member and send around the world and out on teletype

tommy robinson is another good one

but pratt also means pillock, wassock, moran; and

my mother told me never trust men with two first names.

900535  No.5197572

File: c5ff8401efb13a9⋯.jpeg (482.71 KB, 2376x1136, 297:142, 65DBB389-53B9-440F-AD82-B….jpeg)

28ed34  No.5197573

File: af46743cb75ced5⋯.jpg (74.62 KB, 474x711, 2:3, punisherwolf.jpg)

647738  No.5197574

Is this the shill shift?

dbaa20  No.5197575

When did patriots fight board go up last year?

anyone remember?

wonder if it is a one year delta.

time to look at everything we may have missed.

093299  No.5197576



its suicide WE


Feb 15/16. One year aftger Q post.

Please correct.


ab3aa9  No.5197577


only a shitty parent would snap a photo instead of helping the child

045e78  No.5197578

File: d02ab7019bc3ddb⋯.jpg (112.73 KB, 478x464, 239:232, prescott-posse_yavapai-cou….jpg)

Gun Control: Fuck around and find out

5dc6b0  No.5197579


I mean the emails breaking it open to the web is kind of the high point. May as well retire. Why go on forever?

603e64  No.5197580



ba9b98  No.5197581

File: 128a5299a89a53b⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 577x500, 577:500, Reptile Bader Ginsberg.jpg)

d4e2cd  No.5197582

File: 0be70f777d633a1⋯.jpg (92.58 KB, 548x400, 137:100, 95.jpg)

File: 3c7e319c74a93d7⋯.gif (17.65 KB, 400x286, 200:143, salud22_05.gif)

File: 2b59ae15e63f137⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 604x430, 302:215, Interf2sm.jpg)

File: f453967b73e885c⋯.jpg (5.05 KB, 300x180, 5:3, Chelyabinsk-meteor-008.jpg)


i say mini things

6daffe  No.5197583

File: ab0fd15c5c42a07⋯.png (120.74 KB, 403x398, 403:398, ClipboardImage(61).png)


Yes, bad optics. Might work for state leaders though.

853eb0  No.5197584

Who WAS she married to

WHO is she "married" to now?

Still made CHIEF??


77961b  No.5197585


It's always moar. And we don't lol. We kek. You must lurk moar, newfag….welcome, btw

517150  No.5197586


Confused New Yorkers now threatening to Boycott Amazon. As the article points out, perhaps they should be boycotting progressive "politicians" like AOC. 25,000 jobs, that's a lot.


dcaa6c  No.5197587


Interesting… Why the exception? Because he's deceased?

c0b11d  No.5197588


Hey kike! Go fuck yourself!

a80e19  No.5197589


Can a lawfag confirm the bill expires on September 30th.

If so, what is the impact to amnesty provisions in the bill after that date.

36d7ae  No.5197590


Ahhhhhhhh… sweet, sweet karma….

McCabe just learned about "selective editing" in the media…

ff4d36  No.5197591

File: ba138b229fddb13⋯.jpeg (90.79 KB, 1240x864, 155:108, 02E6FD64-A26F-4580-B917-9….jpeg)

dd8840  No.5197592


such as "god pixel" and "genesis cell"?

0a2e6c  No.5197593

and we keep hearing that there are good people in the FBI but NONE OF THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS WILL GO ON A NEWS CAST AND OUT THE REALLY FUCKING BAD ONES

51a88f  No.5197594


Gotcha. Will do.

85f9c8  No.5197595

Ok ..Q …we have a National Emergency …What now ?? Any Hints ?

182777  No.5197596

File: 30b86726c080f2f⋯.jpg (16.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1549894926486.jpg)

4211d6  No.5197597


he got treed

51a88f  No.5197598


Posted in #6640

>>5196609 , >>5196629 POTUS tweets re Aurora

>>5196530 , >>5196576 Sucide weekend?

>>5196424 Side x Side of today's shooting incidents

>>5196326 , >>5196551 Summary of Aurora shooting oddities

>>5196314 House Jud. Comm. to investigate NE declaration: The committee

>>5196288 McCabe Panics - Walks Back "60 Minutes" Remarks

>>5196284 , >>5197423 Sec Nielsen's statement and tweet re the NE

>>5196228, >>5196262, >>5196296 MAPS/psychoactive drugs & Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin

>>5196260 Students Get Death Threats Over ‘Build the Wall’ Display

c6892c  No.5197599

Not going to happen. But from what I just saw it's being reported on Fox at least that the gunman died in a shootout with police.

aeb93d  No.5197600

File: 94a81b48a184422⋯.png (120.83 KB, 524x333, 524:333, jrc.png)

File: 0ecc24d93c2b4f0⋯.png (775.12 KB, 736x667, 32:29, wwnbd.png)

File: 0bc8e67a3cd6e3e⋯.png (250.66 KB, 555x633, 185:211, joj.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)


Lol, bot system, you silly goose. You have no idea what you are doing.

ab7d40  No.