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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

b5e3f5  No.5150958

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 2.12.19

>>5141431 rt >>5141350 ————————— Not seeing an error now.

>>5141350 rt >>5141323 ————————— Spelling error by mistake.

>>5141323 rt >>5141276 ————————— The NARRATIVE has them.

>>5141235 rt >>5141130 ————————— Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.

>>5141109 rt >>5141012 ————————— Devices in the same location…

>>5140929 ————————————–——– FACTS MATTER

>>5139828 ————————————–——– What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?

>>5139798 rt >>5139710 ————————— They have ZERO control now. (Twitter text: >>5139819 )

>>5139710 ————————————–——– Shall We Play a Game?

Monday 2.11.19

>>5134798 rt >>5134529 ————————— God Speed, Patriot.

>>5134370 rt >>5134144 ————————— Thank you, Anons (return publicly)

>>5127652 rt >>5127462 ————————— Life Lesson - [AS]

>>5127462 ————————————–——– Let's actually use 'FACTS' ( Tweet Cap: >>5127508 )

>>5127210 ————————————–——– Does the list above look familiar?

>>5126726 ————————————–——– The WAR is very real.

>>5123215 rt >>5123210 ————————— Graphic On Voter ID Graphic On Voter ID

>>5123210 ————————————–——– What about Domestic interference?

Sunday 2.10.19

Compiled here: >>5143104

Saturday 2.9.19

Compiled here: >>5143009

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b5e3f5  No.5150968


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day


>>5150277 Graphic: The wall is about so much more

>>5150330 New POTUS Tweet

>>5150338 Graphic on Maxine Waters' property

>>5150350 Feminist sues Twitter after getting banned for saying ‘men aren’t women’

>>5150366, >>5150494 More POTUS retweets

>>5150423 National debt surpassed $22 trillion

>>5150476 POTUS retweet connection to JAGs (Judge Advocate General's Corps)?

>>5150613, >>5150676 Old Q proofs

>>5150747 Yellow Vest Protestors smeared with anti-semitism accusations

>>5150777 5 reasons Vietnam was selected to host Trump’s second North Korea summit

>>5150853 Planning for the proposed Space Force is expected to be done by the U.S. Air Force

>>5150951 #6579


>>5149487, >>5149518 SYRIA UPDATE

>>5149514, >>5149915 California to pull plug on billion-dollar bullet train

>>5149562 Extremism, Scandals Rip Apart Democrat Party

>>5149644, >>5149990, >>5150048, >>5150038 Maxine Waters' property digs continued

>>5149674 After El Chapo conviction, use seized $14 BILLION to build border wall?

>>5149695 QAnon "conspiracy theorists" referenced in Canadian article about "Russian troll accounts"

>>5149713 Graphic on a POTUS-POTUS delta

>>5149717 Liberal Group in Oregon Faces $94,750 In Ballot Tampering Scandal

>>5149647 FBI now investigating fire at Planned Parenthood clinic as possible hate crime

>>5149781, >>5149803, >>5149872, >>5149912 New POTUS Retweet

>>5150006 Connections between the Reagan video from crumb #2685 and Q's signatures

>>5150032, >>5149967 Old POTUS Tweet: strike like the fastest animal on the planet!

>>5150096 Kamala Harris says she smoked marijuana in college while listening to music that didn't exist yet.

>>5150132, >>5150146 If someone attacks you, do not hesitate. Go for the jugular. - POTUS

>>5150213 #6578

#6577 Baker Change

>>5148728 For Keks: Video called "Welcome to Q Research"

>>5148755 Backed by Poland, Pompeo vows to try to stop Russia pipeline

>>5148763, >>5148796 Top Recipients of Pro-Israel Campaign Contributions 2018

>>5148760, >>5149133, >>5149175, >>5149491 Continued digs on Maxine Waters' properties

>>5148771, >>5148782, >>5148973, >>5149114 US Army responds to an anon on Twitter

>>5148772 Anon on Acting AG Whitaker literally being Mr. Clean

>>5148830 '$23 Billion for Border Security': Trump Touts Border Wall to Be Funded Anyway

>>5148833, >>5149004 Reminder: Kushner received emails from Sergei Millian an alleged dossier source in touch with Papadopoulos

>>5148860 Phases of the Continuum of Military Operations

>>5148882 McCabe rips Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates in new memoir

>>5148983 Video of Elizabeth Warren yanking a kid next to her for for optics

>>5149041, >>5149110 Reminder Kevin Clinesmith interviewed Papadopolous

>>5149171 Mossad and election interference world wide

>>5149300 FBI raids multiple locations in northeast Missouri

>>5149341 Brennan bitching about the Senate Intel Committee finding no collusion

>>5149412 Studying the Psychological Backgrounds of School Shooters

>>5149423 #6577


>>5148543, >>5148632 Planefag update

>>5148616, >>5148486, >>5148568, >>5148579 Warranty deed for Kirk St. re: Maxine

>>5148159, >>5148208, >>5148225, >>5148226, >>5148239, >>5148321, 5148648 Moar Maxine

>>5148398 MSM headline: "Breaking down Trump's big lies from Mon night"

>>5147953, >>5148222 Ayy, Roswell Crash Site Sold to New Private Owners

>>5148094 @PapaD twats "Trust the plan"

>>5148087 RT: Netanyahu confirms Israeli mil shelled Syria to thwart Iran

>>5148067 BuzzFeed employees will unionize bc layoffs, not learn 2 code

>>5148055 Arkansas: "White supremacist gang members" among 54 RICO indictments

>>5148031 Over 700 victimes allegedly abused by Southern Baptist leaders

>>5148001, >>5148044 Lindsey G: POTUS will Nat'l Emerg. even if signs Dem bill

>>5147962 Pesticide Levels in Families Dropped by 60%, 1-Week on Organic Diet

>>5147955 BB: Jimmies Fallon & Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, called out for Blackface

>>5147946, >>5147979 BB: GOP/Dem Deal Keeps Catch/Release, will POTUS sign?

>>5148645 #6576

Previously Collected Notables

>>5147869 #6575

>>5145560 #6572, >>5146288 #6573, >>5147102 #6574

>>5143242 #6569, >>5144019 #6570, >>5144827 #6571

>>5140949 #6566, >>5142009 #6567, >>5142489 #6568

>>5138655 #6563, >>5139363 #6564, >>5140188 #6565

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

b5e3f5  No.5150970

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#63 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472 , >>5147386

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b5e3f5  No.5150973

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

b5e3f5  No.5150979



fe73fd  No.5151012


74697a  No.5151013

File: 2c3e671f2332d30⋯.png (518.51 KB, 532x557, 532:557, f7993f18a9a98f3a8932546483….png)
























































































1d245b  No.5151014

File: 870591ce60351f4⋯.png (50.1 KB, 446x282, 223:141, Pelosi $$$.png)

dbc43b  No.5151015

>>5151009 (pb)

Who knows… probably just another day in Africa.

8d436e  No.5151017

File: 083597e68ac1196⋯.png (167.21 KB, 352x403, 352:403, hoodcat.png)


Lookin' out for Baker..most excellent job

6700c9  No.5151018

Shahid Khan, owner of NFL franchise the Jacksonville Jaguars, has made a bid for London's iconic Wembley Stadium, home of the English national soccer team.

c85cae  No.5151019

File: 1efaa32d378e985⋯.jpeg (131.95 KB, 828x397, 828:397, EECF5022-A983-4FC7-9861-D….jpeg)

File: f74e0afa1f3f150⋯.jpeg (200.92 KB, 828x653, 828:653, B0E57E6D-92F0-4336-B8CB-2….jpeg)

File: e9621af025436e8⋯.jpeg (590.14 KB, 828x1423, 828:1423, B43F001D-EC95-4F95-9158-8….jpeg)

Cmon , it doesn’t take an Anon to figure out whats being conveyed.

DJT Retweet

Instagram Page from tweet is a CHEETAH Rehab Center.

POTUS Tweet from “the past”.

Future proves …..

349751  No.5151020


Probably complained about the cold too much.

fe73fd  No.5151021


Cats are pretty stubborn

33d9cf  No.5151022

MOSSAD’s definition of division shilling

Digging on, posting and exposing jewish fuckery is division fagging.

Digging on, posting and exposing Democrat, republican, muzzie, catholic church, christian, free masonry, etc. is NOT division fagging.

The same goes for Israel. Posting about israeli subversion is divisive. You can post negatively about any other country’s leaders tho and thats fine.

Its only division fagging when the group being exposed is Jewish. You are not allowed to do that or the mossad shills will scream reeeeeee!

e69341  No.5151023

File: 1cc1c4c8b7eec26⋯.jpg (143.54 KB, 671x900, 671:900, TrumpHardestWorking.jpg)

Thank you POTUS!!!

f8cf93  No.5151024

File: 60a2ea79502c623⋯.jpg (246.39 KB, 854x1110, 427:555, 19 states.jpg)


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The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) announced the death of Holly O’Donnell in a Facebook post yesterday. Holly, a former fetal tissue procurement technician for StemExpress turned whistleblower, was instrumental in several of the Center for Medical Progress’s investigations for its Human Capital project and Eyewitness Testimony footage. She was 27 years old. CMP wrote lovingly of Holly in a post, which reads, in part:

After fighting multiple severe medical challenges, Holly passed from this life this weekend. She was 27 years old and leaves behind many friends and fellow travelers who loved her dearly and will miss her terribly. We are honored by the time she gave us.

An extraordinary friend and unforgettable companion, Holly O’Donnell was also in many ways an ordinary millennial young woman—who through no fault of her own found herself caught in the unimaginable circumstances of working as a procurement technician for StemExpress, harvesting baby body parts from abortions inside Planned Parenthood. Holly said it was “blood money”, and ultimately quit her job in disgust with how callously she saw StemExpress and Planned Parenthood treating unborn children, their mothers, and their families in the companies’ greed to make money off of aborted baby body parts….

In an age of fear, stifled speech, and equivocal witnesses, Holly O’Donnell never backed down from her testimony of what she saw at StemExpress and Planned Parenthood…."


763bd4  No.5151025


That cat went to heaven just because it was made to do that.

99842b  No.5151026


After I left the rally, [later,] President Trump made incendiary statements about the media to his crowd, and then the tan-shirted man who had swatted at my phone launched himself into the press pen and knocked over cameras, equipment, and disrupted the work of the media. The president gave an enthusiastic thumbs up in approval.

I didnt see that!

6f9c86  No.5151027

File: 9237050b46a04c6⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 428x268, 107:67, Magoo.JPG)

fe73fd  No.5151028

906e6c  No.5151029

File: 6ef4c3bca13d9fa⋯.jpg (142.04 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 01AB012BCA.jpg)

a655f3  No.5151030

File: 0fa9d5f293b533c⋯.jpg (11.14 KB, 170x354, 85:177, Rubens_saturn.jpg)

File: fe9fedd51b4bcf4⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 534x302, 267:151, Diy1vEIXsAAApmn.jpg)

File: 1a2030d830292df⋯.jpg (395.67 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, axihcv3q8gx01.jpg)

File: 82a8600b894f150⋯.jpg (407.55 KB, 620x581, 620:581, 82a8600b894f150476ed57a2c0….jpg)

File: ebea8d89e104a1c⋯.jpg (180.25 KB, 710x720, 71:72, hNm4UQG.jpg)

349751  No.5151031



801622  No.5151032


Yup…POTUS is about to strike

a6a47c  No.5151033


what part of the 1st amendment don't you understand

f825aa  No.5151034

File: 897d6519a9deb7a⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 490x333, 490:333, 897d6519a9deb7a299bc5a89f1….jpg)

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

d8da56  No.5151035

File: d071dcc36242808⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI1.jpg)

File: 715b869e54f2fff⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI2.jpg)

f7d375  No.5151036

File: 775f559fabb5f3a⋯.png (461.46 KB, 678x400, 339:200, Freddy1.PNG)

74697a  No.5151037

File: 69bb5e90415093e⋯.png (6.18 MB, 3000x1999, 3000:1999, c37cb60983058ff5bdfab30e2a….png)








f825aa  No.5151038

File: 11fb152e05e2118⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 480x445, 96:89, 11fb152e05e211813cce74a046….jpg)

81f623  No.5151039

heres an idea el chapo was just found guilty and he has billions of dollars being a Mexican drug cartel leader. Q mentioned a few times we have the money and all that a long side with potus claim for Mexico to pay for the wall. could this be a notable?

913f59  No.5151040

>>5150675 pb

Update, Alice Walton is the richest -38B Walmart

Jaqueline Mars - 25.5B Mars Candy

Laurene Powell Jobs - 19.4B Apple

Abigail Johnson - 16B Fidelity (inherited- still private co)

Blair Parry-Okeden - 12B Cox Enterprises - Media, Communication, Automotive

Katharine Rayner - 8B - another heiress of Cox Ent.

Margaretta Taylor - 8B - daughter heiress of Cox Ent.

Pauline MacMillan Keinath - 7.4B - Cargill -gr. granddaughter - agricultural, industrial, financial - Largest Privately Held Co. in America - dates back to 1865

Christy Walton - $7B

Ann Walton Kroenke - 6.6B - Walmart - daughter of Bud Walton, Sam's co-founder bro


Will have to go diggun on these, looking for symbols, jewelry. "The Godfather Witch Hunt" maybe.

2fba7f  No.5151041

File: 2e779670fae9ed5⋯.jpg (299.44 KB, 1319x1174, 1319:1174, islamonblacks.jpg)





and they wonder why we mock them.

f825aa  No.5151042

File: 967d6061d1c13cb⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB, 880x486, 440:243, 967d6061d1c13cb9e875db875….jpeg)

d8da56  No.5151043

File: 6d4c30a49535394⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI3.jpg)

File: 51b67b1b973d94a⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI4.jpg)

078653  No.5151044

Bill Clinton

‏Verified account @ BillClinton

Feb 6

Bill Clinton Retweeted U.S. Mayors

Worth reading. Teachers and principals should weigh in.

Bill Clinton added,

U.S. Mayors

Verified account @ usmayors

In @ TheAtlantic today, @ ChicagosMayor Rahm Emanuel reflects on what he learned about fixing our nation's schools. https://mayo.rs/2BwbKUL # MayorsStand4All # MayorsGetThingsDone

7d6ae5  No.5151045

File: d04de82a87c4642⋯.jpg (269.97 KB, 1234x770, 617:385, POTUS bakery.jpg)

44e8e0  No.5151046

File: aa1f482f7cfac0e⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, bnBB12.jpg)

Спасибо, пекарь!

Spasibo, pekar'!

763bd4  No.5151047

File: 995f79a16fde438⋯.jpg (123.55 KB, 797x517, 797:517, fapping_freddy.jpg)


fuck off ebot

b4cc57  No.5151048

File: a2947463c6240a5⋯.png (299.49 KB, 409x450, 409:450, suaveee.png)


Damn straight!!

2b851c  No.5151049

File: dd0ad0e6de5353a⋯.png (794.92 KB, 1552x639, 1552:639, 896815806011746.png)

File: fd518e938761731⋯.png (748.19 KB, 1553x634, 1553:634, 5787936982638418368.png)

File: 551200fc72ea6ac⋯.png (780.6 KB, 1559x634, 1559:634, 101891986484253.png)

ae9cfe  No.5151050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5150814 (lb)

Lol, you don't realize that Jews are allowed to lie to non-Jews about their religion, just like Muslims.

67e562  No.5151051

File: 9e1f964ce6e95dc⋯.png (19.9 KB, 108x107, 108:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Look what got taken offline Feb 6th 2019


a655f3  No.5151052

File: 0a836188cd39355⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 604x844, 151:211, 302e2bd3090d66e0f5e6384716….jpg)

File: 3f0c67dcd173815⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 230x255, 46:51, 3f0c67dcd173815b2163f8c15e….jpg)

File: a92dfc16258e93e⋯.jpeg (31.74 KB, 680x729, 680:729, bdaa943e516841cca5fd8befc….jpeg)

File: bb39c197a4b3366⋯.jpg (391.27 KB, 648x576, 9:8, 15492952643957766710006670….jpg)

File: 30beb3b885e572d⋯.jpg (474.51 KB, 1600x1028, 400:257, 7dyql9.jpg)

d8da56  No.5151053

File: 8da5b6e6ed2572e⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI6.jpg)

851059  No.5151055


and that IS a cheetah on her Instagram profile pic

6700c9  No.5151056

Shahid "Shad" Khan (Urdu: ‬‎; born July 18, 1950),[2][3] is a Pakistani-American billionaire businessman. He is the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League (NFL) and Fulham F.C. of the English Premier League and Professional wrestling promotion All Elite Wrestling (AEW) where he is lead investor. Khan is also the owner of the automobile parts manufacturer Flex-N-Gate in Urbana, Illinois.

277dbe  No.5151057

File: fdc4a7ceeb68897⋯.png (35.42 KB, 1087x228, 1087:228, jagg.png)

2b851c  No.5151058

File: 8298aac454085ed⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 5456904325872744007.png)

7c5767  No.5151059

File: c3adddd7438c51f⋯.jpeg (124.16 KB, 454x413, 454:413, 052DEA3B-17E7-46CA-8097-4….jpeg)

2 Eagles at Cuyahoga Valley Nat’l Park (CVNP), 2/11/19

Since 2007, a pair of bald eagles have sought out an area within the Pinery Narrows area in the CVNP and have successfully fledged a total of 15 eaglets.

The return of these eagles marks a monumental turn in the health of the Cuyahoga River that was once nearly inhabitable for fish and other wildlife.

“Like us, eagles are creatures of habit. They keep coming to this area because food is available. There was a time when the Cuyahoga River had very few fish. The eagles’ return shows the comeback of the Cuyahoga River. If the river didn’t have an abundance of fish, the eagles would not be coming back to this spot,” said Pamela Barnes, public information officer for the CVNP.

To protect the eagles from human disturbance, the CVNP has closed the area surrounding the nest tree until July 31.


f8cf93  No.5151060

They sure keep the lid on at PP.

Anons are the news?

fe73fd  No.5151061


You know that if interrogated, a cat ain't gonna say shit

f825aa  No.5151062

File: 727ebef53e6c932⋯.jpeg (260.39 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, 727ebef53e6c932a5b01baa55….jpeg)

1062a1  No.5151063

Guise, remember that the Protocols of Zion are a proven forgery. It’s just a coincidence that they were eerily prophetic of what’s occurring

2b851c  No.5151064

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, 93177346530230296130645609….png)

43c68d  No.5151065

File: a0b38e0d7afc82d⋯.png (100.21 KB, 1966x1230, 983:615, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

>>5148728 (PB) For Keks: Video called "Welcome to Q Research"

Tell me anons caught the subliminal (MKUltra trigger) "Orange Man Bad" at the beginning. Kek! TY VideoAnon!


3254a3  No.5151066


Whine whine whine just like FEturds…. Kek

Hey copy pasta!!!!!- we got it the first 5K times you post the same copy pasta shit… We saw it then. We've moved on. We're currently onto other shit… Like digging into Qs posts from today… Why dont you help or STFU…

1062a1  No.5151067

File: 662a5a5c958d190⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 596x759, 596:759, 9d5a502c4af148384f079ff255….jpg)

ae9cfe  No.5151068

File: 50b7c810eea7c00⋯.png (113.47 KB, 1050x514, 525:257, Kalergi and White genocide….PNG)

>>5151005 (lb)

Lol, yes, he was a non-racial-Jews that advocated for Jewish supremacism.

And he was in the social circle of the Rothschild and Theodor Herzl, the racial Jews that founded modern political zionism.

cbf94e  No.5151069







d8da56  No.5151070

File: f6a62c464eb9289⋯.jpg (13.54 KB, 318x159, 2:1, RABBI7.jpg)

999737  No.5151071

File: de55816c0e66ffc⋯.png (507.06 KB, 999x736, 999:736, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

f825aa  No.5151073


below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:

from the early nightshidt breads ago:








































spambot garbage #1











>>4949172 disinfo posted by the spambot. no vatican or payseur. only muhjew. Q said it isn't about a specific religion.










spambot garbage from nightshift bread 1:


















spambot garbage from nightshift bread 2:





>>4907713 (bot operator attempting to blend in)




>>4907242 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907269 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907276 (bot operator attempting to blend in)






>>4907470 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907488 (bot operator attempting to blend in)




>>4907833 (bot operator trying to blend in)




spambot garbage from nightshift bread 3:





>>4907041 (bot operator attempting to blend in)










>>4906932 (bot operator attempting to blend in)


>>4906996 (bot operator attempting to blend in)


spambot garbage from nightshift bread 4:

>>4905706 pb

>>4905987 pb

>>4906077 pb

>>4906123 pb

>>4906156 pb

>>4906201 pb

>>4906274 pb

>>4906314 pb

>>4906345 pb

>>4906355 pb

>>4906367 pb

>>4906377 pb

>>4906415 pb

>>4906417 pb

>>4906426 pb

dcef6d  No.5151074

File: c5f330c60cfd185⋯.png (875.92 KB, 1175x1175, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

cc16cb  No.5151075

File: 017cf48b2e39a6a⋯.jpg (70.78 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2m92yt.jpg)

TYB great baking.

6f9c86  No.5151077

File: 3d2e5e7a66ee1c3⋯.jpg (29.04 KB, 436x342, 218:171, MagooII.JPG)

ae9cfe  No.5151078

File: fd797456045614a⋯.png (5.97 KB, 448x357, 64:51, Spurdo.png)

2f50d4  No.5151079


Equally interesting would be friends and associates they all have in common.

e3155f  No.5151080

File: 95bb2a938f69b51⋯.jpg (143.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DzQN1VjUcAAfkcu.jpg)

1062a1  No.5151081

938743  No.5151082

File: e31308f733bf97a⋯.png (976.22 KB, 880x663, 880:663, WeGoWall.PNG)


Orange man GOOD : )

cbf94e  No.5151083

2b851c  No.5151084

File: 674ed5060d5347c⋯.png (707.95 KB, 1269x789, 423:263, 7512675324436853.png)

File: 063782815be48b5⋯.png (589.72 KB, 943x795, 943:795, 708964320132069430975.png)

9064f8  No.5151085

File: 781a11ede24395d⋯.jpg (251.94 KB, 911x666, 911:666, Draco WWG1WGA.jpg)

Would you go where the Draco go?

Hint: you'd probably not make it back

763bd4  No.5151086


you spelled satanic pedophiles wrong

a47656  No.5151087

Resignations in the news today - part 1

State Ethics Commissioners Move to Fill Executive Secretary's Post After Resignation


Hays Chamber director Wellbrock resigns to start own business


Lisman will retire as Luzerne County coroner next month


The City of Seaford Police Chief Resigns


Hilliard City Council accepting application following presidents resignation


REI Chief Executive Jerry Stritzke Resigns After Investigation into Undisclosed Relationship


Roberts Village Board president submits resignation letter with 'heavy but grateful heart'


Wyoming fire chief resigns amid allegations


GINW accepts superintendent's resignation, faces middle school decision


Longtime Jamestown Area YMCA CEO To Retire


£350,000-a-year De Montfort University chief resigns amid inquiry


Substitute teacher resigns after she allegedly told student his athletic wear is 'prison attire'


Alico's embattled CEO Remy Trafelet resigns


Mapleton teacher resigns amid threat of termination


C.H. Robinson CEO Wiehoff to retire after 17 years


Grand Junction employee retires after more than 40 years


Junction City mayor resigns, interim mayor appointed


Resigning Croswell councilman alleges 'lack of transparency' among officials


67e562  No.5151088



f7d375  No.5151089

File: e1abc87e25af4f5⋯.png (1.22 MB, 932x518, 466:259, Capture.PNG)

Southern Baptist Convention: More than 200 ministers, deacons and others have been found guilty of sex abuse, report says

A total of about 380 Southern Baptist leaders and volunteers have faced allegations of sexual misconduct, a newspaper investigation found.

For more than a decade, a Baptist preacher in Oklahoma has been what he calls "a lone voice in the wilderness."

Pastor Wade Burleson called on the Southern Baptist Convention to protect its flock by creating a database that would track church workers accused of sexual abuse.

Such a list was published Monday, but not by the Baptists.

The Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News in an expansive investigation named 220 pastors, ministers, deacons, volunteers, Sunday school teachers and others who were found guilty of sexually abusing churchgoers over 20 years.


3f222f  No.5151090


Who's that?

44e8e0  No.5151091

File: 3847e6f6ecbc39f⋯.jpg (84.07 KB, 950x350, 19:7, xf.jpg)


I thought they were

a47656  No.5151092


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Wabtec (WAB) Reports Resignation of COO Stephane Rambaud-Measson


Bimlendra Jha, CEO of Tata Steel UK, resigns


Franklin County engineer resigns


Reliance Capital AMC's Deputy CEO Himanshu Vyapak resigns


Longtime county circuit clerk resigns


Chembio executive who filled in as CEO resigns


Olathe Police Chief Steven Menke, head of department since 2008, announces retirement


Ware seeks new planning director; assistant resigns


Beacon Journal editor to retire


Resignation of arts dean


Akamai stock ticks higher as earnings beat, CFO retires


South Arkansas mayor resigns, citing personal reasons


Doucet announces plans to retire


Conservative senator studying environmental bill resigns mining company position


Maggie Brooks retiring from executive post at RTS


Gerry Rogers not seeking re-election, will resign as leader


Read the full resignation letter from Jody Wilson-Raybould


Sheriff’s Department Second-In-Command Resigns


Barz retires from Isabella Bank board


Pocatello police chief retiring after 30-year law enforcement career


Police chief of East Providence to retire


Elpers resigns from teaching position


Abbot Cletus to retire at St. Bernard


26c9be  No.5151093

File: 0d4f2de9e0515fb⋯.jpg (429.06 KB, 720x1005, 48:67, shil-kil.jpg)

6f9c86  No.5151094

File: c5c52328a59f459⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 454x308, 227:154, SpongeBob.JPG)

2b851c  No.5151095

File: 22f34ad9b9fc286⋯.png (212.83 KB, 1031x775, 1031:775, 70860910364379053206543089….png)

File: d31026f55d4d332⋯.png (197.88 KB, 1661x783, 1661:783, 13906407964764.png)

File: 1e8fe9013a9a493⋯.png (692.1 KB, 1269x789, 423:263, 7806431276475436.png)

906e6c  No.5151096

File: c68d968b93765de⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1499x1000, 1499:1000, 001212002121111.png)

7db5ac  No.5151097

Posted this earlier today,when the bread was on fire since Q was posting. Might be relevant.

It is also now night shift.

Not defending Mad Maxine in any way, but might have an explanation.

Years ago I knew a state politician that was into investment property. He had an "in" somewhere that we could get the list of tax auction properties before the list became public.

Normally the list comes out just prior to the auction so there isn't enough time to go check them out thoroughly. We would get the list and drive around and look it them and decide what they were worth.

Then sometimes we were the only people present for the auction and could buy a parcel of land for the tax lien amount that could be as low as $75. Some of them were not worth much more than that at the time, but in a few years they became more valuable and could be sold at a very nice profit. Seems just another way for the elite class to enrich themselves at other peoples expense. Anyone can do this, but without the benefit of getting the file early, it isn't as easy.

dbc43b  No.5151098

File: 03157723a8c6491⋯.png (1.15 MB, 880x884, 220:221, 79lk.png)

File: 546d416f397195d⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 750x1010, 75:101, 1547610461519.jpg)

Just a reminder and message to normies lurking that western countries are starting to raise retirement ages to import and support this trash.

f825aa  No.5151099

File: 86de569d631eb96⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 86de569d631eb96855658f9bc0….jpg)

349751  No.5151100


Trump boys found one. I bet they paid a pretty penny for it also. Keeps some other breeds of humans employed.

2b851c  No.5151101

File: 77a6bf462c0d929⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1197x780, 399:260, 07964790743.png)

3439e0  No.5151102


See the website at https://genie.com

2f50d4  No.5151103


Fixing our nation's schools? Is the man mad? Oh… yeah…

I suppose he could mean "fixing" as in "castrating." I mean, they're

pretty much useless as educational institutions anymore, better

served as propagation arms of the DS/left.

e69341  No.5151104



Agree. Spouseanon agrees too.

6f9c86  No.5151105

File: f99c358472fb750⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 464x311, 464:311, VanByRiverJews.JPG)

File: 35a863290879acb⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 435x232, 15:8, VanByRiverJewsII.JPG)

File: abe739ebd1f9dce⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 293x280, 293:280, VanByRiverJewsIII.JPG)

File: 15ea4530e42312d⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 453x312, 151:104, VanByRiverJewsIV.JPG)

File: 20e2ce321d4f8bf⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 358x275, 358:275, VanByRiverJewsV.JPG)

277dbe  No.5151106

ae9cfe  No.5151107

File: 28c4193063dd671⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 645x773, 645:773, wojak-thinking-1.jpg)


Dude, for real, you're psychotic.

You keep accusing me of being that person who you got obsessed with and you are a fucking creep.

Filtering you, for the 6th time in a row.

7d6ae5  No.5151108


dead stock walking. that can't get out of it's own way

44e8e0  No.5151110

File: 44069cede439cfc⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 770x1038, 385:519, red_card_katarina_by_joker….jpg)

8c7d52  No.5151111

I have been thinking about Q's repost from yesterday. Crimes against children.

These crimes must be brought to light and prosecuted. There can be no quarter nor compromise on it.

If we, the people, don't demand it, then we have lost our humanity. If our government does not make it so, then it has lost all legitimacy to govern.

This far…and no farther.

851059  No.5151112


He is powerless now. The Dems have the House and the committee Chairs. About all he can do is send a letter to Barr. I don't think that constitutes a criminal referral.

f825aa  No.5151113

File: 9d19de1796bf1e6⋯.png (18.14 KB, 580x221, 580:221, evil6.PNG)

3f222f  No.5151114

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB, 217x272, 217:272, THEY_ALL_LOOK_THE_SAME.gif)

c2b4e7  No.5151115

File: 02ddc22bc7391b4⋯.jpeg (442.77 KB, 1155x1834, 165:262, C17DF00C-6424-4BAD-856E-0….jpeg)


One for the baker

349751  No.5151116


In NY and VA probably even CA you could do that with an aborted baby and get away with it.

For context.

7d6ae5  No.5151117

1062a1  No.5151118

File: 4714806e633e39c⋯.jpg (119.86 KB, 600x380, 30:19, 35d97fff5bf059285beccdcbe0….jpg)

f825aa  No.5151119

File: 945bddaa21c11e9⋯.jpg (9.23 KB, 261x193, 261:193, bot.jpg)

2fba7f  No.5151120





it's bad optics, but then again, I kinda like hunting, myself.

2f50d4  No.5151121


They've been cutting benefits for years, IIRC. At some point, you

ALWAYS run out of other people's money.

041263  No.5151122


This needs a soundtrack.

f7d375  No.5151123

File: a8c570f25bf80b5⋯.png (561.88 KB, 829x300, 829:300, Capture.PNG)

Physician Says There Isn’t Single Scenario Where Late-Term Abortion Protects Mother’s Health

Doctor and Kansas Rep. Roger W. Marshall wrote an op-ed saying there aren’t any reasons why a late-term abortion is necessary to protect a woman’s health.

“To this day, I can’t think of a single scenario where I thought a late-term abortion would help to improve a woman’s mental health,” Marshall wrote in a Monday op-ed published by Fox News. “Contrary to the pro-abortion movement, regardless of the mother’s underlying medical health, I never saw the scenario where we had to choose between a mom’s life and a baby,” Marshall wrote.

Marshall is an obstetrician who has delivered more than 5,000 babies in Western Kansas over 25 years. He also served as an OB-GYN at a state mental health hospital and prison.


1dafc2  No.5151124



2b851c  No.5151125

File: 22c2818889b02e9⋯.png (757.42 KB, 1670x1067, 1670:1067, 824708764319783487540.png)

File: 95ba0bd889a64ba⋯.png (766.94 KB, 1551x636, 517:212, 2658903700257492.png)

277dbe  No.5151126

File: 609afe35d728e43⋯.png (449.83 KB, 975x647, 975:647, pizzagate2.png)

ae9cfe  No.5151127



3439e0  No.5151128


The property at 2120 Kirk has been in his (Husband to Maxine) way before 1988. He is paying 400/annual in taxes. Why hold on that long?

dbc43b  No.5151129


No doubt. Blue haired dog and cat "moms" would freak the fuck out but would have no problem aborting kids.

c2b4e7  No.5151130

File: 656a1253e23ebb4⋯.jpeg (87.1 KB, 600x482, 300:241, 2669D3B6-BAC0-4572-B993-8….jpeg)

eb5121  No.5151131

>>5150862 pb

We need a Punisher Pepe to read them off

4bd7f8  No.5151132

File: 76419662414b16c⋯.png (291.86 KB, 417x675, 139:225, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is Donald Trump retweeting this?

There's this article that just came out: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/02/rare-black-panther-spotted-in-africa-century/

== a leopard can't change its spots

One will stay true to one's nature, even if one pretends or claims otherwise. ==

Who is he talking about?

f825aa  No.5151133

File: 1c18a09cd7b5058⋯.jpeg (106.85 KB, 665x484, 665:484, 1c18a09cd7b50588abeeee41e….jpeg)

e69341  No.5151134

File: 782d96a53176498⋯.jpg (149.69 KB, 735x490, 3:2, QCrumbsPublicInterest.jpg)

File: d6b685fe579651c⋯.jpeg (133.31 KB, 1024x627, 1024:627, QCrumbsOldGuard5.jpeg)

File: 098d4f695c30890⋯.jpg (376.78 KB, 1897x954, 1897:954, QCrumbsAntifa2fixed.jpg)

File: ab900a4674f2596⋯.jpg (461.64 KB, 768x1167, 256:389, QCrumbsBreakUpBigTech.jpg)

File: abba095b10e1e2f⋯.jpg (496.61 KB, 1193x796, 1193:796, QCrumbsThingsAreMoving.jpg)

2f50d4  No.5151135


I don't think so, either, but Barr can choose to pursue it since it is a

crime to lie to Congress. He won't. It's show.

6c25b9  No.5151136

File: 105b23123d8f5cf⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 845x750, 169:150, AryaQ.jpg)

a47656  No.5151137

File: 7d646fb889f34e3⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 738x755, 738:755, 1 (1).JPG)

File: edfed73873bebc4⋯.jpg (80.73 KB, 583x790, 583:790, 1.JPG)

File: bf4e6c8c531b359⋯.jpg (120.01 KB, 745x875, 149:175, 3.JPG)

File: d90e3fcf00354a0⋯.jpg (127.68 KB, 637x843, 637:843, 4.JPG)

Facebook lets you search for pictures of your female friends, but not your male ones


bda823  No.5151138

File: 8fb0e4bff35f747⋯.png (20.64 KB, 958x171, 958:171, Appeals court sides with T….png)

Did everyone see this yesterday or was it missed?

9th Circuit Court rules n Trumps favor. Unbelievable.


c1f44d  No.5151139

File: c5daa7a1b640019⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 749x590, 749:590, iur (1).jpg)

6f9c86  No.5151140

File: 63619735a179721⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 458x316, 229:158, VanByRiverJewsVI (2).JPG)

File: 3edadbc30b817e6⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 432x258, 72:43, VanByRiverJewsVI.JPG)

File: 47a1d02ab793d5d⋯.jpg (30.2 KB, 455x287, 65:41, VanByRiverJewsVII.JPG)

5f3f7b  No.5151141

File: 75bae69a04d453b⋯.jpeg (3.23 MB, 2201x2048, 2201:2048, E6B987A3-8613-480B-84D1-6….jpeg)

Thank you to all the Bakers.

Q relies on you and so does anon and many around the world. You are doing God’s work. You are baking History. May God protect you and bless you beyond measure.


f4a6cb  No.5151142



Sorry, Anon who posted (lb). I didn't grab your post but this is legit. You deserve much credit for the dig.

This gives names and other verifiable info, if it's bullshit it's a YUGE fuckup by Washington Times.

9f3c7a  No.5151144

“The end won’t be for everyone.” I too struggle with what I could handle - I have been here since December 2017. Somethings I read make me leave for days so I can recover mentally. I question my strength to endure the truth. BUT - I want to know, for only one reason, to help my children cope with whatever the “end” is. I really think the end is close.

b5e3f5  No.5151145


yea I added it last night

incredible though, anons were talking about POTUS recent appointments to it

6123f2  No.5151146

File: 00b05c43c589201⋯.jpeg (43.19 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 7de8f7da02db45409c42c75b5….jpeg)

and yet, she worked there, she needed the job and the insurance

the supremes need to declare the status of the unborn in order to protect them and now it seems make clear that babies born alive are human as well, murder is murder


c90607  No.5151147


I worked with a fucking asshole years ago that would poor through tax lien info and then buy up the properties. Hed then announce it in the classifieds (required by law) then kick em the fuck out. Many of them were old ladies whose husband died and didnt even know. He didnt give a fuck. Money money money money money money.

2b851c  No.5151148

File: 06ba9ff7d2593bb⋯.png (1.39 MB, 940x823, 940:823, 12390170633432556.png)

File: 6722baa30d2b62e⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1690x932, 845:466, 6378590082198049236.png)

File: 98be5c0ba3966b8⋯.png (1.49 MB, 942x834, 157:139, 40691335422313437890.png)

2fba7f  No.5151149

File: 7014104ba80aee4⋯.jpg (79.35 KB, 646x578, 19:17, LIONELRICHIE.jpg)

2a0477  No.5151150

File: 5411b1494d52421⋯.jpg (104.99 KB, 526x605, 526:605, NEWSOM2a.jpg)

Gavin Newsom kills controversial Delta twin tunnels plan

In a major shift in one of the largest proposed public works projects in state history, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday announced he does not support former Gov. Jerry Brown’s $19 billion plan to build two massive tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to make it easier to move water from north to south.

Newsom, in his first state-of-the-state speech since taking office last month, said that instead, he will pursue a smaller, one-tunnel plan for the project, which Brown had called “WaterFix.”

“Let me be direct about where I stand,” Newsom said. “I do not support the Water Fix as currently configured. Meaning, I do not support the twin tunnels. But we can build on the important work that’s already been done. That’s why I do support a single tunnel.”


6e74f1  No.5151151


Hopefully more doctors come on board and stand up for this atrocity

Thank God he did

2b851c  No.5151152

File: f84d280c9840b56⋯.png (308.65 KB, 1814x870, 907:435, 9889712216941583298.png)

f7d375  No.5151153

House Democrats Vote to Criminalize Storage of Legal Firearms

Published: 12 February 2019

Santa Fe – In a continuing effort to penalize law-abiding gun owners, House Democrats voted to move forward with House Bill 130 (HB 130) on Tuesday. HB 130 would penalize gun owners if they store their firearms in a manner which someone would “reasonably” know a minor would have access. The problem with HB 130 is the term “reasonably” is never defined, which leaves it open to interpretation if legal gun owners will face criminal charges.

“We keep hearing the words ‘common’ and ’sense’ about these gun bills but all I see are bills that are devoid of both,” said Rep. Candy Ezzell (R-Roswell.) “New Mexicans need to know what special interests are trying to do to their 2nd amendment rights.”

“This bill criminalizes parents, both rural and urban, for defending their homes the way they see fit,” said Rep. Gregg Schmedes (R-Tijeras).

The bill passed out of the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC) with all House Democrats voting in favor. House CPAC is the same committee which has passed numerous anit-2nd amendment bills during the legislative session.


040772  No.5151154

3844e7  No.5151155

File: e59c3e93f71ff66⋯.png (147.89 KB, 799x554, 799:554, copypasta.png)

1d245b  No.5151156

File: 0d5595bc2a8d6bf⋯.png (115.03 KB, 750x476, 375:238, image.png)

File: e94cc6e904cfb9f⋯.png (2.99 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, CFSS.png)

That look when you realize who your real friends are.

bda823  No.5151157


ok, good.

cc16cb  No.5151158

File: 04961a535079cc6⋯.jpg (219.6 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2tjhki.jpg)

File: 7b17a2747e07389⋯.jpg (205.99 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2tjh21.jpg)

File: bc51fe3ff1dd847⋯.jpg (211.22 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2tj7kx.jpg)

Anyone have a pic from POTUS rally last night showing the crowd, the flag, the banners with "finish the wall" and POTUS? Speech was FULL of meme material .

f4a6cb  No.5151159


WifeAnon is in the OB business. Can confirm this is 100% true.

c2b4e7  No.5151160

File: 577b229827fd1db⋯.jpeg (39.06 KB, 296x296, 1:1, F286D72A-DCBD-4D65-9DB4-D….jpeg)

f825aa  No.5151161

File: 945417f0f4e2b69⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 737x491, 737:491, 945417f0f4e2b69be56a024864….jpg)

277dbe  No.5151162

File: ece614502e3ffe5⋯.png (47.41 KB, 285x351, 95:117, os-x-cats.png)

50792b  No.5151163

File: 86a14567bc83715⋯.jpg (33.14 KB, 393x393, 1:1, 51848094_176851156626092_9….jpg)

b5e3f5  No.5151164


that's the wrong link anon

2b851c  No.5151165

File: d7201f1dca07c39⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1680x1000, 42:25, 21073017150979304439766.png)

801622  No.5151166


lurk moar

b4cc57  No.5151167

File: 01b10a4939d9bee⋯.jpg (119.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 104-0488_IMG.jpg)

dbce7c  No.5151168

File: 565aa0bde2e2915⋯.jpeg (23.22 KB, 765x573, 255:191, 5B6201A9-0894-4276-A6EB-E….jpeg)

Can it just be as simple as POTUS referring to the MSNBC report that “Collusion” was a con-job from day 1. They probably ran with it and a generally anti-Trump tone even more than CNN.

MSNBC ate some serious crow to admit it.

The leopard changing it’s spots is nothing less than a miracle.

The Jeremiah reference was good.

67e562  No.5151169


There's a relationship between Genie and Afek, I think they drill for em, anyways:

Afek Oil and Gas Reports Earnings Results for the Second Quarter Ended June 30, 2018

Aug 6 18

Afek Oil and Gas reported earnings results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2018. For the quarter, the company reported loss from operations of $0.2 million against $1.3 million a year ago. Adjusted LBITDA was $0.2 million against $1.2 million a year ago.

ae9cfe  No.5151170

File: f02593607fb5d51⋯.png (663.39 KB, 909x923, 909:923, Muslims and Jews 1.png)

File: 1fd0b6464880c6f⋯.png (251.21 KB, 512x913, 512:913, Muslims and Jews 2.png)

File: 914e52f436a0adc⋯.jpg (160.06 KB, 1010x783, 1010:783, Muslims and Jews 3.jpg)

File: 7bde38e1d07771a⋯.png (682.94 KB, 864x562, 432:281, Muslims and Jews 4.PNG)

File: 9b9a22a82e9ba9b⋯.png (448.24 KB, 1217x689, 1217:689, Muslims and Jews 5.PNG)

faeaa2  No.5151171




fd5d66  No.5151172

File: f4dda7aeee2005c⋯.jpg (651.25 KB, 1080x1256, 135:157, Screenshot_20190212-222211….jpg)

c1f44d  No.5151173

File: a053683cf4c4765⋯.jpg (340.04 KB, 1018x853, 1018:853, star.jpg)

9e6816  No.5151174

File: c1c5580dbe232ab⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 1103x176, 1103:176, screen shot JFKJR question….jpg)

File: e9e2d672b2c7d13⋯.jpg (92.43 KB, 1573x322, 1573:322, Fake ID pointed out in Gra….jpg)

>>5150253 (pb)

The JFK Jr FAGs keep using a

FAKE Graphic

I know because I am the anon who asked the Question that (((they))) didn't like the answer to.

96855e  No.5151175

File: 5ae67b85e4bae69⋯.jpeg (93.95 KB, 1125x642, 375:214, 36F68291-154C-4F63-81FE-0….jpeg)

dcef6d  No.5151176

File: 628c4bce58c79aa⋯.png (95.71 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


dunno. but he reminded me i hadnt been to the local titty bar in a while

2b851c  No.5151177

File: cef436bf98fbfe7⋯.png (753.19 KB, 1302x893, 1302:893, 098828080099807547.png)

ca7758  No.5151178

File: 9ca8f27a8a6afc5⋯.png (144.88 KB, 505x422, 505:422, 9ca8f27a8a6afc51e63d4ee191….png)

>>5150617 (lb)

>Lifelong Repub, conservative, anti-commie, supported both Kennedy and Reagan. True Patriot.

If you think any of that means one cannot be a criminal, cannibal, or other unknown unknown, perhaps you are a newfag.

ae9cfe  No.5151180


Lol, Jordan Peterson would be proud.

b5e3f5  No.5151181



shit, meant pic


added last night

a77f8a  No.5151182

1.375 Bill

3.5 Returned CA train money

1.0 Thanks El Chapo


5.875 Billion

Build it

50792b  No.5151183


kek, wunderbar

f825aa  No.5151184

File: 25b2634a33b5489⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 500x833, 500:833, bot2.jpg)



below you'll find a sample of spambot activity:

from the early nightshidt breads ago:








































spambot garbage #1











>>4949172 disinfo posted by the spambot. no vatican or payseur. only muhjew. Q said it isn't about a specific religion.










spambot garbage from nightshift bread 1:


















spambot garbage from nightshift bread 2:





>>4907713 (bot operator attempting to blend in)




>>4907242 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907269 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907276 (bot operator attempting to blend in)






>>4907470 (bot operator attempting to blend in)

>>4907488 (bot operator attempting to blend in)




>>4907833 (bot operator trying to blend in)




spambot garbage from nightshift bread 3:





>>4907041 (bot operator attempting to blend in)










>>4906932 (bot operator attempting to blend in)


>>4906996 (bot operator attempting to blend in)


spambot garbage from nightshift bread 4:

>>4905706 pb

>>4905987 pb

>>4906077 pb

>>4906123 pb

>>4906156 pb

>>4906201 pb

>>4906274 pb

>>4906314 pb

>>4906345 pb

>>4906355 pb

>>4906367 pb

>>4906377 pb

>>4906415 pb

>>4906417 pb

>>4906426 pb

1d245b  No.5151185

File: ea648a958482acb⋯.png (561.71 KB, 640x640, 1:1, image.png)

3439e0  No.5151186


@@@ Baker, Fuckin' Notable @@@

2b851c  No.5151187

File: 869d5f10cb5d5e3⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 872740656237066321.png)

30f643  No.5151188


You're about a year late on that. Cruz already submitted a bill to take his money. Look it up. Then go back to Facebook. I mean you're not even ready for Reddit or Voat.

b5e3f5  No.5151189



f7d375  No.5151190


since 2016 and before they have been saying it.. just proves no difference between the Dems and Rebs both bought and paid for

No Medical Evidence Finds Abortion Can Save a Mother’s Life

Abortion Is Never a Lifesaving Procedure


David C. Reardon

In the most recent presidential debate, Hillary Clinton claimed late-term abortions are sometimes necessary to save women’s lives. That’s great rhetoric, but it is not supported by even a single medical study.


2b851c  No.5151192

File: a58b962515cb8dd⋯.png (1.62 MB, 919x806, 919:806, 21897430217896549017865132….png)

461f12  No.5151193

Moscow Calls for Peaceful Settlement of DPRK Nuclear Issue - Foreign Ministry

Russia reiterates its calls for a peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear crisis as well as other issues troubling the Korean peninsula, Director of Russian Foreign Ministry’s First Asian Department Georgiy Zinoviev said on Tuesday.

"Russia has consistently advocated for the peaceful settlement of nuclear and other issues of the Korean Peninsula", Zinoviev said at a reception hosted by the North Korean Embassy to Russia.

Moscow commends Pyongyang over continuing efforts to alleviate tensions on the peninsula, the official noted.

"We note with satisfaction that the positive trends in the development of the situation in the sub-region, outlined last year, are continuing. We commend the initiative steps and efforts undertaken in this direction by the leadership of North Korea", Zinoviev said.

Pyongyang has made relatively rapid progress in nuclear research, reportedly conducting atomic tests and testing a series of ICBMs

In response, the UN Security Council and the international community have repeatedly adopted economic and diplomatic sanctions against North Korea. After a flurry of diplomacy culminating in a June 2018 summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, Pyongyang agreed to denuclearize.

During the historic meeting, the sides reached an agreement stipulating that North Korea would make efforts to promote the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for the United States and South Korea freezing their military exercise and potentially lifting the sanctions.

North Korea's denuclearization efforts is further expected to be discussed at the next summit between Kim and Trump on 27-28 February in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.

A Russian Foreign Ministry source told Sputnik Monday that Moscow is interested in the success of the US-North Korea summit in Hanoi.


6700c9  No.5151194

File: f61c0ed4116765c⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1342x2048, 671:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Westminster Dog Show

Verified account


Feb 11


Game face. #WKCDogShow

3844e7  No.5151195

File: 4d884a3a76e8ce7⋯.png (31.47 KB, 828x600, 69:50, PSA.png)

f825aa  No.5151196

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, c1fde26162d168c2fa2cb953f….jpeg)

File: 1e60ff7d81aaca0⋯.png (27.28 KB, 571x325, 571:325, nw.PNG)

077c73  No.5151198

File: 15c323f13854147⋯.jpg (218.14 KB, 464x595, 464:595, downloadfile-25.jpg)

44e8e0  No.5151199

File: b9101e8ae6fcbad⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 300x182, 150:91, grimReaper04.jpg)


Please die.

2b851c  No.5151200

File: d4602ca18858c81⋯.png (671.68 KB, 1612x679, 1612:679, 312897756389.png)

96d95b  No.5151201

Idk what's in this deal from what I saw they only offered 1.8 million or billion or something. But what else is in it. Because that is not enough it doesn't even sound close to what was needed.

What about the humanitarian aid, more border agents, more judges, temporary housing in exchange the the Bridge Act.?

If POTUS and Q are watching the board I'm just saying from what I have heard about the deal it's no where near the deal you asked for.

Then I wouldn't sign it. They're gonna have to do better.

That party is always trying to roll the dice with our lives enough is enough.

they don't get to put our country on a back burner for their stupid ass political agenda. They work for us they took an oath for us they need to do their damn jobs or the step the hell down. Either they fund the wall or shut down the government again.

They want POTUS to reject it so they can put the shutdown on you. We know the truth.

The shutdown will still be on that democratic domestic terrorist organization/group for not following through yet again on their end to make a fair deal to keep the people in this country safe.

I have no faith in that party anymore. I don't trust them anymore. I will never vote for another Democrat again.

918fb1  No.5151202



306354  No.5151203

File: b795b9bd47c8dcf⋯.png (115.38 KB, 1021x933, 1021:933, P2.png)

File: 162262075050984⋯.png (92.49 KB, 1013x935, 1013:935, P3.png)

File: 56206cfd7486750⋯.png (1.21 MB, 844x695, 844:695, P4.png)

all pb

>>5149488 pb







>>5149538 pb

Sidney Williams

looks like inherited 2200 Kirk along with siblings. then bought a lot backing up to a rail yard? for the scenery?

c2b4e7  No.5151204

File: 6e7a50fc12b4d2e⋯.jpeg (42.46 KB, 435x435, 1:1, 5A2E6046-BB68-485F-8A61-0….jpeg)


Makes me sad.

2b851c  No.5151205

File: 46e3b7a8579e93e⋯.png (1017.24 KB, 1309x760, 1309:760, 3490878906132843653.png)

c51bd9  No.5151206


THINK MIRROR, retard. Answer, then question.

f825aa  No.5151207

File: 7874740d61eea26⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 7874740d61eea26ab6956e15ea….jpg)

e69341  No.5151208

File: f4c6a4887b79442⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2019-02-12….png)


Thought I grabbed a few but they're not there. Have today's cabinet meeting though. Life is a blur - chan chan chan sleep chan chan chan sleep

184ab5  No.5151209


>Ilhan Omar

Exactly what I've been waiting for: A motherfucking muzzie trying to come into the western world trying to awaken me about "muh joos".

They really don't get it that we'll get rid of them first, and then deal with corruption & whatever else might be wrong in our part of the world, do they?

fe73fd  No.5151210


Exactly, we should demand the studies that show the justification for late term abortions that save the mother's life. How many in the last 10 years?

6f9c86  No.5151211

File: a1360946ccd5336⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 446x313, 446:313, VanByRIverJewsVIIII.JPG)

7db5ac  No.5151212


Does it have any liens against it? For all we know he uses it over and over for collateral for something. Not sure but seems stupid to pay $400 a year for something worthless.

cdb550  No.5151213

File: 750b3aee7913487⋯.png (447.36 KB, 1311x1311, 1:1, Alfa-Romeo-symbol.png)


On the right: the symbol of one of the most important families in the history of Milan (and Italy), the Visconti family – the family that ruled Milan. There are a lot of legends about the origins of this heraldic symbol, representing a mythological animal with a human in his mouth (some believe it to be a dragon, but most likely a snake). During the time of the crusades, Otone Visconti , the founder of Visconti Family and a knight, fought against a noble Saracen knight (nomad from the Syrian Desert that bordered the Roman Empire). Otone beat the Saracen knight and, following the tradition, took the symbols the Saracen carried on his shield: a snake with a human in his mouth. At first glance, it looks like the snake is eating the human. Instead, the human is coming out of the snake a "new man," purified and renewed.

The meaning: The snake is a circular animal (a snake can assume a circular position) and is an animal of the changing – able to change his skin regularly and totally renew or rebirth himself.

461f12  No.5151214

File: 9ac33c2075f2131⋯.png (363.68 KB, 501x319, 501:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27f7b527ea41aed⋯.png (328.42 KB, 915x529, 915:529, ClipboardImage.png)

Inside The NYPD's Out-Of-Control DNA Collection Practices

The NYPD is going to great lengths to collect, and permanently store DNA from everyone they can - guilty or innocent, according to the NY Daily News.

Whether it be going door to door, bribing people with cigarettes, or simply demanding cheek swabs from random passers by, the NYPD has been aggressively compiling an Orwellian crime-fighting DNA database which had over 64,000 profiles as of 2017.

Take as an extreme example the police investigation of the Howard Beach jogger case. Before they identified a suspect, the NYPD collected well over 500 DNA profiles from men in the East New York area. Imagine police knocking on doors, in uniform, with a cheek swab in hand, asking residents to prove they didn’t kill the jogger in the nearby park.

They were willing to do it in East New York. Do you think this would happen on Park Ave.? In Park Slope? Not likely.

But things get worse from there. For those people excluded from the jogger case, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, the city’s crime lab, permanently keeps those profiles in their databank and routinely compares profiles to all city crimes. -NY Daily News

The Chief Medical Examiner's office, meanwhile, has justified the supercharged data collection on ambiguous city and state laws - instead preferring to invent their own rules governing how they use someone's DNA.

In short - anyone who has given their DNA to the NYPD will be routinely compared to DNA samples from every rape, murder and any other violent crime run through the system.

But wait, you might say - why worry if you've done nothing wrong?

Because, as the Daily News notes, "DNA has unparalleled power to wrongly accuse. Genetic testing can now reveal a profile based on a few cells, and we shed hundreds of thousands of cells a day. Your DNA can show up in places you’ve never been."

For example, the DNA of Lukis Anderson was discovered under the fingernails of a murdered billionaire - which was transferred to the dead man by paramedics that night who had treated both men. Anderson was facing the death penalty before his 2013 exoneration.

You might also take a cue from the police themselves. Under their labor contract with the city, rank-and-file officers don’t give the lab their DNA, which means the lab can’t easily rule out possible crime-scene contamination. This means that the officers knocking on doors ask people to volunteer to do what they won’t.

Basic privacy is another genuine worry. We see every day how our personal information, once set loose upon the internet, can never be recaptured. The past few years have heralded incredible expansions of the uses of DNA. Now imagine what will be possible in 30 years.


f6a5f9  No.5151215

File: 9cd9328514220e8⋯.png (297.47 KB, 494x361, 26:19, 2019-02-12_23-22-26.png)

3844e7  No.5151216

File: 476c8eba7d4901d⋯.png (982.73 KB, 1000x574, 500:287, muhBingo.png)

63a4ca  No.5151217

File: 3312a84c3dc401a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

pretty sure this is the first time i've gotten a news alert for a dog show…


Wire fox terrier named King wins Westminster's 'Best in Show'

A wire fox terrier named King was named the winner of the 143rd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Wire fox terriers have won 15 times at the nation's most prestigious pooch pageant, far more than any other breed.

A Havanese named Bono came in second among the more than 2,800 dogs who entered.


Also in the final ring were Bean the popular Sussex spaniel, Burns the crowd-pleasing longhaired dachshund, Wilma the boxer and Baby Lars the bouviers des Flandres.


077c73  No.5151218

File: c6a03cd3a6d1282⋯.png (650.29 KB, 1080x1259, 1080:1259, Screenshot_20190212-192748….png)

b5e3f5  No.5151219

Notables so far


>>5151024, >>5151189 19 states don’t protect babies that accidentally survive abortions; abortion industry whistleblower, has passed away

>>5151087, >>5151092 Resignations in the news today

>>5151089 More than 200 ministers, deacons and others have been found guilty of sex abuse

>>5151123 Physician Says There Isn’t Single Scenario Where Late-Term Abortion Protects Mother’s Health

>>5151150 Gavin Newsom kills controversial Delta twin tunnels plan

>>5151174 Shill keeps using a fake graphic to shill

>>5151193 Moscow Calls for Peaceful Settlement of DPRK Nuclear Issue

>>5151214 NYPD's Out-Of-Control DNA Collection Practices

91538d  No.5151220

File: 0124a508ec66a2b⋯.png (36.4 KB, 720x402, 120:67, ClipboardImage.png)

2b851c  No.5151221

File: dd677c65f9bb19f⋯.png (312.36 KB, 1309x894, 1309:894, 69479365693542013096362.png)

c51bd9  No.5151222

File: ec0eab5839cef6e⋯.png (246.77 KB, 384x508, 96:127, NWOSG.png)

67e562  No.5151223

File: 3b0b320e8474f36⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1368x2048, 171:256, ClipboardImage.png)



The new appointees join the distinguished current members of the Board:

– Richard Cheney: 46th Vice President of the United States, formerly

President and CEO of Halliburton Company and U.S. Secretary of Defense

from 1989 to 1993.

– K. Rupert Murdoch: Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corporation,

one of the world's largest diversified media companies. News

Corporation's holdings include Fox Entertainment, Dow Jones and Company,

the New York Post, HarperCollins and significant media assets on six


– Lord Jacob Rothschild, OM, GBE: Chairman of the J. Rothschild group of

companies and of RIT Capital Partners plc. Chairman of Five Arrows

Limited. Noted philanthropist and Chairman of the Rothschild Foundation.

– Michael Steinhardt: Noted Wall Street investor and Principal Manager,

Steinhardt Management LLC. Founder Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co.,

and noted philanthropist. Mr. Steinhardt serves as Chairman of the

Strategic Advisory Board.

e69341  No.5151224

File: ec68354e0b4f913⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1463x810, 1463:810, TexasRally.png)

cc16cb  No.5151225

Thanks fren !


349751  No.5151226


Spitballing here, but with Mad max's connections, they may have plans in to redevelop that property in the near future. Inside information and all.

She is in the know.

8a88a6  No.5151227

>>5148973 pb


Shout out to chanfags?

9785cf  No.5151228


Be careful, any questions or voicing concerns is not allowed here

Anons take group think and herd mentality very seriously.

6f9c86  No.5151229

File: 719e12e85baa3a6⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 442x294, 221:147, LaughingGas.JPG)


Those were fun to make

f7d375  No.5151230

File: bdf08948e460d96⋯.png (356.93 KB, 696x372, 58:31, Capture.PNG)

Italy Set to Abolish Central Bank and Jail Corrupt Bankers

Italy’s coalition government looks set to abolish the Italian Central bank and jail bankers involved in fraudulent activity.

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini announced the plan following Friday’s warning form Bank of America that predicts the greats threat to EPS – i.e., markets – in the next 3 years “is an acceleration of global populism via taxation, regulation & government intervention.”

Zerohedge.com reports: Matteo Salvini, the outspoken head of the anti-immigrant League party, said the Bank of Italy and Consob, the country’s stock market regulator, should be “reduced to zero, more than changing one or two people, reduced to zero”, or in other words eliminated, and that “fraudsters” who inflicted losses on Italian savers should “end up in prison for a long time.”


c90607  No.5151231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Midgets racing camels. Watch the last midget.. EXPLOSION!!!

3254a3  No.5151232


66 gorillion….


Are you seriously this retarded or……nahhh. You're this retarded….

349751  No.5151233


When they post on Frogs I will be amazed.

fa42c1  No.5151234

>>5150476 (lb)

Holy Cats, Anon! Interesting take on this. SpouseAnon is retired JAG. And we didn't even think of this.

9e6816  No.5151235


What Question?

I'm just pointing out a FAKE Graphic.

There's no 'mirror' in the REAL posts.

3844e7  No.5151236


Who knows where the bodies are buried?

f825aa  No.5151237

File: a9a6ff5ebe0058e⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 722x500, 361:250, c7131fa87c29d1cb1951ecbfa7….jpg)

c1f44d  No.5151238

File: 2175f3e3c141297⋯.jpg (16.55 KB, 403x264, 403:264, educationsoc.jpg)

c51bd9  No.5151239

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



3439e0  No.5151240


Baker Notable

"Sidney William's - Probate Document"

2b851c  No.5151241

File: f76703bb5a4b7c7⋯.png (638.39 KB, 711x917, 711:917, 648941266842.png)

c51bd9  No.5151242

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

44e8e0  No.5151243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c51bd9  No.5151244

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

af4b57  No.5151245

File: 4e9440519888ede⋯.png (854.46 KB, 1094x616, 547:308, beto.png)

c51bd9  No.5151246

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

f4a6cb  No.5151247


And perhaps not. Got notables? I just posted one up. Not close to my first.

And considering that you're entire theory rests on "JW bought property next to the Nogales Airport, he's GOT to be Clown pedo!", it sounds to me like perhaps you are a dumbfag.

1 + 1 = 100, right? That's the magnitude of your jump.

Just speculation is what you've offered so far. Now, for the very last time, put up sauce to back your theory or STFU.

You're getting very repetitively boring to me.

67e562  No.5151248

File: b0e445e2b9b6d43⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1108x737, 1108:737, ClipboardImage.png)

461f12  No.5151249


666 gorillion I'm pretty sure

2b851c  No.5151250

File: 05934481c824a3c⋯.png (930.26 KB, 698x816, 349:408, 020782661207896429.png)

7db5ac  No.5151251


All the properties we did anything with were vacant land. If you buy a house like that, it could have be a meth house or something, and you get stuck with the bill.

Most of them were lots that were sold to foreign visitors for their future vacation home. They probably didn't even know there was a tax bill. They paid cash. mostly Japanese.

f825aa  No.5151252

File: 9a15d971d57586a⋯.png (468.02 KB, 591x587, 591:587, 63951a8dcfcd510789452ea0af….png)

ae9cfe  No.5151253

File: 3261859a34f3ce1⋯.png (38.91 KB, 1295x159, 1295:159, Rothschild Temple Israel p….PNG)

File: a8624d388f26a86⋯.png (776.07 KB, 1200x1279, 1200:1279, Rothschild Temple Israel.png)

Zionism is truly a massive cancer, and the Rothschild are at the center of it.

6123f2  No.5151254

used to win monopoly by owning all the railroads, if rr expansion could be lucrative


e049ea  No.5151255

File: d2673e753969a3a⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 739x371, 739:371, ZeroCreativity.jpg)

e4d6f9  No.5151256

File: cfc93cc6d6eba6a⋯.png (61.3 KB, 520x383, 520:383, greennewsteal.png)

c2b4e7  No.5151257


I don’t like it at all. I would never get a cat spayed if it was pregnant. Damn sure wouldn’t kill a baby. Shouldn’t hunt predators. But I’ll forgive them because their Dad is saving the World.

cc16cb  No.5151258

Thanks I'm looking for one from last nights rally.


918fb1  No.5151260



2fba7f  No.5151261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

35a694  No.5151262


You again?

We got it early in the Bread.

Your a Traitor Psycho Bot Scumbag

Have Fun

2b851c  No.5151263

File: 3cc38e0fc671b18⋯.png (717.63 KB, 1508x670, 754:335, 57889218921983.png)

e40ec0  No.5151264

File: c89e9213d8d00d5⋯.png (343.79 KB, 597x655, 597:655, 1550001243152.png)

Anyone know if any truth to this ??

c2b4e7  No.5151265


Awwwww Kee Kat

5708ee  No.5151266

File: 7321b5bb84adc8c⋯.png (202.59 KB, 400x342, 200:171, 6ef59751d759c2f9a0a022a7d1….png)

File: a4bb5ae3f6da178⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, a4bb5ae3f6da17837fe9fb628a….png)

File: bac447169993125⋯.png (110.34 KB, 316x245, 316:245, bac44716999312508b509d14f9….png)

>>503178 (pb)

077c73  No.5151267

File: 6780742a0121adc⋯.jpg (70.08 KB, 960x720, 4:3, downloadfile-8.jpg)

Trump can reduce America's debt to one dollar with one signature.

c1f44d  No.5151269

File: ce67ea7ddfb584d⋯.jpg (178.68 KB, 570x718, 285:359, jewishagenda.jpg)

9e6816  No.5151270

File: c1c5580dbe232ab⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 1103x176, 1103:176, screen shot JFKJR question….jpg)



That is a


Here is the REAL Q & A!

913f59  No.5151271

File: 8c6cee4171657c9⋯.png (121.58 KB, 630x634, 315:317, Cargill pic 1.png)

File: f9c982984b7d807⋯.png (55.18 KB, 563x587, 563:587, Cargill 2.png)


Yes, was just looking at the Cargill family. Since 1865 - very secretive family it says…

c1a561  No.5151272

44e8e0  No.5151273

File: 02af14499343c34⋯.jpg (18.38 KB, 480x320, 3:2, gun2Head.jpg)



1da7ce  No.5151274

File: 1055a04a3befc6a⋯.jpg (189.33 KB, 1930x1080, 193:108, fijicharity.jpg)

7db5ac  No.5151275


>>>5151174 Shill keeps using a fake graphic to shill

Not notable.

50792b  No.5151276

File: 17bfb9c165c822d⋯.jpg (39.23 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 52097276_2123059827769571_….jpg)

d97255  No.5151277


Anon's put that phone number from Chelsea's tweet into a search there are some very interesting results…reminiscent of another phone number we have seen here before. 888-373-7888

6f9c86  No.5151278

File: b2ae37e96a972bf⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 459x243, 17:9, YogiVIII.JPG)


Says the bot with file #

> c7131fa87c29d1cb1951ecbfa7….jpg

fe232c  No.5151279


pretty kitty, was probably ravaging the livestock of a village somewhere in Africa. The villagers celebrate when these cats are taken. It saves life and livestock and pumps thousands of dollars into their local economies. People should really educate themselves about hunting before passing judgement.

ae9cfe  No.5151280


Good find!

1c2530  No.5151281


welcome to the jew world order

you will comply

2b851c  No.5151282

File: 283fade297de416⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, 12984328048938624386.png)

6c25b9  No.5151283

File: 3a160e2030ffef1⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1645x907, 1645:907, ClipboardImage.png)


Hard to imagine anyone doing anything but setting up shop to move massive amounts of (insert any illegal activity) at this spot. I hear what you are saying though, just doesn't make sense that it would be a road way when there has been a railyard there since 1895


90c0cb  No.5151284


Money already frozen. Taken I believe as of today. Cruz resubmitted bill from 2017 today to spend it on wall.

fe73fd  No.5151285


Please pull the trigger Lohan, you fucking excuse for a human being

a6a47c  No.5151286

File: ce05b127a1473f2⋯.jpg (8.27 KB, 259x195, 259:195, 2efc38689bf35256dc5774fa09….jpg)

67e562  No.5151287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

85d265  No.5151288

Baltimore, Maryland – Former Baltimore City Police Gun Trace Task Force Detective Momodu Bondeva Kenton Gondo, age 36, of Owings Mills, Maryland

Momodu Gondo joined the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) on November 29, 2005 and was later assigned to the Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF), a division of the Baltimore Police Department. According to his plea agreement, Gondo conspired to steal money, property, and narcotics by detaining victims, entering residences, conducting traffic stops, and swearing out false search warrant affidavits.

In addition, Gondo prepared and submitted false official incident and arrest reports, reports of property seized from arrestees, and charging documents, which concealed the fact that Gondo and his co-conspirators stole money, property, and narcotics from individuals.

According to his plea agreement, Gondo admitted participating in eight robberies from March 2015 through July 2016. Gondo robbed civilians whom he detained and in some cases arrested and stole money and drugs from them.

Gondo shared the proceeds with co-defendants and fellow BPD officers Jemell Rayam, Wayne Jenkins, Daniel Hersl, Marcus Taylor, and others, and on other occasions, he kept all of the proceeds for himself.

In each robbery, Gondo was armed with his BPD service firearm, individual victims of the robberies were physically restrained to facilitate the commission of the offense, and he authored false incident reports and other official documents, in some cases in order to conceal his criminal conduct and otherwise obstruct justice.


2b851c  No.5151289

File: b45a06e8814b41d⋯.png (587.11 KB, 1443x872, 1443:872, 91191113289589026029564808….png)

913f59  No.5151290


oh, sauce


c51bd9  No.5151291

File: 9d0e6aabcf3ca1f⋯.png (33.55 KB, 1305x594, 145:66, QMirrorAnswerYesLarge.png)


It's still there. Here it is.

5708ee  No.5151292

File: 3ab9afe93d8c6ca⋯.jpeg (300.98 KB, 1125x1123, 1125:1123, 3ab9afe93d8c6cab5ddac9af2….jpeg)

File: 4a36aa1f048547d⋯.jpg (106.5 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 4a36aa1f048547d37711e3ef61….jpg)

File: b854299d79465b6⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1662x1109, 1662:1109, b854299d79465b65b176f7725b….jpg)

>>503178 (really, really pb)

Q dropped this link back on Jan 26:

http:// www.endusmilitarism.org/PDF/military_detention_of_US_citizens_and_18_USC_4001a.pdf

Gave us a clue that there will likely be military tribunals.

But I should also say that the root website is a pretty deep resource:

http:// www.endusmilitarism.org/

541561  No.5151293

File: 1f3e08c65efe49b⋯.png (369.67 KB, 661x499, 661:499, ClipboardImage.png)


(((They))) are under great pressure,but they have already lost they just don't know it yet..

461f12  No.5151294

File: 80552bec935b79e⋯.png (329.69 KB, 506x663, 506:663, ClipboardImage.png)

077c73  No.5151295

File: ed07957925c0cdd⋯.jpg (138.76 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, downloadfile-33.jpg)

Anons enjoy black history month.

851059  No.5151296


Yes, that may well be what was intended. Beautiful creatures, JAGs.

a4876f  No.5151297


No. That's real. Here is the HTML from my archive:


However, there is nothing remarkable about 17 or 23. These are the more common numbers for 4 digits to add up to. It's like when rolling two dice. There is only one way of producing a 2 or 12 (1+1, 6+6) but six ways of rolling a 7. With four digits there is one way to produce a 0 (0000) and one way to produce a 54 (9999), but hundreds for ways to produce the any of numbers in the mid-range between 0 and 54.

bda823  No.5151298

ac03f3  No.5151299

File: acb700474c21a29⋯.jpg (142 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 1280-186281962-barbary-lio….jpg)

File: 518318e9aceb123⋯.jpg (463.28 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, 16584681.jpg)

File: 13eb32c1e54a288⋯.jpg (584.7 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 165861986135.jpg)

File: 5bc65ada9ab084e⋯.jpg (241.82 KB, 929x1160, 929:1160, 3662657449587.jpg)

You've got the wrong cat.

2b851c  No.5151300

File: 83b0d1e89ea98af⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1850x953, 1850:953, 12712489263849.png)

c51bd9  No.5151301


THINK MIRROR, anon. Answer first, question second.

c1f44d  No.5151302

File: 895e8a48a1a21b3⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 575x440, 115:88, sunset trees two jpg.jpg)

50792b  No.5151303


David Hogg Claims AR-15 Owners Are ‘Hunting’ Human Beings

461f12  No.5151304

File: 3adcb8559bc03b2⋯.png (105.98 KB, 506x607, 506:607, ClipboardImage.png)

c90607  No.5151305

077c73  No.5151306

File: 2da2317e3bff7e4⋯.jpg (127.47 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, downloadfile-29.jpg)

f3447b  No.5151307


Infuriating if true.

a577d5  No.5151308


Darth Vader Ginsburg

f42a78  No.5151309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







33f6ae  No.5151310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2b851c  No.5151311

File: c2367c4c493a322⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1098x765, 122:85, 12899378531782.png)

078653  No.5151312

Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.

http ://thisiszerohour.org/

http ://thisiszerohour.org/media/

851059  No.5151313


Good plan, but the House will never approve of it.

461f12  No.5151314

File: 9bf09655e3edc93⋯.png (42.18 KB, 696x576, 29:24, ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine: NATO in the Constitution

The day after the signature of NATO’s membership protocol with North Macedonia as its 30th member, Ukraine did something without precedent: it included in its Constitution the engagement to enter officially into NATO and the European Union at the same time.

On 7 February, on a proposition by President Petro Poroshenko – the oligarch who made himself rich by plundering public properties, and who is once again a candidate for the presidency – the Kiev parliament, by 334 votes to 35 with 16 abstentions, approved these amendments to the Constitution.

The Introduction pronounces “the irreversible movement of Ukraine towards Euro-Atlantic integration”; articles 85 and 116 state that it is a fundamental duty of the parliament and the government to “obtain Ukraine’s full membership of NATO and the EU”; article 102 stipulates that “the President of Ukraine is the guarantor of the strategic decisions of the State aimed at obtaining full membership of NATO and the EU”.

The inclusion in the Ukrainian Constitution of the engagement to enter officially into NATO bears with it some very serious consequences.

On the interior, it alienates the future of Ukraine from this choice, by excluding any alternative, and outlaws de facto any party or person who might oppose the “strategic decisions of the state”. Already, the Central Electoral Commission has forbidden Petro Simonenko, director of the Ukrainian Communist Party, to participate in the Presidential elections to be held in March.


fe73fd  No.5151315


Hogg is an 18 yo retard, no one should be listening to him or his FBI father or Planed Parenthood mother's opinions

077c73  No.5151316

File: 216a898acfcd2ae⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 288x147, 96:49, 2tjjr4_1.jpg)

f804c7  No.5151317

File: 38e2d58c99dcdc0⋯.png (265.48 KB, 502x501, 502:501, jewd.png)

f42a78  No.5151318

File: 7b9a23b584479c0⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, amazed.jpg)




2b851c  No.5151319

File: 812829ce7fd9a43⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1761x922, 1761:922, 02362803947952.png)

349751  No.5151320


That's because they are privately held all these years. I know some of their tricks, but not any good ones. Was in a place to know a while back, but not super extreme high level.

It's a family run company and they treat their employees well.

44e8e0  No.5151321

File: fa4b98586dea69f⋯.jpg (300.24 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, rbgLich3.jpg)

541561  No.5151322

File: 4796022ede70bd5⋯.png (380.29 KB, 674x498, 337:249, ClipboardImage.png)

f7d375  No.5151323

File: e27c8ffbe0f1858⋯.png (671.97 KB, 817x432, 817:432, Capture.PNG)

Spanish PM to announce snap election soon after budget vote -sources

MADRID (Reuters) – Spain’s minority Socialist government plans to announce an early general election after its expected defeat in a budget vote on Wednesday following its refusal to negotiate Catalan self-determination, political sources said on Tuesday.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez attends a session at Parliament in Madrid, Spain, February 12, 2019. REUTERS/Juan Medina

Two small Catalan pro-independence parties, on whose votes the government has been relying to pass legislation, have so far maintained their blanket rejection of the budget.

They said they were open to negotiate until the budget vote if the government promised them a dialogue on the right to self-determination, but that right is prohibited by the Spanish constitution.


801622  No.5151324


I'm impressed…little shit can see into the future

5708ee  No.5151325

File: 67d8a1f80dd8cae⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 346x195, 346:195, 15784d7b6ebadb8750cc89ec1e….gif)


If your rent was $400/yr would you move?

9e6816  No.5151326


That is NOT the real Q & A.

Here is the link to the Question: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4279775.html#4280260

906e6c  No.5151327

File: 67de2c34f76b19b⋯.png (1.98 MB, 2382x1300, 1191:650, 000001111122222.png)

c51bd9  No.5151328

File: 2e9f7044218982f⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 413x450, 413:450, 20pctopac.jpg)

File: 5211f7f2b672238⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 416x448, 13:14, 30pctopac.jpg)

File: 4df2300ea407e73⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 418x448, 209:224, 60pctopac.jpg)

File: 59b643a95b81604⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 411x444, 137:148, 80pctopac.jpg)

7d6ae5  No.5151329

File: 048266d3291449b⋯.png (44.37 KB, 1508x341, 1508:341, 021319 GNE form 4.PNG)


> loss from operations of $0.2 million against $1.3 million a year ago. Adjusted LBITDA was $0.2 million against $1.2 million a year ago.

Barely surviving if at all. They must be getting a little something, something on the side or do much in the forex/currency markets like the rest. Where they get the money for that is ?

Can see why they do not sell many shares for compensation. Only about 5k at a clip but none since Nov '17. 5k is alot of shares when it only trades a little less than 200k a day.

not a good day for it today either while the rest of the makets were pumped. -1.74%.

How some of these things are even traded now are beyond me- i know it's all bullshit but it's so obvious.

cc16cb  No.5151330

Looks like you found proof of ruth bader ginbergs demise, I'm pretty shure thats her dissent collar that girl is wearing.


ca7758  No.5151331

File: 02892b86fb3d990⋯.jpg (243.11 KB, 1025x591, 1025:591, 02892b86fb3d9905a358700271….jpg)


Wrong target, anon. Just an observer pointing out obviously flawed 'if, then' judgement. It would seem typical of newfags, imsayin. If not you, whatever,

The rest is Qurious to say the least…

91538d  No.5151332

File: 5b788d7d52bcc8c⋯.png (426.42 KB, 900x359, 900:359, ClipboardImage.png)

851059  No.5151333


If they were, he would already be dead.

2b851c  No.5151334

File: ec898867f0350a4⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1185x759, 395:253, 78932164589321121890.png)

File: cf7d6c2da642117⋯.png (521.95 KB, 813x1138, 813:1138, 792524978219632984374368.png)

bda823  No.5151335

b4cc57  No.5151336

File: 196b20a8087a684⋯.jpg (196.61 KB, 1024x1016, 128:127, inspirationals_stronger1-1….jpg)

File: 03d953593d97488⋯.jpg (189.43 KB, 480x480, 1:1, take-no-shit.jpg)

2f50d4  No.5151337


I'm half tempted to think he's part of the show, too. He's over the top.

His whole part in the Parkland mess was just too absurd, and the MSM

leapt on him too quickly. Like they knew he was there and knew he

was /theirguy/.

938743  No.5151338


Where did you get this pic of Nancy?

fe73fd  No.5151339


Better AR sales person than even Obama

c51bd9  No.5151340


Yes it is. You are a fucking worthless shill. Anybody can go to qanon.pub and click the link to the post on December 12 2018. It is still right there.

b3b635  No.5151341

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — "There were tense moments Tuesday morning when an underground transformer exploded in Center City. No one was hurt, but some businesses sustained extensive damage.

The Philadelphia Fire Department said crews responded to 20th and Ranstead Streets, near Chestnut Street, just before 8 a.m., after a PECO underground transformer exploded.

The explosion was so strong it sent several manhole covers flying. A 300 to 400 pound metal transformer access cover went way up in the air, too, and broke into pieces."


3439e0  No.5151342


There was a murder on that same block on 7/28/17.

ae9cfe  No.5151343

c5679a  No.5151344

File: 3a7af85f6aff98e⋯.png (71.65 KB, 261x193, 261:193, organicjew003.png)

File: aad767e9ef43493⋯.png (467.71 KB, 768x431, 768:431, muchjewwhining6.png)

abba77  No.5151345


Need the lady running with the 2 kids.

7d6ae5  No.5151346


get that .gif here or find it?

349751  No.5151347


She must have had time to put on her face for that pic. Kek.

3844e7  No.5151348


JAGs Perhaps?

8f9eb9  No.5151349


Well tended teeth.


Fress white neck peice and necklace.

Seems legit.

e72843  No.5151350

File: 507636a2095abb5⋯.png (114.22 KB, 644x541, 644:541, GW.png)

File: 4688fee19d4998e⋯.png (80.91 KB, 1011x195, 337:65, GW 2.png)

File: e05e1010cfb06e1⋯.png (262.11 KB, 317x491, 317:491, GW 3.png)


The letter is priced at $140,000 and is being offered by historical document dealer The Raab Collection.



7db5ac  No.5151351


And that's saying something.

c2b4e7  No.5151352


Radical little maniacs! KEK

009a26  No.5151353


Even commies come up with a new one every once and awhile. Good job loser.

4a611f  No.5151354


may be able to help, fren - give me a few

2b851c  No.5151355

File: c3fc6758e85719d⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1320x877, 1320:877, 11213213586434.png)

File: 4cdc7f0e84317d0⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1534x765, 1534:765, 452541324090--9.png)

90c0cb  No.5151356


Potus already building with money from Defense Bill. More about optics. When we dug through the Defense Bill there was plenty of loot for Nat Sec.

077c73  No.5151357

File: b3d275317bfc501⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 600x601, 600:601, downloadfile-2.jpg)

Enjoy American black history month.

ac03f3  No.5151358

File: 3ce6b1767852047⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 820x1025, 4:5, bear.jpg)


Bears are okay too.


8b14d8  No.5151359


Reason 347,854 to never visit that shit hole.

af4b57  No.5151360


did you have the pic?

c3effd  No.5151361

File: 8f782d67df58b2c⋯.png (69.25 KB, 1079x439, 1079:439, ClipboardImage.png)



The Senate passed a pro Israel/anti BDS bill on Tuesday. It passed 77-23. “Take note of the 23 and remember them election day,” said a local Brooklyn activist, who warned the fight against anti-Semitism is far from over.

The list of U.S. Senators who voted against the bill included only one member of the GOP: Rand Paul, and an independent, Bernie Sanders. The other 21 opposing senators were Democrats.

Organizations such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Christians United for Israel (CUFI) applauded the bill’s passage, which authorizes $38 billion in military aid to Israel over the next decade that was approved during the Obama administration


923996  No.5151362

File: f81820d29e1449f⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 73C70091-03D4-4C9A-8512-50….png)

File: 07a5b55bf95bc50⋯.jpeg (108.98 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, B21863DA-7906-4B7C-9EF5-1….jpeg)

File: 1b4fd763f31f94e⋯.jpeg (46.24 KB, 321x500, 321:500, 72A10785-F633-44DD-AFF2-8….jpeg)

GEN FLYNN changed his profile picture on twatter again.

It’s the Flynn coat of arms.

5928e9  No.5151363


Add the fucking planned Parenthood dig already.

a4876f  No.5151364

File: 3940afd63dbd5b5⋯.png (56.73 KB, 715x666, 715:666, Screenshot from 2019-02-12….png)


I mean 36, not 54.

2fba7f  No.5151365

File: 4474827d55d4f0c⋯.png (405.77 KB, 698x489, 698:489, ClipboardImage.png)


guess he ain't never heard of a 400 Win Mag. kek

c51bd9  No.5151366

File: b44aa146a829fee⋯.png (337.14 KB, 626x618, 313:309, VKCigarSmileHat.png)

f7d375  No.5151367


HoggieBoy and his silly ass friends got 500 thousand to spread their lies and keep the propaganda narrative going

Oprah Winfrey donates $500,000 to Florida survivors marching against gun violence


7db5ac  No.5151368


She doesn't even have a tan. Can't be African.

2859d0  No.5151369

File: a704d96bc4f0af7⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 289x450, 289:450, platoh.jpg)

1d91d5  No.5151370

>>5146569 (pb)

Is that the Outstanding Pedo Awards ceremony? Tom Hanks needs to be necked!

e969a7  No.5151371

The plausibility that we are still being played is relevant…

9ddd39  No.5151372


I believe I saw in bread a couple of days ago where this bill had passed the House ~ not become law!

197e21  No.5151373

File: 14b54a5a2c48a13⋯.png (400.31 KB, 723x831, 241:277, Bm.png)

Another Boom


related article


2b851c  No.5151374

File: b7e4b543ceba641⋯.png (4.13 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 111329199937667573300023.png)

67e562  No.5151375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9e6816  No.5151376


Here is the 8chan link to the Question.


HEre is the 8chan link to the Answer: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4279775.html#4280455

50792b  No.5151377


Russia Introduces Chemical Castration for Pedophiles

6c25b9  No.5151378

File: 08f50adda082ce1⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 500x333, 500:333, DailyStormer.jpg)

File: 6d19a21f6568109⋯.png (335.26 KB, 1166x890, 583:445, ClipboardImage.png)




Charter School owns the number?


f4a6cb  No.5151379


Obviously flawed "if-then" judgment?

Consider shock treatments. We make fact-based inquiries. FACTS <MATTER>.

What you've found is Qurious? Really? Gonna invoke the Q on me?

Here's a Q for you…

Q uit trying to Autist.

You're failing miserably. Sauce, newfag. Sauce.

349751  No.5151380


Those dogs don't pick no mo.

3439e0  No.5151381

File: 4fae60f36291d01⋯.jpg (504.81 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 20190212_211807.jpg)


There was a murder on that same block on 7/28/17.

078653  No.5151382

Why isn't Switzerland part of the European Union ?

7d6ae5  No.5151383

File: ce59ab1ad7fc40d⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3 midgets.jpg)


use that cap all the time when scooping up the krassentwats and crew

c51bd9  No.5151384

File: ecac8c1231d201e⋯.png (543.8 KB, 586x580, 293:290, VkFlagFringe.png)

ac03f3  No.5151385

File: fa2c4173eaf087e⋯.jpg (376.1 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, Kuleana.jpg)


I have a feeling we've crossed paths a few times, anon.

Always a pleasure.

9dc02c  No.5151386


Don't worry, it's easy for stupid people to confuse hive mind with group think.

20820a  No.5151387


Sucks to be you, huh?

fe73fd  No.5151388


BMG .50 either

cc16cb  No.5151389

File: 3da171cf6b5616e⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 750x493, 750:493, 2tfr83.jpg)

File: 7bfa1a26459508c⋯.jpg (73.44 KB, 592x500, 148:125, 2tfqrr.jpg)

File: 6bfabdd4fbf8f11⋯.jpg (66.67 KB, 750x493, 750:493, 2tfqbr.jpg)

File: 96fd9ee21be4a30⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 592x500, 148:125, 2tfq1q.jpg)

File: 2705079bf5eddbb⋯.jpg (139.73 KB, 500x829, 500:829, 2tf846.jpg)

c51bd9  No.5151390

File: 4e77bc0c9eb7c6b⋯.png (82.29 KB, 1302x562, 651:281, VK23hasnttweeted.png)

Check the date. kek

184ab5  No.5151391


And now the hogtard is gonna go to ivy league Harvard.

Talking about the educational "elite". Lol!

077c73  No.5151392

File: 13eac6424f1a4b5⋯.jpg (272.48 KB, 1202x1920, 601:960, downloadfile-18.jpg)

Q I'm still waiting for the arrests and the wall.

ae9cfe  No.5151393

File: 407fdfe944becf5⋯.png (547.28 KB, 834x610, 417:305, Obama aid Israel.PNG)

File: 3016f5af6749530⋯.jpg (372.24 KB, 1681x1875, 1681:1875, AIPAC crimes 1.jpg)

File: 0ce754a68e15dc0⋯.jpg (260.14 KB, 1675x1405, 335:281, AIPAC crimes 2.jpg)

File: c05cd34598ccab4⋯.jpg (490.8 KB, 1678x2350, 839:1175, AIPAC crimes 3.jpg)

File: 6a42d8810bb163f⋯.png (686.06 KB, 982x1130, 491:565, Ouch.png)


Lol, its like AIPAC has most of the congress bought up and/or under blackmail.

One Nation Under Israel.

6c25b9  No.5151394

File: d883b1d41dd3c2e⋯.png (65.3 KB, 947x824, 947:824, ClipboardImage.png)


Whoops, caught me loaded holding back a shit post, apologies

bc5e35  No.5151395

File: 0876bde3de9fd88⋯.jpg (71.96 KB, 652x974, 326:487, slutty-aoc.jpg)

fc6786  No.5151396


Fucking BASED…

009a26  No.5151397


You know this only solidifies the position Americans are taking against omar? It’s the same rhetoric. Post moar dumbass. Do you support Trump?

2b851c  No.5151398

File: c9b9945dd56730b⋯.png (4.13 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 121389875743866849001.png)

c85cae  No.5151399


Snake is infinity chan logo

e049ea  No.5151400

33f6ae  No.5151401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ty fren!

c5679a  No.5151402

File: d4507bf4a840634⋯.png (533.46 KB, 503x500, 503:500, ppjews.png)

ac03f3  No.5151403


You tell us.

(Hint: it's a red house. think of their flag)

f3447b  No.5151404


Guess it is true. Fuck. I'm sick of those fucking fucks laughing about milking us for all we're worth. Assad, when are you going to target the desalination plants?

c51bd9  No.5151405

File: 09db5d73f041a97⋯.jpg (110.95 KB, 592x701, 592:701, VKneedstobeputin.jpg)

040772  No.5151406


Eye spy a German Shepherd and a green infinity logo

44c142  No.5151407

File: f720cbc3980dae9⋯.png (9.17 KB, 255x163, 255:163, 82.png)


A tattoo of "Angel Number 82"?

Internet sez:

"Significance & Meaning Of Angel Number 82:

Angel Number 82 is a communication from the spirit angels that your material and fiscal necessities will be taken care of in an extraordinary fashion. You should trust your instinct and the angel numbers to provide you with alternate avenues to accumulate wealth whenever the present opportunity is coming to a close.

Angel Number 82 symbolism is an indication of self-confidence, belief and conviction in your mind. The angels have recognized your confident approach, imagination and affirmative assertions. You are being prompted by the angels to remain centered, steady and calm with the knowledge that whatever is happening is in accordance with the divine purpose and at the right pace. You are guaranteed that you will realize your intended ambitions."

Which is nice.


b4cc57  No.5151408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




ae9cfe  No.5151409


Lol, you can bet the flights to Israel just had a huge spike.

c51bd9  No.5151410

File: 2722bf7847991b1⋯.png (304.55 KB, 635x624, 635:624, VKItAllStarts.png)

2b851c  No.5151411

File: 59fb842e8b897b0⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1325x748, 1325:748, 2299052754902795.png)

2859d0  No.5151412

a47656  No.5151413

File: 6078e4d0daa0bab⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 802x763, 802:763, 1 (1).JPG)

File: ea838237cd17978⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 759x396, 23:12, 1.JPG)

Ex US President Clinton cancels trip to Nigeria


20820a  No.5151414


Because demoncrats havent fucked up the edu system enough during their 50 year reign of idiocy.

44e8e0  No.5151415


Hey, YOU! Get away from the fourth wall!

ebfc2b  No.5151416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fantastic lecture. Highly recommended.

c51bd9  No.5151417

File: 9b16cd73575e493⋯.png (6.65 KB, 456x185, 456:185, The Start.png)

1d245b  No.5151418

File: 71a89097445a566⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1599x1062, 533:354, FRAEICSS.png)

c2b4e7  No.5151419


There are also canned hunts. Not a fan either way.

077c73  No.5151420

File: 6805086b3081342⋯.png (325.08 KB, 540x564, 45:47, 3d1b83358bf3f6edf869a0f106….png)

File: 46faac1fea51300⋯.jpg (54.33 KB, 500x449, 500:449, 2tivq4_1_1.jpg)

2b851c  No.5151421

File: 188b0062aeeb52d⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, 638587187632739000165365.png)

c51bd9  No.5151422

File: b130167195b460d⋯.png (102.95 KB, 792x1021, 792:1021, International_Morse_Code.png)

fb878b  No.5151423


Repayment for all the money laundering done in WW2, I dunno.

ec4a00  No.5151424


Needed to happen.

Normies can be scared into allowing the 2A to be chipped away at.

The 1A? I guess we'll find out. Personally, I don't think it works in their (((favor))), but naturally (((they))) can't fathom why not.

f7d375  No.5151425

File: 9f1ff44f4b738e6⋯.png (819.67 KB, 737x433, 737:433, Capture.PNG)

Court allows import of life-size sex dolls

A Seoul appellate court has allowed the import of life-size sex dolls into Korea, saying it does not violate the customs law that prohibits "morally degrading" items.

The decision is expected to affect the sex doll industry here because it opens the door to overseas manufacturers.

The Seoul High Court overturned a lower court's ruling on Monday, and ordered Incheon Main Customs to permit a Korean company to import silicone sex dolls.

After Customs confiscated the dolls in 2017, the company brought the issue to the court.

The lower court ruled in favor of Customs, saying the dolls would "degrade the dignity of human beings."

But the appellate court said the dolls ― although they seemed vulgar― would not violate the law that bans the import of morally degrading products.


e57fe9  No.5151426

1d91d5  No.5151427


No it's not! GTFO and KYS, shill faggot!

81b02e  No.5151428

File: 7c0272d4ff7cbae⋯.jpeg (189.24 KB, 1242x696, 207:116, C6915F6D-70FD-4886-8CD0-5….jpeg)

cbc3b1  No.5151429


Deader n shit

81f623  No.5151430


what would Q say about you shooing away people from this board.

349fa6  No.5151431

>>5151021 Cats get a bad rap from a lot of people, but, I've formed relationships with cats that I've never seen any other men do…and I'm not talking like effeminate men that have cats because they're airing out their femininity…all my cats used to behave a lot like dogs in the sense that they'd always come running when I called, or they'd hang out with you like dogs do…I've had some very cool cats! I'm sure it was because I approached cats the same way I do all animals…they KNOW stuff about you right out of the gate because they are way more observant then we are…about everything, reading eyes, body posture / language, tone, sincerity etc! I trip pretty hard on animals…they definitely reflect the glory of God!

009a26  No.5151432


No way, wikipedia, can you confirm with snopes please. Dumbass.

c576bf  No.5151433

File: eaa38091fa2846a⋯.jpg (321.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pepevsshlomo.jpg)

cb6d06  No.5151434


Freddy, we missed you.

2b851c  No.5151435

File: 1ce7aff9439e751⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1756x924, 439:231, 13354655009786573431.png)

81b02e  No.5151436

File: d10951f3e5601f8⋯.png (246.15 KB, 452x416, 113:104, ED9AC7F1-3801-4FB3-873A-1F….png)

fe73fd  No.5151437


Doubt you can kill 300 million gun owners out of their rights without a fight

ae9cfe  No.5151438

File: 8a433b7e47aadbf⋯.jpg (78.54 KB, 721x633, 721:633, Ex Mossad turns on Trump a….jpg)

File: 9bfc5babc4dbd8f⋯.png (554.62 KB, 691x1125, 691:1125, Israel embassy not going ….png)

File: 5af62ca573496c0⋯.png (396.59 KB, 615x570, 41:38, Israel not getting what it….PNG)

File: 1a0801ca34e67c2⋯.png (173.14 KB, 656x651, 656:651, Jew groups turned on Trump….png)

File: b6c88de4bda5001⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 978x750, 163:125, Trump calls out Israel.jpg)


Lol, its the truth.

>Do you support Trump?

Why wouldn't he?

Is Trump the POTUS or the President of Israel?

20820a  No.5151439


Trophy hunting is weak sauce bigly.

1d91d5  No.5151440


Oh, but muh glasses! Me so smart!

c51bd9  No.5151441


He's coming for you. Prepare for PAIN.

009a26  No.5151442


Post the sauce for that please.

2b851c  No.5151443

File: ce38759edc2d5b2⋯.png (648.08 KB, 1593x903, 531:301, 1298922140240824.png)

c1f44d  No.5151444

File: 94940a50f639711⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 676x781, 676:781, camus.jpg)

b5e3f5  No.5151445

Notables so far


>>5151024, >>5151189 19 states don’t protect babies that accidentally survive abortions; abortion industry whistleblower, has passed away

>>5151087, >>5151092 Resignations in the news today

>>5151089 More than 200 ministers, deacons and others have been found guilty of sex abuse

>>5151123 Physician Says There Isn’t Single Scenario Where Late-Term Abortion Protects Mother’s Health

>>5151150 Gavin Newsom kills controversial Delta twin tunnels plan

>>5151174 Shill keeps using a fake graphic to shill

>>5151193 Moscow Calls for Peaceful Settlement of DPRK Nuclear Issue

>>5151214 NYPD's Out-Of-Control DNA Collection Practices

>>5151230 Italy Set to Abolish Central Bank and Jail Corrupt Bankers

>>5151323 Spanish PM to announce snap election soon after budget vote



>>>/qresearch/5137222, >>>/qresearch/5137223, >>>/qresearch/5137278, >>>/qresearch/5137306 From 2015: Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs

literally from today faggot

ca7758  No.5151446

File: 5aecbd04f71ea4c⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 97081425eb28545b3fe791e081….jpg)

461f12  No.5151447

File: aa1aa9c521c2828⋯.png (40.03 KB, 628x635, 628:635, ClipboardImage.png)

UN set to publish blacklist of Israeli companies operating over Green Line

List to be released next month, said to include many of Israel’s largest corporations, including Teva pharmaceuticals and defense firm Elbit

The UN High Commissioner for Human rights is set to publish a blacklist of Israeli companies operating over the Green Line, including some of the country’s largest corporations, potentially exposing them to possible legal action abroad.

The list will be released next month at the 40th meeting of the UN’s Human Rights Council, according to a report on the Ynet news site.

The move comes despite diplomatic opposition from Israel and the US, which has apparently already led to several delays in the release of the long-threatened list.

The blacklist will include companies doing business in the West Bank, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, and feature many of Israel’s largest businesses, the report said. Companies informed they may be on the list include pharmaceutical manufacturer Teva, defense firm Elbit, the Rami Levi and Shufersal supermarket chains, Egged transportation, Bank Hapoalim and Bank Leumi.


c3effd  No.5151448

Remember the last time Israel gave us 38 Billion Dollars ? Or shit any country giving us anything?

Yeah me neither

444a3b  No.5151449


>What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?


851059  No.5151450


She's just a kid trying to be an adult.

c5a1b4  No.5151451






2f50d4  No.5151452


Almost every military/government location uses flags with fringe.

The ones where I work have been like that since I started there over

7 years ago. Every place I've worked that's had flags in the last 25

years has as well.

While it's cool, it's nothing special.

9e9a5e  No.5151453

File: 99168de9ba9246d⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 920x552, 5:3, TOAST1.jpg)

ae9cfe  No.5151455


Lol, go see how many already had their guns taken from them with the red flag bullshit.

2b851c  No.5151456

File: 924136e08d30d7b⋯.png (99.08 KB, 1793x914, 1793:914, 497693156342789321665.png)

ab2307  No.5151457

File: 3c0f058a0d86e50⋯.jpg (331.64 KB, 1800x2248, 225:281, mini guilfoyle2.jpg)

20820a  No.5151458


Swedes are such cucks.

d97255  No.5151459


human trafficking hotline is what the number is supposed to be…however… so is this another CF scam?..

f3447b  No.5151460


It's gotta burn watching those bastards get $38b no question while he has to fight like hell for $5.7b.

cb6d06  No.5151461


Wasn't until 10.3 it became any good. At 10.4 it started rocking.

c79673  No.5151462

It appears that AOC’s 15 minutes of fame are coming to a hilarious end.

She is crashing and burning.

Right after Michael Moore recognized her as the left’s leader.

Right after idiotic D presidential candidates endorsed her green new deal.

Q—did you have anything to do with this?

81b02e  No.5151463

File: 014ba8cb6efea57⋯.jpeg (36.66 KB, 439x363, 439:363, B60B7CB2-04FF-4A69-A09F-A….jpeg)

I love you guys, even you shilly..

ac03f3  No.5151464

File: 74223ea11a97966⋯.jpg (470.69 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Lion.jpg)


You know, anon, I'd love to tell you why/how this happens to us over and over.

As Bear says, there's a message within. Looks like you're about to see another piece to the puzzle.

Semper Vigilans

c51bd9  No.5151465


This is a screenshot taken now.

1da7ce  No.5151466

Watch the water

How do you become Mr Security?

This is why JB is scared of De Becker

secrets in private >>5151274

2b851c  No.5151467

File: c29e7ae0422039b⋯.png (773.06 KB, 1538x974, 769:487, 087001767903737357111232.png)

ca7758  No.5151468

File: c3a5c0e09aef082⋯.jpg (74.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, squint.jpg)

cb6d06  No.5151469

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

8f9eb9  No.5151470


This is NOT winning.

Omar said nothing wrong.

c3effd  No.5151471

50792b  No.5151472

File: 924e11722a299d3⋯.jpg (159 KB, 850x477, 850:477, 2nmydi.jpg)

a23177  No.5151473

lets do it Q

c51bd9  No.5151474


It's cool and special.

a47656  No.5151475

Ex-Mossad Agents Formed Company That Targeted Clinton Campaign, Israel Boycott Activists


040772  No.5151476

File: b3537d957137261⋯.jpeg (272.39 KB, 1125x911, 1125:911, A8F3947B-1B0C-4008-B471-7….jpeg)

f6a5f9  No.5151477

File: 973ca02054a0dce⋯.png (139.97 KB, 383x239, 383:239, 2019-02-12_23-34-16.png)

fd5d66  No.5151478


Bury it.. mostly they chew it though.

078653  No.5151479


Switzerland during the World Wars

During World War I and World War II, the Swiss Confederation maintained armed neutrality. Consequently, it was of considerable interest to belligerent states as the scene for diplomacy, espionage, and commerce. Additionally, it was a safe haven for refugees.

https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland_during_the_World_Wars

906e6c  No.5151480

File: eb8438dfca6f0d4⋯.jpg (274.91 KB, 1000x614, 500:307, 0101010101010101010101.jpg)

5ddc17  No.5151481


There was that little golden age there between 10.3 and Jobs dying…. :/

2b851c  No.5151482

File: 76e92c0b90a5529⋯.png (740.18 KB, 2050x880, 205:88, 1221121717289393.png)

File: d31026f55d4d332⋯.png (197.88 KB, 1661x783, 1661:783, 132781327834870854.png)

a4876f  No.5151483


Hmm. I am unable to explain this.

No one would hack into my computer to alter my archive. It looks like everyone's hash except Q's is different. If there was a change in the hashing or seeding algos then it should affect Q's as well. I don't know why it isn't.

b5e3f5  No.5151484


that's from last week, already been in plenty of times

put it in myself

078653  No.5151485


One potential result of World War I was an expansion of Switzerland itself during the Interwar period. In a referendum held in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg on May 11, 1920 over 80% of those voting supported a proposal that the state join the Swiss Confederation.

20820a  No.5151486


Any Member can make a crim referral to FBI.

c51bd9  No.5151487

File: 573fdd9834a5c86⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 502x628, 251:314, carolynbksplit30s50s.jpg)

File: 8a03e787c38d554⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 511x583, 511:583, carolynbksplit62pctopac.jpg)

File: 43c72290b617751⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 499x616, 499:616, Carolynbksplitnoopacity.jpg)

File: 5ab63c1a05247d1⋯.png (490.56 KB, 1055x418, 1055:418, Carolynbksplitsvariableopa….png)

e049ea  No.5151488

What about Thoth?

5ddc17  No.5151489


It is important to kill any chance communism has to take root again.

801622  No.5151490


Based son of Billionaire/POTUS and he can't

do better than Gavin Newsom's ex-wife???

a47656  No.5151491

File: 6accc7d2aeaeb39⋯.jpg (98.98 KB, 704x790, 352:395, 1 (1).JPG)

File: 444b718b7a054eb⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 462x807, 154:269, 1.JPG)

File: 55057682cbacd30⋯.jpg (79.73 KB, 539x769, 539:769, 3.JPG)

ac03f3  No.5151492


Indeed brother.

This one has medicine.

>The bear will leave its cave forever.

Indulge. Find the light. Poke holes in the lampshade.

It's waiting for you.

f42a78  No.5151493

File: fbf32ecdede5532⋯.png (81.45 KB, 502x410, 251:205, STOBBIT!.png)

File: c7ead545092d614⋯.jpg (634.15 KB, 1018x981, 1018:981, spinner board.jpg)

File: 4c104d31dbe3341⋯.jpg (237.97 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, kanye concert.jpg)

File: 0c7dd2aceb9e385⋯.png (892.36 KB, 637x824, 637:824, MAGA KEK JFK.png)

File: da7dca29bdd2287⋯.jpg (172.88 KB, 1414x2121, 2:3, LET IT BE KNOWN.jpg)







2f50d4  No.5151494


Yet the norm, not the exception. No, anon, it's not special. It's expected.

e172a3  No.5151495


Grab ‘ em by the pussy!

e2ee5a  No.5151496

File: 096830e73212afb⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 1217x1292, 1217:1292, _20190212_233907.JPG)

f7d375  No.5151497

I never heard of it,,,nobody ever tells me anything .. but now it has a whole new meaning

IHOP offers pancake-pizza mashup to celebrate National Pizza Day

National Pizza Day is being celebrated this weekend and even IHOP is jumping in on the fun.

The chain launched a pancake-pizza mashup dubbed the Pancizza. (That's pronounced "Pan-keet-za.")

And depending on where you live you can have one delivered right to your door, via DoorDash.


d2cc00  No.5151498

POTUS IS GENIUS with his tweet!

How hypocritical of the left to care about hunting leopards ( or defenseless animals?) and not care about defenseless human babies who survive abortion, but can be murdered by their own mother, father & doctor.

041263  No.5151499


Maybe Qanon was developed to distract us from shit like this.

461f12  No.5151500

File: 116a7bf30e553cd⋯.png (53.4 KB, 921x638, 921:638, ClipboardImage.png)

'From the north to the south we are ready' for war: IDF officer

Hundreds of troops completing two-week drill simulating war with Hezbollah.

With tensions high along Israel’s northern border, soldiers from the IDF’s 401st Armored Brigade are completing a large-scale drill simulating war with Hezbollah.

“This drill simulated what will need to be done during a war with Hezbollah,” Maj. Tsur Goldman of the 401st Armored Brigade told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

With tensions high along Israel’s northern border, soldiers from the IDF’s 401st Armored Brigade are completing a large-scale drill simulating war with Hezbollah.

“This drill simulated what will need to be done during a war with Hezbollah,” Maj. Tsur Goldman of the 401st Armored Brigade told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.


9e6816  No.5151501


But not anyone can go and have it say, (you).

078653  No.5151502



As a neutral state bordering Germany, Switzerland was easy to reach for refugees from the Nazis. However, Switzerland's refugee laws, especially with respect to Jews fleeing Germany, were strict and have caused controversy since the end of World War II. From 1933 until 1944 asylum for refugees could only be granted to those who were under personal threat owing to their political activities only

88847b  No.5151503


It's where the modern Templars live, and hide their stash. Critical part of the WW cabal.

c6d1b1  No.5151505


Queers next, please

67e562  No.5151506

File: c38a3ce83362340⋯.png (951.78 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

135624  No.5151507

All Maxine's questionable assets are listed as SP.

The only assets that are JOINT are homes.

Follow the spouses??! Burying the bones ($$$$) under her husband's accounts.

b4cc57  No.5151508


>Looks like you're about to see another piece to the puzzle.

I truly hope so.

It's been a really rough ride irl here lately.

Love to ya.

c51bd9  No.5151509

File: 4838b3cccd9c0e3⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, DjiNH2SV4AABYZy.jpg)

File: 8a537410c3d4fb8⋯.png (11.56 KB, 697x206, 697:206, DentalfagReCarolyn.png)

Dentist confirms: teeth are a perfect match.

ae9cfe  No.5151510

File: 2f89e7abcd135dd⋯.png (520.33 KB, 599x667, 599:667, Israel and Blacks 1.png)

File: aafb1a9cd24590e⋯.jpg (559.47 KB, 663x2470, 51:190, Israel and Blacks 2.jpg)

File: d6f6e0e4204496c⋯.png (350.38 KB, 707x453, 707:453, Israel and Blacks 3.png)

File: 90ca54ecce9e987⋯.png (116.43 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Israel and Blacks 4.png)

File: 5fc274b743619eb⋯.png (4.39 MB, 1464x7344, 61:306, Jews and Blacks.png)


Increase the pressure about Israel and their racism. Everyone, both the dem and reps like to wax lyrical on racism all the time, put the pressure on them by using the facts about Israel being racist as fuck against Blacks.

Then ask "Hey, why do you talk big game about racism, but you SUPPORT racism, just because it is Jews doing it?"

This is the best way to pin them down and tear the whole One Nation Under Israel Uniparty apart.

81b02e  No.5151511

File: 9dccaba8d969613⋯.png (148.41 KB, 320x287, 320:287, AD8E9FC7-D148-4705-B0E5-D3….png)

50792b  No.5151512


From 2017, but this is pretty amazing.


Thieves caught hours after stealing GPS tracking devices from tech company

20820a  No.5151513


The new era has already started. you will see many fading away this year. The old ways are done.

dd382b  No.5151514



Can't remember where I saw it but there was a great post about how turning the other cheek was implemented after the Romans adopted Christianity. Jesus was a bad ass mofo.

In the Gospel of Thomas he said:

=Jesus said: I have cast fire upon the world, and behold I guard it until it is ablaze.=

b33b65  No.5151515

File: 078036b28ddbab1⋯.jpg (21.69 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 309811CP-620x400.jpg)

I listened closely…

"This is not another 4 year election"

You're right, it's not. It's an 8 year Military run PURGE of corruption.

is that thauth you athk for? my thauth is a hint of situational awareness of a TOTAL LACK of any DEM contenders for the GEOTUS.

Much love/prayers to Q, Q+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

c3effd  No.5151516


My bad.

Fuck where have I been?

I'd like to go back to la la land now,

where my country doesnt give any country loads of our FUCKING TAX DOLLARS.

Are we ever going to get our country fully back?

We just give and give and give, Im tired of it quiet frankly. WTF are we doing

c51bd9  No.5151517


kek. You lose, again.

078653  No.5151518


exactly seems ignored … the place to look for swiss banking and gold …. banking familires

laser pointer look here not Switxerland

c576bf  No.5151519

File: 9018fea483fc442⋯.jpg (93.26 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9018fea483fc442c07d1d5872c….jpg)


Farmer Funk!

Happy to be able to help!

e69341  No.5151520

File: e96ffdab867f4fe⋯.jpg (161.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening308.jpg)

File: d27e488e8e1618a⋯.jpg (151.28 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening309.jpg)

File: ddb07c5cdc93484⋯.jpg (224.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening310.jpg)

File: 6d12ad17b784cc5⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 1024x517, 1024:517, GreatAwakening405.jpg)

c51bd9  No.5151521


It is special.

fc6786  No.5151522



Just last night, in El Paso, TX… POTUS said "and they like us more and most of all they respect us more" referring to South Korea being "charmed" to pay-up for our protection and aid.

MEANWHILE, we are PAYING Israel, so WE can protect THEM???

Wtf? This is an all-time high for hypocritical-bullshit.

POTUS should get flushed down the drain with the rest of the swaps-rats and traitors. RAND PAUL 2020

ac03f3  No.5151523


The Lion's Den is comfy, anon.

We're close.

Respice finem

0e576b  No.5151524

File: df85424b148b46f⋯.jpeg (107.25 KB, 828x336, 69:28, 4E8D922E-6BD6-4822-8794-6….jpeg)

File: f330df002f3a29c⋯.jpeg (146.21 KB, 828x288, 23:8, 10ADB52D-A44D-4D77-9613-4….jpeg)



906e6c  No.5151525

938743  No.5151526


Should the doctor be considered an accomplice? It's not a fetus after it's born, it's a human.

cb6d06  No.5151527


>There was that little golden age there between 10.3 and Jobs dying…. :/


078653  No.5151528


under the radar like Antarctica

fe73fd  No.5151529


"Stuides show" 1/3 of 300 million citizens own guns. This number is skewed samll in my opinion, but ok, let's go with that. out of 100 million gun owners who "studies show" own more than one gun, you ar proven wrong with your statement. How many have lost their weapons due to red flag laws? I don't have the number, but I can guaran-fucking-tee you it is not even close to 100k, let alone a million, or anywhere close to the 100+million. So fuck off with that bullshit

c1f44d  No.5151530

File: b8b12112f95b3f2⋯.jpg (158.72 KB, 926x633, 926:633, switzerlandkeys.jpg)

File: ef45952d5157a41⋯.jpg (104.17 KB, 432x586, 216:293, upsidedown.jpg)

bda823  No.5151531


The Swiss are lazy ass amoral douchebags.

They rely on others to keep them safe.

They fed the Nazi war machine. That's why Hitler left them alone.

f42a78  No.5151532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






461f12  No.5151533

File: b575c19d5337231⋯.png (179.99 KB, 748x835, 748:835, ClipboardImage.png)



N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.


The Nazi order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.



2b851c  No.5151534

File: 283fade297de416⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, 12984328048938624386.png)

File: 777cd1f4a272c49⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 007643269020217654.png)

50792b  No.5151535

File: f4341a438cdd4bc⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 720x899, 720:899, 51773354_10156614657131348….jpg)

c51bd9  No.5151536

File: 3b3199130a701ad⋯.png (68.78 KB, 636x463, 636:463, VKtwowayroad.png)

ae9cfe  No.5151537

File: 145664faadf152a⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 911 Israel connected.jpg)

File: 7d4b5b3f236a9c1⋯.jpg (585.32 KB, 1232x2688, 11:24, Israel and terrorism again….jpg)

File: 95dca78389229bc⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 800x5370, 80:537, Lavon Affair Wikipedia Isr….jpg)

File: 6279bdfb163cca2⋯.png (212.76 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, Pollard Israel spy.png)


Lol, the only thing they ever gave the US was spies, tech theft and terrorism.

Greatest ally, pay up your taxes for Israel!

fe232c  No.5151538


If this goes to POTUS desk and he signs it I will not be voting in the next election without a damn good explanation.

92a426  No.5151539


Hmmmmm. Nothing in life is free. Socialism is the most expensive and inefficient way to go. Dumbasses who refuse to learn that lesson will always be paying MORE.

e5a6fe  No.5151540


Our schools are based on a socialist agenda,

Of course they are messed up

f7d375  No.5151541

File: 685f3e40331c583⋯.png (838.99 KB, 797x452, 797:452, Capture.PNG)

Australia to reopen notorious migrant detention center after govt. fails to block medevac bill

The Australian government will be reopening the Christmas Island detention center, likened to a maximum security prison, after opposition streamlined a bill to allow migrant detainees to seek medical help on the mainland.

Australia's conservative Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Tuesday that the detention facility in the Australian external territory in the Indian Ocean his government worked hard to shut down would be reopened to accommodate potential new arrivals and detainees, who might be transferred from the Nauru and Manus Island offshore migrant detention camps.

The setback in the conservative government's effort to scale down the controversial migrant detention program is a response to a new amendment to a medical evacuations bill, championed by the Labor party, which enlisted the support of the Greens and crossbench MPs.


e40ec0  No.5151542


Or is it perhaps another OTT play designed to highlight to the masses how ridiculous politics has got in the past 30 years, so that it is struck down later by Trump?

Remember Q saying save Israel for last?

e049ea  No.5151543

Any man worried about who another man is dating is no man in my book.

cc16cb  No.5151544

Holy KEK that is fuggen FUNNY!


5928e9  No.5151545


Sharp as a marble. Nice digits by the way.

c51bd9  No.5151546

File: 6f6fa1b416a7fe5⋯.png (273.33 KB, 525x594, 175:198, UncleJohnKnew.png)

50792b  No.5151547

File: aa939f78c0c4f21⋯.jpg (68.89 KB, 770x960, 77:96, 51956141_2132351410178525_….jpg)

6a52f9  No.5151548


Well, Rand, once again, proves America first.


Have you gotten your medical marijuana use card, yet? I wonder what other sly way they'll seem people as "disqualified" from gun ownership. Keep your eyes peeled.

But dont worry, your gun rights are safe.

184113  No.5151549

File: 997d5284d5a1168⋯.jpeg (839.54 KB, 1936x2448, 121:153, 4C332F86-CB91-4E9C-BE9C-9….jpeg)

e69341  No.5151550

File: accf4a69b239ce9⋯.jpg (310.9 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, GreatAwakening117.jpg)

File: f59fc675e12f1bf⋯.jpg (120.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening307.jpg)

File: cdefdace96305e6⋯.jpg (190.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening511.jpg)

File: 6fb474537c432e5⋯.jpg (148.59 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, GreatAwakening534.jpg)

File: 73e2884d35f384f⋯.jpg (165.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening535.jpg)

Maybe soon, frens.

9e6816  No.5151551

File: c96842e1de5f123⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 744x173, 744:173, Is JFK Jr alive.jpg)


Fresh Screen Shot.

79fac4  No.5151552


I posted that twice Anon when I saw the tweet and it got no traction. I thought the same thing. The person he retweeted even had PP in it.

af4b57  No.5151553

File: 630c8cb3f25e285⋯.png (910.26 KB, 1094x616, 547:308, beto2.png)

c6d1b1  No.5151554

File: 4a6c110e64d71d1⋯.gif (2.41 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 1501126780784.gif)


You mean the bird with the Word?

f615f0  No.5151555

File: f2fe167f6eabd78⋯.png (399.86 KB, 604x700, 151:175, Army 2-12-19 8 30 pm PST.PNG)

File: bdea0d48cfe3e8b⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1137x749, 1137:749, Army 2-12-19 8 30 pm PST p….PNG)

How the #USArmy gets from point A to point B.

What's your favorite way to travel?


20820a  No.5151556


Once the feds start cutting off funds, Newsom should be finished. He will bear all the prior failures, like Soetero did. The feds are propping up all the crooked states. It must stop. Purge the voting rolls, stop vote fraud, make Cal red again.

ae9cfe  No.5151557

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, Q crumbs about Israel.png)


Thing is, its the people who need to make other people aware that the US is really right now the United States of Israel, we are the news.

Trump doesn't like that shit either, he is no traitor, but he can't just come out and tell it like it is, so that is on us.

Get spreading those redpills!

c51bd9  No.5151558

File: c24e2cb30cce853⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1165x778, 1165:778, e3fkla75f (2).png)

File: 6f0ef0c7e9fd038⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 940x1060, 47:53, John-F.-Kennedy-Jr.-940x10….jpg)

Check the bow. kek

fe434e  No.5151559


I've been in Switzerland, that place gave me the creeps, drove through half of it underground

444a3b  No.5151560


MITM traffic analysis.

f4a6cb  No.5151561

File: a423dfa57808e53⋯.png (485.84 KB, 500x562, 250:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d15e11439eff9b6⋯.png (436.05 KB, 500x363, 500:363, ClipboardImage.png)

009a26  No.5151562


Let the faggot answer, faggot.

88847b  No.5151563



Who protects the Pope?

The (((Swiss))) guard

67e562  No.5151564

File: edb24768137a794⋯.png (637.83 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26feb0081973d90⋯.png (57.42 KB, 400x250, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

85d265  No.5151565

File: f8b2ca7271c586c⋯.png (230.79 KB, 575x361, 575:361, VALENTINE1.png)

File: 2c826e4c07b1a15⋯.png (44.61 KB, 838x319, 838:319, VALENTINE2.png)

File: 51c89d1232d3726⋯.png (56.68 KB, 836x508, 209:127, VALENTINE3.png)

Army Reservist EMEKA NNAWUBA, a/k/a “Benjamin Alabie,” 29, of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Charged With Participating In Bank Fraud And Money Laundering Scheme

Emeka Nnawuba Opened Bank Accounts with Fake Identities and Laundered Nearly $1,000,000 in Fraud Proceeds

“Nnawuba allegedly laundered money for a scheme that trolled dating websites in order to steal money from the accounts of unsuspecting women.

Especially so close to Valentine’s Day, this case serves as a cautionary reminder to be especially wary of those who view dating sites as a predatory opportunity. Nnawuba’s alleged luck in love has run out, as he potentially faces a lengthy period of time alone . . . in federal prison.”

TWAT: https://twitter.com/SecretService/status/1095426223684182016

SAUCE: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/army-reservist-charged-participating-bank-fraud-and-money-laundering-scheme

078653  No.5151566


Switzerland relied on trade for half of its food and essentially all of its fuel but controlled vital trans-alpine rail tunnels between Germany and Italy. Switzerland's most important exports during the war were precision machine tools, watches, jewel bearings (used in bomb sights), electricity, and dairy products. Until 1936, the Swiss franc was the only remaining major freely convertible currency in the world,[38] and both the Allies and the Germans sold large amounts of gold to the Swiss National Bank. Between 1940 and 1945, the German Reichsbank sold 1.3 billion francs worth of gold to Swiss Banks in exchange for Swiss francs and other foreign currency, which were used to buy strategically important raw materials like tungsten and oil from neutral countries.[32] Hundreds of millions of francs worth of this gold was monetary gold plundered from the central banks of occupied countries. A total of 581,000 francs' worth of "Melmer" gold taken from Holocaust victims in eastern Europe was sold to Swiss banks.[32] In total, trade between Germany and Switzerland contributed about 0.5% to the German war effort and did not significantly lengthen the war.[32]

b33b65  No.5151567

File: d0f8201486e0ada⋯.jpeg (10.74 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 6b71f1b4535daa492d594d163….jpeg)



034f8e  No.5151568

File: 60489687f37caf7⋯.png (84.97 KB, 784x699, 784:699, 180531-001326-CDT-kipling-….png)


276155  No.5151569



2201 Kirk St, Houston TX is in SHEILA JACKSON LEE'S DISTRICT


Why does Maxine have property in SJL district that is worth $14k but was sold for $10.

Yes close to PP, is this a Bio Hazardous Area Dump?????????

e69341  No.5151570

File: a370063b2d9a092⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, GreatAwakening4112.jpg)

File: 1da6c142bf8a4b9⋯.jpg (258.8 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening750WWG1WGA.jpg)

File: c6f8a3d4fe1254e⋯.jpg (319.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningAwake.jpg)

File: 5ec6067836f4195⋯.jpg (197.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningAwake2.jpg)

File: bd4745091440b4b⋯.jpg (506.29 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBirthNewNati….jpg)

c3effd  No.5151571


NO! Q has given us red pills further than many

of us dug on for years. Q is not Mossad, the if info dropped effects all evil out there and much if it points back to (((them))) but I tell u what Q is going to have to fucking explain to us what this whole

"Saving Israel for last" shit actually means

because Im not on board with them taking from us anymore!!!!!!!! ANY COUNTRY FOR THAT MATTER! We are sick of being the worlds piggy bank , remember POTUS saying that? So what the fuck are we doing ?

cce5c8  No.5151572

File: afd9d50cc8f1e1d⋯.jpeg (415.59 KB, 1242x1553, 1242:1553, 8F2F3C20-F858-46F0-8F72-1….jpeg)

File: a45568e1a695ffd⋯.jpeg (229.46 KB, 1242x839, 1242:839, 366EB050-C3F8-403A-AD83-6….jpeg)

Shots fired

c6d1b1  No.5151573


It was a SET UP !

fe73fd  No.5151574


I don't need a med card in my state, and if I did, I wouldn't trade my gun rights for smoking pot legally. It's a no brainer

913f59  No.5151575

File: 76b4b7223e59484⋯.png (116.89 KB, 752x655, 752:655, Alice Walton.png)


Alice Walton - I know a lot was dug on Walmart before, but not sure if women considered "witch"? Seems like my ole memry thinks lots of tunnels assoc. in Ark.


Founder Crystal Bridges Museum of Art


Founder Art Bridges



ac03f3  No.5151576


The secret is certainty.

44e8e0  No.5151577


Yeah, so, where the fuck else are you gonna go faggot?

Ain't like the techno-pervs are gonna grace our conversations.

c7e488  No.5151578


How many of their Husbands or Fathers died of Cancer ?? I know Steve Jobs died of Cancer.

774bcb  No.5151579

File: 074518d7fbd892e⋯.jpg (460.93 KB, 614x792, 307:396, kIzh3Kl.jpg)

I'm angry. I pray The Storm arrives soon. We cannot let these terrorists fucks do this to us without retaliating.

ae9cfe  No.5151580

File: d86e75d999b86db⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 3120x4176, 65:87, Neocons communist zionists.gif)


AND neoconservantism, which is the zionist republican communism.

ca7758  No.5151581

File: 7055924c4d45a2a⋯.jpg (434.54 KB, 1496x1600, 187:200, fk.jpg)

99842b  No.5151582


did you see Trump give the attacker a thumbs up

2f50d4  No.5151583


KYS shill.

6f9c86  No.5151584

File: c8ddea1fe6b77f7⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 411x236, 411:236, GroundHogDay.JPG)

File: 16be69ccd1ce3c9⋯.jpg (31.27 KB, 224x354, 112:177, GroundHogDayII.JPG)

File: 3a1ee134593db78⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 427x320, 427:320, GroundHogDayIV.jpg)

File: fc476b4924b74ad⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 431x319, 431:319, GroundHogDayV.JPG)

File: d3b1aaf41eb84a1⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 350x247, 350:247, GroundHogDayVI.JPG)

c2b4e7  No.5151585


Everyone forgets that cats have only been domesticated for about 5000 years. Dogs for 10000. Cats are still a trendy bit wild. Little house panthers. <3 (Real men love pussy - cats)

ac03f3  No.5151586


Don't waste your hate, anon.

Lend it to your sleeping brothers.

c51bd9  No.5151587


Fake. So obvious.

2f50d4  No.5151588



KYS shill.

f42a78  No.5151589

File: e7c2eb29595de12⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 255x157, 255:157, my nigga.jpg)

File: 72b9c537b1716a4⋯.jpeg (245.44 KB, 1373x1914, 1373:1914, this man is your friend.jpeg)

File: 9ffb829c2bc7a93⋯.jpeg (14.59 KB, 218x255, 218:255, theytoldme.jpeg)

File: 7a6311df06f409a⋯.png (99.43 KB, 238x320, 119:160, neveralone.png)

File: 77f3d5f1f460767⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 620x325, 124:65, _ffarmbill.JPG)


awshucks, you made me feel special.



91538d  No.5151590

File: efcb77b496c6e5a⋯.png (877.42 KB, 557x732, 557:732, ClipboardImage.png)

Mystery solved.

They are Jaguar.


078653  No.5151591


In the 1990s, controversy over a class-action lawsuit brought in Brooklyn, New York, over Jewish assets in Holocaust-era bank accounts prompted the Swiss government to commission the most recent and authoritative study of Switzerland's interaction with the Nazi regime. The final report by this independent panel of international scholars, known as the Bergier Commission,[32] was issued in 2002[39] and also documented Switzerland's role as a major hub for the sale and transfer of Nazi-looted art during the Second World War.[4

Hitler and the Rothchilds swiss banking accounts → vatican and Switzerland….

watch watches

a67a29  No.5151592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6f9c86  No.5151593

File: 942d371a7d35f4d⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 424x257, 424:257, GroundHogDayVII.JPG)

File: 51ab0b090d28bde⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 417x269, 417:269, GroundHogDayVIII.JPG)

File: f52bdf4b3fcb77f⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 424x275, 424:275, GroundHogDayVIIII.JPG)

File: cb4990414e3854d⋯.jpg (20.22 KB, 295x288, 295:288, GroundHogDayX.JPG)

81b02e  No.5151594

File: fc226c43a3a267b⋯.png (882.68 KB, 753x525, 251:175, E5CE83B1-B427-4901-8B83-DF….png)

b33b65  No.5151595

File: bab016ed15df24b⋯.jpeg (6.45 KB, 255x152, 255:152, f8813227594bb4d41e9c2b519….jpeg)

f03624  No.5151596

File: 44d1dd9915e37ca⋯.png (35.61 KB, 551x650, 551:650, CaptureQ&A.PNG)


Your looking at the wrong No

fc6786  No.5151597


Don't forget the atom bomb (((they))) gave us… They kill everything good in life.

cdb550  No.5151599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Most Secret Space Program Mission EVER Recorded Documentary


c51bd9  No.5151600



d97255  No.5151601

File: a5180d2a79d17d0⋯.png (591.04 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate may confirm Trump attorney general pick as soon as Wednesday

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s attorney general nominee, William Barr, could win confirmation in the U.S. Senate as soon as Wednesday despite Democrats’ concerns about how he might handle Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The Senate on Tuesday voted 55-44, largely along party lines, to advance his nomination in a strong sign that the Republican-controlled chamber will confirm him this week. That vote could come on Wednesday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said.

corporate lawyer who previously served as attorney general under Republican President George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s, Barr has been praised by lawmakers from both parties as someone who is familiar with the workings of the Justice Department and does not owe his career to Trump. If he wins the job, Barr’s independence could be put to the test when Mueller wraps up his investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia during the 2016 election. The Republican president has repeatedly criticized the investigation as a “witch hunt” and denies any collusion with Moscow.

Barr says he would allow Mueller to finish his investigation and would make public as much of its findings as possible. But Barr has stopped short of promising to release Mueller’s report in its entirety — a stance that troubles many Democrats, who say his expansive views of executive power might lead him to suppress portions that address whether Trump tried to obstruct the investigation. Republicans say they are confident that Barr will make as much of the report public as possible.


47591f  No.5151602

File: 447241b4f923462⋯.png (1004.52 KB, 1481x4038, 1481:4038, Screenshot_2019-02-12 JFK ….png)

c51bd9  No.5151603



f7d375  No.5151604

File: b4566de771088a0⋯.png (351.58 KB, 613x279, 613:279, Capture.PNG)

Jihadist rebels allegedly use chemical weapons against Syrian Army in southeast Idlib

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 P.M.) – A number of Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers were hospitalized on Tuesday after the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham fired chemical substances towards their garrison in southeast Idlib.

According to the Arab language version of Sputnik News, Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham fired chemical substances towards the Syrian Arab Army’s positions in the Sham Al-Hafa region.

Al-Masdar reached out to the Syrian Arab Army in northern Hama to confirm these claims.

A source from the Syrian Arab Army told Al-Masdar that two soldiers were hospitalized as a result of the attack; however, it is not clear if or what chemical substances were used.


6a52f9  No.5151606


What I was getting at, was, anons that got their med use card were NOT told this would happen, but it did. What else will American citizens get tricked into to give up their gun rights unknowingly?

bda823  No.5151607


Well, this one doesn't. Creepy damn animals that do nothing. They don't even catch mice anymore.

My dog does that.

af4b57  No.5151608

File: b1d17f224f14086⋯.png (48.43 KB, 540x637, 540:637, lostsouls.png)


I was and I am shocked… To much assholes on this planet!

e69341  No.5151609

File: 67c20a5ee8d0b85⋯.jpg (243.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsMI StateSecrets.jpg)



5f3f7b  No.5151610


Payseurs had a similar strategy i believe.

ae9cfe  No.5151612

File: e41464ca0266818⋯.mp4 (10.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JEWS WANT TO KILL CHRISTIA….mp4)


Lol, I really like that "Christians for United Israel", that is a total fraud group, Israel is anti-Christian.

b5e3f5  No.5151613


they didn't even wait to set up a FF, they just used it again

f4a6cb  No.5151614

File: 2056d658cc3bc14⋯.png (560.94 KB, 500x438, 250:219, ClipboardImage.png)


You might need this.

c51bd9  No.5151616


You are not getting it. It's ok. There are other people like you who are too retarded to understand what a MIRROR is.

2fba7f  No.5151617


>I'm half tempted to think he's part of the show, too. He's over the top.

agree…"hunting humans" is a bit extreme.

there are VERY few circumstances in which I would consider that an option.

b4cc57  No.5151618

File: 23338f58258a929⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 499x436, 499:436, religion-spirituality-hell.jpg)



Buckling up my boots.

Thank you.

fe73fd  No.5151619


Smart citizens don't listen to the government that takes away their rights. I can't own a semi-automatic weapon, nor magazines over 10 rounds? Sure, come take them. I fucking dare you

c2b4e7  No.5151620

fc6786  No.5151621


That Naiz-nigger is actually Tihuti of Kemet… Pre-dated Thoth/Hermes by like 2000 years.

92a426  No.5151622


He will sign it. I don't think that shutting down the government again will plat to his advantage. He should have stood his ground the first time. Punishing people who need their paychecks to feed their kids and pay the rent in no fucking way affects Maxine or Nancy or Chuck.

He's just going to have to tell them to fuck off and start building the wall.

81b02e  No.5151623

File: 667a89f1e12977e⋯.jpeg (97.02 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 5B657BF7-9502-41F9-998F-9….jpeg)

b738fc  No.5151624

File: b4a49d585a903a1⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 147541029346564328.png)

184ab5  No.5151625

File: 6895f9d1c106e5e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ExtremelyDangerousToOurDem….mp4)


>Publicly supporting President Trump is becoming incredibly dangerous

Good time for this canonical mantra, me thinks.

ac03f3  No.5151626


How familiar are Payseurs with Masonry?

078653  No.5151627


In the 1990s, controversy over a class-action lawsuit brought in Brooklyn, New York, over Jewish assets in Holocaust-era bank accounts prompted the Swiss government to commission the most recent and authoritative study of Switzerland's interaction with the Nazi regime. The final report by this independent panel of international scholars, known as the Bergier Commission,[32] was issued in 2002[39] and also documented Switzerland's role as a major hub for the sale and transfer of Nazi-looted art during the Second World Wa

e69341  No.5151628

File: b26caddaffdd08f⋯.jpg (195.29 KB, 880x512, 55:32, QCrumbsWaiting.jpg)

913f59  No.5151629


Not sure. Christy Walton's hubby (son of Sam) died in plane crash.

0de7e0  No.5151630

File: bc9ac4aa824d263⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 467x540, 467:540, 1535757910154.jpg)


I saw this earlier. RIP doggo. Fucking leftists.

349fa6  No.5151631


Gotta go deeper with consideration on this one! This bill sucks ass because, and I paraphrase, it encourages states to engage in unconstitutional practices that stomp on our 1st Amendment! Seems like there's probably an underlying strategy we're not seeing yet!

c51bd9  No.5151632

File: 2a6988d7fe2328c⋯.png (86.61 KB, 838x853, 838:853, 03fdec74.png)

b738fc  No.5151633

File: 724b2fd87680464⋯.jpg (54.42 KB, 689x453, 689:453, 5dbc6ca3a7e6c89254654455d3….jpg)

ae9cfe  No.5151634


No dude, Q is here so people don't go crazy while the operations go on and start shooting down all the zionist traitors, lol

Its a bottoms up operation, and Israel comes last!

Keep spreading the facts about Israel, when the general public knows about Israel and no longer supports it, everything will be easier.

81b02e  No.5151635

File: b97c8080f54195c⋯.png (468.31 KB, 1021x618, 1021:618, 47042FC9-28CA-4B5D-9A38-C4….png)

801622  No.5151636


welcome to two hours ago

44e8e0  No.5151637


The hell we have.

a577d5  No.5151638

9e6816  No.5151639


You can say what you want.

Real anon researchers will

RESEARCH for themselves

because they know #FactsMatter

Plus it looks like I'm getting a


because are you are a shill.

b5e3f5  No.5151640



>>5151024, >>5151189 19 states don’t protect babies that accidentally survive abortions; abortion industry whistleblower, has passed away

>>5151087, >>5151092 Resignations in the news today

>>5151089 More than 200 ministers, deacons and others have been found guilty of sex abuse

>>5151123 Physician Says There Isn’t Single Scenario Where Late-Term Abortion Protects Mother’s Health

>>5151150 Gavin Newsom kills controversial Delta twin tunnels plan

>>5151174 Shill keeps using a fake graphic to shill

>>5151193 Moscow Calls for Peaceful Settlement of DPRK Nuclear Issue

>>5151214 NYPD's Out-Of-Control DNA Collection Practices

>>5151230 Italy Set to Abolish Central Bank and Jail Corrupt Bankers

>>5151323 Spanish PM to announce snap election soon after budget vote

>>5151475, >>5151491 Ex-Mossad Agents Formed Company That Targeted Clinton Campaign, Israel Boycott Activists

>>5151500 'From the north to the south we are ready' for war: IDF officer

>>5151601 Senate may confirm Trump attorney general pick as soon as Wednesday

>>5151604 Jihadist rebels allegedly use chemical weapons against Syrian Army in southeast Idlib

b738fc  No.5151641

File: 1e51c2cc6ca53e5⋯.png (687.78 KB, 891x667, 891:667, 8y5487903654763.png)

7d6ae5  No.5151642


to keep the BIS separated from the eu pit of debt creation.

fc6786  No.5151643


Every day, fren.

f3447b  No.5151644


You know what's funny about this? I'm one of the jews. I "should" be happy about this. But America is my country and I'm sick of seeing Americans bled dry. Virtually everyone I know is suffering financially. I've never made more than $10k in a year. And yet they'll throw such a big chunk of money at a country that hates us? I really hope Israel is destroyed.

d2cc00  No.5151645


I didn’t see your post, but …HIVEMIND!

349751  No.5151646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Late night tunes. Digging music.

b738fc  No.5151647

File: 035160f061a1e9c⋯.jpg (369.6 KB, 707x739, 707:739, 22dbdb3b833ea621c9c9260954….jpg)

306354  No.5151648

File: 49270169a8f6e9b⋯.png (74.61 KB, 931x909, 931:909, P5.png)

File: 248cf503a44d750⋯.jpg (198.56 KB, 1055x791, 1055:791, K1d70ad8950e2a36117ebb90d5….jpg)

File: 56206cfd7486750⋯.png (1.21 MB, 844x695, 844:695, P4.png)

276155  No.5151649



Reminds me of Obama, and the media is following her around and she has a fake creepy smile.

658a38  No.5151650

File: 267f98b5939082e⋯.jpeg (12.92 KB, 229x220, 229:220, peace out pepe.jpeg)


Here's the deal: No one in the U.S. cares any more. The entire focus is on the USA now. The wall. The Middle East has basically disappeared.

Cool how that happened, huh?

1e7e15  No.5151651

File: 5aff9ccb16b6619⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 709x373, 709:373, night-crew.jpg)

File: 60b0a64bcb2a768⋯.mp4 (691.52 KB, 640x364, 160:91, el paso (You) Q saved our ….mp4)



Got some stuff to share. Here's the "Air" Q.

Also saw an interdasting dig today regarding Whitaker that is sort of connected to the rally last night and the cabinet meeting today. Seems like he was saying something interesting to Whitaker (seems to revolve around the number 46, idk). The following posts were grouped today:

>>5144768 (pb)

>>5144795 (pb)

>>5144807 (pb)

This also lead me to a post last night that was similar in nature.

>>5136108 (pb, lastnight after the rally)

Hope this is what you were looking for. Will be around for a while to see if I got anything else to share.

1d91d5  No.5151652

File: d4e42b088ef4349⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x169, 255:169, BUS-SHORT.jpg)


Back of the bus, nigger!

2a0477  No.5151653


The RR gone???

b738fc  No.5151654

File: fdcbfaf252b2a0c⋯.png (422.45 KB, 861x412, 861:412, 2135t7740007.png)

f42a78  No.5151655

File: 47c0ca8ce289291⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 590x594, 295:297, isaiah96.jpg)

50792b  No.5151656

File: 9016af36980bb64⋯.jpg (101.86 KB, 960x706, 480:353, 51562117_2089528271124290_….jpg)

c51bd9  No.5151657

File: f3462c768e48098⋯.jpg (136.88 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, 4ab5d9c167818e5e.jpg)

349fa6  No.5151658


No doubt! Cats are awesome!

bda823  No.5151659



b5e3f5  No.5151660


I personally think RR will leave just before Mueller ends.

but who knows, we do know he's leaving sometime soon though, just not sure when

f7d375  No.5151661

File: de1368340d40be3⋯.png (564.05 KB, 826x319, 826:319, Capture.PNG)

Liz Cheney Stumps Green New Dealers With One Question: Did You Fly Here?

Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney grilled environmental experts on their travel methods at a House hearing on climate change while discussing the Green New Deal’s call to phase out air travel.


ae9cfe  No.5151662

File: 56fb40f783dd932⋯.png (379.22 KB, 1380x511, 1380:511, Turn the other.png)

b738fc  No.5151663

File: 4fbc3618457b11f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1144x926, 572:463, 5494e87.png)

c5a495  No.5151664

>>5148250 (pb)

Maybe her ashes are in that box?

fd0166  No.5151665

c51bd9  No.5151666

File: f4323d0362f62a7⋯.jpg (8.82 KB, 225x225, 1:1, WeNeverLeft.jpg)

078653  No.5151667


Same tactic to have mass refugees over Switzerland from Germany being used in Euor zone….

Interesting Switzerland not obey laws of EU

A hub to transfer wealth without taxes…. Rothchilds and Fed and taxes

b33b65  No.5151668


she's a babe, there are no leftist babes… (our girl)

2fba7f  No.5151669


>I've never made more than $10k in a year.

not sure if "good jew" or "bad jew". o_O

81b02e  No.5151670

File: f7a412fc1e7a92d⋯.jpeg (42.21 KB, 288x283, 288:283, A0DEA54F-6567-4792-A70D-3….jpeg)

d97255  No.5151671


Thinking that maybe the case…Were we given a date? Wonder if this falls into the 2 days early category…

7d6ae5  No.5151672


don't sell yourself short anon. all are valuable in the big picture.

c79673  No.5151673

File: 96b3ce57c2389f7⋯.jpeg (116.9 KB, 905x459, 905:459, 2D857B11-DB76-4EF8-96CE-C….jpeg)

Civil war at InfoWars.

They tried to divide us.

They only divided themselves.

c3effd  No.5151674


Rand Paul gain much respect from me for not

voting for this.

c51bd9  No.5151675

File: d8cc81ef1752e13⋯.png (469.45 KB, 424x588, 106:147, VinceFuscaWVrally.png)

1d91d5  No.5151676

File: e064f6b71f0bf8b⋯.jpg (60.55 KB, 711x500, 711:500, CNN-TAPPER 3.jpg)

cc16cb  No.5151677

Thanks fren!


c64a96  No.5151678

File: a38b49f948ca6b3⋯.jpeg (161.13 KB, 685x395, 137:79, ECDE67D3-E480-4EE2-BFED-8….jpeg)

File: 34f08b9c61bf852⋯.jpeg (157.8 KB, 693x270, 77:30, 5FAD5197-E76C-43D9-AFDB-2….jpeg)

e049ea  No.5151679

Thoth is here today. Correct?



20820a  No.5151680


Agree 100%

81b02e  No.5151681

File: d4965ec88a6e4f2⋯.png (166.77 KB, 459x344, 459:344, 1B7BB406-C137-491B-B6B1-E6….png)

12ef05  No.5151682


Whatever the fuck this guy said! He brought Bewbs!

078653  No.5151683


Gottherd tunnel weird cermony

c51bd9  No.5151684

File: 2e46e3fba4f7a3e⋯.png (703.76 KB, 1868x751, 1868:751, 42cd75cb9a4.png)

f3447b  No.5151685


I try to be good, but you see how that works for us. Bobby Fischer died broke, Mordechai Vanunu is still in jail.

47591f  No.5151686


Have you heard of the Anti-Semitism

Awareness Act anon?

They crammed that down our throats in the dead of night" just as they have been doing non-stop

485,000 dead Amercians by opiods and we get this

c6d1b1  No.5151687


Thoth is here always.

1e7e15  No.5151688

File: 7377fadaa3cfebb⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, jfk jr - trump - we didn'….jpeg)

File: b76ae75b18fa5ac⋯.png (152.79 KB, 516x381, 172:127, jfk jr stop saying I'm ali….png)

File: bd50c2cc23d96f3⋯.png (613.74 KB, 1328x1685, 1328:1685, 172 - _qresearch_ - Q Rese….png)

File: b68c18fac0b6050⋯.png (76.92 KB, 324x426, 54:71, 666.png)

File: a6740263909e14b⋯.jpg (79.55 KB, 745x848, 745:848, 666.jpg)



trips confirm

877e5b  No.5151689

File: 7ae1b44c0c715c1⋯.png (322.02 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Blue_Green_Logos_v2.png)

File: 43c415c3de8e057⋯.png (195.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Symbolism_Downfall_Kolors_….png)

File: 6c71f99c372176a⋯.png (5.69 MB, 4281x5755, 4281:5755, kabal_kolor_koding_MCLEAN-….png)

File: c3fa5f4128c5894⋯.png (2.5 MB, 2686x3600, 1343:1800, red_logos.png)

ae9cfe  No.5151690


Lol, don't get mad at me for posting facts that hurt your Israeli sensibilities.

6a52f9  No.5151691


OK, this is funny.

e26c49  No.5151692

File: 51d4dde90e62ba5⋯.jpg (108.42 KB, 460x810, 46:81, 20190209QStepbyStep.JPG)


RR will likely step aside very soon. Role played.

Q literally gave us the step by step.

e969a7  No.5151693

File: 85d7496eff84356⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB, 244x300, 61:75, BEAB528F-7E96-4A31-AF50-F….jpeg)

Eventually, Anons, will have to act outside, in the real world…

c51bd9  No.5151694

File: 799b8de222bd789⋯.png (423.78 KB, 599x446, 599:446, JFKjrRFKTweet7_16_18.png)

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)

File: 4bbea56ddb37a1c⋯.png (947.43 KB, 750x612, 125:102, RFKjrwithunknownkidsfbay.png)

Let's see the Clown shills explain this. On July 16 of all days. kek

f42a78  No.5151695

File: b0ace1c25d279d9⋯.jpg (189.85 KB, 1564x763, 1564:763, 88668.JPG)

File: c82a927aeb60a9c⋯.jpg (155.31 KB, 878x682, 439:341, borders.JPG)

File: d05a53a3dc0ab19⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 854x620, 427:310, THIS BOAT.JPG)

File: 750ac4393a283f4⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 670x480, 67:48, KINGKEK.JPG)


thank you anon. I'll leave on that note..

feelz GREAT [teary eyes with a MAGA smirk]

b738fc  No.5151696

File: 4fbc3618457b11f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1144x926, 572:463, 5494e87.png)

File: 777cd1f4a272c49⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1299x1226, 1299:1226, 007643269020217654.png)

33f6ae  No.5151697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1d91d5  No.5151698

File: 88cd55b18a19601⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 711x500, 711:500, CNN_TAPPER.jpg)

7d6ae5  No.5151699

File: 4b637f65cb75131⋯.jpg (202.33 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 666.jpg)


how fitting that this one had the 666 crumb

f7d375  No.5151700

File: 159cf48dc0e121d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 860x493, 860:493, Capture.PNG)

US Border Patrol nets millions in narcotics, multiple arrests

Area U.S. Border Patrol reported they have seized hundreds of pounds of narcotics, made thousands of illegal immigrant apprehensions and disrupted multiple stash houses in the Valley.

One Tuesday, agents disrupted six separate narcotic smuggling attempts in the Valley and seized more than 1,200 pounds of marijuana worth $1 million in street value, according to the agency’s website.

At the Falfurrias checkpoint a commercial passenger bus inspection revealed 33 pounds of marijuana in two unclaimed suitcases. The marijuana has an estimated value of $26,000.

That same morning, agents working near Garceno observed several smugglers walking north of the Rio Grande.

According to a release, as agents attempted to arrest them, the smugglers abandoned the marijuana bundles and fled to Mexico.


c51bd9  No.5151701


You're alive. Deal with it.

5ddc17  No.5151702

File: f5b045a8fb4bc89⋯.png (213.88 KB, 1207x1527, 1207:1527, brave_2019-02-12_23-50-33.png)

File: 34558857deefc4e⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1106x1524, 553:762, brave_2019-02-12_23-52-00.png)

File: 6cc903a02997f2d⋯.png (308.54 KB, 1582x1457, 1582:1457, brave_2019-02-12_23-55-41.png)


Does it make sense that Hussein would have been coordinating with Soros (obvious that this happened) to produce the mass migration not only in Syria, but in Mexico as well, with the ultimate goal of flooding America with Mexican immigrants, with MS13 coming along for the ride.

Since El Chapo was been neutralized, they were unable to flood the country, but obviously with the recent migrant caravans they are still trying, albeit weakly.

With this, alongside free healthcare, rampant disease and violence, they would make the case for America's bankruptcy and force governmental collapse.




c2b4e7  No.5151703

658a38  No.5151704


Virtual bewbs mask for everyone!

85d265  No.5151705


Arkansas won't say he was here illegally.

I assume this because of the people who investigated the case

nothing local about this crew

"Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the USSS, and thanked United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations for its assistance. "

277229  No.5151706

>>5150038 (pb)

We have to check out Maxine Waters second husband, Sid Williams. Her children are from her first marriage.

Sid Williams was born in Louisiana but grew up in Houston. I can't find an address but he went to Wheatly High School which is in Fifth Ward. I think he is also corrupt AF.

6c25b9  No.5151707

File: c6e6d8363d79057⋯.png (266.27 KB, 643x808, 643:808, ClipboardImage.png)


Diggin this lady now, founder of that school, recognized by the vatican…


20820a  No.5151708


Beto lololol little faggot.

fe73fd  No.5151709


Thanks anon, I needed this. My fave Tool song

c2b4e7  No.5151710



44e8e0  No.5151711


Illusionary and a bit light in the loaffers

b738fc  No.5151712

File: 6001553e55b263c⋯.jpeg (138.7 KB, 1728x800, 54:25, 156376587.jpeg)

File: 7904965851f21c3⋯.png (71.37 KB, 1326x162, 221:27, 5647789021376497.png)

126f9b  No.5151713

Have not been able to keep up with all the flying bread NOTABLES, but in case this was missed:

JOHN DOWD interview (POTUS former WH lawyer). Some highlights:

PHILLIPS: That's quite the opposite from what you've said about– the leadership of the Justice Department. I mean, you have just lambasted, (LAUGH) you know, everybody else previously. So you're seeing a shift here.

DOWD: Well, look. I you know, I tried to deal with Rosenstein. Early on, we wrote a letter to Mueller, saying, "Look. Comey's the accuser in this phony investigation. We think there are other issues in– regarding his conduct, as to the origin of this whole business." Turns out, not only was I right, but Comey admitted there were no facts to investigate the president at all. There was no collusion. So—I, and then, so– Bob said he wasn't looking' at it. So I wrote to Rosenstein. He blew me off. That's not leadership. That's not accountability. This is a very serious– I mean, we were very serious. And we did it in writing. We did it politely. We did it confidentially. And he just blew us off. So I lost all respect for Rob Rosenstein. And Sessions, I don't know what he was doing. I'm not sure Sessions knows what he was doing’.

PHILLIPS: What does he have? What's the result? What's the conclusion?

DOWD: Decline. There's no basis. There's no exposure. It's been a terrible waste of time. What's worse is let's get on the other side of this, how it all happened. This is one of the greatest frauds this country's ever seen. And I'm just shocked that Bob Mueller didn't call it that way and say, "I'm being used." I would’ve done that. If I were in his shoes in this thing, I'd have gone to the– I'd have gone to Sessions and Rosenstein and said, "Look. This is nonsense. We are being used by a cabal in the F.B.I. to get even."

VLASTO: How do you think history will look at the Mueller investigation ten years from now, 20 years from now?

DOWD: Not well.

PHILLIPS: Robert Mueller. How will he go down in history?

DOWD: I don't know. He's gonna have to decide that.


ca7758  No.5151714

File: 136b7afcf36de1b⋯.png (179.64 KB, 795x557, 795:557, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)

File: 9fa9296be029145⋯.png (274.13 KB, 1120x636, 280:159, Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at ….png)


Well off the mark, fren. Elevate yourself.


c311a5  No.5151715


doubt it. Paid a visit, deep state did

teach a lesson & put fear in Potus supports, he did

20820a  No.5151716

b5e3f5  No.5151717


>>5151024, >>5151189 19 states don’t protect babies that accidentally survive abortions; abortion industry whistleblower, has passed away

>>5151087, >>5151092 Resignations in the news today

>>5151089 More than 200 ministers, deacons and others have been found guilty of sex abuse

>>5151123 Physician Says There Isn’t Single Scenario Where Late-Term Abortion Protects Mother’s Health

>>5151150 Gavin Newsom kills controversial Delta twin tunnels plan

>>5151174 Shill keeps using a fake graphic to shill

>>5151193 Moscow Calls for Peaceful Settlement of DPRK Nuclear Issue

>>5151214 NYPD's Out-Of-Control DNA Collection Practices

>>5151230 Italy Set to Abolish Central Bank and Jail Corrupt Bankers

>>5151323 Spanish PM to announce snap election soon after budget vote

>>5151475, >>5151491 Ex-Mossad Agents Formed Company That Targeted Clinton Campaign, Israel Boycott Activists

>>5151500 'From the north to the south we are ready' for war: IDF officer

>>5151601 Senate may confirm Trump attorney general pick as soon as Wednesday

>>5151604 Jihadist rebels allegedly use chemical weapons against Syrian Army in southeast Idlib

>>5151700 US Border Patrol nets millions in narcotics, multiple arrests

37c7fc  No.5151718

File: d68e84dda4a9673⋯.jpg (11.78 KB, 255x205, 51:41, kekking hard.jpg)

c51bd9  No.5151719

File: e37b45188d95dc7⋯.png (216.34 KB, 1015x361, 1015:361, 10_24_18CRshillmagpost18.png)

File: 5d18a9178950479⋯.png (678.22 KB, 1015x635, 203:127, 10_24_18DRFKJRINSTA.png)

File: b257b11379dfde3⋯.png (623.29 KB, 2400x768, 25:8, 10_24_18RFKJRpostexacttime….png)

File: 6b07e5d694ce792⋯.png (120.53 KB, 874x324, 437:162, 10_24_1818Rshillmindeltapo….png)

18-minute delta. Just a coincidence though, ok?

cbf94e  No.5151720

Everyone knew it was treason when they caught the man, and they hung him.

Dems are in full =PANIC==

What the fuck does Schiff know about Russia?? NOTHING!!


b738fc  No.5151721

File: 84c5d0b0609199f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 852x860, 213:215, 12457980578.png)

b33b65  No.5151722


No chance. KEK

0a46e2  No.5151724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now we aren't done until I say we are done.

f7d375  No.5151726

Three Individuals Sentenced to Prison for Their Roles in Bribery Schemes Involving VA Program for Disabled Military Veterans

Two owners and an employee of for-profit, non-accredited schools were sentenced during the last two days for bribing a public official at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in exchange for the public official’s facilitation of over $2 million in payments that were supposed to be dedicated to providing vocational training for military veterans with service-connected disabilities.


f4a6cb  No.5151727



You've got a Notable and 2nd for a very important news report about PP killing babies and harvesting their organs.



2f50d4  No.5151729


It was never legal in the first place. It's hardly being "tricked" if anons

didn't know that.

81b02e  No.5151730

File: 2cbabaad4487de2⋯.png (370.37 KB, 634x422, 317:211, 4DED6CC2-E3BB-4EBF-9C58-55….png)

33f6ae  No.5151731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c51bd9  No.5151732


It's 'hanged.'

47591f  No.5151735

File: e68f1353b8c9e6b⋯.jpg (134.8 KB, 833x625, 833:625, 911_Hex3.jpg)

File: 34db18edc8e52a6⋯.jpg (184.28 KB, 800x1114, 400:557, Donald-Rumsfeld-letter-to-….jpg)

5ddc17  No.5151737


Don't talk to it, the idea is to force you to waste bread by triggering you.

078653  No.5151738


Italy friends with hitler made vatican its own country with swiss guards

Hitler hid stash of gold and art left Switzerladn alone. rothchild hideout ?

gotthard tunnel had heads of state at a weird satanic ceremony..

including adolfs merkle…..at the ceremoney clapping the weird ceremoney for the tunnel

Antarcica tunnels… seems to be part of the bloodline

b738fc  No.5151739

File: 5fcea6df9ec9357⋯.png (827.3 KB, 726x786, 121:131, 475908213974.png)

bda823  No.5151740



a577d5  No.5151741

File: 05b8be52f37ce66⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180701_154249.jpg)


Some of us have been for quite a while now.

c2b4e7  No.5151742

81b02e  No.5151743

File: d0a6a4860b4fdf3⋯.jpeg (147.16 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 28AB33D0-3ACA-465D-B3A7-C….jpeg)

ac03f3  No.5151744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ride the spiral, anon.

I'll raise you this.

009a26  No.5151745


“Lol” again faggot? Post moar wapo haaretz.

cbf94e  No.5151746

Grand conspiracy….

Took the AG out of commission?!

Media remains silent on this.

Bought and paid for by HRC

Backed by OBAMA DOJ, FBI

The weak get crushed

20820a  No.5151747


It def is creepy, I've been twice.

b738fc  No.5151748

File: b7f06d39c276580⋯.png (906.18 KB, 1364x765, 1364:765, 1279459336850.png)

c6d1b1  No.5151749


Don't fall for the MOS story.

e40ec0  No.5151750


Yes sure have heard of that - its what red pilled me as to how Israels been manipulating America and every other major country in the world, to doing their bidding.

1f30af  No.5151751

File: ce60867e3f87231⋯.png (589.23 KB, 620x594, 310:297, ce60867e3f872311a6029b5fa6….png)

078653  No.5151752


Global gov hiding wealth in vatican and Switzerland and who know what type of tunnels in antartica that abranvich visited to spirit cook

b33b65  No.5151753


I see you have forgotten the rules cat lady…


81b02e  No.5151754

File: 6e3c9aa629ed824⋯.jpeg (46.22 KB, 320x512, 5:8, 2D8D2E16-20FA-4927-B12B-B….jpeg)

File: b02e17ccb9a4252⋯.jpeg (50.91 KB, 587x438, 587:438, AB54A1E0-83A8-48A3-BAFC-0….jpeg)

b5e3f5  No.5151755


good theory by an anon:

>>5116840 (off bread)


again, ffs, I put it the exact article from 2015 you posted into notables last night

I already answered you ffs

b738fc  No.5151756

File: 869d9eefbdb8c4d⋯.png (158.19 KB, 822x439, 822:439, 98947566728919.png)

245cfe  No.5151757

Hey Quick Question. does a aborted New born get a Birth certificate?

and that's a legitimate question.

for the record.

126f9b  No.5151758


This is a notable.

f4a6cb  No.5151759


Quit with the fake "fren" shit when you've started the insults.


353b00  No.5151760


What tribe is this? Thinking I need to do some charity work.

c51bd9  No.5151761

File: 0ef6beb17ee727e⋯.png (495.58 KB, 984x736, 123:92, planeb52bd617e8d80384659cc….png)

File: dc4e9bf0639c5f4⋯.jpg (188.74 KB, 712x2048, 89:256, planeb527a4989a9d9dfee7f69….jpg)

File: fdba59ed2db4908⋯.png (69.49 KB, 1048x305, 1048:305, planeb528NYGQuantico.png)

File: 1d9becc617f00e0⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 694x521, 694:521, planec605ykyq5wl3k11.jpg)

Why is JFK Jr.'s plane flying in and out of Quantico Marine Base where Marine One, the presidential telicopter, is based.

f7d375  No.5151762

File: ae06847d67db138⋯.png (204.68 KB, 778x435, 778:435, Capture.PNG)

Dr. Tim Ball: Seven Ways To Spot Climate Change Propaganda

Climate change propaganda is designed by the United Nations for one thing only: to stampede the world into Sustainable Development and its green agenda. It masquerades as benevolence saving the world, but is harmful to the world and anti-human. ⁃ TN Editor

This is an update of an earlier effort to counter the propaganda war that is going on to promote the falsehoods about the environment and climate. An update is required because skills improved with practice and as they lose the war desperation demands greater deceptions. Technocrats are at the center of this development.

They achieve control in various ways, so it is invaluable to read the signs and avoid the deception. The most reliable tool is simple skepticism. Ironically, fake news is now so pervasive that it is much easier to assume everything is fake. The global warming deception is the oldest deeply entrenched fake news story because it is the product of government and deep state bureaucrats. Maurice Strong established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) through the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This is a UN agency run by bureaucrats in Geneva but made up of bureaucrats from the national weather offices of every UN member nation. They work every day using your tax dollars to deceive you.


009a26  No.5151763


Fuck the clam.

ae9cfe  No.5151764


>I'm one of the jews

Being of the Jewish race is not a crime.

Being a religious Jew is questionable, to be honest, the whole child abuse regarding circumcision is disgusting.

>I "should" be happy about this.

Nope dude, this is going to turn around and bite Jews in the ass. The backlash is coming.

>But America is my country and I'm sick of seeing Americans bled dry.

Nice, nice.

>Virtually everyone I know is suffering financially. I've never made more than $10k in a year. And yet they'll throw such a big chunk of money at a country that hates us? I really hope Israel is destroyed.

I woulnd't say that it needs to be destroyed, its the whole Jewish group power that needs to go, so there is no more fuckery.

Don't worry, you're alright, keep spreading those facts about Israel so the general public can start pressuring the politicians into stopping taking Israel's dick up their ass all the time.

c5a1b4  No.5151765


2fba7f  No.5151766


>I try to be good, but you see how that works for us. Bobby Fischer died broke, Mordechai Vanunu is still in jail.

it's a big club…and you ain't in it.

b5e3f5  No.5151767


just because you can't follow along:


>>>/qresearch/5137222, >>>/qresearch/5137223, >>>/qresearch/5137278, >>>/qresearch/5137306 From 2015: Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs

2nd time posted in this bread

20820a  No.5151768


Fucker is literally a creepy troll.

f6a5f9  No.5151769

File: 646bd8528b73327⋯.png (465.9 KB, 459x663, 9:13, 2019-02-12_23-57-35.png)

37c7fc  No.5151770

File: 76074b7f136ced1⋯.jpg (8.16 KB, 270x209, 270:209, edna.jpg)


enough lies people should hang


b5e3f5  No.5151771

File: 00b578227d99081⋯.jpeg (26.67 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 00b578227d990812dc393fcd3….jpeg)

349fa6  No.5151772

>>5151674 I've always respected Rand, and his father Ron! I tripped pretty hard when I learned that Ron was a mason! Nevertheless…I used to do my part by calling my senator and visiting my congressman to ask him to support Ron Paul! Back then, I was treated with blatant, condescending disdain by both my senator and congressmen for having the gall and audacity to even CONSIDER asking them to support a "wing nut" like Ron Paul! That's when I came to the conclusion my reps were elitist minions…right here in TX!

f4a6cb  No.5151773


Missed. Noted. Apologies.

81b02e  No.5151774

File: 992aed052eded9d⋯.jpeg (28.79 KB, 449x268, 449:268, A2370F25-6647-4230-84B2-6….jpeg)

306354  No.5151775

5a2849  No.5151776


Its the jihadis who used chemicals, just like before, but they’re not trying to blame Assad to keep it fresh

078653  No.5151777


everyone in debet except for the blood line familyes

c5a495  No.5151778


Don't forget that down-and-out Sandy from the Bronx won a school science competition.


Is she acting dumb?

Maybe she got science smarts but not common-sense smarts?

ae9cfe  No.5151779


Lol, good Jew bad at jewing. And that is a good thing!

7d6ae5  No.5151780

File: 2925bdfa1df3754⋯.gif (19.23 KB, 640x640, 1:1, clock 751.gif)

52d9f7  No.5151781


Maybe some of us have. I testified during the tariff hearings and won against some large corporations.

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