bc7409 No.5139468
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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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Q's Latest Posts
Monday 2.11.19
>>5134798 rt >>5134529 ————————— God Speed, Patriot.
>>5134370 rt >>5134144 ————————— Thank you, Anons (return publicly)
>>5127652 rt >>5127462 ————————— Life Lesson - [AS]
>>5127462 ————————————–——– Let's actually use 'FACTS' ( Tweet Cap: >>5127508 )
>>5127210 ————————————–——– Does the list above look familiar?
>>5126726 ————————————–——– The WAR is very real.
>>5123215 rt >>5123210 ————————— Graphic On Voter ID Graphic On Voter ID
>>5123210 ————————————–——– What about Domestic interference?
>>5117650 rt >>5117543, >>5117590 -——— You attack those you fear the most.
>>5117410 rt >>5117187 ————————— Why does the FAKE NEWS media continue to attack a so-called 'conspiracy'?
>>5114108 ————————————–——– The focus is on the organization itself.
>>5113023 ————————————–——– Reagan Quotes: As Government Expands, Liberty Contracts
>>5110730 ————————————–——– Anons knew?
>>5110466 ————————————–——– Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media? ( Twitter Cap: >>5110493 )
>>5109544 ————————————–——– Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life. ( Cap: >>5110360 )
Saturday 2.9.19
>>5101092 ————————————–——– Dark to Light.
>>5100113 ————————————–——– GOOD TO GO (Article Cap: >>5100248 )
>>5099142 ————————————–——– NASA Countdown 101 (Article Cap: >>5099228 )
>>5099089 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks continue? (Article Cap: >>5099163 )
>>5094337 rt >>5094289 ————————— We never left. Time to return publicly.
>>5094276 ————————————–——– Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction.
Friday 2.1.19
>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)
>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.
Sunday 1.13.19
Compiled here: >>5104564
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
bc7409 No.5139475
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5138723, >>5138773 Nestle to immediately close water bottling plant in Phoenix
>>5138735 Who is Mrs. Philip W. Pillsbury? call to digg
>>5138781 Ordnance survey's DRONE mapping project
Baker Change
>>5138651 (PB) Correlation of L.A. pic and Q post
>>5138885 POTUS speech last night, U1, 2018 Russian [187] - correlation
>>5138988 PDJT Chipping away at Hussein's federal courts
>>5139020 For KeKs - POTUS live Played behind Beta's speech
>>5139021 General Mills' contributions list
>>5139037 Ilhan Omar to Speak Alongside Charity Official who Praised Killing of Jews
>>5139134 PP thread Update
>>5139160 GAA Update - The War is Very Real Edition
>>5139183 Colombian Nationals Sentenced for Human Smuggling
>>5139363 #6564
>>5137868, >>5137885, >>5137904, >>5137986 Reminder: Clinton Foundation has operations in Nigeria
>>5137890, >>5137892, >>5137897, >>5137915 Friday February 8 in Congress
>>5137945 On the Bertelsmann Foundation
>>5137978, >>5137980, >>5137984 Resignations in the news today
(Baker Change)
>>5138011, >>5138063, >>5138108, >>5138175, >>5138257, >>5138324, >>5138373, >>5138404 Alexander Sanger (PP dig)
>>5137903, >>5137910, >>5137935, >>5138024, >>5138031, >>5138034, >>5138103 She's not Sick Racist Frog
>>5138166, >>5138206, >>5138254 That guy is an actor Not a Trump supporter
>>5138223 Alphabetical Listing Of Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons
>>5138220 Alexander Downer deep state fuckery
>>5138316 Authorities identify man & woman killed in plane crash in Morongo Valley
>>5138343 Trump orders US agencies to turbocharge AI research and ensure American dominance
>>5138374 a patent for using blood in cement?? oh boy
>>5138476 satellite spotted several 'explosions' of light
>>5138456, >>5138467, >>5138500, >>5138543 Anon interprets "Life Lesson [AS]" as Loretta Lynch Anton Scalia
>>5138590, >>5138527 Planned Parenthood’s own 2016 annual report shows total revenue was $1.354 billion
>>5137878, >>5138635 I cut out the clip where POTUS meets the Q Lady at the end of the rally
>>5138655 #6563
>>5137126 Omar Praises Activist Who Labeled AIPAC The ‘Central Pillar Of The Occupation’
>>5137128 Pompeo warns allies against Huawei ties
>>5137163, >>5137180 Training Agent Admits Selling False OSHA Training Cards
>>5137222, >>5137223, >>5137278, >>5137306 From 2015: Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs
>>5137234 OVERFLOW crowd from Trump’s rally
>>5137339 More in Japan see U.S. as 'major threat'
>>5137375 Reminder: Evidence Supports Claims That Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother
>>5137422 @Jack under fire after skipping India meeting
>>5137471 Tensions persist in Haiti after fifth day of anti-government protests
>>5137473 Rep. Dan Crenshaw goes on Border Patrol ride-along, reveals truth about what's going on at the border
>>5137516, >>5137539 Jewish Involvement in Contemporary Refugee and Migrant Organizations
>>5137557 Telegraph newspaper tries to discredit yellow vest protesters in France like the MSM treats Q about Princess Diana
>>5137730 9th Circuit sides with Trump in border wall prototype dispute
>>5137768 Bill Clinton cancels trip to Nigeria ahead of elections
>>5137791 #6562
>>5136389 Old tweet from Beto saying "tear down this (border) wall"
>>5136469 Haitians riot as they call for President Jovenel Moise to step down
>>5136555 Lawmakers reach border deal 'in principle,' including $1.375B for physical barriers
>>5136781 Schiff is under Anon attack
>>5136811 "And now we're going to PHASE 3. We did 1, statutorily. We did 2, statutorily. Now we go to phase 3."
>>5136919 Fired Adviser to Saudi Prince Still Working Unofficially After Khashoggi Murder
>>5137017 On US Attorney John Durham
>>5137022 #6561
Previously Collected Notables
>>5136255 #6560,
>>5133949 #6557, >>5134716 #6558, >>5135476 #6559
>>5131834 #6554, >>5132425 #6555, >>5133329 #6556
>>5129420 #6551, >>5130174 #6552, >>5130895 #6553
>>5127045 #6548, >>5127880 #6549, >>5128661 #6550
>>5124797 #6545, >>5125528 #6546, >>5126293 #6547
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)
bc7409 No.5139480
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread
>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections
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bc7409 No.5139485
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Meme Ammo
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Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames
Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/
Meme War 2020 >>4731041
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
bc7409 No.5139494
8e6159 No.5139497
Why does this board IMPOSE "CHAN CULTURE" ON Q, rather than getting its culture FROM Q?
364639 No.5139500
But you did leave the bunny all alone as if it has no soul. I understand, but standing alone while facing the entire universe for so long crushes a person and help never came. Will ever come?
178a7a No.5139502
Set up/DS plant?
823270 No.5139503
Luke 19:37-40
37 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”[b]
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
8e6159 No.5139504
What happened circa 2015?
For example, as per this crap propaganda interview:
>Oh, um, this "alt right" just suddenly arose and took over 4chan.
What happened?
Was 4chan a threat?
Was uncontrolled narrative a threat?
Was the internet a threat?
What happened circa 2015?
Was something rolled out?
Was something implemented?
Was a control regime implemented?
What are tech giants doing with all their AI?
What is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?
What is going on now? FIGHT for power– highest possible stakes?
And THE INTERNET is a key battleground?
So what is in control of "the chans"?
Use logic– why does this board reflect IDENTICAL "chan" culture to 4chan?
What populates this board?
Use logic.
What is in control here?
What is in control of the internet?
What happened circa 2015?
d2b95d No.5139505
Why does no one read your shit or care?
85a3e9 No.5139508
Wonder what the story is behind this visual?
8e6159 No.5139510
What is organic here?
What is infiltrated here?
What controls 4chan?
How is narrative controlled?
How important is social media?
How important are "chans"?
What is infiltrated?
How is 4chan controlled?
What is identical here and on 4chan?
Is that organic?
When did this board form?
Is this board "just another chan"?
Should this board have ITS OWN culture, or slavishly imitate "chan culture"?
What is organic?
How would we know?
a4a83f No.5139514
AOC Twatted about her response to POTUS rally last night
"Ah yes, a man who can’t even read briefings written in full sentences is providing literary criticism of a House Resolution"
IS Q WRITING HIS INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS?? How would she know how his intelligence briefings are typed up??
f7bb09 No.5139525
MOSSAD’s definition of division shilling
Digging on, posting and exposing jewish fuckery is division fagging.
Digging on, posting and exposing Democrat, republican, muzzie, catholic church, christian, free masonry, etc. is NOT division fagging.
The same goes for Israel. Posting about israeli subversion is divisive. You can post negatively about any other country’s leaders tho and thats fine.
Its only division fagging when the group being exposed is Jewish. You are not allowed to do that or the mossad shills will scream reeeeeee!
fc391c No.5139534
Would like to know how many people showed up for Beto - local N. TX news reported 22,000.
2423fe No.5139535
>>5137931 (pb)
Only thing I dreamed about was waking up over and over again with my ex gf in a wedding dress and not letting me get the thing off her.
0feb69 No.5139536
>>5134798 (PB)
>You will never be alone.
bc7409 No.5139537
Baker Requesting Handoff
Anons, please step up.
5a79d6 No.5139538
Sauce or photo shopped pic?
8e6159 No.5139539
Who came to this board, over a year ago?
Who would be attracted to THIS board?
Did anons LEAVE 4chan, come here, and make imitation 4chan HERE?
How many bots were active on 4chan when Q appeared?
How do we know?
What drove the move from 4chan?
On the surface?
How do we know?
What would we know?
Is the CULTURE of this board organic, or is it FORCED?
How might we know?
This board was BRAND NEW a year ago– where does it draw people from?
"The chans", in particular?
Or more from the millions of patriotic Americans that have heard of Q?
What is more likely to DOMINATE this board?
Should this board have an IDENTICAL "crowd" to what 4chan /pol/ has?
The same sort of "characters"?
Why or why not?
Can culture be FORCED?
Can a forced culture be a form of control?
Are the people in control here?
f07014 No.5139541
>>5138697 (both pb)
Wiped. Like with a cloth?
Who in the WikiLeaks dumps uses VFEmail.net?
b499e4 No.5139542
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Balancing the unbalanced
Boon, Boom, BOOM!
a9ba95 No.5139543
Or are you dancer?
085507 No.5139544
3500 years of babyeatin christ hating jazz music from our wonder (((friends))) in the black hats
8e6159 No.5139545
Do you post on 4chan /pol/, or only here?
Is 4chan controlled?
Is this board controlled?
If Q does not favor the implied values your talking points reflect, what brings you here?
Why are your beliefs identical to the fake beliefs used to control 4chan?
c6fe2b No.5139547
>>5139455 (LB)
The issue of Israel is highly complex.
On one side:
-They are technically an ally
-Function with many of the same values as western countries
-Freedom of religion is practiced
The other side:
-They are politically corrupted (much like every other western country
-They engage in espionage against allies (much like america)
-They are ruthless in prioritizing themselves over any other
As a Christian:
-The rebirth of Israel was prophesied in the bible, and came to pass exactly as predicted
-Israel plays a very important role in "end times" theology
-The bible states that God will bless those that bless the line of Abraham, and curse those that curse them. Many take that to mean the state of Israel itself, which I do not necessarily agree with.
60a414 No.5139548
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Kamala Harris’ candidacy will go down in flames if opponents dig into her past.
55ca75 No.5139549
>>5139455 (lb)
>Christians pro-Israel
Only the ones that still believe the lies of Israel.
Israel is anti-Christian.
a9ba95 No.5139550
You know, I actually LIKE being alone sometimes.
f8b39b No.5139551
*scrolls past*
*contemplates shaving*
2cc2b5 No.5139553
They'll still vote for her tits anyway
61742a No.5139554
Team Q FED off his phone 6mo ago. Those students using FEED (pic-ripping method) may ALSO have it all.
68166d No.5139555
Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS at 52 per cent after State of the Union
Asked what Monday's numbers mean, a senior Democratic House aide confided on background: 'I don't know yet if it's horrible, but it sure isn't good'
3504e5 No.5139556
is the q team formed by people from hollywood who want to take revenge?
kevin spacy?
b121f9 No.5139558
>The bible states that God will bless those that bless the line of Abraham, and curse those that curse them
Yea, well…Islam is of the line of Abraham, too. Don't forget Ishmael.
7299af No.5139560
>>5138989 lb
this might be the guy; woulda had access to media
moar local media from POTUS EP rally
c6fe2b No.5139561
Ya.. you nailed it.
b499e4 No.5139562
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. One man Tuvan choir
Q Uva Groove
1ffddc No.5139563
I think TGP is getting their news from this board. I saw a post last bread about the tag still being on his hat, and watched all the clips I could find, which are few. I could see no tag.
9bd638 No.5139564
(((House of Saud)))
(((World Jewish Congress)))
Any of you kike worshippers care to address these (((people))) who Q has outed as rats?
2423fe No.5139565
Oh, and really tall people with gold eyes.
a9ba95 No.5139566
You're the "not human", aren't you?
bae18a No.5139567
You will never be alone
These Devices May Be Spying On You (Even In Your Own Home)
4bbb37 No.5139568
At Trump Rally: ONE [Agent Provocateur] out of THOUSANDS of (Peaceful) Rally-Goers.
Weak, Very Weak.
At Beto Rally: Beto, in his own hometown, giving a speech behind a fence to a small crowd, with POTUS on a big screen behind him.
Weak, Very Weak.
68166d No.5139569
Trump’s speech: Less analytical, more sure than predecessors
A new study says Trump talks less analytically, and more confidently, than all past U.S. presidents.
61742a No.5139570
8e6159 No.5139571
Who gets CENSORED on this board?
Is this board said to be "free speech"?
Is it really?
Do SOME people get censored?
How do you control the internet?
How do you control (create) the "alt right"?
How do you control dissent?
How do you control narrative?
How do you feed "the daily dot" with its talking points?
What is a SHEEP DOG?
Look closely– what is CENSORED here, and why?
What is the purpose?
Is discourse FORCED to stay at a low level?
583251 No.5139574
EU 'sleepwalking into oblivion', warns George Soros
243687 No.5139575
xstians are cucks though, they'll never admit that shit, kek.
have no idea why they defend those lighter shade sand niggers tbh.
all a twisted joke.
1e482b No.5139576
We are at Phase 3. Last night POTUS said that repeatedly. Got this from "The Long War" from the Marines website pg 14. Boom times ahead!
03f89f No.5139577
5a40fa No.5139578
Kek. That sucks.
1ffddc No.5139579
She’s an idiot, so it’s no surprise she’s unable to recognize genius.
963086 No.5139580
>>5139051 lb
40 metric tons of Gold = 1 286 028.9035 once troy at 1300.00$ per once this is equal to 1 671 837 574.55$$ 1.67 Billions $$$
OK this war is officially going to get a lot more participant!
cc1a77 No.5139581
Bush in the background Keks me up
3504e5 No.5139582
>Keyser Soze
>usual suspects
c6fe2b No.5139586
I should clarify, it is through his some Isaac that the hebrews were born because of God's promise to his wife Sarah.
b499e4 No.5139587
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Unhappy Feet
Don't do it Penguins! It gets better!
823270 No.5139588
4a32b4 No.5139589
>>5138784 (lb)
>Well, what is real tends to not be reposted dayafterdayafterdayafterdayafterdayafterdayafterdayafterday…
Good call anon. I filter that fucktard every single time.
f07014 No.5139590
Indeed, many drops returned (mainly global intelligence) from VFEmail.net.
085507 No.5139591
Next week will be a different character, who will be a jew, and anons will dig up tons of connections to israel that bakers will ignore and refuze to put into the bread
5e04c7 No.5139592
I don't see division on this board. I see anons & Jews.
After watching the Israeli Lobby, I learned that THEY could care less about losing. As long as they can control and manipulate, they feel content.
Just being honest.
e76c62 No.5139593
The MSM are just like Osama Bin Laden. This reaction is not surprising.
a9ba95 No.5139594
They are. Is great. No worries.
Muh Constitutional Rights n' stuff.
(Am being sarcastic. The thing that KILLS ME about the whole FISA bullshit thang is that thanks to our devices and what we've agreed to for access to our devices, a FISA hasn't been needed.)
And that's another rant for another day,
25447e No.5139597
>>5139508 She ain't no lady, that's a cinch. But we already knew that.
ed843e No.5139598
NORTH CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - A Dallas-bound flight that took off from Charleston International Airport on Tuesday morning has been diverted to Montgomery , Alabama because of engine problems, according to Montgomery Airport Chief Bob Hendrix.
American Airlines flight No. 2083 took off from Charleston at 7:09 a.m. from gate B5 and landed in Montgomery, Alabama at 8:05 a.m., according to information provided by FlightAware.
8e6159 No.5139599
Keep in mind, all these posts were made FOR THIS BOARD AND MOVEMENT– and all were CENSORED by BO, when threads were made… what possible reason would there be for this censorship?
What is in control here?
How do you control the internet?
What is a threat to the public narrative?
What is a threat to control here?
f8b39b No.5139601
Yep, I doubt if most Anons on here even understand the historical origins of Israel, and it bugs me the free-interchanging of terms, like Israel, Jew, Hebrew, Zionist, etc.
bae18a No.5139602
Turkey orders 1,112 arrested over links to cleric Gulen: state media
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey launched on Tuesday one of its largest operations against alleged supporters of the U.S.-based Muslim cleric accused of leading an attempted coup in 2016, ordering the arrest of 1,112 people, state media reported.
The operation, related to alleged cheating in police examinations, showed authorities were not letting up on their crackdown two-and-a-half years after rogue soldiers used warplanes, helicopters and tanks in a bid to seize power.
More than 250 people were killed in the failed putsch, in which preacher Fethullah Gulen, a former ally of President Tayyip Erdogan, has denied involvement. Gulen has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999.
Tuesday's operation related to a police force examination in 2010 for those seeking to become deputy inspectors, and allegations that some of those taking part had received the questions in advance, state-owned Anadolu news agency reported.
So far 124 suspects have been detained in the operation launched by the Ankara chief prosecutor's office and extending across 76 provinces, Anadolu said. It was not clear how many, if any, of the suspects were serving police officers.
8e000d No.5139605
You've been whining since last night. Have a warm glass of milk and go to bed, pussy.
b499e4 No.5139606
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. (You) and those you love are invited.
bc7409 No.5139607
Anons! Please collect Notables
a2a3b9 No.5139610
If it's only 1%, why the big agenda push for late-term abortions?
Think logically.
Stupid Hillary.
7cbe73 No.5139614
>xstians are cucks though, they'll never admit that shit, kek.
some of us have read our Luther. and we know exactly who (((they))) are.
0d218d No.5139615
So I go to this "USTV247.com" to try it out.
I pull up FOXNEWS and am watching Fox and Friends.
They play a clip of POTUS talking about abortion at the rally last night.
Just when he starts to talk about it, the feed buffers and does not resume until just after his remarks are over.
That's some serious fuckery folks.
7299af No.5139617
NO WAY saw part of it live. bout 200-300 people looked like.
note local media not reporting and not many fotos available of crowd kek
9b4ec3 No.5139618
and it's not like you wouldn't see that being moved around either. All those trucks that came in after 911 were ready to take the gold out. They were not there to pick up debris. Some did but the bulk of those were for the gold grab.
777b27 No.5139619
God bless the bakers! Thank you for all you do.
Qanon.news anon here. Wondering if I can ask for a change in the 3 part of the bread please. It's been like this for a LONG time (daily lurker) and I've never said anything about it because I try not to make work for anyone else, but for some reason it's been bothering me lately.
All changes are in Part 3 of the bread.
In the QPosts Archives section of part 3
* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news
QPosts Archives in Other Formats
API for Q and breads in JSON and XML: qanon.news/help
While you are in there I don't think the commandandcontrol.center link has been working for a while. Not mine.
Can I get added to the Bread Archives (sites) section of part 3?
Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives
Just as a general update - I'm currently working on the bread archive to make it feel more like (8ch)home. It's basically a comfy 8ch UI clone. Should be done in the next couple days.
823270 No.5139621
Trips confirm…Trump = Good…Other guys = Not Good.
09acaa No.5139622
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. some anon posted this vid at end of last bread.
It is very interesting about the drills at long beach and the real raid blocks away at Guatemala center.
He puts a lot of anons works together.
0feb69 No.5139623
"This is not another 4-Year election."
592684 No.5139624
+++++Q remember Jesus said i wish you were hot or cold but you are luke warm and i will spew you out of my mouth. Both Democrats and Republicans are enemies of the people +++++
9bd638 No.5139625
Guess who the guy on the right is..
b499e4 No.5139627
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Muh Jews have Got Their Irish Up!
b1e1de No.5139628
WATCH Explosion Rocks Syrian Side of Border Crossing With Turkey
This is a developing story…
An explosion hit the Syrian side of the Bab al-Salameh crossing on the Syrian-Turkish border on Tuesday, Turkish broadcaster NTV said.
The explosion at the border crossing, located between the Syrian town of Azaz and the Turkish town of Kilis, left an unspecified number of people wounded, NTV said.
Video of explosion
b121f9 No.5139630
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The J's and M's are so alike to me in their ideologies, rules, and rituals I could hardly tell them apart were it not for the head gear.
9b4ec3 No.5139632
085507 No.5139633
See something say something
Why wouldnt i warn others and how long did you people expect to hide out here and quiet down discourse related to jews???
Anons will eventually rise against this
f8b39b No.5139634
That's the root of the whole historic conflict if we want to get right at it. The birthright question of Jacob and Esau. Followed by 4000 years of shitstorm.
f07014 No.5139635
a1b838 No.5139636
She looks like a fun time.
Can you imagine H-dawg doing that pose with Billy?
7721d5 No.5139637
the only thing that is heartbreaking is that she is a clump of cells.
a9ba95 No.5139638
d52e70 No.5139640
Someone take her TWATTER away.
5a40fa No.5139643
Hillary just wants moar dead baby money from Planned Parenthood.
a9ba95 No.5139644
Former cheerleader? Not exactly evil…
6224df No.5139649
Congress Says They've Reached an Agreement to Avoid Another Shutdown
Anther shutdown may be avoided after all! After a stall in negotiations last night, lawmakers in Congress now say that they have reached an “agreement in principle” to avoid a shutdown when the funding deadline arrives this Friday, according to the Washington Post.
The new deal will provide $1.37 billion in funding for “border barriers,” which will be comprised of 55 miles of bollard fencing.
Democrats had some success on their call for a lower number of ICE detention beds—the total will drop from 49,057 to 40,520. They hope that lowering the overall number of beds will prevent ICE from detaining a high number undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed crimes.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the Democratic provision “a get-out-of-jail-free card for criminals because the radical left doesn’t like U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”
So far, it’s unclear whether this deal will please Trump, who has long demanded $5.7 billion to build a wall on the border. Even if he approves of this bill, it doesn’t rule out Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency on the border and order the US Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall themselves.
c6fe2b No.5139650
Islam is designed to be the copycat religion of judaism. Although allah is a moon god, and the jews do not profess to worship a moon god. There are other significant differences as well but those are easy to discover for yourself if you do some research.
319e67 No.5139651
>>5137518 (pb - overnight bread)
Catching up on some breads - shoutout to worldwide frens who have eyes and ears open. Much love.
0d218d No.5139652
Knees aren't bent. Takes a lot of effort to straighten legs when pulled back like that.
7299af No.5139653
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14) — Hundreds of El Pasoans made their way to the Coliseum, but not to take part in President Donald’s Trump’s rally.
Hundreds of people also attended The March for Truth rally that began at Bowie High School to then make their way to the Coliseum where the president will be.
Beto O'Rourke spoke at the March For Truth Rally shortly before President Trump spoke at the Coliseum.
O'Rourke did not announce whether he will or not run for president in 2020.
People many were hoping for him to announce his presidential run.
O'Rourke told Oprah in an interview that he would announce a decision by the end of the month.
61742a No.5139654
We were thinking maybe John Vineyard's twitter name was 'teeing off' a source at a vineyard, Pelosi's or Marthas, LB?
Suppose I could just ask JV, he's obviosly with us.
a9ba95 No.5139655
The C's, as well!
Sooooo crayzay.
5a79d6 No.5139658
Grosd! No, I can't!
823270 No.5139660
If she's a party girl, this is the beginning of an interesting (for us) and embarrassing (for her and her lemmings) flood of the same and likely worse. Anybody remember their early 20's…yeah. Now add digital cameras on everyone. Oh, and politics… fun, fun, fun, til somebody puts a photo out!
a9ba95 No.5139661
5f3b1a No.5139663
Strange this happened yesterday. Someone's scared and covering their tracks?
289a6e No.5139667
JESUS, these people really are morons…
The shoes also come in different colours
70ced8 No.5139668
bc7409 No.5139669
Baker Requesting Handoff
BO/BV please be advised - will ghost in ~ 10 minutes
ff9251 No.5139671
>Can you imagine H-dawg doing that pose with Billy?
5c4661 No.5139672
60a414 No.5139673
Apple iPhone sales in China fell by 20% last quarter as Huawei units surged 23%
6224df No.5139674
Yeah that was me, I thought it was interesting. Agreed, it seems he has put several anoons work together.
9bd638 No.5139675
6fbd4c No.5139677
moar bullshit deals….
So does he agree and take the pennies then we get DELAS & OIG?
ed6754 No.5139678
Q Graphics all in GMT Update
Hi Baker, this post replaces >>5129971 Q Graphics all in GMT #62 seen here >>5139480
Please update the dough.
Godspeed Baker/s
1ffddc No.5139679
I don’t have an account to be able to reply to her, but here’s some stats for anyone wanting to use them.
0feb69 No.5139680
No need for NG at the border.
847274 No.5139681
Remember when you used to go to Breitbart thinking you were woke and then realized it was an Israeli propaganda rag.
Check this slippery shit out. Trying to manipulate the public into utmost support of muh jews by claiming Antifa is attacking them. Lol!!! I love going on the comments and seeing brainwashed rednecks DEFENDING Israel and muh jews. They don't even have a fucking clue, just dangle who their percieved enemies are (Antifa, globalists, etc) and they will blindly follow your Jew crap. Well played Breitfart, well played.
308979 No.5139683
Q, when is DECLAS? Runing out of popcorn
b121f9 No.5139684
> Although allah is a moon god, and the jews do not profess to worship a moon god.
Yea, now there's a plus.
>There are other significant differences as well but those are easy to discover for yourself if you do some research.
Oh, I've done research, thank you. Still say they're more alike than different.
ed6754 No.5139685
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
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Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#62 >>>/comms/3464, >>5139678
Pastabin in case one prefers: https://pastebin.com/qAgJG8e7
7299af No.5139686
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14) — Hundreds of El Pasoans made their way to the Coliseum, but not to take part in President Donald’s Trump’s rally.
cad0ab No.5139687
They are running out of ideas
a62ccd No.5139688
GIve every schoolkid a short barrel AR at birth.
Schools to be retrofitted such that in the event of an active shooter scenario, ammo will drop from the ceiling.
70ced8 No.5139689
from Feb 5, 2019 my bad.
58af69 No.5139691
Request for a digg
NW anon here. Comcast / Xfinity has been offline for at least 10 hours. Is this just because of the weather or is there something else going on?
29a4a1 No.5139692
Yea if I ever ran for politics you would find photos of me sharpie-ing swastikas on my passed out friends.
so..yea..i'll never be a politician
maybe in virginia
308979 No.5139694
i mean seriously, anon….Q asked if we were ready for DECLAS like 4 months ago now..WTF?
f8b39b No.5139695
Spoken like a true racist. Do you listen to yourself? Have you dug up anything yet on Christians or Muslims that we could talk about? Or just always the same muh too shit.
Anons aren't stupid, we see the coordinated attacks day after day.
a9ba95 No.5139696
You deserve this:
25f97c No.5139697
>>5138374 (PB) (Notables)
Hey Anon, while I also trust nothing cabal related…blood in concrete goes back to the Romans. IIRC, Scott Wolters talked about it on America Unearthed…couldn't find much on the web though.
a5b9ed No.5139698
Think mirror?
AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform—Call It Mirrorworld
7299af No.5139699
hey ROTC kids carried guns around our schools. no school shootings.
0d218d No.5139700
Can we get an update on RBG?
0feb69 No.5139701
ee18fb No.5139702
Mark Kelly, astronaut and husband to Gabby Giffords, running for Senate
Retired astronaut Mark Kelly is ready for his next mission. Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., announced he’s running for Senate in 2020 in a video he released Tuesday.
Kelly, 54, would face Arizona’s Martha McSally, a Republican, for her Senate seat. McSally was appointed to the late Sen. John McCain’s seat after she lost to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema in the 2018 election. “I always knew that I was going to serve this country in some way,” Kelly said in his announcement. “What I learned from my wife is how you use policy to improve people’s lives.”
Kelly and Giffords became top proponents for gun control legislation after the former Democratic congresswoman was shot in the head while meeting with constituents in Tucson in 2011. In addition to his time as a NASA astronaut, Kelly was also a Navy combat pilot and engineer. He has never held elected office.
5e5d6c No.5139703
I’m sure an anon might have posted this 30 page report by Judicial Watch on Soros, but I’m posting again because Soros et al are actively engaged with the abortion industry
SOROS: Judicial Watch Special Report: Open Society Foundations 2018
Background and Context
The Open Society Foundations’ mission is to: “… work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.”
The OSF, and its subsidiaries and affiliates, are subsidized with U.S. taxpayer money, totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Senior U.S. government officials have leveraged their positions for post-government employment with OSF programs, sometimes seeking taxpayer funding for the very same specialties, functions and regions that involved their government employment.
It is important to contextualize the operations and financing of the Open Society Foundations. A year ago, Soros took dramatic action to step up his leftist political activities. As reported by the Wall Street Journal on October 17, 2017, Soros transferred $18 billion to his Open Society Foundation:
“The pioneer of hedge-fund investing has transferred the bulk of his wealth to Open Society Foundations”
“Open Society today has a broad mandate driven largely by its founder’s values. It operates through a network of more than 40 foundations and offices in countries from Afghanistan to South Africa.
Mr. Soros has urged developed countries in Europe and elsewhere to share the burden of increased migration from conflict-ridden countries [conflict, it appears, Soros groups help foment]. Anti- Soros politicians in Macedonia, Poland and some other European countries have attacked foreign-funded groups, including Open Society, for what they see as outside interference in their affairs.”
The Open Society Foundations Internet website mission statement, https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org.
“George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation, Creating an Instant Giant,” Wall Street Journal, October 17, 2017
(https://www.wsj.com/articles/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-foundation- creating-an-instant-giant-1508252926).
Judicial Watch Special Report: The Financial and Staffing Nexus Between the Open Society Foundations and The United States Government
Three years before this massive transfer of wealth to the Open Society Foundation, Inside Philanthropy reported:
“The Open Society Foundations is bigger than you think. In fact, it may be the largest philanthropic organization ever built, with branches in 37 countries. While the Gates Foundation spends more money, OSF has a larger footprint worldwide thanks to its many local offices, including throughout Africa. OSF’s budget will be around $930 million this year—which is substantially more than Ford’s [Foundation] total grantmaking.”
One might reasonably wonder why U.S. taxpayers would be asked to fund the activities of such a wealthy, sophisticated, highly politicized, “philanthropic” organization
55c69b No.5139704
Can bake.
Please confirm handoff.
Notifying BO/BV's.
Updated dough would be greatly appreciated.
db67ff No.5139707
Not a techfag, so dunno if this is possible, but….
Ya know what would be awesomely cool? If there was a filter for posts that repeat verbatim (or near verbatim) repetitive shit. Maybe the filter could be set for near verbatim posts, like a percentage (i.e., 75% of the words identical).
Would be great for filtering out all these "Who is in control?" trolls….
Dunno, maybe it's not a good idea or not doable. Just a thought. These fuckers are so annoying and I'm sure they saved this for when the board started to accumulate a lot of new eyes.
29a4a1 No.5139708
The truly creative is under funded and well hidden.
b499e4 No.5139709
"hackers" destroy data and backups of secure crypto email VFEmail - Very Fucking Easy to hack…or
e78aef No.5139710
Shall We Play a Game?
Where are they now?
[Ref: public optics: ‘retired’’left’ refers to ‘fired/forced’]
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – FIRED
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
Michael Steinbach - Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED
John Glacalone – (Predecessor to Steinbach) – Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED
James Turgal – Assistant Director - FIRED
Greg Bower – Top Congressional Liaison - FIRED
Trisha Anderson – Principle Deputy General Counsel - FIRED
Randy Coleman - Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Div – REMOVED
Coleman Authored:
(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children
Kevin Clinesmith – track & follow
Tashina Gauhar – track & follow
Sally Moyer – track & follow
Jason V. Herring – track & follow
Nothing being done?
6f354f No.5139711
You mean he asked the deep state if they were ready to troll them into doing something retarded which they probably did.
c4b223 No.5139712
Good to go, thank you bakers, I will get notables from the top of the bread DB.
c6fe2b No.5139713
Well… then you have a problem with islam, not judaism because islam started WAY after, making it pretty hard for the jews to be the copycat.
ff9251 No.5139714
f07014 No.5139715
He's a clown. Has to be.
000578 No.5139716
"will go the way of the Soviet Union" is supposed to be a bad thing?
Nobody misses the USSR.
9b969e No.5139717
b03369 No.5139718
Or you could just stop MK Ultra programming the shooters
583251 No.5139719
Abortionist who went on satanic tirade to pro-lifers has died
55c69b No.5139720
Much appreciated BO/BV.
Q in bread - moving lightning fast.
Assuming responsibilities.
2ce788 No.5139721
Democrats applaud sending $1.8 billion to Iran under Obama but can’t even find that much to secure America’s border. If this is the best they can do, it’s obvious they have no interest in serious border security.
At this point it’s clear: POTUS should take executive action.
9b4ec3 No.5139722
Notables so far. Add
>>5139555 Trump's approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 Months
(not new but a different perspective)
>>5139569Trump’s speech: Less analytical, more sure than predecessors
>>5139598 Plane diversion
>>5139602 Turkey orders 1,112 arrested over links to cleric Gulen: state media
>>5139628 WATCH Explosion Rocks Syrian Side of Border Crossing With Turkey
68166d No.5139724
2 marriage certificate entries for Ilhan Omar.
Is the 2009 entry really her brother.
09acaa No.5139727
thanks, it was worth watching.
A Q drop he read in vid mentioned ties to children's foundations in NY with long beach.
Makes me think we should be checking out Guatamala foundations in NYC with ties to LB
bc7409 No.5139728
>>5139685 Never have updated before - just replace old with this new paste?
8eb32e No.5139729
Good Morning Q.
Great Rally!!!!!!!!!
8e6159 No.5139731
>QAnon originated with anonymous posts on racist imageboard 4chan, later moving to even more racist imageboard 8chan
–The daily dot
How do you control narrative?
"Anons" post racism– even though COUNTER to Q's actual message.
Does "BO" protect "racist anons" under cover of "free speech" (while actually CENSORING quality contributions >>5139571)?
Do pseudo journalistic entities like "the daily dot" then use the fake "anon" posts to dictate the narrative of "Qanon" to the public?
How do the PEOPLE get control back, when this board is infiltrated and controlled by FAKENESS?
76c537 No.5139732
HAH look at this, a ROTSCHILD trying to debunk Q by saying he made a fake Q/#MAGA twitter account to get 'on the inside'.
spends a lot of his effort on Q on his actual account
76384b No.5139733
5a79d6 No.5139734
LMFAO!!! Thanks for that!
963086 No.5139736
I wonder to whom the Gold really belong to in the first place?
68166d No.5139737
Crimes against CHILDREN folder
f01c1c No.5139738
Bottom cleaned out yet and ready to go for the middle now Q?
9b4ec3 No.5139740
>Nothing being done?
hardly! and that was a nice touch to the anon at the end of the bread last night
a4a83f No.5139741
Those drops weren't for us Anon. It was for (((them)))
f02a97 No.5139742
looked at the out map
a5b9ed No.5139744
Crimes against children MUST come to light. Justice demands it.
29a4a1 No.5139745
Wow this all goes back to the Weiner Laptop
Q, were you guys behind the weiner laptop being discovered in the first place?
Whoever it was, thank you.
308979 No.5139746
777b27 No.5139747
ee6685 No.5139748
Back to the beginning. I love it.
823270 No.5139749
I hear ya. Photos and misspent youth are strange bedfellows. I shudder to think. The ones I know about are bad enough. Then there's ETOH.
b7ae02 No.5139750
Nice to see you today, Sir
20ea8b No.5139751
>Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
>Hillary Clinton & Foundation
>Crime Against Children
lock that skank up, burn it down around her, toss it to the bottom of the mariana trench and drop an end-all MOAB on her ass!
f07014 No.5139752
Coleman Authored:
(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crime Against Children
Kevin Clinesmith – track & follow
Tashina Gauhar – track & follow
Sally Moyer – track & follow
Jason V. Herring – track & follow
Mind if we finish our coffee first?
3504e5 No.5139754
saw today the skull on a black car as emblem, siqn plate was: D-WM 8881
i live in germany NRW, why the fuck is this skull symbol in germany?
good guys or bad guys?
4a32b4 No.5139755
This is awesome.
I hope they're in Gitmo.
Love to you Q, fren.
5f3b1a No.5139756
Could be a NOTABLE after looking into it further. Destroying data and backups
bae18a No.5139757
State of the Union (2019) – What Media Won’t Tell You About this Photo!
b03369 No.5139758
FBI is to Public Corruption
NCMEC is to Abducted Kids
55c69b No.5139759
Added to dough.
Much appreciated, Anon.
Kick ass.
9b4ec3 No.5139761
get these already?
f8b39b No.5139762
Morning, boss, ready for orders
a9ba95 No.5139763
Does it have anything to do with this?
Similar articles have been on Drudge for the past few days.
09acaa No.5139764
Can you give us hint about what children's foundations in NY to look into?
29a4a1 No.5139765
read the news faggot. global news.
Trafficking rescues happen worldwide. Dont wait for the news to fall into your lap. You need to search for it
366e22 No.5139766
bc7409 No.5139767
>>5139704 I did not update original dough. Still good. No notables added yet.
364639 No.5139768
There is so much darkness, so much evil. Will justice ever come?
It's been so long and alone. Faith? In what anymore?
bdec41 No.5139770
823270 No.5139771
Mowing 'em down, Q+!!!
0d218d No.5139772
80c969 No.5139773
In it to win it!
9b4ec3 No.5139774
just saw your post.
can't bake. you don't want flow through this POS.
ee18fb No.5139775
My thought as well, in addition, I had the impression at the time when Gifford's was shot he behaved more like a handler to her.
ee741a No.5139776
lots of facts out there for anyone who is interested… like NY City… 35% of pregnancies that don't end in miscarriages end in abortions.. or like some states don't report their own statistics… of those reported in 2015 there were 638169 abortions in the US… so 1% would be 6381.9 late term abortions… according to Hilldawg
c6fe2b No.5139777
Hi Q.
Please remind the anons to PRAY!!!!!!
5a40fa No.5139778
Morning, Q.
Where are they now?
Yep, I’ll play.
435fcb No.5139779
welcome back we are getting smothered by anti-semitic posts. its jew research now. hard to navigate for normies
9bd638 No.5139780
U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has hired one of the top white-collar criminal defense lawyers in America to represent him during the probe into collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.
Kushner’s latest addition to his legal team, Abbe Lowell, has represented everyone from House Democrats during Bill Clinton's impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky scandal to corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff and other high-profile Washington figures.
Lowell’s previous clients have also been the subjects of international investigations, and he will represent Kushner in dealings with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the probe into links between Trump's campaign staff and Russia.
Earlier this month, it was revealed that Kushner’s finances are being investigated by Mueller’s team.
Enid is near?
For who?
bc7409 No.5139781
Handoff Confirmed?
85a3e9 No.5139782
Dunno.. Just seen the pic and posted it.
If a photoshop, it is a damn good one!
I cannot find any blending lines around her head when zoomed in.
2ce788 No.5139783
Democrats’ hatred of President @realDonaldTrump resulted in them missing a great opportunity to provide more border security and a better life for DACA/TPS recipients.
Sad and stupid.
1e482b No.5139784
Phase 3? Let's do this!
f8b39b No.5139785
Seconded. Is that possible?
3bc06d No.5139786
Ilhan Omar ran unopposed in Dearborn, Michigan?
Imagine my shock.
This is why they flooded Muslims en masse there.
Imagine running against her there?
c8e4ee No.5139787
<Be the autists we know you are.
<Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
getting closer?
6224df No.5139788
I may be worth a look/see fren
ee6685 No.5139791
Darkness is the absence of light anon. We're working on it.
4eea71 No.5139792
Remember that big DOJ inspector general report about the 2016 election (buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetil…), and how there was a later report about problems the FBI had collecting texts from FBI-issued phones? OIG just put out its recommendations to address that
ee741a No.5139794
synopsis anon… 33 minutes long ya know
d115db No.5139795
03f89f No.5139796
the programming is very strong. trying to penetrate the firewall takes relentless red pill bombarding
308979 No.5139797
Q Please release the HRC vid, DECLAS or an AOC porno. A Kamala Harris porno would be good too. Thanks in advace.
e78aef No.5139798
[Controlled by those who worked for the Clinton's]
They have ZERO control now.
a0c3c4 No.5139799
the ones that involve children! It's ALL of them! In NY it's also the Child Protective Services (welfare) people
55c69b No.5139800
Confirmed and Accepted.
We are up to speed.
Gotta go fast.
8c3af8 No.5139802
The previously unnamed FBI official — “FBI Attorney 2” — is Kevin Clinesmith, according to House Oversight Committee member Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), who revealed their identities over the objection of the FBI during a hearing on the IG’s findings.
Another figure, “Agent 5,” was previously identified as Sally Moyer, but her lawyers disputed that and Meadows later said it wasn’t her.
Another figure, “Agent 5,” was previously identified as Sally Moyer, but her lawyers disputed that and Meadows later said it wasn’t her.
Clinesmith was assigned to the bureau’s Hillary Clinton email investigation, according to the IG’s report, and also later worked as a top lawyer on the Trump-Russia investigation and the special-counsel probe.
Clinesmith sent a number of pro-Clinton, anti-Trump political messages over the FBI’s computer system, which the report said “raised concerns about potential bias” that may have impacted the investigation.
Meadows said Clinesmith was among five FBI officials Justice Department IG Michael Horowitz referred for investigation after additional anti-Trump messages surfaced.
All five worked on the Clinton case, accounting for one-third of the 15 who were assigned to the investigation. One was Peter Strzok, who was kicked off the special-counsel team last year and escorted from the FBI headquarters building Friday as part of internal discipline proceedings. He and his mistress, Lisa Page, who left the bureau last month, also supervised the Trump-Russia investigation.
The IG report said Page texted Strzok in August 2016, after Trump won the GOP presidential nomination, fretting, “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok replied.
Horowitz testified that the FBI was withholding the names of the other rogue agents from Congress and the public because “they work on counterintelligence” and can’t be exposed.
But Meadows argued that other agents for the FBI’s office of legal counsel, and are no longer in “counterintelligence,” as the FBI claimed.
“They don’t work in counterintelligence,” Meadows said in an exchange with Horowitz. “If that’s the reason the FBI is giving, they’re giving you false information, because they work for the general counsel.”
b3bb5e No.5139803
Ready to change the world with you, Q! WW1WGA
308979 No.5139805
They were never in control, were they? Give em enough rope to hang themselves.
40a16e No.5139806
Impressive amount of work Anon!
Already archived.
fd94f5 No.5139807
Deepstate be like
09acaa No.5139809
Is Jason Herring related to VA atty general , Mark Herring?
8e6159 No.5139810
What did Q mean by this?
Why do you post HERE, instead of somewhere else?
6224df No.5139811
Good morning Q team, hanging with you guys until the end!!! Love and prayers!!
9b4ec3 No.5139812
hard to tell. I bet some of our military friends know and I mean that in a good way.
4a32b4 No.5139815
4adeb3 No.5139816
dd9272 No.5139817
7c925c No.5139818
Bob Beck FDNY with GWB at ground zero. Double meaning?
Stage III?
f51882 No.5139819
Follow Follow @FuctupMike
This should be retweeted everywhere.
The scope of the Hillary Clinton email investigation was so private, the OIG didn't have the security clearances needed to view the emails.
And, the emails couldn't be given to Congress.
Just wow.
583251 No.5139820
>Anthony Wiener
Senior FBI agents knew of new Clinton emails from Anthony Wiener's [SIC] laptop weeks before Congress was informed: Report
b22f88 No.5139821
Let's not forget the implied association to the CF and what else was found on the laptop.
9b4ec3 No.5139823
900237 No.5139825
Phase 3. So…when do we bring out the nachoes and pizza?
Who’s gonna get whacked by the hammer first? Corrupt officials, pedowood, the mocking bird, or Clown faggots?
Personally, I’d argue that the bastards in Pedowood and the MSM should be taken down first for this would kill the mockingbird and awaken more people. Publically perp walking Spielberg would be YUGE!!!
Here till the end. Would love to help get directly involved in the Pedowood busts. Being one of the “voaters” digging into them (especially Spielberg), that would bring closure on a deeply personal level.
12fbfb No.5139826
Why no talk of the bigger MAGA man restraining him and dumping him off at the USSS? That’s not usually how mobs work.
0efb42 No.5139827
If your name is in a Q post and it's followed by "track n follow"
You might be Deep State.
e78aef No.5139828
What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
You are the news now.
d52e70 No.5139830
Meadows knows.
Meadows also asked Horowitz whether an FBI lawyer named Sally Moyer was also referenced in the IG report.
>“They don’t work in counterintelligence. If that’s the reason the FBI is giving, they’re giving you false information because they work for the general counsel,” Meadows said.
>Horowitz testified that the FBI was withholding the names of the other rogue agents from Congress and the public because “they work on counterintelligence” and can’t be exposed. Hence, the Meadows line of questioning.
d5b509 No.5139831
Are the last four listed in custody?
76384b No.5139832
Keep in mind anons DJT has retweeted him before
f8b39b No.5139833
61742a No.5139835
'fuctupMike' = kekmao
484778 No.5139836
Broken…… and NOW we have publc support for killing babies outside the womb….only in this shithole
b3bb5e No.5139837
Ready to change the world with you, Q! WWG1WGA
09acaa No.5139838
308979 No.5139839
Q, are you working with NSA and FBI anon?
a9ba95 No.5139841
And it's odd that he's pushing for whatever it is he appears to be pushing for in this article, considering that several months ago he was like "My dudes. Globalism? It has NOT worked out as intended. We've gotta rethink this."
b121f9 No.5139842
Kevin Clinesmith, a Washington D.C.-area attorney, was publicly accused by a Congressman of possibly being the FBI lawyer described in the Inspector General’s report as allegedly writing anti-Trump messages, including one that declared “viva le resistance.”
House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Mark Meadows, a Republican from North Carolina, released the identities of Clinesmith and Sally Moyer during a hearing on the Inspector General’s report into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. According to The New York Post, Meadows did so over the objections of the FBI, and the Inspector General and FBI have not confirmed the identities. The lawyer mentioned in the IG report worked on both the Clinton and Russian investigations but left the latter after the IG shared his instant messages with the special counsel. However, The New York Post later revealed that Moyer was not the lawyer that Meadows had implied.
“In a dramatic moment, Meadows then directly asked (Inspector General) Horowitz whether two anonymous FBI employees identified as making anti-Trump statements in the IG’s report were named Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer,” Fox News reported. However, the Inspector General refused to answer the question, so it’s not clear whether the Congressman’s claim is accurate. Heavy left messages for Clinesmith via email and phone seeking comment.
Who is Kevin Clinesmith, who also goes by the name Kevin E. Clinesmith? Here’s what you need to know:
1. Meadows Accused Clinesmith of Possibly Being the Attorney Who Wrote ‘Viva Le Resistance,’ Was Devastated by Trump’s Victory & Described Mike Pence as ‘Stupid’
435fcb No.5139844
Maggie Haberman
Verified account
1m1 minute ago
More Maggie Haberman Retweeted Mark Landler
Attack came after POTUS led the crowd in anti-press rhetoricMaggie Haberman added,
Mark Landler
Verified account
“You all right? Everything OK?” Trump asked, after a BBC camera operator was assaulted by one of his supporters during the rally in El Paso. Mood in El Paso felt uglier, more discordant than at other rallies, post-2016 campaign. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/12/us/politics/trump-rally-bbc-cameraman.html …
mh is 24-7 anti trump. its scared. should have taken the deal
22d7fe No.5139845
He should have been arrested, and his background checked( social media)
and do they have a better picture of his tag( does that tag match the ones on hats for sale outside?)
I will talk to a family member in a little while who attended the rally. They bought a MAGA hat outside. I will see if it is the same style of tag.( there were multiple vendors selling Trump and Q merch)
db67ff No.5139847
Haven't seen it on the bread yet, but I'm a part-timer due to workfagging so I miss a lot.
Has anyone been digging at possible links between Guatemala Cultural Center and the caravans which seem to be heavily loaded w/ and originating in Guatemala?
It's a "coincidence".
58af69 No.5139848
When all these firings or retirements are listed together, it is impressive.it seems to me important now 2 get the word out so that this pattern can be seen by the General public.This Is how we Take Back Control of the narrative from the deep state.
0d218d No.5139850
It continues to HABBEN.
823270 No.5139851
Well then this should get really interesting, really quickly. Thanks for the update, Q Actual..
fb936a No.5139853
Speech was fantastic last night Q. Tell POTUS we said thank you for all the Q references in there. Had me jumping around like a happy fool, lol.
a9ba95 No.5139854
308979 No.5139855
Q, is "no outside comms" still in effect?
0ffcdd No.5139858
POTUS had a lot of practice on a The Apprentice.
You’re fired!
Keep up the good work.
ff9251 No.5139859
9b969e No.5139861
the Mil has always been in control
0efb42 No.5139862
Protects it and growls if someone tries to take it away. Show aggression.
c8e4ee No.5139863
thanks for what you & being there, anon.
very appreciated.
old school graphic maps rock
9aaf6f No.5139864
308979 No.5139865
Q, can I be a pirate? I wanna be a pirate.
593fdb No.5139866
Little birdy trying to tell me it’s We Are Watching You
5e04c7 No.5139868
Where is HRC?
55c69b No.5139869
They bury it.
Time to bury them.
9b4ec3 No.5139870
>You are the news now.
09acaa No.5139872
8c3af8 No.5139873
4a32b4 No.5139874
>What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
Buries it!
We will do the opposite and spread it.
Thank you sir.
b22f88 No.5139875
1f28ec No.5139876
Meet me at airport with the homo rabbi memes
Cause we going to gitmo
fd94f5 No.5139877
8e6159 No.5139878
What controls the internet?
19edca No.5139879
61742a No.5139880
Team, does Time To FEED = remotely (within 200ft) pickpocketing pics off people's phones?
308979 No.5139883
512efc No.5139884
fb539c No.5139885
Ross writes fake news for bbc:
Ibbetson an unusual and interesting surname, of early medieval English origin, is the diminutive form ("son of" or little) of Hibbs, itself a patronymic, from a diminutive of Hibbert, which derives from a Norman personal name, "Hil(de)bert", composed of the Germanic elements "hild", battle, and "berht" famous. However, Hibbs is also a metronymic (from the mother) form of a popular medieval female given name "Ibb", a pet form of Isabell(e), which originally came from the Hebrew "Elisheva", meaning "my God is my oath"
Read more: http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Ibbetson#ixzz5fKWnZAdX
f8b39b No.5139886
Mmmm, juicy bone
b7ae02 No.5139887
ab1809 No.5139888
Just cause Beto’s cl!t sticks out 3 inches doesn’t make him one of the boys
b22f88 No.5139889
3ff827 No.5139890
Thank you QTeam and our wonderful POTUS!
55c69b No.5139892
Notables Dough
>>5139569 Trump’s speech: Less analytical, more sure than predecessors
>>5139598 Plane diversion
>>5139602 Turkey orders 1,112 arrested over links to cleric Gulen: state media
>>5139628 WATCH Explosion Rocks Syrian Side of Border Crossing With Turkey
>>5139828 ; >>5139882 Financial Disclosure Report of Maxine Waters
689e83 No.5139893
Laptop might be HRC's 900 FBI files from filegate days. They were saying she had all of DC blackmailed.
c8e4ee No.5139896
>What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
d5b509 No.5139897
20ea8b No.5139898
Jason V. Herring Acting Assistant Director Office of Congressional Affairs
dd9272 No.5139899
Q can we install LIVE Cams from GITMO??? Take the revenue and help victims of sex trafficking,drug addiction, etc. I would PAY GOOD $$$.
3504e5 No.5139901
7721d5 No.5139903
60a414 No.5139904
Here's Johnny!
1f28ec No.5139905
Is it called a stew when its Jew ham and Jew noodles
cec496 No.5139907
>>5138917 (lb)
o7 wunderbar
25447e No.5139908
>What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?
1) Gnaw until 100% of the nourishment has been obtained from the bone
2) Dig dig dig
05022d No.5139909
Wow. Just wow.
Happy to hear "control" has been relinquished. WRWY
f07014 No.5139910
Will someone kindly snag Kevin Clinesmith's linkedin?
Clinesmith is FBI attorney 2
Mark Meadows unmasked
Clinesmith important enough that Heavy ran a 5 things text.
ee6685 No.5139911
Chews on it relentlessly
b121f9 No.5139912
Tashina Gahaur
← Ambassador Wolverine – U.S.T.R Robert Lighthizer Discusses U.S./China Trade Reset….Secretary Wilbur Ross Discusses the Trade Reset… →
IG Report: FBI Lawyer #1 Tashina Gauhar and The Huma/Weiner Laptop Issues…
Posted on June 15, 2018 by sundance
One of the information issues with the IG report is that it’s written entirely from an insider’s perspective. Therefore without an understanding of how divisions within Main Justice related to the discussed activity within FBI main DC offices it can be very confusing to understand.
The ‘insider narration’ makes it difficult to see what happened with the Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner laptop; and how the Clinton emails were discovered. However, because the issue is so important the IG report spends three chapters on this time-frame between September 28th and October 29th, 2016; and ultimately the next day, Oct. 30th, when a search warrant was executed for the laptop content.
IG Horowitz takes this aspect of the investigation into granularity and nuance (Chapters 8, 9 and 10).
9b969e No.5139913
never lets it go
8e6159 No.5139915
What triggers "ebot" to appear?
What triggers "freddy" to appear?
What triggers "FAKE Q" to appear?
What triggers "the board owner" to appear?
Are the people in control here?
What is the importance of this board?
Would it be allowed to develop organically?
Was there a fight for control?
8c3af8 No.5139916
Thanks for the bone Q! Off digging now! Will report the news shortly ;)
7cbe73 No.5139917
>You are the news now.
sheep no more.
b03369 No.5139918
If coming out publicly was the Mr. John Vineyard twit, it wasn't very convincing. The brainwashing is very strong in the hypnotized.
2ebdfc No.5139919
Going to be wild offshore the next couple of days.
Like Sea Scallops.
Few have any idea what guys like this are going through to bring them to your table.
Don’t get me wrong, they Love it.
50 foot seas, you gotta see them, be in them to believe. Pictures and film don’t begin to give one a. sense of how crazy it gets with all that gear, boulders, etc rolling around the deck.
Swimming on deck, well, again, you just gotta be there.
This picture will be a classic one day.
Destined for one of the museums in towne.
Perhaps The Seamens Bethel.
289a6e No.5139920
>Jason V. Herring
FBI Official Admits to Congress: The Clinton Case Was ‘Different in a Lot of Ways’
Here is the transcript of the interrogation (emphasis added):
Jordan: Mr. Herring, was this case different? You said you’ve been around the FBI 17 years, you’re now the acting director for legislative affairs, was this case different?
Herring: I think this case is different in a lot of ways.
Jordan: A lot of ways.
Herring: I do.
Jordan: Can you tell us? Can you give me some – why? I know it’s different in a lot of ways. How about this difference: You ever have a case in your 17 years where the subject of your investigation’s husband meets with the attorney general just a couple days before you’re going to interview that individual in your investigation. You ever had that happen in your 17 years?
Herring: No, sir.
Jordan: That’s certainly different, isn’t it?
Herring: Yes, sir.
Jordan: Yeah. You ever have a case, in your 17 years – and we appreciate your service – you ever have a case where the attorney general announces publically that she’s gonna follow the recommendations of the FBI even though she has no idea what those recommendations are going to be … you ever have that happen in your 17 years?
Herring: Not on one of the cases I was assigned.
Jordan: Yeah. Well I don’t think it’s ever happened because the attorney general told me she’s never done that until this time. You ever have – in your 17 years – you ever have a director of the FBI, you ever have them do a big press conference, walk through all the wrong-doings of the person under investigation – you ever have that happen? A big press conference before you make this big announcement? Or normally the FBI just kind of announces whether they’re gonna prosecute or not, right? You ever seen that before?
Herring: I mean we’ve certainly had press conferences. Not quite like that one.
Jordan: Yeah. Two months after he makes the announcements he thinks it’s important to send a memo out, two months later, to all his employees saying, hey I’d better fill you in on some things here, why we did what we did, you ever have that happen two months after the fact?
Herring: I think often times he wants the employees to understand what’s going on in a full level of transparency both outside the Bureau and inside the Bureau – we’re a big agency-
Jordan: So two months later you get a memo-
Herring: 36 thousand or so employees-
Jordan: This case was different. But here’s the problem, Mr. Herring. It’s not supposed to be. It’s not supposed to be different. Everyone is supposed to be treated equally under the law. And I know deep down you know that. Your 17 years serving in our government – you know that, don’t you? Everyone’s supposed to be treated the same. And in this case, this individual was treated different. And everyone in this country knows it. And that’s why we’re having this hearing…
a9ba95 No.5139921
And if this is Dad, the three things are:
1. A good stylist.
2. A strong faith in God.
3. A good sense of humor.
435fcb No.5139923
question q. were NP and AS trying to flee the country. possibly because of el chapo revelations?
1f28ec No.5139924
Your bullshit bots are stopped
d77b3c No.5139925
fc5a5f No.5139926
Intentional or not, Rep Omar’s Tweet about AIPAC has allowed discussion to enter into the public domain;
Well documented/ sourced video about Her tweet & AIPAC/Israel’s undue influence over Our Gov
My fav part is the part where Dual citizen Sneator Chuck Schumer in his speech before AIPAC is speaking in Yiddish and declaring that he puts ISreal before the United States
1e482b No.5139927
Dark to Light. Transparency is the only way
319e67 No.5139928
I remember watching this. It was mind boggling.
cec496 No.5139929
>>5138780 (lb)
What a polished delivery . . . Pffft.
Beetroot - is that a fence/wall/barrier that you have there?
Let me guess - it's a remnant from your groovy band days to collect the crowd appreciation of your crap music (think Blues Brothers).
Jake & Elroy would be proud.
308979 No.5139930
Dont think critically anon. Just trust the plan.
7159d1 No.5139931
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
Jason V. Herring
1f28ec No.5139932
Turn on the Bullshit bots
f8b39b No.5139933
POTUS tweet coming in 3…2…
12fbfb No.5139935
Hey boss. Was a travelingfag yesterday and missed the rally. Watched it this morning. Tell POTUS and team they crushed it. What a wonderful night!
1e11d8 No.5139936
And yet, we are "required" to agree to those agreements beore being able to continue using said programs/apps.
THAT seems unconstitutional=requiring you to agree to "spying
on you" when they don't tell you they are spying on you.
b499e4 No.5139938
Cub reporter Rothschild pulls shill-tier dumb-a-ganda
cec496 No.5139939
>>5139032 (lb)
and 8 in the middle east . . .
1f28ec No.5139940
Maybe the seo software has a Bullshit knob (you) can turn
3ff827 No.5139941
30a0fb No.5139942
It was her proof for the green new deal that fats are indeed methane?
2cc2b5 No.5139943
cec496 No.5139944
Merkel quite the Mover & Shaker. Pfffft. Kek.
0feb69 No.5139945
[THEY] have ZERO control.
b22f88 No.5139946
A dog obeys its master.
A dog growls to protect his/her bone from others.
ec5eec No.5139947
DNI is over all intel agencies. Info being restricted must be SAP or highly damaging.
f07014 No.5139949
This is why anon would never run for public office.
823270 No.5139950
Some dogs bury their bones for later…others rip the meat off it, then crush it and gobble it all up.
I like the dogs that grind up their dinners!
b121f9 No.5139951
>Sally Moyer
Earlier this week, Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the Freedom Caucus, revealed the identity of two previously anonymous pro-Hillary FBI investigators referenced by Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the Clinton email investigation (read more about its anticipation here). One of those — Sally Moyer — was pictured for the first time today, by the Daily Mail.
As indicated in the report, Moyer’s texts and instant messages — sent from the her FBI devices — “raised concerns about potential bias in the Clinton investigation.”
Contrary to an initial FBI statement explaining reasons for anonymity, Moyer does not work in “counterintelligence.” Meadows previously informed Horowitz:
“They don’t work in counterintelligence. If that’s the reason the FBI is giving, they’re giving you false information, because they work for the general counsel.”
Much like Strzok and Page (learn more about Peter Strzok and who’s in the FBI here), the still-unidentified “Agent 1” and “Agent 5 (Moyer),” were involved romantically. They have since married.
Sally was on the “filter team” for the Clinton investigation, which determined whether information gathered by the FBI was “privileged” or could be utilized in the probe.
243687 No.5139952
Got 'eeeemm!
So check this out, currently looking to switch jobs because mine is shit for the pay.
Found this.
Pics related.
Expecting traffic at G-bay?
42a7bc No.5139954
Q PLEEEEASE take down this loud mouthed bitch and SOON! She's one of the nastiest among them!
1f28ec No.5139955
Maybe we can compost (you) and let the bullshit bot live on in memory
f8b39b No.5139956
None of us understand what the hell you are talking about. Ever.
c4cf67 No.5139957
Jews are nothing more than Paskudnik. Their women's pussies are literal dumpster fires. I have yet to meet an Israeli woman who wasn't 100% Farshtunkener fake Chazer trash.
cec496 No.5139958
>>5138741 (lb)
How much was he going to be paid to do that?
a9ba95 No.5139959
They bury their bones, silly. And when they hsve it, they protect it!
46518b No.5139960
Okay, this relates to us, too.
>You are the news now.
Says Q. They've given us several bones today.
Any (((black hats))) try to take them away…
You know what to do.
937939 No.5139961
"Originator Control"
ab1809 No.5139962
I don’t think Trump will take that bipartisan deal. Only 55 miles for border wall? No new beds? Wtf is that garbage??
308979 No.5139963
1. Jesus
2. Weed
3. Self-esteem
In that order
6224df No.5139964
We anons can see how scared (((they))) are!!! Let us know what you want us to do!
09acaa No.5139965
WTH is spouse consulting fee with Mercedez Benz
f9a16d No.5139966
She obviously shat her pants and he is keeping the poo off the Persian rug.
07d773 No.5139967
25447e No.5139968
>>5139798 Love the face of Cummings as he listens to the revelation. Stone faced, but you can just hear him thinking, "We are all toast when the information is finally revealed."
cec496 No.5139970
>>5139528 (lb)
Keep diggin' that hole girl.
2ce788 No.5139971
0ffcdd No.5139972
Every dog has it’s day.
22d7fe No.5139973
Glad to hear they have ZERO control now.
a0c3c4 No.5139974
That her boobs sag lower than Pelosi's?
8c3af8 No.5139975
IS this the same dude?
512efc No.5139976
8e6159 No.5139977
Why would you present the two as mutually exclusive?
What controls discourse?
If you can flood the board with countless, superficially plausible bots, can you control the overall image of the board?
Then ship it out to 'the daily dot'?
Is EVERYTHING infiltrated?
What is organic HERE?
How much "anon" negativity is FAKE?
How much "anon" VIOLENT EXTREMISM is FAKE (and that is bread and butter for 'the daily dot')
How much "anon" cultishness if FAKE.
Read the daily dot closely.
Look at how the fake images CREATED here by bots are PUSHED out to the public as scare tactics…
f49cd8 No.5139978
Is the RS arrest going to expose SR and Wiki connection?
d52e70 No.5139979
Among her most corrupt acts as a federal legislator is steering millions of federal bailout dollars to her husband’s failing bank, OneUnited. Waters allocated $12 million to the Massachusetts bank in which she and her board member husband held shares. OneUnited ended up stiffing American taxpayers and will probably never repay the bailout money. Judicial Watch investigated the scandal and obtained documents from the U.S. Treasury related to the controversial bailout. The famously remiss House Ethics Committee, which is charged with investigating and punishing corrupt lawmakers like Waters, found that she committed no wrongdoing. The panel bought Waters’ absurd story that she allocated the money as part of her longtime work to promote opportunity for minority-owned businesses and lending in underserved communities even though her husband’s bank was located thousands of miles away from the south Los Angeles neighborhoods she represents in Congress.
1f28ec No.5139980
Set the seo software to artificial stupidity and see how much compost it can crank out
fde1b3 No.5139981
a9ba95 No.5139982
c6fe2b No.5139983
That is good news, but now we need to go in to the justice phase!
8c3af8 No.5139984
Ugh. The first image didn’t attach.
308979 No.5139985
Miller Lite is the best beer on the planet.
5e04c7 No.5139986
5 folders of Child crime
9bd638 No.5139987
According to Papadopoulos, FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith led the questioning during the Feb. 16 interview. Papadopoulos told lawmakers that Clinesmith and the rest of the team “stormed out” of the meeting.
Q: “[As] they were directing the conversation, when you told them that you had not communicated with anybody in the campaign about the emails, what was their response?”
Papadopoulos: “I can’t remember if it was after I told them that I thought that Mifsud was BS’ing, or if it was after I told them I don’t remember meeting this random diplomat that they were alluding to, that they got up, stormed out, and left in a very aggressive manner. And Kevin [Clinesmith] was very aggressive in his exit. That’s how I remember it, but that seemed to be…”
Q: “They all got up and left?”
Papadopoulos: “Yes, basically, you didn’t tell us what we hoped you were going to tell us. And that’s basically what the million dollar question has always been.”
Clinesmith has been identified as the lawyer who wrote in a text message the day after Trump was elected president that he was “stressed about what I could have done differently.” Two weeks later, he wrote “viva le resistance.”
The FBI agent’s offer to wear a wire stands out, given the rest of the team’s lack of interest in Mifsud. The timing coincided with efforts by Mifsud to re-engage with Papadopoulos.
“I believe Mifsud was reaching out to me around that time, and I kept ignoring him. And he was sending me messages on Facebook, trying to reach out to me,” Papadopoulos said. “And the FBI agent said, we need you to wear a wire and we’ll pay you and you can go to London and you can kind of look behind the scenes of an FBI operation. It was very bizarre, very strange.”
Papadopoulos would eventually meet Agent A again at Dulles International Airport upon his arrest in July 2017. That encounter capped off a separate set of events surrounding a mysterious $10,000 cash payment Papadopoulos received in Israel.
Papadopoulos told lawmakers he believes that after arresting him, two agents, including Agent A, were looking for the $10,000 he received during a series of peculiar events in Greece and Israel.
03f89f No.5139988
549 S. Lucerne. Look at the proximity to Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles. Think "drills". Choppers. Raids!!!!!!!!!
9efd72 No.5139989
and they are knee deep in global trafficking…
b121f9 No.5139990
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5139710
>Jason V. Herring
2cc2b5 No.5139991
Look up some of those addresses anons. The first one looks like an empty lot. Why would she own that? Looks fucky
84ee80 No.5139992
3ff827 No.5139993
Zero control for (((them))) sounds like WINNING!
1f28ec No.5139995
Seo Bullshit bots are hitting an automated compost wall
05022d No.5139996
Yup, buries it. Time to dig it up.
e76c62 No.5139997
Was the shooting a staged publicity stunt? I recall some saying she is putting on a retard act to further gun control cause. Definitely would not put it past a politician to lie their ass off.
0391f2 No.5139998
Sorry anons, but while everyone bitches about emotions in here, then become completely blinded by emotions after a rally, words are still words. And while POTUS talks a GREAT game. This shit keeps going on…
Apple Is Reportedly Developing Biometric Security System For Cars
We are still sheep. We are still controlled. We are still at the will of the rich. I'll kill myself for being a concernfag, keep drinking the rally koolaid and contradicting the muh emotion bs you throw at everyone else.
ea5df0 No.5139999
I’d be getting the bottom of that pool checked for bodies.
d115db No.5140000
d02daa No.5140001
we all know shes a fucking liar.
bc7409 No.5140002
>>5139632 Thank you so much for your help and support.
f07014 No.5140003
Whoa. Maybe not. Look a bit moar?
I might have blown the first look/link.
8e6159 No.5140004
What did Q mean by this, "anon"?
Why do you post HERE instead of on 4chan?
Is 4chan controlled?
9b969e No.5140005
Maxine is a dog
she is protecting her masters
she buries the bones in the back yard
a9ba95 No.5140006
Close enough. :)
46518b No.5140007
This is how POTUS was able to FREE them all.
He knew just where/who the bodies were buried and who needed freeing.
Idiot dims. They had their chance.
9b4ec3 No.5140008
Pumped on decreasing volume since start of the session
1f28ec No.5140009
It's idiocracy brand compost
It's like cowbell for piggies
Piggies love cowbell
1ffddc No.5140010
>Coleman Authored:
>(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
>(2) [Unrelated]
>(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
:9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
>Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
>Hillary Clinton & Foundation
>Crime Against Children
Is this all from the OIG report?
900237 No.5140011
On that document is a group called Blackrock (the Merrill Lynch line about a fund).
Is it the same one as these guys?
d5b509 No.5140013
308979 No.5140014
I was being sarcastic anon. I agree with you. This board has never been organic. What we are seeing here is orchestrated and filtered to meet an agenda.
c8e4ee No.5140015
didn't we catch her having some absolute dump
listed as an election office sometime back?
ee741a No.5140016
he just gave you 4 of them anon….
7721d5 No.5140017
512efc No.5140018
07d773 No.5140019
9b969e No.5140020
I'd wager she is Obama's dog
that he spoke of at the rally last night
937939 No.5140021
f8b39b No.5140023
BOOM! Have not seen that before, Anon. Thanks
fe8bdd No.5140024
Bury it and hide it for later
e60b40 No.5140025
Thanks to you Q my Twitter has become a news source. Keep up the hard work!
b7ae02 No.5140026
interdasting, nice dig
777b27 No.5140027
9b4ec3 No.5140028
np without bakers we don't exist. everyone needs sleep.
ec5eec No.5140029
If not used as evidence for a LE case, Comey and the others should be charged with possessing child porn.
1f28ec No.5140030
But if the seo software isn't tuned to complete bullshit with artificial stupidity
We might find out that Jews are leakin out trumps faggot ass
243687 No.5140031
dub dubz, dasting.
19edca No.5140032
Fined 4% of profits is a tax, not a punishment.
8e6159 No.5140034
What were you being sarcastic about?
What controls this board, IYO?
Why are we HERE, IYO?
4a32b4 No.5140035
Not that close anon
178a7a No.5140036
Trump air Q circles 3 times/ Plane circling Keystone Texas airport, correlation?
0391f2 No.5140038
I'm in agreement. Trump will win 2020 unfairly. Manipulation to create a super party. If this were truly about freedom, he would end both parties or be just as interested in cleaning both sides as he appears to want to clean his side.
Bias bullshit. Moar rich men controlling us. Tired of it.
319e67 No.5140039
Hillary Clinton Email Investigation incase anyone wants to review:
https://www.c-span.org/video/?412315-1/fbi-director-james-comey-testifies-hillary-clinton-email-probe (part 1)
https://www.c-span.org/video/?412315-101/hillary-clinton-email-investigation-part-2 (part 2)
46518b No.5140040
Until it's clean. But still won't let it go.
Goes back again and again for more chewing.
Buries it, but knows just where to dig it up again.
Signal from NP here. Does she ever stop chewing on her damn mouth?
Gnashing of teeth time.
a9ba95 No.5140041
So is North America, so is South America, so is Asia, so is Africa, so is everyone.
243687 No.5140042
4ab3e0 No.5140043
Senior Executive Service (United States)
The Senior Executive Service (SES) is a position classification in the civil service of the United States federal government, equivalent to general officer or flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
f07014 No.5140044
Schiff has a home in Maryland?
9b969e No.5140045
yup, Maxine the dog
trying to bury the bones in her own back yard
1f28ec No.5140046
But what if the Faggots goy trump is really plopping out hivites that calm themselves Jews and do lie
bae18a No.5140048
the good ole days
0d218d No.5140050
6a36d5 No.5140051
You have more than you know
d5b509 No.5140052
68166d No.5140054
2a3852 No.5140055
1f28ec No.5140056
That's why it's gaslighting with swampgas for sphincter demons
926b78 No.5140057
07a85f No.5140058
Things that happened in 2015:
- Edward Snowden hit the news with his NSA mass surveillance revelations
- One month after that, Smith-Mundt was repealed, legalizing propaganda by USGov against Americans
ee18fb No.5140059
That is something that I have always felt..an effort to get gun control..I think they were both in on it..or he knew exactly what he was doing, in getting her to comply. I have a suspicion he is a clown asset.
a76006 No.5140060
Thanks for the rally.
Feeling re energized
8e6159 No.5140065
What are you talking about? Why are you here? How did you get here?
ec5eec No.5140067
Ban minors from using the internet.
23c6b8 No.5140068
When Q Team post Dems be like
1f28ec No.5140069
Maybe the seo Bullshit bots are stuck in diarrhea cuntry
a0c3c4 No.5140070
Where has Stolen Valor Blumenthal been lately?
09acaa No.5140071
Maxine is one of George Soros, German Shepard dogs
6043dd No.5140072
Give us a drop on what happened in LA
a4e40c No.5140073
Just woke up for the day, wanted to just say that Qresearch is the first place I open before any other social media now. Love you fags!
1f28ec No.5140074
That might be Israel ebot
afe7a7 No.5140075
Anons, this is a case of follow the wives [husbands] this dude is a sketchball
Waters' husband wanders too close for comfort
Reporters have seen Sidney Williams on and around the House floor, and a doorkeeper told him he couldn’t enter the speaker’s lobby.
By ANNA PALMER and JAKE SHERMAN 02/03/2015 04:45 PM EST
Sidney Williams can’t seem to stay out of the congressional spotlight.
The former NFL player and U.S. ambassador, who is married to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), has been seen several times on and around the House floor since the beginning of the year, according to several reporters who were there. A doorkeeper told him Monday that he could not enter the speaker’s lobby.
9aaf6f No.5140076
Q - can you please put out a PSA for people to NOT follow this guy on Facebook??? He's either planning on going Paytriot or digging for personal doxxing info for the Paytriots - NOT COOL!! People are GULLIBLE.
2ce788 No.5140077
03f89f No.5140079
Yeah just noticed that. wilshire Blvd. jumped off the page at me though. continuing to dig. looks to be a townhome.
0391f2 No.5140080
Nothing being done worldwide. For sick people. For lost people. For people without hope. For people drinking poisons. Hows 5G coming Q? How about our drinking water?
But vote R when this isn't about L or R and watch Hannity! Fuck off.
dbf385 No.5140082
Maybe he means best mass produced beer… To be fair, it is free of GHTs hahaha
308979 No.5140083
I was being sarcastic about not thinking critically and just blindly trusting the plan. Maybe 15% of what q says actually happens. If Q was an employee, he would be fired. The only reason Q is still here is because of weak minded anons who need theiur hand held and Q is profitable. Follow the money. Follow the Paytriots. Take David Zublic as an example. Dude literally was selling access to military tribunal coverage a month ago.
d52e70 No.5140084
8e6159 No.5140086
And what happened to the internet? Was control sought?
You are George Soros and/or the CIA, etc. circa whenever 4chan's heyday was– mid "aughts"?– and you are thinking to yourself "this will not do, this "hacktivism", this organic political consciousness, etc. We must control this. Let's use AI to control this. We'll turn the whole thing into nazis. This will destroy the organic community, while at the same time allowing us to undermine the natural move to the right that we anticipate is coming, and allow us to control dissent completely…."
Now, assuming that happened, WHAT COULD HAVE STOPPED HIM FROM SUCCEEDING? And furthermore, if such a regime of AI control were implemented, IN WHAT WAY WOULD IT LOOK DIFFERENT FROM WHAT /POL/ PRESENTLY IS?
07a85f No.5140087
Oh wait, nevermind, that was 2013, derp.
b7ae02 No.5140089
4054e2 No.5140090
465f72 No.5140091
My boner was gone as soon as I read her name…
a9ba95 No.5140092
Read. The. Whole. Thing.
ee6685 No.5140093
c8e4ee No.5140094
9a98ef No.5140095
New email docs hint at secret contacts, a dubious proposal and a director’s delusion
9b4ec3 No.5140097
was wondering about that.
1f28ec No.5140098
Totally makes sense taht muslims behead Faggots on tv now huh
758053 No.5140099
Is David Zublick giving us correct intel about what is happening in Gitmo?
0391f2 No.5140100
Weiner getting released soon?
All these fired or removed, STILL FREE?
4a32b4 No.5140103
>Qresearch is the first place I open before any other social media now. Love you fags!
Me too, love back atcha (no homo)
6043dd No.5140105
What post number? I didnt see anything.
970884 No.5140106
Gnaws away at it.
2f1266 No.5140107
6dbc0e No.5140108
My favorite trump phrase…
Your fired!
0391f2 No.5140109
Stay here long enough and the black pills get handed out.
f07014 No.5140110
Waters keeps three homes.
319e67 No.5140111
It may not be the best, but any beer that doesn't use satanic symbolism is okay by me.
1f28ec No.5140112
We'll it's fake Jew ham covered is sissy ass velveta queso cheese and cheap ass Jew salsa
a9ba95 No.5140113
Happy puppers!!!!!!
cec496 No.5140114
Clothes-on rehearsal for the big-show entertainment - she was meant to come on as pole dancer for Beetroot's huge rally.
8e6159 No.5140115
And explain why you spend your time ON THIS BOARD when
1. you claim to disagree with the entire spirit of it
2. There is a strong social pressure to stay away from this board (due to ridicule in public discourse)
What possible reason would you have for staying here to fill up threads with oppositional talking points?
Should this seem organic to any thinking human?
308979 No.5140116
Of course not, anon. Zublic will sell anything. Please tell me you did not pay for his "Bundle Plus" package.
c8ac96 No.5140117
now go look at his campaign funds
and see what he uses those for
don't ya love the "estimates"
1f28ec No.5140118
But Jew salsa comes from El Paso
b7ae02 No.5140119
check last bread or notables
1f28ec No.5140120
They just say it does
ee6685 No.5140121
A house of cards will always fall
df53f2 No.5140122
I love you so much and I would take a bullet for you.
Or better yet, I'd shoot some.
I wish my late dad were here to discuss you and POTUS with me.
He was a GS18 JAG lawyer and a great, great patriot.
I pray for you daily and I think my late dad is up there watching, strategizing with God for you, and cheering you on.
a9ba95 No.5140123
30a0fb No.5140124
Max doesn't strike me as the golfing type. I wonder what consulting she does?
Daffie or niblick…
6f354f No.5140125
Chemtrails are people
9efd72 No.5140126
all under magic. Spells of dominion and submission to authority. All 'kings' come with religion. As the MIND must accept SUBMISSION before the physical. Everything manifests first in the NON-Pyshical.
They are always, necessarily a package.
1f28ec No.5140127
That's gotta be a miserable burrito
ba2eb3 No.5140128
How dare you forget Toots.
bc6c59 No.5140129
That's Minnesota where she's from, Michigan has Rashida Tlalib.
75714f No.5140130
>>5139380 (lb)
>General Mills is part of the Minnesota corporate cabal (Cargill, 3M, Target, etc.).
>Mayo Clinic is also based out of Minneapolis.