7c449f No.5126302
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Monday 2.11.19
>>5123215 rt >>5123210 ————————— Graphic On Voter ID Graphic On Voter ID
>>5123210 ————————————–——– What about Domestic interference?
>>5117650 rt >>5117543, >>5117590 -——— You attack those you fear the most.
>>5117410 rt >>5117187 ————————— Why does the FAKE NEWS media continue to attack a so-called 'conspiracy'?
>>5114108 ————————————–——– The focus is on the organization itself.
>>5113023 ————————————–——– Reagan Quotes: As Government Expands, Liberty Contracts
>>5110730 ————————————–——– Anons knew?
>>5110466 ————————————–——– Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media? ( Twitter Cap: >>5110493 )
>>5109544 ————————————–——– Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life. ( Cap: >>5110360 )
Saturday 2.9.19
>>5101092 ————————————–——– Dark to Light.
>>5100113 ————————————–——– GOOD TO GO (Article Cap: >>5100248 )
>>5099142 ————————————–——– NASA Countdown 101 (Article Cap: >>5099228 )
>>5099089 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks continue? (Article Cap: >>5099163 )
>>5094337 rt >>5094289 ————————— We never left. Time to return publicly.
>>5094276 ————————————–——– Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction.
Friday 2.1.19
>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)
>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.
Sunday 1.13.19
Compiled here: >>5104564
Friday 1.11.19
Compiled here: >>5104559
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>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
7c449f No.5126307
are not endorsements
>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board
>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed
>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)
>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day
>>5126169 POTUS departing for El Paso.
>>5126163 Planefag: JSOC C-146 Wolfhound HOUND95 made a run from Oakland/Frisco down to Duke Field.
>>5126070 Planefag: Marine C-130 looks like it might be heading to El Paso from Dallas.
>>5125657 Special Report: Partial-Birth Abortion at Planned Parenthood.
>>5125636 Adam shitt turns on Mueller.
>>5125628 news lied on date of PP fire map with date attached.
>>5125854 George Washington letter on God and the Constitution surfaces.
>>5125783 FDA cracks down on Alzheimer's treatments, 17 firms targeted for false claims.
>>5125684 Crazy Democrats trying to stop ICE from deporting illegal immigrants.
>>5125679 Mexican state electric firm aims to rework private contracts.
>>5125678 Generic drug companies conspired to fix drug prices and rake in billions by cheating customers, lawsuit says.
>>5125660 WH Tweet: John Bolton's message to the Ayatollah of Iran.
>>5125637 9th Circuit sides with Trump on environmental waivers for Border Wall.
>>5125624 Three Fairfax staffers resign after 2nd sexual assault victim comes forward.
>>5126293 #6547
>>5125465 Small fire under investigation at Planned Parenthood clinic Missouri
>>5125447 Salvini Proposes Seizing Control Of Italy's Gold Reserves From The Central Bank
>>5125387 Look at what 2 years of Trump did to Syria.
>>5125189 NSO Grp (Israeli Spy Tech) + Cyprus/UK + DiFi/Richard Blum
>>5125134 MS-13 Links to Occult Rituals and Santa Muerte Veneration
>>5125102 Former Employees Expose Planned Parenthood: “Everything They Did Was Money-Motivated”
>>5125029, >>5125251 Planned Parenthood DIGS (Leadership, Revenues & Expenses)
>>5124958, >>5124977, >>5125031, >>5125260 New DJT Twat, 40 Years of Failure - Double Twat
>>5124950 Tinder (dating app) Dig
>>5124946 Chilling echoes of France’s Nazi past as ‘Juden’ graffiti is sprayed on Jewish bakery in Paris
>>5125528 #6546
>>5124084 Netflix bought the buzzy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez documentary 'Knock Down the House'
>>5124101 Statute on Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research (1993)
>>5124114 Ex-Saudi intelligence chief reveals secret Israel-Saudi relations
>>5124115 Grassley Refers Planned Parenthood, Fetal Tissue Procurement Organizations to FBI, Justice Dept. for Investigation
>>5124182 Israel destroys Palestinian house near Bethlehem
>>5124324 Washington Eyes Crackdown On OPEC
>>5124339 Syria reports Israeli artillery attack on Quneitra
>>5124367 Israelis arrest a palestinian suspect of a brutal "isis" style, murder and rape of a 19 year old girl in jerusalem
Baker Change
>>5124360 Pelosi, Dem leaders condemn Rep. Omar for 'anti-semitic' language
>>5124398 Israel urges Dutch court to dismiss case against Gantz over 2014 Gaza strike
>>5124443, >>5124551, >>5124644 RCMP arrest 19 in alleged international money laundering scheme
>>5124481 CA Gov. Gavin Newsom to Pull National Guard Troops From Border with Mexico
>>5124524 Israeli Supreme Court Asked to Overturn Law Protecting IDF from Civil Damages
>>5124713 DJT at 52%
>>5124745 Trudeau Faces Ethics Investigation Over SNC-Lavalin Case
>>5124757 Donald Trump's Now 1-0 in Border Wall Cases in the Ninth Circuit
>>5124789 NTSB Releases Preliminary Report on NY Limo Crash That Killed 20
>>5124797 #6545
Previously Collected Notables
>>5122429 #6542, >>5123284 #6543, >>5124006 #6544
>>5120167 #6539, >>5120854 #6540, >>5121655 #6541
>>5117792 #6536, >>5118566 #6537, >>5119376 #6538
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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7c449f No.5126309
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>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread
>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6
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7c449f No.5126315
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
7c449f No.5126330
ca0e6d No.5126340
What is organic here?
What is infiltrated here?
What controls 4chan?
How is narrative controlled?
How important is social media?
How important are "chans"?
What is infiltrated?
How is 4chan controlled?
What is identical here and on 4chan?
Is that organic?
When did this board form?
Is this board "just another chan"?
Should this board have ITS OWN culture, or slavishly imitate "chan culture"?
What is organic?
How would we know?
ca0e6d No.5126349
What happened circa 2015?
For example, as per this crap propaganda interview:
>Oh, um, this "alt right" just suddenly arose and took over 4chan.
What happened?
Was 4chan a threat?
Was uncontrolled narrative a threat?
Was the internet a threat?
What happened circa 2015?
Was something rolled out?
Was something implemented?
Was a control regime implemented?
What are tech giants doing with all their AI?
What is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?
What is going on now? FIGHT for power– highest possible stakes?
And THE INTERNET is a key battleground?
So what is in control of "the chans"?
Use logic– why does this board reflect IDENTICAL "chan" culture to 4chan?
What populates this board?
Use logic.
What is in control here?
What is in control of the internet?
What happened circa 2015?
d2c77a No.5126354
They just passed this for babies to be legal property.
YouTube link of results
ca0e6d No.5126374
Propaganda tidbit du jour
From: Philip Bobbitt "The Shield of Achilles"–War, Peace, and the Course of History– (2002)
Think about this quotation, and everything it means:
"…a new constitutional order [is emerging]. This new form is the market-state. Whereas the nation-state… promised to guarantee the welfare of the nation, the market-state promises instead to maximize the opportunity of the people and thus tends to privatize many state activities and to make voting and representative government less influential and more responsive to the market. The United States, a principal innovator in the development of the market-state, must fashion its strategic policies with this fundamental constitutional change in mind."
Now, I am going to withhold final judgment, as I have a long way to go in the book, but this is flagrant, and the slant is extremely obvious.
make voting and representative government less influential and more responsive to the market.
Traditional political rights will be given up to "the market"– which means giganto-capitalist entities, ie plutocracy, etc.
Bobbitt's whole putative thesis is that "history proceeds by successive constitutional forms."
He then explains how history is now moving to a new form– and from this, we are to conclude "ah, now history is moving from the nation-state to the market-state, therefore, we should give up our political rights to multi-national corporations!"
241de1 No.5126375
Echoes of slavery here…
d0012e No.5126376
dbefc9 No.5126378
>>5126360 pb
Can't wait to see his face when he is arrested or when a guilty verdict and sentence is passed on him, it will be glorious
199f5f No.5126379
some whitaker graphics I made last night>>5126307
44340c No.5126380
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Acting Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security Submit Joint Report on Impact of Foreign Interference on Election and Political/Campaign Infrastructure in 2018 Elections
Report Concludes No Material Impact of Foreign Interference on Election or Political/Campaign Infrastructure in 2018 Elections
Acting Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen yesterday submitted a joint report to President Donald J. Trump evaluating the impact of any foreign interference on election infrastructure or the infrastructure of political organizations, including campaigns and candidates in the 2018-midterm elections.
The classified report was prepared pursuant to section 1(b) of Executive Order 13848, Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Influence in a United States Election, which the President issued on Sept. 12, 2018.
Throughout the 2018 midterm election cycle, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security worked closely with federal, state, local, and private sector partners, including all 50 states and more than 1400 local jurisdictions, to support efforts to secure election infrastructure and limit risk posed by foreign interference. Efforts to safeguard the 2020 elections are already underway.
Although the specific conclusions within the joint report must remain classified, the Departments have concluded there is no evidence to date that any identified activities of a foreign government or foreign agent had a material impact on the integrity or security of election infrastructure or political/campaign infrastructure used in the 2018 midterm elections for the United States Congress. This finding was informed by a report prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) pursuant to the same Executive Order and is consistent with what was indicated by the U.S. government after the 2018 elections.
While the report remains classified, its findings will help drive future efforts to protect election and political/campaign infrastructure from foreign interference.
bd62df No.5126381
Is Macaroni shitting himself?
d30d27 No.5126384
For the bread title.
ba74e0 No.5126385
If you scratch your Pelosi you will get Schiff on your finger and a Dingle Barry will have to be dealt with.
113086 No.5126387
Okay, I posted earlier about being at the dentists today. I was still loopy at the time and was on my phone so there were some text errors. The point of my post was that I purposely stayed alert during the fillings. I made mental notes of how I was feeling and what they were saying. This dentist had a father who was also a dentist in this town. This guys brother was top dentist at the big army base here and is now a dentist for the VA. So they have a family history of dental/military connections.
Also, it just really struck me how my body felt so completely numb from the gas, but I instantly responded to his verbal commands- open a little wider, etc. How in the world can a person respond like that when so doped? What else can a person be told in those conditions? Can a person be programmed under those conditions?
Okay, now the trippy bit. When my eyes briefly flickered open and I saw the spinning light over my head- like a fricken ufo with a light that spins around the edge… all I could think of was ufo abductions. It seemed totally plausible in that moment that a person in that situation could be convinced they were abducted by aliens and then worked on in some sort of medical environment.
Then there is all the gross "art" we've seen through the podesta digs - dentist chairs and tortured kids. I'm not saying dentists are all evil and up to stuff. I'm just saying they have access to children and skills that fit well with some of the digs we have done on mk ultra, etc.
1646c5 No.5126390
Is it as huge as it seems to me that AS has spoken out against Mueller?
3e4c9a No.5126391
any anons notice rep Collins and lindsG with their kekistani flagish ties in interviews on Fox this week?
73125a No.5126392
I am digging into NYT WRITER Rick Rojas.
Guess what?
First a little about AL NEUHARTH:
… in 1963 he accepted Gannett head Paul Miller's offer to move to Gannett's headquarters in Rochester, New York to run its paper there, the Democrat and Chronicle.
In 1966 he took charge of Gannett Florida.
He helped to build Gannett into the largest newspaper company in the United States.
During his tenure, Gannett revenues expanded 1,450%.
In 1979 Gannett owned 78 daily and 21 weekly newspapers, seven television and over a dozen radio stations, outdoor advertising plants, and the Louis Harris & Associates research firm.
Neuharth founded USA Today in 1982.
Established July 4, 1991, by founder Al Neuharth, the Freedom Forum is the principal funder of the Newseum and the Freedom Forum Institute and sponsors work to educate the public about the importance of the First Amendment. It also supports newsroom diversity and excellence in journalism, with programs including the Power Shift Project, the annual Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference, the Chips Quinn Scholars and the Al Neuharth Award for Excellence in the Media.
The Newseum, in Washington, D.C., is a museum dedicated to increasing public understanding of the importance of a free press and the First Amendment. Since opening in 2008, more than 7 million people have visited its modern building located on historic Pennsylvania Avenue between the United States Capitol and the White House. The Newseum’s seven levels of interactive exhibits include 15 galleries and 15 theaters.
Highlights: (EARLY IN HIS 'CAREER')
- Chips Quinn Scholar, 2008
- New York Times Student Journalism Institute, 2008
- Al Neuharth Free Spirit Scholar, 2006
…AND THIS …Also, through the Chips Quinn program, he received training in journalism ethics at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., and in video and multimedia journalism at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
… AND THIS: He started his journalism career at age 13, by volunteering at KFDM-TV, the CBS affiliate in Beaumont, Texas, where he edited tapes, answered phones and collected high school sports scores for the station's sports department.
Rick Rojas has been a staff reporter for The New York Times since 2014. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, and has reported from The Times' bureaus at 1 Police Plaza and in Phoenix and Sydney, Australia. Los Angeles Times. The Washington Post. The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Ky. The Dallas Morning News.
Mr. Rojas was born and raised in Beaumont, Tex., and graduated in 2010 from Texas A&M University with a political science degree.
Plot his 'assignments' on a map and overlay the trafficking hot spots (drugs and people) and imo you got yerself another one that YELLS THE LOUDEST.
Not only that, but I posted a dig that got no traction several days again re: the fundraiser for HRC in Beaumont where nobody showed up, hosted by (again, who is screaming the loudest?) Pakistani businessman Tahir Javed.
Javed's is another rags to riches story with pages that overlap in health care, mental health care, distribution, and import/export with HRC front and center.
Riceland Healthcare. Beaumont.
And for some reason I just happened to do some Rojas digs.
Where else did the name ROJAS come up?
YEP you guessed it.
AOC team. Alexandra Rojas.
Crazy eyes has her own personal Rojas.
Are they related?
Lot more is related than I realized.
199f5f No.5126394
couldnt make some graphics without some memes
08ac12 No.5126395
>>5126283 (lb)
>So it's okay to threaten genocide as long as it's (((them)))?
I never said anything about genociding Jews (and BTW, Jewish collective power is pro-actively genociding Palistinians in Palestine AND Whites on Western nations).
Like the saying goes: play stupid games, get stupid prizes, Jews need to get a grip.
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.
ed55b6 No.5126396
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. How Planned Parenthood skirts partial birth abortion laws. Undercover video.
9c380d No.5126397
e741aa No.5126398
Since the beginning of the year, I have had an upsurge of seeing 11, 17. and 111. I love how the universe works…
d67565 No.5126399
What a gorgeous First Lady!
ba74e0 No.5126400
d30d27 No.5126403
Is that worse than a Hitlery Rotten Cunton?
417bb4 No.5126404
History Channel Magazine this month - Secret Societies modern Day Conspiracies
d79069 No.5126405
083ddf No.5126408
It is very telling of the fear he/they have.
All this time AS has been screaming to protect Muller, wait for Muller and now is crying that Muller hasn't done enough, when nothing is even out yet. BIG but the pub might be too zombie to notice
83399c No.5126411
POTUS 'approval' acting as a progress bar? 52% and climbing really fast.
26dca5 No.5126413
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. maybe if we stalk the claimant and tel them stoopid shit and practice our idolatry covertly no one will notice all the gematria tissue harvesting
ba74e0 No.5126418
If UK/AU had their fingers in the pie, that needs to be made public. Let the chips fall where they may.
dc458e No.5126419
ever hear of the FUCKING NOTABLES, nigger?
6d0782 No.5126420
Should make that a trash can at the end there.
f9085f No.5126421
>>5125676 (lb)
You did not address shit posting and smart assery. That's still accepted within community standards though right?
Oh, you forgot a SHILL TYPE: The Gatekeeper
1bf2e5 No.5126422
Money is the root of all evil. Focus on the profits and donations to PP and make people aware of how much they have profited from their evil doings.
83399c No.5126423
don't forget push to put pic on benefits card.
3c3ced No.5126425
Your Brain has been infiltrated
d67565 No.5126426
You can bet they did!
e741aa No.5126427
Are these crazy dems on a leash and made to look like crazy dems? or is this organic? I think they are given a script. Too crazy….
99c393 No.5126428
above is a propaganda spambot
everything blow is prev bread spam-bot junk:
and now to my favorite - a detailed example of a glitch, that proves that it is in fact a (semi automatic) spambot
Look at the attached screenshots. look at the time stamps and then on the post number. Notice that the later post has an earlier post number. THIS HAPPENS WHEN A MULTI-PRONG MESSAGE IS INJECTED
also notice the kvetching of the bot operator.
26dca5 No.5126429
and celebrateing serial killer pedovores doesn;t play into their occult sacrifice shit
e34815 No.5126430
Thank You, Anons
Don't get distracted by the shills
e4b829 No.5126431
In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else. And I knew what it's like, and I still know what it's like to be an insider. It's not bad. It's not bad. Now I'm being punished for leaving the special club and revealing to you the terrible things that are going on having to do with our country. Because I used to be part of the club, I'm the only one that can fix it.
I'm doing this for the people and for the movement, and we will take back this country for you and we will make America great again.
The corrupt establishment knows that we are a great threat to their criminal enterprise. They know that if we win, their power is gone, and it's returned to you, the people, will be. The dark clouds hanging over our government can be lifted and replaced with a bright future. But it all depends on whether we let the corrupt media decide our future or whether we let the American people decide our future.
4f51f9 No.5126432
>>5125642 lb
>>5125807 lb
>>5126326 lb
>>5126352 lb
nice discussion on Q chant in Texas tonight last bread.
Anons have little over 4 hours left to get it going.
Suggesting a global notable with a chant.
My suggestion still is
Not forcing Q doxx.
Expressing Trust in Q.
Good to chant in large arena.
Some start, many join in.
What would be a good pint of time?
When POTUS hits the stage?
If anons can make this happen, tonight, it will be incredible!
bb108c No.5126433
This is something else…abuse to make your child famous, but not abuse to make your child question it's gender?
Former child star Christina Ricci says it's 'abuse' to make your kid famous
1efced No.5126434
This is Wht Deniro hates Trump …..He was married to a MAN…. It’s all going to come out
5867d6 No.5126435
Shills and anons…start of ever bread…
e97489 No.5126436
Imagine after the whole Russiagate truth is exposed, and people find out what he was really up against. Wonder what his approval rating will be then?
26dca5 No.5126438
maybe it;s a stassi gangstalking of the scientologists washing the cia cocaine money
129f13 No.5126439
Thanks baker, and thanks for the nod to FLOTUS.
1646c5 No.5126441
kek that wasn't me reprimanding you. However, it is in the notables and can be found w/ quick duckduck
d2c77a No.5126442
Dems. Always considered blacks and unborn babies property and disposable.
Pics related
13e7b1 No.5126444
The Newsletter of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Clergy Advisory Board
When New York State legalized abortion in April 1970,the clergy realized that the city hospitals were in a state of denial and were not preparing for the hundreds of thousands of women who would be coming to the state beginning July 1, 1970,when the law took effect.So the clergy opened the first legal abortion clinic in America (another important historical fact that most people don’t know).It was called Women’s Services,and was located on the upper east side of Manhattan. This clinic performed thousands of abortions, charged only $200 compared to the standard $600,and continued its work until other clinics could replace it.The service went out of existence with the Roe v.Wade decision. May 22,2007, marked the 40th anniversary of the Clergy Consultation Service,yet many are surprised to know that reproductive justice for women has been the sacred work of clergy for decades.F
26dca5 No.5126445
it's prol passive aggressive fake jew devil worship
dac623 No.5126446
Interdasting. Seems worth a deeper dig.
7e3651 No.5126447
ca0e6d No.5126448
And it's not a question of "privatization" versus "state control"– the problem is that privatization is being used to essentially dissolve the state as a political force, and with it the peoples power. Traditional discussion of private versus state didn't take this extreme into account, and assumed everything happens within a stable state that isn't being usurped.
3c6142 No.5126449
>>5126330 - Baker.. Late Notables LB
They just passed this for babies to be legal property.
YouTube link of results
The Justice Department announced today that GenomeDx Biosciences Corp. (GenomeDx) has agreed to pay $1.99 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729 et seq., by submitting claims to Medicare for the Decipher® post-operative genetic test for prostate cancer patients. GenomeDx is a genetic testing laboratory headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, with operations based in San Diego.
92b82d No.5126451
White history last from January 1 to December 31.
26dca5 No.5126452
so these famewhores are asking for a hammer in discordian satanism
still want grab your potatoes and nickels though
7190a8 No.5126455
Iran Special Interest Groups (SIG).
'Iran next' has begun.
Free Iran… of the deep state clowns.
9dac25 No.5126457
“Planned Benjamins”
( for our memers and POTUS twatter)
a92b99 No.5126458
Soros crying about his one-party communist EU dream
people of Europe need to wake up before it is too late.
If they don’t, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.
the dream of a united Europe could become the nightmare of the 21st century.
26dca5 No.5126459
what a bunch of shitty offers from a shithole cuntry
b8d43f No.5126460
Klobuchar on Good Morning America: "Last year was the hottest in the history of the world."
7c449f No.5126461
ca0e6d No.5126462
Has it really?
Only output-wise, or input as well?
d79069 No.5126463
Muh bad, was phonefagging for two secs.
I killed myself to atone for my trespass
e741aa No.5126465
Personally… I will enjoy the take down of Dick Cheney more…. He walks with a dark, dark, black cloud about him…. I doubt he is human…..
However… I will enjoy AS takedown as well….
99c393 No.5126466
<i know boss! i'll defend the spambot using standard protocol: ignore all his arguments and call him jidf!
>excellent homo! just like I taught you!
dc458e No.5126467
was at one time engaged to based Owen Benjamin
b40cde No.5126468
bb108c No.5126470
Not a doxxing, but making the media finally pop that question we have been waiting on.
Think about it, a crowd chanting that, it would DEFINITELY get the MSM's attention, and the question would be asked within a day or two by a MSM.
ba74e0 No.5126471
Shouldn't it be un-Planned Parenthood?
08ac12 No.5126472
Once again, for the 6th million time:
calling me names does not make the facts I post any less factual.
Cry le more :)
750558 No.5126473
Q, Great Job on the SBC!
Now let's do the Assembly's of God
fbd856 No.5126475
Not WHO, but WHAT
27933c No.5126477
the answer to BOTH is WE
dd7c66 No.5126479
Is CBS Miami misstating posting date on this article?
dc22ab No.5126480
Warning. Rant Alert: The global central bank easy money experiment has failed and it is past time that central bankers stopped bullshitting us and just admitted it. Europe is about to enter a recession and rates are still negative, the US Fed just tried to reduce its balance sheet with the greatest economic backwind in years (tax cuts, record buybacks, 3% GDP growth) and still they failed miserably, forced once again to halt all rate hike efforts. After 10 years of being non stop “accommodative” the Fed tried for 3 months to not be accommodative and it blew up in their face as the bottom dropped out of markets.
Only emergency liquidity calls from Cabo by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and a complete 180 degree reversal by the Fed stopped the bleeding. Again.
And so once again the Fed is asking us to play chase the dot plot. Always dangling higher rate forecast targets that never come to fruition:
ot playing anymore. For 10 years we’ve watched the dot plot being moved further and further into the future only to see it all flat line again now with a renewed halt in rate hikes and an end to reducing the balance sheet. The conclusion is pretty clear:
The Fed is trapped, the ECB is trapped, the BOJ is trapped all doomed to intervene forever and ever amen always afraid to see markets go through a process of repricing and squeezing out the artificial asset inflation that 10 years of permanent intervention have wrought.
All are too afraid of the next recession and aim to avoid it at all costs. And who can blame them? The prospect of entering a global recession without enough ammunition to deal with it is a frightening prospect.
And don’t think for a minute that the next rounds of stimulus, i.e. QE4 and negative rates, will have the same effect as last time. Already the current effect is very questionable. The US has been stumbling from lower highs on the Fed Funds rate for decades with that stimulus of ever lower rates producing ever less real GDP growth:
Cap 2 you should be familiar with by now, it is the long term disconnect that is being highlighted in cap 1.
SPY vs HYG (Hight yield credit) bifurcation.
Thee guys have been ON IT for a some time.
Charts don't lie…people do.
26dca5 No.5126481
seems the FEtards are real chicken shit and dependant on bots for their antisemitism game
fbd856 No.5126482
words are fun ^_^
92b82d No.5126483
Please enjoy national nigger month.
ca0e6d No.5126484
What did Q mean by this?
Why is THIS board where you choose to post your "materials"?
99c393 No.5126485
>ok faggots! time to switch the topic
<YAY!!! I got tired of all this muhjew!
>try push muhblacks lets see if it works or not.
<on it boss!
8693f6 No.5126486
Is the end near for Kushner,
or all the sheep following Q+
and Trump into FEMA camps?
Asking for a fren
417bb4 No.5126488
I think it’s a problem of fake “privatization” being used to hide illegal government control. There must be complete separation of business and state and nonprofit and state. The government should only be there to punish if the business or nonprofit violates the rights of individuals.
dc458e No.5126489
you will be missed, anon….please haunt Hussein for us
8e9052 No.5126490
…. meanwhile in South Africa
2f70be No.5126491
>>5124946 Chilling echoes of France’s Nazi past as ‘Juden’ graffiti is sprayed on Jewish bakery in Paris
seriously what a fucking joke to see this on Qresearch
just lying in the face of all anons who come here for the truth. First we have bakers excluded all JQ related notables this morning, now we have another one here posting fake holohoax promoting nonsense.
Sad day around here
bb108c No.5126493
554429 No.5126494
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. what an odd day.
here's hoping it gets much weirder still
dc22ab No.5126495
bb7364 No.5126497
Thank you for giving us so many opportunities to red pill
fcc146 No.5126498
I'm fuckin pissed anons…
Wife is taking my son to get circumcised right now against my wishes. Not only do I not approve, I have to fucking pay for it too! She acts like shes woke but insists on getting him vaccinated as well… fml..
How to I stop her from being an idiot?
fb2e11 No.5126499
What's it mean??
7c449f No.5126500
26dca5 No.5126501
that's L Ron hubbard's tranny suit for cocaine hauling
50e10c No.5126502
The Spy who Wasn't
This is a deep state piece trying to downplay Butina's involvement in their plot to set up NRA and Trump.
37db7b No.5126504
[Meme-anons: Could really use a meme of Pepe's working together in a busy newsroom….]
(Lb) Make it happen.
ad4bdb No.5126505
e741aa No.5126506
Hey Q/Potus
How about a tweet saying independent journalists are finding evidence of RGB funeral. Why aren't MSM Fake News following this story…
Kudos to the anon who post I just read with pic or RGB's glasses and judicial robe in one pic.
750558 No.5126508
Is the Southern Baptist Convention buried in the archives already?
Hopefully we will see more victims coming forward.
Like Q said :
c53b98 No.5126511
New nummies from the Epoch Times.
5e87fe No.5126512
Re "We are the news"
repost from end of bread
What does this mean and how do we respond to it?
My first reaction to this comment by Q, was "Holy crap! this is a big responsibility!" Been thinking about it ever since.
I have a very positive view of QResearch. Don't care at all about the shills, shitposting, porn or bots. That's just part of the scene. What impresses me is the development and refinement I see, even just since I've been here (summer).
Just my opinion, but seems to me like this board is truly becoming more like a professional news-generating resource in previous months. Not in a stuffy, formal sense, but in the sense of anons trying to refine their approach, e.g., to provide moar sauce or include more caps and to encourage others to do the same. Many anons seem happy to increase the usefulness of existing posts, in order to make them more substantive (by adding a cap, additional link, or thoughtful commentary). Particularly helpful for phone-fags could can't easily add extra stuff.
Would be interested in what those anons were were here at the beginning think. How do you think the board has changed? How has it remained the same?
Positive developments
a. more well-organized multi-page posts
b. better formatted reports > greater readability (heroic, given the limits of the platform)
c. anons specializing in certain areas thus becoming capable of generating deeper, more well-reasoned posts
d. more referencing of past posts (which can help newfags get up to speed)
e. more retyping of tweets (good because tweets are hard to search on in the archive)
f. some cross-referencing of related posts
g. more collecting of specialized material (with special interest threads)
The challenge of collaboration
One anon asked how we could better communicate/work together last night. (One disadvantage of anonymity.) Possible though if people "meet" at certain times. Or use specialized threads as meeting places, because there are fewer anons. Other ideas?
One last thing: I'm a big fan of the board as it is. Free speech zone, multiple approaches, great stuff. The idea isn't to "reform" the board but to open new doors, see what else might be possible.
[Meme-anons: 'Would love to see a meme of Pepe groups working together in a busy newsroom….'']
d30d27 No.5126513
Na, wasn't directed at you but article.
That's why I separated with the ——-
Speaking of, another article…
Syria reports Israeli artillery attack on Quneitra
Syrian state media claims IDF targeting hospital and observation post with tank shells; Israeli military does not comment
Israeli forces shelled the Syrian city of Quneitra, Syrian state media reported Monday night.
According to the state-run SANA news agency, Israeli tank shells targeted a hospital in Quneitra and a nearby observation post.
Quneitra lies just across the border on the Golan Heights, in the demilitarized zone between the countries.
Rest at sauce.
Seriously though, why do we keep supporting and funding such a war-hungry state like isreal?
Their soldiers love shooting women and children for throwing rocks.
The only reason we were ever there was for oil and we apparently don't need that anymore.
Fuck them, let 'em fight their own battles.
Isreal has never did anything good for us, quite the opposite.
Inb4 "I'm a sandnigger", nope. Didn't agree with that hundreds of billions to SA deal either.
$1.4 or $1.7 trillion moar to MIC announced at SOTU.
Does the spending ever stop? The next 5 generations will be born into debt, probably moar.
554429 No.5126514
Documented research on how circumcision PERMANENTLY damages the baby's brain via trauma?
26dca5 No.5126515
lord of teh ghey jew noodles
bb108c No.5126518
Once again…fuck off
1bf2e5 No.5126519
Is Melania hinting at smooth criminals?Where was the photo taken?
99c393 No.5126520
above is a propaganda spambot
>>5126428 - a detailed bot glitch
a shill chatbot analysis - including relevant q posts V2.0
V1.0 of the research:
>>4346883 pb
look at the attached q posts.
The highlighted text explains the behavior of the spam chatbots that are constantly deployed here.
my experiment is described here:
here i trolled the spam chatbot with a reply:
>>4345440 pb
and what do you know?
it gave me an automatically generated text pasta reply:
>>4345586 pb
and posted another 4 posts with a random delta that is in the range [10-30 minutes]:
>>4345586 pb
>>4345666 pb
>>4345825 pb
>>4345962 pb
exactly as q told us more than a year ago!
What they did manage to do during this year is to update their automatic post pattern to be triggered by a reply. Notice that the bot posts a first "common drive post", like q called it, and the subsequent 4 posts will all tap into this one.
To summarize, lets get back to the q post.
similarly to what is written in the q post, the spambot uses a 5 prong pre packaged injection, only this time it has a precursor post serving as bait. After an anon takes the bait and replies, the bot searches for "negative" keywords ("bot", "r2d2", "spam", "shill", etc). If it found these words, then the 5 prong pre packaged delivery is injected, meaning 5 automatic posts are inserted, with the first one auto generating the other 4 posts at random designated times with deltas in a range of 10 to 30 minutes. Note that all 4 posts are linked to each other, forming a chain of posts with a common driver (root).
Then, as q said, "shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction." with ASF probably referring to the APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION.
see attached snip taken from:
Also as you may or may not remember, Q used "APACHE" as a signature, and told us to dig it. An anon found out before that it is connected to the Securedrop whistleblower honeypot fiasco, but it could have multiple meaning with one of the being the ASF, or in fact the ASF can be connected to securedrop as well (see attached q snip).
Manual script inserted by a human operator:
on an older bread I played a little trolling game with the spambot. I exposed 3 of his lies on purpose, to see if in fact there is a human operator that can edit the next automatically generated reply, before it gets posted, in real time, via a script. "Trolling is fun".
Here is the experiment:
- trolled it once:
>>4351198 pb
and received a manually inserted script.
>>4351259 pb
- trolled it a second time:
>>4351407 pb
and received a manually inserted script to an automatic template.
>>4351463 pb
attached are the snips of the second trolling and reply that included the manual insertion.
my conclusion: there is a human operator that does exactly that, he can manually interupt the automatic generation of posts and either pick a different one or insert a specific line.
a86314 No.5126521
AF1 airborne out of DC with C-32 following.
417bb4 No.5126523
“Democratic Socialism” turns out to suck as hard as every other kind of socialism.
f3d365 No.5126524
DWS for me, but I'll take whatever comes.
ca0e6d No.5126525
The power of the actual plutocratic structure that is in place needs to be broken. All other questions are moot until that happens. It is a war now, not a question of debating issues.
The importance of addressing the propaganda is to understand how the game has been run, and get a good clear view of what the artificial ecosystem of narratives is composed of.
59bd72 No.5126527
>>5126002 (lb)
721 SW Mount Si Blvd.
North Bend, WA 98045
b8d43f No.5126528
Klobuchar asked what she brings to the race:
Background of growing up in the heartland
dedda9 No.5126530
Smooth criminal?
83399c No.5126531
can it go over 100%? by the time this is all over, even the criminal illegals will be voting for him.
949181 No.5126532
Hey retard…. How about
Lazy, pure LAZY!
But i guess " LB" didnt come in a copy pasta post….
92b82d No.5126533
But this is national nigger month.
fbd856 No.5126534
You don't honestly think anyone believes all this fervent Muh Joo's shit is organic, do you?
3cf00f No.5126537
99c393 No.5126538
>try the muhblack push again! so it will look like muhjew is more organic LOL!
<on it boss!
26dca5 No.5126540
how magical
bush family era cow rectum gollem feltchers from lord of the queers
fcc146 No.5126541
Of course I'm concerned asshole.
It's my son…
Eat shit kike
e741aa No.5126542
read recent notables fren
070076 No.5126544
900b51 No.5126545
>>5125624 (lb) Well, well, well…..looks like Jammin' Justin will be getting used to the feel of a shovel in his soft & useless hands. Even his minimum wage earnings from that may be garnished to pay installments on civil judgments against him. Life is good. Maybe he & Northam & Herring can beat the dog together.
750558 No.5126547
You fuck off. We don't want you here.
e97489 No.5126548
Anons who keep wishing for Potus to make some announcement re RBG, need to think logically. You know, separation of powers and all that. Any initial announcement will come from the Supreme Court, not Potus.
26dca5 No.5126549
maybe these bots will do something productive later
bb108c No.5126550
You left out 'dead'.
After all, black history, so dead nigger month.
84c745 No.5126551
Some people will never give a Fuk
9466fa No.5126552
UK thought police….malicious communication????
How far behind the UK are we?????????
8693f6 No.5126553
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5126486
Why does Kushner say
"The World Is Watching"
"I serve at the pleasure of the President"
in this interview with CNN?
1646c5 No.5126554
it was the honorable thing to do. kek
536d83 No.5126558
>>5124178 (pb)
Reminds me of the old cartoon song introduction, We have a gorilla for sale, Magilla Gorilla! Fat pig tranny, and Magilla-
2c92ed No.5126559
Watch out for shills.
SHILL TYPE: The Changer
>Guys we need a list of demands/goals!
>Guys we need to change the narrative!
>Guys we need a leader!
RESPONSE: Comprehensive rebuttal to all of these - http://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
SHILL TYPE: The Fear Monger
>"I heard the SJWs are going to Doxx people"
RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.
SHILL TYPE: The Defeatist
RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.
SHILL TYPE: The Dismissive
>"Who fucking cares? Take it to /pol/"
RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.
SHILL TYPE: The False Flag
>"We should flood Zoe's twitter account and try to induce a meltdown"
RESPONSE: Condemn. Reply and clearly state that you do not agree with the shill. Report on sight.
SHILL TYPE: The Politico
>Inserts outside divisive issue into thread
RESPONSE: Ignore, report, hide post.
SHILL TYPE: The Discreditor
>"Anita Sarkeesian is such a filthy whore. I want to fucking murder her"
RESPONSE: Condemn. Reply and clearly state that you do not agree with the shill. Report on sight.
SHILL TYPE: The Misdirector
>"Hey guys, I found a totally legit chatlog with m00tykins in it"
>"Hey guys, Liana blah blah blah"
RESPONSE: Refocus. May be a misguided non-shill. Remind them and everyone else what the current actions and strategies are.
SHILL TYPE: The Uncertain
>"Guys, I don't know about this anymore. I don't know if we're getting anywhere."
RESPONSE: Encourage. May be a misguided non-shill. Inform them of any recent progress or successes.
SHILL TYPE: The Slider
>"The next poster is [insert name]. Do not believe it"
RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.
SHILL TYPE: The Self-Shiller
>[insert generic shill post] Responds to self with (You) next to reply number.
RESPONSE: Ignore, report, hide post. Carry on the current actions.
By following this guide we ensure that the shills can neither derail our discussion nor make us look bad by posting anonymous hateful diatribes which SJWs can quote for PR.
i like how this triggers the shill
50e10c No.5126562
>Report Concludes No Material Impact of Foreign Interference
FOREIGN Interference.
What about domestic, oligarch, or cabal interference?
d2c77a No.5126564
The sauce on the dred scott case
Link related
9cb563 No.5126565
Using this cipher, I get CNN for watch time= 3:14:40
Coincidence or not= interesting cipher.
93c4cf No.5126567
>>5126233 (pb)
Yes. Russia did meddle in our elections. It doesn't mean no one else did.
Yet, the fact that others did meddle does not discount the fact that Russia did.
fbd856 No.5126568
Muh Joo's will MELT if Kushner is part of Q Team
070076 No.5126569
What's extra fukkin hilarious is you made the clouds look like POTUS profile. KEK
33bdbd No.5126570
Schiff attacks Mueller . . .
A Cry for Help from Schiff !! I can't help but Laugh.
These Dems really believed that Mueller would
produce a Rabbit out of a Hat !
As Whitaker would say; Mr Schiff, I see your time is up !
129f13 No.5126571
I guess we can put him in the "Guilty as Fuck" column.
83eeed No.5126572
>>5124150 LB
Our politics? Whose politics? Her politics? She does not represent MY politics.
Why is she even in OUR government?
26dca5 No.5126574
but these fake jew scientologsit bots are going full power with the fake homo gentrification
fcc146 No.5126575
Too late for the circumcision sadly… she just left.. She is insisting on giving him measles vaccine which really pisses me off. He reason "he could die from measles"
(((Their))) scare tactics working
5867d6 No.5126577
Ask her if she wants her future daughter in law to have the same level of sex life that she does…tht ought to change her mind.
101f4a No.5126578
Venezuelan Colonel Urges Soldiers To Help US Aid Enter, Says 90% Of Army Against Maduro
The latest senior military officer to defect from the Nicolas Maduro government claims that 90% of the armed forces are "unhappy" with Maduro and stand ready to defect, according to The Times.
Colonel Rubén Paz Jimenez posted a short video to social media over the weekend declaring his support for US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaidó. “Ninety per cent of us in the armed forces are really unhappy,” he said in the video message. “We are being used to keep them in power.” He further urged soldiers to resist orders to block humanitarian aid shipped by the United States and to instead facilitate its entry into the country.
According to The Times Col. Paz is a military doctor and appears to be taking advantage of Guaido's offer of amnesty to army officers who switch loyalties to him as interim president:
A stockpile of US aid — medicines, medical equipment and nutritional supplements — is in the Colombian border city of Cucuta. Colonel Paz, a doctor, urged soldiers to help the aid get into Venezuela. Mr Guaidó has offered amnesty to those in the army who abandon Mr Maduro, 56, peacefully.
He's been further described as deputy of the Directorate of the Military Hospital in Maracaibo and the timing of his defection is interesting given the contested issue of US humanitarian aid.
Trump administration officials like John Bolton have also of late actively encouraged Venezuelan military defections, something that so far has been limited to a tiny handful of officers, at least one of them an Air Force commander — while also attempting to force the issue of American aid delivery.
Colonel Ruben Paz Jimenez, deputy of the Directorate of the Military Hospital in Maracaibo, announced his support for Guaido and urged others to follow:
f7af81 No.5126579
Kamala Harris Supports ‘Some Type of’ Slavery Reparations
Kamala Harris (D-CA) said in an interview Monday she supports “some type of” reparations to black Americans for slavery.
In an interview with the “Breakfast Club,” a radio show on New York City’s Power 105.1, host Charlamagne tha God asked Kamala Harris about reparations.
She gave a lengthy answer, then when pushed on it, agreed with Charlamagne that she would support “some type of” reparations.
b218e1 No.5126580
It means Schiff is sounding the general alarm that they must scuttle the Mueller narrative. There were more subtle attempts to take him out of play over the past year, but they obviously didn't work.
They have no way of putting an end to Mueller, though.
cc4e7d No.5126581
One side of auditorium shouts, "WHERE WE GO ONE"
Other side shouts back, "WE GO ALL!"
Don't over-think this one.
8e41f5 No.5126583
I actually think he's just along for the right hoping to sell out his father in law.
949181 No.5126584
Shills be shilling like a motherfuckers today…
Must be scared of what POTUS will have to say… Will we have a mini SOTU style GTFO to some shills again? Kek… But shills will say its only disinformation again…even bigger kek
4b6e3b No.5126585
>Documented research on how circumcision PERMANENTLY damages the baby's brain via trauma?
so much horseshit here today
7190a8 No.5126587
Q, what's wrong?
I've been posting about Rajavi for about a year now. Only a few here understand.
d7cba1 No.5126588
How about this solution,
Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen
AKA Jeff Bezos,
don't take pictures of your junk!
f7af81 No.5126589
Conway: ‘Bigmouth’ Dems Want Less Beds for ICE Because They Want More Illegal Aliens in the US
Kellyanne Conway on Monday’s “Fox & Friends” reacted to Democrats asking to reduce the number of beds for ICE to use for detaining illegal aliens.
Conway argued that calling for fewer barriers and limiting the number of beds to house detainees shows that “bigmouth Democrats” want more illegal aliens in the country.
aedf5f No.5126590
For fear of sounding like an unapologetic agnostic, we anons have gotten pretty good at destroying trust with religious institutions. The SBC is practically the Catholic Church for many protestants. I'll just stick to the texts in red until this whole thing blows over, lol.
73125a No.5126591
Using the nifty Q RESEARCH tool, I am adding the recent TAHIR JAVED post.
>>5095977 LB
None found.
Nothing under tahir javed.
Or Southern Sweetwater.
Google maps does say at this address ANOTHER business of his called Millenium Smoke, but the street address does not come in up tax search.
April 2013 – Present 5 years 11 months
Beaumont/Port Arthur, Texas Area
Under MT JAVED VENTURES LLC., Mr. Javed conducts his real estate business in the state of Texas.
So I tried that one, NOPE.
'None found.'
Last name only search got this:
14 properties, but NONE OF THEM the property listed for the drink and the vape; that address even in address search does not come up.
Typical nonsense for HRC supporters and ratline participants I suppose.
26dca5 No.5126592
so we should
bigot spam
serial killer spam
gore pr0n
brandish fagotus trump a saint for all that kidnapping
so scientologists can get their quasi religion straight by the books after the space shuttle got killed for cocaine and zombies
dedda9 No.5126593
Doe she even have ID?
bb108c No.5126594
If 90% of military is against him, why are they being such pussies and not doing it themselves…hummmm.
bb7364 No.5126598
Anons realize not all Jews are bad, so we'd be cool with it. We're going after the evil jews who you don't want us to talk about for some reason
8e41f5 No.5126599
I find this the most amusing considering the party of slavery are the ones talking about reparations… which is just punishing everyone else for their deeds.
101f4a No.5126600
99c393 No.5126603
notice they build up the narrative for a climax which is "kushner is compd".
Jared Kushner scares their paymasters big time.
fbd856 No.5126604
And why do you believe them when they claim to be Jewish?
The Pope claims to be Christian… soooooo….
7e6ba1 No.5126605
You know "Q"…..I read the drops again today. And I support you 100%. But you are starting to sound like a whiny baby. A whiner. And until things change this is still just "faith and hope".
Yes, we know the "D"s are dirty. Yes we know PP is dirty. Do something already. Quit complaining. Same with POTUS. His whiny tweets are getting old. Makes him look bad.
If the Dems were in control do you think they would be worried about half the crap you folks are worried about?
Call me when the shooting starts.
f7af81 No.5126606
U.S. Steel Firing Up Furnace in Alabama, Thanks to Tariffs
United States Steel said Monday it will resume construction of a furnace in Alabama, adding 1.6 million tons of steelmaking capacity and hundreds of jobs.
Construction on U.S. Steel’s mill in Jefferson County, Alabama, was suspended in 2015 after China’s overproduction caused a global steel glut that sent prices plummeting. The tariffs the Trump administration imposed last year have reduced the flow of foreign steel in the U.S. and allowed domestic makers to expand again.
U.S. Steel Chief Executive Officer David Burritt said in a statement:
Thanks to the President’s strong trade actions and improved market conditions, support from the United Steelworkers and incentives from the State of Alabama and the Jefferson County Commission, we are excited to add EAF capabilities to our company’s footprint and provide sustainable tubular solutions for our customers.
fcc146 No.5126607
Calm down rabbi….
Im just venting my frustrations among frens. Why you so upset?
26dca5 No.5126608
but hogg boy tranny has cisgender issues and addictions ebot
what can scientologist do for it;s elon hole
c8cd69 No.5126609
This This This!!!
417bb4 No.5126610
I would KEK so hard if she was here illegally… like Obama.
d30d27 No.5126612
>>5126514 good call
>>5126585 maybe research a little, like just a little, before you comment and show to a shitload of people just how ignorant you are?
3c6142 No.5126613
Um… "the enemy makes us strong"…?
No. Our God, our Leader, our Commander, our Captain… Each Other… these are who make us strong.
Those fairy tale new age memes don't sit well with anon.
73125a No.5126614
02/09/2019 23:36:44 - Q Research General #6508: Time to Return Publicly Edition - #5096243
sorry forgot first link for first quote, first post.
Riceland Healthcare is an integrated network of physicians, hospital, hospice, home health and other service dedicated to providing the highest quality, affordable patient care across South East Texas and is well known to be a premier healthcare system by creating the best possible outcomes with exceptional patient care experiences.
tahir javed is the CEO & President of the hospital called Riceland Medical Center in Winnie, Texas, which has a critical access designation and has been serving the local community for over half a century. tahir javed also owns a Hospice Care facility in Beaumont, Surgery Center, Imaging facilities, behavioral Health, Home Health, clinics and various other facilities all under the name of Riceland.
'Nationwide network, worldwide recognition'
42c46b No.5126619
If anybody hasn't seen this because it's Kushner on CNN you owe it to yourself to watch it. It's very good.
750558 No.5126620
People make a lot of Jared Kushner, and I don't care for a Zionist in the WhiteHouse, but face the facts. How many of us have family members who are not woke, hopelessly won't believe anything they don't see on FoxNews not woke.
Now, how many of us have thought they were perfectly normal until Trump came around. Trump has been woke since before 9/11, so I do expect more from him than from me, but having DS family members does not mean Trump won't do the right thing and drag their ass along.
83399c No.5126621
German - English
krassen (scratch)
stein (face)
Hi freddie!
d7eff2 No.5126623
Just in case you missed the Grammys….RECAP
e741aa No.5126624
God Bless You anon…. Refreshing share of dark to light…. WWG1WGA….
dd7c66 No.5126626
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5126479
Same with video on Youtube.
8c1793 No.5126627
passive-aggressive, definitely a step up from the regular low-energy concern trolling, no more (you)s
Well, that certainly deflates the D's narrative about Russia et al, but Ds in the house & lapdog media will ignore or decry it in some way…
1be122 No.5126628
Give me Brennan hanging from a yardarm on the National Mall. At least at first.
Of Congress, Schiff needs to be first among his colleagues.
7c449f No.5126630
>>5126606 U.S. Steel firing up furnace in Alabama, thanks to tariffs.
>>5126589 Conway: ‘Bigmouth’ Dems want less beds for ICE because they want more illegal aliens in the US.
>>5126578 Venezuelan Colonel urges soldiers to help US Aid enter, says 90% of Army against Maduro.
>>5126521 AF1 Airborne out of DC with C-32 following.
d7cba1 No.5126631
Come on, even the shills have to admit that's good shit.
26dca5 No.5126632
david hogg needs more elon hole backfill
73125a No.5126633
02/09/2019 23:19:39 - Q Research General #6508: Time to Return Publicly Edition - #5095977
>>5094267 LB
Muhammad tahir javed was a Democratic candidate for Texas' 29th Congressional District in the U.S. House. Javed lost the primary on March 6, 2018.
tahir javed lives in Texas. Javed’s career experience includes working as an owner of a convenience store. He is the CEO of Riceland Healthcare Systems.
"He’s an outsider in the 29th congressional district. He’s not Latino. He’s never lived in the congressional district he is running in until now. And he’s never run for office in his life.
But what he does have is lots of money he’s not afraid to put into the campaign, ties to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and what he says is a kinship with Latino voters in the area because of his own struggles as an immigrant.
“Our struggle is the same,†the 51-year-old Pakistani native said. “I was told ‘go back to your country’ many times.â€
But nearly 16 years after he arrived in Beaumont with just $500 to his name, Javed now is a wealthy businessman who turned a single convenience store business into a 28-company enterprise that includes hospitals, distribution networks and real estate businesses.
After years of donating money to candidates, including hosting a major fundraiser with Clinton in Beaumont, Javed said this time he wants to be the one that goes to Washington to fight for the Houston area on Capitol Hill."
bb7364 No.5126634
Why are you arguing with anons trying to expose the truth? Why aren't you going after these people claiming to be Jews? Why do you continually protect them?
554429 No.5126635
danks, that's (half) the point…
wasn't faked either, the POTUS cloud floated out there already (could be a shop, admittedly, didn't check)
f7af81 No.5126636
Report: CIA, Mossad, MI6 Smuggle Iranian Nuclear Scientist to UK on a Dinghy
Now why would these 3 be working together on an Iranian Scientist?
TEL AVIV – An Iranian nuclear scientist was reportedly smuggled out of the Islamic Republic to the UK in a dinghy in a joint operation conducted by the CIA, Mossad and Britain’s MI6, the UK’s Sunday Express reported.
Citing unnamed sources, the British paper said the nuclear technician has information on Iran’s nuclear program. He also helped plan the assassination of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a nuclear scientist who died in a car bombing in Tehran in 2012, the newspaper alleged.
The migrant crisis was used as a cover to get the Iranian to safety in the town of Lydd, the report said.
d2c77a No.5126637
The condition of affairs a testimony in 1872 from E.W. SEIBELS admitting that the kkk was formed by the Democratic party.
It's also exactly 666 pages long
Link related
26dca5 No.5126640
backfill it real hard in front of it;s tranny mom
9947f1 No.5126641
>>5126605 allergic to pop corn?
15081e No.5126643
Never…Ever….stick your dick in crazy
bb108c No.5126644
Mexicans can't think like that…too difficult for their brains to determine which to say when to say it.
KISS, keep it simple stupid, WHAT IS Q!
a02c44 No.5126645
The religion here is Qudaism
949181 No.5126646
I used to get mad and argue…now i just laugh. The moar they reeeee the funnier it gets. Im hoping for POTUS to do a SOTU 2.0….. And have kushner there say the same. And POTUS agree…. Heads would explode on May shills and it would be top kek!!!!
417bb4 No.5126647
I guess that’s one way to flip the race ratios in the nation overnight. What is 80% of the population just started claiming to be descendants of slaves?
101f4a No.5126649
16 civilians, including 7 children, killed in US-led coalition air raid in Syria
At least 16 people, including seven children, have been killed in an air strike launched by the US-led coalition in a rural region south east of the Syrian city of Deir-ez Zor, Syrian news agency SANA reports.
The air raid targeted a residential area on the outskirts of the town of Al-Baghuz in the south-eastern part of Syria, the state news agency said, citing local sources.
The town is located in the Euphrates River valley, close to the Syrian border with Iraq, some 128 km from Deir-ez Zor.
Over the course of the Syrian conflict, Al-Baghuz was captured by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists, who held it for several years until it was seized by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – a broad coalition of armed groups supported by the US and its allies – late last month.
A member of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) walks near a military vehicle near Baghouz © REUTERS/ Rodi Said
However, the town was soon partially recaptured by the terrorists, prompting the US-led coalition to start bombing its outskirts.
a067bc No.5126650
Space forceable
China and Russia are both developing capabilities to threaten the US' pre-eminent position, including lasers that could target and destroy US satellites, a new Pentagon report warns
26dca5 No.5126651
see how the homos group together when they need their elon hole backfilled real hard
f7af81 No.5126652
Arab League Debates Allowing Syria to Return
The Arab League announced on Monday that they have not yet reached a consensus on reinstating membership for Syria, which they froze out of the League in 2011 at the dawn of its brutal civil war. Discussions about reinstating Syria will evidently continue.
e85c48 No.5126654
"Robert L. Peede" DAPPA For Posterity.
675610 No.5126656
CBP Port Huron Seizes Eight Separate Shipments of Fentanyl Destined to Cities Throughout the U.S.
c62270 No.5126657
Has Loomer always been this fat? Or is she pregos in this photograph?
93c4cf No.5126658
Later, homos.
Have a great morning/day/evening/night.
e74020 No.5126659
So, Q, explain why Trump just gave Israel $38 billion, and I'm not supposed to feel there is any hypocrisy on his part.
5e87fe No.5126660
It is all the Dems ever do! Would be really funny if it weren't so pathetic! Unconscious masters of projection!
750558 No.5126661
Robert David Steele agrees with Christy Creme, that Kushner ruined the transition team and set the admin back 1 year on its agenda. RDS is woke and has been working for years with the Liberty movement.
4b6e3b No.5126663
>Im just venting my frustrations among frens. Why you so upset?
liberal fear porn
think logically
no rabbiT here
417bb4 No.5126664
Is the Middle East Peace plan reveal soon? I bet that scares shills.
8e41f5 No.5126665
You forgot about Giovanni Gentile
5bd83b No.5126667
>>5126066 lb
>Jacob. "Trickster"
Jacobin still active but hidden
1efced No.5126668
This is my main man….Literally
26dca5 No.5126669
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. russian potatoes did all this
99c393 No.5126673
btw, just look at that retarded shit:
It is not even worth our time to troll it.
4f51f9 No.5126674
4 hours left.
Let´s get this started.
FIGHT the censorship.
You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
You simply forgot how to PLAY.
They want you divided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.
81fba3 No.5126675
>>5126365 last bread
Special Interest Group?
1be122 No.5126677
You're not going to see the first of the fireworks till the Muller report is turned in and Honest Bob has folded up his circus tent.
The special counsel MUST be concluded before POTUS lets the DECLAS fly to avoid optics of political retribution against "muh Russia".
Why is that so hard for anons to grasp?
8693f6 No.5126679
What if JIDF shill slowly took over the baking, kicking out the bakers with balls?
750558 No.5126680
That's for damn sure anon. Damn sure. I am damn sure the SBC will be damned.
3cf00f No.5126681
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5126499
on night shift I posted a video that show POTUS at a Rally and according to the video creator, there are people in the audience behind him that we were told died…..
Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin. Tupac, Elvis, about 15 people, Amy Winehouse… so maybe we are able to time travel, or exist once we do die, in another dimension that we can travel in and out of. >>5126499
you decide
f7af81 No.5126682
And there was one state that supposedly paid reparations already.
e741aa No.5126684
This passed in the house only. It will never make it through Senate and POTUS. Keep perspective….
8e41f5 No.5126685
Check out the documentary "Death of a Nation" if you have not seen it already.
651023 No.5126686
4b6e3b No.5126687
>maybe research a little, like just a little, before you comment and show to a shitload of people just how ignorant you are?
fuck off faggot
99afcc No.5126688
KEK! WaPo might have been telling the truth, "in a way".
554429 No.5126690
good sir, i WISH it wasn't true.
just like those rabbis giving Herpes to babies because of that ole tradition of mouth sucking blood, even after being called out for it.
i really wish it wasn't true.
101f4a No.5126692
Spain: Tens of thousands join right-wing rally in Madrid, demand socialist PM to resign
Some 45,000 people joined a right-wing rally in Spain’s capital Sunday to demand that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez step down for his handling of the Catalonia region’s secession crisis.
Many in the crowd assembled in Madrid’s Plaza de Colon waved the national flag and chanted slogans in support of Spain’s security forces along with calling for the Socialist prime minister’s resignation.
The conservative opposition Popular Party and the center-right Citizens party organised the rally, which the upstart far-right Vox party and other far-right parties backed.
“The time of Sanchez’s government is over”, Popular Party president Pablo Casado said. He asked voters to punish Sanchez’s Socialists in the European, local and regional elections in May.
The political tensions come as a highly sensitive trial at Spain’s Supreme Court starts Tuesday for 12 Catalan separatists who face charges, including rebellion, for their roles in a failed secession attempt in 2017.
Sanchez inherited the Catalan conflict from former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the then-leader of the Popular Party. Rajoy proved incapable of stopping support for secession from swelling in Catalonia to roughly half of the northeastern region’s voters.
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6688321/Madrid-protests-against-Spanish-governments-plans-call-talks-Catalan-separatists.html
26dca5 No.5126693
hogg is gonna needs it;s elon hole pounded a lot by anything that trannys for shekels or eat's it's own
5867d6 No.5126694
417bb4 No.5126695
The only thing that makes me wonder is if they are MKULTRA slaves with multiple personalities and when they argue with themselves they switch. Maybe they make them all have s little nazi and little victim inside do they hate them selfs.
99c393 No.5126696
from what I read there are many speculations about it. The plan is to reveal it after the israeli elections.
3cf00f No.5126697
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Soros Arrested: Bush Pleads Guilty To 9/11 - Obama Begs For His Life
Published on 11 Feb 2019
Billionaire financier George Soros has been arrested and is being detained in Switzerland for interrogation before being extradited to the United States where he will face a military tribunal as an enemy combatant. George W. Bush pleads guilty to high crimes and misdemeanors including 9/11. Barack Obama being detained at Gitmo, charged with High Treason, begs for his life. David Zublick unseals the truth in this special report!
News & Politics
9947f1 No.5126698
Dreams of Empire: Analysts doubt UK military
will get ‘hard’ post-Brexit
Published time: 11 Feb, 2019 19:33
Kek the guy to the left…."How use this shit?"
8693f6 No.5126699
Is that you Rabbi Schlomo?
7b546d No.5126701
9947f1 No.5126702
92b82d No.5126703
Nigga I'd hit fat Laura Loomer in a Harlem second.
aedf5f No.5126704
We already know why:
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e7b971 No.1248119 📁
Apr 30 2018 10:51:06 (EST)
Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.
Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?
What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?
What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved?
Did the U.S. know?
Where did the cash payments go?
How many planes delivered?
Did all planes land in same location?
Where did the U1 material end up?
Is this material traceable?
Define cover.
What if U1 material ended up in Syria?
What would be the primary purpose?
In the movie, where did the material come from?
What country?
What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?
What does U1 provide?
Define cover.
Why did we strike Syria?
Why did we really strike Syria?
Define cover.
Patriots in control.
26dca5 No.5126705
949181 No.5126706
I saw it and just keked… Copy pasta was on standby , loaded as always and ready as always…kek
So predictable
3c6142 No.5126707
Steele is one of the biggest faggot tools around.
bb108c No.5126708
Aright now! Which one of you anons aren't keeping an eye out for your mommie?
Mother allegedly harassing college students trying to find her son a date
7e6ba1 No.5126714
POTUS's consulting attorney - Jay Sekulow. Seen him on FOX. A talented dude. He has a badass band. A very intelligent guy. I wonder what he does on his "off time"? Post around on the web maybe???
Anyway…check it out:
93046f No.5126715
Quad 6's confirm
Trump is awesome
e4b829 No.5126716
please share anywhere so that others can know
750558 No.5126717
Pedocast is more like it.
fbd856 No.5126718
I'm not protecting them.
I'm pointing out a method they're using to attempt to protect themselves.
They're hiding behind everyone's focus on the label of Jews.
But it's no different than claiming to be Christian (of any flavor), New Age (shocker), Communist Party Member, Atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, WHATEVER.
73125a No.5126719
sauce. thanks.
2f70be No.5126723
they've been passing the ball to each other all morning
still trying to figure out why nothing is done about it, or why over in the META thread there appears to be a jidf clown using kekvision to pull up everyones hash history who questions jews
talk about a disservice to newcomers who already have to deal with a world of fake news
things have been unusual since the day many anons call "mossad massacre"
8c1793 No.5126724
Seems more to me that he/they are onto the fact that Mueller will find NO "Russian collusion" WRT POTUS, so they want to expand repeatedly until they find something… anything.
e741aa No.5126725
>>5126318 pb
Personally I will never vote for a party ever again… I will continue to vote for the best candidate. Hopefully the voters will have learned better discernment and keep a BS meter nearby in future elections.
15e248 No.5126726
If [AS] has seen 'evidence' of collusion and/or POTUS/RUSSIA illegal activities, as he's stated in the past many times across all D-arm media networks, why then is there a need to open 'new' investigations?
What about the so-called 'evidence' already seen?
How is [AS] making open statements re: MUELLER not investigating POTUS/Deutsche Bank thorough enough if the MUELLER investigation itself is CLASSIFIED?
How does [AS] know what MUELLER has/hasn't investigated?
You are witnessing the greatest 'DISINFORMATION' campaign to ever be pushed by a political party.
Ask yourself, why?
FEAR of what?
The message must be direct.
The WAR is very real.
e4b829 No.5126727
QQQQuads confirm
8e41f5 No.5126728
eba5b2 No.5126730
Take him out Q!!
fcc146 No.5126732
Cutting a piece of flesh off a newborn for "cosmetic" reasons is liberal fear porn?… you obviously were upset enough to come in and comment on the subject. You must not have kids.
Your nose is showing
2c92ed No.5126733
d823ba No.5126734
Very good point, Q
417bb4 No.5126735
I think this would work. Even normies would get it.
2240f5 No.5126736
>>5125329 lb pb
This is what you are looking for. The real sauce will be in a MEGA link most likely showing all these transactions... Im lookin for it but I got a screaming baby in my lap.
c62270 No.5126737
Q, was Military Exercise on House of Guatemalan Culture just an Exercise…or something more?
872a52 No.5126741
That must've been two months ago or so, when Avenutti body-shamed her.
Noot sure if there's more recent videos of her, but if it's grown by now, then she is ….
Otherwise, well, she's always been on the chubby side. Kek.
8693f6 No.5126742
Adam Schiff is Jewish!
You being antisemitic?
554429 No.5126744
>The WAR is very real.
4f51f9 No.5126745
Q, you support a chant tonight in Tx when POTUS goes on stage?
47f05e No.5126746
Although you sound like those people I used to work with -I did the work, they were busy thinking and talking about working- I must say, I agree. "You are the news now" was like a slap in the face. Why not? Let's just do it.
I'm not going to make any suggestions. I am waiting how you guys want to arrange things, then I'll join.
bc3e06 No.5126747
AF Plane normally AF1 is not transmitting its callsign. Should be AF1 though.
8744f6 No.5126748
Time for a very direct wake up call.
92b82d No.5126749
Q what happened to Jeff Sessions indictments?
5e87fe No.5126750
thanks, I have seen it. Let's send tickets to the DNC.
8c1793 No.5126751
Just a guess, but…>>5126724
bb108c No.5126752
>The WAR is very real.
Time for casualties of this war to be made known!
0a0690 No.5126753
Q, give us a drop on what is going on in LA.
Wilshire op real? Long Beach port?
750558 No.5126754
How so? I know he is ex-CIA but he is pretty clearly a whitehat. His open source intel system is a great idea (get rid of CIA/FBI), and he wants the feds to stop recognizing political party and make the party tools compete with the third parties on equal footing.
How is that not all much better for liberty than what we have.
575391 No.5126757
84c745 No.5126758
Well, at least they're sending the families
with the best parents.
fbd856 No.5126759
Oh yeeeeeeeah…
InsigniaGate stuff got a but lost in the fog…
Thanks for the reminder!
5e87fe No.5126762
What were the people like who you worked with?
7b546d No.5126764
They fear the TRUTH. They fear us knowing the TRUTH.
b8d43f No.5126765
"Glamorous pets were dressed up as angels and demons as they took to the catwalk in glitzy masks and costumes for a charity fashion show in New York.
The event, which is the largest pet fashion and animal rescue benefit in the country, took place at Hotel Pennsylvania in Manhattan on Thursday ahead of New York fashion week and the Westminster Kennel Club dog show."
c53b98 No.5126766
So what? Now, she is bloodline, kek?
9547e9 No.5126767
We are at war. Time for an offensive, sir.
9cb563 No.5126768
1be122 No.5126769
We need [AS] to suffer a humiliating public exposure of his extracurricular activities.
bb34a8 No.5126770
So NEWBS. This is Q. The goal now is to take it to you people.
Ask these questions in your social circles.
Offend someone.
Then get their attention.
Join the boots on the ground in Qs army.
Do it.
22b79f No.5126772
If it's war then kill AS!
421579 No.5126773
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Members of The Fire Service show support for the Protesters in France by Spraying Police
a067bc No.5126774
Bring the pain Q!
8693f6 No.5126775
Payseur is Jewish
Rothschilds is Jewish
Shouldn't the Jewish Question be further researched?
657707 No.5126777
These drops are making my surgical recovery so much better. Thank you, God Bless You!
c53b98 No.5126778
Not a shitty so what? to you anon, to the article…
9e914c No.5126779
Does anyone actually believe [AS]???
d3c960 No.5126780
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
45s46 seconds ago
Coal is an important part of our electricity generation mix and @TVAnews should give serious consideration to all factors before voting to close viable power plants, like Paradise #3 in Kentucky!
fcc146 No.5126781
When will Mueller give us his findings of the D party Russian collusion!?
Im ready to see liberal heads explode!
e9c05b No.5126782
How close is the booms?
f7af81 No.5126783
Exactly why it caught my eyes. Someone somewhere wants a "Sum of All Fears" scenario. If it isn't Israel (Vela Incident) then who? Trump cut off North Korea so now they need a new bad guy.
a9ef75 No.5126784
She just pandering trying to save the back vote for the Dems, except she Indian…
bb108c No.5126785
2f70be No.5126786
Q you really weren't kidding when you said attacks would only intensify… it's been tough, real tough
bb7364 No.5126787
I posted legitimate facts about Israel, and you came in with your pilpul bullshit. Stop playing coy. We see right through you
f9085f No.5126788
Quick! Everyone look busy!
3729b4 No.5126789
Nice KEK cypher fag.
73125a No.5126790
AOC 'crazy eyes' and her very own ROJAS:
02/07/2019 20:01:45 - Q Research General #6472: Raise The Barr Edition - #5068370
Guys I think we need to dig on the clown AOC.
Here is a article on her Chief of Staff
Saikat Chakrabarti
Chief of staff for Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)
There is not a lot out there on this clown.
I think it is important to find out who is behind him also.
Here is a political group he founded with some other clowns.
Abbreviation JD
Formation January 23, 2017; 2 years ago
Founders Cenk Uygur
Kyle Kulinski
Saikat Chakrabarti
Zack Exley
Type Political action committee
Registration no. C00630665
Headquarters Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.
Key people
Saikat Chakrabarti
Zack Exley
Tara Reilley[1]
Alexandra rojas, Executive Director
Affiliations Brand New Congress
National Nurses United
Former affiliation:
The Young Turks
These people are scary and are funded and by who??????
I think it will lead us to some real scum bags. Scary all these people are not from this country and came over here to abuse the system.
5867d6 No.5126791
Q…where is most of the shill traffic coming from?
we're being shilled hard?
5375d6 No.5126792
Ruth Bader Ginsburg backs off a battle with Trump
50e10c No.5126793
So, they basically created an official looking process with lots of built in controls, but everyone was just a rubber stamp who relied on the original filing agent's honesty.
a02c44 No.5126794
Q said we can't arrest anyone from the swamp until this guy is redpilled
125398 No.5126795
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Down memory lane. Trump Says Military Dinner May Be 'Calm Before the Storm'.
0704eb No.5126797
this is bigger than one man, this is bigger than a political party…..how BIG is this really?
97e455 No.5126799
>The message must be direct.
Message must be Direct - Delivered by who?
aa6832 No.5126800
(((They))) Fear Us Knowing the Truth!
34e911 No.5126801
Q, where's Ruth?
575391 No.5126802
You want memes like this, Q?
4b6e3b No.5126804
>Robert David Steele agrees with Christy Creme
>Christy Creme
best laugh today
>i really wish it wasn't true.
don't let the jew suck on baby cock
get in done in hospital
it won't damage the kid
stop believing communist faggotry online
more fakery than msm
d397e5 No.5126805
[AS] is a …..
[AS] modes of operation is very indicative to "it's not who wins or loses but who controls that game that matters most."
Thanks Q for your service.
7c449f No.5126806
>>5126666 KEK speaks.
>>5126692 Spain: Tens of thousands join right-wing rally in Madrid, demand socialist PM to resign.
>>5126656 CBP Port Huron seizes eight separate shipments of Fentanyl destined to cities throughout the U.S.
>>5126652 Arab League debates allowing Syria to return.
>>5126650 China and Russia are both developing lasers and other weapons to target US satellites.
>>5126649 16 civilians, including 7 children, killed in US-led coalition air raid in Syria.
>>5126636 Report: CIA, Mossad, MI6 smuggle Iranian nuclear scientist to UK on a dinghy.
>>5126606 U.S. Steel firing up furnace in Alabama, thanks to tariffs.
>>5126589 Conway: ‘Bigmouth’ Dems want less beds for ICE because they want more illegal aliens in the US.
>>5126578 Venezuelan Colonel urges soldiers to help US Aid enter, says 90% of Army against Maduro.
>>5126521 AF1 Airborne out of DC with C-32 following.
a86314 No.5126807
Tail # & hexcode confirm it as AF1.
8744f6 No.5126808
Deep fake in every way.
eb3b45 No.5126809
waiting for the little weasel to get his… Liddle Adam Schiffless.
Afternoon Sir o7
101f4a No.5126812
Another one of (((them))) he's a Marxist version but one common thread between the Marxists and the Zionists (((they))) ALL kiss Israel's ass!!!!
34d24e No.5126813
Confirm The Clock is a delta counter for comms?
Q, deltas are definitely used for comms between Q and POTUS. The confirmed delta markers are [0], [1], [5], [10], and [15] minutes, [30] days, and [1 year]. There are also others like [2], [6], [7], and [17] minutes (and now the new negative markers).
Thinking logically, it would be easy to deduce The Clock would be a delta counter, a.k.a. a stopwatch. The markers you would wind it with would be the delta markers. You would metaphorically wind it back to the [0] position to look for a delta when Q and POTUS post and tweet respectively. If there was a significant delta, you would then record that delta and see if there were comms (not all deltas have comms, which was been confirmed). You would then metaphorically wind the clock back to the [0] position for the next use.
This is a theory based off crumbs and the already established and confirmed deltas and the comms associated with those deltas.
Anons have been analyzing the deltas recently, and some think each delta marker has a specific significance, but those are just theories. It'd be effective for this theory of The Clock to be confirmed to then expand on it.
e9c05b No.5126814
I pray you are wrong, that happens, game over.
900b51 No.5126815
Hey boss.
That direct message is what we've all been waiting for.
We'll be watching the rally and (as usual!) cheering and praying.
And meming the voter ID thing.
d30d27 No.5126816
Now ask why is isreal partnering with china?
awww, did I huwt your poor wittle feelz? me so not sowwy.
do a flip for me.
689f0e No.5126820
Q is Kushner btw
92b82d No.5126821
Why hasn't AS been arrested for leaking classified intelligence?
4ec2ee No.5126824
Remember the photo of Epstein's house that had a dentists chair in the bathroom? Something tells me that is worse than we think it is…
a111a7 No.5126825
Fear the loss of control
Fear of anons
Fear of the people thinking for themselves and unifying
417bb4 No.5126826
An attempt to exonerate Communism by diverting attention to a scapegoat. Why no Stalin? Go live in Venezuela or Zimbabwe. The great thing about Communism is that it fails equally for all humans.
49b045 No.5126827
They are fearful that their plans have been shattered. The. The focus gets put on them. Dark to light.
fbd856 No.5126828
You're making my point for me.
Hiding in Israel is part of what they're using to protect themselves.
The street heebs are part of their cover.
This is why the politicians are so desperate to keep funding Israel as much and in as many ways as possible.
It's their castle.
Trump has already set up a camp in their territory.
e30735 No.5126829
Spotted 4 military helicopters flying in a diamond formation over Glendale in Los Angeles at about 8:50 am today. Back helicopter was one of those with two propellers (front and back, not on sides). Any other sightings? Any other info out there?
2c92ed No.5126830
i was off by 2 or 3 postings,… again.
they use bots to count the postings before droping a q post. they = BO and q team.
1fcf71 No.5126831
We need a MOAB to clean out the corruption for good. You've gotten a great start. It's now time to begin the end.
98966a No.5126833
Q is waking us, but I think We The People will have to rise up and reclaim our country the old fashioned way. This dormant wait and watch is not enough. The evil is too entrenched and getting worse.
8693f6 No.5126834
Peak a boo
7fc7a9 No.5126835
>The message must be direct.
Can't wait for this.
Love you Q. Thank you.
a02c44 No.5126838
FISA warrant approvals
45cdf4 No.5126839
4b4ab9 No.5126840
26da5e No.5126841
Fear of What, Q?
5bd83b No.5126844
113086 No.5126846
Rojas made me think of Rothschild. I searched the 2 names together and got hits. wtf
8cda1d No.5126847
Muller is silent. Stealth bomber /ourguy/
aedcdf No.5126848
Are there safe guards or means of prevention of DS influence in the upcoming election?
1bf2e5 No.5126851
Some people are assuming that it's Hell…it might not be…
1fcf71 No.5126852
The State of VA and NY have gone off the deep end with abortion. God must be weeping heavily.
750558 No.5126854
we undo the U.S. dollar and these just go poof.
50e10c No.5126856
Thx for the clarification, anon fren
b8d43f No.5126857
WDMV: Articles of impeachment planned to be presented today against Justin Fairfax are being put on hold.
417bb4 No.5126858
I want those in the press who helped knowingly held accountable too.
464f68 No.5126859
My question is why are you guys letting them to continue to lie with impunity to the American people. If [AS] is so guilty then why isn't he paying for his crimes? Will he pay for his crimes? I certainly hope so.
4f51f9 No.5126862
34d24e No.5126864
Huber is the stealth bomber, White Hat, and /ourguy/
Mueller is dirty but working for POTUS to exonerate him, and a Grey Hat.
849f31 No.5126865
1f000c No.5126867
Thanks bakers and anons! You all kick ass! Keep up the good works. I try but not as good as alot of you. Fantastic job!
1efced No.5126868
All roads lead back to FIDELITY …. They are all connected to that company ….. It will bring them all down
bb9dd7 No.5126869
4183f5 No.5126871
Fear of us, WE, THE PEOPLE!
327016 No.5126872
Q, geordi rose and DWAVE computer.. cern.. 5g. chemtrails.. THESE are all of the biggest problems of the WORLD.. please address them for us
bdf7ba No.5126873
900b51 No.5126874
Anons. Here's what the left says about Voter ID. (pic related).
Are we supposed to believe that NONE of those individuals ever gets married, buys cigarettes, rents an apartment, opens a bank account, adopts a pet, buys beer, donates blood, enters government buildings, etc. etc. (all activities for which a valid PHOTO ID is required)?
I don't believe it.
But how do we refute these fake numbers that the left uses to prop up their "voter ID is bad/racist" narrative?
(Mother Jones is obviously a far far left source/mouthpiece)
a067bc No.5126875
Coal is an important part of our electricity generation mix and @TVAnews should give serious consideration to all factors before voting to close viable power plants, like Paradise #3 in Kentucky!
[3] Delta from Q’s post
3a6c16 No.5126876
083ddf No.5126877
AS is following along the Q intel?
He and many others know whos really going to
be found to have dirt on them through investigations and its surely not POTUS.
Muller is not what he seems!! Motherfucking Grey Hat!!
1fcf71 No.5126879
Will we have final proof soon that RBG is gone for good?
095e7f No.5126880
Gitmo– gonna be a thing or nah?
26da5e No.5126881
Direct message.
No outside comms.
Emergency Broadcast System.
Surprised POTUS hasn't developed an alternative platform to Twatter.
8744f6 No.5126882
2eaabb No.5126883
american feminist
fbd856 No.5126884
Paradise… like in California… eeeeeh?
48e46a No.5126885
Has MI6 been cleaned up? Nigel Farage Patriot?
a02c44 No.5126886
d44ded No.5126887
#AIPAC trended on twitter, be proud of every "antisemite"
Facts are "antisemitic" ! Revoke "Israel"! THX #IlhanOmar !
e30735 No.5126888
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. seems this lesson was lost on some.
3729b4 No.5126890
We are with you.
d30d27 No.5126891
How has Mueller been leading an investigation into "corruption" when he, himself, is corrupt?
Maybe because we're all watching a Movie and this is all scripted?
Actors playing a part.
Burn it ALL down.
3a6c16 No.5126892
50e10c No.5126893
For what it is worth, Webb has been digging on Erickson, the boyfriend.
fcc146 No.5126894
It's obvious POTUS will be declaring National Emergency on the wall. Dems are still obstructing, and now offering horrible deals to make it look like they are cooperating.
Will we get the announcement in 4 days?
8a74be No.5126896
Dems love power. Voter ID's, illegal immigrants, false narratives, and open borders help to keep them in power. They don't care about our security. They have body guards.
4b4ab9 No.5126897
bb108c No.5126898
>The message must be direct.
174086 No.5126899
Logical questions, Q!
But we know 'investigations' are the #DeepState's favorite obstruction and delay tactic.
Especially when there is zero evidence.
e9c05b No.5126900
It's called gab but it needs more backing.
651023 No.5126901
Looks good but you could go farther farther
bb7364 No.5126902
I agree, but the question still remains as to why certain "anons" go on the attack any time we shine light on these evil bastards in Israel and elsewhere. If I were Jewish, I would double down on calling these people out since they're threatening my own safety by making all Jews look bad
8693f6 No.5126903
Only if Mueller takes down the dirty rat Kushner
ec398c No.5126904
LA OP real or training?
0a0690 No.5126906
04f8e0 No.5126907
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. ▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 01/11/19 (Fri) 00:19:34 467fd2 (1) No.4707080
a33843 No.5126909
Typical chubby khazar joo
1ee242 No.5126910
[AS] on a string works for who ?
921cec No.5126912
Q I'm putting everything I have into this
8cda1d No.5126913
Agree but the the stealth bomber isnt just a person but an investigation
48e46a No.5126915
Are British Nuclear weapons a threat or are then in good hands?
8e1db7 No.5126917
Re Notable on resurfaced George Washington letter praising God and Constitution (pb) >>5125854
George Washington seems to have had to deal with leftists as well back then:
"It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.
The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned."
https://skywriter2012. wordpress.com/freemasonry/george-washington-letters-warning-about-the-dangerous-illuminati/
5e87fe No.5126918
Fear of the public discovering the Dems are doing exactly what they accuse their opponents of. They have no facts and yet they deny nonetheless.
Renee Diresta to Sam Harris re Russian collusion:
It HAPPENED. There's really nothing else to say about it. The Intelligence agencies know it happened, foreign governments know it happened, researchers know it happened. The platforms acknowledge it happened. Sure, there's some small number of people who continues to live like ostriches, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
a02c44 No.5126919
unnecessary theater among the 1% so they can each fight for a piece of the pie while the country suffers
4f51f9 No.5126920
POTUS tweets
and has a [3] delta with Q.
494399 No.5126924
They are seeing Whitaker's action by cutting loose a couple of Muellers investigators.
They are figuring it out. I'd expect the booms to start habbening soon.
e1f2c6 No.5126925
Coal is an important part of our electricity generation mix and @TVAnews should give serious consideration to all factors before voting to close viable power plants, like Paradise #3 in Kentucky!
47f05e No.5126926
Nope. That was definitely not a good question. Bye.
675610 No.5126929
Rep. @DevinNunes: "They're not going to find any Russian collusion."
aedcdf No.5126930
Northern VA is the issue with VA. Swampers and a very large amount of non-citizens influance the whole state's politics…..Looks like VA needs to separate again like it did in the 1860s
1ee242 No.5126931
MSM on a string works for who ?
ffaf68 No.5126932
And the stress and anxiety is very real
Family members suffering from heart complications, anxiety attacks, people are driving like assholes, waiting in line no one wants to say anything because they are afraid to "offend" someone
The narrative isn't changing until you drop some shit, so if this is a war then drop some real fucking ordinance IYAOYAS
Give your supporters some fucking cover for God sakes
26da5e No.5126933
POTUS wouldn't have a customer acquisition problem.
Adoption would be immediate.
Doesn't need Gab.
Could build his own.
fcc146 No.5126934
What a coincidence!
Q and POTUS posting almost the exact same time again.
What are the odds…
38384d No.5126938
48e46a No.5126939
Ruth wanted Dead or Alive… where the fuck is she Q….
444a9d No.5126941
Tax dollars. I know they get ca$h from United Way, which is why to never support that organization.
4183f5 No.5126942
(((They))) need to pay for their kills.
f2db61 No.5126943
>How is [AS] making open statements re: MUELLER not investigating POTUS/Deutsche Bank thorough enough if the MUELLER investigation itself is CLASSIFIED?
>How does [AS] know what MUELLER has/hasn't investigated?
Backchannel comms between [AS] and WEISSMANN?
1cfa3f No.5126944
fbd856 No.5126945
That happens but then you just accuse them of being deceptive and all "no goooooy, we're one of yoooooou".
It's a dead end.
It's almost as if you can't see past your own nose, rabbi.
Why do you stop at Jews and Israel?
Why do you NEVER go further?
You're more obsessed with judaism and israel than most street heebs and it's a caricature.
3a6c16 No.5126946
Confession….. handicapped children…. sick
83eeed No.5126947
Funny, at first glance, it looks like a Hapsberg jaw, in black face?
bc3e06 No.5126948
>>5126807 I posted because it's not using a call sign, which is odd whether POTUS is on it or not.
92b82d No.5126949
Q will Stone escape Mueller's clutches?
d93e25 No.5126950
3:55 before Q posted this:
The quads were four sixes…or "46" (prez after Trump)
355 is JFK(35) Loud and Clear(55) or JFKJR(55)
1fcf71 No.5126951
When Mueller verdict comes out, it's the end of Adam Schitt and the rest of the mongoloids.
7c449f No.5126952
>>5126929 Rep. @DevinNunes: "They're not going to find any Russian collusion."
>>5126875 DJT Tweet: "Coal is an important part of our electricity generation mix and…"
>>5126666 KEK speaks.
>>5126692 Spain: Tens of thousands join right-wing rally in Madrid, demand socialist PM to resign.
>>5126656 CBP Port Huron seizes eight separate shipments of Fentanyl destined to cities throughout the U.S.
>>5126652 Arab League debates allowing Syria to return.
>>5126650 China and Russia are both developing lasers and other weapons to target US satellites.
>>5126649 16 civilians, including 7 children, killed in US-led coalition air raid in Syria.
>>5126636 Report: CIA, Mossad, MI6 smuggle Iranian nuclear scientist to UK on a dinghy.
>>5126606 U.S. Steel firing up furnace in Alabama, thanks to tariffs.
>>5126589 Conway: ‘Bigmouth’ Dems want less beds for ICE because they want more illegal aliens in the US.
>>5126578 Venezuelan Colonel urges soldiers to help US Aid enter, says 90% of Army against Maduro.
>>5126521 AF1 Airborne out of DC with C-32 following.
Last call / Baking in 80
aa944f No.5126953
goolly jeez
this us18rico sure has a lot of
the rapist raceist homo serial killer
and it;s devices
must of been all that scientology dildo in the fraternity house
eba5b2 No.5126954
3 minute delta from Q's post.
b97e63 No.5126955
Voter ID should be a Nation wide Requirement.With no exceptions.Oregon is Vote by mail so that should be mandated to be Federal inspected at all levels
d30d27 No.5126956
Anons be like
>We know this shit already.
281085 No.5126957
Then lets release the info that will know the likes of [AS] out of commission and show him to have no credibility or integrity. The guy is a pedi, surely it wouldn't be hard to bury him in bad press.
872a52 No.5126958
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5126841
Maybe fear of seeing investigated & exposed how corrupt they have all been selling out the U.S. for their own petty profits. At minimum these bastards are greedy, power-hungry sociopaths that never should have been put where they are in the first place.
Maybe even worse than that, if the things Q alluded to are real.
dc5aca No.5126959
You joke but I'm sure Marvel is planning for the next iteration of Captain America to be a transgendered vegan illegal immigrant.
3b5842 No.5126961
Screw cap for interchangeable versatility.
2c92ed No.5126962
1c5851 No.5126963
You really shouldn't, Q has let down before big time.
4f51f9 No.5126964
Rather chant
easy, effective, LOUD, imo.
3c6142 No.5126965
Looking forward to the day Mueller finds HRC crimes have warranted her indictment. And no one on the left will be able to complain because the demanded Mueller stay on the job.
6640f7 No.5126967
[3] Delta
3rd line from bottom >>5126726
>FEAR of what?
ad2710 No.5126968
Abuse of Faith
20 years, 700 victims: Southern Baptist sexual abuse spreads as leaders resist reforms
Search our database of Southern Baptist church pastors, leaders, employees and volunteers who pleaded guilty or were convicted of sex crimes.
2240f5 No.5126969
Yes… THey will be like us, forced to work to stay alive.
575391 No.5126970
About 10% of those are in prison.