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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

400476  No.4947711

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

400476  No.4947719


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board


>>4947664 Past Q Post: 'R they serious?'

>>4947544 The Alexandra Library file from the early Q days

>>4947470 Q Proof from POTUS 'wa[r]ming' tweet? 1.28 - 'Ope[r]ations underway'

>>4947463 The Clinton family's close relationship with Huawei

>>4947453 Reports unmask Israeli man filmed in bizarre meeting with Citizen Lab

>>4947303 Stone says 'Witch Hunt'

>>4947208 Napa Valley digs cont: Pan Sutong

>>4947175 Globalist Kochs Keep Access to WH Despite Opposition to Trump

>>4947173 Past Q Post: 'Games R FUN!'

>>4947142 Contract awarderd to provide ocean transport to Gitmo

>>4947123 , >>4947385, >>4947462 Moar on Jho Low



>>4946644 , >>4946704, >>4946807 The Fugees Prakazrel "Pras" Michel and Jho Low in int. forfeiture complaint

>>4946489 Scottsdale Mural of No Name – "Like a deer in the headlights"

>>4946419 , >>4946493 Planefag updates

>>4946391 APNewsBreak: Undercover agents target cyber-security watchdog

>>4946388 , >>4946454 RGB rumor's update

>>4946379 , >>4946381, >>4946466 US senators warn on Huawei deal with South Korea. Biden link

>>4946371 , >>4946386, >>4946396, >>4946440, >>4946469 Is the missing [R] Renegade? Hussein dig

>>4946367 Why Dems fear THE WALL

>>4946352 Netflix announces 'Space Force' comedy series

>>4946314 List of great WH petitions you can sign

>>4946308 Eric Trump tweet Chicago Trump Tower 'ready for the storm', same hotel as Gingerbread Elevator

>>4946249 New DJT Tweet: Da Nang Dick [Blumenthal]

>>4947145 #6315


>>4945948 'You have more than you know' SOTU graphic

>>4945932 New DJT re Global Wa ming, missing 'R' >>4946081

>>4945574 Last Q post & SOTU - 23 day delta PAIN?

>>4945900 Joseph Mifsud: The mystery professor behind Trump Russia inquiry

>>4945842 Conn Creek Winery dig

>>4945605 Eric Trump tweets "ready for the storm" exactly >>4945684 1717 days after DJT tweeted "Eric Q"

>>4945659 , >>4945767 Anon's predictions of upcoming events

>>4945553 , >>4945623, >>4945969 Update to POTUS_Schedule and anon's theory [D]ay of [D]ays

>>4945529 , >>4945720, >>4945795 RBG's medical file leaked? Fake and gay? You decide

>>4945511 Starbucks CEO heckled as he announces he may run for president. kek

>>4945506 [30]: Mark Your Calendar? Q Theory

>>4945505 Brennan on meltdown. Panic in DC!

>>4945503 Pence Warns Venezuela After It Moves Troops to Colombian Border: 'Do Not Test the President"

>>4945492 Judge cancels Manafort sentencing hearing

>>4945473 , >>4945508, >>4945580, >>4945583, >>4945846 Planefag updates

>>4945448 Andrew Downer (Debbie), orchestrated Australia's commitment to the CF

>>4946143 #6314

Previously Collected Notables

>>4944607 #6312, >>4945394 #6313,

>>4942254 #6309, >>4943044 #6310, >>4944139 #6311

>>4939943 #6306, >>4940726 #6307, >>4941528 #6308

>>4937579 #6303, >>4938054 #6304, >>4939117 #6305

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

400476  No.4947722

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

400476  No.4947724

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Tweet Tools

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

400476  No.4947748

File: 006a120f0c96c95⋯.jpg (191.02 KB, 864x593, 864:593, 006a120f0c96c95bb402870364….jpg)

#6317 Dough


Baker requests handoff

Is there anybody out there?

c31c4f  No.4947799

File: 0228ca0c6e3e55f⋯.png (338.53 KB, 1200x1855, 240:371, ThanQBaker.png)

f840db  No.4947802


can take it baker, thanks for the bakes

Handoff Confirmed?

984e1e  No.4947805

File: 415f3b20d054c8c⋯.png (432.33 KB, 733x1854, 733:1854, NR RBG.png)

If any of this Ginsburg stuff from tonight is real, this seems plausible.


fe2536  No.4947806

File: 32e36073bdeedae⋯.png (516.77 KB, 500x557, 500:557, fakejewsrunisrael.png)

de75aa  No.4947807


083a55  No.4947808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





cd5d64  No.4947809

File: 65ac4a7979f9f4e⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 65ac4a7979f9f4e7c9770560a9….jpg)

>>4947772 (lb)

I think its really funny, because they will try to take credit, and then when the fact that they had it for YEARS comes out, everyone will want to oven them even more.

c20279  No.4947810

File: e332be2af3e038c⋯.png (7.91 KB, 452x188, 113:47, SealsgMS_R_fun.png)

Games R FUN

fb8eb7  No.4947811

>>4947036 lb

That profile shot of HRC - nose, mouth and chin don't look right.

Is she wearing the Huawei logo?

6df1d5  No.4947812

File: 875e19f10ffa2ca⋯.jpeg (974.31 KB, 1242x1418, 621:709, 22BF4C44-F9B8-48F1-80FB-2….jpeg)

d429c2  No.4947813

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q9zhz.jpg)


Noice dub-dubs, baker.

7d8e29  No.4947814

File: 6d1df6013c26abe⋯.png (275.64 KB, 543x366, 181:122, hill_egypt.png)

c76071  No.4947815

>>4947779 (lb)

That's what made me think of it. So many things hidden in plain sight, especially on the Simpsons.

aa01f9  No.4947816

Since the midterms muh jew shills work in overtime and attack nearly every bread.

Some obvious, many blended in ones.

For reference, look up older breads, where the word jew shows maybe 5 times, not 150 times….like now…

There is no 'the jews'.

There are only single persons.

8 million jews live in israel.

You can't possibly think all are cabal members.

I am sure that many many of the upper part of society are cabal. (Like worldwide!)

And I am aware that many cabal members are jews.

However, there are also many non jewish bad actors. Many, worldwide.

Simplified 'oh fuck, its all the jews' is just not based on any facts and just not true.

It does two things:

1 - it hides the non jewish cabal members (folks from thinktanks, politicians, actors, MSM folks worldwide, …)

2 - it gives the Q movement and especially this board the look of a bunch of non-autists that are not digging for facts, but pushing their simple and obviously wrong opinions.

You must have realized that one of the MSM weapons is to blame POTUS and all his followers as nazis.

Imo the ones pushing non fact based info, by copy pasta in every bread, are 95% shills.

Anons are not that stupid and not that blind for facts.

Only shills have an interest to hide some actors and blame innocent ones.

Is hussein a bad guy? Is he moslem, from kenya?

Is jared kushner a good guy? Is he a jew and right now destroying cabal?

It is not as simple as shills would like it to be.

Think for yourself.

cd5d64  No.4947817

File: e745ba95f33d1dc⋯.jpg (115.88 KB, 1211x691, 1211:691, 1535685593395.jpg)


Pretty sure those will fail when the time comes.

Buy American, boycott the kikes.

aa01f9  No.4947818

They want you DIVIDED.











66a236  No.4947819

File: f04171cd8501f8b⋯.jpg (129.61 KB, 807x605, 807:605, feeling horny.jpg)


Why it's the hamas cair goat humper shill again!

4fd9cc  No.4947820

>>4947740 lb

wrong. criticizing the talmud does not equate to hating all jews.

c20279  No.4947821

File: 18ae8c69794b55e⋯.png (6.4 KB, 1281x120, 427:40, q062018qdropr.png)

R they serious?

d9849c  No.4947822

>>4946961 (pb)

Always On Camera

Acting On Command

Always On Crack

Automaton Of Cabal

Awfully Obtuse Commie

c45e2a  No.4947823

File: 519dbbf7c4b86fd⋯.jpeg (463.55 KB, 571x1113, 571:1113, A2488F4B-17C0-4521-8748-D….jpeg)

Thank you baker

c9c3c0  No.4947824


>We've Held power since ancient Egypt

They exaggerate.

008c16  No.4947825

File: d793a94d02cb6c6⋯.png (202.39 KB, 430x277, 430:277, ClipboardImage.png)

33d0c5  No.4947826

File: 57e0b33161d18d0⋯.png (22.01 KB, 643x375, 643:375, Founder Hunted by James Wi….png)

File: 3f8f20bb95597ba⋯.png (237.28 KB, 428x299, 428:299, cia wants to kill founder.png)

File: 78506e80cb817dd⋯.png (11.25 KB, 1108x303, 1108:303, q confirmed later thread p….png)

seriously…. James Wilkinson? The one who initially clued in Thomas Jefferson into the treason of Aaron Burr…. long story. Anyway, I noticed this in the QMAP but it's not actually visible - I had to go to the link which had the image removed - so I had to go to the link to find the article… that makes me think most anon's probably never saw this thing Q confirmed.

fe2536  No.4947827

File: 2615fdc7f370033⋯.png (516.2 KB, 500x557, 500:557, nothejewsjew.png)

cd5d64  No.4947828

File: a9c6b0c030c660c⋯.gif (45.69 KB, 680x686, 340:343, BENIS DDDD.gif)




Henlo fellow anouns :DDD

Am here do dell you dat dere are no "teh jus" :DD

Dere is only singel berson! :DDDD

8 gorillion jus (no skin on benis) live in shitsraele :DDD

Ids simbly nod bossible dat all pedo globalibsts hab da cut benis and big nose :DDDD

But a lotsa cut benis in teh pedo globalibst cabal! (on all of teh flat glob) :DDD

Yes, yes, I gnow that lotsa globa-pedo hab teh big nose :DDDDDDD

But not all teh big nose put teh benis in teh small beboles :DDD

Simblyfried "oh fug, its all teh cut benis" is nod vact based, nod drue :DDDD

Ob gourse, only big nose JBIF (juich benis inderned forze) maek strawman argubents like dis, but pelease no nodice dat :DDDD

Teh stawman agubent dat nobode bakes (expebt JBIF benis lobers :DDD ) does teh 2 bings:

One – It a maeks ful skin benis globa-bedos sneky :D

Du – gibes teh U bovemend bad asbect off smoll assburger lebels :DD

You hab nodiced by nao dat teh faek news long noses say dat orange man bad and all followers of orange bad man are teh nabbis :DDDD

In teh obinion of me teh nabbis are here, and they copy teh pasta to txill :DD

Anouns are nod redarded and gan see wad habbens (they are nod Steby Wonders) :DDD

Only teh txills want to hide teh globa-pedos and blame teh dindus :DDDDD

Ids teh obongo breddy bad? Ids teh obongo towael head from teh keina? :DD

Ids teh gared gushner teh breddy guud? Ids teh gared a gut benis and maeking adag on teh pedo-globas? :DDD

Ids nod as dimple as txills would laig :DDDDD

Thing four yourselb! Bud blease dond nodice all teh cut benis nebodism, all teh cut benis inderesd grups, all the cut benis edno-cendrism and all the benis that goes indo anus on del-abib :DDDD

1e5d0c  No.4947829

File: 61bf02bc7804c64⋯.png (902.92 KB, 781x827, 781:827, alienzpepe.png)

>>4947777 LB

How you pull that shit off anon

That's pretty freaking awesome.

I'd say darn near impossible to pull off under normal circumstances.


How you do it?

aa01f9  No.4947830

Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel

I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish faith and tradition. It's important that we have a president who feels the same way. For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve, and families in Jewish tradition. My administration will stand side by side with the Jewish people and Israel's leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis. Together, we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again.


c20279  No.4947831

File: 2b794f5b26f17fc⋯.png (384.04 KB, 637x588, 13:12, JFKJr.RDJTorigpost.png)

4fd9cc  No.4947832

File: b5fc132d7111055⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1236, 207:206, 5F122304-AFAD-46EE-9912-1….jpeg)

File: 2ad9de40cd17f65⋯.jpeg (269.33 KB, 840x902, 420:451, 856B6148-483A-48FE-80F6-1….jpeg)


TYB - nice meme.

33d0c5  No.4947833



forgot the URL

bef18b  No.4947834


You should in the least go suck moar dick for bringing that shit here.

Fuck neon and fuck you too.

512b40  No.4947836

File: 07b581c30ed3bfb⋯.jpg (95.84 KB, 614x461, 614:461, IMG_7439IMG_74391.jpg)

They killed patton

400476  No.4947837


Handoff comfirmed baker

Thanks man, have a great bake.

deca88  No.4947838


you just said criticizing people

i challenge that

now you say talmud

criticize all you want but the source "talmud unmasked" is garbage and debunked

try some better sauce

299618  No.4947839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9f9475  No.4947840

File: 660777322d8a227⋯.png (17.84 KB, 444x141, 148:47, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

File: 161981bc257f25e⋯.png (67.5 KB, 442x492, 221:246, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

File: 0b7eeff0b600566⋯.png (87.12 KB, 778x690, 389:345, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Seeing how these numbers might play together.

We have been anticipating a NatEmg declaration after the Dems fail to approve the wall at the end of the 21 day temp end to the shut down.

21 days would be [Next Week][Next Week][Next Week] and would end on a friday, leaving suicide weekend to be the 16th and 17th.

Pain in 23 would be Sunday the 17th; 2 days of negotiating the wall after the second shut down has started. This would leave 23rd day to be when POTUS might sign the NatEmg bringing the PAIN?

da15f0  No.4947841


She looks….older and more evil…maybe thats it anon….

4106b5  No.4947842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4947743 lb

I don't think you really know what it means

de2ff7  No.4947843

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1503396029227.jpg)


hi spambot operator :)

enjoyed your "sleep"?

aa01f9  No.4947844

Clown tactic:

Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary&Hussein&Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?


deca88  No.4947845


never mind im done posting

c20279  No.4947846

cfd18b  No.4947847

File: 286a1f4ac350ded⋯.jpg (378.31 KB, 1200x738, 200:123, 190465.jpg)

File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 99a112230101161c35c68e61f5….jpg)

Face it.

beee73  No.4947848

File: 5fd45601936e8c3⋯.jpg (185.07 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 5fd45601936e8c31e497480c21….jpg)

f840db  No.4947849

File: bff9b6d76ad4200⋯.png (638.44 KB, 586x1110, 293:555, handoff1.png)


New Baker Confirmed

thanks again

55a6cf  No.4947850



Did that happen to take place at El Caribe? You know, Cohen's uncles place where the Jewish Russian mafia hung out along with the Italian mafia.

5b3839  No.4947851

File: 067dc1fe2780722⋯.jpg (337.04 KB, 886x1208, 443:604, Abs.JPG)

File: 2a13c637baaf81c⋯.jpg (192.95 KB, 902x659, 902:659, Von_Papen.JPG)

File: bdc84679e901466⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 872x561, 872:561, Gehlen.JPG)

Knights of Malta close to Hitler



Von Papen

Stage Setter


Eastern Front Intel Head

Sauce: >>4947557 (lb)

From Q pamphlet, "Covert Action Info Bulletin #25"

>>4947370 Original post (lb)

>>4947396 not Boreman (lb)

>>4947416 don't seem british (lb)

>>4947461 Voilà (lb)

>>4947757 No idea, I'm out of the movie game. Sounds right. (lb)

5d1f94  No.4947852

File: 6c400d134843233⋯.jpeg (162.42 KB, 668x750, 334:375, AA333886-5D14-456A-9804-3….jpeg)


Does it scare u that anons are waking up??

The upward trend in JQ discussion is just like Q said… saving Israel for last.

cry moar faggot. Subvert, divert and revert back to your ungodly ways.

de2ff7  No.4947854

File: ace8c8c213ff892⋯.jpg (541.32 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 4c8eb3be92a0de40d33382ace2….jpg)


actually, he does.

083a55  No.4947855

File: 11eb3613dfa05d0⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 776x725, 776:725, SUPERBOWL2.JPG)

File: 342202e0a5d5753⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 765x709, 765:709, SUPERBOWL1.JPG)







bef18b  No.4947856


I've wondered the same.

a73956  No.4947857

Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts

Some of the bodies of the children, aged between two and nine years old, were also missing limbs.

"This is all about superstitious beliefs and many believe they will get help from witchcraft," Njombe District Commissioner Ruth Msafiri said.

Police have detained one suspect, a close relative of three of the children who were from the same family.

Ten children in all have gone missing in Njombe since the beginning of December and four have been found alive.

Correspondents say that some witchdoctors in the region tell people that human body parts have special properties that can bring them wealth and luck.


Time to kill the witches again.

512b40  No.4947858

File: 502e137b01600d4⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1280x934, 640:467, nine_monarchs_1910_coloure….png)

Raise your pepe,

who thinks the British forgave the US for the revolution… ever?

Who thinks they really ever gave up the empire?

c2e587  No.4947859


Hahahahaha that's actually breddy gud.

f4694e  No.4947860

We are all one collective, we are all love and light

We Are All One

I send love to all, follow your excitement, follow your inner thoughts, don’t let those knee jerk emotions of fear and anger control you true nature

We Are Love

c20279  No.4947861

File: 4e77bc0c9eb7c6b⋯.png (82.29 KB, 1302x562, 651:281, VK23hasnttweeted.png)

ba6f45  No.4947862


FO hat boy

8f8f1f  No.4947863

Bread seems to be flyin tonight!

Love you all (except the shills, they can eat shit.)


fe505f  No.4947864

File: 5d1f7202a8f8354⋯.jpg (124.23 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 1.jpg)


CEMEX Participates in Phase 1 Construction of Brightline: New Florida Intercity Passenger Rail Service

More than 45,000 cubic yards of ready-mix concrete were supplied for first phase of new intercity rail system.

cd5d64  No.4947865

File: bf3cc0acefac7e8⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 638x590, 319:295, 1513964650216.jpg)

File: e41464ca0266818⋯.mp4 (10.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JEWS WANT TO KILL CHRISTIA….mp4)

File: 28c4193063dd671⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 645x773, 645:773, wojak-thinking-1.jpg)


Yes, kikes want us divided, those racist bigoted pieces of shit.

c20279  No.4947866

File: 1ce1a96e54f50dd⋯.png (696.05 KB, 742x536, 371:268, JFKjrSFBayParjfkjrmsk.png)

299618  No.4947867


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

de2ff7  No.4947868


notable as hell

hitler - knights of malta cabal connection

please post the source from where the screenshots are taken.

c20279  No.4947869



Do you see it?

aa01f9  No.4947870

Bigger than you realize.

They know the real traffic this is generating (connecting people together).


Stay the course.



170b40  No.4947871

File: 50af5b29558d92e⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2sabhw.jpg)


There's a reason the bread is flying. Pic related.

c9f33f  No.4947872

Hey guys in relation to >>4945948

should we be possibly prepping for EMP?

Note it says [US][RISK][THIS][WEEK]


984e1e  No.4947873


Hate all you want, but facts are facts, and it doesn't matter to me who delivers them. Maybe you could have hit upon the idea first, if you weren't so busy fiddling with yourself, anon.

de2ff7  No.4947874

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, e93d509470463e874bfbac2c4a….jpg)





try harder bot operator.

so funny seeing you posting manually.

3227d8  No.4947875

File: da078a37a258a25⋯.png (766.1 KB, 1767x1265, 1767:1265, gwr.png)

File: d923d7ee1287e4a⋯.png (84.97 KB, 640x464, 40:29, 0378153d450a16b1e9d73ccc45….png)

>>4946454 pb

>>4946388 pb

So maybe GW is not for george dubya but for George Washington Hospitial

And the missing R in wa(r)ming is for Ruth

Ruth is in George Washington Hospital?

maybe she's on ICE in the Hospital?

cd5d64  No.4947876

File: f286f1051d67f07⋯.png (354.36 KB, 1025x686, 1025:686, Trump cant stop fucking th….PNG)

File: d566a7b74d30a0c⋯.jpeg (87.53 KB, 799x538, 799:538, Trump fucks Jews up the a….jpeg)

File: 0374541fdaf7943⋯.jpg (536.2 KB, 1075x879, 1075:879, Trump fucks Jews up the as….jpg)

File: e1f572961cc6c9e⋯.jpeg (122.65 KB, 1125x1019, 1125:1019, Trump fucks Jews up the a….jpeg)

File: 9bfc5babc4dbd8f⋯.png (554.62 KB, 691x1125, 691:1125, Trump fucks Jews up the as….png)


Only the not criminal ones.

Power hungry kikes are fucked.

f840db  No.4947877

File: 2ca70ef54ccb35d⋯.png (22.15 KB, 466x147, 466:147, ClipboardImage.png)



if no one else does, here's the link:


b4831d  No.4947878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LBJ's mistress.

beee73  No.4947879


Cars a tank, sheet metal damage, bumper straight?

400476  No.4947880

File: f38b3d9b4cf3745⋯.jpeg (197.33 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, f38b3d9b4cf37452d05794bc4….jpeg)

8ffd34  No.4947881


Pb missed Notable at end of bread

Potus tweet:

In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!

WAMing -urban dictionary


Walking Around Money. Monies given to you by your sugar daddy/sugar momma for you to spend freely.

Potus is saying 'What the hell happened to global walking around money (spending money).

7c06de  No.4947882

File: ebdcddfd7218c29⋯.png (643.16 KB, 898x628, 449:314, ClipboardImage.png)



Obama, Bandar Bin Sultan said, “would promise something and do the opposite.” He spoke critically of the Iran nuclear deal and how the former president spoke about curbing Iran but failed.

1e5d0c  No.4947883

File: a74faa5e1739067⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 690x720, 23:24, facemeltpepe.jpg)


How do you post the 7777777777 post on the 777 trips?

How do you do that?

Unless you got

"complete control"?

Anons better take a second look.

AND this brings up another point I wanted to make the other day.

If Q really wanted to verify HIM. He could control the Post number some how.

Kind of just like happened here.

Also like happened back on /pol with the 7777777 post.

One may also go back to the posts that this particular Anon made in the bread.

083a55  No.4947884

File: b31e541cc5e930f⋯.jpg (15.32 KB, 216x144, 3:2, autist thank you.jpg)

File: c9c4e98e3ebfd37⋯.png (518.19 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, somethinghistoric.png)

File: 296a382335537c8⋯.png (431.61 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, united we win.png)

File: 236278e31699df9⋯.jpg (83.95 KB, 960x788, 240:197, memewars.jpg)

File: 3a1ba18850ffeda⋯.jpeg (59.39 KB, 500x616, 125:154, patriots win.jpeg)

512b40  No.4947885

File: 94209959c0a9d4c⋯.jpg (213.59 KB, 1043x1390, 1043:1390, queen-victoria-and-her-fam….jpg)

oh who is that with Mrs John Brown *cough* I mean Victoria?

The Kasier? yepyepyep

d2df90  No.4947886

>>4945249 (pb)

Exactly! Reminds me of when the stupid libtards in the MSM were saying that the okay sign was some kind of white supremacist signal! Total BS!

299618  No.4947887



is what we want

98b721  No.4947888


Love that movie. Used to have it playing endlessly as a kid in the background.

"He just went sailing on out there…"

cd5d64  No.4947889

File: 9196babcdd36c6f⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 408x632, 51:79, 1401077049279.jpg)


>Everyone that I don't like is a spambot

You're obsessed with JQanon.

Its pretty funny to watch kike.

730b40  No.4947890


Odd how it’s only leftists that are for BDS.

a1c9e0  No.4947891


so if all the important ppl in life are eventually cloned, what about the rest of us.

Do we witness over and over again a loop, events known (to them) to have specific effects played out on people for millennium; eugenics practiced since 1800's.

Are we all ourselves cloned, over and over to play our our part in someone else's movie script. Aliens that left us here to observe as some believe or just the Cabal and it's sorcery

ps when is next Q & A?? please

e901b8  No.4947892

File: fe20c3107cfd97c⋯.png (180.77 KB, 649x1334, 649:1334, ClipboardImage.png)



p r a y

4fd9cc  No.4947893

File: 9067a1b8827a39d⋯.jpeg (409.5 KB, 868x1339, 868:1339, 80464E3E-55CB-43B1-8061-A….jpeg)

File: d2d3efee8346cf0⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 873x1716, 291:572, 03C0FE2A-E795-44D2-B79D-8….jpeg)


I’ve never once used that book as sauce. Keep lying and making shit up tho - see how that works out for you.

In fact, my favorite source is the bible. Thats all one really needs. Read the words of Jesus. Realize the oral traditions of the Pharisees is what the Talmud is made up of and boom - dots connevted lead to major understandings.

cd5d64  No.4947894

File: c3cd3d7e3a62066⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 595x420, 17:12, 1541476461974.jpg)

5b4567  No.4947895

File: 2032a6a19f675df⋯.jpg (71.55 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 2s9nxp.jpg)

Clandestine Mueller:

1. Hire "angry Democrats" for the optics that make Trump's enemies feel safe and then expose them(think Strzok).

2. Slay those who betrayed POTUS(think Manafort, Cohen) under optics that lead the left to believe it will lead to POTUS.

3. Set lawless precedents to expose the one-sided (left's, MSM's) acceptance of COMPLETELY unfounded police state tactics to go after Trump despite knowing he did nothing wrong and Trump/Russia is an IRREFUTABLE hoax while also KNOWING Trump's enemies have been proven to be the REAL Russia colluders who are much more guilty than anything they're accusing Trump of.

4. Flynn phase start: utilize the left's Trump Derangement Syndrome by dropping optic crumbs that makes them think Flynn's "cooperation" with Mueller is yet another trail leading to Trump's demise. But Flynn's cooperation is nothing but the opposite. (Flynn was always Obama's nemesis).

Military Planning at it's Finest.

5. As per Q's 1-year delta, insert Roger Stone(The BRIDGE?). Bridge to what? WikiLeaks? Then to… BRIDGE for Mueller acquiring the real source of DNC leaks(Seth Rich)?

6. Use authentic but empty charges(OPTICS to keep true nature of Mueller's Investigation hidden) to insert Stone(BRIDGE).

7. Use overly dramatic optics to swarm Stone's home in a police state fashion then tip off CNN to be there(cherry on top). Yet another trap for the leftists and MSM fiends who will gobble this up and praise Mueller for it rather than denouncing such abhorrent and disgraceful lawlessness. This should be regarded as the ULTIMATE exposure of the Mockingbird FAKE NEWS MSM while also being the ULTIMATE turning point(Mueller finally reaching The BRIDGE). Killing two birds with one…Stone!

8. …to be continued.

Note: be gentle, guys, this is JUST my analysis, not set in Stone(haha). Might sound oddly optimistic on my part, but the way I see it, and op like this is required to condition the public AND nullify the left's outrage once [They] face the likewise Justice. Also, considering the entrenched evil we're up against, an op like is at the very least REQUIRED to sting them and roll them up.

3736bb  No.4947896


Nah, didn't go down like that anon.

I saw the movie…

f66e5d  No.4947897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Greatness of Sir John Gielgud!


db1578  No.4947898


the debunking consisted of a bunch of jews laughing at someone in a courtroom, right?

6902fe  No.4947899

[r]uth Missing

bef18b  No.4947900


IDGAF about a paytriot sorry.

3227d8  No.4947901


Q says no

he says we have satellite defensive weapons that negate that threat

497b8e  No.4947902

File: 3305bf074927c7d⋯.jpg (228.15 KB, 768x795, 256:265, 10 Interesting Facts about….jpg)

This will give you more information than the NASA site you saved. There is another web site that has been named here that will give you good information. He normally lists the scientific papers and you can pull them and read at your leisure. EMT, helps you understand the double slit experiment. It gives you a known way to connect Quantum with the Einstein & Newton. It has great history behind it back to 1800's and the first people to understand electric force. Beyond that you know for a Fact that cabal lies and hides information that we should have had. Heck they are not even honest with the dang calendar. You can not reconcile 2019 with records that are kept all over the world. Some place looks like 1,000 years off other places 600 years off. Even in their whole wheel /karma/fate they have to tell you so their evil doesn't come back on them. Even to this day there are different calendars and methods. The out in the open tell you several times they changed stuff by popal "bull (crap)" or some other means. Just go ask the Austrians and the Russians about the battle of Austerlitz. The "red" pill is not a one time thing it is a process of learning some truth and then building on that in other areas over and over until this clean up breaks out in open and we can have this truth promoted by HONNEST NEWS.

For example, it is related that one of the contributory factors for Napoleon's victory at the Battle of Austerlitz was the confusion between the Russians, who were using the Julian calendar, and the Austrians, who were using the Gregorian calendar, over the date that their forces should combine.


You know there seems to be quite the repeating patten on all this ground and bone stuff we find as we dig down. This stage and then nothing then another stage then more nothing then again just repeat. So if your the Cabal how the heck to you hide this in plain site stuff. You ever hear about in politics it doesn't matter who votes but who counts the votes determines the winner. Like we just lived through. We know global warming is a fraud to steal Trillions with a T. Why would you work all day in an arena that you tell people over and over to dig and to think for yourself and not do the same in science?? We can still disagree just agree that we have been lied to. We do not agree on religion yet I respect your work and talent here daily! WWG1WWGA

b9d4c2  No.4947903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe2536  No.4947904

File: 881161f86a55175⋯.png (512.11 KB, 500x557, 500:557, botoperatorjew.png)

de2ff7  No.4947905

File: 4982e5056777387⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 6167e0f393484b8eee0d7b2891….jpg)

File: dd445ff795497c1⋯.png (17.96 KB, 564x198, 94:33, evil2.PNG)



<yo fags. the bot operator is back online, we must help him!

<i'll start by saying the jews are pharisees again

<i'll add some more spam

b9d4c2  No.4947906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4b6dc1  No.4947907

File: 606645307bea799⋯.png (642.59 KB, 586x654, 293:327, ClipboardImage.png)

Do the skins from teh baby benises get sold to cosmetics corps. or do the (((rabbis))) really eat them? Serious question<<

aa01f9  No.4947908

It must happen.

Conspiracy no more.

Think of every post made.

It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

What do they fear the most?

Public awakening.

If they ask.

They self destruct.

They know this is real.

See attacks.

The build is near complete.

Growing exponentially.

You are the frame.

You are the support.

People will be lost.

People will be terrified.

People will reject.

People will need to be guided.

Do not be afraid.

We will succeed.

Timing is everything.

Think Huber.

Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

Think sex/child arrests / news.

Think resignations (loss of control).

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.



e1351e  No.4947909

It just dawned on me that Pelosi is blocking the State of the Union because RBG can't attend due to being dead.

299618  No.4947910



4fd9cc  No.4947911


which means u just ip hop and jew apologists moar. cool story.

ba6f45  No.4947912

File: dcb4b8c84e548a7⋯.jpg (282.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, The only way to fly.jpg)

66a236  No.4947913


free speech board numbnuts

de2ff7  No.4947914

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b66187487d59d77f10c857497d….jpg)


<shit fags, he is on to us again

<quick use the rabbi meme again, it will work this time!

bb63dd  No.4947915


I'd say Notable.

cdbc15  No.4947916


[R]enegade Missing

0f8de8  No.4947917

You guys should be digging these Black Israelites more. They’re way bigger, way older, and way more focused on white genocide than media is telling you. And they openly admit Jews promised them the world after they all kill off white people.

7d35ac  No.4947918


and what would that matter? she isn't required to be there

170b40  No.4947919


Trips checked. Glad to see someone got the context.

c0f7e7  No.4947920


We'll know for sure if she also tries to prevent the one on 2/5.

730b40  No.4947921


They all look alike Killary, we know, you’ve told us.

fe2536  No.4947922

File: aa1face71596b67⋯.png (309.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, b852cdbed4124ed7667302421e….png)


Jew slide…

dce06b  No.4947923


The girl on the right is real MAGA material.

7d35ac  No.4947924


and America is their promised land

200d51  No.4947925

>>4947777 lb

This didn't get the love it deserves.

083a55  No.4947926

File: 385c867b573287f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1089x1194, 363:398, logic.png)


duh we be da shit






3b65fb  No.4947927

File: f525d7fd1829bcd⋯.png (135.99 KB, 621x603, 69:67, 9808623431469297346.png)

b9d4c2  No.4947928

File: a7885c43e0f39e0⋯.jpg (22.77 KB, 344x454, 172:227, BBXS8676.jpg)

File: 61eab2fe877d59f⋯.jpg (26.71 KB, 239x333, 239:333, BDKI5164.jpg)

still the best god damn doorknob commercial yet

a1c9e0  No.4947929



Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Monday, January 28, 2019

Chinese Telecommunications Conglomerate Huawei and Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Charged With Financial Fraud

Huawei Device USA Inc. and Huawei’s Iranian Subsidiary Skycom Also Named Defendants

Other Charges Include Money Laundering, Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Obstruction of Justice and Sanctions Violations

A 13-count indictment was unsealed earlier today in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, charging four defendants,[1] including Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (Huawei), the world’s largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer, with headquarters in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and operations around the world. The indicted defendants include Huawei and two Huawei affiliates — Huawei Device USA Inc. (Huawei USA) and Skycom Tech Co. Ltd. (Skycom) — as well as Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Wanzhou Meng (Meng).

The defendants Huawei and Skycom are charged with bank fraud and conspiracy to commit bank fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) and conspiracy to violate IEEPA, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Huawei and Huawei USA are charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice related to the grand jury investigation in the Eastern District of New York. Meng is charged with bank fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracies to commit bank and wire fraud.

Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Secretary Wilbur Ross of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Attorney Richard P. Donoghue for the Eastern District of New York, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department's Criminal Division and Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers of the National Security Division, announced the charges.

“Today we are announcing that we are bringing criminal charges against telecommunications giant Huawei and its associates for nearly two dozen alleged crimes," said Acting Attorney General Whitaker. "As I told Chinese officials in August, China must hold its citizens and Chinese companies accountable for complying with the law. I’d like to thank the many dedicated criminal investigators from several different federal agencies who contributed to this investigation and the Department of Justice attorneys who are moving the prosecution efforts forward. They are helping us uphold the rule of law with integrity.”


c496f3  No.4947930

File: eaefb56f0f8f97e⋯.png (275.31 KB, 756x459, 28:17, 77777q-researchboom.png)

File: bc52e34b8221d45⋯.png (74.39 KB, 489x320, 489:320, 7777q-wins.png)


You have more than you know


bb63dd  No.4947931


Buying a little time to work on a double? Hillary's doubles had to be out in public. This one just has to sit in a chair in a loose robe for an hour and look halfway convincing.

c9c3c0  No.4947932



Both seem plausible.

fe505f  No.4947933

File: 8508ebfc092bf47⋯.jpg (103.15 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, 1.jpg)


Cargo plane crash has closed main runway at Tuscaloosa airport

7a1c53  No.4947934

File: 6734f83ab2f87ed⋯.png (159.1 KB, 236x333, 236:333, ClipboardImage.png)

4fd9cc  No.4947935

File: d25372968dedc52⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, CF0723FA-88AA-47A0-9672-6….jpeg)

File: c9511e6562f16f3⋯.jpeg (839.39 KB, 1242x1789, 1242:1789, CE7111B5-605D-4171-842C-1….jpeg)




^^^^^^^^^^ crying shills

lotta salt for popcorn

c888de  No.4947936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Explain this anons

#EtherSec Breadcrumb Nov 18th 2016


You gold star researchers will get it eventually.

4b6dc1  No.4947937

File: 68fc29a9f8e2a9e⋯.png (410.38 KB, 743x571, 743:571, maestrofreshwes.PNG)


Jew on slide

0f8de8  No.4947938


Never gonna happen

6902fe  No.4947939


Looked on twatter lately?

008c16  No.4947940

File: 4bc888eec754ef1⋯.png (166.15 KB, 430x250, 43:25, ClipboardImage.png)

512b40  No.4947941

Ill see you all on the 5th.a real sotu

0d3718  No.4947942

Has anyone else thought maybe 8chn, specifically qresearch is the birth of a new world wide web, once search engines like corrupt google are dismantled. Think about the different boards. They resemble websites. We are part of the prototype

55a6cf  No.4947943


I don't think the two necessarily connect, in the sense that I think the Nevada hospital could be a private/self pay hospice facility that provides absolute privacy. I would not expect to see her show up in a regular hospital at this point.

de2ff7  No.4947944

File: f5d4eca10f9579a⋯.png (18.17 KB, 576x219, 192:73, evil3.PNG)



<i never said it is my source

your garbage book is based on "talmud unmasked" since it was written a century later.

All the fake quotes are exactly the same.

<it didn't really debunk anything

kek! nice kvetching attemt. Here it is:

this link debunks all your shill garbage:


no wonder you are so afraid.

oh wait, what's this? all your garbage is taken from the "book" called "talmud unmasked"!

>talmud unmasked, a book published in 1892 by Justinas Bonaventure Pranaitis (1861–1917).


The author is the same clown that was exposed as a complete fraud in the Beilis trial.

He was brought over as an "expert", and got completely exposed as a fraud:

>One prosecution witness, presented as a religious expert in Judaic rituals, was a Catholic priest, Justinas Pranaitis from Tashkent, well known for his antisemitic 1892 work Talmud Unmasked. Pranaitis testified that the murder of Yushchinsky was a religious ritual, associating the murder of Yushchinsky with the blood libel, a legend believed by many Russians at the time.

>Pranaitis' credibility rapidly evaporated when the defense demonstrated his ignorance of some simple Talmudic concepts and definitions, such as hullin,[1]:p.215 to the point where "many in the audience occasionally laughed out loud when he clearly became confused and couldn't even intelligibly answer some of the questions asked by my lawyer."[3]

>A Beilis Defense Committee advisor, a writer named Ben-Zion Katz, suggested countering Father Pranaitis with questions like "When did Baba Bathra live and what was her activity" which he described as the equivalent of asking an American "Who lived at the Gettysburg Address?" There were enough Jews in the court for the resultant laughter to negate Pranatis' value to the prosecution.[1]:pp.214-216


>A Tsarist secret police agent is quoted, reporting on Pranaitis' testimony, as saying: Cross-examination of Pranaitis has weakened evidentiary value of his expert opinion, exposing lack of knowledge of texts, insufficient knowledge of Jewish literature. Because of amateurish knowledge and lack of resourcefulness, Pranaitis' expert opinion is of very low value.



let the shill kvetching begin!

On a personal level, I got some issues with the talmud but none of them relate to the shill garbage that is spammed day after day.

194103  No.4947945

>>4947723 (lb)

Think it's been in the Notables this morning or last night.

Caused much keks that the doctor who found it/wrote the paper was Dr. Ilan Moran.

Calls for nobelprizes for Dr. Brian, Dr. Moran & Dr. Kek ensued.

c45e2a  No.4947947

File: 6ca9decadba8455⋯.jpeg (267.35 KB, 1199x655, 1199:655, 55E83348-90EB-4AB0-AD89-9….jpeg)

Great Kek!!!!!!!

fe2536  No.4947948



e3c42d  No.4947949


POTUS tweet: 1/28/19 9:28 EST

28=marker 2=B, 8=H.

Where's the "O"?

Global Waming- find the median. G- go 8 steps forward. W- go 8 steps back. 8 steps <->="O"


Missing "R"= Renegade

4fd9cc  No.4947950

File: d41f2b2196e69f0⋯.jpeg (164.75 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 760CF129-B8F0-46A6-9EC4-5….jpeg)

File: 6f1bc35ab9ff62f⋯.jpeg (98.4 KB, 461x749, 461:749, 4916DF12-FE51-4C55-BF24-3….jpeg)

File: 39c3166b6e7dc14⋯.jpeg (860.43 KB, 1242x1501, 1242:1501, 6DA69BB2-2E74-44D6-BAE5-1….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, DEA417AB-C39B-4861-A83C-A….jpeg)

File: 298a37ee3cec3dc⋯.png (647.5 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 0E98C1D9-83F9-4B45-ACE6-22….png)

aa01f9  No.4947951

Think logically.

Attack the world?

Are the people of France to blame?

Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)?

Apply leverage.




Power shift.

Rise of the people.


Not understood?


We, the PEOPLE ww vs elite globalist illuminati scum ww

deca88  No.4947952


where the fuck you been all day?

already set and accepted by POTUS

083a55  No.4947953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we could do this ALLDAY LONG


730b40  No.4947954


JQ has its own thread for your specific discussion.

ed17f5  No.4947955

Anyone have any thoughts on old Indian anon. Most didn't comment at all until on his 6 or 7th post someone said he was a LARP.


Ghost Dance

Ghost Dance Shirts

Spiders & Owls stole their magic/symbols

Mormons took credit for/provided ideas about the Ghost Dance Shirt protecting from bullet.

The Seventh Generation is supposed to be exterminated.

Old Indian calls this Seventh Generation the "cores" and he says they are safe and hidden.

He says there are clues in the music of the ghost dance, specifically in the drumming.

He says the secret to why the Spiders & Owls want to kill the cores can be found in the letters in the War Department from 1801.

A lot of talk of Owls hunting at night but being fearful of light of day.

Nobody finds any of this intriguing?

Anyway to look at those War Department letters?

dd4e84  No.4947956

File: 2333a2eecd6cf2e⋯.jpg (225.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2n84px.jpg)

Out of here tonight anons. The jew, nazi, and other assorted shills are getting to me. Hopefully we can 187 the jew with walkie talkie shill. Yeah was somewhat funny to start but now just getting aanoying. Check back in periodically to see of Q posts or there is reeally some autistic research to feed on. Shadilay….

b9d4c2  No.4947957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd5d64  No.4947958

File: 683426810042a27⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 380x370, 38:37, 1428678336908.jpg)


My gawd…


Have you read the comment section on Zero Hedge?

That's the only site I regularly read everyday, and people there KNOW.


You're a faggot shill, kys


I stole it :DDDD



Suck my big fat benis, kike faggot :DDDD


Go suck on some more children dicks, you imbecile pedo kike.



Not really.

Although people should boycott Israel independent of BDS.

BDS is a good thing because it exposed how much Israel is willing to go to fuck any one critical of Israel.

71ad2e  No.4947959

File: dd7d27dfc198abd⋯.png (378.07 KB, 1483x711, 1483:711, -60.png)


-60 Q posts 2029 & 2030

Perhaps something in MSN link though Mueller and Sessions were most favorable

8e2015  No.4947960

File: 61adc92eb7984c9⋯.png (69.99 KB, 813x651, 271:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 013f3b9999dcb57⋯.png (125.45 KB, 634x644, 317:322, ClipboardImage.png)



*breathes in*



ba6f45  No.4947961


early/late morning depending on where you are.

b9d4c2  No.4947962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

efcdc5  No.4947963


HRC body double/clone

dce06b  No.4947964


Bandar is alive???

e1351e  No.4947965

Hey guys, where did we land on the whole Jews thing? They're good, right? Sometimes its hard to remember around here, y'know? Anyway, off to the lodge.

984e1e  No.4947966


Nobody's asking you to, faggit, but the info is still good info. Go back to your containment board on voat.

b9d4c2  No.4947967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb8002  No.4947968

Where was this 77777777 post people are talking about?

883660  No.4947969

Multiple A/C at Nellis AFB launching…

b9d4c2  No.4947970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd5d64  No.4947971

File: 52e9180c83aa69d⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 182x233, 182:233, 1487795091314.jpg)


You're a kike bot.

You were programmed by kike pedos.


21fb01  No.4947972


It matters because it would force the media to cover RBG's absence. Most people aren't aware of her condition since it receives so little press. Even if she's not dead it forces tough questions about when a SC Justice should be expected (or even required) to resign due to health concerns.

Nancy is hoping for a miracle.

fe2536  No.4947973

File: fcffc7c8a70057a⋯.png (509.42 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jwdiscussed.png)

1e5d0c  No.4947974


Then why give it to me?

3227d8  No.4947975


the man knows what he's doing

b9d4c2  No.4947976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5b4567  No.4947977


Stop trying to be like Q

7545d5  No.4947978


back in the early 90's I ended up getting an Xray in the exact same room where Patton died in. they had a plaque on the wall stating such at Heidelberg Army Hospital. I thought yikes!

c45e2a  No.4947980

File: d904a407c80ff63⋯.jpeg (93.74 KB, 500x888, 125:222, 6E8221E3-F474-4694-8E69-C….jpeg)

c76071  No.4947981


> should we be possibly prepping

Should always be prepared regardless.

Bottled water and sealed containers of protein bars, firewood, weapons, activated carbon, medical kit with drugs if available. etc.

7d35ac  No.4947982


they have already covered it

she is recuperating

299618  No.4947983






dbde7a  No.4947984

File: 050da4e5a50410e⋯.jpg (314.69 KB, 1997x1317, 1997:1317, download (2).jpg)

177771  No.4947985


lurk moar, we saw it

3736bb  No.4947986


That all looks fairly plausible anon.

Stone might be able to prove the method of the dnc wikileak. Wouldn't surprise me if he orchestrated the whole thing.

4b6dc1  No.4947987


Then why are (((you))) discussing it here then? Triggered by the JQ huh?

How's the morning in del abib ?

541181  No.4947988

Resignations in the news today - part 1

Colfax police chief fired for alleged dishonesty


Smoky Hill High School wrestling coach fired, charged with child abuse after incident with armed student


Pastor Resigns Following Concerns Over "Financial Improprieties"


Breaking: Minister of Culture resigns over abuse of office


State Police investigator retires as internal probe continues


Wescoal slides 11% after shock resignation of CEO, Waheed Sulaiman


Red Bank Charter principal to retire after two decades leading school




Monroe Township fire chief to retire after long career


Duke Prof. Resigns after Urging Students to Only Speak English on Campus


Sibley-Ocheyedan superintendent to retire


Former Brewster town administrator resigns from school building committee


After Nearly Three Decades, MED Pediatrician Nicole Prudent to Retire


10 PDP ward heads of Amira Kadal constituency resign


Germantown Police Chief Peter Hoell plans to retire next January




Arrowhead High School business manager Steve Kopecky to retire in July


Naba Das resigns as MLA


Northland Inc CEO David Wilson resigns to return to Auckland


Karson to resign Friday


PSNI chief constable George Hamilton to retire in June


IBC Advanced Alloys CEO Resigns


Clovis Superintendent Retiring After 2019 School Year


4fd9cc  No.4947989

File: fb881f80c1a80f6⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1096x1611, 1096:1611, 53527AAC-3D2C-4566-AA48-7….jpeg)

File: 5790755dc4ac4ee⋯.jpeg (559.45 KB, 1242x1983, 414:661, 152DA1AE-6138-40CF-B2F6-F….jpeg)

File: f458f89c796dca4⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1840, 27:40, F7D80B58-DDBA-4B5F-9097-E….jpeg)

File: a94bf34046c9820⋯.jpeg (974.8 KB, 1242x1638, 69:91, 3696554B-D946-4E84-B56C-C….jpeg)

File: db379c417ae05ad⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1847, 1242:1847, BBE4E36F-CC09-4C7F-8FFC-D….jpeg)


My garbage book? I posted excerpts from the bible. Check ur copy pasta b4 u post it…

but heres some actual book excerpts from judaisms strange Gods by Michael Hoffman

Your strawman argument is whack. Ive never even read whatever book u kee bringing up.

b9d4c2  No.4947990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3227d8  No.4947991



the man knows what he's doing

people always underestimate him

7c06de  No.4947992

File: 9ed2f95d068de4d⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, @RepMaxineWaters .mp4)

ba6f45  No.4947993

File: 4c885ef55beffd7⋯.jpg (166.97 KB, 969x656, 969:656, Tesla-Electric-Car-on-Fire….jpg)


why don't you tell your 'audience' to short TSLA again.

How did that work out faggit?

bef18b  No.4947994


Yeah ok. Sure. Watch the info your paytriot buddy probably got from someone else anyways, fizzles out too.

c496f3  No.4947995

File: 547294eae0a59e6⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 768x417, 256:139, 4.jpg)

de2ff7  No.4947996

File: 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x646, 512:323, 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b3b1a6d2944a….png)






<shit, the rabbi meme didn't work, now what?

<don't panic gaylord! I know what to do! I'll pretend that i'm not the bot operator and instead will call the bot "jq anon". That'll work for sure!

<you're the best faggot! BJ on me!

<oh and i'll post another rabbi walkie talkie meme as a safety measure!

beee73  No.4947997

File: 8d8a5314d2d59d3⋯.jpg (121.94 KB, 1202x720, 601:360, -University-Bridge-Collaps….jpg)


Good luck

Mexican company CEMEX supplied the concrete for the collapsed bridge, and CEMEX has Chinese connections that go back several years.


541181  No.4947998


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Queiroz resigns as Iran's soccer coach


Suspended elections chief Susan Bucher resigns rather than take fight to GOP-controlled Senate


Top Eastspring executives resign, Jeroen Buwalda appointed as new COO


Town Attorney Greg White retiring


NYRA CEO's resignation stirs up old concerns


Tech Director In Westchester School District Abruptly Resigns


AHIP REIT President Resigns


Police Chief Charles Bordeleau set to retire in May


Another MMH Board Member Resigns


County Administrator retires


[Iliad Press Release] Resignation of Olivier Rosenfeld, member of the Board of Directors


Bowden retires from Mainely Vinyl


St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter's public safety adviser resigns in frustration


Hatfield city clerk retires after 33 years


Singapore Sports Hub CEO Oon Jin Teik resigns


Alliance Friends Church Pastor Rick Sams retires


Mid-Southern Bancorp, Inc. Announces That Paul G. Allemeier is Retiring From the Board of Directors


Environmental health director retiring


NMA cries out as 88 doctors resign


Furze Platt councillor resigns from Conservative group


Puerto Rico's treasury secretary resigns


Superintendent at Shelbyville to retire in June


In San Francisco suburb, NIMBY concerns lead city manager to resign


Minister resigns over bullying claims


Crisis Ministry director Gayle Whitehead retires


Dy Speaker of Ayeyawady Region Parliament to resign


Amanda Spies resigns as Goshen fiscal officer


Batten Airport GM David Mann to retire


0eca12  No.4947999


Every generation

Blames the one before

And all of their frustrations

Come beating on your door

I know that I'm a prisoner

To all my Father held so dear

I know that I'm a hostage

To all his hopes and fears

b9d4c2  No.4948000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e5d0c  No.4948001


And why am I the only one picking up on this?

b9d4c2  No.4948002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aa01f9  No.4948003





FIGHT the censorship.

You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.

You simply forgot how to PLAY.


They want you divided.

They want you silenced.


We are WITH you.



052c9b  No.4948004

File: b037f4a8031a2c4⋯.jpg (190.9 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Baby_Lemur_on_Global_Warmi….jpg)

File: a2c47b273d3c7ea⋯.jpg (123.91 KB, 840x698, 420:349, Baby_Lemur_MAGA_Meme_whats….jpg)

File: f3e30de7d180781⋯.jpg (108.07 KB, 636x358, 318:179, Lemur_Baby_Do_It_Q.jpg)

File: 2e515127d487f40⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Baby_Lemur_One_Small_Step.jpg)

File: 2e515127d487f40⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Baby_Lemur_One_Small_Step.jpg)

4fd9cc  No.4948005

File: 541e78e43c5f882⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1129x1602, 1129:1602, 90A6988E-C5DF-42EE-A21D-1….jpeg)

File: 0d31472493c21ce⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1691, 1242:1691, EC4FF38A-1148-4940-AC34-4….jpeg)

File: 76f00ffa3c30f0f⋯.jpeg (955.26 KB, 1062x1558, 531:779, 85CC7F63-40FC-4B8F-8533-5….jpeg)

File: e0eac93ca3810d4⋯.jpeg (979.89 KB, 1116x1489, 1116:1489, EB98CAA5-52B4-4D6B-BF18-B….jpeg)

File: 0168641556aebb3⋯.jpeg (1022.86 KB, 1131x1754, 1131:1754, 62023A47-468E-432E-9CE4-B….jpeg)


moar for u faggot.

f840db  No.4948006

Notables so far


>>4947826, >>4947833 Reminder there was a Facebook founder 'running for his life' from the CIA in 2016

>>4947851, >>4947877 From CIA doc Q posted: Hitler close to Knights of Malta

>>4947857 Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts'

>>4947882 Top Saudi Official: Obama lied and set the Middle East back 20 years

>>4947929 DHS report on Huawei

>>4947960 POTUS has a 15% greater approval rating than Pelosi does

>>4947988, >>4947998 Resignations in the news today

b9d4c2  No.4948007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe505f  No.4948008

File: 8ab8fbbf72aece4⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 500x288, 125:72, Twitter Jack Bubble.jpg)


flesh jacked = Jack, he's fled

21fb01  No.4948009


You're just not good at reading, are you?

fb8002  No.4948010


Oh, that was pre-election. We all knew that one existed. God of Kek wills it and it came to be. I thought there was a 2nd one you guys were talking about. Old news.

dce06b  No.4948011


R-Bag wouldnt come is she was 100% healthy anyway, this is a slide. She didnt come last year, she did a talk the same day. Cunt.

b9d4c2  No.4948012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

db1578  No.4948013

File: ae7e73fbe0f242e⋯.png (365.43 KB, 1562x2248, 781:1124, ClipboardImage.png)



Geronimo’s Heirs Sue Secret Yale Society Over His Skull


c45e2a  No.4948014

File: d4ce76c24de11c0⋯.jpeg (19.74 KB, 255x198, 85:66, D006921A-F3CC-4A1D-A80B-7….jpeg)


I remember that. It was glorious.

66a236  No.4948015

File: f23e266b000f34d⋯.jpg (149 KB, 576x384, 3:2, a Shill, shillin on a week….jpg)

b9d4c2  No.4948016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aa01f9  No.4948017

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."

– 1 Corinthians 16:13

7d35ac  No.4948018


I just do not feel this is a strong enough reason to cancel or stall on the SOTU

200d51  No.4948019


7777 lb, Q wins

21fb01  No.4948020


And you can't read.

b9d4c2  No.4948021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

008c16  No.4948022

File: 12a7a389939bac7⋯.png (289.71 KB, 588x524, 147:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Total Clusterfuck now…lol


f840db  No.4948023

File: deaa73411ae0684⋯.png (260.36 KB, 1563x2248, 1563:2248, ClipboardImage.png)


made one without the theories on it

seems cleaner imo

2449cf  No.4948024

>>4947748, >>4947802

Ty bakers!

c496f3  No.4948025


Expand Thinking

What are the last 3 Characters of the ID:number on the 7777777 post.

Trust the Plan.

Full control

5ecf8a  No.4948026


Will she continue with the InPeach 45 when the report shows nothing damaging against POTUS?

de2ff7  No.4948027

File: b852cdbed4124ed⋯.png (309.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 9a32234a0335969fd9edbc7ddc….png)


<quick he posted it again:


< what do I do? how can i kvetch it??

<relax. kvetch a little. Say that he meant the bible and not the fake book. Also say again that there is no connection between the 2 books, despite the quotes being exact same quotes in both of them.


aa01f9  No.4948028

MSM attacks.

[Round 2]

MOSSAD attempts failed.

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

FBI (4) open investigations.

8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).






FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)

FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]

FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.

Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).


They are losing control.








b9d4c2  No.4948029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d4fad1  No.4948030

PG&E To File Bankruptcy Within Hours; Joins Lehman And WorldCom In Tragic Trifecta

Confirming earlier reports that distressed California utility PG&E had rejected a proposal by some of the world's most prominent investors that would keep it out of bankruptcy, moments ago Bloomberg reported that the board of the embattled utility which is facing $30 billion in wildfire liabilities, voted late Monday to file for bankruptcy protection as soon as midnight.

In pursuing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, PG&E is declining a proposal by an investing group led by Paul Singer’s Elliott Management that would’ve been backed by $4 billion in bonds and given the company enough cash to stay avoid bankruptcy while working through its liabilities. A second group of investors including Ken Griffin’s Citadel and Leon Black’s Apollo who had pitched a rival plan, were also rebuffed.

By rejecting the last minute rescue bids, PG&E - which was rated investment grade as recently as a few weeks ago by both S&P and Moody's- is set to file one of the biggest U.S. utility bankruptcies of all time, with over $30 billion in debt about to be in default. The company which serves 16 million customers, said a Chapter 11 filing is the only way it can handle the crippling costs of 2017 and 2018 wildfires that its equipment has been blamed for igniting. Since November, when California was hit by the deadliest fire in its history, the company has seen its shares plunge by 75 percent and its credit rating cut to junk.

By going from investment grade to bankruptcy within one year, PG&E will be what BofA recently dubbed not a "fallen angel" but a "failing angel", representing a singular event: when it files for bankruptcy some time in the next 12 hours, PG&E will become the third largest IG default since 1999, behind Lehman and Worldcom, with $17.5bn of index eligible debt.


cdbc15  No.4948031


Kinda supports my position…. wouldn't you have that removed in minutes if it was you? Or maybe there's noone paying attention to trivialities at this point.

f66e5d  No.4948032

File: 02384a809db60c5⋯.gif (278.66 KB, 410x152, 205:76, 1pEB.gif)

b9d4c2  No.4948033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

efcdc5  No.4948034


>They killed patton

Ike had him murdered

Patton had openly stated that The US had fought the wrong side (Germany)

Patton despised the Jews and the Reds

It was possible Patton might have later run for President so he was murdered by injecting air into his heart causing an embolism

fucking cunts

cd5d64  No.4948035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Suck on my fat dick, faggot.


Kike bot, you're fucked because an autist on 4chins has bought the whole fucking thing and he is uploading it for free.

Just go to the 4chan archive and search for the talmud general thread.

Now go mutilate some more babies, you kike piece of shit pedo.


Suck on my 1st amend.


Kikes are about to get royally fucked and they know it. They are allergic to truth.


What the fuck are you yapping about, faggot?


You're a kike bot, and you've been programmed by pedos.




Boomers are cool.


Shit meme, kike pedo.

Go suck on some more baby dick.

3736bb  No.4948036


Not really a 'crash' is it? More a nose gear failure.

Looks like a pretty old plane too.

4fd9cc  No.4948037

File: b5bb148b38b53c1⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1812, 207:302, E5F70F9D-0C22-4B9E-ADC2-D….jpeg)

File: 4d89add337ab3d2⋯.jpeg (958.86 KB, 1086x1567, 1086:1567, 09E8D396-2E31-42BA-8B51-0….jpeg)

File: 254ccd98671fd3b⋯.jpeg (986.85 KB, 1087x1536, 1087:1536, 7275066E-FD5D-44D2-B910-2….jpeg)

File: a3636bf80065ed2⋯.jpeg (945.59 KB, 1097x1441, 1097:1441, 6AABE065-68B6-4A4B-994B-7….jpeg)

File: d480047d22b236e⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1753, 1242:1753, 90FB0800-0C46-4F6E-9736-1….jpeg)

aa01f9  No.4948038

Power belongs to the people.

You are what matters.

All you needed was a spark to UNITE TOGETHER.

They are scared.

Think Fake News attacks [2nd only to POTUS himself].


Trust yourself.

Think for yourself.

You are not alone.

Open your heart and your mind.

Where We Go One > We Go ALL!!!


bb63dd  No.4948039


That was pretty weird. The Talmud wasn't the religious tradition of the Israelites? Really?? Then what was that tradition, and where did this Talmud come from?

Another nonsense anti-Jew book. This nonsense just keeps getting recycled.

e3c42d  No.4948040


Cherry on top? qmap.pub POTUS tweet #4301



2325cb  No.4948041


To this end, Rhodes put forward his own vision of an expanded British Empire that would be achieved by the formation of a secret society:

Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. What a dream, and yet it is probable, it is possible.22


299618  No.4948042

File: b03e4ef94724dad⋯.png (68.17 KB, 401x770, 401:770, 1432.PNG)

b9d4c2  No.4948043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe505f  No.4948044

File: 4ad12449509f26e⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 350x188, 175:94, good.gif)


nice ID

052c9b  No.4948045

File: ccf9d8f997931c3⋯.jpg (229.09 KB, 812x650, 406:325, Lemur_Baby_Night_Shift.jpg)

File: 779e6f9b96a95b2⋯.jpg (107.92 KB, 636x358, 318:179, Lemur_Baby_Fight_Fight_Fig….jpg)

File: 45cfaa3fe8e8925⋯.jpg (179.65 KB, 650x650, 1:1, Rainbow_Warrior_Peace_be_w….jpg)


D'oh. The last one was supposed to be for night shift. Peace and Love ;)

de2ff7  No.4948046

File: b62fb49085afc11⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 399x385, 57:55, b62fb49085afc11bb678782c9f….jpg)


When a bot operator pretends he is someone else, while calling the bot "jq anon".

KEK! you glow.

057a3c  No.4948047

File: ffc3a35bd590313⋯.jpg (289.23 KB, 1080x1060, 54:53, homer.jpg)

8Chan romper room. Q will move.

c76071  No.4948048


Awww, qute.

cd5d64  No.4948049

fe2536  No.4948050

File: 8ec6660c78f9f62⋯.png (268.81 KB, 500x517, 500:517, rabbijewmeme001.png)

2d2a48  No.4948051

File: 6f0a0207c4dce44⋯.png (250.63 KB, 2151x1021, 2151:1021, vincent kennedy tweet deco….png)

File: 17dc54c839c89cb⋯.jpg (687.18 KB, 1511x859, 1511:859, FILU canada.jpg)

File: 0b5ad3a556de3f6⋯.jpg (778.68 KB, 1686x844, 843:422, SIU canada.jpg)

File: e1bc44f8ae7d968⋯.jpg (71.32 KB, 363x262, 363:262, leaf ball.jpg)

beee73  No.4948052

File: f51838a8378b028⋯.jpg (113.11 KB, 674x506, 337:253, Peyote.jpg)

984e1e  No.4948053


I literally posted it to the boards because it's original research that hasn't been posted here yet anywhere. Obviously you haven't been paying close enough attention to the breads tonight if you're claiming otherwise. And yet you still feel entitled to just keep filling up the bread with your naysaying retardation anyway, while completely missing THE POINT of the post.

Like I said earlier, go back to your containment board on Voat with the other dimwits.You can go there and circlejerk with the other bottomfeeders about "paytriots" all you want and never contribute anything of value in the process.

a68199  No.4948054

File: 2de92f7f4d72208⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 2323x2048, 2323:2048, 5C6AB5E5-C898-4B48-99C5-E….jpeg)

b9d4c2  No.4948055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

29469c  No.4948056


there are methods

b9d4c2  No.4948057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

299618  No.4948058

File: 927528bdb309a3c⋯.png (295.44 KB, 501x524, 501:524, Capture.PNG)

7a1c53  No.4948059

File: 84b7b172b3082cc⋯.png (625.78 KB, 564x639, 188:213, ClipboardImage.png)

d2df90  No.4948060

>>4947680 (lb)

That's fucking hilarious, anon! Like there isn't a massive amount of drug use, now? At least there weren't people od'ing right and left from doctor prescribed opioids and fentanyl back then! There was some Heroin use, but the majority of drug use was marijuana and psychedelics. Nobody od'ed on that stuff, although a few thought they could fly, and found out that their belief was fatally wrong. Maybe only a hand full of those stories, as opposed to 50,000 dead from overdosing last year.

5b4567  No.4948061


Some, yet few, in the media lately have actually started questioning "hmmm is Mueller actually working FOR Trump?

Tucker Carlson, Bill Himmer, and one or two others I recall. Also earlier tonight Hannity had Stone on and said something to Stone way outta left field, something to the effect of "I've heard you like to play tricks on people…your enemies, that is."

083a55  No.4948062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fb8eb7  No.4948063



RBG likely at desertspringshospital.com, GWU Hospital sister-company. Thanks Neon.

>>4947834 Fuk off fag

b9d4c2  No.4948064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33d0c5  No.4948065

File: 89f299bdc90327c⋯.png (4.78 KB, 645x87, 215:29, cracking up.png)

File: 2e5ba6bfdeeae1c⋯.png (11.07 KB, 819x206, 819:206, pulling gold.png)

File: 10e31ac089bbefc⋯.png (96.14 KB, 635x585, 127:117, gold cake trump.png)

File: 7d28b688f22b662⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 640x721, 640:721, shitstorm.jpg)


oh so you know about 6/618 and that we got the gold of the Vatican : )

I still remember all the stuff that happened that day in code and I'm just going wtf is going on? and it didn't take me long to figure it out

db1578  No.4948066


Yup, the debunking consisted of a bunch of Jews laughing at someone in a courtroom.

A bunch of Jews might find that credible, but not this goy.

832390  No.4948067

It wasn't the Chinese. They bring theirs in through their port. Right Holder?


014fa6  No.4948068


Dude. Apart from here at Boomer Research, your concept of the Web will get laughed at so keep it to yourself.

Maybe learn some tech stuff?

But yeah image boards are great as long as you are careful.

1e5d0c  No.4948069

File: dfa1909933c804f⋯.jpg (203.99 KB, 1006x681, 1006:681, journeytogether.jpg)


Hey just an FYI

You don't post on Triple 777's a meme about the 7777777 post on /pol by coincidence

Not saying Q is here.

But someone with ability beyond normie control is here.

Heads up!

b4a225  No.4948070

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I thought Q was asking for a video of that chicks phone not the screen caps of it.

is there a video of this shit?

de2ff7  No.4948071


<shit. this post still exposes our fakeness:


<what to do god dammit?

<no worries. post some more pages and mark some shit in red, they'll buy it this time.

aa01f9  No.4948072


Patriots are UNITED in their pursuit of common goals.





Patriots are NOT divided.

Borders DO NOT separate us.






31b57d  No.4948073

File: 04349de629a7cd7⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 243x255, 81:85, up the wall.jpg)


We know. You're preaching to the choir.

4fd9cc  No.4948074

File: bcc61cbc68ebb14⋯.jpeg (99.39 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 304D146C-4B9C-487E-B789-6….jpeg)

b9d4c2  No.4948075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

55a6cf  No.4948076


Like that makes any fucking sense. "We blame Drumpf!" (But we still approve!) Their polls are so fake and gay.

"Madame President"…Kek!

008c16  No.4948077

File: a0180617631e062⋯.png (240.81 KB, 588x446, 294:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Full court press now…

They're out to destroy this guy…wait for the scandals next.


8ffd34  No.4948078


PB Notable on Potus Tweet misspelled "warming" coded message on purpose ….waming -


Walking Around Money. Monies given to you by your sugar daddy/sugar momma for you to spend freely.


fe2536  No.4948079

File: f5737c9343417d7⋯.png (514.65 KB, 500x557, 500:557, walkietalkiejew003.png)

2d2a48  No.4948080

File: c3bfd2adbed3614⋯.png (250.67 KB, 2151x1021, 2151:1021, vincent kennedy tweet deco….png)


fuck, skipped the D (no homo)

92d181  No.4948081

Just received this from an email fren.

The Obama administration signed an informal espionage agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2015, calling for an end to intellectual property or trade secret theft by either nation against the other. Naturally China continued to hack systems around the world and steal all manner of things.

The Trump administration has demonstrated a range of ways that China has not operated in good faith on cybersecurity and have now enlisted the support of the U.K., Australia, Germany, Belgium and Canada.

“How did Huawei get their chips into Apple Iphones? Feinstein knows…

This Huawei thing is going to get very very big. Naval Warships and fighter planes are also involved.”


"The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain, according to extensive interviews with government and corporate sources."


A newly discovered bug in Apple's FaceTime software lets Apple users listen in on the people they are calling, and even see through their front-facing camera, without them picking-up the call. You can disable FaceTime until the bug is fixed


dce06b  No.4948082


I knew a couple guys od'd on H back in the late 70s, but they were maniacs anyway. Most never touched it by that time.

b9d4c2  No.4948083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd467d  No.4948084

Anons are doing an incredible job lately.

Yet I feel I have to ask -

Why has Q forsaken us?

I dig, meme and pray.

Am at a low ebb and apologise for the concernfagging.

Come back Q, we miss ya boss.

Any anons have ideas on why Q is quiet now?

Thanks frens.

b4a225  No.4948085

File: f82c202af265265⋯.jpg (133.67 KB, 900x506, 450:253, f82c202af2652653946c4d96b2….jpg)


this shit

8e5683  No.4948086

File: ffa25bd1cfadf6c⋯.jpeg (290.89 KB, 1720x2014, 860:1007, DyADzTUWoAAHzeK.jpg-large.jpeg)

Chuckie Schumer letter in 2000 about Immigration

b9d4c2  No.4948087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9cbbcb  No.4948088

File: c22e491df0250e1⋯.png (325.73 KB, 840x480, 7:4, 43181048e853e40702d64ee41a….png)

File: da324c93edde4c6⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 570x300, 19:10, download-1-2.jpg)

4fd9cc  No.4948089

File: 0d31472493c21ce⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1691, 1242:1691, E8303474-186A-4F12-B73C-2….jpeg)

File: b3d870ea94479eb⋯.jpeg (1016.56 KB, 1242x1588, 621:794, D36388AC-A54F-4887-BE87-8….jpeg)

File: 774bb2e71b475cd⋯.jpeg (486.15 KB, 1242x1082, 621:541, 07D4EA34-93B7-4E7D-AF64-F….jpeg)

File: 76f00ffa3c30f0f⋯.jpeg (955.26 KB, 1062x1558, 531:779, DA40148C-37EE-4F26-BD28-2….jpeg)

File: 0386d44aafe2c98⋯.jpeg (975.24 KB, 1079x1584, 1079:1584, BACC51E4-60A4-40C2-BA71-C….jpeg)


so filter me and move along then fren or faggot.

083a55  No.4948090

File: 3bbbb4397a7f464⋯.jpg (148.58 KB, 720x1013, 720:1013, noway.jpg)


Topkek don't get so moistm



aa01f9  No.4948091






cd5d64  No.4948092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're a kike bot, programmed by pedos and you're obsessed with JQanon.

You spend entire threads posting ONLY about him.

Its pretty funny.

Now go study your pedo Talmud some more, kike bot.


How does it feel to try to protect pedos, kike?

Where you raped by the jewish Orthodox rape assembly line too?

33d0c5  No.4948093


lurk more… if only I could. I've had the cult take away my computer and been exiled to various locations… you never know who you might be talking to on here you know.

aa01f9  No.4948094








c20279  No.4948095


10-4. Been telling everyone to watch that for at least 4 years now. What an amazing witness to everything that went on!

dce06b  No.4948096


Let the demoncrat self-immolation begin! I cant stand this guy, but he's a million times more accomplished than Kamalface, Bern and these other demoncrat morons.

b9d4c2  No.4948097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cdbc15  No.4948098

File: 10209c924ea9569⋯.png (316.1 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Concern.png)

395c2d  No.4948099

"Union President Joe Gamaldi on today's shooting that led to 5 officers being injured: "We are sick and tired of having targets on our backs"


8e2015  No.4948100

File: b4dbf365a5e503c⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 470x500, 47:50, b4dbf365a5e503c857036657c4….jpg)


POTUS' approval rating is probably closer to 65% kek.

fb8eb7  No.4948101


The Pharaoh Show (the original by Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross in one video)


177771  No.4948102


Ooooooooo so impressed.

083a55  No.4948103

File: 989992769774475⋯.jpeg (199.21 KB, 799x1137, 799:1137, big if true.jpeg)



Pain comes in many different forms


b9d4c2  No.4948104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

31b57d  No.4948105



Gotcha, and Godspeed.

36ad2f  No.4948106

File: c9b0d65f91513e3⋯.jpeg (65.27 KB, 634x544, 317:272, 815993A6-0B75-4303-A2B1-3….jpeg)

I get that Bolton is a useful idiot.

I get POTUS is using him as a lap dog to shut the neocons up.

But MAN! That mustache is creepy!

db1578  No.4948107


"Tell them that you're done for the night and hope the walkie talkie jew gets 187d before you come back. Tell them you hope Q posts soon because you're bored."

I, for one, still dig the walkie talkie jew. He's quite often hilarious. Him an his twin brother. Keep it up!

d356ee  No.4948108

File: f956d9c392d1db1⋯.png (755.77 KB, 656x724, 164:181, DoD 1-28-19 9 pm PST.PNG)

File: 192ef1ddc5b38a0⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1174x779, 1174:779, DoD 1-28-19 9 pm PST pic.PNG)

Pushing themselves!


66a236  No.4948109






ID: cd5d64

Get rid of the shill bot…

0eca12  No.4948110


Q will be back ,, thinking on or before Feb 5th .. settle down you'll be OK

c45e2a  No.4948111


Nah, it just shows you are a dumbass who has never studied your subject matter. And the fact you post it over and over proves you serve Lies, knowingly and maliciously, to discredit this board.

0d3718  No.4948112


Thanks for proving my point. Only a shill would want people to "keep it to themselves" I think you stumbled into the wrong site

aa01f9  No.4948114



People are inherently good.

We stand TOGETHER.


170b40  No.4948115

File: f8773cd2d2ba379⋯.gif (54.61 KB, 321x241, 321:241, 15742.gif)

008c16  No.4948116

File: 4d09d22eda6dd15⋯.png (905.58 KB, 960x845, 192:169, ClipboardImage.png)

1e5d0c  No.4948117


Full control of the server?

Full control of all the characters in question?

Full control of this page only?

Humor me this one time will ya?

57c1c1  No.4948118


because it serves the plan. we don't need to know why. just that it is GOOD

babc1b  No.4948119


I like your ID.

cd467d  No.4948120


Thanks anon

Things are tough right now

I'll try to keep this in mind

868889  No.4948121

>>4947067 (pb)

60 days is Brexit day

11d102  No.4948122

File: bef0c923b8d0afc⋯.png (300.65 KB, 703x805, 703:805, Charity.png)

The good times in the tech industry has meant good times for the foundation, which is by far the largest of the country’s 800 community foundations

The foundation’s raison d’etre — donor-advised funds — are under attack as unaccountable and prone to outright fraud. Because donors aren’t required to disclose any giving, they have become caricatured as part of an easy tax dodge, a way for donors to earn some positive press, achieve an immediate tax write-off and, at the end of the day, actually have to part with very little of their personal net worth.


d2df90  No.4948123

File: d4e42b088ef4349⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x169, 255:169, BUS-SHORT.jpg)


Removed the egg from the imoji? That's about the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard! "Jennifer" must use this for transportation-

aa01f9  No.4948124


>near the end of an obstacle course

ec642a  No.4948125

No, I hadn't seen this episode before. No, I don't believe in coincidences either.

5b3839  No.4948126

File: e8cd4b81395c786⋯.jpg (123.96 KB, 508x962, 254:481, Q142.JPG)


TYB! For the 2nd item, may as well add in the original question we were digging on.

Q drop 142

Who was Hitler's handler?

4fd9cc  No.4948127

File: 4c27a2b81ea0564⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 516965EB-8C45-40FD-98F6-A….jpeg)

File: caf17d89c7e3695⋯.png (34.85 KB, 571x592, 571:592, 3F0D9D88-2919-4B40-80E9-AB….png)

File: 1089c5b29ec9d0d⋯.png (19.83 KB, 582x391, 582:391, 2385B9E9-6068-4088-99B9-1D….png)

File: 87efc463e21e57d⋯.png (19.82 KB, 579x401, 579:401, 926E1CF5-6849-4B56-BFE2-1F….png)

File: 1b6367abbdd54f5⋯.png (18.76 KB, 551x459, 551:459, F2304690-02A4-43BD-9C0A-64….png)


kikey no likey??

1bf5bf  No.4948128

Confirmed, I ran into Q at the Swap Meet on Saturday.


33d0c5  No.4948130

File: f5c2ec2939535fc⋯.jpg (241.89 KB, 800x800, 1:1, comfy.jpg)


just be comfy and friendly my fren

fe2536  No.4948131

File: b0e682eb5a39562⋯.jpg (463.28 KB, 700x498, 350:249, drivejewscrazy.jpg)

b9d4c2  No.4948132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

299618  No.4948133



Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

55a6cf  No.4948134


Amen! Fuckin libs have PURPOSEFULLY made LE the targets instead of the MFing CRIMINALS.

Liberals looooooove rapists and murderers.

de2ff7  No.4948135

File: a54a69aeff54450⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 4a131222654100c8f8aa9d6581….jpg)






<quick. IP hop and post that the only debunking it contains is jews laughing at it! don't you dare mention anything else!

<and you bot operator, stop sucking his dick! go back to the screen and start spamming.

<sure thing boss i'm on it! gonna post some manual garbage and the talmud crap again


<yo boss, i'll post a muhjew meme with one of his oink quotes where he trolls us!

<fantastic gaylord! now that's the kind of thinking I want around here!

cdbc15  No.4948136


3.15 on the Watch

33d0c5  No.4948137


egg = nest egg. symbolism = end

db1578  No.4948138


He does this from time to time. Not to worry. You get used to it and will focus more on digging, memeing, and praying eventually.

0eca12  No.4948139


The Harley or the Antique

5d1f94  No.4948140

File: 0736df08b1be1d1⋯.jpeg (154.99 KB, 604x1155, 604:1155, F29F9A42-55B6-4B82-B25D-E….jpeg)

b9d4c2  No.4948141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

66a236  No.4948142







ID: cd5d64

Hamas cair or isis go away shill

8e5683  No.4948143

File: 6d873725b7da89d⋯.jpeg (46.25 KB, 695x960, 139:192, DyC8hNXVsAALbsD.jpg-large.jpeg)

Glad I boycotted Walmart 15 years ago. This would terrify me.

5ff7e5  No.4948144


I have no idea what I'm supposed to be jerking off to here

cd5d64  No.4948145


Suck on my big fat cock, kike pedo.

Why do you defend kike pedos?

Where you raped by the Orthodox rabbis?



Nice post.


Keep protecting pedos, kike bot.

Did your programmers get rapped by the Orthodox Jews too, or is it them doing the rapping?

6b49fa  No.4948146


Hmmm 851 and q post #851.

9c62af  No.4948147

File: 66da046d9d633dd⋯.jpg (103.88 KB, 960x928, 30:29, Lt_dang.jpg)


Ha! From the one where they are all being interviewed for the T.V. show back in the states.

fd4b98  No.4948148

File: b1a4a6667c1061e⋯.png (344.9 KB, 678x382, 339:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7dbd6dd8ebb46⋯.png (516.32 KB, 710x1733, 710:1733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2236e383bb53349⋯.png (436.69 KB, 711x1837, 711:1837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5caf5a1f75cdaa⋯.png (64.49 KB, 716x1366, 358:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0d084afa6c63d1⋯.png (42.73 KB, 703x996, 703:996, ClipboardImage.png)

From Cover-Ups To Secret Plots: The Murky History Of Supreme Justices' Health

For the first time in her 25-year career on the Supreme Court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was not on the bench to start the new year. After the 85-year-old justice was operated on for lung cancer, she decided to work from home rather than return to the court two weeks after surgery. She's expected to make a full recovery and be back at the court soon. A fair amount is known about Ginsburg's cancers and surgery, but the history of Supreme Court justices and their health is murkier. That's, in part, because the justices — to this day — prefer to keep these matters to themselves as much as possible. But also justices didn't used to be as public facing as they are today, what with writing books and doing interviews, let alone appearing in Oscar-nominated documentaries or having feature films based on their lives.

Justices like their privacy, too Ginsburg has been more transparent than most, revealing the basic details of each of her three bouts with cancer — in 1999, 2009 and now — and disclosing other, less dire health issues from time to time. Other justices, however, have been less open about their health. Justice Anthony Kennedy's 2005 heart stent was only disclosed after it had to be fixed a year later. Justice Antonin Scalia had health issues that only became publicly known after his sudden death in 2016. And Justice John Paul Stevens, who retired at age 90, only recently disclosed that he made the decision to step down after a fumbled dissent from the bench prompted a visit to his doctor and news that he had suffered a mini-stroke.

While modern Supreme Court justices can and do sometimes hide their ailments, it is much harder to do now than in earlier eras — and when something is wrong, it shows. In 2005, it was painfully clear for most of the court term that Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who had been operated on for thyroid cancer, was mortally ill. Throughout the term, Rehnquist released almost no information about his health, and, at the end of the term, he decided against retiring, only to die during the court's summer break.


170b40  No.4948149

1e5d0c  No.4948150




There is no sense in asking if you are Q or not.

How you could you verify one way or the other. I still think the 777 post was pretty spoopy along with the posts you made last board.

But are you Q?

d429c2  No.4948151

File: 8953f09db5b3479⋯.jpg (161.73 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 8953f09db5b3479c9cf6493b1f….jpg)


Comfy pepes are sexy pepes.

21fb01  No.4948152


They are destroying themselves. Once the damage is obvious to the normies, the rest can follow with impunity.

aa01f9  No.4948153

How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?




You have more than you know.




How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?




You have more than you know.




How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?




You have more than you know.




6902fe  No.4948154


March 29th

is t -60

36ad2f  No.4948155


You’re supposed to be jerking off to pics of John Bolton.

Stay focused.

36e165  No.4948156

File: c8759c8046859ce⋯.png (173.11 KB, 488x363, 488:363, ClipboardImage.png)

81a976  No.4948157


Wut? What kind of shillery is this, those were by different id's. The first one was a few short like anons responding to this so far!

5d1f94  No.4948158

File: c17f0dd08c7261c⋯.jpeg (158.4 KB, 668x750, 334:375, DECAED40-3DD8-459B-9E1F-F….jpeg)

730b40  No.4948159


Are you a fucking idiot? Please show me where I was discussing it? Is comprehension an issue for you? How does my comment make me triggered by the JQ? Weather is good in TX, hows Tehran?

d2df90  No.4948160


Let me guess, you pulled "the sauce" for that out of your ass?

7545d5  No.4948161

File: 26b4b89ab01a571⋯.png (754.98 KB, 516x887, 516:887, the beast and his number.PNG)

File: c6f5ffbf9074560⋯.png (630.9 KB, 595x840, 17:24, the two babylons.PNG)



The name and number of the beast:

Stur (Chaldean Gematria) for "Saturn"

equals 666

From: Alexander Hyslop's "Two Babylons"

083a55  No.4948162

File: f712885e37c7a6c⋯.jpg (200.29 KB, 800x820, 40:41, me meme u long time.jpg)


Military intelligence operation

4th generation information warfare

2nd American revolution


anons here are all heroes. Receive it?

Like it or love it we on top and staying here.

Comfy af my dude

Slugz or hugz? We can do both…

The choice to know will be yours.

fe2536  No.4948163

File: 8bcafea178e0d51⋯.png (281.85 KB, 500x517, 500:517, whineyJew002.png)

3ae86f  No.4948164


Is Schultz part of the plan?

cd5d64  No.4948165


Suck on my fat ass dick, pedo kike.

Muslims can go fuck themselves with their pedo prophet.

And btw kike, Israel is in charge of ISIS.

Fucking pedo kike piece of shit.


e98145  No.4948166

File: 1f80eb1e31ec197⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2184x2265, 728:755, 86fee43e07dcfcf5109b64e0a0….png)

This did not get enough eyes last bread

b4831d  No.4948167

File: c34e94091198a2f⋯.png (36.69 KB, 1264x651, 1264:651, Screenshot_2019-01-28 #eTH….png)

File: 420445a519ab2e5⋯.png (26.81 KB, 1264x651, 1264:651, Screenshot_2019-01-28 #eTH….png)

File: 7f0bacff63df8e5⋯.png (26.43 KB, 1264x651, 1264:651, Screenshot_2019-01-28 #eTH….png)

File: ef02cca20a57749⋯.png (27.4 KB, 1264x651, 1264:651, Screenshot_2019-01-28 #eTH….png)


Been sharing since 12/17

Welcome to

#eTHErSEC Project ∞ 2020


This link is way back in the breads my fren!

299618  No.4948168






92d181  No.4948169

I’m lost.

What does this mean?

Ausfag here.

Who is Vincent?


5b3839  No.4948170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fukken saved.,

c45e2a  No.4948171


I pray the shills turn from lies and let light back into their hearts.

d429c2  No.4948172



>ass sauce

27f260  No.4948173

File: 7127f106c6ae267⋯.jpeg (115.63 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Soon.jpeg)

014fa6  No.4948174


You are a technical idiot, is what I was trying to say.

A complete ignoramus.

Sorry for being too subtle for you to grasp.

By all means share your thoughts far and wide.

cd5d64  No.4948175


They can't help but thow each other under the bus.

They want to push that kike Kamala for pres in 2020 so they burned Bernie with the video of him drunk with the commie trash.

66a236  No.4948176

File: 947c28281e6e678⋯.jpg (409.2 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, This is my normal look boy….jpg)

170b40  No.4948177

File: 443e21810b015e1⋯.jpg (11.81 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2s9wva.jpg)


Had to steal that Pepe fren!

33d0c5  No.4948178


the sauce? what like a hot sauce? take the dicks out of your mouth before you choke on them

de2ff7  No.4948179

File: e203511039aaafe⋯.png (43.96 KB, 557x497, 557:497, nazi_antifa.PNG)

File: f804c46c92005c5⋯.png (19.41 KB, 565x181, 565:181, history.PNG)

File: 84a1233ec300168⋯.png (34.3 KB, 348x137, 348:137, compare_and_contrast.PNG)

File: 978d33f8ba0241d⋯.png (27.41 KB, 574x322, 41:23, N.PNG)


thanks anon!



also the following embedded video is relevant imo, as it relates to the following crumbs (attached).

also Silvio Gessell (the author of the "national economic order - nwo in german), was a prominent figure in the Bavarian Soviet republic (the video connects the Nazis to this republic).


ba6f45  No.4948180


you know and don't think I don't. Led them into the slaughter with your 'advice'-if they were dumb enough to take it. Next time you get cute and think you know what you are talking about you might want to actually understand how that works. TSLA so shorted then the market maker turned it and forced everyone short to cover…regardless of it's earnings release.

Watch and learn punk bitch.

fe2536  No.4948181

File: 19962452dfcfcda⋯.png (514.45 KB, 500x557, 500:557, mutilatedrabbidick.png)

dce06b  No.4948182


All scummy and crooked af. S.V. is like a cancer on the Bay Area.

0d3718  No.4948183


Triggered much?

c0f7e7  No.4948184


But anon, the death of 50,000 is a statistic.

4fd9cc  No.4948185


I have not read the comments in zerohedge… the people know? They’re connecting the dots between the Pharisees and the Jews?? and reading their bibles as to what Jesus has said about the (((Pharisees)))?? HYpocrites, stirrers of men, sons of satan, etc…?

de2ff7  No.4948186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here is the video:

7c06de  No.4948187


e901b8  No.4948188

File: fd5e6108c4fc732⋯.png (290.97 KB, 637x563, 637:563, ClipboardImage.png)


One year ago

dce06b  No.4948189


Fuck the cops. Deport the illegals and go back to open carry. There were no cops in the Republic. Cops are the enemy of the People.

efcdc5  No.4948190

File: d2759278362e30c⋯.png (16.07 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 879756858.png)

fde6d7  No.4948191

File: c48f8d628d30e67⋯.jpg (165.97 KB, 1026x499, 1026:499, Create your own future.jpg)

21fb01  No.4948192


Maybe, sort of like AOC, he's helping tear the Democrats apart. He's actually a legitimate threat to their base. AOC pulls away the Bernie nitwits, he pulls the left, but not socialist left, nitwits, leaving the deranged such as Kamala as a third option. Then there's the other 17 candidates.

c20279  No.4948193


That's because you are a retarded faggot. kek

9b0443  No.4948194

File: 3b129276c2d8d1b⋯.jpg (160.15 KB, 956x500, 239:125, 2r57kh.jpg)

File: b696bee9c55c310⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 2r57qe.jpg)

File: fa1141500347c08⋯.jpg (108.51 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 2r57x8.jpg)

File: 0ef9854c22be75c⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, 667x499, 667:499, 2r5865.jpg)

177771  No.4948195

File: 8bf031bc174b2ed⋯.jpeg (331.34 KB, 750x646, 375:323, E1C74EAC-3C7D-45C8-9008-1….jpeg)

170b40  No.4948196

File: 23f9f096712db0c⋯.jpg (126.43 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 111e4f496a206ab09e8e21141f….jpg)

cd5d64  No.4948197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kikes and sandnigger mudslimes are on the same team, pedo kike.

But you already know that.

5b3839  No.4948198

File: d5df29f6df99340⋯.jpg (185.94 KB, 2302x1014, 1151:507, allglorytothehypnotoad.JPG)

File: d76a6a1658a330b⋯.jpg (416.71 KB, 2217x976, 2217:976, 4777777.JPG)


Synchronicity is real

057a3c  No.4948199

File: 93187e179ec95c3⋯.jpg (88.31 KB, 512x512, 1:1, homer.jpg)


Obviously to stop Info and take over the Board…childish.

034268  No.4948200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

db1578  No.4948201

aa01f9  No.4948202

4fd9cc  No.4948203

File: fa9b21aedb0ad4d⋯.jpeg (876.39 KB, 1059x1475, 1059:1475, 9B781C79-F21D-4566-AABD-5….jpeg)

File: 96b7d351a5a8103⋯.jpeg (853.87 KB, 1106x1731, 1106:1731, 6961D40D-63AB-46A6-B10B-6….jpeg)

File: ac25594eb97bf0d⋯.jpeg (1014.3 KB, 1081x1555, 1081:1555, 0B49FE35-7AB4-43B5-BD88-C….jpeg)

File: e3c00460bcac4c8⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 1159x1761, 1159:1761, 3D17D0FD-43AF-47E7-BF8E-1….jpeg)

File: d480047d22b236e⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1753, 1242:1753, 09DF1819-74BA-4DC1-AA3F-6….jpeg)


oh u want moar?? ok.

Open wide - truth deuce incumming

ba6f45  No.4948204


saved it


3736bb  No.4948205


I do think we're going to find out soon. Did POTUS request a later date for SOTU? We've all been ragging on NP dictating terms, but the letter said "as discussed" (or similar).

I feel this is the last opportunity for something momentous to happen with a legitimately historical setting to do it in.

Campaigning for 2020 is going to ramp up this year, so it would be optically difficult to move on either the nominee or candidates, guilty or not once that is in full swing.

dd4e84  No.4948206

At Least 3 Dead and 172 Injured After Tornado Hits Havana, Cuban President Says

(HAVANA) — A tornado and pounding rains smashed into the eastern part of Cuba’s capital overnight, toppling trees, bending power poles and flinging shards of metal roofing through the air as the storm cut a path of destruction across eastern Havana.

Power was cut to many areas and President Miguel Diaz-Canel said Monday at least three people were killed and 172 injured.

Julio Menendez, a 33-year-old restaurant worker, said his neighborhood in Havana’s 10 de Octubre municipality looked “like a horror movie.”

“From one moment to the next, we heard a noise like an airplane falling out of the sky. The first thing I did was go hug my daughters,” who are 9 and 12, he told The Associated Press.

Driver Oster Rodriguez said that amid a fierce storm, what looked like a thick, swirling cloud touched down in the central plaza of the Reparto Modelo neighborhood “like a fireball.” He saw a bus blown over, though he said the driver escaped unharmed.

Miguel Angel Hernandez of the Cuban Center for Meteorology said the tornado was a Category F3, with winds between 155 and 199 miles per hour, produced when a cold front hit Cuba’s northern coast.

Members of the Provincial Defense Council of Havana said 90 homes collapsed completely and 30 suffered partial collapse.

More than 200,000 people lost water service, largely because of power cuts that left pumps out of service. Some 100 underground cisterns close to the coastal section of Havana were contaminated by seawater.

Three electric substations were knocked out by the tornado, the strongest to hit Cuba since Dec. 26, 1940, when a Category F4 tornado hit the town of Bejucal, in what is now Mayabeque province.

The windows in the seven-story Daughters of Galicia Hospital in 10 de Octubre section were sucked out of their frames by the wind, leaving curtains flapping in the breeze, and all the patients, new and expectant mothers, had to be evacuated. In the streets, a palm tree more than 30 feet (9 meters) tall had crushed a pre-revolutionary American car.

Some of the heaviest damage from Sunday night’s rare Havana tornado was in the eastern borough of Guanabacoa, where the apparent twister tore the roof off a shelter for dozens of homeless families.

Cubans enduring long waits for government housing often live in such multifamily shelters for years.

María Esther Linares, 54, was killed while hunting for safe shelter after the tornado broke the roof of the home where she was living with two granddaughters, said her grandson, Yoelkis Dip.

Dianabys Bueno, 31, was living in the shelter with her husband and son after they were forced to relocate by the collapse of their home in Central Havana. Much of the housing in Havana is in dire condition due to years without maintenance, and building collapses are routine even in ordinary storms.

“This has already happened to us once,” Bueno said. “I’m not going anywhere.”


f840db  No.4948207

Notables so far


>>4947826, >>4947833 Reminder there was a Facebook founder 'running for his life' from the CIA in 2016

>>4947851, >>4947877, >>4948126 From CIA doc Q posted: Hitler close to Knights of Malta

>>4947857 Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts'

>>4947882 Top Saudi Official: Obama lied and set the Middle East back 20 years

>>4947929 DHS report on Huawei

>>4947960 POTUS has a 15% greater approval rating than Pelosi does

>>4947988, >>4947998 Resignations in the news today

>>4948030 PG&E To File Bankruptcy Within Hours

>>4948081 On the Obama administration signing an informal espionage agreement with China in 2015

>>4948148 From Cover-Ups To Secret Plots: The Murky History Of Supreme Justices' Health

dce06b  No.4948208


Is there a way to filter every post that mentions "jews?" Because that's what I want.

de2ff7  No.4948209


KEK! these faggots still didn't figure out that the bot does them more harm than good.



<we are losing it homos! what the fuck is wrong with this squad?!

<don't worry boss I got it. I'm gonna post on;ly text and say they are defending pedos. It'll work 100%. No more spam.

59abe9  No.4948210


Your font is wrong..

fe2536  No.4948211


Nobody wants the jews.

382d7e  No.4948212


found this and all the tyler related shit back in the beginning..

c45e2a  No.4948213


Not the British but the Cabal. It’s important to distinguish the British people (our cousins and allies) from the cabal there.

d2df90  No.4948214


Guess you just proved you have no sauce for your assertion. Not sure if it's attributable to low IQ, immaturity (Think it's past your bedtime, Jr.), or being a newfag, but whatever it is, you really should lurk moar until you learn how this works.

170b40  No.4948215


Easy there Trigger.

d429c2  No.4948216

File: 95753e72313761b⋯.png (35.52 KB, 657x527, 657:527, a0e8c2d5310433d9626f28fbba….png)


There's bewbs, too.

034268  No.4948217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


even homos can do it

aaa33f  No.4948218


No, but you get used to ignoring the muh joo faggots.

034268  No.4948219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

db1578  No.4948220



You can say that again!

59abe9  No.4948221

File: f6adf28f1772431⋯.png (224.55 KB, 500x557, 500:557, youarebeinghunted.png)

66a236  No.4948222

File: 3041b5a2c12489d⋯.jpg (26.08 KB, 634x357, 634:357, 406D5C3100000578-4514288-i….jpg)












ID: cd5d64

Miss Cyclops is singing your favorite song hamas shill, are you lonely tonight, should we hook up tonight…the two of us need look no more…a time for us, a time for us….

9193e7  No.4948223

File: 2bd2b7572d80023⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 304x400, 19:25, bbbb.jpg)

c20279  No.4948224

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



f840db  No.4948225



as a neutral anon in this, use a comment filter

1bf5bf  No.4948226


Stay away from KosherChan, you’ll really hate that shit.

fe2536  No.4948227

File: f66c989e5567775⋯.png (274.59 KB, 500x517, 500:517, whineyjew003.png)

c20279  No.4948228

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

21fb01  No.4948229



Every one of them has some serious shit in the closet, and it will alllllll come out in due time.

c496f3  No.4948230

File: b009bd2b6bde859⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 992x558, 16:9, qanon-signs1-pol-mem-18080….jpg)

c20279  No.4948231

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

4fd9cc  No.4948232

File: 39c3166b6e7dc14⋯.jpeg (860.43 KB, 1242x1501, 1242:1501, 8C7EE866-1D11-47F5-A7F6-8….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 2317E1B5-2E0B-424E-8F00-2….jpeg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, 0A4386E2-C858-431E-A401-8….jpeg)

File: eefa383ac1d0db2⋯.png (82.53 KB, 621x603, 69:67, 9179C503-A6DE-4673-9DCD-C2….png)

File: d281bc0a27920d0⋯.jpeg (528.56 KB, 1242x1371, 414:457, AF782794-4790-4881-9A72-8….jpeg)


yeah but first chew on this goat. see attached.

0d3718  No.4948233

I'm willing to bet a good amount of these shills are actually fake news media personnel. Moonlighting on the night shift.

You hear me you Anderson Cooper you faggot?!

e9a17d  No.4948234


five dollah's all muh mama'll let me spend

aaa33f  No.4948235


>use a comment filter

I use my brain as a filter; thanks.

6902fe  No.4948236

Wow faggot shills in this bread

Massively proving the Left can't meme..


c20279  No.4948237

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

2d2a48  No.4948238

File: 06518d2e21eb2b6⋯.gif (81.75 KB, 480x831, 160:277, autism awareness.gif)


it's from a pb



i had to know.

034268  No.4948239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8b547d  No.4948240


Jpost seems to be reporting on an interview Bandar did with Independent Arabia: https://www.independentarabia.com/

That's all in Arabic and I can't read it or find the article.

But it seems Independent Arabia is tied to the Saudi regime and produced in conjunction with The Independent: https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/07/20/568660/Saudi-Arabia-Independent-Farsi-website-Iran

de2ff7  No.4948241


<don't panic boss don't panic. I'm gonna write some anti muslim garbage to make myself look more organic.

<you better hope it'll work faggot or you will be the one going on a 1:1 update with Brock

0eca12  No.4948242

File: e596696ab2fbb3d⋯.png (373.08 KB, 567x392, 81:56, Drone.PNG)


how many times has these been in a YouTube video and people claiming its a UFO kek

dce06b  No.4948243


Pretty smart for a sausage.

034268  No.4948244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c76071  No.4948245


There was an easter egg hunt for the raw video. Some anons were even trying to purchase video from various news outlets.

Q said we were racing against those who were monitoring. I think they won that battle because I have never seen the found results posted.

dd4e84  No.4948246

File: d543bb33b3df20d⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 232x238, 116:119, 18870897.gif)

5b3839  No.4948247


I've suspected as much.

Once they started putting feathers on them, and I got redpilled on some other historical lies - made me wonder quite a bit.

Not to mention giants/nephalim in old texts and megalithic structures with strange angles we can't quite explain.

299618  No.4948248


Thank You Anon

for digging on this

I posted the whole series

a day or two ago


d4fad1  No.4948249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDEO – Antifa Member Shot To Death After Drawing Down on Eugene, OR Cops in School

Charlie Landeros, aged old enough to know better, loved his far-left activism. He belonged to an armed Antifa group we’ve covered, training “oppressed peoples” in armed self-defense. And now he’s no longer with us after drawing down on two Eugene, Oregon police officers who attempted to arrest him at a Eugene middle school there.

Police believe the radical Antifa activist showed up at his daughter’s school on January 11 intending to pick her up. Cascade Middle School administrators, however, knew that he had recently lost custody of his child and called police to remove him from school property. What they didn’t know was Charlie had a gun on his hip along with a backpack full of loaded magazines and more 9mm ammunition.

When police arrived, Landeros claimed they had no jurisdiction at the school. The Eugene officers had a different take. And when Landeros failed to peacefully leave, things went south quickly for Mr. Antifa firearms instructor.

The Eugene Police Department has released video of the shooting:


034268  No.4948250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0d5e09  No.4948252

File: db0463814be1930⋯.png (200.84 KB, 1238x1282, 619:641, Screenshot 2019-01-28 21.2….png)

9193e7  No.4948253

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)

27f260  No.4948254

File: b4247e18772dfe3⋯.jpg (781.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, SoonMW.jpg)

9b4775  No.4948255

File: 026a8cddb8ac514⋯.png (28.71 KB, 297x259, 297:259, 026a8cddb8ac5140f1d33a610b….png)


Sure, go to an Evangelical Church, you get the truth there.

Fuck you basically.

aaa33f  No.4948256


That was an interesting one. I think Q was sniffing out bad guys trying to find the video.

2d2a48  No.4948257

File: d2cd86b2daa0bcf⋯.jpg (144.18 KB, 731x384, 731:384, blumenthal now.jpg)

ec642a  No.4948258

I'm expecting guests soon.

3736bb  No.4948259



541181  No.4948260

File: 6b4a7b63fafeae2⋯.jpg (131.23 KB, 872x919, 872:919, 1.JPG)

File: 9864761da7e12d4⋯.jpg (67.4 KB, 531x618, 177:206, 3.JPG)

Manafort sentencing date in fraud case pushed back by judge


f840db  No.4948261


>Is there a way to filter every post that mentions "jews?"

>No, but you get used to ignoring

I don't either, I'm just saying factually there's comment filters

730b40  No.4948262


Michael Hoffman, originally a writer for the NY associated press? You know, AP? That “news” organization? That book is laughable. Just like the made up shite in it. That is the one and only source you provide. That fake shite has been around longer, good old Mike just put it in a nice book for you. How kind of the AP.

5d1f94  No.4948263

File: fe6f4d8dfb21ce5⋯.jpeg (110.38 KB, 600x718, 300:359, CEB4C3C9-7475-4200-B904-0….jpeg)


lmfao…. my sides hurt from btfo these mossad/jidf retards.

this shit is fun… and it helps soread truth! win/win!

6078d2  No.4948264

Apply the research and reasoning skills you have learned to studying the bible.

Trust Jesus.

034268  No.4948265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e9a17d  No.4948266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

efcdc5  No.4948267

File: ae44e18f0da40bb⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 777.jpg)

21d2d6  No.4948268


I would read this as Ruth is in GW hospital and is going to hell (dying)

dce06b  No.4948269


Come from Fiji to be an enemy of the American people, get killed by an illegal Beaner. Dude, that's ironic.

7545d5  No.4948270

File: 5e5cac6eeffee80⋯.jpg (106.13 KB, 500x645, 100:129, 2qyfnm.jpg)

008c16  No.4948271

File: 10aa440c76ef073⋯.png (311.18 KB, 588x406, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Whitaker claims Mueller case ending soon.

Mueller responds by indicting Andrew Miller, a Stone associate.

CNN's being fed by Weissmann.


730b40  No.4948272


You’re quoting a made up book FFS.

aaa33f  No.4948273


>I don't either, I'm just saying factually there's comment filters

Thank you, anon.

Is it just me or is it almost lonely without the flat earth idiots, the remote viewing idiots, the crystal powers idiots, the UFO idiots, etc.? bring on the insults, shitpost faggots.

fe2536  No.4948274


It is an entertaining and informative way to teach our fellow goy about the jews, and how to deal with them.


c45e2a  No.4948275

File: 69bf37f6af18bf2⋯.jpeg (551.25 KB, 1242x688, 621:344, 5CAFF7FB-4890-4FE5-9F5B-2….jpeg)



“Death is the enemy.”

299618  No.4948276


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

0d62d2  No.4948277


Is this like reverse psychology shilling?

6df1d5  No.4948279

File: beaae9e780dcd97⋯.jpeg (551.67 KB, 1242x1402, 621:701, 7F964DBD-5D0B-4572-BE96-F….jpeg)


f840db  No.4948280


I just keep on scrollin'

7a1c53  No.4948281

File: 2fba01cf248e58a⋯.png (574.04 KB, 820x461, 820:461, ClipboardImage.png)

aa01f9  No.4948282


You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.

Trust the plan.

Trust there are more good than bad.

The WORLD is helping.

We are not alone.

We are all connected in this fight.


We are winning BIG.

Watch the speech.

God bless.

541181  No.4948283

File: 43fba2a2177bbff⋯.jpg (152.57 KB, 729x867, 243:289, 1.JPG)

File: 3afa181a61e2b78⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 716x141, 716:141, 3.JPG)

Former Brewers Alliance director faces embezzlement, card fraud charges


de2ff7  No.4948284




<we'll cover for him boss. I'll post the muhjew meme with his trolling text again and he will post the talmud spam again. Trust me it'll work!

<you better make it work faggot. I hear Brock like it rough with failing shills.

<don't worry boss, i;ll ip hop and post a supporting post with jesus

483818  No.4948285

File: dde2cec2a904136⋯.jpg (134.13 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, fags.jpg)

>>4947499 (pb)

Got another name/winery for ya.

Dropped earlier but dayshift missed.


Jean-Charles Boisset


I think pic related says it all in re: to what we've been digging.

I wonder if JL is a connector. The one who linked up big money to HRC. Has Pelosi been with Legend?

21fb01  No.4948286


48-hour rule, anon. CNN is hardly a reliable "source" for anything.

5ed529  No.4948287


'The World is watching.'

Hello World.

The World is thankful for Anons.

140778  No.4948288

File: 11fa121c0f1b677⋯.png (8.96 KB, 255x168, 85:56, rgfire.png)


Maybe here?

1e5d0c  No.4948289

File: 11e0d17d0a34612⋯.jpg (446.52 KB, 774x438, 129:73, HQ.jpg)



And there are more than one of you right now isn't there?

After this long on here…I think I can recognize pretty well.

Well, glad to see you guys again and see your in it still and all must be going forward.

Thank You for staying with us all the way

9b4775  No.4948290

File: 8754daa274c7101⋯.png (15.09 KB, 403x241, 403:241, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Miam….png)

File: 67b73005ea21f4a⋯.png (396.39 KB, 523x822, 523:822, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Q Re….png)

File: f180c7b34949250⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 800x10897, 800:10897, Screenshot_2018-11-28 The ….jpg)

File: fa52d69e0d36ba3⋯.png (628.98 KB, 750x1465, 150:293, Screenshot_2018-11-28 YouT….png)

File: c4a388ea12fa0c3⋯.png (42.15 KB, 547x646, 547:646, 70c2f467e0ea29a6a23c106dfd….png)

c20279  No.4948291


No, it's a mirror. So it is just 'reverse.'

0eca12  No.4948292


1 Corinthians 15:26

“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

6902fe  No.4948293


It's molding up every bread with this over and over…

mindless shilling.

fc1292  No.4948294


I find it disgusting, if indeed, RBG is in a medical induced coma, keeping her alive for political purposes.

Which begs the question: Are the family members on board, or are they livid having to watch her endure suffering/agony as the end justifies the means???

5d1f94  No.4948295

File: 884aa34779df0cc⋯.jpeg (83.96 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 6DC840C1-4035-4923-B21C-4….jpeg)


Now the book is made up?

The Talmud or Judaism’s Strange gods by michael hoffman??

U should lie moar faggot - its very interesting.

d4fad1  No.4948296


Forgot yt link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47swe9Q6cJ8

c45e2a  No.4948297


I’m sure they have plans to avoid that, but always be prepared as a matter of prudence and Del-reliance.

de2ff7  No.4948298


<i'll start something that looks like a normal conversation while using goy and jews. They won't notice it.

c0f7e7  No.4948299


Ah, so they finally figured out a way to do a cure that will cost absurd amounts of money. I bet they don't get raided like every previous researcher who cured cancer in a way that has a reasonable price.

1e5d0c  No.4948300


When is the big reveal?

fe2536  No.4948301

File: 360edc7b233ca80⋯.png (513.78 KB, 500x557, 500:557, cancerkikes.png)



Cancer was cured DECADES ago.

Suppressed Technology.

Now the jews claim they cured cancer.


Another way to make money off of gullible goy who will believe that jews saved mankind, when in fact, they are the destroyers.

730b40  No.4948302


Muh Talmud. Then posts this spam shit. Fake quotes and spam. Winning the hearts and minds shills worldwide.

dd4e84  No.4948303

File: 4467774d26af815⋯.png (161.88 KB, 640x468, 160:117, mountieKEK2.png)

c76071  No.4948304


I am hoping for a series of drops that tie up loose ends, stitch it all together.

dce06b  No.4948305


You have to go back. To Jewresearch. This is Qresearch.

4106b5  No.4948306


When will they indict Seth Rich the IT guy that downloaded files from the server? Data rate speed has already proven it was an inside hack not outside

cd5d64  No.4948307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What the fuck are you talking about you imbecile homosexual faggot?


People are starting to connect the dots between Jews behaving as a tribe and how they accumulate more power via fucking over everyone else, in every way, in every area, all the time.

And I have seen comments in other random blogs that I stumble upon that indicate that the JQ is getting more and more talked about among the people.


Yes, you go to your rabbi and tell him you want him to cum on your stupid face after he fucks you up the ass, then you won't see the posts mentioning kikes.


You're a kike bot, programmed by pedos.

Why do your programmers protect jewish Orthodox pedos?




Keep sucking on those baby dicks, pedo kike.

Both you kikes and muslims will get thrown into the fucking desert as soon as this shit is over.




Kike bot (programmed by pedos), your programmers know that muslims and kikes are allies, always were.



Imagine how many kikes will turn on the police when their pedo religion gets the ban hammer and they get shot to death too?

de2ff7  No.4948308

File: 6b422e6901ca052⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)

170b40  No.4948309


It's a start I guess.

0d62d2  No.4948310


But is it like an obvious shill to say "JFK jr alive!" So we think the opposite?

cd5d64  No.4948311


Israel comes last, pedo kike.

8b29b9  No.4948313

File: abbd38c80557500⋯.png (85.66 KB, 500x392, 125:98, IMG_4277.PNG)

66a236  No.4948314

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, SHILLTARD GOLDSTAR.JPG)



ID: de2ff7

More hamas shills…this nightly shill will ask a comped baker to post his stuff as notables…does this every freaking night

This must be another one of his companion shills (fake anons and fake comped baker that they hand off to)

fe2536  No.4948315

File: 3a2e074afd50e4f⋯.jpg (69.17 KB, 750x538, 375:269, movitalkiejew.jpg)



You were busted on that more times that I can remember.

Nice try, though.

d2df90  No.4948316


Just another "dindu nuffin," but on a much larger scale. From the ghetto they come, and to the ghetto they shall return, like most NBA, NFL, and MLB players within five-ten years of being out of the game, i.e., washed up! Broke-ass thugs, who end up selling drugs.

730b40  No.4948317


Why filter, moar fun to expose your fake book and lies. Leftists tactics are great to expose.

c20279  No.4948318


Anons failed the last stress test.

fe2536  No.4948319

File: 93de798daddcac9⋯.jpg (178.85 KB, 606x750, 101:125, shutitdownrabbitalkie.jpg)

5ff7e5  No.4948320


fo ree doh

I never looked into this.

Is it supposed to be Jr. or something?

8b29b9  No.4948321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a1c9e0  No.4948322

File: b5a433e3131962c⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 561x840, 187:280, bushtsbd[1].jpg)

File: f6897ee49fe866d⋯.png (184.47 KB, 829x896, 829:896, Q BUSH SENIORs ROLE IN JFK….PNG)

File: c98fc78ab8b9d8b⋯.png (220.39 KB, 905x897, 905:897, Q GEORGE BUSH SENIOR AND F….PNG)

File: 4ca7031a8170e40⋯.png (556.19 KB, 831x913, 831:913, Q GEORGE BUSH SENIOR PPL C….PNG)

File: 916e01817724d17⋯.png (233.97 KB, 834x920, 417:460, Q RODRIGUES AND CARRILES V….PNG)


+ Nixon admitted he was in Dallas, but gave conflicting accounts. To read about those conflicting accounts click here or click here.

Is there other evidence to tie Nixon to key players in the JFK assassination? Yes, there is! Look at this bombshell document that states Jack Ruby worked for Nixon: Click here. And Ruby was just a punk with no connections to anyone?

+ One of the most tantalizing nuggets about Nixon's possible inside knowledge of JFK assassination secrets was buried on a White House tape until 2002. On the tape, recorded in May of 1972, the president confided to two top aides that the Warren Commission pulled off "the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated." Unfortunately, he did not elaborate. But the context in which Nixon raised the matter shows just how low he could stoop in efforts to assassinate the character of his political adversaries.

The Republican president made the "hoax" observation in the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt against White House hopeful George Wallace, a long-time Democratic governor of Alabama. The attempt left Wallace paralyzed below the waist. Nixon blurted out his comments about the falsity of the Warren findings in the middle of a conversation in which he repeatedly directed two of his most ruthless aides, Bob Haldeman and Chuck Colson, to carry out a monumental dirty trick. He urged them to plant a false news story linking the would-be Wallace assassin — Arthur Bremer — to two other Democrats, Sen. Edward Kennedy and Sen. George McGovern —possible Nixon opponents in that year's fall elections. "Screw the record," the president orders on at one point. "Just say he was a supporter of that nut (it isn't clear which of the two senators he is referring to). And put it out. Just say we have an authenticated report."

As well as helping to perpetuate the Kennedy assassination "hoax" by turning down Haldeman's proposal for a new JFK probe, Nixon had a major hand in perpetrating it. In November of 1964, on the eve of the official release of the Warren Report, private citizen Nixon went public in support of the panel's coming findings. In a piece for Reader's Digest, he portrayed Oswald as the sole assassin. And Nixon implied that Castro — "a hero in the warped mind of Oswald" — was the real culprit.

He claimed that Robert Kennedy, as attorney general, had authorized a larger number of wiretaps than his own administration. "But I don't criticize it," he declared, adding, "if he had ten more and — as a result of wiretaps — had been able to discover the Oswald Plan, it would have been worth it."

Whoops! The president apparently didn't realize his reference to "the Oswald Plan" didn't square with the government's official lone-killer finding. For if Lee Harvey Oswald had been solely responsible for the assassination, then there would not have been anyone for Oswald to conspire with about his "plan" — on a bugged telephone, or otherwise. Was Nixon inadvertently revealing his knowledge that Mob leaders (Robert Kennedy's main wiretap targets) had a role in President Kennedy's slaying? Was such a belief based on information acquired as a result of Nixon's own solid ties to organized crime and the Mafia-infested Teamsters union? Source: click here.

+ A photograph exists of the Texas School Book Depository while the Dallas Police is sealing off the building. Among the bystanders is a civilian that could be a twin brother of George H.W. Bush.

4fd9cc  No.4948323



^^^^^^^^^^^ mossads best defense is now claiming that books dont exist

fucking kek.

aaa33f  No.4948324


The history books (files, whatever) will be voluminous. This has been an insanely intricate / sophisticated operation. I can't imagine the planning and contingencies involved. Mindbending.

3b75b9  No.4948325


Re-read crumbs…

6902fe  No.4948326


The Left are all mentally damaged.

Their reasoning is inconsistent with logical thinking.

81a976  No.4948327


We saw what happened with the EMP attempts in Kenner, Louisiana and NYC. Great light and sound show, very Nikola Tesla like. Hmmmm, who might be able to do that?


a73956  No.4948328


another scam for your DNA

aaa33f  No.4948329


>The Left are all mentally damaged.

>Their reasoning is inconsistent with logical thinking.

Truth. They are victims - let's not forget that.

cd5d64  No.4948330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kike pedo, you and your sandnigger camel hopping pedo allies can go suck each other off.

Video shows how you kikes are as barbaric as the mudslimes.

0eca12  No.4948331


what about the knee jerk emotions of greed.,. lust gluttony,.. jealously … envy…hatred .. and the list goes on.. can we keep any of them

1e5d0c  No.4948332


Well try walking a mile in another man's shoes.

Know what it's like on this side of the mirror?

Not easy.

8b29b9  No.4948333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

de2ff7  No.4948334


<shit boss it still doesn't work. I'm scared fag, I don't know what to do… I'm scared of meeting brock 1:1, he will defile me

<you still have a chance, try projecting more and calling him a bot, try calling him a kike bot, use the pedo supporter angle, improvise for crying out loud, faggot

<ok ok boss, I'll try.

dd4e84  No.4948335


Only problem is that they have to keep the supply of stricken cancer victims going so they can sell the cure or develope new forms of cancer that cannot be cured by this treatment to keep the money flowing in….

dce06b  No.4948336


You need to go back now. Or KYS. Both are acceptable.

6902fe  No.4948337




JFK jr. is dead.


R Larp has its own bread, if you want to talk about it, go there.

de2ff7  No.4948338


the nazism documentary is anti nazi ffs.

watch it.

e901b8  No.4948339

File: 6a78f2db7a663a7⋯.png (63.69 KB, 1001x486, 1001:486, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8373a1008a577aa⋯.png (99.47 KB, 649x742, 649:742, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eb64d906876d08⋯.png (105.24 KB, 666x792, 37:44, ClipboardImage.png)

One year ago

Article missing

Who's Michael Sussman and Why is it Important?

Why is Michael Sussman important to the Muh Russia dossier and how is it that so many players are tied to Perkins Coie?? What did James Baker say when you interviewed him?

#AmDigitalNews #MichaelSussman #PerkinsCoie #FISAgate



…big Crooked Hillary law firm, represented by her lawyer Michael Sussmann (do you believe this?) who worked Baker hard & gave him Oppo Research for “a Russia probe.” This meeting, now exposed, is the subject of Senate inquiries and much more. An Unconstitutional Hoax. @FoxNews

aa01f9  No.4948340

Imagine THIS.

Raw intel collection.

Narrative FEEDER.











How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera [trusted by select viewers] are extensions of the ARM?

Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain.



You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.

You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.








4fd9cc  No.4948341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and all the reeeeeeing and projecting by the shills just make our job easier.

God i love God’s plan. (((They))) fucked if they do, and really fucked if (((they))) dont.

21d2d6  No.4948342


Its not for you to know.

8b29b9  No.4948343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe2536  No.4948344


They are so quick to show their hand.

dce06b  No.4948345


B.O. Can you i.d. and ban the constant jew bullshit? It has nothing to do with Q and is one of the worst shills to date.

c76071  No.4948346


Upper right options, filters, comment, click regex, add.

It is nice for awhile, not having to listen to the constant jew, no jew are jew back and forth retardation fest that is the sewer we swim through.

HOWEVER, there will be several relevant posts you will miss out on because of this.

Try it for awhile, you'll see.

9193e7  No.4948347

File: 0b6f2c14a3c74b0⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 600x277, 600:277, tucopoint.jpg)

File: 5f638e284bbcea7⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, paul.jpg)

b2b24d  No.4948348

File: 956e0f629c56535⋯.jpg (402.14 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PicsArt_01-28-09.33.16.jpg)

human leather tanning industry in Chicago circa 1902


c0f7e7  No.4948349


The cures have been easy to find online for almost 20 years. It boggles my mind that there are still so many victims of the cancer industry.

fe505f  No.4948350

File: 652581d232dc24e⋯.jpg (349.38 KB, 500x1816, 125:454, 1.jpg)

File: 821aa81357bd847⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, cl.jpg)


Chickens modified to produce human proteins in eggs

aaa33f  No.4948351


Welcome, newfag.

ba6f45  No.4948352

File: 07fc5e843ec22c4⋯.jpg (10.53 KB, 403x403, 1:1, Paytriot payments.jpg)


you fight with everyone in here

eat a bag of dicks amateur.

c20279  No.4948353

File: 4bbea56ddb37a1c⋯.png (947.43 KB, 750x612, 125:102, JFKjrRFKjrwithunknownkidsf….png)

File: 799b8de222bd789⋯.png (423.78 KB, 599x446, 599:446, JFKjrRFKTweet7_16_18.png)

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)




Explain this. Look at the date.

de2ff7  No.4948354




<i'll back you up and post more talmud fake and gay spam

<and i'll write some more "pedo kike" and "sand nigger" to sound more authentic and angry

55a6cf  No.4948355


Just a reminder that PG&E was a big contributor to CAP, AKA Center for American Progress, Podesta's baby.

Also, that stupid fuck Tom Steyer was on the BoD.

4b6dc1  No.4948356

File: 2a1dc510845280b⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1191x694, 1191:694, merpissed.PNG)

fd4b98  No.4948357

File: e77657449b21649⋯.png (271.36 KB, 744x396, 62:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c639dd586c4523⋯.png (131.43 KB, 708x2020, 177:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2de44918f71bafe⋯.png (89.89 KB, 709x1449, 709:1449, ClipboardImage.png)

Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans to Package and Sell Location Data on Millions of Cellphones

Most of the data collected by urban planners is messy, complex, and difficult to represent. It looks nothing like the smooth graphs and clean charts of city life in urban simulator games like “SimCity.” A new initiative from Sidewalk Labs, the city-building subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, has set out to change that. The program, known as Replica, offers planning agencies the ability to model an entire city’s patterns of movement. Like “SimCity,” Replica’s “user-friendly” tool deploys statistical simulations to give a comprehensive view of how, when, and where people travel in urban areas. It’s an appealing prospect for planners making critical decisions about transportation and land use. In recent months, transportation authorities in Kansas City, Portland, and the Chicago area have signed up to glean its insights. The only catch: They’re not completely sure where the data is coming from.

Typical urban planners rely on processes like surveys and trip counters that are often time-consuming, labor-intensive, and outdated. Replica, instead, uses real-time mobile location data. As Nick Bowden of Sidewalk Labs has explained, “Replica provides a full set of baseline travel measures that are very difficult to gather and maintain today, including the total number of people on a highway or local street network, what mode they’re using (car, transit, bike, or foot), and their trip purpose (commuting to work, going shopping, heading to school).” To make these measurements, the program gathers and de-identifies the location of cellphone users, which it obtains from unspecified third-party vendors. It then models this anonymized data in simulations — creating a synthetic population that faithfully replicates a city’s real-world patterns but that “obscures the real-world travel habits of individual people,” as Bowden told The Intercept. The program comes at a time of growing unease with how tech companies use and share our personal data — and raises new questions about Google’s encroachment on the physical world.


8b29b9  No.4948358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e9aa85  No.4948359


Yeah they R

4e3992  No.4948360

File: 4108bb2434c6837⋯.png (601.32 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Horny Liddle Q Alpha.png)

File: 1ec0bcce090be08⋯.png (560.05 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Horny Liddle Q Plain Alpha.png)

Horny Liddle Q & Horny Liddle Q Plain Alpha .png Only Files.


92d181  No.4948361



Potential case of prescience.

Hope it’s not catchy!

Still. That tweet is odd.

21d2d6  No.4948362



9193e7  No.4948363

File: 46f0197fe7784c3⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 500x432, 125:108, brillant.jpg)

fe2536  No.4948364

File: 909c0f7a36ab5b5⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 832x827, 832:827, 1548037478305.jpg)


Can you whine a little louder. BO seems to have trouble hearing you.

8b29b9  No.4948365

daniel might still be part cockroach alien

170b40  No.4948366

File: 993e5634e637457⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 360x256, 45:32, 1i3p7y (1).gif)


Meanwhile in Tel Aviv…..

aaa33f  No.4948367

File: e81930e31c6423d⋯.png (61.3 KB, 234x215, 234:215, ClipboardImage.png)

2d2a48  No.4948368

File: 4e497cf4feb20cb⋯.png (347.83 KB, 886x864, 443:432, theRsec.png)


Jim Carrey?

6902fe  No.4948369


It's something none of the normal anons give a fuck about, go shit up your own bread.

de2ff7  No.4948370


thank you for exposing me to the john birch society

db1578  No.4948371


I diligently read the Talmud-defending site for a while. It's quite well done. Then I realized… if this is true (ie the Talmud is all good), then why have Jews been kicked out of just about everywhere for thousands of years?

Only then I could see the hidden implication. If the Talmud is so benign, there is no reason to hate Jews, right? Goys are the ones who are hating Jews for no reason, right? And there it is, clear as day. And I didn't even have to read the Talmud to figure it out. Easy peasy.

So I've taken to advising them to admit a little wrongdoing in order to make their story believable. Haven't seen a competent response to that yet.

5d1f94  No.4948372

File: 6c4a64f493f0bc7⋯.jpeg (146.52 KB, 668x750, 334:375, AC64EEA0-1939-419D-A452-5….jpeg)

8b29b9  No.4948373

File: 51f8d325826bce1⋯.jpg (201.89 KB, 802x800, 401:400, IMG_4078.JPG)

a6e9b9  No.4948374

File: 30def8dff51881b⋯.png (36.05 KB, 1135x372, 1135:372, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. judge to allow controversial evidence in Roundup cancer trials

Jan 28 (Reuters) - A federal judge overseeing lawsuits alleging Bayer AG's glyphosate-based Roundup weed killer causes cancer on Monday tentatively allowed pieces of controversial evidence that the company had hoped to exclude from upcoming trials.


c20279  No.4948375


That's all you got? kek

beee73  No.4948376

File: ecff627d88518e5⋯.jpg (79.62 KB, 1200x640, 15:8, human-skin-shoes-1.jpg)

c76071  No.4948377


You just stepped in it.

see: >>4948346

a45db1  No.4948378

Anyone know why /pol/s getting smashed with interracial tranny threesome faggot nigger dyke porn?

868889  No.4948379


SQL injection I guess

dce06b  No.4948380


Yeah, only since 11/15/17. Board has gotten almost useless lately.

0d62d2  No.4948381


Dead or alive, doesn't matter until it matters.

ae9d2c  No.4948382

File: 697e6270e146634⋯.png (116.25 KB, 970x361, 970:361, bingwaming.png)

File: ca6d91343757283⋯.png (218.18 KB, 946x517, 86:47, ddgwaming.png)

File: 5dbbb6c49d07a93⋯.png (133.95 KB, 988x489, 988:489, ddgwaming1.png)

Had to go beyond first page(s) of search results for "waming".

Only tried DDG & Bing but here's what came up, dated Jan 18, 2019. Still looking in document itself for "Waming", as opposed to "warning"… just can't see it yet, and wondering why "Waning" is coming up in the search hits if it's not in document. Will look again after posting…



0eca12  No.4948383


this is a free speech board even the asshole can post,, all you have to do is filter them and the problem is solved

730b40  No.4948384


Oh Mike, try harder. AP going to rehire you now that you’re a leftist hero?

fe2536  No.4948385


You would think that they would be proud of their book.

c20279  No.4948386


You mean the retarded, mentally ill shills like you don't give a fuck about it. That's right. kek

4fd9cc  No.4948388

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, 32ABB647-6F4D-4BEC-9CFF-5….jpeg)

File: eefa383ac1d0db2⋯.png (82.53 KB, 621x603, 69:67, 7DBE1B1E-793F-4460-90BE-43….png)

9cbbcb  No.4948389

File: 9a9490105f855ba⋯.jpg (105.36 KB, 500x397, 500:397, RAts02.jpg)

…Goddamn rats in the kitchen, again.

1e5d0c  No.4948390


Not sure how Anons fail the stress test.

Can you elaborate on that?

A hint maybe?

37f1eb  No.4948391


that's decoder Anon. he says he's from a cult family and provides his take on codes in news and media

aaa33f  No.4948392


>Yeah, only since 11/15/17. Board has gotten almost useless lately.

Then you haven't been here since then or you haven't been here for very long in that time. The shilling now is like a vacation at a beach compared to how it has been in the past.

fd4b98  No.4948393


I hear you..maybe the family members didn't have a choice..especially if she had a living will or some other type document that took any say or control out of their hands.

e9aa85  No.4948394


You gonna do a Q-moji collection, now?

92d181  No.4948395


The jr thing is gonna be or not gonna be.

Think about something else ffs.

8b29b9  No.4948396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e5683  No.4948397

File: bca858e7fcf200a⋯.jpeg (79.69 KB, 1069x1069, 1:1, DyDjBCqVAAM4fwl.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 432f375b3e008c2⋯.jpeg (94.86 KB, 909x560, 909:560, DyCyDWMU0AAkocu.jpg-large.jpeg)

c20279  No.4948398


kek. You don't have a clue what is going on here. You are like a caveman at a country club.

aa01f9  No.4948399




SESSIONS' forced release of name [HUBER] to House created another variable.

Use Logic.

Why would we tell you the plan if in doing so also alerts those who we are actively engaged in HUNTING?

You are witnessing, first-hand, the demise of those in power [OLD GUARD].

Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.

Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.

Emotions cloud judgement.

Emotions cloud logic.

You have more than you know.

Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.

Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.

[Avoided Z]

We, the PEOPLE.



Do you think all these attacks on 'Q' (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Research for yourself.

Be in control of yourself.

NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.


9193e7  No.4948400

File: 912d1ea077d5ff5⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 403x586, 403:586, beldrkek.jpg)

File: 5ad28ce44347b97⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 242x418, 11:19, dayzee.jpg)

6902fe  No.4948401


>Try Harder

8b29b9  No.4948402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd5d64  No.4948403

File: 202735bf4a89901⋯.png (568.92 KB, 823x687, 823:687, 1521149779711.png)


Tell your pedo programmers that they have to update you, kike bot.




Freedman was a kike but converted, that is a great speech.


Suck my fat ass gentile dick faggot.

Facts are facts you miserable kike.

Deal with them, or just go cry to your rabbi.


Sorry, I don't want to share your taste in hobbies, so you go ahead and suck on that bag of dicks, faggot.


You're still a kike bot defending pedos.





Go to plebs and search for the talmud generals.

dce06b  No.4948404


Most posts lately arent that great anyway, I'll have a look. I'm only here til 1/31 anyway.

c20279  No.4948405


There is nothing else. It is everything in one. Are you that ignorant of history?

c9a0b7  No.4948406

Beep boop.

f840db  No.4948407

File: be38678194bc59c⋯.png (373.62 KB, 648x540, 6:5, 8ebd7509b1613252b2f530db86….png)

057a3c  No.4948408

File: b5d575ed8603f9b⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 512x512, 1:1, homer.jpg)



0d62d2  No.4948409


Your argument is compelling. JFK jr alive yall.

8b547d  No.4948410


More on this:


Apparently this is this FIRST interview from new site Independent Arabia (https://www.independentarabia.com/) aligned with the Saudi regime, and the interview with Bandar was 14 hours, with more news to come…

170b40  No.4948411

File: 5893611beafb1f9⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 880x492, 220:123, 2s9wgh.jpg)

63fe50  No.4948412

File: 29a6653e25e007d⋯.png (153.6 KB, 500x522, 250:261, shaggy-this-isnt-weed-2367….png)

f840db  No.4948413



>>4947826, >>4947833 Reminder there was a Facebook founder 'running for his life' from the CIA in 2016

>>4947851, >>4947877, >>4948126 From CIA doc Q posted: Hitler close to Knights of Malta

>>4947857 Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts'

>>4947882 Top Saudi Official: Obama lied and set the Middle East back 20 years

>>4947929 DHS report on Huawei

>>4947960 POTUS has a 15% greater approval rating than Pelosi does

>>4947988, >>4947998 Resignations in the news today

>>4948030 PG&E To File Bankruptcy Within Hours

>>4948081 On the Obama administration signing an informal espionage agreement with China in 2015

>>4948148 From Cover-Ups To Secret Plots: The Murky History Of Supreme Justices' Health

>>4948348 Human leather tanning industry in Chicago circa 1902

>>4948357 Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans to Package and Sell Location Data on Millions of Cellphones

>>4948374 U.S. judge to allow controversial evidence in Roundup cancer trials

730b40  No.4948414


Kek, please keep posting these. Your credibility is pure shit. I’m showing normies I know the posts and letting them watch. It become clear to them quickly.

c20279  No.4948415


You try. I do.

9193e7  No.4948416

File: 28509d9ee1f7781⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 599x362, 599:362, 1-tool.jpg)

File: 84c37dd7f23fde2⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 568x304, 71:38, abynrml.jpg)

80ca9f  No.4948417



Do you have a link to the letters?

Looking now in archives.

8e2015  No.4948418

File: 8e06c02cb6a762c⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 470x595, 94:119, 8e06c02cb6a762c084996ff2fa….jpg)



9b4775  No.4948419

File: ea7a481724e7905⋯.png (2.93 MB, 1069x8598, 1069:8598, 01Screenshot_2018-11-28 Su….png)

File: fcb1538c4ceb09b⋯.png (588.73 KB, 657x6232, 657:6232, 02Screenshot_2018-11-28 Su….png)

File: 397c095152ddd02⋯.png (264.37 KB, 641x3106, 641:3106, 03Screenshot_2018-11-28 Su….png)

File: 81687f8fb91b5d9⋯.png (219.47 KB, 552x2690, 276:1345, Screenshot_2018-11-28 Supr….png)

File: 2d80890b67ec046⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 632x356, 158:89, 611833518_1967387187.jpg)


well their defence two nights ago to the charge of involvement in the transatlantic black slave trade post A.D.1600 was that the source offered as proof, proved no such thing at all, but only proved Jewish involvement in white slavery from about A.D. 400 onwards.


b4a225  No.4948420

File: 731117fe9a4434c⋯.png (108.67 KB, 1360x680, 2:1, ReutersVenezuelaJohnbolton.png)

National Security Advisor John Bolton believes that militaries in middle and lower levels are looking for ways to support Guaido in Venezuela

~Reuters Venezuela

aaa33f  No.4948421


>JFK jr alive yall.

His colon is giving me head right now.

0eba83  No.4948422

File: 0ba95a792df4454⋯.png (16.54 KB, 394x422, 197:211, mossad.png)

File: 9166f859d632068⋯.jpg (275.82 KB, 632x724, 158:181, jewviction.jpg)


>Can you i.d. and ban the constant jew bullshit?

think that's the plan.

6902fe  No.4948423


it's half?

thought that was normal for them.

Or are you saying they are over the target on something.

de2ff7  No.4948424

File: 2aee571debb76cf⋯.jpg (150.39 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 2aee571debb76cf4a99bca2dc2….jpg)





<i'll play more on the jesus angle boss. that's all we have left boss

<i'll post some more rabbi memes boss

<i'll post more shit boss

<and i'll take the shill tears mug and add "jew" again.

<finally my gaylords, you are working as a team!

4fd9cc  No.4948425

File: c9511e6562f16f3⋯.jpeg (839.39 KB, 1242x1789, 1242:1789, D3CA8645-59D4-4C5A-B8F1-1….jpeg)

File: caf17d89c7e3695⋯.png (34.85 KB, 571x592, 571:592, F1F957D1-100F-404F-9980-D0….png)


The Tanakh (the old testament) the written laws of moses was the traditions of the israelites…and just like Jesus said, the Pharisees hijacked and subverted the religion of Moses with the oral traditions of men (talmud).

497b8e  No.4948426



aa01f9  No.4948427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Play LOUD.



FIGHT for what is RIGHT!


They will not win.

Divide they try.

Fail they will.




Thank you all for being here, fags!

God bless!

c20279  No.4948428


Hi there, Schiffty You are excused.

cd5d64  No.4948429


That poster has a point, here: >>4947847

0d5e09  No.4948430

File: 78391a80914383d⋯.png (5.21 MB, 2880x1516, 720:379, Screenshot 2019-01-28 21.4….png)

File: 7acb8bc54f64842⋯.png (5.99 MB, 2880x1481, 2880:1481, Screenshot 2019-01-28 21.4….png)

Little St James Island: going underground?

c20279  No.4948431

File: 4838b3cccd9c0e3⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, DjiNH2SV4AABYZy.jpg)

4e3992  No.4948432

File: 053b508a1d01c7f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Witchy Q Alpha.png)


Hmmm, it's an idea. I have done another emoji so maybe. Thanks for that idea Anon.

fe2536  No.4948433

File: 4b344c574d7d4fd⋯.png (514.72 KB, 500x557, 500:557, muh6gorilliangassed.png)



Please stop. You are too effective.

Cry to your rabbi.

3b65fb  No.4948434

File: 5e621065df37f15⋯.png (170.22 KB, 951x348, 317:116, 234900876123498623547.png)

023dea  No.4948435

A frog would boil in water at 212 degrees F

"water &c."

c20279  No.4948436

File: 9b16cd73575e493⋯.png (6.65 KB, 456x185, 456:185, The Start.png)

a45db1  No.4948437


All popped up at the same time. Maybe found something, not sure.

59abe9  No.4948438


Do not filter. Learn to scroll. When you see the muh joos think of them as daesh recruiters or pussy hat wearing goat fuckers. Cuz that is what they are.

e35550  No.4948439

File: c853faf5a23ee51⋯.png (335.98 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A0A136B8-F88A-4011-9FFC-B2….png)

File: ceafb47711dfdc8⋯.png (386.32 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C56AEEAB-6DED-4346-863A-18….png)

File: 605d400c1ee23d5⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, BF9E0CC8-1703-433C-8872-25….png)

HOLY SHIT. You can BUY it - order online in Santa Cruz


dce06b  No.4948440


My filtering of ebot etc has been effective.

fe2536  No.4948441

File: de3b947cf1e44a1⋯.png (458.9 KB, 594x407, 54:37, notthisjewagain.png)

978626  No.4948442

File: b279656fb7cfa9b⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1650x1650, 1:1, SOTU 02-05-19 01-28-19.jpg)



SOTU 2/5


12 KEYSTONE QClock theory explained using SOTU 2/5

Be a genius like Leonardo da Vinci





Make Earth Great Again

The Great Global Awakening

c20279  No.4948443

File: d2807f31058426b⋯.png (91.1 KB, 592x411, 592:411, VKTJD.png)

e901b8  No.4948444

File: 0d4fcf610098028⋯.png (748.18 KB, 752x1370, 376:685, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6447a64789d5e11⋯.png (564.1 KB, 770x1362, 385:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e162c9011297f12⋯.png (211.02 KB, 879x627, 293:209, ClipboardImage.png)


One year ago

33d0c5  No.4948445

File: e61d057f3f6c922⋯.jpg (832.74 KB, 1956x1580, 489:395, InfographMcLeanVirginia.jpg)

9b4775  No.4948446


good fuck off and take your pederast sodomite image with you

dce06b  No.4948447


Why would I care to lie about being on here? That's just stupid.

de2ff7  No.4948448

File: dcf2a020de4fe4e⋯.png (18.08 KB, 569x208, 569:208, evil4.PNG)


<hey boss, 'i'll post that MOS post again, making it look like they represent the jews.

<add that fake list of countries from which jews were expelled. got it!

<10 4 boss


saying MOS = jews ot israelis, is same as saying C_A = americans.

try harder. attached is relevant

8b29b9  No.4948449

File: 1cd17596fd50637⋯.png (11.36 KB, 180x192, 15:16, IMG_4029.PNG)

blah blah blah

fart vader cow rectum still beat hillary

e9aa85  No.4948450


Any time! ^_^



dce06b  No.4948451


It's certainly not idiot-free though.

aaa33f  No.4948452


ebot is probably the only thing I'd filter here other than some particularly annoying shills, which I very rarely filter on ID.

The reason I've stopped filtering ebot is because once in a while ebot says something interesting. I think ebot might be controlled opposition. No idea.

f3f90f  No.4948453


You're right, people are individuals but look at what the Jewish religion is based on…

Have you read the Talmud?

Jews are Canaanites.

6902fe  No.4948454


Well, keep us apprised.

Report anything anomalous.

aa01f9  No.4948455

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

#Memo shifts narrative.

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.

#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].

#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).


[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Hussein [8]

Install rogue_ops

Leak C-intel/Mil assets

Cut funding to Mil

Command away from generals

Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)

SAP sell-off

Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)

Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)

Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)

Blind-eye NK [nuke build]

[Clas-1, 2, 3]

Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]

Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]

Stage SC [AS [187]]

U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]

KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)

[CLAS 1-99]

HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]

Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL

KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]

Open borders

Revise Constitution

Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)

Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)

Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]

Limit/remove funding of MIL

Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]

Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59


Pure EVIL.

Narrative intercept [4am].

Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.

Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].

Shutdown Primary Reasons.


Weaken military assets.

Inc illegal votes.

Black voters abandoning.

"Keep them starved"

"Keep them blind"

"Keep them stupid"

HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].

The Great Awakening.

Fight, Fight, Fight.


5b3839  No.4948456

File: 3f16e0f38a3d5ef⋯.png (806.21 KB, 2000x1800, 10:9, 1520224580447.png)


Huh! Look at that.

Confirms my post here >>4948198


c0f7e7  No.4948457


Been known for years. It's not walnut sauce, it's made in a lab.

3ae86f  No.4948458


There is zero chance Kamala will win the nomination. The Dems really ought to split into a green/socialist party and leftist old school democrats.

2d2a48  No.4948459


i don't know if the morse decode actually has anything to do with those Canadian agencies, but that was the most plausible of the simple search results.

de2ff7  No.4948460

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, c1fde26162d168c2fa2cb953f….jpeg)


<I got it boss. I'll take a meme and add "jew" again

<do it

muhjew script:

while(1) {


print_image( "walkie_talkie_shill_garbage.jpeg");

if(reply == meme) {



print_meme(); }


20fd0d  No.4948461

Peace is the plan. Moving along nicely?

U.S. and Taliban Agree in Principle to Peace Framework, Envoy Says


fe2536  No.4948462

File: 05b8987c7777b06⋯.png (276.11 KB, 500x517, 500:517, whineyjew_004.png)

9b4775  No.4948463

File: bcf385768972608⋯.png (358.19 KB, 641x477, 641:477, 1480462625032.png)

66a236  No.4948464

Hamas shill posters…do not look at their videos, IP address hackers probably too…they post the same BS every night, they are not anons. shills slides, hackers, hand off to comped bakers. They post nothing else.















ID: cd5d64




ID: de2ff7


ID: 4fd9cc

730b40  No.4948465


Never said that book didn’t exist. Leftist tactic to misrepresent. Said that book is bullshit. Full of lies, misrepresentations and lies.

Want to debate JQ? What’s your answer to it? Solve the question since you seem to know all the research?

dce06b  No.4948466


It's covered. Thanks, Millenial Boi.

9c62af  No.4948467

File: 6fb07d821192875⋯.png (736.35 KB, 1000x595, 200:119, ClipboardImage.png)

The only way to properly explain, is with words.

Buckle up.


fe2536  No.4948468

File: c40cf4f684d7c64⋯.jpg (116.81 KB, 480x700, 24:35, bilboardjewtalkie.jpg)

0eca12  No.4948469


Neither is the MSM or any TV show you watch just got to learn to deal with it and scroll past the dummies .. lots of good info on this board

cd5d64  No.4948470

File: c706774c9b81947⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bobby.mp4)


Fuck you, kike pedo.

Posting TRUTH about kikes is the opposite of that.

aaa33f  No.4948471


>Why would I care to lie about being on here? That's just stupid.

I don't know. It would be stupid. On the other hand, you're claiming that the shilling happening now with the muh joo guys is bad. And it isn't nearly as bad as it has been in the past. Therefore, my conclusion.

fe2536  No.4948472

File: c2b6d09d3e80b77⋯.png (511.42 KB, 500x557, 500:557, actbutthurt.png)

beee73  No.4948473

File: a3da3e1df296d86⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 500x475, 20:19, a3da3e1df296d86aa61cb61543….jpg)

057a3c  No.4948474

>>4948440 My filtering of ebot etc has been effective. says Ebot

33d0c5  No.4948475


6 petals…. daze, ribbon (6), green (plant) eyes… are you purposefully making it easy to see the codes? I understand shills use imagery to get others to know "one of us" but what purpose is there in this one?

meh, doesn't matter.

9b4775  No.4948476

File: 41ef1e0ad06f2bf⋯.jpg (190.11 KB, 1200x599, 1200:599, the-lyon-sisters-child-mur….jpg)

8b29b9  No.4948477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4fd9cc  No.4948478

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpeg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, A986D4F1-7379-40A1-88A2-C….jpeg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpeg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, E9549416-0700-4080-9504-7….jpeg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpeg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, 409A4A61-E1BE-4BDE-9F2E-2….jpeg)

File: df7c4e0e049adb8⋯.jpeg (58.3 KB, 461x341, 461:341, 522EBC9E-7C02-4EC0-A55E-A….jpeg)

File: ccfb4542e2fe38a⋯.jpeg (154.28 KB, 952x676, 238:169, 1859DA06-8F40-432B-8709-0….jpeg)


u should go back to larping as a christian and claiming that ur trip to jerusalem was to visit the plaves Jesus graced.

dce06b  No.4948479


I'll just filter you first to check it out.

596da8  No.4948480

File: 4f7d8ca61f822bd⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 181x292, 181:292, 1FFF1F47-A261-4524-BF97-EB….gif)

e9aa85  No.4948482


That's the thing most people miss…

Groups like the "taliban" just want to go about their day without being molested… like we all do.

I put that in quote because I'm not talking about the Cabal Version…

I mean the people who are tired of living in a state that's used a proxy-war.

I know I wouldn't want to be beholden to some foreign military just because there are assholes in my country.

That'd be like Antifa bringing the UN to clear out the "hateful, violent, homogynophobic Red Hats who are destabilizing everything".

de2ff7  No.4948483

File: 4982e5056777387⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 6167e0f393484b8eee0d7b2891….jpg)


<i'll ip hop and take the flags and make it look like jews are bad and christians are good nazis. despite the fact that nazis were anti christian, socialists. No one will notice the difference

<you better make it work faggot

8b29b9  No.4948484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe2536  No.4948485

File: 204c3a677618c55⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 27euex.jpg)


Cry moar.

dce06b  No.4948486


I just started filtering again.

c76071  No.4948487



did it work?

3764c9  No.4948488

File: b5edc46cc1799b1⋯.png (899.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, QSniper.png)

File: aba7b94b0b059c5⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, QSkeleton2.png)

8b29b9  No.4948489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e5d0c  No.4948490


Posted that in response the the hint of how Anons pass the stress test.

Worthy of examination.

75c067  No.4948491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4fd9cc  No.4948492


yeah Q has warned us about those HAMAS shills!!!


Try harder mossad - ur bag of trix getting emptied?

7d0304  No.4948493

File: 70c77b73f9540cd⋯.jpeg (553.95 KB, 934x1366, 467:683, 154743197747833912.jpeg)



Debunk this.

Hint: You can't.

d4fad1  No.4948494

File: 774f52a1c8a878b⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 600x500, 6:5, addiegorino.jpg)

A Republican N.J. lawmaker just switched parties. Here’s why she’s now a Democrat.

In a rare and unexpected move, longtime Republican state Sen. Dawn Marie Addiego of Burlington County announced Monday she is switching parties and becoming a Democrat.

“As gridlock in Washington dominates the news, it has become increasingly clear that in order to effect change you have to be part of the discussion and not on the outside looking in,” Addiego, who has represented South Jersey’s 8th District since 2010, said in a statement.

“The people of the 8th District did not elect me to be content in the role of loyal opposition," the 56-year-old attorney added.

The move bolsters Democrats' ever-increasing hold of New Jersey government, giving the party an even larger majority in the Senate, the upper house of the state Legislature.


f840db  No.4948495


>>4947826, >>4947833 Reminder there was a Facebook founder 'running for his life' from the CIA in 2016

>>4947851, >>4947877, >>4948126 From CIA doc Q posted: Hitler close to Knights of Malta

>>4947857 Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts'

>>4947882 Top Saudi Official: Obama lied and set the Middle East back 20 years

>>4947929 DHS report on Huawei

>>4947960 POTUS has a 15% greater approval rating than Pelosi does

>>4947988, >>4947998 Resignations in the news today

>>4948030 PG&E To File Bankruptcy Within Hours

>>4948081 On the Obama administration signing an informal espionage agreement with China in 2015

>>4948148 From Cover-Ups To Secret Plots: The Murky History Of Supreme Justices' Health

>>4948348 Human leather tanning industry in Chicago circa 1902

>>4948357 Google’s Sidewalk Labs Plans to Package and Sell Location Data on Millions of Cellphones

>>4948374 U.S. judge to allow controversial evidence in Roundup cancer trials

de2ff7  No.4948496

File: 6c55e4fc99e029a⋯.jpeg (21.18 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 9841c92b5cdb2d19f87a4a0ec….jpeg)


<shit. I do't know how are we gonna make it team…

<I'll spam some more, it must work.

299618  No.4948497


50I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” h

55“Where, O death, is your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?” i

56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

dce06b  No.4948498


I filtered all the Freddys, but they seem to have disappeared anyway.

0eca12  No.4948499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


P.S me personally I like FKing with them kek

Talkin' jivey, poison ivy

You ain't gonna cling to me

Man taker, born faker

I ain't so blind I can't see

Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch

Nazareth - Hair of the Dog

cd5d64  No.4948501

File: 8e6eb04621deb44⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 5288x3968, 661:496, Big autismo 7.jpg)


Fear mongering now, kike pedo?

People can put the links to kiketube videos in web downloaders to avoid the tracking of kiketube, and the video files, if they download them they can scan them for viruses.

And regarding the muslims, they can go fuck their pig prophet in the ass.

Kikes and mudslimes are allies against the Western people.

fe2536  No.4948503

File: 00467905042304f⋯.png (627.73 KB, 2310x2147, 2310:2147, 00467905042304f407f4251b15….png)


You blinked.

140778  No.4948505

File: a635b7636359234⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Magic Sword - Memories In ….mp4)

a73956  No.4948506


>A Republican N.J. lawmaker just switched parties. Here’s why she’s now a Democrat.

was this for a new bullet train or sumptin?

wot a bitch

6902fe  No.4948507


Freddy pulled a double shift last night. Must actually be sleeping.

730b40  No.4948509


Told ya I love it. I’m way used to this kind of spam. And it is helpful.

dce06b  No.4948510


I dont like wasting any time on lowlife bullshit.

0d3718  No.4948511


Maybe q is about to post. Kinda how roaches scatter when the light turns on. Darkness to light.. Kek

a1c9e0  No.4948513

File: 5623fc6cb13b91a⋯.gif (88.12 KB, 500x658, 250:329, bushmemoclear[1].gif)

File: 7be44dbf8b56cf8⋯.png (218.62 KB, 756x875, 108:125, Q MOAR INFO ON JFK ASSASSI….PNG)

File: d3d797733dea71a⋯.jpg (914.88 KB, 1247x1564, 1247:1564, pageONE[1].jpg)

File: 83115eb3d583ff5⋯.jpg (506.44 KB, 1221x1372, 1221:1372, pageTWO[1].jpg)

File: 030a8cb4218352a⋯.jpg (627.85 KB, 1187x1258, 1187:1258, pageTHREE[1].jpg)

Behind the Bushes (2)

+ The architects for the Bay of Pigs were Vice President Richard Nixon and CIA director Allen Dulles. JFK inherited the plan from the Eisenhower administration. Nixon lost the race for the presidency to JFK and Dulles was fired by JFK for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. Yet Dulles is appointed by president Johnson as a Warren Commission member to "investigate" JFK's murder. The proof for Bush's lie about his CIA past can be found in a document, declassified in 1988.

It's a memorandum of FBI director J Edgar Hoover to the State department, dated 29 November 1963. It describes a meeting, one day after JFK's murder, between FBI and CIA officials talking about the reaction of the Cuban exile community to the Kennedy Assassination. The last paragraph states that the "the substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to us and George Bush of the Central Intelligence agency". Here we have the name of George Bush mentioned as a CIA official in direct connection to the Kennedy assassination. When asked by journalists, he initially stated "It's not me, must be another Bush!" This was checked and found to be NOT true. When asked again, a spokesperson for Bush declined to comment any further. The obvious question is: Why does Bush need to lie about it?

+ During the preparations of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, pressure is applied to Texan Bill Lord not to testify for the committee. Bill Lord was a fellow marine and roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald on a ship voyage to France. Lord expresses his concern in a letter to president Carter. He writes that Oswald was connected to the FBI and CIA and concludes that the CIA and the FBI are complicit in JFK's death and the coup d'etat that occurred on 11/22/1963. He also states that one of the Midland, TX politicians applying pressure to him, was Mr. George W. Bush junior . This letter to President Carter was declassified some years ago. Here's a fragment:

One of the parties which has blitzed me with telephone calls trying to persuade me to tell them what I know about Oswald, is engaged in a very costly project which allows them to locate, interview, monitor, and influence every single available person who ever knew Lee Oswald–and this, just in advance of the new governmental investigation by the house select committee on Assassinations. I finally consented, not to grant an interview, but to allow the publication's representative to explain their project to me in person. After a lunch interview with this researcher, I was told that if I had refused even to meet with him, pressure was in the offing from two Midland men: Mr. Jim Allison, publisher of the ultra-conservative Reporter-Telegram, my employer (out of necessity, and for the moment!), and Mr. George Bush, Jr.

… Shortly thereafter, my mother discovered that her telephone had been tampered with. The casing around the dialing aparatus had been pulled out about one-half inch… we cannot doubt that someone entered the house at a time when I was at work and my mother was away; she returned to the house, however, at an unaccustomed time… I have been in anguish for weeks, Mr. President, trying my best to laugh at my apprehensions and to see these events as fortuitous ones… Speaking as the man who spent more than two weeks in the same ship's cabin with Lee Oswald at the time of his 1959 "defection", and speaking as a man who has been the subject of the above.

See the original letter here (page 1) here (page 2) and here (page 3)

+ There are numerous indications and allegations that Nixon's Watergate scandal had a direct connection with the Kennedy assassination and that every time that Nixon is talking about the danger that the "Bay of Pigs thing" might be exposed because of Watergate, he was actually covertly referring to the Kennedy assassination. None of these rumours could solidify, because shortly before his resignation, Nixon replaced Spiro Agnew by Gerald Ford as his vice president, who promptly pardoned him from further prosecution. The allegations of a direct connection with Dallas are certainly not unfounded, considering the incomplete official story and the preponderance of Watergate individuals connected to the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy assassination. When it became clear that Watergate may not be kept under the lid, Nixon fires and replaces his entire administration with the exception of George H.W.


5ed529  No.4948514

File: 78d029f9393ae0a⋯.jpg (84.92 KB, 624x484, 156:121, Charlie Kirk tweet Planned….jpg)

File: 2828a46b0aab9c5⋯.jpg (200.67 KB, 1100x900, 11:9, Planned Parenthood.jpg)

8b29b9  No.4948515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aaa33f  No.4948516


I'm curious if the identities of some of these more annoying shills will be known in the future. It would be amusing if they're celebrities. tee-hee

9b4775  No.4948517


is that the jew bullshit that is the truth about the greatest enemy white people have ever faced?

that bullshit?

5a968f  No.4948518

File: 63b68bb9dc829f3⋯.jpeg (199.1 KB, 1242x1159, 1242:1159, 4480F374-5B4A-4C85-856E-2….jpeg)

cd5d64  No.4948519


Kike bot, was it your programmer that raped this 8 year old child?


9cbbcb  No.4948520

File: 2143b13f3beb162⋯.jpg (191.67 KB, 1005x602, 1005:602, 2143b13f3beb162ebc54b8ad4f….jpg)

…So, when do we get to the good part about Judaism really being Saturn worship?

730b40  No.4948521


If you fucks weren’t such simpletons, you might get it.

aa01f9  No.4948522


Pray to keep POTUS & family, Q team and all operators safe!

Pray for the win.

Feel the words, know we are winning right now.


59abe9  No.4948523


Right. Join the left and put on a pussy hat. Everything that is wrong with your shitty ass life is because of the jews. Not because of the decisions you made. it is the jews. Keep being a victim.

5ed529  No.4948524

File: c39c1431c70de6b⋯.jpg (293.3 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Let us PRAY.jpg)

File: bcd6771ef2fb661⋯.jpg (145.97 KB, 800x800, 1:1, History.jpg)

File: 9db9c100dc352b2⋯.png (162.25 KB, 300x396, 25:33, pinch.png)

File: 55ae6920ed0352c⋯.jpg (534.54 KB, 1330x1105, 266:221, Preferred angle.jpg)

File: 73f6916d169262e⋯.jpg (172.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, work together.jpg)

4fd9cc  No.4948525

File: cbf558e4160eb97⋯.jpeg (47.08 KB, 827x500, 827:500, 31E77523-E99A-40F9-8F4F-6….jpeg)


>Yeah lets ban anyone criticizing Judaism!!!


>We can not let mossad have their handlers exposed. Ban all JQ posts now!!

Cried the shills, as they gasped for their last breath.

dce06b  No.4948526


Yeah, well, most of us actually graduated high school already, moran.

1e5d0c  No.4948527


Hamas Shills

You know….that makes sense!

Are these fucking nazi shills all Hamas?

Son of a bitch why didn't I think of that.

dd4e84  No.4948528

20fd0d  No.4948529


was having this conversation with my brother the other days he says we will never pull out of Afghanistan. I believe we will and it will be shortly after Syria but we will keep bases there much like we do GE. Normally we agree on matters this time we did not.

0eca12  No.4948530



Romans 3:3

“For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?”

fe2536  No.4948531

File: a2d908c59db43e7⋯.jpeg (7.88 KB, 255x202, 255:202, de5e8c8ab8b6112d4455c8291….jpeg)


Would you like some cheese with that whine?

d4fad1  No.4948532


A lawyer of course.

RINO forced to reveal who she really is?

Need moar of this.

dce06b  No.4948533


Maybe one day, their email ids will show up. Kek.

5ed529  No.4948534

File: 567eaf0ab4d87fb⋯.jpg (141.2 KB, 800x707, 800:707, Standing next to POTUS Pen….jpg)

File: 7183e48223b3bd3⋯.jpg (200.72 KB, 1019x490, 1019:490, Thank you POTUS.jpg)

File: a173d6542c3c566⋯.jpg (305.64 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, POTUS UN.jpg)

Thank you POTUS for being a cool POTUS.

a73956  No.4948535


>A Republican N.J. lawmaker just switched parties. Here’s why she’s now a Democrat.

>In a rare and unexpected move, longtime Republican state Sen. Dawn Marie Addiego of Burlington County announced Monday she is switching parties and becoming a Democrat.


33d0c5  No.4948536


i c, I was only half paying attention. I've tried to teach the symbolism. But then given my place in things I don't really factor into any stress test.

Very curious, tho I did fail a different test that prevented me from joining the ops in person. Being protected instead : ( ah well, at some point we will all meet up.

978626  No.4948537

Leonardo da Vinci





483818  No.4948538

File: b4024132b360cf6⋯.png (596.4 KB, 1770x816, 295:136, Screenshot_2019-01-29 Goog….png)

>>4945842 (pb notable)

>>4947208 (pb notable)

Well what do ya know.

Kathryn Walt Hall is a vintner literally in the same lot as Sloan.


Starting to feel like a Movie yet? That's Soros, HRC, John Legend, Chinese connections, Pelosi, wew. Goes way deeper.

d2df90  No.4948539


GHWB was the only American over the age of 8 years old who didn't remember where he was on the day JFK was assassinated, but maintains he wasn't in Dallas at the time. (Although he phoned in a possible tip to the FBI agent on duty in Dallas that day, re: Oswald I believe.)

In recent years when Barbara Bush penned her memoirs, she went to great lengths to revise history, mentioning having her hair done at a beauty salon in another Texas city the day before the assassination and just happened to run into another major player in all of the fuckery's wife, and how they flew to Dallas in a private plane after the assassination. Lies on top of lies!

Investigative reports have GHWB in Dallas the night before for a oil industry conference, spent the night at the Sheraton, and flew out of Dallas after the assassination, and then returned to Dallas later that day.

e9a17d  No.4948540

File: 60f0a1584ee81df⋯.png (78.74 KB, 336x448, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


it'll be soon

but (You) will have to wear a tie

d9849c  No.4948541

File: e94205a9761bc01⋯.png (464.86 KB, 1440x2341, 1440:2341, 20190129_005120.png)

Q? Guise? Why is Maggie still free to twat? We need the Mockingbirds to go extinct.

9b4775  No.4948542


Tel Aviv? Brooklyn? You Chabad pig fucker?

db1578  No.4948543


whats funny is that i know they're smart, but dauym if they canNOT anon for the life of em, without somehow insulting us. what is it about this environment that makes them so lame? they do the hollywood thing really well, but totally fall apart here in anon world…

aaa33f  No.4948544


After having considered my statement about celebrities, I reverse my desire. Celebrity based on fame is just stupid. Nobody should care about any of them unless there's a legitimate reason.

4b6dc1  No.4948545

File: 2a1dc510845280b⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1191x694, 1191:694, merpissed.PNG)

File: d8407388877c80b⋯.png (990.95 KB, 686x626, 343:313, merchtroll.PNG)

File: f531e4d007d6990⋯.png (902.34 KB, 548x726, 274:363, merchbaked.png)

File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 525x700, 3:4, mercheditor.jpg)

File: 2ab7b03556c3922⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 960x400, 12:5, merchkike.jpg)


SuperKike shitting er up purdy good

d4fad1  No.4948546


NJ State Sen

170b40  No.4948547

File: 1c7ed20b2a5ac2c⋯.jpg (14.51 KB, 255x253, 255:253, d2d2b7d21127e03acf9fa3fb95….jpg)

Well, it is sedition so….Day of the Rope

5ed529  No.4948548

File: 9248733241da9d7⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 353x467, 353:467, 911 Firefighters.jpg)

File: d9e9fcb7dca4efb⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, adam schiff.jpg)

File: 257a0cef46a972f⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 535x193, 535:193, age of msm.jpg)

File: b9dd63c19f82bcd⋯.jpg (437.33 KB, 1265x791, 1265:791, CEO President Notable Resi….jpg)

File: d22f158574db154⋯.jpg (153.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, maggie haberman nyt nov 20….jpg)

cd5d64  No.4948549


Suck my dick, pedo kike.

Talking about jewish crimes and fuckery is the opposite of being a victim, its being proactive about exposing you pedo kikes so we can get rid of you.


6b49fa  No.4948550


NJ State Senate not US Senate

9b4775  No.4948551


Why Rabbi? When you are the enemy?

f840db  No.4948552

File: 03034b08666005a⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 03034b08666005a3dbf4b90ab7….jpg)

de2ff7  No.4948553


<quick ip hop and post that screen shot again

medieval "righteous christian rulers" were not the people to look for justice from them.

That converted jew wasn't a fan of the jewish community (as he converted), and the christian rulers (who already used the jews as frontmen for their "righteous" money loan business, weren't very fond of the jews, and used them as scapegoats.

these links debunk the main accusations of the trial (that the talmud refers to the biblical jesus).





aa01f9  No.4948554

They want you DIVIDED.











fd4b98  No.4948555


MGW and the word minus, instead of - symbol, hmm

21fb01  No.4948556


Maybe because they already know who she's communicating with and that's who they're interested in, i.e., observing the true target's behavior?

5ed529  No.4948557

File: 41bc1eb6a546770⋯.jpg (244.89 KB, 1006x681, 1006:681, One step at a time.jpg)

File: 4011e8516b48aef⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 464x558, 232:279, outside jim.jpg)

File: 5554fe66e97f6ca⋯.jpg (50.05 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Peeking Duck.jpg)

File: 95c0e3c7cd73570⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 11092018_1 dailybea….jpg)

File: 0c631233f291453⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 11112018_ 1 place h….jpg)

e901b8  No.4948558


GW [bush]

Please come back fast, we need you!

6902fe  No.4948559


Never interrupt the enemy when they are destroying themselves.

59abe9  No.4948560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c45e2a  No.4948561



497b8e  No.4948562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Watch this take a screen print much closer. view.

730b40  No.4948563


Really? That’s it?

5ed529  No.4948564

File: 70b95abe0a8b0ef⋯.jpg (130.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FISA night shift.jpg)

File: f07cc6d91413f3b⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Future Comey.jpg)

File: 5dc0522829db879⋯.jpg (196.36 KB, 850x855, 170:171, Jamal Khashoggi connected ….jpg)

File: 32c5156ea56384a⋯.jpg (160.32 KB, 800x525, 32:21, Judy Monroe Leighton lette….jpg)

File: fa1bf7c08f7bef5⋯.jpg (107.09 KB, 800x574, 400:287, keep walking forward.jpg)

9c6a90  No.4948565

File: d348f04ca18568a⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 824x960, 103:120, 50830679_10216387934903638….jpg)

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