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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

ec7ff4  No.4943824

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ec7ff4  No.4943843


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board


>>4943569 Mueller probe 'close to being completed': acting U.S. attorney general

>>4943463 , >>4943555 Q's Feb 5 2018 posts re SOTU, exactly 1 year prior

>>4943497 Trump Jr tweets about getting ready for the STORM

>>4943493 POTUS accepts Feb 5 invitation to give the SOTU address

>>4943436 Border Patrol releases arrest data, DESTROYS Democrat narrative

>>4943435 Huber's probe into FBI’s handling of Trump Russia remain a mystery

>>4943382 , >>4943431 Release: Whitaker announces charges against Huawei and CFO

>>4943351 Pope lowers expectations for next month's sex abuse summit

>>4943137 , >>4943455 Video: Bernie Sanders singing "This Land Is Your Land" in Russia

>>4943326 Pakistan, Africa and Afghanistan rush mass vaccines

>>4943292 Nothing happening? Q Post Refresh

Baker change ^^^

>>4943283 Obama and McCain aides form 'elite PR team'.

>>4943252 Feb. 5 relevant Q drops. Black Caucus phone.

>>4943156 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>4943140 Avenatti demands public Cohen testimony.

>>4943138 Chinese chip giant Fujian Jinhua to cease operations after US ban.

>>4943091 Q drops related to today's indictments: Shenzhen dubbed the 'Silicon Valley of Hardware'.

>>4943813 #6311


>>4942948 POTUS Schedule: POTUS traveling to Mar-a-Lago 2/1 - 2/3.

>>4942947, >>4942967 Whitaker: Mueller probe close to being completed and has been fully briefed on findings.

>>4942920 Judge in the case regarding disbanded election 'integrity' comission ( >>4941937 ) was a Clinton nominee/FISA judge.

>>4942783 The Sarah Sanders Smackdown Special.

>>4942703, >>4942741 More on Microsoft’s NewsGuard blacklist. (video)

>>4942708, >>4942692 Breakdown on Huawei indictments.

>>4942661 Wray joined DOJ for Huawei presser.

>>4942643 Mifsud: Alive, dead or protected?

>>4942541 Clashes between pro-Russian & pro-Iranian factions in Syria.

>>4942990, >>4942421, >>4942516 SOTU on for Feb. 5.

>>4942437 Anon breaks down the different type of crude oil found around the world.

>>4942449 DOJ / Whitaker live.

>>4943044 #6310


>>4942222 HRC in PR.

>>4942181 Sarah: The table has been perfectly set.

>>4942108 FB plans to merge apps Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram.

>>4942087 More NBC/WSJ poll: Pelosi’s negatives shot up during government shutdown.

>>4941937 Court orders POTUS disbanded "voter fraud" commission to turn over additional docs to Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap.

>>4941899, >>4942012 US announces sanctions against Ven.

>>4941891 ES and Flake met with Cuban President last year.

>>4941873 Anon: Maduro gone > no oil for the deep state?

>>4941882 Planefag: Army C560 flight 98-00009 (former AZAZ0909 flight) appears to be doing recon over SC.

>>4941874 Warning from Bolton to Venez Security Force to protect Guido and his guys and Americans.

>>4941772 Trump Administration rolls out low-yield nukes.

>>4941628 WH feed for press briefing.

>>4941625 POTUS announced the US will welcome Chinese delegation to discuss trade.

>>4941584 Mr. Non-Partisan, Michael Bloomberg: You can’t teach a coal miner to code.

>>4942254 #6309

Previously Collected Notables

>>4939943 #6306, >>4940726 #6307, >>4941528 #6308

>>4937579 #6303, >>4938054 #6304, >>4939117 #6305

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

ec7ff4  No.4943854

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

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>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

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>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

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Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ec7ff4  No.4943861

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

ec7ff4  No.4943872

File: 2040bf18fc59e9a⋯.png (527.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2040bf18fc59e9a1a3e6b10266….png)

#6312 Dough


beafb4  No.4943885

File: b4d69d667f2622d⋯.png (100.35 KB, 393x216, 131:72, 4B39BA3F-09FC-4867-ACB4-12….png)

d17fff  No.4943899

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 01/11/19 (Fri) 00:19:34 467fd2 (1) No.4707080






f1b36a  No.4943906


Whistleblower: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is “Deathly Ill” And In A “Medically Induced Coma” – Fears “Massive Unrest” Once Public Finds Out The Truth



c3cb62  No.4943917

File: 48931ee1ab58e7d⋯.jpg (456.59 KB, 700x498, 350:249, jewtriggertgoyimknow.jpg)

2b7a7d  No.4943918

File: 108ec92f8cfcb4f⋯.png (614.43 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7B995304-C842-43EA-89A8-B8….png)

Did we know this already

I didn’t

202453  No.4943920



6672f8  No.4943921

File: 434f4ae99b50813⋯.png (265.06 KB, 855x885, 57:59, 47cde5891d4498c9ef2edbb48f….png)

No bewb posting without a license.

1d42c6  No.4943922

>>4943149 (lb)

Perceptions are reality and we are losing the perception battle, bigly

d17fff  No.4943923

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

From the frozen steppes

the icy voice of Freedon calls


74e340  No.4943924

>>4943485 (lb)

They released previously classified information last year on Harvey Milk... FBI vault.


690399  No.4943925

File: f991f101682c2d2⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 254x246, 127:123, e15889f78709ccf44054267d35….jpg)

d6e0af  No.4943926


Extradition, HOOOOOOO!!!!

4376fc  No.4943927

File: 8ba50a9d26c9458⋯.png (509.13 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)


bff9e2  No.4943928

File: 2b77829ab3b44ea⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 323x262, 323:262, 2s9op5.jpg)

0cebef  No.4943929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joey Ramone - Maria Bartiromo

c3c6ce  No.4943930

>>4943700 (lb)

>Hence plan Z that Q referred to. Yes, that was military coup.

LOL……plan Z

expand thinking

global thermonuclear war.

You're watching a movie


it's that easy

515332  No.4943931


Paul Manafort’s Sentencing in Virginia Postponed Indefinitely

A judge has indefinitely postponed the sentencing of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in Virginia on Monday.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis said the decision to cancel the hearing was “prudent and appropriate” until the “current dispute” in his Washington, D.C. case is settled.

Last Friday, a federal judge said she would hold a hearing behind closed doors to determine whether Manafort intentionally lied to investigators, including about sharing polling data with a business associate the U.S. says has ties to Russian intelligence.

Attorneys with special counsel Robert Mueller’s office say Manafort breached his plea deal by repeatedly making false statements after he began cooperating with them in September. Manafort’s lawyers say he simply had an inconsistent recollection of facts and events from several years ago, and that he suffers from depression and anxiety and had little time to prepare for questioning on the days he met with investigators. The allegations threaten his chances of getting leniency at sentencing. Attorneys with the special counsel told Judge Amy Berman Jackson the deal was no longer a factor, but they hadn’t decided how to adjust their sentencing request.

Manafort’s attorneys acknowledged the special counsel had the authority under the terms of the deal to revoke it if they determined that their client was lying and did so in good faith.

However, the judge said that she isn’t yet convinced, and her decision will impact how much time he gets behind bars. Jackson said some of Manafort’s arguments, particularly the idea that some defendants misstate facts and then correct them later on “have some force.” “Investigators shouldn’t have to pull teeth” to get the truth,” the judge said, adding that “not all the issues rise to the level of actual false statements.”

“He may have lied, pure and simple,” in those instances, she added.

The court documents already filed on the matter have been heavily blacked-out. One allegation that did emerge from a poorly redacted defense filing was especially striking — that Manafort shared polling data from the 2016 campaign with Konstantin Kilimnik, a business associate and co-defendant charged by Mueller, and then lied about it. Kilimnik is not in U.S. custody and has denied links to Russian intelligence.

The attorneys requested — and Jackson granted — to seal even the portions unintentionally made public. However, Manafort’s attorneys said they would be comfortable placing details about his mental and physical health on the record.

Jackson questioned whether the special counsel would charge Manafort with additional crimes as a result of the alleged violation and wondered whether her determination on whether he lied would somehow prejudice any additional charges.

Attorney Andrew Weissmann said there were no plans to do so — but didn’t rule it out entirely. Either way, he said, he believed her determination would not affect it. “There were a lot of promises that were made,” he said. “I’m not in any way saying it will happen. But we do want to preserve that ability.”

This story is developing. Check Breitbart News for more updates.


cd608d  No.4943932

Damn. 33 yr anniversary of the Challenger explosion today

64d536  No.4943933

File: d1501accfc48e4e⋯.jpg (152.44 KB, 627x468, 209:156, padadop.jpg)


4e1cec  No.4943934

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

WHAT is in control here?






1d0cf4  No.4943935

File: cc3bd120a4b2138⋯.png (37.41 KB, 820x245, 164:49, breaking12819.PNG)

736fdf  No.4943936

Everything I bolded is a GOOD thing, showing this is a legitimate investigation by the books, WHICH IT NEEDS TO BE

Crickets At DOJ: Probe Into FBI’s Handling Of Trump Russia Remain A Mystery

If there is anything we’ve learned over the past two years is that information leaked vociferously to select media outlets regarding the Department of Justice Special Counsel investigation into Russia and President Trump. On the other hand, it’s almost impossible to get information or leaks on the apparent DOJ investigations into alleged malfeasance by the FBI in the Trump Russia probe.

For two years, we’ve seen insurmountable evidence pile up against the DOJ and FBI. We’ve also seen extraordinary national security leaks against the president and those around him. DOJ and FBI officials, however, won’t answer any questions regarding these investigations. Instead, they resort to the “no comment,” send reporters on wild goose chases or just decline to comment.

All we know is that Attorney General Jeff Session’s appointed former Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber to investigate the allegations stemming regarding the FBI probe into Trump and alleged Russian collusion in March, 2018. However, it’s almost impossible to locate him or find anyone with any idea of what he’s actually doing.

A congressional source told SaraACarter.com that “no one in Congress has any indication Huber has talked to anyone, requested documents, or done anything else.”

“It seems like his entire appointment was just a maneuver for Sessions to get the heat off him to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the conduct of the Trump investigation,” the congressional official added.

For now, Huber appears to be a mystery.

The Leaks

(all leaks are being investigated by John Durham, the 2nd attorney Q alluded to; Sara lists a few examples)

Where Is Matt Whitaker?

First, I have to wonder where is Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker on all these investigations and I’m not the only one wondering, may congressional lawmakers I’ve spoken with have the same questions.

On Feb. 8, lawmakers should have the opportunity to ask. The House Oversight Committee announced that Whitaker has agreed to the hearing. Expect the Democrats, led by new Chairman Jerry Nadler to grill Whitaker on his views regarding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Whitaker should also expect a slew of questions from Republicans, who are concerned that the DOJ has failed to adequately investigate the litany of alleged crimes committed by former Obama Administration officials in the FBI’s handling of Trump Russia probe.

Where Is John Huber?

This is one of the most perplexing questions.

We have rarely seen any leaks regarding the investigation allegedly being conducted by Huber.

Session’s appointed Huber to look into abuse of power at the FBI in the Russia Trump investigation and whether “any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel.” The Utah attorney was also appointed to look into issues regarding the Uranium One scandal involving Hillary Clinton and other members of the Obama administration.

Huber’s allegedly leading an investigation, I say, because numerous witnesses that should have been interviewed have never been interviewed. Allegedly is also the operative word because DOJ refuses to answer even the most simplest of questions regarding Huber and his investigation. (he can get the testimony from the IG, who got it from Congress)

I contacted the new DOJ spokesperson Kerri Kupek. Here’s the list of questions emailed to her verbatim.

(See link)

Here’s the response regarding all the questions above:

“Huber – his work continues,” said Kupec. “Decline to comment beyond that.”

What? I sent another email this Monday saying, “Really? This response is unacceptable, considering I’m not really asking any questions that would violate or risk an ongoing investigation.”

DOJ Declines Comment

I’ve now created a “No Comment” tab on my website to continually post all the stories where government officials fail to comment.

It’s quite remarkable that the DOJ fails to answer the most simple questions. It’s also quite remarkable that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s majority of indictments are process crimes, or crimes committed before President Trump ever sought office, however, real evidence of crimes isn’t being investigated.

No wonder the American people are fed up and have little trust in the institutions they once revered.

Well, I’m not giving up. I’m sending those questions and much more, everyday until I get an answer beyond “no comment.”

In fact, you should too.


With that being said, Sara is Beautiful and I love /ourgirl/

bab8c7  No.4943937

File: 526f7ef092a548c⋯.gif (7.79 MB, 425x286, 425:286, untied.gif)


no license posting without a bewb

d17fff  No.4943938

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Krazy Kult QTs love to cut a rug

When it is git down time in GITMO, it's time for


bff9e2  No.4943939

9141fd  No.4943940

File: 7f922a8d675fc92⋯.png (52.92 KB, 595x341, 595:341, twitter_com_GeorgePapa19_s….png)


736fdf  No.4943941

File: e6b9c898476d0f8⋯.png (563.96 KB, 475x631, 475:631, pepesara.png)


forgot pic

2cfd83  No.4943942

File: 98bceda2bb13b31⋯.jpeg (119.6 KB, 929x1024, 929:1024, hubba.jpeg)


Danke, Baker!

1d0cf4  No.4943943



oops,forgot the sauce

72908e  No.4943944

File: 5eb39344c384695⋯.jpg (92.88 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Pope.jpg)

File: 4a2f25410a9f8fd⋯.png (410.49 KB, 800x533, 800:533, pope end.png)

The End Soon

dd2799  No.4943945

File: 1d7490f76e2c36f⋯.png (83.5 KB, 812x892, 203:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8a633fa7805506⋯.png (233.19 KB, 797x887, 797:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5eebd37c2305cc⋯.png (197.19 KB, 806x881, 806:881, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: US Technology Transfer to the Soviet Union September 24 1984

Can anyone find this report in full?


acbbff  No.4943946

So, if HRC is using a dubble now, anybuddy got 'pinions on whether the dubble is contractually required to be a drunken lesbian child rape-murderer in her off-duty time? Or duz she jus' fake it?

bff9e2  No.4943947

File: 848145090845565⋯.gif (3.44 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 84814509084556592fbc2e6c11….gif)

748dbd  No.4943948

File: e2491edb186898a⋯.png (30.4 KB, 949x253, 949:253, cohen testimony behind clo….PNG)

Michael Cohen has agreed to testify behind closed doors in front of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, according to a statement from the committee chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).


539524  No.4943949

File: a0b61d81e03178c⋯.jpg (316.76 KB, 600x877, 600:877, License.jpg)

68f4ad  No.4943950

File: 3d7e4fa3bf79eb2⋯.png (899.7 KB, 955x621, 955:621, ClipboardImage.png)

4e1cec  No.4943951

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)



Why is "chan culture" INJECTED onto this board?

Is it organic?

Did 4chan MULTIPLY last year, and generate a swarm of identical spawn "anons" that then came here to crank out chan threads, nonstop, at a break-neck clip?

Is that organic?

Is it remotely realistic?

Do you know what it looks like when bots are emulating 4chan?

Does it look like this?

Does this look real, or fake?

35f9ed  No.4943953

File: 427aa96a7c83c0f⋯.png (332.53 KB, 720x929, 720:929, 20190128_233449.png)

File: 68a410e423de41d⋯.png (139.21 KB, 720x988, 180:247, 20190128_233509.png)


97e389  No.4943954



b280f6  No.4943955


Lol some people are stupid. The fake news media creates that perception only if you let it. Optics cucks being black pilled are spineless and weak minded.

cafdcb  No.4943956

Hillary Cloneton

Nancy Peclonesi

Diane Frankenstein

6d7811  No.4943957

File: 98f9ee49892038a⋯.png (210.36 KB, 588x446, 294:223, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN is priming the pump.

Something must be about to drop.

Buckle up anons!


736fdf  No.4943958

File: 51747c137a0b9ca⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 480x480, 1:1, justlickit.jpg)


thick, but sexy

7aa93b  No.4943959

File: 0e5d02d5bce0e75⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 255x179, 255:179, memebetter.com-20190128183….jpg)

File: 18529e24c2852c0⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 800x530, 80:53, memebetter.com-20190128183….jpg)

File: 4223d6230cc3e04⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 299x168, 299:168, memebetter.com-20190128183….jpg)

5edf04  No.4943960

GUYS/GALS We find out what is happening once it's over ….

Wish Q would give us insight

9194d7  No.4943961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In case there's still anons with any doubt….

Michelle Obama on Ellen with her weener flopping around

skip to 1:55

d17fff  No.4943962

How do you do?

Do you practice discernment?

Can you smell it and taste the truth?


ba12e5  No.4943963

File: ea46693a9f9f735⋯.jpg (121.19 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Bewbs.jpg)

01a4d7  No.4943964

File: b5efdb7435e6cb6⋯.png (164.96 KB, 366x583, 366:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72383fc34876a77⋯.png (432.07 KB, 472x472, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Bewby lady AKA

Maria Bartiromo

0356f7  No.4943965

File: 21252d4d02ce070⋯.png (28.05 KB, 747x89, 747:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow, the Shuttle Exploded during the Reagean Administration

Holy shit

Q, Did they destroy the shuttle?

2cfd83  No.4943966

File: f48ba296d9af635⋯.png (531.74 KB, 621x473, 621:473, Screenshot_140.png)

958a01  No.4943967

Snohomish County moves to sue opioid manufacturer

The County Council voted Monday to authorize a lawsuit against corporations and medical providers.

by Noah Haglund

Monday, January 28, 2019 12:01pm

Local NewsEverett

EVERETT — Snohomish County is preparing to sue corporations that made and distributed prescription opioids, joining a long list of governments seeking damages for the societal toll of OxyContin and similar drugs.

The County Council on Monday voted unanimously to authorize a lawsuit in Snohomish County Superior Court. The suit would name drugmaker Purdue Pharma and distributor McKesson Pharmaceutical, among other defendants.



6672f8  No.4943968

37c42f  No.4943969

>>4943851 lb

>>4943748 lb

If a Journalist in DC can live on less than 30K. Benefits are roughly 2X salary.

Don't think so….

4aef8c  No.4943970

File: 2d0849efe4b0025⋯.jpg (269.29 KB, 1699x1193, 1699:1193, AOC1.jpg)

File: a1685fa22102e5c⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 1081x992, 1081:992, AOC.jpg)

0ff82d  No.4943971

File: ee600d4e1d6b9ac⋯.png (168.47 KB, 754x587, 754:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Is it a coincidence that POTUS' tweet delta is one year from the SOTU?

7aa93b  No.4943972

File: 4223d6230cc3e04⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 299x168, 299:168, memebetter.com-20190128183….jpg)

File: 18529e24c2852c0⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 800x530, 80:53, memebetter.com-20190128183….jpg)

File: 0e5d02d5bce0e75⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 255x179, 255:179, memebetter.com-20190128183….jpg)

58b836  No.4943973


WTF is clover chronical?

d987cf  No.4943974


Would you like to play a game?

dd2799  No.4943975

File: 24daf5de412c808⋯.png (312.18 KB, 533x466, 533:466, ClipboardImage.png)


Circle jerk

6ee154  No.4943976

Lets say Qew is not a massive raging faggot larper, and we will bigly. Clean out 30-40% of the entire government. And restore the republic. (yeah right) Anyway lets aay we do, firat stwp is cutting off the turd world immigration. Fine easy to stop any more of the human detritus coming in but how do we get rid of the filth that already snuck in?

Are we gonna have to stomach to temove kebab? Will europe?

What form does kebab removal take in the modern USA?

da8d4a  No.4943977

File: a910ff1746066b2⋯.png (497.78 KB, 924x927, 308:309, ClipboardImage.png)

0da9ef  No.4943978

File: 258fe3f05ac0600⋯.jpg (305.04 KB, 1267x599, 1267:599, dic.jpg)

1a8f85  No.4943979

File: a027f580988dd6c⋯.png (380.12 KB, 759x422, 759:422, untitled.png)

bullying, hits, slams, rants, rips….msm verbs

in latest headlines about POTUS. kek

2d0ebe  No.4943980

File: adc5b1047b29732⋯.jpg (132.86 KB, 520x543, 520:543, education to overthrow the….jpg)


"Trust yourself" - I wonder if there is anyone that can compete with me in how how much effort others have put in to get me to do the opposite of that? Just the sheer number of times I've been told it online is triple digits and approaching quads.

6d7811  No.4943981

File: a2af3ab4a0a35f6⋯.png (184.83 KB, 588x439, 588:439, ClipboardImage.png)


2cfd83  No.4943982


First Civilian in Space…shuttle blows up from O-ring malfunction.

First Jew in Sapce…shuttle is shot down by a fucking UFO!

3200f1  No.4943983

File: 735ddf19cf641a7⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 63875C4C-F3F9-40E9-BAD4-09….png)


I posted this last night just after midnight. Didn’t make notables. Looks as if Hussein’s twitter was taken over by White Hats, which explains the previous old pics used. It’s a signal to us, anons.

4376fc  No.4943984

File: 2e1d17890e09f9e⋯.png (794.46 KB, 600x883, 600:883, ClipboardImage.png)

6c339f  No.4943985


they are upping their incidents of pre-response

f6c544  No.4943986

File: 9128ee5b08ca9c5⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 255x145, 51:29, f866d8bce9f7b42852cccadc73….jpg)


It's all coming together kek

736fdf  No.4943987



It's just /ourprettygirl/ venting because she can't get insider info

which is a good thing

4a5391  No.4943988

File: 1ea526e944593b4⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 582x582, 1:1, 1545345563-3.jpg)

e793c8  No.4943989


Some anons should watch to keep track of how many deepfakes they edit into the piece

692334  No.4943990


She was literally selected as a counterpart to Melania and Ivanka's female star power. You could probably build a quality meme to show that and mock it.

01a4d7  No.4943991


Yep def related

d17fff  No.4943992

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovore child trafficking operation have a world wide reach. They are active in Africa, the Amazon and in the highlands of Guatemala

a4050f  No.4943993


Thiz is in control

POTUS + Anons

POTUS provides crumb; memo this

Anons go research the crumb, swallow a red pill where needed, Pray to God and launch the msg in a picture.

7bfd1a  No.4943994

>>4943566 (lb) <<


Scope was to investigate the extent to which Russia attempted to, and if successful, did, affect the 2016 elections.

The [RR] expanded scope was leashed down to the original scope by Whitaker.

dbb48e  No.4943995


More non-sauced bullshit.

https://cloverchronicle.com is nothing more than another Fake News media outlet.

5879a2  No.4943996

>>4943468 (LB)

>>4943526 (LB)

Wow, I'd never seen or heard of this interview before. Great stuff!

ba49e5  No.4943998

5D new earth after arrests/gcr?

5f707c  No.4943999

File: e5710ad81b03094⋯.jpg (81.12 KB, 438x598, 219:299, DP 4chan.jpg)

d17fff  No.4944000

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

How do you do?

Do you practice discernment?

Can you smell it and taste the truth?


bab8c7  No.4944001


Here's some insight.

You are literally the douchebag in the movie theater asking loudly what the last 15 minutes of the movie will be.

Now sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up and stop asking the same stupid question every day.

Muh insight.

Muh gib.

Not how it works here. At all. And you know it ;p

f8fa3f  No.4944002





dd2799  No.4944003

File: ed4646c8ae80ec2⋯.png (114.41 KB, 631x647, 631:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77d656bc4b7fcec⋯.png (203.22 KB, 642x851, 642:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b12c3e976fcf1e⋯.png (38.31 KB, 650x584, 325:292, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 743bf2f105a4b91⋯.png (321.42 KB, 465x554, 465:554, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump to Deliver State of the Union Address February 5

President Donald Trump on Monday accepted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) invitation to deliver his State of the Union address before the House chamber on February 5. The set date comes after the White House and congressional leaders reached an agreement to end the partial government shutdown last Friday.

“When I wrote to you on January 23rd, I stated that we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has reopened to schedule this year’s State of the Union address,” Pelosi wrote in her letter to the president.

“Therefore, I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on February 5, 2019 in the House Chamber,” it said.


What a complete bitch

9ba11f  No.4944004

File: 0530f1a36f55920⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 324x156, 27:13, index.jpg)

File: b3c001d39c85380⋯.jpg (27.06 KB, 336x188, 84:47, hqd.jpg)

File: 1a4d21d14896eb6⋯.jpg (136.51 KB, 408x528, 17:22, I'm with thomas jefferson ….JPG)

75f22e  No.4944005

>>4943718 (pb) good question, not sure I don't think it could get any worse than it already is from what we know.

>>4943743 (pb) My thoughts exactly when I looked at it, kek!

>>4943581 (pb) That would be great but, I am not putting any expectations on it.

9399b4  No.4944006




Baker, I forgot to underscore the fact that Bernie is freaking SHIRTLESS in the video. May we please add that to the description in the Notables? Thank you, love.

d8756a  No.4944007

File: 1111d54a3250335⋯.jpg (633.79 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190128-182116….jpg)

File: 048079b8b7d737d⋯.jpg (135.22 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190128-182122….jpg)


Huawei Technologies Co. place.


Not sure if you will consider these useful or relevant.

But you can take a look at them and decide I'm going to screenshots of 3 pdf files I found sofar.

8b9d8c  No.4944008

File: 237a742f53607bc⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 558x550, 279:275, vib.jpg)


>5D new earth after arrests/gcr?

It's already happening.

90286c  No.4944009

File: b03325d8b378bf4⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 293x192, 293:192, were-in-the-pipe-5x5.jpg)

68f4ad  No.4944010

File: 59c4e83d0779955⋯.png (615.86 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 59c4e83d077995537c6e03f957….png)

6c339f  No.4944011


walk me through your thinking? How does account A (gay sex toy) relate to account B (BHO) and culminate in 'white hat signal'?

4d5916  No.4944012


With RR resigning after Barr is sworn in, it looks like a successful handoff.

Trust Wray!

Trust Sessions!

Trust Huber!

I trust in God, and that is about it.

b68706  No.4944013

File: bdab3509604ab5d⋯.png (187.15 KB, 1282x744, 641:372, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Did we know this?


d8756a  No.4944014

File: ff2bb2b54d8e41f⋯.jpg (179.38 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190128-183047….jpg)

bff9e2  No.4944015


Andrea Mitchell is married to Alan Greenspan? I did not know that. How interesting. She's with ABC, correct? One of the alphabet agencies…..er….I mean news channels.

86c2ad  No.4944016

File: 238f41f687af2de⋯.jpg (97.95 KB, 589x623, 589:623, ice cream.jpg)

This HRC reminds me of all of the occult ice cream shops that have been discussed here (check out Sweet Jesus in Toronto). Anons have speculated that they're used for whatever cabal needs require refrigeration (adrenochrome, organ transport, etc).

f32fce  No.4944017

File: e31c75e599f3b90⋯.jpg (215.33 KB, 450x360, 5:4, trust the 2.jpg)

b68706  No.4944018


Because no way would real HUSSEIN openly follow a fucking fleshlight on twatter.

ab28c1  No.4944019

File: 033f37b7d78f09c⋯.jpeg (3.86 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, EA1454AA-6B77-4DBF-9608-9….jpeg)

Seen in Dirty Jersey. WWG1WGA

1365d5  No.4944020


wasn't there a Q drop with

full circle?

cce585  No.4944021

File: a6712f1abe464c0⋯.gif (37.19 KB, 290x428, 145:214, Capture.GIF)

cf030a  No.4944022

File: d457e161c75a9d4⋯.jpeg (424.88 KB, 750x923, 750:923, 909912F5-90A5-4EE7-9738-9….jpeg)

File: 1ba999a8efae3d6⋯.jpeg (401.21 KB, 750x1058, 375:529, E9BE6368-1751-4C42-B27E-B….jpeg)

Fukken funny


5f5fd3  No.4944023

>>4943916 (pb)

>>4943793 (pb)

Mason code for bullshit is any word with "clear."

>Scientology = you get 'clear' after spending 6 gorillion on auditing

>Nuclear = the new (north east + uside down M for mason) clear (lies = ear of corn)

>Uranium = "it rains" refers to non-masons, so "uranium" would make a great bullshit substance for your bullshit weapons, no? They were even called "tube alloys" (tubalcain) at one time.

72908e  No.4944024

File: 51429ee949f848d⋯.jpg (739.62 KB, 639x752, 639:752, 0000f.jpg)

File: cfdf261e9480849⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Dnzyjn4XkAEx0gd.jpg)

File: 80ec3db5c1ff211⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 349x357, 349:357, j.jpg)

God wins

736fdf  No.4944025



Whitaker held the line, when Mueller is done (after Barr is sworn in), Mueller and RR leave

Then Huber becomes ]Huber[

37c42f  No.4944026


Y'all know that was a FF and fake and gay. You can find all those on that supposed mission still alive today.

ab1f11  No.4944027


Plan Z, concernfag, was the coup option Q referred to. It would have beaten global nuclear war, but only barely.

Trust the plan, and the fucking painfully slow rollout. It's our best shot at having a society left afterwards. Wake people up slowly, and let it sink in… open revolt, while satisfying, would not lead to a transition without setback.

d64e4e  No.4944028

File: 173de8fffc970ee⋯.png (870.54 KB, 1028x388, 257:97, Capture3.PNG)


Why did Trump give the pope a LOTUS FLOWER?

fd5bd4  No.4944029

File: 3f89ce5391feb0b⋯.png (231.32 KB, 1092x477, 364:159, ClipboardImage.png)

OOPS! Super secret (Mueller-related?) case 'In Re: Grand Jury Subpoena' Attorneys Revealed

Remember this case that shut down the 5th floor of the DC Courthouse? Reporters/public not allowed to even know who the attorneys were on the case.

Well….a non-profit called "Reporter's Committee" has moved SCOTUS to unseal the case and today the US Gov let the cat out of the bag as to who the attorneys were on the case by cc'ing the attorneys.



Excerpt from the reply filing today…

"Notwithstanding those redactions, the

government has revealed Petitioner’s counsel’s name (and law firm) to counsel for the

Reporters Committee. Specifically, when the government served by email its

response to the Reporters Committee’s Motion to Intervene, the government cc’d

Petitioner’s attorney. Rather than objecting to this revelation, Petitioner’s counsel

responded to the full email group and acknowledged receipt. Based on these emails,

counsel for the Reporters Committee now knows the names of the law firm and

counsel representing Petitioner in this case despite the over-redacted Petition. The

parties plainly do not believe that there is a compelling reason under Federal Rule of

Criminal Procedure 6(e) or otherwise to keep secret the identity of Petitioner’s

counsel, having revealed it to a non-party public interest group whose mission

includes ensuring public access to and public dissemination of information. This

disclosure alone warrants unsealing. "





SCOTUS petition:


d6e0af  No.4944030

File: a7158697c699991⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 541x960, 541:960, 50824424_415255592548663_3….jpg)

i keep seeing twitter and facebook running this with…

can anyone confirm?

736fdf  No.4944031



oh, and Sessions set this all up FTW

73df30  No.4944032

>>4943934 DJT did not cave on the border in the slightest degree. His alleged supporters who are bitching and saying that are not really supporters. The man has a big hammer & has directly stated that he is going to use it if the swine don't come to him & make a deal by 2/15. Unsure what such a deal might look like, but the fact is that we don't need it & this anon doesn't even want it. Wall is going up no matter what. Let Pelosi continue to disgrace herself along with her posse, even if it is under direct orders from POTUS. Let her sit in her office and wait for LE to come arrest her.

f8fa3f  No.4944033


He looks like he enjoys it.


d17fff  No.4944034

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovore child stealing operations run work wide, but they are off the hook in C_A's Baltic state bailiwicks.

a99dfb  No.4944035


MSNBC and sometimes NBC.

dbb48e  No.4944036


You know why they are doing this.

To conceal the fact that they stole so much from them before.

1a8f85  No.4944037

File: 3ab462abb9461e3⋯.jpg (37.62 KB, 432x433, 432:433, rosebud.jpg)

539524  No.4944038

File: 03610a06a770c63⋯.png (132.8 KB, 961x737, 961:737, Screen_Shot_2019-01-28_at_….png)

FYI, [P] = Pentagon

cafdcb  No.4944039


Ice Cream Clones

27c479  No.4944040

File: f4d842f077c43c2⋯.jpg (173.09 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, chief frytoof crazy eyes.jpg)

AyyyOC's eyes are better than stick-on googlies

32dd8a  No.4944041

Petition asking Trump to say whether or not Q is real: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-people-ask-president-trump-clarify-legitimacy-anonymous-internet-figure-known-qanon

c3c6ce  No.4944042

File: 0b95c2416a891c0⋯.jpg (16.22 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 0b95c2416a891c0584432cd2a5….jpg)

bff9e2  No.4944043

File: 8f8257982094f40⋯.jpg (63.13 KB, 1256x531, 1256:531, b5ab2067f0ba97d12e43007a11….jpg)



cce585  No.4944044

File: bf93d011024b1a1⋯.gif (66.92 KB, 318x477, 2:3, j2.GIF)

6ee154  No.4944045


you guys dont make sense, you keep maling these noises about niglets getting “trafficked” NOBODY KIDNAPS NIGGERS, not niggers and not Podestas. I am a LEO, I deal with 290’s all the time, they all almost exclusively go after white kids. Even CPS agencies openly brag about taking white kids (they get more money) they shuffle the niggrs off to nigger run “foster families”

sorry for the unvarniahed truth but its true, NOBODY wants ugly turd woders, you guys are delusional….

dbb48e  No.4944046


Did the wall get actual funding first? No.

He caved! They will agree to do a wall, but not fund it.

27c479  No.4944047

File: 81b2cc680a026e3⋯.jpg (615.88 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe keks.jpg)

d8756a  No.4944048

File: 4169aaa71e61528⋯.jpg (599.98 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190128-183618….jpg)

File: b0fc3ffb495698e⋯.jpg (581.94 KB, 720x1480, 18:37, Screenshot_20190128-183623….jpg)



Also I'm leaving the link to the site of the patents and other information about Huawei Technologies Co.

https://archive.org/search.php?query=Huawei Technologies Co.&sin=TXT

All pics. And link related

d17fff  No.4944049

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Leap sideways pedovores!

The Jews have got their Irish up.

ab1f11  No.4944050


P = payseur. Q confirmed that. Keep digging though, there's gold in them thar drops.

f8fa3f  No.4944051



Lurk more, read Qmap.pub.

4a5391  No.4944052

File: cf5cd8d21e0708b⋯.png (124.72 KB, 500x219, 500:219, 1546905098.png)


TFW the hand goes all the way up the backhole

75f22e  No.4944053

File: 0e818f98c687cd0⋯.png (155.71 KB, 360x203, 360:203, ClipboardImage.png)

Five police officers shot in Houston, authorities say

At least five police officers have been shot in Houston, according to the Houston Police Department Watch Command. The incident was first confirmed by Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, who reported several officers shot. The shooting reportedly occurred in southeast Houston, near Crosstimbers and Harding.

Information on the suspect or the condition of the officers has not been released. This is a developing news story, check back here for more updates.


1d0cf4  No.4944054

File: 596b3b3ec608b5b⋯.png (39.8 KB, 846x480, 141:80, bk1.PNG)

File: 3defe10f4e73c23⋯.png (45.76 KB, 636x546, 106:91, bk2.PNG)


Feels like deep state had their hand in this

e2cfbb  No.4944055

File: 8cbed09f36a7abe⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 756x574, 54:41, 1538093908338.jpg)


This is new info to me.


17258c  No.4944056


Well I missed that confirmation.

Care to elaborate?

72908e  No.4944057

File: 4a2f25410a9f8fd⋯.png (410.49 KB, 800x533, 800:533, pope end.png)


The last flower before the end?

692334  No.4944059


I bet CNN gets shut down right when the Hillary face-ripper video spills out, so they won't even have a chance to refute it with lies. Then they can eat shit and die.



Puerto Rico is the new Haiti. HRC should not be allowed anywhere near that island.

1a8f85  No.4944060

File: c820b334a6950cb⋯.jpg (103.52 KB, 900x506, 450:253, soroshehehe.jpg)



6c339f  No.4944061


an open lotus is symbol of enlightenment/awakening

37c42f  No.4944062


someone please tell me who it's about and maybe I will watch it.

8cc68d  No.4944063

File: 500006d5dda18d5⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 220x220, 1:1, girl.jpg)

4e1cec  No.4944064

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

4chan is now VERY VERY FAKE. Just look.




Could it be more obvious?

And if 4chan is controlled with fakeness, what is happening [here]? Use logic.

75d7e4  No.4944065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sarah wants the ax to fall on every one of these fucking mockingbirds in the press conference. Says it twice for emphasis.

around 50:00 min mark

dddee3  No.4944066


P=Payseur, Q acknowledged this

561f76  No.4944067


The thousand meth pipe stare.

736fdf  No.4944068


you can do it

qmap.pub or qanon.pub or qanon.news

search for Payseur

296aa9  No.4944069


They funded it several times. Didn’t build with $ appropriated. Trolled by Potus

73df30  No.4944070

>>4944046 Caved on what, exactly. I'm waiting to hear it. Winning whether you admit it or not.

d64e4e  No.4944071


Wrong answer. It has special meaning to the club members.

01a4d7  No.4944072

File: 274d6d29805f87d⋯.png (19.95 KB, 580x259, 580:259, ClipboardImage.png)



This was dropped three breads ago they read it and wrote this article

A source who identifies herself as “Lindsey B.” has taken to image board 8ch to share a dire message about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Since the website is essentially an anonymous forum and identities are not normally confirmed, we cannot say with certainty the following information is real or authentic.

We are only reporting on this because we think our readers might find it interesting.

Advertisement: Winc is the #1 personalized wine club. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Get started today!

Lindsey began her post by saying she is “someone close to Ruth”:

“I … have decided to come here to tell you the truth about what is happening, because I fear there is going to be massive unrest once the whole nation finds out what has been hidden from them. You can call me Lindsey B. for future reference (not my real name, obviously).”

The whistleblower continues, and debunks any rumors floating around saying Ginsburg is already deceased:

“Ruth is not dead, like others have suggested. She is in a medically induced coma at an undisclosed location. Ruth is deathly ill with pneumonia and has multiple infections related to her recent lung cancer surgery and the accident that fractured her ribs.”

c87930  No.4944073

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, 231gmn.jpg)


Approve this message

ddc6c1  No.4944074

Is Feb 5th before or after superb owl?

f2f9e1  No.4944075

File: 69ea1ad83d5e03f⋯.png (60.96 KB, 614x606, 307:303, that's not true sara.PNG)

What's sara up to? trying to pull the truth out of the anons on twitter? she has to know the truth…. right?

d17fff  No.4944076

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

When shills scream neck yourself, consider:


ab1f11  No.4944077

File: 51dee34f9823f72⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 600x600, 1:1, DMh3ODRX4AEgNAh.jpg)


Expand your thinking faggot.

bff9e2  No.4944078


That depends on the time of the month, right?

4376fc  No.4944079

File: d26a9f1916d00d0⋯.png (34.33 KB, 499x499, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

c87930  No.4944080


Noticed she said that twice

cce585  No.4944081

File: d48ed6e6cf84ae4⋯.gif (27.21 KB, 248x355, 248:355, j3.GIF)

701dbf  No.4944082


Just had a thought. Trump's a shitlord, we know he's said provocative things before to get the conversation going. Whether it's on the wall, tax reform, or whatever, he'll say something that'll make lefties heads explode, get them wound up, while normies start to wake up and explore the issue themselves.

Now, I might be dreaming here, but the upcoming SOTU is the perfect opportunity for Trump to pull something like this:

"I'd like to welcome members of the Supreme Court of the United States, and want to extend our prayers and thoughts to Justice Ginsberg, that she makes a speedy recovery from her medically induced coma."

BAM! Lefty heads explode. Normies begin to question what is the real medical state of RBG. The DS has to go on the defense to cover up whether RBG is dead or in a medically induced coma as the supposed whistleblower has stated.

Q, if you're reading this, could you pass this on to POTUS?

17258c  No.4944083

File: bddb1a7817fa2c5⋯.png (42.5 KB, 452x265, 452:265, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)


Indeed I'd missed that.

6d7811  No.4944084

File: 44b34d36d1df557⋯.png (142.77 KB, 380x427, 380:427, ClipboardImage.png)

58b836  No.4944085


Zeta Cartel would be my guess, if not just some evil nutjob.

4d5916  No.4944086



It's taken a couple weeks for the sad reality to set in, but I'd rather be honest with myself than pleasantly deluded in false expectations.

Just the same:


60c0f9  No.4944087


Hope this link works


d17fff  No.4944088

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Sometimes the Magic works…

4376fc  No.4944089

File: e03142c3741e0aa⋯.png (69.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

9141fd  No.4944091

File: b9ce6f1eab9d79e⋯.png (287.91 KB, 579x635, 579:635, twitter_com_mattzap_status….png)


4446e4  No.4944092

On Saturday I lost the greatest man, my pops. He was a Marine, a true patriot. He would give you the shirt off his back. He loved this POTUS, I remember him saying how great it was that for once a man who means what he says. And that "Trump doesn't take any shit." They don't make em like my pops anymore.

736fdf  No.4944093


after, it's on the 3rd

20c8c6  No.4944094


Body double is wearing scarf to conceal her neck. A person's neck gives away their age better than the face.

Where's Hillary??????

ab1f11  No.4944095



97e389  No.4944096


What you need to know is every representative that is elected to DC gets 1.5 million to spend on staff and ect. Not does not come out of their regularly monthly salary

692334  No.4944097


Learn who Chief Fart Acevedo is and what he did in Austin.

752bf1  No.4944098


I just had sex with RGB and can verify that she is in fact deceased.

e2cfbb  No.4944099

File: 57b25982229cacb⋯.png (547.38 KB, 645x985, 129:197, 57b25982229cacba92f8109f1c….png)


None of these petitions ever amount to anything.

I stopped filling them in years ago.

5f5fd3  No.4944100


Huawei also stole technology from Nortel

4a5391  No.4944101




Reporter asked Sanders about huwaii if it was related to current talks with Chinese reps this week

690399  No.4944102

File: 46f4eca54f576ec⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 255x193, 255:193, vomit.jpg)

dbb48e  No.4944103


He still doesn't have the money appropriated for it.

So where's the win in that action? There isn't any.

They will do like they did last time it came up, agree to do something, but never appropriate the money for it.

828b26  No.4944104


that's hot

27c479  No.4944105

File: a5bf4fe397399a3⋯.gif (3.53 MB, 605x600, 121:120, pepe color change.gif)

68f4ad  No.4944106

File: c080a848c7fb7fd⋯.png (27.99 KB, 295x421, 295:421, ClipboardImage.png)

3cdd85  No.4944107


Im pretty sure this is news to us even. Good stuff and NOTABLE

ddc6c1  No.4944108


Uh oh. FF on da bowl. Hope they got this after the attempt last year.

6c339f  No.4944109


blah blah blah niglets blah blah niggers niggers blahlbhal blah niggers blah nigger blah blah lbah


1365d5  No.4944110


>P = payseur. Q confirmed that.

wrong, prove it

60c0f9  No.4944111


Anon I’m so sorry. Prayers to you and your family… your pops sounded like a cool guy :)

1dce58  No.4944112

"5,000 Troops To Colombia" To Quell Venezuela Crisis? John Bolton Flashes Notepad Contents At Briefing


not sure if i missed it in notables

4a5391  No.4944113


no table AF

d64e4e  No.4944114

File: a0e489153ed8830⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 761x626, 761:626, pg1.jpg)

File: 46b97313eeb4ed5⋯.jpg (158.67 KB, 770x657, 770:657, pg2.jpg)

File: 8245f40eb8d1cbf⋯.jpg (205.9 KB, 729x667, 729:667, pg3.jpg)

Romans 13:11

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

ddc6c1  No.4944115


Or am I thinking of '17?

d17fff  No.4944116

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


97e389  No.4944117

File: 6e4baa00f497b4e⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6e4baa00f497b4e2dee7fb681a….jpg)

bddeb6  No.4944118


No way, that would mess with their money. Imagine how much they make from rigging the games…

27c479  No.4944119

File: 9d7b94d4534c2f8⋯.jpg (84.07 KB, 960x960, 1:1, dangers of marijuana.jpg)


this is where i got his teef. i kept the ketchup to simulate realistic gum disease.

736fdf  No.4944120

File: ae002e55da66db7⋯.png (371.54 KB, 700x720, 35:36, ae002e55da66db794179b64012….png)


knew you could do it anon!


see: >>4944083

58b836  No.4944121


You're a sick motherfucker. Seek help.

e8497c  No.4944122

File: ba23a65fa69aad4⋯.png (1.15 MB, 793x814, 793:814, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)



P = C


Pentagon funnels money world wide .

•Note $2 trillion missing from pentagon day before 911

Pentagon starts the wars and ends the wars

9d189c  No.4944123

>>4932545 (PB)

So much for Obamacare.

Sorry, not buying the story.


Every person who digs intelligently and reports their findings, who corrects mis-steps when they are based on earnest, but misguided, effort, every one who takes an idea and makes the effort to craft a meme to explain it and is diligent to base it on truth and make it as polished as possible so as to reflect well on themselves and their brother Anons, is – without exception – a "helper Anon".

>>4932888 (PB)

It was a symptom, not a cause. The cause is concealed in the fact that we accepted the behavior and did not impale him immediately for the birds to enjoy.

>>4932211 (PB)

Craigslist, "free to good home".

>>4932321 (PB)

Will this run on Linux? Not familiar with JSON.

>>4932958 (PB)

I think she's buying time to arrange another assassination attempt.

>>4932978 (PB)

I don't know any of those Christians. However, the OT reference to "Lion of Judah" was prophetic of him Jesus. Jesus is not God. You need look no deeper than to his final words as he was dying. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Ans: if God did not give him some room, he'd still be hanging on the cross, unable to die.)

Biblefags. I'm not here to argue or play trivial pursuit with you. You can read the above anyway you wish. I am not open to discussion about it.

0cbcc8  No.4944124

File: 72a50f3c82a92bc⋯.png (548.2 KB, 592x395, 592:395, ClipboardImage.png)


Follow the Penn

cd7263  No.4944125

File: bfec1288fda4a30⋯.jpg (164.28 KB, 500x557, 500:557, meow_wow.jpg)

5241f4  No.4944126

Five Houston officers shot one being careflighted. https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/several-houston-police-officers-shot-in-se-houston/285-d0743b30-9cf3-428c-a278-9d8ae8dc4e09

8d39ce  No.4944127

File: 24ede0cb258f43b⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 24ede0cb258f43ba8f7c2cbc47….jpg)


just tell it shill. weak slide attempts. kys

01a4d7  No.4944128


I third that


774e37  No.4944130


This plan has crazy optics to keep society functional. We know the ds has been doing a slow kill on all of us and these fuckers have been complicit. I hope and pray there will be a point when optics are no longer part of the plan and JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!

5d6109  No.4944131

File: f094d09be22cea4⋯.jpg (320.59 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, activewaronmymind.jpg)

twatterfag being censored IRL by boss, I'm still here & trusting the plan moar than ever. can't afford to lose my job so may just make a burner. love u frens!

1dce58  No.4944132




d17fff  No.4944133

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Is Money the root of all evil?


4a5391  No.4944134

File: cf34d6c94c550b6⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 445x254, 445:254, 1548209905.jpg)

5879a2  No.4944135


Georgia Dem Larry McDonald talking about the NWO, and chairmanship with the John Birch Society.

15e716  No.4944136


I am sorry for your great loss, Anon. I am glad you had him in life. Such a rare man.

736fdf  No.4944137

File: 85b4e1c9a96fe11⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x225, 17:15, 85b4e1c9a96fe11f0dca3ca166….jpg)

P slide, really nigga

a4050f  No.4944138


Does Sarah have native american roots?

ec7ff4  No.4944139


>>4943569 Mueller probe 'close to being completed': acting U.S. attorney general

>>4943463 , >>4943555 Q's Feb 5 2018 posts re SOTU, exactly 1 year prior

>>4943497 Trump Jr tweets about getting ready for the STORM

>>4943493 POTUS accepts Feb 5 invitation to give the SOTU address

>>4943436 Border Patrol releases arrest data, DESTROYS Democrat narrative

>>4943435 Huber's probe into FBI’s handling of Trump Russia remain a mystery

>>4943382 , >>4943431 Release: Whitaker announces charges against Huawei and CFO

>>4943351 Pope lowers expectations for next month's sex abuse summit

>>4943137 , >>4943455 Video: Shirtless Bernie Sanders singing "This Land Is Your Land" in Russia

>>4943326 Pakistan, Africa and Afghanistan rush mass vaccines

>>4943292 Nothing happening? Q Post Refresh

Baker change ^^^

>>4943283 Obama and McCain aides form 'elite PR team'.

>>4943252 Feb. 5 relevant Q drops. Black Caucus phone.

>>4943156 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>4943140 Avenatti demands public Cohen testimony.

>>4943138 Chinese chip giant Fujian Jinhua to cease operations after US ban.

>>4943091 Q drops related to today's indictments: Shenzhen dubbed the 'Silicon Valley of Hardware'.

3cdd85  No.4944140

Remember when Joseph Misfud was unable to be found back in like Sept of last year?.. was he ever found to our knowledge?

a2f87c  No.4944142

File: 20c89b27f5e3d93⋯.jpg (54.74 KB, 960x600, 8:5, FB_IMG_1548719130831.jpg)



Stole my thunder.

47ced2  No.4944143

File: 7b8702006b12b44⋯.jpeg (113.35 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, 55CD7C83-E704-45DD-8755-C….jpeg)

5f5fd3  No.4944144

File: 7583fa79544b148⋯.jpg (7.07 KB, 300x168, 25:14, index.jpg)


>A source who identifies herself as “Lindsey

ec7ff4  No.4944145


Just for you anon

aabc8f  No.4944146



Notable: communist is communist!

dbb48e  No.4944147


This is all the sauce any anon has, yet they keep running with this rumor.

Fake news from a Star Trek - TNG wanna be character called Q.

You retards not see this LARP for what it is yet?

EVERYTHING here is based on movies!

Real life is not!

8cfbc1  No.4944148

5 Houston Police shot in little Mexico Houston

ba12e5  No.4944149

File: 9e94d090ea6acda⋯.jpg (138.39 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Pepe's Advice.jpg)

c3c6ce  No.4944150

File: a77443c3e161228⋯.jpg (109.99 KB, 668x739, 668:739, butthurt.jpg)

5241f4  No.4944151

OFFICERS DOWN IN HOUSTON https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/several-houston-police-officers-shot-in-se-houston/285-d0743b30-9cf3-428c-a278-9d8ae8dc4e09

257d90  No.4944152



also symbolic of detachment

760603  No.4944153


Way to go Sara! Anons, she's on THE team and she's a great position player, first at practice & last to leave. And, she's a coach's dream.

9c4c30  No.4944154

Star Chart of Nancy PELOSI née D’Allessandro

March 26, 1940 at 12 AM Baltimore


“My mother will cut off your head and you won’t know you are bleeding.”

Quote of Daughter Alex Pelosi

Sun in Aries trine Pluto in Leo = love of power and ability to wield it.

Moon (emotion) in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo and opposition to Saturn in Taurus. Moon in Scorpio means she has a sting in her tail, enjoys revenge and holds a grudge. Square Pluto means the ability to plot in secret against her enemies. Saturn opposite the Moon and square Pluto tends toward depression, a Machiavellian type of political acumen and capable of plotting an assassination. The D’Alessandros are of the same family line as the Medici’s. Saturn square Pluto is the ultimate in dirty tricks talent for scheming.

Mercury (mind) in Pisces gives a whimsical pixie like communication style. Mercury sextile Venus in Taurus indicates a charming demeanor. Mercury sextile Mars and Uranus in Taurus means a trigger quick mind able to process large amounts of data quickly - quick witted. But her Mercury is retrograde which usually means a speech impediment or stutter - her mind is too quick for her tongue. It also is in opposition to Neptune in Virgo giving a tendency to drug /alcohol addiction and a type of thinking that is sometimes muddled.

Quote by daughter about head severing talent - Video:


b94d71  No.4944155


Confirmed. It’s real.

296aa9  No.4944156

File: 13ab473ac209aa5⋯.jpeg (117.42 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 22DCA035-01A5-492C-BD2F-0….jpeg)

File: 7abd617da081f41⋯.jpeg (26.71 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 9665AA98-03FC-47F8-8449-E….jpeg)

File: 591cf7c1878ffd9⋯.jpeg (94.04 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 7CECD984-524D-486E-AB22-4….jpeg)

File: a90d5cf7f912c6b⋯.jpeg (137.97 KB, 753x500, 753:500, 36AC9A72-B5FA-48DE-BDAB-9….jpeg)

File: 1470a3f7c95ad09⋯.jpeg (26.04 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 3D76D2C3-614F-4F34-A892-D….jpeg)

d987cf  No.4944157

File: 10209c924ea9569⋯.png (316.1 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Concern.png)

4a5391  No.4944158


The love of money

Money is a tool, symbol of the equal valuation of effort for value

Love of money, I.e. hoarding of tools, is useless and wasteful, and turns object into an idol

47ced2  No.4944159

File: 8effbf5ffd635f2⋯.jpeg (121.69 KB, 1200x1659, 400:553, 119D203E-9F49-43E0-9FA2-5….jpeg)


Anons a-fucking-ssemble!

8b9d8c  No.4944160

File: 43cca1504393318⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 404x405, 404:405, kill.jpg)


>P = payseur.

P is fucking Pindar (the penis of the dragon).

Get with it.

fd5bd4  No.4944161



I've been following this case for anons in case it's our guys

>>4944029 Attorneys in Super Secret IN RE GRAND JURY case revealed to 'Reporters Committee' attorneys

b94d71  No.4944162


I wonder if this means Q is in control of the account and is trolling.

bff9e2  No.4944163

File: 3e37465cc3d7bb6⋯.png (102.69 KB, 323x262, 323:262, 4538914c98d5a5566c1ddfc46b….png)

6c339f  No.4944164

File: 8c42be053895242⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 577x1024, 577:1024, DyCUw7YX0AEkw1L.jpg large.jpg)


true, and his verified account- see account NAME and bluecheck


e8497c  No.4944165



Dis info is necessary.

This is why we have the first audit of the Pentagon It's the business of the CABAL/CIA

Kennedy wanted to get rid of the CIA!

2d0ebe  No.4944166

Delete tw bird?

01a4d7  No.4944167


Not this shit again

d17fff  No.4944168

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The death of E. A. Poe

3cb692  No.4944169

File: ab81072aed606d4⋯.png (639.84 KB, 570x1600, 57:160, pequalsc.png)

37c42f  No.4944170


I agree. P-Pentagon. Q put out disinfo for the black hats

828b26  No.4944171


I heard this live and was wondering why

she was talking like a nigger

2b7a7d  No.4944172

Dude has Bro hair. Let him post boobs. >>4943950

dbb48e  No.4944173


Truth doesn't concern me, but it does YOU apparently.

9f8773  No.4944174


I am so sorry for your loss. May he always be with you guiding you the rest of your life. It sounds as though you were blessed to have such a man as your father.

517806  No.4944175

In February 2009, Jamba Juice came under fire for their "unethical" use of stem cells in their food products. The advertisement campaign for this new line of products advertised the health benefits of consuming stem cells, but sparked controversy in the anti-abortion movement. Schultz is a significant stakeholder in Jamba Juice. Howard Schultz doesn’t have the “guts” to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the “smartest person.” Besides, America already has that! I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!

5f5fd3  No.4944176


If you're overweight due to cortisol, it actually causes you to lose weight because you eat less. Of course I don't have a driving job.

3cdd85  No.4944177


Q literally confirmed P is Payseur

47ced2  No.4944178

Donald Trump is the only thing standing in the way of deep state executions. He should be GOD to them.

752bf1  No.4944179

Was the Funeral for Unaccompanied Veteran that drew a surprising crowd actually the secret funeral for RBG?

Great cover, no?

28f232  No.4944180


There's a dent in it.

df78ee  No.4944181

File: 2e49c76f20a7765⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 474x399, 158:133, e850de77955794ff1360ea2d7d….jpg)


Hope you're right.

736fdf  No.4944182


Huawei names John Brumby, Alexander Downer board members (2011)

CHINA'S Huawei Technologies has appointed Liberal and Labor elders, Alexander Downer and John Brumby, to its Australian board in a bid to secure part of the $1 billion-plus National Broadband Network technology deal.

As cyber-security fears rise, Huawei, the world's second biggest telecommunications equipment maker, has doubled efforts to assuage concerns by security agencies, including ASIO, about its feared connections with the People's Liberation Army.

Huawei, China's most successful privately held company, has increased disclosures in its annual report and has offered to open its networks for inspection.


Downer, Brumby join Huawei Australia board (2011)

Huawei Australia has appointed former Victorian Premier John Brumby and Howard-era foreign minister Alexander Downer to its local board, the latest in a number of recent attempts to ramp up local business.


Downer to quit Huawei board ahead of London stint (2014)

Former foreign minister Alexander Downer is expected to resign as both a government lobbyist and a board member of controversial Chinese technology company Huawei before taking up his post as the new High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.


China is not Russia says former foreign minister Alexander Downer (2018)

Mr Downer, who after leaving parliament became a lobbyist, sat on the board of the Chinese technology company Huawei, which Australia banned from building the national broadband network.


d987cf  No.4944183


The set up might look like, establish an account, get followed by stars and criminals, change account profile to excruciatingly embarrassing content, post on chans. Interesting marketing plan I'd say.

4a5391  No.4944184

File: 8397860a6c1ce74⋯.jpg (190.55 KB, 1280x789, 1280:789, 1548211962.jpg)


Some of the finest

God bless you Patriot!

d17fff  No.4944185

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovores in the Emerald Isle

6c9d01  No.4944186


Amy in action.

abd1c5  No.4944187

Ignore me lads. From PB for Twitter.

POTUS has arranged for the SOTU to be given

on a date that aligns with Q crumbs

exactly 1 year prior.

On a date that nobody expected.

Is Pelosi controlled now?

Is her job to bring down the Dem party

by making everything they do look

extreme, stupid, and obstructing?

3e34b8  No.4944188

>>4943757 - lb

It worries me that Russia and China have not declared Gweedo (Guaido) as the elected President. Something is strange here.

0da9ef  No.4944189


Well, yes,we did know Downer used to be on the Huawei board, but I don't think any anon had openly connected the dots.

736fdf  No.4944190


if you read some crumbs, P has a double meaning as Pope and Payseur

P ≠ Pentagon FFS

5d6109  No.4944191

File: 78e632b90aa8655⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 255x232, 255:232, pepesmile.jpg)

dbb48e  No.4944192


Your fucking stupid.

5241f4  No.4944193



748dbd  No.4944194


don't think even normies will buy the argument that video of hillary torturing and murdering a child is a deep fake

828b26  No.4944195


Since when does Q confirming something make it true?

dd2799  No.4944196


Big satan US and little satan Israel

ba12e5  No.4944197

File: 99bc1c2b92b50ca⋯.jpg (173.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Wall Street Bank earnings.jpg)

File: b92bc8e16783a15⋯.png (578.26 KB, 670x356, 335:178, Shit the bed.png)

Markets pumped just after AAPL warns on guidance on January 2nd. Low volume melt-up that masks the Bank earnings…which SUCKED.

Tomorrow we get:








Ally Financial



Facebook- sandbergsold 55k/sh last week





d17fff  No.4944198

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


4d5916  No.4944199


Thought it was Mifsud not Misfud??

Nah, out of sight, maybe hanging out in Malta with the other Knights.

4376fc  No.4944200

File: b5e809df5146ee3⋯.png (599.97 KB, 620x564, 155:141, ClipboardImage.png)

3cdd85  No.4944201


then why do we even read his posts?!

4a5391  No.4944202



Prescient connects

5d6109  No.4944203

File: 865cfdcd172c80e⋯.png (257.96 KB, 518x575, 518:575, THIS obama pointindis.png)

dddee3  No.4944204


Remember patriot some of these people are shills. We know what P means. They are dis-info

463d28  No.4944205


needs to trend on twitter

75f22e  No.4944206

File: 697ed757e594c16⋯.png (597.05 KB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c6158075b3f069⋯.png (83.54 KB, 609x710, 609:710, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4b990fd3e84363⋯.png (136.17 KB, 626x931, 626:931, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9461d825a8a2fd4⋯.png (69.87 KB, 593x645, 593:645, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3579d1c0a7ec57c⋯.png (52.37 KB, 589x406, 589:406, ClipboardImage.png)

The Clinton Foundation


01/27/2019 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/27/2019 18:40

MEDIA ADVISORY: President and Secretary Clinton to Travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 28-30


4ff49e  No.4944207

>>4944016 Bastards - https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/astounding-legislation-protects-cows-but-not-babies/

48e3a8  No.4944208

File: 49f88abaa9e5b8e⋯.png (739.57 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5DC017A4-D919-4B43-910E-36….png)


Several Houston Officers Shot….

1365d5  No.4944209


maybe you should tell us again ffs

828b26  No.4944210


your stoopid two

3cdd85  No.4944211


Yep, forgot lol. Thanks anon

3916ae  No.4944212

New & not sure how to post - ? Is it tru DS told POTUS he must resign & no arrests or they will use bioweapon?

d10c50  No.4944213

File: 3e7e4809678d540⋯.jpg (227.65 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NY_Abortion_Law6.jpg)

File: 9c0621ec61b3c80⋯.jpg (328.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NY_Abortion_Law5.jpg)

File: 2f8917da7145310⋯.jpg (313.73 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NY_Abortion_Law2.jpg)

File: 0d4175a97af5a15⋯.jpg (439.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NY_Abortion_Law1.jpg)

File: cb7d510520cfdd8⋯.jpg (363.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NY_Abortion_Law3.jpg)

>>4943371 (lb)

>John Titor

I don't 'follow" anyone

The twat was poignant and has merit.

People…including this board need to get off their asses and become useful in getting active instead of posting tit and dick pics 24/7.

These people are evil. They are busy at "our" destruction.

You want the truth to come out?

Then start pushing the narratives/memes we have been told to, to prep the masses.

97e389  No.4944214


She knew that was the only way you understand it

d47c76  No.4944215

Trump does not have a strong hand on the shutdown negotiations for the wall funding. If I were Trump I would stir up the base and get them vocal and loud on this.

690399  No.4944216


hey did you hear?

about the cops that got shot in texas?

296aa9  No.4944217

File: 3864eebc2d3400d⋯.jpeg (105.41 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 7AF7248A-F658-4C33-A586-0….jpeg)

File: f3425ddad93fd7b⋯.jpeg (295.72 KB, 1280x954, 640:477, 87C48922-6562-462B-A78A-7….jpeg)

File: dbd1575615a8393⋯.jpeg (26.72 KB, 320x180, 16:9, 99D19529-565B-469C-9C6D-A….jpeg)

File: 1e381ed82ede8b3⋯.jpeg (32.84 KB, 390x238, 195:119, D1CC9713-456F-4D64-9FB1-1….jpeg)

File: f93a186b1d0b658⋯.jpeg (144.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 581E64CC-1CEE-460D-AFC5-3….jpeg)

828b26  No.4944218


are you new to this, faggot?

1365d5  No.4944219


normiefags believe everything online

154616  No.4944220


There's still slavery in other parts of the world. Just the other day I read about 20,000 slaves being rescued

736fdf  No.4944221

>>4944013, >>4944182 Alexander Downer worked as a lobbyist for and on the board of Huawei

Baker, I'd add above


bbc669  No.4944222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q - Dark To Light

3cdd85  No.4944223

File: 1045df2bdb7b912⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2gmmib.jpg)

828b26  No.4944224

File: 128b57338519be8⋯.jpg (9 KB, 261x254, 261:254, 1548482914830.jpg)

dbb48e  No.4944225


>your stoopid two

Well, you certainly removed all DOUBT about you being stupid.

abd1c5  No.4944226

File: 51ed8d6d445a81a⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 254x254, 1:1, 51ed8d6d445a81a8a8bffb40a0….jpg)



0cebef  No.4944227

File: f4e7ed90963d186⋯.png (188.07 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



edc097  No.4944228


Makes MUCH more sense then (P)ayseur's. Q reposted an anons question on P=Payseur but never confirmed (Q post 1970). Could easily be a date marker for Pain, which was also mentioned in the post. Payseur never made sense to me. This does.

54c685  No.4944229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What the SHIT, Cruz?


4376fc  No.4944230

File: 29f22e74ebfab8e⋯.png (968.82 KB, 700x796, 175:199, ClipboardImage.png)

736fdf  No.4944231


my educated guess would be, nah nigga

f30370  No.4944232

looks like "just asking for a friend" has switched to "New & not sure how to post"…

bf8189  No.4944233


That could be the pyramid of P’s




de3e26  No.4944234


I suppose the payseurs could have enough government contracts to practically run the military.

Steel is important.

Hussein should did cut a lot of military when he was in office.

He left only the payseur puppets in.

I wonder I the shutdown allowed opportunity for Trump to clean it out this time.

There was a recent supply contractor indicted.

752bf1  No.4944235


>Your fucking stupid.


cd390e  No.4944236


I'd ask for sauce but since she's dead no sauce to be made or had.

Unless you creampied it.

d07815  No.4944237

It is interesting to discover that during the Great Tribulation, whatever Jesus is allowed to do, the devil is allowed to do. Jesus will have 144,000 servants speaking for Him and the devil will have thousands of religious and political authorities speaking for him. Evil can neither conquer good, nor can good destroy evil until Jesus arrives. Jesus wants the people of Earth to make an informed and intelligent decision as to whom they will obey. (Matthew 24:14) This is why He seals 144,000 prophets before the Great Tribulation begins. The world will hear the testimony of Jesus through the mouths of His servants the prophets.

828b26  No.4944238


fuck….no one could be this retarded

0e9cda  No.4944239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From 2013

3e34b8  No.4944240


The Pindar is much like a selected President if a country. A big fat nobody and way down on the totem pole. Plus there are like 8 dragon families each having a Pindar. Some dragon families have more power than others.

aabc8f  No.4944241


yet to see even one of these so called "deep fakes" that they keep talking about. what are they classified? seen plenty of shitty photoshops and videos making someones mouth move to say something they didn't, but where are all these sophisticated "popular and difficult to spot" deep fake videos that include actual movement that can fool biometrics and not just someones face moving? they don't exist!

1365d5  No.4944242


then there are these faggot jewtubers looking for clicks

beware newfags

f3c646  No.4944243


Senate, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. When the VP or the Majority leader is not presiding over the Senate there is a Presidente Pro Tempore - in this case a woman.

0cebef  No.4944244

File: 84498891bb3aea9⋯.png (572.88 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)



47ced2  No.4944245

File: b6dd44e4583b873⋯.jpeg (683.6 KB, 1125x1782, 125:198, 1DF7BA65-23E4-4315-B73A-7….jpeg)


Trump retweeted someone by the name of “HoustonGunn” 5 times in 2015.

How odd is that?

787b7f  No.4944246

File: 5b7e7e5d80f2635⋯.jpg (438.53 KB, 1080x1533, 360:511, Screenshot_20190128-154641….jpg)

4a5391  No.4944247


But Gloucester dances with the ghosts and sings with sea like Hammond playing his concerts across cape Ann

27c479  No.4944248

File: 9b82f11582c215b⋯.jpg (308.43 KB, 1277x718, 1277:718, bolton notepad.jpg)

this was just broadcast on Fox News showing a hand-written note reading "5,000 troops to Colombia" when talking about pre-positioning troops regarding Venezuela.

is this a legit accident? purposeful reveal by the administration? is Bolton (Zionist shill) back-dooring POTUS in some kind of DS play?

cd390e  No.4944249


fucking GO BACK

679163  No.4944250

File: 7f9d87283f15bb3⋯.jpg (92.19 KB, 589x623, 589:623, @Hilldabeast-churros.jpg)

bab8c7  No.4944251


False. you and your bumfreind figured out the wonders of the internet just fine.

e793c8  No.4944252

watching a piece on niggerflix about ted bundy right now. makes me wonder how many of these serial killers were brainwashed into doing what they did by some DS schlomo fuck.

bf8189  No.4944253


We waiting for 144,000 sealed indictments?

d1208b  No.4944254


He's guarding the streets of Heaven anon, and you now carry his proud legacy. I'll say a prayer for you both tonight.

0da9ef  No.4944255


>$2 trillion

I thought it was $21 trillion

335f18  No.4944256


Good call! Much a spin about nothing..

296aa9  No.4944257

97e389  No.4944258


She spanks mother fuckers on a daily basis

bac9bf  No.4944259


Wonder how long it'll take the public to find out what they actually talk about.

dd2799  No.4944260

File: 3396435955345fc⋯.png (639.45 KB, 641x819, 641:819, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e94f9be8c79830⋯.png (700.53 KB, 656x747, 656:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 886d78df20e6783⋯.png (417.28 KB, 644x424, 161:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38647ecf3c3313a⋯.png (378.87 KB, 652x545, 652:545, ClipboardImage.png)

US Caught Helping ISIS Commanders Escape from Taliban Prison in Afghanistan (+Video)

A large number of prisoners, all of them senior members of Daesh (also ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group, broke out of a Taliban prison in northwest Afghanistan after US troops helped them escape through a covert operation.

According to Tasnim dispatches, American forces operating in Afghanistan carried out a secret military operation in the northwestern province of Badghis two weeks ago and helped the Daesh inmates escape the prison.

The report added that 40 Daesh ringleaders, all of them foreigners, were transferred by helicopters after American troops raided the prison and killed all its security guards.

Abdullah Afzali, deputy head of Badghis provincial council, confirmed the news.

Informed sources have given a detailed account of the US operation to rescue the Daesh forces and the developments that helped Americans pinpoint the location of the prison in the mountainous areas.

Aminullah, a man from Uzbekistan, was one of the Daesh commanders held captive in the Taliban prison. His success to escape from the prison led to the dismissal of the Taliban prison guard and his punishment.


752bf1  No.4944261


>I'd ask for sauce but since she's dead no sauce to be made or had.


>Unless you creampied it.

Decomposition fluid makes the best lube!

And rigor mortis makes it TIGHT!

01a4d7  No.4944262


Bless you sir and thank you for your service

ef51dd  No.4944263

File: e7271c9be5b551e⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 904x721, 904:721, 23 PAIN is Coming.jpg)

Just a thought


68f4ad  No.4944264




P Pope

NP Pelosi

Lots of P's that's for sure.

Does P = NP?

What a world.

9141fd  No.4944265


$2 trillion on Sept 10, 2001

748dbd  No.4944266

File: 4c974b3feb52f2d⋯.png (110.59 KB, 437x396, 437:396, houston gunn.PNG)

21ee11  No.4944267


>Since when does Q confirming something make it true?

Look nigger it's not hard to explain.

Q is tight with POTUS case closed.

POTUS most powerful man in the world.

POTUS that's not compd and about to show the world who is compd.

Now that's a really powerful fucking dude.

So absolute truth - good luck finding that.

What goes down here will be as close as it gets.

be3a6e  No.4944268

File: 4f884ef8dd562cd⋯.mp4 (171.49 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Wat the f.mp4)

154616  No.4944269


Ain't that something. Weird.

6672f8  No.4944270

File: 3604b3cce731bd7⋯.png (163.21 KB, 420x356, 105:89, mnunchin.png)

58b836  No.4944271



I dunno. Who supposedly wrote it?

97e389  No.4944272


No pussy for you

4ff49e  No.4944273

>>4944213 https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/astounding-legislation-protects-cows-but-not-babies/

4aef8c  No.4944274

File: 23778a117e4bfe4⋯.jpg (137.69 KB, 1200x887, 1200:887, MAGABull.jpg)

629680  No.4944275


A plane flew into the Pentagon on 9/11

736fdf  No.4944276



to be factual, it was $21 trillion COMBINED between DoD and HUD

Is Our Government Intentionally Hiding $21 Trillion In Spending?

In our prior column, Mark and I wrote about $21 trillion in unaccounted government transactions, primarily on defense. The DOD's (Department of Defense) as well as HUD's (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Offices of Inspector General (OIG) reference these transactions as "unsupported journal voucher adjustments." This is polite accounting language for lost, hidden or stolen money. If such "adjustments" were small, it would be one thing. But they totaled some $21 trillion between 1998 and 2015!


68f4ad  No.4944277

File: d135257f47d77e1⋯.png (211.25 KB, 712x809, 712:809, ClipboardImage.png)

98d250  No.4944278


>Will this run on Linux?

Nope. Uses function that are windows-specific.

Also has dll's that come with it ) of which I have no idea what's in them).

bab8c7  No.4944279


the phrase changes, but I think this is a 144,000 witnesses reference?

If there does turn out to be 144,000 servants witnesses indictments at the end of this… Wew….

2cfd83  No.4944280


The Speaker?

President of the House?


Sounds not right.

Pence is considered the President of the Senate, isn't he?

01a4d7  No.4944281



154616  No.4944282

File: 311d6239b52104f⋯.jpeg (16.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe pope.jpeg)


Disinfo is necessary.

Apollo never went to the moon either.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

ea2bf6  No.4944283



Head Witch in USA Government

1d42c6  No.4944284

File: acec667a06d9d96⋯.png (238.39 KB, 1476x835, 1476:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0aed05d874f156⋯.png (512.01 KB, 1056x981, 352:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 160b33f86b57ed3⋯.png (591.62 KB, 1158x967, 1158:967, ClipboardImage.png)


It's amazing how the right house finds the right people in DC all the time.

I personally never dug this guy that was the owner of Obama's Kalamora home, Joe Lockhart, Clinton's Press Secretary from 1998-2000, Worked at Facebook, last worked as the NFL Communications director, 2016-2018, his wife Giovanna gray is the Washington editor for Glamour, and advisor to Sen. Kristen Gillibrand aka Satan, who, oh, by the way did the wedding ceremony.



ec7ff4  No.4944285

Early notables

Let me know anons. TY.

>>4944206 President and Secretary Clinton to Travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan 28-30

>>4944182 Alexander Downer worked as a lobbyist for and on the board of Huawei

>>4944065 Sarah Sanders wants the ax to fall

>>4944030 , >>4944106, >>4944155, >>4944164 Hussein follows gay sex toy? Wut?

>>4944029 Attorneys in Super Secret GRAND JURY case revealed to 'Reporters Committee' attorneys

>>4944007 , >>4944014, >>4944048 State Dept docs on Hauwei

>>4944003 Moar Trump to Deliver State of the Union Address February 5

>>4943957 Buckle up. CNN and Cooper to air a Full Circle on manipulated videos

>>4943948 Michael Cohen has agreed to testify behind closed doors

>>4943936 Anons thoughts on 'Crickets At DOJ' re pb >>4943435

>>4943933 , >>4944002 PapaD tweet re Hauwei and Alexander Downer. Dig

>>4943931 Paul Manafort’s sentencing in Virginia postponed indefinitely

>>4943906 , >>4943920 Whistleblower rumor: RBG is in a “Medically Induced Coma”

a82a91  No.4944286



4a5391  No.4944287


Looks like pelosi signature handwriting

fbc92c  No.4944288






9194d7  No.4944289

File: 5c4c8b2900513fb⋯.jpg (174.35 KB, 1300x867, 1300:867, 150921-news-the-muppets-an….jpg)

752bf1  No.4944290


>Bless you sir and thank you for your service

Looking forward to doing Hillary's necrohole.

Wish you idiots would hurry and and execute her already.

21ee11  No.4944291


You can't prove it didn't

So your word vs Q

Who's tight with POTUS

561f76  No.4944292


> Does P = NP?

You've never taken a computer science course, have you?

7aa93b  No.4944293


sauce….he he he

8cfbc1  No.4944294


5 Houston Police Officers shot serving warrant in little Mexico Houston

Live stream


856a2d  No.4944295

SOTU on Feb 5th

dbb48e  No.4944296


That explains why HUD is so hard to get financed with while trying to buy a house.

47ced2  No.4944297

File: 6aafb224deaf526⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x2200, 45:88, 608733BD-D03B-4BAB-8954-E….jpeg)


"By the time I take office, what you increasingly have is a media environment in which if you are a Fox News viewer, you have an entirely different reality than if you are a New York Times reader,"



58b836  No.4944298

154616  No.4944299

File: b4efb8476386fae⋯.jpg (49.61 KB, 350x412, 175:206, jew lady.jpg)


Put a Joo in charge of printing the money. What could go wrong?

736fdf  No.4944300


kek, you could add another post, she's just venting which is understandable

>>4943936, >>4943987 Anons thoughts on 'Crickets At DOJ' re pb >>4943435

don't mind either way, thanks baker

dfe1a6  No.4944301

File: c8edb890406bbe4⋯.png (18.84 KB, 299x265, 299:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f237f767a8599dc⋯.png (36.71 KB, 657x409, 657:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe Obama following that fleshjack account was a subtle message for us. Maybbe we need to look into the owner of this fleshjack company. Seems like the owner (Steve Shubin) has A LOT of negative feedback from his company.


de3e26  No.4944302


where is that Trump Military 'calm before the storm' pic.

that would make a whole lot of sense.

Trump is storming the cabal's hold on the military.

af0753  No.4944304


I think potus knew full and well and somehow hes on board. could cohen be the wild card in play? any thoughts?

c80b04  No.4944305

Steve Bannon theory: when bannon left he vowed his support for trump, even when he was being criticised. He then went to Europe to work with the countries and their elections, he had a big influence in the countries rebelling against the EU.

Makes me wonder if Bannon was sent there by Trump and team because they knew if they could cause havoc in Europe, there would be a major shift.

So the theory: Bannon helped organize the yellow vests, or at least had something to do with. The question I have how come we hear nothing about him in the news.

And did you know, he gave a speech shortly after leaving the WH, where he said, I’ve always wanted to create “a digital army” to change the world?

Interesting ehh, Q or Q team perhaps?

I never thought it possible Bannon would say any of those things about Ivanka, Jared, or the admin….I didn’t believe the Wolfe book was anything real or true, and I’ve surmised it was controlled op.

Anyone got an opinion?

After leaving the White House, Bannon declared his intention to become "the infrastructure, globally, for the global populist movement."[26] Accordingly, he has supported various national populist conservative political movements around the world. These include France's National Front,[27] Hungary's Fidesz,[28] the Italian League,[29] the Brothers of Italy,[30] Alternative for Germany,[31] the Sweden Democrats,[32] the Dutch Party for Freedom,[33] the Freedom Party of Austria,[34] the Swiss People's Party,[35] the UK Independence Party,[36] the Flemish Vlaams Belang,[37] the Belgian People's Party,[37] Spain’s Vox,[38] the Finns Party,[37] the pan-European identitarian movement,[39]Republika Srpska's Alliance of Independent Social Democrats,[40]the Brazilian 2018 Jair Bolsonaro presidential campaign,[41] and the Israeli Likud.[42] Bannon believes that the aforementioned movements – along with Japan’s Shinzo Abe, India’s Narendra Modi, Russia's Vladimir Putin, Saudi Arabia's Mohammad bin Salman, China's Xi Jinping, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and America's Donald Trump, as well as similar leaders in Egypt, the Philippines, Poland, and South Korea – are part of a global shift towards nationalism.[43][44][45]

A self-described economic nationalist, Bannon advocates for reductions in immigration,[46]restrictions on free trade with China and Mexico,[47][48] and an increased federal income tax for those earning incomes of over $5 million a year.[49] Bannon is a skeptic of military interventionabroad and has opposed proposals for the expansion of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan,[50] Syria,[51] and Venezuela.[52] He has referred to himself as a "proud Christian Zionist" in reference to his support of Israel. He has been described by some as a white nationalist but rejects the description.[53]According to conservative commentator David French, Bannon has "done more than any other person to introduce the … alt-right into mainstream American life".[54]

Bannon graduated from Benedictine College Preparatory, a private, Catholic, military high school in Richmond, Virginia, in 1971,[60] and then attended Virginia Tech, where he served as the president of the student government association.[61] During the summers he worked at a local junk yard.[62]

He graduated from Virginia Tech College of Architecture and Urban Studies in 1976, with a bachelor's degree in urban planning. While serving in the navy, he earned a master's degree in national security studies in 1983 from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.[63] In 1985,[66]Bannon earned a Master of Business Administration degree with honors[67] from Harvard Business School.[68]

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s; he served on the destroyerUSS Paul F. Foster as a surface warfare officer in the Pacific Fleet, and afterwards stateside as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.[69] Bannon's job at the Pentagon was, among other things, handling messages between senior officers and writing reports about the state of the Navy fleet worldwide.[70] While at the Pentagon, Bannon attended Georgetown University at night and obtained his master's degree in national security studies.[62]

In 1980, Bannon was deployed to the Persian Gulf to assist with Operation Eagle Claw during the Iran hostage crisis. The mission's failure marked a turning point in his political world-view from largely apolitical to strongly Reaganite, which was further reinforced by the September 11 attacks.[71][72] Bannon has stated, "I wasn't political until I got into the service and saw how badly Jimmy

Upon his departure he was ranked as a lieutenant (O-3).[1][


bbc669  No.4944306


Disrespecting trips 2's newfag?

dd2799  No.4944307

File: 26525198a467d10⋯.png (272.32 KB, 521x613, 521:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cee12fd929cf728⋯.png (443.05 KB, 536x534, 268:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c952d6d84d2d6c9⋯.png (36.63 KB, 744x403, 24:13, ClipboardImage.png)

US-backed Forces Detained Local Tribesman For Public Calls To Reconcile With Damascus, End Foreign Occupation

The US-backed Syrian “Democratic” Forces (SDF) detained a local tribesman for public calls to reconcile with the Damascus government and put an end to foreign occupation during the SDF-sponsored “Reconciliation Conference” in the SDF-held town of Ithriya in the province of Raqqah on January 25.

The Kurdish-dominated group staged the meeting using loyal Arab SDF members in an attempt to strengthen its influence across the Arab-populated areas, which had been seized from ISIS. However, it appeared that the “reconciliation” has some special meaning in their worldview when SDF members attacked a group of Arabi political activists calling for reconciliation with Damascus.


d17fff  No.4944308

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

It in the


828b26  No.4944309


Ummm….have you forgotten the part

where Q admitted to giving us dis-info?

6a7f22  No.4944310


my money says it was an illegal.

7aa93b  No.4944311


He went to Bilderberg

bfd602  No.4944312


She looks like she can cook you a decent meal

a15927  No.4944313

File: 3a3c2d324ecb2a8⋯.png (636.78 KB, 488x718, 244:359, 2019-01-28_19-01-12.png)

f30370  No.4944314


speaking to the "president pro tempore" of the senate.. The president pro tempore designates other senators to preside in his absence, generally new members of the majority party.

97e389  No.4944315

File: 8bee11ad97026ce⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 911pentagonmis.mp4)

154616  No.4944317

File: 2d888a0a6f0d309⋯.jpg (150.2 KB, 1200x859, 1200:859, jew every time.jpg)


Even Bilderberg is a jew name

d17fff  No.4944318

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


8b9d8c  No.4944319

File: ad76d566d8d047d⋯.png (566.47 KB, 640x601, 640:601, ClipboardImage.png)

Cheezburger.com reminding you to go get your shots or be (((mocked))) by friends and family.

17 Infuriating Anti-Vaxx Memes And Moments Of Sheer Lunacy


74d3c8  No.4944320

File: d187c6dc9f6cd65⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 185x210, 37:42, 2s9rky.jpg)

File: 3fa3cdec9a50cf1⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 500x582, 250:291, 2s6d8n_1.jpg)

2b7a7d  No.4944321


God speed, pops

68f4ad  No.4944322


Easy, Anon. Was just fucking around.

3cdd85  No.4944323

i dont know what to make of Manaforts sentencing hearing (Feb 8) being postponed indefinitely

257d90  No.4944324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

856a2d  No.4944325


We just sent 600 more to Syria today. The claim was to secure the withdrawl. Does that make any sense?

47ced2  No.4944328

File: 71c1c47d3683561⋯.jpeg (246.62 KB, 1125x742, 1125:742, C4253543-E864-4924-8F16-3….jpeg)


5bf1c2  No.4944329

File: cb3782084ca3fc8⋯.png (529 KB, 780x493, 780:493, Capture.PNG)

Are Big Banking and Big Tech conspiring to protect Islam?

January 23, 2019 (Turning Point Project) – Which organizations are most likely to advance the cause of Islamic dominance? ISIS? Al Qaeda? Hezbollah? The Muslim Brotherhood?

If you've been keeping track of world events, these are the names that will most likely come to mind.

There are, however, other names to consider – organizations which at first glance seem entirely non-threatening, yet are capable of clearing the path for the spread of Islam more efficiently than al-Qaeda and ISIS could ever hope to do.

I'm referring to companies such as MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, Twitter, Facebook, and Google. We're all aware of how much easier life has become because of these companies. But, because they're so big, they also have the capacity to make life miserable.

Recently, they've been making life miserable for critics of Islam. By "critics" I don't mean those who have nothing good to say about the faith of Muslims. I mean that anyone who simply "critiques" or discusses the doctrines, practices, and laws of Islam in ways that Muslims don't approve can run afoul of the big tech companies.


dd2799  No.4944330

File: de5a55bb348c601⋯.png (352.66 KB, 531x689, 531:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b367b19afb55f81⋯.png (180.94 KB, 493x366, 493:366, ClipboardImage.png)


Occasional Cortex suggesting what apparel should be worn when we are not working

Going to work in @AOC ‘s America pic.twitter.com/dAYPxPu7sG


ba12e5  No.4944332

File: 6865a48b1c88df7⋯.jpg (75.78 KB, 620x350, 62:35, Benioff dump.jpg)

File: 1e3a5ccd37f2eeb⋯.png (143.03 KB, 1505x774, 35:18, 012919 CRM dumps.PNG)

At it again

20k/sh at $148.35 on January 23rd and 25th


All the executives are doing it as well

561f76  No.4944333

File: 68ace97074f8e8b⋯.jpeg (7.91 KB, 255x202, 255:202, de5e8c8ab8b6112d4455c8291….jpeg)

de3e26  No.4944334

If P = Pentagon, it is a wonder Trump has accomplished as much as he has and much more amazing that he is still alive.

This shutdown must have been huge for a reason relative to the Pentagon. huge!

73f29a  No.4944335

File: b4ce498209d94c4⋯.jpg (32.73 KB, 567x201, 189:67, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-0….jpg)


4ff49e  No.4944336

>>4944301 I dated a girl that you needed a fleshlight to see into. Hell, climbing gear would have helped also.

03a96e  No.4944337

File: f180a623343288e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1414x970, 707:485, np the fifth.png)

File: 564463c63edf341⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1414x970, 707:485, the fifth.png)

4a5391  No.4944338

File: be8c8808c9a6c74⋯.jpg (25.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a86a1c27758e8f68ca35213423….jpg)


Why the codel was going to Afghanistan? Extraction? Plans got ruined, didn't they…..

So many beers, scotch, best of the sticks for all you patriots


21ee11  No.4944339


Future proves past so wait and see like the rest of us.

2cfd83  No.4944340

File: 7b96956346ee998⋯.png (390.36 KB, 634x617, 634:617, Screenshot_540.png)


Video of Shirtless Bernie drinking with the Soviets.

72908e  No.4944341

File: 5047aed2f103875⋯.jpg (134.21 KB, 2010x1203, 670:401, pope madhouse.jpg)

224a05  No.4944342

File: 3d05fca790da3f5⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1350x900, 3:2, Flag public domain proxy.d….jpg)


Salute for you and your Pops. Prayers up.

May he be safeguarded in his final passage.


dbb48e  No.4944343


Been hearing that for the past 9 months.

154616  No.4944344


BO in Houston….those FF shootings follow him everywhere he goes.

58b836  No.4944345



Oh look. Two pigs.

97e389  No.4944346

File: b7ff44f42818d62⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 911pentagon.jpeg)

73f29a  No.4944347

File: c13924e3386b0dd⋯.jpg (101.77 KB, 600x657, 200:219, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-0….jpg)

File: 731d0769786382f⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2vpe8q2I7ijFXxB0.mp4)


828b26  No.4944348

File: f4b69fc1667a06d⋯.png (138.22 KB, 453x426, 151:142, Screenshot 2019-01-26 at 1….png)

fc4d5d  No.4944349

Psalm 18:2 ESV

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

The End.


74d3c8  No.4944350

File: b3355f8ff98b219⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1323, 40:49, Screenshot_20190128-152202….png)


dc4854  No.4944351


maybi cgi was the reason the death toll spiked wks later

75e7d3  No.4944352

File: 2eb655d4c23cc13⋯.png (939.03 KB, 1880x1253, 1880:1253, ClipboardImage.png)

5e5b64  No.4944353

File: 6afff73337a7070⋯.jpg (57.75 KB, 630x422, 315:211, toilet-plungers-group-lowr….jpg)


Back to the sewer, cointelpro.

d1208b  No.4944354


DoD has more civilian employees than any other dept. Lots of waste, fraud, abuse and general fuckery happens on a daily basis.

94c800  No.4944355


This is a security crisis at the southern border, if the shooter turns out to be illegal or cartel related.

dd2799  No.4944356

File: c0732c9b45b7353⋯.png (292.54 KB, 542x514, 271:257, ClipboardImage.png)

0ee99e  No.4944357


Depends upon how damaging it is to the left.

e793c8  No.4944358


the stan isn't the important part. the stop prior is what should be in question

3200f1  No.4944359


Hussein’s anniversary and Christmas posts used old photos, anons caught it. More posts are different in context than normal. Now this. WH got to the account. WH in control.

Thoughts are Hussein has been removed and they are showing us that he has lost control.

561f76  No.4944360


Oh look, an SJW.

ba12e5  No.4944361

File: 17cba33fceb77a2⋯.jpg (55.46 KB, 700x525, 4:3, Fifty shades of Oy Vey.jpg)

e26719  No.4944362


sounds like trolling by Bolton to me..too easy

a8b5b1  No.4944363


its not about looks anymore its genetics melanin it always has been melanin but the looks helped

605689  No.4944365


White House press briefing:

-Strong position to do a deal with China.

-China meeting on Thursday (day after Fed Reserve FOMC minutes release)

-Strong stance against Maduro and support for new President Guido in Venezuela

-Sanctions against State owned oil company (sated that used for embezzling and corruption)

-Calling on Venezuelan military to allow for peaceful transition of presidency

-POTUS does not feel that he took concessions on reopening gov't because negotiations are still ongoing

-Wants to see border security and humanitarian crisis funding (including wall)

-When asked about if it should be illegal to work with Wikileaks, the media was called out for using them for their information either way and would be just as accountable ha

-Roger Stone indictment has nothing to do with the president

e793c8  No.4944366



64d536  No.4944367

File: 7da579d469499c3⋯.png (207.18 KB, 470x1462, 235:731, papa.png)

dbb48e  No.4944368


The 1 thing your not taking into account:

When in flight, the wings bow upwards several feet due to the air foil formed over the wings to create lift.

Therefore, the engines would be higher up than what your pathetic photo shows.

74d3c8  No.4944369

File: 080c63d3b1d8476⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 2rixkr_1.jpg)

File: 7ca0a54bfed3a15⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 380x325, 76:65, 2s6d06_1.jpg)

b8f720  No.4944370


Likely logistics support- inventory, transport of equipment on ships entails a lot of manpower/coordination.

629680  No.4944371


I hope to God you are joking or are the exception on this board. Otherwise the state of anons and Patriots is absolutely fucked.

73f29a  No.4944372


yes he did the same with the Pope

5bf1c2  No.4944373

File: f3e6b7e8e96ef36⋯.png (546.7 KB, 806x481, 62:37, Capture.PNG)

Catholic whistleblower criticizes Vatican abuse summit for only addressing minor abuse

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Concerns continue to be raised by Catholic laity that the Vatican Summit on the sex abuse crisis happening next month will fall short of solving the problem.

"This meeting must address the abuse of any of God's children regardless of their age. Another concern is that the meeting will be an exclusively pastoral gathering. This means they are avoiding and excluding input from many important groups: survivors, lay men and women, psychologists, experts in abuse detection, prevention & treatment, and members of law enforcement," she added.


6a7f22  No.4944374

Cop shooter(s) barricaded.

58b836  No.4944375


So, you think the plane would have basically landed before hitting the building? I don't think anyone has suggested that.

If a plane did hit the building, it would have been at a downward angle.

bab8c7  No.4944376

File: caa8e3066ba4de6⋯.png (27.36 KB, 255x199, 255:199, j00_very_triggered.png)

aec54d  No.4944377


Too big to be a missile of any type. Large enough to be aircraft.

Missile, if fully loaded, would have blown roof apart and scattered for half a mile. Roof simply collapses on top of "plane"

Empty missile wouldn't have had the mass to create so much damage.

Pictures of the plane, dead bodies and aircraft components have surfaced here in the room. It's been debunked. Plane hit the pentagon. No clear footage.

0cebef  No.4944378

File: 58348579b1fc457⋯.png (386.9 KB, 634x399, 634:399, ClipboardImage.png)

257d90  No.4944379

File: 5cc83f291b0b2e0⋯.gif (821.68 KB, 852x568, 3:2, f96cec3f8812491ed1259e097b….gif)

6fba23  No.4944380



HPD responding to a scene at 7800 Harding where officers have been struck with gunfire following an encounter with a suspect

At this time we can confirm 5 officers have been struck and transported to Memorial Hermann Hospital, Medical Center and Ben Taub General Hospital. Further updates will be provided as available.

#hounews — Houston Police (@houstonpolice) January 28, 2019

We currently have 5 officers shot, all on their way to the hospital. One is being life flighted. On the way to the hospital, will update when I can.

Please keep all the officers in your prayers! — Joe Gamaldi (@JoeGamaldi)

ba12e5  No.4944381

File: c32c420df3fd872⋯.jpg (13.17 KB, 200x300, 2:3, Beer on bottom shelf.jpg)

58b836  No.4944382


Try harder, red text faggot.

0ee99e  No.4944383


They always do. It's a well-known consequence of getting a large portion of your "salary" as stock options. They are required to hold those options for a certain period before they can sell. As a result, they end up selling them at regular intervals. Keeping all of your options is suicide in any market.

This is not unusual. It is not a conspiracy. It is just how it works.

f8fa3f  No.4944384



9141fd  No.4944385

File: a103e1389f00986⋯.png (55.14 KB, 589x341, 19:11, twitter_com_GeorgePapa19_s….png)


74d3c8  No.4944386

File: c5a08fdfeb38b3c⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 500x503, 500:503, 2s8y1g_1.jpg)


Poncho try harder.

4a5391  No.4944387


As stupid as they are

This is truth:. Almost every human can and will only see other humans as they see themselves. It is a rarity, perhaps less than ten individuals at any given time in any amount of aggregate population, that can and will have prescience to know that the other humans, are in fact not anything like them at all.

e793c8  No.4944390


i don't always red text, but when i do it's for cunts like (you)

1bd686  No.4944391


shills banging on like broken fucking records.. change the fucking script clown..

that is all…

73f29a  No.4944392

File: e1552e8bf77a321⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 479x274, 479:274, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-1….jpg)

File: 61c1fc0022460fe⋯.jpg (22.92 KB, 465x170, 93:34, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-1….jpg)

File: 1458dd04188b9a7⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 478x265, 478:265, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-1….jpg)

File: 7e97774b7c539de⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 472x456, 59:57, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-1….jpg)

File: 35fe848622a3004⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 479x719, 479:719, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-1….jpg)

bfd602  No.4944393


Flat ass. Built like a boy…

f8fa3f  No.4944394


Great video, nice trips!

21ee11  No.4944395


Was the Pentagon hit by a plane on 9/11?



Now, if a plane shoots a missile would that qualify as a being hit by a plane?

Could both sides be technically right?

As far as Q's word vs others I'll side with Q unless solid proof given otherwise.

1d42c6  No.4944396

File: 498d020a10cd9fa⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 3585x2320, 717:464, AMMO.jpg)

File: 93e94629ea02650⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3000x2073, 1000:691, Arlington.jpg)


Somebody has to go help haul all that gear back, maybe one last surge for good measure. Then GTFO. Please end the insanity.

97e389  No.4944397


0cebef  No.4944398

File: 3cbe10038c7c2e7⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1300x844, 325:211, ClipboardImage.png)



f8fa3f  No.4944399


Pathetic, shill.

Have a hug.

dbb48e  No.4944400



Look at the digits in the upper right corner.


This is a fake video.

d17fff  No.4944401

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


d1208b  No.4944402


Positive dihedral angle of the wings due to exceeding Vmax would only generate moar lift. No human pilot could have smoked it in that low and at that angle IMO. ALCM most probable explanation.

64d536  No.4944403



Mueller is ourguy/ read the drops carefully.

fbc92c  No.4944404



Its very cryptic. You may not see it.

5544e2  No.4944405

File: 26e11c26486194c⋯.jpg (263.9 KB, 1293x919, 1293:919, peoplepointing.jpg)

>>4942849 (pb)

Thanks anon. Hadn't seen this one. I lurk long and often looking for gems like this.

cf030a  No.4944406


jack is slang for money, thus….

Obama follows “flesh money”

74d3c8  No.4944407

File: 2b98724a54c6f75⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1324, 270:331, Screenshot_20190128-151708….png)


257d90  No.4944408

File: 46c947514d656c4⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, 09011-28.jpg)

9141fd  No.4944409

File: f397ebcdad5d333⋯.png (53.73 KB, 597x341, 597:341, twitter_com_ARKloster_stat….png)

File: 52088807c2ff7a1⋯.png (72.33 KB, 615x475, 123:95, twitter_com_ARKloster_stat….png)


has to be Weissmann

f8fa3f  No.4944410


PAYSEUR family.

ba12e5  No.4944411

File: b3dc14109623abe⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Sandberg dump.jpg)


Not at these amounts.

They have trading plans for sure that are tied to compensation however he, in particular, has ramped them up from 5k a week to over 15-20k. In this environment that is suspect.

I suppose you can also explain why Sheryl Sandberg sold 55k shares a day before Facebook announced hald of it's users are fake too..

Nice try

This is not normal by any means.

dc4854  No.4944412


beans that you?

6a4380  No.4944413


Idk about fake but there are plenty of mirrored videos

eed896  No.4944414


doesn't mean it was a boeing 757 either.

43ff96  No.4944415


You sound faggot.

74d3c8  No.4944416

File: 683fad63eeae8a8⋯.jpg (71.72 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 2rjaao_1.jpg)

File: ee35da3ba99835a⋯.jpg (26.54 KB, 274x373, 274:373, 2s6cq4_1.jpg)

dbb48e  No.4944417


I agree about piloting skills, but the lift being created to keep it off the ground DOES infact bow wings several feet upwards.

Physics, go study them some more, or better yet, go book a flight and look out the port hole and see it in action for yourself.

e53468  No.4944418

Just thinking about the destruction of Arthur Andersen. If they were a straight arrow firm, and govt seeks to destroy them, who was the Deep State replacement??

Who'd they REALLY want on the books? Clearly they just wanted to be able to break the law without fear of an auditor ratting them out. Seems it may be something that connects back to the LOOP.

97e389  No.4944419


That is why i posted the rocket footage

561f76  No.4944420

Those puffho losers and ever other loser that was fired the other day deserved it.

73df30  No.4944421

File: d35b0d62a4dd28f⋯.jpg (145.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: 83c37fbd148f9c8⋯.jpg (174.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: 3fdc53c14617298⋯.jpg (160.17 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: 15718ca7356c9f8⋯.jpg (124.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: ee48bf91bd93785⋯.jpg (121.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

de3e26  No.4944422

On his show today, Tapper says that " if there is no collusin, which there appears to be no evidence for, then what is everybody lying about?"

I think they are starting to realize Mueller is not doing what they thought he was doing.

4e1cec  No.4944423


You were never realistic. Badly designed bots.

f8fa3f  No.4944425



21ee11  No.4944426


>If they were a straight arrow firm

I saw them in action back in the day.

If they're straight arrow color me shocked.

f74c26  No.4944427

File: 4ffa76d847d20e7⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1020x788, 255:197, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Whitaker is fully briefed on Mueller.

Investigation closing down, but still allows Stone to be raided over nothing burgers? Hmmm.

99% sure Mueller is /ourguy/ and Stone is playing the role of the trickster.

Cohen Flynn Stone Manafort, and Corsi all seem like theater to me now.

Trusting the plan and enjoying the show.

73f29a  No.4944428

File: b2ede17df87757a⋯.jpg (150.78 KB, 1104x620, 276:155, Screenshot 2019-01-28_19-1….jpg)

4a5391  No.4944429

File: 9d9b629ca5231cc⋯.gif (929.05 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 1548210761-1.gif)


There will be little mini jackets on the casings of your personal rounds, with your ips and a live feed of the splatter just for anons


d1208b  No.4944430


Have you ever heard of Ground Effect? Apparently not professor faggot.

b8d37d  No.4944431

File: 5fc3ead1c185deb⋯.jpeg (403.39 KB, 1242x2036, 621:1018, FF77E61A-634B-4953-AD3B-7….jpeg)


Q drop 1939

[Focus 2]:

"This is the case with Halper, who is now proven to be a spy, possibly with (Australian Ambassador) Alexander Downer” who her husband met with in London."

064859  No.4944432

File: e01aeb900e9b59c⋯.png (565.88 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190128-191802.png)

File: 0886df99fc3ba3d⋯.png (184.57 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190128-191812.png)



e53468  No.4944433


There are some real shitheads out there.

94fd63  No.4944434

The whole affair with Nancy Pelosi hanging with the Manson camp produces bizarre possibilities and connections. Dead, directly ties into SF, the Presidio and Aquino and the rest of the sick rich (swampscumworshipers), and then LA – the coordinated…, massive attack.

They tried to execute order66 many times, and failed.

Thank you JESUS, Thank you Q, we were toast without you!

WWG1WGA - and its only Monday, lol.

3a5904  No.4944435


You missed Q&A didn't you.

58b836  No.4944436


Who's the cunt?

You're the ones posting piggy shit.

BTW, red text =red text. Faggot

1365d5  No.4944437


from the guy who spams his video every bread

pathetic is right

690399  No.4944438

File: 0a72c7f89b9557f⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 255x246, 85:82, e69fac78a2bf8aa3640fead70a….jpg)


>professor faggot

3cdd85  No.4944439


Hello Muh Dick Shill. Remember when you used to accuse the Baker of banning you, not know what the fuck the Baker even is?!?! LMAO. You've come a long ways

0ee99e  No.4944440


Providing one-off examples hardly disproves the general rule. Sometimes people do this because they're criminals. Sometimes they're just selling their shares because they need money. Sometimes they just think the timing is right. Sometimes they just got a bigger allotment and want to enjoy the windfall.

Find some other evidence and you'll have a point. Until then, clam down.

2cfd83  No.4944441

File: 28d1b0f82be89f3⋯.png (761.46 KB, 418x910, 209:455, FEMAALERT.png)

0623a4  No.4944442

File: ff349a6fb3d7bd6⋯.jpg (481.32 KB, 1080x1938, 180:323, Screenshot_20190128-180354….jpg)

File: 92fbe6d3f7e0e59⋯.jpg (445.09 KB, 1080x1863, 40:69, Screenshot_20190128-180408….jpg)

File: 1ec43600638d50e⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, a8c2ec3d-a24d-4216-8a72-fa….jpg)

File: 4d13737096f7696⋯.jpg (365.39 KB, 1080x1400, 27:35, Screenshot_20190128-180424….jpg)

File: 45f8aa593eabf8a⋯.jpg (321.84 KB, 1080x1316, 270:329, Screenshot_20190128-180441….jpg)










2d0ebe  No.4944443

File: 28520d1a6169f56⋯.png (15.41 KB, 326x542, 163:271, Alan Memorial.png)


>E. A. Poe

I suspect Poe was a cult victim of sorts… they like to fuck with people who serve in the military and Allan is a long standing (along with other spellings like Alan) of victims of the cult i.e. members of cult families they experiment on - perhaps it began with him? curiouser and curioser.

561f76  No.4944444


Why so butthurt, faggot? Oh wait, answered my own question.

0cebef  No.4944445


2cfd83  No.4944446

File: 4613c0bd11d108a⋯.png (493.8 KB, 494x484, 247:242, bluededvil.png)

d07815  No.4944447


you can tell by looking at that fucker, he's evil

ea2bf6  No.4944448

5 Police Officers Shot In Houston – CBS Dallas / Fort Worth


e793c8  No.4944449


take off the pussy hat it's rotting your brain bitch.

af0753  No.4944450


I think there is a big difference from what this q movement is about and our mind set about justice. If corsi was right that trump was selected by a group of military generals, this wasnt about justice but merely another soft coup against hrc and her ds allies. As q have said big things to come in iran, and now venezuela, this agenda will move forward regardless whos in charge. even dan borgino said probably nothing will ever happen to hrc, what hope do we have left

8b9d8c  No.4944451

File: 9938658e680455f⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 332x216, 83:54, look.jpg)

58b836  No.4944452


The last one? Yes.

9f47d1  No.4944453


lol….the dimmest bulb just flickered a bit.

f8fa3f  No.4944454


Show me the post, lying shill.

3200f1  No.4944455


Carter page wanted to get the info to POTUS. He went thru Cohen, thinking atty> client privilege. Potus got the Page info from Cohen. Page was subsequently set up and shortly thereafter, Cohen.

4a5391  No.4944456



Heavy price

fc4d5d  No.4944457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch it!

There is evil hidden in every corner.

Listen at your own risks.

Subtle Manipulation Away from the truth.


Listen close…


d6e0af  No.4944458

Here's a fun thought:



75e7d3  No.4944459

File: 020fbf58548c0ed⋯.png (560.95 KB, 500x642, 250:321, ClipboardImage.png)

ec7ff4  No.4944461

Notables so far

Bread's on fire yo

>>4944431 Q Post and Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer connection?

>>4944385 Another PapaD tweet

>>4944373 Catholic whistleblower criticizes Vatican abuse summit for only addressing minor abuse

>>4944365 White House Press Briefing Bulletpoints

>>4944324 , >>4944246, >>4944380, >>4944432 Breaking: Five officers shot in Houston

>>4944206 Hill and Bill to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan 28-30

>>4944182 Alexander Downer worked as a lobbyist for and on the board of Huawei

>>4944065 Sarah Sanders wants the ax to fall

>>4944030 , >>4944106, >>4944155, >>4944164, >>4944301 Hussein follows gay sex toy? Wut?

>>4944029 Attorneys in Super Secret GRAND JURY case revealed to 'Reporters Committee' attorneys

>>4944007 , >>4944014, >>4944048 State Dept docs on Hauwei found

>>4944003 Moar Trump to deliver State of the Union Address February 5

>>4943957 Buckle up. CNN and Cooper to air a Full Circle on manipulated videos

>>4943948 Michael Cohen has agreed to testify behind closed doors

>>4943936 Anons thoughts on 'Crickets At DOJ' re pb >>4943435

>>4943933 , >>4944002 PapaD tweet re Hauwei and Alexander Downer. Dig

>>4943931 Paul Manafort’s sentencing in Virginia postponed indefinitely

>>4943906 , >>4943920 Whistleblower rumor: RBG is in a “Medically Induced Coma”

561f76  No.4944462

File: 388663583cd20f0⋯.png (155.37 KB, 474x306, 79:51, ClipboardImage.png)


I should have paid attention to see if the quints were up. You're absolutely right I wasted those.

3ec2a6  No.4944463

File: 8d2a5227402c5a8⋯.png (838.88 KB, 1575x3158, 1575:3158, ClipboardImage.png)

Australia's TPG Telecom dumps Huawei-supplied mobile network`


5d6109  No.4944464

File: 56f5f4d467a8ca9⋯.jpg (323.6 KB, 992x674, 496:337, muellerkek.jpg)


what a fucking dick. as a college dropout I wanna smack his fucking face. even if he is /ourguy/

167beb  No.4944465


I got no sauce but it was my opinion that MegaAnon was someone very close to Steve Bannon.

Someone who had been married to a super close close friend and colleague

1d42c6  No.4944466

File: c079fe1ab87b207⋯.png (427.33 KB, 1184x909, 1184:909, ClipboardImage.png)


no, really, perception is reality



c4873a  No.4944467

File: c82b540eab373c3⋯.png (373.63 KB, 1152x1482, 192:247, Walls_work_15_Israel_wall_….png)

File: 9654a7516ac1365⋯.png (915.21 KB, 1128x1510, 564:755, Walls_work_14_Israel_wall_….png)

File: 5425fe72278e13c⋯.png (759.35 KB, 1224x1336, 153:167, Walls_work_13_Israel_wall_….png)

File: ec07fb4f819fd05⋯.png (276.5 KB, 1220x954, 610:477, Walls_work_12_Israel_wall_….png)

File: f790e0cc13b938c⋯.png (347.66 KB, 1636x802, 818:401, Walls_work_11_Israel_wall_….png)


Build le wall, crime will fall (and israeli dual-citizen politicians will cry).

97e389  No.4944468


OK lets see your video

43ff96  No.4944469

File: 8d494144eba3293⋯.png (284.46 KB, 500x327, 500:327, D2CFB273-DE13-4ACE-80FC-36….png)


I feel way better about London’s future now that the Canuck Cuck is on it!

4aef8c  No.4944470


P = Pompeo?

3cd1e1  No.4944471

File: 87d915b3ba56ac8⋯.jpg (227.96 KB, 960x684, 80:57, mrr8sxdqpkq01.jpg)

ba12e5  No.4944472

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

828b26  No.4944473


This can be the only explanation.

The Stone arrest was too outrageous

to be real….except I am no longer

enjoying the show. This shit needs to be

wrapped up

a15b0d  No.4944474

File: 7cf8d001dc061a3⋯.jpeg (42.75 KB, 414x613, 414:613, Pepe Tritium Trump.jpeg)

8b9d8c  No.4944475

File: e926e7e3543daa6⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 640x413, 640:413, genlee2.jpg)


No bigs, all the posts around it were bunk too.

ec7ff4  No.4944476

File: bba515bc2faac04⋯.jpg (523.03 KB, 1224x816, 3:2, bba515bc2faac042d2bb3c58d9….jpg)

000bb4  No.4944477

File: 76dd3c9e83ba328⋯.jpg (79.25 KB, 609x960, 203:320, god_logos_liberalism_right….jpg)


>I was selected so other dems look centrist.

2d0ebe  No.4944478


… or not…. hmm second born usually gets into the cult. Perhaps his muse was his family… certainly as well as I can dig into him his family has all the telltale signs of cult - but this name of his has a lot of meaning to the cult and I'm just not sure yet how to catalog it…

3ff97f  No.4944479


f32f49  No.4944480

>>4943920 Metacrawler had nothing from this year, and dogpile only coughed up this bit:


9f47d1  No.4944482


I was wondering when the shills would turn to this argument. It means the end is near. Counter-coup by our Oathkeepers. Nice try and a good sign. It’s a “limited hang-out”.

ad0881  No.4944483


Alexander Downer = Yellowcake Board Uranium 1

3ec2a6  No.4944484



c3c6ce  No.4944485

File: bd9bec6c64bf553⋯.gif (328.58 KB, 321x321, 1:1, bd9bec6c64bf5535fa27454ce1….gif)



Enjoy the Show


4a5391  No.4944486

File: 85ec77ff591db0e⋯.png (268.6 KB, 493x474, 493:474, 3e6f7f0e58be7d59f044822f02….png)


Is papaD the guy who whispers too loud during the film? (could be metoo)

75e7d3  No.4944487

Céline Dion>>4944459

e9ef08  No.4944488

File: 1a50fa64ab51f3d⋯.jpg (441.43 KB, 1080x1806, 180:301, Screenshot_20190128-192313….jpg)

File: 03f14ab6eede6e0⋯.jpg (579.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190128-192251….jpg)

File: 6a82058d3da89d0⋯.jpg (692.72 KB, 1080x1910, 108:191, Screenshot_20190128-192603….jpg)

Hussein follows a gay sex toy page called FleshJack on Twitter. I checked it out myself and sure enough he's one of the first followers who appear when you click followers.


1d42c6  No.4944489

File: 280b3c66fd840e9⋯.png (65.66 KB, 1604x952, 401:238, ClipboardImage.png)

reading an old board, oh have the times changed lol

43ff96  No.4944490


Support for Monarchy and the Natural World Zoe Dre…? That’s Cabsl shit. America was founded on classic liberal Enlightenment values. No kings.

3ff97f  No.4944491


6c339f  No.4944492


There aren't any women close to Bannon that I know of from Kentucky


0cebef  No.4944493



Protesters & counter-protesters clash at Cascade Middle School this evening. Friends of Charles Landeros claim Friday's officer involved shooting was a "homicide." Parents of students showed their support for the Eugene Police Department. Details on @KEZI9 at 5 w/ @amberwilmarth.

e793c8  No.4944494


yellowcake makes a big fire.

748dbd  No.4944495

sotu feb 5th

2 days ahead of schedule

tons of Q drops feb 7th, many regarding the capture of black hat in china

many other drops as well


5bf1c2  No.4944496


Here's another fun thought

P=Payday Loans

Extortion Scam Related to Delinquent Payday Loans


1365d5  No.4944497

DS fucking with US/China talks?

U.S. Authorities Unveil Sweeping Set of Charges Against China’s Huawei

Authorities unseal a pair of indictments just days before U.S.-China trade talks are set to resume


f8fa3f  No.4944498


[[P]ayseur] family.

Leovani Solomon Payseur


Globalist, Statist, Mystic. Into self-development, Philosophy, spirituality, politics, Science, Nature, tech, health, progress & more.


Creepy OWL.

d17fff  No.4944499

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The don't.

We do.


5dc7af  No.4944500

File: a4202258166d4e6⋯.png (1022.9 KB, 1164x1832, 291:458, ClipboardImage.png)

21ee11  No.4944501


We all sounded like tards back then we much cooler now

167beb  No.4944502


Think widow.

6a4380  No.4944503


NPR also WTF

c4873a  No.4944504

File: def5341c2417613⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1146x1138, 573:569, Obama_penis_signature_3.png)

File: f85c88a9f061404⋯.png (257.77 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Obama_penis_signature_2.png)

File: 0b22d9297bb6203⋯.jpeg (11.64 KB, 570x320, 57:32, Obama_penis_signature_1.jpeg)

File: 95992462a636435⋯.png (74.15 KB, 739x582, 739:582, Obama_loves_Israel.png)

File: ba3d0b886c8aaf7⋯.png (236.71 KB, 1034x613, 1034:613, Obama_Biden_pro_Israel.PNG)


How shocking, the gay mulatto follows gay shit on twatter.

2d0ebe  No.4944505


oh.. married a 13 year old in his twenties… ok I guess that seals the deal of him being the cultist rather than a victim. Pedophilia goes back a long way. Anyway, thanks for this random post as it has helped me connect af ew dots

5e0a0b  No.4944506

calm tits, pre night shift kiddies sliding the board, P shit has been going forever, u know that


9f47d1  No.4944507


It’s in the air. Can you feel it? I think that the Thunderbolt is about to drop.

97e389  No.4944508

File: 89dee9ac8acd29b⋯.jpeg (152.92 KB, 924x960, 77:80, tax.jpeg)

ec7ff4  No.4944509


Ima feelin' it brah

0cebef  No.4944510

File: c0e561b5e5b4a5f⋯.png (768.28 KB, 1277x631, 1277:631, ClipboardImage.png)




Organizers said it started as an anti-police protest when counter protesters showed up to support the police.

e793c8  No.4944511


>we much cooler now

not when you nigger like that

167beb  No.4944512




More like Texas.

5dc7af  No.4944513

File: 8df77e6abb30369⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1460x1834, 730:917, ClipboardImage.png)

03a87d  No.4944514

Read all Q posts 1 year later.

Makes sense.

64d536  No.4944515



Baker please add Q drops to Papadopoulos digs.

Mueller is a white hat,

296aa9  No.4944516




e53468  No.4944517


How in Gods name does this shit have 42k followers?! FFS go to a damn store! Why would u need to follow tweets of the cocksuckers??

3ff97f  No.4944518


Odd news today. Bunch of it.

75f22e  No.4944519

File: be13a04a2516358⋯.png (156.54 KB, 330x330, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73bc25462a4da12⋯.png (133.71 KB, 599x941, 599:941, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa807d6c9b22337⋯.png (125.67 KB, 604x902, 302:451, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3dfc6fca59a7304⋯.png (136.14 KB, 595x958, 595:958, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b19f66f752cf83d⋯.png (19.74 KB, 611x152, 611:152, ClipboardImage.png)

(1 of 2)

U.S. Department of Justice

01/28/2019 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/28/2019 15:20

Deputy Associate Attorney General Stephen Cox Delivers Remarks at the 2019 Advanced Forum on False Claims and Qui Tam Enforcement

Thank you for that introduction, and thank you to the American Conference Institute and all of its sponsors for hosting me here today. I serve in the Office of the Associate Attorney General at the Department of Justice. Our office oversees five litigating divisions, including the Civil Division, and I spend most of my time working with the Consumer Protection Branch and the Commercial Litigation Branch on enforcement. Relevant to this audience, I've had the privilege of working closely with the Civil Fraud Section within the Commercial Litigation Branch that is responsible for investigating and litigating violations of the False Claims Act. The new Administration is two years old this month. My plan today is to offer some thoughts about this Administration's commitment to enforcing the False Claims Act and then describe some of the Department's enforcement principles, policies, and perspectives that guide us.


21ee11  No.4944520


You're right the old me was such a fag

4a5391  No.4944521

File: 353dc87c262c874⋯.png (756.74 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 353dc87c262c874d0b01d051e7….png)

5dc7af  No.4944522

File: 0e50372a2c98810⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1212x1468, 303:367, ClipboardImage.png)

f8fa3f  No.4944523



b9836b  No.4944524


livdedeulb livedeulb

4d5916  No.4944525


>The Stone arrest was too outrageous

Trusting Wray can be dangerous to your health.

61ac7d  No.4944526

File: bda530e92b19f89⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 255x205, 51:41, herr durr pepe.jpg)


Trump has defense money he can easily use if he decides to declare a National Emergency. He doesn't really need the libtards to come to agreement. He is merely giving them enough rope to hang themselves. Lurk Moar, geez.

e793c8  No.4944527



363 timeline now

6e0555  No.4944528


Foresight is 20/20

5d6109  No.4944529

File: eac517f40723e30⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 500x324, 125:81, wargames.jpg)


Watch it Anon,

I still sound like a tard

f6567e  No.4944530

Know this is not the place to ask this, but since we have to hold on until normies wake up, could you give business ideas I could start right away?

0cebef  No.4944531



5615c2  No.4944532


They use em for blood bags and parts

9399b4  No.4944534


God love ya, Baker, and I'm sorry that I forgot to note (pb) with my links. I'm old school, been here since halfchan, and those new thoughtfulness is taking some getting used to, lol.

6e0555  No.4944535


Pawn Shops

d1208b  No.4944536


Wow, even housings post here now. Winning.

000bb4  No.4944537

File: 07321af7934af11⋯.png (321.39 KB, 964x494, 482:247, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's something I didn't know about what makes autists autists:

"Our research showed that humans evolved to directly consume information - without any filters. Humans who processed information before internalizing it were more or less wiped out due to their low emotional responses - autism."

(When the author "jumps down the rabbit hole.")

679163  No.4944538

File: 77307ca7cc7b5bf⋯.png (843.98 KB, 723x593, 723:593, 209166.png)

>>4908633 pb

>01/25/19 (Fri) 19:13:51 EST

>Ven situation looking more and more like one of Trump's brilliant strategies. (not sarcasm)

Great call anon.


ba12e5  No.4944539

File: dfd532df736a6ac⋯.jpg (164.94 KB, 600x400, 3:2, CSX dump.jpg)

File: d3979ca0de0ed15⋯.png (38.33 KB, 1822x163, 1822:163, 012919 CSX dump.PNG)


Thanks for playing


5dc7af  No.4944540

File: 9eefff4250944c4⋯.png (659.85 KB, 1100x799, 1100:799, ClipboardImage.png)

fc4d5d  No.4944541

And then there is good. :)

No need to listen close just CRANK IT!!!!!!!

696e77  No.4944542

File: b0c2a06cbd4d67e⋯.jpg (442.15 KB, 2000x1335, 400:267, PicsArt_01-28-04.27.50.jpg)

my best guess

736fdf  No.4944543



>Protestant Reformation

<No American Revolution

>French Revolution

did a leaf make this?

360722  No.4944544

huawei > DNC/HRC

561f76  No.4944545

File: 3f9e95fa624ee1b⋯.png (195.03 KB, 474x384, 79:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone else get the impression that POTUS won't declare the emergency for the wall until a few weeks into the 2nd shutdown?

6c339f  No.4944546




i think im along on your ride there

693a8d  No.4944547

File: 6e123665026bba7⋯.png (1.45 MB, 785x743, 785:743, ClipboardImage.png)

5dc7af  No.4944549

File: e9d37fd0a0b72cc⋯.png (307.98 KB, 475x267, 475:267, ClipboardImage.png)

37c42f  No.4944550


THIS is why we had a temporary shutdown…. waking up the normies….

736fdf  No.4944551


that's why I spoiled it

fucking april again

75f22e  No.4944552

File: caa2469d5abc61d⋯.png (139.42 KB, 588x953, 588:953, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7a5f49462ccdf4⋯.png (96.58 KB, 601x720, 601:720, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2b33599e8af963⋯.png (121.41 KB, 592x862, 296:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86a48f141df9e27⋯.png (123.61 KB, 580x939, 580:939, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8585267ed33d51⋯.png (96.05 KB, 585x738, 65:82, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4944519 (2 of 2)

U.S. Department of Justice

01/28/2019 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/28/2019 15:20

Deputy Associate Attorney General Stephen Cox Delivers Remarks at the 2019 Advanced Forum on False Claims and Qui Tam Enforcement Continued

ec7ff4  No.4944553


Easy man

5615c2  No.4944555

File: 0a139602edbcc24⋯.jpg (17.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kermittea.jpg)

Good News Report

The Multinational Q boards seem to be growing exponentially

27eb28  No.4944557


yeah… and even then, he still might not go there\have to

dc4854  No.4944558


i hope your helping,dont take the money.

if you havent already

43ff96  No.4944559



This is how the cures are going to be released. One by one, as if just apparently appeared

5dc7af  No.4944560

File: 4a9456049df61cb⋯.png (420.22 KB, 436x810, 218:405, ClipboardImage.png)

Official MSM facial guide

2cfd83  No.4944561

File: 94a68091a35afae⋯.png (117.54 KB, 370x449, 370:449, Screenshot_59.png)

Mexican Fiesta Pigeon says:


61ac7d  No.4944562

6e0555  No.4944563


Where’s the party at Anon?!

fc4d5d  No.4944564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4944541 Me

nice try…

Then listen closer.


000bb4  No.4944565


Are you missing the references to Washington, Madison, 1776?

aec54d  No.4944566

File: dc40eeed7e65543⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 808x425, 808:425, 4c2aa833492a71094f1f2c3c30….jpg)

abd1c5  No.4944567


Great digits, too!


4e1cec  No.4944568

File: a71abf037c947c4⋯.png (167.2 KB, 455x431, 455:431, ccc.png)

5ca199  No.4944569

File: 11baeb312d3ea76⋯.jpg (14.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4e7a81efa2eafba2ea104ec3f8….jpg)

5e5b64  No.4944570


On that note, it sure as shit explains why SJWs and progressives are so devoid of logical thinking that they pretty much make every comparison of reality to Harry Potter and Star Wars.

d17fff  No.4944571

very welcome


guilty and innocent. Causality is not linear, Aristotelian syllogistic logic has bot evolved. Euclid superseded by non euclidean geometries

Newton's orbital mechanics replaced by relativity, and quantum mechanics.

The English language, which is what we express ourselves in did not evolve yet, to re-appreciate the nature of reality in the light of our evolving understanding.

6cafa6  No.4944572


I pray so. It already took my mom and father in-law.

58b836  No.4944573


Here is the only question I have about that: if he does intent to use mil funds, doesn't that mean that funds are being diverted from other projects or even troop movements in case emergency mil action is required?

dbb48e  No.4944574


Your right, just like everything else though, it has to be put into play.

He had the perfect opportunity this go to declare national emergency, shutdown lasted long enough he could have drained at least 50% of the swamp from non-essential waste, and yet did neither one.

They already had enough rope to make them out as the bad guys, hell even other dems were trying to get her to concede.

I have been lurking here long enough to KNOW that this place is full of shit too.

4d5916  No.4944575


Get the impression Dems will look to impeach POTUS for doing this.

aec54d  No.4944576

File: 92a2e63c728009a⋯.jpg (54.57 KB, 864x635, 864:635, 11111111111111.jpg)

97e389  No.4944578


The great awakening for many indeed

736fdf  No.4944579


I bumped everyone of them today, reposted the basics for them


No, I'm saying the American Revolution (aside from the later mentions of Jefferson, Washington, and Madison) is as if not moar important than the French revolution

99e6f9  No.4944580

File: 5a6756296299dee⋯.png (581 KB, 675x503, 675:503, Search_Like1.png)

3ff97f  No.4944581



ec7ff4  No.4944582

File: 90a373da417069a⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 400x602, 200:301, Digits.jpg)

dcc688  No.4944583






Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. You guys are as gullible as the left. That money was not stolen, lost, or missing.

Back then, the entire DoD budget worldwide was around $500 billion annually. Any funds not spent by 30 Sep each year expire and are returned to the Treasury.

The majority of the DoD budget is not sent to the Pentagon for (re)distribution. A small army of accounting types located around the world keep track of all this money. Ever deal with any of them? I have when I served. These are anal retentive folks who take their jobs very seriously.

The military does waste a lot of our tax money. Hint: Dig into the government contracts themselves.

73df30  No.4944584

File: 31a65492d8ee4fa⋯.jpg (116.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: b8e201a4072e978⋯.jpg (122.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: dda9f9d293d4191⋯.jpg (246.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)

File: 72d785eaf2c8932⋯.jpg (146.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MAGAboomFacesVibrantEconom….jpg)



Wiping tears from 2 anons' eyes


6a7f22  No.4944585

File: 986163833421755⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 291x332, 291:332, 98616383342175587d5adc947d….jpg)

Praying for the Police Officers in Houston.

7bfd1a  No.4944586


You didn't really think that the largest military budget in the history of the world didn't include (indirect) funding for the Wall, did you?


78374f  No.4944587


Jan 19 2018 00:39:17 (EST)


The 'CURE' will spread WW.

Have FAITH, Patriot.


61ac7d  No.4944588


Yea, the Israelis will release it in a year. As soon as they figure out how to profit from it.

abd1c5  No.4944589


It's just how brain-fucked they've been for so long.

167beb  No.4944590


President Whitmore: I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?

Julius Levinson: You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?

Independence Day

97e389  No.4944591


If congress is shutdown what would their roll be in a new SCOTUS?

6a7f22  No.4944593


12B is available.

0cebef  No.4944594

File: 52e8c3b9236aa68⋯.png (408.46 KB, 660x371, 660:371, ClipboardImage.png)


Holocaust: Polish police probe Auschwitz far-right protest

2dc3a2  No.4944595

File: 5c1a499c1309a52⋯.jpeg (38.31 KB, 527x536, 527:536, E97BC2BD-45E3-4EFA-840E-9….jpeg)

36d928  No.4944596


Joined Twatter in Jan 2009. Hussein became President Jan 20th.

dbb48e  No.4944597


Has it been appropriated for it? No.

So steal from peter to pay paul.

5dc7af  No.4944598

File: 3d952739ce6d0d9⋯.png (299.81 KB, 500x326, 250:163, ClipboardImage.png)

d987cf  No.4944599


role* ffs

2cfd83  No.4944600

File: e32a9ba0601cd38⋯.png (305.95 KB, 291x433, 291:433, Screenshot_48.png)


Wouldn't that blow your mind if you prayed for them and they came back to life?

a2737e  No.4944601

File: e4a35c226128f0b⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 188x255, 188:255, trump says eat a bag of di….jpg)

6e0555  No.4944603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“If you don’t see the trees or the forest you forfeit”

de3e26  No.4944604

File: a75383de3cbf3e6⋯.png (20.47 KB, 440x486, 220:243, q992 wh clean.PNG)

Is the trash can gone?

white house clean?

when does Lexington and Condord come into play?



2 Apr 2018 - 11:18:17 PM


Drops will go fast.

WH clean SIG.


Everything is planned.





We Fight.





58b836  No.4944605


Gee, thanks for nothing.

ec7ff4  No.4944607


>>4944510 Protestors and counter protestors clash at Cascade Middle School

>>4944488 Moar 'Hussein Follows #1 Gay Sex Toy, Fleshjack' proofs

>>4944463 Australia's TPG Telecom dumps Huawei-supplied mobile network

>>4944431 , >>4944367 Q Posts and Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer connection?

>>4944385 Another PapaD tweet re Joseph Mifsud

>>4944373 Catholic whistleblower criticizes Vatican abuse summit for only addressing minor abuse

>>4944365 White House Press Briefing Bulletpoints

>>4944324 , >>4944246, >>4944380, >>4944432 Breaking: Five officers shot in Houston

>>4944206 Hill and Bill to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan 28-30

>>4944182 Alexander Downer worked as a lobbyist for and on the board of Huawei

>>4944065 Sarah Sanders wants the ax to fall

>>4944030 , >>4944106, >>4944155, >>4944164, >>4944301 Hussein follows gay sex toy? Wut?

>>4944029 Attorneys in Super Secret GRAND JURY case revealed to 'Reporters Committee' attorneys

>>4944007 , >>4944014, >>4944048 State Dept docs on Hauwei found

>>4944003 Moar Trump to deliver State of the Union Address February 5

>>4943957 Buckle up. CNN and Cooper to air a Full Circle on manipulated videos

>>4943948 Michael Cohen has agreed to testify behind closed doors

>>4943936 Anons thoughts on 'Crickets At DOJ' re pb >>4943435

>>4943933 , >>4944002 PapaD tweet re Hauwei and Alexander Downer. Dig

>>4943931 Paul Manafort’s sentencing in Virginia postponed indefinitely

>>4943906 , >>4943920 Whistleblower rumor: RBG is in a “Medically Induced Coma”

748dbd  No.4944609

File: 8e4fbbf5439124b⋯.png (290.24 KB, 396x281, 396:281, sotu.PNG)

37c42f  No.4944610


cultists are victims before they are cultists.

61ac7d  No.4944611


I just clued three young guys in today about Q. All at once. KEK, they hadn't even ever heard of the chans. Sent them to patriots soapbox.

7bfd1a  No.4944612


Q does it for the lulz

Like HRC suddenly taking DMs

3cdd85  No.4944614

What do we make of Manaforts sentencing hearing next week being postponed indefinitely?

ea2bf6  No.4944615


Thank you Anon

6e0555  No.4944616




73df30  No.4944617


Sorry, some unsent memes were stuck invisibly in the Quick Reply form. The user interface did something weird and wouldn't send the memes until later.

97e389  No.4944620


Just noticed that! multitasking sucks sometimes

b6b82e  No.4944621

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)


Nice Digits!! The cure will spread WW..

Evening Faggots!!! Hope everyone is staying warm. Looking at -60 below tomorrow. should get interesting.

Stay warm out there.

4d5916  No.4944622


CJ Roberts cannot be trusted.

File a suit in the 9th Circus and shut it down.

Sick of one fucking Hussein judge ruling over the nation.

248ce5  No.4944624


It happens to you too? Anon is GRATEFUL to see this now and then.

7c10cd  No.4944625

File: 3631c7c818f8348⋯.png (13.33 KB, 656x200, 82:25, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Instagram Down


Doesn't seem to be a drill…

2c3fde  No.4944626

File: e1ee7245c4dad30⋯.jpg (487.17 KB, 1200x1660, 60:83, Uncle Sam.jpg)

aec54d  No.4944628

File: ec52cb984ff95c2⋯.jpg (117.56 KB, 960x779, 960:779, #0007.jpg)

736fdf  No.4944629


I just posted an article clarifying what anons were discussing

shove your reddit-tier smugness up your asshole, which is faggot

a28fcc  No.4944630


must be in MN

248ce5  No.4944631


Kek. Zuckerberg tried to code for the consolidation.

257d90  No.4944632


Sure, FOX 10 Phoenix kills it!

5615c2  No.4944633

File: 7eea5895c73d4f3⋯.png (59.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d17fff  No.4944634


Most human decision not rational, or even necessarily, conscious. Habits, hunches, and conditioned responses constitute most of our non-formal decisions and even complex, rational logic driven human decision-making often usually has an intuitive component. For this reason, tactics and techniques which reliably influence the unconscious are highly developed in both covert and overt spheres, and ubiquitous in use. Groups who seek to shape brand preference or to direct public opinion, target the consumer’s unconscious below the level of perceptual awareness.

Commerce needs consumers, and they say, advertising makes consumers, and without it, advertising, the economic system won't run. I heard advertising vigorously defended, heave heard it asserted constitutionally protected. Doubt that's the case but if it is, they've enshrine the right to push platefuls of shit our face. It's a satanist industry because occult technology is all about influencing people in ways they are not aware of. The viewers are laughing at Bewitched a sitcom about witches in Advertising which amuses the satanist ad industry no end, seeing themselves harmlessly caricatured. Madison Ave rehabilitates witches. No more wart nosed hags, Hecate's turned hot , and actress Elizabeth Montgomery in her wholesome first youth, wouldn’t otherwise be the image that springs to mind for witch.

c80b04  No.4944635

>>4943947. Nah, the double has to have all the same perversion, o/w she couldn’t act the total bitch. Anyone who agrees to that job, does so at risk of life and limb. Interesting on how people don’t notice she looks like an old hag one day, and years younger the next

Don’t you think that’s the ultimate of being in love with yourself, get a body double. Most leaders get one to protect themselves, she does it project herself

37c42f  No.4944636

7bfd1a  No.4944637


Borderline unbelievable.

736fdf  No.4944638


send them to qmap.pub, qanon.pub, and qanon.news

qanon.pub for pure crumbs, and qmap.pub and qanon.news for the other great features they have


Mueller will go on after his report is filed and POTUS is exonerated

60c0f9  No.4944639


We will survive anon!! Hope our chickens will….

2d0ebe  No.4944640


yea… digging deeper into him reveals he was likely not a pedophile actually… or it's complicated. I do think that name of his may be the orgin for the mental experiments the cult does - I think his life story is some kind of cultist experiment and they use that name to symbolize the act of turning people into art or something… very curious… well, I'm sure I'll be told the truth or dig it up someday soon

4a5391  No.4944641



So let's get this str8

1800's and before, it was given, common and no problem to have teenagers we'd and bred

Physical readiness of the female was the determination to in CIVILIZED societies, a signal of ability to produce children.

Children were raised to be ready to start new families in their teens, and we're guided by their parents and grandparents, who lived close and supported them, halping them vbuild their own wealth and establish their progeny.

So we have society running smooth with multi generational support of the entire community.

Our modern industrial society has established 18 as adulthood, five years after traditional societies considered children to have become adults.

Is this a product of working families being uprooted from land based farm structures, and therefore needing more time for the child to become self sufficient, because the parents and grandparents were then erased from the structural support?

Is this a wise approach to self reliance, affording each child an opportunity to establish a complete independent functional state? I think we have to remember that our particular societal structure both demands and provides for more advanced and specialized intelligence/ maturity factors of human development, and we cannot put those rules onto a past environment to postjudge an accepted age of consent.

f32fce  No.4944642

File: 344f779969a419b⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 300x225, 4:3, s-l300.jpg)

9141fd  No.4944643

File: 6fef43b22a03de2⋯.png (63.08 KB, 593x435, 593:435, twitter_com_wikileaks_stat….png)

File: ee1e6c65913f3bb⋯.jpg (218.65 KB, 793x767, 61:59, DyBmsFnWoAEhkvP.jpg)

File: a1a6aa3562e620b⋯.pdf (3.66 MB, us-fm3-05-130.pdf)


ba12e5  No.4944644

File: 5b9aec4bf199989⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Larry Fink Share dump.jpg)

File: 257bbef02b9a91b⋯.png (38.68 KB, 1486x205, 1486:205, 012919 Blackrock.PNG)

Here's another 'normal' sale for you since you cut and ran.


248ce5  No.4944645


Or the double is a clone groomed along-side.

Nothing seems ridiculous any longer.

0cebef  No.4944646


Chairman John Lord and independent director, John Brumby and Alexander Downer, have accepted new two-year appointments on Huawei’s local Board of Director, committing to stay with the vendor until December 2015.

6a4380  No.4944647


Multitasking is a myth

You just switch frim task to task

Try writing letters in order record time

Try writing 20 numbers in order record time

Now try writing one letter one number etc

Record time


d17fff  No.4944648

File: 7d5b6d0dd32a885⋯.jpg (147.25 KB, 500x346, 250:173, death_and_south-east_of_uk….jpg)

File: a8ce0909fcc23ed⋯.jpg (435.17 KB, 1874x1416, 937:708, gerasimov_doctrine.jpg)

“British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined by external events over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception, p 322

1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual threshold

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality

The list of subliminal effects powerfully demonstrates that humans can be programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media…Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.”

aec54d  No.4944649

File: 9cc8758a667a557⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 960x690, 32:23, 0ad05f6bb238743d661b0ab834….jpg)

dbb48e  No.4944650


>Hint: Dig into the government contracts themselves.

Find out who is getting kick-backs from those contracts as well.

Loads of politicians I'll bet.

97e389  No.4944651


Yep Roberts gay ass is comped

b6b82e  No.4944652


You must be talking about the chickens in my freezer.. ;-)

8a0ed7  No.4944653


You forgot Hegelian dialectics

3cdd85  No.4944654


I wonder alot… do you think Mueller actually gets his day to publicly testify and drop the bombs? Or do the bombs/results etc come from someone else?

7bfd1a  No.4944655


Wipe that "us" out of your mouth, faggot. You ain't a patriot, you glowing mouth breather.

738039  No.4944656

167beb  No.4944657


No. It is not a wise approach but it’s what we’ve got to work with.

0cebef  No.4944658

File: cfe7edd85bc097a⋯.png (645.67 KB, 600x823, 600:823, ClipboardImage.png)



257d90  No.4944659


>Looking at -60


95d088  No.4944660

Obama fleshlight memes?

“We are the fleshlights we’ve been waiting for”

61ac7d  No.4944661


Yea I will refer there later. They looked a little quizzical so I figured let them start out light.

d17fff  No.4944662

File: 8a0cc7861e9dcde⋯.png (434.15 KB, 680x650, 68:65, 1469815055323.png)

Integral to the operation of consumer manipulation in both advertising and media editorial and popular entertainment is the use of subliminal embeds targeting the viewer unconscious.

A TIME magazine cover from the 1980s Gaddaffi had “Kill” on one cheek and three “SEXs” on the other. One qualified researcher, a cognitive Psychology PhD with early experience in advertising, Wilson Bryan Key, published hundreds of examples in three books in the 80s and 90s. He was subjected to a extensive campaign of vilification as a crackpot professor with a dirty mind and had the honor or being denounced as a charlatan who made up salacious nonsense to sell books. This response is characteristic, and it’s usually effective. It can’t be true, because if it was, it would mean we were all being poisoned.”

Since that innocent Gaddaffi era the use of by legacy media outlets of programs targeting the viewers unconscious has increased, and with the subliminal embeds, we see hypnotic induction, memory holing, gas lighting, and a host of cognitive exploits all seeking to influence people’s choices. The power of the tactics has been notably, and the depth of their reach has been enormously enhanced by the advent of nonlinear media technologies. If the same corporate complex continues to control US media, and VR and Mixed Reality technologies are widely adopted, their control of human consciousness and course of future development will be absolute.

224a05  No.4944663


Prayers up.

4d5916  No.4944665


Adopted kids out of Ireland. You'd think he'd be safe with POTUS not to hold that gun to his head.

b6b82e  No.4944666


Heh… we ride w/ the windows down a -30… so meh

6fba23  No.4944667

Now when we bust on jugears' corruption, we'll be racist AND homophobic.

248ce5  No.4944668


Not Condi! Shit that's gonna hurt.

2cfd83  No.4944671


President Rice.

4d5916  No.4944672


Chicago area. Would be worse in MN.

72703a  No.4944673

Howard A. Willard III.

Reynolds American > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynolds_American

British American Tobacco


Richard Burrows.

Nicandro Durante.


All from Conn Creek Winery.

The owner, Bill Collins, sold it to U.S. Tobacco. (UST), which is the parent company of Washington-based Chateau Ste. Michelle Wine Estates. Guess where this winery is located? Puget Sound.




Another one to look at.


What a dig this is turning out to be.

3cdd85  No.4944674


We can say "hang him" and it not be racist because he isnt really black

37c42f  No.4944675


With free energy, my first investment is going to be in a greenhouse so I can grow my own damn food year round up north. $4.00 for a frigging bag of lettuce.

f74c26  No.4944676


The House really thinks they will find the Cohen collusion that Mueller couldn't?

DNC is reduced to recycling nothing burgers.


aec54d  No.4944677

File: 843b7932be85133⋯.jpg (38.96 KB, 480x632, 60:79, 1aa73179ef1dcef07a9785e646….jpg)

a28fcc  No.4944679


its only wind chill, so not really that bad…kek

ec7ff4  No.4944680

File: 796968af09a8e10⋯.jpeg (69.17 KB, 750x245, 150:49, 796968af09a8e107f55e933a4….jpeg)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

cf030a  No.4944682

File: b63ee89cb3aa2c0⋯.jpeg (214.79 KB, 556x479, 556:479, 260C40A5-0A13-40D4-95E7-C….jpeg)



First things were that stood out for me:

—boys; girls not male; female (?age)

—FVEYs is the area served

—founded 1995 -> B. Clinton presidency

3d6f5d  No.4944683


So the fake news is going to be in charge of determining the fake news. Got it.

df09dc  No.4944684

>>4944519 , >>4944552 Deputy Associate Attorney General Stephen Cox Delivers Remarks at the 2019 Advanced Forum on False Claims and Qui Tam Enforcement


Interesting read. I read earlier from DOJ site.


61ac7d  No.4944685

File: 738ed4411be1c3a⋯.jpg (137.79 KB, 918x1104, 153:184, dog howl.jpg)


Dang, those digits.

abd1c5  No.4944686

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, A Q Eyes.jpg)


Not gonna touch that. No.

dbb48e  No.4944687

8d8ca7  No.4944688

stay out of the wind>>4944679

d8a2b6  No.4944691


Still has 38 million shares left?

a15927  No.4944692

File: 8d0f341e4c7f566⋯.png (130.48 KB, 338x350, 169:175, 2019-01-27_08-23-44.png)


That damn global warming.

7bfd1a  No.4944694


Hope and change the batteries?

60c0f9  No.4944695



3d6f5d  No.4944696


So the fake news is going to be in charge of determining the fake news. Got it.>>4943957

b6b82e  No.4944698


only windchill

af4fa9  No.4944704


wings dont fucking bow you fake fuck

they are solid structures riveted into place with exact dimensions

Think for yourselves people, fake experts abound when anononymous

2d0ebe  No.4944705

File: a122364c55d4fab⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1909x2353, 1909:2353, Houghton_Early_American_Pl….jpg)


it's complicated. Tho the general prevailing wisdom of today is pedophilia is a sign of cultism by sheer quantity of examples - the cult is super old and whether or not it's always been that way or whether it was common practice that only cultists still practice is another matter.


my more reasoned response after a bit more checking

my conclusions lead me to be very curious about the nature of his life - he's clearly coming from a family of cultists and it's possible there was some experimentation that led to his oddities - whether he was a blind eye to the cult or not is particulary facinating to me… and his last work of writing he was working on is also very curious… I'm starting to think he may have been planning on revealing what he knew about the cult and was killed for it

very curious… a worthy dig that is of particular interest to me

3469d8  No.4944707

Professional organizer? Arrange folks efficiently for them?

Professional shopper.

Garage or estate sale manager


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