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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 6c1551d929ed19a⋯.jpg (598.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qresearch_title.jpg)

a4d472  No.4938444

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a4d472  No.4938447


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board


>>4937500 Pelosi To Block SOTU

>>4937404 Explanation and Example of the Delta Marker Theory

>>4937483 Ranchers Invite Pelosi to Border: Come See Why Your Fence Is Trash

>>4937430, >>4937435, >>4937440 Study Nazism Cont'd: Documentary on Hitler and the Third Reich

>>4937427 Slight discrepancy with q[osts online for Q posts

>>4937359, >>4937357 Red Scarves 1,000s of ‘anti-violence’ protesters march through Paris

(Baker Change)

>>4936868, >>4937356 Jerome Corsi says he’s ‘happy’ to testify

>>4937017 Police swarm Jimmy Kimmel's beach house and arrest chef pal Adam Perry Lang due to threats of explosives in the home

>>4937057 EXCLUSIVE: Inside Roger Stone's home after FBI raid

>>4936887, >>4937085, >>4937138 Reminder mass migration out of Venezuela has already started due to Socialism and Maduro

>>4937175, >>4937183, >>4937189 Collection of all The Epoch Times infographics

>>4937177 Six Republicans Double-Cross Trump’s Wall

>>4937217 Rift of the Rothschilds, says Adam Helliker

>>4937244 At Least 20,000 Nigerian Girls Found After Being Sold Into Sex Slavery

>>4937579 #6303


>>4936098 Yellow Vest leader hit in eye during protest 'handicapped for life'

>>4936124 Head of the World Zionist Organization Resigns

>>4936161 Tweet: A new bot app to detect conservative and Q followers' accounts on Twitter

>>4936297, >>4936305, >>4936319, >>4936358, >>4936586 On Michael Sussmann, lawyer at Perkins Coie

>>4936339, >>4936411, >>4936484, >>4936558 NXIVM and U1 both connect to HRC and the Clinton Foundation

>>4936375, >>4936386, >>4936399 Resignations in the news 1/25/2019

>>4936398 Hillary and Bill are back in Puerto Rico for their fundraiser with hundreds of politicians for a Clinton Global Initiative event

>>4936415 Government tries to stop flurry of NXIVM sealed motions

>>4936420 Mulvaney: Trump Will Secure the Border ‘With or Without Congress’

>>4936423 Resignations in the news 1/26/2019 & 1/27/2019

>>4936599 Misinformation woes could multiply with 'deepfake' videos

>>4936794 #6302


>>4935279 Roger Stone helped Sheriff Israel get elected, who protects Debbie Waserman Schultz, and who hired Awan

>>4935312, >>4935360, >>4935399 Whistleblower Dennis Nathan Cain related Q crumbs

>>4935328 SouthFront on the Venezuelan Crisis

>>4935348 On Renee L. Abena Obama

>>4935387, >>4935398 Anon's "Crumb Mashup"

>>4935403 The ADL thinks "Qanon" is anti-semitic

>>4935457 Archive of all notable posts from /qresearch/

>>4935480, >>4935491 Resignations in the news 1/24/2019

>>4935517 On the Corrupt ‘Female Obama’, Kamala Harris' run in 2020

>>4935535 Every time POTUS has tweeted about collusion (up to 7/30/18)

>>4935605, >>4935796, >>4935803, >>4935963 On Hussein's birth certificate

>>4935704 More Cernovich anti-christian tweets

>>4935755, >>4935771 Mark Levin's interview of Sidney Powell

>>4935813 Perkins Coie did Amazon's IPO

>>4935975 Kamala Harris is a descendant of an infamous, Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown

>>4936019 #6301

Previously Collected Notables

>>4935234 #6300

>>4932928 #6297, >>4933689 #6298, >>4934507 #6299

>>4930510 #6294, >>4931329 #6295, >>4932125 #6296

>>4928169 #6291, >>4929632 #6292, >>4929744 #6293

>>4926603 #6289, >>4925865 #6288, >>4927340 #6290

>>4923531 #6285, >>4924290 #6286, >>4925055 #6287

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

a4d472  No.4938448

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a4d472  No.4938449

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

db85e0  No.4938450

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png)

Popped the Epoch Times graphics into >>>/qpro/


f4d0b0  No.4938451

4 bakes popped up at once.

I picked this one because it has a name, kek

3f7d53  No.4938452

File: a12cda42696d0c2⋯.jpg (304.78 KB, 1465x832, 1465:832, Border_Wall_Data_Jan_2019.JPG)

Continuing to dig this border wall/voter data. WOW!

Clearly explains why the D Party:

- Fight voter ID laws

- Fight for sanctuary cities

- Fight the census bureau

- Trying to lower voter age to 16

- Fighting to eliminate electoral college

- Desperate for illegal votes

- Desperate to keep the Black vote

81f3fd  No.4938453

File: da94f088c10e095⋯.jpg (227.99 KB, 1196x1600, 299:400, sqeeky.jpg)

File: 02c5283dd5fb45b⋯.jpg (131.39 KB, 2048x1845, 2048:1845, medea.jpg)

Re-pot for day shift.

Working a gut feeling of Pelosi connection to Manson family and possible link to SLA bank robbery.


Medea Benjamin, founder Code Pink and Squeeky Fromme, Manson family.

>>4938360 pb

>Nope Nose different eye slant different

Laughing in your general direction!

You're a complete and utter moron to not discern the obvious butchered cosmetic surgery. Ya think an old hag that's loaded wouldn't have gone the scalpel route? Obviously same person. GTFO

cc0074  No.4938454

Is there a problem with the board?

702339  No.4938455

First we had 0 breads .. now we have 3 .. kek

a4d472  No.4938457

Dough from last Bread:


Not sure if this will be the bread as several had been created.

Will see what happens and collect Notables from #6304 if necessary.

533928  No.4938458

File: e8b71d0738c2f37⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 624x942, 104:157, racoon.jpg)

996ed0  No.4938460

File: 1bb1a050e441586⋯.gif (551.74 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 1540544938.gif)

File: be19b7bd18b8058⋯.jpg (121.59 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, rashida-Tlaib2-1170x780.jpg)

They Live!

f4d0b0  No.4938463


other 3 are at 0, and this one has a name, so i vote this is the bread, kek

2cfb3b  No.4938464

Website trainwrecked itself. I guess we going with this bake

7dfd65  No.4938465

Thanks Bakers! I haven’t refreshed that many times since Junior Prom.

db371d  No.4938466

File: 95a6371ced5b679⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 395x561, 395:561, Comped baker.jpg)

the previous one.

Made erroneous claim that the bomber story was in same bread.

triggered and dropped the ball……again.

b80d18  No.4938467



>>4937695 Finnish police ordered not to speak of asylum seeker crime

>>4937678, >>4937717, >>4937715, >>4937738, >>4937743, >>4937749, >>4937760, >>4937825 Joe Pientka Digg

>>4937822 Amazon’s Bias is not only racial, it’s also cultural, political and human kind hating bias

>>4937846 Face-reading AI will soon detect your political beliefs and IQ

>>4937859 Apple Is Working on Tech That’d Let Your iPhone Detect Poison

>>4937861, >>4937875 Tom Brokaw blasted by the news media for daring to say immigrants should learn English

>>4937932, >>4937933 Duke official steps down after encouraging international students to speak English

>>4937942 German military is plagued by various blunders these days

>>4937962 Yellow Vest Revolt going on WW. The NWO is freaking out

>>4937985 I’ve been listening to some financial analysts about the Yellow Vest revolt

>>4938005 Ex-mercenary claims South African group tried to spread Aids

db7565  No.4938468

Wow, four breads to choose from right now.

I'm just glad the sun has risen.

We have to sit in the dark at night now.

I blame the Boomers!


26a88c  No.4938469


hey Baker, thanks

bread should be 6304,btw

f16e2e  No.4938470

File: 7ec64cadcc1ce77⋯.png (69.38 KB, 915x252, 305:84, 6305.png)

Thank you bakers!

41a3e7  No.4938471

File: 086708f9fee3e13⋯.jpg (75.71 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2s83xv.jpg)

084570  No.4938472

File: a615a0ae2aabf17⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 474x606, 79:101, swallwell just nuke it.jpg)

>>4938281 lb


He looks and acts like a clone

99d0dc  No.4938473

File: 4b71aa6b2aa44b3⋯.png (230.47 KB, 819x732, 273:244, 2019-01-28_09-06-34.png)

File: 74b2cd5edbdd623⋯.png (220.85 KB, 802x726, 401:363, 2019-01-28_09-10-00.png)

c5656e  No.4938474

Did everyone go to sleep?

c6d4d6  No.4938475

File: f8217a275eb2c16⋯.jpg (40.32 KB, 500x370, 50:37, overly-attached-gf-meme.jpg)

df1281  No.4938476


>4 bakes popped up at once.


>I picked this one because it has a name, kek

good choice. but next time this anon will be much faster having now gone through the process once.

888f47  No.4938477

File: 6d6610480b08600⋯.jpeg (791.65 KB, 1242x1111, 1242:1111, AFA23148-B1E1-41EC-B54B-9….jpeg)

a4d472  No.4938478


Don't think so. Have them all until #6303 in my archive & saw last one being #6304: Rift of the Rothschild's Edition

Am I wrong?

cc0074  No.4938479

Groups to blames for bread confusion:



Bible fags





Am i missing anyone?

30b2cb  No.4938480



Generations Caricatures are incredibly naive and incomplete, and furthermore insulting to misfits.

You're here.

Are you not a misfit?

8070f1  No.4938481

File: 8d51cf5bcdbdc88⋯.jpg (517.79 KB, 1389x1067, 1389:1067, red.jpg)

Thank you, first-time baker.

f977e4  No.4938482

File: c082e9083a3eacd⋯.jpg (37.2 KB, 590x294, 295:147, CernovichTweet1.JPG)

File: 8b7b36ce685c7ea⋯.jpg (47.92 KB, 583x404, 583:404, CernovichTweet2.JPG)

Looks to me like Cernovich outted his inside source.

8217d0  No.4938483

File: 3a18d4acfd06b40⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 640x799, 640:799, d292d94a8fb3136b4a1749d4aa….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

>>4938383 (lb)

>>4938379 (lb)

I wake up, thank the gods, wake my wife/kids, get shit ready for the day, and thank the current baker. I'll post a TY Baker at 751.

Fucks given? 0.

>>4938345 (lb)

Same to you, Swordanon!

db371d  No.4938484

File: 23238b6e99bdd5f⋯.jpg (98.76 KB, 520x704, 65:88, Baker Bewbs 6.jpg)

way to pick up slack baker(s)

f4d0b0  No.4938485

File: 6c88d3548e52a88⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 6c88d3548e52a88497a4e0a483….jpg)

a4d472  No.4938486


Thanks! Will run with those after going over last one myself again quickly. Did you catch them all or stop at some point?

f4d186  No.4938487

File: cf1debc86107542⋯.png (85.73 KB, 636x422, 318:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f4d34bddaeabd4⋯.png (60.09 KB, 639x327, 213:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78b65ea122b9934⋯.png (63.58 KB, 640x362, 320:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95e5834be10f448⋯.png (60.02 KB, 636x337, 636:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you baker(s)

POTUS tweets from last bread

8070f1  No.4938488

File: 9065bbfb03e5b11⋯.jpg (117.86 KB, 720x520, 18:13, AOC_mentor.jpg)

FFS, when did the American people quit knowing that the real name of the German Nazis was The Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party?

8a529a  No.4938489

File: 17f441538d129a7⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 699x5085, 233:1695, Screenshot_2019-01-27 Stud….jpg)

File: 645b670628f2b63⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1349x4115, 1349:4115, Screenshot_2019-01-27 Stud….jpg)


no just sick of the jews posting images of white females they wish they could rape at 3 years of age

c5656e  No.4938490


You are correct

702339  No.4938491


You are correct

Last bread was 6304 .. therefore this should be 6305.

c1ae07  No.4938493

File: 2bb45a07ee162e9⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 539x960, 539:960, fleshjack bho.jpg)

File: 95a91c63e18cf54⋯.png (219.64 KB, 540x960, 9:16, flashjack bho1.png)

hussein follows Fleshjack … not fake just gay

702339  No.4938494


Blame Murphys as in murphys law

b80d18  No.4938495


Those are previous bakers notes before ghosting I'll go through the rest of the thread now.

c5656e  No.4938496


didnt know what was going on, full bread and no fresh one, just waited ……………………

db7565  No.4938497


It's not a caricature when you provide sauce.


db371d  No.4938498

File: 067ff4956fb71c6⋯.jpg (11.84 KB, 474x296, 237:148, opening bell.jpg)

Futures at Low of session just prior to open

4fe593  No.4938499


Mass amnesty for a wall means a mass exodus from the republican party.

a4d472  No.4938500


Thanks a bunch! Much appreciated.

We're at 5 posts/min roughly at this time of the day, so we should have 2.5-3 hrs for this one (if Q doesn't return surprisingly. Kek!)

255c69  No.4938501



This was the last notables posted by Baker of LB


>>4937695 Finnish police ordered not to speak of asylum seeker crime

>>4937678, >>4937717, >>4937715, >>4937738, >>4937743, >>4937749, >>4937760, >>4937825 Joe Pientka Digg

>>4937822 Amazon’s Bias is not only racial, it’s also cultural, political and human kind hating bias

>>4937846 Face-reading AI will soon detect your political beliefs and IQ

>>4937859 Apple Is Working on Tech That’d Let Your iPhone Detect Poison

>>4937861, >>4937875 Tom Brokaw blasted by the news media for daring to say immigrants should learn English

>>4937932, >>4937933 Duke official steps down after encouraging international students to speak English

>>4937942 German military is plagued by various blunders these days

>>4937962 Yellow Vest Revolt going on WW. The NWO is freaking out

>>4937985 I’ve been listening to some financial analysts about the Yellow Vest revolt

>>4938005 Ex-mercenary claims South African group tried to spread Aids

>>4938054 #6304

Here was the updated dough with these notables


It was posted here: >>4938059 lb with paste

470ef0  No.4938502


you forgot Toots,, Freddy don't count and nobody listens to ebot

f4d186  No.4938503


#6305 is the correct number

d7a2ce  No.4938504

File: 4beda040aac68fc⋯.jpg (183.56 KB, 1270x510, 127:51, raised-by-fb.jpg)

my meme from lb

8b0da1  No.4938505

File: b0dafdf978ceeeb⋯.jpeg (67.16 KB, 748x420, 187:105, 5EFC6B6D-FCA0-4790-A7BD-4….jpeg)

File: bd2cf037d0e1113⋯.jpeg (422.1 KB, 1094x1946, 547:973, DEAB41E9-3FB4-40BF-89D7-2….jpeg)

Chavez’s Colectivos are done with Maduro because he has run out of other people’s money to give them and they’re hangry. They have turned against him and his national guard. Maduro is done. https://www.wsj.com/articles/venezuelan-spring-11548624135

470ef0  No.4938506


My bad need to put on my dollar store glasses kek

2cfb3b  No.4938507

File: 33b7049a12ec65b⋯.png (388.2 KB, 1003x716, 1003:716, ClipboardImage.png)

OK. I accept it…We're watching a movie

81f3fd  No.4938509

File: 7a9145dc6c31668⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 300x226, 150:113, deadhart.jpg)

Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart with Manson family girls.


Nancy Pelosi Invited Tony Bennett & Grateful Dead’s Mickey Hart To Her Swearing-In Ceremony


8a529a  No.4938510

File: 4382a8f67cfa19c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 864x2496, 9:26, Screenshot_2019-01-27 A 14….png)

File: f63961212b14dad⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1349x6128, 1349:6128, Screenshot_2019-01-27 Clic….png)

File: 7a12cf6214eec57⋯.png (122.99 KB, 1349x590, 1349:590, Screenshot_2019-01-27 Clic….png)



not that it matters.

cc0074  No.4938511


Lol, I was waiting for you to spot toots in there!

81f5fb  No.4938512

File: b6991297c958dcd⋯.png (265.77 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 241098d4e0b40f3⋯.png (45.8 KB, 255x145, 51:29, ClipboardImage.png)




60 minutes interview was a BOMB with no BOOM last night.

The guy is a complete imbecile.

Totally oblivious to what is going on in the world.

702339  No.4938513


How about you play nice with bakers? … or else volunteer to do it yourself bud, if you think you can do better.

d7f87c  No.4938514


Why does everyone under the sun act like GenX/Y never existed? How did an entire 20 year span of people go down the memory hole?

81f5fb  No.4938515

Thanks Baker for stepping up and saving the bake.

db7565  No.4938518


The Millennials ARE Generation Y

7dfd65  No.4938519

f4d186  No.4938520

File: 9e7a6106d26b9e3⋯.png (51.7 KB, 642x364, 321:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 204dda0558c7a2b⋯.png (63.09 KB, 641x369, 641:369, ClipboardImage.png)


Even Maggie noticed somethings going on.


a4d472  No.4938521


Thanks. Got the dough up to speed manually from the one before that. If nothing else changed, I should still be good.

Will add #6304 Notables in next bread, together with the ones I'm collecting here.

26a88c  No.4938522


ok Sorry I just can't see it.

e52296  No.4938523


Capital "O"

c76cbd  No.4938524


dennis wilson was friends with manson.

Reagan had the beach boys at the whitehouse and called them Americas band

That connects manson to reagan?

30b2cb  No.4938525





is magical.

only further demonstrates how dumb your point is that you must rely on the alleged authority of a website that isn't you.

misfits know.

autists know.

they don't fit in what they're told their generation is.

the model just doesn't work other than for NPCs who stricly follow the algorithms.

deeedd  No.4938526

Vineyard Digs

Seen the Anons digging winery's and thought I would mention an old one in my neck of the woods.

Concannon Vineyard - Livermore,Ca TESLA rd.

Possible TESLA family connections, needs digging

TESLA Coal Mines also in the area/closed to the public early 1800's

Located very near to LLNL, Sandia Labs, Stanford Research

Many vineyards in this area.

02c531  No.4938527

File: 7bb48236ad3b13c⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, capobv.jpg)


the media narrative of "boomers are to blame" was created by the MSM and SJWs and pushed into all media.

makes boomers an easy target and thus an easy slide as well.

702339  No.4938528

I always thought they were calling us all boomers here cause of Q and his BOOM BOOM BOOM comments, regardless of our ages.

8a529a  No.4938529

File: 38d1a62580f5aec⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 1319x7491, 1319:7491, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Mike….jpg)

File: db04a16c762c488⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 341x400, 341:400, 9 cerenovich-is-jewish.jpg)

File: 98825c6cffac20b⋯.png (387.02 KB, 982x1442, 491:721, Screenshot_2018-07-31 r co….png)


he's just another lying zionist wanker

df1281  No.4938530


>Even Maggie noticed somethings going on.

or something is getting turned "On"

081446  No.4938531



Now there is a punchable face

5bab26  No.4938532

File: 227dab2f4db4edd⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 848x558, 424:279, 426t8ynjndjnd8.JPG)

Thanks Baker

db371d  No.4938533


baker please add this from lb

was nominated several times

>>4938080 lb

Gallo family wine money and poltics

81f5fb  No.4938534

File: 1792a8f44bcd3ab⋯.png (54.31 KB, 199x255, 199:255, ClipboardImage.png)


Can't wait to see this little POS hanging from a rope.

Backing the wrong horse and you would think a clown like this with a military back ground would have some short of brain or common sense.

9b758d  No.4938535

>>4938340 (PB)

Actually Baltimore Mayor Thomas D'Alexandro was Nancy Pelosi's brother; this would be his son - see Wikipedia on Nancy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Pelosi

0e658d  No.4938536


Why did Maggie capitalize on?

084570  No.4938537

File: c58346556290957⋯.gif (23.71 KB, 520x481, 40:37, dwsfucked.gif)


DWS projecting and looking to get a Libel suit.

4dc0e8  No.4938538


this person knows what he is doing.

you need to ignore him.

He's a division shill.

Dennis was very well loved, and is missed greatly by his fans.

255c69  No.4938539


No problem, I saw the updated one as I was still catching up in lb so still had the tab open and figured I'd try to help out. You got it updated before I got in here. Thanks for the Bake.

084570  No.4938540


you're typo said it…"SHORT of brain and common sense"


7dfd65  No.4938541

File: 0e9a7cc05fc7688⋯.jpeg (46.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 67067777-0098-407D-88FA-A….jpeg)


I agree

db371d  No.4938542


current baker fine. last one no. missed to much

and FO too

bdaf7d  No.4938543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Must listen for anons!

Learn some real history.

f3fef6  No.4938544


Q has never called out the Melanomas (sic), But he has the Boom, Boom, Boom, Boomers.

Deal with it Children and let the Adults Handle this.

46dfad  No.4938545


meme her into a jester, the joker of the house and it would be perfect, fitting too

d7f87c  No.4938546


False & Inaccurate

8a529a  No.4938547


anon - look at the 2 responses to your question:

the first mentions the millennials, the second the boomers.

its about them anon. we are and always were expendable.

muh social security muh paid in muh deal muh and muh brain dead teens

255c69  No.4938548


I'm not the Baker. See >>4938521

Post it again this bread since the new Baker just started and E-baked for us.

81f3fd  No.4938549

File: 15c057e48c0e83f⋯.jpg (348.79 KB, 900x1231, 900:1231, Anons.jpg)


Not gonna justify with an answer but a question; Why TF don't you dig and figure it TF out?

OBVIOUS connections with Pelosi and the Dead (dead people and Grateful).

OBVIOUS connections with Hart and Manson.

Please tell your boss Nancy, ANONS KNOW.

470ef0  No.4938550

File: f6a6426b9962dca⋯.png (412.87 KB, 556x528, 139:132, Capture.PNG)

Have been saying it for a while. One of the cabals major goals was to replace the US Constitution with the UN charter and it would of happened if Hillary was elected and still could if were not careful


I sat up with a start this morning, around 2:04.

It hit me, “Why are we all pretending this is politics…when it’s revolution?”

Their media, our media, their talk-show people, our talk show people, all have to pretend to be matter-of-fact about a situation that is probably the most significant series of events in American history since the southern states seceded in 1860…

…all because a solitary man was elected with a solitary purpose, but which had to be postponed until he could complete the new mission his election forced on him, to win a civil war and restore the Union.

Out of the mouths of babes Beto O’Rourke, three term congressman from Texas, near-miss (by some accounts) senator from Texas, and sure fire presidential candidate for 2020, (assuming there will be a contested one) let it slip this week the dirty little secret that every one but the most self-delusional on his side knows to be true:

“The Constitution of the United States is no longer a fit foundation for a modern government. It is no longer relevant.”

For what it’s worth, I first heard this same concept in the classroom in 1968, as a lecture by a political science professor, his argument being that the structure of our society and economy was too complex for a ham-fisted Congress to manage or, or for the general population to have anything more than a ceremonial say in it.


9a8899  No.4938551

>>4937500 lb

….and I think to myself, what a wonderful world

1e9403  No.4938552

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Good morning baker, I'm here when you want a break.


81f5fb  No.4938553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Can't wait till the shoe is dropped on the kike version of Cinderella.

This kike needs to be walked into a gas chamber.

d72113  No.4938554

File: f97611de61ec81d⋯.jpeg (67.07 KB, 540x400, 27:20, squeeky_fromme.jpeg)

c5656e  No.4938555

081446  No.4938556


I don't know I'm a boomer. You kids stay off my lawn

30b2cb  No.4938557



because humans and especially autists & misfits

don't fit in whatever dumb Y/boom/X/whatever model you throw out there.

it's pure garbage

and always a slide

be better

0c11e5  No.4938558


I'd expect Team to post today as CINC is on the attack, which means the enemy is against the wall.

db7565  No.4938559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stage Five Clingers are underrated

2e4a41  No.4938560


no doubt… Kushner and Ivanka are liberal Demonrats… that's why I can't figure the media… they could be stroking POTUS's ego and getting a lot of what they want… because the RINO's want it too… hard to figure

c76cbd  No.4938561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d7f87c  No.4938562


Yeah, you're right. I already knew that. i just keep seeing this meme pop up.

Boomers- 44-64

Millennials- 84-'04

X- Who? What? Quit making shit up.

81f3fd  No.4938563

File: a7baa9b672dcb7d⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1357x1000, 1357:1000, Khaz.png)


No, Mike. You're a Polish Jew- or at least that's what you'd want us to believe.

Fact is, you're a Khazarian just like the rest.

155f9d  No.4938564

File: bd3b745281882d3⋯.jpeg (248.91 KB, 1177x1147, 1177:1147, 5C236AD2-D3BE-49F7-BA56-0….jpeg)

Fukken ironic, ain’t it?

371102  No.4938565

File: 1c3710eaccd6559⋯.png (162.81 KB, 730x547, 730:547, ecofoil-w-scif.png)

File: e97337d0b343190⋯.png (82.7 KB, 508x403, 508:403, wizard-code.png)

what will block microwaves?

foil radiant panels, of course

rated for use in SCIFs

then I found this guy with a yurt who discovered the same use

calls himself a wizard

frankly has a very interesting channel, not a dip shit

Cahlen's videos


installing a battery management system


keeping the yurt warm with bubble insulation (and blocking microwaves)

giving an excellent interview of a self-proclaimed "wizard"

weird but interesting

on wizards, magic, and gnosis (for those who consider themselves modern wizards)


db371d  No.4938566

>>4938080 lb

from previous bake

Gallo family wine money and politics

here is the list from the article,



The Gallo family has emerged as one of the leading contributors to political

campaigns on both sides of the political aisle. They have been the leading

patron of Republicans presidential contender Bob Dole, and over the past

four years have begun to make large congributions to President Clinton as

well. The Gallos also have contributed directly to the Democratic and

Republican parties. The following politicans received at least $10,000

from one or more members of the Gallo clan between 1979 and 1995.



Senator Bob Dole, R-Kan. (a)

Campaign American (Dole PAC), 1986-1994 $236,000

Better America Foundation, 1994 100,000

(conservative think tank founded by Dole)

Presidential campaigns, 1987-1995 36,000

Senate campaign contributions 26,000

President Bill Clinton

Clinton-Gore Transition Fund, 1992 50,000

Individual contributions, 1995 5,000

Governor Pete Wilson

Presidential campaign, 1995 22,000

Senate campaigns, 1982-87 (a) 33,000

President George Bush (a) 10,500



Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., 1991-94 32,415

Seanator Thomas Daschle, D-S.C., 1986-93 30,000

Senator Alan Cranston, D-Calif., (a) 1983-91 25,000

Senator John Seymour, R-Calif., (a) 1991-92 25,000

Senator Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., 1990-93 11,000

Senator Affonse D'Amato, R-N.Y., 1991 11,000

Rep. Vic Fazio, D-Woodland, 1981-94 53,000

Rep. Gary Condit, R-Fresno, 1989-95 38,643

Rep. Robert Matsui, D-Sacramento 1983-94 38,000

Rep. Leon Panetta, D-Monterey, 1980-1990 33,000

Rep. Richard Lrhman, D-Fresno (a) 1982-94 32,000

Rep. Tony Ceolho, D-Modesto (a), 1981-89 31,870

Rep. Thomas Campbel, R-Campbell, 1988-92 25,000

Rep. Pete Stark, D-Hayward, 1982-94 23,500

Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., 1990-92 21,000

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, 1987-94 16,500


In addition, the Gallos have contributed generously to the Democratic

and Republican parties. Some examples:

Democratic Congressional Campaign, 1984-90 58,500

Democratic Congressional Dinner Committee, 1985-89 75,000

Democratic Senatorial Camaign Committee, 1984-94 85,000

Democratic National Committee, 1992 110,000

Republican National Committee, 1981-94 38,745

Republican Senate/House Dinner Committee, 1995 20,000


(a) No longer in office


Source: Center for Responsive Politics, based on Federal Election Commission


d7f87c  No.4938567


Shut up, you Millennial Israeli nigger

8217d0  No.4938568


Schultz = I overcharge dumb people for coffee

DJT = Bitch, where's my rent money!

This never gets old.

8a529a  No.4938569

File: b923c154ec6616e⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 625x915, 125:183, photo-3.jpg)

File: 0990e5f6d57c6e0⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 063b9c9a23e7f9ead3a39fb90….jpeg)

File: 03645b3e245090b⋯.png (970.85 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, 03645b3e245090ba32c760421e….png)

File: df3087b330e8fc8⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1052x7605, 1052:7605, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Jews….png)

File: 448523e32591ae5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1291x5492, 1291:5492, Screenshot_2018-07-31 Poli….png)

02c531  No.4938570

File: d6288df8fca599e⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 465x648, 155:216, momus.jpg)

8b39d8  No.4938571

File: 527bb9dd96e8580⋯.jpeg (924.08 KB, 1533x1095, 7:5, B63BF18F-5111-426A-8EA9-7….jpeg)

c1ae07  No.4938572

I need a seconder to verify please

( • )( • )

2af10d  No.4938573

Oo-oh. Lost control of my 8ch board. Have an email in to claim. Fingers crossed it works.

30b2cb  No.4938574


they could pitch in

and lynch him

cc1e55  No.4938575


You're, your yaw yore

c1ae07  No.4938576

29ea15  No.4938577


let's wait and see which one the Jewshills adopt. That will be the official bread.

f4d0b0  No.4938578


the main point of that meme

is Hillary Clinton single handedly ruined and destroyed hundreds of years of the illuminati/ Cabal.


Her losing and Trump winning is what will be their complete destruction.

Hillary is in the Boomer age range.

30b2cb  No.4938579


case in point

f977e4  No.4938580

File: b4d9599e4a74617⋯.jpg (83.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Kushner666Cool.jpg)

File: cfea4ab960b3448⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 693x500, 693:500, KushnerBCLawyer.jpg)

File: a99e8eff4dc4a9b⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 595x373, 595:373, KushnerPlan.JPG)


So is Jared.

2e4a41  No.4938581


I don't care… but I think if you're an investor… I'd be digging on Starbucks…. I think POTUS is telling the world they're about to collapse..

ff3a90  No.4938582

File: 80bba4dd265df98⋯.jpeg (262.79 KB, 889x461, 889:461, 277EB0F1-2AE3-46E9-B9AC-8….jpeg)

2cfb3b  No.4938583

File: eff186c053ef703⋯.jpeg (116.52 KB, 1200x725, 48:29, eff186c053ef703b533dc4c4b….jpeg)




>having that level of balls

Hell just knowing what I know let alone the secret shit, I can't even imagine this kind of hubris unless part of the show.

9a8899  No.4938585


they are(were) the targets of abortion

8b0da1  No.4938587


She could have said that about any one of his tweets. This looks like an order was just given.

99d0dc  No.4938588

File: 6371cce34159b7b⋯.png (223.66 KB, 354x476, 177:238, 2019-01-28_09-43-32.png)


But how are we going to teach our government to spend the money wisely when representatives become millionaires overnight?

Too much corruption.

Audit? Audit? Audit?

2e4a41  No.4938589


thus making it easier to cut entitlements in the near future…

8217d0  No.4938590

File: 37a705e3fc7ae1d⋯.gif (874.46 KB, 288x200, 36:25, 200 (1).gif)


Hope you are a LotR fan, lol.

c1ae07  No.4938591

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

cc1e55  No.4938592


Swallowell before you take the drop . . .

3d713b  No.4938593

File: 570f818d5cab545⋯.png (240.88 KB, 1048x403, 1048:403, 4937500.png)

File: 07c7653a977c1fb⋯.png (91.97 KB, 672x422, 336:211, cong-immunity.png)

File: 904f13aaec3b00e⋯.png (106.29 KB, 848x423, 848:423, USC-sec1-art6-clause1.png)

>>4937500 (pb #6303 notable) Pelosi To Block SOTU (img 1)

(this is a repost from end if last bread, with expansion)

This anon is on to something F'N YUGE, but I think their theory needs to be tweaked. I have been chasing this same thought train for a while in regard to the SOTU.

Here is the rub: Just because both chambers of congress recess to enter into a joint session of congress, does NOT mean the the legislative session is suspended. Therefore we need to modify the theory to hold water. We can do that though, see img 2:

"1. A Congress member is exempted from arrest while attending a session of the body to which the member belongs, excluding an arrest for treason, breach of the peace, or a felony, or;"

This is an interpretation of Art 1 > Sec 6 > Clause 1 of the US Constitution (img 3) known as the Speech or Debase Clause.

A joint session would allow for members of both chambers to be arrested, based to the fact the attendees are NOT attending a session of the congressional body to which they belong.

Any feedback anons? I'll work on putting a graphic together.





46dfad  No.4938594

File: 610db037c46fca8⋯.jpg (108.92 KB, 779x571, 779:571, 610db037c46fca88d3a0603de4….jpg)


That's good, but I still think this is more fitting

b80d18  No.4938595



>>4937695 Finnish police ordered not to speak of asylum seeker crime

>>4937678, >>4937717, >>4937715, >>4937738, >>4937743, >>4937749, >>4937760, >>4937825 Joe Pientka Digg

>>4937822 Amazon’s Bias is not only racial, it’s also cultural, political and human kind hating bias

>>4937846 Face-reading AI will soon detect your political beliefs and IQ

>>4937859 Apple Is Working on Tech That’d Let Your iPhone Detect Poison

>>4937861, >>4937875 Tom Brokaw blasted by the news media for daring to say immigrants should learn English

>>4937932, >>4937933 Duke official steps down after encouraging international students to speak English

>>4937942 German military is plagued by various blunders these days

>>4937962 Yellow Vest Revolt going on WW. The NWO is freaking out

>>4937985 I’ve been listening to some financial analysts about the Yellow Vest revolt

>>4938005 Ex-mercenary claims South African group tried to spread Aids

>>4938077 Italian Secret Service: People-smugglers may arrange mass drowning to garner Western sympathy

>>4938069, >>4938080, >>4938178 The Gallo family has emerged as one of the leading contributors to political campaigns on both sides of the political aisle.

>>4938087 Anon tracks insider trading for Apple and Facebook

>>4938281, >>4938299 Swalwell claims without evidence that POTUS is 'an agent of Russia'

>>4938340 (History) Pelosi's brother was indicted for gangraping 13yo

>>4938346 Kamala Harris and Mayor Willie Brown dig

Baker here's all the notables from last bread

1802d9  No.4938596


mickey is not in this pic….he's in the other from that article but not in this pic…fyi…

dc1699  No.4938597

File: 6a6dec00c767075⋯.png (92.25 KB, 936x634, 468:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Moar on Gallo plus sauce for diggers (pic related donation to NP from OpenSecrets.org::

E & J Gallo

Wineries (CA unless otherwise noted)

Barefoot Cellars (Modesto)

Dark Horse (Newberg, OR)

Gallo Family Vineyards (Healdsburg)

The Naked Grape (Wilton Manors, FL)

Vin Vault (Modesto)

Apothic (Modesto)

Carnivor (Modesto)

Columbia Winery (Woodinville, WA)

Ecco Domani (Hayward)

Edna Valley Vineyard (San Luis Obispo)

J Vineyards & Winery (Healdsburg)

Louis M. Martini (St. Helena)

MacMurray Estate Vineyards (Healdsburg)

Mirassou (Modesto)

Souverain (Cloverdale)

Talbott Vineyards (Carmel Valley)

William Hill Estate (Napa)

Stagecoach Vineyard (Napa)

The Ranch Winery (Napa)

Orin Swift Cellars (Napa)




La Marca

Las Rocas

Martín Códax


LUX Wines, importers of Allegrini and Pieropan.

-Gallo Spirits offers

New Amsterdam Vodka and Gin

E&J Brandy

Scotch whiskies from Whyte & Mackay, including The Dalmore,

Jura Single Malt and John Barr Blended



Napa Vinters list


5b449f  No.4938598

File: ba10dad0b88e116⋯.png (305.99 KB, 495x625, 99:125, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)


is he drinking a Starbucks?

c76cbd  No.4938599


so obvious you only provide speculation of guilt by association to make anons look crazy for your next MSM hit article on Q

YES anons know the shills


exactly my point, dennis is no more guilty by association than nancy. with all her crimes only shills would be saying LOOK HERE AT Manson. That will make normies jump on the Q train, right MSM shill?

702339  No.4938601


She better not promoting 8chan there.

60ddea  No.4938602



084570  No.4938603


Soy latte.


a2957d  No.4938605


He has blood on his hands, literally, look at his middle finger. Interesting bracelet, is that the latest fashion trend for psychopaths?

588e30  No.4938606

File: 5dea89e2b067294⋯.jpg (71.16 KB, 609x848, 609:848, So called Christian or Isl….jpg)


Rom. 7:2, 3, 1 Tim. 2:9

30b2cb  No.4938607



big difference between actual meaningful connections between players and

> guilt by association

d4f4eb  No.4938608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Searching around the world I have found mostly the same results overseas as on US search engines, except the US search engines also return entertainment content, display about a page of it before the relevant results and mix it in after that. The (((Morlochs))) have obviously not given up on the strategy that we will will follow their stars, if we will only look at them. I unplugged 3 days after Obama got elected and doubled down, doubled down and doubled down again on what Cheney did. These clowns are Dead serious.

Good morning! The best revenge is to live well. You do this one moment at a time. Be happy. It pisses (((them))) off.

5b449f  No.4938609

File: b32c6ec4ba56ab0⋯.png (144.33 KB, 768x661, 768:661, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Starbucks Trump Tower: site of pre-election interference / #FISAabuse / wiretapping. One of my old hangouts, before the domestic terror began.

Will @Comey revise his false testimony to @RepAdamSchiff in @HouseIntel of March 20, 2017? (18 U.S.C. § 1001).



db7565  No.4938610

I'm old enough to remember when people thought Q was real.

0c11e5  No.4938611

The NYT just lost likely half a mil/month or more from gov offices getting their 'trade pubs' budget cut. They'll be laying off (again) next.

2ae5e2  No.4938612

File: a9c168486dc2ac2⋯.png (24.63 KB, 550x253, 50:23, 1548686703622.png)



c1ae07  No.4938614

File: cbbfeaf55d21a38⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 960x758, 480:379, carter page.jpg)

cc0074  No.4938615


And you are here because….

8b0da1  No.4938616

File: 8360f468919c91c⋯.jpeg (4.04 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, C2082371-D5DA-47EE-B001-6….jpeg)

File: bd8c7d47a640676⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 2419x1287, 2419:1287, 422ED55B-5191-473B-95C3-1….jpeg)

File: 3ace1b0b6a49a9d⋯.jpeg (128.57 KB, 960x639, 320:213, 42C518F4-3733-470A-BF4D-5….jpeg)


For the meme makers.

155f9d  No.4938617

Looks like. >>4938598

81f3fd  No.4938618

File: 9618de7464b2ef7⋯.jpg (265.62 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, GbergTree.jpg)

File: dbac9152ba68e68⋯.jpg (92.19 KB, 700x467, 700:467, GbergTony.jpg)

File: b939af53a1df68f⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1437x1434, 479:478, GbergSe.jpg)


Hello Greenberg operatives!

Anons know all about your running around tagging posts believing you'll cover your tracks and brush away the trail of crumbs. YOU FAIL EVERY TIME

For your efforts, a family pic or two- to keep it fresh.

081446  No.4938619


Don't you dis my dogma

8a529a  No.4938620

File: f9e5eee3b2cf53d⋯.png (362.24 KB, 652x687, 652:687, 42a92a389036564806ce766b63….png)

File: 7f46c75b9643040⋯.jpg (1013.68 KB, 1349x3359, 1349:3359, Screenshot_2019-01-18 You ….jpg)

File: 68819828f45d948⋯.png (276.88 KB, 704x1250, 352:625, Screenshot_2019-01-18 Ben ….png)

File: e05084b548802e4⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1265x4154, 1265:4154, BenShapiroBustedScreenshot….jpg)

File: f290452e213cb5d⋯.png (754.65 KB, 1177x1177, 1:1, ben-shapiro-square-1024x10….png)


I dont think these zionists are subtle

I take Tribe and the shit Shapiro as making a threat.

The Crypto Jew Pelosi and her attempt to get out of DC and all of a sudden all the usual Zionist suspects reappear in the media witnout any shame

edb494  No.4938621


Just another bot error with multiple bread creations. They do that from time to time.

cc1e55  No.4938622


Ms. Propeller Head

(scrambled brain)

e284d2  No.4938623


This anon as found something interesting. No way his Professional media People would let something like this pass. Probably other that we suspect of being Not in control of theirs own Twitter have some shit like that also on theirs twitter. Wonder who is Brennan and other Clown following ……

325a86  No.4938624

File: d8d3e34d1c4801e⋯.gif (3.11 MB, 500x280, 25:14, sheep2.gif.gif)

Sheep fucking


cc0074  No.4938625


Woah… confirmed this is real. Drudge just opened up a real shit storm. I can't wait to see where this goes!

6b15ce  No.4938626

File: 688c2c781e0db5b⋯.jpg (172.42 KB, 845x633, 845:633, CovfefeDeclass.jpg)

Anybody looking for some fresh original dankness? Yesterday anon suggested a "For Sale" sign on politicians. Haven't memed it yet. Where's a list of evil politician targets?

Good morning anons.

46dfad  No.4938627


Such whit, they pay you for this shit eh, must be minimum wage

0c11e5  No.4938628


Somebody in the WH, no doubt. Sigh…..

c1ae07  No.4938629

99d0dc  No.4938630

File: 4a9d7edc663e4e8⋯.png (246.94 KB, 483x579, 161:193, 2019-01-19_05-44-52 copy.png)


So the 20,000,000 illegal aliens or so in the US now will get a free pass as well as the never ending migrant caravans?

Wait until the Venezuelans flood the country through the Caribbean, you ain't seen nothing yet.

The country will implode under the weight of illegals.?

74f8e0  No.4938631




cc7ffa  No.4938632

File: 1a03116d6520b13⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 7701C6F3-1C68-4DA0-9560-54….png)

Hey Threadly remnder guy, how many days has it been since QEW PROMISED ARRESTS???

8b0da1  No.4938633

File: d0cf4b45eff6560⋯.jpeg (270.5 KB, 1123x1794, 1123:1794, 04C8E2F7-B39F-46B2-84A9-5….jpeg)



30b2cb  No.4938635

>>4938612 , >>4938625

aaaw, damn

just referencing this


but still

db7565  No.4938636

File: 219207c0bc2c78e⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 500x371, 500:371, trainwreck.gif)


Everyone enjoys a trainwreck.

bb562e  No.4938637

With a gold watch on the left arm and silver watch on the right help me cast.

I think we should break the Jew at the source.

Addiction. They make all their money from addictions. So Cast that humans are free. we can NOT be addicted to anything. We are free to take things as they come and go.

Cast that there is NO addition…

NO ADDICTION> Use any song that builds to a climax…. but i like using the WITCH DOCTOR song because it so so bad ass.

cc0074  No.4938638


Iran is knows for using this phrase regularly. Maybe it's just an attention grabber for a big story about to drop.

d4f4eb  No.4938639


Somebody just learned about the continuing practice of human sacrifice…

8d16cf  No.4938640


Your hostility outed you.

Normally wouldn't respond but may help newbies recognize a slide.

5b449f  No.4938641


SheeeyitYeeeeaaah! The pot is about to boil ovah!

081446  No.4938642



0c11e5  No.4938643


Pre-Trump, yes. Now Drudge only prints things harmful to our mission.

50617a  No.4938644

File: 706acd890cca4ca⋯.png (41.35 KB, 709x294, 709:294, ClipboardImage.png)

2ae5e2  No.4938645


clickbait with no link? left the tweet up for 20 minutes so far?

looks intentional

8a529a  No.4938646

File: 7ce94828ac0acc3⋯.png (3.57 MB, 1584x2896, 99:181, ben-shapiro-square-1024x10….png)


lets just transfer them to Madagascar?

155f9d  No.4938647

File: 40038851665012b⋯.jpeg (487.98 KB, 1397x1231, 1397:1231, F1056144-DC37-414B-9717-D….jpeg)

This dumb bitch


eadcf0  No.4938648


Arrests will not happen until after Mueller's report has been completed and fed to the public.

As Anons know, these things always take more time than we would like so best estimates are likely in the spring/summer.

2ae5e2  No.4938649



The tweet has no link attached to it, and they just made a new tweet without fixing the previous one. Theyre just leaving it up

f50026  No.4938650

Anons already know this,i saw discussion about it last night,but when civil war breaks out in Venezuela, we will see millions of military aged males march north to our border.

This is the Syria, agenda 21 plan 2.0

Mass migration, destabilizing western countries and changing demographics of predominately white nations.

Hope you all know Spanish and live communism.

cc0074  No.4938651


Warren, is a complete failure at every level.

1e9403  No.4938652

File: be110cf4ca6ca1a⋯.png (254.69 KB, 592x499, 592:499, pepegoingto2020withpotus.png)


lmao 5:5 anon

f50026  No.4938653

8b0da1  No.4938654


Go see and report back.

81f5fb  No.4938655

File: 0bcabbce8c0c33d⋯.png (56.05 KB, 183x255, 61:85, ClipboardImage.png)


>>4934577 Door No.2


Can we please trade a Wack -a-Demoncratic for what is behind veil No. 2????????????

34f4e8  No.4938657

File: 06821c7fbfb39d2⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 1d4c0938dffcc89bb1027a0a9e….jpg)



So is POTUS & his MI generals who surround him, & Cabinet. There are so many enemies here who want to divide & label us, we shoot ourselves in the foot when we do it to our own brothers.

fdbc7f  No.4938658


Q, please make it move down the page!

5689c7  No.4938659

Happy Monday! It's my birthday.

Can I get a birthday present.

1802d9  No.4938660

File: 6baf13c5074b44d⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Good Day Sir! May the brightness of your countenance be felt by all.

2e4a41  No.4938661


part of their plan anon… always has been… always will be.. societies that have lived under socialism very rarely turn into a free Republic… the citizens just can't handle it… it's their way of getting rid of the constitution..

081446  No.4938662


I concur

29ea15  No.4938663


I hope they don't do to him what Pelosi did to him.

46dfad  No.4938664


Fuck you faggot, happy birthday

bb562e  No.4938665

Swallow a tablespoon of colloidal gold and a tablespoon of colloidal silver have a gold watch on your left arm and silver watch on your right.

play any song you want that builds I am using WITCH DOCTOR> Lets try all together tonight at ten pm Eastern Standard time.

29ea15  No.4938666


a small goat should also be part of this multiple choice.

f98400  No.4938667

So the wine dig is a proof of work.

We've connected many major players in the industry through





Where's the list of CEOs that have stepped down?

Any major players in the industry effected?

The wine and vineyard industry is but a part of a greater tool to them

Social engineering

What does wine do, in aggregate, to the population?

What other related Industries exist that do the same thing?

Any developments on the hotizon to this meta-industry?

Keep climbing and you'll find the same players everywhere.

Map the relationships to one another,

Then do it for other industries,

What do you find?

Who do you find?

I'll be damned…

We knew all along,

However the map paints the picture

Not for us, for normies.

Reread q drops with the new found perspective of their connections from the above exercise.

50617a  No.4938668

File: 2ff9837b671315f⋯.png (16.13 KB, 474x316, 3:2, backdemon.png)


Digits confirm.

cc1e55  No.4938669


Keep 'em comin' Anon!

We need a huge album dedicated to the Greenberg/Crisis Actor fraudsters.

1802d9  No.4938670

File: fd52fa5464559f6⋯.png (7.64 MB, 2476x2202, 1238:1101, ClipboardImage.png)


Happy Day of Birth to ya, fren!

edb494  No.4938671


Well, your ability to see and explain it does wonders to stop it.

99d0dc  No.4938672

File: 406f203332931b6⋯.png (86.2 KB, 205x254, 205:254, 2019-01-18_16-06-17.png)


"That's about as useful as tits on a bull."

8a529a  No.4938673

File: 58032cc6f6f4d00⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 228x274, 114:137, 58032cc6f6f4d001f964c65005….jpg)


the enemy of Christians

7d057b  No.4938674

1 Corinthians 2 New International Version (NIV)

2 And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.[a] 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit

6 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7 No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 8 None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9 However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen,

what no ear has heard,

and what no human mind has conceived”[b]—

the things God has prepared for those who love him—

10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.[c] 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16 for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord

so as to instruct him?”[d]

But we have the mind of Christ.

c76cbd  No.4938675

File: d1be2d2c3fd4491⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 171121-charles-manson-last….jpg)







BOLO for continued manson slide in todays breads.

Nancy has instructed her PR team of shiliis to switch for muh joos to muh manson

That is all

470ef0  No.4938676


Matt Drudge Warns Gov't Wants To Shut Him Down: "A Supreme Court Justice Told Me To My Face, It Is Over"


cc1e55  No.4938677


Be careful what you wish for . . . (esp. on here).

8b0da1  No.4938678


I know. They do it because people have become lazy and stoopid and will believe anything they hear or read. I now trust no one unless I see the sauce for myself.

81f3fd  No.4938679


>YES anons know the shills

And (You) are not Anon.

ThanQ for playin.



The bold 1 -post wonders speak volumes. Try harder shill


Sauce on not Mickey? Yeah- can't provide it cuz that's Hart.



5689c7  No.4938680


it cant get worse, anon.

1945f5  No.4938681


its his own fault for becoming useless

f50026  No.4938682


And you are stopping it by being a sarcastic asshole,right anon?

The purpose of this board is to tell people what is happening.

Your contribution is to whine and bitch that others aren't doing enough.

You must be a millennial pussy.

8b0da1  No.4938683

File: 1fa7484958fa27f⋯.jpeg (67 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 5E7A47AA-6F50-48B0-8B30-F….jpeg)

cc0074  No.4938684


Trump would have the border lined with artillery and choppers within hours.

5b449f  No.4938685

File: 17724e26b77d7cc⋯.png (612.61 KB, 781x955, 781:955, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

File: aa0255fb001758b⋯.png (464.78 KB, 897x974, 897:974, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

File: 5ce144c90173542⋯.png (1021.94 KB, 841x983, 841:983, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at ….png)

Spitball comin'…

So Eric Trump posts a cap of Trump Turnberry Lighthouse, at Trump Turnberry Scotland.

dug up a BEAM of LIGHT ref.

>The first light beamed across the water

2nd cap

The golf course went through ww1 and ww2

200 men died on the grounds during flight training in WW2, remants of the old runways still exist.

Have a Comfy Day, Anons!

bb562e  No.4938686

If you can get in a group it would be cool. Stay in groups of Three.

I think three is the special number here.

8a529a  No.4938687

File: b2f4bb39b70c2df⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 700x439, 700:439, b2f4bb39b70c2df78740a74eff….jpg)


I hope they don't just add kiddie blood to their wines for kicks.

of course that would be IMPOSSIBLE

db7565  No.4938688

File: 9d308c4f3e9541d⋯.png (349.52 KB, 1228x488, 307:122, schultzscared.PNG)

Blatant reverse psychology

f977e4  No.4938689

File: c86da1561d08fd9⋯.png (338.9 KB, 612x609, 204:203, ClipboardImage.png)

120f28  No.4938690

File: af941033f16f7fd⋯.jpeg (447.21 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, Media_enemyofthepeople.jpeg)

File: 6c11a43095f7259⋯.jpg (474.18 KB, 1080x1250, 108:125, cosmetologists are talking.jpg)

File: 28000a01aa75540⋯.png (279.35 KB, 448x372, 112:93, chemtrails CA.png)

File: e1fbc6763e82744⋯.jpg (390.71 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, transgender_mentaldisorder.jpg)

To all media addicts:

Gossiping on anti-social media is not speaking truth to power, sleeping gods! The only reaction you get from your verbal disorder is from like minded fools.

Try talking against the narrative dominating the Matrix and observe carefully how your life will be affected!

Oh and pretending to be passionately angry for righteous reasons is a total fail, now that everyone is waking up to the long con and those who are angry look exactly like they are: trying to deflect attention from their crime to anything else!

“Media addicts can’t handle the truth!”

“Media minions can’t handle the truth!”

Progressives call themselves adults?

A group of media addicts, who, when their media programmers were caught dead to rights in a deception over many months, passively accepted the explanation that it was Russians and Russian bots who did it, not their fellow Americans!

This cynically childish ploy has mind-locked millions of media minions yet so very few are willing to wake up and smell the gaslighting!

The continued residence of the regressives in the fantasy world created for them by their manipulators is all the evidence required to triage this as a severe psychotic break!

We, the awakening, the willing to face and learn reality people, must carry the sleepwalkers another mile, until they stand on their own without media support.


f977e4  No.4938691


Forgot sauce


a4d472  No.4938692


Added to #6304


Thanks. I'll finish this one. If you're still available when next bread is on, I'd appreciate a hand-off.

c7b78a  No.4938693

File: 8c8b32d2a7922fa⋯.jpg (139.92 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Pepe Blinding.jpg)

Comprehensive article on the entire FISA/Spygate story. Names names, dates, connections and all the stuff we've known for years. Dozens of documented criminal acts, dozens of perps, documented and sourced to a fare-thee-well.


Feds still refusing to release transcripts, memo's, FOIA's, testimony, IG report. House/Senate committees apparently powerless. Executive branch powerless to control Executive branch agencies.

Rogue branch of government under Mueller completely out of control, spending millions trying to nail someone, anyone, who has ever had a conversation with the President.

How long does this information have to be front and center to sink in? 75% of the normies get it. We'll never have 100% so why isn't there some movement on this?

Now, it looks like POTUS was pwned by Pelosi who we KNEW wasn't going to negotiate in good faith or allow the SOTU. Optics are going south fast. Comment sections and blogs are all civil war all the time now. The frustration is boiling over. Is that what Q wants?

b723be  No.4938694

File: 13961f72cc396e7⋯.jpeg (834.73 KB, 1242x1713, 414:571, ACD5332B-345D-4751-948C-D….jpeg)

File: a0fcb589263b243⋯.jpeg (628.91 KB, 1242x1610, 27:35, C1FB29BB-17C6-4871-A52D-3….jpeg)

File: 2601883967f5c04⋯.jpeg (763.01 KB, 1242x1760, 621:880, 21E71F94-8673-4291-9BFB-8….jpeg)


This is why their long term goal is to ABOLISH the Senate and go to a straight “majority” rule across the entire popolulation. This way they can easily buy or steal ALL future elections with just a few sanctuary cities.

6b15ce  No.4938695


Wow. Ugh. That is truly disgusting.

f50026  No.4938696


Sure. We will just slaughter the poor war refugees.

God damn you people are stupid.

What the fuck do you think the wall fight is about?

Exactly what I described.

If the wall is there,many won't bother making the journey.

e8f2ca  No.4938698


If Corsi goes to prison, that headline will be his epitaph.

22ebb3  No.4938699


I thought Maggie was being sued.

edb494  No.4938700


And your anger and uselessness, but superiority with knowledge must mean you're a bitter baby boomer, mad at the world for the shit YOUR GENERATION openly allowed.

Cocaine to Rogaine. But please, attack me moar because I think your superior observations are as useless as a tits post.

"The purpose of this board is to tell people what is happening".

You're not doing that. You're yet, another, muh opinion = fact asshole, pushing your personal ideas as 100% fact it's happening. Fuck off.

5c4429  No.4938701

File: d1ba9a790615958⋯.jpeg (44.28 KB, 304x280, 38:35, 8E203697-02B0-4FB5-8991-2….jpeg)


All I can say is fuggin kek…

81f3fd  No.4938702

File: ec957869d004c75⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, stoopid.jpg)


>BOLO for continued manson slide in todays breads.

Wow! Greenberg shills HATING this Pelosi/Manson connection!

Y'all glow!


[and bolo? Why? ya gonna tell yer mom?]

fdbc7f  No.4938703


Pro Lurking Tip…

If one were to consciously erase timelines from one's thinking, this movie gets more and more interdasting and easier to watch. The only time I ever feel "let down" is when I set my own timelines and/or expectations.

Once I stopped doing that, everything got better.

155f9d  No.4938704


Wish could read the book

30b2cb  No.4938705

File: 04dbfe8c1d2f9b3⋯.png (545.36 KB, 1130x696, 565:348, TIWWLL_1IFTHEYDONT.PNG)

File: 7219640b60e66a2⋯.png (533.8 KB, 1130x686, 565:343, TIWWLL_2THEIROWNGRANDMOTHE….PNG)



Don't forget the poor abused liddle boys, in Afghanistan & elsewhere.

Here's a choice quote from a POLICE CAPTAIN, on why he would let his men fuck boys

This Is What Winning Looks Like (Full Length)


This Is What Winning Looks Like (Full Length)


This Is What Winning Looks Like (Full Length)


f4d0b0  No.4938706

File: 8fd8f8ecb2b6a30⋯.png (55.6 KB, 358x862, 179:431, Q post wall means more.png)



That is why

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.


bb562e  No.4938707

Do everything in threes.

But things from a store in three. even if it is a very tiny thing. the amount you spend is NOT the importance. It is the meaning behind your will.

Carry things under your watches that you will infuse with energy for a couple days then drop them places. Secretly. Like in your friends cushions at their houses. BUT DO NO FUCKING BAD thoughts…only love health and shit like that.

Bad shit bounces back on you bad. LOok at how ugly the satanist look? It comes back.

d4f4eb  No.4938708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Warren-Gitmo 2020

084570  No.4938709


I would think, the Troops who were sent to the border would be building it already…and all this stalling and dog & Pony show is just a distraction…by the time the Dems, cave, the wall will be built already and they will have lost on everything on immigration and look like the fools they are.

6b15ce  No.4938710


"The “depression generation” were known for hard work and self-reliance. Their children – the boomers - were their spoiled children, who became the yuppies. They sought to live luxuriously, with a minimum of responsibility. The next generation – the millennials – have, so far, proven to be a generation that not only does not wish to take on responsibility, they are literally unable to do so."

This anon dismisses the lumping together of individuals into artificial & arbitrary groups called generations. Do I think millennials are a writeoff? Hell no, have seen too many outstanding minds. Some of them are here, and I doubt that they like being told that they are incapable of doing certain things. On the other hand, have also known boomers who started with nothing, worked like fiends their entire lives, and gave more than they took.

8a529a  No.4938711

File: 4b9279f7cd72ef2⋯.gif (437.39 KB, 288x203, 288:203, F04YzzT.gif)


happy birthday

edb494  No.4938712

File: 15a5bf261cb26f4⋯.jpg (21.18 KB, 736x414, 16:9, the-hole-736x414-154845742….jpg)

Scientists Drilled a Mile-Long Hole in the Antarctic Ice


eec33a  No.4938713

File: 8cfb969aaadf758⋯.jpeg (142.01 KB, 1113x1083, 371:361, 1554BB30-CB57-4823-8D5E-7….jpeg)

Good morning anons. Always darkest before the dawn. Got this before the dawn. I got this from my little brother on Saturday, he doesn’t follow Q but knows I do and periodically asks for updates.

5b449f  No.4938714


She dox'd sexual assault victims during her campaign and voted no on Kavanaugh confirmation.

081446  No.4938715


If it smelled like asshole maybe, but not fish, that ain't Barry's cup of tea

30b2cb  No.4938716


i mean, seriously.

take that in, a second…

a goddamn freaking POLICE CAPTAIN, on why he would let his men fuck boys:

"If they don't fuck the asses of those boys, what should they fuck? The pussies of their own grandmothers?"

such logic

so very deeply fucked

63c90a  No.4938717


Not surprised at all she is now part of the NoName club.

c76cbd  No.4938718

File: efb656050ddcd8e⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 154x255, 154:255, 9df0d6991434e31cfe47366dbb….jpg)

b723be  No.4938719

File: a5748424fe0f54e⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1833, 414:611, 2FAA71EB-1546-456F-8745-0….jpeg)

File: 01e18486c0f36ce⋯.jpeg (456.39 KB, 1242x933, 414:311, 656D6C80-A7A7-4C94-8676-4….jpeg)

File: 00b8b6bbd03b6e4⋯.jpeg (862.03 KB, 1242x1287, 138:143, A5F3B57D-F0AA-463E-AAB5-6….jpeg)

File: ebe368ee28ef757⋯.jpeg (866.99 KB, 1242x1211, 1242:1211, 037D0332-C192-43BE-9493-E….jpeg)


Btw, they are serious about this. Know activist for DRMs who argues for this all the time. It is the key to disenfranchising “white patriarchy” according to sjw thinking.

1e9403  No.4938720


Sure thing, I'll be here enjoying the bread. Thanks baker.

c6d4d6  No.4938722

File: 1256df88ecd0e2b⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Rick & Morty Israel easter….mp4)


must'a skipped a cuppa movies

8a529a  No.4938723


so you just confirmed that generation X does not exist.

<The next generation – the millennials


you people are such pricks

thats three of you now that have played this game

4d26c2  No.4938724

File: 21735c2e2c35316⋯.jpg (82.26 KB, 566x464, 283:232, wardrummer2.jpg)

File: 3da43f539b642f8⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 566x485, 566:485, wardrummer.jpg)


This is the spam Twitter account that spams these matrix and wardrummer posts. It's the JFK Jr larp JIDF. All bullshit, a cheesy little group that lives to fuck this place up.

cc1e55  No.4938725



But that's not a bad start!

H.B. anon, just avoid the shills.


cc0074  No.4938726


If this happens soon, the wall won't be built yet.

Obviously the wall is the correct long term solution. But IF you had tens of thousands of military aged males storming the border, which is the context from which I was speaking, it would easily be justified as an invasion and require the appropriate action.

What would be your short term solution genius?

5c4429  No.4938727


I think the meme plays on BHO simply enjoying sniffing any and all “cigars”…

Good point tho

edb494  No.4938728


Everyone feels superior to everyone else.

In reality. Everyone is an idiot.

bb562e  No.4938729

get a dog. everything is fractal in the universe.

Dog is below man and we are below something else.

As above as below.

The animals are closer to god than we are. Everything is inverted. The lower the matter the more power it has. Dogs have more soul force I think. They are spirit guides…take off their leashes. Say in your head. Let no car hit any animal…let no car hit any animal. Shamballa, shamballa, shamballa. Amen.

Repeat it if you want. But do it in threes.

081446  No.4938730


Hope springs eternal

63f68e  No.4938731

File: f327a88f12231e4⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, alien47e165b3ea58ca95f030b….jpg)

6b15ce  No.4938732

>>4938710 That's your problem, bud. I responded to what the article said.

f4d0b0  No.4938733

File: dc41742e4a7aa5e⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 480x640, 3:4, dc41742e4a7aa5e988c8119122….jpg)

File: dceeeda22520121⋯.png (1.02 MB, 736x802, 368:401, pepe birthday cake.png)

File: 6b4f94ea1b0f751⋯.png (332.79 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Q cake.png)

File: 17d0062f670a799⋯.png (594.39 KB, 948x428, 237:107, 01cfe65d1c006086a0928ab27e….png)


Happy Birthday Anon

96805d  No.4938734


Love it

edb494  No.4938735


luciferian spotted.

f50026  No.4938736


You are too stupid to argue with. Accuse me of being a boomer,and muh it's all boomers fault slide. Just like a millennial would do.

Blame others,offer no solutions, sit and fap in moms basement.

This country is fucked because of your hapless generation.

Your inability to comprehend current historical events, like the Syrian civil war,and subsequent mass migration to Europe, and a border wall fight,shows why low IQ people like you should have been aborted.

6bb4c2  No.4938737

File: 98a0c5c95de7a98⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 753x844, 753:844, 1.JPG)

File: 3b3780e67f20110⋯.jpg (121.93 KB, 652x909, 652:909, 3.JPG)

Russian fighter jet intercepts US reconnaissance plane over Baltic Sea



fd9168  No.4938738

Dear wonderful anons, Q, Q+ thank you. Been in since 11/2/17. The greatest assembly of individuals with a mission crucial to all the world.

My hubs anon has been sick since September and is now diagnosed with rapidly progressive dementia. The only question he got right in assessment was that Trump is the president. He loves our POTUS and this mission.

Pray that God is merciful and released him from this suffering. They say 3 to 4 months, but is is inordinately too much suffering for one of the most genius men I ever met.

Love to you all.

c76cbd  No.4938739

File: 63c66ba884ca40b⋯.png (8.64 KB, 234x255, 78:85, 63c66ba884ca40b3e245e657f4….png)


Hold on-

Your Mom wants to talk to you

"glork, glork, glork


now go back to juwing you nazi fuck,

you were much better at that

edb494  No.4938740


>muh generations slide.

615aef  No.4938741

File: 2013e6889856762⋯.jpg (27.31 KB, 565x392, 565:392, jo5663cfc6.jpg)


Sweet Dreams

8a529a  No.4938742

File: 27fbd738126f98a⋯.gif (2 MB, 520x413, 520:413, 0vTe9A5JIssXQn.gif)

File: 68209fa114193cb⋯.jpg (129.57 KB, 500x462, 250:231, Charlie-Baker-with-Bloombe….jpg)

File: 528c602bca84a48⋯.jpg (379.19 KB, 592x537, 592:537, IMssG_2159.jpg)

File: e29c5fa7203fe18⋯.png (1.51 MB, 910x2647, 910:2647, Screenshot_2018-11-04 Ohio….png)

File: 8cb0181e76e3895⋯.jpg (949.7 KB, 1129x2734, 1129:2734, Screenshot_2018-11-04 Woma….jpg)

deeedd  No.4938743


Praying for you and yours anon. Godspeed

5ec8aa  No.4938744

File: e44fd0b5f07f888⋯.png (521.2 KB, 781x955, 781:955, 17724e26b77d7cc67e2b0a6608….png)


Great seat to watch the water from…

6b15ce  No.4938746

>>4938723 Got low self esteem do you? I responded to what the author said, which did not mention X.

d30b8c  No.4938747

File: 61af3eb4c771e25⋯.png (339.74 KB, 587x355, 587:355, HJlHnzn.png)

632bbc  No.4938748

File: 8ec5f9e19085f3a⋯.png (312.41 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190128-070846.png)

>Hillary Clinton's name etched in stone in Illinois.

The Chicago suburb of Park Ridge has etched in stone a reminder that it is the hometown of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Park Ridge Herald-Advocate reports that the Heritage Committee has announced the completion of its Milestones of History project at Hodges Park with the addition of a block that spells out Clinton's 2016 run for president.

The inscription on the granite stone identifies Clinton as a United States senator, secretary of state, first lady and a 1965 graduate of Maine South High School.

The stone is the last of 34 stones inscribed with historic events dating back to 1832 and historic figures with ties to the Park Ridge area that surround the park's Campfire Girls Fountain.

>Source: https://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article225161815.html

db371d  No.4938749

File: 9f9aee59f7d9667⋯.png (20.52 KB, 1295x205, 259:41, 012819 Market snap.PNG)

File: b49d6410d264925⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 250x223, 250:223, Toots again.gif)

edb494  No.4938750


What have you offered for solutions? All I see you doing is divisionfagging age groups

084570  No.4938751

File: bc610b7192e04b4⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe birthday.jpg)


Let Them Eat cake

30b2cb  No.4938752


> the lumping together of individuals into artificial & arbitrary groups called generations


that might hold for normies & idiots & NPCs

but autists know better.

we've been misfits all our lives

first-hand experience of not fitting the stupid modell

470ef0  No.4938753

File: 77a2fcdf45ef6f8⋯.png (765.17 KB, 745x428, 745:428, Capture.PNG)

Bill Gates saving the world from people one virus at a time

Unknown virus claims 64 lives in Indore, India

The virus has identical symptoms of swine flu

Dubia: An unknown virus has claimed 64 lives in and around the Indian city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh.

As reported by the Indian newspaper, Times of India, the virus has symptoms identical to swine flu.

According to the report, Dr Amit Malakar, Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) nodal officer from the Indian National Centre for Disease Control, said: “There is a common nature of virus found in the samples of these 64 patients. In most cases, it was found that the patient was suffering from cold and cough. The virus attacks the immune system and leads to death.”


5c4429  No.4938754

File: 903807a218cec54⋯.jpeg (554.26 KB, 972x996, 81:83, E47D1290-EDCB-4A82-AEFA-E….jpeg)

61caa5  No.4938755

File: 3995006c724b562⋯.png (67.94 KB, 722x702, 361:351, joepIII.PNG)


Special Agent Joe Pientka III

Honorary Medals Ceremony FBI Headquarters

Washington, D.C.

March 27, 2009

81f3fd  No.4938756

File: fbc7034cc4ae28b⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 320x239, 320:239, gberg N B.jpg)

File: 8e8ecdacef6d117⋯.jpg (242.5 KB, 1200x1008, 25:21, GbergAll.jpg)

File: f9be95063e42c50⋯.png (219.79 KB, 474x284, 237:142, GbergP A.png)


>Keep 'em comin' Anon!

You bet Anon!

Of all the thugs- I despise these pieces of crap the most.

Truly the lowest of life forms.

They are here and they are tagging posts in attempts to control the narrative- and they will fail, again.


c7b78a  No.4938757

File: fd205145b074326⋯.jpg (746.01 KB, 1200x1193, 1200:1193, Map Red vs Blue.jpg)


>Continuing to dig this border wall/voter data.

3,084 Counties won by DJT

57 Counties won by HRC.

Do this for the midterms and it won't be much different.


bb562e  No.4938758

Get back to cash society.

take what every cash you have in your pocket and come back that home with none. Depend it will come back to you.

watch and be amazed. It is the truth from god.

When you get a blessing. keep 1/3 give 1/3 to family and give 1/3 to strangers with no desire for them to know who gave it.

Shamballa, shamballa, shamballa. Amen.

You can do this in multiples of 3.

dont worry if you forget what number count you get on. IT IS THE SPIRIT NOT THE DETAIL

The JEws fucked everything up.

089ab9  No.4938759

File: 775132a1fcdd917⋯.jpg (227.35 KB, 516x583, 516:583, Screen Shot 01-28-19 at 03….JPG)

File: 1aeb43fac61f682⋯.jpg (210.92 KB, 1052x416, 263:104, Screen Shot 01-28-19 at 03….JPG)

File: 7b2bc9ad098f7da⋯.jpg (244.68 KB, 516x583, 516:583, Screen Shot 01-28-19 at 03….JPG)

Todays Venezuela News Updates.




b137c8  No.4938760

File: 33283703e107bf4⋯.jpeg (943.96 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, E7100861-2312-4993-9669-E….jpeg)

File: bc6e2924363ec79⋯.jpeg (829.87 KB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, E3785914-0FDF-4D9E-90C3-2….jpeg)

File: 1c455dcf61e39b8⋯.jpeg (935.46 KB, 1242x1255, 1242:1255, 198D5E8F-8A4E-44AE-826A-0….jpeg)


Rep. Anne Eshoo pushed for fully vaccinated (required) children in all schools in 2015. In 2017-2018, nearly 40% of her campaign contributions came from big pharma and healthcare research. Just a few weeks ago, 1/2019, she introduced a 260 page bill that “modernizes” the national infrastructure in CASE there is a mass pandemic. A few days later, her BFF, Washington state governon Jay Inslee declares 30 cases of measles a National Emergency. The bill, pushed by Eshoo is dense, but if you can muscle through it, you realize it standardizes the treatment of pandemics by pushing legislation to public/private hospitals, forces specific “healthcare research vetted” regiments (her donors…), and even alludes to penalties for individuals who do not comply with these regiments due to National Security risks. Seriously, if interpreted radically, you could be “aiding bioterrorism” by failing to comply with medical mandates (e.g. vaccines..) in the case of a health pandemic EMERGENCY being called. COINCIDENCE? Also, homegirl sits on the AUTISM AWARENESS COMMITTEE, as well as, ALL MEDICAL RESEARCH committees. Conflict of interest? Convenient?

55967f  No.4938761


I remember watching this 2 years ago , wasn't over the Seth Rich murder and she talking about the phone or PC i think?

6b15ce  No.4938762

File: 5d3934a99dc9a7b⋯.png (833.57 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Birthday.png)


Don't dox yourself by revealing identifying personal info, anon. Now you have just filtered yourself down to 0.274% of the population and the deep state couldn't be happier.

Happy fucking birthday & many happy returns, fren. Be careful!

22ebb3  No.4938763

File: 43b5da26a0453c3⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 490x600, 49:60, ben.jpg)

99d0dc  No.4938764

File: b8582f390684ca7⋯.png (96.48 KB, 483x568, 483:568, 2019-01-28_10-09-23.png)

File: 9e4e397133b402f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1114x740, 557:370, 2019-01-28_10-08-40.png)


Not talking your average ice fishing hole here…

7774b8  No.4938765

Mornin frens

Kek at the Trump Schultz tweet

Obviously Trump is playing on Schultz ego to dare him to run third party as it would likely pull votes from whatever con artist the Democrats nominate

cc1e55  No.4938766

f50026  No.4938767


Build a wall. There must be a deterrent now,to stem the incentive to come. Write laws prohibiting welfare to illegals. There are many things to try,but none will be done.

Basically , the best option is to try and quickly stabilize Venezuela. Remove Maduro, setup a puppet government. Get shit in order there,so they dont come here. Send food so they stay. Anything. But make it happen there.

7d057b  No.4938768


are these glasses

a representation of

discernment through the Spirit.

470ef0  No.4938769


>Repeat it if you want. But do it in threes.

Now click your heels three times and say there's no place like home

8e463c  No.4938770

File: 0f15810469874fa⋯.png (758.94 KB, 1082x552, 541:276, 1548688565787.png)

261579  No.4938771

File: e9bbe4513e283a3⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, e9bbe4513e283a34ace46fcd64….jpg)

File: cd8f677c30406b1⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_nqnz29A4Mz1rggl92o1….jpg)

81f3fd  No.4938772

File: 87c378e5e489ac1⋯.jpg (246.46 KB, 600x571, 600:571, brock_.jpg)


jeezus, shill. Your words just scream traitor- not one of us. If you didn't know, here to point out that you are an utter failure. Brock is over-paying.

5c4429  No.4938773

File: 0a8bfdaefc0e1b6⋯.jpeg (67.79 KB, 640x726, 320:363, F5830F55-4698-4FC8-AC01-6….jpeg)


Heppy Birfday anon.

5748be  No.4938774

Van Jones: John Lewis, Sheila Jackson Lee Opposed Criminal Justice Reform Because ‘They Just Didn’t Want Trump To Have A Victory’


f50026  No.4938775


Whats your idea?

Nothing, as usual.

Just keep shitposting dicknipple

cc0074  No.4938776


Oh boy, that's not gonna age well.

That's about as good an idea of getting a tattoo of your girlfriend's name on your neck after dating for 3 weeks.

7d057b  No.4938777


>no place like home


no retreat

5b449f  No.4938778

File: 770e056d23af0d0⋯.png (480.6 KB, 619x515, 619:515, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….png)

db371d  No.4938779

File: 8d6a6d492969a39⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 707x717, 707:717, 012819data release backlog.jpg)

Brace For A Barrage Of Delayed Economic Data

Update: THE Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is part of Commerce Dept., “is consulting with the U.S. Census Bureau and other data suppliers to determine the availability of data used to produce our economic indicators,” according to an emailed statement.

"We will then work with the Office of Management and Budget to publish a revised schedule of BEA’s economic releases” the BEA said adding that "until we know more about when source data will be available, we cannot say anything definitive about release dates for specific economic indicators”

* * *

Now that the government is finally reopened after a more than monthlong closure (even if it will most likely be closed again in 3 weeks), the most tangible effect for markets will be the delayed publication of dozens of economic reports that were not distributed by the government from late December until last Friday.

And while we will eventually receive the delayed data, Morgan Stanley notes that it will take some time after the government reopens because of information-gathering backlogs. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and Census Bureau should post updated release schedules once the government reopens, but the data calendar is likely to remain very clunky over the next couple of months as a result. For example, after the 2013 shutdown, there were many occasions where we were getting two months’ worth of data at the same time on the same day. The 2013 shutdown was resolved in October, but the data calendar was impacted all the way through December. This is likely to make the GDP tracking estimates look like a heart monitor for some time.

As MS adds, data points that had been scheduled to go out at the end of December will likely be released soon, as the data should have been mostly collected prior to the start of the shutdown. However, data points that were scheduled for release some time in January covering the month of December may be delayed for a longer period, as the government agencies were closed during the usual collection period.

Upcoming data releases will likely also be delayed because the agencies will need time to collect and process the data. That includes the BEA's 4Q GDP and December personal income and spending report originally scheduled to go out next week.

So while timing remains uncertain with respect to the backlog, the table below from Deutsche Bank lists all of the economic indicators (and forecasts) that have been delayed in sequential order. The indicators in the bottom panel of the table were originally scheduled for this week.


081446  No.4938780


We don't need more laws. We need to enforce the laws currently on the books.

6b15ce  No.4938781

File: 773b3641a9beb7b⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 530x319, 530:319, BillGatesFuckery.jpg)

File: e192d7b69e77462⋯.jpg (10.97 KB, 230x219, 230:219, GatesKillYou.jpg)

File: 542cd420f6cd772⋯.jpg (162.7 KB, 1024x518, 512:259, gatesInjections.jpg)

File: b0bf137bb458386⋯.jpg (119.07 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Bill Gates vaccinations.jpg)

File: ed30b71396a6906⋯.jpg (363.03 KB, 1402x1404, 701:702, Vaccinebill_and_melinda_ga….jpg)

026b24  No.4938782

File: 88d38bc6c7fb5be⋯.jpg (375.62 KB, 800x600, 4:3, RBG16.jpg)

Since we have been looking back a year for shutdown proofs, decided to look back a year on [RBG].

For your consideration:

fdbc7f  No.4938783





Ohio State/Michigan

West Siders/East Siders


Day Shift/Night Shift




Nietzsche was right when he said that "most people go through life trying to avoid any real thoughts.

If you are stuck making "either/or" decisions about people, events, opportunities, etc. You are guilty of lazy thinking!

Avoid this trap with all your mental might.

Rant over.

50617a  No.4938784


<Campfire Girls Fountain

>Camp Fire Girls Fountain



bb562e  No.4938785



But it is meant to be funny. Life is a joke. Life began from a almost seamless flat plane. but there was one small bump or disruption. It felt the wave of the struggle between nothing and something. There can never be nothing because nothing is in fact something in itself. This struggle creates a polar effect. Everything has poles. So the wave form touches the inperfection and rubs it. it did it over and over and over .

In music what happens when you hit something over and over and over? the frequency goes higher and higher and higher. Intelligence is just being on a higher frequency. So when the imperfection got stimulated enough it grew hot and uncomfortable…..It also grew more intelligent.

And there is life.

Sorry if you have any other theories. they are wrong.

55967f  No.4938786

File: dc6f51b244088b7⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 2048x1428, 512:357, putin12.jpg)


Grow a brain cell

47fd8d  No.4938787

File: 9f46d88c9028444⋯.jpeg (5.21 KB, 184x275, 184:275, images (10).jpeg)

2e4a41  No.4938788


I've come to the conclusion (no sauce gut feeling) FISA declass, IG report et al will not be released until the Mueller report is. It either is going to back Mueller up (ie grey hat with a deal) or destroy him and his demonrats with the truth in their own words..

63f68e  No.4938789

File: db0d75c6b89fb4e⋯.jpg (32.62 KB, 600x428, 150:107, bgetlejuice-beetlejuice-be….jpg)

99d0dc  No.4938790

File: 56288c71fb56561⋯.png (658.65 KB, 862x940, 431:470, 2019-01-28_10-15-57.png)

File: 8eedb31256e7e87⋯.png (495.45 KB, 835x578, 835:578, 2019-01-28_10-16-44.png)

8a529a  No.4938791


no you are a lying prick

<The next generation – the millennials


your word


4dc0e8  No.4938792


can you repost the picture and circle the one who is supposed to be Hart?

didn't think so

f50026  No.4938793


Agreed, but wiping those laws and replacing them with solid no debatable laws would at least be moar of a deterrent. Preaching to the choir however. Nothing will be done.

a1da62  No.4938794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't stop believing, anons

47fd8d  No.4938795

b723be  No.4938796


But Blue (actually the original Commie/Nazi red and black) controlled NK, Albania, Syria, rogue nukes and Washington DC. That was why they thought they could win.

f4d186  No.4938797

File: 33dae9848462f45⋯.png (10.64 KB, 473x500, 473:500, Scottish Pepe.png)


Not too far from where i am.

bb562e  No.4938799


Yes exactly. The Jew changed the silver slippers to red. Red like the Jew walking in the blood of humanity.

That was the spin.

Gold and silver.

and if your sick but not going to have blood problems take serrapeptase.

5b449f  No.4938800


Another dichotomy: winners and losers.

Right now, the MSM shows shadow pictures of Patriots as losers, when we are really WINNING!

74f8e0  No.4938801


Its not the laws its the current court practice, interpretation and precedents.

1bd8fc  No.4938802

>>4937177 (lb)

6 Senators “stabbed Trump in the back”

It is important to note that these Senators voted “Yes” to BOTH Bills. So it’s nit like they said Yes to the Ds and No to the Rs.

They have constituents to answer to - a possible reason for voting Yes to any means to open the government.

Lee and Cotton are more concerning, imo. They voted NO to both Bills - meaning they wouldn’t reopen the government either way.

8a529a  No.4938803

File: e12b53340a4e9c7⋯.jpg (26.23 KB, 474x263, 474:263, zzzzth.jpg)

30b2cb  No.4938804


> here and they are tagging posts in attempts to control the narrative



596c1c  No.4938805

File: b18bdb5095b094b⋯.png (243.54 KB, 583x304, 583:304, ClipboardImage.png)

look who's on Fox Biz

edb494  No.4938806

The Plan

Go to 4chan. Make drops that don't happen. Make them loud so it grabs attention.

Now, because this plan is in the making for years, go to different boards on 4chan, then leave 4chan and go to 8chan. All part of the plan. Also change your trip and reveal your password a few times.

When questioned, disappear for a few days or weeks, return bringing new digs and not acknowledging anything from the past. Disinfo is necessary for failed predictions.

Early drops make mistakes "watch the news outlets" later "news outlets can't be trusted" why tell us to watch them then? Past drop Q states as singular instead of group. Another slip up?

Truth to ruin your mental state, lack of action to break you down. Ultimate way to disassemble a movement. Gain your trust, votes and money. Sign up to Trumps text messages? Give us money! We need money! Give us money to make you money. Give us money as you claim gold standard coming, so that money is useless give it over to our campaign. 2020, mirror, all will be well, just wait.

No wall, farmers still losing land to china, Comey still posting tweets, shutdown cave in, msm still creating false accusations, obama still sucking random cock, soros investing and ruining, rothschilds central banking,

BUT, Q and POTUS posted a 5 minute delta, that is proof that nothing in reality has taken place. Look out!

7d057b  No.4938807


when TRUE

economic data

becomes a matter of

National Security

5c4429  No.4938808


So if I say shambala three times can I get to be a cool kid like you.



2a362f  No.4938809

File: 42da7f11ae11ad4⋯.jpg (140.24 KB, 483x1600, 483:1600, cc6.jpg)

File: efc57ae329ef757⋯.jpg (122.38 KB, 680x1253, 680:1253, 292.jpg)

File: c1b9c4d2259fd8f⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 680x587, 680:587, ee6.jpg)

File: f8393dbc18c353f⋯.jpg (54.31 KB, 640x476, 160:119, 53c.jpg)

Friendly Reminder

>>4926157 (PB)

>>4926176 (PB)

>>4926137 (PB)

and don't bite the bite shill who bite the bait shill post

stay focus

>Little Bonus from the GamerGate war

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w –→ #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics

• https://8ch.net/gamergatehq/catalog.html –→ Deep inside look on how SJW//MSM/Yellow Journos work

• https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/gamergate/photos '–→ Huge Gamergate image archive

b14f27  No.4938810

File: 5d00379a0084f63⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 632x632, 1:1, FREEDOM.jpg)

7774b8  No.4938811

Domocrats owned the shutdown not Trump.

Since Democrats refuse to fund border security, they also are to blame for any bad thing that happens because of open borders.

But they don’t care because they are evil.

dc1699  No.4938812

File: 35b9c1cc77b26eb⋯.png (77.74 KB, 956x412, 239:103, ClipboardImage.png)



Huh didn't see that coming

50617a  No.4938813


They make us appear weak BECAUSE they know we are strong.

eb5882  No.4938814



cc0074  No.4938815


"The year is 2089. Man has fully colonized mars and human sicknesses have been fully eliminated. Trump has been dead for decades, after dying of natural causes peacefully in his sleep.

After being handed off to several new investigators over many decades, the Mueller investigation is finally concluded.

No collusion."

a7f013  No.4938816

File: 7e512e29ac47b31⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 1190248dced9439⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1190248dced94399470a417d33….jpg)

…Odd amount of disease outbreaks. I'll blindly assume biological warfare.

63f68e  No.4938817

File: 2dbeb0b6c427505⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 584x558, 292:279, mindbodyioash.jpg)

f977e4  No.4938818

File: 5db8e860a2b3965⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 367x354, 367:354, SilversteinPullIt.JPG)

File: 99a8e7d363d9714⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 472x314, 236:157, SilversteinJustLikeThat.JPG)

081446  No.4938819


Patriots need to always think of the federal government as shrinking and your personal rights increasing, an inverse relationship.

When you give up rights for security you will have neither. 911 proves that to me.

bb562e  No.4938820

Tonight lets do addiction at ten pm eastern standard time.

Tomorrow lets go right at Davos, London and Tel Aviv.

Colloidal Gold, Colloidal Silver and get a gold item on your left arm and a silver on the right.

And feel the electric tingles. When you do something good and right you will get little jolts.

Try it and be amazed.

6b0187  No.4938821


and it's real too

2ff363  No.4938822


Howard Schultz

Can we find his connections like the wine dig?

Political donations?

Organizations involved in?

Seems the don is trolling about something he knows:


8a529a  No.4938823

File: f0f8519ee420e07⋯.png (188.67 KB, 668x467, 668:467, Screenshot_2019-01-25 Laur….png)

File: f9e5eee3b2cf53d⋯.png (362.24 KB, 652x687, 652:687, 42a92a389036564806ce766b63….png)

File: 1c39520a33ce8b8⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 887x470, 887:470, tribemsnbc-1518452659.png.jpg)

7baa9d  No.4938824

File: 9667a6d8d5f0658⋯.png (252.19 KB, 535x432, 535:432, ClipboardImage.png)



7774b8  No.4938825


I used to live by a lake in a cabin looked like that in fall. No eagles though. Very beautiful picture fren

now go

(((reread all previous breads)))

db371d  No.4938826


that's been a huge problem. Don't like the results just change how it's calculated.

Did it with treasury auctions to obfuscate who was buying what and when. 2006 I think.

81f3fd  No.4938827

File: 625ed58f963bf61⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 293x203, 293:203, Gberg soto.jpg)

File: 3959055897c2a14⋯.jpg (88.71 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Gberg kids.jpg)


>Grow a brain cell

Get a persona. A real one. One you don't have to fake.

That's right- you're soulless, so you have no choice but to live vicariously thru multiple identities that aren't yours. Must suck knowing life us fabulous for those of us that have a soul. So sad for you. KEK!


f4d0b0  No.4938828

File: 54aaf3afcb65519⋯.jpg (145.01 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Make Scotland Great Again ….jpg)

7d057b  No.4938829




eb5882  No.4938830


That is a magnetic bracelet it’s supposed to help do something physically

04bb41  No.4938831



Winning will be getting Hispanics to support the President. Children brought here and raised as Americans who haven’t committed any serious crimes absolutely should be citizens. Their parents however should be deported. Kek

470ef0  No.4938832

File: f5ad2e3a64aedd0⋯.png (93.26 KB, 621x584, 621:584, Capture.PNG)


Seems you don't understand the real world .and the world if full of choices .

Vaccines linked to mental disorders by Yale study

A recent Yale study has called into question the safety of vaccines and could lend fuel to anti-vaccine advocates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has already written a piece covering the study on the news site EcoWatch.

The study, published last month in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, reports that patients diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia nervosa were more likely to have received vaccinations three months prior to their diagnoses. Though the collaboration between researchers at Pennsylvania State University and the Yale Child Study Center yielded results that seem to dispute the safety of vaccines, the authors asserted that the study needs replication on a larger scale and does not establish a causal relationship between vaccines and neuropsychiatric disorders.

“There’s a fair amount of interest in the vaccine safety question, so let’s try to be critical and do further studies that will help examine this issue in a more thorough way,” said James Leckman, professor of pediatrics and one of the study’s five authors.


084570  No.4938833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daily reminder for anons

We're winning

1be186  No.4938834

File: 0f1694fe409424d⋯.jpeg (559.64 KB, 802x1029, 802:1029, D61F6F78-74D1-467B-AD76-0….jpeg)

1bd8fc  No.4938835


Cernovich is a narcissistic attention whore. He’ll try by any means necessary. Ignore him and he will go away.

a12629  No.4938836

Symbolism will be their downfall.


If you haven't seen this video its time, grab some popcorn and get cozy….

David Icke - Saturn Isn't What You Think It Is Either

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKS2e3-z2js

2ff363  No.4938837


He's on the list of recent CEOs to step down.

Running to protect himself?

How does he connect to the major power players?

76f774  No.4938838

File: 867378983e549c1⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2371x2660, 2371:2660, saganhive.jpg)

99d0dc  No.4938839

File: 551bc215ecaa4d3⋯.png (231.12 KB, 550x1036, 275:518, 2019-01-28_10-22-14.png)


Was Microsoft and Microsoft Windows a CIA op?

81f3fd  No.4938840

File: 41dd7be70b4748e⋯.png (385.42 KB, 400x560, 5:7, HBDcake.png)


HBD Anon! Many moar!

81f5fb  No.4938841

File: 40d8898d150856d⋯.png (335.27 KB, 612x609, 204:203, ClipboardImage.png)






Sorry Q it is also time to expose the McNoName Institute for what it really is.

There is no protecting the the people from these animals.

Truth on Traitor John McCain to Remain Buried for Stability of USA




30 Aug 2018 - 11:10:40 AM


30 Aug 2018 - 11:08:17 AM


It sure would be nice to see the truth come out on McStain.

I know you can't say anything on the board, BUT he and WE THE PEOPLE do not deserve the BULLSHIT soap opera regarding the clown.


To preserve the Republic-

(Some) things must remain BURIED.



You gave these clowns a inch and they took a mile.

Now is time they felt the pain.

50617a  No.4938842


>David Icke


Fuck off.

55638c  No.4938843

Could someone make downloadable decks of cards with the pictures of cabal people on the back?

One deck for Senate, several for House, one for Judges, one or several for media, etc.

f50026  No.4938844



How do you stop an invasion of unarmed war refugees?

Kill them? Have the military stand at the border but be helpless in stopping wave after wave of humanity?

A fucking barrier helps deter people. No incentive to get freebies also helps.

But i sense defeatism on here now,and that's pretty damn sad.

Q came to the wrong source for help.

Anons are cucked just like normies.

f4d186  No.4938845



7d057b  No.4938846


>Winning will be getting Hispanics to support the President.


What Battle are you fighting?

4d26c2  No.4938847

File: adea0fc9c1e3459⋯.jpg (134.1 KB, 742x960, 371:480, wut3.jpg)


Don't forget to post a redhead.

22ebb3  No.4938848


I had a doctor's appointment that day.

Just lucky I guess.

d46a66  No.4938849

File: 5f1c26ef06c7ea7⋯.png (97.59 KB, 359x239, 359:239, ClipboardImage.png)


The President's Hit List

faa5fd  No.4938850

File: 83b26ed4026f794⋯.jpg (22.88 KB, 583x199, 583:199, Dx-Fz5ZVYAAe21D.jpg)

File: ee4f3f2e7fc7b75⋯.jpg (110.9 KB, 713x1200, 713:1200, Dx9UZa_U0AAlCLS.jpg)

File: 4ab188f3259a2a2⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 514x467, 514:467, DxuLPEcU0AAAxvD.jpg)

f977e4  No.4938851



Do I have to spell it out for you anons.

Kushner is the leaker

8a529a  No.4938852

File: f290452e213cb5d⋯.png (754.65 KB, 1177x1177, 1:1, ben-shapiro-square-1024x10….png)


The Zionists are trying to provoke their Christian stooges to back them as usual.

d46a66  No.4938853


Fusion GPS is run by a former Wall Street Journal reporter, Glenn Simpson, who wouldn't say who is paying him for this high-minded slumming but said in an email that Mr. VanderSloot was a "legitimate" target because of "his record on gay issues."

If Mr. Simpson and Democrats really favor disclosure, then surely Mr. Simpson should disclose who is paying him to rummage through the personal lives of opposition donors. Someone should also ask the White House, the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee if Mr. Simpson's chop shop is on their payroll and if they approve of such tactics. Does Mr. Obama think the lifestyles and divorce records of campaign donors should be fair political game?

cc1e55  No.4938854


Or the jungles of New Guinea?

How about the Andaman Islands?

5f8f8a  No.4938855

Anons, where can I get reports on Beto's funding sources in California?

bb562e  No.4938856


We are all fractals of the same first being. All of us. We are all one but different. Really amazing how it works.

When you do something shitty to someone it really is you. So it is insane what you are doing in reality.

Try the trick with money. Leave your house with like 33 dollars. Do everything in threes.

Buy things in different places. Small things. And say blessings for the people around you secretly. Quietly. Dont make a big deal. Thats a fame fag.

And if you want to help me. Pray for me but dont pray for anything silly. Pray that I keep my pride in check.

Pride is going to be the biggest danger here.

Because walking with your eyes closed in traffick is fucking a huge rush.

Shamballa shamballa shamballa amen.

Ten pm eastern standard. Doing addictions.

Taking it away. NO MORE ADDICTION



7d057b  No.4938857


No Bladder control?

b723be  No.4938858


Free the schools. That’s the next step for long term culture restoration.

db371d  No.4938859

File: 71660a4afd375f4⋯.png (56.22 KB, 718x599, 718:599, 012819 US Crude WTI.PNG)

File: 471a25456b22f1b⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 650x418, 325:209, Goldfinger drink.jpg)

Live Gold Price

MARKET IS OPEN (Will close in 6 hrs. 38 mins.)

Jan 28, 2019 10:23 NY Time



High: 1,304.80Low: 1,296.90

-1.00 -0.08%

Live Silver Price

MARKET IS OPEN (Will close in 6 hrs. 37 mins.)

Jan 28, 2019 10:24 NY Time



High: 15.89Low: 15.54

-0.05 -0.35%

Gold getting to the top of month long resistance. Silver has a bit moar to go. Watch it.

Oil doing the two step with equity's

fdbc7f  No.4938860


Proof RBG is alive!

Why is she commenting on a business show?

7774b8  No.4938861


He’s a Judas goat

1e9403  No.4938863

File: 419cb6565531410⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepebirthdayboy.jpg)


Happy birthday anon.

084570  No.4938865


Makes sense. Kind of a DUH moment to think about it.

I always found hacker stories to be kind of nonsensical. "Why would some idiot want to hack this or that"

Now Clowns or cabal shills I could easily see moreso than some kid in a basement

Also plays into Hegelian dialectic

"we need moar security and surveillance"

Protect our criminal banks

Anons must not be allowed to encrypt

I was not aware linux couldn't be hacked…is that true?

e4a2fb  No.4938866


Blah blah blah. What about the wall? Caved like a bitch on that one! Pelosi bent you over and fucked you up the butt with a purple strap on.

ce4781  No.4938867

https://www.baxterbulletin.com/story/news/2019/01/27/duke-professor-chinese-students-speak-english/2695921002/?fbclid=IwAR3vqzN2pyXtgSnu6L95x0_Ppsb6L0V08w2wtBhC0T90BxHmZpOfVhMGDwE - Duke professor sparks online outrage after telling Chinese students to only speak English

81f3fd  No.4938868

File: 4f5ccbfd04b65bc⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 517x299, 517:299, GB MAURass.jpg)

File: e96d1c9e108a44b⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gberg bb.jpg)



KEK! No- that's your job, asswipe. Get yur head out your ass. Brock clearly has retraining to do since you're confused about that.

And (You) LOOD bad all on your own.

2a362f  No.4938869

File: 13505f9e97fccb8⋯.jpg (706.61 KB, 1840x4672, 115:292, 135.jpg)


well, bill gates has some really dirty shit in his basemant.

you asked, here it comes, common core funded by buill gates


I know, it's a lot to read

If you only knew how bad things really are

7d057b  No.4938870



6bb4c2  No.4938871

File: d0dbe7692f4656b⋯.jpg (157.1 KB, 970x941, 970:941, 1.JPG)

File: 23d472268da0359⋯.jpg (142.32 KB, 665x907, 665:907, 3.JPG)

File: 065db9b46e7735b⋯.jpg (31.18 KB, 666x206, 333:103, 4.JPG)

Regulators raid Abbott Korea over rebate allegations


5ec8aa  No.4938872


And just like that… drudge credibility and ability to try and counter trump is gone… kek

Believing more and more that all their social accounts have a new owner…

Retractions or admittance to a hack or compromise leads to questions and concessions that trump is winning…

They have no choice but to bend over and take it dry

084570  No.4938873


how do you know red castle is not building it right now?

2e4a41  No.4938874


let us hope that they will not "massage" the numbers to make it look like those gov't jobs are more important than they are

8a529a  No.4938875

File: 37b251ae9ed8b78⋯.jpeg (3.8 MB, 4096x4044, 1024:1011, 37b251ae9ed8b787f58064b77….jpeg)



Now someone rig a back hoe and get him in it.

All hands on deck. We need to re-build.

081446  No.4938876


I don't know how you read that into my comment, but you are way off base. How did you even make the leap to no border wall and a defeatist attitude?

Please don't work out your frustrations on a fellow patriot. They want us divided. If you press this issue I will assume you are a shill or bot and ignore.

30b2cb  No.4938877


>I was not aware linux couldn't be hacked…is that true?


likely harder than Windoews, but i can't believe for a sec there wouldn't be redundancies for full-on surveillance

c7b78a  No.4938878

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Controlling the narrative.jpg)


> Where's a list of evil politician targets?

Start here:

50617a  No.4938879



1bd8fc  No.4938880


Go code? (“On”)

80a5a7  No.4938881

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



289859  No.4938882


Baker -how about a bread for' Abandoned Anons

Left to Our Own Devices'!

db371d  No.4938883

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

dc1699  No.4938884


Probably be surprised how fast Corps of Engineers can build something

Supply will be the bottleneck imo

80a5a7  No.4938885

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

63f68e  No.4938886

File: cb87e381e1c4dbb⋯.jpg (70.33 KB, 960x463, 960:463, mind67b18a07c61c7aaed3e20e….jpg)

eb5882  No.4938887

Sure looks like there’s going to be a giant shit storm hitting today

80a5a7  No.4938888

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

4bb8e2  No.4938889


>Gold getting to the top of month long resistance. Silver has a bit moar to go. Watch it.

Still attempting to use technicals in a rigged market? Brilliant idea, newfag

081446  No.4938890

Like Pol pot?>>4938858

80a5a7  No.4938891

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

c7b78a  No.4938892

File: 0a773528e83f4a0⋯.png (639.31 KB, 683x760, 683:760, 0c57ee1f3e98508bcfa493b560….png)


>Can I get a birthday present.

99d0dc  No.4938893

File: 5ed70bfb2d7ca75⋯.png (151.98 KB, 368x437, 16:19, 2019-01-27_18-01-11.png)

7d057b  No.4938894


Luke 10:27 New International Version (NIV)

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

cc0074  No.4938895


Get out of here with your hippy occult bullshit.

470ef0  No.4938896

File: 8b4081cd085515d⋯.png (453.01 KB, 632x457, 632:457, Capture.PNG)

Remember these are their polls so we know to add at least 25% to Trumps favorably rating

Poll: Trump Support Remained Unchanged During Government Shutdown

“Mr. Trump’s approval rating was at 43% in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, with 54% disapproving of his job performance,” the Wall Street Journal’s Michael Bender wrote. “That was the same mark as in a December survey taken 10 days before the start of the shutdown. The latest survey was conducted over a four-day period that ended Jan. 23, two days before Mr. Trump backed off his demand for border wall funding in what was widely viewed as a victory for congressional Democrats.”

Trump had been coasting through the shutdown, at least until Friday, with hardly any political repercussions. But Republicans on Capitol Hill, perturbed by reports of airport delays due to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) workers slow-walking flights as the shutdown dragged on since before Christmas, pressured Trump to take a deal that ended it at least for now.


084570  No.4938897

File: 84b9c015aa41dca⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 474x355, 474:355, larry renew.jpg)

b0fcf8  No.4938898


We need an updated list on all Congress/Senators that have Dual Citizenship with Israel… problem is… we only have the old list. No idea how to confirm a new list. We know Feinstein has dual citizenship and is bought/paid for by China (and Israel)…

74f8e0  No.4938899


How do we know they are? I mean its a good question, is there a way to know?

1bd8fc  No.4938900


What evidence, in the last two years, demonstrates that Jared and Ivanka are Liberal Democrats?

d7a2ce  No.4938901

File: 7f659ecf5c314ad⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 628x360, 157:90, starbuck.jpg)


whats up with starebucks today??? o.0

6bb4c2  No.4938902

File: 7e5fcac2c28e7f0⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 824x628, 206:157, 1.JPG)

Christie Book: Trump Thought 'Russia Thing' Was Over When He Fired Michael Flynn


a4d472  No.4938903

(Somewhat) Mid-Bread Notables

Let me know in case …. been a while since I last boke around here.

>>4938482 Cernovich's "inside MAGA source" is the NYT?

>>4938505 WSJ on "Venezuelan Spring": People are tired of socialism. They want it to end.

>>4938507 Debbie "Noodlehead" Wasserman Schultz projecting: Roger Stone "weaponized" hacked DNC emails, must be prosecuted for treason

>>4938510 14-year old girl suspended from Florida High School for not reporting having been raped by three boys in the bathroom

>>4938512, >>4938688 POTUS on Howard Schultz: "He's not the smartest person". freebeacon.com: Did he sell out Seattle?

>>4938597 More on the Gallo Wineries: Vineyards in CA & Donations to NP

>>4938609, >>4938614 Carter Page weighs in: Starbucks at Trump Tower is the site of pre-election interference/#FISAabuse

>>4938612 Why is Drudge Report Tweeting "iranian talking point"?

>>4938647 Elizabeth Warren virtue signalling again. Proposes ro seize assets of some wealthy Americans

>>4938689 Senator Heidi Heitkamp joins Board of Trustees at McCain Institute

>>4938760 Representative Anna Eshoo, CA introduces bill to "modernize" infrastructure in case of pandemic (40% of her donors from Big Pharma & Healthcare)

>>4938850, >>4938759 Guaido calling for mass protests this week, while Maduro holds military drills, inspects troops

9011a3  No.4938904

File: 259bdb379da7213⋯.png (154.92 KB, 1684x90, 842:45, ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone even verify this? 2 different phones

081446  No.4938906


Just like happy hour, it's night shift somewhere

30b2cb  No.4938907


>is there a way to know?

driving down/along the border and having a look

eb5882  No.4938908

Remember folks when the shills get active we are near or over target…. ignore them and continue on!

5748be  No.4938909

File: c58af08736389ca⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Dark to Light.jpg)

Thread on "Dark to LIGHT"


81f3fd  No.4938910


>can you repost the picture

Can you KYS? Didn't think so. Pussies only attempt harm to others from the safety of mom's basement. You shills are getting worse. Sad state of affairs for you.

6bb4c2  No.4938911


Ex-Starbucks Pres thinking about 2020 run


5b449f  No.4938912

File: bf110bd4c54c952⋯.png (317.42 KB, 618x1254, 103:209, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

File: 01b85ff9416170c⋯.png (575.58 KB, 970x940, 97:94, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

File: 833d333f8e007fe⋯.png (246.77 KB, 1125x1187, 1125:1187, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)


Law firm defending James A. Wolfe:

Scheduled to appear in a Maryland federal court today, Wolfe has been indicted on three counts under Violation 18 U.S.C. $ 1001, i.e., of “making false statements to special agents of the FBI during the course of an investigation into the unlawful disclosure of classified information” via “his use of encrypted messaging applications.”


restructures and changes name, as well as relocating offices (near Georgetown)

entrenching itself for a long haul?

Buckley Sandler ranked 171 in the 2018 Am Law 200, with more than $137 million in total annual revenue in 2017. In D.C., the firm is moving approximately one half-mile away from its offices in Georgetown and will be slightly nearer to DuPont Circle. The firm plans to make the move shortly after formally celebrating its 10th anniversary in March.



9c8794  No.4938913



The battle to save the world and re elect President Trump. He has to win the Hispanic vote, demographics dictate it, they have a lot of kids. And people brought here as children should not be punished. Amnesty for “dreamers” is the correct course. The sims and Schumer-losis will be too stupid to go along with the deal though

edb494  No.4938914

File: 7816b9d422c553c⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 634x406, 317:203, 216CFB7200000578-6639473-i….jpg)

Comedian Russell Howard reveals BBC made him re-record a joke about ISIS in case it offended the murderous terror group


787276  No.4938915

File: 4e19392eb1a7ec1⋯.jpg (14.91 KB, 200x200, 1:1, evilinside.jpg)

The head of the DNC during the 1860s, the Northern Democrats during the Civil War, was a Rothschild agent who liked to dress up as the devil.


db371d  No.4938916

File: fb324ab0589763b⋯.jpg (49.28 KB, 955x539, 955:539, Beaks.jpg)


doing fine without your bullshit.

thanks for playing asshole

eb5882  No.4938917


So whoever is on the pass for the WH from NYT is the “source “

f50026  No.4938918



I see defeatism all the time on here.

Anons are good researchers,and good with memes,but sorely lack on ideas,and interpreting people's motivations.

They also have a hard time actively trying to prevent cabal plans,not that we can do much individually.

Probably why we dont see Q much anymore.

We talk and research and meme.

No action.

41a3e7  No.4938919

Dammit POTUS and his cryptic twats. Now its driving me crazy about the Starbucks still paying rent in his tower

64973b  No.4938920

File: 14a840bc7996555⋯.png (430.76 KB, 532x683, 532:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f57372432ac29f⋯.png (545.77 KB, 903x713, 903:713, ClipboardImage.png)

Skripals poisoned with Fentanyl, initial report redacted: http://dilyana.bg/skripals-poisoned-with-fentanyl/ … OWN UP! #Skripal @cabinetofficeuk @BorisJohnson @ShoebridgeC @georgegalloway

0c11e5  No.4938921


Carter Page said the 'fuck Trump/Flynn' plot was largely hatched/developed in TT Starbucks.

2e4a41  No.4938922


kek… I actually think it's going to be released by summer… however I caveat that with Mueller being a grey hat… if he is a Black hat it will be released in the spring of 2020 just to try and get POTUS primaried…

e4a2fb  No.4938923


If they were, it would be paraded about non-stop as "WINNING". Besides, it's no longer a wall now. We'll be lucky to get a chain link fence and 5 additional border patrol at this rate.

63f68e  No.4938924

File: fedf07098c813ad⋯.png (148.38 KB, 640x256, 5:2, sb 2018-11-11 at 9_21_20 P….png)

5748be  No.4938925

CIA Was Aiding Jihadists Before Soviets Invaded Afghanistan

According to recently declassified documents [1] of the White House, CIA and State Department as reported by Tim Weiner for The Washington Post, the CIA was aiding Afghan jihadists before the Soviets invaded in 1979. The then American President Jimmy Carter signed the CIA directive to arm the Afghan jihadists in July 1979, whereas the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December the same year.

That the CIA was arming the Afghan jihadists six months before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan has been proven by the State Department’s declassified documents and admitted by The Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon. The Washington Post has a history of working in close collaboration with the CIA as Bezos won a $600 million contract [2] in 2013 to host the CIA’s database on the Amazon’s web-hosting service.

Fact of the matter, however, is that the nexus between the CIA, Pakistan’s security agencies and the Gulf states to train and arm the Afghan jihadists against the former Soviet Union was formed several years earlier.


30b2cb  No.4938926

File: 7506aba0e0f36e0⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Facepalm_statue.jpg)


>made him re-record a joke about ISIS in case it offended the murderous terror group

aa87fd  No.4938927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bob Weir on his participation at Bohemian Grove.

99d0dc  No.4938928

File: 84b566f69dd35a8⋯.png (89.03 KB, 239x252, 239:252, 2018-11-22_10-11-45.png)


>Don't forget to post a redhead.

5ec8aa  No.4938929

I love the finger pointing re leaks and leakers…


I was going to wash a car once… end of the hose had a leak…

I put a nozzle on it… it worked great…


fe6fd9  No.4938930

File: f6135c74ccc42aa⋯.jpg (186.46 KB, 576x378, 32:21, BarryHussein-3rdDaughter.jpg)


081446  No.4938931


Good point, expand the search to All countries worldwide, we might be surprised whose allegiance lies with whom.

cc1e55  No.4938932


But Two Dogs does know how to swig a beer (pffft!) - (she is one of the peeples).

4dc0e8  No.4938933


so now it's an adhominum attack?

let's review: you post a picture of Dennis saying it's Mickey.

you say I should kys

wow, so glad you are on 'our' side.

3dd669  No.4938934

File: 9d6c39a26df38b5⋯.png (498.09 KB, 548x742, 274:371, ClipboardImage.png)

edb494  No.4938935



b98daa  No.4938936


life is a cia op

b0fcf8  No.4938937


Don't you think, with "The Plan" happening… we should stop trying to pigeon hole everyone into Republican and Democrat? Didn't work out so well. We know Jared and Ivanka WERE Democrats before Trump ran, because at least Ivanka didn't change her voter reg. and couldn't vote for him in the primary.

But aren't they doing the work of Trump? And therefore mostly Republican?

But some of what he does is above politics. For instance, plenty of peeps pissed about banning bumpstocks, saying even though they love Trump he's ACTUALLY done more to harm the 2nd amendment than Obama did.

So at some point, we're gonna need to stop with the "Repub vs Dem" stuff. Especially since we know the Democrat party is imploding.

Yes, they ARE imploding.

It's slow. Like watching paint dry. But it's definitely happening.

a4d472  No.4938938


Interesting and not unplausible – any other sources?

Never heard of dilyana.bg (Bulgaria)

5b449f  No.4938939


Rogers warned POTUS about TT wires, mirror - we had wires too!

81f3fd  No.4938940

File: f05a3d3eed1d7f0⋯.jpg (82.94 KB, 888x499, 888:499, NP zi.jpg)


Has everything to do with the Pelosi/Grateful Dead/Manson connection, imo.

(watch em tag the crap out of this!)


63f68e  No.4938941

4bb8e2  No.4938942


You mad, chartfag? You sound mad

ff3a90  No.4938943

File: 7b0057f88df4330⋯.jpeg (189.11 KB, 1125x656, 1125:656, FD0D27C6-B20F-4FE6-B6FE-1….jpeg)


Annoying neighbor-

064cc5  No.4938944

File: 5cbce66dbba3b2d⋯.jpg (201.18 KB, 702x603, 78:67, 05806847be390d367ab0638c12….jpg)

74f8e0  No.4938945


There was an anon posting a horror story from those who live right at the boarder. if someone has friends or relatives there, they would let us know.

787276  No.4938946


> well, bill gates has some really dirty shit in his basemant.

> you asked, here it comes, common core funded by buill gates

And by Qatar and supporters of Osama bin Laden


5ec8aa  No.4938948

I think some of us have found our q purpose…


fdbc7f  No.4938949


You don't need to type a period just to post the same graphic every single bread.

Over the course of the next ten years, this pro tip should save you a shit-ton of keystrokes.

6b15ce  No.4938950


This post contains some truth and some error.

Microsoft and all manufacturers of proprietary software closely guard their source code. It is their "crown jewel" and they do not agree to allow others to study, reverse engineer, decompile, recompile, etc. the code. (I have heard they had private arrangements with some governments but this is not common knowledge.)

It is true that proprietary software can be full of exploits. It is likely that intel agencies are aware of many of the exploits before hackers exploit them, and before the software maker finds/fixes them. The parade of patches demonstrates statistically the quantity of vulnerabilities that exist.

It is true that Linux is a preferred operating system and that it is open source and anybody can inspect the kernel code and compile it for themselves. But that does NOT guarantee that it's free of vulnerabilities either. It is NOT TRUE that Linux cannot be hacked.

It is NOT TRUE that the financial industry gets to preview Microsoft's source code. Whether military and defense get to would be their secret and not disclosed to the public.

It is true that Windows is an ecosystem that is an attractive target of hackers because it's so widely used and some of the people who use it are clueless about computer security.

If one reads the Wikileaks Vault Seven drops, it is clear that EVERY device and EVERY operating system and even the hardware is compromised and can be exploited by intelligence agencies. Now that many of the vulnerabilities have been published, not just intel agencies but hackers too. Fixes have been made to some of the exploits, no doubt, but there is an endless parade of exploits. The more bloated the software, the more potential exploits will be found.

It is a proven axiom of software engineering that it is IMPOSSIBLE to wring 100% of the bugs out of a code base.

Personally the systems I use are Linux and I strongly prefer the open source software. But with the understanding that no software is perfect and all software contains exploits.

50617a  No.4938951

File: 2d1b48711868615⋯.png (27.16 KB, 552x561, 184:187, grokoff.png)


EVERY day is Anon's birthday.

Fuck off.

9d827d  No.4938952

File: 0529a3ab8f447e6⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 269x187, 269:187, 1535443512603.jpg)

30b2cb  No.4938953


even during the last years of Hussein regime

he'd at least pay lip service to the idea of fighting terror groups (even if they were given aid, weapons, cover, etc, etc)…

now you can't fkn OFFEND terrorists?

pure insanity

74d671  No.4938954


breds trippin

55967f  No.4938955


Yeah you're a genius , now explain to me how AOC is older than Beanz i will wait right here for it genius

c7b78a  No.4938956

File: 058711df097342d⋯.jpg (131.99 KB, 1242x1112, 621:556, God and Dogs 2.jpg)

File: 0eef06406341ba1⋯.jpg (119.11 KB, 900x293, 900:293, God and Dogs.jpg)


>As above as below.

64973b  No.4938957

File: 4ffac8ae3f298ca⋯.png (241.88 KB, 532x624, 133:156, ClipboardImage.png)


Is the Government really to be trusted? IMHO, no! Coroner Cannot Rule Novichok as Cause of Death - Theresa May's Skripal Hoax Fails Bottle Test

2e4a41  No.4938958


you are correct…

787276  No.4938959

File: 6906715a81d3571⋯.png (62.4 KB, 612x676, 153:169, arrvee_qatar_education.png)

>>4938946 screencap

081446  No.4938960


Not in this Anon. I have done too much research to be dissuaded. I still trust in a plan. I will trust in it until they take my head.

5b449f  No.4938961

File: 48f1ec04ea426d8⋯.png (687.03 KB, 843x1198, 843:1198, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)


Happy Berfday Anon!

ce8d56  No.4938962

d7a2ce  No.4938964

File: bd9c298d626c5e3⋯.jpg (196.34 KB, 720x819, 80:91, IMG_1522.JPG)

3917d0  No.4938965

File: d7835d58ee98a5c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 28E837D3-2B18-4F28-AA78-BD….png)





81f3fd  No.4938966

File: ee666e018afc0db⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 648x430, 324:215, Gberg fam.jpg)

File: c20c0dbf9a03d64⋯.jpg (11.44 KB, 258x160, 129:80, gberg1.jpg)




tic toc

fdbc7f  No.4938967


I'm willing to go one layer deeper.

DJT only ran as a Republican to get elected.

Once he's done draining the swamp on both sides of the aisle, he will run in 2020 leading the new Patriot Party. (or a similar name)

Screen cap this, if you like.

6b15ce  No.4938968

>>4938791 Love, love, love the smell of triggered Xer in the AM.

eb5882  No.4938969


You are correct my fren!

db371d  No.4938970

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)

File: 9f3f45c9c310b7a⋯.jpg (132.26 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Onsen.jpg)


couldn't be better. Of course the same can't be said for you twats.

2e4a41  No.4938971


and I'll add that waaay back in the beginning of Rudy's hiring he is quoted as saying Ivanka was a red line and untouchable but Jared was expendable… I think they've known for a long time and are using him now..

7d057b  No.4938972


YES a very important part

1bd8fc  No.4938973


I’m thinking THAT was coordinated in advance (Carter & DJT). Maybe Maggie warning DS with “On” cause she knows DJT up to something.

Interesting morning, Anons!

64973b  No.4938974

File: 80a2d7ce767013a⋯.png (58.88 KB, 929x690, 929:690, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fb861d2b344dac⋯.png (448.08 KB, 519x736, 519:736, ClipboardImage.png)



4d26c2  No.4938975

File: 22271b18f6c6a2b⋯.jpg (518.75 KB, 2301x1910, 2301:1910, 1523160391.jpg)

2a362f  No.4938976


go wild with that information, keep in mind, we have it all, and there is even more to discover in the gamergate rabbit hole

>friendly warning

>common core and DiGRA are words who might trigger bots

5ec8aa  No.4938977


It's a friendly reminder that without trump…

Schultz would be nothing

4d26c2  No.4938978

File: 0275e08f0df6a23⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 647x428, 647:428, 777KAB1.jpg)


psycho, alpha, disco, beta, crazy as fuck

81f3fd  No.4938979

File: 47d7b3101ea623f⋯.png (388.2 KB, 507x504, 169:168, QCall.png)

>4938955 no shekel

>AOC is older than Beanz

You are so transparent, yet so full of yourself ya don't even know you out yourself with your very words.


5fff48  No.4938980

File: 5fb0f0cb8349130⋯.jpg (94.07 KB, 729x486, 3:2, justicebrett.jpg)

d631e3  No.4938981

Work is slow as fuck, gimme something to dig on so I can help the awakening progress xD

f2ca75  No.4938982

File: 21dfa1d691ff556⋯.jpg (180.23 KB, 600x955, 120:191, RBG Hostage!.jpg)

Spread the fear! Kek!

d22c75  No.4938983

File: a78b284364b5cf6⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x1849, 1242:1849, E53AF1A3-3AF5-401C-B992-7….jpeg)

Bakers been moonlighting.

4bb8e2  No.4938984


It's already 2019….if you think Trump is going

to drain the swamp and form a new political

party by 2020 you are on crack

1945f5  No.4938985


muzzle of that pistol digging into her buttcheek makes me uneasy

b98daa  No.4938986


is that you cern'obitch?

show us where the bad orange man hurt you.

eb5882  No.4938987

c9baf8  No.4938988


Q is not some Nasim ladyboy but ladyboy is purdy if you're into that kind of disgusting shit.

edb494  No.4938989

This Florida house is a shining star – no really, it's shaped like a star

Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, this house sits inside a private reserve and the gorgeous Hideaway Beach.

The three-bedroom, three-bathroom pad boasts a fully equipped music studio, a shiatsu massage spa (because we all need to get our "Namaste" on every once in a while) and a massive five-car/golf-cart garage.

And don't worry about getting from floor to floor, as there's a running elevator to bring you all over the star-shaped beauty.

3e64a3  No.4938990


Stand in solidarity with the IRL Bakers.

Ballsy move; God bless that crazy bastard.

99d0dc  No.4938991

File: a856ef64fd1bcee⋯.png (706.1 KB, 740x936, 185:234, 2019-01-28_10-42-36.png)

dafda5  No.4938992

File: 022454e47bb680d⋯.jpg (187.5 KB, 1200x693, 400:231, manson.jpg)

a72e2d  No.4938993


He likes friends too. And having beer with them :)

eb5882  No.4938994


Love the fact that they’re outting each other’s leaks

5bab26  No.4938995

File: e4c7fdd711d8f59⋯.jpg (58.53 KB, 959x536, 959:536, 743-infm,ed-84u.JPG)

1bd8fc  No.4938996


According to @EstulinDaniel, a PhD in Conceptual Intelligence, the Global Liberal Bankingg Elite needed to takeover Israel to survive- and would’ve been done under HRC.


4d26c2  No.4938997

File: 6fc985c8282e4c7⋯.jpg (197.61 KB, 980x649, 980:649, zappa.havel.jpg)

63f68e  No.4938998

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, gifkavd1f0114f1e87ae2f831e….gif)

2492ec  No.4938999

File: f219e776e73f65d⋯.png (32.16 KB, 415x265, 83:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Tail number JA 956

Q drop 956

289859  No.4939000

File: d8ed18da33e48ce⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4938980 BEWBS ,BACON, and BEER!


53b98b  No.4939001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He spent so much on "wine".

5f8f8a  No.4939002


Why would Exxon mobile give $77k to Beto and only $30k to Cruz?

f4d186  No.4939003

File: 0c60344d260778e⋯.png (68.47 KB, 668x418, 334:209, ClipboardImage.png)

'You're a thick ginger turd': Piers Morgan blasts Scotland's youngest MSP after he brands Winston Churchill a 'white supremacist mass murderer' in 'attention seeking' Twitter outburst.


Yes, he was a mass murderer, even before WW2

b723be  No.4939004


Good post ruined by bullshit identity politics. But that was your intent, wasn’t it?

a72e2d  No.4939005



edb494  No.4939006

File: 549eea3b0e7448c⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 500x274, 250:137, download.jpg)

d947fd  No.4939007

d4f4eb  No.4939008

File: 1f83f4b6c7cf5bf⋯.png (673.79 KB, 990x725, 198:145, inavacuum.png)

787276  No.4939009


> go wild with that information

I've been trying to ship it out. Feds, think tanks, MI, journalists. No takers yet.

> even more to discover in the gamergate rabbit hole

It led to the Rothschilds and Qatar funding a Muslim takeover of the Internet and making it a national security policy that we paid for. Lots of research here >>>/gamergatehq/330332

and >>>/gamergatehq/327591

3dd669  No.4939010

File: b5a1f162f7e6806⋯.png (1.1 MB, 988x2076, 247:519, ClipboardImage.png)


Love our POTUS:

“I hear she’s become very hostile,” the president told the Wall Street Journal in an interview published Sunday. “Maybe I didn’t return her phone call or something.”

edb494  No.4939011


Everyone sees what they want to see.

55967f  No.4939012


Most Texicans are libtards

bf9671  No.4939013


So, the bad guys argue amongst themselves about should we or should we not build a wall, a barrier, a steel slat, and all the while the wall is going up in stages and contracts were just awarded for moar.

Why stop the bad guys from arguing amongst themselves while the good guys get their work done?

I wouldn't. The arguing keeps them too busy to look while we sneak up on them.

f1935f  No.4939014

File: 66b7aed73eb3be0⋯.png (36.09 KB, 620x353, 620:353, potus steel tweet.PNG)

I think POTUS, in his steel industry tweet, just told the cabal that they have lost.

He is taking jabs openly at them now.

2e4a41  No.4939015


if that isn't disinfo…. there is no plan… the plans base is predicated on POTUS knowing in advance of the Russian set up and firing Flynn to get evidence into court

ce8d56  No.4939016

EXCLUSIVE — Terrorist Who Targeted Americans Takes Over Mexican Cartel on Texas Border


A verified and convicted terrorist who attacked a U.S. Consulate with a grenade and automatic rifle fire has taken over the ruthless Los Zetas cartel, a group headquartered at the Texas border in the Nuevo Laredo-Laredo metropolitan border area. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, sits immediately across the border from Laredo, Texas, and is the only urban location along the entire U.S.-Mexico Border that does not have any fencing or constructed security barrier of any kind. The convicted terrorist, Hector Raul Luna Luna, is known as “El Tory” and was convicted in the 2008 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey, Mexico. He was released from prison due to bribes paid by Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and has now taken over the dominant faction of Los Zetas, Cartel Del Noreste (CDN), to open up the lucrative and unsecured border corridor into Texas.

d947fd  No.4939017


Dig me a list of comped politicians that we can meme with a For Sale signs on

c7b78a  No.4939018


Wanna go to a rodeo? Pull that trigger!

dafda5  No.4939019

File: 9622f259d964e75⋯.jpg (63.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, sentinel-cabernet-.jpg)

File: 3009bd9e74409f9⋯.png (1.41 MB, 962x1024, 481:512, Galo Mountain Peak.png)


Left out Mount Peak


f1935f  No.4939020



5fff48  No.4939021


Dave McGowan. Laurel Canyon. Mk Ultra upon the masses. Timothy Leary. LSD Army Intel psyop and experiments. Culture swipe and manipulation. Dig on that shit. Not a slide. Effects apply now.

50617a  No.4939022

5ec8aa  No.4939023



at least to me

d7a2ce  No.4939024


fawk off shill

b723be  No.4939025


Unfortunately, pure nihilism serves [their] purpose.

bf9671  No.4939026


At least we can fabricate our own weapons now.

fdbc7f  No.4939028

File: 2fb3fa4a408784e⋯.png (370.35 KB, 598x479, 598:479, ClipboardImage.png)


Find something you can do locally, then go do it!

I'm great at sales, so I put my skills to work by helping Richard Gage collect petition signatures for an unbiased investigation into 9/11.

Looks like he may have completed his mission!

Get out there and start helping wherever you can!

d8c1d6  No.4939029

File: 84351c81124c38e⋯.png (521.73 KB, 1560x1338, 260:223, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

File: 342b0fe08439e12⋯.png (760.49 KB, 908x1026, 454:513, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

File: 70c95864df32d6b⋯.png (94.18 KB, 1284x658, 642:329, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Does Anthony Wiener (sic) collect unemployment?

3917d0  No.4939030

File: eb5cff237f98b2f⋯.jpeg (682.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 607008DF-06AD-439C-B47B-F….jpeg)


It’s funny that people keep trying to define the term “wall” to mean a solid concrete structure. EO 13767 defined “wall” two years ago.


6ceacf  No.4939031

>>4939012 TX is under the same kind of attack that took CA down!

d7f87c  No.4939032


I have a rule, too.

Don't trust anything Jews say. Nothing, nada, zero.

30b2cb  No.4939033


Ask yourself a (simple) logical question…

Why are the majority of 'Q' attacks by "PRO_MAGA" supporters coming from AJ [MOS backed] and/or AJ known associates?

Why are we a threat to them?

Why not simply publish an original picture +/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility?

Why was this done in the past?

We knew this type of "attack" was coming.





470ef0  No.4939034

File: 28f9d68e661a795⋯.png (522.96 KB, 696x417, 232:139, Capture.PNG)

Frightful thought: Reality that the MSM may be aiding, abetting those who hate Freedom itself. Especially for American citizens, it must be remembered that the MSM does not just spew out the news; now, it spews out views, or the omission of news

The Coup in Venezuela: the Outcome of Failed a Socialist State

Ecuador-This past Wednesday in Venezuela the head of the National Assembly, Vice President Juan Aguila, proclaimed himself to be the new president of his nation. This sparked a serious response from many governments of the world, most taking sides with the new president, or newly “elected” one, Nicolás Maduro. And, the unfortunate circumstance in this international incident is that the average citizen in the United States was not aware of the reality. This is not because it is not news, it is because the mainstream media in the U.S. seem to not consider it news of significance, which in and of itself, is another reason why the MSM is considered untrustworthy by an increasing number of average citizens


c53ff2  No.4939035

Manson to DC to NXIVM

Folger & Cafritz connection:


Heiress Pam Cafritz financed NXIVM:


50617a  No.4939036


Read the fine print, anon.

>The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

cc0074  No.4939037


Demand that she make a speech! We need to know that shes ok!!

d30b8c  No.4939038


Trips do not lie.

d4f4eb  No.4939039

File: 8e6d1e478336dd8⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 600x396, 50:33, werd.jpg)

d7a2ce  No.4939040


yeah saw that too

bac334  No.4939041

File: 02b1be79afb1cfd⋯.png (1.17 MB, 708x576, 59:48, 1_Manson_Fam.png)



Pic Related

Found this to help identify the people in the pic.


dafda5  No.4939042

File: c80864159a55002⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 250x310, 25:31, Gallo-Italy.jpg)

File: 7266e7affd70993⋯.png (139.76 KB, 273x364, 3:4, Fossano-Stemma.png)

41a3e7  No.4939043


Nice, love it!

d947fd  No.4939044

>>4939003 It is true that Churchill was not the saint they portray…in fact he was complicit in some terrible things. Personally I think he is burning in hell. Having said that, the moron Ross Greer did not bring it up to correct history. He is a low IQ self hater, apparently elected by a constituency of such.

b723be  No.4939045

File: 56a73639abaf91e⋯.jpeg (15.05 KB, 255x116, 255:116, C00D6998-4F23-47B8-9B67-2….jpeg)


Lets get him another beer buddy on the SC soon!!!

53b98b  No.4939046

File: d6e01b02af80d98⋯.png (96.02 KB, 712x556, 178:139, ClipboardImage.png)

d947fd  No.4939047

File: 0f023288dd885de⋯.jpg (199.9 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Steal-Steel.jpg)

File: 854a52fbe9ec8aa⋯.jpg (144.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MagaSteel101.jpg)

File: 6e21e51edba94ae⋯.jpg (196.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MagaSteel102.jpg)

File: a3d1a7ad4fad6f1⋯.jpg (213.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MagaSteel103.jpg)



Steel industry is important to national defense. Very important to source basic materials (not just steel) without the threat of the supply being cut off by hostilities with other countries. Reviving domestic industries is also extremely important to putting this country back on a winning track.

550998  No.4939048


Auto Corfuckt Dims not sims

b35dec  No.4939049

File: ab3fb5f84c98f1c⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E7D6B1ED-060D-4B3F-81AD-1….jpeg)

I think there will be more than a few at the Texas patriots funeral.

Two miles away and traffic is stopped and line drive up to exit for the cemetery.


7321db  No.4939050



intense smiling.

f1935f  No.4939051



588e30  No.4939052


First adulteress? Rom. 7:2, 3

b723be  No.4939053


Lets get those six RINO traitors out of the senate.

74f8e0  No.4939055


Nothing just wine

eb5882  No.4939056


Liquid soylent green?

55967f  No.4939057


That is what they get for letting their state become little Mexico. I live in Oklahoma and Texas was 45% latino 15 years ago

b0fcf8  No.4939058


By saying this, you're saying you don't trust Trump.

If Jared is leaking, it's more likely that it's strategic leaking and known by Trump at this point. If we're in the 2nd movie… those untrustworthy were fired after the first movie ended.

22ebb3  No.4939059

File: fe5d61f15eacc92⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 639x449, 639:449, lizbeer.jpg)

632bbc  No.4939060


f1935f  No.4939061


That tweet, imho, is another Q confirmation.

b723be  No.4939062


It’s just smoke in my eye, really.

d7f87c  No.4939063


Yeah, but Okies are still 100% dirt-eaters

819846  No.4939064


If the swamp isn't drained in 2019 we'll be told it can't be done in an election year, and we must all help Trump get elected, the plan was to do the actual swamp draining in his second term!

a1da62  No.4939065

File: c4285c39454198c⋯.png (768.45 KB, 774x968, 387:484, Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at ….png)

Any mention of "dog" in any msm article, tweet etc more than likely has coding embedded between these stupid cabalfags

c1437d  No.4939066


Yes, you may be on crack. Trump has not only failed to drain the swamp, he has added to it quite liberally! Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin, William Barr (in progress), Nikki Haley - all corrupt-to-the-core. Who's next? Really, a new 'Patriot Party ??? I will not screen cap this. Put the pipe down and seek help.

31f9fd  No.4939067

File: e03b13a6cc5742f⋯.png (165.94 KB, 644x614, 322:307, aoc tech monopolies.PNG)

New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over the weekend sounded off on the layoffs that recently hit newsrooms of the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed and Gannett.

"The biggest threats to journalism right now are tech monopolies and concentration of ownership," Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez said on Twitter. "Healthy democracy requires high-quality journalism. Without a range of independent outlets and the revenue to sustain them, our democracy will continue to crumble."

Ocasio-Cortez specifically called out Facebook, which was used by Russia to spread disinformation during the 2016 Presidential election.

"Most platforms currently have 0 incentive to disseminate high-quality, true information," Ocasio-Cortez said. "In fact, Facebook paid for info tied to conspiracy theories on those demanding for accountability."


081118  No.4939068

10,000 children are killed each month in the U.S. by the Freemasons, but trust muh plan.

Q and Trump better have a damn good reason for stringing this along.

116b16  No.4939069

File: ea53ec7a7208b3a⋯.png (308.26 KB, 1004x579, 1004:579, ClipboardImage.png)

what happened to

muh global warming?

55967f  No.4939070


Get it right that is RED dirt, have always been a red state

e284d2  No.4939071


Simple. Since Q appeared They have lost a lot of interest to a lot of theirs previous follower. Nobody care what they have to say anymore. Like Cernobich who is trying to be relevant again by insulting Christian.

Nobody care what this POS has to say anymore. He just burned his brand to the ground… and for what?

d46a66  No.4939072

File: dc7eaf7ea933641⋯.png (1006.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


ce8d56  No.4939073

File: 387ba05c58eeb8f⋯.jpg (188.19 KB, 600x429, 200:143, abortion-state-600-li.jpg)

081446  No.4939074


They listen to la raza and believe the bullshit about reconquista

4bb8e2  No.4939075


Unfortunately it looks like thats where this is going

5689c7  No.4939076


there it is. I knew Texas would not disappoint.

a1da62  No.4939077


prove it

2492ec  No.4939078

File: 6b5794cb910cec6⋯.png (20.83 KB, 412x193, 412:193, ClipboardImage.png)


956, not 965

f1935f  No.4939079

File: b8c12d219d633cb⋯.png (60.79 KB, 762x715, 762:715, steel industry marker.PNG)



cd63fb  No.4939080

Travers Mackel

‏Verified account @TraversWDSU

3m3 minutes ago

UPDATE: Here’s the latest on the lawsuit filed by @Saints season ticket holders against the @nfl - it’s officially been moved to federal court in #Nola with a noon hearing today (Monday 1/28). More soon @wdsu | @darrenrovell @BR_NFL @NBCNews @stephgosk @AP @CNN #Saints

d7f87c  No.4939081


Red dirt, red skins, red necks.. yeah, can't argue with any of that

74f8e0  No.4939082


Anons should think for themselves. This anon will not vote for Trump if nothing in the open. You may want to give him another try. Guess, there are many arguments pro and con

b35dec  No.4939083


It is overwhelming. The cars are now lined up as far as I can see behind me!

db371d  No.4939084

File: 077d3b7797fbeab⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 480x524, 120:131, POTUS Cash.jpg)

2ff363  No.4939085


why the quotes on dumping?

3dd669  No.4939086




A CONSTITUTION FOR THE NEWSTATES OF AMERICA, from the book, THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rexford G. Tugwell, published 1974 (Harper & Row: $20.00) illustrates with chilling clarity the final objective of regional governance conspirators. The goal is a corporate state concentrating economic, political and social powers in the hands of a ruling elite. "A Constitution for the Newstates of America", is the fortieth version of this revolutionary document prepared by a team of social experimenters at the CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS, Fund for the Republic (Ford Foundation), Post Office Box 4068, Santa Barbara, California 93103.

The Center, its first objective accomplished, has appointed socialist-oriented University of Denver Chancellor Maurice B. Mitchell as its new head and may merge with the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, a Colorado-based world government policy promotion agency.

Aspen Institute Chairman is Robert O. Anderson, chief executive officer, Atlantic Richfield Company; member, Committee for Economic Development (laid ground work for regional government), and advisory board member, Institute for International Education. Anderson is the principal figure in campaign aimed at seizing control of the National Rifle Association.

Constitution for the Newstates of America

e4a2fb  No.4939087

File: 0728b8714dfe10e⋯.png (919.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Obamarator.png)

55967f  No.4939088


Remember the Alamo

31f9fd  No.4939089

File: f64cdcc3f386b49⋯.png (306.08 KB, 1261x472, 1261:472, fda whistle blower.PNG)


d947fd  No.4939090


These six, from LB notables

Six Republican senators crossed the aisle on Thursday to vote with Democrats and advance a stopgap measure that would end the partial government shutdown without additional funding for President Trump’s proposed border wall.

GOP Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Susan Collins (Maine), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Johnny Isakson (Ga.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Mitt Romney (Utah) voted to advance the continuing resolution, which would have fully reopened the government and funded it through Feb. 8.

Are we positive that all six of these are evil? I know Romney is evil. Collins and Murkowski often vote "independently" of the R party. Gardner represents a state that has high concentration of libs but only in Denver metro area & the high-rent ski towns - rest of rural CO is red red red. Pardon my ignorance but I don't know a thing about Isakson or Alexander.

289859  No.4939091

File: 826b6b304616eed⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

53b98b  No.4939092



fdbc7f  No.4939093


Who is being honored?

7321db  No.4939094



b723be  No.4939095


My cereal was dry. Thanks for the shill tears to pour into my bowl!

16da7e  No.4939096

File: 418ce87dbf9d8e5⋯.jpeg (562.82 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, 1477FD7A-3B9B-4CD4-A2DD-F….jpeg)

File: b7b9cfa389853ba⋯.jpeg (46.84 KB, 693x298, 693:298, 4D798097-08E2-4C55-A0EF-A….jpeg)

File: 2d3aaa9e8b50595⋯.jpeg (266.73 KB, 750x989, 750:989, 8B4D343A-23C4-4D95-B041-7….jpeg)

Another [1 year delta] (2 days ahead of schedule)!!


e4a2fb  No.4939097


Jesus, the one with the zit on her ass is fucking ugly.

470ef0  No.4939099

File: ab59ca7d3c4e966⋯.png (1.13 MB, 805x456, 805:456, Capture.PNG)

Its been at least 30 years since Americas have been eating genetically modified food and were still to stupid to catch on .. then wonder how people got so overweight and lazy . And if you people think this wasn't intentional you are serious mistaken

Lancet report blames big food companies for obesity and malnutrition

Pressure for profits leads to negative influence on government health policies

Big Food is portrayed as the new Big Tobacco in a sweeping new report that links the industry’s influence to a global obesity epidemic, malnutrition and climate change.

The Lancet Commission on Obesity blamed a growth-focused sector for a system that gorges populations on empty calories while misusing land, energy and other resources. Without naming companies, the report released late on Sunday called for restricting the industry – led by multinationals such as Nestle, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola – from policy-related discussions.

Three years in the making, the report echoed past indictments of sectors such as tobacco, alcohol, energy and firearms for using political clout to shape laws, policy and health guidelines. The 43-member panel pointed to food companies’ lobbying prowess as a reason for nutrition recommendations that sometimes counter to scientific evidence.

“Although food clearly differs from tobacco because it is a necessity to support human life, unhealthy food and beverages are not,” William Dietz, a professor at George Washington University and one of the authors, said in a statement.


34f4e8  No.4939100



It's always the cabs & Bordeaux wines with them. I've noticed the labels & names on those reds when in the grocery isle & thought evil looking damn labels & names but never thought past that. I was asleep.

5ec8aa  No.4939101

File: b96023d5ea003fd⋯.jpg (604.06 KB, 604x1406, 302:703, Screenshot_20190128-105635….jpg)

d7f87c  No.4939102


You're drinking another dude's salty emissions?


4d26c2  No.4939103

File: 6926eb34ba30b42⋯.jpg (6.25 KB, 230x219, 230:219, letitgo.jpg)


Im sorry you're crazy. Maybe lay off the meth

00e8fa  No.4939104




db371d  No.4939105


The Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen will conduct an unaccompanied veteran burial for Joseph Walker, a United States Air Force veteran, at 10 a.m. Monday.

Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery staff has coordinated with the Fort Hood Casualty Office to ensure that Walker will receive full military honors. If no next-of-kin presents themselves at the ceremony, the on-site representative of the Veterans Land Board will accept the United States flag on Walker’s behalf, according to the Veterans Land Board, which runs the cemetery.


63f68e  No.4939106

File: cc96b9bc5704a96⋯.png (311.99 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

1e9403  No.4939107


It's a metaphor for waste. The steel we were importing was full of defects and not very good at all.

It was "dumped" on us to get rid of a poor product.

f1935f  No.4939108



>why the quotes on dumping?

Maybe news unlock map and we are suppose to go back and read this link in drop 850


about substandard steel.

Trump is confirming the dumping of crap steel in the US (Us) to weaken us, intentionally.

fdbc7f  No.4939109


Shout out to DS that he's toying with the idea of "dumping" the un-redacted FISA.

Forcing another mistake, IMHO.

4d26c2  No.4939110

File: 354b9388b2fca16⋯.png (316.54 KB, 357x536, 357:536, beaner.png)


meth eyes got me like

081118  No.4939111


Search "freemason sacrfice children each year".

7d057b  No.4939112



7321db  No.4939113


A bordeaux can (really) only come from Bordeaux, Anon.

d947fd  No.4939114

>>4939067 The tard AOC knows nothing about tech monopolies & even less about journalism. But whoever is writing her tweets puts the words into the mouth of The Disgrace From NY. You know, the so called econ student who didn't know even the basics of it when questioned….then had tweets attacking others for supposedly not understanding it. This individual I look at and think, "Why, Lord, why, was this thing created? Is it a joke?" Not funny!

5ec8aa  No.4939115


New script?

63f68e  No.4939116

a4d472  No.4939117

Notables before baking at end 600/early 700

>>4938482 Cernovich's "inside MAGA source" is the NYT?

>>4938505 WSJ on "Venezuelan Spring": People are tired of socialism. They want it to end.

>>4938507 Debbie "Noodlehead" Wasserman Schultz projecting: Roger Stone "weaponized" hacked DNC emails, must be prosecuted for treason

>>4938510 14-year old girl suspended from Florida High School for not reporting having been raped by three boys in the bathroom

>>4938512, >>4938688, >>4938911 POTUS on Howard Schultz mulling 2020 candidacy: "He's not the smartest person". freebeacon.com: Did he sell out Seattle?

>>4938597, >>4939019 More on the Gallo Wineries: Vineyards in CA & Donations to NP

>>4938609, >>4938614 Carter Page weighs in: Starbucks at Trump Tower is the site of pre-election interference/#FISAabuse

>>4938612 Why is Drudge Report Tweeting "iranian talking point"?

>>4938647 Elizabeth Warren virtue signalling again. Proposes ro seize assets of some wealthy Americans

>>4938689 Senator Heidi Heitkamp joins Board of Trustees at McCain Institute

>>4938760 Representative Anna Eshoo, CA introduces bill to "modernize" infrastructure in case of pandemic (40% of her donors from Big Pharma & Healthcare)

>>4938850, >>4938759 Guaido calling for mass protests this week, while Maduro holds military drills, inspects troops

>>4938875 Clinton Foundation Pay To Play (Infographic from Epoch Times)

>>4938920, >>4938974 Were the Skripals poisoned by Fetanyl? Coroner cannot rule Novichok as cause of death

>>4939016 Convicted terrorist Hector Raul Luna Luna takes over faction of Los Zetas in the Laredo area

>>4939067 AOC ("It's more important to be morally right than factually correct") slams tech monopolies for death of high-quality journalism

0c11e5  No.4939118


But it'll work fine for the wall… at a much cheaper price.

d7a2ce  No.4939119

File: 545be0b15335cad⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 600x600, 1:1, GTFO6.jpg)


im sorry ur a shill

286e83  No.4939120


Son stationed in Army base there, he is attending with his entire group..

94e241  No.4939121

Critique of notable - >>4937500 Pelosi To Block SOTU

lawfag here - this notable may not be accurate - article 2 section 3 DOES giver POTUS power to adjourn Congress but does NOT specify that such adjournment is SINE DIE - which means "without day" in fact it says the opposite:

"…he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper;


This is my prior post re recess appts. where this issue becomes critical - I do NOT believe it is any different for arrests but it will need to be litigated as noted below:

did some diggin into the issue of recess appointments - as usual it is a complex and chaotic mix of issues - involves the constitutions "adjournment clause" and the rules set by senate and house to govern their processes.

essentially a recess which permits appoitments must be "sine die" which means "without a day - ie a recess without a specific day set to readjourn. in our case we are only concerned with senate rules as all appointments must go there.

this issue has been litigated in many contexts - not surprisingly, however, the most important case was recent - the 2014 case known as "Noel Canning v NLRB" here is what the law is according to that SCOTUS case - Holding: The Recess Appointments Clause authorizes the president to fill any existing vacancy during any recess – whether occurring during or between sessions of Congress – of sufficient length. However, for purposes of the clause, the Senate is in session whenever it indicates that it is, as long as – under its own rules – it retains the capacity to transact Senate business.

in the background is the "adjournment clause" of Article one of the constitution which specifies that congress may not adjourn for more than three days without agreement of both houses. so they have to agree BUT there is also a federal law which specifices when this occurs:

USC Title 2 Section 198 provides that: Adjournment. Except in time of war or during a national emergency proclaimed by the President, the two Houses shall adjourn sine die not later than the last day (Sundays excepted) in the month of July in each year unless otherwise provided by the Congress.

so again they MUST go sine die unless both house agree. and then again are we now in a state of ER? i believe under various EO's we are indeed to another layer of shit to wade through

OK now it gets really dense because these politicians use every trick they have to keep power - and that means keeping the senate in session - the only way POTUS can make appts is when the Senate by its own rules has adjourned "sine die"

so just what are these rules? again complex and filled with fuckery - here is the official definition:

adjournment sine die - The end of a legislative session "without day." These adjournments are used to indicate the final adjournment of an annual or the two-year session of a Congress.

so this means if the senate adjourns for more than 3 days w/o specifying a return date it is time for recess appts. they can avoid this obviously. however it appears there is some limit to the fuckery but it has not yet been tested by SCOTUS - and still the issue of the federal summer recess law is fixed.

moar lawsuits coming? seems likely if POTUS tests the waters. so far he has avoided this on numerous fronts and prefers to make deals and get what he can - will there be a showdown at some point? time will tell.

fdbc7f  No.4939122


Muh allergies!

From one vet to the fallen vet, I salute you! Godspeed, Patriot!


289859  No.4939123

File: 04915c2ecac413d⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



7321db  No.4939124


No. How about you provide a useful and legit source?

3dd669  No.4939125


Thanks anon, should have stated partial list


b723be  No.4939126


Is there a reason it’s now instead of two days from one year delta? I know timelines change, just wondering.

4bb8e2  No.4939127


That's how you get the slaves angry….their

nigger foosball team loses and NOW they

feel fucked over

f68756  No.4939128

Napa checking in

787276  No.4939129


> According to @EstulinDaniel, a PhD in Conceptual Intelligence, the Global Liberal Bankingg Elite needed to takeover Israel to survive- and would’ve been done under HRC.

In 1995 this was such an extreme-left position that the politician who said it was shot for it:


* Israel's population will be at least 80% Jews

* The Palestinian entity will be "less than a state"

* United Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

* "We will not return to the 4 June 1967 lines", Israel's border in the Jordan Valley "in the broadest meaning of that term"

* The annexation of existing settlements in Judea and Samaria and the establishment of new blocs of settlements

American pressure forced Sharon and Netanyahu, who ran as conservatives, to back away from all of that.

HRC was getting all of her advice from Arabists who support Hamas, some of whom are on the Qatari payroll. They would have subverted Israel and put it on the path to destruction.

6ae564  No.4939130


IMO Trump’s love for his daughter and son in law (Kushner) have compromised him. Hope I’m wrong but we’ll see.

00e8fa  No.4939131


Exactly. It’s all allegory the fuckers are BOTTLING BLOOD! Wine = blood

Vineyards = human harvesting of it

5f8f8a  No.4939132



wat dis?

31f9fd  No.4939133

File: 34e3cb419a1b41c⋯.png (22.27 KB, 756x151, 756:151, ny abortion law.PNG)

Now that this law has been passed, potentially some additional 300,000 babies will be added to the sales of baby parts via mostly the criminal cartels of South America, Latin America, and Mexico.

This also explains the reasoning behind the US Socialist Left’s desperate push to keep open borders. If the president is allowed to build the wall, it would almost completely stop the black market trade route of various criminal cartels traveling back and forth across the US Mexican border.

The only possible reason behind why so many US so-called elected officials need to keep this criminal trade route open is that they have vested interests in every way from personal financial gain to actual participation personally in various crimes these criminal cartels have to offer them. Just perks US elected officials are getting in exchange for allowing free movement of the criminal activity. Physical evidence of financial gain through crime is clearly evident in the personal portfolios of many government officials in Washington, especially in those who have been in office for extended periods of time such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, etc. These politicians have not become multi-millionaires on their government salaries, but did so via their investments in the Pan American Criminal Cartel and their turning a blind eye to the crime trade route at our southern border.

The Pan American Criminal Cartel’s massive web of crimes from human trafficking, drugs, sex trafficking, child abduction for the purpose of international sex slave trade, and now the selling of actual term baby parts, thanks to NY Gov. Cuomo, is the reason behind the Leftist push to get Donald Trump out of office.


50617a  No.4939134



Adding to the ominous nature of the recent approval is the fact that Dsuvia’s development was partially funded by the Department of Defense.

Part of the problem critics of the new drug claim is that it is in pill form which will undoubtedly lead to abuse and black market sales.

However, that’s exactly why the DoD wants it so they can administer it on the battlefield.

The company behind the drug, AcelRx projects $1.1 billion in annual sales on Dsuvia alone, showing just how large their reach will be.

“They should stop considering any new opioid evaluation,” Brown told the Guardian. “For every day and every week and every month that the FDA don’t do the right thing, people drop dead on the streets. What they do has a direct impact on the mortality rate from opioids in this country.”

bf9671  No.4939135


Maunder Minimum.

And still they spray. Dumb. Really dumb.

a4d472  No.4939136


Thought it "old" news, as I think I read it during night shift already (also at Zerohedge). But will add (again?).

fdbc7f  No.4939137


Thank you. Hit me right in muh feels!

b723be  No.4939138


So you’re trying to convince us us you’re a real anon who would vote for Pelosi or warren Speading Bull? Why not Hillary?! NO ONE IS FOOLED SHILL.

4d26c2  No.4939139

File: 49af90593ec7e15⋯.jpg (51.79 KB, 850x400, 17:8, zappax.jpg)


I'm sorry you're hooked on meth.

d7f87c  No.4939140


Retaking areas lost to colonialism by demographic shift

d7a2ce  No.4939141


Shall We Raid the phone lines

Address: 3301 Miami Gardens Drive

Miami Gardens, FL 33056

Phone: (305) 621-5681

db371d  No.4939142

File: 0d88014da85586f⋯.jpg (29.97 KB, 474x313, 474:313, Air Force salute.jpg)


Awesome to see patriots come out

cd63fb  No.4939143


Sit down racist.

4dc0e8  No.4939144


so basically Dennis isn't even in that picture!

wow that other anon says I'm a shill just becuase I don't like slander.

Thank you for posting this.

dafda5  No.4939145


A recent study made headlines when glyphosate residues were detected in all California wines tested. … It is best known as the active ingredient in Monsanto's “Roundup” which is used to kill weeds in fields planted with seeds that have been genetically engineered to produce crops that are resistant to glyphosate.

b723be  No.4939146



I hope he is standing there with one of the angels, watching all this from heaven.

d7a2ce  No.4939147

File: e9e56faa653adb7⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 1024x762, 512:381, crack.jpg)

74f8e0  No.4939148


I am not convincing. I am just not going to vote at all. As we all suppose to think for ourselves. Thats what i think

4bb8e2  No.4939149


I don't listen to niggers, nigger

f1935f  No.4939150

File: fca7b02dd5e28b3⋯.png (162.38 KB, 901x693, 901:693, cia steel report.PNG)



Why was it blanked out for the standards?

b723be  No.4939151


Holy shit! Thanks for this link.

1945f5  No.4939152


gonna spook the horses

b0fcf8  No.4939154


They "dump" inferior steel onto our economy meaning they sell it to us for super low amounts which end up putting our steel manufacturers out of business. Can't compete with cheap steel. Double whammy was that it was inferior… so we have a shit ton of buildings, bridges, military equipment, infrastructure right now with that bad steel.

470ef0  No.4939155

File: 3aae785692a3449⋯.png (696.52 KB, 642x480, 107:80, Capture.PNG)

Now Trump can declare them a terrorist org

EXCLUSIVE — Terrorist Who Targeted Americans Takes Over Mexican Cartel on Texas Border

A verified and convicted terrorist who attacked a U.S. Consulate with a grenade and automatic rifle fire has taken over the ruthless Los Zetas cartel, a group headquartered at the Texas border in the Nuevo Laredo-Laredo metropolitan border area. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, sits immediately across the border from Laredo, Texas, and is the only urban location along the entire U.S.-Mexico Border that does not have any fencing or constructed security barrier of any kind. The convicted terrorist, Hector Raul Luna Luna, is known as “El Tory” and was convicted in the 2008 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey, Mexico. He was released from prison due to bribes paid by Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and has now taken over the dominant faction of Los Zetas, Cartel Del Noreste (CDN), to open up the lucrative and unsecured border corridor into Texas.


cd63fb  No.4939156


Hope your day gets better.

95ab69  No.4939157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6ceacf  No.4939158

>>4939057 No doubt! I'm grateful for TX, but, the combination of overt pride and the lack of critical thinking skills is the problem! We STILL have yellow dog democrats here!

94e241  No.4939159


lawfag here

i think it is worth posting again cuz it shows how much chaos there is on these so basic issues!

and how handcuffed POTUS is in many ways by the rigged system and esp the fuckery of mitch mcconnel in NOT recessing SINE DIE for 2 years! COINCIDENCE?

do you have a link to a current ZH article? if so it could be included

didnt see it just now on main ZH page

116b16  No.4939160


>>>4938510 14-year old girl suspended from Florida High School for not reporting having been raped by three boys in the bathroom

It was the second time she had been assaulted….so….

She was suspended FOR reporting the first assault

Doesn't say that she was suspended the second time

headline is misleading and still unclear

081446  No.4939161


Glad I'm not a sophisticated snob that drinks wine, it's how classy people get wasted, that stuff causes cancer.


34f4e8  No.4939162

File: 4890bd0cd2585c5⋯.jpeg (9.26 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ce362f7f4a291b8d060c07961….jpeg)


You make us proud anon!

7d057b  No.4939163


>political and social powers in the hands of a ruling elite


4bb8e2  No.4939164


don't worry about me, faggot….I'm white

db371d  No.4939165


o7. gets me too

4dc0e8  No.4939166

File: 65bfb09b593b110⋯.jpg (176.98 KB, 1511x1351, 1511:1351, Q_Cabal_Roundup.jpg)

cd63fb  No.4939167


I don't mind your color. Heart is what matters.

286e83  No.4939168


> having been raped by three boys in the bathroom

There would be three missing boys if it was my daughter, and I would feed them to the pigs alive with broken legs and arms.

Am I too gentle.?

01960a  No.4939169

File: cc76d41d674ce00⋯.jpg (132.9 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, manson-follower-squeaky-fr….jpg)

File: ffd09a387033f4e⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 425x504, 425:504, 81mQzvGfmdL._SX425_.jpg)

File: 34e701902c0c356⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 1038x576, 173:96, lynette-squeaky-fromme-103….jpg)

File: ca593466e8226a1⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 253x230, 11:10, squeaky-fromme-now-1.jpg)


This is a research board, do your research code pink is not squeeky (even though she should have received the death penalty like manson should have too. Make the death penalty popular again!

289859  No.4939170

File: da3c4bcc376b33c⋯.jpg (139.37 KB, 800x569, 800:569, yourdadclown.jpg)



759e7e  No.4939171


pointing out (now deceased) incarnated Pleiadians is basically a national sport

04eb3d  No.4939172


Smoke ‘em out

3dd669  No.4939173


From Chapter 14 of Behold a Pale Horse

Any patriot that reads it would be ill at the thought

Link has full text.

a4d472  No.4939174


Noted. Thanks. Removed.

fdbc7f  No.4939175


Putting bad Karma into good pork meat.

db72f7  No.4939176

File: 65daac78d578054⋯.png (181.32 KB, 800x424, 100:53, Screenshot_2019-01-28-10-0….png)

5f8f8a  No.4939177


Interesting! That plays well with my Luisiana Purchase = Rightfully Spain's theory. Is reconquista an official group or position somewhere?

081446  No.4939178


No it is the migrants from California and the illegal aliens from down south. They are overwhelming the indigenous conservatives

7d057b  No.4939179

ec3c0d  No.4939180

File: 146d50976da4e34⋯.jpg (239.19 KB, 1080x1210, 108:121, 49803029_2301062183259533_….jpg)

File: 8b3c3945e232286⋯.jpg (310.84 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 13041417_1170837836281979_….jpg)

Found these guys while doing some research.

I think anons need to look into this further. The whole page is satan symbles, pizza, and thirdeye. Here is a couple photos, and the sauce.


289859  No.4939181

File: e8b92cc5b386243⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 222x255, 74:85, lovinit.jpg)



9eab84  No.4939182

File: 1f5b2720f74115a⋯.png (864.05 KB, 973x530, 973:530, Bucket 1-28-19.PNG)

Fox Business Live Stream moments ago

Bucket is still in the window

31f9fd  No.4939183

File: 5d1e82816b78c40⋯.png (368.19 KB, 646x348, 323:174, sotu timing is everything.PNG)

fdbc7f  No.4939184


Can't believe I just typed that sentence.

286e83  No.4939185



Nothing hickory smoke wont fix.

5c4429  No.4939186

116b16  No.4939187


No shit

081118  No.4939188


The Satanists lost control of NK.

74f8e0  No.4939189


Bolton still cleaning the house?

01960a  No.4939190


God Bless, Patriot!

94e241  No.4939191



could have adjourned ANY FUCKING TIME THEY WANTED and allowed POTUS to make appointments

8fe1d1  No.4939192

File: ca20e66def852ca⋯.jpeg (196.18 KB, 2048x1582, 1024:791, 1C9D2BFC-5FED-4EE2-8A27-A….jpeg)

File: 02f3a605de7c544⋯.jpeg (253.56 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 59939344-47B7-4D21-B28D-4….jpeg)

File: dbbce5bd987e0a5⋯.jpeg (213.95 KB, 1280x954, 640:477, C1273CA1-CF64-4C3F-B91C-9….jpeg)

7d057b  No.4939193


Complete Cooper MP3 Collection



f68756  No.4939194

File: 94d6c34c6bb0288⋯.png (386.46 KB, 1885x793, 145:61, Screenshot_2019-01-27 City….png)

Headed back to work Napa Valley digger.

Will catch you later tonight.

Here's one of those names in the mean time.

41a3e7  No.4939196

Got a temp ban on twatter simply for calling the Krassenstein brothers "morons". Thats it

4dc0e8  No.4939197


they are just spamming the board with misinformation about California people from 45 years ago. They will not be nice to you. one of them told me to KYS because I dared to persist that slander is a bad thing and that the photo was not who he said it was.

but one anon told me he'd pray for me . . . so figure that out.

Don't waste your time trying to enlighten them, they are here being divisive.

f1935f  No.4939198


Q on March 5, 2018 asks "Why is STEEL so important?"

On January 28, 2019, POTUS answers with:

"Tariffs on the “dumping” of Steel in the United States have totally revived our Steel Industry. New and expanded plants are happening all over the U.S. We have not only saved this important industry, but created many jobs. Also, billions paid to our treasury. A BIG WIN FOR U.S."

Q & A

4d26c2  No.4939199

File: b7acb8d5a93da43⋯.jpg (331.07 KB, 702x960, 117:160, wut2.jpg)


personal issues?

116b16  No.4939200


Man - I wish we could find the tapes of the shit they have done…

c76cbd  No.4939201


Nobody said Dennis was in the pic,, said dennis was a friend of charley

I'm sorry i called you a shill, you are obviously just not good at reading comprehension

My point was dennis is not guilty by association but you just turned it around to say you were called a shill because you dont like slander

That makes you a liar and stupid


31f9fd  No.4939202


and they are losing control of Venezuela

2e4a41  No.4939203


are you a shill or can't you read?

686ba4  No.4939204

File: 88a5325667f2ac2⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 313x313, 1:1, 88a5325667f2ac27740bc6a012….jpg)

File: f28f7bc697a0e6f⋯.png (305.05 KB, 622x600, 311:300, f28f7bc697a0e6ff7daaba06fe….png)



Scotanons in the house

d5ecbd  No.4939205

File: bf5cd4b16f98a3b⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 640x400, 8:5, asfasgfsagasg-e15311218419….jpg)


Not linked until later. Yawn!


7bb8eb  No.4939206


it's a trash can

3ea3e4  No.4939208

Catholic leaders call for Gov. Cuomo to be excommunicated for ‘flagrant celebration of pro-abortion bill’


Cuomo is a surname of Sephardic Jewish Italian origin.

He's a crypto-Jew.

Many (European) jews converted to Catholicism.

b38d73  No.4939209


So others don’t have to look it up, = FSB


5f8f8a  No.4939210


081118  No.4939211


Congress is NWO.

3dd669  No.4939212


Thanks anon

Have all of it archived offline

5ec8aa  No.4939213


Just reply "Q" to all them

Best trolling ever… plus generates interest

7b3ec7  No.4939214



81f5fb  No.4939215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sure would be nice to watch all these assholes at CNN do a perp walk this summer.

Put them all at GITMO.

74f8e0  No.4939216


Whatever it is its a weird place to keep it there, unless its a plant pot

307166  No.4939218


If you read the Q drops, you will also get the impression that they have been WEAKENING the steel. Also consider POTUS' remarks about "mud steel" and "sand steel" coming from overseas. Low quality steel weakens (or worse) our infrastructure and our military.

db371d  No.4939219

File: 33f2b894b6b9cfd⋯.jpg (69.11 KB, 600x344, 75:43, Heart of texas.jpg)

Deep in the heart of Texas!

5973ec  No.4939220


Throwing labels on groups of people so (((they))) can over-generalize them and steal their voices and "speak for them" … don't fall for that

3cb879  No.4939221

File: aeda75a07392274⋯.jpeg (714.49 KB, 1242x1371, 414:457, E51A16A0-6AFD-45CC-AFF4-C….jpeg)

File: 3ce7fff291f83d9⋯.jpeg (261.01 KB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, 82E239F6-BF29-447D-8C54-E….jpeg)

Military's growing domestic drone use…


4f6e75  No.4939223


She has got to be freezer burnt by this point.

6ceacf  No.4939224

>>4939168 THIS is the point! Some people will choose to risk crossing the weak criminal lines that society establish! Consequences for criminal behavior should be so severe that people would rather light themselves on fire before risking antisocial behavior!

7d057b  No.4939225


keep a lot of important links in a simple text file for fast copy/paste

01960a  No.4939226


Fuck off shill

95ab69  No.4939228


They’re in for a surprise in less than 3 weeks.

286e83  No.4939229


On Q Post that day… What ASCII character was the unprintable one?


34f4e8  No.4939230

File: 17fa71db160c064⋯.jpeg (23.28 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a75c03af5677ea4310a9adc10….jpeg)


Okay then…. I'm so proud for you anon. I'll remember that when I'm in the isle looking at those labels.

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