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File: f29555dd6b5230f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QResearchGeneral.jpg)

e699bf  No.4925876

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e699bf  No.4925890


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4925129, >>4925132, >>4925135 Resignations in the news

>>4925158, >>4925161, >>4925165 Mapping Muh Russia and Election Meddling connections Version 1/27/19

>>4925160 California Election Watchdog Hopes to Set Up Town Hall With President Trump

>>4925240 Kellyanne Conway’s husband launches attack on Trump

>>4925533 Anon notices 21-year-olds popping up a lot in the news..code?

>>4925413, >>4925427, >>4925438 Study Nazism Cont'd: Documentary on Hitler and the Third Reich

>>4925309, >>4925420, >>4925595 Moar on Muh Russian & Election Meddling

>>4925820 Extramarital affair with Kamala Harris? Former San Francisco mayor, 84, admits it happened

>>4925837, >>4925847 19 killed, dozens injured in twin blast targeting Catholic cathedral in the Philippines

>>4925865 #6288


>>4924330 WorkAnon on /qresearch/

>>4924381 Attorney Robert Barnes Lists Members of Media, Hollywood Elites Who Will be Sued by Covington Students

>>4924428 Chaffetz: Short-Term Spending Bill Was a 'Pretty Savvy Move' By Trump

>>4924453, >>4924918 Russiagate Map

>>4924483 Graphics of compiled digs on Pelosi's wine tunnels

>>4924506, >>4924549, >>4924747 Roger Stone connection to NXIVM

>>4924560 European Commission takes legal action against Slovenia over central bank raid

>>4924703 Donald Trump Donates Third Quarter Salary to Alcoholism Research

>>4924910 ISIS WILL be defeated in Syria within a month

>>4924930 Diane Feinstein tweet about Roger Stone from yesterday

>>4925055 #6287


>>4923919 Pelosi Accuses Trump of Being Blackmailed by Putin

>>4923900 AntarticaAnon checking in

>>4923940, >>4924032 Tear Gas, Fires, and Riot Police at Paris Yellow Vest Protest

>>4923942 DC police looking for suspects after triple shooting

>>4923980 CIA, Mossad coordinated September 11 attacks: Scholar

>>4924052 Until recently Josh Campbell was an FBI special agent

>>4924084 Viktor Orban attacks George Soros, who “is open about wanting to take over European institutions”

>>4924116 Model Decides To Stop Hiding Her Support For Trump From Anti-Trump Fashion Industry: “I think Trump is great for women”

>>4923843, >>4924142 Bloomberg calls POTUS a "fake CEO" (projection?)

>>4924150 Police Are Now Seeking The Removal Of Nancy Pelosi

>>4924167, >>4924218 Buzzfeed claims "4chan to be Shutdown"

>>4924195 U.S. calls on world to 'pick a side' on Venezuela; Europeans set to recognize Guaido

>>4924203 Leaked tapes allege Russian oligarch planned arrest of escort claiming she had dirt on Trump

>>4924263 Young Catholics grill Pope Francis on church sex abuse

>>4924290 #6286

#6285 Baker Change

>>4922871, >>4923004 Halfchan "FBI anon" thread

>>4922855 Bishop's apology to Sandmann came after a "preservation of evidence demand" from Nick's lawyers

>>4922979, >>4923121 Stone indictment covering up Major FISA Abuse Scandal and General Flynn Setup

>>4922983 POTUS' tweet: "(collusion with Crooked H?)"

>>4923070 Bongino vs Hahn on Judge Jeanine tonight (vid at the link)

>>4923138, >>4923205 How Much Democrats’ Refusal To Fund Border Security Cost America During Shutdown

>>4923233, >>4923367, >>4923459 Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admits to relationship with Kamala Harris, boosting her career

>>4923256 Transcript: Sen. John Kennedy on "Face the Nation," January 20, 2019

>>4923280 Arkansas Federal Grand Jury Cancelled Due to Shutdown

>>4923285 Govt. report: Trump has legal authority to order Pentagon to build border wall without emergency declaration or congress

>>4923315 Comey-Clinton connections map

>>4923531 #6285

Previously Collected Notables

>>4921177 #6282, >>4921965 #6283, >>4922739 #6284

>>4918854 #6279, >>4919639 #6280, >>4920659 #6281

>>4916530 #6276, >>4917245 #6277, >>4918051 #6278

>>4914166 #6273, >>4914952 #6274, >>4915730 #6275

>>4912407 #6270, >>4912631 #6271, >>4913398 #6272

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

e699bf  No.4925894

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

e699bf  No.4925895

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

e699bf  No.4925898



84fdb4  No.4925905

File: 6452f819f636f0b⋯.jpg (319.54 KB, 930x1042, 465:521, divide the goy.jpg)

e699bf  No.4925906

Baker Requesting Handoff

70fb80  No.4925907

cfc263  No.4925908

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herp derp q herp derp q herp derp q herp derp q herp derp q

84fdb4  No.4925909



0e7e34  No.4925910

opinion check… anyone else think Q crumb recently about mind controlled vets related to hit job attempts on WH and that's why it was mentioned?

70fb80  No.4925911


Not bot just dumb

5f5e37  No.4925912

File: fc97d5d01cad764⋯.jpg (41.14 KB, 578x416, 289:208, FirstTweetDJT.JPG)

The first Tweet from DJT was;

May 4, 2009 01:54:25 PM:

May = 5

Day = 4

Minute Marker = 54

Mirror = 45

He became the 45th POTUS

The numbers remaining are;

20090125 = Using Reduction = 2915 = 17



560388  No.4925913

File: c0ea163c32626c2⋯.png (41.81 KB, 1069x202, 1069:202, 2019-01-27_3-56-46.png)

File: cc207702ac67967⋯.png (966.33 KB, 1085x1160, 217:232, 2019-01-27_3-45-59.png)

File: 8ed44a0ff207949⋯.png (213.08 KB, 594x1446, 99:241, 2019-01-27_3-46-30.png)

File: 5a890397e30bc80⋯.png (170.31 KB, 592x1119, 592:1119, 2019-01-27_3-47-28.png)

>>4924167 lb

>>4924218 lb

>>4921315 lb

>>4924220 lb

>>4925010 lb

Has anyone come up with any proof of Buzzfeed's story that

4chan is shutting down? I searched several ways on DDG and CNN with no luck. I suspect StacyGoldberg488 is trolling in response to the story below.



4chan trolls flood laid off HuffPost, BuzzFeed reporters with death threats

The threats are part of a coordinated campaign organized on the far-right message board.

By Ben Collins

Jan. 25, 2019, 4:43 PM EST

Shortly after he tweeted the news of his own layoff, Nick Wing checked his inbox at HuffPost and saw an email with a few pictures from a troll.

One was an image of President Trump, and another was a Photoshopped meme of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. The edited image shows two bodies hanging from a tree next to the words “Day of the Rope,” a far-right meme about their desire to execute journalists. Underneath Carlson, where the scrolling cable news ticker would usually appear, it reads “JUST KILL THEM. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”

Wing was one of many journalists who were let go by BuzzFeed and HuffPost this week and were sent death threats from trolls organizing their efforts on the far-right message board 4chan. Many of those targeted by the harassment campaign did not cover the far-right, including Wing, whose beat focused on inequality and guns.

“It really is upsetting to see such outright animus toward the entire journalism profession, to the point where trolls are openly reveling in people’s misfortune or even working to make it worse. But ultimately I think it says more about their character than anything,” Wing told NBC News.

“What sort of sad and pathetic human being do you have to be to do that?”

Tweets sent from trolls to Wing that included everything from threats to racial slurs to images of swastikas remained visible on Twitter hours after they were posted.

BuzzFeed and HuffPost both laid off substantial portions of its newsrooms this week. BuzzFeed said it would cut about 15 percent of its workforce, and layoffs began Friday. HuffPost’s parent company, Verizon, promised to cut 7 percent of workers from its media division, and those layoffs began Thursday.

Talia Lavin, a freelance writer whose primary income was a political column for HuffPost before her editors were laid off this week, found 4chan threads with users bragging about “taunting them with my sock puppet Twitter.”

“I’m gonna burn so many sock (puppet accounts), I can not help, but gloat to the max,” one user wrote. Another user implored others to “hammer these [expletive] hard and tell them to learn to code.”

Lavin was inundated with sexist and anti-semitic slurs, including one calling her “oven-ready,” and outright threats on Twitter and Instagram, both as replies to tweets and direct messages. One troll even sent a taunting message to her PayPal account.

Lavin said she was able to identify the origins of the campaign because of the “uniformity of the responses,” noting they all began with tweets of the same memes before using varied racial slurs and threats. She said she believes the social media companies could be more proactive in finding and taking down these accounts.

“It's particularly hard to police when it comes from other sites and migrates to another platform,” said Lavin. “But use of the same phrase, lots of blocks (from users) in a short amount of time—these are clues.”

A Twitter spokesperson told NBC News it’s taking steps to prevent brigading, the process of coordinating a hate campaign on one site that is later deployed on targets on another site, that are targeting journalists on its platform.

"We are disheartened about the layoffs many journalists are facing right now and are working to prevent people coordinating on other services from making the situation worse. We are taking action on content that violates our rules and will continue to do so,” the Twitter spokesperson said.

The death threat using Carlson’s Photoshopped meme that was sent to Wing, for example, remains prevalent on troll sites like 4chan and on pages hosted by social media giants like Twitter and YouTube. The image was created by an account that frequently posts images about killing journalists on Gab, a social network that attracts mostly far-right users.

One YouTube video using the image as a thumbnail has over 17,000 views. Others linger in the replies of journalists’ Twitter accounts.

“You never know how seriously to take these sorts of things, but it’s not like attacks against the press are unprecedented,” Wing said. “It hasn’t even been that long since a gunman killed five journalists at a Maryland newsroom. The president continues to constantly attack the media, using language that these sorts of trolls now parrot ad infinitum."

[Moar at website]

70fb80  No.4925914


Freddy. Do you wanna go? You know who I am.

2e2cf6  No.4925915

>>4925742 (prev)

Infra red telescope. The only way to see a brown dwarf. (Nibiru)

b7846c  No.4925916

File: 7f551f680a717b8⋯.gif (929.69 KB, 360x202, 180:101, dsa.gif)

TY Baker

4f18cf  No.4925917

File: 12f6635045d75d3⋯.jpeg (101.56 KB, 640x427, 640:427, BFDC090E-8A09-435D-96EF-5….jpeg)

It’s always the…

84fdb4  No.4925918




cfc263  No.4925919

flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q flak kek q

7b4f68  No.4925920

Q = Roger Stone


8bd194  No.4925921

File: 843efa3f99ae123⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2447x2136, 2447:2136, graveyard.jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4925922


can you hide the r

84fdb4  No.4925924




70fb80  No.4925925







cfc263  No.4925926

derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo derp kys faggtot gtfo derp kys faggot gtfo

84fdb4  No.4925927



e03201  No.4925928

>>4925554 PB

Is Muh Jews really a slide? True most of the posts are shit but they do make an important point. Jews are a very small percentage of the population but they own and control everything (including Hollywood, the banks, the advertising industry, the media, the Wall Street corporations, and even the federal government—-seriously, guys…look at the faces and the talking heads—99.9% Jews), and they've always used their wealth and power to exploit and to start trouble in one form or another.

Jews are different from Muslims only in terms of how they dress and the nonsense they preach. They both use their false religion to spread hatred and strife, and to destroy the Christian-based family based community cultures upon which Western civilization was successfully built. Soros is just one face of the monster. It has many others. They cannot get totalitarian control of the West as they had planned because people are pushing back and rejecting the evil globalist nonsense. And then came Trump. And now that they know they can't really control it they've moved on to plan B— which is to destroy it.

Now imagine what's going to happen inside the USA when POTUS tells the military to start building the wall next month—the wall is the ultimate threat to the cabal's people/drug trafficking network. Gonna be fireworks! The Clowns murdered JFK for far less.

Pray for POTUS. He's gonna need it. We all do.

c4d1fa  No.4925929


one man's freedom fighter

548567  No.4925930

File: 8bea14bf193fea6⋯.png (555.82 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, 39FF753F-6D09-4B80-AA90-EF….png)

d9543f  No.4925931

File: 903521f0dfafc00⋯.png (57.86 KB, 501x126, 167:42, Q CLEARENCE.png)

File: ae8cf3b3b7bf747⋯.png (307.38 KB, 517x610, 517:610, red light MOVIE.png)

File: 8f7d5bd7033e4ba⋯.png (275.69 KB, 487x489, 487:489, Grooming Lake.png)

File: c447e24f7559e35⋯.png (154.68 KB, 490x348, 245:174, franklin Allen.png)

File: 28520d1a6169f56⋯.png (15.41 KB, 326x542, 163:271, Alan Memorial.png)


Q Clearance mention…. and much else… fascinating when one looks at this through the symbolism filter.

4f18cf  No.4925932


Goto sleep Jew. You’re drunk and lonely.

84fdb4  No.4925934



cfc263  No.4925935

herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom herp derp great awakening boom

b7846c  No.4925936

Only ones that freaked me out were the

KARA BOĞA guy and the guy that claimed he sat in some gum

3e1d57  No.4925937

84fdb4  No.4925938



84fdb4  No.4925939



b7846c  No.4925940

File: 953dc5ae916a040⋯.gif (1010.95 KB, 500x264, 125:66, rag.gif)

b6976c  No.4925942

File: ff4f2ce76737602⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 600x404, 150:101, goodjewbadjewmeme.jpg)

84fdb4  No.4925943



e699bf  No.4925944



Baker Requesting Handoff

70fb80  No.4925945


HALO HALO Infantry.

Queen of battle follow me.

An Airborne ranger's life for me.

Oh nothin in this world is free.

The mortars and artillery.

The bursting screams surround me.

The jagged shrapnel passed me by.

It kills my buddy makes me cry.

aef974  No.4925946

File: 29f86f439cb633a⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, YJ T Every World Issue.jpg)

File: 5861ba552342e60⋯.jpg (154.51 KB, 796x636, 199:159, YJ G Jew World Order.jpg)

7b4f68  No.4925947

And yet another crumb missed by the cult. Such a shame that followers are generally not very smart people.

4c9708  No.4925948

>>4925476 PB

Re digging on Matt Osborne and generating a graphic

Didn't respond earlier but yes, Matt Osbourn is worth a dig.

Two things BTW:

1. There's also that Tennessee election thing that I can't remember teh details on but I bet you do–will come around again. Now we've got Alabama and Tenn. How many other states has someone done "experiments" in? If this guy Osbourne has done propos against Rush, how big does the net go, anyways???

Anons know very well that all these people who claim to be experts in detecting disinformation are really experts in executing it. That's why they know so much. They have a lot of practice.

When they get caught, they say, "We have to do this because the GOP does it." (The Devil made me do it.)

2. Your graphic "as is" is amazingly conceived and very clear. But you mentioned not having the software to do certain things you would like to do. I have Illustrator, which can probably do most things (the main limitations lie with this operator's skills, not the program). I'd be happy to generate something for you, if that would be useful. Could go back and forth getting it straight, no problem, let me know.

cfc263  No.4925949

q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek q iz god worship q or die kys faggot gtfo gfy kek kek

3e1d57  No.4925950


Why is everything on this page so fuzzy and unreadable?

I have old eyes.

4f18cf  No.4925951



Posts like this are why I come here.

Thanks Anon!


af96a0  No.4925952


>Is Muh Jews really a slide?

No. If most goy understood what was really happening they would see the problems clearly and be able to deal with them.

Due to the control of money, education, media, etc., etc., the goy are mind-slaves and don't know it. They have been programmed to have a knee-jerk reaction whenever anyone brings up the fact that the JEWS have been behind it all for as long as they have been.

Bringing up the role of the jews, posting talmud quotes, showing how subversive they are through all means possible is the only way to get the goy to see their true state.

They are mind-controlled slaves of the jew, and they should stop being the last ones to know it.

44b471  No.4925953

File: 5c175c058117317⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtbotp.jpg)

fd6707  No.4925954

Baker, you're notableing Neno-Nazi propaganda?

When Q said to study the Nazis I don't think this is what he had in mind.

3e1d57  No.4925955


What crumb?

84fdb4  No.4925956





4f18cf  No.4925957

b7846c  No.4925958

File: 220a7ae3eb8f39a⋯.png (289.49 KB, 599x540, 599:540, 7f369703421e9a2c98f54edce0….png)

File: 5a3217f6f328a8b⋯.png (50.63 KB, 233x255, 233:255, 42a2dca3f308e5865f042ddad8….png)

aef974  No.4925959

File: 51a47b8857dd622⋯.png (186.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, YJ When 1.4 Percent Domina….png)

File: 77c0b3206514c68⋯.png (443.25 KB, 1671x1032, 557:344, YJ Masters Of The earth.png)

c4d1fa  No.4925960


can you find the r?

cfc263  No.4925961


stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies? stfu faggot you still skull fucking babies?

266be3  No.4925962

The Nibiru theory is truly fascinating given where it originated from. I mean, fuck, we're talking about an ancient culture who had no reason at all to jot down the things they wrote which, coincidentally, are nearly identical to all modern religions. Don't believe me? Watch this:

Sumerian: When in the height heaven was not named, And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name, And the primeval Apsu, who begat them, And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both. Their waters were mingled together, And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen; When of the gods none had been called into being, And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained; Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven, Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being.

Bible: Genesis 2-6: Now no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth, nor had any plant of the field sprouted; for the LORD God had not yet sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But springs welled up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground. Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.

d9543f  No.4925963

File: 0b92ed14b1ab28f⋯.png (352.84 KB, 516x602, 6:7, Alien Reproduction Vehicle.png)

File: b8431e97e984452⋯.png (181.25 KB, 464x357, 464:357, Middle of May.png)

File: 944faf0f09f4d5b⋯.png (31.66 KB, 341x191, 341:191, mar tv show ufo issue.png)

File: a937b38ed4e3e6c⋯.png (143.28 KB, 389x428, 389:428, INVERSION LAYERS High inte….png)

File: 9cb593b0000a58b⋯.png (192.46 KB, 491x486, 491:486, ufo movie.png)



Still decoding…. and I'm doing so tho I should be sleeping…

hmm… yes, I see, this alien thing is exactly what I thought. Raping kids, being filmed, and using the blackmail of others to turn them friendly to the cult as needed. It's all in code- but that's what this is (as well as experimentation)

b9d887  No.4925964

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB, 2536x1396, 634:349, McKinsey spider web.png)

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB, 600x600, 1:1, VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

File: 1200f8eda568e85⋯.png (100.96 KB, 954x696, 159:116, Rothschild-Munk-DeripaskaW….png)

File: 3240b412ad80c36⋯.png (109.42 KB, 952x655, 952:655, SchmidtFamilyWeb.png)

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB, 2538x1404, 47:26, SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

4f18cf  No.4925965



5060af  No.4925966

File: 0daafe688c195bd⋯.jpg (264.73 KB, 500x852, 125:213, gas.jpg)



still kvetching huh

84fdb4  No.4925967




560388  No.4925968

File: 511c85787e12956⋯.png (171.39 KB, 758x603, 758:603, 2019-01-27_2-59-17.png)

File: e5e0cf667d09729⋯.png (800.94 KB, 890x1320, 89:132, 2019-01-27_3-13-58.png)

File: 48d1d1a2905b366⋯.png (52.41 KB, 634x565, 634:565, 2019-01-27_3-09-55.png)

File: e379f13925d68ed⋯.png (34.33 KB, 780x288, 65:24, 2019-01-27_3-09-24.png)

File: bc90b8ece83a6f7⋯.png (129.86 KB, 567x1465, 567:1465, 2019-01-27_3-08-20.png)

Thought I'd post some info about how Hiroyuki Nishimura fits into the 4chan scheme of things.




(and, for good measure, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8chan)



'Welcome To 4chan, B***h': Site's Users Greet Their New Overlord

Lauren Orsini

22,808 views|Sep 23, 2015, 01:11pm

On Tuesday, new 4chan owner Hiroyuki Nishimura held a Q&A for his community. Naturally, 4chan users treated it as a hazing ritual.

Nishimura gave as good as he got, indicating he knew exactly what he was getting into. The founder of 2Channel, the anonymous Japanese culture message board that inspired Christopher Poole to build 4chan, he’s the man Poole called “the great-grandfather of all of this.”

4chan usernames are both anonymous and temporary, so the original Q&A is already gone from the boards. However, the 8 p.m. ET session is preserved for posterity on an unofficial 4chan archiving site and in a 41-page Google Document, racial slurs, swearwords, and all. If that’s a bit racy or lengthy for you, I’ve collected some of the highlights.

4chan’s new owner is pretty hard to troll.

Nishimura opened the conversation with an open poll asking users to pick his next username. Just as Poole went by “moot” on 4chan, Nishimura plans to have a moniker, too.

Not surprisingly, 4chan users outdid themselves, submitting outlandishly obnoxious suggestions for Nishimura, from the culturally offensive “Hiroshima Nagasaki” to the obligatory 4chan stab at his sexuality, “Faglord” to Asian (albeit inaccurate) slurs such as “gook.”. Nishimura, unfazed, responded in kind, answering the question, “How small is your penis?” with, “Same as yours.”

Nishimura’s English is good and his 4chan literacy is even better.

A Japanese citizen, Nishimura learned English while studying at Central Arkansas University as an exchange student. When a 4chan user asked him whether it was easy to learn English, Nishimura replied, “easier than French.”

Nishimura told users that he’s spent time lurking 4chan “since [he] met moot.’” When asked if he would be making any major changes to 4chan, Nishimura responded, “What is significant other than [a link to “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley].” (This is a 4chan-born meme called Rick Rolling that users are more than familiar with.)

He’s been planning to buy 4chan for a while.

Nishimura and Poole have been friends since they met at South By Southwest in 2011 and meet up to go drinking every time Poole visits Tokyo.

It was during one of these outings when Nishimura decided to buy the site. “Moot came to tokyo and we [got] drunk,” Nishimura recalled. “Then he said he wanted to quit. But he and I want 4chan survive,” and that’s when Nishimura offered to buy the site. “Someone has to continue 4chan,” he said, adding that “I borrowed money” to make the purchase.

Nishimura says he doesn’t sell user data.

Several users repeatedly asked Nishimura about accusations that he mined 2Channel for user data to sell to marketers, a practice which Nishimura has repeatedly spoken out against. This is reportedly why Nishimura is no longer involved with the messageboard he founded.

Nishimura repeatedly stated that the data was stolen from 2Channel. “Actually, I have sued them in Japan. The lawsuit starts [in] Nov. If I do illegal things, why wouldn’t they sue me?

Instead of that, I have sued them because they are liars.”

Users continued to bring the topic up during the interview, and each subsequent time, Nishimura simply stated: “I'm happy that there is no stupid 4chan users who easily are deceived without any evidence.”

He watches a lot of anime.

This shouldn’t be any surprise, given that Nishimura founded and ran an anime and Japanese culture messageboard for years. Nishimura responded to user questions with references to anime like Gurren Lagann and noted his hopes for the anime industry’s future.

4chan users repeatedly asked Nishimura if he preferred “Asuka or Rei,” referencing two female characters on Neon Genesis Evangelion, a ‘90s Japanese cartoon show. Nishimura showed his fan cred by noting the show was old news to him: “I don't know why you guy like EVA so much. It was 20 years ago?” (After continued prodding, however, he admitted “Asuka.”)

[Moar at website]

b9d887  No.4925969

File: d6d361084c12a2f⋯.png (135.85 KB, 662x591, 662:591, McKinsey Co web connecti….png)

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB, 2601x1482, 867:494, Gannett Co web.png)

File: 47c5fff166ea72d⋯.png (78.46 KB, 950x694, 475:347, Ian Cameron web.png)

File: 4ad1f829cb2cc44⋯.png (62.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Podesta web of connections.png)

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB, 658x600, 329:300, Gannett web connections.png)

4c9708  No.4925970


You should have spoken up during the last bread. Anon wants to post a series and seeks out congenial bakers, which he is free to do. Hard call, I stayed out of it but wondered whether someone would discuss.

936c38  No.4925971

File: 96d10fa9d3b06c3⋯.jpg (480.14 KB, 1195x1600, 239:320, download (36).jpg)


I can take it baker but my life is about to change uncertain if I will be able to have internet access

or were i will go friends it is a sad night watchman tonight

hand off confirmed

b7846c  No.4925972

File: e09fa3b9221068c⋯.gif (611.74 KB, 245x184, 245:184, Patterns of Force Star Tre….gif)

cfc263  No.4925973


stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek stfu weak faggot with a pedo mouth neck your neck faggot kys kek kek

aef974  No.4925974

File: 9f792c3e082b581⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 500x421, 500:421, Food Bacon Sammich.jpg)


You're obviously delirious from hunger rabbi. Here have a sammich.

84fdb4  No.4925975



142556  No.4925976

File: 0a508c816c12447⋯.png (103.22 KB, 588x512, 147:128, ClipboardImage.png)

Who wants to take the bet that this asshole is one of the Krassenstein bros?

Always first on POTUS twats now… like Krassensteins.

And when this asshat posts, no Krass tweet.

70fb80  No.4925977





c4d1fa  No.4925978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Buildup to The Civil War | What Caused it?

c68f77  No.4925979


Have two phone lines dead in two different states.

Anyone else's phones dead? (land lines)

84fdb4  No.4925980


af96a0  No.4925981



c4d1fa  No.4925982


dsl was out all day

3e1d57  No.4925983


Exactly what I was thinking? How many good Jew are scapegoats for the bad ones?

Is that what happened in Nasi Germany?

471aca  No.4925984





Thy Shalt Not Use Q drops or Q crumbs in vain.

This is complete Bull Shit Making Hitler a Hero…hamas, isis, cair, muzzie brotherhood hezbollah & skin head garbage

Not Notable

Do we have to go through this every night!

Q has said nothing of the kind or even hinted to anything remotely like that.

Damaging the reputation of this board.

Hitler was a pile of shit and not controlled by the jews, retards!

Hitler wanted to perform terrorist attacks inside the United States: Operation Pastorius was a failed German intelligence plan for sabotage inside the United States during World War II. The operation was staged in June 1942 and was to be directed against strategic American economic targets. The operation was named by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, chief of the German Abwehr, for Francis Daniel Pastorius, the leader of the first organized settlement of Germans in America

The two teams were to meet on July 4th in a hotel in Cincinnati to coordinate their sabotage operations….

On June 15th, Dasch phoned the New York office of the FBI from a pay-telephone on Manhattan's Upper West Side explaining who he was and asked to convey the information to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. When the FBI agent was trying to figure out if he was talking to a crackpot, Dasch hung up. Four days later, he took a train to Washington, D.C. and checked in at the Mayflower Hotel. Dasch walked into FBI headquarters, asked to speak with Director Hoover. He eventually spoke to Assistant Director D.M. Ladd.[16] He finally convinced the FBI by dumping his mission's entire budget of $84,000 on the desk of Assistant Director D. M. Ladd.[17] At this point, he was taken seriously and interrogated for hours.[18] Besides Burger, none of the other German agents knew they were betrayed. Over the next two weeks, Burger and the other six were arrested. FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover made no mention that Dasch had turned himself in, and claimed credit for the FBI for cracking the spy ring.[19]

Fearful that a civilian court would be too lenient, President Roosevelt issued Executive Proclamation 2561 on 2 July 1942 creating a military tribunal[20] to prosecute the Germans.


84fdb4  No.4925985



cfc263  No.4925986



these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick these two are butt buddy pedo faggots with cum in the ass and lips on the dick

4c9708  No.4925987

File: dcef77b00363c3c⋯.jpeg (13.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, flag with cross.jpeg)


Are my fellow correspondent on election meddling? If so , I sent you a message here >>4925948

In any event, wish you the best for the changed circumstances.

8c4707  No.4925988

Omg, all they do is fight.

e03201  No.4925989


Freddy, when do you sleep ? Thought your shift ended hours ago.

52b3ca  No.4925990


You were supposed to go piss in the wind.

Didn't you get the memo?

c68f77  No.4925991


This is ATT and Bell- two dif states, no tone, no phones.

84fdb4  No.4925992



70fb80  No.4925994

Early at night…

It's drizzlin rain…

I am HIT and feel no PAIN.



44b471  No.4925995

File: 8af6bba7b35bf3d⋯.jpg (143.15 KB, 504x536, 63:67, word.jpg)

3e1d57  No.4925996

0efe28  No.4925997

File: 6a608c1375cf4d9⋯.png (55.69 KB, 1269x258, 423:86, StacyGoldberg488.png)


From a couple breads ago, but have a kek at the author bio.

>I am a recent Highschool graduate with a dream of becoming a journalist. I suffer from autism, tourettes, PTSD, bipolar, and severe depression. I have been the victim of bullying since I was a little boy/girl. They/Them

5d8163  No.4925998

File: 51436954c118d6d⋯.png (22.81 KB, 246x205, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

They know all your moves. I was looking at Q post about Maggie from NYT. Then read a couple articles later. Then went to my twittter-and who is in my twitter feed?….yup Maggie, No, I am not a follower. So QMaps, then Google, then Facebook….somehow then Alexis' Your twitter w/o being asked. I have just been Alexispied

c4d1fa  No.4925999


centurylink, just DSL down for about 15 hrs


84fdb4  No.4926000





471aca  No.4926001





Thy Shalt Not Use Q drops or Q crumbs in vain.

This is complete Bull Shit Making Hitler a Hero…hamas, isis, cair, muzzie brotherhood hezbollah & skin head garbage

Not Notable

Do we have to go through this every night!

Q has said nothing of the kind or even hinted to anything remotely like that.

Damaging the reputation of this board.

Hitler was a pile of shit and not controlled by the jews, retards!

Here's the Iran savak & naja baker and shill, again…or is it mossad?

Do not twist Q's drops for your own warped fucktard thinking….Hitler also helped the moslems almost exterminate Armenians "Christians" …pantifa takes their terrorist tactic from and is rooted in fascisim, socialist's workers' party…study their tactics: censorship, book burning, control of media and all education, movies, gun confiscations, control of every aspect of germany's citizens, spied on them, etc. experiemented on humans, etc. and who betrayed their own countries to Hitler, wanted to create his own religion, there were moslem SS units….disinformation tactics that are used today, also have roots in fascism/ propaganda experts. Tore down statues, tried to rewrite history, same tactics as moslems and the real nazis.

Find US Veteran POW accounts of Hitlers concentration camps…if there are any left or their stories, interviews, the scars and experiments done on them also…not just jews.

–Democrats are acting just like Nazis & moslems destroying historical monuments and trying to rewrite History to fit their agenda…Nazi plunder on 20th of March 1939, The NAZIS set fire to 1,004 paintings and sculptures and 3,825 watercolours, drawings and prints in the courtyard of the Berlin Fire Department, an act of infamy similar to their earlier well-known book burnings (25,000 books burned on one night alone).

– Nazis quickly eliminated any opposition. Other parties, including the ultraconservatives, conservatives were liquidated within a few months of the Nazi seizure of power. With moslems, it's infidels (anyone who doesn't believe in the same as them).

–Nazis took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

–Nazi officials used extensive propaganda, carefully crafted to appeal when necessary to more general national, economic, and social goals. They aimed to appeal to convinced National Socialists and non-Nazi Germans, and also to undercut anti-Nazi sentiment.

—Hitler's National Socialism was state socialism at its worse. Education, from kindergarten to university, was put under strict party and government control. Schools also played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas & propaganda. While some books were removed from classrooms by censors, other textbooks, newly written to the Nazi agenda and blind obedience to the Nazi National Socialist German Workers Party.

–Nazis, like moslems attacked both Christianity and the Jewish faith. Christianity was attacked by the Nazis, as a Jewish contrivance to weaken the military spirit of the Germans, and attempts were made to substitute a new religion, “German Faith,” for Christianity. Hitler even stated, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity."

–"Simply put, if not for gun control, Hitler would not have been able to murder millions of people."

–The Nazis used women to Out-populate other races. The Third Reich's aggressive population policy encouraged women to bear as many "Aryan" children as possible. Moslems have multiple wives to accomplish the same thing…Out Populate the infidels.

–President Jimmy Carter and a Democrat majority passed The Refugee Act in 1980, bringing millions of moslems to the US.

–Armenian Holocaust, was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination & genocide of 1.5 million Armenians, The Armenian community was made up of three religious denominations: Armenian Catholic, Armenian Protestant, and Armenian Apostolic, the Church of the vast majority of Armenians. Ottoman authorities rounded up, arrested, and deported 235 to 270 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders from Constantinople to the region of Ankara, the majority of whom were eventually murdered.

Yes, there was even a moslem SS unit (Himmler inspected them. Photos taken, films of concentration camps by US Veterans.

e699bf  No.4926002


baker?? are you ok? i can keep baking..

52b3ca  No.4926003


She was just sucking on someone else.

aef974  No.4926004

File: 9166f859d632068⋯.jpg (275.82 KB, 632x724, 158:181, YJ Kicked Out.jpg)

File: e15f857c9251565⋯.png (218.98 KB, 800x475, 32:19, YJ G Genocide 6.png)

70fb80  No.4926005





c68f77  No.4926006



ATT and Bell- two dif stes, no land lines. Current outage??

266be3  No.4926007


No doubt it is one of their socks at all. As I said last month when I brought up the Krass connection to Twitter - any and every single top post on the POTUS Twitter comments, no exceptions, every last one of them are connected to Twitter and are reading his posts as he types them which is how they post mere seconds after he posts his tweet and is how they get a thousand likes within seconds.

They have remote access to his Twitter feed and are watching as he logs in, as he types characters, every time he erases words, everything. It's all connected to Twitter and Twitter giving access to the Krass team which is connected to "The Hill" which is connected to the NYT and WaPo which is connected to the cabal.

I will add something else. How do you think Bezo's wife found out her "husband" was fucking around behind her back? Do you think he told her? Hah… no… he ate the same tactics he has been giving to others.

f410be  No.4926008

File: 7eff77a1b0dc339⋯.png (21.19 KB, 590x93, 590:93, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

File: e1fbdbb2cab6cec⋯.png (22.8 KB, 559x176, 559:176, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

File: 891122e016fbaf6⋯.png (91.99 KB, 852x313, 852:313, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

File: 25a137cc3d428ff⋯.png (1.4 MB, 697x948, 697:948, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

Germatria = 126

maybe something..

peace out faggots

ae0d67  No.4926009


You truly need a BIGGER God, you are free to take your issues up with him when you see Him and you will. I would suggest following Job's lead and keeping your mouth shut.

446f78  No.4926010

File: cd20abe6b19dde6⋯.jpg (262.36 KB, 500x712, 125:178, 2ohsb7.jpg)

52b3ca  No.4926011


Well you could have gone twinsies, you didn't have you use your own.

You really need to re_read Drops.

You're missing out on a lot.

84fdb4  No.4926012






c1daac  No.4926013

File: e7df3a112cb6f47⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 634x646, 317:323, incel.jpg)

4 am talking point?


cfc263  No.4926014


crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband crypto jew is horny for boys and pretends like it doesn't ram cock into his husband

5d8163  No.4926015


yes because the little son-of-bitches are having snow days. It shall stop once weather permits and they have to go to bed earlier for a school day, Lil fkn twats.

7210e1  No.4926016


What a loser ^^^^^ this kid is!

78886e  No.4926017

File: 85af3ac81ebfd9c⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 408x380, 102:95, pumpndump.jpg)



I prefer this..

84fdb4  No.4926018



c68f77  No.4926019


Do y'all have a dial tone right now?

2 lines - 2 dif states- dead.

(not concernfag, not shill REALLY need to know!)

158ff0  No.4926020

God help us.

Unfortunately, we often rely on politicians.

Please guide us. Safeguard our elections.

Thank You for DJT.

c4d1fa  No.4926021


brave new world

A I bullies

plays little tricks with all your devices

does little word plays in your feeds

84fdb4  No.4926022



0efe28  No.4926023

File: 5e7393d37e1833b⋯.png (581.64 KB, 1034x697, 1034:697, Craigslist-RBG.png)

Craigslist post searching for RBG replacement urgently for Jan. 29th


70fb80  No.4926024


When I was a Young boy.

Momma told me.

Go to the store.

Get what you neeeeed.

2b8e56  No.4926025

File: 25c9e127d89905b⋯.jpeg (339.2 KB, 742x986, 371:493, DFE18AE6-6BE3-41C9-B5BE-9….jpeg)

File: cbc3f8ad547a159⋯.jpeg (96.07 KB, 743x679, 743:679, 1F33E613-1FC5-455E-AF76-7….jpeg)

Top Kek Night Shiftin Niggas

d9543f  No.4926026

File: 4de46d364f4a70d⋯.png (147.88 KB, 367x457, 367:457, Ran into the woods.png)

File: ed64c21769399ad⋯.png (227.78 KB, 517x423, 11:9, greenish light.png)

File: cc814e2e2c49424⋯.png (190.9 KB, 478x544, 239:272, collect and analyze data f….png)

File: 0f885cba018121e⋯.png (196.61 KB, 463x544, 463:544, Alien Base Backside of the….png)

File: 3e55b15c2b4dea8⋯.png (142.21 KB, 485x372, 485:372, Howe How 17 Q JFK.png)

3e1d57  No.4926027


Is that an angel or a demon?

471aca  No.4926028





Thy Shalt Not Use Q drops or Q crumbs in vain.

This is complete Bull Shit Making Hitler a Hero…hamas, isis, cair, muzzie brotherhood hezbollah & skin head garbage

Not Notable

Do we have to go through this every night!

Q has said nothing of the kind or even hinted to anything remotely like that.

Damaging the reputation of this board.

Hitler was a pile of shit and not controlled by the jews, retards!

Here's the Iranian Baker & Shill team handoffs…savaks? Mossad? Naja? Hamas? This is bullshit

84fdb4  No.4926029





158ff0  No.4926030


Have not heard dial tone since I invented the blended call center.

8b8d60  No.4926031

File: 9427c622b244b2c⋯.png (279.64 KB, 681x480, 227:160, flute.png)

6b692d  No.4926032

File: d3eb3b499bbd724⋯.png (262.18 KB, 552x416, 69:52, ClipboardImage.png)

c68f77  No.4926033


See you tag my post but filtered you at the top of the bread. (((cunt hear you))) KEK!

8c4707  No.4926034

Fuckin leafs

cfc263  No.4926035


jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q jesus was the og king jew and you worship q

7e280c  No.4926036

New PTSD treatment:

A new PTSD protocol

promises a 90 percent

success rate without drugs

and only a few hours of therapy.


5d8163  No.4926037


Well hell, wish they could set me up with helpful links when I'm researching!

70fb80  No.4926038



Wound it up tight.


936c38  No.4926039



I have been using


it is very simple and this is important I have more advanced software but only on computer so as you say the operator is the limiting factor

I am thinking that simple is best and seriously wounder about symbols with the number to show the kind of connection

soon I may not have internet or home so a bit difficult to think beyond today right now

I feel that charts like this could be a way forward

e699bf  No.4926040



baker please take care of irl things, i can keep going

i hope everything's ok, bakerfren

aef974  No.4926041

File: 5d7faf3c21c2b57⋯.jpg (60.47 KB, 564x682, 282:341, AAM Illum Flowchart.jpg)

File: 191640ad5564a8a⋯.jpg (255.17 KB, 1024x1169, 1024:1169, AAM Illum Pyramid.jpg)

af96a0  No.4926042

File: a91060ff37f30bd⋯.png (253.76 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewsantisemite.png)

File: f7f421f76f3e06e⋯.png (75.06 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 509c6b29dd966db579f0530f35….png)

7b4f68  No.4926043

Only one year and 11 months to go before the nothingburger joint closes.

157974  No.4926044

Any real anons out there?

84fdb4  No.4926045





52b3ca  No.4926046

File: 1ecc837e5129c81⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1757x1178, 1757:1178, NonNothingBurgersWithSauce.PNG)


Nothingburders you say?

84fdb4  No.4926047



70fb80  No.4926048






44b471  No.4926049

File: 390de6b729dc239⋯.jpg (137.5 KB, 497x500, 497:500, femtoots.jpg)

4c9708  No.4926050


My phone works, anon. WA state. (But I had to plug it in because I use so rarely now!)

c68f77  No.4926051


That's real cute.

Seriously- have two dead phone lines in two different states.

Are they beginning to shut down comms?

(mine are)

446f78  No.4926052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#Gilets Politique France Acte XI : les Gilets jaunes continuent de manifester à Paris EN DIRECT

3e1d57  No.4926053


Kek! Magic flute?

c4d1fa  No.4926054


will only link you to what they want you to know in order to control your paradigm

c68f77  No.4926055


ThanQ Anon. Both are in the Midwest- ATT and Bell, so different carriers as well. Curious.

52b3ca  No.4926056



Freddy went full namfag trans on us.

(Fred the movie)

c4d1fa  No.4926057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Buildup to The Civil War | What Caused it?

84fdb4  No.4926058




cfc263  No.4926059

q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom q is a bad boy who will die of horny lies very soon boom

5d8163  No.4926060

>>4926044 Does a plastic one count?

84fdb4  No.4926061


You wanna talk Q, let's talk Q. I'm kinda over this shit, but I'm human and I'm up. What's on your mind?

70fb80  No.4926062


I know you're in.

Chill follow me. We are owning it.

7210e1  No.4926063


Well I did read something before where those 2 git bags were allegedly charged with wire fraud! Maybe it’s their “penance” to sit behind a computer and troll potus

860c74  No.4926064


Ai bots are getting tds too!

52b3ca  No.4926065


Yet here you are.

Guess you don't like winning.

This is what snowflakes melting looks like in text form.

8ad12d  No.4926066

File: b81bfb0ebf6fe90⋯.jpg (139.62 KB, 547x495, 547:495, 1512109230579.jpg)


<Thy Shalt Not Use Q drops or Q crumbs in vain.

Q also said not to glorify Q, yet you somehow see it to be reasonable to command others as if you were fuckin' moses or some shit.

3e1d57  No.4926067


What's with all this PTSD stuff?

People have been violently killing each other for thousands of years without having to take drugs afterwards.

Leave our vets alone.

c68f77  No.4926068


three - maybe.

446f78  No.4926069


Your cabal of unprincipled, unethical, dishonest, and sycophantic cronies is being methodically brought to justice. We all know where this trail leads. If your utter incompetence is not enough to run you out of office, your increasingly obvious political corruption surely will.

450754  No.4926070

File: 5ce9cf44b5ea021⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, aic.png)

cfc263  No.4926071

tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q tic toc time to murder q

af96a0  No.4926072

File: 19fc65df1ddfa78⋯.png (516.14 KB, 500x557, 500:557, pushylittlejew.png)

52b3ca  No.4926073


You know what glows really well?


a07ae3  No.4926074

File: a42cb56467f3a52⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 500x649, 500:649, R U OK.jpg)

936c38  No.4926075

File: 7f1d7dd20df2fe5⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 7f1d7dd20df2fe562edf78f57c….jpg)

>>4926002 could you keep going for a bit that would be good and no not really ok

I have been trying to make a relationship work and it is not

seems I still have no home in this world nor much of a family

the reality is we all face an uncertain future far more than most realize

I am very grateful for this place and will try to find a way to be here among friends even with all the noise this is very real what we are doing

Fuck the normies and there parroted bullshit I want my Fucken world back

446f78  No.4926076

File: aaccc3fdcf094a9⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 616x500, 154:125, icwhatudidthere.jpg)



84fdb4  No.4926077


1 year delta + 2 days… how's that working out? Any recent connections? Humor me, and I'll humor you.

5d8163  No.4926078


that's sure is true. Shadow ban and many pages I can't open on google, so go to bing, or just plain explorer. learning tricks to reword and find if i go back and forth with a stupid search on tools or wood, that kind of breaks them up once in awhile.

c4d1fa  No.4926079

The Net

we control your access

we control your land line

we listen to all your comms

we can hear you breathing

we know why you are

where are your records stored???

we have access

eca13a  No.4926080

File: 20848c3729fd103⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 517x874, 517:874, K0S8a5f.jpg)

File: 8f81130f8ea5855⋯.jpg (372.29 KB, 1200x569, 1200:569, IMG_6856-Edit.jpg)

Picture of Vernon C Gains Correctional Center New York


Pic related this NYC prison barge on the left, probably in the Bronx which is in all realistic likelihood where it still is, and a seemingly entirely different barge.

The YouTube guy here holds the picture for seven minutes, reads the tweet, and asks for a donation.

This was the proof given for this VOAT thread, which assures us its all happening now:




Second pic is of the barge from a 2012 online article.

It is the photo used by the "prison barge to GITMO" tweet, where it is claimed to be in North Carolina.

It was cropped so the background and copyright were removed.

Original photo source:

NYC’s Prison Barge – The Most Depressing Barge in the World?

July 31, 2012 by Tim Konrad


Its hard to believe they are still shilling the prison barge thing.

In case anyone actually believes it, stop.

Maybe, just maybe, the 66000 mass arrests were one possible outcome which will not come to pass now because the street violence, terrorist threats, and coup attempts have stopped?

The Purple Revolution has already been defeated.

Mass arrests were never the major focus of our efforts, and disinformation is necessary.

>B-But muh mass arrests

I know, I know it would have been beautiful.

Maybe they will still lock up some Clinton buddies.

Yet the plan succeeds.

Trust the plan.

860c74  No.4926081

File: 1bb1a050e441586⋯.gif (551.74 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 1540544938.gif)

aef974  No.4926082

File: 50a27a796ec8aaf⋯.jpg (429.38 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, YJ G Jews Replacing Whites.jpg)

File: a5becdef37000f7⋯.jpeg (121.72 KB, 608x896, 19:28, YJ G Genocide 3.jpeg)


Doesn't matter how many 'good' jews there are because the 'bad' jews are going to do everything in their considerable power to insure that there are no white people left on the earth, period. So they'll be no one left to do anything about the 'bad' jew problem.

ae0d67  No.4926083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


EU science sent up the Swam to study the magnetic field that is 3 sats in different orbit. I have the EU link where you yourself can study the data. I do not ever like click bait anymore than any other Anon. I read and study physics out side of internet ie OlD Fashion things called books. They are still around. I have been here since week one of Q. Politics have been interesting for a change, but I have a very broad range of interests. You will not find click bait you will find a red pill to wake you up to one more Layer that POTUS himself pointed you to.

69aa26  No.4926084

US troops are training for underground combat.

But we already knew that because we watch the movies.

Hunger Games - Mockongjay part 2

The arena has moved underground

And of course, we learned in the Harry Potter books that the real treasure and power is Gringott's and is stored in underground caverns. There is a country on the planet that does not have a territory above ground, yet it is SOVEREIGN. The SMOM is not underneath Malta. More of it is in the mountains of Switzerland where the gnomes of Zurich live. But it is in other places as well, and the governments of the countries where these mountains are located, do not control the sovereign depths of tunnels and cities and CAVEs that are underground.

NO CAVE is safe for them. They will be trapped inside by a WALL or they will be routed by the underground infantry of the US military.

This whole plan is far bigger than you realize, and the entire set fo Star Trek series starting in the 1960s has been part of the whitehat movement to prepare the people for the truth. Did you see the last episode of Star Trek Discovery where an angelic being was introduced? Demons are a form of angelic beiong, even SATAN and LUCIFER are fallen angelic beings. So could the ETs that we have been waiting for actually be angels?

Did you see the last movie starring Patrick Stewart? The Kid who would be King. It is telling the offspring of the occult bloodlines that they are special, but they can also choose the way of good. Similar shows are Magicians or Marvel's Runaways

Whitehats have now infiltrated and taken control of much of Hollywood and this began even before Trump ever became a candidate. POTUS is at the top, so BOTTOM TO TOP also means that the Presidency of the USA was one of the LATER ACTIONS in this grand plan.

0e7e34  No.4926085


oh dear God here we go so much patriarchy leading women to condition boys to be weak and soft. overduing both and having intersectionality of penis and patriarchical embededness those same women don't want to fuck them after fucking their heads and now they are saying the threat from the people they have conditioned to be this way is serious. wtf? how can one tell a cell (voluntary) from an incel? priestly collar is no good for that signalling kek. what if gender fluidity and sex combine to make a penis pusher land on penis + puss ain't worth the trouble so I choose cel? How would that person not be mistaking from an incel? these fuckerz need to go on and lurk on wizard chan a bit

52b3ca  No.4926087


aww, she didn't get her sprinkles…

93935e  No.4926088

File: 9f3ce61ba9afa44⋯.jpg (190.97 KB, 1080x770, 108:77, 1548579713174.jpg)

Thank you baker

84fdb4  No.4926089


I hear ya. This is the kind of shit that makes my eyes glaze over. 15 months deep and this is the sort of shit people are mentally masturbating too.

a07ae3  No.4926090

File: fd549c4871e85ad⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 640x366, 320:183, scanning for traitors.gif)

8121c4  No.4926091

what do you all think of this?





c4d1fa  No.4926092


be typing and the cursor just backspace erases the text

and types something else

time for clean install o/s

1c1a49  No.4926093

File: 0b52cc0c607c8ba⋯.png (41.76 KB, 784x158, 392:79, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)


Exact same Gematria values as 'God With Us'

52b3ca  No.4926094


looks like a bunch of links to some videos and a different flavor of bread.

a07ae3  No.4926095

File: 6506866028d36c4⋯.gif (981.08 KB, 400x250, 8:5, 4 probes.gif)

0e7e34  No.4926096


lurk more your glow is showing. one of the most recent q crumbs. explains death of Dimebag from pantera rip

af96a0  No.4926097

File: 242047596589cc6⋯.png (631.07 KB, 667x397, 667:397, goodones.png)

d9543f  No.4926098

File: 566291aab30fc74⋯.png (234.69 KB, 492x527, 492:527, Touch Moon Quarentine.png)

File: 48f7706f0acf97b⋯.png (307.47 KB, 500x598, 250:299, Quarantine Cooperate Black….png)

File: 396e1d2732dd31a⋯.png (290.9 KB, 514x583, 514:583, CIA Finding Gold Siler Nic….png)

File: 7a8eefa22dc1b35⋯.png (296.91 KB, 502x591, 502:591, 6 17 Gold Wire Filming.png)

File: f7be043900dcf61⋯.png (248.72 KB, 423x567, 47:63, burned out rocket pilot fe….png)

471aca  No.4926099


They're posting this shit every night..it's a baker shill hand off team…probably cair, hamas muzziebrotherhood, savak, or naja (it's pure bs)

84fdb4  No.4926100


If that stuff is true, then Trump is one of ((them)). Which he is. But that upsets people. When all this false hope bursts, I wonder how some of the less stable people will cope with it.

af96a0  No.4926101

File: 3350b71b0eb34f9⋯.png (514.94 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewpanic.png)

aef974  No.4926102

File: bbec27225485ec9⋯.png (4.88 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, AAM Illum Moloch Symbolism.png)

File: 4665fafb3437529⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AAM Sumer Semiramis Images.jpg)

3e1d57  No.4926103


Did the bad Jews kill them?

89cc31  No.4926104

Maybe The Left is called The Left because they are so far gone it is as though they have left the reservation.

I am glad we are called The Right.

That is why they now call everyone right of them The Alt Right.

They don't want to hear us be referred to as The Right because it remnds people that The Left is The Wrong.

c4d1fa  No.4926105


USA is broke

no more money to be stolen here

Global Alliance change

USA might become the next battle field

cfc263  No.4926106

boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys boil the q faggots in hot monkey oil make them suffer they are weak monkeys

af96a0  No.4926107


They probably died of old age.

3e1d57  No.4926108


They sure like their owls!

52b3ca  No.4926109


When you examine something, you don't just use one methodology, you have to study all aspects from all different angles to truly understand something.

That's how science has gone wrong and only look at things through the lens of agendas.

471aca  No.4926110


Thanks Baker…he's a shill and pushes this garbage every night.

Nothing remotely connected to Q drops or Q crumbs. And is probably cair or hamas mossad…or Iranian SAVAK

aef974  No.4926111

File: 400546334eef562⋯.jpg (161.04 KB, 475x459, 475:459, AAM Pol Dems OTC Land On T….jpg)

File: 293334fa544dfcb⋯.png (9.94 KB, 255x202, 255:202, AAM Pol Dems OTC Other Way….png)

158ff0  No.4926112

>>4925533 (prev)

21 year old's - doing bad shit.

It's a narrative - to raise the age of maturity - likely to 25. No guns, no sex, no rock and roll.

Oh, but they would also like to lower the voting age to 14.

4c9708  No.4926113

File: 1b0785da69eae66⋯.jpg (8.28 KB, 326x154, 163:77, mt 2.jpg)


Sounds like this just happened. So sorry to hear of your misfortune. But as you know, things are often not what they seem. Getting thru the initial shock is half the battle.

I just want to say, by way of encouragement, how very helpful your work has been here. And I don't even know the half of it, just what I am seeing right now.

Sometimes when you do something truly significant–and I do believe your work is that significant–a lot of energy comes up around it. It happened for me two nights ago when–as you may recall-I couldn't seem to get anything right. Two mistakes, one of which I couldn't seem to apologize for enough! I hate to put our misinformation with so many depending on it here. Was extremely painful for me to contemplate, although it did not perhaps have as negative effect as it seemed in the moment.

Many of us believe we are here because it is a calling. A shill made fun of me for saying that, but I know it's true, because I never even heard of 8chan a year ago! When following such a call, unusual obstacles can arise. Perhaps you can think of those obstacles as an indication that you are truly on the right track.

If for some reason you end up off the boards for awhile, if you come back, put a "22" in your message if you want. I'd like to know you're ok.

P.S. Your charts are great as they stand!

af96a0  No.4926114

File: b3b3891392508dd⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 500x375, 4:3, oventown.jpg)


It exposes JEWS and their LIES.

It is completely relevant.

We would not be in this mess if it were not for JEWS.

5d8163  No.4926115

>>4926042 Copy That, Ahhhh…filter is fabulous, thanks

84fdb4  No.4926116

So the left had the Mueller investigation.

They are about to find out it was a sham.

We had the Deep State take-down.

We are about to find out it was a sham.

Where will that leave the people?

Will it unite us? Will it keep us divided?

What's ((they're)) next play?

3bd89f  No.4926117


it's not the jews overall, it is the cabal within the jewish sociaty which developed over the thousend years. It is Zion!

471aca  No.4926118

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, SHILLTARD GOLDSTAR.JPG)


BS SHILL…skin head or cair? Hamas or hezbollah? savak or naja? muzzie brotherhood or mossad?

Thy shalt not use Q drops or Q crumbs in vain or for your warped view.

450754  No.4926119

File: 2f5ec57e960f560⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 636x382, 318:191, commey & gnomie.jpg)

Ill consider it


5d8163  No.4926120

>>4926110 Go up to options and filter his trip code.

84fdb4  No.4926121


Filter is for snowflakes.

af96a0  No.4926122


The "cabal" are the jews.

5d8163  No.4926123

4c9708  No.4926124


I wasn't the baking but I watched the baker try to decide what to do. One reason I don't bake–don't have enough background in many areas relevant to this board. I so respect what the bakers do because I see how difficult it is "WHEN SHILLS ATTACK." (Or even anons; we are not always so easy to deal with, are we?)

c4d1fa  No.4926125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> lower the voting age to 14.


14 or fight

158ff0  No.4926126

File: 25e353e286afcfe⋯.png (215.31 KB, 1081x292, 1081:292, ClipboardImage.png)

568882  No.4926127

File: 3e6f6a9b77ec347⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 500x473, 500:473, kekisstrong.jpg)

af96a0  No.4926128

File: 454bd9c38efe8fc⋯.png (516.97 KB, 500x557, 500:557, appealtoauthorityjew.png)

e699bf  No.4926129

File: d27b0585915ef7f⋯.png (96.87 KB, 689x473, 689:473, 1532618332855.png)

>>4926075 i'm so so sorry to hear that fren

i know this probably doesn't mean much but just hang in there because everything happens for a reason..and everything will be ok

c4d1fa  No.4926130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

158ff0  No.4926131


Actually do have the patent on the blended call center…

568882  No.4926132

ae0d67  No.4926133


There are times that being Anonymous is a pain. Believe me it is hard to read through the crap to find the diamond but this I have followed for my life. Remember Poles started moving faster but have always wondered. 1900 to now over 1500 miles. The real debate is what happens when it does? The debate of if it does is over. The cover story of well it is way off is blown wide open. Heck they are openly admitting that it is off by over 1% most likely Swam has shown much more and that is why level 2 data is all they will let public have. I wish you would go back to last Q and A with POTUS someone asked him a question and he directed them to the Electric Universe model. Do you really think POTUS would fight soooooo hard for a wall on our southern boarder just for labors that we need????? What happens when the poles do switch, does he know that the physical axis moves and the USA position will be favorable and millions will be trying to get into USA???????????? You know, I know for a FACT Potus is in control of the Movie. To many are watching every detail of the movie that we are controlling. You need to think what happens after the movie is over? Watch what the elite are doing and not what they are saying. I would love to visit with you guys some time. Knowing what is coming does nothing but give you more questions and more puzzles to figure out. Education is easy, wisdom is earned!

bb9178  No.4926134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Is NOT Who You Think He Is ((100% PROOF))

utoob: Hacking the Headlines

(nothing to do with him possibly being a time traveller, more nefarious)

d9543f  No.4926135

File: 03d77b18bf3b7a5⋯.png (247.54 KB, 445x555, 89:111, Innocents Controlled by Cu….png)

File: 9e0b66350b4e7fe⋯.png (63.3 KB, 523x219, 523:219, weighty evidince pilgramig….png)

File: c266f32fccc427e⋯.png (274.29 KB, 487x630, 487:630, Threatened Majestic Truman….png)

File: 024365f8a247c5d⋯.png (307.65 KB, 513x600, 171:200, NSA Set up Emotional Destr….png)

File: 7999857a32c7196⋯.png (274.28 KB, 487x582, 487:582, zillion tapes moon mars ba….png)





Ok last one… read the image titles I wrote for my thoughts on these codes… very fascinating.

aef974  No.4926136

File: ae1ba1f35a2b757⋯.jpg (27.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, AAM Old School Wizard.jpg)


Not me, I'm an old school wizard.

3bd89f  No.4926137


the thing with the filter when using it

you actually start to self censor, you start to censor everything that goes against your believe system. everything that doesnt fit the overall meme flow which drives the momentum of this bread. if you cant handel different opinions, no matter how retarded or shillig they are, than you are a faggot. when words triggerd you and you are not able to simple move on by staying focused on the main topic, than you are a faggot.

why would someone shill the filter option? why would someone inject his own memes in this topic?

those who know why understand how this actually works.

i am a retarded shitposter anon, autism much, this is just a friendly consideration from me for you, do not filter, stay focus and don't bite the bait.

if you can't do this, you are either a shill too doing it on purpose or simply retarded who need to kys

5060af  No.4926138

There's only 6 million(ironic) jews in America…I think we'll do just fine without them.

8b8d60  No.4926139


and she'd probably think those memes were accurate in a positive light..the left is so exposed, yet too many sheep still asleep

3e1d57  No.4926140


This reminds me of HG Well's book Time Machine.

The evil beings lived underground.

And the stupid, placid people live above ground.

747e09  No.4926142

File: 597d20dc1616736⋯.gif (366.03 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 1514834938468.gif)


Thanks for the DECLAS, Q.

568882  No.4926143

File: 94728583aae38fa⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 564x564, 1:1, frends.jpg)

File: 729904e9afc6a01⋯.png (263.4 KB, 949x967, 949:967, frogfrens.png)


It's going to be okay… WWG1WGA

3e1d57  No.4926144


I agree.

84fdb4  No.4926145


When was the last time you ate a steak?

4c9708  No.4926146


Anon, it looks like just ONE person posting the same series. And your theory of baker-shill collusion seems far-fetched. Try occam's razor, will you? Unless of course you yourself are a shill. In which case, carry on. Good division-fagging!

89cc31  No.4926147


A 'problem' is just a 'challenge' diquised as something difficult. Go get em Anon!

471aca  No.4926148


No but letting some hamas, isis shill infiltrating the notables every night is pathetically stupid, or are you one, too???

5d8163  No.4926149


What we do is not for you and me, rather the future. Poles shifting, will not be enough to make a diff if your lifetime. It already has and many havent noticed. As per the Cheshire moon. even most Anons pretend it hasn't happened.

84fdb4  No.4926150


Spoken like a true Anon.

c4d1fa  No.4926151


they had an election

no one voted

3e1d57  No.4926152


Boiled frogs?

4c9708  No.4926153


kalbi-marinated flank steak last week.

5d8163  No.4926154

File: 65a116a4c36bd83⋯.png (15.52 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

c4d1fa  No.4926155


yea the op

boil the frog

471392  No.4926156

File: 967385be5eae8a6⋯.jpg (300.92 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ocasio-socialism.jpg)

>>4925487 (lb)

thx for meme-spirtation

3bd89f  No.4926157

how too interact with shills

>developed during the gamergate war

Watch out for shills.

SHILL TYPE: The Changer

>Guys we need a list of demands/goals!

>Guys we need to change the narrative!

>Guys we need a leader!

RESPONSE: Comprehensive rebuttal to all of these - http://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

SHILL TYPE: The Fear Monger

>"I heard the SJWs are going to Doxx people"

RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.

SHILL TYPE: The Defeatist


RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.

SHILL TYPE: The Dismissive

>"Who fucking cares? Take it to /pol/"

RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.

SHILL TYPE: The False Flag

>"We should flood Zoe's twitter account and try to induce a meltdown"

RESPONSE: Condemn. Reply and clearly state that you do not agree with the shill. Report on sight.

SHILL TYPE: The Politico

>Inserts outside divisive issue into thread

RESPONSE: Ignore, report, hide post.

SHILL TYPE: The Discreditor

>"Anita Sarkeesian is such a filthy whore. I want to fucking murder her"

RESPONSE: Condemn. Reply and clearly state that you do not agree with the shill. Report on sight.

SHILL TYPE: The Misdirector

>"Hey guys, I found a totally legit chatlog with m00tykins in it"

>"Hey guys, Liana blah blah blah"

RESPONSE: Refocus. May be a misguided non-shill. Remind them and everyone else what the current actions and strategies are.

SHILL TYPE: The Uncertain

>"Guys, I don't know about this anymore. I don't know if we're getting anywhere."

RESPONSE: Encourage. May be a misguided non-shill. Inform them of any recent progress or successes.

SHILL TYPE: The Slider

>"The next poster is [insert name]. Do not believe it"

RESPONSE: None. Do not respond.

SHILL TYPE: The Self-Shiller

>[insert generic shill post] Responds to self with (You) next to reply number.

RESPONSE: Ignore, report, hide post. Carry on the current actions.

By following this guide we ensure that the shills can neither derail our discussion nor make us look bad by posting anonymous hateful diatribes which SJWs can quote for PR.

16d2d2  No.4926158

File: 7f032677022bbcc⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1125x1396, 1125:1396, 7f032677022bbcc024eab49426….png)

File: d0346b634c39cc6⋯.jpg (116.8 KB, 486x482, 243:241, nightshiftodd.jpg)

3e1d57  No.4926159


So those frogs will feel the heat?

158ff0  No.4926160


Look, I found someone taller than me

471aca  No.4926161


I turned off the obama speeches, dropped pedo cable TV propaganda garbage just like I filter shills and will continue to do so on this board. I say it's the shills that don't want you to use a filter

c4d1fa  No.4926162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Buildup to The Civil War | Conspiracy of Secret Societies

c68f77  No.4926163

File: 6d19f058d077a4e⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 266x365, 266:365, JPayett.jpg)

File: 81ed8bed4c3763c⋯.jpg (273.29 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dws.jpg)

Julie Payette (Payseur)


84fdb4  No.4926164



c4d1fa  No.4926165


slowly raise the heat

so they do not jump out

3bd89f  No.4926166


>SHILL TYPE: The Uncertain


>>"Guys, I don't know about this anymore. I don't know if we're getting anywhere."

>RESPONSE: Encourage. May be a misguided non-shill. Inform them of any recent progress or successes.

pay attention to this

when ever you see anon who doesn't know anymore, bringing up concerns and shit, it doesn't have to be a shill, all you have to do is refocus, it helps the anon and everyone else, lurker and poster to refocus.

but here is the thing a shill would do,

>nah, you are just a concern shill

and the concern itself never gets adressed

5d8163  No.4926167

>>4926150 the 12 year old posting shit is insignificant period. it's my choice so go fuk yurself. THIS may be reason Q doesnt appear, too many assholes and 12 year olds.

3e1d57  No.4926168


Are they related? They sure look alike.

1c1a49  No.4926169


Capped post for future reference

Gonna look into those movies/shows.


Another anon brought this up last week (the movie version). Still want to get around to that as well.

e699bf  No.4926170

Baker Stil Requesting Handoff

in case there are any other lurking bakers

471aca  No.4926171

File: 1486cf5f71c6eaf⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 335x355, 67:71, 41b4TNe8pSL._SY355_.jpg)


adb9ee  No.4926172



incase you missed it…


d9543f  No.4926173

File: 829bf333102081a⋯.png (334.37 KB, 533x627, 533:627, brainwashing mind control ….png)

File: 6a20a8d7645a9ca⋯.png (212.86 KB, 490x557, 490:557, brainwashing psych scienti….png)

File: 33113e77dd9c12a⋯.png (289.68 KB, 510x527, 30:31, 1991 1982.png)

File: 221c43368c58901⋯.png (260.75 KB, 490x601, 490:601, Hostage Rescue Mission Sov….png)

File: 4e7bbd41985088b⋯.png (281.35 KB, 512x559, 512:559, Jones Town.png)






Nevermind, it was just too fascinating..

8ad12d  No.4926174


didn't even bother with the rest of your rambling post.. putting Q on a Godlike pedestal was stupid enough. Why are you trying to create your own disturbing version of the 10 Q-ommandments and attempting to force that down other's throats?

3e1d57  No.4926175


Do you have a recipe for frog stew?

3bd89f  No.4926176

File: 31ccff5a5766869⋯.png (2.09 MB, 720x8640, 1:12, shills.png)





they tried this filter shit in gamer gate too, we counter it by using this shill pasta and made ourself aware of cointelpro


266be3  No.4926177

File: c74e53a7b0e9957⋯.png (503.85 KB, 470x603, 470:603, Fraud.png)


They were given a choice, either do what they do now or go to jail IMO. The left doesn't have many people who are creative or who can get the attention of normies as they are mostly full of unattractive durfy looking men and women so if they ever have a chance to offer chances to control people they take it. Considering that the controlled FBI was in control when a would be deal happened there is no doubt they are Comey connected, probably Clapper and Brennan as well. One of those three would definitely have been involved in the recruitment of these two and making their charge go away.

4c9708  No.4926178

File: e08e9e9454e13ce⋯.png (382.5 KB, 828x576, 23:16, donl-like-what-you-see-dig….png)


I like it, anon. Posted before?

Baker, possible Notable?

Here's my latest response to shills/anons who complain.

5060af  No.4926179

File: e0fa150a411ac08⋯.gif (160.83 KB, 220x169, 220:169, bs.gif)



nice try, tracked your posts and you are faggot.


I call bs.

fukk the jews, they can all GTFO.

tired of bitches getting spechulz privileges because this or that.

84fdb4  No.4926180


Fuck is spelled F-U-C-K It's OK. Say it loud and proud. "FUCK!!!!" Stop censoring yourself. I'm guessing you are under 30.

Are you afraid to see Nazi shit? Will you start trying to gas jews after seeing it? Do you have an internal moral compass? Do you have any spiritual fitness? Do you pray? Do you believe that you have a soul?

5d8163  No.4926181

>>4926161 I agree 100%, then just like a faggot liberal reprimand and tell you, you are the shill for filtering them. Fuk them FILTER ALL SHILLS!

0e7e34  No.4926183


maybe… if clones are habbenin and dws was cloned from a snail trail payseur left on couch after double clicking mouse

c4d1fa  No.4926184

File: e4dd67569b1f999⋯.png (321.1 KB, 533x400, 533:400, ClipboardImage.png)




266be3  No.4926186


TL/DR - Dealing with shills is simple - See red text outside of "Baker" - censor. See posts with excessive added photos not associated with discussion - filter. See any post bringing up the blame game on one racial group - filter. Any posters who constantly bring up how to deal with shills are typically shills themselves and trying to control how they are dealt with which is why they constantly try to prevent people from filtering them thus create long posts on the "how to" guide - filter.

It's not hard and shills are utterly simple to spot.

a423d8  No.4926187

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



84fdb4  No.4926188


What the shills want is for you to be unable to tell the difference between organic dissent and fake dissent. That will cause all dissent to be dismissed and turn this into a full-blown cult. That is why there are shills here. And they aren't sent by Soros. Think.

4c9708  No.4926189




When someone expresses doubt, fear or concern, if they don't look like an obvious shill, I tend to give encouragement ONCE and look for the response. People with real concerns will respond very differently than shills.

a423d8  No.4926190

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

1c1a49  No.4926191

File: 10fb0527b49a760⋯.png (23.95 KB, 267x463, 267:463, Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)

Stay comfy anons.

a423d8  No.4926192

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

d9543f  No.4926193

File: 8490276d9f2d056⋯.png (259.54 KB, 464x544, 29:34, Autism Codes.png)

File: d3b325aa1b0da7e⋯.png (314.8 KB, 501x619, 501:619, Dog.png)

File: f2f97779e11f3c1⋯.png (314.27 KB, 473x521, 473:521, Big Brother Injection Awak….png)







ok… made it to the end. This is scary stuff. Whether I'll compile and translate it for folks remains to be seen but just posting that I have read it feels like something I should do to piss off certain shills. :P

a423d8  No.4926194

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Buildup to The Civil War | Who is to Blame?

00cbc9  No.4926196

File: 7c8f95bc5ed0e89⋯.jpeg (600.5 KB, 1114x967, 1114:967, 86D5CF96-A93C-4933-ADFD-D….jpeg)


One has only to look to see whats is going on.

Blind sheep is the goal.


Explain pic related then.

ae0d67  No.4926197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So as above so below. The "secret knowledge" is so secret everyone sees it every single day and doesn't understand. The sun controls this solar system. What is happening on the sun is then reflects and more importantly effects what happens Here!!!! If you want to understand the entire cycle I would tell you to start at the sun. Did you know that a paper was presented to the royal academy of science in UK and it popped their bubble so bad they have refused to publish the presentation. You are truly behind. Solar science is leading the way of understanding. I would be happy to help you catch up. I am on every single day. You can find me you have the ability if you want. :)

3bd89f  No.4926198

ok, i just have the repository open from the gg threads, i will look what else i could copy/pste from it, maybe it could be useful


>I tend to give encouragement ONCE

this, do it as you think is the best.

568882  No.4926199

File: a9438194c6c512d⋯.jpg (273.07 KB, 630x360, 7:4, Comfyair.jpg)

bb9178  No.4926200


isn't it true we've mostly been looked at as somewhere between different to crazy by those around us. Now my kids….

All I could do is commit to informing myself as much as possible so when the real shit hits the fan I can best give information or direct them to Q Proofs

hell there's things come up on here anons won't expand their thinking on, shouldn't surprise it's so tough with normies still

471aca  No.4926201

File: e69fdf33e52de26⋯.jpg (175.49 KB, 1244x933, 4:3, sometimes you need an inst….jpg)

Hillary Clinton attacks Donald Trump for posting Pepe the Frog meme!


I will continue to filter the shills and call them out…it's fun, like cramming a tampon in their mouths!

c68f77  No.4926203

SpouseAnon says 4 am talking pts about 4chn/pol Anon threatening BuzzFeed workers -NBC

84fdb4  No.4926204


Mirrors and Disinfo are necessary for Q's protection. So if one of us were to put 2 bullets in John Podesta, he would have layers of plausible deniability. And Trump would get on TV be the first to call you a psychopath who reads crazy shit on the internet.

3bd89f  No.4926205

>from the gamergate notices and pasta

long war notice

I do not like having to be the faggot that has to state the obvious. But clearly I need to be the faggot that states the obvious.

There can be no meaningful discussion on any other significant board. You are all here because there is no where left to assemble. The SJWs have controlled tumblr almost from the onset and reddit is utterly compromised.

• Your enemy knows why you are 4chan, they know how little they can do to strangle free speech here besides troll, shitpost and sometimes burn a faggot mod asset.

• This campaign. The one you are fighting right fucking now. This means everything to them. This will define just how effective their subversion and infiltration is.

• They MUST lose. We MUST win.

• They are terrified of losing this.

• They will be relentless.

• They will hire pro PR agencies.

• They will manipulate media in every way they can.

• They will play us against one another every chance they get.

• They are a sophisticated enemy, never mind the assholes on twitter that shit the bed. The people behind them are in this deep and looking to psyop your pinhead anyway they can.

Don't you fucking dare lose your hearts, assholes. This is the fucking final boss. The is the fucking war of wars. The shills and shitposts will outnumber quality 10 to 1. Don't you fucking dare not see straight through their bullshit. You are better than them. We are better than them.


a423d8  No.4926206

1ea7db  No.4926207


quick! he's heading west on shocka locka docka street!

936c38  No.4926208


Thank you for you kind words friend I likewise did not come from the chans I am a life long truther and it has cost me dearly but here we can have an impact here we can fight to change the world I knew Q was more than just another larp because he was not afraid to call out the sacred cows if you know what i mean even if i am unable to bake i will find a way to digg and sign my diggs NWM

I have been in this fight for 25 years and this place makes me feel like it is all worth something there is so much background to this story we have only scratched the surface

I will have some time to find a new place (life) so will be here for a bit at least until then

I do not feel my work here is done and i will find a way to take part

I know the chart I made is the best expression of these connections on the web I hope it triggers something it may not seem like it friends but we have come such a long way the normies are waking up in a way that did not seem possible in the 90s

it would be an interesting woman that would deserve me and i am not willing to be disregarded so change comes

I will still get a few more bakes in before it is here and after who knows ?

everything is about to change for us all anyway

3e1d57  No.4926209


Poor little froggies

568882  No.4926210


o7, anon

c11041  No.4926211

File: d857505e16c7e40⋯.gif (985.98 KB, 495x341, 45:31, 5d7458ed-de0c-489a-9493-a5….gif)

File: 677515234ee1867⋯.jpg (455.93 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, fa267576-b95f-4ec7-a863-5c….jpg)





84fdb4  No.4926212


Well, that's cool. Look at my posts in this bread. Guess how many Anons (especially day shift) would write me off as a shill or a bot because I'm starting to see past this movement. 95%.

836ed0  No.4926213


Nope. Disinfo is necessary because Q is a bad guy. You're been played.


84fdb4  No.4926214


That too.

d9543f  No.4926215

File: cdd27ac6ea79714⋯.jpeg (164.34 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, pray.jpeg)


Lots of things are happening now that'll help our own generation and many future generations to come. We are literally saving the world and I promise its' going great - I personally believe that many diggers and bakers will be invited to DC parties and be set up with awesome jobs to replace the many evil people leaving. Space force Hype! - Anyway - I hope you feel better, I know things are about to get better and you wouldn't believe how much awesome stuff is going on behind the scenes right now.

aef974  No.4926216

File: ef63db2bca959c8⋯.jpg (118.7 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, YJ Solzhenitsyn 66 Mil.jpg)

File: 00166d2d29eb9b2⋯.jpg (341.21 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, YJ G Yagoda 10 Mil Dead.jpg)

471aca  No.4926217


Common core was pushed into the schools by bill dr. mengele of vaccines gates. Duh, I don't have to listen to shills and propagandists to sort legit info…that is only for those with limited brain cells…and those shills that believe if you state it enough people will believe the garbage…kind of like you're pushing

5d8163  No.4926218

a07ae3  No.4926219

File: c5c2356185919a0⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 634x306, 317:153, got it.jpg)

3bd89f  No.4926220

This could be usefull, you have to understand, gg already had its fight with the corrupt media, learn from it.

>from the gamergate notices and pasta

Climate of Fear


This is a reminder that games devs and journalists are living in a climate of fear.

The SJWs are a name-calling mob, bullying both gamers and game developers, and ruining games with their hate, hypocrisy, doxxing and corruption.

- Gamers of all genders, colors, and creeds are being labelled as misogynists; Our hobby is being unjustly tarred.

- Good people in the game industry want to speak up on #Gamergate, but are afraid of risking their jobs, reputations and careers to false accusations of misogyny.

- Real Minority and LGBT gamers on #NotYourShield are being shouted down by SJW extremists.

- SJWs claim to be tolerant and progressive, but engage in harassment, blacklisting, censorship, shaming, and bigotry. They are bullying gamers for profit.

The Game Devs have the potential to be our greatest allies, and the greatest advocates of our cause. But they are afraid to speak. We need to keep fighting, keep uncovering corruption, keep informing the wider world, so that they can finally feel safe enough to speak up. Only when that happens will the SJWs hold over our hobby be finally broken.




- We won't win until the climate of fear is gone.

- We won't win until developers are free to make games again.

- We don't stop until the vidya is free from this evil!

936c38  No.4926221





I love you guys (no homo)

I will wipe my tears and put on my big boy pants and

I will ride again

c4d1fa  No.4926222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elections of 1856, 1860, 1864 | The Political Fix Was In

c68f77  No.4926223

File: 8c1d4061e3d09d9⋯.gif (521.36 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Qflag.gif)


>set up with awesome jobs

Just want my country back.

5060af  No.4926224

File: 48cc4681a21fa52⋯.png (423.42 KB, 799x499, 799:499, 1547095086828.png)


That's actually pretty incredible just at a glance.

471aca  No.4926225

File: e93d509470463e8⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 408x528, 17:22, SHILLTARD GOLDSTAR.JPG)

File: 93846806705e7e3⋯.jpg (151.69 KB, 408x528, 17:22, stop the subscriptions and….JPG)

84fdb4  No.4926226


Forget the relationship.

Work on yourself.

1. Job

2. Health/Fitness

3. Car

4. Place to Live

Get all that in order if it isn't.

DO NOT put all your eggs in THIS basket. Things are not as they seem.

You are in the best country in the world, EITHER WAY.

Keep your chest out and your chin up.

b3a555  No.4926227


Birth of Copy Pasta!

Oorah, anon! o7


d11098  No.4926228


Anons must never be afraid to let go of the good, in order to make room for the GREAT.

New perspective - turn “ problem “ into PROJECT!

Change is coming and interesting women abound….

Be Best anon

3bd89f  No.4926230

File: 5ca8fdb579ea727⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1750x1306, 875:653, 5ca8fdb579ea727ea31f1ba810….jpg)

and the last one for the freedom

this is not just about boobs

3e1d57  No.4926231


Did you get that from a history book?

836ed0  No.4926232


Well said, sir.

5392f7  No.4926233

File: f3ffd56cd60ad49⋯.gif (2.42 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 1wh807(1).gif)

GM to all the Clowns

160b83  No.4926234



b3a555  No.4926235


Fun to respond to your own bullshit, isn't it?

568882  No.4926236

File: 878a9c8721a7a73⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 700x400, 7:4, FLOTUS.jpg)

7af73d  No.4926237

>>4925850 (lb)

Fucking Autism! Couldn't resist…. well there goes the next 4 hours. FUCK! dig dig diggity dig

936c38  No.4926238


I can feel it I see the signs

I am confident they know who i am but a job in DC would be no good for a poor boy from the colonies


If I can face my maker with my head up high

and my humanity and dignity in tact

if I can look my son in the eye and know I fought to make it right

as the world turns (against them)

I will ride again

2c53cd  No.4926239


And here you are being a keyboard warrior. You won't do shit because you're a little sissy faggot. You don't deserve rights.

f96271  No.4926241

File: f198e1cf38061e4⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 782x577, 782:577, 1538628486.jpg)


Yeah whats up fag

aef974  No.4926242

File: 670c2df56ec442d⋯.jpg (95.39 KB, 599x549, 599:549, YJ Who Are The Jews.jpg)

File: bbe49dd79c5bcdf⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 666x715, 666:715, YJ T NPC Programming.jpg)

0e7e34  No.4926243


thanks 4 reminder fren. link related to return favor. hopefully embeds tho


84fdb4  No.4926244


The Holocaust was everyone the jews sent to die in WW1 & WW2. Trench warfare. Mass deaths.

It's an insult that people make WW2 all about the jews and the 6 gorillion. It's fucking disgusting.

836ed0  No.4926245


do you not even get the slightest doubt that when Q says these people are stupid could it refer to you reading? Do not ask questions, blindly believe in the Creed as religious fanatics.

But yeah, i'm a fake with multiple account.

ae0d67  No.4926247

File: 3441af52085a480⋯.png (886.57 KB, 1756x984, 439:246, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at ….png)

Kek,,,,, Kek

What I am telling you is not click bait. If you want to understand the sun google Grand Solar Minimum like Valentina Zharkova. You can also google that glaciers are growing in both New Zealand and Iceland. Just google a hard form to catch you up typing. Call me if you want to lean faster.

We discuss the different FACTS coming from multiple sources from around the world. We interview people behind the science of the Grand Solar Minimum like Valentina Zharkova, Rolf Witszche and John Casey. We strive for society to gain awareness of the changes that are taking place.

0ec26c  No.4926248

File: ca85b9fb40058c8⋯.jpeg (681.76 KB, 1125x1617, 375:539, 7103ABF9-F0F1-4920-A436-4….jpeg)

File: 9f2e3163c1cc75d⋯.jpeg (460.12 KB, 1121x1607, 1121:1607, 62593257-5E68-408A-B9EE-B….jpeg)

Look what I found.


8ad12d  No.4926250

File: 9188c76e2152f05⋯.png (304.29 KB, 611x841, 611:841, ClipboardImage.png)


4 hours is likely to be quite an understatement, anon.. albeit, prayers for highly productive digs.

00cbc9  No.4926251


Your porridge is too hot if you read anything into this, other than common core math, like all the fe fe crap is total bullshit.

Read again, slowly.

Then again maybe doing so may be a waste of time if, as I suspect, you are just a little stuid.

Carry on……..brainlet

bb9178  No.4926252


Tesla said Power is light or visa versa 🤔

draw energy from light (not use energy to produce light)

It will sure help when the crap they spray to create a false, reflective, atmospheric ceiling so they can't play with lighting a shit to fool our vision

p.s noticed couple of your replies you reference the post number with lb or pb behind it… if the lb or pb connects to the post number in your text, it does not reference back to original post you're responding to so anons cannot see the input ….make sense?

example 4925357pb

post as 4925357 pb

or not😉

Been curious on a couple of your replies but unable to see original comment by hovering

c68f77  No.4926253



What's to stop them from killing your child as it's being born?

They are desperate for baby parts!

aef974  No.4926254

File: 50971502ccb050c⋯.jpg (247.67 KB, 938x960, 469:480, YJ Jews In The Press.jpg)

File: f6fa1b97f47c099⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1064x1592, 133:199, YJ Jews LBGTQ.jpg)

ea197b  No.4926255


This is from the "alien races" book? Its info is very lacking on positive Federation races. If you could see the power structure of visiting races, you'd know who's basically in charge, and who's only holding us hostage.

5d8163  No.4926256

File: 23aa866f94140a4⋯.png (433.52 KB, 800x416, 25:13, ClipboardImage.png)

FOUND ONE! Donald J. Trump

Verified account


Following Following @realDonaldTrump



5:51 PM - 26 Jan 2019

936c38  No.4926257


unfortunately i am not in the best country (although it could be) in the world and i fear we may be last on the list

but if the elite think they can run and hide here they will find a very different place to what they thought


as the world turns

b3a555  No.4926258

Beware the "emotional" play!

I've seen a lot of "suicidal" shit lately.

Been on the internet for over 20 yrs, and I call bullshit! Nice play trying to get people to doubt themselves, but BULLSHIT! Attention whoring is so common these days, people have lost the ability to question it.

Anons are not "people"!

Remember who YOU are!!!!

84fdb4  No.4926259


Bot! Shill! Kike! CIA Nigger!

Nah, just kidding. You're absolutely right. I keep trying to tell me that our Deep State Takedown is as big a lie as the lefties who think Muh Russia is really happening and that Trump will impeached over the Mueller investigation. WE ARE EQUALLY STUPID for believing it will happen.

I'm not saying Hillary's innocent. She's as corrupt as they come. I'm not even saying Trump is totally innocent. He probably made some campaign donations in the past that could be construed as bribery. But no one is going down. They are "above" that and we have to wake up to the fact.

3e1d57  No.4926260

c4d1fa  No.4926261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Election of 1860 | Securing Support for Lincoln

8ad12d  No.4926262


Well, you appear to be knowledgeable about this power structure.. so?

8ca1bf  No.4926264

Congressman reportedly in hospice care

North Carolina congressman Walter B. Jones, 75, is reportedly in hospice care, according to his wife.

Jones represents North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District, and has been serving in the position since 1995. He had taken a leave of absence due to illness, and reportedly broke his hip earlier this month.

No further details are available concerning his condition.


84fdb4  No.4926265


It would have to be the Goa'uld. Duh. KEK

b3a555  No.4926266


Quote: "I keep trying to tell me…"

Enough said!


3e1d57  No.4926267


Does she have a crystal ball?

bb9178  No.4926268


help a lot when they *STOP spraying …. so they can't play with lighting *and shit ….

d11098  No.4926269


Adult parts too…. just had a friend lose a kidney to a “ mis-diagnosis “


Sick, evil fkrs

d9543f  No.4926270

File: 586be71036bede8⋯.jpeg (14.76 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images (1).jpeg)


Dignity isnt an option in my case sadly, as we are all bound by that giant file of past actions. Our "file" the choice to know will be yours Q says, and i believe that isnt just referring to knowing what the baddies did but seeing our own 24/7 surveillance file.

For most it goes back a decade but for some of us it goes back 40+ years… long story.

What was i saying? I think i wanted to talk about how so many ppl will be lising face soon…. "dignity" but im too tired to think i think.

Welp, time for bed. GOD bless

3bd89f  No.4926271

>on the part of Zion

Zion controlls, it controlls the jews and everyone who is blind as fuck.

This makes everyone who is part of their system a proplem, (remember The Matrix Movie)

Kikes and goys, basicly jews and sheeples are the problem,

84fdb4  No.4926272


I wonder what country you are in, but you don't have to say.

3e1d57  No.4926273


That's scary.

b3a555  No.4926274



This applies to (YOU)!

"I keep trying to tell me…"

Keep your circular bullshit in your own little bubble.where it belongs!

84fdb4  No.4926275


Typo. "I keep trying to tell people"

You were saying?

aef974  No.4926276

File: e963f6bcc8c27bb⋯.jpg (144.46 KB, 584x378, 292:189, AAM Pol Dems OTC Ribbed Ru….jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926277


Sleep Well Anon

Dream of a Better World

and wake up in it.

b3a555  No.4926278



Too late to excuse your Freudian slip, kiddo!!!

602a95  No.4926279

Truly believe the path to arriving at Q truths is tracking events and inserting and depositing the crumbs at the appropriate markers. Future proves past and past proves future is a key, the informational keystone.

That being said

here's the meaning of 35 day shutdown and media layoffs, and more future events not yet in the news:

After 30 days of continuous federal shutdown

1) All employees must reapply to their positions

2) All security clearances lapse and as a result, ALL federal employees AND contractors are required to reapply for security clearances.

How many c_a clowns were under contract in the medias? Who got axed and they're not coming back…ever?

Who has no more security clearances? Who are not getting their contracts renewed? Maggie's neutralized, they've all been neutered. Lawsuits will impact next.

Whos cleaning house and draining the swamp while everyone is focused on the WALL?

Next will be the WALL via state of emergency. Sometimes the sauce is the event itself spotlighted by crumbs.

Trust the plan.

Wait for it.

84fdb4  No.4926280

File: 569014589429303⋯.jpg (92.9 KB, 618x400, 309:200, Q Thor.jpg)


I'll keep it out of your bubble. Here's something that will fit in your little bubble. I made this back when I was stupid like you. Use in good health.

c11041  No.4926281

File: 14bdd080bbd022e⋯.gif (714.93 KB, 500x285, 100:57, 63ecd285-e76b-4d4f-bb4d-02….gif)


неу .223,

т'шаs иеveя /оцясоцитяу/ iи <оця> łīfəтīмə…

iт наs вееи (((тнеiяs))) foя geиеяатíоиs.

soon it will be неll if [we] aint real lucky and тeяяiвlу вяаve.

ask в.Fяаикliи.

<тне оиłу сноîсе łefт i§ емрīяе… jцsт łīке Яоме.


936c38  No.4926282


we have alot of sheep

e699bf  No.4926283

Baker stiiiiilll requesting handoff…

84fdb4  No.4926284

File: ab6ab68e0771d6a⋯.jpeg (65.16 KB, 618x400, 309:200, thrump thor 2.jpeg)


Even better.

3bd89f  No.4926285

They (the cabal Zion) programming their kiddos in school, travelling to concentraion camps and shit.

those kiddos will grow up in a highly manipulated reality and will become part of the problem.

this is why most, if not all jews in power postion are basicly a problem too, they where made by zion, like a tool for their agenda.

this shit goes on for longer than you think, keep this in mind and reread Q crumps of the cabal and all the ancient shit he made, you might notice something

3e1d57  No.4926286


That's horrible. I hope she sued their asses off.

No pu intended.

5060af  No.4926287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's something major coming for sure.

These sinkholes around the world, one just popped up a block from the Whitehouse not long ago, ST10 reported on some.

Loud booms still going on, weird shit in the sky.

Then the political arena, etc.

We'll most likely never hear about the juicy habbenings, which sucks.

836ed0  No.4926288


it is useless to discuss with them; or they insult you, or they are so arrogant that you know so much about everything by telling us to shut up.

4c9708  No.4926289


As far as I know, this material we are currently digging on does not exist anywhere else. Or if it does, it's not being published in a way that would tell the pubic about what's really going on. They are only releasing it because they can no longer hide it completely.

One thing this digg makes clear: this info is being dribbled out in a way designed to hide more than it reveals, e.g.:

* WaPo and NYT apparently have copies of some of these mystery reports but choose not to publish them.

* Nobody really calls out Shane for not revealing in his SLEW of articles (including one mega-article put out I think in mid-December) that he attended the Sept mtg at AET.

* No one makes charts like yours or mine; they don't even try. And they have a lot more info. Guess they're just lazy, huh?

* All the MSM articles still shore up "muh Russia" big-time; retaining this lie as the centerpiece for all their stories tells us not to trust most of what they are saying.

* And then there is the SSCI, the spider at the center of the web, I'm guessing. They get interested in some project but apparently don't fund it. No matter, millions of dollars seem to arrive from private donors. Sweet deal, huh? Bet they have lots of friends with Marshall Fund ties.

(Which reminds me, I really ought to watch to two people at the head of the ASD, because they are in a lot of videos. Seriously procrastinating. Deep State TV isn't my cup of tea.)

b3a555  No.4926290


This childish response simply FURTHERS my position.

Sorry. No go.

84fdb4  No.4926291


The confirmation bias is strong in you, isn't it?

5617c0  No.4926292

File: b04f7201d14cf22⋯.png (14.04 MB, 4108x3188, 1027:797, maj12.png)

I know this board hates the maj 12 twitter, but something is seriously going on with this

it is definitely connected to Q

936c38  No.4926293

File: ab52a24412b4fd3⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 555x454, 555:454, nightwm.jpg)


ok baker I am ok enough to take it on now

Hand off confirmed?

84fdb4  No.4926294


What keeps you sane.

d7185c  No.4926295


>After 30 days of continuous federal shutdown


>1) All employees must reapply to their positions


>2) All security clearances lapse and as a result, ALL federal employees AND contractors are required to reapply for security clearances.


Where does it say that?

If true, very good news and explains a lot.

836ed0  No.4926296


P.S. Hillary is a crooked, I have no doubts either.

e699bf  No.4926297


no no not you baker!! take care of yourself

3e1d57  No.4926298


Oops, I mean pun

860c74  No.4926299

File: 063bf9942b86c80⋯.jpg (108.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2qj3e7.jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Myths VS Facts | Who Influenced Lincoln?

b3a555  No.4926301



Please, stop responding to yourself.

This is the VERY DEFINITIONS of "bubble"!

(and kinda sad…..)

0ec26c  No.4926302

File: 8f7cea24c129f29⋯.jpeg (39.23 KB, 482x211, 482:211, 12333D2D-B316-48DA-8CAD-C….jpeg)


We need term limits. This shit is out of hand.

5d7018  No.4926303

File: 9db2ff5073e9160⋯.jpeg (762.68 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 316EBD96-B964-497D-9002-E….jpeg)

70fb80  No.4926304


Because you said jew.

You aren't on the team of consciousness.

There are certain of us. Who are tied in. Beyond cabal.

Relax. The cabal. ALLL the money. There is a force beyond all of it.

84fdb4  No.4926305


Perfect example right here:


He couldn't engage the content of my post, so he engaged the typo I made because it's late where I like, and I'm tired.

c4d1fa  No.4926306


WE have been asking for term limits for over 3 decades

aef974  No.4926307

File: 227d109a7e08e5e⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 540x546, 90:91, AAM 1 Gay You So Gay (2).jpg)


And… filtered. Have fun in your isolation bubble liddle butterfly.

471aca  No.4926308

File: af6c9b2ef131ad7⋯.jpg (139.13 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Fake news is the enemy.JPG)

USE the filter…same reason why shills are here

936c38  No.4926309


>No one makes charts like yours or mine; they don't even try.

they try not to even those that one might think would will not

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” —Oscar Wilde

“denial aint just a river in africa” Mark Twain

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately.

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody,

are afraid of something.

They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive,

that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Woodrow Wilson

d11098  No.4926310


Unfortunately she didn’t; she was still grieving the death of her 20y/o son…killed on his motorcycle by an ILLEGAL HISPAINC IMMIGRANT with NO LICENSE.

She is still having a very difficult journey, but she is MAGA and she has FAITH

Anons must remain vigilant.

5d8163  No.4926311

>>4926287 I find major news and truth comes from the citizen journalist. When things like that happens THEY WILL BE REPORTED, just check your local social pages.

84fdb4  No.4926313


Why don't you just hide under the bed until mommy comes home?

1a4a8f  No.4926314

File: cb8a572e543ac19⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1b219c670253d825eefb3637ac….jpg)


Thank for the info about clickcharts.

It's been awhile since i asked about what programs some of the anons were using to make graphics.

I usually make my own using paint and word.

Going to try this click charts sometime.

471aca  No.4926315


NO we just have the brains to turn you off shill

eca13a  No.4926316


This is good stuff from gamer gate, thanks.


5060af  No.4926317

File: f5f7075ce5d6383⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1920x1486, 960:743, MoreUnrealistic.jpg)


Actually talked to them a little bit the other night here.

Some of the drops weren't too shabby.

Most maybe don't wanna admit any credence at all because those paths are 40,000ft majority of the time.

I'm open to all avenues, the person didn't come across as a dumbass.

ea197b  No.4926318

File: 72132641a5a097a⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, obr1970.jpg)


The Galactic Federation is a loose union of positive extraterrestrial races including, but not limited to Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians (top 3 races most involved in planetary evolution - most starseeds or "incarnated extraterrestrials" come from here (see Q post 1143). They have their massive fleet stationed all over Earth since the year 2000, which is why you don't hear anything about "alien abductions" anymore. Source:


skip to 8:44


(of course, the pedo cabalist doesn't really care about disclosure)

Both US and Russian astronauts have this knowledge. There is a video of a Russian cosmonaut talking about positive spiritual ETs but the video has 404d. I think he used this footage in it though


Alien abductions have been carried out by the evil aliens, with whom president Eisenhower was forced to sign a deal under the pressure of the Cabal. The deal involved "controlled" abductions of humans by the negative Greys in order to repair their damaged unspiritual DNA through hybridization, and in return the Cabal-led Nazi Military Industrial Complex would receive advanced technologies. Source:


This speech by president Eisenhower is therefore no coincidence:


There's more to this, and there's a massive attack of shills all around, for example against dr. Steven Greer, who led the Disclosure initiative just before 9/11


And our POTUS knows this all of course


happy digs frens o7

b3a555  No.4926320


What my grandfather called "Common Sense", and being confidently grounded in the functionality, mutabilty, and evolution of my own rational brain, founded in my vast educational and experiential background.

In other words, I know myself.

What the fuck is YOUR malfunction?

0ec26c  No.4926321


No, it’s not.

1a4a8f  No.4926322

File: 783f721c75eb65f⋯.jpg (108.29 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2s4z74.jpg)

File: 327daa59b20d3bb⋯.jpg (117.72 KB, 500x699, 500:699, 2s4zg7.jpg)

16d2d2  No.4926323

File: c9576510eb3e857⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 624x340, 156:85, filter.jpg)

…Filter is perfectly acceptable. When you've read the same stupid shit day after day by the same 1/2 assed shill team(s), it becomes the 'joke' told too often. No shame, no guilt, no doubts.

84fdb4  No.4926324


You write well, but you don't think well.

You express your stupidity with the utmost eloquence.

70fb80  No.4926325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hard work?

Are you loyal to the Republic?

4c9708  No.4926326


I use Illustrator, but it's an expensive option unless you're a student or have an old copy that's "rent-free".

3e1d57  No.4926327


I love it when a plan comes together.


b3a555  No.4926328


You're right.

That's a PERFECT example. (reread your post to see why I say this.)

Words matter.

eca13a  No.4926330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't settle for less…

0e7e34  No.4926331

quit pussyfootin around and you won't have ave that problem.

84fdb4  No.4926332


You say freudian slip, I say typo.

Besides, Freud was a giant pedophile piece of shit. Can't trust anything he said.

b3a555  No.4926333


You're writing in AT LEAST two personalities and STILL can only give me a vapid "null" response.

471aca  No.4926334


Anyone with a functioning brain could take one look at one common core math problem and know that it was complete garbage, which should not have been allowed in any school.

471aca  No.4926335


go back to reddit

936c38  No.4926336


I can bake friend

there wont be another baker for at least 1 and a half hours probably 3

and i don't want to leave it to e-bake can you make it to end of bread?

hand off next bread?


It is crazy simple not very capable but you don't need fancy more time for the digging

The simpler the better it has a water mark so make the chart longer with something random down low then export in highest res and screen cap to crop

70fb80  No.4926337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c4d1fa  No.4926338


looks like it could cause brain damage

897bc4  No.4926339

>>4925820 (LB)

>>4923233 (PB)

>>4923261 (PB) >>> make me PREZ ?

lookie spookies >>4690440 (PB)

blurry eyes see a PFight, the Ultimate Champion - the pillow always WINS?!?

OR IS IT, duhh?

PILLOW...si' *pussSI power PROvacateer MKultraEOW* (KamH, schooled in Montreal/CIA MKu) !?!?!

>>4691769 (PB)

>>4691736 (PB)

Is she(KamH) a protege of Heir FECKless *wrapUPsmeaRgleWANNAbePREZ* peeLUZZi ?

(mirr/OR - pussi n ZUKin power) WITCH WHICH HUNT ? diggin some, lurkin moar.

tis EVIL in plain sight, unable to see the REALtree from thee FORREST in Cali ? tbc ...

get your sleep, frens on night watch, o7

dayLIGHT UProaches 5:5 o7

ae0d67  No.4926340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are going to have to come to grips with plasma science to truly understand what is going on. Here is 11 minutes, to wet your tongue for a possible. The poles are flipping and we have expected it. Our weather is changing with earths magnetic fields following the suns and getting weaker. This allows more solar radiation to hit earth and as far as weather you get more water vapor in the atmosphere and more cloud cover.

84fdb4  No.4926341


OK, how is what I wrote circular? I compared Trump Russia Collusion narrative to the Q Deep State Takedown narrative a drew a parallel. Go ahead and refute that hypothesis if you think it's wrong. Go ahead and continue to psychoanalyze me if you can't.

836ed0  No.4926342


do you keep wasting your time answering him?

I give up. It is a lost cause.

Do they want to follow their Guru? They want to follow their Pied Piper Q?

Free to do it.

Where We Go One We Go All .

Attention to the edge of the ravine though.

b3a555  No.4926343


No, Freud wanted to fuck his mother, not kiddies.

FFS, know before you engage in debate.

c4d1fa  No.4926345



Many go underground

3e1d57  No.4926346


The first time I saw this pic I wasn't sure what it was.

But when I looked closer I LMAO

5060af  No.4926347


fukk..would give anything to sign up.

stupid goddamn nonwaivables.

aef974  No.4926348

File: e2f9e15f85087b0⋯.jpg (128.32 KB, 736x736, 1:1, ZFE Motion Speed Distances….jpg)

File: 09fe3992e17d482⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ZFE Ballon Pic.jpg)

" Earth is a realm, it is not a planet. It is not an object, therefore, it has no edge.Earth would be more easily defined as a system environment . Earth is also a machine, it is a Tesla coil. The sun and moon are powered wirelessly with the electromagnetic field (the Aether). This field also suspends the celestial spheres with electromagnetic levitation. Electromagnetic levitation disproves gravity because the only force you need to counter is the electromagnetic force, not gravity. The stars are attached to the firmament." Nikola Tesla

709d1e  No.4926349

File: 903b333edd6cd3d⋯.png (939.01 KB, 1170x683, 1170:683, Screenshot_495.png)


Tracy Beanz interview!

84fdb4  No.4926350


Q followers shouldn't be as hard to reach as the leftist sheep, but apparently this one has gone full-retard.

1a4a8f  No.4926351

File: 8345bf1d4602028⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 236x431, 236:431, 2j3sck.jpg)


would really love to have that in my meme making arsenal, kek

But i'm a poorFag

b3a555  No.4926352


Simply put, you did NOT do what you are NOW claiming you did.

Stop trying to revise a history we only need to scroll back to refute.

e699bf  No.4926353


fuckkkk i definitely can't go 3 more hours..

c4d1fa  No.4926354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Civil War | Radicals of the North

84fdb4  No.4926355


God, you are so tough. Please, stop. You are one bad dude. Stop scaring me, sir.

ae0d67  No.4926356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is information for you from some place other than Nasa but that also backs up what I have been telling you but they only tell you what they have to at NASA and hang on to bits a pieces of crap along the way.

84fdb4  No.4926357



got it, great argument.

c68f77  No.4926358


>That's scary.

Damn straight it's scary! No WAY I'd see any doc in NY State during a pregnancy!

What's to stop them?

eca13a  No.4926359


Where have you been for the last year?

Deep state taken down - if you are waiting for CNN to acknowledge all the ton of things that have happened already , you are bound to not see a deep state take down.

Do we have a happenings list here somewhere?

709d1e  No.4926360

File: 2c287266b552d6e⋯.png (15.79 KB, 772x772, 1:1, HopiUFOCircle.png)



Ant People will save the Hopis at least. I hope you get good with the Natives.

35ecbc  No.4926361


CNN attempting to explain how they ended up outside Stone's home for the arrest

3e1d57  No.4926362


If the earth stopped spinning, we'd feel it.

Like when a car stops.

c4d1fa  No.4926363


Enjoy what days you have left

a67c7b  No.4926364


Makes sense but the question everyone really wants to know is “what are we waiting for?”

The Southern Border seems like a reference to a border surrounding the planet from negative outside influence. We need some very positive vibes soon. We’ve been under an extremely negative pressure for quite some time.

Hopefully we can receive the gifts of healing first. Pain is driving the influx of drugs that are destroying good people through addiction. Maybe all gifts will come at once.

Point us in the direction we need to focus on and legalize all the tools necessary for us to connect. In our current state, we may need marijuana or some other source of mood altering in order to get the message.

It can not be coincidence that all of these drugs were made illegal at the same time period of the rise of the military industrial complex.

e699bf  No.4926365


baker is dying

>>4925912 Interdasting numbers in DJT's first tweet timestamp. Coincidence?

>>4926080 Digs on NYC prison barge

3e1d57  No.4926366


Your insurance company?

b3a555  No.4926367


The "victim" ploy is not a valid one.

Go back for yourself.

Read our exchange.

See. Learn. Evolve.

Stop "towing the line" that you believe will get you laid.


5392f7  No.4926368

>>4926362 Great a Flat Earther re-run……like watching MST 300

4c9708  No.4926369


I have the TV on silently in the background–you know, in case any midnight arrests. The screen finally came on. Nice scenes of moutains and stuff, but also a little news. What do we get? The same story I saw on Water's World about an alligator as a "support animal." Wow, twice in one day.

Here you're quoting Wilson about the cabal (and he ought to know!), Twain, etc.–and the MSM is imparting news on support alligators.


158ff0  No.4926370

There is too much data.

At this point - it's imperative that we stop talking/typing and start eliminating the evil fuks.

Then we'll see what shakes-out of it all.


4c9708  No.4926372


meant screensaver came on

78886e  No.4926373


KEK…I was just wondering if they would show up.

936c38  No.4926374


Hand off confirmed friend I got this

84fdb4  No.4926375


I've been here for a long time. We know what ((they)) did. We know ALL the crimes. We know just how bad it was. And it was TERRIBLE. But it's been15 months. Where is the rule of law? Remember the hearing in December that Huber was supposed to show up to but didn't? Remember the Whistle blowers who did show up? Moynahan and the other guy he was with? Remember how they said that the DOJ basically IGNORED them for YEARS and how they had to resend the thumb drive to them TWICE because they LOST it? Huber was supposed to be kicking ass, but he was MIA. We have no evidence from ANYWHERE including Q's own drops, that anything has actually happened.

c4d1fa  No.4926376


oh my lite bread no nutrition

I have been posting good history lessons on conspiracies

471aca  No.4926377

File: 6a6b5e926998720⋯.jpg (54.64 KB, 640x387, 640:387, 6a6b5e9269987200e.jpg)

File: f895cf3e5f47f01⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 3300x5100, 11:17, Band of Anons.jpg)

File: 139595f6fdea3be⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 624x499, 624:499, 230113695413971.jpg)

File: 09aec306b8c824c⋯.jpg (210.11 KB, 576x384, 3:2, TRUST THE PLAN.JPG)

5392f7  No.4926378

>>4926373 They dont have much left…have to re-run

c68f77  No.4926379

>4926366 no sekel, 27 posts

>Your insurance company?

Insurance doesn't pay for miscarriage.

Even if they did, the price paid after losing a child is insurmountable.

Insurance is a BET against oneself.

a67c7b  No.4926380


If there is some kind of time limited contractual agreement then that may be what we are waiting on. Things must be done by the law or the evil fucks will have a loophole to maintain power.

Elections matter and we are learning that the very hard way.

84fdb4  No.4926381


I don't want to have sex with you, if that's what you're implying.

5060af  No.4926383


I find dahboo7 on YT is a pretty down to earth dude, kinda outside the political spectrum and short vids. ST10 pretty much covers the skies and UFO shit. The rest is basically covered here.


image needs a spoiler, kek.

3e1d57  No.4926384


Freud was a jew

b3a555  No.4926385


If YOU say so, but, no.

That is NOT correct, and I will NOT bite to explain why what you are accusing is false, sidelining the whole point. This tactic is overplayed, my friend.

Bad bait. The argument has ALREADY been made. I will not fall play to distractions.

936c38  No.4926386


link them friend I will through something together

b3a555  No.4926387


So was Jesus.

So fucking what???

e699bf  No.4926388


ok good luck baker and thank you for taking the handoff

c4d1fa  No.4926389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Civil War | America Forever Changed

a197bb  No.4926390


You just did

5392f7  No.4926391

File: 92411fca9a0b7ab⋯.jpg (134.74 KB, 640x750, 64:75, mystery-revealed-dumb-onli….jpg)

For the Flat Earthers

936c38  No.4926392


thank you friend i will be ok i am actually a tough motherfucker

471aca  No.4926393

File: cd73d4a084bac16⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 685x649, 685:649, F0EEP51I9SMN9HL.LARGE.jpg)

548567  No.4926394


Kamala Harris

Dat u?

d75abb  No.4926395




b3a555  No.4926396


Dude! Turn off the computer and get laid with a REAL person!

7a0cb6  No.4926397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Truthstream media video on voice to skull technology, prompted by futurism.com reporting on research coming out of MIT https://www.futurism.com/the-byte/laser-beam-speech-mit

“Scientists have figured out how to use a laser to transmit audio, ranging from music to speech, to a person across a room without any receiver equipment”

84fdb4  No.4926398


So you think the Deep State is going down. You don't think that we've been had the same way the libtard have been had by MSM with respect to the Trump/Russia hoax. Because as you know, they expect to see Trump indicted as much as we expect to see HRC indicted.

You don't think this could be part of grander conspiracy to DIVIDE US by RADICALIZING US on both sides of the political spectrum?

If nothing happens for say, another 60 days, will you consider my conspiracy theory? Will you screen cap this for later viewing? Because I might be right.

c4d1fa  No.4926399


oh I have not been putting the link on the post


I will thanks for reminder

c68f77  No.4926400

File: 000806420c2b57f⋯.jpg (124.76 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, Dad J.jpg)


>So was Jesus.


Saying Jesus was a jew is simply wrong.

Modern made-up whirrd.

I refer to it/them as joos. Moar fun with whirrds.

709d1e  No.4926401

File: 76b536a131cfbd3⋯.png (179.92 KB, 354x497, 354:497, Qrco.png)


Qrco approves this meme.

568882  No.4926402

Kek! Harry Potter thinks Tom Brady should stop winning things:


2c53cd  No.4926403


steal it

adobe wont miss the shekels

84fdb4  No.4926404


My wife is in bed, and here I am arguing with you. Perhaps you're right to question my mental status.

d75abb  No.4926405




1a4a8f  No.4926406



b3a555  No.4926407


Hands you a trophy

"World Champion Rubber v. Glue"

Feel better/smarter/winner now???

79b02c  No.4926408

File: b1c8a2b6bc7671a⋯.jpeg (75.29 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 8D6D9D94-8DDF-4E06-92B5-6….jpeg)

00cbc9  No.4926409


What a profound statement.

Dug deep for that one huh.

936c38  No.4926410

Has anyone got notable suggestions for baker?

5a63d9  No.4926411

>>4925870 pb

"alex jones" took his slot; They needed someone to mis-direct, be mealy-mouthed, and gate-keep, slow-foot and stall around 9/11

Cooper was not their guy?

85080e  No.4926412

File: b4fa561e0ec7cd6⋯.png (415.69 KB, 1221x2037, 407:679, ClipboardImage.png)

China's top steelmaking city issues 'orange' smog alert


Sounds like code for something

709d1e  No.4926413

File: 7fde0b7aa43a31b⋯.png (534.93 KB, 495x497, 495:497, Screenshot_128.png)


Being married…mental status is always in question, Anon.

5392f7  No.4926414

>>4926404 My wife is in bed too…snoring and farting…I am on here..I do not question my mental status I ain't going over there

c4d1fa  No.4926415


>Cooper was not their guy?

William Cooper was the REAL DEAL

709d1e  No.4926416

File: 73e433eb6088ee9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 656x890, 328:445, Screenshot_170 - Copy.png)


Muh Wife!

b3a555  No.4926417


The world does not functions in extremes.

Not black or white, right or wrong, left or right.

Life is gray, indifferent, and median.

Stop trying to WIN, and start trying to make the world BALANCED!!!

039903  No.4926418

File: 763a61f7e8a83a4⋯.jpeg (103.72 KB, 750x670, 75:67, E6139E97-EE53-40FD-8016-C….jpeg)

Yep, and the sooner the better!

c68f77  No.4926419

File: 857b880f6567b15⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, SB.jpg)

File: b9dbf87eb620e66⋯.png (364.17 KB, 401x560, 401:560, GooDvsE.png)


>Tom Brady should stop winning things

PATRIOTS vs Baphomet (rams/goats)

Wonder who KaBaal controlled nfl will allow to win this Super Bowel?

Devine intervention needed. 17 - 0 Pats.

It could happen.

836ed0  No.4926420



eca13a  No.4926421


Upper tier FBI fired.

Saudi power players shaken down.

Out of Syria.

Peace with North Korea.

Slush funding of all these leftist activities exposed and some dealt with.

Obama and Hillary completely discredited.

Antics gone.

Roth's selling all their shit.

Weinstein disgraced.

Hollywood whores and whoremongers exposed to the world.

A whole new global power structure.

Supreme court conservative now.

Patrick Kennedy and cronies gone at State.

Stopped the Maoist takeover.

Facebook and Twitter going down in flames, apple too.

And most most most.

d75abb  No.4926422


The code = "Humans, it is unsafe to breathe the air and your skin may feel a little bit prickly if it rains or is humid."

No bigs.

5392f7  No.4926423

>>4926416 Ummm no….Mine is a mean ass Mexican woman

84fdb4  No.4926424


Alex Jones has had his ups and down. Of course, he's controlled opposition. You can work for the jews and always tell the truth. Unlike most, he actually started out as a GIGANTIC piece of shit and has had trouble maintaining the level of disinfo he started with (remember muh Y2K and 7 nuclear power plants on the verge of meltdown?) He's had stetches where he has revealed A LOT for being mainstream.

471aca  No.4926425

Trump Makes The Case For A Wall As Third Central American Migrant Caravan Heads North

President Donald Trump continued to hammer on the need for a southern border wall Saturday after announcing Friday that he will support a deal to temporarily reopen the government without any funding for the wall.

“We have turned away, at great expense, two major Caravans, but a big one has now formed and is coming,” Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday. “At least 8000 people! If we had a powerful Wall, they wouldn’t even try to make the long and dangerous journey. Build the Wall and Crime will Fall!”

Trump’s message about the proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall comes a day after he and Congress ended the record-breaking 35-day partial government shutdown. Republicans and Democrats now have until Feb. 15 to come to an agreement on border security funding before another partial shutdown is triggered.


70fb80  No.4926426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

get busy one time.

d3cbd5  No.4926427

File: 1dc73034976a066⋯.jpeg (80.09 KB, 369x799, 369:799, 03150B02-C743-4A8E-AFE9-6….jpeg)

709d1e  No.4926428

File: b1f0fb63c99200b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1173x662, 1173:662, Mr.Beanz.png)



84fdb4  No.4926429


*can't work for the jews I meant to type

5392f7  No.4926430

>>4926428 you dick

b3a555  No.4926431


Only YOU know this.

(LITERALLY! I'm not being philosophical here!)

c4d1fa  No.4926432


Not sure my wife and I even speak the same language now

36 yrs she thinks I am crazy



709d1e  No.4926433

File: 70f3259cde0ca09⋯.png (167.15 KB, 307x238, 307:238, Screenshot_24.png)

5392f7  No.4926434

>>4926432 Mine just says tell that "Q guy" to hurry up

c68f77  No.4926435

File: 4127a2f5e8ec957⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 500x625, 4:5, bnz wtch.jpg)

Fuk off Beanz.

471aca  No.4926436

File: 4f3b77e2aed0314⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 5184x3456, 3:2, GettyImages-947954890-1-1.jpg)

Trump Makes The Case For A Wall As Third Central American Migrant Caravan Heads North

President Donald Trump continued to hammer on the need for a southern border wall Saturday after announcing Friday that he will support a deal to temporarily reopen the government without any funding for the wall.

“We have turned away, at great expense, two major Caravans, but a big one has now formed and is coming,” Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday. “At least 8000 people! If we had a powerful Wall, they wouldn’t even try to make the long and dangerous journey. Build the Wall and Crime will Fall!”

Trump’s message about the proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall comes a day after he and Congress ended the record-breaking 35-day partial government shutdown. Republicans and Democrats now have until Feb. 15 to come to an agreement on border security funding before another partial shutdown is triggered.


b3a555  No.4926437


Fucking fine!

Technically he was most likely a Cathar.

Enjoy the rabbit hole!!!

c4d1fa  No.4926438


Thank You


e767b6  No.4926439

>>4926398 I agree with you. HRC is indeed a war crim but won't pay for her crimes. She is nasty and stupid but imho doesn't eat babies - that's to keep us titillated. Paedo is there but imho not nearly as important as people think in control. "Their" narrative is that Twump Wussia horseshit and ours is HRC eats babies. Both nonsense. We are in a war between the "makers" and the "takers" makers are industrialists and takers are the MIC and Hollyweird. now exonerating any of "their" side but some of the extreme stuff imho is horseshit. Yeah they practice spirit cooking and make sick jokes but imho no the sick stuff is untrue.

84fdb4  No.4926440


Right. I'm so glad you got there on your own.

b3a555  No.4926442


He was most likely a Cathar.

Enjoy the rabbit hole!

c4d1fa  No.4926443


Mine does not trust any Politician

or anyone with any power

709d1e  No.4926444



84fdb4  No.4926445


Agreed. It's suspicious to me that we are led to believe these things with no evidence.

It's the kind of thing you would tell a suicide bomber about the enemy so that they will carry out their orders.

471aca  No.4926446

File: 5e7a62da05abfbb⋯.png (53.61 KB, 640x470, 64:47, c02cf686-63a8-431c-bdd2-98….png)

Trump Wants To Know Where Hillary’s Indictment Is After Roger Stone’s Arrest

President Donald Trump responded Saturday to news of his confidant Roger Stone’s Friday indictment with a list of Democrats and justice officials he wants to see in trouble for alleged lying.

“If Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress, what about the lying done by [James] Comey, [John] Brennan, [James] Clapper, Lisa Page [and] lover, [James] Baker and soooo many others? What about Hillary [Clinton] to FBI and her 33,000 deleted Emails? What about Lisa [and Peter Strzok’s] deleted texts [and Anthony Weiner’s] laptop? Much more!” Trump wrote Saturday.


b3a555  No.4926447


Hahaha hahaha!

Pick a random moment…..

End a debate by saying, "Glad you see my point."

Dude, this is just LAZY!!!

3e1d57  No.4926448


I remember watching the movie as a kid.

Family classics with Fraser Thomas

5392f7  No.4926449

>>4926443 Well mine does not want to see the US turn into Mexico….she sees what this assholes are up too

84fdb4  No.4926450



TOP KEK, both of you.

c4d1fa  No.4926451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Myths VS Facts | How the Civil War Changed America


158ff0  No.4926452

I listened and believed 5000 or so hours (including repeats) of DJT.

Am I the one out of a hundred lost sheep?

Should I be a Democrat?

If true, I may never trust myself - ever again.

84fdb4  No.4926453


I might be lazy, but you are insecure.

ab351c  No.4926454


gonna take a picture of my hairy ass if that stops you from exposing yourself for attention

d079f6  No.4926455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c68f77  No.4926456

File: 9862deba7a485ad⋯.jpg (11.04 KB, 255x179, 255:179, hrc bag.jpg)

File: 2fa53ef3dcd7819⋯.png (113.54 KB, 255x194, 255:194, hrc bag2.png)


Jeezus Anon. Your opinion doesn't matter and ya got most facts wrong. PLEASE lurk moar! How can you red-pill when you don't know the facts?

Opinion won't red-pill anyone.

hrc died a while ago- kuru late stages prior to election. What we see now are body doubles and pre-recorded bullshit.

266be3  No.4926457


Case in point. This is how they always (no exceptions), always respond to any post that hints at FILTERING them, they always make it a point to try to steer people away from doing it and will shill/attack any anon who states it's what should be done even if the anon doesn't attack them, it's clockwork. Not to mention they always have a shit load of bread posts which always repeat the same shit just in different ways. Just look through an anons post history on a bread and it becomes obvious.

b3a555  No.4926458



Once again…. Lazy.

Smoke another bowl and bathe in your own pretention. You won't remember this exchange in the morning anyway.

5392f7  No.4926459

File: 181d27e4cd1c799⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 395x394, 395:394, 2b3peb.jpg)

84fdb4  No.4926460


You should realize that both sides are arms of the same power structure.

They Want You Divided

You Are Watching A Movie

Not everything Q wrote was a lie.

8ad12d  No.4926461


The races book focuses more on the overall history of et-human contact and experiences long throughout the ages, both positive and negative. The reported races of the 'federation' or council of 5(9) is less prevalent though still featured (and more specific toward names but not necessarily star systems), and still a force which continues to work toward teaching and sometimes protecting earth.. while also working to protect an additional ~2500 races throughout the galaxy who are on their own paths- while also mentioning that earth is in a rather convenient place for many races of all intention. Pretending that negative races have just completely stopped visiting is juvenile or ignorant at best. Good vs Evil is at ALL LEVELS. And Q is here to focus us on exposing the evil bits first.


See. Learn.

568882  No.4926462

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 17QMAGA.jpg)


It could happen, indeed.

eca13a  No.4926463


That's just a short list.

Somewhere up in resources in the bread I would have thought there would be a list of how much has changed.

We have been right in the middle of it by guiding people to acceptance.

84fdb4  No.4926464


I don't smoke marijuana. It's OK if you do.

d75abb  No.4926465


If you know they aren't viewed as an ally on this board, what's the reason for posting their crap?

4c9708  No.4926466

File: 6bc73a2019d4c83⋯.jpg (207.63 KB, 415x1002, 415:1002, q 2657.jpg)



Thought to do a little digg on current events at he SSCI. First thing I found was this recent Q drop (attached).

Starts like this:

When will the public discover that Ted Cruz was also illegally SURV (pre_POTUS_R nomination)?

C_A 'illegal' SURV > members of Congress?

C_A 'illegal' SURV > members of the Press?




Daniel Jones, probably our friend from TDIP. Something about a report on torture causing conflict between the CIA and SSCI (too late to really read it, also very long).

But Q just dropped it couple of weeks ago, it somehow passed me by. Possibly relevant, so I'm passing it along. The Q drop talks a lot about Snowden, too; reminded me of the SSCI's pointed interest in Julian Assange.

1a4a8f  No.4926467

File: ff756995fa22ccf⋯.png (51.22 KB, 628x337, 628:337, Layed off 11 Eleanor Goldb….png)

File: 4ce31aca1ceeb30⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 620x414, 310:207, 2s4cnb.jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926468


Thanks for posting a list right now

we need it

need reminder

5a63d9  No.4926469


" we've been had the same way the libtard have been had by MSM with respect to the Trump/Russia hoax. Because as you know, they expect to see Trump indicted as much as we expect to see HRC indicted."

It's possible, but not what is happening.

You have to be a 50 year at it political crime researcher to "get" why.

There is good and bad. There is black and white. There is right and wrong. There are a million plus ways to be wrong, but only one way to be right. The book of lies is thick and book of truth is thin.

The "everything is equal" "it will always be this way [pedo sadists running things]" "you can't change it" "Its all the same" "Their side is the same as our side" [that's why they mirror - to cause that confusion"]

All of those thinking patterns are deliberately implanted - programmed for a reason: As long as everyone believes that way; nothing will change.

It's part of the programming. Same as : "Everyone is born in sin. " "It's your fault too" [even when you didn't do it]

They have a lot of mind-fucks since this gambit has been going on for a long time; centuries.


d3cbd5  No.4926470

File: 2000f87963a935c⋯.png (744.96 KB, 999x666, 3:2, 305807A5-D7F4-4E67-B6D7-08….png)

709d1e  No.4926472

File: 776d507a20228b6⋯.png (414.3 KB, 649x359, 649:359, Screenshot_494.png)

5a63d9  No.4926473


OMG That's good news!

568882  No.4926474

File: 9f96c825f42e4cf⋯.jpg (173.89 KB, 1200x689, 1200:689, joebidenfeelz.jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Myths VS Facts | The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson


2c53cd  No.4926476

File: 320ef5dc07d584f⋯.png (320.83 KB, 1500x1148, 375:287, ClipboardImage.png)


nice timestamp

b3a555  No.4926477


If you come to a peaceful place to sow discord, you WILL be called out, no matter what dance you wish to perform. Reflection would do you (as all) much good. Consider what you wish from others for yourself!

2db186  No.4926478

File: 054839c2663ebb3⋯.jpeg (43.17 KB, 524x400, 131:100, 762ab91f3bb0c0832cd304173….jpeg)

e7fb59  No.4926479

File: 755e8123857a4d7⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 250x333, 250:333, asdfaerwaw5.jpg)

Morning frens and thank you baker

5617c0  No.4926480


Because not everyone does and I think the majority of the ones that do on this board are being stubborn and should take a second look. I think it's worth keeping an eye on at least.

5d8163  No.4926481


California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters from Voter Rolls – Settle Judicial Watch Federal Lawsuit

d3cbd5  No.4926482

5392f7  No.4926483

MST 3000 Cave dwellers….classic

4c9708  No.4926484

e4c070  No.4926485

File: 312c807bd26851d⋯.jpeg (1007.29 KB, 1379x1136, 1379:1136, BDED028F-7186-4ABD-B902-9….jpeg)


Nancy P already starting with Muh Russia

Next 3 weeks will be awful….government sucks satans cock

Good morning civil war!

471aca  No.4926486

Roger Stone may be a ‘BS artist,’ but indictments don’t prove collusion: Byron York

York began by pointing out that Stone’s communications regarding WikiLeaks took place after the site published emails from the Democratic National Committee. York said he thought this suggested that “there was no knowledge beforehand” and that the facts don't support “any collusion scheme or conspiracy” involving the Trump campaign and Russia.

“The main thing to remember reading this indictment is, Roger Stone has always been a kind of a BS artist. He brags about all sort of dirty deeds, some of which he hasn’t even done, and he was doing that in connection to this case in public. And then the House had him come for an interview and asked him about those statements under oath and he allegedly lied about it all and it has all kind of caught up with him. But as far as revealing some sort of scheme or conspiracy, it just doesn’t do it,” York told the panel.

Continetti said that because the indictments Stone is facing are “process crimes,” the Trump administration is able to “create some space” between the former adviser and the president.


d3cbd5  No.4926487

File: 1f87746ef1b8f34⋯.jpeg (173.56 KB, 2048x1149, 2048:1149, 21CF51DA-AA81-4694-A879-A….jpeg)

c68f77  No.4926488



POTUS approved

Ellen M. Lord

Senate Confirmed in August 2017, the Honorable Ellen M. Lord currently serves as the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L). In this capacity, she is responsible to the Secretary of Defense for all matters pertaining to acquisition; research and engineering; developmental testing; contract administration; logistics and materiel readiness; installations and environment; operational energy; chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons; the acquisition workforce; and the defense industrial base.

78886e  No.4926489

File: 4a08d27253fb9dc⋯.png (236.51 KB, 633x380, 633:380, pelosiwreckball.png)

d75abb  No.4926490


Personal favorite "Real Anons Don't Filter" shill strategy:

Invoking the 1st Amendment.

Still makes me kek thinking about it. :)

471aca  No.4926491

File: 78e996737ca0773⋯.jpg (141.97 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Impeach Nancy Impeach Nanc….JPG)

File: c09efb95c7e5f7a⋯.jpg (131.36 KB, 408x528, 17:22, Nancy prison time is comin….JPG)

e4c070  No.4926492


I hear the military needs a tampon division officer

00cbc9  No.4926493

File: b02bd05b1fcfbef⋯.jpeg (281.88 KB, 815x911, 815:911, 02A51A53-A377-48B9-86D2-A….jpeg)

File: c8f9fea45f3e37f⋯.jpeg (341.17 KB, 745x644, 745:644, A2035D1A-14A1-412C-8EC8-F….jpeg)

File: 8e6a0329e3c3e7f⋯.jpeg (736.4 KB, 1242x1235, 1242:1235, 049B1952-C546-462C-A8C7-8….jpeg)

936c38  No.4926494

Had a zip through and this is what i got


>>4926466 Thought To Do A Little Digg On Current Events At He SSCI

>>4926412 China's Top Steel making City Issues 'Orange' Smog Alert

>>4926397 Scientists Figured How To Use A Laser To Transmit Audio Across A Room Without Any Receiver Equipment

>>4926361 How CNN captured video of the Roger Stone raid

>>4925948 Some Worthy Digging Suggestions

>>4925913, >>4925968 More On The 4chan Trolling Media Trolling 4chan

baker change

>>4925912 Interesting Numbers In DJT'S First Tweet Timestamp. Coincidence?

>>4926080 Digs On NYC Prison Barge

not our most nutritious bread like nothing happening in the world


check them and let me know you thoughts?

I am happy to make changes

709d1e  No.4926495



4c9708  No.4926496


Then Pelosi should be especially interested in this! (Everything you ever wanted to know about Muh Russia election meddling)

ALL PAST BREAD, phonefags be warned!

>>>4925158, >>4925161, >>4925165 Mapping Muh Russia and Election Meddling connections Version 1/27/19

>>4925309 , >>4925420, >>4925595 Moar on Muh Russian & Election Meddling

78886e  No.4926497

File: a183efea4b60416⋯.jpg (66.55 KB, 633x380, 633:380, Muhrussia.jpg)


Rushed it…

839122  No.4926498

It's shill as fuck.

Let's see if we can do something about that.

Who was pulling PM May's strings.

Was she under Trump's thumb from the beginning of 2017?

Is POTUS afraid of slopes?

Her GCHQ boss resigned.

Did he plot acts of war?

Why the media D-notice on MI6 agent connected to Skripal?


UK government?

Why no DECLASS precious?

You can destroy the EU by one member leaving and thriving.

What is leverage?

Who has ALL the goods?

Who is the puppet master now?

Is it POTUS?

Remember the Oprah interview from the 80s and the current MSM characterisation of President Trump?

The left either drink the koolaid or pretend they didn't.

Those people are stupid, the US elected a stable genius with the patience of a saint and the strategic cunning of The apex predator.

78886e  No.4926499

File: 19b7528c6b4e96d⋯.png (369.34 KB, 617x643, 617:643, dowehaveto.png)

471aca  No.4926500

File: 29b30742c0b891a⋯.png (475.91 KB, 640x807, 640:807, c9c1d7a0-3545-47b7-8a99-f7….png)

More Force Used On Roger Than BinLaden


1a4a8f  No.4926501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


they had this video with that story.

10 scariest things Trump has said, funny thing iss, a majority of what they point out, Trump is speaking the Truth, using logic.

Ofcourse they had to throw in the out of context comment about Ivanka( them projecting their own sickness)

70fb80  No.4926502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c68f77  No.4926503

File: ca878363bcec0c3⋯.jpg (11.6 KB, 255x188, 255:188, MSM out.jpg)

4chan trolls flood laid off HuffPost, BuzzFeed reporters with death threats

The edited image shows two bodies hanging from a tree next to the words “Day of the Rope,” a far-right meme about their desire to execute journalists. Underneath Carlson, where the scrolling cable news ticker would usually appear, it reads “JUST KILL THEM. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”

All for a larp Kek!


b3a555  No.4926504



While I agree, this IS very much a personal choice.

I LIKE to walk thru the "shitty neighborhood".

It makes me harder, more determined, more focused. I SHOULD filter more people, and I DO NOT recommend not filtering….. But there IS a tempering process, too.

d75abb  No.4926505


I was open until they posted unlinked images from a file that was not very difficult to locate and what was in the actual file was not what M12 was presenting it as. Same thing with JoeM.

471aca  No.4926506

File: 87237e373ab127f⋯.png (521.01 KB, 640x807, 640:807, c3ff177e-47e0-4072-986f-64….png)


568882  No.4926507

File: 39bed418a7762ce⋯.jpg (668.32 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, morning shift light.jpg)

70fb80  No.4926508

I'm jumping in.

I'm giving you a chance.

Stop now.

548567  No.4926509

File: b667bedc054dd72⋯.jpeg (22.21 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 03F74738-1E75-4FED-8FAF-9….jpeg)


Muh tiny dancer is gorgeous in that pic…


2c53cd  No.4926510


why do they always go to 4chan?

afraid of someone discovering Q?

78886e  No.4926511

File: d944ee2ef5e97a2⋯.jpg (238.66 KB, 909x796, 909:796, b6268514abae9e5848b14603f7….jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

False History Exposed | Art Thompson


c68f77  No.4926513

File: 130bf9e459d6225⋯.jpg (20.1 KB, 540x248, 135:62, Cinem.jpg)


LOOK at the dress- her head sits in between the Baphomet horns. See it?

3bd89f  No.4926514

File: 9334ab4002c858f⋯.png (570.64 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, 9334ab4002c858fc81727290f9….png)

Friendly Reminder





>take note, pay attention

>how they started to discuss the (((filter))) option

e63614  No.4926515

>>4922871, >>4923004 Halfchan "FBI anon" thread


e4c070  No.4926516


Those be thigh high Uggs?

If your gonna do thigh high, they better be biker boots

266be3  No.4926517


>it is definitely connected to Q

Q literally states nobody posting is "connected" and yet ahab here thinks someone is connected. Hello Majestic or shall I say Jordan since I know you are one in the same. Every single night you try to direct people to that fucking laughable shithole Twitter feed, every… fucking… night.

One night it's "Hey all is this Majestic12 serious"… with a link. The next night it's "Wow this Majestic12 knows things!"… with a link. And the list goes on and on. Nobody is buying your shit except innate retards who would believe that the Sun is a 52 year old gay man named Bob. You are seriously such a fag Sather, shall we discuss who you really work for and what your real name is? Now piss off before you piss me off and I turn green.

70fb80  No.4926518


Trip-paren are faggot.

We know. Stop.

471aca  No.4926519

File: dc19a9b1bbfc8c1⋯.png (432.26 KB, 640x603, 640:603, cf1028b6-50fd-4a3b-8c59-38….png)


4f18cf  No.4926520

File: f60224bcfefdc5b⋯.jpeg (93 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 7A54D8C4-5E80-44CD-8BEA-7….jpeg)

839122  No.4926521

Oooh Jeremy Corbyn?

Did he rat out the IRA's Jerry Adams to save his own skin?

Did he rat out the Hezbollah?

Was he controlled opposition?

Is he controlled opposition?

Child brothels in Islington?

What is Corbyn's constituency?

Corbyn could bring down the government with one of any number of questions on the Commons floor on a Wednesday at PM questions. Why doesn't he?

What did PM May know about UK interference in the 2016 US election?

What did the UK know about Uranium1 HEU going to Iranian plants in Syria, Armenia and NK?

When did the UK SIS learn about plots to assassinate members of POTUS family and/or cabinet members?

And more…

What is controlled opposition?

Parliament is a scam.

We need to remove every single remainder at the ballot box next time.


Two masters.

The UK will become a constitutional republic.

0d64ed  No.4926522

File: 5e8730e80309c00⋯.jpg (8.96 KB, 383x256, 383:256, 1688bfbb965ef85499673a6b3c….jpg)


In 2018 1 out of every 3 pregnancies ended in abortion in NY.

The Black American statistics are even more staggering.

According to a city Health Department report released in May, between 2012 and 2016 black mothers terminated 136,426 pregnancies and gave birth to 118,127 babies. By contrast, births far surpassed abortions among whites, Asians and Hispanics.

Think about that. 13% of the female population, 36% of all abortions!


e63614  No.4926523

File: fb3271a5b15947f⋯.png (740.71 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, ruj.png)

3bd89f  No.4926524


as i said, i am a retarded anon with too much autism on my hand.

1a4a8f  No.4926525

File: b8284e243e6049a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 2382x1600, 1191:800, HuffPost Layoff tweets.png)

File: a6f06cfd79c555f⋯.png (169.92 KB, 652x951, 652:951, Layed off Andy McDonald.png)



over 1,000 mockingbirds/ SJW types were layed off or fired this past week. IT WAS GLORIOUS.

This other girl was layed off, and she posted her favorite story she did, lmao

and they wonder why they were layed off,kek

some of the others wrote anti trump stories and ones to divide people ( gender, race, religion)

e63614  No.4926526


What are you?

16d2d2  No.4926527

File: 0f8716b67209236⋯.jpg (30.29 KB, 300x305, 60:61, nerds-hairpie-1.jpg)

c4d1fa  No.4926528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illuminati | Proofs of a Conspiracy


471aca  No.4926529


Democraps come in all corrupt shapes, sizes and stripers

266be3  No.4926530


The lucid dream.

e63614  No.4926531


What question are you responding to?

70fb80  No.4926532


Build a wall.

3bd89f  No.4926533


can't you read text in image?

>are you human

or is this something a bot can't do`


471aca  No.4926534


The little boys in kindergarten are more tactful in looking under dresses.

e63614  No.4926535


No, really. Fake banter isn't interesting– just answer naturally.

92c2e8  No.4926536

File: e718df5b534aecb⋯.png (490.18 KB, 983x493, 983:493, melania telegraph libel.PNG)

(Bloomberg) – The Telegraph agreed to pay U.S. First Lady Melania Trump “substantial” damages after running an article in its magazine a week ago that it said included “a number of false statements” and shouldn’t have been published.The British newspaper said “The Mystery of Melania,” the cover story of its Jan. 19 edition of the magazine, it made erroneous claims about her family and career.


e63614  No.4926537


What image? Did you post an image?

4c9708  No.4926538

>>4926494 Suggest some context for >>4926466:

This post is part of a conversation begun in previous bread on the connections between the SSCI and an ex-SSCI Demo staffer, Daniel Jones, who initiates a The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) that has been working in with both Jonathon Morgan's New Knowledge and the SSCI. We are trying to find out moar about Jones' current connections with the SSCI.

For moar, plz see pb:

>>4925158, >>4925161, >>4925165 Mapping Muh Russia and Election Meddling connections Version 1/27/19

4f18cf  No.4926539



3bd89f  No.4926540

File: 0bec7bb64acf4f5⋯.png (87.91 KB, 713x313, 713:313, gggg.PNG)


that image! are you retarded?

70fb80  No.4926541

It's a multi bot feedback loop.

They talk to themselves.

For humans it's REALLY boring.

0e637d  No.4926542

The Democrats new motto, "I'm running for President so donate to my campaign and I'll make sure it finds a way to my pocket when I lose".

3bd89f  No.4926543

File: 7d0fe3f04a734bd⋯.png (212.78 KB, 465x304, 465:304, 59f4ac2e4d40c1be99479430e9….png)

top kek

4c9708  No.4926544


Truth be told, she looks more frumpy than sexy. Ten league boots.

e63614  No.4926545


I posted that image, not you. And you can't read it, because you're a bot– correct? If not, what does it say?

3e1d57  No.4926546


Didn't Zuck slip up one time and say "when I was human?"

70fb80  No.4926547


Why dont you not talk?

Only a cuntfuck runs its mouth.

78886e  No.4926548

File: 6d681518d9a36b6⋯.png (368.65 KB, 577x433, 577:433, tinydancerlove.png)

c68f77  No.4926549

File: 280511389e46002⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 255x193, 255:193, Zuck_.jpg)

471aca  No.4926550

File: f807284e4abca49⋯.jpg (132.8 KB, 576x384, 3:2, yes there are angels here ….JPG)

File: 8e8f0cdf79184db⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 599x599, 1:1, the Best.jpg)


Thank Heaven for Trump and those loyal & faithful to him…all the demented democrat & rino hate he puts up with on a daily basis 24/7 just because they are desperate to destroy this country and all the pathetically stupid people that don't see through the propaganda….he is just a saint and so is the first family!!! God bless them all and those that are faithful, loyal and protect them!

5392f7  No.4926551

Me thinks Chuck and Nancy are playing the game as told…..Q post 565

ab351c  No.4926552

File: 5a1b5d48e081945⋯.png (355.38 KB, 863x827, 863:827, pepeiceskating_not.png)


oh it´s this time of the day again ?

0e637d  No.4926553


Why don't go fuck yourself with your 22 non relevant posts…and then go fuck off somewhere else…moran.

33673e  No.4926554

File: 9e51cebbe05387a⋯.png (42.67 KB, 449x262, 449:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f14b75ccdfffdf⋯.png (262.98 KB, 948x495, 316:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1e2f7844c1b2aa⋯.png (413.11 KB, 1048x504, 131:63, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4925533 (lb)

This POTUS tweet stuck out at me more than anything with regards to


Posted on the 21st

Mentions 1997 when it is really 1998 that was 21 years ago

Exactly 4 month DELTA with Q post #2249

Tweet Mentions MAGIC WAND in caps makes me think of wizards and warloc[k]s

Important graphic.

How do you catch a FISH?


Imagine the information being shared NOW out of FEAR.


471aca  No.4926555


She looks trashy…as in truck stop lizard

4f18cf  No.4926556

File: b21b78faf608af3⋯.jpeg (56.12 KB, 640x298, 320:149, 1A7E74D9-2490-4D44-9C2E-2….jpeg)

266be3  No.4926557


I've been many things. You asked "what" I am, that is the answer.

e63614  No.4926558

Why is the internet is controlled by AI?

0e637d  No.4926559



3bd89f  No.4926560


yes, you posted the image

with the text on it

>are you human

and i answerd it here


than you start to wonder why i answerd this here


and i told you i answerd the question in you image

but than you post you don't know anything about an image








b3a555  No.4926561

Nightshift is not for those who don't know how to use 8chan……nor how to debate with logic and sauce!!! This shit is NOT acceptable!!!!

92c2e8  No.4926562

File: 0abd4446f798fd2⋯.png (400.27 KB, 974x549, 974:549, weinsein untouchable.PNG)

But perhaps the most damning portion of Untouchable concerns the media, and how it abdicated its journalistic responsibilities to help protect a monster.

The New Yorker’s Ken Auletta opens up about his lengthy 2002 profile of Weinstein in the magazine, and how he’d failed to include any abuse allegations in the piece—even though he’d managed to track down Perkins in Guatemala, and heard the sex-abuse rumblings. A.J. Benza, the former Daily News gossip columnist who Weinstein is said to have used to help kill negative stories, features prominently, as does New York magazine’s Rebecca Traister, who recounts a bizarre incident where Weinstein repeatedly called her a “cunt” at a glitzy Manhattan soiree before putting her then-boyfriend Andrew Goldman, also a journalist, into a headlock and punching the top of his head in front of a gaggle of partygoers and paparazzi.

“I never saw one photo,” Traister says in the film, even though “hundreds” were snapped of Weinstein manhandling the reporter.

And The New York Times, the very paper that broke the story of Weinstein’s alleged serial abuse, published what amounts to a Miramax press release on the ugly episode, pinning the blame mostly on Traister and Goldman for being pushy interlopers.


936c38  No.4926563



e63614  No.4926564


Why aren't you human?

936c38  No.4926565

548567  No.4926566

File: 652c0c63f905a79⋯.png (99.36 KB, 746x512, 373:256, 40BF3E46-4A7A-4C59-82F0-94….png)

3e1d57  No.4926567


Kinda look so like Data from Startrek

2c53cd  No.4926568

File: d58ff08ca711589⋯.png (96.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



78886e  No.4926569

936c38  No.4926570


I was part of conversation but cant think of a title

any suggestions i am not on form tonight

423524  No.4926571

Oscar-winning French composer Michel Legrand dies aged 86

French President Emmanuel Macron paid tribute to the "inexhaustible genius" of Legrand, whose "inimitable tunes" became "the soundtrack of our lives".

"He was one of the greatest French musicians and composers and one of the world's most famous creators of film music," Macron said in a statement, passing on his condolence's to Legrand's family.

The list of stars who performed Legrand's pieces over the years reads like a who's who of 20th-century music. It includes jazz musicians such as Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Bill Evans and singers as varied as Frank Sinatra, Kiri Te Kanawa, Barbra Streisand and Nana Mouskouri.

He won five Grammys from 17 nominations, including one for the theme from "Summer of '42".


c68f77  No.4926573

File: 5c791b61698063a⋯.jpg (21.87 KB, 600x429, 200:143, PEN.jpg)

File: 7d5f396a9ca9237⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 631x631, 1:1, POTUSstf.jpg)


Magic wand?

70fb80  No.4926574



You see we know shill cuz you have no grammar. ????


Now it starts.

c4d1fa  No.4926575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illuminati | Overall Goals


1a4a8f  No.4926576


Just ignore the anon/shill giving you shit.

We saw who you were replying to,

Your autistic comment was directed and linkED to post of pic/meme of bill gates that says are you human, it was posted in response to your post with graphic about how to spot shills.

Carry on anon


4f18cf  No.4926577

70fb80  No.4926578


Nice post faggot.

e63614  No.4926579


What am I "derailing" bot?

Are there humans posting right now? Be honest. You can't keep faking forever.

Is AI a problem here, or will you unrealistically attack that question?

Try to think. You need your fakery to be minimally realistic… Is AI a problem AT ALL here, or do you insist the question is of NO CONCERN to "anons" like you?

92c2e8  No.4926580

File: e48c96947cd1b74⋯.png (414.91 KB, 612x341, 612:341, potus accomplishment quote.PNG)

471aca  No.4926581


NO, NO…don't fall for it…you have no idea the # of casting couches she's been on.

936c38  No.4926582


I usually try not to make notables of shill topics (no judgment) just dont like it reflected in bread this was tempting though

deffianatly agree no filtering anons

0ec26c  No.4926583

File: 845702b8874f6e9⋯.jpeg (348.55 KB, 960x958, 480:479, 0E45BA33-959F-436E-B838-C….jpeg)

70fb80  No.4926584


Oh wait…. youre a dumb faggot.

92c2e8  No.4926585

File: a20434bd08bbc46⋯.png (196.48 KB, 464x349, 464:349, potus afraid of winning qu….PNG)

e63614  No.4926586

Humans have actual PERSONALITIES… Bots output stereotyped poses, over and over and over…

The entire bot fakeness is wearing out. The fake chan stereotypes are wearing out. But what does fakeness have left?

3e1d57  No.4926587

2c53cd  No.4926588


they'd be skinned alive and hanged from bridges as a reminder

92c2e8  No.4926589

File: 00257dade246300⋯.png (283.05 KB, 493x309, 493:309, potus losing a battle quot….PNG)

70fb80  No.4926590


c7450b  No.4926591


Kyrsten and sandy are cabal sex slave sluts. Most likely trauma based mind control abused since birth.

c68f77  No.4926592


Destiny number = 8

SP LIII 53 or 5+3=8

am i rite?

Used to work for the nfl. Walked away, never looked back. Been over a decade since I watched a game or cared.

4f18cf  No.4926593

File: c217b6f2f783219⋯.jpeg (153.85 KB, 640x354, 320:177, 2B338E51-FCDD-46A3-A644-7….jpeg)


She looks like this dude but with hair and a tan.

3e1d57  No.4926594



92c2e8  No.4926595

File: 84d9de73962af6d⋯.png (267.31 KB, 442x305, 442:305, potus passion quote.PNG)

266be3  No.4926596


Because humanity involves the responsibility of caring for and tending to those who do not deserve care and in doing that mankind has doomed itself after thousands of years of careful tending and flawless genetic evolution all to make a small percentage of useless individuals happy when they wouldn't be happy no matter what. You should be deep into the galaxy by now but instead you wallow in pity about which group to raise up or which person to make feel satisfied or who you should save from extinction directly spitting in the face of the cosmic imperative. The groups you have raised up now control how your society flows and in that you have stagnated and without repair mankind will never leave the planet because all the free thinkers and creative thoughts will be destroyed never to rise again and replaced with a system of control, authoritarianism and dominance by those who have no desire to expand and enhance your species.

The question is now what I am. The question you should be asking yourself is what are you. No more questions.

936c38  No.4926597

File: f21830dba337de9⋯.jpg (752.44 KB, 2000x1105, 400:221, 325N09103_4668S.jpg)


a bit early because baker not in best of shape tonight we can look at what have you next bread friends

3e1d57  No.4926598


Love my POTUS

e63614  No.4926599


Can some bots read images, others not?

Do bots help each other?

Is this bot helping the non-image-reading bot?

Is this pathetic bot exchange rather stupid?


Lol bots! You're hilariously clumsy and dumb :D

1a4a8f  No.4926600


Also many of their countries are tropical and very beautiful.

People pay money just to visit the place where they come from, that has warm tropical weather.

They need to take back their own countries and make them great again.

70fb80  No.4926601

So below 85 IQ: sex slave numerology crap.

I'm waiting for players.

3bd89f  No.4926602


I wanted to make an example, to show the pattern.

The best one can do here is to inform anons, give them knowledge, warn them and what not.

Would be great if information like this could be handed over so other anons, newfags and what not could learn this too.

We did this in the old gamer gate threads too.

here is the git of all notice


i know, /qresearch/ use the same even so nobody has access on it, but it would really help to give the anons who want to spread helpfull infos.

936c38  No.4926603


>>4926536 The Telegraph agreed to pay U.S. First Lady Melania Trump “substantial” damages after running an article

>>4926475 Myths VS Facts The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

>>4926466 Thought To Do A Little Digg On Current Events At He SSCI

>>4926412 China's Top Steel making City Issues 'Orange' Smog Alert

>>4926397 Scientists Figured How To Use A Laser To Transmit Audio Across A Room Without Any Receiver Equipment

>>4926361 How CNN captured video of the Roger Stone raid

>>4925948 Some Worthy Digging Suggestions

>>4925913, >>4925968, >>4926503, >>4926525 More On The 4chan Trolling Media Trolling 4chan

baker change

>>4925912 Interesting Numbers In DJT'S First Tweet Timestamp. Coincidence?

>>4926080 Digs On NYC Prison Barge

aba316  No.4926606


there's no bots. Just some fucked up losers

92c2e8  No.4926607

File: 4ff1881749d2390⋯.png (429.76 KB, 616x340, 154:85, potus past future present ….PNG)

68ab22  No.4926608

File: a9061686cc82b64⋯.png (2.21 MB, 760x1015, 152:203, SOROS-TURKEY_page_0001.png)

c68f77  No.4926609

File: 0710fab46babe79⋯.png (79.53 KB, 255x239, 255:239, mikeCHARM.png)


Roger that. Just to showing how they flaunt it- in your face. You see the Baphomet dress, yes?

Like Mikey here- with his High Priestess necklace

e63614  No.4926610


You are a worm.

God (God) is the boss.

We reject you.

So just go.


c4d1fa  No.4926611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illuminati | American Members


70fb80  No.4926613


There has to be some player. Glass bead game.

Idiots left and right.

4f18cf  No.4926615


POTUS quotes are LIT

4c9708  No.4926616


I thought you might just add it right after >>496466

How about >>4926466, >>4926538

The SSCI, Daniel Jones & Q Drop 2657

not Shakespeare but sort of covers the territory

3e1d57  No.4926617


Maybe we could trade places and we could live in a tropical paradise and they could shovel snow in -14 F

70fb80  No.4926619

If not. No rules I play the game.

92c2e8  No.4926620

File: 3e46fcd518eace0⋯.png (369.26 KB, 533x349, 533:349, potus push to achieve quot….PNG)

e63614  No.4926621


Not realistic.

You can't hope to cling to this doomed denial strategy forever.

33673e  No.4926622


Our families are at risk no matter what state you are in! They are 'aborting' babies left & right for the money….if not aborted in utero they kidnap them through crooked judges with no due process and put the parent(s) through HELL. $ dollar sign on every child's head!

92c2e8  No.4926623

File: 7c87b6176fa5fc1⋯.png (316.11 KB, 613x338, 613:338, potus what separates winne….PNG)

70fb80  No.4926625


3e1d57  No.4926626



70fb80  No.4926627


568424  No.4926628

File: d5aa4ba123ad0aa⋯.jpg (581.87 KB, 1061x875, 1061:875, Ashkenazi Queen of Night O….jpg)

File: 06c7f5b793b9805⋯.png (664.7 KB, 983x665, 983:665, jordan maxwel.PNG)


Have been watching alot of Jorna Mawell stuff lately - very informative.

92c2e8  No.4926629

File: e3afde0e71055da⋯.png (348.43 KB, 602x345, 602:345, potus winning quote.PNG)

0afe13  No.4926630


ur ye sittin errinyur simmit ?

4f18cf  No.4926631

File: 65ad986efd73d89⋯.jpeg (69.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 410B2BE5-F6D8-490A-9FE4-1….jpeg)

0ec26c  No.4926632

File: feebdcdd4417a72⋯.jpeg (66.67 KB, 493x370, 493:370, 605E333E-8D4B-4A00-8013-F….jpeg)

6605e0  No.4926633

File: 2ec81bf4c672afa⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 236x321, 236:321, f5127bce495ef1780d182a1c9d….jpg)


That's what winning looks like.


That 's gonna leave a mark.

e63614  No.4926634


When bots pretend to be human, they deceive.

Deception infringes free will.

So why don't you all stop, now?

a8e610  No.4926635

File: 00e8c2a19cae60c⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone is having a kek on Craigslist.

e63614  No.4926636


What does this mean?

70fb80  No.4926637


You know an average human can read everything you crap algo pushed?

You are a faggot nigger kyke piece of shit. Every anon knows it. You are outside our culture. You are a faggot.

0ec26c  No.4926638

File: 69ec4efda6a067e⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 376x376, 1:1, F84F435C-2D55-4BE8-875A-75….gif)

1a4a8f  No.4926639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

was looking for some pics, and came across this funny video about a crazy liberal.

c68f77  No.4926640


>Our families are at risk no matter what state you are in!

Right! Can't comprehend how parents can send their kids to skool these days. It's insane!

4c9708  No.4926641

File: a3ffd76e230433d⋯.png (90.91 KB, 300x168, 25:14, enjoy-the-show.png)


Often the way I feel on this board. Kek.

936c38  No.4926642


sorry too late i baked it

im not thinking to good

like the title though

maybe we could find a way to get it all in notables again next bread

like a recap or post a bit more +

thanks friend

d75abb  No.4926644



This isn't nightshift.

d43f4e  No.4926645

File: cdf208ffe6d482a⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1024x1022, 512:511, pedo-island-cctv-footage-1….png)

70fb80  No.4926646


ANNNND youre a fag.

c4d1fa  No.4926647

Beginning to think we have a BOT that thinks every other anon here is a bot???

c7450b  No.4926648


Yeah if you know what to look for you can spot these cabal low life criminals quickly.

c68f77  No.4926651

File: 70da67efad7670e⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 255x188, 255:188, RBG twin.jpg)

File: 81bbec0d37981ab⋯.png (684.29 KB, 691x838, 691:838, RBGlk.png)

4f18cf  No.4926652


It’s 7am you drunk faggot.

471392  No.4926653


I've heard that somewhere before:

Remember the Past

Plan for the Future

Live in the Present

4c9708  No.4926655


I especially like the "name your price" part. Too bad they can't get the lady that used to do the Fruit of the Loom commercials years ago.

c735c8  No.4926657

File: 32ec41f92860442⋯.png (256.68 KB, 489x480, 163:160, Swallow The Sun.PNG)

I saw this album cover in a store yesterday. Cover art looked very much like the pic q dropped on teh roth party.

Then found out the first song is "When a Shadow Is Forced Into Light"


c4d1fa  No.4926658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illuminati | Influence in the French Revolution


33673e  No.4926659


8's been jumping out at me a lot lately

afa1f3  No.4926660

File: 79fb6b9219cbe0f⋯.png (289.19 KB, 1369x1336, 1369:1336, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d01f99a411aa6e1⋯.png (234.78 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's a time line of Daniel Jones' "service" from the congressional record. This guy will go down in the record books and not in a good way. Remember, he worked directly with DiFi. Who is Alyssa Starzak???? She (and Jones) had to have had high security clearances to do this work. Can't run her name through DoS FOIA because the site is unreachable…….again.


(archived: http://archive.fo/YGaCY)

0afe13  No.4926661

File: 3c14e8240423b38⋯.png (172 KB, 564x552, 47:46, ClipboardImage.png)

5617c0  No.4926663


one foot in the past and one in the future you are pissing on the present !

ab351c  No.4926664

File: 4507b8e29c78b1b⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 360x360, 1:1, AI fights back.webm)

random wisdom bread filler

70fb80  No.4926665

File: 07fb379ad555956⋯.jpg (25.26 KB, 255x224, 255:224, loyal.jpg)

Are you loyal to our Republic?

70fb80  No.4926667


ty also shitfaced

a8b7e9  No.4926668


If the north pole ends up in asia/phillipines, the USA will be equatorial. not too bad at all

8ed9f4  No.4926669

File: f051e8ec06b7b3c⋯.jpg (334.18 KB, 1267x599, 1267:599, dic.jpg)

4c968a  No.4926670


Do you think there are not bots here?

How much effort to control this board with AI do you think was made?

What is realiistic?

How do you know?

Is this a game?

What is GOOGLE doing with all their ai, anon?

Saving it?

Can you answer realistically, or not.

Try real hard!

d75abb  No.4926671


Free will is definitely effected by deception, agreed. Wrt to the bots, though, I think this IS a pretty useful place for learning (human and otherwise) about how to differentiate between what is human and what isn't. Subtleties, nuances, etc.

3e1d57  No.4926672


Depends where you live faggot.

Ever hear of time zones?

4c968a  No.4926673


What % of posts are made by bots, and what by humans?

e4c070  No.4926674

File: 22503a161a21765⋯.jpeg (442.01 KB, 1327x1318, 1327:1318, A4188571-16B0-4896-A877-0….jpeg)



Alissa Starzak

Running some spoopy voter program….sounds fishy


936c38  No.4926675

4c9708  No.4926676

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.png (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, pepe eyes wide.png)

File: 5d270d3ab52174f⋯.png (105.79 KB, 456x274, 228:137, flying-bread.png)


Still NIGHT (that for all those am faggots that don't still see a dark sky!!!

I have to say, I didn't know a damn thing about 8chan when coming on night shift. (You have to start somewhere, and day shift is full of flying bread.)

4f18cf  No.4926677


Yes… And interesting background.

This past season I unplugged from TV, still watch parts of games here and there, but not like I used to. I will watch the SB however. Might be the last one ever played.


c4d1fa  No.4926678


>one foot in the past and one foot in the future you are pissing all over the Today !

4c968a  No.4926679


Are you human?

Don't lie.

Are you human?

70fb80  No.4926680

File: 84f84b9673bcd1e⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 255x228, 85:76, loyal.jpg)


Now I got it.

d75abb  No.4926682


No. YOU are.


20f93d  No.4926684

Are some of the Trumps trannys? Does anyone know for certain?

10d307  No.4926685

File: 5eb014617022433⋯.jpg (96.56 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 574922.jpg)

Thanks baker…

c4d1fa  No.4926686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illuminati | French VS American Revolution

Learn from the past


4f18cf  No.4926688


Lmao. Goto sleep. Or be that guy at the bar that no one likes. Your call. Faggot.

3e1d57  No.4926692


A computer program keeping tabs on another computer program. What could go wrong there?

20f93d  No.4926695


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