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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

0c72d5  No.4921970

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0c72d5  No.4921977


are not endorsements


>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4921891 Moar digging on Joe Pientka

>>4921850 , >>4921869 New batch of leaked files from the covert influence network

>>4921785 Haberman takes aim at Kushner

>>4921687 Planefag watch

>>4921654 POTUS Tweet re Ax and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition

>>4921518 As per Q's request: Keeping a watch on Google's financials

>>4921467 Kelli Ward to lead Arizona Republican Party

>>4921442 Hundreds of Anti-MAGA wealthy globalists are meeting with the Koch Brothers

>>4921439 Film based on Blackwater founder Erik Prince in the works

>>4921434 , >>4921502 Why FBI's agent Joseph Pientka is the DOJ's invisible man. Dig

>>4921390 , >>4921464 Venezuela: The latest

>>4921377 FDA Approves Drug 10X Worse Than Fentanyl, Funded by DoD

>>4921350 Top kek: Laid off HuffPo lib journo advertises her skillz

>>4921315 NBC: Laid off HuffPo reporters being threatened by 4chan army

>>4921965 #6283


>>4921125 Jim Yong Kim dig

>>4921091 , >>4921033 Crying on twitter over POTUS' tweet re lost journalism jobs

>>4920807 Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) is in hospice care

>>4920771 Epoch Times notes POTUS_Schedule tweet announcing SOTU on Tuesday

>>4920681 Operation #RegimeChange4France is active

>>4920618 Civilians storm & burn Turkish military base in northern Iraq

>>4920606 Diocese of Covington pathetic statement about Nick Sandman

>>4920553 Q Post on Rothschild's Austria, ref pb >>4919734 , >>4920097

>>4920530 Lobbying spending reaches $3.4b in 2018, highest in 8 years

>>4920516 Statement of Nick Sandmann’s attorneys

>>4920502 "Truth": POTUS tweet and Q Post possible connection

>>4920492 Anon: It's all coming to a head. Enjoy

>>4921177 #6282

#6281 Baker change

>>4920255 Bishop apologizes to Covington families

>>4920220 Anon theory on Luciferian spell signaling by deep state/cabal

>>4920211 Trump donates $100,000 from salary to alcoholism research

>>4920183 Re NP Caves, from 2005: Rep. Pelosi to open upvalley winery

>>4920130 Media Matters article on mapping the #LockThemAllUp meme

>>4920121 More US border land ownership and issues from GOA 2015 report

>>4920092 Bugsy Siegel, Mickey Cohen, the mafia and Godfather III dig

>>4920022 Roger Stone and Q decode graphic

>>4919734 , >>4920097 Interdasting Anon post: Rothschild news unlocks map

>>4919912 , >>4920207 POTUS' tweets mentioning 8000 and 800,000. Decode, anyone?

>>4919875 MSM Fuels Hysteria About ‘Russian Mercenaries’ In Venezuela

>>4919783 Oregon gun bill would limit ammo purchases to 20 rounds per month

>>4919670 HRC celebrates abortion the same day Chelsea announces pregnancy

>>4920659 #6281

Previously Collected Notables

>>4918854 #6279, >>4919639 #6280,

>>4916530 #6276, >>4917245 #6277, >>4918051 #6278

>>4914166 #6273, >>4914952 #6274, >>4915730 #6275

>>4912407 #6270, >>4912631 #6271, >>4913398 #6272

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

0c72d5  No.4921980

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0c72d5  No.4921985

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

07dbb9  No.4921996

>>4919499 (pb)

Yeah right, because Q never addressed any of that before! Thanks for your CONCERN concern fag, but according to Q over a year ago (You know, the real reason we are here researching, except for shill fags like you!) the US Military, MI, N_A, and others/other technology have us protected. E.G., Hawaii missile attack. I sure hope they dock you some shekels for your pathetic shit show shilling!

d89beb  No.4921997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frozen Wasteland

0c72d5  No.4922009

File: 58470a926f2b31a⋯.jpg (181.28 KB, 798x991, 798:991, ''.jpg)

#6284 Dough


c2ffa7  No.4922012

File: 69148298e92ac25⋯.jpg (199.46 KB, 1066x943, 26:23, Screenshot 2019-01-26_20-4….jpg)

maybe RBG is experimenting with activated protein C


0c72d5  No.4922021




Eat your crusts, fags

66507c  No.4922022

File: f972d5afaf7386b⋯.png (123.44 KB, 720x732, 60:61, 20190127_014035.png)

Ty Baker.

EU time.

c2ffa7  No.4922035

scientists are looking to turn off the CD33 gene

d3dfc8  No.4922038

File: bc14be0e7566329⋯.png (44.21 KB, 600x335, 120:67, AQ11.PNG)


fae9d7  No.4922047

File: a2cf54cb23116e8⋯.png (50.21 KB, 652x375, 652:375, POTUS 1-26-19 5 39 pm.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet



1a1a45  No.4922048

File: f2c2432a4ff47bd⋯.png (289.94 KB, 400x600, 2:3, ClipboardImage(6).png)

Thank you baker

be28d8  No.4922052

File: 8953f09db5b3479⋯.jpg (161.73 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 8953f09db5b3479c9cf6493b1f….jpg)

Nice work, baker.

ccc7c7  No.4922054

File: 5521ed46947561b⋯.jpeg (39.23 KB, 635x831, 635:831, DB41F79B-9F60-4AA0-B762-9….jpeg)

File: 338dd1b33a61b33⋯.jpeg (44.07 KB, 513x362, 513:362, 7CF383F3-6DA0-4394-B588-8….jpeg)

File: ac85784a371cd42⋯.jpeg (48.6 KB, 504x282, 84:47, AF3E5D19-5B7D-47F8-B75C-6….jpeg)

Night Shiftin Niggas

We In This Bitch


167da6  No.4922055

File: d0de3cfea32637e⋯.png (114.02 KB, 626x1647, 626:1647, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas finds 98,000 non-citizen registrations and 58,000 illegal votes. Imagine California…


731baf  No.4922058

Bitching on Twitter is a "Plan".

b6f03d  No.4922064

File: 5db8e860a2b3965⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 367x354, 367:354, SilversteinPullIt.JPG)

File: 60516fc67b8da14⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 232x292, 58:73, JewTalkiePullIt.JPG)

File: 99a8e7d363d9714⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 472x314, 236:157, SilversteinJustLikeThat.JPG)

db1c45  No.4922066

>NBC: Laid off HuffPo reporters being threatened by 4chan army

now thats funny

9c7594  No.4922073

File: 87c6fd8761ad67e⋯.jpg (495.14 KB, 2348x1796, 587:449, sotu.jpg)

b6f03d  No.4922074

File: 17b39d2d0e540e0⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 665x500, 133:100, McQueenFaggot.jpg)

File: 8fcf80f7e55acd6⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 560x499, 560:499, McQueenGuns.jpg)

File: f266b27ab7952d3⋯.jpg (18.56 KB, 425x275, 17:11, McQueenOuttahear.jpg)

File: 58b78a0f22d0dda⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1200x499, 1200:499, McQueenOuttaWH.jpg)

70e2f6  No.4922075

File: b3b3891392508dd⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 500x375, 4:3, oventown.jpg)

7bedf4  No.4922076

File: 1c4065e82e2be78⋯.jpg (89.71 KB, 898x1200, 449:600, DxzHpXbWkAAviNK.jpg)

Chief Four-teeth

4e53c6  No.4922077

Elliott Abrams makes a comeback

https:// www.voltairenet.org/article204913.html

tl;dr : Pompeo appointed one of the most historical neocon responsible for many horrors in past administrations. Involved in Iran-Contras, worked for Bush Jr, supervised the creation of the National Endowement for Democracy, organized war against Nicaragua and El Salvador, organized a failed coup against Hugo Chavez… Now he is our official special envoy for Venezuela.

Country that the pentagon intend to destroy in order to control access to energy resources. Like what they've done in Iraq and what they tried to do in Syria.

What they planned for the whole region : https://www.voltairenet.org/article204656.html + https://www.voltairenet.org/article204385.html

ExxonMobil ship doing illegal prospection in Venezuelan territorial water (and trying to ignite the war) : https://www.voltairenet.org/article204682.html

Lima Group forced to withdraw an article from their own communiqué : https://www.voltairenet.org/article204753.html

The appointment of Elliott Abrams is just a bad, bad news.

Like what POTUS have done in Syria by letting our Russian friends arming the country with tons of military supply, S300 and troops, I hope he is doing the same and really playing the clock by letting Russia once again delivering military supply and air defense system to avoid the worst case scenario… I still have hope because POTUS banned US industries from trading with Venezuela, which is great because the strategy was to prevent the US industrial complex to destroy the country from inside and to save a little time.

I'm a bit skeptical, but time will tell…

26a2c6  No.4922078



Happens if Mueller 'proves'…

bb1952  No.4922079

File: 23a22788ed1ba43⋯.jpeg (941.45 KB, 1235x1864, 1235:1864, 6D88B4D3-910D-4C4F-B758-C….jpeg)

Umm guys, have we been following @United States Space Force ?

Dropping some very interesting red pills and mention Qanon

Would be interesting to know who is behind the account….

05e342  No.4922080

File: 93c536438e97643⋯.jpg (124.88 KB, 620x877, 620:877, nelia271rtc21.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

861a4a  No.4922081

File: 696785a5a51df8c⋯.png (561.26 KB, 630x630, 1:1, dynshift.png)


Thank you Baker

73c180  No.4922082

>>4922030 pb

the founder is long dead and irrelevant. the owners are not jewish.

70e2f6  No.4922083

File: 44e1ae76827541f⋯.png (252.47 KB, 400x300, 4:3, thanksbaker001.png)

7bedf4  No.4922084

File: 02f20f386bdb70c⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 948x495, 316:165, Dx4Lg2tX0AYF-5l.jpg)

File: 6f64f3942896847⋯.jpg (54.54 KB, 1200x484, 300:121, Dx4LhiUWwAAu_fR.jpg)

File: 736ef692a5c3372⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 852x1199, 852:1199, Dx4Lh1vW0AYyHsL.jpg)




26a2c6  No.4922085

File: d0f370fc8db6231⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 964x200, 241:50, SmartSelect_20190125-14453….jpg)

>>4922078 (me)

Forgot picture.

e07e0e  No.4922086


….. c'mon, part deux

arrests really may be coming

ac7481  No.4922087


Chief Shitting Bull

1b7eec  No.4922088

File: ed2dc0f5d5c74af⋯.png (661.25 KB, 1031x749, 1031:749, Ruth craigs list ad.png)


==favorite this post

URGENT:Do you resemble Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Are you free January 29th? (House of Congress==

Hello and thank you for your interest!

We have an immediate and URGENT need for someone who resembles the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (pictured above, in life, on right). No need for a robe, we will supply. Must have ability to stay awake for approximately 2 hours.

We are trying to delay an important meeting in which she is scheduled to appear but it seems as though we are utterly powerless to postpone this meeting due to an uncontrollable and unmoving orange force whose name we shall not speak of. This meeting is scheduled for January 29th. We will do everything possible to change the date but it is possible our best is just not good enough.

Name your price for the appearance. We have plenty of Soros cash for you. Please email us ASAP.

do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers

99cb76  No.4922089

File: 04bea1ef0fee88d⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 666x591, 222:197, 1548537335.jpg)

aa6d32  No.4922090

b9bb4c  No.4922091

File: 4a667a6c92b6702⋯.png (812.22 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

a9f0b7  No.4922092

Please retwt POTUS to help get word out, thank you.

865a9c  No.4922093


Come on, drop that Seth Rich bomb, prez!

be28d8  No.4922094

File: 3d7bdebc8ea8e55⋯.png (210.43 KB, 559x641, 559:641, 3d7bdebc8ea8e55df52928dca5….png)


Report on foreign influence of elections is set to hit POTUS's desk Feb. 5, and EO lets him seize assets.

7bedf4  No.4922095


ngl I was dyin when the black jews called him uncle tomahawk

30d497  No.4922096

Don’t go into that last bread. Someone took a dump in there and left without flushing.

44cdbc  No.4922097

File: 7977e335c310211⋯.jpg (125.32 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Reed Hastings Share Dump.jpg)

6f7e7d  No.4922098

File: 224184d473371bc⋯.jpg (4.93 MB, 6147x4507, 6147:4507, PlanMapNewPhase.jpg)


731baf  No.4922099

File: ad9222ed26d7d33⋯.png (100.83 KB, 328x324, 82:81, nothinghappens.png)

fae9d7  No.4922100

File: 5e6472843c6eafa⋯.png (54.63 KB, 635x529, 635:529, POTUS Schedule 1-26-19 1 2….PNG)

97bac5  No.4922101

File: 411a38982f5f11e⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x141, 85:47, bakerbees.jpg)

TY baker

73c180  No.4922102

File: 67bf8ef71596077⋯.png (42.72 KB, 582x357, 194:119, h1.PNG)

File: 9314fa03d200d6e⋯.png (19.34 KB, 618x248, 309:124, h2.PNG)

File: 48ad0cb8cf7962e⋯.png (32.29 KB, 590x220, 59:22, n1.PNG)

File: 16e3526de3f3c08⋯.png (218.97 KB, 588x767, 588:767, n3.PNG)

File: dc3e0124d3dc9e5⋯.png (689.27 KB, 621x817, 621:817, n4.PNG)

>>4921948 pb

those pesky crumbs again.

5369cc  No.4922103

File: ab335d454251076⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1334x1666, 667:833, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4921909 (lb)

look closely it was supportive

db37f9  No.4922104

File: d9095937f954b2b⋯.png (61.31 KB, 639x493, 639:493, Capture.PNG)

Mitchell is on FIRE tonight

0e6247  No.4922105

File: bd71562cedc4607⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 556x299, 556:299, 1.JPG)


90da3a  No.4922106


Shilling on the board is a “job”

aedc31  No.4922107

>>4921991 lb

Awesome Anon.

That’s why the DS and the Left try to make the Russian People’s some kind of Enemy.

They are Christian, they Hate the Left and Globalists, they’ve been through hard-core Communism and Never what to see that again.

The American DemonRats HATE them.


2fae41  No.4922108

File: 7d243c5c492d6cc⋯.png (82.69 KB, 635x407, 635:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52a6e616a6d0d76⋯.png (82.05 KB, 635x421, 635:421, ClipboardImage.png)



dc3aab  No.4922109

File: 488274dcaeb854c⋯.jpg (204.38 KB, 1320x1033, 1320:1033, To Kill A Mockingbird 2.jpg)


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

fae9d7  No.4922110

File: 52ce6d9f8a0736e⋯.png (49.09 KB, 647x372, 647:372, POTUS 1-26-19 5 49 pm.PNG)


>New POTUS Tweet





6f7e7d  No.4922111


[10] delta

d3dfc8  No.4922112

File: bc14be0e7566329⋯.png (44.21 KB, 600x335, 120:67, AQ11.PNG)

File: a7f8cf249ffc516⋯.png (43.83 KB, 575x329, 575:329, AQ12.PNG)


Side by side in Central time.

e58ffd  No.4922113

File: 39df85e5b2a3a54⋯.png (322.24 KB, 888x482, 444:241, Physics.png)

731baf  No.4922114


either way, nothing happens…

e07e0e  No.4922115



9663bc  No.4922116

File: ae0fdcc57f74170⋯.png (821.06 KB, 1004x676, 251:169, 07521396534207349345972.png)

7c9ebb  No.4922117


I want sauce…

So I can save, print, and frame it along with a few others.

26a2c6  No.4922118

File: 77634088311a40f⋯.jpg (180.19 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, IMG_20181104_163024.jpg)

File: 9f333c05318c136⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 375x562, 375:562, Zuckerfag.jpg)



1e4c39  No.4922119

File: cb6b6083a404a55⋯.jpg (154 KB, 1354x1136, 677:568, _20190126_204903.JPG)

inb4 walkie talkie

dce450  No.4922120

Plain clear simple talent. Arto is the best of all time.

97bac5  No.4922121

New Challenger for Martha McSally Except He's Holding Back To Receive More Money Before He Commits.

Climate change Kelly needs coaxing to challenge McSally

Not surprisingly, former astronaut Mark Kelly, a liberal hypocrite is considering a challenge to Arizona’s Republican Senator, Martha McSally. But according to 314 Action, which oddly identifies as a “pro-science resistance,” the newly coy potential candidate needs coaxing.

The effort to draft Kelly reportedly involves a six-figure digital ad campaign. The ads direct supporters to draftmarkkelly.org where they can sign a petition urging him to run as a climate change advocate. The site refers to him as a “tireless advocate fighting for action on climate change, absurdly posing the question, “Who better to tackle climate change than someone who has seen the earth from space?” The site asserts, “Now more than ever, we need members of the US Senate who understand that the most important issue facing our public safety is climate change.” The illegal invasion, terrorism, proliferation of illicit drugs, rampant crime and failing education system take a back seat. The slick tricksters also vow to “fight the Trump administration’s attacks on science.”

Kelly is a Second Amendment restrictionist for others, but not himself. In 2013, he was caught on a Tucson gun store’s surveillance camera purchasing an AR-15, which he refers to as an “assault weapon” and a semi-automatic pistol. After he was outted, he claimed he intended his purchases to illustrate the need for more stringent gun laws. While awaiting the background check clearance he was unable to take possession of the guns.

Read More Here…



0e6247  No.4922122

File: d8aaee13e8a1abb⋯.jpg (15.41 KB, 528x139, 528:139, 1.JPG)


90da3a  No.4922123


Enjoy the show

ce0f96  No.4922124

File: 39ad62cb759c63e⋯.jpg (308.67 KB, 1036x1600, 259:400, pepe-3 - 1.jpg)


That pesky copypasta bullshit again.

You can never address the facts, kek!

Kikey gonna kike.

c39738  No.4922125

File: 607e2b8762c96eb⋯.png (177.44 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ed4611ca0f3803443688b227ca….png)

6a01c8  No.4922126



Trump can appoint anyone he wants to head the FBI.

Why doesn't he appoint someone who WILL arrest her?

704835  No.4922127

731baf  No.4922128


truth triggers….

7e79d1  No.4922129

File: aa530b1dc40b0e7⋯.png (95.73 KB, 369x349, 369:349, hillary dossier 1.PNG)

File: 0507112b0278168⋯.png (104.1 KB, 385x347, 385:347, hillary dossier 2.PNG)

99cb76  No.4922130

File: 1631ef179c329b7⋯.jpeg (51.28 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 1548041358.jpeg)


Except I kinda wanna know what kinda shitschool is handing out PhDs for room come.

0cc62e  No.4922131

File: 1611618ed640085⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 355x335, 71:67, rapster_008.jpg)

05e342  No.4922132

File: 95b626c95c71bbc⋯.png (611.29 KB, 710x473, 710:473, ClipboardImage.png)

405346  No.4922133


10 minute delta

6f7e7d  No.4922134


Whitaker (soon to be Barr), Huber, and Wray are working on that

Patience is a virtue

a9f0b7  No.4922135


"The last time they caught me lying, they knocked out muh tooth."

db37f9  No.4922136


followed by a 2 minute delta

a39777  No.4922137

File: 4388ae7663a5e33⋯.png (10.97 KB, 549x91, 549:91, Trump witch hunt.png)

828fb0  No.4922138


Correct me if i'am wrong but ExxonMobil is a French company right?

7bedf4  No.4922139

File: aff8f2b55fa56fc⋯.mp4 (9.42 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Comedian-Musician Owen Ben….mp4)

Owen noooooo

731baf  No.4922140


and still nothing happens…

99cb76  No.4922141


*rom coms, wtf*

a64318  No.4922142


Hillary is a pathological liar.

70e2f6  No.4922143

File: b973570a8c43132⋯.png (261.89 KB, 500x557, 500:557, walkietalkiefewpepe.png)

063c6e  No.4922144


POTUS and The Team are on the Witch Hunt… mirror.

038fc8  No.4922145

File: ee3681342cdf30c⋯.png (110.67 KB, 1276x634, 638:317, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at ….png)

File: 565cb64e65b156a⋯.png (196.14 KB, 1288x744, 161:93, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at ….png)



First comment is a poll on MSM


204d6a  No.4922146

File: 0a144ebcd8002aa⋯.png (88.3 KB, 295x651, 295:651, 2019-01-26_20-48-25.png)

File: 43b954b39345f21⋯.png (245.18 KB, 479x359, 479:359, 2019-01-26_20-51-13.png)

File: 4d56fff4e4b7010⋯.png (357.08 KB, 469x411, 469:411, 2019-01-26_20-53-23.png)

File: 4472871e57af309⋯.png (403.13 KB, 497x389, 497:389, 2019-01-26_20-54-06.png)

>>4922027 LB

Giving billions a year so that the Khazar fake jews can spy on America and the world.

a8d6a8  No.4922147

>>4921468 (pb)

Hey Sean, why won't you let us name the jew?


be28d8  No.4922148

File: 2a67a4e31b35e3d⋯.png (653.95 KB, 1000x532, 250:133, 6a8479ec9eb896576f40f9b7bb….png)

File: 7616e817f247f62⋯.png (40.04 KB, 342x344, 171:172, 7616e817f247f6211660b5e50d….png)


You know what to do…

26a2c6  No.4922149

File: 0898b6ef64e8eca⋯.jpg (81.84 KB, 989x556, 989:556, WhoDesignedMueller.jpg)

6793dc  No.4922150

File: 11c168e7d5d3ef7⋯.jpeg (430.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B0567D3B-A196-4E94-9091-2….jpeg)


am now faggot

good lookin out

07dbb9  No.4922151

>>4921091 (pb)

"Lydia" needs a shave!

684c6a  No.4922152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker!!!

a39777  No.4922153

File: 9ca4b2b8957f932⋯.jpeg (193.53 KB, 589x596, 589:596, 9ca4b2b8957f9321e05376e51….jpeg)

b6f03d  No.4922154

File: c553ffa4a01b0ca⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 456x287, 456:287, Pointer.JPG)

dc3aab  No.4922155

File: 1db25e7ea126bfd⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 720x375, 48:25, goonies_map.jpg)


We have a filter for blue walkie fucknards also!

1e4c39  No.4922156

File: 9c84a31ad484e88⋯.jpg (62.26 KB, 738x752, 369:376, _20190126_204819.JPG)


ac82e4  No.4922157

File: 2ccbc05a8121b6c⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 620x430, 62:43, stfu.jpg)

7bedf4  No.4922158



you're thinking total-fina-elf

73c180  No.4922159

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

File: 16e3526de3f3c08⋯.png (218.97 KB, 588x767, 588:767, n3.PNG)

File: 394509a0e90080a⋯.png (46.79 KB, 617x458, 617:458, qqq.PNG)


q crumbs are pesky now.

you just won the glowing shill award. You are not even trying.

have some more:

bb1952  No.4922160

File: 3a455af6dce9334⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x2096, 621:1048, 50E6E13A-A078-4732-8FE5-6….jpeg)


Brings up all the right topics… seems like an insider to me…

6f7e7d  No.4922161

File: 361bdf21c65c551⋯.png (131.75 KB, 737x408, 737:408, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 263f2a59e3d8750⋯.png (136.1 KB, 706x405, 706:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3529d9a1f28b7b⋯.png (349.11 KB, 1562x2248, 781:1124, ClipboardImage.png)


(no theory on the [2] as of now)

a9f0b7  No.4922162


Very cool, thank you.

038fc8  No.4922163


And they always look like rejects from a reenactment of HAIR.

fae9d7  No.4922164

File: a2cf54cb23116e8⋯.png (50.21 KB, 652x375, 652:375, POTUS 1-26-19 5 39 pm.PNG)

File: 52ce6d9f8a0736e⋯.png (49.09 KB, 647x372, 647:372, POTUS 1-26-19 5 49 pm.PNG)

File: ba23cfb1851748a⋯.png (15.25 KB, 647x164, 647:164, POTUS 1-26-19 5 51 pm.PNG)








4e53c6  No.4922165


No, it's one of the largest US big-oil corp… Tillerson, this traitor serving the UK crown, even worked for them…

d8174e  No.4922166


Do you know what is wrong with your meme, "anon"?

dc0be0  No.4922167

>>4920660 PB

Did you ask Parscale about Q?

ec53be  No.4922168

>>4922053 lb

Yes, but I'm not gonna do all your work for you.

6f7e7d  No.4922169


making a graphic that lays out what Mueller and Huber have been doing since they were appointed to their positions

will take a while

198121  No.4922170

File: feebdcdd4417a72⋯.jpeg (66.67 KB, 493x370, 493:370, 528E2E65-DB46-4B6F-9069-B….jpeg)

73c180  No.4922171

>>4922053 pb

>source that jews and roma being shot in trenches:



>>4922028 pb

>>4922040 pb

>>4922068 pb

zyklon b in small doses killed lice, in a large dose it kills people.

There have been claims by Holocaust deniers that the gas chambers which mainstream historians believe were for the massacre of civilians never existed, but rather that the structures identified as gas chambers actually served other purposes. These other purposes include cadaver storage, delousing, and disinfection. A similar argument is sometimes used that claims gas was not used to murder Jews and other victims,[48][49] and that many gas chambers were also built after the war just for show. A document advancing this theory is the Leuchter report by Fred A. Leuchter, a paper stating that no traces of cyanide were found when he examined samples taken from one of the Auschwitz gas chambers in 1988. This is often cited as evidence that gas was not used in the chambers, as no trace amounts remain. Despite the difficulty of finding traces of this material 50 years later, in February, 1990, Professor Jan Markiewicz, Director of the Institute of Forensic Research in Kraków, redid the analysis.[50] Markiewicz and his team used microdiffusion techniques to test for cyanide in samples from the suspected gas chambers, from delousing chambers, and from control areas elsewhere within Auschwitz. The control samples tested negative, while cyanide residue was found in high concentrations in the delousing chambers, and lower concentrations in the homicidal gas chambers. This is consistent with the amounts required to kill lice and humans.[51]

The search for cyanide in the bricks of buildings said to be gas chambers was important, because the pesticide Zyklon B would generate such a residue. This was the gas most often cited as the instrument of death for prisoners in the gas chambers, supported by both testimony and evidence collected of Nazi policy.[52][53]


db37f9  No.4922172

File: bff37b6d981ea8f⋯.png (58.4 KB, 764x415, 764:415, Capture.PNG)

861a4a  No.4922173


Chief Sitting Eagle, too full of shit to fly

aa6d32  No.4922174

731baf  No.4922175


Oh with a Witch hunt at the end, well that changes everything.

9535ac  No.4922176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donovan- Season of the Witch (1966) w/ lyrics

576eca  No.4922177

File: c7b39dae01119b1⋯.png (14.17 KB, 588x121, 588:121, ClipboardImage.png)

rayciss mf's beating black jews

jews have a short memory when it suits



9920e4  No.4922178

File: ef6678da265c9e0⋯.jpg (226.4 KB, 982x613, 982:613, Trump in God we Trust.jpg)

>>4922071 (lb)

I get the "pray" so often, I can never tell if it's suggesting to me that I pray, that they pray and it's awesome, that they are praying for POTUS, America, freedom or some subset thereof…. or whatnot. I'm a strange person and I have a theology that has a lot of overlap with conventional religion insofar as it's healthy and good for the spirit and optimistic and encourages moral behavior to others.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I appreciate what all men and women in the armed service sacrifice for their country. I once tried to join myself, but then that's a long story. So… thank you, despite being unsure what it is I'm thinking the thought seems well meaning enough that I should thank it.

a9f0b7  No.4922179

File: 07520085b180a37⋯.jpg (103.03 KB, 710x473, 710:473, stone aj Trump.jpg)

File: 7b251a0b3660bec⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 632x352, 79:44, Alex Jones talked to QAnon.jpg)

Trust aj, trust stone?

Not me, imo.

aa6d32  No.4922180

b6f03d  No.4922181

File: f235eb15a242947⋯.jpg (30.18 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Berman RR.jpg)

File: 7dc69020acb9a38⋯.jpg (203.63 KB, 812x515, 812:515, Berman.jpg)

File: 8fcd79692b080bb⋯.jpg (145.83 KB, 686x573, 686:573, BermanPreet.jpg)


Don't forget SDNY, Berman..

Cohen etc SDNY

7c9ebb  No.4922182

File: bc4fc89a4bf094d⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 589x596, 589:596, W-hunt.jpg)


Fixed it for you.

4e53c6  No.4922183


Yes, Total Fina Elf are french oil corp.

Also, Total is responsible for doing shit in the middle east and lobbying the french government regarding carbon taxes/pursuing the war in Syria without the US etc. Because they lost a shitload of money in Iran due to US sanctions.

db1c45  No.4922184


uh, I took it from the notables, anon. The sauce is above you

038fc8  No.4922185



81b1dd  No.4922186

File: c64a5c57a24e236⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1540, 621:770, D90A98AC-8D3D-402F-8B34-0….jpeg)


6793dc  No.4922187

File: ecfd7ca23fb16d3⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1772x1772, 1:1, 77B105A8-CEC6-492E-AED3-52….png)

26a2c6  No.4922188

File: 5115e8667ef4fc2⋯.jpg (146.16 KB, 901x824, 901:824, Hambirder.jpg)

ae00d6  No.4922189

File: 6d92185fca2cbb9⋯.jpeg (92.3 KB, 871x803, 871:803, D805EE0E-8322-42D5-B167-4….jpeg)

I had not found this board when this post dropped, it always intrigued me and I was told it related to pedo rings. Is that correct?

101a2c  No.4922190

Who made your beer. Asking for a fein.


bec755  No.4922191


Wow. She actually waited a little over a week before reversing her statement.

7e79d1  No.4922192

File: 614b67ad2dfb15a⋯.png (310.49 KB, 407x353, 407:353, hillary mueller fbi encryp….PNG)

a64318  No.4922193


What tha heck. This is legit. The Space Force calling for the truth of 9/11.

97bac5  No.4922194

File: ad864060c4b3d03⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 483x326, 483:326, PV.jpg)

A conservative watchdog group’s attempt to have a downtown Tucson statue removed was denied after a unanimous vote last week by the Public Art and Community Design Committee

The 14-foot bronze statue of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa on a horse stands in Veinte de Agosto Park. The statue was a gift to the state of Arizona from the Mexican government and a Mexico press group.

The removal request was submitted by Washington, D.C. based Judicial Watch as the group received complaints from multiple residents. City records do not indicate that a public hearing was held to hear complaints prior to the statue having been unveiled in 1981.

Mark Spencer, the Phoenix-based coordinator of Judicial Watch’s Southwest Projects, said the statue “needs to go” because “Pancho Villa did great harm to people.”

In charge of managing the city’s public art collection, the committee said the request did not meet any of the 10 criteria used to consider removing public art, such as damage or a request from the artist.

During the meeting, a dozen residents gave statements defending the statue, pointing to its aesthetic value and role in celebrating local Mexican-American culture.

“We don’t want to forget that history, that history that is grounded in Mexican-ness,” said Lydia Otero, a professor of Mexican-American studies at the University of Arizona. “Each person that walks up to the statue has to ask questions about why this statue is here, right downtown. And they have to come up with their own answers. You know why? Because we are Tucson and it is complicated.”


44cdbc  No.4922195

File: 5b9aec4bf199989⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Larry Fink Share dump.jpg)

2bc30b  No.4922196

5:39 PM

5:49 PM delta=10 J

5:51 PM delta=2 B

aa6d32  No.4922197

File: 09ce170e03522c9⋯.jpg (243.11 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5656.JPG)

File: e20b4623424ab79⋯.jpg (156.25 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_5660.JPG)

Jew wine and booty lickers



70e2f6  No.4922198

File: 8dbd5a1b00dcc19⋯.png (515.58 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewsarelosing.png)

6f7e7d  No.4922199


Berman (Cohen, Tony Podesta, and others)

Durham (leaks and others)

yup yup

ac82e4  No.4922200

File: d3756273ed1779e⋯.png (757.69 KB, 2502x1716, 417:286, witchhunt.png)

b6f03d  No.4922201


Truth will be glorious..

6f7e7d  No.4922203


fan account

0d1049  No.4922204

File: e869f54e3c08015⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 619x465, 619:465, Weiner-Might-Get-article.jpg)

7ff5c6  No.4922205

File: 53c306f94317e0f⋯.jpeg (57.59 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Cat.jpeg)

101a2c  No.4922206

In her defense, she can't hardly control all the crap that comes out of her look alike mouths.

Give her a break and vote for Hillary in 2020.


70e2f6  No.4922207

File: c2b6d09d3e80b77⋯.png (511.42 KB, 500x557, 500:557, actbutthurt.png)

76e8d9  No.4922208



Enough with this crap.

Dude is not an insider

It is not an official twitter of any space force

It’s just a rando person trying to hold onto the coattails of Q.

They get nothing outside of what is discussed here

They have no new knowledge to provide.

I can’t believe you faggots are falling for that crap.

But then again, i think you are probably the same idiots who push ETS.

fuck off

ce0f96  No.4922209


Projecting kike. There's no need to try with your copypasta bullshit. Everyone sees through it because it goes nowhere near the facts which I stated pb. Zyklon B was used to kill lice. Kikey no likey facts.

0fea37  No.4922210


Seeing as POTUS is utilizing former deep staters (like Elliot Abrams to Venezuela) and you have said effectively there is good/bad everywhere, are there people with ties to Council on Foreign Relations that are good and trustworthy or is that whole group compromised? WWG1WGA!

97bac5  No.4922211


The SEC is going to ream him with no lube.

861a4a  No.4922212


Tell me how Zyclon B is activated

f38e9b  No.4922213

So, I guess the guy(s) calling himself Q finally got bored and walked away from the game?

161b90  No.4922214

Baker beware of the financefag claiming that the stock sales are meaningful. For the most part they're not. There is one interesting company though, see below:



OK Anon. Here we go.

Mantle sold 5% of his shares. That's whatever. Maybe he needed the cash for his yacht. Whatever. Yawn.

Ronald Port did liquidate all of his shares. Based on his trading pattern, potentially notable.

Conroy Kevin, not notable at all. He sold part of his options. Whatever.

Hastings Reed, absolute same. Just sold options.

Coward D Scott, absolute same. He sold part of his options.

Baker bros: i mean they sold a bit after holding for 5 years. But it's not a large percentage. Seems like they just want to diversify to me.

Kerrest exercised some options (are we sensing a pattern yet anon)?

Errant James: He dumped everything. Notable since Ronald Port dumped all his. Laws is fishy, and it's based out of CHICAGO. Well that's interesting.

Mark PArker: Sold his options.

Laurnce Fink: Sold his options.

Thomas Bartlett: Sold his options.

Sheryl Sandberg: Sold her options.

Jack Dorsey: Sold his options.

Jeffrey Elliot: Sold his options

Asaf Danziger: Sold his options

Edward McLaughlin Sold his options

Richard Burke: Sale on schedule

Arne Josefsberg: Sold his options

Nathaniel A Davis: Sold about 1/3 of his position. Could be rebalancing could be notable.

73c180  No.4922215

File: 6b422e6901ca052⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 6fd5d9898433cdeba0389b9f09….jpg)



there you go:

the muhjew shill scripts

script #1:

while(1) {

print "goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi";


if(reply == high_iq) { print "pilpul";}

elseif(reply == calling_me_a_shill) {print "jidf";}

else {print "what time is it in tel-aviv"}


script #2:

while(1) {


print_image( "walkie_talkie_shill_garbage.jpeg");

if(reply == meme) {

copy_meme(); add_the_word_jidf();

print_image(shill_garbage_redacted_meme); }


b6f03d  No.4922216


El Chapo, Clinton Foundation, Chicago Mafia, Chabad..ooohh lala

aa6d32  No.4922217

File: 619195eba28a8ec⋯.jpg (155.9 KB, 960x679, 960:679, IMG_5650.JPG)


Serial killer stock photos


Such a collection

Much queer larp

Stale tits

ec53be  No.4922218

Just to show I'm not being difficult, here is your Zyklon B info.

There is much more available, but it's a start.


da4433  No.4922219


So 6 million is correct then?

<Holocaust deniers

no Jew, you prove it.

6f7e7d  No.4922220


<doesn't know Q has been away longer

try another tactic

70e2f6  No.4922221

File: f7f421f76f3e06e⋯.png (75.06 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 509c6b29dd966db579f0530f35….png)


← You forgot this.

44cdbc  No.4922222

File: 0957262fcf0465a⋯.jpg (166.38 KB, 600x400, 3:2, CSX stock dump.jpg)


tripdub confirms it's about time!

b6f03d  No.4922223

File: 05da7c9d06e4cf2⋯.jpg (36.91 KB, 499x346, 499:346, Pompeo.JPG)

92dfcd  No.4922224

Caught this yt of colbert. At about 3:05 he tries a vatacan joke

about pedos that doesn't go so well.

Is the audience starting to figure it out?

828fb0  No.4922225


I guess that throws out the theory of Trump being Q because Trump did call into AJ's show

74eed8  No.4922226

File: 2788f3ee727ed6a⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtaoc.jpg)

be28d8  No.4922227

File: 970bbef2b116437⋯.png (958.69 KB, 1088x618, 544:309, Bad pepe.png)

Sorry, POTUS.

Couldn't help muhself.

9c6de0  No.4922228

File: 7daca98a6f50747⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 68FDB294-F425-44E9-A0A5-CD….png)

File: 04dfaa702dd7c7a⋯.jpeg (718.75 KB, 1338x1530, 223:255, EBEC6A42-2021-4966-B0B0-7….jpeg)

The more developed a “fetus” is (longer in the womb), the more developed their organs are & the more money Planned Parenthood can get from their organs.

To abort a baby that is 7-9 months old (maybe even sooner) the woman is forced into labor & has to deliver the baby. They can’t just pull the baby out in pieces like they do when earlier in term bc the baby is too big. The baby is killed before birth (if it doesn’t take & baby is born alive- will they still kill the child? This is same thing Dr. Kermit did & is in jail for).

A child can survive outside of a womb @ 27 weeks… they can LIVE outside of the womb!

What New York has done is fill the arms of Ba’al & Molech. This is truly evil & will be met with a wrath of God that no man has ever seen.

Watch NY fall. Their destruction is nonnegotiable. The god they serve is the entity that WE THE PEOPLE fight!

“Read the Bible. GOD wins”- Q

76e8d9  No.4922229


you’re a moran

aa6d32  No.4922230


Walrus josh is dead meat 🍖

aa0504  No.4922231


good goy

731baf  No.4922232


If you do that you will miss the JFK JR posts.

6f7e7d  No.4922233


>Clinton Foundation

that's Huber, but the others aren't related to Mueller I think

but still important, Chapo ran the Sinaloa, which works with MS13

512109  No.4922234

File: df337be44293c0e⋯.png (24.15 KB, 639x154, 639:154, DJTT.PNG)


ec53be  No.4922235


No. You are the denier. You prove it's not.

81b1dd  No.4922236


Your jewish apologists routine is very old.

Do u go reeeee like this when christianity or islam is criticized on this board?

a9f0b7  No.4922237


You thought Trump was Q?

05e342  No.4922238

File: a6ab4e3b980595a⋯.jpg (130.3 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 1adb8960659ecc1740aaaff30b….jpg)

93aa3f  No.4922239

File: 73372675c43694d⋯.jpg (142.58 KB, 671x595, 671:595, spaceforce.JPG)


we have liftoff

aa6d32  No.4922240


Well marbeled like PedoTrump burger meat

6f7e7d  No.4922241

File: 4af76a24792bc29⋯.gif (404.34 KB, 303x201, 101:67, 4af76a24792bc29319c22feb45….gif)

1fee71  No.4922242

>>4921518 (lb)

Nice reminder anon.

It's the 10-Q we should be watching for which will be filed on 3/31/2019 and 6/30/2019.

Q Post:



Assumption correct.

10k YE.

2019 1 + 2 should be closely evaluated.

Help will be provided.

Senate to investigate 2019.


9920e4  No.4922243


six letters

198121  No.4922244


Who told you that?

ec53be  No.4922245


We are talking historical facts, not religion.

dc3aab  No.4922246

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)


QUINTS have me curious…

b6f03d  No.4922247

File: c94980413e76a0e⋯.png (127.06 KB, 633x211, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Where's the Clinton Foundation headquarters?

c2e342  No.4922248

File: 3c5a8185e981fe7⋯.jpg (133.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sasgaytwfdcdiuvblaksugd.jpg)

7c9ebb  No.4922249


Been on last 5 breads, cant believe I missed that.

Must have been when I went to piss!


Will be added to collection!

828fb0  No.4922250


I never did but many on this board do

dac22b  No.4922251


If I'm not mistaken, the actual owner of that account was a Q follower and came on here, able to prove through a requested tweet it was him.

I believe Q even somewhat acknowledged it in a following response, though I'm not 100% sure on that last point.

Could just be remembering it all wrong.

73c180  No.4922252

File: 6c55e4fc99e029a⋯.jpeg (21.18 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 9841c92b5cdb2d19f87a4a0ec….jpeg)

File: b66d343d98facc0⋯.jpg (482.03 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 24b5301144e3b98286dc494e02….jpg)


i see you liked the q crumbs.







all of this garbage posted with less than a minute delta. organic.

0cc62e  No.4922253

File: 8288f5fb26c0090⋯.jpg (106.67 KB, 355x335, 71:67, rapster_009.jpg)

861a4a  No.4922254


The kid that owns the account doxxed himself. Q says many people send and receive messages within this account.

aedc31  No.4922255


Trumps doubling down and setting the scene up for what’s coming next.

Baby steps for Blind Brainwashed Left.

There will be an Awakening from the Left.

Trump is “Planting the Seeds”.

Patients to Anons who want it Now.

You saw what happened to Veruca Salt?

Opa Lopa oopy pa de do

f38e9b  No.4922256


Actually, I knew that. I wasn't counting the last two (or more) times he posted because they said absolutely nothing

167da6  No.4922257

File: fb3693d696b072a⋯.png (440.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c5f31b58645119⋯.png (483.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing C-40B Clipper, SAM953

Not visible on radar/ADSB. Is this the reason for the NOTAM?

74eed8  No.4922258

File: 729683ce7e7e9dc⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wthagord.jpg)

6f7e7d  No.4922259


I know, but Huber was specifically tasked with investigating its corruption

legitimately one of his main tasks

70e2f6  No.4922260

File: 183f5e3a272fd41⋯.png (510.62 KB, 500x557, 500:557, spambotiphopping.png)

aa6d32  No.4922261


Goes well with fondue or can be cured and seasoned sausage

76490b  No.4922262

File: f99c1d524424d54⋯.jpg (794.66 KB, 1500x937, 1500:937, marine1letsfukengoFam.jpg)

sup fags!

9663bc  No.4922263

File: d2561c357f912ce⋯.png (1.75 MB, 901x998, 901:998, 2314023493128023.png)

a9f0b7  No.4922264


Oh no, those are probably shills.

They lie sometimes.

Don't mind them.

2be48d  No.4922265


why isn't baron in that pic?

92dfcd  No.4922266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


forgot the clip

b6f03d  No.4922267

File: d59ec6f7a892936⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 404x300, 101:75, YesJewBoot.JPG)

File: fe2446c6d167e5c⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 521x431, 521:431, YesJewKushner.jpg)

File: 5b046c7088e6eda⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 562x500, 281:250, YesJewMarkle.JPG)

File: 59f17b696b2560f⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 529x308, 529:308, YesJewRhodes.JPG)

File: 60cd882a837a050⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 380x320, 19:16, YesJewSanders.JPG)

861a4a  No.4922268


Don't think he was a Q follower, just came here because of the interest in the account

f28403  No.4922269


If the rabbit hole has taught me anything. The opposite is usually 95% true.

1e4c39  No.4922270

File: c5c9815e4b2ef50⋯.jpg (125.76 KB, 1232x1689, 1232:1689, _20190124_224755.JPG)


53 days was Roger Stone n Donald Trump's campaign


add BHO (Barry Soereto)


interdasting … nearly ⅓ of a billion dollars

7c9ebb  No.4922271


Tripdubs my ass, you nailed dubs extraordinary.

497ae4  No.4922272

File: 98189a38a2cc7aa⋯.png (92.16 KB, 793x736, 793:736, ClipboardImage.png)


73c180  No.4922273


i wasn't talking about the numbers clown.

i was talking about your shill garbage about the gas.

try harder.

962c4e  No.4922274



101a2c  No.4922275

Take a cold shower freak anon. Say 2,000,000 hale Mary's then throw your computer in the garbage disposal.

Yer done!


ccff5c  No.4922276

File: e94f10d0cedd8a1⋯.png (339.72 KB, 490x543, 490:543, ClipboardImage.png)

da4433  No.4922277

File: 0cbe83f8124bf9d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1349x2148, 1349:2148, Screenshot_2019-01-26 FBI ….png)

File: 39e7063fb1e5437⋯.png (424.39 KB, 1349x3140, 1349:3140, Screenshot_2019-01-26 Days….png)

File: c69bea7a873e5c9⋯.png (325.38 KB, 1349x590, 1349:590, Screenshot_2018-12-23 CNN ….png)

File: fc852ee5e31cc83⋯.webm (5.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CNN Donald Trump on Weine….webm)

3b1358  No.4922278

File: e7bc9689e7d7a5a⋯.jpg (582.11 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, fictionagain.jpg)

be28d8  No.4922279


Barron was time traveling that day.

76490b  No.4922280

File: 9eeb284e63f9c5e⋯.jpg (12.18 KB, 255x204, 5:4, THISTRUMP.jpg)

9d1aed  No.4922281

File: 7ea76bacbb2889e⋯.png (224.64 KB, 403x407, 403:407, zs2.png)


You will find out when you come to see me in Hell.

81b1dd  No.4922282

File: cbf558e4160eb97⋯.jpeg (47.08 KB, 827x500, 827:500, C994C2B2-34DC-43E4-B8BF-0….jpeg)



Its amazing how triggered you get about any JQ post - and yet you’re calling anons JIDF. Pretty ridiculous - you shills are not very logical.

2f401e  No.4922283


We should come back to this poll on tuesday after the left has already discovered it.

9c7594  No.4922284



https://thehill.com/homenews/media/427051-laid-off-huffpost-buzzfeed-reporters-flooded-with-death-threats-from-trolls Can find nothing of actual tweet…yet

b6f03d  No.4922285


Sorry, but districts matter.

Huber is a mormon faggot.

7a957e  No.4922286


i want to go to there

1e3c7b  No.4922287

File: 6d93e9720cc1eb0⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 358x261, 358:261, aaaaa.jpg)

e58ffd  No.4922288

f38e9b  No.4922289


Very clever! You showed !ME

aa6d32  No.4922290

File: 38996d2c6e1db76⋯.jpg (140.16 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_5659.JPG)

This is such a hostile shiva

Horny idiots everywhere

7e79d1  No.4922291

File: 2e15b40858577b7⋯.png (139.97 KB, 819x612, 91:68, fbi encryption keys.PNG)



73c180  No.4922292

File: 5a8bfc9bcd91032⋯.jpeg (34.12 KB, 600x333, 200:111, 5a8bfc9bcd91032d36043fec4….jpeg)


<jew truthers

never go full retarded clown, not even when shilling.

cccc7d  No.4922293

Twitter Marker



2 Nov 2017 - 2:44:21 PM

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Twitter Time Stamp

8:39 = 20

8:49 = 21

8:51 = 14

= 55

7c9ebb  No.4922294

File: 5b8c4a9a8cc3803⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 999x500, 999:500, !potuscampus.jpg)

e499ae  No.4922295

Ive been reading older Q drops religiously tonight. I think Comey is flipped / grey hat

76490b  No.4922296


people we would all recognize, my guess was Oprah. the kid did come here, I was there, and it was hilarious.

992890  No.4922297

No arrests until after the 2020.

Q said they would all run for office to avoid prosecution.

In order to run for officer there needs to be an election.

81b1dd  No.4922298


kek!! The shills are very low IQ.

97bac5  No.4922299

Interesting look at an article that might have been missed:

An Admiral Slammed The Shutdown-Can He Do That?

The Coast Guard commandant's viral video reminds us that senior military officers can speak out, carefully — and probably should do so more often.

On Wednesday, the commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard criticized the partial government shutdown in a video posted on social media. While addressed to his service’s uniformed and civilian members, Adm. Karl Schultz’s video quickly went viral, drawing public attention to the members of the Coast Guard who are continuing to work without pay — and to his implicit criticism of U.S. government leaders. One pundit called such an action by a uniformed officer “stunning.”

It definitely is rare to see this type of video, but is it inappropriate? And, is it harmful for civil-military relations for senior military officers to comment on a political issue like this one? I don’t think it is. In fact, uniformed officers can – and probably should – be more engaged in public than they have been over the last few years.

Although a number of retired general officers – including James Mattis, William McRaven, and Stanley McChrystal – have made headlines over the last few months, senior military leaders on active duty really haven’t been in the news too frequently. The current Joint Chiefs chairman, Gen. Joe Dunford, has kept a historically low media profile during his tenure. This discreet media presence may be due at least partly to Mattis’s own decision to hold few joint press conferences while defense secretary, but Gen. Dunford also seems to have actively avoided the press spotlight while focusing on building influence inside the Pentagon.

However, there are signs this approach could change. Since being announced as Dunford’s prospective replacement, Gen. Mark Milley has been in the news on several occasions. While it is unclear exactly what approach Gen. Milley will take as Joint Chiefs chairman, there has been wide variation among his predecessors. Then-Gen. Martin Dempsey, for example, viewed himself as the “dash” in civil-military relations; he saw it as part of his job to bridge the civil-military gap and communicate publicly with elected leaders and the American public.

So which approach is right? Can active duty generals and admirals be more engaged in the public debate than they have been, and more importantly, should they? There is no definitive answer to these questions, but we can start by noting that civil-military norms certainly do not prohibit public engagement by senior military officers. There are significant risks in speaking out publicly, however, so they should choose carefully what topics to address and how to address them. Public engagement is an art, not a science.

Read more here…


828fb0  No.4922300

File: ef221d0713b7bbf⋯.jpg (111.79 KB, 500x557, 500:557, meow.jpg)

74eed8  No.4922301

File: 4d796a313cdcd0b⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 477x392, 477:392, gsychberg.jpg)

6cfcc3  No.4922302

File: 38b9cd4cda946bc⋯.png (964.55 KB, 1014x1452, 169:242, Giant-Size comic template.png)

File: 5e87f9e3f6477b4⋯.png (424.5 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, blank_comic_page_3_by_c0nn….png)

File: 6ef184db7583431⋯.png (245.65 KB, 764x1046, 382:523, comic_panel_template_by_ra….png)

Okay, I just pieced together a cover for the book and I think "Qanon" would work just fine as a title since its already established and I could just add subtitles underneath for each book.

f2364d  No.4922303

File: 094ecccdca9d4ff⋯.png (731.84 KB, 760x507, 760:507, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4921313 (lb)

>god always wins

861a4a  No.4922304


yea I was here too

865a9c  No.4922305


He took the picture

40651c  No.4922306


Beautiful shelves

e499ae  No.4922307

File: f5753a74fa57b09⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 2s4fu1.jpg)

15fadb  No.4922308

File: 9348a5d020060ea⋯.png (444.98 KB, 547x487, 547:487, 25c62a3091cec9c36631e1b610….png)

File: cee463f224e92f2⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1018x1202, 509:601, 18f6cb950c7e67547822fa1055….png)

File: 068d9fb68d48b22⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 2496x2590, 1248:1295, 068d9fb68d48b225517d08fb01….jpg)

File: c716aa71a4e43d4⋯.jpg (555.23 KB, 1086x1358, 543:679, c716aa71a4e43d46b84a9bc435….jpg)

File: 362f26efa87de33⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1594x707, 1594:707, 362f26efa87de33b0e520d457d….png)

The "organic" faggot at it again, top kek.

The goy are awake.

93d638  No.4922309

>>4921390 , >>4921464 Venezuela: The latest

Trump deposed this guy without even raising a finger.

I think we've found someone who Chuck Norris fears.

26a2c6  No.4922310

File: e15615f64bc3b87⋯.jpg (126.59 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRich.jpg)

5856f1  No.4922311

File: c0d0d7d5e351a58⋯.png (5.71 MB, 4864x2374, 2432:1187, HalfSisterHitlerAngelaRaub….png)

6f7e7d  No.4922312

File: 8d10e6334186b86⋯.png (69.92 KB, 400x586, 200:293, ClipboardImage.png)


nigga nigga

68fe8e  No.4922313

Holy crap - went to go to POTUS tweets to give some love.

What a fucking nightmare. The comments are so ignorant, it is physically painful to read them.

These people are going to be hospitalized when the TRUTH comes out.

bcf7d7  No.4922314


A Mormon faggot that needs our prayers fuckface

1fee71  No.4922315

File: 6a307449b239a45⋯.png (400.6 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, pupper-pepe.png)


Sup anon!

f89b94  No.4922316

File: ec33b40490f7625⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2750x1878, 1375:939, ClipboardImage.png)

Axios next?

Ax falls quickly at BuzzFeed and Huffpost!” Headline, New York Post. Fake News and bad journalism have caused a big downturn. Sadly, many others will follow. The people want the Truth!

828fb0  No.4922317

File: bcf95082954a8a5⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 462x487, 462:487, kek2.jpg)

70e2f6  No.4922318

File: 2d58a86d29841c3⋯.png (257.77 KB, 500x557, 500:557, retardedjew.png)

44cdbc  No.4922319

File: 962054da618e59c⋯.jpg (115.9 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Jack Dorsey Share dump.jpg)

a9f0b7  No.4922320


Thank you Anon for supporting POTUS.

73c180  No.4922321

File: 1c0546886b9a7f1⋯.png (20.07 KB, 587x232, 587:232, lastp.PNG)

File: fd753aea16a66d8⋯.png (23.15 KB, 554x316, 277:158, payseur.PNG)


it's funny how the so called "jq posters" are spamming, shilling, never present any arguments, and always run away whenever the shill narrative is challenged.

Makes you think.

p.s. israel is saved for last for a reason never stated before. they need a serious deep state cleanse.

Payseur is saved for last.

attached is relevant.

101a2c  No.4922322


I saw him loading the time machine.

ddda46  No.4922323

File: 7b0de727ea4e7c5⋯.jpg (34.59 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 05150506.jpg)

204d6a  No.4922324

File: 080e8999db60229⋯.png (231.03 KB, 416x277, 416:277, 2019-01-26_21-07-21.png)


So, the doctor can declare the baby dead or alive at the moment of birth.

Dead if they inject the baby as it is being removed?

Then used for baby parts.

Do they have to show the parents the corpse in NY state?

Any corpse?

The power of a god.

93d638  No.4922325


bots, shills, the mentally challenged. buck up Anon.

d619ad  No.4922326


Wait until he finds out about the Worlds Largest Pysanka in Vegreville..

ae00d6  No.4922327


I was told that bad actors, famous people, and others who follow that account were trafficking and pedos

aa6d32  No.4922328

File: ace584471584773⋯.jpg (199.91 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_5136.JPG)


063c6e  No.4922329



I believe these are asset-seizures disguised as insider trading to hide the horrific real crimes from the Public.. for the time being. The Team seizes his shares and cashes them in prior to value-drop….as planned and arranged to recoup maximum amount. The public is informed he cashed in his own stocks, as per the deal, and he receives financial charges later. As planned.

73c180  No.4922330

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b66187487d59d77f10c857497d….jpg)

077a30  No.4922331


Isn't that Jack's alter ego account?

ccff5c  No.4922332


When the word "Jew" was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was "Judean." However during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international "pressure group" created a so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" among the English speaking peoples of the world. This so-called "secondary meaning" for the word "Jew" bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word "Jew." It is a misrepresentation…

There is not a person in the whole English-speaking world today who regards a "Jew" as a "Judean" in the literal sense of the Word. That was the correct and only meaning of the word in the 18th century . . . (Facts Are Facts, by Benjamin H. Freedman, p. 15-21).

The meaning of the word "Jew" in our Bible is not the same as the colloquial idiom.

In the Bible the word "Jew" means a resident of the land of Judaea regardless of their tribe, race or religion just as an Australian or Englishman may in fact be a Chinese, Negro or an Eskimo, or perhaps a member of the tribe of Judah (Judahite). According to the Greek Lexicon in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:

Jew: Greek word #2453 Ioudaios (ee-oo-dah'-yos); from #2448 (in the sense of #2455 as a country); Judaean, i.e. belonging to Jehudah ["Judah" in Hebrew language of Old Testament]: KJV Jew (-ess), of Judaea.

Greek word #2448 Iouda (ee-oo-dah'); of Hebrew origin [Hebrew word #3063 or perhaps #3194]; Judah (i.e. Jehudah or Juttah), a part of (or place in) Palestine: KJV Judah.

Greek word #2455 Ioudas (ee-oo-das'); of Hebrew origin [Hebrew #3063]; Judas (i.e. Jehudah), the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region: KJV Juda (-h, -s); Jude.

Genesis 49:10 prophesied, "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be."

Judah was the largest and the most influential of the twelve tribes with the governing right. Jacob prophesied it would maintain its pre-eminence until Shiloh, or Messiah, came. He would then take headship and receive the allegiance of true spiritual Israel as Isaiah 9:6-7 foretold. Matthew 1 and Luke 3 trace Jesus' human lineage to David, Judah, Jacob and Abraham. Jesus took the sceptre from Judah and we who receive Him as Messiah give Him our allegiance.


2b5589  No.4922333

CNN has a full hour special on Sean, first press sec. who set the stage: hate the media. Lots or Acosta commenting. A 'compelling' production?

Not hardly. Desperation on display.

Anon's never going to get tired of winning.

cd6b93  No.4922334

File: a624d62b7a3d07d⋯.png (143.12 KB, 682x440, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)



828fb0  No.4922335

File: d2699b45e29fbc1⋯.jpeg (289.45 KB, 974x1024, 487:512, ape.jpeg)

7e79d1  No.4922336

File: e798df630d3db8a⋯.png (149.44 KB, 230x322, 5:7, pepe laughing.PNG)

99cb76  No.4922337

File: cb8ddd9672c6f70⋯.jpeg (239.8 KB, 1423x1087, 1423:1087, 1547779024.jpeg)


Kek, I'ma klepto.

038fc8  No.4922338


It's always like that. I can't read them anymore. Too depressing to know our country is full of ignorant twats.

64d9d0  No.4922339

File: 80dd36b97368db7⋯.jpeg (84.25 KB, 659x500, 659:500, 26B50CA9-9058-45D1-9C30-5….jpeg)

dd9910  No.4922340

Quantexa Uses Context-Aware Artificial Intelligence to Uncover Human Trafficking Networks

Quantexa has developed revolutionary Entity Resolution and Network Analytics technology that enable deeper insights into complex financial and real-world criminal problems like human trafficking. Quantexa is able to use their technology to model and achieve a true understanding of groups and people and their relationship and their behaviors so that they can achieve genuine business outcomes, far superior to those achieved using traditional AI and machine learning.

Nextbigfuture interviewed Alexon Bell, head of Compliance Products at Quantexa. Alexon is a hands-on AML (Anti-Money Laundering) practitioner with over 16 years’ experience helping financial institutions with AML strategies, architectures and implementations. He has a wealth of experience in helping customers deploy and crucially optimise AML, KYC (Know Your Customer) and sanctions screening solutions, having held leadership roles at Actimize (Fortent), SAS as EMEA/AP head of compliance solutions and Oracle. As a thought leader, he works with banks to help them tackle the latest emerging threats, ensure coverage and prepare for new regulation in the fight against organised crime and terrorism.

Anti-human trafficking will be especially relevant as the Superbowl will be played next week. Big sporting events like the Superbowl, World Cup and the Olympics, regularly trigger an influx of sex-trade workers, with many being victims of human trafficking.

Arrests of pimps running underage sex rings are reported at the NFL Superbowl almost every year. Girls are being trafficked from as far away as Hawaii to hook up with clients via the Internet, hotels and strip clubs.

Some 1.5 million people in the United States are victims of trafficking, mostly for sexual exploitation. The majority are children, according to a U.S. Senate report published last year.

The Quantexa systems have advantages over other systems in that they can identify different companies and individuals in a more precise way. They can represent the correct relationships which are valid so that they do not generate false warnings. They can handle networks with over 15 billion records.

They are already helping many global organizations to solve financial crimes and indentify previously unknown criminal networks.

moar at sauce https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2019/01/quantexa-uses-context-aware-to-uncover-human-trafficking-networks.html

Don't know if white hat or cabal, what with how everything seems to be inverted, but could be worth a look

9663bc  No.4922341

File: 6f2e0d98e82a41f⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1368x741, 24:13, 076231926985236986.png)

81b1dd  No.4922342

File: 2e9101ba1fdb63e⋯.jpeg (90.35 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 5C65732C-FA32-4233-8322-A….jpeg)

73c180  No.4922343

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, c1fde26162d168c2fa2cb953f….jpeg)

ce0f96  No.4922344

File: 30f9b862d69dfdf⋯.jpg (87.73 KB, 663x500, 663:500, yes-donald-that-sounds-goo….jpg)

No moar shekelz for you, kek.

93d638  No.4922345


"I want a Lamborghini!"

d9a913  No.4922346

File: 21e5efa03063ae6⋯.gif (766.99 KB, 500x286, 250:143, Rats.gif)


101a2c  No.4922347


Caveat to parents, must attend funeral of your baby. Do not let the baby out of opyour sight.

44a21c  No.4922348

File: bed0d468e0db2af⋯.jpg (144.08 KB, 2001x1140, 667:380, bed0d468e0db2af8f866a48350….jpg)

File: fa0ebdbff00323c⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 45606220_185566425656900_1….jpg)

97bac5  No.4922349

File: bc615ffd54f8547⋯.jpeg (12.2 KB, 255x169, 255:169, well played.jpeg)

da4433  No.4922350

File: 8531115c1944f31⋯.png (375.89 KB, 610x610, 1:1, 8531115c1944f3140222bf8281….png)

File: bd50e8a53521257⋯.png (562.52 KB, 600x790, 60:79, CDQDW65UgAABmg5.png)

File: 2b1d148f4d2f12e⋯.jpg (278.21 KB, 713x546, 713:546, dmitry-grigoriyevich-bogro….jpg)

File: 81d6cb8ba64d781⋯.jpg (464.79 KB, 1233x1435, 1233:1435, Screenshot_2018-12-17 Q Re….jpg)

File: 547b1dd2c039cfb⋯.png (107.84 KB, 673x592, 673:592, ca371a33461c3e2cda1245bbdd….png)


I don't like your world Jewish fren.

e499ae  No.4922351

File: 4f639f7423f2921⋯.jpg (91.86 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2s4s6w.jpg)

98167e  No.4922352

File: 0ed74b08bf79291⋯.jpg (578.17 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190126-180438….jpg)

Have anons seen this?

There's a video floating around, but I am too retarded to imbed.

Body camera video shows suspect pull gun, fire outside school during struggle with police

Eugene, OR - Investigators have released body camera footage that shows the struggle that left a parent dead outside Cascade Middle School earlier this month after the county district attorney determined officers were justified in using deadly force.

As police attempted to place Charlie Landeros under arrest after removing him from Cascade Middle School amidst a child custody dispute January 11, Landeros pulled a 9mm handgun from a hoster and pointed the weapon at Officer Steve Timm, investigators determined based on video evidence and witness statements.

As Officer Aaron Johns tried to take control of the gun, Landeros again pointed the gun at the school resource officer and fired two shots, investigators said.

As Johns called for help, Timm fired a shot that hit the pavement and went toward the parking lot, the investigation found.

"Officer Timm recognized that the situation was dangerous and needed to be controlled. Both were in fear of their own death or the death of other bystanders or students in the area," District Attorney Patty Perlow wrote. "Officer Johns said he knew that if he let go of Landeros’ hand in the struggle, they were going to be killed. Officer Timm fired one bullet directly at Charles Landeros, striking Landeros in the temple, which was the cause of death." |

9535ac  No.4922353

File: 67465d668bda3b0⋯.png (469.82 KB, 699x391, 699:391, Climate.PNG)

Al Gore, UN Officials Team Up To Push A ‘New Deal For Nature’

The United Nations has joined forces with former Vice President Al Gore to promote a sweeping environmental agenda that seems all too familiar: a “New Deal For Nature.”

The U.N. is calling for a “New Deal For Nature” ahead of a biodiversity summit in 2020 where some sort of global compact is expected to be agreed to, that is, if environmentalists get their wish.

This newest New Deal got a boost at the World Economic Forum (WEF) underway in Davos, Switzerland, at a dinner co-hosted with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The dinner featured a rousing speech by Gore as guests ate their meals.

“I refuse to believe that we are the generation who willingly and passively allowed the destruction of the world on our watch! Who is with me?” Gore said at the Thursday evening dinner


76490b  No.4922354

File: 6a4008197cbf160⋯.png (495.39 KB, 633x494, 633:494, urthebestanon.png)


it seemed like he really had no idea. but he wouldn't tell anons who he got the account access from…weird shit fren, glad we're both still here kickin ass :)

ae00d6  No.4922355


Never. Kek

ae4525  No.4922356


You missed.

d45b4f  No.4922357



10 Sep 2018 - 12:41:01 PM







827df5  No.4922358


Given the SEC regulators penchant for watching pr0n at work, rather than enforcing regulations at the Wall Street casino…

>The SEC is going to ream him with no lube.

Your choice of words is spot on.

be28d8  No.4922359

File: dce50952eb2780e⋯.png (330.93 KB, 734x575, 734:575, e82dcdbfeee61c0407187aaa6a….png)


Will you wash my back, anon?

35d332  No.4922360

File: 74ba6295c9e86f1⋯.jpeg (2.44 MB, 1242x1902, 207:317, 9371EEFF-28CF-440B-8E74-4….jpeg)

Well, Spidey knows …crazy how symbolism is getting worse while we win?

a89504  No.4922361


ashame to say we both went to Archbishop Molloy Catholic High School

1e4c39  No.4922362



pizza party's over

81b1dd  No.4922363

File: bc47a461ceba319⋯.jpeg (156.35 KB, 668x750, 334:375, EF770FB7-3683-4926-A8BF-A….jpeg)

73c180  No.4922364

File: dd445ff795497c1⋯.png (17.96 KB, 564x198, 94:33, evil2.PNG)

File: 4283c86760d6bb7⋯.png (25.93 KB, 611x245, 611:245, qq.PNG)


<Ruling families are jewish

<everyone are muhjews





Soros who is a nazi collaborator, a self proclaimed god and an atheist?

Roths and their minerva and egyptian occultism garbage?

Why would so many jews be against the so called "jewish conspiracy"?

Ivanka, Jared, Horowitz, Mnuchin and so many in the Trump cabinet?

Does it make sense?

Why did q emphasize that it was never about religion, race or color, but it is in fact global sheep vs global ruling elites?

You are making a fool out of yourselves, the jews are a time tested decoy, the last line of defense.

q said it ain't about race/religion for a reason. Rulers don't care about the religions/race of sheep.

9c7594  No.4922365

>>4922284 https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/luke-obrien-doxed-threats-amymek_us_5b16bb9de4b0734a9937f2ca

828fb0  No.4922366

File: fa754bbc8ed7720⋯.jpg (255.39 KB, 695x874, 695:874, 6714ee531a6a53beb9932890fb….jpg)

2c586d  No.4922367


They don’t hear Q

512109  No.4922368


Haven't seen this before, explains a lot

73c180  No.4922369

File: a54a69aeff54450⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 4a131222654100c8f8aa9d6581….jpg)

44cdbc  No.4922370








marketfag got tired of comped bakers dissing work.


cd6b93  No.4922371

File: 8abbc56013c0e41⋯.png (53 KB, 997x299, 997:299, ClipboardImage.png)




a9f0b7  No.4922372


dam, i use to love comics.

68fe8e  No.4922373


Fuck off. I fight that shit for hours every single day - here, in public and on social media.

Get your ass out there and do your fucking share.

9d1aed  No.4922374


Armageddon, here we come!

05e342  No.4922375

File: 4e55748868a6f6c⋯.png (1002.47 KB, 1242x1726, 621:863, ClipboardImage.png)

fd138d  No.4922376

File: 4bebdba75760b9c⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, BREAK.jpg)


Can you imagine the MENTAL ANGUISH of these people?

They KNOW they are CAUGHT red-handed.

They KNOW it’s only a matter of time before what happened to Roger Stone in the pre-dawn raid—HAPPENS TO THEM.

Imagine. Living with the knowledge that you are going to be arrested—any moment. Your crimes, so shameful that you don’t even think about them yourself—are going to be PUBLIC.

Your lies will be revealed.

Your thefts will be revealed.

Your heinous crimes against little children—ARE GOING TO BE MADE PUBLIC.

Your LEGACY will be revealed to be a LIE.

You will be HATED.

You will be JEERED—SPIT UPON—too dangerous to even be in public without police protection (who also HATE YOU for your crimes).

No way out. They have it all. They know it all. THEY HAVE THE VIDEO…

You can’t sleep. You can’t eat. You can’t think straight. You find yourself doing and saying STUPID things.

You can’t believe how horrible you look in the mirror…

You think about suicide. But—you are a coward. You could not do it. You killed others—but you could never hurt the ONLY PERSON YOU EVER TRULY LOVED…

You fixate on the ONE SOLUTION; get trump. Any way possible. Get him. Kill him. Kill him and flee the country. Then you wake up and realize how well entrenched he is within the safety of America’s military; they would die for him—every one of them.

You run to your handlers. But—they have cut you off. They are gone. They warn you—talk and you will end up like Kate.

Another dead end.

Nothing helps you. Nothing.

You certainly don’t pray—god is not real; it’s a construct—part of the narrative, to keep sheep in the pen. You are not a sheep. You are their MASTER. You LET THEM LIVE.

Then it dawns on you. If you are going down—you will take every one of them down with you. You will DESTROY THEM ALL…

Now ask yourself. Why has President Trump, the Q team and the most powerful military establishment in history of the world—taken so long to pull the trigger?

When dealing with psychopaths who are cornered and know they are going to lose everything they enjoy and worst—be exposed for the true, historically-epic wretched soul they are—you must first disarm them. IF they have ONE implement of total-human-destruction left they can use, they will.

They would rather break the world with a hammer, than let the sheep have it without them. They would rather slaughter every soul on the earth, than go down like this. If they have just one…anything…they will pull the pin and blow us all up to “escape” their manmade, public judgement.

PATIENCE is not just important…it is VITAL to our very survival as a human race.

I choose to TRUST and be patient.





d45b4f  No.4922377



RR will recuse himself from what???

RR will stay if he recuses

acea5d  No.4922378

File: fa694c9221e99b3⋯.png (153.37 KB, 774x708, 129:118, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at ….png)



70e2f6  No.4922379


The word was introduced by Titus Flavius Josephus, born Yosef ben Matityahu, was a first-century Romano-Jewish scholar, historian and hagiographer, who was born in Jerusalem—then part of Roman Judea—to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry. Wikipedia

Born: 37 AD, Jerusalem, Israel

Died: 100 AD, Rome, Italy

Learn some real history.

1530a6  No.4922380


Romantic comedies.

7c9ebb  No.4922381




I love it!

b6f03d  No.4922382

File: 5d6ba2685b1e77a⋯.png (45.63 KB, 435x407, 435:407, ClipboardImage.png)

acea5d  No.4922383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be28d8  No.4922384


Kek. Nice way to ghost the image.

93d638  No.4922385


kek reminds of the time I tried to be kind to rabid cat.

ce65cf  No.4922386

LMAO- wished it were true or is it?


81b1dd  No.4922387


everyone you listed is Jewish. How fucking retarded are you?

that copy pasta is so moldy too. You’ve been using it forever.

Get some new material.

73c180  No.4922388

File: 84e030a75f73c74⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 84e030a75f73c74d18ff687670….gif)


coding is fun. trolling shills - even more.

731baf  No.4922389


clowns want to control blow and earl. POTUS can't even keep his friends out of jail.

8e0e30  No.4922390


Great reminder of what’s coming. Thanks, anon.

f62f74  No.4922391

File: 4108ba14a2e522a⋯.jpg (9.71 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 4 teeth.jpg)


Hey, you want to play Cowboys and Indians?

aa6d32  No.4922392

File: 263e6f86a3d4538⋯.jpg (150.22 KB, 900x900, 1:1, IMG_5663.JPG)

664ec3  No.4922393


Awesome - Atlanta needs a good clean-out.

70e2f6  No.4922394

File: 6194c556c2ac464⋯.png (169.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, JewShillGeenBootlicker.png)

992890  No.4922395

File: 25dbd60351e6879⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1042x602, 521:301, aquaman.PNG)

44cdbc  No.4922396

File: f94818b7e1c8b49⋯.jpg (117.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Sheryl Sandberg share dump.jpg)

81b1dd  No.4922397

File: 7d72d385803edf3⋯.jpeg (104.22 KB, 674x750, 337:375, 7176AB5F-3B63-4020-945B-3….jpeg)

98167e  No.4922398


Forgot the relevant information: the asshole was wearing a smash the patriarchy and chill t-shirt.

Antifa queer

b6f03d  No.4922399

File: b48036e8f9a0cd3⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 506x372, 253:186, YesJewMarx.JPG)

File: a8f548bdd4d4d93⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 544x493, 32:29, YesJewOccasio.jpg)

File: 14acc654df9b85e⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 464x274, 232:137, YesJewRosenstein.JPG)

File: 60cd882a837a050⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 380x320, 19:16, YesJewSanders.JPG)

File: cb85b33d93b957e⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 501x313, 501:313, YesJewSoros.JPG)


Niggas gonna nig

861a4a  No.4922400

File: c3ea29e1784dbe1⋯.png (22.49 KB, 587x185, 587:185, dd8800b0-3134-4c15-8a1b-67….png)



fixed it for ya

7597fd  No.4922401

File: af45af7192a871d⋯.jpg (272.82 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, pepecomfygreen.jpg)


sup homie

dc3aab  No.4922402

File: eb161d82e3682ac⋯.jpg (40.05 KB, 500x375, 4:3, !!.jpg)


Hey now, don't co-op me as an accomplice to comped baker claims…

Didn't sign up for that.

46c454  No.4922403

File: 75d1b7db2363765⋯.png (99.47 KB, 238x255, 14:15, delta.png)

>>4922111 111 days ago


October 7, 2018

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

"You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance."

"We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."

-Ronald Reagan



35d332  No.4922404


Disgusting. I hope I’m just too stupid to see why this is allowed at this point

077a30  No.4922405


Good reminder anon - Isn't Rosenstein's resignation coming in February? Could it be Feb 15th?

acea5d  No.4922406

File: 51014aa948baddc⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 354x500, 177:250, DxXcJMrW0AMYmw8.jpg)

74eed8  No.4922407

File: 53140e9f47b0e54⋯.jpg (113.73 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtaocwe.jpg)

6f7e7d  No.4922408


>RR will recuse himself from what???


but it looks like he will RESIGN before DECLAS happens; because POTUS will DECLAS after Mueller is done and before Huber starts coming out in public

0376ce  No.4922409


And 100% correct. The fact that I have to argue with some of my followers about what is going on is really sad. They're telling me they're awake, but still think the old rules apply. Trump is a master negotiator. That's his lot in life.

7d15c6  No.4922410

File: 5e0fe24d205f97c⋯.jpeg (888.99 KB, 1125x1233, 125:137, 91B58F25-E656-4174-8AA7-6….jpeg)


9535ac  No.4922411


I read the book, He even mentions Jesus … go figure

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.

- Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63

(Based on the translation of Louis H. Feldman, The Loeb Classical Library.)

101a2c  No.4922412

Birth? as in not dead, but alive?

This is beyond messed up. Get out of NY while you can.

God will surely judge you swiftly


f1e4f6  No.4922413


Besides the UN, I can think of no better place to use a squad of Muslim suicide bombers…..

70e2f6  No.4922414

File: de3b947cf1e44a1⋯.png (458.9 KB, 594x407, 54:37, notthisjewagain.png)

97bac5  No.4922415


I always Chicago was the sinkhole to Hell. Now I see the Devil has taken over the ENTIRE state of New York. He's doing a brisk business - as soon as God gives life Lucifer is Laughing at HIM and sweeping it away thanks to fucktars like the entire populace of NY who voted in the liberals that run the state & elected Coma.

ccff5c  No.4922416


Do you get paid per post or by the hour?

You realize that you are not fooling anybody?

acea5d  No.4922417

File: e04e663ff918dc6⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 396x343, 396:343, 4308953.jpg)

1fee71  No.4922418


No, you're too innocent.

81b1dd  No.4922419


Top kek!!

05e342  No.4922420

File: 4096185a4200132⋯.png (180.62 KB, 480x414, 80:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Well said.

26a2c6  No.4922421

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)

File: c95ab03f0455886⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 750x280, 75:28, 111514.jpg)

9c7594  No.4922422

>>4922381 This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)

Wing was one of many journalists who were let go by BuzzFeed and HuffPost this week and were sent death threats from trolls organizing their efforts on the far-right message board 4chan.

Tweets sent from trolls to Wing that included everything from threats to racial slurs to images of swastikas remained visible on Twitter hours after they were posted.

The death threat using Carlson's Photoshopped meme that was sent to Wing, for example, remains prevalent on troll sites like 4chan and on pages hosted by social media giants like Twitter and YouTube.

73c180  No.4922423

File: 5ae6fcd7571de66⋯.png (267.81 KB, 383x606, 383:606, 639d45a2e6106b59e76b941088….png)

File: f5d4eca10f9579a⋯.png (18.17 KB, 576x219, 192:73, evil3.PNG)

File: c14dd862bb4cef5⋯.png (82.67 KB, 637x733, 637:733, q_div.PNG)


<that copy pasta is moldy

posts 12413503215 walkie talkie shill garbage memes.

<everyone are jewish

<trust me i'm organic

<yeah im not a shill

yet somehow ivanka jared, horowitz, mnuchin and others are fighting against their own so called "jewish conspiracy".

logical thinking moron. you should try it.

oh, have some more q.

a6d535  No.4922424


Enjoying free air while he can.

db1c45  No.4922425

e58ffd  No.4922426

File: ab2f2780d348a23⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, PussyGrab.png)

664ec3  No.4922427

File: 543adabcb0ee333⋯.png (635.4 KB, 583x821, 583:821, Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at ….png)


Evenin' Anon!

6cfcc3  No.4922428


I am trying to write a book that libtards will pay to burn

f1e4f6  No.4922429

File: 7c6cc42c18ac0cd⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 634x451, 634:451, 4653CC3B00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

6f7e7d  No.4922430



Carefully crafted 'out there' statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest.


What do they expect is coming?

What must be said to provide a counter-narrative?

What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming?

How do you keep people BLIND?

What must you FEED them?









Wizards & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.


70e2f6  No.4922431

File: ab8151aeecea6ed⋯.png (524.21 KB, 500x557, 500:557, qbrackets.png)

b0d847  No.4922432

After all the mess with Nancy Pelosi fighting so hard to discredit Potus and control our government and other foreign nations, I'm a firm believer that Q Team's meaning of "P" controls it all as PELOSI.

Follow the women…. We are on a WITCH Hunt…..Pelosi is the head Witch.

e05ad1  No.4922433


Your probably a shill, but in case you’re not, our mission is to get the red pill out to the masses. It doesn’t matter who is behind it, as long as they are using to effectively wake people up to all the fuckery that’s been going on. When enough people are awake and therefore Trump doesn’t start a civil war, the Truth can come out and justice will be served… and then, bye-bye pedos…

b6f03d  No.4922434

File: 025c01a2d5684c7⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 403x375, 403:375, CHLUke.JPG)

File: a33c04128d31116⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 519x364, 519:364, YesJewBronfman.JPG)

File: a1e6fef281d10f4⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 437x240, 437:240, YesJewGreen.JPG)

File: 600f0310445d960⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 616x432, 77:54, YesJewIsrael.JPG)

File: 0fe5b555a709891⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 509x380, 509:380, YesJewsSackler.JPG)

167da6  No.4922435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5856f1  No.4922436

File: 258a1ccdc6c5469⋯.png (5.2 MB, 1860x4700, 93:235, Angela and Angela.png)

73c180  No.4922437

File: 9a15d971d57586a⋯.png (468.02 KB, 591x587, 591:587, 63951a8dcfcd510789452ea0af….png)

204d6a  No.4922438

File: 5be130a0cbc197a⋯.png (22.92 KB, 491x159, 491:159, 2019-01-26_21-13-13.png)


Insinuated into every niche of American life and beyond.


684c6a  No.4922439

File: d697355cafd5699⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 5c7bdc72afaefd19a06082f057….jpg)

Huckabee on Fox with Judge Jeanine just said we're at half time in the overall scheme of things. Seems correct, given:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.424 📁

Nov 7 2018 00:55:31 (EST)


We got what we needed.

Thank you, Patriots!

Senate means everything.

Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.

DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.

POTUS has ultimate authority.

Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).

Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.

Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.


Military planned.

No impact re: ongoing investigations

Team is stronger [PRO].


ddda46  No.4922440

File: 0a86c44c9a9d31e⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 602x338, 301:169, people.jpg)


Also part of

The Peoples Front of Judea!

bcf7d7  No.4922441


If Anons would stop spitting on boners and Dig we could accomplish great things together.

ccff5c  No.4922442



aa6d32  No.4922443

Maybe Jesus has trump taxes too

49c094  No.4922444

File: b5048a469e72c67⋯.jpeg (570.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 42711B34-C174-49AB-8A12-A….jpeg)

File: 27fbf99303f0a46⋯.jpeg (593.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3EE6905C-4A00-4595-ABC6-1….jpeg)

File: 3598e68718dd89e⋯.jpeg (115.61 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 9ABE4CEC-A033-4DC5-A963-6….jpeg)

File: 294dacdade49199⋯.jpeg (257.66 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 895AD48D-CBAB-4586-95AB-0….jpeg)

File: ca21c4bfebaa545⋯.jpeg (412.47 KB, 2500x1407, 2500:1407, A6AC7DA9-D8B4-4911-B43D-D….jpeg)

70e2f6  No.4922445

File: a5ee6ed13c6937a⋯.jpg (115.21 KB, 381x480, 127:160, justlikeyourmom.jpg)


Cry Moar.

ccff5c  No.4922446


kek, good one!

b6f03d  No.4922447

File: cd805227a0cda1c⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 370x331, 370:331, Acosta.JPG)



Did you come up with that file name all by yourself?

70e2f6  No.4922448


Read a book, nigger.

828fb0  No.4922449


Trust= Sheep being lead to slaughter

1fee71  No.4922450


I remember after the inauguration, as they were filing out, HRC hung back to say something to GWB.

5d2bb9  No.4922451



731baf  No.4922452




acea5d  No.4922453

File: af83d7ea65e713c⋯.jpg (99.76 KB, 1112x1112, 1:1, DoZ5Ep4VsAAWSE8.jpg)

92dfcd  No.4922454


do people still look at abortion as birth control?

9857e1  No.4922455


As is your routine. If you don’t like it, scroll by or filter.

a9f0b7  No.4922456

File: e30a0a7a25dbc7c⋯.jpg (261.8 KB, 1084x818, 542:409, sheryl sandberg sells 55,0….jpg)

97bac5  No.4922457

File: 4c72d3f9bc6c4c7⋯.jpeg (24.23 KB, 255x253, 255:253, flag3.jpeg)


I screen captured this because it is AWESOME.

a9d773  No.4922458

File: 305376cea9f7995⋯.mp4 (14.95 MB, 960x540, 16:9, 540_30_1.25_Jan262019.mp4)

Gone with the Wind.

64d9d0  No.4922459

File: e855786dba32a23⋯.jpeg (68.14 KB, 500x557, 500:557, C296D114-4F10-4B95-9156-E….jpeg)

ef1471  No.4922460

File: a304d036bd9ac62⋯.png (157.57 KB, 902x753, 902:753, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d95f062cd01c40⋯.png (418.17 KB, 907x620, 907:620, ClipboardImage.png)

Hawks Are Trying To Convince Trump To Keep This Tiny Piece Of Syrian Soil Indefinitely

As the Pentagon appears to be moving forward on President Trump's ordered troop draw down from Syria, administration hawks as well as foreign allies like Israel have one final card to play to hinder a total withdrawal. They argue that some 200 US troops in Syria's southeast desert along the Iraqi border and its 55-kilometer “deconfliction zone” at al-Tanf are the last line of defense against Iranian expansion in Syria, and therefore must stay indefinitely.


98167e  No.4922461


Gracias anon. I'll figure out embed one day.

1530a6  No.4922462


Kate Spade: Designer. Suicide by doorknob.

44cdbc  No.4922463

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Respect.jpg)


not you current baker. No ill will meant.

Been going on during day for months.

167da6  No.4922464

File: 09b77b9c7ef062a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Grey GHOST coming in hot to Jeff City, MO?

be28d8  No.4922465

File: eec9f9568a54430⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, eec9f9568a54430f7299b894b7….png)


Is an anon spitting on a boner.

828fb0  No.4922466


What is a good nigger book? Something Obama wrote?

861a4a  No.4922467


they passed over that one didn't they

063c6e  No.4922468


Kate Spade: Made handbags and goods out of human leather.

0c72d5  No.4922469

File: 1deb1b5e91c9aa8⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1203, 414:401, 1deb1b5e91c9aa878c71518cc….jpeg)

46c454  No.4922470

File: baac92fdbbc321c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1226x860, 613:430, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)


Fan account, not official.

I follow it.

Good stuff.

2fae41  No.4922471

File: 1d98990146da888⋯.png (60.04 KB, 671x351, 671:351, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f66f12db448270e⋯.png (635.66 KB, 665x886, 665:886, ClipboardImage.png)



Before anyone asks, its now the 27th here in the UK

26a2c6  No.4922472

File: dc9a440fd64bc2b⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 474x607, 474:607, th-2.jpg)

038fc8  No.4922473

File: e1f833e05b66114⋯.jpg (111.54 KB, 1064x709, 1064:709, CELLS.jpg)

6f7e7d  No.4922474

File: d2ff34b8bfe94df⋯.png (1.06 MB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

81b1dd  No.4922475




You are triggered and I’m loving it!! We can criticize Judaism without implicating every single Jew u dumb fuck. There are some good Jews just at the very top of the global corruption hierarchy, sits many Jews… but ur jewish apologists shilling routine makes me think its ONLY the jews… This is too funny.

70e2f6  No.4922476

File: 3f0c67dcd173815⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 230x255, 46:51, 3f0c67dcd173815b2163f8c15e….jpg)


A book that explains who coined the term "jew" and when.

9d1aed  No.4922477


Comics is where I was first introduced to Witchcraft. Gavin and Yvonne Frost used to place fullpage adds for their College of Witchcraft within comicbooks.

301f69  No.4922478

File: 5df688c5da31e52⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 500x396, 125:99, meme.peekasso.msm.real.pep….gif)

How is using the military to create a Space Force any different from building The Wall?

One requires rockets, satelites and missiles to protect from attack coming from the skies.

The other requires see through steel slats, concrete, drones and other technology to protect the US from attacks coming from the South.

Of course POTUS has the money to build the wall.

The narrative is what matters.

aa6d32  No.4922479

7e79d1  No.4922480

File: 749ac6e3cda543d⋯.png (222.01 KB, 335x281, 335:281, u 1.PNG)

73c180  No.4922481

File: 4982e5056777387⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 6167e0f393484b8eee0d7b2891….jpg)








<cry moar

why cry?

I'm laughing at the shill desperation.

67c38c  No.4922482


Judge Sullivan pretty much did. Flynn refused.

06a9bc  No.4922483


They're here for an appearance on an NBC hit piece re: alt right Trump conspirators.

82dcc7  No.4922484

File: 2f271f008b0f661⋯.png (840.34 KB, 720x1023, 240:341, andrew cuomo late term abo….png)

b03c0f  No.4922485


Always thought that. HE is why she lost. They wouldn't take the chance she could lose by him reopening investigation.

e499ae  No.4922486


Except for RR is resigning in Feb after Barr is confirmed

79ed39  No.4922487

>>4920483 (lb)

>>4920405 (pb)

These aren't a patch on Nathan's drum solo . . .

9535ac  No.4922488


you FKing dummy your only response is to say WRONG every time as if that some how makes you right,,, like the anon said read a book

832f9b  No.4922489

File: 0cf07246a69cbbb⋯.jpeg (8.59 KB, 255x179, 255:179, f354542b0c0357cda79393f35….jpeg)


Son of a bitch! There he is right beside Dubyah at POTUS's Inauguration. The bald SS guy at Poppy's funeral sitting behind Dubyah. Ya know in the vidya we been dissecting for weeks..THAT SS guy!

67c38c  No.4922490


So much for a man who 'knows where the bodies are buried."

70e2f6  No.4922491

File: 29f86f439cb633a⋯.jpg (162.79 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 29f86f439cb633aebd3972b62a….jpg)


You are crying.

Cry moar.

6f7e7d  No.4922492

File: 66dc056a1fc1821⋯.png (7.03 MB, 4155x5195, 831:1039, NATEMRGsidebyside.png)


POTUS is ready to go

1168a3  No.4922493

File: 169c00623bc82c6⋯.jpg (123.15 KB, 800x533, 800:533, pj24744b.jpg)

35d332  No.4922494


I think with the push they made with women’s rights that even if you disagree, you’re basically bullied into staying quiet. Same way you have to accept lgbtq or you’re a “bigot”.

828fb0  No.4922495

File: 7f23187e40af67b⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 7f23187e40af67b5dba69045e5….jpg)

7597fd  No.4922496

File: 9e911cf668766c9⋯.png (243.02 KB, 500x640, 25:32, stmichaelcheckem.png)

6f7e7d  No.4922497


he's resigning before DECLAS, which is smart on his part

acea5d  No.4922498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a64318  No.4922499

File: 59e372168bb81a5⋯.jpeg (53.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, F70EC832-D4FC-4521-A49D-0….jpeg)

da3e33  No.4922500

File: a9eb067acc7da1d⋯.jpg (194.42 KB, 1362x829, 1362:829, The_time_is-NOW.JPG)

If the shoe fits, you know who you are.

d45b4f  No.4922501



what was being livestreamed to oval office?

what did Hussein see happen?

livesteam means watching, right? not just listening?

a9f0b7  No.4922502

File: ebbfdfdc0c4ccc2⋯.jpg (236.43 KB, 697x927, 697:927, Federal tax plan.jpg)

April 2017

e58ffd  No.4922503

File: 841a96fbbd9e206⋯.png (409.88 KB, 4000x4000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

731baf  No.4922504


That a chemtrail?

99cb76  No.4922505

File: e4ff5c69cba8460⋯.png (809.57 KB, 890x1184, 445:592, 1548041158.png)


>my followers

2c586d  No.4922506


GWB knew it was a wrap back then kek

86ac52  No.4922507

The walkie talkie Rabbi has been around forever.

=The new intensity of it has been because of me.==

It was an experiment. I learned a lot.

One thing is that anons are quick to jump on it.

Next thing is anons eventually own it and turn it into our cultural comedy.

The shit part is low IQ anons turn it back into shit, when it could have been great.

Not a good outcome

Too many low IQ anons trying to be cool, turning a subtle, thoughtful moment back into a slide.

I didn't learn the lesson I hoped for. Too many stupids. Can't inform the masses with dummies.

Not posting that meme anymore, because you dipshits made it not funny.

Anyway, Q needs to post to get this feckless mob on point.

I tried.

b6f03d  No.4922508

File: 78cb925f290f261⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 457x369, 457:369, ChapelleJewTalkie.jpg)

038fc8  No.4922509


No, they're calling it "Reproductive Health". It's a fucking joke.

ccff5c  No.4922510


I will take you to school…nigger.

Israelite's and Jews ain't the same

The Hebrews of the bible became the Israelites, and later the Roman provinces named "Judea." But only a subset of them. Others had dispersed in previous waves either via sea (Greeks & Britons) or land/rivers thru the Caucuses. The people known as Jews today were not the Hebrew people, but a neighboring ppl know as the "canaanites," and occupying the Roman province of Idumea, just south of Judea. About 100 yrs BC they infiltrated Judea and took over the government and legal/scribe positions (saducees/pharisees), and assumed the identity of the Judeans. In the bible, they're spoken of , "the people that say they are Judeans but do lie." Only recently (as per anon's accounting) was the word "Judean" translated to mean "Jew."

Then, as now, these people use crypsis to infiltrate and subvert. And boy do they lie.

9920e4  No.4922511

File: 2d3dae6cd2cbe8c⋯.png (246.87 KB, 369x594, 41:66, PHONE TRACKING.png)

File: d89c20f23e3bdc8⋯.png (272.19 KB, 1335x477, 445:159, Pope no Cell phone running.png)

File: b399b17f5a3df61⋯.png (318.2 KB, 1096x535, 1096:535, Composer MSM music.png)

File: 1a326e31a5d7175⋯.png (456.63 KB, 745x476, 745:476, it has begun.png)

note the pope talking about going offline with the phone - this is because our side can track cell phones (even when they are turned off) - Basically the bad guys are fleeing atm as the MSM has finally reached critical mass for flipping. (note the composer being dead - music = msm)

Of course it may not seem that way but that's just because you can't read the symbolism codes. So many in the media are our sleepers waiting to be activated. The bad guys know this and the dominoes have begun falling so fast they are tripping over each other to get out of the country (not that they can)

67c38c  No.4922512


Why is his last subordinate with CNN broadcasting Stone's 32-man SWAT arrest?

What does that give the 'white hats' (who don't exist).

c3fe0e  No.4922513




07dbb9  No.4922514

File: 24b435454ff639c⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 678x480, 113:80, Anon Fed Up With Q.jpg)

73c180  No.4922515

File: c127c65a725d2b0⋯.png (198.42 KB, 384x382, 192:191, c127c65a725d2b0e2f5997cf60….png)



i am crying at your projection + low iq + low energy + desperation.

e499ae  No.4922516


Exactly anon. Too many perfectly timed coincidences with Comey. He gets fired, leaks his memos which spur the SC. We know the SC is literally the most vital piece of this whole operation. It keeps the DS at bay, thinking their plan to nail Trump is still being played out. Comey literally spurred the SC creation, and in a way it is accepted by the left. His attacks on POTUS on twitter are just for optics to make it appear he is against POTUS. Which, regardless if Comey is flipped, is what Comey would be doing if he were flipped

dc3aab  No.4922517


Seems like the cops did the right/necessary thing.

70e2f6  No.4922518

File: af32ada550ed6ab⋯.png (518.41 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewsaysnotworking.png)

063c6e  No.4922519


"Swift action was taken" …

This whole things was probably over within days/weeks for the main cast of characters. Q mentioned 2% visible, I believe… This has been a wrap from Day 1

7c9ebb  No.4922520


Prop plane, so would not be engines.

(looks like a duster)

aa6d32  No.4922521

File: 66b55f78dd292c7⋯.png (51.21 KB, 590x340, 59:34, C955AE2E-67E9-4E5F-AF74-93….png)

46c454  No.4922522

File: 8d65487d6af80ad⋯.jpg (251.08 KB, 636x424, 3:2, laughwoods.jpg)


I really like this digits celebration

15fadb  No.4922523

File: e6238b668447e27⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 600x446, 300:223, kek.jpg)


payday for kikey tonight, kek.

73c180  No.4922524




exactly why i trol them from time to time. Need to show sanity for optics.

828fb0  No.4922525

File: 1ba8319cd042148⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 793x960, 793:960, asoon.jpg)

6c3d01  No.4922526

File: 8a710053e4dc966⋯.png (66.96 KB, 202x311, 202:311, ClipboardImage.png)


found your picture online - sorry to doxx you like this

e58ffd  No.4922527

File: 50f095749cf1608⋯.png (367.96 KB, 800x499, 800:499, ClipboardImage.png)

11d367  No.4922528



1e4c39  No.4922529

File: 648effb5eab872a⋯.jpg (231.42 KB, 1582x983, 1582:983, _20190120_142217.JPG)

3703fc  No.4922530

File: eae253567e7bacd⋯.png (173.37 KB, 1212x738, 202:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0fa9d58c70edd5⋯.png (66.94 KB, 1440x364, 360:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Amen and amen. Let it be so!

We will NEVER give up or surrender. We can do no other.

70e2f6  No.4922531


Your understanding of ancient history is poor.

Grade: D-

Read a book, nigger.

6f7e7d  No.4922532



68fe8e  No.4922533

File: f36fb27cacd4d1c⋯.png (417.94 KB, 640x733, 640:733, Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at ….png)

This fucking asshole is on every Trump tweet comments.

Ignorant as fuck.

ef1471  No.4922534

File: c8ad15ceb692b2c⋯.png (677.73 KB, 935x536, 935:536, ClipboardImage.png)

The Marxist (Left) V Zionist (Right) Deception

Soros (MB) v Netanyahu (Adelson) separate arms of the same beast and it's control system.

Same goals:

Control the world.

Elevate one class over another. Serfs/Elite. Jews/Goyim

Create a new world order.

Rule with an iron fist.

Control resources.

Eliminate competitors aka white people, black people, arab's, asians.

Greater Israel project.

Build third temple.

Bring forth the anti-christ.

Satanic rule.

Trick Christian's into believing the above must happen for the return of Jesus.

Control both sides of all arguments.

Endless death and suffering on competitors.

Traits of each:





Know thy enemy

(((THEIR))) plan in image:

9857e1  No.4922535


I’ve yet to see a JQ post intelligently speak to anything. I just see a bunch out dated shit memes over and over that have a predisposed conclusion.

7e79d1  No.4922536

File: 9aaa78cb1de923b⋯.png (327.82 KB, 500x349, 500:349, u 1 2.PNG)

646beb  No.4922537

File: 8d0df3a57997509⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 560x437, 560:437, 2r0h87.jpg)


But its all funny to watch!

e499ae  No.4922538


CNN covering the arrest was arranged by the white hats.. And a pure genius move. Stone leads to Assange. There needs to be maximum media exposure regarding Stone. And its setting the stage. If liberals can accept 29 FBI agents in 17 vehicles arresting a man in his pajamas at 5am in the morning for making false statements to the FBI… they can accept the arrests of HRC, BO, etc etc etc

0376ce  No.4922539


Hehe… on twatter, of course.

a0bdac  No.4922540


Its probably one of us.

dc3aab  No.4922541


great painting!

98167e  No.4922542


Effort appreciated. It was fun at first.

f2dd60  No.4922543

File: 3bd88d53ed94fab⋯.png (133.34 KB, 730x299, 730:299, tenor.png)

e499ae  No.4922544


It wasnt time yet

a9f0b7  No.4922545



I listened to a lot of rap.

Now it sounds stupid and evil.

Money suck.

And I don't even want to sell it and spread the evil.

I suppose straight to trash.

e05ad1  No.4922546


Cool that you found it, we never really know who the fan is…

They are trying to get info out in the open without freaking everyone out… this seems like a good way to unofficially achieve that goal… and it doesn’t matter who is behind it as long as it is waking people up, breaking the spell everyone is under… we are used to this content, I’m thinking the average Twitter user, not so much…

9d1aed  No.4922547

File: 18c010a2e9156f2⋯.png (164.56 KB, 309x206, 3:2, Screenshot_476.png)


I can't find the ad with a web search, but I found this image and I think this is the image they included in the ad.

6f7e7d  No.4922548


"Trump's election was the 2nd American Revolution to avoid the 2nd American Civil War"

- Anon

9e785b  No.4922549

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB, 668x854, 334:427, 9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)

b6f03d  No.4922550

File: 9c9f5dc03455493⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 888x499, 888:499, YodaKikes.jpg)

80a801  No.4922551


He's been outed already as a crackpot and a wifebeater.

44cdbc  No.4922552

File: 89386c75925d515⋯.jpg (144.31 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CenturyLink dump.jpg)


73c180  No.4922553

File: ffb9d78569de3db⋯.jpeg (85.27 KB, 898x628, 449:314, ffb9d78569de3db6fcb1b1afb….jpeg)


a lame repetitive muhjew script…

while(1) {

print "goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi";


if(reply == high_iq) { print "pilpul";}

elseif(reply == calling_me_a_shill) {print "jidf";}

else {print "what time is it in tel-aviv"}


656fc8  No.4922554

File: 2a8d752d51e4232⋯.png (376.37 KB, 552x380, 138:95, Screenshot_100.png)

e499ae  No.4922555


True this

70e2f6  No.4922556

File: b2fce2f863704cc⋯.pdf (5.05 MB, b2fce2f863704cc660de50f76a….pdf)


Here's an intelligent work to read.

99cb76  No.4922557

File: 11a6decc77b5400⋯.jpg (130.09 KB, 974x731, 974:731, IMG_20190120_101515_396.JPG)

File: 83ab905a68974fb⋯.jpg (121.78 KB, 742x601, 742:601, IMG_20190122_213451_335.JPG)

File: 46d9fb94096af30⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 788x555, 788:555, IMG_20190120_094456_048.JPG)

File: 0adb5b2afefaea2⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 905x575, 181:115, IMG_20190120_101627_021.JPG)

c19e6e  No.4922558


Some good meme batter in there:

"Which pretty well puts paid to the Democratic 'talking point' about voter fraud being a non-issue. Actually, this finding, from Texas officials very determined to clean up their voter rolls, is a very big issue. Every ballot cast by a foreigner in the election cancels out the vote of an American citizen. When the elections are close, that's quite a disenfranchisement."

acea5d  No.4922559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86ac52  No.4922560



Funny people that aren't funny, 18 posts in, should stop.

I memed this into culture, you're just a mud dog. Go dig on something, mud dog.

204d6a  No.4922561

File: 6825001b846bfc1⋯.png (92.61 KB, 609x398, 609:398, 2019-01-26_21-20-11.png)

File: f4b0089200fd6ba⋯.png (71.78 KB, 675x443, 675:443, 2019-01-26_21-20-50.png)

File: 9251f98017fc203⋯.png (70.57 KB, 660x412, 165:103, 2019-01-26_21-21-37.png)


3 daughters of Lewis Cass Payseur passed away a generation ago.

Who controls all their vast and incredible wealth now?

1e4c39  No.4922562

File: 73725a30be3960b⋯.jpg (147.08 KB, 1297x1094, 1297:1094, _20190126_205006.JPG)

73c180  No.4922563

File: d3bd5990a8af6bb⋯.png (15.97 KB, 208x255, 208:255, d3bd5990a8af6bbe698dbd0a71….png)


shills can't meme #1134135135

now it is time for another walkie talkie meme.

b6f03d  No.4922564

File: 65b73fca97e449a⋯.jpg (184.88 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Bannon ID.jpg)


> 9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png

Neat file name

077a30  No.4922565

File: 6c4f2fbd6ca38ac⋯.png (137.77 KB, 720x916, 180:229, BK_ 20190126_182451.png)

The 4 foot troll.


5369cc  No.4922566

File: c1505293aea0d46⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x1195, 240:239, ClipboardImage.png)

ccff5c  No.4922567


The Etymology of the Word "Jew"

In his classic Facts are Facts, Jewish historian, researcher and scholar Benjamin Freedman writes:

Jesus is referred as a so-called "Jew" for the first time in the New Testament in the 18th century. Jesus is first referred to as a so-called "Jew" in the revised 18th century editions in the English language of the 14th century first translations of the New Testament into English. The history of the origin of the word "Jew" in the English language leaves no doubt that the 18th century "Jew" is the 18th century contracted and corrupted English word for the 4th century Latin "Iudaeus" found in St. Jerome's Vulgate Edition. Of that there is no longer doubt.

The available original manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century accurately trace the origin and give the complete history of the word "Jew" in the English language. In these manuscripts are to be found all the many earlier English equivalents extending through the 14 centuries from the 4th to the 18th century. From the Latin "Iudaeus" to the English "Jew" these English forms included successively: "Gyu," "Giu," "Iu," "Iuu," "Iuw," "Ieuu," "Ieuy," "Iwe," "Iow," "Iewe," "Ieue," "Iue," "Ive," "Iew," and then finally the 18th century, "Jew." The many earlier English equivalents for "Jews" through the 14 centuries are "Giwis," "Giws," "Gyues," "Gywes," "Giwes," "Geus," "Iuys," "Iows," "Iouis," "Iews," and then also finally in the 18th century, "Jews."

With the rapidly expanding use in England in the 18th century for the first time in history of the greatly improved printing presses, unlimited quantities of the New Testament were printed. These revised 18th century editions of the earlier 14th century first translations into the English language were then widely distributed throughout England and the English speaking world among families who had never possessed a copy of the New Testament in any language. In these 18th century editions with revisions the word "Jew" appeared for the first time in any English translations. The word "Jew" as it was used in the 18th century editions has since continued in use in all the editions of the New Testament in the English language. The use of the word "Jew" was thus stabilized. . .

The best known 18th century editions of the New Testament in English are the Rheims (Douai) Edition and the King James Authorized Edition. The Rheims (Douai) translation of the New Testament into English was first printed in 1582 but the word "Jew" did not appear in it.

The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word "Jew" did not appear in it either. The word "Jew" appeared in both these well known editions in their 18th century revised versions for the first times.

Countless copies of the revised 18th century editions of the Rheims (Douai) and the King James translations of the New Testament into English were distributed to the clergy and the laity throughout the English speaking world. They did not know the history of the origin of the English word "Jew" nor did they care. They accepted the English word "Jew" as the only and as the accepted form of the Latin "Iudaeus" and the Greek "Ioudaios." How could they be expected to have known otherwise? The answer is they could not and they did not. It was a new English word to them.

6a01c8  No.4922568

File: 31070bc81889920⋯.jpg (34.78 KB, 244x162, 122:81, popeJewish.jpg)

aa6d32  No.4922569

File: 9925d70797972f2⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, 11D4BAE9-DD85-4A4C-ABC0-10….png)

File: 3803910ebcc051a⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 728x546, 4:3, 43863805-424C-4113-972A-6A….jpg)

File: 78eb26364b83531⋯.jpg (239.86 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, IMG_5528.JPG)

Nazi cow rectum did all this

70e2f6  No.4922570

File: a3804d01ab2206f⋯.jpeg (7.63 KB, 255x213, 85:71, a3804d01ab2206f2bcd93ff6d….jpeg)


Keep crying, faggot.

We see right through you.

ef1471  No.4922571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘It’s Our Backyard!’: Bill Maher Cheers US-Led Coup in Venezuela in Unhinged Colonial Tirade

Pro-war liberal pundit Bill Maher endorsed the US-led coup in Venezuela with blatant neocolonial language: “This was the Monroe Doctrine! This is our backyard!”

Pro-war liberal pundit Bill Maher proudly endorsed the US-led right-wing coup in Venezuela using shockingly blatant neocolonial rhetoric: “This was the Monroe Doctrine! This is our backyard!”

Maher made these comments in a January 25 interview with his self-declared “frenemy,” ultra-conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who strongly supports Donald Trump, advances the far-right “white genocide” conspiracy, and pals around with white nationalists.

In the interview, Maher advanced the Russiagate conspiracy that Trump “is working with a foreign adversary.” Maher insisted that the United States is effectively at war with Russia, claiming “we didn’t win” the Cold War; “it’s still Russia.” And the liberal pundit claimed that “the president is a traitor who is in their camp.”

As an example of this, Maher pointed to the ongoing coup in Venezuela, where the US and its right-wing allies are trying to overthrow the leftist government of President Nicolás Maduro and replace him with an unelected opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, who hopes to implement neoliberal capitalist policies and privatize the oil-rich country’s state assets.

Maher proclaimed:

“Today, Venezuela — this is the front page of the New York Times — Venezuela, okay, they have a guy, an opposition leader who finally stood up, and we are backing him. And Russia warned us to back off because they’re backing the dictator. This was the Monroe Doctrine! This is our backyard! And Russia is now telling us to back off of what goes on in Venezuela, because they know they can? Because they’re so emboldened? That doesn’t bother you? You’re the patriot?”


64d9d0  No.4922572


enjoy your failures

2c586d  No.4922573


They try so hard, and still fail terribly

e58ffd  No.4922574

File: 0a7b197aa0bd9d0⋯.png (808.92 KB, 900x932, 225:233, ClipboardImage.png)

76490b  No.4922575

File: d69318c91307b38⋯.png (850.36 KB, 714x800, 357:400, holdinpepemamahenftw.png)





comfy as fuk, love u frens!

992890  No.4922576


Stolen hahah

0cc62e  No.4922577

File: bfec1288fda4a30⋯.jpg (164.28 KB, 500x557, 500:557, meow_wow.jpg)

70e2f6  No.4922578


Freedman, as good as he was about the JEWS got this one WRONG.

Jesus, read a book on the subject.

11d367  No.4922579


If [they] cross the line we'll be there (in DC) in mass. WE are the silent majority.

73c180  No.4922580



plural shill talk, as if the shill represents here anyone but his faggot self.

ae00d6  No.4922581


KEk out loud, Anon !

db1c45  No.4922582

Fla. Bill Would Require Public High Schools to Teach Classes on the Bible and Religion

Democrat Kimberly Daniel filed House Bill 195 to make the classes part of elective courses students could take. It would also allow a "brief meditation period" for students


9535ac  No.4922583


There's something wrong when they start agreeing with Trumps polices

15fadb  No.4922584

File: ad6e0598d8be2ca⋯.png (356.47 KB, 799x763, 799:763, 1545621830388.png)


Yea yea yea, we know you kikes never actually use that shit or filter us because then you'd get no payday. Logic. See ya next bread, kike.

70e2f6  No.4922585

File: a2d908c59db43e7⋯.jpeg (7.88 KB, 255x202, 255:202, de5e8c8ab8b6112d4455c8291….jpeg)


"We" all see through you.

You aren't fooling anyone.

9e785b  No.4922586

File: da9ac103305e33a⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 6cf122048fe90e6195b35c0147….jpg)


what ar you?

the meme collector person and the file name that some machine chose isnt good enough!?!?!? :D

a9f0b7  No.4922587

File: a03f70ad6aada45⋯.jpg (175.71 KB, 900x986, 450:493, HRC hand.jpg)

be28d8  No.4922588

File: 6235ee07e05b9b9⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 750x740, 75:74, 6235ee07e05b9b90619cbe0428….jpg)


>Not posting that meme anymore, because you dipshits made it not funny.

Or is he?

f95894  No.4922589

File: 8acebce0a7b794c⋯.png (603.04 KB, 596x719, 596:719, drummerboyayyyy.png)

038fc8  No.4922590


He's a typical Jew. Despises Muzzies, and wants lots of war.

81b1dd  No.4922591

File: d25372968dedc52⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, 627BD926-0305-43BF-B5BC-5….jpeg)






You are the most desperate shill to date. Congrats for informing all anons what mossad doesnt want us discussing. Watching you squirm is very entertaining. Lotta salt for my popcorn.

e499ae  No.4922592

f2dd60  No.4922593

File: 215fb1b68948023⋯.png (77.19 KB, 763x585, 763:585, 492a925540b75a9c52274a809b….png)

631fd1  No.4922594


0 indictments

0 convictions

That is why 2020 is already a loss.

dd009c  No.4922595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“The Shortest Straw"

Suspicion is your name

Your honesty to blame

Put dignity to shame


Witchhunt, modern day

Determining decay

The blatant disarray


The public eye’s disgrace

Defying common place

Unending paper chase





This vertigo it doth bring

Shortest straw

Challenge liberty

Downed by law

Live in infamy

Rub you raw

Witchhunt riding through…

0376ce  No.4922596


You saw that James Woods retweeted that WeAreOne_Q account, right? He's said in the past that he intends to wait it out before making a claim about Q. Maybe he's changed his mind?

I am aware of the controversy surrounding the account, btw.

bcf7d7  No.4922597


a Kek for the ages. Thanks Anon.

86ac52  No.4922598


It genuinely makes me sad. I had someone bouncing the comedy, and we had anons laughing at it, it was moving, and it had potential to be owned by US, in the pepe spirit.

But this is the problem with our world… the dunce equilibrium.

I wish people understood the power of letting good comedy thru, and getting out of the way. Not it's "durr hurr, post RGB with tits" - what Mike Judge was saying with B and B.

9663bc  No.4922599

File: 21b1edb474daded⋯.png (1.05 MB, 857x821, 857:821, 476482540236439875.png)



another jewbot fail!

i am crying at your projection + low iq + low energy + desperation.

0c72d5  No.4922600

Judge Janine now on with segment on Roger Stone

Livestream: http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

aedc31  No.4922601


This will be the end of roe vs wade per their hands.

No one left or right can stomach this depravity

73c180  No.4922602


lets dig the husbands:

Poore, Boswell, Gatling, Fulgham

btw, what is your source?

acea5d  No.4922603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

68fe8e  No.4922604

This was a stupid fucking ass "Plan".

0d1049  No.4922605

File: e5f42393dc31fd9⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 1d2061fdd2c39ff39672d10d11….jpg)

7616b2  No.4922606

File: c3359151e67ad2f⋯.png (188.71 KB, 367x428, 367:428, common11.PNG)

File: 6510b79bc2f39a9⋯.png (90.54 KB, 464x519, 464:519, heart137.PNG)

70e2f6  No.4922607


It is a PDF called Blood Passover.

0c72d5  No.4922608

Notables so far

>>4922471 One in 20 Britons don't believe the Holocuast took place

>>4922460 Hawks trying to convince Trump to keep tiny piece of Syria indefinitely

>>4922340 Context-Aware AI being used to uncover human trafficking networks

>>4922316 “Ax falls quickly at BuzzFeed and Huffpost!” Axios next?

>>4922129 HRC defends paying for Russian Dossier

>>4922108 , >>4922111, >>4922136, >>4922164 Fresh POTUS tweets with deltas

>>4922104 Mitchell tells it like it is re Pelosi: Checkmate

>>4922055 Texas finds 98,000 non-citizen registrations and 58,000 illegal votes

e499ae  No.4922609

I wasnt a huge Curt Schilling fan when he played, but damn he killed it on Mark Levin earlier. Schilling is very red pilled

ef1471  No.4922610

File: 1f06f0e22c76e82⋯.png (81.91 KB, 569x841, 569:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faf5855a26dc1e1⋯.png (84.17 KB, 579x882, 193:294, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17342fd6f5f705d⋯.png (66.36 KB, 589x807, 589:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ea4a391bcfbdf5⋯.png (68.79 KB, 582x665, 582:665, ClipboardImage.png)

Venezuela’s US-Backed Coup Leader Immediately Targets State Oil Company, Requests IMF Money

Unelected US-backed coup leader Juan Guaidó immediately moved to try to restructure Venezuela’s state-owned oil company and seek financing from the neoliberal IMF.

By Ben Norton

The right-wing opposition leader that the United States is trying to undemocratically install as Venezuela’s president immediately set his sights on the country’s state-owned oil company, which he is hoping to restructure and move toward privatization. He is also seeking money from the notorious International Monetary Fund (IMF) to fund his unelected government.

On January 23, US President Donald Trump recognized the little-known, US-educated opposition politician Juan Guaidó as the supposed “interim president” of Venezuela. Within 48 hours, Guaidó quickly tried to seize control of Venezuela’s major US-based oil refiner and use its revenue to help bankroll his US-backed coup regime.

Guaidó is attempting to fire the directors of Citgo Petroleum, which is owned by Venezuela’s state oil company PDVSA, and seeks to appoint his own new board.

Reuters described Citgo as “Venezuela’s most important foreign asset”; Bloomberg calls it “the crown jewel of PDVSA’s assets.”

Citgo is the largest purchaser of Venezuelan oil, although crippling sanctions imposed by the Trump administration have prevented the company from sending revenue to Venezuela, starving the government of funding.

Citing US officials, the Washington Post reported that the Trump administration’s strategy “is to use the newly declared interim government as a tool to deny Maduro the oil revenue from the United States that provides Venezuela virtually all of its incoming cash.”


b6f03d  No.4922611

File: c867c69da0d8440⋯.png (126.99 KB, 406x358, 203:179, ClipboardImage.png)


You kikes couldn't fight your way outta a wet paper bag…

40651c  No.4922612


Human sacrifices and chop shop parts for spares/recycling.

You have to visit some dark places if you seek to understand.

f932b4  No.4922613


We are isolationists now or not?

I am so confused

Not that i support leftist fictator but its a foreign country or not?

077a30  No.4922614


Only if it remains so by October of 2020

73c180  No.4922615


sigh. shills cant meme #14134132305820682

while(1) {


print_image( "walkie_talkie_shill_garbage.jpeg");

if(reply == meme) {



print_meme(); }


7616b2  No.4922616

File: 1a05871a5e4cfcc⋯.png (722.71 KB, 869x533, 869:533, rbg5.PNG)

File: fd8db062d63f8be⋯.png (74.48 KB, 790x499, 790:499, rbg6.PNG)

File: 4ab9125a130b247⋯.png (911.19 KB, 767x440, 767:440, signature16.PNG)

5369cc  No.4922617

File: 84e0e8de2fecf6b⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1345x1941, 1345:1941, ClipboardImage.png)

b5be8b  No.4922618

Once again DJT draws the (Suckers) right in.

POTUS used the term (Cave) at least twice in the past week of tweets about the Southern Border Wall issue.

He was "chumming the waters". Throwing that term out there knowing full well, in their hubris, the [DS] sharks would latch onto it to use against him. Now, the master of getting free publicity has all of them yammering about him "Caving".

I wonder if it's such a good idea for them to spread, in the public's awareness, the imagery of (Caves) & Things Underground?

* Their Island "facilities".

* Their "wine" caves.

* Their bolthole bunkers.

And then, there's this little tidbit from Q:

(Q #246) >>17586

Dec 1 2017 00:49:43 (EST)


Underground massive data center?



Hey [clowns],

Maybe you deserve your nickname.

b0d847  No.4922619


Kate Spade was a very sick women. Her husband sold her out for profit by making handbags and wallets out of human skin. Think about it. …to fulfill the demand of leather when there is never enough commercial animal skins to make hundreds of thousands of handbags, they (Spade, Michael Kors, Coach that owns Kate Spade, etc.) went to a pieced leather, glued hard shell handbag. No one challenged where that leather was coming from. Kate Spade moved it's production to African countries where within a year, mass genocide was committed in those countries. How convenient for human skin usage. Hides the crime of organ harvesting, trafficking, murder. Spade was fully deep into the Cabal.

When the liberals complain about global warming yet they buy designer, pieced leather handbags! These people are stupid and sick.

e58ffd  No.4922620


Now ask how many of those 20 are Islamic asylum seekers. I suspect the numbers will be closer than you think.

8d38ec  No.4922621

File: 935dc2ca9cfbdfa⋯.png (326.78 KB, 568x439, 568:439, image.png)



Curious.. On my way home from work tonight (Dallas TX) North of Love Field I spotted a very (seemingly Large) military jet flying west. Seemed slow. Seemed low. I say jet because I could hear it out my window and the tail looked F18 ish Pic related. I KNOW NOTHING about planes. Maybe you could enlighten me on what I saw.

West Bound 5:25 pm CST North of Dallas, North of Love Field , East of DFW.

aa6d32  No.4922622

File: fba25dbced311eb⋯.jpg (267.09 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, DCC7EC72-0AFC-44FE-AFD0-52….jpg)


ef1471  No.4922623


Regime change is a cabal wet dream, the fact Trump is in agreement with it is of great concern.

b6f03d  No.4922624


> 6cf122048fe90e6195b35c0147….jpg)

Even Q names his file names kike..

2ef0ed  No.4922625


bunch of fudge packers

11d367  No.4922626


And no fuken sauce. Awesome anon

94de33  No.4922627

Did Trump just corner Israel?

The Trump administration has asked Israel to publicly support the U.S. push to oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and recognize the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaido, as the interim president, Israeli officials told me.

Why it matters: Israel has no diplomatic relations with Venezuela. Since Guaido declared himself president and received recognition from the U.S. earlier this week, Israel has kept silent and declined to issue any public statements. Israeli officials told me there are concerns in Jerusalem that if Israel publicly supports the opposition, the Maduro regime would harm the 6000 members of the Jewish community in Venezuela.

Show less

Details: An Israeli official told me the U.S. message to Israel was conveyed on Thursday by State Department officials to diplomats in the Israeli embassy in Washington. A similar message was conveyed to several U.S. allies that still haven't issued statements of support in the U.S. push against Maduro.

The official told me that on Sunday, there will be a special meeting on the Venezuelan crisis at the foreign ministry in Jerusalem in order to draft recommendations for Prime Minister Netanyahu. "Netanyahu will have to decide whether Israel keeps mum or joins its Western allies in support of Guaido," the official said.

Go deeper: Venezuela at crossroads as world leaders split on presidential support


f89b94  No.4922628

File: 47025015be508e1⋯.png (599.97 KB, 533x800, 533:800, ClipboardImage.png)

27acc6  No.4922629


I know anons are gonna give me shit for this but when I look at this poor lost soul, he looks like my poor drunken grandfather and he was a full blooded polack. The skin, the way his eyes look and his sunken in cheeks, this man is not long for this world and though I know he has a history of being a troublemaker, my logic tells me he is probably equivalent to the town drunk, like my grandpa, he is probably being used by them for their propaganda, I know he is a willing participant and maybe its because he reminds of a family member who was the town drunk…I sort of feel bad for this dude…

73c180  No.4922630

File: 967d6061d1c13cb⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB, 880x486, 440:243, 967d6061d1c13cb9e875db875….jpeg)



all i hear is shill desperation, and all i see is shill tears.

aa6d32  No.4922631



(You) sure know homos

9920e4  No.4922632

File: a22607f35e43918⋯.jpg (27.41 KB, 307x307, 1:1, so gay cant even think str….jpg)


stopped reading at "I will take you to school" - no smart person ever said that.

59aa9a  No.4922633

File: 46578b52560f3af⋯.png (266.87 KB, 3675x3155, 735:631, MAGA died.png)

2d1c7d  No.4922634

File: 7bb111d48c54bf0⋯.jpg (603.37 KB, 2500x1672, 625:418, 9964239269.jpg)


7e79d1  No.4922635

File: cd9c55142a2f0c2⋯.png (232.17 KB, 349x348, 349:348, u 1 mueller hillary.PNG)

acea5d  No.4922636

File: 71bf7217c21184b⋯.jpg (111.38 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DxYYsmQWsAgjv_d.jpg)

ce65cf  No.4922637

Hey anons - I am noticing that it appears some kind of signals are going on or am I reading too much into this?

Sorry I don't know how to get the images to show up.


aa6d32  No.4922638



(You) sure know homos

5369cc  No.4922639


>sort of feel

Found your problem

9d1aed  No.4922640

File: 3a27300328acf03⋯.png (618.47 KB, 393x613, 393:613, Screenshot_477.png)

File: 832bd019ffcf19d⋯.png (391.92 KB, 312x475, 312:475, Screenshot_478.png)


Just noticed this when looking for this ad for Witchcraft.

There is a comicbook called "Wendy:The Good Witch"

Suppose that was Obama's reference to Maggie Nix? That he considered her a "good witch"?

204d6a  No.4922641

File: f1775e0da998768⋯.png (389.22 KB, 1183x1259, 1183:1259, 2019-01-26_21-34-05.png)



576eca  No.4922642

I agree, he's had them running his game all along, his way, military precision



861a4a  No.4922644


I won't give you shit, you might be right

aa6d32  No.4922645



(You) sure know homos

be28d8  No.4922646

File: 4511e42a01e750e⋯.png (248.17 KB, 323x694, 323:694, What you can do for your c….png)

All shills and no bewbs tonight.

9e785b  No.4922647

File: 311d6239b52104f⋯.jpeg (16.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 311d6239b52104f1b87713d85….jpeg)


new bot? pffft :D

a9f0b7  No.4922648


As it turns out, kek.

Weird to think about before.

e297f7  No.4922649


You had a good run , kek'd out loud many times.

The shills today aren't funny. Anons can tell the difference.

68fe8e  No.4922650

I think I need to take a break for the evening.

Over the past 3 years of these media lies, corruption and nothing being done has got me beyond furious.

Gonna take a walk, smoke a bowl (extremely rare for me) and have some ice cream.

b6f03d  No.4922651

File: a961eb58abd4223⋯.jpg (28.47 KB, 517x350, 517:350, KJUBird.JPG)


> 967d6061d1c13cb9e875db875….jpeg

Get da fuk outta here..

2d1c7d  No.4922652


how many will actually be charged?

because if they're not than the whole exercise was fucking pointless

c3fe0e  No.4922653

File: d53ba0bd37601b1⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 32ee06c5b970b0a57eacb83087….png)

File: bedc345f87c3461⋯.jpg (338.26 KB, 1200x1149, 400:383, skin.jpg)




70e2f6  No.4922654

File: b5712179ed83413⋯.png (518.16 KB, 500x557, 500:557, getthefuckout2.png)

8d38ec  No.4922655

File: b7fe7ae3e2eaad2⋯.png (69.38 KB, 225x225, 1:1, image.png)


Wendy was Caspers Friend

0376ce  No.4922656


This law is the logical conclusion to a SCOTUS ruling that absolutely failed to consider the consequences of writing law like this.

15fadb  No.4922657

File: adb10608704ad91⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 640x400, 8:5, AP_19025665954924-640x400.jpg)


Oooo this is gonna get gud!

Israel said to balk at backing US on Venezuela over fears for Jewish community

Washington reportedly pressuring Jerusalem to support opposition leader Juan Guaido , but worries Maduro regime may act against Jews in retaliation

The Trump administration has reportedly asked Israel to publicly back the US attempt to force the resignation of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and throw support behind opposition leader Juan Guaido, who has declared himself interim president.

However, Jerusalem is said to be stalling on an announcement amid concerns the Maduro regime could respond with measures that could imperil members of the Venezuelan Jewish community.


9663bc  No.4922658



wake up jewbot, you're going to pieces


cd6b93  No.4922659

File: 8cabf6081b26aa8⋯.png (716.31 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ClipboardImage.png)



amen … Night Shift!!!

038fc8  No.4922660

File: 7f85efb40c4029d⋯.jpg (172.48 KB, 900x986, 450:493, itwasme.jpg)

98167e  No.4922661

>>4922598 the real time trolling of the shills was epic. Still is. Pretty easy to spot the hijacked walkies as they troll anons.

I wouldn't sweat too much. It truly is culture now and real anons have that hairy bastard in their tool box waiting for a come back.

490c72  No.4922662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JFK Jr.'s daughter?

b6f03d  No.4922663

File: c88ce28cacd3f95⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 461x341, 461:341, CosbyIII.JPG)

3d9c3d  No.4922665


"clump of cells" you say..


New name for Gitmo barges

New name for Schumer, a clump if I ever saw one

The more you know: The name PELOSI is Italian for hairy, pilose, pilous, furry, nappy

86f10e  No.4922666


how does one say 'checkmate' in 5D chess?

99cb76  No.4922667

File: 85efae3cea50ccf⋯.png (282.33 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-10-07-18-2….png)

File: 74cc916ad7e19de⋯.png (446.31 KB, 715x815, 143:163, 47b7578426d64d2527ea07e97e….png)

Whatever. PayPal me.

c42acc  No.4922668


btw Arthur Sackler [pic] , we remind the connections Sackler/Abramovic…

9920e4  No.4922669

File: e7974e227cfacdf⋯.png (239.81 KB, 458x292, 229:146, BuzzFeed cuts.png)

File: a7973e0e4cd2c8f⋯.jpeg (165.52 KB, 1000x1104, 125:138, SHUTDOWNS.jpeg)

File: aa7c4509316b209⋯.jpg (124.28 KB, 1200x1079, 1200:1079, Verizon Media Cuts.jpg)




did the shills get furlough fired?

c19e6e  No.4922670

File: e0f206359fb1363⋯.png (380.35 KB, 700x378, 50:27, IllusionOfFreedom.png)

He Knew

f1e4f6  No.4922671

File: 6124b424a33c452⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 371x520, 371:520, realnakedgirls-15241046854….gif)


Here ya go anon…

4ebeb4  No.4922672

>>4921891 lb (notable) #6283

moar sauce follow up on 'FBI Special Agent Joe Pieta III'…

Dan Bongino dig podcast #901 (start 38:40 mark:


also, Link to Epoch Times writer Brian Cates article:

'Why FBI Special Agent Joseph Pientka Is the DOJ’s Invisible Man'


f2dd60  No.4922673


What you saw was a rare glimpse of the RS232 Plutonium enriched, space modulator plane. Congrats!

a7025c  No.4922674

File: 11922faf781f670⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1308x1419, 436:473, 98C827D7-5F81-449B-AC69-4….jpeg)

76490b  No.4922675


The friendly ghost…interdasting

9e785b  No.4922676

File: 917614d44b4e12b⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 733x614, 733:614, CQ.jpg)

its habbening!

they have all become jewbot!

9d1aed  No.4922677


Casper the friendly ghost…would Obama refer to himself as Casper do you think?

5a5e3a  No.4922678

File: c666f11dc35f50e⋯.jpg (72.35 KB, 500x333, 500:333, dat gnat.jpg)

he has to wait until its closer to the 2020 election. otherwise it will be forgotten (pic related)


b6f03d  No.4922679

File: bca1c3436225c4c⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 473x298, 473:298, ChineseOpiates.JPG)

ddda46  No.4922680

File: 2589cc78947c10a⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 700x500, 7:5, reflection-of-donald-trump….jpg)


See how (((they))) Like Me


(((their))) tortured Souls Want


aa6d32  No.4922681



(You) sure know homos

bcf7d7  No.4922682

File: 0ef99d95a0e2cb5⋯.jpeg (108.25 KB, 1001x1001, 1:1, FF9A441F-8F1E-471F-AB83-0….jpeg)

a9f0b7  No.4922683

File: 2b07d6ea5fb1c0c⋯.jpg (274.25 KB, 1417x828, 1417:828, Lights on brennon.jpg)

File: 768517225ccd5c3⋯.jpg (289.22 KB, 1138x1294, 569:647, evil brennon.jpg)

File: 49260a2c7b759af⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 600x450, 4:3, fake news bunch.jpg)

File: 094baebd42e61de⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 800x592, 50:37, jim ruined it for us.jpg)

File: 0de36b5b44967a1⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 600x363, 200:121, jim acosta new book.jpg)



Like 1 Anons said, throw a dart, hit some ds bs.

7616b2  No.4922684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Heart in the right place WB? crazy water?

I O>>4922616

828fb0  No.4922685


I'am glad that is only on immigrants

161b90  No.4922686

Bongino just crushed Chris Hahn on Judge Jenine. That has to be clipped and shared. He was TOTALLY destroyed.

acea5d  No.4922687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aa6d32  No.4922688



(You) sure know homos

44a21c  No.4922689


Nope both parents are BLUE EYED that girl has BROWN eyes… basic genetics FFS, learned that in 6th fucking grade!

2d1c7d  No.4922690


these kikes. they clearly crave the attention so why give them it?

fc12cf  No.4922691

Maggie tweet.

Bullshit about no win situation with allies.

Communicating that plants in WH are shut out. Comped.

Communicating that "they" now have zero eyes and ears in WH.

A communications disruption can mean only one thing.

Deep State is about to be fucked six ways to Sunday and not in a nice way?

db1c45  No.4922692

Illegal Immigrant Used Fake ID to Vote for 24 Years!

Now, it’s being reported that an illegal immigrant used a fake ID to vote in Texas elections, and the same ID was used illegally for 24 years. He’s pled guilty and been sentenced to prison.

Yesterday, the San Antonio Express-News reported that Enrique Salazar Ortiz, of Elmendorf, will serve nearly three years.


5369cc  No.4922693


Has had good posts from the start

Maybe lurker, maybe anon, haven't gotten any bad vibes from it.

e7a0b4  No.4922694


Google KC-135 the refueling beam looks like the back end of it

99cb76  No.4922695


I made something special for you.

576eca  No.4922696

fuck yeah, new uniforms and gear for border patrol, repaint gitmo, new barry manilow music catalogue to go with the purple resistance paint


73c180  No.4922697

File: 1c18a09cd7b5058⋯.jpeg (106.85 KB, 665x484, 665:484, 1c18a09cd7b50588abeeee41e….jpeg)


looks like they do everything in their power to remain employed.

6beb5b  No.4922698

Kek watching that weasel muppet now


077a30  No.4922699


>Livestream: http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive


512109  No.4922701


Just saw it, Chris got spanked,kek

c3fe0e  No.4922702

File: 993155da912cf73⋯.jpeg (228.25 KB, 1500x1200, 5:4, 993155da912cf73d03e629ec2….jpeg)

11d367  No.4922703


Can't see you you're talking to anon since obviously I have them filtered… Why you be?

ddda46  No.4922704

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)


It Takes a While for Patriots to Listen to

Long Hairs!

c6d614  No.4922705


Regarding TX, this could happen from within the voter registration progam.

76490b  No.4922706

File: 94c880a6f6e84f2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1121x758, 1121:758, pepehelpinflotusdiigg.png)


our digits tell me maybe,

digging now frens

b6f03d  No.4922707

File: cdeb142f9872812⋯.jpg (31.51 KB, 472x287, 472:287, BoltonRomney.JPG)


They still think they control the Whitehouse

2b5589  No.4922708


And not a one of the satan worshipers has any clue of the WRATH of God. In fact, in their delusions, their god killed God.

Makes an anon wonder in amazement of it all.

fae9d7  No.4922709

File: 35c340aaa2a578e⋯.png (33.02 KB, 670x415, 134:83, CKirk re Texas Voter Fraud….PNG)


26a2c6  No.4922710

File: 0516095a495fdf3⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 544x573, 544:573, KrassFag.jpg)

301f69  No.4922711

File: f54b510836fa703⋯.jpeg (64.68 KB, 800x716, 200:179, pepe.praise.kek.jpeg)


tip top anon. ty fren. I had scene it and the drops but I had to think it through myself first.

The beauty about this process is that although one doesn't get something immediately one ends up thinking they came up with the idea themselves.

Much more powerful.

Like that Kubrick meme that has been making the rounds.

Experiencing it is beyond magic.

1e4c39  No.4922712

File: 7cb20c635345fe9⋯.jpg (219.78 KB, 1958x1440, 979:720, _20190126_202148.JPG)


good meme


watching a movie … still


lovely news


(pic related)

a9f0b7  No.4922713


Yeesh, nice work!

These people eat people?

The Normies are going to freak out if that's true.

73c180  No.4922714


the meme is directed at them of course.

e499ae  No.4922715

File: 4befc106bb4b19e⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 2rz6gl.jpg)

0986d3  No.4922716



f2dd60  No.4922717


Drop the Obama in tribal gear pic and let the dems start sweating and give the hatred a chance to grow.

70e2f6  No.4922718

File: 26dd93721c27d69⋯.png (510.87 KB, 500x557, 500:557, getoutfuckjew.png)

077a30  No.4922719


THIS ^^^^^

15fadb  No.4922720

File: 21a6d2f2fc1ca13⋯.png (213.86 KB, 718x555, 718:555, ebotbtfo.png)


ebo, don't be faggot.

go back to your cocaine cianiggers and LoTR digz.

not still mad we BTFO you on (100) are you?

still luv you(no homo)

9920e4  No.4922721

File: cdadf93de27180a⋯.png (12.81 KB, 394x452, 197:226, chrome_2019-01-12_18-32-55.png)

File: 29c01ea3e9f175e⋯.jpg (157.07 KB, 817x1024, 817:1024, Ruthie-817x1024.jpg)

File: ee2ff2f95a0dfb6⋯.jpg (324.76 KB, 1622x536, 811:268, supreme court RBG full.jpg)



tinman? (6) - looks like they were saying to give her machinery as much as possible to keep her alive - you know, turn her into a tinman - or loving machinery - be a robo justice etc - something like that -

c19e6e  No.4922722


No better friend than Is-Ra-El!

b0d847  No.4922723


Exactly Anon!

Notice the number of murdered Rwandans listed is "800,000".

Potus has used that number multiple times this month in his tweets.

This is notable. Future proves past! Multiple messages.

acea5d  No.4922724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b6f03d  No.4922726


Get back when you sober up.

161b90  No.4922727




Can someone twat Bongino and get him to share that highlight? No twatterfag here.

cccc7d  No.4922728

File: b1214ab4f4b0fa9⋯.png (285.8 KB, 1008x576, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes I wish there was a like button on here.

0376ce  No.4922729


It should be in notables. We were discussing it the other night. I'll look.

acf3c7  No.4922730


Crust Punks Offer to Teach Furloughed Government Workers How to Live Without Pay

1ac86e  No.4922731

File: 2218e8c65f93be6⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 306x356, 153:178, 265bedbd53b7d1163b1a088302….jpg)

3703fc  No.4922732

File: 4c544d18a1b7351⋯.png (370.93 KB, 1242x1224, 69:68, ClipboardImage.png)

As the world turns - NYT edition, episode 5121…

They keep pushing the stupid fake Russia story made up by the HRC criminal gang.

Someday, history will be very unkind to the MSM shills.

ccff5c  No.4922733


check it out, these two are working as a team to create even more confusion. one of them is overusing the walkie talkie rabbi to reply to the obvious shill but really they are both shills. fuckers are relentless.

ID: 70e2f6

ID: 73c180

9857e1  No.4922734



Fuken kek. That’s good. Heard they can convert some of those to the RS422 model.

aa6d32  No.4922735

File: 6f5f16233f73972⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_5396.JPG)


Keep digging Faggots

44cdbc  No.4922736

File: dfdc8259c961a30⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Pepe trader.jpg)

that should teach the krassentwats not to fuck with marketfag.

f2dd60  No.4922737

File: 822bc5703d72874⋯.png (133.35 KB, 730x299, 730:299, tenor.png)

5369cc  No.4922738

File: bd7a1e87edd4b33⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2022x1377, 674:459, ClipboardImage.png)


Full context pic related

0c72d5  No.4922739


>>4922610 , >>4922627, >>4922657 Venezuela reports

>>4922492 The Wall: POTUS is ready to go: Graphic

>>4922471 One in 20 Britons don't believe the Holocuast took place

>>4922460 Hawks trying to convince Trump to keep tiny piece of Syria indefinitely

>>4922340 Context-Aware AI being used to uncover human trafficking networks

>>4922316 “Ax falls quickly at BuzzFeed and Huffpost!” Axios next?

>>4922129 HRC defends paying for Russian Dossier

>>4922108 , >>4922111, >>4922136, >>4922164 Fresh POTUS tweets with deltas

>>4922104 Mitchell tells it like it is re Pelosi: Checkmate

>>4922055 Texas finds 98,000 non-citizen registrations and 58,000 illegal votes

d9a913  No.4922740

File: 1f8321352f78761⋯.png (434.8 KB, 666x500, 333:250, aaaaauuugghhh.png)

a9f0b7  No.4922741

MAGA red hat Kid makes me proud.

He was the only one that acted like an adult.

Send him positive vibez and support him through this crazy situation, thank you.

ac008a  No.4922742

I feel like something important is happening. Did I miss something?

1530a6  No.4922743


Good info anon. Good sauce.

79ed39  No.4922745

>>4920490 (lb)

>>4920505 (lb)

But did David Lohr ever write articles about kiddie fiddlers and human trafficking? What about satanic rituals?

Hillary Clinton is a missing person - has he done a full investigation as to why?

>>4921033 (lb)

Will be lots of journo's in new positions soon - serving you burgers at McDonald's.

038fc8  No.4922746


Was Pientka a mole in the FBI to spy for POTUS/GOOD GUYS?

79ed39  No.4922747

>>4920801 (lb)

"Applause line" - says it all when you have to tell your audience when they're meant to clap . . . .

9fe372  No.4922749


Been watching his streams for a while. One of the most interesting stories of celeb turned truther. He has a big audience and gives zero fucks about calling out the Jew

06a9bc  No.4922751


That album defines woke. The cover alone is a state of the union address.

86f10e  No.4922752

File: 69f9a026e2a7f80⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1173x730, 1173:730, ClipboardImage.png)


time to add more names?

ddda46  No.4922754

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, 231gmn.jpg)

40651c  No.4922755


Well, there are plenty of satanists, leftists, and general purpose ghouls that support it. You saw the cheering and applause. You saw the pink illuminated obelisk, once referred to as the Freedom Tower, in celebration of enslavement to depravity and expanded human sacrifice.

It will get worse before it gets better.

0cc62e  No.4922756

File: 1abca3cac99980e⋯.png (414.45 KB, 500x557, 500:557, meow_jesus.png)

can we please put an end to black hat amish guy with a walkie-talkie?

come on, like a cease fire.

First: the model in the image probably doesn't even know he's a fetish of someone here.

Second: the model isn't being paid most likely for being portrayed as the face of ? ? ?

third: the concept of it is stupid. A guy with a walkie talkie? So what?

fourth: it disrespects the guy.

fifth: it's sucks as a meme.

8d38ec  No.4922757



I saw 4 tail fins 2 @ 45 degrees 2 a 90 degrees

Just seemed like it was moving slowly and low. Large may be relative. I was travelling in the ooposite direction at about 45mph… it was not leaving my sight quickly.

11d367  No.4922758


Abort! Abort!

070690  No.4922759

File: 102f1990198ab2c⋯.png (45.82 KB, 590x236, 5:2, D4BD37D1-E329-45C7-9F8A-F7….png)

f2dd60  No.4922760


How does one actually SEND VIBES? I'm tired of asking you fags this question, how about an answer?

646beb  No.4922761


Ah my bad. Was busy cooking dinner and popping in to look around.

I apologize.

861a4a  No.4922762


Frank, the eldest of four children, was raised in an Italian-American household where Italian was often spoken by his grandparents.[11][1]:6 The family moved often because his father, a chemist and mathematician, worked in the defense industry. After a time in Florida in the 1940s, the family returned to Maryland, where Zappa's father worked at the Edgewood Arsenal chemical warfare facility of the Aberdeen Proving Ground run by the U.S. Army. Due to their home's proximity to the arsenal, which stored mustard gas, gas masks were kept in the home in case of an accident.[1]:20–23 This had a profound effect on Zappa, and references to germs, germ warfare and the defense industry occur throughout his work

from wiki

he did have alot of inside info

acea5d  No.4922763



270d51  No.4922764

File: 454e82e00119eb1⋯.jpeg (86.39 KB, 1795x277, 1795:277, image.jpeg)

228258  No.4922765

File: af1a5eab7817f05⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Comms.jpg)


Did you not learn anything from the time when the mound became a plague?

e499ae  No.4922766

File: 3283146acf7b416⋯.jpg (105.52 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, Dx4mEQYX4AAA9BI.jpg)

ae00d6  No.4922767


^^^^^^^^^^^ newly unemployed fake news journalist. You’re looking for the board down the hall

f2dd60  No.4922768


Wall was completed, arrests have started.

9920e4  No.4922769

File: 8833cde220b8920⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 450x450, 1:1, popcorn.gif)

0376ce  No.4922770


Here… I don't know how to screenshot it, however. Space on the // to break the link.

https:// twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1088478974991159297

3703fc  No.4922771


>check it out, these two are working as a team to create even more confusion. one of them is overusing the walkie talkie rabbi to reply to the obvious shill but really they are both shills. fuckers are relentless.

>ID: 70e2f6

>ID: 73c180

Seems like low IQ idiots living in their mom's basements looking for some attention. They need to go outside once in a while and get some fresh air. The accumulated fart build-up in the basement must have got to them.

9535ac  No.4922772

File: 64e51d848a58b8e⋯.png (413.86 KB, 387x373, 387:373, Capture.PNG)


How could anybody deny it

70e2f6  No.4922773

File: 983bf6ecaeacf58⋯.png (515.57 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewlough.png)

1fee71  No.4922774


And this is why vegans have a point.

44a21c  No.4922775


Think well of them, even SAY good things about said person, like prayer it works.

26a2c6  No.4922776

File: 093051bb5566fa2⋯.jpg (164.83 KB, 1200x1197, 400:399, b5ca851.jpg)

827df5  No.4922777


That's true Frank. Snag is that whilst you did no drugs or booze, everyone else at you laurel canyon house (guests, groupies, live ins, hangers on, Manson) were all treated to large quantities of the drugs of their choice, by you. So, healthy scepticism.

6beb5b  No.4922778

It’s praying but you clench your buttcheeks for xtra power


9e785b  No.4922779

File: 10286acd759c13f⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2000x1330, 200:133, QZ1.png)


I am going to go full on "FUCK MUHAMMAD!"

anyone want to go with me?

Make some memes, get some good "dirt" and meet back here at midnight!

I have a feeling that they are not all Catholics :D

f932b4  No.4922780


You dont need to break links here for at least a year

9d1aed  No.4922781

File: c0c4384cd581ad5⋯.png (72.59 KB, 1291x514, 1291:514, Screenshot_479.png)





Found this about Biden reminding someone of Casper?


070690  No.4922782


(You) sure know homos

f2dd60  No.4922783


Total Tard, but seems to have his heart in the right place.

d6b661  No.4922784

be28d8  No.4922785


Israel concerned over it's spies?

26a2c6  No.4922786

File: 6fdfb73002f9780⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 420x540, 7:9, RashidaLovesBacon.jpg)

8d38ec  No.4922787



Intersting because it had color on the tail…couldn't make it out. I'm assuming that is shopped. KEK.

7e79d1  No.4922788

File: 88f317b9d0547e4⋯.png (344.54 KB, 546x351, 14:9, haberman enemy of people.PNG)

File: 5d021895dd75d21⋯.png (493.09 KB, 730x614, 365:307, nyt editor former.PNG)

11d367  No.4922789


>https:// twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1088478974991159297

Thanks anon

7a29d8  No.4922791

e499ae  No.4922792


Haha love it anon!

0376ce  No.4922793


Got it. I've seen complaints, that's all.

05e342  No.4922795

File: 79b3c04210e8d40⋯.png (127.3 KB, 1198x503, 1198:503, ClipboardImage.png)

Meanwhile… on halfchan…

9e785b  No.4922796

File: 6a52542403e8a85⋯.png (982.11 KB, 1240x862, 620:431, gp.png)




301f69  No.4922797


Does he even need to declare a national emergency, though.

MIL is on the southern border and should have the freedom to build whatever barricades it wants to. Perhaps National Emergency is needed to deploy them there long term.

684c6a  No.4922798

File: 84c7bb5cd0a3f4d⋯.jpg (164.35 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 1547527236460m.jpg)


Anons love theories. Compile the tweets, and repost? I'd love to mark as notable!

1e4c39  No.4922799


great meme

not many talking about building 7

e499ae  No.4922800


For optics and the power display yes

70e2f6  No.4922801


Link, please.


631fd1  No.4922802


Midterms came and went.

You really see things changing?

Even with the tax/regulation cuts and wars ending,

0 arrests on the opposition side looks really bad.

0376ce  No.4922804


If Comey was, it'll be one of those process crimes just like all the others.

b6f03d  No.4922806

File: db3569e91a9da4f⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 486x377, 486:377, MonkeyGinger.JPG)


You ain't fooling anyone

c19e6e  No.4922807


Isn't time for that yet. Trump seems to be starting the human trafficking drops related to border security. With the msm/fake-alt media starting to implode there will be less interference with the message.

BHO being unqualified as POTUS will likely be one of the final blows after bringing down the house. The tribal gear photo would be a nice tie-in to the mercenaries behind al-cia-duh and flooding the border though.

At any rate, messaging strategy is extremely important because the psychological shocks of confronting the horror of the situation can easily lead to madness. That's why 60% will be kept private imo.

0c72d5  No.4922808

File: 8650ecbb062200a⋯.png (225.21 KB, 1795x1347, 1795:1347, 8650ecbb062200a81be46355c8….png)






ccff5c  No.4922810


it's the classic good cop/bad cop routine to keep your head spinning so you'll just say the hell with it

f89b94  No.4922811

File: 5a85035e9e7cc68⋯.png (401.55 KB, 550x504, 275:252, ClipboardImage.png)

05e342  No.4922812


https:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/201190466/jim-comey-john-brennan-indictments

576eca  No.4922813

FBI anon likes it rough


490c72  No.4922814


OK, sorry. My bad.

7616b2  No.4922815

File: aa591f2d2012652⋯.png (567.35 KB, 830x530, 83:53, rbg7.PNG)

81b1dd  No.4922816

File: d41f2b2196e69f0⋯.jpeg (164.75 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 9EE848E8-8F21-4B48-BD80-D….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 231224FC-F6FF-4E9A-A65A-4….jpeg)

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, EC94AB2A-92E3-4348-A387-6….jpeg)

File: 7f1002e6bbe0d90⋯.jpeg (169.74 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 72D4A73E-7A1D-4392-8C80-6….jpeg)

File: 9a1daf9780549ad⋯.jpeg (189.7 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 1DD6F6C8-89E3-445A-8D35-8….jpeg)















1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

2. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.”

3. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.”

4. Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

5. Libbre David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false

explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.”

6. Yebhamoth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age.”

7. Schabouth Hag. 6d: “Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.”

8. Hilkkoth Akum X1: “Do not save Goyim in danger of death.”

9. Hilkkoth Akum X1: “Show no mercy to the Goyim.”

10. Choschen Hamm 388, 15: “If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be

found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.”

11. Choschen Hamm 266,1: “A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost

property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy,

however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the

Jews and look upon them as honorable people.”

12. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books

contain anything against them.”

13. Baba Necia 114, 6: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.”

14. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”

15. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by

beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”

16. Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”

17. Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”

18. Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT


19. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to

kill him even before he denounces.”

20. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which,

consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.”

21. Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: “How to interpret the word ‘robbery.’ A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women

slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy.”

22. Seph. Jp., 92, 1: “God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations.”

23. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: “When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same

Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile,

according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.”

24. Nedarim 23b: “He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the

year and declare, ‘Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null’. His vows are then invalid.”

cd6b93  No.4922817

File: 70fb05aed4d9b38⋯.png (372.02 KB, 520x493, 520:493, ClipboardImage.png)

e499ae  No.4922818

fill the slow bread

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