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File: 929419eccc29b37⋯.png (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

1f5f06  No.4874451

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

1f5f06  No.4874455


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for newfags: this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4873759 OPM issues warning on AWOL gov’t employees during shutdown

>>4873763 ; >>4873776 Brexit: EU trade goals “incompatible” with plan; UK May ordering to vote down no-deal Brexit amendments

>>4873772 ; >>4874105 Venezuela’s opposition urges military to rise up against Maduro; protests increase in size

>>4873788 Unprecedented demand for Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese debt offerings

>>4873824 1.6M Canadian banking records shared with IRS

>>4873829 Gen. Spalding calling out Brookings Institute, Tavistock, Huawei connection

>>4873839 Marshall Plan dig continued

>>4873989 Bryan Singer pedo exposé

>>4873998 Pope in Panama for World Youth Day

>>4874041 Reports of explosion near US consular agency in Geneva, SUI

>>4874151 Oversight Cmte. “launching an in-depth investigation of security clearance process” at WH and transition team

>>4874159 Nadler writes letter to AAG Whitaker re: scheduled Feb. 8th hearing

>>4874164 Planefag Update: Navy plane squawking 7500

>>4874182 Report on Elon Musk’s foundation + spending habits

>>4874298 Former Barclays execs accused of lying about payments to Qatar

>>4874332 Wikileaks tweet on “Integrity Initiative”

>>4874393 #6222


Baker Change

>>4872970 Merkel pushing for IMF, World Bank reform

>>4872982 ; >>4872989 John Kerry at Davos, telling crowd that Trump should resign

>>4873040 POTUS announces new roster of federal judges, many in 9th Circuit

>>4873050 CNN clowns attempting to pair MAGA hats w/KKK hoods, forgot that KKK were Democrats

>>4873078 Little diplomatic progress made after Russia/Japan territory dispute meeting

>>4873146 Assange issues legal challenge to prevent extradition to US

>>4873183 Twitter announces pending update

>>4873252 Politico reporting on centrist Dems walking away from Pelosi-driven shutdown stalemate

>>4873275 ; >>4873315 ; >>4873468 Lawyers preparing to defend Covington students, families; going hard against MSM puppets

>>4873388 Repub. Senators want captured ISIS fighters sent to Gitmo

>>4873422 Kamala Harris filling campaign staff with former HRC lackeys

>>4873462 ; >>4873504 Sweden: reports of bombing; yellow vest protests to occur this Sunday

>>4873473 Fed probing Deutsche Bank’s role in money laundering scandal

>>4873607 #6221


>>4872183 Does The Client'S Sixth Amendment Right To Counsel Protect Fruits Of Crime Possessed By The Lawyer?

>>4872167 Cleaner Link For Congress Bills Tracking

>>4872282 Disgraced FBI Officials Threaten to Release Weiner’s Laptop Evidence

>>4872294, >>4872303 Our Reptile Brains Were Triggered By MAGA Hat Video

>>4872446 Anon Compares Covington With Standoff At Oka Image

>>4872457 White House Announces 51 Judicial Picks, Including Two For Liberal 9th Circuit

>>4872207, >>4872226, >>4872254, >>4872459 Since We'Re Talking About Popes

>>4872333, >>4872464, >>4872491, >>4872567 CJ Pearson Tweets (Covingtonboys)

>>4872481, >>4872493 Senate GOP Introduces “Liv Act” In Response To RHA

>>4872525, >>4872577, >>4872722 Nick Sandman Appears On Tv For First Time Since Nathan Phillips Incident

>>4872534, >>4872542 President Trump Will Address The Nation At Next Week’s State Of The Union

>>4872536, >>4872586 Adam Schiff Responds To Trump Jr’s Leaking Accusation

>>4872549, >>4872553 NASA Will Attempt To Knock An Asteroid Out Of Orbit For The First Time In 2022

>>4872572 There are TWO Frank Wisners, Jr and Sr, father and son (Marshall Plan)

>>4872592 US coalition forces overrun last ISIS village in Syria

>>4872671 Anons, former MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove's letters regarding Theresa May and Brexit.

>>4872716, >>4872733 Bryan Singer Hit With Fresh Allegations of Sex With Underage Boys

>>4872732 Testimony Reveals Perkins Coie Lawyer Provided FBI With Information on Alfa Bank Allegations

>>4872744 2 Drones Flying Near Newark Liberty Airport Halt Flights

>>4872869 #6220

Previously Collected Notables

>>4870552 #6217, >>4871319 #6218, >>4872089 #6219

>>4868236 #6214, >>4869017 #6215, >>4869786 #6216

>>4865949 #6211, >>4866723 #6212, >>4867500 #6213

>>4863551 #6208, >>4864333 #6209, >>4865143 #6210

>>4861271 #6205, >>4862060 #6206, >>4862777 #6207

>>4844997 #6184, >>4845760 #6185, >>4846684 #6186

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

1f5f06  No.4874458

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

1f5f06  No.4874460

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

1f5f06  No.4874467

File: 0314a9556f5c42b⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x177, 85:59, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Offering Handoff

Anons, please volunteer if you wish to bake.

Offer will be rescinded upon Notables Dough posting if no one volunteers.

0f8bde  No.4874512

File: ab3251fff5ea1f4⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, download (7).jpg)

RBG, big announcement today.

e54ab8  No.4874517

File: 133cc0b532d9141⋯.png (437.59 KB, 1076x780, 269:195, ClipboardImage.png)

b798d9  No.4874519

File: b98bd0688d06380⋯.png (224.27 KB, 1720x674, 860:337, ClipboardImage.png)


Bake you thanker.

eceb78  No.4874520



Q's red pills began turning into black pills the past few months, for anons who were there when Q first appeared.

But if you REALLY want to experience red pills turning black, watch George Webb for a month: Dude exposes crime after horrific, unpunished crime, from day break until late at night, 7 days a week.

Q has been an effective demoralizer but George Webb is the master.

After about 6 weeks my wife and I just had to say "wow, our country is fucked" and quit watching.

fd580b  No.4874521

File: bd7a69916d77cee⋯.gif (2 MB, 270x435, 18:29, 1464830003152.gif)

dbaa92  No.4874522

>>4874487 (lb)

wow we're finally here. feels nice don't it?

f5a26c  No.4874523

File: 36bc12a2b1dbdc8⋯.png (92.56 KB, 1031x518, 1031:518, ClipboardImage.png)

==Fusion GPS Bribed Dozens of MSM Journalists With Cash, While News Companies Paid Firm to Dig Dirt on Trump


High-ranking FBI insiders are pulling back the curtain on Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned and spread the bogus Trump dossier.

It appears the embattled intelligence firm was quite busy paying off Big Media reporters, according to federal sources who have traced dozens of transactions between TD Bank and media members as well as media organizations, sources confirm.

But stunningly, Big Media organizations have employed Fusion GPS to dig dirt on politicians and D.C.’s elite — namely Donald Trump.

“Fusion GPS was on the payroll of the media and in turn had members of the media on its payroll,” one FBI insider said.

Bombshell revelations.

FBI insiders confirm Fusion GPS employed law firms as well as shell companies to send and receive funds to and from media and reporters. But the embattled firm also used its accounts at TD Bank to directly commission reporters. Likewise, Fusion GPS received funds from media companies into its own accounts at TD Bank, FBI insiders said,

“There are dozens of payments from the media flowing into their (Fusion GPS’) account,” one federal law enforcement official said. “One company wired funds to Fusion (GPS) more than a dozen times.”

Why would media companies commission Fusion GPS? Likely to dig dirt on enemies or secure records that reporters could not legally obtain, one federal law enforcement insider said. One FBI insider said the payments to Fusion GPS coincide with Donald Trump’s run for the White House.

The payments were made between Sept. 2015 and Sept. 2017, records show.

The unthinkable: The mainstream media paying Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump to the same firm the Democratic National Committee paid to fund the bogus Trump dossier. And at the same time Fusion GPS bribing journalists to place stories — likely negative about Trump, as well as spread the bogus Trump dossier around.


4f5d85  No.4874524

>>4874501 LB

No shit, anon, and just after Jr posted about fake bombshells. This should be that list of 'approved' journalists at that party Wintour threw. Hope Maggies first with 50Mil for three trusts for her kids. Die in that fuckin' tunnel, bitch.

ba4001  No.4874525

File: 4ed572d00cba9a2⋯.jpg (319.13 KB, 2986x1680, 1493:840, a8ca030e1fa87b67b5579949a7….jpg)

So many bogus posts by Q in 2018 cause Q to fizzle out…

2fb482  No.4874526

File: 096da3c5c4f261d⋯.jpeg (21.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 53857d5efd60111abcd454d6d….jpeg)

Thank you BAKER. You're the best and my fave! Keep up the good work!

c2f1f3  No.4874527



744de6  No.4874528



2e4fab  No.4874529

File: 3c9d0e2ab9b4dd7⋯.png (707.89 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4874495 (lb)

>if it's that bad, execute him

They should have maybe has something to do with Sanctuary state BS


0badf5  No.4874530

POTUS prepping the crowd for his SOTU by giving them chant. 'BUILD THE WALL, CRIME WILL FALL."

It sure appears as though he may hold a MAGA mega rally for his SOTU.

afdbcc  No.4874531

File: 1f0ce660279829d⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 238x255, 14:15, thongfat.jpg)

202854  No.4874532



1e8219  No.4874533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil

Die Tempelritter von Octogon gründeten die "saubere" Schweiz 1291

Mein Name ist Sean Hross, meine anderen Kanäle sind Giureh und Chatzefratz, meine E-Mail-Adresse ist swisstorture@gmail.com und dieses Video erzählt die gesamte Geschichte unserer herrschenden Meister: "Das Schweizer Biest - Heimat des Teufels"

11b92d  No.4874534

File: 3a045b3a67c6f16⋯.jpeg (71.05 KB, 640x416, 20:13, BD35469F-0F2D-4AF4-9B82-F….jpeg)

Sink hole 17th NW between The White House and The American Red Cross

http:// www.fox5dc.com/news/local-news/crews-working-to-repair-sinkhole-on-17th-street-nw-in-dc

ef6dfd  No.4874535

File: 48beed5236b386c⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 381x378, 127:126, 2rso80.jpg)

1e8219  No.4874536


The Knights Templars of Octogon founded "clean" Switzerland 1291

My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil"

e931f6  No.4874537


Die in a fire.

ba4001  No.4874538

File: ce0b02b1592e3e5⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 498x276, 83:46, tenor-1.gif)

Anons keep in mind that this board is under 24/7 government surveillance and your browser is being tracked right now.

Advice: Keep a hidden surveillance cam on your food supply because when you are gone somebody might pay your refrigerator a visit.

Good luck.

df7750  No.4874539

File: 5a146ca28f2e385⋯.png (315.13 KB, 705x530, 141:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcdbd715f06f40c⋯.png (50.26 KB, 663x380, 663:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b804cfcf6eab4dd⋯.png (260.02 KB, 691x530, 691:530, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70587555e65de42⋯.png (63.76 KB, 663x530, 663:530, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 758d7d1d6afd85c⋯.png (45.28 KB, 661x330, 661:330, ClipboardImage.png)

Human trafficking survivor shares how she fell victim after Tinder date

SALT LAKE CITY — Although it is often thought of as a foreign issue, there is still a large problem with human trafficking in Utah, the state's top law enforcer says.

"Human trafficking, modern-day slavery, has never been in greater number than it is today," Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes said during a panel discussion Tuesday. Yet "more than ever, we have new and emerging assets in the fight, new technologies, new techniques, new partnerships that give me a lot of hope."

The discussion held at the state Capitol included a police officer who is a survivor of human trafficking, Suzie Skirvin.

When she was 19 she was planning to join the Air Force and moved to California, where she met someone on Tinder and eventually agreed to move in with him. Before she moved in he took her out to a nice dinner, placed her purse with her phone, keys and wallet on his chair and asked her how she was going to pay for what he was providing.

"He said ‘OK now you’re going to be a stripper and an escort’ and the only thing I could say was ‘OK,’" Skirvin said.

She said knowing what she does now there were things she should have spotted. His stories didn't add up, she didn't hear about his friends or family and he said he had a job but she didn't know what it was and didn't see him going to work. She also did not look at his social media pages or ask about his family.

Andrea Sherman works with victims of human trafficking at the Refugee and Immigrant Center with the Asian Association of Utah. She cited a report from Polaris that said the average age someone is led into a sex exploitation situation is 19 and labor trafficking is 23.

"If we can get the information to these people who can then be vulnerable to enter into a trafficking situation, then that is a huge way that we can also combat this," Sherman said.

Josh Caless, a supervisory special agent in the attorney general's office who works on human trafficking cases, said here in Utah human traffickers are not what we would normally think of, they are often family members of the victims.

"There is no single way that (human trafficking) looks, and I think that can sometimes be hard for people when we’re trying to talk about it because there’s not one victim profile, there’s not one trafficker profile," Sherman said.

Assistant attorney general Dan Strong said criminals turn to human trafficking because it looks different every time, it hasn't been prioritized by law enforcement and there is a huge demand.

That demand is fed by the little attention given to the issue by law enforcement, Reyes said.

"One of the reasons human trafficking has escalated exponentially is that there is so much reward and there’s very little risk … there is very little chance they’ll get caught, and if they do a lot of times they’re not getting prosecuted," Reyes said.

Utah has many factors that bring increased rates of trafficking, according to Sherman. These include the location at the crossroads of two major highways, many remote areas and the resort businesses.

Skirvin talked about signs and warnings she displayed that no one recognized: She wasn't free to come and leave; she was fearful and anxious; she didn't have control; and she had scripted stories she shared with her family and friends.

A law enforcement officer saw her at one point bailing her pimp out of jail and talked to fellow officers about the age difference, but did not act. He apologized to her later.



698da6  No.4874540

File: d236c75147fb85a⋯.png (363.09 KB, 642x511, 642:511, frogfrige1.png)

683a41  No.4874541

File: 376a9695df0a261⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 659x659, 1:1, President patriot.jpg)

There are over 400 Nancy's and 100 Chuck's…

BUT there is only ONE


1de8ad  No.4874542

>>4874362 lb

Anon shill wants us to all go listen to Glen Beck, because he is actually tell truth after years of retardation lying.

It is hard to go back to the same food which made you vomit, even years later. Be careful who you follow, again and again.

c4612a  No.4874543

>>4874276 (PB)

Tannerite? Thermite is for welding.

291ce2  No.4874544

File: 3df83a04411a4a0⋯.png (753.93 KB, 807x610, 807:610, Phillips_Drum.png)

Nathan Phillips’ Story Falls Apart, Details of Anti-Catholic History Emerge

READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/news/6288-nathan-phillips-story-falls-apart-details-of-anti-catholic-history-emerge

© Neon Nettle


Here's hoping this scumbag gets fully exposed.

probably wishful thinking.

Only coverage is on Covington students.

Media scared of going after a "Native"

4b5807  No.4874545

File: 6a4da465111288a⋯.png (789.58 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, goodtimes.png)

File: b99c24fd9ba3f90⋯.png (570.16 KB, 1000x632, 125:79, BORDER.png)

File: 4ff09c1e684134f⋯.jpg (152.37 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, (you).jpg)

File: 495d09bd69b1e39⋯.jpg (21 KB, 434x579, 434:579, bradparscale.jpg)





>>4874499 (lb)





>the choice to know will be yours







2934e9  No.4874546

File: 936c71479aa5be1⋯.gif (187.97 KB, 220x165, 4:3, tenor.gif)

Quiet shills are trying to talk

ce8982  No.4874547


Karl Marx was a German Jew whose grandfather was a rabbi, and the entire Communist Bolshevik revolution was financed by the Jewish Rothschilds and Jewish Warburgs in Germany, in partnership with the Jewish Warburgs and Jewish Schiffs in the United States.

0ef2a5  No.4874548

>>4874376 lb

Gnarly Duuuuude!

2bcb9d  No.4874549


OMFG this dildo….


f5a3b8  No.4874550

>>4874185 (last bread)

Why? Because it’s fucking stupid

What’s the recourse if this meets the mark for number of signatures?

The people in her state voted for her, maybe the use of fraud to get her in, but this is not an effective or even reasonable means to remove someone from congress.

Not saying this in defense of her. I think she is a horrible person who does not deserve the office, but this petition is people from around the country and the world signing the document. It has no legal authority to actually do anything.

That’s why it’s not getting signatures. It’s stupid, and makes us look ineffective. It’s a form of reeeing into the air.

And i think that’s the purpose of it, this petition to remove her is to make us look like fools.

737efc  No.4874551


Oh, what a tangled web we weave……..

0f8bde  No.4874552


If I'm right. She's announced dead today. If I'm wrong, I'm another idiot on a board with predictions.

20f960  No.4874553

Dems are asking where Q is? They are?

2cb424  No.4874554


warlock = worlock

Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool Derek Worlock

291ce2  No.4874555

File: fb5bf75c7666d59⋯.png (863.15 KB, 805x718, 805:718, Gold Cohen.png)

2 Israelis arrested in Japan for largest gold smuggling op in country’s history


Looks like we've got another shady Cohen. Kek.

c2f1f3  No.4874556

Reposting from PB, think this might be



Author is here:


Posted both there and here almost same time…author is possibly a lurker, if so great article anon thank you step up and take a bow

0f8bde  No.4874557

File: e83647af97bc15f⋯.jpg (18.3 KB, 251x397, 251:397, As_Above,_So_Below_Poster.jpg)

Nice movie.

ef6dfd  No.4874558

File: 0e6b5a553c6e32e⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2rsryy.jpg)

abc9b0  No.4874559

File: 3f8f353189d5a48⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1242x2074, 621:1037, B405304C-747C-4CE3-9EC9-7….jpeg)

File: 620903599be97d9⋯.jpeg (49.95 KB, 1012x569, 1012:569, A8B95C99-8E85-462C-9A86-B….jpeg)

“The central question is this: Do they signal fair weather or foreshadow a storm.”

a40d51  No.4874560

File: f6155e419333ebc⋯.png (216.04 KB, 364x319, 364:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 098f556f525a1ef⋯.png (119.06 KB, 276x369, 92:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Look who's coming to dinner: Trump dines with Rupert Murdoch and wife Jerry Hall at posh Scottish golf course – but the meal's on the house because The Donald owns the place!


Murdoch is Sir Murdoch, knighted by Queen Elizabeth into the Australian Order.

Murdoch is also part of the Equestrian order of the Pope..

I'm starting to get a bad feeling about all this.

3e8c70  No.4874561

10 days without Q posts. Anyone know if there is anything on the clock for today?

a98eae  No.4874562

File: 658cca0615a14e5⋯.png (1.68 MB, 3139x2079, 3139:2079, Sealed indictment state to….png)

File: d5281d310a056f3⋯.jpg (100.34 KB, 636x499, 636:499, Concernfag 11.jpg)

File: 4489a99ade72414⋯.png (714.45 KB, 623x488, 623:488, 4489a99ade72414470e08847f8….png)

File: 6b20fcfd5db58c3⋯.jpg (328.27 KB, 777x777, 1:1, 6b20fcfd5db58c33e55eb68f52….jpg)

File: 869b4ac11fb39a0⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 869b4ac11fb39a0ecb2ad92721….jpg)

>>4874024 LB

Nicely worded concernFag

we all understand how you feel. But the plan can not be rushed. everything will unfold at the perfect moments.

Just because many of us are eager for justice to be served to these sick monsters, does not mean Q or others will change the plan( possibly fuck it up) in order to start arresting people before they are ready.

The sealed indictment counts each month has not slowed down, nor stopped, therefore one could conclude they are not done yet with filing the sealed indictments. So with more being filed, it is not time yet to unleash them.

As much as we want everything to happen right now.

It will happen when they are ready.

Look at how many people saw this weekend how vile, mean and cruel the fake news and celebs can be to children. If they can smear kids, they can smear anyone.

This will wake up so many more people to what fake news means, and how they lie about everything Trump.

Do not worry concernFag, nobody escapes this Nobody.


d29848  No.4874563



?Same "journalists" as these from:

>>1769202 Qpost 1515 from 6/16/2018

These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

AP – Julie Pace

AP – Ken Thomas

AP – Lisa Lerer

AURN – April Ryan

Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein

Bloomberg – John Heillman

Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter

Bloomberg – Mark Halperin

Buzzfeed – Ben Smith

Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer

CBS – Gayle King

CBS – John Dickerson

CBS – Norah O'Donnell

CBS – Steve Chagaris

CBS – Vicki Gordon

CNBC – John Harwood

CNN – Brianna Keilar

CNN – Dan Merica

CNN – David Chailan

CNN – Erin Burnett

CNN – Gloria Borger

CNN – Jake Tapper

CNN – Jeff Zeleny

CNN - Jeff Zucker

CNN – John Berman

CNN – Kate Bouldan

CNN – Maria Cardona

CNN – Mark Preston

CNN – Sam Feist

Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich

GPG – Mike Feldman

HuffPo – Amanda Terkel

HuffPo – Arianna Huffington

HuffPo – Sam Stein

HuffPo – Whitney Snyder

LAT – Evan Handler

LAT – Mike Memoli

McClatchy – Anita Kumar

MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin

MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald

MSNBC – Alex Wagner

MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell

MSNBC - Beth Fouhy

MSNBC – Ed Schultz

MSNBC – Joe Scarborough

MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski

MSNBC – Phil Griffin

MSNBC – Rachel Maddow

MSNBC – Rachel Racusen

MSNBC – Thomas Roberts

National Journal – Emily Schultheis

NBC – Chuck Todd

NBC – Mark Murray

NBC – Savannah Gutherie

New Yorker – David Remnick

New Yorker – Ryan Liza

NPR – Mike Oreskes

NPR – Tamara Keith

NY Post – Geofe Earl

NYT – Amy Chozik

NYT – Carolyn Ryan

NYT – Gail Collins

NYT – John Harwoodje

NYT – Jonathan Martin

NYT – Maggie Haberman

NYT – Pat Healey

PBS – Charlie Rose

People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall

Politico – Annie Karni

Politico – Gabe Debenedetti

Politico – Glenn Thrush

Politico – Kenneth Vogel

Politico – Mike Allen

Reuters – Amanda Becker

Tina Brown – Tina Brown

The Hill – Amie Parnes

Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas

Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco

Vox – Jon Allen

WaPo – Anne Gearan

WaPo – Greg Sargent

WSJ – Laura Meckler

WSJ – Peter Nicholas

WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson

Yahoo – Matt Bai


80b871  No.4874564

File: 863933208174666⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1211x652, 1211:652, ClipboardImage.png)

I know it was in last bread notables but anyone interested in Pizzagate, Pedogate, Pedowood

needs to take a look

Not sure if it will get traction in media but this is just as sick as we thought.



0badf5  No.4874565




48e520  No.4874566

File: 5598ccc12db16e8⋯.jpeg (24.65 KB, 600x416, 75:52, 2ef4dec8fd8c33f7502724506….jpeg)

File: 24845168a889f75⋯.jpg (14.9 KB, 259x366, 259:366, Hillary:Obama:TrumpAt25.jpg)

File: 7375505966f1665⋯.jpg (324.6 KB, 1407x798, 67:38, MockingbirdNewsTrumpPutinS….JPG)

File: 4a7bd68a5d7dfff⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2a2.jpg)

File: d3f0966f5e514ef⋯.jpg (127.23 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Trump2020FlagDi1BWkcV4AEgc….jpg)

>>4874351 (lb)

anon, the eagle FDR added is looking to ITS left

which means the person sitting behind…their left

487fab  No.4874567

File: 1cc5f58696de5d4⋯.png (996.29 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Walls.png)


>>4874508 lb

This has not gotten nearly enough love. Stealing this meme.

e931f6  No.4874569

File: df204c312a7a5a2⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 474x266, 237:133, cap.jpg)


Trips confirm.

Kikes will do anything for their shekelz, even break the law.

11b92d  No.4874570

File: 991ed5d4624e444⋯.jpeg (99.19 KB, 622x481, 622:481, D1A6CC38-CA92-497E-925C-B….jpeg)

Person found dead outside FTC, NW


8f8cd5  No.4874571


They've got the same names, same greedy personality, same jewish looks, etc.

It's so easy these days to spot them and put them into prison and yet we're not able to do anything against (((them)))

20f960  No.4874572

File: f4d3f57587667cb⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2236x1008, 559:252, tuckerq.png)

I'm starting to think Tucker's in on The Plan

fa7542  No.4874573

File: 3ae96d7979bdf3f⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 220x283, 220:283, Old School x2.jpg)

Of course as the chart for oil is posted it drops quickly on big volume. Was at $52.56..now at $52.01 and that should be resistance for now.

Data feed had a hard time keeping up with that.

Not a big move just quick

4b5807  No.4874574

File: 83e2572ca90a585⋯.jpg (83.72 KB, 1506x946, 753:473, DARKTOLIGHT.JPG)

File: 20857a51702bb3b⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 383x526, 383:526, putin_lol.jpg)

File: 66e8953dfc5e3d0⋯.jpg (143.08 KB, 625x625, 1:1, panic.jpg)

744de6  No.4874575

Could it be,,, is the tide finally starting to turn

BREAKING: ‘The View’ Just Got Loomered! — Whoopi Confronted on Fake Promise to Leave the USA — VIDEO COMING


Laura Loomer protégé Harry Cherry confronted Whoopi Goldberg today live on “The View”!

Harry Cherry was escorted out of the studio.

Conservative voices will NOT be tolerated.

BREAKING: @TheHarryCherry JUST LOOMERED @WhoopiGoldberg Live on the Liberal @TheView — Was excorted off stage! — VIDEO COMING

— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) January 23, 2019


b9cfdc  No.4874576

File: 47be5111ef11eba⋯.png (1.05 MB, 991x650, 991:650, q.PNG)

Sheila Jackson Lee To Step Down As Chair Of Congressional Black Caucus Foundation - https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/darrensands/sheila-jackson-lee-congressional-black-caucus-foundation

48e520  No.4874577

File: 6dc7ec29a1e0908⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 236x258, 118:129, RealityIsManipulation.jpg)


how about Ben Shapiro be exposed.

here's the chance and no one is taking it.

487fab  No.4874578


The petitions cause NOTHING to happen so why waste time. It is nothing but an Opiate so that we THINK we are doing things but in reality it is just a hamster wheel for us to run on until we get tired then go back to bed. Its fake.

004baa  No.4874579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4b5807  No.4874580

File: 1e37c67248a3048⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 1000x852, 250:213, you.jpg)

458ac7  No.4874581

Less than 3 hours till the end of 10 days of darkness, with red shoes, masonic symbols and globalists.

ccd34d  No.4874582

File: e0387a692d72ad8⋯.png (191.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

WHO will be RBG replacement at the SCOTUS ?

A Female ?

A Catholic ?

A Pro Life Catholic Female ?

The Dems will attack . . . . . . . .

80b871  No.4874583




is that your point?

8f8cd5  No.4874584



eceb78  No.4874585


There are lots of tunnels and holes in DC but the sinkholes are mainly signs of incompetent government.

Take the 5 stupidest people you've ever met and divide their mean IQ in half, and that is the intelligence level of Washington DC elected officials and public employees.

543a26  No.4874586


It's all connected.

2934e9  No.4874587


Loomer is a mossad shill don't waste attention on her

710de5  No.4874588

so funny..idiots thinking money solves all problems.many desperate compromised people just walking around free




a40d51  No.4874589

File: 34b3d30d6d968fb⋯.png (27.09 KB, 941x140, 941:140, ClipboardImage.png)


It was John Kelley who pulled Kushners clearance.

Notice a pattern yet?

fa7542  No.4874590

File: 0e4b1cad05303a3⋯.png (1006.51 KB, 1409x786, 1409:786, Joo porn.png)



291ce2  No.4874591

File: 8df52e793e5bc37⋯.png (885.65 KB, 834x756, 139:126, 4 hoaxes.png)

Nolte: Four Massive Media Hoaxes in First Three Weeks of 2019


We are only three weeks into 2019, a mere 22 days, and already the establishment media have hit us with four massive hoaxes, four flaming piles of fake news.

Led primarily by CNN, the Washington Post, BuzzFeed, NBC News, and the New York Times — the same media that have spent two years crybabying about being labeled fake news — have already run these cons on the American people with a full week still left in the first month of this new year.

Worst still, the media continue to stand by these debunked hoaxes, including one that resulted in death threats against children.

1) Media Lie About Conservatives Outraged Over Dancing Video

2) Media Spread Homophobic Conspiracy Theory About Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

3) Media Lie About Trump Suborning Perjury

4) Media Launch Online Hate Crime Against Covington High School Kids

(((They))) never learn.

ba4001  No.4874592

File: bb81a7e2695029c⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 391x367, 391:367, 2rrc21-1_1.jpg)

File: a647365f1181c5f⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 530x487, 530:487, 2rr558_1.jpg)

747008  No.4874593

File: 4712f3ccb6eb212⋯.jpg (221.74 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Hookers.jpg)

>>4874216 (lb)

The hookers argue they don't need a pimp because of Backpage. They set up their own deals. You would figure that some smart hooker would set up a new site where child trafficking was not happening, but guess she blew her cash on horse.

083f24  No.4874594


I love this guy - he's figured it all out




37aae2  No.4874595

>>4874236 (lb)

Nadler is such a sniveling little creep.

Irritating muchly.

2e4fab  No.4874596


Have no desire to listen to most of these shit stains.

Rather see them hang

20573f  No.4874597

File: 7f055a75073e94e⋯.png (304.37 KB, 1492x1154, 746:577, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at ….png)

has there ever been any digging on CAA (Creative Arts Agency)? - not many agencies in better position to exploit US obesssion with celebrity and programming in the form of entertainment. And after all, aren't we watching a movie.

3e6142  No.4874598

File: 72393d66b59645a⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 589x441, 589:441, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-1….jpg)


36341d  No.4874599


Does the swamp have a real drain?

44e250  No.4874600

File: 5939cc25bbb016b⋯.png (8.23 KB, 275x183, 275:183, download (2).png)

File: 3726ec4c713f135⋯.jpeg (15.42 KB, 198x254, 99:127, download.jpeg)

File: 3726ec4c713f135⋯.jpeg (15.42 KB, 198x254, 99:127, download.jpeg)

Why do the anons love boobs? Because they are life. And God. We love our boob/gods

a40d51  No.4874602


Why did Trump hire Bill Shine?

4007bb  No.4874603

File: c079b9034b61239⋯.jpg (89.96 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2rs181.jpg)

File: e8e43014af26c9b⋯.jpg (57.23 KB, 618x412, 3:2, 2rtxft.jpg)

File: a619aaf975f78fa⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2ru0gs.jpg)

File: f38cfbdc5c572fd⋯.jpg (88.7 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2ru0y9.jpg)

File: f51b6d25396f049⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2ruj7w.jpg)

48e520  No.4874604

File: 004f637c3a31b04⋯.jpg (77 KB, 887x500, 887:500, trump-merkel-may.jpg)


and yet another Zionist forces their way into the news cycle.

sayanim all coming out of the woodwork now

744de6  No.4874605


She does more for our rights and freedoms then you ever will,, Let us know when you start confronting them in the national media spotlight …. idiot

44e250  No.4874606


check my digits…..oh yeah….

01c78d  No.4874607

Ok i guess i wont repost "concern" theory. But for the record im not concerned about what i posted.

Theres no use in thinking about failure.

Onward and upward right anons?

God bless anons

08e074  No.4874608

>>4873870 LB

>>4873930 LB

Could this all tie into Mullers mysterious case???

4f5d85  No.4874609


Yep, and they were all handed gift cards with the advice do NOT lose this one.

4b5807  No.4874610

File: db1daf0c596351c⋯.gif (4.56 MB, 471x265, 471:265, TRICK EM.gif)







ef6dfd  No.4874611

File: ddc4fd209e2267e⋯.jpg (68.18 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2rstt9.jpg)

eceb78  No.4874612


Agree, Laura Loomer has bigger balls than most anons on this board.

458ac7  No.4874613

File: e9eac92b089697a⋯.jpeg (50.28 KB, 400x494, 200:247, cherry harry.jpeg)


>Harry Cherry

me no know who is this? is a hairy cherry code for French girl?

0ac57d  No.4874614


That’s a Q post

11b92d  No.4874615

File: 3337c09ef55461c⋯.jpeg (36.08 KB, 320x214, 160:107, 35FE9ADF-564F-4D26-BA30-5….jpeg)

ba4001  No.4874616

File: b6692a8ca3099f8⋯.jpg (69.31 KB, 502x475, 502:475, 2rs426_1.jpg)

4007bb  No.4874617

fucking finally!!

Sheila Jackson Lee Leaves 2 Posts After Aide Says She Was Fired for Reporting Sexual Assault

WASHINGTON — Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, facing blowback from a lawsuit claiming she fired an aide who said she was sexually assaulted by a supervisor at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, has decided to resign as the foundation’s chairwoman on Wednesday.

And Ms. Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat in her 13th term, will also step down temporarily from an important House Judiciary subcommittee chairmanship.

Ms. Jackson Lee made the decision to step aside from the foundation role as pressure was growing within her own party to account for the claims in a Jan. 11 lawsuit brought by a woman who worked in her congressional office and who said she was sexually assaulted by a Black Caucus Foundation supervisor. Ms. Jackson Lee has adamantly denied that she fired the woman for retribution, but she planned to say Wednesday that she would step aside nonetheless.

[Read the lawsuit.]

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s board had given Ms. Jackson Lee an ultimatum late last week after the claims became public: step down as chairwoman or face a vote of removal as soon as this week, according to an official familiar with the conversations who was not authorized to discuss them.

plus alot more, but some dumbass anon will post that You Wrote So Much Text meme


2fdec8  No.4874618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that.

83fee6  No.4874620

File: 11e71d84bd0684e⋯.jpg (21.95 KB, 694x530, 347:265, sir.jpg)


So in a nutshell MSM launders $$$ for the Dems like Planed Parenthood, and spreads dis-info about Trump to and fro. This is their end. Shameful and treasonous.

004baa  No.4874621

File: 37cd1306bb4d2aa⋯.png (255.13 KB, 563x828, 563:828, withoutafight.png)

>>4874579 no.2

Notice the similarity of Pres. speech in "Independence Day" and Q's post 2645?

0ef2a5  No.4874622

>>4874376 lb

I did that when I was young enough not to break a hip. Now I am 51 and would much rather do the Lava Tubes and Booze cruise.. Chill and get my feet rubbed than tackle 50ft waves. rofl

I bet I crashed 20x at Banzai on the Seadoo.

They had a 6month wait but, I met the owner of the Seadoo rental on IRC and he had a couple "break down" we took out.

The 4x4 on Gilligan's Island, we climbed to the top, iterally above the clouds as a storm passed and were stuck up there till morning hwen it dried out. Flash floods n shit. Was awesome!

I creid when I seen the stars up there at 3am stoned drinking Maitais.

You ccould actually make out the Milky Way. I had NEVER seen taht before. It was intense!

Dangling your feet off the edge as the clouds rolled by below looking at the galaxy above.

Maybe it was a Purple Microdot flash back?


I had an Indian tear "run down my cheek".

37aae2  No.4874623


And how much Tax do they pay?

2934e9  No.4874624


>>>4874587 (You)

>She does more for our rights and freedoms then you ever will,, Let us know when you start confronting them in the national media spotlight …. idiot


No she doesn't she's controlled opposition, controlled opposition is one of the deep states most effective weapons

458ac7  No.4874625


Haven't been here for 72 hours, what did you fucktards do now? (seriously)

ad39e0  No.4874626

File: e2830aa7aa7900f⋯.png (478.35 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting information

3e6142  No.4874627

File: f157e257ae5086f⋯.jpg (229.17 KB, 680x1111, 680:1111, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-1….jpg)


8f8cd5  No.4874628


Wait, that doesn't really make sense. The shutdown started on 22nd December 2018. The 10 days of darkness are long overdue.

744de6  No.4874629

File: 9c85729f57ee9f9⋯.png (442.15 KB, 617x407, 617:407, Capture.PNG)

Turkish Army launches new attack against Kurdish forces in northern Syria

According to Turkey’s Defence Ministry, Turkish troops have opened fire at the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) for the second time since 18 January, in response to the latter’s fire from the city of Tell Rifaat.

The members of the Turkish Armed Forces, deployed in the Euphrates Shield Operation, have shot 5 howitzers in the districts of Tell Rifaat to the southeast of Afrin, according to CNN Turk.

The YPG/PKK reportedly organised two attacks targeting civilians on Afrin’s city centre on 20 January. As a result of the attacks, 10 civilians lost their lives, 18 people were injured


e674e5  No.4874630


so far it's been all talk and no action.

my rule of thumb, if something is too good to be true then it usually is.

starting to look like the case.

criminals still walking around not worried. crooked politicians talking shit, swamp is still swampy, nothing is happening.

7c3f74  No.4874631


Yes he is. Elijah Cummings - now chairman of Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - is just as bad. And Adam Schitt! I don’t think I’ll be able to watch a HPSCI hearing with him in charge.

e61c08  No.4874632

File: 5c18017a71aefbf⋯.jpg (203.14 KB, 802x854, 401:427, 19948251.jpg)


There you are.

49e31f  No.4874633

EU Threatens to Hit U.S. With $23 Billion in Tariffs If Trump Taxes Cars


The European Union is prepared to hit 20 billion euros ($22.7 billion) of U.S. goods with tariffs should President Donald Trump follow through on a threat to impose duties on EU cars and auto parts, said a senior trade official for the bloc.

The assertion by Jean-Luc Demarty, director general for trade in the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, highlights the risk of a sudden escalation in trans-Atlantic commercial tensions following a truce struck six months ago.

“We shall continue to face a U.S. administration that is content to threaten trade measures even against close allies and partners and, in general, to disrupt the status quo in pursuit of its goals,” Demarty told a European Parliament committee on Wednesday in Brussels. “We should stay calm.”

The metal duties as high as 25% prompted tit-for-tat retaliation by the EU last year on 2.8 billion euros of imports of a range of U.S. products including Harley-Davidson motorcycles (HOG, -1.32%), Levi Strauss & Co. jeans, and bourbon whiskey, with the bloc reserving the right to target a further 3.6 billion euros of American goods by late March 2021.

U.S. tariffs on European cars and auto parts would mark a significant escalation of trans-Atlantic tensions because the value of EU automotive exports to the American market is about 10 times greater than that of the bloc’s steel and aluminum exports combined. As a result, European retaliatory duties would target a bigger amount of U.S. exports to Europe.

A 25% U.S. levy on foreign cars would add 10,000 euros to the sticker price of European vehicles imported into the country, according to the commission.

db1293  No.4874634

Anons, please sign the petition to remove Ilham Omar from office.


710de5  No.4874635

File: 0a26269403cfd60⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 0a26269403cfd603c09639f101….jpg)

First times..no wait..it gets better




ba4001  No.4874636

File: a3c03575188fe07⋯.png (157.93 KB, 312x333, 104:111, downloadfile-5_1.png)

c2f1f3  No.4874637


can someone please cap this won't open in my browser

543a26  No.4874638


Quebie, or not Quebie

1eb664  No.4874639

File: 313f68b17322aa8⋯.jpeg (65.32 KB, 740x493, 740:493, aoc world.jpeg)

48e520  No.4874640

File: 0e488c0c2a110b7⋯.png (10.91 KB, 640x117, 640:117, 9e7f62a97a1c067a4478b6c138….png)

File: e0f65621c93d864⋯.png (520.77 KB, 1080x586, 540:293, fb8721d90292292a7f7c348dbe….png)


thank you helper anon.

drop a couple of more crumbs

(names, related businesses,

write ups)

anything you like and I promise

I will dig later today and post what I find

during night shift, after about 11pm

80b871  No.4874641


>Why did Trump have dinner with Murdoch and Jerry Hall?

>Why did Trump hire Bill Shine?

What is your point?

You obviously think you know something scandalous so spill it or STFU.

2e4fab  No.4874642


Generally time perfects and improves professions.

Perfect example of an outlier.

d73880  No.4874643


she is on ice

53bd43  No.4874644

File: 75a67ff9055bd0a⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Thai_Roasted_Gold1.jpg)

File: 7bc3f7ec4eef844⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 634x496, 317:248, Thai_Roasted_Gold2.jpg)

3e6142  No.4874645

File: 480b8d91ef95333⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 594x236, 297:118, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-1….jpg)

File: 01d6a1bb00051c9⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 590x354, 5:3, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-1….jpg)


ad39e0  No.4874646

File: 0e4ed8c96093a1e⋯.png (29.95 KB, 255x128, 255:128, ClipboardImage.png)








4b5807  No.4874647

File: 3721ff44115dab5⋯.jpg (312.86 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_1121.JPG)

File: 829d604f25ff3d4⋯.jpg (93.96 KB, 818x1024, 409:512, SetTheStage.jpg)


the REAL DEAL SMIRK has made it's way across the airwaves… THERE IS NO GOING BACK.



e9248f  No.4874648

File: d1836502eafde3d⋯.png (1012.58 KB, 1261x715, 97:55, FRAMED copy.png)

893997  No.4874649

>>4874240 (lb)

since Native Americans are, by definition, American–the wall protects them. How would "build the wall" even be interpreted as anti-Native American? The wall is not being built around Indian Reservations, but between Mexico and America.


Since we now know the agent provocateur was an actor who has appeared in music videos, the question becomes:

WHO HIRED HIM for this acting gig?

who runs the acting and music industries?

who hates (and spies on) Catholics?

ba4001  No.4874650

File: acfc3ca386a5871⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 500x321, 500:321, 2rugeo_1.jpg)

File: 887e4cca4cf961a⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 633x467, 633:467, 2ro5w2_1.jpg)

eceb78  No.4874651


Literally nothing of importance has happened here but a bunch of newfags have taken over the General board. It is so fucked up now that shills are gone and Freddy Benson rarely bothers coming by.

dbae37  No.4874652

File: 98807bc8f380fe5⋯.jpg (523.3 KB, 2166x1155, 722:385, map_fusiongps.jpg)


>media paying Fusion GPS for dirt on Trump to the same firm the Democratic National Committee paid to fund the bogus Trump dossier

the corruption runs deep

a40d51  No.4874653

File: bdcccbef48a11de⋯.png (158.79 KB, 268x485, 268:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f844d57b2f47eb⋯.png (115.01 KB, 417x351, 139:117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d98bedfe1e4b97⋯.png (66.44 KB, 301x311, 301:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60454046b259ff5⋯.png (405.37 KB, 783x472, 783:472, ClipboardImage.png)

In the late summer of 2018, The New York Times reported that St. Martin's Press had signed a seven-figure deal for a "tell-all book" about President Trump's White House.

The amount of the advance raised eyebrows because the author, Cliff Sims, had served 18 months in that White House without making much of a name for himself anywhere else.

Who was this Cliff Sims? What did he mean to Trump? And what might a book called Team of Vipers add to what had already been written and said about the snake pit at 1600?

b798d9  No.4874654

File: 961d4614911fe51⋯.png (3.79 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4b6a4254a6b3e8⋯.png (664.43 KB, 576x856, 72:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b29f453aaec5534⋯.png (1022.54 KB, 1200x1551, 400:517, RBG - SEX BIAS - MEME.png)

File: 011f48bb2ae26dc⋯.png (193.17 KB, 1000x1400, 5:7, 5 billion from trillions.png)

File: b701d219b06151a⋯.png (676.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, THE CIRCLE OF MEMES.png)

Memes for morale!

Keep your heads high and fight the good fight, patriots! We are making history!


cd6aac  No.4874655

7c3f74  No.4874656


Good question. As Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, you’d think he’d be in the public a little more.

da957c  No.4874657



Trump is a billionaire who has a home in Palm Beach. He goes to "functions" which are known as parties to poor people. His neighbor is Epstein. Anywhere he goes, he will be around wealthy Democrats. His main home is in New York, that bastion of Conservatism. (kek)

Pics of Trump and family with evildoers would be the normal course of events in the life of a billionaire.

12470d  No.4874658

File: 35444fdd3513099⋯.jpg (97.83 KB, 709x503, 709:503, Takei1.jpg)

afd81e  No.4874659

File: 4bf7ac3ef4bd59b⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 700x450, 14:9, drummer-600-la-700x450.jpg)

a98eae  No.4874660


Amy Barrett is a favorite to be the choice.

Many think this is why they went after those catholic boys on purpose.

Because Amy is catholic, and the bad guys are trying to set the stage with smears against people with pro life/ catholic values.

That will be the tactics they will use.

They will say she is too old fashioned, against women, against abortion, etc.

744de6  No.4874661


Guess you would rather if there was nobody confronting the liberal/SJW/progressive agenda ,, let the MSM control the whole narrative because their all about truth right?… you moonlight for CNN or something… dummy

4f5d85  No.4874662


Fuckers were warned that TWO CAN PLAY THAT (investigation) GAME

bd02c8  No.4874663


Very first story on the MSM that broke on this issue I heard reporter say….

"he is a 65 yr old Vietnam Veteran…."

In 1.35 seconds I was able to do the math (despite public schoolin) and thought to myself "no way in hell he was in Vietnam" Then it comes out that he is 64, kek, not even 65.

ok, so I can figure this out in seconds. The reporters, maybe they are more worried about how their hair looks or something equally DUMB, so let's not expect THEM to see the blatant lie. BUT there are countless camera people, producers, assistants, editors etc etc. all allowing the facts to elude them completely. I find this incredulous. Absolutely dumbfounding. THIS IS THE STATE OF OUR NEWS SERVICES??? embarrassing work. Makes it easier to take 'em down I guess.

458ac7  No.4874664

File: 573c922046e4933⋯.png (637.92 KB, 1906x3063, 1906:3063, Screenshot_2019-01-23 FED ….png)


sure dude

0aa406  No.4874665

File: 252e8675b9b634b⋯.png (3.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, helix03_lion_wallpaper.png)

Hey whatever happened to EyeTheSpy? I enjoyed his feed immensely. Where did he move to after realeyethespy got got?

eyethespy where are you

ef6dfd  No.4874666

File: e7218446bf7c91b⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2ruaiu.jpg)

63e573  No.4874667

File: 1e5100a7c95d593⋯.jpg (330.06 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, NathanPhillipsRadicalLeftA….jpg)

File: 033f7979d012a55⋯.jpg (549.11 KB, 1080x1319, 1080:1319, NathanPhillipsRadicalLeftA….jpg)

File: 53378ebe8020deb⋯.jpeg (216.76 KB, 1078x1339, 1078:1339, NathanPhillipsNativeAmeri….jpeg)

File: d59d2e837ee80c9⋯.jpg (152.41 KB, 888x500, 222:125, NathanPhillipsCovingtonTru….jpg)

File: 56911e5c12817a8⋯.jpg (108.82 KB, 888x499, 888:499, NathanPhillipsWas16.jpg)


Your choice of an image reveals you are a clueless maggot.

893997  No.4874668


spot on.

How did the agitators just happen to show up at the same time and place as the Catholic children?

1f7f2f  No.4874669


>So many bogus posts by Q in 2018 cause Q to fizzle out…

The only thing that is fizzling out is your satanic globalist ass.

eeaaa2  No.4874670

File: 53e7cbfa7b779f0⋯.jpeg (114.05 KB, 399x413, 57:59, DF01737B-9CAB-42E1-B235-D….jpeg)

fbced9  No.4874671


Rubini is the FanFic king now

80b871  No.4874672



Fake supporters tryin to connect dots that aren't there.

fucking shills

5668eb  No.4874673


Q called that fraud out directly back when he was BackChannel17.

30495d  No.4874674



b665c3  No.4874675

File: a02f914af409a76⋯.jpg (144.26 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 716d1abe24c07dafbe34a154d8….jpg)

…Shilling? It's barely a drizzle.

12470d  No.4874676


Still there under @trueeyethespy


53bd43  No.4874677



work on that stockholm syndrome

ba4001  No.4874678

File: 696d47c5c0a5238⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 300x321, 100:107, downloadfile-20.jpg)

File: b287aeb809f25d4⋯.jpg (36.79 KB, 500x559, 500:559, 2ro726_1.jpg)

8d7ba2  No.4874679

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

f5a3b8  No.4874680


I think they were referring to when Q last posted.

>10 days

Plus it’s the 23rd so, Q post about pain and the 23rd may be relevant.

Who knows. Digs still ongoing, genuine discussion on topics still ongoing. Shills and trolls gonna do what they do.

Personally looking forward to feb 8th with the Whittaker hearing, and see what comes of the House investigation into General Flynn regarding their accusation of “grave national security breaches”.

That ought to be interesting considering if he actually did something illegal, i’m pretty sure Mueller would have charged him with something aside from a bullshit process crime.

I hope he goes and testifies in public.

61a22b  No.4874681


Oh shit, Mom and Dad are home

1eb664  No.4874682


Well that's an interesting debate, does she have to be of age to announce and run or does the age apply to the inauguration?

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.[1]

2e4fab  No.4874683



twatter link


63e573  No.4874684

File: 6e9df77cebdc558⋯.jpg (97.24 KB, 602x565, 602:565, Epstein_Trump.jpg)

ef6dfd  No.4874685

File: 82962f046afc761⋯.jpg (65.45 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2rssj5.jpg)

531401  No.4874686

File: de568b955d78929⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 720x475, 144:95, 50531490_2280382585540107_….jpg)

a87745  No.4874687


I know FOX gets hate from time to time but they’re not on the list. I don’t forget that.

0f8bde  No.4874688

File: 4c48c7ca9ef7665⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 564x752, 3:4, download.jpg)

File: 7093927f82477f6⋯.png (120.58 KB, 366x352, 183:176, download.png)

File: fd10fb9fa253c8b⋯.jpg (16.22 KB, 620x465, 4:3, download (1).jpg)

George Washington and Buddha too, eh?

dbaa92  No.4874689



487fab  No.4874690

File: 394589026c14b8f⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 800x610, 80:61, back in nam.jpg)

>>4874562 Meme not related.

On concernfags. I have been thinking of this post for a while. When Hitler first attacked his neighbors in World War 2, most of his army was still using HORSES for some if not all of their transportation needs. By the end of the war there were jet aircraft and nuclear weapons, both mostly made by Germans then stolen by allies.

I remember conversations by (((professors in history class))) talking about how if Hitler HAD ONLY WAITED 4 YEARS he would have had the V2 Rocket, Jet aircraft that would have been untouchable and fission based nuclear weapons and assault rifles and and and… Now, lets think about those v2 rockets hitting London but dropping Hiroshima-style bombs… Lets think about allies trying to bomb mainland Europe and going up against swarms of jet aircraft. The beach landings at Omaha happening and the defenders have assault rifles.

My point is that waiting for the EXACT right time to strike is super duper important. I mean, just think of what the world would be like if Hitler had waited 4 short years. Think of the differences. If you are concerned that it is not happening NOW perhaps we are waiting to get our guaranteed win set up so we can completely change the world for ever and never lose again.

5895d1  No.4874691

File: 6fe42137ddf7c20⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x176, 255:176, tmmyb_hearditall.jpg)

2934e9  No.4874692


>>>4874624 (You)

>Guess you would rather if there was nobody confronting the liberal/SJW/progressive agenda ,, let the MSM control the whole narrative because their all about truth right?… you moonlight for CNN or something… dummy


They're fake confrontations to psyop patriots into behaving the way the deep state wants. Any confrontation infowars are involved in are staged psyops.

d43f09  No.4874693


Please go away.

fc3600  No.4874694

why is shape of the skull so important to (((them)))?

does a larger rear protruding skull (aka a "cone head") provide additional growth room for the premotor cortex?

what does a larger surface area / volume of the premotor cortex provide?

better ability to synthesize the surrounding world and conduct simulations within the brain that more accurately reflect reality? Better ability to store multiple personalities as opposed to a single personality?

Is there not a trade off in doing this? OR, does the shape of the skull not influence the underlying structures?

Suppose the shape does influence, then by the logic above, would a person with larger protruding forward head (large forehead) rather than a larger rear protruding head (conehead) be less capable of performing in depth simulation / be less capable of managing multiple personalities, but rather have stronger capabilities with regards to actual consciousness & real time logic?

non-sense or something that is or should be actually studied?

0f8bde  No.4874695


Fox is comped. Rupert Murdoch and his liberal faggy kids push that station.

08e074  No.4874696


Actually find a smile in that one…. maybe it will swallow the RC deep underground…

fa7542  No.4874697


watched it…close in age so i live dangerously through pepe now. Not in shape for that anyway. Anything over 7-8ft not fun for me

Feel you on that….emotional experiences just keep piling up, past and present, and it's glorious.

never thought we would get this chance to take it back.


fd580b  No.4874698

File: 35ede088ae992ea⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 267x206, 267:206, 1326636836423.gif)

8cf843  No.4874699

File: 1c9f50e82085267⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 500x557, 500:557, inthematrx.jpg)

0ef2a5  No.4874700

File: 4a707ce37db3945⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 44bdf11f-9a9c-4128-bc4f-7a….jpg)


I felt like a tiny tiny spec in the Pacific ocean hurling thru space while spnning on a giant (flat) ball. Imagination whisking away and the magesty of it all. meaning of life sheet ya know?


puff puff pass

bee00c  No.4874701

So the Catholic MAGA kids give 48 hours for apologies to not sue the fascist who threatened their lives.

Basically, they got played by their religion and are props in this game. Face it. The cabal has all bases covered.

They make us play by our own rules,while they continue their war against us by the rules of war,which are,there are no rules.

Win is the only rule.

We will not win.

af14a6  No.4874702

>>4872467 (pb)


thanks for this mention, anon. I dug not too far and found this, an admission from the MSM about exactly what you witnessed. prescription of anti-miscarriage drug leading to birth of homosexual children.


4b5807  No.4874703

File: 575be919c460aef⋯.jpg (232.58 KB, 1705x815, 341:163, trolling is fun edition.JPG)





>promises made promises kept

>future proves past

ee5f29  No.4874704

>>4873759 lb

AWOL, interesting, perhaps some know what's going down, they're running for the hills, many were Obama plants.

Light shines cockroaches scatter.

ba4001  No.4874705

File: 696d47c5c0a5238⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 300x321, 100:107, downloadfile-20.jpg)

File: 5cb87245746b42e⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 2ro78x_1.jpg)


Smell her thong…

f5a3b8  No.4874706



What purpose does it serve?

Will signing it remove her from office?


So why the fuck should people go sign it?

It’s a fucking stupid idea and is not legally binding and is not how our country removes members of congress. There is a process in place to do all of that.

531401  No.4874707

File: 4d6e4fa4b374aec⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 720x813, 240:271, 50086337_10156568034101348….jpg)

48e520  No.4874708

File: edff015da06e53d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1319x9639, 1319:9639, Screenshot_2018-07-27 Prop….png)

File: 3f3c65136b2a28c⋯.png (364.58 KB, 576x768, 3:4, trumpselfidentify.png)

File: 042a4cfd4a4e24e⋯.jpg (92.28 KB, 1073x601, 1073:601, David Rothkopf - JEFFERY G….jpg)

File: dff10a6c8f85756⋯.png (292.5 KB, 661x838, 661:838, dff10a6c8f857564f0a9dfc8a1….png)

File: f19b984659c28b2⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 779x8077, 19:197, Screenshdon Twitter.jpg)


with my coat on mr trumps wild ride

3e6142  No.4874710

File: 26a8787cc1d0eb8⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 586x170, 293:85, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-2….jpg)

can he?

I was thinking he would deliver it from Senate

893997  No.4874711


did George Washington know about or approve that tacky sculpture?

How about the one in NYC where he's got a chain around his ankle?

744de6  No.4874712

File: 58ac36d84cc4f3f⋯.png (741.41 KB, 1000x413, 1000:413, Capture.PNG)

Paris Not Ruling Out 14 Terrorists Wanted in Italy May Hide in France

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet did not rule out on Wednesday that 14 people wanted in Italy on terrorism charges could be sheltering in France.

"It is possible," Belloubet said, as broadcast by the France Inter radio station when asked whether the figures provided by Salvini could be trusted.

Belloubet, however, added that Paris had not received any official extradition request from Paris yet, but would study the issue with “special attention


3e6142  No.4874713

File: 509acc92acb6ee1⋯.jpg (95.7 KB, 608x745, 608:745, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-2….jpg)

File: 4070a6eab014c4b⋯.jpg (109.79 KB, 926x1200, 463:600, DxnLllPU8AA1xic.jpg)


0ef2a5  No.4874714


What in the hell is the

o7 ?

splain' me?

7b5a9f  No.4874715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have a funny feeling the Q team will be back with some new goodies, to keep the mighty anon digital army, busy digging afresh for truth and light real soon.

d907fd  No.4874716


neon nettle pretty week for sourcing. Need a backup sauce with that one.

cdb4ef  No.4874717


Singer just responded, calling it a " homophobic smear piece"… blaming the hack journalists and out for money accusers.



63e573  No.4874718





fd580b  No.4874719


they have to adjourn for the president to go there. if they are adjourned then they are not in session, if they are not in session they can be arrested/detained.

4007bb  No.4874720


Im curious about this one too. He technically has to be invited by NP to be able to speak in the House

e9248f  No.4874721


o7 = Salute

8e5bc8  No.4874722

File: a5bdfcc51a3795b⋯.gif (158.63 KB, 125x125, 1:1, a5bdfcc51a3795bca4c385ff50….gif)

>>4874026 pb

No one's saying ignore it. We're saying if you feel that strongly then do your research and present your case. All I'm hearing from you is that you have a hunch and you're too fucking lazy to produce any evidence… and you really want other anons to do it for you. Fuck outta here with that laziness and whining. Research for yourself.

b798d9  No.4874723


A fren of mine posted a theory: #NathanPhillips is /ourguy/. The whole thing was a white hat FF to set them up to attack some young catholic boys and have it backfire in their stupid stupid faces.

Sounds like a possibility to me…

a40d51  No.4874724

File: a1672defacc1d99⋯.png (386.91 KB, 627x597, 209:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a311d28b3356969⋯.png (290.52 KB, 971x452, 971:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d52403dd05d6b93⋯.png (239.81 KB, 398x339, 398:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b781971d9a392a⋯.png (133.91 KB, 955x465, 191:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2512416adfcf2c⋯.png (357.81 KB, 926x493, 926:493, ClipboardImage.png)

f0673f  No.4874725

File: 168429f23a9d51f⋯.png (86.25 KB, 1266x459, 422:153, fox.PNG)


Day after Covington incident, Native American allegedly tried to disrupt Mass at National Shrine, reports say


d73880  No.4874726


might as well go into the devils den

Pelosi eating crow

kinda luv it

7c3f74  No.4874727


Still there @trueeyethespy, but he’s not the same since the fracas with Praying Medic and Jordan Sather (I think that’s who it was). He doesn’t post as often and he’s not as much fun.

eeaaa2  No.4874728

File: 61be34550304198⋯.jpeg (278.43 KB, 750x882, 125:147, 33645635-D3D1-4A4F-BD05-6….jpeg)

63e573  No.4874729


Wrong - Congress can be arrested/detained at any time whether in session or not, IF the reason is for a felony crime or treason.

e674e5  No.4874730

File: 75b8aa4dd45be2e⋯.png (209.41 KB, 444x513, 148:171, ClipboardImage.png)

Breitbart and all of the other so called "news" need to stop running these stories and giving a platform/voice to scum such as Cher. This fuels the division and only riles people up. This should not be news. We need to boycott all news outlets and hit them where it hurts. Don't give them (you's).


597d5a  No.4874731

File: f31de3b6fee6bf3⋯.jpg (102.18 KB, 1080x546, 180:91, Screenshot_20190123-100808.jpg)

"Start of a vital process" (pic related)

Why did SA events need to happen prior to moving forward?

When was the "SA Purge"

When did Q movement start?

Why were they in a hotel for a month?

$800 billion seized

Are they in jail?

Did justice prevail?

In order for justice to prevail, you need to allow those guilty to publicly incriminate themselves.

Mueller must remain silent and allow it to happen knowing the public is being told a lie.

Has Mueller done a press conference?

When Mueller breaks the news to the public that Manafort and others were plants which led to investigations of HRC, BO, etc…

How will public react?

Why are the 13 democrats angry?

Who are they mad at?

Their own party?

Will this allow more public support when truth is revealed?

As hard as it may be for Mueller to watch the public be led along like sheep….

He has satisfaction in the fact that when the dust settles, this was the best way to get justice for the American people.

The clock is ticking!

dd977f  No.4874732


It is a Salute.

o is head 7 is hand/arm

fd580b  No.4874733

File: 5c52226c56c0dc9⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 352x240, 22:15, 1323176020594.gif)


whatever namefag

8d7ba2  No.4874734

File: 1f1fde835d807d9⋯.png (84.69 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 1509645963585.png)

0f8bde  No.4874735

File: 600c88ca07ae959⋯.jpg (183.76 KB, 575x809, 575:809, download (2).jpg)

dbaa92  No.4874736


the MSM collapse is in full swing right now. Sit back and enjoy the carnage

c52dd8  No.4874737

File: aae33dc8e4cdc40⋯.jpeg (87.9 KB, 925x483, 925:483, image.jpeg)

File: 369b24af604393f⋯.jpeg (94.75 KB, 925x482, 925:482, image.jpeg)

I have a question for a lawfaganon:

If RBG is dead and the identity of the individual(s) concealing that information is or can be established, is it a crime to conceal this information, in part, because it is denying the people who voted DJT into the office of POTUS their indirect right (exercised by POTUS) to nominate for confirmation a new Supreme Court justice?

What information must be compiled BY LAW when an individual dies? Is this a state matter? A municipal matter?

Any enlightening legal information is appreciated in advance.

331bd0  No.4874738


>http:// www.fox5dc.com/news/local-news/crews-working-to-repair-sinkhole-on-17th-street-nw-in-dc

POSTED: JAN 22 2019 08:32PM EST

UPDATED: JAN 22 2019 08:34PM EST

"WASHINGTON (FOX 5 DC) - Repair crews are working to fix a sinkhole that appeared on Tuesday on 17th Street Northwest in D.C. on Tuesday.

The sinkhole emerged near the intersection with New York Avenue Northwest.

Drivers should avoid the area.

They can use 18th Street, 15th Street, K Street, Virginia Avenue, and Constitution Avenue to avoid the sinkhole."

message on how to 'avoid' the sinkhole??

f5a3b8  No.4874739


maybe he succumbed to the gunshot wounds he fake recieved.

0ac57d  No.4874740


GOAT…Dems will not go and thus bury themselves more

fa7542  No.4874741

File: 209c371627ebb7b⋯.jpg (257.41 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Pepe salute.jpg)



744de6  No.4874742


Please brush up on history

"I would not be fooled by the old myth that reporting is about objectivity. Deciding what is news is the most subjective of acts and it is probably the most important thing that we do."

~ Carl Bernstein

(1944-) American investigative journalist, author, Washington Post reporter for Watergate scandal

"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with the issues and subjects we choose to deal with."

~ Richard M. Cohen

(1948-) American journalist, television producer, and author. Former senior producer for CBS News and CNN

a87745  No.4874743


I got both bases covered. Sweet.

e9248f  No.4874744

File: 7d983294b71424f⋯.png (10.82 MB, 1790x5586, 895:2793, Self Evident.png)

7c3f74  No.4874745

File: 928fe67be8670f1⋯.png (224.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 19BE1AB5-F026-4B87-837D-81….png)

File: 606703609891716⋯.png (199.22 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BC5A7F52-61F1-43A1-95DE-4E….png)

Potus letter to Pelosi.

bd02c8  No.4874746

>>4873966 (lb)

>>4873966 (lb)

notable missed from last bread



bee00c  No.4874747


Glad I'm white then

eeaaa2  No.4874748

File: 98d6d4f6efe44f4⋯.jpeg (306.35 KB, 728x941, 728:941, 9823BC46-5EAB-4EC1-BEEE-4….jpeg)

2a1c74  No.4874749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just Us Band 751


Just Us- Enter Sandman (Cover)

24cdb0  No.4874750

Moar on the Lyin' Tribesman!

Nathan Standard "aka"

Nathan Phillips



543a26  No.4874751


Can't stand that arrogant bitch!

ef6dfd  No.4874752

File: f727eca8b4642d3⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2ruhq8.jpg)

737efc  No.4874753


Sauce it.

3e6142  No.4874754

File: 4bd539637838b5b⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 594x421, 594:421, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-2….jpg)


e674e5  No.4874755


Trust JAVANKA!!!


We are being played. Wake up folks.

48e520  No.4874756

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB, 658x600, 329:300, Gannett web connections.png)

File: b14b5da619b3aea⋯.jpg (748.16 KB, 1608x2352, 67:98, pedodog.jpg)

File: abed5c421374282⋯.png (119.14 KB, 1374x1214, 687:607, y6DK93x.png)

File: 963ce157b0e8d51⋯.png (106.43 KB, 1374x1134, 229:189, xbyk89R.png)

File: e3252c3af4f221f⋯.png (124.56 KB, 1534x1134, 767:567, PoR5eF8.png)


Fireplace, popcorn, YES!!!

Wonder what little things they will set up for us to see. It's like a huge Advent Calendar the plan at times.

7803f5  No.4874757

File: 27c4609ec01fbfc⋯.png (137.82 KB, 330x606, 55:101, 2019-01-23_12-00-08.png)

6f9fd3  No.4874758

File: 88407035dbbd968⋯.png (65.37 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)


They play both sides

pic related

efaea1  No.4874759


He wants Pelosi to disinvite him. Setting her up.

4f5d85  No.4874760

24cdb0  No.4874761

File: 96284db6c67f2d4⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, Trump-SOTU-2018-rtr-img.jpg)

ba4001  No.4874762

File: acfc3ca386a5871⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 500x321, 500:321, 2rugeo_1.jpg)

File: eda0411cc7a2654⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 506x485, 506:485, 2rg9rz_1.jpg)

d73880  No.4874763


tee hee

u my bro homey

36341d  No.4874764



e6d3b5  No.4874765

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh




In a late term abortion (which NY just legalized) the baby is killed and then delivery is induced. Think about that. They're delivering the child anyway. Why kill him ahead of time? Why not deliver him alive and put him up for adoption? Why does he need to come out dead?

8d7ba2  No.4874766

File: be76f777738e994⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 400x226, 200:113, JL6HEaE.gif)

1f5f06  No.4874767

Baker Offering Handoff

Any Anons who wish to bake, please volunteer.

Updated dough will be provided.

Offer will be rescinded @~350 if no one volunteers.

3e6142  No.4874768

File: fe6522806e11872⋯.jpg (145.1 KB, 594x564, 99:94, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-3….jpg)


a87745  No.4874769


Indeed. Just now I put myself into that pose. My fingers naturally relaxed and curled a bit but all stayed relatively together. You’d actually have to make that gesture. Try it…

737efc  No.4874770


That makes jo fucking sense.

458ac7  No.4874771


>I was thinking

this is where he went sideways

607899  No.4874772


They might have to remove the Capital Dome and use a crane to lower that mans BALLS into the House chamber. I Love My President !

744de6  No.4874773

File: bda9dd85176918a⋯.png (123.05 KB, 265x400, 53:80, Capture.PNG)



In a candid moment after WW1, Kuhn Loeb partner Otto Kahn explained that the Cabalist bankers “remake” the world by creating artificial conflicts and determining the outcome. These include the world wars, the Cold War, and the phony “Left-Right” gridlock.

53bd43  No.4874774


> I mean, just think of what the world would be like if Hitler had waited 4 short years.

which is why he didn't…

it makes no sense other than that was the plan.


a40d51  No.4874775

File: 65b73fca97e449a⋯.jpg (184.88 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Bannon ID.jpg)



In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul teaches that before the Day of the Lord the antichrist will be revealed. This coming world ruler will attract followers from all over the world with his magnetic personality.

He will be a financial and political genius.

In Daniel 7 he is referred to as the “man of sin, the “little horn.” Daniel wrote, “This horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts.”

He will be boastful and egotistical, a megalomaniac in his quest for world power. He will come preaching peace. But Daniel says, “through peace he will destroy many.” (Daniel 8:25)

His authority will be overpowering, his hatreds intense, his political techniques first rate. The news media will not be able to resist covering his every move and pronouncement – however outrageous.

A magnetic personality fooled many

A magnetic personality fooled many

He will be a master deceiver, able to make many people think good is bad and bad is good. During his administration, everyone will receive an ID number. You won’t be able to buy food or anything else unless you have this government-issued ID.

You may be thinking, “He won’t deceive me!” The Bible says, “He will deceive the very elect, if it were possible.

747008  No.4874776


KEK! Taxation is theft!

But I get your point, Anon.

Have no sadness that women throwing their lives away and destroying their psyches are being forced into legitimate work.

2fdec8  No.4874777


My father pulled that same shit on my sister when she asked why he wasn't in the Vietnam War.

He told her, "Because I had you guys to take care of."

She just blindly accepted that like the good little libtard lemming she is.

I, on the other hand, reminded them both that dad turned 18 just after the war ended and it was another 14 months after that that I, as the oldest child, was born.

0ac57d  No.4874778


NY the New Murder Capital

aaf4c1  No.4874779


the ACB slide has been pushed every day for the last week

this slide falsely connects and conflates the Q post about a woman SCOTUS nominees to catholic haters and ACB

the purpose of this slide is to promote this person as nominee due to her membership in People of Pride and her antiquated views on women - need to serve and follow men she says

DS/RINO/Never Trumpers and single issue pro lifers support her

this is NOT a catholic smear


look i hate DF as much as the rest of you but this is a slide

she questioned ACB on People of Pride NOT catholic church

ACB is not really a catholic - she is an evangelical "charismatic" christian with out of the mainstream religious views EVEN for evangelicals

this slide is getting worse every day

here is what feinstein said

"your speeches demonstrate that your dogma lives loudly within you and thats a concern"

here is why she said it:

Speaking to the 2006 Notre Dame Law School graduating class, Barrett said: “Your legal career is but a means to an end, and . . . that end is building the kingdom of God. . . . [I]f you can keep in mind that your fundamental purpose in life is not to be a lawyer, but to know, love, and serve God, you truly will be a different kind of lawyer.” Admittedly, this is about lawyers and not about judges, but it speaks to her views on a legal career in general.

In a December 2015 piece for the University of Notre Dame Alumni Association, Barrett wrote that “[l]ife is about more than the sum of our own experiences, sorrows, and successes. It’s about the role we play in God’s ever-unfolding plan to redeem the world.” She continued: “That sounds lofty, but it’s about taking the long view. Do we see success through the eyes of our contemporaries, or through the eyes of God? Do we focus only on what God does for us, or also on what God can do for others through us.”

And from Catholic Judges in Capital Cases: “Judges cannot — nor should they try to — align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge. They should, however, conform their own behavior to the Church’s standard. Perhaps their good example will have some effect.”

People of Praise.


You're right that PoP is not a Catholic group. They appears to by nondenominational (they accept anyone) but with root in the Pentecostal movement. ACB is, however, a practicing Roman Catholic:

"Ms. Barrett told the senators that she was a faithful Catholic, and that her religious beliefs would not affect her decisions as an appellate judge."


5668eb  No.4874780


Because these sick people are draining out adrenochrome and blood while the poor baby is in distress/panic/being tortured in the womb.

531401  No.4874781


Healing Crystal Dildos Are Here to Make Your Vagina a Magical Place

The left really is super duper bi-polar, huh?

2cb424  No.4874782

File: 4070a6eab014c4b⋯.jpg (109.79 KB, 926x1200, 463:600, see ya tuesday bitch.jpg)

3e6142  No.4874783

File: bd4b16744947d16⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 592x211, 592:211, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-3….jpg)


ac4c14  No.4874784

File: b53314348a0b1d4⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 182x184, 91:92, The Dons god 0938409860980….JPG)


The Don's god.

0f8bde  No.4874785


For sure. Too many of these poses are not comfortable or automatic.

2934e9  No.4874786


? Alex Jones was a Rothschild agent from the beginning that's why he was invited into bohemian grove, that's how he got the radio interview with David Rothschild and that's how wearechange got the street interview with Rothschild senior

ba4001  No.4874787

File: 4b5e3c87e85413c⋯.jpeg (85.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, b53ca48d035f4db048db338ef….jpeg)

c2f1f3  No.4874788


ty fren!

083f24  No.4874789


Interesting Comment on the vid on YT:


3 years ago

That name, Saxe-Coburg is also the name of the British royal family before they changed it to Windsor. It was Saxe-Coburg Gotha. They may be able to change their name to try to cover their lineage but they can't change what is under the skin that they wear. All have a reptilian mainframe and it goes back thousands of years. Also descendant from Vlad the impaler and most people know of him. Watch David Icke and his theory of how these reptilians that exist in another dimension and operate at a different frequency.

Michio Kaku has the same theory about multiple dimensions and how they operate like radio signals, only being able to be tuned in through channeling by Satanists that know the secrets. These reptilian descendants are able to use satanic rituals, and sacrifices to "tune in" these demons that give them knowledge of how to create fear through wars and control us with currency. They always put the economy in chaos, to keep people begging them to fix the problem, carry out assassinations so they can start wars and make billions if not trillions of dollars selling weapons and then rebuild war torn cities and countries.

They know the curse of Cain and Lamech and use it skillfully to keep this world in a constant state of chaos. Oh well yeah they have some peaceful times, but when the 49 years is coming to an end, they have another assassination and all "hell" breaks loose. From the US ambassador 2012, back 49 years to JFK, back 49 years to Franz Ferdinand, back 49 years to Lincoln assassination, it is all a satanic play for the reptilian oligarchs that rule. All laid out in Genesis and how Cain was made to be a vagabond on this earth.

They have turned Cain's and Lamech's curse into a windfall for them and all the freemason's know this, write laws to protect themselves and make us their slaves through paying taxes and making us think we need all the garbage that keeps us away from the truth, that we really don't need all the electronics and junk they manufacture. It's all junk and every few years they give us an upgrade and make us think we are getting better technology when really we are destroying not just the planet we live on but ourselves in the process.

52f18f  No.4874790

File: e07ba3d4b959fcb⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 08006972-EFEE-4D03-BEDA-62….gif)

63e573  No.4874791

baker notable

>>4874745 POTUS letter to Pelosi: SOTU to proceed in House Chamber per prior invitation, no security issues

f54e21  No.4874793


Because it's to somehow protect these cunt tard libs from getting raped and having to deliver a baby from the refugee. Ironic ain't it…

543a26  No.4874794


Eye poison!

fd580b  No.4874795


and it can't be stopped. so just look for the signs.

da957c  No.4874796


Trump letter rewrite:

Dear Nancy,

Thanks for the invite. I'll be there.

You were all worried about security but were wrong because you forgot to check.

Can't wait to see you.



fa7542  No.4874797

File: c756eef7511e0e5⋯.gif (2.46 MB, 374x522, 187:261, Mic drop for POTUS.gif)

2a1c74  No.4874798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7c3f74  No.4874799


She formally invited him in the first letter she ent on Jan 3. The letter she sent Jan 16 only expressed security concerns and a recommendation of submitting the SOTU in writing or choosing another date. She never formally uninvited him.

f5a26c  No.4874800


Obvious candidates

Buzzfeed (Jason Leopold)

Yahoo (Michael Isikoff)

Mother Jones (David Corn)

And then I assume WaPo, CNN, and MSNBC.

Those who are screaming the loudest.

And if those organizations were paying Fusion GPS (for scoops) and then Fusion GPS is paying individual reporter from those organizations… isn't it just a kickback scheme?

991cee  No.4874801

File: 72e148f8fdaa43e⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, rbg-1-super-tease.jpg)


I have a Proof-Of-Life request…

RBG walking to the gym in cross-trainers would do it for me.

Archive pic related.

fdf512  No.4874802

File: 5968b15d4494618⋯.png (356.01 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, BB2836AD-25AE-4473-8875-E4….png)

Sotu is on. KEk

5895d1  No.4874803

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)



1eb664  No.4874804

File: 7d958b1e679708b⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 400x690, 40:69, boom.jpg)

004baa  No.4874805

File: 3e27efffadfb888⋯.jpg (62.48 KB, 516x500, 129:125, FFno1.jpg)

e674e5  No.4874806


Paul…the 13th and self appointed disciple who authored over 2/3 of the New Testament…

I'll pass on Paul.

744de6  No.4874807


what the FK does AJ have to do with it… are you obsessed with him … nobody is right if everybody is wrong … moral relativism is a lie

20f960  No.4874808


AOC without makeup?

ba4001  No.4874810

File: 4074c37627da339⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 666x435, 222:145, 2robum_1_1.jpg)

Why do old women look like a old bird?

3e6142  No.4874811


a40d51  No.4874812

File: 9bc05f78fe8047f⋯.png (28.77 KB, 596x196, 149:49, ClipboardImage.png)


"Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa"

fc64a5  No.4874813

>>4874159 pb

This idiot didn't even proof his letter. Rife with grammar errors and omissions, AND it's got the wrong year for the Buzzfeed article (2019 NOT 2018).

Typical dem sloppiness.

dbaa92  No.4874814



b86b19  No.4874815


29a118  No.4874816

File: 0eac9d08bb088f0⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2379x1479, 793:493, HUSSEIN.png)

You Can’t Say It, But You Know It’s True

Good evening everybody.

It is an honor to be here at my last,

And perhaps THE last,

White House Correspondent’s Dinner.


You all look great.

The end of the republic has never looked better…


. . .


ce6905  No.4874817

what part of the marines forced Trump to do this did you not get? Trump is working to save himself >>4874755

2934e9  No.4874818


>>>4874786 (You)

>what the FK does AJ have to do with it… are you obsessed with him … nobody is right if everybody is wrong … moral relativism is a lie


Being a shill isn't about telling lies or truth its about being in control of the opposition.

23dfd6  No.4874819


Because Jews and birds both descend genetically from reptiles.

2a1c74  No.4874820



12470d  No.4874821

File: 3e095dcc7b5f64d⋯.jpg (329.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NoName2.jpg)

e30dc7  No.4874822


Byron York: What if Mueller doesn't give Democrats what they want?

The position of most Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill is that lawmakers are waiting until Trump-Russia special counsel Robert Mueller delivers his report before considering whether to impeach President Trump. But what if Mueller does not accuse the president of wrongdoing, or at least impeachable wrongdoing? Would Democrats say, 'Never mind,' put away thoughts of impeachment, and move on to the next item on their agenda?

ef6dfd  No.4874823

File: 34c5ae36d155f7c⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2ruarf.jpg)

0f8bde  No.4874824


If Trump were the anti-christ, the left wouldn't try to tear him down and remove him so badly. (((They))) had the plan.

48e520  No.4874825



she's sayanim cancer

0badf5  No.4874826




24cdb0  No.4874827

File: 115666b4be72cac⋯.jpg (78.5 KB, 650x399, 650:399, trump-supporter-beaten.jpg)

File: 8cabdddfcd86c83⋯.jpg (187.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault-1.jpg)

File: ad83b5ecb87302d⋯.jpg (106.44 KB, 620x413, 620:413, aptopix-trump-rally-violen….jpg)


Wel then, I guess I'm Pretty Safe!

Let's check the Stats

79f4b5  No.4874828


house of reps. or white house?

4de515  No.4874829

File: e3d0906685a4358⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 324x214, 162:107, bookowski.jpg)

aaf4c1  No.4874830


lawfag here

i cannot sauce it but i am certain there is one or more federal laws that a prosecutor could charge for intentional deception/hiding of this information

it might have to be set up like a LEO interview but would be easy IMO

dont think thats the way its going down though

if she is unable to appear that is unsustainable for very long

15d5c4  No.4874831

Alright, its been another 10 days since Q's last drop. I cant wait until this process is over, it's actually painful waiting around for another Q drop.

Q's last drop included this:

FAKE NEWS control over those who do not think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

Do you know what I thought when I read this? NO SHIT! Why are we having stupid mundane info repeated at us? It's literally the most obvious and common sense thing Q could say. He must not think much of us.

2a1c74  No.4874832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ef6dfd  No.4874833

File: 6b4d2e31b3b76b2⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 663x432, 221:144, Christy_Canyon-bush.jpg)


eye wash

0ef2a5  No.4874834

File: 227385d2df1e9d2⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 777x697, 777:697, MARVIN_MARTIAN.JPG)


VISUALS!!! Got it…


puff pass

ccd34d  No.4874835



RGB replacemewnt ?

A Female ? Yes

A Catholic ? Yes ?

The Nathan Philips; Story is the Start of

a Full On Media Narrative attack against

Pro Life Catholic Women.

It will come to a Head during the Senate Confirmation of RGB's successor.

The Media will attack in Force .

The MSM attack will use US Taxpayer Funds via Planned Parenthood. Taxpayers need to realize what is going on.

a98eae  No.4874836


It was the pro life rally they have had every year for 48 years. They were looking for good targets. It may be why the group of black israelites saying all those horrific racist remarks to the boys for over an hour.

Trying to push them into responding in a negative way.

They had on MAGA hats and kids are easier to intimidate instead of adults.

It was towards the end of the day, and they probably had no luck finding anyone else to target.

The indian did not condemn the real racists, and blamed it on the boys.

I would not be surprised if they were not working together.

The black men were saying racist things to the indian people, and they did nothing.

It was an attempt to goad the boys into being racist too, hoping they would say something about black or indian people.

9fe58a  No.4874837


That dude has some incredible content and is quite entertaining to listen to.

ba4001  No.4874838

File: 4ed572d00cba9a2⋯.jpg (319.13 KB, 2986x1680, 1493:840, a8ca030e1fa87b67b5579949a7….jpg)

File: 80be5da43a39284⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1842, 180:307, Screenshot_20190121-111437….png)

File: 80bc6c8a8617294⋯.png (241.07 KB, 979x574, 979:574, Screenshot_20190122-085226….png)


Latinos evolved from a pile shit.

dbaa92  No.4874839

File: 75e1372fcfb9e0a⋯.jpg (131.68 KB, 569x781, 569:781, nowdieyoufuckers.jpg)

893997  No.4874840


not everyone who gets caught trying to destroy America = "our guy"

In fact, such instances are very rare. If Nathan Phillips (a strangely-Catholic name for an anti-Catholic, Native-American agitator) were our guy, he wouldn't be working for the …

5c6453  No.4874843

File: 087ac76fec8ccce⋯.png (107.1 KB, 615x717, 205:239, 087ac76fec8ccce42a3ee79e7b….png)

eyes on fags



helperAnon in da house

23dfd6  No.4874844

File: 8fc7c9c64c43745⋯.jpg (14.35 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 61acfb79753c205f785e64de53….jpg)


My vote would be Brennan. He's the most wanted traitor on my list. Imagine how he would sing under interrogation?

e30dc7  No.4874845


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to step down as CBC Foundation chair amid lawsuit

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is stepping down from her role as the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation board amid a lawsuit from a former staffer.

The ex-staffer accused Jackson Lee of improperly firing her as retaliation over claims she was sexually assaulted by a supervisor at the foundation years earlier.

The New York Times reported Jackson Lee’s departure on Wednesday, also adding that the lawmaker will temporarily step down from her chairmanship on the House Judiciary Committee’s crime, terrorism, homeland security and investigations subcommittee.

2cb424  No.4874846

BREAKING: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is resigning from the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and is temporarily stepping down from the House Judiciary subcommittee after an aide accused her of being fired for reporting sexual assault

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/23/us/politics/sheila-jackson-lee-cbc-chairwoman.html …

f87651  No.4874847


It would be hilarious if it was all a headfake and POTUS ends up appointing a Protestant male.

0badf5  No.4874848

File: 347fd761a29bade⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1174x680, 587:340, NATHAN MASS.PNG)



2cb424  No.4874849



e1191d  No.4874850

File: ad7b9d5817f9e52⋯.jpg (44.18 KB, 742x611, 742:611, holyplotz.jpg)

Not an earthquakefag, so I don't even know if this is a thing, but it seems like all of the heliplots worldwide look like this right now (pic related)


aaf4c1  No.4874851


this is real life WWF at its best

popcorn ready

744de6  No.4874852


Those one track minds that took you for the world you know.. as cold as ice ,, you really,, really ought to know… in violent times you shouldn't have to sell your soul….. move along already

24cdb0  No.4874853


Sauce it!

7c3f74  No.4874854


I just looked over his last drop. It was about Planned Parenthood and funneling taxpayer money to Dems. Very interest that Tucker Carlson brought up Planned Parenthood on his show last night. Coincidence?

57b181  No.4874855


Chief Spreading Bull

a40d51  No.4874856


Dichotomy psyop

(((THEY))) play both sides.



To better illustrate this dichotomy, one need only review the PSYOP activities

leading up to and during each operation the United States has conducted in the past decade.

An examination of these operations reveals that most are unique in their individual situations;

however, events surrounding the application of Psychological Operations share common

deficiencies in PSYOP planning and the control, or perceived control, the CINC or JFC

commander had in the execution of PSYOP. All situations have deviated to some degree

from established doctrine in the PSYOP approval process.


ac4c14  No.4874857

File: 31a0e7df377b64a⋯.png (451.36 KB, 673x268, 673:268, disposable j03499079873497….png)


Rom. 7:2, 3

2a1c74  No.4874858


Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.

e674e5  No.4874859


i could maybe buy that

aaf4c1  No.4874860


its because the issue is so fucked up on BOTH sides

BOTH sides are to blame

needs healing and compromise

604dd2  No.4874861

you know what? what….

i would've busted that smug lil bastard upside his head and that drum beatin mofo too….

all that shit is fucking sketchy af..

bof of em…get in my face asswipe……

0ef2a5  No.4874862

File: 0195d83690e52b7⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, Blonde_Girl_Tattooed_Nude_….png)

893997  No.4874863


what's the common denominator among all these agitators? hint, it's the same common denominator aming lots of manufactured subversive groups. Who do they never target?

1269ce  No.4874865


..And that's exactly like that guy in the theater that never shuts the fuck up and tries to second guess the plot throught the whole fucking movie.

While everyone else quietly wishes they would just fucking neck themselves, and just watch the movie as a witness.

fd580b  No.4874866

File: 7f7801be10249c4⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 292x390, 146:195, 635691956429383111-DSC-168….jpg)

b23189  No.4874867

Gawker 2.0 Implodes as Its Only Reporters Quit


e6d3b5  No.4874868

California State Senate Bans The Use Of ‘He And She’ During Hearings, Then Breaks Its Own Rule

“We are now a state recognizing the non-binary designation as a gender,” Jackson said. “We are using the phrase they and replacing other designations so that it’s a gender neutral designation of they. Basically that’s the primary reforms and revisions to the committee rules.”

Jackson was a victim of her own rules however, when she referred to her old grammar teacher as a “her” instead of them.

She was cut off mid sentence from several people in the audience who corrected her and insisted she use the words them or they.


ba4001  No.4874869

File: ef1a73fa98ed216⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 689x499, 689:499, 2rosmj_1.jpg)

File: 304488b21e259e6⋯.jpg (10.68 KB, 255x160, 51:32, 304488b21e259e614235a91668….jpg)

744de6  No.4874870

File: 9d1264044e7d862⋯.png (1.02 MB, 802x465, 802:465, Capture.PNG)

‘Oops. Guess We Won’t be Taking US Money’

A new law allows American citizens to sue foreign entities that receive U.S. aid for past acts of terrorism. The new “Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act” (ACTA) changes the playing field, allowing lawsuits to be brought to U.S. courts.

The first consequence of the law appears to be the Palestinian Authority (PA), an entity that encourages, cheers and pays terrorists, including those who kill Americans.

In a December letter to the U.S. just made public, the PA says they will no longer accept American money due to the new legislation since, if the PA were to accept any aid money from the U.S., they could be sued by Americans harmed as a result of PA-inspired terror.

Although the U.S. has already cut millions of dollars in aid to the PA due to the fact that the PA refused to stop paying terrorists and their families for their heinous deeds, President Trump was still sending $60 million in U.S. funds for security assistance to them.


e30dc7  No.4874871


Ha yep

543a26  No.4874872



Aren't a lot of the mkultra kids adopted?

0aa406  No.4874873

File: f3868c9260b6f07⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 657x800, 657:800, 4chickspointing.jpg)


Cool. Thanks.

1f5f06  No.4874874

Notables Dough


>>4874523 Fusion GPS bribery dozens of MSM journalists with cash, while new companies paid the firm to dig dirt on Trump (reminder: list of journalist/cabalist shitbags: >>4874563 )

>>4874556 On the Covington situation/implications (article analysis)

>>4874576 ; >>4874617 Sheila Jackson Lee to step down as chair of Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; part of blowback from firing sexual assault whistleblower

>>4874598 Internet blockages in Venezuela amidst protests

>>4874626 On the reallocation of funds from the border wall to Iran

>>4874713 POTUS’ letter to Pelosi: SOTU to proceed in House Chamber per prior invitation

>>4874725 ; >>4874848 Reports of Nathan Phillips attempting to disrupt Catholic Mass day after viral video incident

57b181  No.4874875


>Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is resigning

Or is she sticking to her guns?



53bd43  No.4874876




anybody know whatever the fuck happened with the

Chiasso incident?

-fraud of amounts so insanely large that it makes absolutely no sense

-story came out in MSM but was quickly memoryholed

-never spoken of again


a40d51  No.4874877

File: a6d0373ea2a970c⋯.png (158.8 KB, 240x356, 60:89, ClipboardImage.png)


Donald and Ivana Trump with Estee Lauder at a benefit for The Seeing Eye

fa7542  No.4874878

File: a7be6c6835b58c6⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 374x215, 374:215, FF Clapping.gif)

f811ae  No.4874879


This what Shipley does, too. He goes after the fakes. Knows his shit and

doesn't fuck around.

e48cd7  No.4874880

A Letter from the President to Speaker Pelosi

Issued on: January 23, 2019



The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of the House of Representatives

Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Madam Speaker:

Thank you for your letter of January 3, 2019, sent to me long after the Shutdown began, inviting me to address the Nation on January 29th as to the State of the Union. As you know, I had already accepted your kind invitation, however, I then received another letter from you dated January 16, 2019, wherein you expressed concerns regarding security during the State of the Union Address due to the Shutdown. Even prior to asking, I was contacted by the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Secret Service to explain that there would be absolutely no problem regarding security with respect to the event. They have since confirmed this publicly.

Accordingly, there are no security concerns regarding the State of the Union Address. Therefore, I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union.

I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!


Donald J. Trump


White House Logo

The White House


e674e5  No.4874881


I'd prefer plan Z, rip the bandaid off, tell the American people the truth and stop with the games and pussyfooting around. FED needs to go, IRS needs to go, over half of all elected officials need to go, it's a fucking mess. the people's patience will run out at some point.

afd81e  No.4874882

Sheila Jackson Lee Leaves 2 Posts After Aide Says She Was Fired for Reporting Sexual Assault

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat of Texas, resigned as the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.


Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times

By Nicholas Fandos

Jan. 23, 2019

WASHINGTON — Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, facing blowback from a lawsuit claiming she fired an aide who said she was sexually assaulted by a supervisor at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, has decided to resign as the foundation’s chairwoman on Wednesday.

And Ms. Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat in her 13th term, will also step down temporarily from an important House Judiciary subcommittee chairmanship.

Ms. Jackson Lee made the decision to step aside from the foundation role as pressure was growing within her own party to account for the claims in a Jan. 11 lawsuit brought by a woman who worked in her congressional office and who said she was sexually assaulted by a Black Caucus Foundation supervisor. Ms. Jackson Lee has adamantly denied that she fired the woman for retribution, but she planned to say Wednesday that she would step aside nonetheless.

[Read the lawsuit.]

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s board had given Ms. Jackson Lee an ultimatum late last week after the claims became public: step down as chairwoman or face a vote of removal as soon as this week, according to an official familiar with the conversations who was not authorized to discuss them.

Other liberal advocacy groups are asking the congresswoman to step aside from leadership positions as the case unfolds. The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence said it could not continue to work with Ms. Jackson Lee as the lead sponsor of legislation reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. And fellow Democratic lawmakers had been prepared to force her from her chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee’s crime, terrorism, homeland security and investigations subcommittee.


0ef2a5  No.4874883

File: a1ad363d4ca41af⋯.jpg (430.11 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 6a4cd83c-cbf2-4532-8c56-21….jpg)

File: cde41bc8837233b⋯.jpg (4.69 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, 427a2aeb-3efc-46f4-a4b1-0f….jpg)

File: fac180e70a66432⋯.jpg (556.46 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 736991fd-576e-4bbb-a7d3-34….jpg)

File: 3a1165dd9465854⋯.jpg (729.63 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 40106251-bb77-4431-a03d-ee….jpg)

File: c9a7a62a71afb0e⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, b2ea309a-7afb-488c-8414-be….jpg)

ef6dfd  No.4874884

File: 726c07179f15d57⋯.jpg (67.25 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2ru3tv.jpg)

48e520  No.4874885

File: 882988e10ba2464⋯.png (933.81 KB, 984x894, 164:149, a3e9bf0519e6b66f614a7d1682….png)


You need to work something in about the Catholic Church being comped since the Battle of Actium, and Henry V being half-brother on his mother's uncle's cousin's side to Rabbi Golem Shapiro of Bratislava.

2e42e1  No.4874886


I agree anon. The Paul texts are the ones most repeated and flowery. You KNOW the Romans were behind that.

893a3a  No.4874887

File: b11097b569298ab⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cher3.jpg)

79f4b5  No.4874888



d907fd  No.4874889


It was all over tv.

a87745  No.4874890


Makes perfect sense to me…

e30dc7  No.4874891


Who the hell knows anymore with the media out there. As Bongino says wait 24 hrs before to see what really happens.

e090f0  No.4874892

File: f9e4a0a43e87c3a⋯.png (451.8 KB, 990x587, 990:587, PAIN DAY.png)

10 days of darkness

Last Q Post was … 13 Jan 2019 - 2:52:02 PM

The Q Camel rolls in and asks…

"Mike,Mike,Mike …what day is it?"

Jan 23rd… PAIN Daaaaaaaaaaaay! yeeeeuhhh

57b181  No.4874893



Guess she's getting too much heat

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to step down as CBC Foundation chair amid lawsuit

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is stepping down from her role as the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation board amid a lawsuit from a former staffer.

The ex-staffer accused Jackson Lee of improperly firing her as retaliation over claims she was sexually assaulted by a supervisor at the foundation years earlier.

The New York Times reported Jackson Lee’s departure on Wednesday, also adding that the lawmaker will temporarily step down from her chairmanship on the House Judiciary Committee’s crime, terrorism, homeland security and investigations subcommittee.

An anonymous Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) official told the Times that the group’s board told Jackson Lee that they could vote to remove her if she did not step down voluntarily.

In the lawsuit, filed earlier this month, the staffer (“Jane Doe” in the claim) alleges that she was raped in October 2015 by Damien Jones, a former intern coordinator for the foundation. She did not pursue legal action at the time, but decided to do so last year while working in Jackson Lee’s congressional office.


cd6aac  No.4874894


Otto had a nice place in Huntington.

125 bathrooms.


7c3f74  No.4874895


You could be right. Especially >>4874731

High IQ post, at the least.

531401  No.4874896



We've all fucking had it.

They had their chance to FINALLY do the right thing…

But they, as always, double down.

Don't just expose that shit here…

Go out into the wild.

Give the normies a taste of their call-out medicine…

Except we do it truthfully, based on research and evidence.

It's why we can meme, and they can't.

The Objective Truth is on OUR side.

ef6dfd  No.4874897

File: b263a84a6389224⋯.jpg (85.34 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2ro6fz.jpg)

24cdb0  No.4874898

File: 36749f28721486b⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 800x387, 800:387, nathanphillips.jpg)

Nathan Phillips





0ef2a5  No.4874899


Your post are interdasting when put into perspective!

a87745  No.4874901


So, where’s the Congressional White Caucus Foundation?

2934e9  No.4874902

I'm thinking about the 911 truth movement and it was hijacked day one by Rothschild agent Alex Jones, and a lot of other big people in the truth movement turned out to have ties to Rothschild.

I guess Rockefeller bragging about what he was going to do on 911 for 40 years before it happened gave the Rothschild's time to prepare their own fuckery over Rockefeller and the neoconservatives, wonder if that's why the Rockefeller's/neoconservatives seem to have fallen?

6f9fd3  No.4874903


Problem, reaction, solution

Viral videos = problem

Reaction = normies getting tricked and taking sides

Solution = crack down on Internet videos

ce6905  No.4874904


its one of the first things Q told us, the soldiers are broke getting shot at, clinton sells info[she shouldn't even have] and gets like 20 soldiers killed, what do you think would happen? guys who pull the triggers are going to win, the entire freedom caucus is undercover Military intelligence agents, you see why they have it all now?

747008  No.4874905


How many breads you gonna keep posting this same crapola, Anon?

e48cd7  No.4874906

File: 3cf13fdcefbecab⋯.png (363.41 KB, 1162x956, 581:478, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at ….png)

083f24  No.4874907

File: e9bd9cb57fe64d2⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 399x384, 133:128, 1547395496.jpg)

423ef0  No.4874908


POTUS is putting much pressure on WHERE NP should or should not be

e9248f  No.4874909

File: 7463f4aefddef9c⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1062x1375, 1062:1375, Jackson.png)

fd580b  No.4874910

File: e42360ce7369b25⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 1472129858929.gif)


dates are for shills

a40d51  No.4874911


Until you faggot get it.

We have the antichrist in the white house…

b23189  No.4874912


You can't wait until the "process" is over? Hahaha so what are your plans? Go take a walk obviously you've been hooked to a monitor too long..

5927ce  No.4874913


Baker I'm workfagging, not up to speed. Scanned thru notables, any reason for the bread title or just bc?

23dfd6  No.4874915


We're it anon.

2bcb9d  No.4874916


So. Bend IN mayor announces run in 2020


24cdb0  No.4874917


So you won't sauce it?


tv come on anon!

604dd2  No.4874918

a40d51  No.4874919

File: 77ff5272bc5106e⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 330x309, 110:103, TrumpYouFiredBitch.JPG)

Did Trump fire Q?

683a41  No.4874920

File: 2df2f1d0b9706dc⋯.jpg (10.9 KB, 400x270, 40:27, Trump Day.jpg)

File: 79ff7bdb55fe62a⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 299x299, 1:1, Trump Dayy.jpg)

File: a9be71b58a2dfb5⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 540x540, 1:1, Trump Dayyy.jpg)

96c95b  No.4874921

File: 93e086b8ee29ea2⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, 95B462C4-7B0F-4FB2-88F4-31….png)

If Expand Your Thinking exposed StormIsUponUs aka Joe M as a Mossad/CIA agent, why is that video series stickied to each OP on every bread?


Time for anons to pick a side. MOSSAD or AMERICA FIRST.


dc0bec  No.4874922


From 2017…

332250  No.4874923

File: f22f07563cbfba9⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 772x566, 386:283, Shelia Jackson Lee Lord of….jpg)


That's GOOD news, thank you.

0aa406  No.4874924

File: ef1c7ada80f8751⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 781x444, 781:444, typesofbibletranslations.jpg)


Doesn't make sense. ETS has always advocated for Q, never asked for money, provides an entertaining and thought-provoking feed with background insights that check out. Been doing anon research since the 90s, and eyethespy has confirmed more deep links, for example in his Q&As, than I find just about anywhere else. If you want to counter that, have at it.

ac4c14  No.4874926


Daddy’s little enabler? 1 Co 5:11

2cb424  No.4874927


seemed to good to be true

afd81e  No.4874928


go to the tweet

investigate for yourself to find truth

2934e9  No.4874929


Also there's no way the official story of 911 was the planned official story because it's too retarded. Some other black/white hat must've been messing with the plan.

fd580b  No.4874930


its a shill slide, he's gonna keep posting it, that's how it works.

099664  No.4874931

File: 0684f8ff683b0d9⋯.gif (2.17 MB, 400x276, 100:69, 78F50958-02B1-4256-A232-70….gif)


17th street huh?

083f24  No.4874932

File: ca9544472a79b1d⋯.png (297.65 KB, 1106x515, 1106:515, whatsinthebox.png)


ok now Kushner is the Antichrist?

He does not fit the description

0ef2a5  No.4874933




Examine the flow of information of the Hive-Mind

Introduce stimuli causing changes in the synoptic Microtubuals of the 8Chan Tentacles.

And do another bong hit

f16e51  No.4874934

File: d57ded257fd592b⋯.png (90.72 KB, 843x851, 843:851, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3849528f472274c⋯.png (27.93 KB, 843x240, 281:80, ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange Moves to Force U.S. to Reveal Charges Against Him and Compel Ecuador to Prevent Extradition

Lawyers for Julian Assange have moved to force the Trump administration to reveal the charges against them and compel Ecuador, the nation that has granted him asylum, to prevent extradition to the United states.

According to a press release on Wednesday, the lawyers filed an urgent application to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), based in Washington D.C., to direct the Trump Administration to unseal the charges it has secretly filed against Assange.

The statement explains that they are additionally asking the Commission to compel Ecuador to “cease its espionage activities against Mr. Assange, to stop the isolation imposed on him and to protect him from U.S. extradition.”

“The urgent request is in the form of a comprehensive 1,172-page application for ‘precautionary measures’ directed to the international body which monitors compliance of the U.S. and Ecuador with their binding legal obligations. The calls to extradite Mr. Assange to the United States, as the result of his work as a publisher and editor, is the reason Mr. Assange obtained political asylum at Ecuador’s embassy in London in August 2012,” the press release says.

The international coordinator of Assange’s legal team, Baltasar Garzón, explained that the situation “gravely undermines the legal safeguards that must be guaranteed by the state protecting Mr. Assange from the Trump administration’s political persecution.” He is requesting that the IACHR urgently intervene in favor of Assange and is calling for “international solidarity for this case in which the right to access and impart information freely is in jeopardy.”

The US has refused to reveal what the sealed charges against Assange are, despite the fact that proof that he has been charged was recently made public in a filing error for another case. Sources from the Department of Justice have also confirmed the existence of charges to the Associated Press and New York Times.

“The revelation that the U.S. has initiated a prosecution against Mr. Assange has shocked the international community”, the legal submission states. The U.S. government “is required to provide information as to the criminal charges that are imputed to Mr. Assange in full”, it adds.

The submission also reveals that U.S. federal prosecutors have formally approached people in the United States, Germany and Iceland — pressing them to testify against Assange in return for immunity from prosecution.

“Those approached are associated with WikiLeaks’ joint publications with other media about U.S. diplomacy, Guantanamo bay and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The joint publication effort between WikiLeaks, The New York Times, McClatchy, The Guardian, The Telegraph, the UK’s Channel 4, Al Jazeera, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, El País, The Hindu, and Reuters, among others, won numerous journalistic awards and created the collaborative model subsequently used for other large disclosures such as the Panama Papers,” the statement explains.


20f960  No.4874935


Who cares. The whole god damn thing was started by St Mark who wrote in Vienna probably in the 1200's

92f34b  No.4874936


I tried to post Q post 1515 of all the reporters Wikileaks exposed that another anon posted earlier in bread on True Pundit’s comment section, won’t let me post, and there are only 4 comments on his article, fuckery afoot.

a98eae  No.4874937


dude should have had Soro's pay him in teeth, kek

For doing that commerical/ short film for them a few years ago.

Atleast buy the guy some pretty store bought teeth.

7c3f74  No.4874938


“So very sad…”

Sounds like our Potus wrote that.

1269ce  No.4874939


fell apart late last night/early this am.

but yeah, this board is irrelevant. yep. sho thing. /s

bd02c8  No.4874940


totally enjoying it. Have noticed the past month or two they are cackling uncontrollably - laughing it up and trying to seem "at ease" but I can smell the fear thru the tv man….

57b181  No.4874941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She's as swampy as she comes

>fired an unpaid intern after he was arrested by the U.S. Capitol police for allegedly posting online the home addresses of Republican senators backing Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court.

20f960  No.4874942


*Venice, not Vienna

83efc3  No.4874943


Q is taking a shit!

061c02  No.4874944


Nice try division fags

0f2e20  No.4874945


You forgot the part where the republicans pretend to oppose the dems while actually capitulating to their agenda.

e674e5  No.4874946


just seems the Q movement has lost momentum. I've stuck my neck out to family and friends and half of them think I'm full of shit and crazy. It's been a year and a half now and this shit is moving at a snails pace. Time to put up or shut up.

3c53fc  No.4874947


on location.

think filming a movie

fd580b  No.4874948

File: 3361bcf2462af35⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 306x335, 306:335, 1329472931851.gif)

747008  No.4874949


MSM counts this as a "few hundred protesters".

988dbf  No.4874950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Awakening Is Now Going World Wide, The Movement Has Started:Charles Hugh Smith

X-22 report for today

3da811  No.4874951

File: 15c5e02d64a7906⋯.png (3.34 MB, 2048x1427, 2048:1427, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting coincidence today, while out for a walk i crossed path with a black MACK style dump truck with what seemed like it a new paint job. What took about 5 seconds to register before it had moved out of the area was that on the front grill it had a Punisher logo and the number 17 welded on it all in chrome. Trying to decide what that might kek.

Similar to attached image but seemed like a newer model.

a98eae  No.4874952

File: 8e5dc7f7d67de60⋯.png (258.68 KB, 500x625, 4:5, WTF Checker.png)

f16e51  No.4874953

File: c316dadd0290573⋯.png (599.34 KB, 515x618, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)

8d7ba2  No.4874954

File: ac2189bfd34a400⋯.gif (51.24 KB, 220x164, 55:41, tenor_1.gif)

4b5807  No.4874955

File: 532e9cbac001547⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 807x605, 807:605, courthouse.jpg)



DJT sacrificed his OWN LUXURIOUS LIFE to do what is BEST for ALL OF US.

and _ff coulda stayed posted up in zone6.




>try harder


2cb424  No.4874956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whoopi Goldberg CONFRONTED On Set Of The View

e674e5  No.4874957


define "whole god damn thing"

737efc  No.4874958


He can't answer that. None of the Kushner shills are very good.

a40d51  No.4874959


I just filter you pro Kushner fags.

By the way, Pitt is a Cabal douchebag.

fa7542  No.4874960

File: 69f1db7a46847f5⋯.jpg (172.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, chiasso.jpg)

File: 165be217fe159ac⋯.jpg (187.33 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Kennedy Bond MB.jpg)


The account of it is false imo. They were not stopped as the first pic is the actual border crossing. You can just walk through due to shengen and no visa needed. I ended up here on a train in september of that year because I missed the stop for Como, got off here instead. It was then that I realized the official account was bullshit. You are not stopped or inspected when you cross. The first story that came out was Geithner saying "those are fakes and if they were real we stopped printing them in 1981 I think".

Also the Finanza would have been able to collect a large % of the value of them due to the financial laws in Italy on seizure.

So it just went away

I have no doubt it was real based on the accidental arrival at that crossing

d907fd  No.4874961



e30dc7  No.4874962


And your point? You dont think being one of the most powerful real estate devs in NYC and super wealthy doesnt gets you invited to every single event especially fundraisers in the city? shill

c3800a  No.4874963


I also seen it this morning before I left for work on Fox News. Fox and Friends made a remark about the view actually told the truth.

0f2e11  No.4874964

Forgive me if this is shitting up the bread. I have been here on average 10hrs/day since Q's first post lurking, researching, and rarely posting. But today is the birthday of the very first produced frisbee designed by 'Steady' Ed Headrick also considered the Father of Disc Golf. Just so happens to coincide with my birthday, so today some of my friends will be coming out to play on my private 18hole course that was first designed and built about 25 years ago. Tee time is 4:20. I love you anons (no homo) and love this timeline! And am hoping for a boom for my birthday!!!

083f24  No.4874965

File: 85a2ce519313bbe⋯.jpeg (85.91 KB, 513x546, 171:182, 85a2ce519313bbe1b7118d02c….jpeg)


it goes in cycles

you will not affect any of the timing with your demands

2934e9  No.4874966


>Whoopi Goldberg CONFRONTED On Set Of The View


Fake staged confrontation

2945d7  No.4874967

File: c80b621d922901a⋯.png (319.87 KB, 930x324, 155:54, ClipboardImage.png)

36353b  No.4874968

File: 8c9ec3a39eb76a1⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1060x1602, 530:801, 76D91389-FC31-419C-9861-26….png)



POTUS is just pulling out his junk and waving it in her face.

dbae37  No.4874969


>long list

probably flagged as spam.

trying breaking it up into multiple comments.


7803f5  No.4874970

File: 1e1209741301122⋯.png (89.66 KB, 481x172, 481:172, 2019-01-23_12-45-57.png)

cdd300  No.4874971


You can't talk about stuff that Q said would happen because you will lose all credibility.

Probably #1 reason for anons who quit this board.

34c113  No.4874972

I’m not seeing sauce in notables on “Dems looking for Q” edition … someone help me out

3c53fc  No.4874973


No Cave!

1f5f06  No.4874974


Just a hunch re: Dems looking into security clearances for WH/transition team members.

Wild-ass guess: they're trying to swing dick using congressional committees to get at whomever Q might be.

Lucky us, the cabalists are fucking stupid and grasping at straws by playing a card like this so openly.

737efc  No.4874975




That's funny. The dhill is calling anyone who asks for sauce a shill.

Kek. Fuck off.

53bd43  No.4874976


thanks for input, interesting…

it's a weird mix of fake & real, hard to tell from afar what's beneath it all, but definitely something going on there

3837e6  No.4874977


we have several cartel stash houses out here.

one in particular has had pregnant teens coming and going kept out of sight. access to the back part of the 'house' is an opening in the wall on hinges accessible by ladder. a mylar 'curtain' was added to the porch area to block the view at one point of the girls coming and going via vehicle to their 'appointments' before they became pregnant.

then at some point they all disappeared.

no idea what happened to the girls or the children they were to give birth to.

no ss numbers when the children are delivered by doulas.

the man that owns the 'home' and other houses around him brings illegals in by semi and they are disbursed from our area in uhauls, cattle trailers, box trailers, and RVs.

the ones kept behind 'work' for the man and his father.

this is and has been an ongoing criminal enterprise and the local authorities are aware of it and protect the man and his father.

57b181  No.4874978


I wish I could be a fly on her wall to see her reaction to reading that for the first time KEK

ef6dfd  No.4874979

File: 369ae486ce8153e⋯.jpg (86.28 KB, 790x415, 158:83, 2rskgo.jpg)

e48cd7  No.4874980


Interdasting anon

96c95b  No.4874981

File: e51c0b637064c81⋯.jpeg (113.56 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 79D9938F-66F9-404B-B3E6-0….jpeg)


It’s funny how you Mossad kike fags have the same argument for your puppets..

“Yeah but Alex Jones brought so much to light and got Trump elected!”

“Yeah but Joe M’s Plan To Save The World video woke up many to Q!”

“Yeah but Q mentioned all these Mossad faggots!”

Q mentioned them for a reason.

Anons know the reason.


23dfd6  No.4874982


I'm sure there are many truckeranons out there. Not much to do when you're stuck on a mandated rest period parked in a truck stop in the middle of Wyoming.

a40d51  No.4874983


"Sacrificed" his luxurious life to become the most powerful man on the planet, with complete control of the US military..

I notice he made sure the military got their funding, $685 billion, most ever for the US military….

531401  No.4874984

File: cb83f9836ddbab1⋯.png (212 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, trumpolina-font-2-big.png)

Holy fuck…

there's a font that's made up of Trumps.

And it's free to use commercially!!!


3e6142  No.4874985

File: d4b9e512b9f0765⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 583x216, 583:216, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-5….jpg)


ee5f29  No.4874986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e30dc7  No.4874987


Happy bday fren. Enjoy smoking a bowl while hitting the chains. Or at least thats how we roll here in Tex

f55047  No.4874988

File: 3003260817da790⋯.png (211.74 KB, 604x550, 302:275, CDAN.png)

File: fca1f7c5e521f3d⋯.png (33.41 KB, 550x564, 275:282, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4874298 lb

>Former Barclays execs lied about payments to Qatar, court told

>Roger Jenkins, who formerly ran Barclays Capital’s investment management business in the Middle East and North Africa,

Roger Jenkins ex-wife is Sanela Diane Jenkins.

57b181  No.4874989


Internet Historian is doing legal work now I see

8b03bb  No.4874990


POTUS such a fucking badass.

6f9fd3  No.4874991


You obviously don't have kids or any responsibility's

stop thinking just about yourself

or at least try to see how that future would play out in that scenario and the effect on innocent people

083f24  No.4874992


whatevs Shlomo

531401  No.4874993


Oh yeah… there's a mass amount of fuckery going down today in Venezuela…

-heats up the popcorner-

24cdb0  No.4874994

File: 2b62fdc678ab839⋯.png (233.74 KB, 347x328, 347:328, indian.png)

Still moar on the Misguided



dc0bec  No.4874995



ce6905  No.4874996


Optics don't matter, you are in the same boat as the libtards its all fake, the Military is going to restructure it behind the scenes,to enact NESARA then Trump will step down and we will have new elections,[it has always been the plan[Trust Kansas] cause we aren't there anymore lol, people would panic and resist without "The show" soldiers tired of fighting gihad wars, it makes total sense,

ad39e0  No.4874997

File: fe6b81755c76b64⋯.png (32.25 KB, 197x255, 197:255, ClipboardImage.png)






Nancy just got bitch slapped again.

bd02c8  No.4874998


the MSM have given 5x the coverage on some football ref call who cares wtf than they have on obvious set up and defamation of minors at their own hands. They should not be able to walk the streets in peace after causing so much chaos.

Order coming!!

53bd43  No.4874999



heating up

7c3f74  No.4875000


Happy Birthday, Anon. Enjoy your 420. Tee time, I meant. kek.

2a1c74  No.4875001

File: 5171f5994cb42f5⋯.png (599.52 KB, 938x838, 469:419, ClipboardImage.png)


YOU got it HERE first

now for the news


8d7ba2  No.4875002

File: eed95b336814888⋯.jpeg (201.71 KB, 1440x766, 720:383, 1547767986.jpeg)

36f6ba  No.4875003


The faggot did not capitalize PEOPLE.

7803f5  No.4875004

File: d9c903ce9d17efa⋯.png (81.52 KB, 237x223, 237:223, 2018-12-25_15-40-43.png)


Sounded fake and gay!

0f2e11  No.4875005

Thank you fren, Txanon here and that IS how we roll


a40d51  No.4875006

File: 2b8cfd823303195⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 358x216, 179:108, ByeBye.JPG)


Everything has been sourced over and over.

Fuck off shill.

aaf4c1  No.4875007




we all know what habbened

Q posted lots of false leads and dates and info to smoke out the enemy

and we all know what is going to habben

just not how and when

if you had some personal issues cuz of this you should be glad that is all you had to sacrifice

4b5807  No.4875008

File: b8c42990f99a708⋯.png (43.53 KB, 500x351, 500:351, eternalanglo.png)







spy vs spy vs spy vs crook vs genius vs GANG

why would we give you the ending? #2020VISION

5bfee5  No.4875009

File: a594016397769a0⋯.jpg (214.28 KB, 1521x1843, 1521:1843, Trump_Pelosi.jpg)


ef6dfd  No.4875010

File: 20f63ecf566bee3⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 3000x2156, 750:539, 455527832.jpg)

ac4c14  No.4875011

File: 3aee0e5114462a6⋯.jpg (201.91 KB, 470x705, 2:3, Promises promises 0348u083….jpg)


The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

f16e51  No.4875012

File: cb762f4362c84cd⋯.png (595.51 KB, 837x615, 279:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7810cd9dcbcfa70⋯.png (1008.7 KB, 836x815, 836:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b258750e7c8bac⋯.png (27.13 KB, 833x197, 833:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia unveils evidence on missile that US claims violates INF Treaty, Washington snubs briefing

The Russian military presented evidence contrary to the US claim that Moscow possesses a missile which violates the terms of the INF Treaty. The Americans had been invited to the event but apparently were not interested.

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) was signed by the US and the USSR to denuclearize the European continent. The treaty bans ground-based missiles with a range between 500km and 5,500km – plenty of which had been deployed by both sides of the Cold War by the time it was signed. The US is about to scrap it, citing alleged violations by Russia.

Despite claims from Washington, the American move is motivated by America’s self-interest, not anything done by Russia, told journalists on Wednesday Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov. He took part in a joint conference with top generals from the Russian Defense Ministry, meant to provide extra details about the missile, which the US claims are in breach of the INF. The diplomat stressed that complaints from Washington are simply a pretext to walk away from the deal, which the current US leadership no longer wants.

The recent events make it obvious that some forces in the US are not interested in allowing us to overturn through technical expert dialogue the erroneous – or even fabricated – information, which could resolve this issue once and for all. Hyping up this problem was not done to simply resolve it, obviously.

Speaking alongside Ryabkov was General Lieutenant Mikhail Matveevsky, the commander of the Russian Missile and Artillery Troops, who went into details about the 9M729 missile, the one that the Americans claim to be violating the agreement. Washington says it has intelligence data, which prove that the projectile was tested several years ago for a range banned by the INF. But apparently, it was not interested in evidence from Russia, since no American experts were sent to the event, according to Ryabkov.


e674e5  No.4875013


she's one fat kang

57b181  No.4875014


Sending a letter that small she can't read it. Oh Trump you king troll. kek!!!

744de6  No.4875015


Where is the sauce , if your going to make claims like that prove it ,, this isn't your MSM we back up what we say

ba4001  No.4875016

File: 5f7540062a24a22⋯.jpg (36.15 KB, 500x517, 500:517, 2ro5jy_1.jpg)

File: 7abf37f445715ef⋯.jpg (48.74 KB, 440x471, 440:471, 2rm4k0_1.jpg)

16e4ed  No.4875017

File: dba5f34f2680fc2⋯.png (51.16 KB, 581x334, 581:334, twitter_com_npfandos_statu….png)

Sheila Jackson Lee Leaves 2 Posts After Aide Says She Was Fired for Reporting Sexual Assault


e48cd7  No.4875018


Big Time

08aca9  No.4875019

ATCfag here. Squak code 7500 doesn't mean Emergency. 7700 does. 7600 is lost comms. 7500 is highjacking. If the pilot turned it off rather soon, then they likely did it by accident because they're asked to check their squak code.

3e6142  No.4875020

File: da53ae7612bbfd0⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 320x568, 40:71, LcqwNADCpPbMCIDF.mp4)

File: 4979e11bfd39813⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 577x265, 577:265, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-5….jpg)


f37d43  No.4875021

Hello Q

How Soon Is Now

2a1c74  No.4875022


always have a backup plan

fa7542  No.4875023

File: 910afb78a36dfff⋯.jpg (227.84 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, Costa Concordia.jpg)


I also want to know what was on the Costa Concordia too. That was not as easy as it was explained. Out of Rome and "runs aground" the first night. Something wrong with that one too.

8d7ba2  No.4875024

File: 1747370b62ccee9⋯.jpeg (65.77 KB, 848x476, 212:119, 1539223591.jpeg)

63efea  No.4875025

b421b7  No.4875026

File: ca12fd3b0291ccb⋯.png (602.7 KB, 758x1200, 379:600, boom.png)

4b5807  No.4875027

File: 6582cf999a13843⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 500x463, 500:463, muhdick.jpg)

6f9fd3  No.4875028

File: f3dfb35292faa65⋯.png (335.09 KB, 360x472, 45:59, ClipboardImage.png)

083f24  No.4875029

File: 18c27a3c5741b01⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 718x470, 359:235, 1546887584.jpg)

36353b  No.4875030



Newfags from reddit can’t figure out how to save a full size image.

96c95b  No.4875031


Patriots aren’t retarded. Our colors are red, white, and blue. NO skin color here ANONS.

f16e51  No.4875032

File: d34dacbf48dce8c⋯.png (48.68 KB, 628x860, 157:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 678206221b82d3d⋯.png (40.4 KB, 631x864, 631:864, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 656337aad68cd37⋯.png (10.41 KB, 621x255, 207:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Bombshell expose: More men come out with accusations of sexual misconduct against Hollywood director Bryan Singer

Four men allege they were preyed upon as teens by the famed 'X-Men' director

Four more men have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Hollywood film director Bryan Singer, according to a bombshell expose published Wednesday by The Atlantic magazine.

The magazine reportedly interviewed more than 50 sources, which included the four men who claim they had not previously spoken about their experiences with Singer. All claim they were under the age of 18 when they were assaulted, according to the report.

In December 2017, Singer was fired by Sony 20th Century Fox during the production of "Bohemian Rhapsody," the Queen biopic which was released in 2018. Sony executives said he was fired after unexplained absences from the set and tensions with actor Rami Malek.

At about the same time, the 53-year-old director was sued by Cesar Sanchez-Guzman, who claimed he was sexually assaulted by the director. The incident allegedly occurred on a yacht in Seattle when Sanchez-Guzman was 17.

What are the new allegations?

One man, who's being called Eric, told The Atlantic that he was 17 when he had sex with Singer at the director's home during a party in 1997. Another man, dubbed Andy, claimed he had sex with Singer that same year at a Beverly Hills mansion. Andy was 15 at the time.

Both men asked The Atlantic to protect their identity for fear of retaliation and certain details of their past to be revealed.

Singer would have been in his early 30s at the time.

"The accusations against Singer cover a spectrum," the report emphasized. "Some of the alleged victims say they were seduced by the director while underage; others say they were raped. The victims we interviewed told us these experiences left them psychologically damaged, with substance-abuse problems, depression, and PTSD."

The report describes predatory behavior that was aided by the director's accomplices.

"If you weren't young and cute enough to be their boy, you could still ingratiate yourself by bringing boys to them," he is quoted as saying.

Lawyer Andrew B. Brettler, who represents Singer, pointed out that the director has never been arrested for or charged with any crime, the report said. Singer has also denied ever having sex with underage men.

What happened at the school?

Also in 1997, Victor Valdovinos, who was in seventh grade at the time, attended the Eliot Middle School in Altadena, California, where "Apt Pupil" was filmed. It was Singer's first film after his breakout movie, "The Usual Suspects."

One afternoon after basketball practice, Valdovinos was standing at the urinal in an empty restroom at the school when he suddenly felt a presence behind him. He turned around and saw a man in his 30s standing there.

Valdovinos told the magazine that Singer looked him over and said, "You're so good-looking. What are you doing tomorrow? Maybe I could have somebody contact you about putting you in this movie."

He was 13.


ada418  No.4875033


Or changing xpndr codes without going into standby, accidentally cycling through the hijack/rdo/emerg codes

ef6dfd  No.4875034

File: 2f8290055abdd5d⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 592x500, 148:125, 2rsk2v.jpg)

e48cd7  No.4875035


eyes on

1eb4a9  No.4875036


Couple covered in gold?

8a5df4  No.4875037

File: 6ec7d2df73e8832⋯.png (541.22 KB, 812x689, 812:689, RBGCNNweHaveaLotinCommon.png)

File: c2e59ed779ce6ab⋯.png (625.51 KB, 810x685, 162:137, RBGCNNLate17secs.png)

File: ede43a6d4c92927⋯.png (617.81 KB, 836x701, 836:701, RBGCNN23Pain.png)

I think the current CNN Ruth Bader Ginsburg video tells us She is both DEAD and was involved in the murder of Justice Antonin Scalia.



294d8b  No.4875038

File: 2ca1ff22885c917⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1026x1026, 1:1, 01-23-11.45.25.PNG)

SOTU: "My fellow Americans …"

politision being attested live on T.V. :Blip: the internet goes down.

Shit! I don't know WTH is going to happen!

604dd2  No.4875039

Arguably the most powerful talent agency in the business, Creative Artists Agency (CAA) represents clients working in film, music, television, theater, sports, and literature. The firm's client list reads like a who's who of A-list stars, including such luminaries as Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, LeBron James, Simon Cowell, David Beckham, Will Ferrell, and Sandra Bullock. It has also worked with heavy hitting commercial clients such as Coca-Cola and toymaker Mattel. Supplemental services include strategic counsel, financing, and consulting. Its Intelligence Group/Youth Intelligence unit tracks and conducts behavior research for consumers from ages 8 to 39. CAA was founded in 1975.


a40d51  No.4875040


Yes, reveal the Messiach, which will raise the dead, and we'll have a proper zombie army to bring about the apocalypse

8eaafc  No.4875041


You got to be kidding…Fucking NESARA… KEK ..

That shits been going around since the late 1990's, and that whack-job the "dove-of-oneness"…

ce6905  No.4875042

8f8cd5  No.4875043

Since when do anons reply to shills?

3c53fc  No.4875044


Stealing the word [FORWARD] from the RATS.


8a5df4  No.4875045

File: 29e592fcd4ba623⋯.png (451.41 KB, 803x686, 803:686, 55secsAlcohol.png)

File: f2699f104ac83e1⋯.png (522.09 KB, 803x699, 803:699, RBGCNN106.png)

File: de8d8637da5144a⋯.png (435.44 KB, 802x695, 802:695, 107RBGCNNGinsburned.png)

File: 5bfba75d33a564b⋯.png (429.22 KB, 836x575, 836:575, RBGCNN115Ginsburn.png)

File: 13a14b5a61ef3da⋯.png (500.33 KB, 796x581, 796:581, RBGCNNGinsburnColleagues11….png)


Continued from above.

96c95b  No.4875046


Stupid. People gotta learn to stop reacting so quickly, and also not to trust Jews… I mean the media…

a98eae  No.4875047

File: cb8a572e543ac19⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1b219c670253d825eefb3637ac….jpg)

57b181  No.4875048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go to 1:18

Whoopi: Why do we keep making the same mistakes (convington maga hat)

Joy Behar: Because "We're Desperate To Get Trump Out Of Office"

a40d51  No.4875049


Get you lazy ass a searching. You are not our leader..fucking douchebag.

3e6142  No.4875050

File: 437af54990f3dc6⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 595x637, 85:91, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-5….jpg)

Police are responding to a reported active shooter incident in Salem County, New Jersey.

"All County offices are closed until further notice due to an active shooter in the area," the Salem County government website wrote on its website.

Officers responded to the 100 block of East Broadway around noon on Wednesday.

A post on the Salem County government's Facebook urged the public to avoid the area of the county offices.

"Please do not come in this surrounding area as currently there is an active shooter incident taking place," the post reads.

No further details have been provided at this time.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


e090f0  No.4875051

File: 11a6ef07c88b63c⋯.png (108.26 KB, 728x941, 728:941, Contract is a contract.png)

f16e51  No.4875052

File: 672a7d445ec3310⋯.png (51.34 KB, 886x863, 886:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 490420cec2c3682⋯.png (37.07 KB, 835x900, 167:180, ClipboardImage.png)

New Bill Forces Citizens to Install Gov’t Software and Pay Porn Access Fee To Fund Border Wall

Lawmakers have drafted a bill that will require ALL DEVICES to run government software which will block ALL content deemed 'obscene' by the state.

The free thinking argument, that blows away the notion of illegal prostitution, is that of pornography. Pornography, or porn, is nothing more than prostitution that has been state-sanctioned, taxed, filmed, and distributed. However, because it is taxed — politicians have generally left it alone — until now. A ridiculous new way for the state to generate revenue has appeared as an act of legislation in Arizona this week as law makers try to force citizens to pay the state before they view porn online. But it gets much worse.

The newly proposed legislation, House Bill 2444 is proposed by State Rep. Gail Griffin and will implement software that is designed to block any material on the internet deemed “obscene” by the state.

The bill would force the installation of this software on all devices in the state which access the internet. According to the legislation, no product that accesses the internet can be sold, leased, distributed or made in the state unless it contains software that blocks obscene materials by default.

Yes, we know how Orwellian this sounds.

According to FOX 4, under the bill, people who wish to deactivate the blocking software must make a request to the person or company that distributed the device, present ID to prove he or she is at least 18, and, among other things, pay a deactivation fee of at least $20 to the Arizona Commerce Authority. The fees will then go to a fund that will finance a number of initiatives via grants, including the building of a border wall between Mexico and Arizona, or fund border security.

The bill goes on in detail to explain what type of content it deems obscene. Its description would be laughable outside the ominous implications for such software. Some of the “obscene” content are things like the top of a woman’s breast—because to statists, the woman’s body is “obscene.”




e30dc7  No.4875053



So guess the USSS and patriots foiled the assassination attempt or at least figured out their plans? That's awesome. All the coded talk back and forth on twatter sure seemed like they were planning something. Enjoying the show and timeline. Can't wait to hear POTUS unleash on the dems at SOTU.

ce6905  No.4875054


lol its something like Gesara but not fake and gay, its called the Economic reform act,

421e56  No.4875055


A witless drunken Mormon is a gold mine of comedy tho

0ef2a5  No.4875056

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



The Quantum Computer was already invented?

INVENTED A BILLION ZILLION YEARS Ago and we are actually information flosting on the disk of a black hole?


Our minds are Biological Tuning Forks?

Left Hemisphere = Linear Time

Right Hemisphere = Spacial/Potential/Chaos

All of which, Collapses at the Pineal Gland creating Time Matter and Space.


insert Twilight Zone Music here

Watch this VIDEO!

6573f9  No.4875057



f55047  No.4875058

File: 72fb549d3a23a0c⋯.jpeg (33.91 KB, 500x488, 125:122, Meme Farmer.jpeg)

.>>4874429 lb

Good thoughts anon. Concur.

3e6142  No.4875059

File: 3a48df0810cce83⋯.jpg (26 KB, 550x167, 550:167, Screenshot 2019-01-23_12-5….jpg)


b24873  No.4875060

File: 0281d0fe79694e4⋯.png (412.43 KB, 474x341, 474:341, ClipboardImage.png)


Just in the middle

1e8219  No.4875061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Die Zeit wird kommen

The time will come

ada418  No.4875062


Could be a shill vs shill argument meant to create discourse in hopes of pulling anons into the arguments, or to get people to leave out of frustration… And to slide the bread

7a1a95  No.4875063

File: 704acaa32bd9bba⋯.png (440 KB, 320x568, 40:71, Screenshot_2019-01-23 Q Re….png)


A still for the memes..

c52dd8  No.4875064


Thank you

4007bb  No.4875065

What in the fuck is happening in Venezuela?!?! Can Maduro just simply be removed or does he have to step down?

421e56  No.4875066


I reserve my right to be anti-papist, no matter who else is.

8eaafc  No.4875067


I laughed at it back in 1997, and I still can't believe there are people falling for it now… kek

3e6142  No.4875068

File: d994ae514c23dc2⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, HV-sixC4afoJ05ky.mp4)



421e56  No.4875069


Those things don't end well.

f16e51  No.4875070

Democrats investigate WH security clearances of Jared Kushner and other Trump associates

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have begun an investigation into the White House security clearance policy in a move that will likely focus on how Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner got access to classified information.

The committee said on Wednesday that it was launching an “in-depth investigation" into the security clearance process followed by Trump’s transition team after he won the presidential election in 2016.

It said the investigation was a response to “grave breaches of national security at the highest levels” of the Trump administration.

The investigation follows a report last year that more than 130 political appointees working in the Executive Office of the President did not have permanent security clearances, including Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter.

Democrats are concerned that Kushner was targeted for manipulation by foreign governments.

In a letter to the White House, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, who chairs the Oversight Committee said it wanted to know why the White House appeared to have “disregarded established procedures for safeguarding classified information" and to figure out "the extent to which the nation's most highly guarded secrets were provided to officials who should not have had access to them."

Kushner was given “top secret” clearance, which does not afford him access to the country’s most heavily guarded intelligence, though he was still tasked with major responsibilities including negotiating a peace deal between Israel and Palestine and reforming the criminal justice system.

Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly said last year that there had been “shortcomings” in White House security clearance policy and that it must “do better” in the future.


744de6  No.4875071


You FKing idiot you made the claim not me , what kinda dummy are you

e48cd7  No.4875072

If NP is a no show for the SOTU can she be impeached?

23dfd6  No.4875073


Concordia ran aground because the drunk ass Wop captain was showing off. That's the extent of that conspiracy.

2fdec8  No.4875074


About the same time that flaminghomonetmommies started bitching about it.

797f2a  No.4875075

File: bfdc427b58d4858⋯.jpg (19.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, SRpepe.jpg)

63efea  No.4875076


>military is gonna restructure it behind the scenes.

Welcome newfren.

8f8cd5  No.4875077


None of the shit that guy says is even right. Where is the sauce?

0f2e20  No.4875078


Sadly too many people still falling for controlled opposition.

bd02c8  No.4875079


Consider just how well these young people responded to this attack - How many young men in a group of that size, after being called crackers incest children, racists, pedo products etc etc

How many 17 yr olds would choose, in the heat of the moment, to NOT engage? Especially being accosted by people 2 or 3 or more times their age. These children have more love compassion and insight than most. The maturity and discernment they showed is very powerful. It will rise to the top, the tippy top.

4007bb  No.4875080


Good to see you, Muh Dick Schill. With all the winning that Trump has done, and all the strings being cut, and all the bad people slowly going down, the shill budget most definitely has been cut. Glad to see you still have your job

487fab  No.4875081


I never said a loss for him was NOT part of the plan just that had he waited things would be different and that, likely, is why we are all waiting right now.

4cadab  No.4875083


Second Brennan for prime time exposure

24cdb0  No.4875084

File: db15f829b0bf046⋯.jpg (241.05 KB, 810x450, 9:5, 2019-01-23-nathan_phillips.jpg)

One moar on the Drunken Cigar Holder


3e6142  No.4875085


this is an easy prediction regardless for a retard

so ur a fucking retard for not being able to deduce it urself

da957c  No.4875086


Note the President's signature looks like an earthquake reading kek

e54122  No.4875087

heading soon to a border near you?


4b5807  No.4875088

File: b218423f7741345⋯.jpg (250.72 KB, 1356x1229, 1356:1229, LOVE like (you) have NEVER….jpg)

File: 9053d7b370231c7⋯.png (615.08 KB, 585x711, 65:79, shark trump.png)

File: b445f49d9fa2773⋯.jpg (148.32 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, wevegotyourback.jpg)








>they chose HUGZ <3

I reckon they didn't wanna think about what option 2 might look like.

b24873  No.4875089

File: bd69847ae61f484⋯.png (410.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


C´mon Nancy, say my name


4cadab  No.4875090



92f34b  No.4875091


Whole site freezes up on me, I’m on a pad, not sure, won’t let me post anything.

He’s a heavy weight source, Andrew McCabe says so himself!

Also funny how this article is posted after his article yesterday highlighting former FBI high brass threatening to use Wieners laptop with Hillary blackmail material….

Funny, doesn’t McCabe live right next to Billdo & Hitlery!!!

It all has a very funny smell…

I trust TP


63efea  No.4875092


How new are you? You’ll prob be defending Glenn Beck, Hannity, and Cernovich next.

MOS does not equal ptriots

8e5bc8  No.4875093

File: aa18d2253a6a256⋯.jpg (6.3 KB, 244x207, 244:207, images (1).jpg)


How the fuck you gonna relocate to California and move in with a nigga when you haven't seen his social media pages and don't even know if he has a job? This bitch is retarded. Nigga says, "You're gonna be a stripper," and all she says is, "Ok." No wonder she ended up getting pimped.

3e6142  No.4875094

File: f235e437a93b306⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 589x627, 31:33, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)


here is ur sauce, these people right

421e56  No.4875095


Makes sense; he's Sean Lite

0665b6  No.4875096

File: b023a8056ab24b2⋯.png (55.45 KB, 748x291, 748:291, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at ….png)

Stormy weighing in

8f8cd5  No.4875097


"Anonymous Rebels United 3" commented on that video. Known fraud and shill who called Yellow Vests a psy-op while in fact it's the exact opposite so far.

c2f1f3  No.4875098


are you the author?

b421b7  No.4875099


by jew

f55047  No.4875100

File: 9756870a1eaefdf⋯.jpg (82.94 KB, 935x630, 187:126, Pelosi.jpg)


kek! Honor the contract bitch.

efaea1  No.4875101


You guys remember last week him being picked up on the freeway. Wonder whose side those military guys were on? SEALs?

52f18f  No.4875102

File: 488d17654079bbd⋯.jpeg (64.95 KB, 770x398, 385:199, AFE23DA2-6852-4456-B417-4….jpeg)


Matrix3 AI truce ending? that would put me hospitals

5bfee5  No.4875103

Jay Selulow discussing FISA on Periscope


0ef2a5  No.4875104

File: 0891cbf369f0c09⋯.jpg (59.63 KB, 557x661, 557:661, sister missy Capture.JPG)


Maybe my posts are coming from my sister?

For those payin attention.

07bb8e  No.4875105

File: 94e0aee3c2619a8⋯.png (184.14 KB, 421x505, 421:505, ocasio omg.png)

File: 090313afe3b8864⋯.jpeg (54.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, omg-it-spins.jpeg)

memefags: Can you make this happen?

8f8cd5  No.4875106


What a disgusting woman. Can't she shut the fuck up for once? Seriously. They just fucking stood there and were approached by this Native American activist who (what a coincidence) is a known Soros-paid pawn.

a98eae  No.4875107


I agree, the boys handled it with class and dignity. Their families should be very proud.

Not many teens would show that much restraint

57b181  No.4875108


Should have done that before 2/3 of the government workers get fired and collecting a paycheck since most of the IPs are coming from Washington D.C.

857d3c  No.4875109


Bologna sammie for lunch.

But you prolly already knew that.

fa7542  No.4875110


that's the story. Too many fail-safes to have allowed that imo. Even if he was getting a hummer on the bridge he was not the only one there or involved in watching what was going on.

Look at story we have been force-fed about titanic..Just skeptical

604dd2  No.4875111


list of clients for what it's worth…


607899  No.4875112


Holy shit that's a lot of people !

ce6905  No.4875113


its real the Economic reform act was a plan designed for pulling out of the fed, of course all you will find is the rainbow and unicorn miss info, but the ERA is very real and makes sense, [no quantum alien computer] but just a currency repair operation/ also known as the savage salvage act look it up

6f9fd3  No.4875114


Dudes just a pawn

used and discarded

f16e51  No.4875115

File: 9013f6467223515⋯.png (40.02 KB, 791x316, 791:316, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e912eed570c447⋯.png (259.79 KB, 525x492, 175:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Prosecutor Who Brought Down Republican Governor Now Finds Herself Under Grand Jury Investigation

The team of the prosecutor who brought down former Missouri Republican Gov. Eric Greitens is under investigation for possible perjury involving the same case.

Kim Gardner, the St. Louis circuit attorney who led the charge in the Greitens case, was accused of suborning perjury by the former governor’s defense team. A state grand jury is now considering evidence pursuant to a police investigation that began in May of 2018, according to a Tuesday morning report from local St. Louis radio station KMOX.

The local ABC affiliate reported at the time:

Police say the decision to investigate was made after meeting with two of Greitens’ attorneys, who announced earlier Tuesday they would ask for an investigation. The defense attorneys allege that William Tisaby, an investigator hired by Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, lied to the court and withheld evidence.

Prosecutors dropped a felony invasion-of-privacy charge against Greitens on Monday after a court ruled that Gardner had to answer questions under oath from Greitens’ attorneys.

Local conservative talk show host Marc Cox, who has been covering the case since the very beginning, told The Daily Caller that he felt like the initial prosecution of former Gov. Greitens was political — and that Gardner has continued in that vein since.

I’ve argued all along that this was a political prosecution, with Democrat politician-turned-prosecutor Kim Gardner more than happy to embarrass the sitting Republican Governor. It started with a rush to file any charge simply to beat the statute of limitations, and was an impossible case to prove from the beginning. There was never a photo produced, or even evidence a photo ever existed. The St. Louis Police Chief seemed mystified that Kim Gardner ever brought charges, and questioned from the beginning the decision to hire Tisaby from out of state to investigate.

Since the charges were dropped, Gardner has continued to make questionable decisions, including recently declining to prosecute an opioid dealer busted by St. Louis Police with 1,000 pills, over a personal grudge with police. It’s safe to say that law enforcement long ago lost faith in her willingness to enforce the law. Let’s hope a grand jury can hold her office accountable if lies were told during the Greitens case.


a40d51  No.4875116



Sorry, I am not Uniting with the Jews.. NEVER

414e26  No.4875117


das riiiiite

c3800a  No.4875118

What I Would Like POTUS SOTU Speech To Be.

My fellow Americans, as you can see there are a lot of our congressman and women who are not in attendance tonight. You may think that they are making a political statement but the truth is they had other legal obligations that were more pressing. As you will find out over the next few days we are taking back our government from the corrupt politicians that have been taking advantage of each and every one of you. Not only have they been treating the US Citizens unfairly but also the great people all around the world.

421e56  No.4875119


Hopefully someone from the Heritage list that named Gorsuch.

8e5bc8  No.4875120

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 570x587, 570:587, you.jpg)

57b181  No.4875121


Chief Spreading Bull

3e6142  No.4875122

File: 2b3bd76b685f3e1⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 577x202, 577:202, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)

File: 9a7f07cbcf94815⋯.jpg (49.29 KB, 595x312, 595:312, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)

ce6905  No.4875123


nope 1 of the less then 5 fren

421e56  No.4875124


I'm always amazed at how nauseating most hookers are irl.

a5f587  No.4875125


I have a theory on the sink holes. We know the tunnels have been there for a long time. What if white hats are blowing them up. Not enough to blow but to weaken. Remember all those unexplained explosions a few months ago? What say you?

f37d43  No.4875126


That's Nice, but I wasn't talking to you assfag.

c4612a  No.4875127

>>4873705 (PB)

Thanks for the support, Anons. There are a lot more dickheads here than I realized. Bad weather seems to have closed a lot of publc schools today.

I'm not talking about Beck being a solid, just about the past couple of days. He hasn't been worth listening to for a while, but I heard him by chance and he nailed the topic. He has raised EVERY issue I've seen rebutting the MSM narrative and the shitty way the kids were treated. He hasn't linked it to the SC nomination yet, but he DID do a major dig on the actual confrontation and the role played in it by the Black Hebrew supremacists … which I haven't seen ANYONE – except Beck – turning over a SINGLE stone about their role in this yet.

Drawing a paycheck for doing patriot things is not a bad thing. That's how Beck fed his kids and it's how he keeps Levin living indoors. If you have a problem with this, build your own network without compensation. Beck keeps a lot of staff fed and living indoors with flush toilets and so on. He pays them to do the research that ISN'T getting done here and then to present it to people who AREN'T on this board. MONEY, not love, makes the world go around. I'm pretty certain that Q is paid and I don't doubt his / their motives. If somebody offered me money to commit what I learn to writing / podcast, I'd do it. Time spent here COULD also be time spent supporting my family. I see no problem with that. Beck got crazy on us. He may get crazy on us again. But right now his shit is spot on and the past two days are worth every minute – or even every dime – it takes to listen to. You guys want to be sarcastic shitheads? Fine. Only a fool mistakes wit for intelligence.

1269ce  No.4875128


This is exactly why I voted for Donald Trump.

256d96  No.4875129


And so it begins.

All starting to come out.

Plenty of Q proofs here I’m sure.

‘News unlocks map’.

1c5129  No.4875130


He's Sean with an education.

e9248f  No.4875131

File: 02998db775c36c8⋯.png (89.38 KB, 243x207, 27:23, image.png)

20f960  No.4875132

File: a6294502347d81f⋯.png (367.87 KB, 948x565, 948:565, filter.png)

d43f09  No.4875133


Wtf… the US will never change

aaf4c1  No.4875134


you will be left behind

only then will you realize your folly and your fate

ba4001  No.4875135

File: 89c1e12524790f9⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 89c1e12524790f9fe97ad1615e….jpg)






Thanks anon, Q fizzled out bigly all them 2018 predictions didn't go anywhere.

ef6dfd  No.4875136

File: f8f2ddabc0fc2b5⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 494x549, 494:549, 2rtrwq.jpg)

2fdec8  No.4875137



Oh the visuals this creates in ones mind.

513db9  No.4875138


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) will resign from two high-profile positions after being sued for retaliation against a staffer, according to a Wednesday report.

The New York Times states Jackson will resign as chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and temporarily step down from her House Judiciary subcommittee chairmanship.

The Times, citing officials familiar with the matter, reports some of the foundation’s board members told Jackson Lee last week that she would face a “vote of removal” if she did not resign.

The staffer, identified as Jane Doe, alleges she was raped by a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation intern coordinator, Damien Jones, in 2015. The unnamed plaintiff said she has evidence, including text message, telephone conservations and DNA to prove the encounter occurred. According to the accuser, she was fired from her position in March 2018 after notifying the Texas Democrat’s chief of staff, Glenn Rushing, that she intended to take legal action against the foundation. The lawsuit states she was let go several weeks later, citing “budgetary issues.” The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a nonprofit connected to Congressional Black Caucus, offers scholarships and other programs aimed at cultivating political leadership among young African-Americans.

The unnamed individual said she has lost significant weight, suffered from mental health issues, and lost significant wages following the alleged incident. Doe is seeking $75,000 in damages from Jackson Lee’s office and the foundation.

The foundation vowed in a statement Wednesday to cooperate with an investigation regarding the explosive allegations.

“We are deeply concerned about the welfare of all our interns and fellows, including ‘Jane Doe,’ the former C.B.C.F. intern who recently filed suit,” said spokesperson C.J. Epps. “It is C.B.C.F.’s position that the foundation did not have the purview to terminate Ms. Doe from a staff position in a congressional office, and therefore, did not take such action nor recommend or influence said decision.”

In a separate statement, a press representative for Jackson said the embattled lawmaker is confident that she will be “exonerated of any retaliatory or otherwise improper conduct.”

In light of the allegations, Ebony Tucker, a spokesperson for the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, said that while Jackson Lee has been a “strong ally” of women’s rights, the organization can longer support her “continued lead sponsorship” of the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization. “We begin and end all of our work with supporting survivors and support Jane Doe and many others who have been unsupported in their attempts to speak out,” said Tucker

797f2a  No.4875139

Estamos con ustedos.


53df7e  No.4875140

File: aadcb54a087ced2⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x1120, 621:560, CDE1DD86-D16A-4219-9145-A….jpeg)

File: 179696c9edf4487⋯.jpeg (782.98 KB, 1242x1416, 207:236, 46041C23-BE08-4C7C-9AA6-2….jpeg)

File: 326dcb4ebf0f4de⋯.jpeg (790.47 KB, 1242x1374, 207:229, DE70B1E6-666F-4DC7-A0F2-A….jpeg)

Too many coincidences here.

Nick Samdman becomes famous on MLK Day of ‘I have a dream’

PoTUS posts about them and mentions Dream

PoTUS spells Sandman then Sandmann in two separate tweets.

PoTUS then tweets #EnterSandman with pic of player 42 in HOF2019

I searched the hashtag and found 42 and 23 sign together! 23 is a famous Q number. The hashtag led to some fairly sinister looking tweeters. 32 and 11 were also involved

f16e51  No.4875141

Report: Kushner, GOP Senators Suggest Giving Green Cards to DACA Illegals

White House adviser Jared Kushner and a handful of Republican senators are suggesting President Trump offer Democrats a deal to give amnesty in the form of green cards to more than half-a-million illegal aliens to secure funding for a border wall.

Sources tell Axios‘ Jonathan Swan that Kushner and Republican Senators like Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) are touting a plan that would give green cards — and thus a quick path to U.S. citizenship — to about 700,000 illegal aliens enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Currently, the Trump administration has endorsed a Senate GOP budget deal that puts restrictions on the $5.7 billion in border wall funding, only allowing the president to construct bollard-style fencing at the U.S.-Mexico border which both Presidents Bush and Obama used.

That plan hitches amnesty in the form of three-year work permits to about a million DACA illegal aliens and foreign nationals in the country on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) who would be shielded from deportation.

Giving a pathway to U.S. citizenship to DACA-enrolled illegal aliens, though, is already being met with skepticism from Republican lawmakers who tell Axios‘ Swan that Trump’s coalition of voters “fall over on the right.”

“If you start putting citizenship on the table in any meaningful way, Democrats will have to give more, and they’re not ready to give more,” a Republican Senator anonymously told Swan.

Trump’s base and pro-American immigration reformers have warned the administration to steer clear of any amnesty deals which they say is “detrimental” to the nation because such a plan would codify Obama’s DACA program into law, drive up illegal immigration, implement a never-ending flow of foreign relatives to DACA illegal aliens arriving in the U.S., and further suppress American workers’ wages by flooding the labor market with additional foreign workers.

In the 2016 presidential election, Trump campaigned strictly against amnesty for illegal aliens, committing to voters that such a plan would not be considered until “illegal immigration is a memory of the past.”

The Senate is expected to vote this week on dueling legislation to reopen the federal government, though Capitol Hill watchers say neither bills have enough support to pass.


7d03a4  No.4875142

File: abbcb53038b5ad8⋯.png (87.14 KB, 684x650, 342:325, daily-mail.PNG)

File: facf3e065bf053e⋯.png (82.91 KB, 855x431, 855:431, aluminum.PNG)

File: b6d9e58b02531c3⋯.png (30.7 KB, 798x211, 798:211, melatonin.PNG)

I woke up with a strange thought today. Maybe the myths we scoff at, are not myths. That myths and conspiracy theories I scoffed at 2 years ago, have to be relooked at. I woke up thinking about this particular set of myth+conspiracy theory in particular, referenced in this Daily Mail article.


Now, if you look up the possible reasons that Autism is increasing, all the MSM articles ALL say, its not really increasing, its because its being diagnosed more, due to awareness. Kids always had it, its just now that they are being diagnosed. 1 in 40 kids now has autism. CDC's prior studies were 2014: 1 in 68. 2012: 1 in 80

But this is controversial, and many researchers say its environmental causes for the increase. The Hertz-Picciotto study in the January 2009 issue of Epidemiology says its environmental.

Remember when researchers found a link between Alzheimer's and aluminum? They told you to quit cooking in aluminum pans. Because they found aluminum in parts of the damaged brains. That turned into a 'myth'. Not debunked…no. Not "further research showed it wasn't true". But turned into a myth.

——————-The 'myth' so you don't need to concern yourself, nothing to see here—————–

Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

Reality: During the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum emerged as a possible suspect in Alzheimer’s. This suspicion led to concern about exposure to aluminum through everyday sources such as pots and pans, beverage cans, antacids and antiperspirants. Since then, studies have failed to confirm any role for aluminum in causing Alzheimer’s. Experts today focus on other areas of research, and few believe that everyday sources of aluminum pose any threat.


Some doctors especially holistic or alternative health ones not enslaved by big-pharma still believe that aluminum goes right to the brain. It's added into vaccines- why would aluminum have to be added into a vaccine for HPV? Is in anti-perspirants, why? its not an active ingredient, its just in there.

Between 2000 and 2015, deaths from heart disease have decreased 11% while deaths from alzheimer's have increased 123%. Is it just a function and expected result of getting older? Why would it happen so coincidentally that Alzheimer’s and dementia is most common in Western Europe and North America close behind? knowing what we know now?

Alternative medical sites say that drinking silica-rich water LIKE FIJI water, can help excrete the aluminum. And that melatonin might help also. (pics related)

What if the aluminum has been put in our medicines and toiletries, and leaches into our acidic sodas from their cans, to make us more susceptible to the mind control patents and technology we've discovered?

And then-if aluminum is introduced to make us susceptible, would a barrier or faraday of aluminum actually be effective in keeping 5G from our brains? And we have been specifically taught–specifically taught and conditioned– to LAUGH AT TIN FOIL HATS. to mock 'tin foil hatters'. Conspiracy theorists are all 'tin foil hatters'. And we here- are just 'those tin foil hatters'.

After all we've found, I realized that no conspiracy theory is too wild to 'scoff at' by reflex only, but needs looked at. One day, will we all, as our knowledge of the evils against us progress, start lining our MAGA hats with foil?

autism, alzheimers and aluminum connection:






6a02a1  No.4875143

File: 90772535d3e389a⋯.png (249.62 KB, 574x480, 287:240, ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck's flustered:

First, @realDonaldTrump shut down the government.

Then, he rejected offers to reopen it.

Now, he’s demanding his that the government stay closed unless he gets his way.

Mr. President: Stop holding federal workers hostage and re-open the government.

0f2e11  No.4875144

ty fren


cd6aac  No.4875145


Only complete turds like Glenn Beck

6f9fd3  No.4875146


Year old story is bombshell?

23dfd6  No.4875147

File: 23f9f096712db0c⋯.jpg (126.43 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 111e4f496a206ab09e8e21141f….jpg)


She's angling for a contributor spot on one of the cable networks. She'll get it too. She may be a lying whooooore who takes dick up the ass for a living, but we wouldn't have to look at Ana Navarro's greasy spic ass doing her nails.

e99651  No.4875148

File: 6188105242349fc⋯.png (460.7 KB, 963x1082, 963:1082, ClipboardImage.png)

8eaafc  No.4875149


you hold onto that thought if it makes you happy… For me, I've seen 22 years of this shit being pushed out as real.. and in 22 years… NOTHING… I'll bet in another 22 years, I'll still be laughing..

3c53fc  No.4875150

File: 725191e81579cb0⋯.png (4.39 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Aquarius.png)


Earthquake or Aquarius

bf8d35  No.4875151

File: 06ff83b55acf010⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 06ff83b55acf010304eb3777af….jpg)

a8a2e8  No.4875152

Anons what browser can I use that doesnt lag when im on the board so much as chrome. I tried firefox and it sucked and ddg also sucked. Maybe its the os i dont know but phonefaggin all the time is murder on my eyes.

Any suggestions appreciated and not trying to slide

d672cd  No.4875153

File: 35f823d4674efff⋯.png (29.32 KB, 429x484, 39:44, ClipboardImage.png)

24cdb0  No.4875154

File: 0b9ecef447f7236⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 640x360, 16:9, nathanphillips3.jpg)

Nathan hates Catholics!



8f8cd5  No.4875155


Chuck has really lost it. Trump actually made them a great offer, but Schumer and Pelosi refused it. Dumb move. Whatever now comes out of his mouth, it's still his fault that the shutdown happened.

ba4001  No.4875156

File: acfc3ca386a5871⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 500x321, 500:321, 2rugeo_1.jpg)

File: 6303c5460a18be3⋯.png (385.95 KB, 500x555, 100:111, downloadfile-6_1.png)

a40d51  No.4875158

File: d0a04899ae13354⋯.png (229.82 KB, 633x589, 633:589, ClipboardImage.png)



You fucking lazy kike. You don't want the truth, you can't handle the truth..


a98eae  No.4875159

File: 8b087660a7fffb8⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 8b087660a7fffb8e032c5a5a71….jpg)

3e6142  No.4875160

File: b9850cf6fc3ebb4⋯.jpg (206.88 KB, 850x1050, 17:21, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)


af6775  No.4875161


he's Sean, with an ability to articulate, with a smirky smugness. he's hilarious, and usually on-point. and he's less prone to step on non-adversary guests.

5927ce  No.4875162

5bd2d9  No.4875163

File: 3ee32141e212f5b⋯.jpg (45.57 KB, 632x433, 632:433, trump fipl.jpg)

1269ce  No.4875164

File: a1e94e3eef7656a⋯.png (570.33 KB, 720x878, 360:439, cf859a119191638953f7cb2311….png)


kek. US Paratrooper more like.

604dd2  No.4875165



Creative Artists

9a6f53  No.4875166


I can't remember - was Fusion GPS the contractor that FBI gave "raw Section 702 query" authority to? Were they stealing from NSA and selling to MSM?

597d5a  No.4875167

File: 56a7332737b275a⋯.jpg (155.88 KB, 1080x1216, 135:152, Screenshot_20190123-005744.jpg)

File: 80996a06771a0ea⋯.jpg (143.11 KB, 1080x1208, 135:151, Screenshot_20190123-005714.jpg)


Trust Sessions

Trust Grassley

Who did they confirm?

1f5f06  No.4875168

Notables Bun


>>4874523 Fusion GPS bribery dozens of MSM journalists with cash, while new companies paid the firm to dig dirt on Trump (reminder: list of journalist/cabalist shitbags: >>4874563 )

>>4874556 On the Covington situation/implications (article analysis)

>>4874576 ; >>4874617 ; >>4875017 Sheila Jackson Lee to step down as chair of Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; part of blowback from firing sexual assault whistleblower

>>4874598 Internet blockages in Venezuela amidst protests

>>4874626 On the reallocation of funds from the border wall to Iran

>>4874713 ; >>4874906 POTUS’ letter to Pelosi: SOTU to proceed in House Chamber per prior invitation

>>4874725 ; >>4874848 Reports of Nathan Phillips attempting to disrupt Catholic Mass day after viral video incident

>>4874731 On the “start of a vital process” (speculation)

>>4874985 ; >>4875020 ; >>4875059 ; >>4875094 Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó declares himself interim president; POTUS to recognize him as legitimate president

>>4875050 Police responding to shooting in Salem, NJ

a310ac  No.4875169

File: 324e617fdc708fb⋯.png (254.2 KB, 438x242, 219:121, Pelsoi.PNG)


HAHA On FOX - Trump called Pelosi bluff and said he accepted her offer to give the SOTU speech and will see her on Tue. Let's see if she tells him not to show up.

d6a67b  No.4875170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you see the desperation yet? It feels like we are nearing the endgame. I think (((their))) next move is to paint all of us and anything MAGA related as nazis.

Listen to this NYT (((reporter))) on Joe Rogan start to call out white washing of (((them))). Video @ 53:53

414e26  No.4875171


Glenn Beck is a proto-fag


Beck Hansen is a certified genius!

2acd14  No.4875172


im down lets go. The Sport Of Kings

4b5807  No.4875173

File: 25ecbae23dd18d6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, 8 of SPADE.png)

File: 015fc84537436f2⋯.png (7.13 MB, 3001x1874, 3001:1874, PUNISHER.png)

File: 85f468f9008e499⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1356x1078, 678:539, pepe proud.png)

File: d60ef38f9cce3c2⋯.png (483.25 KB, 613x705, 613:705, BECAUSE OF YOU.png)



anyone who is willing to MOVE FORWARD IN TRUTH AND LOVE, and leave the selfish fleshly hateful ways behind will be given the SAME GOD GIVEN GRACE that was given to (you).







1e8219  No.4875174


that's so

but the video is cool

af6775  No.4875175


>temporarily step down from the House Judicial Cmte. chairmanship

f699f6  No.4875176

File: 5cd4aba9c624564⋯.jpeg (238.23 KB, 1242x1748, 27:38, B426C542-8B79-4548-8152-4….jpeg)


Payseurs are jews.

0ef2a5  No.4875177


Not up on all the Matrix but, "Truce ENding" sounds promising.

9a6e2e  No.4875178

File: 5715744ad5faf1c⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 1981x2583, 283:369, Jews.jpg)

c8205e  No.4875179


Video showing department of Homeland Security dropping off illegal immigrants at church in Phoenix, AZ


How do I embed? Sorry, obviously newfag. Lurk Moar, I know.

a87745  No.4875180


Yeah that’s good!

3e6142  No.4875181

File: 0c10c1a997e8f02⋯.jpg (88.06 KB, 586x659, 586:659, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)

File: 7d0c244bfbce2a5⋯.jpg (32.27 KB, 593x233, 593:233, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)

File: c1d2deb075c3723⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 580x585, 116:117, Screenshot 2019-01-23_13-0….jpg)


641106  No.4875182


>Sources tell Axios


Trial balloon.

Trumps already knows how the base feels about it; he's judging if this causes the D's to blink.

6a02a1  No.4875183


Definitely this his is fault. (and NP)

a40d51  No.4875184

File: 300c00aa3becd2d⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 704x468, 176:117, Harvest.jpg)


Yes, because I won't be burnt with the chaff like you…

You do realize the chaff gets burnt first, right?

fd580b  No.4875185

File: a38cd65e33fc7cf⋯.jpg (136.52 KB, 630x670, 63:67, disisembed.jpg)

991cee  No.4875186

File: cfd6f216d0f6b86⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 630x630, 1:1, JustACook.jpg)

File: 7f9aa76b27be338⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, JustACook2.jpg)

744de6  No.4875187


Where does it say it was a benefit for the all seeing eye your FKing moran.. I can handle the truth ,, just you don't know the truth

e090f0  No.4875188


And vouchers for your kids to go to any school where ever you want to send them.

Screw public schools and Teacher unions

af6775  No.4875189


get Firefox and lock it down (about 2 dozen changes to the app)

get a machine with horsepower

ac4c14  No.4875190

File: 87f8212dc44c693⋯.jpg (53.51 KB, 828x431, 828:431, Mock Marriage 093840803874….jpg)

bd02c8  No.4875191


we put up

you shut up

23b6c7  No.4875192


so to sum up, POTUS to Pelosi:

"See you next Tuesday!"

(couldn't find it, but this needs the "know a cunt when I see one" meme)

2e4fab  No.4875193

File: fa36b66581d99b6⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2433x1812, 811:604, ClipboardImage.png)

5bd2d9  No.4875194

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 813ce199bd19144dd312494c69….gif)

fa7542  No.4875195

File: d193bacc8f93abc⋯.png (218.56 KB, 280x382, 140:191, This.png)

1c5129  No.4875196

File: ee5650b4c71b02f⋯.png (109.61 KB, 746x620, 373:310, CAA_Alyssa_Milano_husband_….png)


Yup, CAA has been dug in the past.

797f2a  No.4875197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a40d51  No.4875198


Tell that you Jesus you skull worshipping faggot.

5bd2d9  No.4875199

File: 32c7bf5d64da694⋯.png (401.91 KB, 802x512, 401:256, point.PNG)

bd02c8  No.4875200


17th street huh?

A direct tunnel to the blood farm huh?

b421b7  No.4875201

File: 1bd9bc9af740722⋯.png (11.6 KB, 255x105, 17:7, easy_ok.png)


woodstock was faked

23dfd6  No.4875202

File: 71df1a964bc4364⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 2rc22g.gif)


Have you tried a hammer?

c4612a  No.4875203


Read the Constitution. Article 2, section 3. The President can call them into session when and where he wishes.

c8205e  No.4875204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video showing department of Homeland Security dropping off illegal immigrants at church in Phoenix, AZ

Immigrants form wall to keep camera from showing what's going on.

d1fc83  No.4875205

File: 119e6105e11b4b2⋯.png (189.42 KB, 480x359, 480:359, 1533230325.png)

File: 504cc7a7a1e31f3⋯.jpg (219.86 KB, 834x731, 834:731, IMG_20181006_093327_702.JPG)

7c3f74  No.4875206


It’s a speculation that GPS had access to the raw NSA data. Any specific names of contractors were redacted in the report submitted to the FISC.

646363  No.4875207


Underground human smuggling routes between Red Cross and D.C. sickos?

a40d51  No.4875208


Wow, you are stupid.

Benefit For The Seeing Eye

Ivana Trump, Donald Trump, and Estee Lauder during Benefit For The Seeing Eye at Pierre Hotel in New York City, New York, United States. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage)

0ef2a5  No.4875209

File: 30925d2c58287a1⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 896x760, 112:95, ISREAL NOT A PLOT OF LAND ….JPG)


Isreal is not a plot of land!

It is our Right Hemispheres


And who is Israel. ? IS=ISIS=Spirit RA=RA=Mind El=El=God.

Spirit and Mind in harmony with God.

fd580b  No.4875210


silly namefag

6f9fd3  No.4875211

File: 39cd7ab287ec368⋯.png (13.72 MB, 2857x3519, 2857:3519, ClipboardImage.png)

0f2e11  No.4875212

Fuking A now just to pull off an ACE! ty fren


a8a2e8  No.4875213


The thought crossed my mind Anon. It seemed counterproductive though

8f3a8f  No.4875214



Strong Together.


744de6  No.4875215

File: 31d816ccde35645⋯.png (17.31 KB, 453x223, 453:223, Capture.PNG)


Yeah probably meant seeing eye dogs kek

fa7542  No.4875216

File: 37e41aed59749bf⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 350x272, 175:136, Toots apocalypse.gif)

f811ae  No.4875217


I think we have to keep in mind that, officially, a Vietnam vet is someone who served in the military during the war years. I think the war years were 1955 to 1975. So someone wouldn't have to have served in Vietnam to be a Vietnam vet. Just saying this because technically, the media would be correct saying he is a Vietnam vet and we have to be ready for gotcha's from them.

That's the official designation, IRL most who weren't in country wouldn't think of themselves or would say they were Vietnam vets. Pawning yourself off as a combat vet is as low as you can go for guys who fought in country, especially if you're trying to make money off it.

ef6dfd  No.4875218

File: f2872ca7c0eadaf⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 381x378, 127:126, 2rso3j.jpg)

d29848  No.4875221

File: 523ff98246b34c3⋯.png (186.59 KB, 1666x682, 833:341, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at ….png)

The White House

‏Verified account @WhiteHouse

President @realDonaldTrump has officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.

efaea1  No.4875222


Seriously? HS buses dropping them off? Looks pretty organized to me.

fd580b  No.4875223


you don't nominate your own shit and you always leave the name field blank.

0f8bde  No.4875226


I've considered this. And it makes sense right now, what with the forcing of narratives on each side to create a civil war through indignance

aaf4c1  No.4875227


by hate and ignorance you judge yourself

08aca9  No.4875229

File: c93230b5cbd1d6c⋯.jpg (347.39 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


Anybody hear the one about how Jimmi is Morgan?

f37d43  No.4875230


Chuck doing what Chuck does, more chucking

c8205e  No.4875231


Sorry, I'm newfag. I'll Lurk Moar

Just wanted the video shared.

e6d3b5  No.4875232






BREAKING: There's reports of an active shooter in Salem County, Pennsylvania.

1c5129  No.4875233


subcommittee. Nadler is chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

aaf4c1  No.4875234


agreed he COULD have done that

he did not

different approach

258196  No.4875235


will there be a witch burning now?

f55047  No.4875236

File: 7072125c033487a⋯.jpg (191.71 KB, 1440x1251, 160:139, pelosi-jaw.JPG)



>Mexican coke whore

Well done anon!

4b5807  No.4875237

File: 773b2522a130e8a⋯.png (74.31 KB, 536x361, 536:361, fuckyourfeelings.png)






5895d1  No.4875238




a87745  No.4875239


But that’s BBKing? Kek

a40d51  No.4875240

File: 346b2bee9043d47⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 401x245, 401:245, Antisemitic.JPG)

08aca9  No.4875241


You know what I meant.

f824b3  No.4875242



a310ac  No.4875243


Welcome Newfag. Ignore the loud mouths

8e5bc8  No.4875244

File: cfd9c0a3f28762d⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 413x293, 413:293, pewpew.gif)


The Seeing Eye is a foundation for blind people to pair with trained support dogs, you absolute fucking coconut.

61c038  No.4875245


The precious calls to us, moppet.

2fdec8  No.4875246


>muh colorblind

Name field WAS left blank.

a87745  No.4875247


You did well and welcome :)

4b5807  No.4875248

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB, 517x594, 47:54, 1st recon.png)

the true art of trolling [myself] because attacking others is NOT what Jesus would do.

>try harder


5bfee5  No.4875249

File: b3bace1bc0a03ce⋯.jpg (160.42 KB, 592x469, 592:469, schiff.jpg)

Adam Schiff called out by Tom Fitton for leaking:



ccd34d  No.4875250

File: 69ceb332ac65d39⋯.png (248 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


and the MSM paid FUSION GPS

Total Collusion !


They were both hand-in-hand "All In" to stop Trump .

a98eae  No.4875251

File: 8e755f3e77fd9f9⋯.png (71.93 KB, 440x354, 220:177, Pedo Bryan Singer's film n….png)

File: a8e27e7e27bfaad⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 634x448, 317:224, 8893416-6623967-image-a-3_….jpg)

Me too - only I was a kid': Bryan Singer is accused of raping more underage teens and molesting one boy who was 13 in shocking expose as Oscar voters give Bohemian Rhapsody Best Picture nom

Four new men have come forward alleging that they were raped or molested by Bryan Singer in the past 20 years

Victor Valdovinos claims that he was 13 when Singer, then in his 30s, molested him on the set of Apt Pupil

Singer has denied all allegations of rape, molestation, or engaging in inappropriate contact with a minor

Time's Up did not respond to a request for comment

Bryan Singer is once again being accused of raping multiple underage teens in a shocking expose published by The Atlantic.

Four new men have come forward to share their stories, which are remarkably similar to those shared by a number of men in the past.

The youngest accuser claims that he was just 13 when Singer molested him on a film set, while others recount being plied with drugs and alcohol before being led to a bedroom by the director.

That youngest victim said that as he watched the Harvey Weinstein scandal unfold, he startdto thing: 'Me too—only I was a kid.'

This comes one day after Oscar voters awarded the director's latest film, Bohemian Rhapsody, with five Oscar nominations.

He is also being paid $10 million to direct the upcoming film Red Sonja, whose title character is survivor of sexual abuse.

Time's Up did not respond to a request for comment.


ef6dfd  No.4875252

File: f87f7df87bd51ba⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 31.62 KB, 550x406, 275:203, a0e1b1aa88cd1b037645c7852b….jpg)


as Jimmy Saville would say: Never happened.

5bd2d9  No.4875253

File: 9d4ac076c33c236⋯.png (789.26 KB, 752x400, 47:25, ets.PNG)

2e4fab  No.4875254


Link for Twatter


71f4a9  No.4875255



Get comfy

Ignore faggots

9c4e68  No.4875256

File: 5f04ca198222a37⋯.jpg (75.8 KB, 375x492, 125:164, leakyshitt.jpg)

a40d51  No.4875257


I never said it wasn't

I was pointing out Ivana's friendship with Estee Lauder


29a118  No.4875259


Two very good people sharing excellent information. Thank you anon.

531401  No.4875260

File: 5cade9d1d2be76d⋯.png (68.28 KB, 975x970, 195:194, WhiteManeGoldRingWWG1WGA.png)


57b181  No.4875261


MeToo Hollywood still hasn't nominated any female directors for Oscars

71f4a9  No.4875262


These trademarks are at the wrong time

Just giving dems more ammo

721b4e  No.4875263

Let's break this statement down into two parts.

P1. - The Plan

P2. - Trust

Why would I place The Plan before Trust? My reasoning is that this is an actual statement with clear direction to its recipients to take action. In this case, the action is Trust. In order to understand the direction given and reconcile against our personal moral code, we must first understand what is being requested of us.

"The Plan"

What is "the plan"? Does anyone know? Do they really know?

I would first ask that you consider just how grand of a plan you can comprehend? I'm confident you will agree that individuals make plans all of the time. We plan our meals, our wardrobe, dates, reunions, holidays, work assignments, home chores, etc….

Would you then consider how extreme of a plan you could map out? How would you go about planning your entire life from this point forward? Could you devise such a detailed plan that you could effectively pick exactly who you wanted to be and know with absolute certainty that your plan will succeed? There are people out there doing it every day. Hell, (you) do it every day even if you aren't conscious of it.

If you couldn't imagine devising such a plan for your own life, how could you possibly comprehend that another individual (or group of individuals) have planned their lives out with such precision that they are now capable of defending an entire nation of people against others whose mastery of the plan is just as astute?

Now, I beg of you, consider 'God's Plan'. Regardless of your position on God, I ask you only consider God's Plan if for no other reason than intellectual intrigue. How grand of a plan could the origional creator have? Can you even begin to grasp the concept of a plan for every individual as well as the fate of the entire world let alone the execution of said plan?


If you can not plan your own day, how can you ever truly understand "The Plan"?

How can you "Trust" what you don't understand?

In this case, it becomes impossible to comply as no human should be required to trust something they do not understand. However, isn't Faith a synonym for Trust?

Could the statement be read: 'Have Faith in The Plan'?

Can you have faith in something you don't understand?

What if the plan is (You)?

Can you put Faith in yourself?

Trust yourself.

(You) are the plan.

(You) always were.

(You) were a part of (((their))) plan.

No more.

Trust the plan

Dark to light.



d73880  No.4875265


ragheads b happy 2 take u

u head be happy to take

744de6  No.4875266


You said all seeing eye stop lying

08aca9  No.4875267


Or did they


9c4e68  No.4875268

File: b5cb09cb3a0d924⋯.jpg (46.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, it'stimelady.jpg)

d6a67b  No.4875269

File: 2601ae4fab51a42⋯.png (323.23 KB, 700x512, 175:128, 89fff0de69f464c4f6d1af3554….png)


Nice Work. Saved.

256d96  No.4875270


Year old? This hasn’t been released before afaik, only by Q.

08aca9  No.4875271

Oh MeToo-Hollywood era.

e9248f  No.4875272

File: c16022f65a6ca29⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, CCTG.png)

1f5f06  No.4875274

File: a0e83047ede7fbb⋯.jpeg (12.91 KB, 255x177, 85:59, BakerArt.jpeg)






Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer.

d1fc83  No.4875275

File: 0c7110908acab16⋯.jpg (69.16 KB, 470x584, 235:292, 1548038647-1.jpg)

71f4a9  No.4875276


Trusting yourself and trusting that the plan exists are 2 dif things

Just sayn

ac4c14  No.4875277


Child-killing, serial adulterers (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) don't make America greater. http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

53bd43  No.4875278


>(You)s get the filter

2934e9  No.4875279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nancy it's time to leave the building


9c4e68  No.4875282

File: 59a965b58b64b15⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 4750x3265, 950:653, howtrump.jpg)

f5a3b8  No.4875290

bread filling delicious bread

458ac7  No.4875291

Dr Fill

7d03a4  No.4875294


And awayyyy we go!!

0f8bde  No.4875295

File: ba84517031f73b5⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 630x630, 1:1, download.jpg)

fd580b  No.4875297

File: 7889f1aac4f384f⋯.gif (25.63 KB, 100x85, 20:17, 365466.gif)


Can you imagine her introducing him Tuesday night? XD

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