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2a1466 (18)  No.4080752[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 11.29.18

>>4070722 ---———————————--——– Locked & (who is) Loaded.

>>4070652 ---———————————--——– We know.

Sunday 11.25.18

>>4031007 ---———————————--——– Border Security = National Security

>>4030351 ---———————————--——– [Koala]

>>4029544 rt >>4029281 ----———————-- Re_read drops re: WARNINGS

>>4029281 ---———————————--——– Everything stated has a purpose.

Tuesday 11.20.18

>>3980392 rt >>3980302 ----———————-- Think D5

>>3980302 ---———————————--——– People are nervous

>>3979646 ---———————————--——– Item used when walking a dog?

>>3978509 ---———————————--——– Attacks on WHITAKER will only intensify

>>3978190 ---———————————--——– [D]ec 5

Tuesday 11.13.18

Compiled here: >>4077327

Monday 11.12.18

Compiled here: >>4077315

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

2a1466 (18)  No.4080758


are not endorsements

#5193 Baker Change

>>4080073 Paul Ryan actually saying something about possible CA election fraud

>>4080078 MI6 says declassifying Russian dossier docs would undermine intelligence

>>4080099, >>4080178, >>4080212 Jim Jordan secures Oversight ranking member role

>>4080106 China/HRC graphic

>>4080130 Netflix's 'Baby' accused of trivializing teen sex trafficking

>>4080144 On the children of the owner of the Hyatt Regency Chingqong

>>4080288 A picture is worth many (prison) sentences?

>>4080368 Putin Ready for "Holding Contacts" with Trump

>>4080397 Lawfag on legal meanings/applications of collusion and conspiracy and obstruction and others

>>4080417 Syria says they downed Israeli plane and missiles

>>4080495, >>4080528, >>4080532 One sealed indictment does not necessarily represent one person

>>4080514, >>4080589 Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading

>>4080551 New POTUS Tweet

>>4080745 #5193


>>4079792 Hyatt Hotel's Christmas lighting ceremony. Dig

>>4079754 , >>4079574 , >>4079605, >>4079679, >>4079768 POTUS/FLOTUS arrive in Buenos Aires

>>4079561 Twitter stock price down because of fears of conservative backlash

>>4079558 Merkel to miss G20 opening due to aircraft issues

>>4079551 Comey: Case Assigned/Reassigned to Timothy J. Kelly & Judge N. McFadden

>>4079535 How the State Dept. Outsources Tax Dollars to George Soros Front Groups

>>4079527 Some interesting things about Chongqing pulled from wiki

>>4079474 Chongqing airport code = ZUCK

>>4079408 Pence: We Are Closer ‘Than Ever Before to Ending the AIDS Crisis’

>>4079365 , >>4079392, >>4079426, >>4079462, >>4079595 Moar CQ digs on >>4077763 (pb)

>>4079364 , >>4079592 Mom Dresses Six-Year-Old Son As Girl, Dad Threatened For Disagreeing

>>4079929 #5192


>>4079103 Sen. Tim Scott announces opposition to judicial nominee Thomas Farr

>>4078932 Graphic re QDrop: 'The signifier will 'force' the Q'

>>4079008 Cloning research in Chongqing

>>4078946 , >>4079036 Comey subpoena case re-assigned to new judge. Dig

>>4078812 Chongqing Police on Fraud Case

>>4078701 POTUS Tweet: Will retain Ronna McDaniel for 2020 re-elect

>>4078689 , >>4078596 QDrop Decodes

>>4078466 Anon warning: Tutanota is Compromised

>>4078643 GM's China Executive Vice President, Mike Deveraux

>>4078607 Goodlatte Responds: ‘Comey Must Appear Before the Committees’

>>4078568 Busy Day: https://www.justice.gov/news

>>4079152 #5191


>>4078236 Graphic: 'A picture is worth many sentences'

>>4078261 Russian tanks massing on Ukraine's border, president tells Sky News

>>4078130 Presidential Determination re Foreign Governments Trafficking in Persons

>>4078087 "Globalist Elite" In Pentagon Pressuring Trump To Stay In Afghanistan

>>4078004 BO's foundation income increased 218m in 2017. Who are the 13 undisclosed donors?

>>4077999 HRC. On the CLOCK

>>4077989 Michigan: 11th Arrest in Child Rape Ring

>>4077971 Banks in Chongqing

>>4077871 Google Book Search for 6X-382-NTP0038-3u2: 'Give Me Liberty' & 'Sheep No More'

>>4077819 , >>4077825 Fresh POTUS tweet: 'sticking it to pharma with competition'

>>4077790 , >>4077960 Comey Fights Subpoena From House GOP; Asks Judge To Toss

>>4077763 Chongqing: HRC discussed the murder of US expat by Chinese official's wife

>>4077750 Anon looks into Q's tree date change on pic

>>4077719 , >>4077754 Further POTUS tweets endorsing new books

>>4077701 California Democratic party chair resigns amid sexual misconduct claims

>>4078786 #5190

Previously Collected Notables

>>4076820 #5188, >>4077600 #5189,

>>4074544 #5185, >>4075273 #5186, >>4076103 #5187

>>4072154 #5182, >>4072966 #5183, >>4073764 #5184

>>4069891 #5179, >>4070663 #5180, >>4071363 #5181

>>4067559 #5176, >>4068403 #5177, >>4069096 #5178

>>4065232 #5173, >>4066023 #5174, >>4066753 #5175

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

2a1466 (18)  No.4080759

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---——- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---————-- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---——- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ---—— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ---—— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ---—— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ---—— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 -- 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>4024843 -- Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>4075978

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966

2a1466 (18)  No.4080762

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ---——————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

2a1466 (18)  No.4080763>>4080845 >>4081095



738f6a (5)  No.4080784>>4080820

Watching how the brad rolls

7913a9 (1)  No.4080802>>4080838

File (hide): 11403091b8a6751⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 320x240, 4:3, water_meet_duck_bitch.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7d4bd0a2d8f42ef⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1473x807, 491:269, FearfulAbuse.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13922a79b22d157⋯.jpg (364.14 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Fight Well Patriots.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b0b31e663c2a0f⋯.png (12.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bait_is_mindkiller.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e426d7b41188681⋯.jpg (288.64 KB, 1580x717, 1580:717, ComfyAssKicking_muh_filter….jpg) (h) (u)

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
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Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Regex Filters:

/* Filters any name other than [left empty], Q, and Ron(CodeMonkey) */
[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))
/* Filters any combination of upper and lower case letters eg. re: milts' spam */
[Enter as a Comment filter] [Tt][Oo0][Oo0][Tt][Ss]

Theme | Custom CSS Basics:

/* Decrease RED TEXT size and recolour to Hot Pink for teh lulz. */
span.heading {
color: #ff00f0; /* Hot Pink */
font-size: 4pt; /* Real small, default is 11pt */

/* Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over */
.post-image {
opacity: .2; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(5px); /* Can be 1 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1px); /* Can be 1 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

Get Comfy, Stay Centered.

Write when Insight Strikes

561ad9 (3)  No.4080803>>4080850 >>4080872 >>4080936 >>4080995 >>4081022 >>4081138 >>4081196 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506 >>4081520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4079977(pb) Pelosi video verbal & facial Q'ues are telling


If you look closely at Pelosi's words and her body language in her comments yesterday, you get some clear hints about what is going on.

At 4:11, referring to the Democratic caucus, she says "our unity is our power"-- for a second, right as she says this, a look of mockery flashes on her face.

This flashing look of mockery occurs again at 4:21, when talking about the results she expects for the Democrats: >>4079970

The uncomfortable and unenthused looks on her colleagues' faces, and these subtle moments of mockery suggest that the words are not quite so true as they would seem. The Democrats did not nominate her "because they are so unified". Something else is going on.

The most telling part starts at 6:35, with Nancy talking about working with POTUS. At 6:38 she hesitates, and looks, up, then grimaces and looks down, before referring to "my power"… This noticable pause and facial complication clearly indicates that there is some hidden emotion relating to her own power.

When we look at how quickly and confidently POTUS suggested Pelosi would be the speaker again after the midterms; compare Pelosi's manner and attitude to Lindsey Graham's; and keep in mind the basic idea that POTUS et. al. are using leverage to make deals and make progress in draining the swamp, then we have a very good framework for explaining Pelosi's ease of victory, her overall air of cheerfulness (freedom), her colleagues' apparent ill-ease, and her nonetheless stumbling at the memory of her own power (no longer independent), and her apparent subtle facial mockery of her colleagues.

I.e. it's happening.

4a9886 (2)  No.4080815

File (hide): 0080287fa97f212⋯.jpg (373.37 KB, 853x1097, 853:1097, IMG_756.jpg) (h) (u)

patriots laugh!

2f47cb (6)  No.4080816

Where’s the IG FISA MEMOS …….yawn

9fbd03 (9)  No.4080817

File (hide): 8d492c5e2aeda67⋯.jpg (111.13 KB, 581x947, 581:947, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8aef247524c3f0b⋯.jpg (112.11 KB, 569x831, 569:831, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e815dc3761855cf⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 560x921, 560:921, 5.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1d0670fb7fa1b7⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 533x645, 533:645, 6.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98a8f0c4dd1b676⋯.jpg (91.93 KB, 532x893, 28:47, 7.JPG) (h) (u)

Lawyer indicted in fake FB scheme targeting pols


649423 (4)  No.4080818>>4080840 >>4080852 >>4081019 >>4081026


Solomon learned to bind demons, and used them to construct the Great Temple, including one called Vine'

THis is where it gets weird…

King Vine (also a Duke)

“The Forty-fifth Spirit is Vine, or Vinea. He is a Great King, and an Earl; and appeareth in the Form of a Lion,20 riding upon a Black Horse, and bearing a Viper in his hand. His Office is to discover Things Hidden, Witches, Wizards, and Things Present, Past, and to Come. He, at the command of the Exorcist will build Towers, overthrow Great Stone Walls, and make the Waters rough with Storms. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which wear thou, as aforesaid, etc.”

45th Spirit (45)

Master of Towel Building

His "office" is to discover things hidden (witches, wizards, Warlocks, other demons, Cabal, etc)

He can overthrow great walls (think metaphor, between people)

and bring STORMS

He has the appearance of a Lion (check) carrying a Viper/Cobra (see picture attached).

King Vine (Night Demon)

Dates: June 11th -- June 20th (Connolly)(Night Time)

Alternate Dates: June 11th -- June 21st (Tikaboo) November 2nd – November 6th (Runyon)

Direction: North

Tarot: 10 of Swords

Planet: Sun

Metal: Gold

Element: Water (Under Corson)

Color: Yellow

Plant: Mallow

Incense: Frankincense

Zodiac: Gemini

Dates June 11th-June 21st, Gemini. POTUS Birthday is June 14th.

His Sigil resembles a giant T.

So what if Trump is a descendent of Solomon, with the Demon Vine under his full control and being used as a weapon against the Cabal to take them down (motivation unknown but good energy around him). Sometimes, perhaps, he's able to channel the demon while still retaining control in order to have access to his secrets.

9fbd03 (9)  No.4080819>>4081022 >>4081217 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506 >>4081507

File (hide): 66338dab61c1760⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 585x339, 195:113, 3.JPG) (h) (u)


18b419 (3)  No.4080820>>4080834 >>4080882

File (hide): fa3989084040cf9⋯.png (331.16 KB, 389x485, 389:485, JEWBRAD.png) (h) (u)


>Watching how the brad rolls

1b8507 (25)  No.4080821

File (hide): 55f85bfbb7417cf⋯.jpg (116.93 KB, 660x461, 660:461, HRC jail.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 17dbd7567c2f2bd⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Trump Tweet 11292018_11.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): af33b04cfcb95d5⋯.jpg (166 KB, 866x599, 866:599, Q DROP TEMP_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 672cd2c75b5debe⋯.jpg (183.88 KB, 1035x648, 115:72, Q DROP TEMP.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 949a179cfee2fd4⋯.jpg (130.46 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, fakenews.jpg) (h) (u)

8e5a7c (2)  No.4080822

File (hide): 0ac1a20414dc6f0⋯.png (720.94 KB, 810x650, 81:65, ckm.png) (h) (u)

>>4080808 pb

>>4080808 lb

nice digits

1b8507 (25)  No.4080823>>4080908

File (hide): b15ba6a6e2117a5⋯.jpg (138.42 KB, 584x556, 146:139, Trump Tweet 11272018_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b10f0ff5b2dc688⋯.jpg (160.22 KB, 800x715, 160:143, brennon tweets 11282018.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed4663bef4a515e⋯.jpg (223.22 KB, 586x860, 293:430, Trump Tweet 11282018_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4371afd5ed44d19⋯.jpg (144.49 KB, 584x720, 73:90, adam tweets 11262018.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac62888262adc9e⋯.jpg (145.06 KB, 589x765, 589:765, hrc tweets 11262018.jpg) (h) (u)

bc6ecf (6)  No.4080824

File (hide): a470578b473db0e⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 1080x1348, 270:337, 1080full-alina-kovalenko.jpg) (h) (u)

TY Baker!!!

>>4080461 (lb)

Shill tactic #458

Copy/Paste the Q tripcode name into the name field, and makes spoopy nonsense posts.

The more you know!

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


May these asshats be returned to the yogurt zone

Ty Pepe

79551c (3)  No.4080826


1b8507 (25)  No.4080827

File (hide): 5554fe66e97f6ca⋯.jpg (50.05 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Peeking Duck.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d78bc269b7e1f8⋯.jpg (165.45 KB, 497x705, 497:705, Floatus.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): baef182a8d44e54⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 475x476, 475:476, caravan despite Trump cons….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6774bc781837098⋯.jpg (205.49 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, Jamal Khashoggi.jpg) (h) (u)

fb1db3 (2)  No.4080828

Hi Hi-llary (LIar)

Trump 2020 won't be stopped.

Do YOU know what KAG "really" stands for?

Of course.

Deception works both ways and the master is ONLY that… a master.

King of Deception is who?


0a89b5 (4)  No.4080829>>4080837

File (hide): 9d8fbbba15f4abb⋯.jpeg (691.53 KB, 1536x1171, 1536:1171, 2E5BAE82-76D8-46E8-9F8B-1….jpeg) (h) (u)

Hey everyone, I thought this was weird. The KRYPTOS sculpture at Langely ends with a question to “Q”

Maybe it’s just me, but who knows. Makes me want to know the last part.

32b4c0 (12)  No.4080830

>>4080793 lb

Still waiting on the Clinton Email investigation IG report. It's due it out in January.

4b04df (14)  No.4080831

BV----→ Board Enemey—→famefag —-→shill

digression at its finest

90e567 (1)  No.4080832>>4080981

“I will never sign another bill like this again. I'm not going to do it again." -- President Trump, after signing a spending bill that blocked any funding for a wall.

Today, eight months later, Trump is about to sign another spending bill that will give him no money for the wall.

Anyone want to bet me that he won't?”

-Ann Coulter

Is this Trump’s read my lips moment??

a62af8 (8)  No.4080833>>4080923 >>4081041

Greetings anons,

I’m not sure if anons here have seen the names that were in Epstein’s black book, that was stolen by his “houseman” Alexandro Rodriguez in a blackmail attempt. But below is the link for all names listed in the book with phone numbers and addresses redacted. Note that these are contacts from Epstein’s book, it is VERY unlikely, that all in the book were involved in honeypot escapades. HOWEVER, Rodriguez did circle names that he said he could CONFIRM were staying with Epstein while there were underage girls/boys present just to name a couple. “Musicians” Courtney Love and Mick Jagger, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barrack, former head of the Anti-Defamatiob League Alan Dershowitz and many others. I’ll let you look for yourself to see all the names.



PS: if you think Dershowitz is in ANY way, a “white hat”, then you are very very new here, and I suggest lurking moar before posting.

738f6a (5)  No.4080834>>4080876

File (hide): c71ca8414833463⋯.jpg (7.63 KB, 300x269, 300:269, got_you.jpg) (h) (u)


GOt me on that one …… muh keyboard…

32b4c0 (12)  No.4080835


1b8507 (25)  No.4080836>>4080842 >>4080853 >>4080859

File (hide): 6b56a6e3176a455⋯.jpg (176.84 KB, 763x667, 763:667, Vladimir Putin nwo worship….jpg) (h) (u)

a3364e (3)  No.4080837>>4081070


quote from opening King Tut's tomb

bc6ecf (6)  No.4080838


I'm just glad you haven't added a filter for "redhead anon" yet.

2f47cb (6)  No.4080839>>4080844

Are you ready for Arrests ,IG,FISA,MEMOs ……. [ Next Week ]

beb25b (3)  No.4080840

1b8507 (25)  No.4080841

File (hide): d6504e07501c70e⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 480x687, 160:229, Ana Violeta Navarro Flores.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1fb26aa22b88a01⋯.jpg (111.63 KB, 800x531, 800:531, are you sure ford.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 649bbef8c1afa96⋯.jpg (83.57 KB, 800x483, 800:483, Be Best FLOTUS.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6fd504f40f36202⋯.jpg (296.04 KB, 1171x748, 1171:748, blumenthal 2010.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7a92fab02ef06dd⋯.jpg (188.79 KB, 1050x588, 25:14, bully stick.jpg) (h) (u)

a62af8 (8)  No.4080842


Putin….he said it.


6a698a (10)  No.4080843

File (hide): 84bd81081dd9ff0⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, gta1.jpeg) (h) (u)


a62af8 (8)  No.4080844

8e5a7c (2)  No.4080845

File (hide): 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg) (h) (u)


bakers and anons

i cruised through the notables buns up above

nom nom nom

i dont see anything about the tree but EVERGREEN is a christmas tree - but i dont know if thats gonna sauce

mmmm sauce

mmmm gravy

91825e (2)  No.4080846>>4080849 >>4080884 >>4080898 >>4080905 >>4080928 >>4081069

File (hide): a7369a8c00f2c9d⋯.png (422.69 KB, 995x597, 5:3, 1543543649506.png) (h) (u)



32b4c0 (12)  No.4080847


4d90b3 (3)  No.4080848>>4081446

File (hide): 12892d40d82d458⋯.png (136.69 KB, 1920x848, 120:53, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Anons notice Comey's petition from today is 17 pages long?

BWAHAHAHAHA we see you, Jimmy!

91825e (2)  No.4080849>>4080928 >>4081085



>The announcement by Rothschild & Co that they are getting out of the trust business (i.e., managing other people’s money) is a major historical turning point that almost slipped by unnoticed.

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080850

File (hide): 726f5f6239cafc8⋯.jpg (142.33 KB, 1186x800, 593:400, IMG_3752.JPG) (h) (u)

1b8507 (25)  No.4080851

File (hide): 48b5830e58b6e79⋯.jpg (272.45 KB, 826x718, 413:359, Apology from Aus pm.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b47868300ee642⋯.jpg (132.02 KB, 1046x479, 1046:479, April Q drop.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac7b0e1763ca8ef⋯.jpg (121.38 KB, 800x600, 4:3, bait.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bcf06858cf254c5⋯.jpg (184.86 KB, 988x740, 247:185, barbara d underwood.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d896bc31bc2b197⋯.jpg (185.89 KB, 695x596, 695:596, Corrupted banks owned by r….jpg) (h) (u)

2c76cd (2)  No.4080852>>4080862


>overthrow Great Stone Walls

read: China

3e6e5c (3)  No.4080853

File (hide): 50633b74260b130⋯.png (434.99 KB, 640x535, 128:107, putintrumprideordieojfedhg….png) (h) (u)

08e3d1 (3)  No.4080854>>4080861 >>4080894 >>4080901 >>4080922 >>4081022 >>4081172 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

Looks like Mitt is going to pick up where noname left off. Awesome.


edd506 (1)  No.4080855>>4080885

File (hide): c2dc7498cc47700⋯.jpg (122.1 KB, 640x288, 20:9, 2nsoul.jpg) (h) (u)

889a1e (2)  No.4080856>>4080863 >>4080875

DECLAS tomorrow, signal has been sent. Rosenstein will be gone afterwards. Huber may be moved to Senate confirmed acting AG with Whitaker acting DAG.

e4038b (10)  No.4080857>>4080864 >>4080866 >>4080867 >>4080874 >>4080877 >>4080890 >>4080891 >>4080895 >>4080900 >>4080906 >>4080910 >>4080911 >>4080914 >>4080916 >>4080926 >>4080939 >>4080948 >>4080960 >>4080973 >>4080991 >>4081006 >>4081035 >>4081061 >>4081063 >>4081099 >>4081115 >>4081155 >>4081182 >>4081257 >>4081280 >>4081283 >>4081373 >>4081391 >>4081412 >>4081427 >>4081429 >>4081458 >>4081547 >>4081554


Can we please have ONE bread that is free of porn?

We are drawing a large viewership of nomies and probably a lot of them are religious/sensitive normies, who don't like pictures of naked women.

A porn-free board is better for everyone.

Let's try this board, anons.

Let's make this a PORN FREE BREAD!

Thank you, everyone.

559ad3 (1)  No.4080858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why you'll never be able to reason with proglodytes

aa427f (5)  No.4080859



1b8507 (25)  No.4080860

File (hide): 70b95abe0a8b0ef⋯.jpg (130.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FISA night shift.jpg) (h) (u)

a62af8 (8)  No.4080861>>4080871



649423 (4)  No.4080862


I'm no expert here, I don't even remember what triggered the dig but so many things jumped out. Spoopy.

e30fed (2)  No.4080863

a62af8 (8)  No.4080864


How fucking new are you.

f55b46 (6)  No.4080865

What’s a matta with that gf

She always a crank

f15b17 (4)  No.4080866>>4080927 >>4080986 >>4081006

File (hide): 1ac3bd99dbe61a5⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 640x799, 640:799, 1ac3bd99dbe61a5f0dbd85ad9a….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 34bdf2215922e7c⋯.jpg (215.78 KB, 960x916, 240:229, 34bdf2215922e7c21bc37674be….jpg) (h) (u)

d4bcbc (1)  No.4080867>>4081006



00b4b0 (6)  No.4080868

File (hide): 221f67d1406f7a5⋯.png (501.13 KB, 1797x1076, 1797:1076, update.PNG) (h) (u)

Still looking to find out if any ANONS have gotten updates for the QResearch Archives??? (pic related). Haven't been able to update since the last update gift in about 3 weeks…Error EVERYTIME I update and closes program

84077f (9)  No.4080869

File (hide): 48ff9bdc70d3b83⋯.jpg (198.05 KB, 600x1175, 24:47, 1.jpg) (h) (u)


Neutron production at ORNL's SNS reaches design power level

2f47cb (6)  No.4080870>>4080879

The IG got lost like Hillary’s Emails

08e3d1 (3)  No.4080871


Nah, Mitt's a piece of shit.

0af255 (3)  No.4080872


She stutters when she lies or making up another one. Very telling!

9b192d (13)  No.4080873>>4080886 >>4080896 >>4080897

File (hide): d68d6b9ec124ca6⋯.png (395.72 KB, 604x345, 604:345, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

SHUT IT DOWN NOW: Mueller Eyes Ivanka and Don Jr.’s Work on Trump Tower Moscow…That Was Never Even Built

President Trump must go on offense and put an end to Robert Mueller’s unconstitutional witch hunt unless he wants to watch his entire family frog-marched into prison for non-crimes.

Robert Mueller, the crooked cop who believes he’s King of the US and roves around with no oversight, is now eyeing Ivanka Trump and Don Jr.’s work on a Trump Tower in Moscow--that was never even built.

Even more ridiculous, a source told Yahoo News that Ivanka and Don Jr.’s efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow began several years before Michael Cohen’s project and ended in 2013.

Yahoo reported:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into President Trump’s efforts to build a skyscraper in Moscow has led him to ask questions about the role two of the president’s children played in attempting to secure a Russian real estate deal, sources tell Yahoo News.

Mueller’s charging documents against Cohen included a line that described the Trump family’s involvement in the project. According to Mueller, one of the things Cohen lied about was that he “briefed family members” of Trump’s who worked at the Trump Organization about the proposed Moscow skyscraper. Prior to joining the White House, Ivanka was an executive at the company. Don Jr. and Trump’s middle son, Eric, remain with the Trump Organization.

A spokesperson for the special counsel’s office declined to comment on this story. Cohen and his attorney, Guy Petrillo, did not respond to requests for comment, nor did lawyers representing the president.

A source familiar with the Trump Organization confirmed to Yahoo News that Ivanka and Don Jr. engaged in separate efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. The source said these efforts began “years earlier” than Cohen’s project and concluded in 2013.

“They were not looking at any other deals after that,” the source said.

The source also confirmed that both Ivanka and Don Jr. were aware of Cohen’s attempts to build in Moscow. According to the source, Ivanka’s role was limited to recommending an architect and Don Jr. was only “peripherally” aware of the plan.

A Trump Tower was never built in Moscow and even if Trump built a tower in Moscow, it is not against the law.

Robert Mueller is dragging Trump’s associates into hours-long interrogations to catch them in perjury traps. None of his indictments so far have anything to do with so-called Russian collusion.

Russian collusion isn’t even a crime so Mueller can only charge Trump’s associates with making false statements after he ambushes them with KGB-style tactics.

Mr. President, shut down the Mueller witch hunt and go on offense now before it’s too late.


bacc24 (2)  No.4080874>>4080880


Fuck on off back to Reddit, granny

a62af8 (8)  No.4080875


Can confirm. Huber does not need to go through confirmation process. He can start immediately.

18b419 (3)  No.4080876

File (hide): c3d8087b831ca82⋯.png (253.75 KB, 798x383, 798:383, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


heyyy! that's the deaf symbol for asshole, isn't it!


00f73a (10)  No.4080877>>4081006

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080878

That house is still standing and always wondered if some Jewish lightening would wash them out of our underwear

f5fc2d (11)  No.4080879


IG tweeted back to POTUS sorry sir bleachbit problem.

4b04df (14)  No.4080880


granny is asking for it

fe851f (1)  No.4080881>>4080917 >>4080965

File (hide): b1c1007f694f134⋯.png (133.54 KB, 500x1017, 500:1017, trump threat.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 624ca19bfca63de⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1707x959, 1707:959, POPCKORN TRUMP SMILE.png) (h) (u)


Wanna know the reason GEOTUS had to leave the Christmas Tree Lightning event yesterday, suddenly, in the Secret Service motorcade, even leaving the Press Pool behind? White House won't comment on the issue. Well, here you go (pic related).

b3d2be (6)  No.4080882

File (hide): 0e3151841860710⋯.png (9.87 KB, 302x92, 151:46, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


tricky tricky.

3ee972 (2)  No.4080883>>4080959

i need to chill away from here for a couple hours anyone got a suggestion newer or older movie thats good


bc6ecf (6)  No.4080884>>4080905

File (hide): f75d76732e21d16⋯.gif (469.59 KB, 249x172, 249:172, 1473938167203.gif) (h) (u)



This is quite


Remember, this is the same group of people that wanted to change the entire monetary system this year.


1b8507 (25)  No.4080885

File (hide): 6d9832725462868⋯.jpg (163.13 KB, 640x288, 20:9, where is the ig report.jpg) (h) (u)

f4b5b0 (3)  No.4080886

File (hide): b98d77a40a10b48⋯.png (503.73 KB, 1624x818, 812:409, Sample.png) (h) (u)

70a0c4 (3)  No.4080887>>4081001 >>4081022 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506


32b4c0 (12)  No.4080888>>4080931

I want IG report & Huber dropping bbs all in the same week. And I want HRC to cry.

Can you make that happen Q?

3f4776 (3)  No.4080889>>4080899

>>4080144 On the children of the owner of the Hyatt Regency Chingqong


Mayor Rahm Emanuel wasn’t kidding when he promised an “all hands-on-deck, all-resources-to-bear” bid for Amazon’s second North American headquarters.

Try more than 1,200 hands.

More than 600 movers and shakers have signed on to a committee supporting the drive to win the heated competition for Amazon’s $5 billion investment and 50,000 jobs.

The committee will be co-chaired by a rainbow coalition of heavy-hitters: United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz, former U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Loop Capital CEO Jim Reynolds and Abbott Labs Chairman and CEO Miles White.


9b192d (13)  No.4080890>>4081006


Tell us again how we should curb our free speech!!!

bb424e (2)  No.4080891>>4081006

File (hide): eadd4fc9e30c850⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1250x774, 625:387, hawking discover.png) (h) (u)

fe03a7 (3)  No.4080892

Baltimore Escorts in plain site, Rachel Chandler style.


164c33 (3)  No.4080893>>4080943

Me thinks we are fucked

Big time

I wish future proves i am wrong

00b4b0 (6)  No.4080894>>4080904 >>4080922


Mitt is definitely going down when the turd starts rolling. His Son OWNS the rogue voting Machines, same as Soros!

973cdc (1)  No.4080895>>4080962 >>4081006


Oh boy, Anon … this is not going to end well. Hunker down, the porn factor is going way up b/c of your 'activist, naive mindset'.

f5fc2d (11)  No.4080896


AHH 2013 they will forget to mention the dates.

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080897


One of the biggest clients of the transdermal crappet house on hacienda

714178 (4)  No.4080898>>4081437 >>4081451

File (hide): 0227f0de1456eea⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, crop-640x360-000.jpg) (h) (u)

3f4776 (3)  No.4080899>>4080918




Democrats are giddy following Illinois' primary about their chances of reclaiming the governor's office from a GOP incumbent who barely survived his own nomination fight.

Billionaire J.B. Pritzker received almost 575,000 votes on Tuesday, consolidating support from Democratic voters who turned out in midterm numbers not seen in more than a decade to defeat his closest rival by 20 points. Pritzker's vote total was about 200,000 more than Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner received against a conservative state lawmaker who had huge disadvantages in fundraising and name recognition but still finished within 3 points of him.

Pritzker said the results are an indication of how motivated Democrats are across the U.S. since President Donald Trump was elected, and how unhappy people in Illinois are with Rauner's leadership.

e2f055 (6)  No.4080900>>4081006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are in need of some board disipline…..

aa427f (5)  No.4080901


fancy political words ya got there schitt romney

e5c1ec (1)  No.4080902>>4080958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MSM tomorrow/today. Will it be "bombshell", "the walls are closing in", "the beginning of the end".

Current events remind me of this great clip.

5751d8 (2)  No.4080903>>4081574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Banned TED Talk:

The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake

at TEDx Whitechapel

32b4c0 (12)  No.4080904


If big shit doesn't happen in January we are seriously fucked.

39d68b (1)  No.4080905>>4080921 >>4081437



Made notable a few days ago

3e6e5c (3)  No.4080906>>4080935 >>4081422

561ad9 (3)  No.4080907

(we) like it, and if it offends you please proceed to fuck off, and when you get there, seriously, its purposes are MANY and some include keeping people who shouldn't be here from being here moar

7059ef (10)  No.4080908>>4080932 >>4080993 >>4081113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How Trump was finally tripped by sabotage of every meeting with Putin

US President Donald Trump has canceled a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, citing an incident with Ukraine, the latest in a series of attempts to block all talks between Moscow and Washington.

After consulting with his hawkish national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Trump backed out of the scheduled meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina. It was the first known instance of the US president bowing to those seeking to stop him from talks with Putin -- but not the first time they tried.

On the eve of the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki, Finland in July, special counsel Robert Mueller indicted twelve Russian nationals on charges of hacking the Democrats during the 2016 US presidential election. Mueller is investigating Hillary Clinton’s claim that Trump “colluded” with Russia to steal an election that was rightfully hers.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reacted to the indictment by saying it seemed calculated to spoil the meeting. Moscow wasn’t alone in coming to that conclusion: The top Democrat in the US Senate, Chuck Schumer, argued along the same lines, saying that “Glad-handing with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to our democracy.”

“The timing is no accident,” John Dean, former White House counsel to President Richard Nixon, told Politico at the time. “It forces Trump to confront Putin. If he fails to do so he is admitting guilt.”

That is exactly how the US media and the political establishment framed the Helsinki summit. When Trump made no mention of ‘Russian meddling’ at the meeting, his critics in the US flew into fits of rage. Some even accused Trump of “treason.” Whatever was discussed at the summit fell by the wayside in the storm of outrage.

The severity of the reaction apparently pushed the Trump administration to postpone the follow-up meeting. At the end of July, Bolton announced that Putin’s visit to Washington, originally planned “in the fall” of 2018, would take place in early 2019, “after the Russia witch hunt is over.” This was a reference to the Mueller probe, using Trump’s favorite phrasing.

Bolton ended up going to Moscow instead. Right before his trip, in late October, Mueller dropped another indictment -- this time against an accountant allegedly involved in the project that aimed to “sow discord in the US political system and to undermine faith in our democratic institutions” by posting memes on Facebook.

Trump’s supporters have argued, to no avail, that if anything is actually undermining faith in American democracy, it’s the “Russiagate” hysteria of the president’s critics. More than one Democrat has openly argued that if Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 was the result of “Russian meddling,” that means he is not a legitimate resident of the White House. Evidence? There hasn’t been any -- only innuendo, insinuations,“connecting the dots” and heaped helpings of conspiracy theories.

Yet most Republican lawmakers seem to have accepted the claim of “Russian meddling” as fact, only quibbling about its scope and impact. Last July, they joined the Democrats in usurping the White House’s foreign policy prerogatives by voting for a law sanctioning Russia in perpetuity, giving it a veto-proof majority.

Whatever the reason, the US political establishment is openly hostile to Moscow. Trump campaigned on being the outsider and draining the Washington “swamp,” only to side with it when it came to killing his idea of better relations with Russia.

Back in March, for example, he ordered a mass expulsion of Russian diplomats from the US -- including the UN mission, a step without precedent at the time – on nothing more than the assertion by the UK government that Russia poisoned a former spy with a nerve agent in Salisbury. The same UK government, by the way, that appears to have been involved in spying on his campaign and sourcing the dodgy “Steele dossier” on which most Russiagate conspiracies are based.

“There has been nobody tougher on Russia than President Donald Trump,” Trump said in April. Yet in the same breath, he noted that no matter what he does it is never enough for the media, “because that is their narrative.”

Clearly, Trump is aware that nothing he ever does will dissuade the peddlers of a “collusion” narrative, yet he just handed them a major victory by canceling the G20 meeting with Putin. As he himself would put it: Sad!


This Ukraine incident is being used for all kinds of cock blocking. Clever cabal. Clever.

635ce1 (1)  No.4080910

File (hide): 0e9134869574349⋯.png (100.88 KB, 430x441, 430:441, 00158.png) (h) (u)

f55b46 (6)  No.4080911>>4080919 >>4080960 >>4081014


Hey newfag

Lesson #1

Never ask anons to stop doing something because the trolls will only intensify it.

Some weirdo anon posted gay porn on here for like 2 weeks straight until he fucked off somewhere else

The more we told him to stop the worse it got..

Just sayin..

84077f (9)  No.4080912

File (hide): da5de820a715e36⋯.jpg (208.11 KB, 600x1450, 12:29, 1.jpg) (h) (u)


Former Autonomy CEO is charged with fraud tied to Hewlett-Packard deal

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080913>>4081272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2a4273 (3)  No.4080914>>4080920 >>4080929 >>4080933 >>4081006


I want to see every pair of tits on the planet in this thread now.

748316 (3)  No.4080916>>4081006


you just assured twice as many nudes

PS - nudes are not really porn

they are NFW (notfitwforwork) which is SUPPOSEDLY a rule on this board but apparently not

see rule 3 on welcome page

Rule 3: This is a NSFW board.

e30fed (2)  No.4080917


Pic is not related. Pic is to distract from actual attempt.

3f4776 (3)  No.4080918



Need help digging on:

Oak Investment Partners, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Altitude Capital Partners, Meritech Capital Partners, DFJ ePlanet Ventures, DFJ Growth Fund, Rustic Canyon Ventures, GKM Newport, Stanford Accelerator and Blueprint Ventures.

561ad9 (3)  No.4080919>>4081279


dubs of truth. i seen him!

ee2bb5 (4)  No.4080920>>4081006

>>4080914 we can do it. we have the technology.

e2f055 (6)  No.4080921>>4081437

File (hide): 2333a2eecd6cf2e⋯.jpg (225.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2n84px.jpg) (h) (u)


2nd that… These anons need to catch up….

d1b8c3 (1)  No.4080922

File (hide): cf6679e53a1153b⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 362x584, 181:292, Mitt Romney corruption.jpg) (h) (u)


>Mitt is definitely going down when the turd starts rolling. His Son OWNS the rogue voting Machines, same as Soros!


>Looks like Mitt is going to pick up where noname left off. Awesome.

d36597 (7)  No.4080923>>4080954 >>4081000

File (hide): 0004eaf270bc9ab⋯.png (371.84 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5db380ec85429b9⋯.png (389.04 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0fa9bcd6b3542c9⋯.png (385.69 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)


Dem dubs dough.

Pics related what I got so far.

Notice anything Anons?

3a774f (1)  No.4080924

File (hide): 551bb7b70518136⋯.png (135.42 KB, 1105x689, 85:53, unresolved-oig.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ed4776b9b3962a⋯.png (139.12 KB, 1093x703, 1093:703, unresolved-oig-2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bdb36fb79ad555c⋯.png (130.62 KB, 1097x689, 1097:689, unresolved-oig-3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): de857df81a9c474⋯.png (140.66 KB, 1095x695, 219:139, unresolved-oig-4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e9e3ab47177289f⋯.png (121.82 KB, 1079x695, 1079:695, unresolved-oig-5.png) (h) (u)

speaking of OIG

they did put something out yesterday

here are 5 of the highlights of unresolved business

got McCabe and fast and furious in there

714178 (4)  No.4080926>>4081006



First Time?

53b7a6 (5)  No.4080927>>4080961 >>4080986

File (hide): a2dfdd2245104a6⋯.png (877.02 KB, 619x774, 619:774, a6b42441-dc6a-4e8a-9c1d-fa….png) (h) (u)


boobs and a call for release of IG report, everyone should be happy

0af255 (3)  No.4080928



Rothschild & Co signs agreement for sale of its Trust business

With a team of c.3 500 talented financial services specialists on the ground in over 40 countries across the world, Rothschild & Co's integrated global network of trusted professionals provide in-depth market intelligence and effective long-term solutions for our clients in Global Advisory, Wealth & Asset Management, and Merchant Banking. Rothschild & Co is family-controlled and independent and has been at the centre of the world's financial markets for over 200 years.


00f73a (10)  No.4080929>>4081006

File (hide): 8513eda89215925⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x555, 100:111, ty.gif) (h) (u)


i second this

6fab4f (3)  No.4080930>>4080987 >>4080988 >>4081013 >>4081105 >>4081220 >>4081239 >>4081423 >>4081506

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hardly any coverage of this.

Rod Rosenstein Speaks At Cybercrime Symposium

eec6c4 (3)  No.4080931>>4080940 >>4080950 >>4081007


>I want IG report & Huber dropping bbs all in the same week. And I want HRC to cry.

>Can you make that happen Q?

I am a Austist and I want to win and I trust in those that will take bold immediate action when the time is right.

Stop whining and read The Art of War.

649423 (4)  No.4080932>>4080964


The UK is behind the Ukraine/Russia tensions. They likely arranged for a nuke to be smuggled into Crimea to attack "The Bridge" and trigger WW3 - holding that over POTUS head if he releases the FISA.

Have to defuse that situation first.

ee0e33 (13)  No.4080933>>4080942 >>4081006


You don't know a shill when you see one? Kek!

03e48b (1)  No.4080934

File (hide): a8523e3cb8af808⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1140x785, 228:157, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


beb25b (3)  No.4080935

8912c8 (3)  No.4080936


Look at me, look at me, look at me!

Politician and actors primary motivation, themselves!

Given themselves or the American people, the people get flushed in a heartbeat as recent history testifies.

7dbf75 (1)  No.4080937

What if Cohen lied for the Cabal and that is what Mueller charged him with?

Sorry if already been floated. Had to workfag today.

1366ea (2)  No.4080938>>4080947

File (hide): a23d0d8dcc4bc95⋯.png (17.58 KB, 588x250, 294:125, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Ukraine -- Russia….They REALLY want this WAR

cad2f2 (2)  No.4080939>>4080946 >>4080948 >>4080967 >>4081003 >>4081006 >>4081023 >>4081077

File (hide): 9770afebec3c29d⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 736x1031, 736:1031, e4fcc9e9abe7315b6072b12319….jpg) (h) (u)


Nudity isn't porn

2a1466 (18)  No.4080940

755abd (16)  No.4080941

File (hide): 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed45b1bbec54123⋯.png (885.76 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, good-morning.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff7f3e1d51996d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, Niagra-Falls-vacation-pic-….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png) (h) (u)

2a4273 (3)  No.4080942>>4080969 >>4081006


No, I only see tits.

f5fc2d (11)  No.4080943>>4080955


I guess we will get use to Socialism.

79551c (3)  No.4080944>>4081022 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.


Operators of Boeing 737 Max 8 and 9 planes, warning that faulty “Angle of Attack” sensor readings “could cause the flight crew to have difficulty controlling the airplane.” This, it said, in a euphemistic phrase for a deadly crash, could lead to “possible impact with terrain.” Or in this case, the ocean.


3ad032 (3)  No.4080945

File (hide): 9e97575ffa2d450⋯.jpg (103.06 KB, 666x500, 333:250, download (19).jpg) (h) (u)

2a4273 (3)  No.4080946


Nudity is love. Nudity is life. This is my swamp.

649423 (4)  No.4080947


2 minutes to midnight

755abd (16)  No.4080948

File (hide): 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9057aa6a3d11463⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1555x1870, 311:374, Pepe-goes-to-the-movies.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e99f698fdd02d5b⋯.png (1005.13 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, moreadorablekittens.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4d30e46703aedd5⋯.png (986.39 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, frogspuppiesandbirds.png) (h) (u)

be18fa (1)  No.4080949>>4080992 >>4081002

File (hide): d460d341074db96⋯.jpg (613.55 KB, 1542x2048, 771:1024, sjtree.jpg) (h) (u)

Thieves target Bay Area satanic group’s Christmas in the Park tree

November 29, 2018

SAN JOSE --- For a second year in a row, a satanic group’s tree at Christmas in the Park has been pilfered of decorations.

Satanic Bay Area says its tree at Christmas in the Park in San Jose was stripped of nearly 140 handmade ornaments. The group is asking “admirers” not to take any more of its decorations

Daniel Walker of Satanic Bay Area said the group’s roughly 7-foot-tall tree had to be redecorated after many of its 140 satanic-themed, mostly handmade ornaments were pilfered over the weekend.

“We’re running out so fast that we’re issuing this plea for light-fingered admirers to stop,” he continued. “If you really want a satanic ornament, email us and we might just send you one.”

The tree, which went up Nov. 23, is one of hundreds that constitute Christmas in the Park. Now in its 39th year, the event is held at Plaza de Cesar Chavez in downtown San Jose.

Any organization can apply to decorate a tree. There are no restrictions beyond a vague prohibition on the use of offensive language.

Last year, someone allegedly plucked a black goat head mask from the top of a tree decorated by the San Jose chapter of The Satanic Temple, which is separate from Satanic Bay Area.

The pentagram topping Satanic Bay Area’s tree has been left alone, according to Walker.

Walker said Satanic Bay Area was founded in 2015 as a grassroots atheistic group to create community and left-wing political action for Satanists in the South Bay and beyond.

“It’s our hope that the proliferation of satanic-themed holiday displays in cities across America helps people realize that Satanist groups are part of their local communities too, and that many different kinds of people find joy in the holiday season,” Walker said.


32b4c0 (12)  No.4080950>>4080980


Up-tight much?

8193dd (5)  No.4080951

File (hide): 5682f6a0949d66b⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1435x779, 35:19, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


"God…can I never escape Him?"

"No, He is in everything…even in a kiss."

d1cdbe (12)  No.4080952>>4080968

File (hide): 6b41bd26125bbd5⋯.jpg (227.12 KB, 816x581, 816:581, guitar.jpg) (h) (u)

a7d3ac (3)  No.4080953

>>4080551 (lb trump tweet)

i notice it is in quotes, so potus is quoting Gregg Jarrett if im reading it correctly

13ee93 (2)  No.4080954>>4080979


Some Kennedys and Rupert Murdoch.

00b4b0 (6)  No.4080955


Inacamp at Wallymart I'm certain…

755abd (16)  No.4080956

File (hide): 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png) (h) (u)

8aa6ad (5)  No.4080957


hope so

4c329f (3)  No.4080958


Yea, a big broken record ffs

over and over and over…..getting fucking old

I want the this coming month to be the one where shit starts happening

14dff3 (2)  No.4080959>>4080974 >>4081173 >>4081308


Conspiracy Theory, with Mel Gibson.

b7c86a (3)  No.4080960>>4081006




No real anons will disagree with you.

Unfortunately, this anon is right - you'll only make it worse

f15b17 (4)  No.4080961

f4b5b0 (3)  No.4080962>>4080983 >>4080985 >>4081006


Maybe the anon WANTED more porn but was too lazy. Pretty effective.

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080963>>4081074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SOROS BIST EIN Arschloch!!!!!!!

7059ef (10)  No.4080964


Mhmm. How about Trump and Porshenko are butt buddies and Trump really has no intention of meeting with Putin.

You seriously don't see two sides of the same coin? After a year? Really? Wow.

e980c0 (4)  No.4080965


Seeing this again now, I'm overcome with the thought "What if this pic was them letting Trump know they COULD have taken the shot?". (Assuming it wasn't a heart attack gun or something else)

If this is, at all, anything other than reflecting lights.

755abd (16)  No.4080966

File (hide): 1467905eb0767fb⋯.png (304.76 KB, 464x530, 232:265, blimmy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png) (h) (u)

6a6c5a (8)  No.4080967>>4081006

File (hide): f515e8f08ad515c⋯.png (426.93 KB, 683x435, 683:435, creampie.png) (h) (u)


hmmm tasty

00f73a (10)  No.4080968>>4080975 >>4081005 >>4081053 >>4081234

File (hide): 1598eb0fd741409⋯.png (333.15 KB, 392x585, 392:585, ns9.png) (h) (u)

ee0e33 (13)  No.4080969>>4081006


I thought so. Maybe if you kept your mind off the tits for a while you might see what is going on around you.

755abd (16)  No.4080970>>4081021 >>4081075

File (hide): da5cd5d9b01d97f⋯.png (593.18 KB, 1111x725, 1111:725, looking-forward.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f217f72c54bc6c4⋯.png (569.02 KB, 1111x746, 1111:746, our-unity.png) (h) (u)

04effb (6)  No.4080971>>4080984 >>4080990 >>4080998

Now that Q has been proven to be a psyop, now that Trymp has failed, that is if he ever really tried, now that the illegals will continue to pour in, ensuring guaranteed communist victory for a thousand years, now that this has come to pass, tell me brave “patriots.” You pathetic rednecks, boomers, and other gullibles- Will you do anything? Will you fight? Or will you just fade away like the powerless cowards we all know you really are?

a3364e (3)  No.4080972

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

aa012a (4)  No.4080973>>4081006

File (hide): 98ba56702a3f0a9⋯.jpg (293.11 KB, 797x1200, 797:1200, 9.jpg) (h) (u)

3ee972 (2)  No.4080974


havent watched in forever good call itll do

than Q

687d6b (2)  No.4080975>>4080994

File (hide): 819e50c7f481e5a⋯.jpg (79.83 KB, 1242x773, 1242:773, Night Shift.jpg) (h) (u)

b2f90a (1)  No.4080976

Did anyone else see that POTUS was making a "Q" with his hand when addressing reporters today before departing WH?

72034e (1)  No.4080978

File (hide): 9ad393ccd900e24⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1892x878, 946:439, HRC Fairyhill.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 781935c95f51097⋯.png (129.59 KB, 1893x732, 631:244, HRC secret Swansea.PNG) (h) (u)

>>4080633 lb

Why did Hillary Clinton secretly rush off to Wales in late June this year?

Was it to meet with some people urgently? Or did she need another honorary doctorate in a hurry?

Was it to meet with foreign intelligence in the UK? (DECLAS)

Interesting logo at the Fairyhill retreat she stayed at..

d36597 (7)  No.4080979>>4081067

File (hide): 4b22dd3e51fb3a8⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 935x526, 935:526, cb7091d07f10906fe315aba355….jpg) (h) (u)


This right is here is why I fucking love infinitechan. Skipped the circled & straight for notables.

>Fox News in Epstein's 'little black book' memefags.

Good shit Anon, OTT.

eec6c4 (3)  No.4080980>>4081056

File (hide): ca4925879e203c2⋯.png (181.2 KB, 768x747, 256:249, Quorum-Coffee.png) (h) (u)


>Up-tight much?

Not me, we play to win.

afcca0 (7)  No.4080981>>4081004 >>4081068


To be fair….these are the questions WE should be asking

Why aren't we?

Because someone is telling us to trust a plan….and we

have no idea what it is

5d5fe2 (1)  No.4080982>>4081079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Cohen Gives A Massive Speech In Support Of Donald Trump In Cleveland Heights

The arrogance of Robert Muellers' EGO has caused him to be decieved. Mueller being able to crush Michael would inflate his ego even more; giving Mueller a false sense of security thanks to his ego.

When Michael first got arrested, with the fire and break in BS, something smelled funny.

Watch Michael's speech and you decide if he betrayed President Trump.

e4038b (10)  No.4080983

f15b17 (4)  No.4080984

4f7fa6 (1)  No.4080985








the anon who posts "no porn please" is actually a porn shill, enticing anons to post more porn…

703c7d (8)  No.4080986

File (hide): 6385a158be0e3da⋯.jpg (226.36 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FIFQ.jpg) (h) (u)



You and me, we think alike anon! 8)

65d303 (7)  No.4080987>>4081013 >>4081042


Did you listen to RR vid?

He tells a joke about a talking parrot given as a gift to a mother who cooked and ate it.

Moral, if you don't speak when you get a chance, don't complain.

6fab4f (3)  No.4080988


I'm pretty sure this happened today at 12:45pm ET.

Try searching in the news about it. Hardly anything about it.

8193dd (5)  No.4080989

File (hide): c6fc3db53a93369⋯.png (3.36 MB, 2560x1431, 2560:1431, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

8e3782 (2)  No.4080990


Proven a larp? Wait, what'd I miss? Let's hear it, I must see this.

5751d8 (2)  No.4080991>>4081049

File (hide): d6a985264638fc1⋯.png (4.03 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>We are drawing a large viewership of nomies and probably a lot of them are religious/sensitive normies, who don't like pictures of naked women.


Get these people OUT OF HERE!!!

13ee93 (2)  No.4080992


Hypocrites - if they were truly Satanists wouldn't they encourage stealing? Instead of whining about it like little bitches.

1b8507 (25)  No.4080993>>4081028 >>4081059


Feels like fake news, just saying.

Narrative spin attempt, feelz like.

Occam's razor.

Trump forcing RUS to move in a direction RUS

doesn't want to move.

Peaceful moves are GOOD.

RUS not our enemy but not our friend either.

Think boat anchor relationship.

Nevertheless, only slows the inevitable.

We have it all; servers, FISA, cooperation.

One step before the other.

What is next?

What is now?

What already happened?

Did future prove past?

f4b5b0 (3)  No.4080994

File (hide): 934cb8d6bea6214⋯.png (721.57 KB, 1228x868, 307:217, NS copy.png) (h) (u)

f27246 (8)  No.4080995

File (hide): cbfc0f97794cdf0⋯.jpeg (94.31 KB, 1176x872, 147:109, AA0416EE-897D-4FD4-B59B-9….jpeg) (h) (u)


darn gd poast m8

9b192d (13)  No.4080996

File (hide): e73fae6cbce8a8d⋯.png (219.88 KB, 831x574, 831:574, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6321c02627c61a5⋯.png (841.84 KB, 833x637, 17:13, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1bcd4acad50ea9c⋯.png (849.55 KB, 828x731, 828:731, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Bad publicity? Cohen? Russiagate? Many reasons Trump canceled Putin meeting, but Ukraine isn’t one

US President Donald Trump cited the recent incident in the Kerch Strait when canceling the meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Experts who spoke with RT doubt that this is the real reason behind the last-minute move.

Officially, Trump called off the meeting because “the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia,” he tweeted on Thursday, referring to the three vessels seized by the Russian coast guard while attempting to pass from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov through Russian waters.

“I think if it was the reason for the meeting being canceled it was a bad reason,” Dan Kovalik, professor of human rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, told RT. “No matter how one views the Kerch strait situation and who was at fault there, I think it’s the very time to have a meeting between the US and Russia to try and sort that incident out, to try to deal again with all the tensions that are happening anywhere in Europe between Russia and NATO.”


6a698a (10)  No.4080997>>4081027 >>4081047

File (hide): d43a1ad65ee48df⋯.jpg (344.94 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, whoo woo29.jpg) (h) (u)


bacc24 (2)  No.4080998>>4081036


Lame. Is that really the best you can do, you pathetic, impotent, needle-dicked slopehead?

ebbbcc (20)  No.4080999>>4081074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ja richtig und Affe flog aus meinem Arsch

8aa6ad (5)  No.4081000


Andrew Cuomo

d4bc79 (1)  No.4081001>>4081016 >>4081064 >>4081084 >>4081100


Tom Fitton is right. Was chewing this over in my head earlier.

Twice now, Mueller has attacked Trump on the eve of major geopolitical meetings that could effect the future of our nation and the world. One time can be dismissed as coincidence, but a pattern is emerging showing Mueller is timing hits from the special counsel to line up with the multilateral country meetings.

So with that information that is publicly available, go ask a normie why they think that is?

Why would Mueller weaken Trump on the world stage, prior to these big meetings?

4c329f (3)  No.4081002


fukking hypocrites….piss on it, burn it down, take it all….that's what they preach

if a civil war comes….hoping they are hunted down first

4b04df (14)  No.4081003>>4081032 >>4081038

File (hide): 6ad58ef2194fafa⋯.jpeg (6.75 KB, 298x169, 298:169, sc4.jpeg) (h) (u)


>Nudity isn't porn - agree %100

That one is just too close to the age limit for me

they look better when they age more than that

04effb (6)  No.4081004>>4081078 >>4081452


Coulter is the only honest one out there. We got fucked, and she is calling it true. You keyboard nobodies want to know what a patriot is? Read Ann’s column. She has the balls the men of this country lost long ago.

703c7d (8)  No.4081005>>4081048

File (hide): 7607cec04a4e876⋯.jpg (199.63 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, NSs.jpg) (h) (u)


That is beauful. Whoever made this did good.

755abd (16)  No.4081006>>4081025 >>4081030 >>4081033 >>4081040 >>4081054 >>4081139

File (hide): 9d028e2a2328857⋯.png (718.13 KB, 909x605, 909:605, jjimy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 61350faaaa79e7d⋯.png (568.21 KB, 1332x2268, 37:63, are-anons-paying-attention.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7de12bffc2a6500⋯.png (15.53 KB, 678x198, 113:33, soze.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e1958c538c3b70⋯.png (918.91 KB, 1722x636, 287:106, banned.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c8e065f769b2ecc⋯.png (21.61 KB, 795x214, 795:214, wutt.png) (h) (u)






















Is the FAKENESS coming in a flood this thread?

Are passive, sheep-like people being openly MOCKED by the FAKENESS?

Will anons wake up and fight?

Or continue to sit like sheep and not question?

Why are we [here]?

714178 (4)  No.4081007

File (hide): c314f951a296e3d⋯.jpg (114.04 KB, 1600x1182, 800:591, ANGRY.jpg) (h) (u)


You've Got Something there!

9b192d (13)  No.4081008>>4081058 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): 6610d9f1a4de820⋯.png (187.8 KB, 603x399, 201:133, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

LATEST MUELLER BULLSH*T: WaPo Lies and Says Trump “Lieutenants” Made Outreach to Russia and Wikileaks --- COMPLETE TRASH REPORTING

The Washington Post --- international leaders of Fake News — published another leak from the criminal Mueller gang packed full of lies.

Will Facebook block this Fake News story?

Or will this be allowed to spread across the internet while conservative websites are punished for posting the TRUTH?

The Washington Post claimed tonight that President Trump’s “lieutenants” made contact with Wikileaks and Russian officials.

This is absolutely false.

If the Washington Post was talking about Roger Stone or Jerome Corsi --- they were hardly lieutenants and did not have ANY CONTACT with Russian officials or Wikileaks.

If the Washington Post was talking about Paul Manafort meeting with Assange --- that junk report was found fraudulent within an hour of publication and Paul Manafort NEVER traveled to the UK in any of the listed years in the report.

The Washington Post and the Mueller criminal gang is also accusing President Trump of discussing a Trump Tower in Moscow that never happened.

The Washington Post REALLY is the most fraudulent publication in the US today. Day after Day the Washington Post pumps conspiracies and inaccuracies on the American public.

What a disgrace.

Mueller leaked this latest crap sandwich to the Washington Post tonight.

New evidence from two separate fronts of special counsel Robert Mueller III’s investigation casts fresh doubts on Trump’s version of key events involving Russia, signaling potential political and legal peril for the president. Investigators have now publicly cast Trump as a central figure of their probe into whether Trump’s campaign conspired with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign.

Together, the documents show investigators have evidence that Trump was in close contact with his lieutenants as they made outreach to both Russia and WikiLeaks -- and that they tried to conceal the extent of their activities.

On Thursday, Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress when he insisted that Trump was not pursuing plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow after January 2016, casting Trump’s repeated claims that he had no business interests in Russia in a new light. A draft special counsel document revealed Tuesday also indicates that prosecutors are closely scrutinizing Trump’s interactions with a longtime adviser, Roger Stone, as he was seeking information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release hacked Democratic emails.

Legal experts said it’s still unclear how much peril the president might face as a result of the new evidence Mueller has gathered about the Moscow project and WikiLeaks, but his prominence in the prosecutors’ papers puts the president in an awkward starring role.

“It’s deeply troubling. It’s not a place that anybody wants to be, or where you would want your friends or family to be,” former federal prosecutor Glen Kopp said. “And it’s certainly not a place that you would want your president to be.”


8193dd (5)  No.4081009

File (hide): 66e3f1a698399e8⋯.png (521.63 KB, 576x576, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081010>>4081074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dulce hates cia niggs

2d605d (1)  No.4081011

Anons who made these (or happen to know) could you please help me a bit?

* what software did you use for each and where did you get the premade stickers?

Unironically need this for uni (and future meming)

b890ca (2)  No.4081012

File (hide): 1adb23c2ab9ee46⋯.jpeg (623.9 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, F78F0668-58B2-4265-9847-2….jpeg) (h) (u)

65d303 (7)  No.4081013>>4081024




IS RR dropping a hint to cabal….better sing while you can or your goose will be cooked

e2f055 (6)  No.4081014

File (hide): a14513291b10eb7⋯.jpg (69.72 KB, 600x275, 24:11, 2nsps8.jpg) (h) (u)


This place ain`t PC

0af255 (3)  No.4081015

Sen. Chuck Schumer Signals A Deal On Border Wall And Leftists AREN’T Happy

Late Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced that he and his fellow Senate Democrats were open to inking a deal with President Donald Trump to provide partial funding for the president’s border wall


f000a2 (2)  No.4081016


Twice? The "first" one he got permission to do. Or were you not paying attention when RR told us that?

ba4c76 (2)  No.4081018

I reckon youse just want to steal all of our porns, ya horndog.

0811c6 (14)  No.4081019

File (hide): 333589de4b05332⋯.jpg (10.29 KB, 247x255, 247:255, Frown.jpg) (h) (u)


This is total bullshit.

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081020>>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): 8400ed6171e6348⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 604x260, 151:65, 3.JPG) (h) (u)


755abd (16)  No.4081021>>4081034 >>4081043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you look closely at Pelosi's words and her body language in her comments yesterday, you get some clear hints about what is going on.

At 4:11, referring to the Democratic caucus, she says "our unity is our power"-- for a second, right as she says this, a look of mockery flashes on her face.

This flashing look of mockery occurs again at 4:21, when talking about the results she expects for the Democrats: >>4080970

The uncomfortable and unenthused looks on her colleagues' faces, and these subtle moments of mockery suggest that the words are not quite so true as they would seem. The Democrats did not nominate her "because they are so unified". Something else is going on.

The most telling part starts at 6:35, with Nancy talking about working with POTUS. At 6:38 she hesitates, and looks, up, then grimaces and looks down, before referring to "my power"… This noticable pause and facial complication clearly indicates that there is some hidden emotion relating to her own power.

When we look at how quickly and confidently POTUS suggested Pelosi would be the speaker again after the midterms; compare Pelosi's manner and attitude to Lindsey Graham's; and keep in mind the basic idea that POTUS et. al. are using leverage to make deals and make progress in draining the swamp, then we have a very good framework for explaining Pelosi's ease of victory, her overall air of cheerfulness (freedom), her colleagues' apparent ill-ease, and her nonetheless stumbling at the memory of her own power (no longer independent), and her apparent subtle facial mockery of her colleagues.

I.e. it's happening.

2a1466 (18)  No.4081022>>4081058 >>4081138 >>4081401

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4080803 Pelosi video verbal & facial Q'ues are telling

>>4080819 New POTUS tweet

>>4080854 Mitt the new NoName

>>4080887 Tom Fitton tweet on Cohen

>>4080944 Software 'Glitch' Takes Down An Airliner (7/10)

contact book ≠ flight log/being at the island

8912c8 (3)  No.4081023>>4081159 >>4081181


Alright…It's about time we see some hair, instead of the prepubescent little girl shave shots.

And another thing, what's up with men shaving themselves, fucking everywhere??? Seems like some weird ass unconscious adolescent regression crap!

f000a2 (2)  No.4081024


Or dropping a hint their time has passed, and now they're going to get cooked.

faf659 (1)  No.4081025


You need to work on yourself, lil’ fighter.

a3364e (3)  No.4081026


my POTUS doesn't channel demons GTFO

6a6c5a (8)  No.4081027

File (hide): bb82b6db588d944⋯.jpg (197.83 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Image-1.jpg) (h) (u)


can even feel it..

7059ef (10)  No.4081028


You do realize Trump is pushing

WW3-with China and Russia

Destroying the economy

Destroying manufacturing

Destroying the environment

Healthcare still sucks

Education system still sucks

Food quality still sucks

What has he done to HELP American people?

ee2bb5 (4)  No.4081029>>4081476

lets blast schumann resonance again, nothin to lose

714178 (4)  No.4081030


Adios Amigo!

84077f (9)  No.4081031

File (hide): c13171c77e27aa5⋯.jpg (165.84 KB, 600x1414, 300:707, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 09c03794f5ebbe1⋯.jpg (203.13 KB, 600x1575, 8:21, 2.jpg) (h) (u)


'Stop this chaos:' Weinstein lawyer urges sex case dismissal

738f6a (5)  No.4081032>>4081089 >>4081406

File (hide): d24e096581ad06e⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Old-Banana.jpg) (h) (u)



755abd (16)  No.4081033

File (hide): 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg) (h) (u)

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081034


Why are you spamming this?

fceef6 (2)  No.4081035

File (hide): c1f1695ebd9524a⋯.jpg (506.48 KB, 1919x1030, 1919:1030, Clip_86.jpg) (h) (u)


No tats on this!

04effb (6)  No.4081036


Good insults. No wall, no arrests, no disclosures, 2 years in, dems about to assume control of the house, Rinos about to give trump a spending bill with no wall funding, trump about to sign it.

Facts are on my side faggot. So are all the IQ points.

d01122 (3)  No.4081037

“ If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.”

Admiral John Paul Jones…

God Bless The Patriots……

& Our Republic………

cad2f2 (2)  No.4081038>>4081102


You know you are getting older when you ignore her and start checking out her mother.

Not there yet.

ae6a4a (3)  No.4081039>>4081076 >>4081156 >>4081236

File (hide): 3b7f3939de451c4⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1920x907, 1920:907, 2018-11-29.png) (h) (u)

Planefag - C-17 pattern over philly current as of 7:33 pst

f15b17 (4)  No.4081040


your handler needs to fix the script, you were off by 35sec this bread. silly bot, maybe fix the delay with the vpn hop.

fe03a7 (3)  No.4081041>>4081052 >>4081550


Trumps name is circled.

Noticed "witness" marked next to some.

More of in the know than a participant list of circles?

6fab4f (3)  No.4081042


Odd story. I missed that. Will give It another listen. I heard something else strange when I was listening to it today.

Really curious on the lack of coverage of it and amazed he is even speaking publicly at symposiums considering the behind bars retweet yesterday.

00b4b0 (6)  No.4081043


How many times are you going to post this??? Muh NOtables hunting or something….

32b4c0 (12)  No.4081044

It feels like night shift in here.

1b8507 (25)  No.4081045

haha shills are funny.

8193dd (5)  No.4081046

File (hide): b4daaccb4d221eb⋯.png (152.33 KB, 320x480, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

84077f (9)  No.4081047

File (hide): 35fb61004af185f⋯.jpg (402.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Night.jpg) (h) (u)

00f73a (10)  No.4081048>>4081130


well, i wrote the words, kek

but no i dont know who made the pic, stole it from here i think

21dc1f (1)  No.4081049>>4081096 >>4081103


that's disgusting! Why wouldn't they piss in a cup and make one of them drink it instead of pissing on the floor?

f27246 (8)  No.4081050>>4081090 >>4081324

Release the IG Report or we release more Kraken

2a1466 (18)  No.4081052>>4081066


>contact book ≠ flight log/being at the island

4b04df (14)  No.4081053>>4081091

File (hide): 7c2a7ffc9fdd0aa⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 595x527, 35:31, nss4.gif) (h) (u)

e2f055 (6)  No.4081054

File (hide): dc45fd3ec033b3a⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 736x414, 16:9, toots.jpg) (h) (u)


Goodbye Toots

21078d (1)  No.4081055>>4081236

File (hide): 2bc5c0ff85223da⋯.png (290.11 KB, 1346x587, 1346:587, E-6B_RefuelingNevada.png) (h) (u)

E-6B Mercury refueling NE of Las Vegas while E3 Sentry and two U-28A USAF Specops Support aircraft are on the scene.

8ebfc1 (3)  No.4081056>>4081097

File (hide): 9dd2c8eaee98388⋯.jpg (212.81 KB, 1222x1298, 611:649, _20181129_222820.JPG) (h) (u)

70a0c4 (3)  No.4081057>>4081104 >>4081111 >>4081185

File (hide): 266588622ae0115⋯.png (48.11 KB, 645x371, 645:371, POTUS 11-29-18 6 50 pm PST.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f82e17760414988⋯.png (47.45 KB, 645x369, 215:123, POTUS 11-29-18 7 04 pm PST.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54a52297cc41fc1⋯.png (36.3 KB, 667x273, 667:273, POTUS 11-29-18 7 31 pm PST.PNG) (h) (u)

POTUS Tweets





9b192d (13)  No.4081058>>4081071

7059ef (10)  No.4081059


Oh and in two years he has managed to piss half the planet and drain nothing. Not even the kitchen sink.

What are you talking about?

755abd (16)  No.4081060

File (hide): 5cb8e8f9b442e9c⋯.png (956.41 KB, 699x1111, 699:1111, SOROSSERFS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19ac324576e3219⋯.png (2.19 MB, 777x6301, 777:6301, sorosSOVEREIGN.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e75f0eeeefd202⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1924x999, 52:27, GEHGHOS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ca75311b40cd35b⋯.png (917.53 KB, 2972x646, 1486:323, oopskarl.png) (h) (u)

97a9c5 (7)  No.4081061>>4081163

File (hide): fc75e46d254727d⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 2883x4324, 2883:4324, 0_146100_58416c7c_orig.jpg) (h) (u)


What I read:


>can I see more tits?

Why yes, you can

6a698a (10)  No.4081062>>4081153


a72c65 (1)  No.4081063

afcca0 (7)  No.4081064


because he is a deep state prick?

f27246 (8)  No.4081065>>4081211 >>4081244 >>4081430

File (hide): 8ada08046be8f69⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 2224x1238, 1112:619, 34D1705C-EAEF-4EDA-97FE-D….jpeg) (h) (u)

We’ve come so far

fe03a7 (3)  No.4081066


No shit, no one is talking about the flight log.

d36597 (7)  No.4081067>>4081166

File (hide): 892fd724958c9f4⋯.png (239.77 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)



Joan Rivers.

Member when she said Michael O had a dick then died a month later?

You think she knew as a FACT?

Released too early?

Killed by black hats/cabal or taken out of play?

748316 (3)  No.4081068


>and we have no idea what it is

BS - anons do have a very clear idea of the plan

if you dont you are stupid or shill

2c76cd (2)  No.4081069>>4081437


Old no table

0a89b5 (4)  No.4081070>>4081132 >>4081309

I believe there is no Q at the end of Carters notes. The second line also has the word IQLUSION, which is one of three words misspelled. Like I said could just be me. >>4080837

2a1466 (18)  No.4081071


wary of gateway, but I'll add

1b8507 (25)  No.4081072

haha shills are funny.

Try harder.

79551c (3)  No.4081073

File (hide): 8cb3ba5748ff050⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 446x587, 446:587, 365165165.JPG) (h) (u)

Epstein in the news.


ebbbcc (20)  No.4081074>>4081116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




And the password to the crib is

Erdnussbutter haftet an meinem Autositz.

f4f75d (3)  No.4081075


That one on the right is priceless. Nice cap.

8193dd (5)  No.4081076



703c7d (8)  No.4081077

File (hide): fde0de8f93f8e8f⋯.jpg (53.53 KB, 620x465, 4:3, LOVE.jpg) (h) (u)


Ikr? Love is life.

53b7a6 (5)  No.4081078>>4081087 >>4081088 >>4081158 >>4081188


she's a concernfag

7906bd (3)  No.4081079>>4081092 >>4081107


Cohen had the goods. Hence the target. Hence the raid.

carter page wanted to get the info he had to PFJT. Page gave it to Cohen. That intel was gold. FBI found out and the shit hit the fan. They found a reason to raid cohen’s office and need to do whatever they can to back up that raid. So they will not drop anything when it comes to Cohen or their raid will be a big optics fail. Cohen and trump know this and Cohen is playing a part. You’ll see.

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081080

File (hide): fe2f8312980d248⋯.jpg (165.94 KB, 823x633, 823:633, honeycombcup.jpg) (h) (u)

9b192d (13)  No.4081081>>4081213

File (hide): 2d84e4ada77adf9⋯.png (38.15 KB, 527x675, 527:675, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Trump voters have ‘fragile masculinity,’ Washington Post analysis concludes

According to research by two academics who wrote for The Washington Post, President Donald Trump appeals to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood.

Put another way, the Post article (which is labeled as an “analysis”) concluded that Trump voters have “fragile masculinity.”

How does that work?

Here’s how the authors, New York University psychology researchers Eric Knowles and Sarah DiMuccio, came to their conclusion: They Googled it.

No, really. From the Post:

“Measuring fragile masculinity poses a challenge. We could not simply do a poll of men, who might not honestly answer questions about their deepest insecurities. Instead, we relied on Google Trends, which measures the popularity of Google search terms. As Seth Stephens-Davidowitz has argued, people are often at their least guarded when they seek answers from the internet. Researchers have already used Google search patterns to estimate levels of racial prejudice in different parts of the country. We sought to do the same with fragile masculinity.”

The Post article defines fragile masculinity as a state of persistent worry by a man that he is falling short of an “unforgiving standard of maleness.” According to Knowles and DiMuccio, “the political process provides a way that fragile men can reaffirm their masculinity.”

What did the results show?

The researchers looked at areas of the country that voted overwhelmingly for Trump in 2016, and for Republicans during 2018 midterm elections, and found a higher volume of search terms like “erectile dysfunction,” “penis size,” and “how to get girls.”

How do they know this is all about Trump? The researchers said that the uptick in those “fragile masculinity” search terms started in 2016, and didn’t exist in previous years dating back to 2008.

Not everyone bought in to the idea that such a sweeping conclusion about male Trump voters could be reached by analyzing Google searches.

“I didn’t vote for Trump, but if you think overlaying voting trends with Google searches for ‘penis size’ is credible research worth publishing in one of the nation’s biggest newspapers…you’re being insulting and patronizing and making political divisions worse,” wrote Weekly Standard writer Mark Hemingway.

“When I think about putting ‘country over party,’ that doesn’t include obviously dodgy ‘research and analysis’ suggesting my political opponents have small penises,” he concluded.


6a698a (10)  No.4081082>>4081112


06b0fa (1)  No.4081083>>4081110 >>4081349

Is Laura still handcuffed to twatter?

e4038b (10)  No.4081084>>4081169

File (hide): 69db48c23c928bd⋯.png (73.88 KB, 500x378, 250:189, freedomdispenser.png) (h) (u)


>Why would Mueller weaken Trump on the world stage, prior to these big meetings?

Because Trump controls the world stage. And the leftists/globalists can't stand Trump's success in foreign/economic policy.

Mueller needs to go.

Pic related, if necessary

97e173 (4)  No.4081085


Probably because anons would prefer decapitation over divestment

1b8507 (25)  No.4081086

File (hide): ceb7a27054cae48⋯.jpg (164.24 KB, 735x546, 35:26, Normal question.jpg) (h) (u)

ee2bb5 (4)  No.4081087

>>4081078 you are watching a movie

what makes a good movie?

good actors

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081088>>4081117 >>4081126


Unless you are a total idiot, you would be concerned.

4b04df (14)  No.4081089

File (hide): a42c15ca1a601ac⋯.jpeg (6.17 KB, 199x253, 199:253, sc1.jpeg) (h) (u)


yes, better

thank you, anon

aa012a (4)  No.4081090


Squid is tasty

Take the squid out to driveway

Run over with tire several times

Eat the tire

6bab4d (2)  No.4081091>>4081141

File (hide): 686107d2eff2ea4⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 236x305, 236:305, Nightshift.jpg) (h) (u)

7906bd (3)  No.4081092


Sorry for the typos phonefagging while at dinner and trying to be discreet.

fb1db3 (2)  No.4081093

THEY still think a chance is at hand

When really it's a HEEL.

sitting back, feet up, watching


746164 (1)  No.4081094

New fags should phone fag. Makes you have to decide if the post is worth the scroll..

def49b (6)  No.4081095>>4081108 >>4081121 >>4081180 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): 793de81e6d0dc31⋯.gif (258.04 KB, 1485x878, 1485:878, cohen 1 2.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 65a03bd2e346c56⋯.gif (245.63 KB, 1430x877, 1430:877, cohen 3 4.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): e9deac5037136c0⋯.png (407.89 KB, 1526x912, 763:456, cohen 5 6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 978680ceeca0844⋯.png (442.57 KB, 1490x842, 745:421, cohen 7 8.png) (h) (u)


Baker, here the complete text to

>>4080514 (You), >>4080589 (You) Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading

Can you delete that one and use this one instead? Thx much!

Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading:

Takes 3 posts; this is post 1. Others attached.

The online version doesn't not permit download of full size pages, so here are screenshots.


e2f055 (6)  No.4081096>>4081103


If they piss in a cup it is sent out for the test. Strips don`t work on "floor piss"

755abd (16)  No.4081097

File (hide): 24005df2354f32c⋯.png (547.99 KB, 741x506, 741:506, bimmy.png) (h) (u)

1b8507 (25)  No.4081098

File (hide): 40749a6e7c78709⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 800x450, 16:9, See the shills.jpg) (h) (u)

b3d2be (6)  No.4081099


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

391096 (2)  No.4081100


Revenge and that alone. Walk to America where its a two sided justice system.

1b8507 (25)  No.4081101

4b04df (14)  No.4081102

File (hide): 29379d4d802660f⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 231x218, 231:218, sc2.jpeg) (h) (u)

755abd (16)  No.4081103

File (hide): 0a7735e3c6fabd0⋯.png (282.98 KB, 558x314, 279:157, flrbjm.png) (h) (u)

04effb (6)  No.4081104


Blabbering blowhard. Remember when Trump’s tweets used to be cool? Back when we actually believed they would be backed up with action?

65d303 (7)  No.4081105>>4081114




RR tells joke about taking bird getting cooked because it didn't speak up when it had the chance

f27246 (8)  No.4081106>>4081150

File (hide): 400de85beb857a8⋯.jpeg (925.7 KB, 1082x1668, 541:834, DF5F164C-0845-4F7D-BB12-4….jpeg) (h) (u)

I didn’t even consider someone would go this route with khashoggi narrative

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081107>>4081177


Cohen's Flip is focused on deals that were based in 2013.

2a1466 (18)  No.4081108>>4081190


gotcha anon

9b192d (13)  No.4081109>>4081142

File (hide): 859bbb4d1e3a032⋯.png (418.92 KB, 638x361, 638:361, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Rachel Maddow: Today Is ‘Ominous,’ ‘Everything Is Aiming Right at the President Personally’

Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network host Rachel Maddow said since special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is still under Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein‘s management, today’s development of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty was an “ominous moment for the White House.”

Maddow said, “It actually makes me feel like this must be a much more ominous moment for the White House because if Mueller is proceeding without being throttled or stymied and proceeding at this kind of a pace, rolling out this stuff right now, everything is aiming right at the president personally and that’s got to be very unsettling for them.”

She continued, “The problem here for the president is the plot that was just revealed in the Cohen documents. And what is revealed, if you step back from it, is that the president and his business were actively involved in negotiating probably the biggest business deal of Trump’s life in Moscow, including direct negotiations with the Kremlin during the president’s campaign, and they were lying about it at the time and they have lied about it since and they have been engaged in an elaborate effort to cover it up. And the time they were secretly negotiating what would have probably been the biggest deal of his life with the Kremlin, at that same time, the Kremlin was intervening, illegally, in U.S. politics to help Trump win the election.”

She added, “It also shows us that Mueller has evidence, enough to bring a criminal charge related to it, that while Russia was actively intervening in our election to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, Trump was doing business with Russia which meant specifically doing business with the Kremlin and lying about it. And that is the story.”


d39247 (10)  No.4081110

File (hide): 62750d91eead5f1⋯.jpg (702.7 KB, 2994x1867, 2994:1867, punisherKEK.jpg) (h) (u)


KEK seeing this show up on the live qresearch board is almost too much.

Anons, this is awesome.

f4f75d (3)  No.4081111>>4081122 >>4081252 >>4081321


Setting the stage for AG appointment.

798077 (3)  No.4081112

File (hide): 45abadb2c7a89a4⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 751x500, 751:500, Randy Quaid world united b….jpg) (h) (u)

9eafa4 (4)  No.4081113>>4081131


No doubts - DJT will be meeting Putin in Argentina. Just not publicly.

65d303 (7)  No.4081114


cooked and eaten*

18b419 (3)  No.4081115

File (hide): f7ba9a655443faa⋯.jpg (367.78 KB, 960x671, 960:671, lynnsblacked.jpg) (h) (u)

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081116>>4081136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



53b7a6 (5)  No.4081117>>4081127 >>4081209


this is me faggot

1b8507 (25)  No.4081118

File (hide): 1189174fb1f867f⋯.jpg (139.79 KB, 640x288, 20:9, where is the ig report.jpg) (h) (u)

4b5f9f (3)  No.4081119

File (hide): 27b1b0f5f2024dc⋯.jpg (102.15 KB, 910x596, 455:298, Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 799413521d2fff8⋯.jpg (266.61 KB, 1366x762, 683:381, Insert Caption Here.jpg) (h) (u)

Quanta Computer

Quanta Cloud Technology (QCT)

QCT is a provider of data center hardware and cloud solutions that are used by hyperscale data center operators, such as Facebook and Rackspace.

In conjunction with its parent company, Quanta Computer, QCT sells approximately one out of every seven server manufactured in the world.


4001d8 (4)  No.4081120>>4081123 >>4081135 >>4081149 >>4081176 >>4081178 >>4081194 >>4081202 >>4081224 >>4081294

Anyone else frustrated that nothing public is happening after telling friends/family countless times, "it's coming"?

def49b (6)  No.4081121>>4081133 >>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): f4bbe3b32108401⋯.png (400.09 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, cohen 9 10.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c09d63286241c74⋯.png (436.43 KB, 1469x867, 1469:867, cohen 11 12.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f5fc46dcbe52506⋯.png (470.5 KB, 1345x839, 1345:839, cohen 13 14.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1b4fdf98b739ba⋯.png (451.52 KB, 1469x823, 1469:823, cohen 15 16.png) (h) (u)



2 of 3 posts

Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading

Takes 3 posts; this is post 1. Others attached.

The online version doesn't not permit download of full size pages, so here are screenshots.


d39247 (10)  No.4081122>>4081146

File (hide): cf452300c7af2bc⋯.png (497.08 KB, 572x657, 572:657, FlotusPepeSunnies.png) (h) (u)



b2750e (1)  No.4081123>>4081129


STFU fag

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081124>>4081255

File (hide): 73938b0be59cbf0⋯.jpg (107.27 KB, 661x961, 661:961, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2c0b975c9b36053⋯.jpg (193.14 KB, 660x965, 132:193, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ae14305edd992c⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 666x383, 666:383, 5.JPG) (h) (u)

Former VEC accountant indicted for allegedly misappropriating nearly $1 million


1b8507 (25)  No.4081125

File (hide): a5e09b5e64605fb⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 800x598, 400:299, Q drop comfy.jpg) (h) (u)

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081126>>4081195 >>4081214


I am about to join Elon - and help us to get to Mars fast!!!!!!!!!

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081127


Sorry for you. Reality can bite.

9b192d (13)  No.4081128>>4081137

File (hide): 6b46318ee174017⋯.png (258.22 KB, 512x422, 256:211, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Toobin: Today Is the First Time I Thought ‘Trump Might Not Finish His Term’

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN Senior Legal Analyst and New Yorker Staff Writer Jeffrey Toobin stated that “today’s the first day I actually thought Donald Trump might not finish his term in office.”

Toobin said, “You know, today’s the first day I actually thought Donald Trump might not finish his term in office. I mean, I think this thing is enormous. And the whole week --- think about what the position is of Donald Trump and the Trump camp about all these things. His position is, for six months, Michael Cohen never discussed with him that he was negotiating for a Moscow Trump Tower. It’s preposterous. … Second, he says that Roger Stone never discussed with him that he was negotiating with WikiLeaks and talking about WikiLeaks, even though both Donald Trump and Roger Stone were obsessed with WikiLeaks, but they spoke repeatedly and never discussed it. Third, Don Jr. never discussed with his father the plans for the Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016.”

He added, “[I]t’s certainly not now, but there may be a point where it’s too much.”


4001d8 (4)  No.4081129


kys virgin

703c7d (8)  No.4081130>>4081151

File (hide): dc05da5f24af48e⋯.jpg (193.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, night_shift_13.jpg) (h) (u)


Guilty as charged on the NightShipShift. o7 What font did you use? It's very nice and I have mixed results with online fontfinders.

This one yours aswel?

7059ef (10)  No.4081131>>4081206 >>4081333


That could be possible. But they are not friends, allies, taking down the cabal together. They are complete opposites of that. And Trump isn't the good guy.

054969 (3)  No.4081132


It's a good find, Qs on CIA headquarters

Looks like the original ends:

'Can you see anything?' it was all I could do to get out the words, 'Yes, wonderful things.”

def49b (6)  No.4081133>>4081220 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): a96ca3459a27ff1⋯.png (416.17 KB, 1420x812, 355:203, cohen 17 18.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8084e5afcad42c9⋯.png (340.44 KB, 1334x801, 1334:801, cohen 19 20.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8ea0dcfc10de28⋯.gif (38.88 KB, 1627x897, 1627:897, cohen 21 22.gif) (h) (u)




3 of 3 posts

Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading:

Takes 3 posts; this is post 1. Others attached.

The online version doesn't not permit download of full size pages, so here are screenshots.


0811c6 (14)  No.4081134>>4081144 >>4081148 >>4081228

File (hide): 84717f1c406313a⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 826x336, 59:24, 2018-11-30 03:39:30Z.jpg) (h) (u)

8 min old but I didn't see it


Arrived in Argentina with a very busy two days planned. Important meetings scheduled throughout. Our great Country is extremely well represented. Will be very productive!

7:31 PM PST - 29 Nov 2018

32b4c0 (12)  No.4081135>>4081145 >>4081235


No. Bc there isn't "nothing happening". A lot is happening but of course we all want blood for these crimes. It will all come in good time.

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081136>>4081192 >>4081352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

748316 (3)  No.4081137


>Toobin: Today Is the First Time I Thought ‘Trump Might Not Finish His Term’

he left out

the first since the last three times i said so

00b4b0 (6)  No.4081138>>4081164



Been in the last ten fucking breads!

bb424e (2)  No.4081139


>Why are we [here]?

sentenced to eternity in /qresearch/ for posting shitty memes

9b192d (13)  No.4081140

File (hide): c2fdfaeb72ccc0a⋯.png (38.56 KB, 455x813, 455:813, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

4b04df (14)  No.4081141

File (hide): f4ebd5392947d40⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshift.jpg) (h) (u)



Remain autistic, anon

286021 (1)  No.4081142>>4081288


>since special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is still under Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein‘s management

Someone needs to tell that Rachel guy that Whitaker's the new boss over Mueller

Then again why ruin his LARP…

2f47cb (6)  No.4081143

I feel more false hope ….

32b4c0 (12)  No.4081144


Love this guy <3

4001d8 (4)  No.4081145>>4081200


I said publicly.

8ebfc1 (3)  No.4081146>>4081304 >>4081326

File (hide): 6b1801006ed9f71⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 935x709, 935:709, _20181129_084631.JPG) (h) (u)


Seeing double dubz

84077f (9)  No.4081147

File (hide): 8d8988a79a2d798⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 500x250, 2:1, 1.jpg) (h) (u)


GOP, eyeing Supreme Court, seeks 2019 Virginia primary delay

aa012a (4)  No.4081148>>4081168


Been noticing odd lag on when POTUS tweets appear.

Have it open in separate tab, and have had to manually refresh to see new.

ee2bb5 (4)  No.4081149>>4081157 >>4081183

>>4081120 the plan might be for POTUS to get impeached and convicted and while the Cabal is reveling in glee WHAM the Wrath of Pence DECLAS + unsealed indictments mass arrests, POTUS gets to go back to being a billionaire with Melania and daily golf.

798077 (3)  No.4081150>>4081212


when i hear that guys name it sounds like a cereal, kek

Khashoggi flakes

00f73a (10)  No.4081151>>4081218

File (hide): fc08bb8ba4246ee⋯.jpg (34.3 KB, 600x375, 8:5, ns4.jpg) (h) (u)


no but thats a good one

i use vivaldi on paint3d for ns memes

0811c6 (14)  No.4081152>>4081274

File (hide): 5574e44ebd7f51d⋯.jpg (531 KB, 1500x1349, 1500:1349, MsNightshift.jpg) (h) (u)

f63756 (2)  No.4081153>>4081342


She's got balls. Standing up to @jack and zuccerfuck like a boss! Get em girl!

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081154

File (hide): a4f69b47cbb914a⋯.jpg (66.9 KB, 1162x634, 581:317, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7597dc4707bd91a⋯.jpg (136.29 KB, 851x689, 851:689, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

Nordonia booster club president indicted


fc0280 (10)  No.4081155


Show us your tits and I wont post nudes.

ae6a4a (3)  No.4081156


Now 3 DC-10s running an almost triangular pattern over same area and orginal c-17 is gone, refuelers

4001d8 (4)  No.4081157


god i fucking hope not

04effb (6)  No.4081158>>4081188


“Concernfag.” What a stupid term for stupid sheep. She cares about the country, has actually fought and made sacrifices for it, put her reputation on the line for trump, and is intelligent enough to make her own logical assessment. Maybe it’s better for double digit IQ children to just “have faith” without evidence, but adults like to use their minds. You are trash. Too stupid, servile, low IQ and low T for living. I’m embarrassed you call yourself an American, much less a man.

97e173 (4)  No.4081159

75e23b (2)  No.4081160>>4081175

Did I just see a faggot call another faggot a virgin? I've been here too long. I need coffee.

1b8507 (25)  No.4081161

File (hide): f4fa556cc163ecb⋯.jpg (125.24 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Sessions Whitaker.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 750de736bceca97⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 11202018_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e8bd008b95f353⋯.jpg (165.61 KB, 845x513, 845:513, Q drop 11072018_5 Senate.jpg) (h) (u)

6a698a (10)  No.4081162>>4081174 >>4081189 >>4081205

They never thought she would lose

ba4c76 (2)  No.4081163>>4081191 >>4081300


>Doesn't post tits

2a1466 (18)  No.4081164>>4081196


I didn't see it in notables, an anon nominated it late last bread, so I told them to repost

I only have one link in there, not sure why it's getting posted again and again now

f4f75d (3)  No.4081165

Good segment on Laura about the health risk (severe) associated with the caravan.

75ca61 (3)  No.4081166>>4081199 >>4081233 >>4081518


Maria Shriver's name is on that list as is Ivanka Trump,Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters. Phil Collins and his wife, duke and duchess of york and on and on…my God. Didn't see a Clinton name though.

755abd (16)  No.4081167

File (hide): 7655e17d3a8e785⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, marvelous.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png) (h) (u)

0811c6 (14)  No.4081168>>4081398


Same. I assume Twitter gives me 2nd class service since I don't have an account or an app.

703c7d (8)  No.4081169

File (hide): a441f6e88d7252a⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 640x480, 4:3, French Army WW2.jpg) (h) (u)


C-Can I haz some of them in Yurop? I'll promise to feed it every day and keep it in good shape and look after it (not surrender it)

inb4 we turn this into /k/

ce2790 (1)  No.4081170>>4081179 >>4081197 >>4081198 >>4081203 >>4081270

December 5th please god let it be something

3e9d4d (1)  No.4081171>>4081201 >>4081220 >>4081222 >>4081238 >>4081297 >>4081299 >>4081335 >>4081370 >>4081423 >>4081506 >>4081575

File (hide): b495fa80bddc7a1⋯.png (732.46 KB, 906x697, 906:697, Caller.PNG) (h) (u)

https:// dailycaller.com/2018/11/29/fbi-whistleblower-clinton-uranium/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_medium=Social&__twitter_impression=true

2d28ce (2)  No.4081172>>4081186


He's deep state he threw the 2012 election. He had the Utah Mormon vote…only reason he's there. Deep State Rino like Rino Ryan.

f55b46 (6)  No.4081173


Kek I just watched that on Cinemax

4b04df (14)  No.4081174


the fix was in

798077 (3)  No.4081175

File (hide): b24c44633e264ad⋯.jpg (248.34 KB, 720x537, 240:179, b24c44633e264adc6e6cc8ab9b….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f524b4b76f5ef0e⋯.jpg (106.74 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 28v0a2.jpg) (h) (u)

164c33 (3)  No.4081176


I dont care bout that

The whole thing is getting absurd

Threats allegations but no action

However insanity intensifies

Elections lost

Wall crickets

All usual suspects fine

Fights picked up but not finished all over the world

NK is good, happy with that

7906bd (3)  No.4081177


When he worked with the Clintons. He was their attorney.

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081178


Anon - I just posted 2 of them… Pay attention, they're not going to all be big names. We don't see all of the stars from Hollyweird resigning, now do we…

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081179


or Dec 7th, or 12/12/18?

b3d2be (6)  No.4081180>>4081394



tax evasion for medallions. w00t.

#OrangeManBad amirite?

fc0280 (10)  No.4081181


If you cant grow hair on your head your balls do not deserve it either.

164bcb (2)  No.4081182

File (hide): bbfc07c23ff5efe⋯.png (126.04 KB, 257x258, 257:258, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png) (h) (u)


Of Course. I agree

75e23b (2)  No.4081183


Sound more believable than anything else at the moment. More likely as well and probably has the best chance at succeeding.

9b192d (13)  No.4081184

File (hide): 87d767bbbed9cfd⋯.png (202.35 KB, 400x262, 200:131, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Guess the main culprit of Oregon’s $623 million projected budget shortfall…

When the “Affordable” Care Act was passed, it expanded tax-payer funded health coverage through Medicaid. States that agreed to participate and expand eligibility would be reimbursed by the federal government at 100% of the costs with those reimbursement costs declining by 2020.

As Nasdaq reported in 2016, states would take a hit to their budgets once the reimbursements were reduced. From their report:

“At this point, many states have seen dramatic increases in their Medicaid enrollment levels beyond original expectations, which may pose serious fiscal consequences.

While this growth speaks volumes about the progress toward meeting the federal government’s goal of increasing the number of Americans with health insurance, it arguably falls short in addressing the financial burden to state governments.

With federal reimbursement levels declining in a few years, states have largely focused on the most economical and efficient delivery methods (e.g., health maintenance organizations) to help alleviate fiscal costs going forward. Still, budgetary pressures are likely to persist. Enrollment projections were wrong and costs have exceeded expectations. That is why more than 20 states, mostly conservative, Republican-dominated states, opted out of joining the ACA program and are now enjoying an “I told you so” moment after analyzing the program’s fiscal costs.”

Oregon Live reported on Tuesday that the state’s general fund and lottery revenues could total $23.6 billion from 2019 to 2021, a 5 percent increase from the current budget, yet the state could still go $623 million in the red, according to a tentative budget overview from the Legislative Fiscal Office and Department of Administrative Services.

And the main cause of this deficit? Rising costs for the state’s Medicaid program. From their report:

“Under the Affordable Care Act, states such as Oregon that expanded Medicaid must pick up a greater share of the cost over time. Existing taxes that fund the program are also set to wind down.”

Adding to that deficit is education costs that will increase due to the passage of Measure 98 in 2016. That will result in an increase in spending on the programs by $147 million annually.

How’s that “big f*cking deal” working out for you now, demorats?


8d6d72 (2)  No.4081185


POTUS sounds the trumpet for the twatter brigade to blast the social media with "release all the IG reports unredacted"!

97e173 (4)  No.4081186


He only appeals to the magic underwear contingent anyway…

159b71 (3)  No.4081187>>4081215 >>4081248 >>4081310

File (hide): 0952d2d63414a6d⋯.png (91.91 KB, 606x724, 303:362, prophetic.png) (h) (u)

Blast this out on social media

This is from April. We need to spread this far and wide.

0811c6 (14)  No.4081188

File (hide): a39243f914a34fc⋯.jpeg (174.2 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, TrumpConcernFagAss.jpeg) (h) (u)

00f73a (10)  No.4081189

File (hide): 66369ebb7e4da5f⋯.gif (977.63 KB, 229x176, 229:176, kek.gif) (h) (u)


thats hilarious

def49b (6)  No.4081190


Thx, very tired…need popcorn (or maybe a steak)

6a698a (10)  No.4081191

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081192

File (hide): 3f08ab251243c84⋯.jpg (70 KB, 475x574, 475:574, IMG_3984.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d58e72326e98c7⋯.jpg (26.39 KB, 250x250, 1:1, IMG_3992.JPG) (h) (u)


I bet no one noticed the obelisk stareing at that greased up oval in Washington DC

I hear the tip is made of gold

But (you) will only know from above


2173cb (7)  No.4081193

File (hide): 63498c16fd21290⋯.png (18.27 KB, 300x199, 300:199, logo1.png) (h) (u)

e4038b (10)  No.4081194


>Anyone else frustrated that nothing public is happening after telling friends/family countless times, "it's coming"?

If you haven't figured out yet that this is a psyop, then you deserve to lose your friends.

f27246 (8)  No.4081195


Make sure you can fit a lot of obese brown people on the transport vessels

00b4b0 (6)  No.4081196


>>>4079977(pb) Pelosi video verbal & facial Q'ues are telling


I hear ya Baker. His reply, above goes back to a screen shot from the first time it was posted, 11,000 posts ago, IJS, Kek

0546f1 (2)  No.4081197


Go look at /r/politics and roll a joint and grab yourself a glass of wine. They think Trump is done hahahhahahahhahaha Their cognitive dissonance and their DTS has no limit. Poor souls. Pray for them weaklings.

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081198


11/11 is when most autists that are not followers lost a lot of faith.

d36597 (7)  No.4081199>>4081233 >>4081237

File (hide): 7133eb3e2586cd1⋯.png (435.9 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 966ce18528225f9⋯.png (261.52 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b69e4df88a7fae4⋯.png (252.27 KB, 1050x811, 1050:811, Screenshot_2018-11-29 Jeff….png) (h) (u)


Oh my is right.

32b4c0 (12)  No.4081200


Kek!! It is public! It's a war going on right under our noses

65d303 (7)  No.4081201



b7c86a (3)  No.4081202


you're an idiot

054969 (3)  No.4081203>>4081216


Locked and loaded

755abd (16)  No.4081204

File (hide): 9f2396b7cb86f68⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, nj.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f33925ba5fb6789⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1333x727, 1333:727, ximmy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c65f87f517d314⋯.png (448.5 KB, 1111x636, 1111:636, waits.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png) (h) (u)

6a6c5a (8)  No.4081205

File (hide): 62c876b533b95cd⋯.png (239.01 KB, 377x362, 377:362, laffdog.png) (h) (u)


still giddy AF that she lost

c7b3f5 (4)  No.4081206>>4081242

Bullshit! There are no "good guys" in politics.

They all work for their own county's advantage, they all spy on each other and the only difference between them is who does it better. They all want to rule the world. Some more than others.


292baf (2)  No.4081207>>4081225 >>4081227

File (hide): 349486aa49e0ecb⋯.png (67.75 KB, 656x316, 164:79, TrumpTweet931.PNG) (h) (u)

Me thinks when Q and Q+ get comfy, we might get some crumbs.

Last DJT twat at 10;31 EST

Just feelin it

1b8507 (25)  No.4081208>>4081354

File (hide): af33b04cfcb95d5⋯.jpg (166 KB, 866x599, 866:599, Q DROP TEMP_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 672cd2c75b5debe⋯.jpg (183.88 KB, 1035x648, 115:72, Q DROP TEMP.jpg) (h) (u)

d39247 (10)  No.4081209

File (hide): dd81f1a819fe6c9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1014x754, 39:29, comfy.png) (h) (u)


same fren!

winning is fun

0811c6 (14)  No.4081210

File (hide): 82da3dfb2a20da3⋯.jpg (458.71 KB, 696x765, 232:255, IGReport.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6852647eabd4ff5⋯.jpg (72.19 KB, 500x616, 125:154, IGReportUnredact200.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 77bff099e0417a4⋯.jpg (129.35 KB, 500x1113, 500:1113, IGReportUnredact203.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a4ab6973b4cc82⋯.jpg (36.44 KB, 600x446, 300:223, IGReportUnredact205.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a17f823c998139⋯.jpg (233.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ReadIGreport.jpg) (h) (u)

e980c0 (4)  No.4081211>>4081259

File (hide): ea72c8719bde732⋯.jpg (225.93 KB, 700x724, 175:181, brucechangedfull.jpg) (h) (u)

391096 (2)  No.4081212


Meme fags could put Khashoggi on left and Flakes on right and there you have it! Kek

e2f055 (6)  No.4081213

File (hide): 16f94b881fdd175⋯.jpg (196 KB, 1600x1150, 32:23, liotta laugh.jpg) (h) (u)

fc0280 (10)  No.4081214


You just want to smoke a bowl with him.

4b5fc0 (2)  No.4081215>>4081223


POTUS called him weak and a liar, today

8a5198 (1)  No.4081216

File (hide): 7e49c96a6b40309⋯.jpg (232.4 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, locked and loaded q.jpg) (h) (u)

5ea8f9 (1)  No.4081217>>4081291


oh yeah… the IG report. Been so long I forgot about it.

703c7d (8)  No.4081218>>4081230

File (hide): 45fd9e276f62194⋯.gif (775.64 KB, 1337x1080, 1337:1080, NSQD.GIF) (h) (u)


Thanks!! I've been looking for a more classy font for a while (pic related is the font I use for that now in lime green, a little boring imo). Stay comfy patriot! o7

1b8507 (25)  No.4081219

File (hide): ba7de143db5415f⋯.jpg (138.58 KB, 800x525, 32:21, hillary lose again.jpg) (h) (u)

2a1466 (18)  No.4081220

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4080803 Pelosi video verbal & facial Q'ues are telling

>>4080819, >>4081020 New POTUS tweet

>>4080854 Mitt the new NoName

>>4080887 Tom Fitton tweet on Cohen

>>4080930 Video: Rod Rosenstein Speaks At Cybercrime Symposium

>>4080944 Software 'Glitch' Takes Down An Airliner (7/10)

>>4081008 WaPo Lies and Says Trump “Lieutenants” Made Outreach to Russia and Wikileaks

>>4081095, >>4081121, >>4081133 Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading

>>4081171 FBI raids home of whistleblower on CF

6d9d5a (2)  No.4081221>>4081281

Could any planefags give me a lookout in Rapid City, SD out to Spearfish area? Lots of military aircraft overhead.

32b4c0 (12)  No.4081222



159b71 (3)  No.4081223>>4081243


The point being

>Most people will flip if the Government lets them out of trouble, even if it means lying or making up stories.

d986c4 (2)  No.4081224


I am sometimes impatient, but I try to remind myself there are Patriots risking their lives everyday for the benefit of us all. They are trying their best to keep the majority of us safe - not easy when you are dealing with an enemy who targets the most vulnerable in such an evil way. Hopefully we will be vindicated eventually. And if not, that will be the least of our concerns. Have Faith Anon. May God bless us all and keep all Patriots safe.

0546f1 (2)  No.4081225>>4081249


NEW Q within 2 hours

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081226>>4081245

File (hide): 20c0c503388fe10⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 3678x2871, 1226:957, IMG_3951.JPG) (h) (u)

It is the doge dickbutt Picasso I O

07151f (9)  No.4081227


God bless POTUS. Mebbe he stops by Antarctica.

aa427f (5)  No.4081228


popes neck of the woods

164bcb (2)  No.4081229>>4081246

You will fail at shitting the breads up shill. WE ARE GROWING STRONGER. CIA NIGGERS ARE GLOWING. Patriots have no skin color. You are either a reddit boomer, or a fuckin CIA NIGGER. either way …….YOU LOSE

WWG1WGA you fuckin FAG

00f73a (10)  No.4081230


you too o7

0811c6 (14)  No.4081231>>4081376

File (hide): 2876898f6a79630⋯.jpg (99.5 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ReadIGReportPelosi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72a3370cab34878⋯.jpeg (334.29 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, BillClintonIGReport.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e1b762fac34ef8a⋯.jpg (153.62 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IGReportUnredacted10.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15269e1a086b585⋯.jpg (150.77 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IGReportUnredacted11.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dadf3ec83e83d85⋯.jpg (93.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IGReportUnredacted14.jpg) (h) (u)

70a0c4 (3)  No.4081232>>4081247


2a1466 (18)  No.4081233>>4081258 >>4081277 >>4081278

File (hide): fcc8e0a5bfe1baf⋯.png (475.05 KB, 806x499, 806:499, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



contact book ≠ flight log/being at the island


ccb347 (1)  No.4081234

File (hide): 5ef6e8ffc993cee⋯.jpeg (20.24 KB, 201x251, 201:251, cafe.jpeg) (h) (u)

e4038b (10)  No.4081235>>4081263


>A lot is happening …

How do you know this?

>but of course we all want blood for these crimes.

Yes. It's called transparency. And nothing else will do. Shit done behind the scenes is the problem with all gummint.

>It will all come in good time.

How do you know this? Because some anonymous 8chan poster of cryptic bullshit told you it would?

You are a classic blind sheep, anon.

Sorry, but you are.

ae6a4a (3)  No.4081236

File (hide): 1078863293d2b82⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1896x900, 158:75, 2018-11-29 12.png) (h) (u)

75ca61 (3)  No.4081237>>4081296


How can Donald Trump's name be on that list and not one Clinton. Did I miss a page?

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081238

File (hide): 1c3b881af985f6c⋯.png (504.78 KB, 1280x844, 320:211, chitax.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7ed753bf699a4e⋯.png (128.23 KB, 1280x851, 1280:851, towerputin.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c09bd277d25aa9⋯.png (148.2 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, copy.png) (h) (u)


Crap - if FISA and IG and all else not let go tomorrow - DS wins.

Why all out attack - Meuller, FBI raids on Chi Tax lawyer, and now FBI raids on the U1 whistleblower - all today!!!!!!!!!!!

8aa6ad (5)  No.4081239


Rev Carson had done the parrot(s) joke before - but better.

755abd (16)  No.4081240

File (hide): 217b26256524e7d⋯.png (1019.95 KB, 1111x740, 1111:740, soon-wobbler.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a3c8801a0a99511⋯.jpg (221.62 KB, 650x433, 650:433, storchedearth.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3091c0b36f26dbc⋯.png (531.86 KB, 907x629, 907:629, JusticeHorowitz.png) (h) (u)

4a9886 (2)  No.4081241

File (hide): c5741d8f5a7f996⋯.jpg (679.71 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_522.jpg) (h) (u)

patriots win!!

7059ef (10)  No.4081242>>4081527


Did you find that at the bottom of a cereal box? No good guys huh? If there were no good guys do you have the slightest clue how BAD it would be?

What's wrong with you people? Do you think? Read? Ask questions? Listen. Observe.

4b5fc0 (2)  No.4081243>>4081261


Look at the tweets you want spread around.

Full of compliments.

Not any longer - my point.

27b569 (1)  No.4081244>>4081268 >>4081357 >>4081494


Poor Bruce…

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081245>>4081267

File (hide): 6de2439c86a1c7f⋯.jpg (301.86 KB, 960x1250, 96:125, IMG_3944.JPG) (h) (u)


When (you) believe in doge

Doge believed in (you)

aa427f (5)  No.4081246

File (hide): 06e82c17b394d3b⋯.jpg (188.2 KB, 824x1000, 103:125, 06e82c17b394d3bf1df32f7dd0….jpg) (h) (u)

2173cb (7)  No.4081247


Give me a man and I will find you crime.

1b8507 (25)  No.4081248

File (hide): 0e417ea1b8cde72⋯.jpg (337.28 KB, 1242x1847, 1242:1847, maggie haberman wikileaks.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a59c60de23e95ed⋯.jpg (79.84 KB, 720x499, 720:499, maggie haberman twt.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 664f0df3ce19731⋯.jpg (248.06 KB, 1030x753, 1030:753, WikiLeaks Maggie.jpg) (h) (u)


Thank you.

d39247 (10)  No.4081249

File (hide): 265202516ee9e66⋯.png (628.59 KB, 737x695, 737:695, FlotusPotusPepeWeeeeee.png) (h) (u)

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081250>>4081500

File (hide): 9c123485fbcd964⋯.jpg (115.37 KB, 641x948, 641:948, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b40582681db388c⋯.jpg (106.34 KB, 509x668, 509:668, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

Two Iranian Men Indicted for Atlanta, Colorado DOT Cyberattacks


9b192d (13)  No.4081251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

QAnon Can You Feel It Coming [Rolling Down Hill] Thank Q

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081252>>4081275 >>4081321

File (hide): 60f1c020f4b2411⋯.jpg (141.39 KB, 922x631, 922:631, 658938_039.jpg) (h) (u)

ef71d8 (1)  No.4081253>>4081262

File (hide): ef1a4873170a878⋯.jpeg (441.92 KB, 1280x851, 1280:851, A3D81A49-13C7-4647-B887-E….jpeg) (h) (u)

Get ready!

76b96f (2)  No.4081255


in laymen terms: misappropriating = stealing…

84077f (9)  No.4081256

File (hide): 17fff65a1faeec8⋯.jpg (106.67 KB, 600x550, 12:11, 1.jpg) (h) (u)


Study toxic exposure, vaccines in 9/11 and Gulf War Veterans, Scientists say

44b9d9 (3)  No.4081257


I don't see any porn.

Wat u talkin bout?

d36597 (7)  No.4081258>>4081295 >>4081296




Oh wew, I think I need a minute.

a7d3ac (3)  No.4081259


that still blows my mind!, like wtf? really? just one day he woke up and decided to cut of his dick? just mind boggling,

4b5f9f (3)  No.4081260

More details on Merkel's plane

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Cologne not long after it took off for the G20 summit in Argentina, after it experienced “electronic problems” mid-flight, German media report.

Merkel’s plane, named after Konrad Adenauer, had to return after just an hour into the 15-hour flight to Buenos Aires after experiencing “technical malfunction.” The high-profile aircraft turned around over the Netherlands and made an emergency landing in Cologne.


159b71 (3)  No.4081261


Fair point.

b51609 (1)  No.4081262>>4081273 >>4081510

File (hide): c66f4d3ff4977ae⋯.png (603.14 KB, 498x430, 249:215, How to become a pirate.PNG) (h) (u)

32b4c0 (12)  No.4081263


Because I'm observant af and pay attention to all news (what we here call being an autist).

That's why.

9b192d (13)  No.4081264

File (hide): 6965e7deed87d82⋯.png (165.02 KB, 499x500, 499:500, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

b890ca (2)  No.4081265>>4081307

File (hide): e4cbd28a21fd690⋯.jpeg (888.13 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, 1DFE37BE-0AC7-4B6D-B8C5-C….jpeg) (h) (u)

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081267>>4081375

File (hide): 377d70b08c2369a⋯.jpg (67.92 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, IMG_3943.JPG) (h) (u)


When they open the bomber doors

Just run out and start flapping your arms real hard to catch the wave

Believe in doge

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081268


Society and the medical community enable mental illness.

a847c2 (1)  No.4081269>>4081319 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): e07c700b1cea7d1⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 4296x2552, 537:319, GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11_N….jpg) (h) (u)

Work in progress.

Really proud of how this one is coming along.

e4038b (10)  No.4081270>>4081282 >>4081347


It won't.

But, anons will make excuses for muh Q being wrong and their continued slobber over this very obvious psyop ….. again.

f27246 (8)  No.4081271

File (hide): 200cccb80f9115e⋯.jpeg (421.99 KB, 584x811, 584:811, DFB16455-7DCC-449C-9A9D-9….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ef1a6ab94576b5d⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1373x1372, 1373:1372, C65B0645-C497-497E-86B8-0….jpeg) (h) (u)

Real shit bros

ee2919 (2)  No.4081272

File (hide): 6e0666340ebd7c7⋯.png (80.2 KB, 414x330, 69:55, 2018-11-29_22-50-14.png) (h) (u)

4b04df (14)  No.4081273>>4081286

File (hide): bfa7f9d71c6fe92⋯.gif (753.19 KB, 320x238, 160:119, e68a456d063a62d5bf1c613e6d….gif) (h) (u)


Do not pull that triger!!!

07151f (9)  No.4081274

6a6c5a (8)  No.4081275>>4081290

File (hide): a60d22881cefbf8⋯.jpg (218.61 KB, 604x1044, 151:261, 11.11.jpg) (h) (u)

a8c078 (1)  No.4081276>>4081284 >>4081293 >>4081353

File (hide): 52562afb48c1cc6⋯.jpeg (211.47 KB, 1125x980, 225:196, 682AE1EA-00E1-496D-8D0F-A….jpeg) (h) (u)


8aa6ad (5)  No.4081277


Is pilot "David Rodgers" still alive?

Be a good witness, no?

fc0280 (10)  No.4081278>>4081296 >>4081315 >>4081360


Ancient fucking news.

f55b46 (6)  No.4081279



d55d75 (1)  No.4081280>>4081287


Suck A Dick Ya Faggot!

0811c6 (14)  No.4081281>>4081306

File (hide): fd1d2112afd4617⋯.jpg (334 KB, 1919x981, 1919:981, 2018-11-30 03:50:27Z.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f9c55fdc298a00⋯.jpg (177.12 KB, 1248x762, 208:127, PlanefagsProwl.jpg) (h) (u)


None are showing on the ADSB radar site.


eec6c4 (3)  No.4081282


What might be wrong for you may be very right for someone else.

926234 (2)  No.4081283

File (hide): 755e8123857a4d7⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 250x333, 250:333, asdfaerwaw5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56fc194a98ddcaf⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 500x329, 500:329, releasethem.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22aba59a63461b7⋯.gif (4.37 MB, 250x444, 125:222, bewblicious.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif) (h) (u)


No pron here just beautiful bewbs

4b04df (14)  No.4081284

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081285>>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): e2067ff2ea609b5⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 896x774, 448:387, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

Plane crash on the campus of Kennesaw State University


b6d169 (1)  No.4081286>>4081301


It's a pellet gun…

2173cb (7)  No.4081287


Quick post a nullo

b3d2be (6)  No.4081288

File (hide): f06c78624c168f4⋯.jpg (38.69 KB, 750x588, 125:98, Maddow Hogg Father.jpg) (h) (u)


Rachel is teh Hoggfather.

ff1549 (4)  No.4081289>>4081485

File (hide): 23b7d44fa1f23a7⋯.jpg (135.02 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, 949a179cfee2fd452d6a19b8f5….jpg) (h) (u)

S.C.? (((Them)))? Other?

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081290>>4081323



08e3d1 (3)  No.4081291


The IG reports are side shows. We should have learned that lesson after the IG report on the FBI. That report was a joke and Horowitz testified RR did not change or alter in anyway.

58805c (1)  No.4081292

>>4078236 (lb)

>A picture is worth many sentences.

Many DEATH sentences.

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081293


Double kek!

9eafa4 (4)  No.4081294>>4081305 >>4081358 >>4081416


That’s why I don’t say that anymore. It damages credibility.

75ca61 (3)  No.4081295>>4081361


Me too. My illusions about Trump are shattered.

2a1466 (18)  No.4081296>>4081361


it was leaked to them


Although Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have been mentioned in connection with Epstein's sordid deeds, their names aren't circled in the black book. But Epstein did have 21 contact numbers and various email addresses for Clinton, as well as several contact numbers for the prince.



I know it is

e980c0 (4)  No.4081297>>4081334 >>4081364 >>4081423 >>4081443 >>4081506


FBI agents raided the home of a recognized Department of Justice whistleblower who privately delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government watchdog, according to the whistleblower’s attorney.

The Justice Department’s inspector general was informed that the documents show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.

The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

The raid was permitted by a court order signed on Nov. 15 by federal magistrate Stephanie A. Gallagher in the U.S. District Court for Baltimore and obtained by TheDCNF.

A special agent from the FBI’s Baltimore division, who led the raid, charged that Cain possessed stolen federal property and demanded entry to his private residence, Socarras told TheDCNF.

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.

Cain further told the FBI agent the potentially damaging classified information had been properly transmitted to the Senate and House Intelligence committees as permitted under the act, Socarras said. The agent immediately directed his agents to begin a sweep of the suburban home, anyway.

Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

“After asking and getting my approval to do so, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz had a member of his staff physically take Mr. Cain’s classified document disclosure to the House and Senate Intelligence committees,” Socarras told TheDCNF.

Cain came across the potentially explosive information while working for an FBI contractor, Socarras told TheDCNF.

Cain met with a senior member of Horowitz’s office at a church close to the White House to deliver the documents to the IG, according to Socarras.

If the complaint is found credible, the law protecting whistleblowers, which covers employees of government contractors, requires the IG to share such information with the attorney general --- who at the time was Jeff Sessions.

The two law enforcement officials directed the documents be sent to the Senate and House Intelligence committees for their examination, according to Socarras, who said that a high-level IG official hand-delivered the documents to the the two intelligence committees.

A spokesman for the IG declined to comment. The Justice Department did not immediately return a request for comment.

(Pieces from article)

054969 (3)  No.4081298

File (hide): 521641f7a980385⋯.png (32.85 KB, 691x192, 691:192, twitter.png) (h) (u)

81a8a0 (2)  No.4081299>>4081370 >>4081561


What fuckery is this?

Doesn't feel like winning.

More rogue FBI?

97a9c5 (7)  No.4081300>>4081314

File (hide): 07619f769411070⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1265x1200, 253:240, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



aww hell, right you are.

Lets fix that

4b04df (14)  No.4081301

File (hide): a4809b6e3b172f6⋯.jpeg (7.26 KB, 289x174, 289:174, kirk1.jpeg) (h) (u)


Thank God. You gotta start somewhere.

889a1e (2)  No.4081302>>4081336

File (hide): 71a166e984fbc3d⋯.jpg (345.24 KB, 809x1181, 809:1181, Screenshot_20181129-215200….jpg) (h) (u)

CF is going down https://amp.dailycaller.com/2018/11/29/fbi-whistleblower-clinton-uranium?__twitter_impression=true

If you bake it, he will crumb

1b8507 (25)  No.4081303

File (hide): 55f85bfbb7417cf⋯.jpg (116.93 KB, 660x461, 660:461, HRC jail.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6dc06d8974fc285⋯.jpg (220.31 KB, 800x660, 40:33, Trump Tweet 11202018_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d9e9fcb7dca4efb⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, adam schiff.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8f22ead228ad1f⋯.jpg (136.96 KB, 585x714, 195:238, Trump Tweet 11172018_1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 41bc1eb6a546770⋯.jpg (244.89 KB, 1006x681, 1006:681, One step at a time.jpg) (h) (u)

c7b3f5 (4)  No.4081304>>4081326

File (hide): 706c3263e22a912⋯.png (101.63 KB, 768x540, 64:45, dbloff.png) (h) (u)

9f8090 (4)  No.4081305>>4081393 >>4081410 >>4081416


Im a silent observer now. They all think I'm nuts.

6d9d5a (2)  No.4081306>>4081332


Thank you. What site is that?

755abd (16)  No.4081307>>4081577

File (hide): dc6dae8909e6ab3⋯.png (311.3 KB, 546x487, 546:487, mrkfnjmy.png) (h) (u)

caffe4 (3)  No.4081308


Watch Brainstorm or the lovely Natalie Wood. Pay no attention to all the Esoteria and the PLAN outlined at the end. Nothing to see there at all.

0a89b5 (4)  No.4081309

File (hide): 55835879cabb06a⋯.jpeg (319.03 KB, 974x739, 974:739, 4011045B-A5E3-48A5-94AB-5….jpeg) (h) (u)


Also, we have the inclusion of the “WW” in the second cipher. Our Q using WW in reference to worldwide multiple times. The reading of something hidden at Langley.

2da36a (1)  No.4081310


Cohen was always a snake and there's no way Trump didn't know that. Re-read Art of the Deal, Trump literally says flat out he hires people he knows are crooks as long as they are useful, because they are usually the best at their respective fields. Trump probably leaked info and tricked the NY AG into raiding Cohen's office to get rid of him once he outlived his usefulness. Cohen never flipped since he was never really on Trump's side to begin with.

He likely pleaded guilty just now because Trump contradicted his testimony in his written answers to Mueller with iron clad proof. Cohen is now seeking the least amount of legal repercussions for pissing off POTUS, congress, and Mueller.

d01122 (3)  No.4081311

United & At The Ready…

For God & Country……

Arriving In Tones Of Thunder………

Nothing Is Stopping What Is Coming…

ba9358 (10)  No.4081312


Strange seismic waves rippled around the world and scientists don't know why


d1cdbe (12)  No.4081314

File (hide): 409cbc8ae010e88⋯.jpg (20.69 KB, 265x152, 265:152, WWG1WGAflaggirl.jpg) (h) (u)

8aa6ad (5)  No.4081315>>4081325


You seem to forget that there are many who haven't been here as long as the rest of us.

Might be new to some anons . . .

6a0d77 (2)  No.4081316>>4081329 >>4081348 >>4081401 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): 0152f51e70b63cb⋯.png (259.84 KB, 1263x576, 421:192, louisa.png) (h) (u)


A state of emergency and mandatory evacuation have been issued for the town of Louisa due to high gas readings.

Addresses within a half mile radius of the Glen Mayre Shopping Center at 406 E. Main St. in Louisa. are affected by the evacuation.

The evacuation affects roughly 1300 addresses and temporary shelter is available at Moss-Nuckols Elementary.


6d8564 (2)  No.4081317>>4081328

>>4080777. No potus tweets on twitter

Join Gab. I haven’t received potus tweets on twitter for months. Check it only briefly for a few I follow then off. If normies haven’t figured it out by now they won’t& potus needs to release the info like he said he wanted to. Twitter is al cabal funded and that seems ok by out so called government.

6a698a (10)  No.4081318>>4081388

I Wouldn't Go To France

beb25b (3)  No.4081319


She’s pretty

8ebfc1 (3)  No.4081320>>4081397

File (hide): 9cbdf0bde7dfee3⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 1693x917, 1693:917, _20181129_225226.JPG) (h) (u)

Frenly reminder:


703c7d (8)  No.4081321

File (hide): fc224c298a418f0⋯.jpg (14.87 KB, 219x255, 73:85, Q 11:11.jpg) (h) (u)

1b8507 (25)  No.4081322>>4081338 >>4081450

File (hide): 87da6687bd80487⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Digital Soldiers.jpg) (h) (u)

6a6c5a (8)  No.4081323


yea thanks, really captures that moment.

8912c8 (3)  No.4081324



Scathing report by Rosemary Mayers Collyer head judge FISC goes un-noticed by MSM.

Pay attention to pp 83-84. Need lawfags to explain massive violation of 4th Amendment and it's future criminal ramifications of those involved with the ObamaSpy ring to frame Trump.

fc0280 (10)  No.4081325


No child left behind I guess…

755abd (16)  No.4081326

File (hide): 855354b2f48a3d7⋯.png (326.24 KB, 806x575, 806:575, jimny.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png) (h) (u)

9fbd03 (9)  No.4081327>>4081339 >>4081366 >>4081423 >>4081506

File (hide): 019e29f845b26b5⋯.jpg (114.78 KB, 801x788, 801:788, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4a877c4d4546751⋯.jpg (41.2 KB, 515x294, 515:294, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

Ex-Maricopa County sheriff's deputy accused of child sex crimes


6d8564 (2)  No.4081328

1950f4 (2)  No.4081329>>4081344


are they going to blow up more houses?

aed28e (3)  No.4081330


You can't gauge GEOTUS's true beliefs based on his Twatts. He praises RR, also. Unless RR really is "our guy," just more disinformation which is necessary. Possibly the same for Hannity. I like Hannity for the most part, but I'm very discerning about whether someone deserves my respect, and we already know that Corsi is a fame fag likely on Mossad's payroll. Not that I think that makes it okay for Mueller to railroad him.

afcca0 (7)  No.4081331>>4081346 >>4081351 >>4081424

Three words invented by the C_A

to discourage the sheep from asking


1. Conspiracy theorist

2. Concernfag

3. Comfy

They fooled us again, faggots

0811c6 (14)  No.4081332



When you get there use the menu to set filters = on and filter type = MIL

Otherwise you will see thousands of civilian a/c

Visit Planefagging 101 >>1311848 if you want to learn how to be a planefag

9eafa4 (4)  No.4081333>>4081363 >>4081379 >>4081413


Absolutely they are allies against DS. Why else do you think Putin has put up with the Russia Russia Russia bullshit?

They both understand the long game.

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081334



6bab4d (2)  No.4081335>>4081392

9492e0 (6)  No.4081336>>4081365


Can someone please explain who the fuck are the rouge FBI agents who've been raiding everyone's home and why the fuck Wray is allowing it? Another POS.

f27246 (8)  No.4081337>>4081368 >>4081409

File (hide): ed49474b7e987ca⋯.jpeg (387.84 KB, 1100x1668, 275:417, 66A3C702-0D35-456C-8E09-5….jpeg) (h) (u)

Night shift supports unwed mothers

00f73a (10)  No.4081338>>4081356 >>4081382

File (hide): b953d282074c605⋯.jpg (221 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, watchthechange2.jpg) (h) (u)

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081339


Pedos are everywhere. Probably one living very close to each of us.

1b8507 (25)  No.4081340

fceef6 (2)  No.4081341

File (hide): 7962971c0d27039⋯.jpg (601.69 KB, 1818x846, 101:47, Clip.jpg) (h) (u)

Sibel Edmonds points out Mullers conflict of interest regarding Gen Flynn.

Cannot embed this video for some reason.


c7b3f5 (4)  No.4081342>>4081455

File (hide): 65935cf7819dfe1⋯.jpg (90.15 KB, 720x682, 360:341, brvmil.jpg) (h) (u)

Balls requires brains


d39247 (10)  No.4081344



ba9358 (10)  No.4081345>>4081386

File (hide): 45b7911406ec933⋯.jpg (67.16 KB, 1237x620, 1237:620, ob1.JPG) (h) (u)

Man 4 sure

4b04df (14)  No.4081346


would not be surprised

Q said he saw C_A/ MO__ tactics at work here

04effb (6)  No.4081347>>4081362


If you have more than six brain cells to run together my friend, I suggest you just leave the board. Those that are left here are just the dregs. Worthless children still shouting at, and mocking the kid in class who informs them that Santa Claus is really their parents. They will make fun of you until reality hits home, and once it does, they will hate you for being the first to inform them of what the big boy world is all about.

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081348


It's just great knowing any day they could just obliterate your house via your smart meter or however they're doing ti

4c329f (3)  No.4081349

File (hide): 541cf1bb48e2f98⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 425x442, 25:26, 1.JPG) (h) (u)


her pic says it all

6a698a (10)  No.4081350

(Cough) (Cough)

aed28e (3)  No.4081351>>4081369 >>4081371


Speak for yourself, FAGGOT! Got any sauce for your shit sandwich?

738f6a (5)  No.4081352>>4081359


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aSPPUKpklB0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

3e6e5c (3)  No.4081353

8d6d72 (2)  No.4081354>>4081381



Q drops seemed to be spaced in increments of days aligning in a count down pattern. Take a look at the number of days in between Q post and you'll see a pattern of a count down, just an observation.

2173cb (7)  No.4081355>>4081383

What ever happened to Kanye, Roseanne and James Woods?

1b8507 (25)  No.4081356

File (hide): fa2dc2661cc1593⋯.jpg (226.49 KB, 1024x427, 1024:427, World is watching.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b5018798e65c783⋯.jpg (168.37 KB, 760x676, 190:169, q drop 11062018_2 World is….jpg) (h) (u)

14dff3 (2)  No.4081357>>4081532


Society is destroying all my childhood heroes: Bruce Jenner cuts his dick off and becomes a "female," Luke Skywalker grows old and becomes a total failure as a Jedi master. WTF?

ff1549 (4)  No.4081358>>4081428

File (hide): 678e33fc4d16be6⋯.png (414.63 KB, 840x689, 840:689, 3eb5d10d716f3531c9a9d1d0b1….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3ebe90d1bafa88⋯.png (524.88 KB, 710x461, 710:461, 4ba30fa61656cbdb36dfc76dcd….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee9ebfcf90f0049⋯.jpg (117.72 KB, 762x500, 381:250, HAARP-IRI-statistics-762x5….jpg) (h) (u)


The Noname thing screwed me up.

9f8090 (4)  No.4081359

65d303 (7)  No.4081360>>4081372 >>4081378 >>4081421 >>4081423 >>4081433 >>4081506

File (hide): 96e8aee9dd6205c⋯.png (56.15 KB, 633x594, 211:198, EPSTEIN KOSOVO.PNG) (h) (u)



d36597 (7)  No.4081361

File (hide): 95c8165578affbc⋯.png (385.82 KB, 3190x1674, 1595:837, insidesaucegawk.png) (h) (u)


This is crazy, seems my theory #2 may be correct.

>MI using POTUS for GA


>it was leaked to them


That's why I needed a minute.

I was…contacted in 2016.

I'll just post pic related, don't know if I should share much moar. This was all right in the mix of them being taken down.

53b7a6 (5)  No.4081362


so you just implied you have less then 6 brain cells…kek

0811c6 (14)  No.4081363

File (hide): 2e47aecae354867⋯.png (897.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, PointRW.png) (h) (u)


^ this


6a6c5a (8)  No.4081364


Sauce ↓↓


4f86f2 (5)  No.4081365>>4081385

an operation like this could go both ways, could be collecting evidence about the target or whistleblower. perhaps the whistleblower is involved. we dont get to see that.. yet…


9492e0 (6)  No.4081366>>4081396 >>4081402 >>4081405


How the fuck is this so widespread?! WTF is a turn on about sexually assaulting a kid or watching that kind of shit?? Spiritually morally bankrupted evil at depths I can't fuckin fathom.

4b5f9f (3)  No.4081367

"The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Poland of (20) High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) M142 Launchers, and other related equipment for an estimated cost of $655 million," the release said on Thursday.

The release said Poland plans to use the equipment to modernize its armed forces and strengthen its defence capabilities against regional threats. The equipment will also help Poland's interoperability with the United States and other allies.

Poland Signs Deal for US LNG Delivery Amid Efforts to Reduce Dependence on Russia

The principal contractor for the deal is Lockheed Martin, the release added.


97a9c5 (7)  No.4081368>>4081459


>Night shift supports breeds unwed mothers


4b04df (14)  No.4081369


got any brains?

autistic level 0

hang in there anon

e4038b (10)  No.4081370



But but but … "We are in control."

No, Q. You clearly are not in control.

afcca0 (7)  No.4081371


I have no sauce….just a tingle in my nut sack

65d303 (7)  No.4081372>>4081423 >>4081506




f36ef9 (1)  No.4081373

File (hide): a5f63a001aba293⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1515x691, 1515:691, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

ba9358 (10)  No.4081374>>4081404 >>4081419 >>4081464

File (hide): c58673930b43fad⋯.png (258.18 KB, 531x504, 59:56, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

you guys see the red dots on potus?

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081375>>4081408 >>4081418

File (hide): bfcd811878beb81⋯.png (188.14 KB, 1242x579, 414:193, CF8AF394-0847-406B-AF2C-C4….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07bc4448037f0ca⋯.jpeg (58.76 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, 209CA069-6200-4407-B601-0….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 67aa1f231c3400d⋯.jpg (128.82 KB, 642x640, 321:320, IMG_3058.JPG) (h) (u)


Doge and space boobs worked a sweet deal with NASA and the military

Doge believed in (you) the whole time

There is even a designated testing area


Fur deinem furher

für den Kondensator, weil Skylab den Kraken hat

07151f (9)  No.4081376>>4081415

340f63 (1)  No.4081377>>4081399 >>4081475

File (hide): 3a0eef504c6918f⋯.jpeg (954.63 KB, 1242x1813, 1242:1813, A78A75AC-A921-4F13-A80B-C….jpeg) (h) (u)

2173cb (7)  No.4081378


Top Shelf stuff

7059ef (10)  No.4081379


Let me out it this way as a wise man once told me.

"A war of destruction is easy, a war of salvation is hard and comes with rules and patience." I think I botched it a little but you get the point.

Do you know how long these leaders habe been playing this game? Most can't wrap their mind around that one thing.

b3d2be (6)  No.4081380>>4081395 >>4081467

anyone got a screen from Laura Loomer's pro Q tweets? "Trust the plan" etc?

Asking for a friend. Literally.

1b8507 (25)  No.4081381

File (hide): d41e3131f0bba1e⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 11252018_5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e48bece24663181⋯.jpg (192.6 KB, 1227x444, 409:148, Q drop 11252018_4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8ecb983c39692c3⋯.jpg (224.19 KB, 800x824, 100:103, Q drop 11252018_3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e9f9ae8139319e6⋯.jpg (247.29 KB, 1130x704, 565:352, Q drop 11252018_2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29dade04038affe⋯.jpg (260.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q drop 11252018_1.jpg) (h) (u)


Thanks, I will keep in mind, thank you.

703c7d (8)  No.4081382>>4081403

File (hide): 604c3318cf96eae⋯.png (273.31 KB, 730x456, 365:228, Q Darkness to Light.png) (h) (u)

1950f4 (2)  No.4081383


Kanye is being held hostage by his wife

Roseanne is fine and selling raffle tickets to win a cool car

and James is saving the animals

b20ecb (6)  No.4081384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raw 9/11 footage

9492e0 (6)  No.4081385>>4081457


I'd go with that if it hadn't repeatedly happened for no other reason than fishing expeditions. Like Trump's tax lawyer. Complete and total BULLSHIT. Annnnnnd, they'll still find NADA.

aa427f (5)  No.4081386>>4081407


its so pathetic to say this but if i died today and God granted me one question it would be "is Michelle Obama a man?"

6afef0 (1)  No.4081387>>4081442

It would be wild if Rod Rosenstein is Q.

f27246 (8)  No.4081388

File (hide): 428d288bdbcced8⋯.jpeg (651.26 KB, 813x1153, 813:1153, B9EF6B81-7E3C-4975-924E-5….jpeg) (h) (u)


Macron is clearly gay, that old woman is a showpiece beard, hardly credible

7ee1da (1)  No.4081389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let There Be Light: The Documentary The Army Suppressed


84077f (9)  No.4081390

File (hide): e78b2a08c69156a⋯.jpg (212.32 KB, 600x1050, 4:7, 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 79dbabbbcbe00b2⋯.jpg (216.35 KB, 500x1125, 4:9, 2.jpg) (h) (u)


Nestlé crowned Best Corporate Citizen in the Manufacturing Sector for the second consecutive year

225109 (3)  No.4081391>>4081411

File (hide): ad921e756596233⋯.jpg (22.69 KB, 289x251, 289:251, blockallporn.JPG) (h) (u)


To Block the porn posts from view, click on the triangle in the upper-left of the offending post.

From here, you can report, hide, or filter posts by ID number in each bread.

New ID numbers are assigned each new bread, so you have to do it again each new bread, but it will 'delete' so to speak, every post from that person for that entire bread.


Choose Add Filter >> ID

All posts from this ID number will be blocked from your view.

44b9d9 (3)  No.4081392

File (hide): 16b113564797fa9⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 468x277, 468:277, banded piglet squid.jpg) (h) (u)



b6bfdc (1)  No.4081393>>4081416 >>4081434


Think how glorious it will be when you are proven to have been right all along.

def49b (6)  No.4081394


I spent so long figuring out how to upload the damn Cohen pleading so it's legible--looks like a 1950s doc–I just now read it. And then what the media said about "why it matters." I guess they have to explain why it matters because no one reading the pleading would know.

They must be counting on the fact that most people won't read it. Maybe that's why they made it almost impossible to read--what, no more ink for the printer??

4f86f2 (5)  No.4081395>>4081467

ya who cares but is laura still handcuffed to door lmao


d1cdbe (12)  No.4081396


It's truly mind boggling how pervasive it is

e4038b (10)  No.4081397



No it's not.

More unverifiable bullshit from Q.

aa012a (4)  No.4081398

File (hide): 0620dace2f80cfb⋯.jpeg (112.65 KB, 1087x666, 1087:666, bH6di6fwa9999iLLwa1.jpeg) (h) (u)


It is a recent development for me.

Have account with ~5300 followers/followed.

Likely more [@jack] idiocy.

9492e0 (6)  No.4081399


Are there illegals there?

6a698a (10)  No.4081400>>4081414 >>4081435

File (hide): 65fea34ddf55465⋯.jpg (577.84 KB, 1192x1844, 298:461, 540e8746c7c0a3d5bceb0f90f1….jpg) (h) (u)


6a0d77 (2)  No.4081401

53b7a6 (5)  No.4081402


At work, a coworker just learned about Epstein, then Jimmy Saville, then the Franklin cover up. He said it was rampant everywhere. Unfortunately it is.

00f73a (10)  No.4081403



4c7f66 (3)  No.4081404>>4081420


Please not the dots again.

We did last night and this morning and today.

The red dots are from the reflection off of cameras recording.

Long, winded dig on it.

Glass is reflecting the lights from the crowd.

Was spoopy at first though.

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081405>>4081426 >>4081431 >>4081466


They've always been here, anon. I do not understand it. I don't want to understand it. I want every pedo dead.

ee2919 (2)  No.4081406

File (hide): 0ce138d4a01a5cb⋯.png (410.67 KB, 486x487, 486:487, 2018-11-29_20-38-19.png) (h) (u)


1st image from Mars landing

afcca0 (7)  No.4081407


Kek! I'm the same…I really really want the

truth about the Obozos

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081408>>4081444

File (hide): a0b8611721abe99⋯.jpg (311.7 KB, 2668x1730, 1334:865, 5926EA47-9624-4EE1-BBDE-16….jpg) (h) (u)


All those Twinkies really solved that riddle

Remember to thank Jesus when you run out that bomber door

e4038b (10)  No.4081409


I love daddy issues.

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081410


Here's hoping we get an 'I told you so' moment

926234 (2)  No.4081411


Thank you hall monitor faggot. KYS

a47993 (1)  No.4081412

File (hide): 75aa26ead140c5e⋯.png (6.77 KB, 399x391, 399:391, 1505934908846.png) (h) (u)

7059ef (10)  No.4081413


Sorry didn't mean to come off snappy lol frustrating. It's the twilight zone sometimes.

07151f (9)  No.4081414


Double oughts confirm: douches

0811c6 (14)  No.4081415

File (hide): 446502649fcc4ba⋯.jpg (62.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IGReportUnredacted16.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): be5786e74dce646⋯.jpg (101.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IGReportUnredacted17.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f08a56d13ba29d8⋯.jpg (81.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, IGReportUnredacted18.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4746907d54caae0⋯.jpg (99.24 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ReleaseTextsUnredac.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): da3732f720210f9⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Unredacted.jpg) (h) (u)

97a9c5 (7)  No.4081416>>4081484

File (hide): 1120000bd1eb5cb⋯.png (77.19 KB, 986x478, 493:239, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




'this' is where the true autists went - for those of you wondering… (or concernfagging)

6cea4b (1)  No.4081417>>4081478

File (hide): 208e660d4bbfd6e⋯.jpg (236.84 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, crbvman.jpg) (h) (u)

f55b46 (6)  No.4081418


What kind of a gosh dang clownnigger are you??

85803b (1)  No.4081419>>4081425


anon slept for two days?

ba9358 (10)  No.4081420>>4081439

File (hide): a2292245029f05c⋯.png (237.95 KB, 629x452, 629:452, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



been away for a few days

did you see this?

add 17 to get to 100%


ff1549 (4)  No.4081421

File (hide): cb8daba2a354446⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1260x5645, 252:1129, 01Screenshot_2018-11-09 “S….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f9eb3dc6b32385c⋯.png (2.68 MB, 772x8379, 772:8379, Screenshot_2018-11-09 Croa….png) (h) (u)


the lying white genociding





598dfc (2)  No.4081422


Couldn't help yourself, could ya?

2a1466 (18)  No.4081423>>4081440



>>4080803 Pelosi video verbal & facial Q'ues are telling

>>4080819, >>4081020 New POTUS tweet

>>4080854 Mitt the new NoName

>>4080887 Tom Fitton tweet on Cohen

>>4080930 Video: Rod Rosenstein Speaks At Cybercrime Symposium

>>4080944 Software 'Glitch' Takes Down An Airliner (7/10)

>>4081008 WaPo Lies and Says Trump “Lieutenants” Made Outreach to Russia and Wikileaks

>>4081095, >>4081121, >>4081133 Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading

>>4081171, >>4081297 FBI raids home of whistleblower on CF

>>4081269 Work in progress Cabal graphic

>>4081285 Plane crash on the campus of Kennesaw State University

>>4081316 Mandatory evacuation and state of emergency declared in Louisa, Virginia

>>4081327 Ex-Maricopa County sheriff's deputy accused of child sex crimes

>>4081360, >>4081372 Epstein flew in girls from Kosovo in 2002

1ed52d (1)  No.4081424>>4081462

File (hide): d0b1d20ae774c5d⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 1072x786, 536:393, SeeThrough.jpg) (h) (u)


You're one for three…

ba9358 (10)  No.4081425


look down

4f86f2 (5)  No.4081426>>4081463

simple really, money leads to power, which leads to more money and believing your lawless. which leads to some wicked , evil, and disqusting shit.


a60f21 (2)  No.4081427>>4081441 >>4081456


Don't bother, the 40 year old virgins here need to show everyone how straight they are by posting tiddies. Pity them, they will never see some in real life unless they're getting sloppy seconds from a fat, middle aged single mother who's finally done riding the cock carousel and ready to settle down

aed28e (3)  No.4081428>>4081445


I'm all for "Pedo Joe," running against GEOTUS in 2020. It would be a landslide victory of Biblical proportions! Probably the result, no matter who the DemonRats nominate. I heard Kerry is thinking about running again. One question, how do you run a campaign from GITMO?

0ea9ed (2)  No.4081429


Look how many responses this fag got, earned his shekels this evening,.

caffe4 (3)  No.4081430


Satanist MkUltra project. Look into his childhood. All the tell tell signs of fuckery. Probably was a project to see if they could create world class atheletes by giving them alters that would focus like a laser on their sport with crazy devotion. Then after he had used up his time period of fame they hooked him up with that witch family and the Jew chose them to mind fuck America into accepting trannies which is a stepping stone to accepting the Jew God Baphomet.

9492e0 (6)  No.4081431>>4081466 >>4081498


Agreed. I know it's always been around. Just seems there's way more than even the best educated would've guessed. And I mean, educated on that subject.

fc0280 (10)  No.4081433


Yeah, he's Mossad agent running a honeypot collecting very incriminating evidence so Israel can control the U.S.A. You think he was just "got away with it all" for nearly 2 decades?

9f8090 (4)  No.4081434>>4081453 >>4081468 >>4081488


I am praying very hard, every day, for that moment to arrive. Not so I can be "right". It's not about me. It's about good and evil- and all of US.

4d90b3 (3)  No.4081435>>4081454 >>4081460



738f6a (5)  No.4081436

File (hide): 1dfd1e705496a4d⋯.jpeg (20.06 KB, 670x447, 670:447, KEK.jpeg) (h) (u)

bc6ecf (6)  No.4081437





Thanks for the heads up. Repeats necessary, and doing other anons a favor and, you know, literally being nice sometimes, isn't all that fucking difficult.

2f47cb (6)  No.4081438>>4081489

Lotsa tweeting ….Zero action …..yawn

4c7f66 (3)  No.4081439


Didn't catch this, but good eye Anon.


07151f (9)  No.4081440


Thanks for baking

3ad032 (3)  No.4081441>>4081470


projection example

afcca0 (7)  No.4081442


That's ridiculous!

Everyone knows Q is Tom Arnold

a7d3ac (3)  No.4081443>>4081471 >>4081516


Cain sounds like he had to school the fbi when they showed up that he was under protection, which means, the fbi that showed up were not good guys, but the enemy, imo

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081444>>4081479

File (hide): b6cf03be2b63f36⋯.png (617.57 KB, 500x750, 2:3, IMG_1843.PNG) (h) (u)


It was E.T. 's Blessing

Your welcome

b249f2 (1)  No.4081445


That is the question for a lot of them .. maybe they could hold a primary dimm debate at Gitmo. Dress code would be easy.

c6a9d5 (1)  No.4081446>>4081469 >>4081556


I know most of you faggots haven’t been on the Chans long enough to remember.. but when coney xame out and made his statement on Hillary, he prefaced it with “go through my statement with a fine tooth comb” and you will find no reasonable prosecutor would bring about charges. Taking his printed statement, with that opening line omitted, and adding it up in gematrica equaled: “help me, Hillary Clinton is holding my family hostage.” Always thought that was a bit spot on given the circumstances.

>how many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081447

File (hide): 59fa1aad026cb6d⋯.jpg (72.58 KB, 524x491, 524:491, iu (8).jpg) (h) (u)

f826f7 (1)  No.4081448

> Ballot Harvesting

ad20e1 (1)  No.4081449

File (hide): 8be8cb87d52b808⋯.png (1.1 MB, 912x565, 912:565, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Laura Joomer awaits you, Anons, are you up to it?

d01122 (3)  No.4081450

bc6ecf (6)  No.4081451


Sorry, misclicked your post. Rant not intended for you.

d39247 (10)  No.4081452


I love coulter, don't even mind that she is concernfagging. the vid of everyone laughing at her when she said it woud be trump v. hillary 2016 pres election, trump would win, and eveyrone laughed at her?

wonder how many women in america could relate to that

9492e0 (6)  No.4081453>>4081465


Me too. Thirsty for some damn earthly JUSTICE. For ONCE!

4b04df (14)  No.4081454>>4081480 >>4081486


you and your buddy cannot meme

what does that indicate?

f63756 (2)  No.4081455


Shes got enough balls to make a WW stink about @jack and zuccerfuck..And trending #1 AFTER her permanent ban. Num 2 in the world.. Id say, thats brains. And speaking of soldiers , she was talking about the 3 amputee vet who's twitter and fb page got shot down. How PayPal is cutting conservative voices off and taking away their livelihood. Idk man. Shes pretty bad ass. I dont see another conservative having the impact shes making rn for free speech… People are talking. Mostly pro her… Sounds pretty smart…and she's got HUGE BALLS!!! Standing up the the ones looking down at conservatives is pretty ahfuckinmazing. Don't be salty.

97a9c5 (7)  No.4081456


triggering faggots like you is better than any titpic

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081457


No DS is going all out and acting fast.

5bcaf8 (1)  No.4081458

Please don't throw me into that briar patch…


fc0280 (10)  No.4081459


>Night shift supports breeds unwed mothers

I always use protection.

07151f (9)  No.4081460

ba9358 (10)  No.4081461

Authorities Raid Deutsche Bank Headquarters Over Potential Money Laundering Scheme


afcca0 (7)  No.4081462


Think about it…….really think about it

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081463>>4081491


I'm talking about the pedo down the street. Open your eyes to what is happening in your own back yard.

Not all pedos are wealthy, power hungry, soulless demons.

e4038b (10)  No.4081464


>you guys see the red dots on potus?


9f8090 (4)  No.4081465


Blessings to you anon. We pray the same prayer.

6a6c5a (8)  No.4081466>>4081498



Despicable shit. Doesn't compute in a normal brain. No words really…

b3d2be (6)  No.4081467>>4081503



my fren cares. so am trying to show him. thanks in advance to whomever comes up with the sauce.

84077f (9)  No.4081468

d39247 (10)  No.4081469

File (hide): fda98d54f91cbef⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 556x501, 556:501, wtftucker.jpg) (h) (u)

a60f21 (2)  No.4081470>>4081477 >>4081481 >>4081482 >>4081496 >>4081505 >>4081508 >>4081526 >>4081542 >>4081567 >>4081573


I'm not trying to discourage titty posting. by all means keep posting someone's daughter's titties all over the board for anonymous perverts to giggle at. I am sure you will never have children and that will help to make america great again

e980c0 (4)  No.4081471


19 agents, I believe the article said.

For one fucking guy…

ff1549 (4)  No.4081472

File (hide): 725702abbd4207e⋯.jpg (176.62 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DWgGnJsWsAAZD6-.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2772bd942c1f9d4⋯.jpg (57.45 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 4th.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ccedb453faf4a6⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1339x3267, 1339:3267, Screenshot_2018-11-04 'Non….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f66f3207422bac8⋯.png (168.31 KB, 500x522, 250:261, motor-city-industrial-reme….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d9638b30bc0e10d⋯.jpg (146.19 KB, 960x960, 1:1, tujwy3y0go9z.jpg) (h) (u)


0811c6 (14)  No.4081473

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081474

File (hide): f1099a3ce03c8c4⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 476x420, 17:15, truth.jpg) (h) (u)

47cff8 (2)  No.4081475


No touch torture

598dfc (2)  No.4081476


How do you blast it?

5299c3 (1)  No.4081477>>4081505 >>4081508


Well said

8f82d3 (1)  No.4081478


Reminder that Isaac Asimov's pedo son was caught with one of the largest stashes of cheeze piza ever recorded and was let off without even getting jail time from the US Attorney in charge of his case. That US Attorney was Robert Mueller.

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081479>>4081557

File (hide): 606fefc63e7fe75⋯.jpg (416.68 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_0074.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3cab10b21739577⋯.jpg (132.17 KB, 1121x713, 1121:713, IMG_0432.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): b24a529663e7489⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 480x328, 60:41, IMG_0507.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3d7f93ab14a963b⋯.jpg (226.3 KB, 744x744, 1:1, IMG_0555.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): a67338f33692f6d⋯.jpg (219.99 KB, 800x649, 800:649, IMG_0599.JPG) (h) (u)

6a698a (10)  No.4081480

File (hide): 60362b267f7bee3⋯.png (471.74 KB, 795x529, 795:529, 398ee9f8c2f5f1918332b1fff6….png) (h) (u)

4ece30 (1)  No.4081481>>4081505 >>4081508 >>4081514


Thank you! this is exactly what I think every time i see boob pics. that's someone's daughter and she may have been abused. aren't we supposed to be fighting that?

50cbd5 (3)  No.4081482>>4081492 >>4081493 >>4081536

File (hide): b78a2f700e780f2⋯.png (1.02 MB, 936x1024, 117:128, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

0811c6 (14)  No.4081483

File (hide): 469a22262872862⋯.jpg (103.23 KB, 741x682, 741:682, USABeforeAfter.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98f7db5021ea353⋯.jpg (45 KB, 418x271, 418:271, ObamaStopTrump.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8ae74e111064759⋯.jpg (111.75 KB, 1047x318, 349:106, ObamaTearUpConstitution.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73b3558e127d622⋯.jpg (97.27 KB, 672x497, 96:71, ObamaTraitor.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 00549a021994b33⋯.jpg (197.04 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ObamaTravelled.jpg) (h) (u)

d39247 (10)  No.4081484

File (hide): 7c8ecdf4e2a5590⋯.jpg (9.85 KB, 210x161, 30:23, fkensaved.jpg) (h) (u)

292baf (2)  No.4081485


Can we get some memes of this fukken idiot

Muh Obummer

Muh Barry

Muh Killary

He looks like the guy on SNL, the black guy

He is such a damn idiot I can not watch when he is on FAUX

We need to meme bomb his dumb sphincter

07151f (9)  No.4081486>>4081512

b20ecb (6)  No.4081487>>4081513

File (hide): 45f09769a759641⋯.jpg (115.32 KB, 772x785, 772:785, Screenshot 2018-11-29_23-0….jpg) (h) (u)


7059ef (10)  No.4081488

File (hide): e0ef258fbd9a055⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 608x608, 1:1, st-petersburg.jpg) (h) (u)


Best statement said on 8 Chan. The it's all about me is humanity's biggest downfall and challenge.

f5fc2d (11)  No.4081489


Wrong DS had two FBI raids today.

225109 (3)  No.4081490



4f86f2 (5)  No.4081491

agree, but these guys are enabled by the dirtbags at the top. trafficking humans, otherwise its hard for them to get children, other then snatching them which a well educated parent can prevent. but i do understand everyone cant be protected all the time.


fc0280 (10)  No.4081492

File (hide): 6b0fd97a06bb7a3⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 615x409, 615:409, Bill-Clinton.jpg) (h) (u)

0c8747 (3)  No.4081493>>4081515


That's someone's daughter you know

d986c4 (2)  No.4081494


How sad Bruce Jenner is now what she is. IMO, it's a mental/emotional disorder and I believe the Cabal had a hand in it. They play upon a person's vulnerabilities/greed/attention seeker. Bruce was quite a feather in their cap.

b20ecb (6)  No.4081495>>4081519

164c33 (3)  No.4081496


These are not hacked pic,these women made those possible and allowed them to be available. They are adults. Most of them are beautiful and all proud if their bodies. Why all doom and gloom?

ba9358 (10)  No.4081497

File (hide): 44b720b59950c88⋯.png (163.93 KB, 1163x621, 1163:621, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

A shocking documentary about open borders and the cartels crossing them to kill our kids:


ee0e33 (13)  No.4081498


No, it doesn't.


Maybe the only difference is that it is more widely reported than before. idk

2867aa (2)  No.4081499>>4081511 >>4081523 >>4081525

Reposting as it seems relevant.

Spotted in Beijing, China.

9eafa4 (4)  No.4081500


Is Ukraine a distraction from Iran?!?

Notice Ukraine decided Marshall Law early November- right around Iran sanctions. UK/EU supporters of Iran.

Narrative changes when bad news about Iran breaks. And the shills go HARD after any post anti-Iran.

Look there…not here…at play?

0a89b5 (4)  No.4081501>>4081509

Q, should I continue to look into the KRYPTOS cipher?

b20ecb (6)  No.4081502

84077f (9)  No.4081503

File (hide): 085ee63c277a9e0⋯.jpg (17.92 KB, 500x125, 4:1, ll.jpg) (h) (u)

0811c6 (14)  No.4081504>>4081517 >>4081558

File (hide): 871bb5a08c62873⋯.jpg (108.24 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, ObamaTravels2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2bff8dddab368fc⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 979x542, 979:542, ObamaTreason.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07ca38b3eae790d⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 433x469, 433:469, ObamaTreason-.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 803d2229c82dea3⋯.jpg (144.01 KB, 976x509, 976:509, ObamaTreasonDefinition.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d1fcdd2c542347c⋯.jpg (277.38 KB, 1849x1263, 1849:1263, Obamatrumpbaseball8.JPG) (h) (u)

0ea9ed (2)  No.4081505>>4081528 >>4081562




Found all the faggots.

2a1466 (18)  No.4081506


>>4080803 Pelosi video verbal & facial Q'ues are telling

>>4080819, >>4081020 New POTUS tweet

>>4080854 Mitt the new NoName

>>4080887 Tom Fitton tweet on Cohen

>>4080930 Video: Rod Rosenstein Speaks At Cybercrime Symposium

>>4080944 Software 'Glitch' Takes Down An Airliner (7/10)

>>4081008 WaPo Lies and Says Trump “Lieutenants” Made Outreach to Russia and Wikileaks

>>4081095, >>4081121, >>4081133 Full text of Cohen's New Guilty Pleading

>>4081171, >>4081297 FBI raids home of whistleblower on CF

>>4081269 Work in progress Cabal graphic

>>4081285 Plane crash on the campus of Kennesaw State University

>>4081316 Mandatory evacuation and state of emergency declared in Louisa, Virginia

>>4081327 Ex-Maricopa County sheriff's deputy accused of child sex crimes

>>4081360, >>4081372 Epstein flew in girls from Kosovo in 2002

a86f7c (1)  No.4081507


Our President also happens to be the best promoter on the planet.

3ad032 (3)  No.4081508>>4081549

File (hide): f3b62a8a3b09ca1⋯.jpg (102.08 KB, 738x500, 369:250, download (15).jpg) (h) (u)

>>4081481 projection

>>4081477 consensus cracking

>>4081470 consensus cracking

b20ecb (6)  No.4081509


go where your heart takes you anon

687d6b (2)  No.4081510>>4081521


oh guh… that's gonna hurt…

2173cb (7)  No.4081511



225109 (3)  No.4081512


I 2nd that emotion

4c7f66 (3)  No.4081513


Good, now send them home to their home countries.

a62af8 (8)  No.4081514>>4081563


Seek help please. If seeing tits automatically makes you think someone was abused, please join the feminist or radical Islamic groups. You’re projecting your own sick thoughts onto pictures of the female body. And for that I hope a rope comes soon. Very soon.

50cbd5 (3)  No.4081515>>4081544 >>4081570


that was my point.

I was saying foul things about some hot girl in a bar and the guy next to me got all offended and said, very upset, "Dude! That's someone's daughter!" I calmly replied "Every single girl I've ever fucked is someone's daughter. What's your point?" He had no response.

Distilled point: Lighten up, Francis.

81a8a0 (2)  No.4081516


Those agents are in a world of trouble of they didn't tell the judge about his whistleblower status.

07151f (9)  No.4081517

File (hide): b3186befb81c3fc⋯.jpeg (482.04 KB, 1800x1219, 1800:1219, 0665ABBB-1D55-4A32-86B6-6….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 94f727439ba53d1⋯.jpeg (379.8 KB, 1800x1345, 360:269, 196D9024-34D3-4294-989A-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

caffe4 (3)  No.4081518


Imagine the dirt that Ivanka picked up on her deep undercover missions? They fell for her cover story hook line and sinker.

47cff8 (2)  No.4081519


Nancy could probably get a lot done with no strings attached.

f6dc68 (1)  No.4081520


She has the appearance of a casket cadaver makeup job. The people behind her clearly have stiff and phony smiles. But I don't think they are under any kind of Q control. What is happening is that they are just being what they always have been, corrupt con artists that think they will be back in control soon.

ee0e33 (13)  No.4081521


Probably because it;s fake and gay.

d39247 (10)  No.4081523

File (hide): b0cc9e6d2bde98f⋯.jpg (7.83 KB, 228x255, 76:85, rwbwerQ.jpg) (h) (u)

2f47cb (6)  No.4081524>>4081535

Are we winning yet ?

2867aa (2)  No.4081525


In Mandarin, when you ask who someone is, the grammar will be "he/she/they/you who are/is"

Q who is?

Force the question.

f55b46 (6)  No.4081526>>4081539 >>4081541 >>4081545 >>4081552


I will not have kids.

I will not bring something innocent into this world and be forced to watch the liberals try to corrupt it.



c7b3f5 (4)  No.4081527>>4081566

File (hide): 3c492b664693bfe⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 236x281, 236:281, DC.jpg) (h) (u)

Suck dick buddy, you confuse morality with law, ethics with agenda.


00f73a (10)  No.4081528


kek, or frustrated housewives

4f86f2 (5)  No.4081530

97e173 (4)  No.4081532


All our heroes iz belong to (((them)))

ba9358 (10)  No.4081533

File (hide): a29add9c79daa47⋯.png (383.17 KB, 801x550, 801:550, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

dark to light


At the end of the second World War, filmmaker John Huston got a commission from the US Army to produce a documentary of new treatments for psychiatric casualties of the war. This occurred when experimental treatments such as hypnosis or injections of sodium pentothal were being introduced into psychiatric therapy. The army wanted to produce the film to show off these promising new treatments, rather than to illustrate the psychological trauma of soldiers due to what we now recognize as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


1366ea (2)  No.4081535



6a6c5a (8)  No.4081536

File (hide): 6ee3a7147e54eac⋯.png (186.04 KB, 385x254, 385:254, sausagehang.png) (h) (u)

a62af8 (8)  No.4081539


Glad to know you’ve already given up.

9b192d (13)  No.4081540>>4081551

File (hide): 53b6c7754d18548⋯.png (779.53 KB, 714x737, 714:737, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): be21e83900adc08⋯.png (727.24 KB, 704x641, 704:641, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b86275e66764da8⋯.png (644.07 KB, 710x668, 355:334, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 71bffccb5bb106b⋯.png (685.41 KB, 709x844, 709:844, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3cf9ae9c236c1cf⋯.png (567.36 KB, 711x630, 79:70, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


'Save our future': Thousands of school children demand action on climate change



07151f (9)  No.4081541


Don't be such a pussy

fc0280 (10)  No.4081542


Someone's daughter…

b20ecb (6)  No.4081543

File (hide): ef93652fbacb470⋯.jpg (131.71 KB, 735x717, 245:239, Screenshot 2018-11-29_23-1….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 46131f5e7ba80fd⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 574x634, 287:317, Screenshot 2018-11-29_23-1….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6131d4b61580670⋯.jpg (211.29 KB, 558x1024, 279:512, Screenshot 2018-11-29_23-1….jpg) (h) (u)


ee0e33 (13)  No.4081544>>4081559 >>4081565


Raise your hand if you're a huge, crude, selfish asshole.

b7c86a (3)  No.4081545


give it some time anon

you'll change your mind

bc6ecf (6)  No.4081547



OK, so:

1. This is the chans

2. Chan culture is… complicated

3. People here have already successfully used the "muh 1rstrdnd uhmendmentz" to beat the regulation of "tittays" as expression instead of PRONZ!

4. People allowed #3 to happen

5. We're (mostly) adults here, so, if you ain't seen titties by yet, then not sure what's stopping ya.

>Warning: Some boards on 8chan might have content of an adult or offensive nature. Please cease use of this website if it is illegal for you to view such content. On 8chan, boards and posts are user-created and do not represent the opinions of the 8chan administration. In the interest of free speech, only content that violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or other United States laws is deleted.

Like my 4th step dad liked to say before he divorced my mom:

"Always read the fine print, dude."

>Semper Fi!

I've included pic realted to help you understand just how vicious this place can get.

a7da9d (2)  No.4081548

File (hide): 990fe92dab129e2⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 702x395, 702:395, sickandtiredcabal.jpg) (h) (u)

97a9c5 (7)  No.4081549

File (hide): be6184bb4a3476d⋯.png (1 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, Beach2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a8724cce904c040⋯.png (939.39 KB, 836x650, 418:325, beach1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b2e636daa8802d⋯.png (155.34 KB, 334x291, 334:291, 3b2e636daa8802d7a06e017d9d….png) (h) (u)


let em

when shills choose to attack the tits it slides 'them' away from attempting to target something normies lurking may actually end up believing.

If anythign… shills attacking tits helps us more than hurts.

Bring it on bitches, the more the better WWG1WGA

3f1dcd (1)  No.4081550


>Trumps name is circled.

>Noticed "witness" marked next to some.

Trump knew what Epstein was up to. He had him removed from Maralargo for hitting on a 13 year old…but if you think he's powerless NOW…imagine back then…all the comp'd people he HAD to do business with to do business. However, once Epstein was arrested Trump couldn't get to the police fast enough. I'm going from memory but the police officer who gave a statement about Trump's involvement back at the time said "He couldn't have been more cooperative, he was very helpful".

Trump flew one time on a Epstein plane hitching a ride back to NCY from Daytona with Epstein's son. He is NOT in the flight logs to Lolita Island…and his statement about Epstein… "he's a fun guy likes his girls young, very young"…before Epstein was on OUR radar…well think about how Trump signals when he talks…what was he trying to say without getting himself in the shitter?

2173cb (7)  No.4081551


Then have those kids fixed so they can't have more kids.

2a1466 (18)  No.4081552


>willfully helping them depopulate the west, therefore helping them win

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081553

More trouble for Butte County, Ca: Evacuations and Flooding- Fire rescuers pull three families from flooded homes near Butte County fire zone (CAMP FIRE)


3ce294 (1)  No.4081554

File (hide): 7ebade38131c595⋯.png (204.54 KB, 414x419, 414:419, IMG_2951.PNG) (h) (u)

d36597 (7)  No.4081555

File (hide): 74308f7db38765a⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 634x423, 634:423, utahkillsquad.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4994c3bf4597334⋯.png (278.1 KB, 301x450, 301:450, Trump prepare glory.png) (h) (u)

Hmm, was the other [1] prison verified?

Hopefully one in Utah.


4d90b3 (3)  No.4081556


This faggot remembers. He could just be like fucking with us though kek.

ebbbcc (20)  No.4081557


Doge is a friend of gravity

d39247 (10)  No.4081558

File (hide): e800f027845abc6⋯.jpg (102.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, failtheywillQ .jpg) (h) (u)


TY FREN! needed the full size of that heres to treason BO meme

fc0280 (10)  No.4081559

File (hide): fc81265af3e85ad⋯.png (157.51 KB, 304x329, 304:329, obamfist.png) (h) (u)

d1cdbe (12)  No.4081560

File (hide): af6713c4bbc659c⋯.jpg (180.01 KB, 813x707, 813:707, ideas.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e0d001df6595e5⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 576x366, 96:61, lonelyband.jpg) (h) (u)

0e9f0a (1)  No.4081561


Not if (((they))) are preventing a Arkancide

0c8747 (3)  No.4081562


The thing they don't realize is these girls chose to pose for these pics.

8e3782 (2)  No.4081563



ba9358 (10)  No.4081564

File (hide): d36a50164b61d4b⋯.png (113.25 KB, 1070x619, 1070:619, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

squeeze from potus

50cbd5 (3)  No.4081565


There was nothing selfish, rude in my comment. Crude, perhaps. Just statement of fact. I prefer reality to fantasies.

7059ef (10)  No.4081566

File (hide): ef91d41068e512c⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.jpg) (h) (u)


That took a long time. Did you have to Google that response? Sure I'm confused what ever makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

44b9d9 (3)  No.4081567


There is such a thing as being a grown up and choosing to post your pictures online, as an adult.

2a1466 (18)  No.4081568

0c8747 (3)  No.4081570


I was only kidding..

ba9358 (10)  No.4081571


How much of what we are seeing is the plan?

% wise?

a7da9d (2)  No.4081573

File (hide): 97145274c36fac4⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 236x324, 59:81, nomoreboobsx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e608977cecba5c⋯.jpeg (66.26 KB, 497x611, 497:611, keep scrolling.jpeg) (h) (u)

def49b (6)  No.4081574


Excellent talk, have listened many times. Stupid TEDx.

76b96f (2)  No.4081575

2d28ce (2)  No.4081577


Those evil bastards love each other, don't they?

5a6c3d (1)  No.4081578

Just did A test bake

Think I got It figured

gona find me some baking pics

might look for a bake in a few breads


97a9c5 (7)  No.4081579

I seriously wonder just how psychologically traumatizing it must be to be one of the paid leftist shills being exposed to us deplorables, constantly barraged with things that must trigger the shit out of them.

Wonder how many mentally damaged leftists we've created over the past year…

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