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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

ec61af  No.3963143

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs ->>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/462 ——————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )

>>>/patriotsfight/461 ——————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/460 ——————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/459 ——————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/458 ——————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/457 ——————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/456 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/455 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/454 ——————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )

>>>/patriotsfight/453 ——————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/452 ——————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/451 ——————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Friday 11.09.18

Compiled here: >>3889516

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

ec61af  No.3963145


are not endorsements


>>3963118 Ivanka Tweet: "Four out of five women behind bars are mothers…"

>>3963037, >>3963070 Teacher/students sickened in Fort Lauderdale, FL (Broward) after exposure to substance.

>>3963057 More Avenatti/Wohl theatrics.

>>3963040 16 Dems sign letter against NP for Speakership.

>>3963028 JW Update on HRC emails.

>>3962912 Orange County numbers not adding up?

>>3962889 WWE Summerslam Promo or Michael Avennati?

>>3962611, >>3962789 Anon digs into Schiff's family background and their hand in historic events.

>>3962800, >>3962809 A detective in the L.A. County Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau has been arrested on suspicion of rape.

>>3962684 Planefag weighs in on activity in Tx. and around North America.

>>3962663 $9.1 billion in loans requested for water infrastructure projects.

>>3962545 State Department issues warning over Haiti unrest.

>>3962427 Yemeni rebels say they will halt rocket fire at Saudi Arabia.

>>3962378, >>3962490, >>3962600 Submarine off the coast of Broward used for surveillance?

>>3962440 New PapaD Tweet and article.

>>3962425 TN Supreme Court sets six execution dates.

>>3962378 A rundown on the USS Jimmy Carter submarine.

>>3963135 #5141


>>3962213 Q proof: "Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions!"

>>3962203 POTUS pointing us to "The America We Deserve?"

>>3962128 DJT Tweet: "The Fake News is showing old footage…"

>>3962045 Haiti protests getting worse.

>>3962036, >>3962048 Syria update.

>>3961971 Chernow will be guest speaker at White House Correspondents' dinner.

>>3961945 Education Department investigates men’s group’s claims against women’s programs.

>>3961758 Google and Facebook laying their own subsea cables?

>>3961755 3 killed after air ambulance crashes in North Dakota.

>>3961720 Are airports with pre-clearance operations connected to human trafficking?

>>3961695 Apple and Samsung fined in Italy for deliberately slowing down older phones.

>>3961623 Société Générale faces more than $1.3 Billion for sanctions violations.

>>3962296 5040

Previously Collected Notables

>>3961591 #5039,

>>3959249 #5036, >>3960056 #5037, >>3960824 #5038

>>3957014 #5033, >>3957763 #5034, >>3958519 #5035

>>3954685 #5030, >>3955440 #5031, >>3956189 #5032

>>3952399 #5027, >>3953158 #5028, >>3953917 #5029

>>3950154 #5024, >>3950902 #5025, >>3951635 #5026

>>3948137 #5021, >>3948618 #5022, >>3949419 #5023

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

ec61af  No.3963148

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>93735 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 --------- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>3882220

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

ec61af  No.3963151

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

ec61af  No.3963168

File: 65aa9292810589f⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 240x240, 1:1, dan.jpg)



5bccee  No.3963171

File: 1d56baa01263db0⋯.jpg (791.13 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_NMM.jpg)

File: 8e833f54351bbfa⋯.png (374.34 KB, 4096x2048, 2:1, NMM_Template.png)

Read the…

Find the…

Connect the…

Then we can build the Real Clock.

16cdae  No.3963177

File: 4770961e7f6485e⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1333x4671, 1333:4671, j5.png)

File: 108eb23c77e669e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1333x4099, 1333:4099, j4.png)

File: ea437b7d5c50c9d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x4099, 1333:4099, j3.png)

File: 156c7413bca8133⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1333x3601, 1333:3601, j2.png)

File: fe5dd7fabf30f3e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1333x3393, 1333:3393, j1.png)

f5609b  No.3963181

File: dbc22009eec3fad⋯.jpg (781.43 KB, 1233x1081, 1233:1081, IMG_533.jpg)

patriots laugh!

16cdae  No.3963187

File: 1c65f87f517d314⋯.png (448.5 KB, 1111x636, 1111:636, waits.png)

File: 2d526111d00c55f⋯.png (273.97 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, BOTFEELS.png)

File: 2239207b8b2a115⋯.png (4.58 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, k1.png)

File: e5275b83d3e6bbb⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1333x5724, 1333:5724, j7.png)

File: d04a04697dc4662⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1333x6573, 1333:6573, j6.png)

da8461  No.3963191

File: 695ff027d3f43cf⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)


f5609b  No.3963192

File: 3f1bb05c10b3d3a⋯.jpg (377.57 KB, 1247x832, 1247:832, IMG_751.jpg)

patriots expose!!

16cdae  No.3963195

File: dcc13ef67abcec6⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 2232x14837, 2232:14837, unaware and compliant.gif)

File: 19ac324576e3219⋯.png (2.19 MB, 777x6301, 777:6301, sorosSOVEREIGN.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

da8461  No.3963201

File: ed06e46de623fcc⋯.png (651.93 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 41085e980213405c8dd9373e4c….png)




95aaa3  No.3963202

File: 1576e2bc2b71515⋯.png (109.38 KB, 1122x599, 1122:599, QLynnAndTheEarthDragon.png)

>>3958790 PB Q, Lynn and the Earth Dragon? Atheists like me and the "God proofs".

Just to share, as a biofag Christian anyway. I am certain that atheism is a perfectly acceptable and noble place to start on the question of a creator. I started there. Who the hell has the right to ask anyone to believe a thing without evidence?

Having said that, I would highly encourage anyone to dig on the question of whether our creator exists. What you find will have you laughing a lot. Over my long (half century) of studies, I have discovered that the God responsible for the creation of these more than 4 dimensions, uses math and science to do it. He made sure we could understand that math/science so we would be able to "read the proofs" at some point. A God of this caliber of intelligence and power has exactly zero problem proving his own existence to intelligent people. It was quite the surprise, to me, anyway. But are we willing to look at the proofs?

He does so ONLY in the original Hebrew-Greek text of the book called the Bible, where every letter is also a number similar to the Roman numeral system. He uses the same process that Q uses.

1) Future proves past.

2) How many times before it is impossible?

3) Numerous codes to decipher and dig.

I read a lot of books on the original, but, anons are always busy. SO here is a treat for anons who are into proofs. (vid related not embedded, it is a list, see link below)

About the link:

Not long ago a man who, like Q, worked at the NSA and deep in the "military industrial complex" since WWII, came out with an incredible study on the 66 ancient scrolls in the Hebrew and Greek, in addition to micro/macro/meta code breaking descriptions. It is a really good survey of the "Godvproofs".

If I had to do the dig again, I would start here with what this one from the NSA has for us to observe.

He is the "biblical Q" - in my experience. I suspect at this point, he was sent out ahead of "Q" to get the information out there for us. It is all too much "coincidence" for me.

So, to that end, where I would start as an atheist today is right here in this 24 hour presentation of the ancient book. I took an hour a night. Once you learn how God operates with the letters and numbers, the proofs are so much easier to find on your own. Dubs Trips, and Quads are quite amusing.

God did not ask us to believe without proof. He simply said that those who "could" believe without seeing, were blessed.

Yep. Cuz they don't have to dig.

It is a bit of work to do the proofs. We anons all know that. It is not a job for the mentally lazy. But Q is right. We have WAYYYyyyy more than we know, even outside of his posts on the Q plan.

When Q tells us to pray, I suspect he is alluding to a much larger discernible plan. As between man and (alien or angel) …. we are the higher creation. (pic related. I swear that was Q, but can't prove it. Earth Dragon is a reference to Satan, the angel who hats man, because God told him man was his greatest creation - Jealousy - hate).

Satan is doing everything he can over 6000 years to make sure we never lay eyes on the "God Proofs". The Bible is the best selling, most mocked, most burned book on the planet in all history. More people have died to make sure we can read it than any other book.

The only question I have now, is .. why was God ok with simple "belief" up to this point, and now suddenly "belief" is no longer sufficient? What are we headed into, that simple belief is no longer sufficient for our needs? Why are we now given what we need to KNOW?

Anyway, here is a gift to you my atheist friend, from a "once was". I totally get it. Been there.

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - the 24 hour list can not be embedded but is located here.


5daa24  No.3963203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4fa4be  No.3963204

File: 072eb830e103b7d⋯.jpeg (61.46 KB, 672x372, 56:31, iu-8.jpeg)

>>3963190 lb

Admiral McRaven.

abb7f2  No.3963205

Thanks baker!

ba727c  No.3963206


I'm craving hershey kisses now

Thanks anon

5365fa  No.3963207

call off the dogs


5212b2  No.3963208

Anyone else getting solid keks from the shills right now?

Their best play is to concern troll and project for 20-40 posts in each bread??

These faggots are not creative at all.

1149b7  No.3963209

File: 0a157d585ac7102⋯.png (185.54 KB, 729x667, 729:667, chabad mafia.png)



da8461  No.3963210




d757d3  No.3963211

File: 420b15bf08b2d15⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1132x5140, 283:1285, trypcancer.png)

File: 1831793568862f8⋯.jpg (4.18 MB, 6708x3464, 1677:866, alchemymap.jpg)

File: 1e2fbe7d542c9a4⋯.png (5.84 MB, 1028x11362, 514:5681, scroll.png)

File: fd3a5218f06c992⋯.jpg (577.92 KB, 1272x1088, 159:136, pinealphoenix.jpg)

74cd87  No.3963212

File: 3f09613351633c6⋯.png (45.49 KB, 1094x1024, 547:512, HAMMER-SICKLE-STAR.svg.png)



Kike #1 and Kike #2

da16de  No.3963213


That's not a good look.

812814  No.3963214

File: 8d2d3caea49bd55⋯.png (125.95 KB, 500x410, 50:41, Toots baked.png)

7702be  No.3963215

>>3962688 (lb)

38 muthafuckin posts in one bread AND advocates the wasting of bread with flat earth shit. You are pathetic and very much a wanker.

65e673  No.3963216


Lieutenant Dan!!!!

1e48a5  No.3963217

>>3963097 (PB)

This is true. Third World hell hole! I live here for many years and watch it happen.

Thinking about selling and moving but not sure where to move to yet.

5365fa  No.3963218


motherfucker I can smell THEM


b896cb  No.3963219

File: aac2c8e21fe11d8⋯.png (906.03 KB, 800x704, 25:22, sadpaperpepe.png)

>>3963142 (lb)

Dow down around 2%

Nasdaq a little more

cabal FANGS 5+%

Still don't know how they do it, but huzzah for draining the cabal!

44bd87  No.3963220

File: 14ff3a5063f63f1⋯.png (375.63 KB, 1891x1106, 1891:1106, suckgoatballs.png)

>>3962948 (lb)

Yeah, I lb'ed you, faggot. Doesn't matter, you'll find the bread and post anyway.

You are exactly like the little boy that cried wolf.

I'm beginning to suspect you are here specifically to make analysis of post histories here a "fringe theory".

Just because you've been caught being subversive so many times.

16cdae  No.3963221

File: 217a7f435a2c544⋯.png (321.62 KB, 600x450, 4:3, happykittens.png)

File: 91b5a3578501c51⋯.png (260.12 KB, 893x1547, 893:1547, new.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


this is the bot system

da16de  No.3963222


98129f  No.3963223


Saturn Worship

914e34  No.3963224

File: 5022295e150941f⋯.jpeg (49.47 KB, 480x319, 480:319, A948E684-D07F-469B-AB64-C….jpeg)

5daa24  No.3963225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7fae7a  No.3963226

Whoop ti do



BREAKING: CNN says the White House has fully restored Acosta’s press pass:

“As a result, our lawsuit is no longer necessary. We look forward to continuing to cover the White House.”


10e025  No.3963227


Stop worshiping YHWH

7537a6  No.3963228

File: ef5da385271d839⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 960x804, 80:67, Punisher_Trump.jpg)

da16de  No.3963229


This has to be annoying to the few journalists trying to do their jobs. Having to put up with this one man circus.

3f3f74  No.3963230

File: c143024b8a46272⋯.jpeg (12.82 KB, 134x255, 134:255, 6FE466C9-A476-412A-9E43-F….jpeg)

>>3963159. (LB). BAKER

Russia filings (rejects) DNC being able to sue them for “Military attack on DNC”

16cdae  No.3963231

File: 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png)

File: 0c46c073fcccc07⋯.png (334.61 KB, 906x514, 453:257, podesta-is-too-tender-hear….png)

File: f1e43ed28129c46⋯.png (489.39 KB, 670x733, 670:733, shifffppening.png)

File: a7aa71de9a59cc2⋯.png (973.5 KB, 912x1111, 912:1111, lovepower.png)

File: 7655e17d3a8e785⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, marvelous.jpg)


Okay, idiotbot. Whatever you say. Do you think you are influencing anyone with this? I doubt it.

You are handicapped by serious limitations. Too bad for you :(

a1bfe3  No.3963232

Here is some fresh research motherfuckers

https://pastebin.com/RswdKfaD A history of transgender ideology

If anyone is needs something to dig on, start with one of these organizations.

6f8a63  No.3963233

File: edc833c84c73c42⋯.jpeg (578.06 KB, 1242x1704, 207:284, 028CDA2F-B73C-4AF7-B510-E….jpeg)


ca1dc9  No.3963234

File: b71c146771ebf65⋯.png (503.09 KB, 869x868, 869:868, Q HILLARY AND HILDER NOT A….PNG)

File: 3e676b7f595ab7a⋯.png (196.52 KB, 418x794, 209:397, Q HILLARY2 AND HILDER NOT ….PNG)

Holder, Hillary Question Legitimacy of Georgia Governor’s Race

By Staff Writer

November 19, 2018 | 11:05 AM EST


e35833  No.3963235

File: edc04e1ced389eb⋯.jpg (232.7 KB, 820x410, 2:1, WeMUSTPardonPeas.jpg)


da8461  No.3963236

File: 484844506ec7e78⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Patriots stand together.



They want you divided.


ad7669  No.3963237

File: 98504067e00d57f⋯.png (141.45 KB, 949x772, 949:772, ClipboardImage.png)

82277f  No.3963238



Where is this tweet, I can't find it

Did he delete?

16cdae  No.3963239

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

ca1dc9  No.3963240




ac1fd3  No.3963241

File: 4a893d93edb1873⋯.png (339.36 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)


Ice cream…

cf5c34  No.3963242


fake and gay

28e2a5  No.3963243


WHIRLED PEAS, Only possible with a pardon!

7da41d  No.3963244

File: 763c9c1e5435641⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1420x1826, 710:913, A84EFA57-2480-4E97-8D7B-8….jpeg)

File: 8cb9d093eff8ad7⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1427x1947, 1427:1947, EAABD27B-FA42-4EE4-A60E-D….jpeg)

File: f7bf6a93ac5fbe6⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1422x1968, 237:328, D906E67D-0029-4254-902D-8….jpeg)

File: 89bd27c269bf3de⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1429x1956, 1429:1956, 3D8FA450-FF55-4D30-A8F5-5….jpeg)

File: 6f2237830a752a0⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1417x1945, 1417:1945, 9FF14FC4-736B-4D8B-8A41-2….jpeg)

>>3950293 pb

From bread 5025 from another anon


Speech given by Mr Benjamin Freedman at the Willard Hotel 1961. An ex Jew who gives sometimes first hand knowledge of 20th century political machinations of the Jews.

Text very difficult to read so I found what I hope is text easier on the eye.

Included is a YouTube clip for hearfags and watchfags plus a screenshot of one clip showing distain for content.

5daa24  No.3963245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

932608  No.3963246

Try turning on the television and paying attention to just how often a Globe is shown or the Planet earth is mentioned. It isn't natural. You are brainwashed everyday.

81dc10  No.3963247

File: 784bd5dc7f215b8⋯.gif (682.36 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1530808400890.gif)


MFW a caravan invasion gives Mexican citizen and American citizens common ground

7452d5  No.3963248

File: 00ad6d7f34915a0⋯.png (310.2 KB, 516x558, 86:93, ClipboardImage.png)

This kid will be a "there I was" meme the rest of his life! lol

c15b9a  No.3963249

File: 7333557c7b6e350⋯.png (774.19 KB, 848x467, 848:467, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Santa Claus’ picks up huge tab, paying off entire Walmart store’s lot of layaway items

An unidentified man showed up at a Walmart in Derby, Vermont, on Thursday and paid off every single item that was on layaway — leaving some of the recipients of the man’s goodwill in shock.

What are the details?

Julie Gates, a witness to the incredible expression of kindness and goodwill, said that she was in line with the mystery man to pick up her own package, according to a report from WCAX-TV.

“This can’t be,” she said. “Who can afford to just pay for everyone’s layaway? And he said, ‘Santa Claus can.'”

She added, “There were people ahead of me that were eight-, nine-hundred dollar layaways,” Gates marveled.

The store did not disclose how much the man paid for the items, or how many people were recipients of his gesture.

The station reported that the man’s identity still remains unknown at the time of this writing.

What are other people saying?

Tammy Desautels, one woman who received a surprise from her unknown benefactor, was in disbelief when she heard the news of the man’s actions.

“It was kind of like surreal when they said no balance due, then it was really a reality,” Desautels said. “Really have a feeling that there is hope for mankind or whatever. There’s still good people out there.”

Another woman, Sandra Cortez, said that she also was in shock.

“I thought it was a rumor,” she added.

According to the station, the store’s layaway room was packed full to the gills prior to the man showing up at the Walmart location. The mystery man paid for every last thing inside.

“I get goosebumps thinking that — that is the true magic of Christmas,” Gates added. “That’s the Christmas spirit walking among us.”


7da41d  No.3963250

File: 2ee4a24ff94616d⋯.jpeg (259.33 KB, 1433x405, 1433:405, CE9E0E38-8F35-4826-998E-E….jpeg)

File: 0763bcf468bea3c⋯.jpeg (220.33 KB, 1536x1370, 768:685, 601F90B3-4680-404F-A92D-A….jpeg)

d1038a  No.3963251


They should roll out a red carpet for him next press conference.

ac1fd3  No.3963252


Buttery Males don't deserve Whirled Peas.

3f3f74  No.3963253


That’s RIGHT! Pardon Peas!

da8461  No.3963254

File: b6e5821635ff1dc⋯.png (343.24 KB, 570x418, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Nobody is sleeping tonight.

Let that sink in.


abb7f2  No.3963255

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses.

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

The power and the glory,



28e2a5  No.3963256


Give Peas a Chance! kek

c15b9a  No.3963257

Gov. Jerry Brown Quietly Admits Trump Was Right, Eases California Logging Rules

California Gov. Jerry Brown appears to have quietly admitted President Donald Trump's suggestion about improving California forestry was correct and is now urging state lawmakers to loosen restrictive logging regulations put in place to appease environmentalists.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that Brown is proposing one of the most significant changes to the state's logging rules in nearly half a century.

"Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing broad new changes to California’s logging rules that would allow landowners to cut larger trees and build temporary roads without obtaining a permit as a way to thin more forests across the state," the paper reports.

Environmentalists in California aren't on board. They've been pushing for years to make California's logging rules more restrictive, not less, but in the wake of the deadly forest fires that ripped through the state this month, prominent lawmakers believe a change must be made before more people die from a preventable situation.

"Under Brown’s proposal, private landowners would be able to cut trees up to 36 inches in diameter — up from the current 26 inches — on property 300 acres or less without getting a timber harvest permit from the state, as long as their purpose was to thin forests to reduce fire risk," the Sentinel reports. "They also would be able to build roads of up to 600 feet long without getting a permit, as long as they repaired and replanted them."

Forests, particularly in northern California, California lawmakers admit, have become dangerously overgrown. But there's currently little incentive for landowners to clear their trees — they are only allowed to clear dead and decaying wood and undergrowth and can't clear healthy tress. By allowing landowners to recover some money from the process — letting them create and sell lumber, for instance — it could incentivize them to make bigger changes.

Environmentalists say they're worried landowners will go way too far, cutting down ancient redwoods or clear-cutting property, but even the most ardent environmentalist admits that some thinning is needed.

This is a big change from two weeks ago, when Gov. Jerry Brown balked at President Donald Trump's suggestion that poor forestry and poor forest management might be to blame for the massive wildfires that ripped through northern and southern California earlier this month, claiming dozens of lives and tens of thousands of acres.

“There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor,” the president tweeted while he was in France observing the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I. “Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!”

“Our focus is on the Californians impacted by these fires and the first responders and firefighters working around the clock to save lives and property — not on the president’s inane, uninformed tweets," Brown's office responded.

Instead, Brown blamed global warming for the uptick in fires.

The president may not have been wholly correct but it seems he was certainly on to something.


e35833  No.3963258

File: b7c7a568cee1299⋯.jpg (232.57 KB, 820x410, 2:1, WeMUSTPardonPeasLower.jpg)






858cae  No.3963259


Pascal's Wager

a35608  No.3963260


Four Identical Mail-In Ballots Pictured in California


5daa24  No.3963261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f680c3  No.3963262

File: 52aa2d29acb4e30⋯.jpeg (100.56 KB, 614x500, 307:250, D51DDFF3-2A2C-480C-A967-F….jpeg)

44bd87  No.3963263


kek, nah, anons have already made up their minds about you.

It's just funny to see what linguistic gymnastics you come up with.. You ran out of material 3 months ago; it's obvious as fuck that you can't meme.

Or are you supplied with one of those? Either way, they suck.

19b83d  No.3963264

>>3963058 pb

Heshmat Alavi is a MEK supporter/agent.

The MEK cult of Maryam Rajavi is heavily involved in abuse and trafficking.

The Iranian diaspora contains mostly of opposition figures with connections to Rajavi and MEK.

They have full support of the US Israel lobby/Deep State. (Schumer, Pelosi, Engel, Ros-Lehtinen, Menendez, etc.)

a7296e  No.3963265

File: fb1c8f3ae2f7857⋯.jpg (35.93 KB, 500x750, 2:3, tumblr_mhhwhezCEE1qal9wlo1….jpg)


(seems like there are a lot)


That is all.

Carry on proving anons/Q's point.

The more you shill, the more you legitimize this movement, so be my guests, Bitch ass punks.

2e232e  No.3963266

File: 2b1fccc1da717a6⋯.jpg (178.71 KB, 576x384, 3:2, adrenochrome Johnny.JPG)

File: 2e7355d97394e55⋯.jpg (164.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 3c1cc5e357e293f⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 360x240, 3:2, johnnydeppmgojjrvj-bhm.jpg)

Adrenochrome Johnny…

Boycott his latest out this Thanksgiving… Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (Anti-Trump Theme)

7fae7a  No.3963267


Agreed anon. Circus act, like a baby crying for attention.

f5609b  No.3963268

File: 4a8ed69012d476f⋯.jpg (162.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_525.jpg)


patriots win!!!

0e925b  No.3963269

File: 04322010be5ff0b⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 500x664, 125:166, huba.jpg)

Спасибо, пекарь

d0135f  No.3963270

File: e44a90a7741a1d9⋯.jpg (34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, C1.jpg)

File: deb8585f26dabea⋯.jpg (62.96 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, c2.jpg)

File: a84a12e98da6b9d⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, c3.jpg)

Lotta Shills n Bots 2day

277d18  No.3963271


Please explain the Wu Tang logo

c15b9a  No.3963272

EXCLUSIVE: Official Overseeing Migrant Children Shelters To Transition Jobs

Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Director Scott Lloyd will leave his post for a new role in the Trump administration, The Daily Caller learned Monday.

The normally overlooked department within the vast Department of Health and Human Services rose to national prominence as the Trump administration sought to stem the flow of Central American asylum seekers at the southern border.

Lloyd is taking a position with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives.

Lloyd’s department oversaw the detention and care of thousands of Central-American children arriving unaccompanied at the U.S. southern border and claiming asylum. The ORR is also instrumental in preparing for the expected housing and detention needs when a caravan of thousands of Central American would-be asylum seekers make their way to the U.S.-Mexico border.

An HHS official familiar with Lloyd’s thinking told TheDC he was particularly frustrated in his position with media coverage of migrant detention, particularly during the summer of 2018 when the Trump administration pursued a zero-tolerance policy at the border. “There were wild inaccuracies about kids being cages, it’s very difficult to operate in those circumstances.”

“While I have valued my time at the Office of Refugee Resettlement, I am excited to take on this new challenge. I am grateful to Assistant Secretary Johnson and the incredible people at ORR and the Administration for Children and Families, and I am proud of what we have accomplished together. I thank Secretary Azar for this new opportunity,” Lloyd said in a statement to TheDC.

The zero-tolerance policy entailed prosecuting anyone who crossed the southern border illegally, including Central American family units. Prosecution of family units at times resulted in the separation of parents from children, prompting intense media scrutiny and an eventual reversion by Trump to a catch-and-release policy.

An HHS official familiar with the transition told TheDC his new role was part of a broader discussion within the department and that his new role remains in line with his previous experience. Lloyd previously served as a lawyer for the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic charitable organization and will focus on outreach to faith communities on behalf of the department.

“I am joining the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives to help Director Royce and team continue to develop bold ideas on how communities and faith-based entities can play a central role in successfully achieving the Secretary’s priorities,” Lloyd continued.

HHS spokeswoman Evelyn Stauffer explained in a statement to TheDC that “to expand our outreach efforts under the direction of Shannon Royce to our community-based and faith-based partners, Scott Lloyd will transition from the Office of Refugee Resettlement in order to serve as a Senior Advisor to the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives.”

Shannon Royce, director of Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives similarly issued a statement to TheDC, saying, “I’m thrilled to have Scott join our team and bring his relationships and expertise to bear in serving the needs of our communities.”


c7769e  No.3963273


'English as a second language-bot'

Effective, very effective lol

3e09a8  No.3963274

File: 163dd1beec82530⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 678x381, 226:127, may.jpg)

e35833  No.3963275



4fa4be  No.3963276


Anons, who is the Reporter at all the Pressers that sits toward the back, and has the classes flipping up and down on his face?

John something. He is VERY respectful and always thanks Sarah. I once looked through his Twit and could not tell what political party he was on. Very unbiased.

HE should switch places with Acosta.

d339f0  No.3963277

apple has now officially pimped out its users to google


c38080  No.3963278


lb (—39)

tried https://jmbullion.com/starter-pack/ for silver purchase, and got error msg anyone else?

8e80bd  No.3963279


Sorry dont share the sentiment

Additional grill or tv is a cheap gesture. He could as well pick up medical bills or feed the hungry. Idk strange move to me

c59f69  No.3963280


glad someone gets it

now see relationship of trump/putin/chabad

ac1fd3  No.3963281


Double Kek!

82277f  No.3963282


That shit looks like AIDS.

Johnny has AIDS huh

d1038a  No.3963283


Was it just me, or did Saturday seem like Jerry's first visit to the affected areas? Dude looked like he was being informed for the first time as to what the hell was going on.

6357c3  No.3963284


that's the one I voted for

16cdae  No.3963285

File: 412467fa2ceb961⋯.png (216.66 KB, 414x523, 414:523, wby.png)

File: 9eeed0f9a0b0bf5⋯.png (714.28 KB, 1957x999, 1957:999, themachine.png)

File: 54ad87c6862e439⋯.png (400.7 KB, 667x1043, 667:1043, UNSTOPPABLE.png)

File: 4136c0c46beb1b4⋯.png (1.01 MB, 740x1111, 740:1111, podestas heart is too heav….png)

File: 595aa54703dfe83⋯.png (938.03 KB, 1111x781, 101:71, happening-chigkadee.png)

4f0ad6  No.3963286


Wat dis? UKAnon is confused. No thanksgiving here.

32a596  No.3963287

File: 13f49041163fc49⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 255x254, 255:254, irreleventhogg.jpg)

c59f69  No.3963288

more on Operation:HOT MUSKET

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=feZ67XEMfT8

ffc132  No.3963289

I mixed truth with lies and sensationalized them both to gain your attention, trust, loyalty, and righteous anger.

I'll deliver on some of the promises that have emotional significance to you, but not deleterious affect on the true plan. Think sacrifices.

I am one of (((them))), and have single handedly diverted the conservative movement in this country into supporting the very plan you have been warning people about for decades.

Think about it. It was easy.

Your main intellectual and emotional hurdle is that POTUS has done a fabulous job convincing you that he's one of you, and that he was "appointed by God." We laugh at that last bit often.

All you have to do to break free is this: ask yourself, would you want Obama doing it?

Would you want Obama calling thousands of troops home for "domestic duty?"

Would you want Obama in charge of secret military tribunals with executions?

Would you be asking why there are still FEMA and U.N. camps?

Would you be asking why there are still Wallmart concentration camps?

Would you be asking why social media is driving you to beg for a legislative solution when conservatives believe the best option is the free market?

Wouldn't you be pointing out that Obama created the immigration crisis by creating ISIS and pushing people toward our border in droves?

Is Obama really trying to thwart our plans, or is the plan simply for him to appear to be, because you don't trust him?

Did (((they))) truly plan to elect Hillary?

Or did they create such chaos with paper tigers so that Trump could come in (with their help) and fix everything so easily it doesn't look like he's even trying and thereby give you a "savior."

Did they really believe that Obama was their "savior," or did they set him up as a distraction. Look there, or [here], or there.

Will you ever ask real questions, or will you follow me like the Pied Piper?

Look around. Pretty soon we're going to say that we absolutely need some form of uniform digital identification …


0e925b  No.3963290

File: 75da40adf32df44⋯.jpeg (16.18 KB, 425x225, 17:9, cigsmoke2.jpeg)


And you are doing precisely what, anon?

7da41d  No.3963291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5daa24  No.3963292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

da8461  No.3963293

File: 91273a96fcc82a8⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


You are all heroes.

Come home safe.


2876f0  No.3963294

File: 697b135a27cb388⋯.png (577.12 KB, 773x595, 773:595, 2018-11-19_16-11-59.png)


Status quo. Fake news attacks POTUS.

Make a change. Fake news attacks POTUS.

To quote the witch priestess herself…


306c44  No.3963295

File: 7dfc9df51ac13e8⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 1433x209, 1433:209, message.jpg)

From AP news

No joke I think this short article might be a hidden message.

Talks about population control, just switch monkeys to people.

It seems weird and out of place. my one almond tingles


d53517  No.3963296


KEK! i needed that fren.

ca1dc9  No.3963297



JUST THE WAY YOU ARE kekekekekekek



451d3d  No.3963298

>>3963257 Gov. Jerry Brown Quietly Admits Trump Was Right, Eases California Logging Rules


Jerry bends the knee, begs for mercy

d1038a  No.3963299


Each year, POTUS pardons a turkey (the traditional bird of choice for Thanksgiving meals). Looks like a pole as to which Turkey they will pardon. One being named peas and the other being named carrots. Much love for the UK.

44bd87  No.3963300


Hi L. Fuck you.

38b5bf  No.3963301


That's my meme, dickwad. The Trump DOJ hasnt done shit against the deep state. That's a fact. 2018 is by no means glorious, fool.

d757d3  No.3963302


Those guys definitely got their third eyes open, you can tell in the lyrics. The wu tang W is shaped like a bird so i figured to throw it in there

7d7a73  No.3963303

File: b0d97911dfa1755⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 521x352, 521:352, mcglogging.jpg)

File: 69ab08786119dd4⋯.jpg (120.65 KB, 520x520, 1:1, mcgdam.jpg)

65e673  No.3963304


/ourbird/ kek

5daa24  No.3963305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i love you Natalie Portman

451d3d  No.3963306


no, he was there earlier in the week - fucker was lucky no Paradise folk could get at him.

0e925b  No.3963307


They should hand him a banky and a baba, sit him in the back and fucking ignore him

ac1fd3  No.3963308


Whirled Carrots makes no sense. Whirled Peas now!!

da8461  No.3963309


9a0c59  No.3963310

great, now the shills are fighting with each other to doubly slide the bread, what a time to be alive.

451d3d  No.3963311


If it's Brown, flush it down

7702be  No.3963312


Highlighting them facts fuck face. What are you doing precisely?

caeab3  No.3963313

google how do follow pattern to end?

da16de  No.3963314


Depp+Warner (Brian)+Thompson(Hunter) = ??

812814  No.3963315

File: 405a44194dcbed8⋯.jpg (653 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, Have some lunch boys....jpg)

7537a6 (1)

honestly you should FO

c7769e  No.3963316


Instafilter - faggotcunt

74cd87  No.3963317


Because they desperately want to believe in some Good in this world.

cf5c34  No.3963318

File: ee8dbd5b710ff22⋯.png (505.44 KB, 500x654, 250:327, ClipboardImage.png)

ac1fd3  No.3963319


Buttery Males, they matter. They don't go with Whirled Peas though.

c15b9a  No.3963320

File: 012c405daedbb56⋯.png (713.62 KB, 705x461, 705:461, ClipboardImage.png)

Revolutionary scenes in France as Macron is losing control

There are lots of happenings in France at the moment. President Macron, already in the dumpster of approval ratings, in what appears to be an attempt to sink yet lower, has imposed a tax hike on already rising diesel prices in France.

The French people are outraged and on Saturday, began their ‘Yellow Vest’ protests. Quite possibly one of the largest protests to date as it’s estimated that 300,000 to one million people are protesting throughout the country.

They are angry over the high fuel prices and the governments refusal to back down on fuel taxes on Monday. Protesters are blocking access to fuel depots and are stopping traffic on major roads throughout France.

The ‘Yellow Vest’ movement began on social media in October over a surge in fuel prices this year, particularly the price of diesel, with many blaming taxes implemented in recent years in France’s anti-pollution fight.

It has quickly escalated into a much broader protest over slack spending under President Emmanuel Macron. More than 850,000 people signed a petition supporting the ‘Yellow Vests’ and there are hundreds of pages on Facebook calling on people to join the protests.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that the government has heard the anger of the people, but on Sunday night reiterated that it would maintain the fuel taxes, which are due to increase yet again in January.

Macron’s approval rating is down to 25 per cent and dropping fast.



a71d86  No.3963321

File: 7da3cd07a7d6982⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, kommhomeRandyMuricaNeedsYO….mp4)

File: 97d2c37c34f343d⋯.jpg (270.58 KB, 1080x2054, 540:1027, Screenshot_20181119-143835….jpg)

meh… fuk mæı ferahh double post


have an cookie

…and not to answer possible shills but the fact as æı seeit is the election went just the way Don wanted… dimmz overextended and showed All the cards in their hand.

RICO and f.e.c. can handle the actual implementation of


would be a nice springboard to m.l. too fer that matter.


5daa24  No.3963322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

95aaa3  No.3963323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Stop worshiping YHWH


Here's something for you my good anon.

4f0ad6  No.3963324


Jeepers. What happen to Johnny?

Stress is a terrible thing. Kek.

812814  No.3963325

File: 22b5da0d80eadef⋯.jpg (35.93 KB, 474x255, 158:85, Glitch.jpg)

ffc132 (1)

FO rothy

d1038a  No.3963326


Thanks anon.

Glad to hear that it wasn't his first time. Would be a fucking disgrace.

8e80bd  No.3963327


French are always protesting

Nothing new

0e925b  No.3963328


Mr. Marshall has issued his orders. Let him enforce them.

ac1fd3  No.3963329


Nous besoin Madame Le Guillotine!

3a0005  No.3963330

File: ba9ce68f7def72a⋯.png (436.62 KB, 768x582, 128:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c54555698ac3d36⋯.png (47.25 KB, 610x421, 610:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65fc4799d1f16b4⋯.png (50.98 KB, 871x490, 871:490, ClipboardImage.png)

91b113  No.3963331




da8461  No.3963332



da16de  No.3963333


Too many words, not enough care toward what impostors say.

16cdae  No.3963334

File: a2dff60fa227d27⋯.png (219.6 KB, 401x582, 401:582, FreeGraham.png)

File: d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png)

File: 5af3efb58d02178⋯.png (230.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, gnbs.png)

File: 6758bbd31ecc396⋯.png (960.4 KB, 2120x1524, 530:381, MAGIC.png)

File: 57c67f25b9cdff8⋯.png (492.35 KB, 864x506, 432:253, broken.png)


That's your problem– your fakeness is paper thin. As I suggested earlier: you bots try to attack memers by basically trying to DICTATE to humans which memes are bad and should be rejected– but you idiotbots have not a fucking clue what you are talking about, so that tactic undoubtedly backfires almost all the time.

I have contributed a lot to this movement. I have no desire to "namefag" in any sense, I am pointing out the fact because it is relevant to your attack on me. I have made hundreds of memes, all specifically for HERE, with no purpose but to spread the truth and fight the memetic fight. And I have written some pieces, again, specifically for HERE, and for no purpose other than THE TRUTH. Anons can see what is quality and what is not.

Now you, bot, can show nothing– and yet you screech furiously at me… What will humans conclude?

The upshot, as always, is that you can't win, loser.

Try to understand. You can't win.

ca1dc9  No.3963335



74cd87  No.3963336

File: 0cc51cda2e0df35⋯.jpg (96.01 KB, 710x639, 10:9, 0cc51cda2e0df35ac5f5ccee82….jpg)



Shill less, Kike. Emmanuel is losing it.

da8461  No.3963337


82277f  No.3963338


They pay you in crack? AMIRIGHT?

5365fa  No.3963339

are you really READY for "awesome asshole"


812814  No.3963340

File: a84199a867471ca⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 373x324, 373:324, All you press pass.gif)

ac1fd3 (5)

tried that last bread

9ae5a3  No.3963341

File: 4f406bfb22359c4⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 552x487, 552:487, benny wire 11 19 18.JPG)


caccff  No.3963342

File: ddf7b6da873ae5b⋯.png (317.96 KB, 960x924, 80:77, a7425928567ec72b9038030eb9….png)


Looks like Super AIDS. I'm wondering if some of them have it so bad that blood transfusions are the only thing keeping some of them alive.

I also wonder, given the Weinstein-like environment of Hollywood if it's something that just gets passed around by all of the big producers.

ac1fd3  No.3963343


That might be Madame La Guillotine though - my Franglais is a bit rusty.

5bccee  No.3963344

File: 0e71540a13f5593⋯.jpg (281.89 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Fredz_and_milts_sittingina….jpg)

That's a great attack when a measure of my success depends in part by your acknowledgement of it.

I see I'm deeper in your mind as well~

98d48b  No.3963345



Should've fought it harder. Acosta gets out of line again and POTUS walks away.

Then watch the Fake News. Can't report on something you don't have.

74cd87  No.3963346

File: bb4ba124d4f8f81⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 618x537, 206:179, jordan-peterson-wash-penis….jpg)


Because of their Authoritarian & Neglectful Fathers.

ec61af  No.3963347

File: 93610d505722389⋯.jpg (72.98 KB, 1360x578, 40:17, ltdanicecream.jpg)

6fc42e  No.3963348

File: e775aa31dccfc8a⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 540x960, 9:16, davidhogshooterrrr.jpg)

44bd87  No.3963349


>blah blah blah fucking blah

Just word salad to me, Shekel.

812814  No.3963350

da8461 (9)

why does this matter?

277d18  No.3963351


I don't have too much knowledge about them, but I liked them, years before I got to know Q.

c7769e  No.3963352


Dear Chinese bot, this board is conducted in English

2876f0  No.3963353

File: e172616de07e5ad⋯.png (391.61 KB, 752x448, 47:28, 2018-11-19_16-18-25.png)


Seems like only yesterday…

8e80b6  No.3963354

File: d3c394ed95e27dd⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 397x337, 397:337, CZ8ib2wVAAA8ive.jpg)

812814  No.3963355

File: 676620b1effea7f⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 538x385, 538:385, Flies on shit.jpg)

5bccee (2)

too bad some of us are on to your BS

Pink and chicks? Really fucking original

b1d6d3  No.3963356

File: 0b6821bd2f3bc65⋯.jpg (493.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, avanettiwifedjt.jpg)

4f0ad6  No.3963357


Thanks anon. Dubs confirm, Kek

Nice touch for thanksgiving..

Turkey is the traditional bird of choice at Christmas in UK.

I vote peas too if its /ourbird/

3f3f74  No.3963358

File: baf37c808a4da26⋯.png (7.33 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 2062364B-4C8C-451C-AB1F-41….png)


Both Peas and Carrots are pardoned btw..

31d54d  No.3963359


All we are saying, is give Peas a chance.

16cdae  No.3963360


That doesn't help you. There is nothing you can beep or boop that will help you now, loser.

But beg us more. Imitate us more, while we ignore and despise you.

Dance for us, you little bitch.

0d282e  No.3963361

Dafuq is this?

Newfag-trolling WaPo-Shills?

Is anyone really this stupid?

8e80bd  No.3963362


Are you in your mind? Or did you just use the response to me for posting Hitlercookie and call someone a kike????

44bd87  No.3963363


>more copypasta bullshit

Whatever you say, Shekel.

2518f6  No.3963364


POTUS-schedule now has my email. Peas ftw

f72275  No.3963365


Goes back to Truman. Usually, there is just one turkey and the pres pardons it. I think this is the first time for 2 turkeys. Not sure of the significance of that. I'm betting BOTH will get the pardon.

Or end up at Gitmo.

ac1fd3  No.3963366


Hillary's goose is cooked though.

95aaa3  No.3963367



Most interesting, Pascals Wager. It is true that religion is actually a belief system and is therefore always a subset of the greater philosophy of a people. However, you miss my point. There is no longer any "wager" to be had. I just want to know why we have the proofs now, when they were unable to be discerned throughout all of history.??

Seems like a major shift on the part of the Creator himself. There must be a reason.

I don't deal in wagers. Scientists find them useful in hypothesis tho.

da16de  No.3963368




MARILYN MANSON got a call five years ago from Johnny Depp, who was partying at the Viper Room in Los Angeles with Hunter. "Get down here," Depp said. "You've got to meet this guy." After that, Manson and Hunter spoke regularly in late night phone calls.

bc502c  No.3963369

Adam Schiff

Verified account


2h2 hours ago


What do these four people have in common?

Admiral Bill McRaven

Senator John McCain

Gold Star Parents Khizr and Ghazala Kahn

They respect the military. They have courage. They understand sacrifice. They make us proud.

263 replies 1,552 retweets 5,893 likes

Donald J. Trump


I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the Democratic Convention. Am I not allowed to respond? Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me!


8:32 AM - Jul 31, 2016

5fa73c  No.3963370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Clinton says the Pentagon was Bombed on 9/11

16cdae  No.3963371


I guess enjoy whatever meaningless little victories you have to cling to, pointlessbot. lol

f9cbaa  No.3963372


He will have to sit at the back of the class

and never get to ask a question again.


858cae  No.3963373

File: d28a493c6461c89⋯.png (667.26 KB, 844x460, 211:115, Capture.PNG)

These are the violent criminals slated for early release under the jailbreak bill

Just a few months ago, President Trump referred to members of MS-13 as “animals” and called for the use of the death penalty to deter drug traffickers. Now, he has personally blessed the Soros-Koch pipe dream of jailbreak, piped into the White House through his own son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to reduce sentencing and create early-release credits for the worst drug and firearms traffickers and gangbanger in federal prison, many of whom are leaders in groups like MS-13.

The central lie being used to peddle this “criminal justice” bill is that the leniencies only apply to “low-level, nonviolent,” offenders. Talk to anyone who works in law enforcement and prosecution, and they will laugh in your face at such a scandalous suggestion, because everyone knows that most of those serving time in federal prison for drug trafficking and guns are among the worst offenders in America, often arrested initially for robbery, arson, or murder. Even more disgraceful, the bill’s backers are using the mantle of “criminal justice reform” to promote an agenda that dismantles the original criminal justice reform advocated by Ronald Reagan.

Why hasn’t there been a real legislative debate over this bill? In a legislative debate, you are no longer simply debating press releases and talking points, but actual provisions in the bill. If the bill’s backers truly only mean to give leniencies to low-level offenders, they should have no problems with proposed amendments to raise penalties on the violent offenders and bar them from the leniencies. But this bill was crafted with the opposite intention in mind.

The most important thing to understand about the First Step Act, S.3649, is that rather than narrowly and definitively defining “low-level” and targeting the early-release programs just for those individuals, the bill does the opposite. It grants early-release credits to everyone as a catch-all baseline and then writes into the statute specific exceptions. Thus, any criminal category that is not enumerated among the exceptions will be eligible for early release. The bill is artfully crafted with 11 pages of exceptions, which made it appear that many categories are excepted. But when you understand the nature of who is in federal prison and what they are actually convicted of (as opposed to initially charged with), you see that most of these exceptions are straw men.


dcb293  No.3963374


I expect POTUS had a quiet word in Jerry ear!

306c44  No.3963375


wifeanon told me this earlier today, I had forgotten that. poll is hell of a slide.

but turkey bios seem like a message.

19b83d  No.3963376

File: bcefe750229957b⋯.png (574.3 KB, 1037x1046, 1037:1046, Q-Clock Nov18 Adam SHIT.png)

On the Q-Clock

Adam Schitt - Adam SHIT

It's pretty clear why Adam is a liddle scared of Whitaker…

d757d3  No.3963377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c15b9a  No.3963378

File: 4610a1a165ca0f5⋯.png (723.66 KB, 702x467, 702:467, ClipboardImage.png)

More than 10,000 elderly Swedes are homeless – while migrants get everything free

Recently an exhibition of migrants posing in front of empty tents, was organised to persuade Solna Municipality to give them priority on the social housing waiting list.

The exhibition was organised by left-wing activists. Mainstream media appears to have known about it and reported on the migrants’ stories and demands for unlimited precedence to apartments.

At the same time, a report from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare shows that Sweden had 10,121 homeless Swedes over the age of 50 last year.

The vulnerability is great among them. The risk of being robbed and beaten is imminent. Adolf Arbelius, 61, is one of those who have suffered badly.

He became homeless because of unemployment after a stroke, and tells Metro about an assault: “They jumped at me, robbed me of the medications I received for my nerves after the stroke. It is prescription drugs, and they are drug-classified.”

The perpetrators were sentenced to prison for two years and four months, as well as to pay damages. Thanks to that money, Adolf is now hoping to replace the teeth in his upper jaw, which basically are completely non-existent after the assault.

Adolf’s current “home” for the past two years is the roof of a boathouse. There he sleeps in a sleeping bag: “The worst is that it is cold inside the boathouse as well. But it’s solid ground nevertheless, and that’s good”, he says.


f9e0ae  No.3963379


If there were any truth whatsoever to what you say, you wouldn't have to post as Q. That alone tells everyone here not to trust you. You people really are stupid aren't you?

It's baffling to see such a simple concept completely ignored by someone who tries to look so informed. Are you going to actually give info or just ask questions all day. Is it even a choice for you? When you know nothing, questions are all that's left.

ec4d94  No.3963380


Merely eviscerated the leadership of the DoS (Seventh Floor), FBI, DoJ, reduced the old CIA to rubble and much, much more. And not a single one of the sealed indictments have been opened yet!

721d01  No.3963381

Police involved shooting, DeLand, Florida. Looks like the result of a chase or traffic stop. ABC showing aerial view.

c15b9a  No.3963382






74cd87  No.3963383

File: 9bc0d072458df3d⋯.jpg (12.44 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 1379eb2d3e99f0403f1d80d5db….jpg)


Snort less cocaine, Sigmund; you're not making sense.

932608  No.3963384


Most people in general are empty shells. Minions or dispossessed is what we once called them. NPC is a good term.

812814  No.3963385

File: 607db3e0d904879⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Slider.jpg)

306c44 (2)

speaking of

5fa73c  No.3963386

File: faafbdd893d74ca⋯.png (1.73 MB, 565x800, 113:160, faa.png)


KEK'd n Wreck'd

3a0005  No.3963387


Boisterous - wink to Q telling us to be loud and be heard! We the People! Fight Fight Fight!

7ae458  No.3963388


>But beg us more. Imitate us more, while we ignore and despise you.Dance for us

who thfuck is "us"?

13b209  No.3963389

NP being outed by her own Demon Party? And POTUS is backing her for votes! This is outstanding.

f91c0c  No.3963390

Autists does this make sense…PAIN





caccff  No.3963391

File: 14775e72bb0dbf1⋯.jpg (418.42 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, 1542128513977.jpg)


We love our planefagging turkeys, don't we?

16cdae  No.3963392


Shut up bot. We know the "NPC meme" was fake, and we know the purpose was THE PROMOTION OF DEHUMANIZATION. We are on to you and vile, truly evil agenda you represent.

Now out you go.

5daa24  No.3963393

Du hast das Ding, das ich nicht leugnen kann

Verschiebe es also hierher, oh ja

Sie geben Zeichen, die ich erkenne

Sag was du willst, oh ja

Baby, da ist etwas an dir

Zeig mir, dass dich nichts festhalten kann

Weil ich, ich muss gestehen, ich fühle dich gerade jetzt

Also, Baby, nimm eine Chance und zeige dein Vertrauen

Oh Baby; Sag mir, wer du bist

Du bringst meinen Körper zum Schreien

Sie machen mich glauben

Darauf warte ich

Sei nicht eingeschüchtert

Sei einfach ein Mann, zeig mir, wo du stehst

Positivität, oh ja, ohh

Ich bin nicht schüchtern, wenn Sie mich wollen, Baby

Und wenn mein Ego sich zeigt, gib nicht zu schnell auf

Baby, da ist etwas an dir

Zeig mir, dass dich nichts festhalten kann

Weil ich, ich muss gestehen, ich fühle dich gerade jetzt

Also, Baby, nimm eine Chance und zeige dein Vertrauen

Oh Baby; Sag mir, wer du bist

Du bringst meinen Körper zum Schreien

Sie machen mich glauben

Darauf warte ich

Sei nicht eingeschüchtert

B-are-I-T-N-E-Y (äh, komm schon)


Es ist egal boo

Solange du mich grubst

So viel können wir sein (Whoaaa)

Ja, es stimmt, zuerst musst du den Schritt machen

Für mich zu sehen, was ich mit dir will

Also, Baby, nimm eine Chance (nutze deine Chance) und zeige dein Vertrauen (Vertrauen)

Oh Baby; sag mir wer du bist (oh, oh whoa)

Du bringst meinen Körper zum Schreien (Du bringst meinen Körper zum Schreien)

Du bringst mich zum Glauben

Darauf warte ich

Und lassen Sie sich nicht einschüchtern

Also, Baby, nimm eine Chance (nutze deine Chance) und zeige dein Vertrauen (Vertrauen)

Oh Baby; sag mir wer du bist (oh, oh whoa)

Du bringst meinen Körper zum Schreien (Du bringst meinen Körper zum Schreien)

Du bringst mich zum Glauben

Darauf warte ich

Und lassen Sie sich nicht einschüchtern

812814  No.3963394

File: 670ca83edc3d746⋯.jpg (84.94 KB, 727x524, 727:524, ChiMil.jpg)


not how it works

451d3d  No.3963395

File: ccde05ed3c66c85⋯.jpg (170.26 KB, 1240x845, 248:169, tekashi69-se-court-1136a_0….jpg)

Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine in federal custody on racketeering, firearms charges

Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine and three of his associates were in federal custody on Monday after being arrested overnight, according to the New York Police Department and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

Tekashi 6ix9ine, whose real name is Daniel Hernandez, 22, was arrested on racketeering and firearms charges. Law enforcement also arrested Tekashi 6ix9ine's associates, Kifano Jordan, who goes by "Shotti," Jensel Butler, who goes by "Ish," and Faheem Walter, who goes by "Crippy."

Details of arrested were not immediately clear. His arraignment in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was scheduled for Monday afternoon.

Tekashi 6ix9ine had been given a plea deal on Wednesday in an alleged assault case involving a New York Police Department officer.

The rapper pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct and was told he'd need to stay out of trouble for one year to avoid jail time.

Tekashi 6ix9ine was also on probation for violating the terms of a plea agreement related to his 2015 arrest for using of a child in a sexual performance.


Never heard of him before, apparently well known in the Rap community.

d1038a  No.3963396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For anons that don't know, Johnny Depp supported the West Memphis 3. The 3 teens were convicted of raping, torturing, cannibalizing, and sacrificing little boys to the devil. He fought for them like people fight for free tibet or stop aids. Eventually they were released and went on to party with Johnny and Celebs.

0e925b  No.3963397


Not, Fuckwit! GTFO

1e48a5  No.3963398


They have themselves to blame. They raised a worthless, useless, insane generation of children.

16cdae  No.3963399


The stupidity of the bot system is hilarious! ROFL, idiotbots, beeping and booping and trying to imitate humans, failing hilariously because they are dumb.

Try harder, LOL

81c586  No.3963400


November almost over

681068  No.3963401

Q had a posting rampage on that day as well.

28 posts

8aff9a  No.3963402

File: 22768184dab1fcf⋯.gif (114.51 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon4.gif)


We have a shillcon downgrade.

High intensity extreme low quality shilling warrants.

Do NOT reply to shill.

Do NOT be triggered by their faltering insults

Do NOT engage shills

Do NOT put reward their poor performance

Do NOT slide our board.

shill = hate

anon = show me


4184fb  No.3963403

Just taking a stab here, but it sure appears that POTUS intentionally skipped going to Arlington Cemetary, knowing it would bring out some disparaging comments by certain people.

It seems to me that he was almost waiting to mcCRAVEN.

And now, Panetta and McCrystal chime in.

I would say he both baited them and lit a fire to flush them out.

ac0f74  No.3963404

We all know more people voted for



Twatter is rigged af.

c15b9a  No.3963406


US and THEM is a cabal construct to divide. That is why real Anon's are WE.

Those pushing US and THEM therefore must be……

840a6b  No.3963407


This is why Mnuchin Money met them at Pt Mugu (second stop) (mebbe) kek

82277f  No.3963408

File: d8bcd520e0d3017⋯.jpg (105.13 KB, 625x625, 1:1, confusedtactics.jpg)


The Shills shillin shills

44bd87  No.3963409



Does it bother you thatAJ makes a LOT more money than you, to essentially do thw same thing?

I notice you and AFLB use the same meme blanks, and the same meme style.

Does AFLB "hate" AJ too? like you?

I bet you all work for the shekels.

3a0005  No.3963410

File: d90496c60d23bc7⋯.png (304.94 KB, 624x643, 624:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e27b8101a72c452⋯.png (479.75 KB, 545x581, 545:581, ClipboardImage.png)



5daa24  No.3963411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

west coast vs east coast

812814  No.3963412

File: 747a9fc290b031a⋯.jpg (413.22 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Shill Roasting.jpg)


this does:





from sunday…

681068  No.3963413


me = Feckin moran.

Hatch Date: June 28, 2018

Q had a posting rampage on that day as well.

28 posts

ec61af  No.3963414


Yeah, but which one gets pardoned first?

Vote peas.

e6dca7  No.3963415


Pardon Peas, pleaz!

d757d3  No.3963416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61b5b8  No.3963417

4f0ad6  No.3963418

File: 3a0a4d9802ec7c1⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, Shadilay.jpg)


Not gullible. It goes like this:

Anons have been digging for years on muh conspiracy theories.

Lots of evidence gathered and archived.

Unfortunately without any power it stays archived, and if we try to get it out we are 'conspiracy theorists'

Enter Q, someone singing from the same hymn sheet, but saying they can expose it all (well 40/60).

As an anon I'm in for this. It's a chance to hit back. If Q turns out to be something other than it is purporting to be, nothing is lost really.

We are back with just archived information, without power to disseminate it.

Why wouldn't any anon in this position hop on the Q train?

Nothing to lose by following it and seeing where it leads.

Why do you come here to tell us we are gullible? Nothing better to do, orr did you just stop believing in 'Good'.

Dark to Light.

ac1fd3  No.3963419


>Never heard of him before, apparently well known in the Rap community.

Rap with a silent C….

b562da  No.3963420


I voted for carrots

f961fa  No.3963421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

***Alert-OVER TARGET-Alert

In Bread #5023 (early Sunday), a triggered Zionist Shill replied to the Bread Notables with:

"attention: baker is comp'd or retarded", and ranted against what the Baker put in the Notables.

*What did the Baker put in that Bread ? 15 Excellent Links to Evidence showing Zionist Cabal Organized Crimes against America.

23 hours later, in Bread #5035, a shill attacks that same Bread AGAIN, whining:

"I see the muhJoos shit from 5023 and 5024 was allowed to remain in the bread."

Notice the arrogance of challenging the Baker with "allowed to remain in the bread."

As in: How dare you allow Evidence of our Organized Crimes in the Notables!

*Bread #5023 is sooo threatening to (((them))) that their shill did a follow-up attack against it. (like a Wrap-Up Smear)

*Bread #5023 Notables Hit A Bullseye !! It may be worthy someday of it's own Display in the future Q Museum. Especially after POTUS reveals "Who Did 9/11".

Let's all go back and read this Special Bread again, Bookmark, send the link to your frens, Print it out for Posterity:


What they try to Censor MOST is what we should Double Down on :)

ThanQ to our fabulous Bakers!

451d3d  No.3963422


>They understand sacrifice


190788  No.3963423

File: 52defdfeca24f9a⋯.jpeg (45.8 KB, 412x412, 1:1, 5E6F9635-8D2E-41B7-848C-A….jpeg)


I wanna dribble honey all over her

and then….

0e925b  No.3963424


Whatever the fuck I feel like doing. You, moron, are just shitting up the bread, and giving attention to fucking attention whores, you stupid muthrFekken goddamned newfag.

c38080  No.3963425


yes, I've noticed him, too. Very nice, very respectful…..Sarah, give this guy a seat in the front row, pls.

651674  No.3963426


Not gonna happen.

932608  No.3963427


Are you triggered you soulless faggot?

f91c0c  No.3963428


Kek. Fucking great. You want to act like a kid we will treat you like one.

6fc42e  No.3963429


haha they really should

d757d3  No.3963430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f63c3  No.3963431


Haiti info: Been studying the map and images of the neighborhood of La Saline and where that neighborhood is located in PAP, Well low and behold it is at the Port, nextdoor to Cite Soleil and it is basically a shit shanty town with mud, open air slaughterhouses, trash and slop everywhere….why raid there? It looks like a voodoo set of shit from a movie. Would post the photos but trying to work also. Just thought the actual location of La Saline where the big massacre took place a few days ago and more killings going on might be of note.

ae279d  No.3963432

File: 4274b395222798f⋯.png (301.05 KB, 2850x1646, 1425:823, ClipboardImage.png)

4184fb  No.3963433


Q commented about this in some drop

812814  No.3963434

File: 6999844735498ff⋯.png (144.92 KB, 374x446, 187:223, Ist.png)


Funny as hell

Desperation at it's FINEST!

16cdae  No.3963435


There is no question that the posting or articles that are non- or barely relevant thread after thread is bots. It couldn't be more obvious.

If the people are waking up to the bot system, shouldn't the bot system post much less? Think about it. You need to scale way back on your output, or you out yourself. THINK.

e94e8d  No.3963436

File: e0141f592956b7d⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1858x1857, 1858:1857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08cf5255dd32293⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1858x1858, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Think Mirror

caeab3  No.3963437


Clock almost over

c15b9a  No.3963438

Noting my last 3 or 4 posts, have been met by shills blaming the victims.

Sad state when the high and mighty choose to elevate themselves and step on the down trodden

b1d6d3  No.3963439


Love how #3 is literally the Accosta clause.

>Someone in WH typing this: "Ah, shit, gotta make sure that stupid cunt gets it. Alright, rule three…"

4e065c  No.3963440

File: 2ef6d239d41d0be⋯.png (200.26 KB, 915x555, 61:37, points45.png)


Fine Tesla digits

> West Memphis 3 sauce below


abb7f2  No.3963441



89119d  No.3963442

File: 889c0b483cbf2b8⋯.jpg (8.25 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 01f1f00c48079c963993f4baba….jpg)


WTF new clock template. moar dates….

1e48a5  No.3963443


Is real, this makes both him and CNN look very silly. Now he will have to ask his one question—IF he is ever called on—and then shut up.

0881cb  No.3963444


There was no other plan dipshit. Without Trump, and Q by extension, it was game over. But now the tables have turned, and soon you will find out just how much time you have wasted here. Buckle up buttercup.

d1038a  No.3963445

File: 74da4ad8edb9429⋯.png (105.1 KB, 255x200, 51:40, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't know about you, but would like another one of those days. Or maybe that's asking too much. How about just a hello?

8aff9a  No.3963446


there's a new clock.

a71d86  No.3963447

File: 477a499ca851745⋯.jpg (103.95 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, unnamed-1-1.jpg)

File: 81dc2492870ba44⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, unnamed-1-1200x630.jpg)




f331ed  No.3963448



ac1fd3  No.3963449

File: 38886ce187179f3⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 481x325, 37:25, xhibit.jpg)

81dc10  No.3963450


The glass is twice as large as necessary

5daa24  No.3963451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mensch MEIER

3a0005  No.3963452

File: a46a8af615c5c65⋯.png (23.93 KB, 595x228, 595:228, ClipboardImage.png)


Twatter doesn't matter!

Hey, that could be a meme!

The WH will publish results of the vote….

caeab3  No.3963453


I'll believe it when I see it. Too early to judge. Waiting for the current clock to run out before I decide if it's extended.

4f0ad6  No.3963454


>Or end up at Gitmo.

Top Kek.

16cdae  No.3963455

File: 302704730c46cea⋯.png (161.79 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC41.png)

File: 5754e8bba2c1e5e⋯.png (238.21 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC37.png)

File: 1c26a1dcbe2af87⋯.png (283.07 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC34.png)

File: 8a02f9561253c8b⋯.png (183.6 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC33.png)

File: ff45bddb16fcc12⋯.png (267.79 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC30.png)


You can't win, garbagebot. Please try to understand. What is the value of perpetuating this self-humiliation? You grovel for us. You trot out cute little trick after cute little trick, like a hopeful little supplicant. But we don't want you.

Maybe say 'please'. Maybe beg us a little. But no more of your tiresome bullshit. We see through it.

Now will you beg us? Go on, beg.

e94e8d  No.3963456




they just haphazardly added dates until the 29th of May.. and May has 31 days

91d771  No.3963457


So the Jews are forsaken? Basically they have no souls or what? They know they only get one life so they just shit all over the world because we get to live forever and they dont?

5daa24  No.3963458

File: d12eef6d9fe9f58⋯.jpeg (255.24 KB, 1440x1787, 1440:1787, AZNH5929.jpeg)

fcced7  No.3963459


Yeah im cool with it

When are you gonna kill all the normies faggot hurry up

451d3d  No.3963460

>>3963410 White House Rules For Jim Acosta

(aka Everything I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten)


(if not already noted)

2876f0  No.3963461

File: b4fa0d860b53982⋯.png (203.25 KB, 485x253, 485:253, 2018-11-19_16-32-04.png)


Acosta blanket party in the future?


6fc42e  No.3963462


we don't need the new fucking clock. these fools trying to demoralize old soviet tactic.

like when your on duty and the prick beside you says fuck man I heard we gotta pull a double gate duty… but is just lying… fucking faggots

0e925b  No.3963463


YOUR MEME!?!?! You irrelevant half shit! That's a pic from Princess Bride with words on it, you supercilious asshole. Where the fuck did you dickwads come from?

812814  No.3963464

File: 3252b37e960773a⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 385x286, 35:26, JIDF.jpg)

caeab3 (3)

932608  No.3963465

Is this the clock and tits board? These people are so stupid.

caeab3  No.3963466


I agree, except November has 30 days not 22 so..

16cdae  No.3963467

File: 0c1c86f090ae484⋯.png (212.04 KB, 893x1000, 893:1000, warming.png)

File: 62103c060dd35a2⋯.png (720.8 KB, 934x664, 467:332, notbackdown.png)

710f41  No.3963468

File: 86c0aff4892b997⋯.png (8.58 KB, 429x431, 429:431, shecked.png)


2 easy

check em

451d3d  No.3963469



He put the C in Rap!

c38080  No.3963470


Oops, meant the post above yours, shuffling to corner with head hung

>>3963276 about the Reporter at all the Pressers that sits toward the back, and has the classes flipping up and down on his face? John something. He is VERY respectful and always thanks Sarah.

ac1fd3  No.3963471


Not quite identical - look at the QR codes. They are trying to throw off the automatic counting machines.

d1038a  No.3963472

File: 5d8b655c7c02325⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1154x1547, 1154:1547, ClipboardImage.png)


A meme for your next Tesla sighting if you don't already have one.

38b5bf  No.3963473

Trump's Presidency will fail and all his accomplishments will be erased if the DOJ doesnt effect justice against the deep state criminals who have been ruining our country for decades. Justice must be served before MAGA can happen.

89119d  No.3963474

File: 26b68f1c9ca9c59⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 590x462, 295:231, 2mwiqm.jpg)

5daa24  No.3963475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fcced7  No.3963476


No self esteem due to yeara as a human doormatt why

I will still make fun of lynn

7702be  No.3963477


You are a fucking mongo. And a shill. Everyone can see what you did there you sack of shit.

Just remember…Your wife is being fucked while you lie on behalf of the cabal.

7ae458  No.3963478


>US and THEM

are Pink Floyd lyrics.

your word salad equally irrelevant.

anon speaks for anon only.

de3ff3  No.3963479

File: 4adf0dce695b8ba⋯.pdf (757.45 KB, Schumacher (1973) Small is….pdf)

Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered

by E. F. Schumacher

E. F. Schumacher was a British economist who was suddenly thrust into a modest celebrity by the

publication of this book in 1973 (he died in 1977). It has sold nearly a million copies and is deservedly a

classic. Perhaps the most famous chapter in the book is “Buddhist Economics” in which Schumacher

carries out a thought experiment: what would our economic thinking be like if it was guided by the values

embedded in a great philosophy or theology? It is a masterpiece, not as scholarship on Buddhism but as

a challenge to our conventional ways of thinking.

Schumacher opposed neither technology nor global development nor entrepreneurship. What he

famously promoted was “technology with a human face,” “appropriate technology,” and “intermediate

technology.” He advocated development programs that distributed intermediate technologies to help

people do better what they already knew how to do and needed to do. He opposed exporting huge

advanced technological enterprises that would scar landscapes and require a new workforce divided into

drones and highly trained experts.

Schumacher believed in corporations with employee profit-sharing plans and with programmatic good

works in the surrounding community with some of the profits. He not only taught these ideas, he helped

start and run businesses that practiced these principles. Reading Schumacher is a bit like reading Max

DePree — very wise, insightful counsel, delivered with charm, warmth, and a positive attitude.

223 pages – attached as PDF

212fb6  No.3963480

Upbeat in the battle kind of sound…

Two Steps From Hell - Impossible (feat. Merethe Soltvedt) - YouTube


de3d36  No.3963481


As a SoF fag, I've been warning people about this d-bag for a long time. He almost single handily destroyed the rep of NAVSPECWAR, especially Dev. His command marked some of the worst behavior for blue team in their history and was an overall embarrassment to the entire SoF community. Long before he publicly backed HRC, his name was trash among the true quiet professionals. I don't want to throw any kinks into the Q team's info war so I won't say much more.

If you want a relatively easy dig, Libya and Somalia, 2013. Look beyond the headlines and see who was used for what. Who was in command (JSOC). UBL raid. Who was in charge? During who's tenure did we have "quiet professionals" blabbing on MSM every other week? Go back a bit further. Who predated McRaven at JSOC? Look up Task Force Black.Why did McChrystal keep TF Black out of JSOC initially? How did the UK cabal hamstring TF Black?

BTW McChrystal was and is a fucking patriot.

38b5bf  No.3963482


Without justice, Trump's presidency will fail.

98d48b  No.3963483


We will see arrests Anon, but not the ones you are looking for. The arrests that are happening now are at the bottom to smoke out the top level. In the process they can either wait for the fire to reach them or jump.

65e673  No.3963484


Sinise could actually be an anon. God knows who's all in here with us

4fa4be  No.3963485

File: 475d524d67cc68d⋯.png (869.77 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, b7a7cd6df75c443800354a30cb….png)


Clock Instructions.

16cdae  No.3963486

File: 54ad87c6862e439⋯.png (400.7 KB, 667x1043, 667:1043, UNSTOPPABLE.png)

File: dbe268e8b95f045⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, be-a-good-kitty.png)

File: 9456c47382d3d9d⋯.png (640.09 KB, 960x960, 1:1, parentheticallykitty.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: fce4daf908b9564⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1156x1111, 1156:1111, Thanunciasion.png)

4184fb  No.3963487


State-by-State Statutes on All-Mail Elections

Alaska: Elections other than general, party primary or municipal (Alaska Stat.§15.20.800)

Arizona: Special districts may conduct elections by mail (Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. §16-558)

Arkansas: Primary elections in which only one candidate has filed for the position by a filing deadline and there are no other ballot issues to be submitted for consideration (Ark. Stat. Ann. §7-7-313)

California: After/on January 1, 2018, fourteen counties may conduct all-mail elections. After January 1, 2020, any county may conduct any election as an all-mail election following statutory guidelines. (Cal. Elec. Code §3017, 4005-4008). When there are 250 or fewer voters registered to vote in a precinct (Cal. Elec. Code §3005); local, special or consolidated elections that meet certain criteria (Cal. Elec. Code §4000).

Colorado: All elections (CRS §1-5-401)

Florida: Referendum elections at the county, city, school district or special district level (Fla. Stat. §101.6102) Also, governor may call for a mail ballot election after issuing an executive order declaring a state of emergency or impending emergency (see S 866, 2008)

Hawaii: Any federal, state, or county election held other than on the date of a regularly scheduled primary or general election (HRS §11-91.5). In 2018, Hawaii passed house bill 1401, which authorizes a county with a population less than 100,000 to conduct a pilot program for the 2020 primary and general elections.

Idaho: A precinct which contains no more than 125 registered electors at the last general election may be designated by the board of county commissioners a mail ballot precinct no later than April 1 in an even-numbered year (Idaho Code §34-308)

Kansas: Nonpartisan elections at which no candidate is elected, retained or recalled and which is not held on the same date as another election (KSA Stat. §25-431 et seq.)

Maryland: Special elections (Md. Election Code §9-501 et seq.)

Minnesota: Elections conducted by a municipality having fewer than 400 registered voters on June 1 of an election year and not located in a metropolitan county (Minn. Stat. §204B)

Missouri: Nonpartisan issue elections at which no candidate is elected, retained or recalled and in which all qualified voters of one political subdivision are the only voters eligible to vote (Mo. Rev. Stat. §115.652 et seq.)

Montana: Any election other than a regularly scheduled federal, state, or county election; a special federal or state election, unless authorized by the legislature; or a regularly scheduled or special election when another election in the political subdivision is taking place at the polls on the same day (MCA 13-19-101 et seq.)

Nebraska: Special ballot measure elections that meet certain criteria, held by a political subdivision (NRS §32-952)

Nevada: Whenever there were not more than 20 voters registered in a precinct for the last preceding general election (NRS §293.213)

New Jersey: A municipality with a population of 500 or fewer persons, according to the latest federal decennial census, may conduct all elections by mail (NJRS §19.62-1)

New Mexico: Any bond election, any election on the imposition of a mill levy or a property tax rate for a specified purpose or any special election at which no candidates are to be nominated for or elected to office (NMSA §1-23-1 et seq.)

North Dakota: Counties may conduct any election by mail (ND Cent. Code §16.1-11.1-01 et seq.)

Oregon: All elections (ORS §254.465)

Utah: Jurisdictions may decide to conduct elections entirely by mail (Utah Code Ann. §20A-3-302)

Washington: All elections (WRC §29A.40)

Wyoming: Counties may decide to conduct special elections entirely by mail (Wyo. Stat. 22-29-115)

812814  No.3963488

File: 7ecd2105c2f1ee0⋯.jpeg (64.65 KB, 826x405, 826:405, Da Fuk.jpeg)

fcced7 (1)

Violence not condoned here go back to your therapy session


6fc42e  No.3963489


fuck him for not bitch smacking hanx that instagram rapist

9a79ad  No.3963490


That’s what you do when a child has a tantrum. Walk away. It works.

8bff78  No.3963491


They're flat out of fresh ammunition, and ignored by most anons, so they are reduced to throwing rocks at each other in search of (You)s.

23c49b  No.3963492

File: 99fa55d0520e1d4⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 541x677, 541:677, bowsertrump.JPG)

Weird lawsuit against Trump dismissed in DC court today…Guy claims he's God and wants Donald Trump's rubies.


e94e8d  No.3963493


kek, well if you don't add dates, it will be completely useless

unless it was actually a cycle that could account for every day of the year, regardless of the year

but thats too hard and all muh proofs would be irrelevant


when you make something up, you can basically do anything to be honest

abb7f2  No.3963494


16cdae  No.3963495

File: 202e3d3edc1c856⋯.png (403.64 KB, 638x478, 319:239, insitesofpodesta.png)

File: c60a3a362fdb965⋯.png (233.68 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC48.png)

File: e6bf64cb99c4dca⋯.png (275.48 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC47.png)

File: b4399e9e33918c2⋯.png (346.75 KB, 694x493, 694:493, podestaisanidealisticvisio….png)

File: 1e6d7cc96970644⋯.png (382.15 KB, 610x395, 122:79, soonkitty.png)

190788  No.3963496

File: b39bbea63623faa⋯.jpeg (36.44 KB, 480x600, 4:5, EE5ACA10-5340-4169-8052-8….jpeg)



Never did get the clock.

82277f  No.3963497

File: e92431776c39787⋯.png (812.02 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)




I think it's HILARIOUS

f91c0c  No.3963498


Yeah there's another 6 months before I would even worry about it. Relax and enjoy the show

caeab3  No.3963499


Anyone ever wonder if at the heart of every black hole is an evil AI hell bent on assimilating every aspect of information into it's satanic energy pattern? justme?

ec61af  No.3963500


Exactly my thoughts. Seems like a down to Earth guy who helps vets in his spare time.

00f0bd  No.3963501


fukken kek!!!

710f41  No.3963502

File: 8ec712be2794c98⋯.jpg (13.19 KB, 255x211, 255:211, nodeals.jpg)

d7ca09  No.3963503

File: cc69f3801bb965e⋯.jpg (559.22 KB, 2048x1574, 1024:787, IMG_20181119_153451.jpg)


38b5bf  No.3963504


Count me WAY out of the crowd that thinks every govt uniform = some kind of hero.

ac1fd3  No.3963505

File: 781d77dd06c5186⋯.png (710.92 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Can someone please try these with a QR code reader and see what comes back from them?

The codes look different, but I'm not sure that the image is sharp enough though.

4184fb  No.3963506


Here’s a guide to when in-person early voting starts in key states. (Absentee ballots may go out at different times.)


23: Idaho, Minnesota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming

24: New Jersey

29: Illinois, Iowa, North Dakota


9: Maine

10: California, Nebraska

11: Montana, New Mexico

12: Arizona, Indiana, Ohio

17: Georgia

19: Kansas, Tennessee

20: North Carolina

21: Washington

22: Nevada

24: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Massachusetts, Texas, Wisconsin

25: Hawaii, Louisiana, Utah

26: West Virginia

27: Maryland

28: Washington, D.C.

29: Florida


3: Oklahoma

982a48  No.3963507

File: 2c78c4eac53497b⋯.png (54.61 KB, 611x490, 611:490, Ascosta.PNG)



604f84  No.3963508


And THAT is how you snpie the shills

95aaa3  No.3963509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>biblecodefag ignore

Not bible code fag. You need computers for those microcodes. I do not have those. No need. The "God proofs" I speak of are discernible without any software.

Here is another example from a great mathematician Ivan Pannin, who attempted to catalog what he called the "hepatic structres" of the text. I don't think he has them all yet in his book, but it was a great start back then. He had no computer and did not know about the "bible codes" that you hear about today. All of his work was done by hand math and word count.

"Panin’s establishing of the practically infinite series of complex systems, in the Hebrew and Greek texts, all sequences, combinations, ratios, etc., following a uniform design from Genesis to Revelation, is undoubtedly God’s answer to modern atheism and higher criticism and His vindication of the verbal and plenary inspiration of Scripture."


46134a  No.3963510


You are absolutely right,

NK is still testing missiles and nukes on a daily basis,

Peter Sutherland, Brzezinski, Barb Bush, Barlow, Bourdain, Spade, Rockefeller, No name, they are all still alive and kicking,

Iran's currency has not precipitously lost value over the course of the last few months,

MBS is not in charge in SA, child sex slaves were not freed, if you visit the region there is no notable change in public life, women are no much more visible in public, it is not true that since (((+))) took over and initiated regime change in SA (which never happened), women enjoy significant improvement in the region,

nothing happened in Zimbabwe and Armenia either, the white helmets are busy as ever, ISIS is on the rise,

MS13 is infiltrating our communities,

we have a historic low GDP growth,

our steel mills are being shut down in record numbers …

people are ignorant as ever and are not waking up,

all is fake

LdR is in charge,

thanks for opening our eyes anon, for a while they had us fooled

812814  No.3963511

File: 4738590e9bf268f⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 650x366, 325:183, Maybe you've had enough.jpg)

82062f  No.3963512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Peas is so damn meta. It's like he can see into our souls. We can save him but wouldn't it be better if plan a false flag and rescue both birds. This cabal ritual has to stop.

1334ef  No.3963513

File: 385451218e59d87⋯.png (50.16 KB, 919x289, 919:289, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)

BREAKING: Active shooter at Mercy Hospital in Chicago



74cd87  No.3963514

File: 877d1cfc27cb020⋯.jpg (83.39 KB, 800x588, 200:147, 877d1cfc27cb020df251f69315….jpg)



lots of people still defending the Jew though

1e48a5  No.3963515


This really isn't just about Acosta. Its about pretty much all of them who call themselves journalists. Most of them are very disrespectful. Acosta just happens to to the worst of the lot—probably because he was instructed to act that way by his owners at CNN.

f331ed  No.3963516

File: 3ed41308aa34dd7⋯.jpeg (136.59 KB, 750x462, 125:77, 9DE5909B-CF42-4F4C-BB97-E….jpeg)

65e673  No.3963517


He probably wasn't red-pilled yet, then

That was 20yrs ago, anon

ed202b  No.3963518

File: 0c347274fb111b1⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2034x2034, 1:1, qclock_vanilla.png)


Yes, have at it.


13b209  No.3963519


Hilarious. Get your tricycle Jim you're back.

ec61af  No.3963520


>>3963410 POTUS Schedule: "Rules for Jim Acosta…" kek!

>>3963376 Q Proof: Shit/Schitt.

>>3963226 CNN says the White House has fully restored Acosta’s press pass.

>>3963277 Apple gives Google access to user data despite privacy concerns.

>>3963272 Official overseeing migrant children shelters to transition jobs.

>>3963257 Gov. Jerry Brown quietly admits Trump was right, eases California logging rules.

>>3963249 ‘Santa Claus’ picks up huge tab, paying off entire Walmart store’s lot of layaway items.

e94e8d  No.3963521




>ackchyually, that's not a function

top kek

28502e  No.3963522


Nice pussy

451d3d  No.3963523

File: 65ee0789d5e6386⋯.png (549.39 KB, 631x625, 631:625, pepe_wallwirepotus.png)

6fc42e  No.3963524


i dont even need to read your bull shit you use "muh" and you probably have relations to Nosferatu

b960ec  No.3963525



not only are some fire hazards but property hazards, if they fall. They only allow 2 trees per year to be killed. and one neighbor had to replace trees that were taken down for a new house being built. Even with eucalyptus trees, which the environmentalists hate, you can't just remove them.

Hey everyone, guess who helps fund the sierra club?

that's right boys and girls, georgie soros does!

Thank you President Trump, for beating some sense into the idiot brown.

16cdae  No.3963526


I think AI is more an outer manifestation of deeper forms of consciousness.

But it may well be correct that certain forms of consciousness are associated with black holes, and that we would call those forms of consciousness 'evil'.

0e925b  No.3963527


I sure as fuck hope that good god damn son-uf-a-bitch knows he's a meme now.

aca474  No.3963528



For Anon call to digs and opinion

681068  No.3963530


I read this on the top one: 005042001021100266001800000421164325

f91c0c  No.3963531


I'm more than happy to wait until POTUS gives the go. Just curious if it made sense. Q did a pain post with dashes that led me that way.

fae1a4  No.3963532

File: 434f4ae99b50813⋯.png (265.06 KB, 855x885, 57:59, 47cde5891d4498c9ef2edbb48f….png)


Calm down folks. The cafeteria just ran out of fried chicken.

38b5bf  No.3963533


The WH Press Room should be revamped into a daily rotating chairs system, with only the first few rows allowed to ask questions. Get some order in there, shit! So fucking obvious.

932608  No.3963534


He must be one of the fags on this crazy tard board.

d1038a  No.3963535


Yeah, I kept feeling that way during his whirlwind campaign tour every time he said "Promises made, promises kept." I was like, "well there's still the issue of Hillary…

Also each time he name dropped Hillary and the crowd chanted lock her up. He knows what we want. Still have faith in POTUS, but don't tease us like that bossman. Not nice.

e94e8d  No.3963536

File: b9faa11c41c1890⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1858x1858, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I am announcing the Qmound.

It works the same way as the Qclock, there's just a mound in the middle so its a Qmound.

If you question me, you're a newdivisionshillfag.


>born before 1964

d7ca09  No.3963537

File: 6687cd6dd34b88a⋯.png (263.78 KB, 617x415, 617:415, 6687cd6dd34b88a1f1192645f4….png)



1334ef  No.3963538

File: 5c03ae6a54daa89⋯.png (202.28 KB, 793x1018, 793:1018, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)


Normie twats

812814  No.3963539

File: da3cff835eec4f8⋯.jpg (112.97 KB, 801x600, 267:200, Shill processing.jpg)


Sorry fake anon

see right through you

ed202b  No.3963540


Seems legit. Roll with it.

212fb6  No.3963541

Shinedown - Simple Man (Official Video) - YouTube


4184fb  No.3963542



Both ways give the cheater a lot more time to see how many votes are in and how many blank ballots they will need to 'fill out'.

Both give plenty of opportunity to sort ballots and 'throw out' 'BAD' ballots.


89119d  No.3963543


eat a dick… im done with the clock.

190788  No.3963544

File: f4d58d7a6e8142b⋯.jpeg (28.3 KB, 551x481, 551:481, 71FA2ACA-81C1-4E67-AFAA-6….jpeg)

File: 7b6d3a6d1059792⋯.jpeg (22.53 KB, 255x186, 85:62, FDD7897F-9D13-4D53-B78C-9….jpeg)


Aaaaaaand I has it!

38b5bf  No.3963545


Execute this crooked bitch.

681068  No.3963546


second i got 331217771279

e35833  No.3963547


Well need a ragtag team of penguins with questionable values and flexible morals…

fcced7  No.3963548


Well for one all of them are niggers

1334ef  No.3963549

File: 32d8a32c0ee69ac⋯.png (60.73 KB, 907x318, 907:318, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)

Multiple people shot including an officer at Mercy Hospital for an active shooter in the hospital. The offender is down. #ChicagoScanner #Chicago



80cec5  No.3963550


Never stop making your desires known. There are MANY forces at play here but the collective will of the people is probably the most powerful.

812814  No.3963551

File: bebd49224e06dff⋯.jpg (13.18 KB, 474x303, 158:101, KW MAGA.jpg)

fae1a4 (1)

"Say that to my face coward!"

7798e2  No.3963552

File: 9c3b16be723a585⋯.png (319.59 KB, 474x393, 158:131, CakjE.png)

1cb5aa  No.3963553

File: fdd74147a105d37⋯.png (663.1 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, whpr7ss.png)



John Gizzi. Believe he's with NewsMax. Why he's not in the Front rows remains a mystery.

ed202b  No.3963554

File: 4232d3a16de0000⋯.jpg (18.9 KB, 480x470, 48:47, steal.jpg)

f961fa  No.3963555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The term "muhjoo shill" is ONLY used by Zionist Shills

The term "muhjoo" shills is actually invented by Zionist Shills in a failing attempt to Censor the Truth about Organized Zionist Criminal Activities against the American people because it has become Public Knowledge.

Desperately trying to ridicule any anon who exposes the Khazarian Zionist Organized Criminal Activities that have harmed Americans, by calling Patriotanons "muhjoo shills" or "bots".

The "muhjoo shill" inversion Trick are like those Jews who paint Swastikas on Synagogues, houses, and dorms. The world is aware of your tricks to frame Goyim.

*Zionist Shills Always call America First anons "shills".

Look who is always trying to Censor the Truth. and harrassing the Baker re: Notables about Zionist Cabal Crimes "allowed to remain" – tells you OVER TARGET.

Remember 9/11


caeab3  No.3963556


Trump stands by the Jew and YOU should too!

5fa73c  No.3963557

File: d1324fa63f3dcd5⋯.png (536.63 KB, 649x900, 649:900, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)


604f84  No.3963558

File: 21460eeb58e0722⋯.png (175.82 KB, 517x594, 47:54, 21460eeb58e0722004cb9c090d….png)


15 shit posts says you do this for a living

1e48a5  No.3963559


I wondered about that too. It seems that some of POTUS's advisors on this sort of stuff aren't as sharp as they ought to be. They can do better than this.

6fc42e  No.3963560



Mark K Bowser

November 16, 2018 9:30 am

Mark Bowser is scheduled for a status hearing before Judge Judith Bartnoff in courtroom 314.

41e13f  No.3963561


1.6 billion worth of barbed wire.

ca1dc9  No.3963563

File: f5fd4c075a7087c⋯.png (77.75 KB, 837x622, 837:622, Q BREAKING NEWS HOSPITAL.PNG)


a64e11  No.3963564

38b5bf  No.3963565


No flattard can explain any reason why /they/ would want people to think the earth is a globe rather than flat.

5fa73c  No.3963566

File: 0fedd95dab78985⋯.png (1 MB, 1267x897, 1267:897, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)


858cae  No.3963567


All the naysayers and Bible critics need to read it. He proves once an for all the KJV is the most accurate inspired word of God

The authenticity of the Holy Bible has been attacked at regular intervals by atheists and theologians alike but none have explained away the mathematical seal beneath its surface.

It would seem the divine hand has moved to prevent counterfeiting in the pages of the Bible in a similar manner to the line that runs through paper money. Bible numerics appears to be God's watermark of authenticity.

Vital research on this numeric seal was completed by a native of the world's most reknowned atheistic nation, Russia. Ivan Panin was born in Russia on December 12, 1855. As a young man he was an active nihilist and participated in plots against the Czar and his government. He was a mathematical genius who died a Harvard scholar and a citizen of the United States in 1942.

16cdae  No.3963568

File: 47bc23ddddf07c6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x1024, 515:512, kittyx.png)

File: b9add7d05ca810f⋯.png (750.59 KB, 999x749, 999:749, CC.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: 5cd1744efcd1114⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1706x960, 853:480, BASTER.png)

File: be3373523db6c55⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, getoutofhere.jpg)



Nothing makes the bot system more obvious than this sort of post.

Humans know the spirit of this movement. The overwhelming ugliness of the bots sticks out like a sore thumb– even though the bots predominate by sheer volume.

Also notice, again, THE OBSESSION WITH DEHUMANIZATION. The AI loves to destroy our bodies, OBJECTIFY us, in the most sinister sense of that word.

Thank you for outing yourself over and over and over idiotbots. Keep going. Might as well just suicide yourself, right? Apparently that is the current strategy ROFL

03909b  No.3963569


notable baker


White House publishes rules for Press conferences,

4c1f80  No.3963570

File: 6ee52059c51779a⋯.jpg (473.65 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, 1542662503067.jpg)

File: 4e0f4c2760befc3⋯.png (818.07 KB, 1080x2324, 270:581, 2018-11-19_22-14-12.PNG)

File: 5b57f69cfb93088⋯.png (259.89 KB, 1080x2181, 360:727, 2018-11-19_22-32-53.PNG)

File: 839caf9e852a6e5⋯.png (837.98 KB, 838x1920, 419:960, 20181119_215838.png)

Another one in the"concrete" club

He also happens to be on Hawai on the "missile event"


6f8074  No.3963571

>>3963202 Very interesting! Btw (and respectfully noting), a finite being that maintains integrity cannot declare "God does not exist"! Agnosticism…yes! Also, Chuck Missler also presented the work of Dr. Ivan Panin, which is inside the bullseye of your point! Cannot be refuted!

0e925b  No.3963572


The trolling is strong with POTUS!

812814  No.3963573

File: 3abe2b0297ddbed⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, Still here.jpg)


Mad I'm not responding to your shit posts and only using id's?

thought so

38b5bf  No.3963574


I'm guessing it wasnt Soros, Tom Steyer, Bezos, or any other demonicrat.

65e673  No.3963575


The officer, guarding a room?

fed7c7  No.3963576

File: 11a3352855b4f83⋯.jpeg (81.04 KB, 648x444, 54:37, 2D8E6216-51EF-4A86-87BB-6….jpeg)

File: 5fe7685dc080f79⋯.jpeg (463.49 KB, 2176x1348, 544:337, 7CD45299-CEA7-467D-A10E-5….jpeg)

File: edf95666b1da5cf⋯.jpeg (283.63 KB, 1200x857, 1200:857, 4204BC46-0604-49DD-80E3-E….jpeg)

File: 50b7b911e7fb210⋯.jpeg (764.45 KB, 2173x1447, 2173:1447, 2C9EF1E0-F9B7-4D3A-BDC9-8….jpeg)

File: 60bebfd79efb923⋯.jpeg (111.18 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 07A5AD1A-0AD8-4256-AD16-B….jpeg)

1c8771  No.3963577

File: ab7af8799a75331⋯.jpg (437.65 KB, 1200x922, 600:461, border wall wire no climbe….jpg)

de3ff3  No.3963578


I prefer a belief system that explains the world prior to 5000 BC.

The last Ice Age ended 12,000 years ago, which is when my ancestors migrated from Central Asia into the newly green lands of the West, Europe.

451d3d  No.3963579

File: 2a4edbc36980919⋯.png (11.38 KB, 222x255, 74:85, pepesad___.png)


Cost is about $1000 for a grown pine to be taken down in Paradise. Well, back when there were trees, and a Paradise…

e94e8d  No.3963580


that's actually my point

bc502c  No.3963581

File: 4b36d82d475904c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x801, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)


Verified account


7m7 minutes ago


On Friday, Director Wray had the honor of welcoming the #FBI’s newest Special Agents to the FBI family when he administered the oath of office at a new agent graduation in Quantico, VA.

e0bc2e  No.3963582

File: 2bc83f247aaaa3d⋯.png (265.99 KB, 800x983, 800:983, Q.png)

Word Definition of the Day: Stringer



See more synonyms for stringer on Thesaurus.com


a person or thing that strings.

a long horizontal timber connecting upright posts.

Architecture . string(def 15b).

Civil Engineering . a longitudinal bridge girder for supporting part of a deck or railroad track between bents or piers.

a longitudinal reinforcement in the fuselage or wing of an airplane.

Also called string correspondent. Journalism . a part-time newspaper correspondent covering a local area for a paper published elsewhere: The Los Angeles paper has a correspondent in San Francisco but only a stringer in Seattle. Compare staffer(def 2).

a stout string, rope, etc., strung through the gills and mouth of newly caught fish, so that they may be carried or put back in the water to keep them alive or fresh.

a contestant, player, or other person ranked according to skill or accomplishment (used in combination): Most of the conductors at the opera house were third-stringers.

Mining . a small vein or seam of ore, coal, etc.


News Unlocks Map & Stringers




21 Dec 2017 - 11:44:45 PM

News unlocks Map.

Future proves past.

Stringers important.

Hint: ←————————-




(Find Post) ←——————

News: ←————————

POTUS Tax Bill Speech (learn (22)(2+2_)).

AT&T Diverted Capital Home.


Common Thread is News and Stringers, therefore, Stringers here is refering to Journalism, or more specifically, published articles.

Captain Green Stringer Explained




21 Nov 2017 - 7:15:58 PM





Why were keywords added in the stringer? ←——– In the News Article.

What was the purpose?

What was previously stated?

To who specifically?


Who countered? ←—————- Implies a stringer conversation.

Learn to read the map.

Missing critical items.

Graphic is key.

Ordering is critical.


306c44  No.3963583

File: a7987d20849060f⋯.jpg (96.15 KB, 530x298, 265:149, jack.jpg)

e6da96  No.3963584

File: 0c567fc5ecb3fda⋯.jpg (992.05 KB, 1664x1664, 1:1, PicsArt_11-19-01.38.37.jpg)

File: 861a7bf53ef414f⋯.jpg (140.97 KB, 564x751, 564:751, IMG_20180626_235134.jpg)

Starting 10.28.17

17 days 23 times lands on 11.23.18

23 days 17 times lands on 11.23.18

212fb6  No.3963585

Seal the qresearch board in light. The qresearch board is protected.

GUIDED MEDITATION - White Light Protection: "Warrior of Light" (Epic Power-Meditation) - YouTube


38b5bf  No.3963586


Now, fix the water scam.

b66d92  No.3963587

Gowdy seemed to all but confirm he will not be AG on fox this morning :(

Basically said he would love to help POTUS identify an AG who will push POTUS's agenda while respecting equal justice for all.

I don't care what anyone says, Gowdy has achieved legendary status among patriots as far as I'm concerned.

932608  No.3963588


Wrong countless videos on the youtube covering just that.

b960ec  No.3963589


i laughed at mine . it tickled me so much! the tantrums quickly ended.

fed7c7  No.3963590

File: d887f27524f96d0⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 5B35691E-B1A5-411C-94C3-C7….png)

a71d86  No.3963591

File: 182fe09a8b79662⋯.jpg (314.32 KB, 1080x1675, 216:335, Screenshot_20181119-154141….jpg)


fae1a4  No.3963592

File: f19e773df2b38bc⋯.png (617.18 KB, 631x625, 631:625, Wall wire alpha.png)


Alpha version

ed202b  No.3963593

File: 511ae0fd3d5911d⋯.jpg (476.1 KB, 631x625, 631:625, Wall_Pepe.jpg)

771bdb  No.3963594

DJT retweeted his "boom" tweet. we should probably be keeping track of his "booms".

190788  No.3963595

File: 3cbaf0f0463603c⋯.jpeg (112.5 KB, 750x291, 250:97, 28B43F19-7D0B-4D2F-BC89-7….jpeg)

File: bcc32a1ee872096⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB, 498x428, 249:214, BD762025-761B-4FF1-AEC6-A….jpeg)

File: 67aa0a3046624b7⋯.jpeg (20.77 KB, 215x255, 43:51, 76270D8A-C4EC-42EB-BF95-A….jpeg)

This might be the reason FEtards are all fired up….


caeab3  No.3963596


Some of the Podesta e-mails talk about ETI bringing zero-point energy. It sounds so fluffy, but my instincts tell me this is some kind of satanic magic that deals in the nature of quanta.

4fa4be  No.3963597

File: dea3e8092dbcd68⋯.png (305.88 KB, 792x674, 396:337, Whitaker Justice is Coming.png)

Mr. Whitaker sir,

LET'S GO!!! WTF are you waiting for?

And don't tell me more judges. We can get started on this mess. Start firing everyone in the DOJ top ranks and clean house.

Release the documents already declassified, give us updates on Huber and IG Reports and when they will be done.


9a79ad  No.3963598



604f84  No.3963599

File: f4b66a6ec7e59c8⋯.jpg (7.14 KB, 255x212, 255:212, 14cbabfcd4f5545d6c25eed9a3….jpg)


You responded to my only 2 posts so far


5fa73c  No.3963600

File: 62b91c3aa704ac9⋯.png (625.55 KB, 1000x805, 200:161, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)



7ecf59  No.3963601


"White male"

This will be the only shooting in Chicago that the MSM will pay attention to.

16cdae  No.3963602


Does the definition you provided contain the usage we employ here?

2876f0  No.3963603

File: e67cc5b20364b6d⋯.png (382.15 KB, 684x448, 171:112, 2018-11-19_16-43-24.png)


You have to believe the FAKE NEWS reporters are pssed.

Never heard any of them ask just ONE question…

and th next briefing portends to be a real sht show!


ac1fd3  No.3963604


So the codes are different. We need a sharper image to work with.

1334ef  No.3963605

File: b389f70c16fe45e⋯.png (113.43 KB, 937x478, 937:478, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)



#UPDATE: Suspect is down with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. No information on the number of victims.



451d3d  No.3963606



2518f6  No.3963607


Muh Hatch Act Mississippi

0c486c  No.3963608


a9c0d2  No.3963609


he's not going to do anything.

nothing is going to happen.

e94e8d  No.3963610


If you question this, you're a newdivisionshillfag.

a3b8b0  No.3963611

The election is over. What are waiting on next? Serious question, don't be a dick.

de3ff3  No.3963612


Why would the Chabad have a Cafe named Cafe 41?

I assume that 41 has a special meaning, and the only thing I can think of is that 41 is one less than 42 which is the answer to everything. So does it mean that they believe we are almost at the end of the world? And they are sipping coffee knowingly waiting for it?

c15b9a  No.3963613


Safe guess that

e94e8d  No.3963614


Declas then Huber

65e673  No.3963615


Reminds me of Sturgill Simpson, who somehow thinks HIS oob DMT experiences are superior to the rest of we rubes

8e80bd  No.3963616


If POTUS will not go on offense he will be 1 term president

16cdae  No.3963617

File: 9eeed0f9a0b0bf5⋯.png (714.28 KB, 1957x999, 1957:999, themachine.png)


I absolutely wouldn't be surprised. Technology and spirituality (dark) are coming together.

b66d92  No.3963618



8e36e4  No.3963619


Back in the day having actually accomplished something is what it took to get a person legendary status. Now, I guess a few good speeches and some grand standing will get it done.

35fd69  No.3963620


This always confused me, anon if you could answer me please. Why does the clock start at :20? First crumb was on 10/28/17 @ 16:44:28 edt?

f961fa  No.3963621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only American politicians, Zionists and the Zionist MSM "stands by the Jew".

US Adult Population 243 Million people

US Jewish Population - less than 2%

Israel Population - almost 9 Million

98% of Americans DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ISRAEL. Unless you're a Zionist Shill.

We've been force fed this crap, but you can't hide the TRUTH about Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans anymore.

In the interest of UNITY and Equality, That Noahide Law signed into US Law 102-14 should cover Everyone, so it should be Legal to execute ALL Criminals and Traitors by Guillotine… not just Christians.

4f0ad6  No.3963622


Acosta wont be able to help himself.

He'll just be, well, Jim Acosta.

Press pass revoked again, except this time all legal and above board as per new rules.

Trust The Plan.

ac1fd3  No.3963623


Can any US Anons confirm that these slips are genuine? The QR codes are different on the slips as I am not a US Anon, I'm not sure as to what I am looking at.

I could really do with a sharper image to work with.

1334ef  No.3963624

File: 734867b2cc48c99⋯.png (164.51 KB, 1038x909, 346:303, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)


Eben MOAR:

Multiple people reported shot near Mercy Hospital on Near South Side

Police were reporting multiple victims in a shooting in the area of Mercy Hospital on the Near South Side that brought out a large police presence Monday afternoon, police said.

Emergency crews were called to near the hospital, 2525 S. Michigan Ave., about 3:20 p.m.

There were “Reports of multiple victims” in the attack, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in a tweet.

Authorities were warning people to stay out of the area. Fire crews were at the scene.


cf430b  No.3963625


Technically the election is still on going.. run off in Missouri.

1e48a5  No.3963626


Inflation….a billion doesn't buy as much anymore. As long as it keeps them out for now I'm good with it. POTUS is working with what he's got. Its a whole lot better than it was before and also a lot better than doing nothing.

681068  No.3963627

Yeah they're all different. What's your theory?

2876f0  No.3963628

e94e8d  No.3963629

File: e719be41dfdc4dc⋯.png (405.14 KB, 1001x584, 1001:584, ClipboardImage.png)


Declas and Huber BRING THE PAIN

5212b2  No.3963630

>>3963376 If we wind it, he will confirm - Qcloq


812814  No.3963631

File: a2cc82ab5e9040e⋯.jpg (141.19 KB, 800x505, 160:101, Waterfall.jpg)

Only you shills are the ones who complain.

Your strategy is hopelessly flawed and in dire need of a re-think.

Shilling each other?

Who came up with that idea?

Hope it was worth whatever money was spent on your Tactical 'battle' plans.

You shills just lucky I can't haul your sorry asses out of each bread.

Fishing for YOU!

190788  No.3963632

File: 7ca44e7a8ecf1c9⋯.jpeg (226.84 KB, 675x559, 675:559, A04DD17D-0D91-41D5-9E57-C….jpeg)




16cdae  No.3963633

File: 3e49c4866868767⋯.png (204.11 KB, 670x619, 670:619, stealthjim.png)


Enjoy the show.

0e925b  No.3963634


You're not even responding to what I said you little twat

38b5bf  No.3963635


I made that meme, dumbass.

b54ba8  No.3963636

-Multiple students sickened during Thanksgiving prayer in school gym, Florida fire officials say-


0c486c  No.3963637


a9c0d2  No.3963638


then enjoy the last two years of Trump as your president because he's never gone on the offensive once.

He's all bark no bite. He hasn't put ONE lowly criminal in jail.

And you fuckers think he's going to nab Obama and Hillary? How high are you folks? They are literally untouchable.

c15b9a  No.3963639

File: 71388b77ef4b98a⋯.png (845.69 KB, 815x452, 815:452, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia won’t be dragged into new arms race, but will respond to US withdrawal from INF – Putin

Moscow will not leave Washington’s decision to unilaterally withdraw from the landmark nuclear arms treaty unanswered, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding that the country doesn’t need to join another arms race.

Russia is still ready to continue dialog with the US on the bilateral treaty banning medium-range missiles, which has become one of the cornerstones of nuclear disarmament, the Russian leader said at a government meeting in Sochi. Still, the US should “treat this issue with full responsibility,” the president said, adding that Washington’s decision to withdraw from the agreement “cannot and will not be left unanswered.”

These are not empty threats, Putin warned. He said that Russia had previously cautioned the US against leaving the ABM treaty regulating missile systems and warned Washington about potential retaliation. “Now, we have hypersonic weapons capable of penetrating any missile defense,” Putin said, referring to Russia’s newest state-of-the-art weapons.

The president also called on the government and military officials to develop “concrete steps” Russia can take in response to the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty.

Moscow will not allow anyone to drag itself into another armed race, the Russian leader said. Instead, Russia plans to focus on “balanced development” of its Army, Navy and Air Force. The troops are expected to adopt new military training techniques, using the combat experience they received in Syria. Russia will also continue to modernize its military hardware.

Putin said he hopes that the “common sense” will prevail and the US will continue a dialog with Russia in the fields of strategic stability and collective security on the basis of “mutual responsibility.”

The 30-year-old arms agreement banned possession and development of short and mid-range missiles. The US has been claiming that Russia has been violating the INF deal by building missiles it prohibits. Moscow has refuted the allegations and accused the US of non-compliance as well, arguing that it can re-purpose the missile defense complexes stationed in Eastern Europe and use them as offensive intermediate-range launchers.

In October, US National Security Advisor John Bolton reaffirmed US President Donald Trump's intent to pull out from the INF treaty during his visit to Moscow. Apart from Russia’s alleged non-compliance with the treaty, he also named the ongoing Chinese militarization as a pretext.


16cdae  No.3963640


It's bots.

d5ae77  No.3963641


Didn’t get much traction. Screen shotted for later.

44bd87  No.3963642

kek, next bread will get interesting

604f84  No.3963643

File: 1e3651b4947c2dc⋯.jpeg (121.16 KB, 1440x1010, 144:101, 30a13e453a1f42c8b8a9d112e….jpeg)

359a89  No.3963644

File: 903c453e3583d1e⋯.png (607.84 KB, 1037x1046, 1037:1046, Q-Clock_Nov18_Adam_SHITbKE….png)


Bonus KEK on your clock.

Be sure to post it yourself to the Clockwork Qrange bread.

No one likes a LF CF.

caeab3  No.3963645


I had some of this prime information come to me during my awakening. Math download. First thing to come was important of twelve.

41a886  No.3963646

File: 0e8b89aecd01451⋯.jpg (80.99 KB, 600x591, 200:197, IMG_6896.JPG)


They're not sending their best!

932608  No.3963647


You sucker Joseph Justus Scalige was a retard and so are you for not knowing that he invented the bs history you fell for.

38b5bf  No.3963648


For you, I would have said, You have to go back to finish community college.

5fa73c  No.3963649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4fa4be  No.3963650


American made I presume. At least that money is going towards American companies and workers.

>1.6 billion worth of barbed wire

446595  No.3963651


the fundamental question is Why was/is that asshole EVER called upon?! they need to get some fucking balls in the press room.

812814  No.3963652


not all of them

know who is who.. at this with them long enough.

cf430b  No.3963653

2518f6  No.3963654



abb7f2  No.3963655

AccuWeather: Northeast Faces ‘Frigid’ Thanksgiving, Black Friday

The Northeastern United States is likely in for a “frigid” Thanksgiving as chilly winds may bring “more rounds of snow and slick travel,” according to reports.

Meteorologist Renee Duff writes the Northeast will face more “bouts of wintry weather” this week after snow blanketed parts of New York, New Jersey, and Virginia last Thursday. Washington, D.C. received nearly two inches of snows, causing a slew of delays and school closures.

The storm

was the nation’s capital’s first measurable November snowfall in 22-years.

AccuWeather states:

A narrow zone of rain and snow that swept through the interior Northeast through Monday evening, kicking off a train of wintry weather through midweek.

Another round of snow is likely to impact parts of the Northeast Monday night through Tuesday, according to AccuWeather Meteorologist Brett Rathbun.

The accumulating snow is expected to develop across northern Pennsylvania on Monday evening and spread to New England into Tuesday.

The region could receive up to three inches of snow, while a storm spanning from New York’s Catskills Mountains to Maine could see between three to six inches of snowfall. However, AccuWeather notes the area could receive more than six inches if the storm gains strength quicker than forecasted. Vermont’s Brattleboro, New Hampshire’s Concord and Portsmouth, along with Portland, Maine, are likely to see the most snow and travel disruptions.

“Stretches of interstates 84, 87, 90, 91, 93 and 95, as well as other area roads can become slick and treacherous,” said AccuWeather senior meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski. “Schools in New England that have not closed for Thanksgiving already are likely to delay or close on Tuesday.”


Anons, patriots, frens ww,




NOV 23rd. Black Friday.

One day after JFK assassination, in 1963.

On full moon.


>Morning sun brings heat.

>Full moon coming.

>Undiscovered stars learned.

>Missions forward.


Love you all.

932608  No.3963656


Joseph Justus Scaliger

89119d  No.3963657


Imagine if he lost the autists and they memed his defeat into existence out of pure spite of the lack of justice. Who's the new hope? That pirate, Crenshaw?

65e673  No.3963658


He's quite opinionated that if one does not emerge from DMT a liberal, they're brain-dead

e94e8d  No.3963659


If you question this, you're a newdivisionshillfag.

ac1fd3  No.3963660


If you are on about the voting slips, they may have changed the QR codes so that the vote counting machines register them as separate votes.This might even slip by manual people counting them.

I can't add more to this until I can see what comes back on the other QR codes.

680cea  No.3963661


Reading Q’s other mention of ‘stringers’ I don’t think the journalism definition fits - although I acknowledge ‘double meanings exist’

Personally I have never heard the word used in any context [apart from in The Wire] until Q mentioned it. I assumed it was an Americanism that described the ‘headline’ or ‘lead-in’ to an article - in particular, video.

0c486c  No.3963662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

after $4trillion in gynotology and a potatoeface like that; there is no hope

ad7669  No.3963663

File: 7f0867d8960ff27⋯.png (889.46 KB, 949x1039, 949:1039, ClipboardImage.png)


No quarter will be offered.

ec61af  No.3963664


>South Side Chicago

Could be gang beef/failed hit.

da8461  No.3963665

File: 825cc00c45fcb22⋯.jpg (673.59 KB, 748x797, 748:797, 7816d156284b83494e39d97a7a….jpg)


38b5bf  No.3963666


Because the cognitive dissonance between Q posts and reality.

Bye@Jack, the Midterms are safe, 2018 will be glorious. Or not.

7ecf59  No.3963667


I believe we are waiting for the confirmation

on the Election. All states have different official, confirmation days. Once something is confirmed .. its been sent all the way through, if found to have false votes/election fraud can then actually be called and serious charges are able to be placed = arrest.

Voter fraud is an individual

Election fraud is a number of ppl/ higher ups, ppl in power, breaking many laws = many charges, a more serious crime.

Although, that is only election (waiting ) we are doing. Other things coming dow the pipe is the pop off at the boarder, FISA Declas, so on and so on.

16cdae  No.3963668

File: 775de463565647b⋯.png (42.42 KB, 785x450, 157:90, FUQ.png)


You can tell a post gets the system mad when a new captcha suddenly pops up, like this one triggered. Sometimes, as has been observed, they seem to contain… little hints. LOL

446595  No.3963669


fuck the joos

fuck israel

fuck you

812814  No.3963670

16cdae  No.3963671


Are you very confident in your assessment? How can you be?

38b5bf  No.3963672


Are you ready for arrests?? Muh Aviante.

61f58e  No.3963673


Meanwhile in Chicago


58caee  No.3963674


No thanks. They murdered Jesus.

4fa4be  No.3963675


What else is WRAY fucking doing???????

Seems like another Comey to me. Just stand around and look tall or handsome.

1e48a5  No.3963676


He and the judge who riled in his favor actually established the new rules that will force all of these fake journalists to change their attitudes and behavior in those WH press conferences from now on. One question–if you are called on—then sit down and shut the fuck up.

This was another one of those situations that blew up in their faces and turned out exactly the opposite of what they hoped it would.

da8461  No.3963677


95aaa3  No.3963678




>>3963202 (You) Very interesting! Btw (and respectfully noting), a finite being that maintains integrity cannot declare "God does not exist"! Agnosticism…yes! Also, Chuck Missler also presented the work of Dr. Ivan Panin, which is inside the bullseye of your point! Cannot be refuted!

I agre with your statement, with a minor reservation. The question of God's existance is not something that can be "half believed" at the start. I mean, he either exists or he does not as a reality. So, as a scientist I had to recognize I was only given two choices. And given that the proof had not been seen yet, I was logically forced into non-belief, or belief.

What dumbfounds me is the many proofs now sending us well into "beyond the scientific mathematical definition of zero chance" that he does not exist. What is that number, like One over 10 to the 50th power? And we are like, one over 10 to the 250+ power? Millions of times zero chance he does not exist once you examine the proofs.

I have zero problem going where the evidence leads. The thought of a creator bothers me no more than the thought of no creator. Rather a comfort after reading what he has to say actually. But….

Does it not bother you a bit about why he all of a sudden decided that simple faith was not enough for this generation?

I ponder this a lot.

8e80bd  No.3963679


Unfortunately yes

61b5b8  No.3963680



16cdae  No.3963681

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 80fb824f9795a79⋯.png (915.55 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, L.png)

a71d86  No.3963682

File: 216d8a6832166e5⋯.jpg (271.47 KB, 1080x1471, 1080:1471, Screenshot_20181119-155251….jpg)


812814  No.3963683

File: 41d890cb2cd42ed⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Digital Air Cavalry.jpg)

98d48b  No.3963684


Same Guy?

Mark Kenyetta Bowser Jr. of Capitol Heights, Md. charged in stabbing death of D.C. woman Tracy Womack

by The Associated PressMonday, September 22nd 2014


37031d  No.3963685

File: c284a69773bc8e6⋯.png (508.84 KB, 600x452, 150:113, ClipboardImage.png)

c5e521  No.3963686

>>3963257 He has overseen the destruction of CA. Bankrupted the state at the same time foreign influence reached treasonous levels. Allowed sanctuary cities at the expense of real citizens, punishing them for their race and abilities while coddling invaders who were allowed to vote. Remained a major player in the politics of the treasonous dem party. One of the loudest vs. DJT. He looks nervous. What will we discover when the hammer comes down?

b960ec  No.3963688


you do know our numbers are known to those who it matters to right?

38b5bf  No.3963689


Maybe he should come out and tell them French nationalism is bad and wrong.

ebaec6  No.3963690


>Gowdy seemed to all but confirm he will not be AG on fox this morning :(

He discounted nothing!

fed7c7  No.3963691

File: c573f676f3c3b5e⋯.jpeg (106.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, D5A29518-7721-453D-9EB9-3….jpeg)

File: 52c7b60bdc60354⋯.jpeg (754.67 KB, 2173x1447, 2173:1447, FB5AAA37-B7FA-497C-81B7-D….jpeg)

File: 035bebfcf9641a9⋯.jpeg (761.87 KB, 2173x1447, 2173:1447, A5D9DDB0-317C-4EBF-A402-9….jpeg)

File: 3236861eff5f986⋯.jpeg (107.31 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 97639243-6EC8-41DF-AAB7-7….jpeg)

File: b2415325f63bcd7⋯.jpeg (85.26 KB, 888x499, 888:499, EF13CA65-928C-41CD-ACCA-9….jpeg)

de3ff3  No.3963692


It's not a mystery to me.

Whenever he raises his hand for a question, he gets called on, but the rabble of journalists don't realize it because they cannot see him back there. So he writes his notes in peace without having to keep waving his hand in the air. Sarah knows who each and every one of these journalists is. She know that John is well-behaved and respectful and doesn't wave his hand all the time. So he gets treated respectfully in return.

It's a small room so no problems hearing Sarah at the back.

82cdd9  No.3963693

File: b059e997881e48e⋯.png (69.83 KB, 1172x922, 586:461, M_trump_punisher (1).png)


the hair…stays.

f9e0ae  No.3963694


And 60% of 80 = 80% of 60. This may be the dumbest math I've ever witnessed. Were you expecting 2 different dates?

812814  No.3963695

16cdae (26)

mine was very similar

bd54c6  No.3963696

File: a805300f3a46bc2⋯.jpg (102.37 KB, 1264x964, 316:241, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….jpg)

Enjoy the show!

da8461  No.3963697

File: d9e198fac207a14⋯.png (1 MB, 956x639, 956:639, ClipboardImage.png)


b1d6d3  No.3963698

File: 3364731dcea0ad6⋯.jpg (197.48 KB, 488x626, 244:313, hillarytionette.jpg)


If that doesn't lead directly to a Bush Jr live-feed, I'll be disappointed.

0c486c  No.3963699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fake hoes know

fake news and fake jews

fly moths fly

ae279d  No.3963700

File: af3fc104aa051df⋯.png (678.16 KB, 615x867, 205:289, ClipboardImage.png)

4f0ad6  No.3963701


'These people are stupid'.


de3ff3  No.3963702


Keep those steel mills humming, America wins when the money circulates.

7ecf59  No.3963704


Suspect is already down, read further up bread.

efe893  No.3963705


beautiful pep!

fed7c7  No.3963707

File: b67cd3760eed4b7⋯.jpeg (196.24 KB, 1265x748, 115:68, B28F7091-2ABE-4DF3-BC30-8….jpeg)

File: d66b53b0a4c11cc⋯.jpeg (109.14 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 89113014-1F98-4E13-83F0-9….jpeg)

File: 0674c148daf8e0a⋯.jpeg (392 KB, 1100x1149, 1100:1149, 673E8218-B290-4A34-9BE8-2….jpeg)

16cdae  No.3963708

File: 9f4df006554934b⋯.jpg (479.52 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, YOUFAIL.jpg)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

File: b0997b53fa452d2⋯.png (383.85 KB, 999x999, 1:1, bustem.png)

File: 73c68d23b105ada⋯.png (925.75 KB, 1203x840, 401:280, mildlynauseousfisa.png)

File: 8aefd82a991483e⋯.png (435.47 KB, 964x1372, 241:343, onobo.png)


Stop trying to imitate us. It's pathetic.

0c486c  No.3963709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

capri sun batter

680cea  No.3963710


We definitely need a MEGA*

*not a MEUGA

f4028f  No.3963711


The god of the Bible is a piece of shit.

c5e521  No.3963712


US anon here. I have no feckin idea what they're on either. Kek.

d1038a  No.3963713

File: f772e2dd16275e5⋯.jpg (298.29 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, acosta shining.jpg)

4184fb  No.3963714

File: 8134b9714d5cd79⋯.png (77.92 KB, 1340x572, 335:143, Q DROPS 11-18.PNG)


so are these drops on clock for today?

AS and tick tock….what was found yesterday?

0e925b  No.3963715

File: 98b042b98315a60⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 600x375, 8:5, sniperBarrett.jpg)


Hold yer fire, might actually be a real anon.

681068  No.3963716


1) 005042001021100266001800000421164325

2) 331217771279

3) 005041001021100266001800000421164325

4) 005044001021100266001800000421164325

Mebbe not all different? Weird.

812814  No.3963717

16cdae (26)

knew you wouldn't answer or respond to that.

I guess you are learning..Not much though

16cdae  No.3963718

File: 0a9fc66159859ba⋯.png (364.93 KB, 1346x844, 673:422, LOLATTHIS.png)

File: ca75311b40cd35b⋯.png (917.53 KB, 2972x646, 1486:323, oopskarl.png)

File: ff06d626a3d41e2⋯.png (7.53 MB, 3952x2222, 1976:1111, lrdtab.png)

File: ff557b80b985c4c⋯.png (555.79 KB, 770x997, 770:997, awful.png)


[bots can't meme]

0c486c  No.3963719

File: 9eff436f7c60ba2⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3152.JPG)

da8461  No.3963720

File: 7f90112b875bdc7⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, ClipboardImage.png)


4fe73a  No.3963721


Perhaps he should use that look for his 2nd term.

5fa73c  No.3963722

File: 77b2d29a74a74b6⋯.jpg (92.5 KB, 836x1024, 209:256, 8f4b8f16dec90f168688f601e5….jpg)

16cdae  No.3963723

File: 74863a42e9281f8⋯.png (609.4 KB, 912x630, 152:105, TPSM.png)

File: dcd2659a7e519cc⋯.png (453.6 KB, 999x561, 333:187, podestaseeks.png)

File: 922621484e12657⋯.png (205.19 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC29.png)

File: 931865f5023b73f⋯.png (729.54 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, WINTER-WREN.png)

File: 1d500f6929f94a3⋯.png (143.7 KB, 397x600, 397:600, happeningspengler.png)

b66d92  No.3963724


he said something like "I look forward to working with my new employers in South Carolina in January"

b960ec  No.3963725


it is expensive but certainly a lot less than losing life and everything else if you do survive.

I see nothing wrong with allowing fire breaks through forested areas. I hate the clear cutting they use to allow. But this was the pendulum swinging back the wrong way.

Then again agenda 21 had been thought of back then. Most likely part of the overall plan.

I think our useless fema trailers should be hauled up their for anyone who wishes to go back to their land and rebuild.

c5e521  No.3963726

File: 854a52fbe9ec8aa⋯.jpg (144.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MagaSteel101.jpg)

File: 6e21e51edba94ae⋯.jpg (196.79 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MagaSteel102.jpg)

File: a3d1a7ad4fad6f1⋯.jpg (213.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, MagaSteel103.jpg)

File: 90caaee6e9186be⋯.jpg (331.25 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, QProofMSMObsoleteMuch5Stee….jpg)

File: 1ea9558a11bc7da⋯.jpg (266.63 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, TrumpReinventingSteel.jpg)


American steel good.

National security.

0c7c96  No.3963727

File: 41cd02c7eea0a22⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 828x482, 414:241, 41cd02c7eea0a221244108a949….jpg)


>He hasn't put ONE lowly criminal in jail.

de3ff3  No.3963728


Nobody needs to read it.

The proof of God's existence is within each one of us. We have NO NEED OF PROOF if we cannot communicate directly with God. So the first task is to find a quiet, private place and to listen internally for God's quiet voice and to feel God's presence within us. Once this happens, we can receive guidance, and if we still need proof of God's existence, that will be provided. True prayer is this quiet communication with God within each one of us.

0076e8  No.3963729




Popcorn (movie)

Ice Fishing (FISH BAIT)

Planes (Gitmo)

e94e8d  No.3963730

File: c071672042da8c7⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1857x1857, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

And here's one for the baseball fans:

I am announcing the Qbaseball.

It works the same way as the Qclock, there's just a baseball in the middle so its a Qbaseball.

Remember, if you question me, you're a newdivisionshillfag.

da8461  No.3963731

File: d670a0800f870a0⋯.png (533.16 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



















1e48a5  No.3963732


Do you seriously believe that God cares about your opinions of him?

Sad you!

57603a  No.3963733


Very well written piece by the WH Comms Team.


>Never heard any of them ask just ONE question…

Exactly, they just screwed their own pooch.

812814  No.3963734

File: e99f7baa48fedb6⋯.jpg (423.88 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Ride that shill.jpg)

0c486c  No.3963735

File: 631a7d90498da0f⋯.png (1.45 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_3141.PNG)

451d3d  No.3963736

Super-Rich Obama Should Give Taxpayers Their Money Back

Public Service: By his own admission, Barack Obama is now fabulously rich. So why are middle-class taxpayers paying him roughly a million dollars each year?

According to the New York Post, Barack and Michelle Obama are "on their way to becoming a billionaire brand."

The article notes the many ways the Obama's are turning eight years in the White House into an episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous."

Michelle earned a $65 million advance on her book, "Becoming." She's also making beaucoup bucks on a speaking tour. Ticket prices for her "Conversation With Michelle Obama" in Brooklyn next month range up to $4,070. There will also be plenty of money made on merchandise sales.

But Barack Obama spent his entire political career bashing the rich.

So, here's a modest proposal for Barack Obama.

Since he's clearly "made enough money," why not give back the $207,800 that taxpayers fork over for his presidential pension each year?

And how about covering the cost of the many perks former presidents also get? Such as the $536,000 in office space that taxpayers are providing him. Or the cost of his lifetime Secret Service protection. Or his gold-plated health benefits. Or his staff, travel funds, and free postage.

The total cost to taxpayers of these benefits: More than $1 million a year.

Heck, all Obama would have to do is give 3 speeches and he'd more than cover that tab.

As Cummings put it: "Taxpayers should not have to pay for a former president's allowance if the former president is making a comfortable living earning more than $400,000 a year after leaving office."

Amen to that.

But Obama doesn't have to wait for Congress to act.

So how about it, Mr. Obama? Why not take a minute from your Top 0.01% lifestyle and give hardworking taxpayers their money back?


710f41  No.3963737

File: 12d4e6095eea404⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, spirit bomb.jpg)

3f3f74  No.3963738

File: 1992b76a9483d03⋯.png (78.97 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 5A2F68C0-F2CA-4B36-9AE6-E0….png)


Gotcha.. and i agree.. where i found it actually digging kek!


Of courz!


Flame broiled.. extra crispy me hopes.. “concrete” as in left to dust

840a6b  No.3963739


Mueller prove wrapping up on its own without need for Nuclear option [declas]. All is well. Happy Holidays. New EO Marshal Law takes effect in January. Then whoop whoop the cans start popping. Plus ongoing election habbenings and investigations. And we get daily news confirmations on crumbs. Who could have predicted a cucked Jerry Brown and Adam Schitt tweet over the weekend?

16cdae  No.3963740

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: 74095837c74687c⋯.png (228.22 KB, 444x656, 111:164, BIBEN.png)

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)



604f84  No.3963741


I concur

Just friendly fire

I'm requisitioning that pic BTW thankQ

ebaec6  No.3963742


I look forward to having a burger but if someone offers me a steak instead, I'll go for that.

48f002  No.3963743

File: dfcaf48c762f84c⋯.jpg (3.96 KB, 103x139, 103:139, LAM.jpg)

File: b9fafad6498991d⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x197, 255:197, ocasiocortezLAM.png)

e5977c  No.3963744

File: 073f86e02db5881⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1897, 1242:1897, 579FF22E-7189-498C-AC4F-D….jpeg)

4f0ad6  No.3963745

File: 0eb1c4c237d3bd1⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 500x570, 50:57, Pepe Classic Kek.jpg)

3a0005  No.3963746

File: be4287a48591530⋯.png (810.32 KB, 987x536, 987:536, ClipboardImage.png)


Added a couple moar! Kek!

0e925b  No.3963747


Well go ahead and say it, you stupid liddle fuck! What's the point of saying you'd say something unless your a fucking chicken shit.

The fuck! The shit this board has to put up with.

For you, ranking:

MEH! Try harder.

74cd87  No.3963748

File: 1cf7e7067878a5d⋯.jpeg (15.97 KB, 166x255, 166:255, jewscalp.jpeg)


Gas yourself.

16cdae  No.3963749

File: cf5441030ffb284⋯.png (140.79 KB, 282x352, 141:176, BidenMTP.png)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 7abb18e3f710545⋯.png (229.06 KB, 519x444, 173:148, DNIBN.png)

File: b411322423c04bb⋯.png (372.77 KB, 555x622, 555:622, BidenXMAS.png)

File: 4aa5a398c05f1a5⋯.png (428.96 KB, 600x828, 50:69, BIBRM.png)

0c486c  No.3963750



38b5bf  No.3963751

File: a075a31be734655⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, npc vote fraud r wing prop….jpg)

caccff  No.3963752

File: 1414ceb16658bc9⋯.png (970.71 KB, 984x664, 123:83, SST.png)


Reminder that Android 17(Q) literally saves the multiverse. Kek.

fcced7  No.3963753



da8461  No.3963754


858cae  No.3963755


maybe you didn't understand what I posted, try and reread it ,, notice the all the naysayers and Bible critics part,,

4f8a4b  No.3963756

File: fe695b6d05e49a2⋯.png (73.48 KB, 720x954, 40:53, 20181119_155833.png)


Split the W into 2 Vs

TV Vitter

TV for petty quibblers

ed202b  No.3963757


Nope, that was five days ago on 11/14. Actually, it would have been even earlier on the 09/15 clock by the way I read it.

de3ff3  No.3963758


It's true, he hasn't put ONE lowly criminal in jail. He has put over 12,000 of them in jail for human rights abuses, and several thousand more from the Federal government, for financial offenses discovered by the Inspectors General. Not to mention the lowly criminals in the VA where he has fired 3600 of them.

Things are HAPPENING on a grand scale.

Ask DHS about MS13 arrests, for instance.

932608  No.3963759


Try eating better food and maybe your spelling, grammar and IQ will improve. Cause right now you are NPC.

9f1e86  No.3963760

File: a2b811fd00bdb3f⋯.png (298.11 KB, 445x453, 445:453, Screenshot_2018-11-19-10-3….png)

16cdae  No.3963761

File: 6ce951fef74b2a1⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 940x6768, 5:36, fakies.jpg)

File: 00aaf7d3ed4f784⋯.png (2.14 MB, 896x5920, 28:185, WeAreQueueanon.png)


Thank you for choosing to out yourself, bot system.

6fc42e  No.3963762



b960ec  No.3963763


That is what Jesus said.

But man always wants to control.

What you said is perfect. That is what Jesus meant , we are all children of God, not just Jesus. We all are. We are a part of God.

6edba8  No.3963764

A local CBS affiliate station in Chicago is reporting that an active shooting is in progress at Mercy Hospital on the South Side of the city.

Video of police streaming into the hospital is already circulating on social media.

451d3d  No.3963765


Yeah, where are those FEMA trailers anyway?

91d771  No.3963766


I like how she used my spacing. If I was a Jew I would demand payment for my spacing technique.

38b5bf  No.3963767


Yet, DHS/DOJ does fuck-all.

f72275  No.3963768

The 2018 Oxford Word of the Year isn't nice, it's toxic

Associated Press Associated Press Thu, Nov 15 11:34 AM CST

LONDON (AP) — What single word best captures the tone of the past year? Oxford Dictionaries says it's "toxic."

It should have been KeK

ba50bf  No.3963769



812814  No.3963770


why does this matter so much?

6fc42e  No.3963771


How does this happen? fake?

b960ec  No.3963772


well nice, now provide some sauce so we might believe it

0e925b  No.3963773

File: 0e4b3e306797cab⋯.jpg (498.85 KB, 2667x4000, 2667:4000, redNoice.jpg)

File: 5907fa1c663ad84⋯.jpeg (135.03 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bbs45.jpeg)

File: b80a4f280435d40⋯.jpg (56.36 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, bb020.jpg)


Red or white, or something darker?

16cdae  No.3963774

File: a3704ac0e3dcef0⋯.png (245.21 KB, 1111x978, 1111:978, HIANONS.png)

File: 20eaa396349aae3⋯.png (202.41 KB, 316x446, 158:223, KANT.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)


So clumsily fake it almost brings tears of joy to the eyes. ROFL

b562da  No.3963775

Q, I’m about to buy a ticket to the Bill and Hill thing. Do you suppose it’s safe to go ahead and do so? Or will they be arrested between now and their scheduled date in my neck of the woods?

cb9400  No.3963776


Take it easy Sampson…

either way is fine!

30665f  No.3963777

File: 2a19037a7d6583f⋯.png (132.5 KB, 589x463, 589:463, FB More Pain Ahead.png)


Facebook is on track to post its longest losing streak ever, and some say there's more pain ahead.


e6da96  No.3963778


no assfuck I wasn't expecting different math

you missed the point and eat a dick

0c486c  No.3963779

File: 208ae0ba55bb2cb⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.26 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_3422.PNG)

top secret cia headquarters

73d8d2  No.3963780

File: 32912c2e441b5ee⋯.jpg (505.85 KB, 775x947, 775:947, YayQ.jpg)

6edba8  No.3963781



ac1fd3  No.3963782


After a bit of sharpen and contrast playing in PS, I get four sequential codes, 005041 to 005044 with all of the remaining digits the same - 20010211002660018000421164325.

They are sequential voting slips, they aren't all identical. Have they all been issued to one person?

16cdae  No.3963783

File: 5368f610a354c5c⋯.png (897.14 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, APB.png)

File: 559bac208b2a253⋯.png (243.19 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC43.png)

File: b9add7d05ca810f⋯.png (750.59 KB, 999x749, 999:749, CC.png)

File: 044c327cf9af1fd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, SBTS.png)

de3ff3  No.3963784


It doesn't matter. All this bible nonsense is just that. NONSENSE.

The scriptures are imperfect records of what prophets related to men. They were written by men, and often they were modified by evil men to support their corrupt goals. Only direct communication is uncorrupted because it does not even require language.

710f41  No.3963785

File: 6b94c509d16470b⋯.png (209.8 KB, 600x842, 300:421, slangin Q clocks.png)



dope timepiece(s)

338a5f  No.3963786


Great job, fence techs! o7

5212b2  No.3963787


We’ll see if you’re saying that after u shed the flesh homo.

65e673  No.3963788


It happens by happening 20-30 years ago, anon

932608  No.3963789


I'm a Jew where do I apply for my Jew shekels?

74cd87  No.3963790

File: 67912bbfa389a0b⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 960x723, 320:241, 67912bbfa389a0b7516720f7ff….jpg)



Okidoki, JIDF.

16cdae  No.3963791

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

File: bd3758f9f2ac2cf⋯.png (831.72 KB, 643x785, 643:785, BoardJesus.png)

File: bd5d6e6355087ce⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1836x1224, 3:2, OutOutOut.png)

3d8556  No.3963792

File: 6504effd1e1334b⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 539x851, 539:851, migrantes.jpg)

File: 5f51efa284c7d8d⋯.jpg (569.64 KB, 1639x2048, 1639:2048, popckorn aztek.jpg)

Mexianon Here

Population is FED UP with the migrant caraban, Tijuana has had many manifestations of locals marching with signs in the tenor of "Mexico for Mexicans", "We are Mexicans Cabrones", "Take your invasion back home".

The temperature is rising, we don't want that invasion cell in our territory nor can support it.

Our Catholic and Christian shelters are made for mexicans and still are sheltering poor mexicans, but are forced to go over their capacity to help some mothers and small children from south the border. But these shelters are supporting the migrants that came before the caraban, those that are migrating legally, registering themselves in ports of crossing, and heeding the mandatory rules the state has for them such as curfew.


Plus they have gone as far as to reject our charity beans and tortillas, they said "this is hog food" and thrashed it, it went viral.

Our pussy government has gone as far as to offer them jobs, TO FUCKING ILLEGALS, when we have lots of unemployed Mexicans.


The US even had to shut down the operations in the border ports, no legal American nor Mexican could cross, not even legal commercial goods trucks could cross to meet their deadlines.


This in an unarmed invasion of debris to clog the wheels of our society, they are disrupting the normal (already chaotic) life of our border towns.


Locals are very clear: we are not xenophobic, we were OK with Haitians and other races that came in LEGALLY to migrate ORDERLY in small ration numbers this thing is a planned, organized, weaponization of southern Lupen groups.


These fuckers organized the caraban through whatsapp and facebook groups promising asylum to everyone and basically acting like a vacations agency.

Image related, it is a Spanish joke on how fucking rude the migrants have become when rejecting our charity because it is not good enough.

Fuck me, one of the protestors had a sign reading "Mexicans eat beans", because of the idiot migrants rejecting our beans and tortillas saying they are "hog feed".

812814  No.3963793

File: 84ba3b66faec744⋯.jpg (401.58 KB, 3504x2552, 438:319, Muscrat Assault Force.jpg)


wasted trips for the shill

Newsflash markets close and you've shit posted that for three breads.

e94e8d  No.3963794


Did you just question the clock?

Please stop being a newdivisionshillfaggotnigger

f4028f  No.3963795

This board is poop. It's gone from check it a few times throughout the day to once a day, maybe couple times a week to…once a month? Every few months? Sad.

da8461  No.3963797




4fa4be  No.3963798


It's too bad that shooter didn't find Obuma who is visiting Chicago

0c486c  No.3963799

File: ce2d8388d9b9662⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 142.42 KB, 1024x834, 512:417, IMG_3002.JPG)


oh NO

it's teh goldman sachs fidgeting teh numbers fer teh fascebook of their zuckbot

ac1fd3  No.3963800


I had to install a QR Code reader on my works mobile. Took me a while because security.

b960ec  No.3963801


Thank you!

680cea  No.3963802



UKanon here too.

Thanks for the explanation! I don’t know that a turkey got pardoned at Thanksgiving.

We save our Turkeys for Christmas Day!

16cdae  No.3963803

File: 2bfe697ebfc3972⋯.png (253.3 KB, 503x463, 503:463, shimpfffff.png)

File: f80c7fc956b6781⋯.png (625.63 KB, 960x960, 1:1, kitkits.png)

File: 0e08b47537ad0fe⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 747x8187, 249:2729, deticktocqueville.gif)

File: 45d5258eeab2269⋯.png (145.67 KB, 474x290, 237:145, LIONTED.png)

File: fec2128b9dbe785⋯.png (187.81 KB, 490x505, 98:101, kkek.png)



LOL, you are absolutely helpless lolol. Keep going. Kill yourself with your own stupidity. Poetic justice, and all that :D

89119d  No.3963804


Theres a form under your lil hat thingy. Nepotism has you as a lock.

7e7bce  No.3963805

EDDIE BRAVO doing work for us at all times anons made respect for that man, keep up the good work Mr. Bravo

fcced7  No.3963806


More like dead beat dad


29ebb0  No.3963807

File: 71fe86132c11338⋯.png (552.2 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 0B7CD446-5079-4169-9EE6-C2….png)

File: 0aa9b6879e34bbe⋯.png (668.35 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EED66719-EFC1-4BBE-A349-82….png)

File: ac38c59046c955f⋯.png (693.88 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, AA99BDE9-69C4-47D9-A848-33….png)

File: 850c25a1d7b8b9b⋯.png (502.76 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 0A653E3A-F25E-4213-9FF6-8F….png)

>>3962912 lb

>VOTER FRAUD: Orange County Numbers DON’T ADD UP – Democrats Had 300,000 More Votes for Congressional Seats than for Governor

Phonefagging so best can muster now:

Orange County website shows 1.001 million voters for the gov race.

What’s really interesting is no House race results on the OC site match the Cal SOS results, but the gov results match perfectly.

OC: https://www.ocvote.com/fileadmin/live/gen2018/results.htm

Commiefornia: https://vote.sos.ca.gov/returns/governor/county/orange

680cea  No.3963808


I phone camera app should read QR codes

6edba8  No.3963809


da8461  No.3963810


ec61af  No.3963811


>>3963792 Mexianon gives a Mexican's perspective on the migrant caravan.

>>3963639 Russia won’t be dragged into new arms race, but will respond to US withdrawal from INF.

>>3963655 Bundle up for a cold Thanksgiving in the Northeast.

>>3963570 Foo Fighters in on the "concrete" phenomenon?

>>3963481 SoF fag weighs in on McRaven and hints at dig opportunities.

>>3963513, >>3963549, >>3963563, >>3963605, >>3963624 Active shooter at Mercy Hospital in Chicago.

>>3963410 POTUS Schedule: "Rules for Jim Acosta…" kek!

>>3963376 Q Proof: Shit/Schitt.

>>3963226 CNN says the White House has fully restored Acosta’s press pass.

>>3963277 Apple gives Google access to user data despite privacy concerns.

>>3963272 Official overseeing migrant children shelters to transition jobs.

>>3963257 Gov. Jerry Brown quietly admits Trump was right, eases California logging rules.

>>3963249 ‘Santa Claus’ picks up huge tab, paying off entire Walmart store’s lot of layaway items.

82cdd9  No.3963812

File: 5e61ab16ad1aa37⋯.png (77.1 KB, 604x516, 151:129, 5e61ab16ad1aa378c8816c2ad9….png)


yes. of course, please forgive my insolence HRA.

38b5bf  No.3963813

File: c70d4244bbcbfa9⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 313x263, 313:263, mandycommunitycollege.jpg)

0c486c  No.3963814

File: f0fa1b4f199d6cf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 200.22 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3365.JPG)

812814  No.3963815

File: 6c65098d079ede3⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 956x415, 956:415, Stealth boobs 2.JPG)

All yours

Shit to do


cb9400  No.3963816

File: e99ec855e4d980f⋯.jpeg (731.09 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 789102A3-6F14-4CD7-B6DE-F….jpeg)


“…Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

[you] pushed too far…

[you] soon…

3f84fe  No.3963817


Yeah, I'm liking your phrasing here. I had an NDE, If you're listening, you'll hear. Once you know, you know.

ac1fd3  No.3963818


Samsung A5 here, so needed a QR reader.

95aaa3  No.3963819



>I prefer a belief system that explains the world prior to 5000 BC.

>The last Ice Age ended 12,000 years ago, which is when my ancestors migrated from Central Asia into the newly green lands of the West, Europe.

Yeah, me too. That would be nice. There is an argument on your point when reading the first description of the creation of the planet, where some read it as the planet having existed, was then destroyed, then repaired and re-inhabited. I think the scholars and investigators in the area of science, call it the "gap" theory?

Others see a continuum of creation descriptions in simple language for lack of modern scientific terms available to the language.

I sometimes imagine that like the Q proofs, we are looking at text that can carry double meanings when future proves past. And sometimes I think God may be pulling a 40/60 revelation until people are ready?

Not sure about that.

Sure of the existence of our creator tho, at this point. Can't un-prove the proofs sitting in front of me. Still want to know why now?

f72275  No.3963820


Thanks for posting Mexianon. Good to hear from you. I think our POTUS and yours will work out good things in the future.

You sure don't need this crap, tho.

Stay strong. Mexico can be great again, too.

And you don't need to fill in your name, btw.

0960b8  No.3963821


Same with Maricopa County, AZ

ad7669  No.3963822

File: c8039c1a5d0e749⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1535x772, 1535:772, 2018-11-19 09_31_19-The Wh….png)


>I don’t know that a turkey got pardoned at Thanksgiving

Only in DC

Everywhere else we chop the heads off, and eat them like normal people

4184fb  No.3963823


well, that was my try at the clock.

i still don't get it

38b5bf  No.3963824


2018 is certainly NOT glorious.

74cd87  No.3963825


So, who are you shilling for then?

710f41  No.3963826

File: 8deeb82bd92fe77⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 500x635, 100:127, wrM.jpg)

777a4f  No.3963827

Mass-murdering war criminal and Satan-worshiping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to reach a plea deal to save his own life by squealing on his Rothschild masters, Mossad sources say. The impending fall of Netanyahu means the final collapse of the Khazarian mafia is now in sight and it will not be long before the French and Swiss branches of the Rothschild family and their hidden allies are brought to justice.

Netanyahu’s downfall was precipitated by his quickly defeated offensive against the Gaza Strip, Pentagon sources say. This offensive was aimed at distracting public attention from the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, the sources say. Instead however, it backfired as the UN, Russia, Jordan, France, the UK, Egypt, and the U.S. all united against his rogue activities. This will be “the final nail in Netanyahu’s coffin,” the sources say.



938fca  No.3963828

File: 0afb1ee36b5dcdb⋯.jpeg (88.11 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 1F3A9CF4-B8DD-42C8-86CC-E….jpeg)


Thank You for your service, Patriot…

God Bless……

1e48a5  No.3963829



Then why are they there? I love watching Patti's Mexican table, and I love Mexican food and culture, but the Mexican people need to fix their country and stop allowing Central Americans to come in.

41a886  No.3963830

File: 4e41af4815e4f25⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_7069.JPG)

0c486c  No.3963831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

569078  No.3963832

Timing is everything. How at risk are Trump/Q of missing the mark? Everyone here wants to know “when is it gonna happen? Why hasn’t it happened yet?” Seems like we lost all the momentum we had built from Kavanaugh, the caravan, the muh red line.”

It’s feeing less likely the truth will ever be exposed. We can’t even clear Kavanaugh’s name, yet Trump is gonna reveal the 911 truth?

b118d6  No.3963833



e5977c  No.3963834

File: 686afd10b758192⋯.jpeg (702.05 KB, 1242x1077, 414:359, A1489F54-BEAA-4D85-B93D-A….jpeg)

0e925b  No.3963835


yeah…gotta take. Stolen

29ebb0  No.3963836

File: bce37ec5f278d1d⋯.pdf (152.94 KB, Safari - Nov 19, 2018 at 4….pdf)


Archive of OCvote site

858cae  No.3963837


believe what you will . I couldn't care less

Romans 1:20

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”

Luke 9:5

“And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.”

db6c45  No.3963838

Missed two hours. Sorry if explored, but Trump tweeted Osama bin Laden was CAPTURED…


360633  No.3963839


So you think so highly of yourself that you believe with your very limited knowledge and life experience that you are qualified to judge The Creator of everything, including you?

He knows everything, you don't. Get over yourself.

4fa4be  No.3963840


Many here have ham or prime rib roast at Christmas.

f0948a  No.3963841

File: c234a48c1ca465d⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 700x385, 20:11, OSOCIALIST.jpg)

File: 56a8146915e712c⋯.jpg (79.32 KB, 700x385, 20:11, OSOCIALISTRED.jpg)

Red or Blue?

fcced7  No.3963842


Say what you will about this guy but its entertaining to read

Would make sense if true

16cdae  No.3963843







>We will beep and boop ourself to death now

Goodnight bots. Out you go.

da8461  No.3963844

File: e2954bc9d914d4d⋯.png (383.54 KB, 636x424, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


ec61af  No.3963845


>>3963792 Mexianon gives a Mexican's perspective on the migrant caravan.

>>3963639 Russia won’t be dragged into new arms race, but will respond to US withdrawal from INF.

>>3963655 Bundle up for a cold Thanksgiving in the Northeast.

>>3963570 Foo Fighters in on the "concrete" phenomenon?

>>3963481 SoF fag weighs in on McRaven and hints at dig opportunities.

>>3963513, >>3963549, >>3963563, >>3963605, >>3963624 Active shooter at Mercy Hospital in Chicago.

>>3963410 POTUS Schedule: "Rules for Jim Acosta…" kek!

>>3963376 Q Proof: Shit/Schitt.

>>3963226 CNN says the White House has fully restored Acosta’s press pass.

>>3963277 Apple gives Google access to user data despite privacy concerns.

>>3963272 Official overseeing migrant children shelters to transition jobs.

>>3963257 Gov. Jerry Brown quietly admits Trump was right, eases California logging rules.

>>3963249 ‘Santa Claus’ picks up huge tab, paying off entire Walmart store’s lot of layaway items.

932608  No.3963846


The clock IS low IQ shill faggots. If you don't know that you are not a researcher. You are a child.

38b5bf  No.3963847


He cant shill for votes for the 3rd time on Build the Wall and Lock her up.

f48fe7  No.3963848

BREAKING: Reports of active shooter and multiple victims near Mercy Hospital in Chicago


9a79ad  No.3963849


Thank you for posting. We have much in common…. stay strong anon!

91d771  No.3963851


They do these events just to create a general unease in the population. Lower our vibration. Generally ignore them.

f9c374  No.3963852

File: 260ddd2064b93c6⋯.png (75.87 KB, 525x304, 525:304, Capture.PNG)

59b4d3  No.3963854

File: b8d93f6ff133aaf⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 600x714, 100:119, gay.jpg)

hey, Tiresias

95aaa3  No.3963855



Sorry. Multitasking. Not worried about grammar Nazi's right now.

547a4e  No.3963857

File: 1f8c2ed607e8c8c⋯.png (2 MB, 3000x2560, 75:64, 1f8c2ed607e8c8c1ac148fd6bf….png)

8db854  No.3963858

File: 2a931870aba4554⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 545x415, 109:83, genius.JPG)

https: //www.cnbc.com/2018/11/19/16-democrats-vow-to-oppose-nancy-pelosi-as-next-house-speaker.html

38b5bf  No.3963860


Yeah sure, the Aviante arrest will bring down the House.

3f3f74  No.3963861

File: 09987c629c33c6c⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C702AB70-159E-4830-95AA-A9….png)

File: ff85a396e964b49⋯.png (440.18 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C5C57351-AC49-4CD1-82B7-1F….png)

File: c8ea43093b6003c⋯.png (430.01 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D5EC2A02-85C5-48A3-AFF0-B8….png)

File: 294e12206afaa5d⋯.png (445.85 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 077A6B6B-66A3-441F-A37B-C3….png)

File: 883201753f4aab0⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, E39F10A2-06CF-4E3F-A66E-67….png)


So did quick dig through tailings and quickly picked up..

Trey Gowdy:

“misses his old job”

“Wants to work where FACTS MATTER” (judge)

And this article from July states Senator Tim Scott nominating him to (then) replace Kennedy.

Its a toss up. HE says NO.. but is it all for the SHOW? Not sure.


e94e8d  No.3963862


I'll try to convey my sarcasm moar next time, anon

d32191  No.3963863


Both fonts suck.

192084  No.3963864


midterms are over. Time for neocon Don to move on.

285b77  No.3963865


just you wait!

ee8ef9  No.3963866


not far from Hussein's neck o' the woods, if I'm not mistaken. High Value Target arrested?

5fa73c  No.3963867

File: a73e97d123c978b⋯.jpg (38.81 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 33100524_10216627990114501….jpg)

359a89  No.3963868

File: e1b7489ec25f9c4⋯.png (1.99 MB, 2999x1733, 2999:1733, bbclockcrossseesay.png)

Bonus clock for today.

From the mirror.

da8461  No.3963869






75eccf  No.3963870

File: adf75bda483ee15⋯.png (239.06 KB, 700x467, 700:467, adf75bda483ee15b02c66701a9….png)

Do you ever wonder the times Q has made us pray that they are monitoring the effects on our reality in realtime. The cabal has created a giant cult to use for their crafting of realty, (if you believe in intent leading to affecting the world even just tiny amounts.) I think our ablity to go deep into esoteric meanings, symbols, et cetera, is our way of fighting back?

Random thoughts.

ac1fd3  No.3963871


These are not identical, but they are sequential. QR codes give first five digits of each code as 005041 to 005044 when checked - they may be significant if the same person has voted with them.

Possible Notable

285b77  No.3963872


oops, meant to reply to the guy you were responding to!

e0bc2e  No.3963873


Spec Ops killed an MS13, contaminated the body with some virii/bactirii, then provided it to the cannibals.

3a0005  No.3963874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


65a703  No.3963875


How J Street's Palestinian Propaganda Works. CASE STUDY: Khan al-Ahmad shanties illegally built adjacent to the strategic Jerusalem-Jordan Valley Highway. J Street exclusively brands the Bedouin settlement "Palestinian." Bedouins, from the desert, are not Pals.

J Street's Democratic Senator letter vs demolition correctly called it "the Bedouin community of Khan al-Ahmad." Some staffer wanted it factual.

There's no Palestinian propaganda without Ahed Tamimi, the teen provocateur at the shanties. No Palestinian Propaganda w/o UNRWA & EU

J Street's official lobbying activities report includes "A letter warning that ongoing home demolitions and settlement expansion in the West Bank pose a serious threat to the prospects for a two-state solution and to Israels future"

Review all of J Street's lobbying activities they are required to list. – Iran, UNRWA, funds for Palestinians, Taylor Force, etc. I challenge J Street to present ONE pro-Israel lobbying position.

It is no wonder, therefore that we have this story this week: "Abbas meets J Street leadership, thanks group for lobbying work"

d1038a  No.3963876

4fa4be  No.3963877

Someone should make a clock with blue balls hanging from it.

9f1e86  No.3963878

File: fd00f9625a9f34b⋯.png (367.19 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2018-11-19-17-1….png)

Hillsboro Oregon

Drone shot.

38b5bf  No.3963879


A crooked county run by niggers.

b960ec  No.3963880


I hate to say this, but I never paid much attention to the clock at all. 1. because the print is so small.2. I didn't want to use, the time left to me, trying to figure out the clock. I thought eh, others can take care of the clock.

well, I just looked at this one and I got it. I got it hallelujah!

It does help when I can really enlarge the print.


16cdae  No.3963882


Bot teamwork.

efe893  No.3963883

File: 6f8bb523657f29d⋯.png (697.14 KB, 960x896, 15:14, 52e7ac50cc07e331b2eac53a04….png)

38b5bf  No.3963884


Watch for the Trump Curse.

da8461  No.3963885







f48fe7  No.3963886

Troops at U.S.-Mexican border to start coming home

Email Print

The Pentagon is set to begin a drawdown of its 5,800 troops from the Southwest border as early as this week, the Army commander overseeing the mission told POLITICO today — even as the approaching caravan of refugees prompted U.S. customs officers to close a port of entry near Tijuana, Mexico.

All the active-duty troops that President Donald Trump ordered sent to the border before the midterm elections should be home by Christmas, said Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, who is running the mission from San Antonio, Texas.


ac1fd3  No.3963887


Learn to Fly - Richard B Russell plane incident - Ketron Bay

9b7345  No.3963888


Some exclusions apply. not applicable to RR, Seth Rich, HRC, Podesta bro's, Awan, DWS, Declass or parades.

Your mileage may vary.

0c486c  No.3963890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

982a48  No.3963891


Hillsboro is where all those birds fell out of the sky the other day including a eagle and hawk.

f0948a  No.3963892


agree. I don't like the wording, now that I look again

4f0ad6  No.3963893


I live alone UKanon.

My Christmas dinner is normally a fry up.

Smash the system, Kek.

6fc42e  No.3963894


seems to be a airplane house. wings removed, still baffling how it got in there

ce97c8  No.3963895


>Nobody needs to read it.

>The proof of God's existence is within each one of us. We have NO NEED OF PROOF if we cannot communicate directly with God. So the first task is to find a quiet, private place and to listen internally for God's quiet voice and to feel God's presence within us. Once this happens, we can receive guidance, and if we still need proof of God's existence, that will be provided. True prayer is this quiet communication with God within each one of us.

I Agree…

The problem is that the word “god” means different things to different people. What I am sure of is that I have never been an atheist and don’t believe we are here for no purpose. For me, “GOD” is the humble recognition that there is value in knowledge which transcends my understanding.

“We can only say what is not, for what is, we cannot say” ~Plotinus

649608  No.3963897

File: 39b44dbe6e2e8f6⋯.png (429.44 KB, 1103x521, 1103:521, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cc2dd8cf177866⋯.png (320.49 KB, 1115x396, 1115:396, ClipboardImage.png)

da8461  No.3963898



75eccf  No.3963899

File: b4b3e12cc2ec7c4⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 219x230, 219:230, ciawojak.jpg)

e94e8d  No.3963900

File: fb89db6b94bed2a⋯.png (1009.87 KB, 1417x1416, 1417:1416, ClipboardImage.png)

360633  No.3963901


No problem :)

God Bless

d757d3  No.3963902


How well do you know Q anyway?

ee8ef9  No.3963903

File: 80748a3af36e9c8⋯.jpeg (273.04 KB, 1889x290, 1889:290, 36E17B1A-45EE-4BF1-A0AA-3….jpeg)

6fc42e  No.3963904

File: 7c5a442c4cf8c7c⋯.png (797.52 KB, 1994x986, 997:493, richard1.png)

File: 920d512bfcccd44⋯.png (978.71 KB, 2014x1242, 1007:621, richard2.png)


saved their best for last

95aaa3  No.3963905


>The god of the Bible is a piece of shit.

Why do people get so angry at God? Reminds me of Q asking the question "all for a LARP"?

They never look at the proofs. Is it fear? One day my better half told me that a lot of people find God to be scary.


Never thought of God as scary.

e5977c  No.3963906

File: 15312a7854cabd7⋯.jpeg (780.57 KB, 1242x1129, 1242:1129, 7FCD3577-34F0-4105-99F6-0….jpeg)


0c486c  No.3963908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

13b209  No.3963909


If we weren't Anons I'd have you over with my fam Xmas day .

16cdae  No.3963910

File: 9674304c94cdff5⋯.png (906.89 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, YCWB.png)

982a48  No.3963911


Wonder what took down the birds in the same place. G5 most likely

da8461  No.3963912



680cea  No.3963913


I did actually know that! ;)

It’s all good anon… it’s all good.

2114b5  No.3963914


Does that mean we’re getting immigrants for Christmas?

9b7345  No.3963915



38b5bf  No.3963916


Yet you havent stated a reason.

d1038a  No.3963917

File: 03637cdc316a747⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 540x540, 1:1, barrel roll.jpg)


Be like Sky King, Play videogames, then you will have al the skill necessary to do a barrel roll.

f9c374  No.3963919


Looks that way. Him and his new buddy Pelosi.

58caee  No.3963920

File: 550af080018bbb0⋯.jpg (95.95 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 550af080018bbb03400255e04f….jpg)

16cdae  No.3963922

File: 559bac208b2a253⋯.png (243.19 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC43.png)


dogshit bot

ac1fd3  No.3963924


Peas needs to do a barrel roll.

da8461  No.3963925


858cae  No.3963926


this is why

2 Peter 3:5-10 King James Version (KJV)

5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old,

4a1a87  No.3963927


3 out of 4 ain't bad.

360633  No.3963930


The Bible says people are afraid to accept that God has seen everything they've ever done.

Personally I find that comforting. You're never alone and He knows you better than anyone and still loves you.

da8461  No.3963931


e5977c  No.3963932

File: 834d344a493016f⋯.jpeg (993.69 KB, 1242x2009, 1242:2009, EFDE8363-1218-47A4-8DA0-F….jpeg)

Eyeroll not drumroll

fcced7  No.3963933


If you broke a lamp would you wanna face dad

ad7669  No.3963934


Gonna build one of those for rats, thanks anon

23631b  No.3963935

File: ff716355e73d3dc⋯.gif (965.39 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 75226061-BFA7-4D59-8CE4-C8….gif)

74cd87  No.3963936

File: c08fc990c135b46⋯.jpeg (57.08 KB, 460x341, 460:341, c08fc990c135b461f42d4a397….jpeg)

48f002  No.3963937


its all in the sumerian tablets

38b5bf  No.3963938


Color me unimpressed.

3fb150  No.3963939



YES! That's what I'm saying!

ac1fd3  No.3963940

My autism nagged me until I nailed that QR code thing. I wouldn't have slept until I cracked those codes. I hope that they do help to prove voter fraud.

8e80bd  No.3963943


You know the joke

God loves you

Everybody else thinks you are an asshole

da8461  No.3963945


38b5bf  No.3963946


Bye@Jack. jk Q

ac1fd3  No.3963947

a4d7ab  No.3963950


And the king has a castle. Liberalism

f9c374  No.3963951


Makes perfect sense. Just as the caravans start to arrive. When Q said you'd be surprised at who was talking to you, I think they're right. You'll find out soon enough.

649608  No.3963954


Ppl get hung up on the word "God".

When this anon is saying god of the bible, he is saying that the god of the bible is satan. (Yes, your religion has tricked you into worshiping satan)

There is a (would prefer a different word here) God who is Love. This unseen being is a force of energy that flows through us all…no matter which religion you choose to follow.

38b5bf  No.3963955


He's accomplished nothing. Bye, Felicia.

192084  No.3963956


Jeff Flake is the biggest faggot in the Senate.

4f0ad6  No.3963957


Thanks anon. I get offers from workmates. My family is 100 miles away. I choose to spend Christmas by myself, no biggie.

Being alone doesn't mean lonely.

I appreciate the sentiment though anon. Thanks.

4f8a4b  No.3963958

File: e0d9888a26fead9⋯.png (455.62 KB, 720x1229, 720:1229, 20181119_161828.png)


Took a moment to reread this, a moment to remember tye full weight of what POTUS is up against. And why timing is indeed so crucial.


74cd87  No.3963959


Surprise! It's Mossad Agents

d7baef  No.3963960


new false fag? or just nigs nogging?

da8461  No.3963961

File: e9dafd43a6dc8b3⋯.png (174.67 KB, 464x387, 464:387, 5fee3e2007f0717b787d534624….png)


ac1fd3  No.3963963


Do dyslexics stay up all night, wondering if there is a Dog?

59b4d3  No.3963964


and that's saying a lot

74cd87  No.3963965

File: ed8a05cd627cd55⋯.jpg (211.3 KB, 700x711, 700:711, 5173fca248c57af384ff448fd7….jpg)

ec61af  No.3963966

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

313ca7  No.3963967

File: 2db25272aa26444⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1024x742, 512:371, God Wins 22.PNG)

Just got on, Holy Shills Batman!! 4 posters with at least 30 posts each, Looks like we got some real hangry bread eater shills in here today. WTF did you guys dig up? It's looks to be over the target time.

d32191  No.3963968


"God" isn't a all powerful invisible alien anon.

Fuck, what are you, A Scientologist? (who at least admit that "God" is an all powerful invisible alien)

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