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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

06aac4  No.3781434

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 11.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/427 ——————————— Future proves past (Cap: >>3780830 )

>>>/patriotsfight/426 ——————————— The Senate was the target (Cap: >>3775206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/425 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY (Cap: >>3775088)

>>>/patriotsfight/424 ——————————— Military planned. No impact re: ongoing investigations ( Caps: >>3773803, >>3773879 )

Tuesday 11.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/423 ——————————— The world is changing. ( Cap: >>3762922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/422 ——————————— History is being made. ( Cap: >>3762692 )

>>>/patriotsfight/421 ——————————— Together We Win. ( Cap: >>3762382 )

>>>/patriotsfight/420 ——————————— GodisLove.jpg ( Cap: >>3761313 )

>>>/patriotsfight/419 ——————————— @Breaking911: "tech difficulties" Houston ( Cap: >>3759403 )

>>>/patriotsfight/418 ——————————— Q in the sky: @StaceyDash( Cap: >>3759195 )

>>>/patriotsfight/417 ——————————— VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! JUSTICE COMING. ( Cap: >>3759170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/416 ——————————— This is about preserving our REPUBLIC. THIS IS ABOUT SAVING AMERICA. ( Cap: >>3755153 )

>>3754365 ——————————————— VOTE! & MEME!

>>3754269 rt >>3754247 —————-———– The world will follow. Think Merkel.

>>3754220 rt >>3754138 —————-———– He has no choice now but to remain in the light.

>>3754088 rt >>3754053 —————-———– We are grateful.

>>>/patriotsfight/415 ——————————— It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours (Cap: >>3753655 )

>>>/patriotsfight/414 ——————————— Eyes On, Patriots! History books (Caps: >>3753346 )

>>>/patriotsfight/413 ——————————— DECLAS coming (Caps: >>3753120, >>3753209 )

Monday 11.05.18

Compiled here: >>3775040

Sunday 11.04.18

Compiled here: >>3759334

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

06aac4  No.3781437


are not endorsements


>>3673226 SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING: Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours

>>3738283, >>3738412 Election Fraud Reporting Hotlines By State


>>3781378 Clockfag: 0:44 delta is an interesting marker.

>>3781126 Podesta email: Pelosi fraud refresher.

>>3781203 New DJT Tweet: "According to NBC News,..."

>>3780930 POTUS midterm press conference at 11:30 EST.

>>3781032 747 Cargo jet goes off runway at Halifax airport (Chicago -> China).

>>3781088 Florida heading to a recount in close Senate contest between Rick Scott and Bill Nelson.


>>3779954 Hollywood reacts to Texas results

>>3779962 SpreadSheetAnon Update

>>3779985 Battleground-state Dems against Kavanaugh were defeated (also O'Keefe'd)

>>3780192 Abrams refuses to concede

>>3780227 PV Electioneering in NJ

>>3780260 Abbott responds to O'Keefe video "This will be investigated"

>>3780268 Trump’s Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections

>>3780368 Improving relations among the Koreans

>>3780387 New Q "Future Proves Past"

>>3780433 Salvini Congratulates Trump on Midterms

>>3780556 #4803


>>3779168 Snowden warns Israelis surveillance

>>3779187 Macron calls for "real European army" to defend against China, Russian, + USA

>>3779405, >>3779225, >>3779413 DJT

>>3779480 Endorsements w/ Results

>>3779595 Clockfagging

>>3779724 Old JW Q link may be coming into relevance w/ Gowdy, Goodlatte and 1.2 million docs

>>3779727 Merkel's Bavarian ally Seehofer is undecided on future

>>3779840 #4802


>>3778408 Data from "almost all" Pakistani banks stolen

>>3778574, >>3778636 Merkel visits Ukraine, says anti-Russian sanctions will stay

>>3778599, >>3778964, >>3778899,>>3779088 DJT + DT JR

>>3778799, >>3778648 Q hinting at WTC?

>>3778649, >>3778696 Trump press conference 11:30A EST

>>3778571, >>3778844, >>3778656 Words from Anons

>>3778550, >>3778925, >>3778957 Old Pelosi Article, re: Corruption + Soros

>>3779080 #4801

#4800 Baker Change

>>3778256, >>3778331 Kieth Ellison Private dinner with Farrakhan

>>3778153 New POTUS tweet on congratulations received

>>3778050 Anon's analysis of what happened in several regions

>>3777909 , >>3777922 Historical data on previous president's results

>>3777893 Montana race still on, Rosendale leading

>>3777656 55 Senators. "Trump’s true gain of +7 is a remarkable achievement."

>>3778235 #4800

Previously Collected Notables

>>3777099 #4798, >>3777538 #4799,

>>3774613 #4795, >>3777657 #4796, >>3776010 #4797

>>3772224 #4792, >>3773623 #4793, >>3774385 #4794

>>3769924 #4789, >>3770703 #4790, >>3771513 #4791

>>3767662 #4786, >>3768422 #4787, >>3769173 #4788

>>3765483 #4783, >>3766145 #4784, >>3766902 #4875

>>3763180 #4780, >>3763897 #4781, >>3764705 #4782

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

06aac4  No.3781439

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#54 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>3763782

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

06aac4  No.3781440

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

a99a6a  No.3781441

Are we going to have to wait until the 2020 election for the FISA declas?

48b905  No.3781443

>>3781250 lb

Faggot confirmed



3 Nov 2018 - 12:02:18 PM

POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11

Now what are the odds of that?


a54a43  No.3781444

Should've declassed shit the bread edition.

2c1161  No.3781445

Dear "God Emperor" and Suzie-Q… CPS and the Family Courts are some of the most corrupt places in America, yet you have not uttered a single fucking word about them… WHY IS THAT?

So long as THIS nation, America, continues to sanction and condone state-sponsored abduction of children, I will NEVER be proud of this nation. How could any decent person be proud of a nation that allows such things?

Georgia Sen. Nancy Schaefer dis an extensive 4 year report on CPS across the nation. Her findings were STAGGERING. She uncovered what amounted to state-sanctioned trafficking and abduction of children, which to a high-degree resulted in the molestation of these children. She published her report, which is available online.



YET, NOT EVEN A MENTION OF THIS FROM POTUS AND Q??? HMMMMM… But they care about (You) and your children, right?

4a5849  No.3781446

06aac4  No.3781447



fe7fe3  No.3781448


If so, I have a life that needs to be attended to until then.

2167dd  No.3781449

File: b0a030be0606485⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 540x523, 540:523, 1457907.jpg)

Reminder that if you don't have 100% trust in Q you are a stupid NIGGER AND PROBABLY A SATANIST LUCIFERIAN AND YOU ARE OUR ENEMY

6ac05b  No.3781450

>>3780989 LB

Plus mueller left the investigation open until JUST AFTER MIDTERMS. WHY???? Because it contains info that they committed voter fraud. And they let them do it again. Why do it again ? Because Obama pardoned them. And this time it was nation wide. Remember trumps tweet about everyone watching st all levels. Cheaters cheat at their own peril. Biden projecting that trump will claim it illegitimate. Movie movie movie

ca226f  No.3781451


Im not a liberal nor am I crying, im annoyed, whilst you are and always will be a cocksucking motherfucker who jams things up his ass in the hope it will bring him to orgasm

178bf6  No.3781452

Thanks baker!

799be8  No.3781453

After reading all the comments this AM about red/blue wave…I would offer the following comments:

1. There was a RED WAVE. How else do you pick up seats in the senate? They are elected "statewide". Not easy for the DS to steal those. Too many precincts to pull it off.

2. For house races, the DS can focus their election stealing efforts in a targeted manner drawing much less attention to what they did.

This had to be an option considered by the patriots and planned for. To not do so would be out of character for any military operation worth its' salt. Ideally it would be great to have the house but in the end I believe it will only be a speed bump.

fb0728  No.3781454

File: 60afd66715e17af⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1090x1200, 109:120, db68ac554ef6bb4f03f90bc7ed….png)


no, my child

they are in panic

they're losing power

We will see DECLAS pretty damn soon, I would easily say this month

a085f1  No.3781455

Why are Hussein records sealed?


Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?

IT scandal Awan.

Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.


Paki leak?

MB infiltration?

IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.

Keep your eyes on the ball.

POTUS is not going through this for nothing.

Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).

There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.

We owe it to our children!


10d3b5  No.3781456

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)

GOD bless you all. United We Stand!


44057e  No.3781457

File: ffeb3a57bc09c33⋯.png (39.81 KB, 122x160, 61:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c2b984f8c1ba4a⋯.png (51.26 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Based on this tweet could it be that Kristjen's job was to monitor cheating around the country and work with Beauregard to build case's that after the fact could be presented to the Senate in the future so that by 2020 we get voter ID and better control of our voting machines so that we eliminate election fraud?

Just saying.

48b905  No.3781458

Dear Faggot Shills,

The least you can do is actually read and reread crumbs. You're embarrassing yourself with your obvious misinfo.

8a7fa1  No.3781459

Midterms Were A Population Test For 2020 - Insight Gained

All in all, important upgrades in the Senate last night, and some losses in the House. But let's remember that many R's in the House resigned [forced]. Better to have an un-compromised D in the House than a Deep State puppet R.

There was no RedTsunami, there was however a Blue Wave that hit a Red Wall, and some Blue got over. That a Blue Wave even happened is remarkable, but it goes to show what we are up against. Americans who are ignorant from the Fake News are in fact the greatest threat to We The People. They have seen Trump prove himself to be the great emancipator and defender, but they have chosen to reject him, fully their own volition (Stockholm Syndrome?).

What was most disconcerting/revealing to me is that the country seems as divided as the Fake News projects (by the numbers). It is of course the Fake News that very successfully fostered that divide/hate. And it less about the country, and more about the major cities vs suburbs/rural/smaller towns. Insanity is bred in echo chambers (cities).

In Texas, we saw Cruz win by only 200k votes against someone more radical than Bernie Sanders–in TEXAS!!! Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and El Paso all went to Beto 2:1. This implies that the bigger the city, the more brainwashed the people are. Everywhere outside of these cities, RED. Texas has seen huge population growth from illegals, and California and New York. The people that leave CA/NY for Texas do so because it is impossible to make enough money to live well in CA/NY. Yet they vote for the same type of idiots they voted for in CA/NY that fostered the conditions that made them leave for Texas.

What this all boils down to is that last night we learned the hard truth of what America really thinks and feels, under a secure vote, and 40%+ of people are insane/mentally ill.

This insanity can be traced back most recently to 9/11, which was a mass-scale MK/trauma based ritual (among so many other things). This is where the Fake News & the Deep State were able to create the NPC/the mind-controlled American borg-citizen.

In this anon's humble opinion, the only way to overcome/heal the amnesiac barrier of these Americans is to declas 9/11 and force the Fake News to cover truthfully with leverage. Delusional people need to be shocked out of their programming, out of their fractured psyche, and the only way to do that is with the truth being unavoidable for them. Until 9/11 is dealt with collectively as a country (this is the true origin of this divide), until the 40% of mentally ill Americans stop living in denial, it is going to be very difficult to give POTUS the support of the people he deserves and needs. At least now, we have Q, we have each other, and we have the advantage. Perhaps the one positive of having so many American-borg hate POTUS is that it ultimately protects him. Think of the danger to him if America loved him like Kennedy.

6d4f09  No.3781460

File: 1cccf50c1f05d3d⋯.jpg (37.75 KB, 306x445, 306:445, 51SSRTPZ39L._SY445_.jpg)

File: a6c447965c0f65e⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 455x280, 13:8, 2lwzwk.jpg)

File: cc6993624a2048d⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 350x254, 175:127, tenor.gif)

File: 08224857b60e718⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 695x452, 695:452, selfie.jpg)





Q is a Campaign LARP !




9d2bef  No.3781461

File: 634de3971e8a00d⋯.jpg (52.52 KB, 392x530, 196:265, 1441209541578.jpg)


this right here exactly, bold text, double-underlined and blinking

2c1161  No.3781462


FYI, Sen. Nancy Schaefer was murdered shortly after releasing her report on CPS…


acddc0  No.3781463

>>3781315 (lb)

FUCK YEAH TEXAS! I’m sitting here watching for my neighbor to take his stupid fucking BETA sign down. I’m going to record him and watch it over & over.

06aac4  No.3781464


>>3781378 Clockfag: 0:44 delta is an interesting marker.

>>3781126 Podesta email: Pelosi fraud refresher.

>>3781203 New DJT Tweet: "According to NBC News,…"

>>3780930 POTUS midterm press conference at 11:30 EST.

>>3781032 747 Cargo jet goes off runway at Halifax airport (Chicago -> China).

>>3781088 Florida heading to a recount in close Senate contest between Rick Scott and Bill Nelson.

07f5da  No.3781466

File: ea4fbf6eb3a0613⋯.png (85.26 KB, 197x255, 197:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f7c368fdb9db68⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 500x366, 250:183, I'm'athank-n-ya.jpg)








73dd15  No.3781467


My understanding is that President Trump ordered the declassification of this material and it was sent to the DOJ and FBI.

President Trump is on video stating that UK and Australia contacted him about not releasing this information. Q then posted about UK and Australia and how they would know about this information. Devin Nunes is basically Q at this point. He was on Fox talking about it. Watch California? While Nunes one, they did not have ANY major upsets in California. And they probably thought they would have given the Water Legislation. But it WAS NOT ENOUGH to narrowly hold the house.

Not only did we NOT win California seats. We lost key seats in key states like New York and others. That were never even projected to go Blue.

In that sense, it emboldens the democrat party even after they got away with absurd tactics. There has been no justice at any level. No justice for the Kavanaugh left wing organizations, Clowns, or others involved. No justice against even lower level people like leakers or Feinstein. She wins? She wins and gets to be a Senator after that? She gets to stay on the Senate at this point and continue as a ranking minority member? That is still a powerful position and if Trump comes to every rally and say she's a leaker, then what gives?

Let me guess? I'm a shill?

178bf6  No.3781468



But you might have a chance if you cut your evil ties and pray to God.

c1da4a  No.3781469


wow, best way to bring about the great awakening is to call skeptical people your enemy, i didn't know we had democrats here.

a1c624  No.3781470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE 🔴 President Trump Press Conference on Midterm Elections Result at the White House

9fd2f6  No.3781471

>>3781429 (lb)

My personal take is if we took out the Adam Schiffs, the Feinsteins, and the corrupt members of the house that just won re-election yesterday pre midterms, they would have just put forth sleeper deep state politicians (like Beto). Now we can pick them off one at a time for the crimes they have committed and replace them. Soon we have the majority.

Not to mention the massive amount of money spent on failed candidates.

4e4494  No.3781472

The Empire (DS) Struck Back, spending billions on a mid term and won a tiny majority in the House. The Dims are like Pyrrus, "Another such victory should surely cost us the war."

f02327  No.3781473


Why should that be the case? It's queued up with Horowitz, and POTUS said quite explicitly that the only thing holding it up to this point was the election that just happened.

Bombs away.

809249  No.3781474

File: 4c2afb320a87e8d⋯.jpg (8.28 KB, 255x188, 255:188, b09c292616fc5b48a517173eca….jpg)


It happens, when it happens.

b85aa7  No.3781475


BRAIN: That Thing Between Your Ears

LOGIC: That Which Your Brain Discerns

Trump was focused on the Senate all along. (Just look at the Rallies). Because of No Name and then Flake “not running again”. This would make sense in that Senate numbers would have to be increased.

The House was a different story. Those R’s that were not “running again” that were in a sense, “allowed to leave” put that majority in serious doubt. Not to fear because as the R’s were “allowed to leave”, the D’s will be put in serious PAIN when the Sealed Indictments are finally unsealed. That and the DECLAS along with IG Report will not only have DC in a Panic but will leave the D Party absolutely CRUSHED.

The House Majority will never be in the D’s hands again. I believe this will take place before the New Congress in sworn in in 2019. This all makes perfect sense in that EO13825 https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/03/08/2018-04860/2018-amendments-to-the-manual-for-courts-martial-united-states is effective come January 1st 2019.

Remember, TRUMP is so far ahead of us that he has allowed crumbs to be thrown our way. In no way will he reveal his true plan. You don't get to be TRUMP without knowing how to TRUMP your adversaries.

Knowing what we know…I TRUST TRUMP and THE PLAN

That Is All

Carry On

057f7b  No.3781476

File: f8c1bdf550481d3⋯.jpeg (15.29 KB, 255x187, 15:11, 6259D75E-7363-4B15-B08F-B….jpeg)

ffec70  No.3781477

File: 79ae784bd7b32ae⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 11998894_1.jpg)


Bombs away indeed

ca226f  No.3781478


and now the Putin meeting has been cancelled/put off to another date

2c1161  No.3781479


You must find them and kill them.

48b905  No.3781480


Study the Alabam special election for their current cheating routine. But this isn't enough evidence, a pattern must be shown.

Witness exact same routine going on nationwide via midterms.

Gotcha Soros

21f381  No.3781481

File: 1cb85d3f610c19b⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 500x324, 125:81, trusttheplanscript.jpg)

057f7b  No.3781482


Fuck all is happening

4a5849  No.3781483

When Q said "Midterms are safe" it was when we were all talking about election integrity. That's why for the last month Q has been saying,






If you think we shouldve had a Red Tsunami simply because we wanted one and not because of votes then you are here for the wrong reasons.

25fe3d  No.3781484

"See something, say something"

I saw something alright. Either massive voter fraud or half a country that still has it's head in it's ass.

Ok, done complaining.

8d26d2  No.3781485

File: 1e0c76a8a5af2ba⋯.jpg (8.28 KB, 297x170, 297:170, e5ee9afe2c4e9091957c50b142….jpg)

27de47  No.3781486

Collective IQ of the board appears to have dropped 30 points today.

This is what happens when you let your emotions rule you.

That plus shills encouraging all the emotion over logic.

695bf4  No.3781487

File: 1a79b2524aaadb6⋯.png (103.37 KB, 418x509, 418:509, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


TY Baker!





15a604  No.3781488

File: 6177d80096725b7⋯.jpg (443.29 KB, 1353x1457, 1353:1457, future proves past.jpg)


Qproof: Future Proves Past

5f1b72  No.3781489

File: bd620d08dc6c8a3⋯.png (77.55 KB, 610x256, 305:128, 44delta.png)

File: 6d990c5c0a50071⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt44.png)

File: fb297e08d5cf50d⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1951x1177, 1951:1177, Q-Clock Nov06 Hypnagogic s….png)

Dropped this late so will repost.

:44 was a significant marker (delta for today).

Also another ClockFag clock. :44 here but no connection that I could see. Maybe another Anon can find it.

720763  No.3781490

It ain't over till it's over…we've still got voter fraud and FISA to bring down the House.

6d4f09  No.3781491

File: a6c447965c0f65e⋯.jpg (35.12 KB, 455x280, 13:8, 2lwzwk.jpg)

Q clearly doesn't have it ALL.



If Q actually had anything he would do more by now than just lead us around like SHEEP!

df73d0  No.3781492

File: 10f64363dc477c1⋯.png (377.25 KB, 965x485, 193:97, THIS SHIT.png)

7729a7  No.3781493


there is no such thing as an uncompromised D. they are 100% traitors.

d9b1e0  No.3781494


Terrifying, truly.

This post surprised me the most. POTUS is definitely up to something, never would he risk his movement being that destroyed easily like that. Anons, I know most of you don't give a fuck anymore, but those who still do. Stay persistent and don't give up.

092515  No.3781496


Trump ordered Horowitz to review before declas.

Horowitz can give any new evidence uncovered to Huber.

3f020b  No.3781497

are the numbers organic or manufactured?


<but muh caravan isn't here, how cud ther b voter frod?

2c1161  No.3781498


If you know a better way, I'm all ears. The "wait 2 years" plan is over for me.

8d26d2  No.3781499

File: 16c198632cb2f9b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.84 KB, 300x168, 25:14, OHNOTHEOBAMAS.jpg)

6ee958  No.3781500

>tl;dr Re-read the motherfucking crumbs and decide for yourself if you trust the plan. Hold onto that faith and you'll be cozy af.

Last night there was a lot of concernfagging going on, and I have no doubt that some of them were real anons. If (you) were one of them I completely understand where you where coming from, the election certainly didn't go the way that I had preconceived. I encourage you guys to go back and re read the crumbs (or read them for the first time for some of you). With our current knowledge and POTUS/Q confirmations, there is a lot of insight and comfort to be found in the old crumbs. Look at the complexity of what's unfolding just on the chans, and then realize how incredibly planned and coordinated MI is running this operation. Really think about what it means to TRUST, and then decide for yourself if you trust what's going on here. It might not always go our way, but we also don't have access to the information available at the Q Clearance level. It hurts us when the plan takes a turn, just imagine how it badly it hurts the DS. If our plan was predictable than we would be losers; that's whey the D's are losers. When you trust the plan, you can find comfort even when it seems like things are going the wrong way.

I've concernfagged in the past, probably many of us have. We're learning here and being hardened in the process. If you trust the plan and have faith, than the chaotic times become the most exciting. Chaos is BOOMS. It's deception, it's the art of war.

4e51aa  No.3781501


except that isn't happening either. So what exactly does 11.11 mean anon?

0bd198  No.3781502

I was a bit deflated last night. But we got the Senate. We control not only appointments to the Supreme Court but also all lower Federal Courts as well. THAT is where you transform a country.


48b905  No.3781503



My point was that 11.11 wasn't just about a parade

a09a05  No.3781504


Folks forget back on the campaign trail DJT said never let the plan be known. So who are these folks that have the egos to think they should know more than the inner circle…WEAK WARRIORS and certainly not Patriots if this is all the fight they have. Take your narcissism and be gone.

613853  No.3781505

Back to reality…

What about the invasion - OOPs - I mean the "caravan of nice people who want a better life"?

How Potus deals with them isn't going to hurt the midterms now. Any news on where they are our numbers?

df73d0  No.3781506

File: 0c02b0cca1f2b9c⋯.png (621.67 KB, 666x488, 333:244, I'm Afraid You're in the W….png)

aa4c8e  No.3781507

File: b9c59470d569ad8⋯.png (1.21 KB, 96x61, 96:61, ClipboardImage.png)

2351f5  No.3781508

File: 06ad7bd211e0fa7⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 600x315, 40:21, justice.jpg)

Hey all you fair weather anons and complainers, think about this: Kavanagh. What happened to him? Smeared and went through hell because of mere allegations. Now THINK. We are up on material, we have good control of the board and checkmate is around the corner. We can't be like the corrupted ones and just toss out mere allegations, we need and must have a)proof and b)an uncorrupted judicial system and all the rest. Do we have that yet? Are we now closer?

6d4f09  No.3781509

File: 1a9b8c9cdf32cdd⋯.gif (184.38 KB, 220x252, 55:63, tenor copy.gif)













acddc0  No.3781510

File: efdce1f184947e8⋯.jpg (843.67 KB, 1374x2503, 1374:2503, Screenshot_20181107-100339….jpg)

So the dems control the house and we can be sure almost nothing of their fuckery wil get past a new rep senate. I would think the key thing to look at is what bills are still in front of the senate that passed a rep controlled house. Bills that were not voted on because of rinos still holding seats. Now that the senate has what we need regarding patriots, what bills are going to slide right through to POTUS. What did a rep controlled house put in those bills "read the fine print"


c1da4a  No.3781511


go for it skippy, we all got popcorn

142a7a  No.3781512


Judges are important when you have 50,000 criminals to prosecute.

4a5849  No.3781513

Not saying that there is zero voter fraud but claiming massive voter fraud that lost us the House is just silly. Makes you about as worse as the dems screaming at the sky.

2c1161  No.3781514



8d26d2  No.3781515

File: 7079f6bac231795⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 512x301, 512:301, ldr8ou.jpg)

48b905  No.3781516


Not sure, I'm not Q

But I'd venture to guess it has to do with Mueller

8125c5  No.3781517


THIS x 1000000000

d0f3d4  No.3781518

File: 8d32990417b77ad⋯.png (308.41 KB, 750x503, 750:503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7347df2b635cace⋯.png (27.01 KB, 1013x526, 1013:526, ClipboardImage.png)

Several close races could result in runoffs, recounts in battleground states

Several key midterm races were too close to call Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning. Here's a look at some of the closest races in the country.


The race for Georgia governor remains close Wednesday morning with Democrat Stacey Abrams calling for a runoff between she and Republican Brian Kemp. At 5:50 a.m., Kemp had 50.5 percent of the vote to Abrams 48.6 percent and Libertarian Party candidate Ted Metz had 0.9 percent. Thousands of absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted. Kemp remains confident that he will win. A potential runoff would be held on Dec. 4. In a speech, Abrams called out her opponent, who is secretary of state for Georgia, for widespread accusations of not approving voter registrations in minority communities in a timely manner. "This election has tested our faith," Abrams said Wednesday. "I'm not going to name names, but some have worked hard to take our vote away."


In the state's hotly contested Senate race, Republican Gov. Rick Scott beat back the blue wave by defeating entrenched Democrat Bill Nelson in a race that was almost too close to call. Early Wednesday, Scott had a 58,000-vote lead over Nelson. Scott declared victory just before midnight, but Nelson has not yet conceded in public. "The senator will be making a full statement [Wednesday] to thank all those who rallied to our cause," campaign spokesman Pete Mitchell said. A mandatory recount is triggered in Florida in races separated by less than one half of 1 percent. A win by Scott would make three statewide races in a row that he's won using his own vast fortune. He spent $60 million of his own money on the race in his second term as governor. "We can make change," Scott told supporters. "We did it over the last eight years in Tallahassee, we can do it in Washington D.C." Scott backs many of Trump's policies, including tax cuts, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and repealing the Obama-era Affordable Care Act. He will join Republican Sen. Marco Rubio in the upper chamber – marking the first time since 1873 that both of Florida's senators are Republican.


Democratic challenger Jacky Rosen defeated GOP incumbent Dean Heller in Nevada's tightly-contested Senate race, giving Democrats a rare victory in the upper chamber Tuesday. She received 50.5 percent of the vote. "The politics of fear and division – they have lost," Rosen said.


Wisconsin's governor's race could come down to a runoff, too. Democratic challenger Tony Evers had a narrow 1.1 percent lead over Republican incumbent Scott Walker. Evers, the state schools superintendent, told supporters, "It's time for change, folks." "I will be focused on solving problems, not on picking political fights." Walker has not yet conceded, and his campaign is already calling for a recount. "The fight is not over. I am here to tell you this morning that this race is a dead heat. It's too close to call," said Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.


fb0728  No.3781519






what's with this phrase, "shit or get off the pot"

Has there ever been a pot for us to watch in our lives? FBIanon had two threads, military anons end up getting one /pol/ or /b/ thread, we rarely get whistleblowers who aren't vilified by the media before people can realize what good they did

We are incredibly blessed to have military operatives giving us the truth on what's happening in the government, this is a very rare occurrence in our reality

and when they do happen, they take time

607e4f  No.3781520

losing gun rights and felons getting rights restored is not good. >>3781502

6ac05b  No.3781521


>>3781357 LB


057f7b  No.3781522

File: e8bd4dec0e6b670⋯.jpeg (27.7 KB, 213x255, 71:85, AFC355AF-5AEC-4B13-BB8F-7….jpeg)

50e18b  No.3781523


The election would create GREAT COVER

496d31  No.3781524


Excellent analysis. We’re big on emotional reactions and analyses this morning. That’s good. We have to have time to reflect and just be human. This will all fall into place (like the Plan in general), as time goes on. No reason not to trust Q. We are at a disadvantage because of what we don’t know. Think of the 40%! Think what they’re missing. Morans!

07977c  No.3781525


did you know you had many indys here as well?

not all of us are Republicans - how many comped Republicans are there, Anon?

4e51aa  No.3781526


11.11 is the red line for many anons.

e9449b  No.3781527

File: c78269e5c5de09e⋯.jpeg (398.36 KB, 1223x928, 1223:928, EA90D5F4-18B2-49B0-9E04-A….jpeg)



Reposting this cap from last night's nightshift. Got recommended and seconded for notable late last bread.

690603  No.3781528

Can we ban all posts that mention "2020"? Nobody on this board is waiting for 2020 or looking forward to 2020 except shills. 2020 is an irrelevant distraction right now.

8d26d2  No.3781529

File: e72d30b19215946⋯.png (361.36 KB, 610x406, 305:203, GIzzf3Z.png)


c11e39  No.3781530

File: d66812dc01f6a6c⋯.png (665.82 KB, 801x534, 3:2, d66812dc01f6a6cc316dbf8820….png)

>>3781078 (pb)


On the other hand, I think it's a good thing that Trump et al are keeping the WHOLE of the American public interested in what's going on, politically, for two years running now.

For good or for bad, Americans care about what's going on and the spotlight that's being cast on politicians right now is necessary to expose corruption.

Just IMO.

255195  No.3781531


Nice post. I have been going over in my mind, what is the diffrerence between a House with Speaker Ryan, or Speaker Pelosi? Not much…

Speaking of that faggot, with Q bring the pain, now that [PR] has reneged on his deal?

695bf4  No.3781532


Saw that as well.

POTUS has Military geniuses:

>[House of Cards]

>Military planning at its finest.


planning The Plan for decades.

This is not the first attempt to take back our country.

Tricksters everywhere, POTUS treads stelathily…

cbd2b1  No.3781533

>>3781376 lb

So what's the plan for Gowdy and Goodlatte?

Are they going to work in Utah? SC down the road? other use?


Hope he's right….

6d4f09  No.3781534




Fair weather ANONS?

All yesterday night showed was.


He hasn't proven anything significant yet… Yet, all ANONS expect reasonable ANONS to just keep following him like he's some kind of MESSIAH? Put up or SHUT UP Q!!!

879a1d  No.3781535

Marc Elias will be Bill Nelson's recount lawyer


2167dd  No.3781536



2c1161  No.3781537


Spoken like a true LARPing faggot on /QRESEARCH/…

"Do it for me, while I sit here on my ass and eat popcorn."

You don't even deserve freedom, coward.

057f7b  No.3781538

File: 2eb2731a923df2c⋯.jpeg (34.99 KB, 255x254, 255:254, C8A76589-2AAE-4554-B121-A….jpeg)



8d26d2  No.3781539



73dd15  No.3781540

Ok, Q+. The election is over. Let's see the FISA.

50e18b  No.3781541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:30 AM EST

President Trump Hosts a Press Conference

aa4c8e  No.3781542

File: 2870dff7acd33f3⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c06e0e89c0f1510dc8137e79c7….jpg)


I may finally leave Calif.

shameful what happened yesterday…..

55968a  No.3781543

Kremlin: Russia and US postpone summit at French request

meeting cancelled because of the fucking french? the FRENCH?!

MOSCOW (AP) — The Kremlin said Wednesday that Russia and the United States have agreed not to hold a summit in Paris to avoid diverting attention from weekend commemorations marking the 100th anniversary of World War I's end.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump expect to see each other briefly but won't have a full-scale meeting during the centenary Armistice Day events, Kremlin foreign affairs adviser Yuri Ushakov said.

Ushakov said France conveyed concern that a Putin-Trump summit would steal the limelight from the Paris observances. Officials from the U.S. and Russia decided to delay the meeting until the end of the month, when both leaders expect to attend a Group of 20 summit in Argentina.

Trump said Monday he "probably" would not be meeting with Putin in Paris, but will meet with him during the G-20.

When U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton visited Moscow last month, he and Russian officials also talked about the presidents visiting each other's countries, according to Ushakov.

"A possible exchange of visits to Moscow and Washington was discussed, but there was no specific talk about the issue yet," he added.

Bolton said last month that Putin was invited to visit Washington next year, but a date had not been set.


1ddfcb  No.3781544

File: bad6bf6a13c620c⋯.png (171.46 KB, 490x368, 245:184, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

Post this every bread, until this shit changes…

6ee958  No.3781545


<I'm to lazy to read crumbs

<I'm overwhelmed with emotion

<the greatest military on Earth is run by bumbling fucking idiots

<certainly there's no information that MI has that we don't

dec93b  No.3781546


All wrapped up in 4 days…11/11? Or will timelines change again?

4e51aa  No.3781547


You had a really good post anon. I almost believed you until you called us morans. Good job at uniting.

142a7a  No.3781548


Bingo. Going from Paul Ryan to Nancy Pelosi is only a change in the eyes of a fool.

7729a7  No.3781549


they are people of bad will. this has nothing to do with intellect.

ff1168  No.3781550


Looking for any flights going in or out of Gitmo last night.

Any intel on that?

695bf4  No.3781551

File: 99dc65e133afd2b⋯.jpg (13.92 KB, 355x384, 355:384, This man is a meme in the ….jpg)


Gowdy = DOJ

Goodlatte - I dunno…

720763  No.3781552

Nancy P is going down- hence Trump and his fair optics

8d26d2  No.3781553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ec225d  No.3781554

File: c340bacdf697ff2⋯.png (11.24 KB, 682x92, 341:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b3fa655bcd26cf⋯.png (353.9 KB, 1209x2831, 1209:2831, ClipboardImage.png)

SWIFT Caves To US Pressure, Defies EU By Cutting Off Iranian Banks


49ea97  No.3781555

Who thinks the elections upright and not rigged?

China owns the D's I think our guys got beat by China last night.

We will never know though.

POTUS said China was meddling in the midterms did he not?

aa4c8e  No.3781556

File: df125fcb206cc90⋯.png (1.47 KB, 120x49, 120:49, ClipboardImage.png)

2c1161  No.3781557


Don't come to NY… It's worse.

07977c  No.3781558

File: ed7a30a07dcc519⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 480x403, 480:403, beldrexit.jpg)

511560  No.3781559


5ff5cd  No.3781560

File: 5ea9242506e9c0d⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger calm d….jpg)

File: f1dbea958be9163⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger CBTS.jpg)

1ddfcb  No.3781561

File: 2d439797ff6d4ae⋯.png (133.01 KB, 1196x632, 299:158, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: c6074ca93dc60c4⋯.png (144.94 KB, 924x642, 154:107, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: f33a1fa8afb7b21⋯.png (190.85 KB, 930x622, 465:311, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 57b4f16220ffa28⋯.png (216.88 KB, 925x638, 925:638, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: f2d4e9285b05158⋯.png (40.72 KB, 885x117, 295:39, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

All should now be fully clear on the fact that voting/VOLTING is nothing more than an ENERGY HARVEST.


09cc42  No.3781562


It's the day Trump and Putin are meeting for 5 minutes in Paris.

5caa40  No.3781563

You told us to fight for declass, Q.


73dd15  No.3781564

File: 823c128c5de00b7⋯.png (339.05 KB, 610x500, 61:50, ClipboardImage.png)

2167dd  No.3781565


Q is Jesus Christ in the flesh YOU NEED TO SHUT UP

088597  No.3781566

The price of freedom is ETERNAL vigilance.

The fight never ends.

Suck it up, buttercup.

4a5849  No.3781567

File: fa81c1d07056967⋯.png (719.78 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, HOUSE LOST DEM INVESTIGATI….png)


We got what we needed.

Thank you, Patriots!

Senate means everything.

Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.

DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.

POTUS has ultimate authority.

Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).

Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.

Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.

Military planned.

No impact re: ongoing investigations

Team is stronger [PRO].

Do you believe in coincidences?

Which (2) House members ran the investigations re: DOJ/FBI etc.?

Gowdy resignation.

What role did he play re: House investigations?

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman

Goodlatte resignation.

What role did he play re: House investigations?

House Judiciary Chairman

House >>> Senate

House >>> Senate

House >>> Senate


Senate Judiciary Chairman

[House of Cards]

Military planning at its finest.

The Senate was the target.

Corker + Flake removed.

How do you catch a FISH?

Mission forward.

These people are stupid.

695305  No.3781568


13 Angry Democrats.


Mutually Assured Destruction.

17 Angry Democrats.

Q Assured Destruction.

This is a message to us.

It is coming.

Stay United.

1ddfcb  No.3781569

File: 4a35d7d21a05de9⋯.png (155.08 KB, 928x624, 58:39, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 9407c20e298eecd⋯.png (147.29 KB, 914x556, 457:278, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

850c74  No.3781570

File: 24c3c220977277f⋯.jpg (294.71 KB, 618x600, 103:100, hold.jpg)

75e472  No.3781571

Bill Mitchell @mitchellvii


According to exit polling, 70% of Americans, including Independents 2:1, oppose impeaching Trump.

Go ahead Democrats. Try it.

aa4c8e  No.3781572

File: b3655f61db57211⋯.png (1.14 KB, 126x45, 14:5, ClipboardImage.png)

c1da4a  No.3781573

File: e2725e2f164715a⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 494x378, 247:189, e2725e2f164715a82a199860a8….jpg)



so people should go commit murder at your whim instead.

who's sitting on their ass and requesting others do something for them?

your projection is glowing shill.

10d3b5  No.3781574

>>3781488 QProof - Future Proves Past

Nicely done anon. God bless you.

Baker Notable

496d31  No.3781575


not enough covfefe today? i was referring to the normies and lefties.

d263b6  No.3781576


I dont know how POTUS can still even meet with the French without punching Macaron in the face.

6d4f09  No.3781577

File: a54b57ace8cdb16⋯.gif (9.38 MB, 350x233, 350:233, giphy.gif)




SEALED, and they will always be just that SEALED.

Proves nothing.

bd5a7d  No.3781578

File: 2925bdfa1df3754⋯.gif (19.23 KB, 640x640, 1:1, clock 751.gif)

>>3779954 pb

"President Beto" Ok….good luck with that

baker pic

709876  No.3781579

File: b50bffb82630994⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 1506201416906.jpg)

Winning bigly anons.

Anyway we look at it.

Cozy up, here comes winter chan.

44057e  No.3781580



My thoughts exactly varying a little bit state to state based on election laws.

Was it machines, bused in voters, illegals????

Patterns built and then hammer dropped.

445869  No.3781581

Give people space to work out their anger and frustration. They are not shills. They are angry because they believed Q and had high hopes for this country. "Are you ready for arrests?" "BOOM." "We have it all." "Soon." "Suicide weekend."

I personally plan to call Q a fucking cunt for at least a week. Maybe more. Filter me and call me shill if it helps. I voted straight Republican yesterday and they all lost. We have no way to pass legislation now without giving away the farm.

What kind of Patriot has it all and doesn't drop it to secure victory over the full Congress.

e9449b  No.3781582

File: fc8abf1daddee3c⋯.jpeg (744.68 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7A8E99CB-8B59-4C77-8604-1….jpeg)


Come to the south. Worth it.

Cept no muh weed.


152230  No.3781583

What I find funny is that while y'all are over here whining about the "loss" in the House, the Dems are in their little caves whining about not winning control of the Senate.


And our POTUS did that. KEK

a14d6e  No.3781584

File: 9529bc0220563a2⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 500x902, 250:451, 1540863758.jpg)

2a276b  No.3781585

File: d8d95499934bb25⋯.png (203.52 KB, 500x333, 500:333, PepeComfy.png)


I hear ya bud, but trust the clam. FISA will bring down da house!

a172cf  No.3781586

File: bbbca84f0ea26ab⋯.jpg (61.51 KB, 980x620, 49:31, stewart-980x620.jpg)

5e05e8  No.3781587


anon, please, dont sugar coat it next time, tell us how you really feel.

6d4f09  No.3781588

File: e56d355d5c01fbe⋯.jpg (249.87 KB, 590x332, 295:166, preview.jpg)



695bf4  No.3781589

File: ab49e44483d98f0⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 512x288, 16:9, movin-on-up.jpg)


>House >>> Senate

escalatin' shit!

d7508c  No.3781590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4e51aa  No.3781591


You're joking right? Ryan got us tax cuts. NP promises tax increases. You can't see the difference? Take off your rose colored glasses then.

3f020b  No.3781592


board is not all sketchy and have not had to reboot once today. very different than last night. shills have their lame duck memes ready, we should be honored that this platform was chosen to disseminate the 4 a.m. talking points today. disappointing how many of my 'anon bros' can't smell when someone shits in their oatmeal. or tell the difference between full frontal assault and a flank attack.

73dd15  No.3781593


Ohhhhhhhh I think I figured it out. Q never cared about the house. Only the Senate. But made it seem like the dems could win the house. Thus baiting them into going after the house and spending their resources on the house.

f8b7fa  No.3781594

FISA drops un redacted on 11/11/18.

100 years of war begins to end.

They will not recover from a public knowing the truth.

2351f5  No.3781595


Really? How many people have woken up? How many people now don't just take information for granted and do their own research? How many people are no longer sheep? How many people are now red pilled? Are the borders being protected? How much more do we have now then when this all started?

Stop whining. Just because things are unclear to you or haven't played out to YOUR expectations doesn't mean things aren't happening.

720763  No.3781596


We got this

178bf6  No.3781597




Go back to shitposting, sliding and muhjew.

Anons know to much to be concerned by your terrible whiny concerns.

Just won't work.

aa4c8e  No.3781598

File: cbf8e32e55ed141⋯.png (16.23 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 4b8a05dbbd7ed76277682278d0….png)

If anything happens to POTUS and VPOTUS, PELOSI becomes PRESIDENT!

809249  No.3781599


Thanks Anon

55aefd  No.3781600


I'm waiting. My patience is not unlimited.

633ecc  No.3781601

File: 0d9b8e31dc9cf78⋯.mp4 (380.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Pepe's Revenge(1).mp4)

Made with love for anons. kek

ade66a  No.3781602



Called the hotline myself to report shenanigans.

8e3f8d  No.3781603

File: e262920280ac48b⋯.jpg (588 KB, 626x453, 626:453, CatW.jpg)

540b19  No.3781604

Did the NWO Republicans help out the NWO Democrats to win the House? If so, how could this be detected?

The fight is between the NWO and the Trump Nationalists…

a54a43  No.3781605

Popcorn eating early.. Really enjoying people question Q. They'll have to start showing their cards soon, I'd think. Either way, questions will have to be answered soon. Larp or not.

262ebc  No.3781606

File: a04fdeed9402487⋯.png (6.32 MB, 2448x1674, 136:93, IMG_3546.PNG)


9e2c84  No.3781607

File: 91cee60b22df0e6⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, stealth.png)

fb0728  No.3781608


I'm a little fearful for that truth, if times have had to be changed, 11/11 could be moved too, but at that point yea a lot of anons would start getting aggravated. Q at least has to throw a juicy bone on that day if we don't get unsealed indictments or declas, or it will be costly


oh my lord I will help spread this meme, we need this

e6a7b1  No.3781609

06aac4  No.3781610


>>3781554 SWIFT caves to US pressure: cuts off Iran.

>>3781527 Analysis and reassurance regarding last night's election results.

>>3781518 Several close races could result in runoffs, recounts in battleground states.

>>3781488 Q Proof: House/Senate level. Military planning.

832a5f  No.3781611

Exactly this: 'My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us'.

11:30 AM EST

4a81ec  No.3781612


NOTABLE , good for comparing to ongoing ops.

07977c  No.3781613

File: 28509d9ee1f7781⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 599x362, 599:362, 1-tool.jpg)

4a5849  No.3781614


Agreed. I am pretty sure POTUS has put her in the [ ]

806d3b  No.3781615

File: cbd1edc07035d3f⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 666x500, 333:250, sheep.jpg)





Trust the man trained in psychological warfare.


We REALLY WANT good to prevail. We really want DJT to be "God's annointed."

We REALLY WANT to believe that thousands of years of one group dominating history, giving us false opposition to feel like we have a voice, and screwing us time and again is over and done with.

Therefore, suspend your intellect.

Worship Q. Worship POTUS.

Pray to them here, on this board, and your prayers will be heard, right before they call Hillary Clinton and kek at you.

695bf4  No.3781616

File: ebb021494b33f18⋯.png (83.23 KB, 749x439, 749:439, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png)

d38676  No.3781617


>I personally plan to call Q a fucking cunt for at least a week. Maybe more.


e7dace  No.3781618


What ugly tits.

2351f5  No.3781619


No he isn't. Don't even try your stupid shill tactic.

879a1d  No.3781620

Prop 10 pass?

I read about that the other day….absolutely nuts


d7508c  No.3781621



4e51aa  No.3781622


How many people just voted in corrupt, muslim, loving, illegal mongering scum into the House?

9d2bef  No.3781623


half of those who voted went left. hard left.

a lot more than 3%.

this should be worrying.

df1f1c  No.3781624


James, ever in the Cape Cod area stop in for some home made fishnchips, clam chowdah and pan seared scallops.

When a swamp yankee fisherman makes it, you know it’s good

Everything fresh off the boat.

2c1161  No.3781625


<I'm a lemming.

<I have no thoughts of my own.

<If Q says jump, I say "How high?"

<I have been lead-along for 2 years.

<I will be lead along for another 2 years.

<I will do nothing to help my nation.

<I will make memes to 'save my nation', because Q says the nation is depending on mine and roughly 150 other people's memes, and I believe it.

<I have a low IQ.

<I am too afraid to call out actual criminals for their crimes, so I encourage others to do it for me.

<I am a LARPing faggot.

d9b1e0  No.3781626

Q, just for clarification. Attached post says that Trump-Putin meeting on 11/11 was no coincidence, no odds. Yet, it was announced that this meeting has been actually postponed.. was this planned too? Or necessary disinfo so Cabal couldn't prepare for assassination? Or was it just bs?

Q. I know you won't read this at all, but here are actually REAL people and REAL families believing in you, many friends of mine do so also. Many are disappointed. I try my best to keep them convinced and following you by reminding them of 11/11.

So, Q, be aware. 11/11 is indeed the "red line" for many of us Republicans. If nothing happens prior to that or exactly on that day, be sure that this movement is gonna slowly break apart, my friends think already I am nuts for following Q. I will continue to support my POTUS though, no matter what.

8d2b26  No.3781627

File: 67cc8988712749e⋯.jpg (205.11 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, NOWPLAYING.jpg)


this is the type of 'fear' that we don't put up with here.


and if you don't… THATS OK. just don't express your unwanted negative opinion.

9fd2f6  No.3781628


Q has never advocated for violence and it is not our job.

ffec70  No.3781629


Exactly. If anyone actually talks to the normies it's clear this would not be a red wave. We gained in Senate. Huge win.

Q never said we would win house (or Senate). The people voted. We move on.

Always have faggots having exaggerated expectations ever since day one.

0514a3  No.3781630


Donald J. Trump


If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!

5:04 AM - 7 Nov 2018

Future proves past.



Dem's/Traitors = Catch-22

Continue "Witch Hunts" > Get Investigated/DECLAS Outed.

Don't Continue "Witch Hunts" > Trump Admin presses on w/ MAGA & they Still get Outed.

Yes, it is EXTREMELY frustrating, but:

The Harder, Longer & Louder (((they))) push the "CRIMINAL TRAITOR TO AMERICA" card = The worse it is for them @ DECLAS.

POTUS - (March 1, 2018) Amendments to (Executive Order 12473 - April 13, 1984) Changes to UCMJ, Manual for Courts-Martial.

Takes Effect = (Jan 01, 2019) 7 1/2 weeks from now.

Different ball-game Jan 01?




ec225d  No.3781631

File: 189d0506f2e63db⋯.png (3.74 MB, 1800x1332, 50:37, ClipboardImage.png)

c95620  No.3781632


Last night was a shit-show in here.

Stand tall, stand proud.

Onward we march to victory.

dd745b  No.3781633

Don’t make the mistake of assuming all doubters are shills.

After 1 year, almost no public accountability; no justice of DS by the courts, losing the House….many anons legitimately have concerns that we’ve been wasting our time.

DJT has done excellent things for the country - that is not in dispute. But it is extremely frustrating to watch the bad actors continue to be living it rich OR be allowed to just quietly resign/retire and living it rich.

There are GENUINE ANONS who are absolutely deflated.

9f7b4a  No.3781634


>Gowdy = DOJ

are you for real? gowdy = one of the corrupt ones who is stepping down. he made the announcement almost a year ago.

2167dd  No.3781635



3d71f4  No.3781636

Thank you Q for everything, but when will Trump federally legalize weed and what is he waiting for? I live in a backwards, backwoods state that at this rate is still ~5 years awayy from legalization, but I need weed to ease my mental illnesses. We all know it's harmless, and should never have been made illegal in the first place. I can't & shouldn't have to wait years for the slow wheels of politics to turn in my favor "organically." Please, Q, mention this important issue to POTUS. The Great Awakening deserves legal weed now!

e6a7b1  No.3781637

Q, can you chime in here and not in PF? Answer a few questions for us fags?

7729a7  No.3781638

No loyalty to POTUS. They must quite literally believe everything they have been told about him, i.e. that he is worse than Satan. Only someone of bad will would believe this lie at this point in time. Only people of bad will believe the MSM.

bd5a7d  No.3781639

File: ff346d25b2e4ecd⋯.jpg (48.24 KB, 500x336, 125:84, Sewar cleaning.jpg)

love it

Shills telling us to"hold the line" when all we are doing is cleaning out the sewars.

43946d  No.3781640

File: c47f1134acd4b88⋯.png (308.15 KB, 488x330, 244:165, jewprojector.png)

809249  No.3781641


That you know of. Shit happens behind the scenes that are not divulged, even to us. Do you think Q and Co sit on their ass until the new drop?? No, they are working.

255195  No.3781642


Yeah I'm joking fool. What is their differences on the wall?

dfeeb4  No.3781643

File: e0a261151d1382e⋯.jpg (165.04 KB, 1037x858, 1037:858, FISAbringsdown.jpg)

File: 7c862ed689785a3⋯.jpg (399.61 KB, 640x948, 160:237, FISA-Brings-Down-House-1.jpg)

File: cc796afd7f89206⋯.jpg (569.8 KB, 1244x1572, 311:393, FISAbrings down the house.jpg)

File: 93b313315828cf2⋯.jpg (287.99 KB, 864x576, 3:2, FISAcorruptionfisa_brings_….jpg)

1ddfcb  No.3781644

File: eabbeddd11cb471⋯.png (129.96 KB, 382x382, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

0a5137  No.3781645


I'm ready to see the PAIN and the ARRESTS!

Let's get it ON Q!

178bf6  No.3781646


They are shills, you are one too.


2c1161  No.3781647


Then, why hasn't he, cupcake? You scared?

4f480f  No.3781648


Which does raise an interesting question. How do the D's win the house in states that elected R senators and R governors? Unless I am missing something…

73dd15  No.3781649

File: 0f416ac0dfb86f5⋯.png (27.96 KB, 406x305, 406:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Never wanted the house. It was a RED HERRING!

The dems got distracted, focused on the house, won it, but actually, that's not what POTUS feared the most. He planned it like he was worried about the House - thus emboldening the Dems efforts to win, when the TARGET WAS THE SENATE.


aa4c8e  No.3781650

File: cfbd9ba596cbde1⋯.png (2.19 KB, 158x61, 158:61, ClipboardImage.png)

72bb28  No.3781651


>major cities vs suburbs/rural/smaller towns

Important correction

What you have is how it was in '16

Look at the '18 numbers

This time it was:

major cities/suburbs vs rural/smaller towns

MAGA hit a big speed bump in the Burbs yesterday

7bd275  No.3781652

CNN is back to talking about Trump's tax returns

496d31  No.3781653


Post 1379, 5/16 - blob nancy was in the [ ], but that was referencing a conversation she was having. Other times Q mentions her, she's not in the kill box.

Q? Is she?

3f4062  No.3781654

File: d0047151eb164fe⋯.jpg (98.73 KB, 1290x731, 30:17, hillarylookout.JPG)

they spent over a year monitoring it all, and the best development out of all of that analysis is to try and shill us with our own fucking memes




498437  No.3781655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Out in the streets inspiration comes hard

The joker in the deck keeps handin' me his card

Everybody always wants the easy way out

Thirty golden pieces for the Judas kiss

Modern apathetics; you got plenty of nothing to say

Some are born to follow: some will make their own way

Today you found a hero tomorrow you'll forget

You're lookin' for convenient truth you haven't found it yet

You don't make commitments no time for regrets

Easy come and easy go and easy to forget

You don't ever take responsibility

Don't you know that part of you is part of me

Never Surrender, it's easier said than done

But you go to finish what's already begun

Never, that's forever, seems like such a long time

But I only got one life to live - It's gonna be mine

Never Surrender - we cannot be denied

Never Surrender - spread your wings and fly

429bf4  No.3781656

Dylan Matthews @dylanmatt


As it looks like the Senate will remain Republican until at least 2023, never forget that both Ginsburg and Breyer could’ve retired in 2013/2014 and had Dem replacements, and both declined.

2351f5  No.3781657


News flash, people are allowed to be stupid if they want to. They are also allowed to deal with the consequences of those choices.

d38676  No.3781658

d925b2  No.3781659

File: 66b6c3d82011a74⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 347x365, 347:365, 001121995d82a7d3bd9599f7bd….jpg)



10d3b5  No.3781660


It would have been a mix of them all anon, rigged machines, illegal voters, voter suppression… They are proper………….

7b8c6c  No.3781661

File: 1602ffad3839ae5⋯.png (253.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, F62D34EC-2EC7-4828-BE42-69….png)

File: 4f6c9750fbf9c4d⋯.png (107.17 KB, 246x240, 41:40, 907070B9-3F01-4088-A9E1-76….png)

809249  No.3781662


Perfectly said Anon.

a54a43  No.3781663


That prooves sqaudooosh. >>3781488

4a5849  No.3781664


What should terrify you is that NONE of us are paid. Including the President.

ec225d  No.3781665

File: 0deab5a928394cf⋯.png (458.62 KB, 589x667, 589:667, ClipboardImage.png)

6d4f09  No.3781666

File: 0dab7ab1f11eb5a⋯.jpg (552.19 KB, 1650x2048, 825:1024, nq3y76ts3mxy.jpg)




The general public may not have the exact same political views as you, but many of people are "waking up."

Ever heard of Max Spiers? Jordan Maxwell? Have you read Behold A Pale Horse ? The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall? The Egyptian Book of the Dead? What do you know about Tibetan Buddhism?

How are all these things connected?

As Above, So Below.

a085f1  No.3781667

Follow HUMA.

Who connects HRC/CF to SA?

Why is this relevant?

Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?

Who has ties to the MB?

Who is Awan?

What is the Awan Group?

Where do they have offices?

Why is this relevant?

Define cash laundering.

What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?

Why is this relevant?

Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials?

What does SA obtain in exchange for payment?

Why is access important?

I repeat

What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?


Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?


What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11?

Who authorized the departure?

Why is this relevant?

Was anyone else permitted to leave?


Was anyone else permitted to leave?

Was it a private plane?

What can private planes carry v commercial?

What airport did they arrive/depart from?

What was carried on a private plane to Iran?

Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11?


How does SA connect to the Bin Laden family?

Who in SA is connected specifically to the Bin Laden family?

What did they deliver?

To who?


What does money buy?


[Hassan Rouhani]


Who is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal?

Why would Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Saudi Royal) pay HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL?

Was HUSSEIN a prominent political figure or a person of influence at the time?


Who is Valerie Jarrett?

Where was she born?

When did Valerie Jarrett hire Michelle Robinson?




When was UBL killed in Pakistan?

May 2 2011

Where was UBL located?

Close proximity to?

Think logically.

When did AWANs mission op go green?


Follow the timeline.

What happened during this time w/ Huma / VJ / AWAN / +3?


Follow the timeline.




Who is protected?


Aid cut off in 2010?


What happened in 2011?

Define ‘Exchange’.

Sick yet?


Bin Laden/9/11 The Awans Muslim Brotherhood Obama

Trying to figure out how this played out..need some help anons to put this together

The Awans infiltrated Congress was giving information back to Pakistan. We gave them access so they would not tell truth about Bin Laden and 9/11 truth?

1ddfcb  No.3781668

File: 637bbddc830f5de⋯.png (197.41 KB, 557x296, 557:296, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

3a9695  No.3781669

File: 6b3fa73d832f98b⋯.gif (201.4 KB, 660x780, 11:13, 1541562085872.gif)



12 Nov 2017 - 1:24:44 PM


This is not a game!



Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.



>“These leaks have been incredibly damaging to our intelligence and cyber capabilities,” said Leon E. Panetta, the former defense secretary and director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

\>Fifteen months into a wide-ranging investigation by the agency’s counterintelligence arm, known as Q Group, and the F.B.I., officials still do not know whether the N.S.A. is the victim of a brilliantly executed hack, with Russia as the most likely perpetrator, an insider’s leak, or both. Three employees have been arrested since 2015 for taking classified files, but there is fear that one or more leakers may still be in place.

Who commands No Such Agency?

Who has ULTIMATE command?



12 Nov 2017 - 11:52:34 AM

Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow.

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


695bf4  No.3781670

File: 4ec4c3c00f13aa9⋯.png (340.96 KB, 809x969, 809:969, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png)

806d3b  No.3781671

fe7fe3  No.3781672

All of their house are belong to them.

This is probably sky is falling week. It seems as if the sky is falling because we lost the house. Be prepared. That notification was for us.

152230  No.3781673

File: 91300c000be395a⋯.png (31.5 KB, 488x496, 61:62, ClipboardImage.png)

Consider this.. if the Dems had such a victory yesterday, why are there so many shills in here today?

5e05e8  No.3781674


Get thee behind us, satan.

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

fb0728  No.3781675

Did any anons notice that Q says FISA brings down "the house"?

Do you think this was predicted, and that's why declas is waiting until now, to negate whatever imperatives would come up with Dems controlling the House

53bab8  No.3781676

The strangest aspect of the 'Qanon phenomenon' to me is; how much Q cheerleads for people on this board to keep 'pushing memes' and for people here to 'keep fighting'.

I mean, if people here completely stopped and ignored Q; what would change? Would Q get butthurt and decide to stop helping the US? Does anyone actually believe the few memes created here actually has some kind of meaningful impact on anything other than other Q followers?

Why does it seem like Q 'requires' their followers to keep pushing content and pushing the message? I think it's gone past saturation and nobody else is going to turn to the side of truth, at least not without some kind of big arrest or something. I think the 'Q movement' is fading. The people need to see something happen, something meaningful. not obscure coincidences that zero other people notice nor care about.

How long is this going to go on? How long are people going to just keep thinking that 'a win is imminent, i just need to post more memes!'…

Give me a break. Unless something BIG happens soon, this whole thing is going to dry up.

inb4 shill, kike, etc. I'm neither. I just look at the big picture and see an army of patriots being strung along and nothing has come of it for a very long time.

8ec407  No.3781677

File: 3dc7fd547829d4d⋯.jpg (170.92 KB, 1440x1956, 120:163, qoflittlefaith.JPG)

Oh (you) of little Q faith. I'd advise you to read a bit.




c1da4a  No.3781678


who was cooking in their hotel room with a camp stove?

2c1161  No.3781679


Oh wow, look what you did for your nation, right there… you guys are good! You really got me there. Stopped me dead in my tracks. Clearly you are a force to be reckoned with… (Please don't filter me, that would be scary.)

48b905  No.3781680


I hate to say it but I agree, I've been faithful from day one here. The 6/11 LARP was never perpetuated by Q but by LARPs like EyeTheSpy. 11/11 was Q's day and he called it out many times. So something SIGNIFICANT has to happen then.

Even if whatever was meant to happen is pushed out, he would be wise to give us hardworking diggers a big big bone on that day. Not saying Q owes us anything, but for the sake of the movement we will lose a few folks if nothing happens that day.

7729a7  No.3781681


Well we are not. This isn't a fucking sand box. Their choices kill people.

ca226f  No.3781682



I think he was being sarcastic

ffec70  No.3781683


So the Nightshift didn't have time to make a gabillion nightshift memes?

Just busting balls Anon. WWG1WGA

a172cf  No.3781684

File: 7b7878a8914c198⋯.png (387.2 KB, 500x654, 250:327, 7b7878a8914c198addde24c155….png)

df1f1c  No.3781685

Shills not here to beat up anons.

They know that’s a waste of time.

They are here to Demoralize Newbies and Normies.

ef466b  No.3781686


Just a reminder, evil loves red just as much as blue. It's not about demonrats vs repewblycans

37a23c  No.3781687

File: bc67008493b045b⋯.jpg (165.6 KB, 923x901, 923:901, Capture.JPG)

1ee3be  No.3781688

File: 3128d9166f3d667⋯.png (883.46 KB, 770x1046, 385:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Bad optics if Trump would prosecute Dems?

Did the country descend into chaos when Nixon resigned? Oh, but dems behave more like wild animals I guess. Then we should put them down or lock them up as well if needed. The constant accommodation of the left is ridiculous. Now FL is automatically restoring voting rights to felons- 1.5 million democrat votes will be added in FL for 2020. Kiss those 29 electoral votes goodbye.

806d3b  No.3781689


Sarcasm is lost on this one.

8dacfd  No.3781690

File: 130ed3e58d06007⋯.jpg (210.95 KB, 2896x2896, 1:1, 20181107_111038.jpg)

Future proves past?

4e51aa  No.3781691


What I see happening is more of the same from this past year. Dates of events given. Dates pass and events didn't happen. Never to be addressed.

4a81ec  No.3781692

Mission Possible ;

Keep DECLASS up front in the publics mind !

4a5849  No.3781693


>>>3781554 SWIFT caves to US pressure: cuts off Iran.

OH! I didnt hear this! This is great!

2c1161  No.3781694



First place trips, say it all…

c78634  No.3781695


LOL…. this is where you are completely WRONG…. all declass does is show that Obama spied on trump with no legal basis whatsoever…..

SO THE FUCK WHAT…… So Obama and a few of his underlings get a slap on the wrist…. maybe a black eye for the left for what…. all of 3 days? Because MSM will just move on… they control the message AND the narrative…..

The left will justify all of it because "orange man bad" and their minions will just eat it up.

You people had better come to the realization soon that NOTHING will be given to conservatives……

Q is a psyop used (and used well I might add) to fire up the right…. but if you think some magical video with top dems is coming out showing them as pedos - then you really need to step away and examine the FACTS…

Q drops are NOT facts…….

6ee958  No.3781696


top fucking kek

d9b1e0  No.3781697


I am not so sure about that tweet. Even if that were the case, the MSM would literally jump on this and call Trump a conspiracy faggot and possible investigations with meddling elections would start immediately. We will never see that tweet, even if it could boost our stamina and moral.

f54cd7  No.3781698


stfu and LURK MOAR newfag

e6a7b1  No.3781699

China won't sell jetliners to Iran - state aero executive


fe7fe3  No.3781700



FISA brings down the house 3x

Server brings down the house 1x

809249  No.3781701

File: 70a8c1f8ce4e8f0⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 36fa6b52bd8e11c5c8a3a9098a….jpg)

0bd198  No.3781702


Elections over. Soros pulls financing. They turn around.

Saw someone say this earlier. Sounds pretty good so I shared.

3f020b  No.3781703

File: bd0c728179f8f46⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 1772x1948, 443:487, parade.jpg)



709876  No.3781704


This, frens!

Everything has changed in the last two years.

44057e  No.3781705

>>3781660 AGREED!!!!


Now we have to wait for the facts to be put to paper and the charges filed.

49ea97  No.3781706


I hope not, we are close to winning 2 more seats now.


ffec70  No.3781707


Good. I hope it's all the kitten meme people

75e472  No.3781708

Dylan Matthews @dylanmatt


As it looks like the Senate will remain Republican until at least 2023, never forget that both Ginsburg and Breyer could’ve retired in 2013/2014 and had Dem replacements, and both declined.

06aac4  No.3781709


Absolutely. From what I've been reading they're already on their last legs.

The people will demand change soon I think.

92c14a  No.3781710

>>3775214 (pb)

>No such thing as "upper" and "lower" chamber in the Constitution.

>That wording by Q is nonsense.

>Both chambers have oversight. Though, if it is split control, then they will be investigating different things.

In case you are still around….

Had to go to bed so I missed your reply. Did just one search and this was at the top of the replies.

Upper house

An upper house is one of two chambers of a bicameral legislature, the other chamber being the lower house. The house formally designated as the upper house is usually smaller and often has more restricted power than the lower house.

Whew….. glad we made it over that hurdle of inane adherence to exact wording.

>muh nonsense

4ab199  No.3781711

File: d5a74c809ae80de⋯.png (195 KB, 777x777, 1:1, IMG_3448.PNG)

What would happen to a House seat is say the new member coming in was arrested before their swearing in on Jan 2019?

Say Mueller's report & FISA Declassification is dropped this month & proves those who just got elected to the House are Treasonous?

What would happen to that open seat?

53bab8  No.3781712


typical kike bot post. KYS.

0ebd04  No.3781713


>>3781433 (lb)

You think it sounds like a psyop, but it is

very true

My wife said exactly that to me last week. She doesn't want "woken up" ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is suffering. Prove me wrong.

1ee3be  No.3781715


Oh, and I'm so pleased with Trump's love and support for jews and Israel while they keep screwing up this country.

2686b6  No.3781716



stop with your bullshit.

If the dems had lost big there would be rioting today.

they aren't just breaking the back of hard-nosed endemic corruption, they are also governing in difficult times.

No riots.

normal times.

coalition governance with the R much more in control.

If the R had gotten everything yesterday the job of maintaining the peace on the street would be much harder.

so think of that: your wish would be riots.

we get what we need, not what we want.

we need and want them to wake up and work with us.

now we give them that chance. the other direction was the start of a new phase of them escalating their violence.

They have no excuse to do that. We are returning to normal times.

fb0728  No.3781717


there has been 175,000 people on QMap in the past 24 hours

This shit is extremely important

Q isn't just talking to us, they are talking to the Deep State too. The world is watching this, probably every Intelligence Community channel worldwide has an operative reading this 24/7

shit happens on here, the memes are simply the quickest medium of visual support we spread on here, the chans have historically created almost every meme that's now mainstream

Don't downplay the magic that happens here

No one's leavin, if anything everyone's getting back on since midterms is over

This is the final stretch, don't lose the passion now

4a5849  No.3781718


HAHAHAHAHAHA. They will never change!

c95620  No.3781719



e6a7b1  No.3781720

File: 19ede30d65b85bb⋯.png (124.22 KB, 796x417, 796:417, Untitled-design42-796x417.png)


China’s president wants to make the internet ‘fairer’ — for China


a54a43  No.3781721

File: 0ae8044e6f752c7⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 580x440, 29:22, proxy.duckduckgo-3.jpg)

6d4f09  No.3781722

File: a5799b9145d70e5⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 360x239, 360:239, a57.jpg)

48b905  No.3781723


Haha fair enough.

Thing is, I think it's BEYOND QUESTION that Q is for real. So 11.11 matters but I can't just suddenly deny all the amazing "coincidences" he's provided over the past year if it is a dud. I just REALLY hope it's not a dud.

5ff5cd  No.3781724

File: 7603e2f654130a0⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, President drain it.jpg)

File: 173b398baf21893⋯.jpg (71.42 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger drop t….jpg)

File: 55738e27c7a35fb⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger NO DEA….jpg)


Remember this is the Government we are talking about…NOTHING HAPPENS INSTANTLY

All the military Anons will know what this means "Hurry up and wait"….

Let me see if I can clear a few things up…."Q" team….please take a look at this and see how close I am….

Corrected and added a few more things since last post…

Potus = Republican – Check

SCOTUS = Work in Process 5 out of 9 with potential of 2 more – WAG

CIA = Work in Process – 80% cleaned up–WAG

NSA = Cleaned up – Check

DOJ = Work in Process – 80% cleaned up – WAG

FBI = Work in Process – 70% cleaned up –WAG

Governorships = Work in Process – 90% cleaned up –WAG

Senate = Work in Process – 90% cleaned up – WAG

House = Work in Process – 50% cleaned up –WAG

Soro's = Losing money– Work in Process– ?????

Clinton = ????

MSM = ????

Add to this or make your corrections as you see fit. but we are moving forward considering where we started from….I'd say more then halfway there….if not more…good luck "Q" team…I'll be lurking and not far away..

BTW—Its was a surgical strike on the Senate….but sooner then later we will have to Carpet Bomb the House….those ticks are dug in deep!!!!

P.S. Oh!! Look!!!

No Protesting…

No Pussy hat Liberals…

No Rioting…

Sort of Peaceful, Quiet….

I'd would say it would be ……

"The Calm before the Storm", hmm

All you can think about is yourselves….think what the POTUS did with all the rallies…all the energy it took!!!!….think for a second…are you saying he was wasting his time..come on. …..that he is doing this for FREE…..if that is all you see, then GTFO. we don't need you here bringing us down…

806d3b  No.3781725

Here's a thought, all you Anons who clearly worship Q and POTUS:

Remember Q telling us how powerful this board is?

Why don't you use it to demand answers and action from this public servant instead of tonguing his ass and worshiping him?

We've earned it. Many of us have spent thousand of hours doing his bidding for A YEAR.

I see people asking some pretty fucking reasonable questions.


cbd2b1  No.3781726

File: d0bfbd284829ae1⋯.jpg (89.23 KB, 700x525, 4:3, fmj boom boom.jpg)

File: 0946d5122239160⋯.jpeg (242.3 KB, 1600x1191, 1600:1191, pepe fire squad.jpeg)

File: ab5235f6ddb0db1⋯.png (6.63 KB, 250x202, 125:101, pepe music.png)

All concern shills take the rest of the day/week off. Enjoy the nice weather, spend time w/family, get laid, have a beer.

We got this. No one said it would be easy.

Full Control

Let us bear this heavy burden

FISA brings down the house.


50e18b  No.3781727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



07f5da  No.3781728

File: e3e6ae00ec9c5ea⋯.jpg (11.61 KB, 255x138, 85:46, goawaynewfag.jpg)

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

>>3781519 TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND have a Hotpocket SKIPPY!

516d3e  No.3781729


Califag here also. We haven't left yet for a reason anon. Keep your head up. Things are going to change here and its going to be glorious!

Don't leave

53bab8  No.3781730


people on this board would rather lose 2 seats, just to make Q look right.

6d4f09  No.3781731

File: 5337fd2c5c5e1d2⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 626x461, 626:461, doubleslongarm.jpg)




trips then dubs….

057f7b  No.3781732


Fucking FOOL

445869  No.3781733


Why not both?

c64762  No.3781734



No integrity.

Shouldn't have been so close.

No effing way.

e6a7b1  No.3781735


3rd time requesting in 2 breads:


bd5a7d  No.3781736

File: a0753ac161fa8a9⋯.jpg (107.92 KB, 750x541, 750:541, Excuse me.jpg)

695bf4  No.3781737

File: ec6e7aa20a83e80⋯.png (866.94 KB, 1118x605, 1118:605, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png)


Dragon concedes to Lion.

More sanctions coming…

FED not going to touch rates for a month+…

Dirty Pelosi in a vice, will she pull the trigger?

Can't wait, get yer popcorn ready!

de8812  No.3781738

File: 144e2fefcfb58ab⋯.png (667.96 KB, 1280x864, 40:27, Slide1.PNG)

Why are the results not being challenged?

2c1161  No.3781739


Yeah… That'll happen.

You should hold your breath until it does.

65eba7  No.3781740


This. That meme with "has it all does nothing loses the house" is pretty fucking spot on.

Some of us aren't religious, and we don't believe in blind faith.

Problem for me is, while this is certainly real, is the plan broken? Stalemate of collateral damage? Foreign intervention?

4a5849  No.3781741

10d3b5  No.3781742


Best of it is, those that voted for them will be disgusted by the antics they pulled. Not even the Dem voters want to win by cheating. They would rather win fair and square at the ballot box.

262ebc  No.3781743

File: 5f47140c1098017⋯.jpg (300.04 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_0016.JPG)

Alice in wonderland is about a betrayed granddaughter of Geronimo

1193dd  No.3781744

File: 0902bfa9e95563a⋯.png (28.01 KB, 445x404, 445:404, 5784336.png)

bd5a7d  No.3781745

File: 9235faae9038aa1⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 580x379, 580:379, Robot sex.jpg)

4e51aa  No.3781746


What about Flynn free in 30 or

Seth Rich in June or

The world will know the truth in July or

FISA declas or

[[[RR]]] or



so may failed dates never addressed.

73dd15  No.3781747


I'm with this guy.

338ebd  No.3781748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is how I feel this Wed morning.

"lay a whisper, on my pillow…"

f54cd7  No.3781749


> muh bot, muh kike

stfu JIDF faggot

dfeeb4  No.3781750

>>3781459 We are the majority by far (Q). The juxtaposition of numbers at POTUS rallies vs. the pitiful numbers drawn by our enemies, is not borne out by last night's alleged numbers. Agree with those who think the fraud was meticulously documented & that this is going to come to light on OUR terms.

fb0728  No.3781751

File: 3cfa0c8fd6a1196⋯.jpeg (118.27 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 3cfa0c8fd6a1196c597fbd999….jpeg)



I don't even care if you're a shill, "have a hotpocket skippy" is pretty funny

now gtfo

d38676  No.3781752


From what I've seen in my time here, shills are here less when we're winning and show up in huge numbers whenever we're handed a loss. It's reasonable since they know when we're winning they're not going to be able to influence the opinion of the board much, but when we lose something and anons are (naturally) down, they capitalize on that opportunity because they have a lot more influence in that case.

806d3b  No.3781753


Not wrong at all.

fcf43c  No.3781754

I think many people, including anons don't realize that even if Q and POTUS do all they set out to do, the cabal has all the time in the world. They will just wait him out. Drain the swamp, it gets refilled instantly. It's a people problem. This is a very minor setback. The only thing that will end the cabal is full disclosure. Full disclosure will end all of us however, or 99% of us. It's a stalemate, just like in chess, and just like the midterms. For now,POTUS has the upper hand, but in 10,20,30 years? Cabal will be right where it left off.

5ff5cd  No.3781755


stop requesting then, duh!!!

d9b1e0  No.3781756


You ain't gonna see Q answer your post.

aa4c8e  No.3781757

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB, 767x767, 1:1, 7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)


thanks anon

bde366  No.3781758

File: f1c6af2d0f1a40a⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 24 7.jpg)


i think re-election for the open seats??

That's a cool badge, thank you.

554f9c  No.3781759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Hosts a Press Conference 11:30 est

a172cf  No.3781760

File: a379d4a5f5a1170⋯.jpg (69.41 KB, 1242x810, 23:15, BN-RB213_greens_GR_2016120….jpg)


it is happening

f42509  No.3781761

>>3781699 China won't sell jetliners to Iran


dfeeb4  No.3781762

File: 47fdd1dd7702dc8⋯.jpg (106.36 KB, 698x403, 698:403, QCrumbsFISA.jpg)

File: 991b3922c3003c4⋯.jpg (124.13 KB, 750x425, 30:17, QCrumbsMS13.jpg)

File: a90cb08e41227c5⋯.jpg (170.44 KB, 764x471, 764:471, QCrumbsRemainCalm.jpg)

File: 08c817788698c59⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, QCrumbsPlayAGame.jpg)

File: 88cfe9618b8ee6a⋯.jpg (263.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, QCrumbsTimeIsNow.jpg)

0ff901  No.3781763


Huh. I haven't been all that much today, yet there does seem to be an absence of Putin+Trump memes in the breads…

5e05e8  No.3781764

she's one of /ours/, isnt she?

Michael J. Morrison




BREAKING: Ocasio Cortez says on her first day in Congress she will introduce a bill to make the electoral college free for all Americans.

4a5849  No.3781765

Its important to note that almost 100 people resigned or stepped down from the House in the last 2 years. If they had not stepped down we would have the House but we would still be employing corrupt pedophiles in our govt.

eb12c2  No.3781766


Spot on Anaylsis. The peoples house will now become a riot control center for the crazies led by Nancy Pelosi. Watching the Senate conduct investigations that will gut the deep state will be glorious, while the House spins in circles trying to keep up.

2c1161  No.3781767


I'm with this guy, too. Put up or shut up!

0f0aaa  No.3781768

File: 8242a49aa637b12⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2047x1125, 2047:1125, house-of-pain.jpg)


You tried to do it the easy way. Now it's time for MI and NSA to do it the hard way.

Do it.

ea091e  No.3781769


Probably more.

Nothing going to be done until Senate takes hold. That's January.

Then Ginsburg is going to retire or die. Either way they will say "we" done it or "heart attacks happen".

Won're release because we have to get another Justice up there to replace her.

Will take a while to find someone.

Then literally months of fighting back and forth just like Kavanaugh.

Then, oh boy, it's time for re-election of Trump.

Vote Vote Vote. Rah Rah Rah

445869  No.3781770

I wanted two scoops damn you. House, Senate.

Look Trump is a good bullshitter. But losing the House was never the plan.

2c1161  No.3781772


Check those double trips, bitches… You know we're right.

c78634  No.3781773


Now this is a BOOM

057f7b  No.3781774


Yeah sure they do…fuck off and Trust the fraud

1ddfcb  No.3781775

File: 08a86d5ad5051fc⋯.png (335.78 KB, 1158x466, 579:233, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 6447552401a4424⋯.png (48.08 KB, 857x104, 857:104, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)



Covered last bread

4e51aa  No.3781776





5e05e8  No.3781777

Alex Griswold

Alex Griswold




A reminder that Roy Moore still has not conceded the race

73dd15  No.3781778

Ok, Q. We watched California. No voting fraud news and they totally spanked us and EASILY took the house. Just saying.

0ff901  No.3781779


seconding that

5d8e1e  No.3781780

File: 6bf5f044d505d50⋯.png (87.18 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry…I think I really starting to "get it"

The bigger picture

The much bigger picture.

We're not ready to be woke.

Not ready to get off this planet

Not ready for real technologies hidden.

With what little tech we get our hands on what do we do with it?

I'm 44 now.

It's time to grow up.

Not everyone will evolve their thinking to be like ours. This will take lifetimes.

My next step is to simply ensure the next generation is more woke and this is the best we could hope for.

b75f5d  No.3781781


Is it retarded?

a14d6e  No.3781782

File: f17322d4cbd3d9f⋯.jpeg (29.36 KB, 960x815, 192:163, 1537130729.jpeg)

e01297  No.3781783

What are the odds of democrats winning the senate after recounts?

525a8d  No.3781784

File: ca4f18ec5484617⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_2702-640x480.jpg)

Critics Question Fox News Calling House for Democrats with California Polls Still Open

Fox News called the U.S. House of Representatives for the Democrats on Tuesday night just after 9:30 p.m. EST — with polls still open in California for nearly an hour and a half.

https: //www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/11/06/critics-question-fox-news-calling-house-for-democrats-with-california-polls-still-open/

516d3e  No.3781785

File: e0e4459209abbba⋯.png (375.68 KB, 500x522, 250:261, kyhu.png)


Your not alone fren

Peace, God Bless

2686b6  No.3781786


sorry linked to you by mistake.

709876  No.3781787


Q can't make the public change, thats up to us.

Whatever arrests happen, it won't matter until public opinion is firmly on our side.

Education of the people continues.

Yesterday was a huge win for the Republic.

dfeeb4  No.3781788


Golden State is streaming it too.

Reporters just filing in.


930e7a  No.3781789

File: 71b0be97d7ddacc⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2398x1386, 109:63, ClipboardImage.png)


Can't seem to embed…

2bad5a  No.3781790

anybody have a Fox news live straem, Gramps is down again

53bab8  No.3781791


my point is, why does it matter what people do here? if 8chan and other Q outlets are shut down, are arrests going to happen?

is there actual proof of hordes of new Q followers and people awoken to the truth?

we need a win. we need an arrest or an indictment so that we know the plan is real. and not a win that was caused by the people, we need a win that is caused by the justice system.

88f0c9  No.3781792

Does anyone have the list of ex clowns who were running in the midterms handy?

3f020b  No.3781793


they really thought they pulled off the Doug Jones / Roy Moore thing, didn't they. trust Sessions.

a54a43  No.3781794

File: b59545877677c24⋯.jpg (911.08 KB, 2000x2023, 2000:2023, 470isMI-.jpg)


What if all the Q "loyalist" are literally part of the "470"? Taking shifts every day and night to ensure that the dialog stays on track? Making sure to discredit any dissent.

What if the "470" is literally the US version of the JIDF…?

4a5849  No.3781795

File: 9254a7d5efdae41⋯.png (258.22 KB, 1025x1150, 41:46, FLYNN SIDE BY SIDE.png)

Seth Rich info did come out in June and so did JA news. Anons read into these posts and make up their own conclusions and then cry LARP when their presumptions don't come true.

bd5a7d  No.3781796

File: 58e07ef48f3c5fd⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 474x736, 237:368, Red.jpg)


They are even running with the 'mistake' I made a few breads ago.

for you red

fb0728  No.3781797


I will constantly live in fear until John Fucking Brennan is chained to the back of a bus driving from Canada to Florida and onto a ferry boarded to Gitmo

That dude got Hastings killed, his whole career in Saudi Arabia is fucking suspect, the embodiment of cancer-ridden evil

Thank you for the memes, anon

e7d8de  No.3781798


>Putin meeting has been cancelled/put off to another date.

Do you have sauce on that?

Trump’s Expected Meeting With Putin to Be Delayed

Nov. 5, 2018

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — President Trump said on Monday that a meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia expected to take place this weekend in Paris would be delayed, possibly until later in the month when both are planning to attend an international summit meeting in Buenos Aires.

When I read this…it means later than Nov 5th - aka later in the month.

Where are you seeing canceled and not habbening on 11.11.18?

fe7fe3  No.3781799



73dd15  No.3781800

File: 33ef2005f73cc4a⋯.jpg (54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 7.jpg)

2c1161  No.3781801



695bf4  No.3781802

File: 1522ee81a38aa9b⋯.png (183.3 KB, 370x300, 37:30, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


>will introduce a bill to make the electoral college free for all Americans.

That doesn't even fucking make sense - the Electoral College is not a school!


3f4062  No.3781803


that means they did whatever it took to get the house, think about that for a min..

21f381  No.3781804

File: 42e30a0f1f19fd5⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 400x387, 400:387, trustheplantakestime.jpg)

File: 40e79cb90f9d935⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 500x264, 125:66, trusttheplanspartatech.jpg)

File: 503be6721a983a8⋯.jpg (49.55 KB, 552x414, 4:3, trusttheplanmoneypower.jpg)


Prove you wrong?

That I fucked your wife last weekend and she told me different?

WTF are you talking about cabalcuck?

It's not about the ones who want to stay asleep. That's their free will choice.

It's about the one's who want FREEDOM, you fucking lemming sheeple. That's our freewill choice and birthright.

You and your sheeple wife and the sheeple masses can enjoy all the good shit regardless.

178bf6  No.3781805




Worked very well, eh?


2167dd  No.3781806



709876  No.3781807


Go take some fentanyl loser.

ca226f  No.3781808


Its not its been postponed

152230  No.3781809

File: 6c1324cc5b44a35⋯.png (33.62 KB, 678x518, 339:259, ClipboardImage.png)

ffec70  No.3781810


Keep strong Anon. But I wouldn't place too much on any one date. It's a fluid plan. The enemy may be stupid but they have been around forever and have power. God Bless

06aac4  No.3781811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e6a7b1  No.3781812

File: 72310bc71afe38b⋯.jpg (91.84 KB, 634x422, 317:211, wire-5887764-1541604793-45….jpg)

Russia marks anniversary of 1941 military parade

The Battle of Moscow marked the first time since the start of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union when the Red Army managed to stop the advancing Nazi forces and drive them back. It was the first major Nazi defeat since the start of World War II.

Wednesday's re-enactment featured about 5,000 troops in period uniforms, vintage T-34 tanks and other WW II weapons.

During Soviet times, annual military parades were held on Nov. 7 to commemorate the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The holiday was abolished in 2005, but many older Russians still celebrate it.


930e7a  No.3781813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

255195  No.3781814

Report: Donald Trump furious with Paul Ryan, blaming him as GOP braces for rough election night

Even before the polls had closed, reports were already emerging that President Donald Trump was furious with retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan — and blaming him for not raising enough money for House Republicans.

A source told CNN that Trump was "really angry" at the Janesville Republican about "everything," the network reported Tuesday night.

The report comes days after Trump attacked Ryan over birthright citizenship, saying the outgoing speaker should be focused on the midterm elections and not disagreeing with him.

"Paul Ryan should be focusing on holding the Majority rather than giving his opinions on Birthright Citizenship, something he knows nothing about!" Trump tweeted Wednesday. "Our new Republican Majority will work on this, Closing the Immigration Loopholes and Securing our Border!"


338ebd  No.3781815


declass now!

That wasn't a red wave, so let's make one!

Indict! Fagets Unite!

Hit 'em hard. Grabem by da pussie.

It's shilly, turn up the HEAT!

806d3b  No.3781816


Fuck that shit. Q said






He didn't say: "I'm going to put you guys on the biggest psy op roller coaster in history, and let you think we've got your back."

He also didn't say: "Meh, we'll be happy with the Senate, and the inability to pass any legislation because POTUS is just going to do EOs all day in violation of the Constitution because he can do that now that he has a stacked SCOTUS."

He also didn't say: "We're laughing at you guys."

But I am.

4a5849  No.3781817



Meant for you.

0b75c4  No.3781818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For you Bruce

2351f5  No.3781819


No. People kill people. Individuals kill people. Stupid individuals. Let me guess, you think guns kill people too.

bac41a  No.3781820


suzie-q is a larp you faggot. Q is a group.

3a3a65  No.3781821



the election is over

please return these links to the GLOBAL

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

da5702  No.3781822



c64762  No.3781823


Here Here! I would like some answers too!

15a604  No.3781824

File: 381a035d881da3f⋯.jpg (118.24 KB, 946x888, 473:444, nothing will stop us.jpg)



bde366  No.3781825

File: f9c2c63ede0307e⋯.jpg (241.07 KB, 1087x753, 1087:753, Crossing the river.jpg)

File: a5f6a2e216ee211⋯.jpg (191.48 KB, 1083x883, 1083:883, Kav matrix.jpg)

File: 5a401113a326400⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 800x572, 200:143, obama tounge.jpg)

File: 22d1745a1e9de3c⋯.jpg (161.48 KB, 719x709, 719:709, graham never get it.jpg)

File: 6b12ddef3b8714c⋯.jpg (185.06 KB, 600x800, 3:4, evil teamwork.jpg)


Nice 1s.

bd5a7d  No.3781826

File: 56063079fc681ad⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 251x201, 251:201, Happy Helmet.jpg)

5b6d39  No.3781827

fuck u Q

dc1ec7  No.3781828


8 Apr 2018 - 8:29:24 AM


Putin is Russias President.

His job is to look after the Russian people.

Put yourself in his shoes.

He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.

Trump comes along.

Russia/Putin becomes our Ally

Xi becomes our Ally

Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally


POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves.

Think logically.

Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?

Moves and countermoves.

These people are STUPID (& SICK).


695bf4  No.3781829

File: b87dab160bef5db⋯.png (592.27 KB, 1239x1086, 413:362, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)



73dd15  No.3781830


Why are you laughing at me?

4a5849  No.3781831


They barely took the House.

142a7a  No.3781832


This kind of thinking is common in WAR. Getting anxious on the front. You just have to keep fighting until you fucking win. The enemy is a multi-trillion-dollar cabal, not the Boston Red Sox.

2c1161  No.3781833

File: 42e30a0f1f19fd5⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 400x387, 400:387, 42e30a0f1f19fd54ad37d5d6f2….jpg)

THIS x1000

9fd2f6  No.3781834


Not at all friend. I trust our military. I am just reiterating that Q has never promoted violence here or ever asked us to commit violence. We are the digital warriors. Now kindly fuck off back to ShareBlue faggot.

f42509  No.3781835


sauce this anon, good info if legit

766094  No.3781836

Patriot Intel Report Nov. 7th 2018


For only the 5th time in the last 105 years in this nation has a sitting President kept control of the Senate and not only that but won more seats!

This is a YUGE victory patriots! One that had all odds against happening for we have never had such opposition against a president as we now have with Donald J. Trump!

Yes…seats in the house of representatives were lost and the democrats take control but that in NO WAY stops the PLAN! The TRUE power of final decision on all the vital things in our government is within the senate! Supreme Court Justices are approved only by senate. All serious investigations are done and concluded by the senate. Any and all impeachment proceedings are done and concluded by the senate! This is a major victory for the Republic and will now pave the way for QUICK JUSTICE! I will go into all of the details of this important victory and what to expect next, Thursday night Nov 8th on the Patriot Intel Report.

Congratulations to all patriots and anons who fought so hard to secure the Senate against all odds! We beat BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars that were poured into the races by the deep state globalist! This is not a war between democrats and republicans…this is a war of good vs. evil!

So, chin up! Put a well-deserved smile on your face and press onward as DECLASSIFY is coming! Trust the PLAN…and PRAY!



73dd15  No.3781838


In California they spanked us.

c88f78  No.3781839


Florida is unlikely, Broward will come up with enough new votes for Dem win (recount = Dem victory).

But AZ should be good for us.

And maybe someday someone will do something about vote fraud……

f8b7fa  No.3781840


And when senior democrat leaders are removed from power for having participated in this crime they will think nothing of it? Schumer shit himself for a reason following a meeting with Trump (and Q) in January this year. Wonder why.

fb0728  No.3781841


Q's been spending all year ramping us up and motivating us, the awareness of the People is important to ensure riots don't break out from MSM narratives on what Q is doing

If 8chan went dark, arrests would still happen. Trump would still misspell tweets, DECLAS would still be imminent

06aac4  No.3781842


Got it anon, thank you.

a172cf  No.3781843

File: b94a99a042321df⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 500x314, 250:157, bukowski-foto-24.jpg)


>It's a fluid plan.

yep..go with the flow..yo. hehe

2c1161  No.3781844


I call him a fucking LAME DUCK


Fuck him.

e6a7b1  No.3781845

File: d2ed2943b22f224⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, 5be2faa24324e.image.jpg)


Not meeting

Kremlin: Russia and US postpone summit on French request


73dd15  No.3781846


f54cd7  No.3781847

File: e9698d8d7604903⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 255x128, 255:128, clownshill.jpeg)

378fc1  No.3781848

File: e61ed869eb939a4⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1920x1440, 4:3, image.png)

Pence has laid it out beautifully, and professionally (which is the msm angle to discredit trump)

The China speech that I am sure we all watched. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-vice-president-pence-administrations-policy-toward-china/

And his demographics map, pic related.

They are on it, STAY UNITED! And trust the Plan!

bd5a7d  No.3781849

File: 24e9a77a692cdc8⋯.jpg (13 KB, 207x210, 69:70, Hussein 420.jpg)


Smoke up Johnny!

696496  No.3781850


CA had lots of illegals voting.

695bf4  No.3781851

File: 6d42f367c6464eb⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1096x1083, 1096:1083, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

This will come back to haunt.

e9449b  No.3781852


Thanks mate. Still need that plank. If cabal didnt have the weed monopoly via dems it woulda been a red tsunami for sure.

2167dd  No.3781853



53bab8  No.3781854


this is exactly what i was just wondering.

How many glow in the darks won last night?

3f020b  No.3781855


>filter me and call me a shill if it helps.

it does.

4e4494  No.3781856


Aye. Hard core, smart libertarians hold their noses and put up with a lot of Republican bullshit to gain influence. Tend to be hard core realists as well. From my perspective, this is a victory. Anyone who thought Q could guarantee an election got his reality checked, which is a good thing.

09cc42  No.3781857


That's pretty easy to say after the fucking fact. Hindsight's 20/20. Doesn't make Q prescient.

525a8d  No.3781858

Adam Schiff: The Tearing Down of Our Justice Department ‘Is Going to End’

Tuesday night on MSNBC’s midterm election coverage, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said now that Democrats control the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump will not be able to tear down of the independence of the Justice Department.

Schiff said, “The chances that Bob Mueller will be able to finish his work improved for the reason that our committee and others, like the government reform committee and the judiciary committee, which under Republican leadership served as basically surrogates for the president in their efforts to batter down the Justice Department, to give the president a pretext to fire people at the Justice Department, all of that tearing down of the independence of these these intuitions, is going to end. Now that doesn’t mean that the president can’t still act in ways that are antithetical to the rule of law and the interest of justice, but it does mean we’re better able to protect our institutions and see this investigation, I hope, complete.”

https: //www.breitbart.com/video/2018/11/06/adam-schiff-the-tearing-down-of-our-justice-department-is-going-to-end/

554f9c  No.3781859


>Trump’s Expected Meeting With Putin to Be Delayed


ffec70  No.3781860


The elections were safe. Maybe for the first time in decades.

791acc  No.3781861

File: a605fca41822e6f⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB, 352x264, 4:3, Jordan Maxwell - Our leade….mp4)




Those digits

tripps of truth

0f0aaa  No.3781862

File: ccb783bfaff0ad3⋯.jpg (479.42 KB, 864x1210, 432:605, amy.jpg)


She has already been confirmed last year. Should be fairly quick.

07f5da  No.3781863

File: 4e1b415723311a1⋯.jpeg (55.61 KB, 485x359, 485:359, A-hole.jpeg)

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

File: 7b52cb784830fcf⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2991x1836, 997:612, MUDDERTRUCKER (2).jpg)

File: 109e71a307dce9e⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 557x563, 557:563, getout - Copy.jpg)

>>3781751 For Skippy!

e7efb7  No.3781864

File: 63f12151f82802a⋯.png (270.64 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181107-112215.png)

Space Force.

55a4de  No.3781865

File: 729e11147be63aa⋯.jpg (5.86 MB, 9933x7016, 9933:7016, LogicalFallaciesInfographi….jpg)

File: b1647d9adae153b⋯.gif (210.04 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon-5-flash.GIF)

since most of (You) don´t know where you are

34c856  No.3781866


good question

f42509  No.3781867


Bet that FBI voter fraud hotline was…very hot.

Lots of intel gathered by the good guys.

Interesting to see how that plays out.

4e51aa  No.3781868



5caa40  No.3781869


Sometimes no answer is the clearest answer.

If we're fucked, then we deserve to know.

We are obviously capable of shit.

06aac4  No.3781870


It was a good speech and it gave an eye opening view of what China is doing to subvert us here and around the globe.

809249  No.3781871

File: 7b1d54cf8d67a55⋯.jpg (20.87 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 344f779969a419bf64a8f80a9f….jpg)

4c46cc  No.3781872

This is some rough frontline trenchwar. Neither side giving in here.

ea091e  No.3781873


Uh huh.

Something ALWAYS comes up.

Not holding my breath Anon.


15a604  No.3781874

File: d2c78ad7fefa87d⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 508x508, 1:1, Rare Blue Pepe.jpg)

55a4de  No.3781875

File: 0cdebff690b5020⋯.gif (208.73 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon-1-flash.GIF)


other way around,

either way, fuck you all !

1ddfcb  No.3781876

File: 22fabb30b94265b⋯.png (654.26 KB, 892x554, 446:277, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: b76886091427f48⋯.png (39.52 KB, 652x227, 652:227, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: a9789ec22c93fcc⋯.png (41.41 KB, 643x229, 643:229, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 171629037eabcc6⋯.png (19.7 KB, 649x69, 649:69, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

48b905  No.3781877


I see no problem here. It's clear that they had a WIN AT ALL COSTS strategy, and they BARELY got the house.

FISA Brings Down The House

My REDLINE is if the FISAGATE doesn't lead to any big league arrests.

2c1161  No.3781878


And then POTUS and Q would come out and say, "TRUST THE PLAN… Better weed is coming. We promise. It'll be the best weed. Some say, the best weed ever."

But, then… like a shitty dealer, they will never deliver.

da5702  No.3781879


Life must be both a lot easier and a lot scarier when you have a 12 hour memory.

695bf4  No.3781880

File: 7aa04a8ad277a33⋯.png (519.48 KB, 876x736, 219:184, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: a6aac852cb3c366⋯.png (477.37 KB, 1207x1004, 1207:1004, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: 3f5e7c392075c44⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1517x1099, 1517:1099, 3f5e7c392075c44c1d9ec4a815….png)

Some moar shite that will be coming in this movie…

72bb28  No.3781881


>They barely took the House

As it stands now

That means Pelosi will barely be Speaker

And Schiff/Waters will barely run committees

Not concernfagging but also not denying reality either

4e51aa  No.3781882


Can you say cover up?

ffec70  No.3781883

File: 462e5ff552c6005⋯.jpeg (185.56 KB, 1440x1095, 96:73, 1541522078.jpeg)

178bf6  No.3781884





5 minutes

Say your PRAYERS.

Enjoy the show!

516d3e  No.3781885


That's about right.. its thiccc this am

540b19  No.3781886


So… we won by giving the Dems control of the House. Brilliant!

I knew the rationalizations would be strong today..

142a7a  No.3781887


They sure were happy to hear from me when I reported a voter machine issue. I sounded autistic AF on the phone too. KEK

d956aa  No.3781888


but muh 11.11

9e9465  No.3781889

Dear Q+, Q, Q team:

Thank you for all your hard work and rallying people behind you through this internet medium as the Fake News Lamestream Media would have never let you get out your and our voices. Also I sincerely appreciate all your crumb drops because without them we could not have seen behind the scenes and dug up the truth. I was not able to serve in the military, but thanks to you all in some small way I was able to serve my country. I am disappointed that we missed keeping the house? Yes, I will not lie, but we still did well with an increase in the Senate. We will soldier on. I still trust the plan. I will still continue to work on saving our Republic from those wishing to destroy it. I trust POTUS and the whole Q team.

TO ALL ANONS: I cannot begin to thank all you all enough for the past year of hard work of digging for the truth and excellent memes. I come to qresearch every day, sometimes several times a day just to read the notables for the REAL news with documentation and commentary (sometimes really colorful). Just to let all you all KNOW that you are AWESOME. I sincerely appreciate your hard work.

Q+, Q, Q team, FLOTUS, all true statesmen, all our great military, and all Anons, I pray for all you all daily and will never stop.


a172cf  No.3781890


truth seeker…jordan!

e6a7b1  No.3781891

File: b2adfe67af11942⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 800x532, 200:133, Part-GTY-1052155420-1-1-0.jpg)

Israeli Spyware May Have Helped Khashoggi Killers, Snowden Says


srael-based NSO Group Ltd. may have helped Saudi Arabia track and kill government critic Jamal Khashoggi at the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul last month, fugitive U.S. whistle-blower Edward Snowden told an Israeli audience by video conference.

NSO said the former American intelligence contractor isn’t familiar with the group’s operations and has nothing authoritative to back up his claims.

55d3d6  No.3781892


RECONCILE that….What about we got what we wanted??

2167dd  No.3781893

File: 8a6fd045a040bba⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 595x443, 595:443, 1541592649142.jpg)

4a5849  No.3781894

File: d2fb4e65e2ca212⋯.png (602.85 KB, 744x392, 93:49, Capture.PNG)

Where is this in the White House?

767a09  No.3781895


if all the good people leave…..

what will be left?

stay and fight!

dacde3  No.3781896

File: 405db21f1ed73f7⋯.jpg (78.71 KB, 640x735, 128:147, vfcyowiosww11.jpg)

338ebd  No.3781897

Too bad Kavanaugh didn't cry more about

Muh pain, muh family, muh privilege

if he had, dem voters would have seen the HUMANITY in us repubs


3f020b  No.3781898


and there are genuine anons that are filtered until they stop shilling & shitting & sliding in it.

what part of lurk moar do you fkn newfags still not understand?

8e9775  No.3781899


I think you missed the point of Trumps tweet, we were only going to get the declass if the house won, they are going to have to use it for leverage against the house now so they don't indite him 1000 times a day,

thats why he said "MUH we need the 2019 senate" well that kills the 11/11/18 time line does it not?

either it was a voter fraud set up, or we failed

Logic not feels Fren

got to fall back now and plan a new fight

e7dace  No.3781900


I am disappointed about the election too.


Neither POTUS nor Q can do anything about

the damned robot NPCs that voted the damned crooks in.

I don't understand why they didn't release the FISA docs and make arrests. But I don't know what is going on behind the scenes. POTUS does.

The fact that POTUS has accomplished so much despite so much resistance gives me confidence to know he is still in control despite this setback.

I have no choice but to TRUST THE PLAN.

73dd15  No.3781901


Why does the House matter for Justice? They don't confirm Judges. They don't confirm Executive Heads.

bd5a7d  No.3781902

File: ca7176354aac18d⋯.jpg (293.62 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, thats about the size of it.jpg)


Absolutely entertainment of the highest caliber!

Fun as hell too!

df1f1c  No.3781903

So why does the shill storm continue if they have nothing to worry about?


Tick Tock mfrs

e7d8de  No.3781904

File: 4031b102de221dd⋯.png (228.2 KB, 816x310, 408:155, G20 Argentina.png)


> international summit meeting in Buenos Aires.



That's says delayed not canceled and is the exact article I quoted from.

3d71f4  No.3781905


It matters because we influence culture. Ergo, if we influence culture towards understanding & acceptance of arrests of high-profile bad actors, public unrest will be minimized. Ergo, if we are shut down, arrests are less likely to happen peaceably.

The proof is in the view counts of YT videos Q links.

I agree a win would be nice, but I believe one is coming, I believe Q's contention that justice moves slowly and the reason for that is because they're doing it RIGHT so that it doesn't ultimately prove a FUTILE effort that amounts to injustice. And, in a way, we just had a big win: we won the Senate, which, in many ways I think, was what brought Q to us all along.>>3781791

1ddfcb  No.3781906

File: 6dff0d58c54ac07⋯.png (404.37 KB, 491x394, 491:394, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

a61085  No.3781907


I'd like to trust the plan, but it's all for NOTHING until you STOP KILLING THE PLANET with these CHEMTRAILS!

I, and many others around me, can now taste and smell them.


f42509  No.3781908

File: 8ec9f0c692e9eeb⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 213x250, 213:250, pepefbi.jpg)


Thank you anon.

Eyes On!

f365e2  No.3781909


Midterms over

No more distraction

Time to take action


e6a7b1  No.3781910



338ebd  No.3781911

File: af435567198f114⋯.jpg (65.35 KB, 502x353, 502:353, 2jr6s8.jpg)

e01297  No.3781912

Right now, commie antiwhite leftists are organizing, plotting and actively engaging in behavior to dismantle white people and our culture. Meanwhile, we are waiting for Q and Trump to save us. Why? We know (((they))) control all media. Kill or be killed.

9f7b4a  No.3781913

File: 5a9d8ff49da56f2⋯.png (15.25 KB, 459x144, 51:16, Screenshot at 2018-11-07 1….png)


>The elections were safe.

then why did he feel this post was necessary?

30adcd  No.3781914


James, haven't you heard? It was all part of the plan. Trust the plan to find out what's in the plan!

75e472  No.3781915

Tom Elliott @tomselliott


Joy Behar just suggested Republicans won Senate seats because of “gerrymandering.”

2c1161  No.3781916


3f4062  No.3781917

File: f597b215c24efdf⋯.jpg (90.34 KB, 1395x780, 93:52, simplywinning.JPG)

Why does FISA bring down the house?

(Their) future depended on winning the house.

Think about that..

06aac4  No.3781918


It was in the notables yesterday anon.

1ddfcb  No.3781919

File: 55706d30f030d3b⋯.png (325.44 KB, 480x383, 480:383, Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at ….png)

File: 27ebef2848d16fa⋯.png (182.58 KB, 457x234, 457:234, Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at ….png)

48b905  No.3781920


You said the same thing last night.

aa4c8e  No.3781921

File: fbf330b1ca4add1⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1171x688, 1171:688, DEFEAT msm.png)

3f020b  No.3781922

File: fe905a4d558f240⋯.jpg (197.62 KB, 866x1500, 433:750, 1st prize ribbon.jpg)

7bd275  No.3781923



Naw just GTFO.

73dd15  No.3781924

POTUS about to come on live.

a085f1  No.3781925


Aid cut off in 2010?


What happened in 2011?

Define ‘Exchange’.

Sick yet?


The Exchange was Uranium1

Re_read crumbs re: Iran.

It was never about WW safety & security.

It was never about Nuclear disarmament.

It was about opening a new untapped market.

It was about securing a black site.

The ‘Exchange’.


Risk the welfare of the world.



Organized/planned by BC/HRC.

Carried out by Hussein.

[remember HRC ran against Hussein]

U1 [donations to CF].

$1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes].

Did the total withdrawal actually depart EU?

Why EU?

Define bribe.

Define kickback.

Special Interest Groups (SIG).

What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed large deals in Iran post deal?


Cross check Co’s against political + foundation payments.

Define bribe.

Define kickback.

Why are people panicking about Iran deal pullout?


Truth coming.


After The President speaks will look into more

498437  No.3781926


2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including chapter 47 of title 10, United States Code (Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. 801-946), and in order to prescribe amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, prescribed by Executive Order 12473 of April 13, 1984, as amended, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Sec. 3. (a) Pursuant to section 5542 of the Military

Justice Act of 2016 (MJA), division E of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, Public Law 114-328, 130 Stat. 2000, 2967 (2016), except as otherwise provided by the MJA or this order, the MJA shall take effect on January 1, 2019.


e6a7b1  No.3781927


That notable was regarding him having a meeting ( I was the one that linked it) this is about the meeting,, what was said.

1193dd  No.3781928


>their entire future depends on winning the majority in the house

This either means losing the house was not expected OR dems were forced to openly cheat and election fraud was all recorded by NSA and Mil. Keep in mind they HAD TO win the house to survive. If you were in their shoes, would you just put your whole future in the hands of voters or would you rather make sure you win, no matter what it takes?

07feca  No.3781929

National anthem prior to the presser. Take that cucks.

8ec407  No.3781930

File: c89650d89f55573⋯.jpg (140.71 KB, 1439x956, 1439:956, pepewatercolor.JPG)


75e472  No.3781931


Red Drama Queen, Shorter version PAY ATTENTION TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

e302a1  No.3781932


If Q is a Larp, it doesn’t really matter, because “The Plan” is real. However, the actual details of “The Plan” are unknown because we are only spectators. Q even said that dis-information is necessary. Sadly and logically, we can’t trust anyone at this point, even Q.

So, what or who can we trust? Potus has done a good job in keeping his campaign promises. So, the only “promise” we can trust is that Potus will TRY to stop corruption, globalism, communism/socialism and return the USA to a Constitutional Republic that adheres to the rule of law.

Here is what we are up against:

1. Potus and a few others close to him are the only ones who know the plan

2. There are no guarantees that it will work

3. The Deep State holds most of the cards (even if we have it all)

4. The Deep State will do anything to maintain power (Potus will not)

5. Republicans/Potus/Q are afraid of optics, Deep State is not

6. Deep State is winning the long game (stall, midterms, accuse, obstruct)

7. It’s possible that the Deep State will out maneuver Potus

8. If half of Qs plan comes true, the national trust will be shattered

9. If half of Qs plan comes true, the nation will temporarily be weakened

10. Potus may accept a stalemate to avoid known and unknown consequences

Conclusion/Recommendation: Focus on the promise Potus made to stop corruption and his honest desire to accomplish this objective. Reset your expectations that we don’t know the details of the plan regardless of what we think we know (i.e. Q drops). Finally, judge the plan according to the results (end of Potus term).

e7efb7  No.3781933

It's quite comical how you guys think your awake. Making stupid memes. Waiting for directions from your master. Even Q has said a hundred times you have more than you know. Ignorance is bliss. I suppose by not forcing the issue hes actually doing you a favor.

bd5a7d  No.3781934

File: 7abbe9eff988b18⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Anyone can see it.jpg)

File: b47361119704e44⋯.jpg (24.13 KB, 618x384, 103:64, Here...for you....jpg)

2c1161 (19)

142a7a  No.3781935


You mean ((you)) knew that our resolve was too strong for ((you)) to overcome? Good. Know your enemy. It still won't save ((you)) in the end.

df1f1c  No.3781936


There’s only one thing that disappoints me about the elections. Pocahontis kept her Senate seat.

People in my state, whew……


95ab1d  No.3781937


If you can get us free speech on social media we can red pill people at an unprecedented rate. We desperately need to be able to operate without being shadow banned or having our accounts suspended.

We need to be able to make anonymous accounts on twitter. Its hard to do now. If you set up and account with protonmail odds are you will be locked out within 5 minutes. At least thats my experience on twatter.

Thank you for fighing for us.


d4b0ee  No.3781938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never forget what we're fighting for! Here's some post-election motivation!

ffec70  No.3781939

File: 38c274c7797f74f⋯.jpeg (81.24 KB, 1014x1134, 169:189, 1531185108.jpeg)

d26879  No.3781940


How many times have anons made a plan and believed in it just to have that plan….not go as planned? Agree that it's money time. Pay up Q.

519b37  No.3781941

Just need the first Dem to challenge a loss, then, the floodgates open for Reps to do likewise.. and the Dems opened that gate. Voter fraud all over the place.

d9b1e0  No.3781942


Wow! Absolutely brilliant, faggot. We won by giving the House to dems.

Keep on rationalizing everything, but Q better deliver.

11/11 is the red line and every body knows it. If nothing happens, it's over.

My theory still is that Q could be some kind of psyop. Or maybe it's just a troll, who knows.

2c1161  No.3781943


Actually, I wasn't on last night….

(See what I mean… Delusional, LARPing, lying, faggots only now.)

dc1ec7  No.3781944


It's quite simple

11.11 is a date

There will be an Armistice celebration that day in Paris.

Trump will be there. And Putin.

In other words, Trump will once again be OUT OF THE COUNTRY

And will draw attention to the USA's role on a world stage

And away from events in DC.

People looking for quick fixes will get another slap in the face.

Will they wake up this time?

Or continue to live in their juvenile fantasy world?

Created by Cabal comic books

Cabal Hollywood movies

And the Cabal controlled educational system.

The whole thing is a process.

It will NEVER END!!!

Because history shows us clearly

That time marches on

There is always another day

Everything is part of a process

In order to make real progress

You have to harness the process

And set up ideas and groups

That, like the energizer bunny,

Keep on marching and beating the drum consistently.

3a9695  No.3781945

a board that supports POTUS only shills in here holding q to different standards than potus

>q shouldn't make jokes?

potus makes jokes.

>q's goal wasn't to win the senate and add seats?

potus goal was to win the senate and add seats.

>q lied about declas?

potus called for declas

>q shouldn't play games?

potus is a gamer

1bdca1  No.3781946

File: a18bfebe492769b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 800x449, 800:449, The Look You Give.jpg)


I agree and it's your last paragraph that I concur with in the highest degree.

I would like to add to your thoughts with my own if I may.

I believe that as long as nuts like Hillary are tried for political crimes, no one will care.

Political crimes have become easily deniable and sets the stage for absolute mental insolvency.

However, releasing the "HRC video" that potentially contains crimes against children, would not be easily ignored.

In short, Hillary and the gang, would have to be exposed for committing crimes outside the political realm in order to be taken seriously.

The crime has to be big, bad, and dangerous to slap the NPC masses awake.

293d0f  No.3781947


The part where Lurking Moar is producing ZERO results you brain dead mongrel.

48b905  No.3781948


I put this out there last night that I think it makes sense to let the Incumbant guilty D's win re-election FIRST, waste all that money on midterms, and THEN bring out the evidence that brings them down.

Sure he could have done it BEFORE the midterms but then the whole DECLAS looks like a political midterm trick.

5d8e1e  No.3781949

File: dc97ecde6a63c94⋯.png (927.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


She is correct in all respects.

Does this man look like he's full of joy to you?

Has being on Q made you full of joy?

Did your much concern and angst win you many friends?

No, the problem here folks is yes


Living the LIE is PLEASURE

This is why most humans will continue knowingly to indulge the great LIE

Everyday you make decisions because of the

pursuit of pleasure and the fear of pain. Its the human condition.

Those in the know exploit this handily.

c78634  No.3781950


YOU are delusional……. Nobody is going to be removed from power….. there will be slaps on the wrists - excuses will be made for their poor conduct…. "we were receiving false intelligence from Brennan and Clapper - that is why we went along" ….. scapegoats will be made of those that are no longer in office or power….. status quo will remain……

Think about this people - according to "Q", they are in total control. You have been mentally enslaved by an ANONYMOUS person who keeps TELLING you things are about to happen and they DON"T. At what point do you abandon what you WANT to happen to what is likely to happen. Q is able to use confirmation bias as his weapon.

f42509  No.3781951


Some notables need repeating - breads flew by, lots of good information buried.

930e7a  No.3781952

What the fuck is up with that US flag at the press conference with the gold trim???

Can we get that changed????

720763  No.3781953

We got this anons, I feel it in me bones!

178bf6  No.3781954


I call bs.

No need for tracking.

He was in the consulate…

061616  No.3781955

I'm feeling a lot better this AM after digesting stuff and realizing we did actually win a lot this time around. We did not lose the house….because in reality we did not have it in the first place under RINO leadership. I trust the plan and I know POTUS has our back.

Here is what I am struggling with tho…I cannot point to an objective sign of Dim enthusiasm other than the MSM and social media (obviously stacked against us)…but our side was on fire, and Thank God, because it would have been ugly if we didn't turn out.

Point being: Where did all those motivated Dim voters come from? How big of a factor was illegal aliens voting? That is the only thing I can't reconcile.

d9b1e0  No.3781956


Nope. Look up the news. Putin-Trump meeting was delayed. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/05/us/politics/trump-putin-meeting-delayed.html

5d4722  No.3781957


There is a lot of work to be done to clean up

the US voting procedures and rules.

The current system involves unreliable ID/ registration checks, unreliable machines, huge

queues to vote, long waiting times, and more than a whiff of bias/fraud at some polling stations.

It should be a FEDERAL responsibility to

provide audited non hackable VOTING

MACHINES for ALL polling stations in ALL States. Then, ONLY those machines can be

used for voting. The guaranteed QUALITY of the voting system would then give everyone

confidence that the VOTE has not been fixed/manipulated.

The current varying quality levels of ID checks is a MAJOR issue, particularly when it is

known that there are hundreds of thousands of illegals in the US. Secure, thoroughly checked,

Voter registration should be mandatory for ALL Voters. Come On GOP Senate SORT IT OUT.

4e51aa  No.3781958


This country voted into office the most corrupt anti Americans ever to run for office. But hey, we won a historical victory. Let's celebrate that our movement failed and the swamp got what they wanted.

2167dd  No.3781959


Enlighten us

77bee3  No.3781960


I'm so tired of listening to this fucktard and Pelosi spew their shit.

06aac4  No.3781961


I read the article you posted yesterday and it talked quite a bit about what he said.

He apologized for meeting with Israel despite his Palestinian stance, talked about how MoSho or some Israeli company likely developed the spyware, etc.

057f7b  No.3781962

699713  No.3781963

You’re in a foxhole. The person to your right keeps focusing on the strengths of the enemy, not acknowledging your superior strengths. The person to the left of you sees all the obstacles in the way. Frets about the minefields that have to be diffused or gone around. The person across from you asks, “What’s the Plan? We have superior strength in every way & I’m ready to wipe the enemy off the face of the earth. Tell me what you need from me & I’ll get it done.”

d26879  No.3781964


disinfo is necessary

a085f1  No.3781965


Bottom to top.


FISA = Foundation.


People are more aware of current events.

Establish link.

Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS.

Public awareness.

Evidence introduced.

MSM covert link.

Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations.

How do you build a home?

Foundation to structure (layers).


Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc).

Logical thinking.


142a7a  No.3781966


It was an honor!

95a70c  No.3781967

File: 92d74be76cc6112⋯.jpg (281.96 KB, 500x1625, 4:13, download.jpg)


U.S. Benchmarking Capabilities Against China, Russia, Dunford Says

c64762  No.3781968

File: 853698c79d8b11f⋯.png (385.48 KB, 490x324, 245:162, ClipboardImage.png)

262ebc  No.3781969

File: 7f2deb9e9fdc638⋯.jpg (111.64 KB, 500x750, 2:3, IMG_3409.JPG)


520a11  No.3781970

e01297  No.3781971


At least the Proud Boys are organizing. If shit goes down, you can’t rely on anyone on this board. Everyone here is anonymous

2167dd  No.3781972


Shut up you liar

554f9c  No.3781973


>That's says delayed not canceled and is the exact article I quoted from.

Include sauce with your pasta next time

06aac4  No.3781974


Fair enough anon. I'll add it again.

ffec70  No.3781975

File: c1485021e7bc4ca⋯.jpeg (73.91 KB, 1080x546, 180:91, DW_dWOEW0AMV2sf.jpeg)

9691ff  No.3781976

File: 06d1254643544ce⋯.png (228.81 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

Suck it up Anons. Moving forward. Trust the plan.

0514a3  No.3781977

df1f1c  No.3781978


They took the bait.

They always take the bait.

a14d6e  No.3781979

File: 0b47509ad5a1e6a⋯.jpeg (15.99 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 1541002489.jpeg)

3f020b  No.3781980


the pruning of nonanons is happening today. 'bout fkn time.

f02327  No.3781981


What did Dems want?

A repudiation of Trump – didn't really get that.

A blue wave – didn't get it.

A shutdown of Congressional investigations into their corruption – nope, moves to Senate.

A platform to make noise – that's about all they've gotten, and it's not clear they really want to walk into that trap in the way their base wants them to.

Meanwhile, Trump gets a 55-45 Senate with a functional, un-comped majority (which he hasn't had to date). Judicial confirmations and appointments will be a cakewalk. Everything he really needed to be funded is already funded.

The Dems have been given just enough rope to hang themselves.

2c1161  No.3781982

File: 3bfac13ce7fab96⋯.jpeg (19.4 KB, 474x314, 237:157, pitchfork.jpeg)


Oh wait… You faggots are non-violent. I forgot. How fortunate for crooks!

116200  No.3781983

File: de0da5a10ce2db9⋯.jpeg (92.62 KB, 888x452, 222:113, image.jpeg)

30d1a2  No.3781984

File: 9850d7d28a19c0e⋯.png (880.27 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, pelosi speaker.png)

File: 869d2f5eedbd795⋯.jpg (118.29 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, pelosi white power speaker.jpg)

Learn to play the game. We need Impeach Trump and Investigate Trump memes. Expand your thinking. Help rip the Democrats apart. Trump is on board are you?

c95620  No.3781985


But they are sinking in quick sand.


fdec78  No.3781986

File: e1200376fcda954⋯.png (176.5 KB, 1375x245, 275:49, Screenshot 2018-11-07 11.2….png)

How is this a "BOOM"? This sounds like more "deals" where we'll never see justice. WHY did SOOOOOOOO many people vote for Gillum and Beto?? Because they have NO CLUE about all the corruption, they have NO CLUE who George Soros is or what he does. They have NO CLUE about ACTBLUE and Teneo and the Clinton Machine. If they knew, if they saw justice served… they would know what to look out for. LET THERE BE LIGHT. Darkness to Light. We neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed THE LIGHT.

9e2c84  No.3781987

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

4a5849  No.3781988

File: dc5f086d515e4fd⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 480x360, 4:3, LMAO.gif)


Imagine having Oprah, FUCKING OPRAH, door knock for you and still losing!

aa4c8e  No.3781989



f54cd7  No.3781990


> 20 posts

> Red Text

> All caps

Ehere did soros find you, shill?

Shills R Us?

Buy one for a dollar and get 9 extra shills free?


d956aa  No.3781991

File: 7d1b23e359e87f3⋯.jpg (11.76 KB, 400x300, 4:3, counting chickens.jpg)

48b905  No.3781992



6 Nov 2018 - 2:16:21 PM

History is being made.

You are the saviors of mankind.

Nothing will stop what is coming.




D's owning the House can't even stop this.

Senate was always the goal. Rhino's out. True majority gained. DOJ mostly cleaned. NOW COMES THE FUCKING PAIN

72bb28  No.3781993


>Where did all those motivated Dim voters come from?

Based on the numbers

The Burbs!

Unless illegals have swamped the burbs now…

f205dc  No.3781994

File: 1ed5cbafae49fc0⋯.jpg (13.36 KB, 320x240, 4:3, WHITEPOWER.jpg)

152230  No.3781995

File: 95e24b5bf607498⋯.png (28.79 KB, 416x586, 208:293, ClipboardImage.png)


You probably wouldn't like the source for that one (ThoughtCo). But here's one you may like.


1193dd  No.3781996



Yeah sorry about that, I was supposed to comment on that picture before posting it but hit "post" too quickly. I commented it later on though which you can find by searching my previous posts.

ea091e  No.3781997


Yeah and it will be taxed to death.

Money money money.

acddc0  No.3781998

File: 52149d4a28cd285⋯.jpeg (508.39 KB, 715x1681, 715:1681, DE89C5D6-B358-47C2-B1E1-7….jpeg)

Refresher on how Bills are passed

(((Think first 2 years)))

bd5a7d  No.3781999

File: 0c32a745c691ea3⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, OWWW Hit me!!.jpg)

File: 3ba462c69fc78b0⋯.jpg (77.28 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Yea Baby!.jpg)

f654fe  No.3782000

File: 2e0a047d1ae2104⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 670x462, 335:231, best_seller_james_woods.jpg)



Nothing But Nothing!

Lot's of Blah Blah Blah!

Nothing But Nothing!

0a5137  No.3782001


Let's ROLL!

2afef4  No.3782002

File: 5e74a39d17886d8⋯.jpg (289.03 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 5e74a39d17886d8790b60c9869….jpg)

File: 3c5b724cd578057⋯.jpg (352.82 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 3c5b724cd578057a2d1b515617….jpg)

File: 0d32552bc7c22bb⋯.jpg (386.92 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 0d32552bc7c22bb037b5952bdf….jpg)

4a5849  No.3782003

If you are feeling down today, go check out @comfortablysmug's twitter account. So funny!

5eabb0  No.3782004


The true Patriot Anons are here still digging in the trenches. It was good to clean our own house yesterday. Let’s get ‘em, boys and girls!

f8b7fa  No.3782005


Q has been truthful.

I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ. Names have never ever hurt me.

806d3b  No.3782006



If they were safe, then we don't have a majority.

You can't have it both ways: Q either lied about the integrity of the elections, or he lied about our "silent majority."

48b905  No.3782007


Yet, you're still here.


73dd15  No.3782008


5acc61  No.3782009

German workfag checking back in.


Thank you Anon!

This post made my day.

I owe you some drinks at the parade.

8f1b1c  No.3782010

Acosta has a front center seat.

dd745b  No.3782011


You actually make a good point here.

Ryan often stated that the House has passed +++ bills but they were being held up in the Senate.

That the “House” has done THEIR JOB but it was the “Senate” who was dropping the ball.

53bab8  No.3782012


>the awareness of the People is important to ensure riots don't break out

100% unavoidable. less than a million people nationwide know of, or believe Q related information.

There is nothing that will stop mass protests/riots.

aa4c8e  No.3782013


Praying for a lot of special elections in Calif. next year!

f205dc  No.3782014

































a54a43  No.3782015

File: 883fb7e729d625d⋯.png (203.99 KB, 950x386, 475:193, Get it?.png)

0285cf  No.3782016

The midterms were safe!

Do you see antifa attacking people today?

Can you safely carry on your normal life without feeling threatened?

87907a  No.3782017

File: f34ed1cffab88e9⋯.jpg (234.47 KB, 986x437, 986:437, faebot.jpg)

d956aa  No.3782018


Yep and now steps 2-6 are completely COMPD.

5d8e1e  No.3782019

File: 6b2a2932f4a41a9⋯.jpg (171.4 KB, 650x483, 650:483, iamagenerousgod.jpg)

a14d6e  No.3782020

File: d0dfae17ccab511⋯.gif (4.79 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1541458854-2.gif)

77a471  No.3782021

Ok guise,

Q is intel. Drops.

PDJT never visited CA- why not a crucial state? Because the House didn’t matter. He didn’t rally for the HOUSE. ONLY the Senate needed confirming. And PDJT tweeted his response once that happened. There are still arrests coming. Look at the Killboxes. Schiff, Pelosi, Feinstein, etc. the house will be cleaned. The SENATE was the key aspect of this election. We got it. Period.

6842d4  No.3782022


they fall for it every single time

a2666e  No.3782023


Why change it? Do you know what it means?

8f1b1c  No.3782024


>Can you safely carry on your normal life without feeling threatened?

Not in San Diego with a MAGA hat.

696496  No.3782025


You don't need a bill when you do things like the Obutma admin done them.

D's couldn't get anything in the senate done, so they carried their ideas to Obutma, and he wrote an EO for their bill.

0b75c4  No.3782026


Acosta is speaking to the rest of them on the feed I'm watching…

799be8  No.3782027


so what bills have passed the house that are pending in the senate?

806d3b  No.3782028



She's too pro life. Trump won't appoint her.

If he had supported Rand Paul's attempt to defund Planned Parenthood, I might have hope.

But he completely ignored the effort.

"Patriots in control."

dc1ec7  No.3782029


Releasing any evidence

Before the people are ready for it

Will lead to a wave of denial

And set us back

The key to taking action with big players

Is to have the public openly calling for action

Then POTUS can add his voice to the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

The key here is that whiners will never get their way.

50e18b  No.3782030


Elon Bot why do you hate Pelosi?

554f9c  No.3782031


This is currently showing an old press conference, not live

e6a7b1  No.3782032

File: 5b95e776f6cc450⋯.jpg (83.5 KB, 670x462, 335:231, 2ly4we.jpg)

55d3d6  No.3782033


Yeah like We are in control

293d0f  No.3782034



Agree with this Anon.

262ebc  No.3782035

File: f7e25772ce26c84⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 540x960, 9:16, IMG_3555.JPG)

da5702  No.3782036


Well the fact that you pulled your perceived Christian victimhood out of your ass, unprompted, shows how far you've let it infect your thinking ability.

3f020b  No.3782037


by the time i uninstalled my adapter, rebooted, got cnx, restarted the browser, cleared cache again, checked "continue running script" every 30 seconds, i could not even keep up with the breads, let alone post, let alone manufacture.

the change this a.m. tells me all i need to know. but then, i think in subnet mask binary, and have a monitor dedicated to monitoring through put. keks.

f5a4c8  No.3782038

Well I hope you're happy you didn't arrest these criminals when you had the chance.

It's going to be impossible now.

If you're trying to fight an information war, take out the MSM.

8ch is not going to solve the country's problems on it's own.

bd5a7d  No.3782039

Yawn…more porn.

It's a nice day if you are so sure of yourselves take a break and fill that $7 whatever you drink and just enjoy.

But things are different

f205dc  No.3782040

File: e223d0910406f21⋯.jpg (594.14 KB, 1691x1280, 1691:1280, CLUCKISTAN.jpg)

f8f5f7  No.3782041


whats wrong with fucking a 20 year old?

d0f3d4  No.3782042


I stand with you Anon.

ca226f  No.3782043


Hes not a shill its YOU thats the shill faggot

e9449b  No.3782044

File: af5accc975f9d83⋯.jpeg (387.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7028E53F-9F90-45BA-B967-D….jpeg)

06aac4  No.3782045


>>3781711, >>3781809, >>3781995 Anon responds to the question: What would happen if incoming representative is arrested.

>>3781891 Israeli spyware may have helped Khashoggi killers, Snowden says.

>>3781812 Russia marks anniversary of 1941 military parade.

>>3781784 Fox criticized for calling House for Dems despite open CA polls.

>>3781699 China won't sell jetliners to Iran.

>>3781665 At least 11 sickened (5 hospitalized) by CO leak in Nashville hotel.

>>3781649 Did the Democrats get bamboozled?

>>3781554, >>3781554 SWIFT caves to US pressure: cuts off Iran.

>>3781527 Analysis and reassurance regarding last night's election results.

>>3781518 Several close races could result in runoffs, recounts in battleground states.

>>3781488 Q Proof: House/Senate level. Military planning.

262ebc  No.3782046


TIresia is a moron

690603  No.3782047


Thomas Sowell always went into a lot of depth about the insane damage rent control does. If you look deep, these laws always have an exemption for "luxury apartments". Trump would not be rich otherwise. Rent controlled apartments will always be run by slumlords because there is no incentive to invest more than the rent amount on repairs. Furthermore, with rent control you will have rich people hoarding multiple apartments out of the reach of poor people. California Proposition 10 is an evil law designed to make life miserable for Californians.


The military would kill her just like they would have killed Hillary for trying to end civilization. Some rights are inalienable and will never be held to a vote, even if actually held to a vote.



4 days.

d5c69e  No.3782048


>There is nothing that will stop mass protests/riots.

Bipartisan de-escalation.

87907a  No.3782049


That just means she can't legally drink in a state that wants government funding.

09cc42  No.3782050

If nothing happens 11.11, I'm out.

d907ce  No.3782051

The senate is the UPPER chamber.

The house is the LOWER chamber.

The house has the purse, that is it. POTUS doesnt need the purse.

I give a shit about the house.

What bill do you think the house is going to get through? Gun control? Impeachment?

This is going to be a 2 year show of how worthless the democrats in the house are.

1bdca1  No.3782052


"The key to taking action with big players

Is to have the public openly calling for action"

This is already taking place.

c78634  No.3782053


Wow - that response reminds me of……

wait for it……

a leftist sheep who can not reply to an argument with facts……..

87907a  No.3782054


That's nice.

e6a7b1  No.3782055


Wear a Trump shirt here in Chicago.

e1c3b4  No.3782056

Listen very carefully to news conf. is my advice

dfeeb4  No.3782057


That's right. Turn the audio down low and wait for the live stream to start.

178bf6  No.3782058


Not the same as fucking and sacrificing a two year old….shill, kys (or pray)

30d1a2  No.3782059


you get it cool

acddc0  No.3782060


If the Senate doesn't want to amend the bill it goes straight to POTUS. Remember the reps controlled the house for 2 years.

10d3b5  No.3782061

File: 0c1717c571fd8fe⋯.jpg (150.28 KB, 735x852, 245:284, Address.jpg)

87907a  No.3782062

c5209e  No.3782063

File: 7c53e02a31e861d⋯.png (115.81 KB, 731x809, 731:809, potus post midterm tweets.PNG)

anyone else excited to see potus mood post midterms? he's on one and i'd hate to be on his bad side. seems like it's time to move on to movie 2. now comes the pain

a54a43  No.3782064


As is most everyone not getting paid to stay.

057f7b  No.3782065



cbd2b1  No.3782066

File: bfaf002deb4ef78⋯.gif (146.09 KB, 450x234, 25:13, intermission.gif)

Take a piss

Refill your drink

Refill your popcorn

Rub one out

Enjoy the show

6d4f09  No.3782067




d4f19f  No.3782068

How much do I have to SPLAIN to you, Anons?

POTUS already set things up for 2020 by:

1. Hoping that Pelosi get the gavel and makes a mess of things for 2 years so that we all get a real strong sense of their failing ways to go nuts and get EVERYONE out to vote her and the shills out permanently

2. That he sets her up for a real beating every day by slamming her indirectly and all her idiot children

3. By slamming her, he accidentally sees her have a stroke and have to be carried away forever

4. By working the Senate, he gets even more ammo for 2020 by seeing all of Schumers idiots do all kinds of things to mess up their party even worse that Pelosi can do


Do you think that POTUS/MI/DOJ/Q initiates ANYTHING without completed plans, and contingency plans

Later when this is all over, you will see POTUS reveal exactly what they planned since 2014 when he was first recruited!

You are operating with less than half a loaf of information, and that was given to you by Q

Quit biting the hand that feeds you and appreciate that your bread, which you did not have before Q, is buttered for you!

Be grateful for what you know. And we know a lot! And be grateful that you don't have to wait years to know why and what and when, to the degrees that those things can be revealed to us who are children by the looks of it.

Be of good cheer! If it wasn't true, you would have been told that. We will win, because God wins, but the battle is a BATTLE, so shut up, sit down, eat what you are given and remain faithful to that which you believed in the beginning, because the battle is won in places you don't know by people you barely know who have your interests at HEART!

Remain faithful or you will suffer like those who have NO HOPE!


d9b1e0  No.3782069


Oh shit… Anons. I think I finally get it. I totally forget about that post. Omg. Enjoy the fucking show, anons. To any newfags/concernfags here: You have no idea what's gonna come. Fuck. This actually pumped me up again.

9691ff  No.3782070

File: 40e07cddfe62002⋯.png (403.2 KB, 625x442, 625:442, ClipboardImage.png)

c832f6  No.3782071



e6a7b1  No.3782072


At 66? Where does one start…

3a9695  No.3782073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

press conference incoming

alt stream


8e8b5f  No.3782074


The Truth has set me free, actually.

We're in the minority.

1ddfcb  No.3782075

File: ab06b09e0a61e73⋯.png (48.59 KB, 890x368, 445:184, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)


Orly? Sauce?

Haven't seen anything eluding to his participation in Human Trafficking, but nothing's shocking.

5458fe  No.3782076


What consequences? To date their are no consequences. How long do we put up with the stupidity? Until America goes down in flames?

55a4de  No.3782077


you can´t prove a lie with another lie dipshit

bd5a7d  No.3782078

File: 4d50b5cfcf3bb69⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 800x771, 800:771, Its alive.jpg)


He's right. Too many sleepy people in this entire state. Can't say I've seen one here

30d1a2  No.3782079

File: 75fca56334a2258⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 992x744, 4:3, trump investigate.jpg)

File: 028a0b0f2b8469a⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 992x744, 4:3, trump impeach.jpg)

These will destroy the Democrats in 2020. Use your head.

f205dc  No.3782080

File: 03927ae70187876⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 6st8nz.jpg)

e7d8de  No.3782081

File: 5d8a685414e9b0c⋯.png (1.13 MB, 700x925, 28:37, pepe loves wine.png)


Did someone say Wine Fest?

2c1161  No.3782082

File: a28aae051cd35d7⋯.jpg (35.1 KB, 270x179, 270:179, jesus whips1.jpg)

7811d3  No.3782083


Holyyy fuck, if someone of you couldn’t figure out it was going to take longer, I don’t know what to tell you.

Look at the indictment amounts. It’s still going up by 5K a month! You think Q is just going to turn off the tap now? For a once in a lifetime thing? Watch for when it slows down IMO.

On top of that think of how much Q still needs to dribble out into the open. Tons of shit hasn’t even remotely vaguely made its way into the media/consciousness.

On top of all of that, any “conspiracy” person should know hard dates are always a false promise.

07f5da  No.3782084

>>3782041 Fine If Your 20! Kinda Creepy after two decade stretch!

6d4f09  No.3782085





696496  No.3782086


…but R's will get the blame.

8e9775  No.3782087


if 2018 will be glorious and its done by 11/11/18, where does the 2019 senate come into the plan?

either was not part of the plan and this was a voter fraud sting, or we suffered a setback

any other hypothesis seems fake and gay

87907a  No.3782088

File: bd246a32ff55c53⋯.jpeg (135.29 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, PutangInaMoterte.jpeg)

720763  No.3782089



f8b7fa  No.3782090


No perceived victimhood here.

Infantile losers call names.

I laugh in their general direction.

3b5262  No.3782091


Gowdy becomes next AG after Sessions.

9f7b4a  No.3782092


>whats wrong with fucking a 20 year old

muh predatory age gap


if a person can legally give informed consent, it's none of your fucking business who they give that consent to or why. stop trying to derail.

75e472  No.3782093

McConnell warns House Democrats against “presidential harassment,” says, “It might not be a smart strategy.”

1ee3be  No.3782094


This is the most brilliant political strategy I've ever read. Run away unscathed so you can be bullied yet another day.


I think Q is Netanyahu.

ea091e  No.3782095


Shit I ain't worried about Antifa or ms13 for that matter.

Go take a stroll in the ghetto and see how safe you feel. They still there. Shooting each other. Killing kids with ricochet bullets in their own houses or just plain crossfires.

09cc42  No.3782096


Care to explain then? They won the House. What's that say about the D future?

8e3f8d  No.3782097


At her titties

f654fe  No.3782098

File: 49ca4f4d893955f⋯.png (413.81 KB, 1142x635, 1142:635, James Wood Once Upon a Tim….png)


That's how We, WIN!

4e51aa  No.3782099


The main problem is Q just told us only the Senate was important when other crumbs directly dispute that. We needed to win the House so this supposed election meddling could continue.

c1da4a  No.3782100


what's the alternative then? dye your hair blue and become a crossdresser?

9cc6f1  No.3782101

File: 2a4ddc558850624⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 29pyan.jpg)

File: a99cb90d0c66de4⋯.png (331.09 KB, 602x617, 602:617, main-qimg-69a926efa048e914….png)

What's up with the clowns today?

They seem so mad, yet they claim a loss for POTUS.

To the contrary, I am very comfy and trust the plan. I trust Q, the military and POTUS.

adec2b  No.3782102

Guys! We can still win the House! Stop blackpilling. We have a chance still!

3f4062  No.3782103

File: 0d8552df3425bee⋯.jpg (31 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 0d8552df3425bee73c6679f518….jpg)


and a bunch of fresh retarded faces that don't know how to play

5d8e1e  No.3782104


you forgot to say #instablock

e01297  No.3782105

Democrats won after 2 years of being angry, loud, violent, destructive, and hateful. That is the example we must follow to win elections. Instead, we’re all distracted by the laser pointer Q who’s telling us we’re winning bigly when we’re not.

f205dc  No.3782106



c10df2  No.3782107



520a11  No.3782108


you know what I meant, retard

5ff5cd  No.3782109

The Senators are the teachers and the House members are the janitors…hehehe

87907a  No.3782110

File: 8af2e99fa23b746⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 586x453, 586:453, 2kpevr.jpg)

07f5da  No.3782111

>>3782055 Be safer to wear the NIGGER sign!

2167dd  No.3782112


Maybe if you weren't an NPC you would TRUST THE PLAN

3f020b  No.3782113


iirc, governor appoints, until special run-off.


09cc42  No.3782114


No, my job and my family and quit wasting time on politics and voting.

d9b1e0  No.3782115


Lol. Haven't you learned anything? R's always get the blame by MSM, no matter what.

34c856  No.3782116

Us Kansans in the 3rd district just elected the first Native American to the House. And she’s gay. Also, a former Mixed Martial Artist. Which is dope.

Reddit just laughing their asses off at Kansas

Why the fuck didn't you come to Kansas Q?????

3a9695  No.3782117

File: 2658228e2fd7732⋯.png (8.71 KB, 457x244, 457:244, 1f6vgbd185.PNG)

Major Victory by all measures

f205dc  No.3782118

File: ec8464cb380d261⋯.jpg (84.37 KB, 1246x726, 623:363, a-casa-di-rosso-siffredi_1….jpg)

7811d3  No.3782120


You really want to look like a bitch if Q is legit?

Atleast roll with the sunk cost fallacy and go down in flames if you’re wrong long term. Too much invested now.

7e5e4f  No.3782121

So… is the plan to hold the FISA DECLAS over their heads in the house to force compliance??

Honestly, I'd rather see the hammer dropped and bring on the PAIN. C'mon, 2018 WILL be glorious (which means those responsible are dead or suffering).

cbd2b1  No.3782124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This anon gets it


POTUS put his ass on the line.

Campaigned non stop


Don't throw a hissy fit.

Rewatch the video.

d107a0  No.3782125




The problem is the build up. We expected a MOAB and received a hand grenade.

I'll admit, great we have the senate - but the build up made it seem like a 70% Trump victory, We got a 50.01% victory with the electorate - if that. The disappointment is with our effectiveness vs the left's.

The Great Awakening feels like we hit snooze.

73dd15  No.3782127

Depending on Montana where Tester is ahead right now by 1,000 votes, we could get a 55 seat senate majority. Not bad.

e9449b  No.3782129

File: 21681ec6488e6d3⋯.jpeg (197.66 KB, 833x615, 833:615, DC372C96-B39A-46A1-8715-3….jpeg)


Right. Anons should be fucking happy this is taking a while. There is a lifetime of fun to be had around here. And no disruptions means more money.

5ac05d  No.3782130

40 developmental assets research based pos. Experience & qualities that influence young minds

If bored of shills could use eyes on looking into wtc united & poss off shoots

c1da4a  No.3782131

File: 7eac49ab1c8b9da⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 998x957, 998:957, 47f8798ba8d687d4da34127d27….jpg)


we thought we had some laughable shit from pelosi and waters, wait till this thing has to get up in front of the grownups and talk XD

f205dc  No.3782132

File: 54700ed6fd5a995⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 480x326, 240:163, 2ax1fj74uy-duracell-dura-d….jpg)

7ad893  No.3782133

My dear Anons -

This election was very special in many ways. Not only were major gains made on a very tilted playing field, observations were being made of the biased organizers. Remember, the NSA has everything. But they can't use everything as evidence of a crime unless it was obtained by rule of law. Which means getting permissions to observe and record this law-breaking. This whole election was a huge scoop of malfeasance with the vote, as usual, but this time somebody was watching with the intent of proving that malfeasance. This will now become admissible evidence in the trials to come. National security is seriously involved. My 2 cents.

7d9f8e  No.3782134


No, Maga still on the closet. Can't wear it even to walk around the block.

Dems in control of the House. No new laws unless they want it.

But we are winning guys.

65eba7  No.3782135

File: 52b212684db6c56⋯.png (56.54 KB, 669x346, 669:346, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at this fucking shit.

Waving it in our face.

5e12d1  No.3782136



Quit being a prick tease and go. Oh, that's right… you're not going anywhere, shill faggot. This is your job. Remember, no one playing the game gets a pass, though. That includes (((you))).

a54a43  No.3782137

File: cdb63acb227b5e2⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 1108x701, 1108:701, Q-THEMED-NPC.jpg)

09cc42  No.3782138


I'm an anon. Wtf do I care what I look like to other anons?

5ff5cd  No.3782139

This is the beginning of the 2nd MOVIE…..

Welcome to the "The Empire Strikes Back"..

695bf4  No.3782141

File: f7c3d045db9be88⋯.png (985.3 KB, 1217x888, 1217:888, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)


A PatriotAnon would never say that.

f205dc  No.3782142

File: 128c20f8ab5caeb⋯.jpg (135.96 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, b-copyright_notice.jpg)

696496  No.3782143


Are you so stupid you don't recognize that's the point I was making in the first place?

Fuck off shill.

10d3b5  No.3782144

File: 6c87b765e2c3e0c⋯.jpg (211.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, einstein.jpg)

File: a43a258d457dada⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, tyson.png)

2167dd  No.3782145


That's the spirit!

606b8a  No.3782146


If 11/11 comes and goes without so much as a whimper, and we lose tons of Anons, I say "Great!"

Being ex-military, I damned sure don't want a pussy next to me in the foxhole.


da5702  No.3782147


>No perceived victimhood here

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

Ah yes I'm sure you imagine yourself a brave warrior of God, martyring yourself before the fierce internet atheists.

Just in case anyone missed how bad ass you are:

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

>I’ve been called delusional by atheists for having unbending faith in Christ.

142a7a  No.3782148


One arrest, and you'll be back like the prodigal son.

856993  No.3782149


This. Fully agree. If I can add on:

Consider this. Q lied (don’t give me that disinfo bullshit) about either:

A. Midterms are safe (they weren’t)

B. We did our job to protect the vote (they didn’t, some very obvious voter fraud occurred)

C. Don’t believe mainstream media. Only small pockets of resistance. We are the majority.

So either they failed to stop voter fraud. Or they lied to us about us being the majority in the country. Which is more convientent for anons new narrative? This movement lost serious traction last night. If nothing significant happens on 11/11 or 11/22 the movement is done. I highly doubt most of us will enjoy waiting another 2 years while Pelosi stalls every plan for Trump’s agenda.

f205dc  No.3782150

File: 5432ce1f4ddf9c0⋯.jpg (454.98 KB, 2054x1542, 1027:771, d-buggy.JPG)

507fa9  No.3782151


Leaker investigation and FISA declas will both be used as blackmail.

So the guilty still get to be paid and get their benefit package.

bd5a7d  No.3782152

File: 67bdde78d0418d3⋯.jpg (125.54 KB, 563x553, 563:553, Steve McQueen.jpg)

File: 1638d9298b5080e⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 655x369, 655:369, Cucumber head.jpg)

Hey…. You drive like

fb0728  No.3782153


"If cabal didnt have the weed monopoly via dems it woulda been a red tsunami for sure."

this this this

152230  No.3782154

Anons, I would love to stay here all day and comfort you while laughing at the shills. But, I haven't bought groceries in 3 weeks and this Anon is GETTING HANGRY.

Hold the line and don't let the shills wear you down and divide you.


6d4f09  No.3782156

File: ab3793f57485ead⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2lxigb.jpg)

fdec78  No.3782157



Why is everyone trying to spin this?

We lost the house. It sucks.

Very sure Q/Team has had every possibility mapped out with countermeasures to ensure THE PLAN moves forward.

But that doesn't negate the reality that Dems taking the House… sucks.

f205dc  No.3782158

File: 6ba4612eb03d862⋯.jpg (117.67 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, d-bushy_baked_beans.jpg)

bde366  No.3782159

File: 8bc452fe3a0760f⋯.jpg (156.91 KB, 742x585, 742:585, Torrey email to hrc.jpg)

4aa476  No.3782160


20 year olds are fun.

7d9f8e  No.3782161


BTW, how much of the Ds playbook are the anons willing to use?

Now LOSING the house was a WIN.

You know, exactly like we were making fun of the Ds about how they always portrait their loses as victories.

Wake the fuck up.

2167dd  No.3782162



2c1161  No.3782163

File: ae41cb4e27bcc11⋯.jpg (114.92 KB, 474x312, 79:52, JESUS WHIPS 3.jpg)

Be "non-violent" says Q… Wasn't that the message of the (((Marxist-Jew))) plant MLK's slogan?

What was Jesus' message?

697b87  No.3782164

File: 9cfb5c0cd67a190⋯.jpeg (82.72 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, B0E0C986-20B1-45B0-8D59-5….jpeg)

Night Crew had fun last night w feelinsfags last night. Trust The Plan is so damn hard to understand for some reason.

5d4722  No.3782165


We can send people to the Moon and back

and spend Billions on hundreds of spy satellites..

BUT we are unable to provide a high quality voting system to support our Democracy and

so we knowingly let illegal voters and crap voting machines corrupt our elections. .

What kind of fools are we.


e6a7b1  No.3782167


Always so much unity in here when people speak against the masses kek

092515  No.3782168

File: 873fb0017a6bdc7⋯.pdf (632.95 KB, The Congressional Subpeona….pdf)

File: c77dff6108c736d⋯.pdf (287.5 KB, White-Paper-Congressional-….pdf)

The Congressional Subpoena: Power, Limitations and Witness Protection

Understanding Your Rights in Response to a Congressional Subpoena

bde366  No.3782169

File: 7e3939086f4b648⋯.jpg (140.52 KB, 845x603, 845:603, Q drop 08302018_4.jpg)

f205dc  No.3782170

File: b976cf6e1f2336d⋯.jpg (110.49 KB, 924x1194, 154:199, fifth_kind.jpg)

116200  No.3782171


54+ Repub. Senators guarantees her confirmation.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is very old and the unconfirmed rumor of Sotomayor's Multiple Sclerosis persist.

POTUS could have 2 more Supreme Court nominations (and confirmations) at any time.

057f7b  No.3782172


Agreed on all this Anon

f02327  No.3782173


Sting or no sting, it's not much of a setback. What has actually been lost, versus what has been gained?

"Strategic marker" doesn't equal "done by 11/11." Though I wouldn't be surprised to see the FISA declas grenade get lobbed in by then.

Just observing what Trump actually did during the election cycle should make abundantly clear that he didn't give a fuck about the House in particular.

e627f6  No.3782174


For two years, Q got you to bake breads

And make "memes" for each other

And not get OFF THE COMPUTER to do voting reform, voting ID, hand out actual PAPER pamphlets, actually TALK to people, make a RED WAVE, build anything REAL in REAL LIFE that is an antidote to leftist GOOGLE YAHOO TWITTER FACEBOOK …. or leftist CNN ABC NBC FOX CBS HUFFPO etc etc etc

At least Q got people to see that INFOWARS is fake, but even so, look at how many people still follow and believe them

Meanwhile the PUBLISHING INDUSTRY will never publish people like you …… the MAINSTREAM MEDIA (TV, CABLE, NEWS) will continue to demonize you ….. the MUSIC INDUSTRY will never have musicians who are in your camp (how about some Satanic death metal? no? we have 17 other Satanic genres for you then) ….. the ART WORLD will never feature your people, but will continue in its path of degeneracy ….. CORPORATE AMERICA will continue to be as politically correct as ever, and continue to eliminate you by way of changing language, customs, dress, etc.

Also, Q will respond to this post in MINUTES. Not on /patriotsfight, no, but as one of its anon shill posts ("go away shill stfu!"). Um, no. I have facts, and you can't confront them, can't silence them.

Watch the curses and nonsense replies to this, and NOTICE: no serious discussion about it, no open soul-searching, none of the charlatans GETTING RICH OFF THE Q HYPE will talk about this in a serious and open manner. Nope!


621903  No.3782175


The guy Cruz was up against was your obamaish - mr charisma all the while promising everything and anything to get elected. Cruz has limited charisma . Its not right but he almost beat cruz just on a personality contest

c1da4a  No.3782176


you guys needs swords, get swords… sell your cloaks if you have to.

f205dc  No.3782177

File: e210bd816b2ca35⋯.jpg (148.75 KB, 1302x870, 217:145, glass_saucer.jpg)

10d3b5  No.3782178


I'll keep your seat for ya fren.

3e432e  No.3782179


Hear hear

Logical fallacy right here

99a28b  No.3782180

I wonder how many and where the bodies originated that were used in the make-up of the concrete used to build the WTC buildings.

21f381  No.3782181

File: b874da209c318a3⋯.jpg (53.48 KB, 500x590, 50:59, slowestcabalever.jpg)



>hard dates are always a false promise.

Do you know what IS a hard date?

The Elections in 2 years. Only 2 Fucking Years. (Campaigning will start in a year or so) How quickly did Trump's first 2 years go by?

Why don't you fucking "have faith" "trust the plan" faggots realize THERE. IS. A. FUCKING. CLOCK. RUNNING.


65eba7  No.3782182


Yeah this is fucking insane

No deals?

e6a7b1  No.3782183


At 20. At 66, he better watch his heart. And his bank account.

1ddfcb  No.3782184

File: d99f220fae6d6ac⋯.png (446.62 KB, 1192x521, 1192:521, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 8ee46766b5121aa⋯.png (416.73 KB, 1239x507, 413:169, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: c9d44da4b7324c8⋯.png (461.68 KB, 1080x530, 108:53, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 8e3a82681ef0a2e⋯.png (533.22 KB, 1035x636, 345:212, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)

File: 32e8ea8d6fbcac9⋯.png (407.32 KB, 1137x444, 379:148, Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at ….png)



-Associated to OBVIOUS predators for 40+ years


-worked w/ Drew Barrymore at the HEIGHT of her young stardom (and friendship w/ Heather O'Rourke)

-prefers to date girls 50 years younger

A WHOLE LOT of 'nothing' in your eyes but not ours…

bde366  No.3782185

File: c186259a58a3bd9⋯.jpg (194.52 KB, 1200x1162, 600:581, Lebron HRC puppet.jpg)

2167dd  No.3782186



Right on we fuck pussys we don't listen to them

a83f60  No.3782187

File: 0fb294b4838cf45⋯.jpeg (428.98 KB, 1528x1218, 764:609, BD3C2018-BA1A-4EB7-A163-C….jpeg)

3f020b  No.3782188


appreciate gathering the basket of filterables. hovering, i already filtered most. your services are appreciated.


f205dc  No.3782189

File: 869a33ebb49f366⋯.jpg (121.21 KB, 1302x870, 217:145, swamp_gas.jpg)

bde366  No.3782190

File: 6b5ddb246a4035f⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 531x512, 531:512, R U N.jpg)

c64762  No.3782191


at his age…A LOT!

My daughter is 20 and if a sixty plus year old dirt bag came calling I'd beat his fucking ass bloody.

057f7b  No.3782192


What fucking PLAN?

72bb28  No.3782193


At least the lulz factor will rise now with Speaker Pelosi

bc346d  No.3782194

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 874a22c1e5c9754f1ba71ca1e9….png)

bd5a7d  No.3782195

Have to have a good sense of humor imo to counter or cope with all this information we've been given.

If you don't you'll end up going crazy

56aabd  No.3782196

File: 511279101ed3d7b⋯.png (98.57 KB, 1142x326, 571:163, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 14907469c13c293⋯.png (144.17 KB, 1062x524, 531:262, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 371866558e8cb07⋯.png (63.71 KB, 1048x208, 131:26, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

File: 15419b4c9874168⋯.png (44.22 KB, 1088x176, 68:11, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)

soz for spirtual woo woo slide

just came across this from jewtube comments, but

it it rang true, synchronicity goosebumps (atleast the 1st pic)

i guess end of bread changeup from muhhouse slides, maybe intedasting to some

378fc1  No.3782197

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, Qye.png)

e01297  No.3782198


Sit back and wait for you’re savior. America has spoken and they want to replace you.

f205dc  No.3782200

File: 859e8aa32a4fb7d⋯.jpg (125.32 KB, 1302x870, 217:145, squash_your_planet.jpg)

73dd15  No.3782201

Obviously Q doesn't care about our opinions of what they should do because he would have listened when we demanded FISA declas for like 100 breads.

06aac4  No.3782202

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

2167dd  No.3782203


You need to stop being a slack jawed little faggot and TRUST THE PLAN

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