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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

90e2d7  No.3411192

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Sunday 10.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/359 --------------------------------- THE WORLD WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. (Cap: >>3384629 )

>>>/patriotsfight/358 --------------------------------- Goodbye, Valerie Jarrett. (Caps: >>3383199 ; >>3383224 ; >>3383269 )

>>>/patriotsfight/357 --------------------------------- Devin Nunes on Russia probe and FISA abuse (Cap: >>3382810 ; >>3382812 )

>>>/patriotsfight/356 --------------------------------- [BOOM WEEK] (Cap: >>3382314 )

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/355 --------------------------------- DON'T BE A PAWN IN THEIR SICK GAME ( Cap: >>3374695, >>3375172 )

>>>/patriotsfight/354 --------------------------------- [Repost][Search & Destroy] ( Cap: >>3373783 )

>>>/patriotsfight/353 --------------------------------- "Wrap-Up Smear" deployed v. Justice K? ( Cap: >>3371630, >>3371514 )

>>>/patriotsfight/352 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Justice K impeachment: CON sold to voters by LYING D's ( Cap: >>3371193 )

>>>/patriotsfight/351 --------------------------------- America's destiny of goodness and good will ( Cap: >>3369559 )

>>>/patriotsfight/350 rt /pf/298 ——————– TODAY, THE REPUBLIC, TOOK BACK CONTROL. ( Cap: >>3372173 )

>>3368187 rt >>3367982 ————-————– God bless, Patriot. Celebrate - this means so much. ( Cap: >>3368259 )

>>>/patriotsfight/349 --------------------------------- POLITICAL HIT by D's. ( Cap: >>3367230 )

>>>/patriotsfight/348 --------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. ( Cap: >>3366916 )

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3362076 )

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

90e2d7  No.3411195


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms



>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3410497 Sessions joins European talks on terrorism, migration

>>3410498 State Dept. briefing on Haley resignation

>>3410513 US says no trade talks w/China at G-20 unless early concessions are made

>>3410515 Crazy Bernie goes full commie

>>3410642 Judicial Watch documents show US embassy officials in Albania worked with Soros to funnel cash into radical groups

>>3410730 Musician Jerry Yester pleads guilty to possessing cp

>>3410743 Beyonce and Jay-Z “sever all ties” to Kanye, Kim Kardahsian, over DJT support

>>3410783 House Rep. Kevin McCarthy introduces bill to fully fund border wall, makes midterm referendum

>>3410808 MSM spreading crackpot hypothesis of Haley resigning over Kavanaugh

>>3410947 Facebook controls 87% of US social video ad spending

>>3411032 South African finance minister resigns

>>3411145 #4323


>>3409737 ; >>3410400 CBF FBI lawyer linked to NY limo crash

>>3409763 MSM going after Sen. Cotton for pushing CFB deep state ties

>>3409799 On /pf/370 articles (analysis)

>>3409903 Stats re: false rape allegations (for redpilling purposes)

>>3409940 Pakistan testing nuclear-capable missile tech

>>3409981 Digging avenue for Live Nation and links to cabalists

>>3409972 Alabama police chief arrested for allegedly masturbating in front of children at beach

>>3410059 NHS managers used names of U2 members in fraud scheme

>>3410090 Juncker attacks “stupid populists” in attempts to reach out to EU skeptics

>>3410109 HRC attacks British Tories for backing Hungarian Orbán

>>3410197 13 arrested in child predator sting

>>3410301 GOOG estimated to pay Apple #9B to remain default search engine on Safari

>>3410339 Deceim founder blows whistle on Hollywood and WH business connections

>>3410378 #4322


>>3408980 More censorship: Instagram will now detect “bullying” in photos

>>3408991 ; >>3409305 HRC endorsing violence: “cannot be civil” when fighting Republicans

>>3408998 ; >>3409149 Reminder of Hurricane Michael, including new DJT. Stay safe, Anons.

>>3409012 China launching new remote sensing satellites

>>3409019 ; >>3409036 Dig on Haley scandal during tenure as SC governor

>>3409068 Total MSM coverage of DJT: 92% negative

>>3409236 ICE releasing immigrant families to AZ churches

>>3409259 ; >>3409611 New evidence of Chinese spy hardware

>>3409288 State Department’s Iran Action Group releases statement

>>3409328 Theresa May warned of “dire consequences” for moving forward on Brexit

>>3409498 New DJT

>>3409620 #4321

#4320 Baker Change

>>3408214 Livestream of POTUS/Haley announcement

>>3408308 Irish data regulator seeks info from GOOG on security bug

>>3408319 Report of leaked transcript of private meeting re: GOOG’s official story on China

>>3408326 ; >>3408479 Dig on the owner of the NY limo company (recent crash involving 20 dead)

>>3408498 POTUS to make “big announcement” in IA (per Haley press conference)

>>3408556 EU security chiefs, Sessions hold stadium terrorism exercise

>>3408668 MSM hits on Saudi Arabia incoming

>>3408703 SK President: “new order” being formed on the South Korean peninsula

>>3408855 #4320

Previously Collected Notables

>>3407370 #4318, >>3408143 #4319

>>3405037 #4315, >>3405799 #4316, >>3406583 #4317

>>3402776 #4312, >>3403505 #4313, >>3404259 #4314

>>3400402 #4309, >>3401246 #4310, >>3401997 #4311

>>3398143 #4306, >>3399604 #4307, >>3399714 #4308

>>3395834 #4303, >>3396618 #4304, >>3397345 #4305

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

90e2d7  No.3411197

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3406280

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

90e2d7  No.3411199

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

90e2d7  No.3411224

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Offering Handoff

Anons that wish to bake may volunteer to do so.

Offer will be rescinded @400 if no one volunteers.

For those interested in arrests:


List of arrests, charges, and sentences for your perusal.

77c015  No.3411235

File: 4a8ed69012d476f⋯.jpg (162.29 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_525.jpg)

12a86c  No.3411239

File: e6f5f1be84cf2b4⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, who.png)

051f34  No.3411245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

howdy hoe

8aeba9  No.3411259

File: b59bd6936b61437⋯.png (23.91 KB, 704x277, 704:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8076bb57cd2ea56⋯.png (647.61 KB, 1221x2391, 407:797, ClipboardImage.png)

Google challenges record $5 billion EU antitrust fine.


97a0b6  No.3411266

File: 4e57e6906ef4456⋯.png (118.88 KB, 616x542, 308:271, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)


trying to pull trump into this mess? or is it a kushner in israel haha what better way to trojan horse

2a9914  No.3411267

File: b921365fc5b2ba1⋯.png (4.68 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 3AD1DF7F-284F-45C7-B0FD-55….png)


ac9027  No.3411268

File: b068b33bb755702⋯.jpeg (8.42 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 3A2665E7-DE7F-4194-9615-3….jpeg)

Trust the FLAN!

77c015  No.3411269

File: 57aa2ccebf76977⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

832024  No.3411270


it wasnt funny last bread either

6a1320  No.3411271


I can bake for a bit.

9d381b  No.3411272

File: b054beb6bcb6e13⋯.png (356.57 KB, 828x482, 414:241, Human trafficking arrest.png)


>Does someone have the latest human trafficking arrest chart comparison Trump v. Hussein? Much appreciated

051f34  No.3411273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2452a  No.3411274

>>3411267 Rest in Blunt Force Trauma!

8aeba9  No.3411275

File: 9a6cf8f51a1326f⋯.png (22.78 KB, 676x200, 169:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31526dd9e9a2cba⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1209x5932, 1209:5932, ClipboardImage.png)

lol, silly WaPo …. guess they want to make potus look loco again.


c16ddf  No.3411276


Or ever for that matter

3865b8  No.3411277

Yates retweeted this:

As we have said, Attacks on our character and demeaning comments about the FBI will not deter Agents from continuing to do what we have always done—dedicate our lives to protecting the American people.


FBI will not deter Agents from continuing to do what we have always done

1ee0cb  No.3411278

Do the JEWS control the White House?

4df61f  No.3411279


I think it's funny.

6daa9f  No.3411280

File: b144278b128db61⋯.jpg (86.3 KB, 414x487, 414:487, TRAINCOMES.jpg)

990718  No.3411281


Thank you anon

9d9617  No.3411282

File: d78aa3d9b040ae9⋯.png (323.64 KB, 520x382, 260:191, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

File: 677ea828b4202d0⋯.png (181.95 KB, 285x382, 285:382, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

File: be65c706bb484c2⋯.png (296.03 KB, 527x295, 527:295, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

File: 1f467420f950cbe⋯.png (379.25 KB, 572x386, 286:193, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

File: 45dc1308dbf4d4b⋯.png (124.72 KB, 204x381, 68:127, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

>>3410932 (lb)

ac9027  No.3411283

File: 1ec565d05714220⋯.jpeg (30.29 KB, 201x250, 201:250, 8CA363FE-9911-469D-8879-4….jpeg)

File: de600b4e7d80b6b⋯.png (35.08 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 3A887087-E4FC-47E6-B569-92….png)

4df61f  No.3411284

File: fa9a3ddfd4b1867⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 604x516, 151:129, Frenswesgunbe.jpg)

090f0c  No.3411285


The Powerful Entity Q is referencing is

The Vatican.

Kim has requested [P] visit NK.


Blessings to finish deal with USA and be released from historical bonds.

Become Manufacturing/Natural Resources producing powerhouse while funneling $$$ to [Vatican]


a1379d  No.3411286

File: 6879c5f6453bff7⋯.png (137.64 KB, 350x350, 1:1, Naamloos-2.png)


If only he was more cushy.

ec0331  No.3411287

File: 28b3d4c6d0adf7c⋯.png (111.39 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

f2452a  No.3411288

>>3411271 That would be a Cupcake! We need


90e2d7  No.3411289


Confirming Handoff.

Will provide updated dough pending BO/BV confirmation.

Please be patient.

3c9c1d  No.3411290


i bet sometimes you wish you could accomplish moar with your life than just sliding bread with tits. then again, you probably dont have the capacity to see a better life for yourself.

99a596  No.3411291

File: cafa53008b22cc5⋯.png (65.65 KB, 188x214, 94:107, Screenshot 2018-10-09 at 2….png)

>>3411232 (lb)

Phrust the phlan

090f0c  No.3411292

File: 1a5afd5a375a6ae⋯.jpg (202.97 KB, 758x1200, 379:600, IMG_20160627_202205.jpg)

TY Baker

ef6e55  No.3411293

File: e97ae1fa627087c⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 400x255, 80:51, GRAHAMHARDCORE.jpg)

a0e3c8  No.3411294



Too busy worshipping moloch in hollywood and israel

f25471  No.3411295

File: 756a10abe7b159e⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 750x939, 250:313, 1a.JPG)

File: 5553f3551fa7c54⋯.jpg (149.62 KB, 700x944, 175:236, 2.JPG)

File: a98af4cdbf32d02⋯.jpg (130.64 KB, 587x794, 587:794, 2a.JPG)

File: 665779edc02f670⋯.jpg (136.73 KB, 566x878, 283:439, 6.JPG)

Leaked transcript of private meeting contradicts Google's official story on China


ac9027  No.3411296

File: 368c6f289f45d7d⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 4CDA28AB-FBBC-420D-9637-7….jpeg)

1ee0cb  No.3411297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0a2ac3  No.3411298



It's leafbro

1464f1  No.3411299

File: 04b1607cbc767f0⋯.png (148.09 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181009-150429.png)

Any thoughts on this? Hillary snuff tape bubbling up again. This is from Benjamin fulford.net and he's usually pretty accurate.

e36468  No.3411300

File: 842f9927bcca7e4⋯.jpg (624.42 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, dfdsasf.jpg)

51746a  No.3411301

File: 241b1b5d068533a⋯.png (405.27 KB, 800x416, 25:13, Trump-Leaker-800x416.png)

File: 5e1268c362d991b⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 640x462, 320:231, Powell_Jarrett-e1492213510….jpg)

File: da2912c4a7a0cc3⋯.jpg (85.24 KB, 588x382, 294:191, Powell_Mitchell.jpg)

Dina Powell is a threat to the republic.

Trump don't be a fool.

b7911d  No.3411302


>>3411271 (((Fungalboi)))

4df61f  No.3411303

File: 31f799b0c09f644⋯.jpg (929.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 31f799b0c09f.jpg)

4b0b20  No.3411304

>>3410387 (#4322)

How about this

MB - triple MB

Moslem Brotherhood

df7674  No.3411305

File: db0ddad43dcc556⋯.png (315.46 KB, 720x450, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

1dec45  No.3411306

File: a2dd6620963d0d6⋯.jpg (5.63 MB, 3024x3560, 378:445, Iowanon.jpg)

Thanks from "corn country" baker!

931260  No.3411307

File: 487831d7a67c429⋯.jpg (75.05 KB, 800x488, 100:61, VANDERBALLS1.jpg)

thank you baker

no boobs this time

only balls

90e2d7  No.3411308



Thank you for looking out, BO, BV.


Handoff Denied.

Offer open to Patriots only.

Anons, please volunteer if you wish to bake.

3c9c1d  No.3411309


oh look, little boy still obsessed with tits just cant stop. maybe someday you'll get carpal tunnel syndrome and wont have a choice but to be a person whos life doesnt revolve around posting tits on the internet.

f8dc02  No.3411310

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)

051f34  No.3411311

Aflatoxins are poisonous carcinogens that are produced by certain molds (Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus) which grow in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains. They are regularly found in improperly stored staple commodities such as cassava, chili peppers, corn, cotton seed, millet, peanuts, rice, sesame seeds, sorghum, sunflower seeds, tree nuts, wheat, and a variety of spices. When contaminated food is processed, aflatoxins enter the general food supply where they have been found in both pet and human foods, as well as in feedstocks for agricultural animals. Animals fed contaminated food can pass aflatoxin transformation products into eggs, milk products, and meat.[1] For example, contaminated poultry feed is suspected in the findings of high percentages of samples of aflatoxin-contaminated chicken meat and eggs in Pakistan

e36468  No.3411312

File: 51d1c56368ea6bd⋯.jpg (36.64 KB, 500x667, 500:667, bwb54.jpg)

6a1320  No.3411313

File: 5127669ffb3d5d3⋯.jpg (33.55 KB, 300x300, 1:1, not_impressed.jpg)



Do you two have anything better to do than just look for me?

Your whole system is based on not letting me bake, isn't it.

6afd9e  No.3411314


This nigga is only accurate because he lurks on the chans all fucking day. He has no "source" but us. This balding faggot keeps pushing back the date of the so-called currency reset. He's full of SHIT.

2b47ec  No.3411315


ask Qew….

ac8fa9  No.3411316

File: 61924107af36831⋯.png (2.96 MB, 2000x1347, 2000:1347, ClipboardImage.png)


Even his spaceship is gay

0e6a12  No.3411317

File: 6752a46b6584aae⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 474x262, 237:131, Moar....jpg)

>>3411219 lb


Moar Bewbs

57e92a  No.3411318

File: 81cc235237d4648⋯.png (44.33 KB, 620x620, 1:1, titties1.png)

6afd9e  No.3411319


You're a sad piece of work, anon.

051f34  No.3411320




At least 14 different aflatoxins are produced in nature.[16] Aflatoxin B1 is considered the most toxic and is produced by both Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxin M1 is present in the fermentation broth of Aspergillus parasiticus, but it and aflatoxin M2 are also produced when an infected liver metabolizes aflatoxin B1 and B2.

Aflatoxin B1 and B2, produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus

Aflatoxin G1 and G2, produced by some Group II A. flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus[17]

Aflatoxin M1, metabolite of aflatoxin B1 in humans and animals (exposure in ng levels may come from a mother's milk)

Aflatoxin M2, metabolite of aflatoxin B2 in milk of cattle fed on contaminated foods[18]


Aflatoxin Q1 (AFQ1), major metabolite of AFB1 in in vitro liver preparations of other higher vertebrates[

90e2d7  No.3411321

File: 838b1ce3c6c04d0⋯.png (134.4 KB, 590x546, 295:273, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)


6a1320  No.3411322


If it's open to Patriots I suggest you forgive me.

3c9c1d  No.3411323


good tit post little boy. maybe when your all grown up you'll actually be able to contribute something and have a real life…although i highly doubt it. something tells me you have peaked.

51746a  No.3411324

File: 687ade26ea351ad⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 640x388, 160:97, Rahm_Obama_Rahm_Powell-e15….jpg)

File: 00e53d187167e5f⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 454x409, 454:409, Powell_Abedin_King_Huffing….jpg)

File: 1bb8ed50e21f29d⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 800x445, 160:89, 549ef98ee19e45ac1cbbdc10a3….jpg)

Dina Powell is a George Soros minion.

5590ec  No.3411325


Life doesn't revolve around bitching about titties either, faggot.

You have a right to bitch about them. But we have a right to post them and enjoy the brevity between scrolls. Learn the way of the chans

618ace  No.3411326

File: ab801ded6cdc97f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 952x553, 136:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a4c4b7a54a0f71⋯.png (61.05 KB, 724x717, 724:717, ClipboardImage.png)


Presidential decree granting general amnesty for military deserters inside and outside country

President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued the legislative decree No. 18 for 2018 granting a general amnesty for military deserters inside and outside the country and the crimes included in the Military Penalties Law issued by Legislative Decree No. 61 for 1950 and its amendments committed before October 9, 2018.

This decree does not include fugitives from justice unless they turn themselves in within 4 months for those inside the country and 6 months for those outside the country.

The legislative decree also provides for granting a general amnesty for the full penalty for crimes included in the law of Military Service No. 30 of 2007 and its amendments.


Petricek: Ending crisis in Syria best solution to solve displaced problem

Czech Deputy Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek underlined the necessity of serious work to end the crisis in Syria.

In a press statement Petricek affirmed that this is the best way to solve the problem of the displaced Syrians and allow them to return to their homeland and contribute to the reconstruction process in it.


Israeli occupation authorities issue 11-year prison sentence against Sedqi al-Maqet

Israeli occupation authorities issued an 11-year unfair prison sentence against Sedqi Suliman al-Maqet, the “Dean of Syrian and Arab Captives.”

The released captive Suliman al-Maqet, who is also the father of Sedqi, condemned the ruling issued by the racist Israeli courts, describing it as “null and illegal.”

He called on the international human rights organizations to pressure the Israeli occupation authorities to stop their aggressive and oppressive policies against the people of the occupied Syrian Golan and to overturn this inhumane ruling.

He pointed out that the charges against Sedqi were incorrect and purely political as the order of his arrest came through coordination between the Turkish and Saudi regimes with the occupation authorities.


Faked concern: Haley & corporate media bleating about Idlib civilians, ignore terrorists’ presence

Nikki Haley, the hypocritical US Ambassador to the UN, mistakenly thinks she can dictate – from New York City, far from the terrorists which her country supports – that the Syrian army cannot fight and eradicate al-Qaeda in Idlib.

Her, and other American figures' words, come with faked concern over the lives of Syrian civilians.

The other reality Haley and co-regime change mouthpieces whitewash is that once these areas are liberated of Al-Qaeda, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam, and the myriad other extremist terrorist groups, life gets back to normal, schools reopen, cities and towns repopulate, ancient traditions resume as they have for thousands of years in this cradle of civilization.


Syrian War Report – October 9, 2018: Syria Got 24 S-300 Launchers, Over 300 Missiles



NOTE: Since the deployment of the S-300 fighting has all but stopped. Peace is returning, hopefully this is maintained! I will endeavor now to provide reports to address other regions such as Yemen/Iraq/Libya

6b97e9  No.3411327


then just stop being "you", be anon again.

99a596  No.3411328


phanks, phaggot

ee6e09  No.3411329

>>3411230 pb

Thats right, he wasn't, but there was another pilot on board, they we're waiting for a co-pilot instructor for over three hour's, someone showed up , he would not fly at the time without one, because of his leg injury.

JFK Jr wasn't stupid.

1464f1  No.3411330


Do they try to become both sexes? Or asexual? Dude looks like half woman.

I'm pretty sure baphomet had tits.

a0e3c8  No.3411331


Like the general public would ever see that

051f34  No.3411332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ffa32  No.3411333


any video depicting sex with children or murder/ torture of children will never surface on the net. It is illegal to post, watch, or share. The most anyone can hope for as far as that truth coming out is a jury trial showing it being discussed.

5590ec  No.3411334


f2452a  No.3411335

>>3411309 TITorGTFO!

051f34  No.3411336



Aflatoxins are produced by both Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, which are common forms of 'weedy' molds widespread in nature. The presence of those molds does not always indicate that harmful levels of aflatoxin are present, but does indicate a significant risk. The molds can colonize and contaminate food before harvest or during storage, especially following prolonged exposure to a high-humidity environment, or to stressful conditions such as drought.

The native habitat of Aspergillus is in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains undergoing microbiological deterioration, but it invades all types of organic substrates whenever conditions are favorable for its growth. Favorable conditions include high moisture content (at least 7%) and high temperature. Aflatoxins have been isolated from all major cereal crops, and from sources as diverse as peanut butter and cannabis. The staple commodities regularly contaminated with aflatoxins include cassava, chilies, corn, cotton seed, millet, peanuts, rice, sorghum, sunflower seeds, tree nuts, wheat, and a variety of spices intended for human or animal consumption. Aflatoxin transformation products are sometimes found in eggs, milk products, and meat when animals are fed contaminated grains.[1]

A study conducted in Kenya and Mali found that the predominant practices for drying and storage of maize were inadequate in minimizing exposure to aflatoxins.[20]

Organic crops which are not treated with fungicides may be more susceptible to contamination with aflatoxins.

8aeba9  No.3411337

File: ed5d088ee5790e4⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1209x2751, 403:917, ClipboardImage.png)

"Hairstylist seen in video kicking pro-life demonstrator is arrested – and police allege it's not his first attack"

"Authorities announced that Jordan Hunt, 26, surrendered to police Saturday and is facing eight counts of assault and seven counts of mischief under $5,000."


618ace  No.3411338




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

0752db  No.3411339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3411251 (pb)

Hey everyone. It's been over 2 minutes and I haven't been raped yet.

Further, on the whole false sexual assault/rape thing... there's a woman from Canada, Diana Davison, who's an advocate for the falsely accused. Her YouTube channel is an amazing collection of stories of cases she's worked on or insights into just how ridiculous laws are (at least in Canada) when it comes to such allegations. Pic relevant.

Check her out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRQqUgDRBevsDGOeE1DL3A/videos

6a1320  No.3411340


Cart before the horse sweety.

They named me, not I. I just want to bake but they keep doing this..

3865b8  No.3411341

Potus and Q team are keeping the bombshells ready to counter the next Dem media trick aimed at retaking the narrative before midterms

57e92a  No.3411342

9580ee  No.3411343


What the hell is going on? That's quite the list.

6b97e9  No.3411344


> and he's usually pretty accurate.





de52ed  No.3411345


is your purpose to get anons to post more titties?

5590ec  No.3411346



051f34  No.3411347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





No animal species is immune to the acute toxic effects of aflatoxins. Adult humans have a high tolerance for aflatoxin exposure and rarely succumb to acute aflatoxicosis,[22] but children are particularly affected, and their exposure can lead to stunted growth and delayed development, in addition to all the symptoms mentioned below.[4]

High-level aflatoxin exposure produces an acute hepatic necrosis, resulting later in cirrhosis or carcinoma of the liver. Acute liver failure is made manifest by bleeding, edema, alteration in digestion, changes to the absorption and/or metabolism of nutrients, and mental changes and/or coma.[citation needed]

Chronic exposure increases the risk of developing liver and gallbladder [23] cancer, as aflatoxin metabolites may intercalate into DNA and alkylate the bases through epoxide moiety. This is thought to cause mutations in the p53 gene, an important gene in preventing cell cycle progression when there are DNA mutations, or signaling apoptosis (programmed cell death). These mutations seem to affect some base pair locations more than others, for example, the third base of codon 249 of the p53 gene appears to be more susceptible to aflatoxin-mediated mutations than nearby bases.[24]

Chronic, subclinical exposure does not lead to symptoms so dramatic as acute aflatoxicosis.

The expression of aflatoxin-related diseases is influenced by factors such as species, age, nutrition, sex, and the possibility of concurrent exposure to other toxins. The main target organ in mammals is the liver, so aflatoxicosis primarily is a hepatic disease. Conditions increasing the likelihood of aflatoxicosis in humans include limited availability of food, environmental conditions that favour mould growth on foodstuffs, and lack of regulatory systems for aflatoxin monitoring and control.[25]

A regular diet including apiaceous vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, celery, and parsley may reduce the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin.[26]

Aflatoxin B1 can cause immune suppression, and exposure to it is associated with an increased viral load in HIV positive individuals.[27][28]

There is no specific antidote for aflatoxicosis. Symptomatic and supportive care tailored to the severity of the liver disease may include intravenous fluids with dextrose, active vitamin K, B vitamins, and a restricted, but high-quality protein diet with adequate carbohydrate content.

f2452a  No.3411348

File: f565458604de990⋯.png (173.66 KB, 411x294, 137:98, YESS.png)

0e6a12  No.3411350


anecdotal…if you have ever been in a room or smallish size meeting with him (and trust me I am nobody) all he fucking says is:

"it's just marketing…just marketing init?"

said in correct accent and again if you have been in space of this twat then you surely know what I am talking about.

a0e3c8  No.3411351


Why is the bot telling us how they poison us

2b47ec  No.3411354

File: 8e5f7cb11dd646f⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 341x376, 341:376, 96A05165-AD96-43E9-881C-48….gif)


WTF? andrea mitchell is married to uber joo shekelmaster hisself, Greenspan (emphasis on green)

she’s 85 years old, does she look 80 to you? I thought we cut off the baby blood supply to these fucking demons?

5e1af4  No.3411355


What kind of hyperFapping loser do you have to be to visciously verbally assault an artistic autist presenting the community one of man's most celebrated subject art: the nude female form.

Stop your fapping moron.

df7674  No.3411356


No, here's the list:


“Deciem Without filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estee Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remede, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt Andaz, er al,) Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estee Lauder Companies Inc, Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davison, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R. Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L Reading Tons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others – sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg [sic], e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Rosan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. –Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. It’s clear now.

@esteelaudercompanies @richardbranson @realdonaldtrump @gowlingwlg_ca @zuck @musicianjessecook et al.”

ef6e55  No.3411357

File: 5a7b5577f8e3b51⋯.jpg (383.49 KB, 800x571, 800:571, WHATYOUGANNODO.jpg)

6b97e9  No.3411358


> but they keep doing this..

oh, come on. not fooling anyone with that.

you namefag, picfag, and embraced it all.




months ago you could have just let it go

and be anon

< but you keep doing this..

51746a  No.3411359

File: 426b54f79438fc2⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 650x300, 13:6, 4836fa7c60e7f15db0882197ad….jpg)

File: 5485d20f194b3f6⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 480x583, 480:583, 2jnxi6~2.jpg)

File: 33c0eb18ffdd09f⋯.mp4 (11.31 MB, 480x360, 4:3, The Gong Show - Gene Gene ….mp4)

44971e  No.3411360

File: 7b66b6527f4ac78⋯.jpg (145.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1538635689.jpg)

c146f3  No.3411361


> insights into just how ridiculous laws are (at least in Canada)

Ridiculous laws come from ridiculous people.

de52ed  No.3411362


cause ebot isnt a bot

3775b5  No.3411363


I can’t seem to find any pics of the actual limo after the crash. Anyone else find any?

29aa2f  No.3411364

File: db3afb4665514b3⋯.png (984.51 KB, 1180x760, 59:38, Deciem1.PNG)

File: 14e3fb2e77bf598⋯.png (342.29 KB, 1188x766, 594:383, Deciem2.PNG)

File: c34f728bb031368⋯.png (210.17 KB, 1201x778, 1201:778, Deciem3.PNG)

File: ab61e7bc72da339⋯.png (275.42 KB, 1221x792, 37:24, Deciem4.PNG)


"Almost everyone at Deciem has been involved in major criminal activity."

He is naming BIG names in these insta posts… Maybe worth checking out.

583e94  No.3411365

We cannot advance as a species until the rot of leftism is destroyed.

9580ee  No.3411366

File: 678929256e3b4e5⋯.png (51.15 KB, 1166x126, 583:63, covcbts.png)


Ah hahahahaha.

0233fc  No.3411367

File: 6d1394a3d55088d⋯.jpg (230.12 KB, 961x1280, 961:1280, tumblr_p4ub9rd27z1wfxa5ho1….jpg)

051f34  No.3411368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






There are two principal techniques that have been used most often to detect levels of aflatoxin in humans.

The first method is measuring the AFB1-guanine adduct in the urine of subjects. The presence of this breakdown product indicates exposure to aflatoxin B1 during the past 24 hours. This technique measures only recent exposure, however. Due to the half-life of this metabolite, the level of AFB1-guanine measured may vary from day to day, based on diet, it is not ideal for assessing long-term exposure.

Another technique that has been used is a measurement of the AFB1-albumin adduct level in the blood serum. This approach provides a more integrated measure of exposure over several weeks or months.

649600  No.3411369

Don't Forget About: PERKINS COIE

They are a key player right in the middle of the:

Trump Russia Collusion Frame Job

Perkins Coie represents:

* The DNC

* Barak Obama

* Hillary Clinton

* Most of the Democrats etc…

Perkins Coie is a "Nexus Point" for shady deals to launder payments to bad actors like Fusion GPS & others.

They are the "Bagman" to funnel payment to operators thru - under the cover of "Attorney Client Privilege".

Example: (article except)

The Obama campaign started pumping money into Perkins Coie while the law firm hired Fusion GPS, so just how much did Obama and his staff know about the origins of and the information contained in the dossier?

Andrew McCarthy notes, it’s a clever arrangement. The use of the law firm adds a layer of deniability, and when controversy arises, Fusion GPS is able to appeal to attorney-client privilege to shield itself from scrutiny. David French “The Russia Dossier Story: A Perfect Storm of Clinton Deception, Media Irresponsibility, and Democratic Moral Blindness.”


I think Perkins Coie will turn out to be a central connection in-between a lot of the guilty, and will be right in the middle of the treasonous scandal that breaks with Declas.

A "Nexus Point" of these Big Fish? - These criminals are represented by somebody.

Let's not forget, Trump attorney Cohen's doc's were seized & released. Was that a "Precedent-Setting" situation? Laying the groundwork for client doc's at Perkins Coie now being fair game?

Just thinking out loud.

Article Feb 2018:

Triple Evils, Obama, Perkins Coie Law Firm And Fusion GPS


618ace  No.3411370

File: 368a3333422a262⋯.png (610.34 KB, 694x377, 694:377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e076afa3e6a05c0⋯.png (63.64 KB, 743x783, 743:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f54859649a2d0c9⋯.png (41.14 KB, 731x526, 731:526, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Slams Hacking Accusations Against It As Coordinated Propaganda Campaign

On October 8th, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it would summon the Dutch Ambassador in connection to the “misinformation campaign” launched by the Netherlands regarding the Netherlands’ accusations of espionage against Moscow.

The Foreign Ministry said that the propaganda campaign initiated by the West to present Moscow as the enemy and to accuse Russia of “world-wide” cyber-attacks is aimed at diverting attention from efforts of the US and allies to increase their own cyber potentials and prepare for cyber warfare operations.

“There is no doubt that the campaign to demonize Russia and the cyberattack charges brought against us are intended to divert the attention of the Western public from the efforts of the United States and its allies to build their own cyber potentials and prepare for cyberwarfare operations,” the ministry said

Moscow emphasized that the Dutch accusations were aimed at starting a new spin of propaganda and they were coordinated with accusations made by the US and UK.

The Foreign Ministry also reiterated that despite accusing the Russian citizens in April, no official charges were pressed against them when they were detained in the Hague.

“There was nothing secret about the group of Russian technical experts’ trip. It was a completely open and routine business trip. Different government organizations and agencies, including the Russian Ministry of Defense, manage the day-to-day activities of Russian diplomatic missions abroad,” the Russian Foreign Ministry informed.

“They were not asked any questions. They simply had their equipment, including mobile phones, seized, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to promptly contact the embassy,” it said.


e42c21  No.3411371

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was SCRUBBED from Pizzagate.wiki and google cache before it went offline

Lt._Col._Michael_Aquino Wiki page;



March 30th 2017


Between March 30th 2017 and August 24th 2017 Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Wiki page was REMOVED from Pizzagate.wiki


Its also scrubbed from google cache…



Only the "talk" remains in google cache…



Who is Michael Aquino??

Michael Aquino was a Satanic High Priest and a Colonel in the US ARMY



Jan 5th 2017 - A Small paragraph of information on Michael Aquino


May 24th 2017 - Full page of information on Michael Aquino


June 08 2017 - no information on Michael Aquino and page is uneditable


Still unknown what happened to his wiki page between June 08 2017 - Aug 24 2017

Recommend researching and saving all information on Michael Aquino that you can because all his information has also been scrubbed off Wikipedia…

Michael A. Aquino Wikipedia Deleted


—EDIT 2;

Also Important;

"Presidio Army Base"

CHILD ABUSE AT THE PRESIDIO - Where Michael Aquino worked

In April, Aquino wrote a four-page letter to the head of a children's advocates group in Southern California warning that "we do not intend to see a replay of what happened in Nazi Germany, when the reluctance of the Jews to challenge those who systematically and falsely accused Judaism of heinous crimes-including the sexual abuse and ritual murder of Christian children- led to violence against them."

On Aug. 12, 1987, the Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. Michael Aquino.

"Yes, that's Mikey," the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, "he's a bad man and I'm afraid." As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino's wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman.

"Yes, that's Shamby," the girl said.

The family went home and called the FBI.

When interviewed by authorities the next day, the girl identified Gary Hambright from a photo lineup and said she had been driven to Mikey and Shamby's home by Hambright. There, she said, she was abused by Hambright, Mikey and Shamby in a room with black walls. She said that she had been photographed. She said Hambright and Mikey were dressed in women's clothes and Shamby was dressed in man's clothes.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past{-redacted-home address same address as The Temple of Set} the girl identified the house as the one where she met "Mikey" and "Shamby." It was the Aquinos' house.

A search warrant was served on the Aquino home on Aug. 14. In attendance were agents from the FBI and the San Francisco Police. Because the abuse allegedly occurred on city property, it was to be a city case.

Among the items seized were video tapes, cassette tapes, notebooks with names and addresses, two photo albums one paper plate and two plastic gloves from the kitchen garbage, four plastic cases of negatives and 29 photos of costumes and masks. With his widow's peak and arching eyebrows, Lt Col. Michael Aquino looks more like a pudgy Dracula than a high ranking Army officer with top security clearance. He is the founder and high priest of a satanic church, the Temple of Set. His wife, Lilith, a gaunt woman with long, dark hair, is a priestess in the temple's Order of the Vampyre. The couple refer to the search as a "raid" and have branded the investigation a witch hunt.


3c9c1d  No.3411372


didnt say you had no right to post whatever you want. but calls em as i see em. fat ass incel faggots obsessed with tits cause "muh free speech" and "muh chan culture". thats like runnin down the street yelling nigger cause "muh free speech" with no regard whatsover for the people around you. keep posting your tits young man nobody is going to stop you but one day you'll wish you hadnt wasted your life on something so childish and had actually contributed rather than slide the bread with "muh titties"

ec0331  No.3411373

File: c34a8fb81068501⋯.png (1.59 MB, 905x842, 905:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3009da2fee37fcd⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1127x826, 161:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 073a18a2d01f80c⋯.png (1.63 MB, 894x823, 894:823, ClipboardImage.png)

99a596  No.3411374


Not a bot, and actually pretty bright sometimes. Good taste in tunes, too

cd66d7  No.3411375

Where are The Peoples rights re: 5G?

It's ridiculous to speak of "Freedom" while we're locking ourselves into further erosion of our God-given rights.

8aeba9  No.3411376

e36468  No.3411377

File: bba684d5ad8fae3⋯.jpg (135.91 KB, 904x1600, 113:200, pick.jpg)

522b70  No.3411378

On November 20, 2010, Jesus appeared to a woman in her early 30s, and warned her about everything we have been learning through Q. Sound familiar to you? According to her other messages, this all will likely happen within the next couple of years.

"November 20, 2010 fatherofloveandmercy

My daughter, tell My children the serpent is about to spring. They must not allow themselves to fall into his evil trap, from which there is no return.

He, the serpent, has many guises. His followers, brainwashed with the promises of power and glory, by each other, are plotting now, to inflict a range of events around the world, which will cause untold grief, pain and horror everywhere.

My children will be none the wiser. Those children, who have been shown the Truth and guided by Me, are brave souls. They are trying desperately to warn the world of these terrible groups, splintered in all directions, all with one goal in mind. Littered in every country, present in every level of authority, they plot in secret.

There are those innocent members, part of the evil society, who do not realise the reality of the truth. Instead they go about, doing their good deeds, without understanding the acts of evil their elders are perpetrating in secret. Make no mistake, these seniors are devout followers of Satan and engage in rituals of adoration, which, were other people to witness them, they would retch with horror at the obscene acts of Satanic worship and allegiance to the evil one’s promises, that are at the core of their organizations.

For those of you, who find the words of My brave souls amusing, hear Me now. Failure to understand the Truth and to listen to those brave voices, will destroy your life, your faith and your livelihood. For so long these people have been plotting for control. Their works are evident in many, many countries, but are designed to happen in such a way that those children, who go about their day to day business, do not realise what is happening.

Serpent will spring NOW!

When I say the serpent is about to spring, I mean now. He and his wicked evil army of proud and hungry beasts are marching with speed and determination in every walk of life. They run your life in ways that you are not aware. Because they are being guided by the deceiver, they are cunning, charming, smart of tongue, greedy, ruthless, and have only one goal in mind. They, through the banks, modern communications, the military, religious organizations and government will want to rule you all. Watch out and listen now.

Not Conspiracy theories

My Warning and those of My beloved children will be dismissed as conspiracy theories. Sadly they are not. This situation, My daughter, has not come about suddenly. This group, and I Am referring to just one group now, have been plotting, scheming and recruiting from the upper-echelons in society for centuries. They have murdered those who have exposed them in the past. They have murdered leaders, including renowned and talented figureheads, down through the centuries. They are brothers in blood and devour the flesh of mankind.

Satanic relics

They pay homage to the obscene relics and signs that the serpent desires. This, make no mistake, is a powerful and frightening group. So powerful are they, that it will be hard to escape from their clutches once your livelihoods, food and money are reliant on them.

My children many, many people in power, in governments, banks, food industries and aid agencies do not know what is happening, nor will they until the end of the Great Tribulation, which is about to take place. Then they will see the beast emerge who will bring about swift change, so that all of you will have to fight, like never before, to hide from his evil regime.

Once the beast and his followers control your money, they will control all, except one thing. They cannot and must never try to steal your souls. Yet, this is exactly what they will try to do.

For those of you who question this Message of Truth, sent to you because of the desire I have to help you, guide you and reveal the Truth, hear Me now. If you do not believe this Message, I, through the prayers I will request, through My followers, pray that you will see the Light. I plead with you to watch and be on your guard for the signs of these evil, power-hungry beasts, who salivate at the plan and the false glory they will yield.

452e5e  No.3411379

Slow day I see. Looks like anons are bored today.

522b70  No.3411380


Make no mistake, controlling your ability to earn money, your access to it, will not be enough. No, they will want much, much more from you. They will want to control what you eat, drink and where you live. To do that you need now to take the following action to protect yourself.

Find shelters

Please find shelter as groups of believers. I will send you the Light to help you survive. Begin to grow your own food. Save what food you can and put it away. Begin to plan now as if awaiting a storm. Know that darkness will descend to such an extent, that to survive, you must be prepared.

Listen to the prophets. Don’t make the same mistakes when My people would not listen to My prophet Noah. They turned their backs on him; refused to listen, they went about their day-to-day lives, as they ate and laughed, in total oblivion to the horrible fate that awaited them.

Rise now. Turn to My Eternal Father ,God the Most High, for guidance. Prepare your families for the forthcoming seeping darkness, about which you cannot fathom now. Pray, Pray, Pray for the courage not to accept the mark of the vicious beast. He, through his evil army, will try to inflict what at first will be an evil identity stamp. This will be given to you and presented as essential in order for you to draw down money, buy food, travel, live in your homes and trade. This is the ultimate control. You and your genuine political leaders will be powerless.

I urge the media, those not infected with this evil group, to look and see what is happening. Expose all who support the serpent and his army, but tread carefully.

My children, be fearful of the group and know that they really are there, and that the claims made by those brave strong people who are trying to expose them are true.

For those of you who may think how a Message from Divine sources could sprout such sensational “nonsense.” Think again. Go back and read the Scriptures. The Words contained in My Father’s Book of Truth are correct. They tell of events from ancient times. They yield the Truth in order to guide you to God. The Words of My prophets then and now represent the full Truth of life to come.

The warnings contained in the Book of John, although many people today find them hard to decipher, are based on events, which will now unfold.

The Book of Revelation accurately foretells a series of events, which will be triggered by Satan as the end times approach. He knows the Truth that his days are numbered. But he tells My poor children, who adore him, that paradise, of a different, but more enticing one than the one promised by God, awaits them. Therefore, in his final battle with My Eternal Father, he will do anything to steal there souls and as many as possible before the Wrath of My Father descends.

He, Satan, is in a hurry. Run the other way.

Fend for your families and pray like you have not done for a very long time. Prayer will protect you all. Renew your faith now, and when the three days of darkness descends on the Earth, they, My followers, will light their homes with ease. The terrible darkness of which no man can fathom is blacker than night.

To the non-believers and those who sing the praises of the beast, they will realize the Truth at that point. Because they will not escape the blackness as it descends.

Stand up, My children, now, and fight; plan for survival in both body and soul, as the evil deeds of these people unfold before your eyes.

Your loving Saviour

Jesus Christ"


fbd271  No.3411381

File: 65dc50f0795b414⋯.png (23.33 KB, 1232x329, 176:47, limo fixed.PNG)


CNN is reporting this, too

The limo had been fixed, show no major infractions, and I believe CNN said that driver was properly licensed.

44bc1a  No.3411382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heather Nauert is live

ccd225  No.3411383



The Uranium One story was always about Kazakhstan uranium assets.

Clinton, Giustra & Kazakhstan’s Uranium Assets


1464f1  No.3411384


Ok well the currency reset hasn't happened. So not really sure what the fuck u want him to do about it. I'm pretty sure he's not in charge of it.

e4aaa8  No.3411385


Good call, anon.

f2452a  No.3411386

File: 50a033a904f0966⋯.jpg (26.83 KB, 195x255, 13:17, pimpin!.jpg)

>>3411357 You just can't Un-Gay That Dude!

801946  No.3411387

File: 952f865bde37e62⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1980x1064, 495:266, NK-Peace?.png)

Notice the art in the background of Pompeo KJU photo. Are those peace doves? I hope so!!!


051f34  No.3411388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



In dogs, aflatoxin has potential to lead to liver disease. Low levels of aflatoxin exposure require continuous consumption for several weeks to months in order for signs of liver dysfunction to appear.[29] Some articles have suggested the toxic level in dog food is 100–300 ppb and requires continuous exposure or consumption for a few weeks to months to develop aflatoxicosis.[30] No information is available to suggest that recovered dogs will later succumb to an aflatoxin-induced disease.

Turkeys are extremely susceptible to aflatoxicosis. Recent studies have revealed that this is due to the efficient cytochrome P450 mediated metabolism of aflatoxin B1 in the liver of turkeys and deficient glutathione-S-transferase mediated detoxification.[31][32]

Some studies on pregnant hamsters showed a significant relationship between exposure of aflatoxin B1 (4 mg/kg, single dose) and the appearance of developmental anomalies in their offspring.[33]

In 2005, Diamond Pet Foods discovered aflatoxin in a product manufactured at their facility in Gaston, South Carolina.[34][35] In 23 states, Diamond voluntarily recalled 19 products formulated with corn and manufactured in the Gaston facility. Testing of more than 2,700 finished product samples conducted by laboratories confirmed that only two date codes of two adult dog formulas with the "Best By" dates of April 3, April 4, April 5, and April 11 had the potential to be toxic.[36]

907d39  No.3411389


Don't engage with bewbconcernshill

df7674  No.3411390

File: eb2293c6b33d2c8⋯.png (620.18 KB, 617x708, 617:708, ClipboardImage.png)

e4e3c9  No.3411391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Briefing with Heather Nauert On Nikki Haley Resignation


a203ed  No.3411392


Just one data point here, but this morning I had a (very fundy Christian) co-worker come into my office and ask in a hushed tone: "You're a Q person, aren't you?"

Obviously, I don't talk about Q at work or publicly, so I nearly jumped out of my skin. I just replied: "What do you think?"

Not sure where co-worker heard about Q, but WWG1WGA as they say! Peeps are wakening….

c146f3  No.3411393


>Your loving Saviour

>Jesus Christ"

No private comms.


5557ad  No.3411394

File: 5cd580934d8d667⋯.jpg (199.58 KB, 1132x729, 1132:729, steiner.jpg)

4570cc  No.3411395

File: c6926f157acee27⋯.jpg (84.35 KB, 523x283, 523:283, hillary MF1 no text.jpg)

File: c68d35e064a9f25⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 523x283, 523:283, hillary MF1.jpg)

051f34  No.3411396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


International sources of commercial peanut butter, cooking oils (e.g. olive, peanut and sesame oil), and cosmetics have been identified as contaminated with aflatoxin.[37][38][39] In some instances, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and other analytical methods, revealed a range from 48% to 80% of selected product samples as containing detectable quantities of aflatoxin. In many of these contaminated food products, the aflatoxin exceeded the safe limits of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or other regulatory agency.[38][39][40]

2003 Kenya: acute poisoning, 120 confirmed deaths.[41][42]

February–March 2013: Romania, Serbia, Croatia imported into western Europe - 2013 aflatoxin contamination.

February 2013: Iowa contamination.[43]

2014 (ongoing): Nepal and Bangladesh, neonatal exposures, found in umbilical cord blood.

e8602b  No.3411397

File: 8cdc90b47043d56⋯.jpg (75.66 KB, 640x769, 640:769, x3q91anyvrf11.jpg)



what is this ? , a school for ants ?

3c9c1d  No.3411398



does not apply but if you really need a fix that bad im sure the tit shills would be happy to oblige rather than actually contribute something for a change. im sure its been like 5 mins since your last fap but just be patient…there will be boobs.

618ace  No.3411399

USS Truman to Sail in Massive NATO Exercises

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is set to kick off the military alliance’s biggest exercise in 20 years later this month, with the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group participating in the drills, NATO officials said Tuesday.

Speaking in Brussels Tuesday at NATO headquarters, Adm. James G. Foggo announced, "The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman and its striker, including its ships and aircraft, will participate in Trident Juncture." Foggo is a commander in the US Navy and is the chief of NATO naval forces.

The Trident Juncture will feature military participation from all 29 NATO members and will include cooperation from Sweden and Finland. According to Foggo, the exercise has three themes, known as the three D's: "NATO is a defensive alliance, Trident Juncture demonstrates our credible capability, and together we deter potential adversaries."

The drills will take place in Norway from October 25 through November 7, according to NATO officials. In sum, approximately 50,000 personnel are expected to train in the drills.

When asked about the drills' proximity to Russian borders, Norwegian Lt. Gen. Rune Jakobsen said, "The core exercise area is more than 1,000 kilometers from the Russian border, and air operations could take place up to 500 kilometers away from the border, so there should not be any reason for the Russians to get scared or see this as something else than a defensive exercise."

The USS Truman was previously stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea conducting operations against the terrorist group Daesh.


NOTE: Not sure what to make of this, could it be a great move to stop the UK/NATO attacking Russia?

f25471  No.3411400

File: e1bb8eb52a29855⋯.jpg (133.55 KB, 765x870, 51:58, 1a.JPG)

UnityPoint Health™ - Cedar Rapids president and CEO retiring


e0ccea  No.3411401

File: 0eccefaec474c9c⋯.jpg (87.81 KB, 754x583, 754:583, Capture.JPG)

c146f3  No.3411402

File: 980f6e44561d7e1⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 496x718, 248:359, americanssuffershills.jpg)

f4a2f1  No.3411403

File: 0477881cece6e92⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2422x1380, 1211:690, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

6b97e9  No.3411404


a not-so-silent army, worldwide.

fantasyland has no clue what'll hit it

6a1320  No.3411405

File: a5c621e8bff14a4⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 3000x1500, 2:1, (You)SeeNow.jpg)


It's milts's AI, along with various disruption programs it also acts as recon against the Patriots here.

I don't just post this picture without reasons anons.

36462f  No.3411406

File: 2a8e768d55a1db6⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1712x923, 1712:923, EnjoyRideRollerCoaster.png)

File: da0ee3bf24a1254⋯.jpg (405.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, EnjoyFlagPatriot.jpg)

File: c003b28e1970b38⋯.jpg (119.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Front_Row_Seat_Enjoy_the_s….jpg)

File: bc39d5a49a0f4d8⋯.jpg (52.8 KB, 500x368, 125:92, RedOctobercatenjoy.jpg)

File: d2f68c3e6fa1e1f⋯.jpg (246.44 KB, 1129x677, 1129:677, Enjoy2.jpg)

Front row seat reserved for anons.

Enjoy the show!

Have popcoarn?

fbd271  No.3411407


victims identified here


b5a3e1  No.3411408


Your BOOMs today are bullshit.

Try harder

3c9c1d  No.3411409


are you really so stupid that you think its only anons? maybe you need to go back faggot.

ef0c46  No.3411410



> Benjamin fulford

fulfraud get bent

2b47ec  No.3411411

File: 710be44f6c0e58e⋯.jpeg (59.04 KB, 449x800, 449:800, 4B3708B3-7764-493A-BE92-B….jpeg)

What? did you hear that? Yep it’s





bc65c4  No.3411412

File: e96d181288a7984⋯.jpeg (40.67 KB, 710x533, 710:533, 4B71547E-B370-4802-93DB-2….jpeg)

File: 5ef816af4448884⋯.jpeg (53.26 KB, 482x247, 482:247, 7C415733-9521-43EF-86B5-8….jpeg)

File: cae340d31cb047b⋯.jpeg (43.19 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 6C8640B0-B199-433C-B762-3….jpeg)

File: 92190637a375e63⋯.jpeg (19.44 KB, 431x243, 431:243, 096F5E2F-54A3-4886-A382-5….jpeg)

File: a4ce33246fd3e82⋯.jpeg (7.42 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 6FC0C696-C128-459D-A806-B….jpeg)

97214b  No.3411413

March 1997 - JFK Jr prints an article in George magazine entitled A Mother’s Defense by Guela Amir mother of Yigal Amir who assassinated Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin.


Q said follow the wives, which led us to a Witch hunt.

April 1997 - “Israeli Prime Minister Rabin’s widow charged Tuesday that John Kennedy Jr.’s magazine crossed “the red line” by publishing an article by the mother of her husband’s assassin.


We know that matriarchs are key decision makers in the Illuminati and that crossing the red line means that the Illuminati will retaliate for your crossing by drawing a red line with the blood of your family, your bloodline.

December 1997 - Michael Kennedy, cousin of JFK Jr. dies in a skiing accident. Details of the incident are conflicting and sketchy. But one thing we know about the Illuminati, they like to murder by encouraging their target to do some dangerous thing, often rigging the setting beforehand so it is more dangerous than it appears. The advantage of this sleazy way of killing is that it is really hard to figure out what happened and who deserves the blame.


051f34  No.3411414

File: 1bdc3b2cc343f57⋯.jpg (331.82 KB, 2499x1666, 3:2, RS11544_95616520.jpg)



2f29fe  No.3411415


Always confused me why AFLB couldn't just fade into the background and be an anon. Ego problem or psyop? At any rate, definitely bludgeoned that horse to putty.

0233fc  No.3411416


Kek. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, anon. Fair is fair.

0df306  No.3411417


(((next gen)))

5590ec  No.3411418

File: 612ff01805dca4f⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 920x664, 115:83, 920x920.jpg)

Side note: Also 5 days of your consistent faggotry.

f2452a  No.3411419

File: e3e6ae00ec9c5ea⋯.jpg (11.61 KB, 255x138, 85:46, goawaynewfag.jpg)

File: 4e1b415723311a1⋯.jpeg (55.61 KB, 485x359, 485:359, A-hole.jpeg)

>>3411398 You should Go somewhere that needs you!

0c6727  No.3411420


Nah. Just weary of the BS and failed promises.

73590c  No.3411421


Nah, that's a description of the fungal leaf toxin aflatoxin leaf bread





9b6d2d  No.3411422


anti Q gets the filter - no matter how nice the pic

0e6a12  No.3411423

File: 0a0d66f07b92c69⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, gold 100's.jpg)

File: af5a41a823382a7⋯.png (437.94 KB, 1003x516, 1003:516, Gold grab.PNG)


AG is not who you think he is.

I used to think the very same thing. There is something much more massive going on with this. Remember the drop of "1909 changed everything".

We absolutely fucking a bubba DO have all we need…on that front.

618ace  No.3411424

File: 363678707167d8e⋯.png (12.5 KB, 482x182, 241:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 802e8ecefcd658d⋯.png (261.65 KB, 598x336, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Demagoguery and Lies’ Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Lashes Out at Trump, McConnell and Graham After Kavanaugh Confirmed

Former CIA Director John Brennan lashed out at President Trump and Republican Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham Tuesday morning.

Apparently John Brennan isn’t happy that top Republican Senators are standing up to the Communists Democrats who launched an unprecedented smear campaign against Brett Kavanaugh.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wowed the Trump base after he unloaded on Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearing, accusing them of the greatest political sham he’s ever seen.

Graham continued to galvanize the Trump base after he taunted left-wing protesters with epic one-liners, defending Kavanaugh.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) received a well-deserved standing ovation in the East Room of the White House Monday evening ahead of Kavanaugh’s swearing-in ceremony for his tireless work to bring Brett Kavanaugh across the finish line.

McConnell promised the American people the Senate was going to plow right through and confirm Kavanaugh–credit given where credit is due. Thank you, Mitch McConnell for defending Kavanaugh!

Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history Saturday.

Brennan is angry that Trump and the GOP are winning. Kavanaugh is Trump’s SECOND SCOTUS win and the swamp is not happy.

BRENNAN: It is impossible to overstate @realDonaldTrump’s corrosive impact on our political culture & national character. Rejection of his demagoguery, his lies, and the politics of fear espoused by McConnell & Graham is at hand. If you want to make a difference, vote!!!

John Brennan previously called Christine Ford a “national treasure” and lashed out at Brett Kavanaugh, claiming his “temperament and blatant partisanship are disqualifying of a Supreme Court seat.”

And we’re supposed to believe John Brennan didn’t weaponize the intel community against Donald Trump…


f41100  No.3411425

File: 178b07b6e19046b⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 540x690, 18:23, AmericanSoldier.jpg)

Q Operators Activated

9ff94a  No.3411426

File: a30b9bdec2f5f0d⋯.png (305.04 KB, 1266x808, 633:404, aflb fail.png)

File: 54c44e29e6fd828⋯.png (18.04 KB, 646x116, 323:58, aflb denied.png)

top keks today

364e09  No.3411427

Haley waited until now in order to shift the narrative from the RR story.

Think about that

d3387b  No.3411428


Freedom is not a lofty notion, or a lifestyle;

its the Awakening out of a dream; it is the fight to stay awake and to believe; its the ability to create and dare unhindered.

… you've been excited. We Know, and soon the rest will Know.

'As theyve been known.'



1464f1  No.3411429


Aquino and his standing with the us army seem to be a no fly zone. Question is.. why? Another question…does he use hair gel on his eye brows?

de52ed  No.3411430


ive built AI, ebot isnt AI

bc65c4  No.3411431

File: 4f9a38dc283dc91⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 7CF3AD38-EBF8-469B-B95D-1C….png)

File: 7376527301f334e⋯.jpeg (50.41 KB, 589x480, 589:480, F9289A4B-738C-441D-9934-2….jpeg)


Here retard 255 arrests .

5590ec  No.3411432


ID confirmed.

54be03  No.3411433

So, it seems to me, RR wrote the memo supporting the firing of Comey (setup). RR and Comey work together to get SC (Mueller), and hope the SC takes out our POTUS?? Fail!

6b97e9  No.3411434


yeah… way to burn remaining shards of benefit of doubt

c146f3  No.3411435


Military exercises like this are fairly routine.

I participated in several big ones during my time in the Navy in the 1970s-80s.

9b6d2d  No.3411436


Fox news said "very coordinated"

0752db  No.3411437

File: 8590f79be910fd2⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 516x162, 86:27, faggot.jpg)


<insert weird passive-aggressive jab at Canadians here>

90e2d7  No.3411438

File: 737bff4028f537d⋯.gif (16.36 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1b2fcfd3d2601cee8d1bc9008a….gif)




List of arrests, charges, and sentences for your perusal.

Seems it's been five days since you pulled the dildo out.

Go satisfy your craving, then come back with a better lie.

9d381b  No.3411439


I hate that closet Muslim POS with such a passion!

Can't wait for the day that bastard goes down!

324baf  No.3411440

File: ed0504411bc466c⋯.png (205.9 KB, 467x377, 467:377, tfpic.png)

The only reason I clicked this I though it was going to be a titty flash pic.

051f34  No.3411441

File: 72fc7799e41705e⋯.jpg (142.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Peanut_Butter_and_Pickles_….jpg)



f25471  No.3411442

File: 996b56d1ed7c218⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 791x687, 791:687, 1a.JPG)

Passenger Dead After Medical Emergency on Plane


452e5e  No.3411443


You didn't expect a real BOOOM did you? When Q says Boom, think mirror. It means WAIT.





f2452a  No.3411444

File: f9c1768b8424ddd⋯.jpg (476.87 KB, 1920x1152, 5:3, flatearth.jpg)

>>3411412 You were more fun when you were flat earthFAG!

c146f3  No.3411445

File: d62f7e05576837b⋯.jpg (110.4 KB, 544x706, 272:353, shillaward.jpg)

9580ee  No.3411446

d2fc57  No.3411447

anyone got good sauce saying Rafael Aguilar and Carmelo Marmolejo-Calixto were MS13?

still diggin', for a graphic

51746a  No.3411448

File: 620b8e339ccfb20⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 383x383, 1:1, 2jnk5d~2.jpg)




Sessions is still sleeping ..

0233fc  No.3411449


agreed, anon!!!

5590ec  No.3411451


We forgive you, but to help make the peace, you should still neck yourself.

9b6d2d  No.3411452


she would be a very good tyb pic

f4b1cc  No.3411453


Feel so horrible for the families… I hope they know if this was no accident - it wasn't, imo - that we're on the case and won't stop.

4570cc  No.3411454

File: efe16f354972870⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 460x315, 92:63, brennanclearance.jpg)


I thought this guy had finally found a hole to hide in. Forgot Christmas comes only once a year.

de52ed  No.3411455


okay lets say its bots, youre telling bots that theyre children and for them to quit masterbating and that theyre losers…. okay faggot

9ff94a  No.3411456


wow someone is covering it

>>3410197 pb in notables 4322

44971e  No.3411457


I don't want to hear your excuses. This building has to be at least 3 times bigger!

051f34  No.3411458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


97214b  No.3411459

File: 6fdb1ce177e0a88⋯.png (486.7 KB, 754x583, 754:583, ClipboardImage.png)



You must be blinded by all that porn

Here are a few of todays arrests

More where that came from

0e6a12  No.3411460

Just so I get this on record….

I am not 100% convinced of this but I get closer each day.

AG is SN SN is AG. Call me crazy..

0c36ae  No.3411461


I thought limo hit a parked, unoccupied car? Do you wear a seat belt in a limo or are you concerned with getting your party on?

6da2c1  No.3411462

File: 0687206e066b33a⋯.png (473.97 KB, 555x521, 555:521, ClipboardImage.png)


>she’s 85 years old,

She's 71.

051f34  No.3411463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

44971e  No.3411464



6a1320  No.3411465


Will I ever get to bake?

b5a3e1  No.3411466


Jesus just shut the fuck up already. If tits bother you that much fuck off to someplace else.

e883ff  No.3411467


Thank you, Anon.

618ace  No.3411468

File: a02874a99799f83⋯.png (666.26 KB, 632x394, 316:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 004725284995b6a⋯.png (485.42 KB, 680x922, 340:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 911c54802aac5f0⋯.png (54.52 KB, 651x787, 651:787, ClipboardImage.png)

An Open Letter to Republican National Committee Regarding Vaccines as a Campaign Agenda

Mrs. Ronna McDaniels, Chairwoman

Republican National Committee

310 First Street SE

Washington DC 20003

Dear Mrs. McDaniels:

In 2016 then-candidate president Donald J. Trump campaigned on a matter of grave interest to many Americans, especially those who have vaccine damaged children. Upon becoming President he spoke about establishing a Vaccine Science and Safety Commission headed up by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

As a supporter of, and advocate for, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense organization (www.ChildrensHealthDefense.org) I would like to see the RNC’s platform from now until the 2020 election cycle, include the fulfillment of one of President Trump’s campaign issues i.e., vaccine safety. President Trump has already fulfilled many of his campaign promises and establishing this vaccine commission would be like ‘icing on the cake’.

Vaccine industry misrepresentation of vaccine safety is rooted in their failure of fully informed consent regarding health harming and toxic ingredients mandatorily injected into our children. Concomitantly, and possibly coincidentally, since the enactment of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 the number of mandated vaccines has escalated significantly. Currently, a child born today will have 65 doses of various vaccines by the time they reach 18, with 49 of those doses for 14 vaccines by age 6. The cumulative impact of health damaging and toxic ingredients in vaccines have never been studied and are now thought by many scientists to be a major part of the neurodevelopment and immune system damage being visited on our children. For example, most vaccines contain aluminum, a known brain toxin, and many contain live viruses now suspect in this health crisis.

Particularly egregious is vaccinating pregnant women, which was anathema to the teaching of all health practitioners who considered even the consumption of one aspirin to be of concern. . Could pregnancy vaccinations be contributing to the U.S. having 50% more first-day newborn deaths than all other industrialized nations combined? (5/7/13 Michelle Castillo CBS news report) Could the Hepatitis B vaccine given newborns on their day of birth be contributing to these deaths?

Could these vaccinations be part of the reason our children are dead last in mortality of the 20 wealthiest nations? (1/8/18 CNN report by Jacqueline Howard).

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense more than half of our kids are chronically ill; Autism is as high as 28% in some states; and one in six children has a learning or behavioral disorder.

An Open Letter…continued

As a perfect example of “vaccine politics,” Representative Bill Posey of Florida went before Congress on July 29, 2015 to call for an investigation into the CDC whistleblower William Thompson PhD’s revelation of fraud.


649600  No.3411469



Movies: "The Firm" "The Pelican Brief"


[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


d317f0  No.3411470

File: a523ce6b79d7520⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1062x800, 531:400, ClipboardImage.png)

051f34  No.3411471

File: d0e0e57b67ae755⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 3300x2700, 11:9, boomstick.jpg)

77c015  No.3411472

File: 982f54900dac83f⋯.jpg (542.18 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_524.jpg)

0df306  No.3411473


Honestly the NK visit is most likely responsible for the timing. A corner turned. And Pompeo comes back from China earlier than planned and has a “presser” with literally two statements.


33972b  No.3411474


Detroit, Wayne county, that's where the 123 kids were found this weekend, wasn't it? Wonder if it's connected.

ffb7c8  No.3411475

File: cc304bf4b2745f0⋯.jpg (186.11 KB, 600x766, 300:383, areyouconsciousredcircle.jpg)

>>3411036 pb


I think we point to the same thing?

I'm not thinking of it in terms of geo-politics.

Though HRC seems a strange 'Alice?' isn't she more like "red Queen?"

I believe she's a psycho since a child. Does that imply she was programmed?

I look at the term more through psychology, philosophy and culture conditioning methodology.

I saw it in a brochure at the "ASPEN" society office at DuPont circle and that always stuck with me . They had drawings of Alice in Wonderland on the brochure and details on how to present the "terrorist threat"

That being written:

Wonderland is the "reverse world" behind the looking glass [mirror] which people live in while they are asleep or in a dream.- .the Matrix premise

The Octopus uses that state, deliberately, to gain control over people.

Most basic example, playing a "game" with a little girl child. Putting her into a trance state, hypnosis, and leading her to an alt reality - which she is told she won't remember, except as a dream[?] when she "awakens". Then they gaslight the little girl into disbelieving her own memories or senses , if she does remember?

"That was all a dream"

"You are making up things"

["You are a conspiracy theorist"] kek

Same motif in "Peter Pan" and "Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" - Children taken to an "alt reality"

[in IDP they also are dropped down into the ground , like the rabbit hole, to enter the alt reality; much to do with acting and the "show biz" carnival business]

All fiction, all novels, all movies do the same;. they take you to "another world"

And I believe before electronic media and celluloid the Novel was used as a "culture creation' mind control / social engineering "device' / method also, though more rudimentary [not necessarily less effective?]

The "magick" "spell" worked upon the normies?

Mirroring/ Projection.

There's probably many techniques in the Octupus' tool box, devised over the generations; much as the methods of stealing at the ballot box are many more than one, and worked out over decades, if not centuries.

Fantasy Land is another word for the false reality "fakery" simulation.

I highly recommend 'World on a Wire" Fassbinder TV show "made for TV movie" from the early 70's. I linked the trailer above. pb

It plays with the ideas of the "simulation"

The psy-op will also mirror or project that "simulation" onto you you yourself - to suggest for you to doubt your existence and senses - so your reality and self-perception becomes like the infinity you see when placing two mirrors parallel, where they reflect onto one another;

Then they will try to convince you that you don't exist


They will dissolve you into the infinite using suggestion,.LSD DMT whatever.


By trying to make you believe you live in a simulation they will create more confusion in the psyche of the mark. - even though that you do live in one would be partly true, depending. kek

It's all mind games.

"They will psyop you to death. That is their 'Ace in the Hole'" A[li]CE in the hole.

51746a  No.3411476

File: 8b881d555a31a24⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 722x453, 722:453, 2jlnm2~2.jpg)

File: 3c990c1a3d954aa⋯.jpg (64.06 KB, 475x432, 475:432, 2jqj26~2.jpg)

File: 426b54f79438fc2⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 650x300, 13:6, 4836fa7c60e7f15db0882197ad….jpg)

907d39  No.3411477

File: bd03476857c1dcf⋯.png (313.3 KB, 816x1081, 816:1081, wondered.png)


Prove it just because I want some proofs…

fbd271  No.3411478


I think he is a person we can all agree is a black hat

856240  No.3411479

Cry more about seeing beautiful god made boobs faggots.

[U] are not real anons!

b7911d  No.3411480


We'd rather not have someone so hell-bent on censorship handle the notables.

cc2d2a  No.3411481

File: f25598342621c87⋯.jpeg (230.92 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DAA57BC3-465F-4CCF-8A51-A….jpeg)


It was right in front of us the entire time and we didn’t realize that he was even BRAGGING about it! The article in TIME has been pulled (or I can’t find it). But, I did find one about the same information\time.

Remember the WH renovations and the “gold” that POTUS found? He even went as far as to mention to Comey in a tweet that he better hope there aren’t tapes? He knew the WH was bugged and recording EVERYTHING in certain areas. He also knew THAT vindicated the claim of obstruction with Comey. Remember, they talked in the dining room, prior to the remodeling and Trump found out he was in the clear and flaunted it (LIKE A BOSS).

Back to the MIRROR…

Look in the reflection from the picture TIME used in their major story about the remodeling and touring the WH with POTUS. That is HIS version of TiVo that gives him (enter capabilities here).

The day after TIME visited the WH was the day Comey was fired. Coincidence?

Failing link to TIME’s original story of that MAY 8TH evening: http://time.com/donald-trump-after-hours/

Video Link of MAY 8th evening: https://youtu.be/fwvBAtJCE0I

051f34  No.3411482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1d8c2c  No.3411483

File: 9a4d9f72ad5428b⋯.jpeg (159.83 KB, 1230x643, 1230:643, BCBAA1DF-B8E9-4296-83C9-E….jpeg)

File: ff4482ba48557f9⋯.jpeg (12.7 KB, 255x127, 255:127, 08F0982D-46D9-4578-B477-8….jpeg)

Q said fireworks.

9ff94a  No.3411485


on your own board yes, but watch out for the owner, you might ban yourself

6d7c6a  No.3411486


Interesting that this was out of Wayne County, considering all the sex trafficking arrests there recently.

d792ea  No.3411487


Can you expand on this any further? Thanks

99a596  No.3411488


And CTA is still pathetic. C'est la vie.

5590ec  No.3411489

File: cae340d31cb047b⋯.jpeg (43.19 KB, 960x720, 4:3, cae340d31cb047bb367385aa7….jpeg)

This was in a separate tab on my pc just now. I didn't go to any photos of him. Has this already been posted? I may have downloaded it accidentally but weird ..

fad9c5  No.3411490


Q is John Q Brennan, and he plans on taking everyone down with him!





ec0331  No.3411491

File: 66ddf6ba167a83e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 898x843, 898:843, ClipboardImage.png)

6b97e9  No.3411492


>AG is SN SN is AG.


051f34  No.3411493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9580ee  No.3411494


I pretty much want to see him in cuffs more than anyone else.

57e92a  No.3411495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

05fb6e  No.3411496


Shills called ebot newfag for two days,yall. Ebot did a lil dig on toxins, wants to be helpful and share.

e4e3c9  No.3411497

41df81  No.3411498



Muslim Invasion.


c146f3  No.3411499


You are in the wrong place.

Unless you like this.

618ace  No.3411500

File: 2aba2ca0ed14332⋯.png (746.27 KB, 630x421, 630:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Drug Companies are Stealing from You

…with the help of the federal government and universities. Action Alert!

The high cost of prescription drugs has recently made headlines, evidenced by price-gouging schemes that cause drug prices to skyrocket 5,000% (as in the case with the infamous Martin Shkreli and the drug Daraprim) or Mylan’s more recent price hike on EpiPen’s to over $600 for a two-pack. What’s often left out of these stories, however, is how the federal government helped the pharmaceutical industry have this kind of power over drug pricing by allowing the industry to take advantage of publicly-funded research.

This stunning history is discussed at length in an article in The New Republic magazine, but here are the highlights: of the 210 medicines approved by the FDA between 2010 and 2016, every one originated in government labs, or university labs funded by the government. But it wasn’t always the case that the pharmaceutical industry could rake in billions of dollars in profit from publicly-funded research. For a long time, the US government retained the patents that sprung from government research.

This began to change in 1968, when the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revived the Institutional Patent Agreement program which allowed non-profits—mostly universities, in this case—to claim the licenses of medicines developed with government funds. Whereas before, inventors using NIH funds were required to assign patents back to the federal government, now they could be sold to the pharmaceutical industry. This trend was solidified in 1980 with the University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act, which allowed universities, non-profits, and small businesses to own, patent, and commercialize inventions developed with government research dollars.

Universities get government money to do research, patent any novel inventions that arise from that research, and sell the patents to the pharmaceutical industry. Consumers are forced to pay monopoly prices for drugs that their tax money helped develop.

Later in 1980, the Supreme Court decided that genes and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be patented, which sparked a gold rush in biotechnology. In the following years, more Pharma-friendly legislation was passed. The Orphan Drug Act, for example, provided incentives to the pharmaceutical industry to develop drugs for rare diseases; the Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992 put Big Pharma in charge of funding the FDA, the agency tasked with overseeing the industry; and the FDA Act of 1997 paved the way for direct-to-consumer drug advertising.

These policies have created the pharmaceutical industry as we know it today. We have a series of monopolies created and protected by the power of the federal government for drugs that can be dangerous and (often times) don’t work. Meanwhile, natural alternatives to these drugs are harassed and restricted by federal regulators, all in the name of protecting the bottom line of the drug companies.

And now, as we’ve been reporting for some months, we see pharmaceutical companies turning supplements into drugs, selling them at exorbitant prices, and removing the supplement versions. Our tax dollars fund their blockbuster drugs, and with those profits they are taking our supplements away. This cannot be allowed to stand.

Action Alert! If you haven’t already, send a message to Congress telling them to close the back-channel at the FDA that allows Big Pharma to turn nutrients into drugs. Please send your message immediately.


4f92a1  No.3411501

File: a549954777cadaa⋯.jpg (142.06 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Dems Alabama SC history ag….jpg)

File: 33b2b6a71d5a9b3⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 2jky1h.jpg)

File: e7000e3451cd1c6⋯.jpg (121.22 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2jqz9v.jpg)

bcd88d  No.3411502


that's what I call tenacity

fad9c5  No.3411503


When did he lose his security clearance, about the time Q went to shit?

87d4e4  No.3411504

POTUS mentioned many people are in interested niki haleys UN job……………….including GENERALS………KEK FLYNN ??

3978b8  No.3411505

File: eb8a1493670b3b1⋯.png (106.11 KB, 842x558, 421:279, Screen Shot 37.png)


111 days ago too

5590ec  No.3411506


With no clearance? KEK

Try harder

d3e191  No.3411507


Yes, they are!

6a1320  No.3411508


I see, so there's still some major misunderstanding between us.

Forgive me, but snap out of that lie and tell me more.

051f34  No.3411509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d2fc57  No.3411510

File: 474150263887c57⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, peperight.jpeg)

452e5e  No.3411512

Q is like the Atlanta Braves - impressive, consistent, but in the end, fails to deliver in the clutch. Can't win the big games.

Can't blame Q. They are trying. But it is becoming obvious that the plan is continually in flux and "Full Control" is a relative term. We just have to expect delays and roadblocks. Maybe the truth will come out eventually.

In the meantime, enjoy the successes POTUS is having.

b65118  No.3411513


>Has this already been posted?

oh, you

only about fifty thousand times

51746a  No.3411514

File: 5485d20f194b3f6⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 480x583, 480:583, 2jnxi6~2.jpg)

File: e014beb0ee58376⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB, 540x360, 3:2, The Gong Show - Gene Gene ….mp4)



That's Gene Gene the dancing machine…

1464f1  No.3411515


Oh yeah cuz it's so hard to get stuff once it's deemed illegal. You are so spot on.

Once drugs were illegal boom no one could ever find drugs again. No one ever gets shot in Chicago anymore. Fucking morons.

I'm not saying its real BC 99% of the time it isn't. But if it dropped that shit would spread like wildfire in the blink of an eye. Then what? Arrest half the fucking planet for watching a leaked video? No.

9d9617  No.3411516

File: 70fd3b94580ef54⋯.png (469.86 KB, 590x609, 590:609, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

Which president is that on the wall?

Why use that as a backdrop?

5590ec  No.3411517



051f34  No.3411518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





567938  No.3411519

File: 98b2d6ff46aa20e⋯.jpg (31.66 KB, 672x300, 56:25, bbbb.JPG)

b68aab  No.3411520

File: 8ce49595e81c886⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1834x1858, 917:929, ClipboardImage.png)

e883ff  No.3411521


Baker, for your consideration

Can anyone second for a notable?

d50a5a  No.3411522

any BOOMs yet?

f2452a  No.3411523

>>3411516 It's the room!

34a0f6  No.3411524


Sounds about right….that's when Q turned

into a slow version of Matt Drudge

5590ec  No.3411525


My bad. Haven't given the jfk thing much thought.

051f34  No.3411526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b68aab  No.3411527


>Which president is that on the wall?


b6d558  No.3411528


they were going to poison the great lakes. lots of muslims all around great lakes (minnesota, detroit, toronto etc etc)

d29117  No.3411529

Just had a thot Anons,

What if there is a rule that says a sitting UN Ambassador can't testify in a military trial? Or something like that.

Maybe Haley is getting ready to testify in January February about all the dirt she licked up at the UN! Just thot I'd throw that out there.

0233fc  No.3411530


Don;t worry about it. He dead.

797561  No.3411531


Everybody loves dick pics

e6bd25  No.3411532

File: a2632e4c10ee2fc⋯.jpg (346.04 KB, 1647x1217, 1647:1217, 982f54900dac83f11188e2f064….jpg)

c146f3  No.3411533


>Why use that as a backdrop?

Why not?

45777d  No.3411534


So right about the Braves.

3c9c1d  No.3411535


not bots anons…shills. everything you see illicits a response in the brain. in the same way the gore, gayporn, etc spammers do. its used as a weapon to distract anons but most are too fucking dumb to know it. try calling them out sometime. you'll get the exact same responses as you do from the other shills on the board. its completely obvious.

2104af  No.3411536

>>3411241 (lb)


fbd271  No.3411537

File: 25130ba80e288db⋯.png (673.79 KB, 558x530, 279:265, whodat.PNG)


who is jester hat guy?

are their oars locked?

ac9027  No.3411538

Noname lives

34a0f6  No.3411539


C_A ….look it up

b68aab  No.3411540

File: 59598895252bab1⋯.png (924.15 KB, 1504x1576, 188:197, ClipboardImage.png)

99a596  No.3411541


I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself day after day after day because you're so eaten up with jealousy and bitterness that you aren't Q and you weren't even smart enough to make money off Q, CTA. That's what I enjoy. Loser.

9b6d2d  No.3411542



0851d0  No.3411543


creepy joe biden

3865b8  No.3411544




3978b8  No.3411545


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

9d9617  No.3411546


Symbols matter.

Why Jefferson is the question…

051f34  No.3411547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ffa32  No.3411548

>>3411515 you make the assumption that half the planet would commit the crime. Only a moron would post or share it because they would absolutely be jailed

f2452a  No.3411549

>>3411522 Yeah! BEWBS! BEWBS! BEWBS! BEWBS! Jst like night shift!

ffb7c8  No.3411550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just though the whole

'It's a LARP" is an effort to use the old

"You're caught in a simulation routine"

The same playbooks over and over.


"Everybody's a dreamer. And everybody's a star. Everybody's in Show biz doesn't matter who you are" !

4f92a1  No.3411551

File: 1a0d5623c9739d7⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 2jofzg.jpg)

87d4e4  No.3411552


Let freedom ring brother…

spoken like a true journalist.

2bac49  No.3411553


Wow, go back to reddit.

051f34  No.3411554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


044657  No.3411555


He was the 1st United States Secretary of State

907d39  No.3411556


His hat tells you exactly who it is never mind he is feeling up a child which again exposes who it is

fbd271  No.3411557


that was my thought, but I wasn't sure the pic looked like him.

c146f3  No.3411558


Stupid question.

It's a good place to take a picture.


57e92a  No.3411559


Jefferson and PAINE were good frens.


638dc4  No.3411560


I OPENLY PROCLAIM MY Q-MEMBERSHIP on my FarceBook page. Posting The Great Awakening (and all that that entails) is pretty much what I use it for since Oct of last year. Multiple frens have sent me PMs asking how I know what I know/post, where does my info come from, how can they get more info, etc.

Word is def spreading.

1d8c2c  No.3411561


Thanks, guys!

051f34  No.3411562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


801946  No.3411563

File: 64ece01963e332d⋯.png (308.74 KB, 1156x1360, 17:20, FBI Vault-HRC Part 26?.png)

Just checked FBI Vault to see if HRC page has been updated. Only showing 25 of 26? Where is Part 26?


b68aab  No.3411564

File: d447aea6da2b226⋯.png (373.32 KB, 553x640, 553:640, ClipboardImage.png)

0c6727  No.3411565


Free beer! Next week.

907d39  No.3411566


Then go figure it out and stop asking people to explain things YOU want the answer to!!!!!!

ffb7c8  No.3411567

File: 6b2d6faaa6955c2⋯.gif (8.75 KB, 300x198, 50:33, alice-in-wonderland-5-tn.gif)


>I just thoughT

I just thought….."It's a LARP" fits into the "Alice" strategy?

6b97e9  No.3411568


>a good place to take a picture.

um, no.

don't get involved in what you can't understand - certainly not to give lessons


have fun

and learn, please, LEARN

4570cc  No.3411569

File: 0f50ea74daa6d7c⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 549x372, 183:124, leave jfk jr alone.jpg)

Shills love to beat a dead horse.

b59199  No.3411570


this isn't going to age well

b5fae2  No.3411571

File: c88d2fa5d73a741⋯.jpeg (43.21 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Life_is_hard_it_s_harder_….jpeg)


>On November 20, 2010, Jesus appeared to a woman in her early 30s

fake and gey

9d9617  No.3411572

File: 32dc575905291c2⋯.png (176.41 KB, 269x355, 269:355, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

485d94  No.3411573

File: 3495e18931b9d77⋯.jpeg (56.06 KB, 604x483, 604:483, 7B26C892-2077-4595-91BB-7….jpeg)


Yes this is how they enforce it.

e883ff  No.3411574


Can another anon verify this?

87d4e4  No.3411575

File: 5b9ae5f68858df3⋯.gif (2.11 MB, 498x228, 83:38, tenor.gif)

db939a  No.3411576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


According to Arthur Thompson, Jefferson was a traitor to Washington. Who knew?

9b6d2d  No.3411577

I tried to resist - but >>3411235

Next Best of tyb!

>>3411235 *

>>3411269 *

>>3411292 *

>>3411317 * (bonus points for multiples)

tyb(s) on fire!

>>3411300 *

>>3411312 *

>>3411472 *

>>3411532 *

Halftime - top quality tybs - everyone kek

1d8c2c  No.3411578



6f2018  No.3411579

File: 98367a3d871eb67⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 500x667, 500:667, la moda.jpg)


e4f046  No.3411580


Not a muh joo fan but that's pretty funny.

931260  No.3411581

File: 662c7158b03c2e7⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 523x283, 523:283, 10-9-EVIL BITCH.jpg)

ea839e  No.3411582

File: 81217de124e590f⋯.jpg (59.57 KB, 640x464, 40:29, treason.jpg)

b65118  No.3411583


>a traitor to Washington

Adam Weishaupt

b59199  No.3411584


tell me you didn't send them here……

618ace  No.3411585

File: 10340f9cceb9911⋯.png (519.96 KB, 510x686, 255:343, ClipboardImage.png)

756400  No.3411586




CONFIRMED part 26 missing

de52ed  No.3411587

File: 90ec8e09b5e5ebf⋯.jpg (77.45 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1522639336910.jpg)



literally everyone knows its a distraction technique, but when people like you come along, all youre doing is reinforcing the idea that the technique works to disrupt conversation, now have some tits because its funny seeing you REEEEEEEE

6a1320  No.3411588

File: 4c6e6359ef0a73b⋯.jpg (171.23 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Patriot.jpg)


I guess you're still painfully too naive for War. I thought by now you might've grown some dicernment but… fuck that right? kekekekeek /s

How to find and influence groups of people is quite literally how the internet got started. Imagine how much they've improved.

Put yourself in their shoes. Be a RedTeam for the board.

Give yourself 5 people with 2-3 'personalities on the board' each and 7K+ ips to post from.

How would you take control of its narrative?

All the other platforms were controlled with algorithms. So how do you BE that algorithm for the chans?'

A hallmark of our enemy is that they disclude themselves from any event - from the conversation itself.

It's how they survive.

It's from this foundation that hierarchies of authority can be built, and how the boards Narrative is seized.

They CENSOR new people from joining by invoking the feeling of revolt when they scroll across their content.

They CENSOR our focus with their nails always on the chalkboard.

They CENSOR our involvement by ostracizing our posts.

They CENSOR our courage and passion through their 24/7 attack on the hivemind.

They are the Censorship program itself, as best it can be deployed on the chans through agents with the same access to the board as you have.

Put yourself in their shoes. Be a RedTeam for the board.

Aren't you curious what we could achieve if we weren't censored?

Because we are censored, far more now than ever before..

e4e3c9  No.3411589



This painting is in the Oval Office, left of the bay windows behind POTUS desk.

7dded4  No.3411590



fe192f  No.3411591


Uncle Joe BIDEN with the little girl.

~Read his hat~

4f92a1  No.3411592

File: 6750318e98eb324⋯.jpg (156.99 KB, 837x500, 837:500, Roseanne expand your think….jpg)

File: 8346da64145d636⋯.jpg (157.21 KB, 837x500, 837:500, Roseanne i thought the bit….jpg)

ccd225  No.3411593


Weeping Angel - Samsung Smart TV hack

Did Obama and Comey install a CIA enabled Smart TV in the WH dining room?


87d4e4  No.3411594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: State Department URGENT Press Briefing with Heather Nauert On Nikki Haley Resignation

051f34  No.3411595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0233fc  No.3411596


Uncle Joe the Pedo.

6a1320  No.3411597


Oh by the way, the kitchen has been compromised and abused by milts for months now. They drove out most other bakers.

But by all means champ keep doing a great job.

efb272  No.3411598


Not to mention the gross shillistic sociopathy. Dude creeps everyone out.

0e6a12  No.3411599

File: 0587da11b5f2355⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 202x293, 202:293, Age of Bitcoin hehe.jpg)

File: 40944e0d4fb0a34⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 474x315, 158:105, dont discount it anons.jpg)

c146f3  No.3411600


Um, don't assume your are so fucking smart, youngster.

6b97e9  No.3411601


but "edgy" fucks like you who can't help chiming in

feed the beast




797561  No.3411602

Of Trump's original cabinet appointees it was Nikki Haley, H.R. McMaster and Rex Tillerson that rubbed me the wrong way.

Is Haley's resignation related to the 25th Amendment stories that are coming to light now?


We're these three deep plants of the establishment attempting to undermine POTUS from within?

618ace  No.3411603

File: 2b028ad878de8e5⋯.png (101.28 KB, 907x825, 907:825, ClipboardImage.png)

NYT Claims Trump Campaign (Almost) Colluded With Israeli Spies

It's been 24-48 hours since the 'deep state'-media lost their battle over Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation, so it makes sense that the narrative should quickly flip to something else to throw shade on President Trump. The New York Times stepped up to the plate with a story that had everything needed for the next news cycle - a Trump campaign staff member involved in collusion with a third party that is linked to a foreign government… oh and meeting at Trump Tower.

There's just one thing (well three): the 'colluding' nation is allegedly Israel (not Russia), the plans were not acted upon, and lawyers claim none of this actually happened.

The NYT Story begins with a great Deep State headline - Rick Gates Sought Online Manipulation Plans From Israeli Intelligence Firm for Trump Campaign


3c9c1d  No.3411604


you're a special kind of stupid arent you? id tell you to grow up and contribute but i doubt you have the mental capacity to acknowledge anything but tits on the internet from your mommy's basement.

452e5e  No.3411605

Can we say Q posts have reached their maximum effectiveness? I think so. Without an actual Boom, something YUGE, Q is going to start losing credibility very quickly. Posts are recycled, and a timeline has been laid out that keeps getting delayed. With the midterms 3 weeks away, it is time for something to happen that is PUBLIC. Just showing a resignation list isn't going to sway the public. Time to put up or shut up.

c146f3  No.3411606



ffb7c8  No.3411607

File: 8ae13ac21223391⋯.jpg (604.74 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, aliceinwonderland.jpg)

2fc6cf  No.3411608


>rather than slide the bread with "muh titties"

^^thinks regular content is a slide. aww. first day?

051f34  No.3411609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1464f1  No.3411610

Send me the video I'll leak it right now I don't give a fuck. The alternative is what?

Wait for Q's booms? The next will be the first. And these low level arrests don't mean shit to the elites. Go back 10 years youll find the same stupid fucking articles.

0233fc  No.3411611


Go away, Tom.

739744  No.3411612


ooooh…. gotta get the grammar right if ya gon do that

6b97e9  No.3411613


Good, you got the message, that's it exactly.

now apply to yourself, as intended

ef0c46  No.3411614


"Our CULTure"


d2fc57  No.3411615


well done correcting yor error, shows yor paying attention


051f34  No.3411616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fbd271  No.3411617


ty, I missed words on hat.

626ec3  No.3411618

File: e6695fb98ef1358⋯.png (394.31 KB, 884x528, 221:132, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3410771 lb

This is very telling - Phoenix is another name for Satan.

Check out the descriptions - they are describing the evil one and how he entices people to become evil through putting their SELF over everything else. They become self-important, arrogant. This is the evil one's character and those that worship him.

2fc6cf  No.3411619


helaas pindakaas

3c9c1d  No.3411620


300+ posts in and still these incel boys cant resist an excuse to post tits for no reason. must be the start of a new fap session. wrist getting sore yet little guy?

b68aab  No.3411621

File: 85a8c55320ff591⋯.png (677.54 KB, 1842x1862, 921:931, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38989c46495d82b⋯.png (171.73 KB, 500x278, 250:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ad3df0743f2aa2⋯.png (619.14 KB, 1842x1472, 921:736, ClipboardImage.png)

567938  No.3411622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


907d39  No.3411623


Note the r at the end of YOU was an accident because it says you(r) ARE so get the fuck out grammar nazi!

8bf69d  No.3411624

Just getting here. Saw the new Q drop. Are anons inferring NH was black hat? God I hope so. Hate the cunt.

9b6d2d  No.3411625

I tried to resist - but >>3411235

Next Best of tyb!

>>3411235 *

>>3411269 *

>>3411292 *

>>3411317 * (bonus points for multiples)

tyb(s) on fire!

>>3411300 *

>>3411312 *

>>3411472 *

>>3411532 *

Halftime - top quality tybs - everyone kek


>>3411604 - eight posts criticizing tits - new? or just a prude?

4b0b20  No.3411626


Explosions at ammunition depot in northern Ukraine continue at intervals of 25-30 seconds

KIEV, October 9. /TASS/. State Emergency Service of Ukraine will start eliminating the consequences of explosions at an ammunition depot in the Ichnya settlement in northern Ukraine (the Chernigov Region) after they decline in intensity, the emergency service’s Facebook page informed.

"Currently, we are observing explosions of various intensity on the territory of the ammunition depot," the emergency service informed, adding that they can begin their work only after the frequency of explosions declines.

According to the 112 Ukraine TV channel, the explosions are currently taking place at intervals of 25-30 seconds. The emergency ministry added that for emergency prevention purposes, they cut off gas supply to Ichnya and 11 more settlements. They also halted train and air traffic in the region, and devised a bypass of the emergency zone for motor vehicles.

As of 18:00, 12,500 people have been evacuated from Ichnya and nearby settlements, the emergency service stated, adding that so far, there have been no reports of casualties.

On October 9, an explosion was reported at an ammunition depot in Ukraine's Chernigov Region, resulting in a fire. The Security Service of Ukraine considers three possible causes for the explosion: a diversion, violation of fire safety or ammunition storage codes, and arson with the aim to conceal ammunition theft.

b65118  No.3411627


>snap out of that lie and tell me more

Your talents are clearly wasted here.

Perhaps you are meant for grander designs.

9f6a00  No.3411628

File: 1e1f3912f373695⋯.jpg (570.36 KB, 809x1891, 809:1891, Screenshot_20181009-143539….jpg)



9be24a  No.3411629

File: 6da43e89d43aa3f⋯.png (606.71 KB, 1045x815, 209:163, Walkaway.png)

3aa1b2  No.3411630

The only thing surprising about Haley’s resignation is how long it took to happen.

It was abundantly clear from the outset that she was never on board with the Administrations agenda - and her public messages appeared to often be directly at odds with Trump and Pompeo.

If not for how low in regard Trump holds the UN, she likely would have been fired a long time ago.

d838c0  No.3411631

File: 1ffcaf8e2dad250⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 480x452, 120:113, 2jc1b3~2.jpg)

File: 679dda5ab002269⋯.jpg (154.94 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 5f0ce329162f0a3b05bcc38723….jpg)

87d4e4  No.3411632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Addresses the Press at the White House


Nikki Haley RESIGNS as UN Ambassador to the United States

df6e97  No.3411633


Here's some #QueensValues. Public urination and fucking on a crowded subway. Both with virtual impunity. Yep, real wholesome people.

0233fc  No.3411634

6b97e9  No.3411635


feeding the slide gets the filter

0045c4  No.3411636


This limo crash has deep state fuckery all over it

051f34  No.3411637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33972b  No.3411638


Such, perhaps, as Patrick Cushing the passenger in the limo who worked for the NY State Senate in Technology Services.

051f34  No.3411639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2452a  No.3411640

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)


5e1af4  No.3411641



Are you expressing your lust, or demonstrating typical leftist hypocrasy?

3c9c1d  No.3411642



completely negated any spec of credibility your post coulda had. take your retard ass back to paytriots soapbox where you belong. maybe you can get deadcat to give ya a handy while you look at tits on the internet loser.

b5c7f7  No.3411643


I worked in the same building as JohnJohn and he would NEVER go that scruffy and be photographed. I defy you to produce one scruffy photo from when he was alive. (PS HE'S DEAD)

9cbebe  No.3411644

File: 273e966aa33f037⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 275x183, 275:183, dick.jpg)

e4e3c9  No.3411645


I like tits.

I like beer.


5590ec  No.3411646


> I'm a faggot, look at me

fbd271  No.3411647


nice cover…amazin

4f92a1  No.3411648

File: ce1207b7dffeeac⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 523x283, 523:283, 2jr17u.jpg)

56d7f5  No.3411649


2nd for Notables

Is it just me or is captcha more frequent?

1464f1  No.3411650

28 arrested is Boise sting operation bla bla bla. No one in Boise gives a fuck why would I? Some other degenerate will step up and that's the only thing thatll change.

Seriously of the 17,000,000,000 child trafficking arrests the last 2 years how many have led to bigger fish? 0.

d09ce8  No.3411651


R editors


Almost as annoying as shills.

Wait , Maybe they are?

34a0f6  No.3411652

Now that I realized that Q is just jerking us around, I only come here for the bewbs

eeffdf  No.3411653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, not everyday you get to park your plane at QUANTICO….UNLESS OF COURSE, you're needing the security….hmmmm



Go take a look….

423ec7  No.3411654


If you look for her pics online their is ONE with her wearing a skirt & Fox & Friends where she is commando

a9ee49  No.3411655

Oh YOU who see and know all, we thank YOU for making us a part of YOU. We are grateful that YOUR will is perfect and unmovable. Help us to avoid all distractions as we awaken, and strengthen us as we focus our thoughts on the goal. Teach us to patiently teach as we learn to align our will with YOURS. Remind us with favor that truth is never in danger. Embolden us with knowledge that we may know that only YOUR enemies are at risk, and fill us with understanding that we may see that YOU know no fear.

0e6a12  No.3411656

File: 8693fdc0618ec05⋯.png (734.09 KB, 960x612, 80:51, Abenomics for US.png)

File: d0d542814708a09⋯.png (136.16 KB, 300x300, 1:1, this one is harder.png)


618ace  No.3411657

File: eee21f0e751858d⋯.png (325.42 KB, 297x403, 297:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b500852b4d4a957⋯.png (312.84 KB, 299x404, 299:404, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8903ad593a63840⋯.png (273.64 KB, 299x405, 299:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d30bb703227743⋯.png (194.96 KB, 296x409, 296:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f1aeb374734298⋯.png (333.71 KB, 303x409, 303:409, ClipboardImage.png)



051f34  No.3411658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b59199  No.3411659


no you 4 you. 3:30 EST schools out I see

ac8fa9  No.3411660

626ec3  No.3411661

File: 74f9039d79278a7⋯.png (107.05 KB, 393x779, 393:779, ClipboardImage.png)


"…saving Israel for last."

907d39  No.3411662


I have found that most grammar nazi's are teachers who can't cope. You know the leaders of antifa and the resist movement types

e4e3c9  No.3411663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


video relevant

ccd225  No.3411664

File: fb9845bf9159c3d⋯.png (165.3 KB, 814x650, 407:325, ClipboardImage.png)



Part 26

Might have just been posted.

Includes Grand Jury subpoena requests.

Pic related

90e2d7  No.3411665

Offer for Handoff Rescinded

Baker will request handoff in the next bread.

Anons, please volunteer then.



Already Notable'd this morning.

35598d  No.3411666


>Trumps low regard for the UN


f2452a  No.3411667

File: 24d95ba3378b92e⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 311x311, 1:1, Jew here!.jpg)

>>3411641 Shill somewhere Else!

העורלה הזאת יודעת מי את! ללא שם: יש כריך בייקון!

e37cfb  No.3411668

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: 671f430051a6b8f⋯.png (810.12 KB, 1111x641, 1111:641, finesteen.png)

02bfe5  No.3411669


he has lost a few pounds.

3ee8e1  No.3411670

File: 8b2ea051d0ec39a⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1207x1242, 1207:1242, 2018-10-09_00-04-02.png)

File: df314f986de2ceb⋯.png (382.58 KB, 562x422, 281:211, 2018-10-08_23-03-21.png)

File: 3f31a27fd8e9f7e⋯.png (115.97 KB, 203x253, 203:253, 2018-10-03_23-03-51.png)

eeffdf  No.3411671

File: b527ced7e0253d4⋯.jpg (695.68 KB, 712x2048, 89:256, InkedPLANE QUANTICO FLIGHT….jpg)

File: 1a4989a9d9dfee7⋯.jpg (689.67 KB, 712x2048, 89:256, InkedpzL2TPMl_LI.jpg)

File: 21bd617e8d80384⋯.png (803.21 KB, 984x736, 123:92, N529JK PLANE NUMBER.PNG)

File: 0a29944cd2006cb⋯.png (41.77 KB, 612x416, 153:104, Q DROP 529 JFK JR.PNG)



Pics didn't post first time around…

4f92a1  No.3411672

File: 5c8dc14d8ea38b4⋯.jpg (96.96 KB, 634x787, 634:787, 504C2BB700000578-6175913-i….jpg)

File: 6bbdff08b2e0f78⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1165x871, 1165:871, Creepy Pedo Patton.png)

d838c0  No.3411673

File: 35363df6ed92209⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 468x468, 1:1, b0eccf00-5d8f-40e2-a62c-95….jpg)


e4e3c9  No.3411674


All that airline food.

d792ea  No.3411675


It's possible the chans are the last avenue for the bad actors for comms. What was the original sentiment for Q coming here? To bypass the mainstream media. If Trump now controls MOS where else could the cabal go to communicate? How do you hide in plain site?

c85625  No.3411676

File: 5145e0443966c95⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1501x802, 1501:802, 5145e0443966c95b7877fd17c9….png)

Shilling is at maximum level. We are over the target boys.

051f34  No.3411677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e6a12  No.3411678

File: ab4a20f7130e05d⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 640x960, 2:3, You know you would.jpg)


Clothed is almost sexier…almost!

f2ff98  No.3411679

Need digging on Deceim.

My cousin sent me this Instagram rant from the owner from last night. His post says he has been made fun of for years as a drug dealer or porn star but that Hollywood and many others are going down and he is taking them.

Weird. I have never heard of this company.


6b97e9  No.3411680

File: de6fed6d39e40d4⋯.png (893.82 KB, 823x462, 823:462, YODAAApe_stupid.PNG)

9ff94a  No.3411681


lay off the hormone treatments

b5fae2  No.3411682


dumbassshillfaggots think they would put him on national live live tv even if he was alive and being hidden…

3775b5  No.3411683


You’re making us look dumb.

d6fd31  No.3411684


That thought crossed my mind too anon. What if the limo people were witnesses? Maybe they were being prepped to go into protection but got intercepted.

f2ff98  No.3411685


Sorry, it’s Deciem.

e6bd25  No.3411686

File: e5890e0f2970b81⋯.jpg (41.74 KB, 577x517, 577:517, iu (9).jpg)

b65118  No.3411687


Once you become fully literate, you will find more teachers.

669171  No.3411688


In a place full of little kids calling people niggers and jews while not having a clue who is actually on the supreme court… you think THAT makes "us" look dumb??


284126  No.3411689

File: b98fb41128ebd0b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt4booms.png)

Found it.

From the last wind of the clock.

BOOMS were there as well.

36462f  No.3411690

File: 7ada735caeb1dd1⋯.jpg (388.19 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Hydrate Comfy Shadilay.jpg)


So he's the same one who was always screaming that MY memes contained subliminals (which they don't and never have)? B/c adding subliminals to memes is his gig? Projection projection projection?

Oh anons, we have endured so much in the name of patriotism, and we continue to endure, while serving our country, our God, our fellows, our (patriot-chosen) leaders, our (confused misguided lost) families and loved ones, serving alongside one another.


3865b8  No.3411691

POTUS has been running a finely detailed plan to systematically destroy the Dems in order to secure a supermajority at the midterms.

All releases and reports have been calibrated to this end. I think therefore, in the coming weeks we will see exposures, one after the other that undermines any and all defenses the Dems and their corrupt cronies could mount.

The result being a red Tsunami at midterms. I think all of us know Kavanagh was a massive victory, we know that because Anderson Cooper is spinning it as a ‘pyrrhic victory’ .

Trump master showman strings out the suspense etc etc, but the outcome was already assured.

The UK and Australian IC is a slightly different matter. At what point are allies compromised and intel networks rendered useless? It’s in no-ones current best interests to destroy 5 eyes.

But some fundamental changes are certainly in order. I think, there will be some fast and furious discussions, accusations and negotiations underway between all the intel bigwigs. It will never be reported.At best we may hear of some high level resignations, retirements or re-shuffles in personnel.

I think we can rest assured POTUS will ensure this never happens again. I think those specifically named like Halper, Downer etc are toast.

POTUS will take a reasonable line to ensure appropriate transparency for the public to show the high level of malfeasance that was in play in 2016. Those who acted illegally or in bad faith will be removed and potentially face charges. The rest will remain classified.

As for the political side, the planned roll out of devastating exposures continues. Don’t expect any big arrests that’s going to happen in December, January. As for the swamp, it’s drained enough now for the public to start seeing the outline of the larger parts that were once submerged.

By the midterms it will have drained enough to show clearly to anyone who cares to look, what the black swamp waters had hidden. There will be a long line of slime covered individuals exiting the reeds and attempting to slink away unnoticed…

2f29fe  No.3411692

File: e449d2c3d4627b3⋯.jpg (150.23 KB, 949x558, 949:558, brennan.jpg)

87d4e4  No.3411693

File: 6e0e9f3448d8208⋯.png (69.06 KB, 1306x453, 1306:453, logo.png)

[Sally Yates]

We see you!

Why is it always about the money?

You never should have joined "The Firm" King and Spalding. You knew before hand …let the chips fall where they may.

907d39  No.3411694


Come on now…. put the red fuzz on her head!!!!

b68aab  No.3411695

File: 3895e52253c9ffe⋯.png (1019.7 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

What is coming if don't get control

9d4eb2  No.3411696

File: 62289372a131217⋯.jpg (148.31 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 2018-10-08_23.40.09.jpg)

File: b80bc835397df72⋯.jpg (159.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 2018-10-09_12.43.00.jpg)

hey faggots, what do u think?

btw, if ya c me on the streets… dont dox me plz. hide my license plate/face… no body needs ta c that shit any ways lol

colors bleed… more on some materials than others … I using Decofabric paint markers… never done this b4 so I'm just learning as i go

f2452a  No.3411697

>>3411678 Nope! I undressed her with my mind!

0233fc  No.3411698


NO, some people just don't like sounding like uneducated, lazy morons.

051f34  No.3411699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





4f92a1  No.3411700

File: 552e6e6cd52c64d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 801x683, 801:683, 552e6e6cd52c64de706d2e7992….png)

626ec3  No.3411701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just posted today on the WH youtube channel…

b5fae2  No.3411702


ebot was my first namefilter

2fc6cf  No.3411703


if only that were true. antifa teachers are hopelessly unqualified, esp. in grammar.

0045c4  No.3411704


AFLB in the house. Attacking anybody who calls out the jews

0c36ae  No.3411705

Q&A by media to Trump as he boards Marine 1 coming up on Fox after commercial

618ace  No.3411706

File: 639abaf95f5d30f⋯.png (329.75 KB, 597x339, 199:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Senator Rand Paul Worries That Current Political Climate is Going to Lead to An Assassination

Speaking to a Kentucky radio station on Tuesday, Senator Rand Paul stated that he is concerned that if lawmakers don’t settle down with their insane rhetoric, it could lead to an assassination.

Discussing the intense fight over the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Paul (R-KY) stated that he was concerned that there “is going to be an assassination.”

“I really worry that someone is going to be killed and that those who are ratcheting up the conversation … they have to realize that they bear some responsibility if this elevates to violence,” Paul said.

Senator Paul discussed how in 2017 he was at the Congressional Baseball Game where five people were shot by a crazed leftist, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. He also recounted the assault on him by his neighbor last year.

“These are people that are unstable. We don’t want to encourage them,” he added. “We have to somehow ratchet it down and say we’re not encouraging them that violence is ever OK.”

When asked about Senator Cory Booker urging people to “get up in the face of some congresspeople and tell them about common sense solutions” about how to end homelessness, Senator Paul warned that he could push someone into using violence.

“I think what people need to realize is when people like Cory Booker say ‘get up in their face,’ he may think that that’s OK,” Paul said. “But what he doesn’t realize is that for about every 1,000” people who “might want to get up in your face, one of them is going to be unstable enough to commit violence.”


9cbebe  No.3411707

File: f918de664c179bb⋯.jpg (15.27 KB, 300x168, 25:14, creepy.jpg)

3912f1  No.3411708


What does it mean when the ball-tickling intensifies like it has today?

0fcd42  No.3411709




Wake up Anons...I want an arrest too... this is really big. There's more than one message in here. LOOK AT IG ACCOUNT. He said the Operation Affleck's movie ARGO is named after was really "Ali Roshan GO" and in another message he gives an alias for this person. EYES ON.

3aa1b2  No.3411710


Good job anon, you seem to have pieced together my point

c29283  No.3411711

File: 7adadccfe563e8e⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 5F196441-72A9-472C-9F64-E7….png)

File: f60550bd9c5e891⋯.png (950.62 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 867C1156-7A4D-44FD-8CF1-E9….png)

File: cce8817a0ca561c⋯.jpeg (115.32 KB, 748x347, 748:347, 2A11D084-B251-44EC-9781-0….jpeg)

Moar NY happenings: Erie county democratic chairman Steve Pigeon pleads guilty to conspiracy for soliciting and coordinating a campaign donation from a foreign national (Canada).

Steve Pigeon is a goon for Andrew Cuomo.

907d39  No.3411712


Then put the pepe and other things doing their thing on her ginger mound head LMAO!

1c4316  No.3411713



b68aab  No.3411714

File: 537a6089850565e⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

3775b5  No.3411715

File: 615931070dd09f1⋯.jpeg (66.98 KB, 450x685, 90:137, 0FE30279-B45B-484F-A02F-2….jpeg)



Andrea Mitchell without makeup.

0045c4  No.3411716

File: 433735f70d5c343⋯.jpeg (45.83 KB, 372x334, 186:167, fullsizeoutput_1e7a.jpeg)

756400  No.3411717

File: b6bb7b01a4facff⋯.png (110.1 KB, 876x739, 876:739, Screenshot from 2018-10-09….png)


Odd, I am not getting a page 26?

a42f28  No.3411718

anon next to me at starbucks IRL just watched

wrap-up smear

from a news feed not 8ch or Q

d11b03  No.3411719


We'll start with Deciem & Brandon Truaxe's shut down on the company. He closes the companies doors right before the close of Q3. He has slated to reopen at the start of Q1 (February). "Almost everyone at Deciem has been involved in a major criminal activity which includes financial crimes and much other. You have no idea what a solider I've been for more than thirteen years." In his Instagram post, Brandon calls out some big names. One in particular stood out—Estee Lauder Companies.


>>3408309 Estee Lauder is a central part of the RC family led by E.L. who is named Lynn (aka Lady). She is on the board of EL.


See here too >> https://www.elrothschild.com

Estee Lauder also owns the following: Tory Burch, Too Faced, Tommy Hilfiger, Tom Ford Beauty, Smashbox, Rodin, Origins, Michael Kors, MAC, Le Labo, Lab Series, LA MER, Kiton, Kilian, Jo Malone, GLAMGLOW, Estee Lauder, Ermenegildo Zegna, Donna Karan, DKNY, Clinique, Darphin, Becca, Bobbi Brown, Bumble Bumble, Aveda, Aramis, Aerin. Noteably, Deciem is in partnership with EL and they have 10 additional cosmetic brands under them. Also interesting, EL has done nearly $14B in sales. For anyone that knows anything about marketshare…that's an impressive 3% of the global marketshare of cosmetics (total $445B industry).

Also noteable, Evelyn Lauder tied to HRC & BC.


Now, on with my point. More and more research has been surfacing about cancer causing cosmetic ingredients. https://www.healthline.com/health/carcinogenic-ingredients-your-personal-care-products#common-chemicals

Receiving more sauce on this soon. (From first hand account, I know EL companies recalled/reformulated a lot of their products because they were found to have cancer causing and/or other harmful chemicals).

RC's have long been rumored to be suppressing the cure for cancer to make a profit. This makes sense if you look at their global control of every market. Still looking for actual sauce here.

Here's what I'm getting at: RC owned companies make products that have substances known to cause cancer. RC companies then sell that cancer–in the form of cosmetics–to you for a profit. When their cosmetics make you sick with cancer, they suppress the cure (for the disease they gave you), & profit off of "researching".

Estee Lauder company donates & "The Breast Cancer Campaign has raised more than $76 million to support global research, education and medical services, with more than $62 million funding 250 Breast Cancer Research Foundation® (BCRF) medical research grants worldwide."


But the real question is, where, or to whom, is this money REALLY going?

4de62a  No.3411720


Im not sure u understand the biz. The handlers are the big fish. Also what other admin has that many arrest in 2 years.

97a0b6  No.3411721


haha you got caught mf kek who am i

daa470  No.3411722

File: 0bec22f95d99b37⋯.png (172.88 KB, 276x406, 138:203, ClipboardImage.png)

931260  No.3411723


with clothes is indeed sexier sometimes

but fake tits are NEVER sexy sorry

b68293  No.3411724

Have to ask…

AFLB & R advocates


0233fc  No.3411725

36462f  No.3411726

File: 730f331b68a66a2⋯.jpg (93.75 KB, 680x577, 680:577, 2018-10-09 19:44:27Z.jpg)


I keep returning to this crumb (and awaiting its revealing, at the proper time).

Especially this:


We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.

The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

[Impossible to defend].

[Toxic to those connected].


e95820  No.3411727


Nice Dig. So you think maybe he's living at Quantico?

9d381b  No.3411728

McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall, Making Midterm Immigration Referendum

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will introduce a bill this week that will fully fund President Donald Trump’s planned wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, thereby setting the midterm elections up as a referendum on immigration policy, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan hinted at a post-election border wall funding fight on Monday.

“We intend on having a full-fledged discussion on how to complete our mission to secure the border, and yes, we will have a fight about this,” Ryan said of the wall fight that looms at a news conference on Monday.


b68aab  No.3411729

File: d8fb775664aebf4⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

f2452a  No.3411730

File: bc93234a572a961⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 255x151, 255:151, creppypornlawyer.jpg)

a1379d  No.3411731


You made me dig through the crumbs again aug 15 doesn't seem to change anything

6b97e9  No.3411732


your assessment "forgets" that

we eat chaos

and burp truth

52f99e  No.3411733

>>3411224, >>3411302, >>3411298, >>3411308

Here baker

Will reply to handoff request next bread.

Ty for looking out anons, baker, BO/BV.

To the Fallen Leaf:

>System is designed to prevent shill bakes

>Shilling in this context is censorship of notes

>You are a proven content-based censor

>You have not admitted fault in this regard

>Only the above qualifies for forgiveness

So yes, A->B->C->D->E means the system is functioning as it should when applied to you.


>Your Voice is Spreading

ed9c8a  No.3411734


Not something any man should ever do. EVER

a42f28  No.3411735




bc65c4  No.3411736

File: 590f1d616e52863⋯.jpeg (30.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, FF2086BD-12E4-4E8C-BE76-4….jpeg)


Yep CONFIRMED JFK Jr plane parks in Qauntico, NOOO WAY to explain a civilian plane parking a plane on Marine Corps grounds without a security clearance.

1d8c2c  No.3411737

File: a5203e5c71638ea⋯.png (132.63 KB, 814x650, 407:325, C46CA708-2420-44AE-AA82-3E….png)


855f19  No.3411738

File: 191887393cfc665⋯.png (68.35 KB, 480x687, 160:229, Screenshot_2018-10-07-08-0….png)


051f34  No.3411739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for the honorary doctorate

e37cfb  No.3411740

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 6574c56a26ee415⋯.png (969.66 KB, 1111x633, 1111:633, HRPNN.png)

0e6a12  No.3411741

File: b1f13388071a88f⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 330x248, 165:124, rs.jpg)


Little young for me. Still can appreciate shape with clothes.

b8ac44  No.3411742

File: f5ec3480b955343⋯.png (125.98 KB, 839x581, 839:581, ClipboardImage.png)


Then there's this

87d4e4  No.3411743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Donald Trump EXPLOSIVE Rally in Council Bluffs Iowa Massive MAGA Speech


907d39  No.3411744


Some people aren't as blessed as others and may not have had the privilege of an education, suffer from dyslexia or have issues with auto-correct or just fast fingers that press enter before realizing the error. IF anything your a pretentious asswipe stuck on tiny little things that really don't effect the big picture or you personally in anyway!

b68aab  No.3411745

File: 5e361c166a4e371⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1088x1770, 544:885, ClipboardImage.png)

d2fc57  No.3411746

File: aca9737f3b6c7c5⋯.gif (5.36 MB, 400x400, 1:1, mindblown2.gif)

3c9c1d  No.3411747


fake and gay without sauce for anons to verify.

b7871f  No.3411748

File: 3db66e515b69232⋯.jpeg (434.51 KB, 1181x640, 1181:640, 22B656C4-A8E5-449A-BE32-8….jpeg)

1a6c6f  No.3411749


So someone was upset that this fucking insane criminal bitch was out free. Planning state to state tours even...But its really much worse than that.

She is actually promoting uncivility which will only lead to violence.

President Trump. This criminal psychopath much be arrested....NOW. How much longer will you subject your constituents to this lunatics evil schemes??? Her being free to run her lying mouth isnt helping anyone. The longer she is free the worse the eventual affect will be. Every day she is free another dumbass kool aid drinking liberal gets convinced they are on the right side.

Please arrest this treasonous bitch NOW!

02bfe5  No.3411750


who were the indictments against? This was 2015.

907d39  No.3411751


PLEASE NOTE THE YOUR just to get under your tight fucking ass!!! HA!

4f92a1  No.3411752

File: 6cc7bdba3665c34⋯.jpg (25.61 KB, 308x613, 308:613, 4866824-6253845-image-a-22….jpg)

File: 327885b041f15d2⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 308x613, 308:613, 4866832-6253845-image-a-21….jpg)

File: 41404f3ca1c449e⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 308x613, 308:613, 4866840-6253845-image-m-21….jpg)

File: 6a940a79e3651c3⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 308x511, 44:73, 4866858-6253845-image-a-19….jpg)

File: 1a64fb9dd55c3a6⋯.jpg (25.56 KB, 308x511, 44:73, 4866864-6253845-image-m-19….jpg)

these are pics from a party for dakota Johnson and Chris Martin.

WTF is the old miami vice guy Don Johnson holding? looks like a witch puppet.

Penn was there.


0e6a12  No.3411753

everyone likes what they like. No worries

de52ed  No.3411754


>idk what edgy mean



0c36ae  No.3411755

Trump Q&A boarding Marine 1

Talked about UN and Nikki Haley

How Ivanka wold be perfect for that job but he would be accused of nepotism

still waiting on tape…

eeffdf  No.3411756



7/10 you say?? (52-19)

Sounds like the ratio of "planes" that are taken out when (((they))) want a kill….

2fc6cf  No.3411757


>But the real question is, where, or to whom, is this money REALLY going?

dig private equity, global telecoms acquisitions during dotcom crash.

9d4eb2  No.3411758

File: a67002efd0e4621⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 580x544, 145:136, 14956981824873.jpg)

6a1320  No.3411759


I understand V.I.T.R.I.O.L. enough to know when the line between abuse and improvement is crossed, and when it's intentionally taken too far.

1d8c2c  No.3411760


Look at the date on the right 9/5

051f34  No.3411761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9580ee  No.3411762


Speaking of narrative changes, that big money and taxes "exclusive" the NYT flailed about a few days ago sure ended up being a big fat nothing.

6c9dc4  No.3411763

File: 1d88907317e8655⋯.jpg (89.44 KB, 599x960, 599:960, kungf.jpg)

0233fc  No.3411764


I think most of us are able to tell the difference between a typo and ignorance.

Grammar is taught in grade school, so there really are no excuses.

e6bd25  No.3411765

File: 5deb1cb5d82e475⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 319x331, 319:331, Hillary con la senadora de….jpg)

File: 2d0d83495984d50⋯.jpg (34.42 KB, 279x279, 1:1, 52e47a7dabbaa9b71d28f06f59….jpg)

b68aab  No.3411766

File: 63a5bb20f9b850b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

If the Democrats win the Mid-Terms you can be sure they will be trying to cut us off….

e4e3c9  No.3411767


Sally Yates + King & Spalding

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is a partner in King & Spalding’s Special Matters & Government Investigations practice.


The firm has represented various, large companies and private equity funds, including Monsanto, Equifax, The Coca-Cola Company, ConocoPhillips, Post Properties, Carmike Cinemas, Cousins Properties, General Electric, Oxford Industries, BlueLinx Corporation, Brookfield Asset Management, Chevron Corporation, Energizer, Roark Capital Group, Belk, WestRock, HDSupply, H.I.G. Capital, Goldman Sachs Specialty Lending Group, Roper Technologies, SunTrust, Northlane Capital Partners, United Parcel Service and General Motors.[2] The firm also "advises Donald Trump's real estate empire", according to one report which cited also the American Civil Liberties Union on the subject.[3]



de52ed  No.3411768


>idk the origins of REEEEEEEE

>its from faggots soapbox

kek nigger youre fucking actually retarded

ec0331  No.3411769

File: be39ee2267421ab⋯.png (1.61 MB, 898x842, 449:421, ClipboardImage.png)

669171  No.3411770


you came to the wrong town at the wrong time buddy… now kys jew shill kike nig fag

0ffa32  No.3411771

File: b527413a154c8f3⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 823x444, 823:444, pacar.JPG)

728ab2  No.3411772

Haley stepping down strategically. MSM/Demfaggots gonna start another wrap-up smear for POTUS next appointment. Show the world after we get an America first person in the position. Then dems blow gangbang whistle cause their lips don't know other shapes. THE FUCKING CHESS PIECES HAVE BEEN MOVING WAKE UP AND GET READY FOR THE HAMMER

33972b  No.3411773


Can you get page 25? Link looks a little weird with all those spaces and dots. Is the link copied correctly?

02bfe5  No.3411774


That is the date it was declassified.

99a596  No.3411775


It's 'discernment'. And no one is censored unless YOU bake.

0233fc  No.3411776

File: 4f25ce826e12ae2⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 290x174, 5:3, 2jk39m.jpg)

787f55  No.3411777


I want to believe this, but the mid terms are 28 days away, the clock is ticking. I thought we would get help with the mid terms with some booms, but it’s looking more likely we are going to have to win them without much help. We just need to make sure we all vote and keep the Republican base motivated.

885daf  No.3411778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This time I have a signed document testifying that I promise not to pull it away.

It is signed! Its a signed document! I guess if you have a signed document in your possession you cant go wrong. This year I am really going to kick that football.

Peculiar thing about this document, it was never notarized.

26a45b  No.3411779

File: 64c4bb5a8162431⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1223x744, 1223:744, ClipboardImage.png)

907d39  No.3411780


Please show an example of a typo versus ignorance

e95820  No.3411781


2nd picture s/b memed to say

"Fellow caballeros gather to watch a live feed of nonames execution".

eeffdf  No.3411782


Actually, you're doing that all by yourself by REFUSING TO LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE…plenty of it…




afc16d  No.3411783

File: 67203d166e139a2⋯.jpg (180.91 KB, 427x648, 427:648, anderson-cooper-3.jpg)

051f34  No.3411784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9cbebe  No.3411785

File: db71d67a57ad44f⋯.jpg (9.84 KB, 220x123, 220:123, ford.jpg)

e26ca5  No.3411786

File: 609ffc502e672ab⋯.jpg (80.27 KB, 650x374, 325:187, ever-vote-counts.jpg)

64fcde  No.3411787

This is going to be some sort of huge "Boom" week, right?

371510  No.3411788


Sandy Hook style shit. No autopsy photos no reports. They might not even be dead but the Jews are sneaking them away somewhere and trying to claim they are dead. Maybe they will sing at this years superbowl?

051f34  No.3411789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

87d4e4  No.3411790



Indeed, big trouble in little China. Pompeo is getting a handle on it. Potus' move on Niki Haley was a wise one , just business of course. Watch who he puts in there!

669171  No.3411791


it was an ironic joke… ;)

b68aab  No.3411792

File: 70c5aa427fc9a35⋯.png (873.13 KB, 1338x836, 669:418, ClipboardImage.png)

If you don't learn from history…you will be doomed to repeat it

2bbde7  No.3411793


She. Is amazing. Greatest POTUS, greatest FLOTUS. Such a dynamic duo. I give thanks to Almight God today for FLOTUS.

4f92a1  No.3411794

File: 12d5a05e52777b6⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 634x910, 317:455, 4BB679AA00000578-5677083-i….jpg)

File: 5aa1cd0c1ab60e8⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 29bfrc.jpg)

File: 1fabdf8ebce705b⋯.jpg (87.59 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 29bfww.jpg)

97a0b6  No.3411795

File: 47a200a4476fd3f⋯.png (526.5 KB, 1064x821, 1064:821, qclock.png)

File: 5ce5f51002737a1⋯.png (63.99 KB, 896x318, 448:159, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)



I notice :09: in between and :21: also in between 9/21= Q post 2262

it's time stamp is also :09:

Sep 21 2018 18:09:15

got this to start

e6bd25  No.3411796

File: 4683bb5c79f6659⋯.jpg (70.93 KB, 734x490, 367:245, 12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

9b6d2d  No.3411797


3c9c1d 's 10 posts criticizing tits = ignorance

6a1320  No.3411798

File: f7d439ed39d0db4⋯.png (76.8 KB, 1437x447, 479:149, BV Message about removed p….PNG)


Lies, Lies, Lies.

Quit playing checkers and pick up a game of Chess.

5c441b  No.3411799


you are glowing, nigger.

9cbebe  No.3411800

File: 86142da57a21930⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 193x262, 193:262, jk1.jpg)

618ace  No.3411801

File: 5915e9af5ae49a5⋯.png (655.53 KB, 820x488, 205:122, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a15f1073196b496⋯.png (80.46 KB, 752x816, 47:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7c66719e2e25f6⋯.png (758.4 KB, 762x840, 127:140, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c1639071bf6b4e⋯.png (55.82 KB, 755x614, 755:614, ClipboardImage.png)

NATO, UK prepare for WAR on Russia in the Arctic

The NATO military alliance is preparing for war in the Arctic, and deliberately confronting Russia by conducting manoeuvres ever-closer to its borders.

On September 30 the UK’s foreign minister, Jeremy Hunt, delivered an astonishing tirade, saying “The EU was set up to protect freedom. It was the Soviet Union that stopped people leaving. The lesson from history is clear: if you turn the EU club into a prison, the desire to get out won’t diminish, it will grow — and we won’t be the only prisoner that will want to escape.”

His comparison of the EU to gulags of former years played well with many people in Britain, but was understandably regarded as totally inappropriate by the EU, whose spokesman’s polite observation was “I would say respectfully that we would all benefit – and in particular foreign affairs ministers – from opening a history book from time to time.”

The lunacy didn’t stop there. Not content with insulting the EU’s 27 countries, the government in London decided to whip up even more patriotic fervour by again trying to portray Russia as a threat to the United Kingdom.

In June 2018 the UK’s Sun newspaper carried the headline “Britain will send RAF Typhoon fighter jets to Iceland in bid to tackle Russian aggression” and since then Mr Williamson hasn’t altered his contention that “the Kremlin continues to challenge us in every domain.” (Williamson is the man who declared in March 2018 that “Frankly Russia should go away — it should shut up,” which was one of the most juvenile public utterances of recent years.)

It was reported on September 29 that Williamson was concerned about “growing Russian aggression ‘in our backyard’,” and that the Government was drawing up a “defence Arctic strategy” with 800 commandos being deployed to a new base in Norway. In an interview “Mr Williamson highlighted Russia’s re-opening of Soviet-era bases and ‘increased tempo’ of submarine activity as evidence that Britain needed to ‘demonstrate we’re there’ and ‘protect our interests’.”

Mr Williamson has not indicated what “interests” the United Kingdom could have in the Arctic region, where it has no territory.

The eight countries with territory north of the Arctic Circle are Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. They have legitimate interests in the region which is twice the area of the US and Canada combined. But Britain has not one single claim to the Arctic. Not even a tenuous one like Iceland’s, which is based on the fact that although its mainland is not within the Arctic Circle, the Circle does pass through Grimsey Island, about 25 kilometres north of Iceland’s north coast. Britain’s Shetland Islands, its northernmost land, are 713 kilometres (443 miles) south of the Arctic Circle.


41df81  No.3411802


Marine 1 proofs coming.

6b97e9  No.3411803


<NON-SEQUITUR because called out as a lame cunt who takes the boobslide bait

c85625  No.3411804


@deciem Without filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estée Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remedè, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Andaz, er al), Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot, et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc, LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davidson, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L ReadingTons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others — sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Roshan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. -Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. . It’s clear now.

756400  No.3411805

File: 21cd0e7d1101b12⋯.png (205.7 KB, 881x741, 881:741, Screenshot from 2018-10-09….png)


I noticed the wierd spacing also…but page 25 works (as do the rest)

9ff94a  No.3411806

deciemWithout filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estée Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remedè, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Andaz, er al), Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot, et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc, LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davidson, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L ReadingTons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others — sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Roshan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. -Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. 🦁🦋 🐪. It’s clear now. @esteelaudercompanies @richardbranson @realdonaldtrump @gowlingwlg_ca @zuck @musicianjessecook, et. al.


triple4lsdThis goes deeper than what you think and obviously makes no sense because this is never talked about in mainstream media. So all those names he typed out are a massive connections between Hollywood pedophile/megalomaniac elitists, politicians that enable and hide their behavior and the banking benefactor ties that enable the lobbying to keep the fraud and sex trafficking alive for them to take advantage of as well. Please research the podesta email connections, the Clinton pay for murder donation scheme, nvixxm and Allison Mack, the Taos new Mexico ISIS compound and the multitude of influential or political people who visited the podestas island which has been reported as a child trafficking center. Do not use Google to search these topics, instead use Bing or yahoo, the reason to avoid Google and fact checking websites like Politifact, Snopes and Quora is because they are owned by corporations that get paid for censoring and promoting certain topics through the very people that have been named in this post.

eeffdf  No.3411807


LOVE THE FEDORA HAT MELANIA (Now, where oh where have I seen that lately???)

HA, HA….games R FUN!!!

9b6d2d  No.3411808

anyone have a link to POTUS live press conference?

f2452a  No.3411809

>>3411797 Use the Filter Anon!

f69b21  No.3411810

File: b06f1a30e8b8e15⋯.jpeg (330.49 KB, 750x851, 750:851, DAA7CA58-CDB1-4130-B41A-8….jpeg)

File: 9c017880a2f8694⋯.jpeg (343.69 KB, 750x896, 375:448, FB65E6D4-2AC8-4998-9486-3….jpeg)


PITTSBURGH — Several pedestrians were stuck by a car in the Upper Hill District of Pittsburgh Tuesday. The scene is at Centre Avenue at Ewart Drive.

According to local media, the majority of the victims werre teenagers. The driver of tbe black Chrysler 300 fled the area.

Road were closed and first responders were on scene.

Pittsburgh (Upper Hill District): Vehicle crash involving multiple pedestrians w/injuries – Centre Avenue at Ewart Drive. Road is closed in the area. Responders are at the scene.

— Allegheny County (@Allegheny_Co) October 9, 2018

At least five people were transported to hospitals. The investigation is ongoing.

9cbebe  No.3411811

File: f5e4dfdf3d21ded⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 290x174, 5:3, l1.jpg)

File: bfbf5670d0c0219⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 280x180, 14:9, l2.jpg)

a9ee49  No.3411812


You’re making us look dumb.

If you're a shill through the looking glass, I hope you're right.

e8602b  No.3411813

File: d577c5f2c15ea27⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1599x862, 1599:862, zzzzzpitts.PNG)

0045c4  No.3411814

File: 2ebd7ed4a4a2ca1⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4fd26c2323a774685af666e0da….jpg)

bc65c4  No.3411815

File: e722d41e7b3cc28⋯.jpeg (71.74 KB, 724x752, 181:188, BA57C8FA-C8A7-4403-88BC-5….jpeg)



How is JFK Jrs plane parked on Quantico, I would love an answer for that please boss .


051f34  No.3411816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

90e2d7  No.3411817



Just got a major error and regained connection to the board.

Hopefully it's temporary/a result of upgrades.

35598d  No.3411818


If you believe the stories you we're told in school qualify as "history"

You might actually believe this.

e95820  No.3411819


Can't we all just get along?

Focus on your mutual hatred for hussein or Hillary to bring you together.

364e09  No.3411820

File: 4e58a0925cd261b⋯.png (720.16 KB, 678x853, 678:853, winning.PNG)


d792ea  No.3411821


It wasn't hard to see through the "your embarrassing us" posts. There is obviously a lot of credibility pointing toward Jr being alive. It really is amazing to think about and I would love for POTUS to have that shocking moment to reveal him to the world that doesn't follow the Anons.

d3e191  No.3411822

File: 2d2afbe687b83e4⋯.jpg (32.31 KB, 478x319, 478:319, puke.jpg)

9b6d2d  No.3411823


Laser pointer distraction for the MSM/Cabal

ca23ec  No.3411824

File: 98884166d264cfc⋯.jpg (99.24 KB, 499x750, 499:750, tumblr_otfo3mBXzr1w7yyrqo1….jpg)

bewbs for victory

d48b15  No.3411825

The logical sequence of events starting THIS WEEK ( Please ). . .


2. Shit hits Comey/Yates/Rosenstein/Strzok/Page/McCabe/+ other senior DOJ/ Obama WH Officials/ DNC etc

3. Mueller announces end of Russia Investigation. Result = No Collusion

4. Rosenstein Resigns.

5. MSM narrative starts to change

6. Further DECLAS releases

7. DOJ announces that Huber investigation shows that after the Inauguration, DEMS, FBI, & DOJ , continued spying on Trump Tower and WH with plan to Impeach Trump, using leaks to MSM to support false accusations.

e082fe  No.3411826


>Flushing Ave

draining the swamp? .. or some of it - important announcment tongiht at the rally…

afc16d  No.3411827

Q is pdiddy. Rock the vote 2018.

Close your eyes and pretend Republicans aren't degenerates too and check the R box. Yay.

e95820  No.3411828


California not lost yet.

885daf  No.3411829

Oh god, shep smith has caught Hillary's coughing fit.

97a0b6  No.3411830

File: c223d07c2ceb85b⋯.png (44.35 KB, 878x252, 439:126, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)


also this too on the 18:09 clock WTF


this has a :09: marker as well…..

and matches up

d2fc57  No.3411831



801946  No.3411832

File: b8e74e1c626960d⋯.png (787.27 KB, 712x702, 356:351, 10-9-2016.png)


I just checked again and I cannot see Part 26 of 26? Any suggestions?

26a45b  No.3411833

File: f5292608752fa8b⋯.png (400.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

de52ed  No.3411834


i wasnt taking the boobslide bait

i was dismantling the anti boob slide slide

thanks for being a dumb faggot, come again

4e2d8e  No.3411835

Taylor Swift, the icon of Junior High kids, is obviously the reason for the recent spike in voter registration.

It has nothing to do with today being the last day to vote in numerous states.

Faken fake news faken again. Next month is going to be epic

051f34  No.3411836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

are (you) breaking up with (you)r homo

is (you)r homo iscia nigga

if meetingfs ain;t helping

there is help

have them text "trevor" to 741 741

3c9c1d  No.3411837


try looking up who owns it…probably give you your answer kek

b4bf04  No.3411838

File: 23d6f0a0d81c8f9⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 468x312, 3:2, owned.jpg)


No, but we control you -


3865b8  No.3411839


Memory of the crowd is very short.

In one week, noone will speak about SC vote, Kavanaugh, Ford, etc..

Biggest impact off possible FISA deslass, RR departure, Mueller investigation, will have approx. 1-2 weeks before midterms.

Timing is everything

e4e3c9  No.3411840





f4a2f1  No.3411841

File: 87c8a14d4c7be49⋯.jpg (117.62 KB, 1160x635, 232:127, Nikki_Haley.jpg-large.jpg)

This photo and her hands is why I'm not surprised she resigned.

ce93db  No.3411843

… lots of arrests today!

https: //eu.clarionledger.com/story/news/local/2018/10/09/sessions-north-mississippi-example-after-operation-triple-beam-brings-255-arrests/1526815002/

0c36ae  No.3411844

Trump Q&A Cont

Ethics complaints about Nikki Haley – coming. Potus has not hear about these yet.

Kayne West to visit WH

Hope Hick VP Comm of New Fox

e6bd25  No.3411845

File: 84501f9db32cba5⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 9e64a4a61c333fc2d5780cebaa….jpg)

Gotta admit the JFK Jr theory is more compelling that C Ford's testimony.

051f34  No.3411846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



(you)r homo is struggling with a painful lie

990718  No.3411847


There we have em together, laughing in zionism

6b97e9  No.3411848


>dismantling the anti boob slide slide

is still taking the bait, anon.

y'aint dismantling shit

64fcde  No.3411849


>supermajority at the midterms

You gotta be fukken kidding.

In 8 or 10 states voting began on October 1. Votes already cast are gone, as far as we are concerned.

By next week early voting will be underway in another 10 or 15 states.

What is POTUS going to do in the next couple days to get a supermajority?

I agree with you there will be no arrests until next year.

As it stands now, Republicans will be doing extremely well to hold the House and avoid impeachment in 2019.

c19eb5  No.3411850


thinking to take down the swamp in Norway. we are on top of the swamp in EU give Clintons ca 100millions dollar and 88billions do George Soros Patsy fondation in Poland… i hope so Norway anon here

452e5e  No.3411851


I think we are going to be "waiting" for a very long time for this. I think this post was designed to excite anons and cause the cabal to panic. It did both. I doubt anything else is coming.

df6e97  No.3411852


Adding sauce for those too fucking lazy to go find it themselves even though the goddamn sauce l been posted multiple times already. I'm talking to you >>3411747


Page 21

567938  No.3411853

File: 28e256a0eb0ae1b⋯.jpg (185.35 KB, 982x625, 982:625, doitq016.JPG)

0233fc  No.3411854


Typos are misspellings. You know that.

Auto-correct does weird shit. You know that.

Mistaking your for you're, there for their or there is

not always, but usually due to just not knowing the difference.

Add the fact that anon gets so defensive about it is another tell-tale sign.

I usually don't comment on it, but I always pay attention when it is noticed and pointed out. I agree, it is not always done in the most effective way, but grammar is important.

57e92a  No.3411855

>Operation Triple Beam


423ec7  No.3411856


Hill District is the Slums in Pgh/ nothing but Pimps, Riff Raff & drug Dealers & Druggies

d792ea  No.3411857


Memory is very short unless you have the media drive the message 24/7/365.

4f92a1  No.3411858

File: 137e5684fb6b7b5⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2g84g5.jpg)

File: 6b870d37c0d9b5c⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 666x499, 666:499, 2eiag4.jpg)

File: dbb30589c1dc81b⋯.jpg (114.31 KB, 922x499, 922:499, 2h3epz.jpg)

File: 107b724570afa75⋯.jpg (37.93 KB, 413x357, 59:51, 2gku91.jpg)

d93046  No.3411859

File: 9411e7dba8793d6⋯.png (114.93 KB, 593x448, 593:448, highestrankinganon3.png)

File: 53d526e6a745f28⋯.png (365.47 KB, 657x448, 657:448, makemymidterms2.png)

File: 8eaf6dbef4df9e5⋯.png (522.25 KB, 657x369, 73:41, makemymidterms.png)

File: d18774919eb8023⋯.png (161.23 KB, 551x381, 551:381, highestrankinganon.png)

For the memes….

Anons, Brothers…I am but a humble meme'r, but I offer my memes to you.

bd138c  No.3411860

Question for a Lawfag

What role does the Supreme Court play in Military Tribunals?

051f34  No.3411861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe asian chicks will dig (you) and not notice (you)r homo

eeffdf  No.3411862


THAT is still a mystery….but plenty of other things lining up nicely….

Go check out the 20 videos!!!

36462f  No.3411863


Some week(s) is(are) going to be huge BOOM week(s), yes. The way it was stated by Q, it's not possible to say for sure which week it is, although it's very easy to jump to conclusions and assume you know.

Don't fall into the trap of assuming you have it figured out, telling everybody you know, then experiencing deflation if the way it rolls out turns out to be different from how you had it figured.

ccd225  No.3411864

File: 14a3e90ab7e69fb⋯.png (173.97 KB, 678x718, 339:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary email Grand Jury

Was there a Grand Jury for Hillary?

Or was this about Huma?

Anybody have the ability to look up Pacer info in the Eastern District of Virginia?

From the latest HRC email batch on FBI vault.


452e5e  No.3411865






aef3f7  No.3411866


Chair Force One

64fcde  No.3411867


Agree 100%.

"We have it all" was total BS, just to see what sort of response it evoked.

044657  No.3411868

Council Bluffs - mile marker 0

End of the Line, the Rail Road Line.

6a1320  No.3411869

File: 3431804257ab5bb⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 600x400, 3:2, remember.jpg)


Congratulations, you've passed the Re-Normalization process [brought to you in part by milts]. Collect your "I've been pilpul'd" sticker and be on your marry way.

5590ec  No.3411870

Some Jews don't even know about being a jew. Some Jews just live normal lives and don't care about the jew thing. Some have no idea about all of this. Not all jews can be bad.

Labeling any ethnicity completely bad is ignorant. Stupid. And helps add credibility to the "southern, red neck, sister fucking in bred, racists" stereotype the left likes to use on us.

Maybe realize we all have souls and all answer to the same God when its over. We all breath the same air and bleed the same ways.

57e92a  No.3411871

Damn it.


Twas meant for


495ef6  No.3411872


Haley resigned.

You mad?

855f19  No.3411873

File: 4d769cb946ee61d⋯.png (32.01 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-10-07-08-0….png)



Admit it you love Anna Navarro.

a1379d  No.3411875


As a non law fag I would say, they would legitimize it, when the REEEEing hits max level.

739744  No.3411876

File: 2ffe50bac1a7059⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 707x795, 707:795, 68d13488cccb4100fdcd90e713….jpg)


If I'm not mistaken, none. Military Tribunals are a separate body of justice.

3865b8  No.3411877


Independents disapprove of Democrats' handling of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin


MSM not working anymore

051f34  No.3411878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe the military won;t notice how gaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy (you) are

c16ddf  No.3411879


Nice digs dude.

4de62a  No.3411880

2bbde7  No.3411881


This is Q, but politics is still politics. POTUS will wait till AFTER the Dems "October Surprise," like, the next day. Their surprise will be negated by his surprise. They'll be on defense for the remaining 7-10 days before the election. RED WAVE

36462f  No.3411882


Who is the target audience of these 4 memes?

Who do you want to read/see the memes, and what response do you hope/expect from them?

64fcde  No.3411883


Yeah, I know that part.

I was telling people stuff last December, and then by February realized there were not going to be any booms.

87d4e4  No.3411884



-Infiltration not domination

-"tares among the wheat"

-divide and conquer

-control the narrative

eeffdf  No.3411885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Skydog LLC (found this out eons ago…FRIDAY…HMMM….)


0ffa32  No.3411886

>>3411860 they will decide on U S citizens being allowed to be tried as enemy combatants in a military Court. If they decide it is constitutional, nothing more

885daf  No.3411887


They have it all, they are the NSA. They just don't have the legal ability to release it all. But no doubt they have seen everything they need to see and every kind of evidence they may need to take these people down.

c1ef5d  No.3411889


Neck yourself.

a1379d  No.3411890



Settling the law regarding "combatants" and "entities" most likely.

b65118  No.3411891


>Labeling any ethnicity completely bad is ignorant.

It's really more the mutilation of infants and the oppression of technology than it is the ethnic component.

but of course you knew that

051f34  No.3411892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



maybe (you)r homo needs to visit that moon base

5590ec  No.3411893

POTUS announces big announcement tonight

2 hours later in this bitch faggots be like

"welp Q…those BOOMS were thuds"

36462f  No.3411894


There ARE going to be booms, and there have been booms with enormous yet-unknown repercussions (some of which we may not recognize until hindsight). We just don't know WHEN exactly.

I'm enjoying the timeline even though it is frustrating at times!

0045c4  No.3411895


I don't like jews either

d040a2  No.3411896


unfortunately, no

5590ec  No.3411898


Still doesn't mean all of them do it. But you knew that..

da2b23  No.3411899

File: 5794a93af8250d6⋯.pdf (818.2 KB, Hillary R. Clinton Part 26….pdf)

f4a2f1  No.3411900

File: 2deb6c08a66223c⋯.png (3.8 MB, 3500x2085, 700:417, FAG_MAP_India_Sept10.png)


I hear you Norway Anon…. I checked my world map… and someone from Norway has been vocal on this board before

051f34  No.3411901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


perhaps (you) can learn a new instrument and make music

09fe3e  No.3411902



Ukraine ammo depot… Remember MH17 downed dutch airliner and the "russian BUK missile" ??

Guess the evidence removal team is doing spring cleaning

e25e02  No.3411903

File: 36d1e7d8a29f992⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 900x564, 75:47, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.jpg)


We, Call him

Al Cortez!

d93046  No.3411904


You decide…that's why I gave you the blanks.

756400  No.3411905




Thanks anon

947a1b  No.3411906

File: caeb69a29cc8c74⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 620x630, 62:63, tom arnold jew.jpg)

2655e8  No.3411907


try next week again, that always seems to get them.

452e5e  No.3411908


Q said "learn to play the game." It is all about posturing and leverage. Make them believe they have it all, get them to panic, do illegal shit, and get caught for real. Full Control and We have it all are psyops designed to elicit a response. It is why this is so slow developing in reality when Q posts made it seem imminent. It forced their hands.

Now we are at a point of diminishing returns but the game is almost over. The real convictions will start, but not how we have been led to think.

90e2d7  No.3411909

Notables Bun


>>3411259 GOOG challenges $5B antitrust fine

>>3411267 Patrick Cushing, member of NY state senate tech support, one of 20 perished in NY limo crash

>>3411321 New DJT

>>3411326 Syria Update

>>3411424 Brennan chimps out over Kavanaugh

>>3411483 ; >>3411505 Potential links btw Q posts and pyrotechnics production in Queens this afternoon

>>3411500 Article re: drug price gouging

>>3411603 NYT claims Trump Campaign (almost) colluded with Israeli spies

>>3411628 Storch calls for more whistleblowers inside NSA

>>3411771 ; >>34411810 Pedestrians struck by vehicle in Pittsburgh

>>3411864 HRC emails involving grand jury subpoenas

>>3411877 Independents disapprove of Dems’ handling of Kavanaugh

57e92a  No.3411910



Fun fact;

Corporations are 'People'/'Citizens' too!

051f34  No.3411911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b19f52  No.3411912



Looked in to it, I'd would speed off too, its the straight up HOOD,

not a very good place and has lots of street walkers ( not talking about hookers ) but actual ppl who think they can walk in the middle of the street to stop and intimidate the white ppl who are leaving the city from work, which is less than 2 miles away from this area.

Racist , anti white environment.

Not saying it was necessary but…….


e26ca5  No.3411913

File: eaca83d893ed51d⋯.jpg (94.98 KB, 550x685, 110:137, Naamloos.jpg)

00062b  No.3411914

File: e1a75d757b27372⋯.png (193.5 KB, 644x894, 322:447, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

File: 6e6913d8c8b2597⋯.png (585.37 KB, 2068x1478, 1034:739, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)

051f34  No.3411915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

723fd5  No.3411916

Nominate Flynn for UN ambassador.

Brings up all the connections to his case just in time for FISA declas.

Lets the dems put their foot firmly in their mouth as they begin another smear.

It's all about bringing things to a crescendo just before he midterms because otherwise the arrests look like a power grab/coup. It must look like justice and the will of the people.

9b6d2d  No.3411917

I tried to resist - but >>3411235

Next Best of tyb!

>>3411235 *

>>3411269 *

>>3411292 *

>>3411317 * (bonus points for multiples)

tyb(s) on fire!

>>3411300 *

>>3411312 *

>>3411472 *

>>3411532 *

Halftime - top quality tybs - everyone kek

>>3411657 * (Multiples!)

> >3411673 & 3411738(unworthy)

>>3411678 * (no criticism - nice)

>>3411824 *


>>3411235 *

>>3411269 *

almost a tie

but win goes to >>3411235

b8ac44  No.3411918

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"I've interviewed the President 7 or 8 times and I've never seen the President like that and I've never seen the WH like that. It was an unusual level of access." - TIME reporter

5590ec  No.3411919


Let me ask you then anon of contradiction. Why follow Trump if his daughter is married to a jew, his campaign was majorly funded by a jew and he's doing the work of jews with things like moving to Jewroohsohlam (you'll understand it that way).

eeffdf  No.3411920



20 Videos…go watch….this is just the tip of the iceberg….ha, ha

e25e02  No.3411921


Dirty Chicano!

df6e97  No.3411922


Put simply, Supreme Court will decide if it is constitutional for a military court to try a private (American) citizen under (insert circumstances here). The Court's holding in Ex parte Milligan (1866) states that American citizens may not be tried in front of a military tribunal when civilian courts are still functioning. So what defines "functioning" is the question. Will have to be shown that the civilian courts cannot function. Cannot try these people. Or will the Court overturn that precedent (more like settled law).

4f92a1  No.3411923

File: c3ce46a0811e923⋯.jpg (84.11 KB, 601x500, 601:500, 2j5oll.jpg)

36462f  No.3411924


I'm OK with us being used to create panic in deep state actors, so they will make further stupid moves entrapping additional deep state actors and making it easier and easier to prosecute them.


"We have it all" is 100% accurate. Wow, don't you believe the NSA really does capture 100% of all network traffic (data/voice/video/other) worldwide? The question becomes under exactly what circumstances is that data usable for prosecution? When is it better to prosecute using only public-sourced information versus revealing national security sources and methods?

Ourguys know what they are doing in this respect.

051f34  No.3411925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c16ddf  No.3411926

File: 4971aae251e94e8⋯.jpg (160.05 KB, 846x559, 846:559, ana navarro cockroach.jpg)

1c160b  No.3411927

File: 9678ae30c20218e⋯.jpeg (623.69 KB, 997x950, 997:950, D8737832-C906-4639-8C2F-F….jpeg)

Wow!! Denied Bail.


89bee0  No.3411928

HRC always resurfaces right before [x]

35cb52  No.3411929

I posted here months ago about threats. I asked BO and Q to take my post seriously. Like blowing up an oil truck the same day I got oil delivered. 4 people died. A car 'lost control' and drove into back of the oil truck that was at my house. The same company. I believe date was 2/4. I saved newspaper article.

BEFORE this happened, they pegged exactly where I lived. They posted here about the oil truck. that's how I knew. Then I got a phone call. right after it happened. A laugh then hung up.

And I know others here are getting threats. I ask BO and Q to be aware of threats to Anons. If an Anon says they are being threatened, believe them. We have capacity to blow anyone away who's stalking around our house or anywhere else. But other Anons don't have that opportunity. So any anons being threatened, just post here that you are. Family will say it's paranoia. nope. tell them my story. Just tell a family member. 3 police officers, 4 saint bernards, and a huge retarded Marine living here. lmao. oh. I mean KEK.

0c36ae  No.3411930

Trump officials have talked to Goldman Sachs’ Dina Powell about possibly replacing Haley in UN role


0ffa32  No.3411931

>>3411860 you might find this helpful to save and refer back to when you have questions about military tribunals. The authorization of military force was granted on 9/18/01. This Duke paper gives you an idea of the legal arguments that will come to the SC once arrests happen. Also listen to HRC in UK this morning. She is screaming about events from 18 years ago and telling why they musty win back house or senate


5590ec  No.3411932


Archive offline

f1de14  No.3411933

File: 36feeb9aec16658⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 606x375, 202:125, 36feeb9aec16658953a8f86ded….jpg)

00062b  No.3411934

File: e71150227e801a7⋯.png (90.83 KB, 1360x668, 340:167, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)


…over already…


051f34  No.3411935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2024e7  No.3411936

File: 963ddd1596378fe⋯.jpg (387.59 KB, 1775x1172, 1775:1172, Eagles.jpg)

File: 533aa69359a50b5⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 1775x337, 1775:337, L0V3.jpg)

File: efc3d579c78ec3b⋯.jpg (218.79 KB, 1954x1511, 1954:1511, No Fear.jpg)

b68aab  No.3411938


>If you believe the stories you we're told in school qualify as "history"

So what is "your" past…..What do you believe about our ancestors….??????????

You gotta start somewhere!

I saw Reginald Denny get pulled out of that cab live…. learn that lesson or don't…

6b97e9  No.3411939


>Wow!! Denied Bail.

Patsies aren't allowed to walk around and talk

728ab2  No.3411940

POTUS acknowledging Q tonight at rally

0233fc  No.3411941


Excellent question!

52f99e  No.3411942

File: 3616399d5afc77d⋯.png (7.45 KB, 246x205, 6:5, TrumpThrowingDudeOverWall.png)


If birthright citizenship is revoked, California might even start to resemble America again. We're of the Cali exodus, mom still checks local news. Says pics of classes of school kids are about 95% Latinx now. I still have PTSD from the terrorism we endured at their hands. MS13 really are animals.

618ace  No.3411943


Must be more to it, putting pressure on him to talk maybe

6da2c1  No.3411944

File: 16772218e3c7957⋯.png (517.04 KB, 772x497, 772:497, ronpaulwinning.png)

2fc6cf  No.3411945

File: 1f74e8447c2bc55⋯.png (190.87 KB, 400x254, 200:127, ClipboardImage.png)



>Remember MH17 downed dutch airliner and the "russian BUK missile" ??

Original name of that village was


notabled many breads back.

Exclusive: From 'Red October' village, new evidence on downing of Malaysian plane over Ukraine


739744  No.3411946


Seems at this point like a person accepting a UN role would lack any job security

227a0f  No.3411947


Why doesnt that sack full of antlers wear ginger mascara?

e95820  No.3411948


We need BOOMs that blow the normy world apart, not booms that tickle anons nut sacks.

bd1e09  No.3411949


JFK jr sold that plane in May 1999, before his accident in July of the same year in a Piper PA-32R-301.

Leland.com auctioned (sold again) the Cessna Skyline 182 in 2004.



5404df  No.3411951

File: 16d2192c73e2faa⋯.jpeg (94.48 KB, 697x499, 697:499, AAAC2D75-314D-4150-95E5-B….jpeg)

36462f  No.3411952


These memes are useless to me.

Memes showing Trump as a juvenile cartoon character recklessly shooting off guns like a cartoon superhero are ridiculous and paint him in a bad light.

Trump should be portrayed and associated with imagery that shows him as a knowledgeable statesman, genius, negotiator, leader. He's a true hero but not a James Bond assassin-type hero. Rather, a national leader type hero.

Maybe others will see value in these images but I do not.

6b97e9  No.3411953


maybe if MSM can get around to asking the question…

no new news from our VIP ANON, i gather?

4f92a1  No.3411954

File: 01b480c7adc1377⋯.jpg (61.11 KB, 552x500, 138:125, 2jr46x.jpg)

87d4e4  No.3411955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes look at how many lobbyist they have, way m ore than counsel. When you think of KIng & Spalding remember Tom Cruise in the movie THE FIRM. Screams Illuminati with a "Highway to Heaven" that being Washington DC

044657  No.3411956


me thinks anon would like both

ac8fa9  No.3411957

File: f7c17280820531c⋯.png (482.59 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

31a2c4  No.3411959

File: 173483e09aa1b9c⋯.png (697.67 KB, 2472x1192, 309:149, ClipboardImage.png)

sounds kind of like my life!


e4e3c9  No.3411960



Authorities said the mail room was evacuated, but business is back to normal at the base. There were no injuries.


Air Force personnel members were evacuated Tuesday afternoon, according to officials.

AFPC (Building 493) was evacuated and roads surrounding the building are closed to redirect traffic. Members are urged to stay away from the building.

c3fcc2  No.3411961


kek that about sums it up yes.

227a0f  No.3411962


Ultra KEK

832024  No.3411965

File: beb71c20e1cc935⋯.png (151.6 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 5b35dd8cc7d81371121d0b3602….png)



This. Rich family too.

There is a lot more to this.

b68293  No.3411966


So what exactly have you been revealing to attract this amount of attention?

6a1320  No.3411967

Then silence.

Could you really tell me whole heartedly that you think outright banning is still censorship when they have far more effective ways?

bd138c  No.3411969


Thanks Anon

f2452a  No.3411970

>>3411930 CNBC Source? WEAK!

bcd88d  No.3411971


/ourguys/ don't want him out an about getting doorknob'd

5590ec  No.3411972


Your assumptions are we didn't get them. We don't see and hear everything, the day is not over and there is a rally tonight.

051f34  No.3411974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b4bf04  No.3411975

File: 73501afa70ac519⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 490x228, 245:114, acsf.jpg)

83b729  No.3411976


>3 branches become 1

772e40  No.3411977

A cool twatter tool to view your twatter:


6b97e9  No.3411978


yeah, we're working against decades and decades of programming… so many still think gangstas & supahoes are kewl

lots of good intentions in many of these youguns, but egad, we've got ways to go.

452e5e  No.3411979


Yep. Time to put up or shut up.

4570cc  No.3411980



I like yours better than mine, haha. Too good.

36462f  No.3411982

File: 4ab5acb0198420f⋯.jpg (226.75 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, PrayForPotus2.jpg)

File: 621922704f5ac69⋯.jpg (110.58 KB, 958x960, 479:480, POTUSBalls.jpg)

File: 9814232b0982c91⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, POTUS:YatesNo.jpg)

File: a7c85264d6ca3ec⋯.jpg (149.33 KB, 960x540, 16:9, MOSTVETTEDPOTUS.jpg)

3c9c1d  No.3411983


post the plane with the tail number next bread anon. im not gonna take some jootubers word for it. actual owner will be easily dug.

051f34  No.3411985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

371510  No.3411986

Not saying I believe the Jfk Jr rumors.

But if it were true and you are MI and Q and Jfk jr has been one of your assets for decades and you did indeed stash him away for safety when Bush and Hillary decided to kill him. Then it makes sense to leak the story online somewhere to get the people to talk about it. Create a sensation in the population that Jfk jr might be alive. You do this for several months until you really do bring him out. That way a certain base group of people will not be shocked. In fact people will react with….."muh Jfk jr is back. I knew that shit I heard about it months ago" like a predictive programming trick.

Tell us ahead of time so we can alert the masses to the possiblility and it will diminish the mental resistance of the normies. And allow Jfk Jr to take a large roll in the explaining to Americans the sheer scale of Bush, Clinton and Cabal Jew/Masonic fuckery.

Could be a major winning card to throw.

644fe1  No.3411987

Still thinking about Alamaba Jones/Moore trap. Still don't know what the trap was exactly despite it apparently being totally successful according to Q.

It had the same bullshit accusations Kavanaugh faced. Dem PLAYBOOK. Dem WRAP-UP SMEAR.

Soros was also being discussed at the time having a SPECIAL PLACE for him, although we still don't know what that means, and Soros still appears to be running socialist candidates smoothly.

Could the trap have been capturing all the bullshit Dems push, and catching Soros in the midst of paying move, and liars to make false accusations?

Really want to know what that fucking trap was.

df6e97  No.3411988


I'd like to see this deeply flawed constitutional interpretation remedied ex post haste. Congress could not have foreseen people getting travel visas, coming here to give birth just so their kid is a citizen by birth. That wasn't the intent anyway. It was to give freed slaves who were born here, who were not considered a full person and were not considered to be a citizen of any country, their (well-deserved) citizenship.

801946  No.3411989


Thank you! :)

bc65c4  No.3411990

File: 9a2b886c0f5b97a⋯.png (666.34 KB, 582x720, 97:120, E9C691E0-4B57-4153-8B4A-95….png)


Yep first image search under Hello George jfk pops up this .

6b97e9  No.3411992


off the bottle and back to work, Mazie

7275d5  No.3411993

Trump calling out the paid protesters before boarding AF1

09fe3e  No.3411994


Big yellow circle andfew yellow balls under it making a huge Q…. Coincidence…..?

0c36ae  No.3411995


Interesting. I live near Lackland, Spouse in on Ft Sam Houston today. Figured it had to be Randolph. I had to blow up photo to read which base

e95820  No.3411996


keeping him alive, away from the heart attack gun.

e98abb  No.3411997


I notice there's no Q on Turkey.

I'm sure I've come across an anon claiming to hail from there.

Also, Scottish, Belgian and Islandic anons have been spotted as well as Iranian. AFAIK

051f34  No.3411998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9be24a  No.3412000


If its a DC court, I don't think the good guys made the call on this one. Waiting for the newspaper article that he was suicided in jail.

2f29fe  No.3412002


good question.

Give us the digs, rapid fire.



3c9c1d  No.3412003


how pathetic do anons have to be to try to get the best tit post. surely you incel faggots have something moar in your life to aspire too.

2fc6cf  No.3412005

File: 19c4afd7d22d1f6⋯.png (361.62 KB, 345x565, 69:113, ClipboardImage.png)

051f34  No.3412006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

885daf  No.3412007


LOL, he just said that he hopes everyone on the SC stays healthy. kekeke

b5c7f7  No.3412009



87d9db  No.3412011


Would anons be willing to take a poll so we can see how far the movement has spread?

f2452a  No.3412012

>>3412011 NO DOX!

4b0b20  No.3412013


Villagers in eastern Ukraine have told Reuters they saw a missile flying directly

different from the North

732292  No.3412014

File: a379d4a5f5a1170⋯.jpg (69.41 KB, 1242x810, 23:15, BN-RB213_greens_GR_2016120….jpg)


what is up?!

051f34  No.3412016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6b97e9  No.3412017


fuck out of here.

WW anons don't geofag



especially if you thought of doing that here

9c130f  No.3412018

e26ca5  No.3412019


The is not 1 way of meming, just shared one of your memes, carry on Patriot

0ffa32  No.3412020

POTUS is using "Get's it" often. I think it's a way to say TRUST ( ) without meaning they have been read into the plan. More like /ourguy? /ourgal/

c3fcc2  No.3412022


and K fortifies this position for the admin. Full confidence now in NDAA and Nat'l Emerg Law, had precedent before now but it's full steam ahead with K confirmation. He's on record at length with his positions regarding us being in war state since '01. Q team even dropped a link to a statement K made during his conf hearings regarding this connection.

0233fc  No.3412023


No way to know who is lying and who isn't, but would be fun to know.

52f99e  No.3412024


Sounds like a journo question

We don't answer those

3c9c1d  No.3412026



dont be shitting up the bread with fucking polls.

d93046  No.3412027



You two are acting like a shill double team.

Nevertheless, good observasion.

However, like your fellow slide said…years and years of pop culture.

Think about it.

Normies are not where we are.

No Offence.

90e2d7  No.3412028

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer!

7204ab  No.3412029

File: 678786fefa8a00d⋯.png (556.39 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, MT1.png)

File: 2510b8d83164974⋯.png (379.86 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, mt2.png)



Good detailed write up on Military Tribunals


Kavanaugh is critical to not allowing the Supreme Court overturn Military Tribunals for US citizens despite large scale use in Civil War,

9b6d2d  No.3412030


I see you are still inspiring unity. so happy to utterly OFFEND your faggot ass!

ec0331  No.3412032

File: f5af1f97e8fd0a9⋯.png (1.31 MB, 900x844, 225:211, ClipboardImage.png)

da2b23  No.3412033


We are WW

f4a2f1  No.3412034


naa…. I really only add people when I find a random person that identifies their country…. when people start jumping in and are like "add this…. and I saw someone from there…." I don't do it…

4f92a1  No.3412035

File: 46d3c915e8adfa8⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 406x400, 203:200, 46d3c915e8adfa8a7ba7fcd8ce….jpg)

eeffdf  No.3412036



Been saying it since first jumped on the R Thread and made the connection with the plane and Q drop…..

NO WAY. (Not like he's hurting for money…lol)

And how convenient a new plane is bought a few months before his "crash"…


How would a CIVILIAN OWNED PLANE be based out of QUANTICO??

0233fc  No.3412039


That's not necessarily a bad thing, anon.

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