19c822 No.3345535
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Thurdsay 10.04.18
>>3337560 rt >>3337502 -————————– Are you ready to be part of history?
>>3337502 rt >>3337425 -————————– Memes ready?
>>3337425 ———-----------------------------——– Anons Ready?
>>>/patriotsfight/339 ——————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )
>>>/patriotsfight/338 ——————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )
>>>/patriotsfight/337 ——————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )
>>>/patriotsfight/336 ——————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )
>>>/patriotsfight/335 ——————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )
>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ -——————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )
>>>/patriotsfight/333 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )
>>3331903 rt >>3331878 -————————– We do try.
>>>/patriotsfight/332 ——————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )
>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 -——————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )
>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 -——————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )
>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )
>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.
>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.
Wednesday 10.03.18
>>>/patriotsfight/328 ——————————— It takes time to reach the public domain. ( Cap: >>3322970 )
>>>/patriotsfight/327 rt /pf/324 -——————- Read Carefully. Sessions tomorrow [doc related] ( Cap: >>3322218 )
>>>/patriotsfight/326 ——————————— Tensions Flaring ( Cap: >>3318349 )
>>>/patriotsfight/325 rt /pf/324 -——————- Enjoy the show! ( Cap: >>3318267 )
>>>/patriotsfight/324 rt /pf/267 -——————- What a wonderful day ( Cap: >>3317922 )
>>3317104 ———-----------------------------——– [Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]
>>>/patriotsfight/323 ——————————— Sessions meeting Huber.. What are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>3315937 )
>>>/patriotsfight/322 ——————————— What a wonderful day. ( Cap: >>3315505, >>3316304 )
>>>/patriotsfight/321 ——————————— Ford herself coached by the C_A? ( Cap: >>3307739, >>3307756 )
Tuesday 10.02.18
>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )
>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )
>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )
>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3310187 )
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
19c822 No.3345550
are not endorsements
>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----
>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support
>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms
>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic
NOTE TO BAKERS: Continue w/standard OP graphic, NOT anniversary CBTS, per BV request.
>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV
>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)
>>3344966 Judiciary Committee releases executive summary of supplemental FBI report.
>>3345005 Grassley pens a letter to Ford's attorneys, calling them out on their BS.
>>3345028 Philadelphia arrests dozens of drug traffickers.
>>3345156 New DJT Tweet: Lowest unemployment since 1969.
>>3345157 Lawyer for Clinton campaign, DNC gave FBI docs for Russia probe (Sussman).
>>3345134 DJT Tweet: Soros paid protesters...
>>3345208 DJT requested report on supply chain weaknesses published today.
>>3345262 Q clock update: Kenyan citizenship.
>>3345289, >>3345330 UK defending Amazon/Apple against China hacking allegations?
>>3344916, >>3344971, >>3345004, >>3345030, >>3345319 Planefag tracking an aircraft.
>>3345380 Ben Sasse a yes for Kavanaugh.
>>3345384, >>3345458 Chinese head of Interpol missing.
>>3345313 Alienfag updates from disclosure thread.
>>3345530 #4238
>>3344184 Chris Coons is bipartisan, according to the Mockingbird media, anyway
>>3344231 Half dig on Dave Laufman; any "there" there?
>>3344452 Typhus outbreak in LA skid row; let's bring in moar illegals!
>>3344500 Chinese minister disappears in China
>>3344505, >>3344577 Dozens arrested in Fentanyl raid; other Fentanyl news
>>3344604 Former ROK President gets 15 years for taking bribes
>>3344627, >>3344631, >>3344638 POTUS retwatts
>>3344767 #4237
>>3343288 GWB declared the on-going national emergency that gives POTUS the power to continue
>>3343376 German Archive Anon updated hash; 4242 breads so far
>>3343223 111 Days ago, Q posted "Declass POTUS." Maybe they have some kind of plan or something
>>3343520 Sybil is alive and well and working as a journalist (check out the conflicting real headlines)
>>3343648, >>3343745 US Amb warns NZ not to trust China and other NZ and Five Eyes habbenings
>>3343720 Cameron gave MI5 OK for murder, torture, sexual assault on British soil
>>3343711 Italy arrests Illegal Immigrant aiding mayor
>>3343761 China losing trade war with US per CNBC
>>3339792 (pb), >>3343765 Is this what Q meant by "did we hit 0:00"?
>>3343825 Planned Parenthood playbook against Kavanaugh for today
>>3343988 #4236
>>3342274 VIPanon's account of an encounter with POTUS about Q
>>3342340 DARPA wants to use insects to spread viruses (to "save crops")
>>3342586 ZuckerFB foundation research in coral reefs being cancer free
>>3342601, >>3342627 Judiciary releases Exec Summary of FBI Kav report
>>3342799 Thirteen States investigating Catholic Church for pedophilia/coverup
>>3342802, >>3342855, >>3343103 Kav/Ford witness, Leland Keyser, pressured to change testimony
>>3343148 US and allies coordinated Russia Hacking accusations? Anon presents synopsis
>>3343164 #4235
Previously Collected Notables
>>3342146 #4234,
>>3339617 #4231, >>3340463 #4232, >>3341233 #4233
>>3337370 #4228, >>3338099 #4229, >>3338859 #4230
>>3335083 #4225, >>3335829 #4226, >>3336593 #4227
>>3332808 #4222, >>3333571 #4223, >>3334360 #4224
>>3330543 #4219, >>3331274 #4220, >>3332022 #4221
>>3328278 #4216, >>3329009 #4217, >>3329774 #4218
>>3325929 #4213, >>3326653 #4214, >>3327500 #4215
>>3323549 #4210, >>3324313 #4211, >>3325077 #4212
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19c822 No.3345551
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game
>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3
>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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19c822 No.3345554
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Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
19c822 No.3345578
1d1eba No.3345630
f3b8e3 No.3345646
have anons gone through the list of everyone who was there/on the pics?
0f2111 No.3345660
Very comfy. Thank you Baker!
ee18b3 No.3345665
Don’t know if these was seen? Last 3 Q posts initiated a countdown?
99999e No.3345668
19c822 No.3345669
If I shake her do the tattoos reset?
9b18bb No.3345670
"Oh hell no !
You no longer a son of mine !
I'd rather you'd be gay !"
635954 No.3345672
Kinda scary and sad at the same time.
bfe48c No.3345674
Found this poem by a Holly Krol, from a book called pathways through life.
Like the bombs thing.
0468cb No.3345675
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229
Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
(Wind the Clock 111)
November 11, 2018
11/11/11 (2+0+1+8=11)
YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE: 11 11 11 (pic related)
Jack and Melissa are frightened by their son's bizarre and violent behavior; they soon learn that he is the gateway to the Apocalypse, and it will happen on his birthday, 11-11-11.
Jeremiah 11:11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b452a9 No.612728
Mar 10 2018 12:29:06 (EST)
Original post here:
^ ^ ^^^^
TRIP 8's
8= # of death
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351447
Feb 12 2018 11:50:26 (EST)
The end won't be for everyone.
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: dcca2c No.616806
Mar 10 2018 16:48:47 (EST)
10 to comply.
Choice is yours.
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.104
Feb 18 2018 20:41:03 (EST)
JOHN 3:16
d63b52 No.3345676
>>3345616 (LB)
I had to mute
One can only
handle so much stupid
b385e4 No.3345677
>>3345598 PB
Its like there was never a feminist movement, or even suffrage for women. It's complete bullshit.
85d5d8 No.3345678
Bred suggestion ;)
"GITMO: It's what's for traitors! Edition"
9179da No.3345679
654d2b No.3345680
Very nice Anon!!!!!
d3c4e8 No.3345681
the post numbers also go 1 2 3
84ab51 No.3345682
And here we are!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
I cannot say enough how much of a honor it has been to have served with you all !! TIPPY TOP - TOP NOTCH PATRIOTS!!
Love you !! (Nohomo)
52e766 No.3345683
"Well, looks like she loves Jesus."
a0a4d7 No.3345684
Feinstein is a evil monster.
4849b3 No.3345686
Nice headline here.
Not tired of winning yet, Boss. Thank you!
9b18bb No.3345689
No, Q is doing that perfectly fine on his own.
ecf56c No.3345690
Spectrum still down….screw it going to the gym
Spectrum sucks
796a38 No.3345691
any chance at re-funding this one so some anons that made dipshit mistakes as kids or drug users a long time ago have a chance at TRUE civil rights restoration?
Although Federal law provides a means for the relief of firearms disabilities, since October 1992, ATF’s annual appropriation has prohibited the expending of any funds to investigate or act upon applications for relief from Federal firearms disabilities submitted by individuals. As long as this provision is included in current ATF appropriations, the Bureau cannot act upon applications for relief from Federal firearms disabilities submitted by individuals.
62eab8 No.3345693
President Harry S Truman used to have a sign on his desk that said
The BUCK stops here
One month after the murder of JFK, He wrote this opinion piece which was published in the Washington Post.
Limit CIA Role To Intelligence
By Harry S Truman
INDEPENDENCE, MO., Dec. 21 1963 — I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency—CIA. At least, I would like to submit here the original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency during my Administration, what I expected it to do and how it was to operate as an arm of the President.
I think it is fairly obvious that by and large a President's performance in office is as effective as the information he has and the information he gets. That is to say, that assuming the President himself possesses a knowledge of our history, a sensitive understanding of our institutions, and an insight into the needs and aspirations of the people, he needs to have available to him the most accurate and up-to-the-minute information on what is going on everywhere in the world, and particularly of the trends and developments in all the danger spots in the contest between East and West. This is an immense task and requires a special kind of an intelligence facility.
Of course, every President has available to him all the information gathered by the many intelligence agencies already in existence. The Departments of State, Defense, Commerce, Interior and others are constantly engaged in extensive information gathering and have done excellent work.
But their collective information reached the President all too frequently in conflicting conclusions. At times, the intelligence reports tended to be slanted to conform to established positions of a given department. This becomes confusing and what's worse, such intelligence is of little use to a President in reaching the right decisions.
Therefore, I decided to set up a special organization charged with the collection of all intelligence reports from every available source, and to have those reports reach me as President without department "treatment" or interpretations.
I wanted and needed the information in its "natural raw" state and in as comprehensive a volume as it was practical for me to make full use of it. But the most important thing about this move was to guard against the chance of intelligence being used to influence or to lead the President into unwise decisions—and I thought it was necessary that the President do his own thinking and evaluating.
Since the responsibility for decision making was his—then he had to be sure that no information is kept from him for whatever reason at the discretion of any one department or agency, or that unpleasant facts be kept from him. There are always those who would want to shield a President from bad news or misjudgments to spare him from being "upset."
For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas.
I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda.
With all the nonsense put out by Communist propaganda about "Yankee imperialism," "exploitive capitalism," "war-mongering," "monopolists," in their name-calling assault on the West, the last thing we needed was for the CIA to be seized upon as something akin to a subverting influence in the affairs of other people.
I well knew the first temporary director of the CIA, Adm. Souers, and the later permanent directors of the CIA, Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg and Allen Dulles. These were men of the highest character, patriotism and integrity—and I assume this is true of all those who continue in charge.
But there are now some searching questions that need to be answered. I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President, and that whatever else it can properly perform in that special field—and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.
We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.
0901bf No.3345695
Happy anniversary to all my favorite anons!
8435aa No.3345696
DiFi's expression says it all:
Caught between her handlers' wrath and the Law's. No way out now.
0b2d89 No.3345697
Remember anons. He chose this name…
It's also a Palindrome which the occult seem to be fascinated with.
991524 No.3345698
You missed the one where it says China states he has been taken away for questioning. Whatever that means.
408aa1 No.3345700
Kavanaugh doesn’t have a good track record on the 4th amendment. Is this confirmation circus a scripted distraction?
018828 No.3345701
The idea that women suffered or were oppressed before the feminist movement or suffrage is also bullshit.
It's decadent ignorance of human history mixed with a complete lack of principles or personal responsibility.
4e9dc6 No.3345703
4a4084 No.3345704
We are standing on the precipice, looking into the valley bearing witness to all that is about to come to light.
We have been told on many occasions to sit back and enjoy the show, to get comfy and grab the popped-corn.
Are you ready to enjoy the show, it's almost time.
3c51c0 No.3345705
I guess you have to become a bow master, anon.
99999e No.3345706
Interesting haircut would be my first reaction
84ab51 No.3345707
thought DiFi threw up in her mouth a little from nerves… then grabs her stomach as she is speaking just now.. lol
she's puttin on the ritz in her speech this morning on the stump
c5fe7f No.3345712
Me thinks she’s not sleeping well.
e3de95 No.3345713
Anon, what I wrote, is that this weekend is "interdasting".
Look at the theory. Q team made sure corrupt politicians did not run, giving them the choice to resign. many took that route. what about the others? if they get re-elected, then get indicted, they get replaced by their party equivalent. the only way to remove them + red wave is indictment before primary.
745a0e No.3345714
9e5ac9 No.3345715
Any bookies take bets on the BK vote?
b6a0e8 No.3345717
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. NEVERMIND BAKER
How about some love for a music video made by Anons for Anons?
Click to Watch YouTube Video
The Song "COMIN' TO GET".
Featuring images of ANONS at Trump Rallies.
a7d134 No.3345718
POTUS shout out to Anons/Reminder to fire away our Memes? God bless President Trump and Q Team!
f95277 No.3345720
I hope she dies…that woild be great.
0f2111 No.3345721
Had my 6th anniversary with my fiancé yesterday.
And now I get to celebrate 1 year with y’all!
My heart overflows with love for all the patriots here and across this great nation!
May God Bless you all!
1b5d75 No.3345722
The Vatican Museum is an insult to the Christian Ethos of "Humility". Like St Peters Basilica, which is dripping with Gold, the Old Roman Catholic church worshiped Gold more than the New Testament. Sickening.
4e9dc6 No.3345724
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3345707
Im not sure she buys her own bs at this point.
f54692 No.3345725
Anon here asking if anyone has a meme of Dems talking outt of both sides of their mouths. My Momma requested this morning. Tyia
Have searched webz myself but nothing current.
745a0e No.3345726
4849b3 No.3345727
Senators giving comments ahead of key Kavanaugh vote.
DiFi relentless.
0468cb No.3345728
Shooting the messenger is IRONIC here.
1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
7e6d36 No.3345729
Yep, we have our orders!
0b2d89 No.3345730
heard Grassley use the term "demolition derby" several times.
seems like there is a meme there somewhere.
9e5ac9 No.3345731
173d5f No.3345734
“These parallels between the law firm (Perkins Coie) and CrowdStrike also need to be investigated,” said a former FBI official familiar with the security firm. “All of these connections aren’t coincidences and it smells to high heaven.” - https://saraacarter.com/top-fbi-official-comey-confidante-met-with-dnc-lawyer-who-leaked-to-media/
Shawn Henry - President of CrowdStrike Services & CSO
Shawn retired as FBI Executive Assistant Director in 2012, overseeing half of the FBI’s investigative operations, including all FBI criminal and cyber investigations worldwide, international operations, victim services, and the FBI’s critical incident response to major investigations and disasters. During his 24-year career, he held a wide range of operational and leadership roles in four FBI Field Offices and FBI Headquarters and is credited with boosting the FBI’s computer crime and cybersecurity investigative capabilities. He oversaw computer crime investigations spanning the globe, including denial-of-service attacks, bank and corporate breaches, and state-sponsored intrusions. He also established unprecedented partnerships with international law enforcement counterparts in areas of high-threat cyber adversaries.
b07750 No.3345735
I'm so pissed that Hatch is going to get replaced by Mittens Romney.
018828 No.3345736
The primaries are already over, and it is WAY too late to try to pull something off like that.
It's a stupid theory.
cb4293 No.3345737
Is Q or Q+ Potus or can ai legit predict the future now?
4e9dc6 No.3345738
Hatch is a treasure
85d5d8 No.3345739
"She would've been cute of she hadn't defaced herself…"
"..So I guess she's not that bright."
73e509 No.3345740
They also put themselves in that position back in Eden. You reap what you sow. I've mentioned to friends that the world was much better when women were told to be quiet. All the ridiculous bullshit we put up with now can all be tied back to women. Men don't rule by emotion we rule by logic. We are being overrun by emotional nutjobs. So yes Bette Middler, you and all the other women in the world need to sit down and shut the fuck up.
ae036c No.3345741
i don’t see a problem with her. she looks like a nice christian girl!
ca1b06 No.3345742
especially when they don't put (lb)
e79056 No.3345744
An AusAnon here. So, my wife is watching the Late, Late Show with James Corden (don't get me started). She usually flicks the channel so I don't have to hear him nor, see his fat fucking head. Tell me anons, how does a fat, gay, Brit with ZERO talent get a show in the US and, what did these liberal knob-jockies use for material before GEOTUS? I am close to throwing my beer at the television…
0f2111 No.3345745
>>3345718 Anon deciphers meme request from POTUS this morning!
I think you nailed it Anon!
OKAY ANONS! The Commander in Chief has issued his orders. Let get the memes firing!
2d3788 No.3345747
We are the 400 pounder in the basement!
826f54 No.3345748
and real, I checked.
e3de95 No.3345749
i did the same. Out of the mouth of a traitor.
f3b8e3 No.3345750
it's "the calm before the storm" photo op anniversary.
crumb drops, which became Q, came weeks later.
it's still cool, but
not the same thing
018828 No.3345751
That's an insult lol
I took it as a backhanded compliment, implying even if they were real protesters and not paid then they'd be living in their parents basements.
a0a4d7 No.3345752
Democrats are threatening nationwide rioting if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
Antifa is a bunch of skinny weak fags.
95b6de No.3345753
it has begun
the creature has been named
cb5441 No.3345754
the playing field is level. women can stop punching so god damn hard now.
84ab51 No.3345755
62eab8 No.3345756
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits
From: The Mask of Sanity, by Hervey Cleckley, 5th edition
More often than not, the typical psychopath will seem particularly agreeable and make a distinctly positive impression when he is first encountered. Alert and friendly in his attitude, he is easy to talk with and seems to have a good many genuine interests. There is nothing at all odd or queer about him, and in every respect he tends to embody the concept of a well-adjusted, happy person. Nor does he, on the other hand, seem to be artificially exerting himself like one who is covering up or who wants to sell you a bill of goods. He would seldom be confused with the professional backslapper or someone who is trying to ingratiate himself for a concealed purpose. Signs of affectation or excessive affability are not characteristic. He looks like the real thing.
The full book The Mask of Sanity is attached as a PDF
0d9438 No.3345758
The name and the pic, KEK!!!
5aeb10 No.3345760
4e9dc6 No.3345761
Bring it bitches.
7724c3 No.3345762
UK + some Offshore books.
Kav was a solid underdog for a while there.
Punters that took advantage then are about to have some nice payouts soon.
4849b3 No.3345763
Bet he had kept his security clearance when he left his FBI post.
0f2111 No.3345764
Ah! Thank you Anon!
b362a0 No.3345765
You know (((who))) owns the media/television….
e0d690 No.3345766
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. From Downunder …
This Sunday on 60 Minutes (Australia)
Stormy Daniels will be spewing the same old garbage re POTUS
Aus Swamp lashing out cos they’re starting to feel the heat?
2d3788 No.3345767
Will we see Soros' final form?
7c1df3 No.3345768
This would probably be a great place to leave your dankest Soros memes.
e3de95 No.3345769
Don't worry; his magical underwears have no powah.
298d2d No.3345771
>>3345545 (lb)
Wasn't this used by some Baptists to justify slavery? Or is that a masonic-jewish bit of mendacity?
>>3345548 (lb)
She should move to Massachusetts and become a Republican they'd love her here.
>>3345641 (lb)
Until we LITERALLY physically REMOVE the entire media apparatus by force of arms, and regular niggers are running their schools with help from active duty military to get things going they wont have a chance.
send in drill sgts and drill instructors enough is enough with these teachers and their unions this IS a nat sec issue and they are not fit for purpose
45f9ed No.3345775
8 is death, 7 is life?
ce011d No.3345776
Are you ready for Arrests ? ….[ Next Week ] maybe…
84ab51 No.3345777
I get that Anon… just a marker
we are closing in on OUR anni…. what a day that will be.
still love ya tho.. ;-)
c50e58 No.3345779
In October 2018 his wife declared him missing after he did not return from a trip to China.
well Wikipedia already got the story on Meng Hongwei
8cfa21 No.3345781
Anons, SHTF tomorrow when Kavanaugh confirmed. Time to declare Martial Law and round up ANTIFA and all the lib faggots protesting
4e9dc6 No.3345783
95b6de No.3345784
barry sherman
h. wyss
85d5d8 No.3345788
POTUS knows.
POTUS also knows those signs wern't made in the basement by choice.
Many of those people had their livelihoods taken from them.
And POTUS knows that too.
-t. Basement meme maker.
77cc60 No.3345789
I accept this with love.
4e9dc6 No.3345790
My body is ready.
9b18bb No.3345791
Red 5 Standing by
b966a3 No.3345792
"These are not signs made in the basement from love!"
Kek - No, but our memes are.
e0fbc9 No.3345793
Happy #CBTS Day!
8cfa21 No.3345795
726b2a No.3345796
ANITFA faggolas are going to be having a bad time.
4a4084 No.3345800
All of them charged with sedition and attempted overthrow of government.
e61b86 No.3345801
Cloture starts at 10:30am.
8c6d61 No.3345803
so you really think that'll happen, eh?
0468cb No.3345804
I believe that is correct, Anon!
a5b71e No.3345805
>>3345040 (lb) A multi-dimensional trojan horse?
4a0837 No.3345806
Now Schemer is spouting lies.
84ab51 No.3345807
oh guh!! here we go… Shumonkey is not yappin away
595c7b No.3345808
Hey Q.
Back to this:
10kb so I'm taking "Patriots" as a password option.
Also, from that post:
>What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
We are there, baby. ESP with DJTs tweet this morning calling out Soros.
This show!
8cfa21 No.3345809
We are REALLY over the target if POTUS is calling out Soros now
f122c9 No.3345810
Proofbookanon here
Yesterday, someone on Voat promoted the book with links to download. One of the links lead to the website that I host the PDF on for direct download (bookofqproofs.wordpress.com). WordPress tracks the # of views, visitors, where the visitors were linked from, etc. and also what countries the visitors were from.
I thought it was interesting to see the different places people are viewing this from.
018828 No.3345811
I don't make mine in the basement, unlike Antifa I have a job and my own house.
cbf9ae No.3345813
what did the BV say?
theres no post in the globals
the BV was in the bread when we did the handoff with the CBTS pic in the OP
b2ca80 No.3345815
Fire at will Anon!
4a4084 No.3345816
Schemer just said 'the well was poisoned from the outset"
80a4a5 No.3345817
Monica McLean was AT THE HEARING
796a38 No.3345819
already got a crossbow, air rifles that can blow a .357 round clean through a cinder block at 100 yards, some LEGAL for my situation sidearms..
would just be nice to be able to smell my hoppe's and flash powder again.
honestly there is just something theraputic and primal in reloading high powdered rifle rounds.
clink, pssh, press, clink, pssh, press, clink, pssh, press. ahhhhh…
i tell you hwhat.
a0a4d7 No.3345821
That looks like Bill Cosby.
5aeb10 No.3345823
The Fools think (((their))) system will bring
U.S. Down?
595c7b No.3345824
cb4293 No.3345825
old postcards are early memes
a7d134 No.3345827
>>3345630 Happy Anniversary Q! We are the calm before, during, and after The Storm!! We love you! WWG1WGA WRWY Lets do this!! WeAreStrongTogether WeWinTogether
b4becb No.3345828
Are the Qmap images originals?
32eee0 No.3345829
The graphic is key
826f54 No.3345830
e79056 No.3345831
I know. (((them)) fucking (((them))) always
b6af10 No.3345833
53f04e No.3345835
although no one can deny the sight of a perfect (to you) set of mammalian protuberances without cover. I do like leaving some of it to the imagination.
ce011d No.3345836
First lying Kike Diane ….Next lying Kike Chuck on now ….See a trend ?
8c6d61 No.3345837
80a4a5 No.3345839
Ron Coleman Retweeted
Carmine Sabia
Verified account @CarmineSabia
2m2 minutes ago
BREAKING: Sen. Susan Collins to vote Yes on Judge Kavanaugh.
726b2a No.3345843
Which air rifle do you got mate?
Is it a PCP?
Which optics to you have on that to get that accuracy at 100 yards?
84ab51 No.3345844
her red eyes… fear. bags… looks like a bad month for Di. it's a beautiful thing
1fb47c No.3345848
She sure looks like the one in the Polygraph photo…mores so than CBF hair in my face for the committee session
4e9dc6 No.3345849
9b18bb No.3345850
Nothing perfect about that much plastic..
595c7b No.3345851
I went back to the original post. I have saved so many as they come in, but that one just posted is a direct download form the /pol/ link I gave.
My experience is that not all Qmap images can be assumed to be original as data. Certainly the images are the same.
b4becb No.3345853
POTUS and Patriots are key.
What’s in the image you posted?
af7341 No.3345854
Article from fucking 2012portal in 2012
32eee0 No.3345855
Ummmm anons?
e8435f No.3345857
Looks much to nice for kiddy sacrificers.
4e9dc6 No.3345859
Schumer says CBF dindu nuthin. She a viktim.
53f04e No.3345860
I did say perfect without cover. Those covered…..
b362a0 No.3345862
interdasting… good eye anon
19c822 No.3345863
BV didn't mention anything regarding the CBTS pic. I placed your notice in the first dough for visibility.
f54692 No.3345864
Also anon noted a 6,5,4 countdown on Monday fwiw. Workfag didn’t vet: disclaimer
>>3277285 (original)
84ab51 No.3345865
simple projection…. completely sick. just want to throat punch him
f3b8e3 No.3345866
yeh, don't want to spoil the party, very excited meself, but seeing so many getting it wrong… at some point, can't help pointing it out
this from October? who still cares about her?
gawd fantasyland life is boring
4a4084 No.3345871
Chukkie is trying to push the blame of the D's actions onto Ford and the R's.
Now he's stating everything that the D's done, but trying once again to push it onto the R's.
ce011d No.3345872
Do you hear these liars ….. Never vote for former lawyers and Jews they twist everything up
826f54 No.3345873
53b629 No.3345874
With everything going on with the ricin I wouldn’t be surprised if (((they))) (((he))) has been involved
Or setting up a new set of targets for something similar
83c928 No.3345875
Divine Guidance dont think ai can simulate free will well
595c7b No.3345877
Can't do it all by myself. Need more than one drop hints. Need another couple of anons to actually do the fucking work.
2e8236 No.3345879
We should probably go ahead and lock up all the known cabal before china kills them all. Imagine how many potential assassins they have to activate. They do love their spies.
d704da No.3345880
Braille school went to circus?
82ba61 No.3345881
Muhsides indeed.
9b18bb No.3345882
Look how his hand is square on her tits.
Look how she is struggling to get away from him.
This is clearly a rape attempt.
d4e462 No.3345883
Its may not be for you. But some of us anons were contacted and already working & the photo op was our signal for go time.
f95277 No.3345884
What did you type on Goggle to find that pic. "kids kissing"? Im pretty sure you are in some kind of black list now.
f505fd No.3345886
There was once a man who was innocent, but those who are not on the Right hated him.
Those in Leadership plotted his demise and promoted discourse amoung the people that they could mentally and emotionally manipulate.
They paid for false Witnesses to testify against him and even though an investigation found him innocent of the charges and testimonies unsubstantiated it did not matter to those who are not on the Right.
They enticed the people to be a forceful mob, to protest, riot and demand His death… the people's hearts and minds were easily beguiled and they shouted, Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
( Satan's strategy has not changed )
4e9dc6 No.3345887
Schumer saying that dems don't like Kavanaugh because they disagree with his views. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH VOTING FOR A JUSTICE! He is either a good judge or he is not. You lost the election and Trump has the power to appoint whoever he thinks is best.
9dd2aa No.3345888
4a4084 No.3345889
That fucker is suck a fucking hack job….he needs to be put down for good.
c4064f No.3345890
You win the internet today anon
b4becb No.3345891
6a0754 No.3345892
They are having a going out pf business sale
Houston officials halt plans to open first US 'robot brothel'
0468cb No.3345893
Narrative Shift!
0f2111 No.3345894
Preach it Anon!
Still in the basement here…. but its the basement of the house I, myself, own.
(We gave the upstairs to my mother in law. She loves to cook and we have a badass kitchen. And she is a saint of a woman and deserves it )
a0a4d7 No.3345895
Black women scare the sgit out of me.
0901bf No.3345897
Aw, I missed that. He shouted out to us. We love you POTUS!
dcee3e No.3345898
>>3344132 (pb)
>Trumps toilet paper on his shoe. Real fuck-up? Or signal? (I feel like I've been here too long….)
POTUS has been cleaning up so much shit, there's TP left on his shoe.
2f00ba No.3345899
8caa5e No.3345900
Please get Schumer, Feinstein and Waters out of our misery Q.
Oh yeah, feel free to stop bye the Pocahontas wigwam as well.
Why is Pelosi kinda quiet?
4e9dc6 No.3345901
She'd be pretty terrifying in person.
95b6de No.3345902
besides klinton what do they have in common
1) centuries of opium dealing
2) film project/heli crash
memba when hdawg broke her wrist
308607 No.3345903
As was all the propaganda dropped on the "enemy" by both sides during both WWs.
This one could have a different interpretation in these LBQ days.
91a85b No.3345904
0b2d89 No.3345905
99fc5e No.3345909
I want to know who is pulling Susan Collins' strings.
We know Coons is leading Falke , and DiFi leading Murkowski, but who is Collins' handler?
I want to know who is pulling Susan Collins' strings.
We know Coons is leading Falke , and DiFi leading Murkowski, but who is Collins' handler?
Good Question as to who Colin's could be getting pressure from?
This guy could be is a great possibility!!!!!
Susan Collins
Susan Collins official Senate photo.jpg
United States Senator
from Maine
Assumed office
January 3, 1997
Serving with Angus King
Preceded by Bill Cohen
Chair of the Senate Aging Committee
Assumed office
January 3, 2015
Preceded by Bill Nelson
Chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
In office
January 3, 2003 – January 3, 2007
Preceded by Joe Lieberman
Succeeded by Joe Lieberman
Personal details
Born Susan Margaret Collins
December 7, 1952 (age 65)
Caribou, Maine, U.S.
Political party Republican
Spouse(s) Thomas Daffron (m. 2012)
Parents Donald Collins
Patricia McGuigan
Relatives Samuel Collins (uncle)
Education St. Lawrence University (BA)
Website Senate website
Susan Margaret Collins (born December 7, 1952) is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Maine, a seat she was first elected to in 1996. A Republican, Collins is the Chair of the Senate Special Committee on Aging and is a former Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. She also is known for her long consecutive voting streak, which reached 6,000 votes in September 2015.[1] She is the most senior Republican woman in the Senate and dean of Maine's congressional delegation. Collins has been described as the Senate's most moderate Republican. She often positions herself as a pivotal vote, thus becoming a focal point during highly watched legislation.[2]
Born in Caribou, Maine, Collins is a graduate of St. Lawrence University. Beginning her career as a staff assistant for Senator William Cohen in 1975, she later became staff director of the Oversight of Government Management Subcommittee of the Committee on Governmental Affairs (which later became the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs)[3] in 1981.
4849b3 No.3345912
This is the part in the movie where the Anons throw off their capes, raise their memes and shout, "God Save the Republic." Then charge.
cbf9ae No.3345913
wtf is this shit?
(all old bread:)
the BV was there when we started using it and knew what we were doing???
it has to be a different BV than the one that was there, thought the BVs were aware
thats fucking stupid as fuck
>Use the right graphic or get the fuck out of the kitchen retard baker
thats a fucking joke
4e9dc6 No.3345915
'Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.' - Schumer
298d2d No.3345916
focus on the screenshot with all the text. ever anon should memorize this. literally commit the numbers to memory.
3bd60b No.3345917
Implying we have enough fitfags to charge.
84ab51 No.3345919
Morning !! Have a cuppa!!
6c7f69 No.3345920
Wonder if all of them will report on the Monica McClean pressuring.
4e9dc6 No.3345921
The democrats are the worst losers I have ever seen.
19c822 No.3345923
The media has been forced to cover Trump's great economy for a while now. It's one of the few facts they will begrudgingly admit. I don't think this is the shift but I'll add to notables.
f3b8e3 No.3345924
has there ever been a single reason given why?
i don't mind it so much, but a single direct order from a single BV ain't good enough/don't work like that here
8c6d61 No.3345926
grassley said just minutes ago on FOX that there were others as well.
ce011d No.3345927
Jesus was right ….children of the father of lies
b4becb No.3345928
I’m the OP from last night. Did a lot of research and still working. Some Image files need a key image to decode. Tried to run a couple across some of the images. There is absolutely stuff on some of the images but have not got them. If you phase them to black and white after adjusting some of the pixels. I think there is a QR code, just have not got it clean enough, at work but will continue to add.
595c7b No.3345929
I did.
Hopefully another anon can pick this up right now.
Don't have the software, equipment, time, or patience right now.
Probably have the smarts, but without the above, it's not going to be this anon.
7ed0b6 No.3345930
Stop calling them celebrities. Call them Entertainment Workers. You know like prostitutes and strippers are now called Sex Workers. Use their language against them.
4a9dc6 No.3345932
hearing Chuck Schumer cry about Kav just makes me laugh.
Does he know this bitch is on the court?
f5b19a No.3345933
anniversary ammo
CBTS 4-115
all pb links:
>>3340995 - CBTS #39 -s 1st appearance of OP Pic not numbered this one goes most of the rest of the way
>>3339867 - CBTS #6 is 1st appearance of OP Pic - from 6-38 they were numbered
>>3339275 - 1st appearance of OP Pic was CBTS #4
6c7f69 No.3345935
Good stuff. Cant hide from this one.
4a4084 No.3345936
Nice fucking dig, anon!
>Beginning her career as a staff assistant for Senator William Cohen in 1975,
4e9dc6 No.3345937
Schumer says, 'Just pull Kav's nomination and put someone else that we can smear. Then pull their nomination. Keep doing that until we smear everyone on the list of 25.'
f95277 No.3345938
Oh good! Schumer is talking now
77cc60 No.3345939
can you add pepe to the cops?
99ce79 No.3345941
Schumer just said “Truth to Power” lol
1fb47c No.3345942
Serena is right up there too.
Pees in a pod
ce011d No.3345944
In 30 hours the world will be changed forever
cb4293 No.3345945
Early 1900s postcards are mostly just memes.
53f04e No.3345946
Done it for years however imo this is the last payment and it's for moving day and/or acquiring some roommates.
4e9dc6 No.3345947
My body is ready.
77cc60 No.3345949
0f2111 No.3345951
Kek! Nice work Anon!
4e9dc6 No.3345952
4a4084 No.3345953
9dd2aa No.3345954
Will america be "rediscovered"?
9b18bb No.3345955
I'm gonna stick you to that.
4a0837 No.3345956
Elections have consequences Chucky.
8cfa21 No.3345957
Mass protests are coming. And mass counters to it are in place
86c47c No.3345958
Feinstein is on her phone it looks serious.
8c6d61 No.3345959
12 minutes. we'll survive.
9aed97 No.3345960
84ab51 No.3345961
Much love to my fellow Patriots, Godspeed!
62897a No.3345962
wait, whut?? We have to leave our basements? ……KEK
3bd60b No.3345963
How can you be going bald in 2 places at once?
This guy is on a whole other level
95b6de No.3345964
from the swamp perspective
it appears ridiculously easy
at first
726b2a No.3345966
They get 3.2 billion per year, not 38.
4e9dc6 No.3345967
"For the sake of the Senate".
a1139b No.3345969
Happy Anniversary guise, thanks for getting me through this year. I'd never remained calm without you & Q.
4e9dc6 No.3345970
298d2d No.3345971
Yes you can if you are Charlie Baker and Polito.
We have to drive on roads which are UNSAFE in winter in central mass and otherwise SHIT so the jews can have some of our money?
c74c0e No.3345972
Morning! Glorious days ahead!
6a0754 No.3345973
Racist, Sexist, Anti-Christian Ideology Threatens Our Democracy
The ruthless passions of the political Left, which have been on full display in the campaign not just to defeat a Supreme Court justice nomination, but to destroy the nominee and his family, are inspired by an ideology that is racist, sexist, anti-Christian, and fundamentally anti-American.
Just how powerful and entrenched this ideology is can be gauged by a recent headline on the ABC News website: “Us (sic) white male Christians need to step back and give others room to lead.” The ungrammatical headline is explained in the article’s ponderous opening sentence: “In the great span of world history, nearly all change and progress has come from an under-served (sic) and out-of-power group pushing, prodding, and pounding on those who hold power to expand it to include a wider and more diverse population.”
This is pure leftist claptrap. There is not a shred of historical evidence to support it. The greatest progress of the past 250 years, beginning in 1776 and 1789, has been the creation of liberal societies that support the principles of individual liberty, equality, and tolerance. In the case of England and America, the supporters of these principles led the world in ending slavery, which is still practiced in Africa today. This progress was entirely the work of white Christian males, who were under no pressure from diverse, underserved and out of power groups.
41ea92 No.3345974
needs a little sauce
52e766 No.3345975
4a0837 No.3345976
He hasn't updated his skin suit lately.
63269c No.3345977
I’m ready for the arrests Q
4a4084 No.3345978
Schumer just admitted that even if Jusge K was out, POTUS would no doubt select another that he himself would disprove of…WTF is that shit!!!
62eab8 No.3345979
This is NOT a reminder to fire away our memes. In fact it is the OPPOSITE. Think about it! Are our memes professionally made identical signs?
This is a reminder to make each meme that we post on social media, a UNIQUE copy. That way it can't be recognized by a hash code engine that recognizes identical images. And the text reading AI needs to be disrupted too so we should NOT use professional looking fonts. Use fonts that are from the lists like ugliest fonts on the web or Top Ten Worst Fonts. Or just hand write the words, take a photo, and paste that on the image for a meme.
Look for Crazy Fonts too. And try typing your message in one font, then changing every second letter to a different font that is very different, bolder, more decorative.
Don't just use a stock photo. Rotate it, crop it. expand the size to zoom in on a detail before cropping it. Make the image odd sizes, a few pixels larger or smaller than normal. Change the coloring a bit. Doesn't need to be extreme, just make the picture a bit fuzzier or a bit faded. All of this defeats the automatic recognition systems.
You will notice that if you do this, you cannot BLAST OUT MEMEs. You cannot FIRE AWAY like artillery. That is exactly right. People who blast out stuff get shadowbanned or blocked and have very little impact. Every single one of the meme blasters are well known to Facebook and Twitter. They are worthless.
But if you make custom memes, and only post a few, then you make a gigantic impact. Why? Because your memes will be seen, and because you will be a part of the MAGA movement where many others are doing the same. A few custom meme lovingly crafted in your basement workshop are what POTUS is calling for. You can even make a meme like a sign, then photograph it. Every one unique, crafted with love.
cbf9ae No.3345980
I left last night the bread before that one
saw the pic was changed, started finding out why
not sure what that BVs problem was
the other one knew what bakers had decided to do
the BV that said that clearly hadn't been here in a bit, its in globals and we'd been talking about it for days
as I said, the BV gave the 'good to go' for a handoff in the first bread we used the CBTS pic in
whatever, it was cool for the few breads we were "allowed" to do it for
6dc8fe No.3345981
Have we verified tanks in DC?
646a9a No.3345982
1fb47c No.3345983
Lying takes a toll on you. Just look at Feinstein and Hussein…and he married this
d820e7 No.3345984
98eb6b No.3345986
because Chuck The Schmuck had hairplugs like Slow Joe
8c6d61 No.3345987
>WTF is that shit!!!
WTF is that? Shit.
2f6f42 No.3345988
Rather sage advice, anon
3bd60b No.3345989
Here's to another year!
b362a0 No.3345990
I and a group of other anons have tried to steg the various different Q photos for months now.
No results, not even close to be honest. Yes some of the file names are named after the checksums of the photos (sha256 was most common) which would indicate a reason to ensure nothing was tampered with. This also follows "all photos are original" with what Q said. Even if Q posts an old photo, if he encrypts new info into it, I would consider this original.
So I believe in the possibility of encrypted info through steganogrpahy, but from nearly a year here I've yet to see any ground made on this.
Let us know anon.
8485a6 No.3345991
Fuck Fuck Fuck I don't have a basement. I'm screwed.
37a0ce No.3345993
I have connection to police and fire info in Chicago. They have allocated tons of outside resources (ambulances and decon units) and they have canceled all furlough for personell in anticipation of riots from Laquan McDonald verdict.
Timing is unusual! Red flags!
Yes maybe…but if a jury is still deliberating how can you make such a bold statement and assume? Facebook group Intel? It is raining there today and I'm interested to see if the jury will come to a conclusion at a time when people won't want to be outside acting like morons.
On the same token I'm curious to see the narrative shift if Kavanaugh approved. They need something to say other than " oh darn we will try harder next time". I'm thinking CNN planning to cut to massive riot because "police shooting of black teen".
Q has given us the ability to see the future maybe!
MSM narrative!
4a4084 No.3345995
Here we go, do it Mitch!!!
474e5e No.3345997
The crazy thing about those posts, is that previously (twice) Q said to release the memes. Did we not release the right ones? Does he want a continuous barrage of memes flowing out on social media? What are we missing?
372b4a No.3345999
Anons, can you feel it? The synagogue of satan is finally about to be exposed for the filth they are. We are truly lucky to be part of this. God speed
8caa5e No.3346000
Political Prostitutes. Schumer Feinstein etc
7c9475 No.3346001
Chucky didn't wear a purple tie.
Mitch red tie.
It's over.
f5b19a No.3346002
anniversary ammo 2
awoo 2nd most appearances. Awoo is the OP pic for CBTS #s
OP pics mostly MAGA Lion, Awoo.
there is COMFY STORM. COMFY STORM IS IN breads 51-54
and there is Military Storm it is an a few threads from 6-115
bfe48c No.3346003
Someone posted to twatter that if he were hooked to a poly machine he would fry like Kentucky fried chicken!
726b2a No.3346004
Poor patriots were mislead by the zionists.
Reminder that General George S. Patton was killed for noticing and verbalizing the extend and implications of the jewish supremacism and subversion that has been chocking the West for the last 200 years.
Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton
On a letter to his wife he commented:
“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”
And in his diary he noted:
“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”
General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:
General George S. Patton was murdered:
c3ac18 No.3346005
Yes, Sunday this weekend
Who cares about her?
Remember that most of the world is still asleep, and govts BLOCK great awakening information, do everything they can to ensure the population remains ignorant, asleep
Stormy’s lurid bullshit is very timely considering Australian Govt is about to be busted for trying to take Trump down
595c7b No.3346006
So, you missed the QR code that's in the stars and the bar code that's in the stripes.
Image resolves to the phrase presented in two parts: The flag of the US.
It's in old bread somewhere. Can't find it immediately.
YES there's stuff in these image files.
I have to go. I'll try to get back to it.
Anon, if you have the ability - start a steganography thread - not a pixelknot thread - and I'll try to respond there with more details later today.
173d5f No.3346007
the American Bar Association’s standing committee (which evaluates judicial noms) says in letter that they are re-opening Kavanaugh evaluation due to “New information of a material nature regarding temperament.” But stresses that original “well qualified” rating stands
7367ee No.3346008
This makes me want to look back at his decisions and see if he was comped.
8caa5e No.3346010
Will screw for votes
2f6f42 No.3346011
My mistake. Meant this twat instead.
4a4084 No.3346012
One of these days I'll find you…grammar NAZI! KEK!
796a38 No.3346013
not sure on the scope, swapped out so many lost track between a few systems layed out. this fucker ain't nooo joke.
also had a .25 semi auto bully but the fucking thing is permanetly cocked once you fill it, and fires just off safety without recocking whatsoever. one of the most dangerous, unstable platforms ive ever seen in my life, got rid of that fucker.
granted i have not tested the full range of the 100cinder myself, but thats what i have been told and seen, and from it with next to no air in it dropped well under red, fucking thing almost ruptured my left ear drum, maybe slightly did for a minute or two.
my personal favorite though is custom ammunition loaded into a paintball platform.
litterally ruptures skulls, and then some, at distance yet you can weight the rounds right if you wanted to fall off lethal level at around 60ft. 20 if you went REAL heavy.
effective at keeping close neighbors safe incase of a rogue round out a window in a home invasion.
also would be pretty safe to use in the hull of a shit or plane.
where theres a pepe theres a way!
91a85b No.3346015
Anyone able to check the sealed indictments to see if any more are being unsealed?
dad08d No.3346016
See: >>3343867 (pb) It was not unclear what BV wanted.
e4d9c5 No.3346018
I gave the good to go for the handoff. We switched images for a reason. That image is associated with Baruch and other famefags we are still fighting with to this day. Change the image for the day if you want to, but don't use that cancerous faggotry.
0f2111 No.3346019
Cabage Patch Kid
Garbage Pail Kid*
86c47c No.3346020
Words of wisdom.
b2ca80 No.3346021
I think this is a useful reminder/tip
cbf9ae No.3346022
they're unsealed daily anon
day by day moar are unsealed, and moar are sealed
19c822 No.3346023
That's three breads ago. I'll keep the image stock as there is already a global notable.
Do you guys remember when we migrated from CBTS? The mods were scheduling AMA's with Twitter famefags and I'm almost sure they were trying to monetize the movement.
When Q had us migrate there was a tantrum from the CBTS owners/mods and they tried to split the community. I haven't seen an attempt from them since earlier this year but we still should be vigilant.
Using the image of a board Q decided to leave just to pay homage to our first anniversary is kind of weak.
9b18bb No.3346024
Whenever i see his face i can't help but think in his voice for a couple of minutes afterwards.
401269 No.3346025
f5b19a No.3346030
anniversary ammo 3
last one
heres 5 other OPs - other than these it was all MAGA lion and AWOO - except 51-54 Comfy Storm - and a few Military Storm
3bd60b No.3346031
I think he's making a logical prediction based on Kava's confirmation.
f95277 No.3346032
Of course he was. He was put there by the ruling Cabal at that time.
bfe48c No.3346033
799403 No.3346034
84ab51 No.3346035
guh… !!! love my basement!!
95b6de No.3346036
murdered him too
same same
f30762 No.3346037
Are you ready to see arrests?
Areyou ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of history?
4e9dc6 No.3346038
KEK I forgot about that. Mitch calling out the dems who hadn't full filled out their protest signs when they were waiting for POTUS to announce. They were going to protest either way. LOLOLOL.
77cc60 No.3346039
026996 No.3346040
"with all the pain you must have went through to get those face tattoos, it probably wouldn't hurt if I smacked you upside the head now wouldn't it?"
6352de No.3346042
That bullpup activates my almonds
91a85b No.3346044
Holy shit a Rothschild arrested yesterday
bfe48c No.3346046
Anyone have a link to the live feed?
83c928 No.3346047
eh fool me once
if the arrests happen before midterms they will claim interference and the sheep will believe them
ce011d No.3346048
The meek will inherit the earth …..Stay calm and don’t resist or counter their attacks ….. Let them show the world intolerance of the left …. Elections have consequences
83df90 No.3346050
Anons glad to share the journey with all of you after Las Vegas I was lost and ready to explode then I found Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT and I saw SCI(F) and state secrets and I understood. I understood I wasn’t alone. I understood there are more good than bad. I understood this was good vs evil. I was lost then I was found. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU WWG1WGA WRWY
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals“ CS Lewis
4e9dc6 No.3346051
f95277 No.3346053
796a38 No.3346055
I would take a 9mm at close range before I stepped in front of that thing. or 2.
5dd4aa No.3346056
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3346046
1422a1 No.3346059
>“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself.”
2f00ba No.3346060
0468cb No.3346061
Have you noticed?
When no one is speaking, you can hear groans and moans in the chamber!
Satan's choir!
f3b8e3 No.3346062
>That image is associated with Baruch and other famefags we are still fighting with to this day.
respectfully, um, fuck no.
that image us associated with the early days CBTS threads on 4ch.
sure, clowns among us are part of the memories from the start, but giving them so much importance and oomph that that pic triggers you/anons? again, fuck no.
anyway, not getting in a fight over this, that's not the point.
but you seem to overestimate the impact of these parasites
95b6de No.3346063
twatter sent me
fully comped
372b4a No.3346065
I'm willing to commit sudoku for the cause
bfe48c No.3346066
Thank you all anons! 😎
799403 No.3346067
tbh this is small
726cba No.3346068
He worked for a Rothschild. What makes you think he IS a Rothschild?
ed2f69 No.3346070
Poison your own well and blame the opposition huh.
62897a No.3346071
Technically an employee of a Rothschild firm…not an actual Family member.
0f2111 No.3346072
A couple moar for the
0d9438 No.3346073
2641f9 No.3346074
Kavanaugh is going to be this country's red wall. He will protect the Constitution from all those attempting to destroy it. We are going to be what we were supposed to be. FREE.
83c928 No.3346075
wait till the wolves find that the meek are armed
9aed97 No.3346077
They forgot Cocaine Hussein- hell it even rhymes
cb8105 No.3346078
Interesting Wikileaks Tweet
2. ://2u55fq73azn2lhzm.onion/
#QuestOfRandomClues #MythicAirplanes ✈️
b966a3 No.3346079
Those of us in rural ares will not see anything. Those of you in Metro areas, watch your 6.
ce011d No.3346080
Remember Trump knew he had to replace Scalia …..Why do you think the other Justice stepped down ? TRUMP KNEW HE NEEDED A CONSTITUTIONAL JUDGE WITH NO STRINGS ATTATCHED … Enjoy the show
95b6de No.3346081
this is getting out of control
shill the chans harder
4e9dc6 No.3346082
The dems, if left with any power at all, will continue to try to kill him.
3bd60b No.3346083
Saved #3, brings back the good old days.
fc54bd No.3346084
bfe48c No.3346085
Same old tricks, same old play book! KEK! Love it
a1139b No.3346087
Mine look just like hers kek. Except, I slept good but muh allergies are knocking me around big time.
5367cb No.3346088
put that shit (actually good shit) in the meme´s bread and pin it to the OP
cbf9ae No.3346089
oh ok, understood BV
that would have been helpful to have bakers understand a few days ago though, anons and bakers just thought it'd be a nice thing to do
theres no point in using now really
see: >>3346018
keep the /qresearch/ pic
makes sense
3bd60b No.3346090
.onion implies its a TOR link
dca95f No.3346092
LA here. I’m ready but concerned.
4e9dc6 No.3346093
f3b8e3 No.3346095
< >Using the image of a board Q decided to leave just to pay homage to our first anniversary is kind of weak.
the compd boards just re-used the original image
shouldn't be so afraid of the boogeymods
8485a6 No.3346096
Why isn't antifa resisting right now? Oh that's right classes aren't over for the day yet.
e3a375 No.3346097
9aed97 No.3346098
He knew. This is pretty much a confirmation that the CIA had Kennedy killed
ea6502 No.3346099
I'm a little afraid, but so ready…
3e627e No.3346100
God Bless all! its been a ride
c50e58 No.3346101
Feinstein Plays Unbilled Role in Taiwan Dispute
I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese," Feinstein said.
b4becb No.3346103
If any of you have photo shop can you attempt a reconciliation of the layers. I don’t have photo shop. Pic related.
cbf9ae No.3346104
BV wanted the /qresearch/ pic used
see: >>3346018
3bd60b No.3346105
You think they're awake yet? It's only 10:30.
66120b No.3346106
Also WifeAnon's birthday!
What a wonderful day!
b966a3 No.3346107
Kike means he will vote NO on any Trump SCOTUS nominee, ever.
9aed97 No.3346108
His and His cells
e4d9c5 No.3346109
> I haven't seen an attempt from them since earlier this year but we still should be vigilant.
Shit has been lulzy since /r/GA was banned and the /v/QRV voat was started. We can change the image to celebrate this day, but ffs anons please pick a better image. Tell me what you want I'll whip it up.
Respectfully, the bakers union shit is another great thing we got away from.
I admit to being a faggot to that baker. If you want an image for today, let's do this Anons, gimp is open.
19c822 No.3346110
It's only unclear if you're trying to find a grey area. The image used was the old CBTS image; BV responded and told the baker to use the correct image. That seems clear to me.
If I'm wrong I'll gladly use the old image if BO/BV advise.
cb8105 No.3346111
Right. I don't have a TOR browser, so I can't open.
0f2111 No.3346112
Happy birthday Wifeanon!!
9093aa No.3346113
>>3337560 (Prev Bread)
11 months. More promises. Still no results.
Prediction: more unmet expectations.
At some point in all of this, anons are going to have to realize they are getting kicked in the nutz on a daily basis.
901703 No.3346114
suck it up buttercup and try not to puke on your fellow anons.
9aed97 No.3346115
I need muh baby blood! Reeeeeee!
f69696 No.3346117
Put .to at the end. Its a picture of the dublin airport i believe someone said in the comments.
5aeb10 No.3346118
I'm Militant!
84ab51 No.3346121
Lay it at the cross Anon…
God Wins!!!
9b18bb No.3346123
Yes this → >>3345979 is beyond notable.
7ca259 No.3346124
I am part of history! Our archives will be in the history books. Happy ANON Day!
4e9dc6 No.3346125
LOL McConnel trying hard not to laugh.
3e627e No.3346127
have you been keeping an eye on her?
i bet she was arrested last night… something for sure happened.
she looks scared and tired.
745a0e No.3346129
>>3345856 Our Leftist Domestic Enemies have NO HONOR!
ec078d No.3346130
af7341 No.3346133
REEE me up Scotty!
9bcc99 No.3346134
>>3345869 One of my all time favorites. Pepe San.
5367cb No.3346135
got a special 1 up my sleeve, but saving it for the real anniversary
it was the one that gtfo´d backers union
83c928 No.3346136
thats either me or theres a clone of me out there
hive mind looool
70bf74 No.3346137
Yup. Sitting comfy in a nice small town.
901703 No.3346138
91a85b No.3346139
How much were they asking for the one with big saggy boobs?
646a9a No.3346141
and the bewbs? archived as well? how about shitposts? lol
cbf9ae No.3346143
just stay with the /qresearch/ image
put the CBTS pic and the dough post's pic or something
all good
026996 No.3346146
They're latched!
Check your targets and watch the crossfire.
They're in standard formation: little shills up front, big ones in back…
Good luck, Anons.
I need a Field of fire on that twitter hashtag.
As soon as that hashtag trends, let 'em have it!
9f10b9 No.3346147
They should've picked better volunteers, you guys are assholes a bit too often and you never know who you're pushing away.
3bd60b No.3346148
Praise Terry for pointing out the CIA niggers
84ab51 No.3346149
Rural Anon… comfee / ready to help my neighbors.
745a0e No.3346150
Who's the madam president they keep referring to?
a1139b No.3346151
And evidently wear crop tops
8cfa21 No.3346152
Absolutely fantastic advice. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Give them the rope and let them hang themselves
4a9dc6 No.3346153
I've been around too long anon. Seen too many of these kind of posts. One can hope. One is ready.
6a0754 No.3346154
Bella Dodd - The "New World Order" is Communism
We need constant reminders that Communism is a fait accompli
in the West and that freedom and democracy are an empty charade.
In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US
Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers
are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA.
Bella Dodd was a Communist Party of America (CPUSA) leader in the 1930' s and 1940's. Her book, "School of Darkness" (1954) reveals that Communism was a hoax perpetrated by financiers "to control the common man" and to advance world tyranny. Naturally, this important book is out-of-print and not in any used bookstores.
FREE to read
8caa5e No.3346155
These shitholes have been at this so long they actually believe their own bullshit to be reality.
2641f9 No.3346156
Mitch sounds a tad upset. I like it. "Breathlessly, breathlessly the media seized on it…"
9b18bb No.3346157
Did the "Live stream" just skip?
726b2a No.3346158
9f10b9 No.3346160
4e9dc6 No.3346161
Same :-)
I have the best neighbors too.
5aeb10 No.3346162
Yet putting it all together!
We, WIN!
66feb6 No.3346163
cbf9ae No.3346164
take your feelz to fagbook
4a4084 No.3346165
That's exactly what Schupper did.
e06d55 No.3346166
Black Market Human Flesh Pills
"SEOUL,Oct.5(UPI)–South Korean authorities seized more than 2,000 human flesh pills smuggled from China. A total of 2,751 pills filled with human flesh had been smuggled from China between 2015 and August this year, according to the Korea Customs Service, in a report submitted to National Assembly, Yonhap News reported. Human flesh pills are made of dead human fetuses or infants and wrongly known to boost stamina and cure cancer, serious diabetes and incurable diseases. They are smuggled in suitcases or via international mail to South Korea and sold on the black market."
ce011d No.3346167
Remember Trump knew he had to replace Scalia …..Why do you think the other Justice stepped down ? TRUMP KNEW HE NEEDED A CONSTITUTIONAL JUDGE WITH NO STRINGS ATTATCHED … Enjoy the show
2205d2 No.3346170
Mitch "Keystone cops on the case"
9f10b9 No.3346172
No, i'll keep them here where they belong.
4a0837 No.3346173
Pelosi is in the house not the Senate.
745a0e No.3346175
4a4084 No.3346177
All the Keystone Cops were on the case….KEK!
73ea95 No.3346178
rural here as well-
happy I got my children close..
they are informed and ready…
726b2a No.3346179
Any tips on the custom ammo for paintball platforms?
Does slingshot ammunition works good?
af7341 No.3346180
These guys are doing a great job and a bit of understanding goes both ways.
53b629 No.3346181
195591 No.3346182
I've been finding out about who was behind WW2 WW1 ect .When the tanks rolled into Poland they had white cross marking later painted out with a black cross that was then adopted on later decals.Swiss the birthplace of Masonry/Banking run the world control Isreal keep out of wars and reap the spoils afterwards
308607 No.3346183
Did we ever get any confirmation of this?
Has he been reported in public since?
I've not heard anything, but I don't do TV, Newspapers, MSM, etc!
0f2111 No.3346184
If you are phonefagging Photofox has a good assortment of fonts!
cbf9ae No.3346185
oh, excuse me, thats reddit
fucking faggot
19c822 No.3346186
Sounds good to me. I'll stick with qresearch unless BV/anons come up with a special one for today:
There are shills as far as the eye can see. Words might get a bit rough around here.
77cc60 No.3346187
e8435f No.3346188
I bet she's dying to eat a baby blood matzo.
19c822 No.3346190
>>3345716 Interpol president "taken away" for questioning in China.
>>3345718 Anon deciphers possible meme request from POTUS this morning.
>>3345839 Sen. Collins to vote yes on Kavanaugh.
>>3345847 MSM narrative shift?
>>3345979 Tips to avoid social media's censorship algorithm.
7c9475 No.3346191
Almost there Mitch.
God bless you.
53f04e No.3346192
57e21b No.3346193
"What are words for, when no one listens anymore?"
ce011d No.3346194
A Constitutional 5 th vote from the SC will allow Military Tribunals ….. Trump can’t move on them till he is seated ….. 30 hours world will change as you know it …Trust the Plan ….WWG1WGA
84ab51 No.3346195
Family meeting tomorrow for preps… kids are woke..
Praying for all
018828 No.3346196
You sound like a voat kind of fella.
8caa5e No.3346197
The Turtle following orders?
Can’t stand this “thing”
026996 No.3346198
It's dangerous to post alone. Use This!
9f10b9 No.3346199
Words don't bother me much; cult like behavior, exclusion of anons and beauty-parlor politics do and I see a lot of that here with the volunteers and mods.
925ab5 No.3346202
That's why Gen Flynn called us
1422a1 No.3346203
>If you want an image for today, let's do this Anons, gimp is open.
Could always just put the quote with the date on that WH photo from that day. Just a suggestion.
10e0fb No.3346204
Spoke to a DC cop who verified it
28aa47 No.3346205
I'm so shocked. Drudge report has the best news about POTUS and American news. So I decided to be brave and checked out CNN… And Holly softballs. The stories are good for POTUS even on CNN… What reality did I wake up to? What a fucken beautiful timeline….
Bring on Justice K vote!
It's our cherry on top!
Love you all, its habbening
ea6502 No.3346206
Bring the PAIN!
4e9dc6 No.3346207
Start praying for Kavanaugh, anons.
73ea95 No.3346209
my son just returned from school 2 weeks ago-
he is now a certified gunsmith.. and I am thrilled he is within a mile of here
0f2111 No.3346210
>>3346166 Human Flesh Pills From China Seized in South Korea!
6dc8fe No.3346211
4e9dc6 No.3346212
And start praying for what happens next.
80a4a5 No.3346213
Schumer doesn't have any business lecturing anyone about temperament:
5cb8bd No.3346214
How about keeping the qresearch image and replacing the MAGA lion with Happy Anniversary for today.
Not a baker, just an anon offering a humble opinion.
a1139b No.3346217
I just wish I had a basement. I do have my sentry post upstairs watching my security cams, I got that goin' for me which is nice. Lol
1167bc No.3346219
If you feel so inclined to traverse this hole..
cb8105 No.3346220
e3a375 No.3346221
VOTING NOW in swamp senate
c9d142 No.3346222
Happy Anniversary!!!
9e0fce No.3346223
That's not Pelosi up there
66120b No.3346225
She literally said, "Kek, thanksQ!".
5aeb10 No.3346226
someone gotta chesseburger for
He's looking a little slim
Come Back?
84ab51 No.3346227
Hahahahahaha!! that's some excellent prepping. lol
298d2d No.3346229
Any anons that have an interest in the comping of american education you need to read this. She gives chapter and verse on the state of things from about 1895 iirc and it was all messed up biggly by the 1920s. Communists, Jews, unions. This is straight form the horses mouth.
public education is yet another jewish plank in their talmudization of the goy.
sabbtean karl marx.
1fb47c No.3346230
Ninja Turtle activated
Juicy Cloture
62eab8 No.3346231
Once 53 is confirmed, who is next?
Brett Kavanaugh is 53yo
Who is 47yo???
Is RBG feeling unwell?
57e21b No.3346233
I used to watch that show ddoomsday preppers' and laugh at those people.
Now 'those people' are us.
Who knew?
4a4084 No.3346235
Drop your cocks and grab your Glocks!
It's happening now!
dc9b4b No.3346237
Presidential alert brings down networks in Northwest US or were they deliberately brought down?
Cell phone networks across the Pacific Northwest were hit by a mysterious disruption this morning minutes after the inaugural “presidential alert” — although at least one cellphone provider insists the two events were not related.
For several hours Wednesday, subscribers with several networks, notably AT&T and T-Mobile, reported being unable to download data or use their apps soon after the text alert, which was sent at 11:18 a.m. Pacific Time.
“The presidential text alert went out and after that I lost all internet, Gmail, apps — everything stopped working,” said Sarah Mendivel, a medical researcher at Seattle Children’s Hospital. When Mendivel finally got through to AT&T, she was told “they didn’t know what it was,” she said in a phone interview Wednesday afternoon.
726b2a No.3346238
Cut all the aid.
dc0550 No.3346240
53-47. LEt's see if Q called it
1c84ae No.3346241
4a4084 No.3346242
cb8105 No.3346243
646a9a No.3346244
I'll meet you on up ahead at the choke and puke. Over
f69696 No.3346245
1167bc No.3346246
f95277 No.3346247
474e5e No.3346248
Can barely hear some of them
82ba61 No.3346249
The awkward moment when even the broken up vets could take them.
Bring. It.
I mean I'd rather they just stayed at home safely. Like little kids.
84ab51 No.3346250
b4becb No.3346251
Dropped my glock and grabbed my cock… I’m not gonna make it am I?
2641f9 No.3346252
Fucking protester. Seriously. Pisses me off!
372b4a No.3346253
The protocols warned us a long time ago
dc0550 No.3346254
bfe48c No.3346255
4e9dc6 No.3346256
This is a roll call vote.
3e627e No.3346257
9a7001 No.3346258
my heart rate is way up! praying to god!
9b18bb No.3346259
My cock shoots 9mm.
I've only had sex once and i'm typing from jail.
6dc8fe No.3346261
I would bet he gets it spot on.
10e0fb No.3346265
4e9dc6 No.3346266
3edcb8 No.3346267
447b93 No.3346268
Lurk moar. This has been notable'd in last two breads. Read before posting.
cb8105 No.3346269
Correct, we'll have to wait for the final vote count. Pay attention to Grassley, I guess.
Maybe the Senate site records the member's votes.
d97802 No.3346270
Fucking Dems are not even in the room for the vote!
19c822 No.3346271
>>3345716 Interpol president "taken away" for questioning in China.
>>3345718 Anon deciphers possible meme request from POTUS this morning.
>>3345839 Sen. Collins to vote yes on Kavanaugh.
>>3345847 MSM narrative shift?
>>3345979 Tips to avoid social media's censorship algorithm.
>>3346166 Black market human flesh pills intercepted from China.
9b18bb No.3346272
Relax anon. We know the outcome.
3bd60b No.3346273
Cloture, not the final vote. 53 is likely.
4a4084 No.3346274
0f2111 No.3346275
Where the hell are the Dems? One side of the room has hardly anyone there
28aa47 No.3346278
Dear. God. Please , 53_47…
Come on baby!!!! We need Justice K!!!!!
1c84ae No.3346280
dam could not hear joe mansions vote or lisa murkowskis
f69696 No.3346281
Amy Coney Barrett will be 47 on January 28th.
1612f0 No.3346282
>The media has been forced to cover Trump's great economy for a while now. It's one of the few facts they will begrudgingly admit.
MSM just hedging because They can always fall back on pushing the idea that the economy was Obama's doing that Trump just inherited.
Obama himself was spouting that shit just a month or so ago, wasn't he?
1d1eba No.3346283
grassley shouted his ay..gotta love the guy.
f3b8e3 No.3346286
>Respectfully, the bakers union shit is another great thing we got away from.
yup, it was great to avoid abuse of board authority to impose arbitrary decisions.. ohwait
The idea was mostly to bring attention to it all, the pic doesn't matter that much.
but these arguments/reasons are awful, just saying.
here's hoping not all BVs (who, um, veto bakers before baking, btw, but hey, that ain't no union) are still this PTSD from shit happened 9/10 months ago
cb8105 No.3346288
Feinstein, No
Durbin, No
Murray, No
Cantwell, No
This vote IS meaningful as to their intention
0a4ce2 No.3346291
See 777 here
Off Bread (clockfag thread)
4e9dc6 No.3346292
6dc8fe No.3346294
Yeah, I don't get that at all. So much for them doing their job in DC. They need to be voted out!
9a7001 No.3346295
i /know/ its exciting tho! thanks for that rreeeminder anon
8caa5e No.3346297
Anybody have a link to the vote? Thank you
221378 No.3346302
79d028 No.3346303
Can any anon link dig related to the shooter in S. Carolina? My BS radar is going off.
1) The police were serving a search warrant for 27 yo known to be at that residence, for child sex assault.
2) "Vietnam veteran and disbarred lawyer" yet he lives in a brick mansion in an affluent neighborhood.
3) "children were held hostage" during shooting and a 20 yo was shot and injured inside the home
4) NO major news outlets are reporting information about the shooter.
Smells pedo-ish to me. Is/was there a dig on Frederick Hopkins? Reminds me of Stephen Paddock a bit.
68148d No.3346304
this cloture vote is only to stop this bullshit filibuster.
the actual confirmation vote is still tomorrow, correct?
4a4084 No.3346306
THIS vote allows us to see who is voting for what.
It IS important.
7c1df3 No.3346308
83c928 No.3346309
Flake still gets the rope
3e627e No.3346310
after cloture they should immediately vote right for closure?
silly shit
71ec2e No.3346311
So when can white males above the age of 25 get jobs again? And why aren't the immigrant propagandists out protecting the 13,500 Chinese fake-asylees on the chopping block?
62549b No.3346313
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3346297
5cb8bd No.3346314
dc9b4b No.3346316
Christine Blasey Ford and the Implanted Memory Theory
That is the possibility that Dr. Ford may have been misled by a sincere but false memory of something that never happened, perhaps created by her marital or individual psychotherapy.
At first blush this may seem far-fetched. But science has shown that implanted false memories are such a common phenomenon in human affairs – and have sent so many innocent people to prison
Dr. Ford has said it was in therapy that she came to understand that the alleged assault left a lasting trauma in her life.
82ba61 No.3346318
I'll stick to Mario64.
I mean, gotta practice hopping dimensions if I'll be of any use!
4a0837 No.3346320
This vote won't be 53-47 because most of the D's aren't even there to vote.
9b18bb No.3346321
UneducatedAnon here.
What does that mean? What are they voting for then?
0f2111 No.3346324
If you can’t hear the responses, if you hear a pencil scratch that is an “Aye”
cb8105 No.3346325
^^^^^THIS & could be misdirection for some, but we'll see
417556 No.3346326
HAHA I have the whole set of Garbage Pail kids from years ago. This is great
332ce5 No.3346327
80a4a5 No.3346328
57 years old and have watched more CSPAN this year than in my entire life
To hell with spectator sports, this is more exciting
3bd60b No.3346331
b4becb No.3346332
What r the fucking odds?
1c84ae No.3346334
0f2111 No.3346335
Nvm. Now I’m hearing it for every response.
8c6d61 No.3346336
>What are they voting for then?
They're voting to advance to a final vote in 30 hours.
209f45 No.3346337
It's talk like a pirate day
3bd60b No.3346338
They are voting to close debate, and start a 30 hour period before the vote will take place.
a1efcf No.3346339
am i reading that right? how is he a 27yo vietnam vet?
28aa47 No.3346340
I guess I'm praying in advance , for tomorrow…kek
27742c No.3346341
no. he made a choice. he is not guilty and should not be treated as such.
50a588 No.3346344
I pray that good will defeat evil
I pray that good will defeat evil
I pray that good will defeat evil
9c8ee7 No.3346345
This statement should be Huge!!
By Bob Beckles' ex-wife…
083de1 No.3346346
53 - Kavanaugh
47 - Amy Coney Barrett
f95277 No.3346347
This is not the final vote