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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on QResearch? 8chan? Click here, newfag.

QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

fef614  No.3311221

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 10.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/321 ——————————— Ford herself coached by the C_A? ( Cap: >>3307739, >>3307756 )

Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3310187 )

Monday 10.01.18

>>3285957 rt >>3285666 -————————– Allow us to carry this heavy burden.

>>3285534 rt >>3285327 -————————– Amen, brother.

>>3285210 rt >>3285173 -————————– God bless you, Patriot.

>>3285147 rt >>3284952 -————————– Solid confirmation of POTUS on Q team

>>3284797 rt >>3284775 -————————– Trump normally tweets when he is going. Today he didn't.

>>3284672 rt >>3283955 -————————– Today, for the 1st time, we IDEN where we would be

>>>/patriotsfight/316 ——————————— Reagan - Peace Through Strength ( Cap: >>3284011, >>3284017 )

>>>/patriotsfight/315 ——————————— Heading to TN now. ( Cap: >>3282882, >>3285464 )

>>3282338 rt >>3282114 -————————– Think WHY.

>>3281997 rt >>3281924 -————————– We made it public.

>>>/patriotsfight/314 ——————————— Standard deviation? ( Cap: >>3282171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/313 ——————————— [Quick History Lesson] ( Cap: >>3281645, >>3285459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/312 ——————————— VIP PATRIOTS! ( Cap: >>3281006 )

Sunday 09.30.18

>>>/patriotsfight/311 ——————————— STAY TUNED AND WATCH! ( Cap: >>3267571 )

>>>/patriotsfight/310 ——————————— Define 'Subversion' ( Cap: >>3267228 )

Saturday 09.29.18

>>>/patriotsfight/309 ——————————— Splash1-X. ( Cap: >>3252120, >>3257016, >>3257245 )

>>>/patriotsfight/308 ——————————— HUMANITY IS AT STAKE. DROP THE MEMES. VOTE THEM ALL OUT. ( Cap: >>3252200 )

>>>/patriotsfight/307 ——————————— WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. ( Cap: >>3250449, >>3250471, >>3250575 )

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 ——————————— POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

fef614  No.3311225


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3310528 Hussein-era regulations slashing saves $1.65B

>>3310566 On NoName, Q posts, and Western Union 92 code (analysis/speculation)

>>3310660 ; >>3310774 ; >>3310933 ; >>3311167 ; >>3311169 Planefag Updates

>>3310729 ; >>3310800 ; >>3310972 ; >>3311054 New DJT

>>3310763 Dig on iHeartMedia and DS

>>3310970 Further connections to Monica McLean

>>3310980 US transport plane crash in Afghanistan

>>3311189 #4194


>>3309749 Monroe Co., Indiana, judge retiring after 40+ years

>>3309772 GOP Senators literally pushing back against protestors

>>3309784 HRC emails dig, including Lanny Davis hawking secret backchannel to Netanyahu

>>3309790 ; >>3309796 ; >>3309800 Extensive analysis/summary of Q drops, beginning w/NoName and the false dossier

>>3309823 Article on Federal Reserve expecting crisis

>>3309825 ; >>3309876 /Kanye/: “Y’all can’t bully me” in defense of himself, MAGA

>>3309923 ; >>3310047 ; >>3310126 ; >>3310234 ; >>3310308 New DJT

>>3309989 Quebec: voters more interested in moving right than separating from Canada

(>>3310157 ; >>3310202 ; >>3310216 On the US Treasury, China, and cancelling debts)

>>3310060 Merley’s last-ditch court bid for Kavanaugh docs

>>3310327 UN court tells US to ease Iran sanctions

>>3310367 FBI to wrap up Kavanaugh probe on Wednesday

>>3310403 #4193

#4192 Baker Change

>>3308943 Hydro to shut all alumina output in Brazil, shares plunge

>>3308945 ; >>3309594 Clockfag updates

>>3308970 New USMCA includes a way to isolate China?

>>3309025 Trump-Mueller interview negotiations stall as 2 more prosecutors leave Russia probe

>>3308958, >>3308962, >>3309034 Hypocrite Dick Durbin confronted by reporter

>>3309115 Speculation re: POTUS/Q countdown

>>3309164 GAA Hash Update; 4198 breads

>>3309339 ; >>3309582 CBF friend in Delaware was FBI agent

>>3309378 Grassley gunning for CFB’s therapy notes

>>3309407 Wellforce CEO retiring at year’s end

>>3309622 #4192


>>3308157 Ex-boyfriend’s letter prompts Grassley to question Ford’s truthfulness

>>3308200 Voter Registration Deadline Info By State

>>3308224, >>3308235 Planefag Cadet: 4 Globemasters, 3 Stratotankers, and 2 Poseidons

>>3308260 Microsoft's CFO explains its M&A strategy: It loves to buy 'communities' like LinkedIn and GitHub

>>3308280, >>3308285, >>3308287 US has leverage over China through Chinese historical bond holdings

>>3308313 Amazon Creating Global Cloud Service With Iridium

>>3308389 Denver Zoo Closed After Someone Threatened To Crash Plane Into Zoo

>>3308450 Reminder: The Ford Letter that Feinstein leaked is not the first time she has leaked behind Grassley's back (Fusion GPS leak)

>>3308464, >>3308470, >>3308497, >>3308508, >>3308516 Instagram Kill?: Instagram is down

>>3308564, >>3308580 Instagram down: App crashed for users across the globe

>>3308567 Instagram announced new CHIEF and 17 hours later the website and app was down

>>3308587 On the Q-Clock: EAS TEST

>>3308685 #4191

Previously Collected Notables

>>3307235 #4189, >>3308017 #4190

>>3304952 #4186, >>3305677 #4187, >>3306451 #4188

>>3302502 #4183, >>3303344 #4184, >>3304098 #4185

>>3300126 #4180, >>3300943 #4181, >>3301745 #4182

>>3297691 #4177, >>3298453 #4178, >>3299298 #4179

>>3295379 #4174, >>3296175 #4175, >>3297017 #4176

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

fef614  No.3311227

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>3286713

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

fef614  No.3311228

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Archive of Notable Posts (Searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 4111: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

fef614  No.3311231

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



7e1c88  No.3311240

File: 36f9ca0c7f3b2ee⋯.png (298.82 KB, 1100x618, 550:309, kavanaugh_pepe.png)


5c4c7b  No.3311262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6c7797  No.3311272

File: b04a40abecbac05⋯.jpeg (48.2 KB, 464x470, 232:235, jesusbeatspope.jpeg)


Catholic Clergy Abuse Left Off Official Docket For Vatican Youth Meeting.


b19103  No.3311274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


edbcee  No.3311275

File: 06b38bc9b6fa876⋯.png (329.72 KB, 555x500, 111:100, ClipboardImage.png)

b19103  No.3311281

File: 1aa1f9092028488⋯.png (2.56 MB, 2209x1208, 2209:1208, clowns in america ford hef….png)

Hugh Hefner CIA to Christine Ford graphic

21870d  No.3311290

File: dd56916d8a2f6e9⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1516x1515, 1516:1515, Puppet.png)

f8e845  No.3311293

File: 7b03cdee4c8f310⋯.jpg (59.35 KB, 427x604, 427:604, 2jadt8.jpg)

02f9b2  No.3311294

File: 08786544bfc110e⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 638x479, 638:479, h2.jpg)

5c4c7b  No.3311295


KEK that pic

4cf4d8  No.3311297

File: 8873c16469d802d⋯.jpg (16.24 KB, 274x184, 137:92, WalkAwayAuntieScreamer.jpg)

File: 17998c929c5d382⋯.jpg (62.87 KB, 640x480, 4:3, WalkAway_Robert-Mueller-an….jpg)

File: 1b04131e70fc0b7⋯.jpg (172.21 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, WalkAway VOTE Register Rep….jpg)

File: 77bda10325af3bd⋯.jpg (54.47 KB, 640x440, 16:11, WalkAwakKamalaHarrisDEMSPo….jpg)

File: 18b0f39111871b1⋯.jpg (203.2 KB, 7200x3600, 2:1, VotingDemThinkAgain1.jpg)

MemeBullets fr twatterFags~


e20fcf  No.3311298

File: c9e222dea13a979⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 341x376, 341:376, handrubbingintensifies.gif)

51fb98  No.3311299

]Flake[ is YES

]RR[ flipped

22d81a  No.3311300

File: bdac1a49fd1f74e⋯.jpg (334.72 KB, 1078x787, 1078:787, Meme Creator_1538578334178.jpg)

02f9b2  No.3311301

File: 0ad816e674fb95f⋯.png (692.03 KB, 691x778, 691:778, pig farms.png)

pig farms



43ea7b  No.3311302

File: 036c7330136c65c⋯.jpeg (329.73 KB, 1280x1580, 64:79, iu-17.jpeg)


a6596a  No.3311303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How can anyone watch this and deny that these people are pure evil? We need to band together and crush these pieces of shit once and for all!

Man the fuck up!


4a8120  No.3311304

File: 3a8c21ecca862cd⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 457x300, 457:300, F5BC7F90-A7B4-473C-B301-B….jpeg)

File: 80c5f97c4a31007⋯.jpg (154.56 KB, 1262x1262, 1:1, IMG_3167.JPG)

File: f54338dfdf9bbf4⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 620x926, 310:463, IMG_3169.JPG)

0df87f  No.3311305


I want to see Lynn "Long Arm" Rothschild and her Neanderthal throwback self get the noose, or the rope, or the needle or the bullet. Really whatever Q goes with.

4a8120  No.3311306


Fuck you poland

2299cc  No.3311307


C'mon now…sauce it.

02f9b2  No.3311308

File: b2b66343ea61649⋯.jpg (153.38 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, shiba.jpg)

i wuz gang raped by gillibrand nxivm in NY

974546  No.3311309


part of a movie.

205c4f  No.3311310


Is that true?

f27de4  No.3311311

File: a7b459df62a5b89⋯.gif (1015.19 KB, 400x198, 200:99, shitFrog.gif)

89981c  No.3311312

MY thoughts on 53-47.

US Federal Code is numbered 1-54

Only one of those titles is reserved, but not written into the code. That is Title 53. pic related.

So the question is what is section 47 going to say in Title 53???????

0a659b  No.3311313

Will POTUS just being doing a test today? - meaning another time push


Will he be announcing 'The Storm"?

5b413d  No.3311314

File: e5ae3ae3344033c⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 319x331, 319:331, Hillary con la senadora de….jpg)

097f42  No.3311315

Kansas is speaking Live at 11

b2479c  No.3311317

File: 2cc2d7c8ceeb34d⋯.jpg (174.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, TWTCOY.jpg)

Not sure if this has been put up yet. Moar Ford-DS fuckery. Sundnce does some good digging and connecting the dots here.


Christine Blasey-Ford Friend In Delaware Was Career FBI Agent and Likely Together During Accusation Letter Construct…

f7d778  No.3311318

File: a213556f57611e8⋯.jpg (109.02 KB, 764x862, 382:431, 1a.JPG)

File: 58a83452bc63e4e⋯.jpg (132.48 KB, 541x897, 541:897, 2.JPG)

File: 2d3498af0d5a10d⋯.jpg (112.41 KB, 541x879, 541:879, 2a.JPG)

File: 6f71873c6d8f554⋯.jpg (124.56 KB, 541x794, 541:794, 6.JPG)

Pastides retiring as president of the University of South Carolina


89981c  No.3311319

File: 975e4df305e912d⋯.jpeg (236.65 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7491ECD1-B580-4D9C-93DE-5….jpeg)


Forgot pic.

77f0bd  No.3311320

File: f6c490f1bddcc85⋯.png (3.62 MB, 720x11544, 30:481, McCainSuicideRommelEdition.png)

No name history with Q for normie consumption

2299cc  No.3311321


Now SHE would be a worth while endeavor…wowsers!

4a8120  No.3311322


Does it creep like death and smell like cabbage

23837e  No.3311323


Please link fo fonefags

02f9b2  No.3311324

File: 28e1fb8b2dea0a2⋯.jpg (299.42 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, stain.jpg)

File: b701d9b8a6b77ba⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 231x218, 231:218, franks boiz.jpg)

File: 87db2d7b6b6f315⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 233x216, 233:216, wut.jpg)

ff2852  No.3311325

File: 45e0e35e761b355⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 480x420, 8:7, 2ja3fk-1~2.jpg)

3556a9  No.3311326

5a8090  No.3311327

File: 8ca281195832bfb⋯.png (55.91 KB, 173x255, 173:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6477c5fe2aa7345⋯.png (64.91 KB, 255x169, 255:169, ClipboardImage.png)









If he truly is a bad actor then I hope he is given a [30] window like his buddy McNoname.

If he is a good actor then a award.

0decec  No.3311328

File: d2c049edd6ff88e⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 680x544, 5:4, nuke_the_site_from_orbit.jpg)

Space Force

Nuke the sites from orbit

It's the only way to be sure

fuckin aye!

46fc63  No.3311329


It’s a test and it was never going to be anything else. I do think big things are coming soon, but this is not it. Not yet. I can imagine they HAVE to test it first.

36dded  No.3311330

File: e8331d358030756⋯.jpeg (146.89 KB, 727x606, 727:606, BDC40147-C879-4220-BD85-8….jpeg)


This one is hysterical. Twatter peeps are makin memes.

77499d  No.3311331

File: 83e2c5ec50a00ad⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, giffffffffff.gif)

4a8120  No.3311332


All those tards

Needs more hammer

02f9b2  No.3311333

File: 7cf0f227b3923ff⋯.jpg (60.03 KB, 630x350, 9:5, shadow.ban.jpg)

must interfere with election…

e4a9ed  No.3311334

I had to inform my clients this morning not to be worked up this afternoon when they get the alert on their phones. I had to go through an explanation of why it is done and how it is a technological help so everyone can be safe. Lots of questions…These are homeless ppl who are trying to start over again. I hope it helped, however those who dont pay attention may be freaked out. Eating lunch early to be prepared. Godspeed anons.

5c4c7b  No.3311335




0c7547  No.3311336


Hurr Durr who gives a fuck?

We've learned shit that makes that sound like baby games since then, brainiac.

ffs, kek :D

e20fcf  No.3311337

File: bda931122a4501f⋯.jpg (99.62 KB, 710x473, 710:473, WalkAway.jpg)

ff2852  No.3311338

File: 3667f82b7382097⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 480x563, 480:563, 2ja3l3~2.jpg)

964719  No.3311339

File: 93cc3ed019fbbf7⋯.png (1.76 MB, 938x963, 938:963, 18906539802683289013908643….png)

89981c  No.3311340


The title 53 was reserved in December. It deals with small businesses. Pic related. This has gotta be it.


d29c51  No.3311341

File: 6ad6572beeda875⋯.gif (287.31 KB, 260x137, 260:137, 6ad6572beeda875f6dd5971863….gif)


Holy double digits, Baker!


1bfc59  No.3311342

File: f15845f7a231ee9⋯.png (361.55 KB, 590x318, 295:159, ClipboardImage.png)

4a8120  No.3311343

File: f574f6ed7f107f5⋯.jpg (213.44 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, IMG_1648.JPG)

5b413d  No.3311344

File: 810fc95bebeb71a⋯.jpg (664.91 KB, 2466x1922, 1233:961, taintasterik.jpg)

0beb0a  No.3311345


post pictures of you puking.

3ac26c  No.3311346

File: f7b589bd48c414a⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 400x302, 200:151, f7b589bd48c414a92f6df7c77e….jpg)

15ac66  No.3311347


Why did they delay it? Thought it was connected with Kavanaugh

657eb7  No.3311348


Its also a tool used to apply pressure to faggots.

0a659b  No.3311349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5a82e8  No.3311350


Same here, thinking just a test, for now.

With so many kvetching about Trump invading their safespace, it just makes sense to have them see how innocuous it is before dropping MOABs on them… but hey, who knows.

Could be another dispatch later tonight

fa90ed  No.3311351

File: 7a56b219dd04fea⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 644x706, 322:353, HRC22-V.jpg)

>>3310652 lb


and V=22

since Q=17

Team Vag?

1bfc59  No.3311352


can you post the blank plz?

e20fcf  No.3311353

File: 4b6f22e0a5936ad⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 525x468, 175:156, Hillary_1.jpg)

4a8120  No.3311354

File: 787af26d18c1e1d⋯.jpg (101.72 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_1963.JPG)

23837e  No.3311355

File: 59ac08f387288f1⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D6ABC294-D833-40A3-A2B8-49….png)


Quit namefagging, max

02f9b2  No.3311356

File: e471bd7c636f99c⋯.png (288.36 KB, 579x463, 579:463, dig.png)


4a8120  No.3311357


Stfu hobbit

2a5434  No.3311358

File: d49cc782dcfd90a⋯.jpg (296.56 KB, 1000x741, 1000:741, c25703811fe200f8fd6a53.jpg)


e86bae  No.3311359


Every. Single. Bread.

02f9b2  No.3311360

File: c2ca9a4906f9c93⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 300x246, 50:41, FF.jpg)

File: a9da81b343be6fc⋯.jpg (16.5 KB, 236x365, 236:365, que.jpg)

0c7547  No.3311361


Q never said POTUS would fire [RR}.

454dc7  No.3311362


Gah.This picture. Why the blacked out eyes?

5b413d  No.3311363

File: d05379f27075f59⋯.jpg (113.39 KB, 474x676, 237:338, iu (1).jpg)

File: d26674de31c111e⋯.jpg (209.54 KB, 668x668, 1:1, iu.jpg)

ff2852  No.3311364

File: 3b37196d554865f⋯.jpg (37.34 KB, 468x397, 468:397, 2jacuj~2.jpg)


>>33•••• F-off Roid

d6e47d  No.3311365


eBot have you ever baked?

dc48d5  No.3311366


The real devil's triangle

097f42  No.3311367

Iran is what Pompeo is speaking on. He relocated american troops

77f0bd  No.3311368

File: 440c19802e8092e⋯.jpg (2.22 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1537997400087.jpg)


How low in life do you have to go, to namefag on the chans … You are so soft

36dded  No.3311369


Keep your enemies close.

e20fcf  No.3311370

File: 34856fee47ec72f⋯.jpg (121.1 KB, 750x500, 3:2, distracted.jpg)


Here ya go anon.

f7d778  No.3311371

File: 6e516c057cd48c4⋯.jpg (140.9 KB, 832x919, 832:919, 1a.JPG)

Joe Biden In Town To Campaign For Dianne Feinstein, OC Democratic Challengers


8ac04f  No.3311372


V=5 (roman numeral)

CIA column 5, the deepstate column

1bfc59  No.3311373

File: 5b3b5054d4ba4a4⋯.png (347.22 KB, 630x354, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

8981ba  No.3311374

File: 0641f1e7591cdf8⋯.png (121.09 KB, 258x244, 129:122, laughing Pepe.png)

f14333  No.3311375


which movie?

097f42  No.3311376

1955 treaty of amity is cancelled

8015a7  No.3311377


Original date was as Hurricane Florence was coming in. I believe He did not want it to coincide with a real emergency, NC & SC were under a hurricane warning. Anons correct me if I’m wrong

c876a3  No.3311378

File: 94c589c1330d474⋯.png (563.31 KB, 507x530, 507:530, fordpeeps.PNG)


hey memefags here ya go

3ac26c  No.3311379

File: 9f45e9e4d32634e⋯.jpg (209.18 KB, 769x500, 769:500, 2j8yx7.jpg)

02f9b2  No.3311380

File: da3429181fae77e⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 620x372, 5:3, msg.jpg)

File: 568b6377eff26b4⋯.jpg (380.85 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, pedo.king.jpg)

interfere better pleb

6c7797  No.3311381



fddfb2  No.3311382

File: dfc9bb143c2dca4⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ahhhhhh.jpg)

59d7b1  No.3311383


you might as well believe what the 8 Ball tells you, than Josh Cornett

0471b7  No.3311384

File: 82a21b483c3220b⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1663x2122, 1663:2122, IMG_3283.JPG)


nice digits chef

454dc7  No.3311385



You are a sick fucking fuck. You fuck. Please go fuck yourself.

f58ff0  No.3311386

File: 5dcbf1492134d2c⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 750x749, 750:749, spaceforce.jpg)

15ac66  No.3311387


Thanks, didn’t think of that

142c22  No.3311388

File: 15346e102bb9699⋯.png (97.04 KB, 2100x1275, 28:17, YOU CHECK.png)

2b462a  No.3311389


You are like Sisyphus, looking for a boulder.

974546  No.3311390


New here huh.

Welcome newfag

f14333  No.3311391

File: e0769d2cd40399a⋯.gif (474.54 KB, 215x194, 215:194, 1464803391475.gif)

59d7b1  No.3311392

>>3311377 Correctumundo

4a8120  No.3311393

File: f46b2327c1d891f⋯.jpg (123.02 KB, 660x582, 110:97, IMG_1012.JPG)

Here is a pedogarch tard and drawing he made for Anonymous for The cia second coming pedogate of salamanders and road turtles

508587  No.3311394

File: ca2f41a8b063515⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 62.49 KB, 530x941, 530:941, 1538578924532.jpg)

So what do you think of the current state of the furry community?

5719b3  No.3311395

File: 52952115a2f3998⋯.png (261.6 KB, 438x555, 146:185, A88F4E5C-B6CD-48C3-A722-A2….png)

File: 7ffbbd4d130668d⋯.jpeg (78.02 KB, 477x335, 477:335, 92C8BC54-4774-4C38-948F-C….jpeg)

File: 9e45465a12b60f0⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 441E57A5-8587-41E7-B7B1-6….jpeg)

pompeo live

Get ready to fight and die attacking another enemy of Israhell boys.

Note to cult, Qew will never address this glaring hypocrisy

77f0bd  No.3311396

File: 0c4f87caef420d7⋯.png (67.29 KB, 230x230, 1:1, 1537996826010.png)

734e3a  No.3311397

File: a3516c0f033ad39⋯.png (271.07 KB, 722x544, 361:272, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons are Russian bots because we hated Last Jedi?

964719  No.3311398

File: dce1010b244f43b⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1598x892, 799:446, 13287349087076535743708913….png)

File: 28b7c236e78b40e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 840x870, 28:29, 09863096845897916425472983….png)

0471b7  No.3311399

File: bc103345f7663ac⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 800x450, 16:9, IMG_2956.JPG)



e60782  No.3311400


Luke 2:18

>and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

2:18 EST Alert, another anon figured it last bread

2e2d5f  No.3311401

Durbin: "Stuffed Owl"…

2600b8  No.3311402

File: 20aeee1a31adf82⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 42986570_10210876783869467….jpg)

Remember this?

0c7547  No.3311403



Two pair confirm

1bfc59  No.3311404

File: 7cf4093057a779f⋯.png (612.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

83947f  No.3311405

File: c05e50afeebb590⋯.png (805.82 KB, 1248x1400, 156:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Sleeze bag lawyer Avenatti told to pound sand.

dc48d5  No.3311406


All terrain man… his face looks like a certain comic book character I can't place right now

508587  No.3311407

File: 46f6b9fe35a7b6d⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 501x433, 501:433, 1538574174613.jpg)

097f42  No.3311408

Fox cut off Kansas… fuckers

ff2852  No.3311409

File: 5b0a08301c6311c⋯.jpg (53.01 KB, 480x391, 480:391, 2j71ha~2.jpg)



Go look at past crumbs you turd.

fda155  No.3311410

Many think that there is simply a final vote taken today to confirm K. This is not the case. The Senate has a long-established procedure for confirmation and the earliest final vote could be Saturday. Here are the details for what's ahead.

If the FBI inquiry ends on Wednesday, McConnell can file a cloture motion that day to end debate. Cloture is a necessary step to end a senate filibuster.

That parliamentary procedure needs a layover day before it “ripens”, and Thursday would be a day of ripening.

On Friday, one hour after the Senate meets, the Senate can vote to “invoke cloture” or end debate. Opponents to Kavanaugh’s confirmation would have 30 hours to delay the process.

This weekend, after the 30 hours of “post-cloture” time expires, Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote can proceed with a simple majority.


fb4ceb  No.3311411

Q have regular citizens also been targeted by these 'sex assault sleepers'

4762b4  No.3311412

Q if you see this…

Is there anyway for us Canadians to get this FEMA alert from POTUS please?

6dd0c4  No.3311413

Packages sent to Pentagon that tested positive for ricin are suspected to have been mailed by a former Navy sailor


[VIDEO] https://video.foxnews.com/v/5843809645001/

77cc97  No.3311414

File: 5abe85b17e809fc⋯.jpg (24.1 KB, 400x400, 1:1, xdBYBf0M_400x400.jpg)

d3717e  No.3311415

File: 28195f72d063d22⋯.png (436.68 KB, 650x638, 325:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Durbin talking about little girl with stuffed owl.

51d52d  No.3311416

File: 6a8c3db8da4c993⋯.jpeg (102.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, B037C6CC-8109-4DDF-8768-7….jpeg)

File: b82da5a4874c1aa⋯.jpeg (236.65 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 2B41AE3F-7B5B-461F-893C-2….jpeg)

Today, at 14:18 EDT, is your wake up call America. Arise!

John 6:18. —“And the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.”

Why is EBS announcement at PRECISELY 2:18 pm EDT?

There are no coincidences.

14:18 EDT is 06:18 GMT

‘The Book of John’ bears the namesake of JFK.

The Trump(et) begins to blow truth to the sea of people called America at 2:18 today.

MSM only bears false witness upon the four winds.

“The sea” in bible prophecy is the people of a nation.

“Wind” from Holman’s Bible dictionary can mean ‘a force infilling power of God and His Spirit’.

Watch the water.

The fishers-of-men at 8-Chan are the calm in the storm.

For Christ said to the sea, “be still” and it was calm.

db7f5d  No.3311417

02f9b2  No.3311418

File: 86ac2d0f090d6ea⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 214x301, 214:301, pf.jpg)

File: 351969214386cfd⋯.jpg (733.69 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, pickton.jpg)



satanic geometry…

734e3a  No.3311419


Watch your kids!

9d5e0c  No.3311420

Dick Durbin, live on C-Span.

…"Stuffed OWL"…

Sick Bastards.

43ea7b  No.3311421

File: f8cf5a7c0a4f59b⋯.png (443.32 KB, 606x415, 606:415, 1538081932903.png)

c8c8f4  No.3311422


Newsmax is showing it.

2fc786  No.3311424

File: 8a9f0bc3b591a7d⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 620x465, 4:3, grahamactivated.jpg)

657eb7  No.3311425

File: 0313d8401f080b1⋯.jpg (61.16 KB, 700x298, 350:149, nocountrybdcap4.jpg)


>Its also a tool used to apply pressure to faggots.

which is a lot of what Q's purpose is….

3a2979  No.3311426

File: aeceda4153fe799⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 647x450, 647:450, 8ccdbe68-d7c7-4df7-9c46-7c….jpg)


Polacks better Wakee Wakee!

The People need to act on this!

e60782  No.3311427

File: 15f6094a54da981⋯.png (203.38 KB, 1002x598, 501:299, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

c876a3  No.3311428

File: 242547629ca2348⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 498x278, 249:139, memba.gif)

File: 093c6b110ea425b⋯.gif (683.33 KB, 806x454, 403:227, clowninpocket.gif)

File: 00044de484de0da⋯.gif (75.49 KB, 624x746, 312:373, firecsfug2.gif)

File: 8e5f7cb11dd646f⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 341x376, 341:376, CHIFEIN.gif)

dcb3f8  No.3311429


cant read print too too tooo small

5719b3  No.3311430

Daily Reminder:

Pompeo Intl. Travel := Q drought

Correlation:= 100.00%

(Pompeo leaves to placate Nork gooks and his kike controllers later today)

9de18c  No.3311431

LB- to the poster looking for NJ

NJ= New Jobs

89981c  No.3311432


Q: Clock activated 11/27

Done by 11.11

11month and 11 days after start of clock is…


4a8120  No.3311433

File: fed3900b3749ad2⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 505x764, 505:764, IMG_1709.JPG)

Here is some sympathy gagging pr0n for your Russian missile muhHomotus diorama

2fc786  No.3311434

53-47 Kavanaugh confirmation vote?

0c7547  No.3311435


What would POTUS gain by firing RR?

Use your head, anon. RR is dirty as fuck and doesn't need to be fired. He will be arrested and prosecuted, at the proper moment.

097f42  No.3311436

0decec  No.3311437


Sooo Pathetic…

Russian bots excuse again…

The only people buying this horseshit are the one's still mind controlled…

db7f5d  No.3311438



Disproved multiple times

7f2057  No.3311439

Do ya'll think the FBI will come back and tell about Dr. Ford being a C-A sleeper agent and all about the background?? or never public??

I think the public needs THE TRUTH!

e0452a  No.3311440

File: 9c78a99a9b19e02⋯.png (359.84 KB, 717x596, 717:596, Durbin_Fallacy.png)

9de18c  No.3311441

File: 6996ddd9434ec88⋯.png (15.6 KB, 583x106, 11:2, DJT Confirms.png)

5a82e8  No.3311442


it's a good job destroying any cred to any story ever lazily mentioning "Russian bots and trolls", though.

fda155  No.3311443


this is exactly why I don't believe this saving Israel for last nonsense. Trump is the most pro Israel President in years. There's no 4d chess there

02f9b2  No.3311444

File: e04cb9cbe07895d⋯.jpg (160.74 KB, 868x800, 217:200, kill.jpg)

black lives matter

ff2852  No.3311445

File: d41ca91ef99f0be⋯.png (46.46 KB, 440x480, 11:12, Screenshot_2018-10-03-05-1….png)

File: 999d186ac8a748d⋯.png (46.16 KB, 453x480, 151:160, Screenshot_2018-09-30-16-4….png)

Double Whammy….

7c04cf  No.3311446

File: 02670ae46e71c4a⋯.png (207.3 KB, 609x611, 609:611, antifa1.png)

File: adac7e4f77fd030⋯.png (735.94 KB, 675x506, 675:506, antifa2.png)

File: afecf48cbc57a68⋯.png (779.08 KB, 918x690, 153:115, pantifa.png)

File: e04810523a33598⋯.png (352.99 KB, 600x635, 120:127, nazis1.png)

File: a3f9df3bb92fd32⋯.png (297.64 KB, 609x607, 609:607, soros2.png)

4a8120  No.3311447

File: 43585043f3e26ac⋯.jpg (92.85 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, IMG_1703.JPG)


It's a great big Russian missile that love you long time

77cc97  No.3311448

File: 92593ceba7a3eb8⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 348x512, 87:128, Poland girls 2.JPG)

f14333  No.3311449

what in the fuck doess this have to do with kavanaugh durbin?

10d8dd  No.3311450

did F_I ever interview Chrissy?

As of Last NIght, her lawyers were still complaining that they had not.

5b413d  No.3311451

File: c5daa7a1b640019⋯.jpg (143.18 KB, 749x590, 749:590, iur (1).jpg)

File: f1099a3ce03c8c4⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 476x420, 17:15, P1030712.jpg)

9d5e0c  No.3311452


11.3 = End of Early Voting period, yes?

db7f5d  No.3311453


We already know FBI report for internal use only

f27de4  No.3311454

File: b5155650fe1246f⋯.gif (1015.63 KB, 400x198, 200:99, a10WartFrog.gif)

77f0bd  No.3311455

File: 121b746af46cfa2⋯.jpg (297.24 KB, 720x405, 16:9, spider2.jpg)

8ac04f  No.3311456


Never public, unfortunately (unless it is leaked)

a9aca3  No.3311457

File: 3c563f3993bedb2⋯.jpg (121.03 KB, 620x972, 155:243, obama rapist.jpg)

5ceff1  No.3311458

File: 504f56711bee074⋯.mp4 (10.26 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 35415A02-06C5-434B-8107-E6….MP4)

Remember, whatever Fear is in You, is YOU NOT LOOKING AT THE TRUTH. The Holes in the Holoism are THERE…Ask yourself, Anons, do you trust yourself to know? Become well versed in sacred geometry, symbolism etc and you see the Game we've subsidized with our Fear to NOT BE ANONYMOUS. The Game is Love. I'm pouring over info and realizing, I'm the ONLY THING that's prevented ME from PURSUING THE TRUTH OF ANYTHING. God's Test is to surround you with ppl that love you and give you the infrastructure to discover and create a LOVE that when manifested, will bring about a PEACE that settle's whatever imbalances between You and Yourself. It took millions of years to create You. Do not deny Reality to overcome it. Understanding the Quanta of Identification seems to be the grand finale to this cycle of Evil. I'm grateful to have y'all to've enabled me to break free of my Sleep and let the Sun Shine In. Face It With A Grin. God Bless America

0471b7  No.3311459


sofa king hanoi ing

juice juice juice

15ac66  No.3311460


You have to go back

7bc6d9  No.3311461


Probably used his GI Bill to go to college and accidentally ANTIFA'd himself.

7c04cf  No.3311462


Revelation 2:9 KJV

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

9d5e0c  No.3311463



fda155  No.3311464


that's not exactly what Q has been saying, he's posted Goodbye, Mr.Rosenstein at least 3 times over September

77cc97  No.3311465

File: 4c48eda68c92bfb⋯.jpg (88.96 KB, 1020x573, 340:191, IMG_20180906_071733.jpg)

6f1a52  No.3311466


so every dime supposedly saved to MAGA was given away to kikeville…still feel like we're winning ??

dc48d5  No.3311467


I need that book. But yep which is likely why Trump inverts it.

1bfc59  No.3311468

File: 62d3ccfdb95e781⋯.png (202.33 KB, 495x328, 495:328, ClipboardImage.png)

02f9b2  No.3311469

File: 422de9f7ccd05ad⋯.jpg (444.48 KB, 1243x1600, 1243:1600, n1.jpg)

84b3bb  No.3311470

File: 4801eb610b3e354⋯.png (623.71 KB, 1440x2059, 1440:2059, bav3xdnnxvp11.png)

43ea7b  No.3311471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

998227  No.3311472

File: d65c4e967cb3100⋯.jpg (16.58 KB, 275x183, 275:183, trickydick.jpg)

0c7547  No.3311473


Also, firing [RR] at this time, in the midst of the Kavanaugh investigation, would only serve [them].

Is that what you want?

Because you might as well just say it, if you're going to try clamoring for something to happen to [RR], here, now.

0a6cc6  No.3311474



9fdda3  No.3311475

Excerpts from Dr Ford's resume:

Hobbies - Flying. Lying.

4f5526  No.3311476


No Such Agency accidentally releases it all?

4cf4d8  No.3311477

File: d378742f3ae34f7⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 477x314, 477:314, WalkAwayLemmings[1].jpg)

File: 8e0256a338999f8⋯.jpg (95.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, WalkAwayKHarrisOhNo.jpg)

File: dac2da5de5b673b⋯.jpg (15 KB, 184x184, 1:1, WalkAwayHomelssMaxineDealC….jpg)

File: 903052d6066d7e2⋯.jpg (18.62 KB, 206x307, 206:307, WalkAwayfrmRBGpickGowdy.jpg)

File: 5343cd8e8520b3a⋯.jpg (265.35 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, WalkAwayDems2point0NO.jpg)

Launch the Memes!



7c04cf  No.3311478


Revelation 3:8-13 KJV

8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

0beb0a  No.3311479


someone understands thumbnail scaling.

5a82e8  No.3311480



nice self-contradicting comment ya got there

almost like you've no clue what

<4d chess

could be

89981c  No.3311481


Post not in reference to Kav vote

36dded  No.3311482


This is war and all dates are subject to change according to the situation but the plan is being executed.

4524ae  No.3311483


I hoping same but I did download the FEMA app on phone in hopes it will go thru. You could try that

0c7547  No.3311484


Goodbye != You're fired.

Stop reaching.

7684ce  No.3311485

File: f920b13e6955071⋯.png (582.33 KB, 626x440, 313:220, 20181003_160955.png)



1567eb  No.3311486

File: 7974e1b3e880621⋯.png (62.55 KB, 638x380, 319:190, ClipboardImage.png)

That was quick.

683dc8  No.3311487


Is this what a reptilian looks like?

77f0bd  No.3311488

File: dc9ab7defd6a703⋯.gif (432.33 KB, 501x498, 167:166, 1537997280597.gif)

a9aca3  No.3311489

File: 766c5b13dbc76d1⋯.jpg (82.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, USA.jpg)

e20fcf  No.3311490

File: e70f9f71490bce2⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 500x522, 250:261, magoo.jpg)

e1f6f6  No.3311491


This will never happen…hahahahaha. But, they can always try

e60782  No.3311492



it was always Oct 3



it is a proof within itself


2fc786  No.3311493


What is it in reference too?

f9d89d  No.3311494


Imagine all these people 60+million, who will wake up one day and realize that HRC literally ate babies…Red October just may be suicide, blood in the streets month.

734e3a  No.3311495

File: debe1119d68b885⋯.png (218.19 KB, 712x631, 712:631, ClipboardImage.png)


Author of the Wired hit piece on Anons

Did we know she worked at Podesta Group?

She admits it was shut down over Ukraine…

dc48d5  No.3311496


Misrepresenting our FLOTUS ain't cool.

bb1a7c  No.3311497

File: 049ec250644ef92⋯.jpg (117.94 KB, 640x726, 320:363, IMG_6878.jpg)



Reposting from last bread

4b4386  No.3311498


if we ever know it will be after the vote

5b413d  No.3311499


Did he eat those 700 people himself or part them out, I wonder.

0beb0a  No.3311500


not the same thing - just animation.

db7f5d  No.3311501


Yep sure

Calories in an apple

ff2852  No.3311502

File: 01732d161f42a8e⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 540x909, 60:101, d72efe9571ea3c46ebd4708d60….jpg)

File: beb10f60e49a695⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 480x413, 480:413, 2j7g4b~2.jpg)

f327c7  No.3311503

FBI and the Woods Procedures.

(link: https://fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fisa/woods.pdf) fas.org/irp/agency/doj…https://fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fisa/woods.pdf

89981c  No.3311504


Not sure, but Q said Podesta indicted that day.

f14333  No.3311505



>Trump is the most pro Israel President in years.

idk m8, could be 4d chess

38bill miles of rope to hang themselves with? idk, hope he isnt a zionist but it looks like he isnt tbh

9e91f7  No.3311506

File: d243c76a2f0e7ba⋯.png (281.01 KB, 543x457, 543:457, ClipboardImage.png)


4f5526  No.3311507


Carefully worded. She has never had CBF prepare her. …in connection with a polygraph exam I have taken …

doesn't say about a polygraph CBF has taken.

370365  No.3311508

File: 4f673d3ae36bc6e⋯.jpeg (276.54 KB, 1018x1351, 1018:1351, 1C8902D2-A92C-4F36-A177-1….jpeg)

A must read, Anons

7c04cf  No.3311509

File: 44dbb4f8a1906fb⋯.png (568.55 KB, 452x586, 226:293, buzz2.png)

File: b2eff4b942a0182⋯.png (417.21 KB, 486x610, 243:305, wakeup4.png)

File: c333f7387ca4f7c⋯.png (549.61 KB, 682x610, 341:305, aliens1.png)

File: b33ea91dee36663⋯.png (110.52 KB, 316x472, 79:118, aliens3.png)


Revelation 9:11 KJV

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

9d5e0c  No.3311510


>Excerpts from Dr Ford's resume:

>Hobbies - Flying. Lying.

Lying WHILE flying in the airplane restroom.


d3717e  No.3311511


Rats are scrambling. Kek

3ac26c  No.3311512

what time is the EBS message today anons?

7bc6d9  No.3311513


>I have ever taken

>>Does not say she didn't help CBF.

Sometimes it's in what isn't.

16d6f2  No.3311514

Fellow anons,

Does anyone think it would be helpful to go to MSM web sites and search for information they haven't reported on yet? Example- Dr Ford's boyfriend about polygraph. Let them know how strong our numbers are? Can we force them to report news to the people? Any thoughts?

012da4  No.3311515

File: 38fd0f8c7df15dd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D09EEA3B-51DF-40BA-A75C-1B….png)

Drudge.com isn’t covering Fords boyfriend about her lieing!! Fuck drudge.

e60782  No.3311516



Q post 2300 was 11th hour briefly mentioned prior we are at the precipice.

11 months and 11 days after start of clock is 11.3

you are correct

12 hours on the clock 12 months in a year



We are so close!!!!!!

323667  No.3311517

9fdda3  No.3311518


'I have taken'

She never took the poly

4a8120  No.3311519

File: d14ba61540c948e⋯.jpeg (667.49 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 066266DE-75BF-4F1D-9555-9….jpeg)

File: 397d05512666d21⋯.jpg (176.36 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, IMG_2651.JPG)

File: 096c7373e624b1a⋯.jpg (87.81 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_2667.JPG)


Got forty years rigging and digging

It was doomed

Before trinity site existed

The oto made a yuuuuuuge triangulation off the macabre tards

Kek got smuggled from Egypt too

Zalmoxis got planted

Destaat was a Jewish plant

All this synagogue of Satan

5ceff1  No.3311520


The Last Jedi. He who projects, appears. You hate Jews because you hate yourself and allowed the Prime Directive to be a science fiction trope.

6c7797  No.3311521


Far-right surge in Bavaria vote could reshape Germany's national politics.


77f0bd  No.3311522

File: 8e67b4d9243655a⋯.png (118.68 KB, 654x639, 218:213, PepeSuck.png)

File: 542920567a61a61⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 720x559, 720:559, 21235423453675677.jpg)

9d5e0c  No.3311524





muh double meanings.

5524d2  No.3311525


And that I drank only one beer. Kek!

0beb0a  No.3311526


technical expertise matters. thank you for the fuck. nice teats.

5b413d  No.3311527

File: 6d28c73dcff8fe1⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 396x244, 99:61, Character_Boxer_AnimalFarm.jpg)

File: 5830dc5c23c4d49⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 384x365, 384:365, original-311221-1.jpg)

508587  No.3311528

File: 3f525490d86a210⋯.jpg (73.22 KB, 516x365, 516:365, 1538578337682.jpg)

4524ae  No.3311529


I haven't checked but do you know if she stated her name when sworn in? Someone here had said she didn't.

77f0bd  No.3311530

File: df8ca994d15d3b8⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 788x685, 788:685, pepe-toast.jpg)


Sure does anon

46fc63  No.3311531


I’d actually give this some credibility too. It does put about an air of happenings I’d say.

0e2f66  No.3311532

So, sorry to be so out of it, but as far as anons know, the EAS test is still a go for 16:18 Zulu?

734e3a  No.3311533


McLean is hoping to set up another he said-she said situation.

I think its pretty clean McLean is a co-conspirator.

I wonder if her name will show up in any of the FISA docs or Strzok texts.

Was she also a C_A / Brennan plant in the FBI/DOJ?

7094e1  No.3311534

For the POTUS tweet on Pete Sessions.

A little more


Dallas congressman Pete Sessions — whose father was the only FBI director fired before this week — said Wednesday that James Comey should have been allowed "to exit in a more gracious way."Comey was caught by surprise by the firing, learning of his ouster from news reports while he was speaking with FBI agents in Los Angeles. President Donald Trump dispatched his personal body guard to deliver the termination letter to FBI headquarters in Washington.

"I think you treat good people better," Sessions told The Dallas Morning News' editorial page editor.

db7f5d  No.3311535


So did K, didnt state his name

fddfb2  No.3311536

File: affb8bb0e2b150a⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 598x700, 299:350, moloch39.jpg)

2221e1  No.3311537

File: ddf9e8b2a2a9d2f⋯.png (35.78 KB, 641x252, 641:252, 81.PNG)

File: 9093f91d23181b5⋯.png (581.96 KB, 857x558, 857:558, 82.PNG)



0d6364  No.3311538

Hey Kav! It’s almost Miller time!

ff2852  No.3311539

File: 0c7b975dde644ca⋯.jpg (37.63 KB, 666x394, 333:197, 2ja32h~2.jpg)

File: af92474ab40671f⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 2hq3ss~7.jpg)

9d5e0c  No.3311540


Hmm, I don't recall that happening either.


7c04cf  No.3311541

File: ca365bfbcf19d19⋯.png (579.6 KB, 971x645, 971:645, goldenratio1.png)


Revelation 6:12-17 KJV

12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

398bb3  No.3311542


I sent the Fox link to the Drudge Tip link hours ago. I think it's well assumed at this point that Drudge isn't what it used to be

508587  No.3311543

File: 3bea331f1939b88⋯.png (45.33 KB, 517x173, 517:173, 1538578411399.png)

89981c  No.3311544


Anons!!! There is a post about McLean!

b2bb7a  No.3311545


Or…the sum of both equals 100 corresponding to the exact number of senators we have and the two numbers represent the exact vote tally of the Justice confirmation vote which happens to be MOST timely and relevant to the plan.

You have less than you know.

Let us do the heavy thinking.

Please return to Voat.

4a8120  No.3311546

File: b7bdaf75080aa66⋯.jpg (313.69 KB, 1344x924, 16:11, IMG_3207.JPG)


It's like the death cult tried to swing a murder cult with a gestapi fake Abraham but the scientologists got them hooked on TwinkieOTUS and crack cocaine

51d52d  No.3311547

What a jerk.

Not all of us are like that.

I masturbate to gorilla pictures.


4524ae  No.3311548


K thank you. Guess it wasn't required although I would think for the record it would be.

f6f97f  No.3311549

File: 15ace276371763a⋯.png (358.18 KB, 295x295, 1:1, eye bleach.png)

89e7ab  No.3311550

The Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) Leader said on Tuesday the plan would prevent public servants, including teachers, police officers and judges, from wearing religious garments such as the Muslim hijab and Jewish kippa while performing their public functions. He would also amend Quebec’s charter of rights to impose the ban, which is long-standing party policy, but barely came up on the campaign trail.


e20fcf  No.3311551

File: b9325f2e6ec8f44⋯.jpg (125.62 KB, 500x756, 125:189, oh_crap.jpg)

23837e  No.3311552



Treaty of Amity


Senate must confirm state department appointments

11-4 watch out

508587  No.3311553

File: bfba635dc2d5ac0⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 713x767, 713:767, 1538578433473.jpg)

2ec966  No.3311554

File: 13ba79ba0fb4583⋯.png (661.25 KB, 1251x418, 1251:418, Look Familiar.PNG)


I made this the other day

ce6aeb  No.3311555

Anons can any of you comment on trustworthiness of Kevin Shipp's material?? I have a busy reading schedule at is but am considering getting a copy of his book. I haven't followed his character much so am unsure if he has one foot in the swamp or if he is one of us

thanks to anon who posted the JA information/article for me other night

5153b4  No.3311556

>>3311166 (last bread)

They had whipped the count.

It was past tense before Q posted 53-47.

097f42  No.3311557


1955 Treaty of Amity was cancelled by Pompeo. He also removed our troops out of the area.

The treaty consists of an introduction and twenty-three articles. It emphasizes friendly relations while encouraging mutual trade and investments and regulating consular relations. The treaty was signed by Mostafa Samiy (the Iranian deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs) and Selden Chapin (the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United States) at Tehran just a week before the second anniversary of the 1953 Coup. The treaty came into force in June 1957, one month after the day of exchange of the instruments of ratification at Tehran. Ever since, it’s provided the legal framework for bilateral relations between Iran and the United States.

Clause 2 of Article XXI of the treaty establishes the ICJ’s role: “Any dispute between the High Contracting Parties as to the interpretation or application of the present Treaty, not satisfactorily adjusted by diplomacy, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice, unless the High Contracting Parties agree to settlement by some other pacific means.” In other words, consent from either side should suffice to take a case to the ICJ.

The U.S.-Iranian Treaty of Amity was signed by the two countries in 1955, during the terms of U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower and Iranian prime minister Hossein Ala. The treaty came in a period when Iran was trying to attract foreign investors through a variety of means, such as a “Law of Attraction and Support for Foreign Investment” passed by the Iranian parliament.


15ac66  No.3311558

File: dfe5ffd0e9cae4e⋯.jpeg (344.23 KB, 744x821, 744:821, 745AC019-2BEB-4A98-8AA2-8….jpeg)

f9d89d  No.3311559


Neither of them did. It wasn't a trial.

9de18c  No.3311560

File: 9b2963a2011a2aa⋯.png (487.28 KB, 750x375, 2:1, Swetnick.png)

File: 617c51731e2e3c5⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 750x375, 2:1, Harvey Moore Swetnick.jpg)

They're calling for memes of Moore with Swetnick


a6596a  No.3311561


He's lying.

84b3bb  No.3311562


he will eventually have to report truth or lose viewership, like what is happening to nyt, wapo, cnn, nbc, abc, etc.

d7a628  No.3311563


Are you retarded, it's about the Senate vote on kavanaugh.

Literally 95% of this place is filled with boomers and idiots.

fda155  No.3311564


Let's just use Trump's own words here then..

"“Many people said I had the right to absolutely fire him. He said he did not say it. He said he does not believe that. And nobody in this room believes it, by the way,” Trump told reporters on the sidelines of a United Nations meeting in New York, adding that he would “prefer” to keep Rosenstein."

RR isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

508587  No.3311565

File: da7289fdc6ed168⋯.png (266.09 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, 1538578471221.png)

1a8014  No.3311566

File: dc43f03209bf32e⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 697x821, 697:821, whipthatass2.JPG)


J don't play like dat

0c7547  No.3311567


>hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;


4a8120  No.3311568



59d7b1  No.3311569


Projection again Dick with Ears ??

db7f5d  No.3311570


I thought so too

Thats why i chekked

f14333  No.3311571


that was the point of the question kek

36dded  No.3311572


This is how these evil fucks have gotten away with this shit for so long. LAWYERS and their manipulation of words and people. LAWYERS are the real enemy!!!!

1bfc59  No.3311573

File: 1d424ad1859c19b⋯.png (605 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

e471de  No.3311574

File: 37e49ddd1fb6ded⋯.png (262.15 KB, 1047x645, 349:215, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

fda155  No.3311575

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) on Wednesday said that he is hopeful Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will testify before the House Judiciary Committee in the coming days.

"The eleventh is the date that we're shooting for. The leadership and Chairman Goodlatte, and a number of the conservative members, said it should be a transcribed interview in a closed-door setting," Meadows told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball and Ned Ryun on "Rising."

"We have a task force that has six Republicans, six Democrats, and so I fully anticipate that that's what it'll be, but the Department of Justice has not agreed to that yet, but hopefully, in the coming days that'll happen," he continued.


fddfb2  No.3311576

File: acacfd9458a9a45⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e706d38de269dc824446599db7….jpg)

4a8120  No.3311577

File: f864d53f8821561⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3180.JPG)

14ac1e  No.3311578


wtf is an I word

1e33b2  No.3311579


And the last shall be first

9d5e0c  No.3311580

File: fde3a0919d4b9e1⋯.gif (248.44 KB, 200x233, 200:233, imblind.gif)


You're doing it wrong.

Homer will school you.

f73be3  No.3311581

File: e5dc2a4dec4fbb4⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 255x189, 85:63, furrys0d1042256a1e0a057b87….jpg)

89981c  No.3311582

Any clock fags here?? Need help with a promising theory

2a5434  No.3311583


You know that these "totally real" photos of Saturn are CGI, right?

5a82e8  No.3311584


You don't need to police alt theories, though. We're good.

Anons will often do things that might seem stupid at first glance. Most of the time, they are.

But not always. Better to leave them be, than simply be a curmodgeon blocking thoughts.

Carry on

507eee  No.3311585

File: 58bc5b2225bf89e⋯.png (82.36 KB, 1053x291, 351:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3703971d866edc⋯.png (167.59 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 706064c1ad930bb⋯.png (184.26 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

(PB re: EMDR)

Looks like there are two references in USAspending.gov database. BRB - going to take a look. INtrasting that the "institute" address is Watsonville, CA.

e20fcf  No.3311586



02f9b2  No.3311587

File: 9f8539a83a0adca⋯.png (371.87 KB, 720x540, 4:3, blasey1.png)

i wuz ass raped by corey in my da nang

ff2852  No.3311588

File: b295faefe2680cd⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 363x495, 11:15, 2izw1q~2.jpg)

23837e  No.3311589

File: ef29b153cf1447f⋯.jpeg (301.66 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A0CAB2E9-E114-43B5-B5C7-E….jpeg)

f09ee9  No.3311590


You literally shame the rest of us by being in the human race

ae5211  No.3311591



43ea7b  No.3311592

0d6364  No.3311593

Enough sound bites of SJC Dems to destroy them forever. Thanks idiots.

7cbf41  No.3311594

File: cba47fbd21cdf24⋯.jpg (161.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Ke.K-on-ad-banner.jpg)

Si'al Ke:K [a Toh'ono O'odham or Papago Native American language Phrase which denotes the name of the Casino]

Advertised during Arizona News coverage of hearings on the banner.

14ac1e  No.3311595


oh shit i thought that was an L

i tried looking it up but dont, L word is like some gay lesbian romcom

f3470e  No.3311596


You take that back goyim israel is completely innocent

And those guys kushner and stephen miller

They are very bad traitor jews and are not a part of the glory of israel

e86bae  No.3311597

File: 21dc6979daa6a48⋯.jpeg (155.03 KB, 736x999, 736:999, image.jpeg)

File: 6f90899260c8062⋯.jpeg (133.62 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, image.jpeg)

File: 9d625c63d86b7a0⋯.jpeg (442.05 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, image.jpeg)

77f0bd  No.3311598


Whats up?

51d52d  No.3311599

File: 77dd145d2b6afa9⋯.jpeg (69.21 KB, 490x367, 490:367, 16159C5F-48EB-4B81-93AC-4….jpeg)

0beb0a  No.3311600

File: 4a1d7250e3bd800⋯.png (886.74 KB, 800x546, 400:273, ClipboardImage.png)

d6e47d  No.3311601


So what POLYGRAPHS has Monica McLean taken and for what?

a9aca3  No.3311602

File: f66f0c7f8cd4693⋯.jpg (73.25 KB, 500x754, 250:377, rothschild stem cells.jpg)


checked checked and checked - great digits

2e2d5f  No.3311603

File: f9f2556d61f7093⋯.png (2.57 MB, 816x1099, 816:1099, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

File: 18aa9960b8287ed⋯.png (2.59 MB, 816x1106, 408:553, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

File: d6e0601d6fa67ee⋯.png (2.26 MB, 816x965, 816:965, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

File: 7c0b373f7dd30f9⋯.png (2.24 MB, 816x957, 272:319, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

Christine Blasey-Ford Friend In Delaware Was Career FBI Agent and Likely Together During Accusation Letter Construct…


02f9b2  No.3311604

File: 0faa7c7675958b8⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fisa.jpg)


998227  No.3311605

File: 3cf75466bfa2cc2⋯.jpg (90.03 KB, 857x500, 857:500, dands.jpg)

5a82e8  No.3311606


saw a link to a Metokur vid alledegly talking about kidnappings at furconventions in an earlier bread, but was taken down already…

508587  No.3311607

File: 5de08a57c5e6823⋯.png (1.77 MB, 2244x1624, 561:406, 1538578699177.png)

463de5  No.3311608


The stupid level got real high this week.

0c7547  No.3311609


>"“Many people said I had the right to absolutely fire him. He said he did not say it. He said he does not believe that. And nobody in this room believes it, by the way,” Trump told reporters on the sidelines of a United Nations meeting in New York, adding that he would “prefer” to keep Rosenstein

Time will tell and we will see, won't it?

He's not getting fired by Trump. He's getting prosecuted by the military for his now-on-the-record crimes.

He'll be lucky to get life in prison; Trump doesn't need to do a damn thing ;)

dc48d5  No.3311610


Or mass panic attacks and vomiting

91daf3  No.3311611

File: 816dfeda25ca8ce⋯.png (463.83 KB, 669x695, 669:695, POTUS 10-2-18 7 15 pm PDT.PNG)

This POTUS tweet did not show on Twitter for me last night

Posting in case others did not see it as well

e471de  No.3311612

File: d0efa86590b7448⋯.png (65.54 KB, 918x379, 918:379, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

BREAKING: Secretary of State Pompeo announces US canceling 1955 treaty with Iran on economic relations and consular rights.


2e2d5f  No.3311613

File: 65a0b2d38d86b2d⋯.png (2.92 MB, 816x1248, 17:26, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

File: ac32c125c0b68f1⋯.png (2.3 MB, 816x982, 408:491, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

File: 46e31b0813a8224⋯.png (2.35 MB, 684x1197, 4:7, Christine Blasey-Ford Frie….png)

46fc63  No.3311614


That’s all your money folks! Israeli security before ours I guess! And you disregard people trying to warn you about Jews. Haha! They’re parasites!

4cf4d8  No.3311615






McClellan Air Force Base (1935–2001) is a former United States Air Force base located in the North Highlands area of Sacramento County, 7 miles (11 km) …

f09ee9  No.3311616

File: 7bf9fd25d372688⋯.jpg (442.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pepe_Tater_Family.jpg)


Got Taters though…

edbcee  No.3311617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Crowder’s Latest ‘Change My Mind’ About ‘Rape Culture’ Gets Heated

On Tuesday, the Louder with Crowder team uploaded the latest installment in the "Change My Mind" series: "Rape Culture is a Myth."

During the course of the approximately 45-minute video, Steven Crowder interacted at length with three students, and out of those three, only one attempted to debate Crowder on the issue in a calm and rational manner.

The entire video is worth watching, and is one of the best "Change My Mind" installments to date. I won’t transcribe every conversation (watch the video for that), but I will detail the first exchange with a student named Macy because it illustrates so perfectly the ways in which progressives argue.


51d52d  No.3311618

b41aa5  No.3311619

Can you believe they sent ricin to the SecDef of USA, leading the greatest military force the world has ever seen. That's straight up madness!

Mattis will annihilate these people from the face of the Earth.

b0c0f9  No.3311620


the "L" word is love….one more thing thats been co-opted by the left

4a8120  No.3311621

File: e72ac159e2fe3bc⋯.jpg (60.99 KB, 1440x814, 720:407, IMG_0608.JPG)

File: 7d4ec65a1585687⋯.jpg (128.7 KB, 625x705, 125:141, IMG_1113.JPG)

File: 0f7cdb7fa085290⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 500x400, 5:4, IMG_1194.JPG)

Francis is far more intelligent than Brennan

fddfb2  No.3311622

File: 206e9ba602174e4⋯.jpg (363.31 KB, 1670x1670, 1:1, orangutan-1X1.jpg)

734e3a  No.3311623


The Preet connection is interesting.

Just how big does this conspiracy get?

508587  No.3311624


>this week

Nigga it's been high since the switch to 8ch

7cbf41  No.3311625

File: 7e9ddfb9bf4777d⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 513x592, 513:592, dubdubdubdub.JPG)

f14333  No.3311626


>he doesnt own a telescope that can see saturn


>pushing an israeli psyop

top kekkle faggot

51275e  No.3311627

From last batch. >>3310523

BEST EVER. Thank you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdS6fyUIklI

db7f5d  No.3311628



b2bb7a  No.3311629



Oh, Drudge is exactly what he has always been.

A compromised homo Jew

He ain’t /ourguy/ or /ourgay/ even

He has his own agenda

If his shaping of events helped The Don prior to the election is was purely for his own reasons

ec7da3  No.3311630


When has Q ever told us something that black and white and it's happened? Pretty sure never. Chances are it's referencing something else.

4a8120  No.3311631


Meat suit on a tard

ff2852  No.3311632

File: e6fd0757a7da4d9⋯.jpg (62.25 KB, 480x659, 480:659, 2j70z2~2.jpg)

e60782  No.3311633

1567eb  No.3311634

File: 4d7b35ff34350ce⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 210x240, 7:8, bernard-the-rescuers-61.8.jpg)


use your brain next time you post

e20fcf  No.3311635

File: 2ee81b82302b7a0⋯.png (266.91 KB, 427x604, 427:604, Ford.png)


"And there I was just drinking my one beer, when that tree tried to rape me!"

1ef071  No.3311637

File: 2e90f3a992be3af⋯.png (502.97 KB, 886x881, 886:881, ClipboardImage.png)

9de18c  No.3311638


WWG1WGA anon, glad you liked it.

1b4a1c  No.3311639


rape culture isn’t a myth …. in Muslim culture.

Stanley Kubrick helped create the mythology of rape culture. It’s just more projection from the cabal, who are the rape culture

df48b7  No.3311640

File: e1850c7be14f136⋯.png (382.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, CDDBC439-0FE0-4E69-9180-99….png)

They didn’t realize their blue was was in the Red Sea

f14333  No.3311641


shill detected


c876a3  No.3311642

File: 1e1015d3fde27f7⋯.png (574.04 KB, 559x417, 559:417, ClipboardImage.png)

e20fcf  No.3311643

File: c5de85371912495⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 420x420, 1:1, pepe_dank_1.jpg)

d6e47d  No.3311644


Why you posting pics of the Crew fam?

157d98  No.3311645

File: f727ff2613aef1d⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 3772x2952, 23:18, q-2317.jpg)

>>3311213 (lb)

>>I’m surprised at how many anons, blindly believe that Q posts two numbers and it MUST be the Kav vote.

>a reference to Q crumbs 47 through 53

I like this take on q#2317 so much that I made a graphic. Here are posts 53 though 47 in reverse order, because q said "53-47". Think mirror.

There is common theme of Alice & Wonderland and reference to how the always seems to be a FF event right about the time bad news about the democrats drops.

15d479  No.3311646


Did he meet with POTUS? that is the question…

edbcee  No.3311647


it's avenattis newest accuser, and I didn't want to stretch the image and cover my boy Khaleds face lol

d4f767  No.3311648

File: 9aa7a03c032565f⋯.jpg (463.91 KB, 1080x1337, 1080:1337, Screenshot_20181003-102233….jpg)

We see you RR! twitter.com/cspan/status/1047500595169579008?s=19

02f9b2  No.3311649

File: 54857eafa6f1246⋯.png (165.39 KB, 713x460, 31:20, b1.png)

File: aa2258f27432406⋯.png (342.25 KB, 704x488, 88:61, bergolglio.png)

File: 90ef0a9768b76d6⋯.png (50.75 KB, 723x367, 723:367, b2.png)

46fc63  No.3311650


You asshat it doesn’t apply to you. It’s not going to be some personal message to us. It’s going to be just like when they interrupt your tv for the eas tests.

912b81  No.3311651

Per Q Teams last post about C_A farm, I received an email to my business email, big company every knows, and it's a recruitment , says "Have you ever considered using your business skills to protect your country?". Ok very strange, anyone else on this board get one of those?

Kind of scary actually.

1bfc59  No.3311652

File: 44af21ccd2e259a⋯.png (431.2 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

2ec966  No.3311653


L to me reminds me of 'Loser' which makes no sense here kek

392368  No.3311654

File: e60b0cf21fc818d⋯.png (550.78 KB, 500x548, 125:137, ClipboardImage.png)

4a8120  No.3311655

File: a8fed2fbc849336⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 539x960, 539:960, IMG_3121.JPG)

e471de  No.3311656

File: b76c129413b9a5d⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 770x415, 154:83, AP_18247556256556-1.sized-….jpg)

File: 111e9669928409a⋯.png (496 KB, 921x884, 921:884, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

Social Justice Warriors of the Senate Judiciary Committee.


The committee Democrats — Blumenthal, Booker, Feinstein, Klobuchar, Whitehouse, Coons, et al. — suffer from SJW envy.

They are the grownup imitators and wannabes of the juvenile anti-intellectual bigots dominating our campuses, pointing fingers but abjuring concrete evidence as some vestigial figment of white privilege. That the senators seem fixated on high school yearbooks, of all things — Kavanaugh's anyway, although Ford's is just as bad — is but one minor indication of this pervasive immaturity.



3b8295  No.3311657

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)




Lame, fake and gay.

It is taken from goethe institute - german institute. It is a far left soros puppet establishment.


f8e845  No.3311658


Your sluething abilities need work..

Lots of work

89981c  No.3311659


Can u check Q clock for October 26th and October 29th?? Will explain in a sec

3810de  No.3311660

>>3310611 9lb)

Better question. Who INSPIRED men to write the bible? Do you understand the lengths they went to when transcribing the texts back in the day? If they made a mistake they had to start all over from scratch. Look up the Isaiah scroll. I realize you probably don't WANT to learn the truth about it but the fact is, every time we find an ancient copy of it, it is almost exactly the same as what we call the KJV or King James version. I will agree however, that in modern times, they HAVE even gone so far as to remove whole paragraphs from it. We are fighting evil yet you reject God? Believe or don't believe, it's your choice, but at least get your facts straight and stop parroting what atheists tell you is true.

4762b4  No.3311661

fda155  No.3311662


and if that doesn't happen then what? Are we still suppose to "Trust The Plan?"

dc48d5  No.3311663

File: c45085c6d6ccd20⋯.jpg (21.05 KB, 400x313, 400:313, 4b9d7bc25b.jpg)


Tell us moar of Moore plz

8d16d2  No.3311664


The ignorance of your post knows no bounds.

10d8dd  No.3311665


now she may have distant relative McLean which the city in VA was named after.

db7f5d  No.3311666


We are teachers, dr, janitors, remember their twat

5d8271  No.3311667


standard interview procedure when you get a job with the FBI or DOJ.

edbcee  No.3311668


lmfao, WHAT A GREAT PIC. RR hiding in the bushes it looks like haha

0c7547  No.3311669


> reference to how the always seems to be a FF event right about the time bad news about the democrats drops.

What a coinkydink that these 'honest mistakes' happen every single fucking time… … '

7e6653  No.3311670

File: 8a962587c5c2938⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 1169x1011, 1169:1011, zewrtwts.JPG)

A show about the FBI trying to paint the FBI in a good light when public faith in the FBI is terribly low.

CBS show 'FBI'

Not an Eye of Horus or Cleopatra Eye but it still catches the 'eye'

Symbolism. These fuckers can't stay away from it.

3737db  No.3311671

File: 411a073c70eacd0⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 400x410, 40:41, please-recycle.jpg)

PLEASE RECYCLE - Dank Memes keep us Focused, and discourage Shills and Slides.

Over the past year there have been many powerful memes developed here, long-lasting moams (mother of all memes) that deserve dusting off and recycle for newbies to spread on Twatter and FakeBook.

Please recycle your top memes this week.

44b4c9  No.3311672

File: 129f4faedd47b9c⋯.jpg (156.41 KB, 810x1314, 45:73, IMG_20181003_205442.jpg)

Left is deranged

e471de  No.3311673

File: f411639763b2c71⋯.png (521.93 KB, 929x1042, 929:1042, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

.@SecPompeo: In light of how #Iran has abused the @cij_icj as a form for attacking the United States, I am therefore announcing today that the United States is terminating the Treaty of Amity with Iran.




3a2979  No.3311675

File: bab36cda57b06be⋯.jpg (26.94 KB, 440x391, 440:391, 012317-panic-face.jpg)

46fc63  No.3311676


You’re correlating posts here with random spam. Chill. You might have looked up military shit so now the borg is sending you related ads. That’s how it works.

556b0b  No.3311677



>Remember this?

"the SAFETY and WELL-BEING of every man, woman, and child of this country is being EXHAUSTED in full"

I surely fucking well do

b67694  No.3311678


PLEASE piss off Mattis.

He's been on his best behavior for far too long.

f14333  No.3311679


so that means its real, wow, thanks for btfo yourself

9b52e3  No.3311680


>L to me reminds me of 'Loser' which makes no sense here kek

My first thought was "Liar"…

323667  No.3311681



36dded  No.3311682


I think that’s her. Do we have any Rehobeth Beach anons here?

f3470e  No.3311684


Anon everything,they accuse us of they are guilty of

They are the sociopaths

And they brainwashed part of the public to be like them


They are the rapists

They murder

They think its ok to murder our children because people eat animals

ffda16  No.3311685

File: 70542fe50bdd361⋯.png (4.46 KB, 220x100, 11:5, qcap.png)

I remember reading that Kavanaugh was the lone dissenting opinion in the Vince Foster case; but now I can't find confirmation. Trying to counter claim he helped cover it up . . . any anon still have that?

02f9b2  No.3311686

File: f83564640cf3183⋯.jpg (48.67 KB, 612x434, 306:217, andre.beatrix.jpg)

File: d0e7dcedc010497⋯.jpg (104.4 KB, 460x287, 460:287, 40.jpg)

File: f23595bc4a7ad94⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 306x520, 153:260, nob.nat.jpg)

e86bae  No.3311687

File: aa1a380c22b8659⋯.jpeg (179.06 KB, 550x425, 22:17, image.jpeg)

fddfb2  No.3311688

File: e9163bf8930df26⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 500x300, 5:3, dank meme.jpg)

23837e  No.3311689

File: 44f8ffa97f2cd48⋯.jpeg (24.34 KB, 243x255, 81:85, 94408F96-3BC7-46D8-AFBE-7….jpeg)

1f6b12  No.3311690



I think of Justice Scalia's murder almost every day.

It's so unfair that the "wetworks" about which PEDOsta & his Goon Squad joked has been completely swept under the rug.

There's no statute of limitations on wetworks, Q. Can we please get at least a modicum of justice for Justice Scalia?

9de18c  No.3311691

File: becc6d79230edc3⋯.png (16.13 KB, 590x108, 295:54, 911 breaking.png)

1955 treaty with Iran go Bye Bye

d085e1  No.3311693



Clearly part of the 95%

508587  No.3311694

File: ab69e7fc17df022⋯.jpg (85.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1538578843527.jpg)

19a492  No.3311695


Exactly anon.

But doesn’t the ex-boyfriend’s statement also suggest that?

d9780c  No.3311696


thank you for working out the handoff baker

really had to go and no one had stepped up for two hours

the bread was a 1/4 shills, so was worried

thanks again

3ac26c  No.3311697

File: 392509189d3517d⋯.png (384.68 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 8c40dac5a7ebc11d864e8b33fd….png)


we fixed it last night.. bread fly by lately! thanQ bakers! love you (nohomo)

912b81  No.3311698


Funny the email is from deploy@collegerecruiterbroadcast.com makes no mention of college.

2af371  No.3311699

File: 4afd845717019eb⋯.jpeg (90.9 KB, 753x511, 753:511, AA26EF3A-D5F8-4691-8D23-9….jpeg)

File: 94f505f8c179ccd⋯.jpeg (115.04 KB, 768x765, 256:255, 333096E8-DFF7-406D-BD65-0….jpeg)

File: ea530506ff6ea49⋯.jpeg (152.6 KB, 664x771, 664:771, 74A123F5-FF28-45C8-89A2-7….jpeg)

File: ebac58b626360c5⋯.jpeg (690.02 KB, 1125x1258, 1125:1258, 22C85A78-6682-45E4-9A4F-E….jpeg)

a80e0a  No.3311700


If I'm not mistaken, people are already voting. What are we waiting for? Release it all.

8015a7  No.3311701


Wonder how he made it to the White House without the media knowing. You know like last week when they said he was on his way and if he got fired their sacred red line would be crossed. Amazing how he got there today with no one knowing…

e17d9f  No.3311702

File: 479fcd5aef12922⋯.png (582.79 KB, 904x531, 904:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Our plan is working perfectly

43ea7b  No.3311703

File: 940171e8bf06ebd⋯.png (860.54 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1538580336682.png)

dc48d5  No.3311704


Rarely am I triggered, but I went triggly puff

e471de  No.3311705

File: c77421f07e5cfca⋯.png (508.72 KB, 1086x612, 181:102, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: 4ec4c3c00f13aa9⋯.png (340.96 KB, 809x969, 809:969, Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at ….png)

3a2979  No.3311706

File: 62303fa25b0beab⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 5a81cbc2d030729f008b457d-7….jpg)

4a8120  No.3311707

File: b42eaac42990682⋯.jpeg (95.4 KB, 550x717, 550:717, E8ED77C6-29BE-4037-B2D1-2….jpeg)

That president and that dyke molesting the drunk judge are sure struggling with their identity issues

e3607f  No.3311708

File: 677a664ef1433e9⋯.png (234.75 KB, 583x441, 583:441, ClipboardImage.png)

4931b3  No.3311709

File: 66c0e4d98d92133⋯.jpg (502.33 KB, 1200x757, 1200:757, kellogg.jpg)

Time to Boycott

Kellogg Makes Unbelievable Anti-Trump Move

A recent report reveals a large amount of money that W.K. Kellogg donated to left-wing, pro-socialist organizations with the help of the Clintons and George Soros. The report was conducted by Capital Research (CR). CR is a right-wing watchdog group that keeps an eye on non-profit organizations. They reveal a rather long history of leftism by the organization of the founder of the Kellogg Corporation, the long-time breakfast giant. They also reveal how far the organization strayed from the founder’s original wishes.

In recent times, Kellogg has become one of the largest left-wing donors in the whole country.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is currently the seventh-largest philanthropy in the U.S. in terms of dollars, according to a 2016 analysis of the foundation. In 2015, the last year for which its IRS filings are available, the foundation distributed nearly 2,000 grants totaling $268,065,253. It ended the year with $448,430,564 in assets.


bd4153  No.3311710


I'd considered that, too, but…meh, give or take the quality, lack of make-up etc., it…COULD…

I just don't know. Glad someone else saw it with some skepticism, though.

02f9b2  No.3311711

File: c3f4bfc61b65d21⋯.jpg (281.75 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, naomi.jpg)

File: f09a865d09c5332⋯.jpg (232.59 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, naomi1.jpg)

File: f5602a554d8520a⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 612x428, 153:107, nat.jpg)

c78120  No.3311712

File: 93cc5940344e98a⋯.png (326.67 KB, 500x310, 50:31, 2018-10-03_11-26-46.png)

e60782  No.3311713


fantastic four the rock dude

3810de  No.3311714


Watch and learn.


5b413d  No.3311715

File: 7d64d35857a2faf⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 267x213, 89:71, 4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

9b723c  No.3311716

Did the kid whack him in peddo-ville?


77cc97  No.3311717

File: 8bd6fd0d949303d⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8bd6fd0d949303d9d94695c779….png)

23837e  No.3311718

File: ffe9c6ef5a4aca1⋯.jpeg (249.07 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6CA736DF-073F-4E1D-9620-1….jpeg)


I know how you feel

Add these guys

43ea7b  No.3311719

File: d93a7aa21b39829⋯.png (340.46 KB, 557x465, 557:465, 1538060245339.png)

f14333  No.3311720


>he realized im a shill

>lets all get along goy!!

go fuck yourself

097f42  No.3311721

84b3bb  No.3311722

File: 2aa9967897bec7a⋯.jpg (98.58 KB, 964x352, 241:88, a[1].jpg)

27e9d0  No.3311723


After a proper bollocking?

89981c  No.3311724

3810de  No.3311725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit, sorry, forgot to embed.

0decec  No.3311726

File: 08928f198ec48ac⋯.png (387.24 KB, 1212x673, 1212:673, The Blasey Ford psycho slu….png)

4524ae  No.3311727


YW Make sure you add a city in the U.S

d5f6e8  No.3311728

File: 5e3d7e43e4822cc⋯.png (156.31 KB, 1238x421, 1238:421, Q-Clock Oct03 TT R Renegad….png)


On the Q-Clock


Q post of December 7th in line with today.

[R] = Renegade

(For those who think 2 R's in POTUS twat... Republican is a name en should be written with capital R.)

43ea7b  No.3311729

File: 4250ea261258270⋯.jpg (14.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, deebo.jpg)

912b81  No.3311730


No this is on my work computer, not my personal computer that I am on this board with, I don't do anything on that computer but work, could be taken from linkedin since I don't post that email anywhere else.

db7f5d  No.3311731


Yep smth like that

He was dirty, just had his own mind on certain things

56d5d5  No.3311732


Mitchell was brilliant. Absolutely loved her. She did everything right.

767172  No.3311733

File: 56248b56a52e19c⋯.png (61.83 KB, 667x381, 667:381, djt-rr.png)



eafe83  No.3311734

File: 74a1a2329fcc50d⋯.jpg (213.44 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, willow-soul-1111-meaning-t….jpg)

File: 47fb63ba673f57a⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 550x423, 550:423, collage-general2-550.jpg)

File: 8c2fc730be8ea51⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 954x1000, 477:500, 8c2fc730be8ea51224ce54ec1b….jpg)

File: 2cbf4518cebab7f⋯.jpeg (58.15 KB, 480x598, 240:299, 461f2b1e9885848ebf5c7760d….jpeg)

File: 5981bbb74adc96a⋯.jpg (230.06 KB, 750x611, 750:611, QRUNWAYLIGHTSVATDOMEDECODE….jpg)

2018 = 11 2+1+8=11 11/11/11



The meaning of 11:11 is that you are being called for ACTION. What were you thinking at the moment when you saw 11:11? Follow the signs. You are awakening to your true self as you are being divinely guided to your purpose.

11:11 is a wake-up call.



Armistice of 11 November 1918

The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was the armistice that ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their last opponent, Germany. Previous armistices had eliminated Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Also known as the Armistice of Compiègne from the place where it was signed, it came into force at 11 a.m. Paris time on 11 November 1918 and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany, although not formally a surrender




Skull meteor, flying passed earth on 11/11

Something BIG is happening 11/11. I just hope we survive it.

4a8120  No.3311735

They are like a crumby tabloid from a shitty steakhouse

46fc63  No.3311736


Wonderful! Fuck peace! Fuck understanding! More wars for greedy Jews! Just like always. You’re a cunt Pompeo. A clown like the rest. And I don’t even like Rouhani. I don’t want to be world police. 39 billion to Israeli rats too. End. This.

5153b4  No.3311737



1ef071  No.3311738

File: 82f57df0223d7a1⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1761x853, 1761:853, ClipboardImage.png)


and then there's this also. Same person?

b2bb7a  No.3311739


Good work

Looks like you found an important beach fren. Wonder if any of those other winofags pictured are beach frens too?

a6596a  No.3311740



2a5434  No.3311741

File: 7f16af2a8150a88⋯.jpg (241.3 KB, 1000x741, 1000:741, d6a53.jpg)

f09ee9  No.3311742


boycott via meme their cereals

5b413d  No.3311743

File: 9e4b89b4df773d8⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 339x434, 339:434, 19105741_1356163414462752_….jpg)

File: ae4211b79b5670f⋯.jpg (199.69 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

02f9b2  No.3311744

File: 92ccb8bfef13ee9⋯.jpg (69.52 KB, 750x525, 10:7, map.jpg)


is the map still intact

734e3a  No.3311745

File: 49ecaf81f2d990b⋯.png (136.11 KB, 904x542, 452:271, ClipboardImage.png)

What if?

Monica McLean left the FBI in 2016 after the election.

What if SHE was the FBI SSA that signed the first FISA order?

I think she would be working VERY hard to #resist having to go to jail.

0382e1  No.3311746

Liberals: We are going to use Ford's doctor notes, and Ford's polygraph results, as evidence, but we arent going to release the notes or polygraph test… just tell you that she passed, and what the notes say

9bd7e4  No.3311747

File: f65ebfc188f8fe6⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 4000x2666, 2000:1333, 28e1fb8b2dea0a2153ec6bc70f….jpg)

9b723c  No.3311748


He sleeps with No Name….

f58ff0  No.3311749

File: c92f6bc805a198c⋯.png (704.67 KB, 1496x1297, 1496:1297, mclean_map.png)


>Anons!!! There is a post about McLean!

Mclean Virginia

>child trafficking

>pic related

af9e20  No.3311750

File: 8dbb819a86c1c09⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 458x458, 1:1, 1536534477.jpg)

0decec  No.3311751


My mama gave me this chain

3b8295  No.3311752

File: dabf45478e79f85⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB, 255x134, 255:134, 485dfb1c269fba504b6396968….jpeg)

File: e94f85191577ef3⋯.jpg (19.79 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 17194ef7850543d592fe4cdad2….jpg)


How does it feel having such a low iq?

It is an art project by israeli anti jewish soros puppet "artist" who plays with the idea of shuting down israel and returning the polish jews back to poland (for poor old muhpalesiltinians).

Sounds very jewish right retard?

e856c4  No.3311753

File: eeb03fb16f4b9af⋯.gif (175.79 KB, 306x537, 102:179, 20181003_100943.gif)

File: 9bb04b31d5566e7⋯.gif (60.65 KB, 462x462, 1:1, 20180923_135606.gif)




>The test message will be sent at 11:18 a.m. PT/2:18 p.m. ET on Wednesday, though FEMA says it might take a few minutes for the test to make it to all phones. Your phone may alert you that the test message has arrived in a slightly different manner than normal text notifications, FEMA says.








e1f6f6  No.3311754


That makes total sense, ANON…. There is no way on God's green earth , that this could even be POTENTIALLY real…kek.

Polishanon here. I know my country…. This would NEVER happen….( but the lefty Germans trying, doesnt surprise me. They've always been evil, and evil they will remain! Fuck em. We ain't scared. If they want their ass kicked AGAIN, they can always try and bring it ! Hahahaha)

bb1cc6  No.3311755

>>3310135 (pb)

>Jeremiah P. Hanafin


Maybe worked with McCabe at Washington Field Office’s Counterterrorism Division.

CBF's attorney Bromwich is also represents McCabe.

508587  No.3311756

File: 0be52e2d12f4416⋯.png (468.45 KB, 767x621, 767:621, 1538579476098.png)

507eee  No.3311757

File: a7cb0b4d44832bb⋯.png (316.63 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61a0b1f36b3a962⋯.png (338.09 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3311585 OK - One is EMDR Institute and the other is EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program out of Hamden CT. The Institute is designated as 'woman owned' business. The CT version is not.




43ea7b  No.3311758

File: b66548c4f8c8c0a⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a5e73781d7e0456ad5469211be….jpg)


Her job is easy when you have all the info to set the perjury traps.

e471de  No.3311759

File: c3eae4e1b4bd18d⋯.png (648.58 KB, 762x763, 762:763, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

16d6f2  No.3311761

Big Deal on Trump's father paying his son or children. They paid federal taxes and employment taxes on it. It's not like it was tax free. What do they think all these wealthy family charitable foundations do? They appoint their children as directors, guarantee an income flow for the rest of their lives. They pay income taxes too.

507be5  No.3311762


it has to do with charging the deep state traders with Iranian ties here instead of a global court

43ea7b  No.3311763


It's ok Red.

It will be like bof' of ours.

4931b3  No.3311764


Chuck Missler was a brilliant man. if they would actually research him they would understand

ff2852  No.3311765

File: 39f0c84d07a305d⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, You and Your Johnson.mp4)


This TV commercial is considered a rapist's commercial now.

This commercial promotes date rape.

b2be9f  No.3311766


This request should absolutely be granted.

b2bb7a  No.3311767



dc48d5  No.3311768


And she doesn't use go fund me for this venture. Support her on the Twitter when you can.

89981c  No.3311769

File: 4499e7a727d5d92⋯.png (325.93 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 84510342-CC35-45C5-ADC0-17….png)

File: e3bb5e57f798aa6⋯.jpeg (219.74 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, F11E835A-B4A1-4327-AAEB-9….jpeg)

File: ddefe418871dd6d⋯.png (352.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C58190B8-3DC8-4231-932D-A7….png)

File: 6492e8af6c8fdcf⋯.png (201.06 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2C096046-E973-4A18-90B0-EE….png)

e471de  No.3311770

File: bc68773c4457b7f⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1694x940, 847:470, Screen Shot 2018-10-01 at ….png)



fddfb2  No.3311771

File: 596da1c5e2ee3bc⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 321x321, 1:1, 596da1c5e2ee3bce812e0bde65….jpg)

eafe83  No.3311772


POTUS having a trust fund ensured he had no reason to get involved in fuckery. No one gets that.

0382e1  No.3311773

Where did Monica McClean come into the Ford picture from?

1567eb  No.3311774

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB, 341x268, 341:268, acf072b5664d5b70426b241f6e….jpg)

3810de  No.3311775


Yeah, he was.

98f5ab  No.3311776

File: a67f1510a97ea95⋯.jpg (182.66 KB, 970x1200, 97:120, POTUS sacr.jpg)


POTUS today @ 2:18

Luke 2:18

and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

EVERYTHING has meaning.

7cbf41  No.3311777



1bfc59  No.3311778


All you'll get from Q on this is crickets…chirp chirp. Sheldon gets what he wants.

508587  No.3311779

File: 0d90f84617b8132⋯.png (60.77 KB, 768x321, 256:107, 1538579757079.png)

89981c  No.3311780


Kek, disregard top 2 pics.

dc48d5  No.3311781


Bingo! Thank you!

0382e1  No.3311782

File: dd030b88fd1cb74⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 686x960, 343:480, 42299117_10217499498065551….jpg)

9d5e0c  No.3311783


Who's got a big Johnson?!


c78120  No.3311784

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope.png)

f6f97f  No.3311785

File: 4cf6105d3904fdb⋯.jpg (136.44 KB, 913x478, 913:478, deaddogs.jpg)

8d812a  No.3311786

File: be20f55b4a97e38⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 645x439, 645:439, FORDstory.jpg)

Just under three hours until the EAS … I'm as giddy as a little kid waiting to open Christmas presents on Christmas morning.

The normie's faces will be PRICELESS

1567eb  No.3311787


Do we have a date she left?

d5f6e8  No.3311788

File: cc667cacadd5324⋯.png (629.97 KB, 896x990, 448:495, Screenshot_2018-10-03 Ira….png)


In todays German Newspaper:

"Iranische Opposition" oder Terrorsekte in Europa?


02f9b2  No.3311789

File: e8f81d4df7b7875⋯.jpg (225.83 KB, 1916x958, 2:1, d1.jpg)

93b010  No.3311790


what were those tweets?

very curious

0c7547  No.3311791


Underrated statement of the week, right here.

43ea7b  No.3311792

File: ad13c8cbeaf9a8e⋯.jpg (9.2 KB, 255x183, 85:61, Think4Urself.jpg)

ffe1ed  No.3311793


Do you think you see them? If so, you probably should just ask.

4a8120  No.3311794

>>3311735 since these are shit goblins in the synagogue of satan , their propaganda is like 'fart jokes'

Scary farts

Wet farts

Unrequited farts

False farts

Yuuuuuuge stinkers

Silent but deadlys

They will lie about the shit by farting out their mouth

454dc7  No.3311795


Like, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.

That behbeh is super cute and FLOTUS is super awesome.

88561d  No.3311796

File: bc17f918838d52d⋯.png (229.21 KB, 427x525, 61:75, ClipboardImage.png)




Thankq Baker.

15ac66  No.3311797


Top kek

1f6b12  No.3311798




Absolutely, Anon, I do pray for them, too.

'''So many murders by The Clowns & The Cabal.

So little justice.

But so much time.

And ZERO Statutes of Limitations.'''

DoItQ, in the name of Jesus Christ.

1d8a52  No.3311799

File: 1210881917c3b98⋯.png (147.11 KB, 551x548, 551:548, 1210881917c3b98885a97e0b2a….png)

e60782  No.3311800

File: 937421af10309d2⋯.png (47.89 KB, 350x338, 175:169, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

File: f33b25152a2fbba⋯.png (49.97 KB, 402x234, 67:39, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)


Got any minutes or words

734e3a  No.3311801

File: b2cb5364583f2be⋯.png (65.9 KB, 765x398, 765:398, ClipboardImage.png)



Was Monica McLean in FBI counter-terrorism with Strzok?

Certainly looks like that was her specialty…


dc48d5  No.3311803


I see 11:11 and just now 11:33

182054  No.3311804


You didn't include a time stamp. Delta was [:56], mirror is [:26] which lines up with 03/11 on the clock

998227  No.3311805

File: 7f0365b58279679⋯.jpg (14 KB, 275x183, 275:183, trickyalwaysdick.jpg)

43ea7b  No.3311806


I could go for some cereal…

After you SMD.

f8f11e  No.3311807

File: 00dfa5d0a5457f5⋯.jpeg (54.4 KB, 575x519, 575:519, 2FAF40A2-4466-4166-8A9C-8….jpeg)

File: 95d08cc10f25781⋯.png (597.04 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CE91A582-A9BF-43E2-9646-2A….png)

File: 4358ac7d7df419a⋯.png (603.7 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 48AEB6C2-B0EA-4550-85FB-28….png)

You tell ‘em Cocaine Mitch!

5d8271  No.3311808


its literally just going to be a test.

c1cde4  No.3311809


Not a big fan of this, if I say so myself.

e471de  No.3311810

File: 54e198873e6f10b⋯.jpg (149.2 KB, 700x550, 14:11, funny-animals-162-39.jpg)

eafe83  No.3311811


OK. This is fucked up. We handed the enemy of the world 38 billion? And Q will chime in with a drop regarding what? Hillarys earrings? This is becoming every bit of the Republican Jew psyop, Adelson made me think it was.

Really starting to concern.

02f9b2  No.3311812

File: a8acea76686cf43⋯.jpg (102.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, h3.jpg)

we've got a problem with hal

59d7b1  No.3311813


DYKES on Bikes

e1f6f6  No.3311814


And karma gave you 1776. Digits? Coincidentally?

I dont think so!

Fuck yeah anon!

Bring it on, POTUS

fef614  No.3311815


Of course, not a problem.

Have hypothesis about shills riling up during early hours.

Keeping it to myself for the time being until I can better assess my suspicion.

God bless, man, and keep up the excellent work.

5b413d  No.3311816

File: e1b3c7e8a26060a⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 613x356, 613:356, 487626606-170667a.jpg)

File: 34d836512c51c06⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 402x339, 134:113, iu (4).jpg)

ebc73d  No.3311817

I know that watching CNN makes all of sick so I took one for the team and watched for 30 min obviously their Narrative has shifted too trump is a tax cheat they know judge kav take down has failed I’m going to go barf now

a6596a  No.3311818

File: 4ef750f6903119a⋯.png (169.81 KB, 669x288, 223:96, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)




ffa307  No.3311819

File: f1df810e880fbfc⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 800x698, 400:349, Anime.jpg)

16d6f2  No.3311820


What I think is the newsworthy story is How the hell did the NYTimes get POTUS's income tax records?!?! That's a crime, isn't it??

46fc63  No.3311821


Yay more Israeli influence. Iran’s not a real enemy retards. We just gave Israel nearly

40 billion dollars. When are you going to wake up?

d1b7db  No.3311822

Hey. Fuck this guy on Fox. Consider him an activated MOS asset. David Lee Miller.

Called Potus “Mr Trump” at least 9 times and President Trump once. Even IF the statements referencing period of time = pre-inauguration: to hell with David Lee Miller.

dc48d5  No.3311823

File: 88046619d9b0dff⋯.png (8.05 KB, 204x255, 4:5, wtfpepe point.png)

db7f5d  No.3311824


And Iran goes to hell exactly how isreal likes it

0c1687  No.3311825

People are calling a psychologist

Named Ford

Dr. Fraud

Because they think she is perpetrating a fraud on the Senate

But did you ever think

That maybe the Illuminati

Chose Dr. Sigmund Freud

Because they wanted to perpetrate the Fraud

Of Psychology on the whole world?

The psychology of Freud and Jung

Has always been a Limited Hangout

In order to conceal the true psyche of humans

Which leads directly to God.

We have to go back to the works of William James

And reinvent the whole field of Psychology

On a firm foundation

And forget the FRAUD/Freud and lies of the Cabal.

4a8120  No.3311826

File: e64067283ad39e0⋯.jpg (1017.16 KB, 1436x1585, 1436:1585, 9C97EC27-B1E5-46D9-9864-47….jpg)

For the three letter agencies investigating kavanaugh getting fondled by butter face

5153b4  No.3311827


You made the statement.

I am not obliged to elaborate.

You have no factual basis that Drudge is not one of us.

It is simply your opinion (attempting to look like a fact).

Propaganda serving your own biases.

2dd20a  No.3311828

>>3308970 (pb)

Triple back flip with a full twist from me. This is what WINNING looks like, big time.

Major kudos to POTUS & his negotiators. China, not so much.

508587  No.3311829

File: 2e2625e9c92dc4f⋯.png (37.77 KB, 584x286, 292:143, 1538580225281.png)

3a2979  No.3311830

File: 0227f0de1456eea⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, crop-640x360-000.jpg)






b2be9f  No.3311831


What? Explain.

a94042  No.3311832


What "homeless" people need to start over is a J…O…B… not some govt paid fool speaking down to them explaining how to read "this is a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is only a test". Typical liberal logic thinking the public is too stupid to exist on their own without a govt caring for them, spending their money for them, telling them how to think and act. If the govt had not passed laws sending jobs overseas then there would be no homeless problem in this country. Govt is never the solution, govt is always the problem.

e60782  No.3311833


Mika Brzezinski - Fake Dr Ford

e86bae  No.3311834

File: fb1efbbdf3ce662⋯.jpeg (150.1 KB, 495x228, 165:76, image.jpeg)

File: cb52ba8dbd7ed51⋯.png (290.85 KB, 627x375, 209:125, image.png)

File: f7361f3bd8fd07e⋯.jpeg (151.52 KB, 800x420, 40:21, image.jpeg)


>he realizes I'm a pathetic fucking loser because I have to talk to myself to be heard

>he knows I have the intellect of a fourth grader because my memes wouldn't pass for fifth grade

>feeling trapped. This sucks…speaking of which, Brock will be here any minute now…where did I put my mouthwash?

1ef071  No.3311835

File: 958b1e27f2a3b28⋯.png (841.62 KB, 1884x861, 628:287, ClipboardImage.png)

The documents also include "all text messages relating to the Russia investigation" from former FBI Director James Comey and other top federal officials.

Some House Republicans have argued that the FISA warrant for Page was wrongly obtained because it pulled information from the unverified dossier on Trump compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele during the 2016 campaign.

"Now whether that was a confidential human source taping an individual, that's what I believe it is, but it's important that we look at this because the whole narrative of spygate and tapping and all of that have been narratives that are out there but unproven," he said.

"There was a suggestion that there was as many as five different people that perhaps came under the surveillance of the DOJ and the FBI in the early days of the Trump transition and campaign, and I think that we need to get answers to that," Meadows said.

Trump directed the classified documents to be released last month, but later delayed the release of the documents, saying "key allies" expressed concerns of the declassification.

However, Meadows said he was still optimistic that Trump would declassify the documents.

"I do believe that we will get a couple of the documents before the election," he said. "I don't think the president is looking at November 6 as the date. Transparency is good, whether it happens before or after November."


dc48d5  No.3311836


I frew up

c78120  No.3311837

File: b676501a70d7538⋯.png (449.64 KB, 500x635, 100:127, 2018-10-03_11-34-49.png)


Many of us realize that.

How many would have taken a bullet for Obama, Bush, Clinton?

This man, without a doubt.

It's about passion for our country again.

51fb98  No.3311838


Did FBI investigation started weeks before POTUS ordered it?

89981c  No.3311839


Was just thinking 11.3 and 11.6 could be months.days.

Clock was activated 11/27.

11 months and 3 days from that is 10/26

11 months and 6 days from that is 10/29

So in reference to Podesta for 10/26 and Huma for 10/29

fddfb2  No.3311840

File: 7cf67662901fac4⋯.jpg (88.88 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, BSSRO3IDKVAI5BQI7NC7M7H6YU.jpg)

bb1cc6  No.3311841


Did McLean and Comey's paths cross at SDNY?

46fc63  No.3311842



9fdda3  No.3311843


508587  No.3311844

File: ff324293fc34bb9⋯.png (30.96 KB, 607x376, 607:376, 1538580493752.png)

89981c  No.3311845


She was!!!!

d9780c  No.3311846


understood, thanks baker

probably moar like 1/10 or 1/15 or something but a significant amount of shills

so glad it worked out

ec7da3  No.3311847


So then woman shouldn't care if we fondle them. I'm cool with that.

4762b4  No.3311848


Fuck off you limp wristed queer, this is a worldwide thing.

If the internet shuts down that our only way of knowing you jackoff. Dont think our liberal news will let us know sweet fuck all.

Hope you get ass cancer and die in a fire.

OK not the last part, cose we in same boat and youd start smelling soon enough kek!

No hard feelings!

5a8090  No.3311849

File: 6ca3f85f0d49fc3⋯.png (233.91 KB, 500x273, 500:273, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump To Saudi King: "You Wouldn't Last Two Weeks Without Us"

Sounds like there is still a lot of instability in the Kingdom after the arrests and they need protection to survive.

1f6b12  No.3311850

Does anyone know what precipitated Inbred Avenatti's most recent decision to lock down his Twatter?

4931b3  No.3311851

File: dfe5781e61e6014⋯.png (363.86 KB, 558x398, 279:199, Capture.PNG)

MacArthur’s Last Stand Against a Winless War

On April 28, 1961—a decade after General Douglas MacArthur was fired for defying Harry Truman on Korea—the controversial commander hosted President John F. Kennedy at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where MacArthur and his wife lived in a suite on the 37th floor.

Fortunately for historians, Kennedy recorded notes on his Waldorf Astoria discussion, committing MacArthur’s advice to a personal memorandum that he later referred to in White House policy discussions.

Kennedy’s April 1961 meeting with MacArthur surprised the president’s top aides, many of whom openly disliked the aging warrior. But Kennedy, who’d served as a patrol boat skipper in the Pacific in World War II where MacArthur had commanded, admired him


fddfb2  No.3311852

File: 15280e32458e981⋯.jpg (9.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1b124cd48dd606d7eabf20f19c….jpg)

5b413d  No.3311853

File: a1359dd6ded32c3⋯.jpg (68.93 KB, 490x322, 35:23, iur.jpg)

0beb0a  No.3311854


almost like the sky is falling

56d5d5  No.3311855

File: 313ddad9342f76f⋯.png (971.14 KB, 960x629, 960:629, monica.png)


I believe that's Monica McLean, the FBI friend of Ford's who also lives in Delaware, where Ford was when she penned her July 30 letter to ChiFi.


4a8120  No.3311856

Glamorizing treason is soooooo tacky

And might be collusion

454dc7  No.3311858


Iran is already Hell - yeah? Or do you like it as is?

fa90ed  No.3311859

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Very possible.

Makes me think of this the day after the inauguration.

"And maybe, maybe, it'll be built by somebody who knows how to build, and we won't have columns…you understand that right? We get rid of the columns!"

FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump CIA Headquarters Statement FNN


f14333  No.3311860


> israeli anti jewish soros

what the fuck part of that makes sense?

i bet youre the person that believes after the government takes power and kills the bourgeoisie than theyd just give up power and give it to the proletariat

i bet you believe jews are raising the anti christ so the messiah comes

>thinking jews never lie

bet you believe that the israeli art atudents in the world trade center had NOTHING to do with 9/11 right?

>they said its art so its fake

>being this retarded

f6f97f  No.3311861

File: 7402adc23924c51⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 720x405, 16:9, youknow.jpg)

>>3311840 Stormey Daniels is like I-35 Highway; a lot of vehicles have traveled

down this road and it's memorable to them, but ,

the road cannot remember each individual vehicle

and is just hoping it's not going to get torn-up by the next big semi!

507be5  No.3311862


well be ready for a test nigger, don't announce our moves like that

Learn our comms

The fact that he can do it at anytime will be leverage they make mistakes when they think stuff is coming out,

think Fisa,

however I will tell you that the team is officially "out of time" unless the 3-4% that Q was talking about loosing are the early mail in voters", I guess time will tell Fren

e1f6f6  No.3311863



974546  No.3311864


MD my ass

463de5  No.3311865


There's an entire section of ground meat at Krogers called "Lean"


Please research and report back.

508587  No.3311866

File: 384a13ca82b6e5d⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 750x717, 250:239, 1538580517747.jpg)

dc48d5  No.3311867


Forgot sheet rippers

e3607f  No.3311868

File: 98aeeaab97b93d7⋯.png (208.65 KB, 582x410, 291:205, ClipboardImage.png)

wapo at its best

db7f5d  No.3311869


If someone fucks me by giving billions in aid, i would take it

d9780c  No.3311870

File: 4b9b88b3d22918a⋯.png (90.6 KB, 841x425, 841:425, ClipboardImage.png)

7bc6d9  No.3311871



43ea7b  No.3311872

File: 300343d23c4cce6⋯.png (651.64 KB, 800x531, 800:531, ttp.png)

6b1310  No.3311873

eafe83  No.3311874


I for one, welcome our newset jew overlord, Sheldon Adelson. Come goys! We've followed Trump into every other disaster. We can't go out in public and state our beliefs, show our Patriotism, claim our country. Let's just finish this into the abyss. I'm tired and this shit is improbable

5b413d  No.3311875

File: 39c03b33133f6d3⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 691x487, 691:487, iu (5).jpg)

File: 58792b4ca7dbd77⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 400x252, 100:63, P1030943.jpg)

ff2852  No.3311876

File: 9463652971a807b⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 277x277, 1:1, kavanaugh~4.jpg)

File: 39f0c84d07a305d⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, You and Your Johnson.mp4)

Judge Kavanaugh was in this TV commercial back in the 70s..

7f2057  No.3311877

Jeremiah Hanafin Is the Man Who Administered Christine Ford’s Polygraph Test


Christine Blasey Ford’s polygraph test results have been revealed by her legal team, along with the identity of the man who administered them.

Jeremiah P. Hanafin is a polygraph examiner with over a decade of polygraph examination experience and a professional history with the FBI. He administered Ford’s polygraph exam on August 7, 2018.

In his synopsis of Ford’s examination, Hanafin wrote in conclusion, “No Deception Indicated– Probability of Deception is Less than .02 Percent.”

Here’s what you need to know.

According to his professional resume, Hanafin was a special agent for 24 years. During his time with the FBI, he claims to have done the following, as quoted from his resume:

investigated federal crimes in the Violent Crime, White Collar Crime, Drug, and Counterintelligence Programs utilizing a variety of sophisticated techniques.

Served as a polygraph examiner in the Washington Field Office from 1995 to 2009. Conducted over 2500 applicant, criminal, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, asset vetting, and witness security polygraph examinations.

Provided interview and interrogation training to FBI and local law enforcement.

After working for the FBI, Hanafin has since worked as a polygraph examiner for multiple companies before striking out on his own. He now runs “Hanafin Polygraph Services,” where he has worked since 2010.

Hanafin Is a Certified Federal Polygraph Examiner & a Member of Several Polygraph Associations

Hanafin received a BS in Accounting from Babson College in 1981, and has been working with the FBI and conducting polygraph examinations ever since. According to his resume, he is a Certified Federal Polygraph Examiner, and is a member of the Virginia Polygraph Association as well as the American Association of Police Polygraphists.

According to Hanafin’s LinkedIn, he served on a number of high-profile cases during his time at the FBI, and conducted exams in Nairobi, Kenya, after the U.S. embassy bombing, and also conducted exams related to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

More at Link!

0e2f66  No.3311878


This woman is an MD and doesn't understand the strong BIOLOGICALLY DRIVEN association between symbols of female fertility and male sexual response/arousal?

Fuckin seriously?

4b4386  No.3311879

File: d65d90e7ae8c25e⋯.jpg (38.72 KB, 422x422, 1:1, covfefe.jpg)

454dc7  No.3311880


I-35 is an interstate, not a highway.

Just saying.

23837e  No.3311881

File: c3be6a0fde0e4fd⋯.jpeg (362.38 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1B632C9D-2FE8-4F61-A826-5….jpeg)

e20fcf  No.3311882

File: 6c605d292c0fdb7⋯.jpg (63.93 KB, 564x564, 1:1, Loony_Left-02.jpg)

4a8120  No.3311883

File: 4b88f5aac290ae5⋯.jpg (100.94 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_1855.JPG)


Let's flatter frumpo kidnapper cocainevtrafficer

56d5d5  No.3311884


McLean is reported to be her "best friend."


5b413d  No.3311885

File: 344df0159c88059⋯.jpg (20.53 KB, 255x219, 85:73, aabf382451728a23ffd2903da6….jpg)

19a492  No.3311886


I’ve never seen Urotsukidoji

f6f97f  No.3311887

File: e1cf819fa44f662⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x169, 255:169, HALFNHALF.jpg)


43ea7b  No.3311888

File: 709cb302b290a49⋯.jpg (7.62 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 8c7973195d7691af3c0f76b626….jpg)


I see (You) Ebot.

ed8632  No.3311889

newfags psa

during the grave graveyard shift last night, the 3am bread (3am eastern to 3am pacific), baker had to call it a night and baked next bread.

normally taboo, but its because lots of anon knee jerk reaction is post IN NEWER BREAD, as a result of this wrong decision making duplicate threads or premature threads have to get locked

last night MUCH DIFFERENT, the new thread sat at 10-13 posts while the old thread went fom 575ish to 751

pretty cool shit

e11262  No.3311890


Kellogg's also puts metal shavings in their cereals. Avoid them at all costs. I can't imagine how much more is weaponized.

e7a559  No.3311891

51d52d  No.3311892

File: a7c16247cb63ccb⋯.jpeg (28.39 KB, 640x409, 640:409, 808F5113-29D6-4DFE-91E0-E….jpeg)

7b0921  No.3311893

File: 6d1c7aa94ff32ca⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 740x355, 148:71, rg14.jpg)


Hey baker if you want a break I'm ready for a hand off next bread.

d1b7db  No.3311894


Boyfriend in testimony saying Ford coached Monica L McLean on passing a polygraph. See Senate Judiciary Majority Press on website

f31f39  No.3311895

File: 3404e5c8491c796⋯.png (92.37 KB, 573x544, 573:544, A4604EE4-1FB4-4D14-B31F-B0….png)

File: 7e9dbd7f915e4dd⋯.png (134.89 KB, 572x649, 52:59, D52F3F7A-1305-459E-80E1-AA….png)

Remember anons…

db7f5d  No.3311896


I do not know all the details but it lines up for isreal nicely. Sure the deal had to be cancelled, no question but who benefits the most???

59d7b1  No.3311897


Not a Bunch of Cock Smoking Harbor Mining Leftists like you?

43f865  No.3311898

not to mention nowadays families with real estate wealth create General Partnerships to legally shield the real estate from passing thru the Estate, hence not being subject to the estate tax. Not sure exactly what the Trumps did because i would never bother reading anything from that liberal rag paper


2a568a  No.3311899

File: 61c9da6a87700a6⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 400x234, 200:117, 2jaiml.jpg)

f8f11e  No.3311900

File: b475eb410a93e53⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1C236D13-9D59-4BBD-8FD8-B2….png)

File: 83c3c30acff78a3⋯.png (446 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7648BDD8-3CBD-4298-856F-A1….png)

File: 3b80726c8db7802⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A22E754B-05F9-4EE7-B543-4D….png)

We are all Russian bots


734e3a  No.3311901


Unclear on the evolutionary process where males would naturally select healthy well nourished women and that their children would naturally thrive on abundance of milk.

it's fucking biology.

f6f97f  No.3311902

File: 5d81ccdef88bb11⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, mannersfag.jpg)

a9aca3  No.3311903


So far Whoopi Goldberg has flown below my radar as a washed up comedian touting her bullshit to a tiny audience but this one has really put her head above the parapet - this is on a par with that fugly Griffin thing and the severed head…disgusting, she should be removed & fired with immediate effect.


23837e  No.3311904


Serious question- has anyone thought the sky has been looking slanted lately? Like its sliding?

1c76d1  No.3311905

File: c00da4d31ccd67c⋯.jpeg (139.93 KB, 1194x1216, 597:608, BDC3BFCF-CC85-4E66-9F57-5….jpeg)

Twitter going all out. (Cult victim) Alan now has his account suspended. Does anyone know what happened?

508587  No.3311906

File: f0df6f63d4935e4⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 619x1106, 619:1106, 1538580799725.jpg)

41abb0  No.3311907


You sound like James Woods!

4a8120  No.3311908


Crop dusters

Daisy cutters

Tijuana bus stop burrito

Pickled eggs and milk

5b413d  No.3311909


I'm sure she has no pictures of her flaunting her tits. Why would a woman flaunt her tits if they're just for milking babies? hmm.

f58ff0  No.3311910

File: 37975a46e162279⋯.jpg (431.22 KB, 2040x1308, 170:109, map_dadesky.jpg)

File: d1c9ead11a5f3fb⋯.jpg (446.22 KB, 1937x961, 1937:961, map_haiti.jpg)

File: 271e1b01cd87c7d⋯.jpg (375.84 KB, 2041x1098, 2041:1098, map_pizzagate.jpg)

File: 5493a44cfe960bc⋯.png (558.93 KB, 1376x1128, 172:141, map_teneo.png)

File: a019fc0570482fd⋯.jpg (326.75 KB, 1508x1091, 1508:1091, rats_nest.jpg)



not sure if it's really notable at this point…these maps i did have been around a while, but always good to review!

fa90ed  No.3311911

a6596a  No.3311912

File: aa4962570e8e283⋯.png (351.72 KB, 533x388, 533:388, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

27e9d0  No.3311913

File: 05e05772a414fdc⋯.png (292.44 KB, 821x489, 821:489, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

File: 554954597b51fe2⋯.png (271.99 KB, 727x323, 727:323, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

File: 7fd0e672bbfe500⋯.png (210.9 KB, 725x323, 725:323, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

File: 76c82190a455f77⋯.png (335.06 KB, 726x311, 726:311, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

File: 2cf79302ae79756⋯.png (277.54 KB, 727x318, 727:318, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)

“Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” Will Be Extremely Satanic

Netflix’s reboot of the sitcom “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” will be dark and extremely Satanic. The one-minute trailer promoting the show says it all.

Having young people absorb a satanic-themed TV series right before Halloween is yet another way the occult elite tricks the masses to unknowingly celebrate their satanic religion.



Thanks, Soros.

af9e20  No.3311915

File: a50414c41e9a371⋯.png (605.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1538020607-1.png)

d9780c  No.3311916



didn't want an ebake, so baked the new bread at ~550ish posts and anons filled the other one

just read the bread I baked early and the bakers figured it out

had to go so I could do what I have to do in a little bit (stopping by)

8d812a  No.3311917

File: c3919451d7a68b4⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 840x972, 70:81, pointerobama.JPG)


digits confirm …eBot made a funny

454dc7  No.3311918


Wut? He's "new"? He's been quite the benefactor for manymanymany years.

Ask Marco Rubio about it. :)

And why might Adelson have a problem with DJT? Just for fun - why do you think he might?

9fcbd6  No.3311919

File: 2c1a6d167cd74e1⋯.jpeg (468.88 KB, 750x963, 250:321, 0430E74A-8AB4-42EB-B4C0-5….jpeg)

95dec1  No.3311920

The government oxymoron

Lowest bidder always wins contracts

And Trillions still get stolen

The America Aristocrats just keep milking the public for every dime they can…..No Justice in America

3ac26c  No.3311921

File: 1a18cb70d747451⋯.jpg (199.96 KB, 500x1421, 500:1421, 2aa6cd6c9694b3f9399b99112b….jpg)

dc48d5  No.3311922


Who are the best actresses? Pron stars. Ourgirl

I hate that I kinda like her. She followed me back on twat right away.

508587  No.3311923

File: 74e88d2dd683a91⋯.jpg (95.75 KB, 961x632, 961:632, 1538581026329.jpg)

0decec  No.3311924


We are GTG

9d5e0c  No.3311925


Fun fact;

L. Ron Hubbard, despite all his fuckery, wrote an awesome book entitled "Battlefield Earth".

In that book, the name of the invading alien force was the PSYCHLOS.

It's revealed late in the book that a cabal of "CATRISTS" (psychiatrists) secretly took over their ENTIRE race and bent them to their will via implants in their skull.

My point;

>Symbolism will be their downfall.

3a2979  No.3311926

File: a7445e300c49749⋯.jpg (11.13 KB, 640x272, 40:17, a854e533-e58b-42e3-841e-6a….jpg)


We, remember the Kavanaugh!

And We, Know Who (((you))) Are!

43ea7b  No.3311927

File: e6c51779468e8e4⋯.jpeg (9.87 KB, 172x255, 172:255, 18b199a93467a8326640e17e4….jpeg)

Don't know how'd we manage without.

4a8120  No.3311928

File: 40a0dc7f43cb9a2⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_0969.JPG)

Homoerotic tax evasions

f45066  No.3311929



McLean worked for NYC FBI HQ along with God knows how many swampers

f31f39  No.3311930


Yup. Those of us who know are simply waiting for the shoe to drop. We are ready.

508587  No.3311931

File: 13f2b678c59f118⋯.png (137.96 KB, 614x769, 614:769, 1538581062735.png)

5b413d  No.3311932

File: f4225a99a8e5686⋯.jpg (110.7 KB, 472x473, 472:473, iu (4).jpg)

File: 3127998dfbf4d83⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 3607x2967, 3607:2967, iur (4).jpg)

File: bc4d0b911591500⋯.jpg (92.82 KB, 598x798, 299:399, TIMECOVER.jpg)

3ac26c  No.3311933

File: b2704f0a6357e65⋯.png (365.33 KB, 678x551, 678:551, i-like-turtles-5ac999.jpg.png)

dc48d5  No.3311934


Him just a liddle guy, he scared

734e3a  No.3311935



So now we have TWO links between Ford and the FBI counter-intel division.

Monica McLean

Jeremiah Hanafin

Are they also both C_A plants?

3f9bbd  No.3311936

File: 8e51a20799c5532⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 256x144, 16:9, Nyan Cat Hillary Dog Song.mp4)

0f1627  No.3311937


No, we "hate" the jews because the lie to us. constantly. The goyim know and it's time for (((you))) to stfu and get on the bus.

f7d778  No.3311938

File: 9c82ef570e25fa7⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 568x701, 568:701, 1a.JPG)

File: 66931b45ff3f5b1⋯.jpg (108.35 KB, 583x848, 11:16, 2.JPG)

Man jumps, attempts suicide at Destiny USA in Syracuse


2e8ca0  No.3311939


Good pile…well laid out for rp'ing normies.

d9780c  No.3311940


1/100 posts of the ebot are funny

the 99 others are nonsense/shilling


stwhoremy is an idiot

still not sure if she's acting, but I know avenatti isn't

he's a legit retard

e1f6f6  No.3311941


Hey Mr.Miller

fddfb2  No.3311942

File: 9b4b21f4b3c3b17⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 600x400, 3:2, whoopi-goldberg-likely-lea….jpg)

4f5526  No.3311943


Don't they know what Trump looks like?

fef614  No.3311944

Notables Bun


>>3311272 Catholic clergy abuse left off docket for Vatican youth meeting

>>3311320 NoName death infographic

>>3311371 Biden campaigning for Feinstein and other Dems in California

>>3311486 Statement from Monica McLean

>>3311521 Far right surge in Bavaria

>>3311612 ; >>3311673 Pompeo cancels 1955 treaty with Iran on economic relations and consular rights

>>3311728 Clockfag Update

>>3311801 Possible Monica McLean and Strzok connection on counter-terrorism

>>3311835 Freedom Caucus: “strong suggestion” undercover FBI sources tapped Trump campaign

>>3311866 ; >>3311900 Hit pieces on Kavanaugh, bots, trolls, and “information terrorists”

f31f39  No.3311945


There are a lot of newbies on this board and some of us oldfags Are reminding them that we have known this for almost a year, which means the plan has been in place and they are ready.

a94042  No.3311946


Q drop 2222


19 Sep 2018 - 8:13:38 PM

>>3093270 (lb)

Was moving the date back on POTUS FEMA "Presidential Alert" significant?


Due to K confirmation push.

Hand in hand.

[RR] stand down due to K conf.


2b462a  No.3311947


I think when ebot is absent, it is assembling weird ass memes. Then it comes back and posts them. What a dreary life. I feel pity. Not much tho.

4931b3  No.3311948


it has been at least 30 years since Americans have been eating genetically modified food and we are still to stupid to catch on, and stop it

974546  No.3311949


I thought they were paying us now for protecting them.

Not my words.

Heard then right out of the big mans mouth last night.

5b413d  No.3311950

File: a2389ab3f36d196⋯.jpg (192.87 KB, 531x921, 177:307, iu (2).jpg)

File: fdfa138ac53dece⋯.jpg (106.13 KB, 638x436, 319:218, DSC_8224.jpg)

File: 9e2fd65f841f0f7⋯.jpg (61.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, heptadecagon-300x300.jpg)

508587  No.3311951

File: 83c7636c1183f2a⋯.jpg (853.03 KB, 1125x1754, 1125:1754, 1538581228437.jpg)

89981c  No.3311952


A lot of the most powerful FBI nets are Clowns. Clowns love having law enforcement/DOJ/ State Department as cover

152d41  No.3311953


Helicopter with POV Go Pro's so we see them splat

adbeda  No.3311954


Damn that fucking Jack! I follow Alan, and he has been decoding the occult symbolism, and explaining it to Normies.


454dc7  No.3311955


Sooo, if you don't know much about what you're saying, why would say it at all?

And super props to you for saying that you're not particularly knowledgable on the topic! That takes guts!! :)

2dd20a  No.3311956

>>3311861 If women were road signs, Stormy would be OPEN TRENCH.

4a8120  No.3311957

File: 9545bdc5c9565c1⋯.png (68.43 KB, 500x554, 250:277, IMG_2131.PNG)

File: dd287ffad05a04e⋯.jpg (58.54 KB, 480x646, 240:323, IMG_0656.JPG)

File: 4adbeac1cad56c9⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0242.JPG)

Let's celebrate treason and flagellate the dystandards for Scientology and the bystander

3b8295  No.3311958

File: 8e1d93de1f33225⋯.png (8.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 18bb35908f4565077e281c9735….png)


So now shuting down israel and moving the jews to poland is a zionist thing…

Zionists = supporting repatriation of jews to israel. Got it maxine? Or not yet?

It is an art project created by a self hating jew - a soros puppet.

98f5ab  No.3311959



No shit! Hadn't noticed that, Anon! ThanQ for pointing that out!

What an awesome time to be alive!


56d5d5  No.3311960




e856c4  No.3311961

File: 5c8b1b02632a567⋯.mp4 (6.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cell.mp4)

File: e35a6a5a1abfa20⋯.gif (184.17 KB, 245x105, 7:3, 6664a5a5-f4ba-4375-a1f5-97….gif)

>iridium anyone?

<(((they))) Must Tell.

p'raps tis cell an tale to tell

4931b3  No.3311962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Genetic Roulette The Gamble of Our Lives

5a82e8  No.3311963


still desperate to make their lame-ass satanworship kewl

2a5434  No.3311964

File: cdc4e3b4c7a1b86⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 475x469, 475:469, gbcvh6fgn78.jpg)

ff2852  No.3311965

File: e02b1ca9fe9c62d⋯.jpg (94.95 KB, 495x678, 165:226, 2j26gb~3.jpg)

dc48d5  No.3311966


Farts are funny

10d8dd  No.3311967

File: dcac9a9c15f4928⋯.png (21.75 KB, 1084x164, 271:41, mcleanwikihistory.PNG)

monica mclean could be related to mclean VA via family name


5b413d  No.3311968

File: 5a22c1dac1d48e5⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 597x585, 199:195, Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at ….jpg)

9d5e0c  No.3311969





a98d34  No.3311970

File: 424bf959ee72fd2⋯.jpg (181.35 KB, 1076x1227, 1076:1227, pornwhore.jpg)

db7f5d  No.3311971


Nobody know the details

That was my point

f8f11e  No.3311972

File: 8ed832674365854⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C700A642-B260-4884-ADE4-30….png)

File: c25a499c9d75e2c⋯.png (3.38 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CA37B733-70A0-4F5F-AA6E-69….png)


454dc7  No.3311973


Words have meaning. Or don't they?

734e3a  No.3311974

File: 8574b7d49f86d33⋯.png (25.07 KB, 658x265, 658:265, ClipboardImage.png)


Monica seemed to have a role in press communications.

Was she used by McCabe for leaking?


4a8120  No.3311975

File: f46fdf7274e17fd⋯.png (71.05 KB, 500x435, 100:87, IMG_3005.PNG)

Poor judas fehgels

b2bb7a  No.3311976


That would be ‘two shots’ rather than ‘two shoots’, slick.

Spelling and grammar are essential in meme warfare.

d9780c  No.3311977

File: 69837b5816f673e⋯.jpeg (11.69 KB, 132x255, 44:85, pepeshow.jpeg)


the show is only just starting to get really good

508587  No.3311978

File: a8f6fbf14512bbf⋯.jpg (671.47 KB, 1125x1615, 225:323, 1538581537649.jpg)

3b0961  No.3311979

Possible notable… article posted by whitehouse.gov the perjury farce https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/national-review-perjury-farce/?utm_source=ods&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wwr

The case against Kavanaugh is constantly changing, but one thing has stayed the same: Democrats will make any argument, no matter how implausible or over-the-top, to try to sink him,” the National Review editorial board writes.

9bd7e4  No.3311980

Wired knows that article to be false…


5153b4  No.3311981

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/03/18 (Wed) 00:50:21 No.321



Ford herself coached by the C_A?

FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)?

C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.?

Fantasy or Reality?

Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined?

'Past trauma' exerted to IDEN 'mind w/ feelings' w/ TARGET INSERTION.

Polygraph administered by [former] FBI agent?

Who was the agent?





Goal: [per past statistical success rates] apply enough 'false' intensive private & public pressure for nominee to resign.

Mission Failed.

Target provided w/ info to prep [counter].

The More You Know…


Who provided the INFO?

The polygraper and/or associates?

Senate Democrat and/or associates?

Somebody spilled the beans prior to the testimony?

Was FBI already investigating?

6b6e1a  No.3311982


Good meme anon

eafe83  No.3311983


If you had a trust setup to be paid X amount of dollars every year for life, you could live comfortably, happily, and if properly raised, not get greedy. Donald Trump had, what I would consider, safety money. It kept him in charge of himself.

165a1c  No.3311984

File: 52f311e82929a62⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 49db02c0c741d4c387a4faef0c….jpg)

File: 783a4e763b7a4d9⋯.png (14.77 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 7318a46aed1dec4366a01a80cd….png)



Lol Gtfo Brock. Your gig is up, no one falls for it.

1c76d1  No.3311985


I know. I don’t have an account myself, but his is one of the many I check daily. He’d really kicked it into high gear lately with the decoding. I wonder what “violation” got him suspended.

fd6c65  No.3311986


Wonder if most anons are too young to remember how good food used to smell and taste….and how thin we all were

Look at Woodstock pics….that’s WITH the munchies

2ec966  No.3311987


Israel is not our enemy but many of the people in it are. Cabal are hiding as Jew leaders there. It's complicated and even I have trouble trying to separate good from evil in Israel. Guess we will learn more when it's their turn,.

5b413d  No.3311988

File: 5ed4c2de3d596e7⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 350x319, 350:319, iu (4).jpg)

463de5  No.3311989



Thanks for the good info ai-anon!


All about the test at 2:18


454dc7  No.3311990


You're not a nobody, "anon"!

Don't talk about yourself like that.

d09c98  No.3311991


All of this type of propaganda the dems are floating is no longer working on the majority of the population. Polls indicate that the 60% of the population supports Kavanaugh confirmation.

All they're doing here is preaching to their base which will do them absolutely no good.

K will be confirmed.

DECLAS will further erode their position.

PAIN will ruin them.

767172  No.3311992

File: 0f0e4cc5a3fb71f⋯.png (372.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 1536608305.png)


I should prob get up and take a shower before the world ends today.


89981c  No.3311993



Ford accusations came through WaPo.

We are really putting this shit together anons.

524caa  No.3311995


Is this protest based upon the theory's destruction of Trump/Q is a time traveler theory? KEK.

8d16d2  No.3311996



Painting large groups of people into one tiny box.

Your brain must get tired even solving small problems.

Nietzsche had you pegged when he said that a majority of men go through their entire lives avoiding any real thought.

43ea7b  No.3311997

File: f0993d9ffa52591⋯.jpeg (12.96 KB, 218x231, 218:231, e22f67c8929301a3cd06ba05c….jpeg)


Hey Fren.

a9aca3  No.3311999

File: e0bfd1851317da1⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 600x399, 200:133, Whoopi-Goldberg-to-release….jpg)

02f9b2  No.3312002

File: a52478bc08746f6⋯.jpg (34.01 KB, 640x460, 32:23, purple.jpg)

File: 367853f22856e6d⋯.jpg (182.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, genius.jpg)


1st triple nobel


431130  No.3312003


Can we please have an eating the snakes week just so they can play snake eater at a rally?

d9780c  No.3312005

File: bb355fb868ad5db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x156, 85:52, trollingcontinues.png)

767172  No.3312006

File: 964331dcbdd9f25⋯.jpg (27.55 KB, 355x312, 355:312, 1538491678.jpg)

f14333  No.3312007


bro soros is a zionist not a self hating jew you silly faggot, jews are all cowards and theyd eat there own to save there skin

also increasing jewish land goes hand in hand with zionism

you really think theyd shut down israel? fukn kek

e3607f  No.3312008


seems not

e1f6f6  No.3312009


God is good!!!!!

Everything is pointing toward /our/ victory…. How can we lose when we have God on our side? And karma too? Kek

Its almost time!!!!!

Get ready

0f1627  No.3312010


thnx JIDF we didn't know. GTFO

d39ee5  No.3312011

File: 9df021020846e75⋯.png (486.57 KB, 1717x797, 1717:797, ClipboardImage.png)

3a2979  No.3312012

File: 3cfaff83efe1832⋯.jpg (13.45 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Unknown.jpg)

f6f97f  No.3312013

File: c9bceb06316e53a⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 255x169, 255:169, Stoopid.jpg)

>>3311973 I-35 Means INTERSTATE HIGHWAY!

1f6b12  No.3312015




Thanks, Anons. I really, really, really want Avenatti criminally charged and locked the fuck in prison.

bb1cc6  No.3312016


>nvestigated federal crimes in the Violent Crime, White Collar Crime, Drug, and Counterintelligence Programs utilizing a variety of sophisticated techniques.

> Served as a polygraph examiner in the Washington Field Office from 1995 to 2009. Conducted over 2500 applicant, criminal, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, asset vetting, and witness security polygraph examinations.

> Provided interview and interrogation training to FBI and local law enforcement.


Andrew G. McCabe was named as the Acting Director of the FBI on May 9, 2017. Prior to this

role, he served as the Deputy Director where he oversaw all FBI domestic and international

investigative and intelligence activities. Mr. McCabe also served as Associate Deputy Director.

In this position, he oversaw the management of all FBI personnel, budget, administration, and


Mr. McCabe began his career as a special agent with the FBI in 1996, where he was assigned

to the New York Field Office where he investigated and supervised organized crime matters. In

2006, Mr. McCabe shifted his focus to counterterrorism matters when he was promoted to be a

supervisor at FBI Headquarters in the Counterterrorism Division. In 2008, Mr. McCabe was

promoted to assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office's Counterterrorism

Division where he received the FBI Director's Award for his work on the 56th Presidential


In May 2011, Mr. McCabe returned to FBI Headquarters as Deputy Assistant Director of

Counterterrorism Division Operations Branch I, and the following year, he was promoted to

Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division.

adbd6e  No.3312017


2 other things…

Make me a sammich and bring me a beer.

15cd3c  No.3312018

File: aee77b6fc604be6⋯.png (434.85 KB, 889x783, 889:783, spaceforce-music.PNG)

1bfc59  No.3312019

File: 2a60cfe907a7550⋯.png (369.45 KB, 500x749, 500:749, ClipboardImage.png)

46fc63  No.3312020



You’re really stupid you know that? Today’s text is gonna be a test, only a test you syrup sucking moose fucking Canadian cunt. And no you don’t get it because you’re in another separate country. Understand? Next time don’t vote elect a eunuch as president and maybe he’ll text you about the race war haha faggot!

998227  No.3312021

File: 90225b20a428946⋯.jpg (10.23 KB, 318x159, 2:1, kamala.jpg)

4931b3  No.3312022


The good ole days and munchies

2dd20a  No.3312023

>>3311978 Picked, hostile audience of angry tards. Way to go, LG. We are in the process of crushing their crazed dreams, right in their face.

4f5526  No.3312025


I-35 runs through Kansas.

2ec966  No.3312027


Fuk off

1bfc59  No.3312028


lubbock to amarillo

e31aed  No.3312029

USA pulling out of a 1950’s treaty with Iran lays the foundational defense for offense to take out their nuclear weapons program. No International court will have any jurisdiction. Those countries (EU) that choose to partner in trade with Iran despite sanctions not only risk the day is coming, but are hastening it. Giving more resources to a regime that would destroy the US and Israel is selfish politics.

16d6f2  No.3312030

Looks like the crime of publishing a person's tax return isn't that hefty - $5,000 and/or up to 5 years in prison. I opt for the prison term for employees at the NYTimes.


26 U.S. Code § 7213 - Unauthorized disclosure of information

US Code


IRS Rulings

Authorities (CFR)

prev | next

(a) Returns and return information

(1) Federal employees and other persons

It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the United States or any person described in section 6103(n) (or an officer or employee of any such person), or any former officer or employee, willfully to disclose to any person, except as authorized in this title, any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)). Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution, and if such offense is committed by any officer or employee of the United States, he shall, in addition to any other punishment, be dismissed from office or discharged from employment upon conviction for such offense.

(2) State and other employees

It shall be unlawful for any person (not described in paragraph (1)) willfully to disclose to any person, except as authorized in this title, any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) acquired by him or another person under subsection (d), (i)(1)(C), (3)(B)(i), or (7)(A)(ii), (k)(10), (l)(6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (12), (15), (16), (19), (20), or (21) or (m)(2), (4), (5), (6), or (7) of section 6103 or under section 6104(c). Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

(3) Other persons

It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

(4) Solicitation

It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to offer any item of material value in exchange for any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) and to receive as a result of such solicitation any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

(5) Shareholders

It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed pursuant to the provisions of section 6103(e)(1)(D)(iii) willfully to disclose such return or return information in any manner not provided by law. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not to exceed $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

(b) Disclosure of operations of manufacturer or producer

Any officer or employee of the United States who divulges or makes known in any manner whatever not provided by law to any person the operations, style of work, or apparatus of any manufacturer or producer visited by him in the discharge of his official duties shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both, together with the costs of prosecution; and the offender shall be dismissed from office or discharged from employment.

(c) Disclosures by certain delegates of Secretary

All provisions of law relating to the disclosure of information, and all provisions of law relating to penalties for unauthorized disclosure of information, which are applicable in respect of any function under this title when performed by an officer or employee of the Treasury Department are likewise applicable in respect of such function when performed by any person who is a “delegate” within the meaning of section 7701(a)(12)(B).

(d) Disclosure of software

Any person who willfully divulges or makes known software (as defined in section 7612(d)(1)) to any person in violation of section 7612 shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

5b413d  No.3312031

File: faa6909737d2a9f⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 466x353, 466:353, iu.jpg)

165a1c  No.3312032



Saving israel for last is probably eradication of the israeli deep state (freeing israel) and unfucking the middle east situation (freeing all others). The deal of the century.

f14333  No.3312033


yes cause the great jewish lobby is in this countries favor, okay

e17d9f  No.3312034


He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

9bd7e4  No.3312035


shills frequently use the tactic also.

Making outrageous or controversial statements with errors of fact to trigger outraged responses from sheep?

Perhaps you have done so yourself without reflecting.

0decec  No.3312036


Yep. Saw a post last night that said "if Q wants us to prep, he should say it louder"…

So, for the newbs…Go get some food and water, and prepare to hunker down for at least 2 weeks, more like 2 months. You have a few hours to get to the store.

98f5ab  No.3312037


WTF is wrong with having a successful family?

Don't you want to pass your work to your children?

Isn't that what we're fightin for?

TRUSTS are the smart way. Morons make Wills.

9df108  No.3312038

File: 16d3e4176cb012d⋯.png (10.14 KB, 552x147, 184:49, Saving Israel.PNG)








← What part of this was not understood?

f6f97f  No.3312039

File: a618605e5bccaee⋯.png (479.41 KB, 960x638, 480:319, spaceforce.png)

File: f565458604de990⋯.png (173.66 KB, 411x294, 137:98, YESS.png)

eafe83  No.3312040


I said he had a problem? Trump/Adelson are best buds.

I've asked before, months ago, if this is a military strategy, why did Trump need 100 miliion of Adelsons campaign money. But no one wants to dig on the concerns. Ignore those and keep the blind faith. I'd like to exhaust all avenues before I accept anything.

I'm still trying to figure out the whole Mandalay Bay incident in Vegas, owned by Adelson and visited by POTUS the next day.

Or in North Korea, where Adelson now has casino's planned.

4f5526  No.3312041


Or at least disbarred.

46fc63  No.3312042


The whole world hates Israel. Give it up. Iran did nothing.

5b413d  No.3312043

File: 9c53f5774b2c39e⋯.jpg (121.26 KB, 629x768, 629:768, HOtaleoftwo.jpg)

fef614  No.3312044

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






afee14  No.3312046

File: 4e9c5ff206cd97f⋯.png (1.32 MB, 936x740, 234:185, prosit.PNG)

02f9b2  No.3312047

File: b171cd990d04791⋯.jpg (134.97 KB, 700x467, 700:467, rendell.jpg)

File: 900f1a6d4f47034⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 350x350, 1:1, alive and dead.jpg)

File: 20bdda62e5e721f⋯.png (49.21 KB, 620x537, 620:537, re import.png)

dems support killing black babies but

smuggle black babies into murica

e.g. rendell valjar haiti

4762b4  No.3312048


Go on…

fddfb2  No.3312049

File: c73c2fffd54c560⋯.png (969.19 KB, 1013x681, 1013:681, 1532152499289.png)

734e3a  No.3312050

File: 818cc24f1762492⋯.png (151.92 KB, 853x555, 853:555, ClipboardImage.png)

Monica seemed to specialize in press communications for the counter-intel division.

2dd20a  No.3312051

>>3312030 In this case, it isn't just 5 years—it's five years of hard labor—tearing down the NYT building by hand, on starvation rations, in front of daily jeering crowds.

165a1c  No.3312053


J street is an anti israeli soros backed jewish lobby. Not all lobbies are made the same though all lobbying should be banned (not just israeli).

b244a4  No.3312054


I think it's her. Shadows and lifting can be deceiving. But holy fuck is she a fucking train wreck. Classic liberal woman. Never brushes hair or shaves. I swear her and hildabest could be sisters. Both look rode hard and put up wet.

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