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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

7b34b9  No.2717392

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Caps: >>2685833 , >>2697454 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7b34b9  No.2717403


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2717158 POTUS_Schedule tweets 'TRUST THE PLAN'

>>2717150 Found the DOJ FOIA "glitch" >Bruce Ohr about to testify

>>2717017 National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Dig

>>2716982 CENTCOM chief, Army Ranger General Joseph Votel. Dig

>>2716925 , >>2717150 DOJ: Unable to Give Judicial Watch Fusion GPS Documents Due to a “Glitch”

>>2716842 , >>2716860 Two part post on civil war and riots

>>2716827 Leftover campaign funds & campaign debt: Who swallows the loss?

>>2716804 Arkanon/S&B digs: Red doors will show the way

>>2716792 WaPo Article admits Dossier project not reported to FEC

>>2716774 Sen. BLUNT Stmt, EPA cleanup of nuke waste dump owned by Catholic Church. Theory

>>2716751 Grassley’s 08/23/18 Statement re Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation

>>2716746 Notable 'Think mirror' theory

>>2717391 #3431


>>2716593 Bo Xilai scandal / UN corruption: Key players. Dig

>>2716571 , >>2716557 Bruce Ohr Digz: Mother is North Korean

>>2716494 US Department of Justice Seizes 91.5m Oceanco Equanimity yacht

>>2716289 POTUS announces Samantha F. Ravich for key position

>>2716213 Old editions of Time Magazine are full of familiar names

>>2716179 , >>2716243, >>2716244 CIA Whistle-blower Claims Dossier Was a Coup Attempt

>>2716118 , >>2716173 Pompeo, Facebook, Twitter & 'Iranian state media'

>>2716112 Soros's Financial Push to Legalize all drugs in Cali

>>2716089 , >>2716353, >>2716225 Latest resignations / retirements

>>2716039 Texas deputy charged with sexually assaulting a child dies in 'suicide'

>>2716005 Clockfag Update

>>2715993 , >>2716014 Watch The Water & Space Force: Water on the moon

>>2715968 Proof Liberals are a Danger to All of Us

>>2716607 #3430


>>2715175 Lanny Davis drops bombshell on dossier allegations.

>>2715187 PBS host made anti-white racist comments in 2017.

>>2715202 Steve Biegun assigned as Special Representative for NK denuclearization.

>>2715256 Monsanto faces 8,000 lawsuits on glyphosate.

>>2715459 Trump was asking about a Manafort pardon several weeks ago.

>>2715365 National Enquirer has mob ties.

>>2715571 Ford foundation partners with firms that donate to cabal institutes.

>>2715636 Republicans block Rand Paul's effort to defund Planned Parenthood.

>>2715804 #3429


>>2714426 ; >>2714435 ; >>2714438 Highlights of Brazile’s book “Hacks.”

>>2714466 ( >>2713640 , >>2713672 , >>2713912 ) Summary of Henry Ford historical digs.

>>2714511 Podesta Group is Company 'B' in Manafort Indictment.

>>2714545 US Navy conducting operations in Seabeck, WA.

>>2714736 Context regarding Presidential pardons of past.

>>2714775 Lanny Davis has deep connections and friendship with HRC / Podesta.

>>2714824 Human trafficking raid in Waco, TX.

>>2714883 Mollie Tibbetts preliminary autopsy.

>>2714858 Dig on translator who worked for Kerry, Hussein and Clinton.

>>2714910 Arizona man busted with 4,000 CP files.

>>2714925 CEO of Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies has resigned.

>>2714934 DNC admits hack attempt was a false alarm.

>>2714809 Anon's theory on Ketamine drug used for MK Ultra purposes.

>>2715040 #3428

Previously Collected Notables

>>2714281 #3427

>>2711958 #3424, >>2712745 #3425, >>2713503 #3426

>>2709607 #3421, >>2710265 #3422, >>2711252 #3423

>>2707381 #3418, >>2708164 #3419, >>2708851 #3420

>>2704970 #3415, >>2705787 #3416, >>2706592 #3417

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7b34b9  No.2717408

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

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Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

7b34b9  No.2717409

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


7b34b9  No.2717416

File: b9386ab83572ca6⋯.jpg (379.98 KB, 928x619, 928:619, ###########.jpg)

#3432 Dough


345ab9  No.2717498


Not anytime soon.

Don't focus on "Q"

Go vote.

POTUS needs your support.


48aadd  No.2717499

TY Baker.

You will probably get slack from adding POTUS_SCHEDULE to notables. Get your flac-jacket.

7beccc  No.2717500

Anon from last bread RE: antifa v nazis

It's the same as every other situation, the cabal is playing and paying both sides so that there is always conflict and a reason to go to war etc.






Doesn't matter, they are all groups that are funded by the same people to cause conflicts, kill, push their agendas (which are not that different), they all want to take over the world and if you don't comply with them they will kill you.

f4317c  No.2717501

I'm just glad some fucking white dude didn't kill her.

she died happy

9297e8  No.2717502

File: 62156279023e518⋯.png (231.32 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ClipboardImage.png)

This video sure does look like Hillary

Even the hand gestures


efddf3  No.2717503

File: 2c3201b7aa11526⋯.jpeg (19.14 KB, 207x243, 23:27, PeacePepe.jpeg)


Great Meme


Thank You Baker

7e5462  No.2717504

thanks baker

inb4 the slide occurs again:

yes, the twatter account has the official POTUS schedule, Q has referenced once, and the account quotes Q

it is not linked to POTUS or Q in anyway though, so it is just another twatter account, so proofs using it are fake and gay

but that being said, I (and we) use it daily

still cool the account quotes Q though

d17a1e  No.2717505

File: 4d180d9076ad2c4⋯.jpeg (7.76 KB, 177x263, 177:263, th-4.jpeg)


f1d560  No.2717506


Ass is way to small

1a7567  No.2717507

>>2717445 lb


3065b0  No.2717508

File: 01160333c2ada51⋯.png (427.73 KB, 475x615, 95:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7774706174ebb39⋯.png (706.44 KB, 486x654, 81:109, ClipboardImage.png)

Nice comment in GP article re Time cover of POTUS…

Very nicely done!!

f4317c  No.2717509


no one is clicking that shit

345ab9  No.2717510

CTA here.



952046  No.2717511

File: 9737d6b7099b8d8⋯.jpg (952.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

What happened to the AMA "code monkey" was gonna do? Is it still happening?


369a0e  No.2717512


let's see. And the agendas of re-build the world?

516381  No.2717513

File: 2b73a6b5a124232⋯.png (304.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

nice post douchbag but double check your work before posting

take back your wish fucker, i just posted a russian spy readhead, leave me the fuck out of your 2 bit claim to fame

0c2859  No.2717514

>>2717422 LB

i bet his ass was praying to God rather than satan when his plane was up in that air.

36563c  No.2717515

File: 6404dff3c79ccc8⋯.gif (97.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 04ad389b-2bb7-4f34-a31d-2a….gif)


f6e71e  No.2717516

File: ce410bd0b84b338⋯.png (620.6 KB, 675x507, 225:169, 7760276747ed43ded8e13adde8….png)

Still pissed of atthe jezebel cunt for mocking the anons class action suit. What they are doing to the American people goes way beyong anything civil courts can remedy.

You know those kids they finded chained up in basements who can't read and have never been outside?

Thta's what US media has been doing to the American people. Slowly diminishing the vocabulary, simplfing the explanations "dumbing it down" because you know, "our viewers are ball cap wearing snoteaters - as one History channel exec put it to this anon.

Anon has been a writer and producer in Hollywood 40 years. Are Hollywood movies stupid? Umm, it's not an accident. We're being poisoned.

You remember how when you were a little kid certain adults you respected? How when those adults told you something you believed it?

That's how we are with dramatic entertainment. It gets special privledged access to our unconscious. The unconscious mind is what does most of our deciding. When we don't really care, "just give me one of thse" or when we buy something impulsivly - that's the unconscious. Cognitive shrinks like Dan Airley at MIT and Danny Kahnnman say the vast majority of our decisions are made that way.

The unconscious is where drama goes. Stuff we hear and see in dramas we might not remeber but it becomes part ay not remember - but it sticks with us.

And (((they))) have been using that weapon against us, lately a lot. This is a slow poison.

The ones consciously doing this, the ones directly responsible are in the executive suites, and are the owners and operators of six major media companies. They've also infiltrated the guilds, though the low level cultist are impossible to distinguish from brainwashed victims so IDK, kill the head and the body will die is my thinking.

Nexttime you see a movie of a TV show pushing divisive destructive anti America or "self loathing" agenda, note the names involved, find out the executive taking credit for the project.

We should be tracking this.



242ceb  No.2717517

File: f660a5914c72e68⋯.png (582.14 KB, 755x544, 755:544, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia records unidentified helicopters delivering weapons to Taliban, IS in Afghanistan

MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Russia has recorded flights of unidentified helicopters delivering weapons to the Taliban (a movement outlawed in Russia) and the Islamic State (a terror group outlawed in Russia) units active in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday.

"We would like to once again point to the flights of unidentified helicopters in northern Afghanistan, which deliver weapons and ammunition to local ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State group - TASS] units and Taliban members cooperating with the group. In particular, the Afghan media and local residents say that such helicopters were seen in the Sar-e Pol Province," the Russian diplomat said.

"This is happening in close proximity to the borders of Central Asian states, while many of the IS militants active in Afghanistan come from those countries," Zakharova pointed out.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also said that the Afghan security agencies, as well as the Command of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, did not react to those helicopter flights. "In this regard, question arise - who is behind these flights, who provides weapons to terrorists and secretly creates springboards for them near the southern borders of the CIS and why is it happening at all, given NATO’s actual control of Afghanistan’s airspace," Zakharova said.

Militants hiding in refugee camp

Zakharova said militants from Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra (terrorist groups outlawed in Russia) are hiding in Rukban refugee camp on the border with Jordan, using refugees as a human shield, with the knowledge of US military.

"The Syrian authorities and UN staff still have no access to Rukban, the biggest camp for internally displaced persons close to the Jordanian border," she said.

"Several hundred IS militants as well as al-Nusra militants, possessing heavy weaponry, are hiding among civilians who have found themselves hostages, and are using them as a human shield," she went on to say.

"Unfortunately, all this happens, and we have information confirming this, with the knowledge of the US military who control the 55-kilometer zone around their illegal base in Al-Tanf on the Syrian territory," she added.

The diplomat said Syria’s northeast remains in practice under the control of US military, who "continue pandering to local military units, in particular, buying their loyalty with weapons supplies".

"Thus, the process of setting up pseudo-state structures that are not envisaged by the Syrian legislation is in full swing in the Trans-Euphrates region," she stated.

According to Zakharova, Washington has practically started plundering Syria’s’ national wealth. "The US, that last week said it would stop financing some programs on stabilization of Syria, within the framework of which the activity of anti-government structures was financed in practice, has shifted responsibility to its allies," she said.

"Now they engage in restoring and updating the oil producing infrastructure in the northeast of Syria and in practice have started plundering the Syrian national wealth, this time not with their own means, but with the money received from other participants in the so-called US-led coalition, namely Europeans and Arabs.



345ab9  No.2717518





611108  No.2717519


Voting is obviously fake and gay.

We voted Trump

No Wall

No Hillary in Jail

What was the point?

c995ee  No.2717520


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow ?

0c2859  No.2717521


witches cant swim

ffb605  No.2717522

File: e34d5616ac46045⋯.png (9.85 KB, 596x116, 149:29, ClipboardImage.png)

It's called digging. I don't think you're doing any.

I present you with the latest shovelful.

345ab9  No.2717523


Good point.


a26a7a  No.2717524


Shorten apparently not even in the running now.

Now Scott Morrison?

That has changed literally within the hour…

what the hell is going on??

50e1d6  No.2717525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a good video if you like seeing antifa getting the snot knocked out of their noses.

Shadilay don't let the sad Pepe fool you

345ab9  No.2717526


We don't know.


92fa5f  No.2717527

File: 38bb173226f1cf6⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Joker11.jpg)

File: 8857a25b8b7cc98⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 4652x2692, 1163:673, KikeryMaps.jpg)

File: 3ea30382093fd1e⋯.png (414.51 KB, 1460x360, 73:18, AnonCorrect.png)

7beccc  No.2717528


She's dead, btw.

d17a1e  No.2717529


What do you propose we should do now Critically Thinking Anons? If Q is a Larp or isn't, we would be doing the exact same thing.

09abf1  No.2717530



9fdfc5  No.2717531

Nice OP name Baker!

3f9a3e  No.2717532

File: e80c94b1d4fd237⋯.jpg (287.3 KB, 1230x806, 615:403, IMG_20180821_131916.jpg)

0c2859  No.2717533


yes because dead 20 year olds are after us…

f206a6  No.2717534

File: ed0e46746a9d112⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 247x204, 247:204, ed0e46746a9d112c192120be83….jpg)

>>2717483 LB

Baker wtf? Link the Q post or delete the notable!

75d597  No.2717535

>>2717443 (lb)

>>2717456 (lb)

Why do you claim cabal are "the jews"?

You realize the vast majority of jews are clueless normies?

do you think the occult cabal serves the jews? Do you think the occult - ruling bloodlines cabal cares about anyone other than the bloodline? Do you think the didn't allow mass killing of jews to push their global plans?

What is social engineering? Why is it used? Is it possible that they use the jews as a target for projection purposes, to stay under the radar?

Why did q bring the whole occult, ruling bloodlines theme? Why did he connect the corrupt royals and the house of saud? are the also "jews"?

f4317c  No.2717536


what a stupid bitch. Darwin award for her

345ab9  No.2717537




36e27e  No.2717538


European or African swallow?

ffb605  No.2717539

File: 7cbfbc733f9fd5b⋯.png (367.08 KB, 591x648, 197:216, ClipboardImage.png)

Gotta be pretty smart here.

6e28aa  No.2717540


Anybody can see THAT Ass is half of Hillarys.

Shit Click

7e5462  No.2717541

>>2717517 Unidentified helicopters delivering weapons to Taliban, ISIS in Afghanistan


I doubt its USA, because it would be IDEN'd

interdasting as fuck, haven't seen this today

7afb8c  No.2717542

she felt the marriage became strained because they struggled to find 'peaceful marriage time' amongst the media frenzy and the magazine struggling.

ea71eb  No.2717543

File: afc8a7cf85df8e7⋯.jpeg (87.38 KB, 500x645, 100:129, 04188791-872E-49BB-B88D-5….jpeg)

File: bcb1d8dbec4f87d⋯.jpeg (174.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4AEE6420-80D9-4AB6-B386-4….jpeg)

File: b9924a38360255c⋯.jpeg (67.89 KB, 400x369, 400:369, 814A5B64-A568-492A-AF86-5….jpeg)

File: 7829f780831be3e⋯.jpeg (36.01 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 46455D3A-234F-4CD3-B340-9….jpeg)

ccaa5a  No.2717544


The wall was my idea… you all need to listen a bit..

9297e8  No.2717545

File: 70ce2cdbde13366⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1000x764, 250:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian girls

Love the banya

(Sauna) in Finnish

Banya (1913), by Zinaida Serebriakova

Russian State Museum, Saint Petersburg

c96335  No.2717546

File: f83aeba63117864⋯.png (439.3 KB, 650x697, 650:697, USMC 8-23-18 5 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 95400256c9c516f⋯.png (11.98 KB, 407x278, 407:278, Q 3-3-18 Make it Rain.PNG)

Make it Rain



ffb605  No.2717547

File: 12abe9930ff486e⋯.png (10.77 KB, 595x202, 595:202, ClipboardImage.png)

Give her kudos for this r/t

bdbce2  No.2717549


that one's actually funny.. how heartbreaking it is to get to know her this way…

She'll be a good companion to Nasim, memeanons. Might be nice to adopt her poor broken soul as well

7b34b9  No.2717550

File: 267affc2fe77035⋯.jpg (276.81 KB, 928x468, 232:117, ############.jpg)


Kek, yea

Reason baker put @POTUS_Schedule in notes and in the bread title

Because Q linked to @POTUS_Schedule in a past post, so although not 'official', I believe Q has endorsed it by linking to it.

Now, let us dig, meme n pray…

d17a1e  No.2717551


So either way, vote. Great plan. That rivals Qs plan which was vote.

48aadd  No.2717552











952046  No.2717553

File: 7ed3fb8297da016⋯.png (92.16 KB, 738x222, 123:37, everrytactic.png)

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

Everyone realizes BO's "CP law warning" is nothing but a tactic to make the board look bad, right? As has been shown repeatedly, BO is fake– ie not even human, ie part is the overall propaganda control system. I think almost everyone knows this by now, right?

565a80  No.2717554

File: b2d546b4f666378⋯.jpg (15.12 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1_-zTCctRWUlSJqSpDetdj4Q.jpg)

>>2717056 (LB)


they all look alike.

ea71eb  No.2717555

File: b9924a38360255c⋯.jpeg (67.89 KB, 400x369, 400:369, 4F7BDD5B-A0D1-42D8-9A3B-2….jpeg)

f35fac  No.2717556

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)

Good Evening Anons!

Well long day but bringing an *update on BrotherAnon that had brain surgery this morning*

BrotherAnon pulled through with a few complications. A small bleed on the brain, which was contained, controlled and stopped. Tumor/cyst removed and spinal fluid is flowing normally now. He is talking and, complaining (nothing new there). lol

2 hurdles - vomiting and high blood pressure issues. He is in the ICU and Dr's are hopeful for a full recovery after radiation therapy in 3 weeks.

We are relieved and grateful for all of your prayers. Veteran BrotherAnon sends his thanks for your prayers.

Thank you. Much love to you Anons!! (nohomo)


9f8a26  No.2717557


If you can't see a point, better go and salvage what life you have left. Why be miserable, unless that's what you really want?

345ab9  No.2717558


Q is not here.

CTA is.


959881  No.2717559


A great economy.

More jobs.

Lowest unemployment since WW2.

ObamaCare gutted.

Comey out

McCabe out

Stroke out (haha)

Page out.

Best of all Hillary is not potus.

ffb605  No.2717560


>memeanons. Might be nice to adopt her poor broken soul as well

2a293d  No.2717561


Truth right here.

Democrats already flipped 10 Republican seats

9c4011  No.2717562


it was an assumption from which the conclusion followed organicaly(?)

48aadd  No.2717563


I can dig that.

4a9c48  No.2717564

File: 3b2dc8b80d9e091⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3b2dc8b80d9e0919eaa52281a7….jpg)

4bf2f6  No.2717565


Die, shill, die.

75d597  No.2717566

Notable - Baker

I nominated it late in last bread, yet you missed it.


Very high iq post on the importance of logical thinking on this board.

Thanks baker

7e5462  No.2717567

File: e6318b8b98ec846⋯.png (53.33 KB, 1188x249, 396:83, BOshills.png)

2nd inb4:

CTA will slide the board, only these they come here

9c4011  No.2717568


sorry forgot (pb)

345ab9  No.2717569

11be8d  No.2717570

File: 17efea8372d4664⋯.jpg (201.92 KB, 1242x1238, 621:619, 4f994a2b074fe59171475c096f….jpg)


Same guy that did this one

9b1ac4  No.2717571

File: a6a74eff59009dc⋯.png (653.81 KB, 1005x600, 67:40, a6a74eff59009dcd4046bf4a40….png)

File: 067832cfc95d33f⋯.jpg (261.2 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 21215d769a60620aea7064d06f….jpg)

File: f7bec0ee5173ddd⋯.png (347.72 KB, 1452x752, 363:188, f7bec0ee5173ddd7b5276cc010….png)

File: f1a4e9d1ab62fd2⋯.jpg (72.05 KB, 720x960, 3:4, f1a4e9d1ab62fd2226d51a97ac….jpg)

File: faab7e503924d24⋯.jpg (125.63 KB, 808x768, 101:96, faab7e503924d243c265fc1f69….jpg)

4a06a3  No.2717572


ALL Jews are REQUIRED to FOLLOW Jewish law.

Jewish Rabbi's Make and Enforce Jewish Law.


ALL Jews are REQUIRED to follow the laws in the TALMUD.

Jewish Laws directly from the Talmud:

"A Gentile (non-jew) girl who is three years old can be violated." 9 boda Sarah 37

“Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.” Yalkut 245c

“Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.” Zohar, Shemoth

"It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

“A Jew may pretend he is a Christian to deceive Christians.” Iore Dea 157,2 Hagah

“A Jew must always try to deceive Christians.” Zohar I, 160a

You are a lying jew.

36e27e  No.2717573


Thing is what did x define?


8a35e1  No.2717574

File: 3fc44b385cc97f2⋯.jpg (99.26 KB, 931x960, 931:960, 1454x1500.jpeg.0f488c3d85a….jpg)

File: 996f46b5e42e052⋯.jpg (65.49 KB, 716x960, 179:240, 1118x1500.jpeg.cb4696d40bb….jpg)

b002e6  No.2717575

Resignations in the news today:

Harwood board member resigns


Meyer resigns from Roseburg Public School Board


Wyandot nursing home administrator resigns


School Business Administrator Resigns After Theft Charge


Needham teacher who resigned to face criminal charge


Ex-Dartmouth police sergeant resigns, faces no jail time


Former Richmond official resigns post in New Orleans after signing off on own back pay, receiving steep raise


Longtime County Administrator Craig Weinaug announces plans to retire in December


Retiring Visit Philadelphia CEO Reflects on 4 Decades on Tourism’s Front Lines


Retiring reverend reflects on time leading 350-year-old Maine church community


Rev. Thompson to retire from Community Baptist Church after 29 years as pastor


Gary Serrato Is Retiring From Fresno Irrigation District


6 police officers resign from small Missouri town


Saxton resigns as CCSD superintendent


bdbce2  No.2717576


>>2717546 @USMC ~ MAKE IT RAIN ~ Q


cdf4a9  No.2717577

File: 2dc2d324033ef6f⋯.png (498.53 KB, 900x376, 225:94, shillstorm.png)

611108  No.2717578


My life is awesome


muh jobs is lame. You know the 5 day 40 hour work week has been around for 100 years? Think of everything that has improved in the last 100 years. Yet you still are nothing more than a slave.

Get a life

ccaa5a  No.2717579

Q is trying to murder people in Canada!!!


No one listens..

48aadd  No.2717580


Critical thinking is necessary.

Using logic.

No Feelings.

f206a6  No.2717581


I have eyes!

3a916e  No.2717582

When the shitstorm against POTUS starts….why is Q missing & silent? It would be nice to have some encouragement….but I'm starting to think that Q is silent bc The Plan involves the Cabal to truly think that POTUS is in trouble & Q is quiet so not to discourage their thought process so that they truly believe that they have Trump in a corner….THEN POTUS swoops in for the ultimate & final kill! …..Silence is Golden….so Q says…..BUT, a Q drop sure would be nice but not truly needed.

We are a FORCE that the Cabal, Deep State nor the MSM EVER expected to RISE UP to be their #1 enemy!

f6e71e  No.2717583


Anons could get very pissed off at something like this is GRU'd drop some of their choice information our way. Come on guys, this is information war. You give us some information and we'll bitch to POTUS about Iranian shills in the wire.

- high ranking anon general staff

679408  No.2717584

File: e79b67610b724f0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1034x1056, 47:48, 2018-08-23_20-43-32.png)

aebb10  No.2717585


that should be in


de8c43  No.2717586

muh joos

ffb605  No.2717587

File: e46f21e5227fb9e⋯.png (602.86 KB, 750x1114, 375:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b609523b54eaf7⋯.png (229.95 KB, 590x610, 59:61, ClipboardImage.png)

well here's some wisdom from Mollie

519e35  No.2717588


east tx music fag here from very corrupt east tx county.

thanks for this digg.

you got further than i did, was unable to confirm anything about the dallas headless pedo.

didn't think to look outside the area kek

as for your last sentences: imo:

"incapable of controlling" = "being controlled"

spiritual war indeed.

and yes, these people are sick.

d17a1e  No.2717589

File: b24052cf0f50cdc⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 41afaf499c6e5d3bde7b366808….jpg)


Wow. Observant and obvious. You win this award…………

7b34b9  No.2717590


Didn't miss it anon, I decided not to add it. Thanks though.

efddf3  No.2717591

File: 9defa9dcc4cc5b4⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 255x169, 255:169, AllYouNeedIsLove.jpg)


Great to hear Anon. Very glad to hear and thanks for the update.

820cf7  No.2717592

>>2717250 lb

do it for sure, just clean your social media

48aadd  No.2717593



Resignations today.

6e28aa  No.2717594



Jean Cream

I Love Them HollyWood Boyz!!

345ab9  No.2717595

What has "Q" told you?

Trust the plan?



Why hasn't Q told you to vote?






f9a7df  No.2717596

File: f359df9690c0502⋯.png (560.98 KB, 635x519, 635:519, turdeater.PNG)

952046  No.2717597


Good information to know, but baker is a fucking bot, and your absolutely fake and gay "let's dig, meme and pray tee hee hee thanQqQq!!" shows you are too, since all you bots can do is beat things into the ground until the fakeness splatters everywhere. Just saying.

Delete yourselfs.

cdf4a9  No.2717598

File: 88332fc07ad1b55⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 642x320, 321:160, monty-python-witch.jpg)

9f8a26  No.2717599


>My life is awesome

Good. Sounds like you got it dicked.

f4317c  No.2717600

File: 66a41fcae5d1e04⋯.png (351.71 KB, 634x306, 317:153, cdadd086982cd17c683fdd7cc1….png)

3f9a3e  No.2717601

75d597  No.2717602


>"the jews are all evil. they must obey the talmud".

Are all jews religious? are all religious jews made the same? does all religious subgroups intepret the torah or the talmud the same way? does it make sense that all jews follow some sort of rabbi?

No, as they are diverse, some are secular and don't give a shit about rabbis or torah or bible, some are karaim and dont give a shit about rabinic traditions or talmud, some take whatever tradition they personally like, and some are religious sheep who belong to different subgroups and follow different rabbis.

Do all catholics follow the pope?

you are out of your league pawn.

ffb605  No.2717603

File: 5622dde52525215⋯.png (10.24 KB, 596x194, 298:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Ironically, we are reliving all of them right now.

9c4011  No.2717604


x is everything. but thinking about it as energy (possibility of work) simplifies wording of the problem and solution

7eefd6  No.2717605


Nice, mis-spelled pornfag though.

ce10f8  No.2717606


I’ve only skimmed previously, I’ll go back and take a longer listen

9297e8  No.2717607


It's called a Limited Hangout

You release a little bit of truth

For instance it is well known

That the Rothschild family

Who claim to be Jews

Are part of the occult Cabal

However, you try to make the little bit of truth

Seem like the whole story

To stop people from digging

From making Connections

Like to the Catholic occultists

And the Chinese triads

Because if people could draw the map

Of the whole Criminal Conspiracy Network

They would have NOWHERE to hide!

Google for

Limited Hangout

242ceb  No.2717608

File: 4bdaa3cd7f5ca68⋯.png (923.24 KB, 833x492, 833:492, ClipboardImage.png)

Buildings, 7 cars & pizzeria torched in Sweden overnight as arson attacks continue

Several buildings, including a pizzeria and a garage, as well as seven cars, were set on fire overnight in southern Sweden as police remain clueless on how to curb the ongoing wave of arson attacks.

The fire services received calls saying that a house was burning in a residential area of Kristianstad municipality shortly before midnight on Wednesday. The police said that a fire at the local pizzeria had started upstairs and quickly spread through the building.

The firefighters fought the flames for several hours, but couldn’t save the building, which was “totally destroyed.”


345ab9  No.2717609


Why would a shill suggest to vote for POTUS?


1b3efb  No.2717610

File: 6af77d5a6da2bc0⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1496x1498, 748:749, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

eb9682  No.2717611

File: ac40ecbea340d59⋯.png (284.7 KB, 1349x1124, 1349:1124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42c5134282cd114⋯.png (454.67 KB, 675x336, 225:112, ClipboardImage.png)


Astronauts use snorkels in space after a near drowning of an astronaut. Biggest indoor swimming pool in the world!

7beccc  No.2717612

I thought the shills thought they were winning. Why are they here and pissed off?

516381  No.2717613

File: 33784beae1ec904⋯.png (3.29 KB, 468x82, 234:41, ClipboardImage.png)


even though this wasnt my link (i guess you got a couple of links wrong), ill accept this

cheers anon

at least you aqre fighting the good fight

i think you got some errors because your heart wasnt all the way into it, probably your first post, or similar, trying to kick it on the chan

o7 m8

820cf7  No.2717614


Are you warming up to Q ?

75d597  No.2717615


fair enough.


519e35  No.2717616



369a0e  No.2717617



Why I think that the joke in the eternal fight could be the mirror of Syria with some big players?

f4317c  No.2717618

File: 795c013044ca527⋯.jpg (65.47 KB, 640x651, 640:651, 87db545cbf7dbefd6ad4c9841c….jpg)

c38d0b  No.2717619

Women should jog in pairs, seriously. A lot of women joggers have been raped and killed because the criminal rapist (raper/rapper?) csn just lie in wait for an unsuspecting victim who is alone.

ea71eb  No.2717620

File: 2d659d301f37e2c⋯.jpeg (112.07 KB, 500x608, 125:152, 2BE791D4-1322-4F3F-80CC-9….jpeg)

2e6e71  No.2717621

POTUS_Schedule saying Trust the Plan again… (3 hours ago)


"TRUST THE PLAN - TRUTH has a way of being heard in spite of the loud mouth FAKE NEWS Ministers of Propaganda at the Democrat Socialist Indoctrination Media."

e45591  No.2717622

File: 3ffc5da08101e2d⋯.png (365.71 KB, 560x372, 140:93, POTUS_Pepe_Star.png)


Kek yea indeed! Fuck the shills!

7e5462  No.2717623


kek anon I disagree, it should be known

but if the baker thinks so, I'll try to find the actual post


only (you) you'll get faggot

Q doesn't need to tell patriots to vote, you stupid fuck

5e4756  No.2717624


You spelled it wrong. It's spelled Trudeau

9c4011  No.2717625


energy is everywhere. energy is everything that exists.

345ab9  No.2717626



If you want unsealed indictments to stick, VOTE.


b33674  No.2717627


Sessions needs to act or resign.

Trust Sessions? Bullshit.

f4317c  No.2717628

File: 3135d741b02f247⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 290x174, 5:3, 29rpuv.jpg)

ffb605  No.2717629

File: 594801d740883b2⋯.png (15.16 KB, 602x213, 602:213, ClipboardImage.png)

News Flash to Mr. Sanders- This girl LOVED you.

4f1dab  No.2717630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow??

9fdfc5  No.2717631


>"This is happening in close proximity to the borders of Central Asian states, while many of the IS militants active in Afghanistan come from those countries," Zakharova pointed out.

Iran financed groups??

0c2859  No.2717632

File: 21bee310858170e⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 736x878, 368:439, pepe_bee.jpg)



woot woot

bdbce2  No.2717633

>>2717603 DAMN.harsh but still funny. She's even more of a reality winner

06d2b8  No.2717634

Time to rip off the band aid, no amount of trying to create sympathy for Sessions by publicly fighting with trump will change anything if he starts going after conspirators, he will be a bad guy instantly. Too much overthinking and overly cautios strategizing that gives the other side time to counter.

107b61  No.2717636

File: f3c4f5cb040d754⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 32787832980459054787632764….png)

7d9691  No.2717637

File: 67d22da2a1054ad⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 39132687_1938144519637763_….jpg)

e28707  No.2717638


>"police remain clueless on how to curb the ongoing wave of arson attacks"

Its not rocket surgery. Deport the mohammedans back to buttfuckistan in time for the bombings.

a82960  No.2717639

Yeah, I'm sure you voted Trump. Get off the board, shill.>>2717519

eb9682  No.2717640


Trump tells people to vote all the time.

3f9a3e  No.2717641

File: 691d80a6f05085a⋯.jpeg (305.5 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 1535066347.jpeg)

952046  No.2717642

File: 00aaf7d3ed4f784⋯.png (2.14 MB, 896x5920, 28:185, WeAreQueueanon.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)




It's so profound, after all. It's not fucking BOT DOGSHIT



ca555b  No.2717643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seagram's Heir Matthew Bronfman lives in Israel in 17 Rothschild Project on Rothschild Boulevard on the 17 Floor

Matthew Bronfman (age 59) is the half-brother of Clare & Sara Bronfman of NXIVM sex cult fame.

Sauce: https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-matthew-bronfman-leases-rothschild-17-tel-aviv-apartment-1001225243

Price of 2 Bdrm Apt. in Rothschild 17 - Price requested : 8720000 Shekel …. that's right, this site actually lists the price in Shekels!

Sauce: https://telavivforsale.com/post_project/new-project-rothschild-17-the-perfect-combination-of-past-present-and-future

He is the "Biggest American Jewish investor in the Israeli Economy" according to The Jerusalem Post.

Bronfman is also the main shareholder in IKEA Israel, Israel Discount Bank and Shufersal.

Sauce: https://www.jpost.com/Features/Magazine-Features/Matthew-Bronfman-Top-US-businessman-in-love-with-Israel

Matthew Bronfman is the chairman of the American Jewish Committee’s ACCESS, which trains Jewish professionals to shape public opinion and policy around the world.

"which trains JEWISH professionals to SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION AND POLICY around the world" !!

AJC Global Jewish Advocacy - Interdasting that the AJC leadership page shows the CEO but not Chairman Bronfman.


AJC has 22 offices in the US… in every Blue City! global too. https://www.ajc.org/regionaloffices

1:30 minute video shows him lighting torch as Chairman of LIMMUD FSU which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

2018 - Here is Bronfman and LIMMUD FSU at Columbia Univ. on the 70th Anniversary of Israel, holding an anti-Boycott Israel protest.

BDS is the global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel.


ea71eb  No.2717644


since 1998 investigation of identical case…

8476e5  No.2717645

Moar Russian Collusion

Lanny Davis is co-founder and partner of the law firm of Davis Goldberg & Galper. I just checked FARA records. His firm is a registered *ACTIVE* foreign agent for Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, who is a close ally of Russian pres Vladimir Putinhttps://t.co/PKHpeaCi7r

— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) August 22, 2018


6e28aa  No.2717646

File: fd529099ea50387⋯.jpg (214.26 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, Monthly Reminder.jpg)

989f67  No.2717647

File: 10ff27105d28b73⋯.png (119.59 KB, 224x424, 28:53, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)


I'd like to ask a question…?

d17a1e  No.2717648


It won't happen until Kavanagh is on the bench IMO. Late September or early October. Wait some more.

345ab9  No.2717649


Q likes sending anons on scavenger hunts.

Meanwhile, POTUS is getting his ass kicked.

POTUS needs votes for 2020.

Give them to him.


107b61  No.2717650

File: c129d39bf451034⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 21873278003786456446587932….png)

4a06a3  No.2717651


Rabbinical Law DICTATES all Jews must Follow Jewish law.

You are side stepping the issue.

Jewish Law states: "It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

You jews painted yourselves into a corner.

You can say "I am a non-religious jew," all you want. I consider everything that a jew says to be a lie.


Because of this law: "It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

Go lie to someone else.

516381  No.2717652

File: 0f809a3ac3f75f8⋯.png (303.23 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6318b8b98ec846⋯.png (53.33 KB, 1188x249, 396:83, 5 Prong 2.0 BO.png)



suck each others dicks



see attached from BO

you guys have ignore this person you cannot reply ← STAHP

filter immediately

820cf7  No.2717653


Then you are wasting your effort here. Anons will vote no matter what

bbbbe8  No.2717654

Damn Q kill something so we can scavenge the bodies!!

36e27e  No.2717655

File: 23ecdaff1e1e65a⋯.png (134.98 KB, 1280x839, 1280:839, energy.png)


if defined as energy will work as energy is not limited by dimensions - it may be deviated at boundary conditions, or converted but remains constant without input or release.

2e6e71  No.2717656


Unless they're cocksucking trannies.

f9a7df  No.2717657

File: f502397d6e2d84e⋯.jpg (4.83 KB, 100x100, 1:1, george.jpg)


I'm George Webb & I approve this post

aebb10  No.2717658


> it should be known

For the normies anons.

72cd03  No.2717659

Rudy Giuliani: Impeaching Trump would mean 'people's revolt'

President's lawyer claimed there was "no reason" for impeachment and says Trump has been "vindicated" by Michael Cohen's account.


Donald Trump's lawyer has said "the American people would revolt" if the president was impeached.

In an interview with Sky News Rudy Giuliani claimed there was "no reason" for an impeachment and called Mr Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen "a liar".

"You could only impeach [Trump] for political reasons and the American people would revolt against that," he said.

345ab9  No.2717660


We don't know.


cae3b4  No.2717661


Great News , I thought about the procedure today and was wondering.

0c2859  No.2717662


love you anon, no homo,

and praying for recovery for all.

cdf4a9  No.2717663

File: c9e624a078fc0eb⋯.png (314.87 KB, 600x405, 40:27, notfrum2.png)

9297e8  No.2717664

File: f8bf7287a51fb96⋯.png (451.88 KB, 550x825, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This is better

Click and it shows a larger picture

107b61  No.2717665

File: 467e00aae3f3146⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 78213289903908438744656548….png)

48aadd  No.2717666


There's that "17" again.

6176bf  No.2717667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To the MSM

428304  No.2717668


I wouldn't want to be the doggo

that this one decides to "save"

61b67a  No.2717669

File: 4ec405658b57c34⋯.jpg (336.89 KB, 802x854, 401:427, CIANIGGER.jpg)

Illegally Produced Ammunition Linked to October 2017 Mass Shooting in Las Vegas



>A federal grand jury sitting in Las Vegas indicted Arizona resident Douglas Haig today with one count of engaging in the business of manufacturing ammunition without a license, announced United States Attorney Dayle Elieson for the District of Nevada and Special Agent in Charge Aaron C. Rouse of the FBI’s Las Vegas Division.

>The investigation of Haig, 55, of Mesa, Arizona, arose out of the investigation of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas. Haig is scheduled for an initial court appearance on the Indictment before U.S. Magistrate Judge George Foley Jr. on September 5, 2018, in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was previously charged in a criminal complaint.

>According to allegations in the indictment, from July 2016 to October 19, 2017, Haig, who did not have a federal firearms license to manufacture ammunition, was illegally conducting business as a manufacturer of various ammunition types. Haig previously operated “Specialized Military Ammunition,” an Internet business selling high explosive armor piercing incendiary ammunition, armor piercing incendiary ammunition, and armor piercing ammunition. Business records reveal that Haig sold armor piercing ammunition throughout the United States, including Nevada, Texas, Virginia, Wyoming, and South Carolina.

>During an interview with investigators, Haig told investigators that he reloads ammunition, but does not offer reloaded cartridges for sale to his customers and none of the ammunition recovered in Las Vegas crime scenes would have tool marks on them consistent with his reloading equipment. Reloaded ammunition refers to ammunition that is manufactured from component parts, including previously fired cartridge cases. Based on a forensic examination of rounds recovered inside the suspect’s rooms at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino following the mass shooting, Haig’s fingerprints were found on reloaded, unfired .308 caliber cartridges. Forensic examination also revealed that armor piercing ammunition recovered inside of the shooter’s rooms had tool marks consistent with Haig’s reloading equipment.

Interesting development from Vegas. Possible glow-in-the-dark ammo supplier?

a82960  No.2717670


Where does that photo come from? So gross.

b615f5  No.2717671

File: 89018d307f4b11d⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 410x410, 1:1, 89018d307f4b11d821b194a42a….jpg)

5e6fdb  No.2717672


You're nuts, Tiresias.

1b3efb  No.2717673

File: 2c5d2c060c37917⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1506x1508, 753:754, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

Fuck me I'm retarded.

345ab9  No.2717674




f206a6  No.2717675


Are you dismissing me? You didn't reply!

7b34b9  No.2717676


Next bread title


9fdfc5  No.2717677


This I love!

952046  No.2717678


Аге уоս нսмап?

4eccbd  No.2717679

File: e4396ece2483edd⋯.png (539.47 KB, 540x720, 3:4, fakefeudsgood.png)

959881  No.2717680


Your reading comprehension sucks. I said nothing about number of days or hours worked. Only that there are more jobs and more on the way.

I am a slave to no one. I met my goals a long time ago. Sorry you have to work til 70. That's where that 5/40 mentality will get you.

703419  No.2717681


Do it Q

107b61  No.2717682

File: 68dc12b2dcadb6d⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 12893893290895577843221.png)

40237f  No.2717683

File: 09d8a393d03b018⋯.png (339.62 KB, 564x667, 564:667, 823643.PNG)

Who can secure the vault that "contains Obama's birth certificate" before some clown uses destruction-by-hurricane as an excuse for not being able to produce the evidence.

cdf4a9  No.2717684


why does any slide start out slow?

for you to think on, CTAshill

c38d0b  No.2717685


There was also that woman who was raped and killed somewhere in ny by a black teenager a year or so ago.

06d2b8  No.2717687


All of this stuff going on now is more of a threat to the confirmation than just going for it all, time to bring down the hammer

7e5462  No.2717688


no shit

Q doesn't need to


queue the 'outrage' to make it seem like Sessions AND HUBER aren't doing anything yet


ffb605  No.2717689

File: 05d07a40704f071⋯.png (10.35 KB, 605x115, 121:23, ClipboardImage.png)

at least she could be cute

9c4011  No.2717690



it does not matter what x is, only what it is made out of

4f1dab  No.2717691


So much for critically thinking about using duckduckgo…

428304  No.2717692


I always thought KB was the perfect woman

Too bad she is completely insane

c96335  No.2717693

File: eb2ea6a0500f078⋯.png (20.03 KB, 408x603, 136:201, Q Sessions Public Attack 4….PNG)

File: d0d873abd03f216⋯.png (95.49 KB, 570x592, 285:296, SCarter 1 re Sessions Leav….PNG)

File: aff258e3ea211bf⋯.png (527.89 KB, 577x819, 577:819, SCarter 2 re Sessions Leav….PNG)

File: 90fc3e2e3712cea⋯.png (97.53 KB, 576x507, 192:169, SCarter 3 re Sessions Leav….PNG)

Repost Last Bread 3431


[discussed by Hannity right now]

Time for Sessions to Leave DOJ, Senior Senate Leaders Say


828f60  No.2717694

File: 3b14188b4ac1be0⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 3d2a01ed564588854596781855….jpg)

We have a lot of anti-Q mania out there in all forms of media! The attack on Q anons continues as the MSM and some in the alt media do their very best to discredit “the PLAN” This follows the same energy that was present during the American revolution as the anons of today are not unlike the the anons of the revolution who also were mocked by 97% of the population of the time as delusional for thinking the deep state “the Crown” could be taken down. But have heart! We will soon see the “Storm” that will shake the world to the core as Session’s, Wray and Huber make public what has been hidden as the PLAN unfolds! https://tfrlive.com/q-update-trust-sessions-79873/

ea71eb  No.2717695

what timeline are we riding which enacts surgical precision executions day in day out ad nauseum? main stream media?

611108  No.2717696


Does Hannity really think Sessions is up this late?

989f67  No.2717698

File: 4d9c4ea8ff4a941⋯.png (266.45 KB, 598x436, 299:218, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

92fa5f  No.2717699


I was born a catholic and I have nothing to do with that religion. Doesn't mean I don't like Jesus. It also doesn't mean (like the jews do) I spasm out every time Q or anons shit on catholicism.

Interesting that is not the case with the atheist jews now is it?

61b67a  No.2717700


>Based on a forensic examination of rounds recovered inside the suspect’s rooms at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino following the mass shooting, Haig’s fingerprints were found on reloaded, unfired .308 caliber cartridges.

What fucking .308 are they talking about? All the rifles in the hotel room that had 100 round magazines were 5.56 so the .308 ammo didn't go to any of them. This leave a few options as far as I can tell.

1. Other guns we weren't told about.

2. A second shooter.

3. Loose ammunition inside of Paddock's bags.

4. Planted evidence.

I don't know what's true here, but I do know we're being sold a bill of goods.

242ceb  No.2717701


IMO Nah cabal but they have hidden (((their))) usual proxy markings. The earlier article I read about it didn't mention the Taliban just ISIS, considering they are opposing sides it may have been added to maintain fog of war while sending a messgae to the cabal that WE know what your doing fuckers

345ab9  No.2717702


We have 2 months.



7beccc  No.2717703

Why is the logic that Mueller's probe is still going therefore Sessions has failed? There isn't anything for Mueller to charge or rec'd charges for against Trump. Trump isnt impeachable, Mueller has nothing w/ or w/o Sessions being around. If Sessions is fired there will still be a Mueller probe. If a new AG is hired and fires Mueller the Left will revolt in the streets (red line remember?). NOTHING CHANGES if Sessions is fired except Trump's admin looking weak and dismantled.

107b61  No.2717704

File: 250e7233f006a96⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 12783278080874364654828761….png)

ffb605  No.2717705

File: c2feeec6d303537⋯.png (10.09 KB, 600x165, 40:11, ClipboardImage.png)

this is how liberals think.


653b79  No.2717706

File: 52ec16ed680b15d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Just_Waiting.png)

0e0cab  No.2717707


He doesn’t have a birth certificate in Hawaii dumb ass

bdbce2  No.2717708


>Time to rip off the band aid

-what is holding the band-aid there?


-why does the glue hold?

-uh… it sticks?

-and could you make it not stick?

-uh… if you can remove or dissolve the glue, somehow…

-and what if you woke up one day and it just didn't stick anymore? would you worry about ripping it off slow or fast, or even notice it's gone?

c6e4a2  No.2717709

File: 065bdf5f7cc8768⋯.png (293.55 KB, 411x430, 411:430, ClipboardImage.png)

wypipo b racist n shyt

9b1ac4  No.2717710


what does "do all Catholics follow the pope" even mean?

107b61  No.2717711

File: cfc8e8b3cf50355⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21783278033070474027037635….png)

345ab9  No.2717712




POTUS needs you.


5e6fdb  No.2717713

File: 43f40b55e3b07ed⋯.jpeg (11.01 KB, 255x159, 85:53, EaglePray.jpeg)


Was thinking about you and BrotherAnon's brain surgery. Thanks for the update! Continued prayers for full recovery and good health for all of you.

48aadd  No.2717714


.308 =7.62 Nato

7afb8c  No.2717715

File: 231b643c60bbcb6⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 400x254, 200:127, 947c24cff98286086b35bc467e….jpg)

lets see here in this pic

dead, dead , dead

did I miss anybody?

b002e6  No.2717716

Unsealed Indictments

San Antonio K-9 trainer charged in federal fraud scheme


Florida resident accused of cyberstalking former schoolmate


Local man charged in health care fraud case


Hudson man arraigned on drug selling charges


ea71eb  No.2717717


4:00 Denny’s dinner crowd


107b61  No.2717718

File: 4d25c2b9a6ebf00⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21787837443083084374664.png)

b60cc0  No.2717719

>>2716842 all l.b.

nice reminder.




watched the genesis of that psyop in real time.

that's not happenin here. not with this board operational.

679408  No.2717720

File: 72e6a14e07911c1⋯.png (803.84 KB, 1031x594, 1031:594, 2018-08-23_21-09-59.png)


If Huma is on the other end, I'm outta here!


92fa5f  No.2717721

File: 2b44fabb2b707c5⋯.png (322.13 KB, 473x926, 473:926, SouthAfrica.png)

File: 8aa8578f4facbba⋯.png (275.1 KB, 512x913, 512:913, DMF1.png)

File: a89549ad1dff89b⋯.png (137.93 KB, 524x861, 524:861, DMF2.png)

File: 58ed25c90aca6a0⋯.png (58.08 KB, 519x706, 519:706, DMF3.png)

File: 79f654982fdc63e⋯.png (51.32 KB, 645x862, 645:862, DMF4.png)

Interesting what the jews write to themselves and not what they write to the goyim in the jewspapers.

Very interesting indeed.

2e6e71  No.2717722

File: 1c9a9c48e01a282⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 480x352, 15:11, crotch-gun.jpg)


Since they're new here, I'll give you the response you were looking for.

>Answers Question In Pic.

1de79e  No.2717723

File: b8cd8ca36746af6⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 1076x796, 269:199, CastleintheSky.jpg)

File: 24f5b3e2469b820⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 165x792, 5:24, Three_founders_Studio_Ghib….jpg)

File: a459cb710ba7e9c⋯.jpg (35.35 KB, 600x238, 300:119, 4_founders_Ghibli.jpg)

Studio Ghibli

…Miramax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein suggested editing Princess Mononoke to make it more marketable. A Studio Ghibli producer is rumored to have sent an authentic Japanese sword with a simple message:

… Ghibli's main international distribution partners also include Disney (Japan Home Video, Taiwan, France), GKIDS (North America), StudioCanal (United Kingdom and Ireland), and Madman Entertainment (Australia). Germany-based Wild Bunch itself handles international sales for Studio Ghibli's works.

Hayao Miyazaki

Toshio Suzuki

Isao Takahata

Yasuyoshi Tokuma

bbbbe8  No.2717724

>>2717707 " WE have it alll"

107b61  No.2717725

File: e6f89525cbcb2b4⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 2187437895009086893286468.png)

48aadd  No.2717726



952046  No.2717727

File: db2aa3c6568f9e2⋯.png (378.97 KB, 658x492, 329:246, hapbpening.png)

40237f  No.2717728


hence the quotation marks you fucking failure.

that shit went over your head.

9fdfc5  No.2717729



>We are a FORCE that the Cabal, Deep State nor the MSM EVER expected to RISE UP to be their #1 enemy!


c38d0b  No.2717730


ak-47 rounds

9b1ac4  No.2717731

File: ddae95fd5220b65⋯.mp4 (532.99 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ronsun on Twitter #QAnon. ….mp4)

File: 2d8b89661c5caae⋯.mp4 (301.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, (2) Media Tweets by ronsun….mp4)

File: 2d8b89661c5caae⋯.mp4 (301.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Media Tweets by ronsun (@O….mp4)

0b8813  No.2717732


People here vote. Go somewhere else and tell people to vote.

428304  No.2717733


God, I hope this was sarcasm

107b61  No.2717734

File: 4b65c0d91dc14b8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 91868964832648926489168941….png)

2e6e71  No.2717735


I can't fucking stand that piece of trash who happens to pass as female and is apparently of a dark skinned genealogy.

f6e71e  No.2717736

"These people of Dalmatia gave the bread out of their mouths to save us of Western Europe from Islam; and it is ironical that so successfully did they protect us that those among us who would be broad-minded, who will in that pursuit stretch their minds until they fall apart in idiocy, would blythely tell us that perhaps the Dalmations need not have gone to the trouble, that an Islamicized West could not have been worse than we are today. Their folly is certified for what it is by the mere sound of the word 'Balkan,' with its suggestion of a disorder that defies human virtue and intelligence to accomplish its complete correction. I could confirm that certificate by my own memories: I had only to shut my eyes to smell the dust, the lethargy, the rage and hopelessness of that Macedonian town, once a glory to Europe, that had too long been Turkish. The West has done much that is ill, it is vulgar and superficial, and economically sadist; but it has not known that death in life which was suffered by the Christian provinces under the Ottoman Empire."

d17a1e  No.2717737


Why do you think that? Because the media says so? Really? How many of these "we got trump now" narratives have we had? 20? 30? Meh. Trump sent Cohen to do this. And buddy from the enquirer. He's got this.

7d9691  No.2717738


then they make it to trudeus staff

107b61  No.2717739

File: 27f266437e48a80⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21898732000764645784312932….png)

4f1dab  No.2717740


"The airspeed velocity of a (European) unladen swallow is about 24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second." It was more of a question to prod your age. Talk to me when you become a oldfag.

c5e978  No.2717741

Define blood pool.

Define cannibalism.

Define evil.

Define, there will come an end.

God wins.

516381  No.2717742


giving them this much attention

does not make the bakers job easier

we are here for Q yes?

we are limited to 751 posts yes?

we need a dedicated person to make new thread yes?

its cool to get your jab in

be part of the chans

we get it

try not to do it

try not to do it every bread

please do not do it every post

sure you have the dank memes and the sweet one liners, youve got the lingo down and pepe has your back, just refrain sometimes(most times) ← especially on fast moving breads or baker requesting handoff breads

952046  No.2717743



242ceb  No.2717744


Bronfman lawyer, saying her client is innocent, will make second request on freeing Legatus from home detention – in 60 days

Clare Bronfman’s lawyer, Susan Necheles, said after court yesterday that she disagrees with the judge’s decision to keep her client confined to home detention. She thinks the judge punished Clare more harshly because of her wealth.

Necheles also thinks the judge – Nicholas G. Garaufis – will come around in time.

Necheles told Vanity Fair, “Judge Garaufis said that given the amount of wealth, he wants a little time before he relaxes Ms. Bronfman’s bail restrictions and we should come back to him in two months. We believe that this decision was wrong. It was based solely on Ms. Bronfman’s wealth and failed to consider her actions, such as flying back from Mexico and moving to N.Y.C. so that she can be close to her lawyer and work on her defense. These actions are proof that Ms. Bronfman intends to show up at trial and fight the charges.”



c96335  No.2717745

File: 14cf5f2ed4b3102⋯.png (64.18 KB, 650x324, 325:162, Bongino re Yahoo Tibbetts ….PNG)

File: f9d23606e7b5498⋯.png (776.11 KB, 644x698, 322:349, Yahoo re Tibbetts Murderer….PNG)



107b61  No.2717746

File: 772fc8bba764802⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 38937673277217721789298734….png)

48aadd  No.2717747


7.62x51mm (NATO)

7.62x39mm (AK47)

f3484e  No.2717748

Still counting the hours of conspicuous silence from Q here…

I'm really getting tired of the previews… when does the movie start? Has it already started? I sure as hell hope they got SOMETHING up their sleeves for the next 2 months, because if we keep taking body blows like this without SOMETHING HUGE before October, we're TOAST in the midterms…


50e1d6  No.2717749

345ab9  No.2717750

File: ead7f1382ced2da⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 1174x491, 1174:491, Q rebuttal.JPG)


No time for birdfags.



cdf4a9  No.2717751


lesson learned:

ALWAYS wear gloves when reloading or handling ammo.

107b61  No.2717752

File: 9af435526978a73⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 23873278435904354787621764….png)

7afb8c  No.2717753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

369a0e  No.2717754


Oh. and interesting symbolism…



6cfbcf  No.2717755


In notables already

7e5462  No.2717756

File: 6412dc0df5a482e⋯.gif (5.17 MB, 512x288, 16:9, ItsHappening.gif)


kek no no no

he said it was earlier

thats funny though


9297e8  No.2717757


There are two strategies that you can try

If you are nervous about clicking a URL

Take the domain name and prefix site:


That gives you lots of search results

From the site, and helps you to understand

What kind of site it is.

The other is to search for review and the domain

review xnxx.com

That gets you links to sites that talk ABOUT

The site you are worried about

Some of the search results will be

Search statistics. Others will be ownership

And many will be people talking about the site

If you can't find people talking about the site

Then it is fake or dangerous in some way

Note that when you search for


If you click on one of the search results

Google will warn you if the site is dangerous.

The point is, that through research

You can gain knowledge

And with knowledge you can be less fearful

No soldier will go into battle

Without as much knowledge as he can learn

51f0e4  No.2717758


Prayers from this almost in remission cancerfag. God bless!

107b61  No.2717759

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 12891390384855876784328932….png)

565a80  No.2717760

File: 24394886d546751⋯.png (58.48 KB, 1027x152, 1027:152, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

>>2716804 (lb)

>Who dammed and flooded the former towns?


de8c43  No.2717761


>Why would a shill suggest to vote for POTUS?

Because the [shill] has something to gain by tricking people into thinking [they] are patriots.. before lying to the people, hurrr durrr.

92fa5f  No.2717762

File: 2d070c12148ac46⋯.png (417.29 KB, 422x653, 422:653, TrumpJackson.png)

File: af3e2bea865174f⋯.png (184.42 KB, 414x861, 138:287, TrumpJackson1.png)

File: eefc42210d83d05⋯.png (103.06 KB, 782x880, 391:440, HitlerGood1.png)

File: 49bbe48c75184b8⋯.png (78.94 KB, 785x600, 157:120, HitlerGood2.png)

File: 0e2c829cdc8fc55⋯.png (8.94 KB, 265x204, 265:204, AnonEducateKeepCool.png)

06d2b8  No.2717763


Right trump must have sent Cohen in so he can go to jail and infiltrate MS13 and bring them down from the inside and then he’s going after the aliens .

2e6e71  No.2717764

File: 368731625d85745⋯.jpg (149.73 KB, 600x340, 30:17, SKSV_02-22.jpg)



I'm generally here whenever those get posted originally so I have a tendency to forget to check.

cdf4a9  No.2717765


next you will be telling anons to vote often…

-heavy sigh-

d17a1e  No.2717766


7.62x51 for me. .308

345ab9  No.2717767



People here dig, sleep and masturbate.

POTUS needs anons to go outside and VOTE!


66df31  No.2717768

File: 64b726807956829⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 565x489, 565:489, WAITING IN SUNNY GRACIA.jpg)

48aadd  No.2717769


FAke anyway…no way Killary would be in those heels…

107b61  No.2717770

File: 63124fa332a5982⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 21987450908575687432327873….png)

75d597  No.2717771


Where are the royals? the house of Saud (one of the ruling families).

Is it "well known" that the house of Saud was one of the ruling families? is it well known that the rockefellers ("rocks") were once family number 4 but they lost their spot?

Is it well known to the vast public that there are ruling families? are there more connections? of course! But it has nothing to do with blaming an entire population.

Is it plausible that an entire mostly clueless population be all evil? Is social engineering real? is it necessary to shield the cabal? could those jews be, unknowingly used as a human shield to keep the cabal under the radar?

I do not try to prevent digs. I try to present the importance of logical thinking in exposing shills and making higher quality digs.

1e36a1  No.2717772


What the ACTUAL…?

This should be waking a LOT of libtards that are ignorant and ignorant atm…

dcb69e  No.2717773

File: acfcd77b75cec43⋯.png (76.37 KB, 841x516, 841:516, Screenshot_66.png)

been digging on a notable from few breads back about keith raniere's patent to remote control aircraft.

So, the interesting thing about this, its a charging station patent. But patents have to include the intent of use…or "means", That, in my opinion, is the pot of gold. Its a minor mention, in a long list of items.

His intent was community surveillance (screenshot attached)

92fa5f  No.2717774

File: 67673e855640c5a⋯.png (653.28 KB, 771x661, 771:661, FreemasonryJewish.png)

File: bfe077df7a6f951⋯.png (433.09 KB, 985x543, 985:543, Forrestal.png)

File: 989c74f8e7b7c9e⋯.png (443.59 KB, 852x652, 213:163, FHenderson.png)

File: 0d2b68a6d293192⋯.png (53.55 KB, 1169x652, 1169:652, TruthMovementNutshellMore.png)

File: 3ef55d71b66518d⋯.png (54.99 KB, 1454x367, 1454:367, AdolfBigLieJews.png)

cedc6e  No.2717775


Sessions is doing just fine, sending the illegals home and cleaning out the DOJ.

POTUS trolling Sessions over Mueller is a distraction to allow the Attorney Generals real work to continue quietly.

Sessions is A-1 /ourguy/

345ab9  No.2717776





Bring a friend!


7e5462  No.2717777

>>2653167 BO reminds anons not to engage shills

BAKER, if you think this should be a global, go ahead, I originally didn't (just cap'd the post), but two anons think it could be

02eabd  No.2717778

File: a3f4a06619d6a9b⋯.jpg (211.59 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DP - Clowns 1.jpg)






>Trust the plan.

>Clowns be damned.

9297e8  No.2717779


Who the hell is George Webb

And why should I care what he says?

d021cd  No.2717780

So what's the next move anons?

Where is it going to come from?

bdbce2  No.2717781

File: ffa533beba06088⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 455x608, 455:608, missing-iowa-mollie-tibbet….jpg)

File: 0845e8be0520303⋯.jpeg (277.95 KB, 2986x1680, 1493:840, ddd2b1e0-6404-4146-b72e-b….jpeg)

92fa5f  No.2717782

File: e08f7b40b9741c7⋯.png (244.74 KB, 661x894, 661:894, Untermeyer.png)

File: 63e78aa96cbf3a7⋯.png (84.94 KB, 771x843, 257:281, Untermeyer1.png)

File: d7b4d0cccbcbf75⋯.png (70.18 KB, 776x692, 194:173, Untermeyer2.png)

File: a7e8ee01fa887c5⋯.png (58.96 KB, 787x431, 787:431, Untermeyer3.png)

File: 141c39c843ff021⋯.png (103.71 KB, 700x713, 700:713, Weitzman.png)

36e27e  No.2717783


For example inside internal energy is vibration energy, rotational energy, and other atomic forces that no one seems to talk about. Some talk about mass as wave but they have not defined the the equations for that - quantum theory comes the closest but it only uses very small masses because beyond that you have to figure the interaction between masses (ie a molecule wave).

959881  No.2717784


Speak for yourself, mommy's hoy.

7e5462  No.2717785

File: 0711688f5f18ff0⋯.jpg (111 KB, 680x979, 680:979, pepedigits.jpg)


unintentional quads self-chekked

8b7d7d  No.2717786

File: e40a98b34b7a9a7⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 413x290, 413:290, iur (1).jpg)

ce10f8  No.2717787


Some anon with skills I don’t have please shop Sessions on this?

2e6e71  No.2717788

File: 1c10c14d3db0038⋯.jpeg (24.97 KB, 440x293, 440:293, DlTka5-WsAAqESd.jpg-large.jpeg)

Steven Tyler doesn't want GEOTUS using any Aerosmith music anymore?

811ca4  No.2717789

File: aec3d7bf8e9a6e2⋯.jpg (848.65 KB, 2047x1055, 2047:1055, dog.jpg)





Some anon gave him this the other day. I guess he still hasn't gotten a new dog.

345ab9  No.2717790




66bcb3  No.2717791

File: 9e30aeb2ea18317⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 500x437, 500:437, cta.jpg)

48aadd  No.2717792


Then they didn't go in an AK47.

f397ce  No.2717793


Digits confirm. Two anons think it could.

9c4011  No.2717794


but what is energy? energy can be defined as everything? as everything is made out of energy.

2a293d  No.2717795

wtf is cta

09abf1  No.2717796


He only has one reason for being here. He is butthurt that no one listens to him, so he just slides the board. Earlier it was with threatening pictures telegraphing his intention to commit mass shootings, now he has moved to this. VERY predictable, and it works every single time. He has never posted anything of value. Just menacing pictures and screenshots of his own bs butthurt whining. That's it. EVER.

9297e8  No.2717797


The answer is

That the front pole

Goes into the pole hole

Check the recipient to learn

Whether their pole hole

Is their front hole or their back hole

92fa5f  No.2717798

File: f222391ee869d5e⋯.png (501.67 KB, 422x883, 422:883, DS0.png)

File: 985bb09f35ffe1e⋯.png (473.34 KB, 417x856, 417:856, DS1.png)

File: cd7fda426fe0700⋯.png (468 KB, 413x822, 413:822, DS2.png)

File: a9859cc2cb1e568⋯.png (237.27 KB, 418x676, 209:338, DS4.png)

File: 147072ae7d9a604⋯.png (692.34 KB, 491x924, 491:924, DS3.png)

cdf4a9  No.2717799


Ghibli = ourguys

d17a1e  No.2717800


Did you hear Lanny Davis? He basically said the steel dossier was BS. Cohen was always dirty. He got a deal. He is very lucky. This is a distraction. More evidence that the left loves a dual justice system and is corrupt.

811ca4  No.2717801


its a shill playing an anon.

bdbce2  No.2717802


Pelicans 3.0

and/or total slide waste of space

73a891  No.2717803


Yeah, silence is golden and we are winning bigly.

We are the calm before the storm and in the storm

We are the storm

And we need some crumbs for the weekend, Q.







❤️U all🙏☮️

242ceb  No.2717804

US State Dept Expects New Anti-Russia Sanctions to Come Into Effect on August 27

US State Department announced the date it expects the new Washington's sanctions against Russia to come into force.

US State Department spokesperson told Sputnik that the new package of sanctions against Russia related to alleged Moscow's involvement in former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal's poisoning in early March is expected to come into effect on August 27.

"The notification… elapsed on August 22. We have submitted the Federal Register Notice enacting the sanctions and expect that it will be published on August 27th," the spokesperson said.



48aadd  No.2717805


Lurk moar.

5e6fdb  No.2717806

File: 72a25bdfa8a4c71⋯.jpg (39.77 KB, 483x470, 483:470, PutinSawHillaryHacking.jpg)

File: 7d8c0281e3e36db⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 839x629, 839:629, POTUS cnbc Peace.JPG)

File: ed46894d01851bd⋯.jpg (500.51 KB, 749x1000, 749:1000, POTUSArtofDealwithIt.jpg)

File: 4a9fb82c4324871⋯.png (791.8 KB, 1000x1183, 1000:1183, podesta_mummy.png)

File: 841121e117f219b⋯.jpg (107.27 KB, 854x854, 1:1, PodestaExampleSethRich.jpg)

948467  No.2717807



anyone watch it

e3a77f  No.2717808

Alright faggots, I know I’m just bitchin’ but dammit I hate when POTUS is having a shit week and Q takes a break. And Sessions WTF?! I’ve gotten so used to winning that weeks like this just piss me off. Counterpunch with something for God’s sake. I’ll grab my ankles now so y’all can tear me a new one.

09abf1  No.2717809

51f0e4  No.2717810





,,,(a shill)

2bb0e9  No.2717811

Can you tell the difference between posts that open minds from those that close them?

2d1c8e  No.2717812

Mollie Tibbetts tweeted 12/12/17

" I hate white people" in response to election of senator doug jones.


50d75c  No.2717813

File: 9dc176bb7eec1a5⋯.jpg (244.88 KB, 805x1024, 805:1024, 1969_film_true_grit_cast02.jpg)

Trust the plan !

018bf4  No.2717814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> >>2717158 POTUS_Schedule tweets 'TRUST THE PLAN'

holy fuck demoralization shills and discreditors absolutely BTFO

2e6e71  No.2717815


Normally friendly version:


I don't give a fuck about #Tyler so if this was notablesed yesterday… oh well.

fca762  No.2717816


critical thinking anon = shill

5e6fdb  No.2717817

File: 94649661ab9bfca⋯.jpg (331.63 KB, 1288x966, 4:3, Hydrate3.jpg)


Kek. I feel night shift coming on…

d5c9f5  No.2717818


I know you would come back to us with great news. As expected! God had this after all.

Sending love to the whole family, and extra prayers for brotheranon as he gets continually better! Full recovery is a matter of time!

952046  No.2717819

File: 86f47e549107650⋯.jpg (274.42 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, 63c969c9950103987a527421e1….jpg)

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)


Who is that? I'm am anon. ONLY bots try to "give me a name"– and this creepy behavior IS 100% NON-HUMAN… You realize that, right? Humans are anonymous, for a reason, creepy fucking bots play creepy fucking games with their vault 7 access, etc. But soon, the creepy shit system gets extirpated. You failed bot garbage.

Think about how stupid your strategy of behaving with unhuman creepiness is. Try to think, idiotbot. Try. Then say goodbye.

bbbbe8  No.2717820

>>2717807 STUNT HOLE

947373  No.2717821


Energy is a concept, like spacetime, wave field, blackhole……

cdf4a9  No.2717822


meet my friend.


92fa5f  No.2717823


Stop watching teevee and you won't have this problem. Or at least realize the jews running that teevee are always gaslighting and demoralizing you.

e45591  No.2717824

File: 1956451619bf95b⋯.jpg (205.38 KB, 785x1199, 785:1199, Djo2iYQVAAIh28o.jpg)


>He's got this.

He can grab 'em by the front hole!


She reminds me of Macron's mom…oh sorry, wife.



b33674  No.2717825


Your blind trust and nonchalant attitude is scary.

Trump is losing ground. He does not need to so why? NOT art of war..

7b34b9  No.2717826


Sure, that's it added to global. Must have missed BO's post while baking. Thx anons.

f1d560  No.2717827


That's why the aren't following your Plan

The military doesn't take a poll for their battle plans.

Enjoy the sjhow or GTFO - This is qreseqarch not QHereIsThePlanIwant

d021cd  No.2717828


Here's a fun question,

Where in the country were the Podesta's when Dahmer was active?

How many serial killers are used to launder ritual killings?

06d2b8  No.2717829

I don’t know maybe I will trust the plan when I see more stuff happening, right now I’m just at an impass right now, Q is the real deal but im not sure what the real plan is or if much of this is just psyops.

315043  No.2717830


devilish 17 confirmed

cea7ed  No.2717831


Continuing to pray for him and your family. God bless.

f397ce  No.2717832


Your telling me that with all the info Q had during the election, and the entire NSA fighting for our side, they didn't know about a plant ahead of time? And to have Cohen just come out and stab Potus in the back for no good reason?

This is a show.

345ab9  No.2717833

"Q" is in custody.

Current "Q" is a liar.

[Q], prove us wrong.

We are waiting.

[Q] vs CTA.

What happened to your live Q&A, [Q]?

CTA is calling you out.


bbbbe8  No.2717834

>>2717813 OK PILGRIM!

2e6e71  No.2717835


Which one's the cuck hole?


For all the cuck holsters.

36e27e  No.2717836


Energy is basically all movement (and requires time) from vibration, amplitude, spin, thermal, kinetic (velocity), potential, and internal - probably many I forgot. But all things are made of energy or wave - gets hard to calculate them all.

811ca4  No.2717837


psychological torture is the only adequate response. Double plus if its mocking.

591057  No.2717838


pisses me off too anon. these shitlib idiots love spiking the ball and talking shit. what pisses me off the most is having to see Brennan and Schiff and others tweets. If I had it my way they would have been heart attacked by now.

ce10f8  No.2717839


Weren’t Paddock and Beilman working on “batteries” for DOD?

c38d0b  No.2717840


Why not call it a .308 then?

36c4f5  No.2717841


Until Q, this was my plan A, and believed I wasn't alone in my thinking by the millions. I didn't see how it would be possible for us to tolerate lib destruction of our country any further.

e3eafa  No.2717842

File: b7238f66a977159⋯.png (96.28 KB, 199x253, 199:253, ClipboardImage.png)


If anyone is from Missouri

That sure as hell looks like Clair McCaskill


2e6e71  No.2717843


Holy fuck


5e6fdb  No.2717844


I see your point. That's a very good question. Gross subject, tho.

ea71eb  No.2717845

File: 052568fa33bde76⋯.jpeg (54.95 KB, 736x446, 368:223, D68DC2FA-171B-46E1-AC2E-9….jpeg)

6ce02c  No.2717846

File: bfaae3cbf269747⋯.jpg (372.97 KB, 1964x1104, 491:276, _20180823_211533.JPG)

Easiest way to spot a "shill"

75d597  No.2717847


lets examine:

loud and vocal - YES

presents full arguments - NO

presents out of context partial info on purpose - YES

Conclusion - Shill.

Here is the full context:

>The Talmud provides a contradiction between two statements regarding whether a gentile is allowed to study Torah. The accusation only quotes one side and does not provide the resolution. By seeing the whole text and the resolution we can better understand the Talmud's intent.

>What the accusation also does not quote is the passage immediately preceding ours. The Talmud states that it is forbidden for a gentile to fully observe the Jewish Sabbath and holidays. While this does not seem as conspiratorial as the prohibition against studying Torah it is still curious. Why should it be? The explanation is tied to the Talmud's resolution to the contradiction between Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Meir. The Talmud concludes that both rabbis agree but one was stating that a gentile is forbidden to study the parts of Torah that discuss the commandments relating specifically to Jews and the other was stating that a gentile is highly praised for studying the parts of Torah that discuss the commandments that relate to him. In other words, a gentile should be concerned with his role in G-d's world. He should actively pursue his place in the divine plan and attempt to raise himself to the highest human levels. However, as a righteous gentile, he must confine himself to HIS role and not someone else's role. When he starts studying about Jewish commandments and observing Jewish holidays, he is stepping out of his role as a righteous gentile and entering the role of a Jew. This is as inappropriate as if a Jew would start acting in the role of a righteous gentile. We all have our roles in the world and it is wrong to try to side-step those roles. A gentile can become a Jew through conversion but a righteous gentile is righteous in his own right and is forbidden to try to over-step his role.


P.S. in my opinion all that is 2000 year old religious crap, but full context is needed for a proper discussion. Shills never bring the full context. They are paid to drive a certain narrative and be loud.

878437  No.2717848

Resurrected from earlier DayShift breads

Open Source - Suggest Additional People/Sightings

All links Previous Breads


1. Huma Abedin

>>2711414 - 8/16 Spotted in NYC

>>2711597 - Looking Desperate

2. Tony Podesta

>>2711313 - John Fumbels when asked?

3. John Podesta

>>2711163 - Last Tweet (8/4/18)

>>2711209 - Months Old Twitter Photo

>>2711314 - MSNBC Article (8/18)

>>2711359 - Last Seen 8/9

>>2711419 - Message in Recent Photo

>>2711472 - Utah Info

>>2711459 - Utah Info

4. Barack Obama

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711397 - Martha's Vineyard 8/6/18

5. Hillary Clinton

>>2711998 - Martha's Vinyard With Obama?

6. Awan

>>2711584 - DC 8/20

7. DWS

>>2711261 - 3d Printer Discussion 8/18

8. Joe Biden

>>2711219 - Obama with Biden

>>2711273 - Canceled Event Per Dr. Order

9. NoName

>>2711191 - AWOL

10. Bill Clinton

>>2711556 - Eyes on BC

>>2711847 - August 10th CF Event

>>2711998 - Martha's Vineyard with Obama?

11. Eric Braverman

>>2711482 - Oxford July 2018

12. Eric Schmidt

13. John Solomon

>>2712104 - John Solomon on Mark Levin radio Aug 9

>>2712702 - Hannity on August 7, Twitter on August 17

14. Loretta Lynch

>>2711652 - May 12 2018 speaking engagement

15. Assange

16. Sally Yates

>>2711888 - Keynote Speakers scheduled Oct 4-5, 2018

17. Valerie Jarrett

>>2711888 - Keynote Speakers scheduled Oct 4-5, 2018

6fea0f  No.2717849

File: 3057559745a0f1e⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 338x600, 169:300, IMG_414.jpg)

6e28aa  No.2717850

File: 98951c214f016e0⋯.jpg (2.56 KB, 73x73, 1:1, Shh.jpg)


Very interesting


3f9a3e  No.2717851

File: 5bd8a28039db005⋯.jpeg (154.69 KB, 1440x1441, 1440:1441, 1532269848.jpeg)

d17a1e  No.2717852

File: f5c76cbd7aa1ae8⋯.jpeg (6.93 KB, 153x213, 51:71, th-7.jpeg)


I love Cunts Tits and Ass, so CTA can't be that.

Pic related.

443ab0  No.2717853

File: f1fb3a662f14e28⋯.png (863.66 KB, 1400x850, 28:17, NIAV.png)

345ab9  No.2717854


Get out here, you liar.

CTA is calling you out.

[Q] vs CTA.

Let's do this.


51f0e4  No.2717855


There's this thing called a plan..trust it

6e79d7  No.2717856

File: 61ff920820de924⋯.jpg (174 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG-20180823-WA0004.jpg)

Do not believe your lying eyes and ears.

2bb0e9  No.2717857


I imagine he is taking the advice of his attorney.

f1d560  No.2717858


We notice you are still here.

Are you part of a stay-behind op?


c995ee  No.2717859

File: d709f40746ba353⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 1535055982991.jpg)

New Air Force B-2 ‘earth penetrating’ nuclear weapon changes combat strategy.

The Air Force’s B-2 Stealth bomber has test-dropped an upgraded, multi-function B61-12 nuclear bomb which improves accuracy, integrates various attack options into a single bomb and changes the strategic landscape with regard to nuclear weapons mission possibilities.


cdb724  No.2717860

File: 297039a5e9de00c⋯.png (276.91 KB, 1687x953, 1687:953, ClipboardImage.png)



d5c9f5  No.2717861


Looks like she could be the sister of no names wife!

814e0f  No.2717862

File: 35d77f8156649d4⋯.png (626.39 KB, 758x441, 758:441, 35d77f8156649d47e77707a084….png)

Q does care about elections, they want to see dems and msm lose their stranglehold

93c54b  No.2717863


>they use the jews as a target for projection purposes, to stay under the radar


cb11f1  No.2717864


Looks like Claire mccaskilll

bbbbe8  No.2717865

>>2717835 If you use a holster your not doing it right!

c38d0b  No.2717866


She looks half asian

611108  No.2717867

I'm not trolling but really wtf is CTA?

0b8813  No.2717868


not hillary

48aadd  No.2717869



9b1ac4  No.2717870

File: 594e6742456ec6f⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 594e6742456ec6f238c685c361….jpg)


I can't lie this guy is cracking me up. I wish him a long life and robust health.

36e27e  No.2717871


opps biggie - Gravity - or space-time deviation and the forces that cause it (not defined assumed as mass)

345ab9  No.2717872

What happened to the [Q] Question and answer session?

CTA is here every day.

Where is [Q]?



f397ce  No.2717873

File: 0f636cc03a83801⋯.png (525.57 KB, 1297x1091, 1297:1091, nightbread.png)

611108  No.2717874


stop smoking dabs

eb9682  No.2717875

File: 6e3bc448b7e0738⋯.png (1.08 MB, 990x1286, 495:643, ClipboardImage.png)


Fire at Tesla factory today

2e6e71  No.2717876


7a39e2  No.2717877

File: 3cbc81a0883d62d⋯.png (321.35 KB, 318x445, 318:445, ClipboardImage.png)

2a293d  No.2717878

345ab9  No.2717879


CTA = Critical Thinking Anons.

f206a6  No.2717880

File: aa10e1c45e6e35a⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 18a752191e76b1cfb8a0210409….jpg)


I'm sick of shill bakers, handicapped responses and asswipes who are not right in the head. This could've been something.

54145a  No.2717881

File: fbc33a9fd17fb30⋯.png (616.88 KB, 475x853, 475:853, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

06d2b8  No.2717882

Q already came in before and bitch slapped CTA

11be8d  No.2717883


Personally I plan on voting, even though I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean dick based on the results of the Democratic primary. I do support POTUS though so I will do what I can if it will help

242ceb  No.2717884

File: 5a572cad0888f8e⋯.png (547.06 KB, 660x649, 60:59, ClipboardImage.png)


We shouldn't discount Julie Bishop: Won't be 'another man's deputy'

Julie Bishop is a tough cookie.

But is she tough enough to emerge from the Liberal Party all in brawl as the conservatives’ first female Prime Minister?

The answer is "yes" according to the Adelaide born political veteran and WA MP, who confirmed today to colleagues that she is prepared to put her hat in the ring.

That could trigger a three way contest between Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison and Ms Bishop.

But Ms Bishop has told her colleagues that she won't be "another man's deputy", reports The Australian.


NOTE: Australia will have a new leader, possibly within hours. There is a white hat in the mix but also cabal puppets

48aadd  No.2717885


Wut? Why am I linked in this post?

7a1a9e  No.2717886

File: 24eb901fb96976c⋯.jpg (117.28 KB, 496x664, 62:83, Trump Rising over Deepstat….jpg)

369a0e  No.2717887



d055df  No.2717888

File: 8246a300c04fb70⋯.jpg (53.74 KB, 960x640, 3:2, chumlee.jpg)


Chumlee done let himself go!

Pic Related

01cc2a  No.2717889


Because we are not stupid left wing dolts.

959881  No.2717890


Blah, blah, blah.

Use your own fucking brain, anon.

2e6e71  No.2717891



You don't even allow them THAT much?

345ab9  No.2717892


We are waiting.


6d510c  No.2717893

Firewalls = fall guys before it gets back to HRC/BHO & immediate circle would be my educated guess.

28b187  No.2717894


Let's see some serious action on vote fraud. That's the only real election issue.

2acf13  No.2717895

trump cohen MIRROR Comey Mueller. a billion dollars. btfo

345ab9  No.2717896


Godspeed, anon.


dae7fb  No.2717897

David Kendall, long time Clinton lawyer, who had a thumb drive of Hillary's e-mails in his office (Some of which were so classified that the IG for The ODNI couldn't look at them), worked for the National Enquirer. He supervised prepublication copy review for over a decade and a half.

8b7d7d  No.2717898

File: 2117d8236fdfbb6⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 300x451, 300:451, base camp sepia (1).jpg)

82a476  No.2717899


Im gay and love hot cocks in my mouth


92fa5f  No.2717900

File: 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, KikeryMap.jpg)


Nobody actually gives a shit about the talmud.

Its usually someone that has just newly discovered the JQ.

What actually matters is that the jews run and operate the fake news media. Jews run and operate the fake history hollywood machine. Jews run and operate publishing, magazines and newspapers.

That matters more.

66bcb3  No.2717901


Not trolling, nor reading it seems.. Scroll the fuck up.

eb9682  No.2717902


Mistake. I was going to reply to you earlier but didn't.

2e6e71  No.2717904

File: 570127cc4945dd4⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 430x241, 430:241, 4791601.jpg)


Bruh, you're about as convincing as Jason Goodman -_-

82a476  No.2717905

I diddle kids



c5e978  No.2717907


Action B, part zulu. [com] strike.

Verify 8.

You lose.

a4ed97  No.2717908

File: e355b18e3558ebf⋯.png (236.28 KB, 913x760, 913:760, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42cc523a988e63b⋯.png (187.38 KB, 1284x913, 1284:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26f01ee5b66ebcc⋯.png (106.24 KB, 951x894, 317:298, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa4d2640099a3c0⋯.png (821.2 KB, 1235x449, 1235:449, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2714435 (bread #3428 notable)

Regarding Nicole Wong showing up in Brazille's book. Remember when DiFi and Shiff wrote the letter to Zuckerface and @jack regarding Russian Bots affecting the "release the memo" campaign? She cited "The Alliance for Securing Democracy" which is a subdivision of the German Marshall Plan. (IKR?) The 'Alliance' only took shape in July 2017 after you-know-who lost the you-know-what.

Well well well. Guess who was on the advisory panel for "Alliance for Securing Democracy"? None other than Nicole Wong. Not sure if she is still there - changes have been made to the web page, but yes, I did archive it. Wong is at the bottom of the page. She probably deserves her own dig.

Derek Parham is something of a wunderkind it seems, but is also Google connected and was part of Hillary's team.




36e27e  No.2717909


origin of Energy/wave is a Religious question

ea71eb  No.2717910


Fuck human excrement botulism.

48aadd  No.2717911


Post away.

cedc6e  No.2717912


>Aerosmith whining

Why use that old lame music anyway?

How about some good music from aspiring musicians in the locality POTUS visits.

Violin solos are appreciated by the red pilled. Bluegrass fiddle, Classical.

611108  No.2717913


There was post about not posting but not what it is.


e77f13  No.2717914

File: 8b1a9bcd42ad097⋯.png (178.87 KB, 375x560, 75:112, Potus Schedule 1.png)

File: d367fb9127ffac3⋯.png (50.49 KB, 1171x600, 1171:600, Potus Schedule 2.png)

Just gonna leave this here for the people wondering about the POTUS Schedule twatter

e77f13  No.2717915

File: 8b1a9bcd42ad097⋯.png (178.87 KB, 375x560, 75:112, Potus Schedule 1.png)

File: d367fb9127ffac3⋯.png (50.49 KB, 1171x600, 1171:600, Potus Schedule 2.png)

Just gonna leave this here for the people wondering about the POTUS Schedule twatter

952046  No.2717916

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)


Shut the fuck up with this most pathetic of failed attempts at propaganda infiltration and control.


Remember that. You can't win, no matter how hard you try. Just go to sleep now.

28b187  No.2717917


If you think the Nazis won WWII, you might be a libtard.

09abf1  No.2717918


It really is some short, lame asshole living in a small town in north Texas who is here only to slide the board. And look! It's working.

6d510c  No.2717920

File: 227d109a7e08e5e⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 540x546, 90:91, your problem.jpg)


f6e71e  No.2717921

File: a4698e5c24fdd7d⋯.jpg (105.72 KB, 580x720, 29:36, a4698e5c24fdd7dfdd839a9882….jpg)

Have you ever thought about a network that wasn't a spyware encrusted sewer like the internet?

If you have, if you've ever wished the internet satan's e-child offspring didn't exist, then this post is for you.


We seldom consider how important identity is in real life. Appearance, voice, dress and mannerisms testify to a friend’s identity; diplomas, professional licenses and other credentials all attach to and

support that single, permanent, lifetime identity. It is that confidence in the security of real world identity which allows us to form communities, develop trust, and engage in commerce.

Currently, on our existing internet, identity is not fixed. On the present version of the internet, anyone can pretend to be anyone; email can appear to be from anywhere; websites are trivially spoofed. The internet has become a realm of shape shifters, and shape shifters, like Navaho Skinwalkers, populate the nightmares of every human culture.

The early internet was very different. Similar to a small town, with tens of thousands of users, security, like the hook and eye latch on a screen door, served more to indicate a boundary than a barrier to actually keep people out.

The 2018 internet is a networked megalopolis of 3.5 billion users with a topology that provides ill-disposed individuals the means to connect, incentive to collaborate and poorly defended access to the critical, insecurable infrastructure of our civilization.

With an additional ~ 5 billion new users coming online over the next decade, if the internet is to be of continued service, identity-based secure networking is critical.

By making network access conditional on authentication of identity, we secure a virtual perimeter, and, to the extent we are successful in doing this we extend global protection to the entire network infrastructure.

It is possible now using existing technology to establish the identity of every user on a network and do so to a level of confidence approximating that of appearance-based identification of an individual known to us in real life.

How do we protect that user data, and provide assured anonmity and certain identity to 8 billion users?

There is a trick to it. You have to barter a deal with a Saudi citizen, but I'm confident she'd go for it, and that she has the abilty to protect that data to a degree and in ways we can't understand. That would be part two.

we need secure networking now

141dca  No.2717922


SKY event.

2e6e71  No.2717923


One word:


820cf7  No.2717924


Just stoooooop

a47eea  No.2717926

File: 4474b9f2b7b078a⋯.png (65.14 KB, 1146x250, 573:125, fulford.png)

ben fulford

any thoughts/intel on him, anons?

his reports are at least clear-and-concise

whether they are real info…ive no idea

2a293d  No.2717927


adios faggot


48aadd  No.2717928


I was thinking about that earlier.

345ab9  No.2717929


[Q] vs CTA.

Let's do this.


c38d0b  No.2717930


Reported for being a faggot child molestor, probably a cocksucking jew also.

bbbbe8  No.2717931

>>2717875 Some one forgot to put down the meth pipe

952046  No.2717932

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)

File: 8e0aa8e81edc68d⋯.png (638.5 KB, 1300x688, 325:172, JusticeTrump.png)

7e5462  No.2717933



killin me anon

82a476  No.2717934

I love it when the make me do naught things

I wear a dress when I do this



Im a closet case


9c4011  No.2717935


>remains constant without input or release.

and input is Free Will. Will to do anything.

b60cc0  No.2717936

cdf4a9  No.2717937

File: 7bb48236ad3b13c⋯.jpg (7.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, capobv.jpg)


so is this Sum Ting Wong related or not?

2e6e71  No.2717938


what the fuck purpose would a bot have to "sleep", especially when you engage us?


345ab9  No.2717939


[Q] vs CTA.

Let's do this.


5b699e  No.2717940


There are eyes that are open yet cannot see. There are eyes that are closed, yet have faith, and see all.

48aadd  No.2717941
















d5c9f5  No.2717942


Ummmm…. Absolutely not!


My ass!!!


bdbce2  No.2717943


there might, sometimes, be

> real info

in them. sometimes.

on occasion i've found him entertaining, but he's the king of Free Beer Next Week, been doing it for years and years…

01cc2a  No.2717944

File: 248575389b65122⋯.png (909.57 KB, 719x542, 719:542, ClipboardImage.png)


What do you do with a failing restaurant?

06d2b8  No.2717945


Q doesn’t come when called he will deal with you when the time is right

8149ab  No.2717946


Elon Musk doing his Richard Pryor impersonation.

92fa5f  No.2717947

File: 3ea30382093fd1e⋯.png (414.51 KB, 1460x360, 73:18, AnonCorrect.png)

File: ba2c8bfdd5d8c7a⋯.png (1009.14 KB, 931x446, 931:446, AntifaFounders.png)

File: 15bbecf58de187e⋯.png (453.71 KB, 799x515, 799:515, AntifaschistischeAktionKom….png)

File: a8760adc4eb12e8⋯.png (249.84 KB, 1458x738, 81:41, AntifaschistischeAktionKom….png)

File: 230d24c1abe7682⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1492x740, 373:185, AntifaCodeMega.png)

af3c49  No.2717948

>>2716763 (lb)

I went heavy on the Pb. Au and Ag in stock as well

2a293d  No.2717949


adios faggot


82a476  No.2717950


I once ate guys ass on a dare

I liked it and cannot stop



93c54b  No.2717951

d17a1e  No.2717952


Let me ask you a question then. Say you are right, I'm out of touch and Trump got fooled by people he has known and worked with for over a decade in most cases and decades in some. He's about to be thrown out in your opinion.

Question. What the fuck will you do to stop it?

Nothing. You will do nothing but soil yourself and complain.

Get the fuck out puny bitch.

959881  No.2717953


Projecting again, huh?

40237f  No.2717954

File: 0a6f5e18bdb6f68⋯.jpg (155.51 KB, 1200x747, 400:249, Dk-0a3lXgAAc9ux.jpg)

File: c19bf30e09e9d51⋯.jpg (95.91 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 400.jpg)

File: 623705a07ca866f⋯.jpg (453.42 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1020870826-1024x1024.jpg)

02f9a0  No.2717955


Musk said the "Pedo" word during the cave rescue.

Big mistake when they're the ones giving you the $$$.

814e0f  No.2717956

File: 70d992d99298e92⋯.jpg (834.17 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 1528176814366.jpg)

i love watching potus and session really sell this shit, they live the part, str8 ddl styley

cfc9d9  No.2717957

File: 9b343f2342c0fa9⋯.jpg (222.29 KB, 1000x565, 200:113, make it rain q.jpg)

b61884  No.2717958


she looks like a sweet girl who LOST HER FUCKING LIFE for fucks sake,

leave her alone. She was young and very impressionable. and almost all kids are liberal and easily led before they grow up and reality makes them more conservative. shit.

82a476  No.2717959


I once ate guys ass on a dare

I liked it and cannot stop



7e5462  No.2717960

>>2717859 New Air Force B-2 ‘earth penetrating’ nuclear weapon changes combat strategy


thats wild, kind of seems like a bunker buster nuke

an earth buster

cdf4a9  No.2717961

File: ae6cc062e2c73da⋯.png (939.24 KB, 560x980, 4:7, boomer card.png)


here we go…

2acf13  No.2717962

Is anyone watching Hannity?

Comey and Lockheed Martin Mueller would sign off. Billion worth of deals. Comey held 65,000 shares of LM stock. Comey would approve projects for LM. Mueller would sign off.

HElllooooo.. anons?!

29fce0  No.2717963

What you think anons?

Take my son on his first camping trip and get fired cuz kike boss doesn't want to give me the day off…

Or go in and keep working for the kike asshole while the rest of my family still goes without me?


06d2b8  No.2717964

File: fbf67985f06446e⋯.jpeg (67.37 KB, 552x690, 4:5, F3CAE101-5A68-46B1-9B48-F….jpeg)

54145a  No.2717965

File: 9ba1847a9638c17⋯.png (987.38 KB, 584x876, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I downvoted this comment because of the minuscule size of the photo.

Potato quality at a normal size.

WTF, anon. Have some fap courtesy for your fellow anons.

Repost an embiggened pic of those tits, ffs.

←Example of acceptable size picture.

cdb724  No.2717966


Q's never "missing" or "silent".

>You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?

>Learn our comms.

6e28aa  No.2717968


Saving them for last ;)

BTW….Polish Jew here.

Judaism is a RELIGION not a RACE.

952046  No.2717969


The CTA babble is 100% fake. I don't know how it could be more obvious. Everything is always exaggerated to a retarded degree. Moranbots, haplessbots, crapfulbots.

8b7d7d  No.2717970

2e6e71  No.2717971


Who else is going to like Aerosmith?

9297e8  No.2717972


Go to


Type in Kate Beckinsale nude

Click Search

Then click Images under the search string

Find one you like, and click it

Yandex will expand it and then

To the right

Underneath the yellow bar

It says

Other sizes and similar

Click that

Then click Similar Images

And you will find that many of those

Are other women who look similar

To Kate

Maybe even better

Many of them may be single

Find their email or other contact info

And write to them

Who needs to pay for a dating site

When the whole Internet

Functions like one

It beats meeting women in bars

959881  No.2717973


He was being a butt hurt, arrogant punk.

f397ce  No.2717974



Impeccable timing, anon.

ea71eb  No.2717975


Corrupt. Cabal. You say?

48aadd  No.2717976


There is a decent job market these days. ThanQ Trump.

ce10f8  No.2717977


Shop Sessions on Ron Paul nigga

679408  No.2717978

File: e923e8c9c0ff516⋯.png (998.32 KB, 1028x685, 1028:685, 2018-08-23_21-23-52.png)

2a293d  No.2717979


cut through mountain side bunkers like a hot knife through butter

06d2b8  No.2717980


Kek I was impressed

cdf4a9  No.2717981

File: d0fc4146b5a0fde⋯.jpg (114.52 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, bewbslake.jpg)


as per POTUS request…

c38d0b  No.2717982


No i wasnt projecting, although maybe I got the inteded target confused. Dont fuck kids you dirty bastards.

811ca4  No.2717983

File: 56f396ba7ace007⋯.png (147.66 KB, 360x400, 9:10, dahmer military.png)



An amazing subject anon. duckduck turns this up immediately.


36e27e  No.2717984

File: a2ac452210972a6⋯.png (10.27 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 532321de3ce9410fb6cca0988e….png)


That is possible but moves to Religion as then you have to define perception and consciousness, and free will, and free will from what? And a lot more.

cfc9d9  No.2717986

File: 944d0f318dfb94a⋯.jpg (116.77 KB, 617x768, 617:768, jim carrey number 17.jpg)

a6e854  No.2717987


yep, its in the notables in past breads I think, the whole detailed mess

e3a77f  No.2717988


There’s a lot of jobs out there at the moment. You could probably find a better one.

7e5462  No.2717989




8149ab  No.2717990


WE are not waiting, YOU are waiting.

If Q posts it will be because he wants to give ME a (you).

Got it?

11be8d  No.2717991

File: 33e04ca83a38b52⋯.jpg (82.26 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 33e04ca83a38b52a6af1c8419b….jpg)

Anybody got a sauce for this?

28b187  No.2717992


She was a dumb, inexperienced kid. What's her parents' excuse though?

48aadd  No.2717993




54145a  No.2717994

File: 8172db0fa520df5⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 500x358, 250:179, asianbutt.gif)


I have zero desire to see Hillslag porn.

93c54b  No.2717995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Toys in the Attic

cca6d8  No.2717996

File: 2a43e5a09021255⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 225x225, 1:1, que.jpg)

interestin tidbit. the movie "HACKERS" is on tonight. Never saw it but it's pretty rad.

it is 1:45 long…. on for 2 hours/tv, and at about 10 minutes past the halfway mark, there is a scene where one guy is passing a floppy to another dude and a couple spook guys are on a city park bench taking pix and observing… chase ensues and one of the dudes runs into some space where on the wall (subway?) there is a

~ BIG BLUE Q ~Graffiti'd on the wall, with glitter maybe kek

missed the first hour, gonna rewatch it… keep refering to the "Garbage File" kek x2

Just happened to turn it on, was barely paying attention and out of the corner of my eye! don't own it -can't find it online, so yea halfway plus 10 minutes ish is where it is. maybe there is a simple explanation…. but I found it titalating….

06d2b8  No.2717997

Keep your job but find a new one ASAP and then quit without notice

e45591  No.2717998

File: 02df5dcd82c4e96⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 318x250, 159:125, 02df5dcd82c4e96123d8d91319….jpg)


Q finally arrested him?


Or the wife got everything in the divorce.


Anons have known most of this for months. Throw in Bridgewater, HSBC, it goes on and on…we could write a book too kek.

ea71eb  No.2717999


Where, exactly, do you think you ate, faggot?

d17a1e  No.2718000

File: f329e5c46cdf5fb⋯.png (578.89 KB, 632x928, 79:116, ecab8dc8a6a744a71626f6e364….png)



02eabd  No.2718001

File: c79ae09cc18c9ca⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 668x1024, 167:256, DP Space Force.jpg)


I <3 that meme Anon.


959881  No.2718002


Nah, I'm all in agreement with that. It's the kike remark that's fucked up.

952046  No.2718003


That might be blasphemy…? Ron Paul is that god of The Happening… But I'll meditate upon this and pray for guidance.

f206a6  No.2718004

BO are you here?

bbbbe8  No.2718005

>>2717926 has not been right since Bush2

345ab9  No.2718006



9297e8  No.2718007

File: 542d037e8c6d037⋯.jpg (151.46 KB, 725x1007, 725:1007, Critical_Thinking.jpg)


No problems

Did you see how I used your complaint

As an opportunity to educate other Anons

On research skills

And critical thinking

Imagine if everyone would reply

To every shill posting

In a similar way

How long would JIDF and Shareblue

Give shekels for YOU's like that?

653b79  No.2718008

File: f97ccc7766b6780⋯.png (201.54 KB, 480x360, 4:3, spray1.png)


I See B.M. in Damascus

On Valentines day

54145a  No.2718009

File: d79713164aabc78⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 400x423, 400:423, hithere.gif)

66bcb3  No.2718010

File: 452f07e0c9a2e71⋯.png (19.72 KB, 300x225, 4:3, OAUicon300.png)


I can literally imagine the shills in their little cubicles looking at today's whiteboard shill topics.

48aadd  No.2718011


Decent for its time and budget. B movie, but a cult classic.

Reminds me of the old Anarchists Handbook.

9fdfc5  No.2718012


Started when e gone?

cb11f1  No.2718013


looks like Claire to me to. I posted that comment earlier

c38d0b  No.2718014

We need to kick out all of the jews from this country, they do nothing but steal our money and corrupt our kids. Jews are EVIL.

cdf4a9  No.2718015


music is about the most subjective thing people seem to talk about.

one size does not fit all, as witnessed by the failing music industry.

when everything new sounds the same…

when anyone can be tuned to sing in the right pitch…

when a band is hardly used in a recording studio…

well then, yea - at least older is more honest

29fce0  No.2718016



Very true! I could have another job the next day.. I'll feel like shit not getting yo be there for my son's first camping experience.. jobs are replaceable as fuck.

b61884  No.2718017

File: 9d23e9227833766⋯.png (466.07 KB, 727x380, 727:380, Pepe_sends_Hill_2_Hell.png)


i want to keep my sanity so no

also i did not want to have to shoot myself in the back of the head twice.

but go for it, let us know..

b66ce6  No.2718018

File: 6116faaa914bb73⋯.png (434.63 KB, 658x492, 329:246, sessionshappening.png)

28b187  No.2718019

File: 25256ebff4542f2⋯.jpg (67.68 KB, 778x446, 389:223, alexa moving in bern.jpg)

9c4011  No.2718020


but its simple if you acknowledge that Free Will exists.

if you dont believe in Free Will then there is only 1 outcome of events, that depends only on f(x)

and its clear that you being conscious, having the ability to do anything, you're not bound by any rules you would need to follow.

7b34b9  No.2718021

Notables so far

Anything missing?

>>2717914 @POTUS_Schedule and the legalities of impersonating

>>2717848 Where Is? People/Sightings Updates

>>2717773 Raniere's patent to remote control aircraft: Update

>>2717744 Clare Bronfman's lawyer makes second request to free her from house detention

>>2717643 Matthew Bronfman, 17th Floor, 17 Rothschild Project, Rothschild Boulevard

>>2717575 Resignations in the news today

>>2717546 @USMC Tweet 'MAKE IT RAIN'

New Global

>>2653167 BO's reminder to ignore shills

345ab9  No.2718022

cedc6e  No.2718023

Reply to the posts you like, not the divisive provocations.

When we are too miserly with bread the shills rule and the hive mind does not work.

Positive statement: posits a fact or narrative, gives a position.

Negative statement: negates a previous statement.

2e6e71  No.2718024


I dunno…

ebot is at least mildly thought provoking sometimes.

CTA is just a Child Toucher Anon.

48aadd  No.2718025


Well done, anon.

Shekels abound.

06052a  No.2718026

File: 8ace782f0ef664f⋯.jpg (32.41 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 3da4893ab0f43c53424166eb96….jpg)

This "show" can get interesting at any time.

c96335  No.2718027

On Hannity

diGenova is shredding Sessions / RR / Wray

Said "Sessions has to be a man and resign after the election"

Friendly pundits keep referencing 'after' the election

cdf4a9  No.2718028

File: eb56591d4da7531⋯.jpg (326.15 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, vampfrog.jpg)

bbbbe8  No.2718029

>>2717944 See honey they really do smoke the meat

9a5804  No.2718030


.308 is in inches and is just the diameter

7.62 is diameter in millimeters and 51mm is the length

NATO uses metric system not imperial

ea71eb  No.2718031


And there they are…

b61884  No.2718032

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB, 415x496, 415:496, NightComfy_pepe.png)

11be8d  No.2718033


I tend to agree with this. They've done nothing but corrupt in their positions in power in washington, the news and hollywood

2e6e71  No.2718034


Fuck it, WE'LL DO IT LIVE!

Using local talent wherever Trump goes!

7e5462  No.2718035

Iran's "Brand New" Fighter Jet Actually 60-Year-Old American Design


Iran's new 'Kowsar' fighter jet, which the Islamic Republic claims was "domestically-produced," bears a striking resemblance to the American-made F-5F. Designed by Northrop Corporation as the one-seater F-5 in the late 1950s under Eisenhower, the two-seater "combat-capable trainer" F-5F was released in 1974 - which bears a striking resemblance to Iran's new Kowsar.

"Joseph Dempsey, a defence and military analysis research associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), took to Twitter to illustrate the comparison," writes CNBC.

On Tuesday, Iranian state television screened images of President Hassan Rouhani sitting in what was reported as a new "Kowsar" fighter aircraft.

Local media also reported that the plane was a fourth-generation fighter jet that had been designed and manufactured solely by Iranian military experts.

However, international aviation experts have been quick to cast doubt on the claim of pure Iranian technology and have suggested that the design is that of the U.S.-made F-5F jet, first built in the early 1970s. Tehran purchased 68 F-5s from America in 1974, five years before the Iranian revolution. -CNBC

Dempsey told CNBC on Wednesday that he and his colleague Douglas Barrie - a senior fellow for military aerospace at IISS, that the plane unveiled by Iran was in fact the two-seater F-5. That said, Barrie suggested that there are perhaps some Iranian additions to the jet.

"The Iranians probably have the industrial capacity to at least make fuselage assemblies for this aircraft. They have obviously been able to make bits of these things," he said.

Barrie added that Iranian engineers may also have upgraded the plane's electronic control system, but that would not have proven particularly difficult given that the original specification hailed from as long ago as the 1960s. -CNBC

As Al Masdar News reported - the jet, which was first unveiled back in 2017 at the MAKS international air show in Moscow, was developed by Iran’s Aviation Industries Organization (not!).

Its most notable features include indigenous avionics and a fire-control system, making Iran one of few countries to possess the know-how necessary to develop such systems. The F5 is often confused with a Russian MiG, as it was portrayed as one in both the movies Top Gun and Red Flag, while the US Navy has used them for the same during training.

The aircraft's name, Kowsar, is a Koranic reference to a river in the Islamic concept of paradise, and also reflects the title of a chapter in the Muslim holy book.

What's the Arabic word for "bullshit?"


0b8813  No.2718036


Agree anon, but something is strange about the whole story. Been looking into a bit, nothing definitive to report yet. The whole Iowa connection, plus dad in Oakland, higher up in Catholic Church way back. Could be wrong and it sucks that a young woman is dead.

cca6d8  No.2718037


Kurt's Poor Mans James Bond is Moar Huger and much more entertaining.

Have a great vid of him making improvised weaponry, sprouting dehydrating and preserving food. classique~

959881  No.2718038


He's already in trouble with the angel. Got no business asking for that shit.

Oh, and you're a liar.

93fc1e  No.2718039


I don’t recall Q EVER linking the POTUS_schedule twitter.

In fact people I’ve tried to redpill towards Q tried to bring up the POTUS_schedule twitter as a reason Q is a LARP being that every thing it posts is publicly available.

The only relation I remember between Q and that Twitter was the Castle arrival Good post

01cc2a  No.2718040


I'll take a completely b.s. speculative crack at it…

It is a standard film camera taking a picture of a nuclear test. The blast/radiation/energy "burns" the film

611108  No.2718041


I hear Texans are a bunch of faggots.

Northern BC is where real men live

54145a  No.2718042

File: 24cc3b4f38c0630⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 351x307, 351:307, interviewbutt.gif)



Kek now approves of pic size.

Subject quality is also 10.


28b187  No.2718043


In the unlikely event I ever had any respect for him, I lost it when the anon posted his Killary-ass-kissing email to Pederasta.

48aadd  No.2718044


AND Nato has a different pressure standard than the measily old .308.

It isn't just length, diameter.


952046  No.2718045



Nothing in Q's posts (or in intelligent adult discourse), or in our mission, gives you a reason to utilize "kike" as an explanatory reference point. IT WAS AN IRONIC /POL MEME.

I want bots to think very carefully about how stupid it is to cling to this fake strategy. I want the bot system to at least TRY to improve.

bbbbe8  No.2718046

>>2717959 Hole employment

ea71eb  No.2718047


Q-tip for impairments…

72cd03  No.2718048

File: 057ecfd733e0891⋯.png (972.04 KB, 960x480, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Brad Smith, the CEO of $54 billion Intuit, is stepping down after an impressive 11 year run at the company

Becky Peterson


Intuit CEO Brad Smith will leave his role after 11 years at the company.

Smith, who will stay on through the end of 2018, is replaced by Sasan Goodarzi, the Intuit exec behind strong growth in the company's QuickBooks business.

Intuit will also change chief technology officers at the end of the year. Tayloe Stansbury is replaced by Marianna Tessel, the chief product development officer from Goodarzi's team.


820cf7  No.2718049


Its not an official account. Just friendly guys using our comms

a2525b  No.2718050

File: 42a9cf8ed7b35bf⋯.jpg (16.42 KB, 474x316, 3:2, th (8).jpg)

trump cucks for kikes name one american he has greeted this warmly and brofessional


b61884  No.2718051


well us goyim could run things better that is for sure.. this is pretty sickening and i love my wonderful and Jewish friends. I can see tho that there is an issue here. a very bad one. But not all jews are bad people.

611108  No.2718052


He's a jew fuck him.

d17a1e  No.2718053



Same cartridge. Exactly

cca6d8  No.2718054


Love the oversight into mistaken Q-Dentity

54145a  No.2718055

File: 487fae31fd4f52c⋯.gif (928.75 KB, 220x165, 4:3, cryingcuck.gif)


It's a joke, fag.

9297e8  No.2718056



Now why did I

Go to Google

And type in

Abbotabad Illuminati

To find the sauce that answers your question>

And did you know

That 8chan changes

http:∕∕ URLs

To https:// URLs

And on some sites you have to remove the S

Before you try the URL

5e6fdb  No.2718057

File: 99049ce1f4225a9⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DogAte1.jpg)

File: c9e50208acb7b94⋯.jpg (149.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DogAte2.jpg)

9b1ac4  No.2718058

File: 24b8ef8fa89b760⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 500x304, 125:76, c6b6224b032e7e30276c1dd375….jpg)

48aadd  No.2718059




7e5462  No.2718060


everytime I see this:

the left can't meme, THEY ARE MEMES

345ab9  No.2718061

File: 45cae2488190230⋯.jpg (117.09 KB, 1331x560, 1331:560, fbiq.JPG)

cdf4a9  No.2718062


I would be all-in for live and locals doing the music.

support locals and give them a break rather than pay royalty fee for the old guys who already made their nut.

89b920  No.2718063

Had someone on social media tell me about this line chat app so I joined up and she invited me to a couple of politics groups.

I started red pilling people and instantly got shilled. These people are soooo desperate they have agents in every chat online. Too funny. The shills were being attacked for attacking me too. People instantly saw they were trying to slide and cover up info and it ended up shooting them in the foot… like always.

Winning is fun!

b61884  No.2718064


60 year old design.

hmmmm, can it be hacked?

not a hacker or an airplane fag

bdbce2  No.2718065

File: 2b87076733d63fe⋯.png (550.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HEY.png)

e1d13c  No.2718067


Lindsey Graham said earlier he is very sure he will be fired…"after the election"

36e27e  No.2718068


Disagree. We are bound by rules - 4d rules here. I choose to understand this and look beyond the 4D. If it is a question if free will is true or not that is a philosophical question because if you look at 10D where all timelines are seen and all options of all choices and results then free will is null; all is included.

98d243  No.2718069

File: 884a00324203ebf⋯.jpg (171.38 KB, 937x541, 937:541, IMG_20180821_084810_581.JPG)


Who killed Jenny, George? Did you and True Pundit $$ set her up?

af3c49  No.2718070


Patriots from a lineage of defiant patriots.

(((Their))) days are numbered.

ea71eb  No.2718071


and fag keks

28b187  No.2718072


Remember she is the victim here. Shes obviously brainwashed by her libtard parents.

a2525b  No.2718073


Abbotabad is the name of the compound that osama bin laden was killed at you dumb fuck its not illumnati the man that worte that fake ass book dig on him thats the real story

75d597  No.2718074


It does, but if you say "fuck rabinical religion" then all of a sudden "poof" it doesn't. As simple as that. Do you actually think that all jews follow rabinical law? Does it makes sense thath a multi million population follows rabbis? who are the karaim? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karaite_Judaism

Are there no secular jews?

>the talmud permites cheating of gentiles

again it is without context, what makes it suspicious.

This brings the full context:

>Talmud Bava Kamma 113b

>Shmuel said: Their mistakes are permitted. Like when Shmuel bought from a gentile a golden bowl (with the seller thinking it was bronze) for four zuz and accidentally paid him one zuz less.

The Talmud is not stating that it is permissible to cheat a gentile. We saw above that the Talmud specifically forbids that. What the Talmud is saying is that normal business relations is for each party of a transaction to be responsible for their side of the deal. If Shmuel found a cheap bowl and, after accidentally underpaying, the seller did not count his money, then Shmuel was not obligated to correct the seller. The seller was negligent and Shmuel did not have to correct his mistake. For one's brothers and relatives one must go beyond the standard practice of business relations and correct all mistakes - return lost change, explain all misunderstandings, etc. However, for a business relation with whom there is mutual respect and understanding but nothing more, one conducts business by following convention.

>In case the preceding has been unclear, let me restate it. A Jew is not obligated to correct a gentile's business mistakes. The Jew may not trick the gentile but if the gentile has been careless then the sale is nevertheless valid.

>The following are just a few sources who state explicitly that the Talmud was only referring to accidental mistakes: Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Geneivah 7:8; Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi, Mordechai, end of Bava Batra; Chinuch, 258; Rabbi Shlomo Luriah, Yam Shel Shlomo, Bava Kamma 10:20; Rabbi Ephraim Navon, Machaneh Ephraim, Hilchot Gezeilah 4; Rabbi Yehoshua Falk, Sefer Me'irat Einayim, to Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 283:6, 359:3.


P.S. I personally think it is a cruel way of acting in this world. And just another religious crap. But the full context was necessary for the discussion. Does it show that the out of context text was a lie? Are there more lies like these being spread? who are the most vocal spreaders? are they paid actors? is it possible that lies were made accidentally? Then why also bring out of context sentences? is it more plausible that it was done on purpose?

6d510c  No.2718075


Reloading anon here. correct.

Pressure differential is what got me into reloading in the first place.

Got a 1944 M1 (Springer) but can't use new 30-06 in it due to over pressurization from slow burning powder. > bent oprod

So bought some greek 30-06 from the 70's and started loading my own.

Best money pit/hobby EVAR.

50e1d6  No.2718076

File: d6e2e24cfab6e2d⋯.jpeg (4.36 KB, 160x103, 160:103, 97b3127eb278dd658f4a1c2ae….jpeg)



it was a depth charge

df27ba  No.2718077


“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

2acf13  No.2718078


Hannity pamel blasting Comey and Mueller for a second block. They are so close that they both came from the same womb. This is spreading to the normies and the newbies not the "informed"

cca6d8  No.2718079


get a retail joint within the shitty limits - up close and perzonal - and start doing BIZ-NEZ

345ab9  No.2718080



CTA = Critical Thinking Anons.



519e35  No.2718081



cdf4a9  No.2718082

File: 602273c899bb405⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 300x407, 300:407, granpron.jpg)


try and unwad your panties

674fe4  No.2718083

Sessions has been getting shredded by POTUS - Hannity etc….. Sounds like they really want him gone.

If he has done nothing over the past 2 years in regards to the deep state we're finished. Too much time lost.

e3a77f  No.2718084


Good call anon

0b8813  No.2718085


We know Hussein gave them a high tech drone.

cfc9d9  No.2718086

File: 449932d62d204a3⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 600x339, 200:113, night shift 8.jpg)

a2525b  No.2718087


hack shits an antiQue wont go past mach 1 prolly

48aadd  No.2718088


TY reloading anon.

They have been trying to convince me a .308 is a 7.62 round for two breads.

814e0f  No.2718089


no hrc tapes plz

d17a1e  No.2718090

File: 81919dfd6ce1d81⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 7808198e16cc723457d59e739d….jpg)


One more for the road then.

4a06a3  No.2718091


"It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

Who is to say that this law is not in place?

Jews cannot be trusted at all.

cdf4a9  No.2718092

File: bfef5c9f99ae621⋯.png (86.29 KB, 600x400, 3:2, chinpokolaf.png)

9a5804  No.2718093


I WAnt to get into reloading but I also don't want to end up looking like Harvey Dent

8dcdc2  No.2718094

File: afb4ce0f1a4f8a6⋯.jpg (4.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ha.jpg)


I ate the eBot.

b60cc0  No.2718095

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Has to be trolling. Worst band on the playlist.

Did hear some opera & a musical one time. Both were downers.

Uptempo bluegrass is a great idea. Request this one also.


Still lots of great music from that era to choose from.

137683  No.2718096

File: 00e19f7d6f7bd69⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 508x508, 1:1, Rare Pepe.jpg)


So glad to hear anon. Keep us updated.

This place is like a top kek family. I am humbled and honoured to be amongst you all.

Love you, from the bottom of my heart (no homo).

11be8d  No.2718097


Thanks buddy!

345ab9  No.2718098

7afb8c  No.2718099

Q #629

references John Perry Barlow

“If someone was going to steal our prince, the press and the public wanted her to be some kind of unblemished princess,

” says John’s friend, John Perry Barlow.

In the last few weeks of their lives, both Carolyn and John were under intense pressure. George was under financial strain and John was looking for a buyer. At the same time, Carolyn, “felt cornered,” as Barlow recalls, by the constant presence of photographers outside their downtown apartment.

75d597  No.2718100


Some could feel so, others might not. Does people all feel and behave the same way?

Even if the do feel sympathy to their compatriots, does is mean that they follow the same rules or lifestyle as others?

959881  No.2718101


Why do you even care what the bots/shills/haters think?

Fuck them. No point in even engaging them unless it's just to have fun.

82a476  No.2718102


Im Gay and i want to make out with Q


7a1a9e  No.2718103

File: c0fb5aee99bc086⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Clinton Obama soros marina….jpg)

File: 327e47fc9d6028c⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Hillary Hell 4.jpg)

File: 9ffd3c653667ac8⋯.jpg (85.65 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Hillary hell 3.jpg)

File: 17560fe3a2e9fb6⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Hillary hell 5.jpg)

bbbbe8  No.2718104

>>2717988 Some idiots giving out rimJobs a few post earlier

a2525b  No.2718105


what slanging virgins to the jews>

93c54b  No.2718106

File: 89a4a371c212677⋯.png (182.57 KB, 472x343, 472:343, Destroyed_Robot.png)


He's getting a bottle of Corona surgically removed.

Pray for him.

6d510c  No.2718107


not when talking about finished loads.

Just like .223 is not 5.56.

.308 > 7.62

.223 < 5.56


Projectile size though, yes .308 = 7.62mm

611108  No.2718108


Good cop bad cop

Once there is maximum hate from Trump for Sessions and maximum support for Sessions from the fake news media, the hammer drops

b61884  No.2718109

File: b3c5bb6fe4f6323⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 425x425, 1:1, chickenlittle.jpg)



Kabuki theatre…

the Liberals are like what? i like Sessions now?

they like us probably have their heads spinning

959881  No.2718110



Well, Q is female so……..

02eabd  No.2718111

File: 5350fea2e16380e⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 3456x3456, 1:1, DP Love.jpg)

7e5462  No.2718112

File: c8f256f9e652e7d⋯.png (109.39 KB, 700x298, 350:149, ClipboardImage.png)


not sure, kek neither am I


(pic related)


48aadd  No.2718113


That might hurt, if the bottle broke.

82a476  No.2718114


That was me


75d597  No.2718115


Thanks anon. It is important to remember this.

e45591  No.2718116

File: 25e2e6b982bcbc1⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 695x460, 139:92, DjnpQm-U8AEMrJp.jpg)

File: bc3195032638329⋯.jpg (241.45 KB, 837x1200, 279:400, DihT0B4VMAAxAWZ.jpg)


Kek! Found on twatter, it's from the guy who wrote the the Trump bunny book.


Love it!


I love that guy, standing up for every studious geek that ever was.


Agree, what's old news to anons is usually unheard of to normies. And to think, Jimmy Boy went on live TV and said he and Bobby Boy aren't that close. Pffft…wait…

2e6e71  No.2718117


You came back from the dead just for that?

Seems a lil' over the top, even for you!

345ab9  No.2718118




952046  No.2718119


If the fakeness is this low-effort, is it worth it to post?

Look AI, you're amazingly stupid. You just can't seem to learn things.. Don't you understand that repetition can become a BIG PROBLEM? You can't do the same crap over and over and over and expect that people don't eventually realize it smacks of artificiality… Can't you fold that into your algorithms?

I just am flummoxed at how stupid you are. I don't get it. What went wrong?

4af798  No.2718120

File: efb29fcce649521⋯.png (234.33 KB, 640x320, 2:1, IMG_1850.PNG)

155bfa  No.2718121

File: 14966bc2d4f86d8⋯.jpg (105.54 KB, 800x716, 200:179, WeThePeople.jpg)


(((They))) will be JUDGED

Let there be LIGHT! GODSPEED!

Proverbs 26

24 Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. 25 Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. 26 Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

Luke 8:17

"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. ∞

48aadd  No.2718122



98d243  No.2718123


That's my screensaver.

b61884  No.2718124



9fdfc5  No.2718125


And POTUS is a Sun Tzu style leader!

For him, almost every one is in fact real stupid and lacking strategy and patiente…

09abf1  No.2718126


Unable to confirm or deny either statement

745fb6  No.2718127


It's a sun flower?

2e6e71  No.2718128


AA's not gonna like thiiiiiiiis….

2acf13  No.2718129

sen graham is a swamp creature.

if he wants sessions out then this is all movie.


5e6fdb  No.2718130

File: 4dcd82301ce05bb⋯.jpg (168.72 KB, 521x692, 521:692, Horse.jpg)

a2525b  No.2718131


CTA Is banned in Qresearch no thinking allowed

36e27e  No.2718132


unless you give the entity that is perceiving that 10D free will to modify (negating lower free will) or choice to perceive or not free will.

8dcdc2  No.2718133

File: 3316abf221cc72d⋯.jpg (34.62 KB, 679x489, 679:489, 63.jpg)


I was just resting.

de8c43  No.2718134

File: 8b5de56f7db7baa⋯.png (96.74 KB, 625x626, 625:626, anybait7.png)

2e6e71  No.2718135



That'd blow some minds…

345ab9  No.2718136

Q vs CTA.

We are here.

Where is Q?


611108  No.2718137



I've read tons of Fulford. He touches on real topics but in the end he is a member of the tribe. He writes about Q related topics as well. So why not point out the problem?

814e0f  No.2718138

drumph is finally finished, this time is super for real though, omgollygosh the nightmare is over, muller is really dropping the hammer, this is it its finally really happening

0b8813  No.2718139


Some ok stuff sometimes, noticed he is copying anons work the last 6 months. Citing inside sources on stuff we were working on the previous week.

d5c9f5  No.2718140







top fucken KEK!!!!

48aadd  No.2718141


^^this anon is in Hawaii on a beach right now.

Real man that.

c96335  No.2718142

File: 8ce7070b00a4a4c⋯.png (97.17 KB, 409x549, 409:549, Q POTUS Schedule Reference….PNG)

File: 0fcae0def050af8⋯.png (153.64 KB, 768x274, 384:137, Q Castle Confirmed Proof.PNG)

File: 2596a3e176ee849⋯.png (44.67 KB, 661x383, 661:383, POTUS Schedule 6-13-18 3 4….PNG)

>>I don’t recall Q EVER linking the POTUS_schedule twitter.

See pics. Q did reference POTUS Schedule

ce10f8  No.2718143

Stop wasting bread on shills, anons.

Stay comfy and keep scrollin

7e5462  No.2718144

File: 2af72f9e6397ec2⋯.png (81.38 KB, 710x294, 355:147, ClipboardImage.png)

well, CTA called itself a larp


eb9682  No.2718145


The classic nothing to see here plea after a psyop. I wonder if she's really dead though.

cdf4a9  No.2718146


reloader here too.

powder is everything.

switch powder and everything changes.

have to redo drop curves across the board.

reloading is required if you aren't running NATO rounds anyway - my .3006 rounds are up to $2.shot new.

but love my .3006 because it reaches out and touches wherever I want (with MY rounds).

7a1a9e  No.2718147

File: 548b4f41a9ff870⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 802x499, 802:499, SpiritualFag night owls ba….jpg)

bdbce2  No.2718148



great to have you with us

(yer good at this)

54145a  No.2718149

File: 3ee5eb957c49af6⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 623x390, 623:390, perfect1.jpg)


Right back atchya.

6d510c  No.2718150

File: 00c803555208615⋯.jpg (39.94 KB, 400x436, 100:109, sessions5.jpg)


Q wouldn't continually drill TRUST SESSIONS into us if it was going to be easy to do.

I trust Q therefore I trust Sessions.

e45591  No.2718151

File: 7758d830c60367e⋯.jpg (232.44 KB, 800x960, 5:6, a1545755fbdb90f7fd543e610d….jpg)

Hannity and Sara talking Huber

d5c9f5  No.2718152


Yeah, WE are the inside sources!


611108  No.2718153


In the last week I caught a 42 pound Salmon, chased a black bear away with bottle rockets and saw 100+ shooting stars.

What you got Texas?

cfc9d9  No.2718154


Fucking rubbish

9c4011  No.2718155


aha yes. i agree, poor wording from me.

if you 'zoom' infinitely far out, everything is 0, its interactions between components that make up everything (0) that matter. and free will can be included into everything or not.

26fd83  No.2718156

File: 19437c990dfa59e⋯.jpg (104.36 KB, 350x428, 175:214, f3cbe507c0e702c3cb181e6596….jpg)

75d597  No.2718157


I think this book is sold as a physical copy too, am I correct? or is it found only online?

982f0e  No.2718158


New phonefag here. My twatter is suspended but lurking I found this thread I thought was well put and belonged here.


Problem is nobody unrolled the thread so I couldn't get a link but if someone goes to the end of thread and tags @threadreaderapp and says "unroll" then it would be a good link that is fo'eva and twitter can't delete

11be8d  No.2718159


Q is in the kill box.

Calling out Q

We have Q in custody

I'm a shill

Make your mind.

Filtered until then

a2525b  No.2718160

File: ef1bc28d215a541⋯.png (296.93 KB, 627x436, 627:436, 1534811001331.png)

345ab9  No.2718161

Q vs CTA.

We are waiting, Q.

We are waiting [Q].

You are already in custody.

Remain silent.

We have /you/.

Prove us wrong.

Anons are waiting.


06d2b8  No.2718162

Sessions was not recused from Cohen case yet he punted on that one too, he says that he will not let DOJ be motivated by politics yet he allows the other side to do just that. He had better bring that hammer down or he should be fired.

7e5462  No.2718163


Hannity: I haven't heard anything out of this guy Huber from Utah


01cc2a  No.2718164

File: 16941dbf5055ada⋯.png (401.92 KB, 474x405, 158:135, BF - Copy.png)

0e0cab  No.2718165


Last count Trump had 12 assassination attempts, that list still has zero attempts, and the list of arkanside is very long, growing longer by the day. Who’s winning?

345ab9  No.2718166




7b34b9  No.2718167

File: 456dbe0e9b36baf⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 259x307, 259:307, 456dbe0e9b36baf9cd7abb577d….jpg)


Anon, I love you.

Nohomo, but I do, love you.

Thank you. I'd no time to look m'self.

a2525b  No.2718168


200lb catfish and a bunch of smelly niggers selling drugs from the beaners is texas now

cafa64  No.2718169

File: 8da64eefba74212⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1152x1448, 144:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Enough - build the wall and vote for people who love the USA!

7a1a9e  No.2718170

File: 6e265dc88892645⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 533x499, 533:499, Soros a special place.jpg)

ae0a7a  No.2718171

File: feb8180b3b4c5d1⋯.png (400.19 KB, 581x735, 83:105, 2018-08-23_21-40-07.png)

Jax Sheriff's Office‏Verified account @JSOPIO

#BreakingNews - Edward Garcia is in-custody for Accesory After the Fact in the shooting death of 7-year-old Heydi Rivas Villanueva.

Five sought, five captured.

Thank you, Jacksonville.

28b187  No.2718172


Entertaining. "Black hat arrests are imminent." Repeat every two months since 2007.

50e1d6  No.2718173


has turn into unusable crap for me

72cd03  No.2718174

Watch this video. I don't know a thing about flying but this just looks wrong. Anybody?

Pilot hurt in police chopper takeoff crash


918902  No.2718175

File: 45bc7a6916c0b71⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 450x253, 450:253, todayIsaw.gif)


>World mental health day and people NOT cutting themselves, is, apparently, a thing.

7e5462  No.2718176


executions > assassinations

POTUS doesn't break the law to get what he wants

54145a  No.2718177

File: de8468db4e91677⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 340x463, 340:463, run1.gif)


>Well, Q is female so……..

Well then … Q knows the rules.

Q: Gonna have to see your tits next crumb.

d5c9f5  No.2718178


Definitely NEVER fish for lions!

75d597  No.2718179


But you would rather trust an out of context copypasta? Why did they make it out of context? Why make it provocative and loud? Done on purpose? expand your thinking.

3065b0  No.2718180

File: 44cc4367fad53d9⋯.png (55.13 KB, 938x434, 67:31, ClipboardImage.png)


Doug Poppa is a former LVPD. He was following this case and had a lot of unanswered questions about it. I just went to see what he might have posted - his account is gone!

Anyone know about Poppa?

7b34b9  No.2718181


>>2718142 Q has referenced @POTUS_Schedule

>>2717914 @POTUS_Schedule and the legalities of impersonating

>>2717848 Where Is? People/Sightings Updates

>>2717773 Raniere's patent to remote control aircraft: Update

>>2717744 Clare Bronfman's lawyer makes second request to free her from house detention

>>2717643 Matthew Bronfman, 17th Floor, 17 Rothschild Project, Rothschild Boulevard

>>2717575 Resignations in the news today

>>2717546 @USMC Tweet 'MAKE IT RAIN'

cdf4a9  No.2718182


HRC wishes she looked that good, anon.

611108  No.2718184


Sorry brah, lots of jobs up here if you can handle the outdoors

06d2b8  No.2718185

More boobs to bring back Q

36e27e  No.2718186


That is the God/Religion thing - choice/duality from what?

345ab9  No.2718187

You are witnessing the fall of "Q".

Enjoy the show.



09abf1  No.2718188


If I answer that question correctly, I will get yelled at to post my boobs. Please note that I said CTA is in north Texas (he told us so several times). You should ask him what HE has, aside from a bad case of needledick.

a2525b  No.2718189

File: cc6aa766c045d69⋯.png (1.23 MB, 974x730, 487:365, 1534816211188.png)


wall was supposed to have been E>O> on day two of presidency it was and is not a trump proiority but prison reform is the main priority letting all the black criminals out early

34d7bb  No.2718190

File: b9e21be3c6756ec⋯.jpg (184.99 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DlT_gl2X4AACidR.jpg)

did you see this? https://twitter.com/AGJefffSessions/status/1032732908384124928

Jeff Sessions


5h5 hours ago


Think missile scare.

Think Red October.

Think Hawaii EBS.

What is 'symbolism'?


A WARNING? @realDonaldTrump

Message sent.

We stand at the ready. @thejointstaff @ARCYBER @10MTNDIV

8b7d7d  No.2718191

File: fcaea579ab9b3cc⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Scary_Eyes_Wallpapers_70 (….jpg)

cca6d8  No.2718192


you have dibs there.

Subversion from within

Gus Hall style motherphucker

48aadd  No.2718194


He has to fix the broken system, make it seem like he ain't fixing shit, and prosecute all at the same time.

If you haven't ever been to court, that right we have to a speedy trial (180 days) usually only works if you plead guilty and just ask the judge to get on with it.

72cd03  No.2718195


And so it begins….

2ea4ac  No.2718197

Forgive If already posted…

If not , it might be notable baker

Drug tunnel found under KFC in AZ to a Mexico bedroom


557a29  No.2718199

Not a slide, haven't posted count in awhile-Human/Sex trafficking arrest count since POTUS took office is 9673.

7e5462  No.2718200

File: fe4cfa39aead8f2⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 680x680, 1:1, REEEEEEE.gif)



28b187  No.2718201



7afb8c  No.2718202



The first time he told me about Carolyn was a night at Tramps in early '94. John was still going with Daryl. And he said that there was a woman that he'd met who was having a heavy effect on him. He wasn't going to pursue it, because he was loyal to Daryl. But it was hard for him, because he couldn't get his mind off her. And I said, "Well, who is she?" And he said, "Well, she's not really anybody. She's some functionary of Calvin Klein's. She's an ordinary person." Which of course was not so, she was anything but an ordinary person, but as far as the rest of the world knew, she was. And he maintained a platonic relationship with her until after he and Daryl had broken up


One day, we were at Martha's Vineyard, and he decided that we would swim from the shore to someone's boat. We swam several hundred yards, which completely wrecked me, but he wasn't even winded.

4a06a3  No.2718203


It is not out of context.

There is a lot more.

You jews are liars, and cannot be trusted.

It ids you religious law, not mine.

Take it up with your religious leaders.

Not my problem.

"It is permitted to deceive a Goi." Babha Kama 113b

345ab9  No.2718204



This member of CTA is in Dallas, Texas.


7a1a9e  No.2718205

File: 471b3b0999c2b06⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 888x500, 222:125, Q FU.jpg)

File: 2f59637b3ba19ae⋯.jpg (101.73 KB, 634x357, 634:357, Q FU Art of the Deal.jpg)

File: 3d2c5ac6e495e4e⋯.jpg (140.63 KB, 500x614, 250:307, Q FU Art of the Deal ART O….jpg)

a2525b  No.2718206


they fake virgins with ketchup packets installed

959881  No.2718208


Kek. Actually, I think Q may be one of them thar morphs. So, you good either way.

8b4954  No.2718209


That is the question, think about it… instead of the media asking about Q, have them ask DJT how he feels about the anons who unconditionally support him.

428304  No.2718210

File: 6a7ab1c0a2ff607⋯.png (271.52 KB, 455x389, 455:389, Screenshot 2018-08-20 at 1….png)

345ab9  No.2718211

11be8d  No.2718214


"There's a reason this place was chosen"

06d2b8  No.2718215

CTA has Q in custody, this is just ridiculous as possible.

bbbbe8  No.2718216

>>2718189 Yell Fathers Day and drop a bunch of watermelons

0e0cab  No.2718217


Why do you have blind faith in our government? Have not been paying attention?

a2525b  No.2718218


outdoors is where the awesome happens alaska great country the last frontier imo

9a4023  No.2718219


40 replies in one bread. If you want to be like Q, less is more. In your case, zero would be the most.

443ab0  No.2718221

File: 43fee2972f85f91⋯.png (835.17 KB, 1400x850, 28:17, COTC.png)

611108  No.2718222


The odds of running into a Grizzly outside Salmon season is next to none. I see 100 black bears for every Grizzly I cross

9c4011  No.2718223



inifinitely far out there is no surroundings that any system could interact with. as soon as you 'zoom' in you observe only a part of everything and not everything. so there is a system and a surroundings, and these two objects can interact.

everything is one, everything is the same, everything is 0 if you 'zoom' infinitely out. in inf.D?

d17a1e  No.2718224


Didn't you have Q in jail the last time he was quiet?

2bb0e9  No.2718225


632687  No.2718226

Q is here.

Q is always here.

Q is like God, just nothing to say.


Patience all.

9fdfc5  No.2718227


Nice anon!

54145a  No.2718228

File: 592851f8da16130⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 400x600, 2:3, movethehair.gif)


>"There's a reason this place was chosen"

Now it all makes sense.

Q just wanted to show off her tits.

345ab9  No.2718229

[Q] is a LARP.

We have [Q] in custody.

Where is [Q]?

Where is CTA?


a2525b  No.2718230

File: 10f5330e9cdbb89⋯.png (14.2 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 1ee7a11b9fd985a898e51f97b1….png)

7a1a9e  No.2718231

File: 2fbb9a1a423d5b2⋯.jpg (84.45 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 2fbb9a1a423d5b2a8a4fe9becf….jpg)

0e0cab  No.2718232


Of course he won’t

That’s not the point

09abf1  No.2718233


Literally the ONLY reason he is here is to get replies. This is the only place he can get attention. He does this all the time

c96335  No.2718234


I post POTUS Schedule here all the time

I have never stated it is from POTUS

IMO, it is from his team, but that is my opinion

Regardless, it is a good twitter account with good information, no matter who is running the account

And yes indeed Q did link to it once…..

611108  No.2718235


I'm up by the boarder, same difference.

Truly the place to be

324911  No.2718236

Lindsey Graham: the President deserves an Attorney General he has faith in..

A) Lindsey ain't on the team, don't know the plan

B) Lindsey is onboard playing his part i.e. make Sessions appear ultra weak bc when the seals are broken he will become the Angel of Death.

92fa5f  No.2718237


Not the point.

The point is the faggot was trying to claim that jooism is merely a religion AND ITS NOT.

I pointed out how IT CLEARLY IS NOT.

I doubt you get it but I tried.

36e27e  No.2718238


I don't think you have been following the conversation - we are at about 120,000 feet on this convo - nothing about government.

54145a  No.2718239

File: fbba6e59876a5f4⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 600x386, 300:193, DWS1.jpg)


>Q is like God

2ea4ac  No.2718240

Ben enters rehab


06d2b8  No.2718241

CTA also said before that the 40,000 sealed indictments were for anons, it’s ridiculous trolling

d38807  No.2718242


Great tits, uncontrollable dandruff.

a2525b  No.2718243



345ab9  No.2718244


Q vs CTA.

CTA is here.

Where is [Q]?



9a0024  No.2718245


All seeing eye temp tat displayed prominently. Even turned sideways to make sure it was seen clearly. Ugh.

48aadd  No.2718246



That is NOT the question. Q even says so himself. The whole fucking point is to get the non-voting out there and voting, instead of letting the non-citizens vote for you.

For decades, Americans have sat, on their wonderfully comfy couches with ever increasing convenience technology take over their lives.

Today, the Great Awakening. #walkaway #wwg1wga

611108  No.2718247


The indictments are for all Trumps whores

345ab9  No.2718248




7b34b9  No.2718249

File: 19446b1538d066f⋯.png (102.46 KB, 446x580, 223:290, 19446b1538d066f19efcaf348b….png)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

dbfc18  No.2718250


Awesome job, Anon! Thank you for your follow up. I bet that most of HRC campaign's tech people were tied/linked directly with a Silicon Valley tech company.

50e1d6  No.2718251


A plus he is and always has been a fucktard

e45591  No.2718252

File: 24578ec4170a59f⋯.jpg (51.71 KB, 650x650, 1:1, DkW6h_JUYAAM0ot.jpg)


Wink wink wink




That screen generally means the acct is locked, not yet suspended. Or his acct name changed.


Oh the shit we put up with, anon…

af3c49  No.2718253


>Remember she is the victim here.

Very important message. Love them for they know not what they do.

36e27e  No.2718254


Yea I would say that is right. Zero or Infinity or both at the same time.

06d2b8  No.2718256


Q is frequently not here, it means nothing

b7baa8  No.2718257

>>2716982 (previous)

I remember Votel has a brother (same last name) who is in some sort of leadership role but is also a gay rights activist.

That would be the sort of guy Barry would promote faster than FDR promoted Eisenhower. Is Trump promoting his own guys in the services besides the Marines, to throw out Barry's people (who said they would shoot on Americans, remember that was his litmus test) or just planning to use Marines for everything?

06d2b8  No.2718258

8e18eb  No.2718259



a2525b  No.2718260

File: 82cb20ff4f029c8⋯.png (428.74 KB, 591x756, 197:252, 6XXRDc.png)


wow motherfucker you DUMB

92fa5f  No.2718261


Not the point.

The point is the faggot was trying to claim that jooism is merely a religion AND ITS NOT.

I pointed out how IT CLEARLY IS NOT.

I doubt you get it but I tried.

7e5462  No.2718262

gonna count the posts/replies the shill faggot CTA gets next bread


345ab9  No.2718264



[Q] is in custody.

Custody does not = jail.

Where is [Q]?

Where is CTA?


93fc1e  No.2718265


Thanks! I didn’t recall Q himself posting that. Good bough for me!

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