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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

445be1  No.2550272

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 08.10.18

>>>/patriotsfight/137 ————————– [Fish]ing is fun. These people are stupid. (Caps: >>2543440 )

>>>/patriotsfight/136 ————————– PACKET (Caps: >>2541594 )

>>>/patriotsfight/135 ————————– ROUTE T (Caps: >>2541586 )

>>>/patriotsfight/134 ————————– STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. (Caps: >>2541362 )

>>>/patriotsfight/133 ————————– NEW TRIP CONFIRMED. (Caps: >>2541336 )

>>>/patriotsfight/132 ————————– We are under HEAVY attack.

>>>/patriotsfight/131 ————————– NOW THEY ALL LOSE. (Caps: >>2539428 ; >>2539489 )

>>>/patriotsfight/130 ————————– CA/NY notorious voter fraud. (Caps: >>2539422 )

>>2538955 rt >>2538860 ——————- Re_read drops re: Haiti.

>>>/patriotsfight/129 ————————– NEVER STOP PRAYING. (Cap: >>2538789 )

Thursday 08.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/128 ————————– THE CLINTON FOUNDATION. (Caps: >>2532676 )

>>>/patriotsfight/127 rt 126 ————–— What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS' campaign? (Caps: >>2532453 )

>>>/patriotsfight/126 ————————– [SPY OP] (Caps: >>2532138 )

>>2530456 rt >>2530206 ——————- Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime!

>>>/patriotsfight/125 ————————– [Past 24hrs - Nunes Attack] (Caps: >>2530193 )

Tuesday 08.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/124 rt 122 ————–— Digest and understand. (Caps: >>2500174 )

Monday 08.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/123 ————————– AMERICA IS BACK TO LEADING ( Caps: >>2487564 , >>2487807 )

>>>/patriotsfight/122 ————————– Think Foreign propaganda ( Cap: >>2486911 )

>>>/patriotsfight/121 ————————– Psychological Projection. Define Conspiracy ( Cap: >>2486904 )

>>>/patriotsfight/120 ————————– Important to understand prior to next ( Cap: >>2484502 )

Sunday 08.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/119 ————————– Trip update confirmed ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>>/patriotsfight/118 ————————– Trip update ( Caps: >>2467918 , >>2467908 )

>>2465633 ————————————– Reconcile.

>>2460787 ————————————– Be aware of your surroundings: See something, say something

>>2460260 ————————————– There is a reason we needed to go mainstream b4 EVIDENCE drop

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI.

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

445be1  No.2550279


are not endorsements


>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2541091 BO Confirms: New Q trip whitelisted


>>2550058 The left has revealed the core of their plot here

>>2549978 James Gunn also attends pedophilia themed parties

>>2549952 ID on hijacker

>>2549949 A crazy 24 hours

>>2549899 Is FOIA Officer related to Epstein?

>>2549924 CNN reports on the plane crash, an hour after us

>>2549822 , >>2549841, >>2549996 Audio and transcripts of hijacker talking

>>2549619 , >>2549831 Videos of F-15’s chasing the Alaskan plane

>>2549677 , >>2549861 Anonymous doxxed the Praying Medic, but he'd doxxed himself before

>>2549533 , >>2549806, >>2549988 MSM starts to report on the plane crash

>>2549649 Trump Tower death strangeness. Dig

>>2549645 , >>2549698, >>2549768, >>2549768 Planefag updates

>>2549630 , >>2549633 The plane crashed close to Whidbey Island

>>2549625 , >>2549628, >>2549666, >>2549901 Alaska Air updates

>>2549621 Fake News: Nothing about Alaska Air plane yet

>>2549614 QPost SpyOp - Full Decode

>>2549598 After crash video

>>2550252 #3217


>>2549497 Plane stolen at Sea-Tac apparently crashes in Pierce County

>>2549424 , >>2549446 Q posted an Alaska Air photo #1308

>>2549350 Supposed anonymous attack anonymous? #OpQ

>>2549341 , >>2549364 , >>2549408 Videos of the plane

>>2549253 Graphic on Q's tripcode compromise today

>>2549196 , >>2549205 , >>2549274 Planefag updates

>>2549151 Australia and NZ are helping with Cali's 'Holy Fire'

>>2549028 , >>2549162, >>2549220, >>2549232, >>2549318 Developing: Oregon NG scrambles F-15’s

>>2549020 T_D bans posts about Q

>>2548960 Vandals hit at POTUS commemorative stone

>>2548929 170 Voters in Ohio Race 'Over 116 Years Old'

>>2548912 , >>2548983 The absolute state of San Fransisco

>>2548851 , >>2549326 Decode Graphics on QPost from yesterday re SpyOp

>>2549512 #3216


>>2548604 1 killed in explosion at UK military factory in Salisbury

>>2548597 Trump Dossier Infographs

>>2548497 , >>2548518, >>2548538 Report: Vast Industry to Harvest Organs in China

>>2548253 Anon gathers and posts all FISA intel #Witchhunt

>>2548317 How many worship the devil? Revisiting a Rothschilds Ball

>>2548163 Black Hat hacker says he can tap into planes already in the sky

>>2548152 Revisiting 'the Morning Sun Brings Heat' drop and Haiti. Dig

>>2548133 VA Pedophile Tied Up And Raped 14-Year-Old Girl Gets No Jail Time

>>2548116 Bill Donahue, Director of the American Catholic League. Dig

>>2547299 (pb) Hillary being fired from the Watergate inquiry

>>2548729 #3215

#3214 (new baker)

>>2547857 Microsoft CEO Nadella sells $35.9 million in company stock

>>2547825 , >>2547837 The Atlantic Council helped FB censor. Dig

>>2547750 , >>2547769 Moar on The FBI loading boxes in Arkansas story

>>2547752 Trump Tweet, Q Post and a Kanye Tweet delta

>>2547631 Article on the Steele deception with lots on the Ohrs

>>2547622 Catch of the Day: Pelosi, Samoa & 17mm Del Monte stock

>>2547577 Sealed indictments count: 45,468

>>2544940 , >>2544949, >>2544967 (all pb) Anon creates Quik Cards

>>2547274 Sweden’s government obtained the ability to silence opponents on FB

>>2547281 China fire warning shots at US Navy ship

>>2547256 (pb) Bruce Ohr to testify before Congress on 8/28 on dossier

>>2547928 #3214

Previously Collected Notables

>>2546405 #3212, >>2547165 #3213

>>2544066 #3209, >>2544796 #3210, >>2545511 #3211

>>2541686 #3206, >>2542443 #3207, >>2543275 #3208

>>2539217 #3203, >>2539979 #3204, >>2541168 #3205

>>2536916 #3200, >>2537717 #3201, >>2538468 #3202

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

445be1  No.2550282

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>1606439

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here.

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>>/comms/2100 , >>>/comms/2164 , >>2543984

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>2489726 , >>2489748 , >>2489817

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

(more on the comms page)

445be1  No.2550286

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* PAVUK keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button: >>2374212

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Sorting Breads On Number Of Replies To A Post >>2467707

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27, 27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this ---> >>2438883

5d2b09  No.2550316

File: 3fda795322a0524⋯.jpg (6.93 KB, 200x202, 100:101, images (1).jpg)

so do any of y'all remember the P4-15-NB thing?


445be1  No.2550320

File: d17c8cb4fcd273b⋯.png (377.3 KB, 822x787, 822:787, d17c8cb4fcd273b6b87202dcd1….png)

#3218 Dough


5d2b09  No.2550328


omg I am so sorry, I hit post after I saw this but somehow my post ended up first? I will say 20 prayers to KEK

8c2eeb  No.2550334

thanks baker

looks like the gay pron shill switched to just pron

78a3de  No.2550341

File: d7cac9e4b46d3c4⋯.png (99.37 KB, 320x282, 160:141, img00082380.png)

ty baker

142b98  No.2550346

Group Files Lawsuit to Challenge Electoral College

Includes former Massachusetts governor, Al Gore’s former lawyer

Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig and David Boies, who served as former Vice President Al Gore’s lawyer in Bush v. Gore, make up the group according to the Boston Globe.

The group is suing two predominantly Democratic states (California and Massachusetts) and two predominantly Republican states (Texas and South Carolina.)

"They argue the winner-take-all format of the Electoral College disenfranchises numerous voters and that it violates the principle of “one person, one vote.”


4386da  No.2550349

File: 0b0eae7c8982ce6⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 9248179B-D9AA-48E0-9E4C-C7….png)

File: de743a391b81194⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 755D7AB7-7AAB-4591-989A-00….png)

File: 78fef8e23badf1f⋯.png (965.62 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C1AB200E-4A3D-4287-A45F-A7….png)

Oh you thought Q was done with you? 5DChess.

445be1  No.2550352


Easy anon


445be1  No.2550372


Yea, here goes…

5d2b09  No.2550373

File: 831967164c256b1⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (1).jpg)

File: ceba262815229f1⋯.jpg (276.48 KB, 1600x1084, 400:271, 1529988463491.jpg)

TY baker !!

f6349f  No.2550378

Katherine Chon is the co-founder of Polaris Project in the United States


Has an award from BLLL Cllnton, here is a link to a picture with the two together


Just another connection..

2b12f8  No.2550384

File: 4f3c1952323a76c⋯.jpg (333.01 KB, 960x642, 160:107, MichelleBrown.jpg)

f6349f  No.2550385

TY Baker

142b98  No.2550386

Dallas Mayor Pro Tem who led assault on Confederate Monuments pleads guilty to corruption


13ec2f  No.2550394

File: 2d2722014e45cc2⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 231x280, 33:40, 2d2722014e45cc2b860acb25d4….gif)

Autist Tonite

bcfc7e  No.2550398

File: 344aea735209771⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 793x945, 793:945, 6.JPG)

File: 1ca3bd4aef78037⋯.jpg (135.46 KB, 726x940, 363:470, 7.JPG)

File: 370ce0d392dd510⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 680x372, 170:93, 8.JPG)

Judicial Professional Employees Union president resigns amid questionable spending


06237c  No.2550400

BO may want to have a look. Last bread way past 751

8d0ce1  No.2550401


6334af  No.2550402


Where are Nephilium from?

c8290b  No.2550403

File: 6d8ecba74fb3811⋯.gif (28.9 KB, 432x576, 3:4, frame_04_delay-1s.gif)

Thanks baker.

8c2eeb  No.2550404


they were being deleted likely

831f6d  No.2550405


6fb3aa  No.2550406


Hi newfag, lurk more.

46dec9  No.2550407

Jimmy Thomson

‏Verified account @jwsthomson

Here, he asks for the coordinates of the mother orca that has been spotted in Puget Sound with her dead calf over the past few weeks.


5d2b09  No.2550409

Hey y'all I was posting in an interesting bread I found and it's being attacked by shills



d0f885  No.2550410

thanks baker

breads are moving quickly, thanks for keeping on top of everything. notables look good

f17270  No.2550411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some music to chill out to.

ecdfae  No.2550412

File: 4c8f6d9caf422ab⋯.jpg (74.96 KB, 441x394, 441:394, P1040379 (1).jpg)


831f6d  No.2550413


Read the book of Enoch and you will know.

They are the literal physical seed of allen angels.

Of demons.

9b28ef  No.2550414

Did he say his name in the audio?

Otherwise, how else did they know who it was?

34db14  No.2550416

File: 1e06432c2e5faf0⋯.png (189.32 KB, 500x502, 250:251, baker-ty-pepe-crisps.png)

1145f1  No.2550417

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

dry run to see how mil would react on an unauthorized take-off? better switch to plan B

6334af  No.2550418

c1d2c5  No.2550419

File: e354a290796fad8⋯.jpg (157.92 KB, 865x668, 865:668, allears.JPG)

I'm all ears..

b842a0  No.2550420

>>2549614 lb

Can JB mean John Brennan instead of Joe Biden???

I think John Brennan makes more sense.

2445ee  No.2550421


He worked ground crew.

d0f885  No.2550422


…like a regular news source that wasnt on the inside

831f6d  No.2550423




One minute report is all.

196804  No.2550424


6334af  No.2550425


I have only ever seen this once before. In a series that changed my life. Ty. <3

f25dd5  No.2550426

File: 7b2d229353324df⋯.png (48.59 KB, 657x241, 657:241, 7b2d229353324df6c3a779e81e….png)

File: b1467f439863e93⋯.jpg (155.54 KB, 1440x2005, 288:401, GoldenQ.jpg)

File: 93a2824a12851eb⋯.jpg (132.3 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, WWG1WGABELL.jpg)


TY Baker

34db14  No.2550427

File: 5d69e43a9986668⋯.jpg (98.39 KB, 500x343, 500:343, heavy-sigh.jpg)

ed2ee9  No.2550428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Jones is Bill Hicks

8c2eeb  No.2550429

831f6d  No.2550430

2445ee  No.2550432

File: dd9523f45e64f45⋯.png (50.55 KB, 540x546, 90:91, yourproblem.png)

d0f885  No.2550433


you can reach kanye on his twitter, rookie

ecdfae  No.2550434

File: f9555322cabab6b⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 500x281, 500:281, tumblr_o13fsx0N091tus777o1….jpg)

>tfw this movie turned out to be based on true events

acf19a  No.2550435


I'm the boss

waddya want?

44f56b  No.2550436


b686a8  No.2550437


battle royale?

831f6d  No.2550438


You can sigh all day long yet it will have no impact

on the truth of things.

We know.

09dded  No.2550439

File: 782a3fd422a0f8a⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 479x360, 479:360, opinionsmatter.jpg)

46dec9  No.2550440

I'm trying to keep myself from crying just listening to this guy & the ATC guy & the F-22 pilot & how nice & caring they were to the guy. Fuck…

ecdfae  No.2550441

File: aa5bd6fc0b3632e⋯.png (548.82 KB, 854x480, 427:240, ef68f106fccb352b3684653374….png)

File: 649aa1f0246c18a⋯.gif (465.27 KB, 210x170, 21:17, 649aa1f0246c18a0c2b02ebcb5….gif)

2445ee  No.2550442


Fuck off, Kate.

8c2eeb  No.2550443


interdasted to see the hash on the muh qanon baker shill

bac75f  No.2550444

>>2550439 Redneck Brain Trust

580d3a  No.2550445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I could watch this video all day long. If you've only watched it once today, have a second watch.

This POTUS is a boss.

c1cbf7  No.2550446



b8e1b8  No.2550447

File: 81fd790daf2a8b6⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 1031x1070, 1031:1070, Enjoy the show.jpg)


You'll have to call the White House…

96afbf  No.2550448

File: 13c7474efa9edb7⋯.jpg (263.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, terrydavis.jpg)

f17270  No.2550449


Actually just found the original yesterday. Saw it before on the same. Unfortunately I have trust issues - but the beauty here is indescribable. Her other songs are great too!

1a8edc  No.2550450


Link? Sorry I missed the audio if it was in the last bread.

ae0ea6  No.2550451

Did anyone else find it weird that the audio of Rich (Alaskan Air guy) and the tower…..they weren’t really engaging him much? Like when he said he was going to do a flip and nose dive - no response. You think they would be talking him down. Nothing like that happened.

e677cb  No.2550452

File: 3ae64552b96a694⋯.jpg (914.36 KB, 2274x1080, 379:180, uncle.jpg)


Alex Jones uncle' was a 32nd degree Mason

da6bb0  No.2550453

Local newsfeed is covering entirely too. Posted last bread but here it is again, if any anons interested

https ://www.king5.com/live-video

d2edf1  No.2550454



f25dd5  No.2550455



7d0a75  No.2550456



6b2222  No.2550457

i'd bet anything that he was shot down 1000000000%

7bb718  No.2550458

>>2549035>>2549069 >>2549117 >>2549191 >>2548993

Go to Newspapers.com. Lots of articles about finding giants throughout history. Even one that was over 30 feet tall.

7bab58  No.2550459


1 Timothy 4:1

4 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

Acts 26:18

to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'

8528b9  No.2550460


Backup baker here

Just lemme know what you want me to do baker, anons, BO. I can start baking anytime, but I also need to do a closer review of the day’s breads given all the habbenings. I can do that in the morning after baking tho.

Look guys, I’m not here to stir up drama for drama’s sake, but we need to be vigilant in defending our base from “internal disruption.” All of us. It starts with observing & gathering evidence. Look for insertion of subtle but potential slide topics that are especially counter to our culture, esp in notes. If you don’t think our culture is something the whitehats AND blackhats recognize as important enough to position assets around, you’re wrong. The slides of FMbaker/articlefag/self-doxxer which I called out earlier (with evidence, confirmed either by BO or FMbaker herself) were:

1) >100X spamming of “Q is really only just bakers posting as Q” articlefag (“Patrick”)

2) advocating mass self-doxxing, also spamming the hell out of it

3) femfagging, including posting male “baker girls,” and arguing WHILE IDEN AS BAKER with anons who called it out (sliiide)

4) posting pic of own tits and encouraging other anons to do same.

Nothing against bewbs, I argued FOR keeping them, but self-boobing is self-doxxing, and also discrediting as it makes us look more like Tindr then a camp of soldiers.

5) tag-team attacking a baker while baking. Bread 3009 was filled with it, and FM baker admitted to being one of the 3 doing it when presented with evidence, after lying about it the first time I asked.

While these ops were running, our morale tanked. During the week they were in abatement, morale improved. I baked fucking 9-12 hr shifts just to make up for the loss, until new and old bakers could step up. They were already starting to do that. But if we don’t call out this FMbaker subsersive and ask BO/BV to please put her on the “no thanks” list of bakers, those other bakers won’t step in to fill the void. This is all I’ll say on it tonight, so you guys can rest easy knowing if I’m baking, I’ll just bake. But YOU guys should investigate, and DEFEND YOUR BASE.

dc4eb8  No.2550462



d2edf1  No.2550463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

236f20  No.2550464




I'm not sure why you expected anything different from the word Nephilim, anon.

But, yeah. That's what we are.

51a2a1  No.2550465

File: 2ca45bc11b62675⋯.jpg (914.54 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, pepechurch.jpg)

6527e4  No.2550466

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, YOU.jpg)

814e6f  No.2550467



ae0ea6  No.2550469

File: 369ef21c8e0fea4⋯.jpeg (87.98 KB, 816x485, 816:485, 30B7AEF3-BDA1-4E34-B364-9….jpeg)


Please follow the directions to contact.

7f12d1  No.2550470


MSM ridiculing Q isn't newsworthy enough to post here, seriously. Of all the wannabe intellectuals on TV, he is the worst

f17270  No.2550471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

981321  No.2550472

>>2550370 (lb)

Appreciate it anon

>>2550393 (lb)

I believe there is enough truth left in that book that it can be worked, and the lies removed.

Like the lie Jesus Christ is God, God is all knowing, or that Jesus started the Catholic church (Vatican)

2 Timothy 2:15

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

>"One the worst things we did was corrupting all of your holy texts.

>One of the best things we did was do it and foolishly believe we could hide the truth by piling a bunch of lies on top of it."

I don't understand this, they conflict

1a8edc  No.2550473


Grassy ass.


I'm tired of listening to smug fucktards tell me what to think because they haven't done a white of research before coming to their conclusions.

35a512  No.2550474


Someone is testing the security response protocols… Get a nutjob to steal a plane and then observe what the reaction will be.

d85900  No.2550475


It was all very odd. It almost seemed like he was stalling for reasons to stay up in the air just a little longer.

148464  No.2550476

445be1  No.2550477



>The problem isn't just that QAnon is impersonating Anonymous. It's that QAnon is nothing like Anonymous, and the pro-Trump, anti-resistance, militantly neo-conservative, pedophile-obsessed, anti-immigrant conspiracy cult stands for everything Anonymous opposes. The group's rhetoric mirrors that of Alex Jones with its false, hysterical calls to action regarding Democrats, "illegals," Muslims, and armed insurrection.

363ee1  No.2550478

Wow listen to this


dc4eb8  No.2550479



2445ee  No.2550480


He said in ATC audio that if barrel roll was good, he would nose dive the plane.

Video had witness state that "loop the loop or something" was successful, so…

6334af  No.2550481


Trust issues? We were just talking about a song.

5e327a  No.2550482

CNN is covering the plane.

175ab5  No.2550483


The pilot said he was just a broken guy, got a few screws loose. Never really knew it UNTIL NOW.

Sounds like MK Ultra to me, why did he not know he was a nutcase?

Hey can this thing do a backflip thing?

What kind of grown man thinks a plane might be able to do a back flip.

f82f7f  No.2550484

File: a470578b473db0e⋯.jpg (126.87 KB, 1080x1348, 270:337, 1080full-alina-kovalenko.jpg)

TY Baker! TY Anons! Keep the late night shift great!


Fine. What, in the actual fuck, do you want?


I said this earlier today. First time I watched it, I was like "The balls on this fucking guy!!!" After learning what Q was confirming we all suspected for years, I went back and watched it, again.

I wanted to shield this guy, because I realized right then and there it wasn't just a roast. It was him calling out the most evil mother fuckers on the planet. I'm not a very large person, but I'd take every bullet that came my way to help this man, and the people surrounding him, make this planet a better place. I sincerely mean it.

bcfc7e  No.2550485

File: d6f5e08dd75c11e⋯.jpg (207.71 KB, 668x961, 668:961, 6.JPG)

File: ececcaef601c0f1⋯.jpg (176.49 KB, 670x851, 670:851, 7.JPG)

I-Minerals Inc. Announces Resignation of Thomas Conway from Board of Directors;


46dec9  No.2550486


Here' part of one where he's talknig to the pilot

Jimmy Thomson

‏Verified account @jwsthomson

Here he asks about the weather in the nearby Olympic mountains. Thanks to @petersterne for spotting this one.


The guy wanted to see the mountains that's where he flew to 1st

7bab58  No.2550487

File: 98eb5c1a4d9e769⋯.png (420.94 KB, 838x445, 838:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 803617fa3bdc566⋯.png (420.78 KB, 836x426, 418:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ec9d66ee0f6044⋯.png (327.73 KB, 822x677, 822:677, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat Lawmaker Caught on Camera Stealing His Opponent’s Campaign Handouts One Day Before Election (VIDEO)


ecdfae  No.2550488

File: 8865be379eab30a⋯.png (13.65 KB, 173x255, 173:255, 8865be379eab30a3aeda3e9cbd….png)


Off-duty Baker here.

I despise fuckery in the kitchen.

Please point me in the direction of bakes done by FMBaker.

4455fc  No.2550489


So they are hoping the courts find the Constitution that defines our electoral republic is unConstitutional?

4386da  No.2550490


what a piece of shit

0e7638  No.2550492

File: 82abca98041a4ce⋯.jpeg (6.69 MB, 4713x3142, 3:2, admiralrogers.jpeg)

580d3a  No.2550493

I feel like we're in the only building in town that is not completely in flames. The red flood better extinguish all ambiguities.

7bb718  No.2550495

And Bill Maher is a liar. >>2550477

814e6f  No.2550496


Are there any pilotanons here?

Can you even do a barrel roll in those kinds of planes without ripping the wings off?

6334af  No.2550497


I don't believe they are seeds of demons.

174def  No.2550498


If I heard that right, called him "Captain Billoch" or such at 16:50 in the audio stream and "Rick" somewhere in the beginning of the stream.



KSEA's ATC (Tower) is at



831f6d  No.2550499


I gots yo back. Praying 4 u now.

09dded  No.2550500


"And we need to remind everyone that he acted alone."

f9d191  No.2550501

File: deecd09b7572093⋯.png (26 KB, 645x306, 215:102, Scavino45 8-10-18 10 20 pm….PNG)

File: 67cb884b4e1d391⋯.png (32.11 KB, 650x277, 650:277, Pierce Co Sheriff re Plane….PNG)


f17270  No.2550502


True, I was assuming. You said a series that changed your life.

4386da  No.2550503


"let me find the worst clip I can of a Q supporter"

73dfc3  No.2550504

>2550428 ed2ee9

Oh and then there's this AJisBH fag again.

I predict that you will soon have your lip split open and a cracked tooth.

you get filtered + on sight with your tag team mason fag.

d5fcbc  No.2550505

File: 52843da32dd8821⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 950x534, 475:267, DkB5ZmjW0AIqqYG.jpg)


Nice Pic… Has this been seen here yet?

8b58c0  No.2550506


Who got doxxed besides Praying Medic? No one every tries to dox me.

5d2b09  No.2550507

Hey y'all I was posting in an interesting bread I found and it's being attacked by shills





4455fc  No.2550508


Time to ban planes

594f38  No.2550509

Rick unknown last name- stole plane - Horizon Employee….ran towing for out of service planes. Peers describe him as super-normal. No crazy behavior.

Dude had no flying experience. Found out from youtube!

KIRO channel 7 streaming live

2445ee  No.2550510

File: 9ae4641b636ed8e⋯.png (300.05 KB, 861x600, 287:200, glowfag6.png)


Holy fuck, you GLOW!!

236f20  No.2550511


>I don't understand this, they conflict

Because you're not thinking clearly, anon.

One of the worst things we did was pile lies into the Bible to support our cause and hide the presence of God within All.

The best thing that we did was that we did it and, ultimately, the Truth could not be completely hidden.

Meaning, the best thing we did was fuck ourselves by trying to fuck with God's creations. The Truth WILL come out and those that continued to peddle lies will get what is due to them in this world.

16202e  No.2550512

Khazarian mafia aka JEWS

dc4eb8  No.2550513


listening to tower audio


6527e4  No.2550514

File: bbf6ab7a4ab30df⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 590x393, 590:393, UFO-recon-449105.jpg)

403c62  No.2550515


Holy shit. Didn’t even consider this. Think you nailed it anon.

8b58c0  No.2550516


kek. Best response.

831f6d  No.2550517


I don't believe the sky is blue. Yet it is and the

impericle data supports it.

Dig or Die anon.

serious friend

dc8bae  No.2550518



Spy Operation to collect dirt on Trump and Team.

>[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

White House: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Denis McDonough, Joe Biden, Rahm Emanuel, John Kerry, Samantha Powers, Karen Mills ←-> Hillary R Clinton, Democratic National Committee

>[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

CNTRL NTL: John Brennan, Five Classified Parties, (No Such Agency play/reveal Tarmac Tapes)

>[DNI [JC]] ^^

Director of National Intelligence: James Clapper

> ^^^^^ ^^

>[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*

Department of Justice: Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Brus Ohr - Christopher Steele (from UK), David Laufman, Peter Strzok(?), David Lindquist(?), John Carlin, Mary McCord, Rachel Brand, ←→ Bill Clinton

> ^^^^^

>[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]

Federal Bureau of Investigation: James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Jim Rybicki, Michael Steinbach, Bill Pristap, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Baker, Mike Kortan, Josh Campbell, Sally Moyer, Tashina Gauhar, Kevin Clinesmith ←→ Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Huma Abadin, Cheryl Mills……… FAKE NEWS

> ^^^^


McCain, Liberal Leaning Media- John Brennan, James Clapper LEAKS -→ PDB/FBI

> ^^^^

>[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

>[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

>[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


HRC, John Podesta, Robby Mook(?), / DNC: Debbie Wasserman Schultz / James Comey ←-→ David Cameron / Mi6/ SiS - SPY ACTIV ←–→ CrowdStrike(?)

>*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

>*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

>Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

>FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

>They NEVER thought she would lose.


46dec9  No.2550519


last audio I heard from him he said he thought one of his engines was going out. Previously he said he was burning through fuel fast.

By the way the pilot was talking to him I would bet my life that he DID NOT SHOOT HIM DOWN.

51a2a1  No.2550520

File: 204c3a677618c55⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 27euex.jpg)



Well shit, we should have seen this coming

b9d5d1  No.2550521

File: b6539247f1df77b⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1364x5212, 341:1303, Screenshot_20180810-234314….jpg)

Is this relevant?

73dfc3  No.2550522


That goes in the TTDDTOT.

d0f885  No.2550523


>no others involved

makes sense; case closed i guess


175ab5  No.2550525


He said his name is Rich

He is a something like a checkin clerk

He mentioned the airline and said he was hoping that he would get a raise once the higher ups know he can fly, because he only gets minimum wage now.

I think they ID'd him fairly early on

46dec9  No.2550527


It was Rich.

Listen to the audio

f499ce  No.2550528



https:// ancient-mystery.com/2017/12/23/nephilim-giants-graves-of-sardinia/

0e7638  No.2550530

File: 99bb903314374b5⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2634x2191, 2634:2191, 1527030069743.jpg)

File: 5b4da6eb1926d1c⋯.jpg (116.46 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, 1529276377265.jpg)

580d3a  No.2550531


I fucking hate every dems. They are so fucking retarded. Q DROP IT

c9a3df  No.2550532


Nice nod to big blue

92bea3  No.2550533



5f1d12  No.2550534


Why does everybody have such a hard time believing these were bad players and they got their asses blown up in the sky.

Last read some guy said CNN confirms. CNN confirms? CNN can't confirm nothing

35a512  No.2550535


>hysterical calls to action regarding Democrats, "illegals," Muslims, and armed insurrection.

Oh so Bill now loves Muslims, and we all here are "hysterically calling for an armed insurrection" kek

Did anyone else notice how Maher ``loves`` to emphasize how he "hates kids?"

9b28ef  No.2550536


Different kind of plane

6334af  No.2550537


It did. A series of videos I stumbled upon while walking in the dark. They shone a light in my life. I will be forever humbled and grateful.

236f20  No.2550538


Then you're in for a rude awakening.

If you are one and someone has mislead you, it's time to start looking for that personal connection with God.

I will say this time and time again, though:

There are Nephilim who decided they no longer wanted to work for or with Satan and gave that up to follow the path and tasks set before them by God; a path of redemption to aid the very sheep that we tried to devour.

8528b9  No.2550540


dubs czeched


will return with info


and this one says I glow.

says it all right there

46dec9  No.2550541



I hope you & your family get ass raped & dropped off a cliff you stupid fucking cunt

e89de8  No.2550542


Q, you gonna let these fools laugh at us like this?

831f6d  No.2550543

Hey Q… Whats up with vaccinations?



Some seriously questionable ingredients.


8cb315  No.2550544


Flying autist?

ae0ea6  No.2550545


It would be very easy to dox me and I don’t care.

4386da  No.2550546


They are so fucking stupid. They sure are, aren't they Q?

2b12f8  No.2550547

File: 9422eb46eab4b71⋯.png (298.44 KB, 684x398, 342:199, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

44f56b  No.2550548


5f935d  No.2550549

was there any evidence for remote controlled planes? this one didn't have any of that.

16202e  No.2550550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c2eeb  No.2550551


they discredit themselves

Q doesn't need to do shit for the D's to implode daily

but dropping the [20] and the MOAB (possibly the same thing) will kill the muh russia, then Mueller exonerates, RED WAVE, then they cry until 2022, when they will lose again.

to summarize, they will be libtardily screaming until 2024, whheeerrrrrrreeeeeee they'll lose again

09dded  No.2550552


The hatred is strong in this one.

f25dd5  No.2550553


Could very well be, anon. Guess we'll have to wait for more info on this Rich fella and his background etc.

dc4eb8  No.2550554



7f12d1  No.2550555


Woah hold the salt

363ee1  No.2550556


He must of got screwed at that job


6334af  No.2550557


What would thiIs life be without rude awakenings. We all die. It is what we did with life that matters.

d6fa3f  No.2550558

File: e3e1e281631db0d⋯.jpeg (127.49 KB, 750x725, 30:29, popckorn comfy pepe.jpeg)

File: ca89ba994e9c5d3⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, popckorn q.png)

File: 0f9076d892142f6⋯.png (543.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, popckorn Q answers.png)

File: 2c50580c3a3a81f⋯.png (610.29 KB, 750x1245, 50:83, pepe resurection qomfy roo….png)

Sir, currently Qomfy but without a mission. I am MIA and all my assets were stolen. Running on fumes. Waiting for a mission. Requesting extraction.

Pledge complete unyielding alliance to the highest values of the constitution, and offer my life and memes. Waiting for a new team.

142b98  No.2550559


Desperation? Denial? Stupidity?

Who really knows what they think?

Constitutional Republic is what I would call our current status, however much battered it is. All these evil people wanting it to be a democracy, so they can just take over easily.

403c62  No.2550560


Yup. Like another anon said, i think they were using him to test what and how fast the response would be.

ae0ea6  No.2550561


Because Rich didn’t sound like a bad guy. He sounded like a guy that smokes doobies and has impulse control problems.

a5bc19  No.2550562

File: 4c5c00468fea162⋯.png (851.87 KB, 1022x509, 1022:509, mckmartns.png)

File: fd37ea4af384398⋯.png (642.59 KB, 942x534, 157:89, s1hann.png)


Can't have shit interfering with their Russians & Mueller discussions.

42fb04  No.2550563


I'd love to help you. Will this be credit or debit? Would you like fries with that?

0d9382  No.2550564


does your dad know i gave your mom the MOAB of big boom booms in her ass last night?

6527e4  No.2550565

File: 88465552d8c4fb6⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 358x378, 179:189, you0.jpg)

4455fc  No.2550566


F15s in 4 minutes.

Impressive really.

I guess we are keeping them on hot standby these days?

f17270  No.2550567

File: fb1541ea6172060⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 209x255, 209:255, wshit.jpg)


If the same, the video is Space Battleship Part 2 D. I also agree, but I've had a lot of weird shit going on the last few years.

594f38  No.2550568


They are calling him "Rich" - his demeanor was not that of a suicidal person.

175ab5  No.2550569


Of course.

If you cannot handle fools laughing at you

Go back to momma's basement and let real men

Handle the rest of this

d0f885  No.2550570


love the popcorn Q, mamemaker. keep the ammo coming

40790e  No.2550571

Keystone Kapok

Castle of the Devil

Clinton voodoo symbolism


5f1d12  No.2550572


Summer Reruns?

Elvis is Alive in Hawaii too you know?

Yay, that's the ticket

09dded  No.2550573


Probe to find vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

9b28ef  No.2550574


well, 4 minutes is the response for nuclear actions…

we now know thanks to Hillary blurting that out.

ae0ea6  No.2550575


You really shouldn’t hold your feelings in like that.

35a512  No.2550576


Ever since 9/11 if I'm not mistaken

236f20  No.2550577


I love my rude awakening, to be honest.

But some people prefer to be warned when they may happen.

But, yeah, don't hate on us just because of what we are. It's not like we CHOSE to have our mothers boned by demons.

d6a073  No.2550578

Didnt assange release an animated film with a plane barrel rolling?

d51226  No.2550579


Your baking is really horrible due to your bad judgement on Notables,

not listening to other anons about Notables, Causing drama every single time,

acting like a corporal and a single lawmaker around here.

Do everyone a favor and let others bake.

dffd31  No.2550580

File: 2293d697b40d9e4⋯.jpeg (151.56 KB, 869x857, 869:857, 9B05AF34-4859-4DAC-8135-A….jpeg)

b842a0  No.2550581



just posted an image they found of an infant

with a caricature of a penis drawn on its cheek as

the baby is sleeping! WTF!

175ab5  No.2550582


No way. He is practically illiterate.

He can't even speak English correctly

And it is clear from the accent that English is the ONLY language that he knows.

403c62  No.2550583


Interesting that just as some fuckwits start spouting bullshit about Q encouraging violence, these types show up…

2445ee  No.2550584


>But some people prefer to be warned when they may happen.

Then it wouldn't be a rude awakening.

0aaa2d  No.2550585


Shania "Who's bed have your boots been under."

1c6502  No.2550586


Sure. If you have enough altitude you can barrel roll, aileron roll, loop any airplane……once.

6334af  No.2550587


Sardinia The Nuragic people's. Yes. Goddess followers. Yes Nephilium. But not demons.

a785a9  No.2550588



5d2b09  No.2550589

Found a new subject that the CLOWN SHILLS don't want us to know about!!!!!!!!!!





5f1d12  No.2550590


I'm here attentionfag.

I will answer your question but then I have to kill you

46dec9  No.2550591


Yeah, the ATC said if he pulled the landing off right, they will give him any job & Rich said,

"Nah…I'm a white guy!"

d0f885  No.2550592


learn how to sauce

f82f7f  No.2550593

File: 45b689aa9171c4e⋯.jpeg (180.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 634ce25399487091256f405f0….jpeg)



Bitch, I'm here everyday. I've not even asked to bake because this shit needs to be done right; and done with diligence now that we're in a whole new realm of exposure.

Having said that:

BO/BVs have a system. If you don't understand said system, then your post comes across as that cunt that walks onto a contract demanding full enterprise admin permissions to everything, everywhere. This shit doesn't work here. It makes you glow, and you're going to get called out on it.

Take a seat. Lurk moar.


Compare with:


Also, the image attached explaining the cracked Q tripcode. Nice little trap, there.

4455fc  No.2550594


My only regret is that states are not also republics. CA is bigger than most counties and we are mob rule.

236f20  No.2550595


You'd be surprised.

You can tell a person something a thousand times over and they may not believe it at all until they see it with their own eyes and then, they'll act like it's a complete shock.

And that IF they don't try to deny what they experienced.

1c6502  No.2550596


Oh yeah. From way back on half chan I believe

9b28ef  No.2550597

The strange thing is,

It's a possibility that I once flew on that plane.

Within the last 20 years.

dc4eb8  No.2550598


I am hard of hearing. Would tell you why, but you wouldn't believe me. thought it was Rick.

892a9e  No.2550599


I love these requests

Makes me feel very important

175ab5  No.2550600


Nobody really pays any attention to all these big red letters

236f20  No.2550601


But, yeah. I get your joke. I'm just really excited right now.

It's storming something heavy and I can feel the presence of the Lord.

ccb38b  No.2550602


what should matter is what they do now, not what they're from

6334af  No.2550603


Are you the Kennedy person?

03206f  No.2550604



9b28ef  No.2550605


Obviously, they always try to post first.

7bab58  No.2550606

File: a62df13ffa9a3bd⋯.png (68.84 KB, 510x666, 85:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: acb590b4aaaf422⋯.png (92.74 KB, 529x656, 529:656, ClipboardImage.png)

Seattle Airport Employee Hijacks Plane, Does Barrel Roll, Then Crashes With Fighter Jets In Hot Pursuit

A 29-year-old mechanic at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport reportedly hijacked a Horizon Air Q400 with no passengers on board, performed aerobatic maneuvers, and then crashed into the ground a short while later with at least one, possibly two F-15 fighter jets in hot pursuit, according to an unconfirmed report by Fox News.



7d0a75  No.2550607




=911 and we had a fucking plane hijacking?

a785a9  No.2550608

File: 638799566670a40⋯.png (624.68 KB, 1369x790, 1369:790, Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at ….png)

Good evening, Anons.

445be1  No.2550609


>Just lemme know what you want me to do baker, anons, BO

What do you mean ^^^^^? When I want to hand off, I'll let you know, and unless anons or the BO want a change of baker, they will let me know. This isn't how we operate.

If you have reports about a baker, suggest you make a report with examples as to what they've done wrong and post it for BO and anons to see. Without seeing examples it's difficult for anyone to judge. I haven't been around or baking on the n/shift for a week or so, so don't know what's been going on.

bcfc7e  No.2550610

File: 9ebaf0cd143b7b9⋯.jpg (125.47 KB, 879x813, 293:271, 6.JPG)

File: 3453d650e1ef2e0⋯.jpg (131.2 KB, 484x817, 484:817, 7.JPG)

File: 6832ea62f3f0ff0⋯.jpg (26.59 KB, 469x126, 67:18, 8.JPG)

Facebook's David Marcus Resigns From Coinbase Board in Blockchain Push


4455fc  No.2550611

acf19a  No.2550612


Always denial first.

Then, anger and misdirection.

Then anger towards the truth.

Some of these people would rather drive themselves insane than be clued in.

2258b2  No.2550613

File: 8ee19c143adb0d9⋯.jpg (119.85 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 8ee19c143adb0d9f8f49e54811….jpg)

Did someone say exposure?

d6fa3f  No.2550614

File: efcfd7f022d5915⋯.png (225.31 KB, 391x410, 391:410, kek beer.png)

File: df76df6907cac6b⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 320x179, 320:179, popckorn huge.gif)



Winner of underrated response of 2018

981321  No.2550616


>Because you're not thinking clearly, anon.

I supposed I'm not.

I am simply trying to understand where you consider yourself within the big picture.

Do you see yourself as redeemable?

I can understand reincarnation from a Nephilim perspective because you are born of spirit and spirit does not die.

How does this apply to us, humans?

I don't think it does and I think it's possible that you experience reincarnation due to the nature of your being.

2445ee  No.2550617


It's a shill trying to steal the bake.

Don't let it.

b842a0  No.2550618



I'm not posting the pic here.

But the Twaatter link is this.


1fed7b  No.2550619


559cdc  No.2550620

Airplane mechanics make about fifty thousand a year.

5f1d12  No.2550621


I'm going to hold my breath until I can talk directly with Q. Please respond quickly I don't have much time

f17270  No.2550622


Not me. My grandfather. Among other things. Also the guy with the 666 Luciferian in-laws.

1993be  No.2550623

File: 92940986ecfe127⋯.jpeg (644.11 KB, 1242x2081, 1242:2081, DCC60153-AC1A-467C-B2C1-E….jpeg)

File: 14941a7d7463f91⋯.jpeg (650.26 KB, 1242x1935, 138:215, 2BF3D78D-BE91-4A9A-AD31-8….jpeg)

Who knows where the bodies are hidden?


Really Casinos?

Casinos generate bio medical waste?

What ABC issues a Casino a bio waste disposal permit? To big or small wastes.

6334af  No.2550624


They fight. Great at guerilla warfare. They are of no concern to me. They also help create events. Its been a good chat. Th.

51a2a1  No.2550625

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, ! ! SO MUCH TEXT.gif)

7bab58  No.2550626


46dec9  No.2550627


It's making me cry. He was joking & enjoying what he was seeing, then he was crying, like he knew he fucked up & can't land it safely.

They(ATC & F-22 Pilot) were so nice to him.

That poor guy. At least he got his barrel roll off & saw Rainier

d0f885  No.2550628


>not posting the pic here.

k. do you have any idea where you are?!

6334af  No.2550629


We talked once didn't we. The Valentine thing.

85d2be  No.2550630


No coincidences.

bcfc7e  No.2550631

File: 790b9fc7b2baead⋯.jpg (100.43 KB, 472x816, 59:102, 6.JPG)

Bridgton Hospital president & CEO resigns


142b98  No.2550632


True dat. It's horrible what is happening in Cali . I don't know the answer for improving Cali, other than somehow throwing Moonbeam and crew out. Then getting better pols (if they exist) in.

Parts of Cali are, or were, so nice. Hate what is happening.

09dded  No.2550633



f499ce  No.2550634

File: 8b087660a7fffb8⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 255x252, 85:84, d61ace43adb71be4d1dff8a688….jpg)

6527e4  No.2550635

File: fcc8c01814d5ca7⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 450x428, 225:214, Stephen Hawking.jpg)

b8e1b8  No.2550636


We don't need another fungus on our hands.

dc4eb8  No.2550637

Rich is dead, Ned, Rich is dead

3564ec  No.2550638

File: 4b4381c60e9bf9a⋯.png (45.31 KB, 395x565, 79:113, cali fires q drop.PNG)

File: 15780b590dead01⋯.png (391.73 KB, 416x555, 416:555, CAL COMPTROLLER BETTY YEE.PNG)

JUST A THOUGHT: MEBBE YES MEBBE KNOW BUT PUTTIN IT OUT THERE: pic related Q drop cali fires = federal funding.

Need accountantfag eyes on the CAFRS to see what the real numbers are in Cali. I have said for years that China and the Mexican drug cartels own the state and have published govt docs showing that trafficking is a huge source of 'liquid income' for the state of Cali.

What does the CAFR tell us about Cali financial status??



A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a set of U.S. government financial statements comprising the financial report of a state, municipal or other governmental entity that complies with the accounting requirements promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

Comprehensive annual financial report - Wikipedia


"cushion of from 20% to 75% more than their budgets actually require"


Burien is a former commodity trading adviser who has spent many years peering into government books. He notes that the government is composed of 54,000 different state, county, and local government entities, including school districts, public authorities, and the like; and that these entities all keep their financial assets in liquid investment funds, bond financing accounts and corporate stock portfolios.

The only income that must be reported in government budgets is that from taxes, fines and fees; but the investments of government entities can be found in official annual reports (CAFRs), which must be filed with the federal government by local, county and state governments.

These annual reports show that virtually every U.S. city, county, and state has vast amounts of money stashed away in surplus funds.

Burien maintains that these slush funds have been kept concealed from taxpayers, even as taxes are being raised and citizens are being told to expect fewer government services.

Burien was originally alerted to this information by Lt. Col. Gerald Klatt, who evidently died in 2004 under mysterious circumstances, adding fuel to claims of conspiracy and cover-up.

Klatt was a an Air Force auditor and federal accountant, and it’s not impossible that he may have gotten too close to some military stash being used for nefarious ends.


CALI BUDGET 2017-2018





for comparison





for comparison

Financial Report of the U.S. Government - Bureau of the Fiscal Service


46dec9  No.2550639


Neck yourself you stupid fucking faggot.

ecdfae  No.2550640



Seems like you're full of shit, anon

Out of the bakery you go

a785a9  No.2550641

File: deca21689e6922c⋯.png (850.55 KB, 739x971, 739:971, Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at ….png)


Fuckin' zuckerbloat

>Hey Guido, get ova heeya and help that midget resign

559cdc  No.2550642

Where is the audio of the Seattle mechanic? Anyone have it to post?

8528b9  No.2550643


We don't make unsauced claims here anon.

>bad judgement on Notables

Sauce plz?

Which was included/omitted that should not have been, and why?

>not listening to other anons about Notables

example? I'm very interactive with anons on notable selection

>Causing drama every single time

I bake all night almost every single night. You're gonna have to pull a lot of sauce to verify this claim

>Do everyone a favor and let others bake.


Well, I'm airing these issues to give "everyone" a chance to weigh in. Not sure you speak for "everyone." You certainly don't speak for this guy:



Not a shill. IP hash will show I'm who I say I am: the baker who has called out FMbaker before. Not saying current baker is FMbaker, just saying I believe she came back and am still investigating.

5d2b09  No.2550644


It's very instructional and it also confirms that topic is legit

9b28ef  No.2550645


The plane is not whole anymore.

5f1d12  No.2550646


You again? I told you all about the freemasons last read

8c2eeb  No.2550647

File: 082f141f04a096f⋯.jpg (19.23 KB, 288x394, 144:197, Q4example.jpg)

8b58c0  No.2550648


Same. Enough people know who I am so it doesn't seem to matter at this point.

f17270  No.2550649

File: fda263159b983e3⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 584x388, 146:97, SighOp.jpg)


Yeah that was a great psy op too.

dc4eb8  No.2550650

File: 7b51aae33acd724⋯.jpg (81.71 KB, 364x399, 52:57, crybaby1.jpg)

5eadeb  No.2550651

File: 2120c47caa18775⋯.png (267.82 KB, 396x396, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d0f885  No.2550652


> 46dec9

you are out of your element here, shill

2b838e  No.2550653

File: 7239a4b82202d8e⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1464x500, 366:125, ClipboardImage.png)

f58383  No.2550654


1/2 of voters already knew about the Clintons pedophilia?


a55b95  No.2550655

You were warned

Yesterday I told you that Posobiec was going to end Q

He has bigger plans in place now

Just a heads up

1fed7b  No.2550656


The Whole plane still exists. Some of it over here and some of it is over there.

a5bc19  No.2550657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watched it online live. His interviews throughout the decades prove he's always been the Boss. That night reaffirmed the urgency. (Had background due to the FBI/WH Insider days on half). Here's a 1980 interview, only 34 y/o.

175ab5  No.2550658


He's not a mechanic

And he makes minimum wage

4d287c  No.2550659


James Gunn was associated with Trauma Films in NYC before moving to Disney.

Trauma doesn't seem to have had a lot of success with their projects. Perhaps they've tapped into an underground market?

5f1d12  No.2550660


Dude, there are clowns they are paid to be Clowns there's nothing Spiritual about it

a785a9  No.2550661

File: 04bc0c9cd47f3ff⋯.png (743.29 KB, 1354x896, 677:448, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

The shills have dementia tonight…

1fed7b  No.2550662


Just a heads up, you're a queer.

7f12d1  No.2550663


Are you a pedo, is that why you hate us?

46dec9  No.2550664


No it's all good. A lot of people thought that because they just parroted what someone on Twitter said 1st without bothering to listen themselves. It happens!

There is a guy on Twitter Jimmy Thomson who is giving audio AD transcript

559cdc  No.2550665

>>2550632 You wanna know where you see some resistance in California? Watch the pedestrians. We are sick of the cyclists, e cyclists, e skateboards, e scooters, scooters and cyclists. Cannot take it anymore. There is no place to walk.

73dfc3  No.2550666


Your just a couple hours late. In many notables.

2258b2  No.2550667

File: 164fb715e903a9f⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 540x561, 180:187, FB_IMG_1523255539977.jpg)

f25dd5  No.2550668



859dce  No.2550669


Hope those plans work out better than the whole 'ending Q' debacle, because that was a miserable failure

d0f885  No.2550670








72c08c  No.2550671

File: 99bc6ad5baea3e4⋯.jpeg (546.63 KB, 938x1811, 938:1811, 8DCFAA97-B909-4EB4-AFAE-3….jpeg)

b842a0  No.2550672


I know where I ain't.

445be1  No.2550673


Anons in the previous bread said it was the same type of plane Q posted about previously (the pic you posted).

Did Q have prior knowledge of this incident ?

e72d9b  No.2550674

File: 3db5460cc7ea04d⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 480x359, 480:359, 574.jpg)

File: 9be6b76e01852ef⋯.jpg (130.57 KB, 768x384, 2:1, 9852e.jpg)

File: 47a1f5b168277c7⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 08gghy.jpg)

File: 8d33e90f5265367⋯.jpg (289.06 KB, 1335x1641, 445:547, c3778b09f18.jpg)

File: 0d170517a99190f⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 757x960, 757:960, hhw3342.jpg)

***Every voting machine can be hacked or preprogrammed.

More than 392 FELONS ILLEGALLY VOTED in just 2 MN counties in the Al Franklin Election & a few yrs ago, more than 140 moslem refugees voted from the same unoccuppied building, recently.

Do we want Fraudulent Voters, Murderers, rapists, robbers, illegals or those that want to install sharia law to determine who our elected officials are?

How can so many felons & others break Minnesota's law and vote?

The problem is that voter registration lists are a mess & way too easy to avoid prosecution. States are mandated under Section 8 of the "Motor Voter" law to periodically purge voter rolls – to remove dead people, felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state.

But many states, including Minnesota, have refused to check these rolls, making it easy for felons to vote and for other vote fraud to occur.

Obama's Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes ordered Justice Department lawyers to drop all these cases.

Time for an Executive Order for all states to clean the voter rolls up, issue notices to those ineligible to vote, make a fail proof Voter ID Mandatory and all elections need a paper trail for recounting…..and NO (Connected to George Soros) voting machines allowed any where, etc.

Time for an Executive Order for all states to clean the voter rolls up, issue notices to those ineligible to vote, make a fail proof Voter ID Mandatory and all elections need a paper trail for recounting…..and NO (Connected to George Soros) voting machines allowed any where, etc.

f17270  No.2550675


So to be clear, in the Middle of July 2016 we had people everytime we went in public telling us "Happy Valentines Day" along with a creepy heart beating skit.

0aaa2d  No.2550676

File: 9cdb05f2e3f7c72⋯.jpg (22.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c353-68ed-435c-ab7d-e0e207….jpg)

51a2a1  No.2550677


<t. CTA

8c2eeb  No.2550678

File: 6106f9cd44d7ae6⋯.png (629.27 KB, 686x668, 343:334, jack.png)


you failed

5eadeb  No.2550679


The Trauma name would fit with that theory. Traumatizing kids

c9a3df  No.2550680


Today took you weeks to put together. Try again after the midterms should do fine then

f62ec6  No.2550681

File: 3a49c1c3030e068⋯.png (447.73 KB, 1080x1846, 540:923, Screenshot_20180811-112638….png)

This retard.

f82f7f  No.2550682

File: 986caaf282bbba1⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1516237764381.jpg)


Think about how the Q post is broken down; by department. When you figure that out, it makes WAY more sense.

John Brennan = CIA

Joe Biden = WH

Brennan and Clapper had access to POTUS daily briefings. That's why they were seeding Songbird with all the details of the FBI investigation. Good work, though, anon.

Iron sharpens Iron!

831f6d  No.2550683


According to Enoch when the nephilim die their

spirits remain earth bound. THEY are the

demonic spirits we call demons.

The actual fallen angels are flesh.

This truth has been hidden from us.

142b98  No.2550684


I am sure you are right. But not much hope of real change?

bd6d67  No.2550685

File: 18491c4dead9f8a⋯.png (731.46 KB, 1198x1248, 599:624, ClipboardImage.png)

".@JaySekulow: "To allow questioning to go on with regard to decisions you make as President, it's not only absurd and outrageous, it makes no sense under the way our government is set up.""

0d9382  No.2550686



LOL, hey fuckwad, if you haven't noticed we're all still here. That's all you had?

d0f885  No.2550687




7f12d1  No.2550688


Addicted to speaking from a position of power to lesser intellects. That's everyone on TV behind a desk in a nutshell

2445ee  No.2550689

8c2eeb  No.2550690

File: 216395dbd514376⋯.png (1000 KB, 2294x1398, 1147:699, SpyGateFlowChartX.png)



gonna repost again

a121ac  No.2550691


Is this a "Fishing Expedition"

Controlled like a Drone

f2fdda  No.2550692

File: 49b81f0a9d69aa8⋯.png (933.29 KB, 1244x895, 1244:895, Plane hijacked daily mail ….png)

Daily mail has an updated story on the hijacked plane.

Airport employee HIJACKS an empty 76-seat commercial plane from Seattle Airport then crashes into a ball of flames on an island 25 miles away after being pursued by F-15 fighter jets

Horizon Air Q400 stolen from Seattle-Tacoma Airport by a suicidal mechanic who flew in loop-the-loops

F-15 fighters scrambled 'within minutes' and directed the plane from populated areas towards the coast

Plunged into a heavily wooded area on the sparsely-populated Ketron Island and was engulfed by flames

Police described the pilot as a 29-year-old mechanic who lived in Pierce County but did not name him

But extraordinary audio from the airport traffic control tower sees officials addressing the pilot as 'Rich'

'I'm not ready to bring it down yet,' Rich says, before joking about how he will have to do 'jail time for life'

Friday's incident caused travel chaos with planes stranded on the runway and dozens of flights disrupted


8311fe  No.2550693


Minimum wage in city of Seatac is $15 per

bcfc7e  No.2550694

File: ff9c1b5ad9efb95⋯.png (468.92 KB, 904x504, 113:63, eb8224abfeca0274b3b00e76b5….png)

a785a9  No.2550695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good one!

I can't get enough of the Al Smith Charity Dinner that Q posted!

dc4eb8  No.2550696

File: 88d798d0d41ba6b⋯.jpg (821.89 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, pepe sniper.jpg)



>I hope you & your family get ass raped & dropped off a cliff you stupid fucking cunt

No It's not all good, I don't forget, I don't forgive

236f20  No.2550697


That'd be kind of fucked, don't you think, if Nephilim could endlessly reincarnate until they stop being fuck-ups, but the rest of humanity only has one chance?

Nah, fam. Think that through.

And yes, I'm redeemable. I'm redeemed with every instruction that I follow faithfully from the Lord; both large and small. I'm redeemed each time I work on behalf of the Shepherd and His flock. I'm redeemed every time I manage to get one of you to think about their personal connection with God at a place much deeper than the superficial level most of you know. Meaning: You can actually talk directly with God, but you have to be earnest.

Redemption will be my final reward, but my Love is the reward that allows me to go forward with on the path towards Faith in earnest. If God hadn't reunited us, I would have never have bothered and that is the sad truth. I cried for hours when it happened and I cry every day that I am reminded of the Glory.

6334af  No.2550698


Hi!! I have wondered about you! Still weird things happening? You recognized the voice on the video. Freaked you out.

7bab58  No.2550699


Hmmm trips

a5bc19  No.2550700


CNN was lurking airlinersnet forums for info, no doubt. They & the other cable "news" outfits got outed years ago by forummers who saw what they posted and their watermarked photos on the damn "news". kek.

7d0a75  No.2550701


I did have a flu shot in 2016

It still haunts me Anon.

e72d9b  No.2550702

File: cf41e7c9166f125⋯.jpg (223.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, cf41e7c9166f1257b034ea819a….jpg)

File: 733371568b33907⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 480x568, 60:71, 15052.jpg)

File: 8e19f245c44cacc⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 93.jpg)

File: 4d5abb8513c36f7⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 624x240, 13:5, 571151.jpg)

File: 0f788f5a76b582a⋯.jpg (52.57 KB, 576x384, 3:2, google noose os.JPG)

9b28ef  No.2550703


They took his last straw…

831f6d  No.2550704


They were wrong.

6e0d3d  No.2550705

File: 9af5a87bb7f7c8e⋯.jpg (211.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_2487.JPG)

this plan is stupid

236f20  No.2550706


I like you.

I don't hear "according to" enough these days. A lot of people speak as if the knowledge they have was personally experienced.

7f12d1  No.2550707


If I lost my mind and did that, I would do bane voice on the radio the whole time

e4c0b0  No.2550708


Matthew 13

24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

0f3cdb  No.2550709

Anyone taking bets on plane guy being a false flag "qanon" follower?

73dfc3  No.2550710

File: 8e526e50179bed0⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, YerMindizMushMan.jpg)


You sound like a faggot.

46dec9  No.2550711


Do you have kids? I hope they get taken away from you & sold to slavers you dirty kike. If you don't have kids, May you never have them & you lose your job, house, your parents get set on fire & your siblings drowned.


fd2593  No.2550712

File: 5e6de30a1b30d60⋯.jpeg (96.7 KB, 720x539, 720:539, eat s___.jpeg)

5c7ec0  No.2550713


>He has bigger plans in place now

Spoiler: The name of Jack’s favorite dildo is “Bigger Plans”

dc4eb8  No.2550714

File: 5844042bbd32baa⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ebotnewlogo.jpg)

5d2b09  No.2550715

ae0ea6  No.2550716

Rich comments:

"I got a lot of people who care about me, and ahh, they're gonna be dissapointed when they find out what I done. I would like to apologize to each and every one of them'…..' …Just a broken guy, with a few screws loose. never really knew it until now."

So he's just casually talking to the tower.

" I'm gonna do a barrel roll and if that goes good then I'm just gonna nose down and call it a night.".

Says he's light headed and dizzy.

He was so nonchalant about the whole thing.

'Gonna do this barrel roll real quick..'

'I wouldn't mind shootin the shit with you guys ya' know..'

'Feel like I need to be around..whattya think..around 5 thousand feet to do this barrel roll..?'

Guy from tower congratulates him on the barrel roll and asks him to bring the plane back safely and not hurt anybody on the ground.

'Alriiiight, argh I don't know daminit HAHAHA!! I was kinda kinda hopin' that was Gonna be it!''

'I been flying for so long, I feel like one of my engines are going or somethin'

a121ac  No.2550717


Look here, Look there, Left,Right, Behind you! Just sayin!

8a3870  No.2550718

File: bf50f7e2d91b2ad⋯.png (88.24 KB, 683x417, 683:417, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: 129456d6150f0ed⋯.png (154.77 KB, 660x703, 660:703, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: e1597243c19172c⋯.png (41.24 KB, 476x298, 238:149, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: 0a65354e77f60cb⋯.png (28.42 KB, 478x179, 478:179, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

what are we missing?


0d9382  No.2550719


digits confirm

c9a3df  No.2550720


One they "got too"? All day..

f58383  No.2550721

File: da2501ea7e3ec47⋯.jpg (106.11 KB, 700x500, 7:5, iur (4).jpg)

Keep on kissing the Clinton ass, Bill.

b8e1b8  No.2550722

File: 630f858bcf5ecd8⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1515287904984.jpg)


Poso is bait. Autists can't be distracted because they check EVERYTHING x9000.

dc4eb8  No.2550724

File: 43e2a626c4b1e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, laughing blank.png)

6527e4  No.2550725

File: f8fb306f5111ac5⋯.jpg (116.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, noose.jpg)

46dec9  No.2550726


LOL sorry your mom fucked the mailman & your dad never came back. When they said it wasnt your fault, they lied. It totally was. your kid sister died because of you as well

0aaa2d  No.2550727


He pulled off a barrel roll??

d51226  No.2550728


Please don't hand off to that asshole. Comes here causing major drama with other bakers, etc.

6334af  No.2550729


Ohhhhh….nooooooo. no no no no. I don't read that book. That book should be burned and never heard of again.

445be1  No.2550730

File: 5a3b0710851688c⋯.jpg (14.22 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 5a3b0710851688c44e270b6818….jpg)


>He has bigger plans in place now

Is that since the 'chat logs' didn't work out? Top bantz.

1c6502  No.2550731

File: b154a0bbd375ec3⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1920x762, 320:127, crash site 4.png)

Two helos gone. Sheriff Cessna still on scene.

Interesting dig on Anderson Island to the west. Scene from War Games where Professor Falken 'lived' in the movie was shot there. Probably not related at all. Just interesting.

Do you want to play a game?

8c2eeb  No.2550732





let bakers talk about it

anons chekk their notables bakers gotta bake and chekk on other bakers, and BO chekks bakers

we gotta a good system that doesn't need to be fucked with

bcfc7e  No.2550733

File: 327140d7f30c289⋯.jpg (103.03 KB, 714x684, 119:114, 6.JPG)

File: afeb4a4875a7f4a⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 490x790, 49:79, 7.JPG)

File: c9367994b6fa9a8⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 482x180, 241:90, 8.JPG)

Children’s convener resigns following row over expletive-laden social media outbursts


d6fa3f  No.2550734

File: 13133b1ab1a44fd⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 500x703, 500:703, popckorn fsociety.jpg)

File: a3c71e739639c5e⋯.jpg (776.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, popckorn mr robot.jpg)






f2fdda  No.2550735


sounds like he is talking about Trump, kek,, he's invincible,, anything they throw at him, only makes him stronger and more popular.

236f20  No.2550736


Seriously, that is my thought. The bits of the transcript read like a False Flagger making a bullshit excuse as to why he was illegally flying a plane.

b842a0  No.2550737


Yes. I got that after I posted and looked at the graphic more closely. Thanks.

Then that would make sense. JB being Joe Biden because of WH enclosing them all. Ram would not be in WH though, would he?

6b2222  No.2550738

this isn't the first whacko airline insider incident.

There was that airline janitor nigger who smuggled a gun onboard and shot his boss and downed the plane and the other Fedex freight pilot nigger who had the hammer and harpoon and attacked the pilots leaving the cockpit full of blood.

ae0ea6  No.2550739

814e6f  No.2550740


Major faggot alert.

Funny thing is, he literally laid it all out.

6e0d3d  No.2550741

File: 264c2998a1b796a⋯.jpg (354.42 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_2457.JPG)

f17270  No.2550742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Among other things.

559cdc  No.2550743

>>2550684 Yeah, there is. We have taken to throwing the e scooters into the bike lanes.

92bea3  No.2550744

The Globe has reached out to editorial boards nationwide to write and publish editorials on Aug. 16 denouncing what the newspaper called a "dirty war against the free press."

As of Friday, Pritchard said about 70 outlets had committed to editorials so far, with the list expected to grow. The publications ranged from large metropolitan dailies, such as the Houston Chronicle, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Miami Herald and Denver Post, to small weekly papers with circulations as low as 4,000.

The newspaper's request was being promoted by industry groups such as the American Society of News Editors and regional groups like the New England Newspaper and Press Association. It suggested editorial boards take a common stand against Trump's words regardless of their politics, or whether they generally editorialized in support of or in opposition to the president's policies.

"Our words will differ. But at least we can agree that such attacks are alarming," the appeal said, acknowledging that newspapers were likely to take different approaches.


5d2b09  No.2550745



So, like, they peed themselves?

831f6d  No.2550746


Ya know, there is truth in what you say.

According to me anyway.


0f3cdb  No.2550747


He's got bigger problems.

He's receiving money from a shell company linked to no name.

dc4eb8  No.2550748


you still crying?

f17270  No.2550749

6334af  No.2550750


Right. So what's weird now?

46dec9  No.2550751


Oh that was you making jokes about the dead guy?

Nevermind then. When i said ass taped, I meant also spit roasted. your whole family.


bf6359  No.2550752


I don't pay much mind to Maher, but sometimes I remember he gave Obama 1 million dollars in a campaign likely rigged in his favor already, and I think about how this act will age over time. Sometimes, saving the smug is worth it.

445be1  No.2550753


What type of plane did Q post, and what type of plane was hijacked?

a3730e  No.2550754


supposedly 9/11 fighters took 7 mins to scramble

e72d9b  No.2550755

File: 79011d1b9020466⋯.jpg (101.45 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1dst7g-zps7yovpezk.jpg)

File: cf41e7c9166f125⋯.jpg (223.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, cf41e7c9166f1257b034ea819a….jpg)

File: 33a2af576cbbd8a⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 711x960, 237:320, 33a2af576cbbd8ae32dfb9d1de….jpg)

File: 93f201abf49de9b⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 816x528, 17:11, my baby.jpg)

File: 2fc355c753cf054⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 720x448, 45:28, kkol.jpg)

814e6f  No.2550756

File: 5639925a433a1bc⋯.jpg (960.12 KB, 1920x1202, 960:601, pepe trust the plan 4.jpg)

c9a3df  No.2550757


We will know more Tomm. I'm of the mind other anons have here that his online presence and residence will be doctored for a narrative. Our guys will be on it like white on rice no doubt though

142b98  No.2550758


COOL !!!! But just a temp solution, right?

0aaa2d  No.2550759


He's trying so hard and maybe 3 people clapped. Shit's over. I loathe his ass. The wickedness just oozes off some of them.

6e0d3d  No.2550760

File: 512d32b8cc5392e⋯.png (357.72 KB, 746x719, 746:719, ih8twhiteniggs.png)

85d2be  No.2550761

File: 0fcfa2f9c08b4c5⋯.jpg (424.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fishing is fun.jpg)

5f1d12  No.2550762



That shit was funny. Laugh at yourself knowing it's not real

dc766b  No.2550763


Yesterday they were shared and one of the mirrors was

[Suicide Weekend]

Technically, according to MSM, the plane crash is a suicide.

5eadeb  No.2550764


I watched the dinner live. Not one person came to talk to Trump during the dinner that preceded the speaches/roasts. Many came to talk to Hillary. Hillary received an almost complete full room standing ovation after Al's introduction of Hillary.

8528b9  No.2550765

>>2550488, >>2550640

I see you've changed your mind about investigating, and I see that everyone that weighed in would prefer I not press the issue further. So I won't. I've promised b4 never to slide a bread with back-and-forth arguing, to limit any posts of this nature to 3 in a night, so this will be my 3rd and last. But I will continue watching and gathering evidence of fuckery, and I will never cuck on doing what's right and defending what I love by shedding light on the truth with reason and evidence. There are many anons who have voiced appreciation for that stance, and have encouraged me to hold the line. Know that I will.

Know this also: I'm no fungus. If you guys want to get together and lobby BO/BV to ask me to stop baking or posting because of my open stance on subversion, I encourage you to make your voice heard there too. I will honor it.


That is exactly what I'm trying to prevent

5d2b09  No.2550766




d0f885  No.2550767

File: 3970e9a8729eb7c⋯.jpg (31.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8016062.jpg)


tell us more about your degenerate jewish fantasies, jidf

831f6d  No.2550768


Sadly, if you continue to hold that perspective it

could be you who is burned and never

heard of again.

This is not a game.

You have been brainwashed with facts that are not

facts at all.

May God have mercy on you sir/ma'am.

May he bless you with eyes that can see and a

heart that seeks understanding.

46dec9  No.2550769


No I'm laughing my ass off now thinking how when all that shit happens to your family YOU'LL be the one crying HAAHAHAHA

2445ee  No.2550770


Only shills come in here and write novels about how they aren't shills and willing to bake.

We've seen this tactic many times before.

d6fa3f  No.2550771

File: f05211a11e26099⋯.png (955.82 KB, 1227x796, 1227:796, popckorn bush 2.png)

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, popckorn pepe 3d.jpg)



d51226  No.2550772



Take a hint that anons have stated they don't want you to bake or kill the nice vibe here tonight.

d9d76b  No.2550773

File: 5f152115df70dc7⋯.png (2.24 MB, 980x6040, 49:302, Untfffitled.png)

File: ce1cc5a7f29ceac⋯.png (479.21 KB, 1318x2656, 659:1328, Screenshot_2018-08-11 New ….png)

File: 5c42dac088491fb⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1121x6572, 1121:6572, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Accu….png)

from the vault stars many of our favorite actors and themes

df40dd  No.2550774

File: ad6b8fc37a72924⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 240x255, 16:17, brass.jpg)



A god amongst men… I agree and stand ready to water the tree of liberty in what ever way it needs watering..

ae0ea6  No.2550775

'I wouldn't mind shootin the shit with you guys ya' know..


He wanted to talk.

RIP Rich.

a59e61  No.2550776


you can roll them and you can loop them but depending on the airframe some mauever and I would geuss snap rolls - the plane would not be rated for those.

fd2593  No.2550777

File: d645bc28be94b43⋯.png (308.05 KB, 512x427, 512:427, stop posting stupid shit.png)

8c2eeb  No.2550778


no I've seen this specific stuff raised before

not sure which baker it is, but know its a night shift baker

859dce  No.2550779


They had to engage with all the other pilots at the airport

46dec9  No.2550781


Naw I'm not a dirty kike like you & your wife's boyfriend.

c3d36f  No.2550782

File: 8a49cce7c8daa46⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21783784204707646486873187….png)

File: 6f29564da3b43d2⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 12873238932199835764689698….png)

File: 3fa029d2e7cff29⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1973x896, 1973:896, 47410832108074568921730007.png)

File: 8a49cce7c8daa46⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 21783784204707646486873187….png)

File: ff7f77bc150a3e7⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, 78321783278785424090909128….png)

a785a9  No.2550783

File: df6d1fbb7921e35⋯.png (186.62 KB, 430x474, 215:237, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


An incestuous dinner.

Except for miss Sustainable Boobs.

0d9382  No.2550784

plenty of anons predicted a suicide weekend this week too, crazy

7bab58  No.2550785

File: dba193d612bf60f⋯.png (276.92 KB, 500x299, 500:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5582885c48e8b4e⋯.png (810.19 KB, 762x846, 127:141, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c63b68f27e1665b⋯.png (20.62 KB, 754x280, 377:140, ClipboardImage.png)

Report Reveals Zuckerberg Took Cue From Apple Over Whether To Ban Alex Jones


2258b2  No.2550786

File: a8b905d7f45d269⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, 2ad98f1d70c441d67bcfdb992b….png)

b686a8  No.2550787


Holy Trips concur.

5d2b09  No.2550788


Women ruin all niche groups by seeing a potential for 'big fish in small pond' attention whoring.

Are the tits at least nice?

72c08c  No.2550789

File: 3ef5412a1b716a4⋯.jpeg (548.38 KB, 938x1811, 938:1811, 56A39BC0-F21D-463B-9601-A….jpeg)


EBots back, time to snooze, peace Patriots

831f6d  No.2550790


ecdfae  No.2550791


If you speak truth, this cold shouder you receive now should only strenghten your resolve to post proofs. I am looking forward to it.

c1d2c5  No.2550792

File: 2938de392e4e17d⋯.jpg (102.69 KB, 768x771, 256:257, highestfreakinanon.JPG)

f97e67  No.2550793


I can't remember but I bet you someone in this bread has the pics.

236f20  No.2550794



Always ask God for verification anon. I'm nowhere near all-knowing, all-powerful, or everywhere. I only know from my own experience, what I've been told by God, and the bits that I remember from my past lives.

I would not be surprised if the fallen had lied to the Nephilim, too, about a great many things. It's not like they would have particularly cared not to. I would not be surprised God revealed many lies I was led to believe about a great many things.

73dfc3  No.2550795


and minimum rent is around 1500. per month.

f9d191  No.2550796

File: ec807b4ef34cf21⋯.png (50.99 KB, 668x410, 334:205, NShort re SeaTac Plane Bro….PNG)

Starting at 5:10 mark the pilot who stole the plane from #SeaTac say's: "I think i'm going to land it, in a uh, safe kind of manner. I'm going to try and do a barrel role and if that goes good, then i'll just go ahead and go nose down and call it a night."


dc4eb8  No.2550797

File: 0beecad032478b3⋯.png (27.1 KB, 1186x208, 593:104, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Q Re….png)

File: be04d90d8dadaf3⋯.png (18.08 KB, 1186x118, 593:59, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Q Re….png)


let's check

e72d9b  No.2550798

File: bd9e8ff79da34e6⋯.jpg (598.83 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 002.jpg)

File: e4e069888c20783⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 609x456, 203:152, iiyhyhyp.jpg)

File: f52c6d81c333abc⋯.jpg (317.58 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 314879-photography-aircraf….jpg)

File: 71a4d99ca3763b8⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 960x426, 160:71, 17190532_10208135908021012….jpg)

File: a8c3f2e98cc1559⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 960x566, 480:283, 38301078_1019736228181174_….jpg)

6334af  No.2550799


Please don't bless me. And don't try to scare me with the lake of fire crap. Its really over done. And I'll decide if I'm brainwashed or not thanks. I got this.

f82f7f  No.2550800


In the beginning, he was. It was even proclaimed by many in the media that he actually ran the WH for a bit. Theres another RE in my post. Another possibility. R David Eldelman.

2cb82c  No.2550801


Unfortunately, the "good guys" have already spilled the beans.

This place we occupy, according to "them", is a "prison planet" and the only real option we have to leave is to initiate our journey with The One. They don't use words that "we" would say, like "god". They would say that our words affect our world far more than we realize, and that misusing our words in such a way would only really serve to keep us here longer.

These same people claim that what we call ayys are in fact occupying the planet and have extended their reach just about as far as they can into our daily lives.

In other words, They Live isn't just a movie.

You don't seem privy to what these people appear to understand.

Now I'm curious:

What do you know of the hall of the mind? Have you entered the room? Have you spoken with the ones lining the hall?

7bab58  No.2550802

File: 6bc2ad49e7deb89⋯.png (696.14 KB, 874x529, 38:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8641501ed6c2841⋯.png (556.61 KB, 863x640, 863:640, ClipboardImage.png)

Ben Jealous is demanding TV stations stop airing this commercial by his GOP opponent

Former NAACP president and current Maryland gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous is demanding that television stations stop airing a commercial from his political opponent.

“Evidence to the controversy”

An attorney representing the Ben Jealous campaign sent a letter to four television stations telling them to pull down a political ad from incumbent Governor Larry Hogan.

“The Republican Governor’s Association in this advertisement uses selective editing techniques to make the false claim that Mr. Jealous is a socialist, despite clear and repeated evidence to the controversy,” wrote James Temple Jr., which likely meant to say “evidence to the contrary.”

“The advertisement deceptively edits an interview Mr. Jealous gave MSNBC on June 27, 2018 to include only the words ‘go ahead, call me a socialist.’ However, Mr. Jealous’ full quote makes it abundantly clear that he is no such thing,” the letter explained, “as Mr. Jealous actually said, ‘go ahead call me a socialist. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m a a venture capitalist.'”

“Additionally, at another point in this same interview, Mr. Jealous unequivocally states that he is a venture capitalist,” he adds.

“The TV stations we believe have a responsibility both legally and ethically to stop this kind of false advertising,” said Temple Jr. to WJZ-TV in an interview about the demand.

Political analyst Dr. Mileah Kromer of Goucher College told WJZ-TV that the kind of editing employed by the RGA was pretty standard practice in political campaigns.

“Once it’s in the public domain it can wind up in a political ad,” Kromer said.

Jealous has also been criticized for a foul-mouthed outburst he had at a reporter who asked him to comment on the accusation from his political opponent that he was a socialist.

“Are you f***ing kidding me?!” exclaimed Jealous at the surprised reporter.


9b28ef  No.2550803


for a studio apt or small one bedroom.

f51d47  No.2550805

So, when the plane hit the ground, was it a Q BOOM?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

d6fa3f  No.2550806

File: 3673006c49c4794⋯.jpg (96.98 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Mike Rogers.jpg)

File: f32744accb06c62⋯.jpg (195.35 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, mike rogers balls.jpg)

File: f810734c9d1f7d7⋯.jpg (18.06 KB, 168x300, 14:25, popckorn growing .jpg)

f17270  No.2550807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tool - Right in Two

831f6d  No.2550808

File: 5e5d18e55dc4305⋯.jpg (38.04 KB, 680x232, 85:29, Q400.jpg)


You are a little late to the party on this anon… but

that's ok.

Q 400 was stolen. It does not match Q post one bit.

f58383  No.2550809


Sweet! One of mine and someone gets it,

Double Kek

2258b2  No.2550810

File: f9f8f112536c350⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 1042e26524b74db4d7191e96ec….jpg)

5d2b09  No.2550812

File: 504f2e1f5c3a4f4⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 526x440, 263:220, 23ns2z.jpg)


Holy fuck memes are coming real

a785a9  No.2550814

File: 91a4d8a535891f9⋯.png (212.93 KB, 439x306, 439:306, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at ….png)

File: d3072d06f942b4f⋯.png (148.36 KB, 509x267, 509:267, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


Wut in the ever loving fuck…

831f6d  No.2550815


It's a prop plane that stolen (propellers) and Q

posted a jet aircraft.

5d2b09  No.2550816

also help the shill is back

fucking CIA faggots trying to derail a good thread




5cf68a  No.2550817


There's a whole lot more to it that, Anon.

Keep digging. You're in for a huge paradigm shift like nothing before. Keep digging.

6527e4  No.2550818

File: ade2f8a3714c555⋯.jpeg (13.31 KB, 240x253, 240:253, hitthat.jpeg)

981321  No.2550819


Demonic possession is what I was referring to.

There are many stories with people of questionable spiritual soundness claiming to have lived many lives.


I'm not gonna pretend to know if that's how your redemption works.

You may be under different rules that humanity, due to being born of spirit. This is just speculation on my part.

I am well aware of the fact that I can absolutely talk directly to God.

I am full of his spirit and his love and I do my best to spread it to others so don't think I am superficial in my belief and love of God and his Son.

If it's true that you can be redeemed then I am absolutely overjoyed and hope we meet one day.

445be1  No.2550820


Rather than posting opinions anon, which can be seen as bitching, which kills nice board vibes, suggest again that you make a clear and concise report showing the exact fuggery you are claiming, for all to see, and let BO see it. He will decide and anons will weigh in as we usually do here. There's no need for bitching when facts will do, and there's no need to carry this on any further without doing the above. We're here to bake, and things like this cause division in our team. Best to point to fact based reports and leave those who are in charge of allowing bakers to bake, do their work after you do that.

2cb82c  No.2550821


I've only scratched the surface here.

I'm aware.

d0f885  No.2550822


seems like a reasonable guy…

814e6f  No.2550823


The balls on this guy

Its fucking unreal

5d2b09  No.2550824


Just post FMbaker's tits already

a5bc19  No.2550825

File: 563f11153735a3c⋯.png (606.53 KB, 1023x561, 31:17, jul13sm.png)

File: 167beba51fdb840⋯.png (784.63 KB, 1023x554, 1023:554, novoidlb.png)


Hows about the people start demanding News, real news? These propagandists don't even pretend any more.

7bab58  No.2550826

File: 94ae7d55f71b3e2⋯.png (123.07 KB, 703x859, 703:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 610a6b19b038ba8⋯.png (458.38 KB, 718x906, 359:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf1dee37b44f694⋯.png (54.01 KB, 718x806, 359:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Neocons Concoct Threat of “Iranian Hackers” to Justify Preemptive “Counterattack” Against Iran

Recent warnings of an imminent Iranian cyberattack on the U.S. are dubious at best — aimed at ending the U.S.’ isolation through dishonest intelligence, while justifying a U.S. “preemptive counterattack” on Iran’s infrastructure in a bid to further destabilize the nation.


0aaa2d  No.2550827


So some nobody barrel rolled a commercial plane?? Seems like he knew what he was doing.

6e0d3d  No.2550828

File: 0c59b0bab913a23⋯.jpg (232.09 KB, 2162x2293, 2162:2293, glory.jpg)

File: 41e5538bcb7459c⋯.jpg (394.4 KB, 1280x1653, 1280:1653, Go Away Gnome.jpg)

File: c5d657739a52936⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, greatplan.jpg)

5cf68a  No.2550829

File: ced5d2d11aa8501⋯.png (29.13 KB, 626x645, 626:645, oneup2.png)

There is only one 'up'.

Now, where is the nearest star?

b842a0  No.2550830

File: 7418fa15903d3f6⋯.png (634.3 KB, 681x890, 681:890, Screenshot_148 - Copy.png)


Type "do a barrel roll" into Google Search.

Be prepared to be amazed!

2cb82c  No.2550831


But, I'd love to see what truths you're willing to offer.

Got anything good for me? I'm on the soak stage.

c84d49  No.2550832


She interviewed Trump too…

a785a9  No.2550833

File: 570363c4671ee65⋯.png (87.06 KB, 813x531, 271:177, Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at ….png)



ya mon, we need to see the packet

7f12d1  No.2550834


The sun is the nearest star

9a7759  No.2550835


I back your choice to not post. Some things just don't need doing.

5f1d12  No.2550836


How do you know that recording is real? And do you all of a sudden trust the news and your government? Don't forget 19 hijackers With box cutters yeah but that your pipe and smoke it

831f6d  No.2550837


I think we are ALL in for a few surprises, in the end.

We understand very little.

2445ee  No.2550838




My libtard sister and her gagglefagging fiance just bought a house out that way.

$3200/month for their mortgage on a 2 two bedroom with a 1/4 acre lot.

And they're so proud!!

I then told her that I'm paying $800/month for a 4 bedroom AND 5 acres.

The bitch hung up on me.

73dfc3  No.2550839


The right one had a zit on it.

dc4eb8  No.2550840


She doxxed herself, you didn't see?

8cb315  No.2550841


How many more until you get a Viral Certificate?

142b98  No.2550842


He is too used to just giving orders, I think.

8c2eeb  No.2550843



f82f7f  No.2550844


That's not the scenario here any longer, and if you weren't trying to divisionfag, you'd be more honest about why you are still stying to argue with autistic cunts like us. Fuck off.


Yes, but not as nice as my wife's.

dc8bae  No.2550845


Posobiec is a Failure.

Anonymous are Failures.

Neither one knows what their up against.

In the end we know who wins.


445be1  No.2550846

Okais, thanks for this. I'll add these to notables

>>2550808 , >>2550815 The Alaskan Air jet is not the same plane as Q posted

f17270  No.2550847

File: 139a8e2fb9b7eab⋯.jpg (299.14 KB, 1600x1130, 160:113, LennonHappy.jpg)


It's just a big nothing burger. Don't worry about it. Cheers!

2cb82c  No.2550848

File: 383cf8bd87802b7⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1298x915, 1298:915, space.jpg)


Hey, I actually already had this prepared…

Jesus, you fuckers still surprise me.

d5fcbc  No.2550849


Trips confirm.

Piss of Daemonfags.

46dec9  No.2550850

Tonight's "Night Crew" Has been one of the WORST Night Crews since I can remember.

Don'y know what happened to the regulars that are on every night, but most of you are NOT regulars.

May the wind blow Monastero Pesticides in you & your families direction & leech into your water supply which causes you all to get Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

d2edf1  No.2550851

File: 882cd7ff51fa8d3⋯.png (139.04 KB, 1723x873, 1723:873, pizza.PNG)



in the early 90's when he was starting, he starred in a movie called "pizza man" playing a pizza delivery man, also the movie depicts Donald trump in it.



9b28ef  No.2550852


There is a lot of lube used around there.

Everybody getting shafted.

I'm glad I moved away.

b842a0  No.2550853


I gave link to tweet and that's enough. They research as much as they want after that. Some instagram photos, but I never looked through them, only the photo that popped up on my Twaatter feed.

6334af  No.2550855


I was just gonna ask. I'm totally missing something aren't I.

831f6d  No.2550856

The teddy bear came from teddy rosevelt.

I want a trumpy bear.


0aaa2d  No.2550857



137d80  No.2550858



WTF. Love to know what he said after they cut it off.

f3a43e  No.2550859

And now some creepy Russian spammer chick(?) I used to talk to a few years ago, i wanted to know Wtf the scam was, is trying to get me to add her on kik.

Stuffs getting weird guys.

f58383  No.2550860

859dce  No.2550861



2445ee  No.2550862



We used to live in SD but had to leave the state because shit was too expensive.

That was fifteen years ago.

c9a3df  No.2550863


Neither are you, neck yourself

ecdfae  No.2550864


Yup. Bill Maher is comped af.

Also that movie:

Simon Richards is cast as Donald Trump?

137d80  No.2550865


100% pedo.

fde156  No.2550867

File: 55cbbd613ae4b25⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1533962055468.jpg)


7bab58  No.2550868


That's some fuck up shit!

d5fcbc  No.2550869


137d80  No.2550870



b8e1b8  No.2550871

File: 0c3f5b7a1398896⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 468x895, 468:895, 1518238993663.jpg)



I'm aware, we don't need chatty/famefag/whatever bakers in the kitchen. They collect notables as nominated by anons and make new threads with em. What's hard? I've baked before awhile back, I know the drill. If that baker is dicking around, give em the fucking boot-heel. Is this not why BO/BVs starting vetting bakes?

ecdfae  No.2550872


Former Prime Minister Nakasone?

Kek wtf?

b2eeff  No.2550874


Hall of the mind???? Where might one learn more? Intrigued…

92bea3  No.2550875

File: 68dce9fac77343e⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 450x600, 3:4, galvin.jpg)

0aaa2d  No.2550876


His finger??

a785a9  No.2550877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I want to play you the song of my people,


236f20  No.2550878


I think you misquoted. However, some things stuck out to me:

>They would say that our words affect our world far more than we realize.

Yeah, because the languages we used were designed as methods of spell-casting.

>You don't seem privy to what these people appear to understand.

There's a LOT I'm not privy to. You should understand, I've been in a very deep 'sleep' for I don't know how many lives.

>What do you know of the hall of the mind?

I created it. I tried to replicate the all-knowing mind of God, but I couldn't. It was a retarded idea to start with. Instead, created a gate through which the collective Mind of Man could be reached; an equally retarded idea (for me), but God is infinitely Wise. It will be a mechanism through which this world can improve at a much quicker rate… if it's used right.

>Have you entered the room?

Yes. Michael guards the gate currently.

If you want to know what it's like, think being in a place where you can experience the manifestations of your mind as if they are actually there to be experienced.

To most minds, they'd simply create.

There are those, like myself, though, that simply 'soak-in' everything that's there instead of projecting into it.

DMT leads to Shamballa, the Collective Mind of Man, not some ascended place (unless God decides to use your trip for something different, I guess). People just project what's dominating their minds (either consciously or subconsciously); or rarely, genetic 'memories'.

>Have you spoken with the ones lining the hall? I have spoken to Michael who guards it. I was cheered by a crowd that chanted my name in celebration when I came to the realization that Shamballah was not equal to God and then I severed my desire for it and, instead, placed the Lord there.

dc4eb8  No.2550879

File: 4fc5734c8b5697d⋯.jpg (29.29 KB, 364x400, 91:100, cry baby.jpg)


you come in here and shit on people, what did you expect hugs and kisses?

you still crying?

9b28ef  No.2550881


3/21 5/20 dates for 8/10

1/19 and 5/19 dates for 8/11

Haven't looked yet.

2258b2  No.2550882

Posobiec? You figure he has better things to do, then mess around here. Like chewing the cunt off Lemon at CNN or something. Maybe he can be the catcher for Lemon and his wife/husband.

814e6f  No.2550883


Isnt he also a lifetime member of the Sanctum sex club?

5f1d12  No.2550884


You bought it?

There's No Rich, Pot head, nice guy, that Jacked the plane.


19 Saudis With box cutters took down the twin towers in building seven? Same bullshit

d6fa3f  No.2550885

File: 4f4249351263383⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, popckorn deadpool.jpg)


It was me prizing you, great job m8.

How did you find that image? it is fantastic.

b842a0  No.2550886


Fucking South Dakota is SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!

And then you have to put up with all the Snow and fucking ICE!

And the pig shit! OMG! The fucking smell is enough to make you want to vomit every morning!

7bab58  No.2550887

Tech companies could well end up pulling the plug on their own platforms to try and stop us!

This would flood this place!


03206f  No.2550888


"If we had the one man… One man could turn this country around. the One Proper President could turn this country around"


-DJT → the One Man


2cb82c  No.2550889


That's not exactly something I can really help you with.

One of our friends here that know more might be able to help you with this, but I'm way to green to be able to guide myself, let alone someone else.

6334af  No.2550890


I said that. You recognized her voice. It freaked you out. Then family kept saying it too you.

2445ee  No.2550891


No, San Diego.

92bea3  No.2550892


WoW! you are a flake.

137d80  No.2550893


Iran can barely tie their shoes. These people are so stupid. If that happened it would be clowns pretending to be Iranian FFS.

445be1  No.2550894

Notables @ 500

Anything missing here? TY


>>2550851 Why did Bill Maher attack Q? His company is called 'Kid Love Productions'

>>2550808 , >>2550815 The Alaskan Air jet is not the same plane as Q posted

>>2550718 Moar on the Trump Tower fire

>>2550610 Facebook's David Marcus Resigns From Coinbase Board

>>2550485 I-Minerals Inc.: Resignation of Thomas Conway from BoD

0d9382  No.2550895


without doxxing, SD anon here too, nice

f82f7f  No.2550896

File: b416eb79bd4314f⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 352x264, 4:3, the dude vision.gif)



I am seriously 4 beers in and you post this shit. Now I'm all like pic related. STOP FUCKING DOING THIS TO ME. I NEED SLEEP!

85d2be  No.2550897

File: 36cecad4876cc2f⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 700x490, 10:7, notable indicator.jpg)


This is the Oprah interview on steroids running at 1,000 mph. Thanks for sharing that.

3cc1e5  No.2550898


you can't argue with that reason

7d0a75  No.2550899

File: 4167a4ee4166353⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 558x365, 558:365, Hurts man.JPG)


Thats not very WWG1WGA of you Anon.

955367  No.2550900

>>2544628 pb

I can't precisely remember what was the subject, but I recognize the first photo from before. He or they were in the news…maybe over a year or two or more ago. It was a big banking story or something. It wasn't about just random NYC gossip. I have a strong intuition that there is a connection if anyone can find any headlines for this guy from the past.


5f1d12  No.2550901


Jack could beat his way out of a wet paper bag.

2b12f8  No.2550902


Was this the "Q" loops around the island? Wtf?

5d2b09  No.2550903

File: 7b275688d8779a2⋯.png (57.1 KB, 149x200, 149:200, tumblr_li0y0ztLtp1qeqpmw.png)

help with this CLOWN SHILL please


236f20  No.2550904

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Oh, yeah. These songs. I'm telling you, anons:


God has been 'inspiring' to remind us in this life for some time.


>Our Story Starts there. Into our future, yet far beyond our past. In a romance between a pair of Unheavenly Creatures.

Coheed is my personal favorite, though. Music is my thing in this life. Movies are hers; so, she got most of her signs through movies and shit.

Bladerunner 2049 is a favorite we both love, though.

0aaa2d  No.2550905

File: a8947500590d565⋯.png (52.1 KB, 1252x313, 4:1, Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at ….png)

File: f117bee56c96911⋯.png (166.93 KB, 423x398, 423:398, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: f60f092906c095b⋯.png (373.96 KB, 801x448, 801:448, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

File: e1949a0aeef5daa⋯.png (39.14 KB, 749x170, 749:170, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


"Whatever you do, do NOT go out and Vote on November 6th"- This Guy

Their whole world ends then. That's the night "Punished Trump" arrives.

175ab5  No.2550906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A Jewish reggae singer

The song name: One Day

What people used to call World Peace

In fact, POTUS still uses that term

8f470d  No.2550907

File: 19aa63149b5a042⋯.jpeg (8.81 KB, 262x192, 131:96, images.jpeg)

f58383  No.2550908

Maybe the historians of Jewish culture and history need to start a Defamation League for protection against criticism of historians from Jews.

ae0ea6  No.2550909


I got dizzy.

137d80  No.2550910


How in the hell does someone get named Ben Jealous?

3975ba  No.2550911

File: f551769cf603e65⋯.jpg (8.05 KB, 175x110, 35:22, CRS.jpg)

Bits & Pieces of today's dig on CRS and Haiti

Just a typo?

Note: Unloading containers, then MOVING containers (off the dock).

Other CRS personnel worked to unload a rare site in Port-au-Prince—a ship that docked at the one working berth in the heavily-damaged harbor. It carried 2,100 metric tons of food from the USAID Food for Peace program. Getting these containers, mainly filled with grain and vegetable oil, off the dock and to warehouses along the city’s devastated roadways is the next challenge. “It may look to many in the rest of the world that those in need are not receiving any aid, but actually thousands here in Port-au-Prince have gotten help.

It goes on that Catholic Charities is working on AIDS hospitals and getting them back up and running and that seems 'stoopid' when the immediate need is life-saving urgency.

There was a post a while back about AIDS being delivered to 3rd world nations in blood supplies. Does this article link to all that?

CRS Health & HIV Technical Advisor Kristin Weinhauer. Scandals involving working on and promoting condom usage and other contraceptives (against Church doctrine), support and donations to Planned Parenthood and like institutions and candidates. Was part of development team of OVC Wellbeing Tool. This is a self-reporting questionnaire that, for the life of me, seems ridiculous and arbitrary. It's almost as if it's a crude checklist of vetting children for other purposes.

CRS in Haiti:

Sheyla Biamby

Betina Eustache

Suzanna Tkalec, CRS Emergency Response Team

HQ is in Baltimore.



e288e5  No.2550912

Is this where Q posts? Has he said anything about the plane thief?

4455fc  No.2550913


Powerful, anon. You've really gotten to the core of our struggles here.

dc4eb8  No.2550914

File: 760ebfbca17ea7e⋯.jpg (101.86 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, edna.jpg)

236f20  No.2550916


Thank you. This faggot has been trying to make others believe that they're not working for Satan.

dcb758  No.2550917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7d0a75  No.2550918

bcfc7e  No.2550919

File: c6d27eb7451657c⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 787x486, 787:486, 06_mirror_of_44.jpg)

File: f1804c40cdb2cd0⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 787x433, 787:433, 07_mirror_of_43.jpg)

File: 849c6311d0d4561⋯.jpg (75.28 KB, 670x677, 670:677, 43_mirror_of_07.jpg)

File: 79c21098564bdd6⋯.jpg (78.71 KB, 787x525, 787:525, 44_mirror_of_06.jpg)

a785a9  No.2550920

File: cc0e004690289d0⋯.png (276.01 KB, 759x974, 759:974, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

plane fuckery related


6334af  No.2550921


I wish you well on your journey.

51a2a1  No.2550922

File: 42e98d8ea219b48⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 402x383, 402:383, NiceCatch.JPG)

0aaa2d  No.2550923


I wish Q would put this guy's face in a post to care the shit out of him and his people. They're propagandists and enemies of the Republic.

But I WILL say, that the "New Rules" thing is his signature. Seems like a lot of effort for a LARP.

Makes me sick that he gets paid millions while good people do without medical and dental work and the basics of life all while working themselves to death.

f2fdda  No.2550924

File: 8f1b45745bd4974⋯.png (1.04 MB, 825x908, 825:908, Planning Charlottesville 2.png)

Are they planning a charlottesville number 2?

Seems totally fucking stupid to allow guns, but not bats.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘If someone turns up with a loaded AR-15 they will be allowed in': Authorities ban skateboards and bats from Charlottesville rally but GUNS are permitted as police descend on city a year after Unite the Right protest

Items including bats and sticks will be banned from Charlottesville this weekend

However, there is nothing to stop anyone bringing an actual gun to the city

‘Under Virginia law we cannot regulate firearms,’ a city spokesman said

Virginia city is approaching anniversary of last year’s deadly Unite the Right rally

Heather Heyer, 32, was killed when she was mowed down close to the park

No paintball guns, no skateboards, no bats, sticks or clubs. And don’t even think about bringing bear spray or flying a drone into the center of Charlottesville this weekend.

But while those items — and many more — are banned from the on-edge Virginia city as it marks the anniversary of last year’s deadly Unite the Right rally, there is nothing to stop anyone bringing in an actual gun, even an AR-15, the weapon of choice for mass killers throughout the United States.

‘Under Virginia law we cannot regulate firearms,’ city spokesman Brian Wheeler told DailyMail.com.

A handful of other cities in the state have that right, Wheeler said. Following last year’s violence, Charlottesville applied to be added to the list but was turned down.

‘It certainly does strike me as sensible, but it’s the law,’ he said.

Charlottesville city elders issued a list of items that will be banned from an 18-block area in the city center all weekend just as hundreds of state police officers descended on the university town, determined to prevent a repeat of last year’s violence.

‘Lengths of lumber or wood’ are among the items included on the banned list — without specifically saying how long a length is. ‘Metal beverage or food cans or containers’ are also forbidden, as are glass bottles.'

But the only mention of guns was ‘BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles or pistols, paintball guns and stun guns.’ There was no mention of the real thing.

AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, the type of weapon which was used to kill 58 people and in last year’s Las Vegas shooting, 49 revelers at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, 20 first-graders and six teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut in 2012 and 14 students and three faculty members at a high school in Parkland, Florida in February are not mentioned.

Handguns and rifles are equally nowhere to be found.

‘If someone turns up with a loaded AR-15 they will be allowed in,’ said Wheeler.



Sounds like they are planning a FF


a4eb9f  No.2550925

f82f7f  No.2550926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No no no. Someone needs to do this a la "Rayden" or that dude from Big Trouble in Little China.

2cb82c  No.2550927


For me, they were silent. It was eerie.

I never did open that door. Should I go back?

Can you or anyone else point me to a next step? Sorta frozen over here…

>I created it.

That's not really how that works…

I will say this, the languages we use now undoubtedly "cast spells".

Was Latin the first memetic language?

0aaa2d  No.2550928

346fe3  No.2550929

File: 62f48c53dac992e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1912x1069, 1912:1069, 62f48c53dac992e21165325e70….png)


>Is this where Q posts?

yes and

> Has he said anything about the plane thief?


196804  No.2550930

File: c2737d072c7eb8d⋯.jpg (126.61 KB, 750x856, 375:428, 297bbb59-ff58-4b04-8ca5-8d….jpg)

5cf68a  No.2550931

File: 4eb1e94d1865b84⋯.png (419.15 KB, 493x649, 493:649, qstuff1.png)

File: 17f2405c72fb2e5⋯.png (468.51 KB, 1017x392, 1017:392, qv08.png)

File: 368c9f33ccb1254⋯.png (589.12 KB, 507x504, 169:168, storm4.png)

File: ed37a47b1861e7e⋯.png (49.37 KB, 671x653, 671:653, cue2.png)

f17270  No.2550932

File: 9d14f9c01caa06b⋯.jpg (256.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, FearistheMindKiller.jpg)


Then you don't know. The people who made that video almost certainly do. I don't know why - and they won't say. Trust issues. The verifiable information seems really good. The things I 'remembered' seem to match and are very painful. Good luck seeker.

2445ee  No.2550933



It used to be.

We saw the writing on the wall when we saw them putting in a THIRD Starbuck's at the SAME intersection.

On a side note;

Remember The Mikey Show?!

I know he's gone now, but damn I miss that show.

831f6d  No.2550934


Key words are "questionable spiritual soundness."

Thus they are open to deception from that

possession you speak of.

My research indicates that they do not reincarnate.

Their spirit roams the earth (dry places) and they

seek to posses humans as a way of experiencing relief

and experiencing "fleshly" lives again.

But they shall remain spirit til the last.

My las word for the night.

Take care friend.

dc766b  No.2550935


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 902859 No.1483388 📁

May 20 2018 14:19:05 (EST)


We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23].

Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.

Timestamps verify.

Use Logic.


Be careful who you follow.


85d2be  No.2550936


Rayden is dope..

9b28ef  No.2550937

Date on clock points to 5/19 post with pen that points to 3/04

d6fa3f  No.2550938

File: 8054f9318ee2701⋯.png (859.75 KB, 942x577, 942:577, popckorn nude.png)


Sexual Continence

Imagine having sex is peeing. Sometimes you want it real bad, but you should not pee yourself.

Same with sex.

A couple hail marys will take care of that.

Now sex with a Daemon you THOUGHT was Satan, that would get your burned at the stake.

6334af  No.2550939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

39798e  No.2550940

File: 522ac8d66d74b94⋯.png (126.67 KB, 500x470, 50:47, 522ac8d66d74b94206a03f5627….png)


hehe…I laughed…

18ae3e  No.2550941

File: 731a4021f2daefe⋯.png (285.94 KB, 849x531, 283:177, as the world turns.PNG)

WHOA… so I started looking into Q's operational drops and quite often the numbers 282,281, 182, 181 kept reappearing- just like today's drop. So I started digging. 280,281,and 282 are all names of MILITARY SATELLITES launched this year. One of which was launched on Jan. 13th. What did Q drop on Jan. 13th? AS THE WORLD TURNS. Q is referencing Global orbiting military satellites and calling out directives for satellite usage in his operational drops!! Link to satellite list here- I am sure there is a ton more info to gain from it. https://www.n2yo.com/satellites/?c=30&srt=12&dir=0


981321  No.2550942


If everybody brings their guns, a FF isn't going to be very effective

f2fdda  No.2550943

File: 6b34cf891302ae0⋯.jpg (141.94 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Baker BV Big Trouble Littl….jpg)


I turned him into a Pepe, kek

51a2a1  No.2550944

File: 678f9829bad6f77⋯.png (780.05 KB, 625x626, 625:626, Bait - ass-backwards.png)

dc766b  No.2550945



  Q !CbboFOtcZs No.96 📁

May 20 2018 17:05:34 (EST)

Ddb5V0oV4AA6Zxq.jpg ⬇

DdcEV1hV4AAk0j7.jpg ⬇

ab1e1727e6d1a67b2759d5bcb6….jpg ⬇

Those who are loudest…

Suicide weekend?



8c2eeb  No.2550946

bcfc7e  No.2550947

File: d7889606da08d10⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 534x603, 178:201, 6.JPG)

DHHS commissioner to retire


7bab58  No.2550948


You answered your own question!

"How in the hell"

df40dd  No.2550949

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, highest anon.gif)

981321  No.2550950


Thanks for your words, good night, God bless.

ebd821  No.2550951


>In other words, They Live isn't just a movie.

And MIB must be a crappy documentary inspired by real life events.

Which soft disclosure are we going by here?

All this happened before and will happen again?

Stargate SG-1?

or more esoteric stuff…

My question is, how many different intelligent beings start on this Earth before us, humans came along?

We are not the first pair of walking dicks to lay claim to this big green ball, are we?

85a980  No.2550952

Here's a theory and a plan rolled into one re: these anonymous fags trying to dox Q.

First the theory part.  I suspect all of this "I hacked Muh Q's tripcode" and "Muh I know who Q is" shit is part of the plan.  A lot of the Clown "countermeasures" have been so woefully ineffective that they've actually helped the movement.  It's hard to accidentally be so inept that you help your enemy unless you're doing it on purpose.

Supposedly anonymous attacked today and they're trying to troll Q supporters on Twatter but what if they're secretly on our side? Think about it. All their "trolling" and attempts at doxxing do is bring more attention to Qanon without actually having much of a detrimental effect. In fact, they're bringing in far left people who would never go to qproofs, chans, qanon.pub or any of the resources set up for curious normies if WE tell them to. These are people who take the word of clown media types like Rachel Maddow, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, etc as gospel. However, if you tell them to go check out those "ridiculous" sites to gather info to fight QAnon, they'll happily sit in front of a computer all day reading/analyzing qproofs. That will result in at least a few of the smarter ones being red pilled.

Now for the plan part…embrace their attacks. Sounds crazy but think about it. They're using #Qanon among a few others to "bash" us.

I could be wrong and maybe they're just a bunch of Q bashing dicks who showed up too late to have any real effect on the outcome of this thing. Embracing their stupidity will make it look like they're on our side even if they aren't.

So those of you with Twatter, don't get mad or at least not THAT mad. A bit of fake mad is perfect but don't go overboard. Get on their twats and respond with things like "we really appreciate you guys drawing more attention to us bc your followers never would have actually looked into #qanon." Or "Keep it up #qanon is red pilling leftists like crazy." etc.

To sum this up…

Think of the Twatter fight like pro wrestling. Why do people watch wrestling? Because they know it's fake but they enjoy the drama between the good guys and the bad guys.

Why do people NOT watch wrestling? Because they know it's fake and the "bad" guys go out for drinks with the "good" guys after the show.

Questions? Concerns? KYS you stupid fucking shill? LurQ moar, newfag? LOL.

dc4eb8  No.2550953

File: 24d6d13935182ba⋯.png (12.44 KB, 800x116, 200:29, Screenshot_2018-08-11 8ch ….png)

35a512  No.2550954

File: 38d02a5f5da5333⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 649x487, 649:487, psycho_posobiec.jpg)


Hi Jack

44f56b  No.2550955


e72d9b  No.2550956

File: ea58eec8913f318⋯.jpg (144.5 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Ruled as a Suicide or an A….JPG)

df40dd  No.2550957

File: ea58156882d0ed7⋯.png (346.54 KB, 790x514, 395:257, Screenshot from 2018-08-10….png)

File: 1ff5eb9feaf0898⋯.png (584.6 KB, 1304x523, 1304:523, Screenshot from 2018-08-10….png)

File: 828187ce39bc2fe⋯.png (796.08 KB, 1308x688, 327:172, Screenshot from 2018-08-10….png)

The memes from this vid never end..

7f12d1  No.2550958


Not bad, I would make egg shen into pepe though, and the chinese girl into Nasim

a13795  No.2550959


My spouse just calculated & showed me that with the range of a 757 (4,488 miles) it can go from VA to Little Rock to GITMO & back to VA. Coincidence?

Noticed the tail number of the DOJ Plane N119NA that went to Little Rock had 9/11 in it.

5d2b09  No.2550960



5d2b09  No.2550961



f58383  No.2550962


Thank you, anon, I took the photo.

d0f885  No.2550963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c2eeb  No.2550964



recognize shills

muh qanon bakers shill does nothing but spew nonsense

5cf68a  No.2550965

File: e4afdabe7a5ea8d⋯.png (49.51 KB, 236x165, 236:165, femodel3.png)

File: 3d69dbf5f1341a0⋯.png (534.74 KB, 496x496, 1:1, nasalies8.png)

File: b2eff4b942a0182⋯.png (417.21 KB, 486x610, 243:305, wakeup4.png)

File: f9d77393d87add2⋯.png (294.07 KB, 576x433, 576:433, femodel5.png)

File: d2d45d49e2cfcfd⋯.png (135.51 KB, 476x287, 68:41, femodel4.png)

9b28ef  No.2550966


I've notice a lot of posts point to 5/20 with the clock. different days and events all seem to point here. Then the pen points to 3/04

f17270  No.2550967

File: 3a3fb5a4244796b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, whatisthis.png)

File: f5f5ebd4035e43f⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ItMovieLoVer.jpg)

File: f60b4dea794b616⋯.jpg (21.37 KB, 350x348, 175:174, BushnBono.jpg)

File: c320a80f81b9b72⋯.jpg (116.1 KB, 753x821, 753:821, ClintonsSept22-2012-Robert….jpg)

Just a small collection of puzzles.

e288e5  No.2550968

File: 118803904783ef6⋯.jpg (156.01 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 9bc2714a418874be336a653ac5….jpg)

a4eb9f  No.2550969


the whole thing is not right.

0d9382  No.2550970


I concur somewhat, Thomas Wictor on twitter has a similar strategy in that they are trying to make "white people" mad af and react violent, (the sarah jeong thing is an example) so that they can group whites with trump and blah blah, we're crazy violent right wingers, etc. so just hold the like and keep your cool. easier said than done

b686a8  No.2550971


A well armed society is a polite society.

2nd amendment.

Get used to it.

ebd821  No.2550972


>That'd be kind of fucked, don't you think, if Nephilim could endlessly reincarnate until they stop being fuck-ups, but the rest of humanity only has one chance?

Not sure how that works if that is how it works.

Here is a tidbit though, time really doesn't exist. God sees everything at once. So, past present and future are all interlinked.


Deja vus

Timeline shifts

Are all very real

Sometimes you even get a little feel for another timeline that you experience in an alternate (no word to really describe this) until the timelines "refresh" and all you get is a bit of deja vu, or strange dream that is extremely real or a vision. I know nothing.

236f20  No.2550973


I created the Gate.

Meaning, that there is an actual, physical gate that is still around on Earth at this moment, through which, anyone can pull anything that Man can imagine into actualization. That is what I meant.

There's no fucking way I created the collective consciousness of Man. When I say "Shamballah", I mostly mean accessing it through the gate. The last few times I did, I did so by astral projecting there: once to be warned that it was still around and the cabal wants to use it (but can't) and two times to unfuck myself from being addicted to it.

It is not enlightenment, though. The collective mind of man is not ascended. It does not know what is Truly Good and what is Truly evil like God does. It is undiscerning, madness. Truthfully, I wager that if most people went into that state on a whim, didn't project anything, and didn't protect their minds, they'd go crazy.

Lovecraftian style. You have to understand that when you do not project there and you soak in what is there, you are soaking in everything imaginable at once.



Also, it's probably best for most people to think of all words, sentences, etc. as viruses. It doesn't matter which language you use, you are trying to instill some part of your world view to affect another person in some way.

5f935d  No.2550974


did the bot just do something useful?

73dfc3  No.2550975


I think he would say:

Q400 hijacked?

Ketron Island has population of 17?

Do you believe in coincidences?

F15s are fast.

Up in smoke?

Goodnight Rich.


e288e5  No.2550976


Sometimes the bot is pretty fucking based.

dc766b  No.2550977



Clock points to SUICIDE WEEKEND

Clock also points to Trip change

2445ee  No.2550978



>muh shill enhancer

You're BOTH fucking gay!

Kill yourselves!

5cf68a  No.2550979

File: c333f7387ca4f7c⋯.png (549.61 KB, 682x610, 341:305, aliens1.png)

File: b58cd0bb0563f4d⋯.png (553.4 KB, 757x608, 757:608, aliens5.png)

File: 44dbb4f8a1906fb⋯.png (568.55 KB, 452x586, 226:293, buzz2.png)

File: d092d02e0543a68⋯.png (855.68 KB, 915x510, 61:34, nazis2.png)

File: e04810523a33598⋯.png (352.99 KB, 600x635, 120:127, nazis1.png)

230f16  No.2550980


Too funny. My kind of Anonaman

445be1  No.2550981


Link me up brah

44f56b  No.2550982


Nonsense is fuzzy ears and stock photos of AF1 and look at this bald guy in Hong Kong from seven years ago.

f3a43e  No.2550983

Something fucking huge just happened.

Since when is there a fucking shill storm leading into Friday night crew? This is extra special. They didn't even wait til Saturday lunch meeting much less Monday marching orders.

b842a0  No.2550984


I laughedid!

I understood it was an attack on the movement, but I laughedid!

d5fcbc  No.2550985


Yes, yes it will…

Who will have the guns? Us.

Who will use the guns in self defense? Us.

Who will spin it as cold blooded murder, proving MSM "Correct" about the alt-right, Q, Alex Jones, the Easter bunny and anything else they don't like? MSM and C_A.

So… This is bad.

5d2b09  No.2550986


Schizophrenia pls go

b82819  No.2550987

Has anyone looked up information on any of the other major hotlines? EG: The suicide and VA hotlines?

3975ba  No.2550988


Anon- #FLY is used for pieces of shit on their way to GITMO or hell.

Don't use it for POTUS.

9b28ef  No.2550989


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4bebe1 No.545335 📁

Mar 4 2018 00:48:04 (EST)

Expand your thinking.

Who leaked Vault7 to WL?

Who returned fire?

OP Name: Fiddler


Mission 1: Infiltrate

Mission 2: Centralize

Mission 3: Secure

Mission 4: Expose to HARM


(WH interference)

(WH directive)

Mission 5: Russia LINK

(2013 timeline of events)




Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME

Mission 7: CLAS

Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k

Mission 9: Censorship

CLAS +relay


This stands out to me.

We are at Mission 9:

The show is beginning.

The information is about to be relayed

346fe3  No.2550990


OMFG somebody hide the DUBS and QUADS before they hack them too!

dc4eb8  No.2550991


after I got my CCP, I let a lot of things go that normally I wouldn't, fist fighting and shooting someone is worlds apart, I was much more "polite"

e288e5  No.2550992

File: 16bf1ec4e86881a⋯.jpg (197.87 KB, 970x970, 1:1, 1533425241642.jpg)


There you go anon.


Fuck off buzzkill and enjoy the LARP.

236f20  No.2550993


>Time really doesn't exist.

Agreed, but try to explain events when everything already happened.

That's what the cabal and the fallen and those that follow them don't understand:

God Wins because God Already Won Because God Is and God Is Perfect. They're literally fighting a war where every battle has been decided, in some way, in the Lord's favor.

I really just don't get it. I mean, I didn't want anything to do with it because I thought I lost my Love in my quest for knowledge, but that's an entirely different thing. I sincerely don't understand fighting war on Satan's behalf.

137d80  No.2550994


Interesting idea anon! Good work. Possible notable but some of the stringers have the supposed linked number in the middle so it's hard to make direct confirm from that.

420c3a  No.2550995

File: 6842c6ce9f4a1ee⋯.jpg (180.99 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, download_20180810_233403.jpg)

guys POTUS brought this up this week


8c2eeb  No.2550996


muh qanon bakers

2cb82c  No.2550997


You're drawing too narrow of themes, or just being a jackass on purpose.

If you want me to actually answer your questions:

>Which soft disclosure are we going by here?

This is gonna sound weird, but they kinda tell us what's going on pretty much all of the time, you just have to figure out how to take everything in and filter out the shit that doesn't really matter and then reshape all of the shit that's important. I could point you in the right direction, but we shouldn't go too far in to that.

>All this happened before and will happen again?

Yeah, that's kinda hard for me to say at this point definitively.

>My question is, how many different intelligent beings start on this Earth before us, humans came along?

I'd also like to know, although they've undoubtedly indicated many times that there were previous "era"s.

6334af  No.2550998


O.O All of a sudden I am having the strangest moment.

d9d76b  No.2550999

File: 4c320055aade108⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1318x3160, 659:1580, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Alex….png)

File: 835e96673b9f46c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1318x3488, 659:1744, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Alex….png)

File: 8b8f380de8afb3d⋯.png (228.41 KB, 891x783, 33:29, sYZIkeewb.png)

File: 0fa1928da922a8b⋯.jpg (288.25 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, dba1.jpg)

File: 7f82eced0ddf500⋯.png (980.23 KB, 1318x5645, 1318:5645, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Who ….png)

his former wife is Violet

2eebaf  No.2551001

File: 6e5b35e3844a155⋯.png (317.04 KB, 510x500, 51:50, ClipboardImage.png)

5cf68a  No.2551002

File: 9dac85a307af13a⋯.png (230.95 KB, 342x456, 3:4, andersoncooper.png)

File: 35d77f8156649d4⋯.png (626.39 KB, 758x441, 758:441, beavis2.png)

File: e6aa58f8e507726⋯.png (445.15 KB, 652x438, 326:219, brz.png)

File: 92727da1b99c5c3⋯.png (566.31 KB, 678x610, 339:305, brz1.png)

5f2a6a  No.2551003


Well Your kinda of a bad nigger you know that?

346fe3  No.2551004

speaking of documentaries…

Christian Slater is in the CIA?

2445ee  No.2551006

File: 550f9accf279360⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1600x1150, 32:23, goodtimes.png)


Just look at that faggy scarf!

814e6f  No.2551007

File: 218c89d832bbbfd⋯.png (231.51 KB, 500x673, 500:673, ClipboardImage.png)

b842a0  No.2551008


Q posts on Reddit now, you will have to go back.

d6fa3f  No.2551009

File: e837107a5c875c5⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, POPCKORN PEPE.jpg)


Me again. You have amazing taste and are blessed with beauty all around you.

Enjoy and thank God.

Bless you m8, beauty is reserved to those who can see.

I wish you a full life of beauty and subtle genius.

d2edf1  No.2551010

File: ca00a7a3694f962⋯.png (374.51 KB, 1509x967, 1509:967, ketron.PNG)


7bab58  No.2551011

File: e6ae448befbec10⋯.png (632.15 KB, 751x486, 751:486, ClipboardImage.png)

ae0ea6  No.2551012

File: efefe99588709cf⋯.jpeg (335.21 KB, 2050x1536, 1025:768, 0779D64C-53E9-41E0-A95B-C….jpeg)

POTUS & FLOTUS sends out a congratulatory note to a same sex couple.

346fe3  No.2551013


by the public, he means his daughter, right?

5cf68a  No.2551014

File: adac7e4f77fd030⋯.png (735.94 KB, 675x506, 675:506, antifa2.png)

File: 02670ae46e71c4a⋯.png (207.3 KB, 609x611, 609:611, antifa1.png)

File: 6ff3f575712ab8d⋯.png (633.92 KB, 731x486, 731:486, soros1.png)

File: afecf48cbc57a68⋯.png (779.08 KB, 918x690, 153:115, pantifa.png)

f82f7f  No.2551015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Um… You are literally arguing against God in this one.

God FLOODED THE PLANET because of the offspring of human women and fallen angels. Man's wickedness is his encouragement of these unions to produce offspring that would conquer the earth to their will. It backfired.

The Book of Enoch sets the stage about how it was even possible that David fought a "Giant" to help reclaim the children of God. That "Giant" was the descendant of the Nephilim. Supposedly, one rode on the backside of the Ark.

Why are you even here? If you want to have this discussion, you should attend seminary school. This isn't "Q" related in the least bit. Trust me; our "giants" of today pale in comparison to those in biblical history.

f2fdda  No.2551016

File: e057b53f1118c42⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 300x358, 150:179, P5010381.jpg)

File: 0e97973c0da8eb9⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 300x355, 60:71, P6270024.JPG)

File: f096c599f8f2771⋯.jpg (140.68 KB, 748x500, 187:125, Q PlaneFags Squad.jpg)


What about the highest ranking PlaneFag? kek

Someday, after this is over, and if we have a party/ picnic for the anons.

I would like to have a contest between the planefFags,, maybe a paper airplane contest, and the winner will get these 2 books i have,

A prize, that would make any PlaneFag Drool, KEK

2cb82c  No.2551017


Yeah, i'm also of the opinion that this guy is trying too hard.

probably was an addict…

2445ee  No.2551018

File: da12330a1f61e38⋯.png (24.47 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 9b4cb7c44edb35eaeaf230cf1c….png)

dc766b  No.2551019

236f20  No.2551020


We may be under different rules. I just don't particularly like the idea of all of you getting ONE chance when I got several to fix my shit. It's less about being right and more about being hopeful: If someone like us can be redeemed after lifetime after lifetime of sorrow and destruction, then I pray that humanity is allowed the same series of chances to get it right, too.

I honestly love you all so very much.

I hope we meet one day, too. And when we do, I hope it is during peace.

My life will not be peaceful for a great while and it may not be safe of you to be near me as sad as that is to say.

However, I will no doubt smile in knowing that another is working with God and Its Son. That will always warm my heart.

647d1e  No.2551021

Does any anon know about Grant Thornton?

Is it a cult??


ceb4d0  No.2551022

File: 877effe2cc577bb⋯.jpeg (776.1 KB, 1842x1122, 307:187, StoneVote.jpeg)

137d80  No.2551023

Poor Rich. I wish he could've landed the thing. However, I guess if you're determined to "go out" this is one helluva way to go. No pills or rope for Rich! Nope, just pure LEGEND. Kinda like if Nasim had aimed at Cuckerberg, Dorsey or Sergei.

981321  No.2551024


>You have to understand that when you do not project there and you soak in what is there, you are soaking in everything imaginable at once.

Is this the "god" some people see when doing LSD/DMT?

>Meaning, that there is an actual, physical gate that is still around on Earth at this moment, through which, anyone can pull anything that Man can imagine into actualization. That is what I meant.

Also weird I saw a post earlier today about there being a door in Antarctica the deep state wanted.


There is a book by Masaru Emoto called The Hidden Messages In Water that demonstrates the effects of language/intention on water and by extension the world around you.

ebd821  No.2551025


>Agreed, but try to explain events when everything already happened.

kek, only God can do / explain / understand all that

>God Wins because God Already Won Because God Is and God Is Perfect. They're literally fighting a war where every battle has been decided, in some way, in the Lord's favor.

I'm not sure either. I suspect it has something to do with the "free will" to choose ones own path and deviate from the ideal path set by God. This always (99.999999…%) ends up as a cascade reaction mucking up the ideal lifepaths of others as well requiring God to start to reconfigure a lot of stuff, which already has been foreseen by him.

I also suspect that this was probably related to the real cause of the riff between God and his 2nd in command, Lucifer. Or maybe just the fact that he was a #2

d6fa3f  No.2551026

File: c15ab617bbd2ae1⋯.jpg (80.45 KB, 650x488, 325:244, POPCKORN AMERICAN EAGLE PE….jpg)


A city named after a company.

Certainly not a lead.

85a980  No.2551027


I've thought that about Wictor before too.

d9d76b  No.2551028

File: 42ee5105b53087a⋯.jpeg (6.76 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 42ee5105b53087ab27a5092af….jpeg)

d0f885  No.2551029


also pretty close to whidbey

c8290b  No.2551030


Their signatures are so similar.

8f470d  No.2551031


I read your post in the voice of the narrator from Oak Island and now everything is ruined. Kek

a13795  No.2551032


It's sending a message, or at least it appears that way with the 757, the 757 range the 9/11 tail number.

df40dd  No.2551033

File: 89571f2c5a9ca1d⋯.png (269.47 KB, 736x366, 368:183, Screenshot from 2018-08-10….png)

a785a9  No.2551034

File: 5d94219c061abb9⋯.png (698.18 KB, 1194x625, 1194:625, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)


California is burning to the ground, sad but true!



c1d2c5  No.2551035

File: f194c91583c32b1⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 1024x353, 1024:353, alfl.JPG)


Che che che chenges

510b40  No.2551036

File: b660d2d5c46ae2d⋯.png (387.85 KB, 674x782, 337:391, In-Pizza-We-Crust.png)

File: e4eb6af1742daf6⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0169.JPG)

File: abfa29f1311c042⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0332.JPG)

File: 0283b4ffc9b0fa8⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0348.JPG)

File: 491f65e3254549f⋯.jpg (3.52 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0417.JPG)

Went to an art show tonight. Didn't find anything I liked. (pics related)

This is what they had to offer.

f2fdda  No.2551037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dc766b  No.2551038


tY baker im not good at linking and sauce, or i would link better. i am usuallhy a lurker but this was getting at me.

5cf68a  No.2551039

File: e6fd00011549ff9⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1364x641, 1364:641, msm.png)

File: 9aae530a7f0e216⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1199x546, 1199:546, msmpuppets1.png)

File: 1a75c85b31dad61⋯.png (289.22 KB, 486x473, 486:473, tv6.png)

File: 8b27ad1653189a7⋯.png (1.48 MB, 933x647, 933:647, unflatearth.png)

File: cea4ae499880241⋯.png (617.43 KB, 717x589, 717:589, nasaliars3.png)

510b40  No.2551040

File: 0ba8b43e6fb4370⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0476.JPG)

File: 3753e66aa3c168d⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0548.JPG)

File: da3e64a225c6f30⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0847.JPG)

File: 82512cc317e356a⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_0873.JPG)

File: 3992f0f4e9b066c⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1386.JPG)

6334af  No.2551041


Those Wild And Crazy Romans

From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain.

175ab5  No.2551042

File: cca6b2f1c8bb9a0⋯.png (1.42 MB, 676x900, 169:225, ClipboardImage.png)



d2edf1  No.2551043


>pretty close

WAStateAnon here, my neck of the woods here, is 70 miles "pretty close" to you?

7bab58  No.2551044

a785a9  No.2551045

File: 4f945a07093b577⋯.jpg (9.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images-2.jpg)


thanks, Anon, we needed some fuckin' tunes!

0df232  No.2551046

The most fucked up thing is that it seems she was right about the homeopathic stuff because quantum physics and spooky shit.

309e38  No.2551047


It was created by a cook, Henderson William Brand, for King James the IV in the early 1800's

510b40  No.2551048

File: e1edd7c1326b635⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1631.JPG)

File: bb94d73b2b37470⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_1963.JPG)

File: 1048f4239d5fa0e⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_2629.JPG)

File: 781359dee4936f6⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_3158.JPG)

File: b8da64f6701f24b⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_3217.JPG)

d9d76b  No.2551049


Maybe POTUS & FLOTUS can send them a nice card before they all skip to "church".

7f12d1  No.2551050


OK you can stop spamming that shit song and her ugly mug on every bread

ebd821  No.2551051


>I created the Gate.

Ok…this is going into some interesting and pushy places

>Meaning, that there is an actual, physical gate that is still around on Earth at this moment, through which, anyone can pull anything that Man can imagine into actualization. That is what I meant.


So why would God give you the power and allow you to do that through him?

Think about that for a second. We do not really have any of that "power", it all comes from God but we get to tap into it when we declare faith and allegiance to him through Lord Jesus Christ. It's not you, it is always God.

2cb82c  No.2551052


>Is this the "god" some people see when doing LSD/DMT?

That's actually a good way of looking at it, I'd say. It's hard to experience something like that and not be in total awe.

As for what you've said about words - these vibrations interact with our world around us in ways we can't perceive, hence the air of mysticism. What they won't tell you, is the ways words and thoughts affect the world around you that the public isn't privy to.

dc4eb8  No.2551053

File: 14027db7f858855⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, laughing SHOT HIM DOWN BA….png)

510b40  No.2551054

File: eb54fe9391da734⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_3232.JPG)

File: dd0dd2791695eec⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_3673.JPG)

File: 19b29aecb99ef1f⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_3978.JPG)

File: 1ab71f3ceba4610⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_4994.JPG)

File: 1261aaf0215b2a8⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_5111.JPG)

73dfc3  No.2551055

File: eec16885306ff63⋯.jpg (545.68 KB, 1600x1084, 400:271, Jihad.jpg)


Reminds me of something . . .

b686a8  No.2551056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


great song

b842a0  No.2551057

File: 229046640104d08⋯.png (400.99 KB, 1891x921, 1891:921, Screenshot_450.png)

Earthquake in Clinton, MO?


955367  No.2551058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0f885  No.2551059


relative to a happening in another state, yes

175ab5  No.2551060

File: c2e757ba0fa7e9e⋯.png (1.85 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



df40dd  No.2551061

File: 372714777e262d3⋯.png (563.65 KB, 940x565, 188:113, Screenshot from 2018-08-10….png)

1c6502  No.2551062


Any serious planefag would already have those.

2445ee  No.2551063



Hillary calls that a typical Tuesday!

510b40  No.2551064

File: 90a7a906f859d3d⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_6159.JPG)

File: cbe9a5139a71e9f⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_6599.JPG)

File: 7fc1138e6cea8a8⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_6608.JPG)

File: e68587a928fbc40⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_6772.JPG)

File: 5509afbfaea6515⋯.jpg (3.56 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_6939.JPG)

f58383  No.2551065

File: 50fa0f00e49c5c6⋯.jpg (74.95 KB, 384x480, 4:5, 9ecaa79b419e551750b285c9d8….jpg)


True. We haven't seen the sun in weeks and are breathing toxic smoke and ash.

ebd821  No.2551066



ebot straight up creating his own troll memes now


a785a9  No.2551067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e288e5  No.2551068



Why must the ruin everything good? I used to love pizza.

f2fdda  No.2551069


I'm not the same anon, kek,, i have not posted this song for a long time, like months.

230f16  No.2551070


Dude..I did not know there was another WA Anon since our State is so frigging liberal. Cool.

Quite the boom tonight. My house shook.

bcfc7e  No.2551071

File: c9ee2e47f6971f1⋯.jpg (94.5 KB, 533x848, 533:848, 6.JPG)

File: 7dff7f77a94418a⋯.jpg (58.55 KB, 528x532, 132:133, 7.JPG)

Long time Saskatchewan NDP MLA David Forbes retiring from politics


5cde15  No.2551072


where is this?

510b40  No.2551073

File: 9088d220e9be32f⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_7201.JPG)

File: 757b6696e8c234a⋯.jpg (2.59 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_7213.JPG)

File: 279e9c30c5c6949⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_7680.JPG)

File: 809a6dc90f408f0⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_8153.JPG)

File: a2b8912e99a35f9⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_8329.JPG)

59ef17  No.2551074


YW anon, though I'm not getting your connection. If you repost next bread including the connection you're making with a description, I can add it.

8d75f3  No.2551075

watching HBO VICE special on the "trade war", i must say i was pleasantly surprised that it was not what i expected. i was ready to hear the trump bashing and actual it was pretty fucking fair. i know this is not really relevant to Q but i thought i would share because i think that vice is a huge news source for liberals and this doc is doing good.. so far lol

like i just learned that the whole industry of aluminum was about to close before trump came in.. he saved it




d9d76b  No.2551076

File: d7ec4de69e9877e⋯.png (828.93 KB, 1294x920, 647:460, 5c14fce4a1f57cde6eea06d353….png)

File: b8da64f6701f24b⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, b8da64f6701f24b12e867cf4e4….jpg)

73dfc3  No.2551077


Re read in Morgan Freeman,

(without accusations of his potential sins).

0df232  No.2551078


False, you do not have a spouse.

2cb82c  No.2551079

well sorry for shitting up the bread boys

i try not to get sucked in with stuff like this, but shills or not, they started talking about shit I've been investing a lot of thought in to recently

i'll try and take it easy

525c27  No.2551081

File: 201fc013a9e9392⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 962x725, 962:725, antifa and dog.jpg)


Mueller was NOT appointed to judge Trump's Presidentail policy decisions and actions.

Mueller obviously doesn't have shit, othewise he wouldn't show this level of desperation.

After the mid terms, Trump needs to demand Mueller show his findings and file charges or close it down.

It's gotten ridiculous.

Thanks for recusing yourself Jeff, you fucking useless pussy.

2445ee  No.2551082

9b28ef  No.2551083


Does former WA anon count?

510b40  No.2551084

File: 862979f9d179a3a⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_8607.JPG)

File: 79c9bff1d93c3fb⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_9280.JPG)

File: 8db3880816645b6⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, IMG_9445.JPG)


647d1e  No.2551085


Art Gallery please so I can DIG.


59ef17  No.2551086


>>2550911 Bits & Pieces of today's dig on Catholic Relief Services and Hait

>>2550851 Why did Bill Maher attack Q? His company is called 'Kid Love Productions'

>>2550808 , >>2550815 The Alaskan Air jet is not the same plane as Q posted

>>2550718 Moar on the Trump Tower fire

>>2550610 Facebook's David Marcus Resigns From Coinbase Board

>>2550485 I-Minerals Inc.: Resignation of Thomas Conway from BoD

041caa  No.2551087


Hi Thoth, long time no read.

>God Wins because God Already Won Because God Is and God Is Perfect.

This was the basically same thing I said one time in your AMA thread… Damn…

d7b191  No.2551088


I remember Alefantis was all on the war path against a guy who was creating Pizzagate T shirts. Calling the guy up personally and threatening him. It was odd. This was before we figured out he was a Rothschild. I remember Alefantis basically said everything about him was true except how he "hated" kids. Hated them.

And this was his only defense against butt fucking and killing kids. He wouldnt do it because he "hated" kids.

That Jew fag does not convince me. It is perfect for a guy to butt fuck kids if he "hates" them.

Jimmy boy if your out there still and not sitting in a cell in Cuba. Your going to have to work on a better defense than that.

510b40  No.2551091


see first image here:


955367  No.2551092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f58383  No.2551093

File: 0cdf6d70d1c40af⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 400x300, 4:3, P1030664 (1).jpg)


Love to you, friend

dc4eb8  No.2551095

e288e5  No.2551097



510b40  No.2551098


I am the sauce. This is OC.

f82f7f  No.2551099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You deserve a very special place in the heavens for this. Excellent work, anon. You know what ol Jack Burton says at a time like this…

d2edf1  No.2551100


you used to live in the state, that counts

647d1e  No.2551101

File: 25095cd6c6b5cb6⋯.png (643.76 KB, 954x530, 9:5, B52-STRATOFORTRESS.png)

5b0b28  No.2551102


Tits or GTFO

814e6f  No.2551103

File: 1023c7f8fdb305e⋯.jpg (152.82 KB, 1089x619, 1089:619, jerry brown let it burn 2.jpg)


Moonbeam says

5cde15  No.2551104


WA anon here as well glad to know i am not the only one! kek

a13795  No.2551105


Your witchcraft is lying to you.

2cb82c  No.2551107


for the record, this is a specific symptom of conditions we typically treat people for in a psychiatric capacity - delusions of grandeur

at the same time, I'd MUCH RATHER entertain these thoughs… considering i'm the one that prompted him

561895  No.2551108

File: cf4969404d9473f⋯.png (655.49 KB, 961x762, 961:762, e3 7 magnitude earthquake ….png)

29386c  No.2551109

Unable to access boards for 2 days. Saw the hdq = hung drawn and quartered? Was one of our Q under attack?

Saw the new trip and

Q+=POTUS post

Just checking, praying all are okay!


2445ee  No.2551110



230f16  No.2551111



175ab5  No.2551112

File: 4f53b46c1418f60⋯.png (432.95 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



The Water

d6fa3f  No.2551113

File: 59d8d2290875d69⋯.png (55 KB, 520x332, 130:83, pepe comfy bred with frens.png)


We comfy with frens

d9d76b  No.2551114

File: 277a160a4a60d33⋯.png (441.88 KB, 968x609, 968:609, 4f3f97e42f77865c3d29ef3fa8….png)

File: 1bb78b96fa00f0b⋯.png (494.55 KB, 948x610, 474:305, 3b43c245ce0bb28113e0513ef1….png)

File: c0f21035a463886⋯.jpg (309.17 KB, 1366x588, 683:294, Screenshot-2018-6-25 Googl….jpg)

File: 8469aacc9b75030⋯.png (596.33 KB, 913x587, 913:587, 9ee9f238c33b9434b1028d0740….png)

File: 1d506de80334bd9⋯.png (395.64 KB, 933x587, 933:587, 27.png)


this isn't funny

THIS is what smells funny to me. They know we know? Do they? If they don't why don't they?

6334af  No.2551115

In the 14th century Terni issued its own constitution, and from 1353 the walls were enlarged, and new channels were opened. As with many of the Italian communes of the Late Middle Ages, it was beset by civil unrest between the partisans of the Guelphs and Ghibellines, and later between the Nobili and Banderari (Terni's borghesi). Later it joined the Papal States. In 1580 an ironwork, the Ferriera, was introduced to work the iron ore mined in Monteleone di Spoleto, starting the traditional industrial connotation of the city. In the 17th century, however, the population of Terni declined further due to plagues and famines.


a785a9  No.2551116

File: 31a793c347387a3⋯.png (520.49 KB, 996x699, 332:233, Screen Shot 2018-08-11 at ….png)

Oh no, not agin'

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Romanian authorities say 440 people including two dozen riot police have received medical treatment after an anti-government protest turned violent.

The Bucharest-Ilfov Emergency Service said Saturday that of those, 65 people including nine riot police were taken to the hospital. There are no immediate reports of life-threatening injuries.

The anti-government protest in Bucharest Friday drew tens of thousands Romanians from abroad and local residents who demanded the government resign over moves to change laws that critics say would make it harder to prosecute corruption. It turned violent late Friday after riot police fired tear gas and water cannons to quell protesters. Some demonstrators lobbed rocks, bottles and smoke bombs at riot police.

President Klaus Iohannis, a critic of the left-wing government, condemned “the brutal intervention of riot police.”



da6bb0  No.2551117


Is this the Podesta art gallery?

91a2f8  No.2551118


Still love her until she's proven to be a psychopath.

Gotta have someone left, shit.

If you're not in it for love (I'm Outta Here) was the jam when I was in jr high.

True shit.

Ah, the south. Memories. Can't wait to go back. Soon.

510b40  No.2551119


You will be disturbed to know it is about 200 feet from a daycare.

8477dd  No.2551120

File: a73bacc327099b2⋯.jpeg (129.36 KB, 488x487, 488:487, D07440B2-1093-496A-AE0D-5….jpeg)

File: baad4487f187c71⋯.jpeg (41.93 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 6838728B-65BE-4ED0-8705-2….jpeg)

File: 9020e06563ec667⋯.jpeg (85.26 KB, 686x314, 343:157, 6720491C-3AF8-4E28-B1CA-7….jpeg)

File: 49e1e0de8c0c123⋯.jpeg (172.39 KB, 898x1200, 449:600, 9DC35265-230A-4438-86CF-8….jpeg)

File: 18d478f583d7734⋯.jpeg (68.27 KB, 646x323, 2:1, 54DA2552-0E5B-4DEC-ABD5-2….jpeg)

b686a8  No.2551121


>I am the sauce.

This is a memeworthy statement, regardless of current context.

I am the sauce.

981321  No.2551122


Is there any advantage to accessing this door?

Is it different than our own power of belief to manifest the reality we want? Think the power of positive thinking.

>affect the world around you that the public isn't privy to.

Beyond something like say homeopathy or quantum entanglement?


In the book of Enoch the fallen angels taught the humans and the Nephilim a lot of knowledge about how things work in the world, It wouldn't be unreasonable to think that their knowledge extends to something like how to make a door such as that

6334af  No.2551123


5cf68a  No.2551124

File: 7e7dc944b96c5bf⋯.png (688.82 KB, 633x619, 633:619, deepstate1.png)

File: c1f5544716cc71e⋯.png (443.55 KB, 722x649, 722:649, cabal1.png)

File: 63953fd3d667a3f⋯.png (73.6 KB, 235x235, 1:1, storm1.png)

File: 9608ca96d971ff8⋯.png (437.68 KB, 599x448, 599:448, fight1.png)

236f20  No.2551125

File: bead30551ac35fd⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 1188x759, 36:23, Mirror.jpg)


>Is this the "god" some people see when doing LSD/DMT?

Eh, most of the time, it's more along the lines that people project what they think God is. Let me clear: it is incredibly difficult to NOT project in Shamballa. You, quite literally, have to either not be privy to the thoughts of Man normally, or you have to not think at all.

Have you ever tried not thinking on DMT/LSD?

And, honestly, that post might have been from me? Maybe. I know I expanded upon it quite a bit in a thread that is no longer here. I spilled quite a lot of beans that night.

I'm legitimately surprised that people weren't more weirded out when Isis got woken from her slumber more right in the middle of a thread. Pic related.

Like, no one batted an eye and she was/is a BV, too.

73dfc3  No.2551126

File: fece121bc7e557c⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 460x352, 115:88, #metoo.jpg)

e72d9b  No.2551127


Bingo! Intelligent deduction ;)

fbe69f  No.2551128

Any chance Mockingbird Media will try to say it was a crazed Qanon cult member trying to take out the sub that fired the missile at POTUS out of Whitbey, or something similar?

230f16  No.2551129


Did you feel the Sonic Boom or hear it? It was pretty amazing. I was wondering how to triangulate the train wreck, missle launch and plane crash.

b686a8  No.2551130


Al green one is the dank!

9b28ef  No.2551131


This is a Q proof of

"these people are stupid"

f97e67  No.2551132


BV fucking loves this picture, anon.

279000  No.2551133

File: 9b534e68a1270f4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 925x581, 925:581, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9bf2498afaeb80⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1113x565, 1113:565, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2551036 Pizza themed art show.

>>2551048 Pics

>>2551054 Pics

>>2551073 Pics

>>2551084 Pics


This looks like an art gallery in

Houston TX. 708 Telephone Rd.


1st pic related: Street view of gallery

2nd pic: Street view behind gallery is of course a day care place. Perhaps Anon can confirm that is still there?

f2fdda  No.2551134


On 3rd pic it says it is by Storie Hawkins, and it features Chucky Cheese,,

I think we did some digging on the chucky cheese pizza chain,, but it's been awhile.

And why is this art so cheap? 25 and 50 bucks

Something is wrong with that. Ive never seen any ooriginal art, for under 100,, unless it was a street artist.

8477dd  No.2551135

File: 046111672864412⋯.jpeg (84.43 KB, 750x520, 75:52, 843ED0E5-4686-41E6-8207-9….jpeg)

God bless

5f935d  No.2551136


private plane, small runway. How long is the reaction there?

f2fdda  No.2551137


I meant 4th pic

73dfc3  No.2551138

0df232  No.2551140

Nobody's going to talk about the Q posts predicting the highjacking?

b686a8  No.2551141


Are you trying to say something?

510b40  No.2551142


>Perhaps Anon can confirm that is still there?

It is definitely still there. I don't know if it is open for business, but it appears to be.

15c5b6  No.2551143

Fillin' bread

d7b191  No.2551144


Probably a Mkultra kid. Sent on a mission.

About the chase pilot being nice to him reminds me of a woman two months ago sent to do a mkultra suicide spree killing in the CIA Headquarters. The guard at the metal detectors figured out she was acting odd. She couldnt talk. But he got her to write what was wrong down on a piece of paper. Seems the mkultra victims have a block put in their mind so they can not speak about the shit. But I guess they figured away around it by writing to each other.

I think a secret memo has gone out to the police and military to be on the look out for MKultra people trying to fight off their suicide missions.

Some pretty sharp guards out there.

acf19a  No.2551145


when was that posted?

d9d76b  No.2551146


Be surprised if it wasn't. But we are governed by pedophiles at the very highest levels.

b2eeff  No.2551147


It's a very interesting read, as it ties into a lot of things I've experienced in life in strange ways. Thx for that.

59ef17  No.2551148

File: 04b3ca169f99da8⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 600x317, 600:317, 04b3ca169f99da8bb2a7fe1c09….jpg)

New Night Bake





Repost please next bread anon, the new bake is ready.

e288e5  No.2551149


Sometime in 2015 there was a CIA blacksite found in Houston TX via wikileaks. Todd And CLare dot com conneted I WISH I HAD SAVED THOSE CAPS

236f20  No.2551150


At first, it was so we could do whatever the fuck we wanted to using your own minds while you were basically slaves (but much much worse off).

>Think the Matrix

But God is going to use it as a mechanism for infinite improvement instead. Basically, by having someone who is will listen to God completely about what not to do and what to do, they will potentially only bring or send what God decrees as Good through the Gate.

Can you imagine a world where everything is improving towards perfection indefinitely. Never quite reaching it, (because the Material world serves a purpose), but it may not have to be so shitty.

6334ed  No.2551151

File: a7a1a857d0e58d8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1052x749, 1052:749, ClipboardImage.png)

dc8bae  No.2551152


There was no prediction made. Go back to reddick

b8e1b8  No.2551153


You're welcome to make a proof if you believe it's there.

da6bb0  No.2551154


OMGosh…place right beside the Red Hen ?? Anons, we have to dig on this. What is the business?

73dfc3  No.2551155


You cannot just say that without the actual post.

2445ee  No.2551156



Wouldn't it just be a hoot if AJ was tied to it somehow?!

525c27  No.2551158

File: 53fd29c1fbcdc42⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 332x192, 83:48, laserpointer.gif)



Which is the same answer as to relevance of any and all pictures Q posts.

Anons, go dig on this blurry picture of some old guy's ear … 8 hours wasted.

Who do you see in this picture of some Hong Kong street? Answer: nobody whatsoever … Another 3 days of anons' time wasted.

Blurry night time picture of London? Three weeks of chasing the laser pointer for nothing. Post is again with a circle … that's good for another 3 weeks wasted.

Fucking joke.

You'd have to be completely blind or stupid to not see the pattern.

ecdfae  No.2551159

>FMBaker rocks

5cde15  No.2551161


nope didn't hear or feel shit and never heard of that "island" and lived here for 40 years..but its only 220 acres and privately owned so i guess i wouldn't have necc heard about it.

3c1ace  No.2551162


Still using stuff from the 60's, I kid you not.

7bab58  No.2551163


Great work Anon!

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