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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

8c6c4b No.22319504 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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685 posts and 435 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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18dd08 No.22320237


State Farm better not raise my fucking rates in AZ to offset any fucking California fires.

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9d0443 No.22320238


Nobody needs to know about your hentai fetish Elon.

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83c19f No.22320240


This is the government you voted for. No returns.

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55fd06 No.22320241


It's not like wildfires happen in the middle of winter…

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9d0443 No.22320243


We’ll be looking into that guy Boeing uses 😂

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0d3b5a No.22320244


So… do you ever feel like explaining how that relates to what I posted?

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e78a19 No.22320245

File: 6beffe5a2dd9326⋯.png (116.41 KB,600x499,600:499,ClipboardImage.png)



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8c6c4b No.22320246

File: bb3887af99a817b⋯.jpg (268.51 KB,1210x936,605:468,IlluminatiFreemasonryHandS….jpg)

Last call

…Bakering the thing ~@720


#27299 >>22319510

>>22319532 BlackRock may exit woke business climate group Net Zero Alliance as backlash over ESG investing widens

>>22319584 JUST IN: DOJ cleared to sell $6.5 billion worth of Bitcoin from seized Silk Road assets.

>>22319621 LIVE: Oncor electrical substation catches on fire in Fort Worth


>>22319657 Explosion at North Fort Worth power substation sparks fire, officials say

>>22319707 The Hollywood area is completely gridlocked as residents rush to evacuate as the fire in the Hollywood Hills approaches.

>>22319723 The Sunset Fire can be seen burning behind The Magic Castle in the Hollywood District of Northern Los Angeles

>>22319726 @JamesOKeefeIII - UPDATE: Leave policy for military deployments was modified Jan 1 to add DOMESTIC deployments exceeding 30 days “in support of military operations or domestic catastrophe / civil disorder.

>>22319783 Terrifying moment pack of wolves see hunter and start running towards her

>>22319789 5 dead, more than 1,100 structures destroyed as new fire hits Hollywood Hills


>>22319887 Confirmation hearings for Trump DOJ and FBI choices likely postponed, says Sen. Grassley

>>22319917 Actor Steve Guttenberg discusses the devastating wildfires sweeping through Southern California and shares his firsthand experiences on 'The Story with Martha MacCallum.'

>>22319931 Power is going out in Hollywood as residents are attempting to flee

>>22319944 Arsonist caught in Cabazon, CA. A driver noticed an individual starting a fire off Johnson lane . He notified CHP and along with other motorist extinguished the fire . Arsonist was apprehended and Cal Fire investigation is lead.

>>22319973 Jesse Watters: Entire neighborhoods are burning in LA

>>22320078 Blinken says Trump’s push for US to take control of Greenland is ‘not going to happen’

>>22320083 🌟 Orthodox Christians in Russia & beyond celebrate #Christmas!

>>22320102 California National Guard to deploy hundreds of military police as early as Wednesday night amid looting fears.

>>22320236 New Fire in Studio City


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80e095 No.22320248

File: 301ba4de5ea9faa⋯.png (1.39 MB,1186x1284,593:642,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_2….png)

File: 8ce30345cdf01e1⋯.png (902.33 KB,818x932,409:466,Screenshot_2023_11_15_at_2….png)

File: c5fc46d224a494c⋯.png (275.92 KB,440x582,220:291,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_2….png)

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6ff011 No.22320250

File: 495b0e3925d0ccb⋯.png (255.05 KB,522x566,261:283,1_fix.png)

🚨 #BREAKING: Yet ANOTHER massive fire has just sparked in Studio City, with several structures engulfed


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28b0d6 No.22320252

File: a7e68e19d5551f8⋯.png (10.61 KB,129x232,129:232,ClipboardImage.png)

This is new from yesterday. "Add Filter" got an Tippy Top Upgrade.

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83c19f No.22320254

File: 4fffc58cf2213a5⋯.png (67.09 KB,500x235,100:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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be964d No.22320255


And I just got used to the old one. I guess intense shilling is inbound.

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8c6c4b No.22320256


…Got it.

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390621 No.22320257

File: 40af0142e316396⋯.jpeg (179.86 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_6480.jpeg)

File: ac060506f4e3f48⋯.jpeg (885.11 KB,2584x2258,1292:1129,IMG_6697.jpeg)


My dogs haul ass after the poor yotes. Anon lives out in the country. I always try to be loud so they hear us coming with plenty of time to beat it.

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e8482f No.22320258

File: 639e9ea1e02e7e8⋯.png (798.03 KB,1334x737,1334:737,ClipboardImage.png)

While not exact, I find inderesting.

Poast on the left was yesterday.


Today POTUS poasts something similar.


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d74d05 No.22320259

File: 02ada0f35c02a7b⋯.png (195.04 KB,610x414,305:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c45d381b526f3a⋯.png (133.87 KB,250x375,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fc2c57865ab155⋯.jpg (143.4 KB,1256x972,314:243,Kerald_Meister_des_Codex_E….jpg)

File: 868563129795c72⋯.png (50.3 KB,958x196,479:98,oie_h5gy2vnGEAnP.png)

File: a05932c71578c91⋯.jpg (153.94 KB,921x1200,307:400,Fjj4Y3gXEAMUPhd_3841606582.jpg)



>all to distract from the vaxx-poisioning taking place to kill off or seriously injure any future Christ being born that could threaten the 'kingdoms' of the child-raping/incestous/soulless i.e. threaten those driven only electric signals as reptiles/snakes/'cybertrucks' being always-as-evil-as-possible as how electricity can kill you as children-of-cain


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83c19f No.22320260


Homan should satrt in Pasadena, stat

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165f5f No.22320261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Say goodbye to HOLLYWOOD!!!…(Billy Joel)…


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de940e No.22320263

File: 814760dc9c3dae4⋯.png (667.66 KB,822x776,411:388,00000000000000000000000000….png)

Donald J. Trump A.K.A "POTE"


Big threats on my life byIran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero “NO” Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!

Sep 25, 2024, 12:34 AM E.S.T


Feb 06, 2020 11:16:52 PM EST3836

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No. 8056704

Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].

Think Hussein 'I'll have more flexibility after the election' hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.

Think Hussein WH refusal to send weapons to Ukraine [R Congress push to assist] but instead sent only blankets.

Think [D]s attack(s) re: POTUS for failure to 'protect' Ukraine against Russian aggression? [Impeachment]

What advanced weapons did POTUS send to Ukraine?

2 + 2 = 6?

Define projection.

Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH > Ukraine [which bank?].

Think US AID > Ukraine

Think WW AID > Ukraine

Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]

Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?

Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?

How was payment made to US person(s)?

Think Ukraine.

Think IRAN.

Russia & IRAN allies?

Russia, IRAN, & China allies?

US pol corruption China

US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]

US pol corruption Russia

US pol corruption IRAN

Common denominator: China, Russia, and IRAN: Closed financial systems?

Logical thinking.


Apr 24, 2018 11:27:03 AM EDT1254

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169101

IRANis next.



POTUS today.

“Mark it down.”

“Bigger problems than ever before.”


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]

Refers to more than continued payments of $250B.


Sweet Dreams.


Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear sites – Trump5 Oct, 2024 10:08

Preventing Tehran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction should be a priority, the Republican candidate has said


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18dd08 No.22320264

Did Eric Baena suicide by hanging kick off the fire ritual?


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390621 No.22320265

File: b2390f66e95b4a4⋯.jpeg (130.82 KB,337x425,337:425,IMG_7271.jpeg)


Anon like to drawl

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de940e No.22320266

File: e345ab1be9b70a1⋯.png (543.21 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a23.png)



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80e095 No.22320267

File: 6534212ce665908⋯.png (1.19 MB,1370x866,685:433,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_2….png)

File: c5fc46d224a494c⋯.png (275.92 KB,440x582,220:291,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_2….png)

File: bb4e27d82e80201⋯.png (1.84 MB,1660x1000,83:50,Screenshot_2025_01_08_at_2….png)

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de940e No.22320268

File: e345ab1be9b70a1⋯.png (543.21 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a23.png)



My next piece is called"5D CHESS"

Mar 26, 2019 5:39:08 PM EDT 3217

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909718

Mar 26, 2019 5:37:47 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e11543 No. 5909683

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.







Mar 26, 2019 5:27:37 PM EDT 3214

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909363

Mar 26, 2019 5:27:09 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e1b7a1 No. 5909352

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.




TT was bugged most likely.


Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT 3212

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322

Mar 26, 2019 5:24:33 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 458d46 No. 5909279

>>5909008 (pb)

ADM Rogers would have had lots of access… didn't he turn off access to the FBI contractors?


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.



Oct 04, 2018 3:17:51 PM EDT 2333

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 332


Nothing to See Here…




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e78a19 No.22320269

File: efa010553497aa0⋯.png (385.68 KB,680x450,68:45,media_Ggo8yTsWoAAB97b.png)

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de940e No.22320270

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e8482f No.22320271

File: c197bc81d8f7978⋯.png (30.1 KB,604x186,302:93,ClipboardImage.png)


One of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning down to the ground. It’s ashes, and Gavin Newscum should resign. This is all his fault!!!


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83c19f No.22320272


Sympathetic burning at a distance. we need to blow 200 million studying this.

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de940e No.22320273

File: e345ab1be9b70a1⋯.png (543.21 KB,955x1277,955:1277,0000000000000000a23.png)




My next piece is called"5D CHESS"

Mar 26, 2019 5:39:08 PM EDT 3217

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909718

Mar 26, 2019 5:37:47 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e11543 No. 5909683

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.







Mar 26, 2019 5:27:37 PM EDT 3214

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909363

Mar 26, 2019 5:27:09 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: e1b7a1 No. 5909352

Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.




TT was bugged most likely.


Mar 26, 2019 5:26:03 PM EDT 3212

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6855c3 No. 5909322

Mar 26, 2019 5:24:33 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 458d46 No. 5909279

>>5909008 (pb)

ADM Rogers would have had lots of access… didn't he turn off access to the FBI contractors?


Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER).

Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY.



Oct 04, 2018 3:17:51 PM EDT 2333

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 332


Nothing to See Here…




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f7043f No.22320274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live coverage of Hollywood Fire

LINK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvyL8vr9_U4

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18dd08 No.22320275



Correction JEFF BAENA suicide



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de940e No.22320276




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f8a227 No.22320277


designed by masons. roads aligned like masonic symbol. big owl laid out. the whole damn district is evil. save all the artifacts and level the whole damn district. fucking reset to the max.

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000000 No.22320278


Theatre - theater - Theater (warfare) - Wikipedia


biblical /bĭb′lĭ-kəl/


Of, relating to, or contained in the Bible. Being in keeping with the nature of the Bible, especially. Suggestive of the personages or times depicted in the Bible.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

So you're saying Q is bible warfare / theater~war.

it's more like noise at this point.

None of us are doing shit.

Even less of us CAN DO SHIT

You need big money to make real news thing work. Journalists that work for free are all fcked up . I ain't saying who to fund. Just that's the situation of the United States 2025

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de940e No.22320279

File: ed01324f028bf5a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1595x953,1595:953,0000000000000000b.png)

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80e095 No.22320280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



future proves past

2020 election cycle

interview before the big steal, "Hilton" arrives to the network and suddenly jumps the line for an interview with 45


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a489a7 No.22320281

fire moving down to ventura blvd

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8c6c4b No.22320282

File: 00fd9a80b382a3f⋯.jpg (15.56 KB,550x260,55:26,up_in_smoke_giant_joint_ch….jpg)


#27299 >>22319510

>>22319532 BlackRock may exit woke business climate group Net Zero Alliance as backlash over ESG investing widens

>>22319584 JUST IN: DOJ cleared to sell $6.5 billion worth of Bitcoin from seized Silk Road assets.

>>22319621 LIVE: Oncor electrical substation catches on fire in Fort Worth


>>22319657 Explosion at North Fort Worth power substation sparks fire, officials say

>>22319707 The Hollywood area is completely gridlocked as residents rush to evacuate as the fire in the Hollywood Hills approaches.

>>22319723 The Sunset Fire can be seen burning behind The Magic Castle in the Hollywood District of Northern Los Angeles

>>22319726 @JamesOKeefeIII - UPDATE: Leave policy for military deployments was modified Jan 1 to add DOMESTIC deployments exceeding 30 days “in support of military operations or domestic catastrophe / civil disorder.

>>22319783 Terrifying moment pack of wolves see hunter and start running towards her

>>22319789 5 dead, more than 1,100 structures destroyed as new fire hits Hollywood Hills


>>22319887 Confirmation hearings for Trump DOJ and FBI choices likely postponed, says Sen. Grassley

>>22319917 Actor Steve Guttenberg discusses the devastating wildfires sweeping through Southern California and shares his firsthand experiences on 'The Story with Martha MacCallum.'

>>22319931 Power is going out in Hollywood as residents are attempting to flee

>>22319944 Arsonist caught in Cabazon, CA. A driver noticed an individual starting a fire off Johnson lane . He notified CHP and along with other motorist extinguished the fire . Arsonist was apprehended and Cal Fire investigation is lead.

>>22319973 Jesse Watters: Entire neighborhoods are burning in LA

>>22320078 Blinken says Trump’s push for US to take control of Greenland is ‘not going to happen’

>>22320083 🌟 Orthodox Christians in Russia & beyond celebrate #Christmas!

>>22320102 California National Guard to deploy hundreds of military police as early as Wednesday night amid looting fears.

>>22320236 New Fire in Studio City

>>22320250 Yet ANOTHER massive fire has just sparked in Studio City, with several structures engulfed

>>22320271 @realDonaldTrump - One of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning down to the ground. It’s ashes, and Gavin Newscum should resign. This is all his fault!!!


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de940e No.22320283

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICALv.png)

File: 9dcceff98147e64⋯.png (36.2 KB,1188x528,9:4,Q_3565av.png)

File: 7e7c2e35463cd40⋯.png (345.14 KB,750x856,375:428,Q_4208.png)

File: 7c08265a0c874f7⋯.jpg (308.2 KB,1553x903,1553:903,its_going_to_be_biblical.jpg)


Yeaazzz!!! Call the Ball!

This next piece is called "So you think you know what Biblical means, Traitor Whore!!?"


Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human TraffickingQ DROP #3565

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Jul 2019 - 8:23:13 PM


Godfather III

It's going to be BIBLICAL.


In a drop concerning only two things: The Pope/Vatican/Pontifex AND Human Trafficking… what else do anon's SEE?

The Godfather III sig yet absolutely no sign or any mention of a Mafia, no, just the Pope and Human Trafficking


''It's going to be Biblical" which comes from the movie "Law abiding Citizen" and here is the full quote that leads up to the "Its going to be Biblical" part:

Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)

I'm just gettin' warmed up.

This is von Clausewitz shit, total fucking war.

I'm gonna pull the whole thing down.

I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on your head.

It's gonna be Biblical.




A temple (from the Latin templum) is a building reserved for spiritual rituals and activities such as prayer and sacrifice. Religions which erect temples include Christianity (whose temples are typically called churches), Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism (whose temples are called gurudwara), Jainism (whose temples are sometimes called derasar), Islam (whose temples are called mosques), Judaism (whose temples are called synagogues), Zoroastrianism (whose temples are sometimes called Agiary), the Baha'i Faith (which are often simply referred to as Baha'i House of Worship), Taoism (which are sometimes called Daoguan), Shintoism (which are sometimes called Jinja), Confucianism (which are sometimes called the Temple of Confucius), and ancient religions such as the Ancient Egyptian religion and the Ancient Greek religion.

The form and function of temples are thus very variable, though they are often considered by believers to be, in some sense, the "house" of one or more deities. Typically, offerings of some sort are made to the deity, and other rituals are enacted, and a special group of clergy maintain and operate the temple. The degree to which the whole population of believers can access the building varies significantly; often parts, or even the whole main building. can only be accessed by the clergy. Temples typically have a main building and a larger precinct, which may contain many other buildings or may be a dome-shaped structure, much like an igloo.

The word comes from Ancient Rome, where a templum constituted a sacred precinct as defined by a priest, or augur.[1]

It has the same root as the word "template," a plan in preparation for the building that was marked out on the ground by the augur.

Oct 17, 2020 2:16:46 PM EDT4884

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b755f No. 11120402


Enjoy the show!


SEE ALSO: Drops #1950 & 1951+++

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4e6809 No.22320284



I noticed that too.

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de940e No.22320286

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a489a7 No.22320288

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de940e No.22320289

File: ad2977655df4022⋯.png (2.23 MB,1420x776,355:194,00000muhherder10b.png)

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de940e No.22320291

File: 393fd4cea0c09c8⋯.png (385.91 KB,440x688,55:86,00000muhherder10a.png)

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4952f5 No.22320292

Man I love Coyotes…..they eat cats…..

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a489a7 No.22320293

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83c19f No.22320294

File: af0909c8de544c6⋯.png (119.8 KB,497x303,497:303,ClipboardImage.png)


A person too stupid to know they are a slave.

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de940e No.22320295

File: b7395b93f12649e⋯.jpg (103.15 KB,834x558,139:93,00000muhherder10c.jpg)

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de940e No.22320297

File: 4285520fda7821b⋯.jpeg (338.7 KB,828x698,414:349,01faggots3.jpeg)

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