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File: 100fb7c5ae9e026⋯.jpg (176.11 KB,600x335,120:67,000nnn.jpg)

b2d059 No.22236731 [View All]

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3a2832 No.22237537



"H1B sound like a disease

change my mind"

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815c9e No.22237538


Thank you.

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f17239 No.22237539

File: cb0343c18411bd4⋯.png (200.35 KB,568x450,284:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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dce0f6 No.22237540

File: a8e0eb42e80d6be⋯.png (2.98 MB,1200x1704,50:71,IMG_9177.png)

File: ab27ebff4092e0a⋯.gif (498.76 KB,260x258,130:129,9ewd92.gif)



SpaceX subsidies?

What companies do not receive subsidies and why?

Who else is not on the list? Why?

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0e0fee No.22237541



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bf12d4 No.22237542

File: 9a76c7750927c58⋯.png (25.17 KB,581x197,581:197,ClipboardImage.png)


Corporations love H-1B visas because they allow the company to pay below market wages AND control the foreigners they hire, because the employers, not the workers, own the visas—if a newly imported foreigner leaves the sponsoring company, he has to leave the country.


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0fe903 No.22237543


>Having to compete

It's not a competition if the company refuses to hire you because it can hire a H1B at half the cost and HR can't confirm a fake work history in India.

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0e0fee No.22237544


> furious my own tax dollars went to fund something I directly had to fight against.



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d2840f No.22237545

File: 79eee6aafab5dcb⋯.png (7.38 KB,255x170,3:2,ANGELSwatchingoveryou.png)



Wishing you a blessed and peaceful New Year, Anon.

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aff707 No.22237546


They chop their dicks off

get a gaping axe wound

to still be 2 homo men?

What the actual fuck!

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f30ab2 No.22237547

File: a796a6443a91df9⋯.png (23.56 KB,534x435,178:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0840d5927c1d017⋯.png (1.68 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)

5 post(s) found containing "Dec 27".


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56db4d No.22237548

File: 0b835a82504ed5c⋯.png (87.14 KB,201x251,201:251,ClipboardImage.png)



don't stop there!

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56db4d No.22237549

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815c9e No.22237550


Thank you tremendously anon.

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02b7ef No.22237551

File: d6e0c20d5c296e7⋯.webp (47.06 KB,1024x819,1024:819,IMG_1442.webp)


nice.. thoughtful.

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fcc130 No.22237552

File: 11ff31c75f0d89d⋯.png (426.79 KB,976x936,122:117,235555.png)


US private sector full-time jobs have DROPPED by nearly 2 MILLION over the past year. Such a drop has never happened outside of recessions.

The only gain in full-time jobs has been in the government sector. The Job market is not only weak, it is collapsing.

THIS…. this right here…. is exactly, precisely the second largest reason that the Democrats lost the Presidential election. While they were stuck in their echo chamber of lies, repeating the falsehood that "the economy is terrific" the rest of the real world knew otherwise.

The first big reason they lost, of course, was inflation: specifically, the price of FOOD.

But to this very day, the radical left-wing cult remain in their echo chamber of lies, only now, they're trying to find a way to block Trump from being inaugurated.

It seems as though the radical left is oblivious to the reality that what they're doing WOULD LIKELY cause an ACTUAL, SHOOTING, Civil War, and that people die in Civil Wars, particularly the people that start them.

As always, the Demoncrats & their RINO neo-con puppets are still desperate to destroy America from within, trying to undermine our democratic elections and subvert the will of The American People…. even though the majority of the country has told them to FUCK OFF already!


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317971 No.22237553

File: 34446c3018942ab⋯.png (31.68 KB,640x800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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56db4d No.22237554

File: d389af0180de767⋯.png (45.13 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2d059 No.22237555


afternoon ebo


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56db4d No.22237556


this is part of muh transition messaging.

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4e38d5 No.22237557

File: 97ae427deffe6bd⋯.png (209.97 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce46d6 No.22237558

File: 248d2be311886e5⋯.png (720.94 KB,700x350,2:1,9998.png)

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02b7ef No.22237559


i thought it was bird flu when i first heard about it.

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0e0fee No.22237560

File: 52f2c0ec1c0267f⋯.png (242.13 KB,581x593,581:593,bb2a536d58d3f16431380fce5c….png)


digits are borken


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5d942c No.22237561

File: 79d2516f2790009⋯.png (114.76 KB,612x487,612:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2470706494fb634⋯.png (151.1 KB,289x433,289:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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56db4d No.22237562

File: b4744d0bf221c51⋯.png (116.56 KB,800x424,100:53,Screen_Shot_2024_12_27_at_….png)

speaking of muh fed

Double Whammy! US Dollar Lost 97% Puchasing Power Since Creation Of Fed, Public Debt UP 188% Since Obama/Harris


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fcc130 No.22237563


How about just stop starting wars all over the globe!?

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4e38d5 No.22237564

File: 059cf5324814906⋯.png (310.64 KB,638x391,638:391,17s.png)

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2fc9a6 No.22237565

File: 9a9548a46ef2220⋯.png (286.62 KB,500x555,100:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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878842 No.22237566



#27205 >>22236742

>>22236755, >>22236821 Late-night hosts relentlessly made Donald Trump their main joke, still failed

>>22236782, >>22237404 Loomer's war

>>22236785, >>22237547 Today in Q Post History we have 05 Deltas

>>22236812, >>22236839, >>22236858, >>22236869, >>22236890 Military Posts o7


>>22236862, >>22237002, >>22237157, >>22237187, >>22237213 SPACE News

>>22236884 US Appeals Court Halts Enforcement of Anti-Money Laundering Law

>>22236899, >>22237340 Why do they need all these H1-B tech workers?

>>22236920 Just a fraction of the hydrogen hidden beneath Earth's surface could power Earth for 200 years

>>22236982 Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump

>>22236996 Euthanasia Is “Out of Control in Canada” as it is the Cause of 1 in 20 Deaths

>>22237003, >>22237159 Eight Angels Found Hiding Nearly in Plain Sight at Church Where Paul Revere Hung Famous Lanterns

>>22237010 Inside Christmas Eve at Mar-a-Lago: Donald Trump DJs holiday celebration

>>22237088 The Great Christmas H1B War of 2024 - the perfect clusterfuckek

>>22237114 Make Paper Great Again

>>22237139 Hearts of Oak: Chanel Rion on how she got the Ukraine story with Rudy

>>22237234 Roger Stone in Studio plus Q&A Friday! w/Author Brenden Dilley

>>22237279 Gab has open arms

>>22237288 RT - Here’s how the US burned millions ‘fighting propaganda’

>>22237308 DC Draino BLASTS Big Tech Oligarchs For Support Of H-1B Visa Program

>>22237335 Breaking - Fire erupts at Bryant Park’s holiday market in New York City

>>22237341, >>22237343 New Bird-Inspired Drone “RAVEN” Can Walk, Hop, and Fly into the Future

>>22237367 TRUMP TRUTH - Sorry to inform you that Superstar Attorney David Rivkin just passed away

>>22237396 @RepRoKhanna - It’s time to clean up corruption in Washington. Let’s pass my bill to:

>>22237445 Drone Show Cancellations

>>22237468 Seifert: America Is More Than An Economic Zone It Is Our Home

>>22237478 Graphic of notable Gates

>>22237490 Thousands of Store Closures on Tap for 2025

>>22237524 Elon Musk says US needs many hypersonic missiles, long-range drones: 'Anything manned will die very fast'

>>22236917, >>22236923, >>22237147, >>22237523, >>22237534, >>22237557 Memes

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ed8dba No.22237567

File: e425383cf9b9865⋯.png (253.06 KB,608x551,32:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10f65ecfce22cf2⋯.png (386.41 KB,556x549,556:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e0545c8cb0f167⋯.png (506.71 KB,1026x547,1026:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a2832 No.22237568

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a96a03 No.22237570


The jumping faggot called us subtards.

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bf12d4 No.22237571

File: 143db7a6ca5c643⋯.png (28.13 KB,1014x173,1014:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e463081657fc94⋯.png (122.91 KB,682x770,31:35,ClipboardImage.png)

WASHINGTON: Three Republican US lawmakers have introduced a legislation in Congress to bar American employers from hiring H-1B workers, who are mostly highly-skilled Indian IT professionals, if they have recently, or plan to fire their local workers, seeking to put an end to the “allure of cheap foreign labour”.

Introduced in the House of Representatives by Republican congressmen Mo Brooks, Matt Gaetz and Lance Gooden, the American Jobs First Act proposes to overhaul the H-1B visa programme by making necessary changes in the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The H-1B visa, most-sought after among Indian IT professionals, is a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in speciality occupati ..

According to its text released on Wednesday, a foreign guest worker may not be admitted or provided status as an H-1B non-immigrant in an occupational classification unless the petitioner employer has filed with the Secretary of Labour an application stating the employer is offering an annual wage to the H-1B non-immigrant that is the greater of the annual wage paid to the US citizen or lawful permanent resident employee who did identical or similar work during the two years before the petitioner employer filed such application; or USD 110.

The petitioner employer also needs to file with the Secretary of Labour an application stating the employer will not require an H-1B non-immigrant to pay a penalty for ceasing employment with the petitioner employer before the date agreed to by the H-1B non-immigrant and the petitioner employer.

It ends the diversity visa lottery programme, which the lawmakers alleged fails to serve US interests by issuing 50,000 green cards to foreigners from around the world regardless of their qualifications. Given that the Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives, the bill has little chance to be passed.

"My American Jobs First Act will bring much needed reform and oversight to the H-1B visa programme to ensure that US workers are no longer disadvantaged in their own country. …..


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fcc130 No.22237573

File: be2999b666c508d⋯.png (350.33 KB,568x666,284:333,economic_reality.png)

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1c7489 No.22237575

File: 55cb6a8b8d510d6⋯.png (11.58 KB,255x255,1:1,0f3f83206cd69ec3549d56b35c….png)

Elon is the savior of Free speech.

Without Elon we would have Kamala as POTUS.

Let that sink in.

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7bb490 No.22237576


This is an excellent post by Brian Cates.


Not everything has to be hashed out right now.

>just because people have differing opinions doesn't mean MAGA is going to 'fracture'

Do you have an X account? I do, and the hate and infighting is off the charts!

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56db4d No.22237577


it's not incompetence.

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2985b3 No.22237579



not notable but whatever

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f17239 No.22237580

File: b5c31601419b067⋯.png (406.09 KB,568x563,568:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0fee No.22237581

File: 019b101419c0df7⋯.mp4 (426.17 KB,368x368,1:1,fucking_goat.mp4)


Elon, if we wanted your opinion… well, we don't. So. Fuck off.

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5c5b36 No.22237582

>>22231355, >>22231377, >>22231481, >>22231482 China’s sixth-generation fighter ‘White Emperor’ has made its maiden flight, accompanied by a fifth-gen J-20.

Xi would like to thank Hillary and her personal servers loaded with the SAPs (Top Secret: Special Access Programs) before she "wiped them with a cloth."


Based on the provided search results, it appears that Hillary Clinton’s personal server was erased using a free utility called BleachBit. According to the FBI investigation, a technician employed by Platte River Networks, the company that managed Clinton’s server, used BleachBit to erase the personal emails on the server in March 2015, after being instructed to do so by Clinton’s team. This was done before the server was turned over to the FBI.

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878842 No.22237583

File: ae32b45f6980bd1⋯.png (1.48 MB,904x904,1:1,ae32b45f6980bd1e255e6b15aa….png)

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d3a65e No.22237584

File: 52d96ad98460606⋯.jpg (400.51 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241223_125825….jpg)

File: 0f8c38822afcace⋯.png (642.76 KB,1022x731,1022:731,0f8c38822afcace5c77947d9f2….png)

File: 10de27c3ccafeed⋯.jpg (291.38 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241223_125828….jpg)

File: e5d02d98565f8b5⋯.jpeg (274.4 KB,2048x1151,2048:1151,Gff67IsXQAA766Y.jpeg)

File: 1ddf1ff9c69f2b2⋯.png (151.75 KB,330x262,165:131,1ddf1ff9c69f2b2528f8e686ad….png)

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fcc130 No.22237585

File: 196c67f36a5d621⋯.png (97.71 KB,915x735,61:49,truth_be_told.png)

File: f1b7784516d7381⋯.png (340.5 KB,565x555,113:111,WAR_IS_A_RACKET.png)

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3a2832 No.22237586


kek, you ip hopped just to say this?

free speech my ass

ask all the anons who're still in the limbo

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878842 No.22237588

File: 7726e0184ebd080⋯.png (785.82 KB,974x954,487:477,7726e0184ebd080ba37b02a533….png)

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56db4d No.22237591


"the real usury is inflation…"

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587e46 No.22237593


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56db4d No.22237594



baby i'm a want you.

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