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File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

bedb8b No.22086329 [View All]

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659 posts and 446 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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95d1e2 No.22087138

File: 1505eaccdd8837c⋯.png (297.7 KB,333x363,111:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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83e56a No.22087139

I loathe the term, "Jew-hatred".

It's jingoistic and wreaks of a Ben Shapiro working lunch.

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6d1511 No.22087140


Anons don’t like Kash.

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18ddd8 No.22087141

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a122b2 No.22087142

File: 4ce2d7de03674e3⋯.png (686.8 KB,1142x563,1142:563,4ce2d7de03674e3a882cabfa11….png)

File: 52299a7ae750934⋯.jpg (134.43 KB,1200x843,400:281,52299a7ae750934f949c75d1b2….jpg)

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a2f7cf No.22087143

>>22087107 this is how china markets their products. "go try reddit". gtfo.

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6d1511 No.22087144


Kash is a faggot.

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d5409d No.22087146

File: 6d488d71a788812⋯.png (230.36 KB,438x328,219:164,ClipboardImage.png)


Child trafficking right in your face! This is the Biden/Harris Legacy

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63666f No.22087147


Members of the media were hanged at Nuremberg.

Fuck right they're worried as they should be.

Salty tears are bestest tears.

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f24157 No.22087148


you really think any woman would post a 255x255 picture of herself?

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6d1511 No.22087149


Paid Anons like Kash. Non paid Anons don’t like Kash. That’s facts you paid Anon shill.

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e9d5cd No.22087150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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68abe8 No.22087153

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks.jpg)

The negative Nancy's coming out to shit on Kash as soon as his name is mentioned here are probably going to be fired by him soon.

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0b1c91 No.22087155

File: bb1301df66895c0⋯.mp4 (861.68 KB,576x618,96:103,KeepingAnEyeOut4U.mp4)

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28012d No.22087156

File: 8630fded11acdb0⋯.png (405.94 KB,1200x897,400:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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95d1e2 No.22087159





An informed [awake] public holds all the keys.


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179e2c No.22087160

File: fa4937e6444e8c6⋯.jpeg (58.31 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_2479.jpeg)

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fb0a86 No.22087161


where do we get paid?

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e9e9cc No.22087164


liberate the herb

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c5951a No.22087166


Nuremberg was 90% jew running the trial

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c5951a No.22087167


still waiting for my cash

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28012d No.22087168

File: dd42034c7cae7ee⋯.png (272.26 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f21d1 No.22087169


Nuremberg was fake and gay.

99.9% of politicians-scum, lawyer-scum, teacher-scum, soldier-scum, doctor-scum, etc. WALKED and didn't even get a trial.

Even families directly involved in forced labor and deaths WALKED.

Really makes you think.

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a122b2 No.22087171

File: 8921db84a3c5449⋯.jpg (61.45 KB,478x351,478:351,8921db84a3c54496445daa42ec….jpg)

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95d1e2 No.22087172


We elected TRAITORS to govern us.

We allowed EVIL to prey on us.

Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.

The evil and corruption only grew.

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68abe8 No.22087174


Paid by whom? He's making his own money. Look at you, trying to gatekeep with a negative label. Kind of an elitist attitude, wouldn't you say?

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179e2c No.22087176


They never will. This is an information war. Commercials are Gods.

The religious people are in the way. They block the path to awakening. It’s in the Bible.

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86797c No.22087178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"This one goes out to the Deep State, then it's over to Cindy for weather.."

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95d1e2 No.22087180

File: 702677ed6a1ef1b⋯.png (64.35 KB,616x405,616:405,Miriam.png)

File: 1b8b16feb3b46ca⋯.png (49.4 KB,547x456,547:456,MiriamII.png)

File: 9cbfad73749c38b⋯.png (55.66 KB,596x419,596:419,MiriamIII.png)

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a122b2 No.22087181

File: 6b942c4da580ef9⋯.jpg (129.15 KB,1158x718,579:359,6b942c4da580ef9754ba0f33d8….jpg)

File: bbfc9c1d2286aae⋯.jpg (331.94 KB,1424x1444,356:361,bbfc9c1d2286aaeea2dc1fd64d….jpg)

File: 7170b44cecfbb02⋯.png (114.38 KB,605x851,605:851,7170b44cecfbb02b298cd03403….png)

File: 10610a298fa8593⋯.jpg (7.51 KB,300x100,3:1,1693711940692.jpg)

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1432de No.22087184



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95d1e2 No.22087186


>"This one goes out to the Deep State

Playing one for yourselves I see.

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01e6b6 No.22087189

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon has bee around QR form the beginning.

Tranime faggot and parakeet have ruined this place.

Anon will no longer contribute to this shit show.

Hey Jim, Enjoy your faggot baker as you lose real Anons.

You do the digs and make the SP's

Peace out

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554b4b No.22087191


#27039 >>22086343

>>22086675 ICYMI: Newly appointed FBI Director Kash Patel calls for a 24/7 declassification office.

>>22086707 50 Days to WH

>>22086352 Shocking Majority of Terror Suspects Came from Canada this year

>>22086353 California is about to become home to the nation’s second electric vehicle-charging roadway - $20 Million per half mile

>>22086363 What your dog socks mean in Spy language

>>22086382 @Elon: YES on Cash demanding massive declassification

>>22086412 @Dan: Zero Bark Thirty - 3 years ago today

>>22086508 Trump War Room: Soon

>>22086519, >>22086523 @WarClandestine: What a nice Epstein client list you have there…

>>22086524, >>22086532 LexFridman invites Zelensky to a podcast in Kyiv. Challenge accepted

>>22086528 The Edison NJ Township Council has banned citizens from having American flags, copies of the U.S. Constitution or “other props” at meetings.

>>22086563 Full X22 interview - Trump’s new FBI Director Kash Patel knows the FBI was involved in January 6t

>>22086582 @robbystarbuck: A note for Democrat Senators - According to your woke rules, if you try to stop Kash from confirmation you are racists and bigots

>>22086593 CA Attny Gen wants shoppers to report stores without gender neutral kids' sections

>>22086610 Censorship Victim Warns MAGA: Don’t Trust Zuckerberg

>>22086618, >>22086623, >>22086631 Trump names son-in-law Jared Kushner’s father Charles as next ambassador to France


>>22086642 Sanctuary city Denver spending a whopping $356 million on migrants

>>22086686 Mayhar Tousi - UK political commentator and patriot arrested

>>22086682 @RepClayHiggins Mr. Wray, Remain close to DC. Your presence will be commanded. Repeatedly.

>>22086762 ICYMI: @DevinNunes @Kash Congratulations! 🇺🇸

>>22086798 Massachusetts Working Class Dramatically Shifted for Trump, Dems Wondering Why

>>22086863 Making Greenland Great Again?

>>22086922 Criminal law Should be Inelastic

>>22086982 Kash Patel - Donald Trump’s FBI Director Nominee | SRS #128

>>22087050 Second Half of NBC Gossip on Kash Patel, maybe paragraphs 3 & 6, has them worried

>>22086368, >>22086370, >>22086449, >>22086439, >>22086448, >>22086459, >>22086476, >>22086483, >>22086520, >>22086579, Memes


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30519b No.22087192

File: 4b89bece48f6e59⋯.png (710.59 KB,768x819,256:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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63666f No.22087194

Well I guess then Nuremberg 2.0 we'll see ALOT more media hanged.

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95d1e2 No.22087197

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c3ac49 No.22087198


It may be THEIR right, but OURS is to stand guard and defend what so many have shed their blood for. And having certain persons use that to make money, is akin to war profiteers like the Rothschilds.

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95d1e2 No.22087201


Didn't Trump nominate Wray?

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179e2c No.22087203


It’s been what 70 something years since the “Nazi” war and no one thinks AshkeNAZI is even their race.

I personally think the Germans called them Nazi, and then they took over the news and banks and turned the story around. Getting the Christians who, love Jews, to believe the newspaper since they were so far away from the actual reality.

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5f2b29 No.22087205

File: b6387286f47f4d2⋯.jpg (110.46 KB,680x622,340:311,image001.jpg)

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86797c No.22087207


Irony isn't something containing iron.

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9557fd No.22087208


On the bad advice of DS plants.

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95d1e2 No.22087209

File: 08290fe7327d166⋯.jpg (40.17 KB,337x355,337:355,ScoobySnacks.JPG)

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68abe8 No.22087210


Oh fuck off, the information collected and figured out here are not yours to gatekeep to others, it's for everyone. "Stand guard and defend." Defend from whom? The people sharing it with others outside of here? Do you even hear yourself?

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86797c No.22087213


Wray of light…

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95d1e2 No.22087214

File: f54e6802faf23e4⋯.png (59.16 KB,607x411,607:411,Bessent.png)

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554b4b No.22087215

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a915a9 No.22087217


free the weed…

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554b4b No.22087218

migrate, lockin it up

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