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3e8cfc No.21656654 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research Canada

The truths and ethics of the Western-Christian traditions, are infinitely precious, not only, as we believe, because they are true, but also because they provide the moral impulse which alone can lead to that peace, in the true meaning of the word, for which we all long. . . . There is little hope for democracy if the hearts of men and women in democratic societies cannot be touched by a call to something greater than themselves.

The countless who died during WWI, WWII, and the Korean War laid their lives for the red ensign, and not the current maple leaf which was implemented in 1967. Lets pay homage to our rich history, lets make Canada the True North Strong and Free Again.

There are many digs to be had based on the Canadian Swamp, involved in U1, SNC Lavalin, Ethics Violations by the Office of the Prime Minister, Huwaii, Oilsands, Human Trafficking. LETS FIGURE IT OUT AND DRAIN THE NORTHERN SWAMP!

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Bienvenue À Q Research Canada

Les vérités et l'éthique des traditions chrétiennes occidentales sont infiniment précieuses, non seulement, comme nous le crois, parce qu'elles sont vraies, mais aussi parce qu'elles fournissent l'impulsion morale qui seule peut conduire à cette paix, dans le vrai sens du mot, pour laquelle nous aspirons tous. . . . Il y a peu d'espoir pour la démocratie si le cœur des hommes et des femmes dans les sociétés démocratiques ne peut être touché par un appel à quelque chose de plus grand qu'eux-mêmes.

Les innombrables morts de la première, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée ont donné leur vie au red ensign, et non à la feuille d'érable actuelle qui a été mise en œuvre en 1967. Rendons hommage à notre riche histoire, rendons le Canada à nouveau fort et libre.

Il y a beaucoup de fouilles à faire sur la base du Marais Canadien, impliqué dans U1, SNC Lavalin, violations de L'éthique par le Bureau du Premier ministre, Huwaii, sables bitumineux, traite de personnes. PERMET DE COMPRENDRE ET DE DRAINER LE MARAIS DU NORD!

Nous tenons ces vérités pour évidentes: que tous les hommes sont créés égaux; qu'ils sont dotés par leur Créateur de certains droits inaliénables; que parmi ceux-ci se trouvent la vie, la liberté et la poursuite du bonheur.

Nous sommes des chercheurs qui traitent d'informations open source, d'arguments raisonnés et de mèmes humides. Nous nous battons uniquement dans le domaine des idées et des idées. Nous n'avons pas besoin ni n'approuvons le recours à la force dans notre travail ici.


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3e8cfc No.21656656

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>>21251854 ——–——– Australia #37

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>>21435975 ——–——– Germany #107

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>>19804572 ——–——– UK #51

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3e8cfc No.21656658

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Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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3e8cfc No.21656661

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>21512802 Is This Why Warren Buffett Dumped Billions Worth Of Bank Of America Stock?

>>21513217 Canada’s productivity crisis “getting worse” and lagging behind U.S.: report

>>21522668 Canada’s healthcare system will need $2 trillion to meet ageing population’s needs

>>21527762 Maxime Bernier says PPC is necessary to keep Poilievre 'honest' (video)

>>21531589 Bank of Canada Cuts Rates For Third Consecutive Month, Says "Expect Further Cuts"

>>21532291, >>21534953 Justin Trudeau IN DANGER as Jagmeet Singh ENDS coalition deal (video)

>>21543079 WSJ Decries Canada’s ‘Monstrous’ Assisted Suicide Program

>>21547817 Calgary leads North American tech job growth with 78% surge over last five years: report

>>21547772 Only one in ten university students can access a residence bed: report

>>21548059 Photo Essay — Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

>>21553047 Canadian students can expect to pay $75K for a university degree this year

>>21571914 Canadian rent growth surges in affordable regions while expensive markets abate

>>21605579 New Brunswick doubles initial surplus, earning nod from taxpayers group

>>21622343 "Bitcoin - A Unique Diversifier" - BlackRock Releases New Pro-Crypto Report

>>21656595 Final Boeing Bun

>>21656596 Final China Bun

>>21656597 Final Climate Change Bun

>>21656598 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun

>>21656599 Final Drag Queens and Transgender Bun

>>21656601 Final Globalist Moves Bun

>>21656604 Final Government Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Bun

>>21656606 Final Hamas and Israel Bun

>>21656607 Final Immigration Bun

>>21656609 Final International Events Bun

>>21656610 Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>21656611 Final Media and Censorship Bun

>>21656612 Final Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>21656615 Final Trudeau Bun

>>21656617 Final Vaccine Injury and Mandates Bun

>>21656619 Final Wokeism Bun

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3e8cfc No.21656662

File: 78d56e5fa5977d5⋯.jpeg (37.6 KB,420x315,4:3,78d56e5fa5977d50c329b09cb….jpeg)



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34b08e No.21656844

File: bf7832eff40e09c⋯.png (1.3 MB,891x786,297:262,1725581291.png)

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34b08e No.21656866

File: 3598504d67cf365⋯.pdf (1.45 MB,sotf_pact_for_the_future_a….pdf)

UN Pushes for Global Control With New Pact: Digital IDs, Censorship, and Surveillance at the Core


The United Nation’s Summit of the Future 2024 held ahead of this year’s UN General Assembly has revealed that the world organization is moving toward adding more initiatives to its existing, and upcoming, “power grab portfolio.”

This time it’s the Pact for the Future (with the Global Digital Compact as an annex), that has just been adopted.

The main component of this scheme is the “action-oriented outcome” document, the other being an international agreement, and the implementation of both, driven by the UN, is expected to start after the summit.

We obtained a copy of the document for you here.

The summary of the purpose of two deals is to put a positive spin and push for immediate and as wide as possible adoption of such controversial policies as censorship (“disinformation” crackdown), surveillance, and the so-called digital public infrastructure (DPI) with digital IDs as its component.

There is also the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) – in itself an agenda endorsed by major countries that, among other things, looks to usher in digital IDs, as well as new tools, and justifications, for censorship. Continue…

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34b08e No.21657037

File: e16ced4b661df25⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Transgender YouTuber Blaire White calls Canada out on trans issues


American Transgender YouTuber Blaire White hosted a speaking event in Toronto for 200 supporters, most of whom identified as part of the LGBTQ community, Tuesday.

In an interview with True North, White, a self-identifying transwoman and often lauded as “transphobic” by LGBTQ activists, blasted Canada on several trans-related issues, including transwomen in women’s prisons, “gender-affirming” medicine for minors, and parental rights.

White was supportive of policies such as restricting hormones and puberty blockers for minors and applauded Alberta’s rules on gender transitions in children put forward, which have been supported by Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and also implemented by provinces such as Saskatchewan and New Brunswick.

“I’m absolutely in support of banning transition from minors. I think people have a hard time understanding how I can be a trans adult who’s happy with my decision to transition and also believe that, but the keyword is adult.” She told True North. ”I believe consent is not possible as a child.”

She advocated for LGBTQ wards in female prisons to protect both the trans population who might experience heightened violence in male wards and protect females who experience violence from transwomen in their wards.

White was supportive of legislation which would prevent transgender people from competing in women’s sports.

On the gender debate in schools, she said it’s “insane” that parents are being kept in the dark about their children’s gender transitions in schools. She said the idealogy behind the policy, such as that used in the Durham District School Board in Ontario, is Marxist or collectivist in nature. Continue…

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34b08e No.21657124

File: 6c60958b635cb04⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Bloc and NDP continue to prop up Trudeau gov, as non-confidence motion fails


The Conservative’s non-confidence motion to topple the Trudeau government and force a snap election was voted down in the House of Commons on Wednesday, as the NDP and Bloc Quebecois voted against the measure.

The motion was defeated by a vote of 211 to 120.

The outcome of the vote was unsurprising as both NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves Blanchet had publicly said they would not be supporting the Conservatives’ motion last week.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre used the first Opposition Day of Parliament’s fall sitting to present the motion before the House of Commons on Tuesday, which stated: “The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.” Continue…

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34b08e No.21657228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TDSB under fire after deceiving parents, leading children through anti-Israel protest


http://RebelNewsStore.com | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/3BhnUlT

David Menzies discusses a recent Toronto District School Board-sanctioned field trip that saw students being led through an anti-Israel protest.

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34b08e No.21657305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SHOCKING: Lawyer shares military whistleblowers' claims of abuse during COVID jab mandate rollout


http://NoMoreShots.ca | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/4eDWogM

Military law attorney Catherine Christensen joins Rebel News to discuss Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans' shocking claims of emotional abuse they allegedly endured during the forces' rollout of its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

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34b08e No.21657350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Expose The Traitors! 11 parliamentarians are working for foreign states


►http://www.ExposeTheTraitors.com | Tell Trudeau to say who's betrayed Canada!

Sheila Gunn Reid looks at how the Canadians are being kept in the dark over parliamentarians working with foreign states against Canada's interests. Only Trudeau has the power to make this public, yet he refuses to do so.

Visit Rebel News for more on this story ► https://rebelne.ws/4eFMBaf

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34b08e No.21657586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Faulkner Show | John A. Macdonald saved more Indigenous lives than any other prime minister ever


Read the full article on C2C: https://c2cjournal.ca/2024/08/parks-canada-tries-to-cancel-sir-john-a-macdonald-in-his-own-home/

Greg Piasetzki toured the newly renovated Bellevue House in August, the Parks Canada monument to John A. Macdonald, and was appalled at the historical inaccuracies and maligning of Macdonald throughout the house where he once lived. Everything about Macdonald today except for one or two biographies written decades ago is a carefully curated slander against not only the man but his creation – Canada.

In Piasetzki’s belief, Macdonald is not only innocent against the claims of genocide for which he stands accused, but Macdonald actually saved more Indigenous lives than any other prime minister in the history of Canada.

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34b08e No.21657647

File: 88130019d57d124⋯.png (702.18 KB,802x500,401:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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Trudeau gov’t launches new regulatory agency in case of ‘future pandemics’


In a September 24 press release, Minister of Innovation François-Philippe Champagne and Minister of Health Mark Holland announced the launch of Health Emergency Readiness Canada, a government agency 'dedicated to protecting Canadians against future pandemics.'

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party has announced a new government agency to regulate Canadians in case of “future pandemics” and “health emergencies.”

In a September 24 press release, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne and Minister of Health Mark Holland announced the launch of Health Emergency Readiness Canada (HERC), a government agency that is “dedicated to protecting Canadians against future pandemics and delivering on Canada’s life sciences and medical countermeasures readiness objectives.”

“HERC will serve as Canada’s focal point to help mobilize industry to respond in a coordinated approach to public health needs and to support the growth of a domestic life sciences sector,” the press release stated. .

According to the press release, the new program will mean “Canadians could get faster access to the most relevant and effective vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and other products, including when they need them the most.”

However, many Canadians are far from happy with this announcement, pointing to the program as a new form of government overreach.

“So Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada weren’t enough?” one user questioned. “We need a new bureaucracy? Won’t this bureaucracy be incentivized to exaggerate any health threat to justify their spending?” Continue…

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34b08e No.21657745

File: 2442c468b30a09f⋯.png (493.23 KB,810x495,18:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Jordan Peterson condemns ‘trans-butchery of minor children’ as ‘a crime against humanity’


In an interview late last week with Piers Morgan, the Canadian psychologist expressed outrage regarding the epidemic of trans ‘mutilation’ procedures on children, stating the ‘butchering sadists’ responsible for them should be imprisoned for life.

Every medical professional who has participated in so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors “should be put in prison for the rest of their lives” for committing these “crimes against humanity,” Jordan Peterson stated in an interview with British TV host Piers Morgan last week. Continue…

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34b08e No.21657804

File: 326bc0cbf2a02ab⋯.png (242.31 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

The northern lights might again be visible in the US as solar activity increases


The northern lights might again be visible in the US as solar activity increasesBy The Associated PressThe Associated Press

The aurora borealis is continuing to dazzle viewers across the northern United States and Canada.

It’s been a good year for seeing auroras — the colorful sky displays also known as northern lights — even in lower latitudes. That’s because of increased electromagnetic activity as the sun is believed to be approaching the height of its 11-year solar cycle. Continue…

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34b08e No.21658141

File: e83e9ac6a82d7ed⋯.png (596.38 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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Entire German Green Party Leadership Resigns over Election Failures as Public Rejects Mass Migration, Climate Hysteria


The entire federal executive board of the German Green party resigned on Wednesday after a string of disastrous regional election results as the leftist party is haemorrhaging voters amid growing opposition to core pillars of its platform such as the green agenda, support for the war in Ukraine, and open borders.

Announcing their early resignation, Green leaders Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang said that the party is in “the deepest crisis in a decade”.

Their decision to cede control of the party comes after yet another embarrassing defeat at the ballot box, with the Greens only managing to win 4.1 per cent of the vote in the Brandenburg elections over the weekend, falling below the five per cent threshold to be represented in the state’s parliament. Continue…

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34b08e No.21658797

File: e502c24abe41906⋯.png (150.72 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Christine Anderson, MEP: The Same People Who Lied to You About Covid Are Now Trying to Tell You We're All Going to Die of Climate Change


"Question EVERYTHING your Government is doing or saying…"

"Question EVERYTHING your Government is doing or saying, or not doing or not saying. And do not only question and mistrust your government. Most of all you need to distrust the the EU commission. It’s a hell hole, it’s the headquarter of spreading fake news and disinformation…Nothing they tell us we need to do to save the planet will actually save the planet… but it will abolish freedom, democracy and the rule of law."

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34b08e No.21661009

File: c54625131d40ad0⋯.png (211.15 KB,660x600,11:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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ABLECHILD: 1970 Hearing Reveals ADHD as Government-Funded Drug Experiment on Children


In 1970 a lawmaker wanted to know if the federal government had a hand in drugging school-age children that largely has today remained an unspoken, well-funded, uncontrolled clinical drug trial.

September 29, 1970, New Jersey Congressman Cornelis E. Gallagher held a hearing into the federal government’s role in promoting the use of amphetamines and Ritalin as behavior modification of grammar school children.

Fifty-four years later, AbleChild applauds Representative Gallagher for presiding over the House Special Studies Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations investigation as it was one of the first hearings to draw attention to the government’s funding of experimental drug research using school-age children.

Gallagher wanted to know from the experts how it was okay to drug children with amphetamines and Ritalin to modify behavior in school, while at the same time pushing an active national campaign against drug abuse stating that “speed kills.” Continue…

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34b08e No.21661054

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s Something in the Water: NIH Confirms Fluoride Exposure Linked to Lower IQ in Children


This week a federal judge ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over concerns about the currently recommended fluoride levels in drinking water throughout the country.

Judge Edward Chen issued the ruling on Tuesday, citing a recent review by the National Institutes of Health which concluded that higher levels of fluoride may be linked to lower IQ in children.

“In all, there is substantial and scientifically credible evidence establishing that fluoride poses a risk to human health; it is associated with a reduction in the IQ of children and is hazardous at dosages that are far too close to fluoride levels in the drinking water of the United States,” Judge Chen wrote in his ruling.

If the ‘experts’ at the NIH are admitting something so shocking, the evidence must be overwhelming.

Unfortunately, it is. Studies going back decades have backed up the claims, but they have largely been dismissed and ignored.

From the NIH report: Continue…

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34b08e No.21661096

File: 2347791c27baf62⋯.png (920.02 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6426487cc45ee9⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump Is Not Scheduled to Meet with Zelensky This Week — — Zelensky Lectures Trump in the Media While Trump Urges Peace and Diplomacy


President Donald Trump is not scheduled to meet with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky this week during his trip to the United States.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Democrats, and Republican warmongers are intent on expanding Ukraine and NATO’s war against Russia.

President Trump wants peace. Globalist elites and their Democrat cohorts find Trump’s position unpalatable. They demand more war.

According to Russia Today, there is no meeting scheduled between Zelensky and Putin.

This comes after Zelensky campaigned against President Trump while traveling the US with Democrats this week. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russia Announces Changes to Nuclear Doctrine: Western Missile Strikes Deep Inside Russia Will Trigger an Atomic Response (VIDEO)


WORLD WAR III UPDATE:The globalist left moved the world closer to nuclear war on Wednesday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with officials on Wednesday and announced changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine.

Putin lowered the threshold regarding Russian strategic forces’ use of nukes.

In a televised address to Russia’s Security Council, Putin said nuclear doctrine has been effectively revised in light of recent developments.

Putin warned NATO in his message to top Russian leaders after meetings on Wednesday. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661271

File: 36b9f90e2ef93e9⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

NATO Prepares Mass Evacuation and Rescue Plans as Senior General Warns of World War 3 with Russia


NATO is mobilizing its resources and strategic plans in anticipation of a potential all-out war, as articulated by Lieutenant-General Alexander Sollfrank, head of NATO’s logistics command.

This urgent preparation underscores a grim reality: the specter of World War III is looming.

In these two and a half years of war in Ukraine, we see how US and NATO support for Kiev has breached one by one all the Russian so-called ‘red lines’, up until we come to the frightening position that the West is about to greenlight attacks with its long-range missiles deep inside Russian territory, a move that can unleash unimaginable consequences.

That has led Russian President Vladimir Putin to once again warn that the U.S. and NATO would be ‘at war’ with Russia if the West allows Ukraine use long-range missiles – and, in fact, as we will see – be the ones to fire them.

According to reports from the Daily Mail, General Sollfrank has confirmed that NATO is developing mass evacuation and rescue strategies to address the anticipated challenges of a major conflict with Russia. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661315

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Muckraker Exposes The Fate of Biden and Harris’s 320,000 Missing Children Trafficked Through The Border – Border Patrol Agent Says It’s “Exactly Like” The Sound of Freedom


A new investigation by Muckraker exposes the Biden-Harris administration’s trafficking of humans and children and the pathway of the hundreds of thousands of children that are trafficked into the United States with the federal government’s help. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661429

File: b040eb2670577c3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Four Months After Suffering Assassination Attempt, Pro-Trump Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico Receives Anonymous Envelope Containing a Bullet


Political violence seems to be here to stay.

From the shooting of US GOP congressman Steve Scalise in 2017, to the knife attack on Brazilian Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro in 2018, the former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s assassination in 2022, up to the two attempts on the life of candidate Donald Trump this year, the sinister trend seems to be picking up steam.

And, of course, there was the shooting attempt on the life of Slovak President Robert Fico.

In May, Fico was shot in the Slovak city of Handlová, after an off-site government meeting.

Fico approached some people who were greeting him, and it was at that moment that several shots were fired.

The prime minister fell to the ground.

Fico was seriously wounded in the chest and abdomen, and spent months in the hospital recuperating.

It’s another sinister tale – one that unfortunately may not have come to an end.

Politico reported: Continue…

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34b08e No.21661475

File: cc004ac5b81a273⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 201ae8929491423⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Western Officials: Zelensky’s ‘Victory Plan’ Not a Game-Changer, but a ‘Wish List’ – Allies Weigh Reaching out to Putin – Russian Forces Enter Ugledar as Frontline Crumbles


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s tour of the US appears to be falling flat, as his much-hyped ‘Victory Plan’ has seemingly failed to impress his western allies, as the situation on the frontlines keeps worsening for his undermanned, outgunned and outmaneuvered troops.

It arises now that western officials have been seeking to ‘lower expectations’ for his plan to end the war, saying they ‘don’t see it ushering in a breakthrough’ to the conflict with Russia.

Bloomberg reports: Continue…

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34b08e No.21661552

File: e7bef8e85a41760⋯.png (277.14 KB,500x313,500:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9324ed03f98f45d⋯.png (175.3 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1946be8719fed82⋯.png (366.12 KB,500x452,125:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu Orders Military To Fight Hezbollah At 'Full Force', Rules Out Ceasefire


Despite optimistic Wednesday headlines from US media touting a White House push for ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, there proved no substance to the reports, given just a day later Israel has rejected the proposals for a ceasefire in Lebanon.

"There will be no ceasefire in the north," Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced on X. "We will continue to fight against the Hezbollah terrorist organization with all our strength until victory and the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes." Continue…

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34b08e No.21661579

File: a03bd6cdb016640⋯.png (277.79 KB,500x217,500:217,ClipboardImage.png)


A Globalism Of Ideas – Inside The UN's "Pact For The Future"


The United Nation’s Summit of the Future is over. The “great and good” of global leadership got together for four days in New York for what their website called…

a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the multilateral system and steer humanity on a new course

…which sounds just lovely and not at all creepy and hubristic.

The four day event was split into two “action days” and two days of “the Summit.”

Both of which are just different names for “people in suits sitting around big tables using bureaucratic jargon while making big time serious important-person faces”.

The result of which is the passing of a document they’re calling the “Pact for the Future” – 81 pages of self-important waffle so crammed with meaningless political language it becomes near-unintelligible (what James Corbett calls “Globalese”).

Here’s a paragraph chosen at random:

Enhancing cooperation with stakeholders, including civil society, academia, the scientific and technological community and the private sector, and encouraging intergenerational partnerships, by promoting a whole-of society approach, to share best practices and develop innovative, long-term and forward-thinking ideas in order to safeguard the needs and interests of future generations.

…it’s all like that. And I read it all. 81 pages. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661692

File: 6c9d440f48f8f45⋯.png (161.35 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

ID Theft And False Credit Applications Drive 54% Surge In Auto Fraud: Equifax Canada


Driven by fake credit applications and identity theft, automotive fraud has surged 54 percent from a year ago, a report from Equifax Canada has found.

“That kind of increase really indicates there’s a specific targeted attack to that sector,” said Carl Davies, head of fraud and identity at Equifax Canada, in an interview. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661727

File: 5da61681be59afb⋯.png (1.42 MB,912x513,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Communism: Woke/DEI/ESG Connection


Explosive Documentary: The War on Children explains that Yuri Bezmenov (1939-1993) was a KGB informant who defected to the US in the 1970s. Bezmenov warned:

The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy. You can take your enemy without a single shot being fired.

Bezmenov explained: “Leftists are useful idiots who serve only to destabilize society.” In an interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984, Bezmenov exposed how the Communism overtakes a country. He said that under the Communist conspiracy, the US was in a state of undeclared war against the principles on which it was founded. “Unless the United States wakes up! The time bomb is ticking every second and the disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect” he emphasized. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661748

File: 708d08772d72655⋯.png (641.09 KB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Netflix cuts Canadian arts funding in response to Bill C-11


Netflix will no longer sponsor several arts institutions involved in Canadian film and television productions in response to the Liberals’ Bill C-11, also known as the Online Streaming Act.

The company cut funding to a host of training and development initiatives last week that it had been investing in since it established a presence in Canada in 2017.

Netflix had been helping to advance the careers of over 1,200 Canadian writers, directors, producers and performers over that period, investing more than $25 million domestically.

The decision comes as a response to being compelled by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission to contribute 5% of its annual domestic revenues to support Canadian screen productions under the Online Streaming Act imposed by the Trudeau government.

“The CRTC moved ahead with Bill C-11 mandated streamer payments without addressing issues such as what constitutes Cancon and what existing payments will be counted as contributions. This was the inevitable response: Netflix pulls millions in sponsorship,” said law professor and Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law Michael Geist in a post to X. Continue…

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34b08e No.21661765

File: 60264979438b3e5⋯.png (730.85 KB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Manitoba extends gas tax holiday until New Year’s Eve


The government of Manitoba has announced an extension to the gas tax holiday, initially implemented in January of this year and slated to last until the end of September.

On Wednesday, Premier Wab Kinew announced that the gas tax reprieve will now continue until December 31, 2024.

In a press release, the Manitoba government explained that the extension was a direct response to the economic challenges, particularly in the realms of high interest rates and grocery prices.

Kinew has stated that the extension is a necessary measure to support the province’s citizens, noting that the gas tax holiday has already contributed to a reduction in inflation within Manitoba.

“Since we cut the gas tax in January, inflation has gone down in Manitoba,” said Kinew.

“This is what governments are for. We know Manitobans are still struggling with the impact of interest rates and grocery prices so we’re going to continue to step up and save you 14 cents at the pump.” Continue…

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34b08e No.21661878

File: 267b6924f6d1552⋯.png (941.18 KB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian civil society groups meet in Ottawa to discuss Bill C-63 the Online Harms Act


An assortment of stakeholders representing civil society groups gathered in Ottawa to discuss Canada’s proposed internet censorship legislation, with some advocating more protections for free speech and others saying the bill doesn’t go far enough.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims and Open Media co-hosted the Digital Justice Summit in Ottawa on Monday. A diverse range of stakeholders and lawmakers gathered to learn, discuss and debate Bill C-63, also known as the Online Harms Act.

Spearheaded by Justice Minister and Attorney General Arif Virani, the Liberals argue that the bill, which is in its second reading in the House of Commons, is necessary to protect children and Canadians at large against “online harms such as hate speech, non-consensual sexual images and child pornography.

The Conservatives have put forward an alternative bill to replace the proposed legislation with Bill C-412. The bill is intended to protect children from harms outlined in the first part of Bill C-63 regarding sexual crimes and argue that existing hate speech laws can address online hate. Continue…

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34b08e No.21662472

File: c362b7f371829c9⋯.png (473.14 KB,810x496,405:248,ClipboardImage.png)

Canadians are not buying the ‘climate change’ narrative: government poll


In-house Privy Council research shows that Canadians are not concerned with 'climate change,' despite the constant fear-mongering by the ruling Liberal Party and other left-wing entities.

Government polling reveals that most Canadians are not alarmed over “climate change” and will continue to eat meat.

According to in-house Privy Council research obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter, over one third of Canadians think “climate change” could benefit Canada while almost half believe that “adapting to the impacts of climate change is cheaper than preventing it.”

“The purpose of this study is to provide the Privy Council, Department of Environment and Department of Natural Resources with high quality data and information on Canadians’ beliefs, attitudes and behaviour relating to climate change,” the report said. “This includes support for existing and proposed climate policy and programs.”

The research, which questioned 13,700 Canadians, discovered that climate change is not at the forefront of Canadians’ minds, with many pointing out that prediction models are not accurate, and Canada could actually benefit from climate change.

The poll found that 35% of Canadians felt that “the impacts of climate change in Canada will be overwhelmingly positive because it is a cold country.”

Similarly, nearly half of those polled believe that “adapting to the impacts of climate change is cheaper than preventing it.”

At the same time, 24% believed that most climate models are not accurate in their predictions.

According to the poll, 27% revealed that they have “never” discussed “climate change or its impacts,” with family or friends. 23% reported that they discussed it “once in the last two months.”

“In the last two months how frequently or infrequently have you done the following things: Did not eat meat for an entire day,” the survey asked to which 30% said “never,” while another 12% reported going meatless once in the past two months.

Similarly, the poll showed Canadians are very much attached to their current diet and are not interested in changing it in the name of “climate change.” Continue…

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34b08e No.21662676

File: ccfc8db2574e69f⋯.png (399.89 KB,640x415,128:83,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada’s Failure to Push for Lebanon Ceasefire Is Shameful. CJPME


Three days into a murderous Israeli offensive against Lebanon, and following the killing of two Canadians in Lebanon by an Israeli airstrike, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is scandalized that Canada has still failed to call for a ceasefire. CJPME points out that under the UN Charter there is no provision that allows for a country to bombard its neighbour. And while both Israel and Hezbollah have launched attacks against one another, the BBC reported in July that between 8 October 2023 and 5 July 2024, Israel had carried out over 6000 attacks in Lebanon, about five times the number of Hezbollah attacks on Israel. CJPME considers that unless the Trudeau government is happy to see growing casualty numbers in Lebanon – currently at more than 600 dead – it should immediately pressure our allies the US and Israel bring an end to the violence. Continue…

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34b08e No.21663274

File: 79b5f1b938f73f2⋯.png (295.6 KB,781x439,781:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73355b25fbb85c0⋯.png (1.12 MB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94865cb4d80fac9⋯.png (1.13 MB,719x793,719:793,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 109cddb20ab847f⋯.png (61.75 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Sept 26 - Proof Trump Will Win


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34b08e No.21663290

File: 39c97eed0a4288c⋯.png (141.78 KB,488x488,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfdbb24ea49004f⋯.png (371.21 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52edc0d8a74052b⋯.png (728.73 KB,1278x526,639:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 864e8b01bebc473⋯.png (698.55 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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34b08e No.21664271

File: 52e027dc3633c1a⋯.png (843.15 KB,1448x928,181:116,ClipboardImage.png)

Hogue Commission: Lawyer Accuses Trudeau Government of "Nonsense" Memo Deflecting Blame on Threats to MP Chong


In explosive testimony before the Hogue Commission today, a lawyer for Conservative MP Michael Chong accused the Trudeau government’s National Security Advisor, Jody Thomas, of crafting a “nonsense” memo that deflected responsibility for the government's failure to warn Chong on serious Chinese interference threats targeting him and his family.

The lawyer cited a 2023 memorandum from Thomas, addressed to Prime Minister Trudeau, highlighting efforts to implement better measures to warn Members of Parliament about national security threats.

Thomas, who retired this year after being appointed by Trudeau in January 2022, is scheduled to testify in the coming weeks. Continue…

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34b08e No.21664651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Justin Trudeau just did the UNTHINKABLE and Canadians are FED UP | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Justin Trudeau barely survived a non-confidence vote in parliament to end his leadership. Trudeau also lied on national American television in front of Stephen Colbert about his failed administration and Canada's health care system.

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34b08e No.21664859

File: d93489d79f7487c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

IRCC data reveals over one million applications are in backlog


Canada continues to deal with an immigration backlog that has now reached over 1,078,300 applications across different categories.

The backlog is up 7.57% on a month-on-month basis, according to data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

The IRCC published its latest data on Tuesday, which offers a comprehensive look into the status of people at various procedural stages, including temporary residency applications, permanent residency and citizenship.

According to the latest figures, there were a total of 2,420,800 applications in process as of August 31, with a backlog of almost 1.1 million applications delayed.

The delays are across the citizenship, permanent residence, and temporary residence categories and present a significant problem for potential immigrants.

“The growing number of applications in the backlog is alarming, and the elephant in the room are those for temporary status, including visitor visas, study permits, and work permits,” specialist in citizenship and immigration law Sergio Karas told True North.

“Unless this category is addressed, the situation will continue to deteriorate. There is too much demand, and the federal government has already acknowledged that the current pace of application growth is unsustainable. A drastic reduction in the numbers is required until the balance is restored.”

Citizenship applications have decreased by 1.02% since July, while permanent residence applications have seen a slight 0.60% increase over that period, indicating better processing. Continue…

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34b08e No.21664891

File: 1fa072acb1db7bb⋯.png (1.56 MB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Queen’s University endorses Chicago Principles to protect free speech on campus


One of Canada’s most prestigious post-secondary institutions has officially endorsed the Chicago Principles, a suite of guiding propositions designed to demonstrate a commitment to freedom of speech and freedom of expression on college campuses.

Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. released a statement last week endorsing the Chicago Principles in the wake of “significant global and domestic events” which have inevitably made “themselves felt in our daily lives at Queen’s.”

The Chicago Principles were founded at the University of Chicago in 2014 in response to students at various schools attempting, often successfully, to prevent controversial figures from speaking on college campuses.

They were laid out to articulate the institution’s “overarching commitment to free, robust, and uninhibited debate and deliberation among all members of the University’s community.”

In the wake of ever-growing conflict in the Middle East, Queen’s Principal Patrick Deane expressed the institution’s inability to take a stance in a school-wide email last week.

Deane said Queen’s position regarding commenting on global and domestic affairs is to promote diverse understanding through research and dialogue.

While he acknowledged that ongoing conflicts are more likely to evoke strong emotions due to “personal, moral, or ethical conviction[s],” especially when individuals, family or friends are directly impacted, the university itself will not take a stance. Continue…

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34b08e No.21665005

File: cd35298f0020d52⋯.png (1007.18 KB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

PEI gender advocate and school counsellor charged with sexually assaulting minor


A woman who was a prominent gender identity advocate and school counsellor has been charged by the PEI RCMP’s Major Crimes Unit with several serious sexual and other offences involving a minor.

The charges were filed at the provincial court in Charlottetown, and include sexual assault, sexual interference, and invitation to sexual touching, which were revealed through an investigation initiated by the RCMP’s Major Crime Unit on Sept. 14.

Bethany Jean Toombs, who until recently was listed on the East Wiltshire Intermediate School’s website as a counsellor within the student services team, was arrested on September 24. According to CBC, her name was removed from the school’s staff list by the following morning.

As an activist, she has been a vocal advocate for topics related to gender ideology and has contributed to various educational modules in the Grade 9 PEI wellness and relationship choices curriculum, focusing on subjects like consent, gender stereotypes, and sexual assault.

“Through this presentation and lesson plan, students will develop a deeper understanding of sexual violence and the importance of consent through an exploration of gender (norms, stereotypes, roles, and expectations),” a model in which Toombs is listed as a contributor reads.

“Specifically, students will understand how complex social factors contribute sexual violence in our communities while also working to identify safe and effective alternatives to abusive behaviour.”

CBC News also featured Toombs as an expert on parenting children with anxiety.

“I think when we think of anxiety, we think of the traditional worrier and so we definitely see worrying happening with children at school,” said Toombs.

“Whether it’s the way that they’re talking, or trying to avoid things that scare them. So we definitely see that happening with elementary children including students refusing to come to school or coming to school and saying they need to come home.” 'Continue…

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34b08e No.21665085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ratio’d | BILL C-63 is coming…


Bill C-63 is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation in Canadian history. If passed, Justin Trudeau’s Online Harms Act will silence conservatives on social media for fear that they might end up in prison…that’s not a joke.

For spreading “hate speech” online, a Canadian could be given a life sentence. The Attorney General could force you to wear a tracking device if he believes you MIGHT commit “hate speech” offences in the future.

This is what is being debated right now on the floor on the House of Commons.

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34b08e No.21665111

File: 2749f340534c885⋯.png (1010.64 KB,1024x504,128:63,ClipboardImage.png)

CTV fires two journalists for manipulating clips of Pierre Poilievre


CTV News has terminated two journalists following an internal investigation that revealed they manipulated footage of Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, falsely portraying his comments during a media scrum.

An official statement from CTV News was released Thursday evening confirming that an investigation found that two members of the CTV News team were responsible for altering a video clip and manipulating it for a story.

“Their actions violate our editorial standards and are unacceptable. Those individuals are no longer members of the CTV News team,” reads the statement.

CTV News added that its duty is to provide independent, accurate, fair, and balanced coverage.

“We will continue our work to earn the trust of the millions of Canadians who turn to CTV News each and every day,” concluded the statement. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21666886

File: 6f991bcb624c2a0⋯.png (549.79 KB,1024x547,1024:547,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Venezuelan Opposition Leader Exposes How Communists Used Laws to Destroy the Country’s Democracy


In an exclusive interview with TGP, Eduardo Bittar, leader of the Venezuelan libertarian resistance group “Rumbo Libertad”, issued a stark warning about how Chavismo hijacked the law to establish a dictatorship in Venezuela.

Since founding Rumbo Libertad in 2016, Bittar has been a vocal opponent of Nicolás Maduro’s socialist regime, which he says follows the authoritarian model set by Hugo Chávez.

Bittar detailed how the Chavista regime, initially masked as a democracy, manipulated the country’s legal structure to crush opposition, erode democratic institutions, and consolidate power in the hands of a socialist elite. In his interview, he stated:

“Chavismo learned to use democracy’s own tools to destroy it. They distorted the Constitution 12 times to change the laws, and now Maduro rules without limits.”

The Rumbo Libertad movement emerged as a response to the growing oppression of the Chavista regime and its brutal crackdown on dissidents.

According to Bittar, Venezuela’s current state is the direct result of a systematic dismantling of individual freedoms and democratic institutions, leading to the establishment of an authoritarian dictatorship that governs through impunity and fear. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21666947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Javier Milei makes his first appearance at the UN.


Argentina’s President Javier Milei questioned the Agenda 2030 and called the UN a supranational organization.

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e33f9a No.21666964

File: d7afa6c01f2db41⋯.png (604.08 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

British PM Starmer’s Leftist Government Already in Turmoil, as His Own Labour Party Rejects His Plan of Cutting Winter Heating Subsidy for Pensioners


To say that Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Labour government in the UK has started with the wrong foot is almost an understatement.

Involved in a scandal of irregularly accepting free clothes for his wife, paying an unacceptably high salary his chief of staff, and unveiling a slew of unpopular and tyrannical policies and legislation projects – it’s a mess.

His popularity immediately tanked as a considerable portion of voters have ‘buyers regret’ for supporting him.

Now, if things were not bad enough, HIS OWN PARTY has turned against him, as yesterday (25) members of his Labour Party dealt the Premier a blow, rejecting his decision to cut payments that offset winter heating costs for millions of retirees.

“The vote on the final day of Labour’s annual conference is not binding, but it’s a setback to Starmer’s efforts to unite his center-left party around the contentious measure. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21666992

File: 940d598da5989c3⋯.png (1.89 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

FEMA Has Chosen 4 NFL Stadiums As Disaster Shelters for Pandemics and Extreme Weather Events


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has chosen four NFL stadiums for emergency shelters during extreme weather and emergencies.

Under a new partnership between the NFL and FEMA, several NFL stadiums will be turned into hospitals and shelters during extreme emergencies.

According to CBS, the stadiums will be used during extreme weather emergencies such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding.

The stadiums will also be used during large-scale emergencies such as pandemics.

FEMA and the NFL chose four stadiums: MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, Acrisure Stadium in Pittsburgh, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, and Lumen Field in Seattle. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Panama’s President Says Biden’s Open Border is Leaving Trail of ‘Decomposing Corpses’ in His Country (VIDEO)


The president of Panama has warned that Joe Biden’s open border policy is leading to a trail of “decomposing corpses” in his country.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly this week, President José Raúl Mulino said that migrants traveling through the Darien Gap from Colombia to Panama are often failing to make it out alive and consequently leaving “decomposing corpses” for authorities to deal with.

He explained in his address: Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667056

File: 1bee09176969649⋯.png (2.23 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22ec682ba5f83fe⋯.png (668.43 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Key Ukrainian Stronghold of Ugledar About To Fall, After ‘The Fortress’ Resisted Russian Advances for Two and a Half Years


If one is following the war in Ukraine just by browsing some of the more optimistic headlines from the Mockingbird Media, they may not realize just how dire the situation for the defenders has become in almost all areas of the frontline, particularly in the vital Donetsk oblast. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667075

File: 21db6d66b4613e8⋯.png (449.2 KB,900x505,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ad635a8de00eea⋯.png (963.49 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2bc273172bcb78⋯.png (178.59 KB,645x837,215:279,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Something Serious Afoot’: US Judge’s ‘Suspicious’ Prince Harry Visa Ruling Triggers Backlash


The conservative Heritage Foundation isn’t giving up on its battle to learn whether the U.K.’s Prince Harry got preferential treatment when being approved for a visa to live in the United States.

The group is considering an appeal of a judge’s ruling Monday that the Duke of Sussex, who has made millions publishing a memoir about the most intimate details of his life, can keep his visa application under wraps because of his right to “privacy.”

“The Prince Harry scandal just got a lot more suspicious,” Mike Howell, executive director of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, said in a statement published to the social media platform X. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Giorgia Meloni Calls for Global Action Against Child Slavery and Human Trafficking at UN Assembly


In a world that often prides itself on human rights advancements, it is shocking that child slavery and human trafficking continue to thrive at alarming levels. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in her recent speech at the United Nations General Assembly, issued a strong appeal for the international community to intensify efforts to combat these heinous crimes. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667292

File: d5ee8fe5657ad68⋯.png (320.91 KB,500x308,125:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac2a1e08542f2f7⋯.png (323.52 KB,500x243,500:243,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 768f33e7b9ea12e⋯.pdf (233.69 KB,NUCLEAR_STRATEGY_AND_POLIC….pdf)

NATO Killing Club Points Hypocritical Finger


Understanding the current geopolitical situation between the collective West and Russia is easy to grasp. Washington, London, Brussels, and Berlin are willing to sacrifice us all on the altar of greed. We all know of our utter worthlessness to the well-heeled, especially the ruling elites. Now, as President Joe Biden mulls (or drools with a blank stare) over green-lighting a clown dictator’s use of American and British long-range missiles to strike deep inside Russia, the multitudes are shocked! For many of us, however, the atomic clock will soon be at 1 second to midnight. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667362

File: ae23b7e3661e7b4⋯.png (407.81 KB,500x334,250:167,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbf2692dddc4801⋯.png (325.01 KB,500x804,125:201,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Criticizes Zelensky, Reveals Private Message, Just Before Friday Meeting


GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky are expected to meet at Trump Tower in New York on Friday amid Republican anger accusing him of stumping for Kamala Harris on the American taxpayer's dime.

The meeting also comes two days after former President Trump blasted Zelensky for not reaching a peace deal with Russia. He also trashed Zelensky as the "greatest salesman on earth" just as Biden authorized $8 billion more in defense aid for Ukraine.

"Those cities are gone. They’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now," Trump had told a campaign rally in North Carolina. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667400

File: 483bbb264fa9663⋯.png (261.75 KB,500x277,500:277,ClipboardImage.png)

"Invites Are Out": Tesla's October 10 Robotaxi Event Is A Go


Elon Musk's long-awaited and once-delayed Robotaxi event looks set to take place on October 10, with IBD reporting that "invites are out".

"Join us for We, Robot — our official unveiling of the future of autonomy," the invitation reads, according to one obtained by Investors Business Daily.

On Elon Musk's X account this week he wrote: "This will be one for the history books."

"We, Robot. 10.10 Los Angeles," a photo of the event announcement, appended to the post, said. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667426

File: 3638786d1f519d7⋯.png (334.71 KB,500x710,50:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21411ab7112febd⋯.png (42.51 KB,500x223,500:223,ClipboardImage.png)

Here's What America Moved By Rail Last Year


Rail freight is the backbone of U.S. infrastructure, moving millions of tons of various materials and linking the nation’s numerous ports and cities to facilitate domestic and international trade.

But what material did U.S. rail move the most in 2023?

For this graphic, Visual Capitalist partnered with The Greenbrier Companies to answer this question and dive into what makes rail vital to the U.S. economy. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667449

File: 34adadf156756df⋯.png (333.62 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Lavrov Reminded The World That Russia Is Committed To Ensuring Israel's Security


One of the greatest misperceptions in modern times is the notion that Russia is secretly against Israel, which is pushed by the Mainstream Media (MSM) and the Alt-Media Community (AMC) despite them being one another’s rivals, each in advance of their own ideological interests. The MSM believes that this contributes to anti-Russian fearmongering while the AMC believes that this makes people like Russia more. Before explaining why this isn’t true, here are five background briefings for folks to review: Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667478

File: fae539a03748248⋯.png (412.89 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

TikTok-Owner ByteDance Remains The World's Highest-Valued Startup


Despite recent jumps in valuation for generative artificial intelligence company OpenAI and Elon Musk's aerospace company SpaceX, ByteDance is still the highest-valued unicorn worldwide according to CB Insights' The Complete List of Unicorn Companies tracker with a valuation of $225 billion.

In January 2024, OpenAI ranked tenth on the list and has since more than doubled its internal valuation, while the rest of the top 8 saw only minor movement since the beginning of the year. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667502

File: 672ed8030e3f05e⋯.png (201.93 KB,500x209,500:209,ClipboardImage.png)

UK Says Goodbye To Coal


The closure of Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station marks the end of coal-fired electricity generation in the UK.

This shift is part of the UK's commitment to achieving net zero emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

The UK is the first G7 country to phase out coal entirely, demonstrating a significant step towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

The UK’s last remaining coal-fired power station is to shut at the end of September, drawing to a close Britain’s 142-year reliance on the fossil fuel to produce electricity. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667558

File: 2b997a406bef1e9⋯.png (355.92 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c849d129272492⋯.png (576.08 KB,500x878,250:439,ClipboardImage.png)

Hackers Target UK Rail Network Wi-Fi To Warn Of "Islamisation Of Europe"


Hackers in the UK targeted 19 major railway stations to display a message to anyone accessing wi-fi which warned about terror attacks and “the Islamisation of Europe.” Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667729

File: bfe2406def4671b⋯.png (262.86 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

US Navy Modernizing To Counter China's Military By 2027


The U.S. Navy has released a document outlining its plans to match and exceed Beijing’s goal of modernizing its military by 2027, aiming to be prepared for a potential conflict with the Chinese regime.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has directed the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to be fully modernized and prepared for war by 2027, coinciding with the PLA’s 100th anniversary. This timeline has raised concerns about a possible invasion of Taiwan, as Chinese leader Xi Jinping focuses on military reforms to ensure the PLA can deter or win a conflict over the island.

The CCP’s strategy goes beyond expanding its navy. It incorporates multi-domain precision warfare, dual-use infrastructure (like airfields and maritime militias), and an expanding nuclear arsenal—and it is supported by the world’s largest shipbuilding capacity.

The U.S. Navy’s 2024 Navigation Plan, led by Adm. Lisa Franchetti, focuses on preparing for a potential conflict with communist China by 2027. Central to this strategy is Project 33, which aims at enhancing the Navy’s long-term advantage and operational readiness. The plan prioritizes modernizing equipment and improving force deployment capabilities, particularly by scaling up the use of robotic and autonomous systems for swift, decisive responses, especially in the Indo-Pacific region.

Project 33 sets two key goals: achieving 80 percent combat readiness for ships, aircraft, and submarines by 2027, and integrating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and unmanned systems. These initiatives are designed to strengthen the Navy’s ability to respond effectively to emerging threats, specifically focusing on maintaining superiority in the Indo-Pacific. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21667839

File: 7bfe6f6017eff6a⋯.png (666.81 KB,643x454,643:454,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7af2d8aa52cdbe⋯.png (126.29 KB,280x280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Important Message From Dr. Sherry Tenpenny: United Nations Pact of the Future


"…One World Order, One World Government, One World Religion, One World Money…well, it's no longer coming, it's here."

“ …it is quite egregious and it was done by a procedure called the silence procedure which makes it a pact, and if no one objected it is automatically adopted and put into the record as being completely adopted…Continue

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e33f9a No.21667918

File: 02e058a9d6409af⋯.png (984.88 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Mind reading technology: Is it already here?


In a speech at the World Economic Forum last year, Professor Nita Farahany argued that mind-reading technology is not only real but already in use.

She spoke of scenarios where brain metric monitoring could enhance safety, such as preventing accidents caused by driver fatigue. She also acknowledged the “dystopian” potential of this technology, like mandatory brain signal transmission in China.

Chinese train drivers, for example, are being required to wear brain-monitoring hats to monitor their fatigue levels. And brainwave-monitoring technology is already in use by companies like Amazon and Walmart.

Has mind-reading technology arrived or is the World Economic Forum fearmongering? The Gold Report takes a look into how far research into mind-reading technology has actually gone. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668023

File: 27daba1536e611b⋯.png (946.79 KB,810x508,405:254,ClipboardImage.png)

Pro-life group says parents’ rights laws will ‘save lives’ by protecting children from ‘woke teachers’


Passing parental consent laws ‘saves lives’ by ensuring that ‘mom and dad are allowed to do the parenting instead of woke teachers’ who indoctrinate children with ‘poisonous’ LGBT ideology, Campaign Life Coalition’s Jack Fonseca said.

Canada’s top pro-life group has raised the importance and urgency of having provincial governments pass and enact parental consent laws in the face of LGBT indoctrination in schools, saying doing so will in fact “save lives” of kids because it will allow “mom and dad” to do the parenting instead of “woke teachers.”

“Enshrining parental consent laws saves lives because it ensures that those who love children the most – mom and dad – will be able to provide critical, loving guidance to them,” Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Director of Political Operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews.

Fonseca raised the importance of having both “mom and dad” be the primary teachers of their kids.

“When mom and dad are allowed to do the parenting instead of woke teachers, children can be steered away from this poisonous ideology,” he told LifeSiteNews. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668087

File: ea0fdd6831ee229⋯.png (1.18 MB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)

Guaranteed universal basic income bill fails in Canadian House


Bill C-223, which was voted down 273-54, would have allowed the Minister of Finance to put forth a report that would give all Canadians 17 and over, including non-citizen permanent residents, refugee claimants and temporary workers, a guaranteed income each year.

The New Democratic Party’s (NDP) bid to allow a universal basic income (UBI) for all Canadians and refugee claimants via legislation that would further put pressure on taxpayers has failed after most MPs voted against it.

NDP Bill C-223, or “An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income,” was voted down in its second reading with 273 votes against to 54 for on Wednesday. The bill was introduced by pro-abortion NDP MP Leah Gazan in December 2021.

All Conservative and Bloc Québécois MPs voted against the bill along with most Liberal MPs. Twenty-eight Liberal MPs, all NDP and Green MPs voted in favor of the bill. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668192

File: 88130019d57d124⋯.png (702.18 KB,802x500,401:250,ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau proved his anti-Christian bigotry yet again, and Canadians shouldn’t let him get away with it


Justin Trudeau once again showcased his hatred toward Christians, blasting Conservatives for appearing at an ‘anti-abortion church.’ But millions of Canadians attend pro-life churches, and Trudeau and the Liberals seem to think they should be attacked for it. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conservative MPs slam Trudeau's broken immigration system


http://RebelFieldReports.com | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/4dmFr9I

Rebel News journalist Alexa Lavoie speaks with Conservative MPs on Parliament Hill who say Trudeau has broken Canada's immigration system.

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e33f9a No.21668301

File: 52302212f17fe6a⋯.png (669.46 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump and Zelensky make nice after tensions over Ukraine war


Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky held high-stakes talks Friday following a series of attacks by the White House hopeful on the Ukrainian president as the looming US election raises questions over long-term US support for its ally in its war with Russia.

Foreign policy hawks have voiced fears that a second Trump term would spell disaster for Ukraine’s defense, as the Republican has repeatedly defended Russia’s President Vladimir Putin while voicing skepticism over US funding for Kyiv.

Zelensky had met Trump’s election rival Kamala Harris, as well as President Joe Biden, on Thursday and both pledged their support to Zelensky.

Trump — who this week accused the Ukrainian of refusing to “make a deal” to end the conflict — vowed to bring peace if he wins a second term in office as the two men addressed reporters after their tete-a-tete at Trump Tower in New York.

“It’s a shame but this is a war that should have never happened and we’ll get it solved. It is a complicated puzzle… Too many people dead. Too many beautiful cities,” he said.

‘A just peace’

Before the meeting — which lasted less than an hour — Trump had hailed his alliance with Zelensky — but added: “I also have a very good relationship — as you know — with President Putin.”

Zelensky responded that the pair shared a “common view that the war in Ukraine has to be stopped” and that it is imperative that Ukraine prevail. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668347

File: 5ef62915dd75d74⋯.png (630.11 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

US Catholic diocese agrees $320mn sex abuse payout


Rockville Center has reached a deal with around 600 plaintiffs who alleged abuse by priests when they were children

A US Roman Catholic diocese in Long Island, New York has announced a massive bankruptcy settlement under which it will pay out $323 million to hundreds of survivors of alleged sexual abuse by clergy members.

The Rockville Center reached a preliminary settlement on Thursday with about 600 plaintiffs who claimed they were sexually abused by priests as children, according to a law firm representing the survivors.

The diocese had previously offered the survivors a $200 million settlement, which they reportedly rejected.

“After nearly four years we do have a global resolution,” Corrine Ball told US Bankruptcy Court Judge Martin Glenn in Manhattan. Glenn said the deal represented “enormous progress” and that it had come “within a hair’s breadth” of failure.

Rockville Center will contribute $234.8 million to the settlement fund, while four insurers will contribute $85.3 million, a spokesperson for the diocese said. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668375

File: 6f9e7ec6ab5cf48⋯.png (496.09 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Newsmax settles Smartmatic defamation case over 2020 election


Newsmax had been accused by Smartmatic of broadcasting claims that the voting technology company helped rig the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of President Joe Biden.

Smartmatic reached a settlement in its defamation lawsuit against Newsmax on Thursday, which had been filed over comments made by the right-leaning broadcast company pertaining to the 2020 US Presidential election. Details of the settlement have not yet been disclosed, the New York Times reported. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21668772

File: f2a57b2d0edfc2c⋯.png (455.95 KB,945x456,315:152,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada to deploy troops to Lebanon amid increasing tensions to aid in possible evacuations: report


Canada has urged its citizens to leave Lebanon for months via commercial flights as the situation has deteriorated.

The Canadian Armed Forces is reportedly sending more troops to the Middle East in case an evacuation of Canadian citizens from Lebanon is ordered.

According to Global News, for months Canada has been pre-positioning assets in the region, but on Wednesday night, troops received an order to be ready to leave Canada in 48 hours.

The outlet also reported that Canada and Australia have jointly rented a cruise ship for evacuating Canadians.

Hezbollah terrorists based in Lebanon have launched thousands of rockets at Northern Israel since the deadly Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023. Over 80,000 Israelis have been evacuated and are unable to return to their homes.

This month, Israel escalated strikes against the terrorist organization. Canada, the US, and other allies asked both sides to accept a 21-day ceasefire. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday said that the offensive would not stop until Israelis could return to their homes.

Canada has urged its citizens to leave Lebanon for months via commercial flights as the situation has deteriorated.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly told reporters that approximately 45,000 Canadian citizens are in Lebanon. Joly said earlier in the week that her department has been working with regional partners for months to prepare for a possible evacuation and over the weekend saw an increase in the number of requests for travel documents and visas.

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e33f9a No.21669123

File: 71000ac53afb8b6⋯.png (830.01 KB,1024x538,512:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Ruling bars public release of “300 far-right groups” list funded by Liberal gov


Ontario’s privacy commissioner has sided with Ontario Tech University “anti-hate” researcher Dr. Barbara Perry in keeping her 300 active Canadian “far-right” hate groups list secret.

Perry’s work, which identifies hundreds of so-called far-right groups, has gained significant attention in mainstream media and has been cited while crafting legislation. This research has benefited from the patronage of the Liberal government, including a $396,385 grant from Public Safety Canada. Perry is also the Director of OTU’s Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism.

However, despite her initial promises to make the list public, Perry has so far failed to disclose even a single group on the list.

In 2022, True North filed a freedom of information request to obtain Perry’s research, including the methodology she used to designate groups as far-right and the names of the groups involved.

OTU denied the request, and after failed mediation efforts through the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, the matter was escalated for adjudication.

On Sept. 26, IPC adjudicator Justine Wai delivered a ruling that effectively shields Perry’s research from public disclosure under Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The ruling hinges on Section 65(8.1)(a), which excludes certain academic records related to research from the scope of the Act, with the intent of protecting academic freedom.

“The university has demonstrated that the records respect or are associated with research conducted by an employee of or person associated with an educational institution,” wrote Wai in the decision. Continue…

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e33f9a No.21669183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Public Health Agency of Canada releases first report on psychological manipulation of citizens


http://NoMoreShots.ca | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/3zJ1V6U

Tamara Ugolini discusses a recent report from the Public Health Agency of Canada involving the psychological manipulation of citizens.

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e33f9a No.21669747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liberals Will Do ANYTHING to Stay In Power


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17beb7 No.21672691


The Choice To Know Will Be Yours

The Choice To Know WAS Yours

And so many didn't even ask any Q uestion

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3c552b No.21672780

File: 4946fe406418839⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 378783b39b67b51⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x457,1024:457,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Responds to Minneapolis Police Department’s First Noncitizen Officer, Sounds The Alarm on The Fall of The United States


Elon Musk issued a stark warning about the impending fall of our once-great nation on Friday, comparing America to the Roman Empire, in response to Democrats’ new policies of hiring noncitizens to serve in the police force.

On average, empires only survive 250 years before collapse. By this standard, with America being 248 years old, we have less than two years left. With World War III at our doorstep, it sure appears the end may be near.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Minneapolis Police Department swore in its first noncitizen officer as well as its first Somali female officer.

The noncitizen, AKA illegal alien who was sworn in as an officer, is Lesly Vera, a Mexican immigrant. What could go wrong?

The left is going to be quite conflicted if the new officer shoots a black suspect. Do they support the non-American officer or riot against the police in this hypothetical? It can be recalled that Minneapolis is the same city where violent leftwing rioters burned down a police station after George Floyd died in police custody of a fentanyl overdose.

Are we going to allow illegals to serve in the military next? Continue…

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3c552b No.21672794

File: 35e6bd46fde52c8⋯.png (1.42 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Shipbuilder Discovers Vessels It Provided to the U.S. Navy May Have Been Intentionally Sabotaged During Production


Is someone trying to sabotage the Navy?

Evidence suggests so as a memo released Tuesday by Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition Nickolas Guertin to Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchett says welds on in-service and in-construction Navy submarines and aircraft carriers were intentionally faulty.

USNI News reported Thursday that Newport News Shipbuilding — a Virginia based company and division of Huntington Ingalls Industries — told the Department of Justice that welds could have been made wrong intentionally. Continue…

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3c552b No.21672845

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JUSTICE: Climate Change Activists Who Threw Soup on Van Gogh Painting Actually Sentenced to Prison Time


Two years ago, these two unhinged climate change activists from ‘Just Stop Oil’ threw soup on Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ at London’s National Gallery.

Gateway Pundit reported at the time:

Two disturbed women of the activist group Just Stop Oil threw tomato soup over a painting by Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers on Friday that was on display at London’s National Gallery.

Phoebe Plummer, 21, from London, and Anna Holland, 20, from Newcastle dumped two cans of Heinz tomato soup all over an $80.99 million painting, which is protected by glass.

This whole incident was captured on film by Damien Gayle, a correspondent for the Guardian. Many people couldn’t believe what they had witnessed. Continue…

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3c552b No.21672906

File: 1b16f263f9adf0e⋯.png (1.85 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

New Book About Princess Diana Addresses the Rumor That Prince Harry Would Be the Son of Her Riding Instructor, Major Hewitt – and Not King Charles


Among the multitude of tabloid stories and rumors that plagued the British Royal family over the years, there was one that was specially hurtful for Princess Diana, and subsequently for Prince Harry.

For decades, many have speculated that her the Princess’ riding instructor, James Hewitt, was Prince Harry’s real biological father, not King Charles.

After all, the rumor suggests, both Harry and Hewitt share ginger hair and freckles.

Now, a new book is tackling the story yet again, and hoping to put it to rest once and for all.

Richard Dalton, Diana’s hairdresser, has published a memoir called ‘It’s All About the Hair’, which details his friendship with the Royal, and has told the press that ‘it’s not possible’.

New York Post reported: Continue…

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3c552b No.21672975

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel Targets Nasrallah and Hezbollah Leadership With Massive Airstrike on Terror HQ in Beirut (Videos)


Video and photos taken of a massive Israeli airstrike in Beirut on Friday shows utter destruction of the headquarters of the Hezbollah terrorist group. Several buildings were destroyed with bunker buster bombs to penetrate the terrorist group’s underground bunker command center.

Unconfirmed reports state that Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah and other Hezbollah leaders were at the headquarters when Israel struck. Nasrallah’s status is unknown as of this writing with rumors and unconfirmed reports alleging he was killed or survived. Continue…

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2bb343 No.21672985

Roman Catholics in Positions of power took away the death sentence for capital crimes not because they planned to do bad things in the future but because they had been murdering Canadians with Medicines and Vaccines then and have always done so, specifically non Catholic Christians have been targeted.

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3c552b No.21673007

File: bc11b8440ca2239⋯.png (823.39 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

British PM Starmer Has Dinner With Trump Who Calls Him ‘Popular’ – But in Fact, Leftist Leader’s Popularity is as Low as Rishi Sunak’s When He Was Forced to Call a General Election


Former (and next) US President Donald Trump had a two-hour dinner on Thursday with UK’s Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, and apparently praised the ‘popular’ Prime Minister.

Everything points out to Trump meaning to troll Starmer, who after coming into power saw his popularity numbers take a nose dive.

Trump said that Sir Keir had run a ‘great’ election campaign before they met for the first time at Trump Tower, in New York.

Telegraph reported: Continue…

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3c552b No.21673026

File: f3a43a3f4e73af7⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

REPORT: Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S.


Recent X posts have indicated that “9 surface to air missiles have entered the U.S. through a New Mexico border point of entry.”

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Dr. Pete Chambers, a former Army Lt. Col. and Green Beret, who first went public with the story and has devoted years of his life to protecting the southern border. On the evening of September 22, he received a report from a confidential informant.

The next morning, Chambers said a second informant corroborated this report with a colleague close to Chambers by the name of Bazzel Baz. Continue…

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3c552b No.21673053

WATCH: Haiti Leader Suffers Embarrassing Mishap After Demanding Reparations and “Respect” During Speech at The United Nations


The head of Haiti’s presidential transition became an unexpected ‘star’ at Thursday’s United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York City when he suffered a humiliating mishap during his race-baiting speech. Continue…

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2bb343 No.21673249

The Roman Catholic Church has been killing and Creeping Across Canada.


Neo Nazi's tend to be Catholic and/or Christian. Hitler was a confirmed Catholic yet this fact is hidden in History.

Neo Nazi's see themselves as "Defenders of the Faith" so any appeals to Logic and Reason versus Dogma are seen as personal attacks.

Neo Nazi's are not here to help or otherwise promote Q or Anons. They see Q as simply a vehicle where they will inject their ideology, grift and attempt to steer the flow of information.

Neo Nazi's wish to appear very PRO CHILDREN, ANTI ABORTION & PRO RELIGION yet many have been found to be quite the opposite and simply hiding behind Religion in order to spread their Hate, Evil.

Neo Nazi's are fond of Catholicism because Catholicism, like Christianity, has Racism built in. See: Good Friday Prayer for the Faithless Jews.

Neo Nazi's are attracted to POTUS because they believe POTUS is a racist, albeit secretly, and will thus promote policies which they agree with.

Neo Nazi's strive to get into command and control positions CCP as they believe that their influence can alter the outcome of the Plan!

Neo Nazi's have a powerful foothold in former Axis Power Japan.

Neo Nazi's from /pol/ make up the bulk of the Neo Nazis on Kun.

Neo Nazi's, like Law Enforcement, like to use the symbolism of St. Michael.

Neo Nazi's are funded by Soros. Soros, of course, takes orders from the "Eye of Providence" drop #133.

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3c552b No.21673471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Naomi Campbell Disqualified From Being a Charity Trustee in England for Five Years – Charity Money Spent in Luxury Hotels, Spa Treatments, Room Service and Even Cigarettes


Controversial former British supermodel Naomi Campbell is now barred from being a charity trustee in England and Wales for five years after a three-year investigation by the UK’s Charity Commission.

This comes after the two decades-old poverty charity was deemed yesterday (26) to have been ‘poorly governed’ with ‘inadequate financial management’.

The Charity Commission investigation into the financial activities of ‘Fashion for Relief’ found ‘multiple instances of misconduct and/or mismanagement’, and discovered that that only 8.5% of the charity’s overall expenditure went on charitable grants in a six-year period from 2016.

Associated Press reported: Continue…

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3c552b No.21673515

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Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma’s Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries


Rep. Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ), has introduced H.R. 9828, the End the Vaccine Carveout Act.

This legislation seeks to strip vaccine manufacturers of the immunity they have enjoyed for decades, leaving countless victims of vaccine injuries without legal recourse.

Gosar’s proposal is a monumental step in addressing the unfair protections afforded to pharmaceutical giants, who have raked in billions while hiding behind legal shields.

Big Pharma has used legal strategies to reduce its liability in court. ​One such strategy is utilizing the PREP Act, which shields biopharmaceutical companies from lawsuits related to products used in public health emergencies, including vaccines.

The PREP Act, passed in 2005, grants pharmaceutical companies immunity from lawsuits for products used to combat public health emergencies.

This Act has been utilized to shield companies like Pfizer and Moderna from legal liability for any unintentional issues arising from their COVID-19 vaccines.

Another one is the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, which established a no-fault system in the U.S. to compensate individuals for injuries caused by vaccines while also shielding pharmaceutical companies from most lawsuits related to vaccine injuries.

This act aimed to stabilize the vaccine supply and encourage the development of new vaccines.

“Under current law, it is nearly impossible to hold vaccine manufacturers liable for injuries caused by vaccines due to a 1986 law that unfairly created a special immunity carveout for Big Pharma, making it very difficult for vaccine-injured victims to win in a court of law,” said Rep. Gosar.

“My legislation strips away current immunity provisions unfairly shielding Big Pharma from the harms caused by their products and allows those injured by vaccines to pursue a civil lawsuit in state or federal court. Big Pharma doesn’t deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card for injuries caused by their harmful vaccines.” Continue…

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3c552b No.21673535

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Sam Altman Just Pitched The Biden Administration On A Massive Build Out Of AI Data Centers


While most of the news this week about Sam Altman has been centered around the nearly $10 billion in equity he could be receiving in OpenAI, another headline slipped through the cracks mid-week: OpenAI has pitched the Biden administration on a build-out of massive data centers.

OpenAI has urged the Biden administration to support the construction of massive data centers, each consuming as much power as a city, to advance AI development and compete with China.

After a recent White House meeting attended by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, the company submitted a document outlining the economic and security benefits of building 5-gigawatt data centers across several U.S. states—equivalent to the output of five nuclear reactors, enough to power 3 million homes, according to Bloomberg.

The Bloomberg report says that OpenAI argued that these data centers would create tens of thousands of jobs, boost GDP, and secure U.S. leadership in AI. Continue…

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3c552b No.21673558

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Chinese Financial Executives Resign In Droves Amid Heightened Scrutiny


China faces a wave of resignations by chiefs and executives of listed companies and banks as Beijing ramps up a crackdown on the nation’s financial industry.

In a little more than a month, more than a thousand senior leaders of China’s A-share listed companies, banks, and financial institutions resigned for personal reasons, according to Chinese state media reports. Continue…

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3c552b No.21673605

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Devastating Footage Emerges From US South Amid Severe Flooding & Potential Dam Failures


Hurricane Helene battered Florida's Big Bend region and the Southeastern US as the week drew to a close. Authorities have confirmed at least 44 deaths spanning five states, with fears that number could rise further amid severe flooding and potential dam failures.

Over 3 million power outages have been reported across the US South, with most outages in the Carolinas. The storm dumped nearly 30 inches of rain in Busick, North Carolina. Continue…

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3c552b No.21673627

File: c3c5fc85d4d0483⋯.png (372.82 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

British Government Warns Of Weak Military - Says Civilians Must Be 'Ready To Fight'


The British House of Lords has published a report claiming that military recruitment is dangerously low and the country's combat readiness is at risk. They say the civilian population 'must be ready to fight' (a clear reference to military conscription) should war with Russia be triggered.

The paper, titled 'Ukraine: A Wake-Up Call', admits to weaknesses in NATO's assumptions on "deterrence", though it seems to pretend as if Ukraine is part of NATO when it's not. Chaired by Lord de Mauley, the committee launched the inquiry in February 2024, two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with the goal of assessing the conflict’s implications for UK defence policy.

"…We identified two key lessons. First, our deterrence strategy towards Russia clearly failed. If we are to restore the credibility of NATO’s nuclear and conventional deterrence posture towards Putin, we must develop a clearer understanding of the reasons for this failure."

"Secondly, the invasion exposed significant weaknesses in both the UK’s and NATO’s military strength, and the UK's ability to sustain large-scale warfare. Successive governments have attempted to maintain the notion of the UK as a global power, but the war in Ukraine has been a wake-up call, laying bare the gap between that ambition and reality." Continue…

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