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70827b No.21626650 [Last50 Posts]

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70827b No.21626652

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70827b No.21626653


#26486 >>21625766

>>21625785, >>21626549, >>21625843, >>21625812, >>21625818 Dig: Ryan Routh's wife

>>21625795 Springfield mother tells Vivek that an immigrant with a machete chased her daughter, police didn't respond to her call

>>21625817, >>21626217 Kamala: "If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot - sorry, probably shouldn't have said that!"

>>21625828 Sheriff who shot and killed a Kentucky judge allegedly did so because he was raping the Sheriff’s underage daughter

>>21626253, >>21626154 Judge killed, sheriff arrested in courthouse shooting

>>21625839 ABLECHILD: Adderall ADHD Drug Causes Psychosis and Mania

>>21625845 'Pizza, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Mamma Mia!' Says Kamala Harris In Mario Hat And Mustache While Addressing Crowd Of Italians

>>21625929, >>21625941, >>21626212 Refresher on doxxing

>>21626007 (Mar 2, 2018) Diddy & Justin Bieber Cashed In On Spotify's IPO

>>21626029 Prepping to be Epstein'd: Diddy placed on suicide watch

>>21626033, >>21626044 Mohamed Al Fayed tried to rape me but I kicked and kicked

>>21626078, >>21626088, >>21626115 #1: Kahn’s Trump Tribute ‘Fighter’ Tops iTunes Charts Across All Genres

>>21626095 Report: Mark Robinson’s Email Linked to Ashley Madison Account

>>21626145 Proof update: We are talking to you

>>21626233 How to say nothing while speaking words

>>21626261 DeSantis Says FBI Blocked State Investigators From Trump Assassination Crime Scene

>>21626268 Marijuana was developed and came out of China some 12,000 years ago

>>21626301 Biden admits economic recovery still needs ‘work,’ forgets meeting Fed chair in error-laden speech

>>21626313 Here are two questions Trump was asked that didn’t make the Gutfeld show last night

>>21626340 Beattie: The Truth Of Latest Bomb Trump Assassination Scare Could Be Darker Than You Imagine

>>21626350, >>21626423, >>21626496 12 firefighters, emergency personnel involved in a mass casualty crash in Orange County

>>21626352 Federal Court sides with Trudeau censorship ruling against Rebel News

>>21626418 Scavino: Are you better of than you were four years ago?

>>21626422, >>21626437 Natalie Winters Blasts Rep. Chip Roy For Pushing The CR On The WarRoom

>>21626445 New Batch Of Patriot Front Records Reveals More Evidence Of FBI Infiltration

>>21626451 Chinese Spies Lurked for Months Inside U.S.-Based Engineering Firm’s Network

>>21626467 Rep. Good Warns Of U.S. Losing Its Sovereignty To The WHO And UN, Subjecting Americans To Globalism

>>21626506 Kamala Harris arrested and perp walked this mother who did nothing wrong—and then lied about it

>>21626554 Walz’s former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure

>>21626609 Husband of Russia’s richest woman arrested after deadly shooting

>>21626632 Rent these days…

>>21625796, >>21625811, >>21625862, >>21625951, >>21625966, >>21626196, >>21626217, >>21626446 Memes

>>21626647 #26486

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70827b No.21626654

#26485 >>21624786

>>21625179, >>21625511, >>21625518 DJT speaks @ Israeli American Council (IAC) in DC Round 2

>>21625570 Transcript: Trump @ IAC in DC Round 2

>>21624933, >>21624975 Archive: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C. Round 1 - 9/19/24

>>21625652 Scavino: View from above, departing NYC for Washington, D.C. earlier today…

>>21624866, >>21625562 Kamala and Oprah event

>>21625747 Transcript: Biden @ Hispanic Caucus

>>21624837, >>21625030 Ex-Border Chief Aaron Heitke was Ordered to Cover up the Border Disaster

>>21624851 Nancy Mace Enters Flirty Texts Into Record She Says Were Sent To Her By CNN Panelist After They Publicly Feuded

>>21624939 Wisconsin abortionist running for House seat vacated by Republican Mike Gallagher

>>21625007 Vivek Ramaswamy's town hall event in Springfield, Ohio

>>21625082 Oofprah

>>21625103 Walz's former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure

>>21625404 We are talking to you

>>21625434 Links on the Lawn and Kamala Harris?

>>21625510 The Shanwei zoo admits they painted dogs white and black to make them look like pandas

>>21625525 Suit alleges Kentucky deputy forced woman to have sex in judge's chamber in lieu of fees

>>21625568 Elon: SpaceX letter to Congress

>>21625606 Dave Chappelle's Cambodian breast milk P Diddy sketch

>>21625613 Jaguar Wright Amazed Diddy will stay in jail but cries for Bryshere Gray

>>21625653, >>21625680 Newscum says he can't rule out taking legal action against Elon Musk and a conservative memer for posting memes

>>21625662 Chicago: Teachers saying admins instructed them to give migrant students passing grade in every subject no matter what

>>21625686 Interesting Detail – U.S. Secret Service Agent Was Less Than 10 feet Away When He Shot at Ryan Routh

>>21625042, >>21625124, >>21625377, >>21625524 Memes

>>21625751 #26485

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70827b No.21626655

#26484 >>21623896

>>21624190, >>21624489, >>21624490 DJT: Join me in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM EST for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624763 Transcript: DJT @ Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624527 LIVE: Springfield, OH Town Hall: Unity Through Dialogue

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624167 'The Obama thing'

>>21624192, >>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624212 Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175

>>21624255 Full video: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21624281 Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

>>21624337 The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad

>>21624423 New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

>>21624433 Elon Musk says SpaceX will sue FAA for 'regulatory overreach

>>21624457 1 in 3 Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis

>>21624460 Brazil fines Musk's X for site's return after ban

>>21624481 CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison as victims stare him down

>>21624521 @Kash: Get ready AZ, Election Integrity Project…

>>21624536, >>21624544, >>21624560 Meet pedo promoter 'Dr.' Lindsey Doe who has amassed 1 million followers

>>21624616 PF: Global X and Eastern Air Express

>>21624688, >>21624722 Kentucky judge shot inside courthouse, one person arrested

>>21624737 The corporate media will never share this man’s story with you

>>21624000, >>21624281 Memes

>>21624767 #26484

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70827b No.21626657

#26483 >>21623177

>>21623187 Judge agrees to delay Hunter Biden’s gun charges sentencing until December

>>21623196, >>21623239, >>21623270, >>21623270, >>21623325 DIG CALL 'American Slaughter Pen' Dan Goldman Declares Trump ‘Will Execute a Coup’ on J6 2025

>>21623214 Israel Unleashes Heavy Strikes On South Lebanon

>>21623216 Lebanon bans all pagers and walkie-talkies on all flights leaving Beirut

>>21623218, >>21623322 LIVE: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C

>>21623236, >>21623319 PlaneFaggin'

>>21623242 Watch the film THIS IS TREASON

>>21623251 Sen. Fetterman & Sec. Mayorkas Speak at The Atlantic Festival

>>21623267, >>21623320 Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S.

>>21623268, >>21623281, >>21623393 Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ in Officer ranks

>>21623287 AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security

>>21623301 Trump surprises 8-year-old boy with gift before rally - GodSpeed & God Bless Liam WRWY

>>21623324, >>21623411 How to Detect ATM and Credit Card Skimmers that Can Gain Access Your Money

>>21623337, >>21623341 FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana

>>21623339 Israel’s Explosive Electronic Warfare: Genocidal Pariah Nation Is A Terrorist Organization

>>21623340, >>21623381, >>21623797 Shooter ROUTH DIGG

>>21623346 Dems Move To Loosen Oversight Of ‘Sponsors’ That Take—And Often Lose—Migrant Children

>>21623365, >>21623375 Harris’s $42 Billion Broadband Initiative: ‘Not One Person, Home, or Business Connected in 3 Years!’

>>21623418, >>21623420, >>21623453 NASA & Related Space News

>>21623422 The UNs Goal Is For America To Surrender Its Sovereignty To A Global Government

>>21623443, >>21623671, >>21623813 Here we go - hit pieces circulating on GOP nominee for NC Governor

>>21623447, >>21623715 Democrat ACT BLUE Donor Arrested For Threatening To Kill 6 Supreme Court Justices

>>21623452 DIGG CALL on WAR GAME MOVIE - Webb says War Game is "by" Peter Strzok & Alexander Vindman

>>21623464 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21623489 Diddy's debauched life of threesomes and unspeakable violence exposed in gory tell-all book from Kim Porter

>>21623512 Diddy Faces Massive Asset Forfeiture: Hundreds of Millions of Dollars In Property and Cash

>>21623519 Pro-Russian Billboards Pop Up All Over Italy. ‘Putin Is Not Enemy’ 'No Aid To Ukraine'

>>21623535 @Dan Scavino TRUTH - TY Nassau County Police!

>>21623588 DNA Contamination in mRNA Covid Shots up to 145 Times Regulatory Limit

>>21623627 Arizona GOP’s new TEAM UNITY Billboard Trump, Vance, Ramaswamy, Musk, Gabbard, RFK Jr.

>>21623631, >>21623695 Why Israel maimed people with a surprise device attack — and here’s what comes next

>>21623634 William Cooper on "What role in the Middle East does Israel play in all this?"

>>21623636, >>21623646, >>21623656 Tits For Trump! Boobs For The Boss!

>>21623679 Michigan Voter: "I'm going to vote for Donald Trump this year. I am typically a Democrat…

>>21623687, >>21623737, >>21623849 "qualified aliens" to receive Federal Welfare, including Medicaid, Social Security, SSI, SNAP, TANF, & Student Aid.

>>21623691 A sheriff has been arrested after shooting at a judge in Whitesburg, Kentucky

>>21623701 America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General

>>21623764 The 5 Diet Biomarkers EVERYONE Should Know - Carnivores & Vegans Too! w/ Calley Means

>>21623858 Remember When Kamala Said Everyone Should Attend A Trump Rally?

>>21623861 Nike CEO John Donahoe to step down - BREAKING

>>21623865 Bank Of Japan to keep policy steady, signal more rate hikes to come

>>21623888 #26483

Previously Collected

>>21621981 #26481, >>21623170 #26482

>>21619158 #26478-A, >>21620288 #26479, >>21621172 #26480

>>21619473 #26478-D, >>21619173 #26478-C, >>21619163 #26478-B

>>21618627 #26477-D, >>21618624 #26477-C, >>21618622 #26477-B

>>21617155 #26475, >>21617913 #26476, >>21618615 #26477-A

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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70827b No.21626659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



baker is ghosted

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7c7225 No.21626666

File: e129f61563b622a⋯.png (427.44 KB,577x432,577:432,e129f61563b622a156d3cd99d6….png)

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384eda No.21626668

>israel explodes pagers

>people make videos calling it "israel's 9/11"

>now, whenever you search "israel 9/11", all you see are videos about pagers, and no videos exposing israel as the orchestrators of 9/11

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82501e No.21626669


kek…almost fucking died!

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fdbf4f No.21626670

Hey, Q

Is the NASA second moon BS real?

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6985b1 No.21626671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c7d018 No.21626672

File: 71218f3a2497ec1⋯.png (739.78 KB,824x738,412:369,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b9138 No.21626673



CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

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2fb977 No.21626674

File: 196327c0c1851d4⋯.jpg (102.03 KB,1080x1104,45:46,20220703_052952.jpg)

File: b93f2733ce4a804⋯.jpg (206.64 KB,1078x1108,539:554,20220703_053050.jpg)

so early…

with no spam.


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ddcdc8 No.21626675

>>21626569 pb

That was beautiful anon. Thanks for sharing. I've just posted it to all my FB friends.

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82501e No.21626676


Why is this so fucking funny!!! I'm crying!!!! My fucking face hurts!!!

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f41dd6 No.21626677

I saw Transformers One and it was amazing.

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3b9138 No.21626678


[Sunflowers don't like it.. or possibly the chemtrails]

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2fb977 No.21626679

the young Prince moves


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384eda No.21626680

How do we know Trump isn't controlled by the jews?

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6985b1 No.21626681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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c7d018 No.21626682

File: e5862a49b0a6b03⋯.png (671.28 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

_Rumble Scores Discovery Win In Defamation Suit Against Founders Of Left-Wing Censorship Org__

Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

Rumble scored a victory when a judge held it could proceed with discovery in its defamation suit against the co-founders of Check My Ads.


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c7d018 No.21626683

Democrat in California declared vexatious litigant for abusing the court system to sue conservative Supreme Court Justice Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas.


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0b5a82 No.21626684

Mark Robinson is running against Josh Stein, who, if he wins, first Jewish gov of NC

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3b9138 No.21626685


[Why are some X share links

Twitter.com and some are x.com ?]

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384eda No.21626686

jews created Hitler in order to orchestrate WW2, which ultimately led to the creation of israel.

It's eerie how similar Germany and Hitler was to America and Trump today. Considering all the jews that orbit Trump, I'm wondering if Trump and Q is created by the jews, to create Greater israel, and plunge the rest of the world into poverty, war, chaos.

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c7d018 No.21626687

File: ef9eb2ab479ba5a⋯.png (443.01 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91e4d2d73f36a2d⋯.mp4 (15.19 MB,854x444,427:222,TRUMP_TRUTHED_this_video_Y….mp4)

TRUMP TRUTHED this video "You are an amazing guy. My father would be proud of you. Thanks for the memories! Donald J. Trump"


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e2ea86 No.21626688

File: b6255c5b02057c5⋯.jpeg (560.93 KB,753x769,753:769,b6255c5b02057c5f2b18544d0….jpeg)


ty ghosty bakes

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b87687 No.21626689

File: 89be04178f78bcc⋯.jpg (18.3 KB,255x255,1:1,89be04178f78bcc75074f40b28….jpg)

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c7d018 No.21626690

File: c2a80b48f18ca8f⋯.png (358.62 KB,540x524,135:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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6985b1 No.21626691


Thank you fren… its good stuff. surprised you have not seen it tho. good for you!

always be well dressed for Battle with the full armor needed from GOD Almighty. I am on the field of battle we face every day with you my fren

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c7d018 No.21626692

File: b30e030efcc1b74⋯.png (2.91 MB,933x1199,933:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7d018 No.21626693

File: 30a48f7a0093bec⋯.png (1.07 MB,912x1200,19:25,ClipboardImage.png)

The word is [the commies] sold the DNA data to China [commies]

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e2ea86 No.21626694



Jeff Dunham would be proud.

Jeff! Is that you? kek

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d3d563 No.21626695

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d3d563 No.21626696

File: f7840dea424c65b⋯.png (572.27 KB,810x570,27:19,YouSeeISee.png)

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c7d018 No.21626697

File: c8c1690d88a4d0a⋯.png (643.13 KB,690x407,690:407,ClipboardImage.png)

IDF destroy 1000 ready-to-launch rockets, American officials: No imminent deal

Over 1000 ready-to-launch rockets destroyed • American officials deny reports of an imminent deal • Britain calls for an immediate ceasefire with Hezbollah


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e2ea86 No.21626698


Tom MacDonald, bitch!

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2fb977 No.21626699


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e2ea86 No.21626700


Jeff should work it into his act.

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2fb977 No.21626701

File: e1080137cbb1f9b⋯.gif (101.62 KB,1280x720,16:9,20240910_005241.gif)

enjoy your nine hour bred

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c7d018 No.21626702

File: 72790f82a0aa43d⋯.png (759.25 KB,768x435,256:145,ClipboardImage.png)

California Police Raid Seizes Over 2,000 Memes

LONG BEACH, CA — In an immediate sign that Governor Gavin Newsom's crackdown on memes is taking effect, the Long Beach Police Department announced that a special tactical unit executed a raid of a private residence today and seized over 2,000 memes.


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f41dd6 No.21626703

File: bfbbbc26a860ace⋯.jpeg (200.29 KB,1200x848,75:53,IMG_0028.jpeg)


Planet formed according to something like that described in Kabbalah. Evolved robot population are slave miners for energy, that is given to the true planetary rulers. Population becomes aware of the bargain their false ruler made with the true ruling class of the planet. All the robots become aware of their natural abilities and that they are one. Optimus becomes an ascended master and is resurrected. Leads to victory over false leader and planetary slavers and ruling class.

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20b5ae No.21626704

File: e4a416538dddf26⋯.png (408.82 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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6985b1 No.21626705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I put my armor on ,

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e2ea86 No.21626706


Now we know who is behind the smear.

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c7d018 No.21626707

File: 4dcc8992114eaa1⋯.png (607.21 KB,675x637,675:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81c390595502ced⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,1264x720,79:45,Oprah_said_she_was_stopped….mp4)

AG 🔥


Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

Amazing 🤩

5:35 PM • Sep 19, 2024


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e2ea86 No.21626708


all the same

Ask Elon.

He probably lurkin'.

Hi, Elon

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d3d563 No.21626709

File: 98a68b6f3d4d9c0⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,7d10f90bd23c70c1.mp4)

As We All Have Been

Chosen Ones

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c7d018 No.21626710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump's full Interview on Gutfeld

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703ea6 No.21626711

File: e54d967dec0911c⋯.png (384.2 KB,762x670,381:335,ClipboardImage.png)

File: caf937b70d62740⋯.png (1.41 MB,824x1247,824:1247,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump ain't messing around!!

It's all going to come out!!


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be2b7b No.21626712


joshua stein



leroy jenkins

pedro gonzalez

chris smith

long duk dong

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6985b1 No.21626713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck Fauchi

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ddcdc8 No.21626714


ditto brother.

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c7d018 No.21626715

File: 8d45af8acc678a4⋯.png (261.21 KB,1080x649,1080:649,ClipboardImage.png)

Kevin Sorbo: The FBI will come after people for posting memes online before they charge people who visited Epstein’s island.


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af0a06 No.21626716

Hey instead running ads to take clothes off abult women could for mastubaters they'even more popular to pedos for stripping the shorts off little boys and girls . Think what a demoralizing discredit to the site and humanity it is.

As bad as anime pussy from japen, but lower IQ.

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be2b7b No.21626719


i typed in

nancy pelosi

and the system crashed

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4434cc No.21626720


You don't have to support Trump.

In fact, don't have to post here.


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7c7225 No.21626721


Try jerry nadler.

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e2ea86 No.21626722

File: 03095bc397078ca⋯.jpg (704.27 KB,2158x1651,166:127,Screenshot_20240920_011859….jpg)

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be2b7b No.21626723


he does have big tits

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000000 No.21626724


I told you so


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20b5ae No.21626725

File: 4d8f2eb00566119⋯.png (815.38 KB,500x754,250:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b9138 No.21626726


[Plenty more overe here in northern CA

Come and take em]

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e2ea86 No.21626727


pass out before anyone reaches that point.

perhaps some ruskies mebe.

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6985b1 No.21626728

File: b88cee50c5761a5⋯.png (456.23 KB,710x793,710:793,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ed84380ee4ec91⋯.png (296.5 KB,710x473,710:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f89c962fe055715⋯.png (529.38 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 247833a062f5181⋯.png (774.8 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64418bb4d6e0588⋯.png (632.67 KB,710x813,710:813,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b9138 No.21626729

File: 9fd19a58720f274⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,900x868,225:217,20240827_180920.jpg)

File: e036fef282a9140⋯.jpg (106.59 KB,1024x758,512:379,20240824_205300.jpg)

File: a59a3d111397ed5⋯.jpg (59.65 KB,1290x1164,215:194,20240905_231257.jpg)

File: 54722dc542a8449⋯.jpg (311.72 KB,1176x1584,49:66,20240820_004054.jpg)

File: 7148e9237f2da16⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,960x629,960:629,20240825_103402.jpg)

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be2b7b No.21626730

can memes cross state lines


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c7d018 No.21626731

File: aa3cae455c67ece⋯.png (238.54 KB,448x737,448:737,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5592879feed8b4⋯.png (526.04 KB,675x748,675:748,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56f49cfdb45d7ce⋯.mp4 (3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_speaks_about_the_FBI….mp4)



Interesting 🤔

Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

“This is real stuff” Trump says.

The Dems obstructed Trump’s entire presidency over allegations of Russia hacking their campaign, which turned out to be a lie. Now Iran actually spied on Trump’s campaign, and were looking to conspire with the Dems. Shouldn’t the world be stopping?

As for why Biden’s own FBI are admitting this, I am not sure. By all accounts, none of this makes any sense, but given there have been multiple attempts on Trump’s life, this situation could be much deeper than we understand.

What if the Dems are communicating with hostile foreign adversaries as part of a broader plot to assassinate Trump?

Given how deranged the Dems have become, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to question if they would do something like this.

7:58 PM · Sep 19, 2024


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32d6c1 No.21626732

File: f3a60a0935c81df⋯.jpg (6.76 KB,215x166,215:166,215px_Missionaccomplished_….jpg)


Meditated and seen anon's all spark today!

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bf437c No.21626733

File: 9ee191da0736f1c⋯.png (425.73 KB,547x1238,547:1238,ClipboardImage.png)

Sheriff Whacks Judge That Was Rumored To Be Diddling His Kid




Suit alleges Kentucky deputy forced woman to have sex in judge's chamber in lieu of fees


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be2b7b No.21626734


ofc they did it

question is

now that they have been caught

will something be done about it

nixon anyone???

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3b9138 No.21626735


[Is a meme weaponized autism 2A or free speech 1A?]

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32d6c1 No.21626736


Defend CA! If the big wave comes "ride or die"

"learn to swim" Or turbo boost east. Either way Defend CA!

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c7d018 No.21626737

File: 86ae9805c023db8⋯.png (417.29 KB,1080x1062,60:59,ClipboardImage.png)

Bad Hombre


Kamala is holding a “special event” with Oprah Winfrey right now and is having a hard time getting over 10,000 live viewers.

Vivek Ramaswamy who isn’t running for anything, is talking to people in Springfield, OH and has 40,000 live viewers.

The joy is gone.

5:27 PM · Sep 19, 2024


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3b9138 No.21626738


[When did we start listening to those fumbling-bumbling-idiots?]

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be2b7b No.21626739


a good meme hits 1 of the 5 senses

while simultaneously connecting

with the 5 stages of grief…i think

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3a1ebc No.21626740


i was told that God built a failsafe into His design, and that you could pull His design out a certain ways from the original, but like a rubberband, it would always snap back into place ..

you would have to believe that the master Designer of all we see wouldve put a failsafe into place

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7de5ad No.21626741

File: 206ed0ae9b191b7⋯.png (268.08 KB,1487x744,1487:744,Screenshot_2024_09_18_1645….png)

File: 6c09436c5f4df31⋯.png (23.82 KB,629x254,629:254,Screenshot_2024_09_18_1731….png)

File: 82b0091c1082fed⋯.png (352.5 KB,623x676,623:676,Screenshot_2024_09_18_1732….png)



Time Line Jumping with Deltas as Proofs Edition

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3a1ebc No.21626742

why does the AI undresser ad have to be so in your face

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be2b7b No.21626743


like a reset button

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7bab5f No.21626744

hey any anons know which border bill Kamalama dingdong keeps bringing up? I'd like to see all the prok that the dims added, no doubt a bunch of money for Ukraine.

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000000 No.21626745



A cat went missing in Wyoming. 2 months later, he was found in his home state, California.






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3b9138 No.21626746


[Can't even scroll to the bottom of the page like a normal anon]

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c7d018 No.21626747

File: 219063de4a1f4e4⋯.png (375.62 KB,675x786,225:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3233a553a0bfcfd⋯.png (353.62 KB,632x574,316:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0299b4b7977479⋯.png (1.08 MB,1199x679,1199:679,ClipboardImage.png)









Elon Musk


Yay! Comedy is legal is Texas!

The Babylon Bee


Governor Abbott Declares Texas Sanctuary State For Memers https://t.co/4rIdnqj415

3:00 PM • Sep 19, 2024


3:14 PM • Sep 19, 2024


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e2ea86 No.21626748


bullet dubs fo sho

ratta tat tat tat

Can not the Dims find even one candidate to run?

Just one that isn't corrupted?

buh-bye Democrat Party

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be2b7b No.21626749

she looks like my 21 year old college goin


studying accounting

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7c7225 No.21626750

File: cacd90f167ceadc⋯.png (880.25 KB,853x875,853:875,cacd90f167ceadcab9968581b1….png)

Could anon get arrested for impersonating a cop if anon showed up to a patriot front meeting dressed in FBI jacket and insisted anon wasn't FBI?

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3b9138 No.21626751


>state lines


[State of confusion, state of euphoria..]

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6985b1 No.21626752


Thats the dude from foreigner i believe

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7de5ad No.21626753


we almost all believed when they told us most of our DNA is junk DNA…sounds like a piss poor omnipotent all knowing loving god…we also believe we are shit and ruin everything icluding the planet…we hard believed it

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5fbce1 No.21626754

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be2b7b No.21626755


pretty sure thats cher

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c7d018 No.21626756

File: a761b95810d5de2⋯.png (568.91 KB,675x598,675:598,ClipboardImage.png)

Oprah's got at least 30 IQ points on Kamala and she is realizing this as she listens

Trump War Room


Kamala Harris is the fakest, phoniest politician to have ever disgraced the face of the earth

6:34 PM • Sep 19, 2024


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691eca No.21626758


quads of boom!

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85562f No.21626759

File: 74ccc4a0bcc43fe⋯.png (554.24 KB,728x499,728:499,ClipboardImage.png)



serious anon is serious.

It is Not about How Hard You Hit, But It is about How many times You Can get Hit and Keep Moving Forward


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6985b1 No.21626760


The Diddy arrest has the ALL running scared as hell. This is gonna be sooooo good

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877d28 No.21626761

>>21626233 How to say nothing while speakingPN

Look at the people's faces behind her, they may be actors but even theyare not that into herthey actually can't even act like they are interested. Hardly anyone is buying this bullshit.

The more she talks, the more they know she has No Intelligence and she doesn't inspire anyone. Even Oprah looked bored!

First of all Oprah is blasé. Second of all, Kamabla sounds stupid to educated people and people with common sense; like she is saying a very bad haiku, or something.

This is not a free for all shitfest, of what America is and who we are, she is running for POTUS.

Kamala is sliding down the scales of relevance and especially competence to be President minute by minute. And even fake supporters can't pretend interest.

Can you imagine America believing she is capable of being President or CiC? "The voice, the voice" is grating at this point and she hardly even talks.

I think she is watching Trump's speeches and she can't imitate him because she has no idea what the magic is.

Here it is, the top secret recipe of Trump: He tells the truth and she has no idea how to do it. But it was Obama's wish to have her be Bidan's VP. Maybe there is some truth to be her being a male.

I bet those who actually choose the cabinet of Bidan, are second guessing of Obama's capabilities at this point.

He's actually getting very little interest of what he can accomplish at this point.

I can't wait for anons to Foia their communications for 2020, and everyday thereafter. That would be checkmate!

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3b9138 No.21626762



[If ~1999 is a thing… are citizens arrests no longer a thing?]

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5fbce1 No.21626763





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e2ea86 No.21626764



What did the ai ever do to you ?¿?

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3b9138 No.21626765


[Anyanon have a step down/resignation list since Diddy arrest?]]

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be2b7b No.21626766


still a thing

must be a felony tho

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5fbce1 No.21626767

this is why you are laughed at.

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c7d018 No.21626768

File: b8bd6920f792e37⋯.png (209.84 KB,306x230,153:115,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fbce1 No.21626769

the entire board of 23&me resigned

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6985b1 No.21626770


if so she needs to shave that belly. do I doubt you? HELL NO. KEK

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5fbce1 No.21626771

platitudes of no worth to the men of the west…

which is fallen…



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6985b1 No.21626772


Look in past breads you will find it from today posts

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20b5ae No.21626773

File: f971cb5b3c4755c⋯.png (589.33 KB,500x706,250:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12fad2ae4c4b834⋯.png (168.26 KB,529x340,529:340,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebbf608f5380a71⋯.png (89.86 KB,269x269,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7adb0caf3a8c9d⋯.png (805.8 KB,693x500,693:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1ebc No.21626774


i like to start at the bottom

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3a1ebc No.21626775


as soon as i replied to your post i got whut i deserved

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85562f No.21626776

File: 72d62e76f50ce21⋯.png (58.62 KB,482x390,241:195,ClipboardImage.png)


notable - trump truthed this man's story, hope he sees it

God bless anon


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b9c2ed No.21626777


Spot Light Spot Light

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08737f No.21626778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sigh… maybe in this bread. most anons don't watch or follow sportsball, neither does this anon. but just pointing out ohtani (17) made baseball history last night. he did it on his 5th at bat going 5 for 5, up to that point.


would like help digging the numbers in this game for clues

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20b5ae No.21626779

File: 2d44e36b3d30981⋯.png (485.42 KB,474x560,237:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7d018 No.21626780

File: 37612fee6a0b759⋯.png (1.28 MB,1080x2063,1080:2063,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 675046b5fe36724⋯.png (485.22 KB,736x414,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Diddy arrest has the ALL running scared as hell. This is gonna be sooooo good

Epstein 2.0

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d3d563 No.21626781

File: e021621f24e9573⋯.mp4 (91.16 KB,400x224,25:14,mcStaindeathVid.mp4)

Just a happy reminder, shit's gettin' done

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3a1ebc No.21626782


DNA rubber band strand

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993aea No.21626783

50 /50 = 5x5


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000000 No.21626784



America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits. But justice remains elusive.

The nationwide effort aimed to clear backlogged sexual assault kits and put rapists behind bars. The $350M investment has netted about 1,500 convictions so far.




>This is gonna be sooooo good

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166574 No.21626785

File: 7539029fcfa2ec7⋯.jpg (26.94 KB,415x232,415:232,bend_the_knee.jpg)

Lickers of boots. You love to lick the boots. Tyrants are your heroes You love to lick the boots of those who bend the knee to Satan.

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3a1ebc No.21626786


that is one of the bestmemes,

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08737f No.21626787


was looking for exact time of homerun, but can't find right now

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c7d018 No.21626788

File: 39d87ddb0b5411e⋯.png (746.9 KB,460x679,460:679,ClipboardImage.png)


Diddy did it list.


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993aea No.21626789


looks like you'll find coms in there somewhere

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20b5ae No.21626790

File: 77eb40be2506c6c⋯.png (358.49 KB,538x302,269:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7d018 No.21626791

File: 05fcdbd9ebfeffa⋯.png (729.82 KB,756x504,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>forgotten rape kits


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7adadd No.21626792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FOX 11 Los Angeles actually did a story about Alexis Lorenze

I'm shocked.

"California woman, 23, turns purple after alleged vaccination at a hospital"


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6fa36c No.21626793

Trump on Gutfeld: “I’m your President.”

(lb) >>21626313 Here are two questions Trump was asked that didn’t make the Gutfeld show last night

“I don’t want to use the word broken. It’s, I just can’t do that; I’m your President.”

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20b5ae No.21626794

File: 98ae83ce55c9332⋯.png (977.82 KB,1279x409,1279:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: daf89c35b422c5c⋯.png (526.28 KB,605x718,605:718,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7d018 No.21626795

File: 25aacca8e135707⋯.png (1.71 MB,1170x2110,117:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 511d00e761fe1b5⋯.png (757.58 KB,500x690,50:69,ClipboardImage.png)

Every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed

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3a1ebc No.21626796

File: 74ac3b308e6bc40⋯.jpeg (278.94 KB,1290x1789,1290:1789,GX5CcxrWAAAXzSG.jpeg)

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e2ea86 No.21626797

File: f961f0f6f026d54⋯.jpeg (225.72 KB,840x840,1:1,f961f0f6f026d5439671badca….jpeg)

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,8bca0ae3000bdb5f2e60d14ad2….jpg)

File: 37657339e351dce⋯.png (489.66 KB,617x680,617:680,37657339e351dce6b6119ad2f5….png)

File: 75c30aecf09eaf5⋯.jpg (72.48 KB,589x406,589:406,75c30aecf09eaf54546d035037….jpg)

File: 839a558d41165ff⋯.png (441.56 KB,568x610,284:305,839a558d41165ff6c89ef89b1b….png)


That's it.

I'll warn the locals that show up at my door with the FBLie to back off before I toss out my Vibe Check meme and hop out the back window, set off the claymore memes hidden in my fascia, sat phone all my support memes, and escape to Texas.

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993aea No.21626798


>looks like you'll find coms in there somewhere

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b9c2ed No.21626799

File: 5abcaf58913a3c5⋯.png (111.43 KB,1378x296,689:148,Screenshot_2024_09_19_2322….png)

One Big RICO

Kick the 3rd World Voodoos In the Teeth

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e2ea86 No.21626800


>impersonating a cop

heck no

>impersonating FBLie

hell yes

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be2b7b No.21626801


all depends

on your


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20b5ae No.21626802


What really happened? Those trucks drive like tanks.

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2e797b No.21626803

Waiting for neighborhoods to burn down from immigrants pirating electricity

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3a1ebc No.21626804

File: 74d7cee4e8a1952⋯.png (3.61 MB,2537x2388,2537:2388,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


swerved due to ladder in the road; hit guardrail, flipped

everyone saying looks like C1A comm

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000000 No.21626805

Queen Margrethe of Denmark, 84, rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

The Danish royal is the late Queen Elizabeth's third cousin

Sep 19, 2024, 3:24 PM GMT+1




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d3d563 No.21626806


The id number on it is


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8b850f No.21626807

Kamala the "gun owner"

gunna grab me pea shooter and

investigate the intruders at the naval observatory

while doug jacks off to skinemax reruns

if they be comin, they gon get capped

isssa gun owna sista

dap me up honey child

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7de5ad No.21626808

File: 24df04f6f856196⋯.png (27.2 KB,1017x265,1017:265,Screenshot_2024_09_19_2237….png)

File: ea157e4a0206f66⋯.png (85.79 KB,1041x507,347:169,Screenshot_2024_09_19_2238….png)

File: 056c3a1367ee6cf⋯.png (76.38 KB,977x405,977:405,Screenshot_2024_09_19_2239….png)

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e2ea86 No.21626809


Diddy didn't commit suscide!

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d3d563 No.21626810


I'm seeing it, C1A was taken out, into a thousand pieces, til otherwise updated

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3a1ebc No.21626811

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c7d018 No.21626812

File: 35caaeb9923c159⋯.png (574.99 KB,675x585,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f161ae8eea636f3⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB,888x484,222:121,Kamala_is_incapable_of_ans….mp4)

Kate Hyde


Kamala is incapable of answering a question and after 3 minutes of nonsense Oprah had to save her.

5:40 PM • Sep 19, 2024


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8b850f No.21626813

File: f2480cdb7966f14⋯.png (11.3 KB,253x255,253:255,0f6495cbe61c523291ea9471e4….png)


Could anon get arrested for supporting something that may or may not be illegal suggested by another anon who may or may not be FBI, simply thinking this place is anonymous, and knowing Merrick Garland is still running a corrupt DOJ?

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be2b7b No.21626814


anon handled a ladder truck


an engine

12 hurt

400,000 in damage

both responding to same alarm

and met

in same intersection

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7bab5f No.21626815

File: f82a06f1363db44⋯.jpg (495.83 KB,1488x983,1488:983,Screenshot_20240920_025639….jpg)


Found it.


oh and btw it was dimocrats that caused the bill to fail not DJT per CNN.


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3a1ebc No.21626816


at the same time margrethe of denmark rushed to hospital post fall…

will she have a portrait in red soon?

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6985b1 No.21626817

good night night shift. aka the best shift… This evening shift anon is sighing off and headed to bed. Get er dun.you guys After 5 or so tomorrow will be back in the fight. after the other fight i enjoy from day to day at times… enjoyed it.

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b9c2ed No.21626818


Unit 17

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d3d563 No.21626819


Tell Doc Kunnery what the problem is…

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be2b7b No.21626820


both tipped

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3a1ebc No.21626821

ca 241 is a toll road, wonder what a ladder in the road means as far as a message if it is a false flag

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d3d563 No.21626822


Including self, 3 people feel something huge happening, these tidbits just confirm it

Very eerie feeling, but of a good outcome

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ddcdc8 No.21626823

File: eaf3ca5778cba8a⋯.png (219.35 KB,1000x1020,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon is staying out of this one.

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be2b7b No.21626824


occams razor

illegal aliens

racing home to grill some carnitas

and have some coronas

lost a ladder out the back

no one having a license

made the deciding factor

that much easier

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7bab5f No.21626825

File: f82a06f1363db44⋯.jpg (495.83 KB,1488x983,1488:983,Screenshot_20240920_025639….jpg)

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3a1ebc No.21626826

File: 63def48c6735693⋯.png (2.89 MB,2539x2355,2539:2355,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


where does it say unit 17?

the ambulance has an american eagle next to the flag … FALCK… falc on?

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7de5ad No.21626827

File: 24742877ecad430⋯.png (26.18 KB,350x141,350:141,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b45087c0b1afc5⋯.png (118.42 KB,312x238,156:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73aa46916213705⋯.png (1.45 MB,1275x1080,85:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2ea86 No.21626828

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d3d563 No.21626829


big red monster steeped in red lighting, down

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7c7225 No.21626830


Good point, jacket should say "definitely not FBI"

Anon was just thinking it would be fun to show up and glow as brightly as feds do here.

Not going to actually do it, but fun to think about.

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3a1ebc No.21626831


i dont think theyd take the toll road, they take the 5

do illegals work for the C1A?// ///

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be2b7b No.21626833


sure why not

they already dont exist

for starters

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3a1ebc No.21626834



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d3d563 No.21626835


The CIA can bump anyone out of a business and take over, to do a 'job', were they playing firemen?

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b9c2ed No.21626836

File: 3485987685a17a9⋯.png (152.68 KB,574x376,287:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2f1a2 No.21626837


Q Team:

To me this looks like a radiation and cyanide attack. Notice how she said pimples first? I would almost bet that they sprayed her with a a slight damp mist, which is why even nose was bleeding. The purple color is the blood vessels and capillaries being destroy until they turn black. Notice also the shedding of skin. She is in extreme pain, another sign of cyanide. Radiation is what causes the process to speed up and circulate through the blood. Seen the same thing with a relative at the VA.

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8b850f No.21626838

File: 89ee80770604d14⋯.png (55.62 KB,213x263,213:263,Opera_Snapshot_2023_02_28_….png)

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e2ea86 No.21626839


be good?

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3b9138 No.21626840

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b9c2ed No.21626841

File: 8b2ef77b34a2afc⋯.png (174.61 KB,574x376,287:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1ebc No.21626842


heyyy, that poster who posts with the slashes, the slashes poster tweaked my post

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3a1ebc No.21626843



july 23rd

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ddcdc8 No.21626844

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877d28 No.21626845

>>21626313 Here are two questions Trump was asked that didn’t make the Gutfeld show last nightPN

Did you hear it? Trump said on the heartbroken by a break up question:

He said, Am I allowed to say it? I can't to say, it, (whether his heart was broken when he had brake up: I can't say it,I'm your president!"

He didn't say: "I'm your Former president!"

So they anon is right, saying, "Trump keeps on stating he is our President" in present text.

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b9c2ed No.21626846


no tomato's no onions

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20b5ae No.21626847

File: 0e5848eb2c4a6e7⋯.png (547.68 KB,526x474,263:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f9202b488619fc⋯.png (570.9 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2db3f2087ff7c93⋯.png (366.91 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e72b67a01a958ca⋯.png (624.17 KB,616x768,77:96,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b850f No.21626848

File: 5cb2b434e9bdb6e⋯.png (273.65 KB,419x325,419:325,ClipboardImage.png)




Get Matt Walsh to do it.

Wear a jacket.

Use a surveillance headset and talk into your hand telling the Front clowns what to do

Holy shit that would be epic

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ddcdc8 No.21626849

File: 0385b7cccbdf04c⋯.png (9.23 KB,263x191,263:191,ClipboardImage.png)


Trust the plan?

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be2b7b No.21626850



like a simon says skit

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8b850f No.21626851


Keep walking straight!

Raise those signs up!

Your khaki 5.11s look like shit today chad

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8b850f No.21626852

File: 7e77882992ed34f⋯.png (82.34 KB,511x503,511:503,ClipboardImage.png)

you know old anon probably clicked this shit trying to hit the catalog link

I did not, but old ass anon probably did

great work Jim.

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3a1ebc No.21626853


6pm can be dangerous

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20b5ae No.21626854

File: b94085662cc9f49⋯.png (307.48 KB,561x392,561:392,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1cd90 No.21626855


Have you ever seen the movie The Matrix?

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be2b7b No.21626856


with don knotts???

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8b850f No.21626857

File: 4b53a9cf510fb98⋯.jpg (17.84 KB,218x255,218:255,f85f922dc7f27da9663274d122….jpg)

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d3d563 No.21626858

shills don't have x and y chromosomes, they re and tard instead.

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3b9138 No.21626859

[Stupid banner at the bottom

Almost like someone doesn't want us to


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3b9138 No.21626860










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ef5502 No.21626861

File: 1ce5fcbe339b619⋯.jpeg (48.56 KB,1240x794,620:397,6F62C099_B8F2_4B6A_B451_5….jpeg)


I give him one chance in three….

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3a1ebc No.21626862

File: e2591dafb9ece0d⋯.png (730.74 KB,1198x1732,599:866,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

C1A flipped and splintered?

FALC K … K CAL news

8 ff killed… false flag?

prayers the 6 critical come out ok

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3a1ebc No.21626863


8 injured not killed, sorry

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7c7225 No.21626864


>I give him one chance in three….

That's the same odds anon gave Trump to win in 2016.

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3a1ebc No.21626865

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20b5ae No.21626866

File: 4480f777aec141a⋯.png (432.6 KB,596x418,298:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1ebc No.21626867

with all the diddy singing panic i think this is a comm false flag, ratz

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d3d563 No.21626868


Just on the assumption, the CIA over manned that vehicle, no civvies would be included, one less to get rid of, on the evidence clean up.

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7bab5f No.21626869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and publised Epstein's little black book.

This video was 3 weeks ago.

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20b5ae No.21626870

File: 4ba92e2ec1b35bd⋯.png (662.74 KB,638x646,319:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d45c5 No.21626871


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d3d563 No.21626872

File: b1de3e9331cb692⋯.jpg (20.31 KB,255x183,85:61,215eb5ef845b82b8fd27a40ebb….jpg)

The Diddy Domino, was potent, if resignations had a sound, it would be, the peak, of popcorn, popping.


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20b5ae No.21626873

File: ac9c8646817edae⋯.png (144.09 KB,263x265,263:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d45c5 No.21626874



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2d83e2 No.21626875


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e2ea86 No.21626876


They can't even work on US soil.

What country you from?

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7de5ad No.21626877


4 for 44 Pepsi Pack

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6abbd7 No.21626878



Q Team:

She had a rare blood disorder. Just like the child with a rare brain disorder. All this rareness is not so rare; logical thinking, it is a form of plausible deniability. Give her 3 vaccines + a rare blood disorder, and who the hell could have known, it's rare. Knowingly. I can give you things to try if you contact me, homeopathic. Make sure to watch this patient for further attacks. This is more common than you realize, most will not make noise out of fear of retribution from the hospital staff.

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3bf36d No.21626879


one heh…

one heh only.


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d3d563 No.21626880


I'm sorry your parents were so stupid, I see the results.

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7de5ad No.21626881



Highest Non Fatality Rate

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7bab5f No.21626882


Palm beach had 17 more victims of Epstein

Acosta told after it was up to 30 that Epstein was intel.

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8b850f No.21626883


you wanna talk some shit

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e2ea86 No.21626884


nuke, coal, and LPG bad

build more solar and wind

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3b9138 No.21626885


This is a game changer . We are being replaced


[New book]

P.s. don't be a zionist

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e8f3d5 No.21626886


Q Team:

Most likely that rare blood disorder is the cyanide already in the blood stream that has coagulated the dead tissue because most likely she went into the hospital because of being targeted by local saboteurs whose job is to get you sick enough where their cronies in health care institutions can do the rest of the job legally. Investigate her domicile for signs that I have given in the past. Did you remember that I reported a young man who wanted to be a cop that worked at a gas station that had to have part of his brain removed because he passed out at work and he too had was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder. I told him do not spout pro-American, Trump, police political rhetoric around those libtards. In my gut, I think it was his friend who rode the cheap Chinese motorcycle that befriended him and did something because he had a bad attitude when I offered assistance, to drive for him or help him out. But you can't criticize those types of people anyways.

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4448bd No.21626887

File: c1ef9755e5060bf⋯.png (785.96 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thenationalne….png)

Fourteen countries oppose UN resolution to end Israel's occupation of Palestine

A total of 124 states voted for Israel to withdraw forces and cease settlement activity in the occupied West Bank

A UN General Assembly resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestine within a year was passed overwhelmingly on Wednesday. Israel’s closest ally, the US, was among the opposing nations.

While 124 countries voted in favour, 14 countries opposed the resolution and 43 abstained.

The resolution urged Israel to "comply with international law and withdraw its military forces, immediately cease all new settlement activity, evacuate all settlers from occupied land, and dismantle parts of the separation wall it constructed inside the occupied West Bank". It also demanded Israel return land and other assets it has seized since 1967.


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3355d1 No.21626888


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7de5ad No.21626889


ratz…we call them whistleblowers

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3a1ebc No.21626890


1962 :(

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3355d1 No.21626891




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3a1ebc No.21626892


diddy singing

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7de5ad No.21626893

File: ed9328ff56c6bc7⋯.png (3.46 MB,1425x2048,1425:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

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99aee7 No.21626894

File: 75b2cdc0e15cec9⋯.png (82.38 KB,670x1000,67:100,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21626506 lb

I keep telling people to stop making excuses like Kamala "is drunk". The fucking cunt is not drunk! She's a fuckingEVILuseful idiot, willfully and knowingly destroying our country. This is WHO she is. Just accept it!

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6e1e9b No.21626895

File: eb177ee4637eed1⋯.png (675.25 KB,1080x538,540:269,Screenshot_20240918_163651….png)

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b9c2ed No.21626896



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f1cd90 No.21626897

WORD SALAD: Kamala Harris Gives Total Non-Answer When Asked How She Plans to Lower the Cost of Living (VIDEO)

Sep. 19, 2024 8:40 pm

Kamala Harris did her ‘interview’ town hall meeting with Oprah Winfrey tonight and things went about as well as could be expected any time she goes off script.

A young couple attending the event via Zoom asked Kamala what she would do the lower the cost of living and naturally, she had no answer.

Harris launched into one of her typical word salads full of meaningless platitudes and zero details.

She actually said this:

KAMALA: “In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is, for this generation & so many recently, far more elusive than it’s been, and we need to deal with that.”

She then says one thing that would help is lowering the prices of everyday goods. Which is exactly what the couple was asking. How does she plan to do that? She gave a non-answer answer. Watch:


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3b9138 No.21626898



>camp counselor?

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9bfcb2 No.21626899

File: 88e1246db7313cc⋯.png (5.02 MB,2018x1912,1009:956,45_days_to_winning.png)

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3b9138 No.21626900




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3a1ebc No.21626901


july 23rd, 1962 :(

i cannot say

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e6997c No.21626902

File: cd4477f8021397a⋯.jpg (375.79 KB,1600x890,160:89,Metropolitan_Police_UK_We_….jpg)

File: 15d7f8674a74fb2⋯.png (1.03 MB,779x1098,779:1098,ClipboardImage_2024_08_11T….png)

File: aba2aa65731cef8⋯.png (3.11 MB,3375x3375,1:1,ClipboardImage_2024_08_10T….png)

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ddcdc8 No.21626903

File: ab05c9ff808456e⋯.png (119.34 KB,1200x960,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Luv U frens. Glad to be back after a 4 year break. Let's bring it home for the good guys. I'm ready to fight! WWG1WGA

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3355d1 No.21626904

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3355d1 No.21626905


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4448bd No.21626906


Why is it that many Oceania island states also opposed it, Palau, Micronesia, Nauru, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu and Papua New Guinea.

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3b9138 No.21626907



Idk that is fucked up

I bet they don't like being invaded either]

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3355d1 No.21626908

File: 25646b0bd7f892a⋯.jpg (165.34 KB,870x1228,435:614,20240920_020433.jpg)

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280fcd No.21626909

File: 3b5c691aaed77d9⋯.jpg (74.47 KB,802x499,802:499,Memes_hurt_democracy_in_Ca….jpg)

File: aa0d6635cd310e6⋯.png (417.35 KB,591x613,591:613,elon.png)

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99aee7 No.21626910


>Fredensborg Castle

Is this the place known as the Mother of Darkness castle? Would be ironic and fitting if she died from an embolism as a result of a fall there.

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9ae9fb No.21626911


The chans have changed me.

Laughed at this meme, both times!

Good one bo.


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20b5ae No.21626912

File: 600cda9c27530ce⋯.png (901.79 KB,771x674,771:674,ClipboardImage.png)

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20b5ae No.21626913

File: 79504355aab50f6⋯.png (296.64 KB,571x493,571:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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3355d1 No.21626914


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20b5ae No.21626915

File: 4f6e4bc2e751657⋯.png (1.2 MB,598x913,598:913,ClipboardImage.png)

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013039 No.21626916


meanwhile enjoy the show, and get some more popcoarn

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3a1ebc No.21626918

File: 397c265c9983fb5⋯.png (925.17 KB,834x838,417:419,GX4ta_sW8AAP0pM.png)

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20b5ae No.21626919

File: 2e406bac8a2175d⋯.png (347.62 KB,533x500,533:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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20b5ae No.21626920

File: b9a6f9a9b7ee38f⋯.png (572.38 KB,500x775,20:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f8e5c No.21626921

File: 7e049970fb60f68⋯.png (527.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240920_011124.png)

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20b5ae No.21626922

File: fac52bd87e0d529⋯.png (1009.51 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1ebc No.21626923

File: dd18b2b06b4b41d⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2605x1440,521:288,Fredensborg_Slot_124.JPG)

File: 9f0fa09a63c07cd⋯.jpg (179.13 KB,580x435,4:3,Fredensborg_Slot_1728.jpg)

File: ae619e75a5fad14⋯.png (1.3 MB,2017x2147,2017:2147,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

Fredens Borg (lit. "Peace's Castle").

The palace complex consisted of a small, almost square, 1+1⁄2-storey-high main palace with dome and lanterns. It is positioned exactly at the centre of what is known as a "hunting star" (Danish, jagtstjerne), a number of straight intersecting paths in a game hunting reserve. During a hunt it was permissible to shoot freely straight down the long paths, which radiated out from the centre

called Red Wing. It is the only red building at Fredensborg Palace, and it has open half-timbers under a red tile roof.

Red Monster

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9ae9fb No.21626924


You miserable bitch

Go pay Jim's bills if it bothers you so much, that you write a post, to bitch about your dramatic concerns.

Go fuck your self, in silence.

I don't want to hear about it

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013039 No.21626925


I guess the 4-6% is what's left that will vote Harris -et all


Anon called it

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9ae9fb No.21626926

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3a1ebc No.21626927


What would they hunt in a courtyard???

the hunters become the hunted

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8b850f No.21626928

File: 36a5bdbbed9f3b0⋯.png (307.43 KB,526x235,526:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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99aee7 No.21626929

File: 66b3614a795f94c⋯.png (80.52 KB,640x592,40:37,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm wondering if Trump and Q is created by the jews, to create Greater israel, and plunge the rest of the world into poverty, war, chaos.

Not if the world gets sound money out of the deal. That is the single thing that will unite citizens of any and every nation for the rest of time. The resulting prosperity will never be given up once we experience it. Sound money will be equal to gun rights in every way. Sound money ends the slavery of humanity.

If we don't get sound money out of this deal, mankind is fucked.

This anon is certain that humanity wins. Comfy AF.

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396b6a No.21626930

File: 5b0871e40a53848⋯.jpg (102.09 KB,720x750,24:25,20240920_021126.jpg)

BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609


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3b9138 No.21626931


[If only you knew how bad things really are]

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166574 No.21626932

File: f8d1d4a55059c6a⋯.png (412.5 KB,710x710,1:1,Police_will_kill_your_dog.png)

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396b6a No.21626933

File: e0da9772b8cf4a2⋯.jpg (134.02 KB,720x960,3:4,20240920_022105.jpg)

Nice ad , the absolute state..

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3b9138 No.21626934






[He is Justin Castro level bad. Coiffed and corrupt.]

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c88152 No.21626935

File: 27d8aa249b949b6⋯.png (932.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Meanwhile, anons, everyday commerce is being outfitted with ID verification services like those offered by companies such as Clear (https://www.clearme.com/, which we'll use as an example here).

This service requires the consumer to "prove" his identity before being allowed to transact any business. At checkout, the hopeful customer must scan his "Real ID®" (i.e., driver’s license) with his phone and then take a "selfie." If everything is working correctly, his data is uploaded on the spot to Clear at the point of sale. Presumably, an ID check is conducted against whatever personally unique information is linked to his Real ID®, along with some facial recognition "magic" to match his selfie to his actual ID photo.

The system eliminates human judgment regarding the customer's ID at the point of sale, instead deferring identity verification to the algorithm. If the system fails, there is no immediate appeal. And it does fail— for example, if the customer, distracted and perhaps in a rush at the register, enters personal info incorrectly three times in a row, he will receive a "Sorry, Try Again Later" message. If the network connection is spotty, if he forgets his phone or its charge runs out on the spot, or if he has shaved or is having a bad hair day, or if he somehow fails to perfectly match his selfie to his Real ID® photo, his transaction is declined. That means he cannot buy or sell at that moment in that business. No smartphone? We don’t serve your kind.

Thus, if you encounter this system, regardless of who you say you are, who you really are, the quality of your business reputation, the size of your bank balance, etc.: unless this system—which is being used increasingly by all manner of businesses, big and small—approves you, you cannot transact business. Put another way, without the algorithm's approval, you cannot buy or sell. Period.

Anon was lured into using Clear at a small airport last year, on the promise that I'd be able to "skip the line." It was a free trial (with payment information provided). Anon opted out immediately on returning home, seeing no real need for it. To anon's surprise, the same system was used over a year later at Home Depot, and anon already had an account! Sadly, however, anon had shaved and grown a year older, and so could not buy or sell (or rent a truck) at Home Depot that day. Takeaway, once your in the Clear system, you cannot get out, even if you "opt out."

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8b850f No.21626936

File: b558356f4b6cb72⋯.png (10.53 KB,439x77,439:77,Opera_Snapshot_2023_04_16_….png)


masonic dubs confirm

(i am the king though)

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c88152 No.21626937


please tell the juveniles who run this place to remove the smut images that cannot be filtered out from the page itself.

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3a1ebc No.21626938

File: 81680833f7410f3⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,728x720,91:90,IP2Uc_4e2u09O3uY.mp4)

Red Queen

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99aee7 No.21626939

File: 4270968b799505c⋯.png (36.14 KB,763x362,763:362,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon wanted to snag some moar silver but now I'll wait for a pullback.

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ea61aa No.21626940

File: 2e0e1bb8017a662⋯.png (248.33 KB,382x520,191:260,F826A830_7B06_4B03_A590_A6….png)


The ad is pissing off so many pearl clutchers and shills, that anon is growing fond of it.

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8b850f No.21626941


Under a Merrick Garland indictment, every time the image flashes, is a separate count.

We all have 270,387 felony charges pending

Mazeltof Jim

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166574 No.21626942

File: 70645861eecbdc8⋯.jpg (123.13 KB,1282x1277,1282:1277,bootlicker_flag.jpg)

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3a1ebc No.21626943


i have such a hard time actually picturing these royal old ladies could even consider consuming children

ooo that creepy painting of the little girl in white tho…

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ea61aa No.21626944


Copper is pushing $4.30/lb

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99aee7 No.21626945

File: 4889f836ed82f02⋯.png (115.16 KB,737x393,737:393,ClipboardImage.png)

Historically it's still a good time to ratio trade gold for silver.

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3a1ebc No.21626946

File: 8c01a4c28055e7d⋯.png (1.39 MB,1208x1462,604:731,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

#Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II has been admitted to the Rigshospitalet after a fall that happened at Fredensborg Palace. The Queen is doing well according to the circumstances, but is currently hospitalised for observation

#DronningMargrethe #Kongehuset #Danmark



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c88152 No.21626947


that's something a deluded libertarian stoner - aka a George Carlin groupie - would say. You win the archetype award for the day.

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3a1ebc No.21626948


DJT stock is buyable right now …

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3a1ebc No.21626949


shes not ded,


Red OCtober?

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c88152 No.21626950

File: 76fbc5b0f75bc90⋯.png (429.81 KB,494x540,247:270,again_.png)

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99aee7 No.21626951

File: 7c8543e4f360ff5⋯.png (9.76 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)


I've got a few hundred pounds of bright copper in my garage. Thanks for the reminder. Might just unload that tomorrow and buy silver on the next pullback or maybe some DJT stock.

Dumpster diving pays off sometimes!

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3b9138 No.21626952



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99aee7 No.21626953

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ea61aa No.21626954

File: 45c5381af82ee1e⋯.jpeg (93.92 KB,960x960,1:1,4AD04DAC_849D_418D_922D_C….jpeg)


Please accept my apologies.

Did you object to being called a pearl clutcher or a shill?

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99aee7 No.21626955


On pulmonary embolism watch. Prolly won't be long.

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3a1ebc No.21626956


I think DJT media empire will turn to gold

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8c5ca5 No.21626957

File: e02205ba04b2405⋯.jpeg (357.63 KB,1403x1055,1403:1055,IMG_6373.jpeg)

File: 529d58e0fe3bc58⋯.jpeg (225.92 KB,812x1892,203:473,IMG_6374.jpeg)


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d3d563 No.21626958

File: cb9360159017740⋯.jpg (23.4 KB,400x344,50:43,BossDick.jpg)


is Steve at it again?

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3a1ebc No.21626959


death is always sad, so many regrets … did you see her almost collapse in tears as she hobbled out of the room after abdicating her powers to her son?

theres something extra tragic for some reason to see a villain humbled … why the hell is that? brainwashing?

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d3d563 No.21626960


Not understanding the depth of their evil, coming from a self perspective viewpoint, how you would feel, they do not have humane feelings.

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3a1ebc No.21626961

File: a974792b073fbf7⋯.png (1.51 MB,1542x1305,514:435,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)


oh thats a good sign…

silver will be the first non-fiat currency, Jack-EO

EO 11110:

Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289, as amended, relating to the performance of certain functions affecting the Department of the Treasury

Signed:June 4, 1963Published: June 7, 1963 FR Citation:28 FR 5605 PDF

Amends: EO 10289, September 17, 1951

9/17 !!

Bypassing the FED… allows US Treasury to issue currency again

I just noticed that the word Treasury kinda combines the words Treason and usury …

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3a1ebc No.21626962


yes i have experienced evil, but wasnt at the hands of a silver haired old lady with perfectly coifed hair

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3a1ebc No.21626963


woww, this EO is an amendment of EO 10289 issued September 19th!! 1951

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4448bd No.21626964

File: 3484287c9919f47⋯.mp4 (5.08 MB,630x420,3:2,ssstwitter_com_17266957110….mp4)

File: 2a9c73547d2c305⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17268219172….png)


The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad.


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d3d563 No.21626965


Oh so you'd rather have evil dressed well.

How you see them is not how they see themselves.

When you don't work from a place of love, nothing in life satisfies them, so they are always hungry.

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3b9138 No.21626966


>Treasury kinda combines the words Treason and usury

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ea61aa No.21626967

File: 23ce03867db75d3⋯.png (356.11 KB,400x506,200:253,107E06B1_D29F_4633_B193_3B….png)


Young redhead?

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2e797b No.21626968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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99aee7 No.21626969


>theres something extra tragic for some reason to see a villain humbled … why the hell is that? brainwashing?

I never received that brainwashing. I smile inside and out when a villain gets their ass handed to them.

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d3d563 No.21626970

File: 7aaa03059e1cf9a⋯.png (631 KB,976x656,61:41,MaxwellHouse.png)

File: 354fc64cc4cf6e8⋯.png (299.43 KB,442x342,221:171,ClipboardImage.png)


Good to the last drop

Swinging that is.

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3a1ebc No.21626971

File: c121cae16807a37⋯.png (257.63 KB,1198x650,599:325,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

File: 164a4014b9068ca⋯.png (470.56 KB,1192x1988,298:497,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

File: 8e78c976cbeba57⋯.png (1.66 MB,1289x2284,1289:2284,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

File: 78194199026a59e⋯.png (1.3 MB,1217x2144,1217:2144,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_1….png)

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f67e31 No.21626972

File: 430d2de48efc331⋯.png (13.54 KB,612x126,34:7,ClipboardImage.png)

love you mollie

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3a1ebc No.21626973

File: 6ef1375755a0774⋯.mp4 (41.97 KB,320x180,16:9,BzEv5c.mp4)


no on the contrary i agree with you

i was explaining im not a smart man, but i know what evil is, i think i have hard time accepting the package the evil is wrapped in is all, im sure those that took the Red Queen out have seen all they need to see to justify it morally

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396b6a No.21626974

File: 224c924bdef3766⋯.jpg (596.84 KB,2539x1792,2539:1792,20240920_025729.jpg)

File: 46c5b0cff448b7c⋯.jpg (72.22 KB,664x499,664:499,943l4u_1.jpg)

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d3d563 No.21626975


witness a few baby killings, changes your whole perspective, take your time, it's a long process

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396b6a No.21626976


Im not a pearl clutcher , its just shit ads like that make me think trackers ,cookies and popups

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396b6a No.21626977

File: f4ce04ff05ca892⋯.jpg (436.88 KB,1792x2304,7:9,20240920_024832.jpg)

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d3d563 No.21626978


I can guarantee, you won't remember what they were wearing, but you'll never forget the look in their eyes

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396b6a No.21626979

File: 69fc2c538c519d1⋯.jpg (723.79 KB,2880x3600,4:5,20240920_024843.jpg)

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3a1ebc No.21626980


ugg, it still is so hard to fathom, i do believe they did it, but its so hard to picture, nor do i want to

i heard that there has to be total transparency, that Heaven demands it this time, so this is never repeated again … i can see why it is important everyone see the evil

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3a1ebc No.21626981


hear no evil, see no evil

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d3d563 No.21626982


God will extinguish their souls, written out of history, never able to return again

Are you sure 8kun is meant for you?

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7902ff No.21626983

File: a17453aa9fbfc27⋯.png (700.07 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240920_050839.png)

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154512 No.21626984

File: 4b6d05afa3947c7⋯.jpeg (219.32 KB,1290x722,645:361,IMG_1810.jpeg)

$2.3 trillion




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7902ff No.21626985

File: 1103d73e2a5c225⋯.png (530.5 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240920_051006.png)

File: 5f81b1312fabfef⋯.png (146.81 KB,766x1424,383:712,1126_2_.png)

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0fc175 No.21626986

File: e9c7235fe468dad⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,BenRhodes.mp4)


Oh yes!

>If I should explain the Q mission or what is going on, I would use the exact same words he is using here!

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467674 No.21626987

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ddcdc8 No.21626988

File: f61bba655799990⋯.png (561.92 KB,1485x1101,495:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Good night, frens.

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3a1ebc No.21626990


judgey judgerson, youre a woman arent you?

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e9aa49 No.21626991

File: 8f4b9dc04ceca75⋯.png (850.7 KB,873x882,97:98,sl.PNG)


EXCLUSIVE: Shoplifting And Vehicle Thefts Soared As Haitian Migrants Poured Into Ohio Town, Police Data Shows

Migrants Gather At U.S.-Mexico Border

(Photo by Michael Nigro/Getty Images)

Daily Caller News Foundation logo

Megan Brock and Robert Schmad


September 16, 2024 8:59 PM ET

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3a1ebc No.21626993


ive seen evil, i lived it for more than ten years, i just think that HEaven is sad when a soul is lost forever, written outta history like you say

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63bc53 No.21626995


>Red Queen


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d3d563 No.21626997


No, just experienced in matters you have no clue about.

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e9aa49 No.21626998

File: b77cf4d4715f4f2⋯.png (757.54 KB,831x754,831:754,ta.PNG)


Trump Appearance on Gutfeld Breaks Ratings

Record for Show – Tops All of Cable

and Even Network Shows

Gateway Pundit, by Mike LaChance

Posted By: Imright, 9/20/2024 3:08:58 AM

Did you catch Donald Trump’s appearance on the Greg Gutfeld show last night? If you missed it, you can watch a bunch of clips here. Greg Gutfeld has always gotten great ratings, but last night broke a record for the show and topped all of cable news and even network shows. Reactions to the broadcast from viewers has been very positive. People feel it gave Trump a chance to show a side of him that voters rarely get to see. His humorous side. The numbers are truly impressive.

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3a1ebc No.21626999


ok youre just so much better than me , im nothing, happy now?

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d3d563 No.21627000


When did I say better?

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3a1ebc No.21627001


the way you are pursuing me to crush me tells me all i need to know about you

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e9aa49 No.21627002

File: 4fc28e061667cdb⋯.png (342.32 KB,668x716,167:179,95.PNG)


Report: 95% of Major Network Coverage

of Trump Was Negative After Second Assassination Attempt

Breitbart Media, by Olivia Rondeau

Posted By: Imright, 9/20/2024 3:01:07 AM

Establishment media coverage of former President Donald Trump was found to be 95 percent negative following the second attempt on his life, according to a Media Research Center (MRC) analysis. ABC, CBS, and NBC News all broadcasted overwhelmingly negative commentary on the Republican presidential candidate after Sunday’s thwarted shooting at the Trump International Golf Course in Florida, MRC found. “A look at the first 72 hours of coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts — Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights — finds that while the attempted assassination dominated campaign coverage, t

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467674 No.21627004

File: 746004415fae68d⋯.png (394.51 KB,560x369,560:369,ClipboardImage.png)



← both of you

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3a1ebc No.21627005


when you say i have no clue when you have never met me

you judge me

i have not once said you dont know what youre talking about, thats the difference between us

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110bc1 No.21627006

File: 73c97ef34c0b488⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,1024x553,1024:553,alien.jpg)


That's no moon!


We're on lads!

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0fc175 No.21627007



Just started listening, but so far notable.

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63bc53 No.21627009

File: a0c2aa9b0e259f3⋯.mp4 (252.06 KB,480x270,16:9,joyfulwarrior.mp4)


>The joy is gone.

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d3d563 No.21627010

File: 18ece861dc2f8e8⋯.png (420.01 KB,514x342,257:171,ClipboardImage.png)



You asked for it

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3a1ebc No.21627011


[go to bottom]

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63bc53 No.21627013

File: 066e40d83252589⋯.png (798.52 KB,747x1000,747:1000,judgefuckup.png)

File: ec6919090cde2c0⋯.jpg (46.71 KB,480x600,4:5,LBVZWITO_Presenter_Mullins….jpg)

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e9aa49 No.21627014

File: 3ff3bc4911f79b1⋯.png (184.09 KB,612x405,68:45,fedup.PNG)



Fox News


Newsom's deepfake election laws are already being challenged in federal court foxnews.com/politics/newsoms-d


Newsom's deepfake election laws are already being challenged in federal court

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three bills to combat deepfake election content and remove deceptive material from social media, but two are facing court challenges.

Sep 19, 2024, 9:10 PM

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f02c67 No.21627016

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3a1ebc No.21627017

File: 219f521e157fba1⋯.jpg (34.32 KB,520x359,520:359,twilightcomet_strip.jpg)

COMET TSUCHINSHAN-ATLAS HAS RETURNED: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) has just emerged from behind the sun, and its appearance has astronomers buzzing with anticipation. "The comet is brightening rapidly," says Australian astrophotographer Michael Mattiazzo, who has been monitoring the comet in dawn twilight:


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3a1ebc No.21627019

AURORAS LOVE EQUINOXES: The northern autumnal equinox is only two days away. That's good news for sky watchers because auroras love equinoxes. Researchers call it the "Russell-McPherron effect." At this time of year, cracks form in Earth's magnetic field, opening the door for solar storms. Even a weak stream of solar wind or a glancing blow from a CME can spark a good display. Happy autumn! Aurora alerts:


When does POTUS go to Aurora? On the equinox?

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e9aa49 No.21627020

File: 665e4e2fc810f52⋯.png (372.24 KB,796x694,398:347,wise.PNG)


Watch: Shirtless Trump Supporter Puts

CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome

Responses After She Suggests He’s Too

Rich to Have Concerns About the Economy

Gateway Pundit, by Cullen Linebarger

Posted By: Imright, 9/19/2024 9:26:44 PM

The wisdom of the MAGA crowd continues to be grossly underestimated by liberal media propagandists across America, causing them to get humiliated time and again. In a segment aired on Anderson Cooper 360° Wednesday evening, CNN reporter Elle Reeve went to Florida to interview Trump supporters attending a MAGA flotilla/boat parade organized by the Bay County Republican Party in Panama City Beach’s Shell Island. The purpose of her trip was supposedly to gauge opinions on the issues important to Trump supporters. Things then went south for Reeve, who eventually encountered a shirtless, beer-drinking man named Joe Harner. She started by asking him what his most important issue was,

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b98a07 No.21627022

File: add6399efd6f69b⋯.png (162.85 KB,416x304,26:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f418a828b188946⋯.png (14.9 KB,450x117,50:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 657e7fd0480cf50⋯.png (24.19 KB,461x180,461:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed664fdbcf73061⋯.png (40.95 KB,448x435,448:435,ClipboardImage.png)


>President Trump: Nobody can draw crowds like me. Nobody, not even close. I'm the greatest of all time, maybe greater, even than Elvis, because Elvis had a guitar. I don't have a guitar. [the media will go nuts over that. kek]

KEK !!!

Trump's hair is like Elvis.

Trump is playing a fiddle, not a guitar.


Nothing can stop what is coming.


Rig for Red.


Are you ready to finish what we stated?


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841cc2 No.21627023

File: d9a55cb163712e5⋯.png (701.71 KB,1118x1260,559:630,ClipboardImage.png)

ok then


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e9aa49 No.21627024

File: 0e5dcd4468154a5⋯.png (408.95 KB,600x540,10:9,st.PNG)


Brenden Dilley


Absolutely incredible story.

The Trump family is a national treasure.


Brian Glenn

9:35 AM · Sep 19, 2024




Kew <<

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99aee7 No.21627025


I have sincerely doubted since her (s)election as nominee that she will not be in the running on (s)election day.

It won't surprise me if she is but Q told us the DNC is being destroyed. It's gonna get worse frens! NCSWIC!

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5190a7 No.21627026

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e797b No.21627028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9aa49 No.21627029

File: 762ba989a414671⋯.png (466.43 KB,597x791,597:791,tiom.PNG)


Ian Carroll


Awesome sit down with @realchasegeiser

today on the @RealAlexJones


Chase asked great questions that got us digging through not just spicy news topics,

But also a lot of other topics I’ve never talked about in interviews before.

Looking forward to next time. Hope you guys enjoy 🙏


Alex Jones




EXCLUSIVE: Researcher Ian Carrol Exposes The Truth Behind The Diddy Blackmail Operation & The Hip-Hop Agenda


2:04 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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3163e8 No.21627030

File: 2053393ff434245⋯.png (428.52 KB,972x712,243:178,ClipboardImage.png)


What self-respecting zoo does this?



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e9aa49 No.21627031

File: a4132a39bb76c4c⋯.png (440.25 KB,593x586,593:586,jw.PNG)


Jesse Watters


A @DHSgov

executive who raided Diddy’s Miami mansion says Diddy’s the new Epstein In Diddy’s “freak off” dungeon — you were being watched — and taped Now the government has those tapes — and they know everyone involved in the “freak offs” What are the Feds going to do with those tapes? Lock up the other high-profile perverts — or let them get away with it like Epstein's associates?

1:48 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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63bc53 No.21627032



there you go

stash is a shill

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63bc53 No.21627034

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)



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396b6a No.21627035

File: 896263a943c5b64⋯.jpg (101.01 KB,998x997,998:997,20240918_232938.jpg)

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841cc2 No.21627036

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e9aa49 No.21627037

File: 336a5160fbc1806⋯.png (156.64 KB,597x632,597:632,ps.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


We brought 1500 hats

We didn’t have enough

Incredible things are happening


End Wokeness




MAGA takeover at Penn State. Maybe there is hope for Gen Z after all.

2:08 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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99aee7 No.21627038

File: d863c2eeeccdacd⋯.png (55.72 KB,1333x334,1333:334,ClipboardImage.png)



Finder chart here:


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e9aa49 No.21627040

File: aeaf49f3446090b⋯.png (27.48 KB,591x342,197:114,dink.PNG)





Now Nike’s CEO John Donahoe is set to step down🤔





Sep 18

After Diddy was arrested and indicted, both Kaz Kobayashi, President and CEO of Warner Music Japan and Randy Goodman, CEO of Sony Music Nashville have resigned.

Im sure it’s just a coinkydink🤔

10:33 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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99aee7 No.21627041


Nearly full moon ruined a fantastic show this last week.

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e9aa49 No.21627042

File: 3d64ed5b2a66c75⋯.png (362.88 KB,602x832,301:416,vf.PNG)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


How was Ryan Routh, “a man with no money for child support,” able to suddenly start living in a pricey house in Hawaii and afford flights to Taiwan, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine?

Why has Routh “never served a day in jail” when he has “100 different counts” to his name?

Why was Routh's fiance okay with him flying to Ukraine for months at a time?

How was he able to feed himself in Ukraine when he only had “$68 in [his] bank account.”

“And everywhere he goes, he gets press from the local papers to the New York Times to Newsweek.”

The whole thing stinks, and it suggests that someone other than his “fiance” was supporting him.


1:56 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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63bc53 No.21627043

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)

Posobiec has it all

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e9aa49 No.21627045

File: 7394cde0eebe96e⋯.png (152.87 KB,589x821,589:821,sc.PNG)


Steven Crowder


BREAKING: MugClub Undercover has exclusively obtained a letter sent earlier today by NYC City Council Member @BobHoldenNYC

to @ManhattanDA

Alvin Bragg and Interim @NYPDPC

Thomas Donlon

In the letter, the Democrat Council Member formally requested an investigation into Dr. Jay Varma’s actions while working for New York City

“The summer of 2020 was an extraordinarily difficult time for our City. Thousands of New Yorkers lost their lives, families were separated, businesses closed, and residents faced enormous mental and emotional strain.”

“The idea that a public official in charge of the City’s COVID-19 response was participating in illegal gatherings while imposing harsh restrictions on others is not only hypocritical but a violation of the public trust.”

“The public trust must be restored.

“Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. I look forward to your response and to working with your offices to ensure justice is served.”



Steven Crowder



Sep 19

BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City

Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s

Show more

0:38 / 2:17

1:45 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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e32801 No.21627046

File: ab3585e1f02ed2e⋯.png (81.75 KB,737x402,11:6,ClipboardImage.png)

sky event?

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99aee7 No.21627047


>Maybe there is hope for Gen Z after all

Naw, they just like free shit!

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63bc53 No.21627048



Queen Pizza

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e9aa49 No.21627049

File: 1a28c8972c32f04⋯.png (395.25 KB,602x664,301:332,feel.PNG)


Elon Musk


How would you feel if someone tried to hurt your daughter with a machete?






NEW: Springfield, Ohio, mother tells Vivek Ramaswamy that an immigrant with a machete chased her daughter, and the police didn't respond to her call.

@VivekGRamaswamy: "If your first act of entering the country breaks the law, then you are more likely to break the law when you

Show more

1:07 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627050

File: 607cfb919be0056⋯.png (383.84 KB,595x583,595:583,mu.PNG)


johnny maga


Kamala was just asked what her plans are to strengthen border security.

She started choking in real time and told him that she was a prosecutor.

You can’t make this up 😭


Trump War Room

1:40 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627052

File: 072a3d0cafdf605⋯.png (136.57 KB,592x623,592:623,viv.PNG)




The DOJ lawyer prosecuting a whistleblower practiced law without a license.

She said, "Ooops got lost in the mail."

Anyone else would be in jail.

Different rules for the Feds tho.



11:52 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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3163e8 No.21627053

File: d4ade85c83caf06⋯.png (15.51 KB,231x255,77:85,IREJECT.png)


This is what happens when the people who dont want to get involved, get involved.

dat shit don't fly, apparently, in the Sheriff's world.

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63bc53 No.21627054

File: 6b45cc30a541635⋯.png (563.55 KB,640x672,20:21,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.


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0ed5aa No.21627055

File: 2ef80e9cf1f5c96⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,480x270,16:9,Varma_NYC.mp4)


Steven Crowder @scrowder

BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City

Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s Office:

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it…I was running the entire Covid response for the city…we rented a hotel…we all took like, you know, molly[E*stasy/MDMA] … 8 to 10 of us were in a room…like just being naked with friends…”

“We went to some like, underground dance party… underneath a bank on Wall Street… We were all rolling…”

“This was not Covid-friendly.”

“I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was you know, like on TV and stuff…”

“The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then.”




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99aee7 No.21627057

File: 20d9c11f60947af⋯.png (31.25 KB,477x544,477:544,ClipboardImage.png)


This dude has a pretty long list of CEO's that resigned coincident to the diddy arrest/indictment.

Q told us to track CEO resignations so this may be notabru.


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e32801 No.21627059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9aa49 No.21627060

File: 7023705de898c3d⋯.png (768.14 KB,775x573,775:573,dunn.PNG)



Top Google lawyer coached Kamala Harris for Trump debate — and tech antitrust watchdogs are crying foul

By Thomas Barrabi

Published Sep. 16, 2024, 6:04 a.m. ET

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e9aa49 No.21627061

File: e5267790a2129f0⋯.png (199.7 KB,598x752,299:376,geo.PNG)




WATCH: Trump just launched a new ad with a super accurate depiction of daily life under the Kamala-Biden regime

It shows how things people use at different times of the day have all skyrocketed in prices

It's simply genius campaigning!

6 AM: Cofee prices up 65%

8 AM: Gas prices DOUBLED

5 PM: Incomes down three straight years

6 PM: Groceries up 20%

7 PM: Mortgage payments up 200%

0:09 / 0:30

9:19 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627062

File: 30cf7678f88321e⋯.png (123.86 KB,596x609,596:609,bno.PNG)


BNO News Live


FEMA accidentally sent a press release to the media, saying:

"President Daniel Llargues Declares Major Disaster After Saints Beat Cowboys in Dallas"

In a second email, they said it was a "training email" which was mistakenly sent out.



11:06 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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3163e8 No.21627063


Like "listen to your gut"- if it feels wrong, it probably is.

The people will rise up and put an end/stop to the wrongs being perpetrated against them. The Free Will will take over, pride in self will come back.

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145463 No.21627064



>She started choking in real time

Since she became the [D] nominee, has she even ONCE answered a seemingly "new" question by providing any responsive and specific answer?

It is all so pathetic…

At least in Idiocracy you could get a latte.

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75962d No.21627065


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e9aa49 No.21627067

File: 2b86f7e57319a71⋯.png (159.91 KB,601x563,601:563,em.PNG)




Ashley St. Clair



Sep 15

What wouldn’t you do to stop an evil dictator?


Kamala Harris



Sep 1

We won’t let him.

Black and white photo of Donald Trump with text overlay that reads, "Donald Trump vows to be a dictator on day one."

Rate proposed Community Notes

Elon Musk


They have actively encouraged people to kill Trump.

Reid Hoffman said to the whole audience at Sundance that he wished Trump would be “real martyr”, ie dead irl.

8:18 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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63bc53 No.21627068

File: c715398de1181ef⋯.jpeg (102.45 KB,949x534,949:534,JohnOfGodOprah.jpeg)


>Oprah had to save her

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e9aa49 No.21627069

File: 7bf1995899e4a39⋯.png (374.64 KB,600x549,200:183,ster.PNG)


Chief Trumpster


BREAKING: Trump shooter appeared in a propaganda video for AZOV in May 2022

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:43 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627070

File: 3299fcd06b45c62⋯.png (211.64 KB,598x583,598:583,ins.PNG)




Drugmaker Eli Lilly said it has capped the out-of-pocket cost for insulin to $35 per month to help diabetes patients across the U.S.

- April 7, 2020

Insulin prices went up in January 2021, after Joe Biden raised them.



11:19 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627072

File: 73532ffb4caed44⋯.png (187.97 KB,599x835,599:835,mur.PNG)


Greg Price


A fascinating and disturbing new story has just dropped from @AlphaNewsMN

detailing Tim Walz’s extensive ties and admiration for China.

- A former Guardsman he served with says a classified manual detailing the capabilities of the M109A5 howitzer went missing in the 90s during his time in the National Guard

- Walz’ DUI and China developing their own Howitzers coincided with the disappearance

- Walz attended the University of Houston and claimed to have taken East Asian studies classes that didn’t exist. But the city had a Chinese consulate

- Walz went to China for the first time after Tiananmen Square and told a local newspaper when he got back how much he loved it.

- His former student said that he would talk every day about how much he adores the communist regime

Full story: http://alphanews.org/exclusive-walzs-former-national-guard-colleague-alleges-classified-nuclear-manual-went-missing-in-nebraska-during-his-tenure/





12:03 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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63bc53 No.21627073

File: cd74d8a7214711b⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,640x360,16:9,borderczar.mp4)

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0fc175 No.21627074


This Meme is absolute Gold!

My deepest respect for Omnishift! It was you who did the groundwork! It was you who never gave up. It was you who allowed me to learn everything at an insane speed!

God bless you all!

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3a1ebc No.21627075


i saw a fireball shooting star over scottsdale tonite

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3163e8 No.21627076

File: f92cf0bbafe5152⋯.png (14.16 KB,255x213,85:71,onions.png)


Who's been cutting onions in here?

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3a1ebc No.21627078


thank you, good

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b79c7e No.21627081

File: 1d38a5f85ba990f⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,ebIDSI4Vvq88Y9GN.mp4)

File: 78d8e165fe15d9d⋯.mp4 (802.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,ebIDSI4Vvq88Y9GNjyu986.mp4)


Rev. Damien Jones aka Clarence Thomas’ play nephew


🔴 WATCH: I was honored to participate in


Black male focus group recently. This brilliant group of Black men are 100% informed and making a logical but bold statement in November. We discussed policy, race, and Trump vs Kamala.

Promising discussion. (straight) Black Males see they're being left out of the Dem party agenda

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63bc53 No.21627082

File: ec13e4f7f398455⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB,720x1280,9:16,christianpanda.mp4)


dog comms

panda comms

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6e4e5c No.21627083



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3163e8 No.21627084


Oprah wearing head-to-toe Orange Jump Suit.


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63bc53 No.21627085


Study: 61% of Men Don't See Forced Sex With Acquaintance as Rape

When asked whether they viewed forced sex with a spouse as rape, only 8.5 percent of women and 7.3 percent of men said yes.

Over half of Israeli men - 61 percent - do not consider forcing sex on an acquaintance as rape, a study conducted by Tel-Hai Academic College recently found. Moreover, 41 percent of Israeli women share that view.

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63bc53 No.21627087

File: 7e43408eca0921a⋯.png (894.59 KB,867x839,867:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>head-to-toe Orange

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aae4fb No.21627088


Who ever you are,

Don't know your name,

But thank you.

I have a few queries because I do desire

To learn. So, is it ok if I call you're Jose?

Instead of John Doe?

Now I'm certain God or whoever,

Has a huge plan.

First, I realized a paparazzi took a,

Picture of me in a sweet sixteen party.

What's a suggestion from one anon 2


Second, I have a task, which I consciously.

Try to do, and redo over daily,

But it's becoming hard.

Somebody said 48.

my task is becoming hard because,

I see too much in too little, and I don't

Know if I'm getting lost in it?

But then all there is is Q:. So I ask

I saw something in Whitey Fords favorite

Mouthing supply- am I on the right track?

Can u see if you can help me?

What if you can help me?

A peaceful world Where everyone is looking,


Thats what I DESIRED.

But it confuses me,

He sees teatime is always at 530.

He's got his schedule on lock.

And that's not to go off in, a tangent.

Or up and down over and over the same

to pick, but it's different?

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63bc53 No.21627089

File: d6cbef2d2aad00e⋯.png (378.33 KB,428x599,428:599,ClipboardImage.png)


>Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

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b79c7e No.21627090

File: 70215b78a5122ea⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,YWQBRY_Dh_PpPOUT.mp4)

Gunther Eagleman™


Old times may be gone but they’re never forgotten.

Kamala Harris and Oprah are doing a rally tonight where they will undoubtedly bash Trump.

Oprah used to LOVE Trump and actually penned a letter to him wanting to be his running mate.

Everything about Oprah is a lie!


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6e4e5c No.21627091


those times could be more accurate IIRC


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0ad349 No.21627092


{commies} = jews & they pass everything to their proxy, the CCP.

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63bc53 No.21627093

File: 8859c04d2e9c5f6⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Virtuous_Pedophilia.mp4)



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b79c7e No.21627094

File: e02ee0d0234912e⋯.png (528.55 KB,531x705,177:235,glass_Copy.png)

File: 9278d69d157ba4e⋯.png (132.98 KB,469x280,67:40,orng2PAY_Copy.png)

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63bc53 No.21627095

File: 7e8950a50beb177⋯.mp4 (2 MB,480x360,4:3,Trump_Wings.mp4)


>Oprah used to LOVE Trump and actually penned a letter to him wanting to be his running mate.

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660be8 No.21627096


>Kamala: "If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot - sorry, probably shouldn't have said that!"

At some point, the anons may have to contend with the reality that Kamala might be our Kamala, be it by will or by coersion. Nothing is so perfect. Stop worrying. The show is not for us!

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3a1ebc No.21627097

File: c4ee9061c76fc8c⋯.png (77.69 KB,440x658,220:329,Hsas_chart_with_header_svg.png)

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99aee7 No.21627098


Were the obama "rent a kids" ever involved with diddy? Freak off attendees perhaps?

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b79c7e No.21627099

File: 93280c80920b952⋯.png (991.32 KB,1321x1404,1321:1404,hjdrsklvbh.png)

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63bc53 No.21627100


>Queen Margrethe of Denmark, 84, rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

Margrethe was scheduled to attend a special event in honour of the 75th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology at Aarhus University on Friday, but due to the circumstances, her appearance has been cancelled.

The Danish royal is one of Queen Elizabeth's third cousins and made headlines in January when she decided to abdicate the throne due to her health. "Time takes its toll,” she said in her New Year's address.

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f6b448 No.21627101


Rogan will be bigger.

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e9aa49 No.21627102

File: e956cf695567a77⋯.png (17.89 KB,596x198,298:99,ip.PNG)


Insider Paper


JUST IN - A close ally of Putin warned Western governments on Thursday that a nuclear war would ensue if they gave the green light for Ukraine to use long-range Western weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia - Reuters

6:00 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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b79c7e No.21627104



Hopefully we actually get footage before the election.

It won't be much use to us if this goes into the Thomas Wictor file of "smartest guy in the room who can't produce evidence to the normies."

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e9aa49 No.21627106

File: e8ecf242cf42446⋯.png (313.49 KB,609x825,203:275,mf.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


And we’re NOT at war!?

This is WWIII — Fifth Generation Warfare.

Americans need to better understand what we’re involved with here. There are competing forces and ideologies that are opposed to America continuing as a sovereign Nation-State (and Constitutional Republic).

They want to abolish our constitution, pack the courts and destroy the middle class (if they haven’t already with COVID). So many other aspects, but if #WeThePeople stand up and do our part in the next 40+ days, we can take back control of our country.




Square profile picture

Old Row




UPDATE: A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC. x.com/oldrowofficial…


12:25 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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3163e8 No.21627108

File: 221bf3e0980434d⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,1012x552,11:6,IMYOURPRESIDENT.mp4)

From the "Gutfeld" show, in the 2 stories you missed

Im your President

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913d83 No.21627109

File: bb799757ac5fd47⋯.png (248.44 KB,637x313,637:313,ClipboardImage.png)


she's a pervert piece of shit

and an ugly one too.

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63bc53 No.21627110

File: afec52b28f6639b⋯.png (49.53 KB,176x176,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>(straight) Black Males see they're being left out of the Dem party agenda

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badfb8 No.21627111


True If HUGE

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f6b448 No.21627112


Diddy didn't kill himself.


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a5ae7b No.21627113


There were articles on it a while back- it’s tongue-in-cheek, they weren’t trying to trick people, and everyone loved it because it was ‘cute.’

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b79c7e No.21627114

File: 3b1b02cacdb55cd⋯.png (634.34 KB,961x1216,961:1216,345iwrtuytyw.png)


DEMENTIA & ALZHEIMER'S CURE: Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Some researchers have suggested that neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis may have a microbial origin; thus, inexpensive repurposed drugs may be the cure.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Oct 29, 2023


Fenbendazole ftw

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d3d563 No.21627117

File: f8c4b7e70656a4e⋯.png (31.45 KB,137x149,137:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627120

File: 93db1c28f227849⋯.png (38.95 KB,667x257,667:257,3.PNG)

File: a0dea943da1d649⋯.jpg (71.59 KB,1059x790,1059:790,its_alive.JPG)


Scientists discover a 'third state' beyond life and death - in breakthrough that could 'redefine legal death'

'Third state' sees cells gaining new capabilities that they didn't have in death

READ MORE: Scientists create microscopic ROBOTS made from human cells

By Jonathan Chadwick For Mailonline

Published: 07:59 EDT, 16 September 2024 | Updated: 10:12 EDT, 16 September 2024

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cab2c1 No.21627122

File: f2b5496e5438582⋯.png (490.11 KB,904x840,113:105,BidenKrampus.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627124

File: 6c3077d36ced564⋯.png (427.26 KB,596x678,298:339,bl.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Gov. Ron DeSantis just told Fox News that the Feds are BLOCKING his investigators’ access at Trump’s golf course where the 2nd attempt on Trump’s life occurred


Attempted m*rder is a STATE CRIME. How do the Feds have the right to block that investigation?

Is this yet ANOTHER coverup by the FBI? Sure as hell seems like it!

1:08 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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0429e4 No.21627125

File: 3a5e01fdccd566d⋯.jpeg (242.24 KB,711x747,79:83,030B1537_99E2_4C45_9FE4_A….jpeg)

File: bb136b11ef5100c⋯.png (536.28 KB,636x476,159:119,F401D620_A961_4E25_86B1_DB….png)

File: 2c72abe92c34855⋯.jpeg (331.66 KB,1063x982,1063:982,IMG_9846.jpeg)

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3163e8 No.21627126


Have a very good friend you makes an OUTSTANDING living dumpster diving.

Go figure!

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0429e4 No.21627129

File: ee8c2b775cdc3ae⋯.png (1.25 MB,800x777,800:777,FFF3EF9D_7852_4DCE_9331_D2….png)

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e9aa49 No.21627131

File: cd9d7c3a8fcc595⋯.png (135.96 KB,591x585,197:195,ew.PNG)


End Wokeness


Panos Anastasiou was just arrested for planning to kiII six SCOTUS Justices.

He donated to the Dems 80 times.

DOJ won't say which 6 it was. 🤔



5:56 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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badfb8 No.21627133


There's that SNAKE Skin Neck Again…

She was supposed cover that Nasty shit UP

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0429e4 No.21627135

File: 3c459e5d3368647⋯.png (561.75 KB,636x476,159:119,39204857_EEC3_4072_A646_56….png)

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cab2c1 No.21627137

File: fb8b905272645cd⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,320x568,40:71,Satans5GeneralsofCivilizat….mp4)

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e9aa49 No.21627138

File: 8ca917536459bbe⋯.png (228.48 KB,600x593,600:593,cps.PNG)


John B Wells


CPS: Hidden Child Pipeline Exposed - John B Wells LIVE • Guest: Pamela J. Olson @PamelaSOCFEN

🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


CPS: Hidden Child Pipeline Exposed - John B Wells LIVE • Guest: Pamela J. Olson @PamelaSOCFEN 🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:33 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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b79c7e No.21627143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former Diddy Bodyguard Gene Deal Reveals Diddy Desperately Tried To Reach Out To Him and Silence Him From Speaking.


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1bb29a No.21627146


of course

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e9aa49 No.21627147

File: f8a614170e9e61e⋯.png (53.31 KB,1304x519,1304:519,temop.PNG)


Federal judge temporarily blocks Biden administration rule to limit flaring of gas at oil wells


Associated Press

September 15, 2024 2:48 pm

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99aee7 No.21627149


Great! Another reason for life insurance companies to deny payouts in 3..2..1…

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99aee7 No.21627151


Imagine the smell.

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e9aa49 No.21627152

File: 9e19f7586e667de⋯.png (417.33 KB,606x704,303:352,nurv.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


John Legend was on Diddy's last album and I'm no body language expert but I've got to say he looked severely nervous when he went on TV to denounce Diddy's horrifying actions. He acts like he had no idea that any of this was happening but everyone knew. This is the same man who alleged that he and Obama and his wife, Chrissy Teigen, had some kind of sexual encounter with Barack Obama. Yes, you heard me correctly. What kind of sexual encounter was that exactly? Wasn't Diddy paling around with Obama and the Democrat party while he himself was blackmailing, drugging, and baby lubing people as a FED asset?

The question you have to ask yourself: Is John Legend on any of these tapes?

12:30 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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0429e4 No.21627153

File: 1595db81183a2a9⋯.png (1.82 MB,1062x982,531:491,E834B9B6_E2C3_480C_AEF7_E6….png)

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81b124 No.21627154


Perhaps an uncle….

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93e158 No.21627155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ThanQ Ghost Baker!

C'mon you little fighter…

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e9aa49 No.21627157

File: 43dfe54da69cd5b⋯.png (299.77 KB,598x484,299:242,ft.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Well, well, well the Biden regime and the FCC is fast tracking George Soros acquiring hundreds of radio stations why would that be?

6:46 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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0ed5aa No.21627160



#26487 >>21626659

>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

>>21626909 needs sauce

Bred Remains Ghosted

Collector OUT'''

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e9aa49 No.21627161

File: 8ed8128c20bb491⋯.png (239.58 KB,592x829,592:829,scut.PNG)


Elon Musk


SpaceX letter to Congress.

The @FAANews

leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX

for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing. This is deeply wrong and puts human lives at risk.

NASA deemed the Boeing capsule unsafe for astronaut return, turning, out of necessity, to SpaceX, yet instead of fining Boeing for putting astronauts at risk, the FAA is fining SpaceX for trivia!

Enough is enough.


Square profile picture




Sep 19

For nearly two years, SpaceX has voiced its concerns with the FAA’s inability to keep pace with the commercial spaceflight industry. It is clear that the Agency lacks the resources to timely review licensing materials, but also focuses its limited resources on areas unrelated to

Show more





Rate proposed Community Notes

1:20 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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710e4e No.21627162

File: 441801e43673dd4⋯.jpg (343.76 KB,1014x1069,1014:1069,20200527_055451.jpg)

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b79c7e No.21627163

File: f2f6912ac35b292⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,9auyosW1nBvqA6ZY.mp4)




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e9aa49 No.21627166

File: 346cd1f45d728e9⋯.png (312.49 KB,592x827,592:827,mun.PNG)


Collin Rugg


BREAKING: Tim Walz’s former National Guard colleague claims a classified nuclear manual went missing around the time Walz returned from a trip to China.

According to Alpha News, Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual.

The colleague says Walz was one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

“According to the retired soldier, Walz had just returned from another trip to China around the time when the manual went missing,” Alpha News reported.

“He alleges Walz was one of the few with access to the building where the top-secret manual was stored and was “often the only one there.” The former battalion member believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual and later returned it.”

The retired Nebraska National Guard soldier says he is willing to cooperate with the FBI.




12:19 PM · Sep 19, 2024




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cab2c1 No.21627168


>Panos Anastasiou

'A 76-year-old Anchorage man was ordered released from jail Thursday after his arrest on federal charges accusing him of threatening to kidnap and kill six U.S. Supreme Court Justices and their relatives.

Maybe he's ahead of the curve and sees that if Kamala Harris becomes POTUS, he'd be better off in prison have everybody pay for his room and board with 3 squares rather than watch the rest of his retirement and social security vacuumed away to endless wars and NGO corrupted programs?

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e9aa49 No.21627173

File: 3386bddae579bd3⋯.png (204.86 KB,597x582,199:194,rs.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


Wow. Attempted Trump Assassin Ryan Routh wrote a book on the Ukraine war. In the book he tells Iran to assassinate Trump while praising John Kerry for the Iran Deal. He also calls Trump an idiot and says he "perpetrated" Jan. 6th.

He sounds like a mainstream media addict.





5:11 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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84e572 No.21627175

File: a032be06d416b4f⋯.png (270.65 KB,1086x797,1086:797,rue_1.png)

File: b46fc4f0ae19f1b⋯.jpg (443.74 KB,1284x1737,428:579,rue_2.jpg)

File: 8164eebff57b875⋯.jpg (73.3 KB,976x767,976:767,rue_3.jpg)


>City Comissioner Rob Rue owns Littleton & Rue INC

>Littleton & Rue INC owns Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC which owns many rental properties in Springfield, Ohio

Mayor Rob Rue is evicting residents of Springfield, Ohio and then bringing Haitian illegal migrants to the tune of A THIRD of the cities population to rent out his properties to Haitians using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the federal government

He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the Government Gibs go straight to his bank account!

Rob Rue then takes the properties which he purchased for hundreds of thousands of dollars and then has them appraised (top left of pic related) for significantly lower than he purchased them for to avoid having to pay property taxes

This is the story they didn't want you to find out about.

SOURCE for county records: https://clark.oh.publicsearch.us/results?department=RP&recordedDateRange=17000101%2C20240912&searchOcrText=false&searchType=quickSearch&searchValue=Littleton%20Properties%20of%20Springfield%20LLC

ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/ZnInG

SOURCE for Robert Rue ownership of Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC: https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/springfield/profile/funeral-director/littleton-rue-funeral-home-and-crematory-0322-7006074

ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/EVVyH

Rob Rue also petitioned the federal government for more federal aid due to a "housing crisis" what he didn't say was that he was going to benefit to the tune of millions of dollars in the process.

Video of the the letter being added to senate record in July: https://youtu.be/L8C6Q6ai6f0

Rob Rue is the "City Commissioner" that the Debate Moderators used to "debunk" trump on stage

The evidence of Haitians and other migrants killing geese, cats, and dogs is overwhelming.

Here is a video from Dayton, Ohio the next town over from Springfield of a Haitian family cooking a cat on a BBQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJDKcj3lSLM [Embed]

There is police body cam footage of a woman eating a family pet on their lawn: https://youtu.be/9MxC8VQrH54 [Embed]

There is evidence of illegal Haitian migrants killing and eating geese and swans at the local parks

There is also a recording of the 911 call for the geese that were killed and cooked in a park in Ohio: https://youtu.be/ULXa31NiiDg [Embed]

LINK TO POLICE REPORT ON GEESE: https://www.scribd.com/embeds/767911174/content?start_page=1&view_mode=scroll&access_key=key-FgAt6C3w3O2whVVHFZHL


Video of emotional local woman breaking down in tears as she describes seeing her dogs decapitated head in the street after illegal Haitian migrants slaughtered her dog and ate it on the asphalt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM2UtyVefd8 [Embed]

Video of a local man describing the Haitian problem in Springfield: https://youtu.be/dnRAW590Nvg [Embed]

Video of Local Springfield man in his garage describing the Haitian problem: https://youtu.be/gZADwzk5D2U [Embed]

Video from Sylacauga, Alabama a town with a population of only 12,000 complaining about the THOUSANDS of Haitians that are now roaming their streets: https://youtu.be/MZqWhNUAYmY [Embed]

Also last year illegal migrants killed a beloved Swan who served as the small towns mascot, they killed it and ate it in the park: https://archive.is/dk24a

https://youtu.be/twzLlJrgGd8 [Embed]

Why are they so desperate to gaslight the public over this particular issue??

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63bc53 No.21627176

File: d5d9d2a6aa9083a⋯.mp4 (13.51 MB,1280x774,640:387,Breakthrough.mp4)

Ursula von der Leyen: Relentless Russian attacks means Ukraine needs continued EU support. The @EU_Commission will provide a loan of up to 35 billion euros to Ukraine as part of the G7 pledge. This is another major EU contribution to Ukraine’s recovery.

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145463 No.21627178

File: e7f1ffaf8607d6c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1323x1101,441:367,15b3aa3ccad4b28b479401d3df….png)


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84e572 No.21627179

File: d44646b99913133⋯.png (111.33 KB,988x740,247:185,dewine_ngo.png)

File: 2c1c8320de7926e⋯.png (529.71 KB,998x917,998:917,marvena.png)

File: 563d7edbb62b40b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1389x3760,1389:3760,solar_collective.png)

File: fe47191d34a4b85⋯.png (175.9 KB,1465x482,1465:482,solar_2.png)


The Governor of Ohio is literally running an NGO that operates in Haiti!

>The Republican governor has an extensive connection to Haiti. In 1998, DeWine and his wife, Fran, began their support of the Becky DeWine School, named after the DeWines’ daughter who was killed in a 1993 car accident at 22 years old.

>The school was situated in a slum known as Cite Soleil in Haiti capitol Port Au Prince and run by a charity that had long been supported by the DeWines. Mike and Fran DeWine in 2013 traveled to Haiti to commemorate the school’s first graduating class.

ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/6Mh9S

ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/le6Mc

Marvena Twigg is President and CEO of the NYAP which is directly responsible for the importation of tens if not hundreds of thousands of Haitians into places like Ohio.

The organization has received nearly 300 million of YOUR taxes

Marvena makes 1.2 million a year at her work which is focused on destroying your communities!

>Top 25 Residential Real Estate Transactions in Central Ohio for October Browse the most expensive home sales for the month, including a nearly $3 million home on the Scioto River.

>15. $1,200,000; 1 Miranova 825 Place, Columbus; Marvena Twigg from Malinda L. Susalla and Laurian M. Dean

Marvena Twigg just like Robert Rue has directly profited from creating a housing crisis in Ohio communities and then buying/selling and renting out properties in the very communities they just destroyed.


There is also a company called Solar Collective LLC that purchased 24 single family homes in Springfield, Ohio for $1,646,000.000 on July 10th, 2023.

Despite these properties only being appraised in the low tens of thousands

Rob Rue managed to purchase these three properties for the price of $0

That's kind of strange!

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e9aa49 No.21627180

File: 2416baec02e7e61⋯.png (198.75 KB,591x794,591:794,tn.PNG)


Truth Ninja


🚨US DEPARTMENT OF STATE TRIED TO DEVELOP A DISINFORMATION VIDEO GAME…WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS🚨The Department of State gave your tax dollars away in a grant to develop a video game that would teach people to recognize and build resilience to disinformation. The applicants were to apply through the "US Embassy at The Hauge" in the Netherlands. The designation in the grant however for where it would be deployed was, Priority Region: GLOBAL.

The grant required developers use "active inoculation theory". This theory has been shown to have consequences such as:

1: Generalized skepticism of information in general, deadening critical thinking skills.

2: Creates straw man arguments as rebuttals to information.




9:44 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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99aee7 No.21627182

File: 9f6af685f83f26b⋯.png (115.84 KB,894x753,298:251,ClipboardImage.png)


I limit myself to the 9 dumpsters at my work. Found a whole dumpster full of new ammo in the box. All sizes and types. That was a good day.

Another day the only thing in a dumpster was one of those free velcro wallets some companies gave away when you bought a magazine subscription or the like. Put a piece of duct tape on the broom stick to "grab" it. It was brand new, never used and the only thing in it was 8 brand new, old school benjiman franklins.

Those were my best finds over 18 years. Back in the day we used to trawl through the landfills. It's amazing what Americans throw away.

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84e572 No.21627183

File: e865fdb28f3cb87⋯.png (526.27 KB,1731x1570,1731:1570,george_ten.png)

File: 7b4f8b152ca4944⋯.png (2.3 MB,1920x6539,1920:6539,george_ten_2.png)

File: 34a872c029aa195⋯.png (400.43 KB,1849x1361,1849:1361,kerch.png)


On September 4th, Kyle Koehler spoke at Springfield Ohio at a "Meet & Greet" and said

>“The staffing company that started migration is owned by a man that has over 63 rentals in the Springfield area,” Koehler said. “Instead of getting the normal $600 to $800 a month for each rent, for each rental, he now rents cots for $250 a month in the rentals and puts 20 to 25 people in the homes.

>“He charges them $25 a round trip to go to work each day, they work under contracts preventing them from being hired full time at the place of employment. This, and the barrier of not speaking English, causes them to become basically indentured servants, in my opinion.


The Springfield News Sun reported on June 9th, 2023:

>Many Haitians are employed with Dole Fresh Vegetables Co. in Springfield and working with First Diversity Staffing


The man who Kyle Koehler is referring to and the man who is President of First Diversity Staffing is George Ten and he owns 48 properties in Springfield, Ohio under the company name Ten Properties LLC all purchased in the last 3 years.

Better view of the properties

Kathleen Kerch a lawyer working for "Advocates for Basic Legal Equality" an NGO operating in Springfield, Ohio that provides free legal services to the Haitian migrants has been vocal in the community for the last 3 years.

>Many of the Haitian immigrants in Springfield qualify for TPS status and often they’ve applied for asylum as well, said Kathleen Kersh, senior attorney at Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, who has been assisting Haitians in Springfield.


And from the same article from June of 2023 it states that Haitians were already making up nearly A QUARTER of the cities gibs applications and that was in mid 2023, the Haitian population has DOUBLED since then

>Haitians represented 15% of total applicants approved for public assistance and 20% of applicants disapproved in August, Martycz said, and 48% of Haitian applicants were not approved for benefits.

Katie Kerch also has created the "Welcome to Dayton Plan" which was adopted by Dayton, Ohio.

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e9aa49 No.21627184

File: eef20076b74f6ae⋯.png (609.05 KB,589x551,31:29,did.PNG)


New York Post


Inside Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Hamptons sex parties, featuring ‘gay rappers’ who were ‘high on ketamine’: Source https://trib.al/ZDZDQCC


10:52 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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93e158 No.21627186

File: d2276fa6f228343⋯.jpg (322.44 KB,600x690,20:23,Classy_fake_and_gay.jpg)

File: ff7e9c55bc8fb01⋯.jpg (51.78 KB,540x960,9:16,Kamala_Harris_Capo_di_Tutt….jpg)


Faik & Ghey.

The original pic was of Montel Williams (whose daughter on the left, is pretty hot).

Commie-La banged her way to the top, Montel was just a stop-over.

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81b124 No.21627187

File: f3fbf59ea9867c4⋯.png (781.38 KB,474x692,237:346,ClipboardImage.png)


freak off…


perhaps like LeBron in a french maid getup

0 and BM did a reprise of their New Yorker cover for their freak off, if the reportedly be so

Net shut down

Net will be paused

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e9aa49 No.21627188

File: 003ea62301563a4⋯.png (480.86 KB,603x503,603:503,pol.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


During WW2, Ukrainian Nazis Committed Genocide Against 100K Poles, But Zelensky Refuses To Address the Issue – so Now Poland Plans to Block Their Entry in the EU Until He Does

From thegatewaypundit.com

10:25 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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b79c7e No.21627189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



dovetails with Nick Johnson's recent video on the ground in Springfield.


Springfield, Ohio Is Under A Migration Invasion. Is Your Town Next?

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99aee7 No.21627191


I recall "Where We Go One, We Go All"

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93e158 No.21627192




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1bb29a No.21627194



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e9aa49 No.21627197

File: 18a8fb096183109⋯.png (23.76 KB,598x270,299:135,jr.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


You know what’s getting really old? Having to have conversations with my 5 young children about radical leftist trying to kill their grandfather. No person should ever have to do this in America or anywhere else and yet I had to have that conversation five times again yesterday.

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:20 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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cab2c1 No.21627198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Microplastics found in the brain

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467674 No.21627199


Is the capital of Sweden, right?

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81b124 No.21627204


That hand at the end on the door


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81b124 No.21627206


Don't worry

JPM has warehouses full of it in

London town to help get the price back where

they want it

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e9aa49 No.21627207

File: 8e93b4c302abebd⋯.png (415.67 KB,599x639,599:639,show.PNG)






These clips are all from one show. One show, about an hour, on MSNBC from a few months ago.

Watch until the end when they start talking about H*tler.

They do this all day, every day. Then they tell Republicans to tone down the rhetoric.



7:29 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627209

File: d3673cdc743bff5⋯.png (47.66 KB,587x561,587:561,ck.PNG)


Charlie Kirk


About 5 percent of Minneapolis is Somalian, but already 1 in 3 city residents living in public housing are Somali. One third!

Now, the first Somali immigrant to chair the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority has pleaded guilty to stealing more than $7.5 million in taxpayer money, as a leading figure in the massive Feeding Our Future fraud. Dozens of people, overwhelmingly from the Somali community, stole more than $50 million while Tim Walz's government did nothing to stop them — after all, that would have been racist.

This is lunacy. America is one of the most desirable nations in human history. Instead of admitting useful people who would make the country better, we have admitted millions who are immediately going on the dole, either overtly or by stealing from the public.

Democrats enable this, because they don't see America as a real country. They see it as a pile of money for their clients to loot.


8:04 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627212

File: 5e2bafcc229b852⋯.png (349.73 KB,592x587,592:587,nan.PNG)


Benny Johnson


Congresswoman Nancy Mace just officially entered into the Congressional record her messages from an unhinged CNN panel host hitting on her in private after blasting her as a "white supremacist" during on-air meltdown for mispronouncing Kamala's name 🤣

This is the way.

7:52 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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93e158 No.21627213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gotta think a younger, hotter Commie-La would've fared better. External beauty is fleeting for most women, she being one.

Now at 60, she's just a younger Hillary, likely starting to reek of urine and cabbage already.

The thrill is gone.

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e9aa49 No.21627216

File: 79d81d304b60a93⋯.png (308 KB,594x581,594:581,five.PNG)


Rep. Matt Gaetz


A senior Homeland Security official I met with said that they were aware of at least FIVE teams in the country—three foreign in nature and two domestic—that are geared toward assassinating President Trump.

This is the threat level we have to confront with an open border and insufficient resources.

5:49 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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eccccc No.21627218

File: a1678e88aa378ac⋯.png (755.84 KB,915x1024,915:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

This is what nanny states really look like behind closed doors.

Choose wisely Nov 5.


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2e797b No.21627219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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81b124 No.21627221


but the smell has come to stay

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93e158 No.21627222

File: ad2977655df4022⋯.png (2.23 MB,1420x776,355:194,QR_Omnishift.png)

File: 1e4118e2a56d41d⋯.png (1009.85 KB,580x664,145:166,Omni_shift3.png)

File: f6e715e8c2dce52⋯.png (999.37 KB,532x718,266:359,Omnishift.png)

File: 15048b530899c47⋯.png (1.76 MB,1270x716,635:358,Omni_shift.png)



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0429e4 No.21627224

File: 0bbf89adc99a7d7⋯.jpeg (972.67 KB,1596x1185,532:395,IMG_9885.jpeg)

File: 0992bd8b4824ea9⋯.jpeg (124.2 KB,753x601,753:601,IMG_9884.jpeg)

File: f2c5b9917a8f189⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1786x1178,47:31,IMG_9883.jpeg)

Getty Images

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e9aa49 No.21627225

File: 5c56e99d41dc69b⋯.png (465.77 KB,1070x847,1070:847,fr.PNG)

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d1b6ec No.21627227


Czech'ing those ebil quad sickses.

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5db4f1 No.21627229

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)

>>21626659 tygygb

>>21627160 ty collector

morn'n baker can take this one to the top

happy tgif anons

updated notes in just a spit

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81b124 No.21627232


Is that like in the apocrypha of Q

Lo siento, esa frase no se encuentra

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e9aa49 No.21627233

File: c35efb304cf5b33⋯.png (261.66 KB,599x892,599:892,hrc.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


Big news: Weeks ago I began communicating with executives at @CaterpillarInc

to let them know that I was planning to expose their woke policies. Today they’re making preemptive changes.

Some highlights:

• No more woke trainings.

• No donations to divisive events.

• They will not participate in the @HRC

’s woke Corporate Equality Index social credit system.

• All sponsorships, speakers, donations and events must be approved at the executive level to ensure that nothing is divisive or politically charged.

I included only a small portion of what our investigative reporting turned up at Caterpillar so you have an idea of what we’re talking about. You’ll want to watch the entire video. 👀

Caterpillar employees were all notified of the changes via email at 1PM CT today. It’s worth noting that this is a company with a $177 Billion dollar market cap and 113,000 employees. Those employees will no longer be subjected to the insanity we found during our investigation. Work going forward should be a neutral place for everyone to co-exist without any ideology or divisive issues shoved down their throat. This is a massive win for sanity.

I have to give the executives credit for taking this unifying action. It’s not easy to do but they’re preparing their business for future success by adopting corporate neutrality. The companies who adopt neutrality will win the future because they don’t violate the core beliefs of the consumers they rely on.

Our campaigns are so effective that we’re getting some of the biggest corporations on earth to change their policies without me even posting a video first just from the fear they have of being the next company we expose. The landscape of corporate America is quickly shifting to sanity and neutrality. We are the trend now, not the anomaly.

We’re winning and one by one we WILL bring sanity back to corporate America.

If you love what we’re doing, subscribe to my X page for $5 a month to help fund our growing team! You can also fund our growing research team by sending any one time amount at this link (this is not tax deductible and we are NOT a 501c3): https://buy.stripe.com/8wM8xC7Qs5uXcSc3cc

So far you’ve helped us change corporate policy at Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley Davidson, Polaris, Indian Motorcycle, Lowe’s, Ford, Coor, Stanley Black & Decker and now Caterpillar. We are a force to be reckoned with and we won’t stop until wokeness is extinct.

If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence to EliminateDEI@protonmail.com

0:36 / 5:26

7:31 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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b79c7e No.21627234

File: 2fc12b89e9eb9cb⋯.png (422.01 KB,380x602,190:301,ghouls.png)



tyb and collector

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a2a524 No.21627236

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)

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81b124 No.21627237

File: 00530ff6937b1a4⋯.jpg (75.71 KB,700x741,700:741,00530ff6937b1a4b1274f68a21….jpg)


Samuel Hyde approves this message

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e9aa49 No.21627239

File: 19b251c07bd9f13⋯.png (364.23 KB,594x503,594:503,jp.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


HE’S SHOT: After Trashing Trump, Joe Biden Claims He “Never Once Spoke” to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Since He Became President – Then This Video Surfaces

From thegatewaypundit.com

10:09 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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18ad1f No.21627241

File: e5b3427251568e6⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1125x1852,1125:1852,IMG_4184.jpeg)

q, you know better! Why post it?

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841cc2 No.21627243


sounds like you should move into one and cut out the travel time

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e9aa49 No.21627245

File: 9903ceec466785b⋯.png (384.41 KB,602x564,301:282,pm.PNG)




Melissa Hallman


CNN FBI Expert: We're going to find that this guy is extremely politically motivated and that he was spurred on by much of the political diatribes that are going on these days talking about Trump, equating him to Hitler, and things like that. So, I don't think this is the last we'll see of crazies out there trying to do this.

4:49 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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81b124 No.21627247


The Source

most of the work was used, but the other? where did it go?

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0429e4 No.21627257

File: c1a07746bb8d487⋯.jpeg (665.31 KB,890x1271,890:1271,IMG_9886.jpeg)

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5db4f1 No.21627262

notables bun @530

post count accurate ^^^

>>21627245 morn'n newsfag

czech em

#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

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3a1ebc No.21627264


i wonder if the grim reaper at charles coronation has the same gray creepy gloved hand

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ef0b97 No.21627274

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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839b20 No.21627287

File: 8a8fda2f4c89d98⋯.png (117 KB,690x1566,115:261,0E701C40_E732_4BAE_97F0_51….png)


good morning Ralph. on the move, irl busy, lurking . board like tits on a bull.

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81b124 No.21627296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


at least she could sign the paperwork without having a freak off like Charles about extra plumes…

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a2a524 No.21627301

File: 49fd0de3f56c233⋯.png (437.83 KB,665x1658,665:1658,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_0….png)

File: 41b6bad56593842⋯.png (162.78 KB,420x334,210:167,ralph2.png)


>good morning Ralph. on the move, irl busy, lurking . board like tits on a bull.

Mornin Frenz


tis a tad shilly in here

auto Filter kicking ass


>Saying good morning before muh post gets deleted


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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63bc53 No.21627308


Teens, aged 16, 17 and 18, accused of brutal killing of beloved swan mom Fay in New York town and then eating the bird were REFUGEES from Myanmar

Eman Hussan, 18, and his two accomplices were charged with felony grand larceny and criminal mischief

The three criminals are refugees from Myanmar and attend high school in near Syracuse, New York

The teens risk deportation if found guilty of killings Fay, the popular swan

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5db4f1 No.21627311

File: bcba9ea5b3b62a6⋯.png (850.28 KB,720x904,90:113,1ab29b66a72d8bbdf8d1678b0d….png)

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63bc53 No.21627316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay, after snatching her and four cygnets from pond

The swan, Fay, and her four babies were stolen from Manlius swan pond in Manlius, New York, on Saturday

Eman Hussan, 18, of Syracuse was arrested in connection with Fay’s killing, along with a 16-year-old and a 17-year-old, Manlius police Sgt. Ken Hatter said

Despite consuming the swan, the family and friends of the suspect told police they did not know it was a swan but thought it was a very large duck

The dad swan will now be removed from the pond, as there is a chance he can become combative after losing his mate

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280fcd No.21627326

File: aa0d6635cd310e6⋯.png (417.35 KB,591x613,591:613,elon.png)

File: 3b5c691aaed77d9⋯.jpg (74.47 KB,802x499,802:499,Memes_hurt_democracy_in_Ca….jpg)




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63bc53 No.21627328

File: 0e563384aa6b193⋯.mp4 (810.21 KB,480x360,4:3,pingpong.mp4)



he's weird

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cab2c1 No.21627332

File: d61f8459e39cdaa⋯.png (119.2 KB,335x270,67:54,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3f221abf7e2372⋯.png (158.27 KB,339x268,339:268,ClipboardImage.png)

Currently I am signed out of YT, so I'm just kind of looking at whatever is passing through the feed. My only search item was for NEWS, and that has been it.

I found it peculiar now after the past hour of just scrolling through the suggested videos, and I've seen 2 videos about poisons.

Maybe because I clicked on a video about a guy that killed himself by drinking 35,000 mg of caffeine?

But why the video about making Chloroform and Ricin being the perfect poison?

FBI honeypots?

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5db4f1 No.21627333


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0429e4 No.21627336

File: 14a48c0679147d4⋯.jpeg (121.97 KB,800x534,400:267,BF5B8E6A_ED92_4FCF_AAEC_9….jpeg)

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3a1ebc No.21627338


"moonwalking horse"

Major Apollo stands at 17 hands … formerly known as Ed

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7fc561 No.21627340

File: f1d37223891b314⋯.png (155.04 KB,371x268,371:268,Milton_William_Cooper.png)


it's Friday Flannel Faggots

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3a1ebc No.21627342

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4f03cc No.21627346


>DEMENTIA & ALZHEIMER'S CURE: Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

>Some researchers have suggested that neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis may have a microbial origin; thus, inexpensive repurposed drugs may be the cure.

>2nd Smartest Guy in the World

>Oct 29, 2023

Actually, I was the one who discovered this:


>>18968355 at 2023-06-07 22:31:25 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #23288: Watch the Hands Big Time Pants Shitting EBAKE Edition

an excerpt:

c: attacking the pathogens (bacteria, fungi) by using a dry heat such as a hair dryer, an infrared sauna or light source, or best yet; a coiled portable heater for the driest of heat. Even though step b: exacerbates the condition, as the greenhouse diminishes, the dry heat source will quickly rectify the condition.

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033a93 No.21627349

File: 0497a4eab348484⋯.gif (3.24 MB,416x260,8:5,1a49.gif)

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7fc561 No.21627352


Who the hell is Payseur

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fe40b9 No.21627354


And here also:


>>18968665 at 2023-06-07 23:18:36 (UTC+1)

Think about pharmaceutical and homeopathic remedies, most will be moisture based ointments, creams, soaps, and other spray-ables that can exacerbate a condition whereas a dry heat will destroy all three: bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

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ef0b97 No.21627358


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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0429e4 No.21627361

File: 9bf5bcf7c9d18b0⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1548x1227,516:409,IMG_9888.jpeg)

File: 3af52da5cb69052⋯.jpeg (933.69 KB,1436x1095,1436:1095,IMG_9887.jpeg)

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7fc561 No.21627364


Shady groove didn't apologise yet?

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9bfcb2 No.21627366

File: 781198fc16836cb⋯.png (301.92 KB,573x548,573:548,happy_flannel_friday_2.png)



>it's Friday Flannel Faggots

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3a1ebc No.21627370


PM lasted 45 days after the Queen died … so POTUS has been in control since that day he sat in the Winston chair …?

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96df52 No.21627372


>neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple sclerosis


They are all mainly caused by the cabal local cronies using chemical sabotage on their neighbors attacking them with fungi vented over property lines. These fungi burrow into the body and interfere with neuro receptors and nerve endings.

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83b5a7 No.21627376

File: c52e98084d6bac3⋯.png (66.38 KB,900x675,4:3,66eca376dd14c.png)

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7fc561 No.21627378


Just saying…

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3a1ebc No.21627382




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7fc561 No.21627387


You Mama is whore and Q can't help you

believe me

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e1abb3 No.21627389

File: c82643887b2a8ac⋯.png (210.79 KB,612x408,3:2,virgin_pager.png)

Has there been any more booms

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83b5a7 No.21627391

File: ffdbc967a0461b6⋯.png (75.39 KB,673x1430,673:1430,66ece732209a9.png)

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7fc561 No.21627394


Where you think they hide the bombs

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e7ece8 No.21627395

File: 71c6d2def848fa8⋯.png (783.24 KB,1125x1125,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fc561 No.21627400


Faggots will Fagging

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e7ece8 No.21627403

File: d1a680309a1196f⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,yFOiESCPeJyucI9D.mp4)

After receiving a standing ovation at his Springfield, OH town hall, Vivek Ramaswamy gets a question from the audience:

Q: Are you going to run for governor of Ohio?

VIVEK: I’m a little more inclined than I was about 10 seconds ago.

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e7ece8 No.21627406

File: 7d8690bcccecc85⋯.png (1.84 MB,1361x661,1361:661,TheSpew.png)


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7fc561 No.21627407


you can do doggy dog with it

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841cc2 No.21627409

>>21626985 bread wasting shill is here again

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5d53d7 No.21627410


>Oct 29, 2023

I even said it the month before their claim


>>19454088 at 2023-08-29 16:00:26 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #23892: Tuesday Trump Edition

My whole life, I have never been given any credit and many have capitalized on my findings. Even crypto-currencies from my theory of prime numbers, which they turned into a money making machine. The next prime number is known as all are, no need for crypto-mining, the whole thing has been a scam based upon my work and renting out grids of computers to mine, number crunching, which costs real money. In reality, I deserve every award for every prime number used in crypto mining.

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7fc561 No.21627411


Vivek is global PN said

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cab2c1 No.21627415


WEF puppet installed.

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0429e4 No.21627416

File: e0e22ff9be2d92c⋯.jpeg (857.04 KB,1340x1392,335:348,IMG_9891.jpeg)

File: 7834eaa84b52278⋯.mp4 (193.81 KB,650x360,65:36,APcuh7dg_bc8n6Eb.mp4)

That time you had 1000 bottle of baby lotion.


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83b5a7 No.21627418

File: 93d6c47fb273029⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,460x258,230:129,66ec99f795411.mp4)

" Target announces the closure of 12 stores in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and New York City, citing escalating retail theft, rising violent crime, and a lack of law enforcement action by local governments."

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7fc561 No.21627420


Puppets everywhere

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1bb29a No.21627422


Where is the money coming from?

The UN?

Are these UN mercenaries?

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7fc561 No.21627426


We will see

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5db4f1 No.21627428



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7fc561 No.21627429



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badfb8 No.21627432


But Mah Trans Gender Bathrooms…

|Where will they go now?

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daaf8f No.21627438

File: e385748ab44c773⋯.png (296.48 KB,568x750,284:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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83b5a7 No.21627439

File: 7bae0d42d76320f⋯.png (72.64 KB,896x899,896:899,66ece096c5652.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627441



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0429e4 No.21627446

File: fef47d69245aa89⋯.jpeg (127.46 KB,800x534,400:267,5B647B37_E92C_4C5C_A7B8_2….jpeg)

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20605a No.21627447


Silence is Golden


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58b6c6 No.21627449

Looks like WW3 is back on the trends boys

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daaf8f No.21627451

File: 24e088c2adc6265⋯.png (205.58 KB,568x661,568:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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0fe701 No.21627452


No prophet

No profit

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daaf8f No.21627454

File: 823cf35b99e9927⋯.png (123.37 KB,568x484,142:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d926f No.21627456

File: 866b96134f5aabe⋯.pdf (563.1 KB,OTHER_PWS_240913_1_.pdf)




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e94744 No.21627459



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08291b No.21627461



Caterpillar Inc going back to neutral business ideology. No woke, won’t go broke.

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c50d5f No.21627466

The Ascension tests.

Good luck to (You)

1) Test of faith, in moments of uncertainty let your faith be your beacon.

2) The Test of forgiveness, forgive others and yourself. In forgiveness you mirror the unconditional love of the Divine.

3) The Test of detachment. The material world is temporary, learn to detach.

4) The Test of love. True love is the divine essence flowing through all creation.

5) The Test of humility and service, let humility be your foundation. Humility allows you to be an open channel for divine works.

6) The Test of patience. Patience allows you to trust in the divine plan knowing all is revealed in the perfect moment.

7) The Test of persistence. Through persistence you demonstrate your dedication to the path.

8) The Test of silence. In the stillness of silence, the divine speaks. The discipline to quiet the mind and listen to the whispers of your soul and divine guidance is crucial.

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05b95e No.21627467

File: 14ad1eaf0a80deb⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627469

File: 1ddaf4a368a1dda⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,480x360,4:3,uQTquw3bPF0g2QKy.mp4)

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e9aa49 No.21627471


Truth Ninja


🚨US DEPARTMENT OF STATE TRIED TO DEVELOP A DISINFORMATION VIDEO GAME…WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS🚨The Department of State gave your tax dollars away in a grant to develop a video game that would teach people to recognize and build resilience to disinformation. The applicants were to apply through the "US Embassy at The Hauge" in the Netherlands. The designation in the grant however for where it would be deployed was, Priority Region: GLOBAL.

The grant required developers use "active inoculation theory". This theory has been shown to have consequences such as:

1: Generalized skepticism of information in general, deadening critical thinking skills.

2: Creates straw man arguments as rebuttals to information.




9:44 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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e9aa49 No.21627473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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daaf8f No.21627474

File: 1f6538eb5fb2acb⋯.png (448.04 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: Vivek Ramaswamy Joins Fox News As Host

Chris PowellSeptember 18, 2024Updated:September 18, 2024




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0f98a4 No.21627476

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9aa49 No.21627482

File: e8b377ef0106652⋯.png (240.52 KB,595x833,5:7,pub.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


🚨Huge scandal unfolding in @ChiPubSchools!

Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

Teachers say they spoke no Spanish, the kids spoke no English and this presented serious challenges.

The CEO of Chicago Public Schools went on record just a few weeks ago and claimed the migrant students are held to the same standard as all others students.

It’s estimated there are between 9k-17k migrant students in Chicago Public Schools

8:29 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627485

File: 121c49373d2d500⋯.png (447.99 KB,568x616,71:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627487

File: 8aa37c8f6830b7e⋯.png (16.71 KB,597x183,199:61,ip.PNG)


Insider Paper


NEW - Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo personally altered report that lowballed COVID nursing-home deaths, emails show – contradicting his claim to Congress, NY Post reports

Last edited

10:33 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627489

File: 90ac423d10b3e9d⋯.png (327.98 KB,568x425,568:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9cdb9 No.21627491


Damn. That isn't necessary.

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e9aa49 No.21627493

File: f72d7068fbea1a4⋯.png (244.47 KB,598x828,13:18,ing.PNG)




🚨JUST IN: FCC Commissioner @BrendanCarrFCC

slams Vice President Kamala Harris's $42 billion broadband initiative, saying it hasn't connected a single person to the internet in 3 years.

"In 2021, VP Harris agreed to lead a $42 billion effort to expand internet access to millions. It's been 1,039 days, and no one has been connected—no homes, no businesses, not even a shovel in the ground."

Carr adds, "It gets worse. No infrastructure will begin until next year at the earliest, and in many cases, not until 2026. This makes it the slowest federal broadband program in recent history."

Carr accuses the administration of focusing on climate change, DEI, and other political goals instead of connecting Americans. He points out that the government revoked a $1,300 per location deal with @Starlink

after President Biden targeted @elonmusk

, and now the government is spending over $100,000 per location on its own efforts.

"The bottom line: Without major reforms, VP Harris's $42 billion program is wired to fail. It's time to correct course. Get rid of all the extraneous political goals and focus on quickly connecting Americans."

4:58 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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83b5a7 No.21627494

File: 2261dcc7e1f1a4e⋯.png (43.04 KB,700x751,700:751,aqy7gR7_700bwp.png)

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daaf8f No.21627495

File: e3650bedb544a29⋯.png (420.53 KB,568x747,568:747,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0f54288481944b⋯.png (186.33 KB,450x578,225:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627497


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daaf8f No.21627498

File: ff75d22ef001de6⋯.png (465.12 KB,568x900,142:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627500

File: 23194b8303e222d⋯.png (127.62 KB,596x745,4:5,jk.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


And so it begins.

As I have reported, DC US Attorney Matt Graves is using a new charge in the J6 prosecution to work around SCOTUS decision in Fischer, which overturned how DOJ applied 1512(c)(2).

Yesterday, Graves filed a superseding indictment against a California woman on 18 USC 372, "conspiracy to impede officers."

To my knowledge, this charge has not been brought in the nearly 4-year criminal prosecution of J6ers. (If it has, it applied only to a handful.)

Graves is now referring to elected members of Congress as "officers."



6:45 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627501

File: bde4588ff81b0cc⋯.png (416.97 KB,568x711,568:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627508

File: 927942e4374e2d3⋯.png (54.45 KB,240x126,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Late Billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed Accused of 'Horrific' Epstein-Like 'Web of Abuse': He 'Was a Monster' https://slaynews.com/news/late-billionaire-mohamed-al-fayed-accused-horrific-epstein-like-web-abuse-monster/

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5db4f1 No.21627510


i'm guud ty

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daaf8f No.21627511

File: 10b15ab2a3d953c⋯.png (159.7 KB,568x482,284:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627513

File: 0dac55e2b46d92a⋯.png (352 KB,585x831,195:277,sit.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

After the Sonoma County, CA Wildfires homeowners weren’t getting their payouts from PG&E, “For 2 years, Former Judge, Mr John Trotter, was receiving, you heard this correctly, $125,000 a f*cking month to babysit the trust”

There’s more and it involves… you guessed it, Nancy Pelosi.

7:30 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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18c4ae No.21627514


be gone, slander shill.

'night shift' is not a person

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6e6ea2 No.21627517

Everything is nothing just we are in endless dark no one is special.

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d9cdb9 No.21627519


This makes me think that the Trump team is not going to have a position for him in the administration. ryan and rove will use him at fox instead to push their agenda.

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daaf8f No.21627520

File: ddae62c17856146⋯.png (207.71 KB,568x640,71:80,ClipboardImage.png)


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83b5a7 No.21627521

File: f50385f49d50b2c⋯.png (69.86 KB,700x1219,700:1219,amo75Aj_700bwp.png)

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18c4ae No.21627524


you are what you think you are.

the rest of the world is different than you think

your incantations only apply to yourself.

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e9aa49 No.21627525

File: bc91b9cdbe75e18⋯.png (360.17 KB,585x860,117:172,rug.PNG)


Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder suggests would-be Trump assass*n Ryan Routh could be part of a bigger conspiracy during a press conference.

The comments mirror those made by former assistant FBI director Chris Swecker.

Reporter: Does Ryan Routh have any ties to Martin County?

Snyder: "The answer to my knowledge, the answer is no. I think what we're finding out he's not from this area…"

"Which of course raises the bigger question, how does a guy from not here get all the way to Trump International, realize that the president, former president of the United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity?"

"I think that's the question the FBI, the Secret Service are laser-focused on today… is this guy part of a conspiracy?"

5:04 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627527

File: 2096247a06ea7ef⋯.png (380.22 KB,568x635,568:635,ClipboardImage.png)

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b782cc No.21627530

File: bb67c3e74f33bb9⋯.png (460.64 KB,505x380,101:76,WAKESIT.png)


mornin bakeroo

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e9aa49 No.21627532

File: 917f7924c466057⋯.png (138.28 KB,596x854,298:427,ort.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Why does this all seem so connected?

-BlackRock shorts Trump's stock, gambling on his demise.

-Trump assassination attempt by kid with overshore accounts. Appeared in BlackRock commercial. BlackRock buying Ukranian farmland/Benefiting from war.

-CrowdStrike servers blackout, Trump schedules call with Zelensky the exact same day. Trump claimed CrowdStrike was hiding servers in Ukraine before the Impeachment sham.

-Second Trump assassination attempt was carried out by a man who fought in Ukraine. Made 3k a month yet traveled around recruiting soldiers on his own supposed dime? If Trump wins the election, both he and RFK JR have claimed the military-industrial money complex train will halt.


5:09 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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6e6ea2 No.21627533


I hope but if this whole game is shadow gov plan

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5db4f1 No.21627537

File: fef91f15f7742f0⋯.jpg (50.85 KB,625x484,625:484,CC0_1_Company_overview.jpg)

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18c4ae No.21627539


deleting senseless spam is NOT censorship.

the senseless span, in fact, is censor ship through flooding a venue with nonsense and odious content.

annoyance trolls get deleted because they add nothing.

if they want to post useless verbs they can get their own board.

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daaf8f No.21627540

File: a4a82455c83198d⋯.png (90.73 KB,182x249,182:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2a524 No.21627543

File: 215dd8bcf5034e1⋯.png (172.01 KB,395x330,79:66,ralph3_5x5dblshotEclip.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Left some K cups and some J in the break room. Commencing lurk mode for the weekend.

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daaf8f No.21627546

File: f20b4b0c24daaaf⋯.png (386.25 KB,568x585,568:585,ClipboardImage.png)

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25b1b5 No.21627547

File: 75cc1d47f156366⋯.png (808.5 KB,1189x377,41:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627549

File: 47e47e844c54e4f⋯.png (359.51 KB,590x646,295:323,muse.PNG)




ELECTION INTEGRITY: So PA election officials just happened to be emptying a ballot drop box when they witnessed a brazen act of voter fraud - the county has now banned the boxes, but other counties like Montgomery are significantly expanding the number of boxes.


Kyle Becker



Sep 18

JUST IN: Election officials in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania have *BANNED* all mail-in ballot drop boxes from the county over concerns that they facilitate voter fra*d

Last edited

4:15 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627551

File: a83c829ed6b208c⋯.png (432.39 KB,568x710,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ad349 No.21627553


common thread?-→ joos

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d9cdb9 No.21627554


Exactly. Well stated.

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83b5a7 No.21627556

File: 096175379757f43⋯.jpg (13.15 KB,255x202,255:202,096175379757f438c46d1982b3….jpg)

P Diddie news triggered vati

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25b1b5 No.21627557

File: eb84cc591b625e3⋯.png (443.19 KB,509x421,509:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627559

File: 54b103933a05bfd⋯.png (438.69 KB,592x746,296:373,gc.PNG)


Gina Carano 🕯


What in the HELL (literally) is going on in the music industry?!?

You all are pretty quiet right now.. seeing LOTS of people “stepping down”..

The Diddler files. 🤢

Take em all down. Damn.

Last edited

4:14 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627560








House Oversight probes why census miscounts boost Democrats in Electoral College https://www.wnd.com/2024/09/house-oversight-probes-why-census-miscounts-boost-democrats-in-electoral-college/

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0429e4 No.21627561

File: 32e21b36f90fd4a⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,480x852,40:71,598BbOY3GjI0rMDO.mp4)

Barack Obama operation video leaked onto internet.

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18c4ae No.21627562


the slander continues.

the curse you drop is on yourself by doing that.

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daaf8f No.21627563

File: ff22818859a5d62⋯.png (131.11 KB,568x510,284:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bb29a No.21627564


Target sucks.

Let them go under.

The Dems. are victims of their own stupid tricks.

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4434cc No.21627565


needs tranquilizer

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5db4f1 No.21627566

notables bun @650

post count accurate ^^^

czech em

#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627353 Matt Gaetz reveals there are FIVE ASSASSINATION TEAMS targeting President Trump, per DHS source.

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

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21953d No.21627567


Everything this hump has gotten away with in the past could only mean that he is an asset. Commits crimes as he pleases and when caught, it's communicated that he is not to be touched. He's somebody's asset. Wonder who that could be?

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c0f998 No.21627568


As reported

Feral pigs

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daaf8f No.21627570

File: 3ca3ea782f1e0ef⋯.png (254.23 KB,568x405,568:405,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627573

File: 521a21ec042aa5a⋯.png (133.85 KB,593x800,593:800,docs.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


Recent documents indicate that Ryan Routh, the individual suspected in the assassination attempt on Trump, was concealed near the tree line of a golf course for almost 12 hours prior to his detection:

During their investigation, law enforcement also discovered a publicly viewable Facebook post from on or about July 10, 2024, in which ROUTH directed his followers to contact him on an instant messaging application (WhatsApp) at the following number: 1-*_*-8342. Database checks indicate that a mobile phone assigned call number 1-*_*-8342 is serviced by I-Mobile US, Inc. ("T-Mobile") and that ROUTH is the subscriber. Agents requested T-Mobile, on an emergency basis, to provide law enforcement with information pertaining to ROUTH's mobile phone usage. Those records indicated that ROUTH's mobile phone was located in the vicinity of the area along the tree line described above from approximately 1:59 AM until approximately 1:31 PM, on September 15, 2024.


5:29 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627575

File: e62b073bf410b62⋯.png (88.16 KB,255x244,255:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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18c4ae No.21627578


filtered for constant slander

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daaf8f No.21627579

File: 960c7e28da6c9a1⋯.png (425.94 KB,568x571,568:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627580

File: 37a47cdc877dc26⋯.png (54.57 KB,599x315,599:315,bl.PNG)


Harrison Floyd 🇺🇸


Stop what youre doing and get in here!


brought a blowtorch and is going to work 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Judge Rachel Krause

3:37 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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4434cc No.21627583


repent for deleting spam?

seems a little cheezy.

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daaf8f No.21627584

File: b8ef2df3e46327c⋯.png (316.5 KB,526x567,526:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627587

File: 977b490898aa392⋯.png (410.2 KB,589x752,589:752,tq.PNG)




🔥 Dan Bongino is asking the tough questions surrounding the assassination attempt:

Where were the counter-sniper assets?

Where were the counter-surveillance teams?

Where was the drone surveillance?

Where did this guy park?

How did he walk in with a rifle to the fence line?

How did nobody see him?

Why were there no post standers at each hole?

“Is anyone in the media gonna stop with the victory laps and ask questions? That’s your FREAKIN JOB!”

5:23 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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0ad349 No.21627593


seen the same tired boomer meme spam on the board for 7 years, adds nothing …but it's not spam because the posters are the recognized semi-retarded harmless in- crowd anons.

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e6e7ab No.21627595

File: 683ed8d0ec85c9f⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,480x912,10:19,t3l5pd.mp4)

File: e14c5a05c44ab6e⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB,1136x612,284:153,cqcrpv.mp4)

File: 45739846fe9a9ad⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,274x486,137:243,7rzk1z.mp4)

File: 2ee5160530b1a98⋯.png (805.77 KB,907x1286,907:1286,1726746292645.png)

File: 871167d96d7879a⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1726400094722.png)



Word on the Street…(Looks Both Ways) From a Pimp Named "Silky", is



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a2a524 No.21627597

File: 6489e292bf1988f⋯.png (448.08 KB,1099x1164,1099:1164,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_0….png)

File: 6dc4235ad3b46fe⋯.png (78.59 KB,422x566,211:283,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_0….png)

File: f14852c0785b636⋯.png (103.77 KB,426x755,426:755,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_0….png)


>ELECTION INTEGRITY: So PA election officials just happened to be emptying a ballot drop box when they witnessed a brazen act of voter fraud - the county has now banned the boxes, but other counties like Montgomery are significantly expanding the number of boxes.


Election Officials have been warned

Speaking of Iran Iran Iran


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/30/2018 11:51:06 ID: e7b971

8chan/qresearch: 1248119

Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

Does the agreement define & confinecease & desist‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?

What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

What if the program never ceased?

What other bad actors are possibly involved?

Did the U.S. know?

Where did the cash payments go?

How many planes delivered?

Did all planes land in same location?

Where did the U1 material end up?

Is this material traceable?


Define cover.

What if U1 material ended up in Syria?

What would be the primary purpose?


In the movie, where did the material come from?

What country?

What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?


What does U1 provide?

Define cover.

Why did we strike Syria?

Why did we really strike Syria?

Define cover.

Patriots in control.



#26480 >>21620300

>>21620352, >>21620377, >>21620525 Nessun Dorma (English Translation)

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d07bd7 No.21627599

Where the hell is Jay-Z?

Ain’t him and Beyoncé, P-Diddys best frens?

Wow rap world has some stupid names

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e9aa49 No.21627601

File: d23e56eb94bbbb6⋯.png (22.26 KB,602x291,602:291,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Does an organization that cares about its people behave this way?

Reform needed.


Square profile picture




Sep 15

“Active suppression of witnesses”: CIA lied about "Havana Syndrome," whistleblower documents reveal

5:45 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627602

File: 293cfe5681b8175⋯.png (405.08 KB,568x356,142:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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83b5a7 No.21627603

File: a11d8cc8c952ca8⋯.png (54.53 KB,1080x1045,216:209,66ec9b9e7a7b7.png)

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a2a524 No.21627613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Election Officials have been warned

>Speaking of Iran Iran Iran


>Does the agreement define & confinecease & desist‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?

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daaf8f No.21627614

File: 1749fc8244cc170⋯.png (373.03 KB,568x663,568:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627617

95% of Major Network Coverage of Trump Was Negative After Second Assassination Attempt‼️


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d07bd7 No.21627620


Jews post a lot of nonsense on 8kun

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3163e8 No.21627621

Aircraft Door Falls Off, Forces Emergency Landing

September 20, 2024 by John Nightbridge

A single-engine aircraft in South Carolina was compelled to execute an emergency landing on Tuesday, shortly after takeoff, due to a door detaching from the plane. The Diamond DA40 was only airborne for a few minutes when the door plummeted into the yard of a vacant residence. The incident transpired after the plane had taken off from Myrtle Beach International Airport at 2:53 p.m.



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daaf8f No.21627622

File: 88d2ee399e54c77⋯.png (200.96 KB,472x359,472:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627623

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88e2e3 No.21627624

Vance admits to making up the Haitian pet eating story?

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daaf8f No.21627625

File: 77a6b0f1883bd71⋯.png (283.14 KB,568x606,284:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e07cf No.21627627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eye of the tiger 1970s country jam

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8849fb No.21627628



>"Sells Her Soul To Satan - Still Loses The Election"

Tell you a lot about who Satan is.

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10cf7c No.21627629


this meme

More than anything else about Trump, even especially my frustrations with many of the things he's said and done with things like CovidScam or Crypto or "Voting"…. the fact that so many vile people public try to destroy him gives anon more confidence he's onto something much bigger than anon can comprehend.

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daaf8f No.21627630

File: 420353f23550c04⋯.png (205.76 KB,568x524,142:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627632

File: aec6210025c491b⋯.png (324.7 KB,568x535,568:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627633

File: f112e158f47fd94⋯.png (44.79 KB,428x319,428:319,tink.PNG)

File: 6ec8793d9b20a43⋯.png (605.73 KB,1317x550,1317:550,tinker.PNG)

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0429e4 No.21627634


Probably just the back up battery needs replacing.

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1bb29a No.21627636


It's not just span that gets deleted.

Any "noticing" also gets deleted.

The spam is cover for an excuse to delete any "noticing"

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daaf8f No.21627637

File: 676173eeeec3926⋯.png (279.3 KB,568x452,142:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627638

File: d29be38e982e4fa⋯.png (244.96 KB,597x713,597:713,cr.PNG)




I do not care that this man has a different set of beliefs than I do.

Unity is the key.

This Rabbi is literally describing The Great Awakening.

He is right: Evil is out front for all to see and good can no longer be concealed.

So in his words, I ask you: Who needs you? Who needs your guidance? Who needs your love? What can you do to help in The Great Awakening?

5:49 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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daaf8f No.21627639

File: b4ba657f96efe80⋯.png (303.22 KB,568x643,568:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627640

File: 0e70ae8b3cacc8c⋯.png (305.77 KB,568x681,568:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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63bc53 No.21627641

File: 79a869f15db8007⋯.mp4 (184.29 KB,640x360,16:9,ptssfauci.mp4)


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d3d563 No.21627642


That's okay, God's going to delete souls, as if they never even existed, so someone's just doing God's work

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767b5c No.21627643

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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e9aa49 No.21627644

File: 90d2aebbca6666e⋯.png (924.16 KB,1019x765,1019:765,us.PNG)


News • World

US attorney general pledges exhaustive probe of Trump assassination bid


September 16, 2024 1:32 pm

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582d1c No.21627645

Terrorism Sucks When You are NOT the Terrorist

Exploding Pagers, Walkie Talkies, GPS

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daaf8f No.21627646

File: b18bf5c05f4a83c⋯.png (351.22 KB,568x351,568:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627647

File: 21de6de04630e00⋯.png (266.97 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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63bc53 No.21627648

File: 6754de6cb507ddd⋯.png (138.82 KB,548x602,274:301,ClipboardImage.png)


>South Carolina was compelled to execute

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daaf8f No.21627649

File: b8065048a2b8880⋯.png (262.71 KB,568x479,568:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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c50d5f No.21627650

Saving Israel for last because going after their DS could mean big pain for US citizens, cell phones blowing up, Smart appliances etc?

Sampson option, launching nukes, hell on earth?

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841cc2 No.21627651

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daaf8f No.21627652

File: a9aa8df73dff89d⋯.png (125.15 KB,568x407,568:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c8a91 No.21627653

File: 050ea5b151b4eba⋯.jpg (579.58 KB,1079x1637,1079:1637,Screenshot_20240920_051557….jpg)

This National Suicide Prevention Month, 988 continues to be a beacon of hope for thousands of people seeking help in a crisis.


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daaf8f No.21627654

File: 6e8df0fd48cbc95⋯.png (129.66 KB,530x528,265:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627655

File: 75bec249973cc09⋯.png (444.79 KB,600x353,600:353,enfuegost6.png)

shills after post 660

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88e2e3 No.21627656

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ce090e No.21627657


your god sounds like an asshole.

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63bc53 No.21627658

File: 47cbba4d2aec167⋯.png (75.34 KB,200x305,40:61,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump: Israel was trying to get Golan Heights (of Syria) for 72 years… I got it done in 15 minutes… even Sheldon (Adelson) couldn't believe that one.. he said we got it we didn't ask for it… I actually gave it to you, they (Israel) didn't even ask for it .. but I think it is important.

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daaf8f No.21627659

File: e3dfe0c8d189214⋯.png (444.27 KB,568x792,71:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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88e2e3 No.21627661


Did he or is Cnn twisting his words? We need clarification from Vance

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d3d563 No.21627662


you'll be able to tell him that, but do so quickly, he has no patience for games

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daaf8f No.21627663

File: f963d1194447abd⋯.png (199.72 KB,568x383,568:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e07cf No.21627664

File: 6233176c66ae43b⋯.mp4 (408.41 KB,480x480,1:1,Jay_Asliken_20240919_3_new.mp4)

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e9aa49 No.21627665

File: f839a21256ee171⋯.png (174.95 KB,584x828,146:207,bk.PNG)


Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁


Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

Now for the Bad Kitteh secret sauce. One of Democracy Works funders, Knight Fndn, is a Google partner. Another, Democracy Fund, is Omidyar, but belongs to the Soros Democracy Alliance.

“As noted by InfluenceWatch, the self- professed “non-partisan” organization is bankrolled by prominent left-of-center private foundations, such as the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Democracy Fund, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.”

“Other foundations to reportedly finance Democracy Works in recent years are the Omidyar Network Fund and Soros Open Society Foundations.”

My advice is to stay clear of Google.



3:20 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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4434cc No.21627666




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628250 No.21627667

File: 06eab13ddb6fc2b⋯.png (1.8 MB,3028x1616,757:404,Screenshot_2024_09_20_at_7….png)

Morning anons…



"Former President Trump is going on offense over the news that Iran sought to share information it hacked from his presidential campaign with President Biden’s campaign.

The FBI and other intelligence agencies announced Wednesday that after Iran’s June hacking of the Trump campaign, it unsuccessfully attempted to entice the then-Biden-Harris campaign with the information.

The agencies made clear there is “no evidence” anyone from the campaign responded to the unsolicited emails, which included only “an excerpt” from materials stolen from the Trump campaign.

Nonetheless, in the hours since the intelligence community shared the revelation the Trump campaign has seized on the episode, arguing it shows Iran favors the Democratic nominee and suggesting his opponent should be prosecuted by calling for a grand jury in the incident.

The Trump campaign put out a statement Wednesday evening calling the FBI’s statement “further proof the Iranians are actively interfering in the election to help Kamala Harris and Joe Biden because they know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror.”

But Trump escalated his rhetoric about the incident later that evening on social media, accusing the Harris campaign without evidence of “illegally spying on me.”

And in a social media post Thursday morning, Trump called for Harris and her campaign to go before a grand jury on the matter.

“My campaign went through hell on the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax,” Trump posted, referring to the special counsel probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. “The big difference is that the Iran/Kamala campaign corruption case is real!”

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daaf8f No.21627668

File: db4b79a8473ddf2⋯.png (414.65 KB,568x507,568:507,ClipboardImage.png)

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582d1c No.21627669


God doesn't delete souls, They do get judged and placed into an appropriate place, including the biblical lake of fire.

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4434cc No.21627671


If God has no patience, who does?


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ce090e No.21627672


i have no patience for you which is why my god will end you and your family. It is just to end your family and everyone you love. It is a mercy by my GOD to end your loved ones lives.

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daaf8f No.21627673

File: f057d258fd67b35⋯.png (365.54 KB,568x594,284:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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10cf7c No.21627674


that is so damn foul

but maybe true

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e9aa49 No.21627675

File: 51713bff20f069a⋯.png (69.22 KB,593x827,593:827,wp.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


A follower asked me for an explanation so I'll answer that here:

The Save Act is a compilation of laws we already have that even if the Senate passed today and the President signed tomorrow it would not do anything in the 47 days until the election but what it does do is gives all unelected departments 6 more months of funding on top of the whole year of funding they already received for a total of (18 months of spending) and then in March, with only 6 month left in fiscal 2025, they get a whole year of funding with only 6 months until the new budget os due.


Promised that he wouldn't pass a CR or an Omnibus under his Speakership. Well, surprise surprise, he lied and passed several CRs and an Omnibus last year.

The Save Act push, that the House passed back in July but Johnson never used any leverage to force the Senate to take up, is now being used to get the public used to the idea that they plan on passing another CR and behind it, another Omnibus.

The hype for Johnson to attach the Save Act to the CR was always a con game to get the public to be agreeable to the CR.

14 members of Congress in the House recognized the reality of what Mike Lee and Mike Johnosn were doing. They pushed the Save Act as the smokescreen for the CR.

They did it not only to get the public to agree and get used to another CR and Omnibus, they did it so the American people wouldn't get angry with Speaker Johnson who is up for re-election on Nov 5th.

It was always a conjob and President Trump is calling them out. Now that they dragged the public through this, pass the Save Act or shut the government down!

The 14 who voted against the CR with the Save Act, voted against it to stop the CR and they're the ones who deserve credit for doing what was right.

3:17 AM · Sep 19, 2024





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8aa5f6 No.21627676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 20, 2024

8:30 AM EDT

Virtual Event | Confronting the Axis of Upheaval

Center for a New American Security (CNAS)





Reps. Adam Smith and Rob Wittman Discuss Authoritarianism and Global Challenges

House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA) and Vice Chair Rob Wittman (R-VA) discuss authoritarianism and global challenges at an event hosted by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) in Washington, DC.


September 20, 2024

8:30 AM EDT

Developing Implanted Brain-Computer Interface Clinical Outcome Assessments to Demonstrate Benefit - Public Workshop Day 2

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services


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e9aa49 No.21627678

File: 938842223850906⋯.png (234.98 KB,435x500,87:100,who.PNG)


Do you know who has pretty good intelligence about where Trump and his plane and his entourage are at all times?

Do you know who invests a lot of time, money, personnel, and resources into predicting Trump's current/future movements?

It's obvious when you think about it.

All it takes is just a handful of fanatics who hate Trump that much.

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d3d563 No.21627679

File: c33ad547f0ee94d⋯.png (217.09 KB,342x342,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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daaf8f No.21627680

File: 9ce23fef1e43faf⋯.png (270.53 KB,564x490,282:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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4434cc No.21627681


Democracy Worksis big donor for NASED.

from 2020 dig, qresear.ch:

'''"nased (Nat'l Assn of State Election officials)

now essentially merged with left-wing org''' Democracy Works.+

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25b1b5 No.21627682


Harris say she/He is a Gun Owner

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daaf8f No.21627684

File: 49568e6860fdff8⋯.png (72.86 KB,568x500,142:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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505353 No.21627685

File: ee16ef509cbab38⋯.png (28.63 KB,690x410,69:41,9D6DE67D_48E5_4CB3_99FC_F9….png)


mornin’ moon is still in a blue sky. fading out

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daaf8f No.21627686

File: dcc1d31028ed60c⋯.png (250.49 KB,568x527,568:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627687

File: 13e8cd9aa913f29⋯.png (62.8 KB,1248x464,78:29,dist.PNG)


War in Ukraine

Ukraine distances itself from Ryan Routh, man accused in apparent Trump assassination attempt

Russia quickly sought to weaponize the suspect's support for Ukraine, an unwelcome development for Kyiv as both U.S. support and the fight on the battlefield appear to hang in the balance.

Sept. 16, 2024, 5:32 AM GMT-11

By Daryna Mayer, Alexander Smith and Caroline Radnofsky

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10cf7c No.21627688


because that is exactly what the SS Guards would do to anyone breaking into Harris house.

did people think she was talking about herself shooting the intruder? Maybe that's where the confusions came from

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4434cc No.21627689


>there is no spam

What is SPAM?

Ask USDA (.gov)

https://ask.usda.gov › article › What-is-SPAM

Jan 24, 2024 — SPAM is a fully cooked ham luncheon meat that is packaged in a can…

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0429e4 No.21627690

File: be3c8b4bdde9f6e⋯.jpeg (201.76 KB,1130x1127,1130:1127,IMG_9899.jpeg)

File: 7ff93b7f0788ae6⋯.jpeg (323.96 KB,1130x1725,226:345,IMG_9894.jpeg)

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63bc53 No.21627691

File: 6de58ea5f2f0d38⋯.png (420.24 KB,480x600,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>Iran sought to share information it hacked from his presidential campaign with President Biden’s campaign.

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25b1b5 No.21627692

File: 47be64a6826c477⋯.png (506.71 KB,818x746,409:373,ClipboardImage.png)



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0429e4 No.21627693

File: 16c6a2cea823516⋯.jpeg (241.84 KB,1119x897,373:299,965680E0_51A8_494D_8360_0….jpeg)

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daaf8f No.21627694

File: fbbf48948901994⋯.png (111.52 KB,393x268,393:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3c587 No.21627695

you know how dems are not serious about being kind and loving to immigrants, because if they were the msm msnbc would step aside and let Haitians replace their jobs. The would ackshually do a better job.

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e9aa49 No.21627696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Springfield, Ohio: Selling weapons to immigrants

Fellowship of the Martyrs

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daaf8f No.21627697

File: b06e36227aa14b4⋯.png (273.58 KB,526x521,526:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627699

sauz dat sheit


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63bc53 No.21627700

File: ec0eabf6793c71d⋯.png (62.13 KB,1189x670,1189:670,ClipboardImage.png)


>no context posted that guy, nothing to do with iran (as far as I know)


Bryan Ware is a highly regarded technology leader and innovator, having started companies, patented technologies, raised venture capital and private equity, and recently served as the USA’s lead cybersecurity executive at CISA. Bryan is the CEO of Next5, a technology-focused business intelligence company, ensuring US leadership in critical and emerging technologies including AI, quantum, space, bio, and more.

Prior to founding Next5, Bryan was the first Presidentially appointed Director of Cybersecurity at CISA, leading the one thousand person, $1.25 billion organization through a period of intense volatility and aggressive interference from Nationstate adversaries. At CISA, he developed the agency’s first five year strategy and plan to modernize its sensor and computing infrastructure, transform the way the agency delivers services, and scale the agency to protect US critical infrastructure. Under his leadership, CISA’s operational partnerships with the private sector, national security community, and international partners were significantly enhanced. Prior to his operational role at CISA, Bryan was an Assistant Secretary at DHS, serving as the Secretary’s advisor on cybersecurity and emerging technology matters, and leading strategic initiatives across the US government and allies.

Bryan is an entrepreneur, co-founding an artificial intelligence company in 1998 which he led as CEO through multiple rounds of Venture Capital investment until it was acquired in 2013 by Haystax. After serving as CTO of Haystax for several years during which he helped the company acquire leading cloud technology and cybersecurity companies, Bryan took over as CEO of Haystax in 2016 until its acquisition in 2018. Bryan started his professional career at leading defense contractors working on advanced technology programs like the Star Wars program, early UAV payloads, and immersive simulations. He holds a degree in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

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5db4f1 No.21627701

File: 56906389cecae5f⋯.jpg (55.09 KB,634x742,317:371,4CE8306700000578_5804457_i….jpg)



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63bc53 No.21627702

File: 1ac270b41a45ae9⋯.png (59.82 KB,579x491,579:491,ClipboardImage.png)


>sigh I might be retarded actually

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daaf8f No.21627703

File: a0b3d45e912cda5⋯.png (405.89 KB,513x640,513:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627704

File: 1595db81183a2a9⋯.png (1.82 MB,1062x982,531:491,E834B9B6_E2C3_480C_AEF7_E6….png)

File: 3c459e5d3368647⋯.png (561.75 KB,636x476,159:119,39204857_EEC3_4072_A646_56….png)

File: d376b35c46de51a⋯.jpeg (210.74 KB,716x751,716:751,330891CC_82DD_4939_8915_D….jpeg)

File: 9ca8aaa5fa89acd⋯.jpeg (52.87 KB,600x422,300:211,IMG_9847.jpeg)

File: 42e67dc5c3afc1d⋯.png (1.31 MB,1130x808,565:404,051680B7_F2DA_4289_B248_E9….png)

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e9aa49 No.21627705

File: daf5be5ebc211e2⋯.png (202.21 KB,1323x894,441:298,cus.PNG)


CBP Releases August 2024 Monthly Update

Release Date

Mon, 09/16/2024

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4434cc No.21627706


Q proofs & mil posts - arbitrarily linked together....sounds familiar....

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daaf8f No.21627707

File: 0bd86bf2c1de0cb⋯.png (343.35 KB,568x561,568:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627708

File: 455811ee5829b8e⋯.jpeg (189.05 KB,800x564,200:141,0D2CD945_ABEA_4727_939A_C….jpeg)

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841cc2 No.21627709


fake slut lips

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0429e4 No.21627710

File: 09e0a8e988aa10d⋯.png (105.08 KB,254x254,1:1,5C68808E_F8CF_47C5_AB25_83….png)

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e9aa49 No.21627711

File: 25a1407dcb45605⋯.png (326.35 KB,593x504,593:504,fint.PNG)


Tom Fitton


EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks https://dailycaller.com/2024/09/19/exclusive-new-docs-shed-light-air-force-reduce-white-male-population-joining-officer-ranks/

via @dailycaller

From dailycaller.com

3:23 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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5db4f1 No.21627712

final bun for #26487

closin time - hold yer laties tight

czech em

#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627353 Matt Gaetz reveals there are FIVE ASSASSINATION TEAMS targeting President Trump, per DHS source.

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627353 Matt Gaetz reveals there are FIVE ASSASSINATION TEAMS targeting President Trump, per DHS source.

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

daaf8f No.21627713

File: 571db15a12ab5cd⋯.png (359.46 KB,568x557,568:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627714



#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

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Post last edited at

bd1ce2 No.21627715


Censorship whore.

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daaf8f No.21627716

File: 05e5f2fdfddd77a⋯.png (343.83 KB,568x553,568:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627717

File: 8590903512a9c6a⋯.jpg (223.79 KB,1088x1409,1088:1409,HRC_Chelsea_01_Suicide_Squ….JPG)

File: 1382058c45cb6c9⋯.mp4 (494.09 KB,576x576,1:1,Clinton_Arkanside_Service.MP4)

File: 0c09b7b8e9098ac⋯.png (2.07 MB,1366x942,683:471,Epstein_Air_Freshener.PNG)

File: 2a3e583f821ef83⋯.jpg (136.34 KB,1130x703,1130:703,Who_Killed_Epstein_HRC.JPG)

File: b58047ac949c174⋯.mp4 (124.39 KB,640x356,160:89,The_Clintons_Arkanside.mp4)

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e9aa49 No.21627718

File: 127ca268e14795f⋯.png (352.43 KB,597x501,199:167,sr.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security – Team Issues Statement Calling the Ordeal a ‘Misunderstanding’ of Company Policy

From thegatewaypundit.com

4:06 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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dd18c2 No.21627720

File: 54f8316161e7d25⋯.png (849.11 KB,1242x1436,621:718,0030ac8cc1185418b87f78b949….png)


Be a lot nicer if this

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8849fb No.21627723

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bd1ce2 No.21627724


It's ok for me to get notables thru 2 breads but you have to delete all my proofs and posts this bread because you hate yourself and you're afraid of reality.

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daaf8f No.21627725

File: 9e218243f740b59⋯.png (269.25 KB,568x428,142:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd1ce2 No.21627726


We won't stand for this.

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8849fb No.21627727


>Gives Total Non-Answer

SOP for pols

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582d1c No.21627728


DEI is a disease. Meant to cause anger and hatred between skin colors, ethnicity.

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bd1ce2 No.21627729


Did you see what Q+ truth'd when your bullshit began? Sex-changes for PRISONERS and Q drops about PEDOPHILES.

No coincidences.

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bd1ce2 No.21627733


Liberal Trash.

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10cf7c No.21627735

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bd1ce2 No.21627737

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627739

File: cdbd90cc418d7a1⋯.png (414.14 KB,587x456,587:456,pox.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING - Mpox vaccines administered in Rwanda, first in Africa: CDC

From insiderpaper.com

3:46 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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bd1ce2 No.21627740

It's not just the Great Awakening. This is the Great Refining.

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e9aa49 No.21627743

File: 9ff6aa823e2c6a0⋯.png (235.55 KB,445x516,445:516,jess.PNG)


The 2nd Trump assassination attempt suspect was all over the FBI’s radar, the media’s radar and the State Department’s radar. He was a Ukraine radical with an extensive rap sheet. How was a roofer from North Carolina travelling to Ukraine, Hawaii, DC and Palm Beach? And how was he so easily able to show up at the right place at the right time?

- Jesse Watters (https://x.com/jessebwatters/status/1835802694365417701?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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d0f9b3 No.21627744

File: de013d0c0da0481⋯.png (41.96 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd1ce2 No.21627747

If you cannot question authority, you are not free. Think, Slaves.

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dd18c2 No.21627748


Any sauce for this?

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bd1ce2 No.21627749

If you consent to censorship, you are not free. Think, Sheep.

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e9aa49 No.21627751

File: fd925347cc300f3⋯.png (387.43 KB,414x775,414:775,lm.PNG)


3 weeks ago, Alexander Soros was in Ukraine in a spirited conversation with the top brass there where he mentions their power grid.

Yesterday, a man who was literally in an Azov battalion commercial for Ukraine was within shouting distance of President Trump with an automatic rifle. Is this a coincidence?

Before Trump's first assassination attempt, Alexander Soros posted an ominous symbol of a gunshot next to dollar bills adding up to the number 47.

Thomas Crook subsequently was given an open roof to target Donald Trump and the FBI cannot seem to access his encrypted overseas accounts.

Is Soros giving the orders?



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10cf7c No.21627752


Refining is often improved with a little bit of heat

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3163e8 No.21627753

File: 078a87bd4ef8daf⋯.png (19.16 KB,517x182,517:182,Q220.png)


Jr gave us a5:5

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bd1ce2 No.21627755


The board admin hovel will be burned to ashes and those ashes will drift and sink in the Kidron brook. Impossible to clean…

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5db4f1 No.21627756

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

TGIF Bread Just Ahead





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bd1ce2 No.21627758

The residue of evil on this board is going to be incinerated. Refined for New Eyes. Anons demanded it, God wills it. Nothing will change it.

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bd1ce2 No.21627760

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069092 No.21627762

File: c15f51b4084e9fd⋯.png (442.04 KB,672x615,224:205,PVV.png)



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