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File: f34c7c948753b38⋯.png (68.72 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

70827b No.21626650 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 429 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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daaf8f No.21627694

File: fbbf48948901994⋯.png (111.52 KB,393x268,393:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3c587 No.21627695

you know how dems are not serious about being kind and loving to immigrants, because if they were the msm msnbc would step aside and let Haitians replace their jobs. The would ackshually do a better job.

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e9aa49 No.21627696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Springfield, Ohio: Selling weapons to immigrants

Fellowship of the Martyrs

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daaf8f No.21627697

File: b06e36227aa14b4⋯.png (273.58 KB,526x521,526:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627699

sauz dat sheit


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63bc53 No.21627700

File: ec0eabf6793c71d⋯.png (62.13 KB,1189x670,1189:670,ClipboardImage.png)


>no context posted that guy, nothing to do with iran (as far as I know)


Bryan Ware is a highly regarded technology leader and innovator, having started companies, patented technologies, raised venture capital and private equity, and recently served as the USA’s lead cybersecurity executive at CISA. Bryan is the CEO of Next5, a technology-focused business intelligence company, ensuring US leadership in critical and emerging technologies including AI, quantum, space, bio, and more.

Prior to founding Next5, Bryan was the first Presidentially appointed Director of Cybersecurity at CISA, leading the one thousand person, $1.25 billion organization through a period of intense volatility and aggressive interference from Nationstate adversaries. At CISA, he developed the agency’s first five year strategy and plan to modernize its sensor and computing infrastructure, transform the way the agency delivers services, and scale the agency to protect US critical infrastructure. Under his leadership, CISA’s operational partnerships with the private sector, national security community, and international partners were significantly enhanced. Prior to his operational role at CISA, Bryan was an Assistant Secretary at DHS, serving as the Secretary’s advisor on cybersecurity and emerging technology matters, and leading strategic initiatives across the US government and allies.

Bryan is an entrepreneur, co-founding an artificial intelligence company in 1998 which he led as CEO through multiple rounds of Venture Capital investment until it was acquired in 2013 by Haystax. After serving as CTO of Haystax for several years during which he helped the company acquire leading cloud technology and cybersecurity companies, Bryan took over as CEO of Haystax in 2016 until its acquisition in 2018. Bryan started his professional career at leading defense contractors working on advanced technology programs like the Star Wars program, early UAV payloads, and immersive simulations. He holds a degree in Applied Optics from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

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5db4f1 No.21627701

File: 56906389cecae5f⋯.jpg (55.09 KB,634x742,317:371,4CE8306700000578_5804457_i….jpg)



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63bc53 No.21627702

File: 1ac270b41a45ae9⋯.png (59.82 KB,579x491,579:491,ClipboardImage.png)


>sigh I might be retarded actually

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daaf8f No.21627703

File: a0b3d45e912cda5⋯.png (405.89 KB,513x640,513:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627704

File: 1595db81183a2a9⋯.png (1.82 MB,1062x982,531:491,E834B9B6_E2C3_480C_AEF7_E6….png)

File: 3c459e5d3368647⋯.png (561.75 KB,636x476,159:119,39204857_EEC3_4072_A646_56….png)

File: d376b35c46de51a⋯.jpeg (210.74 KB,716x751,716:751,330891CC_82DD_4939_8915_D….jpeg)

File: 9ca8aaa5fa89acd⋯.jpeg (52.87 KB,600x422,300:211,IMG_9847.jpeg)

File: 42e67dc5c3afc1d⋯.png (1.31 MB,1130x808,565:404,051680B7_F2DA_4289_B248_E9….png)

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e9aa49 No.21627705

File: daf5be5ebc211e2⋯.png (202.21 KB,1323x894,441:298,cus.PNG)


CBP Releases August 2024 Monthly Update

Release Date

Mon, 09/16/2024

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4434cc No.21627706


Q proofs & mil posts - arbitrarily linked together....sounds familiar....

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daaf8f No.21627707

File: 0bd86bf2c1de0cb⋯.png (343.35 KB,568x561,568:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627708

File: 455811ee5829b8e⋯.jpeg (189.05 KB,800x564,200:141,0D2CD945_ABEA_4727_939A_C….jpeg)

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841cc2 No.21627709


fake slut lips

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0429e4 No.21627710

File: 09e0a8e988aa10d⋯.png (105.08 KB,254x254,1:1,5C68808E_F8CF_47C5_AB25_83….png)

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e9aa49 No.21627711

File: 25a1407dcb45605⋯.png (326.35 KB,593x504,593:504,fint.PNG)


Tom Fitton


EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks https://dailycaller.com/2024/09/19/exclusive-new-docs-shed-light-air-force-reduce-white-male-population-joining-officer-ranks/

via @dailycaller

From dailycaller.com

3:23 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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5db4f1 No.21627712

final bun for #26487

closin time - hold yer laties tight

czech em

#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627353 Matt Gaetz reveals there are FIVE ASSASSINATION TEAMS targeting President Trump, per DHS source.

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627353 Matt Gaetz reveals there are FIVE ASSASSINATION TEAMS targeting President Trump, per DHS source.

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

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daaf8f No.21627713

File: 571db15a12ab5cd⋯.png (359.46 KB,568x557,568:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db4f1 No.21627714



#26487 >>21626659


>>21626673, >>21627055, >>21627045 CROWDER CONFRONTS: [New York] Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma

>>21626682 Rumble To Get Discovery In Suit Against 'Check My Ads' Founders

>>21626687, >>21627024 Trump retruth: Fred Trump Story from the 70's

>>21626707 Oprah said she was stopped at the airport by a black man to let her know he’s voting for Trump.

>>21626731 @WarClandestine: Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

>>21626737, >>21627009, >>21626812, >>21626897, >>21627050 Kamala/Oprah event having difficult time getting over 10,000 viewers. The Joy is gone.

>>21626747 for the keks: Texas declared sanctuary state for memers.(bun)

>>21626784 America tested 100,000 forgotten rape kits, resulted in 1,500 convictions

>>21626805, >>21626923, >>21627100 Queen Margrethe of Denmark rushed to hospital following fall at Fredensborg Castle

>>21626869 Vid: Guy who wrote the book on the Franklin Coverup in 2009 and published Epstein's little black book.

>>21626930 BREAKING - Gold strikes fresh record high above $2,609

>>21627014 Two of Newsome's deefake election laws already being challenged

>>21627020 Trump Supporter Puts CNN ‘Reporter’ in Her Place With Awesome Responses

>>21627023, >>21627028, >>21627093, >>21627031, >>21627143, >>21627152 P Diddy Panic

>>21627037 MAGA rally @ Penn State - 1,500 hats and they didn't have enough

>>21627042 @VigilantFox asking the good questions about Routh

>>21627081 @NobleNegroe: I was honored to participate in @FrankLuntz Black male focus group recently.

>>21627106 @GenFlynn: And we’re NOT at war!? A Palestinian flag has been raised over the ROTC building at UNC

>>21627114 Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's

Ghost grab

>>21627161 musk w/CAP: leadership spends their resources attacking @SpaceX for petty matters that have nothing to do with safety, while neglecting real safety issues at Boeing…

>>21627166 Walz’s former colleague believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual. one of the only people with access to where the manual was stored.

>>21627175, >>21627179, >>21627189 [They're] all on the take. Springfield corrupt money ops from Gunvna to Mayor.

>>21627233 The de-wokifying of Catperpillar?

>>21627316 Three teenagers, aged 18, 17 and 16, are arrested for killing and EATING New York village's beloved mother swan, Fay…

>>21627482 Chicago elementary teachers have come forward alleging that administrators instructed them they have to give migrant students a passing grade of 70% in every subject.

>>21627513 Wall Street Apes w/CAP: Democrat Corruption in California is UNRIVALED

>>21627665 Google Directs Americans Searching For Voter Registration Info To A Dark Money, Left-Wing Elections Group Called Democracy Works.

>>21627676 Habbenins habbening for 9/20/2024

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Post last edited at

bd1ce2 No.21627715


Censorship whore.

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daaf8f No.21627716

File: 05e5f2fdfddd77a⋯.png (343.83 KB,568x553,568:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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0429e4 No.21627717

File: 8590903512a9c6a⋯.jpg (223.79 KB,1088x1409,1088:1409,HRC_Chelsea_01_Suicide_Squ….JPG)

File: 1382058c45cb6c9⋯.mp4 (494.09 KB,576x576,1:1,Clinton_Arkanside_Service.MP4)

File: 0c09b7b8e9098ac⋯.png (2.07 MB,1366x942,683:471,Epstein_Air_Freshener.PNG)

File: 2a3e583f821ef83⋯.jpg (136.34 KB,1130x703,1130:703,Who_Killed_Epstein_HRC.JPG)

File: b58047ac949c174⋯.mp4 (124.39 KB,640x356,160:89,The_Clintons_Arkanside.mp4)

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e9aa49 No.21627718

File: 127ca268e14795f⋯.png (352.43 KB,597x501,199:167,sr.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security – Team Issues Statement Calling the Ordeal a ‘Misunderstanding’ of Company Policy

From thegatewaypundit.com

4:06 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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dd18c2 No.21627720

File: 54f8316161e7d25⋯.png (849.11 KB,1242x1436,621:718,0030ac8cc1185418b87f78b949….png)


Be a lot nicer if this

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8849fb No.21627723

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bd1ce2 No.21627724


It's ok for me to get notables thru 2 breads but you have to delete all my proofs and posts this bread because you hate yourself and you're afraid of reality.

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daaf8f No.21627725

File: 9e218243f740b59⋯.png (269.25 KB,568x428,142:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd1ce2 No.21627726


We won't stand for this.

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8849fb No.21627727


>Gives Total Non-Answer

SOP for pols

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582d1c No.21627728


DEI is a disease. Meant to cause anger and hatred between skin colors, ethnicity.

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bd1ce2 No.21627729


Did you see what Q+ truth'd when your bullshit began? Sex-changes for PRISONERS and Q drops about PEDOPHILES.

No coincidences.

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bd1ce2 No.21627733


Liberal Trash.

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10cf7c No.21627735

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bd1ce2 No.21627737

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

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e9aa49 No.21627739

File: cdbd90cc418d7a1⋯.png (414.14 KB,587x456,587:456,pox.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING - Mpox vaccines administered in Rwanda, first in Africa: CDC

From insiderpaper.com

3:46 AM · Sep 19, 2024




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bd1ce2 No.21627740

It's not just the Great Awakening. This is the Great Refining.

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e9aa49 No.21627743

File: 9ff6aa823e2c6a0⋯.png (235.55 KB,445x516,445:516,jess.PNG)


The 2nd Trump assassination attempt suspect was all over the FBI’s radar, the media’s radar and the State Department’s radar. He was a Ukraine radical with an extensive rap sheet. How was a roofer from North Carolina travelling to Ukraine, Hawaii, DC and Palm Beach? And how was he so easily able to show up at the right place at the right time?

- Jesse Watters (https://x.com/jessebwatters/status/1835802694365417701?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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d0f9b3 No.21627744

File: de013d0c0da0481⋯.png (41.96 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd1ce2 No.21627747

If you cannot question authority, you are not free. Think, Slaves.

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dd18c2 No.21627748


Any sauce for this?

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bd1ce2 No.21627749

If you consent to censorship, you are not free. Think, Sheep.

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e9aa49 No.21627751

File: fd925347cc300f3⋯.png (387.43 KB,414x775,414:775,lm.PNG)


3 weeks ago, Alexander Soros was in Ukraine in a spirited conversation with the top brass there where he mentions their power grid.

Yesterday, a man who was literally in an Azov battalion commercial for Ukraine was within shouting distance of President Trump with an automatic rifle. Is this a coincidence?

Before Trump's first assassination attempt, Alexander Soros posted an ominous symbol of a gunshot next to dollar bills adding up to the number 47.

Thomas Crook subsequently was given an open roof to target Donald Trump and the FBI cannot seem to access his encrypted overseas accounts.

Is Soros giving the orders?



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10cf7c No.21627752


Refining is often improved with a little bit of heat

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3163e8 No.21627753

File: 078a87bd4ef8daf⋯.png (19.16 KB,517x182,517:182,Q220.png)


Jr gave us a5:5

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bd1ce2 No.21627755


The board admin hovel will be burned to ashes and those ashes will drift and sink in the Kidron brook. Impossible to clean…

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5db4f1 No.21627756

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

TGIF Bread Just Ahead





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bd1ce2 No.21627758

The residue of evil on this board is going to be incinerated. Refined for New Eyes. Anons demanded it, God wills it. Nothing will change it.

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bd1ce2 No.21627760

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069092 No.21627762

File: c15f51b4084e9fd⋯.png (442.04 KB,672x615,224:205,PVV.png)



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