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File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

ce2fc2 No.21603399 [View All]

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e5effd No.21604276


>Perfect choice of music.

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0b60bb No.21604277

File: 4cc61d4eeb347c4⋯.png (999.04 KB,720x737,720:737,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2b261 No.21604278

File: bbdff835d67f1f4⋯.png (248.46 KB,450x488,225:244,bbdff835d67f1f4d2ea9ea0847….png)


>only one chosen paperclip fayk >>21604256 (You)

>>grown ass negros find out drumpf larp fichtl farts french fashion humiliated screendoor orals

>knows wut

an taylor swift

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5edfcb No.21604279

File: e1eee01b0fe6a0c⋯.png (902.95 KB,1475x848,1475:848,ClipboardImage.png)


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d7aafa No.21604280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Springfield officials staying silent on Haitian migrant scandal

David Menzies reports from Springfield, Ohio, where, despite issues with the large Haitian migrant community in the city coming up at nearly every council meeting, officials have remained quiet after the issue gained international media attention.


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73205d No.21604281

File: 27e5bb07e456830⋯.png (740.26 KB,1079x694,1079:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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13fd4b No.21604282

File: 76ff27e2ae0068f⋯.jpg (104.89 KB,720x406,360:203,Ginger_Mound_Pepe_Eating_W….jpg)


No one is gay but you, homo

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7220be No.21604283

File: 0c94f986647e5f6⋯.mp4 (248.07 KB,888x488,111:61,Today_I_feel_GAY.mp4)

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e5effd No.21604284


when she say that

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a0ba81 No.21604285


#26461 >>21603430

>>21603469 DeSantis Says Florida Will Conduct Own Probe Into 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21603474, >>21603548 Live: Secret Service, FBI hold press conference on Trump assassination attempt

>>21603497 The U.S. Secret Service and FBI has been notified of the threatening statement against the POTUS and VP by Elon Musk, according to a independent watchdog.

>>21603509 Votes for Cornel West and Claudia De la Cruz will count in Georgia for now

>>21603516 REP. PLASKETT: "[Trump] needs to be shot, stopped."

>>21603546 New York Times Reporter Revisits Earlier Interview With Suspect at Trump Golf Course

>>21603547, >>21603556 Trump campaign sends out a LONG LIST OF RECEIPTS of Democrats' rhetoric that "inspired another attempt on President Trump's life."

>>21603565 Nolte: Corporate Media Won’t Stop Until Trump Is Murdered

>>21603567 Trump Has Survived More Assassination Attempts Than Harris Has Campaign Interviews

>>21603576 Putin orders Russia to boost size of army by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million

>>21603615 Commie Oregon Secretary Of State Defends Law Automatically Registering Hundreds Of Noncitizens To Vote

>>21603633 California AG Wants to Make Even More Expensive to Exercise Your 2A Rights

>>21603634 ‘Just Stop’: Ex-CNN Analyst Unloads On People Downplaying Trump Assassination Attempts

>>21603681 Suspect at Trump International Golf Course Charged with Firearms Offenses

>>21603702 UN staffer shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank

>>21603714 Businessman Howard Lutnick Says Economists Opposing Trump’s Economic Plan Is ‘Partisan Nonsense’

>>21603725 Six Members of a Former Cult Convicted of Forced Labor Conspiracy Charges in Years-Long Scheme that Included Multiple Minors

>>21603732 Would-be Trump assassin exploited security hole that Secret Service has known about for year

>>21603748 Democrats Call For Violence Against Donald Trump So Frequently It Was Played As Evidence At His Trial

>>21603792 Concerns Arise About FBI Lead Investigating Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21603800 Pa. court rejects Cornel West's bid to get on ballot, clears way for mail voting

>>21603848 Winner declared in Republican primary race for 117th District of PA after 5 month-long delay

>>21603892 Donald J. Trump - Join me live from Mar-A-Lago at 8:00PM Eastern, tonight on X Spaces.

>>21603905 Former FBI agent says would-be Trump assassin’s devices likely already compromised by intel agencies

>>21604092 DC_Draino: Federal legislation prohibiting the slaughter of dogs and cats to eat their meat? The media said this wasn’t happening

>>21604097, >>21604109,>>21604110 FUD of the day: CNN’s Harry Enten Warns Harris Currently In Polling ‘Danger Zone’ 911

>>21604176, >>21603930, >>21603924 THERE ARE RECEIPTS: Team Trump Drops List of EVERY Democrat and Enabler Which Led to 2nd Assassination Attempt, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mad Maxine Waters, Rep. Dan Goldman, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Chney and the Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson.

>>21604207 9 Years of Hate: Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Said Donor Class Must ‘Put a Bullet in Donald Trump’

>>21603942 CONFIRMED: Trump attempted-assassin Ryan Routh has been on the FBI's radar since 2019 Mp4 0:51

>>21603985, >>21604034, >>21604039, >>21604163 PAYMENTS FROM THE FIRST TRUMP SHOOTER TO THE SECOND TRUMP SHOOTER?

>>21604214 KISS MY ASS, JOE!!!😎😘😘😘

Baking hold em

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9b1cf6 No.21604286

File: 5c5b2f7f03ce683⋯.png (471.3 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



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e5effd No.21604287


bud light

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5edfcb No.21604288

File: e98cbde9254e5eb⋯.png (181.34 KB,731x680,43:40,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr.

Hours after a leftwing Ukraine obsessed nut job attempts to assassinate my father, neocon loser @BillKristol accuses @JDVance of inciting violence. Does it get any more vile than this?

7:16 PM · Sep 15, 2024·1.2M Views


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4d651e No.21604289

File: bdbcc771ed273a7⋯.mp4 (126.94 KB,480x852,40:71,8e8622ab47397b62a893f8426c….mp4)

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ea50f3 No.21604290


Oh Yeah

He's gonna Sing

& Florida has better odds of telling us than the FBI

The odds are in our favor that we may get the deets on this one

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73205d No.21604291

File: 2fd14aa2dcbda4b⋯.png (238.79 KB,500x586,250:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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5edfcb No.21604294

File: 880f59281ebb410⋯.png (22.06 KB,520x240,13:6,ClipboardImage.png)

Ron Filipkowski

Was the golf course guy with the gun a migrant?

7:10 PM · Sep 15, 2024·133.5K Views


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13fd4b No.21604296

File: 78065767f036f55⋯.jpg (93.08 KB,800x600,4:3,Star_Wars_Can_t_Call_Them_….jpg)

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73205d No.21604297

File: 9364d814ee8379a⋯.png (320.21 KB,544x668,136:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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73a673 No.21604300

File: 92c3e52882a5e0b⋯.png (345.36 KB,701x441,701:441,1000001370.png)

File: 654c734a6160752⋯.png (141.7 KB,547x362,547:362,1000001372.png)

File: 4d875f636300001⋯.jpg (127.11 KB,548x362,274:181,1000001383.jpg)

File: f070cdb2c2913a3⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,548x362,274:181,1000001386.jpg)

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5edfcb No.21604304

File: 7f8ecd5d6fdadf3⋯.png (177.4 KB,741x632,741:632,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr.

Shortly after a leftist freak tried to assassinate my dad, @davidfrum of @TheAtlantic tweeted the below. Truly deranged that after two verified assassination attempts, this sicko responds by claiming, without any evidence, that he is actually the one guilty of inciting violence!

10:08 PM · Sep 15, 2024·868.7K Views


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73205d No.21604305

File: f7bd0f0a55753c9⋯.png (326.75 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0ba81 No.21604306

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13fd4b No.21604307



How subversive.

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a0ba81 No.21604309

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #26462: KISS MY ASS, JOE!!! Eye The Receipts: WE CAUGHT THEM ALL? Edition

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52c5a0 No.21604310


Gozer the Gozerian

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73a673 No.21604311

A bottomless and galvanizing rage boils to kinetics.

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73205d No.21604312

File: afdb3d8bc8dde06⋯.png (857.37 KB,692x837,692:837,ClipboardImage.png)

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1ad482 No.21604314

File: 9c5d31df1245733⋯.gif (1.7 MB,364x498,182:249,9c5d31df124573310a474967d9….gif)


hell of a cauc……

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5edfcb No.21604315

File: dcec9ea4e8d824d⋯.png (819.4 KB,1710x821,1710:821,ClipboardImage.png)


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46bb61 No.21604316


There's this. There was a Tik Tok vid posted by a Jamaican guy that said not only is it true he's even talked with Haitians that eat cats. Might have been here on General, not too long ago

Canada #63 >>21583587

ELON MUSK Posts Video of Haitian Woman Describing Dog-Eating and Voodoo Practiced in Home Country and Now in America

by Jim Hoft Sep. 12, 2024

The fake news outlets are in full swing, desperately attempting to debunk yet another shocking but truthful statement made by President Trump.

During a recent debate, Trump said, “They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

This comment was immediately met with the standard response from the left-wing media machine: denial, deflection, and outright dismissal of the facts.

Some Democrats even laughed at Trump when he made this statement.

But despite the orchestrated efforts to brush this story under the rug, evidence is mounting that the practice of consuming pets among Haitian migrants is not some far-fetched, xenophobic fantasy. In fact, it’s a reality that even a Haitian publication, Haitian Report, has confirmed.

The Haitian Report itself acknowledges the tradition of eating cat meat in Haiti. Contrary to the liberal media’s narrative, this is not some wild conspiracy theory.

On Friday morning Elon Musk posted video of an American woman with a Haitian father. The woman describes the two reasons why Haitians eat cats.

The woman, Rebekah Faidia on TikTok also reminds her audience of the voodoo practices in Haiti something she describes as truly demonic.

Rebekah Faidia: My father immigrated from Haiti to the United States in the late ’60s as a teenager. And I want to talk about these recent comments about the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio. I also want to say my father and I are now estranged, but I did know him in my very, very young years. And when he immigrated, he was one person, and they weren’t sending thousands of Haitians in one area. He wasn’t eating people’s pets and he didn’t practice voodoo. But he did say that most of the island, the majority of the island, does practice voodoo.

The reason they eat cats is for two reasons. Number one is survival. This is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. You can’t just go to a food bank like you can here or just go to McDonald’s and get some free or cheap food. Unless, of course, there’s a Christian missionary there. People in the United States have a really hard time imagining that type of thing, but it is true. Second, they do do animal sacrifices for their religion, voodoo. They make these animal sacrifices to these gods for different reasons. You can do your own research on this.

Elon Musk published this on Friday morning, via Catturd2.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 12, 2024



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4dc729 No.21604318

File: 942146075cf6a3b⋯.png (374.31 KB,448x568,56:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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73a673 No.21604319

Fear and confusion turn from resolve and action.

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5edfcb No.21604320

File: b9c4e42b509923c⋯.png (117.49 KB,1165x699,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

There's no place for violence in politics.

Trump's lies and rhetoric must stop.

When Donald Trump continues to lie about losing the 2020 election and legal immigrants in Springfield, he brings the crazies out, and one of those crazies tried to shoot him.


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73205d No.21604321

File: 74264f53f7d6faf⋯.png (332.15 KB,710x499,710:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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100c41 No.21604323


He's a fucking pussy, he started talking and hasn't stopped yet. Imagine the spittle that accumulated from all that yammering…they probably flashed a nail clipper in his direction and he started hollering…He looks like Hell Boy…

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13fd4b No.21604326


Oldfag here.

Are the views of 868.7K from Frums post or Jr's?

Are the likes of 39.7k Frums or Jr's likes?

How the fuck does it work?

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1f2dd3 No.21604327


they are being subsidized by the Federal government to house migrants. Blackrock, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo are involved in laundering Fentanyl money. Not to even mention what schemes they have going in Ukraine.

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8bf223 No.21604330

File: 2c5a9eb5c2bd842⋯.png (387.24 KB,1200x2572,300:643,Anubis_standing_svg.png)


(((dogs))) are the anti-Christ, a parasite in almost every home, in every city all over the world, licking its asshole and fur and demanding to be petted to spread its parasitic 'nature' to the human universe

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5edfcb No.21604331

File: a8dd71e436c3efe⋯.png (5.52 MB,1542x2979,514:993,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr.

The morning after a Democrat donor attempted to assassinate my dad, the top headline on the front page of @USATODAY is "Hope in America." Can't make this shit up!

12:59 PM · Sep 16, 2024·354.5K Views


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13fd4b No.21604334

File: fb1818a635a5626⋯.png (99 KB,357x224,51:32,ClipboardImage.png)


kek even THEY know no one watches.

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4dc729 No.21604335

File: 60d7d65677ea2b2⋯.png (767.56 KB,743x507,743:507,ClipboardImage.png)


guinea pig on a stick in Perui

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ca1565 No.21604338

File: c8f79e0ea7d9a40⋯.jpg (197.07 KB,720x1303,720:1303,Screenshot_20240915_202406….jpg)


Hard at work .

Lots to read and see.

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5edfcb No.21604340

File: a399bddb057baf9⋯.png (331.92 KB,463x893,463:893,ClipboardImage.png)

Steve Guest

NBC: “Golf club incident.”

The disinformation artists are out in force today:

Steve Guest ·9h

Front page stories America woke up to today after the second attempted Donald Trump assassination:

USA Today: "Hope In America" >>21604331

Los Angeles Times: "Memorial To WWII sex slaves takes diplomatic flight to Berlin"

The New York Times: "Trump Unharmed…"

WAPO: "Trump Targeted"

10:01 AM · Sep 16, 2024·11.1K Views


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4dc729 No.21604341


every single time

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13fd4b No.21604346

File: 84ae0a575715de0⋯.png (954.5 KB,743x507,743:507,ClipboardImage.png)

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5edfcb No.21604351

File: 083c7065c1ef495⋯.png (324.45 KB,727x930,727:930,ClipboardImage.png)

Tree hugging s*ster 🎃

Hey! Bloomberg's all mad Trump gets to "reset his campaign" because of this.

11:52 AM · Sep 16, 2024·1,050 Views


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713a2c No.21604354

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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1ad482 No.21604356

File: 78a9e22194dc93e⋯.jpeg (23.98 KB,254x190,127:95,5F5987BE_AF87_4D0D_89D9_C….jpeg)

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d1f003 No.21604357


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