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File: 24440b0719736de⋯.png (400.63 KB,878x466,439:233,trump_never_surrender_text….png)

5783d8 No.21596610 [Last50 Posts]

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5783d8 No.21596619

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#26452 >>21595847

>>21595891, >>21595896, >>21595899, >>21595928, >>21596217, >>21596217, >>21596088, >>21596094 BREAKING NEWS Shots fired at Trump National Golf Club with former president on site

>>21595947, >>21596097, >>21596268, >>21596284 Trump taken to safety after Secret Service opens fire on man with possible gun at his Palm Beach golf club

>>21595986, >>21596008, >>21596019, >>21596076, >>21595996, >>21596065 Trump shooting: WATCH THE NARRATIVE SHIFT!

>>21596054 Secret Service agents opened fire on potential gunman

>>21596000, >>21596591 Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department to make official statement at 3:15pm EST.

>>21596073 Miller: "The Secret Service identified the direction" of the shots "and returned fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle that is close to that description has been stopped" by police.

>>21596006 Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

>>21596122 Matt Gaetz: “Dear Lord - Please continue to protect President Trump.”

>>21596134 BREAKING: Donald Trump *was* the intended target of the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club according to CNN

>>21596145 @EzraACohen: The Biden-Harris administration led USSS allowed another gunman to get within close proximity to President Trump.

>>21596153, >>21596253 @charliekirk11 - The NY Post has walked back its original report that said President Trump was not the target. The article has been updated to this: “Initial reports suggested two people were firing at each other.

>>21596160 More details of SS pursuit of suspect

>>21596215, >>21596464, >>21596465 @GenFlynn: What the hell is going on with @realDonaldTrump‘s security?

>>21596259 Trump International West Palm - overhead view

>>21596272 Mike Davis on shooter

>>21596278 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office press conference LIVE

>>21596298, >>21596390 BREAKING: Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service agents when he was on the 5th hole after "pops" rang out.

>>21596285 Image of the shooter's car released by the Martin Countys Sheriff's office.

>>21596319 Kamala has been briefed. 🦗 Crickets from the potato

>>21596197 "The Shot Heard Round the World" Q proof nom

>>21596332, >>21596335 Trump: "I really wanted to finish that hole" detailed description of the 2nd (known) assassination attempt of Donald Trump by a close friend, Sean Hannity.

>>21596344 This event was not on any public schedule, so how did the shooter know where to be?

>>21596353 Martin County Sheriff: We know his name [shooter], and the FBI clearly knows his name. I am not in a position to release that.

>>21596361 FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

>>21596385 @libsoftiktok: New statement from Trump following ass*ss*nation attempt: Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!

>>21596395 Police speak after men arrested in shooting

>>21596406, >>21596580 Hannity - Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service on the fifth hole of his golf course when the shots were being fired at him which led to Secret Service returning fire.

>>21596454 Suspect ALMOST GOT AWAY

>>21596488 Hole 5 where Trump was shot at…very close to the edge, easy to take a shot at him…that's a jail on top left..

>>21596494 Fitton: Biden-Harris Secret Service again allowed an obviously armed individual to get within shooting distance of the @realDonaldTrump

>>21596516 Trump International Golf Course to Mar-A-Lago approx 12 minute drive

>>21596524 "Right now I feel like MAGA in general, they are threats to us domestically" - Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) this morning A few hours later someone tried to kiII Trump.

>>21596526 Scavino: PRAY.

>>21596546 The FBI is investigating now it is considered an assassination attempt of President Trump (gee, what a relief.…)

>>21596618 At least one serious injury crash has happened in the backup from this arrest, with 2 medical evacuation helicopters, N213SH and N253AM, responding to MM 110 on I-95 NB.

>>21596600 Trump "Suspect had NO Emotion!" Almost like an MKUltra patient!

>>21596586 @RealCandaceO - I quite literally did my last episode on the fact that Trump is in danger because they want him dead

>>21596475 the BEE: Taylor Swift's Jet Seen Fleeing Site Of Trump Shooting

- - - - - - - -

>>21596183, >>21596554, >>21596583 Benny Johnson: Whistleblower affadavit released on unfair advantage given to Harris

>>21596234 🚨 ABC Whistleblower: Kamala received questions before debate, was promised that she would never be fact checked, was given a favorable podium and camera angle, and much more. Audio recordings exist.

>>21596208 Harris lied about abortion. Tim Walz legalized infanticide in Minnesota as recently as 2023.

>>21596243 Dana Bash Auditions for Spot on the Harris-Walz Team As She Berates JD Vance

>>21596485 Linsey Davis admits that fact checking was planned on for TRUMP

>>21595868 The Hill: With fact-checks like these, how does truth stand a chance? (on Trump debate)

>>21595957 Top Harris-Walz surrogate Maura Healy gets nuked over Kamala's LIE that no active duty U.S. troops are stationed in combat zones

>>21596150 Swift endorsement turns more voters from Harris than it attracts: poll

- - - - - - - -

>>21596055 US has declared war on free speech – Russia

>>21596210 U.S. Pushes to Censor Russian Media Worldwide While Funding Own Propaganda Campaigns

>>21596270 Australia threatens to fine social media giants up to 5% of their global revenue for failing to censor so-called misinformation

>>21596120 Are New-World-Order Elites Plotting to Use AI to ‘Deprogram’ So-Called Conspiracy Theorists?

- - - - - - - -

>>21596545 World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles

>>21596166 Trudeau just argued for long range missile strikes deep into Russia while his foreign minister granted an exemption for Russian diamond imports to prevent "unnecessary hardship" to the Canadian (((diamond industry))).

- - - - - - - -

>>21596045, >>21596072, >>21596355 Houthis Hit Israeli Gezer Power Plant With Hypersonic Missile

>>21595981, >>21596301, >>21596422 30+ Million illegal aliens later….Huge Supreme Court docs leak exposes chief justice meddling in Trump's January 6 and election cases - read his memos

>>21595871 DIG CALL: any truth to the idea that Dr. Zhengli Shi from Wuhan Inst deliberately spread covid to the fish market?

>>21595886, >>21595900 KEIR STARMER CALLED WANKER AT HORSE TRACK, UK Labour MP barred from Pub

>>21595892 New state law gives Letitia James power over NY’s closest election contests

>>21595963 AAF Advocates for Cutting Back the Power of Unelected Bureaucrats

>>21596021 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21596039 Opposition is attacking on many fronts

>>21596040 MEME ARCHIVE update

>>21596051 PANIC: Harvard Professor Sends His 'What If Jan 6 Succeeded' Comic-Book To All Pennsylvania High Schools

>>21596143 @StephenMiller to Liz Warren: The population of Haiti is double the population of Massachusetts. Any objection to relocating all of Haiti to your home state?

>>21596175 @BarackObama - There are only 50 days left until Election Day. And there's too much at stake to sit this one out.

>>21596246 FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging People to Report 'Hate Crimes' in Springfield

>>21596273, >>21596561 Clockfag on today

>>21596352 Ukrainian chief rabbi's adopted son killed in war, honored at Kyiv funeral

>>21596451 @DouglasEmhoff: Donald Trump set us back 50 years—to before Roe. v. Wade protected women and their right to make decisions about their body and their health

>>21596543 Singer John Legend from his Beverly Hills mansion tells Springfield to embrace Haitian migrants

>>21596573 Bombshell UFO hearings to take place in Congress as new footage emerges of 'huge' craft near US nuclear weapons base

>>21596548, >>21596574 Illegal Reform & Responsibility Act of 1996

>>21595874, >>21595878, >>21595862, >>21596110 Memorable memes

>>21596988 #26452

#26451 >>21595068

>>21595684, >>21595701, >>21595687, >>21595702, >>21595726, >>21595731, >>21595734, >>21595766, >>21595781, >>21595789, >>21595801, >>21595805 “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time.” - Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director

>>21595693, >>21595708, >>21595720 TRUMP JUST ESCAPED ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. (Take these with a grain of salt….)

>>21595777 Digits - Suspect arrested.

>>21595104, >>21595108, >>21595111, >>21595125, >>21595150, >>21595149 ABC whistleblower document

>>21595118 Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown breaks silence on Kamala Harris: He was 60, she was in her 20s.

>>21595123, >>21595210, >>21595703, >>21595798 Planefaggin

>>21595124, >>21595146, >>21595396 MTG's Sauceless claims about ABC whistleblower dieing in car crash. Aaaand it's false.

>>21595158 Iran launches research satellite “Chamran-1” into Space

>>21595161, >>21595359 Polaris crew is home safe & sound!

>>21595174 Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters ‘Much More Likely’ to Vote Trump Over Harris

>>21595179 Catherine Engelbrecht Offers Updates On Millions Of Illegal Voter Registrations Identified

>>21595211 SpaceX Polaris Dawn astronaut plays 'Star Wars' song in music video beamed from space

>>21595250 Jack Posobiec New Book Exposing THIRTEEN Independent Security Failures on Trump assassination attempt. Book named "BulletProof"

>>21595273 Astronauts 3D-print first metal part while on ISS

>>21595314, >>21595331 NOW THIS IS HOW YOU TALK TO THE FAKE NEWS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21595196, >>21595329, >>21595259 LONG BEACH, Calif. Three people arrested Saturday after Trump supporters clashed with Democratic counter-protesters during small rally outside of California Democratic Convention.

>>21595338 Scott Presler Reveals Successes Of Registering Hundreds Of Thousands Of Voters In PA

>>21595375 Ivermectin is not a moral issue. It's political!

>>21595432 This is too funny not to share!🤣🤣🤣

>>21595480 Bombshell UFO hearings to take place in Congress as new footage emerges of 'huge' craft near US nuclear weapons base

>>21595482 @laralogan - The ‘conspiracy theory’ is no longer a conspiracy and no longer a theory.

>>21595532, >>21595545 Must See: Registered Democrat Who Paid Thousands to Legally Bring His Wife to US Is Now Living Paycheck to Paycheck – Endorses Trump in Powerful Testimony


>>21595547 Former Pa. psychologist with prior sex assault convictions found guilty of raping child

>>21595549 Media Bury Kamala Harris’s Disastrous First Solo Interview

>>21595559 Democrat Running for Top House Seat in NY Claims 'We Never' Had Open Borders

>>21595560, >>21595585 NY Times says election results may take days, warns against ‘false impression’ of winner

>>21595566 ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump

>>21595575 RFK Jr says he is being investigated over story that he decapitated beached whale

>>21595578 I regret to inform you the Feds are doing it again.

>>21595593 Did ABC lose $27m in advertising revenue post debate?

>>21595554, >>21595594, >>21595631 Sabin Howard: "United We Are Unstoppable, But Fractured We Will Fall". Navy Seals and Marines came in to pose for him.

>>21595596 The NSA is Warning You to Restart your Phone Every Week: Here's Why

>>21595611 Banks Urged to Defund Farming Industry to Limit Meat & Dairy Consumption

>>21595629 ‘Stop This Reckless Escalation’: RFK Jr. Tells Biden Not To Authorize Long-Range Missile Attacks on Russian Territory

>>21595650 So all you have to do is claim to be "bi" and everyone qualifies for the Priority Lane?

>>21595651 QUESTION: What is your *specific* plan to make groceries and gas cheaper? WALZ: We're "getting at this heart of climate change."

>>21595657 Extinctionists want a holocaust for all of humanity

>>21595663 Another huge Win!! University of North Carolina slashed millions in funding from their DEI programs.

>>21595692 Huge Supreme Court docs leak exposes chief justice meddling in Trump's January 6 and election cases - read his memos

>>21595725 👀 Megyn Kelly Says More Jeffrey Epstein Details Will Be Coming Out in the Next 12 Months: ‘This is Not BS, You’ll See’

>>21596988 #26451

#26450 >>21594073

>>21594094 John B Wells: a deep dive into America's planned gang takeover

>>21594101 Reserve Component Special Forces Groups

>>21594109 How capitalism will keep AI from destroying the things we love

>>21594112 New state law gives Letitia James power over NY’s closest election contests

>>21594115 PEDO EMPIRE

>>21594125 Department of State calling for full censorship just before the war hits

>>21594176 Gay Porn books sold to school districts by AG Garland's son in law?

>>21594189, >>21594119, >>21594219, >>21594265, >>21594298, >>21594304 Memes

>>21594560, >>21594669, >>21594765, >>21594755, >>21594874, >>21594935 Moar Memes

>>21594213 The SON is getting active again. A BIG X flare yesterday

>>21594220 Pentagon officer pleads guilty to running dog-fighting kennel

>>21594230 There is no line these people won’t cross. They are demonic

>>21594248 MTG: ABC whistleblower Kamala given debate questions died in a car crash

>>21594303 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act

>>21594353 GWP: If Obama had a Son, he'd be in Ohio

>>21594413 D operatives and Clowns publishing nazi imagery as opposition to illegal migrants

>>21594442, >>21594454 JD Vance was on CNN with Dana Bash called her D party propagandist

>>21594444 Quad Damage: WTC

>>21594574, >>21594645, >>21594657, >>21594804 Illegals Flown out San Diego Airport

>>21594595 AmThk: An Unserious Debate in Which Trump got the Strongest Play

>>21594653 Donny Cash sings "The Line of Fire"

>>21594688 Jim W: This is my son, and I'm very proud of him. God Bless You, Ron

>>21594693, >>21594904, >>21595009 DJT Truth: I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! / kek / 17

>>21594702, >>21594866, >>21594866, >>21594929 Planefag Reports / Moar Illegals Dago stuffs

>>21594997, >>21595000 Moar Planefag Reports / Dago stuffs

>>21594771 DJT Truth: Left Gets Pwn Stared


>>21594906 AI stuffs This PhD spent over a year coding

>>21595047 #26450

#26449 >>21593067

>>21593074, >>21593945 Trending on Twitter/X


>>21593104 Roger Stone: If they thought they were going to dump old Joe and that he would just go quietly into the night, they were very wrong

>>21593108 Please Support 8Kun

>>21593122 I love how this combination of people is so random but it also makes complete sense

>>21593126 Elon Musk: If you push environmentalism too far, you start to view humanity as a bad thing - which is crazy

>>21593142 Children left bloodied and scarred by swooping seagulls as hundreds report being attacked in towns and cities across Scotland

>>21593148 Can't help but notice who's funding Florida's unlimited abortion amendment

>>21593158 Portland State-South Dakota game canceled in mysterious circumstances as 'many players' are struck down by whooping cough outbreak

>>21593166 Kamala Harris unveils a new accent and laugh at the Black Caucus Dinner

>>21593173 A baby blinking inside her amniotic sac

>>21593177 Iran says it successfully launched a satellite into space aboard ballistic missile

>>21593190 Charlamagne Has a MELTDOWN Over Biden Wearing a Trump 2024 Hat!

>>21593933 COLLECTOR

>>21593268 Massive Fire in Los Angeles Believed to Have Started in Nearby Homeless Encampment (VIDEO)

>>21593289 BREAKING - Venezuela says it has seized 400 US rifles and arrested foreigners, Americans among them, over an alleged plot to destabilize the country — CNN

>>21593294 Putin sings Blueberry Hill KEK

>>21593301, >>21593966 Memes

>>21593311 Jeff Bezos hid his identity to get a discount on a mansion

>>21593336 Potato To Use Rest Of Term Putting Ukraine In 'Best Position,' Adviser Says

>>21593317 Trump slams Schiff, urges Garvey to reach out to 'MAGA' regarding endorsement in California Senate race

>>21593341 Americans Can't Hide From Nuclear War, Moscow Warns Escalation

>>21593355 Venezuela government seizes more than 400 weapons entered illegally to the country from the United States

>>21593356 Kevin Hart’s California vegan restaurant chain abruptly closes all locations just two years after opening

>>21593358 PANIC: Robert De Niro Rants to CNN: Trump Will Never Give Up Power

>>21593329, >>21593345, >>21593443, >>21593454, >>21593678, >>21593994 How come so many Haitians end up in Springfield? Mayor Rob Rue owns a lot of property there.…

>>21593365 A man who worked as a U.S. State Department diplomatic security officer has pleaded guilty to joining "a mob’s attack" on the U.S. Capitol in 2021

>>21593113, >>21593420 Taken to the UK to be a Slave | The Hunt for Britain's Slave Gangs | True Crime Stories

>>21593431 A military court in Congo handed down death sentences Friday to 37 people, including three Americans, after convicting them on charges of participating in a coup attempt.

>>21593452 PF

>>21593509 Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun publicly announced today that "China will militarily support Russia if NATO attacks Russia."

>>21593892 ‘Too Little, Too Late’? After Zuckerberg Comes Clean on Censorship, Media Outlets ‘Update’ Old News Articles

>>21593898 Scavino vid: Why hasn't she done it?

>>21593906 6 Dirty RINOs Sign Pledge with Democrats to Certify the Results of the 2024 Election – Without Knowing the Details

>>21593916 Ronald Reagan Was The Catalyst For The Democrat Cheating Machine

>>21593928 Residents Of Springfield Ohio Beg For Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

>>21593962 Baker Claims Dough

>>21593934 Scott Stapp from Creed goes off what our Constitution says

>>21593941 Starving Migrants Raid Grocery Store

>>21594016 It’s not about the cats or the dogs. It’s about 60,000 Americans

>>21594033 AFL Probes Biden-Harris Mishandling of Migrant Gangs

>>21594034 Flynn: I’ll tell you what’s disturbing and un-American

>>21594064 #26449

Previously Collected

>>21591133 #26446, >>21591993 #26447, >>21593055 #26448

>>21588334 #26443, >>21589489 #26444, >>21590328 #26445

>>21586032 #26440, >>21586897 #26441, >>21587752 #26442

>>21583237 #26437, >>21584208 #26438, >>21585165 #26439

>>21580548 #26434, >>21581639 #26435, >>21582538 #26436

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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5783d8 No.21596620

File: ca4364f32a429dc⋯.png (994.43 KB,1248x905,1248:905,2.png)



baker seeks handoff

going back for remaining LB notables

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6311d1 No.21596621

File: 45478a2c046f151⋯.png (73.49 KB,518x500,259:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ae0be No.21596622


PF keep an eye out around PBIA pls

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fdaf93 No.21596623

File: efbf59b2bad3f86⋯.png (76.61 KB,194x255,194:255,ClipboardImage.png)

What if DaNang Dick Blumenthal's recent statement that something is going to come out about Trump 187 attempt July 13 that is going to "shock" the people about USSS….was a "Victoria Nuland" style precursor threat to an upcoming 187 on Trump Sept 15?

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cbd3ca No.21596624

>>21596543 last


Dont forget Les Wexner lived in New Albany Ohio, from Colombus.

Wexner was DEEP in with Epstein, spent a lot of time at Wexner's place on this street.


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9dfba3 No.21596625

is taylor gonna write a song about Trump

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0a43ef No.21596626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Conference with video

portland andy.

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7e21c8 No.21596627


Crimes against Children = 211

I hate taylor swift = 211


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73c161 No.21596628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1ac1e No.21596629

File: 9a13fcaba0381e4⋯.png (2.88 MB,1161x1175,1161:1175,ClipboardImage.png)



>>21596501 (LB)

>RepJeffries is inciting violence against President Trump and he’s trying to get Trump killed as a way to stop him from getting back into the White House.


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4f4721 No.21596630

File: 145e728970840d3⋯.jpg (109.09 KB,1000x750,4:3,ncswic.jpg)

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ad393e No.21596631

30 min to catch shooter. Need time to switch in the MK patsy.

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db7fc7 No.21596632

File: 6f094127d0a48e9⋯.jpeg (78.83 KB,356x469,356:469,IMG_2645.jpeg)

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ce0390 No.21596633

File: 29c82430d9adcbb⋯.png (2.5 MB,1107x1278,123:142,ClipboardImage.png)




>PF keep an eye out around PBIA pls

Checked and check

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839429 No.21596634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office press conference

Waiting on SS & LE….


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732653 No.21596635

File: 158ba79d283662c⋯.png (553.44 KB,585x574,585:574,tb.PNG)


Tom Bevan


An apparent second attempt to kill Trump. Hannity says Trump was playing the 5th hole. It's the long par 3 in the northeastern corner, the green is maybe 50 yards from S. Congress Ave. The 6th tee box is right next to the road.



9:53 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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e1ac1e No.21596636

File: 0b75d16b2471347⋯.png (2.21 MB,1117x1137,1117:1137,ClipboardImage.png)


>30 min to catch shooter. Need time to switch in the MK patsy.

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4f4721 No.21596637

File: c8c5917f89b5b1e⋯.mp4 (829.05 KB,510x270,17:9,I_think_the_American_peopl….mp4)

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b2dc0a No.21596638

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

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9dfba3 No.21596640


the height ratio

says a lot

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6c6784 No.21596641

File: ca275afde0ee433⋯.jpg (91.02 KB,640x640,1:1,Armor.jpg)

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08de1b No.21596642

I don't care what anyone says…GOD and the Universe is protecting Donald J. Trump…for a very specific reason.

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b0fa50 No.21596643

File: 3fa955407ee4b39⋯.png (193.82 KB,319x449,319:449,pepe_lucy.png)

If ABC news starts to slob all over Trump's knob - as much as Kamala slobbered all over Willie's knob - do you think that would help lessen the sentencing on all their officers for election interference?

I mean, getting caught feeding questions to Kamala is pretty blatant.

Would love ot see major news orgs endure long and painful discovery in lawsuits. Let's see all the communications. Might even snatch up some assassination attempt comms.

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73c161 No.21596644


Dick is willing to sacrifice the SS to keep the party really responsible for it hidden.

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e74802 No.21596645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 2

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 21

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839429 No.21596646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE NEWS: Trump 'safe' after multiple gunshots fired nearby

Livestream running 2 minutes behind…


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b2dc0a No.21596648


S'up, Simple Legion?

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139285 No.21596649

File: b69edbca7a0d458⋯.jpg (62.92 KB,750x492,125:82,rfdgchbfdxs.jpg)

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ce0390 No.21596650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live now

Gunshots in Trump's vicinity | Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office press conference

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08de1b No.21596651


Question from me is, does HE know? Did he sign up for this?

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6163d8 No.21596652

File: 15c72e8c04deb9b⋯.jpeg (524.47 KB,1290x1593,430:531,IMG_7728.jpeg)

Trump just took the lead in polymarket odds…it’s a death spiral from here out. Commie was so inept at explaining her plans during her “winning” debate, she had to scramble BACK to ABC 2 days later to try to make up for utter lack of substance. And she made it worse!?!? She spent the ENTIRE, highly edited, 11 minutes discussing her childhood neighbors and their lawns. (Which were in Canada, btw.) This, AFTER hours of biased media editing! That was the BEST the cut room could make of Kamala’s absolute retardation! It’s over…now comes the free fall. Watching the odds all day and it tilted three times all towards Trump - now he is finally, technically leading…here we go.


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e74802 No.21596653


Hannity always so helpful.

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eeef30 No.21596654

File: 1d7f12d71f17812⋯.png (54.3 KB,580x630,58:63,791.png)

Second public assassination attempt, interesteing the Q out his birthdate twice.

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6aa14c No.21596655

File: c96cb30e92ad60d⋯.png (19.09 KB,633x268,633:268,Q_post_2173.png)

File: c4db43c0452dc22⋯.png (12.53 KB,628x179,628:179,Q_post_2176.png)

File: 24dc73450b7cbd6⋯.png (13.93 KB,626x197,626:197,Q_post_2188.png)

File: a9ce2d02a93b636⋯.png (212.34 KB,623x778,623:778,Q_post_2190.png)

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b009c3 No.21596656


confirm handoff

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8df3cf No.21596657

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)

File: 9e48daa3e703cf9⋯.gif (773.31 KB,500x281,500:281,eye_shift_.gif)



summary so far:

Note: The car has been stopped and the suspect has been arrested, he is alive so that is a plus he was known to the fbi the local sherrif have stated although his name has not been released.

it took 30 minutes after the time of the shooting for the suspects car to be stopped. that in it self is strange, continuing to collect primary statements from officials. no eye witness's as yet. story is changing in real time. plenty of time to swap the driver, sherrif states the driver was calm.

stick to official and eye witness reports at the scene.

not those on twitter

Same protocol as anon used at butler shooting.


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db7fc7 No.21596658

File: c00f77cdf85efdc⋯.jpeg (135.84 KB,640x476,160:119,IMG_2646.jpeg)

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b2dc0a No.21596659

File: 932ccb8c3a2afdd⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1010x740,101:74,932ccb8c3a2afddda906bb7cbb….gif)

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6e877d No.21596660

File: 4a340538a17c77e⋯.png (122.01 KB,1125x823,1125:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce0390 No.21596661

License plate readers caught him.

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84ccf7 No.21596662

File: 3bdc5e67b11a815⋯.png (1.19 MB,2834x1554,1417:777,Mass_Shooting_therapist.png)

File: 0aeff29b824d062⋯.png (30.27 KB,358x50,179:25,The_key_therapist_.png)

File: 97dc57e8f81d6c2⋯.png (28.68 KB,2038x138,1019:69,therapists_2.png)

Law enforcement should interview the therapists.




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f3c7b5 No.21596663

File: ba17e2962fbf62d⋯.png (1.2 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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81620c No.21596664

File: e9641b9e14d170e⋯.png (779.69 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)

MB-FN-MSM is Normalizing Presidential Assassination

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6311d1 No.21596665

File: 479b2ef9be1b1f1⋯.png (50.49 KB,547x456,547:456,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0fa50 No.21596666

File: 3a093ae9a6c014b⋯.jpeg (237.54 KB,1600x1094,800:547,dewhine.jpeg)


DeWine is a pedo. Ties to Haiti.

Spotlight must be driving him mad.

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0a43ef No.21596667

pictures being shown of alleged shooter white 58 year old male was shown on benny johnson being shared on twitter right now …they got the license plate and were able to track down. This was a MK attempt.

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9dfba3 No.21596669


give him 4 more wings



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fdaf93 No.21596670

File: 67a16d9e8fad588⋯.png (526.25 KB,500x562,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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732653 No.21596671

File: 08f7a067368ec63⋯.png (898.74 KB,530x820,53:82,p.PNG)


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b7874f No.21596673

File: 0c87c189a963938⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,250x234,125:117,sam_hyde.jpg)

>suspect has been caught

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9dfba3 No.21596674




he's scared

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54575b No.21596675

Ceramic tile?

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b7874f No.21596676


yeah wtf ceramic tile?

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139285 No.21596677

Palm Beach County Sheriff: In the bushes where this guy was is an AK-47 style rifle with a scope, two backpacks which were hung on the fence, that had ceramic tile in them, and a GoPro, which he was going to take pictures of.

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4c1df2 No.21596678

>>21596006 (pb)

When was this?

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0a43ef No.21596679


bleached tips and pink shirt, say no more. How long before they epstein themselves.

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e75231 No.21596680

File: 08da77f9967ca56⋯.png (591 KB,709x902,709:902,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db7cca4a9e9dba5⋯.jpg (73.52 KB,745x731,745:731,ufo4.JPG)

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fdaf93 No.21596682


Fake forecast. Trump's real number is way higher.

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5783d8 No.21596683


handoff confirmed

will return with remaining LB notes

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4c1df2 No.21596684


Didn't he say two of those?

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0a43ef No.21596685


ghetto body armor.

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b020cb No.21596686

File: f278abdaa75d34a⋯.jpeg (42.46 KB,848x338,424:169,IMG_9465.jpeg)

File: 6afc4b95047d657⋯.jpeg (41.52 KB,759x120,253:40,IMG_9489.jpeg)

File: a079ca2417eb47a⋯.jpeg (38.01 KB,474x215,474:215,IMG_9488.jpeg)

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f553a8 No.21596688

File: 02811e52721097e⋯.jpeg (393.26 KB,1499x1677,1499:1677,IMG_3721.jpeg)

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73c161 No.21596689

they won't give the shooter's name to make sure they have time to clean his social media

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9b1c37 No.21596690

File: 17ec067e17ab9c8⋯.png (7.34 MB,3700x3200,37:32,rigforredxbreadsCWM.png)




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54575b No.21596691


Seriously, sneak through woods with backpacks full of ceramic tiles.

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0a43ef No.21596692


yeah front and back

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b009c3 No.21596693

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e74802 No.21596694

File: e16d304e0d7fb0b⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,722x421,722:421,q2lon.jpg)


Yes, but it's a journey.

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9dfba3 No.21596695


he got the jesus belly

he a martyr

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fdaf93 No.21596697

File: 3e145a2ab0f9c4f⋯.png (16.16 KB,595x195,119:39,ClipboardImage.png)



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974683 No.21596698

The Mar-a-lago shooter didn't kill himself.

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732653 No.21596699


looks like he needs dewormer

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b2dc0a No.21596700

File: a2c2291d789ceea⋯.png (282.88 KB,510x489,170:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3c7b5 No.21596701

File: fc369b6b3f83e86⋯.png (1.28 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce0390 No.21596702


>epstein themselves

In Florida that means work release anon.

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e1ac1e No.21596703

File: ce55b8251cf96e0⋯.png (282.85 KB,504x700,18:25,ClipboardImage.png)



>Second public assassination attempt, interesteing the Q out his birthdate twice.



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.105 📁

Feb 18 2018 20:57:51 (EST)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

:Protect 6/14-46

:Protect 6/14-46


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b020cb No.21596704

File: fd5a44a37e1be37⋯.jpeg (960.74 KB,1318x1434,659:717,IMG_9484.jpeg)

File: 9142d8c5c7713e7⋯.jpeg (134.08 KB,800x600,4:3,6B64870A_8D07_4CDE_B6BC_5….jpeg)

File: 6c5052040ed41d8⋯.jpeg (354.49 KB,1130x1507,1130:1507,IMG_9470.jpeg)

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be2b63 No.21596705

File: a6103c8af48b824⋯.png (167 KB,1914x994,957:497,binladinscompound.png)

File: 8e21a999d14a84f⋯.jpg (128.62 KB,693x1000,693:1000,binladenmostwanted.jpg)

File: ea110920ebb4ffc⋯.jpg (35.26 KB,402x600,67:100,binladen6153.jpg)

File: 83a7e4f6ec726b9⋯.jpg (6.45 KB,249x188,249:188,hinckley.jpg)

File: 896cab178482063⋯.jpg (165.74 KB,640x624,40:39,bushhinckley_.jpg)

>>21596442 lb

Cooper knew the FIB was lying since CNN went and did an interview of Osama b. Ladin, whilst the FB1 claimed they couldn't find him. (for years, even, before the attack)

FEMA did the Propaganda shots on the very day of the attack, with zero investigation accomplished beforehand.

They just accepted News accounts and somehow had the posters ready?

Per L.A. times

it is claimed he lived at that compound, where he was allegedly captured, for 5 years before capture.

Yet they couldn't find him, so the story goes.

Q implied? he was still alive; so the notice of his alleged death in 2001 could be fake.

The bin Ladin family was very protected and said to be business partners with the Bushes (as with Reagan's alleged shooter, Hinckley, whose family were also business partners with the Bushes.)

Bin Ladin family was whisked out of the USA right away, when all flights, but theirs, were grounded.

"Q touched on this in some of their questions.

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ee9837 No.21596706


Thank you

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e6f46e No.21596707


>It's not the same person but the two satanists work in the same cubicle farm.

>>>21596608 (me)

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e75231 No.21596708

File: 8fe33cec42a1e18⋯.jpg (73.6 KB,700x356,175:89,You_come_at_the_king_you_b….jpg)

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b7874f No.21596709


I smell more cia bullshit

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81620c No.21596710


Normalization in Progress

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565460 No.21596711


average florida man lunatic

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54575b No.21596712


Did the sheriff say they were hanging on a fence?

Weren't wearing it

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42d970 No.21596713

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

WRWY 45-47

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be2b63 No.21596714


check the one-eye reveal?

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fdaf93 No.21596715

Same day ABC whistleblower affidavit is released, Trump has another 187 attempt on his life.

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e75231 No.21596716

File: 83d340fe57ac12f⋯.png (544.69 KB,846x758,423:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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b009c3 No.21596718

File: 9ed4983906a272b⋯.png (862.22 KB,1080x1920,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

So they tried to assassinate Trump after the failed Biden debate, and now they tried again after the failed Kamala debate.

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8df3cf No.21596719

File: 45cfa68ef864d59⋯.png (555.88 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


oh no not again

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b7874f No.21596722

anon is beginning to think there should be a prayer hour every morning for PDJT.

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0ed23c No.21596723

File: efb37496ee05c55⋯.jpeg (539.36 KB,3803x1849,3803:1849,IMG_3377.jpeg)

>>21596464 lb.

Said, The Snake 🐍 Is it another FlynnLock.com rifle?

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9dfba3 No.21596724

File: 9560a8edc4bcee3⋯.jpg (38.29 KB,440x666,220:333,Laverne_Shirley_laverne_an….jpg)


if we can tear up bidan




they can troll Trump

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b2dc0a No.21596725


Far from it, I'm not a Satanist. But you just revealed who you are with your bullshit gaslighting that's just in fact projection. Thanks for confirming the suspicion.

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732653 No.21596726

File: 0684780ce10dbb1⋯.png (68.04 KB,594x326,297:163,pc.PNG)


Laura Loomer



Trump Assassination Attempt in West Palm Beach, FL


LIVE: Press conference after gunshots fired in Trump’s vicinity in…

Press conference after U.S. Secret Service agents opened fire after seeing a person with a firearm near Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, while …

10:05 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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7e21c8 No.21596728

File: dc9b28e8243e7ed⋯.png (153.51 KB,1730x1428,865:714,1044.png)


1044 am

Q post 1044

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0a43ef No.21596729

There is no way a fucking moron comes with a go pro and backpacks of ceramic tile randomly with out knowing that he was going to have a shot at this, he was obviously informed and someone told them that Trump would be there. This is on Biden and Harris.

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08de1b No.21596730

my heart and soul goes forth to protect this man…and I am Canadian, so I hope that takes a special precedence.

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e1ac1e No.21596731

File: 4a352b2d3e87994⋯.png (100.76 KB,183x260,183:260,ClipboardImage.png)

Serious Question:

Where was THIS Dick this morning?

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42d970 No.21596732

File: da7ab80c29a9aa8⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x906,200:151,5ee.png)



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fdaf93 No.21596733


That isn't trolling Trump you psychopath.

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839429 No.21596735

File: 4bcd8abf23ce46c⋯.png (576.37 KB,1008x471,336:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b1c37 No.21596736

File: bc823f09befd3c5⋯.png (15.11 MB,5500x5000,11:10,z17qclockblank55qDTLwElon2….png)

On here as well



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565460 No.21596737


samantha hyde has fallen on rough times

still getting away with it though

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b020cb No.21596738

File: e14fecc27f235d2⋯.mp4 (527.14 KB,480x708,40:59,_MxESM66vjjW0h4A.mp4)

File: 0be775c4598d2c4⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,Rishi_Sunak_Wanker.mp4)

File: e1d11cd4bc9b84d⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,Family_Guy_Cutting_The_Que….mp4)


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54575b No.21596739



Can't stop imagining sneaking through woods with two backpacks of ceramic tile, all pointy and noisy,

Cumbersome clattering clay tiles

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73336f No.21596740

File: b275317ce26c856⋯.jpg (81.59 KB,533x800,533:800,beach_ivanka_jared_bgus_22….jpg)

File: be520f53ae3a01d⋯.gif (424.04 KB,220x143,20:13,dodgeball_ok.gif)

File: dc7a26b14c2541c⋯.jpg (105.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_14_.jpg)

File: 0ebff205a4131c0⋯.png (2.14 MB,1662x897,554:299,0ebff205a4131c018295aa3040….png)


a'told yo so

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732653 No.21596741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a43ef No.21596743


I thought he was wearing them you might be right would need to listen again. But for this to be random this is ridiculous.

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139285 No.21596744

Palm Beach County Sheriff: [President Trump] was probably between three and five hundred yards [from shooter], but with a rifle and a scope like that, that's not a long distance.

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74500a No.21596745

File: 3d5f89dfbf9ccd9⋯.jpg (3.67 MB,2966x1557,2966:1557,1579392540563ds.jpg)

File: 8a0618ddbce5a92⋯.jpg (242.62 KB,594x807,198:269,0118f077230b2957f23504bcf7….jpg)

File: 872efcd1b4d7e8e⋯.png (1.36 MB,692x837,692:837,872efcd1b4d7e8ecb36ac2bebf….png)

File: 87eb75da9a9131a⋯.png (1.23 MB,723x993,241:331,ClipboardImage.png)





pun kitty

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eeef30 No.21596746


Kill many times

On the clock

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4eae48 No.21596747

(PB) >>21596524

Translation - "If you're not a selected grifting low IQ commie cunt like me and refuse our narrative you are a threat"

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732653 No.21596748



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b7874f No.21596749

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e75231 No.21596750

File: 2d12df799b14acb⋯.png (258.29 KB,621x529,27:23,2d12df799b14acb9c270963eff….png)

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da6194 No.21596752

File: 51c8954204e2d73⋯.jpg (815.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153725….jpg)

File: dce236bca27de84⋯.jpg (264.21 KB,750x868,375:434,michelangelo_facts_7_35330….jpg)

File: c6401df427e40b6⋯.jpg (23.05 KB,474x651,158:217,th_3337178520.jpg)

File: e22d63ad8369614⋯.jpg (226.21 KB,3000x2000,3:2,thomas_matthew_crooks_2344….jpg)

File: a4d5e1f4782eba3⋯.jpeg (62.08 KB,653x1024,653:1024,ann_dunham_fccc757d_3f72_….jpeg)

Was Michaelangelo a black?

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9dfba3 No.21596753


thumb your ass


cry about it


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08de1b No.21596754

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54575b No.21596755


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74500a No.21596756

File: b319d9916f49070⋯.jpg (109.22 KB,656x472,82:59,1562210467102.jpg)

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f3c7b5 No.21596757

File: aeabfd5ed155f05⋯.png (1.34 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d7486464017ad9⋯.png (1.31 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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73336f No.21596759

File: 23945d829feb553⋯.jpeg (452.02 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXYa5zaWQAEUzyS.jpeg)


never botch tits it's natural

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0a43ef No.21596760

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54575b No.21596761


The fuck

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b7874f No.21596763

ok just conferred w a very smart IRL fren. Ceramic tiles are very good at stopping bullets. But these are probably not the right ceramic tiles. Chances are shooter thought he would need to hide behind some ceramic.

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e75231 No.21596764

File: 6962d990de1c617⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,520x436,130:109,CIA6.jpg)

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a58616 No.21596765

>>21596309 lb


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73c161 No.21596766


the sheriff said POTUS didn't get the same amount of protection as he would if he was POTUS.

this is ridiculous after Butler!!!

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4f4721 No.21596767

File: 3ed1fd549649db5⋯.png (16.91 KB,255x244,255:244,3ed1fd549649db57e67a7e9e45….png)

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b2dc0a No.21596768

File: f5b81bf8ad44778⋯.gif (1.41 MB,320x180,16:9,_.gif)

Deep State Satanist psychologists. No wonder they're so fucking high on themselves and have gone on about ego for a year and a half, and it began when the MuhJoo global was added last year. So, if that's the case then it was Satanist clowns posting the MuhJoo narrative, using it as a shield of misdirection. Poor little buggers. Everything they've worked for their whole career is going to disappear. They've earned it.

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fdaf93 No.21596769

File: fe880ccb59acda0⋯.png (443.2 KB,680x553,680:553,ClipboardImage.png)

NPRfalsely claims"Trump falsely claims" Democrats support abortion after birth.

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0a43ef No.21596770


yup. BIden and Harris at fault.

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e75231 No.21596771

File: c71cfc99c099733⋯.png (719.87 KB,808x792,101:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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139285 No.21596772

Palm Beach County Sheriff: The golf course is surrounded by shrubbery, so if somebody gets into the shrubbery, they're pretty much out of sight. At this level that he is at right now; he's not the sitting president. If he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded. But because he's not, security is limited to the areas the Secret Service deems possible.

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9dfba3 No.21596773

500yds w/scope aint shit

i landed a 75yd head shot with a .45 glock

with 3 white dots

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fc7fb7 No.21596774

File: d15e8ea5b2c4bbb⋯.png (25.09 KB,474x548,237:274,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you Both Bakers!

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e1ac1e No.21596775

File: 7fb131caaca23b8⋯.png (541.86 KB,500x562,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)



MSNBC be like..

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74500a No.21596776

File: b401732e73fc7f5⋯.mp4 (385.24 KB,640x360,16:9,Schumer_Warns_Trump_Intel_….mp4)

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ee9837 No.21596779


well done BB

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9dfba3 No.21596782

i held it until

his head was completely

cover by the front sight



sent it

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f31f98 No.21596784

Trump is still alive.

You know that drives [them] insane.

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7e21c8 No.21596785

File: 43a2258953513c2⋯.png (97.99 KB,815x824,815:824,cr.png)

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42d970 No.21596786

File: ff259c92659dbf7⋯.png (115.96 KB,294x296,147:148,Screenshot_2024_08_12_0510….png)


FFF = 666

7-13 = GM

9-15 = IO

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73c161 No.21596787

File: 435ec34e29ec56e⋯.jpg (271.62 KB,1474x727,1474:727,Xnip2024_09_15_17_12_29.jpg)


Sheriff Ric Bradshaw

this fukker needs digging


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e1ac1e No.21596788

File: b845315e06d1cba⋯.png (1.57 MB,1080x1087,1080:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

Of course not, they have to scrub his online activity 1st.

start of DIGG

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ce0390 No.21596790

File: 91aabbb56bd9942⋯.png (151.87 KB,616x725,616:725,ClipboardImage.png)

License plate reader made all the difference here. Otherwise the shooter might gotten away altogether. Certainly would have taken longer to apprehend. And who knows what other crazy shit he might have pulled in the meantime. The thing anon does not understand is how he was not apprehended straight away and on site. Or very nearby. The bubble clearly needs to expand moving forward. Seriously. It needs to.

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b485da No.21596791

File: 4afeadfdb1e6746⋯.png (1.16 MB,796x565,796:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5949bb50693ac8⋯.png (956.86 KB,975x604,975:604,ClipboardImage.png)

Hannity said Trump told him he was on the 5th hole.

Top left of cartoon map.

Cartoon map is of the "white course", not sure which course he was on.

One of the maps is S to N or inverted.

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ae5d82 No.21596792


anyone who has lurked here for many years knows of other attempts that also failed.

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b2dc0a No.21596794

File: 75c442b2a775d01⋯.gif (2.96 MB,498x280,249:140,926280642.gif)

And then there's VaticanClown, the most insignificant of all the deep state lackeys, he just makes the most noise.

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4f4721 No.21596795

File: bf6806873cbbb0c⋯.png (840.04 KB,893x1316,19:28,x_com_DowdEdward_status_18….png)


Right on cue! I mean can you imagine the new unprecedented debt created for global defense to keep the debt based fiat system afloat?😉

Bombshell UFO hearings to take place in Congress as new footage emerges of 'huge' craft near US nuclear weapons base


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9dfba3 No.21596796

7" glock

not so sure

i could

do it again

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bf3da8 No.21596797

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)

Did the cat memes lead to the latest assassination attempt?

Or was it just the whitstleblower?

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81620c No.21596799


My money is on "Democrat Vegan"

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e75231 No.21596800

File: d5c36b4ddb0e7b6⋯.png (429.87 KB,728x879,728:879,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc7fb7 No.21596801

File: 5b964ae5460c2ba⋯.png (16.16 KB,474x248,237:124,ClipboardImage.png)


They sure love that Number 6

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e1ac1e No.21596802


>Clearly a White dudes 4 Harris vegan

>How much you want to bet his whole life is being scrubbed right now

>he is probably a CIA stooge

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fdaf93 No.21596803

Just imagine how evil a mindset one has to have, if the 187 attempts were reversed, and in response to the leading Democrat candidate having TWO assassination attempts on them, that you as a Trump supporter go on national TV like the fake news is doing, and you tell the world with a straight face "Harris needs to tone down her rhetoric, she is at fault for the assassination attempts on her life."

Now consider that this is in fact what the fake news is saying right now.


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08de1b No.21596805



Interesting… Something to look into BOARD OPERATORS

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3ae0be No.21596806


Why dont you post the pictures?

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cfc943 No.21596807

File: 4bed9056072b12c⋯.jpeg (190.7 KB,889x1159,889:1159,IMG_3289.jpeg)

File: 621378be0c17db9⋯.jpeg (394.9 KB,970x1376,485:688,IMG_3290.jpeg)

File: e0dc6ee4ed57189⋯.jpeg (411.32 KB,1052x1581,1052:1581,IMG_3291.jpeg)

File: cabc8ae9f543963⋯.jpeg (200.72 KB,839x1242,839:1242,IMG_3292.jpeg)

File: 08edede116cf995⋯.jpeg (92.01 KB,444x659,444:659,IMG_3293.jpeg)

>>21596183 Benny Johnson: Whistleblower affadavit released on unfair advantage given to Harris

>>21596234 🚨 ABC Whistleblower: Kamala received questions before debate, was promised that she would never be fact checked, was given a favorable podium and camera angle, and much more. Audio recordings exist.




Here are the 6 pages of the affidavit for easier sharing. I made an error in the original posting. I duplicated page 5. I would also like to note that there are several pages after the verification page that were specifics about the job thewhistleblower did and a transcript of therecordings he had made. The transcripts are even worse than the affidavit.

The guy says "he", didn't MTG say it was a women?

Attaching the first 5readablepages, 6th page is just verification by him. He wrote the letter on the 9th before the debate.

Read the whole thing, the bias is a big problem at A.BC.

Wasn't Catherine Herridge terminated by them last year for unknown reasons?

This guy is scared of dying, he sent copies of letters to himself and Speaker Johnson


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8c7960 No.21596809

File: 33f49c4474b1011⋯.png (1.21 MB,647x990,647:990,ClipboardImage.png)

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73336f No.21596810




lame duck

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e1ac1e No.21596811

File: ba10b15a4971d5d⋯.png (29.9 KB,675x245,135:49,ClipboardImage.png)



They STEAL elections. They IMPEACH their opponents. They RIG debates. They MANIPULATE polls. And they try to ASSASSINATE if all the other things fail

1:55 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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e0cdb5 No.21596812

File: 867051995b63fbc⋯.jpg (79.8 KB,720x631,720:631,20240915_151303.jpg)

File: ff8c606843378f1⋯.jpg (39.89 KB,952x434,68:31,20240915_151132.jpg)


Evil witch

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55b4b6 No.21596813

File: 068b3bd1c9ef232⋯.jpg (47.88 KB,600x620,30:31,068b3bd1c9ef232fab63f1265b….jpg)


Whistleblower, takes everyones eyes off of the statement released today. These fags are sick in the head. I predicted the buffalo and uvalde shootings just because the hunter biden laptop and HDD were in the news.

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0a43ef No.21596814


they just said that because he is not the president the bubble is not that big. It needs to be bigger but this guy is going to get disappeared fast once the FBI gets involved more.

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da6194 No.21596816

File: 37339e8ebf97134⋯.jpg (620.4 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_084833….jpg)

File: 406c7cb93ef0e5a⋯.jpg (20.52 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3201287726.jpg)

File: ed13ecd64af8e4f⋯.jpg (254.16 KB,980x552,245:138,121223012926_06_obama_face….jpg)

File: 8c1e3ed1ba2c319⋯.jpg (143.32 KB,930x1163,930:1163,57332e526eae4_378161b_3742….jpg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)


It really was gonna be either of these?

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e0dfc0 No.21596818


every single time

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db2844 No.21596819

File: 1bab455eabb4a57⋯.jpeg (29.2 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_1409.jpeg)

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7e21c8 No.21596820


that dude is not 58

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e75231 No.21596821


field drive or chemical drive?

which way, western man?

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e1ac1e No.21596822

File: fe538004baf2d60⋯.png (1.14 MB,603x681,201:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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51d0b9 No.21596823

File: 07df103bc821b3d⋯.jpeg (27.85 KB,203x249,203:249,IMG_1052.jpeg)

File: 430f0c4a94804b8⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,270x480,9:16,430f0c4a94804b88a7636c37a8….mp4)

File: 9f0a64dd6de812c⋯.jpeg (17.9 KB,255x241,255:241,IMG_5704.jpeg)

>>21596476 Pb


I’ll poast vid here.

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73336f No.21596824


lamest psyops in the history of psyops

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54575b No.21596825

File: a1ed5116bbbd0e6⋯.gif (1016.32 KB,500x250,2:1,3JFR.gif)

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3ae0be No.21596826


Sunglasses still on head?

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42d970 No.21596827


Remember National French Fry Day? It was 7-13.

Remember Flood of Mc[Donald]s Fry/Clown memes?

Remember National Cheeseburger Day? It is today, 9-13.

Remember the Flood of Cheeseburgers BS members? Today.

It's not like we don't see you. Your comms are crystal, clowns.

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6163d8 No.21596828


Of course…but the “money” is imprtant to many. This is a tell.

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d9060b No.21596832

File: d2b961f306f2e49⋯.png (82.2 KB,395x395,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

comfy check

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b020cb No.21596834

File: b5e879748a2ad05⋯.jpeg (354.95 KB,1291x931,1291:931,IMG_9490.jpeg)

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42d970 No.21596836


*Today 9-15

Newfags, the Darkness who hates the Light, comms about their evil ops on this board, day and night.

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7c3c1e No.21596837

File: 9c52d0119c76459⋯.jpg (58.2 KB,692x1075,692:1075,Never_Surrender_.jpg)

PDJT is SAFE AND WELL, and he will NEVER SURRENDER!! 🫡 ❤️ 🙏

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e1ac1e No.21596838

File: a4909a8b90d59e6⋯.png (4.57 MB,1284x1597,1284:1597,ClipboardImage.png)

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839429 No.21596839


Old, F&G

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f31f98 No.21596840

On Thursday, September 15, 2022, 5 PM, 5 perfect, unblemished red heifers arrived in Israel from the USA.

"Sabbath of the Red Heifer" = 1110 (English Sumerian)

"Donald John Trump" = 1110 (English Sumerian)

Their rituals/spells/saccfrices have no power any longer.

The song Donald Trump plays at every rally he's had is ….

"You can't always get what you want"

The chorus to that song is ….

"No, you can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometime you find You get what you need" = 1787 (English Ordinal) 277th prime number

"Donald Trump is the red heifer" = 277 (English Ordinal)

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b2dc0a No.21596841

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Kinda looks like that pink clothes wearing, purse carrying, string bean pencil neck soytoy that Megan Fox is dating.

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51d0b9 No.21596842

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e75231 No.21596844

File: 195726b11d287c8⋯.jpg (203.58 KB,1092x1106,78:79,symbolism4.jpg)

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e1ac1e No.21596845

File: 53b06c3ba70dce6⋯.png (1.54 MB,856x902,428:451,ClipboardImage.png)


>PDJT is SAFE AND WELL, and he will NEVER SURRENDER!! 🫡 ❤️ 🙏

DJT Loves America and will do anything to protect it.

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8df3cf No.21596847

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84ccf7 No.21596848

File: cba0f8c852f00f7⋯.jpg (187.51 KB,1200x896,75:56,snuggly_comfy_pepes_wrappe….jpg)



>comfy check

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b020cb No.21596849

File: b5e879748a2ad05⋯.jpeg (354.95 KB,1291x931,1291:931,IMG_9490.jpeg)


Palm Beach County sheriff:

-1:30 pm first report of shots fired by Secret Service outside Trump

International Golf Club

-Units sealed off area

-Suspect jumped out of bushes and into Black Nissan, witness reported car and license plate to police

-AK-47 with scope, 2 backpacks and GoPro camera recovered

-FBI leading the investigation

-Trump safe after second assassination attempt since July 13

-Trump was 3-500 yards away from shooter

Last edited 22:10 • 9/15/24 • 8.4K Views


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e0cdb5 No.21596850

File: c021304e02abb05⋯.jpg (182.33 KB,720x1178,360:589,20240915_151702.jpg)

File: 15955dbe422e1d8⋯.jpg (142.72 KB,1179x1310,9:10,20240915_151037.jpg)


Supposed pic of shooter

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b7874f No.21596851

File: cefe0cffc076057⋯.jpg (30.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,cornholio.jpg)

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51d0b9 No.21596852


>where are you?

Watching your mom unlock her jaws in order to accommodate my meat

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08de1b No.21596853


useless post…bread eater

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974683 No.21596855

File: 77b88670c46244e⋯.png (127.32 KB,1199x987,1199:987,22d37b0e779707123d10325b78….png)

Second suspected shooter wanted for questioning.

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73c161 No.21596857

File: 3da6b0e15f31ea6⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1157x997,1157:997,Xnip2024_09_15_16_34_09.jpg)



no name so they can scrub social media

it took them almost an hour to find him. they got very lucky. if the shooter had been smarter, he would have gotten away with it.

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fc7fb7 No.21596859

File: e960e72f90910ff⋯.png (47.06 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

(((THEY))) Want You Divided

FROM TheTruth

About the Organized Jewish Mafia CABAL

Recognize (((THEIR))) Bullshit Gaslighting

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e0cdb5 No.21596860

File: 4db9878912e9e39⋯.jpg (119.55 KB,720x787,720:787,20240915_151645.jpg)

File: f10a4f5d5b2371b⋯.jpg (114.79 KB,1616x952,202:119,20240915_151540.jpg)


West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

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7e21c8 No.21596861


>-FBI leading the assassination

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4f4721 No.21596865

File: 2d0a3d63eb94305⋯.png (153.3 KB,385x477,385:477,2d0a3d63eb9430518670879f64….png)

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54575b No.21596866


Takedown time

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e0dfc0 No.21596867

File: 04401c28bfad5e2⋯.png (51.5 KB,175x294,25:42,ClipboardImage.png)

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73c161 No.21596868


>ceramic tile in them,

did he think this would provide him bullet protection?

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73336f No.21596870

File: 9a87ee9afeb3250⋯.jpg (150.49 KB,906x1200,151:200,c36uyhsbaky71.jpg)

File: 2cc0eaf608cea44⋯.jpg (34.56 KB,580x420,29:21,f332ee4bad706174c268632197….jpg)

File: 1bcfd9c055e83f6⋯.jpeg (854.19 KB,1800x1224,25:17,GXh_ClhacAAzPKI.jpeg)

File: 027e0e468bb35c4⋯.png (411.63 KB,800x450,16:9,027e0e468bb35c4fe5e760da15….png)

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e75231 No.21596872

File: a70dd8629ae246e⋯.png (321.8 KB,546x846,91:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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da6194 No.21596873

File: 0aab4eaa4570149⋯.jpg (91.85 KB,329x329,1:1,elizabeth_warren_347128825….jpg)

File: 7e87b47f668d1ad⋯.jpg (100.76 KB,770x1045,14:19,2805085_PNPSAQGK_7_2796424….jpg)

File: e22d63ad8369614⋯.jpg (226.21 KB,3000x2000,3:2,thomas_matthew_crooks_2344….jpg)

File: d1621b6d0fa7c59⋯.jpg (12.85 KB,474x316,3:2,th_492903718.jpg)

File: 73731dc1c1afefb⋯.jpg (150.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,kamala_hochul_clintonappho….jpg)

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b020cb No.21596874

File: bda9fa3aff4a356⋯.jpeg (92.14 KB,800x534,400:267,D7D54688_D037_41C1_98B6_D….jpeg)


Looks like Robert Redford.

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b7874f No.21596875


any better pictures? trying to run through facial recognition

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42d970 No.21596877

File: 42572b409c99875⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,240x240,1:1,Fight.mp4)


Amen. God answers prayers.

Daily prayer for POTUS at 10am now, every day.

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73c161 No.21596878

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08de1b No.21596879


>Organized Jewish Mafia

What about the WHITE ELITE MAFIA??

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fdaf93 No.21596880


Rothschild cult with unlimited money printing capacity would gladly rig this market and "lose", if everything rides on the election.

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b2dc0a No.21596881

File: c7da8730457106d⋯.png (687.2 KB,500x822,250:411,ClipboardImage.png)


>The FBI already knew the suspect who tried to assassinate Donald Trump today.

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54575b No.21596883

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74500a No.21596884

File: e922774a2e951b8⋯.gif (359.51 KB,550x360,55:36,00105938672Poontang.gif)

File: 06b83d7cf9b81a5⋯.png (952.64 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a43ef No.21596885

benny johnson live using terms like with this gun and scope Trump was sitting duck.

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b009c3 No.21596887

notables @ 240

#26453 >>21596620

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21596635 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21596697 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debates

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596670, >>21596775 Memes


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6c6784 No.21596888

File: ffa8fc841f82fe0⋯.gif (5.15 MB,600x469,600:469,ffa8fc841f82fe08f0a9d5376e….gif)

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42d970 No.21596889

File: c3f67812de3adbc⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,320x240,4:3,AC_130_Gunship_Lights_up_t….mp4)

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ec3721 No.21596891

File: e85a578703f16e3⋯.jpg (40.98 KB,825x433,825:433,mug.jpg)


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565460 No.21596892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e1ac1e No.21596893

File: 2b4d63c552f83ad⋯.png (3.87 MB,2314x1289,2314:1289,ClipboardImage.png)

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12a458 No.21596895

File: a857e3039f3a7a6⋯.png (292.85 KB,587x417,587:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6755e1d38aa525⋯.png (268.74 KB,590x408,295:204,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83d7bf8292422c3⋯.png (298.07 KB,592x500,148:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden authorizes and greenlights snipers less that 24 hours after we said he would authorize and greenlight snipers


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73c161 No.21596896


>There is no way a fucking moron comes with a go pro and backpacks of ceramic tile randomly with out knowing that he was going to have a shot at this, he was obviously informed and someone told them that Trump would be there. This is on Biden and Harris.



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7e21c8 No.21596899

File: e0a50ed564c8a76⋯.png (489.77 KB,489x779,489:779,shot.PNG)

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e75231 No.21596900

File: cc79d0dd2d594cd⋯.jpg (107.62 KB,1080x924,90:77,fuckoff12.jpg)


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84ccf7 No.21596901

File: 218a274860b8442⋯.png (262.54 KB,1017x408,339:136,Jesus_fish.png)

Thank you, Jesus, for protecting President Donald J. Trump! You made it possible! MAGA

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807b8b No.21596903

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fa0e91 No.21596904


Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecom. (SWIFT)


Full Bio

Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia.

Learn about our editorial policies

Updated June 25, 2023


Fact checked by MICHAEL LOGAN


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08de1b No.21596905




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500637 No.21596906

File: 3f077278f4effa8⋯.mp4 (230.53 KB,428x640,107:160,VID_20240710_091554_208.mp4)

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a04500 No.21596907

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15bbcf No.21596909

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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0a43ef No.21596911

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f3c7b5 No.21596912

File: 6a64082878895ca⋯.png (1.47 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fc7fb586bc151b⋯.png (1.48 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2111b No.21596913

File: e0adca4bae9c859⋯.png (164.47 KB,534x423,178:141,Screenshot_2024_09_15_1555….png)

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6163d8 No.21596914

They said the SS spotted the rifle over the fence and “engaged” the suspect. So the SS shot at him, that’s why he ran out of the bushes? That’s why there was reports of shooting between two individuals - the assassin and the SS agent?

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6311d1 No.21596915



Dude had armor on the fence and gopro filming.

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84ccf7 No.21596916

File: b41eb32acbc2dbd⋯.png (886.32 KB,1476x1298,738:649,4790_God_woke_you_up_for_a….png)

Jesus is LORD! Glory hallelujah!

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7e21c8 No.21596918

File: 552888fbc2d3cdc⋯.png (366.79 KB,818x708,409:354,fak.PNG)

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e1ac1e No.21596919

File: 3a20d6bbd306275⋯.png (1.77 MB,702x900,39:50,ClipboardImage.png)




>Joe Biden authorizes and greenlights snipers less that 24 hours after we said he would authorize and greenlight snipers

As always..

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f8b4b9 No.21596921

File: f132dee5b6dbb90⋯.png (415.05 KB,1524x765,508:255,MSNBC_Trump_24_7_Rent_Free.png)

File: 3954f7493eb41d7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1214x960,607:480,Multiverse_Wide_Nowhere_to….png)

File: d74576c22e5b50b⋯.png (650.83 KB,1291x247,1291:247,NCSWIC_MAX_PANIC.png)

File: 2e73b9e3d25d20b⋯.jpeg (141.93 KB,829x1063,829:1063,Oath_to_the_Lord.jpeg)

File: 8833fcd9cb403fc⋯.jpg (46.93 KB,602x339,602:339,ODIN_Space_Kek.jpg)


Remember Your Oath!



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e74802 No.21596922


Radar is FBI for payroll

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6163d8 No.21596924


Ah…the back pack with the tiles was for armor. That makes sense

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bf3da8 No.21596925



>ceramic tile in them,

Glue some kevlar or fiberglass to them, and they might. Just need decent tensile strength to contain fragments once bullet turns ceramic into shrapnel.

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b020cb No.21596927

File: a81e8ac96986300⋯.jpeg (20.01 KB,305x244,5:4,FCDDB016_39A2_40F7_ACF8_F….jpeg)

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b485da No.21596928


First: It's a Chinese guy.

Second: It's a skinny blonde guy in a pink shirt.

Third: It's this curly black haired guy.

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0a43ef No.21596929


between 3-500 yards. which is further than human eye sight I think would be able to detect a rifle barrel sticking out of bushes. I think Trump was much closer than they want to admit.

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e75231 No.21596930

File: ef0f25449119990⋯.png (44.21 KB,546x207,182:69,kek31.png)

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08de1b No.21596931



There is NO church of Q…You are a piece of shit disinformation SHILL

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4eae48 No.21596933


Just another day (miss) for these DS Cunts. I hope one day the streets will be a living hell for her. Going to the grocery store akin to the Tet Offensive.

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b2dc0a No.21596934

File: af9f13a31dca30b⋯.jpg (19.11 KB,255x255,1:1,612d5bbc45cea969007e09a4ec….jpg)


She's an ugly hag anyway.

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74500a No.21596935

File: 1cee3c1028eb582⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,640x360,16:9,The_laugh_of_Hans_Landa.mp4)



(takes deep breathe)…..brrrrAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

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ddc2bd No.21596937


>So they tried to assassinate Trump after the failed Biden debate, and now they tried again after the failed Kamala debate.

Changing the narrative

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ade76a No.21596938

File: 14f13375241304a⋯.jpg (495.17 KB,800x499,800:499,cops_kneeling_down.jpg)

File: 34391f4f8ae5ed2⋯.jpg (162.94 KB,1200x675,16:9,a_knee.jpg)

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a04500 No.21596939

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b020cb No.21596940

File: 221ed8ca0139fe8⋯.jpg (139.17 KB,793x781,793:781,IMG_1393.jpg)

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0843a9 No.21596941

File: aa15f03c0896711⋯.png (1021.25 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,aa15f03c0896711c728044ec59….png)

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e2111b No.21596943

File: 550200a1e7bc5de⋯.png (565.24 KB,502x698,251:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc7fb7 No.21596944

File: 7b9f27103811871⋯.png (12.84 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Name one who isn't Jewish or a Crypto-Jew.

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e1ac1e No.21596945

File: 562cb690afe20f7⋯.png (698.81 KB,777x851,21:23,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's Assassination attempt ALSO being used to cover up WWIII

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7e21c8 No.21596946

How do they not have drones with thermal imaging scanning the area / woods?

This is bullshit again

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08de1b No.21596947


Riiiight! Stupid is what it is!

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55b4b6 No.21596948

File: 352091e8da79f59⋯.jpg (93.17 KB,1169x709,1169:709,ABCwhistle1.jpg)

File: 1d3fd84091ae2d7⋯.jpg (88.02 KB,1169x743,1169:743,ABCwhistle2.jpg)

File: e24c5ee4780196f⋯.jpg (71.77 KB,1169x739,1169:739,ABCwhistle3.jpg)

All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit.



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bf3da8 No.21596949

File: d10abe48bdc1345⋯.jpg (15.86 KB,132x255,44:85,d10abe48bdc13458e472b108b1….jpg)

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6163d8 No.21596950


They said SS travels one hole ahead of the one Trump

Is playing, and it was that SS that spotted him.

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5edd27 No.21596952

File: 2358a397869f3ea⋯.png (1.43 MB,940x1175,4:5,2358a397869f3eaa97ca331c41….png)

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0a43ef No.21596953


he is not actively president that is the excuse they are giving.

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58a188 No.21596954


The only picture they had is this one of his skeleton physique?

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da6194 No.21596955

File: 2291ac9dfc2a740⋯.jpg (15.29 KB,458x669,458:669,images_74_.jpg)

File: 77b329331416a6d⋯.jpg (63.18 KB,728x546,4:3,6f6c18d2427e4c6981e6e21210….jpg)

File: ad604198a009f2e⋯.jpg (862.88 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_192604….jpg)

File: 54634a9aa18d465⋯.jpg (531.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240823_103632….jpg)

File: a804b1efdfdf9e2⋯.jpg (567.01 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240901_072714….jpg)

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fee328 No.21596956

File: 806d412ff35b49a⋯.png (131.15 KB,293x300,293:300,Hold_My_Beer.png)

Hold My Beer

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55b4b6 No.21596957

File: 246e915abecfc4b⋯.png (484.04 KB,764x708,191:177,246e915abecfc4b5f3172fc711….png)

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b485da No.21596958


Hannity saying, from talking to Trump 3x since incident, SS was a hole ahead of Trump checking the area. They saw the shooter and shot at him. Hannity was unsure if shooter fired before he fled. Shots may have only fired by SS.

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74500a No.21596959

File: 143b56f7e43d778⋯.png (656.13 KB,630x466,315:233,143b56f7e43d778a382804c617….png)

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6163d8 No.21596960


This. A guy got within 500 yards of the president with a fucking rifle AGAIN???

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9dfba3 No.21596962




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e74802 No.21596964


Shooter missed

SS missed

Shooter got away

But then they have someone pulled over.

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bef698 No.21596965

It's all good now - the FBI have taken over the assassination investigation just now.

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08de1b No.21596966


I will leave to YOU, as YOU think YOU are so much smarter…

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e75231 No.21596968

File: b535741ef78be2f⋯.png (211.02 KB,511x344,511:344,kek35.png)

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e1ac1e No.21596970

File: 2252d73663defea⋯.png (1.74 MB,996x1245,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)





>don't meme this

Why didn't Jimmuh get an envelope at daddy Bush's funeral? He is responsible for the dumbing down of our nation

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bef698 No.21596971


New movie coming out:

Stupid and Stupider

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bf3da8 No.21596973


The technical term is "patsy switcheroo"

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839429 No.21596974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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42d970 No.21596975

File: c14ecc89a96572c⋯.jpg (21.56 KB,323x156,323:156,lion_47_76.jpg)


1Ch 16:22 - Saying, Touch not mine anointed,

Psa 105:15 - Saying, Touch not mine anointed,

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f8b4b9 No.21596976

File: 04d5b0b092d7be6⋯.png (662.56 KB,1477x741,1477:741,ClipboardImage.png)


SNL Cast Member?

Alex Moffat?

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54575b No.21596977


Reads like TJ Hooker,

Missed, got away?


At least he didn't have to bring the ceramic tiles back to the truck.

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e74802 No.21596978


Is hunter now a general?

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15bbcf No.21596979

File: aed6b6cfbafc77b⋯.webp (32.3 KB,790x527,790:527,joe_biden_wearing_trump_h….webp)

Was this a go? Anon's just asking for us to think about it.

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0a43ef No.21596981


that would make sense and behind him I thought I heard also that would account for the distance perhaps. but then I guess my answer is if they are saying 3yds as the minimum why not just say the longer distance unless it was closer?

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565460 No.21596982


and the multiple narratives being run at once

what happened to it was just two dudes fighting nearby to now a full blown attempt

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8366ff No.21596984


Hanging on the fence, with ceramic tiles in them, provides a degree of cover and concealment. Shooter then fires from a protected position between the two backpacks.

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08de1b No.21596985


>the dumbing down of our nation

Ima pretty sure WE are responsible for letting that happen!

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0131b5 No.21596986




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9dfba3 No.21596987

File: d7b4823907c2748⋯.jpg (356.06 KB,1920x1262,960:631,matias_fabre_asset_2391122….jpg)

how bout a 1,000yd perimeter chief

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5783d8 No.21596988


LB NOTES complete

cleaned up & organized a little more

#26452 >>21595847

>>21595891, >>21595896, >>21595899, >>21595928, >>21596217, >>21596217, >>21596088, >>21596094 BREAKING NEWS Shots fired at Trump National Golf Club with former president on site

>>21595947, >>21596097, >>21596268, >>21596284 Trump taken to safety after Secret Service opens fire on man with possible gun at his Palm Beach golf club

>>21595986, >>21596008, >>21596019, >>21596076, >>21595996, >>21596065 Trump shooting: WATCH THE NARRATIVE SHIFT!

>>21596054 Secret Service agents opened fire on potential gunman

>>21596000, >>21596591 Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department to make official statement at 3:15pm EST.

>>21596073 Miller: "The Secret Service identified the direction" of the shots "and returned fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle that is close to that description has been stopped" by police.

>>21596006 Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

>>21596122 Matt Gaetz: “Dear Lord - Please continue to protect President Trump.”

>>21596134 BREAKING: Donald Trump *was* the intended target of the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club according to CNN

>>21596145 @EzraACohen: The Biden-Harris administration led USSS allowed another gunman to get within close proximity to President Trump.

>>21596153, >>21596253 @charliekirk11 - The NY Post has walked back its original report that said President Trump was not the target. The article has been updated to this: “Initial reports suggested two people were firing at each other.

>>21596160 More details of SS pursuit of suspect

>>21596215, >>21596464, >>21596465 @GenFlynn: What the hell is going on with @realDonaldTrump‘s security?

>>21596259 Trump International West Palm - overhead view

>>21596272 Mike Davis on shooter

>>21596278 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office press conference LIVE

>>21596298, >>21596390 BREAKING: Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service agents when he was on the 5th hole after "pops" rang out.

>>21596285 Image of the shooter's car released by the Martin Countys Sheriff's office.

>>21596319 Kamala has been briefed. 🦗 Crickets from the potato

>>21596197 "The Shot Heard Round the World" Q proof nom

>>21596332, >>21596335 Trump: "I really wanted to finish that hole" detailed description of the 2nd (known) assassination attempt of Donald Trump by a close friend, Sean Hannity.

>>21596344 This event was not on any public schedule, so how did the shooter know where to be?

>>21596353 Martin County Sheriff: We know his name [shooter], and the FBI clearly knows his name. I am not in a position to release that.

>>21596361 FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

>>21596385 @libsoftiktok: New statement from Trump following ass*ss*nation attempt: Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!

>>21596395 Police speak after men arrested in shooting

>>21596406, >>21596580 Hannity - Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service on the fifth hole of his golf course when the shots were being fired at him which led to Secret Service returning fire.

>>21596454 Suspect ALMOST GOT AWAY

>>21596488 Hole 5 where Trump was shot at…very close to the edge, easy to take a shot at him…that's a jail on top left..

>>21596494 Fitton: Biden-Harris Secret Service again allowed an obviously armed individual to get within shooting distance of the @realDonaldTrump

>>21596516 Trump International Golf Course to Mar-A-Lago approx 12 minute drive

>>21596524 "Right now I feel like MAGA in general, they are threats to us domestically" - Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) this morning A few hours later someone tried to kiII Trump.

>>21596526 Scavino: PRAY.

>>21596546 The FBI is investigating now it is considered an assassination attempt of President Trump (gee, what a relief.…)

>>21596618 At least one serious injury crash has happened in the backup from this arrest, with 2 medical evacuation helicopters, N213SH and N253AM, responding to MM 110 on I-95 NB.

>>21596600 Trump "Suspect had NO Emotion!" Almost like an MKUltra patient!

>>21596586 @RealCandaceO - I quite literally did my last episode on the fact that Trump is in danger because they want him dead

>>21596475 the BEE: Taylor Swift's Jet Seen Fleeing Site Of Trump Shooting

- - - - - - - -

>>21596183, >>21596554, >>21596583 Benny Johnson: Whistleblower affadavit released on unfair advantage given to Harris

>>21596234 🚨 ABC Whistleblower: Kamala received questions before debate, was promised that she would never be fact checked, was given a favorable podium and camera angle, and much more. Audio recordings exist.

>>21596208 Harris lied about abortion. Tim Walz legalized infanticide in Minnesota as recently as 2023.

>>21596243 Dana Bash Auditions for Spot on the Harris-Walz Team As She Berates JD Vance

>>21596485 Linsey Davis admits that fact checking was planned on for TRUMP

>>21595868 The Hill: With fact-checks like these, how does truth stand a chance? (on Trump debate)

>>21595957 Top Harris-Walz surrogate Maura Healy gets nuked over Kamala's LIE that no active duty U.S. troops are stationed in combat zones

>>21596150 Swift endorsement turns more voters from Harris than it attracts: poll

- - - - - - - -

>>21596055 US has declared war on free speech – Russia

>>21596210 U.S. Pushes to Censor Russian Media Worldwide While Funding Own Propaganda Campaigns

>>21596270 Australia threatens to fine social media giants up to 5% of their global revenue for failing to censor so-called misinformation

>>21596120 Are New-World-Order Elites Plotting to Use AI to ‘Deprogram’ So-Called Conspiracy Theorists?

- - - - - - - -

>>21596545 World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles

>>21596166 Trudeau just argued for long range missile strikes deep into Russia while his foreign minister granted an exemption for Russian diamond imports to prevent "unnecessary hardship" to the Canadian (((diamond industry))).

- - - - - - - -

>>21596045, >>21596072, >>21596355 Houthis Hit Israeli Gezer Power Plant With Hypersonic Missile

>>21595981, >>21596301, >>21596422 30+ Million illegal aliens later….Huge Supreme Court docs leak exposes chief justice meddling in Trump's January 6 and election cases - read his memos

>>21595871 DIG CALL: any truth to the idea that Dr. Zhengli Shi from Wuhan Inst deliberately spread covid to the fish market?

>>21595886, >>21595900 KEIR STARMER CALLED WANKER AT HORSE TRACK, UK Labour MP barred from Pub

>>21595892 New state law gives Letitia James power over NY’s closest election contests

>>21595963 AAF Advocates for Cutting Back the Power of Unelected Bureaucrats

>>21596021 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21596039 Opposition is attacking on many fronts

>>21596040 MEME ARCHIVE update

>>21596051 PANIC: Harvard Professor Sends His 'What If Jan 6 Succeeded' Comic-Book To All Pennsylvania High Schools

>>21596143 @StephenMiller to Liz Warren: The population of Haiti is double the population of Massachusetts. Any objection to relocating all of Haiti to your home state?

>>21596175 @BarackObama - There are only 50 days left until Election Day. And there's too much at stake to sit this one out.

>>21596246 FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging People to Report 'Hate Crimes' in Springfield

>>21596273, >>21596561 Clockfag on today

>>21596352 Ukrainian chief rabbi's adopted son killed in war, honored at Kyiv funeral

>>21596451 @DouglasEmhoff: Donald Trump set us back 50 years—to before Roe. v. Wade protected women and their right to make decisions about their body and their health

>>21596543 Singer John Legend from his Beverly Hills mansion tells Springfield to embrace Haitian migrants

>>21596573 Bombshell UFO hearings to take place in Congress as new footage emerges of 'huge' craft near US nuclear weapons base

>>21596548, >>21596574 Illegal Reform & Responsibility Act of 1996

>>21595874, >>21595878, >>21595862, >>21596110 Memorable memes

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0a43ef No.21596989

Dan Goldman said Trump needs to be eliminated today on Psakis show, being shared on twitter.

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defc85 No.21596990

File: 27bff05fee1dfc5⋯.png (37.76 KB,678x525,226:175,pepe_inspect_read.png)

File: dce5dbdfc1cf4c4⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB,640x372,160:93,2024_09_15_DJT_Shots_Fired….mp4)




"I'm not going to … get killed out there"

nice word choice Hannity….

with a smirk?

HMMMMMMMM, anons eyes on


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fdaf93 No.21596991

File: 227ac22ee1e8ffc⋯.png (35.34 KB,595x326,595:326,ClipboardImage.png)

Same day of this truth, another 187 attempt.

Seems like illegal immigration, migrations of people, of human trafficking in general, is what "they" fear most from becoming public.


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eeef30 No.21596992


Do you have some TP for my bunghole?

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cf8640 No.21596993

I guess we know who the party of death really is

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73336f No.21596994


got the whole wild world in my hand, got the whole wild world in my hand ,

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de5c1a No.21596995

File: 1a10905471036f1⋯.png (368.95 KB,680x447,680:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 303f32f835fc7d6⋯.png (195.98 KB,1389x363,463:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a05f3385bd3caf⋯.png (185.2 KB,1389x325,1389:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31c3f27c677b0f4⋯.png (374.6 KB,1389x325,1389:325,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Army Green Beret Who Organized Failed Coup in Venezuela Charged by Feds

The U.S. has arrested a former Special Forces soldier and owner of a private security company on charges related to organizing a failed Venezuelan coup in 2020.

The feds arrested former Army Special Forces soldier Jordan Goudreau of Melbourne, Florida and Yacsy Alexandra Alvarez of Tampa, Florida on July 30 for allegedly illegally exporting firearms and other equipment to Colombia in violation of U.S. export laws, according to a DOJ press release. These weapons were to be used in the failed 2020 coup against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

The federal grand jury also indicted Goudreau for illegally possessing machine guns and silencers.

The items that Goudreau and Alvarez illegally sent to Colombia included AR-style rifles, night vision devices, laser sights and helmets, according to the indictment.



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55b4b6 No.21596996

File: 995777f88c5cc54⋯.png (357.14 KB,500x833,500:833,blessedbe.png)


Thank you for your service bakes!

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e1ac1e No.21596997

File: 6a64c19bbb62213⋯.png (459.17 KB,587x614,587:614,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a89a0667ae328b⋯.mp4 (5.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,REAKING_Blackwater_CEO_Ex_….mp4)



BREAKING: Blackwater CEO & Ex-Navy SEAL Erik Prince is calling on Governor Ron DeSantis and other local authorities to TAKEOVER the investigation into the 2nd attempt on Trump's life from the FBI before they scrub everything

"I would not even turn that guy over to the Feds until he has been thoroughly investigated, interrogated by the state and local authorities."

2:08 PM · Sep 15, 2024


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af9b0b No.21596998

File: 5522778f4f8389a⋯.mp4 (15.77 MB,854x450,427:225,Tom_MacDonald_You_Missed_.mp4)

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e2111b No.21596999

File: 171f22eb1c0e95a⋯.png (15.06 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


All this could had been fixed years ago when we had the chance, with a lot less fallout.

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f31f98 No.21597000

I wonder if Taylor Swift had anything to do with the assassination attempt?

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6fa246 No.21597001


Dude was aided and abetted by SS and FBI and DHS

It’s true. The FBI is investigating themselves

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ee9837 No.21597002



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839429 No.21597004

File: f9c8a5fb8a9f7dd⋯.png (510.9 KB,1002x476,501:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd0bf5 No.21597006



NATO bombs Moscow, Russia picks a target and launches.

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e74802 No.21597007

JD Vance



I'm glad President Trump is safe. I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits. Still much we don't know, but I'll be hugging my kids extra tight tonight and saying a prayer of gratitude.

Sep 15, 2024 · 9:21 PM UTC


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e75231 No.21597008

File: d5c36b4ddb0e7b6⋯.png (429.87 KB,728x879,728:879,ClipboardImage.png)

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674232 No.21597009

File: d99dad0f9d5bb6c⋯.jpg (831.87 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Screenshot_20240915_143335….jpg)

A man with an AK-style rifle pushed the firearm’s muzzle through the perimeter of Donald Trump’s West Palm Beach, Florida, golf course.


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08de1b No.21597010


>party of death

Would be the opposite of LIFE

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fa0e91 No.21597011

File: b28f1360c404276⋯.png (49.21 KB,774x334,387:167,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_2….png)


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e1ac1e No.21597012

File: bf4ae33e188c082⋯.png (1.41 MB,2068x1444,517:361,ClipboardImage.png)


>BREAKING: Blackwater CEO & Ex-Navy SEAL Erik Prince is calling on Governor Ron DeSantis and other local authorities to TAKEOVER the investigation into the 2nd attempt on Trump's life from the FBI before they scrub everything


>"I would not even turn that guy over to the Feds until he has been thoroughly investigated, interrogated by the state and local authorities."

🚨Put the pressure on Desantis. DO NOT LET THE FBI TAKE OVER THE CASE of Assasination Attempt! 🚨

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42d970 No.21597013


He knew it was inbound.

He knew he would survive.

Q has literally everything…..

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04c4bb No.21597014

File: 2995976c37d4ed4⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,554x320,277:160,See_something_say_somethin….mp4)

See something, say something.

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9dfba3 No.21597015


swiftees shoot blanks

and their mouth

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6fa246 No.21597016


No wonder why Harris did debate. She can’t lose if Trump is killed

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54575b No.21597017



He made a fort then.

For a kamikaze op?

We don't even know if he got off a round.

He left his gun and tile fort and ran to his truck and went to 7/11

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7e21c8 No.21597018


He knows the FBI and most feds work for the cabal

We all know it.

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e2111b No.21597019

File: a99d0b25253cf34⋯.png (311.45 KB,531x344,531:344,TaylorSwiftDomesticAbuse.png)


triple naughts chk't

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0131b5 No.21597020

File: 64f3b5825ab1076⋯.png (163.07 KB,370x150,37:15,Screenshot_14851_.png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)



Go to bed aei.

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e75231 No.21597021

File: 8fd5c08df117eaa⋯.jpg (178.29 KB,736x452,184:113,weird.jpg)

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0a43ef No.21597023

this Karol markowicz on twitter has info about his social media. Anti Israel pro ukraine trying to recruit for soldiers.

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b020cb No.21597025

File: f57e2e1dacda847⋯.jpeg (263.12 KB,1131x1256,1131:1256,IMG_9499.jpeg)

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fc7fb7 No.21597026

File: f7b7e93974c8d0e⋯.png (17.48 KB,474x237,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 26 - When You Can't Substantiate Your False Claim, AD HOMINEM Attack

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42d970 No.21597027


They keep getting shown false time lines. :)

And they're dumb enough to keep believing what they see.

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b020cb No.21597028

File: 0b5da807ce5dfc4⋯.jpeg (847.21 KB,1321x1066,1321:1066,IMG_9497.jpeg)

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2b7aaf No.21597029

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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9dfba3 No.21597031


i had a puppy story

in 1979

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12a458 No.21597032


The Flynn crew is wanting into Trumps sphere so bad to cover everything up, they can taste it.

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494d6e No.21597033

File: 247fee1ae09bc90⋯.png (391 KB,754x648,377:324,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)

File: 629f3c9a10a27a3⋯.png (482.78 KB,420x678,70:113,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)


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e0dfc0 No.21597034

File: 808a32358347c4b⋯.png (2.21 MB,1211x691,1211:691,aaadf.PNG)

File: 59ab1b1237c1230⋯.png (664.91 KB,635x401,635:401,aaadf1.PNG)


Ron De Santis will call in the IDF

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08de1b No.21597035


UR so annoyingly ridiculous

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42d970 No.21597036




The keep failing :)

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7e21c8 No.21597037

File: 4dde1319e9a09ef⋯.png (837.12 KB,845x707,845:707,fishy.PNG)

File: 480a35ad08975e5⋯.png (692.05 KB,646x484,323:242,letsfuckrighthere.PNG)

File: 203b88c2b57930a⋯.png (377.56 KB,372x344,93:86,ts.PNG)

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4eae48 No.21597038

File: 668f87167885c76⋯.jpg (10.27 KB,244x207,244:207,download.jpg)


>In our opinion, until those responsible are dead and/or suffering, it shall remain 'will be'.


Based on their evil doings ; That's the only solution.

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2862c9 No.21597039


OH yes theY do!


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e2111b No.21597041

File: 54639d51f270503⋯.png (329.66 KB,1280x1014,640:507,ClipboardImage.png)

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42d970 No.21597042

Think about stocks yesterday. Reflect on today.

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fa0e91 No.21597043


Trump is referring to SWIFT

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)

The Space Based Banking system is being implemented, so dangerous right now

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3ae0be No.21597044


Psssst - desantis is deep state so he will allow this investigation to proceed like all DS fuckery

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2b7aaf No.21597045

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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1fbc57 No.21597046

File: ecf58f1fe553b72⋯.png (289.56 KB,758x723,758:723,Screenshot_from_2024_09_15….png)

I blame this idiot, and MSNBC for today's assassination attempt.

She should be arrested. MSNBC should lose their broadcasting license.

MSNBC Guest Says America Created Nazi Germany, Trashes ‘Racist, Sexist’ Pope Francis and ‘Authoritarian Weasel’ Trump in WILD Interview

Kipp JonesSep 15th, 2024,12:41 pm


submit to reddit

Democratic Party activistRev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis described former President Donald Trump as “exactly like Hitler” on MSNBC Saturday during an interview with network host Jonathan Capehart.

Capehart did not push back on the comment or one Lewis made that likened the former president and 2024 GOP nominee to another 20th-century fascist dictator – Italy’s Benito Mussolini.

On The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart, the host asked Lewis to comment on the Trump campaign’s unfounded accusations that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, had been eating pets. Those claims have been debunked.

“It’s horrifying but it’s expected,” Lewis said of the narrative spread by Trump that some migrants in Ohio had been menacing their community by eating dogs and cats. Lewis went on to say that Trump was making an attempt to take America to “Nazi Germany.”

“We exported racism, fascism to Nazi Germany,” she said. “We exported it to South Africa, Jonathan.” Lewis continued:

“Let’s not pretend that Donald Trump isn’t exactly like Mussolini, exactly like Hitler, he is that guy. I want to say – something to the American people. I live in a neighborhood, Jonathan, you and I both have white partners. I live in a nice mixed neighborhood with all kinds of people, including Republican people who are nice people, who shovel your grass, who care about the neighborhood, care about the world, right? You nice people don’t want this guy just because your economy worked better for five minutes under his regime. You nice Christians, kind, loving Jewish people – we’re not these people. We’re not these people. And we’re not going to get what we want if we elect this fascist, authoritarian weasel.

Capehart defended Lewis’s assertion that America exported racism to Europe and other continents in the previous century.

Lewis also went on to categorize Pope Francis as “racist” for equating Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris as similarly “against life” in a Friday comment on the 2024 election.

Francis said, “[Harris and Trump] are against life: the one that throws out migrants and the one that kills children. Both are against life.”

“That is racist, sexist – from the Catholic Church – not surprising,” Lewis said.

Capehart concluded the interview by accepting a “God is queer” bracelet from Lewis and said she was welcome back on his show any time.

“You know you have an open invitation,” he said.

Watch above via MSNBC.

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bfd555 No.21597047

File: b3b66f274c0bb76⋯.png (2.09 MB,950x1056,475:528,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71ace70995f41a9⋯.png (434.33 KB,542x666,271:333,ClipboardImage.png)

this is the guy said to be the shooter https://x.com/RyanAFournier/status/1835430990820635047

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e1ac1e No.21597049



>SPQR comms


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6e877d No.21597050

File: b0ea89990f43313⋯.png (17.82 KB,185x61,185:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a1dc9cfd6ae780⋯.png (962.68 KB,1920x2873,1920:2873,ClipboardImage.png)



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da0166 No.21597051

File: 8f70bdc78d06ee0⋯.png (474.59 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

They gave the order via a magazine cover.

This is how they communicate.

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2b7aaf No.21597052

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa0e91 No.21597053



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0843a9 No.21597054

File: 1b6f0207b85aabe⋯.png (370.53 KB,613x552,613:552,ClipboardImage.png)


@zerohedge 5h

Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

Sep 15, 2024 · 4:15 PM UTC



Prince is a loser.

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4eae48 No.21597055


Yesterday was Saturday. Trade much?

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b020cb No.21597056

File: 72e4b0363c1b623⋯.png (879.57 KB,636x636,1:1,1D8032DB_3127_4C4F_8C00_7F….png)

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08de1b No.21597057

File: edc3031f3bea2b4⋯.png (225.94 KB,580x296,145:74,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)


OTHER than a bigger stuypid pic…what|

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42d970 No.21597058

File: 0d35415d6d36baa⋯.png (1.58 MB,3000x3090,100:103,fly_roths_fly.png)



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fdaf93 No.21597059

File: 8f70bdc78d06ee0⋯.png (474.59 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

4 days ago.


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9dfba3 No.21597061



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e74802 No.21597062

File: 3de89eb17d18e2e⋯.webp (38.59 KB,301x532,43:76,media_GXjBhR3XUAA9or1.webp)

Email that went out

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e1ac1e No.21597063

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42d970 No.21597064


# + Banks = ROTHS. Fqn Owls did this.

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7e21c8 No.21597065




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23dfe1 No.21597067

File: 70e39000ee2be3c⋯.png (2.01 MB,978x1012,489:506,IMG_0482.png)


ty bakes

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cfc943 No.21597068

File: cfaecdcd587e4ba⋯.jpeg (330 KB,1107x1863,41:69,IMG_3296.jpeg)

>>21595986, >>21596008, >>21596019, >>21596076, >>21595996, >>21596065 Trump shooting: WATCH THE NARRATIVE SHIFT!PN

The only reason this is still happening

lt came out in Susan Crabtree reporting in RCP, that Trump's SS had been asking since Jan 2021 for more SS to cover Mar A Lago, it was too big and too many risks, many times to Cheatle & Rowe, their response was NO every time. Rowe said NO, we don't provide protection for Dance Clubs and Bars. Rowe is as arrogant as Mayokas, his boss now.

I wonder if Rowe never provided more after J13?The people they may send are thoroughly untrained.

It came out on Bongino that Mayorkas of DHS prevented the SS leadership of providing more protection of Trump and family. The SS asked for more trained SS on J13, there were only 2-3 trained SS, the rest were untrained DHS investigators, they had no training whatsoever.

The Bidan Admin and Mayorkas are likely still not providing more security

The Senate Committee with Hawley and Blumenthal have been asking for all documentation from SS, they have gotten nothing and have asked over and over again. whistleblowers are saying Mayorkas at DHS is forbidding and blocking them from sending anything to the Senate.

Sounds like they need some Whistleblowers to send the documents.They all have been threatened from Mayorkas

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74500a No.21597070

File: 44ecb2b1f0ca457⋯.mp4 (997.49 KB,640x360,16:9,Laugh_of_Hans_Landa_V.mp4)


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2b7aaf No.21597071

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)





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0a43ef No.21597073

File: 4a76229364e7681⋯.png (10.47 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Time magazine cover recent sorry for poor quality.

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73c161 No.21597075

File: eb6e794020cfa5b⋯.jpg (1.59 MB,1643x901,31:17,Xnip2024_09_15_17_33_13.jpg)

File: 92f5ae4f6e9743b⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1225x851,1225:851,Xnip2024_09_15_17_34_05.jpg)

File: 46d4fa2b3858cad⋯.jpg (964.07 KB,1231x828,1231:828,Xnip2024_09_15_17_34_24.jpg)

Is this where the shooter was?

this is NOT 300-500 yards from the 5th green

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15bbcf No.21597077


What's that mean?

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4eae48 No.21597078


>"I'm not going to … get killed out there"

>nice word choice Hannity….

>with a smirk?

Long story short. He fucked up.

>HMMMMMMMM, anons eyes on

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1fbc57 No.21597079

File: 4db409f0d4aac5c⋯.jpg (57.73 KB,680x521,680:521,pepecalc.jpg)


>They gave the order via a magazine cover.

>This is how they communicate.

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73336f No.21597080

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,79eb1c7f28cc8543ca660361e4….mp4)


3 seconds

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4f4721 No.21597081

File: 1faa03a464b66bf⋯.png (588.3 KB,817x737,817:737,bc21337efa9d0ccac4bbae867c….png)

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e2111b No.21597082

File: ca39dd154bb8c3a⋯.png (482.17 KB,670x591,670:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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44a411 No.21597083


Ceramic tile can serve as bulletproof armor, I expect that’s why it was stacked in the backpack.

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b7874f No.21597084


never liked hannity

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408810 No.21597085

File: d2d886d430c9302⋯.png (556.94 KB,870x1000,87:100,1z.png)

File: 363eaefad62349f⋯.png (266.22 KB,514x518,257:259,2.png)

File: 46ddf0ea53dfc3e⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,201x251,201:251,2a.jpg)

File: 29f722d183bb807⋯.png (522.11 KB,398x632,199:316,2b.png)

File: e1a1140a2d0d93b⋯.png (720.18 KB,705x720,47:48,2AB.png)


Do you NOT wonder why "Patriotic Anons" are not talking about the truth concerning JAN 06?

Colonel says Army punished him for claiming generals lied about Jan. 6

Jan. 3, 2024 at 6:19 pm Updated Jan. 3, 2024


Army officer alleges reprisal for his account of Capitol riot response

Earl Matthews, a key figure in the Jan. 6 investigation, claims that, despite his qualifications for promotion, the Army has blocked his advancement.

By Dan Lamothe January 4, 2024


Former D.C. Guard official accuses Army generals of lying to Congress about Jan. 6 response

In a 36-page memo, Col. Earl Matthews called the generals "absolute and unmitigated liars" for how they characterized events.


Former Guard Official Says Army Retaliated for His Account

Jan 3, 2024 — A former top lawyer for the D.C. National Guard … Charles Flynn of being “absolute and unmitigated liars” in their testimony before Congress


Army Officer Alleges Retaliation over Testimony on Slow National Guard Response to Jan. 6

A colonel who was the top lawyer for the D.C. National Guard during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection is accusing Army officials of retaliating against him for disputing two generals' account of why the National Guard was slow to deploy during the attack on the Capitol.


Ex-National Guard official says Army generals lied to Congress, alleging cover-up of decision to withhold troops from the Capitol on January 6


Former DC National Guard official accuses generals of lying about Capitol riot

In the memo, Matthews called Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of Army staff, “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their recollections of the Capitol riot.


‘This call never happened’: Ex-D.C. Guard leaders push back as internal Army report on Jan. 6 emerges

The report’s narrative is surfacing days after POLITICO first revealed a memo from a former top Guard official accusing two generals of lying to Congress.


Who is Walter E Piatt?

''In early December 2021, Colonel Earl G. Matthews, a Trump appointee, released a rebuttal to the DoDIG report that accused LTG Piatt of making willful distortions of the events of January 6, describing Piatt and General Charles A. Flynn as "absolute and unmitigated liars" and of giving "perjured testimony before Congress."[18]


Piatt was once the leading candidate to take over as the commanding general of United States Army Futures Command, and appointment to the rank of general.[19] He had received the recommendation from several top defense officials. However, he was rejected by President Biden[20] due to his handling of National Guard deployment during the January 6 attacks on the Capitol.[19][20] ''


Jan 6 committee allegedly suppressed testimony showing Trump admin pushed for National Guard presence: report

Former Rep Liz Cheney's spokesperson says report 'flatly false'

By Emma Colton Fox NewsPublished March 10, 2024 1:43pm EDT


QAnon Celebrity Jim Watkins Says He Met With the Jan. 6 Committee

The panel on Monday deposed the man who hosts the conspiracy theory that animated many of the rioters who stormed the Capitol


QAnon Influencer Jim Watkins Says He Was ‘Interrogated’ by the Jan. 6 Committee

“You expect me to come here by a subpoena to rat out the President of the United States,” Jim Watkins wrote in a letter to the committee. “I will not be your Rasputin.”


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15bbcf No.21597086


moar like 200 to 250 feet

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9f18a3 No.21597087

File: 8c33aefa8f71fe6⋯.png (252.02 KB,595x718,595:718,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6fc6f00cb36f9e⋯.mp4 (710.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,eliminate_trump.mp4)


No idea if he said it today but he did say it in July

Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated.”


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ade76a No.21597088

File: 85b0b54d782cc19⋯.jpg (426.54 KB,1543x1102,1543:1102,spock.jpg)

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08de1b No.21597089


STUPID DOES as STUIPD is. There simply is NO saving these people!

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e75231 No.21597090

File: 6c4d9613b6b2b45⋯.jpg (15.06 KB,213x186,71:62,filter.jpg)

File: 86d7dcdbc62b22b⋯.png (43.34 KB,252x255,84:85,filter.png)

File: e5700a5c471bcff⋯.png (403.53 KB,1440x900,8:5,filter3.png)

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,newfags.png)

File: 8c22e3c3190590c⋯.png (260.01 KB,555x422,555:422,qresearch.png)

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2b7aaf No.21597091

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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408810 No.21597092

File: ff3e0a0795797ed⋯.jpg (7.61 KB,225x225,1:1,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)



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74500a No.21597093

File: 63cc242333c4fd1⋯.png (354.37 KB,442x370,221:185,13cc242333c4fd1af55cafb93e….png)

File: 477bcae78319bd6⋯.png (422.29 KB,591x612,197:204,477bcae78319bd606776b2874d….png)

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55b4b6 No.21597094

File: 2f25cfbe6b14793⋯.jpeg (58.53 KB,680x383,680:383,2f25cfbe6b1479335b630fff9….jpeg)



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e1ac1e No.21597095

File: fa5549582db4752⋯.png (387.43 KB,448x706,224:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bc1af75c9f3a63⋯.png (483.66 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>4 days ago.




TIME’s new cover: How Kamala Harris knocked Donald Trump off course https://ti.me/4elzJph


4:03 AM · Sep 11, 2024



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e75231 No.21597096

File: ed3ab95d7fdd59d⋯.png (580.63 KB,753x801,251:267,oldfag.png)

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4eae48 No.21597097


There's a reason he's still at fox while everyone else has been fired. And the reason isn't good. IMHO.

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1fbc57 No.21597098


wait…I thought teams with Indian mascots were raycisss

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da6194 No.21597099

File: 46b48098d873956⋯.jpg (550.58 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_153637….jpg)

File: f6c097e18661981⋯.jpg (710.03 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240827_073220….jpg)

File: f9ba55e48d0bcf1⋯.jpg (420.66 KB,1920x1005,128:67,American_Advisors_Group_co….jpg)

File: e2537655b64023b⋯.jpg (464.89 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_074552….jpg)

File: c146b47c523ef38⋯.jpg (77.64 KB,694x530,347:265,Star_Trek_The_Next_Generat….jpg)




V1 v V2

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0a43ef No.21597100


ok I am just listening to Benny JOhnson live and he said it was today, no twitter so just repeating what being said live broadcasts.

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7e21c8 No.21597101

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083d44 No.21597102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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3ae0be No.21597103


Desantis is deep state, you call your logged. It is expected for him to allow the FBl cleanup crew to do their work.

Just bring awareness to this point on the social programs imo

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08de1b No.21597104


kekking the fuck out!

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580e1d No.21597105



juss habben to be listening to him from a month ago on "Man in America" interview

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ce0390 No.21597106

File: 5e8eb732e5d2059⋯.png (548.94 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7099fdb80721a8e⋯.png (457.14 KB,1369x1924,37:52,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8fc7251fc6c9b7⋯.png (617.35 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

Well will ya look at that? Just discovered a new Global X fleet member. Stands to reason it would be bigger than just the aircraft listed on their website. ICAO hex code added to master fleet tracking link. (This will include Camber flights to Guantanamo Bay direct from Andrews)


GlobalX 3139. Service from Miami to Havana.


Master Global X fleet tracking link.


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fdaf93 No.21597107

When the clown fake news media keeps ramping up their VILE AND INSANE AND HATEFUL RHETORIC that this man is a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY and his winning this election will END LIFE AS WE KNOW IT, they are encouraging unstable people out there to SAVE THE WORLD by killing him. And that is precisely why they are now right this minute PROJECTING and blaming Trump's rhetoric for why he was again shot at

If you want to know what the cult is doing, just observe what they are accusing Q+ and MAGA of doing. Then you will see what they are doing themselves.

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0843a9 No.21597108

File: 2a5368b1b400a84⋯.png (374.02 KB,628x502,314:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e99fccc1febdcf⋯.png (21.43 KB,618x168,103:28,ClipboardImage.png)

Karol Markowicz

@karol 38m

The man's social media is filled with recruiting people to go fight for Ukraine, pleas for Taiwan and anti-Israel content. More info soon.

Sep 15, 2024 · 9:03 PM UTC


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fa0e91 No.21597109


in order to destroy, be rid of, implode the old debt based banking system, you need a new internet

so seven dwarves supercomputers running the DARPA World Wide Web will soon lose its internet keys


successful emergency alert system tested recently

able to continue to stream X in Brazil even tho it had been blocked on the www

telephone calls success

SWIFT allows bank transfers between the cabal banks, very corrupted, will attach proof

XRP, ripple or ethereum will replace SWIFT

This Truth by PDJT shows that Taylor is part of the flipping of the beast system, she's just playing a bad actor role

She's now more famous than ever thanks to POTUS

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083d44 No.21597110

File: 0aeb7f5e8d7e7cf⋯.png (136.37 KB,500x508,125:127,0aeb7f5e8d7e7cf18e79390fbc….png)

File: 8c2fc730be8ea51⋯.jpg (89.22 KB,954x1000,477:500,8c2fc730be8ea51224ce54ec1b….jpg)

File: 94b55a8da757dea⋯.png (1.12 MB,1290x1505,6:7,e187g.png)

File: de73c6a05acf3a6⋯.png (462.99 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187e.png)

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)



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2b7aaf No.21597111

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b020cb No.21597112

File: dc469e6ede693af⋯.jpeg (130.05 KB,1688x351,1688:351,IMG_9504.jpeg)

File: bda9fa3aff4a356⋯.jpeg (92.14 KB,800x534,400:267,D7D54688_D037_41C1_98B6_D….jpeg)

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083d44 No.21597113

File: 87568cecfa54b95⋯.png (975.24 KB,1290x1505,6:7,e187a.png)

File: 4a2849264af85ef⋯.png (60.22 KB,788x928,197:232,STILLFAGGOT.png)



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08de1b No.21597114



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807b8b No.21597115

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e1ac1e No.21597116


>Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated.”


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fdaf93 No.21597118


Another Harris supporter, just like Crooks.

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74500a No.21597119

File: 77df773357f2fc9⋯.jpg (51.43 KB,500x363,500:363,001219548.jpg)

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e2111b No.21597121


This post is like if you're running a marathon and you stop for a brief moment for a Dixie Cup of water, and then keep on moving.

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73336f No.21597122

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73c161 No.21597123


Sheriff has already turned it over from what the press conference sounded like.

if he's Sheriff in Palm Beach, chances are good he's dirty.

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e1ac1e No.21597124


>The man's social media is filled with recruiting people to go fight for Ukraine, pleas for Taiwan and anti-Israel content. More info soon.


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a58616 No.21597125


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e1ac1e No.21597127

File: 7610d8cd57baf2a⋯.png (5.52 MB,1179x2122,1179:2122,ClipboardImage.png)


>allow the FBl cleanup crew to do their work.

I’m sure the evidence will be handled with the utmost care by the FBI.

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0a43ef No.21597128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Benny live speaking on this, seeing a lot of the twitter posts on his show being talked about. https://youtu.be/tYMsiqDB_Uc

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565460 No.21597129

File: d201654b95e51bd⋯.png (367.08 KB,500x404,125:101,ClipboardImage.png)


>recruiting people to go fight for Ukraine

>and anti-Israel content

psyop in progress

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5783d8 No.21597130



dough update


includes LB notes complete

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74500a No.21597131

File: 87a826a41c6882b⋯.png (1.31 MB,768x768,1:1,87a826a41c6882ba5caa755546….png)


nobody ever steals your memes

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b7874f No.21597132



ah back to three names again

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fa0e91 No.21597133




Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) provides a secure messaging system for financial transactions between participating banks.

SWIFT serves 11,000 financial institutions in over 200 countries and territories.

SWIFT assigns participating financial institutions a unique code to facilitate financial transactions.

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e1ac1e No.21597134

File: 5513858a5ddeebd⋯.png (708.39 KB,768x435,256:145,ClipboardImage.png)

TOP fucking KEK: FBI Tries To Distract From Old Trump Assassination Attempt With New Trump Assassination Attempt

U.S. — The Federal Bureau of Investigation decided to distract the public from their complete lack of progress on the old Trump assassination attempt with a shiny, new Trump assassination attempt.


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73336f No.21597135

File: 5dcf005eb650320⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB,720x1280,9:16,5dcf005eb650320254ff6eb47e….mp4)

File: c64bb38d69049d3⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,480x360,4:3,c64bb38d69049d3731544d64f6….mp4)


eat a bag of dicks

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fa0e91 No.21597136


Understanding SWIFT

SWIFT took over as the primary system for verifying international funds transfers from Telex, providing a unified coding convention to identify banks and describe transactions.

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e2111b No.21597138

File: e11532d4831a903⋯.png (59.92 KB,195x130,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Shooting at ex presidents is just normal.

Go about your business.

Carry on.

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bfd555 No.21597139

File: 23d7a2e122c5a30⋯.png (269.92 KB,528x402,88:67,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21597047 Suspect is named Ryan Wesley Routh


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fa0e91 No.21597140


SWIFT is headquartered in Belgium and has offices in Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, and the United Kingdom.

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fc7fb7 No.21597141

File: 4aafcd01fcea5c7⋯.png (27.64 KB,474x590,237:295,ClipboardImage.png)


According to some Bible experts the real Birthday of Jesus Christ is 9/11.

Traumatize that date 9/11 in everyone's mind.

Jewish Masonic mindfuck.

Famous 1930's Rabbi Stephen Wise said: Masonic practices are Jewish practices.

*Rabbi Stephen Wise gave $1 Million Dollars (in 1930's money) to MIT to start their "Psychology" program, moving the Tavistock Institute mind control program to the US.

Headed by a Jewish psychiatrist.

The Gentile Masons take orders from the Jewish Masons.

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5edd27 No.21597142

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


==Dave with Gen. FLYNN (ret.) and Clay Clark

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af9b0b No.21597143

File: 326a592d2331f0c⋯.png (99.72 KB,1362x611,1362:611,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club


The following statement is attributable to Rafael Barros, Special Agent in Charge of the Miami Field Office:

"I first want to thank all of our law enforcement partners, including the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, for their involvement today.

Former President Donald Trump is safe and unharmed following a possible attempted assassination shortly before 2 p.m.

Sunday at Trump International Golf Club at West Palm Beach. U.S. Secret Service personnel opened fire on a gunman located near the property line.

The FBI has assumed its role as the lead agency investigating this matter."


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1fbc57 No.21597144


>The man's social media is filled with recruiting people to go fight for Ukraine, pleas for Taiwan and anti-Israel content. More info soon.

archive that shit off line

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ddc2bd No.21597146


All Roads Lead to Rome

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e1ac1e No.21597147

File: 0a8e9f9ff837fad⋯.png (143.93 KB,872x517,872:517,ClipboardImage.png)


TRUMP JR. | These people are fucking demented


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fdaf93 No.21597148

File: 9ca591fe55b2918⋯.png (389.92 KB,580x607,580:607,ClipboardImage.png)

According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President.

Here’s former President Obama’s golf course in Martha’s Vineyard. Secret Service inspects every vehicle they even drives near the course.


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0a43ef No.21597149

MSNBC blaming Trump himself for getting shot . SHown on Benny again. Clipped. Must be live on their channels.

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fa0e91 No.21597151


Understanding SWIFT Transactions

For money transfers, SWIFT assigns each participating financial organization a unique code with either eight or 11 characters. The code has three interchangeable names: the bank identifier code (BIC), SWIFT code, SWIFT ID, or ISO 9362 code.

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73c161 No.21597152


social media scrub complete

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e2111b No.21597153



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ce0390 No.21597154


>go fight for Ukraine, pleas for Taiwan and anti-Israel content.

Sounds a bit confused as to global machinations.

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fa0e91 No.21597156


SWIFT and international bank account numbers (IBANs) are both used to identify parties in money transfers. However, while a SWIFT code is used to identify a specific bank, the IBAN code denotes a particular bank account involved in an international transaction.

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e1ac1e No.21597157

File: 4c2750f083135d7⋯.png (1.97 MB,1242x1532,621:766,ClipboardImage.png)



>According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President.


>Here’s former President Obama’s golf course in Martha’s Vineyard. Secret Service inspects every vehicle they even drives near the course.


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da6194 No.21597158

File: 8433d24f31fdb04⋯.jpg (24.5 KB,474x266,237:133,th_516029404.jpg)

File: 11cc78ca9428b24⋯.jpg (500.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_124039….jpg)

File: be6b88c53a2d212⋯.jpg (562.91 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240822_080646….jpg)

File: a44097bd0177099⋯.jpg (35.7 KB,474x567,158:189,th_3165396370.jpg)

File: 92418c5707ecdbe⋯.jpg (34.57 KB,612x434,306:217,washington_dc_speaker_of_t….jpg)

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139285 No.21597160


DeSantis would be unsuccessful; the FBI has jurisdiction over assassination attempts on the president, which might explain why they were quick to call it an attempted assassination.

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0769f3 No.21597161

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fa0e91 No.21597162


SWIFT has become so integral to global capital flows that access to its services has been barred as a form of economic sanctions.

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42d970 No.21597164

File: 08ff458cbf2d13b⋯.png (388.81 KB,776x1081,776:1081,NCSWIC_Pray_.png)

>>21596316 ( lb )

Q+ posted at 5:28 pm, and the MIL Q drop matches.


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e0cdb5 No.21597165

File: 0637776aa3c1ddf⋯.jpg (182.99 KB,720x1231,720:1231,20240915_154711.jpg)

File: 05f57aaf2e8ea8c⋯.jpg (358.3 KB,2363x3150,2363:3150,20240915_154607.jpg)


Time magazine 4 days ago

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fdaf93 No.21597166


They're projecting, trying to deflect away from their own nonstop "Trump is a threat to Democracy" rhetoric that is directly responsible for unstable people believing they would be "saving the world" if they killed him.

Evil bastards.

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36dfbd No.21597168



you need to have a heart to hate - these people are beyond sick in the head straight up demon possessed disregard for life

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e1ac1e No.21597169

File: b518ee69a7a6b3c⋯.png (204.03 KB,675x515,135:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d40e8ad41a6164⋯.png (581.85 KB,1200x586,600:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Mostly Peaceful Gunshots.

Salty Cracker


He was mostly peacefully shot at.

2:33 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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9f18a3 No.21597170

John Wilkes Booth-15 letters

Lee Harvey Oswald-15 letters

Ryan Wesley Routh-15 letters

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fa0e91 No.21597171


In 2012, SWIFT cut off access for Iranian institutions as a result of European Union economic sanctions imposed on the country for its nuclear weapons program. It restored access for Iranian banks not affected by other sanctions in 2016.


In 2022, several Russian banks were removed from SWIFT as punishment for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

*** who was leaving office in 2016? who funds IRAN?

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b7874f No.21597172

File: 07b84358f1e184a⋯.png (266.04 KB,2070x2040,69:68,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)


>Ryan Wesley Routh

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26b547 No.21597173

File: a563417f7069438⋯.png (2.31 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0162ed77b7b8730⋯.png (2.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Had to ip-hop for the ring…

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7e21c8 No.21597174

File: c33e87ca153e81d⋯.jpg (119.79 KB,750x1334,375:667,RYAN_WESLEY_ROUTH.jpg)


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b7874f No.21597175

>>21597172 me

sauce. sry


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c24414 No.21597176


>ryan wesley routh

i wonder if there is any relation to Eddie Ray Routh. the guy who killed chris kyle.


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e0dfc0 No.21597177


every single time

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fa0e91 No.21597178


What Is the Difference Between ACH and SWIFT?

The ACH, or Automatic Clearinghouse, is a network for electronic transactions between financial institutions, which are processed in batches over one or two business days. The SWIFT network is used for cross-border transactions between financial institutions, while ACH transfers are more suitable within a single financial jurisdiction.

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0a43ef No.21597179

Ryan WEsley Ralph name

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2b7aaf No.21597180

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)






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55b4b6 No.21597181

File: c3559418a7ba6a8⋯.png (113.98 KB,616x910,44:65,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff23dc1fa04a237⋯.png (98.78 KB,627x824,627:824,ClipboardImage.png)

got a twatter

guy is clearly a mental case who wanted to kill some people. mind was ready for the mkultra treatment



^^ dont know if this is him, divorce filings

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73c161 No.21597182

File: 1639ccfc8f876fe⋯.jpg (191.24 KB,1619x884,1619:884,Xnip2024_09_15_17_50_55.jpg)

File: 79d906e46d6acd6⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1707x982,1707:982,Xnip2024_09_15_17_51_48.jpg)


>Ryan Wesley Routh


remember…this is what they want us to find out

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f31f98 No.21597183

File: 5511eafa7f9b11f⋯.png (41.72 KB,492x428,123:107,Capture.PNG)



This guy?

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fa0e91 No.21597184


The Bottom Line

SWIFT, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, is a global messaging system that is used to facilitate transactions between banks across national borders. SWIFT is headquartered in Belgium, with around 3,500 member institutions.

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55b4b6 No.21597185

File: fe538004baf2d60⋯.png (1.14 MB,603x681,201:227,fe538004baf2d60524f48db103….png)

>>21597181 me

face matches!

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73c161 No.21597186




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0a43ef No.21597187

File: 764d10761f9b080⋯.png (1000.3 KB,1719x692,1719:692,ClipboardImage.png)

5th hole at Palm Beach.

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26b547 No.21597188

File: 6b7e76bc5fde04d⋯.png (1.1 MB,1273x710,1273:710,ClipboardImage.png)

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1fbc57 No.21597189


>4 days ago.




remember, they lied in this article and had to issue a correction.

Correction, Sept. 11

The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump's statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

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0a43ef No.21597190


yeah i just saw the sp. My bad. Multitasking.

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f31f98 No.21597191

File: 093272db6e8a774⋯.png (13.62 KB,472x151,472:151,Capture.PNG)



That's an odd thing to say.

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da6194 No.21597192

File: 83830d728f3b1c2⋯.jpg (22.99 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1610775998.jpg)

File: dc15bcb76504a2b⋯.jpg (474.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_145137….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin.png)

File: 92418c5707ecdbe⋯.jpg (34.57 KB,612x434,306:217,washington_dc_speaker_of_t….jpg)

File: 3ebb95a216b3870⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1033025796.jpg)

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aca51f No.21597193

RR - Ryan Routh

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0a43ef No.21597194


Did he get triggered over the Haiti shit? how strange.

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7c5d3c No.21597195

File: 8218f284e470518⋯.jpg (346.17 KB,1141x637,163:91,Untitled_1.jpg)

There may be a pattern with these deleted Taylor Truths.

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4eae48 No.21597196

File: 8b431024de42ae4⋯.jpg (94.05 KB,433x289,433:289,Paul_VI_and_Impostor.jpg)


Pope Paul the VI was terminated and replaced with an imposter

Paul VI, b.1897, reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 1963 until his death in 1978. However, many devout Catholics believe the real Pope was replaced by an impostor.

In 1973, the Marian Press, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada sent the Pinkerton Detective Agency to Rome to investigate "substitutes" used to represent Paul VI. The evidence gathered at that time was positive.

The impostor Pope was first photographed December 11, 1974. He had an elementary education and due of the lack of proper education, was not adequately in a position to answer questions and issues with coherence.

Sound familiar.


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73336f No.21597197

File: 2b0956fc9e97713⋯.png (312.87 KB,1600x720,20:9,Screenshot_20240915_160345.png)

File: 59b22b91f8407fc⋯.png (687.38 KB,1600x720,20:9,Screenshot_20240915_160337.png)

File: 7ac7642c503fab8⋯.png (448.16 KB,1600x720,20:9,Screenshot_20240915_160319.png)

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fdaf93 No.21597198

Shooter name: Ryan Wesley Routh

Call to digs


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b009c3 No.21597199

File: 89c23fc634e6bf5⋯.png (216.71 KB,2070x2040,69:68,ClipboardImage.png)

>Ryan Wesley Routh


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fc7fb7 No.21597201

File: a5fda5bbb77508c⋯.png (25.15 KB,474x263,474:263,ClipboardImage.png)


Pro Ukraine but anti-Israel is a Psy-OpRed Flagbecause BOTH Ukraine and Israel are OWNED by the same Jewish Kabal Mafia.

Ukraine was supposed to be Israel 2.0 because Ukraine is the original Homeland of the Khazarian Jews.

This is why Blinky Blinken and Fat-Cookie Nuland have been pushing Ukraine to destroy Russia since they arranged the Maidan coup in 2014.

So NO WAY this shooter loves Ukraine and hates Israel. The "anti-Israel" is just to push the Permanent Jewish Victim phony Narrative.

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8df3cf No.21597202

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e75231 No.21597203

File: 97a2ef600f13056⋯.jpeg (166.08 KB,1800x1085,360:217,97a2ef600f130566343a16535….jpeg)

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2b7aaf No.21597204

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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256f08 No.21597205


looks quite faggot. Unless he get's Epsteined, he's going to do some hard time…the big niggas are gonna tear that ass apart.

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0ed23c No.21597206

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ae5d82 No.21597207


'ask congress to put all soldiers on paid leave?'

is this a clown account, or what.

I think it's best not to take the bait.

how do we know that they didn't just use this name and that this persona is someone completly different?

The cult of 'defend Ukraine at the cost of everyone else except the Ukraine-a-garchs' is a dangerous delusion.

how did people get hypnotized to believe that the Ukraine government is worth defending?

they suspended elections.

Z is a dictator.

they've looted the 'aide' (actually tribute) dollars.

how many degrees of separation from the Bolshivicks and Socialist International and the descendents of Trotsky (who are legion?)

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0ed23c No.21597208


Flynn the Snake 🐍

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e75231 No.21597209

File: f58005dbd6b214b⋯.png (105.01 KB,890x627,890:627,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ryan Wesley Routh

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fa0e91 No.21597210


2015–2016 SWIFT banking hack

n 2015 and 2016, a series of cyberattacks using the SWIFT banking network were reported, resulting in the successful theft of millions of dollars.


Lazarus Group

APT 38

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2b7aaf No.21597211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce0390 No.21597212

File: deb6869c3a7c8ea⋯.png (258.43 KB,1377x1010,1377:1010,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ryan Wesley Routh


Ok, it's probably nothing. But there was a private jet from Greensboro arrived PBI right around the time of the shooting. Noticed it because PF was watching reply on ADSBx of all the anon helos flying around the golf course and all of a sudden saw this anon aircraft on final for PBI. Then it started to ident right before landing. Going to dig on this just in case.

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fdaf93 No.21597213

File: 716801d68310120⋯.png (86.38 KB,1138x687,1138:687,ClipboardImage.png)



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5edd27 No.21597214

SS agent who released statement is DEI hire. bet

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84ccf7 No.21597215

File: 207335ecd6c6e71⋯.png (283.71 KB,652x471,652:471,Alex_Jones_Burns_a_Trump_r….png)

Alex Jones Burns a Trump red MAGA hat, what a dick!



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7e21c8 No.21597216

File: 603a0bee7aa7a26⋯.png (69.92 KB,1280x206,640:103,him.PNG)

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0a43ef No.21597217


the first and the 4th guy are the same guy with an older photo.

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4d9d05 No.21597218

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42d970 No.21597220

File: 201a4990a30e140⋯.png (313.05 KB,325x434,325:434,TIME_9_16_24.png)


"How Kamala Harris KNOCKED Donald Trump OFF Course" is the Article title. Way to spell it out.

Take a look at the issue apparently dated for release Tomorrow… Digital red confetti…


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f02c89 No.21597221

File: 74897abcbf0ae4a⋯.jpg (216.05 KB,962x608,481:304,smelly_evil_princes.jpg)

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565460 No.21597222

File: 9e31b1d5d0b61f6⋯.png (1016.28 KB,673x898,673:898,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d27dcb6d678301b⋯.png (10.31 KB,278x152,139:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96f9ad3992ea6f8⋯.png (2.33 MB,1198x898,599:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0b4bdb8067c969⋯.png (17.18 KB,262x278,131:139,ClipboardImage.png)


so this nigga was in kyiv

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e74802 No.21597224

File: eb25c57383e012f⋯.jpg (136.86 KB,711x847,711:847,Screenshot_20240915_175502….jpg)

Laughable security

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42d970 No.21597225



Red White Blue.

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e75231 No.21597226

File: a121150e9ad44f3⋯.png (680.74 KB,1480x808,185:101,ClipboardImage.png)




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fc7fb7 No.21597227

File: 1f10f89daffc4a9⋯.png (45.42 KB,474x357,158:119,ClipboardImage.png)


1 + 5 = 6

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0a43ef No.21597228


knocked offgolfcourse.

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0843a9 No.21597229

File: 0437711d5d886b9⋯.png (887.06 KB,1142x764,571:382,RGgukq5E6HBS5wvERDA3ZF4P2W….png)


Satanic bolshevics bloodsuckers.

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55b4b6 No.21597231


guy is a schizo, used his ass

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e2111b No.21597232



You think Capitol Police have something to do with the assassination attempts?

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2b7aaf No.21597233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b5235f No.21597234

File: 17fb3f67d6a1d86⋯.png (8.5 KB,318x158,159:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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da6194 No.21597235

File: 302a50d2761fd4a⋯.jpg (21.11 KB,474x316,3:2,th_2646377340.jpg)

File: 0537c641a8b2a63⋯.jpg (340.56 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_145831….jpg)

File: 8b431024de42ae4⋯.jpg (94.05 KB,433x289,433:289,8b431024de42ae482c1923ab20….jpg)



Key Ping Ho Pe A Lie VII

3 for $0.99

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7e21c8 No.21597236

File: c33e87ca153e81d⋯.jpg (119.79 KB,750x1334,375:667,RYAN_WESLEY_ROUTH.jpg)

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b020cb No.21597237

File: 5fea87eca73d2bb⋯.jpeg (849.75 KB,1140x1405,228:281,IMG_9506.jpeg)

File: 5777092bbfb1866⋯.jpeg (821.73 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_9507.jpeg)



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009ecc No.21597238

File: 80c8840ff98e9a1⋯.png (376.57 KB,425x542,425:542,ClipboardImage.png)

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42d970 No.21597239


Q is not surprised by any event. Neither is Q+. We have it all. There is real danger and prayers really are needed. But they are cleaning house, anon. Out with the traitors, in with the Patriots. Necessary on all Fronts of the Stage.

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74500a No.21597240

File: 25306ae16db2e02⋯.png (1.2 MB,847x817,847:817,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73ec3d846850f3b⋯.png (170.76 KB,1280x956,320:239,13f73c610e2f7b61be4aa9504.png)

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fa0e91 No.21597241


its not a decode

its the end of the debt based economy we are currently under, an asset based economy will be installed, first a new platform, ie space based internet needs to be built and implemented which is what spacex has been doing for the past six years ...

once the protocols are changed, the internet keys, it will be a seamless transfer of power and elections will be free of interference once more, financial institutions will belong to the people again and will not profit from putting people into debt which is what is happening right now

the propagandists employed by the banksters might be able to turn over a new leaf and use their cyber talents for the new powers that be

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2b7aaf No.21597242

File: a602f008969384b⋯.png (112.37 KB,236x183,236:183,a602f008969384bcca187b997f….png)

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e75231 No.21597243

File: c9529436c64a199⋯.png (1.09 MB,1297x836,1297:836,ClipboardImage.png)


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1fbc57 No.21597244

File: a5d98b826a5a666⋯.png (35.52 KB,598x238,299:119,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)


>Suspect is named Ryan Wesley Routh

Ryan Routh 🇺🇸




11:51 PM · Apr 19, 2022


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fdaf93 No.21597245

File: 427674123bbaac8⋯.png (198.06 KB,867x853,867:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5da2dd4b98b815⋯.png (232.44 KB,920x718,460:359,ClipboardImage.png)






Is this the guy?

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0a43ef No.21597246


he glows

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9a0324 No.21597247


Trump assassination attempt today, designed not necessarily to kill Trump, although that would have been a bonus for them,

They're covering news cycles due to release this and other bad information for them.

Blumenthal is coming this week.

PANIC permeates the air, nation wide.

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73c161 No.21597248


as prominent as this guy is, there's no way the FBI didn't know who he was

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73336f No.21597249

File: 05de27370e0ceec⋯.jpeg (18.95 KB,640x480,4:3,images_94_.jpeg)

File: d4d3fdb620aa024⋯.gif (33.94 KB,200x237,200:237,200w_20_.gif)

File: 813978e27391e72⋯.jpg (56.87 KB,466x567,466:567,5c552016c124937e861466ec9e….jpg)

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4eae48 No.21597251


Trump has a net worth over 7 billion dollars. He could hire a small private army for grade A protection. Yet he depends on the US Government that hate's him for protection? Makes zero sense to me. And it should make zero sense to him too.

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55b4b6 No.21597252

File: 3b6fc7ce6c7bea8⋯.png (89.28 KB,607x753,607:753,ClipboardImage.png)



Guys check his replies on twitter, clearly does not like Trump.





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2b7aaf No.21597253

File: 38e0fd2cfc29704⋯.png (562.28 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b009c3 No.21597254


Palm Beach County Sheriff: In the bushes where this guy was is an AK-47 style rifle with a scope, two backpacks which were hung on the fence, that had ceramic tile in them, and a GoPro, which he was going to take pictures of.


Palm Beach County Sheriff: [President Trump] was probably between three and five hundred yards [from shooter], but with a rifle and a scope like that, that's not a long distance.


Palm Beach County Sheriff: The golf course is surrounded by shrubbery, so if somebody gets into the shrubbery, they're pretty much out of sight. At this level that he is at right now; he's not the sitting president. If he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded. But because he's not, security is limited to the areas the Secret Service deems possible.

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1fbc57 No.21597255

File: 9a8ee276959331b⋯.png (600.27 KB,598x789,598:789,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)

File: a2a244270f2c9e0⋯.jpeg (795.59 KB,2048x1536,4:3,FSXlRFrXsAACmVl.jpeg)




Ryan Routh 🇺🇸



Orjoin me in independence square at my center for help,but we cannot rally for support here as we were all arrested, it's why we moved to press hotel.


12:03 AM · May 10, 2022

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74500a No.21597256

File: 63805b88ffc8b58⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,854x364,61:26,You_thrown_out_of_window.mp4)

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5edd27 No.21597257


Taylored Swift

erectile dysfunction

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0a43ef No.21597258


I think so I think he is running two accounts one with an older picture profile and his more recent grizzled beard look. But on the other page the descriptions were similar I think he is running multiple pages for his glow ops.

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b009c3 No.21597259

notables @ 560

#26453 >>21596620

>>21597139, >>21597161, >>21597199, >>21597176, >>21597182, >>21597183, >>21597191, >>21597108, >>21597181, >>21597212, >>21597213, >>21597222, >>21597226, >>21597237, >>21597243, >>21597244, >>21597245 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21597254 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>21596860 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>21596850, >>21596893, >>21596899 Alleged pic of suspect

>>21597095 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>21596997, >>21597012 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>21596849, >>21597009, >>21597224 Details

>>21597075, >>21597086 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>21596635, >>21596791, >>21597187 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21597143 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>21597148 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>21597007 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>21596912, >>21597014 Misc.

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>21597147 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>21597087 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>21597169 Krappenstein doing what he does

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596948 All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit re: Trump vs Kamala presidental debate

>>21597011 Elon: SPQR

>>21597054 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21597106 Planefag: GlobalX 3139 Service from Miami to Havana

>>21596670, >>21596775, >>21596800, >>21596838, >>21596913, >>21596956 Memes


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e2111b No.21597260

File: 1f22afd2199fb0a⋯.png (29.64 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c935d90beaec760⋯.png (14.19 KB,339x213,113:71,Gums.png)



The recognize that mouth.

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4eae48 No.21597261


Chink retard filtered.

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fa0e91 No.21597263

using Taylor to get his message to the world is an amazing thing, she works for him, same as Biden

why do you think she got such global success so quickly?

the message has to get out there to as many people as possible, everyone has to educate themselves on the banking system that harnesses so much of your energy output during the work week… how stupid can you get that you give away so much of your hard earned cash to thieves obviously pocketing the money and not giving you a damn thing back except a credit score, that's your reward

they make money off your debt,

a mortgage is a debt until its payed off

I can't believe anybody would want this continue into our children's futures, we can end it now in this generation

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4eae48 No.21597264


Chink retard filtered.

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694ba4 No.21597265

File: cb806e6fdbc3379⋯.png (43.09 KB,700x995,140:199,apR2En8_700bwp.png)

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45d493 No.21597267

Prayers for Donald J Trump’!

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42d970 No.21597268


..and looks like Matthew Modine.

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3ae0be No.21597269


Cocksucker supports red flag laws.

There’s some fuckery with his campaign management. Cornerstone runs his campaign and they allow access to the social media post by an individual that works for PBSO who posted some shot containing HIPA protected information on his opponent which is apparently being investigated by PBSO.

Seems an outside agency should take this up being that both candidates are/were once employed by PBSO

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f02c89 No.21597270

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,fd93d1b725f468300aa37c4c25….png)

Does anon have any information on illegal gangs moving into Dubuque, IA or Prairie Du Schein, WI?

Thanks in advance for help.

May YHWH bless all anons!

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fc7fb7 No.21597272

File: 202a188308c8cb6⋯.png (27.3 KB,474x237,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Haiti = hub of child trafficking.

That black baby Walnut sauce…

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55b4b6 No.21597273

File: 9708ca6f8a810e2⋯.png (95.28 KB,635x820,127:164,ClipboardImage.png)


wants to buy a missile from elon hahaha


bakes i hate doing this but please add in replies of his twitter to notes


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da6194 No.21597274

File: 0506b147d80d725⋯.jpg (73.45 KB,640x427,640:427,Trump18tee7761_3760038442.jpg)

File: 89a1fc4cd059e65⋯.jpg (78.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1034750251.jpg)

File: 442aed56a1617cc⋯.jpg (127.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_5.jpg)

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2b7aaf No.21597275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kinda luuks lik chels davis too

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5afa89 No.21597276

File: 30c84b57831b48c⋯.jpg (89.96 KB,750x903,250:301,photo_2024_09_15_14_11_51.jpg)

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e1ac1e No.21597278

File: b7608625e905637⋯.png (2.05 MB,1440x3088,90:193,ClipboardImage.png)

From 3 years ago: Haitians eat cats.

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e75231 No.21597279

File: f28e0e2412c1ce3⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,720x720,1:1,anon7.jpg)

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fa0e91 No.21597280


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fdaf93 No.21597281

File: bb7d3aab9847702⋯.png (33.81 KB,805x225,161:45,ClipboardImage.png)



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0a43ef No.21597282

File: 0a736e3c325d37f⋯.jpg (94.13 KB,85x831,85:831,cross.jpg)

what is anon noticing.

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84ccf7 No.21597283

File: 69b01aed0e089ab⋯.png (12.13 KB,638x118,319:59,just_the_tip_.png)

Just the tip.

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9a0324 No.21597285


FBI always has the suspect on their radar, but never do anything about it.

Except provide free mental health care with their own psychologists.

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e1ac1e No.21597286

File: 8eb33644fc266b3⋯.png (1.43 MB,714x1041,238:347,ClipboardImage.png)


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b020cb No.21597287

File: 9d55c1c0f45958e⋯.jpeg (166.94 KB,1024x560,64:35,IMG_9508.jpeg)



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5afa89 No.21597288

File: 8814dd873b6e922⋯.jpg (127.3 KB,922x1280,461:640,photo_2024_09_15_14_11_58.jpg)



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0843a9 No.21597289

File: 7ea53d087e3bd2a⋯.png (396.54 KB,623x425,623:425,ClipboardImage.png)




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d5f684 No.21597291

File: d8428a252889d3f⋯.png (92.26 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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55b4b6 No.21597292

File: b8db2e718ad3472⋯.png (116.83 KB,615x923,615:923,ClipboardImage.png)











Motive for shooting guy thinks trump is evil.


good find!

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e1ac1e No.21597293

File: 9604cafeff3ae7b⋯.png (3.51 MB,2780x1403,2780:1403,ClipboardImage.png)



>what is anon noticing.

This guy? Has 56 friends and hasn't posted since 2017.

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2b7aaf No.21597295

File: 0f3d3c642d533a9⋯.png (715.81 KB,436x800,109:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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e75231 No.21597297

File: 999658d82cf435f⋯.png (40.61 KB,1016x817,1016:817,ClipboardImage.png)

that's a bingo, faggots


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0a43ef No.21597298


I see it.

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55b4b6 No.21597299

File: 802a239d8f987c3⋯.png (15.9 KB,590x131,590:131,ClipboardImage.png)

Lives in hawaii!

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de5c1a No.21597300

File: ce6cfb2716556dc⋯.png (21.45 KB,600x117,200:39,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ryan Wesley Routh

Ryan Routh



AKA (Aliases, nicknames, alternate spellings, married and/or maiden names):

Ryan Routh

Ryan Wesley Routh

Possible Relatives

Adam F Routh

Lora Wilson Routh

Oran Alexander Routh

Associated Phone Numbers

(336) 852-5651

(336) 697-7272

(336) 617-5041

(336) 698-0118

(336) 988-6600

Associated Email Addresses




















Last Known Phone Numbers

(336) 852-5651 (Primary Phone)


Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc Dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph (At&T Southeast)

First Reported October 03, 2009

(336) 697-7272


Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc Dba Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph (At&T Southeast)

First Reported July 15, 1997


Cheshire Center

Last Known Address

51-344 Kamehameha Hwy

Kaaawa, Hawaii 96730


Past Addresses

Homes, rental properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Ryan Routh.

1735 W Gate City Blvd

Greensboro, North Carolina 27403

2106 Hiatt ST

Greensboro, North Carolina 27403

Possible Businesses Owned

Cheshire Center Owner

Job History

Ryan Routh


Cheshire Center



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009ecc No.21597301


Sounds like a low rent DIY body armor

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3ae0be No.21597303



Cornerstone website


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e1ac1e No.21597304

File: 94ca95e2a2bf10f⋯.png (529.58 KB,1048x757,1048:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66935929e37db2f⋯.png (2.85 MB,1391x865,1391:865,ClipboardImage.png)

CIA has been very busy today

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b020cb No.21597305

File: 3894303779cc24c⋯.jpeg (265.26 KB,1404x1212,117:101,IMG_9509.jpeg)


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Images this week began to surface on social media showing Taiwan's flag on a wall in Ukraine's capital of Kyiv, and the man responsible is an American citizen rallying international support for Ukraine's war effort against Russia.

The man behind the wall of banners, Ryan Routh, told CNA that he posted the flags to pay tribute to the nations that have citizens fighting in Ukraine's foreign legion, the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. Routh said there have been no protests about the presence of the Taiwan flag so far, but even if China is dissatisfied, "I can order another 1,000, they can't touch my flags."

Routh, 56, originally hails from Hawaii, but most recently worked in the construction industry in North Carolina and has no military background. He came to Kyiv more than two months ago to show his support for Ukraine and wanted to join the foreign legion.

However, due to his age, he was unable to do so, and he is instead currently assisting the legion in recruiting volunteers for the Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie units in Kharkiv. Thus far, Routh has assisted in recruiting 70 volunteers to join the fight against Russia.


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1fbc57 No.21597306

File: 3e2868c1a937f3c⋯.png (45.22 KB,619x232,619:232,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)



Ryan Routh 🇺🇸


@zelensky_official Forget the no fly zone-ASK CONGRESS TO PUT ALL AMERICAN MILITARY ON PAID LEAVE-so they can fight as civilians in Ukraine. TELL CONGRESS THAT YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL WEAPONS-drones, missiles, planes-everything; give them a blank check so no US responsibility.

12:34 AM · Mar 16, 2022

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4e3059 No.21597307

>>21595957 (pb-Notable)

>Top Harris-Walz surrogate Maura Healy gets nuked over Kamala's LIE that no active duty U.S. troops are stationed in combat zones

Wait, guise.

Just wait.

Wouldn't it be a bitch if Maura Healy gets tied toChinese Communist Partycrimes inside the USA?

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694ba4 No.21597309

File: 3613b411d601127⋯.png (92.6 KB,700x1255,140:251,ae9MjEm_700bwp.png)

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42d970 No.21597310


His name is only one U away from ROTH so… # #

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e1ac1e No.21597311

File: e39e7dc050065ba⋯.png (1.26 MB,828x1103,828:1103,ClipboardImage.png)


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55b4b6 No.21597313

File: 27cec91014e1712⋯.png (255.23 KB,641x816,641:816,ClipboardImage.png)

Big Ukraine recruiter guy!

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a18215 No.21597314

File: 46a2c4040a7b6cf⋯.png (248.63 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_news_yahoo_com_17….png)

Palm Beach County sheriff lavishes retiring execs with $400K bonuses

When Palm Beach County Sheriff’s deputies retire, they usually can count on leaving with generous lifetime pensions, along with payouts for unused vacation and sick leave.

But the agency’s top executives leave with something else, too: massive retirement perks worth more than five times a deputy’s annual starting salary.

Sheriff Ric Bradshaw has doled out hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra retirement payments to his top brass as they departed in recent years, an extraordinary benefit with no apparent parallels in other county government agencies, a Palm Beach Post investigation has found.

Bradshaw implemented the retirement benefits as early as 2014, records show, and in the following seven years he paid out bonuses of more than $400,000 each to at least three departing officials, including one payout of more than $700,000.

In 2021, he revised the bonus program to give executives hundreds of hours of extra paid time off instead of money — time off that could be cashed out for hundreds of thousands of dollars when they depart the agency.

This year, his former chief deputy, Frank DeMario, took advantage of that program for a huge payday. In addition to cashing out his regular sick leave and vacation time, he walked out the door with an extra $412,000 for unused extra time off.

The executive benefit continues despite a state law that generally prohibits government agencies in Florida from giving bonuses to exclusive groups of employees.

Public agencies in Florida that want to implement bonus programs must “base the award of a bonus on work performance” and “consider all employees for the bonus,” according to Florida law. Bradshaw’s program does neither.


Why would the Sheriff be paying additional bonuses to senior officials due to retire?

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e1ac1e No.21597316

File: 2ba3d12a2842d09⋯.png (1.77 MB,1440x2822,720:1411,ClipboardImage.png)

Before the FIB scrubs his X account

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42d970 No.21597317


I think POTUS did a tip with the # post. Ro[U]th.

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2b19f4 No.21597318



get it yet?

And a faggot to boot.

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e74802 No.21597320

Bill Ellmore 𝕏



Replying to @JDVance

I heard he wanted to finish his round of golf! What a boss!

a reply to Vance

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55b4b6 No.21597321

File: 0706deade9df554⋯.jpg (114.42 KB,1200x672,25:14,0706deade9df554e79c743495d….jpg)

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565460 No.21597322

File: ee074d4d94256d0⋯.png (77.16 KB,478x619,478:619,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1512c2f5b5cc73⋯.png (94.84 KB,478x780,239:390,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bb7fcc89f55b32⋯.png (114.37 KB,478x770,239:385,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bbbe8b82b6ba3f⋯.png (128.58 KB,478x829,478:829,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f636c4878555e87⋯.png (30.65 KB,478x252,239:126,ClipboardImage.png)


he must have had contacts and is in the system

obv doesn't like trump

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f31f98 No.21597323

File: a9d094a7d68269f⋯.png (185.54 KB,1046x495,1046:495,image_2024_09_15_180520448.png)

Remember the ending scene in the movie, Leave The World Behind?


Whatever is planned for Tuesday, is now on hold.

Trump still lives.

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fdaf93 No.21597325



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cbd3ca No.21597326


quads chekked true

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26b547 No.21597328

File: 1174ef986893c34⋯.png (55.1 KB,652x522,326:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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661641 No.21597329


he is "learning as he goes"

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6311d1 No.21597330



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9a0324 No.21597331

File: 15d8a3d34051ac9⋯.png (157.5 KB,1216x432,76:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3de2d400524ab5e⋯.png (95.71 KB,768x371,768:371,ClipboardImage.png)


Vindman, now that's dasting…

Donald Trump Jr.


These people are fucking demented


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73336f No.21597332

File: d846d8b41adf208⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB,468x352,117:88,d846d8b41adf20888dbee6507a….mp4)

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e75231 No.21597333

File: 37e244178be2b8e⋯.png (39.6 KB,960x806,480:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee0bf473133fe49⋯.png (118.57 KB,881x622,881:622,ClipboardImage.png)




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e1ac1e No.21597334

File: 7d8eb4ec86936e5⋯.png (40.82 KB,675x388,675:388,ClipboardImage.png)

Charlie Kirk


Law enforcement sources say the entire perimeter of the golf course would have been blocked off if Trump were the current president.====



2:56 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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661641 No.21597336

File: 5fcebafcbd8b4cd⋯.jpeg (217.48 KB,991x765,991:765,_p_0_p_bghvfcderswcghtvdr….jpeg)

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494d6e No.21597337

File: 719bcd8b24a015f⋯.png (902.24 KB,976x549,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 7780c0b2eb22980⋯.png (12.76 KB,203x42,29:6,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)

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7e21c8 No.21597338


Fed Ukranian war recruiter

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1fbc57 No.21597341

File: 3302b12a96aa60b⋯.png (11.46 KB,417x99,139:33,Screenshot_2024_09_15_at_1….png)


another X account







San Diego Born & raised. i love any excuse to use a cat gif or meme

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55b4b6 No.21597342

File: 4bef847fe8acb19⋯.png (18.62 KB,600x164,150:41,ClipboardImage.png)

guy has media connections, read in another reply his son worked for ACE in hawaii!




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fc7fb7 No.21597343

File: 6246f5e5b298343⋯.png (40.54 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)


Tel Aviv is the Sodomy Capital of the World

and a Haven for Pedophiles

(((you)))'re so obvious

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fdaf93 No.21597344

File: 8cb9bb68cb84bf3⋯.png (31.94 KB,812x222,406:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60a46fc2b7edd74⋯.png (28.07 KB,808x197,808:197,ClipboardImage.png)



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e75231 No.21597345

File: bf43777a6f2c815⋯.png (7.29 KB,100x41,100:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec3721 No.21597347

File: b5d71354423440a⋯.png (11.23 KB,756x150,126:25,soo.png)

uh guys he forgot to unfollow his handler


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fd0bf5 No.21597348


"The Taylor Rule"

The Taylor Rule (named for John Taylor, a macroeconomist at Stanford) is a particular example of a “cen- tral bank reaction function”—that is, a function or rule according to which the central bank sets its policy instrument as a reasonably predictable response to the state of the economy.

The US Federal Reserve operates under a dual mandate: they are required to pay attention to inflation (keep it low and stable) and also to employment (keep it as high as reasonably possible). So when we talk about the Fed reacting to the “state of the economy” we mean, primarily, to the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment. Further, when we talk of the Fed’s “policy instrument,” these days we mean the Federal Funds rate of interest.

There are various ways of expressing the Taylor Rule, but here’s one version:

RF = c + a(π − π∗) + b(u − u∗)


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0843a9 No.21597349

File: 04411032a95f5ab⋯.png (215.34 KB,629x520,629:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90132af771138c9⋯.png (402.68 KB,623x563,623:563,ClipboardImage.png)


CIA niggers in full panic mode.



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f31f98 No.21597351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SEPTEMBER 17-18, 2024

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0a43ef No.21597352


so there is a wonderland connection here possibly.

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e1ac1e No.21597353

File: 576f13bd1a298f2⋯.png (194.95 KB,1242x539,1242:539,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump has now been in combat more than Tim Walz.

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fdaf93 No.21597354

File: e543d73f6be9ab0⋯.png (48.45 KB,796x272,199:68,ClipboardImage.png)




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b2dc0a No.21597355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2dedfb No.21597356

File: 096084c1e180932⋯.webp (66 KB,1080x1439,1080:1439,IMG_5102.webp)

Welp. https://time.com/7019747/harris-trump-debate-cover/

Not sus at all, no sir

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a58616 No.21597357






Anyone else find it odd that his account is still up and available to be seen?

FBI not doing their job?

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2b19f4 No.21597358


Mockingbird and Co.

Warmongers & Co.

Ukraine & Co.

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2b7aaf No.21597360

File: 7355fb05f510ae1⋯.png (378.25 KB,474x419,474:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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12a458 No.21597361


>SHown on Benny again.

filtered for being a fucking retard

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44a411 No.21597362


It’s only 90 yards. He wouldn’t even need a scope.

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5783d8 No.21597363

listened to end of press briefing

SS coverage is grossly inadequate

spokesman said was not as much as it would be "if he were the sitting president"

Bongino has said many times, THAT is not relevant - it's the THREAT level that matters

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bf3da8 No.21597365

File: 2f57e6f7751296d⋯.png (171.33 KB,652x655,652:655,Screen_Shot_2024_09_15_at_….png)


Mexican president on board?

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ec3721 No.21597366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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42d970 No.21597367


A shite tonne of great, dirty templar red crosses.

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2b19f4 No.21597368

File: b245de76b0438f6⋯.png (809.51 KB,1170x769,1170:769,Apu_Back_To_The_Future_Del….png)

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565460 No.21597369

File: 771f0321ad31410⋯.png (91.44 KB,472x791,472:791,ClipboardImage.png)


to be fair he's following a lot of glowniggers but that is random af

who would even know of that acct to follow it

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55b4b6 No.21597370

File: 765769168984889⋯.png (37.7 KB,601x324,601:324,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fd4d0a521c5837⋯.png (111.64 KB,654x719,654:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2a250e86aba817⋯.png (374.08 KB,744x872,93:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Found a phone number get to digging guys, some weird shit coming up on google, ex military etc


Ryan Routh

Owner at Camp Box Honolulu


I have your passport and Birth Certificate here in Hawaii….call me808-379-9411

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69e4bc No.21597371

File: 8f2ea4a189dfeb2⋯.png (837.29 KB,1080x538,540:269,gay_parasite_worms.png)

File: 29edb3d8f3729d5⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1828x1828,1:1,parasite_worms_need_love_t….jpg)

File: e93de54bece8830⋯.png (376.66 KB,1030x852,515:426,wormpill_parasites_mind_co….png)

File: 927ca7257aee77a⋯.png (534.58 KB,960x540,16:9,mend_bending_sentient_worm….png)


>Dick is willing to sacrifice the SS to keep the party really responsible for it hidden.


>She spent the ENTIRE, highly edited, 11 minutes discussing her childhood neighbors and their lawns. (Which were in Canada, btw.)


these are still based off polls also, which people discount as best they can, relative to the bias. Ones own money knows no bias. The bias is still higher than they can discount


>MB-FN-MSM is Normalizing Presidential Assassination

>>21596671 >21596699

>looks like he needs dewormer

my thought exactly. No 58 year old man is thin like that without having the gay worm infection

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fdaf93 No.21597372

File: e5b3e5d62d7cb31⋯.png (123.21 KB,791x812,113:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 045659db039f374⋯.png (153.71 KB,797x867,797:867,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bd2070f14cd666⋯.png (120.07 KB,800x815,160:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab255b4477245b2⋯.png (122.21 KB,797x842,797:842,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab21150f078b5ed⋯.png (117.84 KB,797x830,797:830,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b7aaf No.21597373

File: 2493cb3dac5d6af⋯.png (3.2 MB,2000x1270,200:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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73c161 No.21597374


we see only what they want us to see.

what did they delete prior to releasing his name?

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b009c3 No.21597376

notables @ 680

#26453 >>21596620

>>21597139, >>21597161, >>21597199, >>21597176, >>21597182, >>21597191, >>21597181, >>21597212, >>21597213, >>21597222, >>21597226, >>21597237, >>21597243, >>21597244, >>21597245, >>21597300, >>21597333, >>21597341 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21597252, >>21597273, >>21597281, >>21597292, >>21597306, >>21597313, >>21597316, >>21597322, >>21597342, >>21597344 Assassin's social media posts

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21597254 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>21596860 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>21597075, >>21597086 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>21596635, >>21596791, >>21597187 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21596850, >>21596893, >>21596899 Alleged pic of suspect

>>21597095 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>21596997, >>21597012 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>21596849, >>21597009, >>21597224 Details

>>21597143 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>21597148 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>21597007 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>21596912, >>21597014 Misc.

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>21597147 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>21597087 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>21597169 Krappenstein doing what he does

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596948 All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit re: Trump vs Kamala presidental debate

>>21597011 Elon: SPQR

>>21597054 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21597106 Planefag: GlobalX 3139 Service from Miami to Havana

>>21597314 Palm Beach County sheriff lavishes retiring execs with $400K bonuses

>>21597365 PF: AP01, Mexican president on board?

>>21596670, >>21596775, >>21596800, >>21596838, >>21596913, >>21596956 Memes


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0a43ef No.21597377


a shit ton and he stood under that one. and the us flag is right next to it. Prob nothing. Just a notice and point.

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e1ac1e No.21597378

File: b83b3b6c12bb461⋯.png (1.65 MB,920x1086,460:543,ClipboardImage.png)


>Not sus at all, no sir


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6163d8 No.21597379



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e75231 No.21597380

File: 2e61bfef98eab8e⋯.png (1.83 MB,1440x1593,160:177,who.png)

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55b4b6 No.21597381


someone get his linkedIn i dont have it

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42d970 No.21597382

The Red Cross comms vid came up over and over last week…….. Meet me in Seoul + Renegade "Christmas" vid.. you remember. Not to mention all the "Christmas" comms additionally the past week including yesterday.

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2b19f4 No.21597383

File: af2606210698a9a⋯.jpg (79.85 KB,720x344,90:43,Sercret_Service_Slope_Diff….jpg)

File: 138855eefaece5a⋯.png (526.93 KB,1290x1159,1290:1159,Mission_Impossible_Sloped_….png)

File: f085cc9ae8304a9⋯.png (85.32 KB,474x474,1:1,Sloped_Roof_Danger_Sign_Tr….png)

File: 7b2d2e864aff142⋯.jpg (56.57 KB,1070x890,107:89,Annakin_I_Have_The_Sloped_….jpg)

How was the slope?

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f02c89 No.21597384

File: b63eaaaae506551⋯.jpg (183.84 KB,664x920,83:115,hocuspocushantas.jpg)

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fdaf93 No.21597385

File: 5a473c1666fd2c7⋯.png (119.35 KB,792x846,44:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2cd5cfe3c43f0b⋯.png (119.09 KB,793x866,793:866,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f203d87000e1ff⋯.png (126.61 KB,782x867,46:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d57a88c16434877⋯.png (18.23 KB,785x187,785:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a0324 No.21597387



Do we have confirmation this is the guy?

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2b7aaf No.21597388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce0390 No.21597389

File: 5f58089751505c1⋯.png (521.35 KB,1364x1893,1364:1893,ClipboardImage.png)


>Going to dig on this just in case.

Found him. Was from Greenville, NC. Not Greensboro. So Probably nothing. And late to the show. Still the anonymous squawk got my attention.



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55b4b6 No.21597390


>>21597376 me

found a phone number plus LinkedIn. i dont have an acc so i cant see his profile but looks like he was involved in construction?


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580e1d No.21597391

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74500a No.21597392

File: dbdd1cb006a0806⋯.png (738.09 KB,635x613,635:613,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21597240 me


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6163d8 No.21597393


Rumors he is “gay for pay” - also was shot in the leg. Per friend on ground.

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0ed23c No.21597394

File: efb37496ee05c55⋯.jpeg (539.36 KB,3803x1849,3803:1849,IMG_3377.jpeg)


Is it Another www.flynnlock.com/rifle


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73c161 No.21597396



this guy glows and almost got away - he was an hour away from the site.

anon wonders if he didn't follow protocol and got caught

feds will take over. he will lawyer up. we won't find out anything


he will die in his cell with a bedsheet tied around his neck

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fdaf93 No.21597397

File: edf32cf540f8007⋯.png (104.89 KB,1564x835,1564:835,ClipboardImage.png)

The political donations of would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.

All to the Democrats.

Something in common with the last shooter.


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e75231 No.21597398

File: d5cec0b9dff8c97⋯.png (186.09 KB,386x368,193:184,ClipboardImage.png)

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0843a9 No.21597399

File: 20290d532db2bfd⋯.png (384.36 KB,395x495,79:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1ac1e No.21597400

File: be512ca550d675d⋯.png (2 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




>get it yet?

>And a faggot to boot.

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b2dc0a No.21597402

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)


Their democracy, not the people's. Who elected the people for NATO? Who selects those?

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0ed23c No.21597403


@randcorporation <<<<

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0a43ef No.21597404


looks like a good match seems to be two looks he had in photos perhaps one is the son like its a jr situation but this ukrainian shit is suspect as fuck right now.

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e1ac1e No.21597405


>uh guys he forgot to unfollow his handler


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b009c3 No.21597406

notables FINAL

#26453 >>21596620

>>21597139, >>21597161, >>21597199, >>21597176, >>21597182, >>21597212, >>21597213, >>21597222, >>21597226, >>21597237, >>21597243, >>21597300, >>21597333, >>21597341, >>21597370, >>21597390, >>21597397 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21597191, >>21597181, >>21597252, >>21597273, >>21597281, >>21597292, >>21597306, >>21597313, >>21597316, >>21597322, >>21597342, >>21597344, >>21597245 Assassin's social media posts

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21597254 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>21596860 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>21597075, >>21597086 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>21596635, >>21596791, >>21597187 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21596850, >>21596893, >>21596899 Alleged pic of suspect

>>21597095 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>21596997, >>21597012 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>21596849, >>21597009, >>21597224 Details

>>21597143 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>21597148 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>21597007 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>21596912, >>21597014 Misc.

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>21597147 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>21597087 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>21597169 Krappenstein doing what he does

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596948 All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit re: Trump vs Kamala presidental debate

>>21597011 Elon: SPQR

>>21597054 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21597106 Planefag: GlobalX 3139 Service from Miami to Havana

>>21597314 Palm Beach County sheriff lavishes retiring execs with $400K bonuses

>>21597365 PF: AP01, Mexican president on board?

>>21597389 PF: N858SJ

>>21596670, >>21596775, >>21596800, >>21596838, >>21596913, >>21596956, >>21597400 Memes


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e75231 No.21597407

File: 1f57096d1667a85⋯.png (47.31 KB,330x97,330:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b19f4 No.21597408

File: f044e60f4185d40⋯.jpg (227.15 KB,1862x1048,931:524,Pete_Buttigieg_Eager_For_C….jpg)


Imagine the Monkeypox

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580e1d No.21597409

File: 16863ccb8e6e5d2⋯.webp (419.44 KB,918x725,918:725,68f2b7.webp)

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7e21c8 No.21597412


Clowns are retarded

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55b4b6 No.21597413

File: 8fa20d041a5668a⋯.png (692.88 KB,1229x890,1229:890,ClipboardImage.png)

Plugin Off

The Hawaiian Islands face unique challenges; with land cost at a premium, cost of shipping supplies, and a complex and overloaded permitting process, any space becomes extremely expensive. The Camp Box vision is to try and help our neighbors and friends with an affordable option to provide that needed comfortable space. Everyone should be able to have their own private spot on the island and know they are worthy, worthwhile and belong as a part of the community. Using standard economical, fast and efficient construction techniques and materials we can produce solutions to our own problems right here on the island. We do not need impractical imported solutions.

Camp Box offers an extremely efficient design that is a mobile and towable unit, so that owners will always have the flexibility relocate or tow their unit wherever needed. As a mobile unit it is not permanent and with 16 ft units are less than 120 square feet, they stay under building code requirements to avoid the lengthy building permit process, if someone wishes to make it a permanent accessory structure. Camp Box also offers itemized pricing for all components so that units can be custom designed and ordered. From a most basic unfinished shell unit at the most economical price so that owners can finish themselves or add upgrade options so that units can be made to match someone’s budget and needs. Units being constructed with standard materials mean that anyone can simply and easily build out their own unit as time and money permits with regular materials, tools and practices to add their personal touch. Camp Box is designed to be the simplest and most cost effective for users, with standard electrical connections, some water storage on the roof and every item constructed using simple components that we can produced here on Oahu economically with local labor.

While we always strive for a very modern and fashion forward design, with rounded facade and clean details, our focus is on economical units that can hopefully have a wonderful positive impact on the quality of many lives. We cannot sit idle, as some of our friends and neighbors around us struggle, when we ourselves are smart enough to create our own solutions to our own problems. Using common sense and American ingenuity and the resources that we have, together we can create our own happy places. We look forward to the opportunity to provide these small special spaces, where anyone can have their own spot in the world and feel comfortable, stable and connected with a place to call their own to make big memories.

We are located in Kaaawa on the windward side of Oahu and would enjoy working with you in any capacity that we can. Feel free to email at campboxengineering@gmail.com or text or call 808-379-9411 to discuss or make an appointment to see a model unit.

Thanks for your support and feedback as we grow together.

Ryan Routh and Adam Routh

brothers name right here!!!!!






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73336f No.21597415

File: e87dd41124adb5a⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,480x480,1:1,e87dd41124adb5a08cdd950850….mp4)

File: eda23ed727ebcfa⋯.mp4 (8.1 MB,540x720,3:4,eda23ed727ebcfac66ec4fccdf….mp4)


meme them too they cry

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da6194 No.21597416

File: 8865b628d0ff49f⋯.jpg (25.08 KB,300x223,300:223,89.jpg)

File: f3f3e3f4e239c8e⋯.jpg (163.21 KB,1200x800,3:2,solidarnosc2.jpg)

File: 5fa10938026d6b1⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Fs81wSCX0AIIiQy_3111802672.jpg)

File: e1103c4465b79ca⋯.jpg (713.31 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_151201….jpg)

File: 5b310cc2e23380b⋯.jpg (274.98 KB,1200x962,600:481,John_Paul_II_1989.jpg)

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42d970 No.21597417


Logo like the Flynn crest. Without the cat and snake…

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5783d8 No.21597419



hoping against hope - and PRAYING too - that for ONCE, the bad guise can't cover this over.

Will see if i can find Bongino, bet he's on it.

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e1ac1e No.21597423


>The political donations of would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.


>All to the Democrats.


>Something in common with the last shooter.


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2b19f4 No.21597424

File: a76f70e80fcc813⋯.gif (1.93 MB,555x278,555:278,Austin_Powers_What.gif)


Soo Kim?


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e75231 No.21597425

File: c77507c40c8f8d4⋯.png (618.45 KB,1775x874,1775:874,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae5d82 No.21597427


what other excuse would the uni-party in MASS, who are marxists, install such a carpet-bagger horror show governor?

She appointed her ex-partner to the Mass Supreme Court.

she horrible and I don't think election in Massachusetts can be trusted anymore.

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de5c1a No.21597428


Services are for kids w disabilities same as florida man. See below

Our mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. We are dedicated to providing efficient, effective and economical services of value to our clients. We meet each client’s unique needs through working in partnership with the client and family.


Founder of Florida nonprofit for children with disabilities accused of decade-long sexual abuse

The founder of a nonprofit that advocates for children with disabilities was arrested by the FBI on Wednesday and charged with sexually abusing minors, according to officials.


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b009c3 No.21597429

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e1ac1e No.21597431


>Ryan Routh and Adam Routh



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fdaf93 No.21597432

==The deep state didn't kill the shooter this time, which means he's going to be going to court, which means the media will have to cover it, which means the people are going to find out who he was working with, who was his "handler", and who helped him.

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af3491 No.21597433

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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af3491 No.21597434

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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b009c3 No.21597435


Repost next bread. Checked that link how does she connect to him?

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af3491 No.21597436

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

File: 6dcb8df7229cab4⋯.jpg (113.42 KB,600x600,1:1,NROL.jpg)

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ae5d82 No.21597439


'fight to the death'

apparently his sick fantasy didn't come true , if that's really the same guy.

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565460 No.21597441


dude's a fuckin nut

hero complex

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74500a No.21597442

File: d21a3eeabd86a75⋯.jpg (225.31 KB,641x615,641:615,they_tried_to_kill_him6.jpg)

File: e47fc311927562f⋯.png (1.26 MB,742x863,742:863,e47fc311927562f4d2e7ae0242….png)

File: 0056ad8e7378f43⋯.png (1015.27 KB,684x600,57:50,0056ad8e7378f43ee8a32a5556….png)

File: c175a92d04da25d⋯.png (1.44 MB,798x852,133:142,c175a92d04da25dbe0e0c00738….png)


He's lucky to be alive and can probably thank DEI again for being able to pop off and slip away but at least they caught him.

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2b19f4 No.21597443


And that he's on the side of MSM, Blinken, Zelensky, and Azov Neo Nazis.

Does he have a swastika tat?

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af3491 No.21597444

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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af3491 No.21597446

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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b2dc0a No.21597447

File: 4501115db06705d⋯.gif (969.01 KB,500x332,125:83,7390366.gif)

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0a43ef No.21597448


its looking confusing right now because both look similar and both have same locations but the age appearing is strange.

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2dedfb No.21597450

File: 5f8f1314b104da2⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB,1560x8373,520:2791,IMG_5105.jpeg)

File: 396a00dc435914f⋯.jpeg (2.15 MB,918x8830,459:4415,IMG_5107.jpeg)

File: a6e615af9e11870⋯.jpeg (2.92 MB,1560x11409,520:3803,IMG_5109.jpeg)

File: 6b90eb0cc63b604⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,1560x8426,780:4213,IMG_5120.jpeg)

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af3491 No.21597451

File: d72999f4ce6ac4d⋯.png (427.8 KB,600x337,600:337,Q_nigga.png)

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55b4b6 No.21597455


Plugin Off

The Hawaiian Islands face unique challenges; with land cost at a premium, cost of shipping supplies, and a complex and overloaded permitting process, any space becomes extremely expensive. The Camp Box vision is to try and help our neighbors and friends with an affordable option to provide that needed comfortable space. Everyone should be able to have their own private spot on the island and know they are worthy, worthwhile and belong as a part of the community. Using standard economical, fast and efficient construction techniques and materials we can produce solutions to our own problems right here on the island. We do not need impractical imported solutions.

Camp Box offers an extremely efficient design that is a mobile and towable unit, so that owners will always have the flexibility relocate or tow their unit wherever needed. As a mobile unit it is not permanent and with 16 ft units are less than 120 square feet, they stay under building code requirements to avoid the lengthy building permit process, if someone wishes to make it a permanent accessory structure. Camp Box also offers itemized pricing for all components so that units can be custom designed and ordered. From a most basic unfinished shell unit at the most economical price so that owners can finish themselves or add upgrade options so that units can be made to match someone’s budget and needs. Units being constructed with standard materials mean that anyone can simply and easily build out their own unit as time and money permits with regular materials, tools and practices to add their personal touch. Camp Box is designed to be the simplest and most cost effective for users, with standard electrical connections, some water storage on the roof and every item constructed using simple components that we can produced here on Oahu economically with local labor.

While we always strive for a very modern and fashion forward design, with rounded facade and clean details, our focus is on economical units that can hopefully have a wonderful positive impact on the quality of many lives. We cannot sit idle, as some of our friends and neighbors around us struggle, when we ourselves are smart enough to create our own solutions to our own problems. Using common sense and American ingenuity and the resources that we have, together we can create our own happy places. We look forward to the opportunity to provide these small special spaces, where anyone can have their own spot in the world and feel comfortable, stable and connected with a place to call their own to make big memories.

We are located in Kaaawa on the windward side of Oahu and would enjoy working with you in any capacity that we can. Feel free to email at campboxengineering@gmail.com or text or call 808-379-9411 to discuss or make an appointment to see a model unit.

Thanks for your support and feedback as we grow together.

Ryan Routh and Adam Routh

brothers name right here!!!!!






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2dedfb No.21597456

File: 99e76b7339b1c9c⋯.png (1.64 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5125.png)

File: 7b261e4d1ecf119⋯.png (1.68 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5126.png)

File: 902dc1e4e29daad⋯.png (1.67 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5127.png)

File: 56e1e9bafbe24b6⋯.png (1.61 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5128.png)

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b009c3 No.21597457


Repost nb.

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fdaf93 No.21597458

File: 84c67599eac8a23⋯.png (611.35 KB,1033x782,1033:782,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Routh LinkedIn



Legacy media brainwashed this man to try to kill Trump.

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af3491 No.21597460

File: febd8569b87f732⋯.png (785.88 KB,863x657,863:657,Q_Merry_Christmas_UCMJ.png)

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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661641 No.21597461



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55b4b6 No.21597462


gods work anon!!!!

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4cc4b8 No.21597464


i think they mean 300-500yards.

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af3491 No.21597466

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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