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File: 24440b0719736de⋯.png (400.63 KB,878x466,439:233,trump_never_surrender_text….png)

5783d8 No.21596610 [View All]

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73c161 No.21597396



this guy glows and almost got away - he was an hour away from the site.

anon wonders if he didn't follow protocol and got caught

feds will take over. he will lawyer up. we won't find out anything


he will die in his cell with a bedsheet tied around his neck

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fdaf93 No.21597397

File: edf32cf540f8007⋯.png (104.89 KB,1564x835,1564:835,ClipboardImage.png)

The political donations of would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.

All to the Democrats.

Something in common with the last shooter.


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e75231 No.21597398

File: d5cec0b9dff8c97⋯.png (186.09 KB,386x368,193:184,ClipboardImage.png)

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0843a9 No.21597399

File: 20290d532db2bfd⋯.png (384.36 KB,395x495,79:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1ac1e No.21597400

File: be512ca550d675d⋯.png (2 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




>get it yet?

>And a faggot to boot.

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b2dc0a No.21597402

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,SP_pepe_sip2.png)


Their democracy, not the people's. Who elected the people for NATO? Who selects those?

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0ed23c No.21597403


@randcorporation <<<<

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0a43ef No.21597404


looks like a good match seems to be two looks he had in photos perhaps one is the son like its a jr situation but this ukrainian shit is suspect as fuck right now.

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e1ac1e No.21597405


>uh guys he forgot to unfollow his handler


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b009c3 No.21597406

notables FINAL

#26453 >>21596620

>>21597139, >>21597161, >>21597199, >>21597176, >>21597182, >>21597212, >>21597213, >>21597222, >>21597226, >>21597237, >>21597243, >>21597300, >>21597333, >>21597341, >>21597370, >>21597390, >>21597397 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21597191, >>21597181, >>21597252, >>21597273, >>21597281, >>21597292, >>21597306, >>21597313, >>21597316, >>21597322, >>21597342, >>21597344, >>21597245 Assassin's social media posts

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21597254 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>21596860 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>21597075, >>21597086 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>21596635, >>21596791, >>21597187 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21596850, >>21596893, >>21596899 Alleged pic of suspect

>>21597095 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>21596997, >>21597012 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>21596849, >>21597009, >>21597224 Details

>>21597143 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>21597148 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>21597007 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>21596912, >>21597014 Misc.

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>21597147 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>21597087 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>21597169 Krappenstein doing what he does

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596948 All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit re: Trump vs Kamala presidental debate

>>21597011 Elon: SPQR

>>21597054 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21597106 Planefag: GlobalX 3139 Service from Miami to Havana

>>21597314 Palm Beach County sheriff lavishes retiring execs with $400K bonuses

>>21597365 PF: AP01, Mexican president on board?

>>21597389 PF: N858SJ

>>21596670, >>21596775, >>21596800, >>21596838, >>21596913, >>21596956, >>21597400 Memes


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e75231 No.21597407

File: 1f57096d1667a85⋯.png (47.31 KB,330x97,330:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b19f4 No.21597408

File: f044e60f4185d40⋯.jpg (227.15 KB,1862x1048,931:524,Pete_Buttigieg_Eager_For_C….jpg)


Imagine the Monkeypox

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580e1d No.21597409

File: 16863ccb8e6e5d2⋯.webp (419.44 KB,918x725,918:725,68f2b7.webp)

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7e21c8 No.21597412


Clowns are retarded

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55b4b6 No.21597413

File: 8fa20d041a5668a⋯.png (692.88 KB,1229x890,1229:890,ClipboardImage.png)

Plugin Off

The Hawaiian Islands face unique challenges; with land cost at a premium, cost of shipping supplies, and a complex and overloaded permitting process, any space becomes extremely expensive. The Camp Box vision is to try and help our neighbors and friends with an affordable option to provide that needed comfortable space. Everyone should be able to have their own private spot on the island and know they are worthy, worthwhile and belong as a part of the community. Using standard economical, fast and efficient construction techniques and materials we can produce solutions to our own problems right here on the island. We do not need impractical imported solutions.

Camp Box offers an extremely efficient design that is a mobile and towable unit, so that owners will always have the flexibility relocate or tow their unit wherever needed. As a mobile unit it is not permanent and with 16 ft units are less than 120 square feet, they stay under building code requirements to avoid the lengthy building permit process, if someone wishes to make it a permanent accessory structure. Camp Box also offers itemized pricing for all components so that units can be custom designed and ordered. From a most basic unfinished shell unit at the most economical price so that owners can finish themselves or add upgrade options so that units can be made to match someone’s budget and needs. Units being constructed with standard materials mean that anyone can simply and easily build out their own unit as time and money permits with regular materials, tools and practices to add their personal touch. Camp Box is designed to be the simplest and most cost effective for users, with standard electrical connections, some water storage on the roof and every item constructed using simple components that we can produced here on Oahu economically with local labor.

While we always strive for a very modern and fashion forward design, with rounded facade and clean details, our focus is on economical units that can hopefully have a wonderful positive impact on the quality of many lives. We cannot sit idle, as some of our friends and neighbors around us struggle, when we ourselves are smart enough to create our own solutions to our own problems. Using common sense and American ingenuity and the resources that we have, together we can create our own happy places. We look forward to the opportunity to provide these small special spaces, where anyone can have their own spot in the world and feel comfortable, stable and connected with a place to call their own to make big memories.

We are located in Kaaawa on the windward side of Oahu and would enjoy working with you in any capacity that we can. Feel free to email at campboxengineering@gmail.com or text or call 808-379-9411 to discuss or make an appointment to see a model unit.

Thanks for your support and feedback as we grow together.

Ryan Routh and Adam Routh

brothers name right here!!!!!






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73336f No.21597415

File: e87dd41124adb5a⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,480x480,1:1,e87dd41124adb5a08cdd950850….mp4)

File: eda23ed727ebcfa⋯.mp4 (8.1 MB,540x720,3:4,eda23ed727ebcfac66ec4fccdf….mp4)


meme them too they cry

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da6194 No.21597416

File: 8865b628d0ff49f⋯.jpg (25.08 KB,300x223,300:223,89.jpg)

File: f3f3e3f4e239c8e⋯.jpg (163.21 KB,1200x800,3:2,solidarnosc2.jpg)

File: 5fa10938026d6b1⋯.jpg (71.13 KB,1200x799,1200:799,Fs81wSCX0AIIiQy_3111802672.jpg)

File: e1103c4465b79ca⋯.jpg (713.31 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_151201….jpg)

File: 5b310cc2e23380b⋯.jpg (274.98 KB,1200x962,600:481,John_Paul_II_1989.jpg)

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42d970 No.21597417


Logo like the Flynn crest. Without the cat and snake…

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5783d8 No.21597419



hoping against hope - and PRAYING too - that for ONCE, the bad guise can't cover this over.

Will see if i can find Bongino, bet he's on it.

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e1ac1e No.21597423


>The political donations of would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.


>All to the Democrats.


>Something in common with the last shooter.


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2b19f4 No.21597424

File: a76f70e80fcc813⋯.gif (1.93 MB,555x278,555:278,Austin_Powers_What.gif)


Soo Kim?


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e75231 No.21597425

File: c77507c40c8f8d4⋯.png (618.45 KB,1775x874,1775:874,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae5d82 No.21597427


what other excuse would the uni-party in MASS, who are marxists, install such a carpet-bagger horror show governor?

She appointed her ex-partner to the Mass Supreme Court.

she horrible and I don't think election in Massachusetts can be trusted anymore.

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de5c1a No.21597428


Services are for kids w disabilities same as florida man. See below

Our mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. We are dedicated to providing efficient, effective and economical services of value to our clients. We meet each client’s unique needs through working in partnership with the client and family.


Founder of Florida nonprofit for children with disabilities accused of decade-long sexual abuse

The founder of a nonprofit that advocates for children with disabilities was arrested by the FBI on Wednesday and charged with sexually abusing minors, according to officials.


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b009c3 No.21597429

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e1ac1e No.21597431


>Ryan Routh and Adam Routh



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fdaf93 No.21597432

==The deep state didn't kill the shooter this time, which means he's going to be going to court, which means the media will have to cover it, which means the people are going to find out who he was working with, who was his "handler", and who helped him.

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af3491 No.21597433

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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af3491 No.21597434

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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b009c3 No.21597435


Repost next bread. Checked that link how does she connect to him?

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af3491 No.21597436

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

File: 6dcb8df7229cab4⋯.jpg (113.42 KB,600x600,1:1,NROL.jpg)

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ae5d82 No.21597439


'fight to the death'

apparently his sick fantasy didn't come true , if that's really the same guy.

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565460 No.21597441


dude's a fuckin nut

hero complex

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74500a No.21597442

File: d21a3eeabd86a75⋯.jpg (225.31 KB,641x615,641:615,they_tried_to_kill_him6.jpg)

File: e47fc311927562f⋯.png (1.26 MB,742x863,742:863,e47fc311927562f4d2e7ae0242….png)

File: 0056ad8e7378f43⋯.png (1015.27 KB,684x600,57:50,0056ad8e7378f43ee8a32a5556….png)

File: c175a92d04da25d⋯.png (1.44 MB,798x852,133:142,c175a92d04da25dbe0e0c00738….png)


He's lucky to be alive and can probably thank DEI again for being able to pop off and slip away but at least they caught him.

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2b19f4 No.21597443


And that he's on the side of MSM, Blinken, Zelensky, and Azov Neo Nazis.

Does he have a swastika tat?

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af3491 No.21597444

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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af3491 No.21597446

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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b2dc0a No.21597447

File: 4501115db06705d⋯.gif (969.01 KB,500x332,125:83,7390366.gif)

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0a43ef No.21597448


its looking confusing right now because both look similar and both have same locations but the age appearing is strange.

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2dedfb No.21597450

File: 5f8f1314b104da2⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB,1560x8373,520:2791,IMG_5105.jpeg)

File: 396a00dc435914f⋯.jpeg (2.15 MB,918x8830,459:4415,IMG_5107.jpeg)

File: a6e615af9e11870⋯.jpeg (2.92 MB,1560x11409,520:3803,IMG_5109.jpeg)

File: 6b90eb0cc63b604⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,1560x8426,780:4213,IMG_5120.jpeg)

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af3491 No.21597451

File: d72999f4ce6ac4d⋯.png (427.8 KB,600x337,600:337,Q_nigga.png)

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55b4b6 No.21597455


Plugin Off

The Hawaiian Islands face unique challenges; with land cost at a premium, cost of shipping supplies, and a complex and overloaded permitting process, any space becomes extremely expensive. The Camp Box vision is to try and help our neighbors and friends with an affordable option to provide that needed comfortable space. Everyone should be able to have their own private spot on the island and know they are worthy, worthwhile and belong as a part of the community. Using standard economical, fast and efficient construction techniques and materials we can produce solutions to our own problems right here on the island. We do not need impractical imported solutions.

Camp Box offers an extremely efficient design that is a mobile and towable unit, so that owners will always have the flexibility relocate or tow their unit wherever needed. As a mobile unit it is not permanent and with 16 ft units are less than 120 square feet, they stay under building code requirements to avoid the lengthy building permit process, if someone wishes to make it a permanent accessory structure. Camp Box also offers itemized pricing for all components so that units can be custom designed and ordered. From a most basic unfinished shell unit at the most economical price so that owners can finish themselves or add upgrade options so that units can be made to match someone’s budget and needs. Units being constructed with standard materials mean that anyone can simply and easily build out their own unit as time and money permits with regular materials, tools and practices to add their personal touch. Camp Box is designed to be the simplest and most cost effective for users, with standard electrical connections, some water storage on the roof and every item constructed using simple components that we can produced here on Oahu economically with local labor.

While we always strive for a very modern and fashion forward design, with rounded facade and clean details, our focus is on economical units that can hopefully have a wonderful positive impact on the quality of many lives. We cannot sit idle, as some of our friends and neighbors around us struggle, when we ourselves are smart enough to create our own solutions to our own problems. Using common sense and American ingenuity and the resources that we have, together we can create our own happy places. We look forward to the opportunity to provide these small special spaces, where anyone can have their own spot in the world and feel comfortable, stable and connected with a place to call their own to make big memories.

We are located in Kaaawa on the windward side of Oahu and would enjoy working with you in any capacity that we can. Feel free to email at campboxengineering@gmail.com or text or call 808-379-9411 to discuss or make an appointment to see a model unit.

Thanks for your support and feedback as we grow together.

Ryan Routh and Adam Routh

brothers name right here!!!!!






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2dedfb No.21597456

File: 99e76b7339b1c9c⋯.png (1.64 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5125.png)

File: 7b261e4d1ecf119⋯.png (1.68 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5126.png)

File: 902dc1e4e29daad⋯.png (1.67 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5127.png)

File: 56e1e9bafbe24b6⋯.png (1.61 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5128.png)

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b009c3 No.21597457


Repost nb.

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fdaf93 No.21597458

File: 84c67599eac8a23⋯.png (611.35 KB,1033x782,1033:782,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Routh LinkedIn



Legacy media brainwashed this man to try to kill Trump.

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af3491 No.21597460

File: febd8569b87f732⋯.png (785.88 KB,863x657,863:657,Q_Merry_Christmas_UCMJ.png)

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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661641 No.21597461



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55b4b6 No.21597462


gods work anon!!!!

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4cc4b8 No.21597464


i think they mean 300-500yards.

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af3491 No.21597466

File: 350c73340058e02⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,900x720,5:4,PraySquirrel.jpg)

File: da3dfdf457bf009⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,460x380,23:19,Jeff_Sessions_Andy_Mills.jpg)

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