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1591bb No.21591997 [Last50 Posts]

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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1591bb No.21591999

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

>>21503242 Brazil #1

>>21369051 Canada #62

>>20584322 China #1

>>21284558 France #8

>>21435975 Germany #107

>>21250243 Japan #24

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>21452596 QAJF #2

>>21350861 Scotland #11

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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Help support 8KUN

>>21438634, >>21189998, >>21462480, >>21190032, >>21543513 @thejimwatkins: Is it worth keeping 8kun online?? (plus how to make bitcoin pmts via Proto)

>>18024378, >>18561054, >>21587855 PROTO Instructions & CONTACT info for Q's or problems NEW

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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1591bb No.21592001


#26447 >>21591154

>>21591164, >>21591726, >>21591179, >>21591194 New Zealand vaccine injuries featured in their parliament

>>21591192 DJT: Atlas Poll - US Presidential Election

>>21591337 NICKY JAM VOTA POR TRUMP!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21591363 WAIT FOR IT…🤣🤣🤣


>>21591405 Haitian Migrants “Don’t Understand the Laws,” Ohio State Rep. Says

>>21591468, >>21591538, >>21591670, >>21591746, >>21591759, >>21591783 Call to Dig: Robert Rue, Mayor of Springfield, Ohio

>>21591474 Dems setting up the narrative already for delayed election results aka cheating

>>21591482, >>21591493 Kamala Harris @ debate: “We’re not taking anyone’s guns away!”, 30 seconds later: “We need an assault weapons ban”

>>21591521, >>21591553 Moar GlobalX

>>21591526 Springfield city leaders have been sounding the alarm about their housing crisis for months

>>21591589, >>21591690 During the debate with Trump, Kamala claimed that no U.S forces were in active combat zones

>>21591647 Team Trump: 52 Days

>>21591675, >>21591711 Springfield, Ohio: Haitians demanded this lady to sell them a chicken, tried to steal her ducks, push her around

>>21591763 Biden-Harris admin gives billions in benefits to 'refugees' who enter the country under 'parole' program

>>21591831 Rock, Paper, Scissors

>>21591850, >>21591901 Kamala's Wikipedia page changed her race 23 times

>>21591860, >>21591940, >>21591904 Refresher: Obama admitted to eating dog meat as a child in Indonesia described in his autobiography

>>21591866 The Simpsons prophesies intensify

>>21591891 President @realDonaldTrump is honored to have the endorsement of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association

>>21591908 President @realDonaldTrump en route to Utah

>>21591198, >>21591262, >>21591293, >>21591311, >>21591396, >>21591397, >>21591433, >>21591444, >>21591531, >>21591617, >>21591620, >>21591648, >>21591752, >>21591858, >>21591897 Memes

>>21591993 #26447

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1591bb No.21592002

#26446 >>21590337

>>21590357 The former Uvalde school police chief is charged with child endangerment

>>21590361, >>21590363 RoBlox Pedophile Problem

>>21590365, >>21590379, >>21590484, >>21590528, >>21590528, >>21590559, >>21590662 RFK Jr. FOOD System = common chemical$ = common ailment$ = MAHA

>>21590383 Zelensky is a power-hungry dictator (not a Russian state media headline)

>>21590397 Union for Postal Workers endorse Harris

>>21590402 il Papi - THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENT!!!

>>21590426, >>21590447 @DanScavino 8 Year Flint Delta and 1 min of football

>>21590491 Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote By Oregon’s DMV

>>21590492 Barroon!


>>21590758 Why Is Israel Bulldozing Cemeteries in Gaza?

>>21590785 Tim Tebow Reveals Despicable Chats Between Progressive Pedophile Scum

>>21590793 Walz: Surround yourself with smart women and listen to them and you’ll do just fine

>>21590891, >>21590896, >>21590906, >>21590913, >>21590918, >>21590928, >>21590935, >>21590949, >>21590962 The Role of the Boule (gatekeepers) in the African-American Community

>>21590974, >>21591016 Trump Holds Surprise Meet And Greet At Las Vegas Police Protective Association

>>21590987 Both Davis and Harris are members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

>>21591012, >>21591029 PlaneFaggin' The GXA call signs are the illegal alien flights.

>>21591085 Moderna admits in patent filings that its mRNA COVID-19 injections can cause CANCER

>>21591096 Hey America You know where this is all going - NO TAX PERIOD!!!

>>21591133 #26446

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1591bb No.21592005

#26445 >>21589500

>>21589544, >>21590242 Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: "Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45" - COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer Tsunami

>>21589558 I can't believe these signs are in commie controlled westport connecticut!!!

>>21589572 POTUS T AD

>>21589577 LIVE: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall with Gov. Sarah Sanders in Flint, MI - 9/17/24

>>21589664 Suspicious Death of Cop Trainee

>>21589687 Stranded Astronauts Plan to Vote From Space

>>21589698 Trump's 'Animal' Rhetoric Ignites Debate

>>21589718 UTA to lead NASA wildfire grant

>>21589734, >>21589743, >>21589747 ARCHIVING -TRUMP RALLY IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 13TH SEPTEMBER 2024 !!

>>21589736, >>21589803 On August 30th, 2024 the FDA approved the new ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine for use against monkey pox

>>21589789, >>21589847, >>21589935 Space COMMS

>>21589798 Are Political Signs Memes? or Mean Tweets?

>>21589886 Pennsylvania bakery’s ‘cookie poll’ - 5,200 Trump cookies vs. 500 Harris cookies.

>>21589891, >>21590035 US Soldiers Give Kamala Harris BRUTAL Fact-Check

>>21589902 X22 [DS] Is Panicking,Next Move Is A Cyber Attack,Patriots Are Winning The Information War

>>21589923 Unseen War - CodeMonkeyZ

>>21589963, >>21590230 @DiamondandSilk Trump Assassination Attempt. Was it an Inside Job???

>>21589983, >>21590081, >>21590184 WINNING MEME Of Springfield

>>21589986 Trump has an almost 50-point lead over Harris Electoral College

>>21590021, >>21590196 PETA just put together a video about keeping your cats indoors.

>>21590071 LOSING MEME Of Springfield

>>21590185 UFC Champion Henry Cejudo just endorsed Donald Trump

>>21590209 @jimwatkins - Donations dropped. Thank you. The next person is up.

>>21590328 #26445

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1591bb No.21592006

#26444 >>21588725

>>21588768 Pennsylvania court rules against allowing misdated mail-in votes

>>21588776 X22

>>21588811 @JohnBWellsCTM Please keep in mind always that the"fact- checkers" are paid liars

>>21588827 Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

>>21588838 @JohnBWellsCTM Naked Lines Friday!🔥

>>21588841 @elonmusk The Dems want to take your kids

>>21588860 Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor’s appointment

>>21588864 ICYMI: Former Colorado ICE director says Venezuelan gangs are setting up their network to launch all-out gang wars

>>21588870 Caravan to Midnight 2277 ft. Dustin Nemos - Bankers & Global Rule

>>21588882 ICYMI: @realDonaldTrump Why is NASDAQ halting the sale of DJT? What right do they have to do this? They have done it twice today. What’s going on?……

>>21588922, >>21589063, >>21589167, >>21589180, >>21589208 PF upates

>>21588934 Today in Q Post History we have 16 deltas.

>>21588964 51 Days to WINNING

>>21589041 @MELANIATRUMP We The People

>>21589064 ‘Major Conflict’: Chinese Military-Linked Pharma Corps Make Flurry Of Payments To Taxpayer-Funded Scientists

>>21589077, >>21589144 Fight For Kids

>>21589105, >>21589153, >>21589282 #cornwatch, Cali fires

>>21589112 2018 President Trump signs the Farm Bill making dog and cat meat illegal in the United States

>>21589130 NBC News quickly located and identified four hateful profile accounts, one of which included clear anti-Semitic language.

>>21589134 Oprah just had an AI special with Sam Altman and Bill Gates — here are the highlights

>>21589173 Feds, city to crack down on animal sacrifices in NYC’s Jamaica Bay after dog-carcass with snapped neck, wounded pigs found

>>21589184 UK Missiles Ready To Strike Russia. Putin Warns US/UK

>>21589202 2010 State Department's Cheryl Mills on rebuilding Haiti

>>21589211 Oregon DMV registered more than 300 non-citizens to vote

>>21589230, >>21589305, >>21589373, >>21589437, >>21589452, >>21589480 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day The Moona Lisa

>>21589234 ACAM2000 Package Insert Warning: "Death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals."

>>21589259, >>21589267 I5 mass shooter sought police help hours prior

>>21589325 It won't be Russia that causes the black out of comms

>>21589441 CHECKMATE

>>21589474 @realDonaldTrump ABC FAKE NEWS has been completely discredited…

>>21589489 #26444

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1591bb No.21592008

#26443 >>21587773

>>21587949 Trump brings up Kamala's earpiece

>>21587800 Judicial Watch: Biden-Harris State Dept Records Detail Targeting of Tucker Carlson over Putin Interview

>>21587843 The Nelk Boys just formally endorsed Trump at the Las Vegas rally

>>21587853 Kamala's interview breakdown: Today the "do interviews" team won but the "don't do interviews" team was vindicated. TOP KEK

>>21587861 Kamala Harris moved to probe 'gender-bias' language in top secret reports

>>21587868 ABC allegedly set up distractive lighting aimed at Trump's podium

>>21587887, >>21588030 Bill Maher is a shitbag

>>21587944 Anon sent DJT a get well card and note and got this today

>>21588017 True The Vote announced their team is monitoring over 25 MILLION ineligible names on voter rolls across the country

>>21588061 Voter Registration Deadlines

>>21588077, >>21588019 DJT 😂

>>21588089 Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

>>21588101 American Hindu Coalition endorses Trump

>>21588118 US sanctions RT. The Russian outlet is a threat to democracy, the State Department has claimed.

>>21588124 Ohio woman who posted about Haitians eating pets, cowers before the corpse of mainstream media

>>21588138 President Trump made it illegal to eat dogs and cats in 2018

>>21588224 NALC endorses Harris-Walz - Reminder from 2020: Mail-in ballots going to cross state lines and disappear AGAIN in 2024?

>>21588334 #26443

Previously Collected

>>21586032 #26440, >>21586897 #26441, >>21587752 #26442

>>21583237 #26437, >>21584208 #26438, >>21585165 #26439

>>21580548 #26434, >>21581639 #26435, >>21582538 #26436

>>21578124 #26431, >>21579062 #26432, >>21579702 #26433

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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1591bb No.21592012

File: b85eda50606ef72⋯.png (257.59 KB,440x337,440:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce0ac5c6da031ee⋯.png (987.27 KB,731x875,731:875,ClipboardImage.png)



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fe4fa1 No.21592021

File: 852c8b89e7de3ff⋯.jpg (82.48 KB,424x766,212:383,Hayat_Tahrir_al_Sham.jpg)

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005e9f No.21592027

File: 8a09171d391e3d3⋯.jpg (97.37 KB,797x803,797:803,d9f9e67a60a9c4fd.jpg)

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005e9f No.21592029

File: c87f1f43edc7d91⋯.jpeg (46.7 KB,710x537,710:537,dc38f4189d9edac5.jpeg)

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9cf4bd No.21592032

File: c4618e89f5a619d⋯.webm (421.17 KB,427x240,427:240,inbound.webm)

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5532b5 No.21592038

We the people need to start hammering about the Election Desk which predicts the winners and losers with only 1% of the vote in on election night. I just found out the election desk is actually the AP which is a news organization. Votes should determine the winner not the AP. #BanElectionDesk

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551bde No.21592041

File: 6feffbd9458103f⋯.png (1.5 MB,1260x711,140:79,6feffbd9458103f3ce99b9a53e….png)

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ea093d No.21592042

File: 0c6348f7b9a7564⋯.png (700.95 KB,1080x800,27:20,0c6348f7b9a7564d3860ddcc86….png)

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ddc85a No.21592045

File: e2114a84ac650b2⋯.mp4 (13.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Jimmy_Dore_9_11_Still_Matt….mp4)

File: be8939011e5ad82⋯.png (599.54 KB,626x713,626:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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953e00 No.21592049

File: 30363f7950406c7⋯.png (4.76 KB,351x117,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

They said I could be anything I wanted.

So I became a Paytriot

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9cf4bd No.21592052

File: e483458259faaca⋯.png (369.96 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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005e9f No.21592058

File: 050bcdc6f2280d5⋯.png (355.73 KB,710x402,355:201,dcaa5dda8bf3d857.png)

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4d220b No.21592059

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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005e9f No.21592061

File: e4dd531336a6de4⋯.jpg (103.16 KB,500x658,250:329,e4dd531336a6de472eeaf24443….jpg)

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c06641 No.21592063

File: 2adb7a7088702c2⋯.jpeg (53.52 KB,506x457,506:457,download_83.jpeg)

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fd4d1b No.21592065

File: f0bcb9d4e87024a⋯.png (3.44 MB,1536x1188,128:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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005e9f No.21592067

File: da5a44b4ff8d4a4⋯.png (781.75 KB,777x824,777:824,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cb4bc No.21592068

File: 48d9ab34bb14421⋯.jpg (317.13 KB,1600x900,16:9,5b33cab1ac7cb019.jpg)

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305c9c No.21592069

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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005e9f No.21592070

File: e98e025f8e1e2e2⋯.png (848.38 KB,800x518,400:259,e98e025f8e1e2e24fc16e5c484….png)

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ea093d No.21592073

File: 5d721a454ef8a75⋯.jpg (75.23 KB,1031x714,1031:714,5d721a454ef8a75e26040f6453….jpg)

Just give up vati

Can't troll the instant filter anons and normies are made aware of (((you)))

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54b540 No.21592074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Doja Cat sold her soul this is all about it. Full of imagery


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005e9f No.21592075

File: d81a21ce9f9f4a0⋯.png (877.79 KB,853x750,853:750,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe4fa1 No.21592076


Feds, city to crack down on animal sacrifices in NYC’s Jamaica Bay after dog-carcass with snapped neck, wounded pigs found

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3b5dbe No.21592077

File: 4046f98abe96ac6⋯.jpg (38.65 KB,500x498,250:249,gfhjbkjsdcaadcc.jpg)

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5161ad No.21592078


no, anon, you're the one who lost his mind.

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4d220b No.21592079

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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953e00 No.21592080

File: 86e04e3f09f5c3f⋯.png (331.03 KB,634x357,634:357,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm convinced these litterboxes flooding the market is a Haitian conspiracy

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bb75dd No.21592081

File: 0a9e2cffbdcaac3⋯.png (609.77 KB,750x1334,375:667,0A276B73_7C5A_449D_8E83_5A….png)

File: 10b9c87ab126ce6⋯.png (459.44 KB,690x2830,69:283,018B98CB_BB8A_4FE7_8B63_06….png)

File: ce6eae049acd046⋯.png (140.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,0D9ADAF6_C786_4A58_92AC_89….png)

File: d2dea45480a2b53⋯.png (105.14 KB,690x882,115:147,E2D6DC47_6811_42EA_90B4_AD….png)

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005e9f No.21592083

File: da5c927f37cdadd⋯.png (826.27 KB,924x693,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cf4bd No.21592084

File: 735eef60f55eda5⋯.webm (258.67 KB,427x240,427:240,brrrrrt.webm)


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f74971 No.21592085

File: e81290d36e5456d⋯.jpg (285.46 KB,930x938,465:469,1gok.jpg)

File: 37d35e4d3467072⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,640x360,16:9,Platoon_NS2.mp4)

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cedfb8 No.21592087

File: c080c33cd957df7⋯.png (492.11 KB,540x478,270:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d7bcf No.21592088

File: 658cad269739590⋯.jpg (31.41 KB,460x272,115:68,55d82be564201.jpg)

>>21591189 LB

found this on search

india space shuttle meme

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e44e50 No.21592091

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: 07fada9ff100b8e⋯.png (866.79 KB,877x573,877:573,9c8e02a9ebfc9d4a9f8611b3b6….png)

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bb75dd No.21592092

File: a0ecabbb4be8897⋯.png (1.5 MB,750x1334,375:667,04434231_7AA4_4898_AF4D_7E….png)

File: ee420ef23c7973d⋯.png (44.32 KB,690x586,345:293,66AE3056_2494_4DAD_B1EB_67….png)

File: e5e092aabf4f457⋯.png (51.68 KB,690x630,23:21,FEEA7662_54F3_4BA4_962C_30….png)

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005e9f No.21592094

File: 4cac21cd502c7af⋯.jpg (94.1 KB,681x939,227:313,eb1f7c43712e9286.jpg)

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005e9f No.21592095

File: f0c01e3f44219b5⋯.jpg (166.44 KB,818x782,409:391,edd88927a075f837.jpg)

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fd4d1b No.21592096

File: 393c9ed4b25a145⋯.png (445.7 KB,656x1295,656:1295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b453848d7dd0c42⋯.png (525.61 KB,1200x526,600:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cac68e7a74877d⋯.png (374.62 KB,1200x738,200:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbdd0e2f98413dc⋯.png (518.75 KB,1200x526,600:263,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Tech Workers


This person is paid $1.27 million a year to help resettle 20,000 Haitians into the small working class town of Springfield, Ohio.

Oilfield Rando


A 501c3 called National Youth Advocate Project has been awarded $292 million by the Dept of Health and Human Services for assistance to unaccompanied illegal alien children in Ohio since 2021.

The organization's 2022 IRS form 990 says that the CEO, Marvena Twigg (social worker), earned $1.27 million that year. Wowie.

12:11 PM • Jul 12, 2024


12:47 PM • Jul 14, 2024


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ace937 No.21592097

File: 0437711d5d886b9⋯.png (887.06 KB,1142x764,571:382,RGgukq5E6HBS5wvERDA3ZF4P2W….png)

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5161ad No.21592099

File: f66a4312f8addd5⋯.png (939.25 KB,920x1150,4:5,Smollett_MugShot.png)

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bb75dd No.21592101

File: 72084b5693431d6⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,8A637186_A83E_4D52_B4E8_5F….png)

File: 2a55d2782921c0b⋯.png (64.57 KB,690x674,345:337,BA429007_CE88_4EA2_A2EC_C4….png)

File: 72db0058f5fc8fb⋯.png (271.17 KB,690x2918,345:1459,2B70A94F_06F2_4F8A_AD26_87….png)

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cedfb8 No.21592102

File: 4df733ca4e6e104⋯.png (114.97 KB,990x330,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like they only launder bribes no, little fella.

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ea093d No.21592105

File: cc0baaa30c3b4f0⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,404x720,101:180,66e629d872d7c.mp4)

Got it

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cedfb8 No.21592106

File: cc002473c983fc2⋯.png (526.88 KB,511x489,511:489,ClipboardImage.png)


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c06641 No.21592107

File: 6ec4af0f61f4a1b⋯.jpg (78.94 KB,496x625,496:625,93ijqw.jpg)

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4d220b No.21592108

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d8e08 No.21592110

File: 97f1dda0197ddfe⋯.png (48.45 KB,632x466,316:233,ClipboardImage.png)


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005e9f No.21592111

File: cec9cdd2c2cc6b2⋯.jpg (47.43 KB,710x644,355:322,ee2b9cdffc341c45.jpg)

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758ce0 No.21592112

File: 899b456592170c4⋯.jpg (63.87 KB,667x351,667:351,TYB_Brittney_Spears.jpg)


>52 Days


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804fd9 No.21592113

File: 8bebc1aee1d8113⋯.mp4 (14.45 MB,1080x1080,1:1,vcWelU_aOljxtlHH_1_.mp4)


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5161ad No.21592114

File: 044a1c7c8e03e52⋯.jpg (56.55 KB,371x437,371:437,SMILES.jpg)

File: 510d36ccc6f0cb9⋯.png (135.96 KB,873x700,873:700,roman_soldier_pepe.png)

Mr. Pig has gotten very combative lately.

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005e9f No.21592115

File: c5922a09f286a94⋯.jpg (44.52 KB,758x486,379:243,eeb407dfaa38a66e.jpg)

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9d8e08 No.21592116

File: 7a3c1e98b40346b⋯.png (103.7 KB,696x532,174:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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f74971 No.21592117

File: 60ba15f64840287⋯.jpg (44.83 KB,800x485,160:97,gt.jpg)

File: c3497769e1c6662⋯.png (606.46 KB,625x500,5:4,7221f3b872d604ec598867bb8d….png)


ty brononymous

I put the flag in this one

good trade o7

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7a4ec6 No.21592119


Kek! Stolt

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fe4fa1 No.21592120

File: c39b8442bdd631b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_Harris_freezes_when….mp4)

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fd4d1b No.21592121

File: 11f9c7d0edbbdc6⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,576x1024,9:16,Haitians_playing_bumper_ca….mp4)

File: f572cecbd3a9f8a⋯.png (741.63 KB,675x1003,675:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

Haitians playing bumper cars in California

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨DEVELOPING: An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California.

10:01 AM • Sep 14, 2024


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5161ad No.21592123

File: faee45a9d2ae805⋯.jpg (91.47 KB,750x665,150:133,Mt_Rushmore_renamed_Meme_R….jpg)

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005e9f No.21592124

File: e24ff828d0c2d43⋯.jpg (49.53 KB,710x579,710:579,f4fba3d9c5e3dba2.jpg)

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672c3c No.21592125

File: ab58b8fd7cdb80f⋯.jpg (55.68 KB,672x371,96:53,ab58b8fd7cdb80f385ea587176….jpg)

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9d8e08 No.21592127

File: ad71521b27f995a⋯.png (131.73 KB,687x596,687:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cebb42d886db00f⋯.png (37.73 KB,658x228,329:114,ClipboardImage.png)



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ec7bcb No.21592129


The ol' switcheroo.

Vet all the illegals. To those who are decent, hard-working, no criminal record, give them the citizenship of a natural-born Gen Z traitor-communist self-absorbed brat who has protested against this country and give the deportation papers to the Gen Z.

Let's be rid of them. They are a shame to this nation.

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71c907 No.21592131


what is bad about wicca?

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9d8e08 No.21592132

File: 93c6f1336b8835f⋯.png (99.18 KB,693x464,693:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb75dd No.21592133

File: bec1d133b7bce06⋯.png (1.07 MB,750x1334,375:667,40FBE1B2_F69A_42D5_BBB5_1C….png)

File: 94bde51d1828d6a⋯.jpeg (245.19 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,E29EB410_09E4_4201_8FAE_E….jpeg)

File: c9acc52dffe95e0⋯.png (93.04 KB,690x806,345:403,8645F0E4_9C0F_4555_92FE_61….png)

File: 5ba1527e21e0fd8⋯.jpeg (326.31 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,6ED6670A_737A_436E_BB26_E….jpeg)

File: 16903a9e0693bda⋯.png (46.57 KB,690x498,115:83,CC65D553_BFE7_47C7_B674_AB….png)

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005e9f No.21592134

File: 56bd9d1fa05a18b⋯.jpeg (145.55 KB,558x1147,18:37,f5d678d289ce94e3.jpeg)

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fd4d1b No.21592135

File: 6e8111088d4a0c9⋯.png (199.14 KB,675x566,675:566,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5c26f322406a2d⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,640x360,16:9,This_is_exactly_what_is_ha….mp4)

Elon Musk


This is exactly what is happening

3:29 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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66df76 No.21592136

File: 67e91a28f4dd11b⋯.png (406.84 KB,700x805,20:23,IMG_2732.png)

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bb75dd No.21592137

File: 0ad6ec4439ea731⋯.jpeg (395.53 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,51005E8B_F785_4130_8999_9….jpeg)

File: b7c659687d829d6⋯.png (342.69 KB,690x1004,345:502,B414B015_95F8_49BA_9E4D_7B….png)

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f74971 No.21592138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5161ad No.21592141

File: baa0075cb804d30⋯.jpg (88.78 KB,918x733,918:733,summer_camp_horror_fiction….jpg)

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005e9f No.21592142

File: f72c7790524f3b6⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,846x538,423:269,f72c7790524f3b6335ed4d4587….jpg)

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9d8e08 No.21592144

File: d371881d95af4e7⋯.png (17.75 KB,303x261,101:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b5dbe No.21592146

Harris [Phoenix Awards Dinner]: We will build an opportunity economy…including my plan to create twenty-five million new small businesses in the next four years.

[In 2020, there were approximately thirty-four million small businesses; does Harris intend the 'new business' be run by her illegals?]


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f74971 No.21592149

File: 37910819cf5190d⋯.png (338.03 KB,710x700,71:70,37910819cf5190dfaf7db83f36….png)

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bb75dd No.21592151

File: aa8460584b77405⋯.png (470.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,43E2BCFC_7D97_49ED_BC3A_05….png)

File: 26cc889e160116f⋯.png (88.2 KB,690x1164,115:194,A95975BD_342C_42D4_A566_A8….png)

File: f42ab22c7cf7d74⋯.png (47.06 KB,690x542,345:271,E8ED57C7_7FF9_4095_B07E_A9….png)

File: c4c90a696637173⋯.png (259.83 KB,690x1906,345:953,9C2F0298_53E9_4712_8596_6B….png)

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a3951d No.21592152

File: 8b34efe8d4f22cf⋯.jpg (15.4 KB,283x178,283:178,pizzapepe.jpg)

File: 2b554ecfdbc4a61⋯.jpg (21.05 KB,474x474,1:1,2b554ecfdbc4a611f2f833cb71….jpg)


baker ty

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8949a2 No.21592153

File: 78822dba6efee69⋯.png (755.28 KB,700x958,350:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d8e08 No.21592154

File: 2d67c38ccbadf60⋯.png (63.8 KB,437x543,437:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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5161ad No.21592155

File: 07208f27283c40e⋯.jpg (561.52 KB,1920x1080,16:9,OGATE_30_B_no_.jpg)

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9cf4bd No.21592156

File: 70768e93e53e704⋯.webm (562.87 KB,427x240,427:240,abstractions3.webm)


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fd4d1b No.21592157

File: ef9eb2ab479ba5a⋯.png (443.01 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

She’s not going after your guns but she wants an assault weapons ban

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

“NEW: Kamala Harris has completely changed her position on the 2nd Amendment in less than 72 hours.During the debate on Tuesday, Kamala Harris blasted Trump after he said she wanted to take people's firearms away.Harris told Trump to ‘stop lying’ and said …


Communists can only win by subverting the only thing in the way of their plan. It is a 250 year document that has kept the world from devolving into the very freeing wound we see overseas, but it is on life support. It needs our help. Ease read what our forefathers thought of all this.

Federalist No. 46 The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared

From the New York Packet Tuesday, January 29, 1788.

Author: James Madison

To the People of the State of New York:

"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it. Let us not insult the free and gallant citizens of America with the suspicion, that they would be less able to defend the rights of which they would be in actual possession, than the debased subjects of arbitrary power would be to rescue theirs from the hands of their oppressors. Let us rather no longer insult them with the supposition that they can ever reduce themselves to the necessity of making the experiment, by a blind and tame submission to the long train of insidious measures which must precede and produce it. The argument under the present head may be put into a very concise form, which appears altogether conclusive. Either the mode in which the federal government is to be constructed will render it sufficiently dependent on the people, or it will not. On the first supposition, it will be restrained by that dependence from forming schemes obnoxious to their constituents. On the other supposition, it will not possess the confidence of the people, and its schemes of usurpation will be easily defeated by the State governments, who will be supported by the people. On summing up the considerations stated in this and the last paper, they seem to amount to the most convincing evidence, that the powers proposed to be lodged in the federal government are as little formidable to those reserved to the individual States, as they are indispensably necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Union; and that all those alarms which have been sounded, of a meditated and consequential annihilation of the State governments, must, on the most favorable interpretation, be ascribed to the chimerical fears of the authors of them."



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005e9f No.21592158

File: fa5986744c8977b⋯.png (293.8 KB,611x448,611:448,f11074c8c107034c.png)

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4d220b No.21592160

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d8e08 No.21592161

File: 6bf15c88a196bc2⋯.png (107.9 KB,471x573,157:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7715 No.21592164

File: c780c18a4eaf116⋯.jpeg (288.77 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GXdsQdIWwAApGLG.jpeg)

File: 340a70a1e49d128⋯.jpeg (371.11 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GXdrAz1WEAAPWyD.jpeg)

File: 72d60859767fe6e⋯.jpeg (211.86 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GXdrAzvWoAAr7oZ.jpeg)

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005e9f No.21592166

File: 3d779df052438c1⋯.png (311.34 KB,339x479,339:479,HAITIANS.png)

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f84b33 No.21592167

File: 88a97b5b9951e64⋯.jpeg (1.77 MB,1125x1384,1125:1384,IMG_4079.jpeg)

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0c248d No.21592168

File: e80cbafd8af9e7b⋯.png (933.06 KB,1782x872,891:436,ClipboardImage.png)

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c06641 No.21592169


Sucking up their MOJO.

Cats vids are the #1 G rated time waster.

Bad Demographic to pit against

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5161ad No.21592170

File: 1c113de743df751⋯.jpg (77.75 KB,500x350,10:7,blah_blah_bullshit_bullshi….jpg)

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9cf4bd No.21592172

File: 6e47467823bd265⋯.png (137.85 KB,657x527,657:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea093d No.21592173

File: 105a7a67f589107⋯.webm (1.07 MB,460x304,115:76,aBy8DZD_460svvp9.webm)

For the keks

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aeaef0 No.21592174

HIVE MIND ALERT: Theres someone ATM being 1st responded too.

PLS PRAY and send positive vibes, ty. <3

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9d8e08 No.21592175

File: 9d5f1d4c25507ac⋯.png (126.8 KB,674x497,674:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7394e42a5f3a122⋯.png (95.59 KB,696x372,58:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592177

File: 981f1875d34cc43⋯.png (431.76 KB,675x1001,675:1001,ClipboardImage.png)




ICYMI — this week the 2 Co-chairs of the Congressional UAP 🛸 Caucus @realannapaulina & @timburchett confirmed to Ask a Pol that a 2nd public UAP hearing is coming to the US House of Representatives in the coming weeks


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna confirms Nancy Mace set to chair House UAP hearing

Ep. 263 — Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (5-10-2024)




UAP Caucus Co-Chair @timburchett tells us the goal of a 2nd public House UAP hearing this fall: “Exposure” & “laying the groundwork"

#ufox #ufotwitter #uaps

3:18 PM • Sep 13, 2024


4:35 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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005e9f No.21592178

File: 868fd5d86ef8360⋯.png (1.31 MB,738x1022,369:511,868fd5d86ef83604e87de32810….png)

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9d8e08 No.21592179

File: c60439971c8f735⋯.png (17.52 KB,506x114,253:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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5161ad No.21592180

File: 7bc7b18c5df4933⋯.jpg (73.2 KB,611x1000,611:1000,swirlly_hatted_totalitaria….jpg)

File: 9499cc9661cc471⋯.jpg (110.36 KB,329x1159,329:1159,lot_on_her_mind_003.jpg)

File: 356e3681441fc27⋯.jpg (53.79 KB,1069x818,1069:818,lot_on_her_mind.jpg)

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005e9f No.21592181

File: ef1c65787ad1741⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,686x386,343:193,hq720.jpg)

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005e9f No.21592183

File: 36b96cc82964c21⋯.png (171.34 KB,299x364,23:28,ohio.png)

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17abf4 No.21592184

File: 91d90d9b59378ad⋯.jpg (328.89 KB,707x1269,707:1269,Screenshot_20240914_125135….jpg)

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bb75dd No.21592186

File: 0b424c1fe906164⋯.png (1.41 MB,750x1334,375:667,066C744B_CFEC_4E9D_B09F_74….png)

File: 3beac97e36f1717⋯.png (168.07 KB,690x1648,345:824,5FC8384E_66B2_4D04_B8C8_B6….png)

File: d420f99477dbedc⋯.jpeg (802 KB,1920x1262,960:631,268D6D2F_665D_46F6_9D42_D….jpeg)

File: 2db93f0b956210d⋯.png (807.02 KB,690x2262,115:377,6D07A830_927D_4E26_8182_5F….png)

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005e9f No.21592188

File: 1fb7233afaf6843⋯.png (529.02 KB,497x821,497:821,retarded.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592189

File: 01574ff7e01fa58⋯.png (227.7 KB,280x350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)



>A 501c3 called National Youth Advocate Project has been awarded $292 million by the Dept of Health and Human Services for assistance to unaccompanied illegal alien children in Ohio since 2021.


CALL TO DIGG: Did you ever wonder who and what fedgov org is funding and moving illegals to Springfield Ohio and every other city? Andrea Palm of US HHS. She is spending hundreds of millions of our tax money to flood the USA with illegals. The more you know!


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17abf4 No.21592191

File: 8fe095f9782e9f3⋯.jpg (235.87 KB,718x751,718:751,Screenshot_20240914_114521….jpg)

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f5745e No.21592193

File: 3e31e5ea3bc6ec3⋯.png (52.82 KB,500x583,500:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea093d No.21592194

File: 52aeac1c7b80957⋯.jpg (235 KB,1624x1512,29:27,ebc6dd7a77537b94dea7d0611a….jpg)


Vati instant triggered on this vid kek

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672c3c No.21592195

File: b12f0d51a02eaec⋯.png (311.47 KB,460x510,46:51,b12f0d51a02eaec21e3cd50aca….png)

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f68ba4 No.21592196


You want a fucking name tag faggot? If you knew anything about this place you would know no anon takes credit for anything. That post is anon's and nothing more. Once it is made it's part of the hive.

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55c7b8 No.21592197

File: 11f9c7d0edbbdc6⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,576x1024,9:16,allegedhaitianranintofastf….mp4)

>>21590342 pb

alleged Haitian?


>>21591803 pm

go you to the funny farm?

I guess if you don't exist I can ignore your stupid "argument"?

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005e9f No.21592199

File: 1aaaa23d67b31fb⋯.png (568.43 KB,761x841,761:841,ClipboardImage.png)

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17abf4 No.21592200

File: e121be74b3f5d2f⋯.jpg (401.08 KB,660x880,3:4,Screenshot_20240913_183642….jpg)

1966. Kamel's Dad being a gay Hollywood commie.

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5161ad No.21592202

File: 6dfd4b42c72b9dd⋯.jpg (433.3 KB,1052x1168,263:292,output_06.jpg)

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005e9f No.21592203

File: d0711e9e320533a⋯.jpg (119.58 KB,620x496,5:4,so_hot_blank.jpg)

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7573d0 No.21592205

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Angel_Q_Plane.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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bd9b09 No.21592206

File: 18d103f5a28cdb2⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,576x1024,9:16,Stevie_Nicks_.mp4)


Thank you baker!

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2cb058 No.21592208

File: 86cd1cc7a45342c⋯.png (2.21 MB,2028x1220,507:305,ClipboardImage.png)


Here are the 2023 and 2024 Congressional calendars.

Notice the difference?

Are they telling us that there is going to be a government shutdown? Why are they scheduled to be off the whole month of October this year but not last year?? 🤷‍♂️"


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fd4d1b No.21592209

File: 38a25b9287044e9⋯.png (25.68 KB,598x500,299:250,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump up 3.5 points NATIONALLY with most-accurate 2020 pollster!!!

On Point Politics


AtlasIntel (MOST ACCURATE) National Poll - September 14

🔴Trump: 50.7% (+3.6)

🔵Harris: 47.3%

🟡West: 0.2%

🟢Stein: 0.4%

🟣Oliver: 0.1%

Undecided: 1.1%

1,775 Likely Voter | ±2 p.p | 09/11/2024 - 09/12/2024 |

D32.4, R33.5, I34.1%



Guys, my average before I add this poll is Trump+2.3 and this poll has an R+1 Electorate. I will be posting the new average once I add this poll in!

Last edited

2:38 PM · Sep 14, 2024


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005e9f No.21592211

File: 75bb76bd6c30d3d⋯.png (591.04 KB,710x691,710:691,weekthree.png)

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2cb058 No.21592214


Congress off for 45 days starting Sep 28th until after the election.

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a3951d No.21592216

File: f2f07ad4e1cb22b⋯.mp4 (739.75 KB,540x540,1:1,f2f07ad4e1cb22b4e7a9657f5d….mp4)


>cat comms

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c06641 No.21592217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Harris called twenty somethings stupid

From Trump's yt channel


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a09bb8 No.21592220

File: 1c23608b83558da⋯.png (1.59 MB,1570x982,785:491,Trump_Cowbell_knockout_.png)

Trump supporter playing a heavy TRUMP COWBELL gets attacked and hits his attacker so hard in the forehead with his heavy TRUMP COWBELL that you hear the note of the bell! Can someone with perfect-pitch tell me what note that is, please?


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9d7bcf No.21592221

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

General Michael Flynn/Clay Clark - [DS] Is Panicking, Next Move Is A Cyber Attack, Patriots Are Winning The Information War

Dave on X22 Spotlight


suck it Vatican't

you're too late

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3aacd8 No.21592222

File: 09241f4ca666ab2⋯.png (33.59 KB,233x408,233:408,ClipboardImage.png)


She's fighting a yeast infection.

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fd4d1b No.21592227

File: 5196cd3765ee9bb⋯.png (58.35 KB,675x669,225:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eceafe973acbf0⋯.mp4 (11.4 MB,1080x720,3:2,Ladies_and_gentlemen_I_pre….mp4)

Star Trump: The AI Generation


Ladies and gentlemen, I present you:

Eat the Cat - Extended edition!

3:08 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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3e525b No.21592229


She intends on everyone becoming prostitutes to afford to live, she will classify each one as a small business.

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bb75dd No.21592230

File: 5dc8481ad413149⋯.png (2.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,EF0BC8F3_4F92_4853_9455_F9….png)

File: 14953d3670fd4da⋯.png (40.56 KB,690x542,345:271,E66CD489_76D8_4817_A112_46….png)

File: 1ef5671d587d7de⋯.png (90.22 KB,690x806,345:403,6BCDAEEB_4F87_4198_B23D_26….png)

File: 51f8b18a06647a4⋯.jpeg (125.65 KB,770x578,385:289,F67E1166_239F_4988_BE48_4….jpeg)

File: 0334ab2045499f3⋯.png (173.84 KB,690x2006,345:1003,DAB7331C_98F9_4667_90F0_B2….png)

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c06641 No.21592232


…and an ambulance just screeched into the parking lot..

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ec7bcb No.21592233


>Harris called twenty somethings stupid

What a sad day when one finds themself agreeing with kamalala.

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dd00de No.21592234

File: 6835160f05dbb59⋯.png (84.72 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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a3951d No.21592236




she's actually feeding it

that's flavored sugar water

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551bde No.21592239


quads of vodka moar like


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0c248d No.21592241

File: 074f756ce3699d2⋯.png (638.36 KB,757x765,757:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592242

File: d58b8cc08e06641⋯.png (2.58 MB,1153x1675,1153:1675,ClipboardImage.png)


KC Chiefs, playing the Bengals next, inadvertently go full on Haitian Voodoo cannibal!🤣🤣🤣KEK!

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8949a2 No.21592245

File: 55ddc20909d6701⋯.png (541.56 KB,664x499,664:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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005e9f No.21592247

File: 9e776fcdcd0ba33⋯.png (153.47 KB,710x550,71:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bbb7e No.21592251

File: 669961662e698c9⋯.jpeg (512.24 KB,1686x799,1686:799,528CBFC1_E9C7_4EB9_BB27_6….jpeg)

Trump YouTube post


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fd4d1b No.21592254

File: 98854c6dbc44f53⋯.png (1.05 MB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

This is called a Mierddick Garland special. He's fully weaponized and politicized the DOJ and is using the FBI as a propaganda mouthpiece

Haitian Invasion in Springfield Gets FBI Attention in the Worst Way Imaginable

The Federal Bureau of Investigations have joined forces with the Biden-Harris regime and corporate media to try to solve the problems surrounding Haitian “migrants” in Springfield, Ohio. Unfortunately, they’re not targeting the dangerous masses of Haitians in the city, focusing instead on American citizens who are concerned about them.

Reports coming from the small city indicate massive challenges with the tens of thousands of “refugees” that have been crammed into it. Pets are being stolen, eaten, and possibly sacrificed as part of pagan rituals. Crime is skyrocketing. Traffic accidents are through the roof. Meanwhile, the FBI is focusing on “hate crimes” that are allegedly being threatened by “right-wing extremists.”

Their message to the community is focused on so-called “hate crimes” stemming from bomb threats that have been attributed without evidence to Donald Trump supporters. They even translated it into Haitian creole so the “victims” don’t miss out. As independent journalist Nick Sortor noted:

Trending: Surprise! Yet Another “Conspiracy Theory” Is True After All

The FBI is putting up BILLBOARDS written in HAITIAN CREOLE here in Springfield, Ohio encouraging people to “report hate crimes”


Instead of handling the REAL, VIOLENT crime that’s now running rampant in Springfield thanks to Kamala’s illegals, the FBI is focusing on “victimizing” the Haitian population in order to push a narrative.

*Support The Liberty Daily and Mike Lindell – use code TLD at MyPillow.com and get up to 66% off!*


🚨 NEW: The FBI is putting up BILLBOARDS written in HAITIAN CREOLE here in Springfield, Ohio encouraging people to “report hate crimes”


Instead of handling the REAL, VIOLENT crime that’s now running rampant in Springfield thanks to Kamala’s illegals, the FBI is… pic.twitter.com/R5gLft5Hcv

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) September 14, 2024

As I noted on 𝕏 in response to a video showing cats being grilled, something is very fishy about the attention being paid to Springfield by corporate media. Standard operating procedure is to ignore the story, but they are actively and aggressively trying to debunk it over and over again. That’s concerning.

Corporate media has gone beyond ignoring the Springfield Haitian story. They've actively and aggressively pretended to debunk it.

And every time their debunking gets debunked, they try again from a different angle. There's clearly more to this story than we even know because…

— JD Rucker (@JDRucker) September 14, 2024

Yes, folks, we live in a Cowardly New World where wokeness and anti-Americanism are pervasive, especially within the very institutions that are supposed to be protecting Americans.


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6ea88c No.21592259

File: e7d8a262f70192f⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,576x720,4:5,Nathan_Apodaca_aka_Dogg_Fa….mp4)

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ace937 No.21592264

File: 0121ebcc616582a⋯.png (458.21 KB,550x540,55:54,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7715 No.21592266

File: 65cabe8c778f1ca⋯.png (264.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240914_211946.png)

File: e903e9f2b8ca716⋯.png (202.92 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240914_211958.png)

File: 0d04aa51ef5cc1a⋯.png (85.76 KB,766x984,383:492,917_5_.png)

File: 18289802134e3e5⋯.jpeg (20.89 KB,680x300,34:15,GXesKxpWIAAC1Yk.jpeg)

File: 7510ac2a49627ee⋯.png (128.42 KB,766x1382,383:691,913.png)

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005e9f No.21592267

File: 6e8f576b1b1b327⋯.png (305.68 KB,710x399,710:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cf4bd No.21592271

File: 89aa3ed252e40d2⋯.webm (4.61 MB,427x240,427:240,poor_lil_guy.webm)

Were the spirals for cabal comms for their tastes in deviancy, as are known now, used back in the 70s? Gen-X minds had a harsher introduction to the circle of life than millennials did in the 90s with Simba.

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ea093d No.21592275

File: b431f167cca1d06⋯.mp4 (818.5 KB,640x642,320:321,66e5450a2b7b3.mp4)

Here ya go VATI

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fd4d1b No.21592284

File: 0ddd54b0f6236e0⋯.png (286.83 KB,675x1010,135:202,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 117ee33e53a5df0⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,576x800,18:25,Here_s_the_recipe_for_the_….mp4)

Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal


Here's the recipe for the flu

Must Watch

3:22 AM • Sep 14, 2024


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551bde No.21592285


digits czeck'd

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0c248d No.21592288

File: d2142b273760746⋯.png (90.59 KB,683x565,683:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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005e9f No.21592292

File: bc617d8d2f514c7⋯.png (350.84 KB,710x742,355:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592293

File: d0db9d93cd41c72⋯.png (456.55 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Media Censorship Money Trail Leads Back to U.S. State Dept! “The Global Engagement Center (GEC), an Interagency Body Housed Within the State Dept, Circumvented its strict International Mandate. “The Federal Gov't is a Primary Component of the CIC [censorship-industrial complex] and it's the Nexus…

Media Censorship Money Trail Leads Back to U.S. State Department, House Committee Finds

How far will the Biden administration go to block speech it doesn't like? The outer limit may never be reached, but it does go international, according to an in


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9cf4bd No.21592294

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)

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ace937 No.21592296

File: 6b243a668c0722f⋯.png (277.72 KB,549x558,61:62,ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican News

@VaticanNews 19h

Gospel of the Day (John 3,13-17)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life."


Sep 14, 2024 · 6:00 AM UTC


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8949a2 No.21592297

File: 5c9a1d4ff09e877⋯.gif (4.41 MB,520x282,260:141,jackietreehorn_bg_sketch.gif)


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f74971 No.21592301

File: 2ca70a5da8c83ba⋯.png (1.21 MB,1091x1621,1091:1621,7f7227952a99615607014345d5….png)

File: 8d41500f0af171b⋯.png (753.6 KB,877x616,877:616,8d41500f0af171bbc0f7c39a52….png)

File: 227dacc6615d827⋯.png (309.57 KB,975x526,975:526,227dacc6615d8275d19aec5902….png)

File: 5ff642781b1cd27⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1224,15:17,5ff642781b1cd27408a6cec145….png)

File: c85bf10983f3209⋯.png (266.99 KB,632x442,316:221,c85bf10983f32098cffbeb580c….png)

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daaef9 No.21592302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm about to break

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ea093d No.21592304

File: bf4fef2756abd53⋯.webp (55.94 KB,673x904,673:904,aVvMGoP_700bwp.webp)

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005e9f No.21592307

File: caa75ecfb5bf45b⋯.png (469.15 KB,710x524,355:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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005e9f No.21592310

File: 326978cb9cc48a9⋯.png (741.37 KB,710x602,355:301,0d1e39be3fc12e97.png)


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9d7bcf No.21592311


FBLie gonna FBLie

anticipation for their trial, conviction, execution!

snap crackle pop is the last thing they'll hear

snap of the rope

crackle of the vertebrae

pop seperation of the vertebrae

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005e9f No.21592313

File: b131ed2cd8603f7⋯.png (492 KB,568x640,71:80,ClipboardImage.png)

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672c3c No.21592314

File: d57a6807a9d6d97⋯.jpg (111.02 KB,750x485,150:97,d57a6807a9d6d97c3c59c5427b….jpg)

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7be5be No.21592316

File: 8ac147d70c63970⋯.png (758.93 KB,1192x982,596:491,ClipboardImage.png)

poodle doodle ding dong!

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fd4d1b No.21592318

File: 25e75361e22e272⋯.png (385.87 KB,514x838,257:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef21ec7087c3f3e⋯.png (384.12 KB,532x680,133:170,ClipboardImage.png)

Wow. Full on totalitarianism in the name of "Saving the Earth". I wonder at what point in their downward spiral will the citizens realize what fools they've been.Sucks to be them. I would never let the government tell me what I can and cannot eat. Except the cats and dogs. That is bs. 😝

“Sudden And Unexpected”


A new report from the UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports.



5:08 PM · Sep 14, 2024


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bd9b09 No.21592319

File: d418a83bfcb3798⋯.png (417.73 KB,1794x293,1794:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592321

File: 853f6fcb122caba⋯.png (607.51 KB,629x916,629:916,ClipboardImage.png)


They're not sending their best

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b8c2e2 No.21592322

Is the civil war still on in 51 days, or will everybody live in peace and harmony, sprinkled with gayness and faggotry?

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c06641 No.21592323

They covered for South Korea eating dogs during their Olympics.

1st you eat the cats

then you eat the dogs

zen you eat zee bugs

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005e9f No.21592324

File: 7c0235f0ce6e43f⋯.png (856.79 KB,710x861,710:861,ClipboardImage.png)

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5161ad No.21592328

File: 3a9fcf310934469⋯.jpg (511.17 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Mr_Ttrololo_003.jpg)


I post this just for fun, Pig.

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fd4d1b No.21592329

File: b8161d9c0d8e776⋯.png (2.28 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4efd32c405ead6e⋯.png (179.52 KB,1280x443,1280:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0838b38f8aeb7de⋯.png (169.65 KB,1280x450,128:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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005e9f No.21592330

File: 192a497212702bd⋯.png (494.1 KB,710x712,355:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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c306a0 No.21592331

File: 3f0ee19d526d5a1⋯.png (217.72 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce1572d247e6c0a⋯.png (836.01 KB,902x956,451:478,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21589211 pb

>Oregon DMV registered more than 300 non-citizens to vote

all it takes is 537

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9cf4bd No.21592332

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8_2017018f08db8….png)


Yeah the boomerang on that was inevitable. Has she tried being authentic and genuine rather than superficial and trite?

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eaa75b No.21592334

File: 2b2fba70d177223⋯.mp4 (540.45 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17263629995….mp4)

Komrade KamalaONCE AGAIN(!)speaks with a FAKE accent.

The psycho keeps doing this over and over.

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babcb6 No.21592335

the absolute state of this place

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9d7bcf No.21592336

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c06641 No.21592337

File: d0de3d7199620e7⋯.jpeg (46.75 KB,500x496,125:124,download_73.jpeg)

Haitians are the distraction.

Its the democrats evil inclination that the topic.

The consequences are ded pets and ded children.

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005e9f No.21592338

File: 1d253b0f052a703⋯.png (455.59 KB,526x533,526:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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c306a0 No.21592339

File: 2e2054c44ca28dd⋯.png (433.12 KB,569x409,569:409,ClipboardImage.png)


>all it takes is 537

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bb75dd No.21592340


fucking brutal

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fd4d1b No.21592341

File: f7250180fcc07e8⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB,1898x1080,949:540,Crooked_Joe_on_Haiti.mp4)

Crooked Joe on Haiti


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8949a2 No.21592342

File: 69378553c7c8107⋯.gif (5.57 MB,444x250,222:125,DeadCatBounce.gif)


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7be5be No.21592345

File: 993516267867b9a⋯.png (4.96 KB,126x250,63:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592346

File: 6237e3111c74243⋯.png (1.01 MB,640x646,320:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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c06641 No.21592347


Good thing they never sent her overseas.

She'd do russian or chinese

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9cf4bd No.21592348

File: ed67bd2c88fd7ec⋯.gif (453.87 KB,320x244,80:61,v_PkKM_337312131.gif)


Almost like there's a battle of good and evil taking place with ideas while others play journalist copypasting MSM news articles, huh?

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9d7bcf No.21592349




all PB notes below

>>21590891, >>21590896, >>21590906, >>21590913, >>21590918, >>21590928, >>21590935, >>21590949, >>21590962 The Role of the Boule (gatekeepers) in the African-American

>>21590987 Both Davis and Harris are members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

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cfe306 No.21592351


Did he finally remove that string from around his neck?

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fd4d1b No.21592352

File: d5d21b6a87eeefc⋯.png (1.22 MB,664x885,664:885,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb75dd No.21592353

File: 72084b5693431d6⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,C2E9C019_5F84_475C_855E_C4….png)

File: 0a9e2cffbdcaac3⋯.png (609.77 KB,750x1334,375:667,1C9C8A20_A66C_48B5_A704_7A….png)

File: 10b9c87ab126ce6⋯.png (459.44 KB,690x2830,69:283,D981F0F1_3EC9_4445_8C11_91….png)

File: ce6eae049acd046⋯.png (140.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,140B915D_9210_43D8_8EB4_95….png)

File: a0ecabbb4be8897⋯.png (1.5 MB,750x1334,375:667,D5873C04_19D5_4597_BC72_27….png)


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00660f No.21592354


No. Cranberry juice is for a bladder infection.

Yogurt is for a yeast infection.

Don't ask me why I know this.

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ace937 No.21592355

File: ead697af39dd745⋯.png (278.14 KB,555x536,555:536,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

@DanScavino 16m

Sep 15, 2024 · 1:20 AM UTC


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ea093d No.21592357

File: a3ae3e99331d79c⋯.png (61.27 KB,589x423,589:423,93ix3f.png)

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8949a2 No.21592358

File: 31ea9943129945a⋯.png (669.2 KB,1024x576,16:9,suchniceboys.png)


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babcb6 No.21592359


there are rules

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6efa41 No.21592360

File: a80bd0a40b33d75⋯.jpg (252.65 KB,893x1644,893:1644,7de14fda59d419484b26a0376f….jpg)


not yet, meteorite/comet first

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c306a0 No.21592362

File: d2c30745118b33e⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,320x568,40:71,cats_attacked_and_stolen_i….mp4)

>cats attacked and stolen in springfield ohio

news story

this is in the notables and needs to go viral

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fd4d1b No.21592363

File: 4c3c15f6f7ec02d⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_s_new_accent_she_ju….mp4)

Kamala’s new accent she just unveiled at the Black Caucus dinner. Can’t make this up. Worse than Hillary.

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00660f No.21592364



I have been around too many women who have had these problems.

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6ea88c No.21592366

File: 2a5bb3af02d9d50⋯.png (476.67 KB,1113x1110,371:370,Screenshot_2024_09_14_1938….png)

File: 124ae630484d533⋯.jpeg (160.98 KB,1399x963,1399:963,slideshow_1652123603.jpeg)


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9d7bcf No.21592367



She mentions the "Devine 9"

and her Sorority in the video

it's all connected

Does the Divine 9 control D.C.?

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6cb4bc No.21592368

File: 921454297aeb840⋯.png (10.42 KB,251x255,251:255,66625454c30cff53fe3a5bc482….png)


Why do you know this?

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f74971 No.21592370

File: e4729ab3ce310b7⋯.png (1.04 MB,975x578,975:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea093d No.21592372

File: e58405459a7d82c⋯.mp4 (443.47 KB,460x816,115:204,aE0BeVo_460sv.mp4)

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fd4d1b No.21592373

File: 977853607f84c9e⋯.png (761.51 KB,791x1024,791:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


>Haitians are the distraction.

Mayor of Findlay, OH on the Haitian invasion. It’s happening everywhere. The government is facilitating this invasion

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9cf4bd No.21592375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fd4d1b No.21592378

File: 9f2fde65871997b⋯.png (123.62 KB,675x600,9:8,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da4faf8ad83735c⋯.png (251.1 KB,1200x492,100:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Eric Daugherty


🚨 Trump given a 99.9% chance of winning the election under latest national poll

AtlasIntel is known for being the most accurate pollster of 2020 nationally, with its final poll being Biden+4.7 and the final result being Biden+4.5

3:15 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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cfe306 No.21592381


KEK, the first thing a bruh can think of is, RUN…

He sounds so confused, like brah, why aint you runnin?

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bb75dd No.21592383

File: 9a76e05a6753225⋯.png (2.04 MB,750x1334,375:667,C1CDAF73_E3CC_4C7C_9648_62….png)

File: 2721e1353730250⋯.png (233.91 KB,690x2296,345:1148,85D0BCC9_D40B_4A9D_B151_69….png)

File: ae83d99d270598c⋯.png (392.66 KB,690x820,69:82,AB49D216_89C6_422D_907A_FD….png)

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c306a0 No.21592387


Findlay's population was about 35K.

1K is not a small addition to 35K

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bd9b09 No.21592389

File: b4d65ea0f8d91b9⋯.png (1.28 MB,1463x774,1463:774,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec9b9b No.21592390


The nobody is real.

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9cf4bd No.21592391

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

KEK. He's losing it by the looks of it.

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9d7bcf No.21592392


bread gets slow an comfefe when you cancel the noise

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f74971 No.21592394

File: 985d6571cd91c54⋯.gif (998.48 KB,360x225,8:5,0020198184.gif)


<Cats now

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fd4d1b No.21592396

File: 5464f4db07e95f6⋯.png (472.38 KB,720x913,720:913,ClipboardImage.png)

GEOTUS: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America. We will stop all migrant flights, end all illegal entries, terminate the Kamala phone app for smuggling illegals (CBP One App), revoke deportation immunity, suspend refugee resettlement, and return Kamala’s illegal migrants




Stop all payments, travel and wire transfers to/from those countries. Freeze the accounts of anyone and start seizing property of anyone found to rent to them or shelter them. Companies are hiring them? Start revoking business licenses and kick their kids out of schools .

We aren't a fucking charity for barbarians

Trump is our last hope, folks! Remember that! He is the ONLY one to stop legal immigration for fucks sake. Put a suspension on visa renewals and send these H1Bs, street shitters, Chinese stealers, and others hordes back.

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8949a2 No.21592397

File: 1b0aeedb785b881⋯.gif (5.07 MB,362x340,181:170,RTF.gif)


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c06641 No.21592398


Cranberries help prevent

UT infections

Elderly care tip

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e756eb No.21592399

File: a9117a4d92196a6⋯.jpg (2.53 MB,4000x2252,1000:563,20240914_204221.jpg)

Is it just me, or does this sound similar to our current reality?

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bd9b09 No.21592400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump In The Matrix AI | Trump As The Matrix | The Matrix AI

Fun E Flicks


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ea093d No.21592402

File: 4b4b839d7f1e11e⋯.png (71.98 KB,960x960,1:1,66e58bf8d7f82.png)

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babcb6 No.21592403


suppose so. just so many "bots"

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71c907 No.21592404


end chain migration. kick them all out.

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9cf4bd No.21592405

Come on, AEI. You can do better than two posts after whining about "the state of this place." KEK.

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c306a0 No.21592406

File: 2fbc8b1aa52cfd3⋯.png (29.82 KB,504x228,42:19,ClipboardImage.png)



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6ea88c No.21592408

File: 64c8cfa61b88b1e⋯.mp4 (8.52 MB,720x1280,9:16,gcBCbHStAjUWxVEh.mp4)



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00660f No.21592410



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cfe306 No.21592411


OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY = They will steal from you at every opportunity presented to them.

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cb5d48 No.21592413

notables @ 335 halfway collected

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Marvena Twigg is paid $1.27mil/yr to resettle 20,000 Haitians into the small working class town of Springfield, Ohio

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111 Memes


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fd4d1b No.21592414

File: 059862c76dbcf03⋯.png (423.12 KB,675x708,225:236,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73a022df91940c8⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,The_FBI_Puts_Up_Billboards….mp4)

The FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging Them to Report Hate Crimes Then Suddenly the Fed Boi 'Patriot Front' Shows Up. Straight Up COIN Tactics

Nick Sortor


🚨 NEW: The Proud Boys Are Marching through Springfield, Ohio

These are FEDS that are simply here to smear conservatives and make locals who are sounding the alarm on issues in Springfield look like extremists.


4:34 PM • Sep 14, 2024

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c306a0 No.21592416

File: 456ef98ee6a5ee1⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,TRUMP_debate_I_probably_to….mp4)


>send these H1Bs

H1Bs will be fine. Trump is for the H1B program.

It's going to be good but if your litmus test is sending back H1Bs you're going to be disappointed

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9cf4bd No.21592417


Yeah, but that's the IP hopping despairfag named AEI that you replied to with that post, so it's very much now apparent what the current consensus attempt is right now to try and get people to do as their told.

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5161ad No.21592419

File: 7792ab38ad893da⋯.jpg (553.74 KB,1920x1200,8:5,Mr_Ttrololo_004.jpg)


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9d7bcf No.21592420


'Elenskyy says delete this now.

Z is still canceled.

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babcb6 No.21592421


not aei

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ea093d No.21592422

File: ef9255c9693786f⋯.png (61 KB,548x456,137:114,9361jf.png)


The power of memes

Anons can make and break even the super stars

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9cf4bd No.21592425

File: 8aac5d6a7e3707e⋯.png (280.34 KB,892x892,1:1,f61e4bbea268283a8439a02a5d….png)

The current isolate and polarize attempt. "Don't do what they do or you'll get filtered." If the battle between good and evil as it plays out here isn't your cup of tea, fine then, filter and move on, don't try to rally others to behave the same way you do about it. That's trying to stifle free thought.

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c306a0 No.21592426

File: da6a9195648e33d⋯.png (214.26 KB,550x649,50:59,fed_scum_patriot_front_esc….png)

File: 525fd716ed7b07a⋯.jpg (198.31 KB,1140x1280,57:64,feds_uniform_muh_patriot_f….jpg)

File: 5f4c0c046c1d372⋯.png (401.17 KB,602x557,602:557,unmasked_nazis_patriot_fro….png)

File: 7d136ffa0942e8b⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB,720x792,10:11,A_fed_gets_recognized_and_….mp4)

File: 057296c3c571952⋯.png (148.31 KB,617x535,617:535,patriot_front_false_flag.png)


>Fed Boi 'Patriot Front' Shows Up

Anyone have the totally redacted FBI report on them? What are the redaction codes?

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2653ec No.21592428

File: 5eb7150f5d0fd83⋯.jpg (224.31 KB,1080x1169,1080:1169,IMG_20240913_212654.jpg)


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c306a0 No.21592430

File: 8200107871b3420⋯.png (103.04 KB,508x311,508:311,ClipboardImage.png)


I do both of you.

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7cf311 No.21592431

Can people be enslaved without knowing they are enslaved?

Only the illusion of freedom.

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00660f No.21592433

File: d144ae181135025⋯.png (128.54 KB,451x480,451:480,ClipboardImage.png)


Patriots in the US are the true intended target.

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71c907 No.21592436


sounds like a free thinker here. Better to just nod head and accept the status quo of what anons thing and how people behave on the internet.

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9cf4bd No.21592440

File: 8dafe4bacc9c50f⋯.gif (4.05 MB,200x200,1:1,a98cca4e2cdb9be767655cf66c….gif)

They're preying upon fear of ostracization from the group. That's what it seems right now to me and they're using the scrap going on right now between Pig and Simple Legion to accomplish it.

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babcb6 No.21592446



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fd4d1b No.21592447

File: 15e36461ce762d4⋯.png (1.67 MB,848x811,848:811,ClipboardImage.png)


>The power of super star memes

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6ea88c No.21592448

File: 8d120c0c260839e⋯.png (1.44 MB,2179x867,2179:867,Screenshot_2024_09_14_1952….png)


What do you think the experiment was?

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39c396 No.21592449

File: 0c5e82d5baf9b57⋯.jpg (49.65 KB,500x401,500:401,0c5e82d5baf9b576e4d8e15c16….jpg)

So what's the deal, can some one catch me up real fast on what is happening and is going to happen?

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c06641 No.21592450



Be watchful and sober is Jesus' advice.

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c306a0 No.21592454

File: 0879f4871cba1c6⋯.jpg (45.62 KB,415x572,415:572,trump_photo.jpg)

File: dba9506bcc3a4f9⋯.jpg (208.59 KB,909x1000,909:1000,inflation_compare_trump_vs….jpg)

File: 77ccec5d67d425b⋯.png (919.38 KB,1086x1280,543:640,inflation_compare_trump_vs….png)

File: d753a25e88eddec⋯.jpg (113.35 KB,750x500,3:2,sometimes_you_have_to_show….jpg)

File: d13a4355a9d99a5⋯.png (750.88 KB,718x892,359:446,walz2.png)


>The FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging Them to Report Hate Crimes Then Suddenly the Fed Boi 'Patriot Front' Shows Up. Straight Up COIN Tactics

I remember when they were doing this to muslims in 2015. I told people - you'd better not accept this shit, of next thing you know, they'll be doing it to us

Totally illegal. At least it should be. Was patriot front even a thing during Trump admin?

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fd4d1b No.21592455

File: f46e5b58e6aa7ab⋯.png (480.5 KB,651x597,217:199,ClipboardImage.png)



Disinformation by [their] definition

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c306a0 No.21592457

File: 3c9f0cd55f665f8⋯.png (590.53 KB,939x500,939:500,bttf_5th_nov_remember_2.png)

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847be7 No.21592460

File: 00fc0106a722bf1⋯.png (112.6 KB,338x173,338:173,9ff24b2af5fadf0fced5296057….png)


>The FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging Them to Report Hate Crimes Then Suddenly the Fed Boi 'Patriot Front' Shows Up.

Fedniggers gonna fednigger.

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5161ad No.21592461


sexual addiction is one form of that, anon.

addiction to power another.

they say "oh, you are 'free', 'libertine'"

next thing they know they get blackmailed and either they

do what God wants or they dig the hole deeper.

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00660f No.21592463


It goes beyond that.

White people are told that they have White Privilege, so not only are they enslaved, they are told that they are Privileged.

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5220e8 No.21592464


That is a learned anon

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23bc15 No.21592467

File: 8fbb8133ca5bca0⋯.png (152.65 KB,442x378,221:189,br.PNG)


Yep, she still in burdened by what has been 🤣

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9d7bcf No.21592468


If Haitians only knew engrish at least

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fd4d1b No.21592469

File: b8ff764ed4f1e84⋯.png (479.87 KB,675x716,675:716,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c404ef9953a4135⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,640x360,16:9,PANIC_d_Pope_Francis_Murde….mp4)

PANIC'd Pope Francis: Murdering Babies? Reducing Immigration? Both are equally Evil

Europe Invasion



Pope Francis warns of Trump-Kamala race:

“One is pushing out immigrants, the other is killing children

Catholics have a responsibility to vote for the lesser evil, but I don't know who that is”

10:37 AM • Sep 14, 2024


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9cf4bd No.21592470

File: 01ebaf1b50c839c⋯.jpg (232.33 KB,1100x1535,220:307,spacewolf2.jpg)


Normally I would have agreed if it weren't for a Discord channel full of old guard retards and their continual attempts to fuck with the board and the anons that post on it for years. Everything inside was screaming to say something, so I did. I don't think they took very kindly to what I had to say to them though.

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54b540 No.21592471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I made this and a spirit entered me while I mas making is telling me I needed to "Learn the secrets of the Garlic" It was amazing to me, I was adding honey and said"shit I put too much" and the voice said "you used the perfect amopunt" and when I put it in the jar, it fit perfectly. I have been trying to have more of these religious interventions but they are rare. And this stuff came out like Candy, it is SOOO good. I used a local honey to have an added effect to fight seasonal allergies for my family. This is the recipe I used off Youtube and It just needs to be close.


Welcome to my YouTube channel.

All the dirt will come out of your body! My grandma's old recipe is useful for everyone.

You will love my grandmother's healthy recipe.

Recipe and ingredients:

2 lemons.

a spoonful of soda.

rinse in water.

2 garlic.

Then rinse thoroughly with normal water.

add 150-200 grams of honey.

The remedy helps against excess pounds.

Mix well before putting it in the fridge.

Leave in the fridge for 7 days.

after 7 days you can take.

"Trio" of honey, garlic and lemon has an amazing effect on the body.

No wonder this blend is called the Elixir of Youth.

1 spoon and 1 glass of warm water.

1 spoon and 1 glass of warm milk.


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ea093d No.21592472

File: 6ec691dbe566f36⋯.png (79.06 KB,522x500,261:250,downloadyhbybb.png)

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5220e8 No.21592473


Progressives are losing their fucking minds

It is going to get worse (for them)

50 days +/- to election

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847be7 No.21592476


>can some one catch me up real fast on what is happening and is going to happen?

TP shortage imminent.

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cfe306 No.21592480

File: 0c1c5a3bf7217f0⋯.png (74.51 KB,878x674,439:337,2173.png)

Next Week?

Tuesday = Sep 17


Sep 15, 2018 3:28:09 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 235

SEPT —-17—– [week of]


DECLAS coming?





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f74971 No.21592482

File: 645aa75da3b8ffa⋯.jpeg (677.49 KB,1000x966,500:483,9c7ab0247f0a4a5c8e1ba26a9….jpeg)

File: 0e3a5d20bd08a77⋯.jpg (568.01 KB,1055x1127,1055:1127,d0ec9d78d52bc91eac08576f59….jpg)

File: 86de60340d6e3bc⋯.png (953.89 KB,951x496,951:496,4eee6989c8533db7dfb074c302….png)

File: 39f1aa9456885a3⋯.png (397.36 KB,850x480,85:48,39f1aa9456885a3c7f01a8752b….png)

File: 07c15b3c8e089a9⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,480x588,40:49,157.jpg)

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c5a9fb No.21592483


fucking NOTABLE!

what's that one theory on how to destroy a nation?

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cfe306 No.21592484


True Dat.

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5161ad No.21592485


anon, think for your self.

you can't be 'caught up to what is going to happen'

you can watch and see what happens.

you can read people telling you what might happen.

but you can't know how it will all play out exactly.

you know this, that's why you post a skew-eyed (cock-eyed) 'pepe-tardo' picture, because you are mocking the anon, right?

be honest.

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ea093d No.21592486

File: 2a0b563b69c541a⋯.webm (940.77 KB,460x232,115:58,awyQqLQ_460svvp9.webm)

Vati getting in trouble again

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551bde No.21592487


seconded AF

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5220e8 No.21592489


and that the pope piped up pontificating about preposterous paradigms of perplexing perfidy.

choice between the lesser of two evils

fucking moron

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fd4d1b No.21592490

File: aeeeaf2b69505c6⋯.png (160.39 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)




>Good thing they never sent her overseas.


>She'd do russian or chinese

its her only line

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23bc15 No.21592491

File: 644cf640226a523⋯.png (141.15 KB,341x607,341:607,dem.PNG)


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f74971 No.21592492

File: 8b3670d0b68e756⋯.jpg (157.13 KB,493x379,493:379,Reeellary.jpg)

File: 247cc387bf1a3f6⋯.jpg (328.14 KB,757x790,757:790,D6Im7k1U0AIHLxd.jpg)

File: ee915cdd8e9292b⋯.png (735.76 KB,828x727,828:727,ee915cdd8e9292b5bdc9a65f19….png)

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71c907 No.21592493


When they start preaching or being hall monitors they lose all credibility, it did not stand in 2016 still does not all these years later. Rules about language, kek. These pudding brain retards.

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7acff3 No.21592494


I hear she signs really retarded contracts terms too, no surprise.

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847be7 No.21592497

File: d8a6f491d57b88f⋯.png (353.96 KB,720x406,360:203,76163e7f8b2ed3ca30a10de61c….png)

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9d8e08 No.21592498


This is better works faster







Note: I use 1 of each it makes about 500ml if you start with 800ml water, lasts about 2 weeks in the fridge



Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible World Health Intl

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599


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23bc15 No.21592500

File: 9cf7b2628eeaac3⋯.png (152.14 KB,734x704,367:352,w.PNG)


Warming Alarmists Again Give Away Their

Real Objective

Issues & Insights, by Editorial Board

Posted By: FlyRight, 9/14/2024 9:11:17 PM

What do the climate activists really want? Do they have nothing more in mind than a noble crusade to prevent the burning sky from falling on us? Or is the global warming scare just another piece of the revolution? It’s of course the latter. We know this because they’re constantly telling us it is. The most recent admission comes from Los Angeles Times environmental reporter Rosanna Xia, whose exhausting essay under the headline “To fix climate anxiety (and also climate change), we first have to fix individualism” was posted on Wednesday – yes, Sept. 11.

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bb75dd No.21592502


no shit. fucking spaceforce sucks

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3e0c9d No.21592503

File: d2ba5bfd6cc45b9⋯.png (480.61 KB,598x637,46:49,ClipboardImage.png)


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23bc15 No.21592505

File: 7dd25700b2fa50c⋯.png (420.05 KB,904x774,452:387,esc.PNG)


Major Escalation - NATO Threatening to

Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia

from Ukraine - Vladimir Putin Responds

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/14/2024 9:03:31 PM

I’m going to drop a series of short video segments highlighting how the Biden administration is coaxing NATO allies into a position of war against Russia using an escalation within the proxy state of Ukraine. This is not getting nearly enough attention. Ukraine (Zelensky), Canada (Trudeau), the U.K. (Starmer) and the United States (Biden) are currently discussing the shipment of Storm Shadow missiles from the U.K that have the ability to reach deep into Russia. Zelensky has been asking for them; however, the current conversation amid the NATO partnership essentially boils down to whether the missiles should be deployed to Ukraine or not.

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00660f No.21592507


She literally cackles like a Witch.

And she looks like a Witch.

Maybe she is a Witch.

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3e0c9d No.21592508

File: 8f314100c53ade1⋯.png (73.05 KB,741x256,741:256,ClipboardImage.png)

Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


I'm informed by a reliable source that Ken Paxton's long running undercover investigation into NGO's and Democrats registering noncitizens to vote has led to organized raids on multiple venues and NY AG Letitia James is already having a conniption about it.

5:44 PM · Sep 14, 2024


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ea093d No.21592509

File: 6de760d5a913c77⋯.png (69.25 KB,578x893,578:893,aPA9O8n_700b.png)

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daf0a4 No.21592510

File: 441875393caf441⋯.jpg (355.18 KB,1100x1470,110:147,GA9.jpg)


NightShift Activated

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9cf4bd No.21592512

File: 3b534bc47a1b629⋯.png (437.56 KB,500x500,1:1,winning_pepe2.png)


Yeah, I mean, are they relying on people thinking of hall monitors like in movies, where they're the objects of scorn and potential impediment to the main characters. But what do hall monitors really do? They watch out for people that are up to no good. I could see people up to no good trying to get rid of or "destroy" hall monitors. With the resources and funds at their disposal I suppose they feel they're entitled to. I don't even think they've even considered a fraction of the boomerang they've built.

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23bc15 No.21592513

File: 5c406890f0d6aff⋯.png (626.67 KB,1329x687,443:229,tip.PNG)


The Left Is Powerless in Stopping the

Haitians Eating Pets Story…And It's

Amazing to Watch

Townhall, by Matt Vespa

Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/14/2024 7:21:18 PM

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, though in this instance, it’s not a statement regarding some appalling examples of liberal media bias. For the Ohio Haitians ‘eating the pets’ story, it’s pure entertainment, maybe a touch of schadenfreude: the liberal media is being tortured in their attempt to neutralize the story. Contrary to the establishment press, this story hasn’t been debunked. There’s no way within 48-72 hours that authorities can verify dogs and cats are not being eaten by the tens of thousands of Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.

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23bc15 No.21592518

File: 50aa454d956db83⋯.png (696.06 KB,1396x771,1396:771,jd.PNG)


JD Vance Becomes the Corporate Media’s

Worst Nightmare

Townhall, by Shane Harris

Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/14/2024 7:15:44 PM

Since former President Trump announced JD Vance as his running mate, the Ohio senator has become the bane of the corporate media, routinely appearing on liberal networks to spar with partisan journalists and dismantle the latest fake narratives about the GOP presidential nominee and his agenda. That pattern continued on Tuesday night following the debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC. Just moments after both candidates made closing arguments, one reporter attempted to ensnare Vance in a “gotcha” question about the viral story of Haitian migrants allegedly eating wild geese and even dogs and cats in Springfield, Ohio.

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54b540 No.21592520

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Nothing to see here

Just someone catching their neighbor roasting a dog

He also said his cat was missing


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847be7 No.21592522

File: e60db162c620ed9⋯.png (327.54 KB,491x529,491:529,saying_its_haitians.png)


>There’s no way within 48-72 hours that authorities can verify dogs and cats are not being eaten by the tens of thousands of Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.

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f74971 No.21592523

File: 855b4d169359e29⋯.png (237.95 KB,593x744,593:744,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5e30587c8497ea⋯.png (187.13 KB,250x483,250:483,soetoro.png)

File: ef7776943710c43⋯.jpg (201.91 KB,1242x1691,1242:1691,Obama_vs_Trump.jpg)

File: 1e8ed34ad980a65⋯.jpg (215.68 KB,1233x1248,411:416,4693131125624e7f.jpg)

File: 32524fdf1b37129⋯.png (412.55 KB,1832x3600,229:450,All_the_Obama_scandals.png)


'''desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from the real ones…

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cfe306 No.21592524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1 Kings 4:29-34

29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.

30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt.

31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about.

32 And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five.

33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes.

34 And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.

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3e0c9d No.21592525

File: 29972cd094ce584⋯.png (381.56 KB,446x621,446:621,ClipboardImage.png)

James Watkins


==This is my son, and I'm very proud of him. Screw the Deep State that has ruined my family, friends, and all the other people that have been standing up for tyranny.

Not so many people have taken a stand as staunch as his.==

God Bless You, Ron.


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c06641 No.21592526


He is speaking as if it's off the cuff, but that it the position of the church. A catholic is obligated to vote and for the lesser evil. To not vote is to hand power to the enemy.

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997865 No.21592527

File: bdf6c7d9fa1ed8d⋯.png (452.37 KB,565x682,565:682,adjq9.PNG)

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fd4d1b No.21592528

File: 1b17c32aa111b40⋯.png (452.77 KB,516x576,43:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54400d8638f2a15⋯.png (455.6 KB,509x730,509:730,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b89cf897cae39f⋯.png (813.36 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk




Mario Nawfal





The Biden administration's CHNV program allows 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to apply for asylum monthly.

Migrants with approved sponsors receive benefits such as Medicaid and

Show more


2:06 PM · Sep 14, 2024

Mario Nawfal



The Biden administration's CHNV program allows 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to apply for asylum monthly.

Migrants with approved sponsors receive benefits such as Medicaid and food stamps.

Over 520,000 migrants have entered the U.S under this program since 2023, costing over $3.4 billion.

Fraud issues caused a temporary suspension, but the program has since resumed.

Source: Daily Mail


11:20 AM · Sep 14, 2024






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23bc15 No.21592529

File: 18b002a107c64e1⋯.png (599.19 KB,725x783,25:27,hope.PNG)


Western Lensman


CNN has reinstated disgraced Brian Stelter — and the legacy media court jester and shameless DNC propaganda tool is back with a scorcher:

What Kamala *says* isn’t important — the images of her being hopey and changey are what really matters to voters.

This is CNN.


7:23 AM · Sep 14, 2024




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71c907 No.21592531


they are just annoying losers who like to pretend they are beyond reproach with their morality and then like to push their ideology on to everyone pretending that this movement is only for them.

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c5a9fb No.21592533

File: 1d1aae9613df42f⋯.gif (444.87 KB,300x186,50:31,1d1aae9613df42f310ed84893e….gif)



……at it's finest!!!

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23bc15 No.21592534

File: e1861ff1b7ab402⋯.png (750.42 KB,818x704,409:352,coop.PNG)



FAKE NEWS: Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy (VIDEO)

by Jordan Conradson Sep. 14, 2024 8:40 pm

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3e0c9d No.21592535

File: 0c060edebbd198d⋯.png (119.13 KB,440x655,88:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72da21cefe9577e⋯.png (97.2 KB,680x599,680:599,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state.

It is rational from the Democratic Party standpoint, as it guarantees victory if successful.


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7be5be No.21592536

File: 1e73f68a79b521c⋯.jpg (68.5 KB,751x900,751:900,president_reagan_making_a_….jpg)

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9d8e08 No.21592537

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7d3013 No.21592539

It’s like /pol in here.


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ea093d No.21592541

File: 6cd2215ea54a681⋯.webp (82.47 KB,743x715,743:715,66d0c6f8f1e7a.webp)


/pol has captcha

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bb75dd No.21592542

File: 66b477b8ad520e8⋯.png (573.76 KB,750x1334,375:667,FD6DFE4B_CFD9_4ADA_9DA8_5F….png)

File: d2b94e5bf2e62a7⋯.png (229.85 KB,690x1240,69:124,89ABA916_16F0_4492_A1D8_6E….png)

File: a09c7b7e176651a⋯.jpeg (131.74 KB,2048x348,512:87,E07DBB92_C786_44B2_8C39_7….jpeg)

File: e0c9f02c633c01a⋯.png (290.54 KB,690x1050,23:35,6EEF5C02_3CA3_41D0_9496_82….png)

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23bc15 No.21592543

File: 691217fe3d556a5⋯.png (494.68 KB,389x721,389:721,kind.PNG)


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05acb0 No.21592544


God bless you Jim and CM.

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997865 No.21592545

File: 13f2e563fc1ab6d⋯.png (244.44 KB,502x381,502:381,adjq18.PNG)

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c06641 No.21592547

Curry before dog comms

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babcb6 No.21592548


and flags

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23bc15 No.21592550

File: 15720bade06a8dd⋯.png (1.47 MB,695x848,695:848,meme.PNG)

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9d8e08 No.21592551




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847be7 No.21592553

File: 6210d1244b29142⋯.png (328.33 KB,446x621,446:621,29972cd094ce584987909f8624….png)

Is it just anon, or do others see it, too?

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9d8e08 No.21592555


That's funny

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c5a9fb No.21592556




























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babcb6 No.21592559

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8949a2 No.21592560


You should be proud of your kids Jim. And it's cool that he is getting into rocketry. Sad that he is gullible enough to believe that firmament bullshit. But hey! If that is what got him into rocketry then anon figures, if he pursues it, the problem will solve itself. Because science. It is at that point that we will discover how he deals with cognitive dissonance. All part of learning and growing. Cheers!

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23bc15 No.21592561

File: 0f8907a5dd3f438⋯.png (20.1 KB,590x232,295:116,bill.PNG)

File: f503a4b08557c7b⋯.jpg (90.34 KB,658x958,329:479,the_dig_meme.JPG)


Washingtons ghost


Where did all that money go






If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

6:06 AM · Sep 14, 2024




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3e0c9d No.21592563

File: d9decf9d13a9ae8⋯.png (57.85 KB,592x315,592:315,ClipboardImage.png)

The Kiffness


On Thursday I started working on my "Eating the Cats" remix. Finished it that evening.

Shot & edited the video on Friday morning & released it that afternoon. It's been less than a day & it already has over 50M combined views (that I'm aware of).

The internet is wild.

8:26 AM · Sep 14, 2024


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fd4d1b No.21592564


>Where did all that money goIf the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?


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3e525b No.21592566


Somewhere in the rules there is a rule that states if they are victims of hate crime their citizenship is expedited.

I know it sounds crazy but I saw a news report about illegals paying people in the city to attack them.

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3e0c9d No.21592568

File: 6b4de8e8e07360a⋯.png (308.83 KB,678x432,113:72,ClipboardImage.png)


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fd4d1b No.21592569


>Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state.


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c306a0 No.21592570


very powerful, verynotable

great video, saved ofc

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cfe306 No.21592571


The Queen of Sheeba came from what is now Yemen, and she will point the finger at the Jews in condemnation.

Now that's dasting, considering Yemen current stance.

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23bc15 No.21592572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Clinton Imitates Barking Dog at Campaign Stop

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fd4d1b No.21592573

File: 2c028890aae8f22⋯.png (3.44 MB,1526x1820,109:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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74789a No.21592574

File: 24942084e86a994⋯.jpeg (143.36 KB,418x528,19:24,IMG_6248.jpeg)

File: d98f4740639c3f5⋯.jpeg (110.38 KB,276x359,276:359,IMG_7134.jpeg)

File: 320d0eb09d42219⋯.jpeg (85.91 KB,272x368,17:23,IMG_6363.jpeg)


yeah okay Jim, I’ve never seen either of you do anon work, that’s like Jack Dorsey taking credit for everything on twitter

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bb75dd No.21592575

File: f4de8f48d0ec89d⋯.png (2.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,97BA6EB0_1FC4_4358_BBC7_5B….png)

File: 4bb297d6d5170cf⋯.png (3.1 MB,750x1334,375:667,EAC953AD_5855_449F_B57C_A6….png)

File: 350e19f7f411508⋯.png (1.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,825E469B_BA5F_4719_B56A_3C….png)

File: 2023a4e1701b6b8⋯.png (1.3 MB,750x1334,375:667,7F0D51EF_F700_4354_8C25_76….png)

File: 8ccaf0886875ea1⋯.png (884.83 KB,750x1334,375:667,7CA144BF_170A_4F0E_8961_9C….png)

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8949a2 No.21592576

File: f615650e70334a7⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,720x720,1:1,ZEGz1Ox_O73_8lo_.mp4)

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fd4d1b No.21592578

File: 39ffa7a9f67c28d⋯.png (577.91 KB,674x405,674:405,ClipboardImage.png)

PANIC: Brian Stelter says he masturbates to Kamala's photo and you should too.

Important Than Anything She Actually Says

The potato has returned.


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23bc15 No.21592579

File: 9fd586814bafe99⋯.png (452.57 KB,585x475,117:95,nev.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


LEAK: Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

From thegatewaypundit.com

2:29 PM · Sep 14, 2024




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bb75dd No.21592580

File: 4bb297d6d5170cf⋯.png (3.1 MB,750x1334,375:667,E693436A_CD10_4192_A9F7_B0….png)

File: e6e3db0d93c9855⋯.png (112.32 KB,690x1478,345:739,996DE3AC_83E1_4C8F_849E_3E….png)

File: f207085d93b218a⋯.png (490.99 KB,512x768,2:3,7A28F2FC_9347_4668_BE00_9F….png)

File: 5a3401a1df5dd2e⋯.png (79.19 KB,690x1032,115:172,D62BCC9F_B66F_4374_8EA6_58….png)

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cb5d48 No.21592581

notables @ 360

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram, cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414 Patriot Front Fed Bois showed up in Springfield, Ohio

>>21592503 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307 Memes


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55c7b8 No.21592582

File: d389ac495981a80⋯.mp4 (13.94 MB,320x240,4:3,jellicalcatsml.mp4)

>>21592203 pb


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fd4d1b No.21592583

File: e9a7c67ca339027⋯.png (4.61 MB,1394x1487,1394:1487,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cb4bc No.21592584

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9cf4bd No.21592585

File: 4324b384a5a16ab⋯.gif (2.7 MB,480x270,16:9,271282956.gif)


And it's also like they want people to look no further than the surface of the meme, no further, don't notice the person posting the meme or notice a consistent pattern the person posting the meme makes. That'd be like wearing blinders and cutting off the peripheries to me. No they just want people to pretend that no one can tell and then rely on the ambiguity of the IP hops and multiple personas to hopefully provide enough plausible deniability after high functioning autists have been staring at their patterns all day every day for years and years now. Proper fucked.

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5220e8 No.21592586

File: 004e367ca65c911⋯.png (385.82 KB,388x521,388:521,004e367ca65c9117c3ccbe194f….png)

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23bc15 No.21592587

File: 8b50a365715a52c⋯.png (697.7 KB,580x506,290:253,b.PNG)

File: c708d88fe8fa4d3⋯.png (649.9 KB,599x612,599:612,th.PNG)


johnny maga


Most successful advertising campaign of all time — completely free.







6:57 AM · Sep 14, 2024




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fd4d1b No.21592588

File: 4f8c9656939ce82⋯.png (2.2 MB,949x1367,949:1367,ClipboardImage.png)

Soon to be The God Emperor: BEWARE THE QUIET MAN…


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fd4d1b No.21592590

File: bb21b290d32ffe1⋯.png (872.13 KB,772x475,772:475,ClipboardImage.png)

Horse Flashbacks

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5220e8 No.21592591

File: 7e79e49b343b826⋯.png (299 KB,976x892,244:223,ClipboardImage.png)


US election 2016: What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?


Mrs Clinton was Secretary of State and Mr Clinton was UN Special Envoy to Haiti when the January 2010 earthquake struck, killing an estimated 220,000 people.

Some $13.3bn (£10.9bn) was pledged by international donors for Haiti's recovery.

Mr Clinton was appointed co-chairman of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), along with Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.

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8949a2 No.21592592

File: 44c9f9f79013baf⋯.png (492.92 KB,1019x845,1019:845,ClipboardImage.png)

Can't really remember a time when Drudge left the same headline banner up for so long. It's been what? 36 hours now?

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5220e8 No.21592593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c06641 No.21592594

File: 2e64236cfb2fc97⋯.jpg (41.19 KB,500x688,125:172,0nl.jpg)

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c50d79 No.21592595

The end may not be for everyone but I really was trying to keep up. Lost again. Movie? Too Big to Rig? Maga hats and the same kids? Lost again

Trust who? Biden Bidan. Wake up, Liddle Suzie, clones and jar babies, the map, tick tock, Black eyes & Gold fringe. Captcha Hill & Admiral Rogers. Limping along. Flag raised high. Point me in the right direction.

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847be7 No.21592596

File: 6caf3e0ff1dddc9⋯.png (365.34 KB,602x405,602:405,Screen_Shot_2024_09_11_at_….png)

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fd4d1b No.21592597

File: 274c93ed9e5192d⋯.png (578.39 KB,675x662,675:662,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67304222bf7d5d7⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Fuckin_weirdo_s.mp4)

Fuckin’ weirdo's


What the actual hell is with these people? The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre. It’s like they’re aliens in human suits who’ve studied human behavior and are trying to blend in but can’t quite sell it.

2:01 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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4c6e87 No.21592598


Yeah no. The Don is smart enough not to stick his dick in mossad.

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bb75dd No.21592599

File: 36e8beff2a2cba1⋯.png (602.97 KB,750x1334,375:667,C315490D_2934_42F9_9482_54….png)

File: c669b2f5cdb016d⋯.png (750.81 KB,690x3196,345:1598,42164074_099D_4DCC_AFDE_2E….png)

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23bc15 No.21592600

File: d2f26632ec8e620⋯.png (235.38 KB,596x580,149:145,t.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


About time!


Greg Price




CNN just nuked @KamalaHQ for their constant lies about Trump and Vance.





2:33 PM · Sep 14, 2024




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00660f No.21592601


Warp Speed so everyone sees it happening.

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8949a2 No.21592603


It's a photoshop anyway. But they leave it up.

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71c907 No.21592604


what is she on, no sound but the eyes were pinned.

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7d3013 No.21592605

File: 9ac6efd62503ef5⋯.jpeg (103.76 KB,500x667,500:667,IMG_6294.jpeg)

The Great Awakening??

When do you all start the process of opening the higher consciousness then?

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23bc15 No.21592606

File: fcdac483d8309d9⋯.png (1.01 MB,777x611,777:611,h.PNG)

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74789a No.21592607

File: e3e891188ba2414⋯.png (1.47 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_5448.png)



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fd4d1b No.21592608

File: 9816c1d22e156d3⋯.png (1.74 MB,1192x982,596:491,ClipboardImage.png)

The Streisand Effect Strikes Again!

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cf6771 No.21592609

Was gonna shiptoast tonight, see it's already being handled, quite well. Do carry on.

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9d7bcf No.21592610

File: ef73f32a4b01af9⋯.png (274.79 KB,350x510,35:51,ef73f32a4b01af980e67999f1f….png)


Evil aliens from outter space are legal game.

No bag limit.

Get some!

Get some!

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e92649 No.21592611

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9d8e08 No.21592612

File: b3cd3fbbb5db9b5⋯.png (2.41 MB,1200x802,600:401,ClipboardImage.png)

‘People torn to pieces’ in Israeli airstrike on Gaza displacement camp

Israeli bombs set tents ablaze and left deep craters in the earth as the army attacked Al-Mawasi, a designated 'safe zone', for the fifth time.


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5220e8 No.21592613


Send them to Springfield

Ack Ack

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fd4d1b No.21592614

File: 73c68c2b0fa3378⋯.png (167.9 KB,314x360,157:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92f40aa8784aae9⋯.png (90.9 KB,360x311,360:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92f40aa8784aae9⋯.png (90.9 KB,360x311,360:311,ClipboardImage.png)



>About time!

>CNN just nuked @KamalaHQ for their constant lies about Trump and Vance.


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7d3013 No.21592615

File: eda6f0eb55d1851⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,3834x2160,71:40,RPReplay_Final1688747191.mp4)

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07eaaf No.21592616


That is horrendous. Drops Kamala 5%.

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4ea039 No.21592618


Third rock from the sun

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fd4d1b No.21592619

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Stein Tells Dallas Mayor to His Face Police Sergeant Unfit for Cheering on Trump Assassin


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23bc15 No.21592620

File: 12dd92d0ff870fa⋯.png (533.37 KB,593x724,593:724,wg.PNG)


Washingtons ghost


Another one

3:32 PM · Sep 14, 2024




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220feb No.21592621


Third rock from the sun

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3e0c9d No.21592622

File: 81594e6be1a423e⋯.jpg (15.16 KB,253x254,253:254,ApuMilkKek.jpg)

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9d8e08 No.21592623

Courting Jewish vote, Trump to speak at Israeli-American Council Summit in Washington

Republican presidential hopeful to speak at largest pro-Israel conference in America; Biden and Harris invited to speak, yet to confirm attendance

The IAC National Summit has become the largest pro-Israel conference in the U.S. and is expected to draw nearly 4,000 participants from the Jewish and Israeli-American communities this year, including many students. The summit will honor the victims and heroes of the October 7 attack, marking almost one year since the massacre.

The event will include tributes to heroes, survivors and the families of hostages, as well as a salute to the IDF, a panel on IDF ethics in combat and a recognition of former hostages who were freed from Hamas captivity.

The summit will also focus on Jewish identity, the fight against antisemitism, Israeli technology and innovation, the U.S.-Israel alliance and other aspects of the Jewish and Israeli-American experience. Speakers and panelists will include key figures from government, business, activism, education, media, philanthropy and technology.


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c5a9fb No.21592624

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e0eeec No.21592625

File: f53e9797b246ca1⋯.png (1.35 MB,1005x987,335:329,Augusta.png)

File: d17f44d3b91bc29⋯.png (465.81 KB,1023x549,341:183,clintonis.png)

Remember being steamed over what the Communists did to Augusta National, a Private club built and financed by GUYS who could fart, burp, cuss … smoke expensive Stogies without fear of "offending" the "fairer sex". Communists have ripped us up, inside-out. Wonder how grossed-out the Green Jackets are, at the tranny wimminz sports Communist-created bullshit going on…

Funny how the auto-correct shit considers "women", singular. Wants to type "women's", as in women IS. "Women", "men", "children" are PLURAL, NOT Singular. This is third grade-level grammar 101 which has somehow gotten REVERSED.

The apostrophe fuckery is fucking up our language. See people everywhere writing "My families favorite tradition" instead of "my family's favorite…"; "The biden's are corrupt"; the clinton's, the obama's"… AND it never fails, IES wherever the wretched apostrophe +s should be used (Contraction or singular possessive). Communists said they'd fuk us up from within, and indeed they have - even our most basic things.

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bb75dd No.21592626

File: ce6eae049acd046⋯.png (140.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,3CCD4411_E590_419F_B1D0_1D….png)

File: 0a9e2cffbdcaac3⋯.png (609.77 KB,750x1334,375:667,EAE50F9C_927F_471B_A278_12….png)

File: 10b9c87ab126ce6⋯.png (459.44 KB,690x2830,69:283,DEC34C59_9087_409D_A25A_1C….png)

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fd4d1b No.21592628

File: 6bbf46a1ef2f9c7⋯.png (848.13 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Residents of Springfield, Ohio, React to Influx of 20,000 Haitians

Haitians are asking people to give them more time to adapt to a new culture, but residents worry about their safety and the drain on resources.


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71c907 No.21592629


i had my sound off. Duh. even worse with it on. Nutcase bitch

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3e525b No.21592630


I want anyone that came over the border illegally fucking gone. If they dropped an anchor baby, they go too, IDGAF. Those that break the law should not be rewarded. Send every fucker back to where they came from and if they won’t say where they are from they go to India and they can figure it out for themselves. I do have this feeling that when Trump wins, there will be violent riots and most will be put down by the Marines. They must go back.

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684ff8 No.21592631


busting out halloween props possession out of control, whew we laddies

all that cud chewing in the back at same time

bbq dog on a spit

seriously get off the drugs, you all gonna sell yo soul and have this shit be yo masta?

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c306a0 No.21592632

File: 80c61156c20c67f⋯.png (704.47 KB,789x854,789:854,kamala_alien_take_it_serio….png)

File: 9c8fbcb5df934b0⋯.png (314.22 KB,535x467,535:467,barbra_streisand_effect_al….png)

File: 664e17f3bf521b2⋯.jpg (244.71 KB,1130x852,565:426,macron_s_wife_vs_et_alien.jpg)

File: 4f33c66b819fbaf⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,576x1024,9:16,weird_alien_looking_guy_in….mp4)

File: ca6c269840b2559⋯.png (524.92 KB,695x500,139:100,ALIENS_AMONGST_US.png)


>like they’re aliens in human suits who’ve studied human behavior and are trying to blend in but can’t quite sell it

Yeah. "like".

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9d7bcf No.21592634


NY AG Letitia James

snap crackle pop

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23bc15 No.21592636

File: f4ce50b857826fc⋯.png (930.8 KB,596x815,596:815,tt.PNG)


Miranda Devine


Smells like another Lincoln Project dirty trick. Remember when they did this in VA at the last election? They’re not very smart.



Noah Lanard




What’s now being distributed in Springfield, according to a local pastor


2:34 PM · Sep 14, 2024




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fe4fa1 No.21592637

File: 410be87aff9a87e⋯.mp4 (15.4 MB,854x474,427:237,Is_this_woman_credible.mp4)

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fd4d1b No.21592638

File: 191b110ce778971⋯.png (906.89 KB,507x676,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>aliens in human suits

Sure seems that way

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ace937 No.21592639

File: 44ca2b2f4d1c455⋯.png (34.97 KB,155x153,155:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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c306a0 No.21592640

File: f5c26f322406a2d⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,640x360,16:9,0000000000000000_democrat_….mp4)


>over the border illegally

I don't think the legality of theior status is important.

Migration is being used as a warfare tactic.

When a communist government legalizes an invading group for the purposes in this video, what difference does it make

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23bc15 No.21592642


He sought to distinguish between the people carrying tiki torches and saying antisemitic things – the ones Harris mentioned during the debate on Tuesday —

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d6502b No.21592644

File: e961a7fe004eb77⋯.png (1.03 MB,1452x803,132:73,1726367635649.png)

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fe4fa1 No.21592646

File: 524b60e4ba112d2⋯.gif (1.54 MB,500x281,500:281,likewithacloth.gif)


>If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

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ea093d No.21592647

File: ccf4b0b0b9036ee⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,360x640,9:16,a7oDjNL_460sv.mp4)

Initial liberal reaction on Trump remarks

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23bc15 No.21592649

File: b7c2f5b91698479⋯.png (492.42 KB,605x786,605:786,tk.PNG)


Terrence K. Williams


🚨 Kamala is pulling out the fake accent again while talking to her "Bruddas and Sistahs "

I’m not with her or this fake accent

3:31 PM · Sep 14, 2024




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ee2a14 No.21592650

File: b615253002dbabb⋯.png (773.01 KB,500x897,500:897,0u6es.png)

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bd9b09 No.21592651

File: e35bb75b82116b0⋯.mp4 (860.86 KB,360x640,9:16,teamtrump_Joe_knows.mp4)

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c06641 No.21592652


They are stuck with great Walz of Chyna cause loomer destroyed their orginal pick.


Gabby's husband


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c50d79 No.21592653

File: 22a3f766cdbaa1f⋯.jpeg (41.12 KB,401x683,401:683,IMG_9534.jpeg)

File: c6b708cac963fa5⋯.jpeg (102.53 KB,944x529,944:529,IMG_1472.jpeg)

File: 7e2dc78f97526c5⋯.jpeg (23.39 KB,255x239,255:239,IMG_1466.jpeg)

File: 60ce20467a0f098⋯.jpeg (35.63 KB,278x370,139:185,IMG_1224.jpeg)

File: 3a7cdb9e1f69716⋯.jpeg (38.59 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_0853.jpeg)

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55c7b8 No.21592654

File: 5c03e02f2141416⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,640x360,16:9,eugenedateadviseg.mp4)


ew. the mrs. waltz looks like Eugene

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684ff8 No.21592655


the results of their tireless deeds and true to word actions sure are astoundingly horrific

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9d7bcf No.21592656




Bosnians too.

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66df76 No.21592658

File: b43db4aa7f7cba5⋯.png (81.07 KB,250x255,50:51,IMG_0914.png)

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fd4d1b No.21592659

File: a19aeb1fbc67640⋯.png (1.5 MB,1090x1440,109:144,ClipboardImage.png)

What "diaper crisis"?

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34979d No.21592663


Do you have kitten cacciatore?

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ea093d No.21592664

File: f994e398c009f19⋯.png (60.5 KB,700x1315,140:263,aKGDbeO_700bwp.png)

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c306a0 No.21592666


>yahoo - kill babies because diapers

yahoo is one of the worst

who owns them

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521a51 No.21592667

File: aad45a3c366352c⋯.png (87.8 KB,331x438,331:438,ClipboardImage.png)



did you forget the top half of the bread?

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521a51 No.21592669



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fd4d1b No.21592671

File: 8c90e363ca36ded⋯.png (432.6 KB,675x993,225:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17afa377cf9fb72⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



"Even if the Antichrist appears, what more evil can he do than what you have done, and do daily?"

—Martin Luther

To Pope Leo X

Catholic Sat


Pope Francis to children in Singapore: "All religions are paths to reach God. They are—to make a comparison—like different languages, different dialects, to get there. But God is God for everyone. If you start to fight saying 'my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't', where will this lead us? There is only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christians; they are different ways to God."

3:49 AM • Sep 13, 2024


9:54 PM • Sep 13, 2024


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bd9b09 No.21592672

File: 06b317fa56e45f6⋯.png (248.78 KB,281x850,281:850,Kamalala_.png)

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af7518 No.21592673

File: 1fee903adf94efc⋯.png (212.57 KB,462x732,77:122,ClipboardImage.png)


>Devine Nine


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c50d79 No.21592675

File: d86757126aac2cd⋯.png (7.51 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_3884.png)

File: 61910c6773aa930⋯.jpeg (22.64 KB,255x162,85:54,IMG_4150.jpeg)

File: 1cba09b715ca3f9⋯.jpeg (25.22 KB,191x255,191:255,IMG_0966.jpeg)

File: 87445417ffd1b4e⋯.jpeg (31 KB,679x575,679:575,IMG_0984.jpeg)

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bb75dd No.21592676

File: 5070dab294bc266⋯.png (71.03 KB,690x806,345:403,61124866_BF2B_4656_B196_1A….png)

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a3951d No.21592677

File: 6f70bd86c97f4e0⋯.png (1.63 MB,1196x1212,299:303,6f70bd86c97f4e0f6580c8b414….png)


highest ranker

impossibly mathematic

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9cf4bd No.21592679

File: 937328b66a6388e⋯.gif (2.76 MB,472x198,236:99,static_electricity.gif)

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3e525b No.21592680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



God Emperor Ascension….

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55c7b8 No.21592681

File: 73833d2e7c26a47⋯.jpg (73.5 KB,566x680,283:340,weneedtimetoadjestthevote.jpg)

"We need time to adjust the vote.

It's from extra security measures, is all.

Doesn't mean we are cheating"

= NY Lies, er, I mean NY Times


"Greasing up for the steal"


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d6502b No.21592683

File: f5eae90d92b6e5b⋯.png (1.01 MB,1452x803,132:73,1726367590158.png)

File: 2788c9796eeb91c⋯.png (776.12 KB,1154x1010,577:505,1726367778364.png)

Did anyone hear the Mega Afterburner Cleansing Holy Fire that Swept over the Earth Today?

I Did…

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a3951d No.21592684


multiple personalities

in da poiple

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551bde No.21592687


she is legion

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bb75dd No.21592688

File: 2c291b348008449⋯.jpeg (82.66 KB,500x666,250:333,6C7FD3E8_F606_4B00_82FA_0….jpeg)


thank you what a fucked up day.

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fd4d1b No.21592690

File: 38aa1b829cf2f0c⋯.png (717.6 KB,720x867,240:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d7bcf No.21592691


We are your retribution.

too late

you lost


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fe4fa1 No.21592693




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c50d79 No.21592694


For Easton.

Of Treason?

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9cf4bd No.21592695

File: defb39cbd13d81c⋯.webm (3.23 MB,427x240,427:240,yep23.webm)


Check'd timestamp. It was a good hearted Anon than nominated Austin for that title, as well as all the other good Anons that accepted the recommendation. I remember that bread.

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9d7bcf No.21592696


Divine 9

shizzled fizzled

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55c7b8 No.21592697


why would mail-ins favor kamala anyway?

Should break the same?

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fd4d1b No.21592698

File: fda917bff27ec28⋯.png (482.65 KB,675x1003,675:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c433f85f6849aa⋯.mp4 (8.61 MB,576x1024,9:16,MUST_WATCH_Chicago_residen….mp4)

There's a fire brewing in America's communities.


MUST WATCH: Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

5:17 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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d6502b No.21592704

File: 0df68eca783cfb2⋯.png (792.86 KB,956x1220,239:305,1726368840051.png)

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cb5d48 No.21592706

notables @ 445

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram, cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636 FBI out in Springfield doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor roasting a dog

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529 CNN just nuked @KamalaHQ for their constant lies about Trump and Vance

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307 Memes


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6ea88c No.21592707


It's a damn shame.

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fd4d1b No.21592708

File: 00185316bc9052e⋯.png (487.42 KB,519x591,173:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06c49b3138c346b⋯.png (648.26 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Rasmussen Reports


Thirty-four percent (34%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction.

More At Rasmussen Reports:



1:00 PM · Sep 14, 2024


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3e525b No.21592712


They are invaders and should be treated as such.

The real name for them would be Enemy Combatants.

Time for them to go.

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2acba1 No.21592713

File: 56dd3fdbe8043d7⋯.jpg (122.37 KB,547x550,547:550,ANOTHER_HONEST_QUESTION.jpg)




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6ea88c No.21592716

File: 13f09e319c374cf⋯.png (267.94 KB,882x1508,441:754,34.png)

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ea093d No.21592718

File: c71956c59636819⋯.webp (38.66 KB,700x472,175:118,66d195b8d28d2.webp)

Just give up vati

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9d8e08 No.21592719

File: be2e88ce79c80c2⋯.png (479.92 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

At mass rally, family airs recording of hostage Matan Angrest urging PM to sign deal

15 arrested in Tel Aviv as hostage deal protest again merge with anti-government groups, drawing hundreds of thousands of attendees; hostage families react to ‘horrific’ video from Gaza tunnel


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d6502b No.21592720

File: d2f1834e555a4a0⋯.png (728.74 KB,621x1879,621:1879,1726368768649.png)

File: dc88a5c7b2b7a0a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1726367942884.png)

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1c7dd5 No.21592722


cool pic

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c50d79 No.21592727

File: 8777d70f9a2ebc1⋯.png (4.99 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_9813.png)


Keep the faith. Drag me across the finish line please.

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bb75dd No.21592728

File: 8028ae661f6bed4⋯.png (2.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,E89A7EF6_ED45_4D2E_A7AF_0B….png)

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2acba1 No.21592730

File: cfa9663254c49fa⋯.jpg (138.36 KB,513x573,171:191,HONESTLY_ASKING.jpg)


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fd4d1b No.21592732

File: e1547072651a0d4⋯.png (1.61 MB,750x745,150:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6502b No.21592733

File: 89ac50bb4d04a28⋯.png (725.46 KB,621x1879,621:1879,1726368787708.png)

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684ff8 No.21592734


read 29% - they always give they're side the full margin of error

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060b62 No.21592735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fee fie foe fum

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d6502b No.21592737

File: 115c0fc9f62358c⋯.png (431.13 KB,1452x803,132:73,1726369423726.png)

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684ff8 No.21592739


striking fear to the heart of America's enemies

or headed to a Cats before Dogs BBQ

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af7518 No.21592740


Cities gain tax revenue, Rents etc. The Illegals are very desirable for some shithole town. Any town would be desperate for refugee money.

Cut refugee money, Cut illegals access to free shit, problem gone.

Dont allow them to have incentive to bring in more illegals.

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ea093d No.21592741

File: 6fd8ee89b829fd0⋯.png (28.14 KB,460x403,460:403,a878rKd_700bwp.png)

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1c7dd5 No.21592743

File: 4721443444c4f20⋯.png (1.7 MB,1005x3040,201:608,Picsart_24_09_14_22_05_27_….png)

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c306a0 No.21592745

File: 5b4b064ab6f64d1⋯.png (102.47 KB,269x180,269:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 072864e6af50c73⋯.png (124.39 KB,318x180,53:30,ClipboardImage.png)

how come the "alex jones free ducks" meme preceded all this by 6 months

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fd4d1b No.21592747

File: bc371eb4759ed64⋯.png (579.29 KB,555x416,555:416,ClipboardImage.png)



𝑵𝑶 𝑻𝒂𝒙 𝑶𝒏…

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7a4ec6 No.21592748

File: 3907fa76551fa98⋯.gif (1003.27 KB,260x222,130:111,IMG_7695.gif)

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6ea88c No.21592749

File: d5f2145cca539fc⋯.png (69.01 KB,987x342,329:114,Screenshot_2024_09_14_2105….png)

File: ac26ed450440d4d⋯.png (578.78 KB,946x757,946:757,Screenshot_2024_09_14_2105….png)

Why is Dennis Rader living in FL?


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f74971 No.21592750

File: 87c1a5d656b7ceb⋯.jpg (87.91 KB,1060x734,530:367,87c1a5d656b7cebd1d67aa17e4….jpg)

File: be2ea8adc691384⋯.png (266.29 KB,599x612,599:612,16902a31f827f402dbecb8f083….png)

File: 5f922b58694b203⋯.jpg (459.89 KB,960x841,960:841,1034I9O202361458ff8.jpg)

File: 6bb004e6e9eeec7⋯.png (229.29 KB,598x516,299:258,6bb004e6e9eeec7b90879ba729….png)

File: 64a3ab861fac928⋯.mp4 (417.92 KB,640x360,16:9,YouTubeCEO_Susan_Wojcicki_….mp4)


This is on the wiki. They are pressuring Rasmussen Reports to manipulate the facts and figures to benefit the democrat party, in the same way yt is controlled by advertisers who pay them money and then tell yt what to censor and yt obliges to keep the money rolling in.


Rasmussen has been questioned for its methodology and for an apparent bias toward the Republican Party. In 2024, FiveThirtyEight dropped Rasmussen from its polling averages and analysis, saying Rasmussen failed to meet FiveThirtyEight's standards for pollsters.

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ee2a14 No.21592751

File: 007fe15f380fc1a⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,474x508,237:254,photo_2023_08_18_18_05_01.jpg)

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ea093d No.21592752

File: 94583d8e226d570⋯.png (13.28 KB,500x579,500:579,aRBjxOy_700bwp.png)

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521a51 No.21592754

File: 075ec888c6342b4⋯.png (95.26 KB,838x397,838:397,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7139c8eb5289ca⋯.png (157.68 KB,1013x1013,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 343dbed15ead417⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86767532f9ba961⋯.png (1.09 MB,755x847,755:847,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd1cb62fbfbc4a9⋯.png (869.27 KB,750x656,375:328,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America. We will stop all migrant flights, end all illegal entries, terminate the Kamala phone app for smuggling illegals (CBP One App), revoke deportation immunity, suspend refugee resettlement, and return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration). I will save our cities and towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and all across America. MAGA2024!

3.46k ReTruths


Sep 14, 2024, 9:25 PM



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fd4d1b No.21592756

File: 55ee3b1be89bbff⋯.png (325.68 KB,480x460,24:23,ClipboardImage.png)

"Kamala Harris has failed to show us for the past 44 months that she is prepared and capable of handling the barrage of issues that affect our world today. She flip-flops on issues to gain votes and acceptance. She hides behind her team with rehearsed, tailored, and choreographed talking points"

Vice President Kamala Harris not qualified to be president

After expressing my opposition to the current female candidate to the U.S. presidency recently, a female acquaintance was surprised, if not shocked, to learn my position and asked me to


Know the signs

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f16b26 No.21592758

File: 84d0e6751f50a7e⋯.png (18.04 KB,473x189,473:189,drop110.png)

>>21589474 @realDonaldTrump ABC FAKE NEWS has been completely discredited…

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ee2a14 No.21592761

File: 8225da35afba3dc⋯.jpg (64.71 KB,573x484,573:484,photo_2023_08_18_18_06_33.jpg)

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ee2a14 No.21592763

File: 2d7ae7361ac9bae⋯.jpg (75.53 KB,500x655,100:131,photo_2023_08_18_18_09_34.jpg)

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66df76 No.21592765

File: f5f4327b0637beb⋯.png (83.09 KB,229x254,229:254,IMG_2265.png)


notable, insurance out of control.

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ea093d No.21592769

File: aaa10f990b6f38e⋯.png (406.32 KB,640x360,16:9,aaa10f990b6f38e7cc040decc2….png)


The frens tried to help you

But but your psycho can't be helped

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a3951d No.21592771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

who's lurking?

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ea093d No.21592773

File: 50cdd4091e4b657⋯.png (31.81 KB,1008x868,36:31,50cdd4091e4b657b31f347dac7….png)


Some images are same spammer markers

Vati knows

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9cf4bd No.21592775

File: 0026e1e2f4af1f6⋯.webm (1.63 MB,406x624,203:312,silence9.webm)

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9d7bcf No.21592780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Kiffness

fun talent


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189f70 No.21592782

File: ec3228427fada65⋯.jpg (169.6 KB,600x877,600:877,easy_with_board_stickers.jpg)


Waddup playa!? Down for some juicy burgs?

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f74971 No.21592783

File: e0ad1c7c2ec7b65⋯.jpg (203.14 KB,468x666,26:37,004b.jpg)

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c06641 No.21592785

The internal polls are showing

Trump in the 75% range

Kamala in the 25% (de)range

3 out of 4 Americans are Trump supporters.

Kamala admits "we are the underdogs."

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f74971 No.21592789

File: 4d31da8edac14ab⋯.jpg (162.98 KB,532x540,133:135,Easy_E.jpg)

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cfe306 No.21592792

File: 4938a8b738835c8⋯.png (53.21 KB,899x376,899:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbe46549fcc7af3⋯.png (147.16 KB,679x575,679:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8d5038d5289f34⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x352,20:11,000_Trump_Clinton_Epstein_….mp4)

This invention relates to an improved alloy combining high strength and good magnetic properties rendering it suitable for electrical applications. As a result of the increasingly high operating speeds of from 8,000 to 20,000 r.p.m. to which aircraft generators and similar components are subjected, mechanical strength requirements of alloys used in the electrical applications for these purposes, such as the construction of generator rotors, have been substantially increased. Most commonly, an alloy is used which possesses excellent magnetic properties and which contains a combination of cobalt, iron and vanadium. Such an alloy is known commercially as Vanadium Permendur and nominally contains 47.5 to 50.5% cobalt, 1.7 to 2.1% vanadium and the balance essentially iron.

Although some grain growth occurs in molybdenumcontaining alloys during prolonged annealing or upon annealing at higher temperatures, grain growth rates are lower in the molybdenum alloy than in the alloy devoid of molybdenum. In a co-pending application, Ser. No. 47,126, filed June 17, 1970, there is disclosed a modified Vanadium Permendur containing controlled quantities of carbon. The carbon is described as restricting grain growth tendencies. The molybdenum addition in accordance with the present invention, can be made to alloys of controlled carbon content such as disclosed in the aforementioned co-pending application with additional improvement in properties.


>>>>>> Missing [Mo] 42 <<<<<<<<<

Molybdenum is a chemical element; it has symbol Mo (from Neo-Latin molybdaenum) and atomic number 42. The name derived from Ancient Greek Μόλυβδος molybdos, meaning lead, since its ores were confused with lead ores. Molybdenum minerals have been known throughout history, but …

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2acba1 No.21592793

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,700x500,7:5,GOD_BLESS_USA.jpg)

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f039b3 No.21592796

File: 70be4e896544ccc⋯.mp4 (1016.1 KB,268x180,67:45,Elon_xrp_.mp4)

File: b503528824725e9⋯.jpeg (466 KB,593x851,593:851,IMG_5218.jpeg)

File: 212cb38345312d9⋯.png (161.92 KB,421x189,421:189,ClipboardImage.png)


So they’re using this faggot to tell us ahead of time what they’re gonna do?

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fd4d1b No.21592800

File: 82283e9b3bbb50f⋯.png (2.35 MB,1224x1318,612:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ad5303ddeeab35⋯.png (42.94 KB,140x140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ad6789adb180ef⋯.png (26.61 KB,675x213,225:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Randall Gore


Haitians get caught eating a few live ducks at a park and all of a sudden people stop calling things “weird”. Hmm.

8:15 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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9cf4bd No.21592801

File: 5d3a49aac9a4fb6⋯.webm (445.05 KB,427x240,427:240,yep50.webm)

I just let him wallow in his schizophrenic irrelevance now. A sad sockpuppet act from a pathetic creature.

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ee2a14 No.21592802

File: 410359bc6018c4f⋯.png (429.24 KB,500x803,500:803,bnju7.png)

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fe4fa1 No.21592803

so much panic

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c06641 No.21592804

Come a long way


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ee2a14 No.21592805

File: 5b574e22932dd36⋯.png (764 KB,500x897,500:897,07r32.png)

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f039b3 No.21592806


Go die a faggot’s death

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ace937 No.21592807

File: 8665ebfe16fb205⋯.jpg (180.01 KB,1600x1056,50:33,ffd674cb24b3a50c5ee0ebfcd8….jpg)

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cb5d48 No.21592808

notables @ 495

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor roasting a dog

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529 CNN just nuked @KamalaHQ for their constant lies about Trump and Vance

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763 Memes


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f74971 No.21592811

File: eb2ae1b1896925c⋯.png (1.31 MB,1010x522,505:261,ClipboardImage.png)


How does a cat get this fat?


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fd4d1b No.21592812

File: dbbffd88ed12ad0⋯.mp4 (10.6 MB,576x1024,9:16,You_never_heard_of_John_Do….mp4)

You never heard of John Doerr before, a billionaire puppet masters who shadows in the swamp. Fascinating connection between Kamala and Doerr who's swamped with Google, old Twitter, Bill Gates, Facebook, illegal immigration, censorship, and climate activism. It's eye opening.


climate activism (link to NYT)


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f039b3 No.21592814

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55c7b8 No.21592815

File: ccf4b0b0b9036ee⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,360x640,9:16,reactionpartiestoeatintted….mp4)


Why did so many laugh about the dogs statement of Trump at the debate?

"first they laugh"?

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a3951d No.21592818


nightshift just needs a hug

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f74971 No.21592819

File: 8d41500f0af171b⋯.png (753.6 KB,877x616,877:616,8d41500f0af171bbc0f7c39a52….png)

File: bc95ef0c39684e1⋯.png (867.84 KB,1277x731,1277:731,bc95ef0c39684e106642c8f6ea….png)

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fd4d1b No.21592820

File: 38535b27db17696⋯.png (699.07 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN calling out Harris…Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ICE funding and providing gender transition surgery to detained migrants

KFILE: Harris pledged support in 2019 to cut ICE funding and provide transgender surgery to detained migrants | CNN Politics

As Kamala Harris pivots to the political center in her campaign for president, a 2019 questionnaire from a leading civil rights organization spotlights her past support for left-wing causes such as taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained i…


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f039b3 No.21592822


Person who do that to the cat needs to do a back flip off a bridge n hit the rocks.

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ee2a14 No.21592823

File: dda841a54dc905c⋯.jpg (89.41 KB,700x756,25:27,44f451cab67962832b5709f6d1….jpg)

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fd4d1b No.21592825

File: 41aa06918bbf4d1⋯.png (1.02 MB,768x439,768:439,ClipboardImage.png)

3-Year Cup And Handle Pattern Could Soon Play Out For Bitcoin. Bernstein analysts have predicted that Bitcoin would at least reach $90,000 if Donald Trump Wins The Election. Standard Chartered has offered a More Bullish Prediction, stating that BTC will get to $150,000 By Year-End If Trump Wins


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a3951d No.21592826





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ee2a14 No.21592829

File: 93344ad37892470⋯.png (1011.42 KB,1000x500,2:1,35thm.png)

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2acba1 No.21592831

File: 837fbac8a9052e0⋯.jpg (91.91 KB,448x597,448:597,WELL_FED_IN_COLOR.jpg)

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7d3013 No.21592832


Are a retard or a virgin?

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f039b3 No.21592833


America turned into a bunch of trash ass degenerates.

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fd4d1b No.21592835

File: ef191b1cb88ce19⋯.png (405.9 KB,675x553,675:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c2087072ec7553⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,848x464,53:29,_Russian_mothership_drones….mp4)

Russian is advancing drone warfare mothership drones now drop First Person View drones onto locations



⚡️🇷🇺Russian mothership drones now drop FPVs onto locations=

11:01 AM • Sep 14, 2024


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fe4fa1 No.21592836


>drone warfare mothership

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a3951d No.21592837

File: 136ac54dc33633f⋯.png (485.66 KB,492x613,492:613,136ac54dc33633f9fd56945d98….png)

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f039b3 No.21592839


I mean through the programming and hip hop and all these trashy celebrities. It’s disgusting. We need to redo the entire education system n stop the idolizing of fucking celebrities

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9cf4bd No.21592840

File: 03ab13aa4992ab1⋯.webm (1.06 MB,427x240,427:240,fun_time5.webm)


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fd4d1b No.21592842

File: ad229f5dff96c34⋯.png (741.33 KB,1296x730,648:365,ClipboardImage.png)

YUGE list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office



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f039b3 No.21592844


What a fucking mess.

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3e2b6b No.21592845

Dear Admiral Rogers,

Am I crazy to think there are ways to crack the key for CIA Media Ops Part B inside the Q drops?

After the fake news is say Abdul doesn't exist. I've reached a new point where I feel completely unplugged from the Matrix in regards to how controlled the news is.

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f74971 No.21592847

File: 545f08ee0ca5168⋯.jpg (218.48 KB,740x900,37:45,1611718850741.jpg)


stole it

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9d7bcf No.21592848


>Kamala admits "we are the underdogs."

Kamala admits "we are the dogs."


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fd4d1b No.21592850

File: d8dbd0bddbf460f⋯.png (36.76 KB,675x309,225:103,ClipboardImage.png)

Cabana Boy 🌴


Believe it or not, the US used to require immigrants to not only undergo a medical exam, but required an affidavit of support, an American citizen sponsor held legally liable for their conduct, a literacy test, vetted for intelligence and productivity, and a moral character test!

6:51 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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fe4fa1 No.21592852

File: 39b49f6ba9fba87⋯.png (132.36 KB,358x352,179:176,ClipboardImage.png)

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2acba1 No.21592853

File: 813981fbd0256c7⋯.jpg (158.44 KB,577x571,577:571,WANNA.jpg)


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b12926 No.21592854

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fe4fa1 No.21592855


>moral character test

what is a woman?

is abortion a right?

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fd4d1b No.21592857

File: 45eb9a0e2d694c9⋯.png (1.12 MB,720x1165,144:233,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kamala admits "we are the dogs."

Why don't you lower them right now?

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fd4d1b No.21592859

File: 2bd4d219f744ca4⋯.png (960.64 KB,1080x1397,1080:1397,ClipboardImage.png)

This is fresh on FB and clocking in about 1,000 likes per minute

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cfe306 No.21592863

File: a4efd419806e17b⋯.png (485.34 KB,500x431,500:431,ClipboardImage.png)


Victim statements in maxwell case say he was there.

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2acba1 No.21592864

File: 7787247552a1629⋯.jpg (138.33 KB,574x571,574:571,SOME_MOAR_HONEST_QUESTIONS.jpg)


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f74971 No.21592865

File: 8bec2fec2d207b6⋯.gif (342.33 KB,500x500,1:1,0a1_NS.gif)

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a3951d No.21592867

File: 0c843175babbb34⋯.jpg (218.22 KB,1242x1234,621:617,meangene.jpg)


anons are proud of you both

the house of winning

you fill stadiums

nothing like it


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9d7bcf No.21592869


need to invent a drone detector that trains an infrared beam at the camera it uses. then turns on a scrambler to bring it down.

call it ""No Fly Drone Zone"

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e0eeec No.21592871

>>21591908 President @realDonaldTrump en route to Utah (PB)

Was freaked out. Wondering where is POTUS! Waiting all evening for this, not realizing it was private, apparently not airing anywhere; Saw it on POTUS Events page earlier today and just found it on Tulsi's site: https://www.tulsigabbard.com/trump_az https://archive.md/AUDwb Team Trump Reclaim America Tour w/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Tulsi

Join Tulsi & Robert F. Kennedy Jr at a special moderated discussion with Jessica Kraus of @HouseInHabit at a Team Trump Reclaim America Tour Event in Glendale, AZ. Doors open at 4pm, event starts at 6pm. Register for your tickets now!

 TICKETS When September 14, 2024 at 4:00pm - 8pm

Where Arizona Christian University, Firestorm Recreation Center…

Glendale, AZ 85306

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5a24b2 No.21592873


No hot sauce on his piece of shit face from the Subway run?

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9cf4bd No.21592874

File: 791fdbc7255830e⋯.mp4 (875.3 KB,570x240,19:8,silence8.mp4)


>Speaking of Cowards who hide behind religion instead of work to expose the evil

The only evil you're exposing VaticanClown is your own. Your downward spiral is going to crash soon.

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d100da No.21592876


If they believe that shit they should pack a bag and move to Springfield so they have to live with their folly.

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cfe306 No.21592877


He's going to try get Facebook to censor him.

Would be great for Trump if they did.

Either way, they lose. Censor him, get public scrutiny. Don't censor him, facebook normies learn the truth.

Your move facebook.


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2acba1 No.21592879

File: 6863bce2cc880dc⋯.jpg (103.16 KB,454x572,227:286,FRIENDS_AND_LOVERS_R2_THIN….jpg)


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81cbf2 No.21592880

File: 0f6f745b3e52df5⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,460x258,230:129,a0e52jn_460sv.mp4)

A Pakistani was arrested for sexually assaulting a high Japanese schoolgirl on a train

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d60994 No.21592881


The world has been blessed by the both of you, God bless you Jim and CM. o7

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273f83 No.21592882


How about we remove the education system entirely and give people their freedom back. Or is getting rid of centralized control of education and children a foreign concept these days?

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ace937 No.21592884

File: 1f351b94928ba33⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1290x1250,129:125,Fs9tYEBWABAuB9B.jpg)

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aeaef0 No.21592885

File: 079d423d2df4fe7⋯.jpg (344.06 KB,1920x1622,960:811,tuxedo_cat_916335_1920_5b4….jpg)

I say old bean it has been a min, it's cats meowz, not mauw mauw on cats.

Save the boobies and cats.

pawz and meowz…

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fd4d1b No.21592888

File: 887453492184f25⋯.png (2.28 MB,2046x1061,2046:1061,ClipboardImage.png)

"Celebrities SLAM Trump Over His Insane Claim That Haitian Migrants Are Eating Dogs" says The Rolling Stone Magazine.

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66df76 No.21592890

File: 34ab63456a74311⋯.png (108.93 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_1317.png)

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cfe306 No.21592891


Forgot to mention the election interference, which would be causing little zucks sphincter to be compressing in double time.

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ae9f35 No.21592892

File: 45c5381af82ee1e⋯.jpeg (93.92 KB,960x960,1:1,25965426_470E_46F3_A0C6_8….jpeg)


Pakistani was arrested for sexually assaulting a high Japanese schoolgirl on a train

What kind of drugs was she on?

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2acba1 No.21592895

File: 65ab4f376eaee4c⋯.jpg (98.9 KB,440x550,4:5,CORRECTAMUNDO.jpg)


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81cbf2 No.21592896

File: 64841a1d752f351⋯.png (161.88 KB,460x382,230:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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2acba1 No.21592898

File: 87636037ac0a17d⋯.jpg (170.71 KB,574x565,574:565,TRY_CHEERIOS.jpg)


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55c7b8 No.21592899

File: 568d52750506979⋯.pdf (3.24 MB,Proposals_Relating_to_the_….pdf)



looking at "Proposals for the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania" by Benjamin Franklin.

Really a different world.

But gives some ideas.

There's no copyright. Copyright expired in 1960

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fd4d1b No.21592900

File: 543a847662b4394⋯.png (381.31 KB,768x443,768:443,ClipboardImage.png)

5 Times Prosecutor Kamala Harris Got The Wrong Guy

Kamala Harris has been facing criticism from fellow Democrats over her criminal justice record during her time as a top California prosecutor. During last month’s Democratic debate, for example, Tulsi Gabbard slammed Harris for blocking DNA testing…


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7d3013 No.21592901


What a coincidence!!!! The sun enters the Crux Constellation on Dec 21 every single year seeing how it’s the Soltice.

But, it’s stupid because it was before the Bible.

Symbols are all your downfalls because you refuse to Enter within.

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7d3013 No.21592902

File: c765c2def7ed37e⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,1560x720,13:6,RPReplay_Final1726254755_1.mp4)

The Word became Flesh

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9cf4bd No.21592903

File: bdf94cd3b6d1fb2⋯.webm (1.46 MB,565x240,113:48,_.webm)


Nothing but respect for those two. Almost there.

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078ca6 No.21592904

File: 6d5ca0cb4a08b38⋯.jpg (133.77 KB,888x500,222:125,93j5gz_1.jpg)

>>21591198, >>21591262, >>21591293, >>21591311, >>21591396, >>21591397, >>21591433, >>21591444, >>21591531, >>21591617, >>21591620, >>21591648, >>21591752, >>21591858, >>21591897

>Memes (all PB notables)

WTAF is the baker thinking?

how are any of these juvenile self-indulgent memes of any value to anons looking for ammo to redpill normies?


they're fucking USELESS

if bakers are going to notable memes

choose battle memes for redpilling normies

not this kind of WORTHLESS SHIT

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782f75 No.21592905


This is not a denial.

It is simply a question.

What would your response be if your statement came straight back to you?

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a3951d No.21592907


then you do a better job

which you can't

so you soil your skivvies

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099120 No.21592909


All posted by his alt IDs.

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672c3c No.21592910

File: 0d29affdd68ce69⋯.png (118.06 KB,384x480,4:5,beb353a442f2fcbe0e03992889….png)

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9cf4bd No.21592911

File: 239929d02e5d09c⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x750,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>choose battle memes for redpilling normies

They're eating the pets, don'tcha know.

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7d3013 No.21592912


What Ego accusation are you talking about?

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c5a9fb No.21592915


>Cum a long way


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a3951d No.21592916

File: 21f9e838de482be⋯.jpg (65.92 KB,720x524,180:131,21f9e838de482be7490e317109….jpg)


where is YOUR meme bun?

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3559ff No.21592917

3 steps forward, 4 steps back, thats how DC works.

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273f83 No.21592919


Thanks, I'll give it a read when I have some free time… I have no idea when that'll happen though.

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2acba1 No.21592920

File: b788317824d913e⋯.jpg (156.03 KB,611x573,611:573,OH_DR_VATICANT.jpg)


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cfe306 No.21592922


Thoughts are things anons.

We have moved mountains.

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aeaef0 No.21592923

File: 51cd0f1b49c8a7a⋯.jpg (340.01 KB,1536x2048,3:4,qqwdwqdqwqw.jpg)


All meowz anyhowz

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c5a9fb No.21592924

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f74971 No.21592925

File: 7f952b1971d25e2⋯.jpeg (175.29 KB,439x447,439:447,7f952b1971d25e2b920db938e….jpeg)

File: 1c50223f79090fc⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Pfizer_Laughter_Commercial….mp4)

Have you anons seen this Pfizer laughter commercial? Nut house, insane asylum, madness. I think they are laughing at us.

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743577 No.21592926

(Copied from REBEL NEWS)

Canadian Government MANDATES NEW Chlamydia VACCINE: Proof of Vaccination Required for Travel

In a major public health initiative, the Canadian government has announced that starting in 2025, all citizens aged 15 and older will be required to receive a newly developed chlamydia vaccine. The vaccine, designed to combat one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the country, is set to become mandatory for access to key services—including domestic and international travel.

The Urgent Need for Action

Chlamydia is currently the most reported STI in Canada, with infection rates increasing significantly over the past decade, especially among young adults. Although often asymptomatic, untreated chlamydia can lead to severe long-term health issues, such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and increased susceptibility to other infections. In light of this, health officials have deemed the new vaccine essential in stopping the spread of the infection and alleviating the burden on the healthcare system.

Health Minister Sophie Tremblay stressed the importance of this vaccine in a recent press conference. “Chlamydia is a silent epidemic in our country. Many who are infected do not show symptoms, leading to unintended transmission and serious complications. This vaccine is a powerful tool in safeguarding Canadians’ health and ensuring we stop the spread before it worsens.”

Travel Restrictions Without Vaccination

One of the most controversial aspects of the mandate is the new requirement to show proof of vaccination to travel. Starting in 2025, Canadians will need to present a valid vaccination record for the chlamydia vaccine to board flights, enter airports, or cross international borders. Without this documentation, individuals will be prohibited from traveling both domestically and internationally.

Minister Tremblay elaborated on this measure, stating, “Travel is a critical point of transmission for many diseases. By requiring proof of vaccination, we are not only protecting travelers but also preventing the spread of infections across provinces and countries. This mandate will help safeguard public health, especially as Canadians move freely between regions.”

Other Public Access Restrictions

In addition to travel, the vaccine mandate extends to public services and institutions. Citizens will need to be vaccinated to attend public schools, universities, and certain workplaces. The government has provided an exemption process for those with valid medical reasons, but for most Canadians, proof of vaccination will be a necessary part of participating in public life.

The government is rolling out a robust system to make the vaccine easily accessible, offering it at schools, clinics, and through general practitioners. A national education campaign will follow, aimed at informing the public about the vaccine’s safety and benefits.

Public Debate and Response

While many health experts and public health advocates have welcomed the vaccine mandate, it has also generated significant public debate. Civil liberties groups have raised concerns about potential overreach, particularly the decision to link vaccination status with the ability to travel.

Critics argue that mandatory vaccination for travel could set a concerning precedent, while others express worry over the speed at which the mandate has been implemented. “We understand the concerns,” said Dr. Karen LeBlanc, Chief Public Health Officer. “However, this is a necessary step to control the spread of an infection that is harming Canadians, particularly young people. We have extensively tested this vaccine, and it has proven both safe and effective.”

Looking to the Future

As the vaccine rollout draws closer, the Canadian government is preparing for widespread public outreach and education efforts to ensure the population is well-informed. Health authorities are hopeful that with high compliance, the country will see a significant reduction in chlamydia rates within the next few years.

This initiative makes Canada the first country to mandate a chlamydia vaccine on a national level, with the possibility that it could serve as a model for other nations struggling with high STI rates. Officials are optimistic that the program will not only control the current chlamydia epidemic but also pave the way for future public health initiatives targeting other sexually transmitted infections.

As Canada leads the charge in STI prevention, citizens will need to stay informed and prepared for the changes to come, with the mandatory chlamydia vaccine becoming a key part of the country’s health strategy moving forward.

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7d3013 No.21592929


You can’t hold it in your hand.

God is the adjective for the totality of the human mind. Before it was a German word for pouring out it was Theos in Greek and Elohim in Hebrew.

The mind is Adam and Eve. The duality.

Damn have you ever heard anything other than a pedo pastor?

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078ca6 No.21592931


wouldn't the guy's job title be "quantum machinist?"

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3e0c9d No.21592932

File: 7b4b71a68bc9ff2⋯.png (134.55 KB,683x454,683:454,ClipboardImage.png)

Vivek Ramaswamy


I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday. Hoping to have a town hall with local residents, not to stoke more controversy but to have open & honest dialogue about mass migration.The community says they need help, not division. To that end, I’d like to make a charitable donation to help support the community, and I welcome suggestions this week on which organization is doing the best work locally. I spent a LOT of time there as a kid, with wonderful memories I’m truly grateful for. It pains me to see what they’re going through now. It’s time to actually help Springfield and cities like it across the country by reversing the awful federal policies that aren’t the fault of local residents who are suffering, but who inadvertently get blamed for it anyway. That’s how we’ll make America great again.

9:04 PM · Sep 14, 2024


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2adffc No.21592933

File: 1d64dcffbb0e54a⋯.jpg (59.17 KB,673x561,673:561,j46h34634.JPG)

Donald J. Trump


As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America. We will stop all migrant flights, end all illegal entries, terminate the Kamala phone app for smuggling illegals (CBP One App), revoke deportation immunity, suspend refugee resettlement, and return Kamala’s illegal migrants to their home countries (also known as remigration). I will save our cities and towns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and all across America. MAGA2024!


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743577 No.21592935


They say it’s safe and effective. Time to Nuremberg these idiots.

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2acba1 No.21592936

File: 90fc2cdee42f846⋯.jpg (125.46 KB,568x570,284:285,PROFESSIONAL_LIKE.jpg)



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1c7dd5 No.21592937


not even

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75ddc5 No.21592938

File: 69fc8915597b42f⋯.png (192.84 KB,800x574,400:287,69f.png)


That is a yuge list.

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aedbe4 No.21592941


It's an election year. See the year before.

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cfe306 No.21592943


Um, that Pastor was my dad, and yeah, I didn't listen that much, mostly watched the monkey bats swinging through the church rafters.

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3e0c9d No.21592944

File: d0d8402aca847bf⋯.png (216.02 KB,502x652,251:326,ClipboardImage.png)

Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


Pay attention to these raids being carried out in Texas.

They are important.

Texas AG Ken Paxton is preparing to move on the NGO's and the political activists that have been deliberately subverting the integrity of TX elections by registering noncitizens to vote.


Ain't life grand? 😎


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1c7dd5 No.21592947



pastor kids

are worse than

cop kids


army brats

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2acba1 No.21592950

File: 9d9e4f45498044d⋯.jpg (134.49 KB,561x559,561:559,EYE_OF_REEEEE.jpg)


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9cf4bd No.21592951

File: f7cda7828b64618⋯.webm (146.34 KB,576x240,12:5,yep13.webm)


Probably has a PhD too. Bet it really chaps his ass that people he considers inferior to him with no university degrees continually best him. I suspect he considers everyone inferior due to the narcissism projection that went nohere. I mean, watching both Tranimae and AEI banter amicably together about the glory days on halfchan before coming here, I wouldn't be surprised if they're the kind of fucked in the head psychologists that think men can be women if they just put some makeup on, wear a dress, and take some big pharma artificial hormone cocktails for the rest of their lives.

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c72af5 No.21592952

Just wait until the skies are completely full of drones…..


POLICE drones


Watching (you)

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cfe306 No.21592953


haha, fuck you too.

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9cf4bd No.21592956

File: 16b2c92b4fa063c⋯.webm (1.84 MB,890x360,89:36,home.webm)

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7d3013 No.21592958



Luke 11:52

You take away the way a person gets knowledge because you don’t meditate and when people try to meditate, religion creates bullshit to stop them.

You were born ON. It’s already in you. You just have to remember.

“Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Anything you say about God, the same is true of the Mind in your brain.

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5161ad No.21592961


in your world everyone has to start from scratch.

Jesus set it up differently.

you should re read the Bible and discover where you get it all wrong.

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c5a9fb No.21592963



but they do it all the time on pornhub!

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a3951d No.21592964

File: 33d5986350f96c0⋯.png (305.66 KB,568x510,284:255,33d5986350f96c0e394d38e043….png)

to all the frens I used to know

told ya next time we'd talk you would be thanking President Trump with tears in your eyes

and I will get to see that

and rejoice

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2acba1 No.21592966

File: 76e08b42ebdafe9⋯.jpg (171.06 KB,581x576,581:576,AMERICAN_EGO.jpg)


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7d3013 No.21592967


Suit yourself.

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c72af5 No.21592969

File: a9d92481abfeb02⋯.png (645.93 KB,764x879,764:879,ClipboardImage.png)

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ace937 No.21592970

File: d36539e6ea15a32⋯.jpg (46.58 KB,828x830,414:415,FsevAgpaUAAtGJt.jpg)

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7d3013 No.21592971


Come as a child. A child isn’t corrupted yet.

Hinder that child and you may as well tie a rock around your neck and jump off a cliff.

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cfe306 No.21592973



>religion creates bullshit to stop them

What part of "Fuck you too", sounds religious to you, my fren?

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672c3c No.21592974

File: c1babc07554895d⋯.png (244.5 KB,447x516,149:172,fct.png)

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7d3013 No.21592975


I didn’t write it. It’s in the Bible.

When people try to enter within they are hindered. He’s talking to religious people.

Get mad at yourself bro. I didn’t write the book.

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2acba1 No.21592976

File: 897e654ee5bb5be⋯.jpg (143.85 KB,556x576,139:144,MIGHT_B_GOOD_AT_IT.jpg)


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ace937 No.21592977

File: 10297955219426f⋯.png (147.28 KB,377x212,377:212,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfe306 No.21592978


KEK, apparently you haven't really read it either.

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2acba1 No.21592981

File: eb07a552ba545c1⋯.jpg (119.04 KB,521x567,521:567,UR_BEING_DEFENSIVE.jpg)


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7d3013 No.21592982

File: e4e6b8e81557641⋯.mp4 (5.75 MB,3834x2160,71:40,RPReplay_Final1688662319.mp4)


Christians always say that.

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536604 No.21592983


Dont you know.

They already have thought to text sats.

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cb5d48 No.21592984

notables @ 645

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW: This is my son, and I'm very proud of him

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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9cf4bd No.21592985

File: f92dee6e49da601⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,255x245,51:49,popcorn_pepe2.jpg)


I'm not above picking a fight with 'em, and regularly do. KEK. But yeah, that's a good point. You've always counter-punched. I never realized that until you brought it up.

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2acba1 No.21592986

File: 93270aee43783f2⋯.jpg (143.16 KB,835x351,835:351,WHEEL_OF_WIN.jpg)



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aedbe4 No.21592987


Grassy Knoll…

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cfe306 No.21592989


(you) know heaven is right here, right?

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2acba1 No.21592991

File: e4548a597907bd3⋯.jpg (103.29 KB,478x567,478:567,ROOT_OF_ALL_EVIL_U_NO.jpg)


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7d3013 No.21592992


Heaven was a mythological word used to describe higher consciousness.

Mythology is My Theology.

It’s about you.

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9cf4bd No.21592994

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)

Would it please the deep state psychologists and psychiatrists to know I have zero experience or knowledge of the field they have their degrees in, or any of its terminology other than what I've absorbed through osmosis in this place? Does that hurt their ego that amateurs are making professionals look like buffoons? I wonder if I can still call myself an amateur at this after damn near 7 years now…

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ad17b1 No.21592997

File: 074fa18f973744f⋯.png (674.46 KB,851x570,851:570,A689B98C_5A04_409C_8717_15….png)

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2acba1 No.21592999

File: 78545ecb488364a⋯.jpg (149.37 KB,609x566,609:566,Q_DOES_Q_NOT_U.jpg)


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15408f No.21593002

File: e2ea44e31ea79d4⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB,320x568,40:71,7j465465436.mp4)



I almost past this up, but just happen to take a listen.

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2acba1 No.21593004

File: d9507b092f0fc45⋯.jpg (131.98 KB,584x568,73:71,THREATENING_PSYCOLOGIST.jpg)


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9cf4bd No.21593005

File: f4b187b82737386⋯.png (4.59 MB,1686x1718,843:859,variant.png)


If memory serves correct, Pig, he's claimed that he's a former Satanist that just wants to tell people what to think and do now. So, still a Satanist. So, is that what it is then I wonder. Satanist psychologists? Sounds like a Comet Pingpong band name.

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cfe306 No.21593006


Right, because even scripture describes the creator comes to earth to be their god and they his people.

This right here, with an amazing future of achievements to come, is as good as it gets.

The Creator doesn't make second best or near enough, he creates perfection.

That's why the satanic haters want to destroy it, and us. It's that simple.

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55c7b8 No.21593007


"Taylor' is a male name?

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55c7b8 No.21593008


that's BS

you started attacking pig right away? Why?

cause you're weird.

You made up shit as if you knew an anon entity?


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ace937 No.21593009

File: 0c3165db94c82c0⋯.png (240.64 KB,625x549,625:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a65139fdfbca99d⋯.png (196.55 KB,622x446,311:223,ClipboardImage.png)



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9cf4bd No.21593012


Pig's a brother, you fuckin' idjit. Go fluff your faggotry where it can't be seen, imbecile.

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2acba1 No.21593013

File: d367d8db4bc5d58⋯.jpg (161.3 KB,551x565,551:565,5_NUMBERS_AND_THE_WILDCARD.jpg)


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e0eeec No.21593014

File: 429cd0cfd423469⋯.png (1.34 MB,1005x987,335:329,Augusta2.png)


Worked at a club (in a city) long ago in which a bunch of guys, collectively no less than 75 years-old, would meet once a week for lunch at "their" table, set for (IIRC) 10 of them - maybe 12, but around there. They may have been Founders - at any rate, the very first members, a very tight-knit, longtime friendship, which is why they had their traditional luncheon every week.

Some broad who was at least 35 years their junior actually fought the club to sit at that table. Wanted to vomit when saw that bitch sticking out like a sore vag – er thumb with a bunch of seniors who she had nothing in common with (or she'd have been INVITED).

Didn't last the year at that place, it was Communist.

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2acba1 No.21593020

File: 1dd76b05fa1e62b⋯.jpg (163.55 KB,612x570,102:95,JUST_THE_LOTTO.jpg)


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078ca6 No.21593022


shows what you know…

quantum machinist IS what those people call themselves

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f74971 No.21593023

File: de5e3ce6c3c0dc2⋯.png (57.49 KB,649x888,649:888,de5e3ce6c3c0dc21beb476ce24….png)

File: 3128d6a746d7fd5⋯.jpg (199.23 KB,870x594,145:99,placebos.jpg)

File: 57e36a6d3baad54⋯.jpg (364.7 KB,966x814,483:407,covid_a_wef_lie.jpg)

File: a58f98fb36d9355⋯.jpg (273.12 KB,1872x1408,117:88,Great_Reset_1338510075.jpg)

File: 59d80772143859c⋯.png (917.09 KB,783x557,783:557,64e0d14e9312b1cc64deee7c6a….png)

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9cf4bd No.21593025

File: 49d866ec47c2dd0⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2400x1600,3:2,49d866ec47c2dd0a7b86aee43b….jpg)

They just have their focus on Pig right now. They cycle back and forth between him and I or the target of their obfuscated shield of misdirection using bigotry and disinformation. The last one they've seemingly abandoned on the battlefield to whine about fame and ego and gatekeeping and censorship.

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247b2a No.21593026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’


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fd4d1b No.21593027

File: ea3936b4d9cff2d⋯.png (914.95 KB,652x1180,163:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f7b5408b496811⋯.png (1.91 MB,903x1199,903:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

The KKK are democrats



Kamala is doing so bad that the feds have printed up KKK propaganda to try and make Trump look bad 🤣

Noah Lanard


What’s now being distributed in Springfield, according to a local pastor

1:02 PM • Sep 14, 2024

7:55 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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2acba1 No.21593028

File: 825b767d995b48c⋯.jpg (162.67 KB,612x566,306:283,IT_DONT_ADD_UP.jpg)

File: a9a938809d3a54c⋯.jpg (45.89 KB,497x409,497:409,PLAIN_SPEAK.jpg)


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9cf4bd No.21593031

Pig found a sweater string. KEK!

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fd4d1b No.21593033

File: dca9d2b3cde03b0⋯.png (632.7 KB,566x440,283:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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078ca6 No.21593035


>is abortion a right?

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

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2acba1 No.21593037

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,493x585,493:585,o7_WINNING.jpg)



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cb5d48 No.21593040

notables @ 700

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636, >>21593027 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21593026 Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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fd4d1b No.21593045

File: c4de6adc60bbd75⋯.png (632.47 KB,963x728,963:728,ClipboardImage.png)

The CIA and FBI control the country, Obama runs both

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cfe306 No.21593046

File: bb4d41871da6466⋯.png (1.68 KB,143x36,143:36,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5a9fb No.21593047


yeah probably.

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cfe306 No.21593051

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e0eeec No.21593052



Hate these twatter fucks who never disclose a state or even COUNTRY where the shit they post is taking place.

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cc5c9d No.21593053

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636, >>21593027 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21593026 Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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c5a9fb No.21593054




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cc5c9d No.21593055

notables FINAL

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636, >>21593027 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21593026 Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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078ca6 No.21593062



i don't live in my mommy's basement

i have shit i HAVE to do IRL

i'm lucky i have a few minutes a day to scan notables looking for memes i can pass on

(YOU) assholes are the self-proclaimed autists that are here 24/365

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c5a9fb No.21593066


triggered much?

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cc5c9d No.21593068

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60818d No.21593069

File: 7075fa5ab4b0fdc⋯.png (30.66 KB,270x270,1:1,73a1a79f3cb9e160.png)

File: 3e0911ad3820138⋯.jpg (62.85 KB,400x354,200:177,obama_sachs_goldman_427294….jpg)

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,Screen_Shot_2021_04_08_at_….png)

File: 5584ffec18767d9⋯.jpg (19.72 KB,474x158,3:1,th_810189690.jpg)

File: bab25d5330f85bd⋯.jpg (20.76 KB,598x291,598:291,obama_horns_2600812184.jpg)

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9cf4bd No.21593070

File: eda3701f98828e7⋯.jpg (80.35 KB,526x474,263:237,kekane_powder.jpg)


You know, it never once in all the time I've been here did I think of them as psychologists. I just thought of them as a paid to post pencil neck sitting at a keyboard. I always thought psychologists were supposed to be smart though. Satanist psychologists. Huh. I'll bet they'd know all about the programming of kids to shoot up a school then.

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fd4d1b No.21593072

File: a2b1b96010f2cf5⋯.png (906.61 KB,826x976,413:488,ClipboardImage.png)


>pawz and meowz…

Free delivery

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2acba1 No.21593073

File: 10823b7e8d19fd2⋯.jpg (152.22 KB,681x484,681:484,ITS_IN_TROUBLE_TOO.jpg)

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9cf4bd No.21593076


If you're coming for the free food then don't bitch about who's cooking lest your next meal might not taste as sweet.

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f9a9c3 No.21593082

File: 4e2089ccc879c24⋯.png (365.55 KB,860x695,172:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e97c713ca1792e0⋯.png (524.81 KB,862x706,431:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0d4329c0c79e46⋯.png (357.81 KB,859x699,859:699,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ef2e84098323ab⋯.png (530.21 KB,867x693,289:231,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino



The cheeky and wholesome MAGA people join forces with The MAHA people, starting a movement to make Americans healthy again!!!



Sep 14, 2024, 11:03 PM














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2acba1 No.21593083

File: adbadd5e816f873⋯.jpg (98.82 KB,636x476,159:119,51.jpg)


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f9a9c3 No.21593087

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273f83 No.21593097


>I want camelot

Project camelot?

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2acba1 No.21593098

File: f1c9ab9a1f15a97⋯.jpg (110.11 KB,515x568,515:568,IT_BIG_MAD.jpg)

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672c3c No.21593101

File: 23d86592f6d017a⋯.jpg (86.2 KB,720x615,48:41,23d86592f6d017a714199669bf….jpg)

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66df76 No.21593106

File: d88a55a1ffdf6d1⋯.png (35.64 KB,181x266,181:266,IMG_2641.png)

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f9a9c3 No.21593112

File: 420c6792ceaadc3⋯.mp4 (907.09 KB,426x232,213:116,Flynn_says_John_Kennedy_no….mp4)




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