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File: 28cb73e4ca55a73⋯.png (65.14 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

1591bb No.21591997 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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613 posts and 548 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7d3013 No.21592992


Heaven was a mythological word used to describe higher consciousness.

Mythology is My Theology.

It’s about you.

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9cf4bd No.21592994

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)

Would it please the deep state psychologists and psychiatrists to know I have zero experience or knowledge of the field they have their degrees in, or any of its terminology other than what I've absorbed through osmosis in this place? Does that hurt their ego that amateurs are making professionals look like buffoons? I wonder if I can still call myself an amateur at this after damn near 7 years now…

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ad17b1 No.21592997

File: 074fa18f973744f⋯.png (674.46 KB,851x570,851:570,A689B98C_5A04_409C_8717_15….png)

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2acba1 No.21592999

File: 78545ecb488364a⋯.jpg (149.37 KB,609x566,609:566,Q_DOES_Q_NOT_U.jpg)


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15408f No.21593002

File: e2ea44e31ea79d4⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB,320x568,40:71,7j465465436.mp4)



I almost past this up, but just happen to take a listen.

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2acba1 No.21593004

File: d9507b092f0fc45⋯.jpg (131.98 KB,584x568,73:71,THREATENING_PSYCOLOGIST.jpg)


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9cf4bd No.21593005

File: f4b187b82737386⋯.png (4.59 MB,1686x1718,843:859,variant.png)


If memory serves correct, Pig, he's claimed that he's a former Satanist that just wants to tell people what to think and do now. So, still a Satanist. So, is that what it is then I wonder. Satanist psychologists? Sounds like a Comet Pingpong band name.

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cfe306 No.21593006


Right, because even scripture describes the creator comes to earth to be their god and they his people.

This right here, with an amazing future of achievements to come, is as good as it gets.

The Creator doesn't make second best or near enough, he creates perfection.

That's why the satanic haters want to destroy it, and us. It's that simple.

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55c7b8 No.21593007


"Taylor' is a male name?

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55c7b8 No.21593008


that's BS

you started attacking pig right away? Why?

cause you're weird.

You made up shit as if you knew an anon entity?


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ace937 No.21593009

File: 0c3165db94c82c0⋯.png (240.64 KB,625x549,625:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a65139fdfbca99d⋯.png (196.55 KB,622x446,311:223,ClipboardImage.png)



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9cf4bd No.21593012


Pig's a brother, you fuckin' idjit. Go fluff your faggotry where it can't be seen, imbecile.

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2acba1 No.21593013

File: d367d8db4bc5d58⋯.jpg (161.3 KB,551x565,551:565,5_NUMBERS_AND_THE_WILDCARD.jpg)


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e0eeec No.21593014

File: 429cd0cfd423469⋯.png (1.34 MB,1005x987,335:329,Augusta2.png)


Worked at a club (in a city) long ago in which a bunch of guys, collectively no less than 75 years-old, would meet once a week for lunch at "their" table, set for (IIRC) 10 of them - maybe 12, but around there. They may have been Founders - at any rate, the very first members, a very tight-knit, longtime friendship, which is why they had their traditional luncheon every week.

Some broad who was at least 35 years their junior actually fought the club to sit at that table. Wanted to vomit when saw that bitch sticking out like a sore vag – er thumb with a bunch of seniors who she had nothing in common with (or she'd have been INVITED).

Didn't last the year at that place, it was Communist.

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2acba1 No.21593020

File: 1dd76b05fa1e62b⋯.jpg (163.55 KB,612x570,102:95,JUST_THE_LOTTO.jpg)


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078ca6 No.21593022


shows what you know…

quantum machinist IS what those people call themselves

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f74971 No.21593023

File: de5e3ce6c3c0dc2⋯.png (57.49 KB,649x888,649:888,de5e3ce6c3c0dc21beb476ce24….png)

File: 3128d6a746d7fd5⋯.jpg (199.23 KB,870x594,145:99,placebos.jpg)

File: 57e36a6d3baad54⋯.jpg (364.7 KB,966x814,483:407,covid_a_wef_lie.jpg)

File: a58f98fb36d9355⋯.jpg (273.12 KB,1872x1408,117:88,Great_Reset_1338510075.jpg)

File: 59d80772143859c⋯.png (917.09 KB,783x557,783:557,64e0d14e9312b1cc64deee7c6a….png)

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9cf4bd No.21593025

File: 49d866ec47c2dd0⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2400x1600,3:2,49d866ec47c2dd0a7b86aee43b….jpg)

They just have their focus on Pig right now. They cycle back and forth between him and I or the target of their obfuscated shield of misdirection using bigotry and disinformation. The last one they've seemingly abandoned on the battlefield to whine about fame and ego and gatekeeping and censorship.

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247b2a No.21593026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’


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fd4d1b No.21593027

File: ea3936b4d9cff2d⋯.png (914.95 KB,652x1180,163:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f7b5408b496811⋯.png (1.91 MB,903x1199,903:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

The KKK are democrats



Kamala is doing so bad that the feds have printed up KKK propaganda to try and make Trump look bad 🤣

Noah Lanard


What’s now being distributed in Springfield, according to a local pastor

1:02 PM • Sep 14, 2024

7:55 PM • Sep 14, 2024


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2acba1 No.21593028

File: 825b767d995b48c⋯.jpg (162.67 KB,612x566,306:283,IT_DONT_ADD_UP.jpg)

File: a9a938809d3a54c⋯.jpg (45.89 KB,497x409,497:409,PLAIN_SPEAK.jpg)


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9cf4bd No.21593031

Pig found a sweater string. KEK!

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fd4d1b No.21593033

File: dca9d2b3cde03b0⋯.png (632.7 KB,566x440,283:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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078ca6 No.21593035


>is abortion a right?

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

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2acba1 No.21593037

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,493x585,493:585,o7_WINNING.jpg)



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cb5d48 No.21593040

notables @ 700

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636, >>21593027 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21593026 Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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fd4d1b No.21593045

File: c4de6adc60bbd75⋯.png (632.47 KB,963x728,963:728,ClipboardImage.png)

The CIA and FBI control the country, Obama runs both

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cfe306 No.21593046

File: bb4d41871da6466⋯.png (1.68 KB,143x36,143:36,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5a9fb No.21593047


yeah probably.

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cfe306 No.21593051

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e0eeec No.21593052



Hate these twatter fucks who never disclose a state or even COUNTRY where the shit they post is taking place.

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cc5c9d No.21593053

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636, >>21593027 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21593026 Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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c5a9fb No.21593054




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cc5c9d No.21593055

notables FINAL

#26448 >>21592012

>>21592096, >>21592189 Call to Dig: Marvena Twigg / Andrea Palm

>>21592121 An illegal Haitian migrant allegedly crashed into a Burros and fries restaurant in California

>>21592135 Elon: This is exactly what is happening (illegal migration)

>>21592177 Reps Tim Burchett and Anna Paulina Luna confirm house and senate will hold UFO hearings

>>21592209, >>21592378 Trump up 3.5 points nationally with most-accurate 2020 pollster

>>21592284, >>21592471 Another weapon to add to your immunity arsenal

>>21592318 UK government reveals drastic measures to meet Net Zero goals, including banning beef and lamb and shutting down airports

>>21592355 Dan Scavino

>>21592396 DJT: As President I will immediately end the migrant invasion of America

>>21592408 Azealia Banks via Instagram cleaning the closet she's been performing brujeria (witchcraft) for 3 years in

>>21592414, >>21592636, >>21593027 FBI out in Springfield, Ohio doing what they do

>>21592505 NATO Threatening to Launch Long-Range Missiles into Russia from Ukraine

>>21592520 Just someone catching their neighbor casually roasting a dog

>>21592525 JimW

>>21592528 Biden / Harris set to give another $1 billion in benefits to Haitian migrants

>>21592534 Liar Anderson Cooper Airs Parody Account’s Edited Photo of Trump Looking Fatter Than Chris Christy

>>21592535 Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state

>>21592561, >>21592646 If the Clinton foundation had $13 billion in foreign aid to repair Haiti, why do they need to seek asylum in the US?

>>21592563 The Kiffness: My Eating the Cats remix already has 50M combined views (that I'm aware of)

>>21592579 Secret Service Agents Assigned to Trump Butler Rally Never Directed Local Police to Guard Roof Used by Thomas Crooks

>>21592597 The Walz’ are just eight shades of bizarre

>>21592600, >>21592529, >>21592820 CNN akshually calling out Kamala

>>21592681 New York greasing up for the steal

>>21592698 Chicago resident BLASTS the city council for prioritizing illegals and neglecting Americans

>>21592708, >>21592716 Only 34% of likely U.S. voters think the country is heading in the right direction

>>21592749 Home insurers are using drones and satellite imagery to spy on current / potential clients

>>21592812 John Doerr

>>21592842 Huge list of President Trump's accomplishments while he was in office

>>21592850 The US used to require immigrants undergo a medical exam, a literacy test, and vetted for intelligence and productivity + moar

>>21592900 (2019) Five times prosecutor Kamala Harris got the wrong guy

>>21592932 Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m going to visit Springfield, OH on Thursday - hoping to have a town hall with local residents

>>21592944 Texas AG Ken Paxton preparing to move on NGO's and activists that deliberately subvert the integrity of TX elections

>>21593026 Dave Portnoy sets record straight: ‘I’m voting for Trump’

>>21592065, >>21592075, >>21592087, >>21592111, >>21592153, >>21592307, >>21592763, >>21592857 Memes


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078ca6 No.21593062



i don't live in my mommy's basement

i have shit i HAVE to do IRL

i'm lucky i have a few minutes a day to scan notables looking for memes i can pass on

(YOU) assholes are the self-proclaimed autists that are here 24/365

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c5a9fb No.21593066


triggered much?

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cc5c9d No.21593068

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60818d No.21593069

File: 7075fa5ab4b0fdc⋯.png (30.66 KB,270x270,1:1,73a1a79f3cb9e160.png)

File: 3e0911ad3820138⋯.jpg (62.85 KB,400x354,200:177,obama_sachs_goldman_427294….jpg)

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,Screen_Shot_2021_04_08_at_….png)

File: 5584ffec18767d9⋯.jpg (19.72 KB,474x158,3:1,th_810189690.jpg)

File: bab25d5330f85bd⋯.jpg (20.76 KB,598x291,598:291,obama_horns_2600812184.jpg)

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9cf4bd No.21593070

File: eda3701f98828e7⋯.jpg (80.35 KB,526x474,263:237,kekane_powder.jpg)


You know, it never once in all the time I've been here did I think of them as psychologists. I just thought of them as a paid to post pencil neck sitting at a keyboard. I always thought psychologists were supposed to be smart though. Satanist psychologists. Huh. I'll bet they'd know all about the programming of kids to shoot up a school then.

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fd4d1b No.21593072

File: a2b1b96010f2cf5⋯.png (906.61 KB,826x976,413:488,ClipboardImage.png)


>pawz and meowz…

Free delivery

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2acba1 No.21593073

File: 10823b7e8d19fd2⋯.jpg (152.22 KB,681x484,681:484,ITS_IN_TROUBLE_TOO.jpg)

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9cf4bd No.21593076


If you're coming for the free food then don't bitch about who's cooking lest your next meal might not taste as sweet.

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f9a9c3 No.21593082

File: 4e2089ccc879c24⋯.png (365.55 KB,860x695,172:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e97c713ca1792e0⋯.png (524.81 KB,862x706,431:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0d4329c0c79e46⋯.png (357.81 KB,859x699,859:699,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ef2e84098323ab⋯.png (530.21 KB,867x693,289:231,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino



The cheeky and wholesome MAGA people join forces with The MAHA people, starting a movement to make Americans healthy again!!!



Sep 14, 2024, 11:03 PM














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2acba1 No.21593083

File: adbadd5e816f873⋯.jpg (98.82 KB,636x476,159:119,51.jpg)


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f9a9c3 No.21593087

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273f83 No.21593097


>I want camelot

Project camelot?

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2acba1 No.21593098

File: f1c9ab9a1f15a97⋯.jpg (110.11 KB,515x568,515:568,IT_BIG_MAD.jpg)

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672c3c No.21593101

File: 23d86592f6d017a⋯.jpg (86.2 KB,720x615,48:41,23d86592f6d017a714199669bf….jpg)

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66df76 No.21593106

File: d88a55a1ffdf6d1⋯.png (35.64 KB,181x266,181:266,IMG_2641.png)

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f9a9c3 No.21593112

File: 420c6792ceaadc3⋯.mp4 (907.09 KB,426x232,213:116,Flynn_says_John_Kennedy_no….mp4)




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