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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

3b8c29 No.21577189 [View All]

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701 posts and 635 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f12ad9 No.21578104

File: bd7ec486d8a48fa⋯.png (241.78 KB,545x546,545:546,kek18.png)



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bfff5d No.21578105

File: 8a4352641509157⋯.gif (522.34 KB,1306x1045,1306:1045,Lizo.gif)

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59fe79 No.21578106

File: 083811ed6c9e5a3⋯.png (806.06 KB,1000x563,1000:563,IMG_4656.png)


That’s whacked

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e8ff3f No.21578107


Wait wait wait

Hang on

Harvey Weinstein smells like a Gwyneth paltrow candle.?

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f12ad9 No.21578109

File: 234dd78fcecd217⋯.png (922.94 KB,602x719,602:719,234dd78fcecd217c1a7e5151e3….png)

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1bc1bc No.21578110

File: 29d3a0a1abf3823⋯.png (413.75 KB,743x588,743:588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bae422101ea830d⋯.mp4 (267.92 KB,480x270,16:9,WorldLibertyFi.mp4)



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59fe79 No.21578111


Doesn’t understand free will and has not found God.


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715cab No.21578112


You heard me.

Gene Therapy

As old as Atlantis. (Why did they get Flooded and Destroyed?) Or did they?

What are we living through? Same thing or is this new?


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e09cc4 No.21578113

File: a326abea56b926a⋯.png (282.63 KB,592x444,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21576563 lb

>Australia to fine social media giants for enabling "misinformation"

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715cab No.21578114


Keep your enemies closer…

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b7c947 No.21578115


that's a confirmation!

otherwise they would have shown mercy on an "insane" claiming this

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917b6f No.21578116

anon wonders if the world will ever realize how close they came to losing it all

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19cfca No.21578117

File: a14ff3aa350ea5b⋯.jpg (134.21 KB,750x563,750:563,Vote_Democrat_Nazi_Kamala.jpg)

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59fe79 No.21578118

File: 272166637ee9cf3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1119x1242,373:414,IMG_5527.png)

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01637f No.21578119

File: 08acf63735ea874⋯.png (239.44 KB,495x596,495:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69ab43f1f574105⋯.png (48.71 KB,639x565,639:565,ClipboardImage.png)

Hamas Keeps Saying They Want a Ceasefire, Bibi Says He’ll Never Do It – US Blames Hamas


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8a3317 No.21578120

File: 6805f820a53f3c5⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB,1125x1302,375:434,IMG_2313.jpeg)

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f12ad9 No.21578121

File: fa990aedb9bc62c⋯.png (735.78 KB,770x831,770:831,315e791d6f13bc8f.png)

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19cfca No.21578122

File: ed85d98b7b23135⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,658x368,329:184,Kid_Rape_Taylor.jpg)

File: a45c6985920096e⋯.jpg (134.3 KB,678x902,339:451,DNC_Panic.jpg)

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b7c947 No.21578123


ok, but apart from the stuff that happend before.. Q said "humanity is at stake"

i really need to know how many are left right now for real - i don't think it's 8 billion, forget it

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3b8c29 No.21578124



#26431 >>21577194

>>21577278 Kamala Harris's Role In January 6th And Its Cover-Up

>>21577287 The INSANE Evolution of Click Farms - attempt to manipulate public opinion

>>21577293 Propaganda is powerless; people see for themselves who wants peace and who just says the right words – Putin

>>21577295, >>21577831 Swamp Happenings

>>21577305 This was the most powerful framing by Trump in the entire debate - Independents agree!

>>21577336, >>21577342, >>21577566 New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has Resigns as corruption probe continues

>>21577345, >>21577376, >>21577499, >>21577626, >>21577680, >>21577728, >>21577951 NASA Space Stuffs

>>21577367 Attorney General Garland following orders and doing his job

>>21577433, >>21577975, >>21578010 ME Israel

>>21577452, >>21577637, >>21577732 Stop Eating The Pets STOP IT!!! kek or Make a Song About It

>>21577475 Voters see Trump as more moderate than Harris

>>21577510 Black Student Union exits pro-Palestine coalition over 'anti-Blackness'

>>21577538, >>21577545, >>21577829 City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

>>21577546 Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference

>>21577551 Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

>>21577553, >>21577663, >>21577734, >>21577870 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

>>21577555, >>21577989 Babylon Bee Double Kek

>>21577624, >>21577726 Harvey Weinstein indicted on new charges after New York conviction overturned

>>21577629 Biden to host Quad summit September 21 in Delaware

>>21577641, >>21577687 Information Warfare Defining and Analyzing - CyCon 2019 "opinion leaders"

>>21577681, >>21577718 DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event”

>>21577683 Trump wanted to talk about the assassination attempt and the ABC moderators just muted him

>>21577695 SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan

>>21577702, >>21577705 ChatGPT asked to analyze the Debate moderators bias LISTEN TO RESPONSE

>>21577704 Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate


>>21577712 Trumps gag order remains in place after new york court rejects appeal

>>21577737 NY Post - ‘They’re eating the dogs’ memes will have you howling

>>21577772, >>21577804, >>21577927, >>21577980 Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

>>21577785, >>21577793 Haiti peace keeping and NGO missions gutting the country’s culture, health, and economy. prey pray

>>21577807, >>21577824 CIA version of things #NeverLearn

>>21577808, >>21577815 Deciphering the oldest known map of the world

>>21577811 TikTok response to debate closing statements -Harris: 4M views, 200k likes. -Trump: 18M views, 1.4M likes

>>21577826 Walz appoints CCP buddy to state board on Asian-American affairs

>>21577841, >>21577982 Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway and manipulating the moneez

>>21577880 @NSAGov Today is #DayoftheProgrammer.

>>21577885 Google Trial 2.0: Exec Boasted of Goal to ‘Crush’ Digital Ad Rivals

>>21577914, >>21577928, >>21577929 BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fixing of the rigged debate

>>21577961 Michigan Sec of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

>>21577971 Grassley CatComms - Met with Petland today to discuss the EATS Act

>>21577973 LIVE: Pentagon press briefing Associated Press

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59fe79 No.21578125


Moar like a can of dog food with a wick.

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a0ab93 No.21578126

File: 6d48eb2061a242f⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,255x170,3:2,demoralize2.jpg)


Continue proving how stupid you are. It's amusing.

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bfff5d No.21578130

File: 9329158ef9f22a7⋯.jpg (165.22 KB,869x542,869:542,Brigette_Macron_Man.jpg)

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f12ad9 No.21578131

File: f8aaf0f9f2dc526⋯.png (533.5 KB,929x765,929:765,leftcantmeme.png)


when are you going to get some good memes?

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e7f14c No.21578132

File: bc4714519756e69⋯.png (385.59 KB,753x533,753:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3225880584ce4e⋯.png (692.09 KB,622x889,622:889,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5288c77a416883⋯.png (824.26 KB,1195x569,1195:569,ClipboardImage.png)


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7ae4c0 No.21578133





I believe tuna packed in oil will do as well

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b7c947 No.21578134


they had moar than 2000 years to realize that, no?

but what is time anyways…

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715cab No.21578135


That's a very nice render. Have you seen and felt it in person? What does it sound like?

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f12ad9 No.21578137

File: 31d45c797035889⋯.png (1.69 MB,1329x877,1329:877,trannies2.png)

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3b8c29 No.21578139

File: c613bf1ac125b80⋯.jpeg (66.09 KB,500x455,100:91,c613bf1ac125b80f8cfc49f61….jpeg)

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d8de03 No.21578140

File: 5c7660a185a86e9⋯.jpg (62.66 KB,645x476,645:476,6ec8ac159ca609df.jpg)

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59fe79 No.21578141

File: b82e7f7098a43d6⋯.webp (11.47 KB,400x479,400:479,IMG_2865.webp)

File: aaab1b3669e4660⋯.jpeg (88.62 KB,736x1104,2:3,IMG_2864.jpeg)

File: a917e69af31a552⋯.jpeg (132.74 KB,587x800,587:800,IMG_2866.jpeg)


Kmfao but not funny.

Anons have to protect Mr.Pig.

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e09cc4 No.21578142


She did that to herself

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715cab No.21578143


What's your definition of Human?

Did you get your flu shot this season. Wanna join my Sex Club?

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3b8c29 No.21578144

File: 102ec7d6aa61cc5⋯.png (96.71 KB,331x188,331:188,102ec7d6aa61cc5f480320351e….png)

File: 341d256d2fc3c32⋯.jpg (88.33 KB,720x500,36:25,341d256d2fc3c320b3a39d8cf6….jpg)

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e09cc4 No.21578145

File: fa784c3cb97f784⋯.png (34.73 KB,140x140,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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07ab01 No.21578146

we should all congratulate POTUS for the 4D chess he's playing.

1. ABC and Harris conspire and gang up on him in the debate.

2. POTUS talks about pets being eaten

3. TayTay endorses Harris (would not have happened if she won)

4. The next day the embarrasing video of her performance is magically released

5. The whole country now learns about the Haitian illegals eating pets and other animals. Also they learn about rituals

6. "Leaks" are released showing the collusion between ABC and Harris a day later

We are watching a movie.

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7ae4c0 No.21578148

File: db728db05533ef0⋯.gif (484.81 KB,384x384,1:1,1721600235039438.gif)

File: 76e282f3832e177⋯.gif (1.76 MB,509x710,509:710,1724456105181809.gif)

File: 6d374d75f139e04⋯.gif (56.73 KB,162x255,54:85,1721839569969018.gif)

File: 1ecbed89f6240a4⋯.gif (2.3 MB,396x268,99:67,1721944878486035.gif)

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB,560x672,5:6,b8f7859e9c4d57eb5cd1eb9d93….gif)






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19cfca No.21578149

File: 49672b47f356d53⋯.jpg (216.86 KB,750x563,750:563,20240912_023135.jpg)

File: 0718d4fed053248⋯.jpg (352.69 KB,718x559,718:559,20240912_050131.jpg)

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b7c947 No.21578150


no shots!

reread and than we can talk!


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7e68fb No.21578155


Didn't chaka poop in the village well?

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e09cc4 No.21578158


He can't have kids

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e09cc4 No.21578163


8200 was in on it. Now positioning for new target.

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f12ad9 No.21578165

File: 7f9e9f095b518c3⋯.gif (5.17 MB,512x288,16:9,happening.gif)

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7e68fb No.21578167


I'm sorry Dave

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7ae4c0 No.21578170


Check. LOL


My favorite too.

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e09cc4 No.21578175


They already lost more in the last 70 years than in the previous 2000

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fb8d4a No.21578176

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funny but a loud statement how sad this is



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ebf744 No.21578186


what did Christians do when St Paul and St Peter were in Prison?

what will you do when the shill-bucks run out.

but I know you only do one post per bread, so I don't expect you to answer.

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ce1091 No.21578188


Kek. Is the Dark Knight trying to flip?

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