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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

bbe461 No.21576135 [View All]

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701 posts and 554 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d998d2 No.21577149

Ready to play, anons?

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6dd79c No.21577150

File: 9552cc727678571⋯.jpg (71.06 KB,800x800,1:1,9552cc7276785715dfb89bf469….jpg)


Let it go

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29e9fd No.21577151


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d998d2 No.21577153


Q is here.


Unemployed in 3..2..

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691780 No.21577154


add fauci with beagles

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cb7f5d No.21577156

File: fddbc6c360e3c02⋯.jpg (127.71 KB,939x638,939:638,comeywineshristmas.jpg)


They swear to take their secrets to the grave. And believe that is honor.


they think they have special "mettle" to be such crooks and liars.


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c47bb8 No.21577157



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74dba9 No.21577159

File: a56f8ed2a80ee86⋯.png (1.47 MB,1002x954,167:159,53_daysto_winning.png)

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6dd79c No.21577160


You do know everybody filters you right?

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ce200c No.21577161

File: f52c9ea1d2d359b⋯.png (56.54 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage4861.png)

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0fcd21 No.21577163


Night shift appears to be a posse off Darm skinned homosexuals who don't acknowledge free will.

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0fcd21 No.21577165

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8d19d2 No.21577166

File: fa64bb66366d10e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1232x698,616:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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62ac85 No.21577167

File: 892dcbec30328e0⋯.gif (3.82 MB,283x187,283:187,12209817645.gif)

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9d73ec No.21577169

The first arrest confirms direction

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0fcd21 No.21577170


Thought there was no "QANON" you absolute fuckin hypocrite.

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da86ea No.21577172

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7f167f No.21577173


>I'd like to thank the people prepping kamalas actor for the debate

I'd like to tell you all to go fuck yourself

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6dd79c No.21577175

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)


61 posts!


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b818fa No.21577176


She was very good at living in her own manufactured reality and expecting everyone else to live in it too. I'm glad I escaped it.

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2bf9e9 No.21577177

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Linda Szynkowicz: Georgia Democrats Continue To Roadblock The GOP's Effort To Secure Our Elections



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ce200c No.21577178

File: ac5632c5597cd72⋯.jpg (394.23 KB,745x734,745:734,ac5632c5597cd722612a0811ac….jpg)

File: 044c2a1550f8034⋯.png (221.37 KB,2731x2048,2731:2048,044c2a1550f80348bf6002ad3a….png)

File: 7606ce4c5febda8⋯.jpg (79.77 KB,500x914,250:457,239nlv_3379814078.jpg)

File: 7d4b6ae9398c147⋯.png (245.29 KB,499x460,499:460,7d4b6ae9398c14799412187d34….png)

File: 20a3c76b44841f4⋯.png (123.49 KB,538x800,269:400,20a3c76b44841f41a4016025ac….png)



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370339 No.21577179

File: 12a766651e7444f⋯.png (14.46 KB,492x273,164:91,ClipboardImage.png)




9 And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.

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4678ff No.21577180

"Halfchan sells hamburgers so I'm going to go to the place that broke away from them and demand they make the same hamburgers."

Last time I checked they don't follow British law in America and I am sure as fuck not going to follow some halfchan code of conduct here.

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5812fa No.21577182

Ever since the debate I have noticed an increasing amount of Harris/Waltz signs around me. I think Trump really screwed the pooch with that debate

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cb7f5d No.21577183

File: 6a78c284d2d5df1⋯.jpg (58.74 KB,281x220,281:220,janestandley.jpg)





Daily Mail. [yawn] fucking brits.

Take care of home, assholes.

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d998d2 No.21577184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Head in the Game, anons.

Remember your Oath.

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0fcd21 No.21577185


I don't give a fuck about your Mahdi either.

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e44124 No.21577186


#26430 >>21576138

>>21576150 Live Think analytics of the debate. Very interesting data on real time opinion

>>21576225 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

>>21576258 Producer Price Index News Release summary - AUGUST 2024

>>21576343 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/12/2024


>>21576420, >>21576539, >>21576541, >>21576550 Swamp events

>>21576423 Artist behind fake Kamala Harris Eagles posters doesn't know how they ended up at Philadelphia bus stops

>>21576458 News photographers slam Harris for reduced access

>>21576478, >>21576500 Afraid of needles? Jab-free and nasal vaxes could soon become reality

>>21576509 Scam emails include your name and photo of your house

>>21576514 Some Moderna covid vaccine batches are 9 times more deadly than others

>>21576563 Australia to fine social media giants for enabling "misinformation"


>>21576658 Starliner Suffers New Problems While Coming Back to Earth

>>21576677 Patrick Mahomes addresses former President Trump’s remarks

>>21576686 @elonmusk You Are Being Lied To - crime is not down it is way way up

>>21576703, >>21576824, >>21576868, >>21576922, >>21576927, >>21577093 NASA Space Stuffs

>>21576731 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson praises Trump's defiance at assassination attempt

>>21576742 Springfield City Hall is evacuated by bomb threat amid immigration firestorm

>>21576763 Newt Gingrich: Big Loser of Tuesday’s Debate Was ABC News

>>21576776 kek it up - TEMPLATE LOADED

>>21576780 Donald Trump and JD Vance Stop by New York City Fire Station on 9/11 Anniversary

>>21576804, >>21576808 The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a Supermoon; the Corn Moon; and the POTATO Harvest Moon

>>21576812 Chris Christie on the View: Harris Should Not Do Another Debate with Trump

>>21576826 Argentina Measures 4.2% Inflation, Down from 25.5% When Javier Milei Took Office

>>21576831 Malibu California EARTHQUAKE! 5.2 Downgraded to a 4.8 At 10km in Depth SHALLOW

>>21576844 This is the heartfelt video message sent by Vladimir Putin to the American people after 9/11

>>21576851 Paul Dans: "This Is The Next Generation Of Russia, Russia, Russia, Or The Biden Laptop"

>>21576894 On November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

>>21576912 Senate holds hearing on bankruptcy of Steward Health Care as CEO refuses to appear

>>21576920, >>21577006 Labor Strikes Looming

>>21576926 Twitter Trend: Pentagon 9/11

>>21576931, >>21576959, >>21577001, >>21577177 @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

>>21576961 California Line Fire: NASA Snaps 'Fire Clouds' as People Told Stay Indoors

>>21576975 Springfield Ohio man cut off by city council while speaking TRUTHS.

>>21576978 Deceased cat gets voter registration application in mail

>>21577010 Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori has died. He was 86

>>21577013 @JamesOKeefe - Concern yourself with who is beside you as you face the enemy.

>>21577028 Biden-Harris Administration Announces $40 Million to Support a Domestic Solar Scam

>>21577060 Mike Benz - NATO wants Harris, Macron to win, so they can survive

>>21577062 CNN just HAMMERED ABC News for its biased presidential debate moderation

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66f53b No.21577190

File: fac10881af37663⋯.jpg (68.71 KB,614x680,307:340,GXSY_NSXkAAMhx2.jpg)

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6dd79c No.21577192


You were triggered my fren.

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e44124 No.21577195

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a62e4c No.21577196

File: 4f62f8105b1908c⋯.png (574.56 KB,582x709,582:709,1e.png)



omfg meow!!!

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256cc1 No.21577197


>WTC 7 still standing behind reporter

Must have been the timezone difference.

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ce200c No.21577198

File: d5f6f9c55102af8⋯.jpg (37.52 KB,474x631,474:631,th_2770328906.jpg)

File: 171330d4f584fef⋯.jpg (55.96 KB,500x519,500:519,72bku5_2942257912.jpg)

File: 25acdeb88ebb4b9⋯.gif (977.5 KB,425x239,425:239,_3_MOOWKlnlCtCnCLrbODEB_WH….gif)

File: 7bad8397eaf1588⋯.jpg (67.27 KB,750x499,750:499,6f07zt_1667748075.jpg)

File: cbcdf61be473899⋯.gif (936.72 KB,450x253,450:253,cbcdf61be473899a55d52a5308….gif)


Not gonna stop either.

At least I'm not a faggot transvestite wanna be lil miss lamb chops §oyßoy goytoy

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577ac2 No.21577199

If POTUS comes out or starts speaking at 1403 local, is that a Merry Christmas?

Will be watching for "call and answer" opportunities.

Based off posts from the other night, also looking out for 1506 local time - 1776.


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a62e4c No.21577201

File: 4e53f9a50ce8711⋯.jpg (60.41 KB,470x580,47:58,C7cidebXkAAeEMI.jpg)



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9d73ec No.21577202


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'QANON'. 3

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e44124 No.21577204

File: 4caf59ead63f676⋯.jpg (119.23 KB,527x481,527:481,4caf59ead63f676d9d5994cf4f….jpg)

File: 8bc36cc3e27ed2b⋯.jpg (119.04 KB,885x499,885:499,8bc36cc3e27ed2ba2603e37cc6….jpg)

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a62e4c No.21577205


"good people"

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70b21b No.21577208

File: 2759906b74aeb75⋯.png (88.96 KB,499x483,499:483,Cape1abc.png)

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cb7f5d No.21577209

File: c00149ea89e0298⋯.jpg (787.92 KB,1200x1629,400:543,troll.jpg)

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a62e4c No.21577210

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

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7f167f No.21577211


>Remember your Oath.

Says the guys blowing up trains in Ohio and nuking Springfield with immigrants…

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256cc1 No.21577214


>I think

Well, you suck at it.

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a62e4c No.21577215

File: 49d99e23e1717b2⋯.png (1.06 MB,1304x1680,163:210,b4a.png)

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e44124 No.21577217

File: c8a0bcaf181cbfb⋯.png (1.27 MB,973x1054,973:1054,0d3e227a6e3a173e881bba3f9b….png)

File: 1ad6b73e765f743⋯.png (142.22 KB,406x510,203:255,1ad6b73e765f74383af4fde4ea….png)

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7f167f No.21577218


> Springfield with immigrants…

and Fentanyl don't forget the meth and Fentanyl

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a62e4c No.21577219






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e44124 No.21577222

File: 9232caf87273325⋯.png (339.27 KB,520x294,260:147,9232caf87273325127b56bacb8….png)

File: 30175cab8f6191b⋯.png (752.41 KB,710x878,355:439,30175cab8f6191b893f707e366….png)

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