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File: 10363ad44406533⋯.png (65 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

d1b8f5 No.21575293 [View All]

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9f76e6 No.21576109

File: 986dd54b9a7013f⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,6144x4088,768:511,448660_astronaut_cat_space….jpg)

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c43b67 No.21576110

File: e93ed94819449f2⋯.jpg (26.51 KB,625x626,625:626,B8_1.jpg)


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e98c7d No.21576111

File: d09020557605e38⋯.png (288.63 KB,651x375,217:125,ceo.png)


Inspire Brands:



Buffalo Wild Wings

Dunkin' Donuts

Jimmy John's

Mister Donut

Sonic Drive-In

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3b2554 No.21576112

final bun for #26429

all in

czech em

#26429 >>21575300

>>21575327 Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

>>21575333 California dems want to drop requirement for illegals to have to use Social Security #s for taxpayer funded programs

>>21575343 House Pushes Back On China's Infiltration Of American Campuses With New Bill

>>21575350, >>21575352 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>21575360 Sept 10th Presidential debate under 1 minute

>>21575364 This is one of the greatest corrections in history from TIME magazine

>>21575365 Melania speaking out on Trump's assassination attempt

>>21575370 Anna Paulina Luna: 911 call from August 26th in Springfield, Ohio reporting 4 Haitian Migrants carrying dead geese

>>21575375 And that's a wrap! Boring Company's 15th tunnel

>>21575377 Elon: Interest payments on just federal government debt now exceed the entire Defense Department budget

>>21575400 Gutfeld: This was a blatant assault on Trump

>>21575351 Memes

>>21575419 DOJ has dropped almost half of the remaining obstruction charges that are still pending against January 6 defendants, according to recent DOJ data.

>>21575481 One of the largest traffickers in Mexico, the Los Zetas cartel's incarcerated members reported to missionaries their biggest client for their product is the American government

>>21575536 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24 - RSBN will be LIVE at 3:00 p.m. ET.

>>21575732 Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation?

>>21575800 Trump has the culture. Young TikTokers are using Trump’s “They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats” line from the debate into a trend

>>21575841 After days of the establishment denying a migrant crisis in Springfield exists, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announces he is sending $2.5M and state troopers to Springfield to tackle the crisis.

>>21575845 It's telling that even Haitian migrants recognize the processed food in our grocery stores isn't suitable for consumption.

>>21575818 Attack drones to use Ukraine's cellphone network for strikes, war expert says

>>21575831 Three judges have recused themselves from the case concerning Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' attempt to block subpoenas requiring her to testify before a Georgia State Senate committee this week

>>21575878 @elonmusk - People want to know what’s really going on, not be fed curated propaganda

>>21575892 Roger Stone: While working for CNN in 2016, Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton the questions for her debate with @realDonaldTrump in advance.

>>21575896 KAMALIES: 25 Lies Kamala Harris Told During The Debate

>>21575956 Report: UK will allow Ukraine to strike Russia with Storm Shadow missiles - IS IT TRUE? DIG CALL

Ghost grab

>>21575999 Microsoft to cut 650 more gaming jobs

>>21576028 (7:35 AM EDT) Secretary Antony J. Blinken holds a joint press availability with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski

>>21576030 White House’s John Kirby Trashes Veterans on 9/11 in Email Accidentally Sent to Fox News

>>21576054 Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation

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b8fffb No.21576113


FYI Jew. Greeks had pools. For meditation. So take your fancy little Arabic religion and kick rocks.

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b8fffb No.21576114


Or as Jesus would say pick up your meditation mat and walk.

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c43b67 No.21576115


Support your locally owned non-franchised restaurants. One local Italian restaurant near me during COVID said fuck all to the mask mandates, and distancing requirements. That place was packed during the entire time of these mandates, and no one tattled on them either apparently.

They earned my respect, and I still eat there very regularly.

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ba6a8f No.21576116


You should meditate longer anon there is much anger in you, perhaps if you understood the dark sayings you would be able to mend your fragile mind. //

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bb4f15 No.21576117

File: 8d55f728a39163c⋯.jpg (134.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,groan.jpg)

File: a2a77ba53333bd2⋯.png (19.49 KB,320x202,160:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8fffb No.21576118


Anger? Brood of vipers the lot of you.

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9f76e6 No.21576119


jon bon jovi?

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5dfe56 No.21576120


that's what i do every chance i get

still live in a small rural town so able to have local meat markets and other stuff to choose from without big box stores



they really need to change their party name to hypocrats or something

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0ff601 No.21576121

File: 286f59dafeb4608⋯.png (1.5 MB,1014x960,169:160,53_days_to_winning.png)

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b8fffb No.21576122

File: b34b10cf0116538⋯.jpeg (75.34 KB,500x607,500:607,IMG_6287.jpeg)

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ba6a8f No.21576123


why are you so angry? perhaps you should try to find Jesus and meditate with him on the dark sayings. Only by knowing that can your black heart be saved//

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833873 No.21576124

File: 9aaa166caa8c5c8⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB,4096x3500,1024:875,IMG_0348.jpeg)

Yesterday was National Pet Day on the QClock

Ohio Pet news

News unlocks the map

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1f3f9c No.21576125

File: b81d12d6b79ddb4⋯.jpg (139.93 KB,1080x720,3:2,mayor_mike_johnston_headsh….jpg)

File: 375ca04d1fd0df8⋯.jpg (100.85 KB,634x533,634:533,48054543_10002503_The_Gove….jpg)

File: 80c003b9d1e820f⋯.jpg (150.57 KB,1024x710,512:355,Polis111218GOOD_1024x710.jpg)


Denver mayor 1st picrel

2nd and 3rd picrel CO gay gov

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bb4f15 No.21576126

File: 6b11e538b0efb49⋯.png (595.66 KB,733x835,733:835,ClipboardImage.png)

He's lying.

"We got to 10 and I said 'Why don't I hit a couple of drives off 10, then we'll go get something to eat?' Well, 10 is a little left-to-right hole and Michelle has been known to do headstands during the course of our courtship and marriage, prior to even [their son] Joey arriving on the scene. So she did a headstand at the end of the tee box for good luck, out and to my left.

"At the exact moment that I was teeing off, she decided, with her feet in the air, to do the splits, thereby dropping her right leg a little bit to the side, right in my line of fire. I hit a golf ball, TaylorMade, with little designs on it, into the inside of her right ankle and shattered it."

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5dfe56 No.21576127

corporations have no soul

all they care about is their bottom line and that almighty dollar

china has almost 5x as many consumers

hence why those soulless corporations, with zero loyalty to any nation as they are international hyenas, are wanting to move in to china

more $$$$$$$$$

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d43f89 No.21576128


So many striped shirts.

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c43b67 No.21576129

File: ffe3a7133ac5e62⋯.png (238.03 KB,494x447,494:447,cat_dafuqqqqqq.png)


How long until the Haitians start following the Venezuelan gang''s strategy? Maybe not steal your house / apartment, but maybe take your pets from you at gunpoint.

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e98c7d No.21576130


Pics alone should make any average person in CO. consider moving out. jewish freak show.

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86b576 No.21576131


She whooped his ass!

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244b32 No.21576132

File: c1fca39bca804fd⋯.png (381.2 KB,568x778,284:389,79CA55B1_50C5_4E5A_B7CD_C4….png)


>Kite hit steel plane must

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3d0762 No.21576133



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81d6a5 No.21576134


grab 'em by the pussy and eat them

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7e738b No.21576139

File: eee318cc0cf45c3⋯.png (2.5 MB,1699x1147,1699:1147,Screenshot_2024_09_12_0810….png)

Why the secret handshake?

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cdaa59 No.21576140

File: 00df20e7479bfca⋯.webp (44.02 KB,800x534,400:267,golf_balls_lawn_horizonta….webp)


stupid shit happens when you do stupid shit

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17181e No.21576141


Enjoy the show faggot.

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bb4f15 No.21576142

File: 381aa8cc608b5b6⋯.png (2.17 MB,1024x1024,1:1,llslide.png)

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f832dd No.21576143

File: 078ff29a92ac34a⋯.png (77.77 KB,690x806,345:403,C9EC42BE_D6FC_416E_8015_3D….png)


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86b576 No.21576144


That is some weird shit.

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0d38eb No.21576146



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37c3c3 No.21576148


" Karen Read’s lawyers appeal murder charge to Massachusetts’ highest court "

the jury did acquit her. It's most irregular for it to be 'thrown out' by a judge.

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37c3c3 No.21576151

File: 76f7fbcfd5a78b6⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,486x360,27:20,VeryDECLASSY.jpg)

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7fb106 No.21576152


That's a very elaborate explanation for why she is wearing a 'surgical' boot.

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f136c0 No.21576153

File: 03df2f4cdcd603f⋯.png (327.49 KB,342x533,342:533,03df2f4cdcd603fb2059a3dd08….png)

loomer looks like a ugly muppet.

time for filling with class

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f136c0 No.21576154

File: 42d164ce11b8df8⋯.png (1.1 MB,515x879,515:879,42d164ce11b8df86d77905c5b3….png)

and jazz

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1f3f9c No.21576155


His explaination is too descriptive to be truthful, He's covering his ass.

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f136c0 No.21576156

File: 4a0fcc077b8ebc1⋯.png (964.46 KB,863x864,863:864,4a0fcc077b8ebc122e991c54a3….png)

and style

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7e738b No.21576157

File: f15d68a171492d0⋯.webp (37.98 KB,750x563,750:563,joe_buck_michelle_beisner….webp)


At least he didn't hit her benis.

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f136c0 No.21576165

File: 7b97a7b23f81a7d⋯.png (409.73 KB,750x563,750:563,them_shoulders.png)


but them shoulders… its a man baby

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1f3f9c No.21576166


Females look like males, males look like females…on purpose. Satan is pleased.

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cdaa59 No.21576167

File: 04478426cecdfe9⋯.png (10.05 KB,255x218,255:218,2c1d9c114276e93cc84475f064….png)

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3d0762 No.21576168

File: 57e61877801048b⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB,1024x576,16:9,Admiral_Rogers_Who_Can_Unm….mp4)

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f136c0 No.21576170

File: 00596ab14542d9b⋯.jpg (146.5 KB,812x1000,203:250,00596ab14542d9bb73032bbd3c….jpg)

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f136c0 No.21576172

File: 12c88b16b9e8ee9⋯.jpeg (78.36 KB,500x631,500:631,12c88b16b9e8ee9c9e17707e9….jpeg)

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3b2554 No.21576173

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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f136c0 No.21576174

File: fc37c3345466768⋯.jpg (50.83 KB,500x750,2:3,fc37c3345466768ff992836d44….jpg)

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f136c0 No.21576176

File: 06b059772787973⋯.png (1000.35 KB,683x1024,683:1024,06b059772787973aeb8fbd288a….png)

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