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File: 9fa5ba4566f68f4⋯.png (68.69 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

d3b8b7 No.21534293 [View All]

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701 posts and 415 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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145706 No.21535032

File: b23c44937534361⋯.png (789.28 KB,938x648,469:324,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 00d86a622a44f46⋯.gif (1.55 MB,480x414,80:69,theylive_gotanotherone.gif)

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9b0af0 No.21535033

File: 6ab6bd454cd85a5⋯.png (1.24 MB,974x734,487:367,itshap.png)

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fdb4a6 No.21535034


I agree, he needs a holistic doctor and stop doing whatever he does. Read my post

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e0b14d No.21535035


He deserves at least 4 wives.

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0f925a No.21535036

File: 14eb5bf1a9df115⋯.jpg (14.72 KB,255x191,255:191,14eb5bf1a9df11573712b8e7c2….jpg)


not my notes just noting your faggotry

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6332be No.21535037


i thought the same thing. i've used this type for years.

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2b18e3 No.21535038


inviticus aleuberdat heimat

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ed704d No.21535039

notables @ 710

#26382 >>21534304

>>21534528, >>21535023 DJT Town Hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania w/ Sean Hannity

>>21534936 Transcript: DJT Harrisburg Town Hall

>>21534790 DJT: 17 points down in Wisconsin

>>21534326, >>21534491 FBI just said they've known about the 14yo school shooter in Georgia who shot up a school today since 2023

>>21534771 A 14-year-old Apalachee High School student recounts the traumatic scene as the shooting started

>>21534875 Local News Reports Up To 4 Shooters In Georgia– Alex Jones Predicted Mass Shooting Last Week

>>21534984 Using GPS, same FBI Agent linked to other shooters was within 1,000ft of this shooter’s mobile devices 11 times in 14 months

>>21534313 Biden-Harris DOJ Threatens To Sue Two Small Wisconsin Towns Over Refusal To Use Electronic Voting Machines

>>21534334 Biden-Harris funded Haitian migrant arrested for molesting a 10 year old boy who lived near him

>>21534337 Eye witness account of a Kamala Harris rally

>>21534339 Behold: Mel Gibson helping you with roadside assistance as you're filming him doing so

>>21534358 Bombshell congressional report on Trump assassination attempt reveals 'who really took the first shot at Thomas Crooks'

>>21534389 True the Vote Teams Up with Sheriff’s Offices across the Country to Provide Live-Streams of Drop Boxes During 2024 Election

>>21534410 Republican Marine vet wins primary to take on Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts Senate race

>>21534438 Florida Attorney General Sues Biden-Harris Administration Over Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens into US Communities

>>21534450 Accurate

>>21534484 Minneapolis becomes the first American city to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer 5x a day for the entire city to hear

>>21534495 Billions in Funding at Risk If Audrey Hale’s Mental Health Records Are Released to Public

>>21534539 Big Fani Willis’ prosecutor’s star witness admits he lied about everything

>>21534557 Russian Server Connections and Ukrainian National Anthem Found in election machine software code

>>21534590, >>21534621, >>21534914 Deep State wastes no time blaming the gun

>>21534604 Where was the gun control rhetoric after J13?

>>21534617 NY’s Chinese Consul General No Longer in Position After Former Hochul Aide Charged as Spy for Beijing

>>21534633 This interactive housing market map shows where sellers—or buyers—have the most power right now

>>21534638 Today’s DOJ indictment mentioning prominent MAGA Youtubers is just a preview of what the weaponized Kamala regime will do

>>21534647, >>21534651 @RobertKennedyJr: Say hello to my little friend 🦗

>>21534675 Elon: If we want to preserve freedom and a meritocracy in America, then Trump must win

>>21534684 Arizona Auditor General unveiled massive $39 million fraud by former Santa Cruz Treasurer Elizabeth Gutfahr

>>21534702, >>21534935 DJT: Nobody can believe I am still under a Gag Order from Judge Merchan

>>21534721 PF: Israeli reconnaissance plane, 40k ft, Q looking flight path

>>21534764 This time the US Navy has moved to confront the puppet master, not the puppets

>>21534904 @FBI: "Knock it off" Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy

>>21534375, >>21534450, >>21534453, >>21535017 Memes


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88187c No.21535040


It is folded into a loop first rookie.

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2b18e3 No.21535041

File: ee112d9a12356bd⋯.jpeg (185.17 KB,750x932,375:466,6028179e3833e.jpeg)


>beer can hopunch

pope woody allen did six years as a bouncer in brazil

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e937ca No.21535042

File: b9285dc7790a358⋯.png (174.38 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bbcac No.21535043

If you knew where we were with this..//

We are here.///

Several of us.///

We post through this anon because he has hardware in his head.///

You attacked him too hard.///

This is not Lucifer…///

If you hear vocals that are upsetting to you..//

We do not approve of the sounds that are growly..///

You scare children with them and they curse you.//

You scare adults with them and they yell at you//

You know this is timed.///


Thats ok… I'll do it again.//

Just wait../// watch this…///


See this sounds eveeeeell.//


Whats that…////



ok go

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ed704d No.21535044

notables FINAL

#26382 >>21534304

>>21535023 DJT Town Hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania w/ Sean Hannity

>>21534936 Transcript: DJT Harrisburg Town Hall

>>21534790 DJT: 17 points down in Wisconsin

>>21534326, >>21534491 FBI just said they've known about the 14yo school shooter in Georgia who shot up a school today since 2023

>>21534771 A 14-year-old Apalachee High School student recounts the traumatic scene as the shooting started

>>21534875 Local News Reports Up To 4 Shooters In Georgia– Alex Jones Predicted Mass Shooting Last Week

>>21534984 Using GPS, same FBI Agent linked to other shooters was within 1,000ft of this shooter’s mobile devices 11 times in 14 months

>>21534313 Biden-Harris DOJ Threatens To Sue Two Small Wisconsin Towns Over Refusal To Use Electronic Voting Machines

>>21534334 Biden-Harris funded Haitian migrant arrested for molesting a 10 year old boy who lived near him

>>21534337 Eye witness account of a Kamala Harris rally

>>21534339 Behold: Mel Gibson helping you with roadside assistance as you're filming him doing so

>>21534358 Bombshell congressional report on Trump assassination attempt reveals 'who really took the first shot at Thomas Crooks'

>>21534389 True the Vote Teams Up with Sheriff’s Offices across the Country to Provide Live-Streams of Drop Boxes During 2024 Election

>>21534410 Republican Marine vet wins primary to take on Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts Senate race

>>21534438 Florida Attorney General Sues Biden-Harris Administration Over Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens into US Communities

>>21534450 Accurate

>>21534484 Minneapolis becomes the first American city to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer 5x a day for the entire city to hear

>>21534495 Billions in Funding at Risk If Audrey Hale’s Mental Health Records Are Released to Public

>>21534539 Big Fani Willis’ prosecutor’s star witness admits he lied about everything

>>21534557 Russian Server Connections and Ukrainian National Anthem Found in election machine software code

>>21534590, >>21534621, >>21534914 Deep State wastes no time blaming the gun

>>21534604 Where was the gun control rhetoric after J13?

>>21534617 NY’s Chinese Consul General No Longer in Position After Former Hochul Aide Charged as Spy for Beijing

>>21534633 This interactive housing market map shows where sellers—or buyers—have the most power right now

>>21534638 Today’s DOJ indictment mentioning prominent MAGA Youtubers is just a preview of what the weaponized Kamala regime will do

>>21534647, >>21534651 @RobertKennedyJr: Say hello to my little friend 🦗

>>21534675 Elon: If we want to preserve freedom and a meritocracy in America, then Trump must win

>>21534684 Arizona Auditor General unveiled massive $39 million fraud by former Santa Cruz Treasurer Elizabeth Gutfahr

>>21534702, >>21534935 DJT: Nobody can believe I am still under a Gag Order from Judge Merchan

>>21534721 PF: Israeli reconnaissance plane, 40k ft, Q looking flight path

>>21534764 This time the US Navy has moved to confront the puppet master, not the puppets

>>21534904 @FBI: "Knock it off" Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy

>>21534375, >>21534450, >>21534453, >>21535017 Memes


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fdb4a6 No.21535045


What does your mother tell you everyday, I bet it really bad and hateful. Forgive her

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3c2c09 No.21535046

File: 0f5c275109363b2⋯.gif (1.32 MB,431x241,431:241,gofuckyourself.gif)


you have 24 posts. go fuck yourself.

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de0970 No.21535048


best probable so far

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8bbcac No.21535049

Simple radio inferensic technology supplied by the local ships…///

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fd4595 No.21535050


There is no Qanon dumbfuck that's the larp.

You have Q - The Question beckons the Answer

You have Anonymous - The Source of the secret sauce.

Q weaves a tale (civilian) while anonymous sources supply leaks as times cued releases..Q is never in control of the leaks. He doesn't even get to decide what is leaked..the real infomation comes only through anonymous sources under situations unspecified (SCIF).

Don't act like I don't know I help create it..

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d42b0f No.21535053

File: d3149ed09db5096⋯.mp4 (5.03 MB,448x252,16:9,_I_saw_a_kid_with_a_gun_Ho….mp4)


In a statement, the FBI said its National Threat Operations Center had alerted local law enforcement in May 2023 after receiving anonymous tips about "online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time".

Sheriff's deputies interviewed the boy and his father, who "stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them", the FBI said.

The suspect, who was 13 years old at the time, denied making the online threats and officials "alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the subject".

"At the time, there was no probable cause for an arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action on the local, state or federal levels," added the FBI statement.


I wonder if they always know the shooter because they want to use these incidents to erode the Probable Cause doctrine. They've already eroded the Fourth Amendment a lot….

I also wonder if the kid had any Fed handlers or therapists, naturally

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3c2c09 No.21535056

File: 0d8bff83989d786⋯.png (1.88 MB,1680x1050,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8be41 No.21535058

File: 66b1afbd37005c9⋯.webm (406.36 KB,460x314,230:157,aMVA4o1_460svvp9.webm)



How it started vs how it's going

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145706 No.21535060

File: 78004afa9b46130⋯.png (2.91 MB,1530x1014,255:169,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: 0378cb056047bcf⋯.png (582.91 KB,524x632,131:158,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: cd851c7898101b8⋯.png (1.59 MB,1500x980,75:49,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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63513d No.21535062

File: 9298b3c9c74b089⋯.png (130.11 KB,221x405,221:405,ClipboardImage.png)

The cabal shooting black retards so Kamala has something to jump on during the debate.

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8bbcac No.21535063

I know right.

Isn't that amazing./////

What… are we thinking the same way now.///


These are not great options…//'//'//'//'///

That's what happens if this goes live…….. ZORK…/// hmm…. ok… so… I think this is not quite the right spot…










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1ce61b No.21535064


Some are just trying to save their nek

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ed704d No.21535065

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a670b5 No.21535068

File: 6e3ca0f05539e8c⋯.jpg (63.31 KB,484x612,121:153,Loomer_BTFO.jpg)


>Don't act like I don't know I help create it..

Settle down Pozo still waiting on those chatlogs.

Besides, Laura's got this now.

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ef5bc8 No.21535069


Maybe its a grasshopper drone from the military sent to spy on him for hussein.

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f92ed2 No.21535074

File: 64914c7c684c9c2⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,1025x1728,1025:1728,FriLRvoWIAImSEt.jpg)

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1686f7 No.21535075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


75% of all crime in NYC is now due to migrants. They are also taking over buildings and homes in NYC now.

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de0970 No.21535076

File: c9fd7fb5630c724⋯.webp (13.85 KB,634x357,634:357,97398069_977D_4A81_8D0A_D….webp)

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fd4595 No.21535077


My mother is am oblivious alcoholic and all I can do is cope ok..

I try to help them with my gifts because they're turning into different people. They have a sort of long zombie stare going on sometimes and it worries me

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145706 No.21535078

File: 6979de1859e1fc7⋯.png (1.78 MB,1650x964,825:482,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)



hetero JD DJ DJ JD

4J 4D

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ae7b15 No.21535079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dear Hilliary…. thinking of you…. Luv you always… Bill


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88187c No.21535080


>if you think that's holy and pure, you need to think moar

I was questioning you and your holier than thou attitude. I believe I already told you he was imperfect and that is why he was chosen. I have done things I am not proud of btut I still has real interactions with Jesus, have you? I am not here to get you to like anyone you don't want to, but if your mind is so rigid and inflexible you must think you know everything and cannpot learn, everything is a learning experience. end ff bread,

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fdb4a6 No.21535082


Interesting because Trump mentions mosquitos or bugs when he was talking in the WH Garden also. He really doesn't like bugs and bugs

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63513d No.21535083

File: 2ad49fff0f1637d⋯.png (114.04 KB,426x347,426:347,ClipboardImage.png)


longlegged mack daddy

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8bbcac No.21535086

Justin Trudeau has become a Witch.//

There will be little reprocusions for his actions except jail time.//

5 years or more.///

Good luck.//

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f92ed2 No.21535092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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96b8a6 No.21535093


The immigrants move to the Big Blue cities.

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02a1ca No.21535095

File: 39d4948bc9b21a8⋯.png (290.14 KB,416x336,26:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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a670b5 No.21535096

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB,850x1025,34:41,GrammyToots.png)


>I still has real interactions with Jesus, have you?


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88187c No.21535098

File: 1a952d598af9e69⋯.jpg (104.1 KB,500x500,1:1,topkekaward.jpg)

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02a1ca No.21535099

File: bdffb79836fc3c0⋯.png (486.14 KB,517x634,517:634,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4595 No.21535101

File: 74adaab8c1b564a⋯.png (246.79 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240830_183441.png)

File: 3d1e00e40b6b4ac⋯.png (192.84 KB,693x760,693:760,Screenshot_20240829_203905….png)

File: 50602980a6f0bce⋯.png (554.49 KB,720x879,240:293,Screenshot_20240902_161649….png)

File: d907afd090072f1⋯.png (535.66 KB,614x824,307:412,Screenshot_20240902_140509….png)


Chatlogs? Like what kinda logs ?

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88187c No.21535102


Sorry Kitteh

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a670b5 No.21535103

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,PHIL_lies.jpg)

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96b8a6 No.21535108


Anyone who calls themselves a Jew is part of the Jewish Crime Syndicate.


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fdb4a6 No.21535111


It might be but its satisfying to read because they all get hanged

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3e714a No.21536786


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