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File: 0f2ba07aa16dd70⋯.png (157.8 KB,487x278,487:278,status_at_sunset_lighter.png)

0acc69 No.21532683 [View All]

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701 posts and 474 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ffcadc No.21533499

File: 7a10e62be7652e6⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,480x852,40:71,7a10e62be7652e6460193bbb03….mp4)

File: 9d2b795a75e503e⋯.png (919.15 KB,1640x2360,41:59,9d2b795a75e503ee93383474e8….png)

File: b78b92b0169fbb0⋯.png (257.29 KB,499x790,499:790,b78b92b0169fbb0e5c02c3b3d8….png)

File: 6690d785322109f⋯.jpeg (62.28 KB,578x900,289:450,6690d785322109fa06cd144fd….jpeg)



images from LB

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21d516 No.21533500

File: 027af57e691fde8⋯.png (1.59 MB,1587x798,529:266,HannityInterrupt.png)

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05d554 No.21533501


Yeah. I understand just fine. I've been here for 6 miserable years watching the demonic left destroy everything that is good and decent in this world. Enough of the bullshit already.

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fade85 No.21533502

File: 00a30738aa2b4b9⋯.png (269.41 KB,484x467,484:467,Screenshot_2024_07_14_1234….png)


Same height as Q… 6' 7"… 13

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6f818a No.21533503

File: 0941a253252d655⋯.png (987.07 KB,752x658,8:7,Screenshot_2023_12_13_at_0….png)

File: 615bc77d6225186⋯.png (139.94 KB,318x338,159:169,Screenshot_2023_12_13_at_0….png)

File: f2ed388a62a1d7d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1126x1072,563:536,Screenshot_2023_12_13_at_0….png)

File: 42636c5cdb64c7b⋯.png (1.37 MB,1940x1082,970:541,Screenshot_2023_11_23_at_0….png)

File: 738c7330af7d7b6⋯.png (1.74 MB,1794x854,897:427,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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147a90 No.21533504

File: 3ecc51eaca410f9⋯.png (23.96 KB,500x250,2:1,2ndAmericanRevolution.png)

File: 03acf716783fe72⋯.jpg (5.42 MB,3338x5138,1669:2569,2ndAmericaRevolution11x17P….jpg)

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147a90 No.21533505

File: c62c3fda52be74f⋯.jpg (81 KB,586x454,293:227,22ayqr.jpg)

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147a90 No.21533506

File: f361d694017fbbe⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x500,1:1,22d0l3.jpg)

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1ba551 No.21533507


democrats locking in the woman vote - tv ses she's gaining with these policies

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147a90 No.21533508

File: 97701500173047d⋯.jpg (5.81 KB,200x255,40:51,666.jpg)

File: 17f4943a938f642⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,627x556,627:556,666_finger_gesture.jpg)

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fade85 No.21533509

File: 5f40d2a4c5dcb10⋯.png (196.1 KB,983x564,983:564,sf.png)


Happens on this board first. Like everything.

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147a90 No.21533510

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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d9e1b4 No.21533511

File: 5155751ffa3133f⋯.png (188.2 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

about last night

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147a90 No.21533512

File: 634bb5bd0d36620⋯.jpg (51.52 KB,600x450,4:3,911_Truth.jpg)

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147a90 No.21533513

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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6f818a No.21533514

File: 3b3052072d39ab6⋯.png (2.09 MB,1560x978,260:163,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)


iron fist invades russia and steals the eggs


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147a90 No.21533515

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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053092 No.21533516


Where can I bet that there will be no 2024 US presidential selection?

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147a90 No.21533517

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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2b34c6 No.21533518

File: f463644134dbdad⋯.png (12.16 KB,255x130,51:26,bible.png)



Future proves past.

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703eb8 No.21533519

File: 0746939693e1f6f⋯.jpg (110.34 KB,583x731,583:731,0746939693e1f6fc8f60a1173e….jpg)


Great written anon stories

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15ebc5 No.21533520

File: c4edd57de591551⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,854x480,427:240,POTUS_T_Run_Boy_Run.mp4)

FINAL @720


#26380 >>21532705

>>21532721, >>21532747, >>21532798 More reports from Appalachee High School shooting

>>21532735 Kamala bussing more rally goers again

>>21532740 Today in Q Post History we have 17 deltas


>>21532833 “Kamala Harris is dangerous to me because she is the ultimate puppet…": Nicole Shanahan

>>21532781 Kam in NH! Are we going with cgi, ai, or paid this time? You decide!

>>21532793 Mossad financier arrested by Turkish police in Istanbul

>>21532862 Hamas Releases 'Proof' Of IDF's 'Hand' In Hostage Deaths; Last Video Of Late Ori Danino

>>21532846 Slovakia buys advanced air defense systems from Israel

>>21532858 Jewish UNC Frat Bros 'Balk' at $515k Party for Defending Flag, Say Money Should be Going to Israel

>>21532870 “[Trump] Broke CNN. He Broke MSNBC”: Publisher AJ Rice On President Trump’s Impact On Media

>>21532872 Former Chief Operating Officer of Covid-19 Testing Kit Company Sentenced to More Than Six Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling $1.85 Million

>>21532875 PF

>>21532882 Two RT Employees Indicted for Covertly Funding and Directing U.S. Company that Published Thousands of Videos in Furtherance of Russian Interests

baker change

>>21532763, >>21532979, >>21533271 More reports from Appalachee High School shooting

>>21532791, >>21532817, >>21533441 More on Kamala in NH! Are we going with cgi, ai, or paid this time? You decide!

>>21532812 The saga of Trump’s hush money case isn’t over yet: Sentencing date nears

>>21532814, >>21532830, >>21532837 Harris campaign event notes

>>21532833 Kamala is dangerous because she is ultimate puppet for an org that has, I believe, since president Obama, not actually run real people”

>>21532836 Fani Willis and prosecutor ex-lover Nathan Wade arrive TOGETHER at scene of pregnant daughter's arrest

>>21532875, >>21533067 Planefag Reports: Gitmo express visiting Port-au-Prince (2nd time today)

>>21532878 Swamp Events Today

>>21532901 Mark Mitchell On How Media Uses Suppression Polls To Spin Elections

>>21532902 Kamala Harris says time to ‘end this epidemic’ of US gun violence

>>21532911 The Big Lie Of "Skilled" Migrant Workers Saving Western Economies

>>21532913 Efraim Zuroff, the last Nazi hunter, steps down after 38 years at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, pledging to continue fighting antisemitism

>>21532923 School girls labeled 'transphobic' for opposing boys in their locker rooms

>>21532940, >>21532959, >>21532974 Trump just announced on Truth that he looks forward to meeting Walz’s family?

>>21532957 Mother billed $30K to see 17,000 pages of sexual diversity docs at Regina Public Schools

>>21532990, >>21533389, >>21533452 Timeline DIGG REQUEST: whenever Democrats need a narrative change, a convenient school shooting occurs in a swing state

>>21533000 Why Israel is attacking the West Bank

>>21533015, >>21533253 "Knock it off." - Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy

>>21533022 Former Launceston mayor Danny Gibson accused of unwanted sexual advances, sexting theatre student

>>21533059 See 2024 Pres. Election Being Rigged IRT US SS Admin Website, HAVV 2024 Data: MASSIVE amounts people registering to vote W/OUT ID Key States

>>21533064 POTUS T: Our hears are with the victims and loved ones of those affected by the tragic event in Winder, GA

>>21533074 The US Department of Justice has charged two Russians it identifies as RT employees with money laundering and working as foreign agents

>>21533133 Former US president’s family hacked – Eric Trump

>>21533168 American Dream Lecture Series: Walter Russell Mead on American Foreign Policy in the Next Presidency

>>21533174 Legal Experts Discuss Free Speech & Protests on College Campuses

>>21533230 Trump's Virtues Part II - Tom Klingenstein

>>21533247, >>21533275 FakeNews Reports: Playbook: The Republicans secretly rooting for a Trump loss

>>21533248 Tim Walz hit with House subpoena for records on $250M Minn. COVID fraud

>>21533371 @C__Herridge: Adding highlighter @X lawsuit win CA case

>>21533417, >>21533419 @thejimwatkins: On a lighter note: Thank you! To the patrons of my website

>>21533455 According to the US Department of Justice, Tenet Media whose roster includes Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin has allegedly received $10 million from the Russian government to publish content as part of a Russian influence operation


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Post last edited at

147a90 No.21533521

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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053092 No.21533522

File: cb9cde1dfdde514⋯.png (2.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6513aa No.21533523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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147a90 No.21533524

File: 08a8298410dc80b⋯.png (126.97 KB,434x432,217:216,Accuse.png)

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147a90 No.21533525

File: 7bb1886fdfd1fd3⋯.jpg (15.55 KB,220x220,1:1,AdrenochromeGhouls.jpg)

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147a90 No.21533526

File: 804d9a4e1d3654d⋯.png (642.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,AgencyInformation.png)

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6f818a No.21533528

File: 36cec39df925420⋯.png (1.19 MB,1558x678,779:339,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

File: dc852c9a3ae8bd5⋯.png (10.35 KB,276x164,69:41,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_1….png)

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147a90 No.21533530

File: e3c876bf9aaa891⋯.png (65.75 KB,610x531,610:531,AirGuan2.png)

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b93264 No.21533531


Amen. Our thoughts are our prayers.

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43a143 No.21533533

File: 21ebf7ed0369b2f⋯.png (510.97 KB,496x519,496:519,luny6.PNG)


jews hedging all over the place

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147a90 No.21533534

File: 3cea715e1cc5fce⋯.jpg (147.73 KB,800x621,800:621,AirUnaware.jpg)

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147a90 No.21533535

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

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053092 No.21533536

File: 5c2df174121f512⋯.png (307.71 KB,474x465,158:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d681c No.21533537


they needed him alive to create the narrative. A bogeyman for stupid liberals. A WHITE SHOOTER they finally got one alive. Mass media activate.

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147a90 No.21533538

File: 14d5502b5d195ad⋯.png (732.85 KB,566x800,283:400,Alwaleed_Blankfein.png)

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15ebc5 No.21533539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>>21533527 Q Research General #26381: Trump Tells His Supporters What They Already Know MAGA Edition

>>21533532 DOUGH




Bake is GHOST

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fade85 No.21533540

File: 8ed0bea18ca92fe⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB,320x240,4:3,8ed0bea18ca92fe107a1a5a964….mp4)


Oh, last night. Operator1 relay - We were there, about 20 of us (more than the night before), on our horses, with Cowboy Q (vid) in the CLOUD. During dismount, one of the people there (lady) twisted herself up and fell, broke her ankle, complained about it. Cowboy Q (vid) told her that it was up to her - that she could have healing right then and there according to her Faith - she took the Karen route instead, so Cowboy Q (vid) bandaged her ankle and i told her to put a balm on it.

Vid is directly from the CLOUD and it is Q in his Cowboy role (we are over the Bridge in the CLOUD, in the desert, as the storm is rolling in).

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147a90 No.21533541

File: e3e661a470b5a0b⋯.jpeg (80.11 KB,534x800,267:400,Alwaleed_Gates_Buffet.jpeg)

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147a90 No.21533542

File: fcff28ae4a7d2c4⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,800x560,10:7,AlwaleedMGMVegas.jpg)

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263932 No.21533543



old news 2021

>Democratic Arizona state Sen. Tony Navarrete has been arrested on suspicion of charges accusing him of sexual conduct with a minor and.

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147a90 No.21533544

File: d53953545bb215b⋯.jpeg (142.35 KB,800x590,80:59,Alwaleed_Dorsey.jpeg)

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2a2902 No.21533546


Rizvi Traverse

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7dfbc7 No.21533547

File: d80566d8a3896da⋯.png (875.62 KB,1055x794,1055:794,ClipboardImage.png)

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053092 No.21533548

File: 9c0b3decb1a2cd2⋯.png (379.33 KB,592x720,37:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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147a90 No.21533549

File: 4cf8565622e4b4c⋯.png (857.5 KB,900x622,450:311,Allred.png)

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147a90 No.21533550

File: c94f45f61d2695c⋯.png (253.96 KB,620x403,20:13,America_8.png)

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147a90 No.21533552

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,American_Flag.png)

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78b26a No.21533554

File: 257ee8a4afd315e⋯.jpg (27.94 KB,361x300,361:300,Antarctica_Rockefeller_Pla….jpg)

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