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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

6cc840 No.21521340 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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662 posts and 438 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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31577a No.21522375

File: 1d16ac8ba7c1e67⋯.png (354.11 KB,498x596,249:298,176A3EF9_598F_496B_8E04_A1….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cba0bd No.21522377


You're afraid of God because you believed the Devil's programming. The Matrix you chose is suffocating your heart and mind.

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cba0bd No.21522378

Only the Darkness Rages.

Only the Darkness is Desperate.

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e31896 No.21522379

File: 8e39d158f2ae934⋯.png (594.49 KB,866x520,433:260,ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ad9032 No.21522380

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)

File: 95b38a68d74a773⋯.png (163.15 KB,1686x1094,843:547,8a.png)

File: 61c2630558f94ee⋯.png (79.76 KB,904x534,452:267,Q_306v.png)

File: 8a02970c3afd904⋯.png (156.8 KB,673x585,673:585,8c.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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cfd5b9 No.21522381

File: 2f50cad225d1cf3⋯.png (411.86 KB,526x893,526:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f68db No.21522382


Not if, when.

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e95a0a No.21522383


I am not afraid he just told me that I get all your shit. You are just afraid that my God has more authority. He also said as a result of you being a retarded faggot, if you resist I am allowed per GOD mind you to use what ever force is necessary to carry out his will.

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f0865d No.21522384

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ad9032 No.21522385

File: 07884996402b472⋯.jpg (75.26 KB,640x960,2:3,53f29f6370eb79271c497c9888….jpg)

File: 56022a93d2c3143⋯.gif (306.96 KB,220x247,220:247,jesus_biglebowski.gif)

File: 3ffc361bea9141c⋯.gif (2.47 MB,600x459,200:153,3ffc361bea9141c55bd5e39010….gif)

File: 1ef2f8adfb229c9⋯.jpg (182.54 KB,1315x1332,1315:1332,1ef2f8adfb229c9a07fb184f01….jpg)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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ca8de7 No.21522386


#26367 >>21521349

>>21521386 63 Days to WINNING

>>21521393 Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

>>21521397, >>21521509, >>21521631 White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

>>21521416 Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

>>21521413, >>21521442 Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

>>21521514 Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

>>21521521 "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

>>21521526 Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

>>21521530 Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

>>21521559 Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

>>21521566 Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

>>21521580, >>21521610 Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

>>21521581, >>21522297 A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

>>21521586 Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

>>21521590, >>21521605 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

>>21521638 @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

>>21521682, >>21521696, >>21521726 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

>>21521701, >>21521836, >>21521998, >>21522046, >>21522144, >>21522145, >>21522295 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21521766, >>21521836 Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

>>21521815, >>21521881, >>21522091, >>21522111 I know you'd censor this too, if you could––but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

>>21521899 Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

>>21521956 FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

>>21521974 PF Gitmo express on route…

>>21522001 Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

>>21522012, >>21522019 Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

>>21522032 DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

>>21522033 Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

>>21522066 Don't Tread On Me

>>21522167, >>21522158, >>21522214 Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

>>21522182 Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

>>21522242 Q's on pols n minors

>>21522263, >>21522266, >>21522126, >>21522199, >>21522229 Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell


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cba0bd No.21522387

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31577a No.21522388

File: 0e65717b05e15d6⋯.png (351.94 KB,498x596,249:298,F73B93E7_F8F5_4D44_A624_48….png)

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cfd5b9 No.21522389

File: ba51ac7710eafb1⋯.png (219.94 KB,568x625,568:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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cba0bd No.21522390


You're lying. But how long can you keep lying to yourself? Choices.

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cfd5b9 No.21522391

File: ce39cc3a90d0da3⋯.png (315.09 KB,568x468,142:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad9032 No.21522392

File: 53fc5cb0408703f⋯.png (2.07 MB,1692x3649,1692:3649,53fc5cb0408703f0ec5ac630ca….png)

File: d9535c9c2b18290⋯.png (167.13 KB,788x928,197:232,8_20_2024_pain.png)

File: 5f789bd145070dc⋯.png (1.45 MB,836x1412,209:353,1xx.png)

File: 183f1b130794cf2⋯.png (404.22 KB,874x1066,437:533,000000butwhenanondob.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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070388 No.21522394



2 years ago

What many people don't realise is that this array is actually the RECIEVING antenna for the radar (hence it's massive size).

The transmitter was about 60km to the northeast and has been completely dismantled, only the concrete base remains

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bb8112 No.21522395

File: f2cc3325408e85b⋯.png (379.75 KB,797x756,797:756,sbg7abcde.png)

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f0865d No.21522397

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ad9032 No.21522398

File: 085d15e26b2d208⋯.png (364.61 KB,1748x714,874:357,AJ5.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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42988a No.21522399


muh rapture

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e95a0a No.21522400


I am not Lying he said to take your shit you unworthy sinner. I think you must be talking to Satan to cause God to hate you so much that he says I get your shit.

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ad9032 No.21522401

File: f475681a56bd16d⋯.png (676.72 KB,1764x2300,441:575,014.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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cba0bd No.21522402

Too afraid to read the Bible…

Too afraid to be convicted of Sin…

Too afraid to be forgiven by Jesus Christ.

Deadly Fear. Wake Up. Read the Bible. 7 Years.

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f0865d No.21522403


oh please no, hell, NO!

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cfd5b9 No.21522404

File: 7fd2f307f6694a4⋯.png (485.16 KB,568x670,284:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c737c No.21522405

File: 7b192567a8745f5⋯.png (346.79 KB,691x455,691:455,1k.png)

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)

File: c27766ad8d01f5e⋯.png (533.38 KB,6688x4848,418:303,001f.png)

File: 9656815396a4f75⋯.png (158.61 KB,1170x531,130:59,9f3.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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1c737c No.21522407

File: 93d3a8a1eb8bc77⋯.jpg (83.44 KB,750x900,5:6,not_today_jesus_i_satanic_….jpg)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)


Jun 02, 2020 9:52:10 PM EDT4390

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 804282 No. 9439358

Proverbs 13:9

The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.


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37fb84 No.21522409

God bless Trump and the week ahead

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ca8de7 No.21522410

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e95a0a No.21522411


I did, I read it and it and talked to that God and he said I get your shit. You can cry out like the devil does and try to resist the truth. But it is true GOD said I get your stuff, everything you own.

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cba0bd No.21522414


In Jesus Name, Amen.

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1c737c No.21522415

File: 7e4bce55da8ed1c⋯.jpg (37.73 KB,460x460,1:1,rus2.jpg)

File: 1f46e2a4813b557⋯.jpg (56.33 KB,589x604,589:604,4h.jpg)

File: 07884996402b472⋯.jpg (75.26 KB,640x960,2:3,53f29f6370eb79271c497c9888….jpg)

File: 20ae0da726a8d1b⋯.png (659.44 KB,1186x962,593:481,1apray4.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

Jun 26, 2020 8:20:15 PM EDT4532

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1ed764 No. 9760164

As the darkness falls so does our enemies.


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bb8112 No.21522416


jew puppet

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070388 No.21522417


4 years ago

It has been talked about this could have been very instrumental in the reactor accident at Chernobyl. It may have caused the instrumentation to give the readings at the power station.


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cba0bd No.21522418


You volunteered you were offended, Snowflake. Now you can live with that choice.

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1c737c No.21522419

File: b51de648b08e849⋯.jpg (15.08 KB,254x255,254:255,103786a.jpg)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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d2c89f No.21522420







>This story strangely under the radar here.

The mainstream media is complicit.

They are controlled by theCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Every bastard who reads the network (national and local) news is aCIAagent.

They are worthless, evil pieces of shit.

For information on "news," go to YouTube, X, TruthSocial, and Rumble.

We are the news now.

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1c737c No.21522421

File: 393fd4cea0c09c8⋯.png (385.91 KB,440x688,55:86,000za.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

Oct 14, 2020 1:11:22 PM EDT4855

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No. 11068186

Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].

Keep charging, MidNIGHT Riders!


Information Warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted.


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ca8de7 No.21522422

#26367 >>21521349

>>21521386 63 Days to WINNING

>>21521393 Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

>>21521397, >>21521509, >>21521631 White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

>>21521416, >>21521422 Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

>>21521413, >>21521442 Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

>>21521514 Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

>>21521521 "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

>>21521526 Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

>>21521530 Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

>>21521559 Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

>>21521566 Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

>>21521580, >>21521610 Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

>>21521581, >>21522297 A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

>>21521586 Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

>>21521590, >>21521605 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

>>21521638 @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

>>21521682, >>21521696, >>21521726 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

>>21521701, >>21521836, >>21521998, >>21522046, >>21522144, >>21522145, >>21522295 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21521766, >>21521836 Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

>>21521815, >>21521881, >>21522091, >>21522111 I know you'd censor this too, if you could––but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

>>21521899 Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

>>21521956 FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

>>21521974 PF Gitmo express on route…

>>21522001 Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

>>21522012, >>21522019 Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

>>21522032 DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

>>21522033 Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

>>21522066 Don't Tread On Me

>>21522167, >>21522158, >>21522214 Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

>>21522182 Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

>>21522242 Q's on pols n minors

>>21522263, >>21522266, >>21522126, >>21522199, >>21522229 Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

>>21522386 #26367

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41acb5 No.21522423


Indian I can understand, because they are hard working and honest people on the whole - low on crime and a plus for economy. It's when you get radical islamists or venezula gang type that is makes zero sense.

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e95a0a No.21522424


as must you. My god says repent for the time is neigh of me taking your stuff.

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cba0bd No.21522425

Anons are Awake.

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070388 No.21522426



3 years ago (edited)

@GoneVenturing I am Ukrainian and seen in some Ukrainian documentary film that the nuclear power plant only got builded for this radar defense system cause the radar system needed so much power and only the nuclear power plant could give that power, and because of this the reactor blew up cause the plant were giving all the power to the radar system rather to the plant.

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e6eca5 No.21522427

File: 417a229761e8956⋯.png (250.86 KB,836x1902,418:951,Q_1950_VATICAN_HOLY_SEE.png)

File: 285fd8140570f2d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1005x614,1005:614,Q_1951_VATICAN_GODFATHERII….png)

File: 47d2ab54dce925c⋯.png (589.54 KB,835x1899,835:1899,Q_1951_VATICAN_GODFATHERII….png)

File: 64fe5ffe5fb3c1d⋯.png (981.82 KB,1696x1798,848:899,Q_1413n2.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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bb8112 No.21522430

Send 1,000,000 poos to Isn'treal.

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e6eca5 No.21522431

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,1ca.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

May 13, 2020 6:31:54 PM EDT4234

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e531cb No. 9159976



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2e7433 No.21522433

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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cba0bd No.21522434


No, no I wasn't the one who Karened all over someone else's post, that was you. Learn to spell.

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